Outline Plan - Georgina Wood

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Outline Plan

Research and Note taking

Research into each mode: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian and
Locrian. Then, select three which I find most interesting and like the sound of best to be in
my song.
Research how to effectively write a song by watching documentaries, podcasts and
interviews with writers.
How to record a song to a professional level.
Make notes during each part of my research in an organised ‘Word’ document

Writing a melody

Write the melody after selecting the three modes which I prefer, based around the key of G,
as it most comfortable for my voice. I will write using my piano and then input the melody
into a digital software, either Sibelius or Garage Band. This is good as then I can adjust the
melody easily and it is laid out in an organised manner.

Writing the lyrics

I will then write the lyrics to match the melody. For this I will pick a situation for the song to
be based around and then in each verse write from a different perspective. Furthermore, each
verse will be based upon a different emotion, as I would like the song to relate and evoke
different thoughts and feelings from each listener.

Recording the song

After researching how to properly record a song, I will then begin the recording process of
my own. Furthermore, I will seek advice from music producers who I know so I can have a
professional opinion. I will most likely split the recording process into different sections so I
can achieve the best sound possible.

Writing my essay

In the essay I will discuss the research I have performed and how it affected my writing and
recording process. I will discuss different artists and how they choose to write and if this has
changed the way I look at song writing. As well as this, I will discuss the research I
performed into the history of modes and explain why I chose three specifically for my song. I
will also have an evaluative section at the end of my essay giving my opinion on the whole

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