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Communication Ethics

Lesson plan :
-General objectives.
2-Definition of the word ethics
3-Meaning of ethical communication
4-Elements of ethical communication
5-Importance of ethical communication
6-Factors influencing ethical communication.
7-Ethical dilemmas confronted while communicating.
8-Guidelines to handle communication ethics dilemmas.
Objectives : by the end of this lesson, the student will be able to :
-Define the meaning of the word ‘ethics’
- Describe an ethical communication.
-Identify the importance of ethical communication.
1-Introduction : Ethics is conceived as the rightness and wrongness of a
behavior or action. It is based on standards of moral conduct. Determining what
is right and wrong is influenced by the rules and laws of society. Ethics is part
of every decision we make as we cannot escape it in our lives. From a
communication perspective, ethical issues surface whenever messages influence
2-Definition of the word ethics: ‘Ethics is a discipline that deals with what is
good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. The Greek for ethics is
‘ethos’. This specific term is also commonly associated with a person’s ‘moral
character’ (The Handbook of Communication: 32).
3-Meaning of Ethical communication:
-According to the National Communication Association, ethical communication
is necessary to responsible thinking, decision making and the development of
relationships in the different fields.
-Ethical communication strengthens human dignity by promoting truthfulness,
faireness, responsibility, personal integrity and respect for the self and others.
-unethical communication threatens the quality of all communication and the
well-being of individuals.
-Ethical communication, have a well developed sense of social responsibility.
4-Elements of ethical communication:
-It includes all relevant information.
-It is true in every sense and is not deceptive.
-It is accurate and sincere. It avoids language that manipulates and
-Does not hide negative information behind the optimistic attitude.
-Does not state opinion as facts.
5-Importance of ethical communication:
Communication has always been of great importance to the success of
companies and organizations.
a-Survival and ethics:
-The most important objective of any business is to build its brand and create
consumer loyalty for products and services.
-Ethical communication plays a major role in achieving this objective
-Ethical communication consolidates human dignity.
-It enhances fairness, responsibility and personal integrity.
c-Corporate image:
-Communicating internally helps shaping the values of employees.
-Communicating externally influences the perception of all stakeholders.
d-Shareholder value:
-Ethical communication promotes long-term business success.
-It strengthens shareholder value.
e-Quality of people:
-Ethical communication attracts and motivates high quality people.
f-Long term integrity:
-Ethical communication involves actions in three basic areas: cultural, policy
and personal
-Ethical organizations are created by individuals of personal integrity, operating
in a culture of principles and governed by careful policies.
6-Factors influencing ethical communication:
*Every communication decision has ethical aspect to it:
-In communication, an individual has three simple choices: to speak, to listen or
to be silent, each of these choices needs an ethical decision.
-Choosing to remain silent in the face of illegal practices, unlawful behavior or
harmful situation is a serious ethical decision.
*The ethical nature of communication must be viewed within the context of
who, what, when, and where we are communicating.
-Ethical communicators are concerned with all the four dimensions (when, who,
what, where) of communication.
-Managers frequently face tough business decisions which require ethical
-Some of the toughest decisions involve situations where the manager has to
choose between making more profits or ethical conduct.
7-Ethical dilemmas confronted while communicating:
-a-Secrecy: secrets are kept for both honorable and dishonorable reasons.
-b-Whistle-blowing: is about the employee who denounces any abuses or
-c-Rumor and gossip: they are art of everyday corporate life, the former deals
with events and information, whereas the latter focuses more on people.
-d- Lying: lying is not ethical , it is about the false statements which intend to
-e-Euphemisms: it related to the language used, it is using a less offensive
8-Guidelines to handle communication ethics dilemmas:
-Maintain truthfulness, honesty and frankness while communicating with
- Keep the message accurate.
-Secrecy: one has to maintain secrecy and do not divulge such information to
-Ensure timeliness of communication: delay in sending the message can be
considered unethical.
-Avoid deception, fabrication and intentional distortion
-Confront unethical behaviors.
To conclude, we must accept the fact that everyone communicates differently.
Ethical communication should be presented with respect and dignity. There is
no actual way of communicating but if we take responsibility for our actions
and communicate with honesty, it will help us deliver our message well.
-Richard L.West, Lynn H. Turner. (2014). Introducing Communication Theory.
Mc Graw Hill Education. Sixth Edition.
-George, Cheney & others. (2010). The Handbook of Communication Ethics

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