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Anomaly detection system based on SVM (ADS-SVM)

for detecting blackhole attacks

A Thesis

Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Science in the
Graduate School of Nile University
Ashraf Mohamed Abdelhamid, Degree. M.Sc.
Nile University
Thesis Advisors:
Dr. Heba Kamal Aslan, Ph.D.
Dr. Marianne A. Azer, Ph.D.


Anomaly detection system based on SVM (ADS-SVM)

for detecting blackhole attacks

Doctor-Name (Committee Chair, Internal Committee Member)

Professor, Nile University

Doctor-Name (Supervisor)
Associate Professor, Nile University

TBD (External Committee Member)

Associate Professor, X University

Doctor-Name (Supervisor)
Assistant Professor, Nile University

June, 2023
Nile University

© Copyright by
Ashraf Mohamed Abdelhamid


In today's fast-paced world, Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) have become an essential part of

modern communication systems. These networks are typically used in situations where the need to

form a network arises suddenly, and there is a shortage of time or resources to configure devices,

build infrastructure, or have human interventions. MANETs have a wide range of applications

ranging from military operations and rescue missions to educational settings and disaster

management. One of the defining features of ad hoc networks is their high mobility, low resource

availability, and lack of infrastructure equipment for communication. Unlike traditional networks

that rely on dedicated equipment for specific functions, such as routers, servers, and firewalls,

every node in an ad hoc network performs multiple functions, including routing. The absence of

infrastructure equipment means that ad hoc networks are infrastructure-less, and they rely on each

other for routing and communication. MANETs use a hopping mechanism in which each node in a

network finds another node within its communication range and uses it as a hop for delivering the

message through another node and so on. This mechanism enables MANETs to operate efficiently

and effectively, even in situations where traditional networks would be impractical or impossible

to implement. However, the lack of dedicated equipment and infrastructure in MANETs makes

them more vulnerable to attacks than traditional networks. Every node in an ad hoc network

performs multiple functions, including routing, which makes them more susceptible to attacks.

One type of attacks that can occur in MANETs is the blackhole attack. In a blackhole attack, a

malicious node drops all the packets it receives without forwarding them to their intended

destination, which can disrupt the network's functioning and cause significant damage in critical

situations. To address this issue, the primary objective of this thesis is to propose a reliable and

effective solution for detecting blackhole attacks in MANETs using anomaly detection based on

Support Vector Machine (SVM). The proposed detection system analyzes the traffic on the

network and identifies anomalies by checking node behaviors. In the case of blackhole attacks, the

attacking nodes exhibit behavioral characteristics that differ from those of normal nodes. These

behavioral characteristics can be effectively detected using the proposed detection system. The

proposed solution's effectiveness was tested using OMNET++ simulator, which generated traffic

under a blackhole attack. The generated traffic was then classified into malicious and non-

malicious categories, based on which the malicious node was identified. The results of the

proposed solution showed a very high level of accuracy in detecting blackhole attacks, which

validates its effectiveness in ensuring the integrity and security of MANETs. By detecting and

isolating malicious nodes, the proposed solution can help maintain the network's integrity and

ensure that critical information is transmitted securely and efficiently. This solution can be

particularly valuable in situations such as military operations and disaster management, where the

need for a reliable communication system is paramount. In conclusion, Mobile Ad hoc Networks

(MANETs) are a critical component of modern communication systems, with a wide range of

applications in various critical situations and the proposed solution provides a reliable and efficient

solution for detecting blackhole attacks in MANETs, which can be particularly valuable in critical

situations where time and resources are limited. The proposed detection method for black hole

attacks in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), ADS-SVM, has been compared to three other

methods (Inception-CNN, BLSTM, and DBN) proposed by other researchers. Results show that

ADS-SVM outperforms the other methods with a detection accuracy of 99%, which is

significantly higher compared to 96% achieved by Inception-CNN, and lower accuracies achieved

by BLSTM and DBN (84% and 75.36% respectively). These findings suggest that ADS-SVM is a

highly effective method for detecting black hole attacks in MANETs and may outperform other

existing methods in terms of accuracy.

List of Figures.....................................................................................................................................viii
List of Tables..........................................................................................................................................x
Chapter 1: Introduction...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Problem Definition........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Thesis Motivation..........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Thesis Structure............................................................................................................................2
2.1 MANETs Characteristics.............................................................................................................5
2.2 MANETs Security Challenges......................................................................................................8
2.3 MANETs Routing Protocols.............................................................................................................14
2.4 Blackhole Attack.........................................................................................................................16
Chapter 3: Literature Survey....................................................................................................................19
3.1 Enhanced Routing Protocol Based............................................................................................19
3.2 Reputation and Trust Based.......................................................................................................23
3.3 Acknowledgment Based..............................................................................................................27
3.4 Intrusion Detection System Based.............................................................................................30
Chapter 4: Experimental Methodology.....................................................................................................37
4.1 Proposed Solution.......................................................................................................................38
4.2 Data Generation..........................................................................................................................39
4.3 Data Collection............................................................................................................................41
4.4 Feature Selection.........................................................................................................................42
4.5 Data Processing...........................................................................................................................43
4.6 Machine learning using SVM.....................................................................................................45
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work.................................................................................................59
6.1 Conclusion...................................................................................................................................59
6.2 Future work.................................................................................................................................61

List of Figures
Fig. 2.1. Classification of MANETs Routing Protocols.................................................................................15
Fig. 2.2. Malicious node (M) drops packets in a blackhole attack..................................................................18
Fig. 3.1. Classification of the mitigation techniques proposed by other researchers......................................22
Fig. 4.1. Methodology used in the thesis to mitigate blackhole attack...........................................................38
Fig. 4.2 A snapshot from OMNET++ while a node sending..........................................................................40
Fig. 4.3. Feature Selection based on malicious nodes' behaviors...................................................................43
Fig. 4.4 Support Vector Machine (SVM)……………………………………………………………………47
Fig. 5.1. Results of the simulator in absence of a blackhole attack................................................................52
Fig. 5.2. Results of the simulator in presence of a blackhole attack...............................................................54
Fig. 5.3. Comparing the results to other researchers using machine learning detection system.....................55
Fig. 5.4. Results of the simulator in presence of a blackhole attack…………………………………………………….56

Fig. 5.5. Comparing the results to other researchers using machine learning detection system………………………..57

List of Tables

Table 4.1 The parameters configuration used to generate the data set in OMNET++ simulator..........41
Table 5.1 Data generated from OMNET++ simulator......................................................................................51
Table 5.2 Comparing the results to other researchers using machine learning detection system…….………….56

Abbreviation Expression
AODV Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
AOMSR Ad hoc On-demand Multipath Secure Routing
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
CGSR Cluster head Gateway Switch Routing
DoS Denial of Service
DSDV Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector
DSR Dynamic Source Routing
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
IDS Intrusion Detection System
IPS Intrusion Prevention System
LMR Lightweight Mobile Routing
LQSR Link Quality Source Routing
MANET Mobile Ad hoc Network
MBDP-AODV Multicast-Enabled Backup Destination Protocol
NA-TRE Node Activity-based Trust and Reputation Estimation
OLSR Optimized Link State Routing
QDRP Quality-Driven Routing Protocol
QoS Quality of Service
RRep Route Reply
RReq Route Request
SAODV Secure Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
SNRRM Selfish Node Removal using Reputation Model
SVM Support Vector Machine
TBRPF Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding
TORA Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm
WRP Wireless Routing Protocol
ZRP Zone Routing Protocol

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Problem Definition

Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are unique because they can be formed without fixed

infrastructure or support from administrators [1]. Instead, these networks are pre-configured to

work immediately. Wireless networks are divided into two categories: infrastructure and

infrastructure-less. In infrastructure networks, wireless devices are connected to fixed base

equipment that provides multiple services, such as routing, storage, and security. However, in

infrastructure-less networks like MANETs, nodes are self-configured and do not rely on fixed base

infrastructure [2].

Since MANETs lack sophisticated perimeter security functions like firewalls, border routers,

Intrusion Detection System (IDS), and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), they face unique

security challenges [3]. Additionally, routing is a critical aspect of MANETs, as it ensures that

messages are delivered efficiently to their intended destination. However, traditional infrastructure

routing protocols are not effective for MANETs, as almost every node in the network performs the

routing function. This characteristic makes MANETs vulnerable to attacks, such as the blackhole


1.2 Thesis Motivation

The blackhole attack is a significant attack that dramatically affects the network's performance. In

this attack, the attacker's node acts as the shortest path to the destination and drops the packets it

receives, severely affecting the network delivery ratio. To address this issue, this thesis reviews

and categorizes different approaches to mitigate blackhole attacks in MANETs. The thesis also

develops a dataset using OMNET++ to analyze node behavior in the presence of an attack and

identifies malicious nodes using Anomaly Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM).

MANETs routing protocols can be divided into two main categories: proactive (table-driven) and

reactive (on-demand) [4] [5]. In table-driven routing protocols, routing information is maintained

regularly whenever there is any change, while in on-demand routing protocols, routing information

is collected only when needed [6]. One of the most well-known on-demand routing protocols is Ad

hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), which shows better performance than other on-demand

routing protocols [7]. However, it is vulnerable to blackhole attack.

The thesis's main benefits are as follows:

 Reviewing and categorizing the different approaches and comparing the different

techniques used to mitigate the blackhole attacks in MANETs.

 Collecting a data set for studying the blackhole attacks using OMNET++ in order to

thoroughly analyze the traffic in order to effectively study nodes behavior in presence of an


 Developing an Anomaly Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM) for identifying

malicious nodes.

1.3 Thesis Structure

The structure of this thesis is as follows: In Chapter 2, we explore the concept of mobile ad hoc

networks (MANETs) and their various applications, such as military operations, disaster response,

and vehicular communication. We also highlight the unique characteristics of MANETs, including

their decentralized nature and dynamic topology, which make them particularly challenging to

manage and secure.

Chapter 3 presents an overview of the existing literature on MANETs, including previous research

on routing protocols, security mechanisms, and performance evaluation. By reviewing the work of

other researchers, we can identify gaps in the current knowledge and build on existing research to

develop new solutions.

In Chapter 4, we describe our proposed solution for improving the security and reliability of

MANETs. We explain the methodology we used to design and test our solution, including the tools

and techniques we employed.

In Chapter 5, we summarize the key findings of our research and suggest areas for future work. By

providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on MANETs and proposing a

novel solution, we hope to contribute to the ongoing efforts to improve the performance, security,

and reliability of mobile ad hoc networks.

Finally, thesis conclusions and future work are depicted in Chapter 6.

Chapter 2: Background

Mobile ad hoc networks, or MANETs, possess distinct characteristics that set them apart from

traditional networks, particularly in terms of security considerations. To delve deeper into this

topic, this section will cover the various applications of MANETs, the security challenges they

present, and the most common types of attacks that can compromise their integrity.

2.1 MANETs Characteristics

Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) possess several distinctive characteristics that make them

suitable for specific applications [8]. These characteristics are crucial to the functionality and

effectiveness of MANETs and include the following:

 Lack of infrastructure: MANETs are defined as networks without a fixed infrastructure,

which means they can be formed quickly and inexpensively. This characteristic allows for

flexibility and adaptability in the network [9]. However, the lack of infrastructure also

makes MANETs more vulnerable to attacks than standard networks, which poses a

challenge in ensuring the overall security and reliability of the network.

 Cooperativeness: MANETs differ from standard networks in that they use a peer-to-peer

architecture instead of a client-server architecture. For MANETs to function effectively, all

nodes must cooperate by providing functions that would typically be performed by

infrastructure in standard networks. This cooperation is crucial to build trust and

confidence among the nodes, as it compensates for the lack of infrastructure security and

centralized management.

 Distributed management: The absence of centralized management and control in

MANETs means that functions such as node security, network topology, authenticating

new nodes, and data security are distributed among the nodes [10]. This decentralization of

functions has significant implications for the overall security and reliability of the network.

The lack of centralized management and control in MANETs means that nodes must

perform security functions, such as detecting and mitigating attacks, on their own. This

decentralization of security functions makes MANETs more vulnerable to attacks than

traditional networks. Additionally, the distributed nature of network topology management

means that nodes must work together to maintain an optimal network topology. This can be

a challenge, particularly in large and complex networks. Furthermore, authenticating new

nodes in MANETs is also a distributed function. Nodes must authenticate new nodes that

wish to join the network, and without centralized management, this can be a challenging

and time-consuming process. Finally, data security is another crucial function that is

distributed among the nodes in MANETs. Nodes must ensure the confidentiality, integrity,

and availability of data in a decentralized manner, which poses a significant challenge.

 Multi-hop routing: In MANETs, routing is one of the functions that nodes must perform

without centralized management. For a node to send a message to another node in the

network, it uses adjacent nodes as "hops" to reach the destination [11]. This process is

known as multi-hop routing. Multi-hop routing is a crucial function in MANETs, as it

enables communication between nodes that are not within direct communication range.

However, this routing process can be challenging in MANETs because of the lack of

infrastructure, which means that there are no fixed paths for routing messages. Instead,

nodes must dynamically establish routes based on the network topology and the availability

of adjacent nodes. Multi-hop routing in MANETs is also affected by other factors, such as

the mobility of nodes, link quality, and energy consumption. Nodes must adapt to changes

in the network topology, establish new routes, and maintain existing routes to ensure

reliable communication. Additionally, the use of multi-hop routing in MANETs can also

pose security challenges, such as the possibility of attacks on the routing protocol or the use

of malicious nodes to disrupt the routing process.

 Dynamic topology: In MANETs, nodes move in and out of the network unpredictably at

any time due to the absence of perimeter boundaries. Additionally, the lack of centralized

management means that networks can form autonomously at any time. The absence of

perimeter boundaries in MANETs means that nodes can join and leave the network at any

time, without prior notice or authorization. This characteristic makes MANETs highly

dynamic and adaptable to changing situations, but it also poses significant challenges in

ensuring the overall security and reliability of the network. Nodes that join the network can

be malicious and pose a threat to the security of the network, and nodes that leave the

network can disrupt the network topology and routing process [12]. Moreover, the lack of

centralized management in MANETs means that networks can form autonomously at any

time. This characteristic allows for flexibility and adaptability in the network, as nodes can

establish new networks quickly and inexpensively. However, it also poses a significant

challenge in ensuring the overall security and reliability of the network. Autonomous

network formation can lead to the creation of isolated sub-networks that are vulnerable to

attacks and can disrupt the overall network topology.

 Decentralized architecture: Each node in a MANET is independent and self-configured,

which means that nodes can join or leave the network without requiring any support.

Additionally, nodes are autonomous in making decisions regarding joining or leaving the

network, as well as forwarding or dropping data packets, even if these actions are not

recommended. The independence and self-configuration of nodes in MANETs allow for

flexibility and adaptability in the network. Nodes can join or leave the network at any time,

without requiring any support or authorization. This characteristic enables the network to

respond quickly to changing situations, which is a significant advantage in dynamic

environments. However, the independence of nodes also poses challenges in ensuring the

overall security and reliability of the network [13].

 Limited resources: Nodes in MANETs are typically equipped with low-power batteries

and less powerful processing units than those found in traditional networks. This

characteristic is a significant challenge for MANETs since nodes must operate with limited

resources of power and processing. The limited power supply of nodes in MANETs makes

them vulnerable to various types of attacks, including denial-of-service (DoS) attacks [14].

In a DoS attack, an attacker sends additional packets to nodes in the network to consume

their batteries and drain their power supply. This attack can disrupt the operation of the

network and render it unusable. Moreover, the limited processing power of nodes in

MANETs can also pose challenges in ensuring the overall security and reliability of the

network. Nodes may not be able to perform complex encryption or decryption processes,

which can lead to security vulnerabilities in the network. Additionally, the limited

processing power of nodes can affect the performance of the network and the quality of

service provided to users.

2.2 MANETs Security Challenges

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are more vulnerable to security threats compared to standard

wired networks due to their limited resources, physical security, dynamic topology, and lack of

perimeter security. These characteristics make MANETs more prone to attacks from both inside

and outside the network. Attacks in MANETs can be categorized into two main types: active

attacks and passive attacks [15].

Active attacks are those in which the attackers attempt to modify or distort the data being

transmitted in the network. There are various examples of active attacks, including blackhole

attack, routing table overflow, impersonation, rushing attack, denial-of-service, Byzantine attack,

packet replication, and distributed denial-of-service. A blackhole attack is a type of active attack

where an attacker creates a false route to a destination node in the network, and then drops all

packets that are forwarded to that node. This type of attack can disrupt the routing process and

prevent communication between nodes.

On the other hand, passive attacks are those in which attackers attempt to gain unauthorized access

to eavesdrop the data being transmitted in the network. Some examples of passive attacks include

eavesdropping, traffic analysis, and location disclosure [16]. Eavesdropping involves the

interception of network traffic and the capture of sensitive information, while traffic analysis

involves analyzing the patterns of network traffic to infer sensitive information. Location

Disclosure involves tracking the location of nodes in the network, which can pose significant

privacy concerns.

Moreover, the dynamic topology of MANETs poses a significant challenge to ensure the overall

security and reliability of the network. The topology of MANETs changes frequently, making it

difficult to establish reliable routes between nodes. Additionally, the lack of perimeter security in

MANETs means that nodes can join or leave the network at any time, which can disrupt the

network topology and routing process. Furthermore, the limited resources of nodes in MANETs

make them vulnerable to attacks such as denial-of-service attacks, which can consume their power


Furthermore, the limited resources of nodes in MANETs require innovative solutions for managing

the power supply of nodes. Researchers have proposed the use of energy-efficient mechanisms to

optimize the use of resources and reduce energy consumption. Additionally, researchers have

proposed the use of energy harvesting techniques to recharge the batteries of nodes in MANETs,

which can improve the overall reliability and effectiveness of the network.

The dynamic topology of MANETs poses a significant challenge to ensuring the overall security

and reliability of the network. The lack of perimeter security means that nodes can join or leave the

network at any time, which can disrupt the network topology and routing process. Furthermore, the

limited resources of nodes in MANETs make them vulnerable to attacks such as denial-of-service

attacks, which can consume their power supply.

 Lack of perimeter security: One of the unique characteristics of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

(MANETs) is that they are infrastructureless, meaning that there are no pre-defined

boundaries for its nodes. As a result, any node can join or leave the network freely, which

can make the topology dynamic and challenging to manage. This lack of a centralized

infrastructure also makes MANETs vulnerable to security threats, particularly when a

malicious node reaches the range of the network. The malicious node can impersonate a

legitimate node and start an attack, which can disrupt the operation of the network. This

type of attack is known as a spoofing attack, and it can be challenging to detect and prevent

in MANETs due to the dynamic nature of the topology.

 Limited physical security: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are unique in that they

can be formed on the fly anywhere and at any time. Unlike traditional networks, there is no
centralized infrastructure or physical security to protect the core services of the network,

such as keeping the network backbone in a secure data center. This lack of physical

security in MANETs poses significant challenges to ensuring the overall security and

reliability of the network. Nodes in MANETs can join and leave the network at any time,

and the lack of a centralized infrastructure means that there is no defined perimeter for the

network. This can make it difficult to establish reliable communication between nodes and

to ensure that only authorized nodes are allowed to join the network. Moreover, the lack of

physical security in MANETs means that the network is vulnerable to various types of

attacks, including eavesdropping, impersonation, and denial-of-service attacks. These

attacks can disrupt the operation of the network and compromise the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of the data being transmitted.

 Lack of centralized control: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are unique in that they

lack a centralized system to provide essential security requirements such as identification,

authentication, and authorization, as well as other security services like firewalls and

network access control. This makes MANETs more challenging to secure compared to

standard networks. Without a centralized system, nodes in MANETs must rely on

distributed mechanisms to provide security services, which can be challenging to manage

and maintain. The lack of centralized control means that there are no predefined security

policies or access control mechanisms, which can make the network vulnerable to attacks.

Moreover, the lack of centralized security services in MANETs poses significant

challenges to ensuring the overall security and reliability of the network. Nodes in

MANETs can join and leave the network at any time, and the lack of a centralized

infrastructure means that there is no defined perimeter for the network. This can make it

difficult to establish reliable communication between nodes and to ensure that only

authorized nodes are allowed to join the network.

 Dynamic topology: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are unique in that the nodes can

move freely in and out of the network, causing the connectivity between nodes to change

dynamically. This means that the routing information in MANETs can change rapidly and

frequently, making it challenging to maintain reliable communication between nodes. In

addition to nodes moving freely in and out of the network, networks in MANETs can also

merge or split, further complicating the topology of the network. This dynamic nature of

MANETs makes it difficult to establish reliable communication paths between nodes, as

the connectivity between nodes can change at any time.

 Scalability: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are composed of a significant number of

nodes that can increase or decrease based on various situations, such as nodes joining or

leaving the network. This dynamic nature of MANETs makes them highly efficient, yet it

poses significant challenges in terms of security, specifically in identifying and

authenticating new nodes. The ability of nodes to join or leave the network at any time

makes it challenging to maintain the overall security and reliability of the network. Without

a centralized infrastructure, nodes in MANETs must rely on distributed mechanisms to

provide security services, which can be challenging to manage and maintain. The lack of

centralized control means that there are no predefined security policies or access control

mechanisms, which can make the network vulnerable to attacks.

 Quality of Service: Various types of data have different requirements when it comes to

transmission. For example, media streaming and live transmissions demand higher

bandwidth and stability as they require a continuous flow of data without interruptions or

delays. To ensure that there is no latency or data loss, it is essential to guarantee Quality of

Service (QoS) through policies and algorithms. QoS policies and algorithms are used to

prioritize certain types of traffic over others, ensuring that critical data, such as media

streaming and live transmissions, are given higher priority and are transmitted without

delay or interruption. These policies and algorithms can be implemented at various levels

of the network, including the application, transport, and network layers.

 Resource limitations: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have nodes that possess

limited resources in terms of battery, processing, and storage. This creates two potential

issues. Firstly, due to the limited processing capability, nodes may not be equipped with

sophisticated end protection. Secondly, attackers may target nodes in order to drain their

batteries. The limited resources of nodes in MANETs make them vulnerable to attacks that

can exploit their weaknesses. For instance, nodes may have limited processing power,

which can make it difficult to implement complex security mechanisms, such as encryption

and authentication. This can leave them susceptible to attacks, such as eavesdropping and

data tampering. Moreover, the limited battery life of nodes can be exploited by attackers to

drain their batteries, rendering them useless. This attack, known as a Denial of Energy

(DoE) attack, can be used to disrupt the network by targeting critical nodes and draining

their batteries. This attack can have significant consequences, particularly in applications

where the network is used for emergency response or disaster relief efforts.

 Security: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) face more security challenges than

traditional networks due to a range of vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities include the lack

of physical recourse, limited resources, absence of infrastructure, and dynamic topologies.

The lack of physical recourse in MANETs means nodes can move around freely, making it

difficult to establish a secure and stable network. In addition, the limited resources of

nodes, such as battery life and processing power, can make it challenging to implement

complex security mechanisms, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

2.3 MANETs Routing Protocols

Routing protocols are a set of rules that determine how nodes in a network communicate with each

other. The primary objective of routing protocols is to find the most efficient way for a message to

travel from the sender to the intended recipient [16]. As shown in Fig. 2.1., there are three main

categories of routing protocols: proactive, reactive, and hybrid [17].

Proactive routing protocols work by having each node maintain a table of all possible routes.

Whenever there is a change in the network, such as a node joining or leaving, the table is updated

at regular intervals. This approach is known as a table-driven protocol and it aims to be efficient by

allowing nodes to react quickly to changes. However, the downside is that there is a significant

overhead on the network to update the routing tables at fixed intervals.

MANETs Routing Protocols

Proactive Reactive Hybrid


1 Fig. 2.1. Classification of MANETs Routing Protocols

On the other hand, reactive routing protocols do not update the routing table until a data exchange

is initiated and a change is discovered. This approach is called an on-demand routing protocol and

it puts less overhead on the network than proactive protocols because it does not update the routing

tables regularly. However, there is a latency every time a change is discovered and data is


To address the limitations of both proactive and reactive routing protocols, hybrid protocols were

developed. These protocols combine the best of both algorithms. For example, a proactive routing

protocol could be used for nodes in close proximity to each other to update routing tables without

imposing a heavy overhead on the network. At the same time, a reactive routing protocol algorithm

could be used for remote nodes to reduce the time taken to discover the routes with those nodes.

Overall, the choice of routing protocol depends on the specific network's requirements and

characteristics. Proactive protocols work well in networks with stable topologies, while reactive

protocols are better suited for networks with dynamic topologies. Hybrid protocols offer a balance

between the two and are suitable for networks with a mix of stable and dynamic topologies.

It is worth noting that there are several routing protocols within each category, and each has its

own advantages and disadvantages. Examples of popular routing protocols include OSPF and

EIGRP for proactive protocols, and AODV and DSR for reactive protocols. Ultimately, the choice

of routing protocol will depend on factors such as the size and complexity of the network, the level

of traffic, and the desired level of efficiency and reliability.

2.4 Blackhole Attack

The blackhole attack is a type of active attack that takes advantage of the Ad-hoc On-demand

Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol's operation. In the AODV routing protocol, every

network node maintains a routing table that stores information about the most efficient routes to

specific destinations. When a node wants to send a packet to another node, it first checks its own

routing table to see if it contains the required information. If it does not find the information or if

the required route is not active, the node broadcasts a Route Request (RReq) to all its neighbors,

initiating a discovery process.

If the receiving node is the destination node, it sends back a Route Reply (RRep) containing the

most updated sequence number, broadcast ID, and hop count [18]. If not, it checks its own routing

table to see if it has any routing entries to the destination and compares the routing destination

sequence. If the sequence number is less than or equal to the one it has, it sends out an RReq to its

neighbors [19]. If the sequence number is higher, it updates its routing table with the fresh route

and sends back an RRep to the node that sent the RReq.

In a blackhole attack, a malicious node injects itself into the network and falsely claims to have the

shortest path to the destination. For example, if node "S" wants to reach node "D," it sends out an

RReq to its adjacent nodes. The malicious node, "M," injects itself and rapidly responds with false

information, claiming that it has the best route [20]. Once communication starts, the malicious

node "M" drops all the information sent through it, disrupting the network's performance,

especially the packet delivery ratio and throughput. This is shown in Fig. 2.2.

The blackhole attack is a serious threat to wireless ad-hoc networks, and there are two types of

blackhole attacks: single and cooperative. In a single attack, only one node is malicious and drops

all the packets passing through it. In contrast, in a cooperative attack, multiple malicious nodes in

the same network work together to drop packets, making it more complex and dangerous than a

single blackhole attack.

A blackhole attack is an active attack where the malicious node drops all the data passing through

it [21]. Such an attack affects the network's performance, and the malicious node broadcasts false

information to its adjacent nodes, claiming that it has the shortest paths to the destination requested

by other nodes. This attack disrupts the network's performance, and the malicious node can cause a

significant loss of data, leading to a degraded network.


2Fig. 2.2. Malicious node (M) drops packets in a blackhole attack.

To prevent blackhole attacks, researchers have proposed various solutions, including secure

routing protocols, trust-based routing protocols, and intrusion detection systems. These solutions

aim to detect and prevent malicious nodes from disrupting the network's performance, ensuring

secure and reliable communication among network nodes. Overall, blackhole attack is a significant

threat to wireless ad-hoc networks, and it is important to implement effective security measures to

mitigate their impact.



Packets drop
Chapter 3: Literature Survey

The blackhole attack has gained significant attention from researchers due to the increasing

popularity and applications of ad hoc networks in various fields. Ad hoc networks are becoming

more prevalent, and their use is expanding rapidly, making them an attractive target for attackers.

The blackhole attack can disrupt the network's performance significantly, causing data loss and

degradation. As a result, researchers are working on developing effective techniques to prevent

blackhole attacks and ensure the security and reliability of ad hoc networks. The need for secure ad

hoc networks is critical as they are used in many critical applications, including military

operations, emergency response systems, and sensor networks. Therefore, it is essential to continue

researching and developing effective security measures to mitigate the impact of blackhole attacks

and other types of threats to ad hoc networks. The common proposed solutions can be classified

into four main approaches as shown in Fig. 3.1.

3.1 Enhanced Routing Protocol Based

Researchers have proposed a mitigation approach to address the threat of blackhole attacks in ad

hoc networks. This approach involves enhancing existing protocols to make them more capable of

detecting and preventing such attacks. These enhancements could include modifications to routing

protocols, such as adding authentication and verification mechanisms to ensure that packets are not

being dropped by malicious nodes. Other proposed solutions include the use of intrusion detection

systems and trust-based routing protocols to identify and isolate malicious nodes. The goal of these

enhancements is to make ad hoc networks more resilient to attacks and ensure that they can

continue to operate effectively even in the presence of malicious nodes. Overall, this mitigation

approach is crucial in providing a secure and reliable communication environment in ad hoc


An enhanced routing protocol called MBDP-AODV was proposed by [20] to address the threat of

blackhole attacks in ad hoc networks. This protocol incorporates statistical features, such as

standard deviation and mean, to detect suspicious activity. Under normal conditions, these figures

should increase gradually. However, during an attack, they rise rapidly in a suspicious manner.

The proposed solution involves three phases. In the first phase, the source node calculates a

threshold value for the sequence number of the destination and determines whether the packet is

suspicious. In the second phase, the suspect packet is detected, and the malicious node ID is sent to

all nodes in the network. In the third phase, the malicious node is prevented from participating in

the network. This enhanced routing protocol is designed to detect and prevent blackhole attacks

effectively. By using statistical features to detect suspicious activity, the protocol can identify

malicious nodes and prevent them from disrupting the network's performance. It is crucial to

continue researching and developing effective security measures like MBDP-AODV to ensure the

secure and reliable operation of ad hoc networks across various fields. One potential drawback of

MBDP-AODV is that it can be vulnerable to certain types of attacks, such as the blackhole and

grayhole attacks. In a blackhole attack, a malicious node drops all incoming packets, while in a

grayhole attack, it selectively drops packets. As MBDP-AODV relies on the assumption that all

nodes in the network are cooperative, these attacks can disrupt the network performance and cause

communication failures. Another drawback of MBDP-AODV is that it requires a relatively high

level of coordination and synchronization among nodes in the network. This can make be

challenging to implement in large and dynamic networks where nodes are constantly joining and

leaving the network.

In their research, the authors of [7] have presented a novel technique for identifying blackhole

nodes in a network. These nodes are known for their disruptive behavior as they intentionally drop

or modify packets in order to interrupt the communication flow within the network. To overcome

this issue, the authors have proposed a technique that involves setting bait timers in all nodes

within the network. These timers are set to a random time interval and when they expire, they

trigger the nodes to launch broadcasts with fake IDs. As blackhole nodes are known to reply to all

requests, regardless of their nature, they also respond to these fake requests. This allows the

sending node to identify the blackhole nodes by monitoring their responses to these fake requests.

Once a blackhole node has been identified, the sending node maintains its information in a table of

malicious nodes. This table can be used to disregard responses from blackhole nodes when true

requests are launched in the network. Thus, the technique proposed by the authors helps to

improve the reliability and security of communication in the network by identifying and mitigating

the impact of blackhole nodes. Overall, the proposed technique is effective in detecting blackhole

nodes in a network by setting bait timers and launching fake requests. By identifying and

maintaining information about these malicious nodes, the network can avoid their interference and

ensure smooth communication flow.

While the technique proposed by the authors in [7] is effective in detecting blackhole nodes in a

network, there are several drawbacks that should be considered. Firstly, the technique relies on the

assumption that all nodes within the network will respond to all requests, including fake ones. Yet,

some nodes may be programmed to ignore or filter out certain types of requests, which can lead to

false negatives and failure to detect some blackhole nodes. Secondly, the technique may consume

a significant amount of network resources. The random bait timers used to trigger the fake requests

may cause a high volume of unnecessary traffic in the network, which can lead to congestion and

decreased network performance. Thirdly, the technique may not be suitable for networks with high

levels of traffic or with a large number of nodes. In such networks, the overhead of setting bait

timers and launching fake requests may become unmanageable and impractical.

Proposed Solutions

Enhanced Routing Reputation and Acknowldgement Intrusion Detection

Protocol Based Trust Based Based Syetem Based

3Fig. 3.1. Classification of the mitigation techniques proposed by other researchers

The authors of [22] have proposed a modification to the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector

(AODV) protocol by adding a Neighbor Credit Table to each node in the network. This table

records the credit value of each neighboring node, such that whenever a neighbor sends or

forwards a data packet, its credit value is increased. Nevertheless, even genuine nodes that do not

participate actively in the network will receive poor credit values. When a node wants to use a

neighbor node for message transmission, it first checks the value of the credit table. If the neighbor

node does not have enough credit, it is deemed untrustworthy, and another hop is used instead.

This modification enables the detection of black-hole nodes during the route discovery phase

rather than during data transmission, making the network more secure. Additionally, it can detect

and isolate smart black hole attacks, further enhancing the security of the network.

However, this technique has some drawbacks that should be considered. One of the main

disadvantages is that it increases overhead due to the additional packets sent to identify malicious

nodes. This leads to increased network traffic, which can reduce the overall network performance.

Moreover, the credit table requires frequent updates to maintain an accurate record of the credit

values of neighboring nodes, which can further increase the network overhead and complexity.

3.2 Reputation and Trust Based

A reputation system is a mechanism that gathers, evaluates, and shares information about the

behavior of nodes in a network based on their past interactions. It helps to establish the

trustworthiness of nodes by maintaining a record of their previous actions and interactions. The

system collects information about the node's behavior, such as its reliability, responsiveness, and

willingness to cooperate, and uses this information to evaluate the node's reputation. The

reputation of a node is then distributed to other nodes in the network, allowing them to make

informed decisions about whether to trust or distrust the node. Reputation systems are used in

various applications, including peer-to-peer networks, e-commerce platforms, and social media

platforms, to promote trust and prevent malicious behavior. By using a reputation system, nodes

can make more informed decisions when interacting with other nodes in the network, which can

help improve the overall performance and security of the network.

In [23], a technique called Selfish Node Removal using Reputation Model (SNRRM) was

proposed as means to remove selfish nodes from a network. According to the authors, selfish

nodes can be identified based on their current energy level and communication ratio. When both

the sender (S) and destination (D) nodes are within communication range, only the reputation

value of the sender is checked. Yet, when the sender and destination nodes are not within the same

communication range, the sender broadcasts a control packet to its neighbors and waits for replies.

The communication ratio is then calculated based on the number of sent requests and received

replies. SNRRM works by maintaining a reputation model that evaluates the behavior of nodes in

the network based on their communication patterns and energy consumption. Nodes with low

communication ratios or high energy consumption are identified as selfish nodes and removed

from the network.

The advantage of SNRRM is that it can remove selfish nodes from the network without relying on

central authorities or external monitoring systems. Instead, the reputation model is distributed

across the network, and nodes use it to make decisions about which nodes to trust and which to


However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. For example, the technique relies

on the assumption that all nodes in the network are willing to cooperate and participate in the

reputation system. Additionally, the accuracy of the reputation model depends on the quality and

quantity of data collected, which can be affected by various factors such as network topology, node

mobility, and environmental conditions.

In [24], the authors proposed a Node Activity-based Trust and Reputation Estimation (NA-TRE)

solution that monitors node activities to assess their status as either normal (N) or malicious (M),

and then computes trust and reputation estimates accordingly. The technique is designed to detect

and mitigate malicious nodes in wireless ad hoc networks, and it is based on the assessment of

three different states of nodes: Normal State (NS), Resource Limitation State (RS), and Malicious

State (MS). In the NS, nodes cooperate and follow routing requirements to the best of their

abilities. In the RS, nodes do not cooperate as much due to various factors such as low power

consumption, being out of communication range, or high congestion. In the MS, nodes

intentionally disrupt the network by initiating denial of service attacks, creating false paths,

delaying packets, or engaging in other malicious activities that impact the network. To proactively

distinguish between these states, the authors used a "Semi-Markov probability decision process" to

predict the state of a node based on its activities. This allows the NA-TRE solution to detect

malicious nodes before they can cause significant damage to the network.

The advantage of the NA-TRE solution is that it provides a comprehensive assessment of node

activities and performance, which can help improve the reliability and security of wireless ad hoc

networks. By detecting malicious nodes and computing trust and reputation estimates, the

technique enables nodes to make informed decisions about which nodes to trust and which to


Yet, there are also some potential limitations and challenges associated with the NA-TRE solution.

For example, the accuracy of the technique depends on the quality and quantity of data collected,

which can be affected by various factors such as the topology of the network, node mobility, and

environmental conditions. Additionally, the technique relies on the assumption that all nodes in the

network are willing to cooperate and participate in the trust and reputation estimation process,

which may not be the case in all scenarios.

In their research presented in [25], the authors proposed a reputation and trust system to counter

blackhole attacks in wireless ad hoc networks. The system is based on trust relationships between

nodes. Specifically, if node A trusts node B, then node B can also trust node A. Similarly, if node

A trusts node C and node C trusts node B, then node A can trust node B. To implement this

solution, each node in the network is equipped with a reputation table that maintains data about the

behavior of its neighboring nodes. This data is quantified and stored in the table. When a message

is sent from a source to a destination, an acknowledgment is sent back from the destination to

confirm receipt of the message. This acknowledgment is then sent to all other nodes in the

network. In case the acknowledgment is not received, the trusted table is updated negatively. The

based trust system is similar to the reputation system, as every node maintains a register of other

nodes based on their interactions. However, in the based trust system, when a node forwards a

packet, it checks the trust values of its adjacent nodes and chooses the node with the higher trust


The advantage of this reputation and trust system is that it can detect and mitigate blackhole

attacks by enabling nodes to make informed decisions about which nodes to trust and which to

avoid. By using a reputation table and based trust system, nodes can build trust relationships with

their neighbors and use this information to make decisions about routing. This can help improve

the security and reliability of the network.

Despite that, there are also potential limitations and challenges associated with this solution. For

example, the accuracy of the system depends on the quality and quantity of data collected and

stored in the reputation table. Moreover, the system assumes that all nodes in the network are

honest and willing to cooperate in building trust relationships, which may not always be the case.

The Node Activity-based Trust and Reputation estimation (NA-TRE) technique proposed in [26] is

designed to ensure both security and quality of service in wireless ad hoc networks by evaluating

the trustworthiness of nodes based on their activities, such as packet forwarding or dropping.

This approach has a key advantage in that it can detect black-hole nodes during the route discovery

phase, rather than waiting until the data transmission phase. This makes it possible to isolate smart

black hole attacks effectively.

However, one of the main drawbacks of NA-TRE is that it increases network overhead by sending

additional packets to identify malicious nodes. This can lead to high network traffic, which can

affect network performance. Despite this drawback, NA-TRE has several key advantages,

including the fact that the reputation system is not limited to classifying nodes as good or bad, but

also provides more detailed information about how cooperative nodes are. Moreover, NA-TRE

provides node trust values while packets are forwarded, which supports Quality of Service (QoS)

requirements. This means that nodes can make informed decisions about which nodes to trust

when forwarding packets, which can help improve network performance. Though, it is important

to note that the reputation system used by NA-TRE is reactive and takes decisions based on

historical data. This means that it may not be effective in detecting newly emerging threats or


Another potential limitation of NA-TRE is that the reputation tables used to store trust and

reputation information can be falsified, compromising the security and reliability of the network.

Additionally, the technique is vulnerable to denial of service attacks, which can undermine its


3.3 Acknowledgment Based

The acknowledge based approach is a technique designed to mitigate blackhole attacks in wireless

ad hoc networks. This approach involves creating acknowledgment packets through either the

source or intermediate nodes before the route determination process. The nodes that do not reply to

these packets are classified as either selfish nodes, nodes with insufficient energy, or malicious

nodes. The primary aim of this approach is to address the problem of blackhole attacks, which can

significantly affect network performance by dropping or blocking packets. By using

acknowledgment packets, nodes can determine which nodes are trustworthy and which are not.

Nodes that do not reply to the acknowledgment packets are considered untrustworthy and can be

avoided when routing packets.

One of the key advantages of the Acknowledge based approach is that it helps detect malicious

nodes prior to the route determination process. This can help prevent blackhole attacks from

occurring, which can be particularly important in situations where network security is critical.

Furthermore, this approach can help identify other types of problematic nodes, such as selfish

nodes or nodes with insufficient energy, which can also affect network performance.

Yet, there are also potential limitations associated with the Acknowledge based approach. For

example, the creation of acknowledgment packets can increase network overhead, which can affect

network performance. Additionally, the approach relies on the assumption that nodes will always

reply to the acknowledgment packets, which may not always be the case. Finally, the approach

may not be effective in detecting newly emerging threats or attacks.

The authors of [27] have proposed an improved routing protocol called Ad hoc On-demand

Multipath Secure Routing (AOMSR) that uses acknowledgments to enhance network performance

and security. This protocol requires the source node to maintain multiple paths from the source to

the destination based on the maximum delay in receiving data. The primary objective of AOMSR

is to improve the performance and security of wireless ad hoc networks by creating multiple paths

for data transmission. By creating multiple paths, AOMSR can address the problem of single path

routing where a single path may not always be reliable or available. In addition, AOMSR uses

acknowledgments to ensure that data is properly transmitted, which can help prevent packet loss

and improve network performance.

One of the key advantages of AOMSR is that it provides a more secure and reliable routing

protocol for wireless ad hoc networks. By using multiple paths and acknowledgments, AOMSR

can help prevent attacks such as blackhole attacks and improve network performance. Moreover,

AOMSR is designed to be robust in the face of node failures or changes in network topology,

which can further enhance its reliability.

On the other hand, there are also potential limitations associated with AOMSR. For example, the

creation of multiple paths can increase network overhead and complexity, which can affect

network performance. Additionally, the use of acknowledgments can also increase network traffic

and latency, which can further impact network performance.

In [28], the authors have proposed an extension of the Acknowledge based approach that takes into

account the selection of energy-efficient intermediate nodes that are non-congested for

communication, session key agreements, a counter-based end-to-end cycle of acknowledgement,

and the authentication of Ack packets using message digest. The aim of this technique is to

improve the security and efficiency of wireless ad hoc networks by differentiating between

malicious nodes, selfish nodes, and nodes with insufficient energy.

The primary advantage of this technique is that it can identify the different types of problematic

nodes in the network, including malicious nodes, which can help prevent attacks such as blackhole

attacks. By selecting energy-efficient intermediate nodes and using session key agreements, this

approach can also improve network performance and efficiency. Moreover, the use of message

digest for authentication can enhance the security of the network by ensuring that the

acknowledgment packets are not tampered with.

However, one of the potential drawbacks of this technique is the increased network load due to the

additional acknowledgment packets. This can lead to network congestion and affect network

performance, particularly in situations where the network is already congested.

3.4 Intrusion Detection System Based

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a valuable tool for detecting and preventing attacks in

wireless ad hoc networks, particularly in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). IDS based in

MANETs can help detect and respond to malicious activities, such as blackhole attacks or

wormhole attacks. The IDS can operate in a centralized or distributed manner, depending on

network topology and requirements. Intrusion detection system works as an alarm system. When

discovering an attack, it issues a warning to the system [29]. The IDS system contains an audit

register for keeping all the data for analysis and provide an output based on which decisions are


One of the key advantages of IDS in MANETs is that it can help improve network security by

detecting and mitigating attacks. By using various techniques, such as pattern matching or machine

learning algorithms, IDS can detect and classify malicious nodes based on their behavior patterns.

Moreover, IDS can be designed to be resilient to node failures and changes in network topology,

which can enhance the reliability of the network.

Yet, there are also potential limitations associated with IDS in MANETs. For example, IDS can

increase network overhead and latency, which can affect network performance. Additionally, IDS

may not be effective in detecting newly emerging threats or attacks, as it relies on historical data or

known attack patterns. Moreover, IDS may be vulnerable to attacks, such as spoofing or denial of

service attacks, which can undermine its effectiveness.

Despite its potential limitations, IDS based in MANETs remains a valuable technique for

improving network security. By using a combination of techniques, such as signature-based and

anomaly-based detection, IDS can detect and respond to attacks while minimizing false positives

and false negatives. Moreover, IDS can be designed to be scalable and adaptable to different types

of MANETs, which can enhance its effectiveness.

The authors of [30] have proposed an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) called DPAA-AODV to

address the problem of blackhole attacks in wireless ad hoc networks. This IDS protocol works in

two phases: an online phase and an offline phase. During the offline phase, the ReliefF Model is

used to identify reliable features in the Blackhole Detection Dataset (BDD) dataset. This is done to

ensure that the selection of features is accurate. In the online mode, the previously learned features

are selected. If the results exceed the threshold, it is likely that a malicious node is present. The

primary objective of DPAA-AODV is to detect and mitigate blackhole attacks in wireless ad hoc

networks. By using the ReliefF Model to identify reliable features in the BDD dataset, DPAA-

AODV can effectively detect blackhole attacks. Moreover, by using a threshold-based approach to

classify malicious nodes, DPAA-AODV can improve network security and reliability.

One of the key advantages of DPAA-AODV is that it provides a more accurate and reliable

approach to blackhole attack detection. By using the ReliefF Model to identify reliable features in

the BDD dataset, DPAA-AODV can ensure that the selection of features is accurate. Additionally,

the threshold-based approach used in the online mode can help prevent false positives and false

negatives, which can further enhance the reliability of the IDS.

Conversely, there are also potential limitations associated with DPAA-AODV.For example, the

IDS protocol can increase network overhead and latency, which can affect network performance.

Additionally, the approach may not be effective in detecting new or emerging threats, as it relies

on historical data or known attack patterns. Moreover, the IDS may be vulnerable to attacks, such

as spoofing or denial of service attacks, which can undermine its effectiveness.

The authors of [31] have proposed a host-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that collects

information about the normal behavior of nodes in a wireless ad hoc network. They simulated

normal and malicious behavior of nodes using the GloMoSim simulator. Then, they used the

machine learning tool Weka 3.7.11 to apply feature selection techniques to identify malicious

nodes. The IDS protocol used six features to detect malicious nodes, these features include the

number of RREQ (Route REQuest) sent, the number of RREP (Route REPly) forwarded, the

number of high destination sequence number, the number of low count of hops to destination, the

number of nodes acting as source, and the number of nodes acting as destination. The primary

objective of this host-based IDS system is to detect and mitigate malicious nodes in wireless ad

hoc networks. By using machine learning and feature selection techniques, the IDS can detect

anomalies and classify them as malicious nodes. Moreover, by using a host-based approach, the

IDS can be more effective in detecting attacks that originate from within the network.

One of the key advantages of this host-based IDS is that it provides a more accurate and reliable

approach to detecting malicious nodes. By using feature selection techniques and machine learning

algorithms, the IDS can identify new or emerging threats and classify them as malicious nodes.

Moreover, the host-based approach used in this IDS can help detect attacks that originate from

within the network, which can enhance network security and reliability.

However, there are also potential limitations associated with this host-based IDS. For instance, the

IDS may not be effective in detecting attacks that occur outside the network or attacks that use

sophisticated techniques to evade detection. Additionally, the IDS may increase network overhead

and latency, which can affect network performance. Moreover, the IDS may require significant

computational resources to process and analyze network data, which can be a challenge for

resource-constrained devices.

The authors of [18] have proposed a two-phase solution to address the problem of blackhole

attacks in wireless ad hoc networks. The first phase involves feature selection to identify the

features of blackhole nodes based on their behavior, such as how they handle RREQ (Route

REQuest) and RREP (Route REPly). In the second phase, the AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand

Distance Vector) protocol is enhanced by incorporating the learned data into each node to detect

and avoid blackhole nodes during data transmission. The primary objective of this proposed

solution is to improve network security by detecting and mitigating blackhole nodes in wireless ad

hoc networks. By using feature selection techniques and enhancing the AODV protocol, the

solution can effectively identify blackhole nodes and prevent them from disrupting network


One of the key advantages of this solution is that it provides a more accurate and reliable approach

to detecting blackhole nodes. By using feature selection techniques to identify the behavior

patterns of blackhole nodes and enhancing the AODV protocol with the learned data, the solution

can effectively detect and avoid blackhole nodes during data transmission. Moreover, the solution

can be adapted to different types of wireless ad hoc networks, which enhances its versatility.

However, there are also potential limitations associated with this solution. For instance, the

solution may not be effective in detecting attacks that occur outside the network or attacks that use

sophisticated techniques to evade detection. Additionally, the solution may increase network

overhead and latency, which can affect network performance to address these limitations,

researchers and developers may need to consider alternative techniques that can complement or

enhance the capabilities of this solution for improving the security and reliability of wireless ad

hoc networks. For instance, combining multiple IDS techniques, such as host-based and network-

based IDS, can provide a more comprehensive approach to detecting and mitigating attacks.

Moreover, implementing security mechanisms and protocols that can detect and mitigate attacks

can help improve the security and reliability of the network.

In [23], the authors proposed an enhanced routing protocol called Secure Ad hoc On-Demand

Distance Vector (SAODV) to provide better security for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)

against blackhole attacks. SAODV is designed to be a more secure version of the Ad hoc On-

Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol. While SAODV and AODV share similar

functionalities, such as the route discovery process, SAODV includes an additional verification

process to ensure the trustworthiness of adjacent nodes. The primary objective of this enhanced

routing protocol is to improve the security of MANETs by providing a more reliable and secure

routing protocol against blackhole attacks. By incorporating a verification process, SAODV can

effectively detect and prevent blackhole nodes from disrupting network communication.

One of the key advantages of this enhanced routing protocol is that it provides a more secure

approach to routing in MANETs. By adding a verification process, SAODV can ensure that

adjacent nodes are trusted and prevent blackhole nodes from disrupting network communication.

Additionally, the protocol can be customized and adapted to different types of wireless ad hoc

networks, which enhances its versatility.

However, there are also potential limitations associated with this enhanced routing protocol. For

instance, the protocol may not be effective in detecting attacks that occur outside the network or

attacks that use sophisticated techniques to evade detection. Additionally, the protocol may

increase network overhead and latency, which can affect network performance.

In [32], the authors proposed an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that relies on various classifiers,

including decision tree, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Neural

Network. The decision tree classifier involves nodes, edges, and leaves to generate rules for

classifying records into malicious and non-malicious classes. The KNN classifier saves the training

data and considers the distance metric of other nodes while relating the data set to its respective

classes. The SVM classifier is mainly used for pattern detection problems and can also be used for

classification, while the Neural Network is used for processing and training the records. The

primary objective of this proposed IDS is to improve network security by detecting and mitigating

blackhole and greyhole attacks in wireless ad hoc networks. By using various classifiers, the IDS

can effectively identify and classify anomalies in network traffic.

One of the key advantages of this technique is that the classification algorithm is not only used for

blackhole attacks but is also effective in detecting greyhole attacks. Moreover, the anomaly-based

approach has a high accuracy level in discovering blackhole attacks, while the random forest

classifier has a high accuracy and detection rate.

However, there are also potential limitations associated with this technique. For instance, the nodes

have to be in a promiscuous mode, which may not be acceptable by all nodes, and the system itself

can be attacked. Additionally, the technique may not be effective in detecting attacks that occur

outside the network or attacks that use sophisticated techniques to evade detection. Furthermore,

the technique may increase network overhead and latency, which can affect network performance.

As previously mentioned, there exist four primary techniques for detecting blackhole attacks:

enhanced routing protocol based, reputation and trust based, acknowledgement based, and

intrusion detection system based. In our research, we opted for the Intrusion Detection System

(IDS) approach due to several advantages it offers. IDS provides higher accuracy in detecting

blackhole attacks, is less complex, and does not require significant changes to the network

topology and routing protocols as required by the enhanced routing protocol approach.

Additionally, IDS is more reliable and less vulnerable to manipulation than the reputation and trust

based technique. Furthermore, IDS is a lightweight mechanism that imposes a lower load on the

network compared to the acknowledgement based system.

Chapter 4: Experimental Methodology

This thesis employs a methodology that comprises of four distinct steps (as shown in Fig. 4.1). The

initial step involves generating data that will be used for machine learning analysis. In order to

simulate a traffic data that closely resembles real-life traffic with a blackhole attack, the OMNET+

+ simulator is used. The generated data is then collected in a specific format that can be analyzed

later. During the collection process, the traffic records exhibit certain common features or

behaviors. These features are then analyzed using Support Vector Machine (SVM) in order to

classify the traffic into two categories: normal and malicious traffic.

Subsequently, based on this analysis, the malicious nodes can be accurately identified and blocked

to prevent further damage. SVM is a machine learning algorithm that is commonly used in

classification tasks where the goal is to separate data into different classes. By analyzing the

common features and behaviors of the traffic data, SVM can accurately classify the traffic into

normal and malicious traffic. Through this classification, it is possible to identify and block the

malicious nodes that are causing the blackhole attack.

Overall, this methodology provides a systematic approach for generating and analyzing traffic data

under the presence of a blackhole attack. By employing machine learning techniques such as SVM

for classification, it is possible to accurately identify and block the malicious nodes. This approach

can help in improving the security of network systems and preventing potential attacks.

Data Generation Features Data
Data Collection
Using OMNET++ Selection Processing

4 Fig. 4.1. Methodology used in the thesis to mitigate blackhole attack

4.1 Proposed Solution

In Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), the nodes are expected to work together and rely on each

other to fulfill functions that are typically provided by infrastructure. This collaboration is essential

for the proper functioning of the network. However, attacks such as the Blackhole attack can

disrupt the network's operation by corrupting the nodes. To identify these malicious nodes, their

behavior needs to be studied.

Malicious nodes in a MANET display certain behavioral characteristics that are common. These

can be summarized as follows:

 They increase their transmission power to respond to most of the RREQ (Route REQuests).

 They rarely send any RREQ themselves.

 They usually send unicast messages and hardly ever broadcast messages.

To address this issue, an Anomaly Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM) has been

developed. The purpose of ADS-SVM is to detect any malicious nodes based on the behavioral

characteristics mentioned above. Once detected, these nodes will be labeled and isolated from the

network to prevent further harm.

The Anomaly Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM) does not add a significant overhead

to the network's resources. By analyzing the behavior of nodes in the network, the system can
identify any nodes that exhibit the aforementioned malicious behavior. Once identified, these

nodes are flagged as malicious and isolated from the network to prevent further damage.

Overall, the Anomaly Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM) provides an effective solution

to detect and isolate malicious nodes in a MANET. By identifying and isolating these nodes, the

system can prevent them from disrupting the network's operation and ensure the network's overall


4.2 Data Generation

To simulate the behavior of both normal and malicious nodes as shown in Fig. 4.2, we utilized

OMNET++ 5.7. The simulation was conducted on a network consisting of seven nodes, one of

which is stationary and functions as a sender (node1). As this static node is irrelevant to the

simulation's core objective, it was omitted from the graphs that were generated.

As stated in table 4.1., the simulation was performed in two different scenarios. In the first

scenario, all nodes were assumed to be cooperative, and no malicious node was present.

Consequently, all nodes exhibited normal behavior. In contrast, the second scenario involved the

introduction of a malicious node (node 6), while the rest of the nodes continued to function

normally. The radio transmission power for all nodes was set to 1 mW.

The simulation allowed us to investigate and analyze the behavior of both normal and malicious

nodes in a controlled environment. By comparing the results of the two scenarios, we could

identify any anomalous behaviors that were present in the presence of a malicious node.

56Fig. 4.2 A snapshot from OMNET++ while a node sending

packets (RReq) to adjacent nodes

A specific scenario set up in which the radio transmission power of node 6 was increased to 5 mW.

By increasing its transmission power, node 6 was able to deceive all its neighboring nodes into

believing that it was the closest node to them. As a result, it received a substantial number of

requests from the other nodes in the network.

In more detail, when nodes search for the best routes between them, they send RReq messages to

their neighboring nodes. In this scenario, node 6 would appear to be an adjacent node to the other

nodes due to its increased transmission power. As a result, it would be the first node to receive the

RReq messages and would respond with RRep messages as quickly as possible.

This behavior is a common trait of a blackhole attack, in which a malicious node deceives other

nodes into believing that it has the best path to the destination. By doing so, the malicious node can

intercept and manipulate traffic, causing disruption to the network's operation.

Table 1Table 4.1 The parameters configuration used to generate the data set in OMNET++ simulator

Simulation Environment Parameters

Simulation used OMNeT++5.7
Number of nodes 7 nodes
Routing Protocol AODV
Total Space 400 m
Transmission Power [All nodes] 1 mW
Transmission Power [Node 6] 5mW
Transmission Speed 24Mbps
Mobility Speed 25mps
Transport protocol UDP

4.3 Data Collection

After conducting the simulations in two different scenarios, the results were collected and fed into

a detection system for analysis. The first scenario assumed that all nodes were cooperative and

behaved normally, while the second scenario involved the presence of a malicious node. The

dataset that was collected during the simulation contained critical data that was used for analysis.

The dataset included the AODV request, which is the message that nodes send to request a route to

a destination node. It also contained information on the transmission power of nodes while sending

their packets and the type of data transfer, which could either be broadcast or unicast.

By analyzing this data, the detection system could identify any anomalous behaviors that were

present in the second scenario when the malicious node was introduced. The system could

compare the results from the two scenarios and identify any deviations from normal behavior.

This approach allows for the effective detection of malicious nodes in a MANET. By analyzing the

behavior of nodes and comparing it to normal behavior, it is possible to identify any nodes that are

exhibiting anomalous behavior. This can help in preventing potential attacks and maintaining the

security of the network.

4.4 Feature Selection

Chapter 5 of the research thesis outlines three key characteristics of the blackhole attack that were

identified in the study. The first feature is that the malicious node increases its transmission power

to appear as the closest node to other nodes in the network. This deception allows the malicious

node to receive as many requests as possible from other nodes.

The second feature of the blackhole attack is that malicious nodes rarely send any Route REQuests

(RReq) themselves. Instead, they focus on replying to as many requests as possible. This behavior

allows the malicious node to control the flow of traffic in the network, intercepting and

manipulating messages as needed.

The third and final feature of the blackhole attack is that malicious nodes typically send unicast

messages and hardly ever broadcast messages. This behavior is consistent with the goal of the

attack, which is to deceive other nodes and manipulate traffic for the malicious node's benefit.

By identifying these three characteristics of the blackhole attack (shown in Fig. 4.3), we were able

to develop an Anomaly Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM) that can detect malicious

nodes based on their behavior. The system analyzes data collected during simulations and

compares it to normal behavior to identify any deviations. Once a malicious node is detected, it is

isolated from the network to prevent further harm.

Malcious nodes behaviours
Increase transmission power to respond to most
of the RREQ

Almost never send any RReq

Always unicast and almost never broadcast

7Fig. 4.3. Feature Selection based on malicious nodes' behaviors

During the simulation, the radio transmission power was increased of node 6 to 5 mW, while all

other nodes were set to the default 1 mW. This manipulation of transmission power allowed node 6

to deceive other nodes by appearing as the closest node to them.

The second key feature of the blackhole attack is that the attacker replies to as many requests as

possible while keeping a low profile in terms of sending route requests (RReq). This behavior

allows the malicious node to receive traffic and control the flow of data without drawing attention

to itself.

The third feature of the blackhole attack is that the attacker almost never broadcasts messages, and

all of its communication is in the form of unicast messages. This behavior is consistent with the

goal of the attack, which is to deceive other nodes and manipulate traffic for the attacker's benefit.

4.5 Data Processing

The data collected from the OMNET++ simulator contains eight columns of information.

However, only five of these columns will be used for analysis, while the remaining three are

irrelevant for the purpose of the analysis. The five columns of data that will be utilized for analysis

are as follows:

 The first column, Hops, serves two crucial purposes for the research. Firstly, it indicates the

direction of transmission, revealing the node that is used as a hop or the node that performs

the routing function. Secondly, it helps to identify the path that the data transmission takes

through the network.

 The second column, Transmission Type, provides information about the transmission

power and whether it is a Route Request (RReq) or Route Reply (RRep) message. This

column is particularly critical for identifying nodes that are not sending any RReq

messages, which is an essential feature used to identify nodes exhibiting misbehavior and

potentially engaging in blackhole attacks.

 The third column, Node Name, contains the name of the node that is transmitting the data.

This information is vital for identifying each node in the network and recognizing any node

that is misbehaving.

 The fourth column, Transfer Type, provides the value of the transfer type, which is either

broadcast or unicast. This column is used to identify nodes that are not broadcasting any

messages, which is a suspicious behavior and an indication of potential misbehavior.

 Finally, the fifth column, Transmission Power, indicates the power used to transmit the

data. Manipulating transmission power is a common tactic used in blackhole attacks to

increase the power of the node and intercept and respond to Route Request messages.

Therefore, this column is particularly important for detecting any malicious activity in the


4.6 Machine learning using SVM

The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a popular machine learning algorithm, widely known for

its effectiveness in solving pattern classification problems. As shown in Fig. 4.4, the SVM model

consists of three lines, with the middle line referred to as the optimal classification line and the

other two lines referred to as the margin lines. These lines are used to classify patterns into two

distinct classes. In our scenario, the SVM model is employed to differentiate between normally

behaving nodes and malicious nodes based on the analyzed traffic.

w . x +b=0 (1)

Where “w” is the weight vector, and “x” is the input vector. In SVM, we want to find the

hyperplane that maximizes the margin between the two classes. The margin is defined as the

distance between the hyperplane and the closest data points from each class. Those closest data

points are called support vectors and they determine the position of the hyperplane.

The optimal classification line in the SVM model represents the boundary that optimally separates

the two classes of data. The margin lines, on the other hand, are positioned parallel to the optimal

classification line and are used to maximize the distance between the optimal classification line

and the closest data points from each class. This process, called margin maximization, improves

the robustness and generalization ability of the model, making it less susceptible to overfitting and

noise in the data.

In our specific use case, the SVM model is trained on a dataset of network traffic to identify

patterns in the data that correspond to malicious behavior. The model uses the analyzed traffic data

to learn the characteristics of normal behavior and then identifies deviations from this behavior as

potentially malicious. By separating the normal behaving nodes from the malicious ones, the SVM

model can detect and classify suspicious activity accurately and efficiently.

The dataset used for the SVM model consists of two classes, with the first class represented by a

positive label (+1), and the second class represented by a negative label (-1). The dataset contains a

sample size of n, where each sample is represented by a vector characteristic x_i, and a

corresponding label y_i, which can be either -1 or +1. Although the characteristics of the samples

may not be identical, they can still be accurately classified, provided a margin is defined that

allows for some acceptable deviation.

The SVM algorithm works by finding the optimal classification line, which separates the two

classes of data and maximizes the margin between them. This optimal line is represented by the

sum of the weighted vector (w) and the bias (b), which equals zero, as shown in equation 2.

The margin is a critical parameter in the SVM algorithm, as it determines the maximum

permissible deviation that a sample can have from the optimal classification line while still being

correctly classified. The SVM algorithm aims to maximize the margin while correctly classifying

all the samples in the dataset. This process is achieved by iteratively adjusting the values of w and

b until the optimal classification line is found.

The SVM algorithm's ability to accurately classify data even with some deviation in the

characteristics is due to the use of the kernel function. The kernel function maps the input data into

a higher-dimensional space, where it is more easily separable, allowing for more accurate

classification. This transformation allows the SVM model to capture nonlinear relationships

between the input data and the corresponding labels.

Due to the fact that the vector characteristics of the dataset are not identical, there are two

additional lines that are parallel to the optimal classification line and have some margin. These two

lines, along with the optimal classification line, form what is referred to as the hyperplane. The

hyperplane is a crucial component of the SVM algorithm, as it serves as the decision boundary that

separates the two classes of data.

Fig. 4.4 Support Vector Machine (SVM)

The SVM algorithm aims to maximize the margin between the hyperplane and the closest data

points from each class. The points that lie on or above the hyperplane are classified as belonging to

the positive class, while the points that lie below the hyperplane are classified as belonging to the

negative class. To achieve this, we impose a constraint on the distance between the hyperplane and

the closest data points from each class. Specifically, we require that the distance between the

hyperplane and the closest data points, known as the margin, is at least 1. Mathematically, this

constraint can be expressed as w.x+b>=1 (Eq. 2) for all positive examples and w.x+b<=-1 (Eq. 3)

for all negative examples, where positive examples belong to one class and negative examples

belong to the other class. The margin is then given by the distance between the hyperplane and the

closest data points.

The margin between the hyperplane and the closest data points is determined by the marginal bias

in the SVM model. The marginal bias is the distance between the optimal classification line and

the closest data points from each class. By maximizing this margin, the SVM algorithm can

minimize the risk of misclassification and improve the model's accuracy.

w . x +b ≥ 1 (2)
In a similar fashion to the positive class, the points that lie below the hyperplane are classified as

belonging to the negative class. Equation 4 describes how the SVM algorithm classifies the data

points that lie below the hyperplane as belonging to the negative class.

w . x +b ≤ 1 (3)
In the SVM algorithm, the two classes of data points are typically referred to as the malicious and

normal vectors. The SVM algorithm's ability to accurately classify data points into these two

classes has made it a popular tool in various fields, including cybersecurity and financial analysis.

Although the SVM algorithm is a powerful tool for classifying data, it has certain limitations. One

of the main disadvantages of the SVM algorithm is that it does not perform well with large

datasets, where there is a significant amount of noise, or when the number of features exceeds the

number of trained data samples. These limitations can impact the SVM model's accuracy and make

it less effective in certain use cases.

However, in our specific use case, the limitations of the SVM algorithm did not impact the quality

of our work. This is because the dataset used in our analysis was not very large, and the features

were clear and well-defined. This allowed the SVM algorithm to accurately classify the data points

into their respective classes and identify any potential security threats in the network traffic data.

Chapter 5: Results

In the simulation, seven nodes were set up to communicate with each other, with one of the nodes

being designated as a malicious node that mimicked a blackhole attack. As shown in table 5.1, the

simulation ran for a duration of seven minutes, generating a total of 18,478 records that were

analyzed by the system. The system was able to accurately classify the records into two classes:

normal records and malicious records. Out of the 18,478 records, 13,353 records were labeled as

normal, while 5,125 records were labeled as malicious.

Table 2 Table 5.1 Data generated from OMNET++ simulator

Dataset generated from OMNET++

Total number of records 18,478 Records
Malicious traffic 5,125
Normal traffic 13,353

Fig. 5.1 demonstrates the normal behavior of six nodes in the simulation. All nodes were sending

both RReqs and RReps in a normal way, with the number of RReqs to the number of RReps being

in a relative proportion across all nodes. This normal behavior was compared with the behavior of

the malicious node (node 6) in the second scenario, where it exhibited the three key features of the

blackhole attack.

By understanding the behavior of the blackhole attack, we were able to develop an Anomaly

Detection System based on SVM (ADS-SVM) that can detect and isolate malicious nodes in a

MANET. The detection system analyzes data collected during simulations and compares it to

normal behavior to identify any deviations. Once a malicious node is detected, it is isolated from

the network to prevent further harm.

Overall, the study highlights the importance of understanding the behavior of malicious nodes in a

MANET. By identifying the key characteristics of attacks such as the blackhole attack, an effective

solution was developed to detect and respond to these threats and maintain the security of the


Normal Behaviour
600 2050


300 1850


0 1650
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7


8 Fig. 5.1. Results of the simulator in absence of a blackhole attack

The graph in Fig. 5.2 illustrates a significant disparity in the number of Route Reply (RRep)

messages sent by node 6 compared to the other nodes in the network. The reason for this

discrepancy is due to the increased transmission power of node 6, which is set at 5 mW, compared

to the rest of the nodes, which are set at 1 mW. This higher transmission power allows node 6 to

respond to most RReq messages in the network, resulting in a significantly increased number of

RReps sent.

Furthermore, it is observed that node 6 sends almost no RReq messages, while the other nodes

have a high number of RReq messages, which are relatively similar to each other. This behavior is

indicative of a blackhole attack, as the attacker increases its transmission power to intercept and

respond to RReq messages, but does not send any RReq messages itself. This results in a

significant increase in RRep messages sent by the attacker, while other nodes in the network have

a lower number of RRep messages due to the blackhole node intercepting the RReq messages.

The system used three key features to classify the records accurately:

 The first feature was whether the transmission power of the node was changed. As

previously explained, the malicious node changes its transmission power to appear adjacent

to the Rreq sender, and this feature was used to identify potential malicious behavior.

 The second feature was a remarkable increase in responding to as many Rreq as possible.

This behavior is typical of a blackhole attack, where the malicious node attempts to

intercept as much traffic as possible.

 The third feature was the tendency of the malicious node to always send unicast messages

and almost never send broadcast messages.

 By analyzing these three features, the system was able to accurately classify the records

into their respective classes, with a high degree of accuracy. This demonstrates the

effectiveness of the SVM algorithm in detecting and classifying potential security threats in

network traffic data.

The machine learning algorithm used in the simulation was able to clearly identify the

malicious records by analyzing the key features of the data. The system demonstrated a high

degree of accuracy in detecting the malicious nodes by analyzing their behaviors based on the

features mentioned above.

Malcious Behaviour
20000 5000
18000 4500
16000 4000
14000 3500
12000 3000
10000 2500
8000 2000
6000 1500
4000 1000
2000 500
0 0
Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7


9 Fig. 5.2. Results of the simulator in presence of a blackhole attack

As previously stated, a blackhole attack can be identified by analyzing the number of route replies

(Rrep) in response to route requests (Rreq). In such an attack, the malicious node will reply to as

many requests as possible but will not send any route requests. By analyzing the percentage of

Rreqs to Rreps, we can identify if a node is involved in a blackhole attack.

Rrq to Rrep %

30% 28%

25% 22%

20% 18% 17%




Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7

10 Fig. 5.3. Results of the simulator in the absence of a blackhole attack

In Fig.5.3, we can observe that the percentage of Rreqs to Rreps is quite similar across all nodes.

However, when we compare this with Figure 5.4, we can discern that node 6 has a markedly lower

percentage of Rreqs to Rreps. This strongly suggests that node 6 is involved in a blackhole attack.

Specifically, the number of requests sent by node 6 is almost zero percent of the number of replies

it sent, indicating that it is not actively seeking routes but is instead trying to disrupt the network

by dropping or selectively forwarding packets.

Rrq to Rrep %

20% 18%

15% 13%



Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7

11 Fig. 5.4. Results of the simulator in presence of a blackhole attack

By accurately identifying and classifying potential security threats in network traffic data, the

system can help network administrators take proactive measures to mitigate any potential attacks.

This can help improve the overall security of network systems and reduce the risk of data breaches

or other security incidents.

Table 3Table 5.2 Comparing the results to other researchers using machine learning detection system

Detection Accuracy
Inception-CNN 96%
DBN 75.36%

As shown in table 5.2 and depicted in Fig. 5.5, when comparing the results of our detection method

that is proposed in this thesis, it is obvious that our proposed method for detecting black hole

attacks in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), ADS-SVM, performs better than the other

methods that were proposed by other researchers, which are Inception-CNN, BLSTM, and DBN.

Specifically, that ADS-SVM method achieves a detection accuracy of 99%, which is significantly

higher than the accuracy achieved by the other methods. Inception-CNN achieves a detection

accuracy of 96%, which is still quite high, but falls short of the accuracy achieved by ADS-SVM.

BLSTM and DBN achieve lower detection accuracies of 84% and 75.36%, respectively. This

suggests that ADS-SVM is a highly effective method for detecting black hole attacks in MANETs,

and may outperform other existing methods in terms of accuracy.

Detection accuracy
100% 95.87%

90% 84.03%
80% 75.36%








12 Fig. 5.5. Comparing the results to other researchers using machine learning detection system

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Work

6.1 Conclusion

Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are unique in that they lack a fixed infrastructure and instead

rely on the cooperation between nodes to function as both clients and routers. However, due to

their lack of resources and security features, MANETs are more fragile than standard infrastructure

networks. In this thesis, we explored the concept of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and their

various applications in Chapter 2. We highlight the unique characteristics of MANETs, including

their decentralized nature and dynamic topology, which make them challenging to manage and

secure. Chapter 3 presented an overview of the existing literature on MANETs, identifying gaps in

current knowledge and building on existing research to develop new solutions. In Chapter 4, we

proposed a solution for discovering and avoiding blackhole attacks using machine learning. We

used OMNET++ to simulate a malicious node in a MANET network and generated a dataset that

we used to analyze the behavior of a malicious node acting as a blackhole attack. We focused on

three key features to identify blackhole attacks: transmission power, the number of responses in

relation to the rest of the nodes, and the communication method used (whether it was unicast or

broadcast). These three features were thoroughly examined using machine learning techniques.

Finally, in Chapter 5, we summarized our key findings and suggest areas for future research. By

contributing to efforts to improve the performance, security, and reliability of MANETs, we hope

to further the development and application of this important technology. In conclusion, our

research has shown that the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) approach is a highly effective

method for detecting blackhole attacks. Our results demonstrate that IDS offers a range of

advantages over other techniques, including higher accuracy, reliability, and security. Moreover,

IDS is a lightweight mechanism that imposes a lower load on the network and does not require

significant changes to network topology and routing protocols. Our own IDS proposal achieved an

impressive accuracy rate of 99%, which is higher than other existing IDS proposals. Our findings

highlight the potential of IDS as a powerful tool for enhancing network security and protecting

against a range of threats.

6.2 Future work

While the simulation was conducted on only seven nodes with a single attacker, this research

provides a foundation for future studies on blackhole attacks in larger MANET networks with

multiple attackers. This would allow for a deeper analysis of blackhole attacks in larger networks

as well as network traffic analysis with the presence of multiple attacking nodes.

The proposed solution using machine learning provides a promising approach for detecting and

mitigating blackhole attacks in MANETs. By analyzing the key features of network traffic data,

machine learning algorithms can accurately identify potential security threats and help network

administrators take proactive measures to mitigate any potential attacks.

Overall, this research highlighted the importance of addressing security challenges in MANETs

and developing effective solutions to mitigate potential security threats. By continuing to explore

and refine these solutions, researchers can improve the overall security of MANETs and help

prevent costly data breaches or other security incidents.

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