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Definition of SUSTAINABLE

1 : capable of being sustained 2 a : of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged <sustainable techniques> <sustainable agriculture>b : of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods <sustainable society>
sustainability noun sustainably adverb

See sustainable defined for English-language learners


1. <a line of argument that is probably not sustainable in a public forum against skilled debaters> 2. <has no sustainable claim to the property without a deed or some other document>

Definition of IMPACT

transitive verb 1 a : to fix firmly by or as if by packing or wedgingb : to press together 2 a : to have a direct effect or impact on : impinge onb : to strike forcefully; also : to cause to strike forcefully intransitive verb 1 : to have an impact often used with on

2 : to impinge or make contact especially forcefully

impactful adjective impactive adjective impactor also impacter noun

See impact defined for English-language learners See impact defined for kids
Examples of IMPACT

1. No one is sure how these changes will impact our relations with other countries. 2. Both events negatively impacted her life. 3. The tax increase will impact low-income families the most. 4. The poor economy is impacting on small businesses. 5. A crater was formed at the point where the meteorimpacted the planet's surface.
Origin of IMPACT

Latin impactus, past participle of impingere to push against more at IMPINGE First Known Use: 1601
Related to IMPACT

Synonyms: 1affect, impress, influence, move, reach,strike, sway, tell (on), touch Antonyms: dislodge, root (out), uproot

Rhymes with IMPACT

abstract, attract, class act, compact, contact, contract,crookbacked, detract, didact, diffract, distract, e nact,entr'acte, epact, exact...


Definition of IMPACT

1 a : an impinging or striking especially of one body against anotherb : a forceful contact or onset; also : the impetus communicated in or as if in such a contact 2 : the force of impression of one thing on another : a significant or major effect <the impact of science on our society> <an environmental impact study> See impact defined for English-language learners
Examples of IMPACT

1. No one could have survived such an impact. 2. These warnings have been heard so often that they have lost their impact. 3. The book had a huge impact when it first came out. 4. We need to be concerned about the environmentalimpacts of all this construction. 5. She expects to make an immediate impact at work.

Definition of PERFORMANCE

1 a : the execution of an actionb : something accomplished : DEED, FEAT 2 : the fulfillment of a claim, promise, or request :IMPLEMENTATION 3 a : the action of representing a character in a playb : a public presentation or exhibition <a benefitperformance> 4

a : the ability to perform : EFFICIENCYb : the manner in which a mechanism performs <engineperformance> 5 : the manner of reacting to stimuli : BEHAVIOR 6 : the linguistic behavior of an individual : PAROLE; also : the ability to speak a certain language compare COMPETENCE 3 See performance defined for English-language learners See performance defined for kids

1. This evening's performance will start at 8 o'clock. 2. The hall is usually used for orchestra performances. 3. The critics loved her performance as the villain. 4. A supervisor will evaluate each employee's performance. 5. employees with strong job performances 6. Employees are given an annual performance assessment. 7. The gas additive improves engine performance. 8. an increased level of performance 9. We've introduced new performance levels.

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