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UK Junior Mathematical Olympiad 2012 Solutions A7 4

A1 266 1 + 4 + 27 + 256 − (1 + 8 + 9 + 4) = 288 − 22 = 266.

A2 200ml The remaining 40% has volume 80ml. So 10% of the volume is 20 ml and 100% of
the volume is 200ml.

A3 27° Let ∠ACD be x°. Then ∠CDB is 3x°.

Then, from the straight line ADB, ∠ADC is (180 − 3x) °. Colour four cells of the 5 by 5 grid black, as shown in the first diagram.
Consider the triangle ADC with angle sum 180°, 84 + x + (180 − 3x) = 180, so x = 42. Then any shape placed on the grid must cover a black cell, no matter how the shape is
Hence ∠BCD = ∠DBC = 12 (180 − 3x) ° which is 27°. placed. But there are only four black cells, so the maximum number of shapes that
Alternative: Label ∠ACD as x°, which gives ∠CDB as 3x°. Then using the property may be placed is four. There are many ways in which this maximum can be achieved,
that an exterior angle is the sum of the two opposite interior angles, we have the such as the one shown on the right.
equation 3x = x + 84, giving x = 42.
Hence, as above, ∠BCD = ∠DBC = 12 (180 − 3x) ° which is 27°.
A8 128 Nine-sixteenths of the total club members are adults and seven-sixteenths are junior.
So two-sixteenths of the total, the difference between the number of adults and juniors,
is sixteen. Thus one-sixteenth of the total membership is 8.
A4 8 Let the number of books bought be b and the number of magazines bought be m.
Then (working in pence): 2300 = 340b + 160m. This simplifies to 115 = 17b + 8m (*). The total membership is therefore 16 × 8 = 128.
But 17 × 7 = 119 which is greater than 115 so we know b < 7 and we can also see
from (*) that b must be an odd number. Hence b = 1, 3 or 5.
A9 92 x 71
If b = 1 then 115 = 17 + 8m so m = 98 / 8 which is not a whole number. We require > , that is 7x > 639, that is x > 91 27 .
9 7
If b = 3 then 115 = 51 + 8m so m = 64 / 8 = 8.
If b = 5 then 115 = 85 + 8m so m = 30 / 8 which is not a whole number. x 113
We require < , that is 11x < 1017, that is x < 92 115 .
Therefore the only possible value of b is 3 which gives m = 8. 9 11
Since x is an integer, x = 92.

A5 An integer is divisible by 3 when the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.

1112233 Since 2 × (1 + 2 + 3) = 12 is divisible by 3, the digits 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 are not A10 269 Suppose N is ‘abc’.
sufficient. For the smallest possible integer, we choose an extra ‘1’. Then a is at least 2, otherwise the product is at most 1 × 9 × 9 = 81, and so does
The small digits must be at the front to have the smallest integer overall. So the not have three digits.
smallest integer made from these digits is 1112233. Consider numbers of the form ‘2bc’. Then b is at least 6, otherwise the product is at
most 2 × 5 × 9 = 90, and so does not have three digits.
Consider numbers of the form ‘26c’. Then c is at least 9, otherwise the product is at
A6 5cm Let the short sides of the rectangles be x cm and x y most 2 × 6 × 8 = 96, and so does not have three digits.
y cm. Now the product of the digits of 269 is 2 × 6 × 9 = 108, so 269 is the smallest
So the side of the square is (x + y) cm. value of N .
Then the total perimeter is 6 (x + y) cm. x + y
The side of the square is therefore 30/ 6 = 5 cm .
B1 There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had 9 children at regular intervals of 15
months. The oldest is now six times as old as the youngest. How old is the youngest child?

Let the youngest child be aged x years. Then the oldest child's age is x + 8 × 12 = x + 10.
So x + 10 = 6x. Then 5x = 10. Thus x = 2, so the youngest child is 2.

B2 Anastasia thinks of a positive integer, which Barry then doubles. Next, Charlie trebles
Barry's number. Finally, Damion multiplies Charlie's number by six. Eve notices that the
sum of these four numbers is a perfect square. What is the smallest number that Anastasia
could have thought of?

Let Anastasia's integer be a. Then the four numbers are a, 2a, 6a and 36a. The sum of
these numbers is 45a. Now 45 = 3 × 3 × 5 = 9 × 5. So 45a being a square means that
5a must be a square because 9 is already a square. So to be the smallest, 5a must be 25. Thus
the smallest a is 5.

B3 Mr Gallop has two stables which each initially housed three ponies. His prize pony, Rein
Beau, is worth £250 000. Usually Rein Beau spends his day in the small stable, but when he
wandered across into the large stable, Mr Gallop was surprised to find that the average value
of the ponies in each stable rose by £10 000. What is the total value of all six ponies?

At the start, let the value of the three ponies in the small stable be £ (s + 250 000) and the
value of the other three ponies in the large stable be £ l .
s s + 250 000 l + 250 000 l
Then − = 10 000 and so s = 560 000. Also − = 10 000 and so
2 3 4 3
l = 630 000.
Therefore the total value of all six ponies is £ (s + l + 250 000) = £1 440 000.

B4 An irregular pentagon has five different interior angles

each of which measures an integer number of degrees.
One angle is 76°.
The other four angles are three-digit integers which fit
one digit per cell across and down into the grid on the
In how many different ways can the grid be
The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is 540°.
The remaining four angles therefore add to 464°.
The integer 1 must appear in both top corners and in the left-hand bottom corner. We see that
we need to find integers a, b, c, d and y all less than or equal to 9 so that
‘1a1’ + ‘1by’ + ‘1cy’ + ‘1d1’ = 464. So 1 + y + y + 1 = 4 or 14 since y is at most 9.
Consider 2 + 2y = 4, then y = 1 and we now need
1 a 1
to find different single digit integers a, b, c and d so
that a + b + c + d = 6. The only possible values of
a, b, c, d are 0, 1, 2, 3. There are four ways of d b
choosing a, then three ways of choosing b, then two
ways of choosing c and only one way then left for d . 1 c y
In this case, there are 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24 ways of
completing the grid.
Consider 2 + 2y = 14, then y = 6 and we now need to find a + b + c + d = 5 with
a ≠ d and b ≠ c. The only possible sets of integers are 0, 0, 1, 4; 0, 0, 2, 3; 0, 1, 1, 3 and
0, 1, 2, 2. Each of these sets can be used in 8 ways. For example,
a 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4
b 0 0 1 4 0 4 0 1
c 1 4 0 0 4 0 1 0
d 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 0
making a total of another 32 ways.
Altogether, there are 56 possible ways of completing the grid.

B5 Three identical, non-overlapping squares ABCD, AEFG, AHIJ (all labelled anticlockwise) are
joined at the point A, and are ‘equally spread’ (so that ∠JAB = ∠DAE =∠GAH). Calculate

Since the squares are ‘equally spread’ C
∠JAB = ∠DAE = ∠GAH = 30°. Hence
∠GAB = ∠GAH + ∠HAJ + ∠JAB
= 30° + 90° + 30° = 150°. Triangle D
GAB is isosceles since GA = GB.
Therefore ∠GBA = ∠BGA = 15°. E
Similarly ∠HAB = ∠HAJ + ∠JAB
= 90° + 30° = 120°. Triangle BAH is A
isosceles since BA = HA. Therefore J
∠AHB = ∠ABH = 30° which gives
∠GBH = ∠ABH − ∠GBA = 30° − 15° = 15°.

Observe that the diagram is not the only

valid arrangement so the answer of 15° is
not unique. G
B6 The integer 23173 is such that
(a) every pair of neighbouring digits, taken in order, forms a prime number;
and (b) all of these prime numbers are different.
What is the largest integer which meets these conditions?
No two-digit prime ends in 5 or an even digit, so that 2, 4, 6, 8 or 5 can only appear as the
first digit of the required number.
There are ten two-digit prime numbers with two odd digits that do not include 5. We may list
them in a table, putting those with the same first digit in the same row, and those with the
same second digit in the same column:
11 13 17 19
31 37
71 73 79
Now any 12-digit number which contains all of these ten primes and has a digit 2, 4, 6, 8, or 5
at the front will clearly be larger than any failing to do so. And no number of the required
form can have more than 12 digits. Let us assume that we can find a number of this form, that
is, containing all ten primes in the table and with first digit 2, 4, 6, 8, or 5, and try to construct
the largest such number.
Notice that any digit x not at an end of the number corresponds to two primes ax and xb, so
that the digit x is both the first digit of a prime and the second digit of a prime.
From the table, we see that the digit 1 occurs four times as a first digit, and only three times
as a second digit, so that if we are to use all these primes, one of those of the form ‘1_’ does
not appear as part of a pair from the table. The only possible way this can happen is for the
number to start ‘d1_’, where d is 5 or even.
Similarly, for all the primes containing a digit 9 to appear, the number has to end ‘_9’.
Now the largest prime of the form ‘d1’, where d is 5 or even, is 61. And the largest number
of the form ‘61e’ with ‘1e’ prime is 619. This leaves 79 as the only possible last pair of
digits. So we now have a number of the form 619 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 79. From the table the only
option now is to use 97 at the start, giving a number of the form 619 7 _ _ _ _ _ _79.
To have the largest possible answer, there is only one choice for the digit before the 7 at the
end, so we have
619 7 _ _ _ _ _ 179.
We may continue to add the largest possible digit to the end of those at the start. The
sequence continues:
619 73 _ ___ 179
619 737 ___ 179
619 737 1__ 179
619 737 13 _ 179
619 737 131 179
The final number uses all ten primes from the table, together with the largest possible first
digit of the numbers that do so. When constructing the number, we have also used the largest
possible next digit at each stage.
Therefore 619 737 131 179 is the largest number of the required form.

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