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Original Concept and Design: Jeff Combos
Additional Design: Colin Chapman, M. Sechin Tower
Written by: Jeff Combos, Eric Cagle, Jason Carl, Colin Chapman, Will Hindmarch,
Melissa McNally, M. Sechin Tower
Additional Material: Bob Bretz, Tom Cadorette, Shawn Hilton, Ed Matuskey, Andrew
McColl, Melissa McNally, Daniel Potter, Nestor Rodriguez
Creative Director: Jeff Combos
Lead Editor: Melissa McNally
Editor: Jodi T. Black
Additional Editing: Tom Cadorette, John Kahane
Proofreaders: Bob Bretz, Tom Cadorette, Mike Demchak, John Kahane, Kate Masters,
Daniel Potter, Nestor Rodriguez, Gary Thompson
Art Director: Stephen Daniele
Additional Art Direction: Jeff Combos
Graphics and Layout: Ginormous Industries, LLC.
Cover Art: Stephen Daniele
Cartographer: Stephen Daniele
Interior Art: Stephen Daniele, Nicole Cardiff, Ben Freedman, Matt McFarren, Jeff Menges,

Will Nichols, William O’Connor, Brian Snoddy

Photographer: Aaron Nanto (

Playtesters: Tom Cadorette, Colin Chapman, Shawn Hilton, Amy Hunter, John Kahane,

Andrew McColl, Melissa McNally, Daniel Potter, Nestor Rodriguez, Justin Speyer,
Kathryn Speyer, Katie Tower, M. Sechin Tower, Mark Walling, Tammy Walling
Acknowledgement: Thanks go to the following people: Stephen, for continuing to lend
his considerable talents to this endeavor; Sechin, for his unflagging support, creativity,
and can-do attitude; and Melissa, for her hard work, keen eye, and uncompromising
commitment to quality. Also, special thanks to all the Hollow Earth Expedition fans for
their patience and understanding while we worked on this book, but mostly for their
infectious enthusiasm, boundless creativity, and unwavering support.

4509 Interlake Ave N. #318 Seattle, WA 98103 USA

©2009 Exile Game Studio, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except
for the purposes of reviews, and for blank character sheets, which may be reproduced for personal use only. Exile Game Studio, Secrets of the Surface
World, Hollow Earth Expedition, Ubiquity Roleplaying System and logos are trademarks of Exile Game Studio, LLC. All rights reserved. All
characters, names, places, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Exile Game Studio, LLC. All characters, names, places, and text herein
are copyrighted by Exile Game Studio, LLC.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. This book contains mature
content. Reader discretion is advised.

Table of Contents

Rite of Passage 4
Introduction 8
Chapter 1: Characters 10
Sample Characters 34
Chapter 2: Supernatural Powers 50
Chapter 3: Natives 66
Chapter 4: Beastmen 92

Chapter 5: The Hollow Earth 118

Chapter 6: Bestiary 144

Sample Adventure: Fate of Atlantis 190


Index 202


It had been a mistake to leave the path. She under- would get her raptor, the hunt would be over, and she
stood that now. But at the time, stepping off the path would return in triumph to her village, to be hailed a

had seemed to Yree the only possible course of action, woman and a valued daughter of the Red Bear Tribe.
the only alternative to failure. She was tracking an ado- Yree had been working toward this goal all her life and
lescent velociraptor—it was unusual to find one alone, soon—very soon—she would take her rightful place

but not unheard of. Sometimes the young ones wander among the trackers and hunters of her tribe.

off and get lost, and it was her good fortune that she
Shadows deepened among the boulders as the cliff
had come across one on her sacred hunt.
walls rose still higher, and as Yree walked she crouched
The raptor’s spoor led directly away from the game low from time to time to examine a patch of disturbed
trail and into the rocky outcropping. Of this she was ground, a broken twig, a bit of fresh dung. A tingle of
certain. Wasn’t she the daughter of a master tracker? unease grew deep in her belly. Where was her quarry?
Wasn’t her father able to follow a shadow through a She should have found some sign by now to indicate that
trackless field in a raging storm? Hadn’t he trained her it had gone to ground. The velociraptor she followed was
well? Yes, yes, and yes. So away from the path and into young, hardly as tall as her younger brother, but still dan-
the rocks she went. gerous. If she had underestimated the length of time since
it had last eaten, it might not be looking for a safe sleep-
The tracks gradually led her into a long, narrow valley,
ing place after all. Instead it could be lurking anywhere,
with steep cliffs on either side rising gently around her
waiting for her to blunder into its razor-sharp claws.
like stone giants slowly lifting their heads, until she found
herself surrounded on all sides by sheer walls of pale lime- Yree traveled on, steeling herself for a confrontation
stone. A stream, almost dry, trickled through the narrow with a clever predator. She walked quickly but with
defile, its rocky banks lined by small, leafless trees. Yree feather-light steps, making barely a sound. She had not
picked her way carefully around jagged rocks and gnarled gone far when her attention was drawn by the sound
tree roots as thick as a man’s arm. It was slow going, and of a snapping branch. She whipped her head around to
she paused several times to drink from the stream. She see her prey standing in the shadow of what she quickly
had no fear of the water: her father had trained her well to realized was its mother. In the space of a heartbeat,
sense any taint that would have made her ill. Yree’s lifelong training kicked in and she knew with
certainty that she had walked into an ambush. Where
Her lips curled into a grim smile of satisfaction—it
there was an adolescent and its parent, there would
would not be long now. Soon the beast would curl up
be another parent nearby. She whirled with her spear
in a hole or a cave to rest, and she would have it. She
Rite of Passage
raised, just as a full-grown raptor leaped down upon The raptor crashed heavily to the ground with an
her. Whether through luck, skill, or a combination of ungodly scream, splintering and breaking the spear
both, the attacking beast landed on her spear, causing with the momentum of its fall. In its death throes, her
the end of it to dig into the ground. The impact pushed opponent no longer concerned her, and she whirled
Yree back, away from the deadly sickle-shaped claw quickly to face the other pair, the adrenaline in her sys-
protruding from the raptor’s foot. But it wasn’t quite tem making her oblivious to the wound on her side.
far enough away—the wounded creature managed to
The other two raptors were chittering wildly, but
rake her side with his forearm claw even as the spear
they made no move toward Yree. She knew they would
tip drove fatally deep into his heart.
not immediately attack now that she had proven her-


Intro Fiction
self to be a danger. She also knew that without her stirring of the leaves she heard the sound of men’s voices,
spear, she had no chance of fighting off a single raptor, of women moaning, snakes hissing. Strange phantoms
much less two of them. Still, as clever as they were, they seemed to appear in the spaces between the boulders—
wouldn’t understand that her broken spear was next to twisted faces, tormented bodies, impossible shapes—
useless. Yree yanked the broken end out of the ground. then just as suddenly vanished, as if into the stones
She couldn’t afford the time it would take to pull the themselves. She shook her head and ordered herself to be
spear tip out of the now-dead raptor. Nothing went to calm. She was a trained tracker and hunter, and would
waste in this land—scavengers would be upon the carcass not give in to her fears. She continued on, renewed in
shortly, and few of them limited themselves to scaveng- her confidence, striving not to slow her pace.
ing. She was not interested in becoming a tasty morsel.
She came abruptly to the end of the rocky maze.
Yree turned and glared aggressively at the two rap- The stream curved away to her left. The stone cliff to
tors for a moment, then turned her back on them delib- her right opened in a great semicircular curve, like a
erately and continued striding through the valley. She vast stone amphitheater of the sort she had seen once in
wanted desperately to head back to her village, but the the great ruined city near her village. A thin waterfall
path home was blocked, and the beasts would view it as trickled from the overhanging summit, and ferns and
a confrontation if she walked toward them. moss grew out of the stones at its base.
With a start, Yree became aware of a throbbing pain Surrounding this place was a neglected wall. Her
and wet stickiness on her side. She glanced down as heart sank. The people who once lived here had long
she continued to walk; her wound was bleeding, but since left. She would find no help here. Two stone
not heavily. Her relief was short-lived as she came to pylons, carved from blocks of grayish-green stone and
the realization that the raptors would continue track- engraved with symbols she did not recognize, marked
ing her, waiting for her to weaken from loss of blood a break in the wall. No, not a break: a gateway. Along
and weariness. Her only hope was to keep going and with the symbols were graven images of men, but they
pray that she could get assistance from a friendly tribe, were people of a sort she had never seen. The men

or find shelter that the raptors couldn’t access. were fighting—some sort of battle scene, like those her
cousin was sometimes called upon to craft after another
She did not like this place, and she liked it less and

successful foray against the great hairy apemen of the

less the more she traversed its rocky confines. Ferns and
far jungle. The victors wore clothing of outlandish sort

shrubs, dispersed widely over the stony ground, seemed

and carried ornate sticks, from which emitted some
to quiver of their own volition in the dim light. Again
kind of ray or lightning. The vanquished wore a kind
and again, she imagined that she saw movement in the
of crested helmet and little else, and they fought with
corner of her eye, only to be mocked by boulders and
clubs and spears. Beyond the gateway, broken paving
rocks and plants and nothing else. She reminded her-
stones choked with weeds led to a small, triangular
self that her body and mind were slowing as a result of
building with a strange roof that seemed to be made of
her exertions and injury. Her growing weariness gave
some shiny golden metal.
power to her imagination, persuading her eyes that a
thick clump of roots was a nest of writhing snakes, or Yree struggled to keep moving at a strong pace, but
that a fallen log was the tail of a great beast preparing her body was weakening. The distance between her and
to leap on her from the shadows. the raptors lessened. She used her spear as a cane as she
hobbled up the overgrown pathway. Though she wanted
Nothing looked familiar, and she was in territory
nothing more than to stop and rest, she did not pause at
completely unknown to her. Where in the name of
the steps leading to the building. She focused on the walls
the gods was she? She could hear the raptors following
ahead of her and steadfastly made her way upward. The
behind her, making no effort to be stealthy and pur-
outer walls were covered with carvings in relief that sloped
posely calling out in an attempt to unnerve her. She
up and away toward the point of the roof, but from this
tried to reassure herself; she was following the direc-
angle she could not discern the images. The door, a mas-
tion of the stream, which meant she was probably
sive thing of bronze studded with unfamiliar metal, stood
headed toward a larger body of water. Eventually, she
ajar. Could this be her sanctuary? If she could get inside
would find people. She simply needed to keep moving.
and close that heavy door before the raptors got to it, she
To stay still was death.
would be safe!
A warm breeze sighed through the valley. Sounds
Her hunters were distressingly close, and would
and sights continued to be deceptive, uncertain: in the
surely see that she would have the advantage once she
Rite of Passage
made it through that door. She drew deep from
her last reservoir of strength and ran—fled!—
up the stairs toward her last chance for survival.
Her heart was beating in her throat, and a frisson
of fear ran down her spine when she heard clawed
feet scrabbling up the steps behind her. She reached
the door and squeezed through the opening a mil-
lisecond before the mother raptor snapped its jaws
on the empty air where her body had just been. Yree
shoved desperately at the heavy bronze door even as
the beast was trying to push its way in. She lacked
the strength to budge it, and the raptor was slowly
gaining ground on her. She wasn’t going to make it.
She would die in this strange, dark building, and
never see her family again. She pushed in vain
at the door, her vision blurring from the effort,
finally falling to her knees.
Yree awaited the sharp claws and teeth in
dread, hoping for a quick end. She heard
some loud bangs and pops, and men’s
voices, and felt the thud as the raptor fell
to the ground. With a mixture of alarm
and hope, Yree weakly pulled herself up,
took a few steps back, and crouched in a

defensive position. In her hand the shaft

of the broken spear was slippery with
her sweat and blood.

She watched with trepidation as the


door opened to reveal the silhouette of a

man wearing garb of which she had never seen
the like. He barked at her in a strange, guttural
tongue, and gestured her toward him. Yree hesi-
tated, took a tentative step forward and was overcome
with dizziness from her blood loss. The ground came
rushing at her and then there was nothing but darkness.

The man in gray moved to the collapsed girl’s side
and looked down at her dispassionately, squatting down
to check her pulse. Another man came to the doorway
and looked in at them curiously.
“Is she dead?”
“No. She’s just wounded.”
“Is she the one von Wartenburg is looking for?”
The first man shrugged, hoisted the girl up,
and replied, “Who knows? Let’s take her to
the flying disc with the others. Wartenburg
will have to figure it out himself.”


Enter a world of action and adventure, where prehis-
toric beasts walk among the ruins of lost cities. Here you
How to Use this Book

will find untamed wilderness, hostile natives, and ancient Mysteries of the Hollow Earth is divided into chap-
treasures. Half-men prowl the shadows, the caves, and ters, each dedicated to a different aspect of the game.

the trees while cannibals, dinosaurs, and stranger things Chapter 1: Characters provides additional mate-
seek to hunt you down. The few bastions of civilization rial for creating native characters, including beastmen

here are usually more cruel and deadly than the jungles characters.
that surround them. Even if you can survive, will you
be able to uncover the truths of the ancients and escape Sample Characters features eight new Hollow
from this savage and uncharted world? Earth characters.
Chapter 2: Supernatural Powers includes
shamanism—a new sorcery path, and rules for creating
What is Mysteries of the arcane artifacts.
Hollow Earth? Chapter 3: The Hollow Earth describes some of
the most intriguing Hollow Earth locations.
Mysteries of the Hollow Earth is a source book for the
Hollow Earth Expedition roleplaying game. It expands Chapter 4: Natives details the larger and more
the game world and provides an infinite number of pos- influential cultures your character might encounter.
sibilities for new adventures. With Mysteries in hand, Chapter 5: Beastmen outlines the behavior and
your campaign can remain entirely within the Hol- biology of the half-human, half-animal species found
low Earth with player characters consisting entirely of within the Hollow Earth.
natives or permanently lost travelers. You may also use
this setting as a touchstone or a destination for stories Chapter 6: Bestiary offers descriptions and statis-
that begin or end on the surface world. As a pulp adven- tics for numerous species that populate the wilderness,
ture sourcebook, Mysteries provides more information as well as rules for designing your own creatures.
about the things you’ve come to expect from Hollow Sample Adventure takes the characters on a thrill-
Earth Expedition: strange creatures, supernatural pow- ing adventure set in the lost city of Atlantis.
ers, and lost technology from an ancient civilization!
Brace yourself for intrigue, excitement, and action
as you investigate the Mysteries of the Hollow Earth…

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