1 Hour Crypto Guide

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The 1 Hour Crypto Analyst

Get More Done In 1 Hour Than What Takes Others 10 Hours

It takes a VERY LONG TIME to find quality crypto information.

Most waste several hours and get NOTHING in return.

But since I’ve done it for so many years growing my crypto YouTube channel to over
100k+ subscribers, I figured out how to get the same quality information in 1 hour.

Here’s the tools I use:

★ You do not have to use all of these. Just 1 or 2 will give you more insight into the
market than the mainstream.

1 – News Aggregator

Most people are scrambling all over looking at several sources for information.

Scattered information. It’s confusing and doesn’t help.

I get my market overview all in one place and neatly organized. My favorite news
aggregator at the moment is CryptoPanic.com

At first, it looks confusing, but it’s not. It will make your research easier.

I typically start my morning off by setting a 25 minute timer and diving into CryptoPanic.

This alone is a game changer, and would be sufficient for the day. But I want more, so
I go deeper.
2 – Newsletters

Newsletters also help me gain insight into the market fast.

Specifically, daily newsletters, such as Milk Road (most other newsletters are weekly).

Milk Road is a time saving newsletter that covers the top/trending information. It’s good
but lacks depth. Perfect when I’m really pressed for time or traveling.

For depth, there are newsletters for that as well, and many are free.

● NFTs – Mint or Skip by Giancarlo Buys Tokens
● DeFi – The DeFi Edge

The problem is knowing which newsletters to follow since there are so many. Too much
information can get hectic.

This is why being able to scan the market efficiently is important because it allows you
to know what to focus on.
3 - Twitter

Twitter is gold. So much good information (and bad info of course).

Twitter is usually the first place news and alpha is shared. But, you need to look in
the right places.

Knowing where your focus is, and following the right accounts = Money

My focus will be different from yours as we’ll have different investment goals.

But you’ll discover yours over time as you become a more efficient researcher.

For example if you’re into:

● Quick Market Headlines - @Carlitosway2312
● Breaking Updates Before Mainstream Publishes - @tier10k
● Airdrops - @OlimpioCrypto
● Bitcoin NFTs - @LeonidasNFT

There’s an account for everything.

But also make sure you DON’T follow garbage accounts.

What you put in your brain will affect your investment decisions, whether you
realize it or not.

Less is more.

I have a huge list of accounts to follow for specific interests.

I’ll have to edit that into a neatly organized document and share later on.
4 - AVOID TikTok and IG (there are rare exceptions):

Short form content may be fast (which is one of our goals), but it’s not efficient.

Attention spans are so short now (are you still reading??), that creators will do
ANYTHING to keep your attention. Short form content is maximized for views, not

You want to learn valuable information and what to invest in from a 30 second video?
Probably not a good idea.

5 - Specific Tools

There’s a tool for everything in crypto, and it can save you hours.

Once you find your focus/niche, these tools will speed everything up.

Whether you’re into memecoins, DeFi, NFTs, Airdrops, or something else, there’s a tool
for that.

Useful Tool Examples:

● Airdrop Hunting – Airdrops.IO
● Evaluating New Coins – DEXTools.IO (will help you avoid scams)
● Upcoming Events - CoinMarketCal.com
How Does This All Actually Help You Make Money?

Because crypto is all about information.

● You Don’t Have It = REKT

● You Have It = Success

But there’s level to information:

➔ Level 0 – no clue of what’s going

➔ Level 1 – small oversight of the market

➔ Level 2 – large oversight of the market (but no depth)

➔ Level 3 – Diving deep into the correct topics (The Money Maker)

Level 2 does not make you a lot of money. It’s what you do with level 2 information:

1. Scan the market or the niche you’re interested in

2. Find what’s valuable
3. Then you dive deep into level 3.

This is the money maker.

1 hour of efficient research > 10 hours of mindless scrolling

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If you’re serious about going deeper:

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