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Subject: Physics

Grade Level:10

Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Density

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Following a class discussion, students should be able to provide an accurate definition for
2. Students should be able to perform calculations to determine density from a given set of
data with at least an 80% accuracy.
3. Students should be able to explain how to determine the density of an irregular object
while making reference to the use of a eureka can or measuring cylinder.
4. Students should be able to transpose the formula to determine mass/volume when
provided with density and mass/volume.
1. Students should demonstrate respect for the opinions of their peers by listening intently
as opinions are expressed during class discussions.
Begin the lesson with a real-life scenario: ask students why a ship can float even though it may
be hundreds of times heavier than a rock that sinks. Discuss their responses and introduce the
concept of density as a key factor in determining whether objects sink or float.

Have students propose an experiment to determine why an egg will float in saltwater but not in
fresh water. Provide them with the densities of water (1 g/cm³) and saltwater (1.027 g/cm³).

During this phase:
- Each student will present their proposed experiment, and the feasibility of these experiments
will be discussed.
-The formula for density will be reviewed: Density (D) = Mass (M) / Volume (V).
- The method for finding the of irregular objects will be reviewed.

Students were given a worksheet on density, precision, and accuracy in the previous class. The
questions will be worked through with the students in this section. Students can check their
answers and make any necessary adjustments.

Formative assessment: Assess students' understanding through class participation, completion of
the worksheet, and their ability to explain the concepts of density and accuracy.

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