TEMSMET 2020 Paper 60 Nikhil

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An efficient framework for classifying the Clothing

items based on fashion and fabric of the images

Suvarna Nandyal Nikhil S Tengli
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE, PDACE, Kalaburagi
PDA College of Engineering Assistant Professor, C&IT, REVA University, Bengaluru
Kalaburagi, India nikhil.tengli039@gmail.com

Abstract— In recent days classification of images over audio data in every field with equal number of processing
fashion domain has become fundamental research problem requirements. The coming up of huge sized image datasets
with lot of computer vision based applications. In most of the calls for optimal techniques for storing, searching, indexing
existing research image classification is done based on the and retrieving desired data at a faster speed. Target object
labels on the objects, however in the real world scenarios the recognition is one of the most popular and widely
images needs to classified into the labels based on the domain researched topics in computer vision field that has gained a
specific with proper guidelines, therefore the existing research lot of momentum. The goal of this topic is to recognize the
works fails in achieving the evaluation measures like objects belonging to the target object class based on its
classification accuracy, precision, recall and time take taken
for classification, Hence there is need of an efficient
frameworks that classifies the images based on fashion and Shape of an object is a visually distinguishable feature
fabric by addressing existing research problems. This paper that can be easily utilized for recognition task but it has its
presents an efficient framework for segmenting using grab cut own challenges like pose variations, occlusions in the scene,
techniques with the integrating the histograms of oriented lighting conditions, resolution etc. A number of methods are
gradients (HOG) and the speeded-up robust features (SURF) developed for achieving recognition of target based on
techniques. Whereas HOG technique is used to retrieve the shape cues. The basic means of object recognition involves
global features and SURF technique is used for the local
matching the extracted features of objects in the image with
features and then segmentation is done based on Scale-
a sample target object feature.
Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT) method that segments
the line, solve the incident scaling, changes in lighting This feature matching step is carried on all the objects in
condition and rotation between the two images, Later every test image to find potential target object present.
classification of the clothing images is done by using feature Search technique is included in object recognition
matching classification techniques, with proper text analysis methodology where the feature set extracted will be put to
the classification of images is done based on color and fabric comparison with the already extracted features of the target
of the image. The proposed technique is compared with object for easy and accurate recognition. To ensure good
existing multi-level classification technique to prove the
recognition rate, the features extracted must be
proposed framework is more efficient than existing works.
distinguishable well and relevant for the target object to be
With the proposed technique, we could able to achieve the
accuracy of 93% by varying the dataset of the images which recognized. A variety of techniques are available for the
is 10-15% more accurate than existing multi-level purpose of target recognition. Some of them are briefly
classification. described here. The most important points to be considered
in object recognition tasks are the extraction of features that
Keywords— Feature matching Classification, Speeded-up are independent of rotation and translation [3]. The shape
robust features (SURF), histograms of oriented gradients invariant feature-based recognition of target objects
(HOG), Scale-Invariant Feature Transform(SIFT), Fashion involves following three steps-
• Data Pre-processing
I. INTRODUCTION • Feature extraction
Image retrieval for e-commerce is an emerging field of
• Classification
research, which because of a huge commercial potential has
gradually attracted attention. Image retrieval technology In the first step, the input image is filtered using noise
combined with commerce can better play its inherent removal methods and processed to improve its quality for
advantages. Technically, commodity images generally have recognition purpose. Image processing aims to enhance the
obvious image features and clear background, making it image for obtaining good measures of its features. In the
easy to calculate feature operators and make similarity next step, feature extraction from pre-processed image is
comparison, thereby bypassing such core technical performed where the number and type of features extracted
problems as image semantic, greatly improving retrieval depends on the end goal of the research. The extracted
accuracy. From the market’s perspective, the user demand features of all input images in the dataset are stored in the
is huge, and image retrieval can improve retrieval accuracy database to be matched further for recognition of similar
and service diversification, enhance the core target. Thus, feature extraction plays an important role in the
competitiveness of enterprises and user shopping entire object recognition task that decides the performance
experience. Image retrieval can provide more accurate of the system developed
results to enhance user experience and improve search
efficiency. This paper presents an efficient framework that
classifies the images using feature matching classification
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of technique and the viable procedure in view of visual words
multimedia applications including text, images, video and

978-0-7381-4272-2/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

combination of SURF and HOG include descriptors with a a prolonged manual search. To measure the performance of
specific end goal to remove both neighborhood and the image retrieval system designed, the authors have
worldwide highlights from the images. Worldwide validated against three datasets- First set involves products
highlights are utilized to remove semantic data of the entire of clothing category from various online shopping websites
image, speak to image visual data in a smaller shape, and and the other two datasets are the images as well as video
perform better for those images that have the nearby visual frames of clothing obtaining from Internet users. The
closeness between visual substances. Worldwide highlights system is found to be feasible for real time application.
additionally perform better for different low-level
applications, for example, characterization and protest The application works on client-server architecture. The
identification, though neighborhood highlights are more client’s role is to present the end user with the graphical user
vigorous because of image portrayal as nearby fixes and interface asking query image dynamically. The client then
perform better in question acknowledgment based larger sends the final query formed to the server. Initially, an XML
amount applications. The execution of the proposed file is downloaded that includes the different product names,
procedure is likewise contrasted and the highlights their underlying category, and the focus masks.
combination of SURF-HOG descriptors, independent [7] In this work, the authors has developed a computer
SURF and HOG include systems in view of the BoVW vision system for efficient detection and classification of
philosophy. clothing images for e-shopping images. A combined
To enhance the strength and effectiveness, like the bits architecture involving convolution neural networks that
of writing [19, 20], we set our strategy as takes after. It right cover Residual networks, Squeeze Net and Single Shot
off the bat utilizes Harris corner location administrator to MultiBox Detector (SSD) is considered. The training
separate key focuses and after that develops coordinated experiments for detecting the clothing images was done on
diagram of removed focuses. Also, it portrays coordinated Deep Fashion dataset containing cloth location annotated by
line sections with SIFT highlight and matches them to rectangular box. The system was evaluated against various
achieve unpleasant coordinating of focuses. At long last, it cloth images available online on e-commerce sites. Ground
alters coordinating focuses and disposes of wrong matches truth for the image dataset were obtained using the online
through Ransac technique to achieve montage of images. shopping catalog containing metadata for five properties of
The entire structure of our strategy can be seen from Figure color, style, sleeve-type, neck design and hemline.
1. The technique proposed here has the accompanying Automatic annotation collection showed up mean rate of
significant preferences: (1) the depiction in light of 83% rate accuracy. In the analysis part, the authors have
highlights of work has solid heartiness for image turn, sought the effects of several improvements attempted like
twisting, and scaling; (2) the portrayal of coordinated line data augmentation under varying backgrounds, network size
section with SIFT highlights has certain strength for image increase and ensemble usage on the classification rate. Also,
lighting impacts and revolution; (3) harsh point the classification rate versus processing ease is computed in
coordinating by factual strategy could enhance coordinating this work. The most optimal network organizations for
exactness. accurately classifying the input clothing images are also
II. LITERATURE SURVEY The authors have carried out experiments by
This section discusses the related work in various papers incrementing the network model size gradually to test and
with respect to image retrieval in order to analyze the record the best possible classification results, but the
previous approaches and come up with a better system for computational complexity is compromised. Apart from a
designing a shopping guide with image retrieval using a single network, ensembles of 5 networks are considered.
mobile interface. The popular pre-trained Google Net classifier is used for
fashion textile classification by eliminating the last fully
[5] This paper introduced an effective visual word fusion connected layer and pre-training on the Image Net dataset.
technique based on the SURF and the HOG feature Image Net dataset is a huge sized image collection
descriptor. Here only partial segmentation is done for the containing around 1.2 million images with 1000 categories.
images based on the line and edge of image beams, this Fine tuning the last fully connected layer with the fashion
process is carried out with following features: image dataset collected is finally done. The system classifies
1. HOG method is applied for the better performance a training image into one of the classes from a possible 24
than features fusion of SURF fine grained classes.
2. The word fusion gives the accuracy around 84% [8] In this work, the authors have carried out a study on
using the support vector machine mobile phone-based image retrieval system for the design
of shopping guide for online shopping website. This guide
3. Partial segmentation done based on the fusion of helps in various items to be retrieved from the online
words. repository of products using mobile interface. The design is
[6] The authors have proposed a mobile app that works aimed at providing easy to use interactive methods and
in sync with a Content-Based Image Retrieval system for innovative layout for image retrieval so that the drawbacks
online shopping of fashion products. The application can of existing image retrieval systems are resolved. The
retrieve most matched products of a textile image given as developed system has a decent practical value and
an input. The proposed method works by manual selection simplicity.
of the product name by the end user framed by the camera [9] Here, the authors have developed a mobile interface-
image which is then sent to the server. Next, a search for based image search system producing the relevant web
image retrieval is initiated that automatically recognizes and pages on the Internet containing matching objects similar to
maps the object like the requested one reducing the effort of
the query image. Image matching produces very accurate 3. Classification of the clothing images is done by using
results when matching whole image or the scene is carried feature matching classification techniques, with proper text
out like landmarks etc. or also in cases where the object to analysis the classification of images is done based on color
be matched has a distinguishable outline. The authors have and fabric of the image.
devised an interactive interface to obtain a segmented object
boundary with shape matching algorithm to spot the desired 5. Finally we retrieve the similar images based on color
objects of interest on Web pages. and fabric of the cloths.

[10] In this paper, a novel Multiple-Instance Learning 6. Determine the accuracy of proposed method by
(MIL) based technique for image classification is described. Comparing with existing Multilevel Classification
The authors have extended the usual MIL method by Techniques.
incorporating DD-SVM, where a bag is labelled based on a IV. PROPOSED FLOW CHART DIAGRAM
few instances satisfying stated rules. Diverse Density (DD)
function is used for learning instance prototype categories The Flow Chart Diagram depicted in figure 1 describes
in a DD-SVM. Since every instance prototype is how the fashion items database is considered from various
representative of the class of instances to appear in bags e-commerce based applications and then applied with data
with a fixed label than in the unlabeled bags, a nonlinear pre-processing on the data set taken, feature selection of the
mapping to map each bag to a point in bag feature space is attributes for the input image and then classifying them
done. Support vector machines are used for training in the based on colour and fabric of the images, Finally accuracy
bag feature space. of proposed method will be measured by comparing with
existing multilevel classification technique.
[11] In this work, the authors concentrate on the task of
automatic woven fabric classification using a novel feature
extraction technique. The local binary pattern and the gray
level co-occurrence matrix features are initially extracted
for the fabric images in the data collection. To reduce high
dimensional feature information, principal component
analysis is performed. Support vector machine classifier is
employed for recognition of the fabric image. The method
is tested against three different types of woven fabric
categories namely plain, twill and satin weave fabrics.
The survey provides comprehensive analysis of research
work done so far in image retrieval techniques. Since the
accuracy of the methods used in the existing work are more
comparative and effective in detecting the object from the
images, these techniques can be used for our research work
in improving the accuracy for the detection of the images.
The proposed methodology of this work is presented as
1. Apply Pre-processing on the dataset using resizing
and cropping the input images.
2. Apply segmentation on fashion-based images using
Grab-Cut techniques which is an image segmentation Figure 1: Proposed Flow Chart for Fashion Item
method based on graph cuts. The SURF and HOG features Classification
are extracted for each image in the dataset. That extracts the
global and local features of the image, then SIFT feature is
applied to extract the line, solve the incident scaling, V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
changes in lighting condition and rotation between the two
The results are drawn in Matlab simulation toolkit-2016 thresholds (to detect strong and weak edges) and includes
for 750 images, using Feature matching based classification the weak edges in the output only if they are connected to
of images based on color and fabric of the input image. The strong edges described in figure 2. This method is therefore
segmentation is done based on Edge detection is an image less likely than the others to be affected by noise, and more
processing technique for finding the boundaries of objects likely to detect true weak edges.
within images. It works by detecting discontinuities in
brightness. Edge detection is used for image segmentation Then extracting the shape features using SURF
and data extraction in areas such as image processing, technique is used for the extraction of local features and
computer vision, and machine vision. HOG feature descriptors is carried out for better
performance than features fusion of SURF. This paper
The most powerful edge-detection method that edge presents a novel image mosaic method based on SIFT (Scale
provides is the canny method, Canny method differs from Invariant Feature Transform) feature of line segment
the other edge-detection methods in that it uses two different described in figure 3, aiming to resolve incident scaling,
rotation, changes in lighting condition, and so on between
two images.
Geometric Feature Extraction is done by using
Multimarked Point Process, a new stochastic marked point
process for describing images in terms of a finite library of
geometric objects described in figure 4.

Figure 5: Segmentation of an image based on fabric of cloth


Accuracy Proposed
Figure 2: Segmentation of image by Extracting the Edge Feature
features of an image 60
40 Classification
0 Classification
250 500 750

Number of Images
Figure 6 describes different of images considered vs.
classification accuracy for the proposed feature matching
classification and comparing with existing multilevel
Figure 3: Segmentation of image by Extracting the Shape classification
features of Image


This paper presents an efficient framework for
classifying the images based on the color and fabric of the
images using both the segmentation and the classification
technique. First segmentation of the images is done using
speeded-up robust features (SURF) and histograms of
oriented gradients (HOG) feature descriptors, then apply an
image mosaic method based on Scale-Invariant Feature
Transform(SIFT) feature for line segment, aiming to resolve
Figure 4: Segmentation of image by Extracting the Line incident scaling, rotation, changes in lighting condition,
features of Image Finally classification of the clothing images is done by using
feature matching classification techniques, with proper text
analysis the classification of images is done based on color
and fabric of the image. With the proposed technique, we
could able to achieve the accuracy of 93% by varying the
dataset of the images which is 10-15% more accurate than
existing multi-level classification. In the future, this
classification can be directly applied over real time e-
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