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■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

Contents Issue 2
Open Game License ........................2 June, 2005
Written by: Michael Hammes
The Adventures ...............................4 Editing and Development by:
Triple Threat.........................................4 Philip Reed and
Michael Hammes
Summary....................................................................4 Cover by: Danilo Moretti
Set-Up..........................................................................4 Interior art by:
Adventure..................................................................5 Rudolf Montemayor
Layout by: Philip Reed
Rewards.......................................................................7 Advertisers in this Issue:
Supporting Cast......................................................7 Blackwyrm Games
Cracked Mirror Publishing
It Came From the Late Show...........11 Devil’s Workshop
Set-Up .......................................................................11 Bob Bretz
Adventure ...............................................................11 Mark Gedak
Follow-Up................................................................14 Frederic "Farik" Graves
Supporting Cast...................................................15
Sore Loser ..........................................20 In the next
Summary.................................................................20 exciting issue:
Set-Up .......................................................................20 Blue Devil Games’
T.O.M.C.A.T.S crash the
Adventure ...............................................................20 party in Superline’s first
Follow-Up................................................................22 cross-over event!
Supporting Cast...................................................25
Monsters ............................................29
The Creature from Imri Swamp....................30
Space Slugs ............................................................31
For more M&M Superlink support please Artwork © Blue Devil Games,
visit and user with permission.

■■■ 1 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use Inc.
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
License to Use,the Open Game Content. based on original material by E.Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contribut- Superline #2:Reel Life copyright 2005 Michael Hammes and Philip
ing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Reed,published by Ronin Arts.
Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have suf-
ficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Mutants & Masterminds RPG, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Publishing; Author Steve Kenson

Superline #2: Reel Life copyright © 2005 Michael Hammes and Philip Reed, All Rights Reserved. Requires the Mutants &
Masterminds RPG by Green Ronin Publishing For Use.Mutants & Masterminds,M&M Superlink,the M&M Superlink logo,
and Green Ronin are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are used with permission.

Designation of Product Identity: All character and unique location names, appearances, and stories, creator names,
Superline,and Ronin Arts.Hero Points and Power Points are Product Identity of Green Ronin Publishing and are used with per-

Designation of Open Game Content: All game statistics not covered by product identity.

■■■ 2 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

15 power points per Power Level) until
IN THIS ISSUE . . . the opponent is a match for the heroes.
In this, the second issue of the Conversely, if the opponent is too
Superline series, Ronin Arts brings you powerful, simply drop the opponent’s
three complete single-session adven- Power Level (and the 15 power points)
tures and three monsters that can be until the heroes can handle the
used to create adventures of your own. challenge.
While the adventures are designed in The same can, of course, be done
the spirit and at the pace of superhero with minions.
comic books and cartoon episodes, the That pretty much covers it.Thanks for
GM can easily expand each with a little purchasing the second issue of
work. Superline and enjoy!
Each of the adventures is presented
in the following general format:
Summary: A paragraph on what the
adventure is about.
Michael Hammes
Set-Up: How the heroes can be
introduced to the adventure. Michael Hammes has been freelanc-
ing in the role-playing industry since
Adventure: The actual adventure,
2001. Starting small, he has steadily
including boxed text for such things as
built his repertoire, and reputation, by
specific plot points, vehicle statistics, and
working for such companies as Ronin
villain tactics.
Arts, Alderac Entertainment Group, Dark
Follow-Up: Options for what might Quest Games, and E.N. Publishing. He is
happen after the heroes complete the currently trying to balance his writing
adventure and suggestions for reward- schedule with his role as stay-at-home
ing (or punishing) the heroes. father. To catch the latest from Michael’s
Supporting Cast: Information and Imagination, please visit:
statistics on minions and other minor
Main Villain(s): Detailed back- Philip Reed
ground, information, and statistics about Philip Reed has been working profes-
the major bad guy(s) of the story. sionally in the roleplaying game indus-
try since 1995. In that time he has
ADJUSTING worked for such companies as Atlas
Games, Privateer Press, and Scrye maga-
THE DIFFICULTY zine. Today Philip spends his days at
One of the nice things about M&M home running Ronin Arts, writing and
is the ease with which the difficulty designing new games, and watching
of adventures and monsters can be DVDs.To learn more about Philip Reed –
adjusted. and Ronin Arts – please visit:
Since everything works on the power and
point system, all that is needed to create
a more powerful supervillain or creature
is to add Power Levels (and the standard

■■■ 3 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

Gangs are a problem in A Trio of Weapons
every major city and the
Each of the gangs is using a distinct high-tech
heroes’ is no exception. Of
weapon, which in turn is supplied by a different
course, it is very likely that
Mr. Brown duplicate.
most of the time the heroes
Although the weapons look very different, a
pay little attention to what
fact due to each one unleashing a different kind of
the gangs are doing (that’s
energy, the weapons are all manufactured using
what the police are for, after
the same basic technology.
all), but when reports of
gangs committing robberies This fact can be revealed if a hero knowledge-
using sophisticated weapon- able in technology gets hold of two or more differ-
ry hit the news, it’s time for ent weapons and takes them apart. The DC of
the heroes to get involved. making the comparison depends on the skill used:

Set-Up Skill DC
A trio of duplicates each Craft (weapon systems) 15
calling itself Mr. Brown is sup- Craft (mechanics, electronics, or any
plying three of the city’s more other craft the GM considers appropriate) 20
notorious gangs, the Dukes, Repair 25
the Eastsiders, and the Pit
Bulls, with very high-tech
The weapons and their statistics are:
The Mr. Brown duplicates
Oscillating Resonator [Energy Blast (vibra-
that have been sent by the
tion) +9; Extra: Multifire; Flaw: Device, Full Effect;
original Mr. Brown (who is
Power Stunts: Penetrating Attack; Source: Super
nowhere near the heroes’
Science; Cost: 11 pp].
city) at his employer’s behest.
Positron Differentiator [Energy Blast (elec-
Mr. Brown’s employer
tricity) +9; Extra: Multifire; Flaw: Device, Full
desires a field test for the
Effect; Power Stunts: Penetrating Attack; Source:
weapons prior to offering
Super Science; Cost: 11 pp].
them for sale on the world
market, as well as an oppor- Propulsion Precipitator [Energy Blast
tunity to generate publicity (kinetic) +9; Extra: Multifire; Flaw: Device, Full
for what the weapons can do. Effect; Power Stunts: Penetrating Attack; Source:
Super Science; Cost: 11 pp].
Having supplied the
weapons, the trio of Mr.
Browns now ostensibly The GM can assign each type of weapon to
remains with their gangs to whichever gang he or she wishes or simply use the
train members on the following list:
weapons’ use and repair any
malfunctions. Gang Weapon
In reality, the duplicates Dukes Positron Differntiator
are there to note any design Eastsiders Oscillating Resonator
deficiencies in the weapons Pit Bulls Propulsion Precipitator
(for correction prior to mass

■■■ 4 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
production) and to gather all of the if they happen to be in the area),
media reports (i.e. tape news programs, it is quite possible that they
clip newspaper articles, etc.) for a subse- would evolve into a pitched battle
quent advertising campaign by their around some other gang’s hang-
employer. out or even in the middle of a
The gangs, whose territories are in neighborhood.
different parts of the city and separated ■ Some drunk, high, or otherwise
by the territories of other gangs, are judgment-impaired members of
unaware of the duplicity, each believing a gang are going on a shooting
that they are Mr. Brown’s sole clients. spree with the weapons, shooting
at cars, buildings, and maybe
Adventure even people just for the fun of it,
The adventure begins whenever the and causing considerable panic in
heroes decide to take action to get these the area.
weapons off the streets. They can either ■ Having gotten wind of the fact
take this action on their own or the local that the heroes are after them,
authorities can ask them to intervene some ambitious gang members
once the gangs begin putting the attempt to set up an ambush for
weapons into play. the heroes (usually by faking one
Ultimately, in order to be successful of the above encounters).
in getting all the weapons off the
streets, the heroes will have to have a Each of these encounters should
final showdown with each of the gangs have enough gang members to give the
and their respective Mr. Brown dupli- heroes a bit of a challenge but should
cates at the various gangs’ hangouts. not place them in any real danger.
Before such a climactic battle, how- Exactly how many gang members
ever, the GM should engineer a number (and what type) are required is up to the
of encounters between the heroes and GM, but a good number is two for every
gang members armed with the hero involved.
weapons. Here are some possibilities: Under no circumstances should a
gang’s leader or a Mr. Brown duplicate
■ Members of the various gangs are be met in such a preliminary encounter
using the weapons to commit
robberies (jewelry stores, banks,
electronic stores, etc.). It’s up to Gang Member Tactics
the GM to decide in such encoun- In general the gang members have
ters whether the police arrive been emboldened by the new
before the heroes. If they do, weapons. This makes them take risks
they’ll find themselves heavily and engage in activities that they nor-
outgunned and unable to do any- mally wouldn’t (i.e. daylight robbery,
thing more than keep the gang shooting spree, etc.).
members pinned down until the Further, unlike they usually would,
heroes arrive. gang members armed with the high-
■ With the advantage of the new tech weapons don’t simply run from the
weapons the gangs are settling heroes.This bravery only lasts so long as
some old scores with rival gangs the weapons appear to be working
(not necessarily with each other). against the heroes; once the heroes
Although this sort of thing may start winning, the gang members will
consist more of drive-bys (which attempt to flee, surrender, or bargain.
the heroes would only encounter

■■■ 5 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
(although the heroes may hear of them and any remaining gang members (a
if they interrogate captured gang mem- good number is two senior and four
bers); these individuals should only be average gang members per hero), but
encountered during the final showdown they’ll also have to deal with the Mr.
at each gang’s hangout. Brown duplicates.
While each of these encounters gives The GM should decide the nature of
the heroes a chance to get some of the each gang’s hangout. Typical locations
high-tech weapons off the streets, no used as hangouts include:
matter how many weapons they remove
in this way each gang will always have ■ A bar or nightclub
enough weapons left for the inevitable ■ An abandoned warehouse or
showdown at the gangs’ hangouts (this industrial building
can be considered a plot device).
■ The gang leader’s home
The final showdown between the
heroes and the gangs at the gangs’
Follow-Up: Since the original Mr.
hangouts should pose a significant
Brown does not supply any new
challenge to the heroes. Not only will
weapons during the adventure, once the
they have to deal with the gang leaders

Villain Tactics
Unless the heroes have some Please note that the Mr. Brown
extraordinary means of tracking down duplicates do not communicate with
the original, they will only be facing the each other or with the original during
Mr. Brown duplicates in this adventure, this adventure. The original trusts its
since the original is in a secure location duplicates to do what is necessary to
far from the heroes’ city. complete the job and communication,
During the heroes’ investigation, which has to rely on normal technolo-
and before the final showdown, each gy, would be too risky.
Mr. Brown duplicate does its best to That is not to say that the original
remain behind the scenes, staying in doesn’t keep track of his duplicates.The
seclusion (i.e. the basement, an empty original Mr. Brown’s Mental Link with
room, etc.) at their gang’s hangout. his duplicates allows him to keep track
Of course, once discovered by the of their condition and general state of
heroes, each duplicate will do its best to health even if it doesn’t give him any
silence the heroes. knowledge of their location or activi-
The duplicates’ tactics are simple: ties.
use the gang members and their Due to this Mental Link, Mr. Brown is
Mental Blast’s Force Field extra to pro- cognizant when any of his duplicates
tect themselves while simultaneously are under duress. As a result, the origi-
having the gang members to finish off nal will be well aware of when the
any heroes that the duplicates’ have heroes are engaging one of his dupli-
rendered unconscious using their cates.
Mental Blast. In order to be sure they can’t be
Because they are duplicates, the Mr. traced back to him, the original Mr.
Browns do not flee or surrender; they Brown wills away any duplicate the
fight until the death or until the origi- moment its status is unconscious or
nal Mr. Brown wills them out of exis- dying/dead.

■■■ 6 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
heroes have defeated the three gangs tations tarnished. After all, what kind of
and their Mr. Brown duplicates and con- heroes can they be if they can’t defeat
fiscated or destroyed the weapons, the some two-bit gang members? It will
threat is ended. definitely take a while, or a spectacular
Of course, the GM can always decide success or two, for the heroes to live this
that one or two of a gang’s weapons fall down.
into the wrong hands (perhaps they In the meantime, the gangs continue
were stolen, sold, lost, etc.). If this hap- to use the weapons until the military,
pens sooner or later such weapons will the Patriot Squad, or some other heroes
appear in the hands of other less-than- defeat them.
desirable individuals and groups.
Should the heroes have confiscated Supporting Cast
rather than destroyed the weapons Average Gang Member: PL 2; Init
and not turned them over to the proper +1 (Dex); Defense 12 (+1 base, +1
authorities then they will shortly have Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +2 melee (+1S,
a visit from the Patriot Squad punch or +3L, knife), +2 ranged (6L,
(see Superline #1 and p. 27 of this advanced assault rifle or +3L, light pis-
issue). tol); SV Dmg +3, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -
The Patriot Squad representatives 1; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10,Wis 9 Cha
will demand that the heroes turn over 10.
all weapons to them for further investi- Skills: Drive +2, Innuendo +1,
gation per jurisdictional precedence (the Intimidate +2, Knowledge (streetwise)
Patriot Squad has jurisdictional prece- +1, Spot +1
dence over all super-powered criminal Feats: Toughness
investigations). Equipment: Knife (+2 lethal dam-
Finally, unless the heroes have some age), Light Pistol (+3 lethal damage),
extraordinarily clever means of tracking Advanced Weapon [Energy Blast (vibra-
down the real Mr. Brown (if they even tion, electricity, or kinetic) +9; Extra:
realize that the three Mr. Browns were Multifire; Flaw: Full Effect; Stunts:
duplicates), they will not be able to Penetrating Attack; Source: Super
locate the original. Science; Cost: 11 pp].
Since both Mr. Brown and his Notes: The knife and/or light pistol
employer expected a result like this to (GM’s decision) are standard equipment
happen, neither one of them is disap- for gang members; the advanced
pointed. Mr. Brown will simply move on weapons the Mr. Brown duplicates have
to his next assignment (and the heroes given them are not. The 11 pp the rifles
will undoubtedly meet his duplicates cost plus 7 pp additional (to represent
again) while his employer sets about experience) raise the PL of the gang
improving the weapons and preparing member by +1.
for their worldwide release. Description: These individuals are
Rewards: If the heroes succeed in typical young gangbangers trying to
getting the experimental weapons off make their mark in the gang, a fact that
the streets, whether they defeat the Mr. leads them to occasionally take foolish
Brown duplicates or not, they receive the or unnecessary risks. Some of these indi-
standard awards that the GM usually viduals may or may not remain with the
grants for adventures; the danger is not gang as they get older.
so great nor the enemies so difficult that
any further award is necessary. Senior Gang Member: PL 3; Init
Should the heroes fail to defeat the +1 (Dex); Defense 13 (+2 base, +1
gangs they will quickly find their repu- Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +4 melee (+2S,

■■■ 7 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
punch or +4L, knife), +3 ranged (6L, members of the gang; not only have they
advanced assault rifle or +3L, light pis- survived the streets, they’ve also sur-
tol); SV Dmg +3, Fort +1, Ref +1, Will vived the power struggles within the
+1; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 12 gang itself.
Cha 10. Of course, as leaders of the gang they
Skills: Drive +3, Innuendo +2, are also responsible for the gang’s overall
Intimidate +4, Knowledge (streetwise) well being and, as a result, gang leaders
+2, Spot +3 are often willing to negotiate for mutual
Feats: Toughness advantage with others in positions of
Equipment: Knife (+2 lethal dam- strength.
age), Light Pistol (+3 lethal damage), Mr. Brown Duplicates (3): PL 8; Init
Advanced Weapon [Energy Blast (vibra- +4 (Dex, Improved Initiative); Defense
tion, electricity, or kinetic) +9; Extra: 15 (+5 base, +0 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +5
Multifire; Flaw: Full Effect; Stunts: melee (+0S, punch), +11 ranged (+10S,
Penetrating Attack; Source: Super mental blast); SV Dmg +0, Fort +0, Ref
Science; Cost: 11 pp]. +0, Will +11; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int
Notes: As Average Gang Member. 20,Wis 20, Cha 10.
Description: These individuals are Skills: Computers +6, Craft (weapon
veterans of the gang and are considered systems) +6, Listen +10, Repair +6,
“hardcore”; their membership is effec- Read Lips +6, Sense Motive +10, Spot
tively for life. +10.
Having survived the streets for as Feats: Assessment, Attack Focus
long as they have, they’ve learned a few (mental blast), Blindsight, Improved
things along the way and often act as Initiative, Indomitable Will, Iron Will,
mentors to the younger gang members. Photographic Memory, Psychic
Some of the senior gang members Awareness,True Sight.
serve as bodyguards for the gang leader. Powers: Mental Blast +10 [Extras:
Force Field (Extra: Immunity (cold, critical
hits, electricity, fire, gravity, kinetic, mag-
Gang Leader: PL 4; Init +1 (Dex);
netic, radiation, sonic, vibration), Mental
Defense 14 (+3 base, +1 Dex); Spd 30
Shield), Multifire; Flaw: Obvious; Source:
ft.; Atk +5 melee (+2S, punch or +4L,
Psionic; Cost: 5 PP], Super Wisdom +4
knife), +4 ranged (6L, advanced assault
[Source: Alien; Cost: 3 PP].
rifle or +3L, light pistol); SV Dmg +3,
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 12, Weakness: Disturbing (see the Mr.
Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14 Cha 10. Brown write-up).
Skills: Drive +4, Innuendo +3, Equipment: N/A
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (streetwise) Notes: Even though their Mental
+4, Spot +5 Blast power is higher than their listed PL,
Feats: Toughness the Mr. Brown duplicates are listed as PL
8 opponents based on the total number
Equipment: Knife (+2 lethal dam-
of power points they possess.
age), Light Pistol (+3 lethal damage),
Advanced Weapon [Energy Blast (vibra- The Mr. Brown duplicates are consid-
tion, electricity, or kinetic) +9; Extra: ered minions for purposes of taking
Multifire; Flaw: Full Effect; Stunts: damage. They do not suffer hit, stun, or
Penetrating Attack; Source: Super disabled results. Anytime a Mr. Brown
Science; Cost: 11 pp]. duplicate fails its Damage save it is either
knocked out (for stun attacks) or dead
Notes: As Average Gang Member.
(for lethal attacks).Successful attacks can
Description: Gang leaders tend to
only have a lesser effect if the duplicate’s
be the most ruthless and ambitious
attacker pulls his or her punch.

■■■ 8 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
The duplicates have no villain
points of their own but can use the
original’s villain points for their

Mr. Brown
Quote: “Brown. Mister
First Appearance:
Superline #2.
The individual known as
“Mr. Brown” is actually an alien
being from an advanced civi-
lization far removed from
Mr. Brown was one of
four crewmembers man-
ning an alien exploration
vessel that crashed in
Iowa in 1997 when its
propulsion drive
failed; Mr. Brown
was the sole sur-
As is usual in
such situations the
U.S. military trans-
ported Mr. Brown,
his dead shipmates,
and their destroyed
spaceship to
Area 51 after
sanitizing the
crash site.
After sever-
al months in
Area 51, Mr.
Brown managed
to escape using his
mental powers, which he
had until that point managed
to keep secret from the military. Mr.
Brown subsequently went underground
and the military lost track of his where-
tions across the world, sometimes simul-
taneously, dealing in everything from
Mr. Brown resurfaced during the
illegal arms to drugs and exotic species.
1999 Kosovo crisis where he sold arms to
Mr. Brown does not work at his own
both sides of the conflict.Since that time
behest but rather for an unknown
he has been reported in numerous loca-

■■■ 9 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
It is speculated that Mr. Brown’s very quiet whisper and says only the
employer is the same individual spon- minimum words necessary in a notice-
soring Arctic Blast (see Superline #1), ably clipped English.
but this has not been proven. Mr. Brown’s personality is one cen-
Mr. Brown is an obviously alien biped tered on intellectual control. Every
of indeterminate age. He is relatively tall action, every choice, every word is care-
at 6’6” but very gaunt in every aspect, fully calculated to produce the desired
weighing a scarce 120 lbs. and having effect and done with no more effort
stick-thin arms and legs. than necessary. He has never been seen
Mr. Brown’s skin is a pale, almost to reveal any emotion.
translucent white that clearly reveals Mr. Brown’s duplicates mimic his
the veins and arteries coursing through behavior perfectly.
his body. His fingers are very long and
skeletal. Mr. Brown: PL 12; Init +4 (Dex,
Mr. Brown’s most prominent feature Improved Initiative); Defense 15 (+5
is his skull, which features an overly base, +0 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +5 melee
large cranium and a disproportionately (+0S, punch), +11 ranged (+12S, men-
small, soft-featured face dominated by tal blast); SV Dmg +0, Fort +0, Ref +0,
two small, jet-black eyes in which sit Will +11; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 20,
starkly white pupils. A tiny nose and thin Wis 20, Cha 10.
slit of a mouth that sits above just the Skills: Computers +6, Craft (weapon
barest hint of a chin round out his facial systems) +6, Listen +10, Repair +6,
features. Read Lips +6, Sense Motive +10, Spot
Mr. Brown disguises himself to pass +10.
among humanity. At such times he Feats: Assessment, Attack Focus
invariably wears a gray business suit (mental blast), Blindsight, Improved
(complete with monochrome silk shirt Initiative, Indomitable Will, Iron Will,
and tie) tailored to make his frame look Photographic Memory, Psychic
fuller (which it does, although he is still Awareness, True Sight.
obviously thin), over which he usually Powers: Duplication +12 [Extras:
wears a long, black trench coat. Innate, Mental Link; Source: Alien; Cost: 4
A pair of form-fitting black leather PP], Mental Blast +12 [Extras: Force
gloves disguise his hands and Mr. Brown Field (Extra: Immunity (cold, critical
always keeps his face in the shadow of a hits, darkness, electricity, fire, gravity,
broad-brimmed black felt hat he wears kinetic, light, magnetic, radiation, sonic,
low over his brow. vibration), Mental Shield), Multifire;
Whenever possible Mr. Brown prefers Flaw: Obvious; Source: Psionic; Cost: 5
to do business at night and/or in places PP], Super Wisdom +4 [Source: Alien;
with poor lighting (i.e. dingy alleys, Cost: 3 PP].
nightclubs, old warehouses, etc.). Weakness: Disturbing
If forced to conduct business in Equipment: N/A
bright light or during the day, Mr. Brown Notes: To give Mr. Brown some bet-
always holds a monochrome silk hand- ter melee options at the risk of increas-
kerchief (which matches his shirt and ing his vulnerability, drop the Innate
tie) in front of his face, claiming a cold, extra from his Duplication power and
allergies, or hygienic reasons. use the 12 pp to increase his Strength
During meetings Mr. Brown does as and Dexterity or just increase his base
little talking as possible, preferring to attack bonus.
make small gestures with his hands.
When he needs to speak he does so in a

■■■ 10 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

Summary powers to bring the trucks to a halt and
In this adventure the heroes get to Ed’s Super Strength to break out the loot
end the crime spree of the supervillain while the thugs help get the stuff out of
Mirage and his gang of toughs, but not the area before someone investigates.
before they take in a little entertain- While no one, including the guards,
ment at the local Cineplex. has gotten hurt in these forays, unless
the heroes put a stop to Mirage’s activi-
Set-Up ties it’s only a matter of time before
The supervillain Mirage, together things get out of hand.
with his sidekick Ed and a handful of
thugs, has put together a little gang to
do some robbing of armored trucks. The adventure can begin any time
Their methods are simple but very that the heroes encounter Mirage and
effective, relying on Mirage’s Illusion his gang in the act of knocking off an

Inside Job
We’ve all seen armored trucks. They Using an inside source greatly
go to the grocery stores, they go to the increases the possibilities inherent in
malls, they go to the banks, etc. They running the adventure by making it
tend to follow established routes so that more cerebral rather than a simple
if you or I wanted to, we could easily find slugfest.
out when a given armored truck stops at For example, not knowing where
a specific location and even follow it as it Mirage is going to strike next, the heroes
makes its route. set a trap (perhaps they plan to trail an
Using this method, it wouldn’t be armored truck or two or hide inside one
much of a problem for Mirage to pick his that they consider a likely target).With an
targets; he simply follows several trucks inside source, Mirage is alerted and the
over a period of some weeks, keeps track trap comes to naught. Of course the
of their routes and, presto, he’s got him- heroes will realize that there is an inside
self a nice little hit list. source,but how to ferret him (or her) out?
More interesting, however, is to have Alternately, the heroes could discover
Mirage get his information from an that Mirage has an inside source without
inside source (i.e.someone that works at either Mirage or the source realizing that
the armored truck company, a bank, a the source has been discovered. In this
jeweler, etc.). This source could provide way they could set a trap for the
Mirage not only with the routes, but also supervillain by having the source relay
alert the supervillain as to when a par- information that some sort of valuable
ticularly lucrative cargo (i.e. a large shipment is on a particular truck. Of
amount of money, jewels, etc.) is being course, when Mirage shows up to rob
transported. the truck, the heroes will be ready.

■■■ 11 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
armored truck. While it sets
the mood a bit better to allow
Mirage and his gang to rob a It’s not going to take too many ambushes for
few armored trucks prior to the armored truck companies to figure out what’s
the heroes becoming going on. After all, each ambush is carried out in
involved, nothing says that the same manner.
the heroes can’t encounter Naturally the armored truck companies will
the villains in the act the very begin to take countermeasures. This will include
first time they rob a truck (i.e. altering routes and times (another reason to give
the heroes are on their usual Mirage an inside source), sending out dummy
patrol). trucks, putting more guards on the trucks, and
Mirage’s operation is sim- ignoring anything that might be an illusion
plicity itself. He, his sidekick (which could lead to all sorts of mayhem).
Ed, and a small group of hired The main danger in all this is that by escalating
muscle (which are there pri- their tactics the chance for a violent encounter
marily to help Mirage make increases exponentially.
the loot disappear before the Currently the guards are a bit bruised and
police or heroes arrive) wait shaken (no pun intended) after their encounter
at a predetermined location with Mirage and his gang, but if they put up too
for the armored truck they’ve much resistance, they could be off much worse (as
targeted. could any innocent bystanders).
Mirage prefers to set their
ambush in some relatively tons this is not a problem for Ed (up to
isolated location (i.e. the financial dis- 68 tons are a light load for Mirage’s side-
trict before the opening bell, the ware- kick). If the truck has already been
house district after closing time, the turned over (i.e.the truck’s driver overre-
waterfront at night, etc.) but if they have acted) then Ed simply rips open the rear
to, they’ll strike wherever they need to. doors.
As the armored truck approaches the Once Ed has ripped the rear doors
ambush location Mirage uses his power open, he picks up the truck and shakes
to create some sort of illusion to get the its contents (money, jewels, guards, etc.)
driver of the truck to stop or even turn out.
the truck over. Here are some suggested
The remaining members of Mirage’s
team are simple thugs (one PL 2 thug for
each hero with a minimum of four; for
■ Having a pedestrian of some sort quick statistics see the Minion
cross the truck’s path. Archetypes in M&M, p. 154). Their job is
■ Showing a roadblock complete to disarm the guards, tie them up, and
with signs and a policeman wav- then help load the truck’s contents into
ing the vehicle down. waiting cars (there is one car for every
■ A two-vehicle accident blocking two people; Mirage and Ed have one car,
the lanes. the thugs use the others).
■ A paving crew that’s blocking the Once the money is loaded the cars
road. drive circuitous routes to a predeter-
mined location (i.e. a local park, the
Once the truck has stopped Mirage countryside, an abandoned warehouse,
sends Ed to turn it over (to delay the a junkyard; whatever the GM feels would
guards’ response) and rip open the work for the adventure) where the loot
truck’s doors. Since the most common is divided.
armored trucks weigh between 20 to 25

■■■ 12 ■■■
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Villain Tactics
Although Mirage is not much of a an elderly individual running
combatant (the gun he carries is really into the path of a charging hero.
more for show than anything else), this ■ Create illusory duplicates of one
does not make him any less of a foe for or more of the heroes, thus effec-
the heroes. tively having the heroes fight
The GM should keep in mind that themselves or using the dupli-
Mirage can create multiple illusions cates to lead the heroes astray
over a wide area (although a single illu- (“Hey, Lizardboy, where’d Mirage
sion cannot be greater than a 5 ft. x 5ft. go?”“He went that way”).
x 10 ft. area), thus effectively allowing ■ Create illusory duplicates of
him to create any sort of environment themselves to confuse the
he chooses. heroes.
While in the Cineplex Mirage spends
much of his time trying to impress the The GM should remember that dur-
heroes and entertain himself and Ed ing all of this there will be audience
with his ability to recreate things from members panicking, getting in every-
the movie screens, he actually has a one’s way, and generally being a nui-
number of other tactics at his disposal sance.
to deal with superheroes: While Mirage creates his illusions
his sidekick Ed does his best to keep the
■ Imitate the sensory components heroes and any audience members
of a hero’s, or heroes’, powers. from getting to Mirage.
Mirage especially enjoys doing Unless directed otherwise by
this with obvious and spectacu- Mirage, Ed simply fights whatever
lar powers such as Element heroes come closest to Mirage, using
Control, Energy Blast, Energy his Super Strength to hurl objects at
Control, or Sorcery. Not only do distant heroes and pummeling those
heroes that cannot discern the he can reach.
Illusions for what they are If Mirage judges that the heroes are
believe that they are being getting too close, he’ll have Ed smash
attacked by those powers (and an opening in a theater wall and move
suffer actual, if not necessarily to the next theater.
appropriate, damage), but they
Ed will only use his Shockwave
are very likely to assume that
without Mirage’s prompting if it looks
Mirage has some version of the
as though the heroes are going to get
Mimic power.
to Mirage or Mirage is taken out of the
■ Create the illusion of an audi- fight, at which point Ed will try to knock
ence member being endan- down as many heroes as possible while
gered, such as a child about to blasting an opening somewhere and
get hit by the bricks from a wall carrying Mirage to safety.
that was damaged by a hero, or

Unless the heroes have some way of The exact specifics of any encounters
catching Mirage between crimes, the with Mirage and his gang will have to be
GM should make sure that the heroes determined by the GM based on how the
only encounter the supervillain and his adventure has developed to that point
gang while they are carrying out an (i.e. are the heroes simply arriving on the
ambush. scene, did they set an ambush, etc.).

■■■ 13 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
As soon as the heroes arrive on the ■ “Returning Home” – The heart-
scene Mirage will flee with Ed in tow, warming story of an estranged
whether they have the loot or not; Mirage mother and daughter reuniting
does not want to fight the heroes out in after many years of absence.
the open where they have the advantage Mirage gets out of the theater as
and he also expects the police to arrive fast as he can, but not before hav-
shortly. ing an entire women’s sewing cir-
Mirage will use illusions to cover the cle rush from the screen to
duo’s escape while Ed picks up the occa- attempt and stab the heroes with
sional car, dumpster, etc. to hurl at heroes their needles.
that get too close. ■ “Extreme Partners” – A buddy
With the heroes in pursuit Mirage will picture based on the usual good
flee to the nearest handy location: the cop/bad cop formula.Here Mirage
local Cineplex (the GM should consider it a has the two major characters
plot device that Mirage and Ed make it to drive their modified ’72 ‘Cuda off
a Cineplex since that is where the climac- the screen and into the theater,
tic battle of this adventure will take shooting at the heroes while
place). yelling that they are all under
Mirage will enter the first theater he arrest.
comes to. This particular theater is show-
ing “Battle of the Universe, Episode II”, the The GM should make up as many
seventh in the popular “Battle of the other scenarios as will keep the heroes
Universe” franchise and, as the heroes engaged (after all, there’s movie the-
enter the theater, Mirage creates an illu- aters with 20 or more screens around).
sionary squad of royal shock troopers, The GM should keep in mind that
replete with their electro-sabers, that while Mirage’s primary goal is to get
pour from the screen to do battle with the himself and Ed to safety, if the heroes are
heroes and panic the audience. having trouble dealing with his illusions
As Mirage, still with Ed at his side, flees and the panicking audience he’ll quickly
from theater to theater to escape the decide to stay and toy with the heroes,
heroes, he’ll always draw the inspiration leading them from theater to theater
for his illusions from what is happening and keeping the game going by cancel-
on the screen. The GM can come up with ing his illusions if it looks like the heroes
any appropriate movies he or she desires, may get taken out too easily or early.
or can draw from the following list of fic- Follow-Up: If Mirage and Ed escape,
tional (but strangely familiar) films: Mirage will be filled with enough confi-
dence to keep at his little game, consid-
■ “Ruler of the Pearl – The Heroes ering it great sport to battle the heroes.
Unite” the story of the struggle If only one of the two escapes, either
between good and evil in the fan- Mirage or Ed, then the other will do
tastic realm of Aghane.Mirage cre- everything within his power, depending
ates a war party of goblyns that on the outcome of the combat, to come
pour off the screen on their war- to rescue the other or seek revenge upon
wolves, swinging their axes and the heroes.
chanting war songs. Once Mirage, and by extension Ed, is
■ “The Man From The East” – A mar- defeated, the duo will be taken into cus-
tial-arts epic from famed director tody by the local authorities. Mirage and
Quinlan Woo. Mirage creates a Ed will both end up being transferred to
small group of samurai to battle Watchgate (see Superline #1).
with the heroes.

■■■ 14 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
dream and enrolled in film
Ed and I
If the GM wishes to add some drama to the Upon graduation
follow-up proceedings, and create a more com- Malcolm thought for sure
plex relationship between Mirage, Ed, and the that he would have no trou-
heroes, have the authorities try to split Mirage ble landing a job in the
and Ed apart, with only Mirage going to industry, but he was a terri-
Watchgate while Ed is taken to a local high-secu- ble interview without indus-
rity mental institution. try connections and his film
This situation would be quite traumatic for skills were not enough to
both Mirage and Ed, with much crying on Ed’s part overcome that. It didn’t help
while Mirage pleads with the authorities not to that he thought very highly
split them up saying that Ed will be lost without of himself, an opinion that
him. was not backed up by his
If the heroes help keep the duo together they’ll work at school.
find that both Mirage and Ed will be indebted to As a result, with his sav-
the heroes. While this doesn’t mean that in the ings depleted, Malcolm
future they won’t fight the heroes, it just means found himself right back
that they will do so reluctantly and will try to where had been. But he was-
inflict only minimal damage. n’t about to give up.
On the other hand, if the heroes allow them to He bought a police scan-
be separated, then both Mirage and Ed will blame ner with the idea of travel-
the heroes for their situation and, when they get ing to the scenes of major
out, will make it their priority to take revenge on accidents and emergencies
the heroes. with his video camera.There
he hoped to catch that one
piece of footage that he
Rewards: The heroes will not get
would be able to sell to the media out-
any rewards until they have successfully
lets for enough money to fund his fur-
put a stop to Mirage’s crime wave.
ther projects.
If they defeat only one of the pair,
One could argue that fate had it in for
either Mirage or Ed, then the crime wave
Malcolm.While visiting his first accident,
will stop and the heroes receive the
a tremendous industrial fire, he was
standard awards for completing an
electrocuted by a melted power line that
fell into the puddle Malcolm was stand-
If the heroes defeat both Mirage and ing in.
Ed then they receive a bonus power
When he finally returned to con-
point for their success.
sciousness, Malcolm found that three of
Supporting Cast his fingers and two of his toes had
blown off as a result of the thousands of
N/A volts that had coursed through his body.
Mirage But while the electricity had taken
some digits, it had given Malcolm a
Quote: “Take a look at this!”
much more important gift: it had
First Appearance: Superline #2. unlocked the creativity of his mind to
Malcolm Griffin always wanted to be the point where he found that he could
a successful director in television or the create actual images of his visions.
movies and he appeared to be well on Mirage is a clean-shaven African-
his way. Having worked at a number of American male in his early 30’s. He is
menial jobs for several years, Malcolm 5’11” tall and a less-than-athletic 200
had finally saved enough to pursue his

■■■ 15 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
pounds. Having had issues with a reced- Mirage’s dominant personality trait
ing hairline since his mid-20’s Mirage is that of a show-off. He is rather
prefers to keep his head covered. impressed with his own Illusion ability
Mirage dresses like the mythical and will often play with his opponents
directors of the movies’ golden era; cav- or victims, seeking to show them the full
alry boots, jodhpurs, a loose white shirt, extent of his genius by creating elabo-
and a beret are his clothing of choice. rate illusions and mind-boggling effects
rather than dealing with them in a more
direct manner.

■■■ 16 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
At least initially, in every encounter Weakness: Quirk (flattery) – Mirage
Mirage seeks to entertain himself and works hard to create good and enter-
his sidekick Ed as well as impress his taining illusions, and he wants to be rec-
opponents rather than deal seriously ognized for it. As a result, Mirage can
with the situation, especially if his oppo- easily be distracted if his opponent
nents are obviously unable to easily see acknowledges Mirage’s work in a posi-
through his illusions. tive way (i.e. by paying him a compli-
This is also his raison d’être for com- ment or stating to him how real it
mitting crimes. While he, like anyone seems). Mirage can try to ignore such
else, can use the money, he is far more comments or flattery, but it requires a
interested in the public acknowledge- Villain Point for him to do so for the
ment of his genius and ability than in remainder of that encounter.
gaining the loot. Equipment: Heavy Pistol (+5 lethal
Although his Illusion power can damage),
cause damage, the most it can do is Notes: To improve Mirage’s surviv-
knock people out. Which is fine with ability in combat, the Assessment,
Mirage; while he may be a criminal, he is Startle, and True Sight fees can be
not a killer. dropped and the resultant six power
Despite the fact that he is a supervil- points added to improve his base
lain, Mirage does not treat Ed as a tool to Defense bonus.
be used on a whim. In fact, Mirage is
genuinely fond of Ed and treats Ed like a
younger brother, finding his sidekick’s Ed (Mirage’s Sidekick)
lack of guile and honest appreciation for Quote: “Hello. My name is Ed.”
his illusions to be refreshing. First Appearance: Superline #2.
Mirage would never do anything to Ed has always been just Ed, at least as
intentionally hurt or otherwise injure Ed far as he remembers. In fact, Ed’s earliest
nor would he ever leave Ed since Ed memories are of being an adult living in
would be lost without him. and out of homeless shelters.
It was at one such shelter that Ed met
Mirage (Malcolm Griffin): PL 11; Mirage (who was still calling himself
Init +2 (Dex); Defense 20 (+8 base, +2 Malcolm at the time) after Mirage had
Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +5 melee (+0S, been forced out of his apartment for
punch), +7/+9 (mental attacks) ranged failure to pay the rent (a result of the
(+5L, heavy pistol or +11 Mental Blast); hospital bills he incurred after his elec-
SV Dmg +2/+7 (Evasion), Fort +2, Ref trocution).
+7, Will +9; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int At that point Mirage was just begin-
16, Wis 18, Cha 18. ning to test out his Illusion powers, mak-
Skills: Bluff +8, Concentration +6, ing small images when he thought no
Drive +4, Escape Artist +4, Intimidate one was around. One night Ed caught
+9, Knowledge (trivia) +6, Listen +7, him at this and somehow the two made
Spot +7, Taunt +8. a connection; they have been insepara-
Feats: Assessment, Dodge, Evasion, ble since then.
Indomitable Will, Sidekick, Psychic Mirage has found Ed to be an invalu-
Awareness, Startle, True Sight. able and loyal protector as well as an
Powers: Amazing Save +5 appreciative audience while Ed, who is
(Willpower) [Extras: Reflex; Source: effectively a child in a man’s body, has
Training; Cost: 2 PP], Illusion +11 [Extras: found an older brother who takes care of
Area, Damaging (as Mental Blast); him.
Source: Psionic; Cost: 5 PP].

■■■ 17 ■■■
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■■■ 18 ■■■
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Ed is a mountain of a man,
Hints of Ed’s Origins
standing 7’2” and weighing
almost 400 lbs. Ed appears to Unbeknownst to both Ed and Mirage, Ed was at
be in his late 20’s, but he has one point Tor Olafson, a perfectly ordinary young
no idea of his actual age. Icelandic fisherman aboard the trawler Baldur.
Ed has the build of a pow- The Baldur and its crew were presumed lost at
erlifter along with sea seven years ago during a fierce storm after
Scandinavian facial features which no sign of the ship or crew was ever found.
and strawberry-blond hair. Ed The heroes might find this out if they do some
prefers to wear loose jogging digging into international missing persons.
pants (they’re so comfort- Such a search can be narrowed down quite
able) and t-shirts (usually substantially since Ed has very definite
with cartoon or anime char- Skandinavian/Icelandic features and a DNA test
acters on them). would certainly place him as an Icelander.
Ed’s reasoning ability is Or, in a stroke of luck, perhaps someone that
much like that of a young knew Tor Olafson sees a news broadcast about the
child. He always looks to capture of Mirage and Ed and recognizes the man.
Mirage for guidance and, if Although the heroes won’t be able to find out
Mirage leaves his side, Ed is any more about Ed’s origins at this time (this is a
likely to panic. plot device for information to be revealed in a later
Much like a young child, edition of Superline; not even Telepathy will
Ed has difficulty making uncover the information), the heroes will be able
judgments, including ethical to determine that since that storm Ed has gained
judgments, which is why he six inches in height, 150 pounds of super-powered
doesn’t see why what Mirage muscle mass, and has had his mental abilities (and
is doing is wrong; all he memories) seriously abridged.
knows is that Mirage is trying
to make their lives better.
Feats: Durability, Penetrating Attack
Ed is completely devoted to Mirage (unarmed), Power Attack, Throwing
as Mirage is one of the few people in Ed’s Mastery, Toughness.
memory to have treated Ed kindly.
Powers: Super Strength +10
[Extras: Leaping, Protection, Shockwave;
Ed (Sidekick): PL 10; Init +6 (Dex, Source: Mutation; Cost: 7 PP].
Improved Initiative); Defense 22 (+10 Weakness: Naive
base, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +15 melee
Equipment: N/A
(+15S, punch), +12 ranged (+17L, ran-
Notes: To make Ed tougher drop his
dom small objects); SV Dmg +7, Fort
base Defense bonus and add one
+5, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 20, Dex 14, Con
Immunity for every point of base
20, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 6.
Defense bonus dropped.
Skills: Intimidate +10, Listen +4,
Spot +5.

■■■ 19 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

Summary If the heroes don’t succeed in stop-
In this adventure the heroes ping Superstar from taking her revenge
encounter a young lady very upset at then not only are a lot of innocent peo-
having been voted off a reality show. ple going to get hurt, but we’ll never
While it is perfectly natural for an indi- find out whether it is spunky Maria or
vidual to be upset that her 15 minutes of down-to-earth Alex who becomes the
fame are over, this particular individual next “Pop Star”.
happens to have super powers, and she’s Adventure
not afraid to take her complaints direct-
ly to the show’s celebrity judges. If she This adventure is not designed to be
isn’t stopped, she is going to show static. The various events of the adven-
everyone what “reality” television is all ture take place over a period of days and,
about. depending on when the GM decides the
heroes become involved, particular
Set-Up events may or may not occur and/or
One of the top-rated involve the heroes.
shows in the heroes’ city is
“Pop Star”, a live-broadcast This is my favorite show!
reality show where hopeful This adventure will be much more fun if one or
contestants vie for a major more of the heroes is a fan of “Pop Star” as they will
record label contract. be quite familiar with the three judges and the var-
The show’s format is sim- ious contestants and should have a considerably
ple. The program goes heightened interest in the adventure (in fact, if the
through a number of weekly heroes are familiar enough with the show, they will
rounds. Each round the undoubtedly recognize Superstar as a previous con-
show’s three celebrity judges testant when they finally meet her).
give their opinions on the
competitors’ performances,
which are then followed by viewer vot- As a result, the adventure is unlikely to
ing to determine which contestant develop exactly as set forth in the timeline
leaves the show. This process continues (see below) since it is very likely that once
until a winner is determined. they become involved, the heroes’ actions
will cause Superstar to modify her plans.
In the most recent episode the num-
ber of contestants was reduced from The following timeline assumes no
three to the final two: Maria, billed as a involvement on the heroes’ part in the
cute girl with attitude, and Alex, adver- events taking place; it is written as if the
tised as a clean-cut, sincere young man. heroes did not get involved in the adven-
ture at all. Obviously, once the heroes do
Now as everyone is gearing up for
become involved, the GM will have to
the finale, with the judges and contest-
modify the events accordingly.
ants doing the talk shows amid a full
media blitz, disaster is about to strike. The timeline is based on the number
of days remaining before the airing of the
Unbeknownst to everyone, a new
“Pop Star” finale, which will be televised
supervillain calling herself Superstar,
live from a local theater (i.e. Day 3 means
who is actually a former “Pop Star” con-
three days before the finale while Day 0 is
testant, has targeted the show’s judges.
the day of the finale):

■■■ 20 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
Day 3 – Superstar assaults Alicya Day 1 – Although the police do their
Lopes, one of “Pop Star’s” celebrity best to keep things quiet, it is inevitable
judges, as she is at home getting ready that news of Sylvie Cauchon’s location in
for her appearance on a local morning a prominent downtown hotel comes to
talk show. Her production assistant will the attention of Superstar.
discover Alicya after the judge is a no- Superstar spends the day scouting
show at the show. the hotel but decides that security is too
Assuming Alicya is not killed, the GM tight for her to risk attacking Sylvie
may wish to have Alicya be in a coma or (especially if the heroes are obviously
otherwise incapacitated and unable to present) and decides to make her move
help reveal her attacker for the duration the next day during the finale, assuming
of this adventure (this is a plot device that she will be able to blend in with the
designed to prevent the heroes from crowd and enter the theater unnoticed.
learning about Superstar right away and Day 0 – Despite heavy security on
to make it easier for Superstar to make the night of the finale, Superstar joins a
her move on the other judges). live audience of thousands (how she
Having learned of the assault, the does this is not really important since
show’s producer hires several body- she can do everything from simply walk
guards for the remaining two judges in to using her vocal powers to create a
and asks for police protection. hole in the theater’s wall).
Day 2 – Superstar assaults Earl “Big After both Maria and Alex have per-
E” Johnson, another of the show’s formed, Superstar makes her way to the
celebrity judges, and several bodyguards stage to confront Sylvie and take her
while Earl is busy doing some late night revenge (which is the latest point at
work at his studio. which the heroes can become involved
Again, assuming that Earl and/or the and have any hope of salvaging the situ-
bodyguards are not killed, the GM may ation).
wish to have them incapacitated (from
shock, in a coma, due to post-surgery The heroes may become involved in
sedation, etc.) and be of no help in iden- the timeline at virtually any point,
tifying their attacker. including before the timeline starts.
If this is seen as a bit heavy-handed, For example, if the GM wishes to
the GM can allow Earl to identify have the heroes become involved early
Superstar as Summer Nakai, a recently on, Superstar may make threats to one
eliminated contestant and even share or more of the judges (something such
the fact that she has vocal powers. Of as a series of nasty notes or e-mails, all
course, the heroes won’t be able to signed Superstar of course, should do
locate Superstar since she hasn’t been the trick).
home since the day before and her par- This could result in the show’s pro-
ents don’t know where she is. ducer asking the heroes to protect the
Later that day the mayor, correctly judges, an action that would force the
assuming that the show’s sole remain- heroes to split up and act as bodyguards
ing celebrity judge, Sylvie Cauchon, will for the three judges as they go through
be next on the assailant’s hit list, has her their daily scheduled events.
placed under heavy police protection Or the heroes might not become
and hidden in a local hotel (if the heroes involved until after the assault of Earl
aren’t involved in the adventure at this “Big E” Johnson, when it becomes clear
point, the mayor or some other authori- that ordinary protection is obviously not
ty likely contacts them at this time). enough. The GM should choose whatev-
er fits his or her game the best.

■■■ 21 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

Villain Tactics
Superstar’s primary motivation is tak- ■ Change the modality of her Sonic
ing revenge on the show’s three celebrity Blast (to a subsonic rumble) and
judges, whom she blames for her elimi- cause objects (i.e. doors, floors,
nation. walls, automobiles, etc.) to disin-
Throughout the adventure she focus- tegrate. As with her scream, she
es her efforts on harming the judges, can target the disintegration
using her vocal powers to remove any either at a single object and/or
obstacles between her and the judges cover an entire area (thus poten-
(she doesn’t actually want to hurt anyone tially bringing down a large sec-
else, but if they get in the way, oh well). tion of a building’s ceiling).
How far her desire to harm the judges ■ Change the modality of her Sonic
goes is up to the GM, although he or she Blast (to a high-pitched shriek) to
should think hard before turning short-circuit her opponents’ nerv-
Superstar into a cold-blooded or ous systems, paralyzing them.
obsessed killer. Again, Superstar can target this
Although her desire for revenge is effect either at a single individual
strong, Superstar is neither a fanatic nor and/or an entire area.
stupid.She scouts locations ahead of time ■ Her Energy Control (sonic) makes
and avoids any encounters (at least until Superstar very sensitive to sound,
the finale when she must act) with the effectively giving her Blindsight.
heroes or anyone else where she is obvi- She may use her Sonic Blast to
ously at a disadvantage. create a dark environment (i.e.
For example,if the heroes get involved blow out a building’s lights or
after the assault on Alicya Lopes and act destroy the power supply) in
as bodyguards for the other judges, hopes of gaining an advantage.
Superstar will more than likely avoid a
direct confrontation with the heroes at When fighting opponents, Superstar
that time unless she feels confident of prefers to simply Sonic Blast them out of
gaining surprise or can cause a distraction the way. However, when she is in trouble
to draw the heroes away (by destroying a and needs to escape, Superstar uses her
railroad bridge or something equally dev- Disintegrate power stunt to bring down
astating to a large number of innocents). ceilings,break through floors, order
Of course, once the day of the finale to create obstacles and/or escape routes.
arrives Superstar will have to act,because Although she tries not to hurt inno-
if she doesn’t she’ll have to wait until next cent individuals, when trying to gain her
season. revenge all bets are off. As a result, espe-
In combat Superstar relies exclusively cially during the finale, Superstar has no
on her skill with controlling sonic energy. problem bringing down the entire the-
She is quite talented in that area and,as a ater if it means she’ll be able to get at the
result,has a number of options at her dis- judges. Although she will simply threat-
posal: en to do this at first (i.e.either the heroes
hand over the judges or she’ll do it), she
■ Deliver her Sonic Blast (a horren- is not bluffing (something a DC 15 Sense
dously powerful scream) with Motive check will reveal) and she is just
either surgical precision at a single confused and angry enough that she will
individual or carpet an entire area. do this even if it means she may be
injured or worse.

■■■ 22 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
Squad (see Superline #1)
The Show Must Go On
for imprisonment (and
While it might be tempting for the heroes to study) on their base
gather any remaining judges together at their Freedom’s Eye. What happens
headquarters, to try and get the final show from there is up to the GM,
delayed or cancelled, or any of dozens of other although it is a good bet that
possible actions that creative heroes are capable the Patriot Squad is interest-
of devising, neither the judges nor the show’s pro- ed in her because of the mys-
ducer will go along with such actions (and if the tical source of her powers.
heroes try to force them to, well, then they aren’t In any case,“Pop Star”and
being very heroic). its celebrity judges will reap
There is just too much at stake in terms of rep- massive publicity from these
utation, money, ratings, sponsorship, etc. for the events, assuring that the
judges not to make their scheduled appearances show and its judges will be
or for the show to be delayed or canceled. If the on the air for years to come.
producer and judges can’t convince the heroes of Rewards: Saving such
that, then the mayor or some other higher author- high-profile celebrities, espe-
ity will (think of the tourism dollars!). cially if it is done on live tele-
vision, gains the heroes the
Fame feat (if they don’t
Ideally, even if they have earlier
already have it) or two bonus power
encounters with Superstar, the heroes
points (the basic equivalent of the Fame
will have a final showdown with her
feat) that they can spend in any way
during the finale, where thousands of
they choose.
innocent bystanders can get in the
heroes’ way and the heroes will have to Furthermore, the heroes will have
spend as much time saving the innocent the opportunity to make the talk-show
as protecting Sylvie and defeating circuit, especially the entertainment-
Superstar. focused shows, for weeks (something
that may interfere with their crime-
Follow-Up: If Superstar is thwarted
fighting duties).
in her revenge but escapes, or if she suc-
ceeds in getting even with all three Of course, such fame can come at a
judges and escapes, she goes into hiding price. If the heroes become celebrities in
for several months, possibly with the aid their own right then they will find their
of her friend Ilsa (see p. 27). In that time steps increasingly dogged by paparazzi,
she will further explore her powers and and if some heroes become celebrities
realize that they are good for more than and others don’t, this could drive a
revenge on celebrity judges. wedge between teammates.
When Superstar re-
emerges it will be as a full-
fledged supervillain who
I always wanted to be a celebrity!
uses her powers to amass If the GM desires, an interesting reward for the
personal wealth and build a heroes would be to have one of the judges offer a
reputation of infamy; she will hero with a good voice a chance to audition for the
be a thorn in the side of show or even a recording contract.
heroes everywhere for the Another interesting option would be to have
rest of her life. the show add a fourth judge for the next season:
If the heroes manage to the hero who had the most to do with saving the
stop Superstar, she will soon- judges from Superstar (the GM should let the
er or later be transferred to heroes decide who that individual would be).
the custody of the Patriot

■■■ 23 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

Enter the Patriot Squad

The GM decides when Superstar The arm sleeves have Hardness 15.
enters Patriot Squad custody. The Without the proper unlock sequence,
most likely scenario being after the the Drain power can be turned off with
heroes have turned her over to the a Disable Device (DC 35) check while
authorities. the sleeves can be unlocked and
In this case Superstar will be trans- slipped off with an Open Lock (DC 35)
ferred from whatever prison she has check.
been put in to Freedom’s Eye, some-
thing the heroes may or may not Patriot Squad Volunteer: PL 7;
become aware of. Init +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved
Of course, if the GM wants to make Initiative); Defense 20 (+5 base, +4
the Patriot Squad a more tangible Dex, +1 Dodge); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +8
presence, a team of Patriot Squad vol- melee (+2S, punch), +10 ranged
unteers can arrive to take her into cus- (+5L, heavy pistol); SV Dmg +3, Fort
tody the moment the heroes have +3, Ref +4,Will +4; Str 14, Dex 18, Con
defeated her. This should raise some 16, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14.
interesting questions on the part of Skills: Drive +6, Gather
the heroes such as: Information +7, Intimidate +7,
Profession (law enforcement) +7,
■ How did the Patriot Squad Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5.
arrive so soon? Feats: Assessment, Chokehold,
■ What right does the Patriot Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Squad have to take Superstar Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot.
into custody over the local Equipment: Bulletproof vest (+5
authorities? Armor, Cost: 5pp), Taser (+5 Stun, DC
■ Just who, or what, is the Patriot 20; Cost: 5 pp), Heavy Pistol (+5 lethal
Squad? damage, Cost: 5pp).
Notes: The Volunteers are the
The whole point of having the Patriot Squad’s field agents, perform-
Patriot Squad appear is to get the ing investigations into super-powered
heroes to ask questions, but not to get crimes.
answers. Volunteers are recruited from simi-
When the Patriot Squad team lar federal agencies (i.e. FBI, CIA, ATF)
arrives it is composed of four as well as the military (usually special
Volunteers bringing with them a pair forces).
of high-tech handcuffs in the form of Description: Patriot Squad
arm sleeves (see below) and a decid- Volunteers maintain the standard fed-
edly low-tech gag. eral dress code including grooming
standards and the wearing of a suit
Arm Sleeves: Drain - Powers +15 and tie. Although they look like any
[Extra: Duration x3 – Continuous; other federal agents, Patriot Squad
Flaws: Device; Source: Super-Science; Volunteers always wear an American
Cost: 60 pp] flag lapel pin.

■■■ 24 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
By the same token, should they fail to Alicya Lopes: PL 3; Init +3 (Dex);
protect the judges, especially on live tele- Defense 13 (+0 base, +3 Dex); Spd 30
vision, each hero will gain the Infamy feat ft.; Atk +1 melee (+1S, punch), +3
(and lose the Fame feat if he or she has it). ranged (N/A); SV Dmg +2, Fort +2, Ref
This particular instance of the Infamy +3, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int
feat will most likely not provide any 12, Wis 14, Cha 16.
advantages since it is gained because the Skills: Acrobatics +7, Balance +5,
heroes have basically proven themselves Drive +4, Jump +2, Knowledge (music
incompetent, a trait not particularly cele- business) +2, Perform (dancing) +7,
brated among either superheroes or Perform (singing) +5, Profession
supervillains. (dancer) +3, Profession (singer) +3.
Feats: Attractive, Fame, Talented
Supporting Cast (Acrobatics and Perform (dancing)).
Bodyguard: PL 4; Init +6 (+2 Dex, Equipment: N/A
+4 Improved Initiative); Defense 15 (+3 Notes: Alicya is one of the celebrity
base, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Atk +6 melee judges on “Pop Star”. She is a former
(+3S, punch), +5 ranged (+4L, medium dancer turned singer who had a string of
pistol; +5L heavy pistol); SV Dmg +2, Fort hits in the 1980’s but was living in rela-
+2,Ref +4,Will +1;Str 16,Dex 14,Con 14, tive obscurity until her agent got her
Int 12,Wis 12, Cha 10. cast as a judge on “Pop Star”.
Skills: Intimidate +6, Profession Alicya abhors violence and will
(bodyguard) +5, Search +5, Spot +5. attempt to flee from violent confronta-
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved tions. If she cannot flee, she screams and
Pin, Lightning Reflexes, Point Blank Shot, cowers.
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot. Description: Alicya is a high-energy
Equipment: Medium Pistol (+4 Latina who never has a bad thing to say
lethal damage) or Heavy Pistol (+5 lethal about anyone, firmly believing that “if
damage), Commlink [Radio Broadcast, you can’t say something nice, don’t say
Radio Hearing], Nice Suit, Sunglasses. anything at all”. Thanks to her years of
Notes: If the GM allows,a Bodyguard’s dancing, she is still in good shape and
ranks in Profession (bodyguard) can stack likes to wear outfits that show off her
with the Bodyguard’s Spot checks (the legs.
bodyguard is trained to notice problems
before they develop) in appropriate situa- Earl “Big E” Johnson: PL 3; Init +0
tions (i.e. while on the job). (Dex); Defense 11 (+1 base, +0 Dex);
Description: Bodyguards can come in Spd 30 ft.; Atk +3 melee (+2S, punch),
all shapes and sizes. Government and cor- +1 ranged (N/A); SV Dmg +1, Fort +1,
porate bodyguards dress in suits while Ref +0, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12,
private bodyguards dress however their Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 16.
client expects (i.e. as a member of a rap Skills: Diplomacy +4, Drive +1,
star’s posse). Private bodyguards may or Knowledge (music business) +7,
may not carry weapons. Perform (singing) +6, Profession
The Bodyguard can represent every- (singer) +6, Profession (record produc-
thing from a member of the Secret er) +9, Taunt +4
Service to elite corporate and private Feats: Fame, Skill Focus (Knowledge
security; the bodyguard is also handy for (music business)), Skill Focus (Profession
the “muscle” of underworld figures such (record producer), Talented (Perform
as crime lords or drug kingpins. (singing) and Profession (singer)).

■■■ 25 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
Equipment: N/A. At the GM’s judges on the show, her acerbic com-
option, Earl may have access to a ments given an extra edge thanks to her
licensed light pistol (+3 lethal damage) cultured French accent.
that he keeps in a nearby location (i.e. a Sylvie doesn’t take anything from
drawer in his desk). anyone (it’s how she got ahead as a
Notes: Earl is one of the judges on record company executive) and has no
“Pop Star”. He is a former moderately problem defending herself if threat-
successful R&B artist from the 1970’s ened.
and is currently a very successful record Description: Sylvie is a slender,
producer and the owner of the “14th chain-smoking Frenchwoman who
Street Records” label. prefers to dress in slacks and blouse
Although not particularly brave, Earl combinations. Although she naturally
will defend himself as best as he can if has an accent, it has become rather
he has to. weak after years of living abroad; she
Description: Earl is a heavy-set plays the accent up for tapings of the
African-American male (his girth is the show.
source of his nickname) with a gold-
record earning baritone voice. Earl is a
snappy dresser, always wearing custom- Superstar
tailored suits and expensive Italian Quote: “Let me sing you a song.”
shoes. First Appearance: Superline #2.
Summer Nakai was an ordinary
Sylvie Cauchon: PL 3; Init +0 (Dex); teenage girl leading an ordinary life.The
Defense 10 (+0 base, +0 Dex); Spd 30 sole child of a pair of loving middle-class
ft.; Atk +0 melee (+0S, punch), +0 parents, she had everything she could
ranged (N/A); SV Dmg +1, Fort +1, Ref want.
+0, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int Of course, like all teenagers, Summer
16, Wis 16, Cha 14. had a dream: she wanted to become a
Skills: Bluff +3, Diplomacy +6, Drive singer. So when “Pop Star” announced
+1, Gather Information +3, Intimidate auditions Summer, like thousands of
+3, Knowledge (geography) +4, others, felt her chance had come. And,
Knowledge (music business) +9, unlike most of the others, Summer was
Language (English, French, Spanish), selected to become one of fifteen final-
Profession (businessperson) +7, Sense ists for the show. She was finally on her
Motive +6. way!
Feats: Assessment, Endurance, Summer just knew she was the com-
Fame, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Profession plete package. She had the look, she
(businessperson)), Talented (Diplomacy could sing, and she was willing to work
and Sense Motive). harder than anyone to make it; the
Equipment: N/A. At the GM’s thought of not winning never crossed
option, Sylvie may have access to a can her mind.
of pepper spray (+5 Dazzle (sight), DC As a result Summer was utterly dev-
15; Cost: 5 pp) or a taser (+5 Stun, DC 20; astated when she was eliminated in the
Cost: 5 pp) that she keeps in her purse. third round. In an unforgettable televi-
Notes: Sylvie is one of the celebrity sion moment that would be replayed
judges on “Pop Star”. She is a major hundreds of times, upon hearing the
record company executive and was news, Summer broke down crying and
largely responsible for creating the “boy had to be helped off stage.
band” phenomenon in the late 1990’s. For the next few weeks Summer was
She is the most critical of the three inconsolable, crying constantly and

■■■ 26 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
refusing to come out of her room.During
that time she did nothing but think
about the show. And she came to one
conclusion: the judges were to blame.
Especially that Euro-witch Sylvie
Cauchon who had made fun of her,
but also Alicya and Earl; it was all
their fault.But what could she do
about it? Nothing. So she finally
decided to go to a party to see
if she would feel better.
At the party
Summer ended
up meeting a
girl named
Ilsa (the
of the
Coven from
Sensing an
standing soul
Summer told Ilsa
everything. And
she was not dis-
appointed. Not
only did Ilsa
understand per-
fectly where
Summer was
coming from, she
even knew what
she could do about
The two of them
went to Ilsa’s apart-
ment where Ilsa pro-
duced what she
claimed was an old
magical tome, one that
contained a ritual that
would not only allow
Summer to take her
revenge, but also to
become the
best singer in
the world.

■■■ 27 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
Of course Summer didn’t believe it, As her parents know only too well,
but she went along with the ritual any- Summer can change her personality
way just because she thought it might from “sweet and innocent” to “vicious
make her feel better. She had no idea. and mean” at the flick of a switch, a
Whether something went wrong transformation usually brought on
with the ritual, or whether Ilsa simply when someone won’t give her what she
didn’t know what she had, at the ritual’s wants when she is being “nice”.
conclusion Summer had become Normally Summer dresses rather
imbued with an incredible amount of conservatively since it fits other people’s
mystical energy that, although it didn’t idea of her better, but as Superstar (a
make her a better singer, made her voice role she is becoming more and more
a powerful weapon. comfortable in) Summer likes to wear
Realizing she had everything she outfits like the ones worn by her favorite
needed to gain her revenge, Summer singers on television.
renamed herself Superstar, a title she
felt she had been due anyway, and set Superstar (Summer Nakai): PL
about getting even. 10; Init +7 (Dex, Improved Initiative);
Summer Nakai is a slender and cute Defense 21 (+8 base, +3 Dex); Spd 30
Asian-American woman in her late ft.; Atk +9 melee (+1S, punch), +11
teens/early 20s. She stands 5’4” and ranged (+10L, Sonic Blast); SV Dmg +2,
weighs in at 105 lbs. She has a some- Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +1; Str 12, Dex 16,
what prominent inch-long scar under Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 16.
her chin from a bicycling accident when Skills: Acrobatics +4, Balance +4,
she was 8. Drive +4, Escape Artist +4, Hide +4,
Move Silently +4, Bluff +4, Gather
Information +4, Listen +2, Perform
Here Comes The Cavalry, (singing) +4, Spot +2, Taunt +4.
But Not Ours. Feats: Improved Initiative.
If Superstar isn’t enough challenge Powers: Energy Control (sonic) +10
by herself, or the final encounter isn’t [Extras: Energy Blast (Extras: Deflection,
chaotic enough, the GM might want Explosive Blast); Power Stunt: Blindsight,
to have Ilsa (or even the entire Coven) Disintegration, Improved Critical,
show up at an opportune moment to Paralysis, Point Blank Shot, Ricochet
even the sides. Attack; Source: Mystical; Cost: 6 PP].
Weakness: N/A
Equipment: N/A
Summer is very cognizant of how she
Notes: Superstar can be made more
looks to others and enjoys playing up a
dangerous by giving her less control
demure naïveté and innocence; she has
over her powers through the addition of
found that most people will do almost
the Full Effect flaw and using the addi-
anything for her when she does this.
tional points to boost her Attack Bonus
But people who know her know this
and/or replacing the Improved Initative
is all a ruse. Summer’s true personality is
feat with the Power Immunity feat, thus
that of a very manipulative, conniving,
allowing her to bring her Energy
and demanding young woman who, if
Blast/Explosive Blast down on herself.
she doesn’t get what she wants, makes
life miserable for everyone around her
(and with her new powers, that is very
miserable indeed).

■■■ 28 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■

In this section we introduce some creatures for the
GM to torment the heroes with. Since the theme of
this issue of Superline is “Reel Life”, we thought we’d
throw in some creatures based on famous (or not so
famous) monsters that have found their way to
movies and on television.
At the time Japan argued that the
SENSHUHA creature’s appearance was a direct
Quote: A loud, grating screech of result of continued nuclear testing in
challenge. the Marshall Islands by the United
First Appearance: Superline #2. States, an opinion the United States
The origins of the creature known as disputed. However, testing in the area
Senshuha (a word meaning “tyrant was suspended shortly thereafter and,
teeth”) are the cause of endless specu- since Senshuha has not made an
lation in scientific circles. The most appearance since then, the dispute died
accepted theory is that Senshuha is a down.
sea lizard of some kind, most likely a Since then there have been numer-
marine iguana, that was mutated by ous unconfirmed sightings of the crea-
one of the numerous atomic tests that ture, including a couple near Tokyo Bay,
took place in the Pacific Ocean from the but nothing concrete has ever been
mid-1940’s to the mid-1950’s and established.
beyond. As a result, Senshuha appears to
The creature was first sighted in have followed the Loch Ness Monster
1955 by a Japanese destroyer searching and Bigfoot into legend and there are
near the Kuril Islands for a string of many in the scientific community that
missing fishing boats (the disappear- dispute the very existence of the crea-
ance of which would subsequently be ture, claiming that the Kuril Island inci-
credited to Tranjin). Fortunately, the dent was an attempt by the Japanese
encounter was a brief one, with the government to cover up its own nuclear
creature eventually disappearing testing.
beneath the waves in response to the True believers, however, point to the
warship’s firing. appearance of Senshuha only after
Senshuha next appeared in late 1958 atomic tests and believe that the crea-
on the Japanese island of Hokkaido ture exists in a state of suspended ani-
where, according to survivors, it laid mation until awakened by radiation.
waste to several small fishing villages The actual home and current where-
along the island’s northern coast before abouts of Senshuha are as much of a
returning to the sea. mystery as the creature’s origins. Some
Subsequent investigation on the scientists believe that the creature is
island by Japanese scientists revealed almost exclusively marine, living its life
massive dinosaur-like footprints and in the water, while others believe it
radioactive craters which corroborated claims any of a number of uninhabited
the villagers’ descriptions of the crea- Pacific islands as its home.
ture’s size and its use of a breath

■■■ 29 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
Senshuha is a massive bipedal car- Equipment: N/A
nivorous lizard that appears as a cross Notes: It is assumed that
between a marine iguana (especially in Senshuha’s base speed while swim-
its frilled back and longer arms) and a ming is equal to its base speed while on
tyrannosaurus rex (its upright stance, land as the Amphibious feat allows a
balancing tail, and large teeth-filled human hero to swim at his or her base
mouth). speed.
Senshuha’s scales are a dull dark Although Senshuha is written up to
ash, the monotony of which is only bro- be a powerful creature, the GM may
ken by the occasional strand of sea- wish to make Senshua a plot device
weed or debris clinging to its massive requiring extraordinary measures
body. beyond those available to any heroes
Senshuha is estimated to be some (another plot device) encountering it to
165 feet tall and weighing in excess of defeat.
20,000 tons. Aside from its sheer bulk,
its primary weapon appears to be a
blast of radioactive gas.
Although clearly not of human
intellect, based on its encounter with IMRI SWAMP
the Japanese destroyer, wherein at Quote: A deep, burbling moan.
times it appeared to alternately stalk First Appearance: Superline #2.
and examine the ship before being
John Sexton was just an ordinary
driven off, Senshuha is believed to pos-
individual trying to make a living by
sesses intelligence far above that of
dumping toxic waste into a local
ordinary animals and to be capable of
swamp when fortune turned on him.
tactical adaptability and planning.
One night while making his usual
Analyzing the sketchy sonar record-
run John’s truck became stuck in the
ings of the time, there is argument in
mud as he pulled up to his usual dump-
some circles that the creature is capable
ing spot. While trying to free it, the
of a basic level of communication,
truck tipped over and John was pinned
much like whales and dolphins.
under the truck, which suddenly began
to sink. Screaming uselessly for help,
Senshuha: PL 20; Init +5 (Dex); John was slowly pushed under the
Defense 4 (+15 base, +5 Dex, -16 size); muck.
Spd 80 ft. (Swim 80 ft.); Atk +4 melee As his mouth and nose filled with
(+25L, bite or +25S, tail slap), +4 mud, John’s life ended, but another life
ranged (+20L, radiation blast); SV Dmg also began. The latent spiritual energy
+5, Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +3; Str 20, of the swamp, which had been the
Dex 20, Con 20, Int 4, Wis 17, Cha 10. scene of secret pagan rituals for cen-
Skills: Listen +10, Spot +10. turies, merged with John’s body and
Feats: Amphibious, Durability, soul, creating a new creature made up
Immunity (critical hits, disease, pres- of the flesh and blood of John Sexton
sure, radiation), Scent. and the residual magical energy of the
Powers: Growth +20 [Extras: swamp. The result was something that
Continuous, Energy Blast (radiation), would become known as the Creature
Immovability, Mental Protection, of Imri Swamp by those that caught
Protection (Extra: +10 Impervious), glimpses of it in subsequent years.
Super Strength; Flaw: Permanent; The Creature is close to 7 feet tall
Source: Mutation; Cost: 8.5 pp] and weighs around 500 pounds. It has a
Weakness: N/A general humanoid form that appears to

■■■ 30 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
be made entirely of plant matter in Skills: Intimidate +14, Listen +7,
varying states of growth and decay. Spot +7, Survival +7.
Thick, trunk-like legs and massive arms Feats: Amphibious, Darkvision,
give a sense of great power. A glisten- Durability, Immunity (Aging, Critical
ing sheen of moisture covers its entire Hits, Light, Exhaustion), Scent, Startle.
body. Powers: Amazing Save (Damage)
The Creature’s head is vaguely oval- +10 [Extra: Fortitude; Source: Mystical;
shaped and features a set of deep, Cost: 2 pp], Plant Control +10 [Extras:
green pupil-less irises. A set of black Plant Elementals, Regeneration; Power
slits in the middle of its face and set Stunt: Photosynthesis; Source: Mystical;
above a rough gash of a mouth sug- Cost: 4 pp], Super Strength +5 [Extra:
gests a nose. Protection; Source: Mystical; Cost: 5 pp],
Although the creature is effectively Transformation +10 [Extras:
a transformed John Sexton, the fact is Continuous, Inanimate, Mental; Flaws:
that John Sexton as he was before the Limited – plants only, Range - Touch;
transformation no longer exists. Rather, Source: Mystical; Cost: 4 pp].
the soul of John Sexton has been Weakness: Mute – The Creature
reborn into the Creature and remem- can utter only soggy moans and bur-
bers nothing of its time before. bles.
The Creature’s primary motivation is Equipment: N/A
to protect its habitat, the Imri Swamp, Notes: If the GM wishes to make
and it does this in the most straightfor- the Creature more of a mindless force of
ward manner. It deals swiftly and with- nature its Intelligence can be reduced
out warning with all that defile the to - and the 12 points used to increase
swamp through trespassing or would its various powers.
use it for their own base ends, usually
by making them part of the swamp as
Given that few people venture into Quote: N/A.
the swamp, and fewer still with good First Appearance: Superline #2.
purpose, the Creature is largely seen as The scourge of an hundred worlds,
a local legend. However, assuming space slugs are an interstellar phenom-
recent sightings of the Creature in enon of occasionally epidemic propor-
farms adjoining the swamp are accu- tions.
rate, the Creature has begun to expand Traveling to populated star systems
its territory. from the dark depths of deep space, the
While the motivation for this expan- origin of space slugs is a mystery.
sion is unclear, if true, it is certain to Among those species that have
bring the Creature into conflict with the encountered them there is much spec-
local communities with inevitably dis- ulation as to the slugs’ exact origins,
astrous results for everyone involved. with theories touting everything from
natural phenomenon to alien genetic
Creature From Imri Swamp: PL experiment finding favor at one time or
15; Init +2 (Dex); Defense 17 (+5 base, another.
+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft. (Swim 30 ft.); Atk What is known is that the slugs
+12 melee (+9S, punch), +10 ranged spend their time in space traveling in
(N/A, plant snare); SV Dmg +5, Fort +5, chrysalises able to withstand the worst
Ref +2, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 20, of deep-space radiation and atmos-
Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 10. pheric entry.

■■■ 31 ■■■
■■■ REEL LIFE ■■■
Once arriving on a planet the preda- All these factors combine to make
tory slugs immediately set about eat- the space slug a very dangerous nui-
ing everything organic they can find. sance and, at least on those worlds
While they will devour plants, they where they are known, every available
appear to prefer meat in all its variety, resource is mustered to deal with the
especially intelligent creatures that can creatures the moment one of them is
be hunted down. If given the chance, discovered.
space slugs will denude a planet of all
forms of life, leaving it a bare husk. Space Slug: PL 9; Init +0 (Dex, -1
A space slug’s blob-like gray body is size); Defense 10 (+6 base, +0 Dex);
roughly 15 feet long and 5 feet in diam- Spd 30 ft. (Tunnel 30 ft.); Atk +8 melee
eter. Aside from its size, a space slug’s (+12L, bite); SV Dmg +6, Fort +6, Ref
most impressive feature is its massive +1, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int
maw filled with razor-sharp teeth the 4, Wis 14, Cha 10.
length of a man’s forearm. A space slug Skills: Climb +11, Listen +8, Spot
uses these teeth as both weapon and +8, Survival +10.
tool; the slug’s teeth enable it to tunnel Feats: Blind Fight, Durability, Great
through earth at a substantial pace. Fortitude, Immunity (pressure, suffoca-
Space slugs are hermaphroditic. tion), Scent, Skill Focus (Survival),
Thus, all it takes is a single space slug to Toughness.
begin a colony of the abominations. Powers: Growth +6 [Extra:
Given that space slugs are prolific Continuous; Flaw: Permanent; Source:
breeders, especially if there is an ample Alien; Cost: 6 pp], Natural Weapon +6
food supply, the creatures can quickly [Source: Alien; Cost: 2 pp],Tunneling +6
overrun a given area. [Source: Alien; Cost: 2 pp].
Space slugs possess a rudimentary Weakness: N/A
intelligence that places them a step
Equipment: N/A
above normal animal predators. They
Notes: A space slug’s size provides it
are able to not only employ rudimenta-
with Immovability +6, Protection +6,
ry tactics (such as having one slug
and Super Strength +6.
chase prey to a waiting group or setting
an ambush), but also to adjust to their A space slug can tunnel 30 feet as a
prey’s tactics in the moment and even half action, 60 feet as a full action.
anticipate what prey might do. While tunneling, a space slug does not
leave a tunnel behind for others to fol-
Space slugs communicate among
themselves using a low-frequency
vibration which is quite sophisticated, To increase the danger presented by
even allowing the space slug to share the space slugs simply make them larg-
basic ideas and concepts (such as how a er or give them an energy blast of some
particular piece of prey acted). sort.

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