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General Chemistry I

Chemistry: The central science

Phong D. Tran
University of Science and Technology of
Hanoi Email:
Office 305, USTH A21 Building
Lab 703-707, USTH A21 Building

Review before Midterm - Answers

Learning Support - Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Phúc

Which of the following compounds will have fixed volume and shape?

A) Oxygen
B) Water
C) Diamond (solid)
D) Ethanol
I2(s) → I2(g) is a:

A) Evaporation process

B) Condensation process
C) Sublimation process (
Thăng hoa)

D) Freezing process

To transform solid Naphthalene into vapor Naphthalene, one can:

A) Increase the environment temperature

B) Increase the environment pressure
C) Decrease the environment temperature
D) Decrease the environment pressure

In the laboratory, Bromine (liquid) is stored in a dark glass bottle.

During the storage at ambient conditions (room temperature and
atmospheric pressure), a student observes that the volume of
bromine is progressively decreased. Which of the following reasons
could cause the loss of bromine volume?

A) Br2 reacts with O2

B) Br2 reacts with H2O (water vapor) in the air
C) Br2 liquid transforms into Br2 vapor which leaks out the bottle
D) Someone drinks it

What could be the physical state of CO2 at the pressure of 100

atm and temperature of 0°C?

A) Gas
B) Liquid
C) Solid
D) Supercritical fluid

A student at USTH (CECS Laboratory) synthesized MoS2 – an

attractive alternative to the Pt catalyst for the H2 evolution
reaction – via the reaction between Mo(CO)6 and S. Excess S
could be incorporated within the MoS2 product as impurity. To
wash out S impurity (thus, to eliminate S impurity to obtain pure
MoS2 product) which of the following solvents will be the best
A) Water (H2O)
B) CS2
C) Methanol (CH3OH)
D) Isopropanol (C3H7OH)


Mixing Water (polar compound), Ethanol (polar compound) and
Benzene (non-polar compound) will provide:
A) a compound
B) an element

C) a homogeneous mixture

D) a heterogeneous mixture

H2reacts with N2 generating NH3. This process is:

A) a chemical process
B) a physical process

C) a biological process
C: wrong: because this reaction doesn’t happen in any living organism. Plus,
normally, the biological process have the presence of enzymes.
Dissolving sugar (glucose) into water is

A) a chemical process

B) a physical process

C) a biological process

A: wrong: because no new compound is created

B: correct because glucosesolid → glucoseaquaous (still glucose)

C: wrong: there should be only glucoseaquaous in a living organism

Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is:

a) A heterogeneous mixture

b) A homogeneous mixture

c) A compound

d) An element
Transformation from trans-azobenzene into cis-azobenzene is a:

A) Chemical process
B) Physical process
C) Biological process
D) Zero-energy-requirement process
Dissolving H2SO4 into H2O is dangerous as it releases a heat
which can evaporate water. Thus, dissolving H2SO4 into H2O is

A) Endothermic process (thu Nhiệt)

B) Exothermic process (tỏa nhiệt)
C) Zero-energy-requirement process
H2 produced by reforming natural gas contains CO impurity which is
harmful to Pt catalyst (CO adsorbed onto Pt surface, thus blocks the
surface of this catalyst for oxidizing H2 fuel) in the proton exchange
membrane fuel cell (e.g. Toyota H2 car). To eliminate CO impurity,
one can:

A) Treat the H2, CO mixture with O2

B) Filtrate the H2, CO mixture through a filter made of
Pt nanoparticles
C) Purge the mixture H2, CO through a NaOH solution
D) Purge the mixture H2, CO through a H2SO4 solution

Atom is known as the building block of all matters. Atom is named

by inspiring the Greek word ATOMOS.
What does ATOMOS mean:

A) Understandable
B) Complicated
C) Divisible
D) uncut, indivisible
Applying the Law of multiple proportions, which of following
formulas of nitrogen oxides (NxO) would be not correct:

B) N2O
C) N1.2O
D) NO2
Radius of 1 Cu atom is estimated to be 1.3 Å (0.13 nm). To
measure experimentally this atomic size, scientist could use
following probe (e.g. a kind of ruler)

A) Ultraviolet (λ of 10 - 400 nm)

B) Visible light (λ of 400 - 700 nm);

C) Infrared (λ of 700 nm – 1 mm)

D) Electron beam (dimensionless)

In 1911, Rutherford performed a decisive experiment when sending a

beam of α particles (42He, positive charge) to a thin gold foil. He observed

that most of the α particles went through the foil; only some particles were
scattered. It is because:
A) Electron of gold atom moves extremely fast, it can not interact with α

B) Nuclear of gold atom is large which defines the atom`s volume
C) Nuclear of gold atom is very small that leads to low probability to

interact with α particles

D) Nuclear of gold atom has no charge thus it could not interact with α

What is/ are correct information we can provide for
the 146C isotope?

a) 6 electron, 6 proton and 8 neutron

b) 6 electron, 8 proton and 6 neutron

c) 6 electron and 14 proton

d) 14 electron and 6 proton

What is/ are correct information we can provide for

the 188O isotope?

A) 8 electron, 8 proton and 8 neutron

B) 8 electron, 8 proton and 10 neutron

C) 8 electron and 18 proton

D) 18 electron and 8 proton

E) No correct answer

A student at USTH performed the catalytic oxidation of water generating

O2 (Reaction: 2 H2O → O2+ 4H+ + 4e). The catalyst was Co318O4(which is
prepared by using 8O isotope). Water was H216O (normal water with 16

isotope). The reaction involved an intermediate [Co-O-OH2]*.

In principle, which of following products could be expected:

A) 32O2
B) 34O2
C) 36O2
D) A mixture of 32O2,34O2 and 36O2

Which of the following pairs of atoms are isotopes of one


A) 11B and 11C

B) 96Mo and 98Mo

C) 12C and 13C

D) 14C and 14N

Which of the following pairs of atoms are isotopes of one


A) 54Fe and 56Fe

B) 54Fe and 54Co

C) 58Ni and 58C0

D) H, D and T

Which of following statements is/ are correct?

A) Emission spectrum of Hydrogen is a continuous spectrum (a

rainbow of colors, containing light of all wavelengths)
B) Emission spectrum of Hydrogen is a line spectrum
(containing only few wavelengths)
C) Emission spectra of Hydrogen and Sodium are identical

In the real conditions (with energy loss), if a

pigment absorbs at 420 nm, it will emit at λ2 with:

A) λ2 = 420 nm
B) λ2 = 550 nm
C) λ2 = 320 nm

Ionization Energy of Hydrogen is the minimum energy required

to transfer electron:

A) From n = ∞ to n = 1 layer

B) From n = 1 to n = ∞ layer
C) From n = 1 to n = 2
D) From n = 2 to n = 1

Which of the following statements is/ are not correct following

the Bohr's model?

A) the electron moves around the nuclei in circular orbits B)

Only orbits of certain radii, corresponding to certain definite
energies, are permitted
C) An electron in an allowed energy state will radiate energy and
therefore will spiral into the nucleus (the atom disappears)
D) Energy is unchanged (neither emitted nor absorbed by the
electron) as the electron changes from one allowed energy state to
Which of the following statements is/ are not correct about
the concept of orbitals?

A) Orbit and orbital are identical, both describing the

position of electron around the nuclei
B) Each orbital describes a specific distribution of
electron density in space
C) Each orbital has a characteristic energy and shape
D) Each atomic orbital in an atom is characterized by a
unique set of three quantum numbers (n, l, ms)

Determine whether each of the following sets of quantum

numbers are valid:
A) n = 4, l = 1, ml = 2, ms= -1/2
B) n = 3, l = 3, ml = -3, ms= + 1/2
C) n = 3, l = 2, ml = -1, ms= +1/2
D) n = 1, l = 0, ml = 0, ms= 0
E) n = 2, l = 2, ml = 1, ms= +½

Give the numerical values of n and l corresponding to the

3p orbital designation
A) n=3, l = 2

B) n=3, l = 1

C) n = 2, l = 3

D) n = 2, l = 0

Give the numerical values of n and l corresponding to the

3d orbital designation

A) n=3, l = 3

B) n=3, l = 2

C) n = 2, l = 3

D) n = 2, l = 0
Please arrange following orbitals in the increasing order
of the orbital size
A) 4s < 3s < 2s < 1s
B) 1s < 2s < 3s < 4s
C) 3d < 2p < 2s < 1s
D) 3d < 2s < 2p < 1s

Looking at diagram that shows the probability to find electron in

function of the distance from nuclei (see following figure), one may
draw following reasonable conclusion(s):

A) Highest probability to find 2s electron is at ~ 3 angstrom from the


B) Highest probability to find 2s electron is at ~ 0.5 angstrom from the nuclei

C) Orbital 2s has the size of ~ 7.5 angstrom

D) Most of the time 2s electron stays far from

the nuclei (~ 3 angstrom) but

it approaches closer

to the nuclei (~ 0.5 angstrom)

Which of the following sets of quantum numbers for the
hydrogen atom is/ are valid?
A) n = 3, l = 1, ml = 2, ms= -1/2

B) n = 3, l = 3, ml = -3, ms= + 1/2

C) n = 3, l = 2, ml = -1, ms= +1/2

D) n = 2, l = 0, ml = 1, ms= 0

E) n = 2, l = 1, ml = 1, ms= +½
The electron configuration of 7N is:
A) 1s2 2s2 2p3
B) [He] 2s2 2p3

C) [He] 2p3

D) 1s2 2s2 3s2 4s1

The electron configuration of 29Cu is:

A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d9

B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d10

C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s1

D) [Ar] 3d9 4s2

The electron configuration of 29Cu+is:

A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d8

B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d9

C) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10

Total spin of 29Cu+ion is:

A) 0
B) 1/2

C) 1
D) 5/2

Total spin of 29Cu2+ion is:

A) 0
B) 1/2
C) 1
D) 5/2
- You should write the electron configuration of Cu (from the previous
2 2 6 2
1s 2s 2 p 3s 3 p 3d 4s
6 10 1
or [Ar]3 d 10

- From there, you can take the first electron out from 4s
=> Cu : [Ar]3 d or 1 s 2 s 2 p 3 s 3 p 3 d
+¿¿ 10 2 2 6 2 6 10

- From there, you can take the second electron out from 3d:
=> Cu : [Ar]3 d or 1 s 2 s 2 p 3 s 3 p 3 d
2+¿ ¿ 9 2 2 6 2 6 9

- Remember that in 1 AO, if there are an electron with spin up paired

with an electron with spin down, the total spin of that AO is -1/2 + 1/2
= 0. You can rewrite this configuration: [Ar]3 d or 1 s 2 s 2 p 3 s 3 p 3 d in
9 2 2 6 2 6 9

squares, representing AOs, and see that all of the electrons are
paired except for the last one => all spins cancel each other out,
except for the last electron => Σspin = +½

The electron configuration of 24Cris:

A) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4

B) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5

C) [Ar] 3d5 4s1

A compound of 42Mo shows green color (see following figures). The

color is assigned to the d → d electron transfer (namely, transfer of

one electron d from a lower energy d orbital to a higher d orbital). The
compound should contain Mo center of following oxidation state:

A) Mo+
B) Mo5+
C) Mo6+

The Periodic table of elements, proposed by Mendeleev and

Meyer employing the concept of atomic mass, faced the
following difficulty(ies) that led to the modern table with the
concept of atomic number:

A) He (1s2) is not in the correct position, it should be in the same

column with the Be (1s2 2s2)
B) K and Ar are not in correct positions (namely, K should be in
the same column to Ne while Ar should be in the same column
to Na)
C) It is not impossible to predict the physical and chemical properties
of new elements

Atomic number is defined as:

A) Number of protons in the nucleus of atoms

B) Number of nucleons in the nucleus of atoms

C) Atomic mass
Scientists are trying to synthesize the Unbinilium (also known
as eka-radium or element 120). In principles, which of the
following propositions could result in the Unbinilium?

A) 24989Cf + 5022Ti →

B) 24896Cm + 5424Cr →
C) 24896Cm + 5123V →

D) 24989Cf + 4521Sc →

Approximately, the Effective nuclear charge (Zeff) of the

11Na nuclei to its 3s electron should be:

A) 10
B) 11
C) 1
D) 1+ (slightly larger than 1)
Regarding the 11Na atom, which of the
following statements is/ are correct?
A) Effective nuclear charges to 3s and 2s electrons are
B) Effective nuclear charge to 3s electron is smaller
than that to 2s electron
C) Effective nuclear charge to 3s electron is greater than
that to 2s electron
D) There is no effective nuclear charge to 2s electron (but
only to 3s electron)

Regarding the 6C atom, which of the following

statements is/ are correct?

A) Effective nuclear charges to 2s and 2p electrons are

B) Effective nuclear charge to 2s electron is smaller than
that to 2p electron
C) Effective nuclear charge to 2s electron is greater
than that to 2p electron

Which of the following orders would be correct to

present the atoms in the increasing order of effective
nuclear charge to the outermost layer electron(s)?

A) Li < Be < C < N;

B) N > C > Be > Li

C) N ~ C < Be ~ Li

D) N ~ C > Be ~ Li
Please arrange following atoms in the increasing order of the
atomic radii
A) 3Li < 11Na < 19K
B) 19K < 11Na < 3Li

C) 3Li ~ 11Na ~ 19K (All these three atoms have the same radii)

Please arrange following atoms in the increasing order of the

atomic radii
A) 2He < 10Ne < 18Ar < 36Kr
B) 36Kr < 18Ar < 10Ne < 2He

C) 2He ~ 10Ne ~ 18Ar ~ 36Kr (All these three atoms have the same radii)

Arrange following ions in order of increasing ionic radius :

O2-, F-, Na+, Mg2+, Al3+
A) O2- < F- < Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+
B) Na+ < Mg2+ < Al3+ < O2- < F
C) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F- < O2-
D) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < O2- < F-
Arrange following ions in order of increasing ionic
radius : 4Be2+, 12Mg2+, 20Ca2+, and 38Sr2+
A) 4Be2+ < 12Mg2+ < 20Ca2+ < 38Sr2+

B) 38Sr2+ < 20Ca2+ < 12Mg2+ < 4Be2+

C) There is no obvious trend

MoS2is a multiple layers material (see following figure) which is

considered as an inorganic graphene. MoS2 can be used for different
applications such as: electrodes for Li ion batteries, catalysts for the H2
evolution reaction, etc. MoS2 layers stack together thanks to the π-π (pi-
pi) stacking, namely via the interaction between p orbitals of S elements
of two layers. To extract single layer MoS2 from the MoS2 multiple-
layers stack, one should break the π-π (pi-pi) stacking by inserting an
appropriate element between layers of MoS2. For this purpose, the best
option will be:

A) Li (atomic radii of 1.3 Angstrom)

B) S (atomic radii of 1.02 Angstrom)
C) B (atomic radii of 0.90 Angstrom)
D) O (atomic radii of 0.73 Angstrom)

Arrange following Hal2

compounds in order of increasing Hal – Hal bond length:
F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
A) I2 < Br2 < Cl2 < F2
B) F2 < Cl2 < Br2 < I2
C) I2 ~ Br2 < Cl2 ~ F2

D) F2 ~ Cl2 < Br2 ~ I2

Put elements belonging to the IIA group in the

increasing order of the first ionization energy I1.
A) Sr < Ca < Mg < Be
B) Be < Mg < Ca < Sr
C) There is no obvious order

Which of the following reactions would present correctly

the second ionization of Mg?
A) Mg(s) → Mg(s)2+ + 2e

B) Mg(g) → Mg(g)2+ + 2e

C) Mg(g)+ → Mg(g)2+ + 1e

D) Mg(s)+ → Mg(s)2+ + 1e-

Which of the following statements is/are correct for

successive values of ionization energies of Al element?
A) I1 > I2 > I3 >> I4
B) I1 > I2 > I3 > I4
C) I1 < I2 < I3 << I4
C) I1 < I2 < I3 < I4
There is a huge gap between I3 and I4 of Al (see following diagram).
What could be the explanation for this observation?

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