Naskah Drama - Ananda F

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Naskah Drama

“ Arti Kehidupan “



Jl. Kapin Raya No.3, RT.9/RW.8,
Pondok Kelapa Kec. Duren Sawit, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13450

1. Nama Kelompok :
 Ananda Fitriyaningsih
 Andini Cahya Duhita
 Ida Purwati
 Nasifa Aulia Rahma
 Salsabila Ayu. M
 Zahwa Aulia

2. Properti :
 Taplak Meja
 Kain Putih
 Buku tulis ( buku menu )
 Kacamata
 Meja

3. Kostum : Memakai baju santai tapi sopan ( kemeja dan celana )

Naskah Drama :


Tokoh : Salsa, Andini, Zahwa, Nasifa, Ananda, dan Bapak Ida

Tema : Kehidupan dan Persahabatan
Alur : Maju
Latar Waktu : Sore dan Malam Hari
Latar Tempat : Cafe, jalanan dan Rumah sakit
Latar Suasana : Gembira dan sedih
Sinopsis : Persahabatan antara Salsa, Andini, Zahwa, Nasifa, dan sudah terjalin sejak mereka
kecil. Mereka adalah keluarga yang terkenal kaya raya dan mempunyai orang tua yang
punya jabatan tinggi. Sejak kecil mereka hidup mewah dan serba ada, sehingga sampai
mereka usia dewasa juga mereka membentuk sebuah kumpulan yang bernama All Star
Setelah beberapa tahun mereka bersahabat, pada waktunya salah seorang dari mereka
tertimpa musibah yang luar biasa, yaitu orang tuanya terjerat kasus korupsi yang
mengakibatkan semua hartanya di rampas oleh pihak yang berwenang. Bagaimana kehidupan
mereka selanjutnya ?

Sunday night is a night that every young person is waiting for, at that time Salsa, Andini ,
Zahwa, Nasifa, were enjoying Sunday night, since the afternoon. They gathered at a famous
cafe in the center of Jakarta. All Star was the name of their group, on this day Salsa wanted to
treat all his friends.

Andini : Guys, just order everything here later I will pay for it, just make sure you are
happy tonight, don't let our eyes realize, cultivate our eyes red.

Nasifa : Your father just got paid, Din?

Andini : Yes, Nas, what do you want to treat?

Zahwa : Obviously want dong ball if free mah no one refuse

Salsa : Eh, but how about I treat you guys tonight?

Andini : Seriously Sal?

Nasifa : It's free who wants to treat

Zahwa : AGREE

Salsa : I got a transfer from my father today.

Andini : Wihh, let's order yes.

Nasifa : Thanks Joo

Salsa : yoi relax, rich with anyone.

Finally, the four of them ordered the food and drinks they liked. While eating the food that
had been served, Salsa suddenly received an incoming call.

Salsa : Hold on guys, my father is on the phone, maybe he wants to transfer money.

Zahwa : Pick up first, Sall.

Salsa : Hold on, guys.

Salsa went outside and immediately picked up the phone from his father.

Salsa : Hello pah, why

Ida Father : Where are you right now Jo?

Salsa : hanging out with friends pah.

Ida Father : I want to give you important information.

Salsa : What important info pah

Ida Father : So here's the thing Sal, Father was caught in a corruption case and now all of
our assets have been confiscated by the authorities.

Salsa : HAHHH Seriously?!!!! Where will we live then?

Ida Father : Sorry son, we will live in a rented house for now.

Salsa : What the heck dad, I'm hanging out with friends, can't pay for it?

Father : Ida Father 's credit cards have all been blocked , so you can't transfer to you

Salsa : So what do you do?

Father : Just tell your friends that you've been hit by a disaster.

Salsa : I can't do that, dad, I'm embarrassed.

Not long after, Salsa came over to the table where they were sitting after receiving a call from
his father.

Nasifa : Why Sal? Why did you come here with your face bent like that?

Zahwa : Yes, what's wrong Sal? Did you get the transfer?

Andini : You know, if there's a problem just tell me Sal

Salsa : So this is how guys, my house, car, family savings are all gone. I was forced to
live in rented accommodation because my father was involved in a corruption case and all my
assets have been confiscated by the authorities.

Andini : Huh? Really Joo

Nasifa : So does that mean you're already poor Sal?

Zahwa : answer Sal, don't just stay silent.

Andini, Nasifa, and Zahwa made tense faces and looked displeased at Salsa who was just
looking down.

Salsa : Now that I have nothing left, you guys still want to be friends with me, right?
We've been friends since we were kids.

Andini : Huh? Are we friends again with you? Gasalah?

Zahwa : You better go home now, see to your exit.

Salsa : I'm really disappointed with you guys, I thought this friendship was
meaningful, but when I fell into poverty you didn't think anything of me.

Andini : Poor people are not our circle, Hahaha.

Salsa got up from his chair, then looked sadly at his friends. Then he left them and walked
out of the cafe.

Nasifa : Salsa is crazy when we are told to consider him a friend, his life is already
difficult, it will be even more difficult.

Zahwa : I'm really lazy because of Salsa, let's just move.

Nasifa : Let's just move.

They then immediately got ready to move. However, on the other hand Salsa slipped on one
of the cafe stairs

Nasifa : Om, Ananda's sister forgives us, we should be able to support Salsa as
friends, instead of being distant.

Zahwa : Yes, ok and Ananda, we apologize, because we can't be a good friend for

Andini : It's our fault, we can't accept Salsa with the financial condition of Salsa's
family like this.

Ananda : It's okay, this is all God's destiny. Salsa can't accept all this, because since
childhood he has been accustomed to living well and luxuriously.
Father : Yes, these children are also wrong, because you have committed corruption in
the office and made Salsa depressed. You don't need to feel guilty, this is purely your fault.

Nasifa : We as friends should be able to support Salsa so that he can be strong with all

Zahwa : yes, it's true but it's too late.

Ananda : there is no need to regret this, just one thing you have to do, change your life for
the better!!!

Father : you must be able to change into a better person, keep away all the negative

After the incident they became aware of the importance of life, the importance of establishing
friendships, maintaining togetherness, and learning to respect others.

Moral of the story

 Friends don't disappear when trouble comes, but take your hand and face it together.

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