Minggu 1-Tujuan Perbaikan Tanah

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Teknologi Perbaikan Tanah

Minggu 1
• Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)

• CPL 2
Mampu menerapkan ilmu rekayasa teknik sipil
CAPAIAN untuk merancang, melaksanakan dan
PEMBELAJARAN mengevaluasi sistem dan konstruksi teknik sipil
sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
• CPL 3
Mampu mendesain dan melakukan penelitian
laboratorium dan lapangan serta
menginterpretasikan hasilnya
• Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah
• CPMK 1
• Mampu memahami métode perbaikan tanah
secara mekanis
PEMBELAJARAN • Mampu memahami teknologi perbaikan tanah
secara hidrolik (dewatering)
• CPMK 3
• Mampu memahami teknologi perbaikan tanah
dengan bahan tambah
• CPMK 4
• Mampu memahami teknologi pekuatan tanah
dengan geosintetis
• Semua mahasiswa wajib mengikuti peraturan
yang berlaku di Departemen Teknik Sipil UAJY.
• Mahasiswa yang tidak hadir tanpa
pemberitahuan maka dianggap alfa (berlaku
Kontrak luring maupun daring).
• Izin yang berlaku sesuai dengan ketentuan
Perkuliahan Departemen Teknik Sipil
• Tidak diperbolehkan adanya PLAGIARISME dan
KECURANGAN, bagi yang melanggar langsung
mendapat nilai E.
• Pengumpulan tugas yang terlambat akan
dikurangi 50% dari nilai total yang didapat.
• Bobot Nilai
• CPMK 1: 25%
• CPMK 2: 25% Kesepakatan
• CPMK 3: 25% Team Teaching
• CPMK 4: 25%
Penilaian • Penilaian
A : 85 ≤ X C+ : 55 ≤ X < 60
A- : 80 ≤ X < 85 C : 40 ≤ X < 55
B+ : 75 ≤ X < 80 D : 20 ≤ X < 40
B : 65 ≤ X < 75 E : 0 ≤ X < 20
B- : 60 ≤ X < 65
Pertemuan Topik
1 Tujuan Perbaikan Tanah
3 Perbaikan Tanah secara Mekanik
5 Metode Perbaikan Tanah secara Hidraulik
6 Perbaikan Tanah secara Grouting

7 Perbaikan Tanah dengan Bahan Tambah
8 Evaluasi hasil Perbaikan Tanah
Geosintetis sebagai perkuatan tanah
12 Pengaplikasian Perkuatan dan Perbaikan Tanah dengan
13 Geosintetis

Rencana Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah
• Tugas yang diberikan dapat terpisah atau gabungan di antara list
Tugas Topik
1 Perbaikan Tanah Mekanik
2 Perbaikan Tanah Hidraulik
3 Teknologi perbaikan dengan metode grouting
4 Teknologi perbaikan dengan bahan tambah
5 Perbaikan dan perkuatan tanah dengan geosintetik
• Pengenalan Perbaikan Tanah
• Teknik Perbaikan Tanah dan Pengaplikasiannya

Pengenalan Perbaikan Tanah
Mata Kuliah Geotek di Prodi Teknik Sipil
Mekanika Tanah Teknik Fondasi
• Sifat fisik tanah • Investigasi tanah
• Tegangan di dalam tanah • Fondasi dangkal
• Pemadatan
• Sifat mekanik tanah (kuat geser, tekanan lateral)
• Fondasi dalam
• Dinding penahan tanah

Optional Course
Mekanika Tanah Terapan
Dinamika Tanah • Persebaran tegangan di dalam tanah
• Penurunan (elastik dan konsolidasi)
Topik Khusus: Liquifaksi • Likuifaksi
• Stabilitas lereng

Teknologi Perbaikan Tanah

What is Soil Improvement?
• Soil improvement in its broadest sense is the alteration of any
property of a soil to improve its engineering performance
• When one considers developing a site either for construction,
rehabilitation, preservation/protection, or other use, there needs to
be consideration given to the effects of loads imposed and the
behavior or response of the ground and soil to those loads
What is Soil Improvement?
• Soil compaction is used to
densify a soil by reducing
the void space, or the
amount of air, between
soil particles.
• Compaction decreases the
likelihood of settlement
after a building, roadway,
runway or parking lot is
constructed which could
result in premature
pavement failure, costly
maintenance or repairs.
What is Soil Improvement?
• Stone columns is a
ground improvement
technique that
reinforces the soil with a
network of stone
compacted columns.
• The Stone Columns
result in an increased
bearing capacity, and a
reduction of the total
and differential
What is Soil Improvement?
• Ground improvement is required, wherever problematic soils/rocks
are encountered.
• The basic purpose is to make the subsurface conditions suitable for
construction purposes.
Why we need Soil Improvement?
• Ground-improvement methods are those that are capable of improving
certain characteristics of poor ground for civil engineering constructions
and various infrastructure developments.
• For example:
• increase in bearing capacity,
• reduction in total as well as differential settlement,
• reduction in permeability,
• slope stability,
• prevention of soil erosion caused by piping and seepage,
• reduction of uplift pressure,
• decrease in liquefaction potential of soil,
• reduction of swelling and cracking of soils,
• identification of suitability of site to facilitate construction works, etc.
Why we need Soil Improvement?
• Liquefaction did more damage
to underground pipes than
ground movement in the
Christchurch earthquakes
Why we need Soil Improvement?
Why we need Soil Improvement?
Why we need Soil Improvement?
Why we need Soil Improvement?
• So a ground improvement method or technique is required to alter
the state, nature, or mass behaviour of ground materials in a
controlled manner in order to achieve an expected and satisfactory
response to existing or projected environmental and engineering
Why we need Soil Improvement?
There are alternate options to ground improvement as well. These are:
• to remove and replace the soil mass with another type of soils or
other geomaterials of a suitable quality for the construction work
• to bypass the poor soil with the help of a suitable technique like pile
• to alter the design (height and configuration) of structures to
overcome the ground limitations
• to change the construction site and look for a new one.
Why we need Soil Improvement?

Necessity and selection of ground-improvement techniques for construction projects

The fundamental idea of improving the engineering properties of soils or modifying
earth materials to perform a desired function is not new. Some of the basic
principles of ground improvement, such as densification, dewatering, and use of
admixtures, have existed for thousands of years.
• The use of wood and straw inclusions mixed with mud for “Adobe” construction
has been reported for civil works in ancient times of Mesopotamia and ancient
• Lime mixed with soil was used in construction with Rome’s famous Appian Way,
built around 600 AD during the height of the Roman Empire.
• An early application soil improvement by addition of infilling material was
reportedly used for seepage control in construction of gravelly/rockfill dams in
Egypt around 1900, where fine-grained soil was sluiced into the coarse aggregate
to lower permeability.
Improvement Techniques and Applications
Improvement Techniques and Applications
Improvements will be done during one of three phases of a project:
• Preconstruction improvements
• Part-of-construction improvements
• Postconstruction improvements
Improvement Techniques and Applications
Improvements will be done during one of three phases of a project:
• Preconstruction improvements
Improvements done in this phase, often is the most desirable and cost-effective. These
types of improvements would be done to prepare a site for construction and would
generally be a part of the planning and design to ensure the success of a project.

Examples of preconstruction improvements are:

• Ground densification,
• Pre-consolidation,
• drainage,
• dewatering and modification of hydraulic flows,
• planned underpinning,
• and various grouting techniques.
Improvement Techniques and Applications
Improvements will be done during one of three phases of a project:
• Part-of-construction improvements
improvement techniques that are done during the construction of the project and could become
permanent components of a project

Examples of part-of-construction improvements are:

• gravel columns,
• shallow soil treatment (including gradation control, shallow compaction, and treatment with
• ground freezing,
• construction with geosynthetics,
• soil nails,
• tie-backs and anchors for cuts,
• excavation, lightweight fills (including geofoam), and so on
Improvement Techniques and Applications
Improvements will be done during one of three phases of a project:
• Postconstruction improvements
Improvements done after completion of the construction phase of a project
and are often remedial processes. These applications can be very costly, but
are used as last choice alternatives to rectify problems encountered after
(or long after) the completion of a project or to stabilize natural features that
have failed or become hazardous.

Examples of postconstruction improvements are:

• methods to stabilize settlement problems
• failed or near-failure slopes,
• seepage problems.
Improvement Techniques and Applications
• The approaches incorporating ground improvement processes can
generally be divided into four categories grouped by the techniques
or methods by which improvements are achieved (Hausmann, 1990).
1. Mechanical modification
2. Hydraulic modification
3. Physical and chemical modification
4. Modification by inclusions, confinement, and reinforcement
Improvement Techniques and Applications
1. Mechanical modification
• Includes physical manipulation of earth materials, which most
commonly refers to controlled densification
• Many engineering properties and behaviors can be improved by
controlled densification of soils by compaction methods
Improvement Techniques and Applications
2. Hydraulic modification
• Where flow, seepage, and drainage characteristics in the ground are
• This includes lowering of the water table by drainage or dewatering
wells, increasing or decreasing permeability of soils, forcing
consolidation and pre-consolidation to minimize future settlements,
reducing compressibility and increasing strength, filtering
groundwater flow, controlling seepage gradients, and creating
hydraulic barriers.
Improvement Techniques and Applications
3. Physical and chemical modification
• “Stabilization” of soils caused by a variety of physiochemical changes
in the structure and/or chemical makeup of the soil materials or
• Soil properties and/or behavior are modified with the addition of
materials that alter basic soil properties through physical mixing
processes or injection of materials (grouting), or by thermal
treatments involving temperature extremes.
• Recent work with bio-stabilization, which would include
adding/introducing microbial methods, may also be placed in this
Improvement Techniques and Applications
4. Modification by inclusions, confinement, and reinforcement
• Includes use of structural members or other manufactured materials
integrated with the ground.
• These may consist of reinforcement with tensile elements; soil
anchors and “nails”; reinforcing geosynthetics; confinement of
(usually granular) materials with cribs, gabions, and “webs”; and use
of lightweight materials such as polystyrene foam or other lightweight
• In general, this type of ground improvement is purely physical
through the use of structural components.

Improvement Techniques and Applications
• A classification of various
ground-improvement techniques
can be done based upon their
basic principles
Techniques and
• Depending upon the specific
project requirements, it is
necessary to select one, or more
than one, of the ground-
improvement techniques for a
particular site by considering
other factors like time and cost,
volume and depth of work, etc.,
Improvement Techniques and Applications
• Various ground-improvement
methods as per their
applicability to different soil
• Based on Mitchell, J.K., 1981.
Improvement Techniques and Applications
• An updated version of Various
ground-improvement methods
as per their applicability to
different soil mass by Mitchell
Improvement Techniques and Applications
• SNI 8460:2017
Improvement Techniques and Applications
• Maximum effective depth and economical size of treatment area for some of the
ground-treatment methods
Improvement Techniques and Applications
• As many of the soil and ground improvement techniques fall in a relatively
new area of geotechnical specialization with only a limited database of
case histories, some would argue that some methods are the “interaction
of engineering science and experience-based technologies” (Charles, 2002)
• Burland et al. (1976) described the implementation of ground treatment in
a “rational context” with the basic stages:
1. Define the required ground behavior for a particular use of the ground.
2. Identify any deficiencies in the ground behavior.
3. Design and implement appropriate ground treatment to remedy any
• CPMK 1
Able to understand mechanical soil improvement methods
• Make a presentation about Failure in Civil Engineering Infrastructure
related to soil problems
• Use this outline
• Failure Case Information
• Cause of the failure
• Soil improvement method that can be used to prevent the failure (including
the reason)
• Submit at Situs Kuliah (LMS) as pdf
Assignment (example)
• Failure Case Information • Landslide at Jalan Poros Malino
KM 56, Kab Gowa, Sulsel
• 21 Feb 2022
Assignment (example)
• Cause of the failure
Surface erosion
The shear strength of the slope soil is exceeded
Assignment (example)
• Soil improvement method that can be used to prevent the failure
(including the reason)
Mechanical modification
- Using selected backfill soil and do the proper densification of the soil
using compaction method
Modification by inclusions, confinement, and reinforcement
- Using geosynthetics as MSE wall to improve the stability of the slope
Assignment (example)
• Soil improvement method that can be used to prevent the failure
(including the reason)

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