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Surajit Halder

Class 7 – Chapter Eight Computer Teacher

HTML – Advanced Features I 7477753450

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. _____________ is the best format for displaying images designed with a graphics
2. An unordered list is also called a ________________ list.
3. The default value of type attribute of the <ul> tag is ______________.
4. We use ____________ tag to define each item in a list.
5. The _____________ tag is that of a container element.
Answer: 1. GIF 2. Bulleted 3.Disc 4. <li> 5. <ul>

B. Write T for true statement and F for the false one. Correct the false statement(s).
1. The height attribute of the <img> tag is used to specify the thickness of the
border around the image.
False. The border attribute of the <img> tag is used to specify the thickness
of the border around the image.
2. JPEG is the best format for photographs, as it contains 1 million colors.
3. We cannot add an image in a web page.
False. We can add an image in a web page using <img> tag.
4. We can create both ordered and unordered lists in an HTML document.
5. The <ol> tag is a part of an empty element.
False. <ol> tag is a container tag. The items of an ordered list are enclosed
with <ol> and </ol> tags.
C. Choose the correct option.
1. Which attribute of the <img> tag is used to specify the thickness of the border
surrounding the image?
a. height b. border c. borderthick d. thickness
2. Which of the following is not an attribute of the <img> tag?
a. alt b. border c. width d. color
3. Which of the following are the most commonly used image formats?
a. gif b. jpg c. both (a) and (b) d. none of these
4. Which of the following values can be assigned to the type attribute of the <ul>
a. circle b. disc c. square d. all of these
5. Which of the following is an attribute of the <ol> tag?

Class 7 – Chapter Eight – HTML – Advanced Features I

Surajit Halder
Computer Teacher

a. type b. start c. both (a) and (b) d. none of these

D. Answer the following.
1. Explain the meaning of the following:
a. li b. ol c. ul
a. li – <li> tag is used to define an item in the list.
b. ol - <ol> tag is used to create an ordered list.
c. ul - <ul> tag is used to create an unordered list.
2. Name the set of the tags that are used to create an ordered list.
The items of an ordered list are enclosed with <ol> and </ol> tags. And <li> tag
is used to define an item in the list.
<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>
3. What is the difference between an ordered list and an unordered list?
Unordered list Ordered list
In an unordered list, each item is In an ordered list, each item is displayed
displayed with a bullet. along with the numbers or letters
instead of bullets.

<ul> and </ul> tags are used. <ol> and </ol> tags are used.

4. What is the use of the alt attribute of the <img> tag?

The alt attribute of the <img> tag specifies an alternate text for the image, if the
image for some reason cannot be displayed.
Example: <img src=”flower.png” alt=”Flower image”>
5. What values can be assigned to the type attribute of the <ol> tag?
<ol start=”value” type =”A”/”a”/”1”/”i”>
Value specifies the first number in the list and (”A”/”a”/”1”/”i”) specifies the
type of the numbering to be used.
Example: <OL TYPE = “a” START =”4”> - will start the list from d

Class 7 – Chapter Eight – HTML – Advanced Features I

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