Research Chapter 1

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Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial

1 1 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 1

The Effect of Used Coffee Grounds

on the Growth and Development of
Bush Cucumber Plant (Cucumis sativus)

Escaño, Jaztine Joshuel S.

Soro, Enrico G.
Dela Rosa, Zoe Gabrielle V.
Mapano, Shanelle Akisha B.
Ramos, Aila Marie G.
Valencia, Ariana Venice C.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 2 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 2

Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Background
The aim of this experimental investigation is to explore the potential effects of
used coffee grounds on the growth and development of cucumber plants (Cucumis
sativus). Coffee grounds are a commonly discarded organic waste product, and this study
seeks to determine if they can be utilized as a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to
traditional fertilizers in promoting plant growth.

Coffee grounds are rich in several key nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus,
and potassium, which are essential for plant growth. Additionally, they contain organic
matter that can improve soil structure and moisture retention. These properties suggest
that coffee grounds have the potential to enhance the growth of plants.

Cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus) are known for their rapid growth and high
nutritional requirements. They thrive in well-drained soil and benefit from nutrient-rich
conditions. Therefore, investigating the effects of coffee grounds on cucumber plants can
provide valuable insights for both home gardeners and agricultural practices.

The primary objectives of this experimental investigation are to determine the

impact of used coffee grounds on the growth rate of cucumber plants, to assess the effects
of coffee grounds on the height of its stem, fruit yield, and the color of the leaf of bush
cucumber plants and to evaluate the potential benefits of using coffee grounds as a
sustainable alternative to traditional fertilizers.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 3 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 3

To conduct this investigation, a controlled experiment will be designed. The

cucumber plant will be selected and divided into two groups: the control group and the
experimental group. The control group will not receive the used coffee grounds as
fertilizer and the experimental groups that will receive amounts of used coffee grounds as

Variables such as plant height, fruit yield, and leaf color will be observed and
measured at regular intervals throughout the study. Additional measurements, such as the
number and weight of cucumbers produced, may also be considered to evaluate the
effects of coffee grounds on fruit development.

It is hypothesized that the application of used coffee grounds will positively

influence the growth and development of cucumber plants compared to the control group.
The nutrient-rich composition of the coffee grounds is expected to enhance soil fertility,
leading to improved plant health and increased productivity.

This study aims to contribute to the existing knowledge regarding the potential
benefits of using coffee grounds as a sustainable fertilizer for cucumber plants. If the
results support the hypothesis, this research could encourage the adoption of eco-friendly
practices by utilizing coffee waste to promote plant growth and reduce reliance on
traditional fertilizers.
Background of the Study
Due to its widespread consumption as one of the most popular drinks in the
world, coffee grounds end up as waste in large quantities. These coffee grounds include a
variety of nutrients and organic compounds that may help promote the growth and
development of plants. As a result, there is increasing curiosity about using spent coffee
grounds as a sustainable and different kind of fertilizer in farming.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 4 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 4

Cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus) are widely cultivated for their edible fruits
and are known for their high nutritional value. They require adequate nutrients to support
their growth and development, and conventional fertilizers are commonly used to meet
these requirements. However, there is a need to explore environmentally friendly and
cost-effective alternatives to synthetic fertilizers.

This research aims to investigate the effect of used coffee grounds on the growth
and development of cucumber plants. By utilizing coffee grounds as a potential organic
fertilizer, the study seeks to determine whether this waste material can provide beneficial
effects on plant growth and the size of the leaves. Understanding the impact of used
coffee grounds on cucumber plants can contribute to sustainable agricultural practices by
reducing waste and promoting the use of organic fertilizers.

Experimental investigation plays a crucial role in this research. By conducting

controlled experiments, the study will provide empirical evidence regarding the effects of
used coffee grounds on cucumber plants. The experiment will involve growing cucumber
plants under different conditions, including a control group that will not receive the used
coffee grounds as fertilizer and experimental groups that will receive amounts of used
coffee grounds as fertilizer. Variables such as plant height, fruit yield, and leaf color will
be measured and compared among the different experimental groups.

The findings of this study will contribute to our understanding of the potential
benefits and limitations of using used coffee grounds as a fertilizer for cucumber plants.
The results may have implications for sustainable agriculture practices, waste
management, and resource conservation. Additionally, the research may provide insights
into the nutrient composition of coffee grounds and their sustainability for enhancing
plant growth in a controlled agricultural setting.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 5 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 5

In summary, this experimental investigation aims to explore the effect of used

coffee grounds on the growth and development of cucumber plants. By examining the
potential benefits of using coffee grounds as an organic fertilizer, this study seeks to
contribute to sustainable agricultural practices and provide insights into using waste
materials for plant growth enhancement.

Statement of the Problem

This experimental investigation aims to assess the impact of used coffee grounds
on the growth and development of Cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus).

The specific objectives of this study are to:

1. How does the different amount of used coffee grounds affect the growth and
development of cucumber in terms of:
a. Height of its stem
b. Size of leaves
c. Colors of leaf
2. Is there a significant difference in the growth and development of cucumber plant in
terms of:
a. Control Groups - Set of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus) not exposed to used coffee
b. Treatment Groups – A set of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus) that will receive
varying amounts of used coffee grounds as fertilizer

This research aims to provide insights into the potential benefits or drawbacks of
using used coffee grounds as an organic fertilizer for cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus)
cultivation. By conducting this experimental investigation, we hope to contribute to the
understanding of sustainable agricultural practices and explore the potential of utilizing
recycled coffee waste in plant growth and development.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 6 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 6

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to conduct an experimental investigation to determine
the effect of using coffee grounds as a soil amendment on the growth and development of
cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus). The study aims to explore whether the application of
used coffee grounds, which are a common household waste product, can positively or
negatively impact the growth, fruit yield, and color of the leaves. By examining the
potential effects of coffee grounds on plant growth, the study seeks to contribute to our
understanding of sustainable agriculture practices and provide insights into the potential
benefits or limitations of utilizing coffee grounds as a soil fertilizer or amendment for
cucumber cultivation.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study may be helpful for the following:
 Farmers. Synthetic fertilizers can be costly for farmers, particularly in resource-
limited settings. By assessing the effectiveness of coffee grounds as a low-cost
alternative, this study offers the potential for reduced input costs, making farming
more economically viable and accessible to small-scale farmers.
 Consumer. The use of organic fertilizers, such as coffee grounds, can contribute
to producing healthier and safer food. Minimizing the use of synthetic chemicals
in farming reduces the risk of chemical residues in crops, ensuring the well-being
of both farmers and consumers.
 Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). The Department
of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) uses this experimental
investigation to help add to the existing scientific knowledge on the use of organic
fertilizers in agriculture. Coffee grounds are rich in organic matter and nutrients,
which can enhance soil fertility and structure. Understanding how these benefits
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 7 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 7

translate to the growth and development of cucumber plants can help improve soil
health and productivity, leading to sustainable agricultural systems.
 Plant Physiologist. The investigation of the effects of used coffee grounds on
cucumber plants adds to the existing body of knowledge in the field of plant
physiology and agriculture. This research can provide insights into the
interactions between organic amendments and inform future studies in related
 Future Researchers. While this investigation focused on cucumber plants, future
researchers can extend the study to other plant species to understand the
generalizability of the findings. They can investigate the effects of used coffee
grounds on different crops or ornamental plants, expanding the knowledge base in
the field of sustainable agriculture.

Overall, this experimental investigation holds significance in terms of

sustainable agricultural systems, soil health, organic farming practices, cost-
effectiveness, consumer health, and expanding scientific knowledge thereby
offering potential benefits to both the agricultural industry and the environment.

Ho: There is no effect of used coffee grounds on the growth and development of
cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus)

Ha: There is an effect of used coffee grounds in the growth and development of
cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus)

Definition of Terms
To facilitate the understanding of this study, different terms are defined herein:
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 8 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 8

Used Coffee Grounds - the used ground beans that remain in a pot or coffee-maker
Cucumber Plant (Cucumis sativus) - Cucumis sativus, commonly called cucumbers,
are annual, tendril-bearing vines of the gourd family that are commonly grown both
commercially and in home vegetable gardens throughout the world for harvest of edible
Experimental Investigation - a process in which a "fair test" is designed and variables
are actively manipulated, controlled, and measured in an effort to gather evidence to
support or refute a causal relationship.
Sustainable Agricultural Systems – farming in such a way as to protect the
environment, aid and expand natural resources, and make the best use of non-renewable
Soil Health – defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living
ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans.
Organic Farming - a system of management and agricultural production that combines a
high level of biodiversity with environmental practices that preserve natural resources
and have rigorous standards for animal welfare.
Cost-Effective - producing good results without costing a lot of money.
Soil Amendment - any substance which is intended to change the chemical or physical
characteristics of soil.
Synthetic Fertilizers - synthetic fertilizers are chemically manufactured materials
containing one or more of the primary nutrients necessary for plant growth: nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potassium.
Organic Fertilizers - refer to compost made from animal waste or animal and plant
residues that are rich in natural by-products.

In summary, this section provides concise definitions of key terms used

throughout the experimental investigation, ensuring clarity and understanding of the
terminology used in the study.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 9 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 9

Limitations of the Study

When conducting an experimental investigation on the effects of used coffee
grounds on the growth and development of cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus), there are
several limitations that should be considered.

These limitations may affect the validity and generalizability of the study
findings. Here are some potential limitations to consider:

The study may have a limited number of cucumber plants used in the experiment.
A small sample size can reduce the statistical power of the study and limit the
generalizability of results.

The study may not account for all environmental variables that can influence plant
growth, such as temperature, humidity, light intensity, and soil composition. These
factors can interact with the coffee grounds and affect the results.

The study may not consider the variability in the composition of used coffee
grounds. Different types of coffee, brewing methods, and coffee-to-water ratios can result
in variations in nutrient content and pH levels, which may impact plant growth

The study may not account for other external factors that can influence plant
growth, such as pests, diseases, or competing plants. These factors can confound the
results and make it difficult to isolate the effects of coffee grounds.
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 10 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 10

The study may have a relatively short duration, which may not capture the long-
term effects of using coffee grounds on cucumber plant growth and development.
Longer-term studies would have provided more comprehensive insights.

The study may focus on a specific variety of cucumber plants or a particular

geographic region. This limits the generalizability of the findings to other cucumber
varieties or regions with different growing conditions.

It is important to acknowledge these limitations when interpreting the results of

the study. Addressing these limitations in future research can help provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the effects of used coffee grounds on cucumber plant
growth and development.


HarperCollins Publishers. (n.d.). Coffee grounds definition and meaning. Collins English

Cucumis sativus - Plant Finder.


Scientific Reasoning - Planning comparative and experimental investigations | Texas

Gateway. (n.d.).

Sustainable Agriculture | National Agricultural Library. (n.d.).
Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 11 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 11

Natural Resources Conservation Service. (2023, October 30). Natural Resources

Conservation Service.

youmatter. (2019, February 5). What is organic farming? Definition, standards and
examples. Youmatter.

Definition of cost-effective. (2023). In Merriam-Webster

Agriculture. (n.d.). Soil and plant amendments. Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.
Ersek, K. (n.d.). What are synthetic fertilizers, organic fertilizers & soil amendments?
Dora. (2022, August 17). What's Organic Fertilizer- Definition & Type | Dora Agri. Dora
16 Creative ways to use old coffee grounds. (2023, February 13).

(2017). PLANT WITH PERK [Review of PLANT WITH PERK]. Using Coffee Pot

Leftovers Delivers a Java Jolt and Fertile Grounds; University of Wyoming.

Senator Renato “Compañero” Cayetano Memorial
1 12 Science & Technology High School

31st cor 51st Sts. Pamayanang Diego Silang, Ususan,

Taguig City, Philippines 12

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