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.Danaus chrysippus, known as the African Monarch, is a

common butterfly which is widespread in Asia and Africa. The
African Monarch is believed to be one of the first butterflies to be
used in art.

.The African Monarch is a common butterfly found throughout South

Africa. Its coloration is mimicked by several butterflies due to its
poisonous nature. Larval stage feeds mostly on the toxic milkweed.
Common along coastal and riverine forests.

. The Monarch butterfly is a powerful symbol that

represents change, hope, and revival in many cultural traditions.
The butterfly is a reminder that change is constant and that every
ending brings with it the potential for new beginnings

. Monarchs display black veins, whereas Queens lack these bold

black lines on the upper side of the wing. Like Monarchs, Queen
males have two pheromone scales on the upper-side of their
hindwing. The Queen also bears a great resemblance to Viceroy and
Soldier butterflies

. Danaus chrysippus, also known as the plain tiger, African queen, or

African monarch, is a medium-sized butterfly widespread in Asia,
Australia and Africa.

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