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Good Day Everyone! Or as we say it in our language Magandang araw! Mabuhay my dear tourists,
Please remember my name, I am ____________ or you can call me _____ and I will be you tour guide
for today. I am here with coach captain _____. Coach Captain _____ is an experienced driver for 3 years
and he will make sure that we will have a safe and happy trip and on behalf of _______ Tours I'd like to
welcome you all to the (PLACE and its Phrase) example “The Land of Promise” DAVAO.

To start up, let's have a headcount for us to know if we are complete, starting with you. 123... 15 Great!
We are complete. Thank for your cooperation.

Before we proceed with our day tour, I'd like to take a minute to tell friendly reminders and safety
precautions so that our tour will be smooth flowing and hustle free.

Please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times and remain seated until we reach our destination.

First things first, as a safety precaution, I would like to remind you to please keep a meter distance to
practice social distancing, wear your mask and face shield at all times, and don't forget to sanitize every
after visit of each destination.

Second, please take care of your valuable things and do not leave your things unattended.

Third, may I request everyone to sync your time with me so that no one will be left behind; in my time
it's exactly 7:30am.

Fourth, I want you to familiarize my signals, if I whistle once and wave this blue flag it means we only
have 5 minutes left to roam around, and if I whistle twice and wave this red flag you need to go back
immediately to the bus and be prepare because we are on to our next destination.

And now in case you are not feeling well and you have any medical concerns do not hesitate to call my
attention. I have here first aid kit.

Lastly don't forget to smile and remember take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, and
kill nothing but time.


Hello Everyone! This is _____________, and together with my team, welcome aboard Cebu Pacific,
making first moments happen (pause) with you.

We are now ready to depart for _____. In command of the aircraft is Captain ________, assisted by First
Officer _______ . Our flying time is approximately (coordinate with PIC).


At this moment, please direct your attention to your Cabin Crew who will demonstrate the safety
features of this aircraft.

Each seat is provided with a seatbelt. To fasten push ends together. Tighten seatbelt by pulling loose
end. To unfasten, lift top of buckle and pull free end to release.

In case of water landing, your life vest is found under your seat. Remove sharp objects from your body.
To don, slip vest over the head, take tape around the waist and push end to buckle. Pull tape to tighten.
When outside the aircraft, pull inflation tags to inflate vest. Manual inflation is done by means of the red
tube/s. Blow to increase air and push pin inward to release air. Light automatically illuminates once the
battery is immersed in water. Do not inflate the life vest inside the aircraft. Please be reminded that
unauthorized removal of life vest from the aircraft constitutes theft and is punishable by law.

In case of rapid change in cabin pressure, oxygen masks will automatically drop from the compartments
above you. Immediately grab the mask and pull it towards you. REMOVE YOUR FACE MASK THEN PUT

Pull elastic band sideways for snug fit and breathe normally. Put your own mask first before assisting
others. Keep it on until you are advised to remove it.

In case of emergency evacuation, follow the lights that will lead you to the exits.

For further information, please refer to the Passenger Briefing Card found in your seat pocket.

This aircraft is equipped with emergency exit signs found in the cabin. The location of the nearest exit
may be behind you.
Each cabin door is equipped with a slide raft. In any eventuality, guests MUST leave their bags and
immediately proceed to the usable exits.

There are also fire extinguishers in the cabin. Operation of the device is indicated on the equipment


Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to ________. The current time is ____ and the date today is
______ . Ground temperature ________.

Please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. Wait for
the fasten seatbelt sign to be turned off. Check the areas around you for any items left behind. Our crew
will guide you on our order of disembarkation.

For passengers who need special assistance, please deplane last. Our crew and ground staff will be
happy to assist you.

On behalf of Captain _______ and the rest of the crew, thank you for choosing to fly with us.

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