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Individual Learning Portfolio. In your own words, (minimum of 30 words each question)

1. Differentiate the four types of business organization


1. Sole Proprietorship
- Owned and operated by a single individual.
- Simplest and most common form of business.
- Owner has complete control but is personally liable for business debts.

2. Partnership
- Involves two or more individuals sharing ownership and responsibilities.
- Partners share profits and losses.
- Types include general partnership (equal sharing) and limited partnership
(some partners have limited liability).

3. Corporation
- A legal entity separate from its owners (shareholders).
- Limited liability protects shareholders' personal assets.
- Managed by a board of directors, with ownership through shares of stock.

4. Cooperative
- Owned and operated by its members, who share profits and benefits.
- Members actively participate in decision-making.
- Types include consumer cooperatives (owned by consumers) and worker
cooperatives (owned and managed by employees).

2. Identify the basic issue that must be resolved in defining the internal structure of
the organization.

The Internal Organization Structure isn’t set until its business model is selected.
The internal structure of an organization outlines the duties and roles assigned to
each staff member within the company. The organization structure of an
organization is determining the optimal arrangement of roles, responsibilities, and
relationships among its members. This involves establishing a clear hierarchy,
defining reporting lines, and allocating tasks to ensure efficient workflow and
effective communication within the organization. The goal is to create a structure
that aligns with the organization's objectives, facilitates coordination, and
promotes productivity among its members.

3. Differentiate the three types of internal organizational structure.


Flat Structure is recommended for sole proprietorship and partnership with

few employees. There are only two or three reporting levels. It accelerates
decision-making by empowering employees to make decisions. Bureaucracy is
reduced. Productivity has improved. A lower management budget is needed.

The Department-Focused Structure is applicable to CORPORATE

ENTITIES, and the work to be done is divided into different functions. Values
teamwork in achieving its objectives and goals.

Product Focused Structure emphasizes the importance of the business's

product. All efforts are made to provide customers with high-quality products or
services. A product-focused structure's primary concern is to improve product
quality. Large retail corporate stores frequently adopt corporate form with very
strong leadership teams across several functional areas.

4. What are the different activities to be undertaken in determining the staffing

requirements of an organization?

The various activities are determining the appropriate number of employees

that the organization requires. Recruiting employees who meet the job
requirements in terms of education, knowledge, training, experience, skills, and
abilities. Also, employees are being deployed and retrained.

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