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Hybridized Solar PV System and Rainwater Energy Using

Micro-Hydroelectric Generator


A Thesis

Presented to the Department of Electrical Engineering

Cebu Institute of Technology – University

Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering



Alden Klyne M. Ayuda

Vince O. Inot

Vaughn Louise S. Olivo

Samantha Ivandale S. Penados

Jonard C. Villamejor

April 2024

Adviser’s Certification

This thesis proposal has been reviewed by the

undersigned and is certified acceptable

in content and form for oral validation

hearing presentation

Engr. Irish May G. Saludar


Date: __________

Approval Sheet





in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF



Engr. Irish May G. Saludar

Date: __________

Engr. Marianne A. Tapayan Engr. Jude David T. Badal

Member Member
Date: __________ Date: __________

Engr. Lowell B. Ratilla, PEE

Date: _________

This thesis is approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of


Engr. Jude David T. Badal Engr. Lowell B. Ratilla, PEE

Thesis Instructor Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering
Date: __________ Date: __________

Dr. Evangeline C. Evangelista

Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture
Date: __________


Given the dual-climate nature of the Philippines, the performance and

reliability of solar panels during the rainy season have been a subject of concern.

To address this, a hybrid power supply was designed to harness energy from

both climates experienced in the country. The research methodology involved

testing a micro-hydroelectric generator based on the intensity of rainfall for a

specific period. The intensities considered are namely: light, moderate, and

heavy. The findings revealed that in the current design of the MHG and hybrid

system, the MHG can only produce at most a 0.12% increase of energy in 1 hour

when subjected to heavy rainfall.


The successful culmination of this research paper would have been

unattainable without the invaluable support and guidance of numerous

individuals, whose names may not all be explicitly mentioned. The researchers

would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and recognition to the following

individuals, who have played a pivotal role in this endeavor:

To Engr. Irish May G. Saludar, for aiding and informing on what must be

done, as well as giving advices for the betterment of the study;

To Engr. Jude David T. Badal, for assisting and updating the researchers

on the context of the research study;

To the Electrical Engineering faculties, for their guidance and support

towards the completion of the study;

To Engr. Chuck B. Soyoc, for consistently supporting and assisting when

there are challenges that need to be addressed. His knowledge and expertise

were critical to the conceptualization of the research study;

To all the researchers’ families and friends who assisted and supported

them in every way possible; and

To the Almighty God, for giving the researchers the strength, ability,

opportunity, and guidance to undertake this research study.

Table of Contents
Adviser’s Certification ii
Approval Sheet iii
Abstract iv
Acknowledgment v
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Objectives 3
1.4 Scope and Limitations 4
1.5 Purpose of the Study 5
1.6 Definition of Terms 6


2.1 Theoretical Background 7
2.1.1 Solar Panel Theories 7
2.1.2 Hydroelectric System Theories 8
2.1.3 Components Used 9 Solar Panel 9 Micro Hydroelectric Generator
10 Charge Controller 11 Battery
2.2 Literature Review
2.2.1 Overview of a Hybridized Power Supply
2.2.2 Renewable Energy from the Sun

2.2.3 Renewable Energy from Rainfall
2.2.4 Energy Potential in the Philippines
2.2.5 Peak Sun Hour in the Philippines
2.2.6 Rainwater Count in the Philippines
2.2.7 Integration of Solar and Rainwater Energy
2.2.8 Voltage Output of Micro-Hydroelectric Generator
2.2.9 Rainfall Intensity

3.1 Research Flowchart
3.2 Conceptual Framework
3.3 Product Design
3.3.1 Pictorial Sketch of the Prototype
3.3.2 Electrical Diagram of the Hybridized Power Supply
3.4 Materials and Components
3.4.1 Materials

3.4.2 Micro-Hydroelectric System Materials
3.4.3 Components and Specifications
3.5 Prototype Testing
3.5.1 Testing of Solar Panel
3.5.2 Testing of Micro-Hydroelectric Generator Based on Rainfall
3.6 Data Gathering Procedure


4.1 Prototype Design
4.2 Wire and Components Sizing
4.3 Solar Panel Output
4.4 Computation of Solar Panel Energy Output
4.4.1 Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 1
4.4.2 Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 2
4.4.3 Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 3

4.5 Micro-Hydroelectric Generator Output Based on Rainfall Intensities
4.6 Computation of Energy Generated by MHG Based on
Rainfall Intensities
4.6.1 Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 1
4.6.2 Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 2
4.6.3 Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 3
4.7 Energy Output Increase
4.7.1 Computation of Percentage Increase of Experiment 1
4.7.2 Computation of Percentage Increase of Experiment 2
4.7.3 Computation of Percentage Increase of Experiment 3


5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Recommendations



List of Tables
Table 1. Rain Classification in the Philippines 23
Table 2. List of Materials and Functions 31
Table 3. List of Components and Specifications 34
Table 4. Solar Panel Results 43
Table 5. Solar Energy Output Data 44
Table 6. Micro-Hydroelectric Generator Results on Light Rainfall 45
Table 7. Micro-Hydroelectric Generator Results on Moderate Rainfall 45
Table 8. Micro-Hydroelectric Generator Results on Heavy Rainfall 45
Table 9. MHG Energy Output with Heavy Rainfall 47
Table 10. Energy Increase with Heavy Rainfall 48

List of Figures
Figure 1. Climate Graph by Month in Cebu City 19
Figure 2. Research Workflow 24
Figure 3. Research Concept 26
Figure 4. Front View of the Hybridized Power Supply 27
Figure 5. Side View of the Hybridized Power Supply 28
Figure 6. Top View of the Hybridized Power Supply 28
Figure 7. Placement of Components in the Prototype 29
Figure 8. Schematic Diagram of Hybridized Power Supply 30
Figure 9. Micro-Hydroelectric Generator 32
Figure 10. Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe 33
Figure 11. Polyvinyl Chloride Coupling Reducer 33
Figure 12. Hybridized Solar PV System and MHG 38
Figure 13. Water Collected Using the Rain Gauge 46



1.1 Background of the Study

The energy crisis presents a formidable global predicament that needs

effective interventions. The depletion of limited natural resources that fuel

industrial societies is unable to meet the growing demand in the future. This

pressing issue has compelled technological capabilities to explore alternative

renewable energy sources. Energy-generating machines have been developed

to address the issues of energy consumption, rising fuel prices, and availability of

non-renewable natural resources [1]. Among the many advancements offered by

our present technology, solar energy and energy derived from hydro generators

stand out as promising options. Furthermore, these technological advancements

can provide alternative renewable energy sources for small-scale applications.

The Philippines is predominantly tropical and maritime, much like some

Central American nations, with high levels of heat, humidity, and precipitation.

The weather patterns in the country are largely influenced by three key factors:

temperature, humidity, and rainfall. These elements form the basis for the two

main seasons observed in the country: the wet season, spanning from June to

November, and the dry season, extending from December to May.

Based on the information provided by the Philippine Atmospheric,

Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), the

distribution of rainfall across the Philippines displays regional variations,

influenced by the direction of the winds and the positioning of the mountains.

Annually, the country experiences rainfall ranging from 965 to 4,064 millimeters

(mm) [2]. During the month of June, Cebu typically receives an average of

259.77 mm of rain, amounting to approximately 23 rainy days in the month, and

humidity is approximately 76% [3]. Moreover, as stated by PAGASA, Mactan

receives an annual average rainfall of 1564.5mm [4]. The rainfall count of the

country can be used as an opportunity to create a hybrid power supply involving

the rainwater energy produced by micro-hydroelectric generators.

Given the escalating energy costs, there is a growing trend of adopting

solar power solutions, particularly in Western countries. However, with the erratic

weather patterns attributed to climate change in the Philippines, the widespread

utilization of solar energy is impeded by concerns regarding its efficiency during

periods of rain or cloud cover, which deter potential investors. Consequently, the

researchers aim to address this limitation by proposing an approach that

optimizes the dual season of the country and combines the energy generated by

the solar panel with the energy generated by micro-hydroelectric generators

(MHG). Through this, the researchers could develop a hybrid power supply

capable of catering not only to small-scale applications but also to a diverse array

of applications.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

While going solar is a wise investment in the country’s tropical climate,

many potential users are concerned about the reliability of solar panels during

rainy days. The question of how solar panels in the Philippines are affected by

rain is straightforward but critical to understanding the system’s overall

performance. Although solar panels can still function on cloudy days due to the

sun’s ability to shine through the rain, the amount of energy produced is limited,

depending on the cloud cover’s density, making it less reliable. This study aims

to explore the possibility of hybridization of the energy acquired from solar and

rainwater using micro-hydroelectric generators and assess their efficiency and

reliability during inclement weather conditions.

1.3 Objectives

The main objective of the study is to assess the capability of a micro-

hydroelectric generator in terms of increasing its energy output. This study also

gives due consideration to the following specific objectives:

I. To design a prototype that effectively hybridizes solar energy and

rainwater energy using a PV system and micro-hydro generator;

II. To measure the energy output of the solar panel;

III. To measure the energy output of the micro-hydro generator with a

variety of intensities categorized as light, moderate, and heavy; and

IV. To assess the increase of the energy output of the overall system with

the additional energy output from the micro hydro generator compared

to the energy output of the solar PV system alone.

1.4 Scope and Limitations

The primary objective of this study is to determine whether the

implementation of a hybrid power supply prototype combining solar and rainwater

energy, with the utilization of components such as solar panel, micro-

hydroelectric generator, battery, charge controller, inverter, and energy

conversion devices can increase the energy output. This study focuses on the

analysis, assessment, and evaluation of existing technologies and their practical

applications in the real world. Specifically, this research is concentrated on the

hybridization of solar photovoltaic (PV) system and micro-hydroelectric

generator, emphasizing the probability of increasing its overall energy output.

This study mainly discusses the utilization of a micro-hydroelectric

generator as the primary device used in the generation of rainwater energy from

the roof to the gutter and the downspout pipe. The MHG will be tested in a

variation of intensities of rainwater. Moreover, flow rates and drop size

distribution (DSD) are factors that are excluded from the scope of the study.

1.5 Purpose of the Study

The study on the hybridization of solar and rainwater energy using micro-

hydroelectric generator is beneficial to the following:

 Environment. Micro-hydroelectric generators collect rainwater energy

combined with solar power, promoting environmental preservation,

reducing reliance on fossil fuels, mitigating climate change, protecting

ecosystems, supporting sustainability goals, and advancing a greener


 Homeowners. This hybrid device can be used by homeowners to cut their

reliance on conventional energy sources, minimize their utility costs, and

support a sustainable future. This device also offers dependable and clean

energy options, encouraging energy efficiency and environmental


 Future Researchers. This research paper and proposed product design

will constitute a significant contribution to the field and will provide a

substantial basis and a point of reference for future studies. This will serve

as a valuable resource for academics and professionals alike as well as

this will be beneficial to those who may have an interest in exploring this

area of study. The results can offer important insights into the

effectiveness, efficiency, and optimization of hybrid systems.

1.6 Definition of Terms

 Downspout - Refers to a pipe that carries rainwater from a roof

gutter to ground level without dripping or splashing down the

building structure.

 Gutter - a shallow through or channel that is installed along the roof

edge of a building structure.

 Hybridization - Refers to the combination of Solar and Rainwater

energy using PV system and Micro Hydro Generator.

 Inclement Weather - Refers to any extreme or severe weather

condition that can disrupt daily activities or pose a threat to human


 Micro Hydroelectric System - Refers to a small-scale hydroelectric

power plant that uses the natural flow of water to generate


 Rainfall Intensity – Refers to the rate at which rain falls on a specific

area over time.



2.1 Theoretical Background

The theoretical background of the study is anchored in two theories,

namely: solar panel theory and hydroelectric system theory. This chapter also

discusses the components used for the proposed hybrid device, solar and

rainwater energy utilization, and solar and micro-hydroelectric generator tests.

2.1.1. Solar Panel Theories

There are multiple theories related to solar panels, including the

photovoltaic effect, the single-diode theory, and the theory of multiple absorption

to name a few. This study highlights the theory of the photovoltaic (PV) effect

which explains the process by which solar cells convert sunlight into electrical


University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez (2013) pointed out that the PV effect

is a physical phenomenon that underlies the operation of solar cells or panels in

converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight, which is composed of photons, or

particles of solar energy, corresponds to varying wavelengths of the solar

spectrum. Photons can generate electricity which is explained by the process of

the transfer of energy from a photon to an electron in a cell’s atom. The electron

can move from its typical position within the atom and participate in the flow of

electrical current in a circuit [5].

2.1.2. Hydroelectric System Theories

The United States Department of Energy (US DoE) stated that

hydropower is an environmentally sustainable energy source that harnesses the

constantly replenishing system of water to generate electricity. Unlike infinite

resources such as fossil fuels, the water used in hydropower systems is not

consumed or diminished during the electricity generation process. Hydropower

facilities encompass a range of technologies, all of which tap into kinetic energy

present in flowing water as it moves downstream.

To convert this kinetic energy into electrical energy, hydropower systems

employ turbines and generators. As the water flows through the turbine blades,

the force of its movement causes the turbines to rotate. This rotational motion is

then used to drive generators, which produce electricity. The generated electrical

power is seamlessly integrated into the existing electrical grid, supplying homes,

businesses, and industries with a reliable and clean source of energy [6].

These theories provide an approach to a comprehensive framework for

comprehending the nature of hydroelectric systems and influencing decision-

making processes that aim to maximize the untapped energy while reducing

negative consequences.

2.1.3. Components Used

The proposed device in this study will utilize the following components: Solar Panel

Solar panels are large frames that house photovoltaic cells (PV) which are

electrically connected. These PV cells are composed of semiconductors. Upon

the incidence of photons, they exhibit three possible behaviors: reflection of the

cell, transmission through the cell, or absorption into the semiconductor

substance [7]. The absorption behavior is what contributes to the energy needed

to produce electricity. When the semiconductor substance is subjected to a

sufficient quantity of solar energy, electrons carrying a negative charge, move

toward the front of the surface of the cell creating an imbalance of electrical

charge between the cell’s front and back surfaces. The electrons are then

absorbed by the electrical conductors, wherein when connected to an electrical

circuit, electricity flows through. Additionally, solar panels are highly efficient and

reliable, with a lifespan of over 25 years. The use of solar panels as a

sustainable and renewable source of electricity production has gained significant

importance in recent years due to increasing concerns about climate change and

global warming.

9 Micro Hydroelectric Generator

Micro-hydro power generates electricity by using the energy of falling

water. Because water runs continuously throughout the day and night, a micro

hydro system requires significantly less battery storage than other systems [8].

Pati (2013) pointed out that micro hydropower utilizes the energy of falling

water to generate electricity. The material used is one of the simplest and

consistent forms of renewable energy. Pati also suggested that if there is a

presence of flowing water near the homes, one should consider building a small

hydropower system as it is a clean source of energy with a long tradition, but also

focuses on innovation [9].

Flow is the amount of water that can be gathered and redirected to power

the generator, while the head is the distance the water will fall on its route to the

generator. The greater the flow - that is, the greater the amount of water - and the

greater the head - that is, the greater the distance the water falls - the more

energy is available for conversion to electricity. Double the flow and power, then

double the head and power once more [10].

Hydropower is recognized as one of the cleanest forms of renewable

energy [11]. There are numerous methods to harness the power of water; for

instance, tidal flows can be exploited by constructing a barrage across an estuary

and controlling the release of water through a turbine. Large-scale dams store

water that can be utilized to generate substantial amounts of electricity.

Additionally, wave power is captured in a variety of ways.

10 Charge Controller

The charge controller is an essential component of a solar power system

that manages the flow of current from the solar panel to the battery bank. It

ensures that the batteries are charged and maintained at their optimal charging

levels, preventing overcharging and undercharging. Zhang and Yang (2019)

observed that it can also protect appliances connected to the batteries and help

extend battery lifespan. There are different types of charge controllers, including

shunt controls, single-stage controls, and multistage controls. Shunt controllers

prevent overcharging by disconnecting the batteries from PV arrays once they

are fully charged, and the excess power is converted into heat and dissipated

through heat sinks. Single-stage controllers switch off the charging circuit once

the batteries are fully charged, and then reconnect it once the batteries are

drained to a predetermined minimum level. Multistage controllers allow for

current flow when the batteries are low on power, and excess power is dissipated

as the batteries approach full power [12].

11 Battery

Batteries are commonly used in stand-alone applications to store energy.

They are also used for standby power and utility-interactive schemes. PV

batteries must be able to handle deep discharges and irregular charging

patterns, and some applications require the batteries to remain in a random state

of change for an extended period [13]. Among these, deep-cycle lead-acid

batteries are the most popular, and they come in two forms: flooded type with a

longer lifespan and valve-regulated with lower maintenance requirements [12].

 The flooded or vented type is the most familiar and is typically the

cheapest in the market. Overcharging can cause the conversion of

water into hydrogen and oxygen gas, which are released into the

atmosphere, necessitating regular maintenance [13].

 The valve-regulated type, on the other hand, is maintenance-free,

and the oxygen and hydrogen recombine within the battery. Excess

pressure is vented through valves, and proper charge control can limit

this effect. These batteries can handle deeper discharge cycles,

allowing for smaller battery banks and longer lifetimes. The two

technologies for valve-regulated batteries are Absorbed Glass Mat

(AGM) and Gel. Sealed batteries have the additional advantage of

being spill-proof [12,13].

2.2. Literature Review

This literature review provides an in-depth understanding of the use of

solar panels and micro-hydroelectric generators as technologies used in the

hybridization of solar and rainwater energy.

2.2.1 Overview of a Hybridized Power Supply

F. Eda et al (2022) confirmed that solar energy has many uses, but

production is hampered when clouds cover the sun when it rains. This restriction

can be circumvented by combining solar energy with other electricity-generating

sources, such as rain, to increase energy production [14].

A study conducted by Kalla et. al (2018) of a standalone microgrid power

system, which integrates wind, micro-hydro, and solar power plants into a single-

phase standalone grid system through a suitable voltage converter [15]. The

proposed system applied shear mode control to maintain the balance of energy

produced by the different power plants as well as to estimate the real power

output of the system. The study showed the improvement of the power quality of

the microgrid under linear and nonlinear loads and also ensured the optimum

utilization of renewable energy sources.

According to Kenfack et al. (2009), they elucidated the predicament of

hydroelectric power plants in Africa, which often encounter power shortages

during periods of high temperatures. Notably, these periods coincide with the

peak availability of solar energy. Therefore, combining these generators with

solar panels presents a sensible solution [16].

Y. Bicer and I. Dincer (2020) stated that an inverter is used in a hybrid

photovoltaic and wind energy system to supply the generated electricity to a

shared grid. Additionally, a grid connection system and an electricity storage

device may be shared by these two systems. Despite having a lower energy

density than alternative storage options, battery banks are nonetheless often

utilized today for energy storage. The integrated system outperforms standalone

systems in terms of capacity factor by merging solar and wind energy sources.

As the shared system is used for energy conversion, storage, and distribution,

the capital cost can also be decreased [17].

The study’s proponents combined the concepts from Eda [14] and

Kenfack [16] to enhance energy production by integrating solar energy with

rainwater energy. The hybridized prototype design drew inspiration from the

works of Kalla [15] and Bicer and Dincer [17]. The standalone hybridized

prototype incorporated an inverter, energy system, and controller to optimize the

utilization of harvested energy sources.

2.2.2. Renewable Energy from the Sun

Gong et. al (2019) indicated in a study on the advances in solar energy

conversion that due to solar energy’s inexhaustible supply, universality, high

capacity, and environmental friendliness, it is capable of being a promising

sustainable energy source [18].

A study on the future of solar energy in Saudi Arabia showed that solar

energy, with the use of a photovoltaic (PV) system successfully generated

electricity (Almsaoud, 2015). Moreover, the study focused on gathering

energy in Saudi Arabia’s peak hours from 12:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M., while solar

radiation is available from approximately 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Accordingly,

Almasoud indicated that by 2020, with the peak saving hours grid-connected

PV systems in conjunction with existing power generation systems will be able to

support the country’s national grid and meet expected required load [19].

This research study considered the procedure of Almsaoud [19] on

gathering energy from solar radiation. While Almsaoud considered a five-hour

window for gathering energy from solar radiation, this study utilized only one


2.2.3. Renewable Energy from Rainfall

In California and the United States, hydroelectric power is a key source of

electricity. Rainfall that has been collected in streams and rivers has been

converted into energy. The study compares the potential energy production from

precipitation failing on a home to the usual yearly electricity use of 6,000 to

10,000 kilowatt-hour (kWh) for a single household per year [20].

Jiang et. al (2013) expressed in the study water and energy conservation

of rainwater harvesting energy system in the Loess Plateau of China that

rainwater harvesting has the advantages of simple operation, high adaption,

consumes less energy, and has been widely used in agricultural production.

Results show that rainwater harvesting saved energy by 139.8% as compared to

the main water supply system [21].

A study evaluated by Molina et. al (2013) on the rainwater harvesting

system to generate energy from roof housing in urban and rural areas in Puerto

Rico which aimed to charge batteries for light showed that the proposed system

could produce 118 kilojoules of energy in only an hour of a rainstorm with a flow

of 44.34 liters per minute; which is enough to charge a cellphone [22].

The researchers combined the concepts from Jiang et. al [21] and Molina

et. al [22] considering that rainwater harvesting saves and generates a specific

amount of energy in the proposed system.

2.2.4. Energy Potential in the Philippines

The Philippines, characterized as an emerging economy, has experienced

a significant transition from an agricultural base to a more industrialized structure.

When examining energy consumption, it is evident that traditional fossil fuels,

specifically oil and gas, predominantly satisfy the nation’s primary energy

requirements. As per the data from 2011 regarding the Philippines’ primary

energy consumption, oil accounts for 31%, 20% for coal, geothermal for 22%,

biomass for 12%, hydro for 6%, and other renewable sources such as wind,

solar, and biofuel collectively contribute to 1% of the total energy consumption


The Philippines has been an outstanding global citizen in terms of

renewable energy usage, ranking second in the world in terms of geothermal

electricity generation as well as in total biomass power generation [24]. As it is

located in the Pacific Ring of Fire, it has a high geothermal potential. In terms of

electricity generation, 41.4% of the electricity demand is met by geothermal

energy, 28% by coal, 11.4% by hydro 15% by natural gas, and 0.1% by wind,

solar, and biofuel. However, in terms of installed capacity for power generation,

hydro is 63.2%, geothermal is 35.1%, biomass is 1.1%, wind is 0.6% and solar is

0.1% [23].

2.2.5. Peak Sun Hour in the Philippines

Peak sun hour is an important parameter in the field of solar energy since

it defines the potential output of a solar energy system in a given location. It is

expressed as kWh/m^2 (kilowatt hour per square meter) or MJ/m^2 (mega joule

per square meter) [25]. This is a significant component of solar energy systems

since it determines the amount of electricity that solar panels can generate.

The Philippines has a natural edge for solar growth due to its large

number of peak hours (4.5 to 5 hours on an average day) [26]. The primary driver

of demand for solar in the Philippines is the relatively high present cost of

electricity, along with the supply shortages caused by underinvestment in power


Based on [26], 4.5 to 5 hours is the average peak sun hour in a day. This

is the basis used by the proponents for the experimental testing of the solar

panel. However, the time frame used in this research study is only for an hour.

2.2.6. Rainwater Count in the Philippines

Rainwater counts are the quantity of rain that falls in a certain region [27].

This is a key consideration for agricultural and water management. The

Philippines has a tropical climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The country

experiences significant rainfall annually [28]. During this period, the Philippines is

affected by typhoons and monsoon rains, which can result in heavy rainfall and

occasional flooding in some areas. Through the help of PAGASA, they provide

accurate and precise information on the rainfall in the Philippines. PAGASA

provides weather forecasts, warnings, and other weather-related information for

the Philippines [28].

According to Climate Data Org, Cebu City is a city with significant rainfall.

Even in the driest month, there is a lot of rain. The climate in Cebu is classified

as Af by the Koppen-Geiger which means “Tropical Wet – a tropical climate

where precipitation occurs all year long.” The mean temperature prevailing in the

city of Cebu from 1999 to 2019 is recorded as 26.0 degrees Celsius or 78.8

degrees Fahrenheit, with about 1864 mm or 73.4 inches of precipitation annually.

Moreover, the month with the least precipitation is April exhibiting a mere 78 mm

or 3.1 inches rainfall while the month with the most precipitation is November,

averaging 214 mm or 8.4 inches [29].

The data acquired from PAGASA and Climate Data Org served as the

ground for the experimental testing done by the proponents to the micro-

hydroelectric generator. This study maximizes the chance of harvesting rainwater

energy as Cebu City is said to have rain all year.

2.2.7. Integration of Solar and Rainwater Energy

Renewable energy sources such as solar and rainwater energy are

becoming increasingly popular due to their environmental benefits and cost-

effectiveness. Kaya (2020) assessed the potential of solar energy and rainwater

utilization in the roof area buildings located in Izmit District, Kocaeli province,

Turkey. The study revealed that the PV systems installed on the rooftops can

provide electrical energy over the annual consumption of the district by

203.581%. Furthermore, an 8 square meter solar collector area can yield an

annual solar energy utilization rate of 66% for a family of four, enabling them to

heat 240 liters of water daily to 60 degrees Celsius. The study also found that the

total roof area of the existing buildings can collect rainwater sufficient to meet

33.27% of the domestic water demand in the area [30].

A study about enhancing the efficiency of power management in a

standalone electricity generation system by integrating hybrid solar PV-battery

technology with pumped-hydro-storage by Ismail et. al (2020) revealed the

feasibility of achieving environmental safety, reliable and low-cost power

generation. Additionally, the findings of the study highlighted the advantages and

impacts of incorporating hydro elements into the hybrid system, such as reduced

installed PV capacity, increased battery capacity, optimized power, and water

management strategies, and lowered levelized cost of energy [31].

The combination of hybrid solar PV-battery technology with pumped-hydro

storage illustrates the capability of producing environmentally safe, dependable,

and cost-effective power. These underscore the need to embrace renewable

energy alternatives to ensure a more sustainable future.

2.2.8 Voltage Generated from Micro Hydroelectric Generator

In a study conducted by Putra et. al (2022) on the utilization of an

Archimedes screw turbine system to design a portable micro hydroelectric

equipment that is capable of working on small-scale water discharge, The system

operates at a flowrate ranging from 0.1 to 1.1 cubic meters per second. The

power generated by the turbine is transferred to the generator at a ratio of 1:3,

which means that a single rotation of the turbine results in three rotations of the

generator. This process yields an average voltage output of 7.3 Volts DC. The

system used takes the form of a beam with dimensions of 80cm in length and

40cm in width. The turbine housing is inclined at an angle of 45 degrees and the

entire apparatus weighs 8 kg [32].

Carter (2023) conducted a study in harnessing energy from rainwater

in downpipes using micro-turbines. Their findings that in the United Kingdom, one

Gorlov turbine is capable of generating up to 7.21 V (DC) or 50.49 V under heavy

rain conditions. This amount of energy is sufficient to operate a mobile device or

a vacuum cleaner [33].

According to Oyebode et. al (2019) in their comparative study on the

performance evaluation between the Pelton Wheel and Cross Flow Turbines for

power generation, the Pelton wheel generated an optimum output voltage of 7.87

V while the Cross Flow Turbine generated an optimum output voltage of 4.05 V.

Furthermore, this shows that if adequately optimized, the Pelton wheel can

perform effectively at low heads [34].

The studies found in [32,33,34] highlight creative advances in harvesting

renewable energy via micro hydropower and rainfall turbines. These show the

high potential of producing power from small-scale water discharge and

precipitation. These concepts drove the proponents to study the capability of a

micro-hydroelectric generator to produce power that is from untapped renewable

energy sources.

2.2.9 Rainfall Intensity

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services

Administration (PAGASA) has established a classification system for

precipitation, segregating it into two primary categories: rain and rain showers.

Rain is defined by its persistent and steady nature, often enduring for an

extended period, typically several hours. The droplets constituting rain are

generally 0.5 millimeters (mm) or larger in diameter, although the size may

diminish if the rain is dispersed over a wide area.

In contrast, rain showers are characterized by their shorter duration but

heightened intensity. These precipitation events are typically associated with

convective clouds, specifically cumulus or cumulonimbus clouds. The defining

features of rain showers include sudden commencement and swift fluctuations in

intensity, which set them apart from extended rain occurrences [35].

The intensity of rainfall can significantly influence the performance of a

micro-hydroelectric generator. High-intensity rain showers, although brief, can

lead to a rapid increase in water flow. This surge can drive the turbine of the

micro-hydroelectric generator at a higher speed, potentially leading to a spike in

electricity generation. On the other hand, steady rain events, while less intense,

provide a consistent water flow. However, the overall electricity generation might

be lower compared to high-intensity rain showers due to the lower water flow.

Table 1. Rain Classification in the Philippines

 Scattered drops that do not completely wet
Very Light Rains
an exposed surface regardless of duration.
 The rate of fall is from trace to 2.5 mm per
Light Rains  Individual drops are easily identified and
puddles form slowly.
 Small streams may flow in gutters.
 The rate of fall is between 2.5 mm to 7.5 mm
per hour.
Moderate Rains
 Puddles rapidly forming and down pipes are
flowing freely.
 The rate of fall is greater than 7.5 mm per
 The sky is overcast, and there is a
Heavy Rains continuous precipitation.
 Falls in sheets, misty spray over hard
 May cause roaring noise on roofs.
 Heavy and continuous precipitation attributed
Monsoon Rains to either the Southwest or Northeast
Occasional Rains  Not frequent but is recurrent precipitation.
 Precipitation occurring extensively throughout
Widespread Rains
an area.
 Precipitation occurring regularly and often
Frequent Rains
throughout the time duration.
 Precipitation which ceases at times and re-
Intermittent Rains
occurs again.



3.1. Research Flowchart

Figure 2. Research

Figure 2 shows the flow of conducting this research study. The process

starts with designing the electrical circuit diagram. It is an essential procedure

that involves the creation and visualization of electrical components, connections,

and the interrelationships between them inside the proposed hybrid power

supply. During the experimental stage, the prototype was tested under the sun

for an hour while the micro-hydroelectric generator was tested under different

rainfall intensities for the same amount of time. The data collection phase

involves the accumulation and documentation of pertinent data and observations

from the tests for subsequent analysis. Once all the data are gathered, a

comprehensive set of data is obtained. This data serves as the empirical

foundation of the research study. The collected data is processed and calculated

in a manner that aligns with the objectives of the study, ensuring that the results

are relevant. Then, the researchers proceed to the analysis and evaluation of the

accumulated data. In this step, the collected data is analyzed to assess if the

experimental tests have fulfilled the predefined objectives of the study. Finally,

the ”End” stage signifies the culmination of the research. This schematic diagram

offers a structured visual depiction of the sequential steps implicated in the

development and evaluation of a hybrid power supply prototype, commencing

from the designing phase towards the assessment of the prototype’s


3.2. Conceptual Framework

Figure 3. Research Concept

The solar panel works by converting sunlight into electrical energy while a

micro-hydroelectric generator is a microturbine that is used to convert energy

from flowing or falling water into electrical energy. So, when these two systems

are combined, they can provide a more reliable and consistent source of

electricity, as the solar panel generates power during the day when there is

sunlight, and the MHG produces power when there is sufficient water flow, which

can be during rainy periods. This combination can be particularly useful in areas

with varying weather conditions.

3.3. Product Design

3.3.1. Pictorial Sketch of the Prototype

Figure 4. Front view of the Hybridized Power Supply

This figure presents a frontal view of the prototype, designed in

accordance with the study’s concept. It provides a comprehensive depiction of

the proposed prototype, complete with its dimensions.

Figure 5. Side view of the Hybridized Power Supply

Figure 6. Top view of the Hybridized Power Supply

Figure 7. Placement of Components in the Prototype

This figure shows how the components are being placed and connected in

the proposed prototype.

The upper left-most conduit is housing the connection from the solar panel

to the charge controller. Two conduits are connected to the output of the charge

controller, one is to the bulb while the other is connected to the breaker, which is

placed inside the panel board. The conduit below the panel board connects to

the battery. On the right side of the panel board, two conduits are observed. One

is connected to the micro-hydroelectric generator, while the other conduit houses

the connection of the bulb from the circuit breaker of the MHG.

3.3.2. Electrical Diagram of the Hybridized Power Supply

Figure 8. Schematic Diagram of Hybrid Power Supply

Figure 8 shows the wiring configuration of the components inside the

hybridized power supply.

Table 2 provides a comprehensive list of all the components that have

been utilized in the construction of the prototype. The table does not only

enumerates each component but also details their specifications. These are

significant as it provides insight into the design and operation of the prototype for

future references.

3.4 Materials and Components

3.4.1. Materials

The construction of the proposed device will require essential materials,

which will ensure that the acquired energy is substantial enough to power

electronic gadgets. Materials used for the making of the proposed device are:

Table 2. List of Materials and Functions

Serves as a protective device that
safeguards the loads from excessive
current or short circuits when
connected to a DC voltage source.
This harnesses the power of small-
scale water flow and transforms the
kinetic energy of flowing water,
primarily from rainfall, into electrical
An electronic device that mainly
3. DC-DC BOOST increases the voltage generated by
CONVERTER the MHG to balance the voltage
generated by the solar panel.
This regulates the voltage and current
coming from the solar panel to the
battery. This prevents overcharging
and the reverse current flow.
The battery is positioned after the
parallel connection of the charge
controller and the boost converter to
store extra energy generated by both
renewable sources. This can serve as
a backup system.
Shows visible light output that require
6. DC BULB 1.5 W low-power lighting solutions on DC
electrical systems.
7. DC CIRCUIT BREAKER 20 Provides critical protection against
AT overcurrent circumstances in DC
electrical circuits, and maintains the

system’s safety.
A housing that protects the breakers
in the system.

3.4.2. Micro Hydroelectric System Materials

This study utilizes the following materials in the construction of the micro-

hydroelectric system.

1. Goso F50-12V 10W Hydro Generator – this will be the main tool used to

generate electricity from rainwater energy.

Figure 9. Micro Hydroelectric Generator

2. 1-inch PVC pipe – this will serve as the downspout pipe attached to the

gutter from the roof that will be the path of the rainwater to the

hydroelectric generator.

Figure 10. Polyvinyl Chloride pipe

3. PVC Coupling Reducer – this will be the connector used to connect the 1-

inch pipe to the 1/2-inch micro-hydroelectric generator.

Figure 11. Polyvinyl Chloride Coupling Reducer

3.4.3. Components and Specifications

Table 3. List of Components and Specifications


 Peak Power (Pmax): 20W

 Power Tolerance: 0-+3%
 Voltage (Vmp): 18.2V
Solar Panel  Current (Imp): 1.11A
 Open Circuit Voltage (Voc): 21.7V
 Short Circuit Current (Isc): 1.22A
 Minimum Bypass Diode: 12A
 Maximum Series Fuse: 10A

Micro Hydroelectric  Output High Voltage: 12V

 Output Current: 0-150mA
Generator  Line Resistance: 10.5+0.5j
 Insulation Resistance: 10 Mega ohms

 Type: PWM
 Rated Voltage: 12/24 V
Charge Controller  Current: 30 A
 Standby Current: <10mA
 Working Temp: 35-60C
 Size: 190mm x 96mm x 45mm

Capacity Battery: 12V, 7.2Ah
 Model: XC12V7.2AH
Battery  Battery Core Type: Sealed Lead Acid
 Initial Current: Less than 2.16A
 Standby Use: 13.6 – 13.8V (25°C)
 Cycle Use: 14.4 – 15V (25°C)

Circuit Breaker
 Rated Voltage: 400V
 Rated Frequency: 50Hz
 Rated Current: 63A
 Poles: 2P+PE
 Rated Operating Current: 30mA
 Action Time: ≤0.1s

 Tripping Characteristics: Type C

 Integrated 80 milli-Ohn Power

 2V to 24V Input Voltage
 1.2 MHz Fixed Switching
Boost Converter
 Internal 4A Switch Current
 Up to 28V Output Voltage
 Loads up to 97% Efficiency

The components above are the list of components that will be used in the

construction of the prototype. The solar panel and the micro hydroelectric

generator will serve as the sources of energy, the charge controller will regulate

the parameters from the solar panel to the battery, the circuit breaker serves as a

safety precaution for the inverter and the loads not to be broken, and lastly, the

battery which stores the energy produced by the two sources.

3.5 Prototype Testing

3.5.1 Testing of Solar Panel

1. Set up the prototype and place it outside, preferably in an open area.

2. Connect the solar panel to the circuit breaker, the charge controller, the

circuit breaker, and the battery.

3. Turn on the circuit breaker for the panel.

4. Leave the prototype for 1 hour, from 11:00 A.M – 12:00 N.N.

3.5.2 Testing of Micro Hydroelectric Generator Based on Rainfall Intensities

1. Prepare the prototype, set up the hose with a sprinkler in a high-level

area, and set up the rain gauge beside the prototype which is placed on

the ground.

2. Turn on the faucet and make an improvised rain lasting for an hour.

3. After one hour, check the rain gauge and measure the water inside it. If

it is within the range of the specific intensity, proceed with the collection of


3.6 Data Gathering Procedure

The proponents of this study gathered the data individually. The solar

panel was tested during the peak sun hour at 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 N.N. The data

collected was based on the displayed values by the charge controller after

leaving it for 1 hour.

The data of the micro-hydroelectric generator was gathered from a series

of trial and error experiments on the rainfall intensity. After 1 hour, when the

precipitation measured in the rain gauge is within the range of the specific rainfall

intensity, the voltage and current are gathered using a multimeter. In getting the

voltage output of the micro-hydroelectric generator, a parallel connection was

made using the multimeter connecting the terminals of the tester to the output

terminals of the boost converter.

In getting the current output of the MHG, a series connection was made

starting with the MHG terminals being connected to the input terminals of the

boost converter. The negative output terminal of the boost converter is connected

to the negative terminal of the battery. On the other hand, the positive output

terminal of the boost converter is connected to the positive terminal of the

multitester. Lastly, the negative terminal of the multitester is connected to the

positive terminal of the battery.



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered during

the conduct of the research study.

4.1 Prototype Design

Figure 12. Hybridridized Solar PV System and MHG

This prototype is designed to harness energy from dual sources,

particularly solar energy and rainwater energy. The addition of the MHG in a

traditional off-grid stand-alone solar PV system will enhance the system’s

reliability and sustainability. With this integration, the system can harness energy

not only during sunny conditions but also during rainy periods. This dual

approach ensures a more consistent power supply, reducing the system’s

dependence on weather conditions.

4.2 Wire and Components Sizing

 Solar panel to Solar Charge Controller

The current going from the solar panels to the Solar Charge Controller

(SCC) must be considered while determining the wire size and MCB (Miniature

Circuit Breaker) rating from the solar panel to the SCC:

If= 1.25 x 1.22 x 1.25 = 1.91A

PEC continuous load safety factor: 1.25

Solar Panel Isc: 1.22A

PEC PV source safety factor: 1.25

Therefore, the researchers selected an American Wire Gauge (AWG) that

is safe to use for carrying the 3.8A adjusted current (20A * 1.9 IF). A wire gauge

of 14 AWG may be required, depending on the wire run's length and voltage drop

factors. For a 20A monocrystalline solar panel system, 14 AWG wires could be

used. What size to choose will depend on the installation specifications,

temperature, wire run length, and other factors. Using 14 AWG wire might add

safety buffer against voltage drop and heat buildup if you anticipate long wire

lengths or higher ambient temperatures.

 Solar Charge Controller to Battery

The appropriate wire size for connecting a 10A charge controller to a 2Ah

(amp-hour) battery:

If = 1.25 x 10 = 12.5 A

Solar Charge Controller to Battery: 10A

PEC continuous load safety factor: 1.25

Therefore, in connecting a 10A charge controller to a 2Ah battery, the

researchers utilized a 14 AWG duplex wire, which offer sufficient current-carrying

capability and guarantee effective power transmission. The length of the wire run

and any voltage drop concerns will determine which of these wire sizes is best.

14 AWG offers marginally less resistance and potential voltage drop over longer


 MHG to Step up Boost Converter

The appropriate wire size for connecting a micro hydro generator to a

step-up converter:

Current (I): 10A

Voltage (V): 12V


P = 10A × 12V = 120W

Therefore, the researchers use the AWG chart to locate the wire size that

can carry 120W in order to establish the proper wire size. 14 AWG wire can

manage up to about 15A based on common ratings, making it appropriate for

duplex wire applications. 14 AWG wire is suitable for connecting a 10A, 12V

micro-hydroelectric generator using duplex wire, according to calculations and

the AWG table.

 Step up Boost Converter to Battery

To determine the appropriate wire size for connecting a step-up boost

converter to a battery:

Maximum Current (I): 10A

Resistance of the wire (R): 0.1 Ω

VD = I × R

VD = 10A × 0.1Ω =1V

Therefore, assuming a maximum current of 10A and a short wire length,

the researchers makes use of a 14 AWG duplex wire to connect a DC boost

converter to a 2Ah, 12V battery.

 Circuit Breaker Size

To determine if the amper trip circuit breaker is suitable for a system with

a 20W mono solar panel, a 10W charge controller, and a 2Ah battery, we need to

consider the power ratings, current, and protection requirements.

Solar Panel Power (Psolar): 20W

Charge Controller Power (Pcontroller): 10W

Battery Capacity (Cbattery): 2Ah

System Voltage (Vsystem):12V

Psolar = Vsystem x Vsystem

20W = 12V × Isolar

Isolar = 20W / 12V = 1.67A

Itotal = Isolar + Icontroller + Ibattery

Itotal = 1.67A + 1.67A + 1.67A = 5.01A

To cater to the starting increases and transient loads, circuit breakers

usually have their trip current set slightly higher than the maximum predicted

current. Using a circuit breaker with a trip current of 1.25 to 1.5 times the

maximum predicted current is standard procedure. Let's perform this computation

with a safety factor of 1.5:

Itrip = 1.5 x Itotal

Itrip = 1.5 x 5.01A = 7.52A

To determine the amper trip of the circuit breaker for a 10W hydro

generator connected to a 2Ah battery, we need to calculate the maximum current

and consider safety factors.

Power (P) = 10W

Voltage (V) = 12V

Current (I) = P / V = 10W / 12V ≈ 0.83A

To provide sufficient protection against overcurrent scenarios while taking

startup surges and transient loads into account, the researchers have found that

a 20A trip circuit breaker is appropriate for this system.

4.3 Solar Panel Output

Table 4. Solar Panel Results

Temp. Voltage Current Power Time
Experiment Voltage
(°C) (V) (A) (W) (hr)
1 38° 14 – 15 14.5 1.3 18.85 1
2 42° 16.7 – 18 17.35 1.3 22.56 1
3 40° 15.3 – 16.5 16.9 1.3 21.97 1

The power computed from each experiment is by getting first the average

voltage since the data provided is a range of voltages produced by the solar

panel. Once the values are acquired, it is multiplied by the current.

In this table, the data shows that the voltage produced by the solar panel

is fluctuating while the current produced remains the same over the same period.

The first, second, and third experiments differ in temperature during

testing which also reflects on the different range of voltages gathered. Despite

the fluctuations, the current produced is the same, and the power generated may

not be equal, but have slight differences as well.

Moreover, the data also depicts that the voltage produced is directly

proportional to the temperature upon testing.

4.3 Computation of Solar Panel Energy Output

Table 5. Solar Energy Output Data

Power Time Energy
(W) (hr) (W-hr)
1 18.85 1 18.85
2 22.56 1 22.56
3 21.97 1 21.97

4.3.1. Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 1


E=(18.85 W )(1 hr )

E=18.85W −hr

4.3.2. Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 2


E=(22.56 W )(1 hr )

E=22.56 W −hr

4.3.3. Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 3


E=(21.97 W )(1 hr )

E=21.97 W −hr

These computations show that the solar energy output varies even under

presumably similar conditions. This may be due to a sudden change in weather

conditions or the angle of sunlight incidence. However, the energy generated is

consistently high.

4.4 Micro Hydroelectric Generator Output Based on Rainfall Intensities

Table 6. Micro Hydroelectric Generator Results on Light Rainfall

Voltage Current Power Time
(V) (mA) (mW) (hr)
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 1

Table 7. Micro Hydroelectric Generator Results on Moderate Rainfall

Voltage Current Power Time
(V) (mA) (mW) (hr)
1 0 0 0 1
2 0 0 0 1
3 0 0 0 1

Table 8. Micro Hydroelectric Generator Results on Heavy Rainfall

Voltage Current Power Time
(V) (mA) (mW) (hr)
1 8.88 2.64 23.23 1
2 8.87 2.63 23.33 1
3 8.53 2.47 21.07 1

The experimental data presented in Tables 6 and 7 reveal a critical

limitation of the micro-hydroelectric generator under study: it fails to generate any

measurable voltage or current under light and moderate rainfall conditions. This

was consistently observed across all three trials, each lasting for an hour. This

finding underscores the fact that these rainfall intensities are not potent enough

to drive the generator, thereby resulting in zero energy output.

Turning our attention to Table 8, a stark contrast can be observed in the

generator’s performance under heavy rainfall conditions. The generator was able

to produce voltages of 8.88V, 8.87V, and 8.53V in three separate trials, each

lasting for an hour. Correspondingly, the current measurements were 2.64 mA,

2.63 mA, and 2.47 mA. These results indicate that the generator’s efficiency

significantly improves under heavy rainfall conditions.

While it struggles to perform under light and moderate conditions, its

output is considerably enhanced during heavy rainfall.

Figure 13. Water Collected Using the Rain Gauge

The figure shows the water collected using the rain gauge during the

simulation of heavy rainfall, in which all of the water went beyond 7.5mm, and is

classified as heavy rainfall.

4.5 Computation of Energy Generated by Micro-hydroelectric Generator

Based on Rainfall Intensities

Table 9. MHG Energy Output with Heavy Rainfall

Power Time Energy
(mW) (hr) (mW-hr)
1 23.23 1 23.23
2 23.33 1 23.33
3 21.07 1 21.07

4.5.7. Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 1


E=(23.23 mW )(1 hr )

E=23.23 mW −hr

4.5.8. Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 2


E=(23.33 mW )(1 hr )

E=23.33 mW −hr

4.5.9. Computation of Energy Output of Experiment 3


E=(21.07 mW )(1 hr )

E=21.07 mW −hr

Based on the data presented in Table 9, shows that the micro-

hydroelectric generator has a relatively consistent energy output during heavy

rainfall conditions. The power output varies slightly between 21.07 mW to 23.33

mW over a constant period of 1 hour. This results in energy outputs of 23.23

mW-hr, 23.33 mW-hr, and 21.07 mW-hr for the three experiments respectively.

As for the data for light and moderate rainfall conditions, the voltages and

currents of all the experiments from the two intensities remained the same,

therefore, resulting in a zero power output for the said experimental tests. This

happened because the MHG was not able to generate a voltage and current with

the lower pressure of water flow.

5.9 Energy Output Increase

Table 10. Energy Increase with Heavy Rainfall

Energy Output Percentage
Experiment Solar Panel Increase
MHG (mW-hr)
(W-hr) (%)
1 18.85 23.23 0.1232
2 22.56 23.33 0.1034
3 21.97 21.07 0.1000

4.6.1 Computation of Percentage Increase of Experiment 1

%Increase=MHG /SP
%Increase=(23.23 ×10 ) /18.85


4.6.2 Computation of Percentage Increase of Experiment 2

%Increase=MHG /SP
%Increase=(23.33 ×10 ) /22.56


4.6.3 Computation of Percentage Increase of Experiment 3

%Increase=MHG /SP
%Increase=(21.07 × 10 )/21.97


Table 10 reveals an improved performance by the micro-hydroelectric

generator where it shows an increase in energy output when subjected to heavy

rainfall. Despite giving values, it is evident that the results of the experimental

tests are very low.

Continuing from this, it is important to note that while the energy output

values are indeed low, they represent a significant improvement. This suggests

that the micro-hydroelectric generator is more effective in harnessing energy

from heavy rainfall conditions.

For the data on light and moderate rainfall, since the experimental tests

did not produce a measurable value as output power, it can be stated that there

is no increase in the percentage of the energy output when subjected to such

rainfall conditions.

Despite varying the conditions, the energy output remained constant at 0

mW-hr, resulting in a percentage increase of 0% for all experiments. This

suggests that the current design of the MHG may not be effective in harnessing

energy from such rainfall intensities.



5.1 Conclusions

In conclusion, this research study underscores the potential of a

hybridized power supply in harnessing renewable energy sources, specifically

solar and rainwater energy. The results presented in Chapter 4 demonstrate the

robustness of the solar panel, maintaining a stable energy output across varying

rainfall conditions. However, the performance of the micro-hydroelectric

generator (MHG) is significantly influenced by the intensity of the rainfall.

The current design of the MHG and the system as a whole is not yet

optimized to effectively harness energy under all rainfall conditions. Notably, the

MHG does not show an increase in energy output under light and moderate

rainfall. This indicates a limitation in its ability to utilize these less intense forms of

rainfall as a reliable energy source.

While the MHG shows promise in harnessing rainwater energy, it is

evident that further optimization and design improvements are necessary.

Enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the generator could

potentially transform it into a more reliable and versatile source of renewable


This study opens up new avenues for research in the field of renewable

energy systems. Future work could focus on improving the design of the micro-

hydroelectric generator to increase its efficiency under varying rainfall conditions.

Additionally, exploring other renewable energy sources to integrate into the

hybrid system could further enhance its performance and sustainability.

Moreover, the findings of this study have significant implications for the

design of renewable energy systems. The observed limitations of the MHG under

less intense rainfall conditions highlight the importance of designing systems that

can adapt to varying environmental conditions. This adaptability is crucial in

ensuring the reliability and efficiency of renewable energy systems, particularly in

regions where rainfall patterns are unpredictable.

Lastly, this research contributes to the broader goal of transitioning

towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources. By

harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar and rainwater. The

hybridized power supply can help reduce reliance on fossil fuels, thereby

mitigating the environmental impact associated with traditional energy

production. This research study aligns with global efforts to combat climate

change and promotes the sustainable development of our societies.

5.2 Recommendations

The results of the research study were found to be suboptimal. Therefore

the study needs additional requirements, exploration, and enhancements.

i. In designing such a prototype, the size of the micro-hydroelectric

generator should be considered.

ii. It is also imperative to explore design modifications and optimizations

that could improve the MHG’s efficiency under varying rainfall


iii. To investigate existing alternative materials. Instead of using a micro-

hydroelectric generator, it is advised to explore other generators that

are suitable for rainfall energy harvesting as the MHG is not advised

for such rainfall intensities.


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Appendix A



November 26, 2023
Given the dual-climate nature of the Philippines, the performance and
reliability of solar panels during the rainy season have been a subject of
concern. To address this, a hybrid power supply was designed to harness
energy from both climates experienced in the country. The research
methodology involved testing a micro-hydroelectric generator based on the
intensity of rainfall for a specific period. The intensities considered are namely:
light, moderate, and heavy. The findings revealed that in the current design of
the MHG and hybrid system, the MHG can only produce at most a 0.12%
increase of energy in 1 hour when subjected to heavy rainfall.
• H02N 2/18: producing electrical • Solar, PV modules, solar panel
output from mechanical input, e.g.
generators (for measurement devices • Rainwater energy, solar panel,
G01) raindrop

• H02K7/00: Arrangements for • Mirco hydroelectric generator

handling mechanical energy
structurally associated with dynamo-
electric machines, e.g. structural
association with mechanical driving
motors or auxiliary dynamo-electric

• F05 2220/00: Application

• H02S10/00: PV power plants;

Combinations of PV energy systems
with other systems for the generation
of electric power

• H02J 7/00: Circuit

arrangements for charging or
depolarizing batteries or for supplying
loads from batteries.

• Y02B 10/00: Integration of

renewable energy sources in buildings

• Y02E 10.00: Energy generation

through renewable energy


Google Patent (solar) (micro-hydro generator) 3,140
((micro-hydro generator) OR (micro-
Google Patent 35,200
hydroelectric turbine)) (solar)
Google Patent (micro-hydro generator) (solar panel) 72,400
(hybridization) (solar PV system)
Google Patent 2,490
(micro-hydro generator)
(hybridization) (solar modules)
Google Patent 7,310
(micro-hydro generator)

(Solar modules) (micro-hydro
Google Patent 58,200
Google Patent (solar) (micro) (hydro) (generator) 2,850
ti all "rainwater energy" AND ta all
Espacenet 70
"solar panel"
ti all "water generator turbine" AND
Espacenet ta all 11
Espacenet ti all "raindrop" AND ta all "solar" 4
ti any "micro-hydro generator" AND ta
Espacenet 785
all "solar module"
ti any "rainwater energy" AND ta all
Espacenet 78,109
"solar energy"

Espacenet ctxt all "micro-hydro generator" AND 5

ta all "solar"


CN101892937 Micro-Hydro
Y 24.11.2010
A Generator
Electrical Grid
A Solar Harvesting 30.05.2012
Solar Energy for
A System 14.09.2021



The renewable energy
generated from natural
Energy Harvesting Using
sources such as solar,
X Raindrops Through
wind, wave, and rain is
Solar Panels
exclusively known as
green energy.


The invention can
Both use solar be operated both
panel. a plurality of day and night.
Both use micro- electrodes Invention is
hydro system. powered by Solar
S9136703B2 Both are powered
The prototype
Electrical grid by collected The context they
can be used day
solar harvesting power from Solar are employed.
and night
system Panel.
Operable for
Reflecting collecting and
Solar energy for Both used solar
concentrated reflecting
system panel
sunlight radiation concentrated
sunlight radiation
S7709730B2 Both used micro- The rain directly The prototype
hydro. hits the micro- can be used day

hydro generator. and night
The invention can
Energy use rain to
Harvesting Using generate
Both used solar
Raindrops electricity
Through Solar The invention has
Panels a two dual source
of energy



Signature and Date: June 26, 2023 Signature and Date: June 26, 2023

Complete Name: Complete Name:

Jonard C. Villamejor Vaughn Louise O. Olivo
Alden Klyne M. Ayuda
Vince O. Inot
Department: Department:
Institutional Research Code: EEJ104

Appendix B


20W Monocrystalline solar panel 1 1200 1200
12V 50W Micro-hydro generator 1 285 285
1.5 W DC bulb 3 180 540
Socket 3 25 75
FEEO 20A DC Circuit Breaker 3 400 1200
5.5 mm2 THW wire 5 35 175
Solar Charge Controller 1 500 500
Pylox Spray Paint (Black) 2 250 500
Electric Wire Molding Conduit 2 38 76
DC-DC Boost Converter Module MT3608 1 125 125
Electrical Tape 3 65 195
Panasonic Sealed Rechargeable Battery 1 650 650
XC:12V 7.2H
TOTAL 5,521

Appendix C


Appendix D


Appendix E


This is to certify that the Bachelor’s thesis entitled, “HYBRIDIZED SOLAR PV




JONARD C. VILLAMEJOR of the Electrical Engineering Department, has been

evaluated for originality using Turnitin last April 20, 2024 with class ID number

42570582 and enrolment key EE482-2-2324. The evaluation produced a

similarity index of ____. Below is the copy of the Turnitin Originality Report.

(insert result after final defense)

Engr. Jude David T. Badal

Instructor, EE482 – Research Project or Capstone Design Project 2

Appendix F






partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in

Electrical Engineering is hereby certified that it had undergone through

proofreading per that all grammars, punctuations, and spelling were scrutinized.

I affix my signature as proof.

Name with professional title (e.g. LPT, RN, Atty.)

Date: __________

Appendix G


Appendix H



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