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1865. — '



Following Aictionary is respectiully Dedicated,



15833 ,
Bencroft Library


Ir was the intention of the Author of this volume to make some extended
remarks concerning the character, peculiarities and extent of the Hawaiian
Language, by way of Preface or Introduction; but the want of physical strength,
and especially of mental energy, has induced him to forego such an attempt and
be contented with a mere History of the manner in which this Dictionary has
come into existence. The History of Hawaiian Lexicography is short. For
the first effort the Author will quote from the preface of “A Vocabulary of
Words in the Hawaiian Language” as follows:
“ Ata General Meeting of the Mission in June, 1834, it was voted, ‘That Mr. AnpREws
prepare a Vocabulary of the Hawaiian Language.’ At the same time a wish was earnestly
expressed and often repeated, that the work should not be delayed, but should be printed
as soon as possible; and it was fully understood and expected that the work would neces-
sarily be an imperfect one.
“On receiving the above appointment from the Mission, the Compiler set about a review
of his materials for the compilation of a Vocabulary. The materials at hand and from
which the following work has been compiled were the following:
“1, A vocabulary of words collected mostly, it is believed, by Mr. Loomis, formerly a
member of this Mission. This was transcribed by the Compiler on his voyage from the
United States, and put to use in 1828. In using it, his object was to insert every new word
which he saw in print or understood in conversation or could obtain in any other way,
besides correcting such mistakes as had been made in transcribing from the copy of Mr.
Loomis. It was also a point with him to insert, if possible, the authority. Owing, however,
to his ignorance of the Language at the time, many mistakes were made both in the orthog-
raphy of the words and in the definitions.
“2. A vocabulary of words arranged, it is believed, in part by Mr. Ely, at the request of
the Mission, and finished by Mr. Bishop. A copy of this was received and transcribed by
the Compiler in the summer of 1829. Every other page was left blank for the insertion of
new words, and for any such other corrections or additions as should be important. In
using this manuscript, the same method was taken as with the Vocabulary of Mr. Loomis.
New words and new definitions of words before collected, increased the size of the book to
a considerable extent.
“On the slightest review of these irregular masses of materials, it was manifest that the
labor of a thorough examination of every word, either by consulting intelligent Natives or
by examining the wsus loguendi from such manuscripts as could be obtained, or from the
books that had been printed, must necessarily be a very protracted labor—the labor of
some years at least. In consideration, therefore, of the urgent desire that something should
be commenced in the form of a Vocabulary, and that a work having any pretensions to
perfection must be slow in its progress, and protracted in its completion—and as the Com-
piler was burdened with labors of another kind—he judged it best to reduce the materials
iw * —_AUTHOR’S PREFACE. ro ehy >
he had on hand to order in the best manner his time would permit. He has done so, with-
out looking for any new words or extending the definitions of such as were collected, or
consulting any native with regard to the propriety or impropriety of any definition. He
feels it his duty, therefore, to forewarn those who may consult the following Vocabulary
that they will often be disappointed. Jt is by no means a perfect Vocabulary of the Hawaiian

Such is the History of the Vocabulary. The printing was commenced at

Honolulu in 1835, but finished at the press of the then High School at Lahaina-
tuna and published early in 1836. It consisted of 132 pages octavo, and con-
tained a little over 6,000 words, and has been the principal Vocabulary in use
until the present time.


As soon as the aforementioned Vocabulary was published, the Author had

several copies bound with blank leaves for making corrections and inserting new
words, and continued his reading of Hawaiian documents both printed and
written—giving the preference in all cases to such as were written by Chiefs to
other Chiefs, and such as were written by one intelligent Hawaiian to another.
As many of these written documents were never printed and were ephemeral in
their nature, no reference could be made to them except by quoting a short sen-
tence containing the word in question. No works of Foreign Authors—i. e.,
Foreigners writing Hawaiian—have been referred to except a very few school
books, such as the Anahonua (Surveying), the Anatomia, a short treatise on
Anatomy by Dr. Judd; Hozkehonua (Geography), and a few others. The trans-
lation of the Bible, however, from the great care exercised in translating—the
frequent and thorough reviews by parties distinct from the original translators—
and in all cases with Hawaiians sitting by and assisting, who were distinguished
for intelligence and skill in their own language—is the principal exception.. That
has been considered and treated as a classic, and numerous references have been
made to itaccordingly. It may be remarked, however, that as the Hawaiian Bible
has been under a revision for two or three years past, and is now being printed
in the United States, some of the references in the Dictionary may not apply to
this new edition of the Bible. With these exceptions, the authorities for the defi-
nition of words, so far as the Author is concerned, have been drawn from Manu-
scripts written by Hawaiians or from printed pages originally written by such.
The Author has ever sought after the best and purest Hawaiian he could obtain.
As he has had no use for the low, filthy, vulgar language of ignorant and sensual
depravity that must ever exist where there is no purifying principle to counter-
act it, his book may appear deficient in low terms, too common even now. A

good many, it is to be feared, have crept in unawares along with better company,
but they have never been sought after.
Besides two interleaved volumes filled up by the Author himself, he has been
permitted to draw from the following sources:
Ist. From a Manuscript of Dr. Baldwin, of Lahaina. This manuscript was
especially useful, not so much for definitions fully written out, as for its sugges-
tions of what might be and what should be further investigated. In ‘noting
down the ideas that appeared to belong to the word under review, he appears to
have had a shrewd Hawaiian at his elbow. Some of his definitions have been
copied in entire, but the most are mixed up with those of the Author, making
the article more full. Hence this general acknowledgment is all that can appear
in the work. .
2d. Mr. Richards’ book. This was a printed volume of the Vocabulary bound
up like the Author’s with blank leaves. In his Missionary work, and especially
after he became a Teacher for the Chiefs, Mr. Richards obtained quite a stock
of new words; but it is to be regretted that his engagements did not allow him
time to define them well. He frequently obtained a new word, but instead of
giving a radical definition, merely mentioned that the Princess or Hoapili or
some other Chief used the word, apparently meaning so and so, leaving the
Author to find out as best he could the real meaning of the word. It was,
however, of considerable help to the Author.
3d. ‘The volume of Rev. A. Bishop has also rendered assistance to the Author.
Having a blank interleaved book, he corrected or improved many definitions of
the printed Vocabulary, and also added upwards of two hundred new words.
4th. The Author is also indebted to Dr. Judd in the same way: i. e., by
allowing the Author the use of his interleaved Vocabulary. Besides his work
on Anatomy into which he introduced the Hawaiian names of the bones, muscles
and ligaments of the human system, he has collected in his Vocabulary a good
number of words belonging to the colloquia] department.
5th. The Vocabulary of S. M. Kamakau. This was designed to bea vocab-
ulary of Hawaiian words with Hawaiian definitions. This work was com-
menced and carried on by Mr. Kamakau through the instigation, if not the ex-
pense of the Rev. J. S. Emerson while Professor at the Seminary of Lahaina-
luna. Its value as a vocabulary is diminished, not for want of information in
the writer, but for want of skill in making definitions. Instead of giving a defi-
nition in other words, he merely added the synonyms of the word in question.
The work, however, was of value to the Author. for these synonyms increased
the number of words which finally found their way into the Dictionary. For
all these helps, the Author desires to make due acknowledgment.

Still there has been ample room for the exercise of the Author’s own judg-
ment. ‘The different departments in which he has been called to act, as that of
a Missionary, a Teacher in the Seminary at Lahainaluna, a Magistrate in the
different Courts of the Kingdom and Secretary of the Privy Council, in all which
the Hawaiian Language was used, have brought before him a great variety of
forms of speech, and perhaps also, a greater variety of the senses in which many
words are used than could have been obtained had he been confined to any one
department. But after all, as he reviews his Dictionary, he feels that he has
nothing to boast of. The deficiencies are still great. Much will remain for the
Author’s successors to do before the genius, extent and peculiarities of the
Hawaiian Language will be fully developed.
There are several departments of the language the words of which are but
feebly represented in this Dictionary. ‘That which relates to the imaginative
in the Kaaos or Legends of different classes,—that which relates to what may
be termed their philosophical views, i. e., their mode of accounting for natural
phenomena, as the creation of their own islands,—the Origin of their Religious
rites,—and especially the power of imagination displayed in their Meles and the
consequent richness of their language for expressing the nicest shades of love,
of hatred, of jealousy and revenge, and the language employed by the priests
when drawing on their gods for assistance, are but partially presented in the
definitions of this Dictionary. The Kaao of Laieikawai is almost the only spec-
imen of that species of language which has been laid before the public. Many
fine specimens have been printed in the Hawaiian periodicals, but are neither
seen nor regarded by the foreign community. Volumes more of the same qual-
ity as Laieikawai might be collected and printed and whose moral influence
would be no worse on Hawaiian minds than the famous Scott’s Novels are on
English readers. The study of these Kaaos would demonstrate that the Hawai-
ians possessed a language not only adapted to their former necessities, but capa-
ble of being used in introducing the arts of civilized society, and especially of
pure morals, of law and the religion of the Bible.
The number of words in this Dictionary is about 15,500. The Author would
here state that four-fifths of the work were completed before he had any intima-
tion that it would ever be printed. It was written:solely for his own amuse-
ment and information, and preparatory to a more full investigation of those
departments of the language above mentioned. He has been desirous for many
years of going more fully into the study of Hawaiian poetry, and as a prepara-
tion to it he was induced to collect specimens of the language of common life;
hence the origin of this Dictionary. An appropriation of money for a Dictionary
‘passed by the Legislature of 1860 without his knowledge, was the first intima-

tion the Author had that such a work was desired by the Foreign community~
on the Islands.
Much praise is due to the Managers of the Office of the Advertiser for the:
correctness of the printing. Seldom is a book of this size printed with so few
typographical errors. The public will also feel indebted to Professor Alexander
for assiduous attention not only in one reading of each proof sheet, but in sug-
gesting improvements in the language of definitions. The work is now sub-
mitted to a candid public. The Author hopes and prays that as God has spared
his life to bring it to a close, he will in some way make it useful to the increase
of intelligence in this Hawaiian Kingdom.
Honotvtv, April, 1865.


The Reader will notice that the Order of words in the Dictionary does not
follow the order of letters in the English Alphabet, but they follow the order in
which they stand in the Hawaiian first books for children, viz.: 1st, the vowels;
2d, the Hawaiian consonants, and 3d, such foreign consonants as have been in-
troduced in coygnection with foreign words. (See the Alphabet below.)
In arranging the definitions, where there are several attached to a word, the
Author has endeavored first to ascertain, if possible, the radical idea of the word
in its simplest form, and from that he has used his bést judgment in arranging
in the order of their sequence the various derived significations. How far he
has succeeded must be left to the judgment of the Reader.
The Reader of Hawaiian will notice that many words begin with the letters
hoo. In looking in the Dictionary for such words, he may not find them; thus,
hoonaauao will not be found under the letter H. Throw off then the hoo and
look for naauao, v., and there it will appear, and so of many others.
The sounds of the vowels will appear in the Alphabet below, and in the same
order as they stand in the Dictionary.
\A as heard in arch, ask, &c.
| I: as in hate, late, &c.
Hawaiian Vowels. }I as in ee in English, or as 2 in pigue.
|O as long in note.
)U as 00 in coo.


}K | orel
Foreign :;
reais |L | Consonants | G.
CG tae | M 4 as in English. pronounced | R.
onsonants fy ets S|
P | English. | T.
Ww V.

Tue Hawaiian is but a dialect of the great Polynesian language, which is

spoken with extraordinary uniformity over al] the numerous islands of the Pacific
Ocean between New Zealand and Hawaii. Again, the Polynesian language is
but one member of that wide-spread family of languages, known as the Malayo-
Polynesian or Oceanic family, which extends frorm Madagascar to the Hawaiian
Islands, and from New Zealand to Formosa.
The Hawaiian dialect is peculiarly interesting to the philologist from its
isolated position, being the most remote of the family from its primeval seat in
South-Eastern Asia, and leading as it were the van while the Malagasy brings
up the rear. We will first give a brief account of what has been done for these
languages, chiefly by European scholars.
The similarity of the Polynesian dialects to one another is so striking that it
did not escape the notice of the first discoverers in this Ocean. Dr. Reinhold
Forster, the celebrated naturalist of Captain Cook’s second voyage, drew up a
table containing 47 words taken from 11 Oceanic dialects, and the corresponding
terms in Malay, Mexican, Peruvian and Chilian. From this table he inferred
that the Polynesian languages afford many analogies with the Malay, while
they present no point of contact with the American languages. After him Mr.
Anderson, in a comparative table, which was published at the end of Cook’s
third voyage, drew attention to the striking resemblance of the Polynesian
numerals to those of the Malay archipelago and Madagascar.
According to Max Muller, it was the Abbe Lorenzo Hervas who first made
what he calls “one of the most brilliant discoveries in the history of the science
of language, the establishment of the Malay and Polynesian family of speech,
extending from the Island of Madagascar over 208 degrees of longitude to Easter
Island,” &c. From what has been said, however, it is evident that the credit
of this discovery is really due to Forster and Anderson. Hervas was a Spanish
Jesuit, who spent several years as a missionary in South America, where his
~ attention was drawn to the comparative study of languages. After his return
to Europe, he lived chiefly at Rome, where his correspondence with Jesuit mis-
sionaries in all parts of the world gave him great assistance in his philological re-
searches. Inhis “Catalogue of Languages,” published inthe year 1800,he clearly
stated this relationship, which it was reserved for a Humboldt to demonstrate.
A few years later William Marsden, who was the first to investigate with
9 :

accuracy the history of the East Indian Archipelago, arrived independently at

the same conclusions. He considered all the insular nations as colonies from
the Malays, whose original home was the Island of Sumatra, and their common
speech he termed the Great Polynesian.
John Crawford, in his great work on the East Indian Archipelago, published
in 1820, in which he gave a valuable comparative vocabulary, advanced a very
different theory, which has occasioned a great deal of discussion, and is not
without its advocates even at the present day. He supposed that the basis of
each barbarous language was originally distinct, each tribe being a distinct race,
and properly indigenous. ‘lhe common words in each dialect he supposed to
have been derived from a foreign language, which he calls the Great Polynesian,
and which was spread, as he imagined, by a more civilized people, through
conquest and commercial intercourse, over the whole Archipelago. On this
subject we briefly remark that his theory affords no explanation of the dispersion
of the Polynesian race over the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Besides we have
good reason to believe that whatever superiority in civilization is enjoyed by the
East Indian islanders, was derived by them from Continental India, long after
the dispersion of the insular races from their common center, and not from his
imaginary Great Polynesian. Again, the words which are common to all these
languages are such as are least likely to have been borrowed by one race from
another, as the pronouns, the numerals, the names of family relations, of parts
of the body, of the great objects of nature, and all the simplest ideas of every-
day life. ‘The Saxons, for example, learned to use many Norman-French words,
but most of their household words remained Saxon. So did their numerals, so
did their pronouns, and so in the highest degree did their grammar.
Dumont d’Urville’s report on the Philology of the French Exploring Expedi-
tion, during the years 1825-1829, published in 1833, reflects great credit on its
author. Besides other valuable materials, it contains a comparative vocabulary
of seven Oceanic languages, comprising over eight hundred words in the Mada-
gascar, New Zealand, Tongan, Tahitian, Hawaiian and Malay languages.
In the able essay which accompanied it, he drew attention to the fact that a
class of words common to the Malagasy and the Polynesian are wanting in the
Malay; which confirmed, as he justly thought, Forster’s opinion that “all these
languages were derived from one very ancient tongue, now lost,” which held
towards them all the relation of a common parent, the Polynesian having re-
mained nearest to the original type, while the Malay has been greatly modified
by the influence of the Sanscrit, and the Malagasy by the African and Arabic
languages. M. d’Urville then goes on to advance an ingenious hypothesis,
which, however, will not stand the test of examination, that a continent like
Australia, or at least an archipelago, once occupied part of Polynesia, inhabited

by a people of whom the Polynesian tribes are but the remnant that have sur-
vived some great convulsion of the globe. In that case the Malays would have
been but colonists from the supposed Polynesian continent, who had followed
the general course of the trade winds.
The earliest really scientific analysis of the stracture of a Polynesian language,
with which we are acquainted, is the work on the Hawaiian language published
at Berlin in 1837, by Adelbert von Chamisso, the poet, who had been the natu-
ralist of the Russian Exploring Expedition, under Kotzebue, in the years 1815
to 1818. It isa work of rare ability, considering the meagre materials which
the author had at his command. In the year 1838 appeared a work by Baron
William von Humboldt, the distinguished statesman and scholar, which marked
a new era in the history of the science of language, and which first fixed on an
impregnable basis the relationship of the Malayo-Polynesian languages. ‘This
great work “ On the Kawi Language in the Island of Java,” which was edited
after the author’s death by his friend and assistant, M. Buschmann, has ever
since been regarded as a model and masterpiece of philological research. In
the words of Professor De Vere, “the Kawi served him as a canvas on which to
weave those truths and that wisdom, which have placed his name in universal
comparative philology by the side of that of Leibnitz.”
In this work, which occupies three quarto volumes, he first lays down the
fundamental] principles which govern the development of language, and shows
the influence of the structure of language on the intellectual development of
races. He then institutes a most minute and searching examination of the nine
principal languages of the Malay stock, viz.: the Malagasy, Malay, Javanese,
Bughis, Tagala, New Zealand, Tongan, Tahitian and Hawaiian, analyzing the
structure of their roots, and investigating the laws of derivation and euphony,
in accordance with which the common stock of words is modified in each dia-
lect. He next proceeds to make a most careful and elaborate analysis of the
grammatical structure, the particles and formatives of each language, after which
he makes a comparison of the numerals, and of 131 primitive words in all the
nine languages mentioned above. The result of this extensive and laborious
analysis is to prove that there is not only a fundamental and close affinity be-
tween these languages in respect to their vocabulary, but that their construction
is so similar that they may be considered as belonging to one and the same
grammatical system, and pervaded by the same modes of thought. Humboldt
also showeg that the Tagala, the leading language of the Philippine Islands, is
by far the richest and most perfect of these languages, and that it may even be:
considered as the type of the family. ‘It possesses,” he said, al] the forms
collectively of which particular ones are found singly in other dialects; and it
has preserved them all with very trifling exceptions unbroken, and in entire har--
mony and symmetry. * * * It was necessary, in order to display the high--

est perfection of which the organism of this stock of languages is capable, to

exhibit the system of verbs in the Tagala.”
The languages of the Oceanic region have been divided into six great groups:
Ist, the Polynesian; 2d, the Micronesian; 3d, the Melanesian or Papuan; 4th,
the Australian; 5th, the Malaysian, and 6th, the Malagasy, as the language of
Madagascar is called. In regard to these different groups our limits will not
allow us to go into any details. Suffice it to say of the Australians that their
languages appear to be radically distinct from the Malayo-Polynesian family,
though they have left some traces of former contact on the dialects of the small
islands west of New Guinea. The Melanesian or Papuan languages present
but very slight points of resemblance to the Malay or Polynesian, and differ
greatly among themselves. If, as is generally supposed, the black race were the
first settlers in the Pacific, the wave of immigration which peopled Polynesia
must have swept around them to the north, and at a later period the Microne-
sians may have moved in and closed up the rear.
Of the languages of Malaysia, those of the Moluccas approach the nearest to
Polynesian. Those islands then may be considered as the probable starting
point of the ancient Polynesian emigrants. The languages of Micronesia unmis-
takably belong to the great Malay family, and in their grammatical structure
resemble the East Indian languages more than the Polynesian.
The remarkable fact that the language of Madagascar belongs to this great
family was first established by William Humboldt in his great workon the
Kawi language. The Malagasy has no resemblance to the South African lan-
guages. In its grammatical structure it approaches nearest to the Tagala, but
it contains several Polynesian words which are wanting in the intervening Malay
languages. ‘The first ten numerals in Malagasy are “ Rec or isa, rua, telu, efat,
dimi, enim, fitu, valu, sivi, fulu.” In Malay they are “ Satu, dua, tiga, ampat,
lima, anam, tujuh, delapan or walu, sambilan, sa-puluh.” ‘The original Poly-
nesian forms are “ Tasi, lua, tolu, fa, lima, ono, fitu, valu, siwa, fulu.” Com-
pare the Malagasy word for “heaven,” dangits, with the Malay langit, the Poly-
nesian langi or lant ; the Malagasy word z?fi, a “tooth,” with the Polynesian
nifo or niho ; the Malagasy uv2, a “ yam,” with the Polynesian uf or wht. In-
deed some words, such as mate, ‘‘dead,” &c., are found in the same identical
forms throughout this whole circle of languages. Many other examples might
be given if they were needed to illustrate the connection of these languages.
The Polynesian language is, as has been before remarked, an extremely
ancient and primitive member of the great Malay family.
It was observed by Humboldt that the introduction of Sanscrit words into the
Javanese and Malay must have been centuries before the Christian era, and that
the separation between the different branches of the Malay family must have

taken place at a stijl earlier period. It has also been seen that the internal
structure of the Polynesian language indicates its high antiquity. It was the
belief of William Humboldt that the Polynesians exhibit the original state of
civilization of the Malay race, when they first settled in the Indian Archipelago,
and before they had been changed by foreign influence. The unity of the Poly-
nesian dialects is still an astonishing fact. ‘Tribes like the Hawaiians and New
Zealanders, separated from each other by one-fourth of the circumference of the
globe in space, and thousands of years in time, speak dialects of one language,
and have the same customs and mythology. ‘The laws of euphony in the sey-
eral dialects which regulate the changes of consonants are so fixed and uniform,
that a New Zealand or Samoan word being given, we can generally tell with
certainty what its form will be in each of the other dialects. The conclusion
that the course of migration in the Pacific was from west to east might be de-
duced from an examination of the comparative grammar and vocabularies of the
different dialects. We find in those of the western groups many forms which
are entirely wanting in the eastern dialects, while others which are complete in
the former are found in the latter defective or perverted from what was evidently
their original meaning.
The New Zealand dialect, on the whole, is the most primitive and entire in
its forms. The Hawaiians, Marquesans and Tahitians form a closely related
sroup by themselves. For example, the Marquesan converts are using Hawai-
ian books, and the people of the Austral Islands read the Tahitian Bible.
Although, in a scientific point of view, the Hawaiian may seem to be one of
the most attenuated and degenerate dialects of this family, we believe it to be
practically one of the most copious and expressive, as well as the richest in
native traditional history and poetry.
The Samoan and Tongan languages have probably been modified, by a later
importation from the East Indies. They contain several Malay words which
are wanting in the eastern dialects. The Tongan in particular has several
Feejee traits not found elsewhere in Polynesia.
The Feejee or Viti seems to form the transition between Polynesian and
Papuan, where the two streams of colonization met and mingled. The princi-
ples of its grammar and one-fifth of its words are Polynesian. Among the re-
maining four-fifths are several pure Malay words, such as vada, the moon, lako,
to go, masima, salt, &c., while many of its peculiar words are also found in the
Kingsmill Group, and some, e. g. dra, blood, kana, to eat, tina, mother, can even
be traced into Micronesia. The Kingsmill Group, as far as its language is con-
cerned, has a closer connection with Polynesia than Micronesia, though consid-
erably modified by mixture with the latter as well as with the black race. To-

gether with the Feejee and Rotuman it retains some characteristics of Eastern
Malaysia, particularly of Aru-Sambawa, and even some traces of Australian.
The native traditions show that they are a mixed race sprung from Samoan and
Micronesian colonists. ;
At the south-east extremity of Polynesia the Pa’umotu or Dangerous Archi-
pelago, presents a curious problem for the philologist. While the grammar and
most of the vocabulary is Tahitian, the numerals and a large number of the
most common words are utterly unlike every other Oceanic language with which
we are acquainted, although Logan finds many of them “ recognizable as Indo-
nesian or Indian words.” ‘Their canoes and some of their manufactures are of
the Micronesian pattern, though there is nothing in their language that points
in that direction.
A few words should be added on the peculiar genius and structure of the
Polynesian Language in general, and of the Hawaiian dialect in particular.
It is a law of all Polynesian languages that every word and syllable must end
in a vowel, so that no two consonants are ever heard without a vowel sound be-
tween them. Most of the radical words are dissyllables, and the accent is gen-
erally on the penult. The Polynesian ear is as nice in marking the slightest
variations of vowel sound as it is dull in distinguishing consonants. No Poly-
nesian dialect, for instance, makes any distinction between 6 and p, d and t, g
and k,Z andr, or v and w. BesidesZ is often sounded like d and ¢ like k, which
latter was unfortunately adopted in the written language of the Hawaiian Islands
to represent the same element which is represented by ¢ throughout the rest of
As was said before, the laws which regulate the changes of consonants in the
different dialects are remarkably uniform. In Hawaiian both fand s are changed
into h, ng is softened into 2, k at the beginning of a word is dropped, but in the
middle of a word is represented by a peculiar guttural catch or break, and w is
used for v, though the sound is properly intermediate between the two.
The following table from Hale shows the number of consonants in each dia-
lect, and the changes which they undergo in passing from one dialect to another.
The guttural break, which takes the place of &, is represented by an apostrophe.
Fakaafo. Samoan. Tongan. New Zealand. Rarotongan. Tahitian. Hawaiian. Marquesan.
F. i. B WorH. Wanting. F or H. Hi: F or H.
K. ; ic@ K. aK. : d Ig.
L. 1We L. at R. é R: i. Wanting.
M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M.
iN: N. IN: iN: iN: N. N. N.
NG. NG. NG. NG. NG. Dropped. N. NG, NiormK:
P. P. Bor Bi OP. iP. P. if Py
S. S. He H. Wanting. H. 15h, la&
g, Ay 1 T. Abe Aim T ordG 0.
Vi: v V. W. Vi. Vis W. Vis

The vowels undergo but few changes, and these chiefly in consequence of
consonant changes. E. ¢. feté, a star, and fenua, land, in Hawaiian become
hokt, and honua, and the omission of & produces similar changes, so that mezka,
a banana, becomes mav’a, and meitaki, good, becomes maika’i. It will be ob-
served that in consonant sounds the Hawaiian is one of the softest and most
attenuated of the dialects, being surpassed in that respect only by the effeminate
Marquesan. ‘The following examples show the ane which words undergo
in passing from one dialect to another.
Fakaafo. Samoan. Tongan. |New Zealand.| Rarotongan.| Tahitian. Hawaiian. | Nukuhivan.

Foe. Foe. Foe. Hoe. Oe. |Hoe. Hoe. Hoe.

Tonga. Tonga. Tonga. Tonga. Tonga. Toa. Kona. |Tonga, tona,
Sina. Sina. Hina. Hina. Ina. lina. Hina. Hina.
Ika. La. Ika. Ika. Ika, Va. 'T’a. Ika.
Vaka. Va’a. Vaka. Waka. Vaka. Va’a. W a’a. Vaka.
Songi. Songi. THongi. Hongi. Ongi. Hoi. Honi. Hougi.
Tufunga, Tufunga. Tufunga. Tohunga. Taunga. Tahua, Kahuna. Tuhuna.
Kupenga. *Upenga. Kupenga. Kupenga. Kupenga. ’Upe’a. | Upena. Kupeka, &c.

The vocabulary of the Hawaiian is probably richer than that of most other
Oceanic tongues. Its child-like and primitive character is shown by the absence
of abstract words and general terms. As has been well observed by M. Gaussin,
there are three classes of words, corresponding to as many different stages of
language: Ist, those that express sensations, 2d, images, and 3d, abstract ideas.
The Polynesian vocabulary was originally composed chiefly of words of the
first two classes. As languages grow older, words acquire a figurative sense,
and the original meaning is gradually forgotten. In English, for instance, how
many are aware that trzbulation originally meant threshing, respect, looking
back, reveal to draw back a vail, affront to strike in the face, and insult to leap
upon the body of a prostrate foe? Now there were comparatively few Hawai-
ian words that had gone through this process.
Not only are names wanting for the more general abstractions, such as space,
nature, fate, &c., but there are very few generic terms. For example there is
no generic term for anzmal, expressing the whole class of living creatures, or for
insects or for colors. At the same time it abounds in specific names and in nice
The first step in the formation of language was no doubt the employment of
particular names to denote individual objects. It was only afterwards by a pro-
cess of abstraction that these individual objects were classified by those qualities
which are common to a number of them. It is from the specific that we ascend
to the general. The same principle applies to verbs or names of actions as well
as tonouns. The savage has in his mind a picture of the whole action, and
does not always abstract or separate the principal circumstance from the acces-
sory details. This is true of uncultivated languages in general, and is not pecu-
liar to Hawaiian. Thus the Javanese has ten words to express as many different

modes of standing, and twenty of sitting. The Feejee has sixteen words mean-
ing to strike, and eight to wash, ‘according as it affects the head, face, hands,
feet or body of an individual, or his clothes, dishes or floor.” So i Hawaiian
everything that relates to their every-day life or to the natural objects with
which they were conversant is expressed with a vivacity, a minuteness and
nicety of coloring which cannot be reproduced in a foreign tongue. ‘Thus the
Hawaiian was very rich in terms for every variety of clouds. It has names for
every species of plant on the mountains or fish in the sea, and ispeculiarly copi-
ous in terms relating to the ocean, the surf and waves. The ancient Hawaiians
were evidently close observers of nature. For whatever belonged to their reli-
gion, their wars, their domestic life, their handicrafts or their amusements, their
vocabulary was most copious and minute. Almost every stickina native house
had its appropriate name. Hence it abounds in synonyms, which, however, are
such only in appearance, and on which a volume might be written. E.g. To
be broken as a string is moku, to be broken as a dish naha, as a stick hake, to
fall from an upright to a horizontal position as a wall is hzma, to fall from a
height through the air Aauwle; auamo means to carry on the shoulder with a
stick, ka’ika’t in the hands, Azz as a child in the arms, koz on a stick between two
men, haawe on the back, hali to carry in general, &c.
Besides the language of every day life, there was a style appropriate to ora-
tory, and another to religion and poetry. This latter is known to but few na-
tives of the present generation, and is fast disappearing. The same thing is
taking place in New Zealand and Tahiti.
The above mentioned characteristics make it a pictorial and expressive lan-
guage. It still has the freshness of childhood. Its words are pictures rather
than colorless and abstract symbols of ideas, and are redolent of the mountain,
the forest and the surf. It was completely adapted to the country and the circle
of ideas in which the people lived, and bore no trace of a higher civilization or
of foreign influence. Far be it from us however to deny its capability for higher
development. Its characteristics are such as belong to all languages in a certain
stage of growth. It has been and is successfully used to express the abstrac-
tions of mathematics, of English law, and of theology.
We regret that our limits forbid our adding any remarks on the grammatical
structure of the Polynesian languages.
Hono.vv, April, 1865.

AA AR A ere

A A —-- +

A in
in Hawaiian, as in most other lan- nects nouns, it is usually joined with me;
9 guages, is the first letter of the alpha- as, haawi mai oia i ka ai a me ke kapa, he
bet; “ because, if pronounced open asain furnished food and clothing. A with me
father, it is the simplest and easiest of all signifies and, and also, besides, together
sounds.” Eneye. Amer. Its sound,in Ha- with, &c. When emphatic, it is merely @
waiian, is generally that of ain father, ask, disjunctive. Dunk. 6:39. Nore.—In nar-
pant, &c.; but it has, sometimes, when ration, it frequently stands at the begin-
standing before the consonants k,l, m,n ning of sentences or paragraphs, and
and p, a short sound, somewhat resembling merely refers to what has been said, with-
the short uw, as in mutter, but not so short. out any very close connection with it. In
Thus paka, malimali, lama, Mand, napenape, many cases, it is apparently euphonic, or
are pronounced somewhat as we should seems to answer no purpose, except as a
pronounce pukke, mullymully, lumma, preparatory sound to something that may
munna, nuppynuppy, &ec. ; reference being follow ; as. akahi no oukou a@ hele i keia
had only to the first vowel of each word. ala, never before have you passed this
it has also in a few words, a sound nearly road. Gram. § 166.
resembling (but notso strong) that of au A, prep. Of; to; inconnection with mo-
or aw in English ; as iwaho, mawaho, pro- tion, e hoi oe @ ka hale, return to the
nounced somewhat as iwauho, marauho. house, (hiki i) understood. Laieik. 12.
To foreigners who merely read the lan- Unto; at; belonging. It designates the
guage, the common pronunciation of a as properties of relation, possession and
in father is near enough for all practical place; and is often synonymous with 0,
purposes ; but to those who wish to speak but more generally distinct, giving another
it, the mouth of a Hawaiian is the best shade of meaning and implying a more
directory. close connection. Gram. § 69, 3.
A is used for various parts of speech, A, int. Lo; behold. It is expressive of
and, of course, has various significations. surprise, disap pointment, astonishment or
A, adv. When; ; then; there; until. admiration. It is similar in meaning to
With verbs in a narrative tense, it signifies aia hoi, eia hoi, aia ka.
when, and when, &c.; as, @ hiki mai ia, A, ev. To burn, as a fire; ua @ mai ke
when he arrived. With nei it signifies a ahi, the fire burns; na a mai ke ahi ma
‘designation of place, as maia nei aku, from ka waha, the fire burned in their mouths.
here (this place) onward. Until, as noho 2. To burn, as a lamp; to blaze, as a
oia malaila a make, he lived there until flame.
he died. Norr.—A nei is often written as 3. Fic. To burn,as jealousy. Hal. 79:5.
one word, and then it signifies here, present As anger. Nah. 11:1.
place. A when pronounced with a pro- 4. Hoo or ho. To cause to burn, i. e., to
tracted sound, signifies a protracted pe- kindle; to light,as a lamp: to kindle, asa
riod of time, or distance, or a long contin- fire. Also with ho doubled, as hohkea. to
ued action; as, holo ae la ia a—ahikii ka dry; na hua i hohoa ia, dried fruits. Gihk.
aina Kahiki, he sailed a long time (or a 2:14. See the reduplicate form Aa and
long distance) until he reached a foreign Hoo. Gram. § 212.
country. A, adj. Fiery; burning; he lua a, 2
A, conj. And; and then; and when. fiery pit.
When it connects verbs, it ‘usually stands Aisrs. yo jawbone; the cheek bone.
by itself; as, holo ka waa, @ komo iho, Hal. 3 A tana, upper jaw ; a lalo, lewer
the canoe sailed and sank. When it con- jaw.
A,s. The name of an instrument made 3. Fig. The lower part of the neck.
of smooth bone, and used formerly for 4. Offspring.
piercing or killing an unborn child. It] A-A, s. A pocket; a bag. Job. 14:11.
was called the a oo, the piercing a; alsoa Syn. with ee. Aa moni,a purse; a scrip :
koholua. See Konowwa. a bag to carry provisions in for a journey;
A, s. Name of broken lava from the aole kanaka aa ole, no man without his
voleano ; probably so called from being scrip; a bag for weights (of money.)
burnt. See A,v. Ke ao Kaniku a me Kanl. 25:13. The name of the envelop for
Napuuapele. a foetus. Laieik. 190. Kuu kaikaina i ka
A,s. Name of the white spots that ap- aa hookahi.
pear in poi when pounding. A-a,s. A dwarf; asmall person. Ozhk.
A, s. Name of a large sea bird often 21:20. Kanaka poupou aa; ua ike au i
caught by natives; also called aaianuhea- kahi keiki i komoiii, aa no hoi ke kino.
kane, feathers white. A-a,s. See A above. Broken lava, i. e.,
A, s. Name of a small fish that bites sand, earth, stones and melted lava, cooled
at a hook; called also aakimakau. and broken up ; hence
A, s. Name of the Hawaiian alphabet; A-a, adj. Stony ;abounding with lava;
also the first sheet on which it was printed. rough with broken lava, as ground to walk
A-a,v. A doubled. See A, verb, before. over, or to work in. See A, broken lava,
To burn fiercely or furiously, as a fire; to
burn constantly. Oihk. 6:9. A-a, s. A covering for the eyes.
2. Fig. To kindle; to burn furiously, A-a, s. See A above. Name of a bird
as anger. Nah. 11:33. that hunts fish during the day, but flies
3. Hoo. To cause to kindle ; to burn, as back to the mountains in the evening.
a fire ; to light, as a lamp. A-a,s. The caul of animals; aa ma-
4, Fie. To burn, as anger. Ain. 30:2. luna o ke eke, the caul above the liver.
5. To rage; to be angry. Puk. 29:13. The midriff. Oihk. 3:4.
A-A, adj. Burning ; raging, as a fire, he A-a, s. Name of a sea breeze at La-
ahi aa loa; also as anger. haina and some other places on the islands.
A-a, s. A burning; a lighted fire, &c. A-a,s. Name of the cloth-like covering
Laieik. 78. near the roots of cocoanut leaves, aa niu.
A-a,v. Tobe bold; todare. Nah. 14:44. Hence,
2. To tempt; to challenge. Puk. 17:2. 2. The name of a coarse kind of cloth,
To defy. 1 Sam. 17:10. he aa haole.
3. To venture, ua aa anei oe e hele i ke 3. The outer husk of the cocoanut; the
kaua? Ua aa anei oee hele i ke alii? skin of the banana, same as paaa.
4. To accept a challenge; to act pre- A-a, s. Chaff; hulls; the outside of
sumptuously. Kanl. 1:43. He aa ka ma- seeds or fruit. Jer. 23:28.
nao; he wiwo ole. A-a,s. Name ofa reddish fish. See A
A-a,s. Adaring; tempting. Nah. 14:22. above.
A-a, adj. Spiteful; quick angry; also A-a, v. To send love in compliment;
roguish ; mischievous. as, e da mai ana o mea ma ia oe; the
A-a, v. To gird; tie around, as a loose answer would be, Anoai wale laua, or
garment. welina wale laua, or aloha wale lana.
A-a, s. A belt; a girdle. A-a-a, adj. Hospitable; friendly; kind
A-a,v. To make a noise, as in trying to to strangers, he makamaka aloha; Syn.
speak, as a dumb person ; hence, with haaa.
2. To be dumb, ua aa ka leo. A-a-A, adj. Uninhabited, as a house or
A-a, adj. Silent; still; lonely, as a village ; lonely.
house uninhabited ; he aa ko ka hale, the A-a-a, s. A house without inhabitants;
people of the house are silent.
also a low or humble dwelling, he hale
A-a, s. Dumbness; inability to speak aad, aole kiekie.
intelligibly ; also a dumb person. Puk.
4:11. I loheia e na aa lololohe; i mau A-a-a-kI, v. To bite often. See Axt, to
aa lolo kuli. bite.
A-a, s. The small roots of trees or A-a-E, s. See Aa, fine roots. A kalo
plants. Job. 8:17. Also called weli. patch where the kalo is pulled.
2. The veins or arteries for blood, from 2. The young shoots of kalo remaining
their resemblance to the fine roots of trees, in the ground after the old is pulled. Syn.
aole lakou i ike ke koko maloko o na aa. with oha, 2s, pau ke kalo i ka hukiia, 0 ka
Anat. 1. oha wale no koe, oia ka aae.
A-as, s. A certain form of commencing Ke koae nui hulu meamea,
The great feathered koae.
worship anciently.
Aldae, e Kaulei, e lelei, e kui kiona A-avu-A, s. Epithet of a woman as she
Ia oe e Kahamuili. begins to advance in age, has wrinkles
A-ar-A, S. A word used by children in about the eyes, &c.
addressing parents before they can speak A-au-a, adj. Strong scented, as the skin
plainly. of a hog in dressing.
A-at,v. See At, to eat. To eat to sati- A-a-Ha, s. Name of some kind of out-
ety ; to consume much. side covering fora dish. He ipu i hanaia
2. To increase or grow, as an ulcer. i ka aaha a paa, the cup was held with the
3. To ulcerate ; to eat or make progress, aaha, and tightly.
as a sore. A-a-ut, s. A, bag, and ahi, fire. A bag
4. Fig. To give pain; irritate. 2 Tim. in which fire and fire materials were car-
2:17. Aole hoi e aai ka hewa iloko o ka ried ; he kieke ahi.
poe e ku paa ana, sin will not inerease in A-a-ut, s. Name of the iliahi or san-
those who stand fast. dal-wood when young.
A-at, adj. Eating; increasing; continu- A-a-H1, v. See definition of AAmoo.
ing, as asore; he mai adi, an increasing Perhaps a and ahi, to burn, as with lust.
sore, he lepera aaiia. Oihk. 13:51.
A-at, s. The progress or continuance of A-a-Ho, v. To put up pia in small pack-
ages, that it may keep sweet.
@ sore.
A-at, s. The action of the surf at high A-s-Ho,
put up.
s. A container in which pia is
tide, when dashing ashore and then reced-
ing, thus wearing away the gravel ; spelled A-a-Hu, s. See Aa, kind of cloth, and
also aei. Auv,a fine mat. Anoutside garment. Ain.
A-at, s. Name of the net used to catch 27:15. Acloak; a garment thrown loosely
over the shoulders.
the fish opelu and maomao; as, aai opelu,
2. A robe. Job. 29:14. A covering for
the opelu net; aai maomao, the maomao
net ; also written aei. i ornament ; aahu kapa maikai, the dress of
a dandy,i.e.,dandyism. Nors.—The aahy
A-A-IA-NU-HEA-KA-NE,S. Name ofa bird. was formerly some kind of kapa; mamua,
See A above. aahu kapa, mahope, aahu lole.
A-A-I-0-LE, adj. Aaz, to grow, and ole, 3. The bark of the mulberry soaked in
not. Falling before ripe, as bread-fruit; water for making kapa.
applied to men who die before their time, 4, Aahu kaua, armor. 1 Sam. 17:38.
i. e., before maturity. A-a-Hu, v. ‘lo cover with kapa; to
A-a-I-0-LE, s. The bread-fruit which is cover, as with a cloak.
ripe and fallen down of itself. 2. To put on or wear clothes; to pnt on
A-a-I-na, adv. Loudly; strongly, as a one’s garment.
sound, kani aaina; also continually. See 3. Fie. Job. 29:14. Aahu iho au i ka
Al, to increase. pono, I have clothed myself with righte-
A-ao, adj. Greedy, as dogs; always ousness.
4. Hoo. To clothe one; to provide clothes
ready to eat, or seize food. for one. Hin. 3:21; Oihk. 8:7. Syy. with
Aa-o, adj. A species of tall, wild ba- hookomo kapa.
nana, he maia ado, A-a-Hu-A, v. Pass of the foregoing for
A-A-0-ko-Ko, adj. Aa, vein or artery, aahuia. Gram. § 211. Clothed; dressed;
and koko, blood. Epithet of any substance covered.
red hot, as fire, iron, stone, &c.; probably A-a-Hu-A, v. To speak reproachfully;
from the raging or rapid flow of blood. to use words of strong contempt for one.
A-au, s. See Av. To swim dispers- A-a-Hu-A-Lu, adj. Aa, dwarf, and hua-
edly; a flock, as of birds when fright- lii, diminutive. Small; low in stature;
ened ; a school, as of fish as they come to- defective in bodily structure; noinoi.
gether and frightened ; suddenly separate.
2. A slight ripple on the surface of calm A-a-Hu-A-Lu, 8. The name of a god.
water by a light breeze. A-a-HU-a-P00, s. Aahu, covering, and
A-au, v. To ripple mildly, as a calm poo, head. A covering or clothing for the
sea, by a slight wind. head ; a defense in time of peril; a shield
2. To separate, as a flock of birds when in war. 2 Qihl. 14:8. Abuckler. 2 Gih/.
frightened, or a school of fish. 23:9. Connected with mahiole and pale-
Ka lele aau 0 ka manu o Kiwaa, kaua.
The frightened flight of the birds of Kiwaa.
Ka aau mai Kukona ke koae, A-a-Hu-I, s. Aa, vein, and hui, pain,
The flock from Kukona, the koae. ache.
l. Lit. An aching vein. one, as darkness; ua pouli loa, ke aaki
2. A desire for pleasure, attended with mai nei ka poeleele.
some sense of pain. Pau ke aahui, ke aa- 2. To experience palpable darkness.
koni oloko, the painful desire within has Puk. 10:21.
ceased. 3. To be caught or held by a thing; ua
A-a-HU-U-LA, Ss. Aahu and ula, red. A holo ia kanaka i ka moana, ua aaki i ke
cloak or royal dress adorned with red koa a paa, that man sailed out upon the
feathers, considered very valuable; 0 ka ocean, he is caught in the coral, and is fast.
aahuula, he waiwai makamae nui ia. 4. To come upon, as a fit of love; ua
aaki paa ia ke aloha wela iluna ona.
A-a-HU-KA-PU, s. Aahu, garment, and Laieile. 197.
kapu, forbidden. A consecrated or holy
garment. Puke. 28:2. A-a-x1, adj. Thick; obscure, as dark-
A-A-HU-MA-KA-LOA, v. Aahu, garment, ness. lob. 38:9.
malo and loa, long malo. To clothe one, A-a-x1, s. A biting; ka naho manini nui,
or put on the long malo; ua aahuia ka he aaki nei i ka limu.
maloloa, nolaila, he aahumakaloa. A-a-ki-MA-KAU, 5. A hook-biting fish;
A-a-HU-MA-Mo,s. Aahu and mamo,a yel- the name of a small fish noted for its read-
low bird. A large yellow robe worn by iness to bite at a hook. See A.
the king or high chief; no ka hanohano A-a-ko, v. 5th conj. of ako. To cut or
nui o ka aahwmamo. clip off, as the spray of the sea when the
A-A-HU-PA-WE-HE, S. Aahu, garment, surf strikes against a bluff of perpendicular
and pawehe, which see. A garment made of rocks and is met by a wind from the land,
a kind of mat called pawehe ; nolailai ole- and cuts or clips off the spray.
loia’i i aahupawehe hiwa na ka makani. A-a-ko, v. Used in the imperative; be
A-a-ka, v. To complain, as a person of quick ; go to work, &e.
a perverse or sour temper; to grumble; A-a-ko, s. Ako, the name of a disease.
chide ; find fault; to strive. Nah. 20:13. 1. The furor uteriensis of females ; insa-
Tole makou e aaka a koea iho, that we may tiable desire of coition ; aako kahi maiika
not think hard and refuse. hana hewa.
2. To be very dry; to be exceedingly 2. Theitch; hemaneo; helalawe. This
thirsty. last form of the word expresses the name
3. To burst or crack open, as a ripe of the last stage of the disease, followed
melon or banana. by death. A primary stage is expressed
4. To be hard, severe, as labor or toil; by ako, to itch.
aole i aakaia ka hana a na haku, the work A-A-ko-ko, s. Aa, vein, and koko, blood.
for the lords was not hard. A vein; a blood vein. Anat. 45.
A-a-ka,S. Harsh speaking against one; A-A-KO-NI, S. Aa, vein, and kon, to
a grumbling; a fault-finding. throb. Hence, an artery, perhaps ; pau ke
A-a-KA, s. Name of a species of san- aahui, ke aalihui, ke aakoni oloko.
dal-wood. When young it is called naio ; A-a-La, v. 5th con}. of ala, to perfume.
when old and when mature, it is odorifer- To emit a perfume; to be fragrant. Isa.
ous. It is very durable when used for 3:24.
house posts. 2. To smell of perfumery. Hal. 45:8.
A-a-xa, adj. Coarse; illiberal; fault- Aala i ka ihuana ka uka o Kawela.
finding ; hard; severe. Sol. 8:13. A-a-La, adj. Ala, odoriferous ; aala ka
2. Peeled ; skinned, as a banana. hala, sweet the hala; aala ka rose, sweet
3. Dry, as the coral of the reef at low the rose ;o na kaikuwahine aala 0 Aiwo-
tide. hikupua. Laieil. 62.
A-a-kA, v. 5th conj. of aka. See Gram. A-a-La, s. Ala. An odor.
§ 209. To laugh at; to ridicule. 2. A kind of scrofulous sore, so called
from the smell.
A-A-KA-KA, S. A, to burn, and akaka, 3. Fie. He aala no o Kaahumann, a sweet
clearly. The clear burning or splendor of perfume is Kaahumanu.
the heavenly bodies in a clear night.
A-a-LA-t-o-a,s. Name of a wild ferocious
A-a-k1, v. 5th conj. of aki. To bite fre- man who lived in the forest ; hence,
quently ; to bite in two; to bite, as the 2. Wildness ; ferocity ;a savage appear-
bark from a stick, or the rind from sugar- ance; kuku ka aalaioa.
2. To grate the teeth ; ua aaki ke kui, ua A-a-La-I-HI, s. A species of fish, small
nake loa, he grates his teeth, he is dying. and yellow.
3. To feel the severe pangsof child-birth.|
“bir A-a-pa-Kal, adj. See Ataxat. Large;
A-aeK1, v. To surround or come upon| plump ; full fleshed,
A-A-LE-LE, S. Aa, vein, and lele, to nut. The covering like a coarse cloth
jump. An artery, from itsmotion. Anat. 8. around cocoanut leaves; a hookahekahe
ma ka aaniu.
A-a-u1, s. Asmall or low place between
two larger ones; he puali.
A-a-pa, adj. Presumptuous, as when a
drunken man lies down on a precipice.
A-a-tu, s. Name of a hard timber;
more generally «liz.
A-a-p1, v. Sth conj. of api. To bend, as
the gills of a fish; to spring or warp, as
A-a-Li-na-nut,adj. Large, fatand weak, a board.
as a fat man.
A-a-to, v. 5th conj. of alo. To dodge A-a-po, v. 5th conj. of apo, to catch.
To snatch, as several persons at once;
often ; to dodge, as one does a stone. to catch at, as several hands at the same
A-a-Lo-LE, s. Aa, cloth of cocoanut thing.
leaves. The name first given to cloth by 2. To receive readily in the mind; to
the people of Kanai. grasp mentally, as a truth; ke aapo nei
A-a-1Lo-Lo, s. Aa and lolo, the brain. A makou a malama.
nerve; aalolo hoao. Anat. 7. Aalololohe, A-a-po, adj. Ready, quick to receive
the auditory nerve. | knowledge; quick at apprehension; he
A-a-tv,s. Dim.of alu. Aravine; a small aapo ka naau o na kamalii.
brook, valley or ravine. A-a-po, s. One who snatches.
A-a-ma,v. To stretch out the hands for 2. One who learns quickly ; a ready
the purpose of catching something. scholar.
2. To steal small articles ; to pilfer. A-a-poo, s. The skin, flesh and sinews
A-a-ma, s. That motion of the hands) on the back of the neck ; he aapoo ka mea
when a person would try to seize hold of ma ka ai he aapoo bipi. Kam.
something while it rolls down a pali. A-a-pu, s. See Apu, a cup. A thin
2. The act of stealing or pilfering. piece of wood, such as will bend up.
3. A black crab living on a rocky shore. 2. A concave vessel.
4. Name of a four-footed animal in the 3. A valve of a vein. Anat. 45.
sea. A-a-pu, v. To warp or bend, as a board
A-a-ma, s. A person who speaks rap- in the sun.
idly, concealing from one and communi- 2. To wrinkle or ruffle, as cloth; mimino.
cating to another. See AaPl.
2. One who is expert in gaining knowl- 3. Hoo. To turn the hollow of the hand
edge. upward ; e hooaapu ae i kou poho lima.
A-a-mo, adj. Insatiable in lust; never) A.s-py-a, s. Aa, bag, and pua, an ar-
satisfied ;applied to females; he wahine row. Anarrow case; aquiver. Lob. 39:23;
aamo, ana ole. Kin. 27:3.
A-a-moo, s. See Aa. The cloth-sub- A-a-puu-Puu, s. A capsular ligament.
stance around cocoanut leaves; a veil:
thin white cloth ; o ka mea keokeo e lalahi A-a-wa, s. See Awa. Name of a spe-
ana i ka moo, he mea lahilahia puaweawe ;
whatever is light, thin, as thin cloth. cies of fish, reddish and striped; be ia
kokoke like ke ano me ko ka ea.
A-a-moo, adj. Light; thin, as cloth; o| 2. Also the name of a tree.
ka inoa o ka lole lalfilahi loa. 3. Name of aninsect that destroys sweet
A-a-na, v. To speak angrily; to fret ; potatoes ;ua make ka mala nala i ka hoo-
olelo cana mai oia. palu, i ke pai, i ka peelua a me ka eawa.
A-a-na-puv, v. To crook in different A-a-wE, v. 5th conj. of awe. Used im-
directions ; to be small and large, i. e., to peratively with mai, bring here ; with aku,
be uneven in size, as a rope. take away. .
A-a-NEI, adv. An interrogative adverb, A-g, v. To pass, physically or men-
and marks a question like anei ; sometimes tally, from one state, condition, or place,
it is used of place, as pehea aanei la oe? to another.
where are you in the matter? 1. Specifically, to break a kapu, ua ae
A-a-NE-MA, v. To be jealous of a man’s lakou iluna o kahi laa; to violate a law or
friend, or to discover jealousy. agreement, i. e., to transgress, as a law, to
A-as-no, v. The 7th conj. of ano. Hoo. break a covenant. Jos. 7.11; Hal. 89:34.
2. To pass over, as the mind, i. e., to
To change one’s form; to become another
in appearance ; ua hooano no oukou he poe
yield assent to the thought or opinion of
akamai; to feign; to pretend to be some- another; to assent to the request of an-
other; to say yes to a request or to an af
thing one is not.
A-a-ni-u, s. See Aa and Niv, cocoa- 3. To permit, grant permission for a thing
to be done; he mea ae ia, a thing per- A-E-A,adj. Wandering; unstable; shift-
mitted or allowed. ing a place; he one aea ke one o Hoo-
4, To pass physically from one place to hila; unsettled, as kanaka aea; a vaga-
another, from one situation to another, as bond; wandering about. Hin. 4:12.
from land on board a ship ; ua ae aku lakou A-r-A, adj. Wanderingly, in a loose
iluna o ka moku, iluna o ka lio, to embark, unstable manner.
to mount a horse. -Hoo., conj. 3. To cause
to pass from one place to another, from one
AE-AE, v. Conj. 13 of ae, 4. To be a
person to another ; to transfer. frequent transgressor, he aeae oe maluna o
5. To raise or lift up, as the head, with kahi kapu.
joy, e ae ko oukou poo no ka olioli. 2. To step over a thing often.
6. To mount, as a horse or a mule. 2 3. To work over and over, as in pound-
Sam. 13:29. ing poi, until very fine.
7. To be sea-sick ; to throw up from the 4. To be or become very small or fine,
the mouth ; to vomit ; he mea luai ka moku, as dust. 2 Nal. 23:6.
o ka ae wale aku no. 5. To interrupt one in his speech.
A-z, s. Assent, expressed by one per- Ax-aE,adj. Comminuted; small or fine,
son to the thought or opinion of another; as dust; fine,as poi well pounded ; he poi
approval of the conduct or opinion of an- aeae, he poi uouo, he wali.
other; consent; agreement. 2. Dark, obscure, as a vision, indistinctly
seen; po aeae, a night of indistinct vision,
A-r, adj. Consenting ; agreeing ; he not totally dark, i. e., light and darkness
olelo aelike, an agreement. mixed.
A-s, s. Name of an east wind. AE-AE-KAI, v. See Az, before. The ebb-
2. A species of sea moss. ing and flowing of the sea.
A-£, s. The water or liquid as wrung A-£1,s. Name of the net used in catch-
from the leaves of vegetables, as kalo, &e. ; ing the opelu and the maomao. ©
he ae kalo, he ae wauki, he ohi. 2. A kind of rope of the medium size.
A-s, s. An irregular movement of the A-EI, s. See Aart, before. Oia ka ma-
ocean ; he wahi ano ia ma ka moana,a ma lama e kalai ai i ka kuku aei o Pelu.
ca ae kai, a ma ka aina.
2. The coming in and receding of the
A-EI-0-LE,S. See Aatote. Bread-fruit,
sea upon the shore; the flux and reflux of ripe and fallen down, he ulu haule wale.
the tide. See AEKalI. AE-0-KA-HA-Lo-Aa, Ss. A kind of kapa
A-r, verbal directive. Gram. § 234, 4. made of wauke, and colored with charcoal,
Implies an oblique motion of the verb, kuina aeokahaloa.
either up, down, or sideways. It often fol- Ar-Kal, s. The name of the place in
lows after nouns, also adjectives, as aohe the sea where the surf breaks ; 0 kahi o ke
kanaka e ae, there is no other man. kai i poi iho ai, he aekai ka inoa.
A-z, adv. See verb 2. Yes; the ex- A-E-Lo, adj. Rotten; applied to eggs.
pression of affirmation, approbation or con- Fic. Ua like makou me na hua aelo.
sent; opposed to aole,oraohe. With paha, Axs-to-a, s. The north-east trade wind
as ae paha, a polite way of assenting when on the ocean ; same as mode.
full belief is withheld; ae ka paha, even AE-NEI, v. To be here; to be present ;
so, be it so. to be in existence, Mat. 2:18. Norre.—
A-E-A,v. To wander away froma place; This word seems to be compounded of ae,
mai ko’u alo aku, aole oe e aca, from my No. 4, expressive of a passing or transfer,
presence, do not wander away; to wan- and nei, which refers to present time or
der from place to place. Nah. 14:33. present place; something not fixed or ex-
2. To wander; go astray morally. Hal. actly detined, but near by, either in time
5 oa .. WwW or place, as at this present.
5. To remove; to be removed; to go to Axr-NnEI,adv. Now,i. e., about this time,

another place. Jer. 4:1. just now, within a short time past or future.
4, To live unsteadily ; as,i kona waiona 2. Here; hereabouts; near by; not far
ai, nui kona aea ana, in his seasons of drunk- off; ua holo aenei, he has just now sailed;
enness, he lived principally here and there. ua Olelo aenei, he has lately spoken; ua
5. To toss or throw back the head, as 2 make aenei no ke alii, the king died a
person with pride, as a horse on putting short time ago; ua hele aenei no kabhi i
on a bridle; e aea ae ke poo o ka lio i ke noho ai, he is gone a little ways to his place
kaulawaha. ; of residence.
A-s-a, 8. A vagabond; an outcast. Isa. A-E-NEI, s. Bread-fruit. See AAINEI.
11:12. He pog aea, fugitives. Luni. 12:4.
2. The name of the rope connecting two Ax-sE-Lo-nA, 8. Heb. Name of an un-
fish nets. See Kouxkat. clean bird, so translated in Aanl. 14:13.
A-E-T0, s. Gr. An eagle. Puk. 19:4; aia malaila ka hana ana, there the work is
Hoik. 12:14. doing.
Ai, v. To eat; to consume food, as 2. Then, referring to time, generally in
persons or animals. connection with some other event. Nah.
+ To devour, as animals. 10:3.
3. To destroy, consume, as fire. Nah. A-1-A, inter]. Expressive of admiration
16:35. or surprise, of triumph or contempt. <Aia
4. To consume ; spoken of the sword, 2 hoi, behold! see there ; aia ka, there now!
Sain. 2:26. Ios. 9:12. Aia la, there you have it! an
5. To eat, consume, as a sore; aole ai ka expression of triumph with contempt. Hal.
mai, the disease has made no advance. | 35:
Oihk. 13:5. I-al, v. To reduce to very small par-
6. To taste, eat, enjoy the benefits of, have ticles; to make small. Kanl. 9:21. To re-
the profits of, as land; e aiikaaina. Nah. duce to powder.
32; 19th conj., 3d hoo. Ar-al, v. Found only in 15th conj. Hoo.
7. To cause to eat, i. e., compel or induce To make white ; splendid ; to beautify; e
to eat; huhu loa ia (Kekuokalani) i ka hoai hooaiai anaike kula o Lele, beautifying
noa ana a lakou i ke alii (Liholiho,) he was the upland of Lele.
very angry at them for causing the king
to eat freely, i. e., contrary to kapu.
_Ar-al,s. Brightness; clearness; ua like
8. To have sexual intercourse ; applied | ke keokeo me ka aiai. Puk. 24:10.
to both sexes ; also to animals. Kin. 30:41. A1-al, adj. Bright, as moonlight; fair;
At, s. Food; vegetable food, in dis- white. Job. 25:5. He malamalama aiai.
tinction from ia, meat. Ai oo, ripe food ; 2 Sam. 23:4. Pure. as milk. 1 Pet. 2:2.
ai maloo, dried food ; ai maka. green food, Clear, as glass. Hoik. 21:18. Pure, as
vegetables. Nore —Ai, food, is the repre- gold. Hoik.21:21. White, clean, as linen.
sentative of property generally. Hoik. 19:8.
Ai, adj. Consuming; destroying; spo- A-1-a1, adv. Nearly.
ken of fire. AI-Al-A-kU-U-LA, Ss. Name of a god, the
At, adv., for aia. There; near by, but son of Hinahele, his mother, and Kuuila.
not in contact; ai no iloko o ka hale, there his father. Hewas a god of fishermen ; he
in the house. akua lawaia.
2. There, at another place, however dis- AI-AI-NA, v. At, to eat, and aina, land.
tant; there; when; as, Auhea o Kekuao- Lir. To eat the land, i. e., to enjoy, to pos-
kalani? Ai ae no mauka mai. Where is sess land ; to own land; aole ia i aiaina,
Kekuaokalani? There he is coming by he did not possess land.
land. Ai-au, v. To pray or poison to death,
Ai, verbal directive. Gram. § 242. It as was formerly practiced.
has reference, generally, to a preceding 2. To show covetousness in asking; as,
noun, verb or adverb, expressive of time, ua aiau aku i ka hai, he coveted what was
place, canse, manner or instrument; often another’s. Similar td aluna and makee.
contracted, thus, hana’i, for hana ai. Ai-a-Hu-a, v. To break secretly the
A-1, s. The neck; he a-¢ ko ke kanaka, kapus of the gods, but to observe them
oia kahi e hui ai ke poo me ke kino, man openly ; to act hypocritically.
has a neck, it is that which unites the head 2. To conspire secretly against one.
with the body. A-i oolea, a stiff neck. 3. To defraud one’s landlord by with-
2. Figuratively, perverseness ; disobedi- ' holding the tax and using it himself.
ence. Puk. 33:3. 4. To pray to death. Similar to anaana.
A-1-a, v. To be or show one’s self con- Al-A-Hu-A, s. A term applied to those
trary to the gods. who disregard the kapu while others ob-
2. To disregard the will of the gods ; to serve it. When the kapu is generally
be ungodly in practice. disregarded it is called ainoa; hence,
3. To have the character of an ungodly 2. A hypocrite : an irreligious person.
person. Jer. 23:11. See Hamata. | Al-A-HU-A, adj. Irreligious; unmindful
A-1-a, s. An unprincipled or ungodly of the kapu; nani ke kanaka aiahua. See
person. Hal. 14:1. ATAHULU.
2. The practice of ungodliness itself; he |
| Al-a-Hu-LU, v. To pray or poison to
| .

hoomaloka: he hoole akua.

A-1-a, adj. Ungodly; irreligious. death.
2. Bad. sore, watery, as the eye ; onohi- 2. To procure the death of another by
aia, 2 sore or watery eye.
any frandulent means, or for any political
or selfish purpose. Note.—The agent of
A-1-a, adv. There, referring te place; | the intrigue is called Kalaiino, niania, pao-
paonohonia. See these words in their A1-EA,s. Name of a species of tree found
places. on Lanai and other islands used for finish-
Ai-a-Hu-LU, s. Food baked a long time ing off canoes. .
in the oven till it is brown. AI-I-LI-L0-Ko, v. Ai, to enjoy, dz, the
Ai-a-HuU-pU-aA, adj. See Ar and Anu- skin, surface (of land,) loko, that whi®h is
puaa. A division of country ; he alii @a- contained in something else. To have or
hupuaa, enjoying the office and perquisites possess a division of land less than an ahu-
of an overseer of land. Laieik. 34. puaa.
Al-a-KA-KAl, S. At, food, and akakaz, a A1-o, v. The exclamation of one who
rush. New. fresh, sweet food, like poi commands others to pull, or lift altogether ;
newly pounded; he ai hou, he ai manalo. e holo, e ale, e miba, aio!
Such food is also called pololei. A-I-OE-0E, s. A-z, the neck, and ceae,
At-A-LA-A-LA, S. AZ, to eat, and ala, or long. A long neck; applied,
alaala, odoriferous. The scrofula. 1. To animals, as to nene, a goose, a ter-
At-a-Lu, v. Azand ali, chief. E hocha- rapin, the camelopard.
nohano, to enjoy the ease, honor and dig- 2. To persons. Notse.—This was the dis-
nity ofa chief; to act the chief. See Natt- tinctive appellation which the Hawaiians
NALI. first gave to the missionaries’ wives, on ac-
count of the fashion of their bonnets (in
Ai-a-Lo, s. AZ, to eat, and alo, in front. 1820,) which gave them the appearance of
To eat before. long necks. No ka loloa o ka a-i a me ka.
1. The people about the chief; his at- oeoe 0 ka papale, kapa aku na kanaka ia
tendants, in distinction from the poe maka- lakou, Aioeoe. Mooolelo Hawaii, p. 39.
ainana; kanaka qialo no ke alii.
2. A prince or princess; those about a
At-o-HA-HA, s. At, food, and oheka,
king. Sol. 31:4. Pau loa na makaainana plump. Vegetables, kalo or potatoes, full
ame na aialo i ka piiiuka, all the common sized and good.
people and those about the chief went up Al-0-HA-LAU, S. Az, food, and oka, the
the mountain. lower part of kalo tops, and lau, leaf. Food,
3. A small division of land less than an | of the kalo tops, often fed to swine.
ahupuaa; na kanakao na aina, a me na ahu- | A-I-U-HA-U-HA, 8. A-2, the neck, and wha-
puaa, a me na dialo. | uha. <A stiff or cramped neck.
4, One who is a hanger on and lives Al-U-HA-U-HA, 5. Az, to eat, and wha-
lazily with a chief and eats his food. uha, riotous. Epithet of a lower class of
Ara-na, s. Eng. The Hawaiian pro- chiefs 5eating riotously, or riotous eaters.
nunciation of iron; a flat iron. At-HA-HA, s. 42, food, and haha, skin
Aia-na, adj. Walking wearily up and of kalo tops. The food of poor people; e
down precipices ; he hele aikena, he ma- aihaha ana na luwahine.
loeloe. Al-HA-LA-LE, v. AZ, eat, and halale, to
A1-a-NnEI, adv. There; just by; not far| sup up, as a liquid. To be lazy; to do
off. nothing ; to be the reproach of others; to
AI-E , v. At, to eat, and e, before hand, | eat the food of others without work. See
i. @., to eat or enjoy a thing before
for; from the custom of paying for work | Al-HA-mu, s. Az, food, and kamu, rem-
before it was done. and the pay consumed. nants of food.
1. To owe; to be indebted ; aole oia (0 1. The food left after a meal, especially
Kamehameha) i aie, he (Kamehameha) when little is left.
never went into debt. 2. Crumbs and scrapings, that which is
2. To enjoy something yet to be paid burned on to the stones of the oven.
for; e lawe ei ka waiwaia mahope hookaa.
Ai-5,S. Indebtedness; the state of being At-Ha-MU, ©. Az, to eat, and amu,
in debt ; he poe aie kakou, we are debtors. refuse food,
2. A debt; that which is due for any 1. To eat refuse food.
cause; e lawe aie, to go in debt for a thing. 2. To eat up clean; ua aihamuia kau
Neh. 5:2. E haawi aie, to give (lend) on | mala uala.
usury. Kanl. 23:20. 3. Applied as an epithet of reproach to
Ark, adj. In debt; owmg; under ob-| the poe kahuna anaana, the priests who
practiced sorcery.
ligation to render some equivalent for
something received. Al-HE-A, int. adv. At, there, and hea,
Ai, adv. E haawi aie, to give to be where. At, or towards what place? the
| answer, ailaila, there. Norre.—The a@ may
paid again. be @ No.2. Nors—And thea the anialo of
Ai-EA, 5. Fatigue; weariness. hea. See Gram. § 165, p. 93.
Ai-Hu-A-waa, v. ‘To pass from one place oki aikepa ia aku nei a uuku loa, my fish,
to another and find a dwelling place. it is cut off obliquely, and is very small;
Ai-Hu-a-waa, adj. He poe aihuawaa, he lole i oki aikepa ia a pono ole, the cloth
wanderers that have not settled down in is cut off obliquely, and not straight.
aty place. AI-KE-PA-KE-PA, v. To quarrel,asa man
AI-Hu-E, v. Ai, food, and hue, to steal. and his wife when another intercedes; he
Lir. To steal food. But ai represents wahine nuku dikepakepa Ina.
property of all kinds. See At, s. Nore.— A1-x1, v. Abbreviation of the word hoa-
Hence,to steal generally ; to take another’s iki. To peep privately, or to look slyly ;
property secretly and without leave; to i lele i ke kapu a pai ka aiki.
steal a person. Kanl. 24:7. A1-ko-La, v. See Axoza. Used only in
At-Hu-E, s. A thief; one who steals. conj.13. Hoo. To despise; to spurn from;
AI-HU-E-A, v. These are all passive to triumph over ; ‘to treat contemptuously.
AI-HU-E-IA, forms of the verb aihue; Hal, 22:24.
Al-HU-E-HI-A, to‘be stolen. For these 2. Fic. Applied to trees; to rejoice over,
5TS forms, see Gram. § 211: in view of victory. Jsa. 14:8. See also
’ Ist, 2d. HoonaikoLa, another form of the same
Ai-Hu-E, adj. Found in all the above
forms. Stolen; taken secretly. A1-ko-La, 8. Hoo. The subject of scorn
Al-KA-HA-U-LA, Ss. See Morxanauta. A or derision ; he mea hoaikolaa akaaka hoi,
a subject of scorn and derision. Hal. 79:
dreaming of committing adultery or forni- 4. See Hoarkona.
cation ; a lascivious dream.
Al-KA-NE, v. Az, No. 8, and kane, male. A1-Ko-LA, int. An expression of triumph
mixed with contempt, as aha! Ezele. 25:3.
1. To cohabit, as male with male, or
female with female. Al-kuU, v. AZ, to eat, and ku, to stand.
2. To commit sodomy ; hence Lrr. To eat standing.
At-KA-NE, s. An intimate friend of the 1. To eat in an improper manner.
2. Fic. To do a thing contrary to rule
same sex; a friend or companion of the or ceremony.
same sex. 3. To break akapu; similar toaia. Aiku
2. Those who mutually give and receive was an offense against the gods.
presents, being of the same sex.
3. Sodomy ; dissoluteness of habit. A-I-ku, s. A-2, the neck, and /u,to stand.
Al-KA-PA, v. At, to enjoy,and kapa, side, A standing collar for a jacket.
edge, border. To own one-half of a thing ; Ar-ku, s. Name ofa disease ; the croup,
applied to anything of which one-half be- from the disposition to hold the head erect.
longs to one person and one-half to an- Al-Ku-Ku-ku, v. To be sick with swell-
other. ing in the mouth and legs; ua aikukuleu
Al-KA-PU, v. AZ, to eat, and kapu, forbid- ma ka waha, he has a swelling in the
den. mouth; ua aikukuku ma ka wawae, aole
1. To eat according to the restrictions ola, he has swelled legs, he will not live.
of the kapu. Al-Ku-ku-ku, s. The swelling and sore-
2. To obey the rules of the tabu (kapu) ness of the mouth and legs, like the large
system, i. e., to observe the ceremonies of itch.
the kapu. Nore.—lIt is the opposite of Al-Ku-Puv, s. Az, food, and kupuu. Dry
ainod. food, as baked kalo or other vegetables.
At-xa-pu,s. The observance of the rules Arta, s. Eng. Oil; aila kukui, lamp
of the kapu; yielding obedience to them ; oil; aila mura, ointment. Sol. 27:9. Norr.—
hooikaika lakou ia ia e hoopaakiki me ka The Hawaiian words are momona, kona-
ailapu, they encouraged him to be firm by hua, &e.
the kapu. Ar-ta, s. The name of a tree; called
Al-KE-NA, v. ‘lo compel to work when also koli.
one is already fatigued ; to cause a groan-
ing or complaint for hard usage. AI-LAI-LA, adv. At (see Al, adv.) and
laila, there. In answer to the interrogative
AI-KE-pa, v. Az and kepa, to scrape off, aihea ; there; by the side of ; in that place ;
as dirt from a stone. there ; there it is.
1. To level off; to rabbet, as the edge
of a board. At-LA-Lo, adv. Az, adv., and Zalo, down.
2. To lap over; to cut a thing off ob- Down; down under; down there; ailalo
liquely so as to make uneven parts. kahiimake ai, down there is the place where
AI-KE-PA, adj. Being cut obliquely off, he died.
so as to make uneven parts; 0 ko’u ia, ua AI-LE-A, v. AZ, v. 8, and lea, pleasure.
To copulate, as male and female; spoken Ar-ma-Ha-Ha, s. A kind of hard kalo,
of men and animals. difficult to make into good poi.
AI-LE-PE, v. Ad and lepe, the comb of a Al-ma-Lu, v. Az, to eat, and malu, se-
cock. cretly.
1. To turn up and back. 1. To transgress or break a law secretly.
2. To ruck, as the skin when broken, or 2. To eat with one contrary to kapu; he
as kapa when ruffed. aimalu ka poe ai puupuu o na ’lii, the
A1-Le-PE, adj. Turned up; rucked; as stewards of the chiefs transgressed.
the skin when broken; as kapa when A1-Mo-kU, s. Az, to eat, enjoy, and mokz,
ruffed. a district. A person who holds the rank
At-Le-po, s. Az, to eat, and depo, dirt. of a chief over some district or island ; one
An expression applied to a multitude of who enjoys the honors and profits of such
fish. The application is not clear. a post without really owning the land; e
A-1-L1, v. To pant; to gasp for breath. pau kona aimoku ana, his authority is
2. To pull up, as a bush; e uhuki. ended. Laieik. 34.
3. To pull up, as a hook with a fish on At-mo-ku, adj. Having the authority of
it; o ka aili ae no ia i ke aho lou ka iai a chief; he kane aimoku, epithet of a per-
ka makau, he pulled up his hook line, the son acting for a chief, a lieutenant, one
hook was the fish. See Kat. who enjoys the fruits of the land but pays
Arui-a, v. Pass. of ailz for azliia. a part to the owner; na ‘lil aimoku, gov-
Aru, v. Ai and li for aliz. To enjoy ernors. zr. 8:36; Hset. 3:12.
the dignity of a chief; to be noble. Ai-na, s. Ai, to eat, enjoy, and 7a, con-
traction of ana (the participial termination
AI-LI-HI, v. AZ, to eat, enjoy, and lzh2, a of words equivalent to See Gram.
border, edge. § 204,2.) An eating; the means of eating,
1. To possess or enjoy a piece of land i. e., the fruits of the land; hence,
only in part, as some corner, end or out- 1. Land generally; a farm; a field; a
side, while the main part is denied. See country; an island. In this sense it is syN.
AIKAPA. with moku, or mokupuni; elua inoa i ka-
2. To pay only a part of a debt and paia ma ka mokupuni, he moku kekahi, a
withhold the remainder; ua hookaa mai i he aina kekahi, an island has two names,
kekahi a ua alihi aku no i kekahi, he paid moku is one, and aina is the other. D.
some and withheld some (of the debt.) Malo. 7:1.
3. To disregard the kapu in respect to 2. Any taxable privilege, as the right of
trading. fishing, the right to sell things in market, &c.
Ar-ui-n1, s. A creditor; he mea i ailv- 3. Any means of obtaining a living; e
hiia, a person paid only in part; he inoa kii au e hao i kela waiwai, no ka mea, 0
no kekahi mea. ko’u aina no o ka hao wale aku, I will go
At-Lo-Lo, s. The name of a religious per- and rob that property, because it is my
formance when a hog was offered in sacri- means of living to rob. Haw. Hist.
fice; a part of it was eaten at the time of Ai-na, s. A contraction of az ana. See
offering. above. An eating; a meal. :
At-Lo-Lo, v. To teach the art of lua and Aina, adj. Eating; dining; papa aa,
the practice of anaana; sorcery and the an eating table; hale aina, one of the six
practice of soldiery,so as to beaproficient. houses of an establishment; he hale aina
Ua ao ika lua, a ua make ke kanaka, ua oia kekahi, the eating house is one.
ailolo. Ua ao i ka anaana, ua make ke Atwa, s. The snap of a gun; the jar of
kanaka, ua ailolo. Uaaoi ke koa, ua ku i a door; the report of lightning. See Papa-
ka moku, a ua ailolo.
Ai-to-Lo, adj. Disobedient, as a child, Ar-na, v. Lit. Being eaten. Used pass-
and thus destroys himself; one that de- ively; to be destroyed ; to be devoured;
stroys himself throngh his own evil courses; eaten up. Aina o Hawaii e ka pele, Ha-
it belongs to persons of all classes ; he ke- waii is eaten by the volcano; aina ke ka-
iki hoolohe ole, a ua lele i ka pali no ke naka e ka mano, the man was devoured
kolohe, a ua make ailolo ka hookuli, he by a shark; aina ka ai e ka puaa, the food
was a disobedient child, he leaped a preci- was eaten by a hog.
pice through mischief, he died through At-na, s. Pain; grief; weariness; disap-
disobedience, &c.; ua make no ke kanaka pointed affection ; he kena, luhi, he lea.
hewa no ka hookuli ailolo no ia lakou.
At-na-o-LE, v. To eat silently, gently,
At-Lo-Lo, s. He inoa no kekahi mea. without noise ; e ai mahie, e mukamuka, e
Ar-Lu-NA, adv. There above; up; up- ainaole.
wards. AI-NA-HOO-I-LI-NA, S. Ada, land, and
hooilina, to inherit. An inheritance, i. e., food; a steward; a cook; a servant gen-
land inherited. 2 Oth]. 20:11. An inher- erally ; originally, applied to stewards of
ited portion. ob. 24:8. chiefs.
AI-NA-KE-A, Ss. Azna, eating, and kea, Ai-pu-HI-U, s. The release from the re-
species of cane. See Koxea. The eating of strictions of kapu; it has the same mean-
sugar-cane till dry and white. ing as ainoa, but is seldom used.
At-nE-A, v. To labor in vain; to be Ai-pu-KA, S. See Ipuxa, a gate. Ipuka
weary with hard toil. See Inwa. is the correct orthography.
AI-NE-MA-NE-MA, v. AZ and nema. To At-pu-ni, v. To go around; to circum-
reproach; to vilify. ambulate, as a tract of country ; like kaa-
At-Nno-a, v. Az, to eat, and noa, free puni.
from restraint. To eat freely, without re- A-I-wa (e-i-wa), num. adj. The simple
garding the kapu; to break kapu by eat- form is iwa, Nine; the number nine.
ing ; to disregard the kapus in one’s man- A-1-wa-I-wa, v. To be very good, benefi-
ner of living. cent and kind, or the contrary. <Aiwaiwa
Ai-no-A, s. Ai and noa. Implying a re- refers to the excess of character, very good
lease from kapu ; the opposite of aikapu; or very bad. Aiwaiwa ke kanaka akamai
freedom from the restraints of kapu; 0 ka i ka naauao; aiwaiwa no hoi ke alii loko-
ainoa, oia ka hoomaka ana e pau ai ia mau maikai; aiwaiwa no hoi ke keiki kolohe.
kapu, the eating freely,i.e., (the disregard- Aiwaiwa refers to a person accomplished
ing the kapu,) that was the beginning of with learning ; it applies to a very kind-
the destruction of the kapu system. Ainoa hearted chief; it also applies to a mischiev-
was the general term, and universally ap- ous child.
plied when the nation threw off idolatry. Ai-wa-I-wa, s. A remarkable person or
Haw. Hist. animal; applied to the fabulous dog Kala-
At-no-a, s. Name of those persons who humoku, of Tahiti; a ike aku la ia Kalahu-
first ate together, men and women, con- moku i ke aiwaiwa o Tahiti. Laieile. 108.
trary to the kapu. Ai-wa-I-wa, v. To look long and stead-
Ar-pa (e-pa), s. Heb. Name of a dry ily at a person or thing ; aiwdiwa nuii ka
measure; anepha. Nah. 5:15. nana loihi a ike, he persevered in looking
Ar-paa, s. At, food, and gaa, hard. for a long time.
Hard food; food, that is, kalo prepared for At-wal-u, adj. Az, to eat, and waiu,
keeping. milk. Milk-eating; epithet of a sucking
Ai-pa-Lal, s. A name for scrofula. The child ; an infant. Jsa. 49:15. Lrr. A milk-
word is said to have originated with Kame- eater.
hameha I., meaning the same as aialaala.
Ao, v. To be or become light or day,
At-po-o-La, s. He azpoola, he like me ka as in the morning ; ua ao ka po, the night
puupoola i ka moni. has become light. Oth. 12:18.
Ai-po-o-La, s. He hana mahiai, a ma- 2. To awake, as from a vision or dream.
hope kalua ka mea ai no ka luhi o ka hana 3. To come to one’s right mind or self-
ana; he kaumaha paha o ka mea i hanaia, possession.
he aipoola. 4. To teach; instruct. Duk. 11:1.
Ai-po-o-LA, adj. Ua paa i ka hana, he 5. To enlighten ; instruct in one’s duty
hana hoaipoola. or conduct. Oihk. 10:11.
A-1-puv, s. A-i, neck, and puz,a bunch. 6. To reprove; take heed ; beware; to
warn. Ain. 31:24.
1. A bunch on the shoulder from carry-
7. To regard with reverence ; to obey.
ing heavy burdens.
2. Name of the person who has such a
8. To charge strictly.
bunch. 9. To learn to do a thing; to learn, to
study, as a language; e na kumu e, e ao
3. The name of a disease; also called
leholeho. Ka pilikia no ke kau ana mai o oukou i ka olelo Hawaii, O teachers, study
ka mai aipuu ae anai mai, the difficulty the Hawaiian language.
from the attack of the disease aipuu caus- 10. To copy the example of others. Kani.
ing waste, &c.; he kokua leholeho. 18:9. In the imperative, e ao, look out;
watch ; be on your guard ; take heed. Jos.
Ai-puv-puv, v. Az, food, and puxpuz, to 22:5.
divide out. See Puv. Ao, v. Found only in hoo., conj. 3. To
1. Hoo. To serve out provisions to oth- tempt; to try; to prove. Dan. 12:10.
ers ; to supply with provisions.
2. To try one’s conduct or fitness for a
2. To serve or wait on at table.
duty. Dunk. 7:4.
3. To act as a servant in any manner.
3. To try; assay. Kamnl. 4:34.
Al-puu-Puv, s. A servant who prepares 4. To try to do a thing to ascertain
whether it can be done; e hodo e ae oe Pehea na doao o Ferani? what are the
mamua a maopopo, a ina maopopo, alaila boundaries of France?
hana, try first whether the thing is feasible, 2. Trop. A way, habit, manner, peculiar
if feasible, then do it. to any one. Oth. 17:2. A course of life.
5. To try; taste of, i. e., suffer, as pain Hal. 1:1 and 6.
or death. Mat. 16:18. To tempt, as the Ao-ao, v. ‘l’o accustom ; to practice; e
Holy Spirit. Oth. 5:9. hoomaamaa. See Maa. To repeat fre-
6. To try, i. e., to cohabit before mar- quently.
riage. 2. To teach; to give instruction to one
7. To exhibit or practice the shameless how to act on occasion. Laieik. 12.
conduct of the sexes as in former times. A-o-ao, v. To make one’s escape from
Ao, s. Light; day, in distinction from justice; to depart secretly from fear of
po, night. Kin. 1:5. For the different pe- being taken; e aoao malu ana, i mahuka,
riods of time through the night, see Laieik. to escape secretly, to run away.
30. 2. To show or point out a way for one to
2. The world. Hal. 89:11. O ke ao nei, go; aoao aku la o mea, eia ko alanui.
0 keia ao, this world; o kela ao, the future Ao-ao, s. What one has been taught to
world; na wahiao, heavenly places. pes.
bs: say or do; kahea iho la e like me ke aoao
ana, he called out as he had been in-
3. Light; applied to the light-green of
fresh leaves of plants or trees; the green structed. Laieik. 170.
fresh buds; a kupu, a lau, a loa, a ao, a A-oa-oa, s. Name of a pleasant sea-
muo, a liko; the middle or new leaf of breeze at Honolulu; he paa 0 aoaoa lani.
plants ; as, ao ko, ao kalo. Ao-Ao-nu-1, s. The name of/a species
4. Knowledge ; instruction; ke ao ana, of broad fish; he ia kino palahalaha.
doctrine. Ao-a-ku-A, s. Ao, for wao, a desert
A-o, s. Acloud. Puk. 14:19. Ao pouli, place, and akua, God. <A lonely place;
a dark cloud. Puk. 14:20. Na mea nana generally a barren place; a desert. More
i ke ao. observers of clouds. Hanl. 18:14. properly written waoakua, the region of
Ao, adj. Enlightened ; informed ; in- the gods, ghosts, hobgoblins, &e. See Wao-
structed ; mostly connected with naau, as AkuA. Nore.—The proper orthography is
naatiao, and written as one word. auakua.
Ao, s. Dried*kalo or potatoes (1. e., kalo Ao-ao-WE-LA, s. A species of fish of a
ur potatoes baked and dried,) used for green color.
food. A-o-E, adv. One of the forms of the ad-
2. Sea-bread or any hard bread was verb of negation ; aohe, aole, aoe, no, not,
called ao by Hawaiians when they first saw nor, a universal negative.
it. A-o£, v. See Or. To move along with
Ao, s. Art., ka. Name of a species of a rustling, rippling noise, as a wave of the
bird. Laieik. 29. sea; to make a noise like a rippling wave;
A-o-a, v. To howl, as a dog or wolf. aoe ka ale o ka moana, the slight wave of
2. To howl] or wail for grief for the loss the ocean ripples, &c.; he hele wale no e
of friends ; to howl for a calamity that has like me ka aoe.
come upon one. Isa. 13:6. A-o0, s. See A oo under A. Name of
3. To cry, as one in distress and anguish. an instrument for destroying unborn chil-
Tak. 5:1. To bowl,as in despair. Joel. 1:5. dren, &c. See Kouonuva.
A-o-a, s. A howling, as of a dog or A-o-0, adj. See Oo, to be mature. Epi-
ravenous beast; a wailing for the dead. thet of a full grown man when all his fac-
A-o-a, adj. Howling, as of a ravenous ulties of body and mind have come to ma-
beast. Jsa. 13:21. Holoholona aoaoa, turity ; he qoo ia, he is full grown.
howling beasts. Hence, cross; angry; A-o-o-No-H1, s. He aoonohi ulaula; an
rough in language. expression signifying that a storm is near.
A-o-a, s. A snail; he pupu. Ao-o-pu-A, s. Ao, cloud, and pwa, an
2. Also the name of a species of small
arrow. Sharp-pointed clouds as they ap-
pear in the sky; me he mau aoopua lae
A-o-a, s. Name of a tree, not found on kau ana, pela ke kau ana o ka make
these isl: nd in some foreign country; maluna o na kanaka, as sharp-pointed
often spoken of in the ancient meles. clouds hang in the sky, so death hangs
A.o-ao, s. The side of a thing, as land, over men.
country ; the coast of a country. Ma ka Ao-u-tI, s. Ao, a cloud, and wz, blue.
ao%0 0 Puna a me Kau ka holo ana, along 1. A blue cloud, i. e., the sky, the firma-
the shore of Puna and Kau was the sailing. ment.
2. The visible arch of heaven; aia iluna |A-o-LE, v. To not; not to do; aole oia
lilo ke aouli la, there above is the sky. i hana, he did it not.
3. The stars collectively; the host of 2. To deny; refuse to do a thing; aole
heaven. 2 Oihl. 33:5. ae la ia i hoopono ia ia, ia manawa, he re-
4, Heaven itself. Jal. 89:6. Nors.— fused (he did not) reform himself at that
In grammar, it is used for mood; as, aouli time.
hai, indicative mood ; aouli kauoha, imper- 3. Not to be; no existence. Hal. 37:36.
ative mood; aouli kuihe, subjunctive mood ; Aole e ole, a phrase signifying the strong-
aouli kuwale, infinitive mood. est affirmation, as, it cannot but be, it can-
A-o-HE, adv. No; not; not at all; by not be otherwise, it will not fail of being
no means. See AoLE and Aor, so, there is no not in the case, &c. Norge.—
Ao-HAA, \ adv. Used as ad- ihe sense 2, to deny, is more generally
A0o-HE-IO, verbs and _ inter- found under the form ole, v., 3d conj. hoo.,
Ao-HE-I0-HOI jections. What! which see.

how great! truly A-o-LE-E-0-LE, adv. See AoLe above.
AO-HE-HOI, so; a confirmation It cannot but be. Lr. It cannot be not.
Ao-HE-0-KA-NA-MAI, ) _of the declaration A-o-LE-10-Hol, adv. See under AowAa.
of another; also, surprising; admirable ; How very! Mat. 6:23. Aole loa, God for-
never so many, &c. bid. Luk. 20:16.
Ao-HE-LE, v. Ao, to teach, and hele, to A-o-LE-pa-HA, adv. A strong affirma-
0. tion; how true; true indeed ; so it is.
1. To teach as one travels; to preach A-0-LE-HoI-NA, adv. A very affectionate
traveling about; ua aohele o Kaahumanu salutation ; now used only among the old
me ka hoohuli i na kanaka a pau ma ka people ; the modern term is aloha.
pono, Kaahumanu went about teaching the
people and turning them to do what was Ao-Loa, s. Ao, cloud, and loa, long. A
right. comparison ‘of clouds. as high and low;
2. To declare; publish, as a law; asa applied also to men, as more or less honor-
chief when he went from place to place; able; o Ku ke aoloa, o Ku ke aopoko, Ku
aohele na “lii i na kanawai. is the long cloud, Ku is the short cloud.
Ao-Ho-xu, v. Ao, to teach, and hoku, a See Aopoko.
star. To teach astronomy. Ao-mi-Lo, v. To procure abortion; 00
no lakou i na keiki, aomilo a hahai, ua nui
Ao-Ho-ku, s. Astronomy as a science ; na kamaliii make. Nore.—The methods
also an astronomer ; pepehiia ae la ke alii of procuring abortion were numerous and
moku a me ka mea dohoku, the captain of various.
the ship was slain and the astronomer.
A-o-neé, s. Dirt; he lepo, he lau one.
Ao-xa, v. To be crushed or chewed See One, sand.
finely for swallowing. A-o-no, adj. num. See Ono, the simple
A-o-xa-o-KA, v. See Oxa. To pulver- form. Six; with other forms, eono, ke ono,
ize; make fine; to bruise or pound fine; he ono.
aweluawelu. See OKAOKA. A-o-No-KA, adv. A contracted poetical
A-o-KA-A-0-KA, Ss. Any fine particles of phrase for aole no ka e kala, not lately
matter, as saw-dust, lees of wine, dregs of done, long ago.
any liquid ; hence, Ao-NU-I-H0O-LA-HO-LA-HO, s. The name
2. An offensive smell, as connected with of a broad mass of clouds extending over
such matter. a great space.
2. A mass of pillar clouds as seen at
Ao-KA-HA-EA, S. Ao, cloud, and kahaea. night.
A kind of cloud as it appears in the heay-
ens; he aokahaea i kinohinohiia. Ao-po-ko, s. See Aoztoa. Lit. A short
Ao-xu, s. The name of a rain; he ua cloud. Fie. Men of little weight of char-
A-o-LE (ole), adv. An adverb of deny- Av,prefixed
pers. pron., Ist per. sing. 1; when
or preceded by the emphatic o, as
ing, refusing ;no; not; a universal nega- o au, the compound sound resembles that
tive ; for euphony’s sake, it takes different of «2; hence it has the forms au, 0 au, way,
forms ; as, aohe, aole, ohe, ole, and aoe. The and 0 wau; the ois no part of the word,
form ole is privative in its meaning, and and should be written separately.
may be added to almost any adjective, noun
(proper names excepted,) or verb in the} A’u, pron. So written for aauz, one a
language. It is equivalent to the English | dropped and the apostrophe supplied. Ik
inseparable negative particles, less, in, un, is the auipili, one of the oblique cases of
&c. See OLE. au, I. See Gram. § 124. Of me; mine.
There is a sensible break in the pronunci-| Au, s. Name of a fish with a sharp
ation, to distinguish it from au, the Ist per- nose.
son, and from au, of the 2d person next 2. Name of a soft porous stone.
below. Au, v. To long after, or be wholly bent
Av, pron. With a more protracted, on; to be fully engaged in a course of con-
smooth pronunciation than the foregoing, duct; alaila, au loa wauina ino o ke ao
one of the auipili cases of the 2d per. sing. nei, then I was wholly engrossed in the
of oe. Gram. § 132. Thine; of thee. vileness of the world; makemake, puni,
Av, s. The handle or helve of an axe. lilo loa. See Av, current, above.
Kanl. 19:5. The staff of a spear. 1 Sam. Av-a, v. To dislike to part with prop-
17:7. The handle of asword. unk. 3:22. erty ; to be stingy in giving.
The handle of an auger, d&c.; au koi, au 2. To keep back what should be given
pahi. to another ; to withhold. Sol. 11:24.
Av, s. The current in the ocean; au 3. Not to give a thing asked for; to be
maloko o ka moana; o kahi o ke kaie wili stingy.
ana, he au ia; he wilt aw kahi inoa. 4. To think so much of a thing as not to
2. The grain in wood. part with it. Ain. 45:20. Ua hewa no kahi
3. The motion of the hand in mixing poi. aua ana o na Lunaauhau, some of the
4, An action of the mind; as, ke au wale stinginess of the Lunaauhaus is wrong.
nei no ko’u manao e ake e pulelo iki ae, 5. To look with regret upon a thing.
my mind is exercising, &c. See Av, v., 6. To forbid; withhold. Ain. 30:2.
below. 7. To refuse assent to a proposal; not
to be pleased with it. Laieik. 140.
Av, s. The gall of animals. Ozhk. 3:4; Av-a, s. The name of a fish.
Job. 16:13; Met. Oih. 8:23.
Au-a, s. Stinginess; closeness.
Av, s. Time; a period of time, more or Av-a, s. The voice of the bird alala.
less definitely designated, as the reign of a
king. Jer. 28:1. Auv-a, adj. Close; hard; parsimonious;
2. The time of one’s life; i ke auia Kala- stingy ; he pi, he paa.
niopuu ; i ke aw o Liholiho, in the time of Av-aE, S. See Auwag, the chin. A
Kalaniopuu, &c. lana ka auae kahi uuku.
do. A season. Oih. 11:28. <A portion of Av-aE, adj. Expert; cunning; provi-
time. dent.
Au, s. A territory; district of country; Av-akE, v. To be lazy; to spend time
generally compounded with other qualify- idly ; e kalauea, e kaialili.
ing words; as, quakua, a desert, a place of Av-ak, s. Laziness, indolence ;one who
gods, ghosts, &. See Avakua. Aukanaka, spends time idly.
an inhabited country ; aupuni, a large re- Av-aE-PuU, v. For auwaepuu. Hoo. To
gion, &c. Norr.—Au is the term repre- be lazy, indolent.
senting all places where food grows; as
kaha represents such places as are on or Av-au, v. Conj. 6 of au, to swim. To
near the shore where food does not grow. bathe in water, as a person. Puk. 2:5.
This applies mostly to the leeward side of 2. To wash; cleanse with water. Oihk.
the islands. 15:6.
3. To take out wrinkles from a piece of
Au, v. To swim; ua au na kanaka i cloth. Hoo., conj. 3. To wash; cleanse,
ka moana, a pakele i ka make, the people &e.
swam the ocean and escaped death. 4. Used imperatively, to excite; hasten;
2. To float on the surface of water; to e auau aku kakou, e wikiwiki; eauau mai
turn, as the eyes to look at something; ina oe, come quickly, e wikiwiki mai oe; used
ua ike oe e auanakonamaka. Laieik. 145. also with ho. See Hoavav.
Syn. with nana ia. Av-au, s. A bathing; washing; ua hele
3. Hoo., 3d conj. To cause to swim, to
i ka auau, he is gone to bathe.
float ;hooau hele aku la i na pahu o lakou,
they floated along their (water) casks. Av-au, adj. Of, or belonging to bath-
4. To convey, as on a raft. 2 Oihl. 2:16. ing ; as, he wai auau; wahi auau.
5. To swim through the water by the ex- Av-au, s. Name of a certain aho (a
ertions of the arms and other limbs; poho small stick) to be thatched first in the pro-
ka uhane o ka poe make i ka moana, aole cess of building a heiau.
paha e hiki ke au iuka, the souls of those Av-avu, s. Name of a long slim fish;
who sink in the ocean are lost, they are not
able to swim ashore. Used imperatively, the guard-fish that swims near the surface
of the water.
to quicken, to hasten; more generally
doubled, as auau, which see. Au-au, s. A snare for catching and
killing birds; he pahele e make ai ka} Au-a-na, adj. Scattered; wandering;
manu; he avau manu. dispersed.
AU-Au, s. The stalk of loulu made into AU-A-NEI, adv. Au, time, and anet, now,
a spear ; he ihe. here, &c. It refers to an indefinite future
Av-au-NEI. Probably for awanez, which time, but not far off; hereafter; by and
see. by; soon; used only after verbs. E ua
Av-Au-PA-PA-0-HE, v. Also aupapaohe. auanei, ke opiopi mai nei ke ao, it will rain
Name of a fish, a variety of the species auau. soon, the clouds are folding up; e ino aua-
AU-AU-Wa-HA, s. Au, a place, au dou- nei, ke okupukupu mai la ka hao ino.
Norr.—After a word ending with a, it is
bled and waha, a mouth. To dig a furrow often written wane.
or ditch; to dig up into furrows, as for
planting. Hoo. To make a furrow by dig- Av-g, int. Also auwe. O; oh! woe to;
ging. Hal. 14:7. See Auwana. alas; O dear; expressive of regret, of
grief, of pain, of disappointment ; aue ka
Av-a-ku-a, s. Also written wauakua and make! que ke anoe! See AuwE.
waoakua. Au, a place, and akua, a god.
1. A region remote from inhabitants, and Av-E, v. See also Auwe. To cry; to
supposed to be the haunts of spirits, ghosts, weep ; to lament for any loss, suffering or
hobgoblins, &c. calamity. '
2. A desolate place; uninhabited. Isa. Av-1, v. To decline, as the sun in the
13:9. He anoano kanaka ole. afternoon. 1 Nal. 18:29.
2. To be turned aside in a course; ai
Av-a-tul, adj. Name of a kapu sacred ka moana, auiia ka waa e ka ale, when on
to Kama, an ancient chief of Maui; o ka the ocean, the canoe was turned aside by
noekole aualit kapu o Kama. a wave.
Av-a-Lo, s. Au, place, and alo, in front. 3. To vary from a direct line; to turn
A shed or verandah adjoining a house for aside, as the head ; ua aui ae nei ka la; ua
storing canoes, calabashes, and other prop- aui ae nei ka ia.
erty. 4, To swell, as the sea, in great rollers.
5. To pass by a certain time.
Av-a-mo, s. Au, a handle, and amo to 6. To shun a blow by inclining the head.
carry. A stick or pole with which burdens 7. To roll up roughly, as high waves of
are carried across the shoulder. 1 Qihl. the sea; ke aui mai la ka nalu; avi mai la
15:15. A staff or pole for carrying a bur- ka ale o ke kai. Conj. 9. Au-i-au-i, to roll
den. Puk. 25:13. Hale auamo, a palan- up, as the sea, &e.
quin. Mel. Sol. 3:9. A yoke. Kamil. 21:3. Av-1-au-I, v. See Avi, v., above. To
Fic. A burden; service. Mat. 11:30.
roll up, as a high sea.
Av-a-mo, v. To carry on the shoulders Av-1, s. A wave of the sea; a billow.
or back; e halihali,e mamaka; to carry Isa. 48:18. He aui no ka nalu.
on a stick across the shoulder. See above. 2. Thename for casein grammar. Gram.
AU-A-MO-E, v. Auamo, to bear, and e, § 99.
extra. To bear a very heavy load, so as Av-I-A-LE, s. Auz and ale. A swell of
to sprain or bruise the neck ; e auamoe me the sea, not a small wave; so called from
ka nanaha 0 ka a-i, to carry a load with the motion, passing by.
the straining of the neck. Auv-i-na, s. Aut, to decline, and ana,
Av-a-na, v. Also written auwana. Au, the participial termination. The declining
to swim, and ana, the participial termina- or turning aside ; i ka awina la, at sun de-
tion ing. A swimming off. The word has clining, that is, in the afternoon. Laieik.
its origin in the overturning of a canoe, 49. See AUWINA.
when men and all the cargo of the canoe Auv-o-Lo, s. Aw and olo, to vibrate. A
float off in different directions. tabernacle; a temporary house. Job. 27:18.
1. To be scattered ; dispersed, as things An out-house for sheltering canoes; he au-
disperse in the upsetting of a canoe. olo waa; also written auwolo.
2. To go astray, as the mind; auwana Av-o-1o, adj. Belonging to a temporary
hewa ka naau; to be wandering, as the building ; ahaaina auolo, feast of taberna-
thoughts. cles. Kanl. 16:13.
3. To scatter from each other, as people.
4. To go here and there in search of
Av-HaA, s. A shed or house for putting
something. Puile. 5:12. canoes to screen them from the sun; he
5. Hoo. To scatter ;disperse abroad; to auolo no ka waapa. See AvoLo.
' cause to wander; to go from place to place. Auv-Hal, v. To tear; to rend, as clothes.
Kin. 20:13. Ua hooauwanaia ka poe hewa See Unat.
i ka make, the wicked are scattered in| AU-HAvU, v. To put a people under trib-
death. See AUWANA. ute. unk. 1:28. To tax; assess a tax.
2. To exercise lordship ; to exact of one. Ua wela kuu hale, ua auhee au,
My house is burned, I am destitute.
Neh. 5:10. Nore.—In ancient times every Ua make kuu alii, ua aukee makou,
article of value was taxed, to be paid in My chief is dead, we are friendless.
kind; at present, the auhkau dala is the AU-HE-LE, v. Au and hele, to move.
great thing.
1. To cut out clothes, i. e., to move round,
Au-nau, s. A tax; a revenue for the as the shears or scissors in cutting out
benefit of chiefs; kahi auhau, a place for clothes. This is a modern word, or at least
collecting taxes; similar to hookupu. a modern use of the word; equivalent to
Av-nau, s. Name of a species of wood helehele.
for making spears; he hau ka ihe e kaua 2. To sail from one place to another;
ai, he auhaw kekahi ihe, the spears for war quhele an ma ka moana, a pae manuka, I
are made of hau, some spears are made of sailed about on the ocean, and then went
auhau. ashore ; aulele makou a pae 10.
Avu-Hau-Hu-l, s. A religious ceremony Au-Ho-La, s. See Hota. The name of
in the hoopiopio; perhaps, to strike regu- the plant with which fish are intoxicated
larly. and caught. See AUHUHU.
Av-HAu-MA-U-LE, Ss. I na auhaumaule ka Av-Ho-LA, v. From the foregoing. To
pa, va huna ia malalo o ka weuweu. catch fish by means of the auhola or hola.
Au-Hau-pu-ka, v. To beg; to ask for a Av-Ho-Nu-A, s. Au, time, and honua,
thing. Syn. with noi, but more modest. earth. The time of the earth, i. e., as long
See Nor, Makino, Aprxt, &e. as the world has stood, of old time, from
Av-Havu-pu-KA, s. A beggar; one who the beginning.
solicits favors of chiefs ; he auhaupuka na Avu-nu-uu, s. A shrub; the name of a
kanaka noi wale. plant used in poisoning or intoxicating
2. Beggary ; a system of living by beg- fish, that they may be caught. See AuHOLA.
gary; ma ka auhaupuka e loaa ai ka ai a Av-Hu-LA-A-NA, adj. The act of swim-
me ke kapa, by begging they obtain food ming round a pali where there is no road ;
and clothing. he poe auhulaana no ka pali; those swim-
Av-HA-KA, s. Epithet of a man with ming round the pali; ke hele la ka poe
long, spindling legs, like the legs of a auhulaana o Milolii ma Kauai.
horse; he kanaka wawae loloa aukaka Av-nu-i1, v. Au and huli, kalo tops for
loihi, e like me ka lio wiwi auhaka. planting.
Av-Ha-Ka, adj. A man tall, poor and 1. To thrust downwards, as in planting
thin, especially his legs; spindle-legged; kalo; to plant kalo.
me he wawae auhaka la ka eaea. 2. To send downwards ; to drive away.
Au-HE-A, adv. int. Au, place, and hea, 8. To overturn, as a kingdom.
what. Av-Hu-Li-HI-A, v. Pass. of auhulz, with
1. Where? what place? h inserted. Gram.§ 48. To be overturned;
2. A call of attention to what one has to to be dispossessed of land and tenements ;
say; auhea oe? auhea oukou? where art to be turned off or driven from house and
thou? where are you? home; to be driven to ruin. Hal. 9:17.
Av-HEE, v. Au, to swim, and hee, to Auhulihia ke aupuni a lilo aku i ka meae,
melt, causing an intensive. the kingdom is overturned and gone to
1. To melt; to flow, as a liquid. another.
2. To flee from one; to slip off from Av-nu-ti-nI-a, s. A change of govern-
danger ; auhee mai la ka auwaa, the fleet ments or rulers; an overturn of govern-
of canoes hurried off (from fear :) to flee, ment; a revolution.
as from temptation. Av-nu-tu, v. To stick together, as lit-
3. To flee or be put to flight in battle. tle things, by wetting them in the mouth.
1. Oihl. 10:1. To be scattered ; disappear.
4. Used imperatively, go away; let me Av-xa, v. To be wearied; fatigued with
alone; forbear. 2 Oihl. 35:21. doing a thing. Jer. 6:11.
5. Hoo. To put to flight, to rout, as an Av-xa, adj. Tired; weary, as of sitting
enemy. Oihk. 26:8. still.
6. To drive away; to dispel, as dark- Av-xa, s. A bar, as of soap.
ness. See HEE. 2. A bar of unwrought silver, iron or
Av-HEE, v. To be destitute; to be be- gold. os. 7:21.
reaved ; to be deprived of all comforts ; to 3. In architecture, a fillet. Pudc. 27:10.
make desolate. 4. A bar of a city gate. 1 Nal. 4:13.
Ua Jilo kuu aina, ua auhee au, A-u-Ka, v. A, prep.; of and uka, in-
My land is gone, 1 am poor. land. To belong inland, or up country;
Ua make kuu wahine, ua auhee au,
My wife is dead, Iam bereaved. quka aku nei ma kona hoi mai nei.
Av-xs-HI, adj. Au and kahi, to cut lights on a bank; ua hoolikeia ke kanaka
smooth. hana hewa me ka aukuu, a bad man is
1. Smooth, without knots or protube- likened to an aukuu; no ka mea, he ahua
rances, as a canoe; he waa aukahi, aole kahi e kau ai ka auicwu, because the aulewu
lala, aole opuupun, a canoe, smooth, no sits on a bank ; nolaila i olelo mai ka poe
knots, no protuberances. kahiko ; hence ‘the ancients say:
2. Level and straight, as a floor ;smooth Me he aukuu la ke kau i ke ahua,
and straight throughout ; maa ano 0 ka As the aukuu sits upon a sand bank,
Alaalawa na maka me he pueo la,
au o ka laan. Its eyes looking about like an owl.
3. Straight and smooth, as Ms looking-
glass. Av-xu-xu, s. A swelling up of the
4, Applied also to a well composed water of the sea; the rise and rapid flow
speech; correct; eloquent. of water in a river; moana ke kai kele a
Avu-KA-KA, s. Au, wave, and kaka, hook. ka aukulku ke kae ka hohonu.
A place far out at sea where fish are caught; Av-.a, adj. Stinted, as vegetables ; bar-
o ka pililua o lawaia o ke aukaka. ren, as ground; he palakai, he aula, he
Av-Ka-ku, s. Name of a fish with a ponalo.
sword snout. Au-tau, s. A bundle of cane or other
Av-KA-NA-KA, S. Au, place, and kanaka, leaves bound together, used in taking fish.
men. <A place or region where men are
found, in distinction from auakua, region Av-La-ma, v. To give or cause light
of the gods. around. See Lama. He kolikukui, i aula-
1. Emphatically, a thickly peopled place; maid.
he wahi kanaka, he wahi paapu, a lehu- Av-LE-LE, v. To fly off in flocks, as
lehu. ; many kinds of birds.
2. The habited world. Mat. 24:14. Av-LE-PE, s. Name of a long slim fish.
AU-KE-LA, v. Au, to swim, and kela, to Av-tu, adj. Neat; nice; excellent.
excel. To swim ahead of others. AU-LI-KE, v. Au, to swim, and like,
Av-xt, s. For lauki. The ki leaf; also, alike. To swim evenly; to swim abreast,
2. A species of fish. as two or more persons.
Av-xo1, s. A disease in the groin, re- AU-LI-KE, adj. Even and smooth from
sulting from pollution; he ewai, he auwakoi. end to end, as a piece of timber; he laau
AU-KU, v. Au, to swim, and ku, to stand. aulike, a straight, smooth piece of timber ;
1. To swim or sail uprightly, as a vessel he aukahi.
rising and pitching in a heavy sea; auku AU-LI-KO-LOo-MA-NU, Ss. A beautiful, well-
ka ibu i ka makani; to stand up, as the formed person.
bow of a vessel by the wind, from the re- 2. Any article beautifully made.
semblance to a man’s position in swimming 3. An expression of commendation or
uprightly in a rough sea. praise, connected with boasting or pride
2. To toss up the nose, as an expression of one’s circumstances or privileges, as
of pride, anger or contempt for a thing; being skillful, expert or reflecting.
auku ka ihu o ka wahine huhu wale, the Av-ui-ma, s. Au, a handle, and Zima,
angry woman turns up her nose; auku
the hand. The name of the stick held in
iluna ka ihu o ke kanaka haaheo, the nose
the hand when rubbing to produce fire.
of the proud man is turned up.
The name of the stick rubbed is aunaki.
3. To climb, as a man, up a precipice.
Notre.—The action of rubbing is hia.
4. To rise up,as the end of the nose at a
bad smell, or the end of a canoe in a surf. Avu-ma, s. See Patauma. A person in
Av-ku, s. Au and ku. A stream, so distress or pain, so @& not to be still.
shallow that a person can wade through Avu-mal-E-wa, s. Many persons engaged
with his clothes on; a shallow stream, not in taking fish and using the lau halaakia.
deep. Av-ma-Ka, s. Au, a handle, and maka.
2. Name of a road or path leading up A pole to carry baggage on. See Mamaka.
hill. Avu-ma-ku-a, s. Name of a class of an-
Av-xu and Av-xuu, s. Name of a bird cient gods who were considered able and
which makes a loud, yelling noise at night; trustworthy ; na akua i ka po, o na auma-
a sea-bird. keua i ke ao, gods of the night. gods of the
Av-xuu, s. The action of a person vom- day ; o Kiha i ka po, o Liloa i ka po, o
iting. Umi i ka po, o Mea i ke ao.
2. A kind of fish-hook. Avu-ma-ku-a, adj. He akua aumakua,
Av-kuvu, s. The name of a bird; me he able, that may be trusted as a child trusts
auicuu la ke kau i ke ahua. as an aukuu, to a parent; ua ola ke akua qaumakua.
Kukuluia ka hale no ko Kamehameha mau Av-pa-pa, adj. A man who, in swim-
iwi, i mea e hoolilo ai ia ia i akua auma- ming on a board through the surf, loses his
kua, a house was built for Kamehameha’s board ; hence,
bones that he might become a substantial 2. A person who has lost his property,
god. i. e., his board was his dependence.
Av-ma-ku-a, s. A person so called who Av-pa-PA-0-HE, s. Name of a fish sim-
provided for a chief or for chiefs; a trusty, ilar to auaupapaohe, a species of the auau.
steadfast servant; one who is not easily Av-pu-La, v. To catch fish with a net
provoked to leave his place. when the pulale is used; he mea e loaa’i
A-u-ME-U-ME, v. A and ume, to pull, ka ia e like me ka lau, a thing for obtain-
draw out. To contend, to strive for a
ing fish like the lau.
thing, in order to obtain it from another; Au-pu-nI, s. Au, a place, and puni,
to pull from one to another ; aumeume na around.
kanaka i ka ia, the people contended for 1. A region of country governed by a
the fish; wumeume na kanaka i ka lole, the chief or king. Nors.—Originally the word
people contended for the cloth. did not imply a large country, as there
A-u-ms-u-me, s. A pulling from one were formerly several aupunis on one
person to another in contention ; an acting island. At present, the word is used to
with opposition and force; he huki aku, signify,
huki mai, a puepue, there was pulling this 2. A kingdom; the dominion and juris-
way and that with force; he ola nae, he diction of a king.
ola aumeume, there was life, however, but Av-pu-ni, v. To be in an undisturbed
life with contention. state ; to be in a state of peace and quiet-
Av-mi-ua, s. Au and miha. To float off ness, as a kingdom.
in the air, as miasma; contagion; evil in- 2. To exist or be known as a kingdom;
fluence supposed to attend the graves of ua aupuni keia pae aina, these islands are
the dead. at peace.
Av-mi-H1, v. Au and mihi. To sorrow; 3. To become a kingdom. Hzele. 16:13.
to repent; to grieve for the loss of a thing. Av-pu-n1, adj. Relating to the kingdom
See Mint. or government; he hana aupuni, govern-
Av-mi-x1, s. Water kept in a calabash, ment work; he mau lio awpuni, horses, the
and the chief drinks awa, (which is very |. property of the government.
bitter,) then drinks this water, which he Av-wa, v. A different orthography for
thinks is sweet. aua. See Ava. To forbid; refuse a favor
Av-mo-s-NA, s. Swimming the ocean; when asked. Luk. 6:29.
name of a class of Kamehameha’s laws. Av-waa, s. Au, a place, and waa, a
Av-mog, s. Au, time, and moe, to sleep. canoe. A cluster or fleet of canoes; 0 ka
The season when the world is asleep; nui o ka auwaa, ua pau i ka lukuia, the
night. Specifically, midnight. Puk. 11:4. greater part of the fleet of canoes was de-
Av-mu, s. A place for baking; an oven; stroyed; any number of canoes in com-
he wahi e kalua ai i ka ai; a place for pany; e hoomakaukau i ko lakou auwaa
cooking food. See Umu and Inu. iho, to get ready their own canoes.
Avu-nu, v. ‘lo bake; to cook by baking Av-WAA-LAU-KI, 8. Auwaa and lau k2,
or burying under ground. ki leaves. Ki leaves folded up so as to
sail for children’s sport.
Av-mu, adj. Epithet of the stones of Av-wa-a-La-Lua, s. The name of a spe-
an oven, that is, oven stones; pohaku
aumu. cies of fish; he wahi mea holo maloko o
ke kai, e like me ka waa, an animal that
Av-na, s. A colleétion or flock of birds; sails in the sea like a canoe.
as, auna kolea, a flock of koleas; auna Av-wag, s. The chin of a person; au-
kolea e wili ana me he auna manu la, a
flock of koleas mingling together like a wae, kahi malalo o ka waha, the awwae is
flock of birds.
the place below the mouth.
2. The jog cut in the top of the post of a
Av-na-x1, s. The name of the stick Hawaiian house. See Ava.
rubbed upon in obtaining fire by friction.
See AULIMA. Av-wak-al-Na, s. A present out of re-
Av-NEi, syn. with auanez. A particle spect to the hakuaina of a hog or other
fruits of the land. Nore—When a land
referring to future time, but not distant. was transferred to a new owner, and he re-
1 Sam. 31:4. Soon; pretty soon; by and by. instated the people upon it, they usually
Av-pa-pa, v. To be poor; to lose one’s bring a present from the land; this present
property. Fie. Ohina awpapa, the swim- of hogs, food, kapa, fish, nets, &c., was
ming board is lost. Sameas pau ka waiwai. called auwaeaina.
Av-waeE-puv, s. Laziness; indifference. |Au-w1, v. See Aut. To decline; to in-
See AUAEPUU. cline from a perpendicular.
Avu-wal, s. Au, furrow, and wai, water. 2. To move off; to pass along, as the
A brook; a small water course. Sol. 21:1. sun is supposed to do; to decline, as the
The outlet of a pool. Isa. 7:3. The gen- day. Rom. 13:12.
eral name for streams used in artificial irri- Au-wi-Li, s. Au, tide, and wilz, to turn.
gation. A returning tide; he nalu mauka aku, an
Av-wal-HI-kI, or AUWAIAHIKI, s. A run- outward current.
ning disease in the groin from impure Av-wi-na, s. A declining, &. See Av-
habits ;he wai ma ke kumu uha, he aukoi, INA.
he ewai, he auwakoi; a swelling in the AU-WI-NI-WI-NI, 8. Aw and wini, sharp
groin and under the arms. pointed. The sharp end of a potato leaf
Av-wa-HA, s. Au and waha, mouth. drooping with the rain; he auwiniwini ke
An opening of the ground, as a furrow; au o ka uala luea i ka ua.
plowed ground. 1 Sam. 14:14. A ditch. Au-wo-Lo. See Avoto.
Sol. 23:27. A channel ; a place dug like a
pit. Hal. 7:15. He lua loibi i eli ia a puni A-Ha, num. adj. See Ha. Four; the
ke kihapai, a long pit dug around the gar- number four; also eha.
den. See Avauwana. A-wA, s. A company or assembly of
Au-wa-HA, v. To make a groove in people for any purpose. Puk. 35:1. Often
wood; to cut forked. like the foot of a compounded with some qualifying word;
rafter on a Hawaiian house. as, dhaaina, ahaolelo, ahakanaka, ahahoo-
2. Hoo. To make a ditch or furrow,i. e., kolokolo, ahamokomoko, &c. See these
to plow. Job. 1:14; Mik. 3:12. compounds, which are sometimes written
Av-wa-ko-1, s. He auwaiahiki; a swell- in one word, and sometimes divided. Aha-
ing in the groin; a bubo. akohipa, a company fa@@®shearing sheep. 2
Av-waa-La-x1, s. Name of the little Sam. 13:23.
ships which children make of cane leaves; A-wA, s. Name of a certain prayer con-
auwadlaki hooholoholo. See AUWAALAUKI. nected with a kapu ; ina walaau ke kanaka
Av-wa-na, v. See Avana. In this, like i ka aha, make no ia, if a manshould make
many other cases, the wis a mere expletive, a noise during the prayer, he would die,
as the words may be written both ways and i. e., he would be guilty of an offense for
the pronunciation continue the same. which he would forfeit his life. The name
1. To wander ; to go from place to place. originated in the fact that cocoanut fibre
Los. 5:6; Lob. 1:7. (see AHA, below) is very strong when
2. To scatter ;disperse, as an army. 2 braided into strings; so this prayer, with
Oihl. 18:16.. its rigid kapus, was supposed to be very
3. Hoo. To cause to wander, &e. Kin. efficacious in holding the kingdom together
20:13. in times of danger.
4. To go astray morally; to deviate from 2. The success or answer of a prayer, or
the path of rectitude. Kani. 13:6. such a proper performance of prayer as to
Au-we, v. Also aue. To express an af- insure success; loaa ka kakou aha, we
have received our prayer, i. e., the answer;
fection of the mind, as love, grief, disap-
pointment, &c., ua lilo ka aha, alaila,e pule hou, the prayer
2. To mourn for one beloved. Kani. is lost, (of no avail,) then pray again.
34:8. A-na, s. A cord braided from the husk
3. To cry to one for help. 2 Nal. 4:1. of the cocoanut.
To cry in great distress. Hal. 18:6. 2. A cord braided from human hair.
4, To groan; tosigh ; to groan inwardly. 3. Strings made from the intestines of
Joh. 11:33. See AvE. animals; ka naan i mea aha.moa, the in-
Av-we, s. The cry of persons lament- testines for strings to tie fowls with: he
aha pulu nin; he aha waa a me ka aha hoa
ing for the sick or dying ; lamentation for
waa, a cord for tying and strengthening a
any great loss or calamity.
2. Affection ; love. canoe in a storm; he aha palaoa, he lau-
oho i hili uilo ia.
Avu-we, int. See Ave. An exclamation A-Ha, s. Name of @ small piece of
of wonder, of surprise, of fear, of pity or
affection, as oh! woe! alas! 2 Nal. 6:5.
wood, around which was wound a piece of
Auwe kakou, alas for us! 1 Sam. 4:7, 8.
kapa, and held in the hand’ of the priest
while offering sacrifices. s
Auwe ka lehulehu o ka poe i poho, alas for
the multitude of those who were lost!
2. Name of a kind: of Kapa made on
2. Also an expression of execration or
cursing. Mal. 1:14. A-Ha, s. The earwig..
2. The name of a species of long fish| A-nai, s. The name of a pillar, wood
- swimming near the surface of the water. or stone, which a chief sets up in memory
A-Ha, inter. pron. Declinable with the of some great exploit. The exploit itself
definite article ;indeclinable with the in- is a pao(arch.) Alaila, kau ka ahai maluna
definite. Gram. §159. Heaha, what? often iho 0 na pao.
united with the article; why? for what A-Hal, adj. Breaking off and carrying
reason? Hal. 68:16. No keaha? i keaha? away; ka manu ahai kanu awa e, the bird
It is also used as an interrogative adverb, clipping the twig of a tree and planting it
why? elsewhere ; poetical.
A-ua, v. To what; to do, &c.; e aha A-Hal-HAl, adj. See above. Ka manu
ana oia? what shall he do? Of course it ahaihai kanu awa e, the bird breaking off
is used only in the interrogative. Joh. the awa plants.
20:21. A-na-t-K1, s. Aha, assembly, and kz,
A-na. An interjection of surprise, won- small. A small party for private conver-
der, &c. Ua heluhelu lakou, aha; ua loaa sation; a small council or collection of
lakou e moe ana, aha. people ; a secret council respecting war or
A-Ha, v. To stretch the cord by which an emergency.
the first posts of a house were put down or A-Hal-Lo-no, s. See Anat. The person
set straight; e kiii ke kaulae aha ai, fetch who alone survives or escapes after a bat-
the rope to make straight with. tle, or a canoe out of a fleet, all others be-
2. Fig. Aha, oia ka ana a me ka aha ing taken or lost; pepehiia a pau, aohe
pololei no ke aupuni, aha, that is, to meas- ahailono. Laieik. 104. See next page of
ure and direct straightly the government. Laieik. 105.
A-wa, s. Used in the expressions, ua A-na-I-nu, v. Aha, a company, and
like na aha, the sides are equal ; aha like, inu, to drink. To partake at a drinking
meaning side—neasure perhaps. feast. Eset. 7:1.
A-Ha-al-NA, s. Aha, a company, and A-na-I-nu, adj. Relating to banqueting
aina, eating. or to a drinking feast; a wine-drinking
1. A company for eating. feast. Jer.51:39. Hale ahainu. Mel. Sol.
2. A feast for pleasure or enjoyment; 2:4.
ahaaina olioli, a joyful feast. A-Ha-I-Nu-A-wa, S. Aha and inu, to
3. A feast as a celebration of a past drink, and awa. An assembly for drink-
event. Puk. 12:14. Ahaaina is often qual- ing awa; he ahainuawa no na kanaka kahu
ified by the following word; as, ahauina akua hoomanamana ia Nahienaena, an as-
hebedoma, a feast of weeks. Puk. 34:22. sembly for drinking awa by the protectors
Ahaaina kauhale lewa, feast of taberna- of the god worshipped by Nahienaena.
cles. Oihk. 23:34. Ahaaina laa, a solemn
feast. Nah. 15:3. Ahaaina moliaola, feast
A-HA-I-NU-WAI-NA, 5S. Aha, inu and
of the passover. 2 Oihl. 35:18. waina. A wine feast; a feast for drinking
4. The food for the company in such wine. set. 7:7.
cases. Ahaaina awakea, a dinner; aha- A-HA-I-NU-RA-MA, Ss. An assembly for
aina ahiahi, a supper. ‘ drinking rum or any alcoholic drinks, for-
A-Ha-alL-NA, v. Aha, company, and aina, merly practiced by chiefs and people.
to eat. A-HA-0-LE-LO, s. Aha, a company, and
1. To collect together for eating. olelo, to speak.
2. To eat together ; to feast; to partake 1. A council; a body of chiefs assem-
of a banquet; to hold a feast. Puk. 5:1. bled to regulate public affairs.
A-wa-a-HA, v. To go or walk in a 2. A consultation.
mincing or irregular manner. Hooahaaha,
3. In modern times, a legislature 3 a
body to consult and enact laws for the
hele hooahaaha, hele hoohaha.
good of the kingdom.
A-Ha-a-HA, adv. Sitting squarely ; up- A-HA-0-LE-LO, v. Aha, assembly, and
rightly. &c. olelo, to speak. To take council; to con-
A-Hal, v. To take away; to carry off; sult together to get the united wisdom of
to bear away. Laieik. 18. Hence, all present; ahaolelo iho la na ‘ii, the
2. To flee; to be routed, as men in battle. chiefs held a consultation. 2 Othl. 10:6.
3. To flee from fear; to forsake the care In modern times, to meet and consult, as
of; ua ahai na makua i na keiki, aole hoi- the legislative bodies of Nobles and Rep-
oi hou maii ke kula, the parents took no resentatives, to make and adopt laws for
care of the children, and did not send them the nation. ;
back to school. A-Ha-HA, v. See Ha, to breathe. To
4, To arrive, as a set day or proper time pant; to breathe hard on account of heat,
for doing a thing; ahaiia kala e hakaka ai. as a hog or a dog from a chase; ua ahaha
ka ilio i ka wela, ai ka maloeloe i ka loa, keiki e ku imua; ahea ka inoa o ke alii;
the dog panted hard from heat and from ahea no la nalo ka moe ke aahi la i ka pili
long weariness. o ka hpupo.
A-HA-KA-NA-KA, 5S. Aha, assembly, and A-HE-A-HE, s. See Aut. A light gentle
kanaka, men. A great company; a mul- breeze. ,
titude ; an assembly. Dunk. 20:2. Na ka- 2. A faint diminishing sound; he ka-
naka lehulehu, paapu. mumu 0 ke aheahe malie,a sound of astill,
A-Ha-kEA, s. Name of a species of yel- small voice. 1 Nal. 19:12. Aheahe ka
lowish wood used for rims of canoes. It makani ma Pu; aheahe mai ke kaiaulu o
is also used for making poi boards, canoe Waianae.
paddles, &c. A-HE-A-HE, adj. A cough; a hacking
A-HA-LI-KE, adj. Aha, four, and like, cough; i ka manawa aheahe, ke kau aheahe
alike. Four sides alike or equal; a quad- make 0 Kahalaia ma laua o Humehume, in
rangular ; aoao ahalike. Pul. 28:16. Like the time of coughing, there lighted a deadly
na aoao, like ka loa me ka laula; four cough upon Kahalaia and Humehume.
square. Hzelk. 40:47. A-HE-A-HE-A, adj. Warm, as water by
A-uA-LI-KE, s. Name of the square bone standing in the sun.
in the wrist joint; he iwi ahalike maloko A-HE-A-HE, v. To be hungry; he pololi;
o ka pulima. aheahe kahi opu i ka pololi.
A-HaA-LU-A-LI-KE, adj. Four sided, with A-HE-A-KA, Ss. A shade; shadow. See
two sides parallel. Anah. 43. AKA.
A-HA-LU-NA-KA-NA-WAI, s. A court room; A-HE-KO-LO, s. Ahe and kolo, to creep.
a judgment hall. Luk. 22:66. Court ; A slight breeze ; ahekolo ka makani, ahe-
sanhedrim. ahe malie, a creeping, gentle wind.
A-ua-ma-HA, S. The part of the face in A-HE-ko-LO, v. To creep; to crawl
front of the ears; ma ka aoao elua, ma along; ke i ae lae ahekolo kana hele, he
kela maha ma keia maha. says he walks creeping along.
A-Ha-mA-HA, S. A feint; ashow; asham A-HE-LE, s. A snare; used in a former
fight. translation for pahele. Jer.18:22. A snare;
A-wa-ma-ka, s. A kapa fastened at each same as pahele, but is more used.
end between two posts and swinging be- A-HE-wa, v. A and hewa, wrong, sin.
tween; na kapae kau ana ma ka manuea 1. To turn off the eyes, as one cross-
mai hope a mua, he moe lewa. eyed.
2. A brave man skilled in a knowledge 2. To plead against one.
of the lua and of war. 3. To condemn for a crime or fault.
A-wa-mMA-KA, Ss. Anassembly for prayers. 4. To cause to be under a curse. Lunk.
A-Ha-mo-a, s. Name of the assembly 21:18. To condemn one. 2 Sam. 1:16.
Hoo. Ua hooahewaia oia e make, he is con-
collected at a cock-fight; he ahamoa o ka demned to die.
naau 0 ke kanaka ; ua kau ia i ahamoa.
A-HA-MO-KO-Mo-ko, s. Aha, meeting, and A-HE-wa,
s. Evil; condemnation. Jer.
mokomoko, boxing. An assembly for box-
ing; a boxing match. Jaieik. 21. A-He-wa. A hanai aku ahewa ae ka
waha loaa ka hale.
A-HA-wa, v. To colleet together, as
water, to overflow a low place; ua ahua, A-HE-WA-IA, Ss. Punishment; condemna-
ua ahawa. tion. 1 Sam. 28:10.
A-HE, adv. Used for ae, yes. Ae, oia 2. The state of being accused or under
acurse. Kin. 3:14. E ka poe i ahewaia,
no; ahe, he oiaio paha; yes, so it is; yes, ye cursed. Mat. 25:41.
it is perhaps true; ake, kuhi au ua hala
lakou, aole ka! ahe, pela kou manao ea? A-HE-WA-HE-wa, s. Name of a tree on
the mountains.
A-HE, s. A slight or hacking cough;
he aheahe, he mai kunu. A-u, s. A fire; he akie a ana, a burn-
ing fire.
A-neE, s. Anything light, gentle or soft,
as a light breeze, ke ake makani puulena. A-n1, s. Name of the fish called albi-
Laieik. 34. Ahe koolauwahine, he makani core.
aheahe ka makani. A-ui-A, adj. See AHIAHIA.
A-HE, s. A wind; a slight breeze. A-n1-A (ehia), int. adv. How many?
A-HE-A, int. adv. When; used onl Ahia ka nui o ka waiwai? how many arti-
with reference to the future. Hal. 101:2. cles of property? See Extra. Notre.—sThere
is a nice distinction in the use of ahia and
A-HE-A, adv. Used only with the future; ehia, difficult to understand ; in many cases
when? at what time? Ahea ka ina o ke they are synonymous.
A-HI-Al-Ho-NU-A, S. Ahi, fire, az, to eat, |A-HI-NA-HI-NA, adj. Very light blue;
and honua, earth. Epithet of a volcano; gray; slate color. Oihk. 13:37.
earth-eater or consumer. A-Ho, v. To be patient, submissive,
A-ni-al-Ho-Nu-A, adj. Earth-consum- humble ; to be merciful, kind ; to be ready
ing, as a volcano; constantly burning to do a kind act. See the compounds
unquenchable. Avonur and AHOLOA.
A-HI-A- “HI, 8. The after part of the day; A-Ho, v. (Impersonal.) It is easier; it
ua aui ai ka la; the afternoon; towards is better; it is less severe; e aho nau e
night; ua napoo ka la; evening. Sol. 7:9. kokua mai ia makou, it is better for you to
Notre.—When it is dark, it is po. help us; it implies a comparison. 2 Sam.
A-ut-a-u1, v. To be or become evening ; 18:3. Eahonae ko lakou hope i ko kakon,
a ahiahi iho la, hoi mai ia, when it was their end, however, will be more tolerable
evening he returned. than ours; it is better that, &e. Nah. 14:2.
It had been better if, &c. Jos. 7:7. It is
A-ut-a-Ht, v. To spread slanderous re- better, preferable; e aho iki no ke hoi
ports; e olelo ino. kakou, it will be a little better for us to
2. To complain falsely of another; e return; e aho no ka hele mamuli o ka
niania. noho ana me ka pilikia, it is better to go
3. To defame; to tell tales ; e holoholo- than to stay in perplexity.
olelo, to reveal secrets.
A-ui-a-H1, s. A false report concerning A-Ho, s. Art., ke. The natural breathing
of a person; the breath ; hence,
one; a defamation ; a slander. 2. Patience ; i nui ke aho, let the breath
A-ut-a-HI-a, adj. Obscure; faded; dim, be long, i. e., be patient.
as colors in kapa or calico; kohu maikai 3. Mert. Spirit; courage.
Jos.2:11. Res-
ole; as cloth having lost color; ahiahia olution ; also kindness.
ke koko, the blood is colorless ; applied to A-Ho, s. Art., ke. A line; a cord,asa
the uncolored parts of dyed cloth or kapa ; fish line ; ke aho lawaia; a kite string ; ke
he ahiahia ka palapala, the writing is dim, kakaiapola a me ke aho; alaila, hoolele
not plain; ulaula ahiahia, faded red, that aku i ka lupei ka lewa, a paa aku ma ke
is, purple. 2 Oihl. 3:14. aho, (prepare) the kite tail and the string,
A-uv-v, s. The name of a wind. then send off the kite into the air, but hold
A-ut-u, adj. Wild; untamed, asa horse; fast by the string.
he aa; aole laka mai. See Hmuiv. A-no,s. Art., ka. The name ‘ofthe small
A-ui-u1, v. To be united with another sticks used in thatching.
or with others in mischief or error. A-Ho-al-o-LE, s. An aho or string too
2. To conspire with ; to be involved short; not lone enough for the purpase.
with another or others, "as in ignorance; A-no-.z, s. Name of a species of white
ua ahihi pu aku Ja lana ilaila, ‘they were fish.
both involved in that matter; ahiht i ka
naaupo. See Hrar and Hmrta. A-HO-LE-Ho-LE, s. Name of a species of
fish. See AHOLE above.
A-Hi-HI, s. Name of a tree or shrub in
Nuuanu ; he lei no ka huakaihele o Kona. A-Ho-LoA, adj. Aho, patient, and doa,
A-HI-Ko- Ll, v. To cut off even, as in long. Patient; long suffering. See AHonuvI.
trimming a lamp. A-Ho-Loa, s. Aho,a cord, and loa, long.
A-HI-KU (chiku), num. adj. Seven; with A tong string for fishing or sounding in
deep water; he aholoa loa i ka mio; he
the article, the seventh. Gram. § 110, Ist. aholoa i ka \uu ilalo o ka moana.
The root is hiku.
A-Ho-na, v. Ahona a kui maoli aku
A-ui-wa, s. A gray color. kela, lele liilii. Laieik. 42.
A-Hi-NA, adj. A and hina, gray hairs. A-Ho-Nnu-I, v. Aho, patient, and nwz,
Applied to Molokai; Molokai ahina, gray much. To be patient. gentle, kind, &c. 1
Molokai, from the fog around the top. Tes. 2:7. See AHOLOA.
A-ut-na, adj. Gray, as the head of an A-no-nu-1, s. Aho, patient, and nuz,
old man; he poo ahina; applied to a dry - much. Forbearance; long suffering ; pa-
tree; he laau ahina. See Hina and Poo- tience.
HINA. f A-Ho-Nnv-1, adj. Patient; enduring; long
A-HI-NA-HI-NA, Ss. Name of a species of suffering. Puke. 34:6.
grass. A-uu, v. To gather or collect together.
2. Name of a plant living in cold, dry Kin. 43:11. Ahu iho la i kahakai, hu ae la
places; so named from its “color, a light ka lolo, they gathered them together (dead
silver gray; known as the “silver sword.” bodies) on the seashore, the brains flowed;
3. The life-everlasting plant. to collect one’s food where there is little.
Ahu iho ka hoka i ka pakai,
Ku i ka pakai ka mea haku ole,
A-Hu-a-Hu, v. To be sullen; unwilling
Lele ae no ka manu i Houa, to do a thing ordered.
Hapapa wale iho no ka hokahoka. A-Hu-a-HU, adv. Unwillingly; fretfully.
To collect but gain little; aku wale iho| A-yu-a-na-La, v. To lie slain, as many
no, aole wahi kapa; ahu wale iho, aole ai ; bodies slain in battle; aia hoi, e ahualala
ahu wale iho no i ka oneanea. kukui ana ka heana, behold, they were
2. To lay up, as in a store-house ; to lay dead bodies fallen to the earth. 2 Oihl.
up for future use,as goods. Mat. 6:19. To 20:24.
store in the memory. A-nu-a-wa, s. A species of strong rush
3. To lie strewed over the ground. Puk.
of which cords are made; the leaves are
» 4 To cover one with a cloak; to be made into hats. —
2.. The name of the cord itself; mai hoka
merely covered. Job. 26:6. To clothe.
5. Hoo. To collect what is scattered. au ike ahuawa.
6. To fall together, as men slain in bat- A-nu-E, v. See Hug, to lie. To steal;
tle. to take without liberty. See AIHUE.
7. To keep ; treasure up, as anger ; hoo- 2. To double up; to turn up, as a piece
ahu iho lai ka huhu maluna o kela poe, of kapa or paper.
he kept in reserve his anger for that com- A-nu-1, s. A bunch or cluster of fruit,
pany. as bananas, grapes, or hala.
8. To pile up, as stones. Jos. 8:29. To A-uv-1-L1, v. To lie sick; to be weak;
gather up; glean, as a field. Rut. 2:7. e ahuili auanei ka poe hooko i ka eha,
9. To bring condemnation upon. A-HU-I-WAI-NA, S. Afui, a cluster, and
10. To reply to; to object to something
said. Rom. 9:20. waina, grapes. A bunch or cluster of
grapes. Hoik. 14:18.
A-nu, s. See Ana. An assemblage or A-Hu-Mo-E-Nna, s. A figured, fine mat,
collection of things; ahu ai, a place for
storing food; a collection of provisions. or a fine mat of small figures of different
2 Oihl. 11:11. Wahi ahu, a place for some- colors. Ldieik. 112.
thing. Job. 28:1. Ahuw pohaku, a pave- A-uu-u-a, s. A heap; a pile; a collec-
ment; a heap, as of stones. Kin. 31:46. tion of things; he ahuua waiwai, he ahuua
2. A heap of stones as a way mark. kiekie, a pile of goods, a high heap.
Jer. 31:21. A-uu-u-a, v. To heap up; to put in
3. Asa memorial. Jos. 7:26. heaps ; ke ahuwa mai la. See Aunv.
A-nu, adj. Storing; collecting; hale A-Hu-u-LA, s. Ahu, a garment, and wla,
ahu, a store-house. Job. 38:22. red.
A-nu, s. A fine mat; a coarse one is 1. A red feathered cloak ; a cloak made
moena; a mat for covering a canoe; 0 ka of the feathers of the oo and the red feath-
uhi ana i ka ahu, ea, oia ka mea e pale aku ers of the iiwi, worn by kings arfd high
i kekahi ale, the spreading over a mat, chiefs ;a gorgeous dress. Laieik. 112.
that is what will keep off some of the 2. A kind of fish net; ka upena puni, a
waves ; ahuao, ahu mokoloa. haku a maikai.
A-Hu-A, s. See Ant, collection. Any A-HU-HI-NA-Lo, s. A garment or cloth
place elevated in the manner of a high made of the hala leaf.
path. A-Hu-ku, v. To stone; to bury with
2. A bank in the sea; a bank formed by stones or other missiles ; e hailuku, e hoo-
the sand at a mouth ofa river; hence, nou, e hooulua.
3. A ford; a place for passing a stream A-nu-Lav, s. A pestilence among men.
orriver. Jos. 2:7; Lunk. 3:28. He puu; Hab. 3:5. A murrain among cattle. Puk.
a hillock; he kiekie ma kekahi aoao. 9:3. A sickness like a pestilence. Norg.—-
A-xnu-a, v. To be raised up ona plat- The most destructive raged while Kame-
form ; ua ahua, ua ahawa. hameha lived the first time at Oahu; Ka-
mehameha himself was attacked, but re-
A-Hu-ao, s. The young and tender covered. Thousands were swept off by it
leaves of the hala for making mats; ahu |. at that time; probably in 1804.
moena, ahu pawehe, ahuao. A-HU-LAU, adj. Epidemic; pestilential ;
A-Hu-a-HU, s. Young sprouts or shoots mai ahulau, a pestilence. Oihk. 26:25.
from layers, as from sugar-cane. A-Hu-Lav, v. To have -the pestilence;
2. A boy or girl that grows up quickly. to die with it; ua ahulau ae la na kanaka
A-nu-a-HU, adj. Angry; fretful; un- i ka make. :
willing, as when one receives orders to A-nu-Li-u, adj. Heated hot, as stones
work, and from fatigue or indolence he is in the oven; heated to whiteness; ahuliu
unwilling, he is then ahuahu. ka imu, the oven is exceedingly hot.
A-nu-tu, v. To be overdone, as food ‘road. (See No. 2 above, joints of the back-
cooked too much; ua ahulu loa ka umu ai, one.)
ua ulaula ka ai, to be too hot. 3. To be split or peeled up, as the bark
A-nu-Lvu, adj. Overdone, as food; baked of a tree.
too much ; cooked hard. 4. To be torn off, as the kaupaku of a
2. Spoiled, as eggs, or medicines by long house ; ua aka ke kaupaku o ka hale.
lying. A-xa, v. To laugh; to deride; i ko’u
3 Unnatieel in appearance; dirty; de- noonoo ana i keia kumu manao, ua aka
fective; ua ahulu ke kai, i. e., dirty or iki mai no ka pono, in thinking of this
green, not blue and clear. composition, I smiled at its correctness.
A-HU-LU-HU-LU, s. A species of small, (The 13th conj., akaaka, is more generally
red fish; some kind of mechanical tool;
koi ahuluhulu. A-xaA, v. To break open, as a seal.
A-Hu-na-Lu, s. A small chief. Hoik. 5:2. To tear or take up, as a mat.
A-Hu-Na-Li, adj. A colored kapa; he A-xaa, adj. Anything broken up; not
mamaki ahunalii, he mamaki i hooluuia, a cohering ; he akaa wale, he pipili ole.
colored mamaki kapa. A-KA-a-KA, v. See Axa, to laugh. To
A-HU-PA-WE-HE, S. Ahu, mat, and pa- laugh; tolaughat. Sol.4:9. Hoo. To cause
wehe. Name of a kind of striped mat made to laugh; to have joy. Hin. 21:6.
on Niihau ; he ahupawehe no Niihau. A-KA-A-KA, s. Laughter ; exhilaration
A-nu-pu-aa, s. Ahu, collection, and of spirits. Hal. 126:2.
puaa, hog. A-KAA-KAA, v. See Axaa, to break up.
1. Nameof one of the smaller divisions To fall off, as the old thatching of a house.
of a country, made up of several ili, and 2. To break up, as the roof or sides of a
under the care of a head man; a hog paid house ; ua akaakaaia e ka mea kolohe, it
the tax of that district to the king. He was pulled off by some mischievous one.
ahupuaa o Wailuku; o na aina maloko o A-xaa-KAA, s. The falling off of the
Wailuku, he ili, he moo. scarf-skin after a course of drinking awa.
2. A city; a village; a settlement, as Ua mahuna i ka awa,
the capital of said ahupuaa. Ua akaakaa xa ili,
He puahilohilo ke kua i ka lepo,
A-Hu-wal-wal, adj. Ahu, collection, and Ua akaakaa.
waiwai, property. The property of a treas-
ury ; belonging to a place for storing A-KAA-KAA, adj. Poor; destitute.
property. O¢thl. 9:26. Hale ahuwaiwai, a A-kAA-KAl, S. Bulrushes out of which
store-house. mats and bags are made.
A-nu-wa-LE, v. To be in plain sight, 2. Onions have taken the same name
as @ hill, or a house on a hill. from the similarity of the tops. Nah. 11:5.
A-xa. A particle set before verbs to ex- A-KA-I-kK1, v. Aka, to laugh, and zhi, a
press carefulness, regularity of proceed- little.
ing, &c.; as, dkdghele, go carefully; aka 1. To be pleased ; to smile; to be grat-
holo, sail or run"slowly ; aka hana, work ified on receiving a favor; akaiki lakou
carefully ; aka noho, sit quietly. me ka olioli no ka loaa o ko lakou waiwai,
they smiled with pleasure on obtaining
A-xa, conj. But; if not; on the other their property.
hand. The word is generally used to ex- 2. To laugh in one’s sleeve; to laugh
press strong opposition of idea. secretly ; na hoa nohoi i kani ai ka akaiki
A-xa, s. The shadow of a person; the i ua wahi la, the companions also chuckled
figure or outline of a thing; a similitude at us in that place.
or likeness. Nah. 12:8: Nore.—The shade 3. To sneer at. See AKAAKA.
of a tree or house is malu. A-KA-I-KI, s. A rejoicing in consequence
2. The dawn or light of the moon before of hope; desire in proportion to the pros-
rising. pect of receiving a thing.
3. The knuckle joints; the protuberances A-xa-00, 8. Aka, shadow, and oo, ripe.
of the ankle joints; the joints of the back- A full grown shadow: applied to*a person
bone. who is close, hard or stingy.
4. Fie. A shadow; frailty; impotence. A-KA-0-LE-LO, v. Aka and olelo. To
Isa. 30:2. speak cautiously ; to speak deliberately,
A-xa, v. To light up, as the moon be- advisedly.
fore rising; ua aha ka mahina? kokoke A-xau, adj. The right; on the right;
puka, ua aka mai la, how is the moon? it lima akau, the right hand; ma ka aoao
is near rising, it lights up. akau, on the right side. In geography, the
2. To go up and down, as on a hilly person is supposed to stand with his face
AKA 4} AKE '
to the west; hence the right hand is to- A-xa-KA, adj. Rent; torn; dead. See
wards the north, and his left to the south. NaKAKA.
Aoao akau, north side; aoao hema, south A-KA-KA-LA-NI, S$. Poetical for akalani-
side ; welau akau, north pole, &e. A heaven of light; a great light ; the
A-xa-Ha, s. Name of a tree. One spe- heavens much lighted ; he akakalani no ka
cies has long leaves and grows inland; one Uhane Hemolele. Mel. Creat. .
species by the sea. It is a hard tree, like A-Ka-KA-NE, 8S. Name of a small bird
the uwea; also called ekaha. found in the mountains.
A-xa-nal, v. Aka, with care, and haz, A-Ka-KE, adj. Spry; light, as one walk-
to speak. To be tender of heart; meek. ing or running ; not loaded ; he akake no
2 Nal. 22:19. kau, you are spry, quick at walking.
A-xa-Hal, s. Aka, with care, and haz, A-xa-kI-w1, v. To set up on the edge.
to speak. Meekness: modesty; gentleness.
Nah. 12:3. Poe akahai,
the meek. Zep. 2:3.
A-xa-ku, v. To cease; to abate; to
grow calm, as wind, rain, surf, anger; ua
A-xa-Hal, adj. Modest; gentle, &c. akaku mai ka makani, the wind has abated;
Sol. 15:1. Soft in speech. ua akaku mai ka ua; akaku mai ka ino o
A-KA-HE-LE, v. See Axa and HELE, to ke kaikoo ; to be gentle ; quiet.
go. To go slowly or moderately in doing A-xa-ku, s. A subsiding of a storm,
a thing; to go carefully ; the opposite of wind, &e.
hikiwawe. E hikiwawe mai i ka lohe, e 2. A delirium; a trance. Oth. 10:10.
akahele hoi i ka olelo, be quick to hear, An ecstasy; vision. 2 Oihl. 26:5. He moe
but slow tospeak. Used also imperatively; uhane. Hoo. A vision. Oih. 26:19.
beware ; be cautious; e akahele ka pepehi A-xa-xu, adj. Gentle, &. Tit. 3:2.
mai o oukou i ke akua, beware of your
striking the god; e alcahele ka huhu, mai A-xa-kuu, v. To be settled; calmed;
hikiwawe, be slow to anger, not quick. quieted; appeased; ua akakuu mai ka
A-KA-HE-NE-HE-NE, v. Aka, to laugh, huhu o ke alii i na kanaka, the anger of
the chief towards the people is appeased ;
and henehene, to ridicule. To laugh to ua akakuu mai ke alii, aole inn rama hou,
scorn; to laugh in derision or mockery. the mind of the chief is settled, he will
Neh. 2:19. drink no more rum.
A-xa-u, s. The number one; root, kahz. A-xa-kuv, adj. Gentle; quiet; kind;
A-xa-u1, adv. One; once; just now; calm. Tit. 3:2.
expressive of greatness or superiority. A-xa-ta, s. A berry, something like a
Emphatically, akahi no au i lohe i ka he- strawberry ; a raspberry.
kili, once have I heard it thunder, i. e.,
thunder loudly; akahi no au i ike i ka A-xa-La, s. A kind of cloth, e like me
ino, once have I witnessed a storm, i. e., ka lole alaibi.
never so great a one before. A-xa-La, s. The end of a house. See
A-KA-HI-A-KA-HI, adv. Lit. Once by Kawa.
once; of little experience; a novice. 1 A-xa-Lau. See Kinoaxatau and Watr-
Tim. 3:6. Aole ka mea akahiakahi e holo Lua. A ghost that appears to some people,
i ka ino o make auanei i ka moana a pae but not to others.
kupapau aku i Lanai, let not the inexpe- A-xa-LeEI, s. See Lei. A lei worn on
rienced sail out in a storm lest he die in the neck.
the ocean and his dead body float ashore A-KA-LA-NI, s. See AKAKALANI above.
on Lanai. A heavenly shadow ; a splendid light.
A-xa-xa, v. To be plain; to be clear, A-xa-mal, v. To be wise; makemake
as a thought or the expression of an idea; au e akamai oukou a pau, I wish that you
to be distinct, intelligible, as language. may all become wise ; mostly used in the
2. To be clear, transparent, as glass. causative. Hoo. To be or become wise;
Hoile. 22:1; Anat. 2. Clear, as a liquid. to make wise; skillful. Sol. 3:7. To think
3. Hoo. To make plain; to expound, de- one’s self wise.
monstrate ; to bring to light. A-xa-mal, s. Wisdom; skill; ingenu-
4. To set up boundary lines. ity. Hoo. Exhibiting wisdom. 1 Kor. 2:1.
A-xa-Ka, adj. Clear, as water. A-xa-mal, adj. Wise; skillful; ingeni-
2. Lucid ; bright, as the moon. ous; expert; sagacious ; learned ;akamai
3. Certain ; distinct ; transparent ; he ma ka naau. Puk. 28:3.
akaka, kokoke like me ke aniani kona A-xg, v. To desire. Nahk.. 23:10. To
akalea ana, clear, almost like glass. wish for a thing ; ake nui no lakou e haule
A-xa-Ka, adv. Akaka loa, very plainly; ka ua, they greatly desired that rain should
very clearly. age 10:24. fall; to pant after; ake nui kahi poe i ka
waiwai, certain people greatly desire prop- | formerly worshipped by the natives as the
erty: to wish to do a thing; ake no na god of the mountain.
kamalii e paani; to be willing ; ake no na A-KE-LE-KE-LE, s. An escape from great
kanaka i ka hewa. danger, aS a person in a canoe in a storm;
A-xsE, v. To blab; to tattle ; to prate; he akelekele wale no ka pakele, mai make.
to slander; tell lies; e wahahee; e imi A-KE-LOA, fu Ake, liver, and loa,
hala; to go about talking nonsense. A-KE-NI-AU, long. The spleen.
A-xz, s. A lie; a falsehood; a slan- A-kE-ma-KA-NI, S. The lungs. See AKE-
derous report of one; noho o Lahainaluna MAMA.
i ke ake, the people of Lahainaluna live
under slanderous reports.
A-KE-MA-MA, $. Ake, liver, and.
A-xs, s. The liver of an animal. Puk. A-KE-PA-HOO-LA, § mama, light. The
29:13. Akepaa, same. lungs; the lights; oia ke ake e hanu ai,
that is the lungs by which we breathe.
A-xeE is a general name for several in-
ternal organs, qualified by different terms;
A-xEe-na, v. To be proud; boasting; to:
see below. be high minded ; proud of some favor re-
ceived; ua akena mai o Poki ina mea
A-xE-A, adj. Broad; spacious; open; pono o ke Akua ana i ike ai, Poki was
not crowded; public; ua kaawale ka hale, boasting of the favors which God had per-
ua akea oloko. mitted him to see; akena ia ia iho, to boast
A-xe-a, adv. Openly; publicly; ua of one’s self; to behave boastingly, as in
hana akea ia, it was done publicly. war, joined with singing.
A-xE-A, v. To be broad or wide, as a A-xE-NA, adv. Proudly; loftily; boast-
land. ingly.
2. To be separate, as different things, a A-xse-NA, s. Pride; haughtiness ; feel-
space being between them; ua akea ka ing of superiority over others.
aina, aole pilikia. Mostly used in the caus-
ative sense.
A-kE-NA-KE-NA. An intensive of the
3. Hoo. To enlarge; widen out. Isa. foregoing in all its meanings.
§4:2. A-KE-NI-AU, S. See AKELOA above. The
4. To make room for one, i. e., to set spleen.
free from difficulty, and supply one’s wants. A-xE-PA, S. The name of a bird.
Kanl. 12:20. 2. A sprightly, active man.
5. To enlarge one’s heart. Isa. 60:8. To A-KE-PA, adj. Sprightly; active; turn-
become generous. ing this way and that.
A-xe-a, s. A broad open space; a place A-KE-PA-KE-PA, v. To stand up every
not concealed. way, as uncombed hair; akepakepa mai la
A-KE-A-KA-MAI, S. Ake, desire, and aka- na ia ma ke opi a pau, the fish were cut
mai, skill. <A lover of wisdom ; epithet of cross ways and every way.
a philosopher. Oth. 17:18. A-xe-paa, S. The liver. Othk. 3:4.
A-kE-A-KE, s. Name of a bird. A-KE-pAA-Ho-o-LA, s. The lights, &c.
A-KE-A-KE, adj. See Axe, to desire. See AKEMAMA.
Quick; ready ; smart, especially to do a A-xe-ri-pa, s. Heb. Uhini akerida, a
kindness; cheerful in entertaining stran- grasshopper. Oihk. 11:22.
gers. A-x1, v. To bite; to bite in two, as a
A-xE-A-KE-A, v. To fade, as kapa or thread ; to bite, as in peeling sugar-cane
cloth colored; to lose the color; to fade or cocoanut; e aki i ke ko, e aki i ka niu.
out; he akeakea ka ulaula, he ula akeakea 2. To backbite ; to speak reproachfully
ka palapala, the red is faded out, a faded of one behind him; to taunt. Hzek. 5:15.
red is the printing. 3. To spread false reports ; aki wahahee,
A-KEU-KEU, adj. Active; ready; skill- e ake e hewa ka mea hewa ole; to slander.
ful; receiving kindly one’s friends. Syn. Hal. 50:20. Nore.—Some of the meanings
with he mikimiki, he oleole. See AKEAKE. of aki are similar to ake. This verb has
A-xE-KE, s. A singular little animal of various forms; as, aki, aaki, aaaki, aki-
the sea. aki, which see in their places.
2. A small quantity of dust; aole nui o A-x1, v. To begin to heal or scar over,
ka lepo. as a wound.
A-KE-KE, s. A species of bird. See 2. To lop or dowble down, as the top of
A-KE-KE-KE, KEKE. a sail when there is much wind; aki ko
oukou pea; from aki, locks of hair, &c.5
A-KE-KEE, s. Name of a little brown
see below.
bird resembling the wren found on the
mountain of Waialeale on Kauai; it was! A-x1, s. Locks of hair left behind the
head, while all above is shorn off; he lau- |A-xi-Lov, v. Aki and lou, to bend over.
oho aki loloa mahope ; ka aki lauoho pu- To eat secretly the food of another.
puni waiwai. A-kI-Lo-Lo, s. The name of a fish; a
2. Backbiting ; speaking ill of another.
species of small fish.
A-xi, s. The stools on which canoes’ A-ko, v. To cut, as with scissors; to
are placed when standing on shore.
cut, clip off; to crop off. Ezek. 17:4.
A-x1, adj. Backbiting ; reviling. Rom. 2. To pluck, as flowers or fruit. Hal.
» 20830. 80:12. To shear, as sheep. Kin. 31:19.
A-x1, s. A disease; the headache. To cut off, as hair. Jer. 7:29. Ua ako ia
A-xi-a, s. Name of an intoxicating ka lauoho; ua ako iai ka hulu o ka hipa;
shrub; its qualities are like the auhubu; ua akoia ka Yau o ka nalu i ka makani.
it is also called haakea. The bark is used 3. To clip off, as the wind the top of the
to poison fish in fresh water as aubhuhu is surf.
in salt. A-xo, v. To thatch; to cover a house
A-xi-A-HA-LA, S. Name of a tree; also with thatch ; ua akoia ka hale.
called puahanii. A-xo, s. The art of thatching; ua pau
A-xi-a-kI, v. See Axi. To bite in two ka halei ke ako ; mea ako hale, a house
repeatedly. thatcher ; mea ako hipa, a sheep shearer.
2. To take away by little and little. A-ko, s. Name of a disease of females
3. To nibble, as a fish at a hook. of bad character ; he ako na wahine hana
4, To pilfer ; he aihue liilii. hewa; he ako ka mai o na wahine hana
A-xi-a-kI, s. A backbiter; a reviler; a hewa.
slanderer. 1 Kor. 6:10. A-ko-a, s. Kapa of a snuff color; so
A-xt-a-k1, s. A disease ; the dog colic. named from the dye made of the akoa tree;
A-xi-a-k1, s. Name of a species of sea- he kapa i kuku ia ma ka akoa; he paupau
weed adhering to the rocks; it iseaten for
food. A-Ko-a-ko, v. See Axo. To move, as
A-xl-0-HA-LA, s. Name ofa plant; the the lips in speaking to one’s self. 1 Sam.
marshmallows ; the same perhaps as akia-
hala above. 2. To itch in the throat before coughing;
akahi no ka akoako o kuu puu no ka ma-
A-xi-u, adv. Used in a prayer as fol- neo, uncommon is the tickling of my throat
lows: Akele akiu kelekele akiu, kau aku on account of itching.
akiu iluna ke kau lua he wai akane, «&e. 3. To have a hacking cough in the throat.
A-kr-U-kI-u, v. See Kiv. To act the A-ko-a-ko, v. Akoako ka ale, to swell
part of aspy ; to search into ; to penetrate. up, aS a wave just before breaking ; kuku
A-x1-U-KI-U, adj. Searching; penetrat- ka lilio ka nalu.
ing; a me ka makani akivkiu kipe pua A-ko-A-Ko-a, v. To assemble, as people
hala o Puakei, the searching wind pelting for business.
the hala blossoms of Puakei. 2. To collect together what is separated;
A-xt-HI-A-Lo-a, s. Name of a small yel- ua akoakoa na kanaka ma ka hale pule,
low bird; o ka akihialoa, he manu hulu the people are assembled at the meeting
lenalena. house. Hoo. To gather together, as men.
A-kI-HI-Po-LE-NA, Ss. Name of a small Kin. 34:30.
bird with red feathers. 3. To collect together, as waters. Puk.
A-KI-H0O-LA-NA, S. Ak2, stools for canoes, 15:8. To come together again, as a dis-
persed people. Kan. 30:3. E hoouluulu
and hoolana, to float. A dry dock; ka ae ma kahi hookahi.
hana ana i ka akihoolana i ke awa o Hono-
lulu, building a dry dock in the harbor of A-Ko-A-Ko-A, adj. Assembled; collected.
Honolulu. A-ko-A-Ko-A, adv. Collectively, in heaps;
A-x1-k1, s. A dwarf; a person of full e waiho akoakoa. to lay down in heaps. 2
age, but a child in size; he keiki kahiko, Oihl. 31:6.
aole nui. A-xKo-A-ko-A, s. The horned coral.
A-xu-kul, s. Name of a round fish net 2. Coral generally. Ezek. 27:16.
to catch the pahubu in; he upena akiikii. 3. A precious stone. Job. 28:18.
A-kI-Lou, s. Akz, to bite, and lou, a A-KO-HE-KO-HE, s. Name of a small
hook. A hook biter, that is, a_ thief.
bird making its nest on the ground.
Note.—Thieves formerly supplied them- A-xo-LA, v. To triumph over the ills
selves with hooked rods to assist in ob- or misfortunes of another. Hal. 94:3. To
taining articles of property; hence akilou, triumph, as over an enemy; hooakola mai
to apply the hook, was to steal. oia ia lakou me ka olelo ana, akola! he
triumphed over them, exclaiming hurrah! At present, the word Akua is used for the
akola! pakele mai nei no au, well done! true God, the Deity, the object of love and
I have just escaped. See Arkona. Honai- obedience as well as fear.
Kola is another form. 2. The name of the night when the moon
A-xo-La, ivt. An exclamation of tri- was perfectly full; a akaka loa o ia poe-
umph of any kind; a word of contempt poe ana, o Akua ia po; hence it would
for not getting a thing, or for losing. seem that the ancient idea of an Akeuva em-
A-xo-La, s. Name of a fruit found on braced something incomprehensible, pow- .
Hawaii. erful, and yet complete, full orbed. The
names of the four principal gods of the
A-Ko-LE, v. See Kote. To make or Hawaiians were Ku, Lono, Kane, and
render one’s self poor. Syn. with e hooili- Kanaloa.
hune, e hoowaiwai ole. A-KU-A-AU-MA-KU-A, S. Akua, au, time,
A-Ko-LE, adj. Poor, in consequence of and makua, parent. The ancestors of those
squandering one’s property. who died long ago, and who have become
A-xo-Le-A, s. Name of a species of gods; the spirits of former heroes.
shrub, grass, or fern. A-ku-A-U-LU, s. Akua, god, and ulu, to
A-xo-10, adv. A cant word, expressive inspire. The god which came upon one
of contempt. and inspired him to speak; the god of in-
A-xo-Lo, v. A for aa, and kolo to run. spiration.
To run into small roots, as potatoes, and A-kKu-A-HAI-a-mi0, s. Akua, god, haz, to
bear no fruit. speak, and amio, to be silent. A god
A-xo-Lo, adj. Running and branching, speaking silently.
as roots of plants; good above and small A-KU-A-HA-NAI, S. Akua, god, and ha-
below. Syn. with aakolo, he kolo pu. nai, to feed.
A-Ko-Loa, s. A species of fern. 1. The god that fed poison to people;
A-xKo-Lu, adj. num. See Kouv. Three; the god of poison; hence,
the puniber three ; also written ekolu. 2. Poison itself; he akuahanai ka rama,
rum is a poisonous god, a he moonihoawa
A-xu, v. To follow. ka aie, and a poison toothed lizard (ser-
Au. A verbal directive. See Gram. § pent) is going into debt.
233, 2, and § 236. In Hawaiian, the mo- A-KU-A-H0O-U-NA-U-NA, 5S. Akua, god,
tion or action of verbs is supposed to be
towards one (mai,) or from one (aku,) or and hoouna, to send. <A class of gods who
upwards (ae,) or downwards (iho,) or side- were sent on errands like Mercury of the
ways, which is also ae. Aku is mostly Greeks; the names of some of them were
connected with verbs, sometimes with Keawenuikanohilo, Kapo, Kapua, Kama-
nouns and adverbs; it implies motion or kukou, and many others.
tendency from one, onward, &c.; as,e hele A-xu-a-kil, s. Akua, god, and kz, an
aku, to go off, go from one; the opposite image.
of e hele mai, to come towards one. In 1. The god represented by an image;
narrative tenses the verbal directives are hence,
generally followed by the syllable la; as, 2. An idol; a god made. Othk. 26:1;
hele aku la oia, he went off; noho iho la Isa. 3137.
ia, he sat down, or he dwelt. A-xu-a-ku, adv. Up and down, as an
A-xu, s. Name of a species of fish, uneven road; having the form of stairs;
smooth, round; the bonito ; the name of he ala akuaku.
one of the two fish that accompanied Pili A-ku-a-ku, adv. Sailing, as over a rough
in his voyage to these islands; aku helped sea, or traveling over a rough road; hele
paddle (haluku) the canoe, and opelu akuaku ma ke ala; holo akuaku ka moku ;
calmed the winds when too strong. JD. with one end up, then down.
Malo 4:13. See Oprtv. A-ku-a-ku, s. A species of rush.
A-xu, adj. Clear; unclouded; spoken A-xu-a-xu, adj. Done ina hurry; there-
of the moon when fully up; he aku ka fore, badly done ; he akuaku iho kou, you
mahina, the moon is clear. were in a great hurry; he akuaku kana
A-xu-a, s. Among Hawaiians, formerly, hana, his work is badly done.
the name of any supernatural being, the A-xKu-a-LA-PU, Ss. Akwa, god, and lapu,
object of fear or worship; a god. The a ghost. A ghost; a spectre; an appari-
term, on the visit of foreigners, was ap- tion ; an evil spirit. Norte. — According to
plied to artificial objects, the nature or the old people, the poe akualapu were the
properties of which Hawaiians did not un- spirits of deceased persons seen in the
derstand, as the movement of a watch, a night about burying and other places for
compass, the self-striking of a clock, &e. the purpose of frightening people.
A-KU-A-LE-LE, 8. Akua, god, and lele, 5. To raise up ; excite to action; to stir
to fly. A meteor; an ignis fatuus. Note.— up, as the mind. 2 Pet. 3:1.
When the Hawaiians were first shown the 6. To stir up; excite to evil. Puk.23:1."
representation or imaginary picture of an 7. To raise up, as a deliverer or bene-
-angel, they at once called it an akualele, a factor. Lunk. 3:9.
flying god. 8. To repair, as a broken down wall.
A-xku-A-No-Ho, s. Name of a class of Neh. 3:4.
gods supposed to be the spirits of men de- A-.LA, v. To anoint; to dress a sore or
ceased ; they were supposed to dwell with, alimb. 2 Sam. 19:24.
or be over men as guardians. A-ta, v. A round, smooth stone; a
A-xu-E, s. A short, low woman; he pebble, such as has been worn by the
wahine poupou. water ;he pohaku maloko o ka muliwai.
A-ku-I-ku-I, v. See Kul, to strike. To 1 Sam.17:40 and 49. Ala o ka maa,a sling
strike often, as with a stick in order to stone. Zek. 9:15. -
drive fish into a net. A-tA, s. A path; way; road; often
A-xu-I-Ku-I, s. Name of a particular alanui, great road; it is used in some
fish net. See Axkurkcur above. Also, the places as synonymous with kuamoo; he
name of the stick used to drive fish into kahi e hele ai; kuu aku ana keia i ke ala;
the kuikui. po oloko ike ala. Laieik. 62.
A-xu-HE, v. To be black, blue or dark A-.A, adj. Round or oval, as a smooth
colored. See KvuKuHE. stone or bullet; hence, heavy ; kaumaha,
e like me ka ala o kahawai, heavy, as a
A-KU-KA-PI-HE, Ss. The juice of the tree smooth stone in a water course. See Axa,
called koko, used among Hawaiians as a a round, smooth stone.
A-tA, adj. Spicy; perfumed; aromatic.
A-xu-ku, s. The standing up of water A-ta, adj. Fair eyed, but blind; ala
when wind and current are opposite ;me
he akuku nalu lai poi iloko o ka malama ka maka, e like me ko ka elemakule, dim
o Kaulua. Laieik. 167. sighted, as an old person.
A-ku-LE, s. Name of a species of fish. A-xa, s. A variety of kalo, tough and
A-Ku-LE, s. An epithet of an aged per-
A-La-a, v. To work with the oo in
son; an old man or woman. See ELEMa-
KULE. cultivating or digging off green sward.
A-xu-11, v. To collect in a stream of A-La-a, s. A kind of tree.
water, as leaves, blossoms, &c. A-LA-A-LA, S. Ala, round, &c. A scrof-
2. To dam up the water by such collec- ulous sore; an ulcer, particularly on the
tion ;ua akuli ka wai.a ua halana; a ua neck; the ringworm; poha ka alaala me
akuli ka lau o ka laau iloko o ka wai. kukae uli.
Akuli ka pua o ka Jaau i ka wai, A-ta-a-La, s. A soft substance in the
Lulana ahu i ka ae waililua, squid used for bait in fishing ; he alaalahee.
He wai hoopaa ia nolaila 2. Soft, flabby flesh; soft and tough, as
No ua ’kua la, o Maua, o Limaloa.
some kinds of food.
A-Ku-LI-ku-LI, s. A kind of water herb, 3. The name of potatoes that grow on
perhaps purslain ; he mea ulu ma ka aina, the leaf of the potato.
ma na aliali, a he papapa kekahi inoa. A-LA-a-LA, adj. Scrofulous.
A-xu-Lu, s. A species of color or colors; A-LA-A-LAE, adj. Hard, or half cooked,
he akulu moe wai, a eleele wliuli. as kalo; aohe maneo, moa puehuehu, he
A-xu-tu, s. Name of a species of fish. maneo ia.
A-xu-mu, adj. Broken or cut off till Ku i Hawaii ke one,
Alaalae ke one,
very short; applied to anything cut or He pehu ka mai. he liki ka lau.
broken off piece by piece, as a pen in
mending, or a pencil in sharpening. A-La-a-Lal, s. Name of a bird.
A-ta, v. To wake from sleep; to watch, A-La-a-Lal, s. The name of a kalo
i. e., to keep from sleep. patch formed by bending down the rushes
2. To rise up, as from a sleeping pos- and covering them with dirt and irrigating
ture; e hikilele oia ma ka hiamoe ana. it; hence
Puk. 10:23. Ala ku e, to rise up against A-ta-a-Lal, s. Argillaceous earth.
one. Puk. 15:7. A-LA-A-LA-HEE, s. The spawn or black
3. To rise up, as a new generation of substance found in the squid. See Ana-
people ; to come forward. Lunk. 2:10. ALA. He alaalahee me kahi kukui inamona,
4. Hoo. To cause one to rise; to lift up; the spawn of the squid with kukui nuts as
to rise from the dead. a relish.
A-LA-A-LA-PU-LOA, S. A plant with small 127. To block up a door or passage by
yellow blossoms; called also uhola, a spe- sitting down in it.
cies of useless shrub ; auhea 0 mea? aia i 2. To form a circle round one for his
kula i ka alaalapuloa, i. e., gone on a wild defense in danger.
goose chase, or on a fool’s errand. 3. To defend ; oppose one. ;
A-LA-A-LA-PU-LOA, S. The name of a 4. To be so thronged as not to see out.
species of fish of the squid kind; he alaala- Notre.—The double form, dalai. is more
puloa me ka wekaweka no. generally used. Ua alai ia, ua paapu loa,
aole ike aku kahi mea, he was thronged
A-LA-A-LA-wa, v. The compound, fre- thickly, he could not see out.
quentative, poetical form of alawa; to look A-ual-a, s. A small, thin surf board.
frequently one way and the other, as in
fear of being seen; alaalawa ka maka o A-LA-I-HI, s. A species of small red fish.
ka aihue, alaalawa na maka me he pueo 2. Name of a red cloth.
la, the eyes of the thief look this way and A-La-1-K1, s. The practice of quartering
that, they look here and there like an owl. in one’s house or seizing one’s property
A-LA-A-LA-WAL-NuI, 8. Name of a large when a chief traveled with his people.
tree whose fruit is used in dying. A-.Lal-LA, adv. Refers both to time and
A-LA-A-LA-WAI-NUI, Ss. Name of a small place; there. when place is referred to;
plant growing in stony places; he a ahi then, when reference is made to time. Like
ulu liilii ma ke ahu pohaku. many other adverbs, it is declinable with
A-LA-A-MAo-MAO, s. Name of a god of the simple prepositions. Gram. § 68 and
the winds ; the EHolus of the Hawaiian § 165, 2d.
Islands. A-ta-o, s. Name of a class of heiaus.
Huai mai ka ipu makani, A-ta-o, s. The eating of the oopu or
Alaamaomao ke akua makani. other fish raw, and even before dead; ka
A-LA-A-Pa-PA, Ss. The name of a kind alao mai no ina wahi oopu, a me na wahi
of dance; he alaapapa kahi hula. opae.
A-LA-A-PA-PA, v. ‘T'o disclose to an- A-ta-ou. Ua like me alao. See the
other what one has said of his character. foregoing.
A-LaE, s. Name of a bird with a red A-La-0-Lo-L1, s. Ala, path, and ololz,
skin on the upper part of its bill; oia ka narrow. A narrow path; a lane, as of a
mea (o Mauiakalani) nana i imi i ke ahi, a city.
loaa i ka alae,he it was (Mauiakalani) who A-tA-o-maA, v. To receive into the
being in search of fire, found the alae; mouth; to swallow greedily, as a fish the
alae, he moa eleele loa, a very black fowl. bait; alaoma ka waha o ka oopu a me ke
The alae was formerly worshipped as a aholehole i ke koe; the mouths of the oopu
god, especially the alae keokeo, the white and the aholehole greedily swallow the
alae. worm ; alaume momoni.
A-LA-EA, &. Red dirt; a kind of Span- A-ta-u, v. To knock with the knuckle
ish brown dug from the earth. on anything hard, as a board ; olou.
2. Any red coloring matter; red ochre. A-tau, s. Place where a wind is parted,
Isa. 44:13. as the east wind at Hana, Maui.
A-LA-EA, adj. Relating to the practice A-tau-a, v. ‘lo look upon one’s self
of the priest offering the yearly sacrifice; with admiration; e alaua ana ia ia iho me
hele mai ke kahuna alaea me ke kanaka, ka manao wa nani Oia.
nana e lawe ka ipu alaea. A-tau-KA, s. Badness; worthlessness ;
A-LA-EA, adj. Red, as the flesh of the vileness ; the offscouring or dregs of soci-
fish aku and ahi. See foregoing. Huki ety; he hana inoino pupuka alauka.
koke ka io alaea a me na io a pau; name A-La-u-KA, adj. Vile; bad; worthless;
ofa muscle. Anat. 50. slovenly ; negligent ; pupuka.
A-La-EA, S. The fore part of the thigh. A-La-u-LA, s. Alda, road, and wila, red.
A-La-EA, Ss. A family, tribe or clan. 1. A streak of light, such as is seen after
2. The descendants of servants ; the de- the setting and before the rising sun. Ain.
scendants of Keopuolani are the alaea of 32:24. Hence,
Nahienaena. 2. The first dawn of the morning. Hal.
A-LA-E-LA, adv. Poetic for aia da, there 46:5. The early dawn or first gleam of
it is. morning light. 2 Pet. 1:19.
A-Lal, v. To obstruct; to hinder one A-taA-u-La, s. Red dust ina road; the
in any way; ua alai ia e ka hilahila a hiki red dust of a pali; red dust generally.
ole ke pane aku, he or she was hindered 2. A kind of red chalk in which nothing
by shame and could not answer. JLaieik. will grow.
3. A kind of sea-weed, blackish ;a spe-| A-La-KAI-MAU-NA, $s. Alakat, guide, and
cies of limu. mauna, mountain. A guide on the moun-
A-LA-U-ME, v. See ALAOMA. tains and inland; what a pilot is on board
A-LAU-wa-HIo, s. A species of bird, ship.
small and yellow. See Lauwt. A-La-Ko, v. Ala, path, and ko, to drag
A-La-HA-KA, S. Ala, a path, and haka, along.
open. 1. To drag along the ground.
1. Aladder. Kin. 28:12. 2. To lead, as a criminal ; kindred with
2. A rough road, with many ravines or alakai. Hal. 28:3. E kauo, e huki.
chasms. JLaieik. 71. 3. To trail, as a gown in the dust; he
A-LA-HEE, Ss. Name of a tree; a species aloko mai i ka lepo, to drag in the dirt.
4. To draw or influence one. Hos. 11:4.
of tree, very hard, of which instruments
were made to till the soil with; 0 na oo A-ta-La, s. Name of a bird; a species
mahiai i ka wa kahiko, o ka ulei a o ke of raven on Hawaii; so named from its
alahee, the diggers for farming in ancient cry, resembling that of a child. Laieik. 29.
times were made of ulei and alahee. A-La-LA, v. To cry, as the young of
A-.a-Hu, s. A species of wood; bastard animals. Mik. 1:8.
sandal-wood. A-ua-La, Ss. The cry of young animals;
2. A row or hem, as on a mat. a crying; weeping; a bleating, crying,
A-LA-HOU-AN-A, S. Ala, to rise, and hoz, &e., of flocks. 1 Sam. 15:14. The squeal-
again, and the participial termination ana. ing of hogs. Lieik. 17.
A rising again; a rising from the dead. A-LaA-LA, 8. A specie of potato with
Oth, 24:15. A resurrection. fruit on the leaves. See ALAALA.
A-La-Ho-Nu-A, s. The south-west direc- A-.LA-LAI, v. Ala, road, and dai.
tion from Hilo; ke ala ana i ka manawa 1. To hinder one from doing a thing.
i makemake ole ai; o ke alahonua ana 2. To obstruct one’s road. Job. 19:8.
mamua, aole i hiki i ka manawa. 3. To be in the way of another; ua ala-
A-LA-HU-LA, v. To break a certain lai mai oia i ko’u hele ana, he hindered me
kapu; ua alahula kabhi kapu, ua noa ke in my passage ; he keakea.
kanawai. A-uta-Lal, v. To consecrate; to render
2. Alahula Puuloa, he hele na Kaapahau. sacred by coming in contact with some
3. To make a road through one’s house sacred object.
or farm by constantly passing through A-LA-LAU-Wa, s. A species of small fish;
it; ua lilo i alanui hele mau ma ia wahi. called so when small or young; when
A-La-Hu-LA, s. A thoroughfare; a path larger or older they are called aweovweo.
or place much frequented ; ua maa i ka A-LA-LA-LA, v. To spread out tobacco
ikeia, ua hele pinepine ia. leaves over or before a fire to dry for use.
2. A road made on a pali on which a A-LA-LE-HE, adj. Sick; weak; hungry,
stranger cannot go, only traveled by resi-
dents. as a child; he ukuhi ohemo na keiki,
omino, alalehe, ka alalehe, ka uwe wale.
2. A place where it is necessary to swim
past a cliff that intercepts the passage A-LA-Lo, s. A, jaw, and dalo, under.
along the beach, as Elelu on Hawaii. The lower jaw of men and animals; the
lower mandible of a bird.
A-LA-KAI, v. Ala, road, and saz, to lead.
1. To lead along the path; to guide or
A-La-Lo-a, 8. Ala, path, and Joa, long.
conduct one onaroad. Puk. 13:17. a highway; path, &c. Syy. with alanui.
2. To lead, as captives. 2 Oihl. 6:36. Nah. 20:17.
8. To take, as a person, from one place A-LA-MA-A-WE-I-KI, 8. Ala, path, maawe,
to another. 2 Qihl. 8:11. any small substance, and iki. little. A
4. To lead, as an animal; alakai ke ke- small, narrow, indistinct path; it is ap-
iki i ka puaa, the child leads the hog; ua plied to the departure of the soul when one
alakaiia ka lioika pa. Hoo. To cause to dies; he is said to have gone along the
lead. Ezek. 39:28. damaaweiki, i.e., the untrodden path; he
A-La-Kal, s. Ala, path, and kai, the sea.
A-LA-MA-KA-HI-NU, s. Name of a stone
He alakai ke alanui hulaana o na pali,a
path where one must swim around a pro- at Maiao, flat and shining; applied to a
jecting cliff or bluff. re child; he alamakahinu i ke
A-ua-kal, s. Ala, road, and az, to lead. A-La-ME-A, v. To be too ripe; rotten,
A leader; conductor; guide. Heb. 13:7. as anything lying out in the rain; ua ka-
A-ta-kat, adj. Large; pot-bellied ; pule alamea i ka ua.
plump. A-La-ME-A, S. The name of a species

of hard stone from volcanoes, out of which |A-La-n1, s. Name of a timber tree deed
stone axes were made. in fitting up canoes.
A-LA-Mo-LE, s. A species of stone. A-ua-ni, s. Eng. The Hawaiian pro-
A-La-na, s. A present made by a chief nunciation of the word orange; an orange,
to a priest to procure his prayers. a foreign fruit ; also, the name of the tree.
2. A present made to a god; he makana A-ta-ni, s. Name of a land breeze at
e haawi aku aii ke akua. Lanai, from the name of the mountain.
3. An oblation or free will offering for A-ta-ni, s. Name of a species of limu,
any purpose. Puk. 18:12. bitter, and very similar to the limu lipoa.
4. Asacrifice. Puk. 29:28. Alana hoano,
a holy oblation. Hzek. 48:10. He alana A-La-NI-A, adj. Smooth, as the ocean,
ka mea e haawiia aku ai e kalaia mai ai without wave or ripple ; aole apuupuu, he
ka hala o ka mea lawehala. kalania.
5. A fee prepaid to a physician to at- A-La-nI-Ho, s. Ala, path, and niho,
tend upon a sick person. _ tooth. Name of the long strips of tatoo
A-ta-na, v. To give or bring a present made on the skin by means of a shark’s
as an offering. Oihk. 12:14. To offer a tooth.
sacrifice. Hal. 66:15. A-La-Nnu-1, s. Ala, path, and nwz, large.
A-La-NA, adj. A and lana, to float. A highway; a road; a frequented path.
Light; not heavy; easily floating on the See ALaLoa. In some places kuamoo is
water ; he hookomo ole; not sinking. used.
A-ta-Nna, 8. Alala, to cry, and ana. A A-ta-pA, adj. Ugly; poor; thin im
crying ; the voice of suffering or of com- flesh, as a hog.
plaint ; ke oho alana makuakahi, the voice A-La-PA-HI, v. To spread false reports ;
of complaint from an only parent. to slander. 2 Sam. 19:27.
A-LA-NA-A-LO-HA, 5s. Alana, offering, 2. To deceive ; to lead others astray.
and aloha, love. A peace offering ; an of- 3. To deceive, as a demagogue.
fering for making peace with another to A-LA-PA-HI, 5s. Slander; detraction ;
procure one’s favor; he alana e aloha mai falsehood ; he alapahi moe ipo ka nana; a
o hai ia ia. lie ; false speaking.
A-LA-NA-KU-NI, Ss. Alana and kuni, to A-LA-pA-HI, adj. Olelo alapahi, a slan-
burn. An offering to procure the death of derous or false report. Neh. 14:36.
a sorcerer; e make ai ka mea nana i ana- A-LA-PA-KUI, adj. Exxceedingly fragrant,
ana; a burnt offering. too much so, or tuo strong to be pleasant.
A-LA-NA-Mo-LI-A, s. An offering made A-LA-PA-PII-Moo-kU, s. A mean man of
to the gods to procure a curse; he alana e no character who goes before the king;
molia i kipi aina, to curse the rebels; ke ka mea ino pii i kahi o ke alii.
alana e molia i ka mamala ku i ka pa; he A-LA-pPil, v. Ala, path, and p72, to as-
alana e molia i ka olulo pae i kapa. cend. <A ladder; stairs. 2 Nal.9.13. An
A-LA-NE-0, adj. Ala, path, and eo, ascent. 1 Nal. 10:5. He alahaka, he ala-
silent. ulii; he alapii pali ino o Wahinekapu.
1. Clear; serene ; unclouded, as the at- A-La-pu-KA, adj. Having scrofulous
mosphere on the mountains; alaneo ka uka,
sores, as on the neck, legs, &e.
aole ao, clear was the upland, no clouds. 2. Applied to kalo which has spots of
2. Desolate ; without people, as a coun- dry-rot; he kalo alapuka.
try; alaneo kauhale, aole kanaka. Ler. 50:3.
See NEONEO. A-ta-wa, v. To look on one side, then
on the other, as one who is afraid of being
A-La-NE-o, s. The name of a disease seen; e hoi oukou me ko oukou maka
where the patient is swelled greatly in alawa ole io a io.
every part except the face; he olelo a na 2. To look up, as one downcast.
kahuna lapaau; ina olelo aku i ka mai, 3. To lift up the eyes in pride. Isa.
pela he alaneo kou mai, o ke ano o ia olelo, 37:23.
he mai kanaka ole, aole lehulehu o kanaka 4. To lift up the eyes to see a thing.
nana e kii i ka laau. Toan. 4:35. To take a survey. Isa. 60:4.
2. A class of gods, males only. 5. To turn the eyes in an oblique direc-
3. The name of a cloak or royal robe tion. Kin. 33:5.
made of the feathers of the mamo only ; 0 6. To turn one’s head to look about.
ka aahuula i hanaia i ka hulu mamo wale 7. To be lifted or turned up. as the eyes;
no ua kapaia he alaneo. alawa ae la kona mau maka.
4. Clear weather ; no clouds. A-La-wa, s. A turning of the eyes to
A-ua-ni, s. The name of the mountain look behind ; he alawa na maka i hope e
on Lanai and some other places. ike i ka poe e hele mai ana.
A-LA-BA-TA, adj. Gr. Alabaster; he wau i hoounaia mai nei, I am a messenger
A-LA-BA-TE-RO, ipu alabata. Luk. 7.37. sent hither. Laieik.79. See Luna.
A-tz, v. To swallow, in various senses; A-LE-LE, s. A messenger of a chief; an
e moni aku. ; ambassador. See ELELE.
1. When anything disagreeable is to be He kiu ka pua kukui ;
He alele hooholo na ke Koolau.—Mele.
2. To drink in, as water. A-LE-HE, s. A snare; a noose; he
3. To drink in, as the earth drinks water. ahele, he pahele.
4. To swallow up, as the earth. Nah. A-LE-Lo, s. The tongue, of man or ani-
16:32. To absorb ; to swallow, as a flood; mals. Puke. 11:7; 2 Sam. 23:2. See ELexo.
to destroy. A-tse-Lo, s. The tongue; he alelo wana
5. To overpower, as an army. 2 Sai.
ka ono, he ono ke ale/o wana, he okulikuli.
17:16. Ale wale, to swallow without chok-
ing A-LE-MA-NA-KA, S. Eng. An almanac;
6. Ke ale mai, to come up into, as tears| the first was published in Hawaiian in
into the eyes; as poets say, the tears welled
up in her eyes. A-LE-Mo-NE, adj. Eng. of an almond.
A-Le, s. A wave; a billow put in mo- A-LE-mo-NE, S. A hazle. Kin. 30:3'7.
tion by the wind; a wave of the sea. Job. The almond tree. Kelah. 12:15.
9:8. Aloia mai ai na ale ino o Lae Hao,
having escaped the raging billows of Cape A-LE-KU-MA, s. See ALEKuma above.
Horn; make iho nei ia-iloko o ka ale o
‘Pailolo, he was lately drowned in the A-Le-pa, s. Gr. Alepa, alpha; name of
waves of Pailolo; loiale no i ke aliao kolo. the first letter of the Greek alphabet; hence,
Fic. Ale o ka make. 2 Sum. 22:5. Holo the first, ka mua. Hoik. 21:6.
pipi ka ale o ka moana, the crest of a wave; A-LE-Wa-LE-wa, s. A cloud or smoke
ka ale, water put in motion; ka ale wai floating in the atmosphere; hookaa ka pu-
hau a ke ’kua, water of snow of the god. nohu ka alewalewa.
Nore.—It was supposed that the gods A-LE-Gu-mMA, s. See ALEKuMA above.
made the snow. A-u1, s. A scar on the face. Isa. 1:6.
A-ue-a, s. See Lea. Having a pleasant A-u1, v. To have a scar on the cheek;
voice for singing ; agreeable, as the voice.
ua ali ka papalina i ka mai; to have a scar
A-LE-a-LE, v. 13th conj. of ale. To anywhere.
make into waves; to stir up. as water; to 2. Hoo. To shake ; to wave ; to move to
trouble ; to toss about, as restless waters. and fro, &c. Nah. 5:25. See Hoan.
Epes. 4:14. Aleale ka wai, ua piha a aleale A-u1-a, v. To wait; to stop one when
ke keakea. Hoo. To stir up, as water.
Toan. 5:4. doing a thing; to restrain. 2 Sam. 24:16.
2. Used imperatively, stop ; wait ; ap-
A-LE-A-LE, s. A moving, swelling, stir- plied to a person in the way; take care;
ring. as the waves of the sea; as water any- stand aside. 1 Sam. 15:16.
where. A-ui-a, s. A large flat surface where it
A-Ls-a-LE-A, s. A sharp, white, small is white with salt; he alia hoohaahaa
shell fish found near the shore; he pupu paakai ; loi ale no i ke alia okolo, salt bed.
alealea. - A-ui-a, s. The name of two sticks car-
A-te-o0, adj. High; applied to a house ried by a person before the god of the year.
‘or a room; a look-out on a house-top.
A-u-a, adv. By and by; after a little.
A-teu-tev, s. Old kapa or mats; also A-.i-a-Li, adj. White, as snow or paper;
applied to all kinds of bad kapa. he wai diali, he keokeo ; he huali.
A-LE-KU-MA, s. Heb. A later ortho- A-ui-a-Li, v. Ua aliali, to have scars;
A-LE-GU-MA, graphy for aleguna; name to be rough with scars; to be scarred ; us
of a timber tree, as below ; name of a tree kalikali, kokoke e piha; ukali ae no hoi;
found in the deserts of Arabia; the algum hulihali.
tree. 2 Oihl. 2:8. Also, by a change of
letters, alemuga. See below. Supposed by
A--a-Li-A, s. He alialia paakai, a bed
Kitts to be the sandal-wood. where salt is dried; he alialia mann; na
aialia o na wai puna huihui. See Aum
A-LE-LE, v. To go or act as a Messenger. above.
2. To go or act as a spy. 2. Ground which is smooth, dry and
3. To look or examine the condition of barren, as that which is baked in the sun,
another. See LELE. or covered with salt.
’ A-LE-LE, s. See LELE and Eee. A} A-ti-a-ne, adv. A word of similar im-
messenger ; One sent on business ; he alele port with nane and i nane, let us see, show
it to me, d&e.; as aliane, referring to some- | A-LI-MA (e-li-ma), adj. Five; the num-
thing spoken of, let us see; let me see. ber five. See Lia.
A-utu, s. Name of a hard timber tree,| A-ri-ma, s. See Aunma, the stick held
used for posts of houses and other pur- in the hand in rubbing to obtain fire.
poses ; also called aalii. A-LI-MA.
A-uu, s. A chief; one who rules or has Alima hea ko alakai,
authority over other men; a king, quali- Ke ani peahi la ia Limaloa
fied by various epithets. I hoapili no manu a kepa ka ua—he.
1. Ke alii moi, the supreme executive. A-ui-wa, v. ‘To be defiled or contam-
2. Ke alii aimoku, a chief over a divis- inated, 4s by marrying one of low birth;
ion, i. e., a governor under the alii mor. mai moe oukou i ka poe keiki a ka poe
3. Alii koa, a chief over soldiers, i. e., a kauwa, 0 alina auanei ka oukou mau keiki;
general, leader of an army. 2 Sam. 2:8. applied to a chief who married a low woman
4, Alii okana, chief ofa district. Luk. 9:7. and had children of low order; alina oe i
A-tu, v. To act the chief; to be chief kou mare ana i kau kauwa.
‘or principal. Ain. 1:16. To rule over men. 2. To be scarred, as one burned badly;
Oihk. 26:17. To govern. Kin. 37:8. to be scarred by scrofula; ua alina oe i ke
2. Hoo. To crown one a king; to make ahi.
one a king; to make one’s self a king ; to 3. To have spots or blemishes on one’s
rule; to have power or influence with. person.
A-wu, adj. Mea noho alzz, a ruler. Puk. 4. Morally, to be disgraced or implicated
22:28. Alii weliweli, king of terrors. Job. in sin. '
18:14. 5. To be filthy, as food; ua alina lea o
A-uu-Koa, s. A general of an army. 2 Mea; ua dlina ka kakou, ua makole.
Sam. 2:18. A-ui-na, s. A low servant; a slave.
A-uu-pa-pa, s. Name of a child where A-ui-wA, adj. Low; degraded.
the mother was a chief and the father not. A-Li-NA-LI-NA, Ss. A shell fish of the
A-LII-WA-HI-NE, S. Adit and wahine, sea; the young or small of the opihi.
woman. A Queen. Mat. 11:44. 2. A mark ; a sign; nearly syn. with
A-u1-u-Li-u, adv. A long time. hoailona.
A-.1-n1, s. H inserted; a captain of a A-to, v. To elude or dodge the stroke
company. Jos. 10:24. Alihi kaua,
a general. ofa weapon. 1 Sam. 18:11.
2. To pass over from one place to an-
A-ur-u1, s. The lines of a fish net; o other; uaalo aku nei na kaulua i na kumu
ke kaula ma ka pikoni. i Molokai.
2. The cords holding the sinkers of a net. 3. To skip or pass over something; e alo
3. The upper part of a calabash strap; i kekahi la, e hana i kekahi la.
he aliht no ke koko o ka umeke; 0 kaalihi 4. To pass through the water by swim-
maluna o ka waa e kalai hou a haahaa ka ming ; to extend the hands in swimming.
niao o ka aliht maluna o ka umeke; maka 5. To set one’s self against; to be op-
alihi moana, e pili aku ana i kumu lani, at posed to; e alo ia ia, to face him; to turn
the edge of the ocean, i. e., where the ocean and front him?
and sky meet. D. Malo 5:13. 6. To meet some difficulty or resisting
A-u-H1, v. To be ready to work for the force or opposition; ua nui ka makou hana
sake of gain, but at other times absent. i ke alo ana me na haku i ka maka o ke
A-u-H1, adv. Unwillingly. kaua, we have much work to do in resist-
A-.i-HI-KAU-A, S. Adthi (alii) and kaua, ing with our masters the front of the war.
7. To resist boldly, as a difficulty ; face,
war. A general; commander; one who
directs in battle. 1 Nal. 16:16.
as an enemy in danger. Jos. 8:20. E alo
i na ino a pau e hiki mai ana e like me
A-.i-HI-La-NI, s. The horizon. kaua i alo hoomanawanui ai i ka la o ka
A-LI-HI-LE-LE, s. Name of a drag-net; makalii.
the net for taking the anae. 8. To double, as a cape; e aloia mai ai
A-.i-Ka-LI-KA, adj. Clammy; sticky; na ale o Lae Hao.
tough, as kalo baked ; as mud. 9. To face; to be against. Lunle. 20:48.
2. Stingy ; not liberal. To resist. Pule. 23:29.
10. To consume; devour.
A-LI-KE-A-LI-KE, 5. See Lixe. One-half; 11. Hoo. To pass away; forget. Isa. 40:27.
an equal division of a thing. 12. To shun; eschew. 1 Pet. 3:11.
A-Li-KI-LI-kI, v. See Liki; see Opvonao. A-to, s. The front; the face; the pres-
To be swelled tight as the skin can hold, ence of one. Kin. 3:8. Ma ke alo, betore;
as in the dropsy. in front.
2. To be girded tightly. 2. The breast or belly. Hin. 3:14. Ua
hiki mai i ko’u alo nei, it has come to my |A-Lo-w1, s. A bright shining ; bright-
fron, i. e.,to me; ma kona alo iho, directly| yess; splendor.
in front of him. Jos.6:20. Ma ke alo alil.| A+ o-y7-12. > be
persons living with and in the favor of the A bai, out AoC
chief. : ; ;
: as the eye; ka inoa he akua i ke alohilohi
A-to, s. The name of a four-footed ani-| 4 na maka, I thought they were gods by
mal in the sea. the brightness of their eyes.
A-to-a-L0, v. Double form of alo. To) A-1o-m1-L0-n1, adj. Malamalama alohi-
turn this way and that; to look one way} [ohi. bright light. Job. 37:21.
and another, } as if in: fear, ’ or about to do
ome A-LO-HI-LO- ch 1: rl, .
mischief. Puk. 2:12. Aloalo na maka o each ike teen bi pe
ka aihue. : :
m4 . 4,|A-Lo-Lo, adv. Exclamation of triumph
A-to-a-L0, v. See Aro. To dodge; ‘to at the ills of another, as the fall of an en-
flee from, as a shower, i. e., to run from
one tree 5to another; aloalo :ua, aloalo ma-
emy. See Lono.‘ :
kani, kipakipa, pukauhale, to dodge the A-to-Lu-a, adj. Two-sided; double-
rain, &e. faced ; applied to men and things; moena
A-LO-A-LO, aU. To go after, as a servant; .| dlolua,
poh a double mat, having g two faced
to bring things ; tou wait on; heai puupuu,| ,> *
he poi puupuu. A-Lo-PE-KE, S. Gr. A fox. Lunk. 15:4.
A-to-E, s. Eng. Aloes. Mel. Sol. 4:14. |A-Lo-Pi-HE, s. Alo and pihe, the sound
A-LOI-LOI, 5. A species of small fish. of mourning as it floats in the air.
A-to-HA, v. To love; to regard with A-tu, Ape v. tick
To combine,
hag Aas several per-
affection ; to desire.
sons in aiding another either in a good or
Hai Ganiee
2. To have pity or compassion upon. = Z ‘ ee ea P
3. To show eer: to be merciiul as a} py a a oye aid OF resin Oil. fait
Mat. 5:7. To spare; ‘ to pity. Ezek. Sia ME A Lidbkhapa malas ca tee
to be killed and several aid in effecting
ei his escape.
4. To salute at meeting or parting. 1
3. To unite together, as several persons
Sam. 10:4. for a particular object.
5. To salute contemptuously ; aloha ino
4. To be connected, as the joints of the
kaua, alas for us two. Nore.— Aloha, as a
human body.
word of salutation, is modern ; the ancient ;
: ; 5. To adhere to; to act with; e al
forms were anoai, welina, &c. é ) ; ealu aku
; cat te _.».| Mmahope; make o Manono no ka nui o kona
shit ada aos HaHKS as amack atwo! aluia, Manono died for the strength of her
‘ : adherence to him.
A-to-Ha, s. A word expressing different A To rel h peep
feelings; as, love; affection; gratitude ; ees Oo ee oo
kindness; pity; compassion; grief; the} weak. Puk. V7:11.
modern common salutation at meeting and 2. To bend the knees ; to vourtesy.
parting. 3. To stoop down, as in entering a low
A-Lo-HA, adj. Loving; beloved; favored. door ; to stoop down, as in hiding behind
a low object; alu ae la maua e pee ana.
A-to-Ha-1a. A verbal from the verb Taihsie ane : re
aloha above used as a noun. Favor; kind- OSG raft Up as w nant: wea let he teneein
ness; loaa ia ia ke alohaia mai, he obtained! j ka nakuia.
fayor ;favor; good will. Kin. 33:10, | 5. Hoo. To loosen, as the tongue. Mar.
A-to-HA-1-No, int. Aloha and ino. An! 7:31.
intentive ; it expresses great love. pity or mr fe
Pipaesic for : eran aha sammaring con- A-uu, s. The lines of the hand.
Ba =.
dition. It is aaaie used
by w : ay of BAOConEanp
ty 2. A guiter; a ravine; kahawai awawa;
a road descending a hill. 7
as poor fellow! good enough for you! 3. A courtesy.
A-to-HA-Lo-HA, v. To love much, 4. The muscles of the eye. Hal. 76:4.
2. Hoo. To give thanks; to express af- 5. The skin and soft parts of men, fish
fection for; to bless in worship. 2 Sam.| and all animals, when the bones are taken
22:50. out. See ALUALU,
3. To salute. 2 Sam. 8:10. 6. A name given to women who have
4. To speak kindly to; to entreat gently.) porne children. See Atvate.
Tne. 15:28. | : : d
A-1o-n1, v. To shine; to become shining | rer adji prben r ne together;
or bright; to reflect brightness. Isa. 9:1. | FF irae Sou he a o
Alohi ¢ like me ka la i ke awakea. Fre. |A-LU-A (e-lu-a), nem. adj. The number
To shine, as christian character. Pil. 2:15.| two; two. See-Lua,
A-tu-a, adj. A word signifying admira-| A-Lu-LI, v. To turn the head on one
tion ; it applies to what is good, great, ad- side; he aluii ke poo, he kekee.
mired, &c.; the @ is often dropped; as, A-Lu-Lu, adj. Quick; in a hurry; he
aohe ona lua, there is none like him. See hopuhopu alulu kona hele ana no ka lohe
Lua. Ka inoa o ka ona no kona waiwai ana be make.
(ibo,) o ka mahuna alua, surely drunken- A-tu-Lu, adv. Quickly ; hastily ; holo
ness (by awa) has its own reward, the| hopuhopu aiulu aku la makou a ce maluna
wonderful scaling of the skin. Laieik. 35. o ka waa.
A-tu-a-Lu, v. Alu, doubled; 13th conj. 4 ty-ya,s. A, the jaw, and luna, upper,
of alu. To come upon one.
over. The upper part of the mouth of a
2. To follow; pursue; overpower. Kan.
person ; of the bill of birds; of the mouth
32:30. of animals. JLaieik. 104. The roof of the
3. To pursue, as an enemy. Kin. 14:15; mouth. Hal. 137:5. The upper jaw.
1 Sam. 17:52.
4, To chase. Jos. 23:10. A-Lu-nu, v. See Lunu. To defraud. 1
5. To persecute. 1 Tes. 2:15. Sam. 12:3, 4. To be overbearing in a bar-
6. To be wrinkled. as the cheeks and gain. Oihke. 19:13. To oppress; to be hard
forehead of old persons. upon one. Aanl. 24:14,
A-tu-a-Lu, s. The flexible skin or hide 2. To accuse falsely. Like. 3:14.
3. To be desirous of possessing property.
of an animal ; he alualu bipi.
2. The soft parts of flesh when the bones A-Lu-Nu, s. Oppression. Isa. 30:12.
are taken out; the appearance is flabby, Usury. Neh. 5:10. Extortion; covetous-
loose and wrinkled, &c. ness. [sa.57:17. Healunu an extortioner.
3. The fetus of animals or men; kanuia A-Lu-NU, adj. Covetous; greedy of gain;
ka alualu i ka lepo, the fetus was buried in waiwai a/unu, property uniawiully taken.
the dust. Pule. 18:21. Waiwai alunu is also luere. 1
4. The skins, rinds and refuse of melons Sam. 8:3. Alunu is opposed to lokomaikai.
after the substance is eaten; ua aiia na Isa. 32:5.
ipu, a o ka alualu wale no koe. A-LU-NU-Wa-LE, s. A strong desire to
A-Lu-a-Lu, adj. Loose; flabby; prema- take what is another’s; extortion; robbery.
ture ; shapeless, as an untimely birth. A-ma, s. The longitudinal stick of the
Laieik. 12. Slack, as a rope or string. | outrigger of a Canve.
2. Uneven; rough; full of lines. A-mA, adj. Satisfied; satiated,as with
3. He ili alualu, a loose skin; applied to food.
an untimely birth ; he keiki alualu, ua like |
2. Talkative; revealing secrets; tattling;
me ka iewe ke ano, an imperfect child, like | he ahiahi; he waha ama ia hai. a mouth
a placenta.
revealing to others. See AMAAMA.
A-wu-a-Lu-A, s. A crack, as in the wall A-ma, v. To offer to the gods ohias and
of a house. Oihk. 14:3. melons ; mostly found in the conj. haa and
2. A rough road, full of ravines and dif- hoo; as, hoama, haama, &e.; haama ka
ficult passes; he alualu inoino ke alanui e ohia; haama i ka ipuhaole; akahi no a
hele ai i Kahakuloa.
haama ae i ka ipn aimaka. See Amama, to
3. A second-hand garment, full of wrin- offer, &e.
4. The name given to the numeration A-MA-A-MA, v. See Ama 2. To reveal
table, beginning thus: elua lua aha, two secrets; to tell another’s faults; to slan-
twos are four; ma ke alualua ko lakou ao der ; amaama ka wahai ka hai i ka hewa
anivika helu, through the multiplication o ka mea e.
table they learn arithmetic. A-mA-A-MA, adj. Slanderous, as the
A-LU-HEE, adj. Loose, as a bundle not mouth of one ever ready to speak evil; he
well bound ; hanging flabbily. waha amaama, ka ieieoi, ka waha biki-
A-tu-xa, v. To jumble together, as wawe i ke kamailio ma na olelo i manaoia
e huna.
paris of two stories.
2. To mix together, as contributions for A-ma-a-mA, Ss. A species of fish; young
different purposes, or different taxes. mullet perhaps.
3. To mix together, so as not to distin- A-MA-A-MAU, v. Ama, satisfied with
guish. food, and amau, still.
4. Hoo. To cause a mixture, as above; 1. To eat much; to be satisfied with
e a0 0 hoa'uka i ka waiwai hookupu ; sin- food; e ai nuii ka ai me ka amaamau.
ilar to huikai. 2. To eat quickly or fast, as one who is
A-tu-ka, s. The uniting or mixing to- hungry and has a keen appetite.
geiher of things of different or opposite A-mavu, v. To hush up; to keep one
qualities ; ke aluka o ka hewa o ka pono. _from speaking or complaining ; ua amau
aku an e noho malie, aole pono e pane Joint of an animal. pes. 4:16. Joint of a
mai. See Hamau. limb. Dan. 5:6.
A-ma-ut, s. A species of small bird. A small worm which, in crawling,
A-mAu-MAU, adj. A god growing among oan itself up ; he peelura kuapun.
4. A swinging, pendulous motion.
the ferns on the mountains; i na ’kua 5. The name of a long slim fish; he ia
amaumau o ke kula, kino oeoe.
A-mau-mau, s. The fern; the brake. A-mi-a-m1, adj. Elastic ; pendulous.
A-MA-KA-MI-KA, v. See AmiKA, to desire z. A term used to reproach one just mar-
food. To desire food, as we say, his mouth ried; ka amiami ana o ka puaa.
waters for it. A-mi-0, v To walk or move still and
z. To have a desire for that which can- slyly, so as not to be heard; maanei no i
not be obtained. amio iho nei a nalowale, he came here si-
A-ma-xi-u1, s. Name of a smal] yellow lently just now and is gone; mai kukulu
bird; he manu hulu lenalena ia. aku oe i ke kukui ma ka puka; to flare, as
A-ma-k-KA, s. A species of small bird. the blaze of a lamp in the wind; he amio
A-ma-mA, v. Conj. 9th of ama, to offer, | ka makani, e pio auanhei; to move silently
&c. ‘Lo give over to the gods in sacrifice. this way and that.
2. To offer sacrifice as an act of worship. A-mi-o, s. That which enters silently,
Hoik. 8:3. O ke kino uhane ole e waiho as death; as a fish floats unseen and comes
ana, amama ae la ke alii, the body lying not to the top: a gentle moving to and fro.
without life the king offered in sacrifice; A-mi-Ka, v. ‘To desire food or drink.
na amamaia aku la i kona akua ia Kaili, A-mi-KA, s. A desire or relish for food.
he was sacrificed to his god Kaili: to offer
prayers; a@mama, ua noa, like our term A-MI-KA-MI-KA, v. See Amika. To eat,
Amen to a prayer. Laieik, 1046 but not enough: the desire is for move;
A-ma-mA, s. The offering of a sacrifice; aole i onoono iho kahi puu i ka mea ai,
aole i amikamika iho; aole ona o ka awa,
ka amama ana i ke kanaka i ke akua. aole amikamika iho.
A-ma-na, s. Two sticks crossing each A-MI-KA-MI-KA, s. A remainder wished
other at oblique angles. for.
vz. The branctres of a tree in the form of
the letter Y. A-mo, v. To wink, as the eye. 1 Kor.
A-ma-NA, adj. Crossing; put together 15:52.
2. To twinkle, as a star; ke amo mai la
in the form of a cross or gallows; na laau ka hoku; often doubled. as amoumo: ap-
amanda i kauia’i o Kuhama; he aleo kabhi plied to the winking of any animal. See
hale, he amana kekahi hale.
A-ma-na, v. Amana mau ke kani ana A-mo, v. To bear or carry a burden on
o ka pu; amanda mau ke kani o ka pu a ka the shoulder. Puk. 27:7. Vo bear or bring
anela. along a weight; to carry.
A-ma-ra, s. Eng. The Hawaiian ortho- 2. Fie. To perform difficult offices of any
graphy for the word armorer; a black- kind. Puk. 18:22. Syn. with lawe. Oihl.
smith. 1 Sam. 13:19. Nore.—The first ships 15:2.
that visited the islands were ships of war 3. Hoo. To put upon the shoulders of
or of discovery, and their blacksmiths were one. Norr.—To carry on the back is hacwe;
cailed armorers; hence the word. to carry under the arm is hii.
A-mE-NE, adv. Eng.; from the Hed. A-mo, s. A burden carried on the shoul-
Amen; so be it: truly; pela no. ders.
A-mg-NnE, Ss. Heb. Ka amene, an epithet A-mo-a, v. Pass. for amoia; also amoaia;
of Jesus Christ as a true and faithful a doubie passive. ua laweia,
Savior. Hoik. 3:14. A-mo-a-mo, v. To be high; to be raised
A-ME-TU-SE-TE, s. Gr. Anamethyst; a up, as a high precipice; to rise high. as the
precious stone. Hoik. 21:20; also, Puk. crest of a wave; amoamo iluna o ka pali
28:19. o Kihiopua ; amoamo iluna ka lau o ka
A-t, v. To turn, as upon hinges; as nalu.
a door; as the lid of a chest, &c.; to move A-mo-a-mo, v. See Amo, to wink. To
back and forwards; to make any motion wink repeatedly.
back and forth; to swing back and forth,
as a gate; to move up and down, as the A-mo-a-mo, s. A winking; a twinkling,
chin in eating. as of the eye or a star; a sudden chinge
A-mt, s. A hinge; a butt for a door. of the wind.
1, 26:14. A-mo-£, s. For aumoe; midnight; e
2. A joint of a war harness. 1 Nal. 22:34 holo, ua nui ke kai o ke amoe.
A-moo-moo, s. Work for women; he 2. To have a sufficiency of property.
kuku amoomoo, he palaholo ke kapa. Kekah. 5:10.
A-moo-moo, s. A kind of fish; a small 3. Fic. To drink sufficiently,as the sword
drinks blood, i. e., to be revenged. Isa.
fish ; also the ulua. 34:6.
A-mo-Hu-Lu, s. E papani ka amohulu o 4. Hoo. To satiate, as with food. Jer.
ia nei; a lascivious word. 31:25. As with drink. Hal. 104:11)" Ua
A-mo-mo, s. The general name of odor- ana, itis enough. Sol. 30:15.
iferous herbs mentioned in Hoik. 18:18. A-na, adj. Satisfied, as with food, hav-
Latin, a@momus. ing eaten sufficiently ; maona.
A-mo-pu-u, adj. Lean; thin. in flesh; A-na, v. To praise much and covet an-
hakake, olala; a word used in caviling. other’s wealth.
A-mu, v. To shear or shave the hair A-na, s. Grief; sadness; sorrow ;
from the head. Oih. 18:18. To trim the trouble from the conduct of others.
hair; ua kolikoliia no a qmu. 2. The feelings of a parent towards a
A-mu, adj. Relating to shearing or child that refuses his instructions; a mixed
shaving; he pahi amu, a razor. 1 Sai. feeling of weariness, anger and love. Oth.
1:11: He lauoho amo no kona, he has his 16:18.
hair cut. 3. Fatigue from hard labor or toil.
A-MU, me To use profane lan- A-na, s. A measure, as for cloth. Puk.
A-MU-A-MU, guage; to revile; amuamu 26:2. A measure of any kind. Kanl. 25:14.
i ke Akua. to blaspheme; amuamu i ka Ana ohe, a measuring rod. Hzelc. 40:3.
huahanle, to curse the friendless. (ees s. A kind of light stone found
A-mu-a-mu, s. A cursing ; a reviling in the sea, used by nurses to cure the ea,
reproaching ; ka amuamu ana i ke alii aie or the white fur on the tongue; also used
ka hoohiki ino, a cursing of the king with in rub¥%ne and polishing off canoes and
profanity ; he leusmuamu, a reviling of sa- wooden calabashes.
ered things. Hal. 10:7. A-wa, s. A cave; a den formed by
Ke amuamuia la i ka ue wale, rocks. Hin. 19:30; Jos. 10:16.
O ka ue wale iho no 1a, 2. Name of a hollow place in the mouth
O ka ke kamalii hana‘na no ia. by which the voice is modified. Anat. 11.
A-mu-r-mu-E, v. To feel the chilling 3. A cave for the retreat of the van-
breeze of a cold morning when the skin quished ; a place where the conquered are
contracts with cold; to suffer the same found.
from being long in the water. A-na, pron. The oblique case of the
A-mu-xu, v. See Muxu, to cut short. pronoun, third person sing.; of him; of
To cut off; to cufin pieces. See Omuxu. her; of it; his; hers. Gram. § 139. Au-
A-mu-mu, adj. Blunt on the edge; dull, pili.
as a tool. See Kuwumu. A-na. The participial termination of
A-mu-mu, s. Bluntness; dullness, as a verbs answering to the Eng. ing; as, lawe
ana, carrying; hana ana, working; but it
tool. has some peculiarities.
A-mu-pu, s. A word of reproaching or 1. The ava is not united with the verb
reviling; he kanaka amupu, small, insig- as ing is in Eng.
nific ant. 2. The ana may be. separated from the
A-na, v. To suffer; to undergo, as an verb, and any qualifying word or words,
and also the verbal directives may come
experiment of healing in s'ckaess.
between. Gram. § 233. As, e kukulu hale
2. To be grieved ; troubled. Oih. 16:18.
ana ia, he is build house ing ; e hopu bipi
. o To be affected at contempt or vile
and, he is catch cattle ing, &c. In many
treatment. Hal. 123:3, 4.
cases the participial termination ana be-
A-na, v. To measure. Hotk. 21:16. comes united with a noun and becomes a
2. To measure in any way; e hiki ia’u participial noun ; in which case the first a
ke ana i ka loa. ame ka laula,a me ka of the ana is dropped, or coalesces with
hohonu, a me ke kiekie o keia mea; met. the last letter of the preceding word, and
3. Ana wau i kou pono a me kou hewa, they both become one word : as hopena for
I measured your good and your evil; no hope ana; haawina for haawi ana, &e.
ke ana ana, in measuring. Oihk. 19:35. A-NA-A-NA, v. To practice divination
Mea ana hora, a dial. Isa. 38:8. Hoo. To or sorcery by prayer; e dnaand ana ia ka-
set apart; to set aside. Puk. 16:33. To kon. they were practicing sorcery upon us.
restrain ; keep back. Oth. 4:2 A-na-a-wA, s. A kind of sorcery or
A-nA, v. To be satiated; anitinbed: as | prayer used to procure the death or a curse
the eye with seeing. Hekah. 1:8. upon one. Nah. 22:7.
| ANA 5d ANA
2. Witchcraft. 1 Sam.15:23. Divination.) A-NAI-NA-KA-NA-KA, s. See Awamna. A
Ter. 14:14. Furnas * ot . | congregation of people. Hal. 7:7. An as-
A-na-a-wa, adj. Divining; consulting) sembly of men. Kanl. 31:30.
divinations; kahuna anaana, a diviner.| A-nat-Nal, v. To rub often; to polish,
Kanl. 18:10. Pule anaana, a praying one &c. See Anat, conj. 9th.
to death. | A-nau, v. ‘To pace, as a horse.
A-na-A-NA, adj. In small balls, as the | 2. To go about irregularly from houseto
dung of sheep or goats; he anauna ka lepo | house.
0 ke kao a me ka hipa; anaana ka lepo i 3. To traipse up and down.
Ka ai lili. |A-na-HA, S. The reflection or glancing
A-NA-A-NA, v. To be in a tremor, as the | of light; the flashing of light.
muscles after great fatigue ;anaana pu na | A-NA-HA-NA-HA, 5. Repeated reflec-
wawae i ka maloeloe i ka hele ana. lA : ‘
A-na-a-na-pu, v. To undulate, as the || AA-NA-HA-NA-PA
? ‘
tion or gleaming of ;
air under a hot sun.
2. To flash, as lightning ; ka anaanapu | A-NA-HO-NU-A, v. Ana, to measure, and
ana 0 kauilamaka po; tosend forth light. | ,07a, flat land. To survey land.
3. To crook often; to have many crooks. | A-NA-HO-NU-A, $. Land measuring ;
See Anaanapuu ; also ANAPA. | geometry ; me ka ike aku i ke anahonua.
A-NA-A-NA-PUU, adj. Bent; crooked ; || 2. The title of a school book, geometry.
out of a straight line ; he kaula anaanapuu A-na-Hu-A, Ss. A tall man bending over;
o ka hilo ana; he lopi anaanapuyu ana; he stoop-shouldered : ke kanahua, he ooha.
anuu hanunu loa o anaanapuu. A-NA-HU-A, s. The second son of Lua-
A-NA-A-NE-A, ad). Stupid ; palaka. hoomoe ; he kahuna makapo, akamai, he
A-NA-A-NAI, v. Frequentative of anaz. aoa no ka poe mahiai; the god of bhus-
A-NA-AI-NA, iA De cicel pandmen. ‘
A St Caen Cicia. A-NnaA-Hu-LU, v. To arrive at, or amount
ee 2 A ne ape ofa to the number ten; applied to days; a
nis i. a. ichageeee a
e center; a congregation.
rk ar
anahulu ae, alaila hiki mai, when ten days
had passed he arrived.

A-NA-AI-NA, v. Ana, to measure, and |

A-NaA-Hu-LU, Potts. Anipts period of tennig days: Le
: : a decade. 1 Sam. 25:38. A malaila i noho
aina, land. To survey or measure land. loihi ai ekolu anahulu. Laieile. 61.
A-na-ar-na, s. Land surveying. See A-na-ka, s. Heb. A ferret. Oihk. 11:30.
above. Anahonua.
; A-na-ki-ma, s. feb. Name of a people
A-nak, s. Name of a species of fish; 0 mentioned in the books of Deuteronomy
Kaulua, oia ka malama e pae mai al ka and Joshua remarkable for their size. Jos.
PRS ee = 11:21. They lived mostly in the south and
A-na-E, v. See Ana E. Hoo. To set! south-west parts of Canaan.
aside ; to set PaaS. Puk. 16:23, 584 A-NA-KO-I, S$: A swelling in the groin.

A-nak, s. A species of fish; the mullet.| See Hauar.

A-nat-na, v. To assemble around a per- |A-Na-L1-0, s. General name of the stars
son or place; to meet around a thing. near the horizon at any point of the com-
Hoik. 5:11. pass. See ANALIPO.
A-nat-na, s. An assembly; a multitude. A-NA-LI-PO, 5. Name of the place sup-
Ezek. 23:42 posed to be beyond the stars, i. e., out of
A-NAI 7 T ae b t sight, but really below the horizon.
oe v. o rub;to rub ou ey
A-NA-A-NAI, grain with the hand. Luk. 6:1. A-na-mi-u, v. To break off the root
tas meus : ; ‘ which unites the potato to the main root;
see? srry ;he eee bie le e emiemi iho la lakou i ka wala nuia hahai
ay ‘OIL 6:28. "Tosmooth. Isa.41:7.| 2¢ laike anamiu o ka uala.
Hence, A-NA-NA, v. Conj. 9th of ana, to meas-
3. To blot out; cut off; destroy. Puk. ure.
17:14. To lay waste. Jsa. 5:6. To blot A-na-nA, s. A common but indefinite
out. Oth. 13:19. ; : ; _| measure formerly used ; the length of the
4. Fic. To nullify a s character or arms and body when both arms were ex-
pretensions. 1 Kor. 1:28. tended, to the ends of the longest fingers.
A-na-a-nal, v. To be angry; perhaps 2. A fathom.
to nestle. ; A-na-ni-0, s. The root which holds the
A-na-a-nal, adj. Angry. potato to the main root; e mohai ke ananio.
A-na-nu, Ss. See Lautete. Name of a stone. See ANEANE. Ane like iki, it is
piant used for food, boiled. almost like.
A-na-pa, v. To shine with reflected A-ng, s. Name of a small insect that
light, as the moon reflected from the water: eats wood, but is not itself visibie.
like the sun reflected from a mirror. : The worm dust of wood ;; powder-post.
2. To flash like lightning, or like the . The cutaneous disease called ring-
burning of gunpowder. ae
3. To light suddenly. 4. A soft stone used in polishing wood;
A-NA-PAO-NA, s. A machine to measure also written ana.
weight; a balance. Sol. 16:11. A-NE, adj. Light, as worm-eaten tim-
A-na-pau, v. To turn; to bend; to warp; ber; nov heavy ; mama.
to turn, as on hinges; to crook round. A-neE, adv. With difficulty; scarcely;
A-na-pau, s. A crook in a thing; a nearly; generally followed by ole; ane
bending ; a turning ; a hinge. haalele ole ia ia, it hardly leaves him; ane
hiki ole ke hali, ‘which can scar cely be car-
A-na-pa-Na-PA, Ss. The dazzling of the ried.
sun on any luminous body, such as strikes
the eyes with pain. A-NE-A, v. For aneia; pass. of ane ; to
be worm-eaten ; to be light, as worm-eaten
A-Nna-PA-NA-PA, S. A species of tree, the wood; to be dry, as timber.
bark of which is used for soap.
A-neE-A, Ss. The dry-rot of wood, occa-
A-na-PA-NA-PA, S. A species of limu. sioned by heat, or the action of insects;
A-na-pu, s. A flash of ight. Mat. 24:27. applied to timber very old; also to other
See Anapa. //oo. To send forth lightning. things. See ANoa.
flal. 144:6. See ANAANAPU. A-ne-a, Ss. The heat of the sun; more
2. To burn ; scorch, as the direct rays of properly the apparent vibration of the air
the sun; e wela ana ka wawae i ka la. caused by the heat of the sun.
3. To quiver, as the rays of the sun on
black lava. A-nE-A, adj. Insipid; tasteless, as the
inside of worm-eaten food, or of poor food;
A-na-pu, s. A glimmering, as of light. applied to persons having no appetite for
A-na-puu, v. To crook, as a rafter, or food, on account of oppressive heat; ex-
as a rope large in some places and small hausted, as men by hunger, by long absti-
in others. nence, by long sleep, or “by. diving in deep
A-na-puu, s. A corner formed by two water. See Kanea and ANRANE.
lines meeting. A-NE-a-NE, v. ‘To be exhausted, as a
A-na-puu, adj. Contorted ; blunt. man with hunger or by long abstinence:
A-Na-pu-NA-PU, s. Heat or light re- by long sleep, or by diving in deep water.
flected, or both; the light and heat of re- 2. To blow softly, as a light breeze or
flection. zephyr.
3. To be almost something; to be almost
A-NA-PU-NI, v. Ana, to measure, and ata place. Laieik. 71. Aneane oia e hoo-
puni, around. To encompass, as a bound- hiki ino aku i kona akua, he almost cursed
ary line. See Ananonva 10. his god. Zaieik. 158. Almost to do some-
A-na-pu-nI, s. A circle. thing. Oth. 19:27. See ANE.
A-NA-WAE-NA, S. Ana, measure, and A-NE-A-NE, 5. A jest; a kind of jocose
waena, middle. A diameter of a circle. denial to a request.
Anah. 23. 2. A vacancy of the stomach for want of
A-NA-WAE-NA-LOA, Ss. As above. Lit. food or from sickness; he aneane no la;
A long diameter, that is, the diameter of he aneane pupuka no la; he aneane pono
an ellipse the long way. <Andah. 24. la ; he aneane hiki no la.
A-NA-WAE-NA-Po-KO, Ss. The short or A-NE-A-NE, adj. See AnE above. Faint;
conjugate diameter of an ellipsis. Anah. feeble ;low; weak. as a sick person.
24. A-NE-A-NE, adv. See Anz. Nearly ;
A-nA-To-mi-a, s. Gr. The science of almost; in danger of: liable to; applied
dissecting animal bodies ; applied mostly to number ; he aneane pono ole ko’u noho
to human bodies. ana maanei; aneane make, unto death,
2. Name of the book teaching that sci- almost dead. Lunk. 16:16. °
ence. ’ A-NEE, v. To hitch or move along, like
A-nr, v. To eat, as small insects eat a cripple; to walk on one’s knees.
wood. 2. To go about from house to house beg-
2. To be near doing a thing; to like to ging; aia no oia ma ka huahuelo kahi i
do it, but not quite; as, ane aku au e hoo- anee ai.
nou i ka pohaku, I was near throwing a A-NEE, s. One who goes from house to
ANI 57 ANO .
house telling fortunes, begging, or for any |A-Nt, ad). Drawing; dragging, as a net
such purpose ; a beggar. for fish ; he upena ani.
A-neE, adj. Moving about from place} A-yr-a, v. To be hard and smooth on
to place; going about begging; kanaka the surface.
anee, a beggar ; a fortune teller. A-ni-A, adj. Smooth and even. See
A-NEE-NEE, Ss. Mats old and worn; he NIANTIA, ANIANTIA and MANIANTA.
wahi moena aneenee uuku, a small mat! A ny-,-n1, 5, A glass; a mirror; a look-
about a fathom long. ing-glass. Puk. 38:8. He aniani nana hele-
A-nel, v. See Nes. To sweep off; to helena; he kilo kekahi inoa; called by
cause to disappear. Hawaiians kilo.
A-nel, adv. The sign of a question, | A-NI-A-N1, v. See Ant 4. To cool; to
used after verbs or nouns; as, mai anei refresh one heated; aniani mai la ka ma-
oia? is he sick? ua holo anci ia? has he kani. Oih. 27:13. To blow gently, as a
sailed? he mai anei ? wind ; aniani puka alobi na ka haole paha
A-net, adv. Here; in this place; like la; aniani poaeae na maka o Kuawili.
maanei; mai anei aku. Kin. 50:25. I ko| A-n1-a-n1, adj. Agreeable; cool; re-
kakou hoi ana anei a hiki i Kauai, on our freshing.
returning along this way till we reach | A-NI-A-NI-A, adj. See Anta. Smooth
Kauai. Laieik. 87. and even, as the surface of a planed board;
A-nE-HE, v. To be on the alert; ready smooth, as the sea in a calm; applied also
for a start, as a cat for a mouse ; as a bird to the skin when burnt hard; he paapaa
to fly. ili mawaho no ka lapalapa o ke ahi.
2. To be ready to seize upon a person or! A-nI-HA, v. To be provoked at the mis-
thing when circumstances require. chief of one; to be angry at a person on
A-NE-HE-NE-HE, v. The double root of account of lying and deception.
the above; to be prepared; all ready to 2. To be hardened in crime ; capable of
do a thing; to be on the look out to do it. committing any offense.
Oih. 21:35. A-NI-HA-NI-HA, v. To be near obtaining
A-NE-HE-NE-HE, S. Violence; disorder, an object and fail; anihaniha makou e
&e., as of a mob. pae, a loaa ka makani.
A-ne-no, s. He hala. A-nI-HA-NI-HA, adj. Easily provoked;
A-nE-LA, S. Eng. An angel; a messen- captious ; caviling.
ger from heaven. Puk. 14:19. A-NI-HI-NI-HI, s. Kalo tops; he kalo, he
A-NE-NE. See ANEENEE. anihinihi, he oha. See Onrymit.
A-ne-wa, adj. Indolent ; sleepy. A-NI-HI-NI-HI, v. See Nim. Near to
A-nE-wa, v. To be inactive, as asleep. falling off a pali; to stand in a dangerous
A-NE-WA-NE-wa, v. To be as dead. place.
2. To be in a fainting fit; unconscious, A-ni-NI, adj. Small; dwarfish; stinted,
as men; as fish poisoned with hola. as men or animals.
3. In morals, to be unmindful of evils
around us. See KuNewaNnewa. Ke anewa- A-no, s. Likeness; resemblance; image
newa kakou hoolono io ana ke kihi, huna of a thing.
pala iki ke akamai. 2. The meaning of a word or phrase.
3. The moral quality of an action, as
A-NE-TE-LO-PE, he Eng. An antelope. good or evil, or the moral state of the heart.
A-NE-TE-LO-PA, § Mel. Sol. 2:7; 1 Nal. 4:23. 4. The character of a person, as to his
A-ne-to, s. Eng. An herb; anise. life and manners; the explanation of a
Mat. 23:23. thing obscure. Hin. 41:8.
A-n1, v. To pass over a surface, as the A-no, v. To have a form or appearance.
hand over a table. 2. With hou, to change the form or ap-
2. To draw a net over the surface of the pearance of a person or thing; e ano ae,
water. to become new. (ih. 13:16. To change
3. To beckon one with the hand; to make the state of things,
signs secretly to one. 3. With hoo, to boast; to glory; to hal-
Ani malu ka ike ilaila low ; to consecrate. Kin. 2:3.
I ka mauli hoaaloha wale, 4. To transform ; to change the external
Aloha opa, opa he ake. appearance.
4. To blow softly, as a gentle breeze; ke 5. With e, to set apart to another pur-
ani nei ka makani, ke ani peahi la ia Lima- pose ; to consecrate. Hal. 4:3.
loa, the wind blows softly, it fans Limaloa 6. With hou, to change; to transform.
with a fan. 2 Kor. 11:13.
7. With e, to change, as the countenance, merly printed at the islands; aloha oe e
from mirth to sadness and fear. Dan.5:10. Anonanona.
A-no, s. Fear; dread; ua kau mai ke A-no-nI, v. To mix together several
ano ia’u la, fear fell upon me; ke kau mai ingredients, as different kinds of food; to
la ke ano hewa ia oe. ; make a garment of different textures of
A-no, v. To be in fear; ano wale mai cloth; to mix together falsehood and truth;
la noau. See ANoor Anoano. To be silent; to corrupt. 2 Kor. 2:17.
solitary, as a deserted village; ua pau i 2. To ponder with anxiety, as an act of
ke kana, hauaia na kanaka a pau i ka hana. the mind ; to revolve in one’s mind.
A-no, adv. Now; at the present time; 3. To beagitated with anxiety; to be
troubled in mind, sv as not to sleep. Dan.
ano nei, ano la. 1 Sam. 2:16. Soon. 2:1.
2. Often used more as an expression 4. To be in doubt or suspense what judg-
of earnestness or certainty of something ment to form respecting one’s meaning.
doing, or to be done, than of anything lit- See ANONONI.
erally doing now. Puk. 6:1.
3. It is used after some other event has A-NO-NI-No-NI, v. See Anoni. To doubt;
been spoken of as a consequence. Jos. 1:2. to be in suspense as to the result of a thing;
Ina no ano, even now. 1 Nal. 14:14. ua anoninoni ka pakele ana i ka make.
A-no-a, adv. Same as ano above. Now; A-No-NI-No-N1, adj. Doubtful; uncer-
at this time; immediately ; anoa no hele; tain; he pono anoninoni na paani nawali-
ahea hele? anoa no. wali.
A-no-al, adv. But; except; lest; per- 2. Angry.
haps; malia paha. , A-No-No-nI, v. See Anoni. To doubt;
A-no-al, adv. A warm salutation; as, to hesitate ; to be in suspense, as one in an
aloha, welina; a salutation; a bow; a inquiring state of mind.
courtesy. A-nu, adj. Cold; hui, huihui.
A-no-A-no, Ss. Seeds; the seeds of fruit, A-nu, s. Cold; the absence of warmth ;
as apple, onion, melon, &c. Nah. 20:5. ua make au i ke anu, I am dead with the
2. The semen of males. Oihk. 15:16. cold; huihui ko’u mau wawae i ke anu.
3. Descendants ; children of men. Ezek.
44:22. Nore.—tThe fruit itself is hua; also, A-nu, v. To be cold; to feel cold; ua
the seeds incased in pods or husks are anu au i kahi kapa ole, I am cold, having
called hua; anoano oili, seeds destitute of no clothes ; anu aku la o Maunakea i ka
meat. hoilo, Maunakea feels cold in the winter.
A-no-A-no, s. A solemn stillness. A-nu-a, s. A pile, as of mats piled one
2. Asacred, hallowed place. See ANo, s., upon another.
fear ; dread. A-nu-a-nu, adj. Cold; huihui. See
A-no-a-no, adj. Solitary; still; retired. ANU.
Hal. 17:12. He wahi anoano, mehameha A-nu-a-nu, s. Cold; chilliness. Hal.
loa no ka makau i ka make ; aohe luao ka 147:17. '
noho ana i va kula anoano kanaka ole
nei. A-NU-A-NU-A, s. A rainbow. Kin.9:13;
A-no-E, v. To be different from some- A-NU-E-NU-E, § Ezek. 1:28,
thing else; to take a different form or A-nuv, v. To sprain, as a muscle; hina
character. See Ano and E. iho la au maluna o ka papaa lejio a anwu
A-no-1, v. To desire very strongly; to kuu kua, eha loa iho la, I fell upon the
covet; € anoi ana na alii wahine. hard ground and sprained my back, with
great pain.
A-no-1, s. A thirst; a strong desire for
a thing ; eia ka pono, o ka noonoo, 0 ka
A-nuu, s. A sprain by a false step.
anoi. 0 ke ake e loaa. A-nuv, s. A building in a sacred in-
A-no-Ho, s. A custom; a practice, as closure formed by long poles overhung
strict as a law; ina e ku ke kanakai ka near the top, which also were tied and coy-
anoho ana o ko ke alii ipuwai auau, a me ered with white pieces of kapa.
ka anoho ana o kona kapa, make no ia. 2. A high place in the heiau before which
the idols stood, and where the victims were
A-No-LA-NI, adj. Ano, character, and laid. Laieik. 164.
lani, heaven. A modern coined word per- A-nuv, s. A rest or jog in a wall. f
haps ; of heavenly character ; good ; pure;
he manao anolani, he naau anolani, he kino Nal. 6:6.
anolani. 1 Kor. 15:40. 2. Stairs or steps for ascending a height.
Ezek. 40:6. Anuu wili, winding stairs. |
A-No-NA-No-wA, 5s. An ant. Sol. 6:6. Nal. 6:8,
See Nonanona. Name of a periodical for- 3. A ledge of rocks. 1 Nal. 7:28..
4, Jogs or steps in ascending a steep Rom. 1:25. Haalele i ka oiaio no ka mea
place. apaapa, forsook the truth for a false thing.
5. In music, a tone. 2. One who frequently changes his situ-
A-nuv, s. Name of a ship formerly at ation.
the islands ; no ka naaupo, ua kapaia aku A-pa-a-PpA, adj. Unsettled; unstable;
e makou ka moku he anuu. Lam. Haw. irresolute.
11:4, 3. 2. Without truth ; deceitful ; lalau wale
A-nuu-HA-PA, 5. In music, anuu, a tone, iho no ka olelo,
and hapa, a part. A semitone. 3. Careless; without thought; kapulu.
A-nuvu-nuu, v. To strike; to beat; to See Apa.
pound, as kapa. A-paa-Pad, Ss. Name of a wind at Ko-
2. Hoo. Ehooanuunuu ai ke poo, to raise, hala.
to elevate the head. A-paa-PAA, adj. Firm; hard ; compact,
A-nuvu-nuv, s. See Anuv. Stairs; steps as a well made road; he alanui apaapaa,
for ascending or descending. Neh. 3:15. aole pueho o ka lepo.
2. A plaid in a plaided garment. A-paa-pad, s. The name of a species
A-nuv-nuvu, adj. Having steps like of fish; he ula apaapaa.
stairs; provided with or made with steps; A-pAa-PA-NI, v. To oppose one with
e ku kakou,a pii aku i ke alanui anwunuu, words; to reply quickly; to overwhelm
let us arise and go up the road made with with words.
steps; formed in the manner of stairs ; he 2. To make one forget the subject of dis-
papale anuwunuu; rough, as a bad road. pute.
A-NU-HE (e-nu-he), s. A large worm A-pAa-PA-NI, s. A speech in opposition;
that destroys the leaves of vegetables; he arapid reply. See APAnt.
peelua, he poko. A-pal, s. A deep, long fish net for catch-
A-NU-HE-NU-HE, adj. Rarely done, as ing the opae.
food not sufficiently cooked. — A-pa-nu, v. To cut up; to cut square
2. Rough with cold, anuhenuhe ka ili i off, as a piece of timber.
ke anu, the skin is pimpled with cold. 2. To cut in pieces; to chop off; to cut
A-NU-HE-NU-HE, s. The eating of bad in two, as pieces of wood or sugar-cane.
food, fish, or meat, that is spoiled. 3. To stuff food into one’s mouth.
A-NU-HE-NU-HE, s. Name of a species A-pa-Hu, s. Pieces cut off or cut in two,
of fish ;also of limu. as wood, sugar-cane, &.
2. A kind of pau.
A-nu-tu, v. ‘To be covetous; to be
greedy, &c. See ALunu, by change of syl- A-pa-Hu, adj. Marked; distinguished
lables. by some mark or dress or cut of the hair ;
A-NU-NE-NU-NE, v. To mix up, as hash; nani na kanaka apahu.
awiliwili. | A-pa-Hu, s. The sound of a trumpet;
A-nu-nu, s. Change of 2 for 72. See the bursting forth of a sound suddenly;
the sqund from a sudden falling of a sub-
ALunu. An oppressor; one greedy of gain. stance.
A-nu-nv, adj. See Atunv. Oppressive; A-pa-kau, v. To seize upon; to lay
hard ; extortionate ;he makee, he paa. hold of; to hold on to, as on falling.
A-pa, s. A roll; a bundle, as a piece 2. To lay hold of things and displace
of cloth, or a ream of paper. them, as a child.
3. To give thoughtlessly, as a man gives
A-pa, adj. Meddling; officious; busy; away his food until it is all gone.
mischievous, as a child; careless; blun- A-pa-1l, v. To go into the presence of
dering ; slow; tardy; nahili, he lohi. a chief, and on account of shame, return
A-paa, s. Name of a wind; i kuipeia without making a request.
e ka makani apaa, he was knocked down A-pa-LI-Pa-LI, v. To hurry; to hasten.
flat by the wind apaa.
2. Name of a region of country below A-pa-na, Ss. A fragment; a patch; a
the ma’u or waokanaka on the side of the piece; a slice; a piece, as of bread; a por-
mountains. tion ; apana poohiwi, a shoulder piece for
a garment. Puk. 39:4. A piece of any
A-pa-A-pa, v. To be evilly disposed; substance; of a human body. Lwnk. 19:29.
to be treacherous ; to deceive ; to be mis- A division of people. 1 Nal.16:21. Apana
chievous. V., a sector of a circle. Anahon. Apana
A-pa-a-pa, $. Guile; deceit; evil gen- uuku, a little piece. Joan. 6:7.
erally. 1 Pet. 2:22. That which is untrue; A-PA-NA-PO-Al, 8S. Apana and poai, to
false in opposition to truth and stability. surround.
een A segment of acircle. Andah. 23.
A-pa-nE, s. A species of bird much 3. The beating of the pulse.
valued on account of its red feathers. 4. Greediness ; covetousness ; ke api o
2. A species of the lehua, the ohia, with ka ia nui pimoe.
red blossoms, which are food for birds. 5. A small net.
A-pa-NE, adj. Red on the flesh when 6. The name of a very flat fish.
burned ; hence, applied to anger. A-pi-A-PI, s. The drinking (breathing)
2. Red; flushed with anger. of a fish in the water.
A-pa-nt, v. To go from house to house 2. The flowing of water or of blood in
the veins.
tattling and doing nothing valuable; he
mea hele kauhale e apani ana ia hale aku A-pu, s. A species of large kalo.
ia hale aku me ka holoholo kauhale. A-pr-pi, s. Name of a species of shrub
A-pA-NI-PA-NI. See Apani above and or bush.
APAAPANI. A-pu-pi, adj. Curling, as the hair; he
A-pa-pa, v. To deceive. See APpaapa. lauoho apiipii.
A-pa-pa, s. Name of a strong wind A-PI-KA-PI-KA, adj. Spotted. See Opt-
blowing over Kohala Point. KOPIKO.
A-pa-pa-NE, S. The name of a bird on A-pi-K1, v. To sport at the expense of
Hawaii; ai kani aku ka leo 0 ka apapane. another; to be roguish; to act mischiev-
Laieik. 29. It has red feathers. Hulu apa- ously.
pane, the red feathers of the apapane. 2. To beg; to live at the expense of
A-PE, s. A plant with broad leaves, others.
acrid to the taste, like kalo, but more so; A-PI-KI, 5S. Sleight; cunning; craft.
it is eaten for food in times of scarcity. Eps. 4:14.
A-PE-A-PE, adj. Full of knots, as a A-pi-k1, adj. Roguish; mischievous ;
string; full of small round stones, as a road. lawless ; addicted to roguish tricks.
A-PE-A-PE, Ss. The motion of the gills 2. Deceitful; he hoopunipuni; he lei
apiki, he lei ilima.
of a fish in water; the breathing of a fish.
See Ari. A-pi-k1, adj. Of or belonging to the
2. The name of aremarkable plant found ilima, yellow flowers, &c.
near the top of Waialeale on Kauai; length A-pI-kI-PI-kI, v. To fold up, as a piece
of stalk, twenty feet or over; leaves, six of kapa.
feet in diameter, somewhat resembling, in 2. To spread out one upon another for
shape, the ape; the leaf is round and at- the purpose of folding, as sheets of paper,
tached to the stem in the center. kapa, cloth, &c.
A-PE-A-PE-A, S.A species of squid not 3. To multiply thoughts.
eaten ; he apeapea noloko o ke kai. A-pi-K1-PI-KI, s. A kind of agitation of
A-PEE-PEE, Ss. A species of limu; he the mind; anxiety ; doubt.
limu apeepee. 2. A particular kind of kapa.
A-PE-u, s. A species of poor mats; ua A-pI-PI (ho-a-pi-pi), adj. United; joined
lawe aku au i apeu moena; large mats, but together, as the two canoes of a double
very poor ones. canoe ; he mau waa elua i hoapipiia.
A-pEU-PEU, adj. See the foregoing. A-po, v. To catch at, as with the hand;
Apeupeu applies to kapa as well as mats. to hook in.
A-PE-RI-LA, Ss. Eng. Name of the month 2. To span or reach round. 1 Nal. 7:15.
April. To put one’s arm around another. Laieik.
A-p1, v. To gather together, as people 117.
to one spot; to bring into asmall compass, 3. To receive; to embrace, as a long-
as baggage; e api mai a uuku. absent friend. Kin. 29:13.
4. To fall upon one, as an expression of
A-p1, v. To flap, as the gills of a fish affection. Kin. 33:4.
when breathing out of water. 5. To contain, hold or encircle. 1 Nal.
2. To shake, as a cocoanut leaf in the 8:27.
breeze. 6. To receive, as into the mind; to ap-
3. To tremble,as the liver of a hog when prehend intellectually. Oth. 8:27.
killed. 7. To receive and embrace, as a truth.
4. To throb ; to beat, as the pulse. Loan. 17:18.
5. To be greedy ; to covet this and that 8. To receive ; to take out of sight, as a
thing. cloud. Oth. 1:9.
A-pi, s. The gills of a fish; same as|A-po, s. A hoop; a band; apo hao, an
mahamaha. iron hoop ; in grammar, kaha apo, the sign
2. The fins with which a fish swims. of a parenthesis, thus: ( ); a ring or clasp
for the fingers or arm; apo gula, a golden A gold ring, but often applied to an ear-
ring. Puk. 25:12. He apo gula pepeiao, a ring of any material.
golden ear-ring. Puk. 32:2. In geometry, A-pu, v. To run after; to chase with
a circle. Fic. Apo o ka make, bands of a design of overtaking another.
death. Oih. 2:24. A certain kind of belt 2. To devour food greedily.
worn by women. A-pu, s. A cup made of cocoanut shell
Apo na poe a ka ua kuahine, for drinking awa; he apu ka iwi o ka niu.
Noho hoomakue i ka uka o Kahui
Ka hookohukohu puahi ole a ka ua. 2. A dish: a cup of any material.
os Mert. Affliction ; suffering ; he kiaha;
A-po, s. The union of the cheek bone also
with the iwi maha. Anat. 11. 4. Water in which kalo has been soaked,
A-po, s. A particular variety of sweet a kind of medicine; apy kalo, apwu laau;
potatoes. the cup gives name to the drink.
A-po-a-po, v. See Apo. To catch at A-pu-a, v. To be disloyal; to disregard
frequently ; to snatch or scramble for; to or disobey the orders of bis chief.
seize upon a person or thing; to seize or A-pu-a, s. A man who disobeys or dis-
come upon one, as fear ; apoapo ka naan i regards the commands of his chief.
ka makau; to be troubled with doubt, A-pu-a, s. A shell or cup for scooping
anxiety ; apoapo ka oili; to be troubled
with jealousy. Mat. 2:3. Apoapo, lelele up the oopu; he apua oopn.
ka oili, to palpitate, as the heart. A-pu-al, s. A variety of kalo.
A-po-a-po, s. A catching; a seizing; a A-PU, « A file; a rasp. 1 Sam.
forcing. A-PU-A-PU, 13:20.
A-po-a-po, s. A bunch, as of kalo; a 2. The beard of a fish-hook.
hill of potatoes ; he apuepue. A-PU-AU-HU-HU, s. Apu, cup, and au-
A-poo, v. To go from house to house, huhu, the poison plant.
A cup for con-
doing no work ; ua apoo hele i kauhale i taining the auhuhu.
ka ua. A-PU-A-PA-LE-LEO, v. Apua, to disobey,
A-poo, s. An idle, lazy person who goes pale, to reject, and leo, voice. To disobey;
from house to house ; aia i ka apoo kauhale. not to comply with a command.
A-poo-poo, s. A deep or hollow place, A-PU-A-PA-LE-LEO, S. Epithet of a chief
as the hollow of the hand or foot; the frog who obeyed not the word of the priest.
or hollow place of a horse’s foot. A-PuU-A-WA, Ss. Apu, cup, and awa, a
A-po-HAO, s. Apo, hoop, and hao, iron. plant. The awa cup; a cup out of which
1. Aniron hoop. See Apo. awa was drank.
2. A name formerly of the king’s guard. A-pu-E-PU-E, v. See Pus, to force. To
A-po-xau, v. To take hold of and dis- solicit one of the other sex.
place. See APAKAU. 2. To strive; to contend, as two persons
A-po-KE, v. To cut up into short pieces. endeavoring to get the same thing ; apue-
pue na kanaka i ka ai i ka manawa wi.
A-po-kE, s. A short piece cut off.
A-po-Li-ma, s. See Apoand Lima, hand. A-PU-E-PU-E, s. Strife between two per-
A signet; a finger-ring. in. 38:18. sons to get the same thing ; attempting to
get what another wants.
A-po-no, v. To approve; to treat as 2. A difficulty ; a contention ; hiki apue-
innocent. 2 Oihl. 6:23. The opposite of pue, to obtain with difficulty.
ahewd. 3. A bunch of kalo; a hill of potatoes.
2. To justify ; to be accepted. Puk. See Apoapo.
3. Hoo. To exculpate from blame. Kin. A-pu-E-pu-E, adv. With strife; with
44:16. difficulty. Mat. 19:23.
4. To clear,as one charged with a crime. A-puu-puv, adj. See Puv. Rough; un-
Puk. 34:7. The opposite of hoohewa. even, as land; asaroad. Isa. 45:2. Full
Kanl. 25:1. of hillocks.
A-po-no-1a, 8. Hoo. Justification; treat- A-puv-puv, s. Hillocks; rough places;
ment of one as just. Rom. 9:30.
e hoomania i na apuupuu a palahalaha ae,
A-Po-PE-PEI-AO, Ss. Apo, a ring, and pe- smooth down the rough places till they are
peiao,ear. A ring for the ear; an ear-ring. smooth.
A-po-po, adv. Lir. When the night A-pu-ka, v. To hide; to secrete; to
nights, i.e., to-morrow. Lunk.19:9. Apopo steal.
kela la aku, day after to-morrow. A-pu-KA, Ss. Deceit; treachery.
A-P0-GU-LA, S. Apo, ring, and gula, gold. 2. A thief; e manaoia oia no he apuka,
he shall be considered as having stolen.| A-wa-a-wa, adj. Sour; bitter; sharp ;
Kan. Haw. pungent, as rum, pepper, orange skin, &c.;
3. Apuka, in law, is forgery. unpleasant to the taste; salt, as sea-water;
A-PU-KO-HE-0-HE-0, S. Apu, cup, and brackish ;no ka awaawa o ka wai, hoo-
koheoheo, causing death. koni.
1. The cup in which deadly ingredients 2. Mer. Hard to deal with.
were mixed, and out of which they were 3. Harsh in manners, as a person. Luk.,
drank. such as auhuhu and awa. 19:21, 22.
2. Fic. O ka hewa, oia ka apukoheoheo A-wa-A-wa, Ss. Bitterness; sourness;
e make ai na kanaka a pau i ke ao nei, sin pungency to the taste.
is the cup of death causing all people to die. A-wa-a-wa, v. To be bitter, &c. Hozk.
A-pu-Lu, v. To wax old; ready to be 10:10. See Awa.
laid aside. Isa. 31:6. A-wa-a-wa, s. A mist; a spray. See
A-pu-tu, adj. Old; worn out; he waa AWA above.
apulu, an old canoe; he upena apulu, a A-wal, s. Name of a disease ; a swell-
worn out mat; apulu is applied to things ing in the groin; he awai ma ke kumu o
as elemakule is to men. ka uha.
A-pu-Ltu, s. A shred, or anything old 2. A bunch; a cluster; he awai kalo, a
and rotten or decayed, as a garment, a bunch of kalo; he awai huihui waina, a
house, a canoe, &c.; he wahi apulu hale, bunch of grapes.
the ruins of a house; he wahi apulu kapa, A-wal, v. To bind or tie up.
a remnant of a garment, &e.
A-wal, s. A place to stand on when
A-pu-ni, s. The name of a day supposed addressing a multitude. Neh. 8:4.
to be inauspicious to one’s enemies ; e hee 2. A raised platform ; a scaffold ; a pul-
ai kou hoapaio ia oe, no ka mea 0 apuni pit. 2 Oithl. 6:3.
keia la, he la hee.
A-pu-n1, v. ‘I’o come together, as two
A-wal, s. A bundle or something tied
up; lewa ka awai o ka paipu.
persons, and scold and threaten and curse
one another, but separate without fighting. A-wal-A-HI-kI, s. A swelling in the
A-wa, v. To converse earnestly. groin; a bubo. See Awat.
A-wa, s. Name of a plant, of a bitter A-wa-HE-wa, v. To miss; to overlook;
to make a mistake.
acrid taste, from which an intoxicating
drink is made. A-wa-HE-wa, s. A mistake; an error,
2. The name of the liquor itself ex- when the physician thought that a god had
pressed from the root of the plant; the the direction uf the disease or sent it.
drinking of awa causes the skin to crack A-wa-Hi-A, v. The passive of awa for
and flake off for a time ; i ka manawae inu awaia, h inserted. Gram. § 48. To be bit-
ai kekabi i ka awa, he maikai kona ili ke ter to the taste. ]
nana aku; a mahope, mahuna ka ili, na- 2. Fic. Hoo. To make bitter, severe; to
kaka, puehoeho, inoino loa ke nana aku. be hard in treatment of men. ol. 3:19.
3. Bitterness, from the name of the plant. Mer. To cause to be laborious, painful,
A-wa, s. Fine rain; mist; he ua awa, toilsome. Puk. 1:14.
ma ka mauna ia ua. A-wa-HIA, s. Bitterness; sourness; ka
2. A species of fish. awaawa, ka mulea.
A-wa, s. A harbor; a landing place; A-wa-ui-a, adj. Bitter, like gall; like
an entrance between two reefs; he awa o the apuawa; he mulemule.
Kou ma Oahu, he awa ku moku; he nui A-wa-Hi-a, s. A mist or spray. See
na awa hookomo waa, there is the harbor AwaAAwa and Awa.
of Kou on Oahu where ships anchor.
A-wa-a, v. To dig, asa ditch ora pit; A-wa-Hu-A, adj. Surly; regardless of
everybody ; obstinate ; perverse.
kohi, eli, kulepe, ekuia a awaawaa.
2. Unwilling to attend to one’s duty;
A-waa, s. A ditch, trench or pit dug regardless of the will of the gods and the
deep ; a hole; a cave. duties of religion ; he aia, lokoino.
2. A famine, or the consequences of a A-wa-kE-A, Ss. The time of day when
the sun is the highest ;noon; midday.
A-waa-waa, v. To make a groove; 2. The name of the god who opened the
awaawad waena, to make a hole in the gate of the sun; 0 Awakea ka mea nana i
cenier. wehe ke pani 0 ka la, kahi i noho ai o Ka-
A-waa-waa, v. To dig; to throw up onohiokala.
dirt; to root, as a hog; kohi, eli, awaa, A-Wa-KE-AU, s. Living together a great
kulepe, ekuia a awaawaa. distance off and a long time ago; loihi loa
0 ka hele ana a me ka noho ana ma kahi A-we-A-WeE-a, v. Tosee in a slight de-
hookahi; kabiko, liuliu. gree: to catch a glimpse of an object.
A-wa-La, v. To pull steadily and care- 2. To act the part of a weawea or pro-
fully, as a fisherman afraid of losing his curer; to act the pimp. See WrEAweza.
fish. Lam. Haw. 45:43. Awalai ke aho. A-wE-A-WE-A, Ss, A glimpse; a half
2. To work steadily and with energy; sight of an object.
awala ae la ia me ka huki ae i kana hee A-WE-A-WE-A, adj. Spotted; variegated
iluna o ka waa, he pulled steadily and with spots of different colors ; he aweawea
drew his squid into the canoe. ulaula; obscure; not plain; aweawea ka
A-wa-Le, adj. A, burning, and wale. lohe.
Burnt very much; burnt of itself. A-wE-A-WE-A, S. The seeds of green
A-wa-tu, s. Name of a hard stone out fruit, as squashes, melons, &c.
of which kois were made. A-we-A-weE-A, adv. Dimly to the sight;
A-wa-toa, s. A place where the bones not plainly seen; faintly; ike aweawea
of chiefs were hid ; he iwi kau i ka awaloa. aku la oia he wahi onohi ma Koolau, o
A-wa-tu, adj. num. Eight; the num- Hawaii. Laieik. 26.
ber eight ; also ewalu. See Watv. A-we-o-weE-o, s. A shrub or small tree
A-wa-pu-H!, s. The ginger root; the, resembling pig-weed, sometimes eaten by
bastard ginger, the smell odoriferous, used Hawaiians.
for dyeing. A-weE-0-weE-o, s. Name of a species of
A-wa-wa, s. The opposite of mauna. reddish fish. See ALAaLauwa.
Tos. 9:1. A valley; he kahawai; a low, A-we-0-weE-0, adj. Applied to some
level place with high ground on each side. fish ; a iho aku la i ka paeaea aweoweo.
Nah. 24:6. Laieik. 206.
2. The space between two prominences. A-WEu-weEv, s. A species of wild or
- 3. The space between the fingers of the mountain kalo; called also the mamauea.
hand and the toes of the feet.
4, The space between the branches of a A-WE-KA, adj. Deceitful ; dis-
river ; he wahi poopoo loihi, a long deep A-WE-KA-WE-KA, honest; parsimonious.
place. See Wa. A-WE-KA, s. Deceit; dishon-
A-we, v. To carry; to bring, as it is A-WE-KA-WE-KA, esty ;one who refuses
followed with mai or aku; e awe aku, to to pay a forfeit.
carry off; e awe mai, to bring here ; gen-
erally written lawe. Pass. To be borne, A-WE-LA, s. A species of fish;
carried. Isa. 46:3. Hookahi mea ana iawe A-WE-LA-WE-LA, § he puhi awela; a va-
aku la mai ko kakou alo aku; alaila, pnolo riety probably of the kala.
ae la a paa, awe mai la aloko nei, then tie A-WE-LA-WE-LA, adj. Escaping, as a
up the bundle fast, bring it in here. | fish from a net; ke kukai awelawela; he
A-weE, s. A burden; that which is car- poniu, he kaihi.
ried. -WE-LE, s. The running of a man
A-we, s. The tails of the squid; na sent on an errand; aka, i lilo ka awele ka
awe o ka hee. pabu i kekahi nana ke eo.
A-we-a-weE, v. Hoo. To make small ; A-we-tu, adj. See Wexv. Tom;
to diminish ; to render of small account; ragged; worn to holes, as a kapa; he wahi
e maawe. kapa awelu kona i haawiia’ku.
A-WE-Lu-weE-Lu, v. To be torn; to be
A-we-a-weE, s. The curling of the water ragged, as a kapa; nahaehae, weluwelu.
in the wake of a ship. A-wi-a-wi, s. A plant, used to stop
2. The track or wake of a ship.
3. The tails or arms of a squid; he waiu
no ka hee malalo o ke aweawe. A-WI-HA, v. To havea glimpse
A-WE-A-WE, adj. Beautiful; handsome ; A-WI-HA-WI-HA, of a thing. See Awe-
applied to men and women.
A-we-a-wE, adj. White; slimy, as the A-wI-HA, s. A glimpse; an im-
A-WI-HA-WI-HA, pertect sight.
feces in some diseases. See WALEWALE,
ad). A-wi-H1, v. To wink; to ogle; to look
A-we-a-we, s. Tied up in a bundle; obliquely; to eye; to look at one with jeal-
ousy. 1 Sam. 18:9.
bound tight; he laulau aweawe no ka ha-
awe. | A-wr-H!, s. Ka poe awihi hoowalewale,.
A-we-a-we, adj. Well mixed; applied| enchanters. Jer. 27.9.
to poi. A-wi-x1, 2. Ip. Be quick; hasten.
E 64 EA
- A-wi-ki-wi-k1, s. A vine bearing black A-si-BA s. Heb. Name of a month.
berries about the size and shape of Amer- Puke. V34:
ican blackberries ; they are used as a med- A-ci-pa, s. Eng. An acid; he mea
icine, operating both as an emetic and omoika puna. Anat. 2.
cathartic ; ke okole o makiki. A-pa-ma, s. Eng. Adamant. Zek. 7:12.
A-wi-u1, v. To mix together different A-po-BI-E, s. Sp. A species of brick
ingredients. made of earth and water mixed with grass
2. To make a garment of different tex- or straw and dried in the sun.
tures of cloth.
3. To wind; to twist about a thing; to
A-Ga-Ta, s. Eng. An agate; a precious
entwine. Job. 8:17. stone. Hzek. 27:16.
4. To be agitated with conflicting emo- A-Ga-t1, s. Eng. Name of a precious
tions. See WI. stone; anagate. Puk. 28:19. See above.
A-wI-Li-wi-L1, v. The intensive of awilz A-co-za, s. Heb. A nut. Mel. Sol. 6:11.
above. A-RE-DE-A, Ss. Heb. Name of an unclean
A-wi-wi, v. To quicken; to hasten; to bird. Kamnl. 14:18.
expedite; to accelerate. Syn. with wiki- A-rE-zA, s. Heb. Name of a tree; the
wiki. cedar or fir. Dunk. 9:15.
A-Ba, s. Heb. Father; he makuakane. A-sa-r1-0,8.Gr. A farthing. Mat.10:29.

iD the second letter of the Hawaiian traction, perhaps of ea. Notn.—Z is mostly
9 alphabet. It represents the sound of used at the beginning of an address, and
the long slender @ in English, or its sound ea in the middle, or if a single sentence,
is like that of e in obey. It is sometimes only at the end.
commuted for @, as in the numericals from E. following either active, passive or
elua, alua, to eiwa, aiwa; also in alelo, the
neuter verbs signifies before hand, and
tongue, elelo; mahana, warm, mehana. In serves to mark a kind of second future
an unaccented syllable at the end of a tense of the verb; as, lohe e au, I heard
word, its sound is similar to that of the before; hiki e mai oia, he had arrived first.
English y, as ope, opy; mahope, mahopy, &e. Gram. § 190, 2d.
E,, adv. Synonymous with and a con-
traction for ae; yes. yes, is more famil- E is the sign of the imperative mood,
iar, and not so dignified and respectful as and generally of the infinitive also, though
ae. See Ax. after hiki and pono the e of the infinitive is
E, adv. Other; another; strange; new; changed into ke. Gram. § 191 and 193. E
is also the sign of the future tense. Gram.
mea e, a stranger, a strange thing; kanaka § 190, 1.
é, a stranger; often syn. with malihini.
Noh do 15- "EK. After a word ending in a, ’e is a
KE, adv. From; away; e holoe lakou, contraction for ae.
they will flee from; e puhi e, blow away ; KE, v. To enter, as into a country or
i kai lilo e, at sea afar off. city.
E, prep. By. As a preposition, it is 2. To dash upon, as waves upon the deck
mostly used after passive verbs to express of a ship; aohe o kana mai o ka nui o na
the agent; as, ua ahewaia oia e ke alii, he ale ie maluna o ka moku. See Ex.
was condemned by the chief. Many verbs E-a, v. To raise up, as a person bowed
have no sign of a passive voice, the con- down.
struction of the sentence alone determines
it, and the e thus situated helps determine 2. To lift or throw up.
the point as much as anything ; nui loa hoi 3. To raise up, as from the grave. [ob.7:9.
ka poe daimonio i mahiki aku e ia. Gram. 4. To mount or go up upon, as an an-
§ 105, 11. cient bed. Hal. 132:3.
5. To rise up, as water. Puk. 15:8.
E standing before nouns marks the aui- 6. Hoo. To be thrown or raised up, as
hea or vocative case ; it also often follows land out of the ocean; ua hoea mai na aina
the same case; as, e ka lani e, O chief. mai loko mai o ka moana, the land was
Gram. § 105, 8. thrown up out of the ocean.
E is used also to call or invite atten- 7. To rise in sight, as a cloud. 1 Nal.
tion to what one is about to say; a con- 18:44. To heave in sight, as a ship; a hoea
mai makai aku o Hilo, she hove in sight off |E-a-r-a, s. See Ea, adj., above. The
Hilo. strong, offensive smell of meat; eaea, paoa,
8. To rise up, as out of the water. in. hauna, hohono; eaea ka iloli o ka mano o
41:2, 3. Koolau ; eaea ka hohono o ka palani (ba-
9. To stir up, excite, as the affections; rani.)
ia manawa ka hoea ana mai o ka hai, at E-a-E-a, v. To cover the eyebrows as
that time was the exciting of other’s love. - ’
a fisherman, to shade the eyes while look-
E-a, s. A species of turtle much valued ing into deep water for fish; ka lawaia nui
on account of the shell. i eaea na kuemaka i ehuehu na lihilibi.
2. The shell itself ;he ea kuu wakawaka. E-a-E-a, v. To be covered with dust,
Eset. 1:6. Put for ivory. Nore—The ea
was forbidden to women to eat, under the
as one out in the wind where the dust is
kapu system. flying ; eaea na kamalii o Lahainaluna i
ka lepo.
E-a, s. A species of fish somewhat sim- Ea-ka-kal, s. That which is covered
ilar to the hilu, aawa and poou.
with sea drops or the spray of the sea.
E-a, s. Takes ke for its article. Spirit; E-a-na, adv. int. See E. BE, sign of
vital breath ; the breath of life.
the future tense, and aha, what. How?”
2. Life itself ; oiai ke ea, while life lasts.
3. The natural breath of life. 1 Tes. 2:8. what? used with the future, as heaha is
E kaili aku ke ea, to die. Kin. 25:8. with the present and past; eaha ia oe?
how will it be with you? what will become
4, The breath of man or beast. Kekah.
3:21. Nani ka lokomaikai o ke Akua i of you? Haha ana oukou? what will you
be about?
kona haawi ana maii ke ea o ke kanaka.
Hal. 78:39. Syn. with hanu. Jsa. 42:5. E-z, v. See E, to dash upon. To
5. He makani ku malie, oia ka makani e mount; to get upon anything higher, as a
hanu ai kakou, the breathable air. horse; to leap upon; to get on board a
E-a, s. The thrush or aphthe, a dis- ship ; ee aku la maluna o ka moku; to get
ease of children ; art., ka. into acarriage. 1 Nal. 12:18. To go aboard
a vessel.
E-a, s. Dirt; dust raised by the wind. 2. Hoo. To receive on board a ship; to
Ea me he opua hiki kakahiaka la, put upon, as a saddle upon a horse. Kin.
Me he mea Ja 0 Hoku 0 Mahealani
Ka hukiku o ka waa lai ka lae.
22:3. To set or put one up, as upon a
horse. Kin. 31:17.
E-a, adj. Dirty; dusty, as when the 3. To pass from one carriage to another.
air is full of dust. 2 Oihl. 35:24. He maluna o ka waa; ee
E-a, int. The expression of a call to maluna o ka lio. See Ag, 4.
one’s attention, as aloha oukou, ea, to which E-r, adj. Out of sight; at a great dis-
a reply is expected ; generally ae, aloha. tance. See E, adv.
E-a is used in answer to a call, more E-£, adv. Opposite to; adversely ;
familiar and disrespectful than eo. Ea is against. 1 Tim. 6:20.
also used by a speaker to call the attention E-£, adj. He hulu ee no ka manu oo,
of his hearers to some particular point
which he is about to state; its frequency that is, the yellow feathers under the wing
(or the ee) of the oo, oia ka lei hulu manu.
of use is according to the taste of the
speaker ; it is brought out generally,in the -E, adj. Hoo. A rising; a sweeping;
middle of a sentence. unk. 7:3. Some- as, kai hoee. Dan. 9:26.
times itcommences a speech. 1 Sam. 9:5.|E-z, s. The armpit. See Pore and
E-a, s. In music, the highest part; the PoaEAE. Same under the wing of fowls.
air. E-r, adj. Maloo, kaee; dry; not wet.
E-a, adj. Windy; noisy; without ef- E-z, adj. Caressing; inviting; kind;
fect ; he ea ka wahai ke ao ana i ke keiki he makamaka ee, he iike, he lokomaikai, he
hookuli, wahapaa ; noisy ; clamorous; as- koe ole, aole wawau.
senting to the commands of a parent, but E-r-£, v. To rise up. See Er, to mount.
not obeying ; disobedient. To rise up from one’s seat to steal some-
E-a, s. Ku ka ea o Lahainaluna i ka thing. Hence,
lepo; dust raised by the wind, but not a 2. To be mischievous.
whirlwind. E-r-a, v. To rise up frequently. See
E-a, adj. Strong smelling, as meat or Ra.
food kept too long. See Hana. E-r-a, adj. See the foregoing. Quick;
E-a-E-a, adj. Dignified; honorable; ready ; expert.
high. Syy. with hanohano, hiehie, eaea kai.| E-E-E-LU, s. The top of a tree when
Me he wawae, kuhaka la ka eaea. cut off.
E-£1, Some of the words of| E-z-pa, s. See Epa. Forgery; deceit ;
E-5I-E-HI-E-HI, a filthy song sung at a treachery.
E-KI-KI-LAU, great day of the Princess. E-E-wa, v. Ewa, ewaewa; to mock;
E-5-1-na, v. To creak; to grate, as one to make mouths at; to vex.
thing against another; to crepitate. See E-1, adv. A particle of place; here;
Uuina. similar to eia; et ae, here; close by; et
E-zv, adj. Alert; ready to obey orders. ae, ke hele mai nei, here, he is coming now.
E-5-H1, v. To tramp up; to kick up, E-1a, adv. Here; in this place; used
in answer to the question aunhea oe? Ans.
as dust. See Ent and Heut.
Kia wau la, here am I. Nore.—Aia, here,
E-E-HI-A, v. Passive, h inserted, for is in contrast with aia, there.
eeia. See E, another; strange. To fear E1-a, adj. pron. This. Syn. with keia.
greatly; to be afraid; to be dreadful. Kin.
28:17. E1-NEI, comp. pron. This one, present;.
2. To lop the ears, as an animal, through this person ; this thing.
fear or shame. E-1-wa, num. adj. See Iwa. Nine; the
3. Applied to men whose countenances number nine; also written aiwa.
droop with fear; kindred with makau, but E-o, v. See O. To answer to a eall;
stronger ; also written ehia. to say here to one calling. Job. 13:22. No
E-r-n1-a, s. Art., ke. Fear; dread; ka mea, ua eo kakou i ke Akua; penei ko
reverence; awe. 2 Othl. 17:10. kakou eo ana ia ia.
2. A vision. E-o, s. The answer to a call.
E-5-nI-A, adj. Fearful; dreadful; awful. E-o, v. To gain or win in a bet or
Kin. 28:17. wager; ua eo wau ia oe, [ have gained you,
2. Trembliag with fright, occasioned by i. e., the bet. Laieik. 97. Eko.
a dream or vision. 2. To give as an equivalent in a bar-
E-5-xe, v. To start away, as a person gain; to have made an honest, bona fide
from danger; to shrink back. bargain ;no ka mea, eo ko kaua kuai ana
2. The motion of one’s hand when he has me ka ae like.
burnt his finger. E-o, adj. See Eo, v., to gain. Fin-
3. To twinge or writhe, as with great _ ished; made an end of; complete; puni
pain. eo, a full accomplishment.
4, To start, as with fear; e puiwa; eeke E-o, s. A calabash or other vessel brim-
mai la ia i ka wela i ke ahi.
ful of food ; he aloha i ka ipu ka eo.
E-5-kE, adj. Excellent, &c. See Exe. E-0-E-KA-LA, (adv. phrase) for eole e
E-r-KeE, s. A starting from fear; a kala; long ago; not lately.
shrinking from the contact with fire or any E-o-La-NI, adj. Stretching or reaching
fearful object.
2. The shrinking or contracting of arope up to heaven, i. e., very high; eolant na
kia o ka moku kiekie.
in length.
E-E-KE, s. A species of crab in the sea. E-o-no, num. adj. Six. See Aono.
Simple form, ono.
E-5-kE, adj. Excellent; nice; applied Ev, v. To rise up, as one who has been
to a canoe, &c. See EKkE, adj.
E-5-KE-Lo1 (ka-e-ke-loi), s. To drum 2. To ascend from an humble to an ex-
with the fingers on the pahu and sing at alted situation. .
the same time. 3. To excite or stir up one to doa thing.
E-5-Lo-xo-a, s. A storm at Waimea 1 Nal. 21:15. O aku la o Poki ia Kalai-
from the north-east. wahi, ev, hoi kaua ma Oahu, Poki said to
Kalaiwahi, come on (up,) let us two return.
E--na, adj. O ka pua eena ole 1a o ka to Oahu.
moku? Wild; untamed, as children in a 4. Hoo. To collect; to call out, as a
school. company of soldiers on am emergency ; to
2. Skillful; applied to birds and fish excite to tears ; ia manawa, e hoew ana ke
that discover the snare or net. aloha, e hoolale anaina wai maka. The
E-E-NE, v. To tremble for, as for one root, eu, is often doubled, giving intensity;
in danger; eene aku i ka mea aneane haule. as, hooeueu, to excite, stir up, rouse to ac-
2. To be astonished at, or ashamed of tion. See Evrv.
one for lying or committing other evil. Ev, s. A rising up to do something ;
3. To tremble for one violating the kapu aole ana eu ae, he did not get up, i. e., did
of the chiefs, as a child ignorantly climb- not exert himself.
ing ts the person of a chief, which was 2. In the abstract, mischief; theft ;mur-
eath. der, and the like. Laieik.104. Nore.—Ka
eu also means a peculiar sensation of the tise ;to punish. Kanl.8:5. To grieve,i. e.,
skin, a creeping numbness, like maeele or to cause grief to one. Hal. 95:10. To vex.
malanai ; holo ka eu ma ka lae. Kin. 21:12. -
Ev, adj. Disobedient; mischievous; he E-n4-E-HA, Ss. Suffering; torment; pain;
wahapaa. grief.
E-v, v. To live; -to craw] here and E-wa-E-HA, adj. Intensely painful. 1
there, as worms in a putrid, dead body; Nal. 12:4.
eu ka ilo, apuupuu ka ili, ew ka nalo, ew E-n4-E-HA, adv. Painfully; grievously.
ka naio, eu mai ka opae; e nee, e kolo E-na-HA, v. To loll; to pant, as a dog
2. To steal ; not quite so strong as aihue. or hog after violent exercise, or with heat.
3. To trouble by asking favors.
E-u-a-NE-Li0o, s. Gr. The gospel; the E-ne, adj. Huluiia mai kuu Jani kuu
alii ehe.
life and labors of Jesus Christ as described
by one of the Evangelists. E-ne-a, v. To call; to call aloud; per-
2. The system of salvation as revealed haps the imperative mood of hea, to call.
in the New Testament. Mat.11:5; Gal. 1:6. See Kanga.
Ke kauoha hou, ka olelo maikai. E-nE-E-HE, v. To cough; to cough
Ev-ev, v. 13th conj. of ew; see above. slightly ; to hack.
Hoo., conj. 15th. To stir up; to influence E-HE-E-HE, adj. Pertaining, or belong-
one to action. 2 Pet. 1:13. Often syn. with ing to a cough ; mai eheehe.
2. To stir up one to perform his duty. 2 E-neE-v, s. The wing of a fowl; na mea
Oihl. 24:6. Hueu ka lehelehe o ka wahine eheu, winged animals. Kin. 1:21. Fie.
nuku wale, the lips of a scolding woman Care; protection; eia no au iloko o na
make trouble. eheu 0 ko kaua makuahine,; the wing, as of
Ev-ev, s. A stirring up; an excite- an eagle. Puk. 19:4. Oukou, e na hoa
ment. 2 Pet. 1:12, 13. (scholars of the Sem.) 0 na eheu o ke kaka-
hiaka nui. Hheu takes both forms of the
E-v-Lv, v. To cut or crop off a branch article ka and ke. See EHEHEU.
with some smaller branches; e oki akui
ka eulu me na lala liilii; “‘no ka lau ka E-HeE-v, adv. As wings; as if with
eulu pipili ka lani, oki ka honua.’”’ See wings. Isa. 40:31.
U0, to grow. E-ne-HEv, s. A wing. See Exev.
E-v-tv, s See Utu, to grow. A branch E-He-na, v. See Henena.
cut off to be planted again ; a layer. E-ni, v. To tread upon; to trample
2. The top and branches of a tree which down; to kick. See Hen and Haut.
are cut off and left as good for nothing.
E-n1-a, int. adv. How many?
E-u-nu-na, s. Gr. A eunuch; one cas-
trated. Mat. 19:12.
E-ni-a, v. See Erna.
E-u-nu-Ha, v. Gr. Hoo. 'To make one E-n1-E-H1, v. To slander; to spread
aeunuch. Mat. 19:12. evil reports of one. See AHTAHT.
E-v-weE-kE, v. To open; to take off, as E-ni-ku, num. adj. Seven; also ahikuw
a man takes off irons from one confined. and hiku.
2. To burst open. E-ni-na, adj. Reddish; sandy; applied
3. To dash upon. as a wave does a double to the hair.
canoe by rising between them. E-n1-pa, v. To crook; to bend.
E-na, v. To be hurt; to be sore; to be E-n1-pa, s. A crook.
painful ; to suffer ;eha ka naau, the heart E-ni-pa, adj. Crooked.
is pained. Hoo. To suffer in any way, as E-no, s. A stone idol; he akua o Lono-
in sickness or pain, or by punishment ac-
cording to law, justly or unjustly. 1 Pet. kaeha.
4:15, 16. Fie. To cause hurt; to grieve 2. A collection of stone gods.
one. Epes. 4:30. 3. A monument; a stone pillar set up
as a memorial. Hin. 28:18; also Kin. 35:14.
E-na, s. Pain; soreness of any kind; Name of a pile of stones set up to attract
sorrow ; suffering of punishment; a hurt; the attention of fishermen.
affliction. 1 Sam. 1:11. 4, A swelling or bunch internal, a kind
E-na, adj. Sore; painful; hurtful. of disease.
E-na, mum. adj. Four; the number 5. Name of a stone put inside of an ani-
four. See Ana and Ha. mal in cooking.
E-na-£-HA, v. Conj. 13 of eka. Hoo. To |E-H0-z-Ho, v. See Eno, 3. |
give pain; to afflict. Nah.29:7. To chas-| E-nu, s. The spray of the surf.
2. The steam of boiling water. See Manu 2. To be pained, as the mind stung by
and KEHv. an offense.
3. One of the servants of the king. E.-KE-E-KE, s. A piercing, stinging pain. -
E-nu, v. Hoo. ‘To drive away; to scare 2. Displeasure, arising from an offense.
away, as hogs or hens. 3. The feeling one has when that which
E-uv, adj. Red or sandy haired; ruddy he prizes is spoken against or injured.
in countenance; florid. 1 Sam. 16:12. I,-KE-E-KE, adj. Hurt; pained, as the
E-nu-a-HI-A-uI, s. Lit. The red of the striking at something hard.
evening. E-KE-E-kE, v. To brush off, as a fly or
2. An epithet of old age. insect.
E-nu-a-wa, s. A species of strong grass I,-KE-E-KE, adj. Excellent; nice, &c.
or rush from which cords are made; also See Ekg, ad).
written ahuawa. E-kE-E-KEI, v. To be too short. foo.
E-nu-e-Hu, s. A strong wind blowing To shorten ; to make short. See EKEKEI.
severely; aka huhumanu ehuehu ka makani, E-KE-u, s. A wing of a bird. Hal. 17:8.
inoino lepolepo ka moana; hakukai ka ale Syn. with eheu. See Exexr and EKEKEU.
o ka moana i ka ehuehu o ka makani. E-xe-u, adj. Proud; haughty; applied
2. Darkness arising from dust, fog or
vapor. to a person neatly dressed, who despises
others. Syn. with Haanxo.
E-nu-e-Hu, adv. Angrily; furiously;
in a raging manner, as the wind. See Env. E-KE-KE, .s, A wing; the wing ofa
Ku ehuehu, huhu, inaina. E-KE-KE-U, bird. See Exru and EKeEv.
E-Hu-KA-KA-HI-A-KA, s. Lit. The red of E-KE-kEI, adj. Short; too short; shorter
the morning; an epithet’ of youth. See than something else; applied to clothes,
EXUAHIAHI. strings, &c.
E-xa, s. Costiveness; filth. E-KE-KEv, s. A wing, &c. See Exexe
2. Name of a sea breeze at Kona. above.
E-xa, s. ‘The upper part of a bunch of E-KE-KE-mu, v. To open or move the
bananas ; he lila wale no mai ka eka luna lips, as in speaking, but without sound.
a hiki i ka pola. I-xe-mu, v. To open, as the mouth.
E-xa, s. Eng. An acre (of land); a 2. To utter by the organs of speech. 2
measured quantity. Isa. 5:10. Kor. 12:4.
E-xa, adj. Dirty; unclean; foul. Isa. 3. To speak audibly or intelligibly. Kin.
57:20 24:21.
2. Costive; filthy. 4, To speak out; to reply to a question.
3. Curly, as a Negro’s hair. Kin. 45:3.
E-xa-E-ka, adj. See Exa. Dirty; cov- 5. To answer in reply. Jos. 22:21.
ered with filth; very dirty.
6. To come forth in any way.
7. To operate as a cathartic.
E-xa-Ha, s. Name ofa parasitica] plant.
2. Name of a hard kind of bush which E-x1, adj. See Eiavext. Pertaining to
grows in the sea. the top of a ki leaf.
3. Also the name of a fern-like plant. E-x1-k1-Lau. See Ext. A word used in
E-xa-wa-KA-HA, s. Name of a species a dirty mele.
of sea-weed. -KO,
s. Dirt; filth, &c. Spoken
2. Name of a plant, large, long leaf.
E-Ko-E-Ko, of a person unwashed.
E-xa-xu, s. The rolling of a stone down E-xo,
a pali; kaa ka pohaku, ula ka pali, he adj. Dirty; filthy, as in
ahaia? he ekaku. E-Ko-E-Ko, former times, when it was
E-xa-te-si-a, s. Gr. A church; a body kapu to bathe. See Exa.
of professing christians. Ozh. 8:1. E-Ko-Lu, adj. num. ‘Three; the number
2. He ekalesia, a church member. three ; also akolu. See Ko.
E-xe, s. A pocket; a bag; a small E-xu, v. To root,as a pig; (motio foeti
sack. Luk. 9:3. Hke kala, a money bag; in utero ;) to dig in the ground, as a plow.
@ purse. Joan. 12:6. Syn. with hipuu.
2. Name of a kind of net; properly, the
Laieik. 107.
bottom or bag part of the net.
E-xu-Le, s. A species of fish.
‘E-xe, adj. Excellent; nice; applied to B-Laa, adv. Together with; along
canoes ; perhaps to other things. [-LAA-HOI, with; likewise; thus; in
like manner; as also; the same; alike;
E-KE-E-kE, v. To be in pain; to be the same as; penei,.elaa ka mea ole ana.
pained, as the bowels on pressure. See Laa.
E-1av, s. The straight top of a tree,| E-Lz-xu, s. A species of stone; he po-
or of a sugar-cane. haku eleku, a brittle stone.
2. The end of one’s finger ; the point of K-Le-Le, s. A messenger; one sent by
a bayonet; the bearded part of a spear. authority. Nah. 21:21. An ambassador;
3. The commencement of a breeze of} ka mea i hoounaia’ku ; a representative to
wind. : transact the business of another ; one sent
4, The pointed end of a substance. See} to carry news. 1 Sum. 4:17. Often syn.
WELAU and WELELAU. with luna.
E-Lav-e-x1, s. A bayonet. E-te-Lo, s. Art., ke. The tongue of
E-tavu-1-x1, E-La-wal-k1, or E-Lau-wal- man or beast; the organ of speech; the
KI, s. The top of the ki leaves. instrument of communicating good or evil.
E-tz, v. To be dark; black; to be dark Tob. 20:16. See AtELO and Leto.
colored ; not clear. E-LE-Lo-Lu-a, adj. Tongue-tied.
E-re. An intensive added to many E,-LE-Lo-LU-A, s. A tongue-tied person.
words; very; much; greatly, &c. E-LE-LU, - A cockroach; elelu lii-
E-Le-ao, s. Name of a worm that de- E-LE-LE-LU, lii, the small cockroach;
stroys food; he ilo, he mea e make ai ka elelu papa, the flat, broad cockroach.
ulu o ka ai. E-LE-MA-KU-LE, v. To be or become old;
E-.z-E£-LE, adj. See Exe. Dark col- to have the evidence of decay ; mostly ap-
ored; black; blue; dark red; brown. plied to men; sometimes, Fric., to other
See Uniui1; also Lipoipo. things. Heb. 8:13.
E-1£-E-LE, s. Darkness; ua like ka E-LE-MA-KU-LE, s. An old man; an
eleele me ka uliuli. aged man; olelo ino aku la ia i kekahi
E-1s-E-LE, adv. Darkly; without much mau elemakuwle, he spoke reproachfully to
light ;ke hele eleele nei au, I.walk in dark- certain old men; ukiuki ibo la ua mau
ness. Job. 30:28. elenakule la. Mostly applied to persons;
E-LE-E-LE-kU, v. To fly to pieces; to sometimes to things—the works of crea-
break easily. See Erexu below. tion. Hal. 102:26.
E-LE-E-LE-kU, adj. Easily broken; sim- E-LE-MA-KU-LE, adj. Old; aged; decay-
ilar to helelei ; pohaku eleku. ing, as men advanced in life, but often in-
2. Unhandsome ; unsightly ; applied to definite. When one has not seen a child
a homely, lean, or insignificant person; a for some time, and the child has grown
good for nothing man. considerably, he exclaims, ka, ua elemakule
E-LE-E-LE-PI, adj. Dashing different no, why, he has become an old man.
Notre.—The same idea applied to an old
ways, as waves affected by different winds. woman would be luahine.
2. Applied to men of different minds:
as, eleelepi ka waha o kanaka. E-.e-m1-0, v. To taper off to a point.
E-.e1-0, v. To go after anything pri- E-Le-mi-0, adj. Tapering to a point.
vately, as a mouse after poi. E-Le-mi-H1, s. Name of a four-footed
E-Le-u, adj. Alert. animal in the sea.
E-ue-u-i1, s. A kind of kapa; kapa E-LE-pat-o, s. A species of bird. Lazezk.
eleuli no Puna. 29. Also,
E-LE-HEI, adj. Too short for the pur- 2. A species of kalo with spotted leaves.
pose designed; one leg too short; as an E-Le-pa-NE, s. The sea elephant; a
oopa, wawae pokoli. See EKEKEI. seal ; a walrus.
s. Shortness; want of length; E-LE-pa-NE
ber ‘lephant.
or E-Le-pa-nt, s. Eng. The
i ka elehei, i ka mumuku. — 4 A ‘
Nal. 10:22.
E-Le-HEU, adj. Angry; very angry; in E-.e-pi, s. Name of a four-footed ani-
a raging manner.
mal found in the sea.
E-Le-Ka, s. Eng. The elk; an animal.
Lam. Haw. 6:1.
E-11, v. To loosen or break up earth;
to dig in the ground, as a pit, hole or ditch;
E-.E-xu, v. To fly to pieces. See ExzE- e kohi; e eli oukou i ka lua a poopoo, dig
ELEKU. the pit until it is deep; alaila, e kanu aku
E-Le-Ku, adj. Easily broken; similar i ka laau, then plant the tree; ua eli lakou
to helelei ; pohaku elelcu. i ka auwaha a hohonu, they dug a ditch
2. A good for nothing man; a coward;!_‘°'Y — ‘
applied to a homely, lean or mean insig-| E-.1-E-u1, v. To dig repeatedly. See
nificant person. See ELEELEKU. a above.
E-u1-E-L1. Elielt kapu, elieli noa. E-mu, v. ‘To cast away; to throw away.
E-ui-ma, num. adj. Five; the number Hoo. The same ; e hookuke, e kipaku.
five ;also alima. See Lima. E-na, v. To be in a rage, as in anger.
E-1o0, adj. Wet; to soak, as kapa with 2. To burn, as fire; ua ena loa ka ula o
rain; pulu kahi kapa i ka ua, elo wale, a Ka mai, the sick person is red with heat;
kapa was wet with rain, and all soft. ke ena loa ae nei, wena.
E-1o-E-Lo, adj. Very wet. See Exo. E-na, adj. Red hot; raging, as fire;
Ua pulu eloelo wale ko lakon aahu i ka wai- epithet of an oven when red hot; applied
maka, their robes were soaked soft with also to anger.
their tears. 2. Angry; wild; untamed, as an ani-
E-Lo-E-Lo, v. To moisten; to make mal ; full of fury.
wet; 0 Kaelo keia malama, ke eloelo nei 3. Jealous, as a bird of a snare, or fear-
na huihui i ke kai, o Kaelo ia ke eloelo nei ful, as a villain of good men; threatening,
i ka ua. as some kinds of clouds that threaten a
E-to-wa-LE, v. To be wet; dirty; de-
filed. E-na-E-na, v. To burn, as a raging
fire; to be hot. anl. 32:22. Spoken of
E-tu, v. To crumble to pieces. anger.
E-Lu-a, num. adj. Two; the number 2. To be strongly offensive to the smell,
two. See Atua and Lva. as the stench of a dead carcass ; enaena ka
E-ma-Nu-E-LA, s. Heb. God with us; pilau o ka lio make; ua enaena Kilauea i
Emmanuel ; a name of Jesus Christ. Mat. ka pele.
1:23. 3. Hoo. To heat, as an oven. Hos. 7:4.
E-mE-Ra-LA, s. Eng. Name of a pre- E-na-E-Na, s. A raging, furious heat.
cious stone. Puke. 28:18. An emerald. Dan. 3:19.
E-m1, v. To fall behind, as one of sey- E-ne, v. To creep, as a child first at-
eral persons walking together. tempting ; ua ene ke keiki, the child has
2. To decrease in number. begun to creep.
3. To retire back ; ebb ; subside, as the 2. To creep along; to get near an ob-
tide; to diminish in quantity. Kin. 8:1. ject ; ene aku la au e pehi i ka pohaku.
4, To take an humble place after occu- Hoo. Hooene aku la na kahuna i ka laau
pying one higher. halalo.
5. To think one’s self of little conse- E-ne, s. The commencement of a child’s
quence. creeping.
6. To despond ; to flag, as the mind or E-ne1, adv. For nei; here; this place;
spirits ; to fail, as the courage. this neighborhood. ol. 4:9. Mahea ko
7. Hoo. To diminish. Puk. 21:10. To enei kamalii? where are the children of
shorten ; to make few; to sink back with this place? See Ans, here.
fear ; ke hoemi nei lakou i kau hana.
E-NE-HE, v. See AneHE. To be ready
E-m1, s. In music,a flat; the character b. to do a thing ; prepared for it; enehe aku
E-mt-E-m1, v. See above. To fall be- no ka lima e lalau, the hand was ready to
hind, &c.; e emiemi iho la lakou i ka uala catch hold ; enehe aku la laua e holo aku.
nui a hahai ae la i ke anamiu o ka uala. E-ne-m1, s. Eng. An enemy. Puk.
E-mi-r-mi, adv. Backwardly; lazily; 23:22. He meae kue ai. Nal. 21:20.
falling behind; mai hele emiemi i hope, E-NnE-NE, v. 9th conj. of ene. ‘To move
mai hopohopo, mai makau, e hele aku i
itself, as a thing of life.
mua, do not fall behind, tremble not, fear
not, go ahead. 2. To bore a small hole in order to make
a larger.
E-mi-xu-a, v. To go backward. 3. To file or rasp gently.
E-mo, v. To be long; to delay; to put 4, Hoo. To move itself, as a chicken in
off; not much used, except with the nega- the shell. Lam. Haw. 12:2, 1.
tive ole; as, emoole, which see below. E-no, v. To be wild; easily made
E-mo, s. A waiting; a delay. afraid, as an animal partially tamed. See
E-mo-o-LE, s. Quickness; dispatch; he Hoo.
hikiwawe. Kin. 27:22. Suddenness. Gal. E-no-E-no. See Marnoeno.
1:6. K-nu-HE, s. A species of worm, large
E-mo-0-1x, adj. Emo and ole. Quickly; and striped. See AnunE. On Maui it is
soon ; active; punctual; aole emo! O how called peelua. He puko, he peelua. Note.—
quickly! The word is used for worm, generally in a
moral sense, that is, :
E-mo-o-Le, adv. Suddenly. Oih. 2:2. 2. A poor, helpless, despicable creature.
I 71 I
Hal. 22:6. Worms. Kaml. 28:39. Fic. Ap-| E-wa-Ewa, adj. Unequal; unjust; ir-
plied to men. Isa, 41:14. regular in structure, as an irregular bone.
3. A caterpillar. Jer. 51:14.
E-pa, v. To be deceived; to be led into 2. Grinning or expressing anger; ap-
error. plied to the mouth and eyes; as, he maka
2. To be deceitful. ewaewa, he waha ewaewa.
3. To steal. E-wa-E-wa, adv. Unjustly, respecting
4. To backbite ;e wahahee, e hoopuni- persons in judgment. Kol. 3:15. With par-
puni, e alapahi. tiality. 1 Tim. 5:21.
5. Hoo. To act basely or treacherously ; E-wa-e-wa-I-k1, s. A lohe oe i ka leo
also, epaepa with hoo; auhea oukou e ka
poe i kapa ae nei, he pono ka hooepaepa ?
o ka ewaewaiki e hoonene ana. Laieik.
149. The imaginary voice of a female
Hpa wahahee, to get up a lie or false re- spirit who had died, and her unborn infant
port. Hal. 119:69.
with her.
E-pa, s. One who is false to his trust. 2. Name of a bird on Hawaii. +
2. An act of villainy ; fraud, or artifice. E-wat, s. A swelling under the armpit
3. Falsehood ; forgery, by getting prop-
or groin; also awai; he auwakoi.
erty in the name of another ; haku epa, one
who speaks falsely to the hurt of another. E-wa-tu, num. adj. Eight; the num-
E-pa, adj. False; deceitful. ber eight; also awalu and walu.
E-pa, s. Heb. Name of a Hebrew meas- E-we, v. To grow again after being
ure; an ephah. Lunk. 6:19; Puk. 16:36. cut off, as a stalk of sugar-cane ; ke ewe ka
E-pa-E-Pa, v. See Epa above. aa; alaila kukulu na ‘lii a pau i ewe ai, he
E-po-pa, s. Heb. An ephod; a part of heiau hoouluulu wa ia.
the official dress of a Jewish high priest. E-we, s. The navel string.
1 Sam. 2:18. ; 2. Ke ewe o ka huamoa, the white of an
E-wa, v. To crook; to twist; to bend egg. Job. 6:6.
out of shape. 3. The abdominal aorta ; he ewe, ke ewe.
2. To act improperly ; to pervert. 4. The place of one’s birth and where
3. To mock; to vex; to trouble. Hoo. his ancestors before him were born; kona
Hooewa ae mabope kuai ka hale; e hoewa ewe hanau. See Iews, placenta.
ae ma ke kua; e hoewa aku ma ke kala; E-we-we, Ss. The love, affection and
hoewa nuku mua; he sneered at the house remembrance one has for the place of his
and afterwards bought it; it was crooked birth and where he has spent his first years;
on the back side, it was crooked at the end, o ke aloha mai ia oukou me ke ewewe o ka
it was crooked in front. Anat. Generally noho pu ana, malaila mai no ke aloha ana
in the reduplicated form. ia oukou.
E-wa-E-wa, v. To mock; to vex; to E-zo-nI, s. Eng. Ebony, a species of
render one uncomfortable.
black wood. Ezek. 27:15.
2. To act unjustly or unrighteously ; to
pervert justice. Hzek. 18:25. E-pE-na, s. Heb. Name‘of the garden
3. Hoo. To cause mockery; vexation, &e. planted for our first parents. Hin. 2:8.
See Marwa and MArwaEwa. E-va-NE-L1-0, s. Gr. The gospel; the
E-wa-E-wa, s. Injustice; a turning history of Jesus Christ; the news of salva-
aside from right. /al. 9:8. tion. See Evanenio. Mar. 1:1.

the third letter of the Hawalian | I, prep. To; towards; in; at; unto;
I 9 alphabet. Its sound is that of ee in Eng- by ; for; in respect of; above; more than;
lish, or that of the French i. on account of, &e.
J is the medium of communication be-|[, adj. Stingy.
tween an active transitive verb or a verb , I, adv. When; while; if.
of motion and its object. See Gram. § 105,
p. 49, d and e; also, Gram. Syntax, Rule I, conj. If; that; a contraction perhaps
19. Before proper names of persons and of ina.
pronouns, thei becomesia. See note Gram.|I. A sign. Ist. Of the imperfect tense
ee a , of verbs.
I has a variety of significations, and is 2. A sign of the subjunctive mood; a
used for a variety of purposes. contraction of ina.
TA 12 [AN
3. As a sign of a tense, it often has the |J-a, s, A fish; the general name of all
meaning of a potential; that; as, ua hai sea animals, also those in fresh water; ua
aku au 7 lohe oukou, I have spoken, that kapaia na mea a pau ma ke kai he ia,o na
you might hear. See Gram. § 209, subj. mea holo a me na mea holo ole; aia no
mood, 4th form. kekahi mau ia maloko o ka wai mauka o
4, The sign of the imperative mood, ka aina.
passive in certain cases ; as,i kukui, i wai, 2. Meat of any kind, in distinction from
zi noho, bringa lamp, water, &c. ai, vegetable food; o ka ia wale no i koe
‘T with an apostrophe before it, is a con- ia la, the fish only remained to him (i. e.,
traction after a of the preceding word, for Dagon.) 1 Sam. 5:4. Nore.—The names
ai; as, malaila kahi i waihoia’i ka waiwai, of the fish formerly kapu for women to eat
for waihoia ai. ‘ were: kumu, moano, ulua, honu perhaps,
I, v. To speak; to say, in connection | and the ea.
with the thing spoken or said. Kin. 1:3 Ia, s. Pronounced yah. Eng. A yard
and 20. in length.
2. To address one; to make a speech to Ta, s. The galaxy or milky way.
one; often syy. with olelo. Hin. 3:1. I Ia-o, s. Name given to a small fish
mai la iai ka wahine, he said to the woman
used for bait.
(after this follows what was said.)
3. To say within one’s self. Kanl. 18:21.
2. Name of a bird somewhat like the
4. To pronounce a single word, as a sig- moho.
nal. Lunk. 12:6. Ia’-vu, pron. pers., Ist pers. A contrac-
5. To give an appellation, and syn. with traction of ia au; the auialo (accusative or
kapa. Isa. 32:5. To designate the name objective case) of au; me; to me; for me;
of a person. Oth. 9:36. by me, &c. Gram. § 126, 6th auialo.
I, v. To beget, as a father. Ta-u, s. Name of a species of small fish.
I, s. Name of the papaia fruit and tree. I-a-ua, adv. int. See Aua. For what?
See I. to what? iaha la ka makemake? for what
Is, v. Hoo. To enter; to be received, is the desire?
as into the mouth. I-a-Ho-na, v. To be near to death, but
la, v. To beat or pound, as in making desirous of living; to wish to live or re-
cover from sickness; iahona paha a ike
aku, o kuu make paha ia. JLieile. 180.
la, s. The name of the mallet used in J-a-xo, s. The number forty; a round
beating kapa.
or whole number, as we say, a dozen; it
la, prep.. Used before proper names of is applied mostly, if not exclusively, to
persons, and before pronouns, as i is be- counting kapas; perhaps to a few other
fore common nouns. See I, prep. It signi- things; a me ka iako kapa he nui loa, and
fies, to; of ;for; by ;with; on account of; the very many forties of kapas.
in respect of, &e. See Gram. § 126, 6. I-a-xo, s. Name of the arched sticks
Ia, adv. In the beginning of a sentence, which connect a canoe with its outrigger ;
and before a pronoun, it refers to time; o ka iako waa, 0 ka hau ka iako paa.
when; at that time, &c.; as, ia lakou i
noho ai ilaila, while they lived there ; ia I-a-xo, s. The name of a class of per-
manawa. make iho la ke alii, at that time sons skilled in clearing, emptying and re-
the chief died. fitting a canoe upset in a storm at sea; ka
la, pers. pron., third pers. sing. He; poe i aoia i ka holo moana a me ka luu kai
i na iako, oia ka poe i aoia e kamai
she; it; more rarely in the sense of it, for
huli pu.
which Hawaiians use a periphrasis ; thus:
ia kanaka, ia wahine, ia mea, kela, keia, I-a-Lo-a, v. Toembalm. Kin. 50:2. To
&e. Gram. § 137, 140, 3d. bury dead bodies with perfumes ; to pre-
serve dead bodies by salting them.
Ta, pron. adj. This; that; according as
the thing referred to is present or absent.
I-a-Lo-a, s. A dead body embalmed and
preserved ; a lawe ae la oia i kona mau
Ia annexed to verbs, forms the passive ialoa apan. Laieik. 123.
voice of all the conjugations ; as, ua alohaia Ja-Lo-Ko, s. Ja, prep., and doko, internal.
mai kakou, we are beloved. This sign of That which is inside ; what belongs inside.
the passive voice may be annexed to the See Loxo.
verb and form one word, or it may. be sepa-
rated, one or more words intervening ; as,
Ja-wa, s. Heb. A word translated ovwl
ua lawe malu ia ke dala, the money | in Isa. 13:21. The ostrich perhaps.
taken secretly. Gram. § 211. Nors.— Ja-nEI, adv. Ja, prep., and nez, here.
Sometimes letters are inserted before the Here ; at this place. Jsa. 45:14.
ia; as, awahia, it is bitter, for awaia. A-NU-A-RI, s. Eng. The name of the
IES 73 / If
first month in the year; adopted by Hawai- I-1, adj. Sour; mouldy; musty, as food
ians from the Romans through the English. injured by long standing. Syy. with puna-
The name of the Hawaiian month nearly helu.
corresponding is Kaelo. See D. Malo 12:6. | 2. Covetous; close; niggardly.
Ia-wt, s. Name of a small red bird. I-1, v. To be mouldy, &c., as food; ua
Ia-cu-a, s. Eng. Name of the animal ii loa ka ai.
jaguar. 2. To be lost; forgotten, as something
Ia-sE-PI, s. Gr. A jasper; a precious formerly known; ua ii na olelo kahiko, ua
stone. Puk. 28:20; Hoik. 21:11. nalowale.
Iz, v. To insult; to provoke; to pick I-1, s. Mould; rust; anything indi-
a quarrel. , cating age or decay.
Iz, s. Canvas; ze nani, fine linen; white I-1, v. To collect; to gather up, as small
cotton cloth, lole ie. things; to bring together. See Nom. Ua
2. A vine used in making baskets, also ko waa, ke ii nei ka aha.
in decorating their persons; he ie o ka I-1, s. A gathering together; a collect-
nahelehele. ing, as of small things; ka noii; ua hele i
3. A material braided into hats by the ka ii hana; he piinoika ii poaaha, they
women ; he ulana ze papale ka na wahine go up to collect mulberry bark.
hana. I-1, s. A rejoicing with an audible voice,
4, Name of a stick used in beating kapa;
he iekuku. | like a chant; o ka mea lea i ke olioli, aia
a loaa ka ii iloko o ka puu; a singing in
Iz, adj. Flexible; limber, like cloth the throat, like the gurgling of water run-
or a vine ; he lole ie, he kanaka te ke ona ning from a calabash; e olaola ana me he
i ka rama, a man is limber (like cloth) huewai la; oia ka ii.
when he is drunk; he lapa; he noho ie, he I-1, s. A heavy weight, difficult to lift;
papale ie, he ipu ie.
he kaumaha, he koikoi ka pupu.
[-r-1-£, s. The leaves of the ie formerly I-1, s. A person hard hearted, cruel and
used in decorating the gods of Hawaii,
generally made into wreaths ; he ieie hue- selfish ;ka hooit puahi ole a ka ua iuka
wai, he ieie hula. wale no e haakeke ai.
[-z-1-£, adj. He poo zeze no Hilo; a kind I-1, s. Name of a bird, partly red, bill
of lei for the head used by Hilo people. hooked. See ApAneE. He mann liilii plaula;
J-5-1-E, v. To be decorated with leaves; he apapane kekahi inoa.
to be dressed in wreaths. 2. Name of a species of fish around Molo-
2. Hoo. To be ennobled; to be dignified. kai; ka pua ii.
3. A kind of fern.
|-z-1-z, adj. Hoo. Proud; pompous; 4. Name of the papaia; also written 7.
light minded.
[-b-1-E-wa-Ho, s. Name of the sea or [-1, }adj. Stinted; unthrifty; choked
channel between Oahu and Kauai; hoi [-1-1, with weeds ; applied to vegetables
or animals.
mai no ma ka moana o ka Jeiewaho, he re- » 2. Mortified or humbled, as a person by
_turned by the ocean of the Leiewaho.
the overbearing conduct of another; re-
]-z-1-E-wE, s. The envelop of a fetus; strained.
placenta; secundines feminarum parturi- 3. Tight, as a rope in a hole.
entium. 4, Close: parsimonious. See It 2.
2. The uterus; the womb; ka aa, ka [-1-a-ao, s. Hard mouldy poi.
alualu. I-1-1, s. A child of slow growth, many
Ip-Ho-va, s. Heb. The name of the one years, little stature; aole nae ka iii loa, a
eternal, living and true God, in opposition nonoi no hoi; aia he uuku nuiae. Ua ike
to all other gods. Isa. 45:5, 6. His name au i kahi keiki i komo iii, aa no hoi ke
and attributes have been accepted by Ha- kino ke nana aku.
|-E-we, s. The navel string connecting I-1-1, adj. Little; small; dwarfish; he
the new-born infant with the mother. puaa iii, a small hog; he laau iii, a small
2. The infant itself; a young one just tree; also. ka pulu iii, little cotton; ka
born. Kanl. 28:57. ipulu iii.
3. The after-birth. ]-1-1, s. Smallness; littleness; inferior--
I-5-L£, s. A chief; a king; he alii, ke ity; ka iii, ka aa, ke noinoi, ke kupailii.
alii. 2. Name of a plant eaten in time of
]-E,sE-rU-NA, 8. Heb. A poetical name scarcity.
for the Israelitish people, signifying up- ]-1-1, v. To choke; to restrain; to hedge
right, beloved. Kanl. 32:15—33:5. up.
te) 714 IU

I-y-1-ka, s. A scar; a contraction of the T-o-E-na, adj. Wild; savage; untamed,.

skin from a wound. as a wild, ferocious animal ; he piena, hihiu.
[-1-1-na, v. To desire strongly. See lini. I-o-1-0, v. To peep, as a chicken ; also:
{--ka, adj. Small; little in size; he piopio. Isa. 10:14. Misprinted oiot; to
wahi manini iika, a small manini, i. e., a chatter. Jsa. 38:14. To whisper, as ghosts
kind of fish; ke kalo iika, the little kalo; were supposed to do. See HANEHANE.
he wiwi, he olala. J-o-1-0, adj. Peeping, as a chicken; he:
{--xe, adj. See lke, to know. Quick manu ioio, a swallow. Ter. 8:7.
to learn; ready; smart; having gained I-o-1-0, v. To look this way and that,
knowledge. as a thief about to steal; toto na maka o
I-1-mo, v. See Imo. To wink repeat- ka hohe wale.
edly ; to wink often. I-o-1-0, v. To appear above water, as a
2. To convey some idea by winking. shark’s fin when swimming about; ioio
Sol. 6:13. kuala o ka mano i ka ili kai.
[-1-nz, v. To desire; to wish for; to J-o-1-0, v. To project upwards, as a
long after. Kin. 31:30. point of a mountain; ioio ae ana o Puuo-
2. To fear or expect the loss of a thing nioni e oni ae ana e like me Maunakea.
which we very much love. J-o-1-0-LE-a, adj. Brisk; lively; light
3. To desire strongly to have or do a in traveling ; mama ma ka hele ana; also,.
thing. 2 Sam. 13:39. Ke iini nei ka naau 2. Angry; quick tempered.
i ka pono, the heart desires that which is ]-0-1-0-LE-Po, s. A bearer of tidings; a
messenger to carry news.
[-1-n1, s. A strong desire; ka dint nui, J-o-xu-pu, s. Jo, flesh, and kupu, to grow
the greatly loved one. JZaieik. 114. Ka
up. A polypus, name of a disease in the
makemake nui me ka ikaika.
nose ; a gum-boil; lampers in a horse.
[-1-w1, s. A small red bird; also zawzi. I-o-La-wa, v. See Lana. To float in the
[-1-wi-po-LE-NA, s. The name of a bird air, as a bird.
mentioned in Laieikawai 29, 80 and 149. I-o-LE, s. A mouse. Othk. 11:29. Tole
I-o, s. A species of bird; a hawk. nui, arat or rabbit; amole. Jsa. 2:20.
[-o, s. Name of a game. I-o-tEa, adj. Wild; untamed, as an
I-o, s.. Lean flesh; the animal muscle. animal ; he puaa iolea, hihiu.
Anat. 3. A muscle; he io ku e, an antag- J-o-LE-Nu-1, s. A rat, especially the large
enistic muscle. Anat. 26. whartf-rat.
2. Flesh in general. Pus. 29:14, [-0-LE-RA-BA-TI, Ss. Hawaiian name for
3. Flesh, i.e., person. Oihk. 16:4.
the rabbit, a foreign animal.
4. One’s flesh, i. e., kindred; relation.
Kin. 29:14. Jo maha, the muscle on the J-o-t1u, s. The lean flesh inside the
side of the head. backbone of beef, &c., adjoining the ribs.
I-o, s. Part; portion; reality; truth ; Norse.—The flesh outside is called uhau.
verity. Ezek. 12:23. lo-ma-Ha, s. See lo, muscle, and Mana,,.
{-o, s. A forerunner; one who announces side of the head, temple. The muscle gn
the approach of a chief. the temple or temple muscle. Anat. 6.
I-o, adj. True; real; not imaginary; [-o-mo, v. To throw a stone into the
ua paa ka manao o kanaka he akua io no air which falls into the water.
© Lono, the minds of the people were firm 2. To leap, as a person into the water,
that Lono (Captain Cook) was a real god. provided he does not spatter the water.
I-o, adv. Truly; really; verily; cer- Hoo. The same.
tainly ; otaio, truth. Jo is a strong inten- I-o-po-wo, s. Name of a class of persons
sive. Pela io no ka hana ana a lakou; formerly who were entrusted with the care
aohe io o ka hewa, the wickedness is great. of the king, and whose business it was to
guard his person and effects, lest some one
{-o, adv. I, prep., and 0, there. Yonder; should obtain his spittle and garments, and
aia no ia io, there he is yonder. See O. Lo thus have power to pray him to death. The
ia nei, adverbial phrase, hither and thither. poe iopono were generally high chiefs.
{-o, prep. Nearly syn. with ia; used 2. A friend; a relation of one whose
before proper names and pronouns. To; faithfulness might be trusted ; be hoahanau
towards. Job. 5:1. But implying motion. iopono no kela nou, ua make no oe he do-
I-o, v. To flee; to hasten away with pono.
fear. l-u, s. Name of a particular kapu, re-
I-05. v. To be loaded with bundles ; ua lating to females.
alaulau. I-v, adj. Prohibited; sacred; tabooed;
applied to everything within the reach of |[-HEE, adj. Still; quiet, as the weather;
the kapu; iv kabhi o ke alii, ano, makau, he thee no ka la malie.
sacred 1s the place of the chief, it is conse- I-uEE, v. To run from; to escape; e
erated, it is to be feared. ihee ana i ka ia (kawelo) i ka mua o na-
I-v, s. A consecrated place; he kapu waa.
ke alii, noho i ka iw la, the king is kapu, |-HEE-HEE, v. To pour into; to slip
he sits in the sacred place. easily, as oil into a bottle ; e ihechee anai
I-u, v. Hoo. To lay a kapu for a par- ka aila iloko o ka huewai.
ticular time; e hooiu aku i kekahi manawa. [-HE-I-HE, s. A species of fish of the
J-u-1-u, v. To be afar off; high up; to sword kind, but small ; kaawili iheihe.
live in some sacred, kapu place. Norn.— I-11, v. To peel off the bark from a stick.
The ideas of far off or high up seem to be Kin. 30:37.
connected with sacredness, or separation 2. To peel; to flay the skin from an ani-
from everything common. See HEMOLELE. mal; e ihi i ka ai, to take the skin from
I-v-1-u, s. A place supposed to be afar food (kalo or potatoes) ; e ihi i ka ili o ka
off or high up above the earth or beneath manini, to peel the skin from the manini
the ocean, sacred to the dwelling place of (a species of kalo) ; e hoopohole, e maihi;
God; ke Akua noho i ka iuiu, the God ua iht ka la, ua wela ka pahoehoe, the sun
dwells afar off; ika welau o ka makani, is peeled off, i. e., the clouds, the smooth
at the further end of the wind; he onohi rocks are hot; ua ihi ke Kkapu o ke alii,
ku i ka moana, an eye-ball standing in the the kapu is taken off. Lrr. Peeled off.
ocean, i. e., the center of the ocean. J-u1, s. The name of a plant growing
I-v-1-u, adj. What is high up or afar on the mountains, the root, used in native
off; he poiuiu, be poliulin. medicines, slightly cathartic; also,
I-u-ka, adv. I, prep., towards, and uka, 2. A plant like the pig-sorrel, which is
inland. A direction opposite from the sea ; called hi makole.
inland; up the mountain. I-n1, adj. Sacred; hallowed. Hal.'72:19.
Iu-La1, s. Eng. Name of the modern Generally applied to high chiefs.
seventh month, July, answering to Kaaona ]-n1-1-u1, adj. Sacred; holy. Jos.24:19.
of the ancient Hawaiian division. No mixture of evil. Isa. 6:5.
Iu-n1-pE-RA, s. Eng. Name of a tree 2. Majestic; dignified. See Lar, adj.
not found on these islands; juniper; laau I-n1-1-n1, s. See Int above. Name of a
iunipera. 1 Nal. 19:4. plant; he ihiihi makole, he ihiihi ai.
Iu-pi-ra, s. Eng. The planet Jupiter; I-u1-1-n1, interj7. An expression of sur-
the Hawaiian name is Kaawela. prise at seeing anything uncommon or out
lu-si-Le, s. Hed. A year of release from of the ordinary course of things: he hma-
service. Oihk. 25:9, 11. olelo kahaha, a word expressive of aston-
Iv-Bi-LE, adj. Of or pertaining to jubi- ishment.
lee or the year of release ; makahiki iubile. I-n1-1-H1, v. Hoo. To put on dignity or
Oihk. 25:28. importance.
Iu-par-o, s. A Jew; a descendant of I-u1-u1, adj. Angry; cross; offended;
Abraham. unsociable; he kanaka ihihi; displeased
J-a, v. To be intent upon; persevering with ; disaffected to; parsimonious; he
at; to desire greedily ; ua iha wale no, he kanaka thihi, e aua no, stingy.
gives his whole attention. [-n1-u1, v. ‘To neigh, as a horse.
L-na-r-HA, adj. Firmly drawn, asa rope; ]-11-ma-nvu, s. Name of a large creature
ua ihaiha ke kaula, ua maloeloe, strained. of the ocean, one and a half or two feet in
I-wa-t-Ha, adj. Ua thaiha ka puukole i diameter; perhaps hihimanu is a better
ka mimi, ua iheihe ; ua hele a ihaiha wale orthography. lueu.
ka poe hana hewa, e hana mau ma ka hewa; I-Ho, v. To go down; to descend, as
to draw in, restrain, as one desiring to ful- from a higher to a lower place. Wah. 12:5.
fill a call of nature, and is restrained by To go down from aneminence. Puk. 19:24.
the presence of some one; so also having E iho ana i ka pali, descending a precipice.
a desire to lasciviousness. 2. Hoo. To cause to descend ; to bring
I-nE, s. A spear. Jos. 8:18. Ihe hulali, down, as 2 punishment. 1 Nal. 2:9.
a glittering spear; a javelin. Nah. 25:7. 3. To.cause to fall. Ezek. 26:20.
He ihe pakelo ; the pahee a me na the o, the I-o, s. The pith of a vegetable; he zo
hand staves and the spears. laau ka mea mawaena 0 ka laau, the pith
I-ye-a, adv. int. Tand hea, where? To of a tree is what is in the center of the tree.
what place? whither? ikea oukou? where 2. In geography, the pole of the earth;
are you going? . he iho ko ka honua a puka ma na a0a0
bo IHU fed
é 6 IKE
elua, the earth has a pith (pole) coming I-nu-xu, s. Anger; contempt.
outat both sides; kaitho kukui. See Inorno. ]-uu-Ku-KA-N1, adj. Thu, ku and kani,
J-Ho, s. Name of the inferior kapas in to sound. Hard breathing.
a set, the best being the kilohana. ]-nu-maa, adj. Disobedient; mischiev-
I-Ho. A verbal directive, which implies, ous; manomano ke keiki ihumaa oe, you
1. Motion or tendency downward. are a child of frequent disobedience.
2. It implies succession, and is used I-nu-na, adj. Mischievous; applied to
much in narrative tenses; generally fol-
lowed by la. Gram. § 233, § 234, 3d5 §
persons ; kolohe.
237, § 239. I-nu-na-na, adj. Snoring; a snoring
I-no is also used after adverbs of time, person. See Inunono below.
and expresses succession of time; as, ma- -HU-No-No, v. hu, nose, and nono, to
hope iho, after that. Luwnk. 1:1. Lho nei, snore. To snore in one’ssleep. See Nonoo
just now. and None.
I-Ho, following nouns or pronouns, 1s I-u-Pa-PA, adj. Ihu, nose, and papa,
equivalent to self or selves; as,e malama ia I-nu-PE-PE, § flat, or pepe, mashed. De-
oukou iho, take care of your selves; ela pressed ; flat or depressed nosed.
ko’u manao no’u iho, here is my opinion of |-nu-pE-PE, s. A flat nosed person. O7hk.
myself. It is equivalent to own after a pos- 21:18. Puka ihu, a nostril. Nah. 11:20.
sessive ; as, kona tho, his own. I-nu-pu, v. thu, nose, and pi, to go up.
J-no-1-Ho, s. The solid, heavy part of To turn up the nose in contempt.
timber ; the heart ;something solid inside ]-nu-pu, s. A word of contempt. Lir.
of something soft; hele mai ia me ka pu a
A turned up nose.
me ka pololu a me ka thoiho kukui.
]-Ho-1-Ho-ku-kul, s. A string of kukui I-xa, v. To float ashore, as a drowned
person ; a ao ia po, tka ia aku la ia kanaka °
nuts, used for torches.
iuka o Ukumehame ; to be driven on shore
I-Ho-LE-NA, s. A species of banana which by the surf.
were permitted to be eaten under the kapu 2. To be turned aside, as a vessel by the
system ; eia na maia a Papae ai ai, o ka wind aud current. Qith. 27:41.
popolu, o ka tholena. 3. To fall off, asa vessel before the wind.
I-Ho-wa, s. Ihoand ana. A descending; 4, To run before the wind. Hoo. To be
going down; a path descending a hill. thrown up on the bank of a kalo patch.
I-Ho-rE, adv. J, prep., and hope, end. I-xa, s. Name of the sides of a kalo
Back; backward. Heb. 10:38, 39. patch, or of a mala where the grass is
I-nu, s. The nose of a person. Isa.65:5. thrown; oia ka mea e malu ai na ika,i lilo
The snout of an animal. Sol. 11:22. The ole ka mea kanu a kekahi i kekahi.
bill of a bird; the bowsprit of a ship ; the I-xa, adj. Drifting; inclined to fall off
fore part of a canoe, &c.; e homai ka thu,
before the wind; making leeway.
give meakiss. Laieik.72. Nore.—Hawai-
ians kissed by touching noses. Laieik. 119. I-xa1, adv. I, prep., towards, and kaz,
Oia ka manawa e loaa’i kou thu i ke keiki sea. Towards the sea; the opposite of
Kauai; a proverbial expression, or it may iuka, towards inland.
be a misprint for ike. Laieik. 126.
J-xar-Ka, v. See Ixa 3 and 4. To exer-
l-nu-a-nu, s. Ihu, nose, and anu, cold. cise muscular strength; to be strong; ua
1. Name of a wind upland of Kawela; o ikaika kona lima, his arm was strong.
ka ihuanu,he makani ia no Kawela, mauka 2. To be strong mentally or morally; to
mai. be courageous; persevering; energetic.
2. Name of an odoriferous tree or shrub Kanl. 31:6.
of that place. 3. Hoo. To make strong, as one weak in
J-nu-o0-LA-o-LA, $. hu, nose, and olada, body.
to. snore. 4, To be courageous in mind.
1. A breathing hard ; a snoring. 5. To be persevering in business.
2. A snoring nose. 6. To exhort one to be strong, energetic.
|-u-Ha-nu-nu, adj. Ihu, nose, and ha- persevering, &c.
nunu, to breathe hard. <A hard breathing I-kar-ka, s. Strength; power; valor;
nose; hard breathing ; snoring. zeal; perseverance.
|-nu-1-Hu, adj. A word used in con- I-kai-Ka, adj. Strong ? hardy ;_ perse-
temning another. vering.
J-nu-ku, v. Thu, nose, and kw, to stand. [-Kar-Ka, adv. Strongly; perseveringly.
To turn up the nose in anger or contempt. 1 Oihl. 10:2.
See Inupu. -KE, v. To see, perceive by the eye.
2. To see, perceive mentally, i. e., to I-xr-1-x1, s. Name of the fifth month
know ; understand. of the Hawaiian year.
3. A form of sending love to an absent [-x1-x1, s. Disquietness; suffering. Had.
one ; as,e ike aku oe ia mea, do you salute 38:2. Stifling for want of air; hot.
such a one. I-x1-x1, s. See Ixnxi above and O1xixi.
4, To receive, as a visitor or a messenger.
5. To know; to have carnal knowledge Name of a month, May.
of. Kin. 4:1 and 19:5. [-x1-mA-ku-a, s. Name of a kind of stone
6. Hoo. To exhibit; to show; to point out of which the maika stones were made.
out; to cause to know ; to give testimony I-xo, v. ‘To imitate. Syn. with hoko.
in a court concerning one. I-xo-1, s. A buoy; a float. See Lauea.
I-xe, s. Knowledge; instruction; ka I-ku, int. A word of encouragement to
ike, the person having knowledge. Puk. persons about to exert themselves in any
4:11. Understanding. Kanl. 4:6. A part- exercise, thus: iu, ikuku, oinana, oimo-
ing salutation ; as, e ike. kuo, oia, 0 ka holo no ia.
I-xr-a, v. Used for zkeia, the passive I-xu-a, s. Ancient name of one of the
of ike. Gram. § 211. It has also the regu-
lar passive ikeia. To be seen; to be known; months ; also written ieuwa ; October.
to appear. Puk. 16:10. I-xu-1-ku, s. An offensive smell. Syn.
2. Hoo. To be exhibited ; manifested. with okaoka.
J-xe-a-ka, v. Ike, to know, and aka, I-xu-wa, s. Name of one of the Hawai-
clear. To know clearly; to perceive dis- ian months. See the above.
tinctly. Syvy. with ikepaka, ikelea. I-xu-wa, adj. A lohe oe i ka leo zhuwa
]-KE-I-KE, v. See lke. To see; to know, (bird singing) ana manu. Laieik. 149.
&e. Hoo. To explain; to exhibit; toshow; I-xu-wa, v. Ka leo ona kahuli e ckuwa
to bear witness. Sol. 10:32. ana; singing like birds. Laieik. 149.
J-xe-1-kE, s. Hoo. A testimonial; a I-ua, s. A dark spot on the skin; he
superscription. [-LaAA, wahi eleele iki ma ke kino.
I-KE-1-KE, adj. Showing; witnessing. I-Lar-LA, adv. The auialo of daila; there;
I-xe-ma-xa, s. Ike, to see, and maka, in that place ; to that place. Gram. § 165:2.
theeye. Aneye witness; one that sees with [-Lai-Lau. See LAuLe Le.
his own eyes, or knows a thing of his own I-La-Lo, adv. The auialo of lalo, down:
knowledge ; a witness. Jer. 32:10.
down ; downwards; below. Gram. § 161.
J-ke-ma-KA, v. Ike, to see, and maka,
the eye. To know positively ; to see with J-La-mu-xu, s. An officer whose busi-
the eyes. ness it was to enforce the orders of a chief,
J-x1, adj. Small; diminutive; little ; or of a judge.
often used in compounds; as, kamaili, 2. An executioner ; a destroyer. rand.

keiki, the little one, &c.; he wahi mea

3. An executive officer. 1 Oihl. 23:4.
uuku, he Jiilii.
4, In modern times, a marshal ; a sheriff.
‘I-x1, adv. Not at all; nearly; ke hoo-
koe iki nei no ka aie o ke aupuni,there re- I-x1, v. To strike, rub or scrape on the
mains very little of the government debt. ground, as a canoe, boat or ship. Kin. 8:4.
J-x1, v. Hoo. To spare; to hold back ; 2. To strike or run aground, as a ship;
to strike a rock.
to make small. Jsa. 54:2.
3. To be cast away; uaili ka moku ana-
]-x1-1-K1, v. To be pressed; to be com- haha, the ship stranded and was broken up.
pelled to do a thing; to be compelled to 4. To rest on land, as a boat when the
act or not to act against one’s will. water subsides ; to stick fast.
2. To be weary of refraining from. Jer. 5. To lay upen one, as good or bad, i.e..
20:9. ‘to make responsible. ah. 18:1.
3. To pant for breath, as one dying. 6. To come upon one, as a good or a
]-x1-1-k1, s. A -confinedness; want of blessing. Aan. 28:2. Also,
7. Asa curse or evil. Han. 28:15.
room. 8. To fall or come to one, as an inherit-
2. A close, tight room.
ance, or to become one’s by inheritance.
3. Severe pain; panting for breath;
Tos. 24:32.
strangulation ; the pangs of death.
9. To inherit, as land. Kin. 15:8.
4. A siege of a city. Jer. 19:9.
10. To pass over, as the moon over the
|-x1-1-K1, adj. Close and hot, as the con- surface of the ocean; uai/i ka mahina ma-
fined air of a crowded room. luna o ka ili o ke Kai.
2. Tight, as a bandage or clothes made 11. Hoo. To cause one to inherit, as an
too small. estate, 1. e., to give one an inheritance.
12. To bring upon one, as evil, i. e., to the dead or kumakena. The eperation is
come upon one, as a judgment; to fasten called uni.
the charge of evil upon one. J-11-1-L1, s. See Inrabove. Small,smooth
13. To count or consider a thing as be- stones worn by the water; pebbles. Sol.
longing to one; to impute, or attribute 26:8. Gravel. Jsa. 48:19.
something to one, &e. Kin. 15:6. 2. Small stones used in playing at ko-
14. To attribute to another a plan which nane. Laietk. 38.
was partly his own; hooili aku la na ke J-u1-1-L1, v. Hoo. To collect; to gather
kahuna wale no ka olelo, a huna i kana in, as the fruits of harvest. Jsa. 17:5,
iho, be attributed the plan to the priest, 2. To gather up; to pick up, as fuel.
and concealed his own part. Nah. 15:32.
15. To cause a transfer of property or a 3. To gather, as grapes of a vintage.
kingdom to another; i hooili pono aku ai Kanl. 24:20, 21.
o Kaahumanu i ke aupuni no Liholiho, that 4. To collect together, as small pieces of
*Kaahumanu might transfer the kingdom to | anything.
Liholiho as his. 5. To obtain, as property. in. 12:5.
16. To lade, as a beast of burden ; to take Wa hooiliili ai, harvest time. Nots.—Hoo-
in, a8 a passenger on board a ship; ke hoo- iiili is the opposite of hoolei. oan. 6:12.
ii nei i ka ukana o ka moku.
17. To be stopped, as a stone rolling down
[-u1-1-L1, s. Hoo. A gathering in; a col-
a bill, i. e., to strike. lection ; a harvest.
18. Applied also to a person pursued in I-tr-o, s. A dog; zlio hihiu, a wolf;
battle until he is angry with the pursuer, ilio hahai, a greyhound. Sol. 30:31.
and turns upon his adversary with such 2. The cross beam of a house.
fury that he also runs in turn. 3. Fie. A catamite. Hoik, 22:16.
4, A stingy, close man.
I-11, s. The stranding of a ship on a I-t1-0, adv. I hele aku, ea, mai maka-
shore or rock.
2. The descent of property from parents maka ilioika huelo ka ike, a proverbial
to children. expression: the end of a friendship that
3. The dashing of one thing against an- once existed, false friendship remains.
other. I-y1-0-E-HA, s. A species of fish.
[-u1, s. The skin of a person or animal. I-ti-o-na, s. A species of lhmu having
Tob. 16:15. EHia mai na ili o kanaka, he broad leaves; he limu lau palahalaha.
keokeo kekahi, he ulaula kahi, he eleele 2. Also a plant with small leaves.
kekahi. [-11-0-HAE, s. Epithet of a wolf;
2. The bark of a tree; the outer rind of [-LI-0-HI-HIU-HAE, a fierce, cross dog.
any vegetable ; the husk or shuck of fruit. Lam. Haw. 23:1, 1.
3. The surface of the ground or sea; na
ka la e hoomalamalama i ka ili o ka honua,
[-L1-0-LE-Lo, v. Ili and olelo, to talk. Teo
the sun enlightens the surface of the earth; go about tattling ; retailing scandal; e imi
maluna o ka ili kai kona hele, his going olelo, hooholoholo olelo.
was upon the surface of the sea. J-t1-o-ma-ka, Ss. Ili, skin, and omaka,
4. Mea ili, whatever is made of skin. prepuce. The foreskin. See Omaka.
Noh. 31:21. [-t1-Hau, s. ‘The bark of the hau tree,
5. The surface of any substance; elua of which ropes are made; he kaula iikaw.
no ano o na ili, o ka ili laumania, a o ka J-u1-neE, s. A shrub, the bark of whose
di bualala. Anahon. : root is very acrid ; also hiliee.
I-t1, s. The name of a small district of I-t1-HE-Lo, s. Name of the class of
land, next smaller than an ahupuaa. There farmers who worked but little; o ka poe
are thirty-three ilis in the ahupuaa of Hono- mahiai liilii, ua kapaia lakou he mahiai
julu. ilihelo.
i-u1, s. A small, smooth stone worn by I-ti-n1a, v. To be astonished at an
the water; a pebble. event. Oihk. 26:32.
I-u1, s. In geometry, a side; a surface; 2. To be offended,as with a servant who
ii o ke kai, surface of the sea; ili o ka has done mischief.
aina, surface of the land. 3. To be in great fear; ua ilihia makou
I-u-au, s. A species of bush in the for- i ka makau maoli.
est; nana aku he ka moloua ka éliau. 4. Hoo. To cause fear or trepidation;
I-ui-a-u1, s. Sandal-wood; a deeply me he mea la e hooilihia ka olelo a na ka-
scented, hard wood, formerly a wood of huna.
traffic. T-ur-ni-a, adj. Quick tempered.
I-t1-k, s. A kind of vine; with its roots I-ui-n1-a, s, Great fear; trepidation; he
gcars are made in the skin in mourning for makau, he weliweli.
[-L1-n1-Lau-na, v. To reach or arrive above. Lit. The wpper skin, i. e., the sur-
at; to associate with. face of a thing ; the top.
[-LI-K0-Lo, s. Name of those who worked I-ti-ma, s. A shrub with green and yel-
at mahiai only a part of the day. See Int- low flowers; the shrub is used for fuel.
PILO. See Apri. He apiki, he lei apiki.
I-LI-HU-NE, adj. Iti, skin, and hune, poor, 2. The name of a region next below the
apaa on the side of the mountains.
i. e., poor to the skin. Poor ; destitute of
property ;; without clothing. I-ti-ma-no, s. Idi, skin, and mano, shark.
[-L1-HU-NE, v. To be poor; without prop- heads Lit. The shark skin; used for making drum
; oia ka ili i hanaia i ka pahu haeke-
erty. 2 Sam.12:1. The opposite of waiwai. eke.
Hoo. To make or, cause one to become
poor. 1 Sam. 2:7. I-ti-na, s. A burying place where many
I-tr-xal, s. Ii, surface, and kai, sea. are buried (where only one is buried, it is
called hunakele); a grave. 2 Oihl. 34:4.
Lrr. The surface (skin) of the sea ; the sur-
With kupapau, a burying place. Kin. 49:30.
face of any substance.
A sepulechre. Neh. 2:5. A tomb ; same as
I-i-kat, adj. Horizontal; kaha @ikai, hale kupapau.
a horizontal line. Ana. Hon. 4, 2. Hoo. An inheritance. Kamnl. 18:2. A
L-Li-Ka-La, s. Ili, skin, and kala, rough; possession. Kin. 48:4.
[-LI-KA-NI, epithet of the shark skin, The 3. An heir; one to whom an estate or
skin stretched over and fastened to a cocoa- inheritance has fallen or is to fall; he mea
nut shell, which formed a kind of drum; e hooili ai ka waiwai a ka mea i make.
penei e hana’ii, o ka puniu, o ka ilikala [-u1-NA-wal, s. Jina and wai, water.
(shark skin paha,) ka pili me ka pilali o ke A place where a brook loses itself in the
kukui, a paa, kakoo me ke kaula a maloo, ground. Lir. The grave of the water.
waiho a maloo, alaila, hookani iho me ka
ubane. | I-L1-PA-LA-PA-LA, S. Ili, skin, and pala-
{-ti-x1, v. To dash; to strike against, pala, to write. A skin written upon; a
1. As a weapon of war.
parchment. 2 Tim. 4:13.
2. As rain in a storm. I-.1-p1-Lo, s. Name of the farmers who
3. As water in a torrent; i ka manawa worked all day till dark ; o ka poe mahiai
e kaua ai, iliki iho la ka pohaku me ka nui a po ka la, ua kapaia lakou he mahiai
laau, nahoahoa ke poo; i ko laua hele ana ilipilo ;those who worked little were called
i ka makaikai a Koolau, iliki iho ana ka ilihelo.
ua; aole o kanamai o ka iliki ana mai a I-t1-war, adj. Ili, surface, and wai,
ka wai o na kahawai. water. Horizontal; level. Ana. Hon. 4.
[-u1-x1, s. A dashing; a striking against, He kaha iliwai, a horizontal line. See In-
&e. KAI.
J-Li-k1, s. A varnish made of the kukui [-L1-WA-HI-WA-HI, s. lt, skin, and waki,
bark, laui, opuumaia, &c. covering. A sword scabbard.
[-t1-Ko-na, s. A wart; a smal], hard I-to, s. A maggot ; a body worm. Job.
protuberance on the skin; he puupuu ino 45.
paakiki, wanawana liilii. 2. A worm consuming vegetables. Puk.
L-L1-Ko-LE, adj. Ili, skin, and kole, 16:20.
3. Worms of various kinds ; aa ilima,
[-L1-K0-NE, raw. Very poor; destitute,
na ilo baka, na wo liilii e ulu ae ana ma ka
so much that life is undesirable ; e aho ka
make ia Milu, loaa ke akua o ka po, it is
better to die by Milu and be received by I-to-1-Lo, v. To be wormy; full of
the god of night. worms, as meat, or as worms on vegeta-
bles; ua iloilo ka ia, ua kau ia nae e ka
I-t1-Ko-LE, adj. Not thoroughly ripe, as iloilo liilii. Hoo. Ua hooiloilo ke kahuna e
the cocoanut; not colea loa; he niu ilikole. make.
[-n1-ur-nt1a, adj. See Itmia. Excited; [-Lo-1-Lo, adj. Wormy; full of worms
filled with fear. or maggots.
2. Dignified ;full of dread. I-Lo-Ko, prep. I and loko, internal. In;
[-ti-tu-a, s. Zdz, skin, and lua, second. inside of; within. Gram. § 161.
» 1. The second or new skin; applied to I-to-x1, s. A strong smell; scent; ap-
old age. plied to the shark; ka iloli o ka mano.
2. The seventh stage of life—wrinkled 2. The unpleasant sensations of preg-
skin. nancy.
3. An aged person ; he pakaka ka ili. I-tu-na, prep. 1 and luna, above. Up;
I-ui-Lu-na, s. Zz, skin, and luna, upper; | upward; upon; above. Gram. § 161.
I-nu-na, adv. Up; upward. I-mu-toa, v. To perform the process of
I-1, v. To search for a thing as lost; baking men, sometimes as offerings to the
to look after with a view to find. gods and sometimes for medicinal purposes.
2. To seek, as for knowledge, for riches, I-na, v. To judge; to set in order; to
for pleasure. settle a difficulty.
3. E imi hala, to seek some evil against 2. To pry up; to raise by means of a
one; to devise devices. Jer. 18:18. To seek lever.
occasion against. Dan. 6:4.5. 3. To sound, as from a distance; e ina
[-mi-1-m1, v. Freq. of the foregoing. To mai ka leo 0 mea e hea mai..
seek earnestly or diligently for a thing; 4. To modulate or ease off, as the sylla-
uaimiimi wahi dala no ke kino ; uaimiimi bles at the end of a mele line; ina leo;
wahi noho hou aku. hooina leo, same.
I-mi-Ha-La, v. To seek occasion against. | I-na. Used in an imperative inviting
See Im above. sense, come on; go to; let us do (some-
I-m1-HA-LE, s. Epithet of one who is a thing) ; mostly in the plural; ina kakou,
seeker of property, in distinction from one &e. Kin. 11:4; also 37:20. Adverbially,be
who is to possess it, who is the noho hale; quick ; used in exhortation, to make speed;
o Kamehameha ka imihale,o Liholiho ka ina hoi. Luk. 20:14. Come on, let us do
noho hale. this or that; ira no, though; albeit. Hzek.
l-mi-Ha-LE, v. To seek an inheritance 2:6.
for one’s children,as Kamehameha did and I-na, s. A species of sea egg; poke
left it for his children. ina; he ia poepoe kalakala.
{-mi-H1a, v. Pass. of imi for imiia. To I-na, adv. With vo, for indeed.
besought; looked for. Ezek. 5:17; also 6:1. I-na, conj. If; it implies condition, and
\-mi-0-LE-Lo, v. lm and olelo, word, is usually followed by a corresponding
speech. ina, answering to then, in the last member
1. To lie; to obtain a thing by false of the sentence ; as, ina i makemake mai
statements. oe ia mea, ina ua kii mai oe, if you had
2. To prattle; to tell tales; to slander. desired that thing, then (if) you would have
I-mo, v. To wink. Aal. 35:19. See come for it.
Amo. Conj. 5th, iimo,to wink ; to triumph, I-na, inter]. O that. Job. 29:2. I wish
as one in mischief. Sol. 6:13. that. Neh. 22:29. Would to God. Puk. 16:3.
2. To snap, as the eyes on drinking some- Ina no wauimake nou, O that I had died
thing very acid. for thee. 2 Sum. 18:33. Jna aole makou e
3. To twinkle, as a star; imo ou iho na hiki mai, O that we had not come. Laieik. 67.
maka o ke koa, kuku ka lihilihi, okalakala I-nar, s. The little delicacies which
ka hulu o ke koa, pai o kukae me ka naau.
give relish to food ; condiments.
I-mo, s. E lele i ka amo o ka lani; a
look; a looking. I-nar-na, v. To hate. Kin. 37:4. To
I-mo-1-mo, v. See above. To wink re- be angry with ; to grieve.
peatedly; to wink fast. Job. 15:12. Ua 2. To have the feelings hurt by another’s
imoimo na maka i ka ue. conduct; to abhor; to dislike. Oihk. 26:15.
3. Hoo. To excite one’s anger or rage.
[-)10-1-mo,* adv. Very high; very far off; Ter. 32:31.
at a great distance ; poiuiu loa; ua kauia I-nar-na, v: ‘To shake; to move; to
na hua vo ka nin iluna loa, a imoimo ke stir ; paonioni.
nana akn, the fruit of the cocoanut hangs
very high, it is very high (there is winking)
I-nar-na, s. Anger; hatred. in. 3:15.
to look at it. Malice; wrath.
2. The reddish evacuation which pre-
I-uv, s. A place for baking made by cedes labor ; ua hemo ka inaina o ke keiki,
heating stones under ground ; an oven for kokoke paha ka manawa e hanau ai.
baking vegetables or meat. Puk. 7:28. I-NAI-NA, .adj. Angry; abominable;
See also Umu.
I-NaI-NA-IA, § hateful; causing one to be
[-mu-a, prep. I and mua, first. Before; anery. Oihk. 18:29, 30.
in front of; in presence of; imua no o I-na-HE-a, ady. int. When? at what
Keknuokalani a make; aole i hoi ihope,
imua no ka poe koa a make. time? referring only to past time ; inahew
oe i hele mai ai? when did you come? ine-
[-mu-L1, prep. I and muli, remainder. hinei, yesterday.
Behind ; coming after; in the rear. I-na-LE-o, s. Any word which stands
I-mu-Loa, s. Imu and loa, long. A long before nouns to limit and direct the sense;
oven; an oven for baking men. in grammar, &® preposition.
[-va-tu-a, s. A basket used in catching kahi, o ke ino 0 ka pepa a me ka inika, the
fish ; he huehue, he laau hibi, he mea hopu_ poor quality of the paper and ink.
ia. 3. The substance in the intestines ; ho-
I-na-mo-nA, s. The meat of the kukui 4. Hoo. Violence; iniquity ; cursing.
nut roasted and pounded up with salt as a 5. A gale; a storm of wind and rain;
relish for food. he ino buhu, a horrible tempest.
I-va-wa, v. To walk about idly, without I-no, adj. Bad; wicked; vile; sinful;
any definite object; to loaf about. mea ino, an abomination; an evil thing.
I-NA-NA, v. Ine. Let me see; let me Mut. 24:15.
I-NA-NE, hear ; show it to me; exhibit I-no, adv. Badly; wickedly.
it, &c., according to the-subject. Nore.— I-no. A strong intensive, used in both
The last form, inane, is better language a good and bad sense; it expresses very
than the other. great feeling of affection or hatred; aloha
I-ne, conj. If; used less frequently than ino, very great love, or with a peculiar
ina. See Ina, conj. tone of voice, very great contempt; he
I-nea, s. Fruitless labor; hard toil with mea minamina ino ka waa, a thing of very
little reward ; na hoa o keia inea,o ka poe great loss is the canoe.
nana e waele. I-no-I-No, v. See Ino above. To make
I-ne-a, adj. Hard to be obtained, cost- sad; to be grieved; no ke aha la i inoino
ing much time and labor with liability to ai kou maka? why is your countenance
loss ; o kuu hoapili, hoa inea, my compan- sad? Neh. 2:2.
ion, a friend hard to be obtained; o keia 2. To be very tempestuous, as the sea.
wahi inea, this hard living place. Hoo. E Iona. 1:13.
o’u hoa hooinea, O my long tried friend. 3. Hoo. To defile ;to deface; to pollute.
2. Deceitful ;vain; useless. Sol. 11:18. I-no-1-No, s. Badness ; worthlessness;
He hana inea ka hewa, sin is labor with- indecency; ua like ka inoino me ka pu-
out reward; he hana inea ka inu rama, puka, a me ka pelapela, a me ke alauka.
rum drinking does not pay. 2. A bad disposition ; a mind for doing
I-ner, adv. Here. See [ANE. harm. Laieik. 101.
[-NE-HI-NEI, adv. Yesterday. 2 Nal. I-no-1-no, adj. Very poor; lean; miser-
]-NEI-HI-NEI, 9:26. Inehinei kela la aku, able ; despicable.
day before yesterday ; ric. Job. 8:9. See I-no-a, s. A name; name of a person,
NEuI. place or thing.
L-NE-Ka, s. Eng. Ink; Hawaiian word I-no-a. Kainoa, an adverbial expres-
[-ni-KA, § waieleele. 3 Ioan. 13. sion ; just as if; I thought; kainoa ua pau
I-ni-t-n1-k1, v. To pinch a little; to loa na kanaka Hawaii i ka ike au, J thought
all the people of Hawaii knew how to
[-ni-Ha, s. An inch. swim ; it is connected with some degree of
pinch often or frequently. See next word. surprise, or contrariety of opinion.
I-ni-K1, v. To pimch with thumb and I-nu, v. To drink, as water or any
finger ;to snatch away ; to carry off; kaili, liquid.
lawe lilo; to pinch off, as the bud of a 2. Hoo. To cause to drink. Nah. 20:8.
plant. 3. To give drink to; to water, as a flock.
I-ni-ki-n1, s. Eng. Indians; applied to Notre.—This verb sometimes takes the syl-
the aborigines of America; he nui na lahui lable ha between the causative hoo and
Inikini e noho ana ma Amerika, many are the verb; as, hoohainu. Kin. 24:14.
the tribes of Indians in America. I-nu, s. Drink; any liquid for drink-
I-no, v. To hurt; to injure; to render ing ; he inu awa, awa drinking.
uncomfortable; oia ka mea e ino ai ke Inu aku i ka awa o Koukou
kino, that is what injures the body. Ka awa lau hinalo aala
Awa 0 Mamalahoa he hoa—e.
2. To be or become worthless. Jer. 18:4.
3. Hoo. To disfigure. Oihk. 19:27. To I-nu-wal, s. Inu, to drink, and waz,
trouble with evil. Puk. 7:27. water. Name ofa sea breeze at Lehua on
4. To punish ; to afflict; to suffer evil. Kauai.
5. To reproach; to vex; to tease; to I-nu-wal, s. Epithet of such Hawaiians
harass. as have signed the total abstinence pledge;
6. To curse. ka poe puali inwoai, the army of water
I-no, s. Iniquity. Puk. 37:7. Deprav- drinkers.
ity ;anything which is contrary to the gen- I-po, v. To cohabit before marriage or
eral good. without marriage ; to practice lascivious-
2. The poor ane of a thing; eia ke- ness; to commit fornication.
IpU 82 Iwi aac

I-po, s. A sweetheart; a paramour.|I-pu-La-au, s. [pw and laau, wood. A

Ter. 4:30. wooden vessel. Oihk. 15:12.
I-po-1-po, adj. Hoo. Making lascivious |I-pu-te1, s. Applies to a person with
gestures while eating. 1 Pet. 4:3. Ahaaina a large body and smali legs; a word of
hooipoipo, a lascivious feast. reproach to the people of Kohala; ipulei
I-pu, s. A general name for all kinds of Kohala na ka moaeku.
gourds, calabashes, melons, pumpkins, &c. I-pu-LE-po, s. Ipu and lepo, earth; clay.
2. A general name for small containers, An earthern vessel. Oihk. 15:12. A cup;
as dish, cup, mug, tumbler, &c. Kani. a potter’s vessel. Hal. 2:9.
23:25. Each kind is designated by some|[-pu-Lu, s. Padw iii, zpulu i. See Puiu.
additional word expressive of its quality or The i does not belong to the word. Fine
use, which see under their own names. pulu, in distinction from pulu haapu.
I-pu-a1, s. A vessel (calabash) for con- I-pu-nut, s. Jpu and nui, large. The
taining food ; a me kana mau ipuat. sea of Solomon’s temple. 2 Nal. 25:16.
[-pu-al-ma-Ka, s. Ipu, at and maka,
green; fresh. A melon; a fruit to be eaten I-pu-pu, s. Ipu and pu, fruit of the
raw. Nah. 11:5. squash kind. A pumpkin; a squash.
l-pu-a-H1, s. Ipu, cup, and ahi, fire. A I-pu-wai-au-au, s. A wash-bowl; ina
censer. Nah. 4:14. lawe ia mai kona ipuwaiauau ; this epithet
[-pu-a-La, s. Ipu, cup, and ala, odorif- used to be applied to those who kept the
erous. A box for containing odors; also genealogies of the chiefs, because they
a musk-melon. managed to wash the characters of the
chiefs so far as their pedigree was con-
l-pu-au-av, s. Ipu and auau, to wash. cerned; ua kapaia ka poe kuauhau he ipu-
A wash-basin; alaver. Puk. 30:18. waiauau no na alii e hoomaemae ai.
[-pu-a-wa, s. Ipu and awa, bitter. The I-pu-Ba-ka, s. Ipu and baka (Eng.), to-
bitter calabash. bacco. A tobacco pipe.
[-pu-A-waA-A-WA, S. See above. ‘The bit- [-pu-r1, s. Ipw and ti (Eng.), tea. A tea-
ter or poison calabash. pot.
I-pu-1a, s. Ipw and ia, meat; fish. A I-wa, num. adj. Nine; the number
meat dish; a flesh pot. Puk. 16:3. nine ; also aiwa and eiwa.
[-pu-1-nI-KA, s. Ipu and intka, ink. An l-wa, s. A thief; the word comes from
inkstand. Oiwa, a notorious thief who lived long ago
[-pu-Hao, s. Ipu and hao, iron. An iron and obtained the surname of Oiwahue,i.e.,
pot. 2 Nal. 4:38. Oiwathief.
{-pu-Ha-o-LE, s. Ipwand haole, foreigner. I-wa, s. The name of a large bird with
A foreign ipu, i. e., a water-melon. black feathers.
I-pu-Ho-Lo1, s. Ipu and holoi, to wash. I-wat-na, prep. Inthe midst; between ;
A laver; a wash-basin. 1 Nal. 7:38. among.
\-pu-Ho-LO-Ho-Lo-Na, s. Ipu and holoho- I-waE-NA-Ko-NU, S. The center of a cir-
lona, crawling things. A calabash for fish- cle; the middle; in the midst of. Zunk.
ing worms. Lam. Haw. 25:4, 3. 20:42.
I-pu-xa, s. See Puxa. A door; agate; I-wa-t-wa, adj. Learned; intelligent;
a place for entering a house or an inclosure. skillful. See Atwatwa.
Puk. 32:27. A window; the gate of a city. 2. Also the name of a plant; he meaulu
|-pu-Ka-1A, s. A calabash for containing e like me ka palaa, ua ulana paia me ka
fish (ka inserted); 0 ke aloha ka mea i oi papale mauu.
aku ka maikai mamua o ka umeki poi a I-wa-Ho, prep. Land waho, out of. Out;
me ka ipukaia, love is that which excels in out of ; without.
excellency the poi dish and the jish bowl. I-wa-Ka-Lu-a, num. adj. ‘Twenty; the
I-pu-Ka-Lua, s. ‘The name of a vegeta- number twenty; with the article it be-
ble. comes a noun.
[-pu-Ka-pu-aA-HI, 8. Ipu and kapuahi, a I-wi, s. A bone.
fire place. A censer. Oth. 16:12. 2. The midrib of a vegetable leaf.
3. The side of an upland field of Kalo.
{-pu-xu-kul, s. Ipu and kukui, fruit of 4, A cocoanut shell; the rind of sugar-
the kukui. A candlestick; alamp. Puk. cane.
25:31. 5. The stones stuck up along the bound-
I-pu-ku-NI-a-La, s. Ipu and kuni, to aries of ilis, or rather lands ; sometimes a
ae and ala, incense. A censer. Nah. low stone wall; e kuhikuhi i kaiwi o ko ka
D20. poe kahiko wahi i mahiai, to point out the
O 83 0
boundary stones of the places where the I-wi-Hu-A, s. Anat. 6.
ancients cultivated. I-wi-ka, s. Iwiand ka. A bone near the
6. Any hard broken material ; the rem- seat.
nants of other things, as corn cobs, the re-
mains of lime pits; paiwi. ]-wi-KA-E-LE (i-wi-ka-la), s. The hull of
7. Used ric. for near kindred. Kin. a ship; the body of a canoe; kalai ia ka
29:14. Alaila pomaikai kaua, ola na iwi iwikaele.
iloko o ko kauamau laelemakule. Laieil. [-wi-KA-LA-ku-A, S. The bones of a fish
9. Then we two shall be happy, our de- which run up from the backbone.
scendants shall live in the days of our old I-wi-kA-LA-Lo, s. The bones of a fish
age. See the names of some of the bones which run down from the backbone.
of the human frame below. He ivi halua I-wi-KA-NA-KA, S. Iwi and hanaka, hu-
oe; he iwi kau i ka awaloa, reproachful
epithets. man being. A human bone. Nah. 19:16.
J-w1, s. The name of a small bird with I-wi-KA-NA-NA, S. Name of a bone in
the front part of the head. Anat. 8.
red feathers ; 0 ka iwi, he ulaula ka hulu.
l-wi, v. To turn aside ; to be crooked, I-wi-ka-no, s. Iwi and kano, handle.
as the eyes of cross-eyed persons. The bone of the fore arm which joins the
I-w1, adj. Crooked ; pointed ;
[-wI-1-w1, curved, as most bones are; I-wWI-KE-E-LE, s. The keel of a ship or
ina i ehuehu me ke kikala, he hulu iwi ia
]-wWI-KE-LE, boat. See IwIkKaELe.
puaa. I-wi-xu, s. Iwi and ku, to stand. One
J-wi-a, s. Iwi and a, the jaw. A jaw- of the bones of the lower leg. Anat. 21.
bone. Dunk. 15:15. J-wi-ku-a-moo, s. Iwi and kuamoo, liz-
I-wi-ao-ao, s. Iwi and aoao, side. A ard. The bones of the back; the back-
side bone; the rib. 2 Sam. 2:23.
I-wi-1-w1, adj. Poor in flesh; thin. Lir. [-wi-ku-a-moo, s. One who attended the
Bony. person of a high chief, executed his or-
ders, &c.; ko ke alii mau twikuamoo ponoi.
I-wi-a-La-Lo, s. Iwi and a, jaw, and Laieik. 35. See Inamvku and PoELamuxu.
lalo, under. The under jawbone. I-wi-LaE, s. The bone of the forehead.
I-wi-a-Lu-NA, s. Iwi and a, jaw, and Anat. 6.
luna, upper. The upper jawbone. _ I-wi-Le1, s. The shoulder bone; the
I-wi-E-LE-Lo, s. Iwi and elelo, the tongue. collar bone ; also,
* The tongue bone. Anat. 14. 2. The measure of a yard, i. e., from the
J-wi-o-LE, s. Name of certain kinds of breast bone to the end of the longest finger.
koi or adz; 0 ka iwiole kekahi koi. I-wi-ma-Ha, s. The cheek bone; he
]-wi-0-PE-A-PE-A, s. Name of a bone in wahi iwi ewaewa ia. Anat. 7.
a person’s head. Anat. 8. The bat-bone. [-w1-P1-L1, s. The double or united bones
]-wi-u-Lu-Na, s. Iwi and uluna, pillow. of the arm or leg.
The bone of the upper arm. Lrr. The pil- 2. A stalk of grass.
low bone. I-wt-poo, s. The skull bone. Lunk. 9:53.
[-wi-u-MAu-ma, s. Jwi and umauma, I-wi-Po-na, s. A joint; the bones of a
breast. The breast bone. person separated from each other and all
I-wi-H1-Lo, s. Iwi and hilo, thigh. The jumbled together ; hai pu ka iwiponaika
thigh bone. Anat. 21. uwe. See Iwi and Pona.
J-wi-HOoE-HOE, s. Iwi and hoehoe, paddle. [-wi-pu-HA-KA, s. The bones of the loins.
The shoulder bone ; the shoulder blade. [-wi-pu-nI-u, s. The skull bone.
I-wi-Ho-PE, s. The skull bone of the I-pe-xa, s. Name of an animal; the
back part of the head. Anat. 7. ibex. Sol. 5:19.

. O the fourth letter of the Hawaiian tity; some say mahope, others say mahoppy.
Salphabet. It is the easiest sounded, The first is the more correct.
next to a, of all the letters. Its sound is | QO. This letter is prefixed to nouns, both
mostly that of the long English o in note. common and proper, as well as to pro-
bone, &c. There is a difference in some nouns, to render them emphatic or definite.
words among Hawaiians as to the quan- This o should be carefully distinguished
0 84 OAO
from o the preposition. It may be called fork; a sharp stick ; keo bipi, an ox goad.
the o emphatic. It is used in particular- Tank. 3:30. Ke o manamana kolu, a three-
izing one or more persons or things from pronged fork. 1 Sam. 2:13.
others. The o emphatic stands only before 2. The effect for the cause ; a sharp pain
the auikumu or nominative case. Gram. in the body; a stitch in the side, as if
§ 53. pierced by a sharp instrument; a keen
O, prep. Of; belonging to; ka hale o darting pain in the side of the chest.
ke alii, the house of the chief; it is synon- O, s. Provision for a journey; travel-
ymous with ko; as, ko ke alii hale, the ing food. Puk. 12:59. E hoomakaukau
chief’s house ; but the words require to be oukou i o no oukou, prepare food for your-
differently disposed. In a few words it is selves (for your journey) ; provision for a
interchangeable with a. See A prep. As, voyage; ke kalua iho la no ia o ke 0 holo
ka pane ana o ka waha, and ka pane anaa i ka moana, that was the preparing the
ka waha, the opening of the mouth. f provision to go on the ocean.
O, s. A place, but indefinitely ;mai o O, s. The sprit of a sail.
a o, from there to there ; throughout. Puk. O, s. The sound of a small bell; a tink-
27:18. From one side to the other; io a ling sound. See Ox.
io ae, this way or that way ; here or there. O-a, v. To burst over, as a swollen
More generally used adverbially; as,
O, adv. Yonder; there; ma o aku, be- 2. To exceed; to go beyond; to pass
yond; mai o a o, from here to there, or over the point intended.
from yonder to yonder, i. e., everywhere. 3. To shout, as a multitude of voices.
It takes the several prepositions no, ko, i, 4, To roll, as a stone over a hill, or toss
ma, mai. Gram. § 165, 2d. it over.
O is sometimes prefixed to the impera- 5. To change conversation.
tive mood instead of e; as, o hele oe, go O-a, v. To gag; to heave, as one sick
thou, instead of e hele oe ; o hoi oukou i na at the stomach.
la ekolu, return ye for three days. In this 2. To split, as a board or log. See Ooz,
case, for the sake of euphony, the 0 may Owa and Oaoa.
take a u after it; as, ow hoi olua, return O-a, v. To be bereaved of children; to
ye two.
have lost one’s children.
O, conj. Lest. This is one form of the 2. To be bereaved of parents; to become
subjunctive mood; as, mai ai oukou o orphans.
make, eat not lest ye die; also. Nah. 14:42. |O-a, adj. Bereaved; reduced to orphan-
Oe T o pierce, as with a sharp instru- | age, as parents of children, or children of
ment; to dot into; to prick; to stab. Syn. parents ; aole pono na keikioa makua ole,
with hou and ou. See Ov. uncomfortable are children bereaved of pa-
2. To thrust; to thrust through ; to gore, rents. oy
as a bullock. -Puk. 21:28. <A. o iho la ke- O-a, s. A species of wood resembling
kahi i ka polulu, some one pierced him
with a long spear. See Oo. Pass. To be mahogany.
pierced, stabbed; hence, to be killed; to O-a, s. A rafter of a house.
be pierced with a spear; mai ota ke ka- 2. The timbers in the sides of a ship.
naka i ka ihe. Oia, passive of 0, to plunge 3. Name of the five parallel lines on
under water, as a canoe or surf-board. which music is written.
3. To extend or reach out, as the hand O-a-aa, s. The name of large threads
or finger ; o ka mea e ae mai,e o mai lakou in cloth.
i ko lakou lima, those who assent, let them 2. Similar appearances in bad potatoes
stretch out their hands; to stretch out the when cooked. ~
hand to take a thing. in. 8:9.
4, To stretch out the hand to trouble or O-aE-aE, adj. A little watery; not
afflict. Puk. 8:2. solid ; oaeae ke kalo.
5. To dip,as the fingers in afluid. Oihk. Q-a-0-A (0-wa-o-wa), adj. Split; shat-
4:6. Hoo, for hoo-o. To stretch out, as the tered; cracked, as wood; he laau oaoa.
hand. Puk. 14:27. To thrust in the hand Bee Oa 2.
or finger into an orifice. Anat. 45.
QO, v. To call for a thing desired. Sol. O-a-o-a, s. The sound of water bub-
2:3. bling, as in a spring, or as water running
2. To answer to a call. Jer. 7:13. To out of the neck of a calabash.
answer to one’s name when called; aohe i O-a-o-a, v. To gurgle, as water purling
o mai, he answered not. or running unevenly, as through the neck
O, $. Art., ke. An instrument to pierce of a calabash; oaoa ka wai o ka huewai ;
with; any sharp pointed instrument; a oaca ka nuku o ka huewai pueo.
O-a-o-a. Ua oaoa au; ua ozoa ae loko |O-a-po-Ko-LE, s. See Oa, lines in music,
ou; ua odod ka ilio. and PoKo1g, short. In music,a leger-line.
O-a-o-a, adj. Calm; serene; joyful. O-z, pers. pron., second, pers. sing.
O-a-o-a-ka, v. To glitter; to glisten; Thou; you; like au, it often takes 0 em-
to spangle. phatic, as ooe ; ooe no kau i manao ai, you
O-a-o-a-KA, s. Name of a shell fish of thought of yourself; e noho oe me ka ma-
kaukau, do you sit ready.
the sea. ,
O-av, pers. pron., Ist pers. sing. See O-z, v. See O. To prick; to probe;
ke oe aku nei ia ia oukou me ka laau oioi,
Av. I; the o is emphatic, and sounded
quickly with the following a, it becomes he pricks you with a sharp stick; to pick
w, as wau; when the o is a little more
up, as with anything sharp.
heard, it becomes owau ; hence the several -E, v. To grate harshly, as one
forms: O-5-0-E, thing rubbing against another.
1. Au, I, simple form. 2. To whiz, as a ball or grape-shot
2. Oau, I, with o emphatic. through the air.
3. Wau, I, the o and a sounded quickly 3. To make an indistinct continned sound;
together—w. heaha la keia mea e oeoe ae nei? what is
4n Owau, I, the third form again em- this thing that whizzes by us so?
phatic—owau. See these several forms in 4. To murmur, as a purling brook or
their places. running water.
O-au, v. To mew,asacat. See Owau. O-r, s. A continued indistinct
O-au (oa-o-au), s. The name of a spe- O-r-0-E, sound, as an axe upon a grind-
cies of fish ; he oopu oau, he oaoau, he olu- stone ; as a pen drawn hard upon paper.
heluhe. ‘ 2. The continued sound of the surf; the
QO-a-m1, s. Name of a kind of stone sound of a ship passing through the water;
used in polishing canoes and wooden cala- the sound of an army marching at a dis-
bashes. tance. Syn. with nehe, pawewe, kamumu.
Q-a-xa, v. To open suddenly; to open, O-z, !s. An inverted cone.
as the mouth in the beginning of a speech; O-£-0-E, 2. Epithet of a man who walks
ua hoaka ae la oia e olelo aku ia lakou. genteelly ; superiority in some respects ;
2. To open, as the eyes. kukulu ka oe, spoken of one riding or run-
3. To open, as a book, a door, &e. Fig. ning swiftly on foot.
To open the mouth, i. e., to have made a 3. Epithet of a beautiful woman.
promise or vowed a vow. Lunie. 11:55, 36. 4, A lengthening; a stretching out of
O-a-xa, s. The opening of the mouth the neck. Jsa. 3:16,5. A monument; a
to speak; ka oaka ana o ka waha, ka
pillar or sign of something.
ekemu ana. Sol. 8:6. O-z, adj. Long; applied to the
2. The reflection of the sun on any lumin- Q-E-0-E, neck of a person or thing; oece
ous body. hoi ka a-i, he maikai no nae, long are their
3. A glimpse, glance or flashing of light; necks, but still they are handsome ; oeoe
he oaka ana ae o ka uila, the flashing of ka a-i o ka manu nene, long is the neck of
lightning. the goose.
O-a-KA-a-KA, 5s. Repeated glancing ; 2. Applied to a sail; he pea oeoe, he kie-
flashing, &c. See Oaoaka. kie, a long, high sail; applied to a house ;
Q-a-xu-a, s. Name of the 14th day of hale oeoe; kukulu hou i hale oeoe a kapu.
the month. See Axkua 2. O’-E, s. A drumming and singing
O-a-La, v. To toss up and whirl over Q-E-0-E, together ; ke oe omua, he wahbi
and over. pahu kapu e ku ana iloko 0 omua; kauo
2. To cast or throw away. aku la o Wakea ia Papa ma ke o’e omua.
3. To rear, pitch and kick up, as an un- O-£-0-E, s. A species of fish.
broken horse; oala ka lio, he lio holo ino Q-s-0-E-o, adj. Of different heights,
me ka oala mai a hope. some taller, some shorter.
Q-a-La, s. A tossing or brandishing, as O-:-0-E-wE, adj. Moving; fluttering,
a cane in the hand. as a leaf in the wind; 0 oe ia e ka lau oe-
O-a-La, adj. Name of a weapon or club oewe, lau Kapalili, thou art it, thou moving
thrown in fighting in war; o ka poe ikei leaf; leaf fluttering.
ka laau oala, pa aku i ka newa. O-z-Ha, adj. See Onaa. Broken or
Q-a-xa, s. The name of a species of fish. bent, as an arm or leg.
O-a-ma, s. Name of a kind of fish. O-z-no, adj. See AnvoEeno. Laieik.
QO-a-nEI, adv. Is it there? is it yonder? 112. Kauai mats.
OIA 86 O10
0-1, v. To project out or over; to go fact; to profess. Kanl. 26:3. To avouch.
beyond ; exceed; generally with mamua. Kani. 26:17, 18. Nore.—The ideas of being,
Joan. 13:16. existence, continuance, firmness and truth
2. To be more in any way; to be more are from the same root, and has the same
excellent ; to be greater naturally or mor- form as the third pers. sing. of the pro-
ally ; to be better. Puk. 1:9. To be ex- noun, and supply in some measure the
cessive in some condition ; as, ua 07 paa place of the substantive verb. See Gram.
loa, aole e hemo, it is very array, fixed, it § 136, Ist.
will not be moved. O-1-a, s. Yes; verity; truth; also hoo,
3. To limp; to walk stiffly. same.
4. To approach ; to draw near to, as in O-1-4, adv. Yes; it is so; a strong af-
speaking to one. Kin. 44:18. firmative.
5. Hoo. To go beyond a prescribed Q-1-a, s. A species of fish.
limit. Lud. 3:13. Opposed to hoemi. Kanl.
13:1. Ua hoot aku oe1 ka lono, thou ex- O-1-a1, adv. While; whilst, &c. See O1.
ceedest the report. 2 Oihl. 9:6. Oiai e ola ana kakou i keia manawa, while
6. To be sharp, as a knife, hatchet or we are living at the present time.
spade. Hal. 45:5. O-14-1-0, s. Ota, truth, and Zo, real.
7. To sharpen; to set on edge, as the 1. Truth ; verity ;whatis true; upright-
teeth. Hzek. 18:2. To sharpen, as a knife, ness.
onasteel or whetstone. See Kepa. Oikepa, 2. Hoo. A pledge; a thing given in
a sharp instrument. pledge for another; a pawn. Kin. 38:20.
0-1, s. Excess; superiority; greatness. Or-a-I-0, v. Hoo. To declare to be true;
Kanl. 7:7. to affirm; to verify; to prove. 1 Nal. 8:26.
2. An uneven number; difference in 2. To confess as an article of belief; to
mumbers, as in substraction. acknowledge; to trustin. Kamil. 1: 32.”
3. The sharp edge or point of a weapon; O1-a-1-0, adv. Truly; verily; ofa truth.
hence, Joan. 3:3. A strong asseveration of truth.
4, Offensive or defensive weapons; arms. Or-a-10, adj. True; not false; he ovato
Tuk. 11:22. The sharp points of broken
maoli eee mau hana, aole keekee iki.
glass bottles 5;ua maikai ka omole mawaho;
aka, ina e naha ka omole, wa piha loa oloko Or-a-na, int. Indeed! truly! Lazetk. 8.
i ka oi. Or-a-Na, Le. imp. Let it be seen; let
5. The name of a small tree. OL-A-NE, it appear; showit me, &c. Syn.
6. In music, a sharp. with inane. Oiane kau palapala, show
O-1, adj. First; most excellent; greater; your book ; sometimes written oiana. Syn.
the best. also with hoike. E otane oe i kau olele.
2. Sharp; full of sharp points ; sharp, O1-0, s. Name of a species of fish.
a knife; ka hoana oi, the sharp hone;
2. Name of a kind of stone used in
i pol-
ne_apuapu ‘oi, the sharp file.
ishing canoes.
3. Poor; thin in flesh, that is, having
3. Name of a species of small bird.
har p features.
“I, adv. While; whilst; during O-10, s. A company or troop of ghosts;
Q-1-Al, some time when a thing was he huakai uhane ; the same in respect of
ghosts as huakai is in respect of men.
doing; e hele ika malamalama, ot kau ke
ea i ke kino; o¢ huli wale lakou ia ia, while O-1-0, s. A long bundle of salt or fish;
they sought for him in vain; while yet. 2 he oio paakai; he io kekahi inoa; also
Sam. 3:35. called io.
O-14, pers. pron., third pers. sing. He, 2. The name of a fish that burrows in the
sand ; 0 ka oio ka ia noho ma ke one.
she, or it; the o is emphatic. See Ia.
Gram. § 53 and 54,3. Oia no wau, I am O-10, s. O, fork, and zo, flesh. A flesh
he; o ka laau hua ole, oia kana e oki aku, hook; a flesh fork. Puk. 38:3
the branch not fruitful, that he cuts off; it O1-o1, v. To rest from fatigue, partic-
is not so often used for things as for per-
ularly the fatigue of walking. Nah. 10:33.
sons; o@@ iho no, he by himself. 1 Nal. 2. To move “sideways ; to turn the side
18:6. to one. Puk. 20:15.
Q-1-a, v. To continue; to endure; to 3. Hoo. To shoot out the lips, as in scorn.
remain the same;, oi@ mau no ia, it is O1-01, s. Something sharp; excessive.
always the same; he oia ka mea hawawa i Fig. A trial.
ka heenalu, hai ka papa, the awkward per-
son always breaks the board in riding on O1-01, ad). Sharp; full af sharp points;
the surf. Hoo. To consent; to affirm 3 to mea oioi, pricks ; sharp things.
assent; to confess; to admit a truth or 2. Forward; presuming.
O-10-10, v. To pass and repass by num- 6. To ascend; to mount up, as an object
bers in quick succession. seen at a distance; oili ka hale kula o
O1-0-1-na, s. See O1o1, to rest. A rest- Lahainaluna ke nana mai i ka moana; to
rise in the mind, as a thought; oili mai la
ing ; a resting place for travelers, where is
keia manao hou iloko o’u, this new idea
found some accommodations more than
came up into me.
usual; a pile of stones; a tree; a bush,
7. To project; to extend beyond; sim-
&e. Kin. 42:27.
ilar to kela; e oili ae ana ka holo ana; ka
Or-or-xu, v. To struggle; to contend oili ae no ia hele ana iwaho; o ka oili ae
with some difficulty, as traveling in deep mawahd o ka upena holo ana.
mud ; oioiku ka hele ana o ka mea nui. O-1-11, s. The region of the heart; the
See OIKkv.
seat of fear; lele ka oili, a fright; the seat
Or-Haa, s. A person with crooked limbs, of judgment ; conscience ;ka mea maloko
but not so much as to hinder from busi- e hoapono ana, a e hoahewa ana. Kamak.
ness. See OwAa. Lele ka oili o ka lani; lele i ka lanio ka
Or-Ha-Na, s. Ot, principal, and hana, oili ; o ka lani, oia ka mea e lele ana me
work. he koki la ia, me he hokulele la.
1. A special duty or business ; the work Q-1-11, s. Name of a small fish; also
peculiar to one; an occupation ; a trade. uviwi.
Oih. 18:3. O-1-11, adj. Ke keiki oilt wale, an un-
_2. Duty; employment. Kin. 47:3. Ser- timely birth. Kekah. 6:3. Ka manu oili
vice. leo lea o ke kakahiaka, the bird of the
3. An observance; custom; ministry;
morning unfolding a lovely voice.
labor; calling; office.
4, One’s tools; instruments or apparatus Q-1-L1-La-PA, s. Name of a species of fish.
for any business. Puk. 27:3. Na kapu O-1-t1-LE-pa, s. Name of a species of
kahiko a me na oihana wabahee, the an- small fish in the ocean resembling, but a
cient kapus and the false customs, i. e., little larger than the uwiwi. Nore.—Per-
customs founded on false notions; na oi- haps this is the same as the foregoing.
hana lapuwale, foolish customs; ke hoike Q-1-L1-Lu-a, v. To go before; to project
mai nei na kumu a kakou i keia oihana o one thing before another. See Hooxe.a.
ha aina naauao. Q-1-LI-PU-LE-LO, v. Oilipulelo ke ahi o
5. The name of the book of Acts in the
New Testament. ka maile; to send lighted fire brands down
a pali in the night, formerly a sport for
O1-HA-NA-A-LII, s. Othana and alii, king. chiefs.
A history of the acts of kings ; name of the Q-1-LI-wa-Le, adj. Relating to an un-
books in the Old Testament called Chron-
icles. 2 Nal. 13:8. timely birth; prematurely unfolded. Ke-
kah. 6:3.
OI-HA-NA-KA-HU-NA, Ss. Othana and ka- O-1-L0o, s. He nahelehele liilii loa, e
huna, priest.
1. Priesthood; the exercise of the priest’s oilo ae ana ilalo; grass and: other vegeta-
bles when it first springs up.
Office. Nah. 18:1.
2. Name of the book Leviticus. Q-1-Lo, s. Name of a species of fish; he
QO-1-Ki-pu-A-Ho-LA, s. The name of a oilo puhi.
2. The springing up or first shooting of
pestilence in the time of Waia.
plants and vegetables.
O-1-K1-1-kI1, s. Name of the fifth month. Q-1-Lu-a, adj. Oi, edge, point, and Zua,
O-1-x1-K1, s. Name of a month; same double. Double edged; two edged, as a
as ikiki. sword ; same as makalua.
Or-xu, v. To struggle, as one walking O-1-wi, s. See Iwi, s. The substantial
in deep mud. See Ororku.
partof a thing; that which gives character
O1-Ku-wa, s. Name of the tenth month. or adds ornament; the upper naked per-
Q-1-u1, v. Kindred with wilt. To twist; son of a well built man; o hele a hoike
to roll up. aku i ko oiwi ike kumu; maikai ka oiwi o
2. To roll up a cloth, kapa or paper. mea, kihi peahi lua, maikai ka oiwi ke
3. To untwist ; to spring back, as a bun- nana aku, pakaka.
dle, when it gets loose ; e opeope ia wahi Nani ka otw?i o Hilo i ka lehua
* mea a paa, 0 oili aku ia mea, hoka kakou. Ke kui lai ke one i Waiolama
See Wirt. Nani ke kino 0 ia Isau, he laau.
; 4. To feel uneasy ; to be agitated with O-o, v. ‘To ripen; to become ripe, as
ear. fruit. Jos. 3:15.
5. To faint; to be discomposed; to be 2. Applied to men; he kanaka oo loa, a
Sea with strong emotions. Mele Sol. full grown man; he kanaka elemakuie,
- 3:6. ua 00.
OO! 88 OOL
3. To come to maturity, as children|Q-o1, s. Roughness; anything with
grown up to manhood. sharp protuberances; ua like ka oot me ke
O-0, v. See O, to pierce, dot into, &c. kalakala.
To crowd or cram into, as tobacco into a Q-o1, adj. Sharp; prickly. Jos. 23:13.
pipe; e oo iho i ka ipubaka i paa ai ka Mea ooi, sharp things; briers. Dunk. 8:7.
ipubaka ke pubi aku ; e nounou. Nahele 002, thorns. 2 Sam. 23:6. Mea ooi,
2. To crowd herbs, &c., of an inflamma- sting of a wasp or asp. Hoik. 9:10.
tory nature into the vagina of a female to O-o-0, v. To crow, as a cock. Mat.
procure abortion. 26:74, 75. Syn. with Kani.
3. To pierce with a sharp instrument the
foetus in the womb; 00 no lakouina keiki, Q-o-0, s. Any small vessel for contain-
ua nui na kamalii i make pela. See Ao- ing water to drink; he ooo no ka wai, he
mito. He nui wale na wahine i 00 i ka kioo, kiahaaha.
lakou mau keiki i ka manawa e hapai ai. O-o-0, v. To shrink away.
4. To commit infanticide generally, of 2. To be very careful of one’s person or
which the Hawaiians had a variety of property.
pene. 3. To be parsimonious.
. To stab or pierce, as with a spear; O-ov, v. To call aloud; to cry after
00 he la lana i ko Keeaumoku kua i ka one to make him hear; ua oow aku la au
pahoa, they two stabbed the back of Kee- ia ia i lohe mai ai, aole oia alawa mai.
aumoku with a pahoa. Kam.
O-o, s. Name of the process by which Q-o-Ha0, s. Oo and hao, iron. The iron
a child was killed in the womb. oo. See Oo. Applied lately to the plow
O-o, s. The instrument anciently used for tilling the soil.
by Hawaiians in cultivating the ground. Q-o-Hov, s. Oo and hou, new. The
Originally it was made of some hard wood name given to the plow as an instrument
flattened and sharpened at one end so as for tilling the soil; the new oo, i. e., the plow.
to dig with. The kinds of wood were the O-o-nu, v. To bend over, as the shoul-
alahee, ulei, kauila, the uhiuhi, &c. Iron ders of a carpenter or any mechanic from
since its introduction has taken the place the constancy of work; oohu ke kua o ke
of these kinds of woods. kanaka no ke kulou mau i ka hana; ha-
O-o, s. Name of a species of bird liv- nana, kuaoohu; ua oohw ke kua, he is
ing in the mountains in the daytime and stoop-shouldered.
flies to the sea at night; a small brown QO-o-Hu, s. A stoop-shouldered man.
bird, web-footed.
2. The swell of the sea rollmg down
Q-o, s. Name of a species of bird found from the north part of Hawaii; when it
in great numbers on Hawaii; the feathers comes from the south point, it is called
were much valued by the chiefs for orna- kahela.
menting their persons. O-o-Hu, adj. Crooking; bending out-
O-o, s. Name of a large fly brush. ward.
O-o, adj. Ripe; mature, as fruit. Ler. O-o-x1, v. The 5th conj. of okt. To cut
24:2. off; to lop, as the branch of a tree. Mar.
2. Applied also to full grown young 11:8. To cut off, as a rope.
people; ai oo mua, first ripe fruit. Puk. 2. To cut up, as wood for fuel; ke ooki
22:29. nei au i ka wahie; ooki ae la lakou i ke
Q-o-a-u1, s. Oo and ahi, fire. A fire kaula o ka waapa, they cut off the rope of
shovel. 2 Othl. 4:11. Oka mea ike i ka the boat. ;
ooahi o Naalono; lele ka papala ooahi o 3. To cut off, as the limb of a person.
ka pali. Lunk. 1:6.
Q-0-E, pers. pron., second pers. sing., 0 4. To divorce, as a married person; ke
emphatic. See Gram. § 131. Thou; you. ooki nei au i kuu wahine no ka hewa;
See Ox. In the following cases it seems to ooki i ka piko la, e ka hoahanan, a speech
be used in the auipili; ooe ke kukulu ana of one friend to another when they are at
o keia hale ; ooe ka humu ana a keia pea. variance and can not agree.
Ooe is used often in Laieikawai for ou, of O-o-La, s. A blister on the foot; a stone
thee ; nawai ke kama ooe. Laieik. 176. bruise on the bottom of the foot.
Q-or, v. To split, as a log or a board; QO-o-La-Pu, s. A blister; the msing or
ooe aku la ia me ka laan no ka menemene swelling up of clothes in a tub of water.
i ka lalau aku me ka lima. O-o0-LE-a, v. See Oo, the instrument
Q-o1, v. To be sharp; pointed; oo7 na formerly made of hard wood, and Lea, an
kakalaioa, the kakalaioa are sharp ; oot na intensive, much, very, &c. To be hard ;
puakala, the puakalas are sharp. See O1. severe ; cruel in treatment; to strengthen ;
to make firm, as bones do the animal sys- water ; he oolopu ai, he poolopu wai. Moo-
tem. Anat. 1. olelo Haw. p. 114.
2. Physically, hard ; unyielding. Q-o-Lo-Pu, adj. Swelled full; distended,
3. Morally, rough; selfish in manners. as a Sail, a tumor, &c.
4. Hoo. To harden; to render obdurate, O-o-ma, s. An open spout; the nose of
either naturally or morally ; to harden, as a pitcher ; a pitcher itself.
the neck, i. e., to be obstinate. 2 Nal. 2. A gouge; a person with a sharp nose.
17:14. Mai hoolea i ka hana ana,e hana no
me ka oluolu.
O-o-ma, adj. Open, as the mouth of a
5. To be stout; strong; confident, as in person ; as the nose*of a pitcher; he kiaha
using words. Mal. 3:13. To harden; make ooma wai,a pitcher. Lujc. 22:10. The flare
bold; fearless, as the face. Hzek. 3:8. of a bonnet, &c. ; epithet given by Hawai-
ians to the bonnets of the first missionaries’
O-o-tEA, s. Physically, strength ; con- wives ; he papale ooma ka!
fidence ;hardness; severity. Oihk. 25:46.
2. Morally, surety ; stern justice. Rom. O-o-nu1, s. Name of a species of fish.
11:22. Opposed to lokomaikai. O-o-pa, v. To be lame; to limp for
3. Strength; place of confidence. Hal. lameness. 2 Sam. 4:4. ~
18:2. Ka ikaika, ka nawaliwali ole, ka O-o-pa, s. A lame person. Mat. 11:15;
paakiki. ; Oihk. 21:18.
O-0-LEA, adj. Hard; compact; unyield- O-o-pa, adj. Lame, as by walking ;
ing. lame, as an arm with hard labor; lame,
2. Stiff ; forward; obstinate. Kanl. 31:27. having lost a foot; lame, asacripple; lame
Untractable; disobedient; hoo, same; hoo- naturally ; he wawae oopa, hapakue.
kahi malama hookupu dala oolea, on the O-o-pa-LAu, s. Oo, the name of the
first month they collect hard money as Hawaiian digger, to which is added from
taxes. the English the word palau (plow.) Hence,
Q-o-LE-Ku-KA-uHI, s. The name of the a plow for cultivating the ground; he oo-
seventh day of the month. palau ka oo a ka bipie kano ai. See Oo-
O-0-LE-KU-KA-HI, s. Ka hiku o na lao HAO and OoHov.
ka malama; eha oia mau la i kapaia ia QO-o-pa-Lau, v. To plow; to guide a
mau inoa, 0 ka walu, o ka aiwa,ao ka plow. 1 Nal. 19:19.
umi. QO-o-pu, s. Name of a species of small
QO-o0-LE-ku-ko-LU, s. The ninth day of fish living in fresh water rivers and ponds.
the month. O-o-pu-Ha-Puv, s. Name ofa fish which
O-o0-LE-Ku-LU-A, s. The name of the is caught far out at sea.
eighth day of the month. Q-o-pu-HU-E, s. A species of fish with
O-o-Le-pau, s. The tenth day of the a rough skin, which is poisonous, if eaten.
month. 2. A name of the bitter calabash.
Q-o-Lo-Hu-a, s. The fruit of the popolo. Q-o-pu-Kal, s. A species of oopu living
O-o-Lo-xu, v. Olo, flexible, movable, in the sea. See Oopv.
and ku, to rise. Q-o-pu-Lu-vaA, adj. ‘The liver of an ani-
1. To be in a state like the sea when the mal served up with other things as a sauce;
current and wind are opposite ; to act like he ake puaa, he ake oopuluua.
a chopped sea. Q-o-pu-poo-paa, s. Another species of
2. To be stormy or tempestuous, as the oopu, similar, if not the same as oopukai.
sea ; kupikipiki io.
3. Applied to the mind; to be troubled; Ov, pers. pron., second pers. sing., gen,
agitated. of oe. Thine; yours; belonging to you.
O-o-Lo-xu, s. The raging of the sea; Sometimes it is used for kou, thy; thine;
as, me ou poe kanaka, instead of me kou
_ _ ka ooloku ana o ke kai i ka ino. poe, &c.; ow mau kamalii, thy children.
QO-o-Lo-ku, adj. Boisterous; stormy, as Gram.§ 132, 1.
the sea. Ov is sometimes used for o in the im-
Q-o-Lo-La, s. Name of a species of fish. perative ; as, ow hele oukou. Mat. 2:8;
Q-o-Lo-11, adj. Contracted or narrow, veh. 8:5. See Gram. § 192, last sentence.
as a place pinched up; as toes within tight The o of this imperative is often written ow.
shoes. O’v, pers. pron., first pers. sing., geni-
Q-o0-Lo-Lu, adj. See Oxo and Lu, small. tive ofau. My; mine; of me; belonging
Thin ; narrow ; narrow, as a road; ma ke tome. Gram. § 124, 1.
ala oololit aole nahelehele. See OLoLt. O-u, v. To lean the breast on a piece:
Ololii is the more correct orthography.
of wood in order to float; to ascend upon,
Q-o-Lo-pu, s. A mouthful of food or as a float.
O-v, s. A float. See Movo. 6. A sign or signal of divine authority.
Ou, v. To steal. Puk. 4:28.
2. To break off the top of a plant, bud 7. A wonder, i. e., a thing wondered at.
or leaf. Isa. 8:18. A token of some evil. Isa. 44:25.
3. To commit a small offense; e ou ka In grammar, mood or mode; as, ouli hai,
muou 0 ka wa iki; e ow ka muou o ka indicative mood.
baka. O-u-u1, s. Name of the god of those
Ou, v. 'To hide away ; to escape pun- who prayed people to death; ka inoa o ke
ishment for a crime ;*aole wahi e ow ai ka akua o ka poe anaana.
poe hewa i keia manawa, ua paa i ke kana- Ovu-mu-a-mu-a, s. See Muamva. The
wai; he ou nei ka poe hewaikahi papa name of the foremost soldier or the front
popo. rank in battle.
Ou, v. See O, verb, and Hov. To O-u-nau-na, s. The name of a four-
pierce or puncture, as with a sharp instru- footed animal in the sea.
ment; e ou, e hooeha i ka puupuu i ke O-u-PE, v. To vex; to trouble;
poo, to lance or pierce the swelling on the Q-U-PE-OU-PE, to put to hazard; to ill
head. fate ; e oupe mai kuu akua ia oe.
Ov, s. Name of a species of bird on 2. To be limber or weak, as the point of
the mountains ; 0 ka ow, ua like ia me ka a pen; oupe ka maka o ka hulu.
moa opivpio ; he omaomao kona hulu. 3. To make limber or bend, as a stick.
O-u-a, v. To stretch out. 4. To cause to fall, or to put down. 2
Q-v-a-Ka, v. To be open; to be full of Oihl. 25:8. See OxupE.
holes. See Owaxa and Oaka. Ou-wa, s. Auhea kakou a pau loa e o’u
Q-v-o-u, s. A sharp quick sound, as of poe hoa owwa mau la wela nei la, where
the kapa mallet; kani ovew ke kani ana a are we all, my fellow young cocks of these
ka ie kuku. hot days; also oua. See Moaova.
2. The sound of a drum when struck; e Ou-wa, s. A person living with stran-
Kani ovou ana ka leo o ka pahu; ke kani gers till he becomes as one of the people,
o ka ovow kuamuamu, the sound of the but still does not feel at home.
sharp voice of railing. Ov-ra-na-Ta-Na, 5. Eng. The orang-
Ou-ou, v. To be full of hard lumps, as outang.
poi not well pounded ; he ououw ka ai, he O-na, s. The small sprigs of kalo that
hakuhaku puupuu. grow on the sides of the older roots; the
Ou-ou, s. The name of a small bird. suckers which are transplanted.
Qu-ou, adj. Thin; feeble; he puka- 2. A branch from a stock. Isa. 53:2. A
puka, he kunono. sucker from the root of a plant or tree.
Jsa. TE). ie. ers 2325:
Ou-o-te, s. Firmness; fearlessness. 3. A stick for ensnaring birds; he laau
See Ou, to hide away. kapili manu.
O-vo-vo, adj. Growing thriftily, as O-na, s. A salutation between the
plants; no stinting; mahakea kupu lau sexes; rather a call, as halloo! to attract
ououo ole. attention, and when the person looks
Ou-Ho-Lo-al, s. A kind of mamaki kapa round, then beckons.
which is dyed or painted different colors O-Ha, v. To salute, as a mana woman,
on each side. or vice versa; to call to one at some dis-
tance, and when he looks, then beckons to
Ou-kou, pers. pron., second pers. plural. him.
Ye\s: you.
O-va, adj. Sick from grief or care.
QO-u-11, s. A change in the appearance O-naa, s. The name of a fish; also
of a thing. oeha; ke opae ohaa.
2. Character; kind; description; applied
to many things ; he owli okoa; ua maopopo
O-Aa, adj. He wawae ohaa; a person
ka ouli 0 ka poe hana hewa, ma ka lakou with crooked or distorted limbs.
hana ana. O-Ha1, s. A flowering shrub resembling
3. A sign; a token of the approach of a a locust.
storm or calamity ;an omen; a sign in the
heavens. . Q-wai-xau, s. Name given to a sledge
4. Form; change; meaning of a word. obtained from Captain Cook which was
5. A sign of something expected; an worshipped.
earnest or pledge ; e lawe i ka owl ao, me O-na-o, s. A swelling of the body from
ka ouli hana i pono ai oe i ka maka o kau sickness ; ka ohao o ka ilio, the swelling of
poe haumana. the dog. .
O-nAo, v. To weed; to cultivate; to of kalo leaves made into a luau; often
dress land. made where kalo grows plentifully.
O-Hao, adj. Swelled or dropsical; ka O-na-na, s. A family. 2 Sam. 9:1. A
opu ohao; puffed up; swelled full, as the brood of birds. Kanl. 22:6. A litter, as
bowels with wind or water. See OHAOHAO. of puppies or pigs ; an offspring; a tribe.
O-nao, s. Name of a rope to tie dogs Jos. 14:1, 2, 3. All the young of one ani-
mal; ka ohana moa, ka ohana ilio, &e.;
with. } ohana unku, an endearing appellation for
O-nao, v. To tie, as a rope or string; little children ; ohana hipa, a flock of sheep.
to bend on; applied mostly to dogs; e QO-a-na, adj. Of or relating to a fam-
ohao i ka ilio a paa. ily ;he mohai ohana, a family sacrifice. 1
Q-nA-o-HA, s. The fond recollection of Sam. 20:29.
a friend ;joy ; great desire ; strong affec- O-na-na, s. A family of parents, chil-
tion. dren and servants living together; 0 ke
QO-n4-0-HA, adv. Thriftily, as oha shoots; kakae no ia o ka lepo o Lahainaluna me
like ohas; ulu ohaoha na laau kann, the he ohana moa la.
trees planted grow thriftily. O-nE, s. Art., ke. The bamboo; the
Q-HAo-Hao, v. See Ouao. To swell,as outside was formerly used for knives on
the belly or body; to be full, as with much account of its hardness; a reed generally.
eating ; ua hookuku, wa nopu. 2 Nal. 18:21.
2. To rise up, as a thought in the mind. 2. A measuring reed. Hoik. 21:15. Ohe
See Ono. kani, a flute; ohe nana, a spyglass ; puna
O-HAo-HAo, adj. Puffed up; swelled ohe, a spoon made of bamboo.
full, as the bowels with wind or water ; he 3. Name of a forest tree; timber soft,
ohaohao ka opu, he ekeeke ke lomi iho. ee kukui, white, good for making kuku-
O-Hao-HAo-La, s. A false speech; a lie; uaeo.
a contradiction from what one has said be- O-HE, s. A bundle. See Out.
fore; na olelo au i lohe ai he ohaohala O-nE, s. Art., ka. Name of a musical
wale no ia, aolei like pu me kau i olelo instrument of the flute kind; hookahi au
ai, ohaohaola, ohalahala. mea malama, 0 ka ohe a kana; aia malama
QO-Hao-Ha-La, adj. Thrifty; rank, as pono oe i ka ohe. Laieik. 122. He ohe
vegetables. See Onana and OHAOHA. mana. Ib.
O-ao-Ha-LA, s. A pleasant delightful O-HE-A, adv. inter., the genitive case of
sound. Sen Of where? of what place? Gram. §
O-na-na, adj. Plump; rank; thrifty;
flourishing ; referring to vegetables. Kin. O-nEA, v. To weed; tohoe. See OnEv.
41:5. Ka ulu maikai ana o ka mea kanu. Q-neE-A, s. An arrow not well fitted; a
O-na-Ha, s. Name of a plant, arbores- matter of play for children; he pua lele
cent lobelia; a vine growing on trees; a ole, he pua ohea.
parasitical plant. O-ne-a, adj. Lazy after eating; tired
O-na-Ha, adj. Swelled; puffed up; en- of work; no inclination to work ; he mo-
larged. See Hawa. lowa, hoihoi ole, ohea i ka la.
O-Ha-KA, v. Ua ohaka, ua pololi; to be O-HEA-HEA, adj. Warm; tasteless, as
disconnected, but near together; to have warm water; he wai oheahea, he wai
a crack between. mama.
O-Ha-Kka, adj. Open; not joined; not O-HE-A-LA, Ss. Ohe and ala, sweet. Sweet
fitted together; he mao ohaka, he mao cane ; a vegetable offered in sacrifice. Isa.
hakaka. 43:24. Sweet calamus. Puk. 30:23.
Q-HaA-Ka-Lal, s. Oha and kalai. A stick O-HEE, s. O, to pierce, and hee, squid.
to rub or polish with, as a file or other in- To take squid by spearing; i ka ohee lakou,
strument. they are spearing squid.
Q-na-Ku-LAl, v. Oha, a shoot, and ku- O-nE-0-HE, adj. Half erect, not flat or
lai, to push over. To bend off the young horizontal, but as a steep roof of a house ;
ku oheohe, a kulu ole.
kalo from the old to give it room to grow.
O-na-ku-Lar, s. A hard protuberance O-nE-0-HE, s. The bamboo; a reed gen-
erally *See OnE.
on the joints of the human body, as the
knees, hips, ankles, &c.; also called haupuu. O-nE-uv, v. To weed or hoe, as pota-
2. A protuberance in the flesh. toes ; to dig over a garden. ‘
O-Ha-La, adj. Green; young; not ripe. O-HE-U, ae See Hev. To come
Q-Ha-Lav, s. The soft tops and blossoms QO-HE-U-HEU,§ out, as the beard of a
young man; oheuheu, ua oheu ae no hoi 8. To take up and protect, as an orphan.
kou puukole, make kuu makua. Hal. 27:10.
O-ne-HA, adj. Slow; lazy in work. See |O-m, s. A collecting, as of money or
Hena, molowa. property, implying difficulty ; the collect-
O-HE-KA-PA-LA, $S. Ohe, bamboo, and ing the fruits of a harvest. 2 Oihl. 31:5.
kapala, to print. A piece of bamboo carved The collecting, as debts.
for the purpose of printing kapa; he ohe 2. A bundle or collection of something ;
kakau. as, he ohi wauke, he ohi kalo, a bundle of
O-nE-KE, adj. Fearful; bashful; mod- wauke, a bundle of kalo.
est; humble; he oheke wale ko ke kua- O-u1, s. For ohe, bamboo. Laieik. 22.
aina kanaka, the country people are mod- A misprint perhaps.
est and diffident ;he oheke ole kanaka wahi O-n1, adj. False; deceitful; waha ohz,
alii, the people about the chief are without a lying mouth; he wahahee ; he puaa ohi,
modesty. a female hog that bears no pigs; he alii
O-HE-LO,, ie A species of small ohi, oia ke alii nana e ae ke kapa moe.
Norre.—Another native says that ohi is the
O-HE-LO-HE-LO, § fruit of a reddish color; appellation given to a female animal upon
the Hawaiian whortleberry. See Heo. the first bearing of young. See Isa. 7:21.
O-HE-LO-HE-LO, adj. Having the color After two or three productions she is called
of the ohelo, i. e., a light red; he hainaka kumulau. }
ohelohelo, he silika ohelohelo. O-n1-a, s. A contraction for ohia. A
Q-nE-Lo-pa-PA, s. A strawberry. forcing ;constraining ;compelling. 2 Kor.
Q-nE-mo, adj. Weaned; broken off, as 9:5
from sucking ; as a child from the breast. O-n1-a, s. Name of a species of large
See Hemo. He ukuhi ohemo na keiki. tree, the timber used for various purposes,
QO-nE-mo, v. To discharge freely from but especially for making gods. See other
the bowels, as in a dysentery. species below.
_ O-nE-Mo-HE-mo, adj. Faint; languid ; 2. The name of a class of gods under the .
weak ; omino, alalohe, nawaliwali. general name of akuanoho.
O-nE-NA-NA, S. Ohe, bamboo, and nana, O-ni-a, s. A deciduous fruit somewhat
to see, look. A spyglass. See OnE. resembling the apple.
O-n1a-a1, s. Name of the tree that bears
O-HE-wa, v. O, to pierce, and hewa, the ohia fruit; obia apane, the ohia with
wrong. To make a false stab at a person red blossoms. .
or thing.
O-nia-HA, s. Another species of the
O-HE-wa-HE-wa, adj. Far gone with ohia tree; hili ohiaha a hooluu.
sickness ; dead drunk; dim-sighted ; ohe- O-nIA-LE-HU-A, s. Ohia and lehua, name
wahewa mai la na maka, the eyes do not of a blossom of certain trees. Another spe-
see plainly ; not able to see from intense
cies of the ohia, bearing beautiful blossoms.
light or other cause; liable to mistake See Lenua.
what is seen. See HooHEwAHEWA.
O-uI-E, adj. Wicked; perverse. See
O-n1, v. To gather up, as things scat- Hie or Higxte, and Ounreua.
tered; to glean. Kanl. 24:21. To collect O-u1-0, s. A hahai i ka ohio, a me ka
together. Nah. 11:32.
ohio unuunu.
2. To collect, as fruit; to gather in a
harvest. Oihk. 19:9, 10. O-u1-0, s. The thinking; the reflection
3. To pluck, as fruit, and carry away; of the mind upon a beloved but absent ob-
to collect together, as property ; ua ohiia ject.
ka waiwai; to collect; to sweep in, as in ; 2. The undulating motion of the air over
collecting the spoil of a conquered en- a smooth plain in a hot day.
emy. O-u1-0, v. Tostirand loosen the ground
4. To carry away by force; equivalent around a vegetable.
to hao; aohe pu oloko o ka pa, ua pau i QO-u1-0-u1, s. See Our. Falsehood; de-
ka ohiia e na kanaka mawaho, there was ceitful talk; boasting; bragging ; ohiohi
no gun in the fort, they were all taken away pukupuku.
by the people without. O-n1-0-H1, s. The small straight branches
5. To choose out. Sam. 17:40.
6. To receive ; to be taken into the care of trees ; ohiohi ke kupu o ka laau ; ohiohi
or friendship.of one ; ohi mai o Liholiho i ke kupu ana ae.
poe punahele nana; pau ae la ke kui i ka O-n1-0-H1, v. To have substances of
‘ohtia i makau, all the nails were collected various colors united, or a substance of
for fish-hooks. various shades of color, as mahogany tim-
7. To receive, as the interest on money. ber, curl-maple, curly koa, &c.
2. To be very beautiful ; pleasing to look 2. To perform a vow.
at; handsome. 3. To speak that which is false. See
O-n1-o-n1-0, v. See Hio. To stagger or Hoourpa.
reel, as one intoxicated ; to be slightly in- O-n1-pu-A, adj. Wicked; naughty; per-
toxicated, so as to produce the desire of verse; he ohipua ka olelo; careless or
sleep. negligent in speaking, whether truth or
2. To do a thing but slightly. falsehood.
3. To shut the door lest loafers should O-no, v. Tocry out; more often hooho ;
come in. to exclaim, cry out, as many voices; to
O-n1-0-H1-0, s. The dizziness of slight cry out, exclaim, as a single voice ; hooho
intoxication. ae la ia leo nui, a pane mai la ia me ka
O-n1-v, v. To thatch in a particular hooho ana, auwe! pau! See Hoono. To
manner. cry out, as a flock of birds on being fright-
QO-n1-u-n1-v, s. Name of a species of ened ; oho ae la ka auna manu i ka ilio.
fish found at Kawaihae; at other places O-no, s. The hair of the head. Mat.
they are called uhu. 5:36. Or human hair; oho hina, gray hair.
O-n1-Kau, v. To mistake; to make an Kin. 42:38. See Lavono.
error in speaking ; ohikau wale aku no. 2. The leaves of the cocoanut trees from
See Onrpua. their resemblance to hair; wehe ke kaiaulu
O-u1-Kau, s. A mistake; a blunder in i ke oho o ka niu, the strong wind loosens
the leaves of the cocoanuts.
O-no-a-xa, s. The name of the second
O-n1-K1, s. Name of a particular man- day of the month ; same as hoaka.
ner of thatching ; ua ohiki ka maka i ka
laau; ua ohikiia kalaau i kaai i ka wawae. O-no-ku, s. Also the name of the sec-
2. Name of a species of small crab or ond day of the month.
sand spider. O-Ho-ku, s. The name of the fifteenth
O-u1-x1, v. To shell, as one shells beans; day of the month, that is, the day that suc-
e ohiki a hoihoi aku i ka pulupulu. ceeds the day of the full moon.
2. To put in; to cram down; e ohiki O-no-xul, s. Oho, hair, and kui, to join
iloko. together. A wig, made awkwardly, for-
3. To pry up, as a stone. merly worn in war. Kum. Haw. 10.
4. To lance or open, as an abscess. Q-Ho-11, v. See Hort. To question for
Q-nI-kI-HI-k1, v. ‘To persevere, as when information.
one expects a favor by asking. O-no-ma, adj. Destitute; without con-
2. To pick, as the teeth ; ohikihiki i ka veniences ; ua ka au-i ka pa ohoma, a ua
niho a pilo. kokoke mai kona la.
O-ni-to, s. Name of the first day of O-nu, s. A fog; a mist; a cloud. Puk.
the month among Hawaiians; same as hilo. 24:16. Smoke; vapor. Job. 36:27. Ka ohu
O-n1-nA, v. Ohi andana. To have one’s e uhi ana i ke kuahiwi, the light cloud that
property swept away for debt; ohina au- covers the mountains. Syw. with awa, fine
papa, same as pau ka waiwai. rain; also noe, spray.
O-u1-nu, v. To roast, as meat. Isa. 2. The breath of a person ina cold morn-
44:16. To hang up and turn round by the ing; o ka ohw no ia o ke kanaka. See
fire for roasting ; to roast over or before a Manu.
fire ; ua ohinuia i ka uwahi. O-nv, v. To roll up, as the sea that
O-ni-nu, s. The piece of meat roasted does not break. Laieik.91. To swell high,
as water ; ohu iluna ka wai; ua pihaaohu
as above, or a piece for roasting. 1 Sam. iluna ke kai.
2:15 ; Isa. 44:16.
Ka ohinu lele uwahi manu e O-nu, s. A roller or swell of water that
O ka manu ai leleu. does not break.
2. The name of the stick which turns 2. Name of a place raised up for any
while the meat is roasting. purpose. See Onuku and AnuA. %&
O-nI-Nu-HI-NU, v. See Onmnv. To roast Q-nu-a, s. The family part of a house-
much or often. hold, as children, servants, domestics, so-
2. To be parched and dried, as the skin journers, &c.; the master and mistress are
or as roast meat; ua ohinuhinu ka ili, ua not generally included. Kin. 12:5. Ka
upepehu. ohua ia o Hinahele me Kuula.
3. To be smooth and shining, as a swelled 2. Applied to the passengers on a vessel.
skin; hence, O-nu-a, v. To glide; to slip off, as the
4, To be sick. glancing of the arrow in throwing the
O-n1-pa, v. To vow; to take a vow. arrow ; ua ohua kau ka ana i ka pua.
O-nu-a, s. Name of the young of the 2. To confer privately concerning an
fish called manini. See MaKanionva. absent person, either with a good or bad
O-nu-a, s. Name of the thirteenth day design.
of the month ; properly hua. 3. To confer clandestinely ; to murmur.
4. To speak against one. Puk. 16:7. To
O-nv-a-L1-Ko, s. A species of fish like complain of persons. Jos. 9:18. To con-
the manini. ' spire against one; to grumble secretly;
Q-HU-A-LI-MU-KA-LA, Ss. A species of to be discontented.
small fish. 5. To congratulate one’s self; to think
Q-Hu-a-LI-Po-a, s. A species of small in one’s own mind; to lay out or plan any-
fish. thing secretly within one’s self. 2 Sam.
O-HU-A-PAA-WE-LA, S. A species of fish. 13:32
Q-Hu-A-PA-LE-mo, s. A species of small O-nu-mu, s. A murmuring or complain-
ing. Puk. 16:12.
fish. Laieik. 12.
2. A secret conference or council. Kin.
QO-xv-1, v. To twist round, as in pull- 49:6. He ohumu kipi, a conspiracy. Ezek.
ing out a tooth. 22:25. Ohumu wale, a grumbling ; a com-
2. To snatch or rescue, as in pulling a plaint without cause.
child from the flames. O-nu-na, s. Name of the eleventh day
3. To pick or pull out a sliver from the of the month. See Huna.
flesh. ;
O-nvu-1-Hu-1, v. To twist round and QO-nu-na,
s. A species of very small
draw out, as a tooth; ohuihui i ka niho;
ohuihui i ka naio, to pull up the naio (san- QO-nu-nE, s. A species of very small
dal-wood.) See Ontt. fish.
Q-Hu-o-Hu, s. A myrtle wreath worn O-nu-NE, s. A disease of the skin; the
around the neck. itch ; mai puupuu lili.
2. A blackish kind of kapa. Q-xa, v. To set a decoy; to ensnare;
Q-nvu-o-nv, adj. Large; heavy; bur- to place a bird in such a position as to
dened ; ohuohu o mea i hele mai la; ohu- catch or tempt another.
ohu o mea i ka lei. O-xa, v. To move the lips, as in speak-
O-Hu-o-HU, v. To dress in uniform. ing, but without sound ; e oka wale ana no
2. To decorate, as a room ; to dress out, ka waha, the mouth only was moving.
as a ship; to put on wreaths, &c. 2. To blow the nose.
O-nu-xku, s. A small, flat elevation; a O-xa, v. To be small; few in number
platform. or quantity ;aohe oka mai o ka bipi, there
2. A protuberance; a round or blunt were not a few of cattle. See OKANA.
protuberance of earth, stones or other QO-xa, s. Dregs; crumbs; small pieces
eae Syn. with puu, hua, ahua, wawa, of things, as saw-dust, filings, &.; oka pa-
e: laoa, chaff. Hal. 83:13. The refuse or
O-xnu-xu, v. To stick out; to be prom- worthless part of a thing. Jsa. 1:25.
inent in some part; ua ohuku ke poo. 2. An offensive smell; he pilopilo, he
O-nu-LE, v. To be or become bald- wai no loko o ka oka awa; he wai oka no
ke kukui.
headed. Isa. 15:2. Lae ohule. Oihk. 13:40,
41. Hoo. To make the head bald. Ezek. O-xa, s. A top made of a small gourd.
29:15. To make one’sself bald. Oihk. 21:5. O-xa, s. Eng. An oak tree or wood.
Ka lauoho ole 0 ke poo, oia ka ohule. Kin, 12:6. Laau oka, an oak grove or tree,
Q-nu-LE, s. A bald-headed person. 2 O-xa, adj. Small; fine; little; kaula
Nal. 2:23. oka, a rope made of any fine substance, as
2. Baldness itself. Mik. 1:16. Ohule pa- tow or pulu. Lunk. 16:9.
hukani i ke aluia. O-xaa, v. To spin, as a top. See Kaa.
O-nu-LE, adj. Bald; bald-headed. O-xaa, s. A top; ka niu okaa.
O-nu-Lu, s. Potatoes of the second O-xal, s. A butterfly.
growth ; old sprouted potatoes; ka uala 2. A large company following one; a
kahiko. crowd moving from place to place. Syn.
O-nu-Lu, adj. A person that sails or with huakai. Okai lua ka hele a kanaka,
goes on the ocean ; he kanaka ohulu no ka kakai lua ka hele a kanaka.
moana. 3. Kekahi aoao o ka waha o ka upena
O-nu-mu, v. To complain of or find malolo.
fault with the conduct of some person or
4, Ka okai o ke kulina lalani.
of something done. Neh.5:1. To complain O-xa1, adv. Of or belonging to the sea
secretly or privately. (the opposite of ouka); towards the sea.
O-xa-o-xa, v. See Oxa, 13th conj. To mai ka nui, not small the quantity or num-
reduce to powder ; to beat small. 2 Sam. ber, i.e.,a great deal; not a little or a few;
22:43. To be broken up fine. Jos. 9:5. To aole okana mai na la o kona mau maka-
break into small pieces; to shiver. Dan. hiki. Kekah. 6:3. The days of his years
2:35—7:7. With liilii, to be utterly de- are very many; aole okana mai o kona
stroyed. Dan. 8:25. waiwai, there is no end of his wealth; aohe
QO-xa-o-xa, s. Dust; small particles, okana mai o kona hewa, there is no bound
to his wickedness ; aole okana mai ka oli-
&e. See Oxa. Puk. 32:20. Fine dust; oli. Oth. 20:12. They were not alittle joy-
dregs. Hal. 75:9. An intensive ; he oka- ful, i. e., a good deal. Norr.—lIt is a word
ola liilii me he oka la. used in strong expressions or in exagger-
O-xa-o-ka, s. An offensive smell; oka- ated descriptions.
oka pilopilo me he oka la. See Oxa 2. O-ka-To-Ba, s. Eng. Name of a month;
QO-xa-o-kal, s. Sickness; a heaving of October.
the stomach before vomiting ; sickness of O-xr, v. See Ke and Hooxe. To urge
the stomach from a bad smell. upon. Jloo. To press upon; to pursue
2. Sweet, unfermented poi; he poi mana- hard after.
nalo. 2. To crowd together to hear or see a
O-xa-Hal, adj. Insipid; unpalatable. thing.
See Huxar and Hukanvukatl. O-xe, s. Epithet of a person who goes
O-xa-Ka, s. A name given to foreigners from house to house quickly; he kanaka
in former times. mama i ka hele kau hale, oke 1 kela hale i
2. In after times the name was transferred keia hale, oke wahahee ; talkative.
to a company of substantial business men O-xz, adj. Rotten; torn; good for noth-
belonging to Kamehameha I. ing ; okeoke.
O-xa-xal, s. See Oxar 2. A crowd of O-xe-a, s. A kind of gravel or sand;
persons moving about after a chief. the white sand of the sea. Nore.—lIt is the
O-xa-Ka-La, s. A shivering; the sensa- name for sand on Oahu.
tion of cold from the application of a cold O-xeE-a-PI-Li-MAl, s. Name of that class
substance, as water, &c. : of persons who have no houses of their
2. A cold tremor from fear, from sudden own, and thus attach themselves to those
danger. who have for the sake of a house. They
3. A chill; a shivering. were also called unupehiiole.
4, The name of a rough kind of cloth;
ka lole okalakala wlaula. O-xe-a, adj. Hot, as stones heated to
O-xa-Ka-La, v. To stand up stiffly and whiteness ; he okea ka imu, ahulu.
roughly, like the bristles of a hog; as the O-xeE, v. To turn round, as the wind;
hair of one in great fear. See Kara. to change.
O-Ka-KA-LA, adj. Cold; chilly. 2. To eddy, as water; okee mai ke kaomi.
O-xa-La, s. Name of a species of fish. QO-xeE, s. A changing a direction, as
the wind ; an eddy, as in water.
O-xa-ta, v. To bristle up with anger. O-xE-0-kE, adj. Talkative. See Oxe.
See Kara, to be rough. Paapaaina, popopo.
’ O-xa-~a, s. Numbness or a disease O-xe-na, s. Name of a plant used in
(maele) of the head, as if the hair stood on coloring.
end ; akabi no ka okala o ko’u poo.
O-xKa-LA-KA-LA, v. To be astonished; to O-xE-NA, adj. Yellow.
shudder; to quake. Syy. with kunahihi. O-x1, v. ‘To cut off; to cut in two, as
2. To be boisterous or raging, as the any substance; as, oki laau, oki pohaku.
wind ; to rage with anger. 2. To end or finish any talk or business.
3. To be intent, or strongly desirous of Kin. 11:8.
doing a thing. Laieik. 39. 3. To cut up root and branch; to de-
O-xa-LE-KA-LE, s. Name of a red fish. stroy in any way.
4. To stop; put an end to; e oki i ke
O-xa-na, s. A district or division of kamailio, to cease talking. Kin. 17:22.
country containing several ahupuaas; 0 5. To cut off; to separate from privi-
Kona, a o Kohala a me Hamakua, akolu leges; to punish. OihJe. 7:20.
okana; he mau okana iwaena o ka moku. 6. To cut grain, as a harvest. Kanl.
See Kanana. 24:19.
2. A division of food in dividing it out. 7. To cut off one’s head.
O-xa-na, adv. A contraction of oka and 8. To cut off food, as a famine; oki loa
ana. Oka, to be small, few, and ana, the iho la ka aina i ka wi, the land is utterly
participial termination. See Gram. § 34. destroyed by famine; to take possession
Generally preceded by aole; as, aole okana of; to be subjected to the influence of, as
intoxication ; inu iho la ke Alii me kona omaka, the foreskin. The Hawaiian ex-
Kuhina, a oki mai la ka ona a ka awa. pression for circumcision anciently was
Laieik. 34. Ina he kaikamahine, e okiia kahi omaka, slitted. See OmaKa. Okipoe-
ka piko ma ka hale, ina he keikikane, ma poe, oia ke oki ana i ka omaka; he kahe
ka heiau e oki ai ka piko o ua keiki la. ana o ka ule o na kamalii ma Hawaii i ka
Note.—This verb takes ua before the im- manawa aku nei. See Kaus, to cut longi-
perative mood; as, wa oki, stop; ua oki tudinally.
pela, stop there. Hoo. To stop ; to cease ; O-xo-a, v. To be another; to be unlike
to end; to cut short; to terminate ; to de- in some respects ; ua okoa ke kanaka wai-
fer a decision ; the opposite of hoomaka, wai, ua okoa ke kanaka ilihune, the rich
to begin; to cause to stop; cease. Pule. 5:4. man was one thing, the poor man was an-
To cut and gather in, as a harvest. Othk. other, i. e., very different.
19:9. To cut off; destroy. 2 Nal. 23:5. 2. To be different from another thing;
Note.— Oki loa and hooki loa imply a de- to be a different person or thing.
structive process according to the nature 3. To be besides ;over and above; not
of the case; as, oki loa ka hana i ka pau- reckoned in. 1 Nal. 10:15.
maele; oki loa ka waiwai i ka popopo; 4, To be unlike in appearance ; ua okoa
hence, ke ano o na helehelena o na kanaka, ua
O-x1, v. To be miserable; destitute; okoa na holoholona, different -from each
hungry ; in want of all comforts. other are the countenances of men, differ-
O-x1-a, v. Passive of ok for okita. To ent are those of beasts.
be cut off, &c. Hos. 8:4. 5. Hoo. To cause a difference ; hookoa
O-x1-0-x1, v. See Oxi. To cut frequently; mai kau hana i ka makou.
to cut into small pieces.
6. To set aside; to put off to another
time; to defer.
2. To reap and gather in, as a harvest.
Othk. 23:10. QO-xo-a, s. The totality of a thing; the
3. To divide into small pieces. Oihk. whole. Ezek. 15:5.
1:12. To cut into small pieces. Luni. 19:29. O-xo-a, adj. Different ; another ; sep-
4, To divide out land among chiefs or arate ; distinct from ; unlike.
people ; okioki na ’lii a me na kanaka i ka 2. A whole as distinct from a part.
aina o Hawaii; to cut up; destroy, &c. 3. Whole as distinguished from broken ;
O-x1-0-K1, adj. Cutting; dividing, &c.; he waa okoa ia, i. e., a canoe not broken ;
he waa nahaha ole okoa, a canoe not broken
oia ka moku i loaa mai ai ka pahi okioki,
at all, whole; he malama okoa, a whole
that was the vessel from which was ob-
tained the cutting knives. month. Nah. 11:20. He mea okoa, another
O-x1-Lo, s. Afar off; at a distance; a O-xo-a, adv. Wholly; entirely. 1 Nad.
space between two places.
11:6. Altogether; the all of a thing; e¢
Q-xi-Lo, v. See Kino. To look earnestly kau okoa, to put all. Oihk. 8:27.
for something ; to watch for; okilo ia, to O-xo-o-xo, s. A blaze; anything red
look into the water for squid; to look for
fish, as a fisherman.
hot, as the iron from a blacksmith’s forge;
as stones thrown out of the volcano; a fiery
O-xi-Loa, s. A destruction; a cutting redness. Lqaieik. 176.
up; a breaking down. Jer.44:39. See Ox1, 2. Any one in a dazzling dress.
note. 3. The zeal of a soldier pressing boldly
Q-xi-Loa, v. To be dirty; filthy; pol- into battle.
luted ; to be dirty all over. O-xo-o-xo, v. To burn, as the sensation
2. To be defeated in one’s purpose ; to of the itch ; okooko ka maneo ; or the ery-
try in vain. Laieik. 64. sipelas.
O-xi-na, s. Oki and ana, a finishing. O-xo-o-Ko, adv. Ragingly; heatedly, &c.
1. The cutting off of wood or cloth. O-xo-HE, v. To begin to heal, as a sore;
2. Modernly, the jfinis or ending of a ua okohe kahi eha; to begin to granulate,
book. as a wound ; also applied to the bark of
Q-xI-POE-POE, v. Oki, to cut, and poe- trees growing again.
poe, around ; circularly. To circumcise; O-ko-HE-KO-HE, v. To begin to heal.
to be circumcised. Kin. 17:10. Used also
with omaka, to circumcise. Puk.4:25. See
the substantive below. O-xo-HE-Ko-HE, s. A small kind of mus-
O-xI-PoE-PoE, s. See the verb. A cut- cle attached to wood that has been taken
from a ship or from salt water.
ting around; circumcision. Nors.—Thisis
anew coined word, used in the Hawaiian O-xo-Ho-La, adj. O, to pierce, stab, &c.,
translations of Scripture for circumcision ; and keohola, a whale. Whale piercing ; 0
the Hawaiian word was kahi, to cut, and ka nui o an moku i ku mai, oia na moku
okohola, the greater number of ships which 2. Tosit ina meditating posture with the
anchor here are whale-stabbing ships, or head reclined.
simply whaleships. ' 3. To sit with a covering over the shoul-
QO-xo-xo, v. To be red like blood; to ders, and arms across the breast, as if cold.
be red with heat. See Koxo. O-xuv, s. Name of a great pestilence
Q-xo-xo, s. A heat so intense as to be which swept over the islands while Kame-
red. Dan. 3:22. <A red heat. hameha I. was living on Oahu about 1807.
QO-xo-xo, adj. Boiling, as lava; lam- Great multitudes were swept off. The name
bent, as flame.
okuuw was given to it because the people
okuu wale aku no i ka uhane,i.e., dismissed
O-ko-LE, s. O and kole, raw. freely their souls and died. See Kuu, to
1. The anus; kahi malalo e hemo ai ka let go.
honowa. Q-ku-HE-KU-HE, 8. Name of a species
2. The posteriors ; 0 ke oi iho la no ia o
ka okole, me he okole wahine la, i. e., a
of fish.
very shameful thing. See Koxe. Q-xu-ku, v. ‘To erect; to turn up, as
O-xo-LE-HA0, s. The name given to an the head when one is swimming ; to raise
iron try-pot, brought ashore and made into up, as the head of a fish above water.
a still. 2. To think; to reflect, as when one is
2. The vulgar but expressive name given unexpectedly accused of a wrong.
to liquor which natives and some foreign- O-xu-xu, s. Name of a species of fish,
ers distill from ki root; so called from the ahuluhulu.
the name of the pot above mentioned.
O-xu-Ku-u1, v. ‘To be satisfied; full, as
Q-xko-LE-E-MI-E-mI, s. Name of a species with food or drink ; to have enough.
of fish. See next art.
Q-Ko-LE-HA-WE-LE, s. Name of a species O-xvu-Li-Ku-LI, v. To be fat; rich; sweet
of fish ;same as above. tasted, as high seasoned food. See Kuui-
O-xo-LE-KE, s. A kind of namu; a spe- O-xu-LI-ku-LI, v. To eat of sweet things
cies of language got up for vile purposes ;
till one is sick.
eia kahi hewa hou, o na olelo hou, o ke
kake, o ka nehiwa, o ka okoleke. Lam. O-xu-Lu, s. Name of the sixteenth day
Han. 13:4, 1. of the month. See Kuru.
O-xo-LE-ma-kI-K1, s. Name of a plant O-xu-mu-LAu, s. See Kumutav. Aleaf
with small leaves, which grows thick like or sprout that grows out of the root or
the koali. stump.
O-xo-Lo, adj. Slippery, where one is Q-xu-rE, v. To sprain the ankle; to
stumble. Heb. 12:13; Rom. 11:11.
liable to fall ; loi ale no i ke alia okolo.
Q-xo-mo, v. To calk a ship or vessel ; O-ku-PU, v. To rise up and
Q-KU-PU-KU-PU, § cover with dark shades,
ka poe haole e ofcomo ana i ka ropi ma ka
as clouds; especially applied to those out
aoao o ka moku, the foreigners were calk- at sea.
ing (driving in the rope) on the sides of
the ship. Q-1a, s. A recovery from sickness; a
state of health afier sickness ; an escape
O-xu, v. To show a thing to one se- from any danger or threatened calamity.
cretly, lest another should see it and de- 2. A living, that is, the means of life,
mand it. food ; e pii ana au i ke ola, I am going up
2. To set a bird near a snare to catch or (the hill) for life, i. e., to procure food.
tempt another; e hooku aku i ke poo, e 3. Life ; the period of one’s life; living;
oku aku i ka lima. while one lives.
O-xu, s. A giving secretly that no one 4, Life; salvation; deliverance from
else may know. spiritual death. Norr.—This last (4) defi-
O-xu-o-xu, v. Hoo. See Oxz, v. nition is amodern one introduced with the
Christian system, and is often used in the
O-xu-o-ku, v. To rise up, as the bow Hawaiian bible along with definitions Ist,
of a canoe or ship by the waves in a storm. 2d and 3d.
2. To rear and pitch, as an unbroken O-xa, v. To be saved from danger; to
horse ; holo okuoku ka lio pupu.
live after being in danger of death ; to re-
O-xuv, v. To sit up because one has no cover from sickness; to get well; i mai la
place or conveniences for lying down; to o Kamehameha, ina e ola keia mai ana
sit up, as one on the deck of a vessel when o’u; to enjoy an escape from any evil.
the water dashes over, because it is better 2. To live upon, or by means of a thing
than to lie down; the idea is to keep the without which one would die; ola no hoi
head up. na iwi, proverbial expression: poverty
(bones) shall be supplied, prosperity shall O-La-La-LaE, v. See the foregoing. To
flourish. Laieik. 124. See Iwr 7. be out of one’s mind ; pupule.
3. Hoo. To cause to live, i. e., to save
one, or to save alive. Jos. 6:25.
O-a-LE, s. Name of a species of fish.
To cause |
to escape, aS one in danger; to deliver O-1a-u1 (o-la-li-la-li), adj. Bright; shin-
from. Puk. 14:30. To heal} as a disease. ing ; glistening.
4. To save, i. e., cause to escape from Q-ia-Lo, adv. The auipili of lalo. Of
future misery. See note under the noun or pertaining to what is below or under.
for the new modern idea of the word. Gram. § 161.
O-La, adj. Alive; escaped; living in O-La-ni, v. To dry or roast by the fire;
opposition to dead; o kou alii make no, a e ala’e oe, e olani i wahi baka no kaua, get
me kou alii ola. up and dry the tobacco leaves for us two ;
O-a, v. The sense from the e olani iho hoi ha.
O-LaA-o-LA, sound. O-1a-pa, s. Name of a tree in the moun-
1. To gaggle; to gargle water in the tains.
throat. Q-La-pa, v. To be moved, as the stom-
2. To snore. ach; to rumble, as the bowels; applied te
O-LaE-LAE, s. A bitter calabash, having the stomach or bowels; e olapa, e nahu,
bitter meat and seeds. 2. To flash, as lightning; olapa ka uwila.
O-a1, s. Art. ke. An earthquake. 1 Lateik. 163.
Nal. 19:11. He haalulu honua. 3. To move, a8 a muscle or bone. Anat.
2. A piece of pumice-stone, used in pol- 19.
ishing canoes. Q-La-pa-LA-PA, s. A ridge between two
O-var-LA, adv. The auipili of Zaza, there. ravines.
Gram. § 165, 2.. Of there; of that place. 2. The rough protuberances of a preci-
O-Lao, v. To hoe up weeds, as in a 3. A rough place; pii i na olapalapa
garden; to hoe up weeds and hill up the wai, a he anu.
earth around vegetables. Syn. with oheu.
O-1a-0-LA, s. An ebullition, or bubbling Q-La-pa-La-PA, adj. Rough; uneven, as
the surface of the ground ; full of ravines.
up of water. 2. Full of corners or projections.
QO-La-o-La, v. To gargle, &c. See Ona.
2. To bubble, as water entering a cala- Q-La-pa-Nal, v. Ola, alive, and panai,
bash and the air coming ‘out. to redeem. Hoo. To save by a substitute;
3. To snore in sleep ; olaola ka ihu me to redeem. Pulk. 13:5. O ka poe i hoola-
he puaa la. panatia, the redeemed ones. Isa. 35:9.
Syn. with kuai hoolaia. Jsa. 35:10.
QO-xa-o-La, s. An ebullition; a bubbling
up of water, as from a spring. Q-.La-pu, v. To raise a blister.
Q-Lao-Lao, v. See Oxrao. To weed; 2. To act deceitfully, treacherously, fool-
dig round, as a plant. Jsa. 5:6. To dig ishly ; e hokai, e hoolapu.
with an 00 or.spade. 3. To catch fish with the hands as the
oopu is caught; to stir up water with the
Q-La-Ho-nu-A, adv. Thoroughly; en- hands ; olapu i ka wai i ka lepo; properly
tirely ; altogether; 0 ka hoomaka ana, ua holapu.
like no ia me ke ao ana i olehonua i ka
palapala; 1 olahonua, i pau ka noho hema- QO-1z, s. The eye tooth.
hema ana. See Honva, adv. 2. Name of a kind of fish.
O-La-Hu-a, s. ‘The fruit of the popolo; 3. A pau na kui eha, a pau na ole eha, a
a species of berry; he olelo hoomahua a ma ia ao ae o Huna ia la. Ole applies to
ka olahua ka mai, loaa hua. four days in the month, so called because
it was unsafe to go to sea on account of
O-LA-LA, v. 'To dry; to wither; to warm high surf, as the tides would be high.
by the fire until withered, as green leaves; |
a loaa mai ka lau hala, alaila, olala ma ke O-tx, v. To be not; to cease to exist.
ahi. 1 Sam. 2:31. To pass away. Job. 24:24.
2. To grow lean, as a fleshy person; to A e ole loa hoi, and to be no more. Hal.
pine away. Ezek. 33:10. 39:14. Aolee ole. Luk. 21:9. A ua ole ia,
3. To be lean in flesh; the opposite of and itis gone. Hal. 103:16.
kaha. Isa. 17:4. See Lawa. 2. To not, or not to do a thing, with an
O-1a-La, adj. Lean; poor in flesh; ap- infinitive. Rom. 8:32.
plied to animals. 3. Hoo. To deny; refuse; make void;
2. Small; stinted; applied to vegetables. abrogate.
4. To answer, or plead not guilty to a
‘Q-La-Lav, adj. Silent; dumb; out of charge.
one’s mind; ulula, pupule. 5. To refuse ;forbid; rebuke. Norz.—
OLE 99 : OLE |
Serr eres
Ole often has the form of a verb, when it| O-LE-Lo, v. See Leo, voice, and Leto,
serves only to express negation. ‘ the tongue. To speak; to say; (it implies
Q-.ix, s. Nothingness; vanity; in vain. a more formal or longer speech than 7 or
Oihk. 26:20. Aole ka ole, without fail; the hai); to converse.
not; the negative; ka ole, no existence. 2. To teach; to call; to invite, as to a
Ezelc. 12:19. feast. loan: 2:12.
2. The want; the lack; the destitution 3. To give a name. IJsa. 56:7. E olelo
of a thing; make ia no ka ole o ka ai, he hooweliweli, to threaten. Oih.4:17. Eolelo
died for the not (want) of food. Job. 4:11. hooino, to curse. Nal. 22:17. E olelo hoo-
3. Hoo. A denial ; a want of truth ; ina- maikai, to bless; e olelo hoonani, to glorify;
bility ;nothingness. e olelo pohihi, to speak mystically, darkly.
O-Le, adv. A negative; no; not; nor; Ioan. 16:25. Opposite to olelo akaka. Ioan.
a particle of deprivation like un and less 16:20.
in English. See Aoxe. Aole is used before O-LE-Lo, s. A word; a speech; lan-
a noun or verb, and ole afier it. guage.
O-.z, v. To speak through the throat 2. Counsel; plan; promise ; an address;
or through a trumpet. he mau olelo umi, the ten commandments.
Puk. 34:28. Kana olelo, his word, i. e., that
O-LE, s. A speaking-trumpet. which one has spoken; kona olelo, what is
2. A kind of large sea shell. said about him; kabhi e olelo ai, an oracle;
O-is-a, adj. Shining; hot; olea ka la; a place to utter an oracle. 1 Nal. 6:19, 20.
of sound, loud; piercing; olea ke kani; | Q-LE-Lo, adv. Pane olelo, to speak a
same perhaps as oolea. word; to answer a word. 2 Sam. 3:11.
O-txE-0-LE, s. Name of a board set on O-LE-LoA, adv. Ole, not, and loa, an in-
posts with notches on it to hang calabashes | tensive. Not at all; by no means; entirely
on. destitute ; without thought.
O-.x-0-LE, v. Hoo. To deny; to deny
| 9.5 2-10 -Ao, v. Olelo, to speak, and ao,
a charge repeatedly. | to teach. To give counsel; advice in state
QO-tz-0-LeE, v. To talk thickly and in-| affairs. 2 Oihl. 22:3. Oleloao mai o Vane-
distinctly, as one very angry and scolding. | kouva ia Kamehameha e hooki i ke kaua,
2. To grin like an idol; oleole mai ka Vancouver advised Kamehameha to cease
waha o na ’kua kii o na heiau; oleole no going to war.
ka waha o ka wahine nuku. O-LE-Lo-Ao, s. Counsel; advice in im-
3. To make notches in anything; to dove- portant matters. 2 Sam. 15:31.
tail two pieces together.
O-LE-LO-HOO-HE-wa, s. An accusation;
Q-i£-0-LE, adv. Indistinctly, asa sound; | a charge of wrong against one.
inarticulate ; kani oleole ka waha o ka uila. 2. The act of speaking against others.
Q-LEo-LEO, v. To act as one angry; to! 3. Backbiting.
rage, as the ocean ; oleoleo la i ka moana | O-LE-LO-H00-PO-MAI-KAI, s. A promise;
kau mai ana. a promise of a blessing. 1 Nal. 2:24.
; hi To be uneven, as waves; to rise and |
O-LE-LO-H0O-PO-NO, S. Righteousness,
3. To be in confusion. See Hoo. Tob. 29:14.
O-iE-Ha, v. To fix the eyes; to set| U-LE-Lo-Ku-paa, s. Olelo and ku, to
them in a squinting manner. See LEHA. stand, and pada, fast. An ordinance; an
Oleha na maka i ka pololi. established decision. 1 Sam. 30:20. A legal
decree ;judgment. Pule. 15:25.
O-tz-H4, s. Name of a play or game) 9
in which the eyes are set.
-LE-LO-MAI-KAI, S. Olelo, word, and
2..A setting or fixing of the eyes, as in maikai, good. The gospel; the preaching
death ; o ka oleha make, make ae no ia. of the gospel.
O-LE-HA-LE-HA, s. The dazzling or blind- QO-LE-LO-NA-NE, s. Olelo, a word, and
ing of the eyes by an intense light of the nane,a riddle. A proverb. Kanl. 28:37.
sun; ka olehaleha o na maka i Ka la. A riddle; parable; enigma. Mat. 13:3.
Q-LE-Lo-Paa, s. Olelo and paa, fast. A
O-LE-HA-LE-HA, adj. Dazzling; blinding precept; a command. Hal. 119:87.
to the eyes on account of intense light.
|O-LE-LO-PAI-PAI, S. Ovelo, word, and
Q-LE-Ku-KA-HI, s. Name of the seventh paipai, to stirup. An exhortation. Mal. 2:1.
day of the month.
O-LE-mu, v. To banish one from his
Q-1LE-Ku-Lu-a, s. Name of the eighth place ; to cast off; olemu hue, kole ka aina
day of the month. paipai.
Q-LE-KU-Ko-LU, s. Name of the ninth| O-Le-mu-Kaa, s. See Lemu and Kaa, to
day of the month. roll. Lir. The rolling thigh ; epithet of a
man who often moves from place to place, O-u1 (o-li-o-li), s. Joy; exultation; glad-
who gathers no property and never be- ness ; delight; pleasure.
comes kuonoono, quietly settled; “the roll- 2. A song. Laieik. 69. A singing. Hal.
ing stone gathers no moss.” 96:1. Ka olioli nui o na mea a pau i ka
QO-Le-na, s. See Lena, yellow. Name hoihoi ana mai o ke aupuni.
of a plant; the turmeric, the root of which O-.1-0-11, adv. Joyfully; cheerfully.
is used in dyeing yellow; it also forms an Hal. 96:2.
ingredient in curry ; it resembles the awa- O-11-L1, adj. Withered; stinted; not
puhi; also a yellow color, from the root.
fully grown; applied to fruit.
Q-LE-NA (o-le-na-le-na), adj. Yellow, O-u1-wa, v. To play; e lealea, e walea.
hie the plant. See above. Coloring yel-
ow. O-ui-na, adj. Of or pertaining to play;
QO-LE-pa, v. To cast about; to scatter aha olina, a meeting for play.
round ; to be turned up or over ; ua olepa Q-u1-no, v. To shine brightly; to shine
ke kaupaku o ka hale. See Lupa, a small with splendor.
flag floating in the wind. Q-LI-No-LI-No, v. See OLINo.
O-LE-pa, s. Odor; odoriferous; he mea Q-11-No-L1-No, s. Brightness; splendor;
ala. glory. 2 Sam. 22:13.
2. A clam; a kind of flat cockle. 2. Such intense brightness as to dazzle
O-rz-pau, s. The tenth day of the and bewilder the sight; ka ohewahewa
month. ana o ka maka i ka malamalama.
O-LE-pa-LE-pa, v. See Lepa. To flap, Q-.i-No-Li1-No, adj. Where the intense
flutter or wave in the wind. light of the sun has shined ; hence,
2. To be blown in different directions 2. Parched; dry, as land; lepo olinolino.
by the wind, as a sail; olepalepa ka pea. Isa. 35:7.
Q-LE-PE, s. ‘The name of a kind of fish O-u1-va (o-li-ve), s. Eng. An olive tree.
resembling the pipi. Anat. 6. O-ui-va (o-li-ve), adj. Olive; belonging
O-LE-PE, v. ‘To tur, as a door on a to an olive ; lau oliva. Kin. 8:11. He laau
hinge; to turn one way and another, as oliva, an olive tree.
the helm of a ship. QO-Lo, v. To rub, as on a grater; to
rub, as kalo or cocoanut on a rough stone
Q-LE-PE-LE-PE, v. The opening fre- to grate it fine.
quently of a door or window shutter; ka 2. To rub up and down, as the motion
wehe pinepine i ka puka. of a saw, particularly of a whip-saw.
O-LE-PE-LE-PE, adj. Partially closed up, 3. To roll with fat, as the flanks and hips
a8 a window; puka olepelepe, a lattice win- of a very fat animal; hence,
dow. Mel. Sol. 2:9. The term applied to 4. To saw. 1 Nal. 7:9.
window shutters. O-1o, v. To be loud, as a sound; to
O-LE-P0-LE-Po, adj. See Levo. Out of make « loud sound, as of many voices.
order, as the bowels. 2. To sound, as a voice of wailing ; to
make a doleful noise. Jer. 7:29. E olo no
Q-LE-wa, v. See Lewa. To be unfixed; wau i ka pihe; e olo pihe ana, moaning;
not firm ; to be movable ; changeable. bemoaning one’s self. Jer. 31:18.
2. To be soft; flowing; applied to poi. Q-Lo, s. See Oxo, to rub up and down.
3. To be unstable; liable to be over- A saw, from its motion; also pahi olo, a
turned, as a law; ua olewa ke kanawai o Saw.
ka aina haunaele, the law is liable to be 2. A double or fleshy skin; the moving
overturned in a land of disorder ; aneane flesh of a fat animal.
olewa io ke kanawai, the law is nearly nul- 3. The swing-gobble of a turkey.
lified. 4. A very thick surf-board made of the
O-re-wa, adj. Fickle; changeable ; wiliwili tree. Laieik. 90.
swinging; applied to one who often changes Q-to, s. A loud wailing; a lamenta-
his place of residence. tion; makena. See Pme.
2. Not firmly established ; of partial ap- Q-1o-a, s. Mulberry bark soaked until
plication, as a law ; ineffectual ; ua olewa soft in water.
io ke kanawai minamina ino; he hee, mau- 2. The name of small white kapas for-
mau ole, paa ole. merly put over the gods while the prayer
O-11 (o-li-o-li), v. To sing; to sing with was said, thus : i puaa, i niu, i maia, i oloa.
a joyful heart; to be glad; to exult; to 3. A gift made to a child at the time or
rejoice. Puk. 18:9. E oli i ka oli, to sing soon after it was born. See Kopi; see
asong. Lunk. 5:12. Hoo. To cause joy; Lateike. 101.
exultation, &c. Q-o-a-Lu, s. A place where the prop-
erty of a chief was stored up; he oloalu o knuckles on anything hard; to make a rap-
ke alu o kahi e waiho ai ke kapa o na ’lii. ping noise.
2. The sound of many voices at once, of Q-Lo-Ha-nA, s. Eng. All hands; the
many horns blowing at once, of many cocks name given to Mr. John Young.
crowing together, &c. Q-Lo-nE, v. To turn pale in the face
Q-to-a-Lu, v. To seize or grasp, as sev- from fear or pain. Jer. 30:6.
eral persons at the same thing; ke aluka Q-Lo-HE, s. The epithet of a man that
ana 0 ke kani ana o ka moa; ke olodlu ana
o na kanaka e hao e aluka. is a robber and skillful at the lua.
2. To dodge, where many things are fly- 2. Ke akua o Kamaomao.
ing thickly ; oloalu i ka ihe ke nui loa. 3. Skillful, as one able to direct or over-
see the work of others; applied morally
O-1to-1, v. To rub, as the stone rubs also to universal skill.
kalo as well as pounds it. Q-Lo-HE, adj. Rigid; immovable with
2. To run upon or over, as a vessel runs
over or upon a canoe, or a cart over aman, fear; he kanaka olohe uwi paaika makau ia,
or anything drawn over a man. 2. Sick, as a woman in child birth; he
3. To run aground, as a canoe, or on to mai olohe keiki ia no na wahine.
a stone ; oloi ae la ka waa i ka pohaku. 3. Bare; destitute of verdure; ka lua
olohe o ke alialia, he Ina olohelohe.
Q-1o-0-Lo, v. See Oxo. To hang loosely, 4. Bare; free from hair on the body,
as fat under the chin or on the calf of the chin, eyebrows, &e.
leg. Q-LO-HE-LO-HE, v. See Oxtone. To be
5. To vibrate or swing, as a saw. Isa.
destitute ;empty. in. 1:2.
3. To fall behind ; to loiter. 2. To be destitute of; to be naked; with-
4. To lose favor with one. out clothing. loan. 21:7. Olohelohe ke kue-
5. To be denied that which was before maka; ua olohelohe ka aina, destitute of
freely given. See OLooro below.
O-Lo-0-Lo, s. The calf of the leg, from O-Lo-HE-LO-HE, s. Nakedness; destitu-
the flexibility of the muscle. tion of clothing or covering. Joik. 3:18.
2. A bundle done up loosely; a loose Q-LO-HE-LO-HE, adj. Destitute; naked;
bundle of poi. bare of vegetation, as a barren field.
O ka puhio ke ale la a hu O-Lo-HI-0, v. See Onto,
Ka oloolo o ka hee o kai uli la, O-.o-Hu, s. Name of a stone to roll in
Lehu ka hooloolo o ka alaala.
a kind of play. See Uxv.
O-Lo-0-Lo, v. See Oro. To make a Q-Lo-Hua, s. A berry somewhat like
great sound of wailing, or as many wailing the whortleberry, the fruit of the popolo.
2. To roar or rush, as the sound of water; O-Lo-Ka, v. See Oro. To shake, as the
mai hooloolo oukou e ku auanei i ke au; 0 soft limbs of a fat person when walking;
ka mea e hooloolo ana ia ia e ku oia i ke oloka na wawae. See OLooLoKa.
au; oloolo na kahawai ku ka pihea i kai, O-Lo-Kaa, v. Olo and kaa, to roll.
the brooks roar like the roaring of the sea. 1. To roll; to roll over and over, as a
Notr.—lIt is not easy to see the connection stone. Mat. 28:2. To roll away; to roll
between olo—oloolo to sound, as the voice to a place; to roll off,as a burden; to take
of wailing, and olo—oloolo to swing, vibrate, away, as a reproach. Jos. 5:9. Olokaa
&c., unless the latter be the radical mean- lakou i ka pohaku mai luna a i lalo.
ing, and the voice of wailing be so ex- 2. To roll off upon another ; to transfer,
pressed on account of the vibratory motion as a debt; ua olokaa aku au i ko’u aiea
of the voice in mourning and wailing. pau, I have paid off (rolled) all my debt.
O-Lo-o-Lo, s. A sound like many horns Q-Lo-KE, adj. Clamorous and incohe-
blown at once. rent, as the constant talk of one deranged;
Q-1o-o-Lo-KA, v. See Oxo. To shake, oloke ka waha. See PIOLOKE.
as the limbs of a fat person; olooloka na O-1o-kEA, v. Olo and kea, cross ways.
wawae nunui maikai. See OLOKA. To cross; to vex; to thwart one in his
Q-Lo-o-Lo-na, s. See Otona. The cords plans; e kau olokea, to throw together cris-
or ligaments that bind together the bones cross, as sticks of wood.
and muscles of the animal system. Q-Lo-KEA, adj. A heap of bones thrown
2. Duty; office of one ; service.
together promiscnously.
3. Baggage, or any kind of property to
2. A cross or gibbet. Eset. 5:14.
be taken when one removes; € nana ana
oia i ka oloolona nui e pono ole ai keia 3. A kind of ladder, such as is made by
manomano kanaka.
tying sticks horizontally on erect poles.
4. The frame on which the people climbed
O-Lo-u, v. See Atav. To strike, as the and stood in putting up a house.
O-io-xea, s. In the form of a cross, or ie nani olona; ua aahuia i ka lole olona
several crosses ; laau olokea. aiai keokeo. Hoztlc. 15:6.
2. Applied to the disposition ; cross; Q-Lo-pa, v. To break up or break to
fretful ; disobliging. pieces ; similar to ulupa.
Q-Lo-KE-LE, s. The name of a stream O-to-re, s. A house fallen down and
or valley on Kauai. persons in it.
Q-to-x1-K1, v. To loosen, as a board. 2. A house broken up without people.
O-to-La, s. A species of the mullet O-Lo-PE-Lo-PE, s. A species of small
when small. shrimp found in kalo patches.
O-to-11, v. Olo and li for lit, small, lit- O-.o-rv, v. To hold in the mouth with-
tle, &e. To be narrow. Jsa. 28:20. To be out swallowing ; olopu ae la kona kapa i
contracted, as a path. Mat. 7:14. ka makani. Hoo. Hoolopu ae la oia i ka
pea i ka makani.
O-1o-t1, adj. Narrow; contracted; dif-
ficult. 1 Nal. 6:4. O-Lo-pu, s. Hooinu iho Ja oia i ke keiki
Q-.o-L1-Lo-L1, v. To be tough, water i ka olopu wai; a mouthful, as of food or
drink ;hookahi olopu ai a me ke kiaha wai,
soaked, like kalo. See Lotimout. one mouthful of food and a cup of water.
O-Lo-Lo, v. Olo, to rub, the 9th conj. O-Lo-pu-a, adj. Ulili nae olopua. Lazetk.
of olo. To rub with the hand; to polish. 142.
Syn. with anai.
O-1o-Lo, adj. Uneven, like a bundle O-Lo-wae, s. The fat, the movable flesh
on the calf of the leg ; wawae he mau olo-
jutting out at the corners. wae. “
Q-Lo-mE-a, s. A species of tree; same O-Lo-wa-Lu, s. See Otoatu. O ke olo-
as waimea; olomea i paio aina e mai la; walu o ke kapu o ke alii; kahi e kau ai ke
used in producing fire by friction. kapa o ke oloalu.
Q-Lo-mE-a, s. The name of a striped O-Lo-wa-Lu-puu, s. Name of a place
hog ; ina i onionio ka hulu o ka puaa ma where many billocks stand near each other.
ka loa, he olomea ia puaa. See also KinIkInipuu.
Q-Lo-mE-HA-NI, s. A place where dirt O-tu, v. To feel comfortably; to be
and filth are thrown. agreeable ; to have the sensation of satis-
O-Lo-m1-0, v. To contract, as the toe of faction.
a shoe; to pucker up, as the mouth of an 2. To please ; to be pleased ; to regard
eel; to corrugate, as the skin of a healing with favor.
wound ; olomio iki ka hele a ke aloha; pa- 3. To be cool, as with a salubrious
lanehe 1a i hele aku nei. breeze ; olu ka wai ke luu aku; olu ka ma-
kani ke pa mai koaniani; olu Lahainaluna
Q-Lo-mi-0, adj. Smooth and tapering; i ka makani maaa.
verging to a point, but with a smooth sur- O-tu, s. The vibrations or springing
face ; meomeo, nuku puhi, olomuo, olomua. motion of the rafters of a house made by
O-Lo-mu-a, s. Olo and mua, the front; the wind. See Upatpat.
fore part. The foreskin. Jer.4:4. Olomua 2. An arch: a bending of timber in a
kahi omaka o ka ule; ka omaka. 2 Sam. house; a bending or yielding without
3:14. breaking.
3. The squirming contortions of a worm
Q-Lo-mu-o, s. Olo, to rub, and mzo, to on a fish-hook. See Hoxv, Pio, &c.
open, as a bud.
1. The bud of a blossom before it blooms; O-tu, adj. Cool; refreshing. unk.
ka maka o ka pua aole i pohole. 5:28. Comfortable ; easy; pleasant to the
2. The prepuce that is cut off in circum- sight; benign ; contented.
cision ; ka olomuo o kahi omaka. 2. Clear; pleasant, as the voice; o ka
olu o ka leo ka mea i akaka ai kona ma-
O-Lo-wa, s. A shrub, the bark of which nao, the clearness of the voice makes clear
dressed resembles bleached hemp or flax, the thought.
and is made into small cords. 3. Limber, so as to bend in all direc-
2. The name of the cord itself; hence, tions without breaking. See OL, s.
3. Flax; hemp; linen. Puk. 9:31. O-xu, s. A cool breeze; he koaniani.
4. A cord; tendon of a muscle of ani- 2. Coolness ; a refreshing sensation.
malsormen. Kol. 2:19. A muscle. Sol. 3:8.
Olona hao, an iron sinew. Isa. 48:4. The O-1u, adj. Epithet of certain kinds of
hamstring of an animal. Kin. 32:32. In fish or shells; as, ka papai olu; ka ulu
surgery, a ligament. Anat. 1:24. olu; he wahi leho olu.
Q-Lo-na, adj. Flaxen; pertaining to O-Lu-a, pers. pron., second pers. dual.
linen. Jer. 13:1. Ka lole olona maikai; he You two. Gram. § 132, 2d.
‘O-1v-au, s. Name of a ceremony in the modern times, a bake pan; ku wale iho no
worship of Kanaloa; ua kapaia keia hana ia hale i ke oma; e uhao i ka puaa i ke
he oluau. é oma i moa maikai.
O-LU-E-KE-LOA-HOO-KAA-MO-E-NA, 8. Epi- O-ma, s. The highest officer of the king ;
thet of a person who fanned the chief while Kalanimoku was Kaahumanu’s oma; Kinau
he slept; o ka mea kahili i ko ke alii wahi was the oma of Kauikeaouli.
moe ai, he oluekeloahoolkeaamoena ia. O-ma, s. A small adz or koi.
O-Lu-o-Lu, v. See Otv. To be comfort- O-mat, adj. Soft; flexible ; limber.
able; to be gratified; to be contented ; O-ma1, s. See O and Mar. To answer
satisfied. Lule. 3:14. to a call; omai ke alii nono ia inoa.
2. Hoo. To comfort; to please ; to con-
sole; to please one; to render a thing
O-mar-mal, adj. See Mat, sick, weak.
agreeable. Weak ; void of strength ; sick.
3. To treat kindly; to be favorable ; to O-mao, s. A bunch of food.
comfort one; to cheer. Kanl. 24:5. Ua 2. The cover or wrapper of the food.
oluolu ka noho i ke kau o na ’lii maikai, it 3. A round bundle, as of food; sharp
is pleasant to live in the reign of good above and round below ; ka omao ai, or ai
chiefs. | omao.
O-1v-0-Lu, adj. Cool; refreshing ;agree- O-mao, s. Name of a species of small
able, &c. See Orv. O ka makani oluolu, bird ; it resembles the ou only; its feath-
Oia ka mea e pale aii Ka wela o ka la. ers are dark colored.
2. Large and fat, as a fat and weak man; O-mao, adj. Green; greenish in color;
kanaka oluolu, an easy, good-natured man. he manu omao ; he leho omao.
O-Lu-HE-LuU-HE, s. A species of fish of |O-mao, s. A child always crying; he
the oopu kind ; he oopu oau, he oaoau, he omao la ka uwe 0 ke keiki, 0 ka omao wale
oluheluhe. no ia e uwe ai.
Q-LU-LE-LU-LE, adj. See Luts, to shake. O-ma-o-ma, v. To solicit silently a
Large ; fat, so as to have the fat shake in favor. See Oma.
walking ; applied to men. -mA-o-MA, v. To be afraid to speak to
O-Lu-LE-LU-LEA, adj. For oluleluleia. one for fear of giving offense ; ua omaoma
Large ; fat, &c. See the foregoing. aku no ka waha e pane aku ia ia, hilahila
O-1u-Lo, s. A person cast away. mai no hoiau. See Oma.
2. A statue ; a figure. O-ma-o-ma, s. The bosom; the breast.
3. Food that has become sour and rotten, See Umauma. O ka waha o ka puhi la oma-
as melons. oma.
4. A long water calabash. O-mao-mao, adj. Green, as grass or veg-
O-Lu-Lo, adj. Cast away; shipwrecked; etation.
he kanaka olulo i make ka waa i ka moana. 2. Blue, as the sky.
O-1v-Lo-Lu-Lo, adj. Large; fat; shak- Ua omaomao ka lani, ua kahaea luna,
Ua pipi ka maka o na hoku.
ing with fat,as aman. See OLULELULE. |
Q-Lu-Lu, s. A person of portly habits, |O-mao-mao, v. To be or appear green,
but lax in joints. See Oxv. as vegetation ; ua omaomao na nahelehele
O-Lu-na, adv. The auipili of luna. Of | i ka uliuli o na mauu o ke kula, ua puia
make i ka nani.
or belonging to what is upward or above. |
See Gram. § 161. See Luna. O-mao-mao, s. Name of a precious stone;
O-1vu-r1, s. The falling down, asa child; an emerald, from its green color. Hoik.
an upsetting ;he kaekae ka olupi mai ka |
wai i olu ka pun. O-mav, v. To gird, bind or tie on, as a
O-ma, v. To solicit silently a favor; to sword ; i ka wai hele ai lakoui ke kaua,
omau no lakou i ka pahi. Lunk. 3:16. To
hint a desire for a favor. sheath, put up, as a sword.
2. To open the mouth, as a child about 2. To tuck in, as the outer edge of a
tosuck; ke oma ae nei ka pahi i ka mauny; | pau to fasten it; e omavu iho a paa ka lole.
o ke oma aku no ia e lalan ia ia.
3. To sew; to stitch together; to baste
3. To strike with the hands on the surf-| cloth. ;
O-ma, s. The space between two armies | O-mau, s. A tucking in of the edge of
a pau, which is tucked in under to fasten
where the sacrifices were offered. | it on the body.
2. The preparations previous to war. 2. A sheath, as for a sword.
4 3. Name of the man first killed in a bat- 3. Omau i ke ala paa ole i ka omauia,
O-ma, s. An oven; a baking place; in: in the path not hard by frequent use (per-
4, A pining sickness. Jsqa. 38:12. English lose flesh; to droop; applied to men or
translation, a piece cut off; a fragment; a plants; to stop growing. See Omiomt.
thread, &c. Heb. Ka paa maopopo ole, ka O-mi-xo, s. Lean and unproductive soil.
omau wale iho. The idea seems to be, O-m1-Kxo, adj. Unfruitful, as ground that
something unfixed; insecure; something
firm in appearance, but liable to give way;
yields nothing.
2. Stinted in growth, as vegetables; he
loi omiko.
5. Name of a species of fish-hook.
O-ma-ka, s. The fountain head of a O-mi-LI-mI-Lu, s. See Paopao, the name
of a fish.
2. The springing up of vegetables. See O-mi-Lo, v. See Mito. To spin; to
Maka, the eye, the bud, &e. twist, as a rope; to spin, as thread.
3. The nipples of a female. Ezek. 23:8. Hiro. To twist with the thumb and finger;
Omaka waiu, the breast. Kanik. 4:3. also in drilling a small hole.
4, The foreskin in males that was cut off 2. To produce abortion.
in circumcision. Kanl. 10:16. Nore.—Cir- O-mi-Lo, s. The name of a medicine
cumcision was formerly practiced among used in procuring abortion; he laau lapaan;
Hawaiians. applied to the operation or to the medicine
5. Ka omaka wai o ka niu; ka omaka, used in procuring abortion.
ka omua ke poo; ua halu ka omaka wai i Q-mi-Lo-m1-Lo, v. To destroy or cause
kai, ua lepo ka omaka wai i kinohi. See the death of an unborn infant; ina i ike oe
OLomva. he kaikamahine, e omilomilo ae au. Laieik.
6. The name of a fish.
O-MA-LE-MA-LE, s. A species of fish; O-mi-mi, v. To droop; to wither, as a
the same as the male; the young of the uhu. plant.
O-ma-11, v. To be weakly in body; 2. To lose flesh, as a person; ua omimi
sickly ;ua omali ke kino, he mai paaoao. ka ulu ana o keia laau.
O-ma-Li, adj. Weak; feeble with sick- O-mi-m1, s. A fading; a decaying; a
ness. withering of animal or vegetable life.
2. Unripe ; wilted, as frnit; he ipu omali 2. That which is of small or slow growth.
00 ole, an unripe, soft melon. O-mi-no, v. To wither; to droop. See
O-ma-11, s. Weakness of body; infirm- Ont.
ity of the system ; ka omali, ka nawaliwali, O-mi-no, s. A stinted person; a sickly,
ka paaoao. crying child.
O-ma-t1-0, adj. Broad; extended; flat, O-mi-no, adj. Stinted ; sickly, asa child;
as flat land. See KanuaomaLio. he keiki omino, wwe wale; withered; with-
O-ma-Lu-ma-Lu, adj. Cloudy and dark, out flesh ;small; uuku, io ole.
as when the sun does not break out at all. O-mo, v. To suck, as a child. Luk.
See Mav. 22:29.
O-meE-o, v. Ua omeo ae ka puka ana. 2. To draw up, as a pump.
See Opuv. 3. To cleave together, as if by sucking.
Q-meE-o-mE-o, adj. Ulaula, meomeo; 4. To evaporate, as water, and pass into
Red ; blushing, as people ; yellow, as ripe the clouds ; ua omoia ke kai e ka wela, a
fruit: orange, musk-melon, &e. lilo ia i mau ao.
O-mr-ca, s. Gr. The name of the last O-mo, adj. Sucking; keiki omo waiu,
letter of the Greek alphabet, the great O; a sucking child. Nah. 11:12. He mea omo
hence, waiu, a suckling. 1 Sam. 22:19. He mea
2. The last, ka welau, in opposition to omo, a thing that sucks, i. e., a child.
kumu; an epithet of Jesus Christ. Hoik. O-mo, s. A cover to a calabash or pot.
2. The name given to a long, narrow
O-me-ra, s. Hed. A dry measure; an kind of adz ; koi omo.
omer. Pulc. 16:16. Q-moo-moo, v. O ka lepo 1 omoomooia,
a hahauia, oia kekahi hale; an oval adobie;
O-mi, v. To wither; to droop, as vege- any long, oval shaped body, as balls of pia.
tables ;not to grow or vegetate ; e ulu ole O-moo-noo, s. He lapa, he kualapa, he
o ke kanu ana, he loi homi.
2. To droop; lose flesh, as a person. See moo.
Hoot. O-mo-Ha, s. A figure used in printing
O-m1, adj. Withering, as a tree with kapa.
few roots; he kukui aa ole omi. See Homr O-mo-Ha-Ltu, s. Name of the twelfth
and Hoomii. day of the month ; properly mohalu.
O-mi-o-m1, v. See Our. To wither; to O-mo-xi, v. To stop up with a cork,
bung or stopper, &c.; ua paa i ka omoktia 3. Hoo. To make one drunk.
i ka pani. O-na, s. A state of intoxication, as pro-
O-mo-x1, s. A cork; a stopper of a bot- duced by alcohol, tobacco and awa.
tle; a bung of a cask; the stopper of a 2. Dizziness of the head.
calabash, &c. 3. A kind of nettling or pricking of the
O-mo-x1, v. ‘To jump from a high place skin, attended with some pimples.
into deep water, a sport for children; O-na, adj. Drunk ; intoxicated.
omoki lua ka wai o ke keiki akamai i ka O-na, pers. pron., the auipili of za. Of
lelekawa. See UMokt. him; of her; of it; his; hers; its; rarely
O-mo-xo-xo, s. Omo, to suck, and koko, in the neuter gender; belonging to him,
blood. A horse leech ; a blood-sucker. &e. Gram. § 137-139.
Sol. 30:15. |O-na-o-na, adj. Weary; fatigued; faint,
O-mo-LeE, adj. Round and smooth; he as from traveling.
huewai omole ; hence 2. Faint ; dizzy, from weakness or want
O-mo-LzE, s. A glass bottle; a bottle; a of food ; poniuniu.
cruse. Nal. 17:14. A phial; a polished 3. Applied to food; unpalatable; ono
cane; a large, fat, smooth hog; he puaa ole ; wai onaona, bad tasted water; hue-
nui keia, he omole nei ka hulu. wai onaona, bad smelling calabash.
O-mo-LE-a, s. A species of tree. O-nwa-o-na, adj. Beautiful; graceful ;
pretty faced; he mau maka onaona, he
O-Mo0-LE-0-MO-LE, adj. Round and maikai, he nani; ka wehiwehi i ka onaona
O-MO0-LE-MO-LE, smooth. See OMOLE. i ke ala; beautiful; applied to the eyes
O-mo-i1-u, v. Omo, to suck, and liu, and face; rosy cheeks.
bilge water. To absorb or discharge bilge O-na-o-na, s. A pleasant, odoriferous
water from a canoe or ship; to pump water smell, as of a rose; aka e hai akui ke ala
from a ship. ame ke onaona, ame ka pukue o ka na-
O-mo-ti-u, s. Omo and liu. A ship anao; onaona ala, a pleasant smell; me
pump. Nore.—The word pauma has been ka honi ala onaona, alaila hoi ka makani
introduced from the English pump. See ala onaona, e nu ana ma ke kaena nei;
PauMA. maluna o ka onaona ala launa.
O-mo-mo, v. See Ono, to suck. To put O-nau-na, v. To come around, as fishes
the end of a thing into the mouth to wet when a baited hook is let down.
it; a omomo ko ke kanaka waha i ua pua la. O-na-u-na, adj. Neat; graceful; pretty.
O-mu-a, v. To tie up the wound of the O-na-HA, v. To curve or bend round,
foreskin when cut off in circumcision. as a semi-circle or a half bounding line;
2. To tie a string around the fore end of onaha na kihi o ka mahina, the points of
the pua or cane top to make a papua for the moun bend round.
playing that game ; e omua ke kumu 0 ka 2. To spread or crook, as the legs; ap-
pua i ke kaula. plied to one whose legs or knees spread
O-mu-a-mu-a, s. The bulb of a flower wide apart; used in hailiili.
before it blossoms ; omuamua pua. O-na-HA, adj. Crooked; bending, as
O-mu-E, adj. Sweet scented ; an aged person; he wahine onaha Kale-
Q-MU-E-MU-E, odoriferous. peamoa; crooked, as one’s legs; wawae
O-mu-o, s. See Omva above. Omuo pua. onaha.
O-mu-o-mu-o, s. The upper and young- |O-na-Ha, adv. Crookedly; in a bent
position ; ke waiho onaha mai la ka lima,
est leaves of the sugar-cane, ki, &c.; as,
| the arm.lies half bent. See Nana, broken.
omuomuo ko ;omuomuo ki; the huli of the
kalo makua. See Mvo, a bud. O-naA-HA-NA-HA, v. This word is used
O-mu-o-mu-o-Pu-A, v. Muo and pua, a in all the senses of onaha above ; as, ona-
hanaha na kihi o ka mahina, &c.; he ka-
flower. To swell out, as the bud of a
naka wawae onahanaha ke hele mai, &e.
O-muv, v. To begin to grow, as a veg- |O-na-Ha-NA-HA, Ss. The halo of the
etable. See Omva and Omvo.
| moon (doubiful.)
O-mu-xu, v. See Panupranu. Kamak. |O-NA-HA-NA-HA-IA-UA, UV. See above.
To cut short; to cut off. | Onahanahaiaua ke kihi o ka moku ; pona-
| hanaha ka moku me ka aina.
O-na, v. To be drunk; to be intoxi-
cated. 1 Sam. 25:36. Ua waiwai loa ia
(O-na-tu-na-Lu, adj. Having a high
haole, ua ona, spoken sarcastically ; to be surf, as the sea; onalunalu ke kai. See
under the influence of intoxicating drinks. NALv.
2. To be delighted or ravished ; i ona O-na-na, s. Name of the third month
mau mai kona aloha iloko ou. Sol. 5:19. of the year; more properly Nana.
O-na-na, adj. Perhaps a contraction of ke oni i ka nawaliwali, he was not able to
ona and anda, partially intoxicated. Weak; move from weakness ; to turn the body in
awkward; unskillful; he kanaka onana, a restless mood. 2 Sam. 20:12.
ikaika ole, hemahema. 2. To ascend with a zigzag motion, as a
O-na-wa-ti, adj. See Nawaui. Weak; kite; lele ka lupe iluna o ka lewa oni ae
not strong ; awkward ; nawaliwali. ana.
3. To stretch out, as land into the sea.
O-na-wa-1i, s. An unripe, bitter melon 4. To swim or move about in the sea.
or squash ; he ipu awaawa oo ole. Oihk. 11:10.
G-ne, s. The sand; ke one o kahakai, 5. To move on in a steady course of life;
the sand of the beach; ke one i Mahina- e oni wale no oukou i kuu pono a, con-
hina; ke lele la ke one i Maoholaia. tinue to move on in my course. Kauoha a
O-nE, v. To be sandy; to have sand Kam.
in plenty ; ua one Kaupo, ua ka ka aii ka 6. To move, as a sign of life, in opposi-
Ina. tion to moe malie, a sign of death.
O-nz-a, s. One, sand, and a, burning. 7. To move from one position to another;
(So called by Hawaiians when they first ua oni kela mai kona kala a hiki ma keia
kala, he moved trom his end of the house
saw gunpowder.) Lir. Burning sand, that
is, gunpowder ; ke onea ka pauda, ka mea
to this end.
e lele ai ka poka; ua pau na kanakai ke 8. To move about; to be busy; dili-
gent; to move to and fro; e oni ana no ia
onea 0 ka haole. See Paupa (powder,)
me ke kulapa ana; e naku, e lapa, &e.
which has since been introduced.
O-ne-a, adj. Destitute; all gone; vacant. O-n1, adj. Uneasy; restless, es in pain.
Q-NE-A-NE-A, S. An open country; a O-n1, s. Uneasiness; a shifting from
desolate place where nothing grows; ka place to place ; epithet of a living being,
ulu ole na mea kanu. the moving. Hzek. 47:9.
Q-NEA-NEA, v. To appear open and O-n1-0, s. Cloth printed, especially in
clear ; to lie in fair sight, as a hill or moun- spots; the printed figures on calico.
tain. O-n1-0, adj. Spotted; printed, like cal-
2. To be desolate ; waste; unfruitful, as ico or kapa.
a tract of country. O-ni-0-n1, v. See Ont. To dodge; to
O-nEs-NEA, adj. Left alone; clear of move back and forth, as the ears of a horse;
verdure, as land ; desolate; unfruitful ; oniont NO na pepeiao, moe imua a moe
waste, as land; mahakea, nahelehele ole. ihope ; ua onioni ka lupe me he ao la, the
See NEONEO. kite floats like a cloud.
O-neE1, adv., the auipili of vez. Of this; O-n1-0-nI-0, adj. See Onio. Striped;
of here; of this person; opposite to olaila, spotted, as a cloth; as animals. Kin. 30:32.
that there. Nore.—Though often printed Variegated, as with colors; humuhumu
as one word, o nei are really two words. onionio, broidered work. Puk. 28:39. Hoo.
Kapa hoonionio, broidered work. Hzek.
O-nE-o-NE, v. ‘lo be broken; cracked, 16:10.
as a melon, so the meat may run out.
Q-n1-o-nI-0, v. To be spotted ; ua onzo-
Q-nE-o-NE, v. The flowing out of the nio kikokiko ka leopadi.
meat of a melon. 2. Hoo. To embroider ; to work figures
2. The cracks through which it flows out. on cloth. Puk. 28:39.
Q-nE-o-NE, adj. Soft; flowing; fine;
dwindled to nothing, &c.; pepehi ina ka-
O-nt-u, v. To spin, as a top made of a
naka a oneone. cocoanut; hoka i oniuia kona lae.
QO-ne-u-La, adj. Great; extended; vast. O-ni-u, s. A top for spmning ; a play-
O-NE-HA-NAU, S. One, sand, and hanau, thing for children, generally made of a
born. The place of one’s birth; native- cocoanut.
born place ; one’s native country where he O-nI-HI-NI-HI. See ONINIHI.
and his ancestors lived ; e ike auanei i ko O-n1-Ho-nI-Ho, s. Name of a species of
kakou onehanau, we shall soon see our fish.
native-born place. O-ni-KA, s. Gr. Onyx; name of a pre-
O-NE-LAU-E-NA, 5. Some imaginary land cious stone. Kin. 2:12.
or country where the god Kane lived or 2. Also, a spice. Puk. 30:34.
came from; he aina i ke onelawena a Kane, O-nt-x1, adj. Flat; smooth, asa surface.
he aina i Kahiki, aia ilaila ke onelauena ; O-n1-k1-nI-k1. I ka pawa haahaa onzke-
he aina momona ke ano. niki.
Q-n1, v. To move; to stir, but to move O-ni-wa-nI-na, adj. Fat; plump, as the
only through a small space; aole e hiki cheeks of aman. See UNINANINA.
O-n1-n1, v. To blow very softly, as the |O-no, s. Name of a very large species
beginning of a breeze. of fish, the parents of the opelu; o ke ano
2. To excite or stir up waves in a calm; makua o ka opelu; computed at one-sixth
to cause a ripple on the surface of water. of the whole.
Q-n1-n1, s. A very slight breeze of air O-no, adj. The ordinal of six; the sixth;
like that which occasions a ripple after a used with the article. Gram. 115:4. Aono,
calm; he wahi onini iki mai; applied only €0no, Six.
to a gentle wind when it covers the sea O-no-o-Nno, adj. Palatable; hence, pleas-
with ripples; onini loa mai na hua; he ant; comfortable.
onini makani; the first beginning of a sea O-novu, v. To entice; to allure; gener-
breeze ; a puff of wind. IJsa. 57:13.
2. The word is applied to one of imper- erally for a bad purpose.
fect vision when trying to read; onini ke 2. To give a thing deceitfully ; to give
kanaka i ka ili wai. away, as one’s daughter in marriage for a
selfish purpose.
O-ni-ni, v. To close or shut the eyes 3. To give the products of a land to an-
on account of too strong light; ua onini other, not to the owner.
na maka i ka malamalama, ua kahuli ka 4. To secrete by craft; to turn aside
onohi, ua ano e ka maka. from what is right.
O-n1-n1, adj. The state of one almost 5. To push against one, as if to push him
dead ; he lelehu, he kapakahi, he kuhikee, down ;. to do things in a hurry.
he kokoke make loa. 6. To persuade one to leave his proper
O-n1-ni, s. A kind of surf-board. station for an improper one.
O-ni-nr-H1, s. Young kalo; the tops of 7. To change employment.
kalo. See PavAnin. O-nou, s. An enticement; a false giv-
O-n1-no-nr-No, v. To be dazzling like ing; a seduction; an enticing, alluring,
the sun; ua oninonino na maka i ka la; &c., of one. Laieik. 198. O ka onow wale
to blind the eyes by a dazzling light. See ana o na makua i ke keiki, the enticing of
OLINOLINO. parents their children (to vice.)
O-n1-No-nI-No, adj. Dazzling; din- O-nou, s. The name of a small bird; o
sighted through a strong light. ka onou he manu eleele ia.
O-ni-PAa, v. Oni and paa, fast. O-nov, adj. Seductive; alluring; de-
1. To be fixed; firmly bound together. ceitful, &e.
Hal. 111:8. To be steadfast. Hal. 140:11. O-nou-nov, v. See Onovu above. To
To be immovable. entice ; seduce ; persuade. Note.—This
2. To be persevering. Sol. 10:24. Ua form is frequentative of onow, and used in
onipaa loa ke aupuni o ka Mesia. Hoo. To all its senses.
establish firmly. Jer. 42:10. O-no-u1, s. The center of the eye; ka
O-n1-paa, adj. Firm; strong; fixed; onohi o ka maka. Zeke. 2:8.
immovable; he nauwe ole, he kulanalana 2. The eye-ball; the apple of the eye;
ole; he hale onipaa a paa loa. kii onohi, the little image in the eye; so
O-no, v. To be or become sweet; to haku onohi; hence,
relish, as food ; to have a like or relish for 3. The center of a thing; the excess of
sweet food. Kin. 27:4. To have a sweet a thing; applied to darkness. Sol. 20:20.
taste. I. e., the profundity of darkness ; ke onohi
2. To be sweet, that is, good to eat; eat- o ka pouli, where darkness is concentrated.
able. Kin. 3:6. 4. It is applied to light or heat; o ka
3. To desire greatly to taste or eat a onohi o ka umu ahi enaena, the center of a
thing; ono iho la kekahi mau kanaka i ka ia. raging, fiery oven; ka waenakonu o ka
4, To be savory ; ua ono, ua mikomiko, lapalapa ahi, the center of a flame of fire;
ua onoono,. o ke onohi 0 ka la, the center of the sun;
5. Morally, to have a relish for virtue. ke Alii e moe mai ana i ka onohi pono o
ka la. Laieik. 176. He ao onohi opua kii-
O-no, v. To disrelish food, as a sick kau.
child or person without appetite. Hoo. O-no-u1, s. Ike aku la oia e ku ana ka
Hooioi, hoono, hoonoono.
onohi iluna pono o Maunalei. Laieik. 25.
O-no, s. Sweetness; that which is
pleasant to the taste either in eating or
O-no-nI-al-a, s. Onohi and aia, bad, &c.
drinking ; ka ono o ka puu i ka ai ana ai A watery or sore eye.
ka inu ana. O-no-HI-u-LA, s. A deep red; a species
O-no, adj. Sweet; palatable; relisha- of red color.
ble; ala ono, a sweet savor. QOihk. 1:9. O-no-HI-No-HI, v. Ua onohinohi ka maka
He kanaka hua ono oe. Proverb. o ka hoku.
O-nu, v. To swell; to enlarge; to ia, the people did not turn to wickedness
spring. See Pru, to rise up, asaswelling. with Poki, some of the chaff (unstable
O-nu, s. A swelling; a wen on the men) only went with him.
neck or head; anything growing up and O-pa-La, adj. Dirty; filthy; bad; un-
increasing. pleasant; ua lemua opala,a long, disagree-
O-NU-HE-NU-HE-A, adj. Fat; very fat; able rain.
shaking fat; applied to men when bloated O-pa-Li-pa-L1, s. A small or low pali;
very much. a place of low palis.
O-pa, v. To press; squeeze, as the head Q-pa-pa, s. Proper name of the wife
of a child. Anat. 6. of Akea or Wakea; they are represented
Q-pa, adj. See Oopa. Lame; fatigued; as the ancestors of the Hawaiian race.
wearied. Notre.—The o is no part of the word, it is
only o emphatic, yet it is sometimes so
O-pa, adj. Huikau, laiki, kulipee. written. See Papa.
O-pa, s. A limping, walking, as one O-rE, v. To tie up in a bundle; to
sore or disabled ; ke kulipu, ka huikau, ka bundle up for carrying away. Puk. 12:34.
O-rz, s. A bundle; a long bundle; a
O-par, s. A very small fish; a shrimp; bundle made up for carrying ; ope papa,
a crab. ope lole.
Q-paz-o-Haa, s. A species of small fish, O-rr-a, v. To be turned or to lean to
but a little larger than the opae. one side.
O-par-pal, v. To shake; to bend in and 2. To turn off, as when land is taken
out, as the rafters of a house; opaipai ka away, perhaps for a fault, perhaps not; ua
mauna, the mountain trembles. Laieik. 163. laweia ka aina, opeaia ke kanaka.
O-pa-o-pa, adj. See Opa. Wearied ; 3. To drive one away; hakaka laua, a
fatigued ; lame from walking. See Oopa. opeaia 0 mea e mea.
4, To bind one’s hands behind his back;
O-pa-Ha, s. A house, the rafters of opeaia kona mau lima; to cross; to tie cross-
which have been broken. wise; to treat ill.
2. A thin, shrunk up face. 5. To abuse or treat one evil without
O-pa-na, v. To be bent in; as the roof reason.
of a (grass) house partly fallen in. 6. To judge unrighteously. Sol. 18:5.
2. To sink down; to be depressed ; to 7. To treat the gods with contempt and
fall in; ua opaha ka hale, ua hina, ua hilala, risk the consequences. See PEA.
a ua poli aku iloko. — 8. To throw over one, as a kapa, or as @
O-pa-Ha, adj. Bent in; indented ; child over the shoulder.
pressed down. O-pr-a, s. A cross, as sticks crossed.
O-pa-xa, adj. Having regular sides, as See Pra and Kea. The cross stick which
a square or octagon. holds up the outer and upper end of a sail.
2. Having hewn or flat sides, as a square O-rz-a, s. Used probably for opeia, what
piece of timber; e kalai a opaka, the tim- is bound up; a testicle.
ber is hewed; ua kalai opakapaka, the
timber is hewed on all sides. O-pe-a, adj. Villainous; perverse; not
O-pa-xa, v. To hew smoothly; to hew trusty.
and leave no knots; e kalai a e hoopaui O-pEs-PEA, S. A bat,an animal between
ke ino. fowls and quadrupeds. Aanl. 14:18. So
O-pa-ka, s. A ravine on the side of a called from the shape of the wings being
mountain. similar to the ancient sails (pea) of their
; 2. The geometrical figure; aprism. Ana- canoes.
on. O-pea-PEA, s. A species of shell fish.
O-pa-Ka-Pa-Ka, adj. Hewed on all sides; 2. Kalo lately planted, from the shape
made flat or square. of the young leaves.
O-pa-Ka-pa-ka, s. Name of a species of O-rE-o-PE, v. See Ore. To tie up
red fish. tightly or frequently, as a bundle.
O-pa-La, s. Refuse litter, such as old 2. To tie and hang up against the side
straw, leaves of trees, dried grass, or any- of a house for preservation. —
thing worthless which may be burnt or 3. To fold up, as clothes. John. 20:7.
blown away by the wind. Hal. 1:4. Light 4, Fig. To bind up, as knowledge. Jsa.
rubbish ; different things mixed together. 8:16. Opeope ke akamai a waiho malie
2. Fig. The rabble; people without char- iloko o ke kanaka noonoo, wisdom is bun-
acter; aole i lilo kanaka i ka hewa me dled up and laid away quietly in the man’s
Poki, he mau opala wale no ka i lilo me mind.
Q-PE-LE, v. To rest securely or quietly an event; to be concerned about some im-
in a place; noa ke akua kapu ka opele. pending danger.
O-P&-LE-PE-LE, s. A flat, weak calabash, 2. To be troubled, as the sea in a storm.
partly broken; also, a frail water calabash. O-p1-L1, v. To draw up; contract, as
Q-pz-Lu, s. Name of a species of fish ; one with the cramp or with cold weather;
mackerel ; opelu ka okoa ia iho ka moku. opili loa iho no ka nui loa o ka ua.
2. The name of one of the two fish which 2. To be cold; to shiver with the cold.
accompanied Pili when he came to the 3. To draw up or compose one’s self on
abed. Kin. 49:33.
islands ; akw was the name of the other.
D. Malo. 4:13. 4. Fie. Ua opili ka makai ka anui ka
wai, nolaila loaa ole ka manao, haalulu a
Q-PE-LU-NU-I-KAU-HAA-LI-LO, s. The son make no hoi.
of Pele and Kamapuaa, who became a god. 5. To bend or contract, as the knees in
QO-r1, v. To fold up, as kapa or cloth. kneeling; oi noho kukuli a opili ae na
See OPE. wawaeikaanuilalookalepo. Kin. 49:33.
2. To sink in, as the mouth when the Opili la o poeleele o opu kalakala
teeth are gone. Ua iku, he kua nui kua Joa,
He kua noho i ka iuiu.—He wahi pule.
O-r1, s. The folds in cloth or kapa;
the depressions made by folding kapa or O-pr-i1, s. A cold; a shivering; a con-
cloth ;akepakepa mai la no ia ma ke opi a traction of the limbs and muscles through
pau. : cold or with the cramp.
Q-ri-o, adj. Young; juvenile, as a per- 2. The cramp itself.
son. 2 Sam. 18:29. As an animal; bipi O-pr-L1, adj. Stiff with wet and cold;
kane opio. Nah. 28:19. benumbed.
Q-pi-o-Pi, v. See Ort. To fold up, as a O-pi-to, v. To break out afresh, as an
garment or kapa. 2 Nal. 2:8. old sore.
2. To put in order; opiopi lua ka auwae 2. To have a relapse in the recovery of
me he waha kao la. a disease ;to bring back a sickness; mai
Q-pi-0-PI-0, v. See Orio. To be young; hele oe i ka auau, 0 opilo ko mai i ka wai.
tender, as a plant or tree; as a child or See Pino.
animal. 1 Sam. 1:24. O-pi-Lo, s. A person who is often sick
Q-r1-o-Pi-0, adj. Young, as a person or and has become thin in flesh, is said to be
animal; immature; unripe. Puk. 24:5. Ap- a kanaka opilo.
plied to persons ; opposed to kahiko. Tos. O-r1-L0-P1-L0, adj. Dirty; muddy; miry,
6:21. Applied to fruits ; uala opiopio; re- as a soft, slumpy road; ua nui na wahi
cent ;new; late; as, he mai opiopio,a new opilopilo ma ke alanui o Makiki, ua poho-
or recent disease ; junior; a son of a poho loa ka wawae i kahi ino i ka lepo.
father of the same name. 2. Dirty ; bad smelling, as stagnant
Q-pr-n1, s. A species of shell fish. water ; corrupt; he opilopilo no keia opu
2. A stamp in native cloth. puaa.
Q-pr-n1-PI-HI, s. A particular kind of O-pi-Lo-PI-Lo, v. To be dirty; bad smell-
mat, not the finest kind, though pretty fine. ing. &c.; ke opilopilo nei no ka wawae i
ka honowa. See Pmormo and Pino.
Q-p1-KA-NA-LA-NI, s. Used in poetry for O-ro. See in Havoro. Opo, in good
something laid up far off; hele ana i Opi-
kananuu i Opikanalani. order ; even; plainly done.
Q-pI-KA-NA-NUU, s. See the above. Hele O-po-Ho-ka-No, adj. Stingy; close; not
ana i Opikananuu i Opikanalani. willing to part with anything good; o ka
O-pi-x1, v. To bend over, as in nodding poe lakou opohokano, he kukuiolelo wale
on going to sleep; to bend up, as the legs; no ia, aole e ai ana.
to come together, as a trap. See Uprxr. O-ru, v. To expand, as an opening
O-pi-Ko, s. A species of grass; a spe- flower. See Opvu.
cies of tree ; he kopiko. 2. To grow, as a fetus. Hal. 139:16.
Q-ri-Ko-Pi-Ko, s. Name of a disease; 3. To swell up ; to be full, as the belly
he mai opikopiko i ano e ka ili e like me of a fat person ; opu mai ka opu.
ka pala, ulaulu a keokeo ; ke opikopiko o 4. To rise up, as water; opu ka wai.
ka ili, ina e hoopiliia ka hee, ola i ka ili, 5. To live idly; lazily ;ke opu wale ae
ua opikopilco ka ili. nei no, ka noho wale; noho wale iho no,
loaa ole.
QO-PI-Ko-PI-KO, 5. Anxiety; concern; so- 6. To sit with the knees gathered up.
licitude ; depression of spirits in view of 7. To leap off or over, as a horse ; e opu
danger. akn mao.
O-pi-Ko-pI-Ko, v. To be anxions about! O-rv, s. A protuberance with
an enclo-
sure, as the belly, stomach, bladder, &c. ;|O-pu-I-No-I-No, s. Opw and ino. An evil
as, opu o ke kal, the heart, belly (midst) disposition ;malice. 1 Pet. 2:1. Wicked-
of the sea; the crop ofa bird. Oihk. 1:16. ness ; depravity ; seeking evil against one.
The maw of animals. Kanl. 18:3. The Q-pu-I-No-I-No, adj. Evilly disposed ;
womb. Junk. 16:17. A round, liver-like malevolent. :
substance in the hog and other animals.
2. The name of a heap upon which a god Q-pu-o-HAI, s. Opu, a bunch, and ohaz,
stands ; a bunch or bundle of small wood, ashrub. <A bundle of grass; a bundle of
grass, weeds, &c.; a hill or bunch of kalo the ohai shrubs.
growing together. See Opuu. O-pu-o-HAo, s. Name of a disease in
3. The disposition of a person ; state of which the abdomen becomes enlarged and
mind. See the compounds Opuao, Opurno, hard, while the limbs are enervated ; the
OpukOPEKOPE, &c. Opu is here syn. with dropsy; ka opu me ka nanaia alikiliki lalo
naau. NorE.—The Hawaiians suppose the o ka lemu.
seat of thought. intelligence, &c., and also Q-pu-o-pu, v. To rise up; to swell.
the seat of moral powers, as the choice and See Oru. To be swelled full, as one hav-
practice of good and evil, to be seated in ing eaten heartily.
the small intestines; hence, naau or opu 2. To fill, as the belly of a hungry man;
(the small intestines) is used for what we to be full, as a water calabash with water.
should call the heart, i. e., the seat of the QO-ruv, v. To bud, as a tree or plant;
moral powers. See Naavao, Nadupo, Naav- to shoot forth buds. Kin. 40:10.
INO, compared with opuao, opuino, &c. See 2. To bud, i. e., to set fruit. Mat. 13:26.
NAav. 3. To shoot out, as the branch of a tree.
O-pu, adj. Skillful at diving into the Mar. 4:32.
water, so as not to spatter; opu ia wahi 4, Hoo. To cause to grow. Ezek. 29:21.
kanaka; opw.i na kea ka pau ai ole, fisher- Ua opuu ae kuahiwi i ka ili o ke kai,
man’s phrase. Ua omeo ae ka puka ana.
O-ru-a, s. Narrow pointed clouds hang- O-puv, s. A bud. Nah. 17:23. The
ing in the horizon; clouds of a singular geerm of a vegetable; a tuft; a cluster; a
shape arising out of the sea; opua kea, bunch of corn. Ain. 41:5. Anear or bunch
opua eleele. of wheat or barley. Rut. 2:2.
2. A bunch; a collection, as of bushes, 2. A protuberance See Ptv.
leaves, &c.; he opua hao wale keia no ka 3. A whale’s tooth; ka opuw niho oko-
aina; ke opua puakala. See Orv. hola; opuu makamua, first green ears.
O-pu-a, s. The name of a class of gods Oihk. 2:14. Ka opwu maia, a bunch of
among the poe akua noho. bananas.
O-pu-a, adj. Existing or hanging in 4. The spur of a very young cock; ka
opuu ana’e o ke kalakala o ka moa.
bunches or clusters; a0 opua, clouds col-
5. A conical hill; hence, in geometry, a
lected ;kahi e puka mai ai na ao opua mai cone. Ana. Hon. 29.
ka moana.
O-pu-ao, adj. Opu, belly, and ao, en- O-puv, s. Swelling highly, as a very
high surf before it breaks; ohu mai la he
lightened. Wise hearted; knowing; intel- wahi nalu opuu. Laieik. 91.
ligent ; similar to naauao, but less used.
O-pu-ao, s. Knowledge ; intelligence ; O-puu-puv, adj. See Puv. Rough; not
smooth, as a rough road; the opposite of
one instructed ;he naauao, he noonoo, he lawmania; the same as apuupuu; uneven ;
noiau. hilly ;bulging or swelling out; opposite
Q-pu-a-HA-o. No ke komo ana a opua- to upoho ; convex. Anat. 6.
hao ke kanaka a make. O-puu-puv, s. Ma ke kule, ma ka papa-
O-pu-A-HU-A-wa, s. See Opu, a bunch, kole, ma ke kuekue, ma ke opwupuu.
and AHUAWA, a species of strong rush, A 2. Name of a species of fish.
bunch of grass, small sticks, &c., tied up O-pu-HAo, s. Opu and hao. A swelled
in a bundle with ahuawa string. belly or stomach ; i kona ai ana i ka opu-
O-pu-a-KEA, S. Clearness; whiteness; hao; penu no ia i ke kai me ka opuhao;
that which shines brightly. dropsy of the belly, ascites. See OpuoHAo.
Q-pu-a-KEA, v. To appear, as a white O-pu-HEA, adj. Opu and hea. Lazy ;
cloud. inactive; not enterprising or industrious.
Ua opuakea alalai kanukanu O-pu-HU-E, s. Opu, belly, and hue, a
Huna i ka meheu naawe alanui a ka puukolu calabash. Name of a species of fish, spec-
Ka makole maawe ala a ka Poukua. kled, said to be poisonous if eaten; the
Q-pu-a-ku, s. The clouds in the mom- fish swells up with air and floats on the sea.
ing or evening when they take imaging O-pu-KaE-Mo-a. Kam. voc. keu, keukeu.
shapes of things; he ao opuakiikii. To condemn one’s friend.
OWA 111 OW!
O-pu-xEA, s. See Koxea, Kam. O-wavu, v. To answer I, in obedience
O-pu-KEE-Mo-A, s. An evil disposition; to a call or a question ; owai ka mea pa-
an inclination to badness; also naaulcee- pale ie 0 oukou? oway aku la no hoi anu,
mou. t owau ? who among you has a straw hat?
Tied to him J, that is, 1 answered I.
O-pu-Ko-PE-kO-PE, adj. Opu, disposi-
tion, and kopelkope, morose. LEvilly dis- O-wau, s. A cat; socalled from her
posed ; malevolent. noise ; wwau is perhaps the right word.
O-pu-te, s. A species of fish full of O-wav, s. Name of a species of fish
spots ; ua paapu i ke kakau. found in the rivers; he okuhekuhe, he
O-pu-LE-PU-LE, adj. Spotted; light and O-wa-Ho, comp. prep., the auipili of
shade ; he kinobinohi.
waho. Of or belonging to the outside.
Opulepule ke aka ilalo, kikokiko i na aka,
Paapu ina aka e like me Lahainaluna i ka po mahina, Joan.7:24. Out of; external. Gram.§ 161.
No ka paa i na lala ulu ame na Jau o ka maia O-wa-ka, adj. Open; spread open, as
Ame ka wauke, mahina opulepule o Lele (Lahaina.)
a flower. See Oaka. Open, as the mouth
Spotted, as the feathers of the nene; he for speaking.
hulu opulepule ko ka nene. O-wa-ka, v. To open, asa flower; mo-
O-pu-mA-KA-NI, s. Opu, belly, and ma- hola; ua hamama, ua owaka ka pua o ka
kani, wind. A bellows ; a balloon. laau. See Oaka.
O-pu-mi-m1, s. Opu and mimi, urine. O-wa-ka-wa-ka, s. The breaking or
The bladder ; the container of urine. opening of daylight; o ka wehe ana o ke
O-PU-NA-HE-LE-HE-LE, s. Opu and nahe- ag ame ka malamalama o ke kakahi-
lehele, a thicket. Ua pee i ka opunahelehele, aka.
he hid himself in the belly of the forest, O-wa-ka-wa-kA, v. To be somewhat
i. e., in the thick forest. light, as the light of the moon. See Waka-
O-pu-ni-NI, v. To compel attendance; WAKA.
. to force compliance. O-wa-ta, v. To toss forward with both
O-pu-nu1, adj. Opu and nuz. Epithet hands.
of a large bellied man; ina aole lio, make 2. To throw, as a horse his rider.
loa na ‘lii opunui i ka maloeloe, if there 3. To brandish, as a spear.
are no horses, the big-bellied chiefs will 4. To throw about one’s hands.
die with fatigue (of traveling.) O-wa-u1, adj. Weak; infirm; flexible.
O-pu-Pa-LA-0A, 8. Opuu, whale’s tooth, See Nawai and WAL.
and palaoa. An ornament made of a O-wa-wa, s. A ditch; a furrow; e hana
whale’s tooth. See Opuv. pe te e auwaha. See Awawa, KAaHaAwal,
O-wa, s. The word given and con- WC.
stantly used by Kukuaokalalau for seizing O-wWE-0-WE-NE, S. Small kalo, &. See
his prey. OWEWENE.
O-wa, v. To be split,asa board. See Oa. Q-wE-HE-WE-HE, s. See WEHE, to open. -
O-waa-waa, adj. Hilly; full of knolls; A definite period of time in the morning;
land full of knobs. aika owehewehe anao kaalaula. Laieik. 30.
O-waa-waa, s. Thick, heavy clouds ; O-we-La, s. The time when the sun is
clouds portending a storm; ina i poipu ka hot and no rain; vegetation dries up.
lani me ka owaawaa, he hakuma ia. 2. Hard work on land by several people
O-wak, v. See Wat. To crack, as a to get it worked.
thing breaking ; to tremble; to crack, as 3. Land burnt over; scorched in the sun.
dry ground. 4. Anything held near the fire so as to
O-wat, pron. int. Who? what person? be scorched.
See WeLA.
It refers mostly to persons. Note.—The o O-weE-NE, Ss. Small kalo; lulumi i ka
is the o emphatic, and not an essential part lepo, @ popoi i ka mauu, a mahope loaa
of the word. See Gram. § 53 and 123. kahi owene.
O-wa-o-wa, v. See Owa. To be full O-wE-WE-NE, s. Small kalo, as the fin-
of cracks, as rotten wood; to be broken up. ishing of a patch of food; perhaps better
O-war-xu, s. Name of a pain in the written oweowene.
chest, or breast of men or women; he mai, O-w1, s. The name of a small shrub, a
he nae owaiku. nuisance to farmers.
O-wa-o-wa-xa, s. A species of shell O-wr-t1, v. To roll up; to twist; to
fish of the clam kind.
fold up, as the hands.
O-wav, pron., first pers. sing. I. See 2. To roll together, as a roll of paper
Av, Oau, and Wav. Gram. § 53 and 123. that has been opened. Isa. 34:5.
UA 112 UAU
3. To twist a thing to make it crooked. O-RE-NA, s. Heb. Name of a tree. Isa.
See Om. 44:14. English translation, an ash.
O-wr-u1, s. A roll, as of cloth or of O-sE-FE-RA-GA, s. Name of a bird in
paper; a skein of thread ; a roll of a mat;
Othke. 11:13.
he owili palapala, the roll of a book. Jer.
36:2. Koi owili, a koi made gouge-like for O-sE-pE-RA, s. The ospray; name of a
working the inside of canoes. bird in Oihk. 11:13.
O-wr-u1, s. Name of a very thick surf- O-sE-TE-RI-KA, 5. Eng. An ostrich. Job.
board made of wiliwili. 30:29. °

Uw the fifth letter of the Hawaiian as la or nei is used. It refers to some noun
9 alphabet. It represents generally the that has just been mentioned. Ua kanaka
sound of the English 00, as in too, coo, fool, nei, this man (just spoken of); hiolo ua
&c.; but when preceded by i, it sometimes mau hale /a, those houses (just mentioned)
has the sound of the English u or yu; as, have fallen down. Gram. § 152.
waiu, waiyu; inka, yulka. U-a prefixed to verbs, marks the fourth
U, v. To protrude; to rise on the toes; form of the preter tense. Gram. § 187.
to prepare to stand up; to draw out, asa U-a-a-u-La, adj. Bad smelling; filthy.
pencil from a case. See Aava.
2. To weep. Mat. 5:4. To grieve; to U-a1, v. See Uwar. To open or shut,
mourn. Hal. 38:6. Eu hele, to go about as a door.
mourning ; to mourn for, i. e., desire earn- 2. To extend; hoonee. See Huat.
estly ; i kekahi manao 0’u e wu nei, e ao
kakou i ka leo o ka himeni. U-ai, s. A door for stopping an en-
3. To drip or drizzle, as water ; to ooze trance. See Uwat.
or leak slowly, as water from a kalo patch U-ao, v. See Uwao. To interfere; to
or from the crevices of a rock; e kahe ae. procure peace between contending parties;
U, v. To be tinctured or impregnated to intercede ; interpose; reconcile; a na
with anything ; as, ua wu ka pipi i ka paa- kekahi alii manuwa Amerika i wao; to take
kai; ua uw ke kapai ka mea hooluu; u ke one’s part.
kapa i ka ua. U-ao, v. To mew, asa cat. See below.
U, s. The breast of a female. Ezek. U-ao, s. A cat, from the noise. See
23:8. also Owau and Uwavu.
U, s. Grief; sorrow; expression of af- U-au, s. A leather bag.
fection ; like me ke aloha, ame ka u, ame 2. A species of bird that dives in the
ka uwe ana. water.
2. The breast. Luk. 23:29. The pap; U-av, adj. Tough, as kalo. See Uava.
the udder; hence, with wai, milk, i. e., U-a-u-a, adj. Poor; naked; destitute.
waiu. Lit. Breast water.
3. Unwillingness ; not disposed to do.
U-a-v-a, s. Pride; haughtiness; acting
the spendthrift.
U-a, v. See Gr. wo, Malay wjan, to 2. The name of a kapa or pau colored
wet; to rain. To rain; ua iho la ka ua, yellow ; ina i hooluu ia ka pau i ka olena,
he va nui loa. Lrr. The rain rained, it was he uaua ia.
a very great rain.
2. Hoo. To send or give rain; to cause U-a-va, adj. Proud; haughty; arro-
to rain. Kin. 7:4. gant; vain. |
U-a, s, Rain; water falling from the U-a-va, adj. Strong; tight; fast; un-
clouds. 1 Sam. 12:17,18. Rains were di- broken.
vided by Hawaiians into ua loa, long rains; 2. Tough, as some kinds of kalo; paa,
ua poko, short rains; ua hea. paakiki.
U-a, adj. Vain; useless; to no profit. U-au-a, s. A noise; a confused noise,
U-a, adv. In vain; to no purpose; ma- as of an army or multitude; the noise of
wailing ; he olopihe. }
nao no ka poe kahiko ua luhi wa ka lakou
hana ana. U-a-v-a-ta, s. A strong smell of decay-
-A, pron. dem. adj. Ua before a noun, ing food; the smell of rotten potatoes ;
and da or nei after it, forms a strong de- wekoweko.
monstrative adjective pronoun; this; that; U-au-ke-wat, s. The name of a large
bird the size of a turkey; breastand wings U-a-nu, adj. Too salt; miko loa.
white, back black. U-z, v. To weep; tocry; to cry inan
U-a-navu, v. To imbed in; to lay in, audible manner.
as brick or stone in mortar. See Unau, 2. To sigh; to have inward anguish ; to
Anat. 19. be afflicted.
U-a-n1, s. U, ooze or milk, and ahi, fire, | 3. To have pity upon.
that is, smoke. A cloud; a vaporous ap- 4, To salute; to love.
pearance. See Uwaut. Nore.—Uahi is un- 5. To ery to one for relief in distress.
doubtedly the better orthography. 6. To enter a complaint. See Uwe.
U-a-ni-wal, v. E kulu ana. See Wa-! U-r, v. ‘To hitch or shove along a lit-
wal. To be desirous of some evil; to lust tle; to shake. See Nave. Hoo. To cause
after ; to be greedy for. a movement or shaking.
U-a-no-a, adj. Hard, as an unfeeling| U-r, s. ‘The wrenching of a stick; the
person ; unkind ; ungenerous; passionate. | turning of a screw.
U-a-xa-na, s. Stiffness; applied to the U-z, s. A kind of mat made without .
neck. trimming the lauhala.
U-a-Ko-ko, s. See Koruna, Kam., Pu- U-r-ve, v. See Us, to shake. Neko-
nonu, &c. A cloud standing erect and hav- neko, nikuniku, pilupilu. Hoo. To cause
ing different colors, somewhat like the rain- to shake ; to shake violently ; hooewaewa
bow. ma ka nuka, me ka hoonaueue ae.
U-a-xa, s. See U and Ata, sweet. The U-s-vE-xo, s. A bad smell; a stench.
sweet potato. See WEWEKO.
2. The large muscles of the upper arm. U-r-ve-xo, adj. Filthy; unpleasant to
And. 18. the smell.
3. A name of a certain kind of leho, a U-r-pa, s. Eng. A wafer; better written
sea shell. Sometimes written wala.
wepa; better still wefa.
U-a-La-au (u-wa-la-au), v. See Wa- U-s-wa-Le, s. Ue, to cry, and wale,
Laau. To cry out; to make a great noise;
to cry out in a confused manner, asa great without cause. A coward.
multitude. Isa. 22:2. U-, v. Toask a question; wz iho la au
U-a-La-au (u-wa-la-au), s. An outcry; penei, ahea ka nui o na haumana? to in-
a loud noise in conversation ;a confused quire of; ua viia mai oe e ke alii e olelo
noise. aku, thou art asked by the chief to speak.
2. To milk; to squeeze out milk. See
U-a-na-Ka-u-x1, s. Uala, potato, and Kowl.
kahiki, foreign. A foreign or Irish potato. 3. To wring out. as washed clothes.
U-a-ra-pi-Lav, s. Uala, potato, and pi- 4. To creak or squeak, as new shoes in
lau, strong scented. A turnip; a radish. walking.
U-a-tE-wA, adj. Lazy. See Hoopata- 5. To grate, as the teeth.
LEHA. U-1, s. A question; a series of ques-
U-a-Le-HE, v. To strip one of his prop- tions ; a catechism; an interrogation ; he
erty ; to dispossess one; hemo. ui no na haumana o ke kulanui, a question
U-a-to, v. To cry; to call out; to com- for the scholars of the high school.
plain; tocall forhelp. Hal.4:1. See Uono. U-1, s. A youth; a young person;
U-a-to, s. A complaining; a crying to youth generally ; strength. Hin. 49:3.
one for help. U-1, adj. Young; strong; well propor-
U-a-na, adv. Ua, sign of the perfect tioned; applied to young and vigorous
tense, and na, quiet, enough, &c. See Na, v. men. Rut. 2:9.
It is enough ; it is sufficient ;a plenty. Ur-to, v. To question ; to interrogate.
U-a-na-oa, v. Ua as above, and za, sat- See U1.
isfied, and oa, sick. To have no relish for U-1-u-1, ». To squeak, as new shoes;
food. to gnash the teeth. See Ur.
U-a-na-oa, adj. Wanting an appetite; U-1-u-1, s. Arrow-root. See Pia.
disrelishing food. 2. A beer made of the ki root.
3. The fermented juice of the sugar-cane.
U-a-ne1, adv. Adverb of time future ; See Uru.
it refers to something to be done or some- U-1-u-wi, s. A tooth; a small, young
thing to take place hereafter, but at no tooth.
great distance of time ; soon; by and by;
hereafter. The full form is auanei; it is Ut-v-1a, s. A kind of beer made of cane
contracted by dropping the initial a, after juice.
a word ending ina. Dan. 1:10. Ut-ur-xi, v. To shine, as a light through
UO 114 UUK
a small aperture; to shine through a small |U-o-a, s. Name of a species of fish.
aperture into a dark room. Uo-u-o, adj. See Uo, soft. Soft; paste
2. To glimmer feebly ; ua wiwiki iki mai
kahi malamalama iki ma Hawaii nei.
like, as poi wet with water; clear; fine;
without lumps.
U1-ur-xi, s. A small hole through which Uo-vo, adj. See Uo, to cry out. Roar-.
light may shine; he puku uuku, he wahi
hakahaka uuku, i puka mai ka malama- ing; crying; having a strong voice; he
ae o na hoku liilii loa, i ike powehiwe- kanaka wouo 0 Kamehameha.
iia. Uo-vo-LEA, s. A species of ohia; ka
Ui-ui-xo, s. An unpleasant smell. See ohia no, wouolea iuka.
UEUEKO. Uo-x1, v. Contraction of wa oki; used
Ui-ui-wi, s. The name of a species of in the imperative mood ; stop; cease; be
done; leave off. See OKI.
fish ; the oili. |
Ui-uaa, adj. Weary with a long dis- U-o-Lo, v. To call upon one;
upon; to complain. Hal. 4:1.
to call
See Uato.
2. Idle, i. e., without work; burdened U-u, s. Masturbation; onanism; ule-
with work, but desiring it. hole.
U-1-n1, s. See Uiuixi. A small aper- U-u, v. To practice onanism; e ule-
ture ; he hakahaka. hole.
Uri, s. Eng. The wick of a lamp or 2. To pull off or pluck, as a flower; e
candle. Mat. 12:20. Better written wiki. hele oukoue wumaii puakilioopu. Laieik..
192. To strip with the hand, as leaves.
Ur-ra, s. Lightning. Zek. 10:1. Ke ahi 3. To hoist, as a sail; e wu ae i ko kakou
e holo ikaika ana iloko o na ao ua. pea; ua wuia kahi pea, a koe no kekahi.
Ur-ta-n1, v. To struggle ineffectually 4, To draw out, as india rubber; to pull
to get away from a person ; to struggle in out, as a pencil from its case, &e. f
vain to get out of difficulty ; wilani ae la U-u, v. To groan; to be in a suffering,
makou; mehea la e hemo ae ai? we are state. Puk. 6:5.
struggling ineffectually ; by what means U-u, s. A stammering; an impediment
shall we break away? The word is also
in speech. ;
used in a moral sense; aole anei he wilani?
is he not in difficulty? Laieik. 206. U-u, adj. Stammering; speaking hesi-
Urra-n1, s. Pride; haughtiness; self tatingly and indistinctly.
exhortation. U-u, s. A species of fish of a red color.
U-1-11, v. To steer, as a canoe. U-u-1-na, v. To be brittle; to break, as
U-r-na, v. Ui and ana. See U1 4. glass.
2. To crack the joints of the fingers.
1. To crack; to snap, as a whip.
2. To crack, as a rope or string of a lei. 3. To squeak, as shoes. See U1, Utut,
Lajieik. 145.
4, To crepitate or grate, as the two ends
3. To break, asa piece of wood. Nors.—
of a broken bone; more properly applied
It is the noise made by the breaking, and
not the breaking that makes the wina.
to the joints of the backbone when pressed;
U-tna, s. See Uina, v. A report of a
pistol ; the noise of a gun; the cracking U-u-u, v. See Uv. To stammer; to
of the fingers; a guttural break in pronun- be impeded in speaking, as one affected
ciation between two vowels. with the palsy.
U-o (u-wo), v. To cry out; to bellow, 2. To strip frequently, as in stripping off
as a bull; to roar, as a lion; e uo no ka
liona i kona leo me ka ikaika loa. U-v-u, adj. Hoarse; stammering; una-
U-o, v. Ka wo ana i ka lei, ke kui ana ble to speak intelligibly. Isa. 32:4.
me ka manai, a wo aku i ke kaula; to fasten U-v-na1, s. The door or door frame of
by tying or braiding for a certain purpose; a house. See Umat.
to splice two ends of rope. U-u-xu, v. See Uxv, a genus of small
U-o, s. The jingling of money. insects. To be small; little; few.
U-o, s. Ka wo, ka aeae, ka wali, ka 2. To diminish in size.
uouo ; the soft fluidity of poi mixed thin 3. To make or be few in number. Jos.
with water and clear of lumps. 7:3. O kela mai ka mea e wuku ai na Ka-
U-o, adj. Ka poi uo, ka ai uouo; soft; naka o ia wa, that sickness was what re-
paste like ; fluid, as soft poi.
duced the number of people at that period.
4. Hoo. To reduce ; to make few. Nah.
U-o, adj. Quality of a species of ohia; 26:54. To make few; applied to words.
ka 01a uo, uouolea iuka. Kekah. 5:2.
U-vu-ku, s. A little man; a dwarf; a 3. The lap of a woman. 2 Nal. 4:20.
diminutive person. Uha hoali, the heave shoulder. QihJe. 7:34.
U-v-xv, adj. Little; small; diminutive; 4, The enlarged intestine near the anus
of beasts ; the alimentary canal.
U-v-Lu-na-ku, v. To stir up poi as a U-na, adj. Slipping away; not easily
held, as a cunning rogue.
lazy man, hence the poi will be lumpy. 2. Greedy : craving ; eating often.
U-v-tu-xal, adj. Large, fleshy and U-naz, v. To tear; to rend, as a gar-
weak, as a fat man. ment. Oihk. 10:6. Ua uhaeia ka lole, ua
2. Full or hanging, as the cheeks of one uhaeia ka moena. See Hag and Hagar.
who is somewhat ill or fat; uhekeheke,
upehupehu. U-nal, v. See Has. To break in two,
U-v-Lv-xal, v. To be large and fleshy, as a stick ; to break, as a bone. Nah. 24:8.
To break, as the neck. Puk. 13:13.
but weak. 2. To break, as a covenant. Kanl. 31:16.
U-1u-na-xu, adj. Weary; lame with To break, as a law; ua whai ke kanawai;
walking or carrying a burden. to disregard, as an agreement; to break
U-v-ma, v. To pinch the skin with the away, as from a yoke or bondage.
hand; uma. 3. To jerk or pull out; to tear out or
U-v-m1, v. See Umi. To choke; to off by force, as a branch from a tree.
throttle ; to strangle ;ua wumiia ke keiki 4. To pound up or break to pieces, as
e ka wahine kolohe ; e kaawe, e kinai. with a rod; to break off, asa horn. Dan.
2. To make great exertions. 8:8.
3. To restrain, suppress, as the passions; 5. To follow; chase; pursue. Laieik.71.
to mortify. Kol. 3:5. To refrain from To overrun ; to treat with contempt. See
weeping when deeply affected. Hin. 43:31. Hanal.
To restrain, hold in, as compassion. Isa. 6. To speak to; to say to one; ke uhai
63:15. mai nei ka naaupo ia makou e hoohalikeia
4. To keep to one’s self, as a saying or a ka mea naaupo me ka mea naauao.
speech ;uumi i ke aloha, to refuse to love. U-nal, s. E hilinai ana no ia maluna
1 Ioan. 3:17. Uumii ka manao, to refrain o ka uhai; the door shutter of a room or
from speaking, i. e., to choke the thought. were e pane mai i whai.
A uumi ia Kiwalao me ka lei o manu ma U-nat, s. The door, or properly the door
kona lima, he choked Kiwalao with the frame of a house; ke kikihi o ka hale.
LET of bird’s feathers on his arm. See U-HAI-A-HO-LO, v. Uhaiand holo, to run.
Lit. To break away and run; to run, as in
U-v-m1, s. A choking; killing, as of in- a race; to fly; to hasten after a thing ; ke
fants; o ke wmi kamalii kekahi hewa ka- uhaiaholo nei na kanaka ma ka waiwai, me
hiko 0 keia aina. See Um. ke kukini nui ma ia aoao me he mau elele
U-v-mu-1-ku. I ka elehei, i ka wamutku. na ke alii o ka lewa.
See Mumuiku. U-nat-a-Ho-Lo, s. A swift running; an
eager pursuit after a thing.
U-v-Pe-Ku-PE-ku, s. I ka uupekupeku a
ka noheo; that which is unequal in length, U-nao, v. See Hao. To put into; to
some long and some short; the practice of fill; to put into, as into a bag. Ain. 44:Yr.
defilement and pollution of the sexes ; ap- Or into a basket or other container : ua
plied to persons of known lewdness. uhaoia ka ai iloko o ka umeke ; i ka ma-
nawa e uhao ai i ka poka i ka pu. See
U-u-wa, adj. Slippery; smooth; pau HaHwao,
na iwiikekahi mea lahilahi wuwa, oia ka U-nao, s. The line of lean flesh each
wahi o kaiwi. Anat. 4. side, but outside of the backbone; the lean
U-v-wat, adj. He wawai, he pipiwai- flesh inside is called ioliz ; na io e moe lua
Uu for wukcu, and wai, water. <A very lit- ana maloko o ke ka o ka puaa a pili aku i
tle water. ke kuamoo. See Iouiv.
U-na, v. To belch up wind. U-nau, v. To pile together; to build
2. To hawk up mucus; to hawk, as a up, as the walls of a city. 2 Oihl. 32:5.
means of raising phlegm from the throat 2. To put in, as clothes into a chest; to
or lungs. See Puna. pack. See Unao.
3. To swell; to distend, as the stomach. 3. To lay brick or stone into the walls
4, To squander ; to misspend; to waste; of a house or city. Neh. 3:2.
to misuse property. See Unauma. 4. To pile one thing on another.
5. To whip; to scourge; ke uhauia la
U-na, s. The thigh; the thigh of a per- ke kua o ke kanaka i ke ‘kkaula ; to strike;
son. Dunk. 3:16. to smite. Qih. 12:23.
2. The ham of a hog. 6. To pinch; to afflict; to press.
U-nav, s. A whip to strike with. U-na-Lu-La, s. Weakness; laziness;
Nahum. 3:2. cowardice.
U-nau-a, s. The stones; the testicles U-na-mu-a, s. Uha and mua, first, fore.
of the male. Job. 40:17. | The shoulder of an animal. Ezek. 24:4,
U-na-vu-na, v. See Una 4. To live in |U-na-ne, s. See Hane and HangenAane
a wasteful manner ; to squander property. in the meles. The soul; the spirit of a per-
2. To live in every indulgence of pas- son. Oihk. 5:1. He mea ninau i na uhane
sion; a noho whauha ke alii me ka inu ino, aconsulter of evil spirits. Kanl. 18:11.
rama ame ka aie, the king lived in a revel- He kino wailua.
ing manner, drinking rum and going into 2. The ghost or spirit of a deceased per-
debt. son.
U-na-v-na, adj. Riotous ; gluttonous ; 3. The Spirit; applied to the third per-
reveling. son of the Trinity. Joan. 1:32. Uhane He-
2. Tough ; applied to kalo. See Uaua. molele, the Holy Spirit. Nore.—Hawaiians
supposed that men had two souls each;
U-na-u-na, s. Moral madness ; folly. that one died with the body, the other lived
Kekah. 1:17. on either visible or invisible as might be,
U-nav-nav, v. See Unav. To crowd but had no more connection with the per-
on; to press forward. son deceased than his shadow. These
U-nav-nau, s. Weakness; tremulous, ghosts could talk, cry, complain, whisper,
as of old age. &c. There were those who were supposed
U-nav-Hav, adj. Weak; tremulous; to be skillful in entrapping or catching
tottering with age ; fearful. them.
adj. Large, fat and U-na-ne, adj. Spiritual. 1 Kor. 15:44.

unwieldy, as a very fat person; also weak. Partaking of the spirit or soul.
U-nav-nu-1, s. Name of a religious cer- U-na-ne, adv. Me ka hoi uhane aku
ne in the pule anaana; same as auhau- hoii Kauai. Laieik. 95. Their flesh eaten
Ui. by the birds, they would return as to their
souls only to Kauai.
U-navu-nu-mu, v. Uhau and humu, to
unite. To lay stones smoothly in a wall.
U-na-nut, adj. Weak; feeble ; having
little physical strength ;not able to bear
U-nav-ta, v. To waste; to be prodigal a great weight ; he mea uhanui ke kanaka
of ; e hoomauna. ikaika ole.
U-na-Kka-Kau, s. The office of one of U-nea, s. The cover ofa pot. Note.—
the king’s attendants. This may be an erroneous orthography for
U-na-x1, v. See Unat, & inserted. ‘To uhia, a contraction of uhiia, covered.
break, as a stick or staff. Jsa. 14:35. To U-ne-u-HE, adj. Offended. See Une-
break, as the bones. Jsa. 38:13. ” LEHE.
2. To break, as a covenant. Jer. 11:10.
U-ne-v-LE, s. A word used in vilifying
U-na-x1, adj. Broken, as some brittle and reproaching another.
substance; hu ulu uhaki; he kuapuu, i. e.,
a broken or humpbacked person.
U-ne-xe, adj. Languid; weak; imbe-
U-na-xu, v. To put together; to bun- U-nE-KE-HE-KE, adj. Full; plump; ap-
die up ; to roll together.
plied to the cheeks ; papalina uhekehelke.
U-na-Le-neE, s. A vulgar word used by 2. Large, fleshy and weak. as a fat man.
children; similar to wahahee ; he whalehe oe. U-ne-tz, v. To bark; to peel bark from
U-na-LE-HE, adj. Broad; wide, as a a tree or banana.
hole ; uhalehe ka waha; uhalehe ka puka. U-nE-LE-HE, adj. Offended.
U-wa-Le-na, adj. Lazy; full by over U-neE-mo, v. See Hemo. To break off;
eating. to separate into parts.
U-na-to-a, s. Name of a small shrub 2. To divorce, as man and wife; alaila,
erowing in dry places, used in making kuha aku la o Wakea i ko Papa mau maka
scars on the skin something like blisters. a uhemo iho la laua, then Wakea spat in
Papa’s face and they two were divorced.
U-na-tu, adj. Hungry; weak from
hunger ; destitute. U-HE-NE, v. See HENEHENE, to
U-HE-NE-HE-NE, mock. To use vile and
U-Ha-Lu-wa-Lu, adj. Applied to the lascivious language between the sexes.
visage ; gazing ; staring. U-n1, v. To cover over a thing so as to
2. Water-soaked ; tough, as kalo. hide it; to cover or hide, as the water covers
U-na-Lu-La, adj. Lazy; slow; weak; what is in the bottom of the sea. Puk.
cowardly. 15:10,
2. To cover. i. e., spread over the coun- 3. To spread out or smooth, as a cloth
try, as an army. Nah. 22:5. To cover; to that has been ruffled up.
hide, as a sin, i. e., to forgive it. Neh. 4:5. 4. To wrap up, as to wrap up one in bed
3. Hoo. To veil; to cover with a veil, clothes; to spread out, as a net. Hal. 140:5.
as the face. Kin. 24:65. 5. Fic. Applied to the mind; to calm;
4. To spread over a cover; to conceal, to soothe; to prepare for hearing a message,
as a cloud. Kin. 9:14. Uhi uha mai ka good or bad. ;
pele o ka lua ahi, whi mai ka leo o ke ahi 6. To open, as the mind; to enlighten.
o ka pele. See Honoxia and Honanona.
5. To be smothered, as the voice of one U-no-Lz, v. See Hore. To skin; to
by the voices of many ; ua uhiia kona leo strip off the skin of an animal ; to peel the
eka haukamumu. Laieil. 22. bark from a tree ; to peel off the skin, as a
U-n1, s. A covering; a veil. Puk. 26:14. banana ; e maihi.
2. A fence ; a protection. U-nu, v. To groan from pain; to com-
U-n1, s. A yam,a vegetable; grows in plain of suffering.
the ground. 2. To complain of an injury done to one.
U-ni, s. Name of a small shell fish. 3. To think hard of; mai uhv nui wale
U-nt-a-pa-wa, v. See Paxuixur, Kam. oe i ka hoi i kou wahi iho, do not think too
hard of going back to your own place.
U-nt-u-m1, v. To thatch a house poorly 4. To bolt, as a horse.
with banana leaves ; he ako paa ole. 5. Hoo. Mai hoouhu aku oe i ka holo o
U-ni-u-n1, s. Name of a timber tree on ka lio; to groan; to cough. See Kanrunu,
Kauai; wood a dark red color, very dura- U-nu, s. A cry of grief; grief; hard
ble, very hard. feeling ; no keia olelo a ua haole la, o ka
U-ur-x1-no, s. Uhi, to cover, and kino, uhu koke ae la no ia e holo.
the body. A covering for the body; a 2. The groaning of persons.
shield. Hal. 35:2. 3. The grunting of hogs; kani uhu, a
U-ni-na, s. A net for taking fish. deep groan.
U-nr-ni, s. An insect something like a 4, Name of a fish the size of a salmon.
grasshopper ; the word has been used in U-xnv, adj. Wasteful ; improvident.
the Bible for grasshopper. Nah. 13:33. U-nu-ao, v. To rush; to struggle.
For locust. Puk. 10:14. Mai ai oe i ka U-nu-E-La, s. A species of red fish.
uhini ; by a change of letters. See Untat. U-nu-E-LE-E-LE, s. A species of fish.
Uhini huluhulu, a canker worm. Nahum.
3:15. Uhini hulu ole, the palmer worm. U-nu-u-nu, v. See Unv. To neigh, as
Joel. 1:4. Uhini opio bulu ole. Joel. 2:25. a horse. Jer. 5:8. To bray, as an ass.
U-ni-nt, adj. Thin; slender; small; 2. To cough frequently.
almost broken ; puahilo. 3. Hoo. To cause a neighing or groan-
ing, &e.
U-ni-NI-PAA-WE-LA, s. The parent of 4. To hem; to hawk, as in clearing the
the uhini; uhinipaawela, oia ka ubini throat.
makua. U-nu-v-nu, s. A neighing, as of a horse.
U-n-nr-Pi-1, s. ‘The leg and arm bones Ter. 8:16. A frequent coughing ; he kunu-
bound up together; he akua whinipili; kunu.
they were worshipped in that condition. U-nu-waA-LA-HaA-LA, s. Name of a fish.
U-ni-ni-pu-a, s. See Unni. The young U-nu-x1, v. To pull up, as grass or
weeds ; to root up, as weeds or small trees.
uhini before it has wings ; oia ka uhini lii-
Ter. 11:19.
lii aole eheu. '
2. To root up, destroy. as a people.
U-ni-nu, v. To take advantage of a Amos. 9:15. See Hux, to pull; draw.
man’s ignorance in a bargain; to deceive 3. To rob; to take violently what is an-
in that way. other’s.
U-nt-paa, v. Uhi, to cover, and paa, U-nu-xi-wa-Le, s. A seizing and taking
fast. To cover up entirely so as to be out
away what is another’s: a robbery.
of sight, as a clond or fog. Laieik. 16.
U-no1, v. See Hoi, to return. To return U-nu-pa-Ka-LI, s. Uhu, a fish, and pa-
from following one; to turn back. 2 Sam. kali, to deceive so as to catch. The fish
2:26. used as a decoy in catching other fish; oia
2. To unite together; to live and sleep ka ubu e hoowalewale ai, e kaana mai ai
together, as a man and wife once separated. na uhu ea heii ka upena. See Unt, fish.
U-no-La, v. See Hota. To unfold; to U-nu-ri-ko-u-La, s. Name of a fish; a
spread out, as the wings of a bird. kind of fish and a way of catching it. See
2. To spread down, as a mat. Unt, fish.
U-xa, s. The shore; the country inland; 3. Baggage on or to be put on a canoe
opposed to kai. or vessel.
U-xa, v. To send; to convey ; mostly 4, Any movable property. Kin. 46:6. A
bundle ; one’s substance. Jos. 14:4.
with hoo; tosend,asaletter. 2 Sam. 11:14. 5. The calabashes, remnants of food, &c.,
To send, convey, as money or goods. 2 after a family has eaten. Laieik. 86.
Oihl. 16:3. ,
2. To bring upon one, as evil. Jos. 23:15. U-xe, v. To strike, as the cloth mallet;
3. To consume; to destroy ; to devour. to tick, as a watch. See Puke and Kog.e.
4. To cast up; tomake aroad. Isa. 57:14. U-xr-Ke, s. Name of an ancient pulsa-
5. To add to; to make more of. 1 Nal. tile musical instrument among the Hawai-
12:11. ians; aharp. 1 Sam.10:5. Kawukeke hahau.
6. To commence an attack, as in a bat- U-xe-xe, s. A shuddering; achill. See
tle; ekolu paha la e kaua ai; alaila, hoo- HAUKEKE, anu, lia.
uka nui. U-KE-KE,
7. To throw upon, as goods or property
s. A species of bird.
on board a vessel. i
U-xa, v. To address in calling a hog; U-xe-LE, v. To be muddy; slippery.
i kuu manao, aole manao o ka puaa; ina e See KELE.
olelo aku ke kahu, e i aku ia me neia, uka— U-KE-LE-KE-LE, adj. Muddy; miry;
uka—u mai ka puaa. See UHU, s. _ slippery from mud, as a road. See KE xs,
U-xar, adj. Dirty; filthy ;hoggish. mud ; mire.
U-xa-u-xa, v. Hoo. 'To throw or pile U-x1, s. A plant or shrub, sometimes
upon, as baggage on a vessel or canoe. used in thatching houses; there are three
2. To gormandize; to eat as long as one kinds ; the leaves of these bushes could be
can; ka ai nui ana a ono ka puu. used only in tenfporary shelters; kamala
U-xav-xal, adj. For ukauka ai. Large, uki, he hana wikiwiki; kamala uki kau
hana ana was jestingly said when one
fat and feeble.
thatched badly, leaving holes, as in a shel-
U-ka-HE-wa, v. Uka, to make an at- ter made quickly ; applied in this sense to
tempt, and hewa, wrong. To make an at- all thatching.
tempt and miss; to attempt and not per- 2. Name of the grass inside of the house,
form. as the pili was outside.
U-xa-xa, s. The female of the bird oo. U-x1, v. To provoke; to do that which
U-xa-LE-Ka-LE, adj. Deceitful lying. irritates one; used mostly with hoo, or in
See HookaLekaLe. He kanaka ukalekale, the frequentative form, as ukiuki.
aole oiaio.
U-xa-u1, v. To follow after; to follow, U-x1, s. Name of a kind of grass.
as people in a train of a chief; hahai, a U-x1, adj. Partaking of the quality of
ukali i ke alii. uki; as, kamala uki,a shanty covered with
f 2. To accompany one; to go with. Sol. uki leaves ;unsubstantial ;applied also to -
222. cloth; as, lole uki, blue cloth. 2 Oth.
3. To be sent after, as a package. 2 3:14,
Sam. 11:8. U-x1, v. To have a strong offensive
U-xa-u1, adj. The younger; the smaller; smell; to smell unpleasantly. See Uxruxt,
applied to shot sent from the gun at the ad).
_sSame time with the ball; called poka ukali U-x1-u, s. The shell of the kukui
because they follow after the ball; called U-kKI-U-KI-U, nut; ka ili a kukui.
also pokii, the younger brothers (of the
ball.) U-xr-v, ie The name of a north
2. Following, i. e., accompanying; at- U-xI-U-K1-U, J wind; similar to the hoo-
tending upon; ma na waa ‘ukali o ke alii. lua; he makani kiu.
Laieike. 112. U-xr-u-x1, v. To be offended; to be
U-xa-ui, s. Name of the planet Mer- vexed ; provoked ; to be very angry.
cury; so called from its following close Neh. 4:1.
after the sun. 2. To treat with contempt; to be in
U-xa-11, adv. After; behind, like one anger atone. Kanl.19:6. To be displeased.
following after ; hele ukali hou, they went 2 Sam. 6:8.
following after. Laieik. 72. 3. To scold; to be indignant; to treat
vindictively ; to hate. Kin. 50:15. Ua like
U-xa-na, s. See Uxaand Ana. A send- ka ukiuki me ka inaina; ukiuit iho la ia
ing ; something sent. no kona nele ana i ka aina ole, he was very
2. Property or something to be conveyed angry for being deprived of land. Hoo—
to another place. na. The same meaning.
U-x1-u-x1, v. To be gently in motion, sects; uku poo, a head louse; uku kapa, a
or to have a little strength, as waves ; wki- body louse; uku pepa, the book insect;
uki ka aleale ana. Aniani, aheahe, nahe, uku lele, a flea, &c. The root is probably
&e., ukiuki and malanai are strong in the uku, to be little or small. See Uvxu.
order in which they are here placed, mala- U-xv, s. A species of fish.
nai being the strongest. U-xu-1, s. A reward. See Uxv.
U-xi-u-x1, s. Contempt; anger; rage; U-xu-u-xu, adj. Very small; little.
envy; disaffection; wrath. Aanl. 29:27. U-xu-n1, v. To pour, as water into a
Fig. with ninini. Hzek. 20:13, 21. cask ; to fill a vessel with any fluid. Jos.
U-x1-u-x1, adj. Papa ukiuki ka makani, 9:13. Ukuhi iho la a piha na pahu, they
a strong blowing wind. poured into the casks till full.
2. Strong smelling; offensive; he ukiuki 2. To get or obtain water ; i holo mai e
ka waha o ka mea puhi baka; pilopilo. ukuhi wai a loaa ka ai i ola, they come
U-xi-n1, adj. Sores at the corners of here to obtain water (Lit. To pour water
the mouth. in) and to get provisions.
2. Well spoken, as a fluent person in 3. To wean, as a child from the breast.
speaking; he waha ulihi, hoopololei, miko- Kin. 21:8. Equivalent to haalele waiu;
miko ka waha. ; hookii ka ai waiu ana o ke keiki; keikii
U-xi-xe, s. Name of an ancient musical ukuhiia, a weaned child. Hal. 131:2.
instrument ; a kind of jewsharp. See U-xu-noo-pa-nEkE, s. Uku, pay, and hoo-
UKEKE. panee, to put off; i. e., interest on money
U-x1-x1, s. Name of a species of fish. lent; usury. Isa. 24:2.
U-xo, s. An offering which one carried U-xu-xa-pa, s. Uku, louse, and kapa,
with him before Wakea when he died. garment. A kapa louse; a body louse;
Human sacrifices were offered for this pur- he uku no ke kino o ke kanaka.
pose ; he uko keia oihana a ke kahuna—a U-xu-xu-n1, v. To put or pour into, as
moa ae la ka puaa uko.
liquid into a vessel. See Uxunt. E kiaha-
U-xo-ko-LE, adj. Sore ; inflamed ; ap- aha.
plied to a partial inflammation of the eye.
U-xu-.E-Le, s. Uku and lele, to jump.
See Kos. ;
A flea. 1 Sam. 24:15.
U-xo-LE, s. Name of a species of fish. U-xu-pa-nal, s. Uku, pay, and panai,
U-xo-LE-Ko-LE, adj. Reddened or in- to redeem. A pledge for a payment. Puk.
flamed, as the eye; he wkolekole ka maka. 22:26. Security for a person or thing. Oih.
U-xu, v. To pay; remunerate ; to pay, 1g
as a fine. Puk. 21:30. To pay a tax or U-xu-pe-pa, s. Uku and pepa (Eng.),
debt. , paper. The insect that eats paper or books.
2. To compensate either good or bad, U-xu-poo, s. Uku, louse, and poo, the
according to what has been previously head. A head louse.
done. Puk. 34:7. Syn. with hoopai. U-xa, s. Ula, red. A lobster, from its
3. To reward; require or demand pun-
color; he ia iwi mawaho; also,
ishment for an offense. 2. A species of fish; also written waula.
4. To bring evil upon one, as a punish-
ishment. U-za, v. To be or appear red, as
5. Pass. To be punished ; to be paid, as U-La-v-La, the end of a blaze of fire, or
wages; e uku hewa, to punish; e vkwu mai- ofa lamp; to be red. Isa. 63:2.
kai, to reward. U-za, s. Redness; a scarlet color.
6. Hoo. To reward; to pay for a benefit. U-La-U-LA, Puk. 25:4. Red, v. 5; ua
2 Sam. 19:36. To lay a fine upon one. like ka wlaula me ka weo; name of a red
Kanl. 22:19. fish. See Una.
U-xu, s. Wages or reward for work U-ta, adj.Red, as a blaze seen
done. Nah. 18:31. U-LaA-U-LA, in the night; purple; ka-
2. Fine for a misdemeanor ; uku hoopai, naka ula. ;
punishment for a crime. Laieik. 212. Tax
or tribute to a ruler. U-a-o-ko-Ko, adj. Ula and koko, blood.
3. A pledge fora debt. Kanl. 24:6. A Red, as fire, or anything painted bright
pledge for a thing lent. Kanl. 24:10. red; red, as blood, or blood red. Notr.—
4, He uku mare, a dowry. Puk. 21:10. Sometimes the last @ falls out in speaking,
5. A price for a privilege; a he uu no thus, wa—koko.
kou kokoke aku, a price for your approach. U-1ag, s. A species of fish.
Laieik. 99. U-tar-a, v. To live in solitude, as a
U-xu, s. Name of a genus of small in- hermit, on account of disappointment.
U-za-u-ta, s. See Una above. Ka weo-| U-ts-u-LE, s. A sty on the edge of the
weo, ke kolekole ; the redness of the flesh eyelid ; bs uleule o ka maka.
when the skin is rubbed off. U-te-u-Le, adj. See Ute. Pendulous;
U-za-v-La, adj. See Uta above. He hanging down; projecting out.
helohelo ; slight red ; reddish. U-LE-U-LE-LE, v. To ride on horseback;
U-ta-u-ta, s. Name ofa species of fish. kaukaulelewaihui. See PoLEHELEHE.
U-avu-nar-ta, s. Name of a child ille- U-Le-HE-LE-HE, adj. Not bound tight;
gitimately born of a chief and a common applied to a bundle ; paa ole.
woman. U-te-n-Lo, s. The gonorrhea; same as
U-La-u-LA-KE-A-HI, s. Ulaula, red, and wail.
ke ahi, the fire. U-te-Ho-Le, v. Ule and hole, to peel.
1. The name given to liquor when first To practice onanism or masturbation.
distilled, from its color ;
; also, U-LE-HO-LE, s. Onanism; masturbation,
2. A name applied to the god who pre- &e.
sided over the business of distillation ; no
Ulaulakeahi ke kiaha mua o ka rama, for U-te-xa-n, s. Ule and kahi, to cut. A
Ulaulakeahi the first cup (distilled) of rum. name for circumcision.
U-za-nio-n10, adj. Ula and zoo. The h U-te-paa, s. Epithet of a man who has
is probably euphonic. Really red. See not known a woman; the same as puupaa
Unaoxoxo of the same meaning. applied to a woman.
U-na-ni-wa, adj. Ula, red, and hiwa, U-Le-re, v. Tostand erect, as the comb
black. Purple; dark red. of acock. See Lepr. To stand erect, as
the hair when one is cold.
U-ta-La, v. To act insanely ; to be out 2. To be rough.
of one’s right mind.
U-za-ta, s. Insanity; madness. Kekah. U-te-pu-aa, s. Ule and puaa, a hog.
The name given by Hawaiians to a screw
8:13} auger, gimlet, or any instrument of that
2. A crazy person. class.
U-na-1a, adj. Crazy; demented ; out of U-u1, adj. Blue; cerulean blue; green,
one’s senses. as a meadow; whatever is green among
U-a-te-Le, s. A favorite; one highly vegetables. Puk. 9:22. Pertaining to a
esteemed. dark or dusty color; wi ka waio ka niu.
U-ta-na, v. To weave; to plait; to U-u1, s. The blue sky; ka poe nana
braid ; to intertwine, as vines. Puk. 28:32. uli o ke alii, the foretellers of the weather.
To wreathe ; to weave. 2 Nal. 25:17. E Laieik. 36.
ulana moena, to braid or weave a mat. U-u, s. The name of a god to which
U-ta-na, adj. Lying still or calm, as a prayer was addressed in the pule anaana.-
the surface of water unrufiled by wind. U-u, s. A canoe steerer for the king’s
2. Idle; unemployed ; lulana, heha, mo- canoes ; one of the king’s special servants.
U-ta-na, adj. Iwi ulana. Kam., B. 2, U-u1, v. To steer a canoe or ship. See
p. 7, 3. The prophecy or expression of the
Kilokilo when looking upon a person in U-u, v. To gurgle; to make such a
good health, meaning he will soon die. noise aS when water is poured out of a
U-na-paa, s. Ula, red, and paa, fast; calabash or a cocoanut; e neneke; wi ka
wai o ka niu.
concealed. The ossa vagina of females.
U-tz, v. To hang; to swing; to pro- U-u1,2. s.Name
Name of a species of kalo.
of a species of fan leaf cocoa-
ject. nut; ka uli, ka loulu, ka hawane.
U-te, s. The penis; the genital of men
and male animals; o ka wle no paha ke U-u, s. The personal appearance or
mene ; haha ia i ka ule 0 Kanekii. fitness of a person for any duty; applied
2, A tenon for a mortice. particularly to runners as they appeared
3. The pointed part of the post which to the poe kilokilo; e nana no ka poe nana
enters the crotch of the rafter. uli, e like me ke kukini.
U-te1, s. Name of a tree, the timber U-t1-E-0, s. See Unt. The appearance
very hard; from this tree instruments were of a person as fit or unfit for a duty or of-
made for cultivating the earth, as the 00, &e. fice, including his mental fitness ; hele mai
U-tz1, v. To open; to uncover; to sep- ka poe akamai e nana i ka ulieo o kekahi
arate ;helei, uwehe, wehe. kukini.
U-LEI, rete opening; uncovering; ka U-ii-u-1, adj. See Ut. Blue. Put.
helei, ka uwehe. 25:4. Green. Kanl. 12:2. Dark colored.
Tob. 6:16. Black. Mel. Sol. 5:11. Ka mo- throw out the stones of the oven when hot.
ana uliuli; ka lole uliuli. See Unuumu.
U-t1-u-11, s. Green things; verdure; a 9. To stick fast, as meat or bones be-
pasture. Joel. 1:19. tween the teeth of the eater.
10. Hoo. To cause to spring up, as seed
U-u1-u1, s. An advanced state of old sown. Fic. O ko’u makemake nui, e hoo-
age; feebleness; loss of hair; want of ulu i ka hana ana ma ka pono, my great
strength. desire is to increase in good works.
U-ur-n1-t1-H1, adj. He mea ulihilihi ; a U-tu, s. Name of a tree; the bread-
running, as a low vine like the kowali. fruit; the fruit good for food, the timber
U-ti-xa, adj. Wet; soft to the touch. for building, for canoes, &c.
U-ui-Ka-ui-KA, v. Ninanina, linalina; to 2. Name of a stone used ina play. At
adhere to, like wax or any gluey substance; Maui and Oahu this stone was called olohu.
like mud or clay ; like kalo that is loliloli. See OLonv.
U-ui-ka-ti-ka, adj. Sticky; adhesive, 3. Name of the game where the said
as mud ; he lepo ulikalika. stone was used.
4, Name of an oven for baking food. See
U-ui-11, s. A species of bird. Umv.
2. A small kind of gourd used for a top
to play with ; also called uliuliu.
U-tu, adj. Of or belonging to what
3. A kind of bamboo flute ; he ohi hoo- grows, as fruit. Fie. Jer. 2:3.
kanikani. 2. Wet. See Purv. Ulu ka palapala i
4. A religious ceremony in the pule ana- ka ua.
ana, the same as auhauhui. U-tu-a, s. Name ofa large kind of fish.
5. The name of a hula; he wlili kahi hula. 2. A kind of vegetable forbidden to
U-tur-ti1, v. Ke wlidt anapu nei i kuu women to eat; ina i ai ka wahine i ka niu
manawa. Laieik.118. To exhibit the trem- paha, he maia paha, he wlua paha, make ia.
ulous motion of the hot sunlight upon a U-tu-a, v. To assemble together, as
flat, smooth surface. men; ua wlua mai kakou ma keia wahi.
U-ui-u1, s. A ladder. U-tu-a, s. For uluia. See Utv. A col-
2. A whistle made of bamboo, in which lection ; a gathering together ; an assem-
fire was put and blowed upon. bly.
U-u1-11, adj. Ladder like; ala wlilz, a y A forest or garden of breadfruit trees;
ladder. See ALAHAKA. ka haha ulu, ka hopuhopu ana i ke kanaka
e pepehi a make.
U-ur-na, adj. See Lina. Soft, as the
flesh of a fat person; full fleshed; plump. U-tu-a, s. Name of the sacrifice ob-
2. Soft and tough, as clayey ground. tained by the kapopo.
U-1i-wa-Li-wa, adj. Fat; plump; soft U-tu-a-o-a, v. To gather in great num-
to the touch; tough; adhesive, as cold bers, as people ; to come together irregu-
clayey ground. See Lryarina and Uaua. larly ; to make confusion in an assembly.
U-to-no, v. ‘To cry, as in distress; to U-tu-a-o-a, s. Confusion; want of reg-
make a complaint; to cry, as one in prayer ularity in an assembly of men. 1 Kor.
or in suffering. Hal. 30:2. 14:33.
U-to-no, s. A cry of distress; the voice U-tu-a-o-a, adj. Gathered together, as
of crying. Hal. 9:12. He leo pule.
people ; confused and noisy.
U-tu, v. To grow, asa plant. Isa. 53:2.
U-tu-au-nul, s. The name of a wind
2. To increase in any way; to grow, as
off Hilo ; ulwaunui, he makani pono ole ke
a disease in the skin. Oihk. 13:39.
3. To become strong or excessive, as in ku ma ke awa o Hilo, a bad wind for
anger, with puni. Puk. 32:22. To grow coming to anchor in the harbor of Hiko;
the north wind, attended with rain.
or increase, as good or evil in a commu-
nity. U-LU-A-HE-WA.
4. To grow up, as men. Job, 31:18. U-tu-a-La-na, v. Ulu and alana,
ar of-
5. To grow in size and strength, as an fering. To offer upon an altar; to go up
infant. 1 Pet. 2:2. upon an altar. See ALANa.
6. To be extensively known, as a report. U-Lu-a-mo-Hal, s. The name of a fish.
7. To have spiritual possession, either
good or bad; to be inspired; in this sense,
U-tu-£0, s. Name of a tree; timber
mostly in the passive ; as. wluia or uluhia. very durable, even more so than uhiuhi.
Mat. 8:16. To influence the affections. U-1v-1a, v. See Utv. Uluia is the pass-
8. To poke the hot stones out of the hole ive. To be possessed by a spirit; to be
in which food is to be baked in order to inspired; more often written with A in-
put in food; ie kakou i ka umu, to serted, uluhia. See ULvuunta below..
U-tv-o-a, s. He puoa; standing erect; eign. A foreign breadfruit tree, i. e., the
standing uprightly. fig tree, from the resemblance of its leaves.
U-.u-v-Lu, v. To grow up; to grow) U-tu-xu, v. Ulu and ku, to stand.
thick, &c. See Uxu. 1. To have a strong desire to perform
2. Hoo. To cause to grow up. anything.
3. To excite ; to stir up; to provoke to 2. To be restless at night or to lie sleep-
anger. See Nau.u. ess.
U-xu-v-Lu, v. To work or turn about 3. To be troubled; restless, as the sea;
kupikio ; same as hiaa.
in the mouth, as a person eating sugar-
cane ; uluulu no ma ka waha. U-tu-xu, s. Restless; sleepless; de-
2. Hoo. To gather together. Kin. 29:8. siring strongly to possess or to obtain a
To collect, as things scattered; to lay up; thing. e
Ka uluku uluhaihai
to assemble, as a people. Nah. 11:16. Komia e uia koia.—Mele.
3. To lift up; to carry; to convey to a
higher place ; e kau ae iluna i ke kapa. U-tvu-ta, s. Name of a bird translated
U-Lu-u-tu, s. A gathering; an assem- owl. Kanl. 14:15.
bly of people for any purpose. Hoo. A U-tu-ta-au, s. Ulu, to grow, and laau,
convocation, &c. Oihk. 23:3. tree.
U-tu-u-tu, s. Name of a species of fish 1. A thicket of trees; a wood.
net; upena uluulu. 2. A habitation of wild beasts. Jos. 17:18.
He ululaau! ua nei ae la iloko o ke kai,
U-tu-v-tu, v. To lift up one’s dress on it is a forest! it has moved into the sea;
passing over water or mud. the exclamation of Hawaiians on first see-
U-Lu-u-Lu, adv. O ka hana me ka ing the ships of Captain Cook.
ikaika, me ka hele ulwulu ame ka hele kipa- U-tu-te-Lz, s. A favorite; one highly
lale ;laboring strongly ; with energy. esteemed.
U-tu-u-mu, s. The stick by which the| U -LU-LU, v. To rejoice; to be gay; to
stones are thrown out of an oven when be cheerful; e hoohoihoi, e hooolioli.
heated. See Untu end Umu. 2. Hoo. To pretend to be what one is
U-Lu-Har-nal, s. See Utuxu. The feel- not.
ing of the mind under the influence of fear 3. To flatter the gods; to be a favorite.
with uncertainty as to the result, mixed U-tu-tu, s. A rejoicing; gladness; self
with strong desire, &c. satisfaction ; being on good.terms with the-
U-tu-H4-0<, adj. Thick, as rough jagged gods.
rocks among grass and bushes; uluhaoa U-tu-tvu, s. Name of a small fish net
enaena maloko o ka nahele. which was sunk deep in the water and en-
U-tu-na-La, s. A forest or thicket of tangled the fish.
hala trees ; ka uluhala o Polou. U-tu-tv, adj. Rough; not smooth; ka
U-tu-HEE, s. A species of plant or shrub. hbulubulu, ka manumanu.
U-tv-H1-a, v. See Utu and Uxuvta above. U-tu-mat-Ka, s. The name of a game.
Uluhia, h inserted, to be possessed by a 2. Name of the stone used in playing the
spirit; to be influenced or under the direc- game. See Uxu; also Marka. NotE.—Since
tion of some spirit without the person. the introduction of bowling-alleys, ulu-
Mat. 4:24. maika has been applied to the game of
U-tu-nv-a, v. Ulu, to grow, and hua bowls.
envy. ; U-Lu-MA-HI-E-HI-E, v. See Hoomautr.
1. To trouble ; to give concern. To appear or affect an extra appearance in
2. To be tired with one’s company ; to dress or in personal behavior, as we say
be weary of one’s visit. like one possessed.
3. To be vexed or troubled with any U-tu-ma-no, s. Name of a violent wind
matter. Laieik. 78. To be weary with which blows from the south and other quar-
doing or repeating a thing. Jer. 15:6. ters, in the night only, on the west side
4. To be weary with life. Job. 10:1. of Hawaii. Kamehameha ma were once
5. Hoo. To cause grief or trouble. Sol. wrecked by it off Nawawa; a whole village
10:1. To be much vexed. Hzek. 22:5. was burnt to light them ashore.
U-tu-nv-a, s. Discouragement; want U-tu-mo-ku, s. A collection or fleet of
of confidence; disappointment; self dis- ships; a navy; applied to the arrival of
pleasure. 1 Nal. 20:43. whaleships.
U-tu-nu-a, adj. Displeased; angry; U-tu-nwa, v. To support the head; to
bolster up, as a weak person.
discontented ; disaffected.
2. To sleep upon, as a pillow; to make
U-Lu-ka-HI-K1, s. Ulu and kahiki, for- a pillow of. Kin. 28:18,
3. To tie up a bundle for a pillow; e| U-ma-Le1, s. Name of a disease in the
pela uluna, to make a pillow. See PELA. chest.
U-tu-na, s. A pillow. Kin. 28:11. 2. Name of a species of fish.
Kuhi makou ua kau ke poo i ka uluna, we U-ma-Lu, s. The brow of a hill; he
thought we had laid our heads upon the umalu o ka pali.
pillow. U-me, v. To pull; to pull after one;
2. The upper part of the shoulders where to draw out, as a drawer of a bureau.
they unite with the neck. See Hoxua. 2. To lengthen, as a sound.
U-Lu-na-HE-LE, s. Ma na kuamoo ame 3. Fie. To incline one to go after an-
na ulunahele ame na loko; a growing luxu- other. Mel. Sol. 1:4.
riantly, like fruit in a good soil. U-me, s. A drawing out; a pulling; a
U-tu-pa, v. To break into pieces. 1 lengthening out, as a sound.
Sam. 2:10. To dash into atoms. Hal. 2:9. 2. A name given to the character~~ hold
2. To beat fine. Jsa. 27:9. E wawahi, e in music.
hoopau. 3. A kind of a lascivious play in the
U-tu-pa, s. A breaking to pieces; a night ; he lealea o ka ume i ka po.
breaking up fine. 4. The grass and thatching on the cor-
U-tu-paa, s. The state of virginity. ners and ridges of a house.
See ULEPAA. U-me, adj. Mea ume, something draw-
U-.u-re, v. To be wet; to be cold. ing ; attractive. Fic. Mea ume, the mis-
U-.u-pn, v. To be wet and cold from tress of a lover; hele aku o Hauiliki ai ka
mea ume. Laieik. 114. See No. 3 of the
rain; to be shivering from cold and wet. preceding.
U-tu-pu, adj. Wet and cold from rain; U-mz-u-mE, v. See Umi. To pull; to
shivering. hook ; to draw.
U-Lu-pu-n1, v. To be or to wax hot, as 2. To struggle, as “two persons for the
one in anger. Puk. 32:19. See ULu 3. To same thing. See PAUMEUME.
swell, as in anger. See Punt. U-me-u-me, s. Name of a game.
U-Lu-wa-Le, v. Ulu, to grow, and wale, 2. E kalai iana moo a paali ka umeumeia.
of itself. To grow wild; to grow without
cultivation. U-me-kE, s. A poi calabash; full form,
umelkepoi. See next.
~U-tu-we-ni-we-H1, s. Ulu, a thicket,
and wehiwehi, thick; tangled, as vegetables. U-me-Ke-po-1, s. A poi calabash full of
1. An overgrowth of verdure ; the thick food, much valued by Hawaiians; o ke
intertwined leaves of a forest. aloha ka mea i oi aku ka maikai mamua 0
2. A general name for thick vines in a ka umekepoi ame ka ipukaia.
forest; ka nahelehele nui a maluna i ka U-mi, adj. The number ten; ka ums
lau o na laan. the tenth.
‘ U-ma, v. To screw; to press, as a vice; U-m1, v. To be ten in number. zn.
to grasp or hold. 18:32.
2. To pry, as a lever.
3. To wrestle ; to throw down in wrest- U-m1, v. To lengthen out the breath.
ling. See Ume. To suppress the breath.
4. To throw over from an upright posi- 2. To choke; to strangle ; to press upon
tion ; e hoohina, e kulai. one so as to stifle him.
3. To crowd in; thrust down.
U-ma, s. A vice; a pressure; a push- 4. To seize hold of the neck, as if to
ing over or down; a kind of wrestling to choke. Mat. 18:28.
aesstrength. 5. To suppress a rising emotion.
. The name of a game ; 0 kekahi leales 6. To kill, as an infant in the practice of
0 ta uma. infanticide. See Umikerkr and UMIKAMALM.
U-mavu-ma, s. The breast; the bosom. 7. Hoo. To cause to choke; strangle, &.
Puk. 4:6. The breast, i. e.. the meat of the U-m1, adj. Strangled; pressed; killed;
breast. Puk. 29:26. Umawmea hoali, wave mea umi wale. Oth. 15:20.
breast. Nah. 18:18. Umauma luli, wave
breast. Oithk. 7:34. Kahi mawaena o na U-mu, s. A kind of disease or pain in
waiu. the side attending disease.
U-mau-ma, adj. Of or belonging to the U-mt-u-m1, v. The 13th conj. of waz.
breast ;he pale wnauma, a breast plate. To choke; to strangle; to kill. 2 Sam.
1 Sam. 17:5. 10:4.
inter emxi s. A name of a species U-mi-u-mi, s. The beard; hair on the
of fish. chin ; ka huluhulu o ka auwae.
2. A kind of moss which fastens the na-| U-na, s. A sending, especially sending
hawele, a kind of shell fish, to the rocks. one on business; 0 ke kena e holo i kahiki
U-mi-u-m1, adj. Thick; large, as the e imi waiwai.
branches of trees; na lala umiumi. Isa. U-na, adj. Sore or stiff from hard work;
16:8. tired ;weak ; fatigued ;exhausted. Dunk.
U-mi-nau, s. Name of a strong east 4:21.
wind which blows all before it. 2. Dull; stupid; drunk.
2. The name of the last hog sacrificed 3. Tired or weary, as a man sitting still.
when on the point of going into battle; ua See UNAUNA same.
kapaia keia puaa he puaa umihau. U-na, v. To be weary; fatigued from
U-MI-KA-MA-LI, s. Umi and kamalii, a labor. Nore.—This word is probably the
U-MI-KE-I-KI, child. The practice of same as una, to send, as sending on busi-
infanticide. mostly by pressing or choking ness may cause fatigue.
to death. Nore.—The infant was gener- U-na, s. Weariness; fatigue, &c.
ally killed by choking or pressing on its U-na, s. The shell of the turtle or tor-
first presentation; but if the mother had toise.
great affection for it, it was buried alive in U-na, v. To pry up, as a stone;
the ground. Umikamalii, oia ke kinai ana
i ke keiki a make iloko o ka opu o ka ma- U-na-U-Na, to loosen by prying ; more
kuahine. Nui na hewa o ka wa kahiko, o properly une. See UNE.
ka umikamalii. many were the errors of U-na-o-a, s. The barnacle on the outer
ancient times, infanticide. plank of a ship.
U-mr-x1, v. To pinch with all the fin- U-na-u-na, v. Tosend. See Una. Hoo.
ers. To send on repeated errands. Soi. 10:26.
: 2. To scratch ; to bruise; e wawalu, e To send new orders frequently.
wau, e€ uwau. 2. To exercise authority over. Mat. 20:25.
U-mi-x1, s, A pinching; a scratching of U-na-u-na, adj. Tired; weak; ex-
the skin; e awalu ana me ka hoopoholei hausted. See Una, to be weary; dull;
ka ili; ka waluwalu. stupid.
U-mi-x1, s. A large gourd. U-NA-U-NA-HE, adj. Soft; melodious,
U-mi-wa-.e, s. Umi, to choke, and wale. U-Na-HE, as the voice ; he leo
The seizing of a person by the throat; a unahe.
killing by str angulation. 2. Thin ; soft, as kapa; he unahenahe ke
U-mo-xi, 5. A stopple of a calabash ; a kapa.
cork of a bottle; a bung of a barrel. See U-NA-U-NA-HI, v. To scale, as a fish;
OmoKe. He umoki pu, the wad of a gun. U-na-HI, to scratch off the scales;
U-mo-x1, v. To stop up, as with a stop- e hoopau i ka unahi o ka ia mawaho.
ple or bung. U-na-ui, s. The scales of a fish. Ozhk.
U-mu, v. To bake, as in an oven; to 11:9. Sealy things; unahi laau; ka ili
dig ; to heat; to cover up; to do all that oolea i ka ia mawaho.
belonged to the process of baking food U-na-n1, adj. Scaly; hard. 1 Sam.
under ground. See Inv. 17:5. Thin; flexible, like a scale.
2. To collect; to place together; to leave U-nz, v. To pry, as a stone with a
together, as in making an oven. lever; to bear down, as with a lever; to
U-mu, s. An oven. Othk. 2:4. A place edge on; to pry up ‘out of the dirt, as a
for baking food; a furnace. Neh. 3:11. stone ; to loosen.
Umu hooheehee, a furnace for melting
metals. Ezek. 22:20. U-ne, s. A lever for prying with; a
U-mu-a-u1, s. Lit. A fire oven; a fur- prying; a lifting up.
2. The action or quality of a lever.
nace. Kin. 15:17. Anat. 1.
U-mu-a-Ku-a, adj. Unfriendly ; unso-
cial; niggardly. U-ne-a, s. Indolence; indifference; stu-
U-mu-LE-po, s. Umu and lepo, earth. A pidity.
furnace for trying metals. U-ne-u-nE, v. See Une. To pry up;
‘U-na, v. To send one, as on business. to loosen, as a stone; to remove or turn
over, as stones. Kekah. 10:9.
Hoe, The same; to commission to go. Nah. 2. To disturb, harass or vex one; 0 ka
hookolokolo hewa, e uneune ana ia ame ka
ge 2. Te send to one with a demand. Tos.
3. To exercise authority over one in send- U-ne-u-nE-a, adj. Sickish at the stom-
ing. ach ; having no relish for food.
U-nE-LU-NE-LU, adj. Fat; soft; pliable. ardly and shrink from fighting; alaila, o
See Notunowvu. Unelunelu kau haehae ana. aku imua me he unwuna la ke ano.
U-ni-n1, s. A species of grasshopper. U-nu-u-nu, adj. Piled up, as several
See Unint. He mea eheu liilii me he pinao ohias in one hand; ame ka ohia unuunu
la, a little winged thing like the dragon- ma ka lima.
fly ; he mea lele. U-nu-n1, v. To draw out in various
U-ni-n1, adj. Small; thin; spindle ways.
legged ; hence, 2. To take, as a ring from a finger. Kin.
2. Weak; without strength. 41:42.
U-ni-n-pi-i1, s. The leg and arm bones 3. To take out, as the hand from one’s
bosom. Puk. 4:6.
of a person. See Unrinipmi. He kanaka 4. To draw out; unsheathe, as a sword.
mai loa a hiki ole ke hele mawaho; ua
Puk. 15:9.
unihipili leo, aole hiki ke pane mai, having 5. To let fall from a bundle. Rut. 2:16.
a feeble voice, not able to speak; ua uuku
6. To draw out, as from a ditch.
kaleo. Unihipili was one name of the class 7. To take away a part; to substract, as
of gods called akuanoho; aumakua was
in arithmetic.
another ; they were the departed spirits of 8. To translate from one language to an-
deceased persons.
other; i unuhiia mai ka olelo Hawaii ai ka
U-n1-n1-p1-11, adj. The qualities of some olelo Beritania. + See Nuat.
gods; na akua unihipili, ame na akua mano, U-nu-n1, adj. Perfect; good; skillful;
U-ni-na-ni-na, adj. Plump; fat; ap- wise ; he hemolele, he maikai, he akamai,
plied to the cheeks of a person. See OnI- he naauao.
NANA and ULINALINA. U-nu-na, s. A pillow; something for
U-no-a, adj. Raw; uncooked. another to rest on. See ULuna.
U-noo, adj. Not well cooked, as food; U-nu-nu, s. Young ohia timber used in
applied to vegetable food; when applied making gods.
to meat, it is kolekole ; but this last is some- 2. A stick erected as a sign of kapu.
times applied to food ; unoo ka ai, unoo ka 3. Name of a wind or sea breeze at Puu-
malakeke. loa.
U-no-u-no, v. To be red; inflamed, as U-nu-nu, v. To pull or scrape off the
the eyes. See also Nounov. hair of a dog or hog preparatory to cook-
U-nu, s. A place of worship; a tem- ing. Nore.—It was done by laying the
ple; he heiau, he luakini. animal on a fire.
U-nu, s. A coward. U-nu-PE-HI-I-0-LE, s. Name of a class
2. Small stones or chips of stones for of persons who adhered to others for the
propping up and sustaining large ones. sake of a house.
3. A prop or wedge. See Maxkta. U-pa, v. To act, as the jaws in eating;
4. The small stones used to fasten the to open and shut, as the mouth in eating
posts of a house when erected in the ground. or speaking.
5. Any small stones. 2. To devour with greediness.
U-nu, v. To drink; same as inu; unu 3. To chew, as food, i. e., the action of
awa, to drink awa. the jaws in chewing.
U-nu, v. To make up into a round U-ra, s. Any instrument that opens
heap ; to shorten. and shuts after the manner of shears, scis-
U-nv, adj. Made round; heaped up, &c. sors, a compass, bellows, &c.; a carpenter’s
U-nu, v. To prop up; to help hold up; compass. Jsa. 44:13. The action of the
material heart in receiving and sending
e unu iki ae paha ka pono, to help a little out blood. Anat. 44. Nore.—Cutting in-
perhaps will be well; to shove back or re- struments were formerly made of shark’s
tract, as the skin in amputation. teeth. See the compounds of the upa class.
U-nv-a, v. To put or thrust into, asa U-pa, adj. Strong, as a man who does
spear into a man. a great deal of work or rows fast in a canoe.
2. To breathe into a bamboo. U-paa, v. O hele e ke kama e upaa me
3 To put in and tread down, as feathers
ka pipine.
or pulu into a cask in order to putin more;
e unua iho i ka hulu, alaila hahao hou; ua U-pa-a-ni, s. Upa and ahi, fire. Tongs.
unuaia ka wawae. Puk. 25:38.
U-nu-u-nu, v. To prop up. See Unv. U-pai, adj. Long; tall; slender; loihi,
Hoo. E hoounwunuia. piopio.
U-nu-u-nv, s. Something gathered into U-par-pat, v. ‘To bend, as the rafters of
heaps ; applied to soldiers who are cow- a house in a strong wind. See Oparpal.
U-par-pal, s. The bending or vibration cane; applied also to kalo; kapae ke kea
of the rafters of a house in a wind. upepe o ka hei—e.
U-pa-u-pa, v. See Ura. To open or| U-PE-PE-HU, adj. Swollen, as the flesh
act,as the mouth in speaking or in prayer; ofa person. See PEnv.
eupaupa ana i ka waha me he mea pule la. U-r1, v. To sound, as water when
U-pa-u-pal, v. To hover, as an owl or squeezed out of a sponge.
other bird just before darting on its prey ; U-r1, s. The noise made by walking
to remain suspended in the air, as an owl; when the shoes are full of water.
e upaupai ina eheu; e peahiahi. U-pt-u-r1, v. The frequentative of upi.
U-pa-Ko-ui-ku-ku-1, s. Upa and kolt and U-ri-x1, v. To shut suddenly together,
kukui. Snuffers. Pule. 25:38. : as the jaws of a steel trap ; to entrap.
U-pa-ma-Ka-n1, s. Upa and makani, U-pr-xr, s. A trap. Isa. 8:14. A snare;
wind. Bellows. Jer. 6:29. anything deceitful; a treachery. Puk.
U-pa-tu, v. To be young; beautiful; 34:12.
comely. U-pi-xi-ti-ma, s. A handcuff.
Ua upalu wale i ke oho o ke kupukupu
Pepe ka maka o ka ahihi ka makahelei 0
U-pr-k1-pPI-k1, adj. Shutting up; folding
Malaila—e.—Mele. together, as a foreign fan; he mea upiki-
piki, he peahi maikai no.
U-pa-tu, adj. Beautiful; splendid ;
U-ro, v. To desire strongly ; to lust
after ; to covet. See Iro and Uru.
U-pa-pa-Lu, s. Name of a species of U-po1, v. To sink, as in water; to sink
U-pr, s. The mucus or secretion of the 2. To move, as a bird moves its wings ;
nose; petuita; a ua kaumaha nui au ina to cover with the wing. Isa. 10:14.
waimaka ame ka upe o na makaainana a 3. To break over, as the surge forming
pau. Mai makamaka wahine i ka upe ke the surf; to spread or cover over, as any
ola. Haw. Prov. large covering. Laieik. 104.
U-re, s. A living with quietness and 4, To bring one’s legs together, as when
propriety after having been mischievous there is need of concealing ; applied to
and wicked; ka upe, opepe, hoolulelule; men or women when discovered without a
e upe ana i na malua nui o Hawaii. pau or malo on. See Por and Popot.
U-rr-nu-pPe-nu, v. To be swollen; en- U-po-Ho, v. To be flattened down or
larged. See PEnv. fallen in, as the roof of a house; to be con-
U-re-nu-PE-Hu, adj. Large; fleshy, but cave, as a surface. Anat. 6. See OPAHA.
weak, as a fat man. See PEnu. U-po-po, v. To strike together, as the
hollow palms of the hands, making a hollow
U-re-na, s. A net for taking fish; a sound; e halehale, e poopoo.
snare for catching birds; e malama i ka
upena nanana, take heed to the spider’s
U-ru, v. To desire strongly; to be
web ; upena papale oho, net work. Isa. strongly attached to a person. Laieik. 136.
3:18. Fie. Anything for entrapping one To lust; to covet. See UPo.
in evil; ua makau an i ka upena o ka make, 2. To be long, as one who goes to an-
- I am afraid of the snares of death. other place to make a long visit ;aoe upu
2. The cord of which fish nets were made; aku nei au, ke hoi mai nei no.
ke aho i hooliloia i upena. 3. To swear or vow; hoohiki; to vow,
as when a man vows not to eat the food of
Ka upena kuu kanaka a Lono,
Ka upena mahae e make ai ka Juhia his land till he catches a certain fish, or
Ka lalakea, ka mano ka mano ai a ka Iani. vows that the child then born shall eat the
U-pE-NA-MA-KI-NI, S. Ka upenamakini a sugar-cane that is then planting; ua wpu
ke kanaka i kana ai a loaa Ka ia.
ka poe kii ai ia ke ahi a ka po, e kinai au
e pio—e. U-pu-u-pu, s. The desire to see a per-
son after separation of some time ; ka wpu-
U-pr-na-na-NaA-NA, S. Upena and na- upu ole aku. See Hoo.
nana, spider. The web of the nanana, a U-pu-u-pu, v. See Uru. To be not long;
certain kind of spider. See NANANA.
not to pass a long time; to be not long after
U-pe-pz,. v. To be flattened down; a certain event. Laieik. 106.
crushed. U-pu-xa, s. A gate; the various forms
2. Applied to the mind; to be broken are, puka, aipuka, ipuka, upuka and kani-
spirited; to be humble; to act awkwardly, puka. See the first in its place.
like a backwoodsman. U-pu-pa, s. The name of an unclean
U-pE-rE, adj. Weak; feeble, as a per- bird in Kanl. 14:18; the lapwing; also
son sick; dry; without sweetness, as sugar- Othk. 11:19.
U-wa, v. Tocry out; toexclaim aloud; |U-wa-tu, v. To scratch, as a cat. See
to shout, as the voice of a multitude. Ozh. Uwav. To pinch with the fingers; to
12:22. pucker up.
2. To cry out together ; to make an up-| U-wa-na-ao, v. See Wanaao. To dawn,
roar; to be in commotion. Laieik. 91. as the first light of morning.
U-wa, s. An outcry; the sound of| U-wa-na-ao, s. The dawning of day-
many voices in confusion; hakaka iho la light. See Wanaao.
lakou me ka wwa nui. U-wa-ti, s. Eng. See Watt. A watch;
2. A joyful shouting. 2 Oihl. 15:14. a time-piece.
U-wat, v. To open or shut, as a door. U-we, v. See Uz. To weep; to mourn;
See Uat. to ery for help for one’s self or others.
U-wal, s. A door,.&c. See Uat. Nah. 11:18. To mourn. Kin. 32:2.
U-wao, v. To intercede in behalf of 2. To cry in behalf of one, i. e., to pray
contending parties. Heb. 7:25. To make for him. Puk. 8:8.
peace. 3. To bewail; tolamentfor. Oihk. 10:16.
2. To intercede in behalf of the guilty. 4. To cry out for pain; pepehi iho la na
Ter. 7:16. To reconcile. See Uao. kanaka, a uwe ae la ua mau haole la no ka
U-wao, s. A peace-maker. Mat. 5:9. eha, the men (natives) struck them, and
An intercessor. those foreigners cried out for pain.
U-wao, adj. Peace-making; mea uwao, 5. To salute, as friends. Mat. 5:47. To
bid good-by at parting. Oih. 18:18.
an intercessor. Gal. 3:20. 6. To bray,as an ass. Job.6:5. To low,
U-wau, s. A species of bird; a kind of as an ox. Job. 6:5.
water fowl. U-we, adj. That which pertains to
U-wav, v. To scratch the skin; to mourning or lamentation. Puk. 32:18.
pinch with the fingers. See Umix1. U-we, s. A movement. See Uz, to
U-wau, s. A cat, from her noise. See hitch. A jerking movement; he wwe, he
Owavu. mea e lele ana ma ka lewa.
U-wau-wa, v. See Uwa. To cry out U-we, v. See Uz. To jerk; to shake;
in a clamorous manner. Mar. 15:14. to move; to hitch along ; mostly found in
U-wau-wa, s. A frequent shouting, as the compounds nawe, naue, &e.
a disordered multitude; a noise of revelry. U-wevu-we, v. Hoo. To move a little
Puke. 32:17. without moving much; to pretend to move
U-wavu-wa, v. To be tight; fast; hard; or leave one’s place without doing it.
e linalina, e moku ole, e paa. U-we-HE, v. See Weue. To open; to
U-wa-n, s. U and afi, fire. Smoke. untie ; to uncover.
Puk.19:18. See Uant. Ao wwahi,a vapor- U-we-xa, s. Epithet of a very erying
ous cloud ; a fog, &c. ; wwahi umuhao, the child ; applied to a crying child ; kani hoi
smoke of a furnace. Jos. 8:20. kela wahi uvweka; kani papala mai la hoi
U-wa-xa, v. See Oaxa. To open, as a ua uweka nei.
door ; to open, as the mouth to speak. U-wk-Ka-WE-KA, adj. Troublesome ;
U-wa-ta, s. Name of a certain kind of crying ; dirty, as a child.
the leho, a sea-shell. U-we-kE, v. To open; to open wide,
U-wa-ta, s. See Uata. Uand ala, sweet as a door. Hoo. To cause to be opened.
or odoriferous. See WEHE.
1. The sweet potato. U-we-xo, v. See Wexo. Bad smelling,
2. The large muscles of the upper arm. as food; to smell like soured food; as
U-wa-ta-au, v. To make a noise, asa rotten potatoes, &e.
multitude. Puke. 33:17. See WaLaav. U-we-xo, s. The smell of rotten pota-
U-wa-ba-au, s. A tumultuous noise; a toes or other food.
great confused noise; a shout. See Wa- U-we-ko-we-ko, s. A strong reeking
LAav. Norr.— Uwalaay is a noise made by smell of decaying vegetables ; ka uauala,
the mouths of men; it applies also to birds ka pilopilo. f i
sitting together ina frequented place called
kula manu; other noises are called Koele, U-we-ne, v. To break wind slightly.
halulu, &e. U-we-NE-WE-NE, adj. Hoo. Dirty in
U-wa-to, v. See Uato. To cry out; to one’s habits ; stinking.
call aloud. See Uwanaau and Uato. To U-wi, v. See U1, to wring; to squeeze.
call upon one ina way of entreaty. Laieik. To wring, as water from clothes. unk.
71. 6:38.
HA 128 HA
2. To gnash or grind with the teeth. |U-wi-t1, v. To mix together, as grass
Hal. 112:10. and mud in making adobies.
3. To wring, i. e., to squeeze, as in milk- U-wI-nI-HE-pA, s. A brick; so called
ing an animal. Isa. 66:11. from Captain Winship, who brought the
4, EK uwi i ka poo, to wring off the neck. first bricks to the islands.
Oihk. 1:15.
U-wi-a, v. For wwita, the pass. of uw. U-wi-wi, s. A species of small fish.
See OIL.
To break ; to injure ; to upset; e nahae, e
hulipu. U-wo, v. See Uo. To cry out; to pro-
U-wi-a, s. An injury done by rubbing claim as the watch in the night, “all’s
or dashing against. 2. To bellow, as cattle.
O ua make paha keia 3. To roar, aS a ravenous beast; as a
E uwia wale ia nei—a.
lion. Dunk. 14:5.
U-wi-u-wI-a (ui-ui-a), v. To rub or dash U-wo, s. A crying out; a bellowing of
one against another; to assemble thickly cattle. 1 Sam. 15:14. A roaring of beasts.
2. To make or create a shade.
U-wo, s. See Uo. Food well pounded;
soft and flowing to the touch.
U-wt-u-wi-k1, s. Place of small holes ;
full of small holes, through which anything
U-wo, adj. See Uo. Soft; well pounded,
can £0. as pol.
U-wr-x1, v. To be full of small holes, U-wo, v. See Uo. To drive or expel
preuen which light may pass; e hakahaka something from a hollow substance; e kui,
iilii. e manai, e uo i ka Jeii ke kaula.
U-wi-xi-wi-k1, v. To shine, as light U-wo-u-wo, s. Name of a species of
through small apertures. ohia on the hills.
U-wi-ta, s. See Uma. Lightning. Ter. U-ri-ma, s. Heb. The urim worn by
10:13. the Jewish high priest. Puk. 28:30.

H the sixth letter of the Hawaiian la, where ha has no meaning except as the
9 alphabet. It represents, as in English, voice protracts the syllable.
the sound of an aspirate. It is frequently Ha, num. adj. The number four; gen-
euphonic. particularly between the verb erally prefixed by a or e. See Ana and
and its passive termination ia; as, maluhia Ena. Ha seems to be the original word
instead of maluia. In this case it is some- for the numeral four; as, wawae ha, four
times changed for]; as, kaulia for kawia. feet. It becomes an ordinal by prefixing
See Gram. § 48. the article; as, ka ha, the fourth. Mat.
Ha. A particle expressing strong affirm- 14:25. I ka hao ka la, the fourth day; i
' ation, stronger than no; as, oia hoi ha, so ka ha o ka makahiki. Oihk. 19:25.
it is indeed; truly; certainly; indeed; i Ha, s. See the foregoing. On fours; by
mai ia, ua hewa ha oe, he said you are in- fours ; e hele ana ma na ha, going on four
deed guilty; e hele hoi ha wau, I will surely (feet.) Oihk. 11:20, 21.
go. Puk. 2:7. Ha, v. To breathe; to breathe with
Ha is often prefixed to the original root some exertion; to utter a strong breath;
of a word, or inserted when it takes the different from hanu, to breathe naturally.
causative hoo; as,inu, to drink ; hoohainu, Job. 15:30. It is connected with hanw in
to give drink; like, to be like; hoohalike, Kin. 7:15.
to resemble. It is also often prefixed to 2. Fia. To breathe revenge. Oth. 9:1.
the roots of words without any apparent 3. To breathe upon; ha ke Akua i ka
modification of the sense ; in other words, lewa, God breathed into the open space.
the sense is variously modified; as, hauli, a Mele of Kekupuohi. To breathe out; to
dark color. See ULI, blue, &c. Lalo, down; expire.
halalo, to turn the eyes and head down, to Ha, s. A breathing; a strong breathing.
think, reflect. 2. A strong forced breath, as of anger.
Ha is also used in reciting meles in the Lob. 4:9.
middle of a line as a, 0, e, &e., are at the 3. The expression of anger. 2 Tes. 2:8.
end for the voice to rest upon while can- 4. Fig. Light; transitory, as a breath or
tillating, as he anaha nui keia no ke auhee breathing. Hal. 62:9.
Ha, s. In music, name of the fourth abase. Ezek. 8:21. Applied to those who
note from the key. are proud. Isa. 2:17.
Ha, s. The lower end of kalo tops or 4. To subdue; to put down. Kanl. 8:2.
leaves when cut off from the root; the same Haa-waa, adj. Low; short, as a man.
also of cane tops; the lower part of that 2. Fic. Humble; meek; sorry; cast down.
which is cut off. 2 Cor. 7:6. See Haa, adj., above.
2. The stem of a kalo leaf or of sugar- Haa-HEo, v. See Heo. Haz is the caus-
cane. ative for hoo. Gram. § 212, 3d. See Tahi-
3. The outside leaves of the kalo when tian Dict., art. haa. To strut; to exhibit
outside leaves are killed with cold or pride in dress or movement.
drought; ua maloo ka ha, ua pala ke kumu; Haa-neo, s. Pride; haughtiness. See
ha ko. ha kalo, ha maia. . Heo. Oihk. 26:19. He haaheo, he mea anei
Ha, s. A trough for water to run through; ia e pono nona iho? haughtiness, is that a
a water pipe; in modern times, a lead or thing to benefit himself?
iron pipe through which water flows. See Haa-HeEo, adj. Proud; lofty; haughty;
Hawatl. magnificent ; applied mostly to persons.
Ha, v. To dance; ha ana, a dancing; $5 AA-KEA, S. A species of fruit; in Isa.
more generally written haa, which see. 5:7 it is translated in English by wild grapes;
Ha, s. A species of wood; ohia ha or a species of weed ; in Job. 31:40 translated
haa. cockle.
Haa, v. To dance; connected among 2. The fruit of a shrub, of which beads
Hawaiians with singing. 1 Sam. 18:6. As are made, something like grapes; the name
an act of worship formerly among the Jews. of the plant is alia.
2 Sam. 6:14. UY Haa-kel, v. Haa, causative, and kei.
Haa, s. A dance; a dancing, as in idol- See Ker. To be proud; high minded; vain-
atrous worship. Puk. 32:19. glorious ; to be puffed up.
Haa, s. Name of a shrub or tree. Haa-xe1, s. Causing pride.
2. A proud person; a scoffer; a con-
Haa, adj. Short; low; humble; gen- temptible person; o ka haaheo, he mea
erally doubled, haahaa, which see; ohi paha ia e make ai no ka poe haakei, pride,
kukui o kanuukea ka haa. that is a thing perhaps to kill the scoffer.
Haa is often used in some words for the 3. Pride; haughtiness.
causative prefix instead of hoo; oftener Haa-Ke1, adj. Proud; assuming the’
found in the Tahitian dialect. dress and character of another.
Ha-a-a, v. To acknowledge one as a 2. Scoffing; scorning. Hal. 1:1.
friend ; to treat with hospitality; to ex- Haa-ke-keE, v. Haa, causative; also hoo
hibit affection for ; to love. and keke. See KEkE and Ke. To strive;
to cause strife ; contention; to be angry;
Ha-a-a, adj. Friendly; kind; hospita- to scold.
ble. Haa-kEI-kEI, v. See Ker and Haaket.
Ha-ak, s. Saliva or spittle, especially To vaunt in pride ; to be insolent.
the saliva when worked up in the mouth Haa-ko-aE, Haa, causative, and koae.
into foam ; hence, 1. Name of a species of bird that is white.
2. The name of a beer made of the sugar- See Koar.
cane when fermented and foaming. The 2. A high precipice.
beer was intoxicating.
Haa-xo1, v. Haa, causative, and hoz, to
Ha-az, v. To drizzle; to drip; to slab- force ; urge.
ber at the mouth. 1. To practice onanism ; applied to one
Haa-i-Kar-KA, v. To revile ; to grin. alone. See Puauu.
Ha-ao, s. A multitude following. _ 2. Fig. To labor hard and obtain noth-
Ha-ao, adj. Driving, as rain with wind;
epithet of a rain of Auaulele ; ua haao. Haa-xor, s. The practice of onanism.
Kuu haku i ka ua haao—e— Haa-kor-kol, v. Haa, causative,and koz.
My lord in the driving rain. To practice venery, like dogs or hogs.
Ka lele la ka ua mauka o Auaulele;
The rain flies quickly upland of Auaulele.
Haa-koo-Koo-wa-Le, s. Haa forhoo, and
Lele ka ua, lele pu no me ka makani. kookoo. See Haxkoxo, to wrestle. A wrest-
The rain flies,—flies with the wind. ling; astriving in the exercise of wrestling
Haa-waa, v. See Haa. To be low; Haa-xo-u1, v. Haa, causative, and kohi,
humble. to hinder ; hold back.
2. To live quietly ;e noho malie. 1. To cause a restraint; to choke.
3. Hoo. To cy low; to humble; to 2. To have or endure strong labor pains,
as a female ; to be in strong labor. Kin. Haa-Lou-Lou, v. See foregoing. To be
35:16. dejected ; grieved ; sorrowful.
3. To travail in child-birth. Gal. 4:19. Haa-Lovu-Lou, adj. Cast down in mind;
Haa-xo-u1, s. Labor pains. dejected ; sad.
Haa-ko-ko-u1, v. The 7th conj. of kohi, Haa-Lvu-Lv, v. Haa, causative, and lulu,
haa for hoo; intensive. to shake.
1. To have or suffer hard labor pains. 1. To cause a trembling ; to shake; to
2. To draw one thing out of another with tremble.
difficulty. : 2. To be troubled, or to tremble with -
Haa-xko-ko-HI, s. Strong labor pains of ear.
afemale. 1 Tes. 5:3. 3. To be out of joints, as bones.
Haa-ko-ko-ui, adj. Suffering from strong 4. To be in great disorder; to be in a
labor pains. Hal. 48:6. state of trepidation.
Haa-xu-a-ii-x1, s. Name of an office Haa-tu-tv, s. A trembling; a trepida-
among the followers of the king. tion. Puk. 15:15.
Haa-xu-z, s. The name of the person 2. A shaking, as the earth in an earth-
quake. 2 Sam. 2:8.
who swings the fly brush over the chief
when he sleeps; 0 ka mea nana e kahili i Haa-ma, v. To begin to ripen, as ohias,
ko ke alii wahi e moe ai, he haakue ia. oranges, &¢c., but not get soft. See Hooama.
Ha-a-Le, v. Contraction for haa, caus- Ha-a-no, v. To boast; to exalt; to ex-
ative, and ale, a wave or swell of water. tol. See next word. See Hoano.
1. To cause to be full; to swell up, as Haa-no1, s. Boasting language; olelo
water. haanou.
2. To be deep; to overflow; to rise high; Haa-novu, v. Haa, causative, and zoze,
haale ka wai, the water rises. a puff of wind. See Nov.
Haa-Le-Le, v. Haa and lele, to fly. 1. To be pleased or gratified with the
1. To cause to fly, that is, to forsake ; to admiration of another.
give up, as a man his wife; as a child its 2. To be puffed up with flattery.
parents. 3. To be inflated with pride; akena.
2. To leave off; forsake, as a job of work Haa-novu, adj. Boasting; olelo haanow,
before it is finished. boasting language.
3. To reject; cast off. The following is Haa-nui, v. Haa and nut, creat.
often used in the same sense, though really 1. To praise greatly ; to extol; to boast.
as follows : Sol. 20:4.
Haa-te-LEA, v. Pass. of the foregoing 2. To exaggerate; to triumph. 2 Sam.
with the i dropped. Gram. § 211. To be 1:20. Syn. with akena and haanoi.
left; to be thrown away; to be cast off, kc. 3. Tospeak great words. 2 Pet. 2:18. To
Haa-Le-Lea, s. That which is thrown magnify one’s self. Dan. 18:11.
away or forsaken. Haa-nut, s. ‘The boasting of something
2. Name of a process in making gods. received or favor obtained.
3. The name of the man sacrificed on 2. A boaster; one who brags.
cutting down a tree to make a god. Haa-pu, v. To desire strongly; to yearn
Ha-a-t1, v. To spread out or spread for.
down, as a cloth; generally written Haa-pu, adj. Na hana naauao haapu,
Ha-a-tu, v. See Haart. To spread out; the strongly desired labors of learning.
to spread down, as a mat, kapa, paper, &c. |] AA-Pu-KA, v. Haa and puka, to cheat.
See Lu. Jsa. 37:14. To gather up ; to scrape together the good
Ha-a-tt-a-t1, s. The lips of a fish, or and the bad, anything and “everything for
the cheeks of a fish. property. Sol. 13:11.
Ha-a-ui-a-L1, v. To catch by the neck, Haa-pu-xu, v. To unite several children
as a fish. or other friends in one’s affection ; pilikia
2. Usedfiguratively, and applied to men. iho la oloko, haapukcu mai la ka manao ana.
Haa-ui-ui. See Hoot.
Haa-tr-u, v. See Haatn. To spread; Ha-a-wa,
s. Name of a tree; also written
to spread out, &e.
Haa-ii-Lo, adv. Kani haalilo, nu ka Haa-we, v. Ha for haa, and awe, to
hinihini. carry. To carry on the back; to put upon
Haa-tou, v. Haa and lou, to bend in the back or shoulders for carr ying. Syy.
with waha. See Awk and Laws.
1. To cause to bend in sorrow. Haa-we, s. A burden. Jsa. 58:6. A
2. To sigh; to weep in affliction or grief. pack carried on the back. Dunk. 11:46.
Haa-weE-a-weE, s. The growth of pota- Hae-nasz, s. Name of two yards per-
toes from some being left when the crop taining to a particular house of Lono.
was dug; ka haupuupu, ka okupu. Hasr-nae-1a, adj. Torn; injured. Kin.
Haa-wi, v. Ha for ho or hoo. See Hoawi 31:39. Rent. os. 9:4.
and Awi, a root which has not yet been Ha-g-Hv, v. To grow thriftily and large,
found. as a tree or plant. potatoes or kalo.
1. To give; to grant to another. Hae-xal-Kal, v. To grin.
2. To help ; to assist.
3. To offer or propose for a thing. Ha-E-LE, v. To go or come as mai or
4. Tocommend to one’s care; haawi aie, aku is used. Syn. with hele. See Here.
usury. Kanl. 23:20. Haawi lilo ole, to lend. But requires a dual or plural subject.
Kanl. 24:10. To give; with nani, to as- Nah. 4:5; Nah. 9:17.
cribe praise. Isa. 42:8, Hat, v. Often syn. with hae. See above.
Haa-wi-na, s. Haawi and ana, a par- To break, as a bargain or covenant. 2
ticipial termination. Jal. 18:12.
1. A giving ; a giving out; hence, 2. To break open; separate, as the lips
2. A portion ; something given; a gift; that are about to speak.
a part assigned to one. Rom. 11:29. 3. To speak of; to mention. Puk. 23:13.
3. In school, a lesson appointed to be 4. To tell; declare; confess; relate. Puk. -
learned. 18:8. Ke hai ole, not to tell; to keep se-
4, A present from one. Syn. with makana. cret. Jos. 2:14.
5. A gift, that is, ability to do a thing. 5. To break off; to stop doing a thing;
1 Kor. 12:4. as, aole hai ke hoihoi aku, he does not cease
Haz, s. See Harnar. Something tom, (begging) though sent away. Norr.—The
as a piece of kapa or cloth. The Hawaiian ha of this word is sometimes doubled, then
signals were formerly made of torn kapa ; it has the form of hahai, to follow, but its
hence, in modern times, signification is to break away or tear away;
2. A flag; ensign; banner; colors. Hal. as, hahatia ka lepa a ua poe kahuna la, the
20:5. The flag of a ship, &c.; ke kia, ame ensign of those priests was broken away.
ka pea, ame ka hae, the masts, the sail, and Hai, v. To put or place in, as ina box;
the flag. See Lepa. hai aku i ke alii o lakou iloko, then they
Haz, adv. A word expressive of deep put their chief inside.
affection for another; as, aloha hoi hae, Hat, s. A broken place; hence,
from the deep yearning, breaking or tear- 2. A joint of a limb ; ka hai a mawe, the
ing of the heart. See HArHAE below. elbow joint.
Hag, s. A species of wood. Hat, pron. or adj. Gram. § 15, 14:3.
Haz, v. To bark, as a dog. Isa. 56:10. Another ; another person ; no hai, for an-
Hae, adj. Wild; tearing; furious; fero- other ; ia hai, to another. Neh. 5:5. Hoo-
kahi no makamaka, 0 oe no, aole o hai, one
cious ; cross; he ilio hihiu hae, a ferocious only friend, thou art he, there is no other.
wild dog; applied to a wolf.
2. The growling or snarling of a cross Ha-1, v. To be vain; proud.
dog. rig) Hai, s. Name of the god of the poe
Hag, v. To tear in pieces; to rend, as kuku Kapa.
a savage beast. See Nanar. Often used in 2. A sacrifice at the altar.
the double form. Hat, s. Name of a particular form of
Ha-z1, v. To look; to peep; to look gathering dead bodies slain in war.
slily. See Kier and Hato. Har-a, s. An assemblage ; a number,
especially of persons; it is used as a prefix
Haer-nag, v. See Har. To tear or rend, to other words.
as cloth ora garment. in. 44:13. With
aahu. Ios. 7:6. Hat-na, s. Hai, to speak, and ana. A
2. To tear in pieces, as a savage beast speaking ; a declaration.
does a person. Ain. 37:33. To tear, as a Hai-a1, v. To do over again.
garment, through grief or indignation. 2. To tie up a bundle of food anew; to
Nah. 14:6. tie up, as fagots.
3. To rend, as the mountains in a hurri- 3. To cook over again.
cane. | Nal. 19:11,4. See Har, adv., above. Har-ao, s. Hai, sacrifice, and ao, day.
4. To be moved with compassion; to A sacrifice offered in the daytime in dis-
sympathize with one. Kanl. 28:32. Haehae tinction from haipo, a night sacrifice.
na maka, haehae ke aloha. Har-a-o, s. A modern word; haz, to de-
Har-Hak, s. Strong affection for one. clare, and ao, to teach. A sermon ; a pub-
2. A strong desire for a thing, asa stary- lic declaration of religious truth.
ing man for food. Hal-amu, v.
Har-a-no, s. Grammatical term ; hai, Har-nal, s. A state of brittleness; lia
to declare, and ano, the meaning or qual- bility to break. Anat. 2.
ity. An adjective. Har-nal, s. See Hat, to break. A breach,
Hat-s-wa-HI-NE, Ss. See Hata, a com- or breaking of a law.
pany, and Wants, woman. The united Har-nat, adj. Proud; vaunting; lasciv-
assemblage of a number of wives of one ious.
man exclusive of the favorite one among Har-nat, v. ‘l'o show one’s self haughty,
several. strutting, lascivious.
2. A wife of secondary quality ; not a 2. To feign one’s self out of his senses in
favorite wife. 2 Sam. 13:3. A concubine. order to escape death from one upon whom
Innk. 19:1. A kept mistress. he has practiced sorcery.
Har-a-wa-ni-ne, v. To multiply wives; Har-ual, v. See Hat, to speak. To con-
as, nani kona haiawahine ana, wonderful sult or talk together, as two or more per-
his multiplying wives. sons on business.
Har-z-a, s. A species of fish. Haruat-a, adj. See Ata. Az repeated
Har-t-noa, s. Hai, to declare, and zn0a, to give intensity and / inserted. Wicked;
name. In grammar, the word declaring unreasonable; vile. 2 Tes. 3:2. Profane.
the name ; a noun or substantive. Heb. 12:16. Ungodly. 1 Tim. 1:9.
Hat-o-u-u1, v. Hai, to declare, and oulz, Hat-nar-a, s. Ungodliness. 2 Tam. 2:16.
the sky. To prognosticate ; to declare fu- Haruai-a, v. To court the favor of the
ture events from observing the heavens. gods, or rather perhaps to use various arts,
Hat-o-u-t1, s. A prognostication from as by getting herbs and medicines and of-
observing the sky. Isa. 47:13. Kindred ferings to prevent the gods from hearing
with kilolani and kilokilo hoku. another’s prayers.
Hat-o-ta, s. Hai, to declare, and ola, Har-na-na, v. Hai, to declare, and hana,
life ; salvation. to do, i. e,, to declare something done. In
1. One who preaches or declares there grammar, a verb; a modern word.
is salvation for men. Harxar-ka, v. ‘To mock by making wry
2. The declaration of such a fact. faces; to make another word by the trans-
Hat-o-Le, adj. Hai, to break, and ole, position of letters.
not. Bold; hard; impudent; unpacitied; Har-xar-Ka, adj. Grinning; expressing
stubborn. anger; he haikaika kona maka ame kona
Hat-o-tE-10, s. Hai, to declare, and Has-xa-La, s. Name of a fatal disease
olelo, word.
1. A preaching; a declaration of the of which waiiki was the medicine.
word (of God.) 1 Cor. 1:21. Hatr-Ka-La-mu-ku, s. Name of a disease
2. To make a speech or an address. equally fatal with the above, in which the
Lajieik. 115. same medicine was used.
Har-u-ta, s. The red or yellow appear- Ha-r-x1, adj. Ha and iki, small. See Ixt.
ance of the dust raised by a whirlwind; 1. Narrow, as a passage; pinched; scanty.
2. Suffering for want of food.
the same to some extent in a waterspout.
Ha-1-x1, v. To be pinched for want; to
Har-nat, v. To follow; to pursue; to be pinched with hunger. Mar. 2:25. To
chase. See Hanat. be desolate; bereaved. Laieik. 142.
2. To run a race.
Ha-i-x1-a-KA, v. To grin; to make wry
Hat-nal, v. See Hat, to break. To faces. See HaArKaIKa.
break ; to break in pieces; to break, as a
yoke. Kin. 27:40. To break off, as the
Hat-La-weE, v. To exchange, as in bar-
branch of a tree. Rom. 11:17. To crush, ter; to give one piece of property for an-
as a flower. JLaieik. 142. other.
2. To break, as a laworcommand. Nah. Har-te-a, adj. See Loza. Ingenuity;
15:31. skill in doing a thing.
3. Hoo. To tease; to vex; to make one Hat-te-po, v. Haz, to break forth, and
cross ; to provoke. lepo, dirt.
4, To go through the process of separat- 1. To evacuate the bowels.
ing the flesh from the bones of a dead per- 2. To be sick with the disease called hat-
son; to dissect; ua haihai o Kamehameha, lepo.
alaila hoi mai o Liholiho mai Kawaihae Hat-Le-po, s. A name of a disease or
sickness in former times.
Har-nat, adj. See Harmar, to break. 2. Name of a large living creature of the
Brittle 5; easily broken. sea. See Henmanu and Hanauua. It was
forbidden to women to eat under penalty a hailono iki. 2 Oihl. 20:24. I. e., none at
of death. all (escaped) to tell the news.
Hat-Le-po, v. Na maka o kekahi poe e |Har-Lu-xu, v. Hai and luku, to slaughter.
hailepo ana, nolaila no ka hailepo ame ka To stone. Puke. 17:4. To stone to death.
olelo ihaiha. Oih. 7:59. To pelt with stones; okena ae
Ha-1-u1, s. Ha and ii, skin; surface. la ke alii e hailuku i ua poe la, the king
1. A spirit; a ghost. sent word to stone to death those persons;
2. The impression of something fondly e hoonou, e hooulua, e abuku.
remembered; halialia wale mai no ke aloha, Har-tu-xu, s. A stoning to death; kill-
hoanoano wale mai no me he haili la e kau ing one by stoning him.
iho ana maluna, love brought the fond re- Hat-ma-Lu-Lu, adj. Soft; effeminate ;
membrance, it brought solemnity as if a deliberate at work; weak in body or per-
spirit rested on him; lele ke aka o ka son; haimalulu i ka ua a ka naulu, weak-
manao, leleiaka i ka lani; lele ae la ka ened by the rain of the mist.
haili o ka ia nui iluna. Hatr-ma-na-wa, s. Name of a species of
Ha-1-11, v. ‘To cry out suddenly; to give white kapa rather thin.
an alarm. 2. Name of the school book used at La-
2. To gasp; to pant for breath. See Aru. hainaluna in teaching chronology.
Ha-r-u1, s. A temple. Hai-na, v. A verb formed from the
Har-ui-a, v. To be frightened ; to start contracted hai ana. See Har. To tell; to
suddenly from fear. relate ; to declare ; to speak.
Ha-1-u1-a-Ka, s. See Hartt and Aka, 2. To break, as a command; as a law.
shadow. A ghost; a spirit. See Ham. See Har 1.
Ha-t-ti-1-L1, v. Root probably haz, to 3. To break, as a stick; hence,
4. To reject; to destroy; to take no care
speak, and ili (see Int, hoo 7), to use pro-
of, as onesick. Notr.—The ideas of speak-
fane language. ing, declaring, &c., seem to be nearly con-
1. To revile the gods; to swear pro- nected in Hawaiian with breaking.
fanely ; to curse.
‘ 2. Tospeak disrespectfully of one. Puk. Har-na, s. A speaking; a declaration;
i Es
ho a conversation.
3. To reproach; to blackguard ; to re- 2. A breaking, as of a stick or other
vile. Jer. 15:10. thing ; a breaking of a law.
Ha-1-L1-1-L1, s. Cursing; profane lan- Har-na, v. To abuse; to be stingy of
guage; he hoino. food ; to withhold food from those who de-
Har-ur-t1, v. To have the feelings of serve it.
sorrow and affection on the death of one Har-nwa, adj. Cruel; unmerciful; hard
very dear; ua make hailili e. hearted.
Hat-ui-ma, s. Hai and lima, the break Hal-Nno-Le, v. See Kinaunau, Kam.
of the arm, i. e., the elbow. In measure, Har-na-Ka, s. Eng. A handkerchief; a
the distance of the elbow to the end of the napkin. Puk. 28:4. Also spelled hainika.
fingers; half a yard or a cubit. Ezek. 6:3. Har-na-ki, s. The name of a prayer on
Har-to-aa, s. Haz and loaa, to obtain. gathering in the property tax for the chief.
1. A key or answer to a question; a Ha-1-nu, v. See Inv. Hoo. To give
declaration of what one has found out. drink to one; to cause to drink. Kin. 29:3.
2. The name of a little book called a key Note.—The syllable ha is often inserted
to an algebra. between the causative hoo and the verb.
3. A key or clue to intricate propositions. See Ha.
Hat-to-na, v. To cast or draw lots. Har-po, s. Haz, a sacrifice, and po, night.
Oih. 1:28. To distribute by lot. Name of a sacrifice offered in the night in
2. To certify by actions that something distinction from haiao.
will be done. Ha-1-pu, s. Ha, the but-end of a leaf,
3. To make a signal for some purpose.
and ipu, a gourd. The stem of a gourd
4, In modern times, to play at dice. See leaf used in medicine.
Hat-to-na, s. A mark, sign, character Hat-pu-Le, v. Hai, to speak, and pule,
to pray.
representing a thing, as a letter represent-
ing a sound; an arithmetical sign, &e. 1. To speak or say a prayer to the gods.
2. A lot in casting lots. Neh. 6:55, 56.
2. To worship visibly.
Whatever is used in casting lots. QOih. 1:28, 3. To exhibit the character of a wor-
shipper ; to practice religious rites. 1 Nal.
Hat-Lo-no, v. Haz and dono, the news. 8:28. Ina e makemake oe e haipule, if you
To tell the news ; tospread a report; aohe wish to practice religious duties.
4. To consecrate a temple ; to prescribe 2. The pungent bitter matter vomited
the forms of religion ; nana (na ke alii) e from the stomach ; sourness; sourness of
haipule na heiau poo kanaka, oia hoi na the stomach ; heart-burn. Anat. 53.
luakini. Ha-o-a, v. Pass. of hao instead of haoiza.
Hat-pu-Le, s. A devotee; one addicted To be taken, as by an enemy; to be taken
to worship; a pious person; a saint. Hpes. by violence; to be given up, as to an enemy.
det. 2. To take, as an ensign in war. 1 Sam.
2. Piety; profession of religion; outward 4:11.
worship. Jak. 1:26. Ha-oa-pu-Ht, s. Among fishermen, name
Hat-pu-Lz, adj. Pious; devout; reli- of the stick used instead of a hook in catch-
gious; religiously disposed; a ike mai o ing eels.
Vanekouva he alii haipule o Kamehameha, Ha-og, v. To be uneven, as points of
&e., when Vancouver saw that Kameha- a substance; to rise one above another;
meha was religiously disposed, &c. haoe ka ale o Hopoe i ka ino, the waves of
Hat-wa-Le, adj. Hai, of another. An- Hopoe stand up, are erect in the storm.
other’s only. See Ha without the hoo.
Ha-o, v. To rob; todespoil. Mat. 12:29. Ha-og£-o£, v. See before. To make a
To strip one of property; to plunder. rushing noise, as wind upon the trees ; ha-
Tnunk. 2:14. oeoe ka ohia, he ua nui ino Kaeleawaawa,
2. To kill and plunder. 1 Sam. 27:10. loli i ka ua e, the ohia trees give a sound,
3. To strip one of his garment. Sin. Kaeleawaawa is in a great storm, it bends
37:23. To take by little and little; to col- to the great rain.
lect together. Ha-oE-0E, adj. Uneven, as points which
Hao ka Koolau, pau na mea aloha, stick up, or as waves of the sea; haoeoe na
Koolau was robbed of ali endeared things.
Ahu iho ka pua wahawaha i Wailua, ale o ke kai.
The rata blossoms were collected together at Wai- 2. Applied also to men running where
ua. some are before and some behind ; haoeoe
Notre.—It was formerly the practice of the na kanaka e holo mai la.
chiefs to punish offenders for all offenses Hao-nao, v. To doubt; to discredit ;
less than death, by stripping them entirely to distrust a statement.
of their property ; this practice continued 2. To be troubled in accounting for an
until the people had a written code of laws. event; to be restless; sleepless at night ;
Ha-o, v. To put less things into a haohao hoi keia po 0’u, aole wau i moe iki.
greater ; to put into; to take up and put Laieik. 198.
into ; to take up by handfuls. 3. To marvel; to wonder. Isa. 63:5. To
2. To shovel dirt. See Haonao below. be astonished. Isa. 52:14.
Ha-o, v. To wonder at; to be aston- 4, To be in doubt respecting one’s char-
ished ; mostly haohao. acter. Gal. 4:20. Haohao hewa, to think
or design evil.
Ha-o, s. A robber; a plunderer. Lunk. 5. To seek for; to hunt after; to search.
Hao-Hao, v. To distribute; to give
Ha-o, s. Name of any hard substance, equally to many; e haawi like me ka puu-
as iron, the horn or hoof of a beast. nawe.
2. The name of a species of wood ; name
of a tree.
Hao-nao, v. To dip up with the hands;
to measure by handfuls.
Ha-o, adj. Strained tightly; hence, Hao-nao, s. Disappointment; doubt ;
hard, &c.; in the phrases hao na kepa, the
spurs are iron, applied to a horse running uncertainty. Laieik. 105.
swiftly ; also, hao na polena, the bowlines Hao-nao, adj. Soft; immature, as fruit;
are iron, applied to a swift sailing ship; as a soft cocoanut.
hao ka lima, applied to one working hard. Hao-Hao-a, s. Places so covered with
Ha-o, adj. Thin; poor in flesh; wiwi, broken lava that one cannot walk on them;
emi iho ke kino a olala. kapu ma ka haoa ka haohaoa lani.
Ha-o-a, adj. Hot; burning hot, as the Hao-HAo-A-LA-NI, Ss. The reverence and
sun; wela loa; e na hoa o ka la nui haoa affection formerly felt by the people for
o ua kula nei, e imi mua kakou i ka pono their chiefs ; he kuhau lalapa o ke kapu la.
0 ka naau, O companions of the great burn- Hao-wao-na, v. To spring up in the
ing sun of the high school, &e. mind, as love for a friend.
2. Suffering pain; severe affliction from 2. To have the recollection of a person
the pain of burning. by one who is separated from him.
3. The fear of being burnt. Hao-ka-nu, v. Hao and kanu, to bury.
Ha-o-a, s. The fierce burning heat of To plant; to plant or bury a thing with
summer. JLaieile. 119. earth brought from another place.
Hao-x1-tou, s. Hao, iron, and kilou, Hav-a, s. A whipping; a stripe; a
hook. An iron hook. : chastisement. Sol. 19:29.
Ha-o-tz, adj. White; he keokeo; ina Hav-a-pu, s. A yearning; a strong feel-
i keokeo ka hulu o ka puaaa puni, he haole ing for one. See Havurv.
ia puaa; he puaa haole. ! Hav-s-xa, v. Hau and eka, filthy. To
Ha-o-Lz, s. See the above derivation. be defiled ; to be filthy ; unclean.
A person with a white skin ; hence, a for- Hav-s-ut, s. Hau, frost, snow, ice, and
eigner; but Hawaiians say haole eleele for eli, to dig. Name of the native Glauber
a negro. salts which are dug up out of caverns in
2. A person from a foreign country ; an the rocks on the Island of Hawaii.
alien. Norr.—tThe foreigners who arrived Hav-1, s. The title or epithet of a chief,
first at the islands were white persons. as noble, a descendant of kings, &c.; o
Hao-mA-NA-MA-NA, S. Hao, iron, and Haui ka \ani, ke alii kiekie, he kumu alii.
manamana, divided. A gridiron; so called Hav-or-ao, s. A kind of fish net.
by natives from the divided irons.
Hav-o-x1, s. Name of a medicine given
Hao-na, s. Name of some calabashes to women in labor, similar to slippery elm.
for food when first cooked.
Hav-o-x1, s. A kind of palsy or perhaps
Hao-wa-na, s. Hao, iron, and waha, stiffness of the limbs, as when one is chilled
mouth. The iron of the mouth, that is, a with cold ; having been long in the water.
bridle bit. Hal. 32:9.
Hav-o-Le, adj. Hau, frost, dew, &c.,
Hao-wa-Le, s. Hao, to rob, and wale, and ole, not. Without dew, ‘as a barren
without cause. Robbery; a taking an- place.
other’s without right.
Hav-o-11, v. Hau and oli, to sing. See
Hau, s. Name of the land breeze that Our. To sing ; to rejoice. 2 Sam. 1:20. To
blows at night; hence, any cool breeze; express joy by singing; to be joyous. Hoo.
he hau kekahi makani mauka mai, ua ma- To cause Joy; to make glad. Hal. 86:4.
nao ia mai loko mai o ke kuahiwi kela ma- Hav-o-u, s. Joy; rejoicing; gladness.
kani. Nors.—This word has several forms.
It usually takes ke for its article instead of Hav-o-u1,
adj. Joyous; glad.
ka; but the ke is sometimes united with Hau-o-.1-0-L1, v. Intensive form. To
it, and then it becomes kehau. This how- take delight in; to rejoice in. Hal. 119:77.
ever requires a new article, which would Hav-o-ma-Lo-Lo, s. Name of a species
be ke, ke kehau ; but this article also some- of fish net.
times adheres to the noun, and thus re- Hav-o-pro, v. To lay in good order, as
quires a new article still; hence the differ-
ent forms of the word: hau, kehau, and stones in a wall; to stand evenly; he wahi
i nini, i kumanoia a maikai.
kekehau, all of which take corresponding
articles. Hav-o-po, s. What is put together in
Hau, s. The general name of snow, ice, good order; a good, well finished work.
frost, cold dew, &c.: i hoomanawanui ai Hav-vu-pv, s. Deep affection for one; a
hoi kaua i ka haw huihui o ke kakahiaka, yearning over a beloved object. See Hav-
when we two also persevered in the cold Apu and Havpv.
frost of the morning ; haw paa, hoar frost. Hav-nav, v. To lay stones in a wall;
Puk. 16:14. In the same verse hau is ren- to build with stones.
dered dew ; snow. Nah. 12:10.
2. The rough bristles of a hog when
Hav-nav, v. To strike; to smite; to
beat. See Hanav.
angry ; huhu ka puaa, ku ka hau; hence,
3. Anger; applied figuratively to men. Hav-nav, adj. See Hav, cold, &c. Cool,
4. Name of aspecies of soft porous stone. as where the heat is separated from a thing.
Hau, s. Name of a tree or large bush; Hav-Hau-na, adj. Strong smelling; of-
the bark was sometimes beaten into a fine fensive to the smell. See Hawuwna.
species of kapa called kapa hau. Laieik.
112. Hav-ni-u1, v. To bind up; to tie up, as
2. A kind of dance used for lascivious a bundle; e hauhili a paa, bind it up tightly.
purposes, accompanied by singing. See Hr.
u, v. To swallow; to gulp down, as Hav-nr-Li, s. Carelessness in doing a
the smoke of tobacco. thing ; no ka mikioi o ka hana, aole no ka
2. To inhale; to snuff up, as the wind. hauhili, for the niceness of the work, not
Ter. 2:24. for the slovenliness.
3. To snort, as a horse. Jer. 8:16.
Hav-ut-L1, adj. Diverging from the
Hav-a, v. To whip; to apply stripes straight path; blundering; false; not to
to one; to chastise. Sol. 19:18. See Hawav. be depended on for truth.
2. Crooked or blind, as a path in the lima, eleele ka lihilihi, the lips quivered
bushes. See Hit. with the cold, the hands were wrinkled,
Hav-xa, s. In gambling, when one wins dark were the eyebrows; to be in pain
he says hauka; a foreign word perhaps. with the cold. Job. 33:19.
Hav-xakE, v. See Hooxat. To deface; Hau-xe-xeE, s. A shivering with the cold.
to blot out; to squander; to behave shame- Hav-kE-keE, adj. Cold; shivering with
fully. cold.
2. To doa thing carelessly; ina e hau- Ha-v-ta-u-La, v. See Uta, red. To be
hili a haukae ka oukou hana, if you do a little red ; a haulaula ka waha i ka laau.
your work in a slovenly and careless man- Hav-ta-La-pa, 8. The high ascending
ner. blaze of a large fire. See Lapanapaanr. HE
3. To be filthy ; dirty in appearance.
ku haulalapa, e lapalapa.
Hau-xakE, s. Filthiness; carelessness ; Hav-ia-n1, v. ‘To root, as a hog; to
plunge, as a canoe.
2. A mean fellow; a babbler; a trifling
2. To be restless in one’s grasp ; to
talker. Oth. 17:18.
squirm; e oni; to try to free one’s self.
Hav-kaE, adj. Slovenly done; foul; when held fast.
unclean ; impure ; wicked. Hav-ta-ni, adj. Uneasy; seeking free-
Hav-xar, v. See Hauxagr, v., above. dom from restraint; restive; he mauli hau-
To erase, blot out and destroy. lani.
Havu-xal, adj. See Hauxaz, adj. Care- Ha-u-te, v. To fall; to fall from a per-
less ;unprepared. pendicular state; to stumble; to fall down.
Hav-xau, s. The state of the sea ina 2. To come upon one, as a new set of
chopped sea something like the kai kupi- feelings ; to come to or arrive at a place;
kio, very difficult to urge a canoe through it. to encamp ; a haule lakou i Kailua.
Ha-u-Ka-u-KA, s. See UKauxa 2, to eat. 3. To loosen; to let go; to unfold.
A ringworm. 4, To become void; to lack; to fail; to
Hav-Ka-mu-mu, s. Hau and kamumu, a be wanting ; to fall dead. ®
5. To overturn; to destroy; to seek after;
rustling sound. to fall upon for destruction.
1. The confused noise of a multltude; ua 6. To fail in coming to pass or to be ful-
uhiia kona leo e ka haukamumu leo o ka
filled,as a promise. Jos. 21:45. To fall, as
aha, his voice was drowned by the confused
one to fail in his moral or religious char-
noises of the multitude. Laieik. 22
acter. Heb. 6:6.
2. The low or indistinct conversation of
7. Hoo. To cause to fall; with wa, as
two persons. Laieik. 80.
rain, i. e., to cause to rain. 1 Nal. 18:1.
Hau-ke, v. To hunt, as for prey; to 8. To throw one’s self down on to a thing.
fall upon; to catch; e hauke uku, to hunt 1 Sam. 31:4. To cause to fall,i.e., destroy,
lice in one’s head. asanarmy. Szek. 32:12. To be rendered
Hau-xe, s. The act of hunting lice; ka void, as a law.
haule ana i ka uku poo. Ha-v-Le, adj. A thing lost; dropped.
Havu-ke, s. The sea-ege. See Hauxe- Oihk. 6:3. Kekahi mea haule.
Hav-xea, s. Hau, snow, and kea, white. Hav-Le-na, s. Contracted from hauwle
ana. <A falling, that is, whatever falls; a
The white snow; the whiteness of snow in eleaning. Oihk. 19:9.
cold countries ; ka haukea 0 Maunakea.
Ha-u-kE-u-kE, v. To shiver much and Ha-u-u1, s. See Uri. Anything of a
intensely with the cold. dark color; the dark shadow of an object;
Ha-vu-KE-u-KE, s. The name of a small dark clouds; the deep blue sky.
2. Fic. A stain upon a person’s char-
sea animal.
acter; ka hauli o ka mea hewa ole, e nalo-
Ha-u-kE-u-ke, s. Name of a shell fish wale ia, the stain upon a person’s character
that has many prongs two or three inches without fault will soon vanish. '
long. Ha-u-u1, adj. Dark; swarthy; tawny;
Ha-u-ke-u-xe, s. Name of a small in- shadowing ; darkish ; shady.
sect that adheres to the skin of persons, 2. Cool, having lost warmth.
similar to the ane; hauleuke, he ane, he Hav-Lu-Ltu, v. Hau, iron, and Z2222, lit-
mea e pili ana ma ka ili o ke kanaka, ua
tle. A factitious word got up by Hawaiian
like me ke kane.
cooks, and means, to broil on the gridiron;
Hav-ke-ke, v. To shiver with the cold; they call the gridiron hauiliilii, i. e., little
to be contracted with cold, as the muscles; irons; with some, SYN. with hoomakaukau,
haukeke mai ana ka lehelehe, minomino na to get ready.
Ha-v-.i-u-L1, v. The intensive of haulz. 2. Any popular commotion or disturb-
To be dark, &c. 1 Sam. 4:14.
2. To be in a slight state of commotion ; Hav-na-ma, s. A strong offensive smell,
applied to the rippling of the sea when the but less so than hauna; he wahi pilau uuku.
wind just begins to blow. See Hauna.
Ha-v-u1-u-t1, s. Name of a species of |Ha-u-pa, v. To eat much; to swell up,
fish. as the stomach from eating too much.
Hav-ma-ka-1-0-LE, s. Epithet of an ad- 2. To be greedy in eating.
vanced state of old age, when the eyes are fi3. To act,as the jaws in eating fast. See
dim, the steps totter, and the breath short. PA.
Hav-ma-na, v. To be oract,as a scholar. Hau-reeE-PEE, v. To play hide and seek;
2. Hoo. To teach, as one teaches scholars; e peepee akua; to play hide and seek, as
to make scholars or learners of persons. children.
3. To teach them some art, or convey to Hau-ree-PEE, Ss. The play of children,
them some knowledge they had not before. hide and seek.
4. To instruct, as a scholar or apprentice Hav-pia, v. To mix together (pia) arrow-
in any art or handicraft. root and cocoanut and bake it; to cook
Hav-ma-na, s. A scholar; an appren- arrow-root and cocoanut together.
tice ; a disciple. Mat. 10:1. Hav-p1a, s. The substances of arrow-
Hav-ma-nu-ma-nv, adj. Full of holes, root and cocoanut mixed together and
cracks or crevices. See Manu. baked for food.
Hav-me-a, s. Name of the mother of Ke- Hav-pro, s. The lower end of the breast
kauakahi, the war god. bone ; the place where the ribs unite.
Hav-mt-a, v. To defile; to pollute; to 2. The thorax. See Hovro.
be either morally, physically or ceremoni- Ha-u-pu, v. To excite; to stir up, as
ally unclean. Hoo. To defile naturally, the affections or passions.
morally. Kin. 34:2. Or ceremonially, to 2. To suffer with anxiety; to be much
stain ; defile. Jol. 3:5. excited or moved ; ua haupu honua ae la
ka makaula, the prophet was much excited.
Hav-mi-a, s. Contagion; ceremonial de- Laieik. 157.
filement from contact or contiguity to dead 3. To rise up suddenly in the mind, as a
bodies. thought.
2. Morally, from various wicked prac- 4. To stir up one to recollection; alaila,
tices. e haupu ia lakou me ka homanao.
3. Things forbidden under penalty of
death, stronger than kapu; uncleanness, Ha-vu-pv, s. The sudden excitement of
&e. Oihk. 15:2, 3. Defilement. Gal. 5:19. the passions. Note.—This word was used
in a moral philosophy for conscience, or
Havu-mi-a, adj. Unclean; impure. the internal monitor; o ka mea i nanea
2. That which defileth. Oihk. 5:2. palaka ka haupu, alaila aole e ole kona
Hav-na, s. The strong offensive smell hewa. Afterwards /unamandao was used.
of meat. Hav-pruv, s. Any hard bunch or pro-
tuberance on the joints or limbs.
Hav-na, adj. Strong smelling; offen- Ha-u-pu-u-Pv.
sive to the smell.
Hav-puv-puv, s. A hard protuberance
Hav-na, s. The striking of the hand or on the joints, as on the fingers or wrists.
other substance in playing the kilu; a i See Hauptv.
ka umio ka hauna kilu,a laua. Laieik.
114. Hav-puv-puv, adj. Swollen, as the
ground by frost ;uneven, as with bunches
Hav-na-E-LE, v. To flee in war; to of hail, or with heaps of saltin the salt-pits,
suffer the consequences of such flight; that
is, to forsake houses, homes, and the gen- Hav-wa-ta-au, v. To gabble where all
eral loss of all comforts. talk and none hear.
2. To be in confusion, as in a mob or 2. To get into confusion, as an assembly
general disobedience to laws. Puk. 32:25. disagreeing in opinion; alaila hauwwalaau
3. To be in doubt or perplexity of mind. loa ae la ka lehulehu, then the multitnde
4. Hoo. To stir up the people; to make fell into great confusion. See Waaav.
popular disturbance in a government. Hau-wa-La-wa-La-au, s. See the fore-
Puk. 32:25. Nore.—The English transla- going. Noise, as of many talking or bawl-
tion nele and hoonele in this verse is prefer- ing at once without cause or meaning.
able. 2. Mere gabbling without cause; make
Havu-NaA-E-LE, s. The excitement and ka alii o Nunu ma Koolau, kahaha kabhi
disturbance of war. poe, i mai kanaka, he hauwalawalaau wale
no, when the chief Nunu died at Koolau, the mind ; to put words into one’s mouth.
some were astonished, but the people said 2 Sam. 14:19.
there was nothing but a great talk. See Ha-wau, v. See Hava. To whip; to
WALAAU. strike with a cane, stick, rod, or sword.
Hav-wa-na-oa, v. To extend; to stretch 2. To scourge; to chasten. Puk. 5:14.
out. See WANAOA. Hahauwia kona kuai ke kaula e ka haole,
Hav-wa-wa, v. To talk in vain, con- his back was whipped with a rope by a for-
fusedly or in disorder. See Wawa. eigner.
Hav-wa-wa, s. Confusion; disorder, as 3. To inflict plagues. Puk. 32:35. To
smite with blindness. 2 Nal. 6:18.
a multitude talking at once.
4, Hahau ai, to thrash, as grain.
Ha-na, v. See Ha. To breathe hard; 5. To hew stones. 2 Nal. 22:6.
to pant for breath, as in great haste. Ha-nav, s. That which is put or laid
2. To feel of ;to move the hand over a
upon, as a burden, or punishment; stripes.
thing. Kin. 27:12, 21.
3. To feel, as a blind person ; to grope; Ha-nav-a, v. See Hanav above. To
to feel, as if searching for something. Isa. scourge ; to whip ; to strike.
59:10. Ha-Havu-Hu-1, s. Name of a religious
4. Hoo. To manipulate; to manufacture; ceremony in the pule hoopiopio ; same as
hoohaha paakai, to manufacture or make uhauhui.
salt. Ha-ua-u1, v. The frequentative or 5th
5. To strut; to act the fop; to walk conj. of hahi. To tread upon. Hal. 91:13.
about like a cock turkey. To trample down. Isa. 63:3. Root hahi.
Ha-na, s. Hoo. A swelling or puffing up. See also Heat and Eat.
Ha-na, s. The inside of kalo tops used Ha-Ha-xu, v. The 5th conj. of haku.
for food ; the whole top is called huli. See To tie together in a bunch; to tie up, as
Ha. feathers in a fly-brush.
Ha-na, s. A sort of wooden net used 2. To fold up; to put in order. See
for catching the oopu, a fresh water fish, Haku.
from brooks. Ha-na-Le, v. To flatten down; to sink
2. The board on which fishermen place in
their nets. 2. To be hungry. See HaLenae; also
3. Name of a tree. OPAHA.
Ha-nag, v. See Hat. To rend; to tear, Ha-na-tv, v. To be internally defective,
as a garment. as wood worm-eaten or rotten inside.
2. To break ; to separate into parts; to 2. Fig. Applied to a hungry man. See
split, as lauhala, lengthways. the root Hatu.
Ha-nal, v. To follow; to pursue. Puk. Ha-na-tu, adj. Rotten or defective in-
14:4. To chase; to follow literally. wardly ; applied to wood, kalo, potatoes,
2. To follow one’s example; ua hahai &c., that are decayed inwardly.
nui na kanaka a pau mamuli o na ’lii e 2. Applied also to one hungry; ua ha-
noho ai, all men generally followed after halu, ua pololi ka opu.
the chiefs for the time being. Ha-na-tu, s. Name of a species of fish.
3. To break; to break to pieces; to
break, as a law. See Har and Hanak. Ha-na-tu-a, s. Name of a species of
Ha-nal, v. See Hat, to speak. To tell; fish, forbidden to women to eat under pen-
to talk about; e hahai ana no lakou i na alty of death ; also, name of a sea animal
moeuhane, they were telling their dreams. similar to or the same as ihimanu and hihi-
Laieik. 143. manu.
Ha-nat, s. A breaking; a disjoining; Ha-Ha-na, v. See the root Hana, to
a separating. See Han. work. To be warm; applied to the heat
of the sun.
Ha-nat, s. Name of a disease on the 2. To be warm from hard work.
upper part of the thigh or groin, occasioned 3. To cook popolo, laulea, akeakea, &c..,.
by impure connections and habits. with hot stones.
Ha-nao, v. See Hao. To put or thrust Ha-Ha-na, s. Warmth; a genial heat.
in. Oihk. 10:1. To cram down.
2. To put into, as a person into prison. Ha-wa-na, adj. Very warm, as the heat
Oth. 16:24. of the sun, the weather, or the effect of
3. To throw or cast wood into a fire. labor.
4. To put into a particular place; to put, Ha-na-Ha-Na, v. See the root Hana,
as money into a purse; to put, as into a and Gram. § 225. To cause to work; to
basket. Mat. 13:48. do; to do frequently ; pela laua i haha-
5. To put into one’s head ; to suggest to hana ai.
Ha-na-no, v. To use the syringe; to olelo, word. To lay blame upon one; to
give an injection. See Hano. accuse falsely.
Ha-wa-paa-Kal, s. See Hana and Paa- Ha-xa-o-Le-Lo, s. Name of one whom
KAI, salt. A salt bed; a place where salt a chief employs to report the errors of the
is made by evaporation of the sun. See people ; the epithet of parents in govern-
Haua 4, hoo. ing their children, having the right to sus-
Ha-ne1, v. To follow; to push with the tain and govern them.
shoulder; e pahu pu ma ka hokua; he Ha-xav, v. To look slim and tall, as a
puaa hahei, a pushing or fighting hog. person whose flesh is wasted from his limbs.
Ha-neE!, adj. Fat; plump; full, as the Ha-kav, adj. Slim; tall; poor in flesh.
flesh on a healthy shoulder ; also hehei. Ha-xau, v. To fight together, as two
Ha-nEo, v. To be proud, especially of cocks ; to practice cock-fighting.
dress or equipage ; to put on airs of supe- Ha-kau, v. See Haka. To fight; to
riority. See Hxo. contend.
Ha-neo, adj. Proud; proud of dress or Ha-xa-Ha, v. To delay; to detain.
anything gaudy. Ha-xa-wa-kA, v. See Haxa. To be full
2. Haughty in manner. of holes; unsound; cellular; to be hollow,
Ha-n1, v. To tread upon; to trample asabone. Anat. 4. To be empty.
down; to tread out, as grain. 1 Tim. 5:18. 2. Hoo. Fic. To be open; to be pene-
To stamp with the feet. Ezek. 6:11. To trable, as the ear to sound, i. e., to listen.
tread or trample upon. See Exar and Hent. Isa. 48:8. E hoohakahaka i ka pepeiao i
Ha-ui, s. A treading upon; a trampling wahi e komo ai ka olelo.
down ; an overturning. Ha-xa-Ha-kA, Ss. That which is full of
Ha-ni-Ha-n1, v. Freq. of the foregoing. holes or open spaces.
To tread or trample upon frequently. 2. Fie. Want; deficiency; loss.
3. Empty room; place unoccupied ; me
Ha-ui-11, s. Name of a species of fish. or ma ka hakahaka, in the place of. Eset.
Ha-Ho, v. To become poor in flesh; to 2:4. He hakahaka ka naan for pololi, hun-
fail; to want strength ;e wiwi iho ma ke ger. Isa. 29:8. One in the place of an-
kino. other. 1 Nal. 1:30, 35.
Ha-nu, s. Having taken so much drastic Ha-ka-HE-LE, v. To walk with meas-
medicine that nothing is left in the bowels. ured steps, as one weak. See AKAHELE.
Ha-nu-a-Lo, s. The tail fin of a fish. Ha-xa-ka, v. See Haxa. To quarrel;
See Hugo. to contend ; to fight. 2 Sam. 14:6. But
Ha-xa, v. Tostareat. Fic. Hal. 22:17. often only in words. in. 26:20. To de-
2. To look earnestly at a person or thing bate.
for evil. Hal. 10:8. 2. Hoo. To set at variance; to cause
3. To set one’s eyes upon a thing with strife ; e hoohakaka ana i na bipi.
desire. Dan. 10:15. Often connected with Ha-xa-xa, s. A fighting; a quarrel; a
pono as an intensive. QOih. 1:10. Syn. with contention ; a controversy. Mik. 6:2.
nana, and sometimes with maka. Ha-xa-KaE, v. To rend; to tear; to
4, A haka mai na moa ma ka lani. separate into parts. See Haka and Kar.
Ha-xa, s. A hole; a breach, as ina Ha-xa-kal, v. To be swelled. See Kv-
side of a house ; hence, HAKAKAI.
2. A ladder, i. e., the cross sticks and
spaces between.
Ha-ka-kau, v. Haka,
a ladder, and kaw,
set up.
3. An artificial hen-roost ;hanaia i haka
no ua moa la e kau ai. 1. To be suspended, as on a haka.
4, A building not tightly inclosed, hay- 2. To stand with a slender footing, as on
ing many open places. the edge of a canoe looking for squid; ke
hakakau la ke kanaka me he kioea la, the
Ha-xa, adj. Full of holes or crevices; man stands like a kioea (a long-legged
many spaces. bird.)
Ha-xa, v. To quarrel; to spar; to dis- Ha-xa-kau, s. A place to hang things
pute ; to contend. See Hakaka. upon.
Ha-KakE, v. Probably for haka ae. To be 2. A thin, spare, tall man.
unsound; to be weak; frail; applied to a Ha-ka-KAuU-Lu-Na, s. Name of the stools
person out of health; applied to other on which double canoes were placed when
things deficient in strength. out of water; also ake.
A-Ka-0, v. To go naked; to walk Ha-Ka-KAu-PI-Li, v. To stand intent
about destitute of clothing.
upon any sound, like a thief.
Ha-xka-0-LE-Lo, v. Haka, to quarrel, and 2. To be ready to fly from the approach
of any one; e kau me he iwa lai ka lai, e of a child; applied to swellings of internal
lele aheahe malie ana. parts, as the uterus ; hakelo or hakelokelo
Ke hakakaupili me he iwa Jai ka lai, ka hupe. ’
Ke aka lele au a ka la hiki ole,
Ola ka maka ia Kohala pali uka.
Ha-xt, v. See Hat, & inserted. To break,
as a piece of wood ; to break, as with the
Ha-Ka-KE, v. To stand on stilts; to hands. Hal. 18:34. To break, as a bone.
stand, as a spider on long legs. Hal. 34:20. Pass. Hakia for hakiia, to be
2. To stand huddled or crowded together. broken. Oihk. 26:26. Fie. Applied to the
Ha-xa-ku, s. A frame for drying fish punishment of wicked men. Job. 24:20. To
for the chiefs which are kapu. break, as the teeth. that is, one’s power
Ha-ka-La, s. The gable end of a house. crushed. Nore.—The word applies mostly
See Kata. Aia mahea ia? aia maka hakala only to such things as are somewhat brittle.
0 ka hale. ; Ha-x1, adj. That which is easily broken;
Ha-xa-i-a, v. Hakaia, the Z inserted. haki wale, brittle.
Gram. § 48. To be hard; difficult to ac- Ha-xi-a. Pass. of haki. See above.
complish. Kin. 18:14. Ha-xi-a, s. A pin; a nail. Syn. with
2. To be dilatory; slow in doing a thing; makia and kakia.
ua hakalia ka amo anao ka maka, slow was
the winking of the eyes.
Ha-xu, v. To tie fast; to make
i Hoo. 'To defer or put off doing. Kekah. Ha-x1-Kil, fast by tying. See Naxm.
Ha-xi-u, v. See Kiv. To spy out; to
eesti) s. A difficulty in doing a look at; to examine; alaila, hakiu sere iho
thing ; meeting with obstacles; a deten- la lakouika mea a lakon ii tini ai.
tion; he hewa nui, o keia hakalia o lakou, Ha-xi-Ha-k1, v. 13th conj. of haki. To
the great error was this slowness of them. break in pieces, as wood; to break fre-
See explanations in the next. quently. Hal. 76:3.
Ha-xa-ti-a, adj. Long in doing a thing; Ha-xi-Lo, v. To observe narrowly; to
Senne slow; taking too much time ; watch closely and attentively.
also 2. To look at what one is about to do.
2. ’ Careless; unthinking; holo makou me Ink. 14:1. To watch one’s actions or con-
ka hoopiipii mau ana ame ka hakalia. duct, generally to find occasion, or with
HaA-KA-LI-NA. some evil design. Mar. 3:2.
Ha-Kka-Lu-nu, s. Extreme old age when 3. To eaves-drop or listen secretly, ex-
pecting something bad; ua hakilo aku au
one is no longer able to walk; hele o mea ia mea ma e ohumnu ana.
akauka hakalunu. 4. To act thespy. Seetheroot Kizo. To
Ha-xa-mo-a, s. Haka, to quarrel, and watch, as a thief does if any one sees him.
mod, a fowl. Cock-fighting ;the name of Ha-xi-na, s. Contraction for haki ana,
a game practiced in former times; 0 ka a breaking. A piece broken off; a piece
haleamoa kekahi mea makemake nui e na of a thing ; aremnant; hakina ai, a piece
ii of food. Joh. 6:12, A part; a portion, &e.
Ha-KA-NE-NE, v. To be swelled; puffed Ha-xi-na-o-LE-Lo, s. Used. for syllable
up ; € maimai, e ukeke. in the music Gamut.
Ha-KA-NE-LE, adj. Thin; spare in flesh;
ua hakanele oe i ko oukou hiki ana mai; Ha-xo, v. To be dignified in one’s bear-
applied to man and beast. ing; to appear honorable ; to be noble in
Ha-xa-po-no, v. See Haxa: To look form; ua hako kona helehelena, ma kona
mau maka.
earnestly at; to look steadfastly; to direct
the eyes upon. 2 Nal. 8:11. Ha-xo, s. The leaf of the sugar-cane ;
2. To stare or gaze at; to be amazed; wakawaka o Mano e moku ae ka hako.
to see something to be wondered at. Isa. Ha-xo1, v. To dash, as water against
13:8. Nore.—These two words are often water.
written separately as well as together, and 2. To be agitated, as water carried in a
then pono is used as an intensive adverb. dish unsteadily ; haleoi ka wai.
Ha-xe, s. See Hoo. To resist; stand 3. To be unsettled, as one’s thoughts
against. See Keand Hooker. To displace; when in trouble.
put aside 5 put away. Ha-xol, adj. Heavy; weighty, as lug-
Ha-xe-a, adj. See Kea, white. Pale, gage, &c.; kaumaha, koikoi; heavy; bur-
as one sick. densome.
Ha-KE-Lo, badj. Hanging down 2. Fic. Heavy, as the heart.
HA-KE- -LO-KE-LO, in swelling or pendu- Ha-xo1, s. An action productive in chil-
lous bunches, as the mucus from the nose dren of paraphimosis.
Ha-xor-xor, v. To rise or swell up, as Lono; a lord of extensive power; papa ka
hakuakea o Lono.
2. Fia. Ma ka haale o ka manao e pii Ha-Ku-s-PA, v. Haku and apa and epa,
iluna me he wai la e hakoikoi iloko 0 ka Ha-kvu-E-PA, false. Tospeak falsely; to
manawa, through the overflow of thoughts speak to the hurt of one ; to detract.
rising up like water, the affections flow Ha-Ku-a-PA, s. A false speaker; a de-
within. Ha-ku-E-PA, } tractor.
Ha-xo-nA-ko, adj. See Haxo. Portly; 2. A false report; evil speaking. 1 Pet.
dignified in appearance ; noble in person, 3:16.
Ha-Ko-ko, v. To wrestle; to con- Ha-xu-E, s. A species of sea-egg with
Ha-ko0-koo, tend with another to cause many prongs.
him to fall. Kin. 32:24. Fie. Epes. 6:12. 2. The prongs of such fish. See Haku.
Nore.—Hawaiians write the word in both Ha-ku-E-ku-E, s. The prongs of the
the forms. The last syllables are equally hakue.
long and accented. 2. The ringworm. See HavHauKa.
Ha-ko-ko, s. A wrestling; conten- Ha-xu-e-pa, s. See Haxuapa.
Ha-koo-Koo, tion of strength between Ha-xu-1, v. See Kul, to sound out. To
two persons to cause each other to fall; eia reflect sound, as an echo.
kekahi lealea, o ka hakookoo, here is one 2. To sound in every direction, as thun-
pastime, wrestling. ] der rumbling through the heavens ; e kani
Ha-xo-na, adj. Scorched or dried black, mahope o kekahi kani ana me he kihili la;
as breadfruit which hangs on the trees long to reverberate.
after the season is over, when one side be- Ha-xvu-1, v. To be sickish ora little sick
comes parched and black with the sun; at the stomach; hoopailua.
he hakona ka hua ulu. 2. To make attempts at vomiting, as one
2. It applies also to the side lying long sick at the stomach ; hakwi wale mai no,
on the dirt; the other side is kua paa. aole luai mai, he was merely sick at the
Ha-Ko-na-Ko-NA, adj. Rough; dark ; stomach, he did not vomit.
clouded ; uneven. ' 3. To flutter ; to palpitate, as the heart.
Ha-xv, v. To dispose of things in order; 4. To shoot, as pain in the chest; hakui
to put in order. maloko o ka houpo; e apo ka oili.
2. To arrange or tie feathers in a kahili; Ha-xu-1, v. To roast blood in cooking;
to make a wreath or lei; e halcu i ka lei; hakui koko.
e haku oeilehua. Laieik. 146. Ha-xu-1, s. The blood of hogs when
3. To put words in order, as in poetry ; roasted for eating.
to compose a song.
4. To rule over people, i. e., to put and Ha-xu-1, s. The horn of the sea-ege.
keep them in order; to act, as a lord over See Haxkvr, which is probably the more
men. correct orthography.
5. By a change of letters, haku.for kahu, Ha-xu-14, adj. See Haxv. Bound;
to bake fish with hot stones. braided ; wreathed together, &c. Laieik.
6. Fia. The forming of a new affection 112.
in the mind; ka manawa i haku ai ke aloha Ha-xku-1-Ku-1, v. To crack, as breaking
ma ka naau. timber ; to sound; to make the noise of
7. Hoo. To rule over; to direct others. breaking timber.
Oihk. 25:43. Haleu mele, a composer of} fy A-ku-o-HI-A, Ss. The lord of the ohia
songs, i. e., a poet; nana ia i haku, he com- trees.
posed it. 2. The ohia tree of which an idol was to
Ha-xv, s. A lord; a master; an over- be made; ai ka lai pii aku aii ka haku-
seer; aruler. Oihk, 21:4. ohia make kekahi kanaka, i mea e mana ai
2. A hard lump of anything; the tongue ua kii ohia la, on the day they went up for
of a bell; a padlock ; a hard bunch in the an ohia tree some man would die, to give
flesh ; the ball of the eye; haku onohi; the efficacy to the idol. Nore.—The species of
name of several species of hard stones for- ohia used was the ohiaapane. Hakuohia
merly used in working stone adzes; ua the same as kiiohia.
kapaia kela mau pohaku, he haku ka koi Ha-xu-o-LE-Lo, v. Haku and olelo, to
ka inoa. put words together. To accuse falsely; to
Ha-xvu-ai-na, s. Haku, lord, and aina, detract ; to slander.
dJand. A land-holder, i. e., one who man- Ha-xu-o-Le-Lo, s. A false accuser; a
ages the land and the people on it under detractor.
the chief or owner. Ha-xu-o-nE, s. Haku, lump, and one,
Ha-ku-a-kEA, Ss. A phrase in praise of! sand. Name of a small division of land,
HAL 14 4 HAL
similar to or smaller than a koele cultivated 2. To be gone; to pass away; to pass
for the chief. See Kuakua. over.
Ha-xu-o-no-HI, s. Haku, a hard lump, 3. To proceed ; to pass onward; to go
and onohi, the eye-ball. The apple of the beyond. Nah. 22:18. To pass away, as
eye ; the little image in the eye. See Ku- time.
ONOHI. 4, Hoo. To miss the object; to cause to
err; to be guilty or blame-worthy.
Ha-xu-Ha-ku, v. See Haxu, to put to- 5. To depart from a command, or act in
gether. To fold up, as kapa; to put in opposition. Kanl. 1:43. To err in opinion;
order; to arrange. to disobey ; to object to a request or com-
Ha-xu-na-ku, adj. Full of hard lumps; mand; to refuse obedience. Eset. 3:3. To
lumpy. transgress. Nah. 14:4.
Ha-xu-Ha-te, s. Haku, master, and hale, Ha-ta, s. A trespass; a sin; an offense;
house. The master or owner of a house. a transgression.
Pule. 22:8. 2. A matter of offense. Kanl. 9:21.
Ha-xu-Ha-na, s. A word applied to the 3. A law case; e imi hala, to seek occa-
appearance or motion of the clouds; he ao sion against. Lunk. 14:4. Lawe hala, asin-
hakuhana. ner ; hala ole, without sin ;without cause.
Ha-xu-kal, v. Haku, lumpy, and kai, Puk. 34:7.
sea. To be in perturbation, as the sea; to Ha-ta, adj. Sinful; wicked; kanaka
be stormy. See OoLuku. hala, a sinner; one often breaking some
Ha-xu-ko-1, v. See Haxuxal. law.
Ha-xu-ko-Le, v. To blackguard; to re- Ha-ta, adv. Sinfully; ina state of sin;
proach in filthy language. hanau hala, born a sinner.
Ha-xu-xo-Le, s. A blackguard; a vile Ha-ta, adv. (Referring to space past
person. over) onward; throughout; even to; up
to; he pa pohaku a hala i ka Lani, a stone
Ha-xu-ma, s. A thick cloud; one threat- wall (reaching) clear up to heaven. Kani.
ening a storm. . 1:28. Also a hala, clear up to. Kanl. 9:1.
Ha-xu-ma-ku-ma, v. To lower; to frown; Ha-ta, s. The pandanus tree.
to look threatening, as clouds portending 2. The pine-apple.
astorm. Mat. 16:3. 3. A species of fish.
2. To be rough or pitted, as from the Ha-tat, s. The lulling of a strong wind ;
scars of the small-pox; hakumakuma ka ili. a calm. See Lat and Las.
3. To be thick together ; to be thick, as Ha-ta-1o, adv. The 1 is probably sub-
a board. See Kumakuma.
stituted for n. Well done! clever! brave!
Ha-xu-ma-ku-ma, adj. Lowering, as Ha-ua-I-w1, s. See Hatawt, to scruti-
clouds threatening a storm. nize. Looking earnestly at a thing with a
2. Pitted, as the skin with disease. desire to obtain or possess it; haiaiwi me
3. Thick ; set close together. ka manao e lawe malu.
Ha-ku-ME-LE, v. Haku, to compose, and Ha-ta-o, v. To feel pain, as the eye
mele,a song; poetry. To compose or make with some mote in it; to have pain in the
poetry. eye from a mote ; halao ana i kuu maka.
Ha-ku-mME-LE, s. A poet; one skilled as Ha-ta-o, s. Pain in the eye from some
a poet; a composer of songs. Nah. 21:27; small mote. See Lao. A small particle of
Oth. 17:28. something moving in the eye.
Ha-xu-Pe. See Kurene. Ha-ta-oa, v. To project; to stretch
out; to extend upwards, as the mast of a
Ha-ku-PE-HE, v. See Lotoni. To speak ship ; to project, as the horns of the sea-
carefully as to truth and propriety; to roll, egg.
as a ship with but little wind.
Ha-ta-oa, adj. Projecting; standing up.
Ha-ku-wa-HI-nE, s. Haku, a lord, and Ha-tao-Lao, v. To be small; thin in
wahine, afemale. A female master, i. e., a flesh; poor, as small stunted weeds or
mistress; the wife of a chief or noble. Gal. brush on poor land.
Ha-tao-Lao, adj. Small; stunted; poor;
Ha-ta, v. To miss the object aimed at. thin.
Lunk. 20:16. Nou mai la ia, a hala ka po-
Ha-tav, v. To be long; to extend; to
haku ; nou hou mai la ia a hala hou no; a
ike kolu o ka nou ana, paaku la; he threw stretch out.
and the stone missed; he threw again and Ha-tav, s. A long house with the end
Eee again; the third time he threw he in front; used mostly for canoes. _
2. Name of a hen that has had chickens.
Ha-xa-Ha-La, v. See Hara. To turn of a river, or over a levee or low land.
aside ; to go astray; mostly used in the Amos 9:5.
causative hoo. 2. To float on the surface of the water.
2. To object to one; to decline a propo- 3. To be overflowed, i. e., to be drowned.
sition ; to find fault with one’s words or 4. Hoo. To flood; to overflow with a
conduct ; aole hoohalahala kekahi o lakou, flood. Isa. 54:9.
not one of them found fault. Ha-La-NA-La-nA, v. See Hartana. To
Ha-1a-wa-LA, adj. Bitter; sour; brack- overflow ; to flow thick and fast, as the
ish ;ko halahala, sour or fermented cane. tears of one weeping ; nolaila i halanalana
-LA-HA-LA, Ss. Name of a species of ai lakou me ka haloiloi i ko lakou wai-
maka ; to shed tears.
fish ;the uhu. See UnuHALAHALA.
Ha-La-Ha-LA-wal, adv. Slippery ; wet, Ha-a-pa, v. In a prayer, to bring to
pass ; to pray that a thing hoped for may
as a road; running; ua kelekele halahala-
wai i ka ua. be granted; halapa i ke mauli kukala ia
2. Wet, as a sore eye. hale hau.
Ha-ta-n1, v. To miss, as anything Ha-ta-watl, v. To meet, as two persons;
thrown at another. to meet, as two lines in an angle.
2. To dodge any missile. 2. To assemble, as persons for business
or for public worship.
3. To fly near to one, as a stone or other
missile thrown. 3. Hoo. To cause to meet with, i. e., to
find. Kin. 27:20.
4. To hum while passing through the air.
4. To come to one for assistance. Hal.
Ha-ta-nt, s. A hissing or whizzing of 59:4.
any projectile passing through the air. Ha-ta-wal, s. A meeting; a place of
Ha-La-nu-La, s. Name of a particular meeting ; the place of union between the
aha used in preparing for war. heavens and the earth; the space between
Ha-ta-Kau, v. To place one thing on them; same as lewa and hookui. See Hoo-
top of another. Kur. D. Malo 5:5.
2. To lean over; e haukau. Z. A meeting or assembly of people for
Ha-.a-KE-a, s. The name of a kapa business or public worship.
when dyed with the niu. Ha-ta-wal, adj. Of or pertaining to
2. The name of upright posts inside of meeting ; hale halawai, a house for a pub-
houses ; 0 na halakea, oia na kia e ku ana lic meeting.
maloko o ka hale. Ha-ta-Pe-PeE, s. A tree; the hala tree,
Ha-La-La, adj. Long and curving, as a species of the pandanus; he laau ano like
hog’s tushes; halala ka niho o ka puaa me ka hala.
kahiko. Ha-ta-pi-a, s. The white hala; hala
2. Applied also to men exposing them- keokeo.
selves. Ha-ta-wI, v. See Haratwi. To scruti-
3. A large bunch of bananas.
nize ; to look critically at.
Ha-ta-to, v. Ha and lalo, downward.
Ha-te, s. A house; a habitation; a
1. To take hold of with the arms under,
as in taking up a child or anything else. dwelling place ; mostly for men.
2. To drop the head downward, as in 2. A sheltered and inclosed place for
deep thought. any purpose. Nore.—In ancient times
3. To begin to think. 2 Oihl. 20:3. To every Man was supposed to have six dif-
ferent houses of some size.
think within one’s self; pela kuu halalo
ana ia’u iho, so I thought within myself. 1. The heiau, house of worship where the
4. To think or reflect on the moral ac-
idols were kept.
tions of others. Kekah. 8:9. 2. The mua, the eating house for the hus-
band, and distinct from the eating house
5. To look earnestly at a thing near or
far off; to think closely. of the woman. Husband and wife never
6. To look internally; halalo iho la no ate together. The mua was kapu to the
au a loaa no. wife.
7. To search closely or look for a thing 3. The noa, the separate house of the
with effort. wife, but was free for her husband to enter.
The woman ate in the hale noa.
Ha-ta-Lo, v. To administer an injec- 4. Hale aina, the eating house of the wife.
tion. See Hanano. 5. The kua, the house where the wife
Ha-ta toa, s. The name of a species beat out kapa.
of fish. 6. Hale pea, the house of separation for
the wife during the periods of her infirm-
Ha-ia-na, v. Ha and lana, to float. ity. They had other houses and for other
1. To overflow, as water over the banks purposes, but these were considered neces-
ee gk os HAL 144 HAL
sary fixtures for every person in respecta-| Ha-LE-Ka-ma-LA, S. Hale and kamala,
ble standing. See the above words in their a temporary shed.
places. 1. A house quickly and slightly built.
Ha-te-al-na, s. Hale and aina. See 2. A temporary shed; a booth; a taber-
Aina. The eating house for the woman ; nacle. Mar. 9:5.
one of the houses anciently used to eat in; Ha-Le-xi-a, 8. Hale and kia, a post; a
the mua was the eating house of the man. pillar. <A portico to a house; a verandah
See HALE. supported by pillars. 1 Nal. 7:6.
Ha-.e-a-Ka-La, s. House of the sun; Ha-te-xi-al, s. Hale and kiai, to watch.
name of the high mountain on Hast Maui. A watch tower; a tower. Lunk. 8:9.
Ha-te-a-uu, s. Hale and aliz. A chief’s Ha-te-k1-pa, Ss. Hale and kipa, to lodge
house; a palace. 1 Oihl. 29:19. Halealit a traveler. Aninn; a lodging house. Puk.
palaoa, an ivory palace. lal. 45:8. 4:24,
Ha-.E-o-nE, s. A place made by men Ha-te-xo-xo, s. Name of the house
for a temporary residence; sand or soft where the hoalii slept; ua kapaia ka hale-
dirt made into a house; kukulu lakou i koko o ka hoalii. See Hoaum.
haleone, ua kapaia he hale puone; more Ha-te-xu-a, s. Hale and kua. One of
properly puu one, a sand pile. the houses of a residence. See Kua.
Ha-LE-0-PE-0-PE, Ss. Hale and opeope, to Ha-te-xu-xu, s. Hale and kuku, to beat
fold up, as clothes. The name of the house kapa. Name of the house occupied by the
where the chief’s wardrobe was kept. woman in beating out kapa. See Kua
Ha-te-u, v. To comb; to clear out; to under hale.
purify ; to cleanse. Ha-.e-ku-La, s. Hale and kula (Eng.),
Ha-te-u-ma, s. See HELEuMA. school. A school house.
Ha-.e-u-mu, s. Hale and umu, an oven. Ha-.e-Ku-pa-pa-u, s. Hale and kupa-
Name of Lono’s house. pau, a dead body; corpse. A tomb; a sep-
Ha-te-HAv, s. Hale, house, and haw, the ulchre. 2 Sam. 19:37. A grave. 1 Nal.
hau tree. A house built of hau timber for 13:22.
the use of the gods. Ha-.e-La-au, s. Hale and laau, wood;
Ha-re-na-La-wal, s. Hale and halawaz, timber. A wood house, in distinction from
to meet; assemble. A meeting house; a a grass covered house.
synagogue; a place of meeting. Ha-tr-La-na, Ss. Hale and lana, to float.
Ha-Le-HA-LE, v. To sink down; to fall A floating house ; applied to Noah’s ark.
in; to flat down, as the roof of an old Ha-LE-LA-NA-LA-NA, Ss. See HaLELANA
house. above.
Ha-te-Ha-Le, s. A place deep down; a Ha-te-La-La-La-au, s. Hale, lala, a
pit; halehale poipu, deep under the surf. branch, and laau, tree. A house made of
Laieik. 133. branches of trees or other slight materials;
Ha-te-Ha-Le, adj. Deep down, as a pit a booth; ashanty. Oihk. 23:42.
dug; deep, as a cavern. Ha-.e-Le-Lo, s. Caves supposed to be
Ha-te-HeEI-Au, s. Hale and heiau. See in the ocean.
Herav. One of the houses of an establish- Ha-.e-Le-po, s. Hale and lepo, ditt;
ment. See HALE. earth. A mud house; a house built of
Ha-te-noo-Lu-n1, s. Hale and luhi. A adobies, or sun-dried brick.
house of bondage ; hence, Ha-te-Le-wa, s. Hale and lewa, swing-
2. Fie. Slavery. Dunk. 6:8. A place of ing. A portable house; a tent. Jos. 22:4.
bondage. Puk. 13:3. Ha-teE-Lo-Le, s. Hale and dole, cloth. A
Ha-.e-Hoo-k1-pa, s. Hale and kipa. See cloth house, i. e., a tent. Syn. with hale-
Kyra, to turn in and lodge with one. A lewa. 2 Sam. 7:6. Poe humuhumu hale-
lodging house; a house for strangers. See lole. Oth. 18:3.
HALEKIPA. Ha-te-tu, s. Heb. A psalm; na halelu,
Ha-te-xaa, s. Hale and kaa, to roll. the psalms of David.
1. Any carriage with a top or covering. Ha-re-tu, v. Heb. To sing praise to
2. A chariot. Puk. 14:7. God. Jer. 31:7.
Ha-te-Kau-a, s. Hale and kaua, war. Ha-te-Lu, adv. E mele halelu aku ia
A fort; a tower; a fortification. Dunk.
ia, to sing praises. 1 Oihl. 16:9.
9:51, 52.
Ha-LE-KA-HI-Ko-Kau-A, S$. Hale, kahiko, Ha-.e-tvu-a, s. Hale and lua, a pit. A
tomb ; a sepulchre; a grave. 1 Sam. 2:6.
armor, and kava, war. An armory; a
place for storing or keeping arms. Ha-Le-Lu-a-paa-Hao, s. Hale and dua,
pit, and paa and hao,iron. A prison house. 4. To carry, as an armor bearer. 1 Sam.
Ha-LeE-Lu-1a, v. Heb. imperat. Praise a, Fic. To bear the sin of others. Oihk.
the Lord.
Ha-te-ma-tu, s. Hale and malu, cool; Ha-u, s. Contraction of haliiz. That
shady. A shaded house; a shed. which is spread down, as a mat, a carpet,
Ha-LE-MA-LU-MA-LU, S. Same as above. a cloth spread out.
Kin. 49:14. Ha-ui-a, v. Pass. of halt for halita. 'To
Ha-te-mo-£, s. Hale and moe, to sleep. be carried ; borne, &c.
A sleeping house ; one of the houses of a Ha-.i-a, v. To have a fond recollection
Hawaiian house-holder. See Mor. of aperson or thing. Laieik.116. See next.
Ha-Le-mu-a, s. See Hate. Name of one Ha-ti-a, s. Asymptom; a premonition;
of several houses of a house-holder in the first beginning of a feeling; ke kau e
former times; the house where the husband mai nei ia’u ka Aalia o ka makan, ame ka
ate his food. weliweli. Laieike. 180.
Ha-Le-Na-Le, s. Clear moonlight. Ha-ti-a-ui-a, v. To have a recollection
Ha-te-pa-a-ni, s. Hale and paani, to of a friend ; e halialia ana no nae ke aloha
ia’u ma na wahi a kauai ao ai.
play. A play-house; a theater.
2. To become intent, as the mind, or
Ha-LE-PAA-HAO, s. Hale and paa, fast, fixed, as thoughts which keep one wakeful.
and hao, iron. A house of confinement; a 3. To spring up, as thoughts or affections
prison house. in the mind; alialia ke aloha. See Lr.
Ha-.e-pa-nu, s. Hale and pahu, a box.| Ha -LI-A-LI-A, Ss. The rising of a fond
Name of a particular house in the war cere- recollection of a person or friend in the
mony. mind ; ke kau mai nei ka halialia aloha ia
Ha-te-pa-paa, s. Hale and papaa, se- lakou ; malaila no ka halialia aloha ana,
cure. A store-house. Kin. 41:56. there was the beloved recollection. Laieik.
Ha-te-pa-kul, s. Hale and pakui, to 34. *
splice. A fortified house; a tower. Kin. Ha-ti-a-t1-a, adj. Beloved; cherished;
11:4. A pyramid. remembered with affection ; ka nfanao ha-
Ha-LE-PE-A, S. Hale and pea, filthy and lialia a’u i ka manao i ke ao,I have a fond
unclean. See under Hater. A house where remembrance of the desire for instruction.
the menstruous women formerly were Ha-.u, v. To spread out and lay down,
obliged to remain. Laieik. 171. Nore.— as a sheet or mat.
The people might go to each woman’s 2. To spread upon or over, as a garment;
house, but the priests could not. to spread or cover over, as snow over the
Ha-te-pi-o, s. Hale and pio, an arch. tops of the mountains. Laieik. 112.
3. To spread out, as grass or hay.
A particular kind of a house.
4. To expose to view as something that
Ha-.e-po-Ha-ku, s. Hale and pohaku, had been concealed. Jos. 7:23.
stone. A house built of stone; a stone 5. To spread, as grain uponacloth. 2
house. Sam. 17:19. To spread over, as a sheet.
Ha-te-po-x1, s. The name of the heiau Ha-tu, s. The out or under side of
where the bones of the king were depos- leaves of certain plants; the under or dried
ited. leaves of plants ; laele.
Ha-te-pu-kau-a, s. Hale, pu, a gun, Ha-tu-xu-ui, v. To be hard; disobedi-
and kaua, war. <A fort; a tower; a house ent ; stubborn.
of defense ; a castle. 2. To be thick.
Ha-.e-pu-Le, s. Hale and pule, to pray. Ha-uu-iu, v. See Haru. To spread out
A prayer house; a house of worship; a or over frequently.
meeting house.
Ha-Le-pu-Na, s. Hale and puva, lime. Ha-tu-pi-t1, v. To spread over a region,
as a shower, like the spreading of a mat;
A house plastered with lime.
haliipili i ke kula o Lele, the shower ex-
Ha-LE-PU-PU, s. Hale and pupupu, tends over the plain of Lahaina.
Ha-LE-PU-PU-PU, § poor; frail. A tempo- Ha-u-u, v. To turn towards or from,
rary, frail house. Isa. 1: 8.
as mai or aku is used.
Ha-u, v. To bear; to carry; to con- 2. To turn one’s attention to a thing; to
vey ; hali mai, to bring; Aali aku, to take turn round to look.
or carry away. 3. To turn the ear; to listen.
2. To bear, asa burden. Nah. 10:17. 4. To turn aside from following one. 2
3. To carry, esa child. Kani. 1:31. Sam. 2:21, 22.
5. To turn from a direct road. Kanl.| Ha-to-KE, adj. Sprained or broken, as
1:40. With pepeiao, to listen. a limb.
6. To turn towards one with love and re- Ha-to-xo, s. A puddle of water stand-
spect; manao iho laaue haliu aeika Haku, ing after a rain ; a small pool of water.
I determined to turn to the Lord.
7. Hoo. To cause to turn, as the atten- Ha-Lo-Ko-Lo-xo, v. To stand in pools,
tion or care. 1 Nai. 8:58. , as water after a rain; hence,
Ha-ur-u, s. What the fundament is 2. To be about to weep; to have deep
affliction. See Hato.
wiped with; a word which Kamehameha
applied to Keoua when he threatened to Ha-.o-Ko-Lo-xo, s. Small pools of water
join kings against him. : after a rain.
Ha-tr-Ha-t1, v. The frequentative 2. Drops of tears as they flow from the
halt. To convey frequently ; to bring ; to
earry. Nah. 11:14. Ha-to-xo-wal, s. A pool of water; a
Ha-.-xe, v. To liken; to resemble; to small lake ; 0 na waipuna huihui, 0 na ha-
be like.
2. To give equally; to equalize in dis- Ha-to-xu, v. To bubble up, as when a
posing of things. heavy rain falls into water; haloku ka ia
3. Hoo. With me, to compare; to do as 0 Kuluhaipo.
one does; to resemble some one in con- 2. To disturb the surface of smooth water,
duct. 1 Nal. 14:8. See Like. Note.—Like as when many small fish come to the sur-
is the root, ha is euphonic. Gram. § 48 and face. .
211, 2. Ha-to-La-nI, s. The flight of a bird that
Ha-ir-na, s. Halt and ana. A bearing sails round and round with but little mo-
or carrying ; hence, tion of the wings; lele ka pinao o Halo-
2. A bearing, or personal appearance ; lani, lele i ka lani.
form; more generally halinalina. See Lina. Ha-to-ui-1-t1, adj. Lazy; idle; useless,
Ha-.i-Na-LI-NA, s. See Hatina. Resem- as a canoe made in the mountains, and
blance or similar appearance ; he helehe- there lies and rots; o Mano kapu o ke ka-
lena like. ele haloliili.
2. Applied to lazy, useless persons.
Ha-to, v. To tum; to look; to look
at; a halo aku la au mahope; to sweep Ha-tu, v. To be thin; lean, as
round. Ha-Lu-HA-LU, a person poor in flesh.
2. To spread out, as the hands in the act 2. To be hungry for food.
of swimming. Jsa. 25:11. 3. To be greedy after what is another’s;
3. To look out; to peep; to look slily to confiscate property, as chiefs in ancient
or shy. times.
4. To rub, grind or polish. Ha-tu-a, v. To lie in wait for one. 1
Ha-to, s. The motion of the fins of a Sam. 22:13. Hoo. To lie in wait in order
fish in swimming; the motion of the side to kill or injure one. Jer. 9:8.
fins of a shark; the motion of rubbing or Ha-tu-a, s. A ripple on the water; the
polishing. rising up of water by the wind; he nao
Ha-Lo-a-Lo-a, v. To be rough or uneven, _ 2. Astreak, stripe or seam, as of a stock-
as with stones. ing. ‘
Ha-to-a-Lo-a, s. Roughness. Ha-Lu-a, adj. Striped; seamed; streak-
Ha-Lo-t, v. ‘lo be about to weep; ed; he lole halua; he kilika halua.
Ha-Lo-1-Lo-1, to have that deep feeling Ha-Lu-a-tu-a, v. See Luatva, soft;
that exists just before the tears flow. flexible.
2. To shed or pour out tears. 1. To be soft; flexible.
3. To wipe the eyes when weeping; to 2. To be weak.
wipe the tears of grief; me ka haloiloi i ko
lakou waimaka no ke aloha. See HaLoxo- Ha-.u-a-Lu-a, s. Softness ; weakness;
LOKO. flexibility.
Ha-to-1-Lo-1, s. The state of feeling just Ha-tu-a-po, v. Halua and po, night.
as one is about to weep; deep internal feel- 1. To lie in wait in darkness.
ing. 2. Hoo. To waylay ; to lurk for one; to
Ha-Lo-1-Lo-1, adj. Weeping ; shedding lie in wait for a person with a design to
tears; ka maka haloilot o ka ohia, the kill him. See Harva.
weeping eyes of the ohia. Ha-tu-a-pou, v. To plant out bananas.
Ha-.o-xe, v. To rub against each other, Ha-tv-1, Uy. See Luu. To turn; to
as the ends of broken bones. Anat. 26. Ha-Lu-.i, twist ; to shake.
Ha-1v-xu, v. To wallow in the mire, Haj. 35:21. Fre. To cause to open the
asahog. 2 Pet. 2:22. mouth. Hal. 81:10.
2. To lap water, as a dog ; e kope i ka| Ha-ma-ma, adj. See Hama. Open; dis-
wai me he ilio la. closed. :
3. To use the paddle in rowing. Ha-ma-ma, adv. Openly; standing open,
Ha-.u-ku-Lu-xu, v. To fall, as a heavy as a door. Jos. 8:17.
shower with a heavy sound; to drip, as} HA-ma-RE, s. Eng. A hammer. Lunk.
water in a shower-bath. Ha-ME-RE, 4:21,
Ha-tu-ta, v. ‘To become calm, as wind |Ha-me, s. Name of a tree supposed to
after blowing. be very superior for the finest cabinet work.
Ha-tu-ta, s. A calm; AOE
stillness, as the} py A-ME, S.
sea without wind. Ha-mr-na, v. To make calm, as the sur-
Ha-.v-Le-Lu-Le, v. Ha and lule, to be face of the sea.
shaken. To be weak; yielding; to be flex- Ha-mo, v. To stroke over with the hand;
to wash the face; to rub or brush, as in
Ha-tvu-tv, v. To roar; to rage; to roar, cleaning clothes.
as thunder; as the sound of a heavy wind; 2. To besmear with blood; to plaster
to roar, as the sea. Isa. 5:30. Halulu aku with lime; to anoint with oil. Pus. 29:2.
Ja ka pohaku i ke kahakai, the rock thun- Or ointment. 2 Sam. 12:20.
dered off to the sea shore; halulu ana o 3. To bend or crook the arm, as in doing
laua ma ka puka o ka hale, shook violently the foregoing things ; to crook round ; to
the door of the house. bend round, as an oval surface.
Ha-tvu-tvu, s. A noise of a chariot and 4, To be exactly circular, as a good cal-
horsemen rushing to battle. 2 Nal. 7:6. abash ; ua hamo ka ipu. See Ana. Hon. 10.
The noise of rushing water. Hal.42:7. The Ha-mo, adj. Anointed ; plastered ; be-
sound of thunder or wind. Joh. 3:8. Ha- smeared; ina hele ke kanaka me ke poo
lulu hekili. Hoik. 6:1. hamo palolo, if a man went with head be-
Ha-tv-Lv, s. The name of a fabulous smeared with white clay ;mea hamo, oint-
bird in ancient times killed by the chief ment; perfume.
Waukulenuiaiku ; 0 halulu, o ka mani kani|} H A-mo-u-LA, s. Hamo, rubbed over, and
halau. ula,red. A kind of kapa colored or stained
Ha-tu-na, v. To summon men to work. red ; similar to kuaula.
2. To breathe hard, as when the nose is Ha-mo-na-mo, v. Freq. of hamo. To
filled with mucus. rub ; to feel frequently ; to touch; to rnb
3. To snore. the hand over 4 surface.
Ha-ma, v. ‘To open, as the mouth. Ha-mo-Ha-mo, s. Name of an office ex-
Ha-mav, v. tmper. Silence; hush; be ecuted by one of the servants of the king.
still. Zunk. 18:19. Alaila, hea mai la ia Ha-mo-Le, adj. Rounded and smooth,
makou, i mai la, hamau kakou, then he as the edge of a board.
called to us and said, let us be still. 2. Small, as the eyes ; he maka hamole.
Ha-mav. v. With the imperative form Ha-mvu, v. To eat fragments of food;
e hamau, to keep silence as an act of wor- to eat the skin; to pick bones; to scrape
ship. Zep. 1:7. up and eat what is left; e ai hamu.
Ha-mav, adj. Silent, as a person who Ha-mu, s. The refuse of food.
refrains from speaking. Sol. 10:19. Re-
straining speech. Ha-mv-1-11, s. ‘The class of persons about
Ha-mav, adv. Silently. Sol. 11:12. a chief; a distinct class of persons with
superior privileges.
Ha-mav, s. A species of the ohia tree.
Ha-ma-xu-a, s. The name of two dis- Ha-mu-Ha-mu, v. ‘To crumble up into
tricts of land; one on the north-eastern fragments.
2. To eat fragments. See Hane.
side of Hawaii, and the other on the north-
eastern side of Maui. Ha-mvu-mvu, s. A low indistinct rumbling
Ha-ma-xuv, v. To raise up and stand sound; an indistinct sound of conversation.
erect, as the hair with the fingers, &c. Ha-mvu-mvu-mu, v. To talk in a low in-
Ha-ma-ma, v. The 9th conjugation of distinct manner; to whisper. 2 Sam. 12:19.
the verb hama. To open wide, as a door; To talk in a low voice just above a whisper.
to open, as the mouth. See Hama. Ha-na, v. To do; to work; to cause;
2. To gape, as the earth. Nah. 16:30, 32. used in the most extensive sense ; to act;
3. To open, as a door, box or book. to labor.
4. Hoo. To cause to open; to open wide. 2. To make; to do a thing; to affect;
to produce. Rom.3:32. To perform a duty; 1. To feed or stuff with food, as a favo-
to cause a thing; to build, as an edifice. rite hog or dog.
3. To form for a particular purpose. 2. To make a pet of a hog so he will fol-
4. To observe a ceremony; to keep a low everywhere.
command. Puk. 12:47. Pass. To cause to 3. To feed, as a child or any young ani-
be done, i. e., to become. Puk. 15:25. mal from birth; he keiki hanaiahuhu na’u.
5. To be or become warm. See this in 4. To be fed or brought up by hand, as
the compounds Hanana, Ma or MEHANA, a cosset or any young animal. Hoo. The
HaAnawana, and Kornana. Nore.—Hana is same ; ua hoohanaiahuhu ka puaa i ka poi.
qualified by other words; hana paa, to Ha-nal-a-Hu-HU, adj. Full fed; plump;
bind; imprison. Luk.3:20. Hana is often swelled out; puaa hanaiahuhu, a pet hog
used ina causative sense. Oih.3:12. Hana well fed.
hou, to proceed to do again, or something
similar. Qih.5:3. Hana make, to destroy;
Ha-na-1-i1, s. Hana and 7i, the skin.
kill. Rom. 14:15. Hana kanawai, to keep A tanner; a manufacturer of leather. Ozh.
alaw. Hana is often causative of the fol- 9:43.
lowing verb. Isa. 42:2. Hana ino, to do Ha-nat-pu, s. The feeding of a god with
badly. Hana kumu ole, to do without the person who carried him; 0 ke kanaka
cause. Hoo. To cause or compete. Hzek. nana e amo ke akua ia ia no e hanai aku
14:23. To work; to afflict. Puk. 1:13. To ai, ua kapaia he hanaipu.
refresh ; to renew. Ha-na-ol, s. Hana and o2, sharp. A gen-
Ha-na, s. Work; labor; duty; office; eral name for cutlery, as knives, &c.; such
calling; trade, &c.; hana mana, a miracle; things as are sharp; a unuhi ae i ka ha-
hana a ka lani, the doing or the work of naoi, then he drew out his knife.
the chief. _ Ha-nav, v. To come from or be sepa-
Ha-na, s. Name of the white or wauki rated, as a young animal from its mother;
kapa. to be born.
Ha-na, s. Name of the middle post of 2. More rarely used in an active sense to
a house; pou hana. bear or bring forth,asa mother. Kin. 16:1.
Nore.—The translators of the Hawaiian
Ha-na-a-LE, v. To pester; to hector; Bible have used the word in the active
to rally. sense for want of a better term, but Hawai-
Ha-na, v. To blunder in doing a thing; ians seldom do; it mostly expresses the
to labor at trifles. act of separation of the child from the
Ha-nag, s. Vain labor; trifling effort; mother ; hence in a neuter or passive sense
a blunder. often, there was born to or for (such a one)
Ha-na-Ea, v. See Hana. To do; to so and so. Kin. 5:3, and throughout.
work ; to make a thing. 3. Hoo. To cause to be born, i. e., to
beget, as a father.
Ha-nal, v. From hana and at. To feed; 4. To bring forth, as a mother. Nah.
to nourish, as the young. 11:12. Hanau ana, the being born, i. e.,
a To support, as those in need. 1 Nal. the birth. Mat. 1:18.
8: ;
3. To feed, as a flock; to feed; to sus-
Ha-nav, s. Child-birth.
tain, as a people. Kanl. 32:13. Ha-nav, adv. Hoo. Ka holoi hoohanau
4. To entertain, as strangers ; e hookipa hou ana, the washing of regeneration. Tit.
i na malahini; hanai waiu, to give suck; 3:5.
to suckle, as an infant. Mat. 19:24. Ha-nau-a-nau-a, v. To whisper. See
5. To act the part of a parent towards an HAWANAWANA.
orphan. Ha-nau-Ho-pe, s. The second child in
Ha-nat, s. One fed or sustained by an- relation to the first, or the third in relation
other; a foster child; a ward. to the second, &c., even to the last, accord-
Ha-nai, adj. Nourished; fed ; applied ing to the connection.
to the receiver; a servant, &c. Luk. 1:54. Ha-navu-KA-HI, s. Hanau, born, and kahi,
Fig. Keiki hanai, a foster child. one. The one born, i. e., an only child of
2. Applied to the giver; as, makua hanai, parents ; the only born. Sol. 4:3.
a foster parent; he alii hanai, &c. Ha-nau-Ka-ma, adj. Hanau and kama,
Ha-nat, v. To skim along the ground, a child. Child bearing; fruitful in chil-
as a bird. dren; epithet of a mother having borne
Ha-nal, s. Name of the strings that many children.
surround a calabash. Ha-navu-mua, s. Hanau and mua, the
2. Kite strings. first; the first born of parents.
Ha-nal-a-Hu-Hu, v. Hanai, to feed, and 1. The first child. See Hraro and Maka-
hu, to swell out. HIAPO.
2. Fic. Ka hanaumua o ka make, the carelessly ;to act the spendthrift; to do
first born of death. Job. 18:3. mischief. See Hoxanr.
Ha-navu-na, s. For hanau ana. Is used Ha-na-Kal, v. Hana and kai; same as
for relations in general. Kin. 47:1. Equiv- hokai. To erase; to blot out; better written
alent to hoahanau. See Kin. 47:3. hanahae.
1. A circle of relations of the same fam- Ha-na-ma-na, 8. Hanaand mana, super-
ily. natural power. The words are often sepa-
2. A succession, as of father, son, grand- rated; as, hana mana.
son, &c. 1. Something done above or beyond
3. A generation, i. e., people living at human ability; a work of the gods; hence,
the same time. in. 5:1. 2. Used in the Bible fora miracle. Nore.
Ha-navu-wa-Lea. See HanawaLea. Hawaiians supposed there was a class of
Ha-nau-wa-Ha-paa. See Hanawana- gods having superhuman power, and next
PAA. to these were the highest chiefs, who were
Ha-na-wa-na, v. To be severe; to be reverenced as gods. Kamehameha was one.
hard; to affect evilly; to afflict, as a fam- Ha-na-ma-Nu-EA, v. To blunder; to be
ine. Kin. 47:13. careless ;to be slow in movement.
2. To be fatal ; deadly, as sickness. Ha-na-na, adj. Crooking inwardly ;
3. To be warm, as from viotent exercise; bending ; flowing away.
to be warm, as by the sun or fire. Norr.— Ha-na-na, v. See Hatana,a change of
This word is often used by foreigners as an Lforn. To flow, as water; to overflow, as
intensive of hana, to do quickly or fre- a stream its banks; to overflow land.
quently, but Hawaiians never use it in this Ha-na-nal, v. To be lofty; proud.
sense unless in imitation of foreigners. See
HANA. Ha-na-nal, 8. Loftiness ; pride.
Ha-na-Ha-NA, adj. Warm; heated, as Ha-na-Paa, v. Hana and paa, fast;
with exercise or other ways. See Havana, tight. To fasten; to make fast; to tighten.
Menana, &c. See the root Hana. The full form is hana a paa.
Ha-na-wa-na, adj. Disagreeable to the Ha-na-PE-PE, v. Hana and pepe, broken
smell; offensive ; stinking ;hanahana ka fine.
ai awaawa. 1. To bruise greatly ;to crush; to hurt
Ha-na-Ha-nal, s. See Partpatt. A place severely. Hal. 44:19.
near the top of a palion the ascending side. 2. Fic. To be pained. Ezek. 6:9.
Ha-na-HaA-NAvu-Na, Ss. Hana, a redupli- Ha-na-wal, v. Ala hanawai kou makua-
cation, and hanauna, a generation. A rela- hine. Laieik.171. Twice syn. with mai. 1b.
tion ;a kindred; relations by friendship. 1. A euphemism for kahe koko.
2. To void urine.
Ha-na-wa-nau-na, adj. Cotemporary
born; of the same age. Ha-Na-PI-L0, )adj. Hana and pilo, pu-
Ha-NA-HE-mo, v. Hana and hemo, to Ha-No-PI-Lo, trid or bad _ smelling.
loosen. To loosen; to let go; to untie. Ha-Nv-PI-Lo, Hoarse ; speaking with a
Ha-na-HE-m0, s. A feeble state of health; low hoarse voice, as with a cold or sore
state of weakness. throat. See these words in their places.
Ha-na-HI-0, v. Hana and hio, to lean Ha-na-wa-Le, v. Hana and wale, only.
over. 1. To do for the sake of doing; to do
1. To cause to lean or push over from an something without reward, i. e., gratuit-
upright position. ously.
2. To stagger in walking; to go here and 2. To work without design as to the end.
there. 3. To labor in vain.
4. To do or say a thing in sport.
Ha-na-u1-0, s. A staggering; a walking
crookedly. Ha-na-wa-Le, s. A gratuitous work; a
Ha-Na-HI-HI-U, bs.Hana, a work, and
Ha-Na-HI-KI-U, § hihiu, wild. A strange Ha-na-wa-Ha-Paa, s. A boisterous, noisy
work; a miracle. Norre.—The last form, person.
hanahikiu, was found in a Hawaiian manu- Ha-na-wa-Ha-Paa, adj. Obstreperous ;
script, but it may be a mistake for hanahi- full of noise in talk.
hiu, therefore both are inserted.
Ha-na-nt-H1, adj. Hana and hihi. Wild;
Ha-NA-wa-LEA, v. Hana and walea, sat-
uncivil ;untamed. 1. To live, act or do as one pleases.
2. Branching, as a vine, &e. 2. To be satisfied with one’s self or one’s
Ha-na-Ho-xal, v. Hana and hokai, to condition.
waste. To behave foolishly; to behave 3. To be contented.
Ha-na-wa-LEA, 5S. Self satisfaction ; 3. To be gone; to disappear. Jer. 49:7.
contentment; quietness. Ha-no, s. ‘The asthma; a cough; a
Ha-na-wa-na-wa, v. Hawanawana, by wheezing with the breath ; a cough, a sig-
inversion of letters, which see. To whisper. nal of one’s presence. Laieik. 146. Ia wa
Ha-ne, s. He nui ka hane ma kekahi no kani aku la ka hano, then he emitted a
cough. Ib.
alii; irregularity (perhaps) in living. See
HANEHANE. 2. A syringe for giving injections; a
squirt-gun. See Hawano.
Ha-neA, v. To have no appetite. Ha-no, v. To use, as a syringe; to in-
2. To be indolent ; inefficient ; stupid.
Ha-nea, s. Having no appetite; loss
of strength ; indolence. Ha-no,
v. To breathe naturally, as a
Ha-neEg, v. Ha and nee, to slip; slide Ha-nv, well person. Hoo. The same.
along. Ha-no, Lf The breath; the power of
1. To fall flat, as a decayed house; to Ha-nv, breathing. Oth. 17:25. The nat-
flat down; to tumble down, as astone wall. ural breath.
2. To slip or slide down, as an avalanche; Ha-no, adj. Desolate; lonely, asa place
ua kapaia o Kaholo mahope o ka hanee ana uninhabited ; silent; still.
o ka pali, it (the place) was called Kaholo Ha-no-a-LE-wa, s. A temple; a place
(the moved) after the sliding down of the
pali. See NEE. for sacrifice.
2. The oven of the temple ; he heiau,he
Ha-nreE-NEE, v. Intensive of the above. luakini.
To hitch along; me he oopa la haneenee ae Ha-nov, v. Hano, to breathe, and x,
la ka nee, as a lame man hitches along his
pace. pain ; grief. To pant; to breathe with dif-
Ha-nE-HA-NE, v. To cry; to wail, as Ha-novu, s. A hard or difficult breath-
the ghosts of the dead were supposed to do.
ing; the asthma.
Ha-neE-Ha-NE, 5. The wailing or crying
of the spirits; hoopihaia i na leo wawalo o Ha-No-Ha-No, v. To honor; to exalt;
ka hanehane, me ka leo uwe ; (the air) was Ha-NU-HA-NU, to triumph.
filled with the voices of lamentation, and 2. To be rich; to have the honor that
crying out and the sound of wailing. wealth gives.
Ha-ne-nE, v. To blackeuard; to use 3. Hoo. To raise to honor, glory, &e.
vulgar, filthy language. 4, To exercise authority or dominion,
Hal. 91:15.
Ha-nE-NE, s. Low, vulgar, filthy lan- Ha-no-Ha-no, s. Glory; honor; pomp;
guage ; blackguardism.
splendor ; excellency ; especially such as
Ha-neE-RE, num. adj. Eng. A hundred. arises from wealth.
Ha-n1, v. To step lightly; to walk 2. Wealth; the privileges of wealth:
softly. Ha-no-HA-no, adj. Glorious; honored;
2. To graze or just to touch in passing, grave; sober; dignified. 1 Tim. 3:4, 11.
as a canoe does a rock. Also,
3. To pass quickly through the air with 2. Proud; haughty.
a humming noise. Ha-no-na, v. To drag a long fishing
Ha-ni-u, s. Ha, but-end or stem of a line towards shore ; to lie along stretched
leaf, and niu, cocoanut. The thick large out, as a long line.
heavy end of a cocoanut leaf used in beat- Ha-no-na-no-na, s. An artificial pond
ing the sides of kalo patches.
made, but in letting in the water it will
Ha-ntr-Ha-ni, v. To make first or slight not hold.
advances in tempting to adultery. Hoo. 2. A.kahawai that overflows with water,
The same. but the rain stops and the stream is dry;
Ha-nr-te, v. To prepare for company ; he hanonono, he panonono.
to receive company. Ha-no-no-no, adj. Cracked; full of
Ha-ni-na, s. A pau, an ancient woman’s holes; hakahaka, pukapuka.
garment colored with olena or turmeric. Ha-no-pr-Lo, v. To be hoarse; to speak
Ha-ni-na, v. See Hoo and Hanrmant. in a deep-toned voice; to speak, as one
No right ; no portion; no part in a thing. without a palate. See Hanapio.
Ha-ntr-ni, v. See Nini and Ninint. To Ha-no-pi-Lo, adj. Hoarse; speaking
overflow ; to run out, as water from a ves-
with a deep-toned voice.
sel full of liquid ; to spill. Ha-nu, v. See Hano. To breathe; to
2. To pour out, as water. 2 Sam. 14:14. emit air from the lungs. JLaieik. 104.
To pour down, asa powerful rain. Isa.'45:8. 2. To beat; to throb, as the pulse.
3. To act with energy. Ha-nu-paa, s. Hanu and paa, tight. A
4. To be so exceedingly angry that one cold or catarrh.
cannot stand still, that he runs one way Ha-nu-pau, s. Hanu, to breathe, and
then another, ranting. scolding and threat- pau, to finish. The gasping of a dying per-
ening all that come in his way. son; the giving up of the spirit; he hanu-
5. Hoo. To breathe furiously or angrily. paw ka make.
Puk,15:8. Ha-nu-pa-Nu-PA, v. Ha and nupa, soft;
Ha-nv, s. The breathing; the natural muddy. To be muddy; soft; to find it
breath. difficult to walk from slipperiness. See
2. Breath; spirit. Fie. 2 Oihl.9:4. Hanu HANUPA.
wale, mere existence without enjoyment ; Ha-nu-pa-Nu-PA, adj. Slippery; muddy,
vanity. Job. 7:16.
3. Breath, i. e., anything evanescent; as a road bad from deep mud; unsteady,
vanity. Hal. 39:5, 11. as by walking in a bad road; allowing the
feet to sink in, as a sandy or very dirty
Ha-nu, adj. Na mea hanu, the breath- road,
ing things, i. e., people. Jos. 10:40.
Ha-nvu-ri-Lo, v. See Hanapito and Ha-
Ha-nui, s. Ha and nui, great. The but- NOPILO.
end of the stem of a cocoanut leaf.
Ha-pa, v. To diminish; to make less;
-Ha-nv-1, s. Name of a species of fish. to decrease ; to be partly done, as a job of
Ha-nv-na-nu, v. To smell; to smell, work.
as a dog following the track of his master ; Ha-pa, s. An indefinite part of a thing;
e imimaka hanuhanu ana ka ka ilio e loaa a few; a small part.
ai ka hookapuhi.
Ha-pal, v. To lift up; to elevate; to
Ha-nu-nv, v. To bend over; to be stoop- take up ; to carry.
- shouldered. See Oouv. 2. To raise the hands, as in taking an
Ha-nvu-nu, adj. Stooping; bending over, oath. Kin. 14:22.
as a stoop-shouldered person. 3. To honor; to praise; to exalt for past
Ha-nvu-Pi-Lo, v. See Hanorito and Ha- deeds; to recompense. Eset. 6:6.
NAPILO. 4. With pu, to assist one in his business;
Ha-nv-a, v. To be low; level; plane; to act together.
flat ; to lie flat. See Honua. 5. To take up, that is, commence, as a
speech. Nah. 23:7.
Ha-nu-a, adj. Level; plane; flat. 6. To conceive, as a female; to become
Ha-nuv, s. Stairs; steps for ascending; pregnant. Oihk.12:2. Hoo. To conceive.
uneven places. See Nuvu. Fig. Nah. 11:12.
Ha-nuv, adj. Rising by steps; ala ha- Ha-pal, adj. Having conceived; preg-
nuu. Puk. 20:23. nant, as a female ; kou hapaé ana, thy con-
Ha-nuv-nuv, v. See Hanuv. To ascend, ception. Kin. 3:16. Hapai ana, the con-
as upon stairs ; to go up stairs. ception (of females.) '
2. To lay one thing on the top of another. Ha-par-a-NA, Ss. See Hapat above.
3. To be uneven, as stairs; as protuber- Ha-pau-EA, s. Ha, breath, paw, all, and
ances on a plane. ed, life.
Ha-nuv-nuv, s. Stairs; steps, &c. 1. Short breath ; applied to invalids and
2. Uneven; irregular places on a plane. aged persons.
See Hanuvu and Nov. 2. Weakness ; feebleness.
3. Irregular flashes of flame ; also, Ha-pa-v-ml, s. Hapa, part, and ume,
4, Vibrations of sound.
ten. A tenth part; a tenth. in, 14:20.
Ha-nuv-nuvu, adv. lrregularly; not Nore.—This word has been used errone-
smooth; unequally; ina i ulaula hanvunnu ously by Hawaiians to mean a small coin,
ke ao, if the clouds be unequally red. six and a quarter cents, which is not a
Ha-nu-Ha-nu, s. Name of a pastime hapaumi of any known coin; hapaumi is
among the ancient Hawaiians; kekahi lea- ten cents, or one-tenth of a dollar; hapa-
lea o ka hanuhanu. walu is one-eighth of a dollar, or twelve
Ha-nu-na-Nu-nA, S. The rising of fumes and a half cents; hapaha is one-fourth of
from the stomach to the nose, as in drink- a dollar, and hapalua is one-half of a doliar.
ing soda-water, or after eating highly fer- Ha-pau-pau, adj. Besmeared; dirty;
mented food, as new risen poi. obscured, as glass, furniture, &c.; ua Aa-
2. The hard breathing from the stoppage paupau ke aniani, ua hapaupau ka papa, e
of the nose. holoiae. 4
Ha-nvu-pa, s. Ha and nupa, deep mud. Ha-pa-Ha, s. Hapa, part, and ha, four.
A deep muddy pit ; a dark hole. A fourth part of a thing. Nah. 23:10. A
quarter; specifically, the sum of twenty-five |Ha-pu-EE, s. Name of a species of fish.
cents, or a quarter of a dollar. Ha-puu, v. To be many; to be multi-
Ha-pa-HaA-pal, v. See Hapar and Hoo- tudinous ; to abound in plenty; thick to-
LEILEL To lift or toss up, as a child. gether. : hie
Ha-pa-Ko-Lu, s. Hapa and kolu, three. Ha-ruv, adj. Many; abounding; plen-
A third part of a thing. teous.
Ha-pa-ku-E, v. To be twisted in the Ha-puu, s. Name of a species of large
legs and feet; to be deformed; to be crip- fern ; the root is eatable in time of famine.
pled. See Kanapuuv.
2. To stammer or be slow in speech, as 2. Name of a species of fish.
an aged person; ma ka olelo a na elema- Ha-puv-puu, v. To be undecided as to
kule, ua lohi ke kamailio ana, hapakue ka what one has said; to be not plain as to
waha i ka olelo. the meaning of something said; ua hapuu-
Ha-pa-ku-E, adj. Crooked ; deformed; puu kana olelo, aole akaka; ke hapuupuu
crippled. nei ka manao, mahope paha akaka.
2. Stammering ; hesitating in speech. Ha-ruu-ruv, adj. See Hapuv, many.
Ha-pa-ku-1, v. To stammer. See Hapa- To be numerous ; hapuupuu ke lelo o Hilo
KUE. i ka ua.
Ha-pa-La, v. See Pata. To defile ex- Ha-puu-puu, s. Name of a species of
ternally ; to disfigure ; to besmear. fish. See Hapruvv.
2. To daub; to paint; to plaster with Ha-pu-Ka-0-HI-0-HI1, v. To speak fool-
lime. Kanl. 27:2. ishly ;to talk nonsense ; ma ka hapukaohi-
3. Fie. To be satiated, i. e., stained, as ohi ana paha a ka waha me ka poe Kauai la.
with blood. Isa. 34:6.
4. To be soft, as kalo killed with cold or
Ha-pu-kA-0-HI-0-HI, s. Foolish, nonsens-
drought; ua hapala ke kalo, ua pala ke ical talk.
kumu. Ha-Pu-Ka, v. To gather up everything;
Ha-pa-te, s. A shovel or trowel. Ha-pu-ku, § to collect together indiscrim-
Ha-pa-ti-ma, s. Hapa, part, and lima, inately good and bad; to scrape together.
five. One-fifth; a fifth part of a thing. 2. To be crowded together, as thoughts
Kin, 41:34. in the mind; pilikia iho la oloko, hapuku,
hapuku mai la ka manao ana.
Ha-pa-Lu-a, s. Hapa, part, and lua, two.
One-half; a half part. Puk. 24:6. This
Ha-pu-na, s. A dirty puddle of water.
word is used specifically for half a dollar See Kio, Havoxowat, &c.
as hapaha is for twenty-five cents. Ha-wa, v. To be daubed with excre-
Ha-pa-pa, s. A stratum of rock covered ments; to be defiled; to be in a pitiable
with thin earth ; a stony place. state.
2. Earth covered with stones. Ha-wak, s. The white sea-ege.
Ha-pa-pa, adj. Shallow, as earth above Ha-wae-kal-Nul, adj. Awkward, as in
the rock ; shallow ; not deeply planted, as diving and spattering the water much;
seed 5 0 kahi hapapa i ulu ole a mae koke. hawaekainui ke kanaka i ka luu.
Ha-pa-pa-pa, s. and adj. Very shallow, Ha-wae-wag, s. A species of small lob-
&c. See above. ster.
Ha-pa-wa-LE, s. Hapa and wale, only. Ha-wal, v. To pour water on an oven
Only a part; a few; a small portion. when heated to generate steam.
Ha-pa-wa-Lu, s. Hapa and walu, eight. Ha-wat, v. To pour or dash water on to
The eighth; the eighth part of a thing; an oven to increase the steam; i hale pa-
specifically, the sum of twelve and a half lima, hale hawai ma ka la hookahi.
cents. Ha-wat, adj. Pertaining to the place or
Ha-pe, adj. Wromg; incorrect. business of steaming food in an oven.
Ha-pou, s. Name of a soft porous kind Ha-wat, s. A pipe for conveying water;
of stones. a lead pipe, hose, &c.
Ha-po-ro, adj. Dim-sighted; almost Ha-war-1, s. Name of the largest island
blind ; blear eyed, as one who cannot see of the Hawaiian group, and gives name to
Clearly ; hapopo ka maka. the group. From time immemorial the
people have called themselves “ko Ha-
Ha-pou-rov, adj. Blurred; darkened waii,” and the islands “ka pae aina 0 Ha-
or whitened over, as the eye; e like me waii,” “na moku Hawaii,” &c.
poaeae ; hapoupou ka makax, See Haporpo. Ha-wat-1-a-kEa, S. Broad or large Ha-
Ha-pu, s. Name of a vegetable eaten waii; i kane na ke kaikamahine alii o
1n time of famine. Hawaiiakea. Laieik. 168.
Ha-wa-Ha-wa, adj. Filthy; dirty; espe- Ha-re, s. Eng. Name of an unclean
cially with such dirt as sticks to one. See animal; a hare. Oihk. 11:6.
Hawa. He, art. The indefinite article, answer-
Ha-wa-te, s. Lying; deceitful; no con- ing somewhat to English a or an. For its
fidence in. various uses, see Gram. § 66,111, Rule 6th,
Ha-wa-ul, s. A place where veg- Syntax, &c.
Ha-wa-.i-wa-tl, etation grows around He, s. A grave; a place where one per-
a salt pond. son is buried. Kin. 35:20. A sepulchre;
2. A kind of slimy, sticky fish. he lua kupapau.
Ha-wa-na, v. To whisper; to speak in 2. A dividing line or boundary between
the ear ; to speak in a low voice.
Ha-wa-na-wa-na, v. To whisper, &c. He, s. Name of the little worm that eats
the leaves of the cocoanut and the palm-
“See Hawana. A huki iho la ia ia, e hawa-
leaf pandanus.
nawand i kona pepeiao, he pulled him to-
wards himself to whisper in his ear; to con- He, s. Name of a weapon used in war;
sult against one. Hal. 41:7. hawane, he laau hanaia i he kaua.
Ha-wa-na-wa-na, s. Whispering; low He, v. To roar, as a strong wind, such
talk in the ear; soft conversation. as roars down the ravines; he leo o ka
Ha-wa-neE, s, The name of the palm makani kauaula ka’u ihe iho nei, ke nee
cocoanut. nei i na kahawai.
2. The fruit of the tree otherwise called He-a, v. To call; to give an appella-
loulu; the fruit is eatable ; its leaf made tion. Syn. with kapa. loan. 13:13. To call
into hats. to one; to call one.
Ha-wa-wa, v. See Hawa. To be awk- 2. To choose; to appoint.
ward; foolish; ignorant; not to know how 3. To sing or recite a mele; ina ku ke
to do things. kanaka i ka hea mele ana, if any man stand
Ha-wa-wa, s. Awkwardness; igno- up for reciting a mele. See Kanna.
rance; without skill or energy to obtain it. He-a, s. A call; a calling out; a cry.
Ha-wa-wa, adj. Awkward; unapt; un- He-a, adv. int. Which? what? when?
skillful; ignorant; rude ;weak in knowl- where? referring to place, where; ka hale
edge. Rom. 1:21. Mea hawawa, a silly hea? what or which house? ka manawa
person. Job. 5:2. hea? when? what time? &c.; itis declined
Ha-we-.e, v. To lengthen; to lengthen like anoun. See Gram. § 160 and 165. It
by tying on a piece ; e loloa ae; hence, takes also other prefixes; as, auhea? pe-
2. To tie or lash on witha cord or string. hea? &e.
3. To bind or secure by tying; to fasten
by tying. He-a, v. To eat up entirely; to leave
4. To bind on, as shoes or sandals. Jos. nothing uneaten. Notre.—This was applied
9:5. To tie or fasten on,asasword. 1 Sam. to the last hog that was sacrificed on the
25:13. As the cover of a vessel. Nah. 19:15. eighth day at the dedication of a heiau.
As armor generally. Kanl. 1:45. The hog itself was called puaa hea, as it
5. To shoe; to put on shoes. Hpes. 6:15. was to be entirely eaten up. Should any
person refuse to eat of itfon this occasion,
Ha-we-.e, s. A tying on; a binding on. he would be immediately sacrificed; or if
Ha-we-na, s. A substance similar to any part of the hog should be left after all
chalk; chalk. had eaten, they would all die by some
2. Hoariness; the whitishness of gray dreadful judgment.
hair ; a hoary or gray head ; hapala iaika He-a, v. To be red or sore, as inflamed
hawena, daubed with whitishness.
3. Applied to a gray headed man who eyes; to be stained or colored red.
has but little wisdom. He-a, s. Sore eyes ; inflamed eyes.
Ha-we-we, v. To make a monotonous He-a, adj. He ua hea. See Ua, s. A
rustling sound, as one moving his feet, cold rain. See Konanga, cold rain. See
drumming with his fingers, &c.; nehe, ne- Kona.
neke. See Ur and Urvr. He-a. Used asa suffix to various words,
Ha-we-we, s. A _ rustling indistinct as paapnhea, meaning perhaps heavy or
sound ; a slight rumbling sound. smoky.
He-avu, s. Name of the place where
Ha-pa-sa, s. Heb. The myrtle tree. Isa. fishermen set the basket in catching fish;
41:19. the place was.artificially built; alaila ku-
Ha-pa-sa, adj. Lala hadasa, myrtle kulu hou i mau heauv—ma ka hema o ka
branches. a mokupuni, me ke kukulu heau no.
He-a-na, adv. int. Heand aha. Lit. A 2. An avalanche or pali slidden down;
what? what? why? earth or dirt fallen down from a steep side
He-a-wa, v. To what; to ask what; hill.
heaha mai la kekahi, heaha ia? a certain He-e-u1-a, v. To be filled with awe;
person whatted (asked what) is it? Gram. to tremble with fear. See Emuta. ,
§ 37. See Ana. HeEE-Ho-LU-A, v. Hee and holua, a ma-
He-a-HE-a, v. See Hea. To call; to chine something like a sled upon which the
call frequently ; to call out; to call for ancients slid down hill; a pastime among
help with earnestness. the ancient Hawaiians. See Hoxwa.
Hea-Hea, v. See Hea, v., to be red. To Hee-kEE, s. Name of a species of fish.
imprint with spots; to stain, especially Here-xo-xo, s. Hee and koko, blood. A
with red colors; to be smeared, as with flowing of blood; any great flow of blood;
red dirt. specifically, the catamenia. Oihk. 15:25.
HeEa-HEa-ia, s. A calling; a voice of Here-ma-xo-ko, s. Name of a species of
calling; aole nae i loaa ka heaheaia mai. large squid found in the ocean, not eata-
Laieik. 91. ble; he hee nui loa ia ma ka moana, he
Hra-HEA-HEA, adj. See HEanEA. Warm, mea ai ole ia.
&e.; bald. HeEE-mMa-ko-LE, s. Squid that has been
He-a-ut-0, adj. Lazy; loitering behind. cured with salt, and is red.
Hz-a-na, s. The dead body or corpse Hee-na-tu, v. Hee and nalu, the surf.
of one or more slain in battle. Aan. 28:26. To slide down the surf; to play on the
A carcass of any dead animal. Mat. 24:28. surf-board. See below.
See Hk, a grave. Hee-na-.u, s. Hee and nadlu, the surf.
Herz, v. To melt; to change from a A playing on the surf, a pastime among the
ancients; the name of their play on the surf.
solid to a liquid substance; to run, as a
liquid ; to flow, as blood or water. HeEeE-neE-Hv, s. The name of a species
2. To slip or glide along; to melt away; of small fish; he uahuki heenehu na ka
to play on the surf-board. Lateik.91. See lawaia.
HEENALU. Hee-pu-toa, s. A fish of the squid genus.
3. To flee through fear; ke kaua ana, o | HEE-wa-te, v. Hee and wale, only. To
ka poe i hee, makau lakou; to flee; to be melt easily ; to flee, as a coward in time of
dispersed in battle. Ain. 14:10. | danger.
4. To melt; applied ric. to the heart; to | Het, s. A net; a snare for entangling
be fearful ; cowardly. Kanl. 20:8.
and taking an animal; applied to men.
5. To be disappointed. Jsa. 28:16. To Sol. 29:5.
dip up and pour out water; to skim off the
2. A draught of fish. Luke 5:4.
scum, as cream, &c. See AUHEER.
3. Game caught in hunting.
6. Imperatively, hee aku paha, be off; go
4, A cat’s cradle. Bal.
about your business ; contraction perhaps
for hele. Hei, v. To entangle, as in a net.
Hes, s. A flowing, as of blood or other Habake. 1:15.
liquid. , 2. Fic. To be insnared or entangled with
2. A flight, as of a routed army. difficulty. 1 Tim. 3:7,
3. A bloody issue. catamenia; he hee 3. To catch and entangle one by the neck
koko ka wahine ; heeholua, to slide on the | or legs; i mea e hei ai ka a-i, ka wawae
holua, a pastime among the ancients ; hee- paha.
nalu, a playing on the surf-board. 4. Hoo. To catch ina net. Fie. Luke
5:10. To entrap, entangle, &c.; ua makau
Hee, s. The squid, from his slippery au i ka mea kii mai ia’u e hoohei aku, I am
qualities. afraid of him who shall come to entrap me.
2. The rope that supports the mast; a
Stay. Her, s. The form of hanging greens
He-g-HE, v. To bleat, as a goat. about the house of the gods to render the
sacrifices acceptable; i mea e hoohiwahiwa
HeE-HEE, v. The 13th conj. of hee. To aku. :
flow or melt away; to disappear; to be- 2. A wreath of green leaves. Fie. An
come liquid; to flee in battle; to dip up ornament; 0 ke akamai o ka makuakane,
water with a cup. Hoo. To melt away, as e lilo no ia i hei na ke keiki, the wisdom of
an army ; hence, to flee ; to run. the father, it shall become a wreath for the
2. A word used in enforcing the highest child.
Het, s. The name of the pawpaw tree;
Hex-nee, s. A boil; a sore emitting also called mili.
matter. See Henk. Root hee. 2. Also the name of the fruit. :
Her-au, s. A small secret room in the |Hz-v-ne-v, v. See Hev above.
large temple. He-v-xakE, v. To split, as a cane.
2. A large temple of idolatry among 2. To treat one badly ; to use harshly.
Hawaiians; a temple for the worship of 3. To act the villain. See Havas.
one or more of the gods; e kukulu oe i He-vu-mi-K1, adj. Good.
man heiaw no na akua, no Ku, no Lono, no
Kane ame Kanaloa, build thou some tem- He-wa, adj. Lazy; indolent; slow in
ples for the gods, for Ku, for Lono, for work; opukeha. Tit. 1:12. Translated slow
Kane and Kanaloa. bellies. Syn. with ulana. Molowaika hana,
3. The heiaw was one of the six houses of manaka.
every man’s regular establishment—the He-ne, v. See Hee. To run or flow
house for the god; eono hale o na kanaka, out, as an ulcer or the contents of a boil.
he heiau, oia kekahi, men had six houses, 2. Hoo. To melt or cause to become
the heiau (temple) was one. liquid, as metals by heat. See HEEHEE.
4, In the Bible, a high place of worship. He-ne, v. To laugh; to mock; to de-
2 Nal. 12:14; Isa. 15:2. ride.
Het-z, s. A servant to a prophet who He-ne, s. A swelling ulcerated on the
reported his declarations. skin.
Her-Her, v. To run, as in a race; to He-ne, s. The upper calabash of a drum.
run arace. Hal. 19:5. |He-He, adj. Ulcerous ; belonging to a
HEeEI-HEI-Ho-tu-a, s. A racé with the boil; mai hehe. Kanl. 28:27.
hoolua ; a sliding down hill on a hoolua. 2. Molten ; that which has been cast.
HEI-HEI-NA-LU, s. Hethei and nalu, surf. He-HEEe, v. To melt, as metals; to
A riding the surf in the way of a race be- liquefy any solid substance. 1 Pet. 3:12.
tween two or more persons; an ancient 2. Fie. To soften, as the heart; to make
pastime. fearful. Puk. 15:15.
Her-Her-waa, s. A race between two or 3. Hoo. To melt and cast into any figure.
more canoes; practiced much in former Puk. 25:12. To cause to be soft; unstable;
times. e lewa.
Hz-o, adj. Proud; haughty; used 4. To flow; to run, as a liquid metal;
mostly with the causative haa. See Haanzo he pohaku i hoohehee wale ia no. See HEE.
and HooneEo. HE-HEE, s. With mai, a running sore.
He-o, s. The semen masculinum; e olu Oihke. 13:18.
ka pun, i olu ka heo ? HeE-HEE, adj. Hoo. Liquid; thin; flow-
E-0, v. To be in haste, as an assem- ing ; melting. Sol. 17:3.
HeE-00, bly to disperse. He-HE-HEE, v. See Gram. § 225. A
2. To be in haste to go, as one afraid or poetical form of the verb hee, to flow away,
not welcome. i. e.. to, fade, as the colors of calico; hehe-
3. To be in doubt what way to go. hee i ka wai. to fade by washing.
Hz-o-HE-o, s. The glans penis; applied He-neI, v. See Her. To entangle ina
to men and to some animals; within the net, as fish or birds in a snare.
prepuce ; loaa ka heoheo. He-HE-o, v. E peeaniki, e koheo, e
He-v, s. Down or fine hair. pueo. Kamak.
2. A youngster ; a young man, from his He-neE-Lo, v. To be like the helo or
down or first beard; kuu kane o Ka wa ohelo, a reddish brown; hence,
heu ole, my husband from the time of youth 2. To be good looking ; grand; proud,
(without a beard.) Laieik. 204. He-HE-na, v. To be mad; crazy; in-
3. The quicksilver on the back of a look- sane. Jer. 25:16.
ing-glass ; holoi lakou i ka hew o ka aniani, He-ne-na, s. A madness. Aanl. 28:28.
they washed off the quicksilver of the glass»
4. The work first done, the speech first 2. A mad person ; hana iho la e like me
made, the first movement in an affair. na hehena ame na holoholona, they acted
like madmen and brutes. 2 Nal. 9:11. See
He-v, v. To begin to grow, as the EHENA.
beard ;he kanaka opiopio wale no, akahi| He-HE-Na, adj. Insane ; crazy; deliri-
no a heu. ous; raving mad. 1 Sam. 21:13, 14.
He-vu, adj. The first shooting of beards He-n1, v. ‘To tread upon. Kani. 1:36.
in boys; he keiki heu, a child bearded.
To trample down. See Ext. With kapuai.
He’v, v. With a sharp break in Kani. 11:24.
He’v-HE’U, § pronouncing, to sing, as birds; 2. To put the foot upon, a symbol of sub-
to sound, as the voice of birds ; to sound, jection. Jos. 10:24.
as the voice of spirits with sweet sounds. 3. To trample upon, i. e., disobey or dis-
regard, as a law; hehi na mea a pau ma- He-xu-n1, s. A steward.
luna o ke kanawai o ka aina, everybody He-ku-pav, s. He, a grave, and kupa-
trampled upon the law of the land; hehi
berita, to trample upon or disregard a pau, a dead body. <A grave; a place for
covenant. Lunk. 2:20. depositing a corpse. Nah. 19:16. *
4. To loathe, as a full person his food. HE-a, adj. Redness of the cor-
Sol. 27:7. HE-LA-HE-LA, ner of the eye; partial
He-ui, s. A treading; a place for tread- blindness ; 0 ka paholehole o ka ili, hela-
ing; kahi hehi palaoa, a thrashing floor hela ino ka poe i hana pela.
where grain was trodden out. Nah. 15:20. He-tz, v. To move in any way to a
He-no, s. A cob; a corn cob. large or small minute distance; the quality
He-nu, v. To pull up by the roots; to of the motion is expressed by other words.
root up. 1 Nal. 14:15.
2. To walk; to go; to move.
2. Fic. To root out, as a people; malia 3. To act; to exhibit moral conduct. 1
paha i hehuia makou i poe nanae kuhikuhi Kor. 3:3.
i na iwi o ka poe kahiko, perhaps we shall 4, To stretch, as a string or rope.
be rooted up as those who shall point to the 5. Hoo. To cause one to go or pass on.
bones (land-marks) of the ancients. Ezek. 16:21. To desire or pretend to goon;
3. To pull up for transplanting; to trans- to depart ; aole nae e pono ia laua e hoo-
plant. hele wale i na pohaku hoohele ; hele kue, to
4. To carry manure for the good of a go against,as an enemy. Lunk.1:10. Hele
transplanted tree. wale, to be or to walk about naked. See
HELEWwALE. Hele e, to go before; ke hele
He-uv, v. To summon to work or to aku nei ke keiki, the child grows, i. e., in-
war; to warn out. creases in stature; hele liilii, helelei, to
He-uu, s. A tree pulled up for trans- scatter ; to separate. See the compounds.
plantation. : He-te, s. A noose; a snare for catch-
2. Mist; steam; vapor; spray from the ing birds. See PanE.e.
sea. See Env and HEHvUKAL. 2. A going ; a passing on ; a journey; a
3. Name of a medicine. course.
He-nu-Kal, s. See Env. Hehu and kai, He-te-a, v. To put a noose around the
the sea. The spray of the sea. head of a shark; i helea ka o kai o ka lani.
He-nu-na-kal, s. He and huna, small He-ue1, adj. Inflamed; opened, as the
particle, and kai,sea. The spray of the sea. eye, so as to turn the lid out; he maka
He-xa, adj. Sore; red, as in- helei, an inflamed eye.
HE-KA-HE-KA, § flamed eyes; eyelids turned He-.E1, v. To open or spread open, as
out by inflammation. the legs; to straddle. See KunELEL A
He-xav, v. To tie with a rope. specific word, and rather indelicate.
2. To make fast, as in anchoring a boat 2. To say no by a signal, that is,by pull-
or cask, by tying to stones or rocks under ing down one corner of the eye slily.
water. Laieik. 124. Aolee lilo, ua hekauia. He-.e-v, s. A vulgar word for the welu
He-xav, s. A large strong rope for fast- used in wiping the fundament.
ening boats, canoes, &c.
He-.e-u-ma, s. Hele, to move, and uma,
He-xav, adj. Epithet of a large strong to grasp.
rope; he kaula hekau; strong; firm. 1. The stone anciently used as an anchor
He-xe, s. A nail or pin to hang things on. to hold a canoe.
2. One thing up over another; a sail 2. In modern times, an anchor of a ves-
drawn up over another sail. sel; aole i kuu ka heleuma o ka moku, the
He-xe, adj. Fallen, as the countenance anchor of the ship was not let down. Fig.
with shame. Heb. 6:19.
2. Faded; wilted, as a plant. He-LE-HE-LE, v. See Here. To go
3. Angry ; cross; reluctant. through; hence, to cut up; to divide asun-
HE-KE-HE-KE, adj. Weak; faint; des- der, as with a knife or shears. See MAHELE.
titute of energy. HE-LE-HE-LE-NA, Ss. The external ap-
He-xe-xe, adj. Hakake, leilei, pokole. pearance of a person, his form, contour;
He-x1-i, s. Art. ke. Puk. 9:33; Puk. especially the face of a person. Jak. 1:23.
20:15. Thunder ; a voice from the clouds. With maka, the appearance of the face.
2. Anything terrible, raging, terrific; uhi Dan. 10:6. Helehelena 0 ka poino, face of
paapu mai la oia i na hekili o ke kuko ino. sadness. Laieik. 142.
Laieik. 196. HeE-LE-Ho-nu-A, v. Hele and honua, pre-
He-xi-t1, v. To thunder. Hal. 29:3. ceding ; going before. To precede; to go
Hoo. To cause to thunder. 2 Sam. 22:14. before ; to do previously.
HE-LE-HO-Nu-A, v. Hele,a noose or snare, 4. To tell; to relate; to recount some
and honua, adv. To tie; to bind; to en- past transaction. 2 Nal. 8:4.
tangle ; to catch in a snare or net. He-tv, s. The seeds of the puakala.
He-Le-ki-Ka-HA, v. Hele and kikaha. 2. Shot used in shooting birds.
1. To act in ignorance of what is doing; He-tv, adv. Reciting or proclaiming
to walk in obscurity. the virtues of a deceased person; alaila,
2. To wander a long way off; a pro- uwe helu mai la ia, penei, a uwe helu iho la.
verbial expression, mai noho a helekikaha Laieik. 50.
aku, act not without object. See Krkana. He-tv-ai, s. The office of a person en-
He-.eE-x1-k1, v. Hele and kiki. See Kixt. gaged in the play of kilu; a lalau mai ka
To act hastily ; to do quickly; to go in a heluai i ke kilu.
hurry. He-.u-1, adj. Pass.ofhelu. That which
He-xe-1e1, v. Hele and lei, to throw is counted or reckoned in. Nah. 7:2.
away. He-tv-1a’na, s. See Hetv. Heluia and
1. To scatter, as any small articles; to ana, a number; a numbering. The being
spill, as water. numbered. 1 Qihl. 27:1.
2. To distill, as dew, i. e., to fall upon He-Lvu-HE-Lv, v. To read; to con over
one, as music or a speech. Kanl. 32:2.
3. To slaver with one’s spittle. 1 Sam. _ and over; to read in or from a book.
21:13. 2. To recount; to make mention of some
4. To scatter, i. e., to fall, as seed sown. past transaction. 2 Nal. 23:2.
Mat. 13:4. Hoo. To cast or throw away, &c. He-tu-na, s. Helu and ana. Gram.§ 34.
.Hz-Le-1e1, adj. Scattered; dropping or 1. A numbering, counting, &c.; hence,
falling, as tears; halawai oia me kana 2. A number, i.e., the result of counting.
keiki me ka waimaka helelei, she met with Hoik. 13:18. Ua like ka heluna o konamau
her son with flowing tears. niho me ko ka lio, the number of his teeth
2. Broken or crumbled, so as to separate. is like that of a horse.
fos. 9:12. Crumbling, as dirt; he lepo He-Lvu-Ho-1-KE, s. Helu and hoike, to
helelei. show. An arithmeticon, a frame with
HE-LE-PE-LA, v. imperat. Hele and pela, strings of counters, used as an aid in soly-
thus ; so. ing questions in arithmetic; a modern word.
1. Be gone; be off; get out; go just as He-ma, adj. Left; applied to two op-
you are; often more full; thus, e hele loa posite things; as, lima hema, the left hand,
pela, get you gone clear away. in distinction from lima akau, the right
2. Hoo. To cast out; to throw away; hand; welau hema (in geography), the south
to drive off. pole ; opposed to welau akau, the north
HeE-LE-wa-Le, v. Hele and wale, in the pole; kanaka lima hema, a left-handed man.
condition one is in naturally. See Wag. Iunk. 3:15. Note.—In marking the car-
1. To go about destitute of clothing; to dinal points of the compass, a Hawaiian
be naked. will place himself back to the east and his
2. To be poor; destitute of comforts. face to the west; hence, his right indicates
the north and his left the south.
See Immune. .
3. To go or be anywhere without any He-ma-HE-ma, adj. See Hema. Left-
fixed purpose ; helewale mai nei an, I hap- handed ; hence,
pened to come along here. Nore.—The 2. Awkward, as a left-handed man; un-
words are often written separately. skillful ; inexpert.
3. Hoo. Dull of apprehension; ignorant.
He-u-v, v. To face about; a military Rom. 1:31.
term. See Hativ. 4. Wanting ; lacking; destitute. Oihk.
He-to, s. Name of a species of whor- 22:23.
tleberry, of a reddish brown color ; gener- He-ma-HE-mA, v. See Hema. ‘To be des-
ally written ohelo ; hence titute of ; to want. Kanl. 15:8. I makan-
HeE-Lo-HE-Lo, adj. Red as the ohelo kau ko oukou hoi ana, aole e hemahema,
berry ; reddish brown. that you may be supplied on your return
He-to-HE-Lo, v. To be red like the ohelo. and not be destitute.
He-tu, v. ‘To scratch the earth, as a 2. Hoo. To make destitute ; to deprive
of; pehea kakou e hoohemahema nei i ko
hen; to dig potatoes with the fingers; to
paw the ground, as an angry bull. kakou ola? how are we depriving ourselves
of our living?
2. To count; to number; to compute;
to reckon up the sum of numbers. Puk. He-ma-HE-mA, s. Want; need; neces-
30:12. sity.
3. To reckon in favor of one or against He-mo, v. To loosen; to untie, as a
him ; to impute. Oihk. 7:18. rope ; to cast off.
2. To come out; move away; depart;/Hg-na, s. The hollow of the thigh.
to turn off, as a tenant; to dispossess of Kin. 32:25. The buttock; the nakedness
one’s land. of a person. Isa. 47:3. The place of the
3. To loosen, i. e., to sail, as a vessel; to kauha intestine. Anat. 52. The mons
set sail. veneris.
4. To break loose from restraint or con- He-Na-HE-NA, v. See HENEHENE.
finement; to break overaboundary. Puk.
19:21. He-na-Lu, v. See HEENALUv.
5. To break off a habit; to wean, as a He-ne, s. A bundle, as of potatoes or
child ; i hemo ke keiki i ka waiu, let the other things done up for carrying. See
child be broken off from the milk, i. e., KIHENE.
weaned. He-ne, v. To laugh at; to mock; to
6. Hoo. To loosen, &c.; to put away, deride. See HENEHENE.
i. e., divorce, as married persons ; he wa- HeE-NE-HE-NE, v. To laugh in derision;
hine i hoohemoia. See Oxi and Hooxt.
to mock ; to treat a person or thing with
He-mo, s. A loosening; a separation of contempt.
things once united; ua like ka hemo me ka 2. To cast off and forsake as worthless or
makili. ‘ contemptible.
He-mo, adj. Loose; separating. 3. To be secretly pleased when another
He-mo-r, adj. Hemo and e, strangely, falls ; applied to wicked men when a good
i.e., very much. Faint; hungry; gasping; man falls into sin. Sol. 25:10. With the
near dissolution of soul and body; dying; passive hencheneia, to be the subject of rid-
hemoe ke aho, the breath is very loose. See icule. 1 Nal. 9:7.
E, ad). 4, Hoo. To laugh scornfully; to reproach.
He-mo-HE-mo, v. Freq. of hemo. To Isa. 37:22. E henehene mai ka make ia
lakou, death mocks them.
loosen often or very much.
2. To be weak from fear; to be unfast- He-nE-HE-NE-1A, S. Mockery; contempt.
ened. 2 Oihl. 29:8. Superciliousness ; haughti-
3. Hoo. To take away; to separate ; to ness.
take off. Puk. 14:25. HE-NE-HE-NE, adj. Disdainful; foolish;
He-mo-HE-mo, s. A separating; a going insipid ; aka, i ka poe hewa, he mea hene-—
off ; a loosening. hene ia e lakou ka nani o ke Akua.
HeE-Mo-LE-A-LE-A, v. Hemo and lea, joy; He-ni-po-a, adj. See Nipoa. Feeble;
cheerfulness. To consent cheerfully to debilitated ; weak.
one’s going for, or doing a thing; to bid He-nu, v. To anoint, &c. See Hinv.
him God speed; ka ae pono ia aku; ka He-Nvu-HE-NU, v. See Hinuninu. Tobe
hele ana aku me ka pono. smooth ; to be polished.
He-mo-LE-LE, v. Hemo, to loosen, and 2. To be shining.
lele, to jump or fly off; to be separate from HE-NU-HE-NU, adj. Shining; glittering;
some other thing ; hence, polished.
1. In a natural sense (the defect of a He-pa, s. A shaking of the limbs; the
thing is supposed to have been separated),
palsy ; a sitting in silence.
to be complete ; perfect ; fully finished.
2. In a moral sense, to break or separate He-pa, adj. Mischievous; false; lazy;
from what is wrong or evil. Kamnl. 26:19. nani ke kanaka hepa.
In this passage the lele is evidently used as
the intensive of hemo, i.e., to be entirely
He-pa-HE-PA, adj. A person so diseased
separated. Oihk. 19:2. that he cannot help himself; applied to the
3. To be perfect; lacking nothing; com- palsy.
pleted, as a work. 1 Joan. 2:5. Also in a He-pa-no-a, adj. See Panoa. Dry and
moral sense. ol. 4:12. parched, as land.
4. To be perfect in moral rectitude. 1 He-pu-E, s. See Pur. A pushing on or
Val. 8:61. To be holy; perfect. 1 Pet. 1:15. along; the rapid flow of a current.
5: Hoo. To perfect; to finish. Ezek. 27:4.
He-mo-Le-Le, s. The perfection of a He-wa, v. To be wrong; to be in the
thing. wrong ; to act or to be in error.
2. Virtue; holiness. Oth. 3:12. A sepa- 2. To sin, i. e., to go contrary to right5
ration from what is evil; goodness; a state to transgress. Jsa.43:27. To be viciously
of glory. inclined.
He-mo-1e-Le, adj. Perfect; faultless ; 3. Hoo. To accuse; to find fault with;
to complain. See AHEWA.
holy ; complete. Hal. 139:22. 4. To condemn ; to reprove.
E-MU, v. To scare or drive away, as 5. To be under a curse ; to be accursed.
fowls, pigs, &c. Kin. 3:17.
He-wa, s. Error; wrong; sin; vice ; 2. The person who catches or entangles
oftén connected with ino and hala. Puk. fish in a net.
34:7. Hi-a, adj. Roving; unsteady; also en-
2. The fruit or consequence of sin, i. e., tangled.
punishment; overthrow. Lunk. 20:41. He Hi-a. The passive termination of many
mau hewa lele wale, little vices that spring verbs instead of ia; as, pauhia for pauia.
up of themselves and are not punished. Gram. § 48.
He-wa, adj. Wrong; improper; sinful; | I-a-A, v. To lie awake; to be sleep-
wicked. less ; restless while attempting or wishing
He-wa, adv. Erroneously; wrongfully; to sleep ; e hiaa ana no kona aloha, he was
hele hewa, to go wrong; to miss the right wakeful on account of his love. Laieik. 205.
way. Fic. To commit sin. See Unvuxu 2.
He-wa-He-wa, v. See Hewa, to be 2. To be absent from one, as sleep; to
wrong. To make a mistake; to commit an be sleepless, as one troubled in mind.
error ; mostly used in the causative. Dan. 2:1.
2. Hoo. To forget one’s appearance or Hi-a-a, adj. Sleepless; desiring to
name. sleep, but cannot.
3. To mistake one person for another. Hi-a-ar, s. Strong desire; a desire which
4, To be deranged in mind; to be silent
keeps one awake during the time of sleep ;
and unsociable through alienation of mind.
applied to the mind; o ka hiaai o ka naan.
He-wa-HeE-wa, s. A mistake of one per-
son or thing for another. Hi-a-ui-a, v. See Hie and Hiente. To
2. Derangement of mind from sickness. be honorable; to be honored; noble; to
3. Sullen silence. be respected.
He-wa-HE-wa, adj. Crazy; unsound in Hi-a-u1-a, v. See H1a, to rub two sticks
mind; mad. Jer. 29:26. for fire. To obtain fire by rubbing two
HeE-se-po-ma, s. Gr. A term or space sticks.
of seven days; a week; a space of seven H1-a-u1-a, s. Goodness; honor; nobility.
years. Kin. 29:37. Hi-a-ui-a, adj. Fading; transitory ;
He-se-ra, s. Heb. A Hebrew; a man soon done.
of the Hebrew race. Kin. 14:13. One of Hi-a-Ka, v. ‘To recite legends or fabu-
the descendants of Abraham; mostly used lous stories. See HiraKka.
as an adjective. Hi-a-xa, s. The recitation of legends.
He-zBe-RA, adj. Hebrew ; pertaining to 2. A particular kind of mele or song.
the Hebrew people. Puk. 21:2. Also per- 3. The company of gods belonging to
taining to the Hebrew language. Luk. Pele; among the class called akuanoho.
33:38. Hi-a-xu, s. Name ofa place in the sea
He-RE-E-KE-LA, s. Eng. Herschel; the beyond the kaiuli, and inside the kohola.
planet of that name. See Astronomia. 2. The name of the fish caught in such a
Hi, v. To droop; to be weak. place.
2. To flow away, as the contents of the Hi-a-na, v. Hoo. Lam. Haw. 16:4,3. To
bowels in a dysentery ; to purge. be greedy of food; to eat largely of all
3. To blow out with force any liquid from kinds of food.
the mouth. H1-a-mo-£, v. Hi, to droop, a, until, and
H1, s. A flowing away}; a purging, as moe, to prostrate.
in dysentery. 1. To lie asleep; to sleep; to fall asleep.
2. The name of the disease called dysen- 2. Fic. To rest in sleep; e hiamoe i ka
tery ; he hi ka mai. make, to sleep in death, i. e., to be dead.
3. A hissing sound, as the rapid flow of 1 Nal. 15:8. To die. Kanl. 31:16.
a liquid ; hikoko, a bloody fluxs Oih. 28:8. 3. To fall prostrate, as if asleep. Dan.
See Hixoxo. 18
Hr-a, v. To rub two sticks one upon Hi-a-mo-E, s. Sleep; deep sound sleep;
another to obtain fire. See Avrima and rest in sleep. Syy. with moe. Sol. 6:10.
AvunauHI. E hanai ke ahi me ka annahi, a 2. Hiamoe, the sloth, an animal of South
maluna iho ka aulima, alaila kuolo me ka America.
anai ana i mea e ai ke ahi. Hi-a-po, s. The first born of parents.
2. To reflect; to think. See Makaniapo. Panina, the youngest
3. To run about as wild; to strut about. child, or muwlihope ; first of several children.
4. To entangle; to catch, as in a net; Neh. 10:36. In opposition to mulihope; me
eha aii ka upena. ka leo o na keiki hiapo, aole me ka leo o
Hr-a, s. A reflecting; the act of think- na keiki mulihope.
ing. 2. The first born of animals as well as of
We wi

Hil 160 HIU

men. Puk. 12:12. Hiapo is also opposed erally ;spoken of God’s care of men; ke
to muli or muli loa. Tos. 6:26. hiipoi mai nei ke Akua ia kakou.
Hi-z, v. To be good; excellent; grand; Hu-puv-puv. See Hiruuruv.
used mostly in compounds. H1-0, v. To lean over; to slant; to in-
Hi-e-H1-E, v. To be excellent or good cline from a perpendicular ; hence,
in appearance ; maikai loa ke nana aku. 2. To be one-sided ; to swing to and fro.
2. Hoo. To showa splendid appearance; 3. To lean upon; to trust in. Jsa. 30:12.
hence, 4. Towander. Hoo. To cause to wander.
3. To be proud; self dignified; haughty. Jer. 48:12. Mea hoohio, a wanderer.
4. To be regardless of others; to act Hi-o, s. A slanting wind, i. e., a wind
shamelessly or unseemly. 1 Kor. 13:5. down a hill.
H1-s-n1-E, s. Hoo. Dignity in appear- 2. The inside corner of a (grass) house,
ance ; honor. i. e., slanting two ways.
2. Pride; haughtiness ;overbearing con- 3. A howling confused noise.
duct. 4. The comb of a cock.
H1-8-n1-£, adj. Neat; tidy; good; lively. 5. Eructatio ventris.
2. Proud ; haughty ; 0 na mea hoohiehie Hi-o, adj. Leaning; oblique; kaha hio;
ame na mea lealea. any line which is not parallel, nor perpen-
Hr-e-na, s. Eng. Ahyena. Lam. Haw. dicular, nor horizontal, ishio. Ana. Hon. 4.
22:1, 2; Ler. 12:9. Nore.—This last refer- Hi-o-o-Le, s. With stability; firmness.
ence is not hyena in English. Lir. Without leaning ; me ka haipule mau
Hi-e-na, s. Name of a species of stone, ike Akua me ka hioole.
soft and porous. Hi-o-n1-0, v. To draw the breath into
the mouth, as one eating a hot potato;
Hu, v. To lift up; to bear upon the hence,
hips and support with the arms, as a child; 2. To eat in a hurry.
to hold, as a child on the knees. Isa. 66:12.
To carry in the arms and on the bosom; Hi-o-u1-0, s. Name of a species of fish-
ike ae la oia i ke kaikamahine e hiiia mai hook.
ana. Laieik. 10. To nurse; to tend, asa Hi-o-u1-0, adj. Bright red; ula hiohio.
child. Kanik. 2:22. Hi-o-La-nI, v. To.lie stretched out with
Hi-a-Ka, s. A general name of the gods laziness; to sit at ease, as a chief; to be in
of volcanoes. See Hiaka. O Hiiaka ke a posture of thought; e pio na wawae, e
akua i hookale mai i ke koko ma ke pooo lele pio.
kona kahu. Hr1-o-u1-0-na, s. Hio and ana, the lean-
ing. The features of a person; his peculiar
Hu-kau, v. See Hixav. To throw, as gait ; the form, external appearance. Isa.
a stone at a person or thing; hiikau akula 52:14. Face; presence. Syn. with helehe-
na kanaka i ka pobaku, the men threw lena.
stones at them; similar,to now.
Hi-o-Lo, v. Hé, flowing, and olo, to vi-
Hu-xa-La, s. Name of a species of fish- brate.
hook. 1. To tumble down, as a wall. Jos. 6:20.
Hn-na-ni, v. Hii, to lift up, and dani, To fall over, as a house.
on high. 2. To stumble or fall down, as a horse.
1. To nurse or take care of, as an infant 3. To roll away, i. e., pass away in for-
chief. getfulness ; i ole e hioloia kona inoa.
2. To exalt; to praise ; to admire. See 4, To become useless or void.
Hoowant and Hoonanr. Hal. 117:1. 5. Hoo. To throw down; to overthrow;
3. To admire and obey, as a servant does to destroy, as a fortification. 2 Nal. 25:10.
his master. 6. To make void; to set aside, as a law.
Rom. 3:31.
Hu-.a-ni, s. Praise; exaltation; defer-
ence paid to one dignified.
Hi-o-Lo, s. A tumbling down; a sliding
away ; a falling over.
Hu-pa-xa, v. Aole no ia e hitpaka o ka Hi-o-wa, s. Personal appearance; face,
wahine ke kane waiwai. countenance, &c. See Hiontona. Anat. 5.
Hu-po-1, ». Hii and poi, to protect. Hi-v, v. To seize; to grasp hold of, as
1. To tend and feed, as a young child. a rope.
2. To feed and defend, as a chief does his 2. To throw a stone with violence.
people. Oih. 13:18. 3. To be wild; untamed, as an animal.
3. To take in the arms, as a child. Mar. 4. To cry, as a sailor does in pulling a
7:36. To carry in the bosom, as a child. rope; hence,
Nah. 11:12. 5. To haul down a ship for repairs.
4. To take care of and provide for gen- 6. To practice sorcery.
HI 161 HIK
7. To move the hiu (see the s.) in playing 3. To fall asleep again after waking.
konane, a game. 4. To sleep soundly.
Hi-v, s. The tail of a fish, but not syn. 5. To blow; to rush violently, as a strong
with huelo. wind. See Puantounto.
2. The practice of sorcery. Hi-ut-o, s. A vision. Kin. 15:1. A
3. The name of the counter or iliili used dream.
in playing konane or konene; ina he hiu, Hi-ni-v, v. See Hiv 3. Tobe wild; un-
a he aneo paha, a he lalani, a he punikibi tamed, a8 an animal; to be wild and sav-
paha, aia no i ko laua mau lunamanao. age, as men.
Hi-v-a, adj. He mea ula hiua; name of 2. To mistake in speaking, as one un-
a game played on a board of four squares. taught.
Hi-v-ni-v, v. See Hiv. To practice sor- Hi-n1-v, adj. Wild; untamed; strange;
cery. unfriendly; unsocial; often applied to ani-
2. To play the game konane. mals that have been once tamed, but have
Hi-u-ma-Lo-Lo, s. Hiw and malolo, the become wild. Hihiu is the opposite of laka,
flying-fish. The tail of the flying-fish. tame. Na holoholona hihiw ame na holo-
Hi-v-wal, s. The name of the ceremony holona laka ; he ilio hihiw hae, a wolf.
of bathing in cold water in the worship of Hi-ni-Ka-e-KA, v. To tangle up, as a
some of the gods. rope or string ; to tangle, as the hair; ua
Hi-n1, v. ‘To branch or spread out, as hihia na mea a pau, ua hihikaeka ma ka leo
vines, or as the limbs of a tree; to grow mana ; to tangle or perplex one in speak-
thick together ; ka pikopiko, ua hihi; hihi ing.
pea ka lewa. Laieilc. 168. Hi-n1-ma-nu, s. Name ofa large, broad,
2. To be satisfied ;to have enough. soft living creature found in the sea; it
Hi-u1, s. The running, spreading out, was forbidden to women to eat under pen-
the entwining or creeping of vines, or a alty of death. See Inmmanv.
thick growth of vegetation. Hi-u1-wat, s. The name of a four-footed
2. A cause of entangling ; an offense; a animal living in the sea.
cause of offense. Nots.—This last sense Hi-xau, v. To throw stones at one. See
mostly in the form hihia. Huxavu. Hikau is perhaps the best orthog-
Hi-u1, adj. Thick together, as grass; raphy.
as vines; as men. Hi-xa-u-H1, adv. To no purpose; of no
Hr-nti-a, v. That is, hihiia, pass. of hihi. use, &c.; aia ko’u waa hikauvhi ma Molokai;
To be perplexed ; entangled, either phys- hikauhi oe a holo e ka moku; hele a hika-
ically or morally. uhi.
2. To be in a state of difficulty or per- Hi-xa-ka, v. To stagger; to reel in
plexity. walking, as a drunken man. Jsa. 19:14.
3. To be lost by going astray ; to turn To stagger, as @ man carrying a heavy
this way and that for relief. burden.
4. To be offended. 2. To wander ; to go astray. Isa. 47:15.
5. Hoo. To entangle ; to be the cause of 3. Hoo. To cause to stagger, i. e., to walk
trouble. Puk. 10:7. in darkness. Job. 12:25.
6. To be entangled ; to be led asiray;
to be the cause of evil to one. Hi-Ka-ka, adj. Staggering ; walking
7. To entrap one in his speech; to be unsteadily.
offended. Hi-ka-Ka, adj. Bent round; curved;
Hi-ui-a, s. A difficulty; a thing per- crooked.
plexed ; a cause of trouble. Hi-KA-Pa-LA-LE, s. A word used in the
2. A thicket of forest; ka hihia paa o ka kaki or namu, unintelligible except to those
nahele. JLaieik. 94. taught.
Hi-ni-a, adj. Difficult ; perplexing ; H1-x1, v. To come to; to arrive at, as
troublesome. connected with mai or aku.
Hi-nt-a-Lov, s. Name of a plant with 2. To be able to do a thing; to accom-
small yellow flowers. plish a purpose; to prevail. Hiki is often
Hi-n1-a-wal, s. The name of a plant used with other verbs as a kind of helping
verb. Gram. § 171.
sometimes eaten for food. 3. Hoo. To cause to come; to bring
2. The name of a species of fish. forth ; to produce. Puk. 8:3.
Hi-n1-0, v. See Hio. To sleep; to fall 4. To take an oath; to affirm a thing or
asleep. an event as true.
2. To dream; e paa ka maka a ike ka 5. To call or give a name to. Mat.
uhane, to shut the eyes and see with the 22:43, 45. To name or speak of with ap-
soul, that is, to have a vision. Hoik. 1:10. probation. pes. 5:3.
6. To mention in one’s prayers. Pilem.4.| H1-K1-wa-weE, v. Hiki and wawe, quick.
7. To vow ; to consecrate ; to set apart; To do quickly ; to be quick or smart in
to promise a thing especially to a god; to doing a thing. Hoo. To cause quickness;
set apart as sacred. 1 Sam. 1:11. Hoohiki to make dispatch.
ino, to desecrate ; to treat with contempt ; Hi-xi-wa-we, adv. Quickly; speedily;
hoohiki wahahee, to swear falsely ; to take without delay.
a false oath. See Hoourki, s. Hiki wale,
to happen; to come by chance. Hi-x1-wa-Le, adv. Hiki and wale,
Hi-x1-a-Lo-a-Lo, adj. The rising and merely. What has happened; come by
chance ; without design.
coming to the zenith, as the full moon; i
ka mahina hikialoalo. Hi-x1-wi, v. See Kiwi. To crook; to
Hi-x1-E-£, v. To approach to; to draw
near. Hi-xo-xo, s. Hit and koko, blood. A flow-
2. To bridge over a stream. ing of blood; specifically applied to a dis-
Hi-x1-g-£, s. An approach of one; a ease of the anus called emerods. Kamnl.
28:27. A dysentery ; a bloody flux.
coming near to.
2. A bridge over a stream. Hi-Kxo-n1, s. Name of a servant marked
3. A raised platform for sleeping ; a sort in the forehead; 0 ka poe kauwa i hoailo-
of bedstead or couch; a place for a bed. naia ma ka lae, ua kapaia he kauwa hikoni.
Puk. 17:28. Hi-xu, adj. The seventh in order; i ka
Hi-ku, v. To tie; to fasten by tying; hiku oka malama. Oihk. 16:29; Gram. §
to bind, as a person. Kin. 22:9. To bind, 115, 2,4. As a cardinal, seven.
as a prisoner; to tie, as a rope or cord to
anything. Jos.2:18 and 21. See Naku. To Hi-xu-1-xu, s. A noise; confusion by
bind on, as a sandal; to tie up, as a purse. many voices.
Hi-xu, s. A binding; a tying; a fasten- Hi-ta, v. Not yet found in this single
ing. form. See the double forms and Hoo.
Hi-xu-xu, v. See Hixu. Totie; to bind Hi-tat, adj. A word used in the prayers
strongly. Mat. 27:2. of the ancients, meaning not very clear.
Hi-xi-xu, s. Hiki and ku, to rise. The
place of the sun’s rising; poetically, the Hi-ta-ni-La, v. To be ashamed; to be
east. See Hikina. put in confusion; to be ashamed of. 2 Nal.
Hi-x1-Le-Le, v. Hiki and lele, to jump; 2. Hoo. To cause shame; to make
to fly. ashamed.
1. To wake suddenly from sleep. Isa. 3. To have that quick agitation which
29:8. To wake with affright. arises from shame ; confasion, suffusion of
2. To jump or start suddenly from sur- the face.
prise or fear. Hr-xa-n1-La, s. Shame; a blushing of
3. To do a thing suddenly and in haste;
to be weak with fear from any event. in. the face ; confusion attendant on shame.
42:28. Hr-ta-n1-La, adj. Ashamed.
4. Hoo. To wake up a person from sleep. Hi-La-H1-La, adv. Shamefully.
Isa. 29:8. Hi-na-ta, v. To bend; to crook; to
5. To come by surprise, as one army bend from a straight line. See Hrxtwi.
upon another. Jos. 11:7.
Hr-Le-a, adj. Lazy; indolent; doing
Hi-x1-Le-Le, s. A sudden coming upon; |: nothing.
arising up quickly ; a sudden fright. H1-u1, v. To braid; to plait, as a wreath;
Hi-x1-Le-Le, adv. Hoo. Quickly ; sud- to braid, as the hair. 1 Pet. 3:3. To string,
denly. Isa. 47:11. as kukui nuts; e Aili knkui.
Hi-x1-mo-r, s. Hiki and moe, to lie down. 2. To turn over and over, asin braiding;
to twist; to spin; to tie on, as Hawaiians
Poetical name of the west; place of (the formerly tied or braided their kois on to
sun’s) lying down. the handles.
Hi-xi-na, s. Hiki and ana, participial 3. To deviate from the path in traveling;
termination. The full form is, ka hiki ana to wander here and there. Sol. 15:22. To
(a ka la), the coming (of the sun), i. e., the miss one’s way.
east; the place of the sun’s rising. L/al. 4. To droop; to flag. See Mio and Wi.
50:1. 5. To smite, as with a sword or the hand.
Hi-xi-wa, adj. The eastern; ma ka aoao Hi-u1, s. A general name for barks
hikina o Hawaii, on the eastern side of used in dyeing ; as, hili kolea, hili koa, &c.
Hawaii. 2. A black dye for coloring kapas made
Hi-xi-na, adv. Eastwardly. 1 Nal. 17:3. of kolea bark.
3. The principle of tanning in koa and lengthen a speech by mentioning little cir-
other barks. i cumstances.
2. To make nice oratorical language.
Hi-1i, adj. Turning; wandering aside. Hi-Lo-n1-Lo, s. The sweet juice of the
Hr-ui-au, v. Hili and au, current. To
ki root, especially when there is but little
wander; to go astray morally; to do wrong;
and very sweet.
he ikaika hiliau, strong to do evil.
Hi-u1-r-£, s. A shrub having a power- Hi-tu, s. Name of a species of fish,
spotted, variegated with colors.
ful stimulant corrosive bark. See ILmene.
Hi-ui-ov, s. A square braid of eight Hi-tv, adj. Still; quiet; reserved; dig-
nified ; a word of commendation ; hilu ka
straws. noho ana o mea.
2. A sickness of the bowels ; sickness of 2. Neat; elegant; powerful; magnificent.
the stomach ; fullness of the stomach.
Hi-Lu-n1-Lu, s. See Hitv. The excel-
Hr-ti-v, s. The voice of a shell or trum- lent; the glorious; the powerful.
pet; the sound of one blowing a wind in-
Hi-.v-n1-Lv, adj. Excellent; nice; beau-
Hi-ur-n1-11, v. See Hi, coloring barks. tiful.
To color or dye red, or any dark color. Hi-me-n1, s. Eng. from Gr. A hymn;
Hi-u1-n1-11, adj. Red or brown in color; a song in sacred worship; a mele in praise
of Iehova. 2 Oihl. 29:28.
shaded ; dark.
Hi-u1-n1-L1-Ho-nu, adj. Rich; wealthy.
Hi-me-n1, v. Eng. from Gr. To hymn;
to sing a hymn.
Hi-ur-kau, v. To accuse much, and Hi-na, v. To lean from an upright posi-
falsely ; to say and unsay. —
Hi-u1-Kav, adj. Tripping in one’s walk; 2. To fall; to fall down, as a house.
stumbling. 3. To fall morally, as a person from a
2. Varying in one’s story ; e lauwili, e state of uprightness ; to relapse or decline
lalau. from a state of rectitude.
3. Walking cross-legged. 4, To offend; to be offended. Joan. 16:1.
Hi-11-wa-E-nv, s. The name of a Hawai- 5. Hoo. To slant over; to throw down,
jan month; the tenth month of the Hawai- asa person. wk. 4:35.
ian calendar. Hi-na, s. A leaning; a falling; a caus-
Hi-ui-wai, v. Hii and zai, to strive for. ing to fall; a stumbling.
1. To lean upon; to lean against. Dunk. Hi-na, s. Heb. A hin, a Hebrew meas-
16:26. ure. Puk. 29:40.
‘ 2 To trust in; to have confidence in Hi-na, s. Name of a goddess. See Hina-
one’s word. 2 Nal. 18:19, 20. HELE below.
Hi-1i-na, s. Trust; confidence; a lean- Hi-na, adj. Gray; hoary; applied to
ing against or upon. the head ; oho hina. Kin. 44:29. Gray, as
2. What is leaned upon, as a table; a the beard ; he umiumi hina.
bed or place for reclining. Hi-na-a-Le, s. A species of small fish.
Hi-ti-na-ma, s. Name of the ninth HI-NA-A-LO, s. The blossoms of the
month among Hawaiians. HI-NA-Lo, hala fruit; the leaves which
Hi-u-nr-nv, s. Name of the eleventh inclose the hala fruit.
Hawaiian month. HI-NA-A-Lo, tadj. Aromatic ; fragrant,
Hi-.i-no-nv, s. The name of the eighth Hi-NaA-Lo, as the fruit and blossoms of
month. the hala tree.
Hi-Lo, v. To twist, as a string on the Hi-nar, s. A container braided out of
thigh; to twist with the thumb and fingers. the ie and other materials; a basket. Oikk.
2. To spin; to turn, as in twisting. See 8:2.
Hit, Mixo, Win, &e. Hi-NAI-A-E-LE-E-LE, 5S. Name of the
Hi-Lo, s. The name of the first night in seventh Hawaiian month.
which the new moon can be seen, as it is Hi-nal-po-E-po-E, s. A round basket; a
like a twisted thread ; 0 hilo ka po mua no basket braided around a calabash; hinai-
ka puahilo ana o ka mahina. hooluulun.
2. An issue; a running sore. Oihk. Hi-NA-HE-LE, s. Often called simply
15:2, 3.
Hina; the goddess of fishes, mother of
Hi-to, adj. Spun; twisted. Puk. 26:1. Aiaiakuula; Hinahele laua o Kuula na ’kua
Iwi hilo. Anat. 16. lawaia, mai Hawaii a Niihau.
Hi-to-HI-Lo, v. See Hino, v. To wan- Hi-na-HI-Na, adj. Gray; grayish.
der here and there in telling a story; to 2. Withered, as fruit ready to fall.
aie HIP 164 HIW
Hi-NA-KU-LAI-NA, v. See Hina and Kv- Hi-ra, v. Toblunder in speaking. Hoo.
LAINA, to push over. To partially fall down. To falsify.
Hi-na-Ku-Lu-1-ua, s. Hina, goddess, Hi-pa, adj. Hoo. He olelo hoohipa, a
keulu, to drop, as rain, and ua, rain. The kind of mele. ;
goddess of rain; has two sisters, viz.: Hi-pa, s. Eng. Sheep. Joan. 10:2, 3.
Hinakealii and Hookuipaele. Hi-pa-ni-pa, v. To be joyful; to express
Hi-na-Le-a, s. A species of fish. gladness.
Hi-na-te-a, adj. Applied to a basket Hi-pa-Ka-NE, 5. Hipa, sheep, and kane,
for catching fish ; hinai hinalea. male. Aram. Kin. 15:9. Ili hipakane,a
H1-NaA-LE-a, v. To blow from aft, as ram skin. Puk. 25:53 Gram. § 95. Fie.
wind favorable for sailing. Hipakane wawahi, a battering ram. Ezek.
Hi-na-Lu, adj. Hina, gray, and lit, very 4:2.
little. Very little gray, as the hair; whitish. Hi-pa-xe4-x1, s. Hipa, sheep, and keiki,
Hi-na-Lu, s. The name of a person the little one. A lamb. Oih. 8:32. See
(chief) in whose time there occurred
a uni- Kerkinipa. Notre.—The word lamb is ren-
versal deluge or kai a ka Hinalii; hence dered in Hawaiian by both forms, hipa-
kaiakahinalii is at present used for the keiki and keikihipa. ?
flood of Noah. Kin. 6:17. See also ke kai Hi-pa-pa-La-LeE, s. See Paparate. A
aka Hulumanu. speaking with readiness and correctness,
Hi-na-to, s. The leaves inclosing the without a tone, and not through the nose;
hala fruit. See Hinaano. o ka hana maiau hipapalale ole, noiau papa-
2. The flowers of the hala tree. lale ole.
Hi-na-mo-E, s. Hina, to fall, and moe, Hi-po-po-ra-mu, s. Gr. The river-horse.
to lie down. A place of death; often ap- Lob. 40:15. The hippopotamus.
plied to the volcano. Hi-ru, v. To tie in knots, as the string
Hi-wa-na, s. Name of a very small fish, Hi-puv, of a bundle or bag.
the young of the oopu. Hi-pu, Ae A knot; a fastening; any-
Hi-nA-wE-Na-weE, adj. Thin; spindling; Hi-povu, § thing tied. Fra. Bwehe oe i ka
slender. See Unrat. hipu naaupo, o make auanei oe.
Hi-ne, adj. Strutting; proud of one’s 2. Abag for carrying small things in, as
appearance. money; a purse. Sol. 1:14.
Hi-n1, v. To be small; thin; feeble. 3. Hipuu kala, in the English translation,
Hi-ni-i-n1, s. See Hint. Speaking in a crisping pin. Jsa. 3:22.
a small, thin voice; a whispering; hane- Hi-puv, adj. Knotty, as a string tied
hane. up in knots; tied fast; applied to men,
Hi-ni-ni-n1, adj. See Hint and Unint. mischievous.
Thin; slender; pointed. Hi-puu-puv, v. See Hirvv. To tie up
Hi-ni-po-a, adj. See Hentpoa and N1- in knots; hence, to tie up in a bundle.
poa. Heavy, as the eyes when drowsy or 2. To tie fast; to gird around, as with a
very sleepy ; he maluhiluhi. sash; aole kakou i like me na kanaka kiai
Hi-nu, v. To anoint; to besmear, as alii a hipwupuu kahi malo, we are not the
with oil or grease. men who guard the king, belted up with
2. To be smooth; shining.
3. To slip ; to slide easily. Hi-puu-puv, s. What is tied up in knots
4. To anoint. See Kantnv. or made fast.
Hi-nu, s. Ointment ; substance for be- Hi-ruv-puv, adj. See Hirvv. Tied;
smearing ;momona, mea poni, &c. fastened ; knotty, as tied in knots; he hi-
puupuu kahi malo o kahi alii, the malos of
Hi-nu, adj. Smooth; greasy; polished; some chiefs were tied up in knots.
_ dazzling with brightness; anointed.
Hi-ru-xa, s. A kind of snare for catch-
Hi-nv-ut-nu, v. See Hinv. To shine as ing birds; ka hipuka no na manu hihiu;
if anointed with oil. Hal. 104:15. To kau aku la ia i ka hipuka pahele.
glisten ; to be bright; to sparkle.
Hi-wa, adj. Black; clear black; ap-
Hi-nu-Hi-nu, adj. Bright; shining; plied mostly to that which was used in sac-
splendid, as red cloth; glittering, as pol- rifice to the gods, as a black hog; ina i ele-
ished stones. 1 Oihl. 29:2. ele a puni ka hulu, he hiwa pa ia puaa; a
Hi-pa, s. A little bundle. black cocoanut, a black kapa, &e., and
2. A blunder in speaking; the use of always considered valuable; hence,
words out of their ordinary meaning. 2. Dear; valued; beloved; precious; he
3. Hoo. A falsehood. puss hiwa, he niu hiwa, he awa hiwa.
HO 165 HOA
Hi-wa, v. To be of a black color, such Ho, s. The asthma; the lowing of cat-
as was considered precious or valuable in tle, &c.
sacrifice ; to be of a clear or pure black. 2. Eng. A farming utensil; a hoe; the
Hi-wa, s. Any black article supposed colter of a plow. 1 Sam. 13: 20.
to be acceptable to the gods as an offering; Ho. This syllable (see the two articles
hence, above) has a meaning of its own, and as
- 2. A precious valuable article. such may enter into compound words; but
3. Applied to persons; keiki hiwa, a dear very often, as will appear, it is a contrac-
child. tion of hoo. (See Hoo.) The contraction
Hi-waa-waa, adj. See Momona. Large; is made before all the letters, but mostly
fat, as a large fleshy person; applied only where the word commences with some of
to persons. the vowels, especially with the letter o.
Hi-wa-ui-wa, v. See Hiwa, adj. To be Ho-a, s. A companion; a fellow; a
greatly loved; mostly with hoo. friend ; an assistant. It is found in many
2. To be pleased with; to be satisfied compounds ; as, hoapio, a fellow prisoner;
with, as a god with an offering ; to be ac- hoamoe, a bed-fellow ; hoahele, a traveling
ceptable to; e hoohiwahiwa kakou i ka companion, &c.
hana, let us make the work acceptable. Ho-a, v. To strike on the head with a
3. To pet; to treat a child, a servant or
an animal with delicacy. Sol. 29:21.
2. To beat, as kapa with a stick on a
Hi-wa-mi-wa, s. A person or thing stone.
greatly beloved; applied mostly to ani- 3. To strike, as in fighting.
mals or children ; a pet; a beloved one. 4. To drive, as cattle.
Kanl. 33:12. The beloved one. nuk. 23:35. Ho-a, v. To tie; to secure by tying;
Hi-wa-ni-wa, adj. See Hiwa. Thick ; to bind; to wind round, asa rope or string;
dense ; black, as a cloud; glossy black. to rig up, as a canoe ; a ma ka wa e hoa ai
2. Acceptable; desired by any one. ka waa, he kapu ka hoa ana. See A and
3. Very precious; greatly esteemed. 1 Honos. Alaila, hoaia ka pou me ka lohe-
Tes. 2:8. Greatly beloved. Isa. 5:1. lau.
4, Meek; docile; he keiki hiwahiwa ia. Ho-a, v. Ho for hoo, and a, to burn.
Hi-wi, v. To diminish, as a swelling ; 1. To kindle a fire; to burn, i.e., to cause
to flatten down, as a protuberance; ua hiwi to blaze ; to make a light. Laieik. 77. To
mai. See the compounds Poouiwi and Kva- rage, as a flame of love; ua hoaia ke ahi,
L. enaena o ke aloha wela, the raging fire of
Hi-wi, s. The flat or depressed summit hot love blazed forth. Laieik. 204.
of a protuberance. 2. To comb or dress the hair or the head.
3. To cast or throw away; e hookuke;
Ho, v. To transfer, i. e., to bring here hence,
or carry away, according as it is followed 4. To commit mischief, as a child.
by mai or aku. See Mat and Axv. Gram. Ho-a, s. A tying; a binding.
§ 233 and 234. As, ho mai, bring here; ho Ho-a, adj. Unsteady; movable. See
aku, carry away.
2. To bring ; to present. 1 Sam. 17:10. H1a, ad).
To give or put away, as money at interest. Ho-aa, v. See Ho for hoo, and Aa,to
Hal. 15:5. blaze. To kindle; to cause to burn.
3. To carry or cause to be conveyed; to 2. To stare; to look aboutin doubt. See
transport; to remove. AA, to be bold.
4. To produce; to bring forward, as food 3. To mistake; to blunder; to go astray.
on to the table. Hin. 43:31. 4. To challenge ; to dare; to provoke.
Ho, v. To cry out ina clamorous man- Ho-aa, s. A mistake; a blunder; an
ner error.
2. Hoo. To cause the voice to be raised; 2. The kindling, i. e., small pieces of fuel
to raise the voice to a high pitch. used in kindling a fire.
3. To speak together, as in voting viva Ho-a-at, s. Hoa, companion, and ai, to
voce; to proclaim ; to shout acclamation eat. An eating companion; a guest. 1
of approval. Puk. "24:3, Nal. 1:41.
4. To shout in triumph. Jos. 6:5. Hooho Ho-a-al-NA, S. Hoa and aina, land.
olioli, to triumph over one. Hal. 41:11.
5. To cry out for fear ; to cry out in dis- 1. A person to whom the hakuaina or
tress. Nah. 14:1. konohiki commits the care of his land.
6. To wheeze ; to breathe hard, as in the 2. A husbandman; atiller of the ground.
asthma; to snort; to blow, a8 a horse. See Ho-a-a-H1, s. Ho for hoo, a, to burn, and
Hoouo in its place. ahi, fire. Fire kindlings; the materials for
a a

causing a fire to burn; e imi mua oe ia no| Ho-at-al, s. See the foregoing. A soft
ka hoaahi ana. clear white light; a pure light; abstract,
Ho-a-a-Hu, v. Ho for hoo, and aahu, to whiteness.
clothe. To clothe; to put on a garment; Ho-ai-a1, adj. White; clear; shining.
to give kapa or clothes to one. Mat. 25:36. Ho-al-KA-NE, v. Ho for hoo, ai and kane.
Ho-a-a-Lo-HA, Ss. Hoa, companion, and See AIKANE.
aloha,to love. Afriend. Joan. 3:29. A be- 1. To commit the sin against nature ; to
loved companion; ia wa, ua lilo ko Hawaii commit sodomy ; applied to either sex.
nei i poe hoadloha no na misionari, at that 2. To be an intimate friend of the same
time the Hawaiians became friends to the sex, i. e., to give and receive favors from
missionaries. one of the same sex. JLaieik. 81.
Ho-aa-ma-KA, v. Ho for hoo, aa, bold, 3. To act the part of an aikane or inti-
and maka, eye. To beg for a thing by mate friend.
looking wishfully at it. 4. To make friends, as two persons about
Ho-a-a-no, v. A factitious word; ho to fight. Laieik. 47.
for hoo, aa, to dare, and no, a particle of Ho-ar-Ka-NE, s. A friend on terms of
affirmation, indeed; truly ; hence, to have reciprocity.
confidence in one’s self; to brag; to ex- 2. The house where such friends reside
press bravery. or meet.
Ho-a-a-No, adj. See the verb. Forward; Ho-at-Ko-La, v. Ao for hoo. See ArKoua,
presumptuous ; defying punishment. Akos and NATKOoLA.
2. Proud; daring ; obstinate ; self con- 1. To express triumph over one with
fident. contempt for him; to cause contemptuous
Ho-a-a-pu, v. Ho for hoo, and aapu, to treatment; to triumph over one with ex-
warp; bend up. To make a cup of the pressions of vanity and contempt.
hollow of the hand; e hoaapu ae i kou 2. To blackguard ; to triumph over an-
poho lima, make the palm of your hand other’s ills; to reproach ; ua hoaikola mai
into a cup. o Palu ia oe; to rejoice or triumph over.
Ho-az, v. See Ho, v., and Ag, verbal Isa. 14:8.
3. To perplex; to bring one into diffi-
directive. Gram.
§ 233, 5th. To move side- culty.
ways; to turn a little. Nore.—The ae is
4. To desire to have one put to death.
no part of the verb.
2. To raise up; to cause to ascend; to Ho-ar-ko-La, s. A sneer; a sneering ex-
go up. pression of approval.
Ho-a-r-a, v. Ho for hoo, and aea, to wan- 2. A contemptuous cheering, calling one
good fellow, well done, &c.; in an tronical
der about. To pretend to wander; to
sense, ku no ka akaikio lakou ame ko lakou
make as though one was a wanderer or
hoaikola ana, their chuckling and their
vagabond in order to accomplish a partic-
ular object.
false cheering hit us.
Ho-a1, v. Ho for hoo, and az, food. Ho-al-Lo-NA, v. See Haitona. To sound
1. To stir up; to mix; to make poi thin the depth of water, i. e., to throw the lead.
2. To mark; to set a mark upon one.
with water that it may be fit for eating.
3. To cast lots for.a thing. Oihk. 16:8.
2. To unite two things together, as by
stretching or sewing kapas together.
In modern times, to play at dice.
3. To be singular in one’s conduct or de- Ho-at-Lo-na, s. See the verb. A mark;
portment. a signal; a sign of something different from
what it appears to be.
Ho-a1, s. The union of things sewed 2. A sign or forerunner of something
together ; ka hoopili ana ma na hookuina. coming to pass or expected. Oth. 2:19.
2. In anatomy, a suture ; a joining ; hoai 3. A part representing the whole. Oihk.
manawa, coronal suture; hoai kaupaku, 2:2
sagittal; hoai kala, lambdoidal; hoai maha, 4, Something whose real signification is
temporal suture, &e. different from the appearance. Jos. 4:7.
Ho-ar-al, v. Ho for hoo, and aiaz, to 5. A sign; a pledge; a distinguishing
be white. mark. Puk. 3:12. A signet. Puk. 28:11.
1. To be clear; white ; shining. 6. A target; a mark to shoot at. 1 Sam.
2. To cause to be white, &., i. e., to 0:20
whiten; to clear off rust or dirt from a 7. A lot cast, as in casting lots; ma ka
substance that it may shine. hoailona, by lot. Lune. 20:9.
3. To be clear, as the unclouded moon ; 8. A scepter; a badge of authority.
to be shining, as a light. Heb. 1:9. See next word.
4. To be proud; to be lifted up with Ho-at-Lo-NA-Mo-I, 5. See Hoartona
pride. above, and Mol, sovereignty. A scepter;
a badge or emblem of regal authority. Hal. Avau 4. To excite ; to stir up; to hurry;
45:6 to quicken one to do a thing.
Ho-a-1-mu, v. Ho for hoo, a, to burn, and| Ho-au-au, s. Quickness in doing a
imu. oven. To kindle a fire in the oven; thing ; haste.
to heat the oven. 2. Name of a snare used in catching
Ho-a-I-po-o-LA, v. See Arpoora and birds, like kipuka, pahele, ahele, &e.
Puvpooia. To gulp up wind from the stom- Ho-au-au-wa-HA, v. Ho for hoo, auau
ach after eating heartily. for au,and waha. See AuwaHa. To make
Ho-ai-Pu-KA-HA-LE, S. In Hawai- a ditch; to plow a furrow.
Ho-a-KAI-PU-KA-HA-LE, ian pathology, the Ho-av-AE-PUU, se Ho for hoo, and
Ho-a-Ka-Ku, names of a class Ho-au-WAE-PUU, auae, to be lazy. To
of diseases, all be lazy; indolent; inactive; to spend time
Ho-a-Ka-KA-KAl, fatal; the waiiki to no profit.
the only remedy used.
Ho-au-aE-puv, s. See Avak. Indolence;
Ho-at-puv-puv, v. Ho for hoo, and aipuu- loitering ; inactive ; disposed to treat with
puu, which see. To act the aipuupuu; to contempt.
serve out provisions ; to distribute food. Ho-au-HEE, v. Ho for hoo, and auhee.
Ho-ao, v. Ho for hoo, and ao, to try. See Hes, to flee. To cause to flee, as an
1. To try the qualities of a thing; to taste; army ; to rout; to put to flight.
to tempt; to make trial; assay ; to begin. Ho-au-HEE-HEE, v. Seeabove. Tocon-
Laieik. 184. verse of things generally.
2. To cohabit after marriage; to make
public a marriage contract after the ancient Ho-au-Ltu, adj. Nice; well dressed ;
manner. straight as a stick; skillful; mikioi, pala-
3. To prove; to put to the test. 2 Oihi. waiki, hoakamai.
9:1, Ho-au-mo-E, v. Ho for hoo, and aumoee,
4. To undertake ; to attempt. Eset. 9:23. to sleep.
5. To hang up; e kaulai. 1. To sleep with ; to lie in one’s bosom.
Ho-ao, s. See the verb, Marriage after 2. To fondle; to cherish in the bosom, as
the ancient custom of the islands. a child or a pet.
2. The taste of any eatable. Nah. 11:8. Ho-au-mo-g, s. A cherishing ; a fond-
3. A temptation: a trial. Kanl. 4:32. ling, as a child or a pet animal ; fondness;
Ho-ao, adj. ‘The night of the day called attachment.
Huna; mamua o ka po hoao o na alii, i ka Ho-au-na, v. Ho for hoo, and auna, a
po o Huna. flock. To collect together, as a flock of
Ho-a-0-LE-Lo, s. Hoa, companion, and birds.
olelo, word. A companion in conversation; Ho-a-u-na, s. Hoa, companion, and una,
one consulted on business; a counsellor; to send. A companion of a messenger; one
o lakou no ko Kamehameha mau hoaolelo who accompanies a messenger.
no kela mea keia mea nui o ke aupuni, Ho-au-uu-Lu, v. To converse. See Ho-
those were Kamehameha’s counsellors con- AUHEEHEE.
cerning every important matter of the king- Ho-a-HA, v. Ho for hoo, and aha, a cord.
dom. 7
To make or braid together the strings for
Ho-a-o-Pu-I-No-1-No, s. Hoa and opuino, a calabash ; to tie up a calabash; e hoaha
evilly disposed. A companion in crime; i ka ipu.
one alike evilly disposed with another. Ho-a-Ha-a-HA, v. To sit cross-legged,
Ho-av, v. Ho for hoo, and au, to swim. a la Turk, in eating.
1. To move gently a little; to dodge. 2. To be proud; high-minded; he ka-
2. To bring forward and present on the naka hoahaaha.
altar of the gods. 3. To be bent up; stunted ;crooked out
3. To offer a sacrifice; to courtesy. of shape.
Ho-au, v. To strike; to beat with a Ho-a-HAa-NA, Ss. Hoa, companion, and
stick. hana, to work. A fellow laborer in any
2. To wash Hawaiians wash kind of business. 1 Kor. 3:9.
clothes by beating them. See Hoavav,. Ho-a-Ha-NAv, Ss. Hoa, companion, and
Ho-av-au, v. Ho for hoo, and au, to hanau, to be born. A companion by birth;
swim, or auau, to wash. To wash the body; a kindred; some blood relation; a rela-
to bathe; to cleanse away filth by bathing. tive ; a brother in an extensive sense. 1
Oihl. 9:25. In a modern sense, a fellow
Ho-av-au, s. See the verb. A washing; professor of religion.
a cleansing by the use of water.
Ho-a-Ha-NaU-NA, S. Hoa, companion,
Ho-au-au, v. Ho for hoo, and auwau. See and hanauna, relations. Relatives of one’s
own clan, tribe or nation. Gal. 1:14. See 2. To lay up, as goods for future use.
HANAUNA. Mat. 6:26.
Ho-a-wa-al-Na, v. Ho for hoo, aha, col- 3. To collect articles; to lay up in heaps.
lection, and aina, to eat. To cause a col- 4. To lay up against one, as anger; e
lection for eating ; to make a feast. hoahu ana i ka buhu maluna o kela poe.
Ho-a-Ha-al-NA, S. Ho for hoa (one a Ho-a-uv, v. To esteem lightly; to des-
dropped), and ahaaina, a feast. A fellow pise; to contemn; to dislike; to be dissat-
feaster ; one at the same feast. isfied with.
Ho-a-HE-LE, s. Hoa and hele, to go. A Ho-a-nu, s. An assemblage of things;
fellow traveler. Jos. 14:8. a collection.
2. A collecting, as of property; a gath-
Ho-a-HE-WA, v. See AnEwaA and ering together.
Hoo-a-HE-wA, § Hewa. Afinding or pro- 3. Dislike ; contempt for a thing.
nouncing guilty of a crime or wrong; to Ho-a-uu, adj. Disagreeable; unsatis-
condemn. factory.
Ho-a-n1-a-u1, v. Ho for hoo, and ahiahi, Ho-a-xa, v. To lift up; to lift up,asa
evening. To darken; to obscure; to cause
spear in fighting. 2 Sam. 23:18.
a thing to be obscure in vision; to be 2. To drive away ; to frighten.
neither clear nor dark.
3. To open; to open the mouth in speak-
Ho-a-nHo, v. Ho for hoo, and aho, breath. ing. See OaKa. Hoik. 13:6.
1. To give breath, i.e., deliverance from 4. To glitter ; to shine; to be splendid.
immediate danger; to put one in safety Nahum, 2:5.
from danger. Ho-a-xa, v. Ho for hoo, and aka, to
2. To be quick; to hasten; to do quickly.
laugh. To cause one to laugh; to laugh;
3. To kindle a fire. to be pleased.
Ho-a-Ho, v. Ho and aho, a string. Ho-a-xa, s. A name of one of the kapu
i. To make or twist strings for a house.
days ; the second day of the moon.
2. To tie aho on to a building. See Ano.
2. The crescent of the new moon; the
Ho-a-Ho, s. Quickness; rapidity. hollow of the new moon.
2. One who has escaped a place of pro- 3. The arch or lintel over a door. Puk.
tection. 12:7:
Ho-a-Ho-a, v. See Hoa, to strike. The 4. In speaking, a defense ; an apology.
freq. conj. of hoa. To strike or smite fre- Ho-a-xa, s. Brightness; shining; a
quently. glittering ; a flaming torch. Nahum. 2:3.
2. To break fuel, as Hawaiians did be- Glory, as of a people, i. e., their liberty;
fore they had axes. freedom.
3. To cause the hair to stand erect; e
hookuku ae i ka lauoho iluna. Ho-a-KAA, 5 To covet; to desire
Ho-a-no-a, s. A striking, smiting, &c. Ho-a-KA-A-KA, earnestly.
2. The name of the mallet with which Ho-a-xa-a-KA, v. Ho for hoo, and aka,
kapa (the wauki) was beaten. to laugh.
Ho-a-Ho-a-a-KA, v. To cause a fire to 1. To cause laughter; to cause one to
laugh. .
burn; to make a blaze; to make a shining
2. To laugh at; to mock; to reproach.
Ho-a-Ho-a-a-ka, s. A burning fire; a Ho-a-Kau-a,
kaua, war.
s. Hoa, companion,
blaze ; a bright light. 1. A fellow soldier.
Ho-a-H00-LAU-KA-NA-KA, S. Hoa, friend, 2. One against whom a soldier is fight-
hoo, causative, lau, the number 400, ka- ing; an antagonist ;hoapaio.
naka, men. Ho-a-Kau-wa, s. Hoa, companion, and
1. A friend of the increase of men; one
kauwa,a servant. A fellow servant. Hoi.
friendly to the multitude.
2. The multitude itself; aloha oe e kuu
hoahoolaukeanaka o kahi kanaka ole, good Ho-a-Ka-ka, v. Ho for hoo, and akaka,
morning my friend of the people-where there clear; explicit. To make plain; clear;
are none. to render explicit; to explain; to interpret.
Ho-a-Hoo-I-LI-NA, s. Toa, companion, Ho-a-xa-KA, s. An explanation; an
hoo, causative, and ilina, an inheritance. opening of what is intricate.
A fellow heir to an inheritance. Ho-a-Ka-Ka-1a, adj. Expressed; stated;
Ho-a-nu, v. Ho for hoo, and ahu, a col- proved; rendered explicit; approved. Oih.
lection of things. 2:22,
1. To cause a collection or gathering to- Ho-a-xa-Ka-kal, s. Name of a disease,
gether. generally fatal.
Ho-a-xa-keE-A, 8. Hoakaand kea,a cross. lawe, to bear, and hana, work. A fellow
The arch over a door ; a lintel. laborer ; a fellow workman ; a helper; an
assistant. Hzer. 5:3. See LAWEHANA.
Ho-a-xa-xu, v. Ho for hoo, and akaku, Ho-a-La-weE-Pu, s. Hoa and lawe, to
a vision. To have a vision with the eyes
open. See Akaku. carry, and pu, together. One who works
with another; apartner in labor. Pilem. 17.
Ho-a-xa-ku, s. A vision. Ho-a-te-a-Le, v. Ho for hoo, and ale, a
Ho-a-xa-xu, s. Name of a fatal disease; wave. To make or cause waves in water 5
an internal disease. to stir up, as water. See ALEALE.
Ho-a-Ka-La-KA-LA, s. A bracelet made Ho-a-t1, v. To shake ; to wave an of-
of hog’s teeth. fering made to the gods; to swing; to move
. Ho-a-xe-a, v. Ho for hoo, and akea, to and fro. Puk. 29:24. To wave, as an
broad. To make broad or wide; to cause offering. Nah. 5:26.
enlargement; hence, to deliver from diffi- 2. To offer, as a sacrifice. Nah. 8:21.
culty. 3. To stir up, as ashes.
Ho-a-KE-A-1A, s. Enlargement; escape; Ho-a-u1, adj. That which maybe waved.
deliverance. set. 4:14. Puk. 29:24. Mohai hoali, a wave-offering.
Ho-a-x1, v. To withhold from the land- Ho-a-ui-a-Ll, v. See Hoaui 2. To offer
lord his due ; hoaki i ka hakuaina. frequently to the gods.
Ho-a-xo-a, s, Hoa, companion,
and koa, Ho-a-ui-a-L1, v. Ho for hoo, and alialz,
soldier. A fellow soldier; one under the to whiten. To make white, as snow or
same leader. Pilip. 2:25. See Hoakaua. paper.
Ho-a-Ko-a-ko-a, v. Ho for hoo, and Ho-a-tu, adj. Ho for hoo, and alii, chief;
akoakoa, to assemble. king. Causing a royal appearance ; imi-
1. To assemble; to come together, as tating royalty; royal; kingly; kapa hoalii,
men. clothing of tapestry. Sol. 31:22.
2. To collect, as things generally. See Ho-a-tu, s. Hoa, companion, and alzz,
AKOAKOA. chief. A contraction for hoaalii or hoa’lii.
Ho-a-KU-KA, s. Hoa,companion, The companion of the king or high chief;
Ho-A-KU-KA-KU-KA, and kuka, to con- kukuluia i hale kamala no ka hoalii, a moe
sult. A fellow counsellor; an adviser. no ka hoalii ma ua hale la.
Rom. 11:34. Ho-a-to, v. Ho for hoo, and alo, to dodge.
Ho-a-La, v. Ho for hoo, and ala, to rise 1. To shun or avoid; to escape from. 1
up. Pet. 3:11. To pass over or by. Jsa. 46:27.
a To raise up from a prostrafe position. 2. To skip over, as in counting; ka hana
2. To awake from sleep; to cause one to i kekahi la, ka noho wale i kekahi la, to
awake. work one day, to do nothing one day. See
3. To raise up; to excite; to stir up; ALO.
applied to the mind. Ho-a-to, s. A man that works, then
4. To rouse one to action. ceases, then works by spells.
Ho-a-La-a-LA, v. The intensive of the Ho-a-Lo-a-Lo, v. See Hoaro. To dodge
foregoing. or pass by frequently.
Ho-a-Lau-na, s. Hoa, companion, and Ho-a-Lo-aa, s. Hoa, companion, and
launa, friendly. A companion on intimate loaa, to obtain.
terms ; an intimate friend always near. 2 1. A fellow receiver; a partaker with
Sam. 15:37. One in the habitof rendering one. 1 Pet. 5:1.
kind offices ;a neighbor. Puke. 12:4. 2. One who receives as much as another;
Ho-a-ta-KAa, v. Ho for hoo, ala, road, ka loaa like.
and kaa, to roll. To cause to roll; to roll Ho-a-to-Ha, s. A contraction for hoa-
along a road. aloha. A friend; a beloved companion;
Ho-a-ta-ta, v. Ho for hoo, and alala, one on friendly terms. See Hoaanona.
to cryout. See Autata. To make one cry Ho-a-Lo-HA,, v. Ho for hoo, and
out, as the alala.
Ho-a-Lo-HA-LO-HA, aloha, to love.
Ho-a-La-La-Hi-a, v. To stir one asleep 1. To love; to fondle; to cherish.
so as to wake him; to punch; to touch; to 2. To give thanks for something received.
shake so as to waken one; hoalalahia aku 1 Kor. 11:24.
ua kane hele loa nei au la. 3. To make suit to; to pay respects to.
Ho-a-La-wa-1A, s. Hoa, companion, and Tob. 11:19. To apply to for a favor. Laieik.
lawaia, a fisherman. A fellow fisherman; 72.
a fishing companion. Ho-a-H0-A-LO-HA-LO-HA, S. Poetic: hoa,
Ho-a-La-WE-HA-NA, Ss. Hoa, companion, companion, and aloha, love. Those who
converse often together, who are chief kaa, to turn. To turna grindstone; to grind
friends and love each other. or sharpen, as an edged tool.
Ho-a-tu, v. Ho for hoo, and alu, flexible. Ho-a-na-KAA, s. A grindstone. See Ho-
1. To be flexible; to loosen; to hang ANA.
down. Ho-a-na-pa, v. Ho for hoo, and anapa,
2. To bow down; to make low; to be to flash ; to shine.
humble; to courtesy. See Aww. 1. To exhibit a flashing light; to cause
Ho-a-tu, s. Flexibility; pliableness ; sudden reflected light, as from a mirror.
humility ; a bending down. 2. To flash, as lightning; to glitter. See
Ho-a-1v, adj. Yielding; bending; loose; ANAPA.
hanging down. Ho-a-na-pa, s. Light from reflection;
Ho-a-Lu-a-Lu, v. See Hoatu and Atv. a bright flashing light, like lightning ; any
To be soft; flexible ; yielding. reflected or sudden light.
2. To bow down; to be humble. Ho-a-na-pav, v. To turn, as on hinges.
Ho-a-Lu-a-Lu, s. Softness; a yielding 2. To bend, as a flexible piece of timber;
to any pressure ; humility. to form a curve. See ANAPAU.
Ho-a-tu-a-Lu, adj. Hanging loosely; Ho-a-Na-Pau, Ss. See Anapav. A turn-
bending down; yielding. ing ; a place of turning ; a hinge joint; a
Ho-a-Lu-H1, s. Hoa, companion, and bending ; a crook.
luhi, fatigue from labor. A companion or Ho-a-Na-puu, v. See Hoanaanapuy
fellow laborer in any work or business, above. To crook, as a piece of timber; to
whether there be much or little fatigue; be uneven, as a rope of unequal size; to
eia keia, e 0’u hoaluhi. project; to make an angle. See ANAPUU.
Ho-a-ma, v. To begin to ripen, as ohias Ho-a-wa-puu, s. A crook; a bending;
and other fruit, but not yet soft. a protuberance.
Ho-a-wa, s. A hone; a whetstone; a Ho-a-no, v. Ho for hoo, and ano, form.
grindstone. 1. To reverence in the highest degree.
2. He hoana e paa ai ka waa, a polishing Mat. 6:9. To hallow. Oithk. 10:3." To be
stone for finishing a canoe. holy. Oihk. 11:45.
Ho-a-na, v. To rub, as with a stone; 2. To set apart; to consecrate; to lay
to grind, as with a grindstone. See ANAI. up,as a sacred deposit; to put by; to keep
back. See Hoanag.
But hookala is more often used for grind-
ing, i. e., for sharpening tools. 3. Hoano e, to set apart for a particular
2. To make believe; to make pretense. purpose, either good or bad; to keep back;
to conceal ; to embezzle property.
Ho-a-wa, s. The name of a species of 4. To dare ; to venture.
fish, large and singularly abrupt behind, 5. To be proud ; to be full of self confi-
as if cut off in the middle ; the diodon. dence. Kom. 2:17.
Ho-a-NA-A-NA-PUU, v. See Hoana, to 6. To change one’s appearance ; to ap-
Ho-a-NA-PUU, grind. To twist; to pear what one is not; to disguise. 2 Sam.
bend; to undulate, as the air.
2. To throw up in heaps. Ho-a-no, s. See the verb. Pride; self
confidence; a high, daring spirit. See Hoa-
Ho-A-NA-A-NA-PUU, s. A crooking; a Ano and AANo. Boasting of one’s bravery.
Ho-a-Na-PUU, bending ; an undu- See Haano.
lating motion; protuberances. See Anapwu. Ho-a-no, adj. Sacred. Puk. 3:5. De-
Ho-a-na-z, v. To lay up; to stow away voted to sacred uses. Qihk. 5:15, 16. Con-
for future use. 1 Pet. 1:4. secrated.
2. To set aside; to reserve. Jud. 6. To Ho-a-no-Ho, s. Hoa, companion, and
lay aside, i.e.,to conceal. Nore.—In Oihk. noho, to dwell. A neighbor; one who re-
8:12 hoana is printed for hoano, to sanctify, sides with or near by another. Jos. 20:5.
to consecrate, and in some senses hoana is
similar in meaning to hoano. Ho-a-pal-o, s. Hoa, companion, and
Ho-a-na-Hu-a, v. Ho for hoo, and ana- paio, to contend. An antagonist; a fellow
hua, stooping; bending. To stoop; to bend wrestler or fellow fighter. 2 Sam. 2:16.
over, as a tall, slim man who walks stoop- Ho-a-pa-o-NI-0-NI, s. Hoa, companion,
shouldered. See ANanua and Kananva. and paonioni, to struggle. <A fellow con-
Ho-a-na-nu-a, s. A tall, slim, stoop- tender. See PAoniont.
shouldered man. Ho-a-pa-pu-a, s. Hoa, companion, and
2. Anything like a humpbacked person. papua, to throw arrows. One who plays
See Kananua. with or bets with another in the game of
Ho-a-na-Kaa, v. Hoana, grindstone, and papua.
Ho-a-p1, v. See Hoakxt. Ho-a-we-a-we-a, s. A reddish color;
Ho-a-ri-0, s. Hoa, fellow, and pio, pris- an indistinct color, like the sea at times.
oner. A fellow prisoner. Pilem. 23. Ho-a-wE-A-weE-A, adj. Faded; discol-
Ho-a-pi-11, s. Hoa, companion, and pilz, ored.
to adhere. One who attaches himself to a I kikohukohu hoaweawea a ke kai.—Mele.
chief and goes with him constantly; a Ho-r, s. A paddle for a canoe; an oar
friend. Hal. 15:3. An attaché. Nore.— for a boat.
This was the name given to the late Gov- Ho-k-u-u1, s. A rudder.
ernor of Maui, from his attachment to Ka-
mehameha I. His original name was Ulu- Ho-r-Ha, v. Ho for hoo, and eha, pain.
maheihei. To cause pain; to give pain.
Ho-a-pr-p1, v. To be united together, as Ho-r-HA-E-HA, v. Ho for hoo, and eha-
two canoes, but not like a double-canoe; eha, the reduplication of eha. To give pain,
he waa aole i hoapipiia, he waa hookahi. bodily or mentally ; to vex; to harass; to
get one into perplexity ; to oppress.
Ho-a-po-no, v. Ho for hoo, and apono, Ho-r-HA-E-HA, S. Pain; distress, either
to approve. To pronounce blameless ; to
approve ; to find not guilty on trial. of body or mind ; vexation ; perplexity.
Ho-a-ro-no,. adj. Approved as not in Ho-r-HA-E-HA, adj. Painful; distress-
error ; right. ing; difficult ; troublesome.
Ho-a-wa, v. Ho for hoo, and awa, bitter. Ho-r-Ho-E£, s. See Hor. The shoulder-
1. To cause bitterness; to make bitter to blade, from its resemblance to a canoe pad-
dle ; ka iwi ma ke kumu o ka iwi uluna.
the taste.
2. Fic. To be hard ; to be cruel; to op- Ho-E-Ho-E, v. See Hoe, a paddle. To
press ; more often hoawaawa. row a canoe or boat here and there.
Ho-a-wa, s. Name of a tree or shrub. Ho-£-Ho-£, s. A wind instrument among
Hawaiians somewhat resembling the flute.
Ho-a-waa, s. The tackling or rigging Ho-E-Ho-E-NA, v. See Hornor above
up of a canoe, tying on the ako, &.; 0 ka
aha, he mea hoawaa ia, a e holo ai. and Ana. To play softly on the hoehoe;
Ho-a-wa-a-wa, v. Ho for hoo, and awa- 2. To be joyful. See Horne.
awa. See Awa. 3. To bore; to pierce through in boring;
1. To be bitter to the taste; to make e hoehoena iloko o ka pepeiao.
bitter ; to cause bitterness. Ho-E-Ho-E-NE, v. To be poor; destitute;
2. To be hard; to be cruel; to embitter sick.
one’s life; to curse.
‘Ho-r-uv, v. Ho for hoo, and ehu, to
Ho-a-wa-A-wa, s. Bitterness to the scare away.
taste. Fie. Hardship. 1. To drive or frighten away ; e hoehu i
Ho-a-wa-a-wa, adj. Bitter to the taste; ka puaa e ku mai nei, drive away the pig
severe ; cruel; hard. standing here.
Ho-a-wa-a-wa, s. Bitterness; sourness ; 2. To do a thing quickly.
badness. Ho-£-LE-E-LE, v. Ho for hoo, and eleele,
2. A rising in the stomach from sourness dark. To make black; to darken.
or other causes. Ho-k-LE-I-K1, s. Robbery; a lying in
Ho-a-wa-ui-a, v. For hoawaia, passive. wait to rob one; deceit; treachery.
To be bitter; to cause bitterness; to cause Ho-r-Lo, v. To urge on; to push along;
sadness, sorrow, suffering. See Awa and to cram down; e ohiki iloko.
AWAHIA. 2. To kindle up, as a flame; o ke ahi
Ho-a-wa-wa, v. Ho for hoo, and awawa, nana e hoelo wela.
a ditch. To make a ditch or furrow. See Ho-s-Lo, adj. Urging; throwing in.
Ho--.o-E-Lo, v. ‘To press on; to urge
Ho-a-we, v. Ho for hoo, and awe, to forward.
carry on the back. To carry on the back, Ho-r-m1, v. Ho for hoo,and emt, to lessen.
asa child or a person. See AwE and Lawe.
1. To cause a diminution ; to lessen.
Ho-a-we, s. Ho and awe, a burden. A 2. To shrink; to become blunt, as an
burden; a weight carried on the back. edged tool.
Ho-a-weE-a-wE, s. Anything made small 3. To return backwards; to fall behind.
or diminished. 4, To drive back ; to put down.
Ho-a-wE-A-wE-A, v. To discolor; to be Ho-r-m1-E-mi, vu. See Horm. To shrink
back, as the mind; to doubt; to hesitate.
colored a reddish brown, like red that is
faded. Ho-r-mu, v. Ho for hoo, and emu, to
HOI 172 HO!
throwaway. To cast away; to banish; to ing; hard and cruel oppression upon the
send away; to drive off; to drive off as weak and poor.
one drives off hogs. Ho-1-1-ma-ka, v. Ho for hoo, ti, to be
Ho-£-na, v. Ho for hoo, and ena, to hard, and maka, face.
rage, as fire. 1. To forbid or discountenance iniquity
1. To cause to burn ; to glow with heat. openly, but favor it secretly in practice.
2. To be in anger; to exhibit a high de- 2. To play the hypocrite. See Hort.
gree of anger. See Ena. Ho-1-0, s. A species of plant, the tender
Ho-r-NnA-E-NA, v. To glow, as stones leaves of which are used for herbs.
red hot in a fire. See Ha. Ho-1-0-LzE, v. Ho for hoo, and tole, a
Ho-s-ne, v. To sing; to be joyful; to mouse. To cause to rush upon; to seize,
play well on an instrument. as a cat does a mouse ; to hold fast.
Ho-E-NE, s. Pleasure; enjoyment; o ka 2. To force ; to compel.
hoene ku o ka uwe a ka lani. Ho-1-o-mo, v. Ho for hoo, and iomo, to
Ho-E-NE, v. To give an injection; e fall into the water without spattering. To
bung up; to stop, as with a cork or bung.
halalo ; to administer medicine.
Ho-g-nE, s. A syringe. Ho-1-v, v. Ho for hoo, and zu, to lay a
Ho-r-no, v. Ho for hoo, and eno, to be 1. To lay a kapu upon a‘person, place or
wild. Torun as wild; to be scary, as an thing ; to consecrate such person, place or
animal once tame, but has become wild. thing to a particular purpose.
See AHIU. 2. To create fear, as fear was connected
Ho--pa, v. Ho for hoo, and epa, to de- with this kapu.
ceive. To deceive; to cheat; to act basely 3. To be afraid. See Iv.
in everything. See Epa. Ho-1-u, s. Fear; trembling; anxiety.
Ho-E-pa-E-Pa, v. Freq. of the foregoing. Ho-1-n1, adj. Afar off; at a very great
To act out a general bad character; to distance. See Lorat.
steal; to cheat; to slander, &c. See Epa. Ho-1-Ho-1, v. See Hor. Used actively, to
Ho-r-wa, v. Ho for hoo, and ewa, to return a thing to its former place; to re-
turn aside. To be one-sided; to lean over; store; to bring back. 2 Sam. 19:10, 11.
to sway to and fro like an old grass house 2. To send back; to dismiss.
in the wind. 3. To change one thing for another.
Ho-£-waa, v. Hoe, paddle, and waa, 4, To return; to restore, as.a rebellious
people to their allegiance. 1 Nal. 12:21.
canoe. To row or paddle a canoe. 5. To return an answer; e hoihoi i ka
Ho-r-waa, s. An oarsman; one who olelo. Job. 35:4.
rows a boator paddlesacanoe. Laieik. 35. Ho-1-Ho-1, v. In a neuter sense, to re-
Ho-1, v. To return; to go back; with turn; to go back ; used for hot.
hou, to return again ; imperatively, e hoi, Ho-1-Ho-1, v. ‘To be pleased; to rejoice;
and 0 hoi, go back ; return. to be joyful.
Ho-1, adv. Also; besides; moreover; pleasure. 2. Hoo. To refresh; to assist; to give
2 Tim.1:16. To be greatly con-
indeed ; an intensive word; no hoi, also; soled. Heb. 6:18.
besides. 3. To reprove. 2 Tim. 4:2.
Ho1, s. The name of a vine bearing a Ho-1-Ho-1, s. Joy; gladness; good feel-
bulbous root, eaten in time of scarcity, ing; rejoicing ; cheerfulness. Rom. 12:8.
acrid to the taste. Gratification in a thing. Neh. 4:6. Me ka
Hoi, s. The name of a state of marriage hoihoi, me ka hauoli ame ka manao lana,
among chiefs. with good feeling, with joy and with hope.
Ho-1-1, v. Ho for hoo, and 2, parsimo- Ho-1-no-1, adj. Glad; joyful; gratified ;
well pleased.
1. To save; to gather together little
things. Ho-1-Hov, v. Hot, to return, and how,
2. To be close; parsimonious ; pinching again. To return again.
in a bargain. Ho-1-nov, s. In music, name of the char-
3. To squeeze or work out of another acter signifying a repeat.
some little favor. Ho-1-Ho-rE v. Hoz, to return, and hepe,
4. To be hard upon; to oppress; applied backwards. To go back after an advance;
to begging for charitable purposes ;-o ka to return to former practices after a reform-
hookohukohu ame ka hoii a kanaka no ke ation ; to revolt, as one taken captive ; to
Akua. See Ir and Kan 3. turn back. Jer. 6:28.
Ho-1-1, s, Stinginess; closeness in deal- Ho-1-Kz, v. Ho for hoo, and tke, to know.
1. To cause to know ; to make known. |Ho-1-nar-nA, v. Ho for hoo, and inaina,
2. To show; to make a display; e unihi, anger. To cause hatred; to stir up anger;
e puka iwaho; to put outside for appear- to provoke one to anger.
ance; to exhibit; to explain, as a language. Ho-1-na-I-Na, v. See Ina. To ease off;
Ho-1-Ke, s. That which shows or is
to hang down; to crook.
‘shown; an exhibition, as of a school; a Ho-1-no, v. Ho for hoo, and ino, bad.
witness of an event; a witness in a court
of justice. Syn. with ikemaka, also hoike-
1. To curse one. 1 Sam.17:43. To vex;
maka, an eye-witness. Pilip. 1:8. | to harass; to harm; to injure; to cause
Ho-1-Ke, adj. Exhibiting; showing; 2. To make filthy ; to defile. See Ino.
making plain. ff Ho-1-no, s. Reproach; contempt. 1
Ho-1-ke, adv. Openly; visibly; clearly. Sam. 17:26.
Ho-1-KE-A-na, s. A showing; exhibiting. Ho-1-no, adj. Berena hoino, bread of
2. The name of the last book in the affliction. Kanl. 16:3.
Bible, Revelations. i Ho-1-No, adv. Mai olelo hoino, do not
Ho-1-xe-1-Ke, v. Ho for hoo, and zke, to revile. Puk. 22:28.
know. To know, more particularly than
hoike; to make known clearly; to commu- Ho-1-no-14, s. That which is contempt-
nicate knowledge; to point out truths or ible; a reproach; contempt. Kin. 30:23.
facts. = Ho-1-No-1-No, v. Ho for hoo, and inoino
Ho-1-u1, v. Ho for hoo, and 22, to strike; (see Ino), to deface. To disfigure ; to sad-
to hit. den; to disguise, as the face by austerity.
1. To cause to bring or to come upon Mat. 6:16.
one. Ho-1-nu, v. Ho for hoo, and inu, to
2. To place upon, i. e., to put on board drink. To give drink; to cause one to
a ship. drink ; generally written hohainu.
3. Tostrike upon, asaship upon a rock;
to go ashore; to strand. Ho-1-Po, ~ Ho for hoo, and ipo,
4. To fall to one, as property from a Ho-1-Po-1-Po, a paramour. To commit
parent; to inherit. See Itt. fornication or adultery secretly.
Ho-1-u1-1-L1, v. Ho for hoo, and zlizlz, to Ho-1-w1, v. Ho for hoo, and iwi, crooked.
collect. See Iwi, adj. To turn the eye-ball from its
1. To collect together, as things of any natural position; to turn the eyes aside;
kind in one place. to squint ; to be cross-eyed.
2. To lay up ; to heap together. Hoo. ‘This word is the causative prefix
Ho-1-L0, s. The season of the year to verbs; as, malu, to shade, hoomalu, to
answering to winter in more northern lati- cause a shade, to overshadow; pono, good,
tudes. right, hoopono, to correct, to make right;
2. Winter, the stormy season, from the akea, to be broad, hooakea or hoakea, to
interruption of regular trade winds. Loilo cause to be broad, i. e., to extend, enlarge,
is used in opposition to kau, the hot or &e. See Gram. § 33 and § 212, and the
summer season. The word is also written conjugations 7, 8, 11, 12, 15 and 16.
hooilo. ; ; ip This prefix, though originally adapted to
Ho-1-L0, adj. Wintry; pertaining to the verb, continues its influence though the
winter. Jer, 36:22. verb with its causative prefix becomes a
Ho-1-Lo-1-Lo, v. To guess before hand; noun, adjective or adverb. Ua hele oia i
to predict something future; especially, to ka hoike, he has gone to the exhibition; he
predict evil; to tell one when he was sick kanaka hoopunipuni, a man causing decep-
that he would die; ihoiloilo mai o mea ia’u tion, i. e., a deceitful man ; olelo hooino iho
e make,a ua ola; to give up a sick person la, he spoke causing reproach, i. e., he spoke
to die as incurable. reproachfully. Before words whose first
Ho-1-u1-Hu-nE, v. Ho for hoo, and ii- letter is a vowel, the last o of the hoo fre-
quently coalesces with the vowel of the
hune, poor ; destitute.
1. To make one poor; to deprive one of word following, particularly before a, e and
his property. 0; as, hoano for hooano; hoole for hooole,
2. To be humble; lowly. See Inmune. &c. (See the preceding pages, from the
word hoaa to hoo.) Some words have haa
Ho-1-L1-Ko-LE, v. Ho for hoo, and dikole, for their causative prefix instead of hoo;
raw skin. Like the foregoing, only more as, haaheo for hooheo (from heo, pride), to
strong. To make very poor; to deprive be haughty. This form seems to come from
of all comforts. See ILIKore. the Tahitian dialect. A few words take
Ho-1-m1, v. Ho for hoo, and imi, to seek. both forms for their causative, as hoonui
To search diligently. and haanui, from nui, to be large. Hoavwi,
to give, is used for hooawi, but haawi is| Hoo-au-au, v. See Avau, to wash. To
used oftener than either. wash the body; to bathe.
Strictly speaking, hoo in a Dictionary
should not begin a verb, but verbs having Hoo-au-a-Na, v. See AUANA,to wan-
this prefix should be set in their places, Hoo-au-wa-NA, der. To cause to wan-
and their meanings be modified by the hoo der ; to scatter ; to disperse, as a conquer-
as it occurs ; as, ike, to know, &c., hoo. or ing army disperses the enemy. Pass. To
ho., to cause to know, to show, to exhibit ; be dispersed.
ikeia, to be known, hoo., to be made known, Hoo-au-HEE, v. See Her and AvHEE,
to be shown ; ikeike, to know clearly, hoo., to run, as from an enemy. To disperse in
to make known clearly or frequently, &c.; battle ; to put to flight.
but a large class of words have been found 2. To pillage a conquered people.
beginning with the causative prefix hoo, 3. Fic. To be destitute; to be stripped
whose roots are not known or have not of everything as those formerly conquered
come to light, or are out of use. It is true, were; hence,
such a root might be assumed as being in 4. To be poor; to be destitute of every
existence or having once existed, as Greek comfort and resource.
Lexicographers often assume an obsolete Hoo-au-wa-Ha, v. See AuwaHa and
theme; but there would be much danger AvauwaHa. To plow; to make a long ditch;
in Hawaiian of getting the wrong word: to dig a furrow.
hence, we know not where to put such roots Hoo-au-wa-HA-wa-HA, v. Freq. of hoo-
unless we retain the hoo for the beginning
auwaha above.
of the word. This occasions some repeti-
tion, but it is hoped it will not be a serious Hoo-au-wa-na, v. See Auwana. To
inconvenience. The following words be- disperse, as a dog disperses a flock of goats,
ginning with hoo are such as were first or as a conqueror disperses his enemies.
found in that form and whose root was not Hoo-a-HA, v. So written for hoowaha.
known. They are now retained in that form To make or dig a trench, ditch or furrow.
because many are other parts of speech See Wana.
than verbs. Where the words beginning 2. To covet; to seize upon without per-
with hoo have been defined wnder their mission.
roots, the definitions here will be very short Hoo-a-Ha-a-Ha, v. To sit cross-legged.
and the reader referred to the root. Hoo-a-HE-wa, v. See Hoanewa. To
Ho-o, v. Ho for hoo, and 09, to pierce. pronounce one guilty; to condemn.
See the verb O. To pierce; to stab; to Hoo-a-H1, v. See Aunt, fire. To set fire
cause to enter; to thrust or put in.
to ; to set on fire.
2. To furnish; to supply. Job. 38:36.
2. Fic. To fire up; to be angry for a
3. To stretch out; to extend, as the hand
supposed offense; to be troubled with jeal-
to do a thing.
ous feelings.
Ho-o, v. To cause to enter; to put e To peck or dig into, as a bird with its
one’s hand in his pocket; hoo iho lai ka bill.
poi, kukulu iwaho. Hoo-a-Ho, v. See Ano, sticks for thatch-
Hoo-a, v. To break; to break up, as ing on. See also Hoano. To put the aho
fuel; to break to pieces. on a house; to tie on small sticks to hold
2. To vomit; to be sick at the stomach. the thatching of a house.
See Hoowa. Hoo-a-Hu, v. See Antu, to collect. To
Hoo-a, s. A breaking up; a separating. gather together ; to collect; to heap up.
Hoo-aa, Se The o and a coalescing 2. To put down; to leave.
Hoo-waa, give the sound of w. See Gram. Hoo-a-nu, adj. Gathered; collected;
§ 13:7, note. laid up.
1. To dig up, as a trench; to dig, as with 2. Dissatisfied, as with work imperfectly
an oo or spade. done.
2. To wander about without friends; to Hoo-a-KA, v. See Axa and Axa-
be destitute. Hoo-a-KA-A-KA, AKA. To cause to laugh;
Hoo-ar, v. See At, to break kapu. To to make one laugh.
break, as a law or kapu; to transgress. Hoo-a-Ka, v. See Axaka, clear. To
Hoo-ar-Ka-NnE, v. See Arkane. To make Hoo-a-KA-KA, explain; to make clear
friends. what is intricate; to make perspicuous;
Hoo-ar-puv-puv, v. See Arpuuruc. ‘To to expound.
make or constitute one an aipuupuu or Hoo-a-Ka-MaAl, v. See Axamat, skillful.
waiting servant; to act as a servant, par- To make wise; to be skillful at any art or
ticularly at waiting on the table. business ; to be intelligent.
2. To make a pretense of wisdom; to be ward; desirous of appearing conspicuous;
proud of one’s attainments. vain; conceited.
Hoo-a-kE-a, v. See Axea, broad. To Hoo-14-1-0, v. Hooia and io, really. To
enlarge; to spread out; to widen; to make prove, &c.; to substantiate as a fact.
broad. Hoo-1a-1-0, s. A pledge for something
Hoo-a-ta-La, v. See Anata and Hoa- promised. in. 38:20.
LaLa. To cry out, as the alala; to make Hoo-1-E-1-E, v. See lem, adj. To be
one cry. a vainglorious ; light minded ; fop-
Hoo-a-LE-A-LE, v. See ALE, a wave, and ish.
ALEALE. To stir round soft poi with the 3 2. To be quarrelsome.
fingers, as in eating poi; hence, Hoo-1-E-1-E, adj. Proud; vain; light
2. To eat poi. Syn. with miki. minded. See above.
3. To make the sea into waves. Hoo-1-1-kA, v. Freq. of tka. See Hoorxa.
Hoo-a-ti-a, v. See Ausra. To hinder; Hoo-1-0, v. See Hoota above. To prove;
mai hooalia mai oe; to stand in the way of to confirm.
another. 2. To think much of one’s self; mai ao i
2. To cause one to stop doing a thing.
na mea hewa—i ka hooio., i ka hookiekie.
3. To wait; to procrastinate.
Hoo-a-tur, v. See Aru, chief. To make Hoo-1-HA-I-HA, v. See Ina. To draw
tightly, as a rope; to be infent.
a chief; to establish one in office.
Hoo-a-Lo-Ha, v. See Aton, to love. Hoo-1-Ho, v. See Ino, to descend. ‘To
cause to descend; to go down; e hooiho
To cause to love; to make one’s self friends. ana ka waa i Oahu.
Hoo-a-Lo-HA-Lo-HA, v. See ALOHA, to Hoo-1-Ho-1-Ho, v. Freq. of tho, v. To go
love. To take pleasure in; to give thanks; down.
to bless.
Hoo-a-tu-a-Lu, v. See ALUALU, loose. Hoo-1-Ho-wa, s. See Hooro and Ana.
A road leading down hill; a descending.
To cause to loosen or slacken, as a rope;
to make one’s clothes loose. Hoo-1-Ka, v. See Ika, to float ashore.
Hoo-a-mo, v. See Amo, to carry. To To go ashore from a boat or canoe; to put
ashore, as from a canoe; to throw on a
cause one to carry or bear a burden.
bank from any water.
Hoo-a-nA-E, v. See Hoanoz. To set Hoo-1-Kar-ka, v. See Ikaria, strong. To
aside ; to set_apart for a particular use.
make strong ; in areciprocal sense, to make
Hoo-a-nt, s. A rumbling; a movement one’s self strong.
of wind in the bowels. 2. To strengthen ; to encourage; to ani-
Hoo-a-no-a-no, v. See Hoano. To be mate.
solemn, as with the idea that an invisible Hoo-1-KeE, v. See Ike and Hore. To
spirit was present. show ; to make known ; to exhibit; to en-
2. Tosolemnize the mind, as for worship, lighten.
or as in the presence of a spirit ; hooano- Hoo-1-x1, v. See 1x1, little. To make
ano wale mai no me he haili la e kau iho
small; to diminish ; to hold back.
ana maluna.
Hoo-a-po-no, v. See Pono and Hoa- Hoo-1-t1, v. See Ix, to strike. To hit
upon; to put upon, as to put on board a
pono. To pronounce not guilty, i. e., to
ship ; to place upon, as upon the shoulders.
Hoo-r-a, v. See Ea, to rise up. To lift Hoo-1-t1, adj. Articles of supply, as for
family use; he nui no ka maona ma ke
up ; to elevate.
kuaaina, he maona hooili; something to eat
Hoo-E-4-E, v. To read with a tone. and lay aside.
Hoo-gv, v. See Eu and Evev. To Hoo-1-ui-I-L1, v. See Int and Izu, to
Hoo-Ev-Ev, § animate ; to encourage; to collect. To collect in store ; to gather to-
excite. gether ; to gather in heaps.
Hoo-£-LE-E-LE, v. See Exe and Ete- Hoo-1-L1-NA, s. See Innva, burying place.
ELE. To make black; to blacken, like the An inheritance; property falling to one
gathering of clouds before a storm. from the death of a person.
Hoo-r-m1, v. See Emi. To draw back; 2. An heir; an inheritor of the property
to diminish in size or number; to lessen; of a deceased person. Hin. 15:3, 4.
to humble. 3. A burying place.
Hoo-1-a, v. For hooota. See O1a,v. To Hoo-1-Lo, s. The name of the rainy or
prove; to confirm; to make evident; to wintry months, in distinction from kau, the
confirm the truth of a thing. summer season ; also hoilo.
Ho-o1-o1, adj. See O1o1. Assuming; for- Hoo-1-Lo-I-Lo, vy. See Hozrzorzo. To
guess correctly ; to predict; to tell before Hoo-v-xa, adj. La hoouka, day of bat-
hand; especially to predict evil. tle ;day of attack. Job. 38:23.
2. To rejoice. Hoo-u-Ka-u-KA, v. Frequent. of hoouka.
Hoo-r-nu, v. See Inv. To give drink Hoo-u-Ka-u1, v. See Uxatt, to follow.
to; to cause to drink; generally written To cause to follow ; to follow after; to ac-
hoohainu. For the ha, see Gram. § 48. company by following.
Hoo-r-nar-na, v. See Ina, v., and Hot- Hoo-u-Ka-Na, v. See Uxana, goods to
NAINA. be carried along. To bundle up or pack
Hoo-1-r0, v. See Ivo, a mistress. To movable goods.
woo; to court; to solicit the affections of Hoo-u-x1, v. See Ux1, Uxtuxi and Na-
one; applied either to men or women. uki. To provoke; to do that which will
2, To cohabit secretly ;to keep a mis- offend.
tress. Hoo-v-x1-u-KI, v. See Uxi. To cause
Hoo-1-ro-1-Po, v. Freq. of the foregoing. one to be offended ; to insult.
Hoo-o1-01, adj. See Hooro1. Assuming; Hoo-u-xu, v. See Uxu, reward. To pay
desirous of appearing at the head; con- or discharge a debt; to pay a fine; to pun-
ceited ; vain. Isa, 3:16. ish or reward; hoopai.
Hoo-o-Lu-o-LU, v. See Otvotv and Ho- Hoo-v-xu, s. See Uxu. A recompense;
oLvotw. To comfort; to console one in payment; doing justice. Isa. 35:4.
affliction and pain; to give to body or Hoo-v-LAu-LAU-A-KA, v. To enjoy, as
mind; to please. the union of the sexes.
Hoo-v-a, v. See Ua, rain. To cause it Hoo-u-Lz, v. See Uns, to hang down.
to rain; to give or cause rain. To cause to hang; to swing.
Hoo-v-aa, or Hoo-u-waa, adj. Open ; Hoo-v-LE-v-LE, v. See Ute. To swing;
as a harbor; ¢ komo no na
free to enter, to hang pendulous; to ease off; to crook
moku manuwa iloko o na awa a pau i hoo- or turn down.
v. See Uut, to be dark col-
Hoo-v-a-u-a, v. To be tight; strong; Hoo-v-t1,
ored. To make black; to darken; to be
to draw along. green, as the sea; as a forest.
Hoo-v-a-H1, v. See Uaut, smoke. To
or vapor; to burst Hoo-v-t1-u-1, v. Intensive of the above.
cause smoke, steam
forth, like steam. Hoo-u-tu, v. See Uzv, to grow, as a
vegetable. To cause to grow, as seeds
Hoo-v-e, v. See UE and Uwe. To planted ; to sprout; to increase in size, as
Hoo-u-weE, cause one to cry; to cry out fruit.
for pain or grief. 2. To lift up; to release, as something
Hoo-v-r-u-E, v. Intensive of hooue above. fast; ma kahi e paa ai ka waa, e hooulu no
To cry out; to sob; to sigh; to grieve; to kekahi kanaka i ka waa.
mourn ; to cry long; to wail. Hoo-v-Lu-a, v. See Uva, to assemble.
Hoo-vz-vE, v. See UzvE,to shake. To To collect ; to assemble together, as men;
cause a shaking; to bend; to crook; to to collect together, as things.
move along a little. Hoo-u-tu-a, v. To sing in order to en-
Hoo-v-na, v. To draw tightly. courage men to work.
Hoo-v-Ha-u-na, v. To fatigue; to tire. Hoo-v-tu-v-Lu, v. See Utu and Utv-
Hoo-v-H4-Lu, v. To bring out; to unfold. uLu, to collect together. To collect to-
Hoo-v-HE-NE-HE-NE, v. See HENEHENE. gether, as men or things; to assemble in
a laugh secretly at one ; to mock ironic- one place.
ally. Hoo-U-LU-U-LU-WA, a Ulu, to collect,
Hoo-v-u1, v. See Uni, to cover up. To Hoo-U-LU-U-LU-WAA, and waa, canoe.
overspread ; to cover up ; to wrap up ; to To collect many canoes together in one
put out of sight by covering up. place.
Hoo-v-n1-u-H1, v. See Uni as above. Hoo-u-tu-nu-a, v. See Utunva. To
To cover up; to conceal in various ways ; give trouble; to weary; to vex; to op-
to cover over; to hide from view. press; to wear out the patience of one;
Hoo-v-nvu-u1, v. ‘To trouble; to vex. mai hoouluhua i ke keiki.
Hoo-u-xa, v. See Uxa, to send; convey. Hoo-v-Lu-Lu, v. E hooululu akua, to
To put or lay upon, as to lade a horse or make pretensions of being a god, or hav-
other animal ; to put on board a canoe or ing a god in one.
vessel; to freight; to send property by ship.
2. To attack, as an enemy; to make an Hoo-v-LU-MA-HI-E-HI-E, v. See ULuma-
attack ; to rush upon, as in battle. HIE.
Hoo-v-m1-x1, v. See Umm, a gourd. To.| Hoo-waa-waa, v. See Haa, short, and
awell out round and full,as a large gourd.| Haanaa. To make low; to humble; to
Hoo-v-mi-k1-m1-k1, v. Intensive of the|__abase; to make bumble.
above. Hoo-Haa-HAA, adv. Humbly; modestly.
Hoo-u-na, v. See Una, to send. To! Rom. 12:3.
cause one to go on business; tosend on an Hoo-naa-nu-l, v. See Haanut. Haa,
errand. causative. and nui, to be great. To boast;
Hoo-u-na-u-nA, v. Intensive of una. To} to swell in glorying; to multiply words;
send frequently. to speak unintelligibly.
_2. To perform some part in the hoopio- Hoo-HAA-LU-LU, v. See Haaxvty, i. e.,
pio or anaana. Ha, prefix, and Lvu.v, to shake. To shake;
3. To ask or urge one to do a thing; to tremble, as one in great fear. Nore—
aole o’u manao e hoounauna aku ia olua, It appears from this and other words that
Laieik. 21. the causative prefix haa is more ancient
Hoo-u-nE, v. See Uns, to pry up. To than hoo, for we have here lulu, to shake,
pry up. as with a lever ; to lift by prying. and haalulu as a causative form, and this
seems to have been incorporated with the
Hoo-v-NE-u-NE, v. Frequentative of hoo- word: since, however, the more modern
une. To pry up. causative hoo has been prefixed, thus the
2. To deceive. word has two causatives.
Hoo-u-noo, v. See Unoo, not well Hoo-Hak, v. See Haz, wild. To be wild;
cooked. To be not sufficiently cooked; savage; to provoke to anger.
2. To be raw; to be red, as raw meat. Hoo-HAE-HAE, v. See Harnarz. To
make one angry; to provoke; to tease; to
Hoo-v-no-u-noo, v. Freq. of the above. vex ; to trouble.
Hoo-u-pu-u-pu, v. See Uru, to desire. Hoo-wa1, v. See Hai, proud. To be
To desire strongly ; to covet; to lust after. proud; to strut about; to look down upon
Hoo-u-wa, v. See Uwa, to shout. To others.
cause to cry out; to shout; to be clam- Hoo-Hat-Hal, v. Intensive of the fore-
fee ee Teas f th going. See Hamar. To be proud; vain.
~U-WA-U- . Intensi a

ac. bie ve of "| Hoo-Ha-r-L, v. See Haru. To be of a

dark color; to be dark ; dim to the sight.
Hoo-v-wa-ul, v. See Uwant. Lit. Uahi. 2. To take the appearance of a spirit.
To rise up, as a column of smoke. 3. To be transformed, as one taking a
Hoo-v-we, v. See Uwe, to cry. To new form.
cause to cry; to make one cry. Hoo-na-i-nu, v. See Inv and Hainv.
Hoo-u-wE-kE, v. To open. See WenE. To give drink to; to cause one to drink;
Hoo-u-wE-we, v. See Hooveur. Tobe to quench one’s thirst by drinking.
fickle ; to move about; to shake. Hoo-nao-HAo, v. See Haonao,to search.
Hoo-u-wE-u-wE, v. To sound, as a bell; To seek ; to cause a search after a thing;
to sound, as a musical instrument. to hunt after.
Hoo-v-wE-NE, v. Tospeak ina Hoo-nav-o-11, v. See Havout, joy. To
Hoo-U-wE-NE-WE-NE, small shrill voice, cause joy ; to rejoice.
like a weak dying person. Hoo-HAv-HI-LI, v. See Hix, to wander,
Hoo-v-wi-u-wi, v. See Uwi, to wring; and Havniur. To cause a blundering in
to twist. To wring ; to squeeze ; to twist. speaking ; to talk foolishly without regard
to truth.
Hoo-u-wi-u-wi, s. The name of a shade
tree ; he laau malumalu. Hoo-HAvu-KaE, v. See Hauxag,asloven.
To be a sloven, or to act ina slovenly man-
Hoo-u-wi-k1, v. See Uwi. To squeak, ner ; to be base in one’s conduct.
as new shoes; to grind the teeth.
2. To cause to shine through small holes.
Hoo-nav-mi-a, v. See Havumua, filthy.
See Uwikt. To defile; to pollute; to cause to be un-
clean ; to contaminate ; to deface; to dis-
Hoo-u-wi-u-w1-k1, s. See foregoing 2. EEE

Very small holes.

Hoo-Hau-na, v. To deceive; to entice;
Hoo-Haa, v. See Haa, low; short. To to insnare.
cause to be low; to humble; to be unlike 2. To clasp around.
another ; e hoohaa, e ano e. 3. To seize with the hands, as something
Hoo-naa, v. To be deceitful; to get difficult to hold.
one’s living by cheating. Hoo-Hau-na, v. To stuff the vagina in
2. To be lazy; to live in a careless manner. ee order to produce abortion.
Hoo-Hau-Na-E-LE, v. See Haunak.e. Havawana. To refuse assent to the terms
To cause a disturbance ; to get up a riot; of a bargain; to break off a bargain; to be
to do mischief in a mass. displeased with the proposed conditions of
Hoo-HaA-U-wa-U-wa, v. See Uwa and another ; to break a promise.
Uwatwa, to gabble. To talk all together;
2. To turn aside; not to listen to what
to make confusion by a multitude talking
one says.
all at once. 3. To find fault with a proposal or offer.
Hoo-Ha-Ha, v. See Hana, to strut. To Hoo-HA-La-HA-LA-WA-LE, 5. A complaint
be obstinate ; opinionated. without cause ; an unreasonable objection
z. To be proud; high minded; to strut;
to a proposal.
to act the dandy; to strut, as a cock tur- Hoo-Ha-La-La, v. See Hoowara above
key; he kanaka hoohaha, hookano, haaheo, and La, day. Lit. To cause the day to
noho wale, aole hana; he hoohaha kana pass away.
hele ana; to strut, as a person of conse- 1. To pass off the time; to spend the day.
quence. Jer. 48:29. 2. To endure for the present day ; ap-
3. To beat down; to pound; to make plied to sick persons; ua pono kou mai?
hard, as the bottom of a salt pond. Ans. Aole, he hoohalala wale no, no ka
Hoo-na-Ha, adj. Covered up; shaded; make. Applied to the hungry ; he ai anei
ka oukou? Aole, he hoohalala wale no—
overshadowed, as by clouds; ina i poipu
ka lani, a aneane makani ole, he hoohaha ia. he kamau ea. Applied also when one has
but a little food, just enough for the day.
Hoo-Ha-Hal, v. See Hana, to follow.
To pursue ; to chase: to follow after.
Hoo-Hs-Le, v. See Hare, house. To
rest in a house; to stay in a house ; to re-
Hoo-Ha-HAv, v. To make believe; to ceive one into a house; to lodge; to solicit
pretend to be what one is not; to put on one to be a host or friend. See Hoarkans.
the dress and appearance of another; e Hoo-Ha-LE-HA-LE, v. Intensive of the
hoano, e hoohaili.
foregoing. To sink down, as the stomach
Hoo-Ha-Hu, v. To make even; smooth; when hungry, or like a house roof fallen in.
level. 2. To be hungry; to suffer with hunger.
Hoo-HA-HU-HA-HU, v. Hoo-Ha-LE-kKI-PA, v. See Hatexipa. To
Hoo-Ha-Ka, v. See Haka, full of holes. entertain, as a guest; to receive into one’s
To be open ; to be full of openings, cracks house, as a friend.
or spaces. Hoo-wa-LE-PA-PAA, v. See HaLepapaa.
Hoo-Ha-KaA-HA-KA, v. See Haxa. To To shut up one ina tight house; to inclose;
open ; to be full of holes or cracks. to secure by putting in a tight house; to
2. Fic. To open, as the ear; to give at- store ; to put in a store-house.
tention to what is said. Hoo-Ha-ul, v. See Haus, to carry. To
Hoo-Ha-xa-Li-a, v. See Haxauia. To cause to bear ; to carry.
detain; to delay; to lengthen out the time. 2. To transfer to another person or to
Hoo-Ha-Ka-nu, v. See Haxanu. To be another piace.
speechless ; silent; unsocial. 3. To carry the words of one to another;
Hoo-na-ke, v. See Hake. To break, as to put words together.
a boil; to thrust; to push; to cram in. Hoo-wa-L1a, v. To stir up, as anger ;
Hoo-Ha-k1, v. See Haxt, to break. To hoohalia mai i ka inaina.
cause to break; to break, as a stick or a Hoo-Ha-Li-HA-LI, v. Intensive of halz.
bone. See the foregoing. To carry or bear, as a burden; to carry
Hoo-Ha-xo-1, v. See Haxor. To cause frequently.
water to dash wave against wave, or against Hoo-HA-LI-KE, v. See Like and Haixe.
the sides of a vessel. To cause to be like; to resemble; to make
2. To be agitated, as water in a dish un- similar.
steadily carried. Hoo-HaA-LI-KE-LI-KE, v. Freq. of the fore-
3. To swell and rise up, as water. going. See Hauike. To make alike; to
4. To be agitated, as the mind. divide equally ; to equalize.
Hoo-Ha-La, v. See Hara, to miss; to Hoo-HaA-LI-KE-LI-KE, s. A resemblance;
pass on. To cause to miss the mark; to likeness ; a similarity.
dodge ; to turn aside.
‘rein transgress ; to go beyond. Nah. Hoo-wa-tu, v. See Haru. To be or be-
come poor or thin in flesh.
3. To pass by the house of a friend; mai Hoo-Ha-Lu-a, v. To watch an opportu-
hoohala oe ia ia, do not miss him, i. e., in nity for mischief; to lie in wait. Jos. 8:4.
throwing a spear at a man. Wither to kill or rob.
Hoo-Ha-La-wa-La, v. See Hara and 2. To act as a spy; to go secretly to do
a thing; to rob; to watch for an opportu- 2. To resuscitate; to revive from fainting.
nity to see or speak toa person. Lateile.77. 3. To snuff up, as the wind.
Hoo-na-Lu-a, s. An ambush; an am-|Hoo-wa-par, v. See Hapat, to lift or
buscade. Jos. 8:2. Poe hoohalua, liers in raise up. To conceive, as a female; par-
wait. Lunk. 9:25. allel with hoohanau. Nah. 11:12. Nort.—
Hoo-na-Lu-HA-Lu, v. Freq. of hoohalu. Hoohanau and hoohapai are both factitious
See Hatu and Haunatu. ‘fo be poor in words and of modern date, and are not
flesh ; to be thin; to be hungry. after Hawaiian idiom, as the Hawaiian has
no words properly signifying to conceive as
Hoo-wa-Lu-Lu, v. See Harutv. To a mother, or to beget as a father; at least
cause a roaring like thunder, or a heavy no such words have yet been discovered.
wind; to rage; to make a rumbling sound.
Hoo-HEE, v. See HEE, to melt; to flow.
Hoo-na-mo, v. See Hamo, to rub. To To cause to melt; to flow, as a liquid.
cause a rubbing, as with the hand; to be- 2. To cause to flee; to put to flight; to
smear, as with oil. rout, as an army. See AUHEE.
Hoo-nA-mo-HA-mo, v. See the above. To Hoo-HEE-HEE, v. Freq. of hoohee. Also,
feel with the hand frequently; to rub over; to make angry ; to vex; to be wild.
to anoint. Hoo-HEE-wa-LE, v. ‘To melt easily; to
Hoo-wa-na, v. See Hana, to work. To run into liquid.
cause to work; to do service for another; 2. To flee or run away; to act the cow-
to compel to work, as aslave; to encourage ard. See Houe.
to work. Hoo-HE-HEE, v. See HEE, to melt. To
Hoo-Ha-nau, v. See Hanav, to bring melt away ; to run, as a liquid; to liquify,
forth young. To cause to bring forth, as as any hard substance.
a female. Nore.—The word was mostly Hoo-HE1, v. See Het, a snare or net.
used in connection with the application of To set a net or snare; to be entangled in
medicines designed to effect premature par- @ snare.
turition. 2. To beset with difficulties.
2. In modern times hoohanau has been
used in the sense to beget or cause to be Hoo-HEI-HEI, v. To sound or strike on
born; not used by Hawaiians themselves the drum.
in this sense. Hoo-HeI-HEI, s. A drum; a playing on
Hoo-wa-nt, v. See Hani, to approach. the drum.
To come near to so as just to touch; to Hoo-nE-o, v. See Heo, pride. To be
pass softly by. proud ; vaunting ; lofty.
Hoo-Ha-ni-na, v. See Hoowanimant. Hoo-HE-HE-0, v. See Heo. To swell
Also, to turn a little so as to allow one to out; to be large, as a woman with a large
pass in a narrow road. pau.
Hoo-Ha-ni-Ha-ni, v. Freq. of hoohkani. Hoo-HE-u, v. See Hev, a beginning.
To tempt slightly to adultery; to make To open a speech: to commence a talk.
gentle advances. Hoo-HE-HE-Lo, v. See Heneto. To be
Hoo-Ha-ni-NI, v. See Hantni and Nini, proud; to be proud of one’s appearance or
to spill. To pour or run out, as water from dress ; to be deceitful.
a vessel; to cause to flow, as water; also, Hoo-HE-KI-LI, v. See Hexizi, thunder.
as tears; ua hoohaniniia na mapuna wai- To cause it to thunder.
maka, the fountains of tears overflowed. Hoo-wE-LE, adj. See Hetz, to move.
Laieik. 203. Movable ; moving.
Hoo-na-no, v. See Hano, to be still; Hoo-HE-LE-HE-LE, VU. See HeLe and
undisturbed. To honor; to exalt; to be MAHELE. to divide. To go between; to
vain; to be haughty ; to be self-glorious. divide ; to separate by cutting, as cutting
Hoo-na-No-Ha-No, v. See Hano. To cloth with shears.
exalt one’s self above others; to conduct Hoo-HE-LE-LEI, v. See HELELEI, to scat-
haughtily ; to raise one to honor. ter. To scatter, as in sowing grain; to
throw away.
Hoo-na-nu-a, v. See Hanua, plane;
level. To live independently; to have Hoo-HE-MA-HE-MA, v. See Hema, left
enough ; to be supplied. (hand.) ‘To be unfurnished ; unprepared;
2. To be level; plane, as low level not ready.
ground. See Honua. 2. To be wanting in some important qual-
ity or thing.
Hoo-wa-nu-HA-Nu, v. See Hanv, to 3. To cause a destitution ;.to deprive of.
breathe. To cause to breathe frequently; 4. To dislike and take no care of; ap-
to draw the breath in and out. plied to all things not desired.
5. To set no value upon; hoohemahema 2. Fie. To be intent on evil; ehana mau
i ka waiwai, waiho wale a lilo ia hai. ma ka hewa.
Hoo-HE-mo, v. See Hemo, to loosen. -Hoo-n1-a-mog, v. See Hiamos, to sleep.
To make loose; to loosen; to set at liberty. To cause one to sleep.
Hoo-HE-Mo-HE-Mo, v. Freq. of the above. 2. To be lazy ; to be weary ; to be dull.
To make loose. Hoo-uI-a-po, v. See Hiaro. To be con-
Hoo-HE-mu, v. See Hemv, to drive away. stituted a first born; to have the privileges
To scare away; to frighten; to drive off, of a first born.
as hens, pigs or other animals. Hoo-ni-E, v. See Hix, excellent. To
Hoo-HE-NA, v. See Hena, thigh. To see, make or cause to be excellent; to be grand
feel or handle the thigh; to take off one’s to look at.
clothes. 2. To be proud; to be haughty; to carry
Hoo-HE-NA-HE-NA, v. Intensive of the a high head.
foregoing. Toact lasciviously; to uncover Hoo-u1-E-HI-E, v. See Hirumm, pride, &c.
one’s nakedness; to dress so as to show To show a proud behavior; to act proudly.
the hena. Hoo-nn, v. See Hu, to carry a child.
Hoo-HE-NnE, v. See HENE, mockery. To To lift up, as a child in the arms to carry.
cause mockery ; to show contempt. Hoo-n1-0, v. See Hio, to lean. To cause
Hoo-HE-NE-HE-NE, v. See the foregoing. to lean or slant from a perpendicular; to
To cause laughter at another’s expense or bend over.
feelings ; to mock ; to vilify. 2. To stagger in walking.
Hoo-HeE-pa, v. See Hepa, to be silent. Hoo-Ht-o-Lo, v. See Hioxo, to fall down.
To be mischievous ; to be careless; to imi- To overthrow ; to cause to roll down or
tate another. away ; to throw down; to demolish.
Hoo-HE-pa-HE-PA, v. See Hoonera. To Hoo-n1-v, v. See Hiv, strong; fierce.
talk improperly, as imitating the talk of To be wild; to be fierce; to be untamed.
foreigners. 2. To be unfriendly ; to be unsociable.
2. To mispronounce words or miscon- 3. To fear; to be afraid.
struct language ; e hookahuli i ka olelo. Hoo-1-H1, v. See Hint, to entangle. To
Hoo-He-wa, v. See Hewa, wrong; cause entanglement; to get entangled in
error. To condemn; to convict of crime any way.
or misdemeanor ; to accuse one of crime; 2. To desire to get what is another’s.
to punish. See AnEWwA. Hoo-u1-n1, adj. Offensive ; imjurious.
Hoo-HE-wa-HE-wa, v. See Hoonewa, Hoo-ni-n1-a, v. See Hrnta,: entangle-
to cause to do or be in error. To forget; ment. To get one into difficulty ; to en-
to mistake; to forget the name of a person. trap ; to hold fast.
2. To mistake one person for another; Hoo-nI-HI-u, v. See Hoonmtu above. To
to be doubtful with regard to a thing.
cause fear ; to be fearful; to make afraid;
3. To be slightly deranged ; to be delir-
hence, to make or be wild; to be untamed.
ious; but notso strong as hehena or pupule.
Hoo-HE-wa-wa-LE, v. See Hoonewa Hoo-n1-Ka-ka, v. See Hixaka, to stag-
and WALE, gratuitously. To condemn with- ger. To lean this way and that, as a rick-
ety grass house; to lean over.
out cause; to oppress; to injure. Nors.—
2. Tostagger in walking, like a drunken
This word is often divided into two words
in writing, and perhaps should always be.
Hoo-ni-k1, v. See Hix1, to come to. To
Hoo-u1, v. To open; to dissolve; to arrive at a place, especially at a place
act as a cathartic ; e hoomama. designated.
Hoo-ni-a-HI-a, v. To be good; honora- 2. To vow; to swear to a fact; toadjure
ble ; noble in aspect and deportment. on oath.
2. To have the outward appearance of a 3. To swear at; to reproach; to revile;
gentleman without the substance. mostly with ino.
3. To be proud and vain. See Hoomant. Hoo-n1-K1, s. A vow; a promise; a
Hoo-n1-a-La, v. To eat with greediness; prayer; a swearing. Oihk. 5:1. Hoohiki
to cram down food ; to swallow, as one in-
wahahee, a false swearing. Othk. 6:3.
satiate. Hoo-n1-K1-nI-K1, v. To bear or carry fre-
2. In a moral sense, to swallow down in- quently ; to carry a little at a time.
iquity; no ka mea, ke hoohiala ae nei oukou Hoo-HI-KI-LE-LE, v. See HIKkiLeLE, to
i ka hewa iloko o oukou iho.
startle. To startle one; to cause one to
Hoo-H1-a-La-at, v. Hoohiala and ai, food. jump; to startle with affright; to wake one
1. To stuff with food. suddenly, as from sleep.
Hoo-u1-ta, v. See Hina. To cause |Hoo-no-no, v. To force out; to emit
shame ; to be ashamed. wind.
Hoo-n1-La-HI-LA, v. See Hitania. ‘To |Hoo-no-Ho-no, v. See Hoxono, strong
be timid; modest; fearful, as a bashful| smelling. To give or cause a strong offen-
person ; hence, to be affected with shame ;| sive smell, like tar, sulphur and decaying
to make ashamed ; to act with modesty;| fish.
to put one to shame, by his own superior- |Hoo-Ho-Ka, v. See Hoxa, disappointed.
ity. Laieik. 138. E hoohilahila aku ai ia} To cause a mistake or error; to disappoint
Laieikawai. one.
Hoo-ni-La-ni-La, adj. Bashful; modest, |Hoo-1o-xa-no-Ka, v. To make frequent
as a backwoodsman; he hoolua nui ke kua-| mistakes or blunders ; to be disappointed.
aina, he hoohilahila. Hoo-Ho-LE-PAA-HAA, v. To preserve for
Hoo-n1-La-LA, v. See Hivara, to bend; | another.
to crook. To bend, as the slim branches |Hoo-H0-11, v. See Hout, to do first. To
of a tree with the wind; to curve; to bend ‘ a. ‘ .
round, as a hook. come out, as the first beard of a young man.
yAB ke gs fir ing.
Hoo-n1-i1, v. See 2 Hix, to wander. ,To Omak
See Hoonsv. one's Ate fa itt
wander from the right path; to wandel to Hoo-Ho-Lo, v. See Hoxo. to run. To
go here and there without object. * : . :
cause to run; to run along a road.
Dagar BEL, v. See Hi. To cause 2. To move in various ways; to sail; to
wander often. : : set sail, as a vessel ; to ride on horseback.
2. To besmear with blood; to defile with 3. To thrust the hand into, as into the
blood. bosom ; to stretch out the hand, as in ges-
Hoo-HI-LI-v. turing.
Hoo-ni-Lo, v. See Hizo, to twist. To 4. To agree, as a deliberate assembly ;
cause to twist ; to spin or twist, as a cord. | __to pass, as a vote ; to confirm an assertion.
Hoo-nt-tu, v. See Hixu, to be glorious, |Hoo-Ho-t0, s. A rider on a horse; a
To exalt; to praise; to dignify. horseman; more generally united with lio;
Hoo-u1-Lu-n1-Lu, v. See the foregoing. Hoa Adi
To exalt; to praise ;to honor; to dignify. | 41O00-HO-LO-LI-0, S. orseman; Cavalry.
Hoo-nt-pa, v. See Hira. To vow; to Hoo-Ho-Lo-Mo-ku, v. Holo and moku,
perform a vow. ship. To sail or to direct the sailing of a
2. To speak falsely. ship ; applied either to the master or men.
Hoo-n1-pa, s. Affection; attachment. |H0o-Ho-Lo-mo-xu, s. Holo and moku, a
v. To blunder in speak- sail.‘
ack One who sails or causes a ship to
ing ; to speak falsely.
Hoo-n1-puu, v. See Hiruv, a little bag Hoo BO 70, M- See Howv, to bend. To
or bundle for carrying provisions. To |Wen: to arch; to crook ; to be flexible.
make up into a bundle; to bundle up for | **00-HO-LU-HO-LD, v. See Hot, to bend.
carrying. To bend, as a flexible piece of timber; to
Hoo-n1-wa-uI-wa, v. See Hiwa, black; | Ho = ms 7 so. T
acceptable to the gods. To be acceptable | 00-HU, v. See Hu, to rise. Lo cause
to the gods; to be dear; to be greatly be-| to rise ; to swell, as leaven.
loved ; to honor; to treat as beloved or < LS op a ps sb
precious. . st uddenty.
Hoo-no, v. See Ho, to cry out. To shout = Ne peraewigs! platen! a kalo patch.
or cry out, as a single person; to call after , tog % ma
ings ; a Hoo-nu-a, v. See Hua, fruit. To cause
2. To exclaim with many voices; holo| 0 Swell, as a bud; to produce fruit, as a
. ka moku makai, hele na kanaka maukae|_ ttee; to bring forth, as a female.
hooho hele ai, the ship went on the sea, the 2. To tease or vex by begging; to resort
men went on shore with vociferation. often to one for favors. i A
3. To make the low noise of a horse. 3. To persevere in, as in any habit; ke
. hoohua nei ke noi a na kanaka i kela mea
Hoo-no, s. A shout; an exclamation of i keia mea; hoohua kanaka i ka inu rama,
_ joy; to triumph. 1 Tes. 4:16. j men persevere in drinking rum.
Hoo-no-a, v. See Hoa, to drive cattle.| Hoo-u-a, v. Perhaps hoohuwa, to
To challenge; to dare one to fight; to pro-| lengthen out the time. To persevere long;
voke to anger. ; to continue in a practice; to retain a habit,
Hoo-Ho-a-Ho-a, v. Frequentative of the | _good or bad, especially the latter.
above. Hoo-Hu-aEz, v. See Hu. To cause to
overflow ;to have more than enough; to| Hoo-Hu-o1, adj. Causing jealousy; dis-
allow to escape. trusting one’s faithfulness; he mea hoohuot
Hoo-nu-a-Hu-A, v. See Hua, to swell. ia Halaaniani ka nalo ana o Laieikawai.
To cause to enlarge; to increase; to grow See Laieik. 128.
in size. See Manuanua. i ‘ Hoo-Hu-nu, v. See Hu and Hunv, anger.
Hoo-Hu-a-Hu-a-LAU, v. To question m To make angry; to provoke; to be very
sport or derision, the person questioned angry.
being ignorant of the design. Hoo-nv-Hv-k1, v. To act as a man and
2. To puzzle with captious questions; to his wife when they quarrel and she sets out.
throw difficulties in the way of explana- to leave her husband and he catches her
tion ; to talk strangely. and they have a tussle, that is, to hoohu-
3. To make one’s self strange; to pre- huki; e hoonanai, e hookano.
tend not to be acquainted. Hoo-nu-1a, v. To destroy; to finish up;
Hoo-Hu-A-HU-A-LAU, adj. Puzzling; cap- to punish; to tremble for fear.
tious ; olelo hoohuahualau, insidious ques- Hoo-nvu-Le1, v. Eng. To cry out hurra
tioning. (hu-re)! to ride rapidly on a horse and ery
Hoo-nu-a-HU-A-LAU, v. To question with ut hurra!
belief or with unbelief; o ka poe hooma- 0-HU-LI, v. See Hurt, to turn. To
loka, hoohuahualau mai i ke akua noho, the turn; to change; to cause an overturn;
unbelieving question the existence of the to express in another manner the same
resident gods. thing.
Hoo-HU-A-HU-A-A-NA-LAU, v. To ques- Hoo-Hv-.i-HU-LI, v. See Hutiabove. To
tion captiously, &c. See above. change; to turn; to put in order; to over-
Hoo-nu-a-KA, v. To smoke tobacco con- turn ; to mix up.
stantly. Hoo-nu-na, v. See Huwna, to conceal.
Hoo-nu-a-KE-E0, v. See Hua, jealousy, To hide; to secrete; to conceal.
and Kato or Krro. To be evilly disposed; Hoo-Hu-NA-HU-NA, v. See above. To
to cherish a bad disposition. hide frequently or thoroughly.
2. To reject a proffered gift; to turn
away with disdain ; to be displeased. Hoo-nu-NE, v. See Hung, to tease. To
3. To consent against one’s will; to con- tease; to beg often; to ask something from
sent in anger. another ; to entreat a favor ; to persist in,
Hoo-nvu-a-KE-E0, S. Pride; disdain; con- as in a bad habit.
tempt for one. Hoo-xa, v. See Ka, to dash; to strike.
Hoo-nv-a-tt, v. See Huatt, to glitter. To dash ; to strike; to cause to kill.
To shine with brightness ; to glitter with a Hoo-xaa, v. See Kaa, to roll. To pay
pure white. out money ; to pay a debt.
2. To make pure; to cleanse ; hence, to 2. To roll; to cause to roll, as a wheel.
be shining. 3. To turn over often in bed; to toss in
Hoo-Hu-E-Lo, v. See Hueo, the tail of distress or sickness.
an animal. To lengthen out; to make small 4. To throw over or down a precipice,
by drawing out in length. i. e., to roll down it.
Hoo-nvu-1, v. See Hut, to unite. To Hoo-kaa, s. See above. The payment
cause a union between two or more things; of a debt.
to add to ; to add on; to annex. 2. The rolling of a wheel.
3. A throwing anything down a preci-
Hoo-nu-or, v. To wonder. pice.
Hoo-nvu-1-po, v. To go in the night Hoo-KAA-0-KO-A, v. Kaa and okoa,
without a light. Hoo-KaA-Ko-A, other; different. The
Hoo-nvu-o1, v. See Huot, jealousy. To first orthography is preferable. To make
be jealous; to feel jealous towards another a difference ; to place one side; to sepa-
for some real or supposed advantage; ina rate; to abstain from; to let alone. See
i noho lakou me kekahi alii, hoohuot kekahi HOoKAOKAO.
alii, if they had lived with a particular Hoo-Kas-KaA, v. See Kaaxaa, to open.
chief, another chief would have been jeal-
To open, as the eyes; to cause to open; to
ous. cause one to see by opening the eyes.
2. To allow to touch; to permit to blow 2. To cause to roll, i.e., to ride in a car-
upon, as the wind. Laieik. 17. riage. See Kaa, a wheel.
Hoo-nv-o1, s. Jealousy; 0 ka hoohuoi o Hoo-Ka-a-Na, v. To make tame or gen-
na kanaka ame na’lii i na misionari, the
tle; to follow after one.
jealousy of the people and chiefs respecting
the missionaries. Hoo-kaa-wa-LE, v. See Kaaand Waxg,
only. To roll off; to separate ;to make a| Hoo-Kau-KAu-Lu-a, v. See the forego-
space between. ing. To wait; to procrastinate.
2. To divide off ; to cause a division. Hoo-xau-ma-HA, v. See Kaumana. To
Hoo-kaa-wi-t1, v. See Kaa and Wit, lay a burden upon one; to be hard upon;
to twist. To cause to turn or writhe, as in to trouble ; to oppress.
pain ; hence, to be in severe pain. Hoo-xau-wa, v. See Kauwa,a servant.
Hoo-xakE, v. See Kaz, to rub out. To To make a servant of; to cause one to
hate ; to dislike ;to treat contemptuously; serve or to be a servant; to act in the
to reject. capacity of a servant.
2. To blot out; to kill; to destroy ; to Hoo-KAU-WA-KU-A-PAA, 0. See Kauwa
take away life ; ina i hookae mai ke Akua and Kuapaa, to make one’s back rough.
i ke ola o ke kino, if God should take away To serve with rigor ; to act under,
and live
the life of the body. in hard bondage.
Hoo-kakE-kaE, v. To daub over; to Hoo-kau-wa-ku-A-PAA, S. Hard service;
paint badly ; to defile ; to pollute, as food, cruel bondage.
books, mats, &c.; mai hookaekae i ka mo-
ena, don’t dirty the mats.
Hoo-Kkau-wo-wo, v. See Kavowo and
Kauwowo, to branch out and spread, as
Hoo-ka-E-0, v. See Karo and Keo, to vines. To cause to grow and increase, as
be quick tempered. To stir up anger in vines or vegetables of rapid growth; to
one; to provoke ; to show an evil disposi- grow thriftily, as vines or plants.
tion. 2. To cause to multiply, as a people.
Hoo-ka-E-0-E-0, v. Intensive of the fore- Hoo-xa-Ha, v. See Kana, to seize. To
going. extort property from another ; to cheat.
Hoo-xa1, v. See Kat, to displace. To 2. To seize upon what is another’s.
waste ; to destroy ; to put away. 3. To take property with the owner’s
Hoo-xar-1, v. To harden. knowledge, but without his consent.
2. Tobe hard in a bargain; to be close; Hoo-xa-wA, s. An extortioner ; one who
to be stingy. strips people of their property. Luk. 18:11.
Hoo-ka-o-Ka-0, v. See Kaoxao. To put Hookaha is the result of keuko, lia, iini, &c.
one’s self forward; to be prominent among Hoo-xa-HA-ka-HA, v. ‘To put on many
many others; makemake no oia e hookao- clothes, as children; to make a great show.
kao iaia. Laieik. 91. 2. To make a great heap of kapas on
Hoo-xav, v. See Kau, to hang or put which to sit or be carried, as in former
up. To put up upon; to go up; to place times.
one thing upon another ; e hookau hiamoe, 3. To make a display ; to exhibit finery.
to fall asleep. Laieik. 143. Hoo-ka-HA-KA-HA, s. A display; an ex-
hibition ; a celebration ; hana iho la ia i
Hoo-xau-a-HE, v. Kau and ahe, light, hookahakaha no kana poe wahine,he made
gentle, as a light breeze. To fly softly or an exhibition of his wives.
gently, like a kite. Hoo-ka-Ha-Ka-HA, adj. Superb; fine ;
Hoo-Kkau-nu-a, s. See Kaunua. The nice : making a display as a dandy.
forming or growing state of the young in Hoo-ka-wE, v. See Kane, to spill water.
the womb. Anat. 2. To water; to cause water to flow over land;
Hoo-xau-Kau, v. See Kav, to put upon. to cause to flow, as a liquid; to irrigate.
To put up; to ascend upon; to cause to Hoo-ka-HE, s. A flowing, as of blood.
arise ; to lift up a thing, as a child in put- Hoo-xa-HE-a, v. See Hea and Kanga,
ting him on a horse. to call out. To cause to cry out; to call;
2. To gather, as clouds before a rain. to raise the voice in calling.
Hoo-xau-Kau, s. See above. The gath- Hoo-ka-HEE, v. See Hee and Kanes,
ering of clouds before a rain regarded as to slip or slide off. To cause to slip away;
a sign of foul weather. to slip off; to flow off.
Hoo-Kau-La-na, v. See Kavrana, to be Hoo-ka-HE-KA-HE, v. Freq. of hookahe.
renowned. To make a person or event To water, as land; to cause to flow, as
known as famous; to send abroad a report water ; to wet; to drain, as land.
concerning a person or thing; to make
famous. Hoo-ka-HE-LA, v. See KAHELA, to bend
round; to curve. To come along, as the
Hoo-Kavu-Lu-a, v. See Kavtva, to be swell of the sea when it comes along the
slack. To procrastinate; to delay ; to de- western coast of Hawaii from the south; to
tain; to be slow in obeying a command. flow along, as a high swell of the sea.
2. To be in doubt; to hesitate about
doing a thing ; to postpone a work. Hoo-KA-HE-LA-HE-LA, v. See KawsLa
and KuneLta. To bend round: to curve, like two cocks in fighting; to strike with
as passing round a cape. spurs, as a cock.
Hoo-Ka-HI, v. See Kant, one. To be or 3. To scratch; to make marks.
cause to be one; to divide by individuals. |Hoo-KA-KA-HE-LE, v. E hoopopololei,e
2. To make one, i. e., to resemble; to be hooinainau, e hookawowo.
similar or like something else. 2 Vill.| Hoo-KA-KE-KA-KE, v. ‘To wipe or wash
18:12. E imi kakou ma ka mea e hookahi | imperfectly or slovenly, as a table or dishes;
ai ka manao ana, let us seek to unite our) in washing clothes when one daubs on soap
thoughis into one. and hardly washes it off, it is said, he hoo-
3. To attend to one thing ; to make one kakekake kau hana ana, aole pau ka lepo.
out of many. 2. To mix medicine with food in order
Hoo-xa-Hi, s. A oneness; a unity; a! to take it.
being only one. eal ¢ 3. To daub or paint over carelessly, as
Hoo-xa-u1, adj. One; only one, in dis- in coloring a map.
tinction from many. 4. To blot over.
Hoo-xa-u1, art. One of the semi-definite _Hoo-KA-KE-KA-KE, adj. Muddy; dirty;
articles; a; an; one; only one. Gram.§ pehea ia wahi, maikai anei? Aole, he hoo-
63, 65, 3. kakekake wale no.
Hoo-Ka-HI-KA-HI, v. See Kant, to rub; Hoo-xa-xa-1a, v. See Kara, rough. To
to comb. To anoint: to daub over. make rough; to have many protuberances;
2. To rub ; to polish. to be rough with sharp points.
3. To comb. 2. To sharpen; to grind onastone. |
Hoo-K4-HI-0-HI-0, v. See Hio, to lean |Hoo-KA-KA-LE, 0. To make soft or
over. To cause to lean over a little. spongy ; to be soft; to be flexible, like the
2. To be a little intoxicated so as to comb of a cock.
stagger some. Hoo-ka-Ka-NI, v. To have the itch; to
Hoo-xa-HI-Ko, v. See Kauixo, to be old. | be sore. See Mrav.
To return to conversation and manners of |Hoo-Ka-La, v. See Kata, rough. To
ancient times ; to talk of former times ; to | sharpen; to grind, i.e., to rub on a stone
imitate ancient manners. for sharpening ; to grind, as a tool.
Hoo-Ka-HI-KA-HI-Ko, v. Frequentative Hoo-Ka-La-Ha-La, v. See Katanata,to
of the above. pardon sin. To cause to pardon sin; to
Hoo-Ka-Ho-KAl, v. To mix together two | make an atonement. Nah. 16.
ingredients, as flour and water, spittle and | Hoo-xa-La-ku-pu-a, v. To lie in wait;
earth. to ambuscade for the purpose of robbery;
Hoo-xa-Hv-u1, v. See Hutiand Kanctt, | to act the part of spies.
to turn; to change. To change the out- 2. To entrap one in his words.
ward form of a thing; to turn over; to turn | 3. To observe or watch slily as one plots
upside down; to overthrow. mischief.
Hoo-KA-HU-LI-HU-LI, v. Frequentative of Hoo-xa-Lakz, v. See Karas, clear sky.
the above. To clear off, as clouds after a rain; to open,
Hoo-xa-Hu-Na, v. See Kanuna, a pro-. as the clouds that the sky may appear; to
fessional man. To act in any profession ;_ be clear, as the sky.
to act the artisan, the priest. the doctor, &c. | Hoo-Ka-Lal, v. See Karat, to hew. To
Hoo-Ka-HU-NA-HU-NA, v. See Howna, a| cause to hew; to cut, as wood or stones
small particle. To be little, small or fine. | into some shape.
See Hunanuna. Hoo-Ka-La-KA-Lal, v. See the above.
Hoo-ka-KA, v. See Ka, to dash; strike. | To cut off; to smooth, as the inside of a
To break up, as wood for fuel (anciently | canoe.
Hawaiians had no axes for cutting fuel.) Hoo-Ka-La-Ll, v. See Karat. To go
2. To strike against; to dash; to break | quickly and straightforward.
up fine. 00-KA-LE-KA-LE, adj. Lying; deceit-
Hoo-ka-Kaa, v. See Kaa, wheel. To ful ; treacherons. ‘
turn, as a wheel: to turn round. Hoo-xa-u1, v. See Kaur, to delay. To
Hoo-xa-xaa, s. The dark involving of. cause to wait; to wait; to delay; to wait
clouds before a storm; the rolling together | for something.
of clouds; a thick atmosphere before a_ Hoo-xa-.i-Lo-Li-Lo, v. See Kaito. To
storm. draw near to death; to have the last symp-
Hoo-xa-Ka-na, v. See Kana, to write; toms of death ; to die. ,
to scratch. To strike; to dash against. 00-KA-LU-HI, v. To bend; to vibrate,
2. To pierce, as on coming in contact | as a leaf in the wind.
HOO “ 185 HOO
2. To ogle ; to bend and twist, as a fop |Hoo-ka-NA-KA-MA-KuU-A, S. See KANAKA-
or a vain woman; e hookaluhi waiokila. MAKUA. The state of being mature, as a
Hoo-xa-ma, v. See Kama, a child. To young person of either sex; being grown
adopt, as a child; to make the child of an- up. Laieik. 28.
other one’s own. Hoo-ka-NA-KA-NA-IE, v. To quicken; to
Hoo-ka-ma, s. An adopted child. hasten ; to urge on. See HOoKANAHE.
Hoo-xa-mA-HAO, v. See Kamanao. To Hoo-ka-NA-LE-0, v. To try hard to walk
be or do something wonderful; to be trans- straightly, as one who wishes to disguise
formed: to take a new form, especially a his drunkenness.
more splendid one. Hoo-Ka-NA-LU-A, v. See KANALUA, to be
Hoo-ka-ma-KA, adj. Asa prostitute, liv-| in doubt. To be in doubt; to hesitate;
ing in a state of prostitution ; he hooka- to be fearful.
maka kekabi mea nui ma kahi alii. Nore.— | 2. To stalk about in a proud swinging
This may be an erroneous orthography for | manner.
hookamakama. |Hoo-ka-na-wal, v. See Kanawat, law,
Hoo-kKA-MA-KA-MA, v. See Kamakama. | &e. To be enraged at; to set off from one
To prostitute one’s wife or daughter for in anger; to dislike one who has been a
pay; to prostitute one’s self for money ; friend ; hookanawai aku Ja ia i kona wahi
to make one a prostitute; to behave lasciy- i hele ai, aole e hele hou; hookanawai aku
iously. la i na makamaka.
Hoo-ka-mMa-KA-MA-KA, v. See Hoomaka, | Hoo-xa-NE, v. To make a special friend
to begin. To prepare the way for doing a) of a man; applied only to a woman.
thing ; to begin to do a thing. 2. To keep a lodging house.
Hoo-ka-MA-La-NI, v. See Kamarani. To! Hoo-xa-n1, v. See Kani, to make a
make one a favorite, especially one that| musical sound. To sing; to sing for joy;
appears unworthy to every one else except to make a musical sound.
the chief; to treat, as a doting parent a | 2. To ring a bell; to play on an inatru-
disobedient or mischievous child; to lavish | ment of music.
favors on a bad child. | Hoo-ka-NI-KA-NI, v. See the foregoing.
Hoo-xa-ma-nI, v. To have a very good To play the ukeke ; to strike on anything
external appearance, as any substance, but to make a sound.
internally worthless. 2. To sing often.
2. Applied to persons, to be deceitful; 3. To make a noise, as a multitude of
to act the hypocrite ; to make hypocritical voices and instruments preparatory to a
pretensions; to be a worthless person under mokomoko or boxing match: a noho malie
a pleasant exterior. na kanaka, alaila, hookanikani pihe mai,
Hoo-xa-ma-ni, s. A hypocrite. penei.
2. Hypocrisy; guile. Hal. 32:2. Hoo-Ka-NI-PI-HE, v. ‘To make a great
Hoo-xa-Ma-NnI-HA, v. See Kamanina, to noise, as in an assembly for the hula and
be rude. To be rude; to be rough; to be other assemblies; alaila, hookanipihe mai
wild ; to be unsocial. kela aoao o ka aha,
Hoo-ka-Na-HAl, v. See Kanauatl, to de- Hoo-xa-no, v. See Kano, to be proud.
crease. To be small; to be stinted; to To be proud; to be lofty in demeanor; to
make small; to make less; to reduce in be haughty.
size; to humble somewhat. See next word. 2. To abstain from; to let alone; to
spare ; to treat with affection.
Hoo-Ka-na-HAvU, v. To be small; to be Hoo-Kka-no, s. See Kano. Haughtiness;
depressed ; to make less.
pride; self sufficiency.
Hoo-ka-nA-oE, v. To push forward; to Hoo-ka-PAE, uv. See Karas, to pervert.
urge on; to quicken; to hasten in doing a
thing. See KAaNanr. To turn off; to push aside; to parry off;
to render ineffectual, as an argument.
Hoo-Ka-NA-HE, v. To drive or urge for- 2. To conceal under one’s Kapa.
ward ; to accelerate movement; to hurry; Hoo-ka-PE-KE, v. See Karexe, to be out
to quicken.
of joint. To unloose; to uncover; to send
Hoo-ka-NA-HU-A, v. See Kananu,, forth.
crooked: stoop-shouldered. To bend up- 2. To lay aside, as property; to conceal.
wards, as a crooked rafter. 3. To take off; to remove, as the cover
2. To rise above water, as a whale’s back. of a calabash ; hookapeke i ka waiwai, to
3. To bend; to crook; to be humpbacked. lay aside property ; hookapelce i ka poi, to
Hoo-xa-Na-KA, v. See Kanaka, a man. take off the cover ; hookapeke i ka waa, to
To be or act like a man; to be brave; to conceal the canoe.
be manly ; to OA the part of a brave man. Hoo-xa-PE-KE, s. Putting on a dress
and yet being exposed, an incentive to boast. To honor one’s self; to be proud
lewdness ; eia kekahi mea e moekolohe ai, of one’s skill at any business; to be vain-
o ka hoohiehie a 0 ka hookapeke. glorious; to think much of one’s self.
Hoo-KA-PE-KE-PE-KE, v. See above and Hoo-xE-o, v. See Keo, white. To make
KAPEKEPEKE. white ; to whiten.
Hoo-xa-pu, v. See Karu, prohibition. Hoo-xe-o, s. A long calabash.
To prohibit; to forbid; to put under an Hoo-kE-0-KE-0, v. See Kzo, white. To
interdict. cause whiteness ; to be white.
2. To consecrate; to make sacred; to Hoo-KE-u, v. See Kev, a remainder.
set aside for a particular use. To have over and above; to have or make
Hoo-Ka-pu-Ka-Pu, v. See Kapv. Inten- a remainder.
sive and frequentative of the foregoing. Hoo-kE-Ha, v. See Kena 3, to be puffed
Hoo-xa-pu-H1, v. To take care, as the up. To be puffed up; to be proud; to be
kahu or nurse of a chief’s child; applied self glorious.
only to chiefs. Nore.—tThis is said to be Hoo-KE-HA-KE-HA, v. See above and
a word peculiar to Oahu.
Kena. To be proud; to be high minded ;
Hoo-xa-pu-u1, s. A nurse of a king’s or to imitate a chief in manners and dignity.
a chief’s child; e na haumana, ame na Hoo-KE-KEE, v. See KEEKEE, crooked.
kumu, ame na hookapuhi, ame na kahu. To crook; to bend; to pervert; to spurn;
2. The kahu of an animal, as the master to make crooked.
or owner of a dog; e imi ma ka hanuhanu
ana ka ka ilio e loaa’i ka hookapuhi, to Hoo-kE-KEF, adj. Crooked; warped ;
seek like the dog’s smelling to find the bent, naturally or morally.
master. 2. Displeased ; offended at any neglect.
Hoo-xa-wi-u1, v. See Kaawiti and Ka- Hoo-kt-La, v. See KEtxA, to extend be-
WIL, to twist. To twist; to turn. yond. To exceed; to go beyond; to be
00-KA-wo-wo, v. See Kawowo 9, to higher ; to be more.
roar. To make a slight rumbling noise, as Hoo-xe-La, s. The name of a month.
by moving the feet, drumming with the Hoo-kE-LE, v. See Kets, to slip; to
fingers, &c.; to rustle, as leaves in the slide along. To sail, as the master of a
wind ; to roar, as a waterfall. ship or canoe.
Hoo-xz, v. See Kez, to force; to com- 2. To direct or steer a ship or canoe; to
pel. To crowd together, as at the door of a hold the helm.
house (as formerly); to elbow; to edge on 3. To praise ; to extol.
by degrees. Hoo-xE-LtE, s. A steerer of a canoe.
2. To get possession in a foreign country Laieik. 45. See HookELEWwAA.
without permission ; applied to many for- Hoo-KE-LE-KE-LE, v. See KeEzg, to slip,
eigners who have crowded themselves in ; &c. To slip or slide easily.
to push aside any person or thing that is 2. To sail about for pleasure in a canoe
in the way. or boat.
3. To get one into difficulty; to struggle 3. To bathe a child near dead with famine.
against opposition. 4. To scatter water ; to wet mats; e hoo-
4, To abstain from; to let alone; to leave kelekele i ka moena.
untouched. Hoo-KE-LE-waa, s. The helmsman of a
_ 5. To blow the nose. canoe.
Hoo-xe, s. A struggling against diffi- Hoo-ke-pa, v. See Kepa, to snatch at.
culty ; an urging on. To snap or snatch at with the teeth; to
Hoo-xe-al, v. Hooke and ai, food. To prick like a spur.
abstain from food ; to fast. Hoo-x1, v. See Ki, to shoot, and Hoo-
Hoo-kE-E-0, v. See KEEo, to be angry. KIKI. To spill; to drop.
To be quickly angry ; to be wrathful; to 2. To shoot a gun.
be quick tempered. Hoo-x1-£, v. See Kite, high. To lift up;
Hoo-kEE-KEE, v. See Kexer, crooked. to be high. See Krexrr.
To make crooked ; to crook ; to bend. Hoo-x1-£1, v. See K1et, to look sharply.
2. To do wrong ; to pervert right. To cause to peep ; to look slily at.
Hoo-xz1, v. To set one’s self above Hoo-xk1-E-KI-E, v. See Kise and Kiexie,
others literally; to take a higher seat; to be high. To elevate; to lift up.
morally, to be proud ; to be self exalted; 2. To be proud ; to be high minded ; to
alaila, hookei iho la ke kahuna nui nana i lord it over another.
kai ka aha. Hoo-k1-E-kI-E, s. Pride; haughtiness ;
Hoo-KEI-KEI, v. See Ket, to glory; to overbearing conduct. Nah. 15:30.
HOO > 187 HOO
Hoo-xu, v. See Ku, to go after. To to do it; malia i hookina ai kuu kane ia’u
cause to go for a thing ; to cause to fetch ; i ka inu awa, perhaps my husband will
to go after ; to take hold of; to seize. compel me to drink awa. Laieik. 208.
Hoo-xu, v. To grow thin in flesh; to 3. To pour down fast, as rain.
dissolve ; to disappear. Jer. 34:4. Hoo-xi-Na-KI-NA, v. Frequentative of
Hoo-xu, s. Thinness of flesh; consump- kina.
tion. Kanl. 28:22. Leanness. Hal. 106:15. Hoo-x1-no, v. See Kino; body. To em-
Hoo-xu, adj. Thin; lean in flesh. body ; to give body, form or solidity toa
2. Close ; parsimonious. thing; to take a shape; hookino ai ka
honua, he gave the earth a body or shape.
Hoo-xu-ku, v. To swell out, as the See HookikINo.
breast ; as the stomach ; to rise up. Hoo-ki-pa, v. See Kira, to turn aside.
Hoo-x1-0, v. See Kio, a pool; a puddle. To turn in to lodge.
To spread out; to enlarge. 2. To entertain with hospitality ; to in-
2. To assemble together, as water in a vite to enter one’s house.
lake or pond. Hoo-x1-pa, adj. Disposed to entertain
Hoo-x1o-k10, v. See Kioxto, to play on strangers ;kanaka hookipa, a man liberal
a pipe. To pipe; to play on, as a fife; to in entertaining strangers ;wahine hookipa.
play on any wind instrument. Tos. 2:1.
Hoo-ki-HEe, v. See Kine,to sneeze. To Hoo-k1-r1, adv. See Kirt, rebel. Rebel-
cause to sneeze. 2 Nal. 4:35. liously ; treacherously. Kani. 13:6.
Hoo-xi-m1, v. To defend off; to reproach; Hoo-ki-wi, v. See Krw1, to crook. ‘To
to persecute ; to put one under a law. crook or bend, as a horn.
2. To pull along ; to fall down.
Hoo-x1-Ku, v. See Hooxuxn above.
Hoo-k1-wi-kI-wI, v. See K1wiabove. To
Hoo-kI-HI-KI-HI, v. See Kimi, corner; pull along ; to seize hold of; to fatigue.
edge, &c. To branch out; to make many 2. To hook on to; to crook.
"eave to make the sides of a figure irreg-
ular. Hoo-ko, v. See Ko, to fulfill. To fulfill;
Hoo-x1-x1, v. See Hooxt, to spill. To to carry out, as a contract; to fulfill, as an
agreement or promise.
spill; to drop, as water; to squirt or throw
water, as a fire-engine. Hoo-ko-a, v. See Koa, a soldier. To
act the soldier; to be brave; to be strong;
Hoo-ki-Ki-Na, v. See Kina and Kixtna, to be fearless.
to send one on an errand. To send on an
errand with dispatch; to command; to Hoo-xo-a, v. For hoookoa. See Oxoa,
order ; to hurry. another. To make another.
2. To scold; to be angry. 2. To divide; to distinguish; to separate.
3. To leave suddenly, as ina great hurry. 3. To whirl ; to turn round.
4. To put off; to postpone.
Hoo-x1-k1-No, v. See Kino, body, and
Hooxwwo. To make or cause a body; to Hoo-xo-£, v. See Kor, remainder. To
embody. cause some to remain; to be over and
Hoo-x1-Lo, v. See Kito and Haxino, to above ; to be left after some are taken ; to
reserve ; to set aside.
look earnestly. To spy; to evesdrop or
overhear ; to act as a spy upon those who Hoo-ko-E-ko-E, uv. See Korxog, cold.
do wrong; e hookilo i ka hewa. To cause to be cold ; to be cold and wet;
2. To watch, as one who is doing wrong; to be chilly.
to watch slily. Hoo-Ko-E-NE, v. See Korn, shelter;
Hoo-x1-Lo, v. To grow thin and spare; rest. To cause rest; to cause quietness;
to waste away, as one in the consumption; to be free from trouble.
hookilo kino ole, wiwi. Hoo-ko-1, v. See Koi, to urge on; to
Hoo-x1-mo, v. See Kimo, to strike. ‘To compel. To speak in a rough harsh voice;
seize ; to catch up; to grasp, as the hand to make rough or harsh; to urge; to drive
does a stone. on.
Hoo-x1-mo-ki-mo, v. To be oppressed; Hoo-ko-1-ko-1, v. See Korxoi, heaviness;
to be weighed down; to be weary; to be weight. To make heavy literally or mor-
near fainting. ally ; to oppress ; to treat with rigor.
Hoo-kr-na, v. See Kina, to urge on. Hoo-ko-1-Ko-1, s. A bearing of a burden;
To make one heavy or sad; to oppress ; the act of making one sad ; putting one in
to make weary; to put one burden on after circumstances very disagreeable and griey-
another; to add one command after an- ous to be borne.
other. Hoo-ko-I-Ko-I-PU-A-HI-0-LE, v. To make
2. To urge one to do a thing; to compel great pretensions of forbidding iniquity,
. HOO 188 HOO
and at tiesame time to practice it secretly. 3. To draw near to a chief to inform
Nore.—This is a new coined word adapted against one.
to modern times. 4. To approach humbly to ask a favor..
Hoo-ko-I-NE, v. See Kone, to hasten. Nore.—In ancient times all persons sent
To be calm, as the mind; to be at rest; to for by a chief as suspected or accused of
be quiet. an offense, and all who came to a chief to
Hoo-Ko-Ho-ko-La, v. To rejoice at the ask a favor, approached him on their hands
and knees, crawling from a distance.
overthrow of one’s enemy; to be glad at
his discomfiture. See Hoonarkota and Hoo-ko-Lo-ko-Lo, v. Intensive of the
ATKOLA. above. To call to account.
Hoo-xo-Hu, v. See Kouv, to agree ; to 2. To question with the design of elicit-
ing some fact; to investigate by question-
be alike. To resemble ; hookohu ke keiki ing.
a Daniela i kona makua; to cause a re- 3. To try an accused person ; to hold a
semblance; to make a likeness; to set court.
apart for one’s self.
Hoo-xo-nu, s. A favorite or chosen Hoo-ko-Lo-nu-HA, v. Hookolo and nuha,
to sit doubled up in silence. To sit bent
one; one appointed first to a post of duty. over in sullen silence ; not to reply when
LTxvieile. 104. spoken to; aole ou kapaka hookolonuha e
Hoo-ko-HU-Ko-HU, v. See the foregoing. like, you have no man sullen like him.
To ask with forwardness. Hoo-Ko-Lo-nu-HA, adj. See Koto and
2. To affect resemblance; to be assum- | Nuuwa, silent. Sullen; silent; refusing to
ing. speak. See example above.
5 To make advances to a woman with
@ view to have her for a wife. Hoo-Ko-mo, v. See Komo, to enter; to
4. To agree together. sink down. To cause to enter in various
Hoo-xo-ko, v. See Koxo, blood. To ways; to enter an aperture; to enter the
door of a house; to sink down into, as into
spill, as a liquid ; to flow, as blood. water.
Hoo-xo-xo-u1, v. ‘l'o be black and threat- Hoo-ko-Mo-Ko-Mo, v. See Komo and
ening, as clouds ; to lower. Komokomo, to enter. To cause to enter
00-K0-Ko-HI, adj. Running low; black; frequently.
thick ; threatening, as clouds; he ao hoo- 2. To be supplied, as with food ; to be
kokohi, a thick black cloud. satiated with eating.
Hoo-ko-ko-kE, v. See Kokoxke, near 3. To play at a game called komokomo.
either in time or place; to cause to draw Hoo-Kxo-na, v. See Kona, to be strong..
near; to approach. To be brave ; to dare ; to be bard upon.
Hoo-ko-Ko-LeE, v. See Ko Le, raw; un- Hoo-ko-n1, v. See Koni, to taste; to
cooked. To remain uncooked; unfinished. try. Totry; to experience; to make plain.
Hoo-Ko-Ko-Lo, v. See Koto, to crawl. 2. To ask or try a little by way of beg-
ging or making a bargain; to tempt.
To cause one to crawl or creep.
2. To stoop or bend down. Hoo-ko-nI-NI, v. See Kontni, to revive
Hoo-Ko-ko-No-IE, v. To be at rest; to from fainting. To cause to shoot up or grow
like a plant.
be quiet. 2. To swell, as a bud.
2. To stir up; to provoke. 3. To convalesce, as a sick person.
Hoo-ko-La, v. See Akoua and Arko.a, Hoo-Ko-no, v. See Kono, to invite. To
to triumph. To rejoice at the ills of an- invite ; to lead along.
other ; to express such joy.
Hoo-ko-La-Ko-La, v. To rouse up the Hoo-ko-No-ko-No, v. See Kono, to in-
vite; to urge. To set on; to urge, as dogs
sexual passions.
to fight. ;
Hoo-ko-LeE, v. See Ko sz, raw, as flesh. 2. To entice so as to force one to do
To make red, as raw meat; to look red; wickedly.
to make raw flesh. 3. To stir up or excite feeling in one.
Hoo-ko-LE-kKo-LE, v. See above. To 4. To send frequently to hurry one on;
make raw or red, as raw or fresh meat. to be induced to do a thing. Laieik. 128.
Hoo-xo-1i-L1, v. See Kouiut. ‘To flutter Hoo-Ko-no-Ko-no, s. A setting on, as
in the wind. dogs to fight; a getting up a difticulty be-
Hoo-xo-Lo, v. See Koo, to creep; to tween persons that they may fight and kill
crawl. ‘To cause to creep or crawl along; each other.
to walk bent over; to crouch. Hoo-xu, v. See Ku,to stand. To cause
2. To approach one with the intention of to stand ; to stand erect; to stick up in a
eutering into conversation with him. perpendicular position.
HOO 189 HOO ,

2. To decline; to withhold; to refuse; 2. To collect in one mass.

to be unwilling. 3. To unite by sewing, as cloth; e hoo-
3. To hold water with the paddles when kuikui i ka manai, a uo i ke kaula a lawa.
the canoe is sailing. 4. To resemble ; to be like.
Hoo-xu-a, v. To fail in one’s strength, Hoo-xvu-1-Ku-1, s. Something united or
as after much and long effort one’s spirits put together ; a sentence; a collection of
and strength begin to fail. words.
Hoo-xku-a-mi-a-m1, v. See Kuamiam1, the Hoo-xu-1-na, s. A uniting; a joining;
motion of a hinge. To make motions, per- aseam ina garment; he hookuina ami, a
haps indelicate ones, like a hinge. hinge joint. Anat. 18.
Hoo-ku-a-Nu-1, v. See Kua, back, and Hoo-xou-o-£, v. To cause to be or act
Nur, large. To cause the back to swell; the vagabond; to wander about without
to make one work hard ; to be severe ; to business or care; to live in poverty; to be
increase ; to enlarge, as a swelling. worthless.
Hoo-ku-a-KE-E-0, v. See HoonvaKeEo. Hoo-ku-o1, v. See O1 3. To limp; to
To act contrary to; to go to an extreme in walk with unequal steps.
anything because of anger, as when a little Hoo-ku-00, v. See Kuoo, to stand ready.
is asked and a great deal is thrown to him To stand ready; to be prepared for any
in anger. business or event; to be in readiness for a
Hoo-ku-E, v. See Kus, to resist. To call.
cause to resist ; to oppose ; to make oppo- 2. To assume great gravity for the sake
sition. of deception.
Hoo-ku-E-kKu-E, v. See the above. To Hoo-ku-o-Ha, s. A disease from the
excite anger; to stir up opposition; to grin illicit intercourse of the sexes. See Kuowa.
with a frown. Hoo-ku-o-Ko-a, v. See Kuoxoa,to stand
Hoo-kU-E-KU-E-MA-KA-NU-I, v. See above aside. To cause to stand aside; to put
with Maxkanul, great face. To grin most one by himself; to make another.
horridly with rage or anger. Hoo-ku-o-Lo, v. See Kuo to, to shake;
Hoo-ku-E-nE, v. See Kuene, to meas- to tremble. To shake; to be unsteady, as
with the palsy ; to have the palsy.
ure. To take the measure for laying out a
building ; to measure ; to lay out. Hoo-ku-o-n1, v. See Kuoni, to move
gently. To move a little; to move slightly
Hoo-ku-k£-ku-E-NE, v. See Kuene. To or easily ; to walk slowly ; to lag behind.
make way. Hoo-ku-o-no, v. See Kuono, a bay or
2. To wait on one.
gulf. To sink in, as the eye in sickness;
3. To move back and forth, as a fan in
to sink down; to indent, as the land on the
sea shore and cause a bay.
4. To cool one with a fan.
Hoo-ku-E-wa, v. See Kurewa, to wan- Hoo-ku-o-Nno-0-no, v. See Kuonoono, a
sufficiency. To be supplied; to have suf-
der. To wander about, as a vagabond; to
ficiency. >
go here and there without object; to be 2. To be quiet; to remain quiet a long
friendless. time ; to be well established.
Hoo-xu-1, v. See Kut, to join. To stitch 3. To put in order; to keep in order.
together, as with a needie; to stitch to- Hoo-ku-0-No-o-Nno, s. Persons living at
gether, as the five kapas for a pau or sleep- ease having a competency of the means of
ing kapas.
living; aole hune nui o ka poe hookuono-
2. To pierce, as in sewing cloth or kapa. ono, he lako lakou.
3. To join together, as letters in making
a word, i. e., to spell. Hoo-xuu, v. See Ku, to loosen. ‘To let
4. To meet together. go; to dismiss ; to send away; to release;
to let down.
Hoo-kv-1, s. A joining or connecting;
o kahi-mawaena o ka lani ame ka honua, Hoo-xuu, adj. Let down; loosened ;
ua kapaia he lewa, he hookui ame ka hala- dismissed.
wai. Hoo-kuu-Kuv, v. Freq. of above. ‘To let
Hoo-xu-1-Ka-u1, v. See Kuikant, to down, as a rope; to subside, or cause to
unite in one. To unite in one; to agree retire.
together. Hoo-ku-u1, v. See Kuni, to think. To
* To make a treaty of peace and friend- cause to guess; to suppose; to think.
ship. Hoo-xu-nI-HI, v. To entangle; to cause
Hoo-xvu-i-ku-1, v. See Kut, to unite. To to entangle. See Kanrut.
unite: to join together ; to put words to- Hoo-ku-HI-Ku-HI, v. Freq. of hookuhi.
gether, as in a dictionary. To guess ; to think ; to be uncertain.

Hoo-xu-Ho, v. See Kuno, the sound of} Hoo-ku-Na-Na, v. See HooxuLana, 2

a stone falling perpendicularly in the water. substituted for J. To step sideways; to
To sound short and quick, as a stone fall- stumble in walking.
ing perpendicularly in the water. 2. To hesitate in speaking ; to be unde-
2. To cough; to cough up from the cided.
throat. Hoo-ku-nou, v. See Kunou and Kutov.
Hoo-xu-KE, v. See Kuxe, to drive off. Lit. To stand bent. To bow, as the head ;
To throw away; to banish; to drive off. to nod, as the head; to wag the head, or
shake it in derision; to bow; to bend over.
Hoo-xu-ku, v. See Kuxu, stuffed with
food. To eat to uncomfortable fullness;
Hoo-ku-nu, v. See Kunu, tocough. To
to stuff with food. cause to cough; to make one cough; to
2. To have a sufficiency ; to eat enough. hack and cough. See HookuHo.
8. To eat food voraciously ; applied to Hoo-xu-pa, v. See Kura. To dig out;
many eating together ; applied to one per- to cut; to hew, as in digging out a canoe.
son it is hoonuu. Hoo-xu-pa, v. Eng. To be or work like
4, To try or fit on, as a garment. a cooper ; to act the cooper.
Hoo-xu-ku, s. Fullness of food; over Hoo-xu-paa, v. See Kupaa, to stand
eating. fast. To cause to stand fast; to confirm,
Hoo-xu-xu, adj. Full, as with food ; as an agreement; to make perpetual, as a
satiated. promise or covenant,
2. Fitted ;having a resemblance. Hoo-xu-pa-ku-pa, v. See Hooxura. To
3. See Ku, to stand. A standing up, as cut; to carve; to pare; to dig.
in the practice of boxing. Laieik. 46. Hoo-xu-PE, v. To tur, as one’s ankle
Hoo-xu-ku-ul, v. See Kutt, the knee. or foot in walking; hence, causing a stum-
To cause to kneel; to kneel down. bling.
Hoo-Ku-LA-NA-LA-NA, Uv. See KuLana- Hoo-xu-ru, v. See Kuru, to spring up.
LANA, to walk weakly. To walk or stand To cause to grow up, as a vegetable ; to
unsteadily. spring up, as a seed.
2. To stumble ; to recede back. 2. To pay or gather a tax; to pay a tax
Hoo-xv-u1, v. See Kuti, to be deaf. To or tribute.
turn away from hearing; to refuse to hear. 3. To accomplish; to perform.
2. To disregard one’s advice or instruc- 4. To give freely ;to make a present to
tion. one.
3. To bribe to disobedience. Hoo-xu-ru, s. A tax; a taxation; a
4. To give one’s property for an evil tribute to one in higher standing ; a pres-
purpose. ent; a gift; a gratification.
Hoo-xu-11, adv. Silently ;made to say Hoo-xu-pu, adj. Liable to taxation ;
nothing by a bribe, in the phrase moe hoo- mea hookupu, a tributary. Kanl. 20:11.
kuli. Taxed ; laid under tribute. Lumie. 1:30.
00-KU-Lov, v. See Kutou, tobow. To Hoo-KU-WE-KU-WE, v. See Kuexve,
bow down; to cower; to sit cowering.
Hoo-kv-E-KU-E, the knuckle or elbow
2. To cast the eyes downward.
joint. To elbow; to jog with the elbow;
Hoo-xu-tovu-xu-Lou, v. To bend over, to push.
as in sorrow or in pain. Hoo-ta, v. To withhold openly; to be
Hoo-xu-Lou-Lov, v. To bend over, &c. parsimonious.
See above. Hoo-ta, s. A kapa or Hawaiian cloth;
Hoo-ku-Lu-ku-LU, v. See Kut, to drop. applied mostly to single kapas; but on
To leak; to fall in drops; to drip; to Kauai, used instead of the word kapa gen-
sprinkle with water. erally.
Hoo-xu-ma-Kal-a, v. To cause an am- 2. A remnant; a piece.
buscade; to betray; to accuse an innocent Hoo-ta, v. For hooola. See Oxa, to re-
person. cover from sickness. To have ease after
Hoo-xu-Ma-k1-NA, v. To cause to wail, pain; to recover from sickness.
as persons for the dead. 2. To save from danger; to cure a dis-
Hoo-xu-mu, v. See Kumu, foundation. ease.
To settle; to root; to establish; to appoint 3. To deliver or free from death.
to a particular business or office ; to lay a
foundation. Hoo-ta, s. Used for hooola. Safety after
Hoo-ku-natr-na, v. To make a conquest; danger ; deliverance from peril ; salvation
as of a people. Pule. 14:13.
to conquer; to show an extirminating
spirit. Hoo-taa, v. See Laa, to consecrate.
HOO ‘191 HOO
To consecrate ; to hallow; to set apart for a bird; to flap the wings without making
a particular purpose, especially for reli- any advance, as an owl.
gious purposes. 2. To float in the air, as a kite.
Hoo-taa-Laa, v. For hoolala. See Lata, Hoo-La-Ho-La-Ho, v. See Lano, the
a branch; a limb. To branch out, as the testicles. To rub the testicles ;to practice
limbs of trees. onanism.
Hoo-ta-au, v. To ask, as a child for Hoo-1a-Hu-1, v. See Lanui, to prohibit.
food. To cause to be consecrated; to be made
2. To swell np, as the stomach. kapu ; to forbid the doing of a thing.
Hoo-LaE-HO-Nu-A, v. See LAg, the fore- Hoo-La-KA, v. See Laka, tame, as an
head, and Hownva, entirely. To bow or animal. To tame; to domesticate, as an
carry the face low, as one affecting great animal; to take away wildness by quiet
solemnity. friendly treatment.
Hoo-Lak-LAE, v. See LAE ag, clear. To Hoo-LA-KA-LA-KA, WU. See above. To
be clear ; to shine ; to be bright, as an un- make tame, &c.
clouded sky. Hoo-ta-ko, v. See Lako, a sufficiency.
Hoo-tar, v. See Lat, to be still. To ap- To supply ; to cause a supply; to be fur-
pease ; to quiet,as a mob ; to be quiet; to nished ; to supply for an emergency ; to
be still. prepare ; to get ready.
Ho-o-1a-0-La, v. For hooolaola. See Hoo-1a-ko-La-ko, v. Freq. of the above.
OLAOLA, the sound of the throat in drink- Hoo-La-La, v. See Lava and Hootsa-
ing. To gurgle, as water when drinking. LAA, to branch out. To branch out, as the
Hoo-na-0-a, )v. To tie up, as small branches of a tree; to divide off different
Hoo-La-o-wa, sticks for fuel. ways.
2. To lay the foundation of a work; to
Hoo-ra-o-a, s. A hook for catching eels. commence a job.
Hoo-tao-Lao0, v. See Laotao, a bundle. Hoo-ta-La, s. Astick once crooked that
‘To do up in bundles; to tie up, as a bun- has been made straight; he hau hana ka
dle for carrying ; to tie a string around. inoa 0 ia wahi i ka hoolalaia.
Hoo-Lav, v. See Lav, many; the num- Hoo-na-La, v. To begin or commence
ber 400. To make numerous; to make a work or business.
company for one. Hoo-ta-La, v. To move aside out of the
2. To take away the solitude of a place. course, as one sailing in the surf turns off
Hoo-Lav-a-KA-NE-A, v. To hide; tocon- and goes some where else.
ceal; to go or put away out of sight; to Hoo-La-LA-HAI, v. See Lanatand Hoo-
deceive. LAHALAHAL
Hoo-Lav-Lau, v. See Hoonaotao and Hoo-La-LE, v. See Late, to urge on.
Laviav. To tie up a bundle. To stir up ; to hasten the doing of a thing;
Hoo-Lau-LE-A, v. See LAuLgA, to be on to excite to action; to get ready quickly
friendly terms with. To appease; to calm for an event.
one angry ; to satisfy an injured party ; to Hoo-La-La-au, v. To stop up a path;
reconcile. to plant or cause bushes to grow.
Hoo-tau-na, v. See Lavuwa, friendly. Hoo-La-LE-LA-LE, v. See Hoorate. To
To be on good terms with one; to act the get ready quickly; to put in order in a
part of a friend. hurry, as a house when a visitor comes un--
Hoo-Lav-wi-u, v. See Lauwit, to turn; expectedly ; to hasten generally.
to be fickle. To cause to twist; to take Hoo-La-na, v. See Lana, to float; to
many positions or shapes. hope. To cause to float; to be light; to
2. To go round and round in speaking; float upon, as upon water.
to use many words in saying little. 2. To offer, as a sacrifice.
3. To be inconstant or fickle in doing a 3. To listen with attention; e hoolana i
thing. ka pepeiao.
Hoo-na-Ha, v. See Lana, to spread out. Hoo-xa-na, s. Indifference in regard to
To spread out; to widen; to spread abroad, morals and moral principles ; aole e pili
i. e., to publish extensively, as news; to nui kekahi mau hewa iloko o ka pono, oka
cause to become of general interest. hookaulana, 0 ka hoolana, &e.
Hoo-La-Ha-La-HA, v. To bear; to carry, Hoo-La-NA-LA-NA, v. See Lana and
as on a double-canoe or peleleu. LaNnaLaNna. To cause to be light; to float, &.
Hoo-La-HaA-La-HAI, v. See Lanar and Hoo-La-NA-kI-LA, v. See LAnaxita, to
“Lavanat, to hover over. To hover over, as overcome. To cause to triumph.
Hoo-La-NI-LA-NI, v. To exalt; to praise. Hoo-LeEI-LEI, v. See the above. To cast
2. To enjoy the privileges of a chief. or throw away often.
3. To take deceitfully (as Puniai did from |Hoo-LEI-Loa, v. See Hooter and Loa,
Kauwa.) long; also HooLoa. To extend or straighten
Hoo-La-PA-LA-PA, v. See Lapa,a ridge, the body; to straighten out; to make
and Lapanapa. To spin round, as a top. straight.
2. To roll, as the wheel of a plow. 2. To stretch out the arm or extend it
3. To boil; to bubble up, as boiling straight.
water: to fry. 3. To stretch out the lower limbs.
4, To blaze, as a blazing fire. Hoo-ter-na, s. For hooletana. That
Hoo-La-pa-nal, v. For hooolapanai. See which is cast or thrown away; refuse mat-
Hoo.a, to save, and Pana, to redeem. To ter. Dan. 3:29. See HooLtena and Hoo-
save one by redeeming ; to buy one’s lib- LINA.
erty who is in bondage ; to redeem. Hoo-LeI-wa-Le, v. Hoolet and wale. To
Hoo-La-pa-Nal, s. A redeemer. Tsa. throw away as useless or worthless.
41:14; Hal. 78:35. Hoo-LE-o0-LE-o, v. To rise and fall, as
Hoo-La-PEE, v. See Lapeer, to bend the waves of the ocean.
over. To bend up; to double over; to 2. To go about in confusion, as men run-
swell up. ning hither and thither.
Hoo-a-puu, v. See Laruu, to bend up. 3. To be uneven; up and down, as a
See also Large. To bend over; to arch; wrinkled mat or floor.
to crook; to recede from a straight line. Hoo-LE-HE-LE-HEI, v. See LeEnHeEl, to
Hoo-La-wa, v. See Lawa, sufficiency; jump from a high position. To fly in an
enough. To finish; to make means suit the imperfect manner, as an unfledged bird.
intended purpose; to accomplish a purpose. 2. To jump from a high position.
2. To have enough; to be supplied. 3. To dive into the water from a height.
See Lrnal.
Hoo-La-wa-La-wa, v. To finish alike.
See above.
Hoo-LE-HE-LE-HE-KII, v. To be disap-
pointed ; to be baffled.
Hoo-La-weE, v. See Lawe, tocarry. To
draw out; to carry from one place to an- Hoo-LE-LE, v. See Lets, to fly. To let
other ; to cause to bear or carry; to take fly, as a bird from its cage.
away. 2. To fix up in the air; to flutter in the
Hoo-La-wE-La-wE, v. See the foregoing. 3. To flutter, as a bird from fear; ua hoo-
To carry frequently; to get things together; leleia ka oili, she was afraid, her heart flut-
to make ready ; to wait on, as a servant; tered. Laieik. 205.
to do this and that.
Hoo-LE-LE-HU, v. See LELEHU 3, to be
Hoo-La-weE-HA-LA, v. To seek occasion sleepy. To be sleepy; to writhe, as in the
against one; to find something for ground pangs of death.
of accusation. 2. To turn sideways.
Hoo-La-wE-Ha-LA, s. Treachery; seek- Hoo-LE-ma-NA, v. Hoole, to deny, and
ing evil of one; a desire to detract from mana, power; authority. To deny one’s
one’s reputation. power or authority, as the people in Liho-
Hoo-Le, v. For hooole. See OLE, no; liho’s time denied the authority of the
not. To deny; to be unwilling. priests and the ancient gods; as the Jews
. 2. To contradict; to refuse assent; to also denied the authority of Jesus Christ.
withhold. Hoo-te-na, s. See Hooreina. That
Hoo-Le-a, v. See Lea, to be pleased which is thrown away, «ec.
with. To praise; to extol; to sing praise to.
Hoo-LE-PE, v. See Lepr, the comb of a
Hoo-te-a, s. Praise; the object of praise. cock. To be scalloped out, as the comb of
Kanl. 10:21. a cock; to be cut out.
Hoo-Le-a-Le-a, v. See Lea, to please. Hoo-LE-pu-LE, v. See Hoorz, to deny,
To amuse ; to sport with; to sing in order
to attract attention. and PuLg, prayer; religion. To deny one’s
2. To soothe; to assuage; to alleviate authority to act as priest, as the people did
sorrow or pain. after Liholiho had broken the kapu. See
HOoLEMANA above.
Hoo-iz-a-tE-a, adj. Anything pleas- Hoo-Le-wa, v. See Lewa, toswing. To
ing ; soothing, as music. Laieilc. 79.
cause to swing ; to vibrate ; to float in the
Hoo-Le1, v. See Lei, to cast; to throw. air.
To cast or throw away; to reject; to drop 2. To lift up and carry, as between two
carelessly. persons; to carry ina manele or palanquin.
_ 3. To bear or carry acorpse at a funeral Hoo-ii-mA-Li-ma, v. See Lima, hand.
procession. To make a bargain; to hire; to buy or sell.
4. To hang pendulous; to hang down, Hoo-.i-ma-1i-ma, s. A person hired to
as a flag without a breeze. ; work. Job. 7:2.
Hoo-LE-wa, s. A bearing; a carrying ; Hoo-ui-na, v. See Hooteina.and Hoo-
a floating in the air. LENA.
2. The act of bearing a corpse at a fune-
ral; hence, Hoo-.i-NA-LI-NA, v. See Lina and Lava-
3. A funeral procession. LINA, to be tough. To be tough and hard,
Hoo-LE-ws-Le-wa, v. See Lewa. To like wax or gum.
2. To be smoothed or polished.
suspend ; to swing back and forth.
Hoo-LE-wa-Le-wa, adj. Moving; flying, Hoo-to-a, v. See Loa, long. To stretch
out or extend the arms or legs after being
as clouds that fly low; ina e kokoke mai
bent. Lir. To make long. Nore.—AHooloa
ke ao, he ao hoolewalewa. is said to be a Kanai word for hooleiloa.
Hoo-ti-0-11, v. For hooolioli. To cause Hoo-to-1-u1, v. See Lom, long. To
to rejoice; to make glad; to be cheerful ; lengthen out; to prolong.
to be joyous.
2. To be dazzling with brightness. See Hoo-tov, v. See Lov,a hook. To hook;
On. to pull with a hook; to draw tight; to bind
Hoo-t1-0-L1-0, v. To dazzle with bright- on; to insert, as one thing into another.
ness. Hoo-Lov-Lov, v. To bend over; to stoop
Hoo-i1-v-L1-u, v. See Livniv, a long in grief or sorrow; to cry; to weep; to be
time. To cause time to be long; to lengthen
out time. Hoo-to-va, v. See Lov and Lowa, a
2. To stay or delay a long time in a place. hook. To hook; to pull with a hook; to
Ate To get ready; to prepare to do a pull; to bind on.
thing. Hoo-Lo-HA4-Lo-Ha, v. See Lowa and
Hoo-ti-HA-Li-HA, v. To cause fear; to Atoua, to love. To be sick; to be weak ;
be afraid ; to be fearful. to fade ; to fail through weakness.
Hoo-u-KE, v. See Lixg, to be like. To 2. To hang down, as a withering leaf.
3. To cherish ; to fondle; to caress.
make alike ; to make equal; to liken one
thing to another; to make a resemblance. Hoo-Lo-HE, v. See Lowe, to hear. To
2. To divide equally. cause to hear; to turn the attention; to
Hoo-.i-KE-LI-KE, v. Intensive of the listen ; to regard; to obey.
above. Hoo-Lo-HE-LO-HE, v. To give ear; to
Hoo-u-u1, v. See Lint, jealously. To pay attention.
partially close the eyes on account of a Hoo-1Lo-n1, v. See Lout, to be slow. To
bright light. make slow ; to delay: to detain.
2. To contract the sight of the eye; to Hoo-to-u1-Lo-H1, v. To procrastinate ;
make a wry face. to postpone.
3. To make one jealous; to cause jeal- Hoo-to-Ko, v. To insinuate; to suggest
ousy. as a sport.
4, To question with pertness ; to appear 2. To send ; to order away.
consequential ; to be dignified. 3. To dance; to play; to rejoice.
5. To set up for or assume what does not
belong to one ; hoolili ko Oahu e hookolo- Hoo-to-La, v. To be dull; to be stupid;
kolo i ko Lahaina. to be indolent; to be unable to accomplish
Hoo-1i-u1, v. To undulate, as the air anything ; to neglect.
under a hot sun; to undulate, as the sur- Hoo-Lo-La-Lo-La, v. Freq. of hoolola.
face of water by the skipping of fishes. Hoo-to-LeE, v. See Lots, skin of an ani-
Hoo-u1-11, s. The name of the place mal. To turn; to change; to turn out-
side in.
where the opelu are found.
2. The putting on of airs; a feeling of 2. To skin,as an animal. See also Lory.
one’s importance ; the act of creating jeal- Hoo-to-11, v. See Loui, to change. To
ousy in another. change; to alter; to renew; to take a new
Hoo-.i-11, adj. Firm; hard; bold; dig- form.
nified ;, important. 2. To change one thing for another.
Hoo-11-Lo, v. See Lito, to pass from Hoo-1o-11-Lo-L1, v. See Lou. To rec-
one to another. To cause a transfer; to tify ; to change ; to reform.
change from one to another; to be lost; to Hoo-to-Lo-HE, v. See Longe. To be
deliver from one to another. sour and to act roughly.
2. To be harsh in one’s speech and be-| Hoo-Luv-i-u1, s. A tanner of skins or
havior. hides. Oih. 9:43. Nore —A later edition
3. To refuse compliance with one’s invi- has hanaili instead of hoolwe'li.
tation; to refuse all approaches; to be dis- Hoo-Luv-Luu, v. See Luu, to dive. To
obedient. Laieik. 65.
fish for the fish called hinalea; to dive and
Hoo-Lo-No, v. See Lono, kindred with take fish in a basket.
lohe. To regard; to listen to; to obey; to Hoo-Luv-tuv, s. The act of taking or
catching fish in a basket.
Hoo-tvu-a, v. See Lua, two; twice. To Hoo-Luv-Luu, adj. Applied to a fish
do twice ; to repeat ; to do over again.
basket; hinai hooluuluu.
2. Specifically, to bake over; to cook
twice. Hoo-Luu-paa-Kal, s. lke i ka ulana mo-
3. To stop up a pathway that had been ena ame ka hooluupaakai.
common. Hoo-tu-HE, v. To be proud; to act
Hoo-tu-a, s. The name of the strong haughtily.
north wind; he ua kahi hoolua, a he ua ole 2. To wither, as a leaf; to be weak; to
kahi hoolua, some strong winds have rain, hang down.
others not. Hoo-Lu-HE-LU-HE, v. To hang loosely;
2. The name of the rain accompanying to be flexible with weakness.
the north wind; he ua hoolua, he ua nui Hoo-iu-H1, v. See Lunt, fatigue. To
no ia. make weary; to oppiess; to make one
Hoo-tu-a, adj. Strong; rough; mus- work hard; to overbear.
cular; he hoolua nui ke kuaaina, he hoo- Hoo-Lu-HI-HE-wa, v. Hooluhiand hewa,
pepehu. wrongiully. To oppress; to harass; to
Hoo-Lu-al, v. See Luat, to vomit. To burden wrongfully. Hal. 9:9.
vomit; to cast out of the stomach. Hoo-Lu-Ht-Lu-HI, v. Freq. of luhi. To
2. Fic. To cast out, asa people; to drive force one to do many kinds of much hard
off. work.
Hoo-Lu-al-E-LE, v. To be deceitful; e Hoo-tu-LeE, v. See Lure, often syn.
hoopunipuni; to go here and there; to with luli, to turn; to shake. To turn; to
move about often. turn round ; to change.
Hoo-Lu-a-Lu-al, v. See Lua, vomit. To 2. To shake, as fiesh with fatness; to be
raise the cud, as ruminating animals; to loose.
raise again. Kumi. 14:6. Hoo-Lv-LE-LU-LE, v. To cause a trem-
2. To use means to provoke vomiting; bling or shaking.
a hooiualuai aku la, a pau loa ka awa i ka Hoo-Lu-LE-LU-LE, s. A trembling; the
luaiia. Laieik. 208.
state of old age.
fHoo-Lu-z, v. See Lust, to overthrow. Hoo-Lu-u1, v. See Lut, to vibrate; to
To overthrow ; to cast down; to cause to
shake. See LuLE above. To rock; to vi-
slide away; to hang down.
brate ; to cause a motion back and forth.
2. To bring forth many young, as a
woman that has borne many children ; as Hoo-Lv-ti-Lu-11, v. See Lut, to rock,
a hen that hatches many chickens. roll, &c. To stir up; to awake one out of
Hoo-Lu-E-LU-E, v. To cast down; to sleep; to disturb one’s quiet; to rock, as @
child in a cradle; to agitate.
loosen ; to throw away; to be loose, as a
garment. Hoo-Lu-Lu, v. See Luv, quiet; calm,
Hoo-iu-£-Lu-E, s. A gown; a loose To lie quietly and still in the water, as a
ship in a harbor; to be calm.
dress ; a flowing robe, so called from its
looseness. Hoo-Lu-Lu-H1, v. See Luni, weary with
Hoo-tu-E-Lu-E, adj. Hanging low and labor. To cause the eyes to be heavy with
sleep ; to be drowsy ; to be sleepy.
Hoo-uu-1, v. To overturn the decision Hoo-tu-Lu-n1, s. The heavy and dark
of a council. clouds gathering before a storm; thicken-
Hoo-Lv-o-Lu, v. For hoooluolu. See Orv ing atmosphere before a storm.
and OxvoLu, to please; to comfort. To Hoo-tu-na, v. See Luna, an officer; an
make easy; to quiet; to comfort; to be cool. overseer. To be or act as an officer; to be
in authority over others.
Hoo-Luu, v. See Luv, to dive in the 2. To stir up or order men to their duties;
water. To plunge in a liquid; hence, to to act the Inna.
dye; to color.
Hoo-tu-n1, adj. See Hootvui. Weak ;
Hoo-tuv-1-L1, v. See Hootvv and Iu, shaky ; applies to persons or things where
askin or hide. To tan hides. there is weakness.
Hoo-ma, v. See Ma, to fade; to wilt. Hoo-mMAE-MAE, v. See Maz, to fade. To
To cause to fade; to wilt, as a flower; to wilt, as a leaf; to fade, as the colors of
perish. cloth; to dry up.
2. To strike with the hands or paddle, as 2. To cleanse ; to purify ; to clear away
a man on a surf-board. filth or stench.
Hoo-maa, v. See Maa, toaccustom. To Hoo-ma-E-wa, v. See Marwa,to mock.
accustum; to practice; to exercise by prac- To mock ; to mimic ; to reproach; to pro-
tice. voke.
2. To be ready for any business by hav- Hoo-mMA-E-wA-E-wa, v. See the above.
ing experience in it. To reproach ; to sneer at; to ridicule.
Hoo-ma-au, v. See Maav, to trouble. Hoo-ma1, v. See Mat, sickness, and
To defend off; to take an oath; to make a Mak. To cause sickness; to be weak; to
law. be out of health.
2. To persecute ; to injure maliciously; Hoo-ma-10, v. See Ma, to fade, and Io,
to offend ; to hate; to dislike.
3. To follow from affection.
flesh. To grow thin in flesh ; to have little
flesh on the bones.
4. To go from place to place.
5. To be indifferent ; to neglect. Hoo-ma-io-10, v. To peep like a chicken.
Hoo-ma-au, s. A tempting; a trial as See loro.
2. To mar; to spoil.
to one’s constancy. Laieik. 102.
3. To cut up; to make marks.
Hoo-ma-au-r-A, v. See Maau and Ea. Hoo-MA-I-HA-I-HA, v. See Marna, to be’
To work lazily; to leave one’s work unfin-
ished. energetic. To draw firmly, as a rope; to
be intent upon, as the mind; to pursue
Hoo-mA-A-KA-A-KA, v. See AKAAKA, to eagerly.
laugh. To cause langhter; to make sport; Hoo-mai-ka, v. 'To be strong; to be in-
to play a trick; to say that which is not
tent upon.
Hoo-ma-A-LE-A, v. See MaAAtea, cun- Hoo-mar-Kat, v. See Marxat, handsome;
ning. To act wisely; to act craftily ; to good. To make good; to correct; to make
act deceitfully ; to be lazy.
2. To bless; to ascribe goodness to one;
Hoo-ma-a-Li, v. See At, a scar. To to make prosperous.
make the trace of a thing, as the wake of a Hoo-mar-Kal, s. See above. Thanksgiv-
_ ship; to make a faint track of a person
walking; to make a slight road; to appear, ing. Oihk. 7:15. Honor. Kanl. 26:19. A
as the scar of a wound. blessing. Kanl. 33:1. Favor; respect; ad-
miration. Hset. 2:15.
Hoo-ma-a-Li-LI, v. See Mariniand Ma-
ALILI, to assuage; to cool. To assuage
Hoo-matr-Katr-1A, s. Honor; outward re-
heat ; to cool ; to pacify, as anger. spect paid to a superior. Mat. 1:6.
Hoo-mal-Kal-KA, v. See Hoomarxa. To
Hoo-maa-maa, v. See Maa, to accus- be strong ; to draw firmly.
tom. To accustom one to work; to teach
one to work; to be furnisbed; to be ready
Hoo-mat-La-NI, v. To tend, as a child;
to take care of; to honor.
for business.
2. To treat mildly when one is discour-
Hoo-m4-a-we, v. See Maawe, a small aged.
indefinite part. To divide out in small Hoo-mal-mMAl, v. See Mat, sickness. To
pretend to be sick; ua hoomaimai ae la
Hoo-MA-A-WE-A-WE, 2%. F requentative oia, a nolaila, ua hala ia po. Laieile. 209.
of the foregoing.
Hoo-maz, v. See Hooma and Maz, to Hoo-ma-1-nNo, v. See Ino, badness. To
wilt; to fade. To cause to wilt,as a leaf;
make sad ; to treat with severity.
to wither; to dry,as a vegetable; to blast; Hoo-ma-I-No-I-No, v. See Marnorno, to
to fade, as colored cloth; to hang down, suffer affliction. To afflict; to treat with
as a wilting vegetable. severity ; to slander: to deride.
Hoo-ma-E-a-E-A, v. To disregard; to Hoo-ma-o-a, v. See Maoa, pain; lame-
turn a deaf ear to; to refuse to listen. See ness. To have lameness in the hip joint;
HOooNa ui. to be weak in the muscles of the thigh.
Hoo-MAE-E-LE, v. See Marete. To Hoo-MA-oF, v. See Maor and Maai,
pity ;to have one’s sympathy excited; ua Hoo-ma-ot, forward ; bold. To be im-
hoomaeeleia ka naau o ko lakou kaikunane pertinent; to speak or ask for a thing; to
ike aloha. Laieil. 74. give a hint of one’s desire.
Hoo-ma-E-Ha, v. To dare; to provoke ;}Hoo-mao-mao, v. To darken; to make
to be boisterous. R a black or blue color. See Omaomao.
Hoo-ma-o-na, v. See Maona, satisfied the last kapus; kakali ibo la oia i pau ka
with food. To feed to satiety; to fill with hoomahanahana, a neenee aku.
food ; to be satisfied with eating. Hoo-ma-HI-E, v. See Hix, pride, and
Hoo-ma-v, v. See Mau and Mauvu, wet; Hooutk. To be excellent; to be grand;
moist. To moisten; to wet, as with dew ; to be noble in appearance.
to soak. 2. To be proud; to have a high look.
2. To be cool; to be agreeable ; to be Hoo-ma-Ho-LA, v. See Maxoxa, to open,
refreshing. as a flower. To spread out smoothly, as
Hoo-mau, v. See Mav, to repeat. To clothes or kapa. See Homa.
be constant ; to be immovable ; to perpet- 2. To open; to spread open; to expand,
uate; to make fast, as an anchor in sand or as a flower.
rocks ; to keep perpetually in action; to Hoo-MA-Ho-LA-Ho-LA, v. Freq. of the
persevere ; to go forward; hoomaw aku la foregoing. Nove.—The different forms ma-
lanaika hele. Zaieik. 101. hola and mohala have the same meaning.
Hoo-mau, adj. Irreconcilable ; opposite Hoo-ma-Hu, v. See Manu, steam;
in natures, as fire and water; as virtue and vapor. Tosteam; to burst forth like steam.
vice. Hoo-ma-Hu-A, v. To watch; to lie in
Hoo-mav-a-Ka-La, v. To be lazy; to wait ; to act as a spy secretly ; to mock;
spend the day; to be indolent; to go about to deride.
doing nothing. 2. To hide one’s self; to conceal from
2. To accuse falsely; to laugh with view ; to dodge behind something.
scorn. Luk. 8:53. Hoo-ma-Hu-a, v. To increase; to grow
Hoo-mav-az, v. To be lazy; to be idle. in size; to swell out; more often used in
2. To lay or place one thing on top of the double form, as
another. See Mavag. Hoo-mA-HU-A-HU-A, v. See Manva and
Hoo-mav-ia, adj. Continual; perpet- Hua, to grow. To increase; to enlarge;
ual. Nah. 4:7. See Hoomav. to grow big.
Hoo-mav-iu-1u, v. To become sore Hoo-ma-Hu-a-Ka-LA, v. To jeer at; to
again ; to oppress more. treat with contempt.
Hoo-mau-Ha-La, v. See Hoomat,to per- Hoo-ma-Hu-1, v. See Manut, to follow
petuate, and Hata, offense. To keep long after. To follow after; to imitate; to lis-
enmity against one; to retain long the ten to one’s counsel or advice ; to imitate
memory of an offense; to seek revenge one’s example.
long after an offense. Hoo-ma-Hu-KA, v. See Manuxa, to run
Hoo-mav-Ha-La, s. An old grudge; cher- away. To counsel or advise one to run
ished revenge. Laieik. 69. away; to assist one to leave a place or
Hoo-mau-Le-Ho, v. See Hoomav and business secretly; to hide one’s self to
Leuo, a callous bunch. To cause one to avoid work.
_work hard ; to oppress; to make one work Hoo-ma-Hu-wa, v. To be blind, especi-
all day and every day without wages. ally with one eye.
Hoo-mau-NAu-NA, v. See Mavunauna Hoo-ma-xa, v. To begin; to commence
and Mauna. To waste, as property: to a work ; to set forth a new thing; to com-
spend uselessly ; to consume ; to destroy mence, as a course of evil. Laieik. 191.
without regard to expense. 2. To be wild; to be untamed; to be
evilly disposed.
Hoo-mavu-nau-na, s. Waste; useless de-
struction of property. Mat. 26:28. Hoo-ma-ka, s. The fresh blade of a
plant; the first leaf of a tree. Mar. 4:28.
Hoo-ma-na, v. See Mana, rest. To
cause to restfrom fatigue or pain; to cease Hoo-ma-Ka-A-KI-uU, v. See Maxaxiv,
from exertion. watchful eye. To spy out; to act the part
Hoo-ma-Ha-HA, v. See Hana, the inside of a spy; to watch with jealousy. Notr.—
of kalo tops. To throw the small refuse This is rather a phrase than a word, to com-
kalo roots on the side of the kalo patch. mence to watch. Halelu 10:8.
Hoo-ma-ka-E, v. To look at with dis-
Hoo-ma-Ha-ta, v. To loosen; to un- dain; to stand aloof from; to be at enmity
ravel; to clear up or vindicate one’s char- with ; to look askance or be angry at.
Hoo-ma-Ha-na, v. See Manana, warm, Hoo-ma-ka-1, v. See Maxai, a police-
also MeHana. To cause to be warm; to man. To be bold; to be fearless; to be
warm by the fire or by the sun. assuming.
2. To act the sheriff; to be a policeman.
Hoo-ma-Ha-Na-HA-NA, v. Freq.ofabove. 3. To be stingy; to be close; to be hard
Hoo-ma-HA-NA-Ha-na, s. Name of one of to deal with.
Hoo-ma-Ka-u, v. See Makau, fear. To property; to scrape together ; to lust after
cause one to fear; to make afraid; to property.
frighten. Hoo-ma-kE-HE-waA, v. To accuse falsely;
Hoo-ma-kau-au-A, v. To hang or fasten to do a thing in vain.
up, as clothes to dry. Hoo-MA-KE-MA-KE, v. See MaxkrMakeE.
Hoo-ma-Ka-u-KA-U, v. Freq. of makau. To desire ; to wish for.
To make afraid; to try to scare; e lilo ana Hoo-ma-kE-NA, v. See Maxena. To
oe i mea e hoomakaukau ia ai ma na ala- cause mourning; to cause sorrow; to cause
nui, thou shalt become an example causing grief.
fear by the road sides. Laieik. 212. Hoo-ma-xi-u, v. See Kiv, to spy. To
Hoo-ma-kau-Kau, v. See Maxavxan, watch with a design to surprise ; to watch
ready; prepared. To make ready; to pre- for an opportunity to do mischief.
pare; to get in readiness for business or Hoo-ma-ko-a, v. To walk, talk or act
for a coming event. bravely ; to act as an officer among sol-
Hoo-ma-Kau-Lu, s. One who feigns diers ; e hookoa, e hookalali.
friendship and eats with one while he Hoo-ma-kol, v. To be hard; to be stingy;
watches his opportunity to injure him; one to be close ; to be regardless of others.
acting with cunning and duplicity. Hoo-ma-xou, v. See Maxou, to be red,
2. Strong desire for and corresponding as the eyes. To make red; to be blood
effort to obtain a thing. shot, as the eyes from being long in salt
Hoo-ma-Kau-Li, v. To be thorough water.
going ; to persevere’; to hold out; to have Hoo-ms-ko-LE, v. See Kote and Ma-
a strong desire for a thing; e hoomanawa- KOLE, red,as raw flesh. To be raw, as flesh;
nui a loaa mai; he kanaka hoomakaulii to be red, as inflamed eyes.
haku, a nolaila e malama pono i ka wai-
wai; he hoomakaulii ma ka manao i ke Hoo-ma-ko-ul, v. See Kou, to trim; to
Akua. cut short. To cut short; to make small;
Hoo-ma-Ka-k1, v. To beg; to ask. to render fine.
2. To design revenge ; to meditate mis- Hoo-ma-Ko-ma-Ko, adj. The epithet of
chief. a cloud; he ao hoomakomako, a large
Hoo-ma-Ka-kI-v, v. See Hoomaxa and cloud, perhaps.
Kivu, to spy. To watch with a jealous eye; Hoo-ma-xku, v. To increase; to grow
to lie in wait to do evil. large ; to grow thickly.
Hoo-ma-Ka-ki-u, adj. Jealous; suspi- Hoo-ma-ku-a, v. To grow; to enlarge;
cious; watchful through jealousy. to become thick or many.
Hoo-ma-KA-MA-KA, v. See Makamaka,a Hoo-ma-ku-E, v. To burden one; to
friend. To be on terms of intimacy; to vex; to trouble; to be angry at; to frown
make friends for the sake of profit or con- at.
venience. Hoo-ma-ku-E, s. An angry look; a
Hoo-ma-KA-LA, v. See Makara, to frowning at; a stirring up of displeasure.
loosen. To cause to open a little, as a door; Hoo-MA-kKu-E-KuU-E, tv. To frown; to
to loosen; to untie. See Kata. To loosen, frown at one.
as in taking off one’s garment. Hoo-ma-Ku-mMA-KU, v. See Hoomaxv. To
Hoo-MA-KA-NA-HE-LE-HE-LE, ¥. See Hoo- increase: to enlarge; to grow fat; to be
MAKA and NAHELS, land grown up to bushes. heavy. as a fat person or animal.
To go astray in the bush; to get out of the Hoo-ma-LakE, v. See Maas, to be calm.
road. To put on a pleasant countenance ; to as-
Hoo-ma-xE, v. See Maxe, death. To sume the appearance of friendship when
cause death ; to kill. the heart is disaffected: to hide an evil de-
‘2. To wish to die; to fast. sign by assuming pleasantry.
3. To put in a state of privation; to Hoo-ma-La-E-a, v. To be calm; to be
cause thinness of flesh. quiet; to settle down in quietness; ap
4. To put one’s self where he would ap- plied to the presence of one who was re
pear to be lost; mai hoopae oe (i Ka aina), proached when absent.
e hoomake oe i kou nalu, go not ashore,
plunge under your surf. Hoo-MA-LAE-LAE, v. See LAEtag, clear,
Hoo-ma-KE-a-KA, v. See Axa, to laugh. as the sky. To enlighten; to make clear
To excite langhter; to exercise wit. and pleasant ; to calm.
Hoo-ma-KE-A-KA, adj. Exciting laugh- Hoo-MA-LAI-LE-NA, v. See Maramena,
ter ; witty ; he olelo hoomakeaka. bitterness. To make bitter; to embitter.
Hoo-ma-KEE, v. To be greedy after Hoo-ma-La-o, v. To act the idler; to be
e HOO C nmErene
EIUyISTT SISTy-En PRENTEI soeereer eee198 HOO
a vagabond; to go about from place to! Hoo-ma-LU-MA-LU, adj. Overshadowing;
place doing nothing. shading, as clouds that run low; he ao hoo-
Hoo-ma-Lau, v. See Maran, to reject! malumalu.
good advice. To be unbelieving; to be} Hoo-ma-na, v. See Mana, superhuman
ungodly ; to be irreverent towards sacred power. To ascribe divine honors; to wor-
things. ; ship; to cause one to have regal authority.
Hoo-ma-Lav-E-a, v. To be lazy; to be) Hoo-ma-nao, v. See Manao, to think.
indolent. See Manao. To turn the mind upon; to call to mind;
Hoo-ma-La-HI-A, v. Pass. for malaia, to to cause to consider; to remember that
be bitter. To make bitter: to be bitter. which is past.
Hoo-MA-LA-MA-LA-MA, UV. See Lama, a Hoo-ma-nao-nao, v. See Manaonao, to
torch. To enlighten; to shine upon. lament. To call up the past with sorrow;
Hoo-ma-La-na, v. To throw away, as } to think or reflect on the past.
refuse matter. |Hoo-ma-NAo-NAO, s. A reflection on the
2. To be disrespected. past ; sorrow for the past.
3. To take care of. |Hoo-ma-NA-ku, v. See Hoomana above
4. To be large; to swell, asa dead body. | and Kir, an idol. To worship idols; to
Hoo-Ma-LA-NA-LA-NA, v. Freq. of above.| worship any god except Jehovah.
Hoo-ma-Le-a, v. See Marea and Maa- Hoo-ma-Na-k1I, s. The practice of wor-
LEA, Wise ; crafty. To deal wisely ; to be | shipping idols; idolatry; called figuratively
crafty : to act wisely or prudently. in Scripture, whoredom. 2 Nal. 9:22. Also
Hoo-ma-ui-E, v. See Matiz, calm; quiet.| vanity ; a vain service; idolatry. 2 Nal.
To bush, as a tumult; to clear off, as the |
sky after a storm. Hoo-ma-NaA-Lo, v. See Manato, sweet;
Hoo-ma-LI-E-LI-E, v. To appease, as a free from taint. To purify; to sweeten
ruffled mind: to soothe; to calm, as anger; anything from salt or any unpleasant taste
to treat kindly. or smell.
Hoo-ma-Li-HI-NI, v. See Matra, ,,a Hoo-Ma-NA-WA-LE-a, v. See Manawa-
stranger. To make one’s self a stranger ; | LEA, alms. To appease by a gift; to give
to become a stranger; to be foreign to one. | alms to the poor; to relieve the distressed.
Hoo-ma-ui-ko, v. To discredit. |Hoo-ma-NE-a,
v. See Manea. To ren-
Hoo-ma-Li-mMa-L1, v. See Marmatt, to der callous; to harden; he mea ia na ke
flatter. To flatter; to secure one’s favor | kalaimoku e hoomanea i kanaka i haalele
by flattery. ole i ke alii.
0O0-MA-LOO, v. See Matoo, parched ; H00-MA-NE-0-NE-0, v. See Mango, to
dry. To cause to dry up, as water; to itch. To scratch where it itches; to tickle.
wither, as a tree or flower; to make any-| Hoo-ma-No, v. See Mano,a shark. To
thing dry. | act the shark ; to be greedy.
Hoo-MA-Lo-HI-Lo-HI, v. See Lout, to be 2. To be continually at; to persevere in,
slow. To be fatigued, as by traveling ; to | as one in begging.
be lame. See MALvUHILvnt. 3. To tease with importunity.
Hoo-ma-Lo-Ka, v. See Matoxa, to be | Hoo-ma-was-na, v. To come into the
sluggish ; to be stupid. To be dull; to be | midst of a company of people or things; a
stupid in mind; to disregard any important | i ka au houana o ka mea i komo i ka pua,
truth ; to be unbelieving ; to disobey the hoomawaena mai oia.
command of a chief. 00-ME-A, v. See Mea, to trouble; to
Hoo-ma-Lo-Lo, s. The name of the day effect. To canse something ; to do some
before the la Kapu ; hence under the chris- thing ;to make pretense; to deceive; to
tian system, the la hoomalolo is Saturday,| disappoint; to make trouble. :
i. e., the day before the Sabbath. 00-ME-HA, v. See Mena, to live alone.
Hoo-ma-tu, v. See Mato, a shade, To stay at home from work; to cease from
peace, &c. To rule over, especially in a work. Nore.—lormerly hoomeha was ap-
peaceful way ; to govern quietly; to make plied to a la Kkapu, but is now used as syn-
peace. onymous with la hoomalolo, the day before
Hoo-ma-tu, adj. Making or causing the Sabbath, i. e., Saturday.
peace between differing parties; mobai Hoo-me-ua, adj. Preparing for the Sab-
hoomalu, a peace-offering. Puk. 20:21. bath. See Hoomanono.
Hoo-ma-Lu-Le, v. To change from one} Hoo-ms-Le, v. See Metz, a song. To
form io another; to metamorphose, as a cause or make a song; to sing a mele; to
caterpillar into a butterfly. be joyous; to rejoice.
Hoo-mE-NE-ME-NE, v. See Menez, to| at ease. To entertain in one’s house; to
have pity. To be dear to one; to have invite to one’s house.
compassion upon; to pity; to treat ten- 2. To lie at ease ; to rest securely.
ele, as a shat asd v 3. To break ; to crack. See next word,
Hoo-mi-uo, v. To build by laying one |Hoo-mo-wa-tu-na-Lv, v. To crack;to
thing on top of another. break, as the auamo or stick on which
Deiies. », See Moa, cooked. To things are carried on the shoulders of men.
Lr her 9 ; . »| .

cause to be cooked; to be thoroughly | Hoo-mo-Ho-LA, v. See Mouota and Ho-

baked. . HOLA. To spread out widely ; to unfold,
Hoo-mo-ak, v. To tear or snatch away; | ,,*5 the growing of a plant.
ray Hoo-mo-Ho-Le, v. See Hors, to peel. To
Hoo-mo-A-KA-KA, v. See AKakA, clear peel; to strip the skin from an animal; to
to the mind. To cause to be very plain to | peel the bark from a tree. See Unore.
’ « ’ 7 % a sank a &

the mind; to make one understand what| Hoo-mo-ko, v. This is probably for hoo-
may be intricate; to explain. See Hoa-| komo,or it may mean,to cut short. A hoo-
KAKA. moko ka wai ma na pae.
Hoo-mo-a-LA-A-LA, v. See Moaraata, to} Hoo-mo-xu, v. To cause a division; to
rise up to go. To be busy about; to go | cut and divide, as a land.
from house to house; to be forward; to be | Hoo-mo-xu, s. A cutting ora dividing,
impertinent. ( &e.
Hoo-mo-a-na, v. As if hoomoena. To! Hoo-mo-tz, v. See Mote, smooth. To
spread down mats for staying over night ; be shorn close; to be cut smooth.
Lence, 2. To cause to linger ; to be slow; to be
2. To encamp. as travelers; to encamp, behind.
as soldiers. See also Moana. 3. To refuse ; to be unwilling.
Hoo-mo-a-NA, adj. Encamped; kahi Hoo-mo-Le-mo-LE, v. Intensive of the
a camping place; acamp. Oihk.| above.
16:28. ' Hoo-mo-Lo-wa, v. See Motowa, inac-
Hoo-mo-E, v. See Moz, to lie down.| tive. To be indifferent about a thing ; to
To cause to lie down; to prostrate in ado-| be indisposed to do a thing, especially to
ration. work ; hence,
2. To speak of one’s sleeping with an- 2. To be lazy; to be idle.
other, thatis, of marrying together. Laieik.; Hoo-mo-mo-Le, v. See Hoomoie above.
66. ; : | To be smooth.
4 * 78 gu to rest ;to rest one’s self) Hoo-mu, v. See Mu, to shut the lips.
y tying ; ; To sit silent; to be speechless; to make
Hoo-mo-E-mo-£, v. To cause toliedown.} no reply; to refuse to answer. See Mu-
2. To hush or put to sleep. MULE, like the English to be mum.
Hoo-moo, v. ‘To continue or persevere | Hoo-muv, v. To cause a collection; to
in laying taxes upon the people; to follow heap together.
up a pursuit; ame ka hoomoo o na puu 2. To gormandize.
waiwai, to urge or force people to give |Hoo-mu-g, v. To be bad tasted to the
their property for such purposes as the} palate; to be offensive to the taste; to be
rulers need ; e kaukolo, e hookoikoi. bitter ; to be brackish.
Hoo-mo-v-x1-v-x1, v. See Uxiuxt, hot Hoo-mu-g-mu-E, v. Freq. of the above.
and bad smelling. To cause an offensive |Hoo-mu-nu, v. To collect together. See
smell; to reek with offensive smells, like| Mumuuv.
an old and dirty ship. or like the breath of | 2. To make a low humming sound.
a tobacco smoker; to be warm or stifled |Hoo-mu-Ka, v. See Muka, tasteless; in-
for want of pure air. sipid. To be tasteless; to be insipid ;ono
Hoo-mo-Ha-La, v. To open; to unfold! __ole.
or blossom, as a flower. Hoo-mu-Ka-mu-KA, v. To be insipid; to
2. To spread, as a kapa or sheet. See| be tasteless.
Hoomanota by a change of syllables. Hoo-mu-mu, v. See Mu. To hold in the
3. To have a little hope, as one disap-| youth without swallowing. .
pointed ; ua hoomohalaia kona naau kana- 2. To hold the mouth silent from speak-
lua. Laieik. 93. ing
4. To unfold, as one’s inward desire; to |Hoo-y1u-mu-nu, v. See Muuu, 4 to hum ;
rage, as lust. Laieik. 196. To collect ; to assemble together, as men;
Hoo-mo-Ha-Lu, v. See Monatv, to be! to gather together, as other things.
2. To make a low indistinct noise; to bold. To be hard; to be strong; to be
sound like an indistinet low hum. bold, as a soldier.
Hoo-mu-mu-ku, v. See Muxv, to cut 2. To turn a deaf'ear; to refuse to listen.
short. To cut short; to cut too short; to See Hoonenoa.
break off. See Mumuxv. Hoo-NA-Ho-NA-HO, v. See Nanonano, to
Hoo-mu-Mu-LE, v. See Mumute, to be be deep. To be set deep in the head, as
dumb. To be silent; to be dumb. the eyes ; to be deep, as a pit.
2. To be out of one’s mind; to be crazy; Hoo-na-uu, v. See Nanu, to bite; to
to be insane. gripe. Tosnap, as corn parching; to crack,
Hoo-mu-mu-Lu, v. To collect together as a pistol; to make a report, as fire-arms.
in great numbers; to be thick together, as Hoo-Na-HU-NA-HU, v. See the above.
swarms of flies. To snap at, as a dog.
Hoo-na, v. See Na, to be quiet. To 2. To be in labor pains.
cause ease; to give quiet from pain. 3. To be seized by sudden pain.
2. To obtain a refuge from danger. Hoo-NA-KE-LE, v. See NAkELs, soft;
3. To search or look for a place. See slippery. To make boggy, as land; to be
NANA. | soft and shaky, as a miry place.
Hoo-naE, v. See Naz, to breathe hard. Hoo-na-Koa, v. See Koa,
a soldier. To
To breathe hard; to puff like one traveling be bold; to be brave; to act the soldier;
fast up hill; to be fatigued. to be fearless ; to be daring.
Hoo-NAE-NAE, v. Freq. of the above. Hoo-na-ku-1, v. See Kut, to sound
Hoo-ns-E-LE, v. See NaExe. To cause abroad. To make a rumbling noise; to
to be thick, as mud; to be muddy. tremble.
2. To break open; to crack, as dried 2. To spread out, asasound from a place.
mud. Hoo-na-ko-Lo, v. See Koro, to crawl,
Hoo-na-t-K1, v. To persecute. and Nakoto. To run along; to spread, as
Hoo-nat-Ko-La, v. See Arxota and Ho- ink on paper.
AIKOLA. To cause to triumph over an en- Hoo-na-ku-Lu, v. ‘To cause to fall in
emy ; to rejoice at a victory. drops, aS rain; as perspiration. Laieik.
2. To treat with contempt, as a conquered 118.
one. Hoo-NA-KU-LU-kU-LU, v. See Kuru, to
Hoo-nat-nal, v. See Hoonag, to pant. drop. To drop down, as rain; to drip from
To sob; to breathe hard. the clouds, ag rain. Jsa. 45:8.
Hoo-na-vE, v. See Nave, to vibrate. Hoo-na-Lo, v. See Nato, to disappear.
To cause to rock; to reel to and fro; to To be lost; to vanish ; to be out of sight;
shake, as the earth in an earthquake. with wale, to be forgotten.
2. To move a little; to shove along. See Hoo-na-Lo-Na-Lo, v. Freq. of the above.
NawE and Nauwe.
Hoo-na-uE-vE, v. Freq. of above. To Hoo-na-Lu, v. See Nav, the surf. To
cause a swell of the sea on shore ; to rise,
rock ; to shake to and fro. as the surf; to act, as the sea when the
Hoo-na-vu-x1, v. See Uxiand Navxt. To wind and tide are contrary.
fret ; to provoke; to make one angry. Hoo-na-Lu-Lu, v. To turn a deaf ear;
Hoo-Na-v-KI-u-kI, v. See above. To pro- to refuse to listen; to disregard. See Hoo-
voke ; to make angry. MAEABA.
Hoo-na-u-Lu, v. See Navtu, to vex. Hoo-Na-Mu-NA-MU, v. See Namu, to
To vex; to provoke. Kanl. 9:22. To vex. speak rapidly. To speak in an unintelli-
1 Sam. 1:6. gible manner.
Hoo-na-na, v. See Nana, to crack or 2. To find fault behind one.
break, as glass. To break or crack, as Hoo-na-NaAd, v. To enrage.
glass. Hoo-na-na-au, v. See Nana and Lana,
2. To cause to operate, as a cathartic. to float, and Au, tide; current. To cause to
Hoo-NA-HE-NA-HE, v. See Nang, thin; float on the surface of water; to swim
soft. To be low; to be flat; to be thin; standing or erect; to float here and there
to be humble. as the current goes.
Hoo-na-ui-t1, v. See Nauti, to be awk- Hoo-na-na, v. See Na and Nana, to
ward; to be slow. To lengthen out; to hush; to quiet, as a child. To calm; to
make long, as a road by going a circuitous quiet, as a child; to hush up a difficulty;
route, or by losing one’s way. to ease a pain; to comfort; to console.
2. To hesitate ; to linger. Hoo-na-na, adj. See Nana, to bark; to
Hoo-na-Ho-a, v. See Nanoa, strong; growl. Angry; cross; reluctant.
Hoo-na-Nna-u-HA, v. To be strong; tobe 2. To totter when one walks; to be thin; _
hard; to be tight; to drag: to draw. to be flexible.
Hoo-NA-NA-HI-LI, v. See Naniu, slow; Hoo-NA-wa-Li-wa-Ll, v. Intensive of the
lagging. To go ina crooked manner; to above.
wander about; to mistake the road. Hoo-NA-wE-LE, v. See Nawe e, fine;
Hoo-na-na-Ho, v. See Nanauo, deep small; thin. To make very little; to be
down. To be deep. fine, like the threads of a spider’s web; to
2. To be strong; to be tight. spin, as a spider its web.
Hoo-na-nA-Hu, v. See Nanv, to bite, Hoo-ngE, v. To tease; to fret; to ask
and Nananv and Lananu, a coal of fire. To for food, as a child.
char,as wood; to make coal; to burn wood Hoo-ng, s. Name of a soft porous stone.
to charcoal. Hoo-ngE-s, v. See Nea, to desolate. ‘l'o
2. To bite ; to sting like a burn. make desolate; to sweep off all; to destroy
Hoo-na-na-Ka, v. See Naka and Na- wholly. See Neo and NEoNEo.
NAKA, a crack; a crevice. To be full of |Hoo-nE-a-NE-a, v. To take all away;
cracks, openings or chinks. to dispossess one of everything; to take
2. To be unstable; not firm, as a bog. all the fruits of one’s land.
Hoo-na-Na-kKI, v. See Nanaxi and Na- Hoo-nEE, v. See Nee, to move. To
ku, to tie; to fasten. To bind; to tie up. move ; to shove along ; to rub against.
Hoo-na-NE, v. See Nang, ariddle. To Hoo-NEE-NEE, v. See NEE, to move
put forth a riddle; to propose something along. To push along; to move frequently;
mysterious for explication. to shake.
Hoo-na-nE-a, v. See Nanea, easy; Hoo-neEI, v. See NEI,tomove. To move,
quiet. To be easy; to be contented; to be as people in a tumult; to move, as trees
satisfied with one’s self; to be indifferent by the wind.
to the future. Hoo-NnEI-NEI, v. See Ner and Hooner
Hoo-na-nI, v. See Nani, also Lani, To crowd one upon another; to move
beautiful; glorious. To glorify; to praise; along, urged by others.
to exalt ; to honor. Hoo-nE-0, v. See Neo,to be silent. To
00-NA-NI-NA-NI, v. Intensive of the make silence ; to hush: to be still.
above. To be proud; to be vainglorious; 2. To be silent from loneliness or deso-
to be haughty ; to be arrogant. lation.
2. To act the spendthrift; to waste prop- 3. To be in a wild, lonely place.
erty. Hoo-NE-0-NE-0, v. See the above. To
Hoo-na-Nu-E, v. See Nanug, to swell hush to stillness ; to be still.
up. To tremble; to shake. See Nave. 2. To bestill or quiet for want of people.
Hoo-n4-par, v. See Napat, to bend in. Hoo-neE-Ho-a, v. See Hoonanoa. To be
To crook ; to bend; to arch. severe ; to be bold; to act the soldier; to
Hoo-na-PE, v. See Nars, bending; flex- be brave.
ible. To bend; to crook; to bend, as an| Hoo-nE-LE, v. See NELE, destitute. To
elastic stick. deprive one of something ; to make desti-
Hoo-na-PE-LE, v. See Narege, to hurt; | tute ; to deprive of.
to wound. To make a wound on the head; 00-NE-Mo, v. See Nemo, to smooth
to swell, as the effect of a wound; to swell over. To be polished; to be made smooth;
out, as the belly. to be nice and good.
2. To be soft and yielding, as a boggy, Hoo-NE-Mo-NE-MO, v. ‘To make smooth;.
miry place ; to shake, as a bog ; to soften, to polish.
as the food in the stomach; o ka opu, oia | Hoo-nE-NE, v. To chirp, as a cricket;
kahi e hoonapele aii ka ai, the stomach is to sing, as a cricket.
the place to soften the food. Anat. 51.
Hoo-NE-NE, v. Ka leo o ka ewaewa iki
Hoo-NA-PE-LE-PE-LE, v. Intensive of the e hoonene ana. Laieik. 149.
above. Hoo-ngE-ngE, s. The voice of a cricket.
Hoo-na-Po-Lo, v. To straighten ; to
make straight.
|Hoo-ni-au, v. To go away and leave
one’s company secretly, generally for some
Hoo-NA-wWa-LE, v. See Na and Hoona evil purpose ; a no keia mea (ka ikea ana
with Wate. To comfort; to attempt to o ke kahoaka o Laieikawai), hooniau aku
quiet without effort. la ka Makaulai ka pule ana. Laieik. 26.
Hoo-na-wa-Li, v. See Nawatt, weak; Hoo-ni-au, v. See Niav, to sail gen-
feeble. To be weakly; to be sickly; to teelly. To copy or follow those whose
have little strength. conduct is upright ; to do rightly.
Hoo-ni-a-nI-A, v. See Nia, baldheaded. To make small or fine, as small dots on
To make smooth or fair the outside ; to be paper.
smooth, as a baldhead. 2. To attend, as the mind to little things.
2. Fic. To make fair pretenses. Hoo-no1, v. See Not, to beg. To beg;
3. To blame or accuse falsely. See NrA- to ask something of another.
NIA. Hoo-noo-noo, v. See Noonoo, to think.
Hoo-ni-a-nI-ao, v. To ask questions To cause to think upon; to remember; to
often and frequently ; to question ; hooni- consider ; to reflect upon.
ele. Ho-o-no-o-No, v. For hooonoono. See
Hoo-nt-0-nI-0-Lo, v. See Nrion1010, cor- Ono, ready. To be ready ; to be prompt;
rect; straight. To be morally straight; to to be mature ; to act the man.
be upright ; to be correct in practice. Ho-o-no-o-no, s. Promptness; readi-
2. To be correct in principle; to have ness ; having a supply. See Kuonoono.
right views.
3. To go without carrying anything, Hoo-nou, v. See Nov, to throw a stone.
while others perhaps are heavily loaded; To throw a stone; to pelt with stones; to
kaumaha lakou.a he hoonioniolo kana hele throw, as missiles.
ana. He kanaka haaheo ka! 2. To loosen ; to send forth.
Hoo-nt-o-nI-0-Lo, s. Straightness; that Hoo-no-u1, v. To cause to be red; to
which is correct; upright; me ka hoonio- be of a reddish color.
niolo o ka manao kekahi, some with cor- Hoo-No-HI-No-HI, v. To shine with
rectness of opinion. brightness ; to be red.
Hoo-ni-Ho, v. See Nino, to indent; to 2. To have a different form.
set in. To lay stones in a wall; to lay Hoo-no-Ho, v. See Nouo, to put down;
stones in the wall of an embankment, as to place. To set in order; to place rightly;
,the lower side of a road, that is, to insert to regulate.
stones into a bank like teeth in the gums. Hoo-no-no, s. The name of a species
See Nino, tooth.
of fish-hook.
Hoo-nt-Ho, s. Stones inserted in a bank; Hoo-Nno-Ho-No-Ho, v. To settle; to es-
a stone wall or hedge.
tablish ; to collect together ; to arrange.
Hoo-nI-HI-NI-HI, v. See Niaininr. To
be full of ridges ; to diminish upward. Hoo-No-Ho-no-Ho, s. In the phrase hoo-
2. To take slender hold of a thing, as nohonoho akua, the act of setting up or
from fear of filth. worshipping the poe akua noho ; hana ino
3. To eat sparingly ; e ai hoonihinihi. nwi ia kekahi poe hoonohonoho akua, a ma-
Hoo-ni-na, v. See Nina and Lina, soft huka lakou ma kahi e aku.
to the touch. To be soft to the touch. Hoo0-No-HO-No-Lo.
2. To be wet and tough, as cold land. Hoo-no-Hu, v. To let down, as the sails
3. To be weak and feeble, as one recov- of a ship.
_ering from sickness; pilii ka mea ua ola, Hoo-no-KE, v. See Noxe, to be ener-
aole ola loa. getic. To work energetically and perse-
4. Not to have full cheeks, as one sickly. veringly ; to be acute in searching for the
See PaPaLina. means to secure an end; to act with en-
Hoo-ni-Na-ni-nA, v. Freq. of the above. ergy and intelligence.
See Ninanina and Liana. Hoo-no-LE, v. Used perhaps for none,
Hoo-no, v. For hoohono. See Hono, to to snore.
mend, as a garment or a fish net. To join Hoo-no-ni, v. To joggle; to rustle; to
together, as in mending a net; to unite, as disturb.
in tying sticks together.
Hoo-no-no-Lo, v. To chirp like a bird;
Hoo-no, v. To think; to look at atten- to warble ; to sing.
tively ; to be sharp upon. 2. To coo like a dove.
Hoo-no-a, v. See Noa, the cessation of 3. To growl, as a dog.
akapu. To cause to cease, as the force of 4, To grunt like a hog.
a kapu; to put an end to a kapu. 5. To snort, as a horse.
Hoo-no-a, v. To keep continually burn- Hoo-nu-a, v. To tread upon continu-
ing, as a fire ; e hoomau i ke ahi; to burn ally ;to do over and over again; to act
continually, as a volcano. with energy and perseverance.
Hoo-no-z, v. See Nos, mist; fine rain. Hoo-nu-a, s. A treading; vigorous ex-
To make thin or small, like a head with ercise.
few hairs ; to be small, like fine rain. Hoo-nu-a-nu-A, v. To be ennobled ; to
Hoo-no-E-no-£, v. See Nornor, mist. be honored ; to be rich.
Hoo-nu-1, v. See Nui, to be great. To Hoo-pa-E-LE, v. See Parte, to be dirty.
cause to enlarge; to grow big; to increase. To besmear; to defile; to make dirty; to
2. Fic. To boast; to brag. See HAAnut. blacken. Figuratively, to disturb with other
Hoo-nv-1-nu-1, v. Intensive of the above. thoughts and reflections. Laieik. 142.
Hoo-nuv, v. See Nuvu and Anuu, a Hoo-pPaE-PAk, v. See Hoopat above. To
raised place. To be greedy in eating; to be driven or dashed on shore by the surf;
eat to great fullness ; to gormandize ; ap- to ride ashore through the surf.
plied to a single person. See Hooxuxu. Hoo-PaE-PAE, v. See Par, to sound.
Hence, To make a loud boisterous noise in con-
2. To swell; to rise up, as one’s stomach versation; to talk with a loud voice so that
from great eating. everybody can hear.
3. To begrudge the food another eats. Hoo-pa-E-wa, s. See Parwa. Crooked-
Hoo-nuv, s. Greediness after food; a ness in dealing ; so dealing as to get the
voracious appetite ; a seizing food with advantage; also, in conversation, a perver-
eagerness. sion of truth or an erroneous statement.
Hoo-nuv, adj. Greedy after food. It is often connected with robbery and
Hoo-nu-Ha, v. See Nuwa, silent; tac- murder.
iturn. To be idle; to be lazy; to be in- Hoo-pal, v. See Pat, to strike. To strike
disposed to do anything. back: to revenge; to treat one as he treats
2. To sit still, as a person unable to walk. us.
3. To be disabled. 2. To pay back; to punish; to punish
Hoo-nu-HA-Nu-HA, v. Intensive of the according to law.
above. 3. To stir up; to excite; to reward either
good or evil.
Hoo-nu-HA-Nu-HA, s. A palsied person; Hoo-pat, s. Anavenger; ka hoopai koko,
one disabled from palsy.
an avenger of blood. Kanl. 19:6.
Hoo-pa, v. See Pa, to touch. To cause Hoo-pat-Ho, v. To make a significant
to touch; to take hold of; to hit; to strike.
gesture by putting the thumb between the
Hoo-paa, v. See Paa, fast; tight. To fingers.
make fast; to bind; to keep tight; to de- 2. To give a warning with the hand.
tain. 3. To tempt, or to knamuamu ; eia na
2. To tie or fasten a thing; to make olelo hou e hewa ai, o ke kake, o ka olelo
tight. Kauai, 0 ka hoopaiho lima.
3. To stop one’s speech; to be silent; 4. To rub the skin from the arm; to
you have said enough. JLaieik. 65. skin.
Hoo-paa-KI-KI, v. See Paaxixi, hard 5. To make crooked. Notre.—This word
morally and physically. To hold fast to is said to be peculiar to Kauai.
one’s opinion ; to be obstinate ; to be un- Hoo-pa-i-K1, v. See Pa, to touch, and
yielding. Ik1, little. To touch lightly or softly ; to
2. To have no respectto other’s feelings, move gently ; to move a very little.
person or property.
Hoo-pal-Lu-a, v. See Paitua, nausea.
3. To be hard in the treatment
of others;
To be sick at the stomach ; to nauseate.
to be hard hearted.
2. To dislike greatly ; to be displeased
Hoo-paa-kKI-KI, s. Stubbornness; diso- with.
bedience. 1 Sam. 15:23. Hoo-par-Lu-a, s. Sickness at the stom-
Hoo-paa-pAd, v. See Paapaa, to dis- ach; disgust; loathing.
pute. To be hard upon others ; hence, 2. A disgusting sight; an abomination.
2. To dispute pertinaciously; to contend;
to quarrel ; to have a mental contest. Hoo-pau, v. See Pac, all. To make an
end of a thing; to finish; to complete a
Hoo-pagz, v. See Par,togoashore. To work ; to cease to work. :
cause to arrive at land; to go ashore from 2. To devour; to consume all.
a canoe, boat or vessel.
2. To float ashore, as anything at sea.
Hoo-pa-u, v. See Pa-v,a woman’s gar-
3. To throw up on a bank of a kalo ment. To put or gird on the pa-u; to bind
patch. on one, as a loose garment; to tie around.
Hoo-par-E, v. See Par, to misunder- Hoo-pau-a-KA, v. See Pavaxka, to be
stand. To hear indistinctly through some weary. To work without wages or reward;
noise ; to misunderstand what is said; to to be compelled to work gratis: to oppress
be partially deat. with hard labor ; to work here and there.
Hoo-pa-Egz, s. A desire and an effort to Hoo-Pau-Li-NA-LI-NA, v. See Lina, soft;
_— another’s property; aspecies of rob- yielding. To work lazily or carelessly be-
ery. cause of little or no pay.
Hoo-Pau-MA-E-LE, v. See PAUMAELE,to smooth. To make smooth; to swell up, as
defile. To cause defilement or pollution; a swelling of the skin; hence, ;
to daub over; to foul; to dirty. 2. To be smooth and shining; to swell,
Hoo-pau-MA-Ko, v. See Paumaxo, heavi- as the belly so as to be smooth.
ness of eyes. To have great affection for; 3. To glide smoothly, as over a surface.
to weep over one for grief; to be sad at Hoo-Pa-KA-KE, v. See Kake and Pa-
the loss of a friend or anything valuable. KAKE. To practice the kake.
Hoo-pau-MA-NA-wa, v. To waste time; 2. To talk unintelligibly except to those
instructed in a kind of mystical language,
to play the child after one has grown up;
3. To talk like a foreigner without learn-
to act foolishly ; to live idly.
ing his language.
Hoo-pau-pau, v. See HoopaumaE.e. To Hoo-pa-KkE, v. See Pak, to push away.
defile; to make filthy; to render vile; pol-
To partition off; to guard; to defend; to
push away; to allow to escape.
Hoo-pau-pau-A-Ho, v. See Hoopau and Hoo-Pa-KE-LE, v. See PAKELE,to escape.
AHO, breath. To be nearly out of breath; To cause to escape from; to deliver; to
to pant; to breathe hard.
save one from danger.
, 2, Fic. To be weary in doing a thing;
to be discouraged. Hoo-pa-KE-Lo, v. See Paxexo, to slip
Hoo-pa-HEE, v. See Panes, toslip. To out of. See PaxeLe. To slip out of the
grasp of a person or thing, as a fish from
slip; to slide; to fall prostrate; to fall
the hands.
down ; to slide, as the feet in a slippery 2. To inject; to give an enema.
Hoo-Pa-HEE-HEE, v. Intensive of above. Hoo-pa-k1, v. See Paxi and Paxg, to
Hoo-Pa-HE-LE, v. See Pane ce, to in- resist; to push away. To be hard against;
to resist; to push; to crowd out, as an egg
snare. To insnare; to take or catch with
a snare. about to hatch; to swell out; to urge
through any opposing substance.
Hoo-pa-HE-mo, v. See Hemo and Pa-
HEMO, to loosen. To loosen; to slip off, as Hoo-pa-ki-0, v. See Paxto, to drop con-
an axe from the helve. tinually, as rain. To cause to rain fre+
Hoo-pa-Ho-LE, v. See PaHotsg, to peel quently ; to drop down rain continually.
off.. To peel; to pull off, as the skin of a Hoo-pa-kKI-k1, v. See Paxrki and Paa-
banana. KIKI, very hard. To resist; to set against;
2. To rub; to polish. to stir up ; to excite. ‘
3. To do a thing with indifference. 2. To harden; to be or act obstinately.
Hoo-pa-Hu, v. See Panu, to mock; to 3. To skim stones on the surface of the
push away. To mock; to deride; to treat
with contempt. Hoo-pa-Ko-LE, v. See Pakote and Po-
2. To defend off; to push away. KOLE, to be short. To curb in; to restrain;
3. To snap, as parching corn. to shorten; to make short.
4. To beat the pahu or drum. Hoo-pa-Ku-pa-KkU, v. To be brisk at
5. To frighten, as one who carries the work; to work quickly, without laziness.
report of death or calamities. Hoo-pa-La, v. See Para, mellow; soft.
Hoo-pa-nu-a, v. To strengthen; to con- To make soft; to ripen soft, as dead-ripe
firm. fruit.
2. To sail in a zigzag manner; to beat 2. To stain; to daub; to smutch; to
against the wind. plaster.
3. To dance. Hoo-pa-Lav, v. To engage to marry, as
Hoo-pa-Hu-PA-HU, v. See Panu. To aman and woman; to make an agreement
snap, as corn in the fire; to crack or make of marriage.
a report, as a pistol. 2. To betroth, as parents a daughter; to
2. To beat the drum. make a matrimonial alliance.
3. To do a thing very quickly or rapidly. Hoo-pa-Lav, adj. Betrothed; engaged
Hoo-pa-nu-pa-Hu, s. A drumming or in marriage, as a woman to a man.
thrumming on a pahu or drum; a thump-
ing; aole wau i moe iki, i ka hoopahupahu
Hoo-pa-Lau, v. See Patav, to lie; to
wale ia no a ao wale. Laieilc. 198. deceive. To lie; to deceive; to act treach-
Moo-pa+Ka-ua-a-KA, v. See AKA, to Hoo-PA-LA-HA-LA-HA, v. See Lana, to
laugh. To cause one to laugh; to create extend. To spread out; to make broad;
laughter ; to make sport. to widen.
‘Hoo-pa-ka-KA, v. See Paxaxa, to be Hoo-pa-La-HE-A, v. See Parana, dirty.
To defile; to daub over; to stain; to make PANE above. To speak and reply; to an-
dirty. swer each other, as people in conversation.
Hoo-Pa-La-HEE, v. See PaLanEE, to Hoo-Pa-nI-0-NI-0, v. See Panto, to spot;
shrink from duty. To be lazy; to be un- to paint. To spot; to print, as in printing
occupied. kapa ; to variegate.
Hoo-pa-La-Hu-L1, v. To turn upside Hoo-pa-nI-NI-0, v. See above. To vari-
down ; to turn over and over. egate with colors; to put different colors
2. To be lazy; to be unoccupied. on a thing; e wai kilikiloia, e panionio.
Hoo-pa-La-LE, v. See Parare, to be Hoo-pa-No-a, v. See Panoa, wild dry
slovenly. To speak with another voice; land. To be dry, hard and rocky, as a
to disguise the voice ; to stammer ; to vo- barren dry place.
ciferate. Hoo-pa-No-PA-No, v. See Panopano and
Hoo-pa-La-LE-HA, v. See ParaLena, Papano, thick; black; glossy. To make
slothful. To be slothful; to be idle; to be thick and black, as a cloud; to be thick,
careless. glossy black.
Hoo-pa-La-LE-HE, v. To be idle; to 2. To regulate.
waste time ; to be inactive. Hoo-pa-pa, v. Pa doubled. See Pa, to
Hoo-pa-La-ni, v. To cause a strong of- touch. To touch; to feel; to take hold of;
fensive smell, as that of tar, sulphur, &c. to examine.
Hoo-pa-te, v. See Pate, to ward off. 2. To communicate with each other, as
husband and wife.
To drive off from ; to defend off when at-
tacked ; to separate from.
3. To be intimate with another person’s
wife or husband.
2. To be or act the defendant in court.
Hoo-pa-Le-La, v. See Patera, idle; Hoo-pa-pa, v. See Papa,a row; arank.
To place in rows or ranks, as soldiers; to
lazy. To be indisposed to work; to be idle; lay in rank one above another; to pack in
to be lazy. order, as clothes in a trunk.
Hoo-Pa-LE-Mo, v. See Patemo, to sink Hoo-pa-pa, s. A shelf made by placing
in water. To plunge; to cause to sink in sticks across the corner of a room.
2. The condition of a female with a board
Hoo-pa-LE-PA-LE, v. See Pate and Hoo- tied on to her abdomen to secure her con-
PALE. Toseparate; to ward off; to loosen. ception; ae hoomaemae i kona hanau keiki.
Hoo-pa-to, v. See Pato, to live idly. Hoo-pa-pa, v. For hoopaapaa. ‘To quar-
To sit speechless, as one watching others ; rel; to contend ; to dispute ; to scold.
to sit silent and quiet, but with sly and | fy 00-PA-PAA, v. To burn; to scorch in
wicked thoughts or intentions.
the fire, as food burnt black.
Hoo-pa-tu, v. See Patu, to lick or lap Hoo-pa-Pal, v. See Papal, to strike
water. To lick or lap water with the tongue,
as a dog. with the open hand. To move softly or
2. To run out the tongue to taste. . gently ; to move lightly.
2. To touch or strike softly.
3. To paint or daub over; to blot; to
paint, as in painting a map. Hoo-pa-Pau, v. See Papat, to be intent.
Hoo-pa-tua, v. To put two things to- To be all engaged in a thing; to be wholly
gether, as two letters in reading. taken up with it.
2. To be in earnest in a work or in an
Hoo-Pa-LU-HEE, v. See Pa vues, to affair; to have great anxiety about a thing.
soften. To make soft; to cook soft; to 3. To persevere.
cause to flow. Hoo-pa-pau, s. Engagedness; devoted-
Hoo-pa-Lu-Pa-Lu, v. See Patu, soft; ness; earnestness and perseverance in a
gentle. To soften ; to be soft or tender, as pursuit.
a sick person; to be young and tender; to Hoo-pau-HAa, v. To exert one’s self
be weak and flexible.
greatly, as in carrying a very heavy load;
Hoo-pa-NE, v. See Pane, to speak in to be strong; to be energetic.
reply. To reply back and forth in conver- Hoo-pa-pa-Li-mA, v. See Papaand Lima,
sation; to make a reply to what has been
said. to touch hands. To touch, join or shake
hands as confirmatory of a previous agree-
Hoo-pa-NEE, v. See Panes, to post- ment. Notre.—This was an ancient prac-
pone. To put off; to push out of place; tice among Hawaiians.
to postpone doing a thing ; to delay.
Hoo-psz, v. See Pe, toanoint. To anoint
Hoo-pa-NEE, adj. Put off; postponed; with what is perfumed; hence, to perfume.
delayed; uku hoopanee, interest on a debt.
Hoo-rse, adj. Perfumed; anointed with
Hoo-pa-NE-PA-NE, v. See PANE and Hoo- perfumed substances.
Hoo-rE, v. See
PEpE, mashed;
206 HOO
bruised. |Hoo-pt-o-ri-o, v. To practice sorcery, a
To break up; to break fine; to scatter part of which was the auhauhui and hiu.
abroad ; to roll over anything ; to mash it. See ANAANA.
Hoo-Pe-a, v. See Pea, to make a cross; 2. To pray in the practice of sorcery.
to oppose. To accuse or punish an inno- 3. To perform other ceremonies with
cent person ; to bring one into difficulty; medicines, &c., in order to kill. Nora.—
to deal falsely or unjustly. The god to whom the prayer was made was
Hoo-PEE-PEE, v. To conceal one’s self; called Pua.
to go off out of sight through shame or diffi- Hoo-ri-0-Lo-o-Lo, v. To be in trouble, as
dence. the mind.
2. To deceive one; to get him into diffi- 2. To feed a sick person with the fruit of
culty. See Hoopra above. the noni. which makes one sick.
Hoo-pe-nu-PE-HU, adj. Full; large; Hoo-ri-Ha, v. See Pina, full, as a con-
spreading, as clouds; he ao hoopehupehu. tainer. To cause to fill; to fill full, as a
container; to put into a vessel until it runs
Hoo-rE-PE, v. See Pere, soft; pliable. over.
To be downcast or ashamed; to be not 2. To overflow its banks, as a stream.
bold; not confident. Hoo-pi-HA-PI-HA, v. See Prua. To cause
Hoo-rE-PE-HU, adj. Strong; muscular; to be full; to overflow ; to abound.
energetic ; he hoolua nui ke kuaaina, he 2. To swell up, as the stomach from dis-
hoopepehu. ease.
Hoo-rE-PE-LU, v. See Petv, to bend 3. To be full, as cloth gathered and
over. To cause to bend or double over. plaited into a ruffle ; hence,
2. To be in doubt; to be doubtful which 4. To be full and flowing, as a ruffle.
way to go. Hoo-pri-k1-k1, v. To be too short; to
3. To talk double, here and there; e lau- shorten.
-wili, e oJelo pelupelu. Hoo-pi-L1, v. See Pixi, to adhere to.
Hoo-r1, v. See Pi, to be stingy. To be To adhere to; to stick tu; to cling to.
hard ; to be close; to be stingy. 2. To put together the parts of a thing.
2. To be sour; to be unsociable. 3. To attach one’s self to another; to ad-
Hoo-p1, s. The name of such persons here to a person, as a servant or retainer;
as were economical in regard to food and no ka hoopili mea ai i loaa mai ka ai ia
took care of it in distinction from the waste- lakou.
ful; o ka poe mahiai malama i ka ai. ua Hoo-pi-Li-Ki-a, v. See Pitikia, crowded
kapaia ua poe la, he hoopi aole o lakou wi. close. To get one into difficulty; to lead
Hoo-r1, v. To follow; to attend. one into straits; to cause one to be in want.
Hoo-pu, v. See Pu, to ascend. To cause Hoo-Pi-Li-MEA-Al, v. To attach one’s self
to ascend; to go up; to appear; to pro- to a chief or rich person for the sake of a
trude above; ua hoopiiia ka huelo o ua living ; to be a retainer, especially where
moo nui nei. Laieik. 103. not much service is required; to serve
2. To inform the chief of the fault of a merely for a living.
person. Hoo-pi-LI-MEA-al, s. A person serving
3. To complain to one in authority of one another merely for his living.
in error or fault. Hoo-pi-Li-PI-L1, v. See Pint and Piprmi,
4. To accuse before a court of justice. to adhere to. To put together two or more
5. To ask a favor. things into one; to cause them to adhere
Hoo-pu-na, s. See Puna. The ascent closely.
of a hill; a path or road leading up a hill. 2. To live together in close friendship, as
Hoo-pi-pu, v. See Pu, to go up. To two intimate friends.
ascend ; to go up. 3. To put in opposition; to bring into
2. To beat against the wind; to sail in a difficulty.
zigzag manner. Hoo-pi-na-na, v. To swim standing up-
3. To raise the cud, as ruminating ani- right ; to float, as a log perpendicularly.
mals. 2. To rise and pitch, as a vessel in a
4, To cause to flow upward, as water out storm.
of a spring. Hoo-p1-P1-Ka, v. To go here and there;
Hoo-pi-o, v. See Pio, toextinguish. To to stagger.
put out; to extinguish, as a fire or light. 2. To wander ; to go into an inclosure.
2. To bend, as a stick; to make an arch; 3. To go wrong in advance.
to bend over. Hoo-po, v. See Po, night; dark. To act
3. To humble ; to reduce to servitude; in the dark. Kra. To do ignorantly.
to make a prisoner of ; to conquer. 2. To give without discretion; to act
foolishly without intelligence; e hoona- 2. To prevent or dissuade one from giv-
aupo, e hoonalowale. ing his consent to a bargain or proposition.
3. To absent one’s self slily, as if in the 3. To object to ; to speak against.
dark ; i kekahi manawa, ike ia mai lakou i Hoo-po-Ha-La, 5. A pretense; a specious
ka pule, a i kekahi manawa, hoopo loa aku, course of conduct.
sometimes they appear at worship,at other Hoo-po-Ha-Lu, v. To make a hole or
times they make themselves dark.
4. To keep out of one’s sight. crevice; to split; to crack; to burst forth;
5. To be willingly blind or ignorant. to swell up, as a wound: to be large.
Hoo-ro-E, v. See Porpor, round. To Hoo-po-HE-0-HE-0, v. To make a head
cut off short; to cut off square, as pieces of on the end of a stick or other substance,as
sugar-cane or pieces of wood. in making the neck on the top of a rafter
on a native house; e kalai ia luna o na oa,
2. To cut the hair alike all over the head.
3. To make globular. a uuku, a hoopoheoheo ia ko luna o na oa,
Hoo-po-E-ro-E, v. See Hooror above. Hoo-po-Ka-KAA, v. See Poxakaa, the
To make round ; to collect into a ball. wheel of a pulley. To turn, as the wheel
2. To shorten endways. of a pulley ; to cause to roll, as a wheel.
3. To cut off, as a section of a log for a 2. Fie. To go over and over again with
cart wheel. the same story, as a verbose speaker.
Hoo-ro-1, v. See Pot, to examine by tor- Hoo-po-Ko-LE, v. See Poxorte and Pa-
ture. To cause to be awake; to excite; to KOLE, short. To shorten ; to cut short; to
stir up. curtail the length of a thing.
2. To examine by torture or threats. Hoo-po-ko-po-ko, v. See Poxo, short.
Hoo-po-1-po-1, v. Freq. of foregoing. To To make short; to curb in; to cut short.
smother, as a fire ; to extinguish. Hoo-po-La-po-La, v. See Potaprora, to
Hoo-po-i-na, v. See Poina, to forget. sprout. To push or urge on.
To cause to forget; to be unmindful; to 2. To revive or come to, as one sick.
be indifferent as to business or knowledge; 3. To sprout; to push out, as a bud; to
tu be thoughtless. quicken ; to hasten on.
Hoo-po-i-No, v. See Poino, to be in dis- Hoo-po-Lo-LEI, v. See PoLo£t, straight.
tress. To be illfated; to be unlucky; to To make straight; to straighten; to cor-
be in distress. rect; to make corrections; to put to rights.
2. To be filthy ; to be unclean. Hoo-po-to-L1, v. See Potou, hunger.
Hoo-roo, v. See Poo, the head. To go To cause hunger ; to fast; to eat no food.
ahead ; to go forward ; not to retrograde. Hoo-po-Lu-Lu-HI, v. See Potu.uut, dark;
2. To be brave ; to hold fast. foggy. To cover the sky with dark storm
Hoo-Poo-poo, v. See Pooroo, deep. To clouds ; to thicken and darken, as clouds
be deep ; to dig deep ; to sink down. before a storm.
Hoo-po-u-t1, v. See Pov, darkness. Hoo-po-Lu-Lu-H1, s. The dark gathering
of clouds before a storm.
To darken ; to make dark.
2. To blind. Hoo-po-mal-Kal, v. See Pomarxat, for-
Hoo-pou-rov, v. See Povrov, short, par- tunate. To make one fortunate; to be for-
tunate in obtaining what one wishes; to be
ticularly of stature. To shorten; to make blessed.
or be short.
2. Morally, to be low ; to be humble. Hoo-ro-NA-Lo-NA-LO, v. See Nato and
PONALONALO, to obscure. To appear dimly
Hoo-po-Ha, v. See Poa, to burst; to as scarcely discernible ; to be obscure to
break. To cause to break or burst forth, the sight; to be vanishing.
as a sound. Hoo-po-ni-u-ni-u, v. See Pontu, vertigo.
2. To burst, as the contents of a boil; to To have a dizziness of the head.
3. To flow away. Hoo-po-nI-NI-U, v. See above and Poni,
Hoo-po-HAE, v. See Ponar. To cause dizziness. To be dizzy; to have the sensa-
to tear; to tear open.
tion of a turning of the head; to turn or
whirl like a top.
Hoo-po-Ha-Ku, v. See Ponaxv,a stone; Hoo-ro-ni-po-n1, v. See Poni, purple
a rock. To become a stone or rock; to color. Tobe of a black or deep blue color.
harden ; to become as a rock or stone; to 2. To have a mixture of colors; to be
be very hard. purple.
Hoo-po-HA-LA, v. See Ponara, to re- Hoo-ro-no, v. See Pono, good; right.
cover from sickness. To rest; to be quiet; To rectify ;to put in order; to make cor-
to recover from sickness. rect; to do rightly.
Hoo-po-No-Po-No, v. See Hoopono. To 2. To explain language so as to mean
rule over ; to be a superintendent. nothing.
2. To put in order; to regulate ; to cor- 3. To object to ; to refuse consent to.
rect what is erroneous. 4, To magnify an offense.
Hoo-Po-Po-Lo-LU, v. See HookaKAHELE. Hoo-pu-HaA-Lvu, s. One that acts under-
To be weak in body; to be unstrung, as handed ; a hypocrite.
the nerves and muscles. Hoo-pu-Ha-LU-HA-LU, v. To be tough
Hoo-pu, v. See Pu or Puu, to contract and watery inside; to be inwardly fnsound;
into a bunch. To sit shrugged up in one’s to be of poor quality.
kapa or blanket; to shiver with the cold ; Hoo-pPu-HA-NU, v. See Punanv. To rest
to sit crumped up in a bunch. a little; to breathe soft and easy.
Hoo-pu, s. For hanapu. A mediator for Hoo-pu-Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo, v. To warm by the
peace or war. fire ; to cook.
Hoo-pu-a-H1, v. See Hookonuxonu and Hoo-pu-Ka, v. See Puxa, an opening.
Puantant. To dress one’s self up finely. To cause to pass through an orifice, as
Hoo-pu-a1, v. See Puat, to flow, as through a doorway or through a hole ina
blood. To vomit; to cast out; to boil up, fence, &c.
as a spring. 2. To make a substance full of holes or
Hoo-pu-a-KE-a, v. To appear at a dis- chinks.
tance as beautiful, desirable. 3. To appear in sight, as a ship at a dis-
tance. .
Hoo-pu-a-KE-A, s. A white cloud, or any 4. To emerge to light, as from darkness.
beautiful distant object. 5. To publish, as a newspaper.
Hoo-pu-a-pu-al, v. See Pua, to flow. Hoo-pu-ka-ku, v. To adhere to another
To gurgle, as one drinking from a calabash; and not to one’s proper lord; ka! kupaia-
to boil up, as a spring. naha, no’u aku kuu aina, a hoopukaku oe i
Hoo-pu-1-Pu-1, v. See Puiput, fat. To kou waiwai mamuli o ke alii.
become large, fat and fleshy, as the body. Hoo-pu-Ka-PU-KA, v. See Puxa. To push
Hoo-pu-I-wa, v. See Purwa, to start forward ; to make prominent.
suddenly. To be suddenly scared; to 2. To charge interest or per cent. on
frighten one; to be overtaken; to be seized goods.
by ; ua hoopuiwaia ke alii kane e ke kuko 3. To answer or reply back and forth;
ino. Laieik. 37. to show one’s skill in answering again ; to
Hoo-pu-o-pu-o, v. To be deep. contradict, as two whg are obstinate in
2. To spread abroad, as the ocean. conversation.
3. To spread out, as all the sails of a ship. Ho-o-pu-Ku-Mo-a, v. See Oru and Ku-
Hoo-ruv, v. See Puu, a heap. To col- MOA, to be sour. To be evilly disposed;
lect together ; to collect in heaps; to lay to be envious.
up in store. 2. To be greedy after property.
2. To fill up, as the belly with wind ; to 3. To be sour and selfish in disposition.
fill, as the heart with resentment ; hoopuu Ho-o-pu-ku-mo-a, adj. Hard-hearted ;
ae la ka’u ia ia i kana hoahewa ana ia’u. close-fisted ; selfish.
3. To make ridiculous gestures or faces Hoo-pu-La-Pu-LA, v. See Pura and Pu-
in ridicule of others. See Hooruvkanua LAPULA, the tops of sugar-cane. To plant
and HoomMaLoKa. in order to increase vegetables ; to propa-
Hoo-puv, s. A fullness of resentment gate by planting ; to begin to plant a new »
of one against another; e kuu aku i kou kind of vegetable.
hoopuu i pau, let loose all your resentment. Hoo-Pu-LA-LE-LA-LE, v. See Lae and
Hoo-pu-u-a, v. See Puva, to be choked. Pua, to hurry; to scare fish. To hurry;
To push away ; to treat with dislike. to hasten; to make a stir in doing a thing.
2. To be choked ; to have hard labor, as 2. To encourage strongly.
a female. Hoo-Pu-LE-LE-HU-A, v. See PULELEHUA,
Hoo-puu-Ka-nu-a, v. See Hooruu above. a butterfly. To blow away, as small bits
To make ridiculous faces and gestures to of paper.
the disparagement of others. 2. To act the butterfly ; to flutter about,
Hoo-puu-puv, v. See Hooruv. To lay as 3.vain dressy persons.
To talk much with little sense.
in heaps ; to collect.
Hoo-pu-Lovu, v. See Puxou, to veil the
Hoo-pu-Ha-La-Lu, v. See Paratu, the head. To cover the head with a kapa.
snorting of a horse. To imitate the neigh- 2. To sit bending the head down so as to
Ing of a horse ; to snort like a horse. keep warm. ;
Hoo-pu-Ha-Lu, v. To spend time lazily. Hoo-pv-tv, v. To deceive; to act treach-
erously ; to get the advantage of one by 2. To be uncomfortably filled with food.
deceit. See Hooxukv.
Hoo-pu-tu, v. To manure; hoopulu Joi. 3. To hinder; to be unwilling; to refuse;
Hoo-pu-Lu-pu-Lu, v. Tocausea stench; to hold fast.
4, To cleave to one’s home when driven
to make an offensive smell. or invited away.
2. To deceive.
5. To breathe quick and short, as an aged
3. To protest against. person ; hence,
Hoo-pu-1u-Pu-Lu, adj. Strong smelling; 6. To be feeble and tottering ; to walk
stinking. like an aged person.
2. Deceitful ; hypocritical. 7. To dispute ; to converse roughly.
Hoo-pu-ma-HA-Na, v. See Pumenana. Hoo-pu-pu, s. For hoopuupuu. See Puu-
Hoo-Pu-ME-HA-NA, To warm, as by fire; puu. Acollection of things; a gathering up.
to warm by covering with clothes; to warm 2. An old person, from his walking in a
up, as food. stumbling, irregular manner.
Hoo-pu-NA-HE-LE, v. See PuUNAHELE, a Hoo-pu-pu-Ka, v. See Puxa and Pv-
favorite. To make a favorite of one; to pukA, worthless ; full of holes. To speak
treat one as a favorite ; applied mostly to contemptibly.
* chiefs who were inclined to treat one or 2. To act disgracefully.
more of their people as favorites. 3. To be ugly to look at.
Hoo-Pu-NA-HE-LU, v. See PunaneE
wu, Hoo-pu-pu-LE, v. See Pupuxs, crazy.
mould, spiders’ webs, &c. To grow mouldy To make one crazy; to be out of one’s wits;
or musty ; to grow old. to be insane.
Hoo-pu-NA-Lu-a, v. See Punatva. To Hoo-pu-wa-Pu-wa, v. See Puwa, to as-
have, as a man, another woman equally be- cend, as smoke. To hang suspended, as a
loved as his wife; to have, as a woman, flag, or as smoke or clouds in the air.
another man equally beloved as her hus- 2. To act proudly, as above others.
band. _ 3. To glitter with brightness.
Hoo-pu-wa-na, v. See Punana, to sit Hoo-wa, v. To cause to vomit; to make
on, asanest. To sit like a fowl on eggs sick at the stomach ; to flow off.
to hatch them. Hoo-waa, v. To dig a trench; to set
2. To hatch eggs by warming them. out, as plants where many are planted to-
3. To brood or cherish, as a fowl her gether.
young. Hoo-wal, v. To move so as to make
4. To warm, as a person by the fire.
Hoo-pu-n1, v. See Punt, to surround. Hoo-wat-Ho, v. See W arxo, to lay down.
To come around; to surround. To leave exposed, as a woman her shame ;
2. To get the advantage of; to deceive ; eia kekahi mea e moekolohe ai, o ka hoo-
to beguile.
3. To be charmed with; to desire much,
as the desire of the sexes. Laieik. 38. Hoo-wal-Ho-wa-LE, v. To sit in a state
Hoo-pu-nI-Pu-NI, v. See Hoorunt above. of nudity; to expose one’s shame. See
To get around one, i.e., to deceive; hence,
to lie; to speak falsely. Hoo-war-wal, v. See Warwat, property.
Hoo-pu-ni-Pu-nI, s. Deceit; treachery; To make rich; to have a supply; to be
abundantly provided for ; hence,
falsehood. 2. To be honorable.
Hoo-pu-ni-Pu-n1, adj. Deceitful; caus- Hoo-wa-Ha, v. To covet; to seize; to
ing deceit ; treacherous. take with the knowledge, but without the
Hoo-pu-no-No-Hv, v. See Punonv, to consent of the owner. See Hookawa.
ascend, as smoke. To enlarge; to spread
out, as a sail on a mast; to rise up, asa Hoo-wa-Ha, adj. Having a disposition
thick smoke when there is no wind. to take another’s property; greedy; he
hoowaha, he alunu, he hao wale now ~
Hoo-pu-No-n1, v. See Nont,a plant. To
be or to make of a reddish color; to be Hoo-wa-HA-wa-Ha, v. See Wana. To
brown. make mouths at; to treat with contempt;
Hoo-ru-no-no, v. See Punono, to dress to ridicule ; to hate; to dislike.
gorgeously. To be noble; to dress gor- Hoo-wa-H1, v. See W aut, to.break, and
geously. Wawaul, to break up. To grind or break
2. To have red eyes. to pieces.
Hoo-pu-pu, v. See Puru, a bunch, as Hoo-wa-HI-NE, v. See WAHINE, Woman.
of grass or leaves. To collect together; to To make special friendship with a woman;
heap up. See Hooruv: applied only to men.
2. To imitate, as a man, the manners of 31:4. To run through the body, as with a
a woman. spear. Puk. 19:13.
Hoo-wa-Hu, v. See Hoowana above. To 2. To exert one’s self in casting a spear
rob; to take by force. or javelin. 1 Sam. 18:11.
Hoo-wa-Hu-a, v. See WanHuA, a snare; 3. To dip, as a pen into an inkstand; hou
aku lai ka hulu i ka inika; to dip into a
a trap. To insnare; to entrap. liquid. Rué. 2:14. To moisten or soak in
Hoo-wa-LE-Hav, v. See Watenav. To water.
distill; to flow from the nose. as mucous. 4, To thrust, as the hand into a hole.
Hoo-wa-LE-wa-Lk, v. See WALEWALE, 5. To stretch out, as the hand; to draw
to deceive. To deceive; to insnare; to out; to extend.
plot mischief. 6. To search for something, as the mind;
Hoo-wa-LE-wa-te, s. The deceiver; the how wale aku la ka manao i 0,10, e ake e
tempter. loaa; i. e., to reach after.
Hoo-wWA-LE-WA-LE-NA-HE-SA, Vv. To ex- Hov, v. See Hou, new. To be new; to
ercise enchantment. Kanl. 18:11. be fresh; to be recent. Job. 29:20.
2. To repeat ; to do overagain. Kanik.
Hoo-weE-HI-WE-HI, v. See WEHI, a Ter. 3:23. To do again as before. unk.
wreath. To gather a bunch of flowers for 20:31.
ornament. 3. To breathe short; to pant.
2. To fix up ornaments for a person.
Hoo-we-La, v. See Weta, heat. To
Hov, adj. New; recent; lately done.
burn; to cause to be burned or scorched.
Hov, adv. Again; recently; anew;
2. To cook in the fire. afresh.
Hoo-wE-LA-WE-LA, v. See WExa, to Hou, s. Sweat; perspiration. Lak.
burn. To burn up; to consume. 22:44,
2. To be lost out of sight. 2. The asthma; shortness of breath.
Hoo-wE-Li-wE-Li, s. Causing fear; a Hou, s. Name ofa species of fish.
threatening of one or keeping him in fear Hov-nou, v. To be blunt; to be obtuse;
in order to secure obedience or to extort to be dull, as an instrument.
property. 2. To be persevering ; to continue doing
Hoo-weE-Li-wE-Li, adj. See WELIWwELI. a thing.
Fearful; threatening ; having the quality 3. To thrust through; to drill; to bore ;
of exciting fear; he ao hooweliweli, a threat- to pierce. 1 Tim. 6:10.
ening cloud. Ho-v-Lu-u-Lu, v. For hoouluulu. See
2. Exciting fear for the sake of obtaining Uno, to grow. To collect together ; to as-
property. semble, as people.
Hoo-wi-u-wi-v, v. To cause to be en- 2. To bring together things scattered.
tangled ; to entangle, as a kite. Ho-u-tu-u-Lu, s. An assembly; a con-
2. To daub or besmear one with any vocation. Oihk. 23:24.
filthy substance. Ho-v-Lvu-U-LU-a-Ku-A, v. See Utu 6 and
Hoo-wr-x1, v. To opena little; tomake Axua, god. To set up one’s self for a god;
a small aperture; not so much as hoohaka- to make pretensions of being a god.
haka. 2. To make or appoint gods.
Hoo-w1-k1-wI-k1, v. See Wit, quick. To Ho-u-me-KeE, v. For hooumeke. See
hasten; to hurry ; to do a thing quickly. Umexke, a poi calabash. To swell in grow-
Hoo-wi-L1, v. See Witt, to twist. To ing like the calabash gourd; to swell, as
bind or tie up, as a bundle; to fasten fruit in growing.
tightly by tying; to tie around. 2. To have enough; to be supplied with
Hoo-w1-Li-moo, s. The name of a cer- comforts.
tain aha; also hulahula. Ho-u-re-pe, v. See Pere, crushed;
Hoo-wt-Li-wI-L1, v. See Wi, to bind. bruised. To be modest; to be bashful; to
To bind or tie up tightly; to tie up in bun- act asa backwoodsman; to be diffident; to
dles. be crushed, as the mind.
2. To make afraid. See WELIWELI. Ho-v-po, s. The thorax ; the region of
Hoo-wi-ui-wi-u1, v. ‘To move here and the material heart. Laieil. 45.
there irregularly. 2. A palpitation or fluttering of the heart.
2. To move, as clouds with contrary 3. The action of the region of the mind;
winds. lelele ka houpo i ka olioli, the mind (or
3. To cause darkness or obscurity by the heart) leaped for joy.
commingling of dark clouds. 4. The heart. Jsa. 60:5. See Haurv.
Hou, v. To stab; to pierce. 1 Sam. Ho-v-po-LE-wa-LE-wa, v. See Hovro
above and LewaLewa, movable. To flat} Ho-Ho-La, v. See Hoxa, to spread out.
down, as the stomach of a hungry person. To unfold and spread down, as a mat; to
2. To be hungry; to be dizzy for want spread out, as a kapa or garment; hohola
of food. ike kapa. Kanl. 22:17.
3. To be light or empty, as the stomach. 2. To spread out, i. e., to smooth a cloth
Ho-v-po-LE-wa-LE-wa, s. A hungry, that has been ruffled.
empty stomach. 3. To spread out, as a net. Sol. 29:5.
2. Faintness for want of food. 4. To spread up, i.e., to make up, as a
Ho-v-pu-u-pu, v. For hooupuupu. See bed. Sol. 7:16.
Upv, to desire strongly. To tell lies, as in 5. To spread or stretch out, as the visi-
iving a false alarm, or in accusing another ble heavens. Job. 9:8. To spread out, as
n order to clear himself of suspicion. the clouds. Job. 36:29.
Ho-u-we-ke, v. For hoouweke. See 6. To stretch out, as the hand. Kin.
48:14. To spread out, as the wings of a
UwEkg, to open wide. To open; to open, bird. Kanl. 32:11.
as a door; to open, as the mouth; to open
7. To spread over, as darkness or dark
wide. See Werner.
clouds. Nore.—Hohola applied to the mind
Ho-na-na, v. To grasp; to seize hold signifies
of with the hand; to hold fast; e puili. 8. To calm; to soothe; to prepare to
Ho-wa-na, s. A measure, both hands hear or receive information.
full, used in giving out food, small fish, 9. To open; to enlighten the mind.
&c.; a small measure box or calabash. 10. To set forth ; to manifest.
Ho-HeE, v. Probably for hoohee. To be 11. To make a gesture or stretch out one’s
afraid; to flee. Neh. 6:11. To flee from hand in speaking. See Unoia and Manoa.
fear. Sol. 28:1. To be overcome or routed; Ho-Ho-La, adj. Open; opened; un-
aole e hohe ka ilo ma ka lua ahi, e ai mai no. sealed ;me ka palapala i hoholaia, with an
Ho-ne, s. Fear; terror. open letter. Neh. 6:5.
2. A coward. Ho-no-LE, v. See Hote, to skin; to peel.
Ho-ne, adj. Fearful; timorous. To peel off the skin, as a banana; to skin,
Ho-nE-HE, adj. Faint-hearted; weak. as an animal.
Ho-HE-wa-Le, s. A fleeing without 2. To peel ; to rub ; to file off. 5
cause ; cowardice. Ho-no-Lo, v. See Hoxo, to run; to sail.
Ho-no, v. See Ho, to breathe. To snore; To run; to sail ; to glide swiftly.
2. Pass. To be driven swiftly by the
to breathe hard ; to gurgle. as one breath-
ing through water in the throat. wind. Jak. 3:4.
2. To snort, as a horse; alaila, hoho mai
3. To put out one’s hand to take a thing.
ka lio.
TIunk. 15:15. See Honora 6.
3. Toery out; tosboutafter. See Hoono. Ho-Ho-ma, v. See Homa, lean. To be
Ho-no, s. Snow; the spray of water poor in flesh ; to be lean.
from a cataract. Ho-no-ma, adj. Reduced in flesh; poor;
2. The distant sound of asmall cataract, lean.
Ho-no, v. To sink down, as a canoe in Ho-xo-no, v. To smell strongly, as tar
the water. or burning sulphur; to cause a strong of-
2. To leap or slide down, as one from a fensive smell.
pali. Ho-Ho-no, s. A strong offensive smell;
3. To jet. as water into a canoe where a stench; the smell of anything. Dan. 3:27.
there is a hole; ke hoho mai la ka liu. Ho-Ho-nv, v. To be deep, as water;
Ho-Ho-a, v. See Hoa, to strike. To deep down, as a pit.
strike repeatedly on the head with a stick. 2. To be full, i. e., deep, as the sea at
2. To beat kapa after coloring that it full tide.
may be soft; hohoa kapa, to beat kapa with Ho-Ho-nu, s. The deep, i. e., the sea;
a stick on a stone. the depth. Puk. 15:5.
3. To strike, as in fighting. Ho-Ho-nu, adj. Deep, as a pit; asa
4. To smooth kapa out by beating; ap-
well. Joan. 4:11.
plied to the first process in beating.
Ho-no-pa, adj. Long, thin, slender or
Ho-no-a, s. A cane; a staff; a war spare, as a man; he kanaka hohopa, a thin
club, an instrument for knocking down an slender man.
adversary. See Panoa. Ho-nv-Le, adj. See Onvte, bald. Bald,
Ho-Ho-Ho1, v. See Hor, to return. To as the head ; baldheaded.
return again. Gram. § 209. Ho-xa, v. Tosqueeze; to press; to take
Ho-nHo-Ka, v. See Hoxa. To be ashamed. hold of; to gather up.
_ 2. To search or look after; to examine but afterward lio was applied to a horse,
into. and hoki was applied to the ass and the
3. To strike ; to attack. mule.
4. To be destitute ; to perish; to be de- Ho-xu, v. See Kn, also Hooxn. To dis-
stroyed. Hal. 9:18. solve; to pine away, as a diseased person.
5. To fail; to be disappointed. Hal. Isa. 34:4. To pine away, as with the con-
22:5. To fail; to forsake. 1 Oihl. 28:20. sumption.
6. To be ashamed through a failure.
Rom. 9:33. Mai hoka au imua ona, e ole
Ho-xu, s. The phthisic. Jsa. 10:18. A
ka ekemu ana o ka waha. consumption; a pining sickness. Oihk.
7. Hoo. To puttoshame. Hal. 44:7. To 26:16.
be disappointed; to be mocked. Mat. 2:16. Ho-xn, adj. Lean, low or thin in flesh.
Ho-xa, s. A mistake in understanding Ho-x1-0, v. For hooktio. To play the
one’s words. pipe ; to whistle.
2. A blunder; carelessness in doing a Ho-x1-0, s. A pipe; a whistle; some
thing. musical wind instrument played with the
Ho-xa, adj. Destitute; poor. mouth. 1 Sam. 10:5.
2. Blundering; careless. Ho-x1-0-k1-0, v. For hookiokio. To pipe;
Ho-xaa, v. For hookaa. See Kaa. To to play on the pipe.
cause to roll. Ho-k1-o-k1-0, s. An ancient wind in-
Ho-xa-a-wa. Mai hele i ahuawa, hoka- strument among Hawaiians, the pipe;
awa; aka, pakele ae nei paha au i keia la. among the Hebrews. JIJsa. 5:12.
Ho-kaz, v. For hookae. See Kar, to Ho-x1-Lo, v. To be sick and famished
rub or blot out. To seize hold of awk- away.
wardly ; to blunder in doing a thing. Ho-xo, v. To imitate.
2. To erase; to blot out. Ho-xo, s. The fleshy movable part of
3. To smite ; to kill. 2 Sam. 6:7. a fat person or animal.
Ho-xat, v. For hookai. See Kat, hoo. 2. The buttock ; applied to men and fat
To drive; to drive away; to banish; to animals.
dash, as a melon on the ground and break it. 3. The inside of the thighs; ua pili na
2. To disregard ; to squander; to mis- hoko, or ua hui na hoko on account of fat-
spend. ness.
3. To turn upside down ; to destroy; to 4, The under part of the thigh.
blot out. Kanl. 7:24. To destroy utterly. Ho-xo, adj. Large; fat; rolling;
Kanl. 25:19. Ho-Kko-Ho-Ko, § applied to the thighs of
4. To put away; to do mischief gener- men, women and fat animals.
ally ;mea hokai, a destroyer. Mat. 3:11.
Ho-xu, s. The asthma. See Hox.
Ho-xa1, adj. Unprepared. *
Ho-xvu, adj. Thin in flesh; meager.
Ho-xat, adv. Disorderly; mischiev- See Hoku.
ously ;wickedly. 2 Tes. 3:6.
Ho-xu, s. The name of the fifteenth
Ho-ka-Ho-Ka, v. See Hoxa before. To day of the month.
feel demeaned ; to be ashamed ; hokahoka Ho-xu, s. A star; hoku lele, a comet;
wale iho no ka mea haku ole, he is ashamed
of himself who has no master. ka poe hoku o ke kaei, the planets. 2 Nal.
33:5. The twinkling orbs of heaven.
Ho-xa-Ho-Ka1, v. See Hoxar 3. To stir
up ; to mix, as two ingredients. Joan. 9:6. Ho-xu, s. A word; a thought; some-
Ho-xa-La-tu. Hokalalu na holoholona thing rising in the mind; he wahi hoku iki
ia mau malama. ko’u no keia mea.
Ho-xa-Le, s. A hard concretion in the Ho-xvu-a, s. The lower and back part
flesh ; a kernel; he mau wahi anoano ma of the neck where it joins the shoulders.
ke kumu pepeiao, a malalo o ke a lalo. Kin. 49:15.
2. The back between the shoulders. Puk.
Ho-xa-u1, s. The loss of appetite. 12:34.
Ho-xa-i1, adj. Thin in flesh ;meager. 3. A division of men at work ; a party;
Ho-xe-o, s. The lower of two gourds a company where a number of men are
which compose the drum. divided into several companies, one of
2. He hulilau, a calabash to put clothes them is called a hokua.
in when traveling on a canoe. Ho-xu-a-EA, $s. Hoku, star, and aea,
‘Ho-x1, s. Eng. An ass; a mule. Nad. wandering. A moving or wandering star,
16:15. Hoki keiki, a young ass. Notr.— i. e., a planet.
Hoki is the Hawaiian pronunciation of the Ho-xu-ao, s. Hoku and ao, light. The
English word horse, which was first used, morning star; the bright star; the planet
Venus when it is the morning star. See as a kapa or cloth; to make up, as a bed.
also HoxuLoa. Oih. 9:34.
Ho-xu-a-mo-a-mo, s. Hoku and amoamo, 2. Applied to the mind, to calm; to
to wink. The twinkling or winking of the soothe ; to open; to enlighten. See Ho-
stars. HOLA and Uso.a.
2. The motion of the winking of the eyes. Ho-ta-pa, s. For hoolapa. See Lapa, a
See next word. rn ridge. The act of rising or boiling up; the
Ho-xv-1-mo-1-mo, s. Hoku and imoimo, swelling or rising of a blister.
to wink. Same as above. Ho-xa-pu, v. To stir up; to mix water
Ho-xu-HE-LE, s. Hoku and hele, to move. and dirt; to make water dark colored by
A planet. See Hoxuana. putting in dirt.
Ho-ku-noo-KE-Le-waa, s. Hoku, star, Ho-te, v. To curse.
hookele, to steer, and waa, canoe. Name 2. To peel off; to skin; to flay.
of a star, the appearance of which was the 3. To rasp; to file; to rub off.
signal for sailing on a voyage; ai ka wa- 4. To scratch or break the bark of a tree
naao, i ka puka ana o ka hokuhookelewaa, or skin of the flesh.
at the dawn of the morning, at the appear- 5. To notch the end of a spear; to make
ance of the star. Laieik. 36. grooves, as in a kapa beater; hole ie.
2. The name of a star that appeared just Ho-.ez, s. A bruise; a scratch or break
before the birth of a high chief. in the skin. See Ponore.
Ho-xu-no-xu, v. To breathe hard; to Ho-1e1, v. To open; to gape open, as
wheeze as one stuffed with food. the eyelids, or as the labia feminarum.
Ho-ku-Ho-xu, adj. See Hoxu, asthma. Ho-xe1, s. Name of a tree used (bark
Having the colic. ‘ and root) to color yellow.
2. Filled with anger or unpleasant sensa- Ho-.E-1-E, v. Hole, to peel, and ie, a
tions ;hokuhoku au iloko—e ake e hele a vine. To peel the bark from the ie used
hookolokolo. in basket making.
Ho-xu-ts-Le, s. Hoku and lele, to fly. Ho-.eE-1-E, s. See above. The name of
A meteor. those who prepared the ie for braiding or
Ho-ku-to-a, s. Hoku and loa, great. The weaving.
morning star. See Hoxuao, also MANANALO. 2. Those who in connection with prepar-
Ho-xu-pu-Hi-Ba-KA, s. Hoku and puhi- ing the ie, also pounded kapa; a me ka poe
baka, tobacco smoking. A comet. See the holeie kuku Kapa.
next word. Ho-LE-Ho-LE, v. See Hotz, to peel. To
Ho-ku-weE-Lo-we-to, s. Hoku and welo- peel; to strip off, as the skin from the flesh;
welo, a tail. A comet from its tail of light. as the flesh from the bones ; holehole iho la
A comet is also called by Hawaiians hoku- lakou i na iwi o Lono, they skinned the
puhibalca, tobacco-smoking star; also hoku- bones of Lono (Captain Cook), that is, sep-
huelo-loihi, long-tailed star. arated the bones from the flesh.
Ho-xa, s. The name of the root and 2. To separate one thing from another.
stalk of the auhubu, a poisonous and in- Ho-u1, v. To commence or start first;
toxicating plant, the bark of which was to go forward.
used in poisoning or intoxicating fish so 2. To beg earnestly, in such a manneras
they could be caught. See AvHoLA and that one cannot be denied.
AUHUHU. Ho-1, s. The first appearance of a thing,
2. The name of the system of fishing when as the first coming out of the beard of a
they were to be caught by poisoning. young man.
Ho-xa, v. To poison or intoxicate fish |}] o-Lo, v. To go fast; to move gener-
with the hola or aubnhu. ally, like hele.
Ho-ta, v. To open; a hola ia ka waha 1. To travel in any way, i. e., to run or
a palahalaha ; to spread out. See Honona ride or sail.
and Unona. 2. To put or thrust in, as the hand into
Ho-ta-o, v. To pass by; to run on. the bosom.
Ho-av, s. A collection or multitude of 3. To flee away ; to go swiftly.
people assembled. 4. To run, as the thought, i.e.,todecree;
2. One person together with a collection to decide. Joan. 9:22.
of fowls, or other animals. 5. Hoo. To ride on horseback, or on a
camel. 1 Sam. 30:17.
Ho-.a-Ho-La, v. See Hora above. To 6. To cause to ride, i. e., to carry in any
poison or intoxicate fish. vehicle, as a carriage. 1 Qihl. 13:7.
Ho-1a-Ho-La, v. See Hoxa, to spread 7. To slip; to cause to slide down, as an
out. Tospread out; to smooth; to smooth, avalanche.
8. To stretch out, as the hand for taking Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo-KE, v. See Hotoxs, to rub
anything; to reach forth, as the hand. against. To strike upon; to light upon
Lnunk. 3:21. easily; to touch; to rest upon, as the ends
9. Hooholo manao, to take council; to of arainbow. Laieik. 16.
consult. Isa. 30:1. See No. 4. Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo-ti-0, s. See Hoto and Lio,
10. To promise ; to agree with ; to pass,
as the sentence of a judge. a horse, A rider on a horse; a horseman;
11. To decide by vote of a deliberate cavalry. 2 Oihl. 1:14.
body; ua hooholo, it was voted ; it passed; Ho-.Lo-Ho-Lo-mo-ku, s. See Hoxo, to sail,
it was decreed. Norr.—The common form- and Moku, ship. A sailor; one who rides
ula is, ua holo ka manao, the thought goes, in a ship.
or a shorter form is. ua holo, it runs, i. e., Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo-NA, s. See Hotonoio and
the vote is carried. ] ; ANA, arunning about. A fonr-footed beast;
Ho-to, s. A running; a racing; a going; generally applied to domestic animals, but
@ moving. often to wild ones.
2. A bundle; holo ai, a bundle of food. Ho-1o-Ho-Lo-Pi-NA-AU, Ss. The Hawaiian
Ho-to, adj. Running; moving; sail- name of the planet Mars.
ing; racing; he lio holo, he moku holo. Ho-Lo-Hu-a, v. Ua holohua ka manao.
Ho-to-aa, v. Holo and aa, the small Ho-to-kaa, v. Holo and kaa, a chariot.
roots of trees. Hence, to make a mistake; To ride majestically. Hal. 45:4.
to run here and there; to go wrong; to Ho-to-kal, s. Holo and katz, sea. One
blunder. See Hoaa. who rides on the sea; a seaman ; na holo-
Ho-to-aa, adj. Destitute of property or kai, seafaring men. Hzek. 26:17.
of friends. Ho-to-Ka-H1-KI, s. Holo and kahiki, a
Ho-to-al, s. See Horo, bundle, and At, foreign country. Epithet of a Hawaiian
food. A bundle of baked kalo. sailor who has visited foreign countries ;
2. A wrapper to carry food in. ua tausani paha na holokahiki no Hawaii
Ho-Lo1, v. To wash with water, as aku, there were thousands perhaps of sail-
clothes ; to separate the dirt from a thing. ors from Hawaii: o Lehua ka inoa o ka
2. To scrape or clean the dirt from the holokahiki nana i hoolike iwaena o Vane-
feet. kouva ame Kamehameha, Lehua was the
3. To brush clothes; to wipe; to cleanse. name of the sailor to foreign countries who
4. To blot out, asawriting. 2 Nal. 21:13. interpreted between Vancouver and Kame-
5. To clean in any way; holoi a maloo, hameha.
to wipe clean. Joan. 13:5. Ho-to-xe, v. Holo and ke, to strike
Ho-Lo1, adj. Washed; cleansed by against. To run or rub against some op-
washing or wiping. posing object.
Ho-to-u-Ka, v. Makani uka, wind from 2. To be stopped short, as the mind in a
course of thought or investigation; aholoke
behind ; he kio, pali wauaka ma ke kua,
ka noonoo, a kukapikiio ka manao ke loaa
makani holouka.
Ho-to-Ho-Lo, v. See Horo. To walk; Ho-Lo-KE-Lo-KE, v. To creak; to crep-
to walk about. Kin. 3:8.
itate or grate, as the two ends of a broken
2. To sail or run toand fro. Jer.5:1. To
bone against each other.
go about from place to place. Luk. 13:33.
3. Hoo. To cause to ride, &e. Kanl. 32:13. Ho-to-x1-k1, v. Holo, to run, and kiki,
Nore.—This double form, holoholo, has intensive. To run or sail swiftly; to run
most of the senses that are attached to holo. headlong.
Ho-to-Ho-Lo, s. ‘The name of a game Ho-Lo-xo-Ha-NaA, v. Holo, to go, and ko-
hana, destitute of clothes. To go about
among the ancient Hawaiians.
naked ; to be destitute of clothes, not even
Ho-1Lo-H0-L0-0-LE-Lo, v. See Horo and a malo.
OLELO, talk. To slander; to tell tales to Ho-.o-xu, s. Some kind of a garment;
the disadvantage of another; to propagate along flowing garment. Hal. 109:29. A
false reports. cloak. Jsa. 59:17.
Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo-0-LE-Lo, s. A tale bearer. Ho-1o-xu-ku, v. Holo and kuku, to stop
Oihk. 19:16. A tattler. 1 Tim.5:13. Nore. short. To trot, as a horse.
This is often written in two words. 2. To ride roughly or uneasily.
Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo1, v. See Horor. To rub Ho-to-La, v. The da is a particle. Ke
with pressure and quick motion; to rub off holo la oe e manao ua hoka makou, you,
dirt; to rnb down smooth. O thought, have supposed that we are
Ho-Lo-no-Lo-Ka-KE, adj. Ke ai holoholo- ashamed.
kakeia \a e ka makani. Ho-to-ui-0, s. Holo, to ride, and Lia,
horse. A rider of a horse. Isa. 36:8. Hoo. the holua was an ancient pastime among
A horseman; a rider on a horse. Puk. Hawaiians.
14:9. 3. The name of the strong north wind,
Ho-1o-tvu-4, v. Holo and lua, double. generally in the winter. '
To go or move two ways; to go both ways, Ho-tu-Ho-Lu, v. See Hotv, v. To bend;
like the crab; as the muhee, the papai, &c. to be flexible.
Ho-to-tu-a, adj. Creeping or running Ho-tu-Ho-Ltu, adj. Ductile; elastic ;
both ways, like the crab; aole e like me springy, as a sword blade.
kou manao ka muhee. ka hololua. Ho-tu-Lu, v. To oppress.
Ho-to-mo-ku, v. Holo and moku, ship. Ho-ma, v. To be poor; to be thin in
To sail on a ship. flesh ; to make one’s self poor.
2. To rush along, as a torrent. 2. To be disappointed ; to be baffled in
Ho-to-mo-xu, s. A sailor; a seaman; one’s efforts to do a thing.
ka halepule no ka poe holomoku ma Hono- Ho-ma, adj. Thin in flesh; poor; hol-
lulu; he mau mea holomoku, seamen. 1 low ; applied to the cheeks.
Nal. 9:27. 2. Disappointed: baffled.
2. Arushing, as of water; an overwhelm- Ho-ms-Ho-ma, v. See Homa. Tobe des-
ing ; applied to the wicked. 2 Sam. 22:5. titute ; to be bereaved.
0-LO-NA, S. In music, a close; the end 2. To be thin; to be poor.
of a tune. Ho-mat, v. See Ho for hoo, and Mat, a
Ho-to-pa-a-NI, v. Holo, to run,and pa- verbal directive, used mostly in the imper-
ani, to play. Torun and play like children. ative. Lit. Cause to be this way ; hand
2. To sail about for pleasure. this way; give this way; bring here. Rut.
Ho-to-pa-pa, v. To rule; to control; to 3:15. Homai i wahi wai inu na’u, give me
overcome ; to prevail over; used where here some water to drink.
one man conquers several others. Ho-mz, s. Eng. Home; place of one’s
Ho-to-pa-pa, s. Holo and papa, a board. family and residence.
‘A shelf made of sticks in the corner of a Ho-me-ra, s. Heb. A homer, a Jewish
ey where kapas and other articles were liquid or dry measure.
aid. Ho-me-ta, s. Heb. A snail. Oihk. 11:30.
2. Araft for floating logs, boards, stones, Ho-mt, adj. See Om1. Withered; sick;
&e. 1 Oihl. 2:16.
3. A bridge over a small stream. unfruitful, as a plant; sick, as a person.
4, An arch over a space. Ho-mt-Ho-m1, v. See Omtomi. To spring
Ho-to-wa, s. Holowa ‘kaa, certain en- up, as a seed planted, but with feeble
gines for throwing missiles inwar. 2 Oihl. strength and produce nothing.
26:15. Ho-nz, v. See Ne. To be saucy; to be
Ho-Lo-waa, s. Holo and waa, canoe. A playful ; to be trickish ; to tease one; to
box; a chest; a trunk; a coffin; a cradle.
run upon.
2. A species of fishing net. 2. To prick; to enter, as a sharp thing;
me he wahi kuikele la ia e hone nei iloko o
3. A trough ; a watering trough. Puk.
2:16. ka manao, like a needle it pierces into the
Ho-Lo-wa-Le, v. Holo, to run, and wale, Ho-ne, s. Mischief; a trick; teasing;
freely. To flee without cause or danger; he mea hookanikani 0 ka moku.
to act the coward.
2. To go about destitute of clothing, i.e., Ho-ne-a, s. Dirt; the matter in the in-
in a state of nature. testines not voided. Junie. 3:22. See Ho-
Ho-to-wa-te, s. A coward; one fleeing NOWA.
without cause. Ho-nE-Ho-NE, v. See Hone. To be
Ho-tv, v. To bend, as an elastic stick; trickish ; to be mischievous.
to arch over. Ho-nE-Ho-NE, adj. Playing tricks; teas-
Ho-tv, s. A broad axe ; a hoe; an adze; ing ; fretting ; not letting one alone.
koiholu, an adze. Ho-ne-Ko-a, v. See Hone and Koa, to
2. The depth of the sea; the deep ocean; be bold. To rail; to be saucy.
the flood tide. Ho-ne-ko-a, adj. Impudent ; undaunted;
Ho-tvu-a, v. To glide down on asledge; not afraid.
to play the holua. Ho-n1, v. To beg earnestly. See Hox.
Ho-tv-a, s. A smooth path ona side hill Ho-n1, v. To touch; to apply a com-
for sliding down. bustible article to the fire. Lunk. 16:9.
2. The name of the sled or sledge for 2. To smell, as an odor. Kin. 8:21. To
sliding down hill. Notse.—To play with smell any perfume ; to snuff, as a candle.
3. To feel the influence of, as the roots of 2. Excrements; human feces; used mostly
trees do the water. Job. 14:9. in reference to chiefs. Notre.—This is the
4, To salute by touching noses (the ordi- proper and polite name of excrements.
nary way of saluting among Hawaiians); Ho-no-wal, s. A uniting; a bringing to-
honi iho laikaihu. Laieik. 203. gether and causing a new relationship ;
5. To kiss; to salute by kissing. in. mostly brought about by marriage; as,
27:26, 27. To embrace on parting; ap- makua honoai, a parent by marriage, or a
plied to various forms of salutation, as parent-in-law; makua honoai kane, a father-
good-by, shaking hands, &c. in-law; makua honoai wahine, a mother-in-
Ho-n1, s. A salutation; a kiss. Mele law. Notrr.—The orthography honoai is
Sol. 1:2. better than honowai. See also the word
2. A touch as of a match to a combusti- Hunoal.
ble. Ho-nu, s. ‘The turtle ; a terrapin; more
3. A shaking of hands at parting, &c. generally applied to the sea turtle; a tor-
4, Commanding a complimentary salu- toise. Oihk. 11:29. Notr.—The honu was
tation to one; e haawi i ko’uhoni alaaloha formerly forbidden to women to eat in the
ia lakou, give them my sweet loving kiss, times of the kapu under penalty of death.
i. e., affectionate salutation.
Ho-ni-na-nI-NA, adj. See ONINANINA Ho-nvu-a, s. Flat land; land of an even
or level surface, in distinction from hills
and Uninanina. Fat; plump; round, as a
and mountains.
fleshy person.
2. In geography, the earth generally, in-
Ho-no, v. To stitch; to sew up; to cluding sea and mountains.
mend, as a garment or a net. Mat. 4:21. 3. A foundation ; a resting place.
2. To join; to unite together by sewing 4, The bottom of a deep place, as of the
or stitching. sea or a pit; wahi honua ole, bottomless.
Ho-no, s. A stitching; a sewing; a Ho-nu-a, adj. Preceding ;going before
joining together; ka hono ona ainao Maui,
hand; olelo honua, the foregoing descrip-
the uniting of the lands of Maui.
tion; pule honua, the former religion; i
2. The back of the neck.
kau kauoha honua ana, your charge just
3. The name of a kapu when every man
given. Laieik.20. Ke makau honua e mai
must hold his hands in a particular posture.
neino. Laieik. 180.
4. The name of a place where the wind
meets some obstruction and is reflected Ho-nv-a, adv. Gratuitously ; without
back ; oia kahi hono e hoi mai ai ka nui o cause ; naturally ; ua aloha honua anei na
ka makani. kanaka kekahi i kekahi? do men naturally
Ho-no-a, s. See Honowa. love each other? No ka pono a ke Akuai
Ho-no-al, s. See Hono and At, the neck. waiho honua mai ai, for the righteousness
which God had freely manifested; 0 ka
The back of the neck. hoomaka ana, ua like no ia me ke ao ana,
Ho-no-a1, s. See Honowai below. A i ola honua i ka palapala; thoroughly; en-
uniting ; a bringing together and causing tirely. Zunk. 20:25. Altogether. 1 Nal.
a new relationship ; mostly brought about 11:13.
by marriage ; as, makua honodi, a parent Ho-nv-Ho-nu, v. See Honu, terrapin.
by marriage, or a parent-in-law; makua
To play the terrapin; a play where people
honoai kane, a father-in-law; makua honoai crawled on all fours like terrapins.
wahine, a mother-in-law. Nore.—tThe or-
thography honoai is better than honowdi. Ho-pa-La, v. Ho for hoo, and pala, soft.
See also the word Hunoat. To paint ; to daub ; to besmear.
Ho-no-Ho-no, s. Name of a weed, very 2. To blame one who is innocent.
thrifty in growth and very hard to kill. Ho-pa-La-PA-LA, v. Ho for hoo, and pa-
Ho-no-Ho-no, adj. Bad smelling. See lapala, to write; to paint. To cause to
Howono. write badly; to scrawl in making letters
Ho-no-xaa, s. A water course. with a pen; to daub with a pen.
Ho-no-KE-a-nA, s. Name ofa species of Ho-pa-pav, s. Sorrow; grief of a hus-
soft porous stone. band or wife for the death of a companion.
Ho-no-LE, v. See Hone. To be mis- Ho-rz, s. The end or beginning of a
chievous ; to be trickish ; to be saucy. thing; the termination of an extremity; the
Ho-no-pu, s. A hai e ka lua i honopu. finishing result or termination of a course
See Lummum1, burnt; scorched, as the of conduct.
2. A place; stead; office ;successor in
ground by the great heat of the sun.
a place.
Ho-no-wa, s. See Honea and Honoa. 3. The finishing; the close of a period of
The matter contained in the intestines. time.
4, A particular age or time. Heb. 9:26, and Luxv, to tremble. To do something in
in this age of the world. a state of trepidation.
5. The time of one’s death; the end of 2. To prepare in haste, as a room or a
life. house when company unexpectedly arrives.
4. The end. i. e., the consequence or re- 3. To catch quickly and shake; to do
sult of an action ; ma neia hope aku, from quickly ; to make haste.
this time on; ma ia hope iho, after that time; Ho-pu-Ho-PU-A-LU-LU, s. Quickness; dis-
hope ole, endless. Job. 22:5. patch ; a sudden effort to do a thing.
Ho-pr, adj. Ending; last; na olelo Ho-pu-pu, v. For hoopuupuu. See Puu
hope, the last words; mea hope ole, without and Puupuv. To be filled or puffed up with
result, i. e., without profit. wind, as the bowels, or as a bladder; ho-
Ho-pr, adv. Ady. declinable. Gram. § pupu ka opu ; hopupyu ka naau i ka inaina,
165, 2 class. Behind; after, &c. See the Juled with anger ; kai! ka hopupu loko i ke
different cases. aloha, wonderful! he is internally full of
Ho-re-na, s. Hopeand na forana. The love.
ending ; the bringing to a close. Ho-ra, s. Lat. An hour; a particular
2. The end; the hindmost, as the rear of time ; a measure of time. ;
an army. Jos. 10:19. Ho-sa-na, interj. Heb. Anexclamation
3. The end of a series of events. Ezek. of praise to God. Mat. 21:19.
7:2, 3. Ho-sa-na, s. Exultation ; praise.
Ho-ps-pe, v. Ho for hoo, and pepe, to Hu, v. To rise or swell up, as leaven
mash fine. To cause to crush, as any sub- or new poi; to effervesce.
stance. ;
2. To swell and rise up, as water in a pot.
2. Fig. To overbear, as the mind; to 3. To rise up, as a thought; hu mai keia
humble. See Houpere.
manao iloko 0’u, this thought swelled up in
Ho-re-pz, adj. Humble; depressed ; me.
downtrodden, as the people of a hard, 4. To overflow ; to run over the banks,
cruel chief; o ko ke kuaaina noho ana, he as ariver. Isa. 8:7.
hopepe, he hopohopo, he wiwo wale me ka 5. To burst out,spoken of affection. 1
makau ; he hopepe ke ano o na kuaaina. Nal. 3:26. Or a flow of passion (hence
Ho-pE-poo, s. See Hore and Poo, the huhu.)
head. The back part of the head. 6. To shed or pour out, as tears. Job.
Ho-prr-Lo, v. See Opizo. To relapse after 16:20. Hu ka uhane, to have compassion.
a partial recovery from sickness. Isa. 58:10.
2. To be often sick. 7. To ooze out silently.
Ho-pi-Lo-LE, adv. To eat slowly and 8. To circulate, as the story of a murder.
9. To miss one’s way; to deviate from a
carefully, as a sick person. See NIoLe. direct path.
Ho-po, v. To fear; to be afraid; to 10. To come, i. e., to heave in sight; to
shrink back through fear. make its appearance, as a ship ata distance.
Ho-po-Ho-po, v. See Horo. To fear 11. To be unstable; to be inconstant.
much; to be agitated by fear; to dread; Kin. 49:4,
to be troubled by fear. Aanl. 1:2. 12. To whistle, as the wind through the
rigging of a ship.
Ho-po-Ho-po, s. Fear; dread; the feel- 13. Hoo. To meditate; to indite, asa song.
ing of fear. Hal. 45:1.
Ho-po-no-po, adj. Fearful; afraid; hav- Hv, s. That which causes rising, leaven.
ing the sense of fear. 2. A class of the common people, nearly
Ho-pu, v. To seize upon, as something SYN. with makaainana; e ka hu, e na ma-
escaping ; to grasp ; to catch. kaainana, &c. Laieik.21. O ka poe hema-
2. To take, as a prisoner; to apprehend, hema a naaupo, ua kapaia lakou he hu ka
as acriminal. Zunk. 21:21. To hold fast, inoa, he makaainana kahi inoa.
as something caught. 3. Anoise; arustling, as the wind among
Ho-pu, s. A taking; a seizing; a catch- trees. Laieik. 104.
ing of one. 4. A top; hu Kani, a humming-top.
Ho-pu-E, s. The name of a tree, the Hv, adj. Fermenting, as beer or new
bark of which is used like the olona, and wine.
made into strings, cords, &e. 2. Leavened, as bread; mea hu, anything
leavened. Puk. 34:25. Berena hu ole, un-
Ho-pu-Ho-pu, v. See Horv. To seize; leavened bread. Jos. 5:11.
to grasp frequently ; to hold fast firmly.
Ho-pu-Ho-PU-AU-KE-LA. Hu-a, v. See Huwa. To be envious of
another; to feel jealous of another; to
Ho-Pu-Ho-Pu-A-LU-LU, v. See Hopvuoru envy ; to hate.
2. To quarrel with; to be angry with; 2. To be small; to be stinted in grow-
to be much addicted to evil. ing, as fruit.
Hv-a, s. Envy; jealousy; an envious Hu-a-a-E-to, s, Hua, egg, and aelo,
disposition; making unfounded complaints rotten. A rotten egg.
against another. Hu-a-a-E-Lo, adj. Empty; deficient ;
Hu-a, adj. See Huwa. Envious; jeal- rotten.
ous of success in another; quick to find Hu-a-al, s. Hua, ego, and ai, toeat. An
fault. egg that may or can be eaten, or an egg
Hu-a, v. To sprout; to bud; to bear for eating.
fruit, as a tree or vegetable.
2. Grain; fruit for food. Mat. 3:12. .
2. To grow or increase in size, as fruit; 3. A kind of wind; huaai malili. Kan.
to increase, as a people. Oihk. 26:9.
3. To swell up, as the foam of water. Hu-a-al, v. To dig up something cov-
See Huanva. Hv-al, ered in the ground; to open,
4, Hua with huaoleio, to speak; to utter; i. e., dig up, as opening a native oven and
to produce words. Kin. 49:21. take out what is baked ; huai oia i kana
5. Hoo. To produce fruit. umu iho, he uncovered his own oven.
6. To increase, as a people. Kin. 1:28. 2. To open, asa grave; todisinter. Hzek.
To be fruitful, as a race. Kin. 9:1. 37:12.
Hu-a, s. The swelling, growing and 3. To open, as a reservoir of winds; to
cause the wind to blow; huat mai la Kahiki
maturity of vegetables ; name of the moon i ko ipu makani, Kahiki thou didst open thy
when perfectly full; the name of that night wind-box.
is akua.
4, To open upwards, as the lid of a chest.
2. Fruit; offspring ; production of ani- 5. To suck or draw up water in drink-
mals or vegetables. Kin. 46:7. ing, as a beast. ob. 40:23.
3. A fruit produced ; an egg; a kidney, 6. Hoo. To bring a wind ; to cause it to
&c. Hua oo, ripe fruit; hua maka, fresh blow. Kin. 8:1.
fruit. Oihk. 23:14. 7. To turn or dig up the ground. Job.
4, The effect, product or consequence of 28:5.
an action; ka naaupo, he hua ia na ka ino,
ignorance is the result (fruit) of evil prac- Hu-a-a-Le, s. A pill; a medicine in the
tices. form of a little ball, to be swallowed whole.
5. A summary of one’s wishes; a short Hu-az, v. To rise up against; to re-
sentence ; e waiho mai oe i hua na makou, sist; to defend off. Hoo. To cause to re-
leave for us some short expression ; a word, sist, &c.
an idea (said to Kamehameha I. when Hu-a-E-Lo, v. See Hua, egg, and Exo,
dying. wet, as a kapa; hence, rotten ; worthless.
6. A letter of the alphabet; ma ka hua o See also HuaaeLo. To be or become use-
ke kanawai, i. e., literally; hua kena, an less, worthless or in vain; e malama hoi,
order; a word of command; no keia hua o huaelo ka luhi o ka hoikaika ana, beware,
kena a kana wahine. Laieik. 198. lest the weariness in perseverance be in
7. Fruit in several senses; as, hua o ke vain.
kino, children ; hua o ka aina, increase of Hv-a-o-teE, adj. Lir. Without fruit.
the fruits of the land, i. e., means of living; Epithet of a person without character, no
hua o na holoholona, flocks, herds, &c.;
hua ala, spices.
8. A flowing ; a going out from; froth; Hv-a-o-Le-Lo, s. See Hua, a letter, and
foam, as of one in a fit. OLELO, speech. A word in distinction from
9. A flowing robe; a train. Jsa. 6:1. a speech ; in grammar, a word in distine-
Hua \ole, the skirts of a garment. Ter. tion from a syllable ; the words of a song.
13:22, 26. Kanl. 31:30.
10. Seed, as of grain for sowing. in. Hu-a-Ha-u-LE, adj. Hua, seed, and ha-
47:23. ule, to drop; to fall. Lir. Seed fallen; pre-
11. The human testicles. Oihk. 21:20. maturely born; hence, friendless ;without
Hv-a, adj. Iwi hua. Anat. 6. support; no means of living; set loose
from any chief or parent.
Hu-a, s. A flowing. See No. 8 above. Hu-a-a-u-LE, s. See the foregoing.
The trail of a pa-u; the trail of a garment; One prematurely born; an orphan. Hal.
the tucks at the bottom of a gown.
2. The snapper of a whip.
Hv-s-HA-U-LE-LA-NI, 8. The name of a
Hu-aa, v. To pry up. species of sweet potato.
Hu-aa, v. To be displeased at impor- Hu-a-HA-U-LE-wa-LE, s. Name of cer-
tunity or intercession. tain leaves of the potato.
2. The name of the potato itself. * Hv-a-Ka, adj. Clearas crystal; clearas
Hv-a-HeE-x1-u1, s. Hua, egg, and hekili, pure water, &c.; bright; white; shining.
thunder. Lir. A thunder egg. Hu-a-xal, v. Hua, foam, and kai, sea.
1. A hail stone; hail. Puk. 9:18, 22. To foam and froth, as the sea; hence,
Nore.—It generally thunders during the 2. To boil or be agitated violently.
hail storms on the mountains of Hawaii, 3. To travel in large companies, as in
hence the supposition that hail was pro- caravans. See KAInvUAKAl.
duced by thunder. Hv-a-xal, s. See Hua and Kar. The
2. The name of a plant used in medicine. foam of the sea.
Hv-a-nu-a, v. See Hua and Huanuwa 2. A sponge. See Huanvakal.
below. To foam; to froth at the mouth, 3. A large company traveling together.
as one in a fit. ZLauwk.9:39. To froth, as the Kin. 32:21.
sea in dashing ashore. Juda 13. Hu-A-KAI-HE-LE, s. See Huaxar above
2. To turn away in disgust; to hate; to and HELE, to go. A great number of per-
envy. Kin. 26:14. Huahua mai lana puna- sons traveling together ; a caravansera; @
hele mua. Laieik. 31. troop. ob. 6:18.
Hv-a-nv-a, s. See Hvuanva above. Foam Hu-a-xka-pv, s. Hua, foam, froth, and
or froth, as of the sea or anything causing kapu. The rich property about the chiefs
froth. and kapu to the people, was called hua-
2. A bunch or kernel in the flesh, as in kapu, forbidden froth.
hogs or other animals; especially applied
where many huahuas are growing together. Hu-a-KeE, adj. Full; plump,asa healthy
3. Small swellings about the eye, the man; well proportioned, as a good mod-
forehead and neck. eled canoe.
4. See Hua, to be envious. An evil eye; Hu-a-keE-E-o, s. Hua and keeo, displeas-
looking with disdain upon another ; envy. ure; anger. Hardness of heart; stubborn-
Hu-a-nu-az, v. To open and shut with ness.
violence. Hvu-a-KE-E-0, adj. See the foregoing.
Hu-a-Hu-A-A-NA-LAU, v. See Huanva- Hoo. Hard-hearted; stubborn; stubbornly
LAU, also HOOHUAHUALAU. bent on wickedness; i mai la me ka olelo
Hv-a-nu-a1, v. See Hvar. To boil up, hoohuakeeo, he said to me in stubbornness ;
he hoohuakeeo mamuli o ka hewa, hard-
as water in a spring. 6 hearted in wickedness.
2. To break up; to break forth, as water.
Nah. 21:17. Hu-s-KE-U, adj. (In a good sense) fear-
‘ 3. To open frequently that liquid may Hov-a-ku, less; bold; he kanaka huaku,
Ow. wiwo ole; he olelo huaku ma ka pono, a
4. To tear or break the skin. speech fearless for the right. (In a bad
Hu-a-nu-ar, s. See Hvat. A violent sense) bold; impudent.
boiling ; a frequent opening. Hv-a-kE-o, v. See Huaxeeo above.
Hu-a-HU-A-HU-a-LAU, v. To question Hv-a-k1-NE-T0, s. Gr. A hyacinth, name
with a design to entangle; to put one to of a precious stone. Hoi. 21:20.
the torture. Hu-a-ku-ku-1, s. Name of schools of
Hu-a-Hu-a-kal, s. Asponge. Mar. 15:36. fish that show their heads above water, as
Hv-a-Hu-a-Lav, v. To tempt; to try to the anai.
deceive; to puzzle or try one with ques- Hu-a-ku-ku-1, s. Hug and kukui, the
tions; to question captiously. oo. To name of the candle-nut tree. A kukui nut;
make one’s self strange to another; to pre- the fruit of the kukui tree.
tend not to know one. Kin. 42:7. To talk Hu-a-La-kE, v. To tie; to bind up. Syn,
temptingly or deceitfully. 3 Joane 10. with nakiki.
Hou-a-nu-a-tau, s. Hoo. A deceiving; Hu-a-La-ke, v. To swell out; to be
an endeavor to insnare one ; a temptation large; to be round; to be full.
for one to say something he would not. Hvu-a-La-La, adj. Applied to surfaces,
Hu-a-Hu-a-Na-La, s. The same as hua- circular; oval; ili hualala, an oval surface;
hualau. spherical ; curved ; equally arched, as the
rainbow. Ana. Hon. 10.
Hu-a-Hu-a-Na-NA, S. Huahua, froth, and
nana for lana, to float. Lrr. Floating froth. Hu-a-La-xal, s. Name of a mountain on
A reproaching ; making use of reproachful the western side of Hawaii.
epithets; calling one an ignorant nothing. Hv-a-Ls-Le, s. Hua, seed, and lele, to
Hou-a-nu-wa, s. See Huanva. Envy. fly. The seeds of the plant laulele.
Gal. 5:26; Pilip. 1:15. But huahua is the 2. A term expressive of hernia.
common orthography. Hu-s-t1, v. To be bright, as polished
metal; to be clean; to glitter with white- Hu-s? s. A thief; one who steals.
ness or purity, as a garment. Mat. 28:3. Ho-s, v. To dig; to throw out dirt, as
Hoo. Yo furbish or burnish. Hzek. 21:10. in digging a pit.
2. To strike.
3. To commence a kapu of a particular Hv-s, adj. Thievish ; disposed to steal.
kind. Kanl. 24:7. Kanaka hue.
Hvu-a-u1, adj. Bright; clean, as a sub- Hu-e, s. A gourd; a water calabash;
stance polished ; bright; polished. 2 Oihl. hue ili, a skin bottle.
4:16. Pure whiteness; lole huali, very Hv-e-1£, s. Hue and ze, a vine used in
white cloth ; shining. basket making. A demijohn, from its case
2. In a moral sense, pure; undefiled; or covering.
morally good; applied to the heart. 2 Pet. Hv-s-v, s. A bold fearless man; one
dil. who excites to action, good or bad; soldier
3. Glittering, asa sword. Kanl. 32:41. like; he kanaka koa; hueu oe i ke kolohe,
4. Hoo. Keleawe i hoohualiia, polished you are bold in mischief; a bold energetic
brass. Hzek. 8:2. man in action; hooeu.
Hu-a-tu, adj. Hua, seed, and 122, little. Hu-s-v-al-na, adj. Hueu and aina, eat-
Small; diminutive. ing. Bold and rapid in eating.
Hu-a-u1-11, s. The second crop of fruits, Hv-e-1-L1, s. Hue, calabash, and 22,
trees or vegetables, or degenerated fruit; skin. A skin bottle, such as the Asiatics
ka hualili, huamaili o Kohala. used for containing liquids. Tos. 9:4.
Hou-a-Lo-Le, s. See Hua and Lote, cloth. Hu-r-nv, v. To shiver, as with cold.
The skirts of a garment. Kanik. Ter. 1:9. Hv-z-nu, s. The strong (cold) blowing
Hou-a-tu, adj. Small; diminutive. See wind.
HUALIL. Hvu-r-nu, adj. Chilled; cold.
Hv-a-me-Le, s. Hua, letter, and mele, Hv-r-nv-z, s. The name of the water
to sing. The notes in music; a modern on Hualalai where the last volcano broke
Hu-a-mo-a, s. Hua, egg, and moa, a Hu-s-nv-E, v. See Hus, v. To throw
fowl. A hen’s egg. up; to raise up ; to loosen; to open.
2. The name of the round bone that en-
ters the socket of the hip. Kin. 32:25; Hu-r-Hv-E,,adj. Spreading over; grow-
Anat. 16. ing thickly like thrifty vines, as the koali
Hv-a-no-n1, s. Hua, fruit, and noni, a (convolvulus.)
2. Spreading over like rain; he ua hue-
shrub. The fruit or the applesof the noni; hueia no Uli.
he kaua huanoni kekahi, some fought with
noni apples. Hv-r-nvu-E-Lo, s. See Husexo. The tail
Hu-a-pa-La-o-a, s. Hua, seed, and pa- end of a thing; the last of it; nolaila, ke
hai aku nei au i keia wahi huehuelo manao,
laoa, Eng. (flour), bread. The seed of wherefore, I declare this tail end of a
bread, i. e., wheat. Puk. 22:6. thought (last idea); loaa mai o ka huehuelo
Hv-A-PA-LA-0-A-E-LE-E-LE, s. See Hua- wale no, aole o ke kino pu kekahi, I ob-
PALAOA above and ELEELE, dark colored. tained the fail only, not the body with it.
Hence, rye. as distinct from wheat. Hu-5-Ka-H1, adj. One alone; a single
Hu-a-poo, s. The side of the head. child of a family.
Hu-a-war-na, s. Hua, fruit, and waina, Hv-s-Lo, s. The tail of a beast or rep-
grape. A grape; collectively, grapes; the tile; ke kahili o na holoholona ma ka hope,
fruit of the vine. © Oihk. 19:10. =Huawaina the fly-brush at the extremity of animals;
pala mua, the first ripe grapes. Nah. 13:20. huelo awa, a sting. 1 Hor.15:55. Mai noho
Hv-a-sa-Le, s. Hua, fruit, and bale a makamaka ilio, i ka huelo ka ike, be not
(Eng.), barley. The grain of barley, or friends with the dog, for the tail will show
simply barley. Rut. 2:17, 23. it; the tail. Puk. 4:4. The rump. Puk.
Hv-a-ri-ku, s. Hua and jiku (Eng.), 29:22.
fig. A fig; a bunch of figs. 2 Sam. 16:1. 2. Fria. An inferior in opposition to poo,
a superior. Kanl. 28:13.
Hu-z, v. To look slily at a thing; to Hu-8-1o-£-L0, adj. Tail like; having
glance with the eye. appendages like tails.
2. To steal; to take secretly what is an-
other’s ; hue ae la kekahi kanaka i ka apa Hu-r-ne, s. Name of a sickness caus-
dole kukaenalo, a certain man stole a piece ing panting ; want of breath.
of unbleached cotton cloth. See ATHUE. Hu-e-wat, s. Hue, calabash, and waz,
Hv-e, v. See Hu and E. To cause to water. A water calabash, in distinction
flow out; to unload, as a ship. from calabashes used for other purposes ;
HU1 221 HUI
a large gourd ; any kind of bottle used to things dissimilar; to make discordant com-
contain water. pounds ; to put several stories into one.
Hv-s-wai-na, s. See Hue and Warna Hv-1-xav, v. See Huixatabove. Toturn
(Eng.), wine. <A bottle for wine; a bottle topsy-turvy ; to mix up irregularly; to
filled with wine. 2 Sam. 16:1. throw things together without order.
Hu-1, v. To mix; to unite together, as 2. To accuse much and falsely ; to vary
different things ; to unite, as an aha with in narration; to cross one’s own track in
the spectators; hence, hui ka aha, to break a story. :
up the assembly. Laieik. 47. Hv-1-xav, s. Confusion; without order;
2. To add one thing to another. in. irregularity.
28:9. Ho-1-kav, adj. Stumbling in walking;
3. To assemble together, as people for without order; varying in one’s story; put
business. together irregularly. See Opa.
4. To agree in opinion; to have a union Ho-1-ka-n1, adj. Lir. United in one.
of thought; ua hui pu ka manao. Bound up; girded, as a man with a malo,
5, To bend; to turn one way then an- or a woman with a pa-u.
other, as the voice in rising and falling in
reading music. Ho-1-xa-u1, s. Name of a short malo.
6. To ache; to-be in pain. Hou-1-Ka-La, v. Hui and kala, to loosen;
7. Hoo. Toadd one thing to another; to to forgive. To cleanse, as a disease; to
connect. Luk. 3:20. purify.
8. To unite, as in a treaty ;to make af- 2. To be purified. Puk. 29:23.
finity. 1 Nal. 3:1. 3. To sanctify one’s self. Oihk. 20:7.
9. To collect together, as men. 4. To cleanse morally. Kin. 35:2.
10. To meet; to mingle; to come together, 5. To cleanse ceremonially. Neh. 12:30.
as waters. Huikala ole, unholy. 2 Tim. 3:2.
11. To meet, as persons long separated. 6. Hoo. To cleanse; to purify ; to sane-
tify. Heb. 9:13.
Hv-1, s. A uniting; an assembling.
2. A cluster or collection of things; as, Ho-1-Ka-La, adj. Cleansing; purifying;
hui maia, a bunch of bananas; hui kalo, a wai huikala, water of purification. Nah.
kalo hill; hui waina, a cluster of grapes; 19-3,
hui niu, a cluster of cocoanuts. Hu-1-ta, v. See Una. To flash, as burn-
3. The flippers of the sea-turtle. ing powder ; to give a sudden light; haule
4. The small uniting sticks in a thatched i ka papu, e huila na pue.
house, parallel with the posts and rafters Hv-1-ta, s. Eng. A wheel. Puk. 14:25.
and between them. Syn. with pokakaa. Ezek. 1:16.
5. Bodily pain; rheumatic pain; niho Hv-1-na, s. Hui and ana,a uniting. A
hui, the toothache. number; the sum of several numbers. 2
6. The name of the prayer on the morn- Sam. 24:9. E hookui i ka huina, to add up
ing after the anaana. See Hurmcr. the sum. Nah. 1:49.
Hv-1, adj. Cool; cold; chilly, as 2. The point where two lines meet, an
Ho-1-Hv-1, the morning air from the angle; the place where two roads meet; a
mountain ; i hoomanawanui ai hoi kauai corner, as of a house, fence, &c.
ka hau huihui o ke kakahiaka; cold, as 3. In music, a close ofa tune.
cold water. Mat. 10:42. 4. In geometry, huina is the general name
for angle, qualified by such terms as desig-
Hv-1-0-pa-pa, s. The name of a prayer nate the various kinds of angles.
used in or near the luakini; a ma ia ahiahi
no haule ka huiopapa.
Hu-1-na-o1, s. Huina and ot, sharp
pointed. An acute angle. Ana. Hon. 8.
Hou-1-u-na, s. Perhaps for huzana,. A
seam ; a uniting by sewing together. Hu-1-na-Ha, s. Huina and ha, four. A
quadrilateral or four-sided figure. Ana.
Hv-1-nu-1, s. A bunch; a cluster of Hon. 14. Note.—Under the name huinaha
things, as stars. are the following: huinahalike, a square;
2. A constellation. Jsa. 13:10. huinahaloa, a rectangular parallelogram;
3. A bunch; applied to kalo. See Hur 2. huinahahio, four equal sides but oblique
4. The name of the seven stars. See angles ; huinahahioloihi, an oblique paral-
HUuUvrt. lelogram; huinahakaulike, a square or par-
Hv-1-nv-1, adj. Cold; chilly. See Hui allelogram ; huinahalualike, a four-sided
above. figure which has two parallel sides only;
2. Mixed; manifold; much; many con- huinahalikeole, a four-sided figure where
taining the idea of union; aloha huihui, all the sides are unequal.
much love. Hu-1-Na-HE-LU, s. Huina and helu, to
U-I-Kal, v. To mix or jumble together count; to number. A number; the sum
of several numbers; huinahelu okoa, the might be overturned ; huhonua i mana kai
whole number. Nah. 14:29. See Hetuna. ka wai e.
Hv-1-NA-ko-1v, s. Huinaand kolu, three. Hu-nu, s. The name of a worm,
a moth-
The general name for triangle; thus, hui- like animal that eats cloth. Jsa. 51:8.
nakolulike, an equilateral triangle ; huina- 2. A worm or bug that bores into wood,
kolu elua aoao like, an isosceles triangle; rendering it full of holes.
huinakolu aoao like ole, an irregular tri- Hu-uu, adj. Rotten, as a calabash;
angle; huinakolu kupono, a right angled worm-eaten, as wood.
triangle ; huinakolu peleleu, an obtuse an-| F{ u-HU, v. See Hu, to rise up; to swell.
gled triangle ; huinakolu oi, an acute an- To be angry; to express angry feelings by
gled triangle. , scolding, storming, cursing, &c. Hoo. To
Hv-1-Na-Ku-Po-no, s. A right angle. provoke to anger; to offend. Puk. 23:21.
Hu-1-NA-LA-AU-LA-NA, S. Huina, a unit- To be crabbed; to be churlish. 1 Sam.
ing, laau, timber, and lana, to float. A 25:3.
union of floating timbers; a raft. 1 Nal. Hu-nu, s. Anger; wrath; displeasure.
5:9. Hu-nu, adj. Angry; offended; * pro-
Hu-i-na-ti-ma, s. Huina, angle, and voked.
lima, five. In geometry, a five-sided figure; Hu-nv-1, s. See Hur. Hu doubled. A
huina ono, a six-sided figure; huina hiku, a bunch; a collection of things, generally
seven-sided figure ; huina walu, an eight- qualified by a following word; as, huhut
sided figure, &c. palaoa,a head of wheat. Mat.12:1. Huhui
Hv-1-NA-PE-LE-LEU, s. An obtuse angle. mau, a bundle of grass; huhui maia, a
Hu-1-na-wal, s. Huina, a meeting or bunch of bananas; huhui (hoku under-
union, and wai, water. A meeting or col- stood), the pleiades or seven stars. ob.
lection of waters; a pool. Puk. 7:19. 38:31. The constellations of stars. Isa.
Hu-1-na-wal-na, s. Hui, bunch, and 13:10. See Hurasut.
waina, grapes. A cluster of grapes. Hv-nv-1-HE-Lv, s. Huhuiand helu, arith-
Hv-1-n1, v. To end ina sharp point, as metic. Logarithms; the tables of loga-
the top of a high mast. See WINIwInt. rithms ; ina e imi au maloko o ka huhui-
heiu, if I should compute by logarithms.
Hv-1-n1, adj. Having sharp points like Hu-nv-1-Ka-Lo, s. Huhui, bunch, and
kalo. A bunch of kalo.
u-1-pa, s. Name of a species of stone Huv-nvu-1-wal-na, s. Huhui, cluster, and
out of which the maika stones were made.
waina, grapes. A cluster of grapes. Kanl.
Hu-1-pa, s. Eng. A whip. 32:32.
Hv-1-pu, v. Hu2, to unite, and pu, to- Hu-nu-Hv, adj. See Hun, adj., above.
gether. To mix together; to come together; Rotten ; worm-eaten, &c.
to unite ; to assemble, as persons.
Hv-nvu-Hu-£, v. See Hus, to steal. A
Hv-t-ra, s. Eng. Wheat. 1 Kor. 15:37; frequentative. To steal frequently; to
Puk. 29:2. carry off at many times secretly.
Hv-o1, v. Hu, to swell up, and oi, to Hv-nu-nu-La, v. See Hua, to dance.
exceed. To have an overflow of passion. A frequentative. To dance and sing; to
Hoo. To feel or express jealousy; to have dance much and often.
ill feelings towards one.
Hu-nvu-nu-La, v. See Huta. To dance
Hu-o1, s. Hoo. Evil surmising respect- and sing and play, as ata hula; e pae, e
ing another. 1 Tim. 6:4. hula, e like pu.
Hu-o-t, adj. Hu, leaven,
and ole, none. Hu-nu-Hu-Le1, v. To ride rapidly with
Without leaven; unleavened ; berena hu- a dress fluttering in the wind; to dance
ole, unleavened bread. Puk. 34:18. with kapas fluttering.
Hu-o-no-0-No-0-LE, adj. Hu, rising up, Hv-nv-nv-11, v. See Hunt, to turn. To
onoono, comfortable, satisfied, and ole, not. turn often ; to turn, as many persons.
Unsteady; not fixed ;unsatisfied. See Ku- Hvu-nu-Hu-na, v. See Huna, to conceal.
ONOONO. To hide often or much; to conceal.
Hu-na, adj. Something said; a report, Hu-nu-Hu-nE, v. See Huns, poor; des-
but no certainty as to the truth; he wahi titute of property. To be poor; to be
olelo i maopopo ole, he lohe laulahea. stripped of all property.
Hu-na, s. A large fleshy person, but! fy U-HU-kI, v. See. Hux, to pull. To
weak, indolent and lazy, either manywoman draw frequently ; to pull out, as in draw-
or child. ing cuts. Laieik. 72. To pull along.
Hv-no-nv-a, v. Hu, to rise, and honua, 2. To dry up, as water ; hoomaloo.
land. To pray that the land or country 3. To cut down, as a tree; e kua aku.
, HUK 223 HUL
Hvu-nu-xv, adj. Full of holes; puka- 2. A bridge for passing smoothly over a
puka, popopo. See Hvunu and Hunvnc. stream. See PuNEE.
Hv-nu-1a, v. See Hutanvura. To sing, Hu-x1-HE-Le1, s. The skin about the eye
dance and practice the forms of the hula. drawn aside and the eye diseased.
Hv-nv-u1, v. See Hut, to turn. To Hv-xi-nu-x1, v. Freq. of huki. To draw
turn ; to turn up; to search; to look here or pull frequently. Pulc. 2:16. To draw
and there. . % out; to pull upwards ; to brace against. «
Hv-nv-tv-1-1, v. Hulu, hair, and 1%, Hv-x1-x1, v. To be wet; to be cold on
mould like. To stand up, as the comb of account of wet; to shiver with the cold.
a cock; to stand up, as bristles; to stand See HuKeki and Opm.
erect, as the hair on the flesh when one is Ho-x1-K1, adj. Small; pointed; dwarf-
wet and cold. ish.
2. To be wet and cold; to shiver with Hou-x1-x1, s. Name of a species of fish.
cold. Hu-xi-wal, v. To draw water, as from
Hu-nv-tv-1-1, adj. Made rough and a well.
ugly, as the hair or feathers of an animal Hu-xi-wal, s. One whose business it is
in water. ‘
to draw and fetch water. Kanl. 29:10.
Hu-nv-tv-to-to-a, v. Hulu, hair, an
loa, long. To let the hair grow long. Hov-xu, s. A heap of dirt or rubbish; a
protuberance in any way. See Ouvkv.
Hv-nu-ne, v. See Huns, to tease. To
set a trap for one; to entice; to lay a bait. Hu-ku, adj. Prominent; projecting, as
the forehead; he huku ka lae, he has a pro-
Hv-uv-nt, s. ‘The sickness of hogs. jecting forehead. See Ounvxv.
Hu-nu-pav-ua-au, s. A slanderer; a Hu-xu-n1, v. See Huxi. To pull by
backbiter. force.
Hv-xa, v. To call hogs; to call to one, Hou-ku-tu, v. Huku, bunch, and 722, lit-
as in calling hogs. tle. To be very small; to be little; to be
Au-xa, s. A term used in calling hogs. dwarfish.
2. Advice ; information. Hvu-xvu-Lu, adj. Small; little; dwarfish.
3. Name of an herb similar to balm. Hv-xa, v. To pry up with a lever.
4. A vulgar word of contempt; hele a
2. To transplant, as a tree; to plant out,
piha, huka pala, &ec. as a young tree.
Hu-xaa, s. A general name for pitch, 3. To cut off the tops of plants.
resin or gum from a tree; any substance 4. To begd over, as a tree; to push over
of a resinous nature. any upright thing; to fall over upon.
2. A species of tree; an oak perhaps. 5. To shake or tremble for fear of injury
Isa. 1:29. The turpentine tree perhaps. from another.
Hv-kar, s. Water slightly brackish ; 6. To trample and make a beaten path;
to tread down ; to trample upon.
drinkable. 7. To shake; to dance; to play an in-
Hu-xal-Lo-Lo-a, s. Epithet of a person strument and dance; to sing and dance.
who always lives with one particular chief; 2 Sam. 6:21. The same as haa and lele in
a no ma hukailoloa,o ke kanaka i noho me verses 14:16. Alaila, hula iho la kahi poe
ke alii hookahi, aole i noho me ke alii e. alii ame kanaka, then danced certain of the
Hu-xa-nu-Kal, adj. Insipid ; tasteless ; chiefs and people.
unpalatable ; not relishable. 8. To play on an instrument.
9. To sing ; to sing and dance together.
Hu-xe-x1, adj. Cold; shivering with 10. To make sport. Dunk. 16:25.
the cold. 11. To palpitate, as the heart; to throb,
Hov-x1, v. ‘l'o draw; to pull; to draw, as an artery.
as with arope. Joan. 4:7. 12. To move from place to place.
2. To raise; to lift up, as a person by 13. To bore a hole; e Awa a puka, to bore
the hand. and pierce through.
3. To put up upon, as one substance on Hu-ta, s. Music; dancing; sing-
another. Hu-La-HU-LA, ing, &c.
4. To brace or prop up.
2. A play in which numbers dance and
5. To cook soft; to soften,as vegetables a few sing and drum.
cooked, or meat undergoing decomposition. 3. A dance; a carousal; the action of
See KanvkI. dancing. Puk. 15:20.
Hv-xi-HEE, s. Huki, to pull, and hee, to 4, A dance; a dancing, an expression of
slip. A gliding along; a passing over, as joy. Kanik. Ter. 5:15. Note.—The name
over a bridge. of the hula god was Lakakane,
HUL (224 HUL
Hu-.a, i A swelling; a pro- the people ; to overturn ; to upset, as any
Hu-La-HU-LA, tuberance under the arm system of government or society.
or on the thigh; he o ka mai mamua, a 10. To turn, i. e., to persuade one to
mahope hula mao a mao, a ma kela wahi change his course. 2 Aor. 5:11. See Ka-
ma keia wahi o ke kino, pela i hulahula ai. HULI. ~
2. A twitching, as of the eye; an invol- Hu-u1, s. A searching; a seeking; a
untary muscular motion. turning over.
Hv-ta, v. To swim past a cliff 2. The name of kalo tops for planting.
See HuLtkato.
Hv-a-a-NaA, that projects into the sea
and interrupts the passage along the beach. Hu-ii-a-ma-u1, v. To overflow, as a
Hu-ta-a-na, s. A place where one must river ; to be full of water. Hal. 78:2. Hu-
liamahi na moku, to overflow the islands.
swim to pass a precipice that projects into Laieik. 175.
the sea. Laieik. 73. 2. In a figurative sense quite often; as,
Hu-ta-Hu-LA, s. The name ofa good or kaua huliamahi.
favorable aha. See Ana, the name of a} U-LI-HU-LI, v. See Hutt. To turn over
prayer formerly very sacred. frequently ; to search after. Job. 13:9.
2. Ka mea e hoopuka aii ka leipoo.
Hv-ta-nu-La, v. To twitch often, as the Hu-u1-Ka-Lo, s. See Huu, s. The tops
of kalo for planting by which the kalo is
eye; to twitch, as involuntary spasmodic propagated.
motion. ‘
Hu-La-Le, adj. Wet; muddy, &c. See Ho-ui-Lav, s. A calabash for carrying
clothes in a canoe. See HoxKso.
HULALt. E noho no oe e Kaohana
Hu-La-, v. To be muddy; to be Me na hulilau a kaua.—Me/e.

Hu-LA-LI-LA-LI, slippery, as the ground Hu-ur-11, v. To be cold; to shiver with

onaccount of rain; hulalilali ke ala, pakika the cold; to be contracted with the cold.
i ka ua. See Husuum.
2. To have a gloss; to glitter; to shine. Hv-11-11, adj. Shivering, as with wet
3. To shine, i. e., to reflect light, as a and cold.
glass window at a distance; ka hulalilali a Huv-u-11, v. See Uniti. To burn, as the
na puka aniani. fire; to be warm.
Hu-ta-u1, s. A shining surface; a re- 2. To undulate, as the air under a hot
flector of light, as a white shining kapa; he sun; to undulate, as the surface of water
mea e ka hulali, ia manawa. Laieik. 121. by the skipping of fishes.
Hu-ua-ni, v. Hu, to rise,*and dani, 3. To lay sticks across, as in covering a
heaven. To praise; to exalt. See LELz- pit; e Awili aku i ka laau, alaila kanu i ka
PAILANI. laau.
Hv-te1, v. To place on high; to put up Hu-ui-u1, s. A fluttermg blaze; the
on a precipice; to be lifted up, as a fe- vibrations of the air under a hot sun.
male’s dress by the wind. 2. The rolling up, as the swell of the surf
before it breaks.
Hu-ter-a, s. Name of a species of soft 3. A garrison; a fort. 2 Othl. 27:4. A
stone. strong place.
Hv-.e-Hvu-LEI, v. See Hununutei. To 4. A ladder; a bridge. See ALAHAKA.
go up and down, as children on a see-saw. Hv-ui-mo-xu, adv. Hult, to search, and
Hv-u1, v. To turn generally in any way; moku, island. To search the island; that
to turn over and about. is, everywhere, all about, every place.
2. To change; to turn over, as the leaves Hu-ur-na, v. To be soft to the touch;
of a book; to search here and there for a to be weak. See Lina and ULINA.
thing. Kin. 31:37. Hu-ur-na, s. Hultand ana. A turning;
3. E huliika naau, to give attention to a turning place. :
a thing. Hu-.i-Na-a-Lo, s. Hulina, turning, and
4. To turn to or towards one. alo,front. A place over against; one place
5. To roll over and over; to roll over.or opposite to another. Mar. 13:3.
away,asastone. Joan. 20:1. Hu-ii-Lu-a, adj. Hulz, to turn, and lua,
6. E huli i ka manao, to change the mind
or opinion ; hence, to repent and change two; double. Turning two ways; blow-
the life. ing two ways, as the wind.
7. To seek, i. e., to hunt after, as a wild 2. Changing from one thing to another,
beast. Oihk. 17:13. as the thoughts.
8. To turn; to change one’s course in Me he makani hulilua la,
Huli ka manao—hele ka noonoo.—Me/e.
traveling. Kanl. 2:8. Like a shifting wind,
9. Hoo. E hoohuli e i kanaka, to pervert The mind changes—thought moves.
Hou-1-pv, v. To turn together; to wring, chief’s malo, the penalty would be death.
as wet clothes; to press together. Haw. Hist.
Hv-to, v. and int. Eng. To shout; to Hvu-ME-MA-Lo-MaI-KAl, s. Wearing an
cry aloud ; to cry out huzza! hurra! ornamental malo, i. e., imitating a chief;
Hu-tu, v. To be disobedient; to disre- acting the fop or dandy.
gard one’s commands; not to pay atten- Hvu-mv, v. To sew cloth; to fasten to-
tion. See Enuna. gether by sewing.
Hu-tu, s. A feather of a bird. Ozhk. Hu-mu-v-ta, s. Name of very hard stones
1:16. A quill. out of which the ancient kois were made.
2. A bristle of a hog; the hair of the Hu-mvu-nu-mvu, v. Freq. of humu. To
body; hulu kuemaka, the eyebrows. Oihk. sew ; to stitch; to fasten by sewing. Puk.
14:9 18:6.
3. Wool; a fleece from a sheep. Kani. Hu-mu-nv-mv, adj. Mea humuhumu rope
18:4. ano e, needle-work ; embroidery. Puk.
4, Name of a kind of fish-hook. 35:37.
Hov-tv, adj. Sluggish,as the mind; dis- Hu-mu-nu-mu, s. A sewing; a stitch-
obedient. ing ; a fastening together.
Hu-tu-a-nal, s. See Hutv, bristles, and 2. A species of fish.
Anal, to rub. A brush for painting ; es- 3. A dark spot or mole on the cheek.
pecially for whitewashing. Hu-mMvu-HU-MU-HI-U-KO-LE,
Hu-tv-1, v. To draw together, as a fish Hvu-Mu-HU-MU-MEE-MEE, Ss.
net when full of fish. Hu-mMvu-HU-MU-NU-KU -NU-KU-A-PU-AA,
Huluiia mai kuu lani knu alii—e—he.—Mele.
See Humunvumt 2, afish. Different species of
Hou-tv-1-1-wi, s. Hulu, feather, and iiwi, the humuhumu kind.
a small red bird. A feathered cloak made Hu-mu-na, s. Humu and ana. A sew-
or adorned with the feathers of the iiwi. ing; aseam. See Kuruna.
Kia ka lani ka hahai huludiwi.—Meie. Hu-na, v. Tohide; to conceal; to keep
Hu-tv-o-0, s. Hulu, feather, and oo, the from the sight or knowledge of another.
name ofa bird. The feathers of the 00; 0 Kin, 26:15.
ka hulu mamo, ua oi aku ia mamua o ka 2. To keep back truth in speaking. 1
huluoo. Sam. 3:17.
Hu-tv-ut-pa, s. Hulu, wool, and hipa 3. To hide, as a trap or snare.
(Eng.), sheep. Wool (Liv. Hair of sheep); 4. To hide; to conceal; with maka, to
a fleece of wool. 1 Sam. 25:7. hide the face, i. e., to turn from. azl.
Hu-Lu-Hu-Lu, s. See Huxv. Cotton; a 32:20.
5. To conceal, i.e., tu disguise one’s self.
fleece blanket; a fleece of wool. Zunk. 2 Oihl. 18:29.
6:37. The hair of an animal; feathers, &c. 6. To protect; to defend. Hal. 64:2.
Hu-Lu-nvu-Lv, adj. Hairy; covered with 7. Hoo. To conceal, as knowledge or
hair, feathers, wool, &e. wisdom. Job. 17:4.
Hu-tu-ma-mo, s. Hulu and mamo,a yel- Hu-na, v. To be small; to be little; to
low bird. The feathers of the mamo with be reduced fine, as powder.
which war cloaks and royal robes were Hu-na, s. That which is concealed;
adorned. kahi huna, the private members of the body.
Hu-tu-ma-nv, s. Hulu and manu, a bird. Oihke. 18:6, 7. Wahi huna, same. Puk.
A hbird-feather. Norre.—Bird’s feathers 20:23.
were highly valued in former times; 0 ka Hu-na, s. A small part of anything.
hulumanu ka meaimanao nui ia, he wai- Luk. 16:17. A particle of dust; a crumb
wai ia. of food or other substance. 2 Oihl.1:9. See
Hu-tu-ma-nv, s. Lit. A bird’s feather. Huna, to be little. See other words below
Name of a class of men around a chief, very with their qualities.
great favorites; a favorite of the chief. Hu-na, s. A name of a day of the
See the foregoing.
month; ika poio Huna. Laieik. 112.
Hu-ma, s. Name of the star Aquila.
Hu-ma-ma, s. Name of the cluster of Hu-na-a-u1, s. Huna and ahi, fire. A
spark of fire. Jsqa. 1:31.
three stars in a row in the constellation of
Aquila. Hu-na-o-Lo-na, s. Huna and olona, a
Ho-me, v. To bind around the loins, as shrub, the bark of which resembles flax.
a malo; to gird on,asasash. Jer. 13:12. Tow, the refuse of flax. Jsa. 1:31.
Ina hume ke kanaka i ko ke alii malo, e Hu-na-nu-na, s. See Huwna above.
make no ia, if a aan should bind on a Crumbs, as of food.
2. Fine rain; spray; fine dust; maluna ish. To entrap one; to deceive; to play a
o na hunahuna lepo a pau ma ka honua. trick on.
3. Little particles of knowledge; o na Hu-no-a1, s. A parent-in-law, either
hunahuna o ka naauao, oia ka i loaa mai father or mother, according to the desig-
ia’u, the little paris of knowledge, that is nating terms kane or wahine. See Honoat.
what I have received; eia ke ano o ka Hu-no-al-KA-NE, s. A father-in-law.
hunahuna, he wahi mea uuku loa ia.
Hu-na-Hu-na, v. See Huna, to conceal. Hv-no-al-wA-HI-NE, s. A mother-in-law.
ee away and hide; to conceal one’s Hv-no-na, s. A child-in-law.
self. Hu-no-NA-KA-NE, s. A son-in-law.
Hu-na-Kal, s. Huna and kai, sea. The Hu-No-Na-wa-HI-NE, s. A daughter-in-
fine spray of the sea. law.
Hu-na-Kau-a, s. Huna and kaua, war. Hu-re, s. The mucus from the nose,
The individuals of a war-host. Jos. 10:5. snot. See KaKkELo.
Hu-na-ke-LE, v. To bury a corpse se- Hu-pe-Ko-Ho-La, s. See Hure above and
cretly, as in former times, so that no one Kono, whale. A kind of slimy substance
might know where it was and thus steal it; found in the ocean (probably a living crea-
to bury one without any mark by which ture); so called because supposed to be
the place might be known. from the nose of the whale.
Hu-na-kE-LE, s. A place where only one Hu-r1, v. To pull or draw. See Huxt.
body is buried secretly ; a burying place Hu-po, v. To be ignorant; to be wild;
for only one. See the above. to be savage ;-to be in mental darkness.
Hu-na-LeE-po, s. Huna and lepo, dust. Hu-po, adj. Savage; ignorant; bar-
Dust; very small particles of matter. Nah. barous; dark; idiot like. Hal. 119:130.
He nui ka poe hupo loa ma kuaaina.
Hu-na-Le-wa, s. The van of an army;
the front ranks; the opposite of hunapaa; Hu-po-ka-r1-To, s. Gr. A hypocrite.
o ka poe mamua, he poe uuku ia, ua kapaia Notr.—This word was formerly used by
lakou he hunalewa. the translators of the New Testament for
Hu-na-paa, s. The rear of an army, in hypocrite, but lately hookamani has taken
its place.
distinction from hunalewa, the front. os.
6:9: Hou-rvu, adj. Angry. See Hunv.
Hu-na-wal, s. Huna and wat, water. A Hu-pu-na, s. A collection, as of water
particle of water. in a hollow place.
Hu-ne, v. To tease; to persevere in Hu-pu-Na-wal, s. Hupuna and wai,
entreaty. water. Standing water; a collection of
2. To be trickish. Hoo. The same. water.
Hu-ne, v. To be poor; to be destitute; Hu-pu-pu, s. Name of the worm that
to be impoverished. Lunk. 6:6. To be in eats hard bread.
want. Hoo. To impoverish; to strip oie Hu-wa, s. See Hua. Envy. 1 Tim. 6:4.
of property. Zunk. 14:15. Hu-weE-Lo, s. See Hurezo. The tail of
Hu-ne, adj. Destitute of property; a Least.
naked ; poor; applied to persons. Hu-so-pa, s. Gr. Eng. Hyssop, an herb.
Hu-ng, s. A poor man; e ola auanei Oihk. 14:4.
ka hune, the poor man will soon recover. Hou-so-pa, adj. Pupu husopa,a bunch of
Hu-NE-HU-NE, v. See Hung, to be trick- hyssop ; lala husopa, same.

K the seventh letter of the Hawaiian pronounce it with the end of the tongue
S alphabet. Its sound varies somewhat that is, pronounce it as ¢.
from the English k sound to that of the f, Ka in the beginning of a speech is used
according as the enunciation is made at the to call attention. '
end of the tongue or near the root. It is Ka, imt. An exclamation of surprise,
difficult to make Hawaiians perceive the wonder, disappointment or disgust; also,
difference between the English sounds of similar to hark, hush; often repeated. See
keandt. The natives on the Island of Ha- KAHAHA.
waii generally pronounce the letter with
the palate, that is, give it the k sound, Ka! xa! tnt. Enough; sufficient; stop.
while the natives of the Island of Kauai Ka in different parts of a sentence, con-
KA 227 KAA
tains something like an assertion with dis- as light from the sun; as cinders from a
approbation; used also on the discovery of red hot iron; to braid or knit, as a fish net
a mistake. 1 Sam. 28:12. It is used on (o ka poe ka upena) from a center point.
expressing opposition of sentiment. Pule. 6. To go out every way, as from a cen-
32:17. After a verb it implies oblique ab- ter. Kin. 3:24. See Kaa.
surdity, something unaccountable. Luce 7. To curse; to express anger at one by
23:35. When the contrary takes place from wishing evil from God; a low kind of
what was expected or attempted. Jsa. swearing.
14:14,15. He kau malie ka la, o ka honua 8. To doom; to pass sentence; ka ola,
ka ke kaa nei! it is the sun is it that stands ka make, to doom to life, to doom to death
still, the earth forsooth, that rolls! Ka (according to the pleasure of the gods.)
contains the idea of some supposed error, 9. To catch birds in a snare.
or something wrongly done or thought. 10. Hoo. To destroy; cause to perish.
Oih. 11:3. 11. To be disappointed; put to confusion;
Ka, art. The definite article, the. Be- to be made ashamed.
12. A nolaila e aho hoi ke ka i ka nele
fore nouns beginning with the letter k, it lua. Laieile. 197.
is changed into ke instead of ka. See Kr.
See Gram. § 59, 60, 61. Ka as an article Ka, s. A dish to bail water with.
often represents not only the article but 2. A striking against; a collision.
the noun supposed to belong to it, or it 3. A vine, the branches of which spread
may have mea or some other word under- and run.
stood (like, in another sense, the English Kaa, v. To radiate. See Ka 5. To go
what, as an antecedent and a relative); as, out, as rays of light from the sun; as cin-
o ka aila ka (mea) iloko o kona lima, the ders from a red hot iron; to turn every
oil the (thing) which, that which was in his way, as bones in a socket joint. Anat. 18.
hand. Oihk. 17:11. O ke koko ka (mea) i Kaa, v. To roll, as a wheel; e olo kaa;
hana i kalahala, the blood the (thing) it
to travel about from place to place; often
makes atonement; that is, the thing which with puni.
makes ; 0 ka pono wale no ka i oi mamua 2. To operate; to take effect, as an emetic
o ka hewa, righteousness only is the thing or cathartic.
(that which) excels wickedness. Ka also
3. To pass off or out from; to go out
as an article stands for ka mea,and ka mea
from the presence of one.
nana, the person who, or the thing which.
4, To fall away; to leave one party to
See the following passages: John 12:2, 49; join another. 1 Oth. 12:19. See Kaana.
Mat. 18:23; Mar. 9:7. See also Grammar,
5. To remove; to change one’s place;
Syntax, Rule 6, Note 3.
to be transferred to another. Nah. 36:9.
Ka, prep. Having the general sense, of; To cause to be done; to be gone; ua kaa
belonging to; it marks the relation of pos- na peelua, the worms (peeluas) are done,
session and is used before nouns and pro- i. e., the time for them is past. Jsa. 10:25.
nouns; it is similar in meaning to the prep- 6. To be sick; to suffer pain in sickness;
osition a, but used in a different part of the to lie or be confined with long sickness.
sentence. See Grammar § 105, 4. Ka (also Isa. 51:20.
ko) before nouns is similar in meaning to 7. To mourn, as in the loss of relatives;
the apostrophic s in English, and signifies kaa kumakena na wahine i na kane i kela
the thing or the things belonging to those la i keia la, wives were sick with weeping
nouns; as, ka ke alii, belonging to the chief ; for their husbands every day.
ka laua, that of them two. See Grammar 8. To pay a debt; e emo kaa koke ae no
§ 105, 4. ka aie a ke alii, very soon will be paid the
Ka, v. To bail water, as from a canoe; debt of the chief; to postpone ; to put off;
to put aside. Oth. 5:34.
e ka oe i ka liu. 9. Hoo. To roll off; to remove.
2. To strike; to dash; to overthrow.
Puk. 15:4. Kaa, s. A tradition; a legend. See
3. To strike, as to strike fire with flint Kao.
and steel; ka ahi. See Kaka. To block or 2. A cross; same as kea.
split off a piece of hard stone for the pur- 3. Anything that rolls or turns, as a top,
pose of making a stone adze in ancient a wheel of a carriage, a carriage itself, 2
times; 0 ka poe ka koi ka poe i manao nui cart, wagon or chariot. Kin. 46:5. Kaai
ia; hele no ka poe ka koi e imi i na pohaku uhiia, a covered wagon. Nah.7:3. A grind-
paa e pono ai ke hana i koi; ka makau, to stone.
fabricate a bone into a fish-hook. 4, The branch of a vine.
4. To finish or end a thing; to rest; to 5. A name given to all kinds of foreign
escape from pursuit; to flee away; ua ka timber, except oak.
ilaila kuu po auhee. 6. A strand of a cord; a rope; the string
5. To radiate; to go out from the center, that fastens a fish-hook to the line.
7. A path to walk in. Hal. 6:11. Ka-au-au-puv, s. Name of a species of
& A shrub. soft porous stone.
Kaa, adv. Gone; absent; no more. Ka-a-na, s. A stick or rod having at
Ka-aa, num. adj. ‘The number forty. one end a bunch of leaves with kapa fas-
This perhaps is a mistake for kaau. tened, and held by the priest while offering
Kaa-a-La-a-LA, adj. Hard, as the healthy sacrifice on the heian.
body of a growing infant; a kaaalaala ke Ka-a-na, s. The name of a long fish.
keiki e hanai i ka ai. } Ka-a-HA-A-HA, v. To grow; to increase
Ka-al, v. To bind or tie round; to gird in size and solidity.
on, as an oriental dress; to tie on, as a
fillet Ka-a-HE, v. To be feeble; to be near
on the head, or a girdle around the waist. dying ; pehea o Auhea? Aole akaka ka
See Karr. Paai o haho aku i ke kadai. pono—ke kaahe ae la. See Aug, a slight
Ka-a1, s. The girdle around the loins breathing.
of the gods, put round by the chief, made Kaa-Ha-LE, s. A wheel carriage with a
of vines; e lawe ia mai no ko ke alii kane covered top. Lrr. A house-cart.
akua kadai. Kaa-HE-LE, v. Kaa and hele, to go. To
Ka-ao, s. A legend; a tale of ancient travel about; to visit different parts of the
times. See Kaa above. A _ traditionary country; to go here and there. Nah. 13:32.
story; a fable. 1 Tim. 4:7. <A history in To pass over or through a country. Lunk.
the manner of a story. 2 Oihl. 13:22. Aole 11:29. To travel from place to place. Mat.
i oleloia ma nakaao kahiko o ko o nei poe 10:23.
kanaka, it is not spoken of in the ancient Kaa-xaa, v. Kaa, to roll. To open, as
legends of this people.
the eyes; to look upon; to have respect
Ka-ao, v. To be calm in some places to; to watch over. 2 Oihl. 6:20. Hoo. To
while the wind blows on one side or in cause to open, as the eyes. Kin. 21:19.
some parts ; kaao ae la ka makani; to be Kaa-Kaa-HI-KI, v. To go to a place of
smooth, as the sea in a calm, but nota dead
safety ; to feel secure in a place.
calm ; i ua po nei e kaao ana no 0 ianei ia
makou. Laieik. 30. Kaa-KAA-LI-NA, adj. See Lena. Tough;
stringy; not soft or pulpy; applied to
Ka-ao, s. A multitude (doubtful.) bananas.
2. The name or the quality ascribed to KaAa-KAA-wI-LI, v. See Kaa. Hoo. To
the fruit of the hala tree when nearly ripe.
turn frequently ; to writhe in agony ; hoo-
Ka-ao-E, s. A poor man; one destitute kaakaawili iho la oia no kona ehaeha, he
of property; a wanderer; avagabond. See writhed much, being in great pain.
KKAAOWE. Kaa-Kau-a, s. A chariot; a war car-
Ka-ao-E, adj. Wandering; vagabond riage. Dunk. 4:15.
like ; he hele wale, he kuewa. Kaa-xau-a, v. Kaa, to keep off, and
Kaa-o-x1, v. To end; to cut short; to kaua. To prevent or keep off war.
put an end to; to beautify ; to finish off, Kaa-Kavu-a, s. and adj. Name ofa class
as a canoe. of chiefs consulted by the king in times of
Kaa-o-Ko-a, v. Kaa and okoa. To spare; difficulty ; he alii kaakaua, he alii akamai
to let alone; not to employ. Hoo. Same. ike kaakaua; koho oia i kekahi poe ka-
Sol. 13:24. See Kaoxoa. To abstain from naka akamaii ke kakaolelo, ame ke kaa-
a person or thing. Oih. 15:20. To with- kcaua, 1 mau hoaolelo nona; one skillful in
draw from. managing war operations; 0 ka mea aka-
Kaa-o-xo-a, adj. Separate from ; left mai i ke kaua, he kaakaua ia. Kaakaua
also refers to the maneuvers of the armies
by itself. in time of battle.
Ka-a-o-na, s. The name of the second Kaa-ka-Lo-Lo, v. A kaakalolo o ko laua
month of the year. noho ana.
2. A bundle of anything hung up to
smoke or dry ; applied to fish, sugar-cane, Kaa-xo-Lu, adj. Three-fold; three-
&c.; that which is smoked red or brown. stranded, asa rope. Kelkah. 4:12.
Ka-a-o-na, adj. Red or reddish brown; Kaa-xu-a, s. A headache with dizziness
and weakness.
me he pua kaaona la, like a blossom dried
reddish. Kaa-ku-a, adv. Kukini, alaila, pili nui
Ka-a-o-we, s. See Kaaoz. A personlakou, pili hihia, pili kaalcua.
that owns no land; 0 ka poe aina ole, he Kaa-ku-mu, adj. Dull; blunt, asa tool;
kaaowe ia. not sharp; koi kaakumu, a dull koi or adze.
Ka-au, num. adj. The number forty;|Ka-a-ta, s. The name of a mountain
applied in counting fish ;kaau ia. on the Island of Oahu.
2. The name of a porous species of stone; fore, or to be agitated as a child afraid to
he pukapuka e like me kaala. be washed in cold water; kaanini ke keiki
Ka-a-ta, s. A widow or a widower. i ka wai.
2. The name of some art anciently taught Kaa-no-1, s. Desire; kuko.
among the chiefs; he nui ka poe ao i ke Kaa-pa-Hu, v. To cut off; to cut in
kaka laau me ke kaala. pieces. See APAuHu.
3. The name of an instrument used in Kaa-pa-La-oa, s. Amodern word. Kaa,
war. wheel, and palaoa, flour. <A flour mill; a
Kaa-ta-Lo, v. To talk crookedly by way grinding of flour.
of flattery ; to flatter ;to crouch in order 2. A thrashing instrument. Isa. 41:15.
to gain some point; to act meanly to secure Kaa-pa-La-oa, v. To grind; to make
some object. flour. Job. 31:10.
Kaa-Le-Le, v. To make a reeling mo- Kaa-PE, adj. Disobedient to orders.
tion, as a feeble person attempting to lean
on a staff; to reel. Kaa-re-Ha, s. A name given to the oil
KaAa-LE-LE-wa, s. Kaa, to roll, and lewa, plant on Hawaii.
2. The name of a large sized person—
to swing. Clouds which are driven or float also of great influence.
swiftly through the air. See Kaa and Lewa.
Kaa-LE-Le-wa, adj. Flying; driven Kaa-pE-kA, s. A person ofa large size;
a large bodied person, like a chief.
with the wind.
Kaa-Lu-na, v. E moe me ke kaa o ke Kaa-pu-ni, v. Kaa and puni, around.
To go or roll around; to go round from
poo ikaaluna me ka lolii anaike kapaa place to place; to circumambulate; in law,
paa. See Kena. he lunakanawai kaapuni, a circuit judge.
Kaa-mavu-ko1, s. A fishing pole; an
angling rod. Kaa-pu-ni, adj. Going or traveling
Kaa-ma-Loo, v. Kaa and maloo, dry. To about, or from place to place.
wipe dry ; to wring dry, as a cloth. Ka-a-wa, s. A large dish or hollow
Kaa-ma-tu-na, v. Kaa and maluna, place worn by water in a rock.
above. To take the oversight of business; Kaa-wa-.e, v. Kaaand wale, only. To
to exercise an office over others. separate, as persons or things; to separate,
Kaa-me-nal, v. To backbite; to slander. as friends.
2. To separate, as two things that adhere;
Kaa-ME-HAI, s. Detraction; slander. to open.
Kaa-me-Hov, s. The tying on of a fish- 3. Hoo. To separate one thing from an-
hook to the string. other ; to divide between ; to create a va-
Kaa-mo-La, v. Kaa and mola, to turn. cancy. -
i turn round ; to be not firm ; not stead- 4. To start in surprise; to be frightened.
ast. Kaa-wa-LE, s. A separation; a space
Kaa-mo-A, adj. ‘Turning round; chang- between two or more things; an empty
ing ; not steadfast. space.
Ka-a-na, v. To make alike; to resem- Kaa-wa-LE, adj. Separate from; free;
ble. empty, as space; empty, as a house; state
2. To bring over to one’s party or pur- of being unchanged ; convenient; fit; wa
pose ; to proselyte. Mat. 23:15. kaawale, spare time.
3. To fall away from one party to an- Ka-a-weE, v. ‘To tie any flexible thing
other. 1 Oihl. 12:19. See Kaa. tightly around the throat; to choke by
4. To make; to gain. tying the throat.
5. To deceive ; to entrap ; to outwit. 2. To suspend; to hang up; generally
6. To compare, i.e., to resemble; to make by the neck; to strangle with a cord. Jos.
like ; to be mingled in with others; ua ka- 10:26. Kaawe ia ia iho a make, to commit
ana ka iho (kapa) me ka hewa; ua kaana suicide. Mat. 27:5. Nore.—Kaawe rather
mai ka bipi hihiu maloko o ka bipi laka a applies to suicide; li, to a public execution
laua, the wild cattle were mixed with the by hanging.
tame. Ka-a-weE, s. A suspension; a strangling,
Ka-a-ni-au, adj. Broken; past away, i. e., death. Job. 7:15.
as a kapu; noa ke kapu; he kapu ka laua, 2. A neckhandkerchief; a cravat; o ke
noa ke kapu, the kapus of the long gods kaawe kekahi mea e nani ai ka a-i kanaka,
and the short gods are no more—noa. the cravat is what adorns the neck of a
Kaa-ni-nt, v. To be agitated; to be in man.
a flutter. Ka-a-WE-A-WE, s. Oppression of the
2. Torun in agitation, as a child wishing chest ; sickness of the stomach; a disease
to go with its parent who has started be- of the neck and chest.
Kaa-we-La, s. The name of one of the |Ka-EE-pa-o-o, s. Name of a species of
planets, Venus, the evening star. fish net.
Kaa-wi-tt, v. Kaa and wili, to twist.| Ka-£1, v. To gird on; to bind on, as a
To writhe ; to writhe in pain. belt around the body ; e apo ma ka opu.
2. To mix together, as different ingredi- 2. To put on, as armor; to gird on, as
ents; mea kaawili laau, an apothecary. an official or extra garment. 1 Sam. 2:18.
Puke. 37:29. 3. To put on, as a mourning dress or a
3. To knead, as bread. Jer. 7:18. loose garment. Kin. 37:34.
4. Hoo. To torture; to cause to writhe Ka-E1, s. Abelt; agirdle; asash. Puk.
in pain; to give pain to. Jer, 4:19. 28:4. Ke apo ma ka opu.
5. To tear; torage,asafoul spirit. Mar. 2. In geography and astronomy, a zone of
1:26. the earth or heavens; na hoku o ke kaei,
Kaa-wi-t1, s. A pain; a torture; a the planets. 2 Nal. 23:5.
writhing pain. Ka-e1-poo, s. Aturban; adiadem. Jod.
2. A mixture of things. 29:13.
3. A school of fish ; kaawili iheihe, kaa- Ka-E-o, s. Anger or excitement against
wilt auau, kaawili pukiki.
what is wrong; anger at sin. See Kuxo.
Ka-g, v. To rub out, asa mark; to blot Ka-s-0, adj. Full, as a calabash with
out; to erase.
food; he aloha i ka ipu kaeo.
2. To kill; to take away. Hoo. To blot
out; to destroy; to kill instantly; to smite. Ka-Ev-Eu, v. To be the largest, as of
1 Oihl. 13:10. two ropes or pieces of wood joined together;
3. To make desolate. Oihk. 26:31. to be big ; to excel.
Kar, s. The brink, border or edge of a Ka-ev-Ev, s. Joy; delight; gratifica-
thing ; the exterior of the anus; the side. tion; excitement. See Evev.
as of a precipice, wood, lake, &c. Puk. Ka-e-KA, v. To be entangled, as a rope
25:25. The brim of a vessel or container.
or string ; e hihia, e lauwili.
1 Nal. 7:23. The inner bark, as of wauke;
kae wauke. Ka-E-ka, adv. Rolled and twisted up;
Kast, v. To havea border or brim. Hoo. entangled; e wili kaeka.
To hold on the brink or border; to pro- Kas-xaz, v. To be smooth and plump;
tect. without protuberances.
Kae, v. To spurn; to turn a deaf ear; Kar-Kak, adj. Young, fresh and smooth,
to refuse to listen ; to answer foolishly.
as an unmarried woman who is much de-
2. To try a kalo patch, to know if it is
sired ; hence, applied to a small woman.
ripe enough to eat; e kaei ka loi.
2. Applied to a canoe, new; smooth;
AE, s. Contempt; a refusal to hear without knots, &c.; he waa kaekae; also,
> advice. i mai no ia, he kihei pili nau, he kaekae ka
2. A name of an office in the king’s train. olupi.
Ka-Ea, v. To have no appetite ; to lose KarE-KakE, adj. Soft; mellow; soft, asa
the appetite for food. See Kanna and Kua- cooked potato.
NEA. To be indolent; to be lazy. 2. Light in traveling.
Ka-ea, s. The loss of appetite ; no rel- Kaz-xak, s. See Kaz. The narrow edge
ish for food; o ke kaea pu wale no ia. of a rule.
Laieik. 142. Kar-KakE, adv. See Kaz, border. Hav-
Ka-ra, adj. Having no appetite. See ing many edges ; by borders; on the bor-
Ka-r-£, s. The name of a fruit which Ka-r-xe, v. To beat the drum. See Hoo-
resembles a bean, used as a cathartic, EKEEKE.
2. Joy; gladness, as at the arrival of a Ka-E-kE, s. Drum beating; the skill of
friend. drumming; he poe akamai i ke kaeke.
Ka-rer, adj. Hard or stiff, as new kapa. Laieik. 112.
Ka-g-E, v. To dry up, as water in the Ka-5-KE-E-kE, v. ‘To beat or play the
sun or by heat. See Kagr, to rub out. He drum, as in ancient times; e pai pahu, e
wahi wal, aole i kaee i ka la. hookanikani.
Ka-r--E, adj. Stiff; ragged. See Kare Ka-E-KE-E-KE, s. A kind of drum made
above. Kaeee kela,i ka onohi o kuu maka. of the cocoanut tree.
2. The art of drumming; oia ka wa i
Ka-E-E-LE, s. The body of a canoe. laha mai ai ke kaekeeke.
Ka-E-E-Lo, s. The name of a kind of Ka-E-La, s. A beam, brace or cross-
food, perhaps of Borabora origin. piece. See Kaona.
Ka-e-1a, adj. Half full; partly filled; o ka waa; or as a door so swelled as not
unfinished. See KaELEWAA. to shut; ua kai na pili o ka pani; to dis-
Ka-s-LE, v. To increase in number; to place ; to put away. Heb. 10:9.
9. To take away by robbery; to mis-
be a great number ; kaele ua make, /caele spend; to squander. Luk. 15:30. To re-
ua ia, kaele ua kanaka. ject; to disregard. See Hoxar.
Ka-E-tE, v. To be partially filled, as a Kat, s. The sea; sea water; a flood;
calabash with fish or food, leaving some kai hooee, an overflowing flood. Dan. 9:26.
empty space at the top. Hence,
Ka-k-LE-Lol, s. The sound of the drum 2. Brine; gravy of roast meat; broth.
in ancient times; the roll of the drum; Iunk. 6:20.
kaekeeke. 3. The surf of the sea; kai ula, the red
Ka-g-Lte-waa, s. An unfinished boat or sea; kai piha, the full sea or flood tide;
canoe. See Karta. He waa i kapili ole kai make, the dead sea or ebb tide; kai
ia i ka laau. koo, a very high surf, &c. See these com-
2. The bottom of a canoe. pounds,
Ka-E-Lo, s. The name of that month 4, A current in the sea; he kai i Hawaii,
of the year nearly corresponding with our a current towards Hawaii.
January. , 5. A traveling guard.
Ka-g-na, s. A room in a house. Mar. Kat, s. See verb, No. 4. A net for fish;
14:15. A cabin in a ship; a drawer of a a snare for birds; a lasso for cattle, &c.
bureau; a closet of aroom. See Keena. Kai, s. The toothache; a pain in the
Ka-s-na, v. To boast; to glory; to brag. teeth.
1 Oihl. 16:10. To make pretenses; to boast Kat, adj. Insipid, as food; having no
of what one has done. 2 Oihl. 28:19. To appetite; the state of a person so suffering
be self-conceited ;auhea la ka mea nui i affliction as to have no desire for food.
keaena ai oukou ia oukou iho? where is the Kai, adv. A long time; kai ka hana
great thing for which you boast yourselves? loaia oe, very long the time you were doing
See Karena. it; e hana loa kai ka loihi, it is long to do,
Ka-r-na, s. High mindedness; pride; how very long. See Kat, int.
self-exaltation. ; . Kar, zmt. How; how much; how great.
Ka-E-na, adj. Excelling ; going before; 2 Sam. 1:19. Kai ka nani! O how glori-
self-opinionated. ous! 2 Sam. 6:20. Kai ka hemolele! how
Ka-E-nA, adv. With certainty; surely; excellent! Hal. 8:1. Renowned ; wonder-
without error, &c.; no ko’u ike i ka maikai, ayj kai ka luhi, what a weariness. Mat.
ko’u mea no ia i olelo kaena ai, from my
knowledge of beauty, Ican speak with con- Kar-au, s. A place a little ways out in
fidence. sh sea, beyond the kuaau; also called ho-
Ka-E-nA-kol, s. A low blackguard word ; vonu.
e hele oe a i kaenakoi. Kat-a-u-Lu, s. The kilohana ; the out-
Kar, v. To lift up on the hands and side ; the best ; the figured one of a set of
carry; to lift up the foot and walk, as an kapas, i. e., figuratively, something rather
infant in beginning to walk, or as one re- remarkable in appearance.
covering from sickness; to step amiss, as 2. An overhanging cloud.
a child; generally connected with hina; 3. The space on top of a pali.
as, kai aku la ke keiki a hina iho la. 4. A high elevated post.
2. To lead; to guide; to direct; kai aku Kar-a-u-Lu, s. Name of a strong wind
i ke kaa, to drive a cart. 2 Sam. 6:3. To off Waianae on Oahu.
direct the ceremonies of the luakini; ke Kat-a-Hu-a-KAl, v. Kaiand huakai. To
kai ana o ka aha. Syvy. with oihana. lead a large traveling company. See Hua-
3. To lead, direct or bring to a place. KAI.
Kin. 2:19.
4. To lead into or entice, as fish into a Kat-a-Hu-A-Kal, s. A large company
net, or any animal into a trap or snare. traveling together. See Huaxkar.
5. To bring; to take in hand; to do Kat-a-Hu-Lu, v. Kai, sea, and hulu,
with; to pull up, as kalo. hairy. To be in a foam, as the sea agitated
6. To shove along; to move; to go a greatly by the winds; to act, as the sea
journey; to travel slowly. when current and wind are contrary.
7. To bring, i. e., to lead; to transfer, as
a people from one place to another. Kan. Kat-a-Hu-LU, s. The sea in great agita-
7:1 tion, so as to be white.
"8. Hoo. To separate or part asunder, as Kal-a-KA-HI-NA-LU, s. Kai,sea, and Hi-
a cracked part of a canoe; ua kai ka pili nalit, name of a chief of Hawaii. See Hr-
NALU. The name of a great flood in ancient he pua laau no ke kaioe, the tree blossom
times which by tradition covered the whole of the kaioe.
earth, i. e., the Hawaiian Islands. See the Ka-1o-10, adv. Ulu kaioio ka nahelehele.
story in D. Malo’s work. Hence this is the Ka-10-0-LE-LE-PA, adj. O Kalani kaioo-
word used for Noah’s flood. Kin. 6:17. lelepa ka alapa pii moo o Ku.
Kal-A-KA-HU-LU-MA-NU, s. Kai, sea, and Kat-o-nu-a, s. Name ofa place a little
hulumanu, a favorite of the king. The
way out in the sea; same as poana.
name of the flood yet to come, as the fore-
going is the name of the flood that is past. Katl-o-KI-Lo-HEE, Ss. Name of a place in
Kat-a-tu, s. Name of a species of hard the sea; same as kaiau.
rock out of which hatchets were made. Ka-tlo-LE-Kaa, Ss. The name of a famine
Kat-a-LI-LE, v. To be indolent, lazy or in former times.
indifferent ; to treat with contempt any ef- Kat-o-Le-NA, s. Kaz, liquid, and olena,
fort to be otherwise. yellow. Yellow coloring matter.
Kat-a-tI-LE, adj. Indolent; lazy; con- Kat-o-LE-wa, v. To cleanse; to purify;
temptuous. e huikala, e hoomaemae.
Kat-a-u1-Le, adj. Unskillful; awkward ; Kat-o-Lo-a, s. ‘The name of a ceremony
inexpert ; aole e loaa keia mea o ka ma- of tying the malo on to the god; it was
nao, i ka mea kaialile lomalomaaihalale. done by the women of the chief. ,
Kat-a-no-a, s. The name of a kind of Kat-o-PE-Lv, s. A place inthe sea. Syn.
fish-hook. with kaiuli.
Kat-a-po, s. A rising or high tide; i ka Kat-o-po-KE-o, s. Name of a long prayer
pii ana o ke kai, ua kapaia he kaipii, he at the dedication of a heian.
kainui, he kaiapo kahi inoa. Kar-u-a, v. To repeat over and over, as
Kat-E-a, s. Kai, sea, and ea, to rise. A one does when drunk; kaiua ka olelo ; he
rising tide; aswelling of the sea; a spread- olelo kuawili; e /eaiua i ka hookahe i ka
ing over the land. wai, continue to water the ground.
Kat-cE, s. Kaz, sea, and ee, to come up. Kat-u-La, s. Kaiand ula, red. The Red
See Karma above. Sea. Puk. 13:18. The sea that separates
Kar-e-E£, s. The name of the purgative Africa from Asia.
bean. Kat-u-La-LA, s. Far out at sea; out of
sight of land.
Kar-e-Lo, s. Water of the cocoanut
mixed with other ingredients. Katr-u-1, s. Kaz, sea, and wii, blue.
The dark blue sea; hence, the deep sea;
Kat-r-m1, s. Kai and emi, to lessen. A the name of the sea beyond the kohola;
decreasing or falling tide. See Karak. also called kailuhee.
Kar-e-na, v. To be self-opinionated; to Kat-u-Lu, s. The name of the sea at
boast ; to glory; to make pretenses. See full tide. See Karyur and Karpma.
KAENA. Kat-u-wE, v. Ka poe i kaiwwe pinepine.
Kat-e-wa, v. Kai and ewa, crooked. ‘To Kal-HEE-NA-LU, s. Name of a place on
be led astray ; to be tossed about. or near a reef, like kohola.
2. To live as it happens, sometimes well
off, sometimes in poverty, exalted or de-
Kal-HE-HEE, s. Name of an ancient
pressed. kapu of the chiefs, connected with death;
also called lumalumaia.
Kat-E-we, s. Kai, to lead, and ewe, the
navel string. A company following a chief ;
Kal-HE-HE-NA, 5S. Kaz and hehena, mad.
ka huakai, ke kaiewe o ka lani. The raging sea. The following epithets of
the sea are found in a prayer of Keanini:
Kar-1, v. To walk buttoned up tightly; kaikane, kaiwahine, kaipupule, kaihehena,
to strut; to be vain. kaiulaula, kaipiliaikee—e.
2. To turn away ; to refuse to listen to Kat-HE-LE, s. The laying of stones, as
one’s request.
3. To be stingy; to be close-fisted. See in a pavement, one beside another ; ai ke
Hon. kaihele ana o na pohaku, oia no ka meai
4. To tie up the throat; to choke. kau i ka pohaku.
Ka-u1, s. A kind of net for taking fish. Kal-HE-LE-kU, s. The name of the sea
Kar-n, s. Name of a vegetable growing ‘ beyond
beyond the poana, i. e., the second space
where the surf breaks; also called
on the mountains, eaten as food in time of kaipapau.
Ka-1-H1, v. To spin round like a top;
Ka-t-o, s. The name of a bird like the to be dizzy.
pueo or owl. 2. To withhold what is another’s; to
Kat-oz, s. The name ofa plant or tree; keep back what is forfeited in a game.
ON meKAI a 233 he KAI i ee
Ka-1-u1, s. Dizziness; a sense of turn- |Kai-Koa-xoa, s. The watery fluid of the
ing in the head. bowels.
2. The name of a species of fish net; he |Kat-Ko-E-KE, s. A brother-in-law; a sis-
upena /eaihi. ter-in-law ; generally designated by kane
Kat-no1, s. Kai and hoi, to return. A! or wahine.
falling or low tide. Kal-Ko-E-LE, s. A very shallow sea in
Kat-Ho-Ho-nu, s. Kaiand hohonu,deep.| a calm, too shallow for a canoe; he kai kui
High tide ; full sea; deep water. opihi, he malia paha.
Kar-nu-a, s. High tide; high water. /Kat-Ko-1, s. A species of kalo; he kalo.
See Kart. 'Kar-xoo, s. A high surf of the sea; a
Kat-xa, s. The border of a cultivated) raging swell of the sea.
plat; the border of a kalo patch. Kar-Koo, v. To roll in; to rage, as a
Katr-xat, v. See Kar. To liftup,asthe high surf; kaikoo ke kai. Laieik. 165.
hand. Nah. 20:11. To lift or raise up, as, Kat-Ko-wa, v. See Karkaowa above.
the eyes to heaven. Syy. with leha. To| Kar-xv, s. A middle tide, not high nor
ooh) aea en veg in complaint; | low. See Kamav. "
aikaiikaleo. Nah. 14:1. :
2. To take up; to bear; to carry upon. Kar-Ku-a, s. A countryman; a back-
Kin. 7:17. To carry off; kaikai no laua i| ,,Woodsman.
ka pahu a hiki ma ka hakae. Kar-Kua-a-Na, S. The elder of two broth-
3. To take off, as a burden; to carry| ers or sisters; used by a brother when
away ; to lift, as a weight. Isa. 40:15. speaking of a brother, or by a sister when
4. To carry tenderly, as a child. Puk. speaking of a sister; but when a brother
4, speaks of an elder sister, it is kaikuwahine.
5. To promote ; to exalt; to favor, asa When a sister speaks of an elder brother it
king a subject. Eset. 3:1. | is kaikunane.
6. To be led or urged on, as by strong |Kal-Ku-o-No, s. Kai, sea, and kuono, a
desire or lust; a na keia kuko, kaikai kino| bay. A gulf; a creek; an inlet of water
houia maila. Laieik. 196. into the land. Jsa. 11:15.
Kar-xat, adj. That which is lifted up Kat-Ku-na-ne, s. The brother of a sis-
or heaved. Puk. 29:27. Uba mua o ka) ter. Kin. 20:5.
mohai kaikai, heave shoulder. Nah. 6:20. |KAI-KU-WA-HI-NE, 8. The sister of a

Kai-Kal-A-po-La, s. The tail of a kite;} brother. Kin. 12:13.

e ka mea e pono ai ka lupe, o na laau liilii, KAI-LA-NA-HU-A-HI, Ss. Kai and lanahu-
ame ke kaula, ame ka welu, ame ke kai-| ahi (same as nanahuahi), a coal of fire.
kaiapola, ame ke aho. Very dark or black water of the ocean.
Kar-Kar-na, s. The younger of two Ka-1-u1, v. To snatch; to take away ;
brothers or sisters; used by a brother| to take by force; to take away, as one’s
when speaking of a brother, or a sister of} pleasure and joy. Joan. 16:22. To take
a sister. But if a brother speak of a sister,| away one’s right. Kin. 31:31. To spoil or
or a sister of a brother, it is kaikunane. rob one’s glory. ol. 2:15.
Kal-Ka-0-wa, v. imper. Seize; take; 2. To give up; to depart, as the spirit of
Kat-xo-wa, follow; the word given by| ® dying person; kaili ke aho, to catch for
Kekuaokalani for seizing boys, fish, &c., eg? See AI. To breathe the last.
that were not his own. aren .
Kar-xa-nt, adj. Few; scarce; unfre- Ka-l-u, tie of a fish net from its
Beet Hieron s.there:A daughter;

one: See Ket
a fe-
|eT adj.Waiwai kala, opel em
b bd

ae Manu kaili wale, a ravenous bird.

‘ . .

male descendant. Ain. 20:12. Nore.—aAc- ieee ta wee! ce ae

cording to analogy this word for daughter -I-LI, s. He mea fail2, extortion; a
should be keikiwahine, like keikikane, but| _taking by force. '
Hawaiians do not use it so. Ka-1-L1, s. The act of taking fish with
Kar-ke-a, s. The fat of hogs or other| a hook. See Aru.
animals. Puk. 29:13. Fie. Isa. 34:6. | Ka-t-u1, s. The name of the great feather
2. The sap of a tree, the outside white,| _god of Kamehameha.
wood resembling in color the fat of ani-| K4-1-11-1-11, v. To take and carry here
mals. F : ; and there.
Kar-xi, s. High water; high tide. Ka-r-ur-1-L1, s. A narrow valley near
Kar-xo, s. A constable; a policeman.| the top of Waialeale on Kauai, a resting
See Makat. place for kings and queens
in ancient times.
Kar-ui-ke, v. Kai and like, alike. To Kal-Nno, v. (Impersonal.) I thought;
divide equally between a number of per-| Kat-no-A, | just as if; kaino he oiaio, aole
sons. Luk. 22:17. ka! I thought it was true, but it is not;
Katr-Li-Ko-Li-Ko, s. Kai, gravy, and diko, alaila, e i aku au ia oukou, ka! /eainoia,
oily. Fat gravy; the oily part of fat. alia e hoole.
2. The appearance of oil poured upon Kai-nu-1, s. High sea; high tide.
water. See Lixo. Kat-nu-nu-k1, adj. Kai and nunuki.
Kar-Li-ko-LI-ko, adj. Fat or greasy; ap- Irregular ebbing and flowing, as the sea.
plied to gravy. Kal-pa-EA-EA, 5. A calm, smooth sea;
Kat-LI-Po-Li-Po, s. Aad and lzpolipo, blue same as pohu.
or black. Epithet of the deep sea, as dark Kar-pa-pau, s. A shallow place in the
blue or black. sea, the same as the poana, or kaiohua.
Ka-I-LI-Po-n1, s. A disease in which one Kar-pu, s. A rising or full tide. See
falls down dead; something like apoplexy; Karpraa and Karnutr.
he kailiponi ka make.
Ka-I-Li-wa-Le, v. Kaili and wale. See Kar-pr-Ha, s. Kat and piha, full. A high
sea; high tide.
Wate. To take without regard to right or
to consequences; to take by force. 1 Sam. Kar-pu, s. Same as kainut and katpiha
2:16. above.
2. To rob; to plunder. QOihk. 19:18. Kar-puu, v. To divide out into parts or
Ka-I-LI-wa-LE, s. Seizing the property portions. See Puv.
of another ; a plunder ; a robbery. Kar-puu, s. A division or portion; more
Kat-Lu-HEE, s. Name ofa place in the commonly written puu.
sea; same as kaiuli, blue water. Ka-1-wi-poo, s. Ka, article, zw, bone,
Kar-mav, s. Middle tide, neither high and poo, the head. The skull bone; the
nor low. See Karkvu. name of the place where Jesus Christ was
Kai-Ma-Ha-Mo-E, s. Kai, gravy, and crucified. Joan. 19:17.
mahamoe, a fish. The gravy made for the Kar-u-Lu, s. Wehe ke katulu i ke oho o
fish mahamoe. — ka niu.
2. The fat or grease of that fish. Ka-o, znterj. The article ka and o. Sim-
Kat-ma-keE, s. Kai and make, dead. Low ilar to kahaha; kao mai, make kela kanaka;
water ; ebb tide. it expresses surprise.
2. A calm sea; no wind; still water; in Ka-o, v. To cry out as above; kao mai
geography, name of the Dead Sea. la o mea, somebody cries out with aston-
Kat-ma-Loo, s. Kai and maloo, dry. Low
tide ; ebb tide, when many places on the Ka-o, v. To intercede; to mediate; to
sea shore are dry, or the coral and reef are separate contending parties; to prevent
bare. one from accusing or slandering another.
See Uwao. Ua kao mai oe ia’u.
Kat-mA-Lo-Lo, s. Kai and malolo, rest-
ing; quiet. A shallow place of the sea Ka-o, s. A peace-maker; an intercessor.
near the shore where the sea is at rest. Ka-o, s. A goat; kao hele,a scape-goat.
2. A place where the sea is green and Oihk. 16:15.
shallow; place of soundings. Ka-o, s. A legend; a tradition. See
Kat-mo-ku, s. Middle tide, i. e., when KAAO.
the tide begins to recede. See Kamau. Ka-o, s. A dart; a javelin; a rocket.
Ka-r-na, v. See Kat, to take, and Ana. Ka-o, v. ‘l'o throw or cast, as a dart or
To take; to seize, as a fit; as the influence javelin.
of a wicked spirit. Mar. 9:18. Ka-oo, v. To bind; to tighten; to be in
2. To seize, as a prisoner ; to lead away a press of people; to be in straits.
to trial; ua uku i ke dala, ua hana, ua paa 2. To punch, as a man does his own
i ka hao, ua kaina aku imua o na lunaka- breast in the colic, with a stick or bis hand.
Ka-oo, s. Being in straits; suffering
Kai-na, v. To move slowly and softly, pain.
as a weak person trying to walk. 2. A multitude; applied to animals.
Kai-na, s. A younger of two brothers 3. Also, a traveling company; same as
or two sisters ; hence, a thing that is after huakaihele.
or second to another; pokii kaina, the very Ka-o-n1, v. To fix; to establish.
younger. 2. To abide; to continue to adhere firmly
Kat-na, s. Asitting to practice sorcery; to a thing or course of conduct; to be
the practice of sorcery. steadfast.
3. To, keep; to retain; to keep back. Ka-o-LE-LE, s. Kao, dart, and dele, to
Laieik. 176. To restrain. fly. A dart; a javelin; a sky-rocket. See
4. To invite to stay when one is about to Kao.
go away or further on. Luk. 24:29. Ka-o-Lo, s. The descent of a hill or
5. To keep, i. e., to pay regard to a law | pali; the going down a hill. See Kaxkar-
or command. | PALI, also OLO. ;
6. To restrain one from doing a thing by
friendly advice. Ka-o-m1, v. To press down, as with a
7. To compel or urge. 2 Qihl. 21:11. | lever ; to bear down upon a thing.
Kaohi na ’lii ia ia e noho, aole oia i ae mai, 2. To press; to squeeze out, as wine.
the chiefs urged him to stay, but he did not | Lunk. 6:11.
consent ; e kaohi i kou wawae, to refrain 3. Fie. To press, as the breasts; a eu-
the foot from wandering. Jer. 14:10. To phemism for moekolohe. Ezek. 23:3.
restrain ; to hold back. Hal. 19:13. 4. To crush; to humble one; e hoohaa-
8. To keep, as a promise. 1 Nal. 8:24. haa.
9. To choose. Isa. 7:15. Ka-o-m1, s. Name of a wind; the north-
10. To save; to screen, as a guilty person east trade wind on the east side of Lanai,
from punishment. Ezek. 13:19. and about Maui. Syn. with moae. Loaa
Ka-o-nr-H1-u, s. Kao, goat, and hihiu, makou i kekahi makani ikaika, he kaomi
wild. The gazelle or wild goat. ka inoa.
Ka-o-xaa, s. Name of a play and a K4-o-mi-wal-Na, s. A wine press. Mat.
former pastime. 21:33.
Ka-o-KA-NA-KA, S. Kao, goat, and ka- Ka-o-na, s. The name of a Hawaiian
naica, man. Name of an animal to be found month.
in the desolations of Babylon; a satyr. Ka-o-pa, s. A painful stiffness or rheu-
Isa. 13:21. matic affection of the limbs, which makes
Kao-xao, v. To be prominent; to pro- it difficult for one to stand or walk. See
ject. Opa, adj., and Oopa.
2. To be red. Ka-o-pa, adj. Lame; stiff; rheumatic;
3. To be hard to the touch. kanaka kaopa.
Kao-xao, s. The first dropping of a Kav, v. In an active sense, to hang; to
shower ; the fore part of a cloud ; ke kao- hang up; to suspend, as an article to be
kao ae, e ua iuka o Kaumana. out of the way; to crucify or hang, as a
2. Hardness ; redness; prominence. criminal. Ain. 40:22.
3. The venereal disease. 2. To hang, tie or gird on, as a sword;
Ka-o-ko-a, v. Ka and okoa, different. kau i ka pahi kaua. Puk. 32:27.
To be whole ; to be undivided. 3. To put upon or place a thing in some
2. Hoo. To separate from. 1 Sam. 21:4. designated place; to put in an elevated
To abstain from a thing ; to separate one’s situation; to mount a horse; to go on board
self from moral evil; e hookaawale ia ou- a ship or canoe.
kou iho i na mea haumia. 4. To overhang, as the heavens over the
3. To stand aloof from ; to Jet alone. earth.
4. To make one’s self conspicuous; to 5. To fall upon; to embrace affection-
be eminent. ately, with ai. Kin. 46:29.
Ka-o-Ko-a, adj. Whole ; unmutilated ; 6. To put upon one, as a heavy burden.
he ia kaokoa, okioki ole, mai ke poo a ka Nah. 11:11.
hiu, a fish whole, uncut from head to tail. 7. To set or fix the boundaries of a land
Ka-o-Ko-a, s. The being separate; aloof or country.
(from wrong-doing); 0 ke kaokoa, he hewa 8. To put down, as words on paper. See
ole, he hibia ole, he oluolu, he maikai. Kakavu. To write; to dot; hence,
2. A man who leaves his proper haku 9. To give publicity to a thing; to pro-
and serves another, or pays his food and mulgate, as a law; i kaw aku oukou i ka-
presents to another. eile maikai, that you may establish good
Ka-o-La, s. A stick or beam laid across 10. To set before one, as food.
a house from rafter to rafter to strengthen 11. To tempt, as in taking birds with a
it; a beam; the beam ofa house. Kekah. snare.
10:18. 12. In a neuter sense, to light down upon,
2. A bar for a door; a bar across the as a bird; as the spirit or divine influence
gate ofa city. 1 Sam. 20:7. upon one. Nah. 11:26.
3. Fic. Na kaola o ka po, the bars of 13. To come down upon one unexpect-
night. Job. 17:16. edly.
Ka-o-La-uau, s. Kaola and hau, iron. 14. Kau pono kona maka, to set or di-
An iron bar. Sol. 18:19. rect one’s face or desire.
15. To rest upon; to stretch out or over. 4, Hoo. To cause to fight.
16. To come upon one, as a suffering or 5. To serve as the conquered serve the
calamity. conqueror ; hence, with astronger pronun-
17. To rehearse in the hearing of another ciation, kauwa, a servant.
that he may learn. Kav-a, s. A war; a battle; an army
18. A kau ka hamere ma kekahi lima, he drawn up for battle. 2 Nal. 28:5. Poe
took the hammer in one hand. Junk. 4:21. kaua, a host; anarmy. Puk. 14:24.
To lay or place the hand upon one for evil. Ka-u-a, v. To hesitate about doing a
19. Hoo. To setagainst; to resist. Lunk.
thing after an engagement; to be in doubt
20. To appoint against; to come upon. about fulfilling a promise ; to beg off; hoo-
Ter. 15:3.
21. To bring upon; to cause to fall upon. 2. To invite to stay. See Kaont. Aoleo
maua mea nana e kaua mai, a liuliu ko
22. To rest; to place. Kamnl. 7:23.
maua noho kuewa ana, there is no reason
23. Kau aku i kau hale, to go about from
house to house; to go about idly. See defi- why we two should stay and lengthen out
the time of our sojourning.
nition 11.
Kau, s. Season. Kin. 1:14. Ka-va, pro. dual. We two; you and I.
2. The summer or warm season, in dis- Gram. § 124, 3.
tinction from hooilo, the winter months. Kav-a1, s. Name of one of the Hawai-
Norre.—The Hawaiians had but two seasons ian group of islands ; ma ka hapukaohiohi
in a year, viz.: the kau summer, and hooilo ana paha a ka waha me he hoe Kauai la.
winter ; hence, Kau-al-Ka-Na-na, v. To sleep in the
3. A period of time when one lives. Eset. day time for pleasure or comfort; to take
1:1. Aspecified time. ZLunk.10:8. A ike a siesta.
kau i ke alii, ia Kamehameha, in the life Kav-au-La, s. A kind of soft porous
time of Kamehameha. stone.
4, A time for a particular purpose. Kav-a-u-La, s. A strong wind from the
5. Time of indefinite length; kau ai, a
mountains, occasioned by the breaking
fruitful season; kau wi, a time of famine.
6. Midnight; so called from the game over of the trade winds ; often destructive
called puhenehene, in which were five puu at Lahaina.
or places to conceal the noa: the first called Kav-a-u-La, adj. Strong; raging; furi-
kihi, second pili, third kau, fourth pilipuka ous; applied to the trade winds when they
(i. e., applied to night, 3 o’clock, A. M.), break over the hills back of Lahaina; he
fifth kihipuka. Dr. Baldwin. leo o ka makani kauaula ka’u i lohe iho nei.
Kav, s. A place; kaw kanaka Jaha ole, Kavu-a-Hav-a, s. Ua pauike kauahauaia
place where men go not; kaw kanaka, a na kanaka a pau i ka hana.
place where men live; kau kanaka ole ai, Kau-a-Ho-a, s. Coarse grained ; a sour
where there are no people. disposition ; not easily pleased.
Kav, s. A canoe; kaukahi, a single Kav-a-ka, s. A person crazy, noisy with
canoe; kaulua, a double-canoe. constant muscular motion.
Kav, adj. A setting of the sun; a rest- Kava-LAE-PAA-KAU-ANA, S. The most
ing; mai ka la hikia ka la kau, from the offensive of language; when used, instant
rising to the setting sun. D. Malo 5:11. fighting is the consequence.
2. A sitting place, as a roost for fowls; Kav-a-tav, s. The plantain, a vegeta-
kau ka moa i ke kau, the fow] sits upon its ble like the banana.
roost. Kav-a-tu, s. A low chief, not a high
Kav, s. Name of puukapu in the game one. See KAUKAUALI.
of noa. Kav-a-tr-o, s. Kaua, war, and lio, a
Kav, pers. pro. An oblique case of oe, horse. A warrior on horseback ; cavalry,
second person. Of thee; of thine. Gram. in distinction from infantry. 1 Sam. 13:5.
§ 132, 133. Also a prefix pronoun, thy; Kau-a-Lu-PE, v. To carry, as a man
thine. Gram. § 149, 150. wounded in battle, without much care.
Ka’u, pers. pro. An oblique case of aw. Kav-a-mal, v. To invite, &c. See Kava
Of me; mine; belonging to me. Gram. § 2. The mai is simply a verbal directive.
124, 1. Also a prefix pronoun, my; mine;
ofme. Gram. § 150. Kavu-a-pal-o, s. A combat where there
is striking back and forth.
Kav-a, v. To war; to fight, as two Ka-u-E, v. To be in fear.
Lae To make war upon or against. Kin. Kav-Ea, adj. Having no appetite.
Kau-E-KE-KE, adj. Short, as a coat or
3. To fight for. Pulc. 14:14. gown ; lean, as a man.
Kav-i-ta, v. To offer sacrifice at the 2. A covenant; a commission; a judicial
close of a kapu. decision.
Kav-1-La, s. Name of a species of hard 3. A determination ; a decree.
4. Beggary.
reddish wood resembling mahogany.
2. He oa no Puukapele. Kav-o-ka-HI-k1, s. Name of a species
3. Puhi kauila. of ohia; o ka ohia nui ke kawokahiki i kai,
4, He kapu kauila. oia ka laau o ka lananuu; out of this same
_ §. I kahialakou i pee ai anoake keauila. timber the god was made for the heiau.
Kav-I-LA-HU-LU-HU-LU, s. The name of Au-o-kuvu, s. The name of a sickness
a prayer at the heiau. or pestilence which formerly spread over
the Islands; ua kapaia ka inoa o kela mai
Kav-o, ey To draw or drag along; (ahulan) he kauokuu, the name of that sick-
Kav-wo, § to haul, asa load. Kanl. 21:3. ness was kauokuu.
To draw morally, i. e., to endure; to in- Kau-o-La-n1, v. To express admiration
cline to do a thing. of a chief or his deeds.
2. To conduct, as a prisoner. 2. To express admiration generally.
3. To pray for a special blessing or favor;
applied to the worship at the time of ma- Kavu-o-tu-PeE, v. Kauo and lupe, kite.
kahiki. To draw; to pull this way and that, asa
kite pulls the string of him who holds it.
Kav-o, iM Seed; offspring; increase;
Kav-wo, fruit of marriage. If Nahiena- Kavu-o-waa, s. Kauo, to drag, and waa,
ena had had a son, the old chiefs would canoe. The work or business of drawing
say “ua loaa ke kauo.”’ D. Malo. Hence, down canoes from the mountain when fin-
a supporter ; a sustainer. ished or partly so.
Kav-o, s. The yellow part or yolk of Kav-Ha, s. The rectum, the third of
an egg ; kauo moa; kauo ke akua hulu. the large intestines. Anat. 52.
Kav-o, adj. Drawing; pulling; drag- Kav-nav, v. To strike with a whip or
ging along; bipiiauo, a laboring ox. Oihk. stick ; to throw a stone at, &c.
:23. Kavu-HA-KA-KE, adj. Short, &c. See
Kavu-o-E, s. Name of an office in the KAUHEKEKE and KAUErKEKE.
king’s train. Kavu-Ha-LE, s. Kau, place, and hale,
Kav-o-vo, v. To increase or grow house. A small cluster of houses; a vil-
Kav-wo-wo, rapidly, as vines; to spread lage. Puk. 8:5.
2. A house or residence of a person.
Ka-wo-wo, over, as vines or other run- 3. A place where a house has been, or
ning vegetation that grows thriftily and where one is designed to be.
‘covers the ground.
2. To increase rapidly, as a people or
Kav-HE-KE-KE, adj. Short, as a coat
race; applied to the peopling of Hawaii KAU-HE-KE-KEI, § or gown. See KAvEKEKE.
from the first man. Ka-u-HI-u-H1, s. Name of a forest tree,
O kauouo i lani a paakani lea, timber used for the boards of the holua
Puapua, huahua mai Ja ka la manuia. and for oos for tilling the ground.
Kav-o-na, v. ‘l’o give a dying charge; Kav-u1-Lo, v. To fasten with a rope the
to make a bequest or a parting charge. sticks of a building while in the course of
Isa. 38:1. Hence, to make a will. Nore.— erection ;he aho mai waho mai o ka hale
Ancient wills, of course, were verbal; now, i ka manawa e kauhilo ai; alaila, kauhilo
by law, they must be written. ia ka hale a pan.
2. To give a charge on any subject; to Kav-Ho-La, s. Some disease of the neck
command ; to put in charge or trust, as one
and chest.
dying or going away ; /cauoha ae la oia (0
Kamehameha) ia Kauikeaouli e noho i alii Kavu-Ho-La, v. To open; to expand; to
no Hawaii nei, he (Kamehameha) gave in unfold, as a kapa folded up; as a flower in
charge to Kanikeaouli to reign as king over blooming.
the Hawaiian Islands. Kav-Ho-Lo, v. To wish and try to con-
3. To commit into the hands of another. demn one.
1 Pet. 4:19. 2. To try to bring one to terms or obey
4. To give orders concerning a person orders.
or thing. Kin. 12:20. 3. Tosend after, and try to get one back
5. To commit to paper, i. e., to write who has gone.
down; nolaila, ke kauoha aku nei au i ko’u Kav-Ho-Lo-pa-pa, s. Name of a person
manao ma keia palapala, i ike oe i ko’u who knows himself to be a chief by birth
manao. but others know it not, and he refuses to
Kav-o-Ha, s. A will, verbal or written; hang his clothes among those of other peo-
a command ; a charge; a dying request. ple; ua kapaia aku ia he alii kKauholopapa,
no ka mea, ma ka holopapa i ikeia ai kona high chief and the mother a low chief, or
alii ana. no chief at all.
Kav-nua, v. To conceive; to become KAvu-KAU-LE-LE, adj. Nimble; active ;
pregnant. jumping.
2. To swell out, as one with child. Kau-Ka-ul, s. Kaw, canoe, and kahi, one.
3. Hoo. To conceive; to be full of. Hal. A single canoe. See Kau. Ma ke kaulna
7:14. To be full morally of evil. o Keopuolani, a ma ke kaukahi o Hoapili,
4. To put down in letters; to reduce to he waa aole i hoapipi ia, he waa hookahi.
writing; na ko oukou kaikaina hanane 2. Figuratively, a oneness; a perseve-
mahoe i hookauhua ia (i keia manao) i ka rance ; steadiness in doing a thing; ma ka
malama o Augate: hookauhua paha auanei kaukahi kana hana ana, aole ma ka lanwili.
kakou iloko o ka hewa. Kavu-ka-Lt, v. To wait for. See Katt.
Kav-nua, s. The swelling out of preg- Aole hoi kakou i haalele aku o ke kuku ame
nant females. ka wahahee kaukali.
2. The longing of pregnant women, espe- Kav-ka-L1, adj. See example above.
cially the sickness of stomach.
3. The state of pregnancy; ua kauhua, Kavu-ka-ma, s. Eng. A cucumber. Nah.
ua ko, ua hapai. 11:5. Na kaukama ulu wale, wild gourds.
4. The act of writing down words or 2 Nal. 4:39.
thoughts. Kav-xa-ma, adj. See Kama. He kane
Kav-Hu-nu, s. A ridge or edge of a kama. Kamak.
precipice. Kavu-ka-NA-wal, v. Kau, to appoint, and
2. The pole running lengthways of the kanawai, law. To establish or appoint, as
house to which the tops of the rafters are a law; as a king or legislature.
fastened ; a ridge pole. Kau-Ka-NA-wal, s. One that makes
3. The shark that was formerly wor- laws; a lawgiver. Kin. 49:10.
shiped. Kau-ka-nt, or Tau-sa-nt, s. A thousand.
Kau-kal, v. To wait for an event to Kav-ko-ko, v. An ancient word not
happen, or for any change in affairs; kau-
much used. To string or hand on strings,
kai aku nei ka pono, it is better to wait
awhile. Laieilc. 67. as a load to be carried on the mamake.
Kav-xau, v. To set or fix, as a snare or Kav-ko-Lo, v. To chase, as a fowl; to
net for birds. See Kau. Hal. 141:9. follow ; to pursue.
2. To take counsel ; to revolve in one’s 2. To persevere in asking a favor until
mind. Hal. 13:2. obtained ; e hoomoo, e hookoikoi.
3. To speak to one, especially to chide; 3. To run and spread out, as the roots of
to speak reproachfully; e nuku; to address a tree just under the surface of the ground.
one, as a petitioner, and in a way of com- Kav-xko-Lo, s. The small roots of a tree
plaint. Laieik. 71. spreading and running every way.
4, To explain; to make clear, i pohihi Kav-xu-kul, adj. Of or belonging to a
ole. candlestick or lamp. uk. 8:16.
Kav-xav, s. An appeal to one’s sense Kav-na, s. A rope; a strong cord; a
of justice or compassion. Laieik. 76. cord or tendon in the animal system. Anat.
Kau-xau, v. Kaukau is said to be a 25.
corruption of a Chinese word. and signifies 2. Kaula uila, a chain of lightning.
to eat, to drink. It is used by foreigners 3. A bow string. Hal. 11:2.
in conversing with natives, and by natives 4, A line in a book or written document.
conversing with foreigners. Isa. 28:10.
Kav-xau, s. A heap of stones made into 5. A stick laid across the rafters of a
a rude altar. house or the top of the posts, after the man-
2. A snare so placed or fixed as to catch ner of a beam; more properly written
birds. kaola. See Kaona.
3. The name of a disease, the piles (mostly 6. In geometry, the chord of an arc of a
used on Oahu.) circle. Anahonua 28.
bi The snaring or taking of fish; kaukau 7. A lash, i. e., the wound of a lash in
ulua. whipping ; astripe. 2 Kor. 11:24.
5. What is clear, explicit in expression, Kau-.a, s. A prophet; one who preaches
without doubt. or announces future events. Oih. 3:24.
Kav-xau-a-tu, s. The name of a class Kav-LaE-LakE, v. To put up something
of chiefs below the king; a prince. Dan. plainly to be seen ; to exhibit clearly ; to
1:3. Ona’lii malaloo ke alii nui. Norr.— make plain. See LAELAE.
The poe kaukaualii were generally the de- Kav-tal, v. To put up in the sun to
scendants of chiefs where the father was a dry ; kapili ma ka poi, a pili ka welu ma
239 KAU
ka laau, kaulai aku i ka la a maloo; to quest one to do a thing; to enjoin, as a
hang up, as clothes to dry. duty. Pil. 8.
2. To lay aside for use. Nah. 11:32. 2. To charge; to command one to say or
3. To hang up. Puk. 26:13. do something to or for another. 1 Nal. 5:8.
4, To spread out in the sun. Jer. 8:2. Kavu-LEI-LeI, v. See Kavtei.
Kav-uat, s. The act of drying what is Kav-Le-LE, v. Kaw and lele, to be sep-
wet ; things so put up to dry. arated. See Lere. To add something on;
Kavu-La-Hao, s. Kaula, rope, and hao, to enlarge ; to be or do something besides
iron. A chain; a cable; a chain of any what was proposed, as in making a bar-
size. gain; to add more so as to satisfy.
Kav-ta-1e1, s. A bunch; thick together, 2. To spread over ; to make abundant;
as a bunch of grapes. to increase; manao iho la au, e kaulele aku
Kavu-La-Lu-A-HI-NE, s. The name of a i ko’u aloha maluna on.
rope for binding a mat on to acanoe; o ke Kavu-LE-LE, s. An addition made to
kaulaluahine e moe ana ma ka aoao o ka something ; an enlargement; that which is
waa, oia ka mea e paa ai kaahu. See Anu, added to complete the bargain.
_ & mat. Kau-LE-LE, adj. Overand above; added
Kav-ta-na, v. To be or become famous on; enlarged ; very great; he aloha kau-
or renowned ; to be celebrated for some lele ia oe e ka hoaluhi.
quality ; ua kaulana aku keia wahi no ka Kavu-Le-LE, adv. With addition; exces-
naauao, this place is famous for intelli- sively ; ke aloha /caulele aku nei au ia oe.
gence ; a kaulana aku i na aina e, to be Kavu-Le-Le, s. A rocket.
renowned even to foreign lands. Kav-LE-LE, adj. Flying. See Let.
2. Hoo. To publish; to spread abroad,
as news; toa publish evil reports. ani.
That which is set a flying ; hoike oia i ke
22:14. ahi kaulele, he exhibited sky-rockets.
3. To make famous or renowned either Kau-ui-a, v. Pass. of kaw for kauia.
for good or evil. Gram. § 48. Sometimes written kauhia.
Kav-La-na, s. Fame; report; renown. 1. To be hung up; to be suspended.
Kanl. 21:23. Hence,
tos. 9:9.
2. To kill; to slay. Jos. 10:26.
2. Government of an island; he kauwlana
o ka aina. Kav-.i-ke, v. Kau and like, alike. To
Kau-La-na, adj. Universally known, balance or hang even.
2. To make alike; to make no distinc-
noted or remarkable for some quality; cel-
ebrated ; notable. tion ; to be just; to be equal; to be right.
Ezek. 18:28. Syn. with ewaewa ole.
Kau-La-Na-Aa, s. A resting place on 3. To be just as good; to be as well as;
the road. See Orora. ua pololei, ua kaulike keia mea me ka na-
Kav-LA-NA-0-LE-LO, s. Formerly used auao.
synonymous with hooilinaolelo. He kau- 4. In law, to deal in equity or righte-
oha, i. e., the will of a deceased person. ously ; to decree, decide or do that which
Kav-La-wa-Ha, v. Kaula, rope, and is just, equitable and right without regard-
waha, mouth. To bridle; to rein in; to ing the letter of the statute law.
restrain, as a horse. Fic. Applied to the Kav-.i-Ke, s. Justic® uprightness ; no
tongue. lak. 1:26. partiality.
Kav-La-wa-Ha, s. A mouth rope, i. e., Kav-.i-KE, adj. Just; equitable.
a bridle. Jak. 3:2. , 2. In geometry, parallel, as lines; kaha
Kau-La-wa-HI-NE, s. Kaula, prophet, kaulike, parallel lines. Anahon. 4.
and wahine. A prophetess. Puk. 15:20. Kavu-Lu-tu, v. Kau and liilii, little. To
Kav-Le1, v. To be insecure; e kauwale divide out in small quantities; to make
distributions on a small scale.
iho iluna, aole mapopo o ka paa; to trust
to what will not benefit. Kav-to-to-a, v. To ask frequently for
2. To be deceived in our opinion of a a thing; to tease in order to obtain a thing
thing. requested ; a loaa i kekahi kanaka ke koi
3. To be too short for the purpose de- hao, a lohe ke alii, alaila kawloloaia aku la,
signed; kaulei ka naau, to be deceitful a lilo mai Ja.
(perhaps.) Kum. Havw., B. 2, p. 26. 2. To speak to one (a chief) often as to
an offense.
Kau-Le1, adj. Not firmly established; Kav-tua, s. To be slack; to be remiss in
deceptive; without secure foundation; ap- fulfilling a promise; to delay the time of
plied to men seeking happiness in life and doing a thing. Hoo. To wait; to delay;
to procrastinate; also hookaukaulua; to
Kav-.e-o, v. To exhort; to urge or re- put off; to postpone. 2 Pet. 3:9. To lin-
ger in doing a thing. Kin. 19:16. To stay |Kau-mo-xu, ) v. To cut short; to cut
a long time ina place. 2 Nal. 15:20. Kavu-MU-KU, off; to shorten; to be unfit
Kau-tua, v. Kaw and lua, two. To put| for the purpose desired.
two together; to yoke or harness together, Kavu-na, s. Four; the composite num-
as two animals. Kamnl. 22:10. ber four. Oih. 12:4. See Grammar § 116, 5.
Kav-tua, s. The name of several things Kav-na-ko-ma, s. Kauna, four, and
where two are put or used together ; kau- koma (Hng.), a comma. The four commas
lua, a double-canoe ; bipi kaulua, a yoke | “ 7? ysed in quoting another’s words.
of oxen. 1 Sam. 11:7. Kaulua lio, a span
of horses. 2 Nal. 7:14.
Kav-neE, v. To be slow; to be dilatory;
to walk or move leisurely; to cause delay.
Kav-tua, s. The name of the second
month; the fourth month of the summer
Kau-ne, s. Delay; slowness in doing
season. a thing ; lagging behind.
Kav-tu-a-Li-0, s. See Kautva above. Kav-NEI-NEI, v. To cut off; to shorten;
not to be sufficient ; to be unsteady; to be
Ka-u-Lu-ma-too, s. The dry growth, the unfinished. See KavLet.
name of a famine. Kau-no-a, s. A slender worm which
Kau-ma-HA, v. To be heavy, as any when it comes upon a tree or herb, there
substance. is a universal withering ;ua kau mai ke
2. To be weary with carrying a heavy kaunoa.
burden. 2. The dodder, a parasitic plant.
3. To suffer oppression from rigorous Ka
U-No-o-A, s. See Kaunoa 2. A spe-
4. To be weary for want of sleep. cies of vine which grows without a root.
5. Applied to the mind, to be downcast | Ka-u-nv, v. To make angry; to pro-
in mind; to be heavy-hearted ; to be sad; voke ; to express the feeling of jealousy.
to be sorry; to be grieved. Kin. 40:6. Ka-u-Nu-A-Na-LAu, S. Name of a large
6. Hoo. To make heavy; to oppress; to bird on Hawaii.
treat one with rigor.
7. To afflict; to make one suffer unneces- Kav-PAo-NA, v. To weigh, as with
sarily ; to be afflicted. Oihke. 23:27. Kav-PAU-NA, scales or steelyards; to
weigh out, as goods or money, i. e., to pay
Kau-ma-ua, v. To offer in sacrifice; to out. Isa. 55:2. To weigh morally, as the
kill a victim for sacrifice; to offer a gift deeds of men. 1 Sam. 2:3. As one’s life
upon an altar. Puk. 3:18. ' and character. Dan. 5:27.
Kavu-ma-Ha, s. Weight, as of a burden; Kav-PAao-na, bs. Scales for weighing;
weariness ; heaviness ; depression of spir- Kavu-PAu-Na, steelyards or other instru-
its; nui ke kaumaha o kona naau no ko ments for weighing. Hoik. 6:5.
lakou luku wale ana, he was very sorrow- 2. The weight of a thing. Oihk. 26:26.
ful at such a slaughter of men.
Kavu-ma-Ha, s. A sacrifice; a service
Kau-pa-xu, s. Kau and paku, a parti-
tion. The upper ridge pole of a house, di-
rendered to God. viding the house properly so called and the
Kavu-ma-Ha, adj, Heavy loaded, as a bonnet or cap of the house. Jsa. 22:1.
person or a beast of burden; burdensome; Kav-pa-ku, v. To put on the bonnet or
applied to the mind, painful. Hoo. Hard thatch the ridge of a house; alaila, kau-
bearing. Puk. 23:1.
paku a paa, pau ia hana.
Kav-MA-KAI-0-LE, s. An epithet of old Kau-pa-Le, v. Kau and pale, to defend
age. See NIHOKAHI, one tooth. off. To separate, i. e., to put a mark or
Kavu-MA-KAI-o-LE, v. Kau and makai, to sign of partition; to cause a division. Jsa.
look, and ole, not. Not able to see or to 59:2. To stand between ; to set or put, as
see clearly; applied to old age. Generally an obstruction or division. Hal. 104:9. To
haumakaiole. raise a slight partition between, so as to
Kavu-mi-Hav, v. ‘To appoint a kapu by stop a child. Hoo. To fence or partition
off. Fria. To fence off. i. e., resist tempta-
the priest ;men were separated from their
tion to evil ; hookaupale aku ia hewa.
wives, and a hog was baked, hence the
name to bake a hog; a kawmihau ana ma Kau-pa-LE, s. Something coming be-
ka la kaua. tween two things to separate them, either
Kavu-moo, v. To be inactive because of sensibly or imaginary; a boundary line
ignorance or uncertainty how to act; to be between two lands; a‘partition in a house;
in doubt what to do, and hence, to do noth- adam, &c.
ing; aole makou i mahii ka aina, kauwmoo Kav-re, v. To put down; to put low;
wale no, i ke akaka ole. to humble ; to crush. See Pr.
Kav-ri-u1, v. Used ina meleas follows: that the year has past and that a new year
_ Kaupili alo ula 0 Maheha, is begun; ma ka malama o Ikuwa e kau-
.O ke kanaka no kuhe i ka wai. welu ai ka makahiki.
Kav-pr-11, s. To unite, as man and wife; |Kau-we-we, s. A covering, or what is
to love one another, as two persons. put on top of an imu or oven in baking
Kau-poo-ui-w1, v. Kaw and poohiwi, the food.
shoulder. To putor place on the shoulder; 2. Aruffle for the neck, not for the bosom,
to shoulder, as something heavy; as fire- that is pihapiha.
arms. Kav-wi-La, v. To appoint as a day of
Kav-poo-ni-wi, adj. What is placed on consecrating a heiau; o kekahi akua o Kaui-
the shoulder; applied to a musket; ua kauila; e hoomakaukau no ka la e kauwila
mahuahua iki ae na pu kaupoohiwi, the aika heiau. Laieik. 164.
number of muskets (shoulder-guns) was a Kavu-wi-La, s. Another orthography for
little increased. kauila. See Kauma. A species of hard
Kav-po-u-na, s. Another orthography reddish wood found on Kauai, used for war
for kaupaona, but seldom used. See Kav- spears, kapa mallets, &c.
PAONA. Steelyards and scales for weighing. Kau-wi-La, adj. A day or time under a
Ka-u-pu, s. Name of a large black bird kapu; a kokoke i ka la kauwila. Laieik.
the size of a turkey, found mostly on Nihoa 164.
and Kaula. Kav-wt-L1, v. To mingle in with other
Kav-pu-a, s. An elevated cloud of sin- things.
gular appearance. 2. To gather on to a moving thing, as
2. Name of an ancient pastime. people join on to a traveling party.
Kau-wa, v. See Kava, v., 5. A ser- Kav-wo, v. To pull; to draw, &c. See
vant; in the most general sense, one who Kavo.
serves or does the business or labors for Kav-wo-na, v. To give a charge, &c.
another. See Kavona.
1. Any subject of a king or chief.
2. A household or domestic servant.
Kav-wo-wo, v. To increase; to grow
3. A slave; a menial servant; kauwa thriftily. See Kavovo.
lepo, an order of men who sacrificed them- Ka-Ha, v. To scratch; to make marks;
selves on the death of a chief. to write ; to make marks indefinitely.
Kav-wa, v. To serve; to do the will of 2. To cut; to hew, as timber.
another. Hoo. To serve another, as a peo- 3. To cut open, as a fish or animal; to rip
ple serve a king; to serve, as a master; to open, as the belly of a person. Amos 1:13.
be in a state of bondage. Puk. 14:12. 4. To turn aboutand go away; to go off;
to set out to go. Laieik. 67.
Kav-wat, v. To pour out, as water; to 5. Hoo. To seize; to take with one’s
lead along, as a small stream; to pour knowledge, but without his consent; to
into ; to fill with water. rob; to take what is another’s. See Hoo-
Kavu-wav, s. The sickness of dogs; KAHA, an extortion. See MAKAHA.
sickness of all kinds.
Ka-na, v. To stand sideways; to stand
Kav-wa-Hl, art. Some; something; up on the edge like the comb of a cock; to °
some place; any one place or thing. See tread water; to swim standing up. Laieik.
Kav, place. 92.
Kavu-wa-u, s. Some; some part; a 2. To land or be thrown on the shore
part of a thing. Jsa. 44:16. <A parcel in- from the surf without a surf-board.
definitely large. Kin. 33:19. Kauwahi o 3. Fig. To press the land on the back,
ke koko, some of the blood. Nore.—Kau- as when one lands on shore in the surf; e
waht as a substantive rarely takes the arti- kaha i ka nalu; hence the proverbial ex-
cle, except when it refers to place. Mat. pression, ua kaha aku la ka nalu o kuu
25:8. It has always the idea of a partitive. aina, means (Lit. The surf has pressed
Kau-wa-Ka-NE, s. Kauwa and kane, upon my land) to have a famine for land,
male. Aman or male servant. Aan. 5:18. i.e., to press, to squeeze the people for food.
Kavu-wa-tu-PE, v. Kauwa and lupe, kite. Ka-na, s. A scratch; a mark; a letter.
To carry ; applied to persons who have a 2. In mathematics, a line.
friend in danger from others, some taking 3. A strip of barren land on the sea
him by the arms, some by the legs and shore ; hence,
other parts to carry him off. 4. Barren land anywhere where upland
KaAv-wA-Wa-HI-NE, s. Kauwa and wa- kalo will not grow, but the people depend
hine, female. A maid servant. Puk. 20:14. on another place.
5. The channel of a small stream. See
Kav-we-Lu, v. To put up some signal Kauawal and Kanakal.
Ka-ua, s. A kind of paper or cloth. Pei. 4:4. Notz.—This word is used with
2. The crack of a whip; the report of a mando or naau to express wonder.
pistol. Ka-na-Ha-1A, s. A wonder; an object
3. Robbery; plunder; rapine ; oppres- of wonder or astonishment to the beholder,
sion. as something unaccountable. Kanl. 28:3.
Ka-na, v. To be fat; to be plump; to Ka-Ha-HA-NAI, 8. Kaha and hanai, the
be full, as a well-fed animal. Ain. 41:2. name of the strings that surround a cala-
Ka-na, s. Largeness; fatness; plump- bash; hence, in geometry, the radius of a
ness; aohe io o ke kaha. circle. Anahon. 23.
Ka-HA-A-Ku-A, s. Kaha, marks, and Ka-Ha-Hul, s. Kaha, a mark, and hui,
akua, god. A track of a god in a desert to unite. In music, a brace.
place. Ka-HaA-Kal, S. Kaha, mark, and kai, sea.
Ka-HaA-a-po, s. Kaha, marks, and apo, The sea shore. Kin. 49:13.
hoop. Lrir. An embracing mark. 2. The sand of the sea beach.
1. The circumference; he umi kapuai ke 3. The name of the region of country
kahaapo o kekahi, ten feet is the circum- bordering on the sea.
ference of some. Ka-HA-KA-HA, v. The 13th conj. of kaha,
2. In grammar, brackets [ ]. to mark, &c. To mark or scratch frequently.
Ka-HA-E-A, v. See Omaomao. To ex- 1 Sam. 21:13. To write upon paper or a
tend over the heavens as a cloud, varie- slate. Puk.31:18. To engrave on stone or
gated, black, white, blue, &c.; ua kahaea copper ; to write in the sand or upon the
luna, ua hoopono i ka maka o ka opua. ground; aole anei e kahakaha ko kakou
Ua omaomao ka Jani, ua Xahaea luna, naau i kekahi hena o kelakanaka? To cut
Ua pipi ka maka o na hoku. off; to divide frequently.
Ka-Ha-E-A, s. The name of a disease, Ka-HA-Ka-HA, 8. Hoo. A display; a
the thrush; the scald head; then goes over show of dress ; a parade, &c. See Hooxka-
the body and is called kahaea. HAKAHA.
2. The name of a god. Ka-Ha-Ka-HA, Ss. An engraving; a wri-
Ka-wa-E-A, s. A singular appearance of ting. Puk. 28:21.
the sky in the morning; a sign of rain; he Ka-wa-KA-HA-NA, S. The clothes in
kahaea ia, he aouli ua ia. which a corpse is dressed; grave clothes.
Ka-nal, v. To gird; to bind ona girdle. Toan. 11:44.
2. To decrease, as a noise; to cease; to KA-HA-KE-LE-A-WE, S. Kaha, to cut, and
come to and to be quiet. See Kananat. keleawe, copper. A cutting of copper; an
Ka-nal, s. A girdle; a belt; a fillet. engraving ; ka mea a ka poe kahakeleawe i
2. Quietness; stillness after a clamor. hana’i.
Ka-Hau, v. To abate, as the wind; pe- Ka-Ha-Ku-HI, s. Kaha, mark, and kuhi,
hea ka makani? Ua kahaw iki mai, aole to point out. In grammar, any letter, mark
ikaika: e holo kakou. or character directing the reader to the
2. To be diminished, as sickness; ua ka- margin or bottom of the page.
hav iki mai kou mai, ua pale ka nui. Ka-Ha-k1-k1, v. To pour down violently,
3. To abate, as a stream of water; kahau as rain.
ka wai, kokoke pau. Ka-na-La, s. Name of a species of fish.
Ka-nau, s. The name of a play or pas- Ka-wa-LA-HA-LA, Ss. He kahalahala, ua
time ; he kahau kahi hana.
Ka-wa-u-LA, adj. See AIKAHAULA and Ka-Ha-La-wal, s. The mixing of two
unlike substances so as to make a third un-
Ka-HA-u-LE, v. Kaha, to cut, and wle, like, as paints of different colors.
penis. To circumcise. See KAHEULE.
Ka-Ha-HA’, int. An expression of won- KaA-HA-LE-LE-LE-PO, s. The name of a
famine in former times.
der, surprise or displeasure. Norxm—Ha-
waiians in the use of this word express a Ka-na-u-tt, v. To struggle.
great variety of shades of meaning, accord- Ka-na-Lo-a, s. The name of a stone
ing to the pronunciation, tone of voice, &c. brought before a priest in a certain pule
Ka-Ha-Ha’, v. To wonder or be sur- anaana.
prised at a thing; to be astonished at the Ka-na-na, s. The name of a valley on
sight of a thing or at an idea expressed by Kanai.
one; to marvel; to hiss at; to treat with Ka-na-ni-a, v. IV inserted for 2. To be
contempt; to be in doubt or perplexity of shaven; to be cut close; to be made smooth,
what one sees or hears and knows not how as a shaven head; kahania ke poo o ka
to account for; to think a thing strange. 1 ohule.
Ka-na-pi-Li, s. Kaha, a mark, and pili, Ka-nEE, v. See HEE, to slip; to slide.
to touch. In geometry, a tangent of a cir- To slip flowers along from the needle or
cle. Anahon. 23. manai to the string in making wreaths.
Ka-nA-po-al, s. Kaha,a mark, and poaz, Ka-neEI, v. To tie round, as a girdle or
to surround. In geometry, the line of a cir- belt; to gird on. See Kagrr.
cle; the circumference of a circle. Ka-nel, s. A belt; a band around the
Ka-Ha-poo-ni-wi, s. Kaha, fat, and poo- belly of a person.
hiwi, shoulder. The fat or muscle on the 2. A sack passing over the shoulders, as
shoulder-blade or over it. a soldier's belt.
Ka-na-puv, s. Name of a plant of the 3. A cloth for preserving goods.
fern species growing on the mountains, Ka-ne-v, v. To clean weeds, as in a
eaten in time of famine for food. See Ha- garden ; to put a garden in order; to stir
PUU. up the dirt, pull up the weeds, grass, &e.
Ka-na-wal, s. Kaha, a small stream, See Hev.
and wai, water. A brook; a rivulet; a Ka-HE-u-LE, v. Kahe, to cut, and wie,
water course; a cascade; a stream with the penis. To circumcise. See Kang.
frequent rapids ; any small stream. Kani. KA-HE-u-MI-U-MI, s. Kahe, to cut, and
8:7 umiumi, beard. A beard cutter, i. e., a
Ka-ne, v. To spill; to pour out, as razor.
water or blood. Ka-ne-n1, v. To slip; to mistake; to
2. To run, as water; to flow, as a stream slip off.
or river. Ka-ne-ka, s. Na io paakai liu o na ka-
3. To flow, i. e., to abound in any sub- heka.
stance. Nah. 14:8.
4. To drop; to trickle, as tears. Ezek. Ka-HE-Ko-Ko, s. Kahe, to flow, and koko,
24:16. blood. Literally, the shedding of blood;
5. To flow, as froth from the mouth of a ua kahekoko i ka nahua e ke anu.
person in a fit. Ka-HE-LA, s. The name of the swell of
6. To flow, as blood from a wound. the sea when it comes along the western
7. Hoo. To cause to flow or run, as a shore of Hawaii from the south.
liquid, i. e., to water, as a land; to shed or Ka-HE-LA, v. To move along, as the
cause to flow, as blood in murder. in. kahela above mentioned.
37:22. Kahela ka nalu o ka pae lauhala,
8. To cause to flow back, as the sea. Hoo aiai ke kaiko o Maliu—e.
Puk. 14:21.
“oo * *° © keaka, Ka-HE-LA-HE-LA, v. To lie spread out,
O na pue o Kaikua ku i ka maka ili, as a person asleep, his limbs extended and
Hanini, ninilani e luai e ao spread apart. See Kanena.
EB kahe e kakahi mai auanei
Ka omaka wai kapu 0 Lono. Kuhela, kahelahela ka lae o Lele.
Ka-ne, v. To cut or slit longitudinally; Ka-nE-LE, s. Lit. The going. A
to cut off; with omaka, to circumcise after ing; a wreathing, as of vines; a platting
the Hawaiian manner; to castrate; to of leaves.
shave. See Kant. 2. The name of the common adze.
2. To bind round the waist; to gird. Ka-HE-Na-wal, s. Liv. Kahe-na-wai,
3. To begin to wither, as leaves eaten by flowing of water. A water brook; running
a worm. water.
Ka-ne, s. Hoo. A flowing; a flowing Ka-ne-wa, v. To miss; to make an at-
of blood ; he poko ma kauwahi, he la ma tempt but not succeed ; to try and to be
kauwahi, he hauoki ma kauwahi, he kahe foiled. .
"ma kauwahi. Ka-n, v. To rub gently with the thumb
Ka-HeE-a, v. See Hea, to call. To call and finger.
any one for any purpose. Oihk. 1:1. 2. To comb, as the hair. Nore—The
2. To cry for help; to call upon idea is from the motion of rubbing, polish-
one, asin prayer. Puk. 14:15. ing, sawing, &e.
3. To speak ; to call aloud. 3. To cut; to shave, as the beard. 2
4. To cry out, as in pain. Sam. 10:4.
Ka-ne-a, v. To be dirty; to be foul; to 4. To cut, that is, to tear; to lacerate.
be corrupt. See PALAHEA. Inunk. 8:7. See Kane, to cut, &. Mea
kahi umiumi, a barber.
Ka-ne-a, adj. Foul; filthy. 5. To cut,
as the hair. Dunk. 16:17. From
Ka-HE-A-wal, v. To flow; to be soft; the old manner of sawing off the hair with
to run like water. bamboo knives.
2. To be multitudinous. 6. To slit open, i. e., cut longitudinally;
kahi i ka opu, kahe i ka omaka. See Kane. upon the Hawaiian Islands according to
Note.—tThe feeble sound of e and 7 so much some genealogies; ua hou ia mai, ma ka
resemble each other that both orthogra- mookuauhau i kapaia Ololo, he kane ia ka-
phies are used, i. e., kahe and kahi, to cut, naka mua loa, 0 Kahiko kona inoa, it is
though the latter is preferable. _ said again, in the genealogy called Ololo,
Ka-u, s. A place; some definite place that the very first inhabitant was a male,
spoken of or understood; it does not admit whose name was Kahiko. The question
of the definite article; often syn. with wahi. here discussed is whether the first person
Kahi kuai, a market place, or simply a on the Islands was a man or woman.
market; ma kahi e aku, at another place; Malo, chap. 3, 4.
kahit kakakaka o ko’u kina, the beaten place Ka-u1-Ko, v. To be or become old; to
of my offense; kahi hoano, a holy place; a fade, as a flower or leaf; ua kahiko e, to
sanctuary. Nah. 3:28. become old prematurely ; to be ancient.
Ka-n1, art. Gram. § 65. One; some Ka-nt-xo, adj. Old; ancient; that which
one; some; it takes the article ke—kekahi, is long past; poe kahiko. the ancients; the
which see. Some; a part; a portion; o old people; wa kahiko, old time.
ka ia kahi na ke akua, some fish for the Ka-ui-Ko, s. An elderly person; an old
god. See Hooxkant. man; elua mau mea kahiko, e kipakuia’na,
Ka-ni-au, v. To give away lavishly and e hele pela, two old men, they were being
inconsiderately. driven away. Syn. with poohina. Job.
Ka-ni-au, adj. Lavish of gifts; wasting 15:10.
of property by indiscriminate giving ; he Ka-ni-ko, v. To put on or dress in
kanaka kahiau. See KrurKau. superb clothing; to put on splendid ap-
Ka-ni-o, adj. Proud. parel for appearance sake; to be clothed
Ka-n1-0-Lo-Na, adj. Of cutting or peel- splendidly. Mat. 6:29.
2. To deck or put on ornaments, as an
ing olona; ma ka hale kahiolona, at the Eastern bride. Isa. 61:10.
house for cutting olona. Laieik. 206. 3. To adorn with royal robes, as ancient
Ka-nt-u-mi-u-m1, v. Kahi and umiumi, kings in their armor. Jaieik. 112. To go
beard. To shave off the beard. in full armor, as a soldier equipped. Kanl.
Ka-ni-u-mi-u-m1, s. A beard cutter, i. e., 3:18.
a barber. See Kanevmiumt. 4, To be armed for battle.
Ka-n-H1, v. See Hint. To entangle; to 5. To show honor; to dignify by honor-
able treatment. 1 Kor. 12:23.
choke, as weeds do plants. Mat. 13:7.
2. To sue one at law; to cause one to be Ka-nt-xo, s. A splendid dress; the dress
entangled with a law or kapu. Mat. 5:40. and ornaments, as of an Eastern bride-
3. To entangle one by accusing him ; to groom. Jsa. 61:10.
tell false stories ; to slander. 2. The priestly robes of Aaron. Puk.
4. To block up an entrance ; ua kahihi 29:21. Na kahiko laa, the consecrated gar-
ka puka o ka hale e ka upena nanana, the ments.
door of the house was stopped with a spi- 3. Armor; defensive weapons; military
der’s web. dress. Epes. 6:13.
Ka-ni-m, s. Entanglement; perplexity. 4. The furniture of a house, especialiy
handsome costly furniture; e hookupu paha
Ka-ni-Ka-H1, v. To scratch out, as wri- i ko lakou waiwai, ko lakou kahiko o ka
ting with a knife. ale.
Ka-HI-KA-KA-KA-KA, s. A nau no e hoo- Ka-ni-ko-Kau-A, adj. Hale kahikokaua,
komo iho ma kahikakakaka o ko’u kina. house for armory. Jsa. 22:8.
Kahi here is probably the noun, and kaka- Ka-ni-Ko-HI-Ko, v. To be very aged; to
kaka the adjective.
be well versed in ancient affairs; to speak
Ka-HI-KA-LE-NA, v. To finish; to dis- in the language of ancient times; to follow
pose of before another is aware, asif a part ancient customs.
of a family should eat up the food while Ka-ut-Ko-Lu, s. Three in one; the Trin-
part were absent; ae anai mai kahikalena ity; used only in the Scriptural sense; the
ku i kapa—hai ka mea haku ole; pau loa, Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
aohe mea koe.
Ka-ui-x1, s. It takes no article. The
Ka-ni-Ko-Lu, adj. Three-fold ; three in
general name of any foreign country ; hai
mai la oia i na ’liii kona holo i kahiki, he Ka-ni-L1, s. See Ht, to plat; to twist.
told the chiefs of his sailing to a foreign A brush generally, but especially a fly-
country; hence, holokahiki means any Ha- brush. made of feathers bound on to a stick.
walian who has been to a foreign land. 2. Emphaticaily, the large brushes used
by the chiefs; they were used as badges of
Ka-n-Ko, s. The name of the first man royalty on all public occasions.
Ka-nt-t1, v. To brush; to sweep, as|Ka-nu, s. An honored or upper servant;
with a broom; to sweep, as a house. Mat. a guardian or nurse for children. Rut.
12:44. To wipe. 4:16. Hence, a feeder; a keeper; a pro-
2. To sweep away, as the wind blows vider ; kahu hipa, a shepherd.
away light substances ; hence, Ka-uu, v. To be or act as a servant.
3. To destroy. Hoo. To act the part of a servant; to have
4. To change ; to be changeable. or take the care of persons or property;
Ka-n-Li-n1-L1, v. To scatter away; to spoken of a king, to take care of his peo-
brush off, as small dust or light substances. ple. 1 Nal. 12:7.
Ka-ni-mo-g£, s. Kahi, place, and moe, to Ka-nu-a, s. The prepared foundation
sleep. A sleeping place; a bedstead. of a house, i. e., the ground cleared off and
Ka-ui-na, v. See Hina, to fall. To fall leveled down on which to set up a build-
before one; to be the victim of one’s in- ing; ua maikai ke kahva o kekahi hale,
trigue or displeasure. the place (for the foundation) of the house
2. To supplant; to take the advantage is good.
of one. Kin. 27:36. 2. Aplace of encampment for a company
Ka-ni-NA-Lu, s. Proper name of a cele- of travelers or an army; an open space
proper for an encampment; a camp ground;
brated chief in whose days was the flood ; kahua kaua,acamp. 2 Sam. 1:2. Kahua
hence, kaiakahinalii, the flood. See also hehi palaoa, a thrashing floor. Nah, 18:27.
Hratn with the article dropped. Kahua mokomoko, a place where people
Ka-ui-nu, v. See Hinv. To rub over assembled to wrestle. JLaieik. 42.
with oil; to anoint. Kanl. 28:40. Ka-nu-a, s. Wrath; anger. See Hua,
2. To rub over or anoint, as a sacrifice, envy ; jealousy.
with a brush large in the middle.
3. To rub or grease the runners of asled Ka-nu-a, v. To designate; to point out;
or holua which was formerly used. See to direct.
Howva. Ka-Hu-al, v. Kahu, to bake, and ai,
4. To roast, as meat. Kamnl. 16:7. food. To bake kalo in the ground.
Ka-no-a, v. To appease one who may Ka-nu-al, s. A baker; one who prepares
be angry with us; to exhort an evil per- the food. Kin. 40:2.
son to be good, to do right, &e. Ka-nu-al, v. Pass. part. of kahu. ‘That
Ka-no-a-Ho-a, v. To be still; to behave which is or has been burnt.
quietly ;to do no evil. Ka-nu-al-NA, 5s. Kahu and aina, land.
Ka-Ho-a-KA, s. The spirit or soul of a The head man of a land.
person still living, supposed to be seen by Ka-Hu-a-0-LE, s. Kahua, foundation,
priests ;nona ia kahoaka e hihia nei, he and ole, not. A good for nothing person;
uhane, he haili, he uhane kakaola. one useless.
Ka-nor, v. To hinder; to keep back. Ka-Hu-A-0-MA-LI0, s. Kahua, founda-
Ka-Hoo-Ku-1, s. A union; a joining; a tion, and malio, the first dawn of morning
uniting. See Kur and Hooxvtr. light. Literally, the source of light and
Ka-no-Ho, v. To cry out or after one. comfort.
See Hoouo. 2. Figuratively, the source of life’s enjoy-
ments, such as food, fish, mats and all the
Ka-no-Ho, s. A crying out; a shouting; fruits of the land.
a calling.
Ka-Hu-A-HA-LE, s. Kahua and hale, a
Ka-no-xal, v. To mix up. house. The foundation of a house. See
2. Hoo. To mix two ingredients, as earth Kanua. A town; a village; a cluster of
and water; to mix up, as in making bread. houses.
Ka-Ho-Lo, v. ‘To work rapidly at any KaA-HU-A-HA-NE-NE, S. Kahua and ha-
business. nene, low; vulgar. A place used for pleas-
2. To row quickly. ure and vile purposes.
3. To jostle ; to be moved or put out of
place ; e omau, e holo luna. Ka-nu-a-HI, s. Kahu, servant, and ahi,
Ka-no-to, adj. Movable; unfixed; un- fire. One who has the care of the fire; a
fire builder.
Ka-nu-a-HI, v. To build a fire.
Ka-nu, v. To bake in the ground as
Hawaiians do; to cook food. Ka-Hu-A-Hoo-u-KA, s. Kahua and hoo-
2. To kindle or make a fire ; to burn, as uka, to attack. <A battle ground; a place
lime in a pit; to burn,as brick. Kin. 11:3. selected for the contest of two armies.
To burn; to consume. Ezek. 39:9. Syn. Ka-nu-a-Hu-a, s. One engaged about
with puhi. Kahu umu, to bake in an oven; the altar; one who has charge of the gods;
a contracted form is kahumu. See below. @ priest.

Ka-nu-a-KAu-A, Ss. Kahua and kaua, he kahua akea, a malaelae, he kahului ke
war. A field of battle. kana kupono ma ia kahua.
Ka-Hu-a-Ko-1, s. A species of pastime Ka-nu-mo-ku, s. Aahu and moku, a ship.
formerly on the kahua with the koi; he A mate of a ship; specifically, the second
kahu e kukele mai ai. mate.
Ka-Hu-a-LE-A, s. Name of the place Ka-Hu-mu, s. Something relative to
where people assembled for play or gaming mahiai or farming.
or other pastime. Ka-Hu-mu, v. A contraction of kahu and
Ka-nu-a-mal-KA, s. The path made for umu. To bake in an oven; to bake, as
playing at maika. See Marka. kalo. Oihk. 26:26. t
Ka-Hu-I-LA-0-KA-LA-NI, 5S. The lightning Ka-Hu-na, s. Kahu and ana,a cooking.
flash of heaven; one of the names of Kalai- Hence, a general name applied to such per-
pahoa, supposed to be a god from aforeign sons as have a trade, an art, or who prac-
country, who entered the nioi, a tree on tice some profession; some qualifying term
Lanai and Molokai, hence the tree was is generally added ; as, kahuna lapaanu, a
called by his name ; it is very poisonous. physician ; kahuna pule, a priest 5;kahuna
Kalai laau,a carpenter; kahuna kala, a sil-
Ka-nu-u-mu, v. To bake food in an versmith; kahuna kalai,an engraver. Puk.
oven; to cook food generally. See Kanu 38:23. Nore.—Generally in Hawaiian an-
and Umu, oven. tiquities, the word kahuna without any
Ka-Hu-u-mu, s. One who cooks or bakes qualifying term, refers to the priest or the
food. person who offered sacrifices. Puk. 18:1.
Ka-nu-H1-pa, s. Kahu and hipa, sheep. O ka mea pule i ka ke alii heiau,he kahuna
A shepherd. Joan. 10:11. pule ia. See the above and others in their
Ka-nu-Kka-Hu, v. To offer a sacrifice to own places. ‘
the gods ; to sacrifice ; to worship the god Ka-Hu-na, v. To exercise a profession;
of fishermen, to the aumakua. to work at one’s appropriate business.
Ka-Hu-KA-Hu, s. The sacrifice offered to 2. Specifically, to be or act the priest.
the gods. Lunk. 18:19.
3. To sprinkle salt on a sacrifice; e kapi
Ka-nu-x1, v. To corrupt; to rot; to i ka paakai i awaawa ole. See Kanuna-
putrefy,as a dead body. See PALAKAHUKI. HUNA.
Ka-nu-k1, s. Corruption ; putrefaction, 4. Hoo. To sanctify or set apart to the
especially of animal bodies. priests’ office. Puk. 28:41.
Ka-nu-ku-La, s. Kahu and kula, school. Ka-Hu-NaA-ao, s. Kahuna, and ao, to
A school committee; one having charge of teach. A preacher; a pulpit teacher; one
schools. whose business it is to impart knowledge
Ka-nou-11, v. See Hutt. To change ; to to men.
turn over; to upset. Ka-Hu-NA-A-NA-NA, S. Kahuna and ana-
2. To overturn ; to confound, as a lan- ana, sorcery. One who uses divination or
guage. sorcery. Kani. 18:10.
3. Hoo. To overturn ; to overthrow; to Ka-nu-na-HAI, s. Kahuna and hai, to
pervert. Tit. 1:14. Hookahuli i ka pono, speak. One who speaks or declares pub-
to pervert judgment. 1 Sam. 8:3. licly ;a preacher. 2 Tim. 1:11. “The full
4. To overthrow, as a city. Kin. 19:25. form is kahunahai olelo.
5. To change ; to confound ; to confuse,
as a language. Kin. 11:7.
Ka-Hu-NA-Hoo-Pi0-P10, s. Kahuna and
hoopiopio, to practice sorcery. A priest or
Ka-nu-1t, s. A change; an overthrow; one who practices sorcery in connection
an overturning. with his priest’s office.
2. Uprightness ; correctness.
_ 3. The singing or sounds of what Hawai-
Ka-Hu-Na-Hu-NA, v. To sprinkle; to
lans suppose to be snails. Laieik. 149. sprinkle a little salt upon meat; to sprinkle
4. The snails themselves. salt or water in small quantities; e kapi
awaawa ole i ka paakai. See Kanuna 2.
Ka-nu-1i-o, s. Kahu and lio, a horse.
One who tends or feeds a horse.
Ka-Hu-NA-HU-NA, s. See Huna and Hv-
NAHUNA, small particles, &c. Small parti-
Ka-nu-Li-Hu-L1, v. See Kanuct and cles of any substance, as small bits of food,
Hunt. To be overturned ; to be changed ; fine dust.
to be tossed about frequently, as a ship in 2. A fog; a mist, &e. ;
a storm; to rock; to wave; to stand ina Ka-HU-NA-KA-LAI, s. Kahuna and kalaz,
tottering manner. See Lut. to hew. One who hews out canoes; a Car-
Ka-nv-tu-1, adj. Broad and well planned penter generally.
and built, as the foundation of a house; ina Ka-nu-Nna-kul, s. There are several forms

of this term ;as, kahuna
ona kit, kahuna-| Ka-KaE, adj. Spry; lively, as a child
pule kit aoao. The director and guide of in walking.
the high chief or king in things relating to Ka-kal, v. See Kar, to lead. To go
war; ma ka wae kaua ai, 0 ke kahunakii along in company; kakai ka aha i muli
ka mea alakai mua i ke alii nui ma kana honua, the company followed all together;
oihana. to travel together, as a huakai or caravan;
Ka-Hvu-NA-LA-PA-au, 8. Kahuna and la- kakai lua ka hele a kanaka.
paau, to heal. A physician; a doctor of 2. To follow, as chickens do a hen.
medicine. 3. To follow one after another, as in In-
Ka-nu-na-PE-LE, s. Kahuna and pele. dian file.
The priest or priestess of Pele. 4. To look carefully around, as with an
2. The worshipers of Pele. evil design.
Ka-nu-na-pu-Le, s. Kahuna and pule, 5. To gird on to the loins, as a sword.
prayer. A priest; one who publicly offi- 6. To pray, as in ancient times ata great
ciates in the exercises of religion. kapu occasion; kakai ka aha a loaa hoi.
7. To copulate, as the different sexes.
Ka-nu-pu-aa, s. Kahu and puaa, swine. 8. Hoo. To look after; to see to; aka,
One who tends or feeds swine; a swine aole e pau i ka hookakai aku.
herd. Mat. 8:33.
Ka-nu-wal, s. Kahu and wai, water.
Ka-xal, s. A company traveling to-
One who has the charge or oversight of the 2. A family, including servants, depen-
division of water. dents, &c.
Ka-nu-wal, s. A brook or stream of 3. A litter, as of animals.
water. See KanHawatl. 4. A cloud that hangs low near the
Ka-nu-pa-ka, s. Kahu and baka (Eng.), ground; he makani auanei, ke kau mai la
tobacco. A servant of the chiefs who has ke kakai 0 Waimea.
charge of their tobacco, lights their pipes, 5. Name of some of the strings used in
smokes a little himself, and presents it to tying up a calabash.
his master. Ka-xat-A-po-La, s. The tail of a kite;
Ka-nu-si-P1, s. Kahu and bipt, an ox or alaila, nakinaki na kaula hanai ame ke ka-
cow. A keeper of cattle; a herdsman. kaiapola ame ke aho. See Karkarapona.
Kin. 13:7, 8. Ka4-KAI-E-LE, ie. To be slow; to be
Ka-xa, v. Ka, to strike; to dash. To Ka-KAI-HI-LI, sluggish; to lag behind.
beat; to whip. Ka-Ka-o-Ko, adj. Dull; slow; crooked,
_ 2. To cut and split or break wood (this
was anciently done, not with an axe, but Ka-xal-Ka-HI, v. To be few; to be
by striking sticks against stones or rocks.) scarce; to be seldom occurring ; hence, to
3. To wash, as dirty clothes (this is done be precious. 1 Sam. 3:1.
by Hawaiians by beating them.) Ka-KAl-KA-HI, adj. Few; scarce; here
4. To strike, as fire with flint and steel ; and there one; a small number.
ka or kala ahi. Ka-Kar-pau-pa, s. Eng. A cartridge
5. To thrash, as grain. Rut. 2:17. box; also kapepauda.
6. To rip open. 2 Nal. 18:12.
7. To dip or bail out water. See Ka. Ka-xa-o-La, s. The spirit or soul of a
living person as seen or pretended to be
Ka-xa, v. To be odorous or sweet- seen by the kahuna kilokilo or juggling
scented ; to smell agreeably. priest. If many spirits were seen in com-
Ka-ka, s. Fruits that grow in clusters, pany they were called oio. The ghost ofa
as grapes ; much fruit in one place. single deceased person was called kinowai-
Ka-xa, s. A bird; a species of duck; lua, which see.
he manu nene. Ka-xar-pa-i, s. See Kaxat,a going. A
Ka-xaa, v. See Kaa, to roll. To roll; going down a pali.
to turn this way and that. 2. The descent of a pali.
2. To stare or gaze with wonder; to Ka-KaA-o-LE-Lo, 8s. Kaka and olelo, word.
strain the eyes with looking. A counsellor; an adviser; a lawgiver; a
3. To turn aside from; to deviate from scribe; one skilled in language; kekahi
a right line; to sail in a zigzag manner. poe kanaka akamai i ke kakaolelo, certain
4. To squint. men skillful in judgment.
Ka-xaa, adj. Rolling. Ka-xau, v. See Kav. To write; to
2. Watery; sore eyed.
mark with apen or pencil; to make letters.
Ka-xaa, s. A watery or sore eye. 2. To write upon; to print or paint on
Ka-Kak, v. To run; to be spry; to be kapa, as in former times; to put down for
quick. remembrance. Nah. 33:2.
3. To describe; to mark out; to desig-| Ka-Ka-HI-a-KA, v; To be or become
nate; to divide out into parcels, as land. morning.
Tos. 18:6, 8. Ka-Ka-HI-K1, adj. Conversing a long
Ka-xau, s. A writing, i. e., anything time to no purpose; waste of time in-vain
written. talk. See MAILEKAHIKI.
2. The act of writing ; hence, Ka-Ka-HI-LI, s. Long conversation about
3. A taking, i. e., writing down the names
many things without much profit.
of persons who are to pay tribute. Luk. 2:1.
Ka-KAU-A-LII. Ka-xa-Hou, adj. Just planted.
Ka-xau-o-LE-Lo, s. Kakau and olelo, Ka-Kxa-Hov, v. E kakaola, q. vy.
word. A person whose business it is to Ka-xa-ka, s. A bow for shooting arrows;
keep or write a record. a cross-bow. 1 Oihl. 12:2.
2. A scribe; a clerk; a secretary. 2 Ka-xa-Ka, v. To crook; to arch; to
Sam. 8:17. bend, as a bow.
Ka-xau-na, v. To stretch out, as the Ka-Ka-kau, v. To write, as a law. 2
arm with muscular energy ; to exert great Oihl. 31:3.
strength ; hence, Ka-Ka-Ka-KA, adj. Small cracks or open
2. To oppress; to be hard or cruel to spaces in any substance; a nau no e hoo-
those who are subject. komo iho ma kahi kakakaka o ko’u kino.
3. To bring under bondage; to cause Ka-Ka-KE, s. A species of potato. See
one to groan through hard service. KAKE.
4. Hoo. To oppress; to harass; to im-
pose burdens upon. Ka-xa-k1, s. See Kaxant. An iron hoop;
5. To stretch out the hand to punish. iron from a hoop, i. e., hoop iron; hookahi
Puk. 7:5. Hookaumaha iho la me ka hoo- puaa, hookahi pauku kakaki, one hog for
kakauha maluna o kanaka, he oppressed one piece of iron hoop. Mooolelo Hawaii.
and imposed upon the people. Ka-xa-xul, v. To blunder in speaking;
Ka-Kau-Ha, adj. Stretched out, 1. e., to speak without regard to truth; to be
strong; powerful; stiff; kakauha kuu pun, careless of what one says.
my neck is stiff; strained, as a large rope; Ka-Ka-kil, 5. Carelessness in speaking;
as the muscles of the arm in exerting falsehood.
strength; kakauha ka lima; energetic. Ka-xa-xi-u1, v. To step lightly; to step
Puk. 6:6. Hard; severe; exacting. softly ; to go quickly ; to run lightly.
Ka-xau-xa-Ha, v. To print, paint or Ka-Ka-La, v. To be rough with sharp
mark, as on the skin. Oihk. 19:28. points; to be craggy; to be sharp, as a
Ka-KAU-M00-0-LE-LO, s. Kakau and moo- needle, pin, &c.
olelo,a connected story. A record. 2 Sam. Ka-xa-La, s. The breaking of the surf.
20:24. 2. Anything sharp pointed; small and
Ka-xa-Ha, s. Name of a shallow place sharp, like a needle.
out in the sea. 3. The spur of a cock. See Kata, to
Ka-ka-HE, v. See Kaus, to flow. To sharpen.
4, A species of worm that destroys pota-
flow ; to overflow ; to run, as a liquid; to toes and other vegetables ; same as pelua
melt; to flow, as a melted substance. 2 and pelue.
Pet. 3:12.
Ka-xa-HE, s. A flowing brook; a flow- Ka-Ka-La, adj. Sharp; sharp pointed;
rough with sharp points.
ing or dripping of water.
Ka-xa-La-au, s. Name of some art
Ka-Ka-HE-A-wal, s. A brook; a flowing taught among the chiefs in ancient times ;
stream. See KAHAwat. he nui ka poe ao i ke kupololu ame ke ka-
Ka-KA-HE-LE, v. Kaka and hele, to go. kalaau, me ke kaala.
a go quickly; to move quick; to be ina Ka-xa-La-10, v. To stand erect, as the
urry. hair of one frightened.
Ka-Ka-HE, v. An error perhaps in wri- 2. To shudder with fear.
ting for kakahi. To break; to dispel; ua 3. To have the sensation of cold; to be
kakahe ae ika manawa pono e hana’i, he rough, as the skin affected with cold. See
broke in upon the proper time to work. OKALA.
Ka-xa-n1, s. An iron hoop. See Ka- Ka-Ka-Lal-o-a, s. A thorny vine with
KAKI. pods very prickly, seeds globular, very
Ka-Ka-Hi-a-KA, s. Kakahi and aka, hard, shining; a thorn. in. 3:18. Guil-
shade. Lir. Breaking the shade (of night), landina Bondue.
1. ¢€., morning; kakahiaka nui, early in the Ka-ka-Lat-o-a, adj. Thorny; composed
morning. Puk. 8:16. of thorns.
Ka-xa-Lat-o-a, v. To stand erect, as the it is used both in speaking and writing ; it
hair; to be stiff; to be sharp pointed. is designed as a secret kind of communi-
2. To be angry. See Kakata. cating thoughts, and understood only by
Ka-xa-La-na, v. To cry out; to call the initiated. In writing it is made by
transposing the letters of words and by
giving words new meanings; it is used
Ka-Ka-La-wE-La, v. Kakala and wela, mostly, if not always, for vile lascivious
to burn. To make a scar by burning; to purposes.
sear. Ka-xe, s. Aspecies of potato. See Ka-
2. To have the color and appearance of KAKE.
a seared or scarred skin.
Ka-Ka-La-wE-LA, s. A scar from burn- Ka-kE-KA-KE,
v. To change; to inter-
ing; the smooth, brown, hard surface of the 2. Hoo. To mix up.
skin after being seared.
3. To be heavy ; to be water soaked, as
Ka-Ka-LE, v. To be thin; to be watery; kalo.
to be nearly liquid, as thin poi; to be Ka-xe-ko, adj. Powerful; strong.
mixed with water.
2. To be movable; to be flexible; to be Ka-xe-Le, v. See Kerz. To slip; to
shaky. See Kaur. slide, as on a muddy road.
Ka-Ka-Le, adj. Thin; greatly diluted 2. To glide on the surface of the water;
to sail about for pleasure.
with water, as thin poi; he ai kakale.
3. To besmear, as the skin with oil.
Ka-Ka-LI, v. See Kaui. To wait for 4. To do that which will please one.
some person or thing to come or be done ; Ka-ke-Le, s. A rubbing over the sur-
to expect. Jsa.64:4. To continue waiting face of the body; an anointing the skin of
for something. a person.
2. To be detained.
Ka-ka-Li, adv. Waitingly; in a wait- Ka-KE-PAv-pA,
See KakarpauDA.
s. Eng. A cartridge box.
ing posture ; in wait. Jer. 3:2.
Ka-x1, adj. Cross; petulant; angry.
Ka-Ka-LU-LE, s. Wandering; repetitious Ka-xr-a, s. A nail; a pin; a wedge.
in conversation ; kalcalule ma ke kamailio See Magra,
Ka-xa-na, v. To speak sneeringly or Ka-xi-a, v. To wedge or fasten up
tightly ; to fasten in a particular place or
contemptuously; to hurt one’s feelings by situation with a nail, pin or wedge.
sneering language.
Ka-ka-na, s. Contemptuous language; Ka-xr-o, s. The itch; the itching pus-
reproach; vilification. tules of the skin. Kan. 28:27. The same
Ka-Ka-Na-KA-Na, 8. A species of grass. as maiau.
2. A species of sea-weed ; limu kakana- Ka-x-n1, s. A garment made to cover
kana; a slippery or smooth limu. the foot and leg; a stocking.
Ka-xka-n1, s. A blast or blight on vege- Ka-x1-n1, adj. Eng. ‘Twelve in number;
tables. a dozen.
2. Asmall insect which lives on the out- Ka-xi-wi, v. See Kiwi, to crook. To
side of fruit, leaves, &c. bend ; to crook, as a horn.
3. The itch; little round pimples on the 2. To bend the body, as in bowing ; to
flesh. nod, as one going to sleep.
Ka-xa-pa, s. A small strip of land ad- 3. To press down upon ; to crush flat.
joining another’s large land; ina he ka- 4. To slap ; to strike suddenly.
hi 0 ka loi,i hookahi lalani o ua kakapa Ka-x1-w1, adj. Crooked; bent; pahi ka-
ai la. kiwi, a crooked sword; a crooked knife; a
Ka-ka-Pa-HI, v. Kaka, to strike, and sickle. Hoik. 14:4.
pahi, knife; sword. To fence; to use the Ka-Ko’, ;v. To bind up; to gird on, as
sword in fencing.
Ka-Koo, § one’s loose garment with a sash;
Ka-Ka-pA-HI, s. A fencing; the sword to bind round. 1 Sam. 2:4.
exercise. 2. Fic. To give strength. Hal. 18:39.
Ka-Ka-Wa-HI-E, s. The name of a bird; Ka-xoo, s. A sash; a girdle. Isa. 11:5.
he kakawahie kahi manu. Ka-Kou, pers. pron., first person plural.
KA-KA-WE-LE-WE-LE, s. Something un- We; spoken of more than two, including
known at present, but looked for in future; the speaker and the persons addressed.
a i loaa hoi kakawelewele pono iki no ia Gram. § 124, 125 and 130.
manawa. Ka-xo-tu, adj. Three-stranded; three-
Ka-xe, s. A md of artificial language; fold; kakolu ke kaula.
2 t
Ka-xo-na, v. See Atat. To stop; to 5. Kala (English) the Hawaiian pronun-
hinder anything in its progress; kakona
ciation of dollar; hence, silver; silver coin
ke ahi haule wale iho no.
Ka-xo-na-ko-na, s. Name of a species Ka-ta, adv. Spoken of time; used only
in the negative aole; as, aole e kala, long
of grass. ago; long since; not very lately; not just
Ka-xu, s. The name ofa long fish. See now; a good while ago; aole e kala ka
KupPaLa. noho ana o na haole maanei, it is a good
Ka-xu-a, v. To bind or fasten on, as a while that foreigners have lived here, i. e.,
a-U. their coming here is not lately.
s 2. To tie on, as a kihei. 2 Sam. 20:8. Ka-ta-au, v. Kala, to call, and aw. See
To put round, as a cincture or girdle. See Waxaau. To call; to call aloud.
KAkoo. Ka-ta-au, s. The striking of one stick
Ka-xu-a, v. ‘l'o ascribe power to the upon another, as a part of the music ina
gods; to magnify ; to offer sacrifice to the hula; he kalaau ka hula nui a na ‘lil e
gods. hana ai.
Ka-xu-a, s. The worship of the gods, Ka-uag, s. Clearness; whiteness. Puk.
ascribing to them power ; worship. 24:10.
Ka-xu-al, v. To worship the gods; to 2. A clear pure atmosphere; a calm.
pray in a particular manner. See Lak and Larnar. Laieik. 25.
Ka-xu-at, s. The constant daily sacri- Ka-Lak, adj. Clear; pure; white; calm;
fice offered at every meal. Notre.—tThe of- pleasant.
ferings were mostly of bananas. Ka-La-E-A, s. Roughness; rudeness in
Ka-ta, v. To loosen; to untie, as a speaking ; harshness.
string or rope; to let loose, as an animal. Ka-ta-E-a, adv. Roughly; harshly; an-
Mar. 11:2. grily; applied to speaking. Oihl. 10:13.
2. To unloose; to put off, as clothes from He olelo kalaea wale no ka Hakau ia Umi,
a person; to undress; to put off, as armor. Hakau spake only rough words to Umi.
1 Sam. 17:39. Ka-tat, v. Tohew; tocut. Kani. 10:1.
3. To open half way, as a door or book. Kalai laau, to hew wood; kalai pohaku, to
4. To absolve from a contract. hew stones.
5. To put away; to take away, i. e., to 2..To pare; to cut; to grave; to carve
ae sin or acrime; to pardon. Puk. out, i. e., to divide out, as one’s portion;
34:7. kalai laau, a hewer of wood. os. 9:20.
6. To forgive, as a debt; to release one Kalai pohaku, a stone cutter. Isa. 22:16.
from payment. Mat. 18:27. Ka-tal, adj. Hewed; cut; carved.
7. To spare; to save from punishment.
2 Sam. 21:7. Ka-nar-at-na, v. Kalai, to divide, and
8. Hoo. To whet; to grind or sharpen aina, land. To manage or direct the affairs
on a grindstone or hone. Kanl. 32:41. of the land, i. e., the resources.
9. To run out the tongue, as a serpent ; Ka-nat-at-na, s. The name of the office
to sharpen the tongue, i. e., to speak against of the Minister of the Interior.
or injure one. os. 10:21. 2. Political economy.
10. To sharpen, as a sword. Hal. 7:12. Ka-uat-ta, part. of fala. Engraved ;
Ka-1a, v. To proclaim, as a public per- cut. Puk. 20:4.
son the will of his sovereign; to cry, as a Ka-Lal-I-No, v. Kalaz, to carve out, and
public crier. ino, wickedness. To concoct mischief; to
2. To proclaim; to send for; to invite. devise a plan of evil against another. See
Oihk. 23:2. ATAHULU.
3. To publish; to make known. 2 Sam. Ka-ta-1-n1, adj. Proud; exalted on ac-
1:20. count of one’s office or nearness to a chief;
; 4, Hoo. To cause to be proclaimed. Puk. ame ka leo kalaihi 0 na kumu.
6:6. Ka-Lar-mo-ku, s. One who is concerned
Ka-ta, s. A person whose business it in managing the affairs of the moku, i. e.,
was to summon people and chiefs together island.
in time of war, in a great assembly, with 2. One whose advice is valued in man-
lights and torches, &c.; a public crier, aging a people; o ka mea akamai i ke ka-
2. A substitute ;one in the place of an- kaolelo no ke aupuni, he kalaimoku ia.
other. Kin. 22:13. Ka-tar-ro-Ha-ku, s. Kalai and pohaku,
3. The ends of a house, in distinction 2 Sam. 5:11.
a stone. A stone cutter.
from the sides.
4. The name of a species of fish; also Ka-tav, v. To thatch with leaves or
species of bird. potato vines; to work inefficiently.
‘ -
KAL 2651 KAL
Ka-Lavu-az, v. To be indifferent to} Ka-na-Le-a, s. Height; what is high up.
work; to be lazy; to be indisposed to 2. Pride ; haughtiness, as in men. '
work ; to work without satisfaction. 3. The name of a fish of the ee] kind on
Ka-LAu-ak, adj. Indisposed to work;| the mountain Kalalea; oia ka ia ino ma ke
lazy; loitering. Kalalea.
Ka-Lav-nu-1-o-nu-a, s. Name of anan-| K4-La-Le-a, s. Name of a mountain on
cient king of Hawaii who lived in a time Kauai. JLaieik. 13.
of universal famine which came on account 2. Prominent and long, as the nose of a
of drought. person; a long prominent nose; kalalea
ka ihu 0 kekahi haole.
Ka-ta-Ha-La, v. Kala, to pardon, and
hala, guilt. To loose or absolve one from Ka-La-LE-a, adj. Distorted, as the face
guilt or sin; to pardon sin. of an angry man; maka kalalea.
2. To take away the ground of an of- Ka-ta-u1, v. To walk stiffly or proudly;
fense, or to answer for it. to walk like a soldier marching.
pane. To make an atonement. Puk.| Ka-na-u1, adj. Quick and straightfor-
736. : ward; applied to motion; kalali ka holo 0
Ka-La-HA-LA, s. The taking away of! kamoku; kalali ka hele
o ke kanaka mama.
guilt; an atonement. Othk. 4:20. Ka-La-ma-u-LA, s. Name of a species of
2. That which takes away sin; thatwhich| stone out of which maika stones were made.
absolves sin; a redeemer. Ka-LA-MA-Lo, 9 s. eaeA sort
Ka-.a-n4-Le, adv. . Kala and hale, the PO of grass
gra with a
furzed top.
end of a house. Like the end of a house,} Ky _;,-ma-ni-a. s. Kala and mania
i. e., perpendicular, or nearly so; ona wahi 1 ?
kiekie kalahale ana ma kahi aoao, he paliia. smooth.smooth
steep The hill;
smooth end of a house; a
a pali.
Ka-La-HE-wa-HE-wa, v. To settle or|Ka-ra-mo, s. Eng. Calamus. Mel. Sol.
bestow one’s property, as P a crazy man; 4:14,
eia ka’u, eia kau until itis all gone. Ka-La-mo-z, s. A species of fish like
Ka-ta-nu-a, ‘ s. The ceremony } of chief the kala, but bluish.
women being allowed to eat fish after a] {(,-,,-mo-xvu, s. A kind of fish of the
kapu; ai no hoi na wahine a paui ka ia : n
hou mai, ua kapaia keia hana ana he kala- awa kind, but large; awa kalamoku.
hua. Ka-La-na, s. The name early given by
Ka-ta-ka-KA, v. To be craggy; to be| Hawaiians to white writing paper; he pono
~ rough; to be harsh. anei keia manao 0 na kumu aoa pau o keia
rey . J : kalana?
ans he adj. Rough; scraggy; 2. The name of a division of an island
orny ; ar next less than moku, and syn. with okana
Ka-1a-Ka-La, adj. Rough; sharp, as a| jn some places.
rasp ; as saw teeth. Ka-La-na, v. To sift; to strain, as
op ara adv. Roughly ; harshly ‘| through a cloth, &c. See Kanana.
. 3 4

ol. 18:23. Ka-La-na, s. See the above. A sieve;

Ka-La-Ka-Lal, v. See Kazar. To hew;] a strainer. :
to cut; to carve, as in wood. 1 Nal. 6:18. Ka-La-NAE, v. To persevere; to hold
Ka-La-ki-n1, s. Kala, money, and kini| on to a job; to persevere against difficul-
for tini, tin, i. e., silver or new money, as ties; he hana ikaika, aole e hoonawaliwali,
we say silver dollars; kau kuai ana i ka aole he hoomolowa, aole he kalanae.
wahine o Maui i ke kalakini, your buying |Ka-La-NAk, s. Perseverance ; acting in
a woman of Maui with silver dollars. the face of difficulties.
Ka-ta-xu-a, s. Kala, roughness, and |Ka-ta-ne-o, v. To hide; to conceal; to
kua, back. The fin on the back of a fish;|__ go secretly. Hoo. The same.
the same as kuala, Ka-La-Ni-A, adj. Smooth, as the sea
Ka-La-Ku-pu-a, v. To lie in wait for} without a wave. See ALAnia.
one; to entrap one in his words. Ka-La-NI-u-LI, s. The blue sky ; the
2. To act the spy; to pounce upon se- upper visible heavens. See KapapaLant.
cretly, as a cat does upon a mouse. Hoo.| Ka-La-ni-paa, s. The broad blue sky .
The same. the fixed, strong firmament. See Kapapa- F
Ka-ra-Lav, s. The name of a place on! rant. 5
Kauai. Ka-La-wa, v. To move off one side and
Ka-na-Lav, v. To call, as one person to partly round; ua kalawa ae la ma ke kua
another; napelepele kalalau owaliikama-| oka hale; to move a little sideways and
ani. in a circular motion.
Ka-ta-wa, s. A place where a bend in vessel; aole nae i ku ka moku, kalelewa
wale no, the vessel, however, did not an-
the road comes again to a straight line.
2. Shooting pains in the side, neck, &c. chor, it only lay off and on. See Lewa and
Ka-Lta-wal, v. To go round; to go Ka-Le-na, v. See Lena. To stretch out
about; to surround; like poai. for drying, as a hide; to spread out, as a
Ka-ta-wa-ia, s. The occupation of a cloth.
fisherman ; the act of taking fish. Nore.— Ka-te-pa, v. To peddle; to hawk about
The ka of this word is the article, or else
the word takes no article. The word is
goods; to sell from place to place.
2. To vend merchandise, as a shop-keeper
written and pronounced by Hawaiians as
(this isa modern use.) Nore.—Kalepa was
though ka was an integral part of the word.
formerly used on Hawaii, maauvauwa on
See Lawaia and Lowata.
Oahu, and piele on Kauai for peddling.
Ka-La-wa-ku-a, v. See Katawa above See Maavauwa and PIELE.
and Kua, the back. To move sideways and Ka-te-pa, s. One who brings things to
round the back side. market; in modern times, a merchant. 1
Ka-La-wa-La-wa, adv. He maona kala- Nal. 10:15.
walawa kahialii. This is probably an error Ka-te-pa, adj. Trading; peddling; he
for kawalawala, seldom; here and there one. mau moku kalepa kekahi, some were trad-
Ka-te, v. To be thin and watery, like ing ships. Notr.—It is the custom of Ha-
very thin poi. See KakaLe and KALEKALE. waiians when they have poi or other arti-
Ka-Le, adj. Thin and watery; very cles to sell, to hoist a small flag (lepa);
nearly liquid poi so mixed with water; he hence kalepa, to sell; to make market. See
ai kale. Lepa and LEPALEPA. I
Ka-te-a, v. To go into the windpipe, Ka-LE-pa-LE-PA, v. To flap, as the sails
as water or other liquid when it goes the of a ship; to flap in the wind, as a flag or
wrong way; to choke; to cough; to stran- ensign. See Kriepa and LEPALEPA.
gle, as in swallowing a liquid. Ka-Le-wa, v. See Lewa. To float; to
Ka-Le-a, s. Some kind of disease ; ina be floating, as any substance in the air.
i haalele i ka baka, a puhi aku, 0 ke kalea 2. To sail here and there on the water;
no ia, a nui ke kunu; a choking; a cough- to lie off and on, as a vessel.
ing. 3. To carry a weight suspended on a pole
Ka-te-o-Ku-muv, s. Name of a place between two persons.
near the summit of Waialeale on Kauai. 4. To be unsettled ; to move often from
Ka-Le-Ka-LE, adj. See Kare above. place to place. '
Thin: watery, &c.; soft; nearly fluid. Ka-te-wa, s. A swing; a pendulous
Ka-LE-KE-po-NA, s. Gr. A chalcedony, machine for moving back and forward, like
the name of a precious stone. Hoik. 21:19. kowali.
2. A place near or in the luakini where
Ka-te-Le, v. To lean upon, as upon a the king and a few people were separated
cane or staff. 2 Sam. 1:6. from the multitude.
2. To press upon gently.
3. To be propped up; to lean, as the Ka-te-wa, adj. Hanging; swinging, as
head on the hand. a weight ona pole; flying, as clouds; lying
Ka-tr-Le, s. A stay; a railing; any- off and on, as a ship.
thing like the arm of a chair. 2 Qihl. 9:18. Ka-u1, v. To wait; to tarry; to stay.
Puk. 12:39.
Ka-Le-LeI, v. To appear beautiful, as a . To sojourn with one.
beautiiul woman. . To wait for something; to lie in wait.
2. To yield obedience, as ascholar to the . To hesitate in speaking.
precepts of his teacher; a papapu mai ma- . To expect; to look for.
muli o ke kumu, o kalelet mai no ia i ka . To gird; to tie; to fasten on.
maka. OO
Ot. Hoo. To waste away with disease.
Ka-Le-Le-ku, v. See Katere. To press Ka-ut, s. The edge, as of a board, leaf,
gently ; to bear on softly.
Ka-LE-LE-MU-KU, v. T'o Jean on the stern 2. Disease ; sickness, i. e., a waiting for
of a vessel with haughtiness; to lean upon death.
the side of a canoe. 3. A word of contempt; 0 oe kali. See
Ka-Le-Le-wa, adj. See KaaLeLewa. KALIPILAU.
Flying ; floating, as clouds; ao kalelewa. 4. Slowness ;hesitancy of speech. Puk.
1 Tes. 4:17. 4:10.
Ka-Le-Le-wa, v. To float, as a vessel Ka-ui-a-11, s. A tree or plant used as a
not at anchor; to stand off and on, as a medicine.
Ka-i-a-we, s. Brass; copper, &c. See |Ka-to-n1, s. See Loni, to be slow. A
KELEAWE.. hindrance ; a delay; e pono paha e kapa
Ka-tu, s. Name of the ceremony when hou ia kona inoa o kalohi mahope o ka lobi
the high chief lands from
a voyage with his ana o na moku malaila, viz.: the south-
people and his god. west side of Lanai.
Ka-u-Ka-Li, v. See Kaui, to wait. To Ka-Lo-ka-Lo, v. To pray to the gods;
be a little behind ; not quite up even with to supplicate favors.
something else. 2. (In a modern christian sense) to call
2. To be not quite full; to lack some- upon God ; to ask for assistance; aka, e
thing. kalokalo aku kakou i ke Akua, a nana e
Ka-ii-ke-a, s. Kali, edge, and kea, lileuli lelewae, but let us call upon God,
and he will blot out and wash away (our
white. A white border or fringe ; white sins); e hoi a kalokalo aku i ka mea nani ,
on the edge or border. See KuaKALIkka. hiwahiwa o ka lanikolu.
Ka-ui-Ku-ku-1, s. The union of several Ka-to-Le, s. Straight smooth hair, like
strings of the meat of the kukui nut made the Chinese ; e like me ko na Pake.
into a flambeau ; he kalikukui i aulamaia.
2. Name of an office in the king’s train.
Ka-ui-Lo, s. A fatal disease or sickness,
like mai make; a sickness so great that Ka-to-LeE, adj. Slick; smooth, as some
death only remains ; he mai lilo wale aku kinds of cloth.
no koe. 2. Straight and smooth, as hair; he hu-
Ka-ui-Lo-L1-Lo, v. To be about to pass luhulu kalole ko ka lio, he piipii inoino ko
ke kamelo.
away, that is, to die; to be so in the last
stages of life as to be impossible to live. Ka-Lo-Le, v. To turn the tone of the
See Karito and Lixo. voice ; to change one’s voice so as not to
be known.
Ka-ui-na, s. Kali and ana,a remaining.
Old potato vines that have done bearing. Ka-to-Lo, s. A name given to the first
2. Potatoes of the second growth. liquor that runs off in distillation; the last
3. A garden of potatoes where the old running is called kawae. See OKOLEHAO.
refuse potatoes and vines only remain. Ka-tu, s. The falling of ripe fruit; also,
Ka-ti-pi-Lavu, s. See Kati, disease, and 2. The falling of dried leaves.®
Pixav, offensive to the smell. A word of 3. A yielding; a bending before the
contempt or blackguardism, used to pro- wind. °
voke ; kalipilau oe; one that intercedes Ka-tu-a, v. Ka and lua,a pit. To bury;
would say to the speaker, e, oe kali. to hide under ground.
Ka-to, s. The well known vegetable of 2. To bake, as animal or vegetable food.
the Hawaiian Islands; a species of the Notre.—This was always done in an oven
arum esculentum ; it is cultivated in artifi- under ground, i. e., it was buried.
3. To kill, dress and cook an animal for
cial water beds, and also on high mellow
upland soil; it is made into food by baking food, embracing the whole process.
4. To burn brick or lime; the latter was
and pounding into hard paste; after fer-
menting and slightly souring, it is diluted
always burnt in a covered pit.
with water, then called poi, and eaten with Ka-tu-a, s. The name of a month an-
the fingers. Nore.—The origin of the kalo swering to February ; ka malama o Febe-
plant is thus described in Hawaiian Mythol- ruari, 0 Kalua ka inoai ka olelo Hawaii,
ogy (see Mooolelo Hawaii by Dibble, p. 37): the month of February is called Kalua in
ulu mai la ua alualu la, a lilo i kalo, the the Hawaiian language.
fetus grew (when it was buried) and be- Ka-tu-a, s. See Lua, a pit. A deep
came a kalo. place ; a pit; a deep ravine.
Ka-to, s. One of the class of gods called 2. A descending or down-hill road. See
akua noho; Opua ame Kalo kekahi akua Kaovo and Iona.
makau ia. Ka-nu-a, adj. Double; two-stranded, as
Ka-Lo-A-ku-Ka-HI, s. A name of a day a rope ; kalua ke kaula.
of the month; also kanaloakukahi. Ka-Lu-A-Lu-a, adj. Rough, as a road;
Ka-o-a-ku-Lu-a, s. Name of a day of rough ; uneven, as land.
the month. KA-LU-A-NUU-NO-HO-NI-0-NI-0, s. Name
Ka-1o-a-pau, s. Name of a day of the of one of the gods in the luakini.
month. Ka-Lvu-HA, s. Akind of sea grass
Ka-to-wa, s. The name of a species of | Ka-Lu-Ha-LU-HA, or rush of which strings
rush. See Karuna. are made; Kaula kaluha. Job. 41:2.
Ka-to-HE, s. See Konone. Violence; 2. A general name for all kinds of grass
mischief; evil. Laieik. 104. and rushes which grow in water.
Ka-Lu-HI, v. See Hooxatuut. To yield; Ka-mal, v. To play the whoremonger
to bend; to fall, as ripe fruit or withered for hire.
leaves. Ka-mat-o-a, s. He kapipine i huiia me
Ka-Lu-Ka-Lu, s. A vegetable growing ke kamaioa.
like the kaluha., chiefly at Kapaa on Kanai.
KaA-MAI-KA-HU-LI-WAA-PU, s. Different
2. A very thin gauze like kapa; pale KA-MAI-KA-HU-LI-PU, names of the
kaiukalu. Isa.3:19. Translated in English
muffler ; kalukalu nui, a mantle. : KA-MAI-HU-LI-WAA, god who aided
Ka-ma, s. The first husband of a wife; in floating upset canoes ; their jurisdiction
he kane mua o ka wahine, he kaukama.
extended over all the islands.
2. Children generally, i. e., male and fe- Ka-ma-I-k1, s. Kama and 7ki, little. The
male children ; the second generation in a oldest or first born ; the most endeared or
family. best beloved; an expression of endear-
3. Specifically, children adopted into the ment, as my precious child. Mar. 2:5.
family of another ; kama ole, childless. Ka-ma-I-LI-0, v1. To converse; to ex-
4, Hoo. Adoption ; the act of receiving change ideas colloquially ; to confer to-
or being received, as a child into the fam- gether; to consult; to talk with. Jos. 22:15.
ily of another; ka hookamaia, adoption. Ka-ma-I-LI-0, s. Conversation; consulta-
Rom. 9:4. tion.
Ka-ma, v. To lead or direct. Ka-mav, v. To remain a long time; to
2. To bind or tie up, as a bundle. See persevere in any state or business in which
KAMAKAMA. one is.
3. Hoo. To adopt, as a child; to take 2. To hold on or continue in a business
another’s child as one’s own. This has with no certainty as to the result.
been a very commun practice among Ha- 3. To hang by a trifle, as a heavy body
waiians of all grades from time immemo- by a small string ; to be long sick and eat
rial. but little. '
Ka-ma, adj. Hoo. The state of being a 4. To be unfixed; to be insecure; paa
child by adoption; keiki hookama, an pono ole.
adopted child. 5. To strain; to persevere; to take
a long
Ka-ma, s. A cavern; a fissure in a rock. breath.
Ka-maa, s. Sandals; shoes, i. e., shoes 6. To trump, as with a trump ecard; ka-
for the bottom of the feet. mau i kela ai, trump that trick.
2. Kapa or other material bound round Ka-mau, s. Endurance; perseverance,
the feet and legs when traveling on places especially in uncertainty.
of scoria or other rough places. Puk. 12:11. 2. Name of a kind of kalo.
Ka-maa, v. Hoo. To shoe; to furnish Ka-mau, s. A friend of one on account
with shoes or sandals. Hzek. 16:10. of relationship, i. e., a friend as well as a
Ka-ma-a-HA. See the compound Moto- relation.
KAMAAHA. Ka-mav, adj. Fast adhering; constant,
Ka-ma-al-na, s. Kama, child, and azna, as a friend or beloved relative. 3
land. Lir. A child of the land. <A native Ka-mau-k-A, v. See Kamau and Ea,
born in any place and continuing to live breath. To hold on for the present; just
in that place. Oihk. 18:25. to live; to eat but little; to live on till the
2. One belonging to a land and trans- breath leaves.
ferred with the land, from one landholder Ka-ma-HAo, adj. See Kama and Hao,
to another. to wonder. Wonderful; astonishing ; sur-
3. The present residents in a place; a prising ; unheard of; incomprehensible ;
citizen. Oth. 21:39. ke ku ana mai o keia mea kamahao, the
4, Fig. The indwelling of evil in the standing of this wonderful thing ; kKamahao
heart ; he kamaaina kahiko loa ka hewa aina, a wonderful thing in the land.
ma ka naau. mai ka hoomaka o Satana ka Ka-MA-Ho-E-Ho-PE, s. The name of a
hakuaina o ka po. See Kura.
month, September ; also Hilina.
Ka-maa-to-a, s. See Maatoa.
Ka-maAa-Lo-I-HI, s. Kamaa and loihi, Ka-MA-HO-E-Mu-A, s. The name of a
long. Lrr. Long shoes. Shoes with legs, month, August; also Hilinehu.
i. e., boots. Ka-ma-Ho-1, adj. Glorious; all over
Ka-ma-Eu, s. Kama, child, and ew, mis splendid; he puni nani; beautiful; he alii
chievous. A mischievous, vicious child. kamahoi, a glorious cbief.
2. A vicious, lying, deceitful person.
Ka-ma-kau, s. Ka, to block out, and
Ka-ma-n-nu, s. Strength; energy; ku | makau, fish-hook. The art of manufactur-
kamaehu, to stand firmly. ing the bones of men or animals into fish-
hooks; o ke kanaka akamai i ke kamakav,| other kapa dyed with the root of the olena
he kanaka waiwai ia. or turmeric.
Ka-ma-xa-u1, s. Kama and kahi, one.| Ka-ma-tu, s. Kama, child, and Zz, little.
An only child. Mel. Sol. 6:9. Children, either male or female.
Ka-ma-Ka-LeEI-o-Ku, s. Name of a god 2. Dear friends; the young people of a
made of the tree called koalaukane, a spe- family.
cies of koa; he was Keawe’s god. 3. A word of endearment, used both in
O ka haku maka o Kalananuu
the singular and plural.
O Kamakaleioku kalai aku Hooneenuu Ka-ma-to-Le, v. To reject; to forsake
Ke ana a Kalaukani one thing and seek another, as food, kapa,
Kani kuhele ka ua i kaupaku o ka hale o moe—a.
women, &e.
Ka-ma-Ka-mA, v. See Kama. To bind; Ka-ma-Lu, v. See Matv, secretly. To
- to tie; to make fast; to bind up, as a bun- do secretly; to steal; ua kamaluia kuu
dle ; to bind on. puaa e mea, my hog has been stolen by
Ka-ma-Ka-ma, v. To practice prostitu- somebody.
tion; to live a life of lasciviousness. oo. 2. To prohibit; to forbid; ua kamalu
The same. mai o mea ia makou, aole make hana.
Ka-ma-ka-mA, s. Hoo. A prostitute. Ka-ma-ma-k1, s. See Mamaxt.
Ka-ma-Ka-MA-KA, 5. A speech; a prayer; Ka-ma-na, s. Eng. See Kamena below.
the asking of a favor, A carpenter. Mar. 6:3.
2. The covering materials of an oven; a Ka-ma-ni, s. The name of a tree, pro-
cover for an oven. ducing beautiful wood and leaves ; hence,
Ka-MA-KA-MA-I-LI-0, v. To converse; to what is fair and beautiful outside; hence,
talk together familiarly ; otherwise syn. hoo. A hypocrite; hypocrisy. Mat. 15:7.
with kamailio. Hal. 119:46. Ka-ma-n1, v. To appear to be what one
Ka-ma-KA-NE, $. Kama, child, and kane, is not; to dissemble.
male. A male child. 2. Hoo. To feign; to dissemble; to pre-
Ka-ma-Ke-na, s. Sorrow; the eyes tend ; to profess to be what one is not.
heavy with sorrow; great sorrow. See 3. To deal falsely. Oihk. 19:11.
MAKENA. 4. To disguise one’s self. 1 Nal. 14:2.
Ka-ma-xt, v. To be idle; to be wan- Ka-ma-ni, adj. Feigned ; hypocritical.
dering about doing nothing. Ka-ma-n1, adv. Beautiful outside; pleas-
Ka-ma-xu, adj. Going about idle; lazy. ingly in exhibition without corresponding
Ka-MA-kU-LO-HI-Lo-HI, s. A kapu wor- substance; ano nani kino kamani iho lako
ship for the chief. Hawaii nei ia manawa.
Ka-ma-xki-n1, s. A kapu worship for the Ka-ma-nt-u-La, s. Name of a timber like
chief. See above. the koa growing in various places.
KA-MA-KO-NA-KA-HI-KU-LA-NI, s. With- Ka-ma-nI-HA, v. To be rude; to be
out love; without affection for one. See wild ; to be unsocial. Hoo. Same.
Makona, want of reciprocity between per- Ka-ma-no, s. Eng. The name of a fish,
sons, parents and children, people and a salmon.
Ka-ma-kuu, s. A setting up of the hair Ka-ma-No-ma-No, s. A bitter gourd with
a bitter shell outside.
of the head; setting the jib of a vessel;
“eH assembling of persons and horses to Ka-ma-pu-aa, s. Kama, child, and puaa,
ride. hog. Lrr. The son of a hog. The name
Ka-ma-xa, v. To thatch with the leaves of a fabled kupua or wizard, half man, half
hog. He was the son of Hina and Kahiki-
of the uhi for a temporary house. ula, and grandson of Kaunuaniho. Kama-
Ka-ma-La, s. A booth; a temporary puaa was the husband of Pele, and their
house; a stall for cattle. Hin. 33:17. Hale child’s name was Opeluhoolili. He was
kamala. 2 Oihl. 8:13. worshiped as a god.
Ka-ma-ta, adj. Temporary, as the cov- Ka-ma-pu-ka, v. Tobeg; toask favors;
ering of a house or shelter. to get from another.
Ka-ma-La-nI, s. Kama, child, and Zanz, 2. To glory; to boast; to praise; to
chief. The child of a chief, i. e., a favorite extol. Hoo. The same.
or petted child. Syn. with punahele. Ka-ma-pu-Ka, s. A beggar.
Ka-ma-La-nI, v. To treat one as a favo- Ka-MA-WA-HI-NE, s. Kama and wahine,
rite. Hoo. The same; also, to favor; to female. A female child.
gratify ; e hoopunahele, e hoohiwahiwa.
Ka-me-nHal, adj. Baiting; giving some-
Ka-ma-Le-Na, s. The name of a pa-u or thing to a priest to obtain his favor.
2. Lasciviously mischievous, as a young |Ka-NAgE, s. Ka and nae, hard breathing.
boy ; he mau keiki kamehai. Hae. Haw. Hence, fear; a holding the breath from
Ka-ME-LE-0-NA, Ss. Eng. The chame- fear.
leon. Ka-NAE-NAE, v. To observe; to watch.
2. The mole. Oihk. 11:3. 2. To pray to the gods; to offer sacrifice
Ka-mME-Lo, s. Eng. A camel, an unclean to the gods ; e kanaenae'l ke akua.
animal among the Jews. Othk. 11:4. 3. To appear angry.
Ka-ME-Lo-Pa-pI, s. Eng. A camelopard. KaA-NAE-NAE, S. A sacrifice; an offer-
Ka-me-na, s. Eng. A carpenter. Zek. ing to the gods; a propitiatory sacrifice.
1:20. See Kamana. Laieik. 27.
Ka-mo-ku-mo-ku, v. To move, as the Ka-NAE-NAE, adj. Propitiating; appeas-
bowels in a diarrhea, at intervals. ing; eia ka mohai kanaenae ia oe e ke
Ka-mo-ta, v. To be slackly twisted, as akua, here is a peace-offering to thee O
god; he hale kanaenae no ka lanie ola, a
a string ; to be tied. house offered to the god in sacrifice for the
Ka-mo-Lz, s. Name of a plant growing chief that he may live.
around kalo patches having a yellow blos- Ka-nal, s. Name of a place in the sea
som ; jussiza. where the water lies smooth and calm like
Ka-Mu-Mv, s. A rumbling indis- a road; 0 kahio ke kai e moe ana me he
Ka-Mu-MU-MU, tinct noise of something alanui la, he kanai ia.
doing. Ka-na-Ha, v. To be forty. Kin. 18:29;
2. The noise and action of a person eat- Oih. 4:22. See Ha, No. 4.
ing meat baked to a crisp, or cartilaginous Ka-na-HA, num. adj. Forty in number;
m eat. used for forty in counting ropes, cord, bun-
3. The rumbling of wagons or chariots ; dles of food and property generally, but in
ke kamumu o na kaa. counting kapas iako is used. See Lako.
4, The sound of many footsteps; ke ka-
mumu ona wawae. 1 Nal. 18:41. Ka-Na-HAE, v. To decrease; to dimin-
5. The roar of a great rain at a distance. Ka-NA-HAI, ish; to cease; to leave off;
1 Nal. 18:41. ua kanahae ka wela o ke kuni, the heat of
6. The rustling of wings. Ezek. 3:12. the burning has ceased; kanahai ka ue, the
The sound of wheels; the sound of going. wailing has ceased ; kanahai anei ka inu
Ezek. 3:13. The sound of horsemen. Hzek. rama? Aole. See KAnaKAt.
26:10. Ka-na-Ho, v. To be moved; to pant
Ka-na, pron. An oblique case of the from hard exercise; to cause one to shake;
personal pronoun, third person singular of to tremble.
ia. His; hers; its (seldom used in the 2. To take refuge from fear; to be safe
neuter.) Ka is a preposition, of. More under the protection of another.
often it signifies possession, where in Eng- Ka-na-no, s. A refuge; a place of pro-
lish the apostrophic s would be used. See tection.
Grammar § 137, 138 and 139. 2. One who has escaped from danger.
Ka-na, pron. A possessive adjective 3. A coming with eager expectations.
pronoun ; it has the same meaning of pos- Ka-na-Hu-a, v. To walk bending for-
session as the above, but is used in connec- ward; to walk in a proud swinging man-
tion with some noun expressed or under- ner; to walk as astoop-shouldered person;
stood. Gram. § 149, 150. to be crooked in one’s person.
Ka-na, s. Name of a man who formerly Ka-na-ka, s. Aman; one of the human
resided at Hilo, said to have been four species ; one of the genus homo; the gen-
hundred fathoms high; he stepped over the eral name of men, women and children of
hill of Haupu on Molokai and slipped down; all classes, in distinction from other ani-
he also fought with Keolaewanuiakamau. mals.
See the story. . 2. A common man, in distinction from
Ka-na, v. To dislike; to despise; to alii or chief.
treat in an angry manner. See Konaxona. 3. People generally; persons; mankind.
4. In a vulgar, low sense as sometimes
Ka-na, v. To see; to appear; to get a used by foreigners, a Hawaiian, a native,
sight of; to obtain what one wished; i in distinction from a foreigner.
nana aku i ka hana i ka hale o ke alii, aole 5. Own; self; person; aka, i makan ia
i kana mai, o ko’u hilahila no ia mea, I kakou kanaka iho, but they feared us our
went to see the house of the chief, I did not own persons; kanaka e, another man, i. €.,
see it (get sight of), I was ashamed. a stranger. Puk. 12:19.
Ka-na, s. The outside of the neck;|Ka-na-xa, s. The end of the outrigger
similar to kaniai. of a canoe.
KAN 257 KAN :
Ka-na-xa, v. To be or dwell as men; 3. To sift, i. e., to try one’s moral char-
acter. Luk. 22:31.
ae kanaka ole auanei. Zek. 9:5. Hooko-
hukohu, a kanaka iho la kekahi poe no ke Ka-na-na, Ss. Asieve; astrainer. Amos
Akua. 9:9.
2. Hoo. To act the man, i.e., to act cour- 2. White paper for writing ;ua makau-
ageously or firmly. 1 Sam. 4:9. kau ia ka hulu, ka inika ame ke kanana.
3. To observe rectitude of conduct. 1 Ka-na-na-NA, v. See Kanana. To sep-
Kor. 16:13. To show one’s self aman, i.e., arate what is evil from the good.
*common sense; not a fool; not silly. Ka-na-nu-na, v. To be dull in listening
Isa. 46:8. to a story; to sit in sullen silence, giving
4, To act faithfully, firmly, courageously, no reply ; to be dull in learning ; to have
and not faint-heartedly. 2 Oihl. 15:7. a want of apprehension; to be stubborn or
Ka-na-xa, adj. Manly; firmly; stable; surly. Hoo. The same.
ame ko lakou ano kanaka no ke Akua. Ka-na-nu-Ha, adj. Hoo. Dull; stupid;
Ka-na-kal, v. To cease; to decrease; slow. Heb. 5:11. Slow or dull at answer-
to leave off. See KanaHat. ing.
Ka-na-ka-ma-ku-a, 8. Kanaka and ma- Ka-na-pt, v. To snap, as a gun; kani
kua, parent. The state of mature age, kanapi ka pu.
whether one has children or not, i. e., one Ka-na-pl, s. The Hawaiian orthography
mature of person, full grown’ oan. 9:21. for centipede, a creeping animal.
2. A man of bodily strength; a man by Ka-na-pu, v. To bend upwards; as, ua
way of eminence. 1 Nal. 2:2.
3. One who acts the part of a master of kanapu ke oa.
a household; a provider. Ka-na-wal, s. Ka, preposition, of, be-
Ka-na-ka-no, int. Kanaka and no, em- longing, relating to, &c., na, sign of the
plural, and wai, water. Lit. What belongs
phatic, indeed! really! A phrase express-
ing applause or approbation, well done! to the waters, i.e., rights of water. N.B—
The ancient system of regulations for water
noblé! fine! manly!
courses contained almost everything the
Ka-na-ko-Lu, num. adj. Three tens; ancient Hawaiians formerly had in common
mber thirty. in the shape of laws; hence the name Ka-
Ka-na-Le-0, v. Hoo. To make efforts nawai bas in more modern times been
to be regular and self-possessed when in- given to laws in general.
toxicated ; to try to walk straightly when 1. A law; an edict; a command of a
partially drunk. chief.
Ka-na-Lo-a. See KuKaNna.oa. 2. Still more modern, a legislative en-
Ka-na-to-a, s. The name of a small actment.
fish. ° Ka-na-wal, v. To put under law; to
Ka-NA-Lo-A-Ku-KA-HI, s. Name of a day forbid a thing to be done; aole nae makou
of the month. See also KaLOAKUKAaI. i kanawai i ka puhi baka no kailihune, we
did not. however, forbid (put under law)
Ka-na-Lu, s. The name of the priests the smoking tobacco.
of Ku who served at the luakini; ua ka- Ka-NA-wal-Lu-a, Ss. Kanawai and lua,
paia na kahuna o ia aoao na kahuna o Ka- double. Deuteronomy, the name of the
nalu, no ka mea o Kanalu ke kabuna mua. fourth book of the Scriptures, i. e., a repeti-
Ka-na-Lu-a, v. To be in doubt; to hes- tion of the laws by Moses.
itate between two things; to be in doubt Ka-na-wa-o, s. A hard, heavy stone
how to act in a certain case; to be in from some water brook, used in war with
doubt how to account for an event; to have a sling ; a sling stone.
in suspense; tohangindoubt. Kanl. 28:66. 2. Name of the small fresh water fish
Hoo. To put, make or cause one to be in found back in the mountains.
doubt. Joan. 10:24. See Kumer. 3. Name of a fruitfound on a tree in the
Ka-na-Lu-a, s. Doubt; uncertainty mountains.
what to think or how to act. Ka-na-wi, v. To be poor; to be thin in
Ka-naA-Lu-a, adj. Wavering; fickle- flesh.
minded ; fearful of a result. Ka-ne, s. The male of the animal spe-
Ka-na-Lu-a, num. adj. Two tens; cies ;opposite to wahine.
twenty ; elua umi, umi lua. Kamk. 2. A husband; he kane mea wahine, a
Ka-na-na, v. See A. To sift, as husband having a wife; kane hou, a man
flour; to winnow, as grain. Rut. 3:2. lately married ; a bridegroom; also, kane
2. To strain; to pour through a strainer, mare, a bridegroom.
&ec., with a view to separate the good from 3. The name of a stone god.
the poor. 4, White spots.on the flesh.

5. The god of living water; he akua wati me ka hookani ole ia aku e ka lims
nana ka wai ola. kanaka.
6. The name of certain gods, Kane and 3. To sound, as a trumpet. Puk. 19:13.
Kanaloa. 4. To explode, as a pistol.
7. The name of a small insect. See ANE. 5. To crack, as a whip.
8. Name of a day of the month; ma ia 6. To rumble, as thunder.
ao ae, o Kane ia la. 7. To squeak, as shoes.
Ka-ne, v. To be or act the part of a 8. To crow, as a cock; ke kani mai nei
husband. 1 Tim. 3:2. ka moa.
Ka-nE-a, v. To have no appetite for 9. Hoo. To sing ; to praise; to play on
an instrument of music. 1 Sam. 16:18, 23.
food; to be sickish ; to loathe food.
2. To be slow and dumpish about work. 10. To cry out, as a multitude; to ex-
claim ; hookani aku Ja na kanaka penei,
Ka-neE-A, s. The loss of appetite; sick- the people exclaimed thus.
ishness ; without strength ; without incli- 11. To be unpleasantly affected, as the
nation to do anything. ears at hearing bad news. 1 Sam. 3:11.
Ka-ne-a, adj. Stiff; lazy; inactive. Na mea kani, musical instruments.
Ka-neE-a-pu-a, s. A younger brother of Ka-ni, s. A singing; a ringing sound;
Kane and Kanaloa; they were all left on a report, as of a gun; the sound of a trum-
Lanai. pet, or of musical instruments.
Ka-NE-I-A-Hu-E-A, S$. One that blunders Ka-ni, adj. Sounding; singing; squeak-
in managing a canoe by night, or traveling ing ; making a noise.
by day. Ka-ni-a-au, v. To mourn; to grieve for
Ka-NE-I-KA-PU-A-LE-NA, S. The god of the loss of a husband or wife.
Kawelo, son of Mahunalii and Malei. 2. To wander about in sorrow; to go
Ka-nE-k1, v. To be near to trouble; to from place to place in despondency.
be near to overflowing, as a river; ua hele 3. To be greatly afflicted, so that the
ka wai a kaneki wale o ka pua. sight of objects bringing the deceased to
mind would be distressing.
Ka-neE-ku-pu-a, s. The name of a mock
fight on the arrival of a high chief; ua ka- Ka-nt-a-Av, s. A mourning for the loss
paia keia kaua ihe ana he kanekupua. of a wife or husband; deep seated grief;
solemn mourning.
Ka-NE-MA-KE, adj. Kane, husband, and
make, dead. Epithet of a woman whose
Ka-nt-a-1, s. Kant and a-i, neck. The
husband is dead; a widowed woman. 1 throat. Hal. 5:9.
Nal. 17:9. 2. The protuberance at the end of the
windpipe ; also,
Ka-NE-MA-Ku-A, Ss. The god of the fish- 3. The windpipe itself.
ermen who caught the malolo in a net.
Ka-NE-MA-RE, Ss. See Kane. A married Ka-nt-au-K4-n1,; ’s. The name of Kame-
man; abridegroom. Jsa. 62:5. hameha’s return from Oahu to Hawaii; ua
kapa kela hoi ana o kaniaulkani.
KaA-NE-NU-I-A-KE-A, S. A general name
of a class of gods; the individuals in the Ka-nt-a-uI-A, v. ‘To weep immoderately
class are as follows: Kanekii, Kanehakia, and lament for one absent, as a man for a
Kanelele, Kaneikamakaukau, Kanekohala, beloved wife.
Kaneikaalei, Kaneikokea, Kanepaina, Ka- Ka-nr-1-E, adj. Hard in distinction from
nepohakaa, Kanemakua, Kaneholopali, Ka- soft; oolea, nahoa.
neikapualena, Kaneikapuahakea. Ka-nI-v, v. To be full of hard lumps.
Ka-ne-pal-NA, S. A living thing like a Ka-nI-U-U, 2. To have a sharp, quick
fish, worshiped as a god. sound.
Ka-neE-po-Lu, s. Name ofa chief on the Ka-ni-u, s. A groaning; an expres-
Island of Oahu, killed by falling from a Ka-nI-U-U,
pali one or two feet high; make o Kane-
sion of grief, trouble or pain.
polu i ka pali uuku. See KAnIuHu.
Ka-neE-pu-aa, s. Name of the god of Ka-nt-u-Hu, v. Kani and uhu, to com-
husbandry; ke nuhu nei, alia i oki ka aina plain. To complain of pain of body; to
aka hewahewaaheu. See Kowaa. groan with pain or grief.
2. To coo or mourn like a dove. Isa.
Ka-NE-GA-RU, ‘e Name of an animal 59:11.
Ka-NE-GA-Roo, § found in New Holland; 3. To mourn, as in affliction. Neh. 1:4.
a kangaroo. 4. To sigh on account of oppression.
Ka-ni, v. To make a sound more or Pule.-2:23:
less musical ; to hum, as a tune. 5. To be sad; to be sorrowful.
2. To strike, as a clock; kani wale ka Ka-ni-u-HU, s. Sorrow; sighing ; com-


plaint. Hal. 142:2. Groaning; trouble; a foot soldier ; na kanaka kaniwawae, foot
sorrow. IJsa.30:6. Groaning from oppres- soldiers. 1 Othl. 19:18.
sion. Lunk.2:18. Noho no lakou me ke Ka-ni-wa-wak, s. A foot soldier; in-
kaniuhu ole iloko o lakou iho, they live fantry. 2 Sam. 10:6.
without complaint within themselves. Ka-no, v. To be proud; to be haughty.
Ka-ni-u-Hu, adj. Sighing; sorrowing 2. Hoo. To exhibit pride; to show a lofty
on account of oppression or wrong. independence; to act proudly. 1 Tim. 6:4.
Ka-ni-u-u1, v. To put out the lip. 3. To be always eating.
Ka-ni-ni-a, adv. Suffering from love or 4. To spare ;to treat with affection.
affection for another; e noho kanihia aloha Ka-no, s. Hoo. Pride; arrogance. Hal.
ae ana au ia oe. 10:2. Haughtiness; impudence; disobedi-
Ka-ni-xau, v. To mourn for the loss of ence. Ezek. 3:7.
friends: to lament; to bewail, as for the Ka-no, s. The name of the two bones
dead. Kin. 23:3. of the lower arm ; hence,
2. To compose a dirge, or to sing one ex- 2. A cubit in measure.
temporaneously. 2 Sam. 3:33. 'To compose 3. The body of a tree in distinction from
an elegy for one. 2 Sam. 1:17. See Kuma- its branches.
KENA. 4. The handle of an axe, 00, hoe, shovel,
Ka-ni-xau, s. A dirge; a mourning song; &c.; kano oo. See Kuav.
mourning; lamentation. Hzelc. 19:1. 5. The running vines of a grape vine,
gourd, melon, &c.
Ka-ni-kau, adj. Mourning; hale kanz- 6. A notch made in a tree, &c., where
kau. Kelcah. 7:2. 4. birds may light in order to catch them.
Ka-ni-Ka-ni, v. Freq. of kani, to make Ka-no, v. See Kano, s., the bones of
asound. To tinkle, as asmall bell. Isa. the arms. To grasp in one’s arms, as in
3:16. To sound, as any sharp noise; to wrestling; e kanoia 1 kekahi me kona ikaika
ery out with a shout, kanikani pihe aku la iho.
ka aha, ‘ka wahine maikai, e!’’ the woman
is beautiful! Laieik. 165. Ka-no-a, s. A round spot of land lower
2. To play ona musical instrument. Hoo. than the surrounding land. See Panoa.
The same. Ka-no-a, adv. Externally; outside; ap-
Ka-ni-Ka-nt, s. The sound of any tink- plied to the dish containing awa; e poepoe
ling instrument. kanoa, e hae kanoa.
2. A jack-knife, from the sound of open- Ka-Nno-E-No-E, v. See Nok and NoEnog,
ing and shutting ; a unubi ae i ka hanaoi the north-east trade winds. To blow
ame ke kanikeani; also, a case knife. strongly ; applied to the trade winds; ke
3. The name of a famine. kanoenoe mai nei no ka makani.
Ka-ni-Ka-ni, adj. Hoo. Sounding; giv- Ka-No-KA-no, v. See Kano. To be high;
ing or causing a sound. to be lofty ; to be majestic.
Ka-NI-Koo, s. Epithet of an old Ka-no-Ka-No, adj. High; independent
KA-NI-K00-Ko, man; an old man, so old in feeling ; proud; great.
Ka-n1-Koo-koo, ) that he cannot walk with-
out a staff. See Koo, a cane.
Ka-no-no, v. To ring, as a bell; to
2. The state of old age. sound; to make a noise by striking against
a sonorous body, as a clock hammer.
Ka-ni-Ko-HA, v. Kani, to sing, and koha, 2. To snore. See Nono.
to crack. To ecackle like the ao, a bird of
the mountains.
Ka-no-no, s. A ringing sound; a snor-
ing. See Nono.
Ka-ni-ti-nu-a, s. A mist like rain; 2. A red fowl ; he moa ula hiua.
small misty rain with wind. Ka-no-wa, s. See Kanoa.
Ka-ni-moo-pu-na, Ss. Kani and moopuna, Ka-nu, v. Tobury,asacorpse. 1 Sam,
a grand child. That state of old age when 25:1. To cover up in the earth.
one has many grand children. 2. To plant. as seed; to plant out a veg-
Ka-ni-n1, s. A state of convalescence; etable. Hal. 80:15. To transplant.
state of recovering from sickness. 3. To hide in the earth.
‘2. A covering; a screen; a shade to keep Ka-nu’, v. Tobe silent; to be stubborn.
off the sun. Ka-nu, s. A burial; a planting; a put-
Ka-ni-pu-ka, s. A gate; a door. See ting out of sight in the earth.
PUKA. Ka-nu, adj. Mea kanu, seed or a vege-
Ka-ni-wa-nt-g, adj. Hard; difficult; in- table fur planting ; laau kanu, a tree for
tractable: anything paakiki. planting.
Ka-ni-wa-wak, adj. Of or belonging to Ka-Nnu-E-E-I-NA, v. See Exina. To fix
and smooth down, as the wet ruffled feath- 5. To turn a thing from its designed use
ers of a fowl. or object. Norre.—It was often applied
Ka-nu-LU, }adj. Change of Z for x. when a commander in battle ordered a sol-
dier to throw a spear at one of the opposite
Ka-NU-NU, Heavy, as a sound; oppress- party who was the soldier’s friend; the sol-
ively heavy, as a deep heavy voice or sound. dier would throw his spear under his arm
Ka-Nnv-LU, Ss See above. An excell- or some place where it would do no hurt,
Ka-NU-NU, ing; an increasing ;a grow- and yet would pretend to obey; he would
ing larger. thus be said to kapae the spear. The word
Ka-nu-nu, v. To have a heavy deep was much used formerly as applied to the
sound, as the voice of a person with a cold. management of a chief’s property, a species
Anat. 6. of embezzling.
6. To change the meaning of a word from
Ka-NU-PA-PA-HU-WI-LI. its common acceptation.
Ka-pa, v. To call; to name; to give a 7. To pretend not to understand what is
name to. Kin. 3:2. To give an appella- said.
tion. 8. To set aside, as an officer or ruler; to
2. To designate ; to stigmatize. dethrone. Oih.13:2. To suspend from the
3. To gather up in the hands and squeeze, church.
as awa dregs; e kapa mai oe i kuu wahi 9. Hoo. To cause to turn aside, &e.
awa. Ka-pag, s. The act of turning aside
Ka-pa, s. A bank; a shore; the side of anything from its proper use, or from moral
a river, pond or lake; the side of a kalo rectitude. i
patch; the side of a wood or land; the side Ka-pa, v. To pound gently with the
of aroad. Syn. with aoao. fist, as on one’s flesh to promote circula-
2. A name given to the labium of a fe- tion. See Pal.
male; both labia together are called kapa- 2. To anoint the body with ointment.
kapa. See KAKELE.
Ka-pa, s. A kind of eel that makes 3. To break up wood for fuel. See Kaka.
havoc among all kinds of fish. See Punt- Ka-pat, adj. He popo kapaz, a ball for
KAPA. Hence Kamehameha was called Pu- lomiing or rubbing the sick.
hikapa, because victorious over all. Ka-pa-o-s, s. ‘The name of a plant, the
Ka-pa, s. The cloth beaten from the root of which was used to dye kapa and
bark of the wauki or paper mulberry, also scent it.
from the mamaki and other trees ; hence, Ka-pa-o-KA, s. The Polynesian pronun-
2. Cloth of any kind; clothes generally; ciation of Sabaota—Sabaoth; Heb., armies.
kapa komo, a coat; a dress. Supposed to be introduced from the Society
Ka-pa, adj. A rustling; a rattling, as Islands. ;
large drops of rain; he ua kapa nui. See Ka-pau-u, v. To catch fish in a net by
PAKAPAKA. turning it this way and that; to cause fish
Ka-paa-t-Lu-na, s. The arch of heaven to enter a net. t
above supposed to be firm and strong. Ka-rau-v, s. A moving of a net in tak-
2. Any place in the air or above the ing fish.
earth; o kahi e pili ana i ka laniua kapaia Ka-pau-u, v. To flutter, as an ensign or
0 kapaailuna. D. Malo. flag in the wind ; kKapawu ka lani, ua hehe-
Ka-paa-I-La-Lo, s. Ka paaolalo was sup- hili ka lani. i
posed to be the opposite of paaoluna, but Ka-pa-Hal, s. The sea shore; ku i ka-
was under the earth ; but it applies to any pahai ka mea haku ole. ‘
place on the earth in distinction from
heaven; o kahie pili ana i ka honua, ua
Ka-pa-xal, v. To look quietly at an-
kapaia 0 kapaailalo. D. Malo. other taking property without the order of
a chief.
Ka-pa-av, s. Name of the place of the Ka-pa-xa-n1, adj. Kapa, side, and kahi,
god in the heiau, and where offerings were one. QOne-sided; uneven; crooked ; par-
laid. See Nouv. tial to one party to the injury of another;
Ka-pakz, v. To pervert; to turn aside; lawe kapakahi, to act with partiality.
to make crooked morally, i. e., to turn aside Ka-pa-Ka-HI, v. ‘Toact partially; to put
from moral rectitude. 1 Nal. 9:6. out of square; to turn aside. :
2. To turn aside from the direct road in
traveling. Kanl. 2:27. Ka-pa-Ka-pa, v. To be lame in the hip
3. To turn aside from following one. 2 joint. bf
Sam. 2:19. 2. To call by an assumed or fictitious
4. To turn aside from obedience to law. name. See Kapa, v.
Kanl. 9:12. Ka-pa-ka-PA, adj. Fictitious; assumed,
as one’s name ; he inoa kapakapa; an as- wore, and left when she returned to the
sumed name for purposes of concealment. family. See also Isa. 64:6.
Ka-pa-Ka-pa, s. See Kapa. The labia Ka-pa-wa, s. A border or edge of a gar-
of females ;kahi huluhulu. ment. See Lixt and Pawa.
2. The crotch of men; he mai kapakapa Ka-pE-a, v. To lay hold of; to seize,
uha i ka manawa e hele loihi ai. as a criminal.
Ka-pa-KE-v, v. To deny; to refuse; to 2. To accuse falsely. See Hoopga and
reject ; to quarrel; to dispute; to be an- Pea.
gry; to distort the countenance. 3. To collect charges of evil without
Ka-pa-ka-KEv, v. See Kapakev. cause against a good man.
Ka-pa-ko-mo, s. Kapa and komo, to enter Ka-pE-A-PE-A, v. See the foregoing. To
in, i. e., to put on. A garment for putting watch closely; to seek occasion; to entan-
off and on. Kin. 37:3. gle one.
Ka-pa-ku-1-na, s. Kapa and kui, to Ka-pe-HE, v. See KupeHe.
stitch. The five kapas sewed together for Ka-PE-HE, s. A companion; an assist-
a set of sleeping kapas. ant; a fellow ; an associate.
Ka-pa-La, v. See Para, to daub. To A-PE-KE, v. To be out of joint, asa
blot; to daub ; to strike or blot out. limb; to limp, as a lame person. Kin.
2. To stain; to spot; to paint or print 32:35, 31. To misstep. Hal. 37:31.
kapa or cloth. See PaLapana. j 2. To miss in attempting to do a thing;
Ka-pa-na, s. A writing; a printing; a to mistake ; to disjoint.
stamping. 3. To be colored, as a malo of one color
Ka-pa-ta, s. The name of a plant, the on one side, and another color on the op-
leaves eaten for food in scarcity. posite side; he malo kapeke; hence, the
name for that species of malo.
Ka-pa-La-au, s. The place of sunset- 4. Hoo. I hookapekeia me ka holei, that
ting ;kokoke ka la e hiki i kapalaau, the it (kapa) may be colored on one side with
sun will soon reach the setting place. the holei; e pake, e hamama, e waiho wale.
Ka-pa-Lav, s. The leaves with which Ka-pE-KEI, v. To drive, as fish into a
the dead body of a chief was bound up net.
previous to burial. Ka-PE-KEU, v. To quarrel; to scold; to
Ka-pa-ra-tu, adv. Badly; awkwardly; disagree ; to be on unfriendly terms.
without skill ; kapalalu ka pu. Ka-PE-KE-PE-KE, v. See Karexe. Tobe
Ka-pa-ui-L1, v. To shake rapidly; to unsettled in mind or opinion; to be in
vibrate, as a reed or leaf in the wind; to doubt. 1 Nal. 18:21. To be inconstant;
vibrate, as the tongue in pronouncing the to be fickle.
letter r. _2. To go in a crooked manner.
2. To trepidate, as the heart either by. 3. To stand unsteadily; to tottle; to roll;
fear or joy; kapalili ka houpo. Hoo. To to be about to fall.
be in fear; to tremble. 4. To fasten or put up a thing superfici-
Ka-pa-u1-L1, s. A trembling or palpita- ally; ua paa kapekepeke no, aole i paa pono.
tion, as of the heart; the vibration of the Ka-PE-KE-PE-KE, S. Inconstancy; doubt;
tongue in pronouncing the French r. fickleness ; hesitancy.
Ka-pa-Lu-Lu, v. To move; to tremble; Ka-PE-KE-PE-KE, adj. Unsteady; hesi-
to shake ; to make a tremulous or buzzing tating; doubtful; unlike at different times.
sound. Ka-PE-KE-PE-KE, adv. Doubtfully; irres-
Ka-pa-tu-Lu, s. A tremulous sound, as olutely ; unsteadily. 2 Pet. 3:16.
a fly buzzing in the ear. Ka-PE-KU, v. To splash or spat-
Ka-pa-na-HA, adj. Crazy. KA-PE-KU-PE-KU, § ter in the water, as peo-
Ka-pa-pa, v. To sprawl about, as one ple do to drive fish into a net; to spatter,
having fallen down in the dark feels about; as a fish does when suddenly frightened.
hina wale i ke ala kapapa. Ka-PE-LE-LE-U, s. See PeLetev. The
Ka-pa-PAu-Lu-a, s. A hina sacrifice; name of Kamehameha’s voyage when he
ama kekahi kanaka i ke kapapaulua ana. went to take possession of his kingdom; so
Ka-pa-pa-xu, s. Some unknown place called from the kind of canoes he went in;
in the center of the earth.
ua Kapaia kela hele ana o kapeleleu, the
voyage was called kapelelew. | .
Ka-pa-pa-La-nt, s. The broad sky; the Ka-pE-NA, s. Eng. A captain or master
firmament. See KALanrpaa.
of a ship; i kapaia’ku ai Kapena Kuke o
Ka-pa-pg-a, s. Kapa and pea, filthy. A Lono.
kapa or dress which a menstruous woman 2. A captain; a military officer.
3. A carpenter; but Hawaiians lately islands ; i aku ke kama kapipine, he kapi-
write kamena for carpenter. pine ohuiia me ke kamaioa.
Ka-pt, is To sprinkle with salt; to Ka-po, s. A sister of Kalaipahoa,a fa-
Ka-pit, § preserve with salt; to season with bled goddess from abroad who entered
salt. Mar. 9:49. some kind of a tree and rendered it poison-
2. To sprinkle with water. Tsa. 52:15. ous. See KALAIPAHOA.
To pour out water. Ka-poo, v. ‘To enter into, as a spirit;
3. To sprinkle, as with ashes. Jer. 25:34. kapoo ka uhane o ke Akua iloko.
4. To apply to; to put to, as one thing 2. To sink, as in water ; kapoo i ke kai.
to another. unk. 7:6. See Prt. 3. To set, as the sun; i ke kapoo ana o
Ka-pu, s. Name of an oflice among the ka la, hele au; kamailio iho la makou a
king’s retinue. kapoo ka la.
Ka-prt-o, v. Tobe arched; he pio kolea. 4. To sink into, as the foot in soft mud.
See Napoo.
See Pro. i
Ka-pi-H1, adj. One-sided. Ka-poo, s. Sunken in; the armpit; the
same applied to a fowl.
Ka-pr-x1, s. A kind of poi. Ka-poo-poo, v. See Karoo. To descend;
2. Eng. The Hawaiian pronunciation fo
to go down.
the word cabbage ; hence, a cabbage or
head of cabbage. Ka-po-La, v. To bind up ina wrapper;
Ka-pi-L1, v. See Pizi. To join or unite to fold up in a kapa; e wahi, e kupola.
together in various ways. Ka-po-La-Pi-Lau, s. Any limb sore, bad
2. To fit different substances together. smelling and swathed with kapa or rags is
3. To put or fit together, as the different called a kapolapilau. See Kapona.
parts of a house or ship or other work of Ka-pu, s. A general name of the sys-
the kind. 2 Oihl. 3:1. Kapili laau, to work tem of religion that existed formerly on the
at carpenter’s business; kapili moku, to Hawaiian Islands, and which was grounded
build a ship ; ua popopo ke kia mokn, hoi upon numerous restrictions or prohibitions,
hou oia e kapili, the mast of the ship was keeping the common people in obedience
rotten, he returned to repair it. to the chiefs and priests; but many of the
4. To repair or mend what is broken. kapus extended to the chiefs themselves.
Neh. 2:8. The word signifies,
5. To plaster ; to besmear. 1. Prohibited ; forbidden.
Ka-pi-Li-a-Lo, s. Some unknown land, 2. Sacred; devoted to certain purposes.
where the people were unknown of what Nah. 6:7.
kind ; he pilikua, he kanaka ano e. 3. A consecration; a separation. (See
Ka-pi-Li-Ku-A, s. See above. An imag- Hawaiian History and D. Malo on kapus.)
inary country not known where nor -the Eha na po kapu ma ka malama hookahi,
character of the people; he kanaka pili there were four ¢fabu nights (days) in a
makua, ma ke kaao ana e loaa mai al. month: Ist, kapuku, 2d, kapuhua, 3d, ka-
pukaloa, 4th, kapukane.
Ka-pr-Li-ma-Nu, s. See Kapiti and Ka-pu, v. To set apart; to prohibit from
Manu, a bird. The art of catching birds use ; to make sacred or holy.
with bird lime (pilali, &c.) ; i ko’u pii ana 2. Hoo. To devote to a special purpose.
iuka i ke kapilimanu. Puk. 23:3. To consecrate; to set apart as
Ka-pt-Li-mMo-ku, v. See Kari. To build, sacred. Jos. 20:7, 8. Hookapu ae la o
but especially to calk ships. Wakea i kekahi ia, Wakea tabued certain
Ka-pi-L1-mo-ku, s. The art of ship build- fish.
ing. 3. To put on airs of distance or separa-—
a’ A ship builder or aship calker. Ezek. tion from others, airs of self-importance.
Hh See Hoomnut. The
Ka-p1-11-P1-L1, vu. See Karius. To fit one Ka-pu, adj. Prohibited; forbidden ;
thing to another ; to join two things so as hence,
to make one ; to unite. 2. Sacred ; consecrated ; holy; devoted.
2. Toset,as precious stones. Pule. 35:33. Ka-pu, s. A place of fire; a stove; a
3. To fix blame on another; to complain gun lock. See Kapuant.
of another.
4. To excuse one’s self. Ka-pu-al, ta The sole or bottom of
Ka-ri-p1, v. See Kari and Pier. To Ka-pu-wal, the foot. Jos. 1:3.
2. The track of one’s foot ; a foot-print;
sprinkle, as salt; to sprinkle, as blood or a foot-step.
water. Puk. 24:6. 3. A foot in measure (modern use) ; ka-
Ka-ri-pi-ne, s. A word of uncertain puwai manamana, the paw of an animal.
meaning brought from some of the western Oihk. 11:27. Nore.—The Hawaiians have
no word for foot in distinction from wawae, diffused ; he ua kapuni, a rain over all the
leg ; but wawae includes often both foot islands.
and leg; so lima signifies arm including Ka-pu-wal, s. See Karu, place, and
the hand, but no specific word for hand. Wal, water. A bathing tub.
Ka-pu-a-n1, s. See Karu, place, and 2. A foot-step. See Kapuat.
Aut, fire. A fire place. Ka-pu-wo-H1, s. A kapu less than a
2. The pan of a musket or gun. kapu niaupio, i. e.,a relaxation of the kapu
3. A censer for sacrifice. niaupio ; o ke alii kupuwohi, aole oia ame
4. One who attends upon an oven or kona lawe kahili; o Kamehameha [. he
bakes. kapuwohi kona.
5. The place itself of baking ; an oven. Ka-wa, s. A precipice down which a
Ka-pu-a-HI-HAo, s. Kapuahi and hao, suicide plunges; a lele aku i ka make me
iron. An iron stove; an iron furnace. he kio kawa la. See LELEKAWA.
2. Fia. The place or circumstances of 2. A manner of playing.
affliction. Kanl. 4:20. 3. A person who goes behind or follows
Ka-pu-a-mo-E, s. The name of a kapu after another.
when everybody was required to prostrate Ka-wa, s. A deep pool of water witha
themselves when the chief passed; he alii precipice overhanging it, from which to
niaupio no, he apuamoe no kona. dive.
Ka-pu-a-No-no, s. A kapu requiring the Ka-wa, v. To strike secretly; to pierce
people all to sit when the king’s calabash one in the dark; to assassinate.
or other utensil was carried by; he alii nui, 2. To overtake and shoot ahead of one.
he niaupio no, he kapuanoho nae kona. 3. E pulepe.
See above. 4. Toshoot or falldown. See LELEKAWA.
Ka-pu-a-pu-a, s. A kind of plantain or 5. To rain heavily; to flow freely, as
banana. perspiration upon the skin.
Ka-pu-o, s. A kapu in honor of the god Ka-waa, s. The voice of a bird on
Kaili. Molokai which seems to say, “i kawaa, e
Ka-pu-nt, s. A master of an animal; a holo, ua nui ke kai o ke aumoe.”
nurse of a child; a provider. See Hooxa- Ka-waa, s. The name of a species of
PUHI. fish net: he unena kawaa.
Ka-pu-ni-t1, s. Name of a species of Ka-wae, v. To bring up the foot, as in
fish. sitting cross-legged on a mat.
Ka-pu-xa-pu, s. See Karu. Honor; 2. To draw one to you with the foot.
praise ; dignity ; separation from what is 3. To trip one with the foot.
common. 4. To put the arm over one’s shoulder,
or the foot over another; to bring the legs
Ka-pu-Ka-pu, v. Hoo. To put onairs of across.
self-consequence ; to ape dignity : a kapu- 5. To bind on, as a girdle.
kapu no hoime ou mau kaikuahine. Laieik.
Ka-waE-wakE, Ss. Name of a kind of
stone used in polishing canoes.
Ka-pu-KA-Pu-LA-NI, v. To frown or repel Ka-wal, s. The name of the coloring
one by sour looks; to be distant and ill-
natured ; kapukapulani ka maka. matter or residuum when water is poured
on the second time.
Ka-pu-xa-wal, v. To be handsome; to 2. The name of the partially colored
be noble. water itself.
Ka-pu-Le, v. Tobe hung up, asa bunch 3. The liquor obtained from cane, &c.,
of bananas until the skin turns black in after most of the intoxicating matter is ex-
spots ; ua kapule ala mea wale i ka ua. tracted; aohe ikaika o keia rama, he kawai
Ka-pvu-tvu, v. To be unfaithful in busi- wale no, there is no strength in this rum,
ness ; to be careless; to be slovenly. it is nearly all water.
Ka-pu-tu, adj. Work slovenly done; Ka-wat-ka-ma-ma, v. See Lopio and
dirty; filthy ; foolish; sottish. Jer. 4:22. Nio. To soften down, as the rigor of work;
to make easier to do; to modify one’s char-
Ka-pu-Lu-pu-Lu, v. See Kaputv. To acter for the better.
work lazily ; to act in a shiftless manner. Ka-wau, v. To be wet and cold; to be
Ka-pu-n1, s. See Punt. The circumfer- damp.
ence of a thing ; a surrounding; a circuit. 2. To keep back; to detain.
2. The name of a chief who was born, Ka-wau, s. Dampness.
grew up, became old and died in the same 2. Distemper among dogs resembling the
place. itch.
Ka-pu-ni, adj. Overspreading; widely 3. A seed used in deceiving fish.
KAW 264 KE
4, The block on which kapa is pounded. drawing a heavy substance; 0 Kama ke
See Kua. akua i kawewele.
5. A species of tree, used somewhat for Ka-wt, v. See Urand Kow1. To press;
canoes and other things. to squeeze, as grapes or any substance in
Ka-wau-kE, s. See WAUKE. order to extract the juice.
Ka-wa-Ha, v. To be hollow, as a log Ka-wr-11, v. See Witt. To mix together
or pillar. Puk. 38:7; Jer. 52:21. different ingredients, as flour and water in
Ka-wa-Ha, adj. Vacant, as a space; making bread; to stir up together.
hollow. -Puk. 27:8. Hollow, as an arch. 2. To be changeable or variable. See
Pride: 28:11. LAvwILt.
3. Hoo. To mix together; to knead bread.
Ka-wa-KaA-wa, s. The name of a spe- Nah. 15:4.
cies of fish. 4, To tear; to rend; to vex; to harass.
Ka-wa-Ka-wa, v. See Kawa. To be wet See Kaawit.
with water or rain. Ka-wi-L1, s. The art of catching birds
Ka-wa-ka-wa, adj. Wet; damp with with bird lime, &c.; pela no oia i papaaku
fine rain. ai i ka poe kawili manu oo, so also he for-
Ka-wa-xa-wav, v. To be wet and cold. bid those who caught full grown birds.
2. To be wet with perspiration, as the Ka-WI-Li-KA-E-KA, v. Kawili and kaeka,
body or bed where one sleeps. to entangle. To entangle; to go this way
Ka-wa-ka-wav, adj. Damp, as mats or and that; to involve; to go over and over
grass. See Kawav. again. ; :
Ka-wa-La-wa-La, v. Tospeak in an un- Ka-wi-Li-mA-Nu, s. See Kawi and
intelligible manner. Manu, a bird. A method of catching birds
with bird lime ; he lawaia manu.
Ka-wa-La-wa-La, adj. Few; scatter-
ing ; here and there one, as persons ; few
Ka-wI-ui-wi-L1, s. Name of a tree, the
and scattering, as houses in the country; timber of which was very much used for
hence, kauhale kawalawala, the country in surf-boards and the amas or outriggers of
distinction from a village. canoes; erythrina corallodendron. See
Ka-wa-La-wa-.A, s. Fewness; scarcity.
Ka-wo-wo, v. To grow thriftily, as vines
Ka-we-a, s. A species of fish. which branch out and run luxuriantly every
Ka-we-Lau, s. See Wetav. The ex- way.
tremity of a thing ; the top of a bank; the 2. To grow ; to increase; to spread out.
top of a precipice. Ter. 23:3,
Ka-we-.e, v. To work slowly or mod- 3. To increase, aS a prosperous people.
erately, as at rowing a canoe, or at culti- Ter. 29:6.
vating the soil; kawele wale aku no. 4. To make a rustling noise; to rattle.
See KAwEWE above.
Ka-weE-Le, adj. Slow; lingering, as a 5. To roar; to rage; to sound heavily.
disease ; 0 ka hookuli ka mea e kawele nei Ka-wo-wo, s. A plant growing thriftily.
ia poe.
Mel. Sol. 4:13.
Ka-weE-Le, s. Eng. A towel; a napkin; 2. Plants; running vines, &c.; a sucker;
a wiping cloth. a scion.
Ka-weE-LE-a, s. See WexEA. A species 3. A continued rustling or rushing noise;
of fish. the noise of a waterfall.
Ka-wWE-LE-wWE-LE, v. See KaweEte, v. Ka-Ba, s. Heb. A cab, a Hebrew dry
To work slowly or moderately. measure, nearly three pints. 2 Nal. 6:25.
KA-wE-LE-wE-LE, s. The name of cer- Ka-si-a, s. Eng. Cassia, an odoriferous
tain short ropes about a canoe; he mau herb. Hal. 45:8.
wahi kaula ma ka pu o ka waa. Ka-TA-RA-KE-TE, S. Heb. A cormorant,
2. The beard. name of an unclean bird. Aanl. 14:17.
Ka-we-to, s. Name of a species of fish.
Kz, def. art. The. See Ka, art. This
Ka-we-we, v. To cover kalo with mats form of the article (ke) is used before all
in the oven when about to bake. nouns beginning with the letter k. A few
2. To clatter, as in the movement of nouns beginning with the letter p have ke
plates or slates ; to make a rustling noise. also for their article, and a still smaller
Ezek. 37:7. number beginning with the letter m. Nouns
2. To be dry; to be unfruitful, as pota- whose first letter is a have both ka and ke
toes without water. for their article ; that is, some nouns take
Ka-ws-we-te, s. The personat the end one and some the other, but no one noun,
of a long rope where many persons are without a radical change of meaning, takes
both forms of the article. Nouns beginning 5. The name of the male unmasculated
with o, like a, take both forms of the arti- hog ; ina i kahe ole ia, he kea ia puaa.
cle. Before all other letters, whether vowels 6. The name of an office in the king’s
or consonants, ka is the form of the article. train.
See Grammar § 59, 60. Ke-a, v. To hinder; to object to. See
Ke, particle, before a verb and nei after Kg, v., and Keaxra below.
it, marks the present tense of the indicative Kr-aa-wa-I-LE-1A, s. Name of a species
mood; but ke with the subjunctive mood of fish-hook.
marks the future tense. After the verbs Ke-al, v. See Ke above and At, food.
hiki, always, and pono generally (both used
Hoo. To thrust away food; to fast.
as auxiliary verbs), ke is used before the
infinitive instead of e. Gram. § 203. Ke-ao, s. A legend; a tale of ancient
Ke, énterj. Anexclamation of surprise, adventures. See Kaao.
indeed! 1 Kor. 15:36. See Ka. Ke is often Ker-a-HA-KA-HA-KA, S. Kea and hakahaka,
used in beginning a reply to what one has empty. The part of the body in men and
said, and expresses astonishment at what beasts which embraces the abdomen, as
had been advanced; sometimes disgust and keapaa does the chest.
the greatest contempt; e manao ino me ka Ke-a-KE-A, v. See Kea, to hinder. To
henehene. hinder. 1 Sam. 14:6. To stand in the way
Ke, v. Mostly with hoo. To force ; to of.
compel ; to urge on. Lwnk. 1:34. 2. To object to that which would be to
2. To be intent upon; to press forward; the advantage of another.
to go ahead in any affair; hooke loa mai la 3. To keep back; to restrain one from
© Keoua me ka manao e lawe i ko Kame- doing a thing. Nah. 24:11. To prohibit;
hameha mau okana nona, Keoua was intent to resist. Oih. 13:10.
upon the idea of taking Kamehameha’s dis- KeE-s-KE-A, adj. See Kea, cross, above.
tricts for his own. In the form of several crosses, as sticks
3. To thrust ; to push or drive at. Hal. under a piece of timber to carry it; a kea-
118:13. kea a amo aku.
4. To obstruct one as he goes along ; to Ker-a-KE-A, s. See Kea 4 above. The
get a person or persons into difficulty ; io semen masculinum; the semen of all males,
struggle against ; to be troubled. 2 Kor. See KEKE.
5. To crowd together at a door or about KE-A-KE-A-LA-NI, §. The name of an
a person ; to assault one’s house ; to press ancient chief woman, supreme over all the
pon. islands, a woman of good character (hai-
6. With ai, food, to push away, as food pule loa), from whom was descended Ke-
without eating; to abstain from food; hence, awe.
7. To fast. 2 Sam. 12:16. Nore.—Vol- Ke-a-xu, s. Name of a cave on the
untary fasting among Hawaiians requires eastern side of the- valley of Kailiili, which
the exercise of some force. see.
Ke-a, s. A cross; the form of a cross, Ke-A-kU-A-LA-PU, the ghost god, and Ks-
viz.: one post upright, the other transverse. KUPUOHI, the bamboo plant, s. The names
See AMANA. of two red coats which Vancouver gave to
Ke-a, s. A tightness of the chest at- Kamehameha I.
tended with difficulty of breathing; nearly Ker-a-Li-a, s. A place where the salt
synonymous with pani. water is brought or caused to flow inland,
Ke-a, adj. White. See Kro. Pel- the sea then shut out and the water evapo-
KE-A-KE-A, lucid; clear. rated, leaving the salt, which may be gath-
ered up. See ALIAPAAKAT.
Ke-a, v. To shoot or throw arrows of Kr-a-mau-mav, s. See AMAUMAU.
sugar-cane. See Keapva.
Ke-a, s. Two different places in the Ker-a-paa, s. The chest of the human
body, that is, the whole body included
thorax: the kea paa was above, the kea
within the ribs, in opposition to keahaka-
hakahaka below; elua kea, 0 ke kea paa haka, the abdomen.
ame ke kea hakahaka.
2. The same also in relation to beasts.
Ke-a, s. The name ofa play of children
with arrows of cane. Ke-a-pua, v. See Kea, to shoot, and
2. The name of a mountain on Hawaii— Pua, the blossom of the sugar-cane ; hence,
Maunakea, white mountain. an arrow. To throw or shoot arrows of the
3. The name of the rain or mist at Hana sugar-cane. Note.—This was and is now
and at Koolau on Mani. a favorite play of children; formerly it was
4. The name of the semen of males, from a game among men.
the color. See oT below and Kxa, adj. Ke-a-wa-koo, s. The name of a stone
idol near the top of Mauna Waialeale on |K-£-KE-E-NU-KU, v. Keekee and nuku,
Kauai. to scold. To rise up, as two persons in
Ker-a-we, s. A name frequently heard order to fight, and after scolding at each
among Hawaiians either by itself or com- other awhile, separate without fighting.
pounded with other words ; it signifies the KE-E-LA, adj. Great, asa noise; great,
bearer. KE-E-LE, as a land; large; excelling ;
KE-A-WE-NUI-KAU-0-HI-LO, s. One of the very great; keele kou aloha.
class of gods called akua noho. Ke-s-Le, v. To be very great, as a
Ke-r, v. To bend; to crook; to bulge trouble or perplexity; Keele ka pioo ana o
out; to oppose. See Kur. Ka puu a Kana ka mai a ola.
i kee ai a hiolo iho. See KEEkEE. Ker-E-LE-A-waA, adj. Having frequent
Ke-g, s. Crookedness; want of upright- ditches or gullies ; Keeleawaa ke ala.
ness in conduct; wrong doing; mai hai Ke-r-mo-a, v. To be sour; to be crabbed;
aku i ke kee o ko kakou aina; aka, e hai to be ill-natured.
aku i ke ala ame ke onaona ame ka peekue 2. Hoo. To be greedy ; to be covetous.
o ka naauao. Ker-s-mo-a, adj. Having lost one’s aflec-
Kr-E, adj. Crooked. See the verb. tion or attachment for another and looks at
Ke-r-o, v. To be angry; to be indig- him with indifference. See NaavkEEMoa.
nant at what is wrong. Ke-E-Nna, s. A room; an apartment in
2. To perform the office of executioner. a house. 1 Nal. 6:6.
3. To be suddenly excited; to rage. See 2. A seater of a bureau; keena kapu, a
KAEO. sanctuary. Puk. 25:8.
Ke-g-0, s. Dissatisfaction; displeasure; 3. A partition of a room.
anger. Ker, zmt. An expression of wonder;
Ke-E-HA-NA, Ss. Kee and ana, h inserted. wonderful! glorious! excellent! stupend-
See Ker. The bottom or sole of the foot; ous!
kapuai. Ke-1, v. To praise; to extol; to boast;
2. A place for the bottom of the foot, or to glory.
a place to rest a thing on. 2. Haa. To be lifted up with honor or
3. Ground stamped upon or trodden by pride.
the foot. Ke-1, s. A boasting ; glorying; pride;
4. A footstool; a place to put the feet high-mindedness.
upon. 2. The name of a species of hard rock
5. Aprop; a supporter; keehanawawae. out of which kois were made.
Isa. 66:1. See Kenana.
6. A place for the feet, i.e.,a floor. 1
KeE-1-a, adj. pron. Ke, article, and za,
Nal. 6:16. A pavement. Exzele. 4: i he, she or it. This, referring to something
present or just said; this person; this thing.
Ker-E-HA-NA-wA-wag, S. A footstool, &c. Gram. § 152.
See the foregoing. Ke-1-KE-1, v. Intensive of kez. ‘To glory;
Ke-r-H1, v. To kick; to stamp with the to boast 5 to be proud.
foot. Ke-1-k1, s. Ke, article, and 22, little,
2. To lift up the foot against one, i. e,, to small, i. e., the little one. The ke has now
resist. become assimilated to the word iki and
3. To kick at; to despise. 1 Sam. 2:29. takes another article.
4. To rebel. Kanl. 32:15. 1. A child, male or female.
5. To strike or hit upon, as a beam of 2. The offspring of one, whether a child
light ; i ka manawa e keehi iho ai na ku- or grown person.
kuna o ka lai ka piko o na mauna, when 3. A descendant of any number of de-
the rays of the sun shall hit the top ‘of the grees.
mountains. 4. The young of animals or veges ey
Ke-£-n1, s. The stirrup of a saddle. keiki maia.
KE-E-HI-LAE, adj. Proud; haughty; dis- Ke-1-k1, v. To have or obtain a child.
dainful. Kin. 30:3.
K&E-E-HI-NA, s. A different or- 2. To be or become a child. Rom. 8:16.
K&E-E-HI-NA-WA-WAE, thography for kee- Properly hookeiki.
hana and ieee aneumanbae! A footstool, &c. Ke-I-k1-A-LA-ME-A, S. Name of a fatal
See above. disease; kawaiiki was used as the remedy.
Ker-5-kE-E, v. See Ker and Kexer. To Ke-I-KI-HI-A--po, s. Keiki and hiapo, first
crook ; to bend. born. The first bom of a family.
ecii te pervert. Hoo. The same. Kanl. Ke-i-K1-Hi-pa, s. Keiki and hipa (Eng.),
sheep. Alamb. Qihk. 4:35.
Ke-1-x1-Ho-x1, s. Ketki and hoki, an ass. Ke-vE-vE, ) v. Ke, to push, and we, to
The young of an ass. Kin. 49:11. KE-UE-WE, move. To push against; to
Ke-1-k1-Ka-o, s. Aetki and kao, goat. A oppose one ; to treat harshly.
kid. Oihk. 4:23. Ke-v, v. Tocontradict; to scold;
KE-I-KI-KA-NE, S$. Keiki and kane, male. KE-U-KE-U, to find fault; to show a bad
A son; a male child. disposition ; to be morose.
KeE-1-K1-pa-pa, s. Keiki and papa, anan- Ke-v, s. Surliness; pettishness;
cestor. Aresident; a descendant; one who KE-U-KE-U, anger.
among many others, is a descendant of
some great man, who lived perhaps several Ke-v,
adj. Very angry; cross.
generations back ; but it is on the condi- KE-U-KE-U
tion that said descendants continue to re-
side on the ground where their ancestor did. KeE-v, s. The voice of a bird, the
KE-U-KE-U, alae; the singing voice of
2. A native born in distinction from ka- the alae ; ina e lohe oe i ke keu a ka alae.
naka e, or malihini. Jos. 8:33. Laieike. 149.
Ke-1-k1-wal-v, s. Ketki and waiu, milk. Ke-na, v. To snap with the teeth, as
Any young suckling ; a sucking child ; an when a dog seizes an animal and tears out
infant. Kanl. 32:25. a mouthful.
Ke-1-x1-Bi-P1, s. Keikt and dipi,an ox or 2. To extend; to lengthen out, as time.
cow. Acalf. 1 Nal. 12:28. 3. To be puffed up with pride.
KE-I-KI-BI-PI-KA-NE, S$. Ketkibipi and. 4. To sing or repeat a song.
kane, male. A young bullock; a grown Ke-na, v. To lean the head on one’s
male calf. Nah. 7:15. hand and lean over sideways; e moe me
Ke-1-na, s. The number four; more ke kaa o ke poo i ka a luna me ka loliiana
generally written kauna. See Kauna. i ke kapa a paa.
Ker-o, s. A comb. Ke-nav, s. See Hav. The gentle land
Ke-o, adj. White; clear; glistening breeze at night on the west side of Hawaii.
2. The mountain breeze in the morning
white. See Kea.
anywhere ; e o’u poe hoa o ka la wela o
E-0, adj. Proud; haughty; car- Lahainaluna ame ke kehav anu o ke kaka-
Ke-0-KE-0, rying one’s self haughtily. hiakanui.
2. White, as paper or cloth; white, as 3. A mist; a cold, fine rain floating in
fruit that is ripe. Hoo. Whitened ; made the air, mostly in the mountainous regions.
white. Ke-nav, adj. Frosty; rainy, &c.; hoa-
KE-0-KE-0, ¥. See Keo, white. To hele, hoa o ke anu kehau o ke kakahiaka.
whiten ; to become white. Ke-HA-KE-HA, v. See Kena 3. To be
2. Hoo. To whiten ; to cause to glisten
proud ; to be haughty; to be arrogant; to
with whiteness. Mark.9:3. Keokeo olino-
be wasteful.
lino, glistening white.
Ker-o-Lo-E-wa, s. Name of one of the Ke-HA-KE-HA, s. Wastefulness; pride;
class of gods called akua noho.
Ke-HA-KE-HA, adj. Swaggering; lofty;
E-U, vu. To be more; to have a proud. Isa. 2:12.
Ke-u-KE-U, remainder.
Ke-wa-Lu-HA, v. See Kena 4. To sing
2. To excel; to run over; to hang out;
or repeat a song.
to project like a hog’s tush.
3. Hoo. To do over and above; to do KeE-HA-NA-WA-WAE, S. See KEEHANA
more than is required; to exceed. Puk. and Wawag, leg. A footstool.
30:15. Opposite to hooemi. Notre.—This Ke-na-pa, v. To be less or fewer than
word is used in counting or in specifying was expected ; to be not enough.
a general amount, with something over,
thus: pa kauna a keu, four each and some- Ke-HE-NE, Ss. The name of a place where
thing over, or four and some besides; pa offals or filth is thrown; a kind of Tophet
umi a keu, ten and upwards; pa kanaha a like the Gehenna of the Scriptures.
keu, forty and more; pa lau a keu, four 2. A basket.
hundred and over; the fraction over the 3. A fire ; a volcano.
definite sum is not specified. Ke-ni-na, s. See Keenana and Kes-
Ke-u, s. What is over and above; in HINA. A place for putting the feet; a foot-
arithmetic, a remainder.
Ke-nu, s. A contraction perhaps of ka
Ke-u, adj. Remaining; overand above; ehu, the steam.
besides. Lunk. 2:8. 2. An unnatural puffing or distention of
Ke-u, adv. A keu, and over. the abdomen, as from over-eating.
Ke-kau-HA, adj. Stretched out; straight |Ke-x1, s. The name of a bush or small
and stiff. Syn. with kakauha. tree whose fruit is eaten in time of scarcity.
KeE-ka-HI, adj. pron., art. See Kaui. Ke-x1, s. O keki no ame ka uhane.
One; some; some one; certain. Gram.§ Ker-xo, s. A little short man; hence, a
63, § 65, 2. monkey. 2 Qihl.9:21. He kanaka poupou
Ke-xa-nu-na, s. Ke, article, the, and} inoino, kokikoki ka ihu me ka maka.
kahuna, priest. The preacher; the name Kz-Ko-KE-ko, adj. Pertaining toa small
of a book in the Scriptures, Hcclesiastes. man or woman; short; little; keko, ihu
Ke-KA-LO-A-KA-MA-KA-MA-KA, S. Name ee kokikoki.
of a prayer in ancient worship. E-KU-I-E-LU-A, 5. Name of an instru-
Ke-Ka-na-Lu, s. Food that grows very ment used in war.
slowly ; vegetables that are a long time Ke-ku-pu-o-H1, s. Name of a red coat
small. which Vancouver gave to Kamehameha I.
Ke-xe, v. The intensive of ke. To strive See KEAKUALAPU.
together ; to contend. Ker-a, adj. pron. From ke, the, and da,
2. To scold; to be angry at; to provoke. there. That; that person; that thing; that
3. To skin; to pull off the skin; to show fellow (more emphatic and definite than
the teeth, as a cross dog. ia); he; she; it. It is used in opposition
4. Hoo. To press hard upon, i. e., to be to keia, this ; it is used when the noun to
intent upon; to carry a point. Kin. 19:9. which it refers has just before been used.
Mai hookeke i ko kakou hele ana. Gram. § 152.
Ke-xE, v. amp. A word used to children Ker-ta, v. To exceed; to go beyond. 1
in charging them to cover up their private Nal. 1057.
parts. 2. To project out beyond another thing.
Ke-xe, s. Name of a species of bird. 3. To be more. Jer. 7:26.
See AKEKE. 4. To cause to exceed; to bemore. Hal.
2. Name of a fish. 119:98. E hookela i ke aloha, to love more.
_ 3. Displeasure; scolding; angry expres- Mat. 10:37.
sions. Ke-xa, adj. Excelling; going beyond;
Ke-xe-a, s. The semen of all males; preceding ; great above another.
semen virile. See KEAKBA. KeE-LA-KE-LA, v. The intensive of kela.
Ke-keE, v. See Kexe and Ke. To be Hoo. To boast; to brag. Hal. 10:3. To
crooked; to be twisted; to be out of shape. enlarge one’s desires ; to prefer one to an-
2. To pervert; to turn to another pur- other; to act with partiality. 1 Tim. 5:21.
pose. Puk. 23:8.
3. Hoo. To do contrary to the rule of Ke-Le, v. To slip; to slide; to glide
right. Kanl. 27:19. easily.
Ke-kee, s. Name of a kind of fish which 2. To sink in the sea or in the mud.
swims near the surface of the water.
3. To be entangled at the bottom of the
sea when diving.
KE-KEE, adj. Crooked ; twisted ; incor- 4. To sail far out to sea, as a canoe; e
rect; contrary to the rule of right; twisted kele wale ana ka waa mawaho.
out of shape ; cross; petulant. 5. Hoo. To steer a ship or canoe; hiki
Ker-xrz, adv. Crookedly; erroneously; ia ia ma kona ike ke hookele moku; eia ka
hana kekee, to do unrighteously. Oihk. A kele akiu, kelekele akiu.
Ke-kE-kA-HA, v. ‘To make a show; to Ke-te, s. Mud; mire; the fat of ani-
be wondered at. mals, grease or whatever induces slipperi-
2. To contend, as two cocks when one is ness.
beaten and shrinks away ; kekekaha ae la 2. Hoo. The steersman of a canoe or ship;
i ke kula o Puopelu. the director of a boat or ship.
Ke-kE-ko, v. See Krexo. To be small; Kez-.Le, adj. Reached or arrived at by
of small and low stature, whether men or sailing ;he moku kele i ka waa, an island
women ; e keko, e ihukoki, e kokikoki. reached by a canoe. Moolelo Hawaii 7:3.
Ke-xe-neE, v. To be jealous of; to envy. Ke-Le-A-wE, s. Brass; copper; tin;
Kx-KE-NE, adj. Envious; jealous; iaku polished steel. Puk. 25:3. Keleawe mele-
mele, yellow copper, i. e., brass.
la au,no ke aha? no ka opu kekene 0 Moo,
I said what for? for the envious disposition Ke-LE-A-wE, adj. Pertaining to copper,
of Moo. brass, tin, &c. Jos. 6:24.
Ke-xe-we, adj. Swelled; full, as the KE-LE-KE-LE, v. See Kexe. To sail
belly ;kekewe ka, opu. aboutin a boat for pleasure; to glide easily
IR ciaineena EO ON OT as Ree Te
here and there. Hoo. The same ; also, to| Ke-n1, v. To walk very softly, so as to
ride the surf in a canoe. make no noise with the teet.
Ke-.e-KE-LE, s. Fat; grease. Puk. Ke-ni-Ke-n1, v. To furnish a supply;
29:22. Fatness. Hal. 109:24. to have enough.
2. Fat meat in opposition to io, the lean Ke-pa, v. ‘To snap, as with the teeth;
meat of an animal. to chank the teeth, as a boar.
3. The fat part of a hog; fat meat gener- 2. To turn; toturnbackupon. Mat.7:6.
ally. 3. To scrape, as dirt from a stone or
4 Mud ; mire ; kelekele ke ala, the road board.
is slippery.
Ke-pa, s. Corruption of English spur.
Ke-te-KE-LE, adj. Fat; plump; slip- A spur; so named from its use or motion
pery, as a muddy road. on the heel; he kui e hooeha ai i ka lio ma
Ke-te-wal, s. Name of a species of na aoao.
kapa, from its color; ina i kalua pu ole me 2. The fruit of a tree used in seasoning
ka palaa, oia ke kapa kelewai. food.
Ke-.e-ro, s. Gr. A lot in casting lots. Ke-pa, adj. Of or belonging to the fruit
Ke-io, int. With a prolonged sound. kepa; hua kepa. Kekah. 12:5.
Eng. The Hawaiian English cry of sail ho! Ke-pav, s. A general name of sub-
Ke-tov, s. A fishing hook; a hook of stances fusible by heat, as tar, pitch, rosin,
any kind. See Lov. lead, pewter, &c.
Ke-mau, s. Name of a plant on the 2. The name given by Hawaiians to prin-
mountains, eaten in time of scarcity by the ter’s types; o ke kepau i paiia’i ka manaoo
ke kanaka, the types by which the thoughts
of men are printed.
Ke-ma-xe-mA, s. A wish; a desire; a Ke-pau-po-KA, s. Kepau and poka, a ball
rejoicing. Note.—This is merely the word
makemake with the syllables transposed, or bullet. Lead; a mass of lead. Ezek.
and probably belongs to the kake. 22:18.
Ke-mo-a, v. To be angry. Kr-pa-KE-PA, v. To crack or snap, as
with a whip ; kepakepa iho la kekahi pu i
Ke-na, v. To command; to order to be ke mele me ka hoolealea mai.
done; to give orders; to compel. Neh.
5:12; Laieik. 176. Ke-pri-a, s. The matter about one’s face
2. To send to, as an officer on business; who has sore running eyes; applied also
kena aku la o Kamehameha i kona poe ka- to oil that stands and gets partially dry.
naka e imi i ka laau ala, Kamehameha sent Ke-po-pa, s. Name of an unclean bird
his men to look for sandal-wood. in Isa. 34:11.
3. To give orders in case of emergency. Ke-pu-E, s. The name of a species of
Ke-na, v. To drink; to slake thirst. hard stone out of which kois were made.
Hoo. To give or furnish drink. Hal. 107:9. Ke-pu-Ka, v. See Puxa. To play curi-
Ke-na, v. To be weary; to suffer under ous tricks.
hard labor: to grieve. Ke-pu-ka, s. A curious or wizard art;
Kz-na, adj. pron., for kela, x for 1. He; a sleight of hand trick ; a trick of legerde-
she ; that person; aohe kekahi la kula e main.
like me kena olelo, there was not a single Kr-wa, s. Something far absent, but
day’s school as he said. with which one hopes to meet or be united
Ke-na, s. Hard labor; wearisome ser- with in future ; a future point of time; ua
vice. ai i ke awa i ke kewa.
2. Depression of mind under unmitigated Ke-wal, s. Wind from a place of rain;
toil. a mist connected with rain some distance
3. The feelings of a parent towards a off; pili ke kewai, kuhaluka ka mauna.
child that refuses his instructions ; weari- 2. The moisture which settles on mats
ness, anger and love all combined. and walls inside of a house from the damp-
Ke-na, adj. Weary; heavy; sad; sor- ness; applied sometimes to a wind with a
rowful. little rain.
Ke-Na-KE-NA, v. See Kena above. ‘To Kr-wat, adj. Spoiled; rotten, as an egg.
mourn. 2 Kor. 5:2. To weep; to groan; Ke-wa-kE-wal, v. To be addled, as an
to suffer inconvenience ; to be bitter. egg; to be spoiled.
Ke-na-KE-NA, v. Freq. of kena, to send. Ke-weE, adj. Contorted; twisted out of
To send frequently. meaning, as words ; incorrect.
Ke-ne-ta, s. Eng. A cent, the hun- KeE-wI-KE-w1, s. The horns, as of the
dreth part of a dollar. new moon. See Kiwi.
KIA 2 70
Ker-pe-ra, s. Eng. A cedar tree; cedar| Ki-a, s. One who entraps or catches
wood. birds or fish; cia manu, a bird catcher.
Ke-pe-rA, adj. Eng. Pertaining to Laieik. 106.
cedar; laau kedera, cedar timber. 2 Sam. 2. The name of the material used like
6:11. kepau or pilali in catching birds.
Ke-ra-ti-0, adj. Gr. Hua keratio,a veg- Ki-a, s. A spike or nail for fastening
etable mentioned in Luke 15:16; a shuck boards or timbers.
or shell of a vegetable. Ki-a-ar-na, s. Kza, pillar, and azna, land.
Ke-ro-xo, s. Gr. Saffron. Mel. Sol. 4:14. Lit. The pillar or support of the land. A
governor; a governor of an island; aruler,
Ker-r0-ko-DI-LE, s. Gr.and Eng. A croc-
odile. Job. 41:1. Ki-a-ao, s. Aza, pillar, and ao, cloud.
Ke-ru-sa, s. feb. A cherub. A pillar of cloud or cloud pillar. Puk.
Ke-rvu-si-ma, s. Heb. The plural of ke- Ki-a-a-H1, s. Kia, pillar, and ahi, fire.
A pillar of fire ; a fire pillar. Puk. 13:21.
Ke-ru-so-Lu-to, s. Gr. A chrysolite, Ki-a1, v. To watch over; to guard; to
the name of a precious stone. Hoik. 21:20.
take charge of; to look out for; to act the
KE-RU-SO-PE-RA, s. Gr. A chryso- part of, or to do the duty of a guard.
KE-RU-SO-PE-RA-SO, prasus, a precious 2. To wait for; to expect; to think; poe
stone. Hoik. 21:20. kiai, guards.
Ki, s. Eng. The key of a lock. Lumnk. Ki-a1, s. A guard; a watchman. 1 Sam.
3:25. 14:16.
2. The lock itself. Neh. 3:3. 2. The time of a watch. Hal. 90:4.
3. The trigger of a gun. Ki-al-po, s. Ktaz, watch, and po, night.
Ki, v. Modern. To pull the trigger (42) A night watch. Neh. 4:22.
of a gun; hence. to shoot a gun; alaila ki Ki-al-Poo, s. Aéai, watch, and poo, the
mai la na haole i koe i ka pu; to discharge head. <A head guard; a title of the person
fire-arms; ina e ae oe i kun lio, e ki koke who guarded the king for the time being;
aku au ia oe i ka pu, a make oe. ua kapaia ua kanaka la, kiaipoo, that per-
2. To squirt water, as with a syringe. son (who guarded the king) was called
3. To sitt; to strain. kiaipoo.
4. To make fine by separating the coarse. Ki-ar-pu-Ka, $s. Kiai, guard, and puka,
5. To blow from the mouth into the sea, a door or gate. A porter; a guard at a
as fishermen blow from the mouth a kind gate. Joan. 10:3.
of oily nut chewed up in order to quiet the
surface of the sea, so that they can look Ki-au-au, v. To smooth; to smooth
deep down into the water. down; to take wrinkles out of kapa or
Ki, s. The name of a plant having a 2. To walk lightly ; e mama i ka hele
saccharine root, the leaves of which are ana; e mele pale waa.
used for wrapping up bundles of food; the
leaves are used also as food for cattle and Ki-a-Ha, s. A drinking dish; a cup; a
for thatching ; dracsena terminalis. mug; atumbler; kiaha ooma, a pitcher;
also, a basin. Puk. 12:22.
Ki, s. Name of a small bird; he ki
kahi manu, he manu uuku.
Ki-a-Ha-a-Ha, v. See Kiana. To pour
water, as out of a container.
Ki, adj. Close; parsimonious; kanaka 2. To drink out of a cup.
jou. Seev PT,
Ki-a-Ha-ma-nu, s. Name of a small kind
Ki-a, s. A pillar or inner post of a house of fish found in fresh water, in streams,
which supports the ridge. ponds, &c.; called also nawao.
2. A pillar or post set up for any pur-
pose. Pui. 26:32.
Ki-a-Ka-HI, s. Kia, mast, and kahi, one.
3. The mast of a ship or any vessel. A one-masted vessel ; a sloop.
4. A standing idol; he kia hoailona, a 2. Firmness of purpose ; adherance to a
standing image of worship ; kia ao, a pil- fixed plan ; constancy.
lar of cloud ; kia ahi, pillar of fire. Puk. Ki-a-Ka-H1, adj. With one accord; agree-
13:21. ing ; noho kiakahi ma ka pono; alike; in
Ki-a, v. To drive by knocking, as with unison ; applied to opinion or action. See
a hammer. KUIKAHT.
2. To drive, as a nail or spike ; to nail ; Ki-a-ko-Lu, s. Kia, mast, and kolu,
to spike. three. The name given to a ship for hav-
3. To run against or push another. ing three masts; he kiakolu, a three-masted
4. To catch birds or fish; kia manu, a thing, i. e., a ship.
bird catcher. See the substantive. I-A-LO, v. To dig out, as the eye. See
KIE 271 Kil
Poato. To twist out, as a tooth; to reach Ki-E-KI-E, adj. High; lofty; exalted;
after, as in drawing something to one. separated ; holy.
Ki-a-Lo, s. A digging out; a wrenching Ki-E-kI-E-NA, s. Kiekieand ana. Being
or twisting off. | high; rising high. See Pa.rpant.
Ki-a-to-a, s. A small, long, beautiful Ki-g-Le, s. The name of an odoriferous
canoe. shrub or tree; he laau aala. Some say it
2. A fisherman belonging to such a canoe. was brought from a foreign country, but
3. A long fishing line. a word is found in two ancient meles at
Ki-a-Lu-a, s. Kia, mast, and lua, two. east.
A brig or schooner from having only two He kiele ka alau niu
masts; he moku kialua, a vessel of two No Hana lau aala ai na ’lii— Mele.
masts. O ka lau o ke Kiele i aala;
Ki-a-pa, s. A bark, in distinction from E ka lati ai mai ai mae
Aala no mai ka lau a ke kumu.—Mele.
a ship.
Ki-a-we, s. The name of a tree; also, Ki-E-LE, v. To emit a fragrant odor; o
the name of the fruit. ka lau o ke kaa i kiele i aala, the leaf of the
kaa sent forth odor.
Ki-a-we-u-La, s. A species of red; ap-
plied to the clouds; ina he ulaula ke ao, 'Ki-r-Le1, v. To squat; to sit on the
ua ula ia. he kiaweula. hams.
Kr-z, v. To be high; to be lifted up; Ki-E-.Lel, s. The name ofa kind of hula;
more often doubled, kielie. he kielei kekahi hula.
KI-E-E, v. To look into; to scrutinize; Ku, v. To go after a thing ; to go for
the purpose of bringing something; to
K1-£1, to peep at; oi imi aku i ka ma-
fetch. 1 Nal. 12:3.
nao, oi huli aku, oi balalo aku, a kiei aku,
2. Tocome toone; to approach; to meet.
a nana iho; a kiei malalo o ka papale o na
3. To send for a person or thing; to send
haole, they peeped under the bonnets of the away.
foreigners (women.) 4, To take from another; to procure for
2. To look at one by stretching the head one. Kin. 34:4.
around or over something; to look over in 5. To require of one. Ezek. 3:18, 20.
order to see anything. 6. Hoo. To pine away, as in the con-
3. To look slily ;e nana malu. sumption ; to cause to grow thin in flesh.
4. To watch the conduct of one; ke kiei 7. To starve ; to suffer starvation.
mai nei no ia i ka poe uhai kanawai. 8. To mourn; to suffer. Hal. 88:9.
5. To look at a particular object; kiei
aku la au makai a mauka,a holo aku la au.
9. To make thin, i. e., to deprive of; i
| hoonele a i hookiiia oukou i ka ike.
6. To look through a door or crevice to
see something. Laieik. 174. Ku, s. An image; a picture; i ko la-
7. To be moved with joy or fear. Hal. kou ike ana i ke kit o ko lakou mau hale;
68:16. an idol; a statue; fii kalaiia, a graven
Ki-£-Ke, s. See Exe. A bag; a pocket; image. Puk. 20:4. Kii palapalaia, a pic-
ture. Nah.33:52. Kii hooheeheeia, a mol-
a satchel; a bag for carrying provisions.
ten or cast image. Nah. 33:52. Kii akua,
Tuk. 10:4. Kieke kahubipa, a shepherd’s
images of gods for worship. 1 Nal. 14:23.
bag. 1 Sam. 17:40.
He laau ke fii no na Kanaka ame na ’lii,
Ki-r-k1-£, v. See Kir. To be lofty; to the common people and the chiefs have
be high. idols of wood; kit ku, a standing image,
2. To be lifted up ; to be raised high, as Oihk. 26:1. Kit pohaku, an image of stone;
a material object. kii onohi, pupil of the eye.
3. To be high, as the mind; to be proud; |Kir-a-ku-a, s. See the foregoing. An
to be self-exalted; to think one’s self above image representing a god.
or better than others. Ku-HE-LeI, v. See Herter. To stand
4. Hoo. To be exalted ; to be lifted up,
with the legs wide apart; to straddle; ua
as with pride. Nah. 16:3.
5. To exalt one’s self; to think much of ku kiihelet oia ma kela aoao a ma keia aoao
o ke awa,
one’s self,
6. To raise one toahigher station. Eset. | K Il-HE-LEI, adv. Branching apart; strad-
3:1. dling. See the verb.
7. To promote ; to signalize one’s self. Kul-Hoo-HEE-HEE-IA, Ss. See Ku above.
8. To raise or lift up the voice in a ery. - A molten or cast image.
Ki-g-k1-E, s. A height; a high place; Ku-xau, adj. Pertaining to clouds di-
ke kiekie, the high one, i. e., God; ua like vided into strips black or white; he ao
ke kiekie me ka loa, the height is like the onohi opua kiikau.
length. Ku-ka-Lal-1A, s. See Ku, s., and Kaas,
to hew. A carved idol; a graven image. 2. The voice of a bird on Molokai (the
Kanl. 5:8. kioea probably) ; kani mai la ua mann la,
Ku-xe-a, s. A medicine used to relieve penei: ‘‘kioea, kioea, lawekeo, lawelawe-
pain; it is a kind of bark. keo.”
Ku-xu, v. To swell; to enlarge, as the 3. Name of a cape where the bird lives ;
ua kapaia kela lae mahope o kekahi manu
abdomen of pregnant women; to be full
Olaila, he kioea.
from over-eating.
2. To paint the hair over the forehead Ki-o-E-a, v. To be long; to extend; to
white. stretch out.
Ku-xu, s. K2zi and ku, tostand. A stand- 2. To be lifted up; to stand high, as on
long legs (see the noun); ua like ke kiekie
ing image or idol. me ke kioea.
Ku-ma-na-na, v. To enlarge; to swell, 3. To be set confusedly together, as many
as the belly god. things of different kinds.
Kur-pa-LA-pa-La, s. Az and palapala, Ki-0-E-0-E, adj. A contract of kiaoeoe.
writing. A picture; a portrait; a picture Long; tall, as the mast of a ship. See
for worship. Nah. 33:52. OEOE.
Ku-po-na-xu, s. Kit and pohaku, stone. 2. Flat; extended.
A stone idol. See Exo. Ki-o-x1, adj. Fat; plump; muscular;
Ku-na, v. Kai and ana, a sending. To rolling, as the flesh of fat animals.
send after or call for persons; to go fora Ki-o-x1-0, v. See Kio. To play ona
person or thing ; to fetch; to bring some- pipe or other wind instrument. Hoo. The
thing. Hset.3:12. Norr.—Itis used often in same, to play on the pipe or flute. 1 Nal.
a passive sense. Kiina mai la enakahu ma 1:40.
ke kaulua, he was sent for by his guardians Kt-o-x1-0, s. See Kio. A pond of water;
on a double-canoe. a puddle where hogs may wallow.
Ku-pu-a, adj. Going about, as a person K1-o-x1-0, s. Name of a musical instru-
without business, more or less mischievous; ment; also, with hoo, the names of instru-
nahili, lalau, lohiau, hanamanuea.
ment players; poe hookiokio, players on
K1-o, v. ‘To break wind; ua hanai oia instruments. Hal. 87:7.
i kana mau keiki, a pau ke aho, no ke kio 2. A file (from the noise), or any mate-
ana o na keiki. rial to polish with.
2. To blow on a pipe. Ki-o-x1-0, s. Anything variegated, as
3. To blow on a leaf across the lips, the cloth; as spots in the sea, some places calm
vibration of which produces a sound. and some ruffled; variegated ;unequal in
Kr-o, s. An excrement. appearance.
2. A pond or puddle of water, especially Ki-o-x1-0, adj. Hoo. Of or belonging to
if filthy. See Krowar and Hatoxowal. a pipe.
3. A cistern; a pool; a water sluice.
4. The dregs, lees or settlings of liquor. Ki-0-xK1-0-k1, adj. See Kioxt. Plump,
5. A part of a potato which branches off fat with rolling muscle; muscular; applied
from the main root. to young strong men’s shoulders.
6. A process ; a projection; a bunch on Kt-o-ta, v. To lay down a substance
a large body. for inspection. Laieik. 193.
7. A bubo, a disease connected with 2. To overthrow ; to cast down. -Puk.
lewdness. 15:1. To reject, as a people for their moral
Ki-o, adj. Practicing in a military worthlessness. Oihk. 20:23.
school, as the chiefs in former times had 3. To throw away as worthless or im-
mock fights for practice; he kaua paani, he proper to be kept. Neh. 13:8.
kaua lealea, he kaua kio, &.; he kaua Ki-0-LA-o-La, v. See Kiota. To throw
__pahukala kahi inoa. Be cast frequently, as stones or other mis-
Kr-o-a-u1, s. Kzo and ahi, fire. A fiery siles.
pit; a place of torment; hell; a poino mau Ki-o-LE-a, v. Ai and olea, hard; severe.
ka poe hewa i ke kioaht a ka po mau loa. To sit on a high seat; to sit unsafely; to
Kr-o-r, v. To skim off the scum of a sit uncomfortably.
liquid, or to skim the cream from milk ; to Ki-o-tE-a, s. A high seat; an exalted
dip up water, as with a ladle. station.
2. A rickety seat on an elevated place;
Kt-o-£, s. The name of a small surf- hence,
board ; he papa heenalu liilii. 3. Fie. An unsafe state or condition for
Kr-o-E-a, s. The name of a bird having one.
long legs, found on Molokai and in other K1-o-LE1, v. To squat on the hams; to
places. sit on a seat with the feet drawn up.
Ki-o-te-na, v. Kio and lena, to iron| Kr-wa, v. To sneeze.
clothes. To spread out to dry, as kapa; Ki-Ha, s. See the foregoing. The move-
to whiten in the sun. ments or convulsions in the act of sneezing.
Kt-o-LE-NA, s. A place for coloring kapa. Tob. 41:18.
Kt-o-LE-po, s. Kio, a pool, and lepo, dirt. Kr-HaE, v. To fade; to decay; to cor-
A puddle; a place of filth ; a collection of rupt, as dead vegetables or animals; kihae
mud, water and filth. 2 Pet. 2:22. oho o ka lau ki o Luakaka.
Ki-o-Lo-a, s. A very small canoe in 2. To be inspired or possessed of some
which only one man can sail; holo aku la od.
ia ma kona waa kioloa i ka lawaia luhee. ° 3. To become a god and go above.
2. A long fishing line for taking fish in Ki-HaE-HAE, v. To tear to pieces; to
deep water. rend into small parts. See Harwar.
Ki-o-na, s. Kio and ana. A place for Kr-Havu, v. To eat a meal when there
throwing excrements ; he wahi hoolei ho- is but little to eat; to eat sparingly.
nowa; adung hill. Hal. 113:7. A privy Ki-na-mu, v. Az and hamu, to eat frag-
or back-house. ments. To eat proudly or daintily; to taste
2. The fundament. this and that, as though tasteless.
Ki-o-na, adj. Of or belonging to excre- Kr-Ha-pa, v. To be half clothed; to
ments. 2 Nal. 10:27. have only a kihei over one shoulder; to
Kr-o-na-HAa, v. See Onana,to crook; to have only one-half the head shaved.
bend. To bend or curve outward; to fall Kr-Ha-par, s. A small division of land
over a defense ; to bend up and over. next less than a pauku.
Ki-o-PE, v. See Oora, lame. To be lame 2. A cultivated patch of ground, a gar-
in the legs; to limp. See Kaopa. den, a potato patch, a field, a small farm,
Ki-o-po-1, s. Kio and poi, food. A poi &c., belonging to the people in distinction
calabash. from the chief’s, which was called koele.
Ki-o-weE-a, s. See KiogEa. 3. A particular department in business
or office. Nore.—Formerly the ceremonies
Ki-o-wal, s. Kzo, collection, and wai, of religion were divided into several de-
water. A collection of water; a puddle; partments ; it was the business of one to
standing water. keep the altar in order, of another to offer
2. A place of pouring out water; a water the sacrifice, &c.; these different depart-
sluice. Kin. 7:11. ments or offices were called kihapais.
3. Afountain. Mel. Sol. 4:12. Syn. with
punawai. KI-HA-WA-HI-NE, s. The name of the
K1-o-wa-o, s. The name of the mist or lizard god ; it was classed among the poe
akuanoho. It is said to have been applied
cloud almost always settled on the hills of also to certain fish, the hilu and others.
Kr-u, v. To spy; to act the part of a Ki-He, v. See Kraa. Tosneeze. 2 Nai.
spy by watching another’s conduct or move- 4:35. To snore; to breathe hard.
ments ; e kiu malu, to spy secretly. 2. To have the nose filled with mucus.
2. To spy out, as a country. Dunk. 18:2. 3. To dive down, as the bow of a vessel
3. To look at with mischievous intent. in a heavy sea.
4. To dive, as one dives under the surf;
Ki-u, s. A spy. Kin. 42:9. I kou hoi to roll or dive, as a porpoise.
ana, ea, mai hoolike ia oe me na kiu; hoo- Ki-He, v. See Kiag, to wilt. To fade;
una mai la oia i poe fiu, he sent forward a to wilt, as a plant.
company of spies; ki mai ua poe kanaka 2. To be weak ; to faint, as a person.
kiu Jai ka lakou pu, that company of spy- 3. To become a demi-god.
men fired their guns.
2. A hook; a fish-hook. Ki-HEE, v. To blow; to blow or strike
3. The name of a strong wind at Honua- upon, as the wind.
ula, Maui, occasioned by the trades break- 2. To wheeze; to cough up phlegm; e
ing over the mountains. kunu me ka hookahe ana i ka hupe.
4. The north-west wind at Hana, Kaupo, Ki-nE1, s. Name of the garment for-
_&e., and very similar to a hoolua. merly worn by Hawaiian men; a loose
Ki-u-Hoo-Pu-Lu, v. Kiu, to spy, and garment of kapa thrown over one shoulder
hoopulu, to flatter ;to deceive by flattery. and tied in a knot; it was thrown off at
To act with cunning in order to entrap one; work.
e hana maalea e punihei ai. Ki-HE-HE, v. To be or become deified;
Ki-u-Hoo-pu-Lu, s. The business or ac- to pass or live invisibly in the air.
tion of a person sent as a spy; cunning Ki-HE-KI-HE, v. See Kine. To pant or
practice. struggle for breath ;to cough severely.
K1-HeE-LE, v. To scratch or tear, as briers magistrate in applying the law to trans-
or anything crooked. gressors.
K1-He-LE1, v. See Hetet. To stand with Ki-Ka-o-La, s. Ki (Eng.), key, and ka-
the legs spread apart; to straddle. See ola, a bar or cross-beam. The bar of a city
KUKTHELEL gate. Jer. 51:30. :
Ki-HE-NE, s. A bundle, as of potatoes Ki-xav, v. To give freely; to bestow
done up for carrying. , favors upon others with good will.
Kr-u1, s. The outside corner or projec- Ki-xa-Ha, adv. Passing by a former
tion of a thing. in. 47:21. The apex of friend ; not recognizing one with whom he
an angle. was formerly acquainted; e wawau, e hele
2. The edge of a garment. loa ma ke alanui, e aloha ole.
3. The border or outstde of a land or Ki-Ka-KA-HA, v. See Kaxa,v. To pitch
country. Oihk. 19:9. into ; to dash against; to rush together,as
4. The extremity of a thing; ke kihi o two cocks when fighting.
ka pepeiao, the tip of the ear. Oihk. 8:23. Ki-ka-ka-La, v. To spur; to strike with
Ke kihi 0 ka aahu, the border of a garment. the spurs, as fighting-cocks.
Nah. 15:38. The corner, as of a board; 2. In fishing for squid, to draw up with
the sharp point of a leaf. a hook.
5. The commencement of evening, when Ki-xa-La, s. The hollow of the back be-
darkness begins ; as, ke kihi o ka po. See
Kav 6. tween the hips.
2. The name of the bone called coccyx.
Ki-u1, s. The name of a variety of sweet ize The hip; ke kikala ame kauha. Lunk.
potatoes, the ancient potato of Hawaii;
uala paa. 4, The buttocks; the posteriors. 2 Sam.
Ki-u1-Kau, v. ‘To give lavishly and until 10:4,
all is gone; i ke kihikau au,a ua pau. See Ki-Ka-La-pal, s. The hips of a person
KAHIAU. sunk, not well formed ; papai, pananai.
Kr-u1-xi-u1, v. To bend, as a curved Ki-xa-ma, s. The white kapa made from
surface; to hollow out, as sails in the wind. the wauke.
2. To branch off from the main body. Ki-xa-mu, v. Persons for a time socia-
Ki-H1-K1-H1, s. The curving of the horns ble, then to sit silent for some cause.
of the moon; that is, the extremities are 2. The gathering of small fish around a
the kihikihi. baited hook, but do not bite.
2. The curve of the wings of a bird. Ki-xa-Ka-pu, s. Name of a species of
3. The broad part of an ancient cocked fish, white and round, with black spots.
up hat, as the brim was turned up and
made sharp corners; ua kihikihi ke poo, KI-KA-NA-LEI, v. To squat on one’s feet.
curved are their heads, viz.: the officers of 2. To stop or stay for a short time.
Captain Cook’s ships with their cocked hats Ki-xe, v. To break or strike, as with a
on. hammer ; to break, as a stone; to crack,
K1-n1-x1-1, s. The name of a species as a nut upon a stone.
of fish. 2. To speak by turns, as in a dialogue.
Ki-u1-Loa, adj. Crooked; blundering; 5. To divide into two or more equal parts.
wandering, &c. 4. To reason; to confer together. Isa.
Ki-H1-mo-E, s. Name of a puu kapu in cE,
playing the game of noa. Ki-ke, v. To sneeze. See Kine.
Kt-HI-Po-HI-wi, s. Avh2, corner, and po- KI-KEE-KEE, v. See Kez and KEEKEE.
hiwi, shoulder. Generally used as synon- To crook; to bend; to move crookedly.
ymous with pohiwi, the shoulder, but really KI-KEE-KEE, adj. Crooked ; zigzag, as
the corners, points or sides of the shoul- a path; he kikeekee ke ala; not straight.
ders. 2. In a moral sense, wrong ; perverted;
Ki-n1-pu-Ka, s. Name of one of the five erroneous; mai hele oe ma ke ala kikeekee
puu kapus in playing the game of noa. o ka aina o kaua, o kuia auanei oe a hina;
aka, e hele oe ma ke ala pololei, go not in
Kr-Ho-£, v. To shift from place to place. the crooked path of our land, lest ere long
Ki-no-to, s. The name of a large kind you stumble and fall, but go in the straight
of hook formerly made of wood, used to path.
catch the shark and other large fish. 3. Kikeelkee is the opposite of pololei.
Ki-Ho-nu-a, s. The side or bank of a Ki-KEE-KEE, s. A winding or crooked
water-course. path.
Kr-Ka, adj. Strong; energetic, as a K1-KE-KE’, v. See Kixe, to break. To
knock, as at a door for entrance. Iunk.| Ki-x1-a-Lo, v. To move quickly ; wb
19:22. hasten ; to be in a hurry.
2. To strike frequently upon, as in crack- 3. To catch fish in a net.
ing a nut. Ki-xu, v. See Ku. To slumber.
Ki-KE-NE-NEI, v. See Neiner. To draw 2. To touch or strike softly.
in; to contract. 3. To move quickly, gently or softly.
2. To draw or lift up; to throw or cast K1-x1-0, v. See Kio. To void stool; to
up ; to put upon something. discharge feces.
K1-kE-NE-NEI, adj. Too short; changing K1-x1-n1, adj. See Krnt. Having corners
one’s place. like a cocked up hat; ua kapaia’ku e ma-
Ki-xe-pa, v. To fix or place a thing in kou, 0 ka papale he poo kikihi; anything
a one-sided manner; to lean over on one having many corners; aole like me ke poo
side ; to cover one side of the head. kikihi a Kane; he poo kikihi, a half-mooned,
Ki-xE-pA, s. The hair of the head turned cocked up or military hat.
over one side as though the head was one- K1-xr-n1, s. A sailing about in a canoe
sided ; a sash over one shoulder. with a sail, or walking about quickly.
Ki-KE-PA-KE-PA, v. See the above. To 2. The brim of a broad-brimmed hat
put on a dress irregularly; to dress fantas- turned up.
tically. Ki-x1-u1, s. A door frame.
2. To cut the hair of the head fantastic- zs The side posts of a door; the door it-
ally. self.
3. To adorn the person differently from Ki-x1-x1, adj. Very hot; oppressively
the fashion. hot, as a tight room filled with people ; ki-
4. To disfigure one’s self, as in ancient kiki ka wela a ka la.
times when a chief died, the people knocked
_ out their teeth, lacerated their bodies, &c. K1-xr-Ko, v. See Kixo, to make a point,
Ki-x1, v. A frequentative and intensive dot, &c. To print; to tattoo the skin; to
make marks or letters on the skin.
of ki, to shoot or squirt. To spurt, as water
pressed through a small orifice. Ki-x1-xo, adj. Dotted; spotted, as on
2. To eject black matter, as the squid. paper, kapa or the skin.
3. To practice masturbation. Ki-x1-Lo, s. Some place or thing afar
4. To flow swiftly, as water from the bot- off. See Oxo.
tom of a full barrel. Ki-x1-Lo, adv. Afar off; at a great dis-
5. To do a thing with vehemence; to run
very swiftly ; to fly furiously at, as one
cock at another, or as a hen in defense of K1-xi-mo, v. See Kimo. To bow or bend
her young. Nore.— Kiki is used as an in- over the head in front; to fall, as the head
Lara adverb in various senses. See be- in front when one is going to sleep in a sit-
ow. ting posture ; to nod with drowsiness.
Ki-x1, v. To paint the face or hair white Ki-x1-na, v. Intensive of kina, to urge,
with lime or with clay (palolo.) drive, &c. To send with speed.
Ki-x1, s. Bundles done up for carrying 2. To hurry one in doing a thing.
on a stick, of which a man carries two. 3. To act as if in anger.
2. A rough kind of basket. 4. Hoo. To command with earnestness;
3. The rushing or striking of a cock with to compel or drive one to do a thing; to
his spurs ; also, the action of a hen in de- hasten; to urge on that a thing may be
fense of her chickens. done quickly. Pule. 11:1. Hookikina aku
4. Theswinging or slamming of the door no lakou i na kanaka, they hurried on the
of a house. men (to work.)
5. The leaves used in tying up bundles Ki-x1-na, s. A hurrying time or season ;
of potatoes or other things. kokoke pau ke kicina nui ma Honolulu
6. The name of a bird, usually caught nei, kawalawala loa na moku i koe iloko o
with a net. ke awa. Hoo. Hard driving or urging peo-
Ki-x1, adv. Quickly; suddenly; vio- ple to do anything; 0 ka hookikina ana
lently; ina hurry. Jos.7:22. Nore.— Kiki paha ka mea 1 make ai, the severe driving,
_is often used as adverb of intensity after perhaps, was the cause of his death.
verbs of action or condition, and signifies Ki-xr-pa, v. See Kirra, to turn aside.
very, exceedingly, &c.; as, holo kiki, he To turn in, i. e., to call upon one.
ran swiftly; paa kiki, very tight; hele kiki 2. To go frequently or often to a neigh-
aku la,i ike ole o Papa ia ia, he went hastily bor’s.
that Papa might not see him. 3. To make a circuit to avoid one.
Kr-xr-ao, s. A sudden gust of wind; a 4. To turn aside from a straight road, or
squall ; a strong wind. from one’s regular business.
Kr-x1-w1, v. See Krw1, to bend. To bend put together confusedly; to fill a container
or bow the head ; to nod from drowsiness. without any order. .
2. To bend over; to bow down. Ki-Ko-o-La, adj. Carelessly performed ;
3. To be very faint and weary from hard entangled ; topsy-turvy ; mixed together
fatigue. confusedly.
K1-x1-wi, adj. Bent and rounded at the Ki-Ko-Hoo-MA-HA, s. Kiko, point, and
point like a duck’s bill. hoomaha, causing rest. The name of the
Kr-xo, v. To reach after; to stretch out points or characters used in writing which
the hand to take a thing. indicate pauses or rests for the voice in
2. To pluck; to pull off, as fruit from a reading, as comma, semicolon, period, &e.
tree. Ki-xo-Hu, v. See Kouv. To spot; to
3. To pick up, as a fowl does its food. make a spot with coloring matter.
4. To peck or break the shell, as a chicken Ki-Ko-Hu-Ko-HU, v. See above and Kouv.
in hatching. To daub; to dirty; to defile, as a clean
5. To mark on a roll opposite one’s name garment; to spot; to make unclean; to
for absence. spatter, as ink in writing.
K1-Ko, s. A small spot, dot or point. Ki-ko-Hu-ko-Hu, s. A dirty place on a
2. A spot on the skin. garment; defilement; spots of impurity.
3. The figure marked on the skin in tat- Fig. 2 Pet. 2:13. A blemish; an imperfec-
tooing. tion. Syn. with palahee.
4. The general name given by Hawaiians Ki-xo-Ka-HI, s. Kiko and kahi, one; one
to the marks used in punctuation.
5. The dot or mark made as a sign of point. A period; a pause in reading.
absence in a school roll. Ki-ko-Ka-LA, s. Kiko, point, and ka da,
6. The cock of a pistol. the sun. The spot or place of the sun;
Ki-Ko, adj. Striped; spotted; speckled. near the time of the sun’s rising.
Kr-xo-a, v. Pass. for kikota. Gram. § K1-Ko-x1-ko, v. To nibble, as fish at the
211. To be picked up; to be marked, &c. bait.
Mat.13:4. Kikoa na lae o na kane ame na K1-Ko-xi-Ko, adj. Spotted; speckled; of
wahine, the foreheads of men and women different colors. Kin. 30:39. Striped; hav-
were marked or dotted. ing spots of different colors.
Ki-xo-1, v. To doa little here and there; Ki-Ko-k1-Ko-1, v. See Kixor. To skip
to hip-skip ; to do things irregularly. about, as in working in one place and then
_ 2. To be bold; to reprove indiscrimi- in another; applied to reading or teaching
nately. the alphabet, to read skipping about; ku-
3. To interrupt the attention of a hearer. hikuhi lelele, to point here and there.
4, To supersede ; to forestall. K1-Ko-xk1-Ko-1, adj. Here and there ; ir-
Ki-koo, v. See Kixo. To stretch out the regular ; hip-skip, &e.
hand to take something, or to do something. Ki-xo-xo-ma, s. Kiko, point, and koma
Puk. 17:11. } (Eng.), comma. A semicolon, a sign of a
2. To stretch or spread out the wings, as pause in reading. See KrkonoomaHa.
a bird about to fly.
3. To extend the hand in making a ges-
Ki-xo-La, v. Contraction of kikoola. To
ture. place together in confusion ; to huddle to-
4. Kikoo for kakoo, to gird; to tie on; to gether without order.
strengthen. Hal. 18:32. Ki-xo-La, adj. Mixed up; entangled;
K1-Koo, s. An arm or weapon of some without order.
kind; a bow. 1 Sam. 2:4. He kaka, he Ki-xo-Lu-Ko, adj. Kiko, a dot, and luko.
mea e pana’i ka pua; a bow, a thing to Spotted ; speckled ; dotted.
shoot arrows. Ki-Ko-mog, s. K2koand moe, to lie down.
2. A span; ameasure made by the thumb A hyphen (-), the name of one of the points
and fore finger. Oihl. 41:5. Aha kikoo i in written or printed language.
koe o ko ia la maikai ia ia nei, that person Ki-xo-n1, v. To smooth off and finish
is four points less handsome than this.
3. A line across the are of a circle; the a canoe after it is dug out.
chord of an arc. Anahon. 23. 2. To prepare and make soft the wauki
4. The bent bow was called kikoo in for making kapa; ka wauki i kikoniia a
shooting; kikoo kakaka,a bow. Hos. 2:20. palupalu maikai.
3. To pierce or lance a swelling on the
Ki-Koo-Koo, v. To reach as far as one head.
can for a thing; to stand on tip-toe and 4. To rap one gently on the forehead, as
reach as high as one can. with the knuckles of the hand.
Ki-xo-o-La, v. To huddle together; to Ki-xo-n1, s. The art or trade of finish-
ing off canoes after they are dug out and| Kr-ri1-nav, v. To fall gently, as a soft
shaped. shower ; to diminish, as the termination of
Ki-xo-n1-a, s. The stork. Kanl. 14:18. a shower.
The name of an unclean bird. 2. To be meek; to be mild; to act gently.
Ki-Ko-n1-ko-nI, adj. Having hard lumps 3. To eat modestly and but little. See
on the head ; ke kikonikoni ana i ke poo. Kika.
Ki-xo-ni-nav, s. K2ko, point, and nznau, KI-LI-HE-HE, v. To sneeze; to snore; to
question. The name of the interrogation breathe hard. See Kine.
point (?.) Ki-ti-Hu-na, v. To be scattered into
Ki-ko-pu-I-wa, s. Kiko, point, and pu- small pieces like fine rain. See LeLenuna.
iwa, surprise. The name of the point ex- Kr-ui-xa, v. ‘To fall in few drops, as
pressing surprise or wonder (!.) rain ; to decrease, as rain; to grow small.
Ki-Ko-wakE-NnA, s. Kiko, point, and wa- 2. To eat sparingly. See Kiumav 3.
ena, the middle. The center of a circle. Ki-1i-Ka, s. Eng. Silk. Sol. 31:22.
Anahon. 22. Kr-ui-Ka, adj. Silken; lole kéilika, silk
Ki-La, adj. Strong; stout; able. cloth.
Kr-ta, s. Eng. Steel; a flint-steel for Ki-ui-Kaa, v. See Kizixa above. To
striking fire. diminish or to be near ceasing, as rain.
2. A general name for chisels; ka hao Ki-LI-KI-LI-HAu, v. See Kitinav. To
ma ka maka o ke koi, the iron at the edge fall, as mist or fine rain; to sprinkle slightly,
of the adze; ka hoaka o na kila o na hale as rain.
koa, the flashing of steel of the chariots. 2. To sprinkle, as a little salt; aole ua,
Nah. 2:3. : ke kilikilihau wale mai la no.
Ki-La-Ha, s. See Lana, to spread out. 3. To blow gently, as the wind; kilikili-
An enlarging ; a swelling up; ke kilaha o hau ka makani. :
ka opu. K1-L1-KI-LI-Hav, adj. Diminishing; soft-
Ki-La-kr-La, v. Kilakila ia e ku mai la, ening ; ceasing.
long may she (Laieikawai) stand there, as KI-LI-KI-LI-HU-NA, s. See Huna, smal]
we say, long live the king. To express ad- particles of dust, rain, &c. Syn. with the
miration of one’s person. Laieik. 165. foregoing. A small particle of dust, fine
Ki-La-kr-La, adj. Great; long; strong; rain, &c.
stout; brave; applied to a person. Ki-11-pol-pol, v. To strike the hollow
Kr-1a-ki-La, s. Height; grandeur; mag- hands together, causing a sound.
nificence ; applied to a mountain. Kr-Lo, v. To look earnestly at a thing.
Ki-LE-a, s. The name of a small but 2. To look at and watch the stars.
prominent hill; ahillock; mai pii au i puu 3. To prognosticate events by looking at
kilea, i ka hoolehelehe. a stars; to foretell what the weather will
Kr-tE-0, s. The pistil of the flowers of 4. To act as a sorcerer.
plants. 5. To be or act as a judge between man
2. The palate of the human mouth. Job. and man.
34:3. He ike akuika pu i kani no i ke
kileo. Ki-Lo, s. A star-gazer; o ka mea nana
3. The roof of the mouth. Job. 29:10. lani, he kilo lani no ia.
4, The stopper of the lungs. 2. A predictor of future events from the
5. The trigger of a gun. observation of the stars, from the barking
of dogs, the crowing of cocks, &e.
Ki-Le-pa, v. See Lepa, a small flag. 3. Anastrologer; a magician. Kin. 41:8.
To float in the wind, as a kapa or a piece A soothsayer ; an enchanter. Kanl. 18:10.
of cloth fastened to a stick. 4. A judge; a prophet; o Kahiko ke alii
KI-LE-PA-LE-PA, v. See Kirepa, KAre- pono, a akamai ia, he kahuna ame ke kilo,
PALEPA and Lepa. To flap or flutter in the Kahiko was a good king, he was wise, he
wind, as an ensign or flag; to flap in the was a priest and a prophet.
wind, as a sail. Ki-Lo, s. A kind of looking-glass.
Ki-LE-pA-LE-pa, s. The fluttering or Ki-to-14, v. Ado, to look at, and za,
floating of a flag or colors. Laieik. 26. fish. To look as a fisherman looks into the
Kr-u1, v. To rain fine rain; to rain but water for fish; heaha kana e hana la? e
little ; to wet. kiloia ana.
Ki-u1, s. A kind of shrub or grass. Kr-Lo, adv. Used sometimes improperly
Kt-u1-0-0-pu, s. Name of a species of for lilo; inka kilo for iuka lilo.
_ grass. Laieik. 192. Ki-Lov, s. See Lou, to bend, A hook.
2. Name of a wind at Waihee, Maui. 2 Oihl. 4:16.
Ki-Lou, v. To hook; to fasten on to, as| K1-Lo-MA-KA-NI, 8. Kilo and makani,
with a hook; to catch with a hook; to take wind. One who prognosticates the future
fish with a hook. Hzek. 29:4. by observing the winds.
Ki-tov, s. A still, quiet place; a place |Ki-Lo-wa-ni-ne, s. Azlo and wahine, a
of no noise ; a place favorable for sleep. woman. <A prophetess ; a sorceress. Isa.
Ki-Lo-Ha-na, s. The outside kapa of a 57:3.
pa-u, which was of the best material and Ki-tu, s. The name of a small gourd
the most beautifully printed. or calabash for putting in small, choice
2, The very best as contrasted with that things.
which was poorer; ka mea maikai loa i 2. A kind of small gourd used at play;
buipuia me na mea ino. o ke kilu, he ipu no ia i kalai kapakahi ia
3. A hillock or heap of stones used as a ma kahi o ke au; a game attended with
resting place ; he puu hoomaha. — gambling and licentiousness.
Ki-to-Ha-NA, adj. Fine; beautiful; ex- 3. The name of the play itself; he paani
cellent ; best. ; ino o ke kilu ika po. Laieik. 114. Oke
Ki-Lo-HEE, s. Squid looking ; name of kilu ka mea e olioli ai na mea akamai i ke
mele. Nore.—Kilu was a play for grown
a place in the sea beyond the kuaau and
people, puheoheo for children. See PunKo-
synonymous with hohonu, a place where HEO.
fishermen look for squid.
K1-Lo-H1, v. To look at one’s self, his Ki-tv, v. To play at the pastime called
kilu; ama ka wa e kilw ai.
person, his features, his dress, &c., with ad-
miration; to be proud of one’s dress or Ki-Lu-a, s. See Lua, double; deceitful.
person. A liar ; a deceiver; a falsifier.
2. To act with self-complacency. 2. In the abstract,a lie; a deceit; a false-
3. To be vain; to exhibit vanity in any hood.
way. Ki-mE-BA-LA, s. Gr. A cymbal. 2 Sam.
4. To scrutinize, as one’s character; to 6:5.
examine ; to observe. Ki-mo, v. To strike, as with a stone, a
Ki-Lo-n1, s. Pride; vanity; a high opin- stick or a sword ; to thrust with a stick.
ion of one’s self. _ 2. To pound, bruise or mash, as in pound-
Ki-Lo-n1, adj. Proud; self-opinionated. ing poi.
K1-Lo-kI-Lo, v. See Kino. To act the 3. To seize something while in motion.
4. To go headlong or headfirst, as down
kilo, i. e., to tell fortunes by magic; to act
a pali; kimo e mai ke poo a make loa.
the sorcerer.
2. To examine carefully. 5. To strike, as with a stick in choosing
3. To guess concerning future events; to
the puu in playing at puhenehene where
the noa is.
predict; to tell before hand what the
6. To bend over or forward, as in mak-
weather will be. Mat.16:3. E koho honua
wale no me ka manao wahahee.
ing a bow.
7. To nod, as with drowsiness.
Ki-Lo-x1-Lo, s. A guessing at the future; Ki-mo, s. ‘he name of a former game
a predicting ; a watching the singular ap- or play, described as follows: ka pai ana
pearance of clouds. i kekahi pohaku me ka hoolei ana i ka po-
2. An enchantment. Nah. 23:23. <A di- haku liilii iluna me ka apo anae me ka po-
viner. 1 Sam. 6:2. haku nui me ka lima i kekahi pohaku uuku.
Ki-to-k1-Lo, adj. Practicing enchant- 2. Name of a play for children.
ment; divining; fortune telling. Ki-mo-k1-mo, v. To hew, shave or smooth
K1-Lo-KI-Lo-U-HA-NE, S. Kilo and uhane, off the inside of a canoe. Notr.—This was
the spirit. To foretell the condition of done with a koi or small adze, with many
one’s soul as being safe or near death, as repeated strokes.
living or as about to suffer; a species of 2. To pound up fish for bait in taking
necromancy based upon falsehood, much other fish.
practiced in former times. Ki-mo-mo, v. See Kimo, to strike. To
Ki-Lo-KI-LO-HO-KU, s. See KinoxiLo and strike ;to pound; to bruise; to break, &ec,
Hoxu,a star. An astrologer; a star-gazer. Ki-mo-po, v. Kimo, to strike, and po,
KI-Lo-KI-Lo-LA-NI, s. See Kinovani. An night. To kill in the dark; to assassinate;
astrologer. Dan. 2:27. to rob in the night; to lie in wait to kill;
Ki-Lo-La-nt, s. Kelo and lanz, heaven. to do a thing in the dark and in secret; a
One who looks at the stars; a star-gazer ; po iho, kimopo iho la na kanaka, during
an astrologer. Jsa. 47:13. One who pre- that night men committed assassinations.
tends to predict the future by watching the |K1-mo-po, s. Secret rebellions; assassin-
stars. ations.
cI KIN i 279 I
2. He poe kimo, assassins; persons of re-| K1-NE-MO-NA, S. Eng. Cinnamon, the
bellious disposition. odoriferous bark of a tree. Mel. Sol. 4:14.
3. Night robbers and plunderers; maka Kr-n1, s. The number 40,000.
papu (ma Kanai) ke kimopo ana. 2. Any number indefinitely great.
Ki-mo-poo, v. See Kimo 6 and Poo, the 3. A retinue of persons; a train follow-
head. To bow down; to bend the head ing a chief, as in former times. 1 Nal. 10:2.
forward ; e kulou ilalo mamua ke poo. 4. Kinsfolks; relations, &c.
Ki-na, v. To drive on; to urge; to op- 5. Eng. Tin; as, pa kini, a tin plate; so
press. written instead of pa tini.
2. Hoo. To command; to order; to urge K1-n1, s. Hawaiian orthography for ginz,
strongly. See Kixra. gin, a distilled foreign intoxicating liquor.
Ki-wa, s. A blemish, as in a person or Ki-ni-Ho-Lo, s. Kini and holo, to run.
body of an animal. Kanl. 15:21. The name of a particular game of ball,
2. Sin; error; wickedness; Jefna ole, similar to base ball.
without fault; sinless. Ki-n1-x1-n1, s. A multitude ; a number
3. Any troublesome untoward event or indefinitely large. Hal. 139:18.
circumstance that prevents the realization
of one’s hopes; ma na aina kula he hoo- K1-n1-K1-N1, adj. Numerous; multitudi-
manawa nui ka hana no na kina, he poko, nous; very many; me he hale puka kini-
he la, he hauoki, he pulua ame kahi mau kini la, like a house with many windows.
kina e ae. Ki-n1-k1-NI-puu, s. The name of many
Ki-wa, adj. Sinful; wicked ; bad; er- puus or hillocks standing near each other.
roneous ; defiled. See OLOWALUPUU.
2. Having a blemish, as an animal; hipa Ki-n1-Lau, s. Name of a multitude or
kane kina ole. a ram unblemished. school of fish in the sea.
Ki-na, adv. Hoo. An intensive. Bad; Ki-n1-po-po, v. Kini and popo, a glob-
much; very. Isa. 23:5. ular substance. To play at ball in the
Ki-nar, v. To quench; to extinguish, various different games.
as fire. Oihk. 6:12. Ki-nr-po-po, s. Playing at ball; a gen-
2. To put out a light; ua kinai loa ia ka eral term for all the games of ball-playing.
malamalama. Ki-no, s.. The body of a person or other
3. To extinguish, as life; to kill by stran- substance as distinguished from the limbs
gling, striking or piercing, as 00 keiki. or other appendages.
4. To make bitter with bitter ingredients. 2. The body of a person in distinction
5. To kill by poisonous medicines. from uhane, the soul; okoa ke kino, okoa
Ki-nar-na, s. Kinai and ana. The put- ka uhane.
ting out of life ; the end of life. 3. A person; an individual ; one’s self;
2. The end of a road, or where it van- kuhi oia me kona kino iho,he thought with
ishes. himself.
3. A mourning for the life, or loss of one 4. The body ; the substance ; the prin-
dead. cipal part of a thing; he keokeo ke kino o
Ki-nau, s. Name of a species of fish. ko’u Kapa.
2. The name of a god. 5. A stalk of grass; the body of a tree ;
3. The name of a species of a small white that which is the substantial part of mat-
eel living in the sand. ter. See Orwt.
6. In grammar, person; as, kino kahi,
Ki-nau-nau, v. To grumble secretly; first person ; kino lua, &e.
‘to complain to one’s self on account of not
having one’s expectations realized. Ki-no, v. Hoo. To take a body; to take
2. To scold; to threaten; to breathe ven- shape; to embody, as a shapeless mass;
geance. hookino ka honua, the earth took shape
3. To be full of evil; to be internally vile. (from chaos.) Mel. of Creation.
4. To complain of another; to find fault. Ki-No-A-KA-LAU, s. Kino and akalau, a
Ki-Na-kKI-NA, v. See Kina 2. To call to spirit or ghost. The spirit or ghost of a
one in anger; to call loudly after one ; to person not yet dead. See Warva, AKALAU
hurry one. and Krnowaitua. Notre.—There were per-
Ki-na-na, s. A hen, especially one that sons formerly, mostly priests, who pre-
has hatched chickens. tended to see the ghosts or souls or spirits
of others while still living, and would in-
KI-NA-NA-HA-LE, s. A house; a resi- form the living persons that they had seen
dence for people; especially a crooked- their spirits, and that it was a sign of some
sided house. _ great calamity about to befall them; this
Ki-na-Na-PE, adj. Crammed full; filled; the priests did to extort something valua-
stuffed, as with food. ble from them. I aku la kela (ke kahuna),
ua ike au, he hele ino ana kou kinoakalau, K1-PAE-PAE, S$. Stone steps for entering
he (the priest) said, I have seen your spirit a house. ’
going about in sadness; i aku la au, heaha 2. A pavement. 2 Oihl.7:3. See PAEPAE
ka pono? I said, what is proper to be done? and Kiparpat.
{ aku la kela, he ilio keokeo paha, he kapa Kr-pal, v. To drive off or expel, as dogs
keokeo, he hee, he kala, he weke, he (the
or chickens belonging to others; ke kipai
priest) said, a white dog perhaps, or a white
anaika mea e hoomalu ana i kana mau
kapa, or a squid, or a kala (a fish), or a keiki.
weke (also a fish.) One or more of these
was required by the priest that he might Ki-pat, s. The driving away or expul-
appease the ghost, and escape death. sion of animals that do not belong to one.
K1-no-HI, s. The beginning; the first Ki-par-pal, s. See Kiparpar. A pave-
ment, i. e., a road paved with stones, fern
Ki-no-Hov, § of a series. trunks or the like. See Krpapa.
2. Primitive ; the first in time.
3. The beginning of the world. Ki-par-pal, v. To pave a road, as with
4, The name of the first book of the Bible, stones or other materials.
Genesis, from the first word. Nors.—Ki- Ki-pao-pao, v. See Paopao. To strike;
nohi never takes the article. to pound, as with a hammer; to beat; to
Ki-no-novu, adv. At first; before. 1 Nad. bruise.
2. To pelt with stones. See Krpopo.
KI-No-HI-No-HI, adj. Printed, as calico; Ki-pa-ku, v. To drive away forcibly; to
expel or turn out of a house or place of
spotted ; kikokiko, onio. residence. Kin. 3:23.
Ki-No-MA-KE, 5. Kino and make, dead. 2. To put away, as a wife. Mat. 1:19.
A dead body. Oihk. 5:2. A corpse of a To cast out; to turn off. Joan. 6:37.
man or animal. See Kupapau. 3. To put away, as property unlawfully
Ki-no-pu, s. The effluvia or smell or obtained. os. 7:31.
strong scent of tobacco; o ka poe a pau i Ki-pa-ku, s. A banishment; an expul-
lawe i ke kinopu, ua okiia ka lakou mau sion.
ipu. Ki-pa-La-LE, s. A rushing; a hurry; a
Ki-no-wal-Lu-a, s. (ino and wailua, a rapid flow, as a swollen stream of water;
ghost. A poetical name for a spirit or ina kipalale a na waiahulu, by the rushing
ghost of one seen while living, distinct from of muddy water.
and in a different place from his body. See Ki-pa-La-LE, adj. See Lats, to hurry.
KinoaKALAu and Kakaona. What is done quickly and expeditiously;
Ki-no-rA, s. Heb. Name of a musical ka hana me ka ikaika, me ka hele alualu
ame ka hele kipalale ; what is swollen and
instrument. Hal. 57:8. enlarged, as a rushing stream.
Ki-pa, v. To turn from the direct path. Ki-pa-pa, v. To pave; to lay a pave-
2. To turn in and lodge; to put up or ment of stones. Mel. Sol. 3:10. See Kipar-
stay with one. Kin. 38:1. PAE and KIpArpat.
3. With ae, to turn from. Kanl. 28:14. 2. To balance on the top of the surf; to
To turn aside. Puk. 3:3. turn sideways, as on a surf-board in the
4. To stay ; to abide; to live; to dwell. surf.
2 Sam. 14:24. To dwell in a certain place; 3. To be thick together.
to go and come with familiarity at one’s 4, To lay with flat stones or boards, as
house; e hookanaka ia kaua o kipa hewa a road or bridge.
ke aloha i ka ilio,i ka huelo ka ike; akipa 5. To protect and support when another
ina hale o Keopuolani, they staid in the condemns.
houses of Keopuolani.
5. To water land artificially, directing Ki-pa-pa, s. The topping off of a wall;
the streams here and there. the filling up of a hole with stones.
6. Hoo. To receive into one’s house; to 2. Kipapa pohaku, a pavement.
lodge; to entertain, as a guest; to receive 3. A back-load of anything ; a burden;
morally. oan. 1:5. same as haawe.
7. To be a lodger or guest at another’s Ki-pa-pau, v. To descend from a high
house. place to a place below.
Ki-pa, s. Kindness; hospitality; access KI-PA-PA-LA-LE, s. See KapaLaLte. A
to one. balancing of two heavy burdens on a stick
2. Hoo. An entrance upon any business. that they may be easy to carry.
3. The name of a medicine given to mad-
men; same as pipa. Ki-pa-pa-Po-HA-ku, s. Kipapa and po-
be astone. A stone pavement. Joan.
Kr-pa, adj. Friendly; kind; hospitable. 9:13.
KIP 281 Kip
Ki-pa-wa-LE, v. Kipa and wale, gratu- 4. To dig and hill up, as in hoeing pota-
itously. To go and sit unbidden in an- toes ; to dig a hole.
other’s house. 5. Hoo. To gather together for rebellion.
2. To enter another’s premises with dis- Isa. 54:15.
honest intentions. K1-p1-K1-P1, s. Commotion; tumult, as.
3. To seize and take another’s property. people in a state of revolt; he poe kipikipi,
Ki-pa-wa-Le, s. The coming upon and rebels.
taking another’s property without right. 2. A striker; a boxer; one given to
2. The name of a species of sweet potato. striking. 1 Tim. 3:3.
Ki-pz, v. To bribe; to offer secretly a Ki-pi-xi-p1, adj. Rebellious; acting in
frequent rebellions.
reward for some wrong doing; to give
something secretly to screen one from jus- K1-pi-Ku-a, s. The Hawaiian name for
tice ;e haawi malu i ka waiwai i mea e pickaxe.
pakele ai. Ki-po, v. To break; to break open, as
Ki-re, v. Tostone; to pelt with stones; a box or chest; e hoonaha, e wawahi;
to pelt or strike, as hail or rain in a storm. alaila, kipo iho lai ka pabu i ka pohaku.
Ki-pz, s. A reward; an inducement to K1-po-1-po-1, adj. Concealing one’s own
errors; hiding one’s own faults; kanaka
do what otherwise one would not do be- wahine i ka awa kipoipoi.
cause evil ; a bribe; a gift. Kanl. 10:17.
2. Property given to screen from punish- Ki-pou, v. See Pou, post of a house set
ment; he waiwai e haawi malu ia e pakele in the ground. To drive down, as a stake
ai ka hihia ma ke kanawai, 0 lilo i ka hoo- in the ground.
hewaia. 2. To stand leaning, as the post of a
3. One who practices bribery. Job. 15:34. thatched house ; to bend over.
Kr-pe, adj. Tending to bribery; in- Ki-po-La, v. See Porta. To warm, asa
sick person in order to favor the operation
ducing one to commit bribery. Puk. 23:8. of medicine.
Ki-PEa, v. See Pea. Tocross one 2. To wrap up a hen or turkey or fish in
KI-PEA-PEA, § stick with another; to build order to carry to market.
a shanty or temporary shed for a shelter, Ki-po-ta, s. The wrapper fastened
as from the rays of the sun; to erect a se- around any substance for carrying to mar-
cret place where one may hide. ket, as fowls, fish, &c.
Ki-pg-ni, v. See Pent, to pelt with Ki-po-La-Po-La, v. To warm a sick per-
stones. To throw clubs or stones; kipehi son; to apply whatever will tend to warm
aku la ia i ua wahi manu la, a pa aku la a sick person.
kona wawae a hai. See Kipr. K1-po-Lo, s. A prayer desiring the death
Ki-pe-pa, v. To bite or snatch, as with of an enemy ; he hua pule.
the teeth. Ki-po-na, s. Variable places in the sea,
Kr-p1, v. To resist lawful authority; to some calm, some ruffled ; hiki i na kipona
rebel ; to revolt. ino 0 Kohala.
2. To withhold allegiance ; kipi hou iho Ki-po-na, v. To be variable, as spots in
la o Kanekoa a kaua me Keoua. the sea ina calm. See Kiponapona.
3. To act contrary to one in authority. Ki-po-na-Po-nA, v. To be variegated, as
Kanl. 9:7. the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes rough;
4. Hoo. To stir up rebellion. e kiokioki e like me ke kai i kekahi ma-
5. To kill or murder one’s chief. nawa malie, e kipona.
Kr-p1, s. A rebel. Ki-po-po, v. See Kiro. To strike; to
2. Rebellion, opposition and resistance hit ; to break.
to lawful authority. Kanl. 31:27. Ki-po-pa, s. Heb. Name of an animal
3. A breaking up or overturning a gov- mentioned in Jsa. 14:23; the bittern or
ernment; he ku e, he pepebi a he mokua- porcupine.
Kr-p1, adj. Seditious; rebellious. Hoo. Ki-pu, v. To turn the paddle, as in set-
ting a canoe back; kipu iho la lakoui na
Rebellious ; exciting to rebellion. hoe, they turned back the paddles, that is,
Kr-p1, adv. Hoo. Rebelliously ; sedi- rowed backwards ; to turn away; ka hua-
tiously. Kanl. 13:6. huai ke kipu. Hoo. The same.
K1-P1-Ki-PI, v. Frequentative and inten- 2. To fold tightly around one, as a large
sive of kipi. To stir up sedition ; to fight. Kapa.
2. To excite to rebellion. 3. To keep back, as a shower appearing
3. To fight, as in a mele; e hakaka ma- to approach, but does not come.
luna, malalo, e — me ka inoino. Ki-puv-puv, s. The thought that arises
KIW- 282 KOA
in one’s mind when he hears that another} hipa, a ram’s horn. Jos. 6:5. Any hooked
has slandered or spoken evil of him; an| thing; a crooked horn; a sickle.
internal pain ; a disturbance of mind. 2. A pulling here and there, as a fish
Kr-pu-xa, s. A snare for taking birds.|_ caught with the hook in his mouth.
Kelkeah. 9:12. A sliding noose. Ki-wi, adj. Sideways; lateral.
2. Something variable; a change ; vari-| Ki-w-x1-w1, v. See Kiwt. To turn; to
ety. bend; to nod, &c. See Kaxrwi and Kixiwi.
3. An opening ; a calm place in a high| Hoo. To pull frequently at a hook with a
sea. ; fish on it; hopu mai la ke kanaka iwaho,
Ki-pu-ka-pu-KA, adj. Full of openings! _hookiwikiwi iho la, a hemo ae la.
or kipukas. Ki-pa, s. Heb. Cassia. Puk. 30:24.
Ki-pu-tu, v. To apply manure to the/ Ko, adj. pron. Contraction of kow. Thy;
soil to enrich it; to do to the ground what-| thine; of thee. Gram. § 132.
ever will cause vegetables to grow. Ko, prep. Of; the sign of possession or
2. Hoo. To cause to enrich, as the ground; property, answering often to the apos-
to manure. trephic s in English, thus: ko na, of him,
K1-pu-tu, s. Manure; dung, &c. 1 Nal.| of her, of it, that is, his, hers or its (seldom
14:10. however in the neuter); ko kakou, of us,
Ki-pu-tu, adj. Hoo. Enriching; mak-| that is, our, ours; ko lakou, of them, theirs,
ing fruitful; ka ua noe anu hookipulu lehua| &c. It has the same meaning as 0, but is
0 na pali. placed in another part of the sentence. Ko
K1-pu-nl1, Vv. To gird on; to wrap around, is used also before nouns proper and com-

as a coat or cloak around the body; e ki-; oni the om tif Sometimes ko and0
puni i ka aahu. are both used ; as, ko o nei poe kanaka, of,
2. Fic. Ekipuniia makou i kapono,ike| what belongs to the people here, or the
aloha, &c., we are encircled with righteous- 8ae ne ae as a noun of place. Gram.
ness, with love, &c. rae |Nan ;
Ki-pu-pu, v. See Kiev. To set an oar| Ko, v. To accomplish ; to fulfill; to
back little by little. bring to pass, as a promise or a prophecy.
ae ae Ivnk. 13:17. To fulfill, as an agreement;
litile. Peeeeee packike car litle by opposite
: to haule,
Se to fail. Jos. 23:14. To
3. To be hindered or impeded in some fulfill, sail threat ; to: be svenz Ter.
way. 5:29. To obtain; to conquer; to overpower.
4, To draw back or refuse to go when 2. To win in a bet; olioli iho la ka poe
invited or ordered, or pulled by the arm i ko, so those who winned in a race rejoiced;
as a wife by her husband. See Hoopupu 3."| toz prevail, as one
: party over another. Luk.
. 23:23. To obtain what one has sought after;
Kr-waa, s. The name of a very. large to succeed in a search. Laieik. 63.
bird, : 3. To proceed from, as a child from a
Ki-waa-waa, s. A rough kind of kapa parent; to beget, as a father. Jer. 16:3.
used for various purposes, but of a rough 4. To conceive, as a female; to become
texture ; a coarse kapa; he huna hoopulu| pregnant; e hapai, e piha. Kin. 16:4.
kuku na ka wahine ; he pa-u manoanoa. 5. To draw or drag, as with a rope; e
Ki-waa-waa, adj. Broad-shouldered;} kauo, e huki. 2 Sam. 17:18.
stout, as a strong man. 6. Hoo. To fulfill an engagement. Laicik.
Ki-wa-wa, s. Wauki partly beaten into| 109. To perform what has been spoken.
kapa; the thick kapa matter when partly Nah, 23:19.
; as 7. To put a law in force; e hooko i ke
heaven’ put, or ready tor’ beating. See Kr-) )
nawal 2 Sam. 6:15 Eee is, cause to

or position. ei ickal P©| Ko, adj. Drawn; dragged, &c.
: Hottall or tumble down. Ko, s. Sugar-cane; hence, sugar; mo-
3. To pull along, as a fish that is fast to} asses. : :
a hook, i. e., to bend the line out of its 2. In music, the second ascending note.
natural place. Ko-a, v. Tobe dry; to be without mois-
4. To bend or to be crooked. ture ; maloo, mauu ole.
5. To bend forward or sideways, as a 2. To be unfruitful ;to bear no fruit, as
sleepy person; to nod. a plant or tree; e hua ole mai i ka hua.
6. To turn a little one side or edgeways. 3. To speak unwittingly; to speak in
7. To walk crookedly ; he kiwi ka hele jest; not meaning exactly what one says.
aoe 4, To miss; to make a mistake in speak-
Ki-wi, s. The horn of an ox or cow,| ing; ¢ olelo kikoola; to throw words care-
from their crookednees. Kanl. 33:17. Kiwi! lessly together without thought.
5. To be bold; to be courageous; to act 3. Name of the place where a retreating
the soldier ; e ikaika oe, e koa hoi, mai wave meets one coming in, in shallow
makau. water. See Puao.
6. Hoo. To be valiant; to act valiantly. Ko-a-Ka, adj. See Koaa. Valiant;
Ter. 9:3. brave; applied to men. 1 Sam. 14:52. He
Ko-a, s. A barren, fruitless plant or tree. keiki koaka nae (Halaaniani.) Laieik. 128.
2. A soldier; plural, soldiers ; an army; Ko-a-xE-A, s. Koa, coral, and kea, white.
a multitude. The white coral of the ocean.
3. The horned coral; the same as akoa- Ko-a-Kxo-a, v. To live in one place; not
koa; the coral rock; koa ahi and koa opelu,
to move or rove about from one place to
places among the coral rocks where the
another ; not to visit here and there. See
fishes ahi and opelu are found; 0 ke koa a
Kuprene. Hoo. Same.
lakou e lawaia ai, the coral is where they
fished; he puu koa, a clump of coral rocks. Ko-a-ko-a, adj. Furnished; supplied;
4, A mean beggar. having what is necessary for comfort. See
5. The name of a large tree growing on Kuonoono. Kuonoono koakoa ka nobo ana.
the mountains, good for furniture, of which 2. Brave; bold; daring; impudent; he
canoes are made and instruments of war. olelo koakoa ko kekahi alii kanaka; the
6. A mistake in speaking or acting; doing opposite of hopepe and oheke. See Koa,
what was not designed. brave ; soldier-like.
7. In geography, a sound; a strait; a Ko-a-Ko-a, s. Generally written akoa-
channel ; waba soa, a strait. See Kowa. koa. See Koa and Axoaxoa. The coral of
8. A broad, prominent forehead. the ocean ; the coral rock.
Ko-a, adj. Brave ; bold, as a soldier. Ko-a-ko-a-NA, adj. Applied to a person
2. Dry ; without moisture. once lazy and indolent, but changed in his
3. Unfruitful, as a plant or tree. habits, and now has a house and comforts
4. Unsteady ; irregular in habit. and is collecting valuables; i ka waha wi-
Ko-s, adv. Boldly; without fear; e kiwiki koakoana ole.
olelo koa, speak boldly. Ko-a-KU-Mu-o-LE, s. A tree of that name
Ko-a-a, v. See Koa. To be dry; to lack mauka of Kahihikolo; the tree was devoted
moisture ; hence, to Kamapuaa.
2. To be unfruitful, as plants in dry Ko-a-La, v. To roast over coals of fire;
ground. to broil on the coals. Lule. 24:42. To cook
Ko-a-a, s. The name of an unfruitful on the fire ;properly, to lay on the coals.
plant; aole hua, he koaa; he uala hua ole 2. To leave or have a remainder; to
ke koaa. grow less and less ; to be over and above.
Ko-az, adj. White; of a whitish color; Ko-a-La, adj. Cooked ; broiled on the
bright. coals.
Ko-ar, s. The name of a species of Ko-a-La, s. ‘The uterus; the placenta
white bird which is found about precipices. of females; he puu koko i paa malokoo ka
2. The name of a species of red fish. wahine hanau.
Ko-a-g-a, adj. Dry; unfruitful; bear- Ko-a-La-a-LA, S. Breakfast. Rich. Ko-
ing no fruit. See Koaa. alaala ma ka hewa.
Ko-a1, v. ‘To wind round; to tie about; Ko-a-Lau-KA-NE, s. A particular kind of
to creep round like a circling vine; to gird koa; the name of the wood or tree of which
round, as a pa-u, or girdle upon the body; gods were made.
e koaiika pa-u. See Karr and Koatt. Ko-a-u1, s. The plant convolvulus; he
Ko-as-al, v. See Koar. To move round mea hihi kolo.
the hand ; to stir, as one does tea. Ko-a-11, v. See Koa. To creep around;
Ko-a-1-E, s. Name of a species of tim- to twine about, as a vine; to run and grow
ber growing inland ; wood hard; used for thickly together. as the convolvulus.
house posts and for making shark hooks. Ko-a-na, adj. Clear, as water when the
Ko-a-xa, v. ‘To be continually changing dirt has settled to the bottom.
one’s residence ; to go here and there. Ko-a-nA, v. To remain; to be over and
2. To marry wives and go and leave above. See Koara 2.
them. Ko-a-na, s. A small part or piece of
3. To act the debauchee. anything ; a fragment; a particle; ka ma-
Ko-a-xa, s. A debauchee; one who mar- awe 0 ka papale a o ka moena.
ries wives and puts them away again; he 2. A bladder; the container of urine.
moekolohe pinepine. Anat. 15. Koana mimi; he wahi e waiho
2. Eng. The Hawaiian pronunciation for ai ka mimi.
quarter, i. e., a quarter (of a dollar.) Ko-a-na-a-wa, v. See Miata and Ma-
284 KOE
Haot. To treat one hardly to whom he has| Ko-E-Ha-NA, s. Warmth; heat, as of
given property to take care of; to be hard the sun ; ka wela o ka la.
upon one. Ko-E-Ho-nv-a, S. Koe and honua,adverb.
Ko-a-ni-a-nI, v. ‘To blow; to breeze, as A remainder ; a remnant; as when a piece
a fresh breeze; ke koaniani mai nei ka of work is almost done, the unfinished part
makani. See ANIANI. is the koehonua.
2. To blow softly or gently, creating 2. A mele composed on the name of a
coolness. chief; he mele lahi.
3. To make or cause a breeze, as with a Ko-r-xo-£, v. To be wet and cold; to
fan ; e koaniani me ka peahi. be cold from being wet.
Ko-a-nt-a-nt, s. A soft cooling wind. 2. To scratch out, as writing with a knife.
2. A place cooled by a gentle breeze. Ko-g-Kko-E, s. Dampness; cold; chilli-
3. The blowing of a cool breeze ; he pe- ness; i ke anuanu ame ke koekoe 0 ua wahi
ahi koaniani. : nei la.
Ko-a-pa-Ka, adj. Valiant; brave; suc- Ko-£-ko-E, adj. Chilly from being wet;
cessful, as a combatant. chilled ; cold.
Ko-a-pa-k1, s. A soldier well cared for; Ko-r-Le, s. A small division of land
an active soldier. less than a kihapai; hence, a field planted
2. A tree thoroughly manured. by the tenants for the hakuaina or landlord;
Ko-a-we-o-wE-o, s. Name of a species a garden belonging to the chief, but culti-
of cane, joints striped white and red. vated by his people.
Ko-r, v. To remain; to be over and 2. A slight knocking or pounding; the
above ; not quite all. sound of the kapa mallet at a distance.
2. Hoo. To cause to remain; to save 3. The ticking of a watch.
from destruction; to leave; to let remain. 4. A tall man.
Puk. 16:19. To spare; to save; to reserve. 5. Equality in numbers or strength.
2 Sam. 8:4. 6. A union of two things.
3. To fulfill ;to accomplish, as a prom- Ko-g-LE, v. To strike; to beat; to tick,
ise. 1 Nal. 8:24. as a clock.
4, To allow or permit to remain. Oithk. Ko-E-LE, adj. Dry, as the ground; ma-
7:15. Aole i koe ke aho, no courage re- loo; dry, as bones; Koele na iwi o Hua ma
mained, i. e., it was despair. Jos. 2:11. i ka la, dry are the bones of Hua and his
Ko-z, v. Tospit; to discharge phlegm; company in the sun. Nore—Hua was a
e kuha iho. chief whose peop!e and himself died tray-
2. To divide off; to separate ; e mahele. eling in the sun.
Ko-£, s. The remainder; what is left; Ko-E-LE-E-LE, v. To make a sound fre-
an excess ; an overplus; more; a surplus. quently by striking ; to sound often ; kani-
See Korna. Kani.
2. The angle worm. 2. To be dry, as a place without rain and
Ko-r, adj. Remaining; enduring. under the heat of the sun ; Kkoeleele aku o
Ko-s-a, v. ‘To be dry; to be hard, as
earth dried in the sun. Ko-£-LE-E-LE, adj. Contentious; quar-
2. To refuse a favor; to be unkind; i relsome, as a man and his wife; strong for
ole makou e aaka a koea iho, that we may fighting ;much disposed to fight.
not be stubborn and refuse. Ko-E-LE-LU-A, v. See Korte 5. To be
3. To divide off; to cut off; to separate. equal in numbers or strength.
Ko-r-a, s. A person inclined to indo- Ko-E-LE-pa-Lau, s. A pudding made of
lence ; indisposed to yield to the wish of potatoes and cocoanut.
another. Ko-k-11, s. Ko and eli, to dig. The
Ko-g-a, adj. Disobedient to orders; self- sugar-cane planted or put under ground;
willed; taciturn; lazy; indolent; indis- he ko malalo o ka lepo no Halalii.
posed to go when ordered. Ko-E-Lo, s. See Koweto and WELo.
Ko-E-HA-E-HA, S. For koeaea. See Kora. That which hangs fastened at the top, as a
One who is hard, unobliging or morose. signal, colors, a streamer, &c.
Ko-n-na-E-HA, adj. Hot; uncomfortable Ko-s-Lo-E-a, adj. Some character of the
by reason of heat; sultry; koehaeha ia wind; pa mai la ka makani 0 koeloea.
wahi i ka la. Ko-r-1L0-E-Lo, v. See Koeto. To stream
Ko-r-Ha-na, s. A footstool. See Ku- off, as the tail of a comet; to float, as an
HANA. ensign ; to flap in the wind.
Ko-r-na-wa, adj. Warm; applied to Ko-g-na, s. Contracted from koe and
weather ; mehana, welawela. ana. The remainder; an overplus; a rem-
nant of something larger or more numer- Ko-u, v. To diminish; to grow less, as
ous ; hence, water flowing a long distance; koii ka wai.
2. The ruins of anything. Jos. 10:20. Ko-n, adj. Fresh; vigorous; green;
Ko-r-nze, v. To take shelter in some flourishing, as young healthy plants.
safe place or under some one’s protection; Ko-n, s. A reproachful epithet; sneer-
to feel safe or secure from barm. , ing language.
Ko-1, v. To use force with one, either Ko-1u-1u, v. See Iurv. To be afar off;
physical or moral. to be bigh up; to be at a great distance.
2. To urge; to entreat one to do or not See Poruru.
to do a thing ; to compel by entreaty. Ko-1w-1u, adj, What is far off; very dis-
3. To tempt; to be led to do a thing. tant; at a great height.
Kanl. 4:19. Koi ae la lakou ia ia (ia Liho-
liho) e aie, they wrged him (Liholiho) to go Ko-1-u-La, v. To rise or aseend, as
in debt. smoke ; to float in the air; to ascend, asa
4. To drive; to urge with violence; to cloud. :
compel by force; to insist on a thing; to Ko-1-u-La, s. A rising smoke; afloating
practice any athletic exercise ;e koi mau cloud.
a mama i ka holo. Ko-1-Ho-Lu, s. See Kor and Hotv, to
5. To ask or invite one to go in company bend. An adze, i. e., a bent axe.
with him. Ko-1-KA-HI, s. Kot and kahi, to cut. A
6. To take aside to ask a favor. plane for planing boards or timber. Isa.
7. To carry a bundle on the shoulders of 44:13.
two men on a stick between them.
8. To drive or force in, as a nail or spike Ko-1-Ko-1, v. See Koi. To urge; to be
into wood; to force one thing into another. hard upon; to be heavy.
9. To flow or rush like rushing water 2. To carry a heavy burden on a stickin
over a dam or any obstruction. two bundles.
10. To put in the stick or vine on which 3. To ask; to entreat with perseverance.
kukui nuts are strung ; e koi i ke kukui. 4, Hoo. To compel; to exercise author-
ity over.
Ko-1, s. A compulsion; an urging, &c. 5. To bear down upon; to treat with
2. A small adze; koi lipi, a hatchet. rigor or violence.
3. A projecting forehead, i. e., a sharp Ko-1-Ko-1, s. Substance; strength; spirit.
face ;he lae koi kou, an insulting expres- 2. Honor; substance. Job. 21:7.
sion, 3. Weight ; heaviness ; solidity ; riches.
4, The name of a species of kalo. 4. Hoo. Rigor; severity. Pus. 1:13.
5. The name of a play ; a sort of race in
sliding ; ina i aoi ka pahee. ame ka hoo- Ko-1-Ko-1, adj. Heavy; weighty. Sol.
holo moa, ame ke koi; he mau ikaika pili 27:3.
waiwai. 2. Substantial; honorable; valiant, as
6. The name of a splinter of bamboo on persons of integrity. 2 Sam. 23:19.
which kukui nuts are strung. 3. Applied to words or speech, full of
7. An indolent person wanting energy meaning ; emphatic; also, rough; incon-
or decision in action. siderate; olelo koikoi,a rough speech. Kin.
4:2,7. Poe koikoi, honorable persons. Jos.
Ko-1, adj. Shrill; sharp; fine, asa voice 14:1.
on a high key. v9 ) 7 Hoo. Oppressive; hard; cruel. Zek.
Ko-1a, pron. pers. Ko, preposition, and 0:
ia, third pers. sing. pron. The ancient but Ko-1-t1, v. To set; to go down, as the
regular form of the auiiki of ia. Of him; moon ; to set (apparently), as the moonon
his ;ka welau wale no o koia la lima, the the surface of the sea when going down;
end only of his finger. ke kau ana o ka mabina maluna o ka ili o
Ko-1-E1-E1, s. See Kot, v., 8. A rapid ke kai i ka manawa e napoo aku ai.
current sucking in and carrying off every- Ko-1-L1-P1, s. Kot and lip?, sharp; taper-
thing. ing. An axe; an instrument for hewing
2. The things thus swept away. stones. Pulc. 20:22. Ahatchet. Kanl. 19:5.
3. The name of a play. Any tool. Kanl. 27:5.
Ko-1-E1-E1, v. To rest; to be quiet; to Ko-1-na, s. See Kot, to force. A press-
be still. ure ; a compulsion; a forcing.
Ko-1-k-LE, v. See Kor, to force. To Ko-1-NE, v. ‘To hasten; to be quick; to
drive ; to force ; to push on; to urge. hurry on.
2. To overflow ; to rush here and there, Ko-o, v. To support; to prop up; to
as overflowing water; to drive on, but in establish; to sustain in any position or pur-
the wrong road. . pose. Hal. 112:8. To brace one’s self.
' 2. To push off, as with an oar or setting |Koo-Lu-a, s. See Koo 2 and Lva, two.
pole. A canoe with only two persons; elua wale
3. To help; to assist. Isa. 63:5. no ma ka waa.
4. To prop or brace up anything liable Koo-mo-a, s. Koo and moa,a fowl. The
to fall; to uphold. Syn. with kokua. long feathers in a cock’s tail.
5. To uncoil, as a rope or string when
wound up; to slacken, as a rope that is Koo-mo-a, adj. Long tailed; waiving
drawn too tight. like the tail feathers of a cock; long and
6. To struggle hard, as in rowing a canoe bent like a cutlass.
against the wind. Ko-o-nEI, pron. Oblique case of vez.
7. To be loose ; to be separate ; to fall Gram. § 105, 3. Of this here. Ozh. 26:23.
off. Koonei kanaka, the people of here; this
8. Hoo. To loosen; to unbind; to make people; the people of this region.
or cause to be vacant; aole no oe e hookoo Ko-o-na, s. See Kozna. A remnant;
iki aku i kau wahi. the remainder of water in a calabash ; the
Ko-o, s. A prop; a brace for holding little water that remains in a calabash.
anything up. Ko-u, v. To look; to look about; to
2. Some part of a canoe; e lalau ae kou look here and there; e nana, e imiioio.
lima i ka hoe, ame ke ka liu, ame ke koo. 2. Hoo. To have a sufficiency; to be sup-
3. A vacant place; eia no kahi koo iki. plied with the necessaries of life.
Aohe wahi koo iki o ka la, spoken of one Ko-v, adj. Moist; wet; damp; chilly
who has no leisure.
from moisture; moist, as dry bread brought
Koo, adv. Equivalent to fold, as how to a moist place. See Koou.
many fold? oolua, two-fold ; kokookolu, Kou, s. The name of a large shade tree
three-fold ; koo or kowalu, eight-fold, &c. growing mostly near the sea beach; tim-
Ko-ou, adj. Wet with sea water ; cold; ber good for many purposes, especially for
damp; chilly from moisture of clothes; cups, bowls, dishes, &c.; takes a polish.
moist, also, as mats, house, &c. See Kou. Kou, adj. pron. Thy; thine; of thee;
Koo-xa-ru, v. To forbid strictly on pain of you; of yours; an oblique case of oe.
of death ; kookapuia ae la ka puaa ame ka Gram. § 132 and 133, 3d. See Kav. Nors.
neulelo. See Hooxapu. It has the diphthongal sound.
Koo-xoo, s. A staff; a cane for support- Ko’v, adj. pron., first person. My; mine;
ing a weak person; kookoo hao, an iron of me; an oblique case of au or wau, and
rod; a rod; a shepherd’s crook. Oihk. formed like the foregoing. See Grammar
27:32. Fie. A stay; a staff; a supporter; § 124, Ist, and § 126, 3d. Ko’u is distin-
that is, means of livelihood. TJsa. 3:1. guished from kou by a slight break in the
Koo-ko-ov, adj. See Koov. Damp; wet; pronunciation between the preposition ko
kookoou me he kapa pulu la.
and the u and indicated in writing by an
apostrophe. It is doubtless a contraction
Koo-Koo-Hao, s. [Kookoo, staff, and hao, of ko ou.
iron. An ironstaff; a rod of iron. Hal. 2:9. Ko’u,
Koo-Koo-Lav, s. A very small tree or Ko’u-Ko, v. To cluck, as a hen.
bush ; a little tree for planting.
Koo-xoo-Lu-a, s. See Ko-u-ko-u, s. The noise of a mouse.
Koo-xu, v. To swell; to enlarge; to Kovu-xou, adj. Moist, asa healthy skin
puff up, as a ruffle.
when somewhat cold; koukou ka ili; moist;
damp ; chilly, as a kapa or house.
Koo-xu, s. A swelling of land on the
side of a mountain; ma ke kooku o ke kua- Kou-xou, adj. Heavy, as a canoe or
hiwi. anything which sinks in the water instead
2. Name of a road or path leading up of floating lightly. See Korot.
hill. See Pima. Ko-u-La, s. Ko, sugar-cane, and ula,
Ko-o-La, v. See Kota. | red. A variety of sugar-cane, which is of
Ko-o-La, s. The tail of a cock; me ke a reddish color.
koola no ka moa kane. Ko-u-ca, s. Eng. The name of an ani-
Koo-Lav, s. The name of districts on mal, the cougar.
the north sides of two or three islands. Ko-na, s. The cracking of a whip; a
report of a pistol; a sudden squeak, and @
Ko-o-u1-11, s. The quivering motion of smaller sound than poha. See Powa.
an arrow as it flies through the air.
2. The twinkling of the eyelids. Ko-na, adj. Cracking; sounding with
3. The undulating motion of the atmos- a sudden noise. \
phere near the earth under the direct rays Ko-na-nA, adj. Large; increased in
of the sun. size; swelled up; plump, as a fat animal;
swelled; puffed up, asaswelled limb. See 2. A kind of shell fish that grows to the
Hana. “yi oe sides or plank of a ship at sea, but different
Ko-wa-xa, s. A vicious pronunciation from the okohekohe.
for koaka or kuaka for kuata (Eng.), quar- Ko-nE-Ko-HE-A, v. See Kona. To be
ter. A quarter (of a dollar) ; Hawaiian, clear, as the sky; to be serene; without
hapaha. clouds; to be calm; to be warm; to be
Ko-na-ta, s. The name of the northern agreeable.
district of Hawaii. Ko-HE-KO-HE-PA-PA, S. A sore and ulcer-
Ko-na-na, v. Hoo. To make bare; to ated throat ; an eating sore.
strip naked. Jer. 49:10. To be destitute of Ko-HE-LE-mu, v. See Kone and Lemu,
covering. the under part of the thigh. To stand or
Ko-na-na, s. Nakedness; an utter des- sit still ; to be inactive.
titution of clothing ; hele wale, aole kapa. 2. Not to do what is bidden.
Ko-na-na, adj. Naked; destitute of clo- Ko-nE-LE-mu, adj. Dull; inattentive ;
thing ; not even a malo. disobedient ; inactive.
Ko-na-na, adv. Nakedly; holo kohana, Ko-neE-Lu-a, s. The name of a species
fled in nakedness. Oth.19:16. Ku kohana, of fish-hook.
to stand nakedly, i. e., to be in nakedness. Ko-HE-Lu-A-paa, s. Name of a kind of
Isa. 58:7. fish-hook.
Ko-Ha-nA-HA-NA, v. Ko and hanahana, Ko-nE-na-Lo, s. Name of a species of
to be warm. To be hot; to be warm; to stone.
burn. See HAaNAHANA. Ko-n1, v. To dig; to make a hole or
Ko-ur, s. A sickness; the name of a cavity in the ground; to dig, as a well.
disease. Puk.7:24. Todig in the ground. Isa. 5:2.
2. Vagina feminarum. Syn. with eli.
Ko-ne, v. To detain. See Kout. 2. To take up; to separate, as the kalo
from the huli.
Ko-nE-a, s. A warm day; pleasant, 3. To prevent; to.hinder ; to hold back.
agreeable weather. 4, Haa. To travail in birth; to endure
2. A loose flowing garment. the pains of child-birth. Gal. 4:19.
Ko-He-a-ka, s. A disease of females, at-
tended with pain or difficulty in passing Ko-u1, s. Hoo. The first or commencing
urine. pains of child-birth. See Haakoxont. The
throes of child-birth pains.
Ko-HE-o, v. To walk about, as a hen 2. A fat piece of pork ; a piece of fat.
with her wings loose or partially spread 3. A swinging off or outside.
open ; me ka upaupa ana o na eheu,
2. To fly up on something; e lele a kau Ko-ui-a, v. To rub gently with the
maluna. : thumb and fingers.
2. To be stingy; to be close; to be hard;
Ko-nE-o-HE-o, s. A mixture containing to crowd on to one.
a deadly poison; he mea awaawae make ai.
2. A medicine of the sorcerer to kill with.
Ko-n1-al, v. Kohi, to dig, and ai, food.
To dig food from the ground, as potatoes.
Ko-HE-0-HE-0, adj. Deadly; causing 2. To watch ; to guard; to keep.
death, as a deadly poisonous drug; apu
koheoheo, the poisonous cup, the contents Ko-n1-Ko-n1, v. See Koni 2. To sepa-
of which were made up of several poison- rate food, the worthless from the good.
ous ingredients, designed for self-murder 3. To separate the good from the bad
or for the execution of criminals by the fish after a great haul.
order of a chief, the person presenting the Ko-n1-Ko-n1, s. The act of separating or
cup saying, he wahi mea ola ia. sorting out the good from the bad fish after
Ko-nE-o-HE-o, s. A kind of play among a large haul.
children, as swinging a rope to be jumped Ko-HI-K0-HI-KA-PA-LA-LA, s. A heaping
over. up of sand in ridges and heaps which has
2. Name of a certain stick or buoy to been dug up.
float a fish-hook. 2. A pastime only to make one dirty; he
3. An instrument to assist in mourning hana lealea e hawahawa ai.
or wailing along with other sounds; he Ko-n1-xu, v. To waste and destroy food
mea Kanikani pihe me ka uwalaau. in time of war.
Ko-HE-0-HE-0, adj. The epithet of a Ko-no, v. To choose generally; to se-
frock coat, not a jacket, not a dress coat; lect without regard to number.
he lole koheoheo. 2. To choose one of two persons; to make
Ko-ne-xo-HE, s. Name of a small rush choice among two or more objects. Jos.
or grass growing in Kalo patches. 24:15, 22.
3. To choose one of two or more uncer- 4. Hoo. A screen; a covering; a pre-
tain things. tense. 1 Tes. 2:5.
4. To choose, i. e., to determine; to de- 5. Resemblance ; likeness.
cree ; to name out. Ko-nu, adj. Agreeable ; suitable; fit;
5. To interpret a riddle or parable. convenient; becoming. 2 Tim.2:9. Alike;
: 6. To guess; to guess,asariddle. Dunk. similar ; he maka kohu haole keia.
4:12. Ko-nu-Ko-Hu, v. See Konu, to agree.
7. To ask for a chosen or specified object.
Hoo. To be harmonious in opinion; to
Ko-Ho-Ho-nu-a, v. See Kono 7 above agree together; hookohukohu, a kanaka iho
and Honva, entirely; only. To ask for; la kekahi poe no ke Akua, a certain com-
to beg, as for land, fish or any definite ob- pany agreed together and acted like men
ject desired; kohohonua i ka aina, he towards God.
begged for land; kohohonua i ke akua i 2. To exhibit; to make a show or dis-
waiwai, he asked the god for property. play. Kol. 2:23. To have the form of some-
Ko-no-xo, s. A disease in utero. thing, but not the reality. 2 Tim. 3:5.
Ko-Ho-xo-Ho, v. A frequentative of koho. Ko-nu-Ko-Hu, adj. Noble; honorable ;
To choose frequently. dignified. See Kouv 3.
2. To cast lots for a thing. 2. Rushing, as water, or as a multitude.
3. To guess in uncertainty. 3. Jealous.
4, To acquiesce concerning a thing which Ko-xa, v. To stuff anything, as paper
is in great obscurity. into the mouth.
5. To unriddle, i. e., to solve a riddle. Ko-xa, adj. Dry,as land; dry; barren;
6. To choose some one; to draw near;
hard, as a dry soil.
to attach one’s self to another.
Ko-no-La, s. A reef; a dry place in the Ko-xaa, s. Lean meat; meat on which
there is no fat.
sea a little way from the main land.
2. A place of very shallow water some Ko-xa-HeE, s. A false assertion; a lie;
distance from the shore like Kalia on Oahu; an untruth.
also some places still more shallow or dry, Ko-xa-ko-xa, v. Intensive of Koxa. To
as at Kona on Molokai. put paper into the mouth; to stuff the
3. A whale from his spouting water, rais- mouth full.
ing up water like a reef. Note.—The flesh Ko-xa-La, s. Ko and kala, a fish. The
of the whale was forbidden to women under sharp thorns on the back of the fish kala.
the kapu system. Something like the surf 2. A white thorny fish.
as it breaks on the outer reef. Ko-xe, v. ‘To be near; not far off; to
4, The name of the first law which a chief
promulgates ; a very strict law. be nigh, either in time or place.
2. To be near, as in friendship; e launa
Ko-Ho-Lu-a, s. A hard polished bone mai, e pilikana.
used in piercing unborn infants. Fia. He 3. To come near or strike together, as
papa koholua oi ke alii. two or more things. See Ukr and Pouxe.
Ko-no-mu-a, s. Koho, to choose, and 4. To guess; e koho i kana puu noa ma
mua, first. A first choice, and one greatly kahi e, a e haawi aku ka puu ana i koke ai
desired. na ka mea nana i huna.
Ko-nu, v. To agree together; to dwell 5. To draw near; to be friendly to one.
in harmony. Ko-xE, adj. Quick; soon (in time) ;
2. To take or receive color from one, near ; not far off (in space.)
i. e., to resemble physically or morally; Ko-xe, adv. Quickly ; straitway; im-
ua kohu i ka makuahine, he takes his color mediately ; quickly, as in moving from
from his mother, i. e., physically, the color place to place.
of the skin, or, figuratively, her character. Ko-kE-a, s. Ko, sugar-cane, and kea,
3. To be ennobled; to be honored; to white. The white cane; he opukea, he
be beautiful; to appear noble, like a chief. ainakea.
4. Hoo. To follow after; to take the type Ko-kE-a-Nno, adj. Silent; deserted; un-
of one, i. e., to be like him; e hookohu io
kakou i na oihana i hoomakaia’i.
Ko-xE-ko-KA, v. To punish or strike
Ko-nu, s. The sap or milk of plants or one for an offense real or imaginary.
vegetables, particularly if colored, and Ko-x1, adj. Short-nosed ; snub-nosed,
such as may be drawn or expressed from
like a monkey; kekokeko, keko, ihu ku-
the juice of vegetables. Nah. 6:3. Hence,
2. Ink or any fixed coloring matter for mene, kokikoki.
aa or coloring kapas or cloth; pale Ko-x1, s. The extremity; the end of a
ink. tree ; a very high place.
3. The fixing or permanency of the color. Ko-x1-0, s. A shrub; a tree.
Ko-x1-0, v. imp. Stop; don’t go with; meral, it expresses as many fold or as
spoken in contempt. many persons as the numeral expresses ;
Ko-xi-x1, s. A bending branch of a tree; as, kokoo lua, two together, or two-fold;
kokoo kolu, three in company; kokoo ono,
the highest top of a tree, especially a bend- six together, or six-fold, and so on to ten.
ing twig or branch; a place where a branch
divides off. Ko-xo-o-u, adj. Cold; damp in the
Ko-x1-ko-k1, s. See Koxt. house, as in a valley where much rain falls;
muddy and damp.
Ko-xo, v. To feel; to squeeze; to press, Ko-xoo-n1-4, adv. int. How many ? how
as in lomilomi.
many fold? Asked in reference to the
2. To set a broken bone; to replace a
bone. number of persons or things together. See
Koxoo above.
3. To go about from place to place with-
out object. Ko-Koo-ko-Lu, adv. See Koxoo above.
4. To pull this way and that; to pull or It answers the question kokoohia? how
drag along ; to tie up the koko or strings many times? how many? Three-fold; three
of a calabash. See Koko, s., 3. To push ; times; a firm of three; three together.
to jostle, as in a crowd. Tuk. 12:52.
5. To be inconstant ; to be fickle. Ko-Koo-Ls-a, adv. See Koxoo. Answer-
6. To fill; to fulfill; to fill up a specified ing the question kokoohia ? two-fold ; two
time. Job. 39:2. See Ko, v. times ; two persons.
Ko-xo, s. Blood; the red flow in the’ Ko-koo-Lu-a, s. Astaff; a cane; hence,
arteries and veins of animals; koko hala a second ; an assistant; a helper; a com-
ole, innocent blood. 2 Nal. 24:4. panion; a union of two; two-fold; two
as A species of shrub or bush used for together. Duk. 12:52.
el. Ko-xo-n1, v. See Kount, to dig. To dig
3. The netting or net work of strings up ; to separate the kalo from the huli.
around a calabash. 2. To give thoughtlessly until all is gone,
4, A rising up; an extension ; ke kilaha and perhaps has promised another.
0 ka opu.
5. A noise or cry of a cock when a hen Ko-xo-u1, s. Haa. The strong pains of
announces that she has laid her egg; to a woman in child-birth.
cackle, as a hen. 2. The sadness of fear felt in time of a
6. Koko is sometimes used by Hawaiians storm.
in modern times for cocoa or chocolate; 3. The storm cloud itself. See Haaxonr
also written eokoa, which is better. and HaaKkoKOHI.
Ko-xo, s. The strings braided for car- Ko-xo-n1-ku, v. To do evil to a land;
tying a calabash; alaila, hanaia kekahi to pull up the food and throw it away;
hele mai la ia, a kokohiku i na kalo o Wai-
koko hakahaka ; a pau na kanaka eha ma pio.
na kihi eha 0 ua koko la.
Ko-xo, adj. Falling rain where the light Ko-xo-uu, v. See Konv. To spot; to
mark ; to daub.
shines through it and it appears reddish;
2. To have a form; to take the garb or
e ku ana ka punohu i ka moana, ame ka ua
assume the manners of another.
koko. Laieik. 25.
Ko-xko-a, s. A modern word. Chocolate. Ko-ko-Hu-a-wal-NA, 8. Koko, blood, and
See the above, 6. huawaina, grape. The blood or juice
Ko-xo-£, v. To divide; to separate into the grape, i. e., pure wine. Kanl. 32:14.
parts ; to divide out. Ko-ko-kKE, v. See Koxe. To be near to;
2. To cut with a sharp instrument. 1 to favor; to approach. Hal. 34:18. Hoo.
Nal. 18:28. To be on friendly terms with; to be at-
3. To be in advance or ahead of another; tached to one; to meet with.
to hasten forward; to set or fix one’s eyes Ko-Ko-kE, adv. Near to; close by; e
upon; kokoe aku la na maka, i ka ike i
kona enemi. Laieik. 120. hele kokoke mai, draw near. Kanl. 4:11.
4. To strike, injure or disfigure the eyes Note.—The adverb is mostly koke, which
of one when angry. see.
5. Hoo. To scratch or dig at one’s eyes Ko-xo-x1, adj. See Koxt. High; ex-
in order to injure them ; mai hookokoe i na tended, as the end or top of a thing.
maka a ka mea i alohaia, o ku ia oe ia ala Ko-xo-xo, adj. See Koxo, blood. Like
hookahi. a person with his blood up; raging with
Ko-ko-1, v. See Kor. To spurt; to eject, anger ; ready for murder or any deed.
as water; to cast out suddenly.
Ko-xo-xo, s. The act of eating fish or
Ko-xoo, adv. Connected with any nu- other meat with the blood.
Ko-xo-koo-na, s. Very small potatoes Gram. § 65, 2. There; that which belongs
with red veins. to that place, person or thing. Sol. 28:2.
2. Water-soaked potatoes. Ko-.a-Hl, s. Ko, sugar-cane, and ahi,
Ko-Ko-ko-HE, adv. Kindly; friendly; a species of white cane. White sugar-cane.
pleasantly, as peaceable neighbors; he Ko-1a-Ko-La, v. See Koa, to spread
noho pono, he oluolu. out. To cause a spreading out; to spring
Ko-ko-LE, s. Small kalo stinted with up; to raise up.
weeds. Ko-La-nz, v. To be clear, as the moon;
Ko-xo-Lo, v. See Koro. To go on the to be explicit. as a statement.
hands and knees ; to crawl. Ko-ia-ni, s. Name ofa species of hula;
2. To walk with the back bent, as a hump- he kolani kekahi hula.
backed person. Ko-te, v. To be red, like raw meat; to
an To creep in growing, as a vine. Hal. be inflamed, as the eyes; as a wound; to
be raw, as flesh with the skin off.
Ko-xo-mo, s. See Komo. A sinking 2. To shave the hair of the head closely.
‘canoe ; a going down, or entering in. 3. To cause one to be naked ; e hooolo-
Ko-xo-mo, adj. Sinking; entering in. helohe.
Ko-ko-n1, v. See Koni. To throb; to Ko-1z, s. Redness; inflamed eyes, &c.
beat, as the pulse. 2. Name of a fish.
2. To be in pain; to suffer in distress; Ko-LE, adj. Raw, as meat not fully
e kokoni ka aha ia ia hea o Lono. cooked.
Ko-ko-No-I-E, v. See Kono and Iz, to 2. Inflamed; red, as an inflamed wound.
insult. Hoo. To stir up; to excite; to pro- 3. Used adverbially, you are denied; you
voke. are nothing, as in the sentence kolekole kou
Ko-ko-pe, v. See Kore. To defend off; maka, i. e., the corner of your eye is red or
pulu; down! you see that you are up a
to push away ; to shovel, as dirt.
stump. See also KOLEKOLEMAKA.
Ko-xo-pu-na, s. Menstrual blood from
one who is purely a virgo intacta. Ko-Le-a, v. To make a friend of one;
Ko-ko-wE, v. To run swiftly; to be to form a friendship quickly and without
light. object ; e hoomakamaka wale aku no; to
be on very friendly terms with one for the
Ko-xu-a, v. Ko, a brace, and kua, the present.
back. To back or brace up, as a falling Ko-.e-a, s. A parent-in-law, that is, a
father-in-law, makuakane kolea, or a mother-
_ 2. To assist in business or an undertak-
ing. in-law, makuawahine kolea; he kane hou
na ka makuahine, he wahine hou na ka ma-
3. To help; to help forward; to help one
who is poor or in distress. kuakane.
2. The name of a small fish.
4. To bind or tie on, as @ pa-u or a gar-
ment. See Kakva. 3. The name of a fowl of the duck genus.
5. To cut; to hew; to grave. 4, The name of a tree having a very as-
6. In deliberative bodies, to second a mo-
tringent bark. which is red and used in col-
tion. oring black; the wood reddish and used
for boards.
Ko-xu-a, s. Help; assistance; what is Ko-Le-a-LE-A, 5. See Lea and LEarea,
eiven in charity; entertainment: hospital-
ity; epithet of the Holy Spirit. Loan. 14:26.
to please. The action of hushing or stilling
children when they cry.
The Comforter.
Ko-xu-u1, s. That which is soft and Ko-LE-ko-LE, v. See Kore. ‘To be raw;
yellow in the ear; ear wax. not cooked, as meat.
Ko-1a, s. See Koona. The tail feathers Ko-LE-Ko-LE, s. Red earth; the red
of a cock, clay found in different places; he alaea, he
2. Kola is written for kohola, the whale; lepo ulaula.
nui na lawaia i kiii na ia a pau, koe nae Ko-LE-Ko-LE, adj. Reddish; raw, as
ke kola. meat half cooked ; red ; flushed with red;
Ko-ra, v. To spread out; to grow; to uncooked in the oven.
enlarge ; to be thick together; to extend Ko-LE-Ko-LE-A, 5. See Korea2. Name
beyond, as the tail of a cock. of a species of fish.
2. To be excited, as the animal passions. Ko-LE-Ko-LE-MA-KA, adv. See Kote, adj.
Ko-1a, adj. Unripe; used in reference Ko-11, v. To pare; to shave off little
to bananas put into the ground which do by little ; to whittle.
not ripen. 2. E koli i ke oho, to shave or cut the
Ko-Lal-La, adv. The auiiki of laila. hair. Jer. 16:6.
3. E koli i ke kukui, to trim the lamp. 7. To drive ; to row swiftly, as a boat of
Puk. 30:7. @ war ship.
4. E koli i ke kila, to chamfer or work 8. Hoo. Hookolo i ka nui manu o kakou.
with a chisel. Puk. 32:4. Norse.—In former times no common person
5. To sharpen, as a pen with a knife; to was allowed to approach a high chief to
trim off the outside, as the fringe of a cloth. ask a favor or deprecate his displeasure
Ko-ti, s. Something moving through except on his hands and knees. See Koo.
the air; a meteor; ahi koli, a jack o lan- Also, when one was called to account for
tern; he mea e lele ana ma ka lewa, me he some delinquency, he was expected to come
akua lele la; he oili. into the presence of the chief on all fours,
2. The name of a tree; also called aila. and lie prostrate until ordered to look up;
Ko-tu, v. See Kou, v. To diminish; to hence, in modern times, hookolokolo, to call
to account; to have a trial; to try judi-
taper off; to grow less. cially. See HooxoLo and HooKoLoKo.o.
2. To be greasy.
Ko-tu, s. A name given to the castor-oil Ko-to-a, v. To pull; todrag along. See
Koko and Kavo.
plant, from kolii, to be greasy. See above.
2. The dazzling of the eyes by looking Ko-no-a, s. A duck; specifically, a mus-
at the sun. covy duck.
3. The partial blindness of the eyes by 2. Literally,long cane. This fact of long
looking at any dazzling substance. cane is said to have given a name to a dis-
4. The dancing undulating appearance trict on Kauai.
of any large smooth surface shone upon by Ko-Lo-avu, v. To stretch out the neck;
the sun in a hot day. to be weak ; to be fatigued; e loa ka a-i,
5. The name of a particular prayer used e maloeloe, e auau, e hookaluhi waiokila.
in ancient times. Ko-Lo-a-Ha, s. A species of potato with
Ko-z1-u-L1-u, s. See Liviiv. An imag- fine roots and watery inside.
inary sound heard or supposed to be heard Ko-Lo-a-puu-puu, s. The name of a
from afar; a whisper from some other wind ; he wa kipuupun.
world ; something from afar; inu wai ko- Ko-Lo-HE, v. To be mischievous; toact
liuliu o Hilo ; something seen afar off, as a dishonestly; to render one’s self obnoxious
person, but so far as not to distinguish any-
to the feelings of others.
thing particularly.
2. To defile ; to pollute.
Ko-.i-ko-L1, v. See Kou. To cut off 3. Hoo. To trick; to defraud ; to cheat.
frequently; to cut off; to cutshort; to trim. Ko-Lo-nE, s. Mischief; evil; that which
Ko-.i-ko-LI-Ko, v. See Lixo. To swell is bad in conduct.
out; to enlarge. 2. Pollution ; defilement.
2. To be fat; to have the appearance of Ko-Lo-HE, adj. Roguish; troublesome ;
grease floating on the surface of water.
mischievous ; polluting ; vile; moe kolohe,
Ko-u1-11, v. To drop or leak out, as from adultery ; fornication.
a cork. Ko-1o-HE, adv. Mischievously ; badly;
2. To flutter, as a flag in the wind. Hoo. vilely.
To wave, as a flag in one’s hand ; e hooko-
lili ana i ka welau o ka maile. Laieile. 120. Ko-to-k1-0, s. Name of a person who
3. To rush out, as pent up water; to flow catches by a long rod and bird-lime; kolo-
swiftly, as water from a deep cistern. kio manu o Kaile ka uka nahele o Laa
Ko-.i-i-u, adj. Dimly seen, as fine Ko-1o-ko-Li-o, s. A calling or catching
print by a person of defective vision; ka of birds; a taking of birds mauka of Laa
ia ano koliliu, ka hele anae ka lani. See and Pakahi.
Kowroniv. Ko-Lo-Ko, prep. Ko and loko. An ob-
Ko-to, v. To creep on all fours, as an lique case of loko. That which belongs
infant. within; the inside or inner parts of a thing.
2. To. crawl, as a worm; to grope, as a Ko-Lo-Ko-Lo, v. See Koto. To crawl to-
blind man. wards one to give an account of himself.
3. To crouch ; to stoop, as an inferior to 2. To call chickens, turkeys, dogs, &e.
2 superior. 3. To be vexed, as a woman with her
4. To grow or run, as a lateral branch of husband.
avine. Kin. 49:52. 4. Hoo. To call to account; to examine,
5. To creep, run or penetrate, as the fine as an accused person.
roots of a tree or plant into the earth; kolo 5. To decide respecting an accused per-
lea ke aa malalo, to take root downward. son; to judge.
2 Nal. 19:30. 6. In modern times, to reckon with one;
6. To urge, as in asking a favor; to per- to look over his account; to keep an ac-
severe till one obtains the thing asked for. count with one. 2 Nal. 12:16.
7. To make inquiry into a matter. Eset. putting into an oven under ground. See
2:23. Nore.—Since the promulgation of KALvA.
written laws and the establishment of courts Ko-tv-1-Lu-1, v. To strike upon the ear
of justice, hookolokolo is used in connection indistinctly, as a sound.
with legal investigations; to try, &c., as in Ko-tu-tu, v. To be or to act as a guard
a court of justice.
or defense ; to parry off; to defend from
Ko-to-Ko-Lo, s. The loud rumbling at evil; e paku. e alai.
the close of a peal of thunder. Ko-Lu-na, comp. prep. The auiiki of
2. Hoo. A trial; a legal investigation; luna,above. Gram. § 161. Of or belong-
@ judgment ; a legal decision. ing to that which is above. Hzek. 40:13.
Ko-1o-ko-Lo, adj. Relating to a judg- Ko-ma, s. Eng. A comma, the shortest
ment, trial or decision. pause in reading (,).
Ko-1o-Ko-Lo-Hal, s. A chief or a com- Ko-ma-ko, s. The Hawaiian orthogra-
mon person whose character is respected phy for tomato, an edible fruit; the Hawai-
for probity and virtuous conduct; a term ians generally call the fruit of the tomato
of respect ; nona ka lala kau kolokolohai. ohia.
Ko-Lo-Ko-Lo-Nna-HI, s. See Naut. A light Ko-ma-ta, adj. Pleasant.
soft breeze ; a very gentle wind.
Ko-1o-t1-0, s. A very strong wind at Ko-ma-u, adj. Bright, as moonlight.
sea, such as would swamp canoes. Ko-ma-Lu-na, 8. Koma and luna, above.
2. A strong rushing of water, as of a The sign called apostrophe, as ka’u, no’u,
powerful torrent. ke ’lii, &c., and signifies that a letter has
3. A breeze on one side or between two been dropped.
other winds. Ko-me, adj. Heb.,rushes. The Egyptian
Ko-Lo-L1-0-1-K1, s. A gentle current; a papyrus; bulrushes. Puk. 2:33; Isa. 18:2.
light flow of water in a stream. He waa kome, a bulrush canoe.
Ko-to-Lv, adj. Deformed ; irregular in Ko-me, v. To push away; to make
structure, as a deformed child; the word room for something ; e hookaawale.
applies to the body and mind. Ko-mE-xo-meE, v. To hold back; to
Ko-to-na, s. Eng. The name of a pause grudge in giving, as a wife when her hus-
in reading ; a colon, thus (:). band is disposed to give, or as a husband
Ko-Lo-na-HE, s. A gentle, pleasant when the wife is disposed to give.
breeze ; he makani e aniani mai ana. Ko-m1, »v. See Kaomt and Kow1. To
Ko-to-na-HE, adj. Gentle; mild; peace- press together; to bear down; to press
ful; blowing softly ; fanning, as a gentle down into a small space.
breeze. 2. To rub down smooth, as ruffled kapa;
Ko-1o-pu, adj. Full; well fed; well pro- to rub or press, as a folded paper; i ka
portioned throughout ; full fleshed. hau komi o ke kakahiaka.
Ko-1o-pu-a, adj. Smooth, easy breath- Ko-mi-Ko-m1, v. To press; to urge on;
to urge on one to labor.
ing; breathing without constraint; i ka 2. To be little or to attend to trifles in
nae kolopua. Laieik. 142.
Ko-1o-pu-Pu, adj. Kolo, to crawl, and 3. To be stingy; to be close; to urge for
pupu, roughly. Old; lean; withered, as a the last mite.
very aged person. Ko-mi-ko-m1, adj. Put away; secreted;
Ko-Lo-pu-pu, s. Anaged infirm person; stolen. ; :
an advanced stage of old and infirm age. Ko-mo, v. To enter; to go in, as into a
2 Oihl. 36:17.
Ko-tu, s. Eng. The Hawaiian orthog- 2. To put in, as the hand into a calabash
raphy for glue; e like me he kolu la ka li- in eating poi; to dip; to rinse, but not so
nalina, like glue is the adhesiveness. strong as holoi.
Ko-1u, num. adj. The simple form for 3. To sink or to go under water, as a
the number three; with the article, ke kolu, canoe.
the third. The common forms are akolu 4. To put on clothes. Nore.—To put on
and ekolu. clothes in Hawaiian idiom is to enter into
Ko-tu-a, v. Koand lua,a pit. To bury, them.
i.e.,tobake; tocook. See Katua. Note.—
5. Hoo. To insert, as a ring on the fin-
ger, i. e., the finger enters the ring. Kin.
The Hawaiians made their ovens under
ground. 41:42.
6. To put on, as a hat or crown; that is,
2. To put into a pit; to hide.
the head enters the hat.
Ko-tu-a, s. The act of burying, i. e., of 7. To enter, a3 into another’s country.
8. To cause to enter, as joy into one’s itously. To enter and reside in a house
heart. unbidden.
9. To put on, as a dress, i. e., to go into 2. To wander out of the way.
it. Oihk. 8:7. Ko-mo-wa-Le, s. Epithet of a person
10. To fill full, as a canoe or ship; hence, going here and there where he pleases; a
11. To sink, as a canoe or ship heavy privileged character.
loaded. Ko-na, s. A name of the south-west
Ko-mo, s. The name of anything that wind ; also, the south wind.
enters; a tenon. Puk. 26:17. The handle 2. Pleasant or good weather ; also, the
of a hoe, &c. name of the rain accompanying a south
2. Anything that is entered; a finger- wind ; he ua kona, he ua nui loa ia. See
ring; a thimble, &c. names of various species of konas below,
3. The filling up of any empty space; ka as konahea, konalani, &c.
piha o ka mea hakahaka. 3. Name of a division of an island be-
Ko-mo, adj. That which relates to put- longing to several islands, as Hawaii, Oahu,
ting in, filling or inserting. Kauai and Molokai, mostly on the west or
Ko-mo-a, s. See Koomoa. The tail south-west sides of the islands.
feathers of a cock. Ko-na, adj. pron. The auiiki or an ob-
Ko-mo-ar-na, v. Komo and aina, land. lique case of ia, the third person singular
To enter upon an inheritance; to take pos- of the pronouns. His; hers; its, &c. Gram.
session of a land. § 139 and 150.
Ko-mo-HaA-Le, v. Komo and hale, house. Ko-na, v. To be strong; to be rigid; to
To dedicate a house (after which it was be obdurate ; to be unyielding.
proper to use it); to enter a new house as 2. To pass or rush through, as the air
a habitation. from the lungs; he ea e kona ana a e puke
mai iwaho.
Ko-mo-Ha-nA, 8. Komo and hana, h in-
serted for ana. An entering in, as the sun
Ko-na, adj. Strong; fierce; angry;
in setting appeared to Hawaiians to enter blustering, from the fact that Kona winds
into the sea; the sinking or going down of are so. \
the sun. Ko-na, v. To despise; to dislike; to
2. The west, the place where the sun disregard: to contemn.
enters the sea. See Komo, to sink. Ko-na-Hav, v. To abate heat; to cool,
Ko-mo-Ha-nA, adj. Western; pertain- as the atmosphere; as a hot room. —
ing to the west. Puk. 10:19. Ko-na-Hau, v. To be fat, as an animal;
Ko-mo-ko-mo, v. See Komo. To insert to be greasy ; to be sick of grease or fat-
on; to gird on; to try; to fit on, as a gar- 2. To bend forward in walking, as a tall
ment upon a person. man. See Kananua.
2. Hoo. To hold one spell bound; to be-
witch ; to possess, as an evil spirit. Ko-na-HE-A, s. A species of the rains
called kona; a cold rain.
Ko-mo-ko-mo, s. ‘The act of fitting a gar- Ko-na-HI-LI-Mal-A, s. Name of a species
ment to a person until it fits well. of rain on the mountains.
2. A disease, epilepsy; a demoniacal
possession perhaps. Ko-na-Hu-a, s. The inside fat of ani-
3. The name of a play or game, mals. Anat. 53. The fat of hogs, &€.; a
kidney. Puk. 29:13.
Ko-mo-ti-ma, s. Komo and lima, the Ko-na-Hu-a, adj. Fat; fleshy, as an
hand. A finger-ring ; a thimble. animal; asaman. Junk. 3:17.
2. The hoop of a barrel; he mea e hoo-
puni ana mawaho o ka pabu. Ko-na-Ko-na, v. To be rough; to be
3. A stocking; he kakini; a thing which uneven ; to be dark colored.
the foot enters. 2. To be undesired; not to like.
3. To despise; to be displeased with; to
Ko-mo-Lo-LE, v. Komo and dole, cloth; treat with contempt.
clothes. To dress; to put on clothes. Ko-na-xo-na, s, Dislike ; disregard.
2. To fit a dress to a person.
Ko-na-Ko-nA, adj. Undesirable; con-
Ko-mo-Lo-Lz, s. Apparel; a change of temptible.
clothes or raiment. . 2. Strong; not easily tired or exhausted.
Ko-mo-na, s. Eng. A common person Ko-NA-Ko-NE-A, v. To be restored to
in distinction from a lord; he poe i kohoia health after sickness; to receive strength
e na makaainana e komo ma ka ahaolelo after weakness.
alii. Ko-na-xu, s. A class of the kona rains;
Ko-mo-wa-Le, s. Komo and wale, gratu- a heavy rain. See Kona, rain.
Ko-na-La-NI, s. A species of the rains 2. The thumping, as on a melon to try
called kona; a fine rain. its ripeness.
Ko-na-LeE, adj. Bright; clear; unob- 3. A trial of strength or ability ;make-
scured ; white.
make na kamalii i ka hele no ke koni o ka
2. Quiet; still, like moonshine in a calm
still night. Mel. Sol. 6:10. Aiai e like me Ko-n1, adj. Beating; throbbing; pain-
ka mahina i ka po malie loa; he mahina ful.
konane—konale. Ko-n1-a, adj. Disobedient.
Ko-NA-LE-LE-wa, s. Name of a species Ko-n1-Ko-nI, v. To throb fast or fre-
of fish. quently, as the pulse.
Ko-na-mo-£, s. A class of the kona 2. To nibble, as a fish at a hook.
rains; a cold rain. 3. To snatch away a little at a time.
Ko-na-ne, s. Name of a game like Ko-ni-Ko-n1, adj. Ardent; active; busy;
checkers ; a species of punipeke ; he mea feeling deeply ; he aloha huihui konikoni
hana lealea e like me ka punipeke; the ana iloko o’n.
stones are placed in squares black and Ko-ni-nI, v. See Kont. To revive after
white, then one removes one and the other fainting.
jumps, as in checkers ; ua lilo oe ia’u i ke 2. To be convalescent.
konaneia, you are mine by the game ko- 3. To grow up, as a plant; to spring up,
mane. Laieik. 59. as a shoot.
Ko-na-neE, adj. See KonatE above. Na Ko-ni-n1, adj. Convalescent; getting
po mahina konane, bright moonlight nights. well from sickness.
Laieik. 181. Ko-nr-ni-u, s. See Niv and Niniv.
Ko-ne, s. Eng. A cony; a species of Dizziness; vertigo. See Ponrnivu.
hare. Kanl. 14:7. Ko-no, v. ‘lo lead one along to any
Ko-nE-Ko-NE-A, v. To be shaved smooth, place. Nah. 22:41.
as the head ; to be made bald or smooth, 2. To take along, asaservant. Kin. 22:3.
as the forehead. 3. To invite, as a guest; to take in com-
2. To be hard and dry. pany. 2 Sam. 13:23.
3. To be strong, as a person without dis- 4. Toimitate; to go along slowly, as foot
ease. travelers; ekono mau ana i ka lae kahakai.
4. To be restored from sickness; to be Laieike. 157.
recovered from disease. See KoNAKONEA. 5. To take, as one’s wife in company. 1
Ko-nE-Ko-NE-A, adj. Restored ; recov- Kor. 9:5.
ered again from sickness. 6. Hoo. To hasten; to hurry; to send
2. Shaven, as the head; made bald. away.
7. To set on, as dogs; to set one against
Ko-nE-NE, v. To move or jump, as one another. See KoNoKONO.
moves his iliili, or jumps in the play ko- Ko-no-u1-K1, s. The head man of an
nane ; to take up quickly. abupuaa.
2. To be very dry. 2. A person who has charge of a land
Ko-NE-NE-LE, ee To be quick; to go with others under him; o ka mea ai aina,
Ko-NE-NE-NE, quickly ; to hasten. he konohikzi ia.
2. Applied sometimes to one who has Ko-no-ko-na, v. To despise; to be dis-
been sick and is recovering; to be strong; pleased with. See Konakona.
to be well, &c. Ko-no-Ko-no, v. See Kono. To urge on;
3. To be hard and stiff, as a garment
to excite, d&c. .
(kapa) wet and dried again. See Konrko-
NEA. 2. Hoo. To set on each other, as dogs.
3. To make one angry with another by
Ko-nE-ri-sa, s. Name of a foreign bird. persuasion ; to stir up discord. Sol. 6:14.
Ko-n1, v. To try; to taste; to make 4. To excite to commotion; to stir up
proof of by tasting. popular feeling ; hookonokono mai ia (0
2. To try, as one’s constancy or affection. Satana) i keia mau mea ia kakou e hana,
3. To throb, as the pulse ; to be in pain Satan stirs us up that we should do these
of body or mind; to be jealous; to suffer things.
from apprehension or fear. 5. To persuade to go, as on business ;
4. Hoo. To try the quality of a thing by hookonokono aku o Lilihaia Kalama: o kil
experiment ; hookoni hele aku la lakou i a hoi mai, Liliha persuaded Kalama (say-
kahi e ono ai ka wai, they went along tast- ing) go for him and return.
ing till they found sweet water. Ko-nu, s. The center; the central point;
Ko-ni, s. The beating or throbbing of the middle, especially with waena. See
the pulse or heart. See Api. Warnaxonu. Nore—Aonu is used to ren-
KOP- 295 KU
der waena more emphatic and definite, as |Ko-pu-KE-A.
the middle point ; the very center of a place Ko-wa, v. To separate; to divide be-
or thing. tween two things.
Ko-nu-t, a To strike upon, as the Ko-wa, s. See Koa and Wa, a space.
Ko-mv-, rays of the sun; to be very A vacant space between two things. as
hot. See Nov. 1. The spaces between the fingers or toes.
Ko-nu-waeE-na, adv. See Konu above. 2. Astrip or space of water between two
In the midst. lands ; hence, the channel of a harbor.
Ko-pa, s. A shrub, the fruit of which 3. A strait or sound.
is made into beads. Ko-waa, s. A rope or string for draw-
Ko-pa, s.«Eng. The Hawaiian pronun- ing or dragging a canoe or other things;
ciation for soap; kula copa lole, the fuller’s he iM hau, he mea kowaa ia; he akua ko-
field. Jsa. 7:3. See also Sopa. waa 0 Kanepuaa, a furrow-making god was
Ko-Pa-LA-NI. Kanepuaa. See KANnepuaa.
Ko-pz, v. To shovel, as dirt; to paw; Ko-waa, v. To drag; to draw; to move
a thing by drawing.
to scratch.
2. To defend off; to parry, as a blow; Ko-wau, s. The testicles. See Hua.
to turn aside from. Ko-wa-na, s. A species of wauki. See
Ko-pz, s. A shovel; a spade; a scoop Korum. Eia kona laau, o ka popolo ame
for lading flour; any instrument of the ke kowaha.
kind. Nah. 4:14. Ko-wa-ko-wavu. See Koxoov.
Ko-pr-a-u1, s. Kope and ahi, fire. A fire Ko-wa-u1, v. To swing to and fro, as a
shovel. 2 Nal. 25:14. rope for children to jump over. ’
Ko-rE-Ko-rEe, adj. Morose; silent; taci- Ko-wa-u, s. A kind of play for chil-
turn; ill-natured. dren ; swinging a rope. There were two
Ko-pe-xLa, s. Name of a shrub or tree. kinds of kowali.
Ko-pE-LE-HU, s. Kope and lehu, ashes. 2. Name of a certain stick or buoy on
which to float a fish-hook.
A fire shovel. See Kopraut above.
3. The name of a running vine; a con-
Ko-pE-na, s. He moonihoawa. volvulus; also written koali.
Ko-ps-ra, s. Heb. Camphire. Mel. Sol. Ko-wa-Li-PE-HU, s. A species of con-
1:14. volvulus with a white flower.
Ko-p1, v. To salt, as fish or meat; to Ko-we-Lo, v. Ko and welo, to float in
Koa sprinkle on salt; to preserve in the wind. To drag or trail behind, as the
salt. trail of a garment.
Ko-pi-xo, s. A kind of grass. 2. To stream or float in the wind, as
2. The name of a shrub. See Oprko. colors or an ensign. See KorEno.
Ko-pi-xo, s. The name of a tree, the Ko-w1, v. To press; to squeeze together.
timber used for kuas in making kapa; it is Kin. 40:11.
also used for fuel. 2. To wring out, as water. Hal. 73:10.
See Kawi and U1.
Ko-pi-u1, s. A gift presented to a child
at its birth. Ko-ra, s. Hed. A cor, a dry measure.
2. The name of a small white kapa put 2 Oihl. 2:10.
on the idols. See O1oa. Ko-ra-Ka, s. Gr. A raven. Kin. 8:7.
3. A species of wauki. An unclean bird. Oihk. 11:15.
4. The wauki bark pounded thin; ikoiko Ko-rE-Ba-NA, s. Gr. Corban; a gift;
ia a lahilahi. consecrated property. Mar. 7:11.
Ko-pi-ti-nui, s. The name of a day
when the altars and sacrifices were dressed Ko-re-NE-TA, s. Eng. A cornet, a mu-
out with white kapa; ua kapaia ua la la sical instrument. 1 Oihl. 15:28. i
he la kopilinui no ke kopili ana o ka lana- Ko-re-ni-sa, s. Name of a bird in Kam.
nuumamao. 14:13; the glede; a kite.
Ko-pi-wa, s. Eng. perhaps. A coping Ko-ri-a-Na, s. Eng. Coriander; the
on the top of a building. 1 Nal. 7:9. seed of the coriander. Puk. 16:31.
Ko-pi-r1, v. See Kort. To sprinkle, as Ko-ri-NE-TA, s. See Koreneta above.
water or salt. Heb. 9:19. Also, to sprin- Ko-ro-na, s. Eng. A crown; the offi-
kle, as a perfume. Sol. 7:17. See Pirr. cial head dress of a king or queen. Ezek.
Ko-po-Le, s. A method of cooking fish 21:26. Syy. with leialii.
by wrapping them in leaves and roasting | Ku, v. Note.—This word has two dis-
th em. tinct meanings and yet they run into each
KU 296 KUA
other; as, first, ku to rise up; second, ku| Ku-a, v. To strike in a horizontal di-
to stand. rection ; hence,
1. To arise ; to rise up, as from a sitting 1. To cut or hew down, as a tree with an
posture. Joan. 11:29. To stand erect. axe; alaila kua laau ala o Kalanimoku,
2. To rise, as war. 1 Oihl. 20:4. To rise then Kalanimoku cut down sandal-wood.
up to do a thing or for a specified purpose. 2. To hew, as wood or stones. Kanl.7:5.
Joan. 1:2. To cut out, as stone from a quarry; ke kua
3. To stand against; to resist; to act pohaku oe; to cut, as coral; hele aku la
contrary to. makou e kua puna.
4, Hoo. To excite; to stir up, as an in- 3. To overthrow; to destroy (cut down),
surrection. as anidol. Oithk. 26:30.
5. To raise up, as an eminent person. 4. To throw or cast away; to put away;
Kanl. 18:15, 18. e kipaku.
6. To raise up; to propagate. Kani. Ku-a, s. The back of a person or ani-
mal in distinction from the face. Puk.
Ku, v. To stand, i. e., to stop still; to 33:23. He kahi mahope o ke poo o ke ka-
let down, as an anchor (generally written naka, a o ka holoholona.
kuu); ku iho la makou ia nei, we anchored 2. The top of a ridge or high land.
(stood, stopped) at this place; to stand 3. The hewed stick, block or wood on
against or opposite to. which kapa is beaten.
2. To hit; to strike against; to pierce, 4. The anvil of a blacksmith, from its
as a spear; a ku oiai ka poe panapua. similarity to the kapa block (a modern ap-
3. To hit, as the foot in walking; to plication.) Jsa. 41:7.
stumble. Rom. 9:32. 5. The name of one of the six houses of
4. To stand, as a ship, i. e., to come to an ancient Hawaiian residence; he hale
anchor. kua, oia kekahi. See Hae.
5. Hoo. To cause to stand, i. e., to hold 6. The name of a species of fish.
up; to stretch out,as the hand. 1 Nal. 8:22. 7. The front side of a place; ma ke alo
6. To be placed or set in a state or con- o keia aina, he kua o ka moku ia. D. Malo
dition. Job. 20:4. 3:23.
7. To fit; to be like; to resemble; to Ku-a-al-na, Ss. Kua and aina, land. The
agree with; ua ku ke keiki i ka makua, back country; up the mountain where there
the child resembles the parent; aole e ku i are no chiefs; the country in distinction
ke kanawai, it is not according to law. from a village or city. Mar. 6:56.
8. To fit, as a garment. The following 2. The inhabitants or people of the back
are miscellaneous uses : country ; 0 ka poe i noho ma ke kuao ka
9. With pono, to be opposite to; holo mokupuni, ua kapaia he kuaaina, he inoa
mai la lakou a ku pono i Honaunau, they hooino nae ia.
sailed till opposite to Honaunau. 3. Ignorant, uninstructed people; the
10. Ku e, to resist ; to oppose. ignoble; the back-woods people. 1 Kor.
11. Ka hookw ole i ka hala, not con- 1:28. The inhabitants of a back country.
demned. Oih. 4:13. Ka poe makaainana, na wahi
12. Ku ika wa, to stand in a space (be- kokoke ole mai i kahi alii.
tween two parties) ; hence, to be free; to Ku-a-ar-na, adj. Of or pertaining to the
be uncommitted. 1 Kor. 9:1.
upland country ; rude; away from refined
13. Ku o ka hao, to be fitted of iron, i.e., society.
to be bound withiron. Mat. 8:28.
14. To be suitable; to be proper; to be Ku-a-au, s. Kua, back, and au, current;
fit. Luk. 3:8. surf. A bare reef; ke kohola; a dry place
15. To extend ; to reach from one place within the sea; he wahi maloo; a very
to another ; ua ku ko’u pilau mai Hawaii shallow place in the sea; papau o ke kai.
a Kauai, my evil influence (ill savor) has Ku-a-a-Ha, s. Name of a place where
reached from Hawaii to Kauai. the gods were worshiped ; he wahi e hoo-
16. To come to one, as a report or in- mana aii ke akua.
formation ;ku mai ia Poliahu ka ike no 2. Name of a cup used in worshiping the
Aiwohikupua mau hana. gods, i. e., the poe aumakua; he ipu auma-
Ku, s. A portion of land which does kua, he ipu i hana ia i ka aaha a paa.
not pass with all the land from one to an- Ku-a-a-na, s. Epithet of a relationship
other, but is fixed; lilo ka ainaiku. Lrr. signifying the older of two children of the
The land has become fixed. same sex; as, kai-kuaana, the older of two
2. The name of a month. brothers or of two sisters, each to each;
Ku, adj. Right; fit; proper; put in ka hoahanau mua ma ka hanau ana.
order ;berena ku lalani, the show bread.| Ku-a1, v. To rub one thing against an-
Puk. 35:13. other; to grind by rubbing one surface
against another; to rub or stir round, as wail which are noted in genealogy. Lr
flour in sifting it. Genealogized. Also Heb. 7:6.
2. To barter one thing for another. Nore. 2. To have the knowledge of genealogies;
This was the ancient idea of selling and to know the path of the descent of chiefs;
buying. as Hawaiians formerly had no com- e ike i ke kuamoo kupuna alii mai kahiko:
mon circulating medium. mai.
3. To traffic or exchange one commodity Ku-au-nau, s. A genealogy; a pedi-
for another ; after coin began to circulate, gree. 1 Tim. 1:4. Mai manao kakou he
kuai ilo mai signified to buy, and /euai lilo pololei loa keia kuauhau, let us not think
aku, to sell. Puk. 21:16. At present, the that this genealogy is strictly correct. Neh-
phrase is contracted into /cuai mai, to buy, 7:5.
and kuai aku, to sell; ina i make kahi ka- 2. A person skilled in genealogy or tra-
naka, a keuai ia oia i ke akua kii. dition; a historian. Kin. 5:1. He mea ike-
Ku-a1, adj. Of or belonging to trade ; ike kuamoo alii.
he hale keuai, a house for sale, or a house Ku-au-nau, adj. Relating to what is
where sales are made, i.e.,a store; waiwai registered or retained as historical; pala-
kuai, goods or property for sale. pala kuavhau, a genealogical register.
Ku-at-a-Ko, s. The place where the 2. Honorable; distinguished.
akos are bound on to the canoe, both be- Ku-a-u-La, s. Red thick kapa; red bark.
fore and behind; mai kuaiako mua,a kuai- Ku-au-Ka-u1, s. Kuau and kahi, one.
ako hope o ka waa. Laieik. 17. The principal or single rain during the
Kav-al-o-Le, s. The upper ridge pole summer months; ka ua hookahi o ka ma-
Ku-al-I-0-LE, of a house; ka laau ma- kalii.
Juna iho o kanhuhu ma Kaupaku. Ku-a-u-kA, s. Kua, a god, and wka, in-
Ku-a-1-0, s. The side or border of a kalo land. The name of the gods of the moun-
patch; the border of a cultivated plot; the tains in opposition to kualai, gods on the
separating line between two fields. See sea shore.
KUAAUNA. Ku-a-u-na, s. The bank of a stream;
Ku-al-Hoo-o-La, v. Kuai, to buy, and the side or border of a kalo patch. See
hooola, to save alive. See Ova. To redeem; Kvaio. Ke hele nei makou ma na kuauna
to save from death. Hoik. 14:3, 4. poho, we are traveling at present on the
borders of kalo patches liable to sink in.
Ku-at-Hu, adv. Over and over.
Ku-a-i-Lo, v. To declare or explain some Ku-au-paa, s. Name of a bundle of po-
enigma or mysterious expression; e hai lolu carried by the chief on going into bat-
mai i ka nane nalowale loa, loaa ole i ka tle.
imiia. Ku-a-Ha-u-a, v. To call out all the peo-
Ku-a-i-no, v. To turn back to an evil ple, as a chief; to call together on busi-
course after having forsaken it. ness ; to assemble all the people.
Ku-a-HA-u-a, adj. Proclaiming; calling
Ku-ao, adj. Cloud-standing; a cloud together, as the people of a chief; mamuli
standing in an upright position. 0 ka olelo kuahaua, according to procla-
Ku-au, s. The stick or mallet with mation. JLaieik. 162.
which the Kapa is beaten out. Ku-a-a-NA, s. The name of a god who
2. The handle of an 00; kuau oo; the killed men.
handle of a hoe. See Kano. Ku-a-HE-a, s. A region on the side of a
3. The handle of a knife, file, auger, &e. mountain below the kuamauna and where
Ku-a-u-a, s. Contraction for ka ua ua, small trees grow.
frequent rains. The season of rains; ame Ku-a-nt-Lo, v. See Hiromito. To ram-
ka hekili iloko 0 ke kuaua. Laieik. 181. ble in telling a story; to make along story.
2. A fertilizing rain; kuauva mua, the
former rain; kuaua hope, the latter rain. Ku-a-HI-Lo-HI-Lo, v. To talk without
Hos. 6:3. coming to the point.
Ku-a-u-a-Ho-pz, s. The latter rain. See Ku-a-HI-NE, s. A sister of a brother; e
Kuava above, kuu lani, eia ko kuahine, o Kahalaomapa-
Ku-a-u-a-mu-a, s. The first or former ana, ka mea au e aloha nui nei. JLaieik.
rain. See Kuava above.
Ku-au-Ha, v. To council ; to advise. Ku-a-nI-wl, s. Kua, back, and Aiwi,
summit. The top or summit of a mountain.
Ku-au-Hau, v. Ku and auhau, to tax. Noh. 3:1. Hence,
To be recorded in genealogy, in history or 2. A mountain of the highest clags.
tradition ;o na kupuna mua o ko Hawaii 3. Mountains or a mountainous -ountry.
nei i kuauhauia. the first ancestors of Ha- 4. Asngle mountain. 2 Oth. 2:2.
an KUA 298 KUA
Ku-a-Ha, s. Analtar for sacrifice. Kin. a tree; to cut; to hew out, asa canoe ; 0
8:20. Kuaha okoa, a whole altar. 1 Wal. ke koi keia e kKuakua ana i ka waa.
6:22. He wahi e hoomoa ai na mohai. Ku-a-ku-a, s. A section or piece of a
Ku-a-Hu-a, v. Kua, back, and ahua, a fish net ; kuakua upena.
raised place. To bend upward, as the back; 2. A small section of land like a koele or
to rise above water, as a whale’s back. hakuone.
Ku-a-Hu-1, s. Sticks tied temporarily on | Ku-a-ku-a-ku, s. A kalo patch.
to the frame of a house while building ; he Ku-a-ku-al, v. See Kuai, to rub. To
aho mawaho o ka hale i ka manawa e kau- rub with pressure ; to polish ; to grind.
hilo ai. Ku-a-ku-P1, s. A sore on the back.
Ku-a-Hu-Lu, s. Name of a vegetable Ku-a-ta, s. The fore fin on the back of
eaten in time of famine. a fish.
Ku-a-ka-u1, s. The third generation of 2. A sharp and cutting bone on the side
a series, that is, the third from the parent. of a certain fish near the tail.
Puk. 20:5. Thus, first, the parent, makua; 3. Hard kalo; heavy food.
second, the child, keiki; third, the grand- 4. Increase; interest; usury. Hzek. 18:8.
child, kuakahi; moopuna kuakahi, a grand- Interest on money; a word derived from
child; he keiki na kana keiki aku. kuwala,asomerset; turning over and over.
Ku-a-ka-H1, adj. Name of a place in- See Kuwata.
definitely known, or rather not known, but Ku-a-ta, v. To set a cask on its head.
considered to be far off ; oi noho kou uhane 2. To take or exact usury ; to pay over
ma puu Kuakahi. and above.
Ku-a-ka-HI-KI, s. Kua, back, and kahiki, Ku-a-La, adj. Pertaining to usury.
a foreign country. Something afar off in Oihk. 25:36. Uku kuala, usury. Neh. 5:7.
another land, or done long ago so as to be Kou-a-xa, adv. Usuriously; giving upon
forgotten; i kuakahiki ka pule; kahi nalo- usury. Hzek. 18:8.
wale loihi loa paha. Ku-a-Lau, s. A strong wind; a gale of
Ku-a-Ka-LA, S$. See Lu. A medicine wind ; wind and rain upon the ocean; he
mixed up with some liquid and taken as a ua me ka makani ma ka moana.
purgative ; the name of the plant is navle. Ku-a-La-au, s. Kua, to hew, and daau,
Ku-a-Ka-Li-KE-a, S. Kua, back, and ka- wood. <A hewer of wood. Kanl. 29:10.
likea, border; fringe. White on the back, Ku-a-LAu-wI-Ll, v. See Lauwitt. To be
border or edge. circuitous in conversation; to wander here
Ku-a-xe-a, v. To be white as chalk; and there in one’s talk.
as salt on or about salt ponds; ua hele a Ku-a-La-kal, s. The name of a species
kuakea i ka paakai. of fish.
Ku-a-KE-A-HU, s. An unseen imaginary Ku-a-La-Kal, s. The eating of fresh fish
place at a great distance off. pounded up finely and mixed with other
2. The poe kuaaina that live far off from things. Nore.—The malolo was the fish
the metropolis ; a hala loa kon uhane ma frequently served up in this way.
keuakeahu. Ku-a-La-kal, s. A swelling up of the
Ku-a-kE-ao, s. See the foregoing. cheeks, perhaps the abdomen, from rich
Ku-a-x1, v. To feel sad at the loss of a eating, perhaps from disease. :
bet in gambling; kuaki paha, pili oia i Ku-a-La-na, v. To be idle; to be in-
kona waiwai a pau loa, a ilihune,a pupule different to all business ; to wander about
maoli kahi poe i ka minamina nui. without object; to sit uninterested with
Ku-a-ko-xo, s. Pain; distress, as of a nothing to engage attention, as one who
woman in child-birth. Fic. /sa. 13:8. He does not understand the conversation; lilo
kuakoko nei ka wahine, 0 ka mea ikaika oukou i ka olelo haole a kualana makou ;
loa no ia, a hiki mai ke kuakoko hanau. to sit idle, as one lazy (molowa) on a canoe
Ku-a-ko-ko, v. To travail; to have the instead of paddling.
pains of child-birth. Jsa. 23:4. Ku-a-ta-nA, s. Indolence; laziness; fa-
Ku-a-ko-xo, adj. Of or belonging to tigue ; nui ka poe kualana e noho aina ole
child-birth. Isa. 21:3. ana; 0 ke kanaka hoopili wale he kualana
Ku-a-Ko-Lo. ia, he who joins himself to another witb-
out work is a lazy fellow.
Ku-a-ko-Lu, s. The fifth in a series of 2. A man who roves about without a
generations ; a great grandchild; he ku- chief or haku or any support or any one to
_puna kuakolu. See Kuakant. depend on.
Ku-a-ku, adj. Ironically spoken. Ku-a-La-na, adj. Lazy; not disposed to
Ku-a-ku-a, v. See Kua, to cut down,as work; 0 ka noho a ka ohua kualana.
2. Fatigued, as a man by paddling a|Ku-a-moo, s. Kua, back, and #0, a liz-
canoe and lays down his paddle. ard. The backbone of a man or animal.
3. Not sinking; floating; komo ole, lana. 2. A road or frequented path. Nore.—
Ku-a-La-na-pu-n1, s. The office of the This was the word used formerly on the
person who kept the flies off from the king Island of Hawaii for path or road; the
when he slept; o ka mea kahili i ko ke word alanui is now general; a road or
alii wahi e moe ai, he kualanapuhi ka inoa. highway. unk. 21:19.
Ku-a-La-pa, v. To stretch out, as a 3. Fie. A way; custom. Syn. with aoao.
head-land; to project, as a cape. See Mat. 10:15. Obedience to law. Mar. 1:3.
Lapa. Ku-a-moo, s. The name of some place
Ku-a-La-pa, s. A ridge of land between on the bottom of a canoe; alaila kalai ia
two ravines. See Lapa, s. na aoao ame ke kuamoo malalo.
Ku-a-La-Pe-Hu, s. Name of an office _Ku-a-moo, adj. Of or pertaining to the
among the king’s train. backbone ; iwi kwamoo. Oihk. 3:9.
Ku-A-LE-HE-LE-HE, v. To converse with Ku-a-mo-a-mo, v. To curse the gods;
many words ; to talk fluently ; aka, o keia to curse generally. Oihk. 19:14.
pae aina i /cualehelehe a Binamu. 2. To blaspheme; to reproach; to swear;
Ku-a-Le-na, v. See Lena. To stretch to quarrel. Oihk. 20:9.
or spread out in order to free from wrin- Ku-A-M00-0-LE-Lo, s. See Kuamoo 3 and
kles. “sori speech. A style of speaking; a dia-
Ku-a-.i-a-Li, adj. White, as lime; as
white paper and other things. Ku-a-mu-A-Mu, v. See Amu and Amv-
Ku-a-u1, v. ‘To whiten; to make white. amu. To blaspheme, curse, &c. Syn. with
kuamoamo above.
Ku-a-Lu-Li, v. Kua and lili, small; Ku-a-mu-a-mu, s. Blasphemy; a revil-
little. To abate; to slacken; to decrease
ing of sacred things by word; reproachful
in heat.
language. Kanl. 28:37.
Ku-a-Lo-no, s. Kua and dono, to hear. 2. The name of a play or dance.
The space on the top of a mountain; a place Ku-a-na, s. A shower.
of silence, i. e., of hearing.
2. Ku and ana. <A standing; being in
2. A knoll, ‘small hill or protuberance
an erect posture; make kuana a ke kanaka.
on the top of @ mountain.
Ku-a-Lu-a, s. The fourth in descent; a Ku-a-na-KA, s. Kua and naka, not solid.
great grandchild; he moopuna, be keiki na
An extensive disease up and down the
back resembling kuapuhi, but longer.
kana keiki; the fourth generation. Puk.
34:7. 2. Name of a kind of coral formation;
the coral used in polishing.
Ku-a-tu-a, adj. Repeating; doing a 3. Name of a species of fish.
thing twice. Mar. 14:30, 72. Ku-a-na-Lu, s. The outside of the surf
Ku-a-Lu-a, adv. Twice ; the second towards the sea just before it breaks ; ike-
_ time. ia’ku ekolu oukou e ku mai ana ma kua-
Ku-a-mau-na, s. Kua, back, and mauna, nalu. Laieik. 130.
a mountain. <A protuberance or hillock on Ku-a-nE-A, s. See Kane, laziness, &c.
the side of a mountain. Dry barren land ; unprofitable land.
Ku-a-ma-HA, s. The side of the head ; 2. An awkward ignorant person.
the bones back of the ear. 3. A reproach ; a laughing stock.
Ku-a-ma-ka, s. To cut down, as a tree 4. Loss of appetite ; loss of strength.
with the edge of an axe. Ku-a-noo, v. Kua and noo, to think. A
Ku-a-ma-Ka-ni, adj. Not sinking; float- place on the top of a mountain; a place for
ing; without constraint; free, as the wind; thinking or meditation.
inconstant; komo ole. lana, kuamakani. Ku-a-nu-l, adj. Kua, back, and nui,
See Kuaana. great. Big-backed, i.e., awkward, in doing
Ku-a-mi-a-mi, v. See Amt, a hinge. To something more or besides what was re-
make a motion like the working of hinges. quired, and thus spoiling what he tried to
2. To express the intercourse of the sexes. do; or doing a thing in his own way in
3. To laugh at; to mock; to express opposition to the will of him for whom he
contempt. works.
Ku-a-Mi-a-M1, s. The motion of a tum- 2. Obstinate; self-willed; he alii kuanui,
ing hinge. a chief that will have his own way; aole
kuanui 0 Parao, he hewa maoli no.
2. Any motion imitating that of a hinge.
3. The motion of sexual intercourse. Ku-a-pa, s. A crab of the species paiea,
4, A term of reproach. See Amit. but with a hard shell.
Ku-a-paa, v. Awa, back, and paa, hard. ; almost fully grown ; kvapoi na manu, the
To harden the back, i. e., to be hard upon birds are fully fledged.
one ; to oppress. Ku-a-po-La-0, s. Name of a small pile
2. To press or urge one to evil; e ala, e of waiwai collected for the king.
hele mai i kahi e kuapaa ole ai na uhane i Ku-a-pu-I-wi, adj. Long residence ina
ka hewa. place. See Kunarwi.
3. Hoo. To make one’s back tough or Ku-a-puv, s. Kua, back, and puu,
a pro-
eallous with hard labor, as by carrying tuberance. A hump or crooked-backed
burdens and other hard work. person. Oihk. 21:20.
4. To have or exercise great patience
under hard labor or cruel treatment. Ku-a-pPu-H1, s. Kua, back, and puhi, to
burst. A sore back; 4 boil on the back.
Ku-a-paa, s. A name given to bread-
fruit which remains on the trees long after Ku-a-weE-ut, s. A kind of disease in the
the season is over and is parched on the back, or a sign of disease on the back.
side next the sun. 2. A worm that has a black back.
2. The name of a worm that eats vegeta- Ku-a-wi-Ll, v. Kea and wilt, to twist.
bles. To repeat over and over again without
3. Name of a species of fish. meaning; to wander from the point in
4. A coral reef or rock showing itself speaking ; to use foolish repetitions in
above waiter, though sometimes water may speaking. Mat. 6:7.
be over it. Ku-a-wi-ti, s. The name of a prayer
Ku-a-paa, adj. Hard; severe; slavish. used at the dedication of the highest order
2. Laborious; hurried with work; kauwa of heiaus and continued all day.
kuapaa, a slave. 2. Indirectness, repetitious and irregular
3. Parched on one side; he ulu kuapaa. in work.
Ku-a-pa-pa, v. Kua, to cut down, and Ku-£, v. Ku, to stand, and e, opposite.
papa,aboard. To hew out boards or plank. To be opposed; to be contrary; to be
Nore.—This was the former way of making strange.
boards, one log made but one board. 2. To act contrary to authority ; to op-
pose the civil government.
Ku-a-pa-pa, v. To unite or be united, 3. Hoo. To set against; to oppose. Ter.
as people under one chief. 21:10. To cause to oppose. Kanl. 2:30.
2. To be at peace ; to live quietly; hele 4. To oppose, as the bow of a canoe to
mai ia nei, kuapapa o ko kakou noho pu the wind. Nore.—Kue has been written as
ana, we came here (Lahainaluna), peaceful one word and as two, in which case the e
has been our living together. is an adverb ; thus, Aw e, to stand against,
Ku-a-pa-pa, s. Peace; quietness; rest i. e., be opposite to.
from turbulance or anarchy. Ku-g, s. Opposition; strife ;commotion.
Ku-a-pa-pa, adj. Peaceful; quiet; rest- 2. The crooked side timbers in a ship;
ing in confidence. he laau wae kekee.
U-A-PA-PA-NU-1, v. See Kuapapa and 3. Any object with an angle.
Nut, great. To enjoy quietness and satis 4. Name of a species of fish-hook.
faction under the same ruler; to be free Ku-g-a, v. Acontraction of kuewa. To
from the turmoils of war. ZLunk. 3:11, 30. wander about; to have no home. See Ku-
2. To be at ease; to live quietly, as with- EWA.
out much care, and out of the bustle of Ku-z-a, s. A wanderer; a friendless
business. man.
3. To be quiet, as the effect of a virtuous
Ife.) Ia. 32:17. Ku-E-E, v. Ku, to stand, and ee, with a
meaning stronger thane. See Kur above.
Ku-a-pa-pa-nvu-1, s. Real substantial To disagree ; to contend in words.
peace and quiet in a government. 2. To do contrary to; to oppose.
2. Peace following a treaty of mutual 3. To rise up against; to attack.
benefits. 4, To bicker; to quarrel, as a man and
Ku-a-po-i, s. The name of the board on his wife. See Kuxus.
the front part of a canoe. Ku-r-E, s. Disagreement; dissension;
2. The knee pan; moe pono ka iwi ihu opposition of sentiment.
maluna o ka ibu e like me ke kuapoi ma-
luna o ka waa. Ku-EE-0-Hu-a, s. A species of fish net.
3. Name of a bone in the arm or hand. Ku-r-o, adj. Unsteady; going here and
Anat. 21. there; a vagabond. See Kurwa.
Ku-a-po-1, +. Hua, back, and pot, to Ko-r-nu, v. Ku and ehu, to drive away.
cover. ‘To be full fledged, as birds or any To stir up; to make turbid, as water; to
kind of fowis; applied to young birds when shut off, as water running over land.
2. To shake the dust from a mat. ka lawaia, o ka ike i ke kuenehale, ame ke
3. To let go; to cast away, as a thing kaupaku.
not desired. Ku-e-wa, v. To wander about; to be
4. To hold up; to present, as a signal unstable.
for something ; a /cuehu ae la oiai ka lepa 2. To be friendless; to wander about
o kona aahu. Laieik. 22. without a home. Kin. 21:14.
Ku-r-nu-E-nu, v. Freq. of kuehu. To Ku-g-wa, s. One who has no place to
cast or throw dust or dirt. live, no friends ; a fugitive ; a vagabond ;
2. To toss up and down. connected with aea. Kin. 4:12.
Ku-r-xaa, v. See Panoanoa. To re- Ku-1, v. To stick together; to join.
turn, as the current or tide and sweep 2. To stitch or sew together. Ain. 3:7.
everything away; to cast or turn one out E kui lehua, to braid lehua blossoms into
of house and home and all he has. a wreath. JLaieik. 145.
Ku-r-ku-E, s. See Kuz, s., 3. A joint; 3. Hoo. To splice; to join on; to add or
a protuberance; the knuckles; the wrist attach one thing to another. Job. 34:37.
bones; ka puupuuo ka hailima; the elbow, 4. To add or sum up, as numbers. Nah.
&ce.; qualified by some other word. 1:49.
Ku-r-xu-E-nu, v. To rub hard. See 5. To employ ; to use, as the tongue, es-
Kvuerno. pecially in slander. Hal. 50:19.
Ku-r-Ku-k-0, v. To stir or move slightly, Ku-1, v. To pound with the end of a
as one supposed to be dead. thing; to pound with a hammer or mallet;
to knock out. as the teeth; mai /eui wale i
Ku-r-ku-E-Li-ma, s. The elbow. na niho a hemo,
Ku--xu-£-wa-wak, s. The heel. Ain. 2. To pound, as poi; a/cui i kana ai, and
3:15. The ankle joints. he pounded his food.
Ku-E-KU-E-NE, v. See Kuene, to lay 3. To beat out, as metals. Puk. 39:3.
out a building. To act the part of a stew- 4. To pound up; to break fine. Kani.
ard; to serve out food. 9:21.
Ku-s-xu-E-n1, v. Toshake; to tremble; 5. To smite; to injure; to smite with the
to move ; to struggle. hand. 2 Oihl. 18:23.
6. To smite, as the conscience. 1 Sam.
Ku-s-tvu, v. ‘To loosen; to cast down. 24:6.
Ku-r-ma-xa, Ss. Kue and maka, face. 7. To buffet or smite as a punishment.
The eyebrows. 1 Pet. 2:20. Kui a wali, to beat to pieces.
2. The brow of a hill. Isa. 3:15.
Ku-E-MA-KA-PA-LI, s. See Kuemaxka and 8. To smite, as hail. Puk. 9:28.
Paul, a precipice. The brow of a hill. Ku-1, »v. To sound, as thunder; kui iho
Ku-r-m1, v. Au and emi, to shrink back. la ka hekili maluna.
To stand or retreat, as from something 2. To sound abroad; to sound or spread
feared. abroad, as fame or report; kui aku la ka
lono. 1 Oihl. 14:17. To be beard, as a re-
Ku-s-ne, v. To measure for the pur- port.
pose of laying out the foundation of a house. 3. Hoo. To roar, as the wind; ke hookui
2. To frame ; to lay out, as the frame of ja ka makani i kela aoao i keia aoao, a
a building. puka mai auanei.
3. To set up; to put in order, as seats 4. To resist; to oppose; to put in dis-
for a multitude ; to set up the posts of a order,
4. To care for and divide out, as a stew- Ku-1, s. A general name for small
ard does to a cook: to act the steward; ke pointed instruments; he mea oioi ma ka
hooko nei oia, ke keuene nei; e lana’e ka maka; a nail; a pin: an awl: a spike; a
pepeiao ke kueneia nei. goad. Puk. 21:6. The double teeth; na
niho nui ma ka nao, maloko o ke a. Nors.
Ku-E-nE, s. A steward; a treasurer. Kui mostly has some qualifying term added
Isa. 22:15. to designate what particular thing it is;
2. A small quantity of anything: a frac- as, kuihao, a nail; kuikele, a needle ; kui-
tion, as haif a glass of rum or water, &c. ; keleawe, a brass or copper nail, &c.
he wahi kuene ai uuku, a little food.
3. Detraction; slander; false speaking Ku-1a, v. The passive participle of Az.
against another. Hit: fitted ;stumbled; not sharp: blunt ;
doing over and over again; meeting.
Ku-E-NE-HA-LE, s. Auene and hale, a
house. The knowledge of putting up a Kvu-1-a, s. Name of an instrument used
house and in the practice of several trades. in war.
2. One skilled in framing and finishing Ku-1-al, s. Kui, to pound, and ai, food.
a house; o ka ike i ka mabiai, 0 ka ikei The act of pounding poi or food.
Ku-1-au-mo-E, s. The name given by Ku-1-Ka-wa, adj. Ku, to stand, 2, prep-
those about the chief to those below them osition, in, ka, the, and wa, space. Lir. To
in privilege, though better persons; o ka stand in the space. A phrase signifying
poe i komo ma ke kuiawmoe, o ka poe la- independence ; noi attached to either side.
kou 0 pohokano, he kukuiolelo wale no ia. It is applied to persons concerning whom
Ku-1-a-Lu-a, s. The name of some art it is doubtful to what chief they belong, or
taught in former times; he nui ka poe i ao to whose authority they are amenable ; or
i ke kaala me ke kuialua. as in English, he is on the fence, that is, on
neither side ; hence,
Ku-1-E£, v. Kui and ee, the armpit. To 1. Free ; not bound to any chief.
secure or carry under the arm; to fold up 2. Not subject to any one’s control ; not
and put under the arm. in bondage. Nore.—This phrase is some-
Ku-1-E-Lu-a, s. The name of an ancient times written in one word as above, and
game ; same perhaps as kuialua. sometimes in four, as kuika wa. 1 Kor.
Ku-1-Hao, v. Kuz, to pound, and hao, BY
iron. To forge; to work iron, as a black- Ku-1-Ke, v. For ku i ka ike. To know
smith. or think alike ; to agree.
Ku-1-HAo, s. See above. An iron spike; 2. To be understood; e haawi e paa i ka
a nail. lima ke kuike e mamua o ka olelo, to give
2. A blacksmith ; an armorer. the hand in confirmation, provided the
Ku-1-Ha0, adj. Pertaining to a black- agreement be previously understood.
smith. Ku-1-Ke, v. Kuz and ke, to push away.
Ku--HE, v. Ku, to stand, and hee, to To smooth off a place; to leave nothing
Ku-1-HEE, slide. To go forward, then 2. To destroy men, as in war until not
retreat ; applied to the mind ; hence, one is left; ua kuikeia a pau loa, it is all
2. To doubt; to hesitate; to be unbe- smoothed over; kuike i ka auhau nui, i na
lieving ; to hesitate to obey or believe a kamalii ame na mea a pau, they were heay-
statement; alaila, kuihe iho la kela no ke ily taxed, children and everything else.
aloha i na makua, then she hesitated on ac-
count of love to her parents. See Kanatua.
Ku-1-KE-LE, s. Kuz, pin, and kele, slip-
pery. A needle; a sewing needle.
Ku-1-HEE, adj. Doubting ; hesitating ; Ku-1-xe-pa, s. The name of the work
advancing and retreating. of making the god named Lonomakua.
Ku-1-He-wa, v. Kui, to strike, and hewa, Ku-1-Ku-1, v. Intensive of kuz, to strike.
wrong. To strike or hit by mistake. To strike often; to beat; to smite or buffet,
Ku-1-Ka-n1, v. Kui, to unite, and kahi, asa person. Isa. 58:4. To box; to exer-
one. To have things and interests united cise for a boxing match.
in one. 2. To take up arms against any one, i.e.,
2. To make peace or to be at peace ; ua to unite against ; e hele kuiee.
kuikahi ke aupuni, the kingdom is in a 3. To pelt; to throw at; to beat against.
state of peace. 4. To fasten together, as the parts of a
3. To make or to be conducive to peace; building.
he mea anei ia e keuikahi ai? is that a thing 5. Hoo. To put together; to form; hence,
to make peace? Kuikahi like, peace; quiet- to feign; to pretend. Neh. 6:8.
ness. Hoik. 6:4. I kuikahi ai ka ainoa o Ku-1-xu-1, s. Name of a medicine, com-
ke aupuni, that the breaking kapu might pounded or made into a drink from the sap
be peaceably done throughout the king- or gum of the koko tree.
dom. Ku-r-ku-1, adj. Striking or blowing
4, Hoo. To make peace, as contending strongly, as the wind; he makani kuileui;
parties. 2 Sam. 3:12. To enter into a more frequently pakuikui. See AKUIKUI.
treaty of peace after a war. 2 Sam. 10:19. 2. Pounded ; bruised ; wauki kuikui,
To make peace ; to unite on terms of am- pounded wauki.
ity. pes. 2:15. :
3. United; fastened. See the verb.
Ku-1-xa-u1, s. A union of sentiment or 4. He upena kuikui, a net well woven,
feeling. i. e., fastened.
2. A state of peace; satisfaction. Kv-I-Ku-I-wa-LE, s. A pounding or bruis-
3. A covenant; a treaty. 1 Sam. 18:3. ing to death; an ancient method of ki!ling.
4, A treaty of peace and amity.
Ku-1-xa-HI, adj. Peaceful; quiet; olelo Ku-1-ta, s. The name of a kind of for-
eign cloth; he lole hinuhinu paa loa.
kuikahi, a league; a covenant; a treaty.
Ios. 9:6, 7. Ku-1-11, s. The name of a prayer which
Ku-1-x4-u1, adv. Together; in common; lasted all night.
peacefully. Ku-i-Lu-a, v. Aui, to add, and dua, two;
double. To add on: to double by adding |Ku-ov, v. Ku, to stand, and ow, to rest
to a thing; e kuilua,e kuilua mai i ka pono the head on anything. To incline the head;
ia Jakou, add on, increase the goodness to to bend the head forward, as in bowing.
them, i. e., increase continually in good- See Kunov.
ness. i} Ku-ov-E-LE-NA, adj. Standing firmly
Ku-1-na, s. Kui and ana,a uniting. A and constantly by the chief at all times; o
sewing, that is, a set of sleeping kapas, ke paupau akoa o ke paupau /euoulena.
generally five, sewed together, answering |Ky-o-Ha, s. Name of a prayer used for
the purpose of sheets. causing a man to love his wife and a wife
2. A seam; a place where pieces of kapa to love her husband.
or cloth are united.
3. In modern times, a sheet. Ku-o-nHo, s. Name of a shell fish.
Ku-1-nE-Hr, adj. Kui, to strike, and Ku-o-xo-a, v. Au, to stand, and okoa,
nehe, a rustling sound.: O ka lani |
another. To stand aside by one’s self.
: /evinehe 2. To stand aloof from assisting or in-
uwe, the heaven wtering sorrowful sounds. |
juring another.
Ku-1-pa-Lu, v. Kui, to break, and palu, 3. To cast off the authority of a king or
soft or fine. To bruise or pound fine, i. e., ruler; to rebel.
soft. 4. Hoo. To set free ; to deliver from the
2, To break up; to break fine. 2 Oth. power of another.
31:1. To break down; to demolish, as idol
gods. 2 Oihl.4:3. Kuipaluia na akua kii. Ku-o-ko-a, adj. Standing aloof or sep-
3. To beat or bruise. as a cruel man does arate from; existing in independence of
his wife. anything else.
Ku-1-pa-tvu, adj. Broken fine; bruised; Ku-o-ta, v. Awand ola. Tostandalive
pounded. and safe ; to escape some great danger.
Ku-1-rz, v. Kui, to beat, and pe, crushed Kou-o-xu-o-Lo, v. The intensive of kuolo.
flat. The full form is kui a pe. To beat To make a vibrating motion, as in rubbing
down; to bend over flat; i kuipeia e ka or polishing; to rub; to polish, as in scour-
makani a paa. ing a utensil.
Ku-1-pe-H1, v. To be in doubt; to hesi- Kv-o-Lo, v. To make a vibrating mo-
tate in acting; to go with hesitancy; to tion; tornb; to polish; to scour; toscratch,
distrust one’s friendship or offer. 2. To shake, as a fluid in a bottle or cask.
3. To tremble, as the voice.
Kvu-1-re-u1, s. Hesitancy; distrust ; Ku-o-Lo, s. A small sort of drum; a
making objections. Oih. 10:29. timbrel. Hal. 92:3. The hula drum; he
Ku-o, ». Hoo. To desire to doa thing, ipu hula; he hula paipu.
but from some cause he does not do it. Ku-o-Lo-H1-A, s. Name of a species of
Ku-o, v. To cry with a loud voice ; to| grass.
lift up the voice in weeping for joy; e, Ku-o-Lo-ka-NI, s. See Kuoto above and
aloha nui mai me ka uwe. Kant, to sound. An ancient musical in-
Ku-o1, v. Ku and o?, to limp. To move strument among Hawaiians, used at hulas
slowly, as a vessel with little wind. and on other occasions of amusement and
2. To rock or reel to and fro, as a vessel dissipation; atimbrel. Puk. 15:20. Trans-
in a calm. lated psalteries in 2 Oihl. 9:11.
3. To reel or stagger, as a fowl drenched Ku-o-Lo-Ku, v. See Kuoro. To sing like
in water. a bird.
4, To stagger, as a person unable to walk Ku-o-Lo-ku, s. The voice or song of a
through weakness. singing bird; kuoloku ka leo o ka manu
Ku-o-1-L1, v. Au and oil, toascend. To Kani leo.
walk a steep road up hill. Ku-o-Lo-No, s. ‘lhe general name of
Ku-o-1-11, adj. Steep, asa road up hill. hillocks or protuberances on the tops of
Ku-00, v. Ku, to stand, and oo, ready; the mountains ; a 0 na pun maluna pono
prepared. To stand ready; to be prepared iho o ke kuahiwi.e ku lalani ana, a ku hoo-
for any event; especially, to be prepared kahi paha, ua kapaia’ku ia he kuolono.
against evil. 1 Peg. 1:13. Ku-o-n1, v. Au and oni, to move. To
2. To be fearless; to be intent on carry- walk gently or softly ; to move lightly; to
ing a point. fall back or behind another on account of
3. To be sober, i. e., unexcited ; to be a slow movement.
calm ; to be fully awake to circumstances. Ku-o-no, s. A corner, as of a room; ap-
L Pet. 4:7: plied only to the inside. See Hio. But
Ku-oo, adj. Fearless ; ready ; prompt kihi is the corner outside of the house.
in action ; vigilant. 2. In geogruphy, a bay; a gulf; a recess
of the sea into the land. See Karkvono.| Kuu-a-bta, v. See Kuata.
He wahi kai e poopoo ana iloko o ka aina. Kuu-g, v. The e gives intensity to the
3. The part of a house (inside) opposite
verb. To release, as one from his suffer-
to the door. ings; to have one’s difficulties pass away;
Ku-o-no-o-no, v. Tobe comfortably set- kuue ka luhi, pau ka pilikia.
tled ; to be well furnished with things for Kuu-xa-nag, s. Kuu, release, and ka-
comfort and convenience; to be above
nae, the breathing. A free breathing, i.e.,
want. free from fear: safe; palekana.
Ku-o-No-o-no, s. An inheritance; a set- Kuu-xuu, v. The frequentative of kuw.
tlement. To let down; to let go; also, hoo., to let
2. A settled place, i. e., a place of rest. down. Oth. 9:25. Alaila, kuukuu lakou i
1, Wal; 8:13. kii malolo.
Ku-o-no-o-no, adj. Well furnished ; Kuvu-kuu, s. Thenameofagame. Hoo.
supplied ; Auonoono ole, unsteady ; unset-
The same.
tled. Kuonoono is applied to a woman 2. A species of spider, commonly called
skillful in pounding kapa and in braiding
Grandfather Longlegs.
mats, &c. See Lona. 3. Name of another species of short-
Kuu, adj. pron. It is used for ko, ko’u legoed spider.
and ka’u, my, mine, what belongs to me. Kuv-xu-u, v. To sit on the heels with
Norr.— uu is often synonymous with ko’u the knees on the ground.
and ka’u, but as these apply to different Kuv-ta, s. ‘The name of the god of fish-
things, and the speaker was at a loss which ermen from Hawaii to Kanai. Hina was
to use. it was proper, i. e.. grammatical to his wife and the goddess of fishermen.
use kuu; thus, Hawaiians say ka’u keiki, When the people prayed to Kuula and he
ko’u hale, but not o’w keiki or ka’u hale;
would not give them fish, they then prayed
but it is correct enough to say kuu keiki to Hina to intercede with her husband.
and kuu hale. Gram. § 150, 4.
Kuu, v. To let go; to loosen; to re- Kuvu-La-La, v. To be beside one’s self;
to be out of one’s right mind ; e pupule, e
lease; to slacken, as a rope that is too
hehena ; to go here and there; to be law-
tight; to let down, as by a rope: to let
down from the shoulder. Hin. 24:18. less.
2. To dismiss or send away, as on an Kuu-La-La, s. Great ignorance; stu-
errand ; to send away, as a messenger; to pidity; a want of common sense views; no
allow tocome. Dunk. 13:8. ke kuulala loa o ko onei poe kahiko i na
3. To put down, as one in authority ; to olelo lalau.
dethrone. 2. Wantonness; effeminacy ; lascivious-
4, To pay out, as a rope or cable in cast- ness.
ing anchor. Kuu-La-La, adj. Wanton; lascivious.
5. To loose, i.e., to cast, as a net into the Tak. 5:5.
water for fish; to take fish in a net, i. e., to 2. Insane; out of reason; lilo loa ma
let down the net for them; to become calm, kona makemake iho; unrestrained from
as the mind after intense anxiety; to be following one’s own inclinations: ua nana
assuaged. Laieik. 77. na kanaka, aole he kuulala loa e like me
6. To give liberty; to suffer or permit to mamua, men looked at him, he was not 80
be done. much out of his senses as before.
7. To cause to do; to suifer to be done. Kuvu-tu-tu, v. To be cold; to be con-
Kanl. 18:10.
tracted with cold; to shiver with the cold,
8. Ekuu i ka uhane, to give up the ghost;
to die. Kin. 35:29. Kuu-.u-tu, adj. Cold; shivering with
9. To fail; to give up; to cease to®elp. cold; chilled ; hence,
Kanl. 31:6, 8. 2. Fearful or abashed ; Kuululu na kahu
10, Hoo. To excuse; to let go; to send ia oe i ke kahuna.
away, asa multitude. Pule. 3:18. Kuu-wa, s. Kuz and ana. A descend-
11. To lead out of an inclosure; to de- ing; passing down. See Kuvu. A heredi-
liver from difficulty ; to set free from; e tary disease ; he mai na na kupuna, a dis-
hoomaha, pau ka nae make. ease from their grand-parents.
Kuu, s. A releasing; a letting go. Kuvu-na, adj. Hereditary; descending
2. The act of taking fish in a net. Nore. or derived from parents to children, as
This idea is more from letting down the some diseases ; he mai kuuna ia no lakou,
net than from insnaring the fish. See the theirs is a hereditary disease. Fic. Ma ka
verb 5. manao kuuna o oukoun, according to your
Kuu, s. The name of a species of fish traditionary opinions ; na uhane i ka hewa
net: he upena kuu. kuuna, traditionary vices.
ee KUH 305 KUH
Ku-na, v. To spit; to spit upon. Nah. call of birds, and then calls them into his:
12:14. To eject saliva from the mouth. snare; afowler. Sol. 6:5.
Ku-na, s. Saliva; spittle; water from Ku-ne-a, adj. Calling ; insnaring, as of
the mouth. 1 Sam. 21:13. birds; makaala ke kanaka kuhea manu,
Ku-wa, adj. Pertaining to saliva. watchful the man who insnares birds;
noisy ; boisterous.
Ku-na-1-K1, adj. Au and haiki, narrow. Ku-neE-ku-HE, s. Freq. of kuhe. Change--
Narrow; contracted; too small or narrow.
able as to colors, as black, green, blue,.
2. Straightened in mind; concerned
greatly in mind. thick dark.
Ku-nao, v. Ku, to stand, and hao, iron. Ku-nE-LA, v. To rise and move along,,
To stand as iron; to stand alone; to be as the swell of the sea; to pass along stand--
singular in a good sense; to acknowledge ing or rising high, as a high swell of the:
God before wicked men; to obey God sea; to rise, as a high surf. See Kanena
rather than follow our own opinions or and KAHELAHELA.
those of others; to stand alone morally; to Ku-ne-La, s. The high unbroken swell
stand alone; applied to a letter of a book of the sea as it moves along.
standing by itself; it applies also to men. Ku-HE-LE-LO-a, v. Ku, to rise, hele, to
Ku-nao, adj. Standing firmly and act- go, and loa, any distance. To be sent off
ing alone; he ua kuhao, rain from a single from one’s house and land and neighbor-
cloud or without a cloud. hood.
Ku-nav-nau, v. Ku and uhauhau, weak. 2. To wander about from place to place.
To be weak; to totter with age. See Unav- See WamANA.
HAU. Ku-HE-LE-Lo-a, s. A person banished
Ku-wa-Ka-Kal, v. Ku and hakakai, to be and sent off to live where he can, stripped
swelled. To be swelled out, as one fat or of everything.
full fleshed. 2. A banishment.
2. To be swelled with disease ; hence, Ku-HE-LE-Lo-a, adj. Of or belonging to
3. To be weak ; to be sickly. a state of banishment.
Ku-wa-xu-na, v. Freq. of kuha. To spit Ku-HE-LE-MAI, s. Ku, to rise, hele, to
upon frequently. move, and mai, this way. The name given
Ku-HA-LA-HA-LA, v. See HoonaLaHALa. to a kind of play used in gambling; he koi,
To break off from a bargain; to grumble he hooleilei.
at another’s prosperity ; to find fault with. Ku-He-pa, v. Ku and hepa, false. To
2. To envy one his prosperity or wealth be untrustworthy; to be uncertain what
and procure his death by the pule anaana; one will do, as a servant or neighbor.
i opuinoino ia mai no ka hanohano. 7 To break a bargain without paying
Ku-wa-tu-xa, adj. Many; numerous; well.
huddled together ; going in great compa- Ku-HE-pA-HE-PA, adj. Doubtful; differ-
nies ; pili i ke kewai kuhaluka ka mauna. ent from what was expected; aole ike mao-
Ku-Ha-NA-0-LE, v. Ku and hana, work, — having an imperfect knowledge of a
and ole, not. To be lazy; to be idle; to thing.
do nothing. Ku-ne-wa, adj. Ku, to hit, and hewa,
Ku-Ha-NA-0-LE, adj. Lazy; idle. wrong. Coming suddenly; seizing upon,
Ku-wa-pa, v. Ku, to fit,and hapa, partly. as a disease; striking unexpectedly, as the
To be incorrect, or correct only in part in wind ; he mai kuhewa, he makani kuhewa.
speaking. Ku-m1, v. To think; to suppose; to
Ku-a-pa-Ha-Pa, v. See Kunara. To be imagine. Sol.17:28. Kuhi lakou he loko-
frequently incorrect in speaking. ino ko na kanaka o Hawaii, they thought
2. To make blunders often. the people of Hawaii of bad disposition.
3. To be not trusty. 2. To point out; to point at with the fin-
4. To be various at different times. er.
: 3. To give an appellation.
Ku-ne, s. A change of color in the skin 4. To cast up to one.
in consequence of being long in the water, 5. To judge ; mai kuhi hewa oukou, do
as purple, blue, brown, &c. not mistake ; do not judge erroneously.
2. The name of a species of fish.
Ku-n, s. A gesturing with the hand to,
Ku-He-a, v. Aw and hea, to call. To regulate singing, time, &c.; the use of the
call; to cry aloud; to call for one; tomake baton or hand in directing music; a na la-
a noise ; to call out. See Kanna. kou (ka poe hula) e ao i ke kuhi a paa ke
Ku-ue-a, s. A hunter, as of birds; ku- kuhi 0 ua mau mele la.
hea manu; one who imitates the whistling Ku-nl-a-La-E-A, adj. Epithet of a cer-
tain priest of Lono; he kahuna kuhialaea |Ku-ui-ni-a, adj. Fat; rich; sweet;
kona inoa. spoken of food.
Ku-n1-a-no, s. Kuhi, to point out, and Ku-ni-pa, v. Not to know or understand
ano, the meaning. In Hawaiian grammar, clearly; to mistake one person for another.
a pronoun: kuhiano pili kanaka, a personal
pronoun ; kuhiano pili inoa, a pronoun re-
Kv-n1-Pa-HI-PA, v. To be not understood,
lating to things. as one’s speech or plans; to surmise; to
guess; to think in distinction from know-
Ku-HI-HE-wa, v. See Kuni and Hewa, ing certainly. See Kunepa.
wrong. To mistake; to judge erroneously; Ku-ui-wa, v. To be under a kapu; to
to err; to have a wrong opinion.
be subject to a chief and under his control,
Ku-nI-HE-wa, s. An error in judgment in distinction from the freedom of the peo-
or opinion. ple; ua omea ia (ka aina) he kuhiwa.
Ku-ui-xu-H1, v. Freq. of kuht. To show; Ku-no, s. The falling of a stone into
to pointout. Kanl. 1:33. the water.
2. To
designate ; to point out; to direct 2. The sound of such stone as it strikes
one to aparticular place. perpendicularly into the water.
3. Toteach; to make signs with the Ku-Hovu-a-na, s. Ku, to rise, how, again,
hand; to point the finger; to direct by the
hand ; kuhikuhi heiau, to direct the cere- and ana, participial termination. A rising
monies of the temple service. anew ; arising again ; a resurrection.
4. To ask by signs. Ku-Hou-poo, v. See Kuno and Poo, the
Ku-ni-ku-u1, v. To be fat; to be rich head. To dive head-first, as a man into the
water. :
with fatness, as food.
2. To be sweet or pleasant to the taste, Ku-Ho-Ho, s. A deep ravine; a high
as high-seasoned food. precipice.
Ku-nI-Ku-HI, adj. Sweet, as sugar; fat, Ku-Ho-ku-Ho, v. To fall or plunge into
as the fat of a well fed animal; sickish a wave. See Kuno.
with fatness ;momona, liliha. Ku-Ho-nv, s. A species of crab-fish.
Ku-HI-KU-HI-NI-A, adj. Pleasant to the Ku-nu-a, adj. Hard; thick, as a liquid;
taste; delicious; applied to food. See Ku- as paste or bad ink; scarcely flowing;
HINIA. firm; constant.
Ku-HI-KU-HI-PuU-o-NE, s. Name of a Ku-nu-xu-Hu-a,. adj. Hard; thick, as
class of priests in ancient times who were liquid. See Kunua.
consulted and gave advice concerning the Ku-nu-ku-ku, adj. Epithet of a dove,
building of luakinis, especially the location. from its noise; manu kuhukuku, a dove.
Kvu-ni-La-ni, adj. Proud; haughty; high Kin. 15:9.
minded ; looking up. Ku-nu-ku-ku, s. A dove. Med. Sal. 2:12.
Ku-u1-u1, v. To blunder; to mistake. Ku-xa, v. To think with one’s self; te
See Hin, to wander. revolve in one’s own mind. Neh. 5:7.
Ku-u1-11, adj. Mixed with coloring mat- 2. To consult together, as persons, i. é.,
ter, as wauki before it is pounded and thus to consider how a thing is to be done.
colored in the bark; ka onohi ula me he 3. To consider deliberately: to think; to
wauki kuhili la. decide a question. 2 Sam. 24:13.
Ku-n1-na, v. To bear the commands or 4. To choose out; to appoint to a certain
execute the orders of the chief.
5. To reckon; to compute. Oihk. 25:50.
Ku-u1-na, s. One that carries the orders 6. To consult together, as a council of
and executes the command of the king or state ; kuka iho la lakou no ke kaua ana,
highest chief; the highest officer next the they consulted together respecting the war;
king ; Kalanimoku was the kuhina of Ka- kuka hewa, to think or devise mischief.
mehameha. Ku-xa, s. A council for transacting
2. An officer of the king’s guard. 2 Sam.
business; a caucus meeting preparatory to
Ku-ni-n1-a, v. To eat to the full; tobe 2. Areasoning on a subject; an inquiry;
satiated with food; hence, to be fat; to be kuka olelo, a consultation.
round; to be plump; to be sickishly fat; 3. (Corrupt from English.) A surtout.
to be greasy.
Ku-ni-ni-a, s. The fat of hogs. Ku-xaa, s. See Kaa, to roll. A roll; a
2. Sweetness or richness in connection bundle of cloth or kapa; a large bundle ;
with food. hookahi punahele, hookahi kukaa, each in-
3. The unpleasant sensation after eating timate friend, one bundle (piece) of cloth.
too much or too rich food. Ku-xaa, v. Kuand kaa, to roll. ‘To roll
‘up, as a bundle of kapa or cloth; to make Ku-xar-xa-ul, v. Ku and kaikahi, one
a heap ; to swell up; e pebu. alone. To stand by one’s self; to stand
Ku-xa-ao-ao, v. To be opposed to one; alone.
to injure, as by slander; kukaaoao mai nei Ku-kal-Ka-HI, adj. Standing alone ; be-
Oo mea ia’u. ing by one’s self.
Ku-Kaa-wa-LE, v. Ku, to stand, and Ku-kar-KeE-A, adj. Kukai and kea, white.
kaawale, alone ; apart. To stand by one’s Faded, as cloth ; pale, as a sickly person.
self ; to stand alone. 2. Ceasing to interest, as the same words,
Ku-kaA-wa-Le, adj. Standing off; sep- thoughts or story often repeated ; kukai-
arate; alone. kea ka olelo i ka lohe pinepine.
Ku-Ka-a-wE, adj. Safe. Ku-xa-I-Li-mo-ku, s. Name of a feather
Ku-xag, s. Excrements; dirt; filth; he god.
honoa. Ku-xa-oo, s. Name of the god of hus-
Ku-xa-g-A, s. A great discharge of faces; bandmen.
hence, strength. Ku-xa-u-La, s. Name of a species of
Ku-xag-v-u1, s. Kukae and ulz, blue. fish caught with a hook.
The black or blue liquor in the hee or Ku-xa-Ha, v. Ku, to stand, and kaha,
ee the soft matter of the squid used for to turn away. To stand bent sideways ; e
ai ku ewa ae ma ke kua.
Ku-KAg-u-wav, s. A groaning or moan- Ku-xa-HE-u, v. To stand up, as the
ing animal found on the mountains. bristles of a hog when angry; applied to
Ku-xar-ko-Lo-a, s. Name of a species men when the face is flushed with anger;
of grass fonnd atKoloa. kukaheu, okala ka heu o ka moe.
Ku-xaE-Lo-L1, v. See Kuxae and Lou, Ku-Ka-HE-KA-HE, v. To relate falsely.
to dirty. To spot; to stain. 2. To become a great talker with jests
Ku-xage-na, s. Ku and kaena, wrath. and laughter.
3. To tell a great many stories or anec-
Anger ; rage ;unappeasable wrath.
dotes; e lilo loa ma ke kamailio ana me
Ku-xar-Nna-Lo, s. Kukae and nalo,a fly. ka lealea; e hai waha aku i na olelo he
A name given by Hawaiians to unbleached nui wale.
or brown cotton cloth. Ku-ka-HE-KA-HE, s. An incredible story;
2. Beeswax ; he kepau e hoohele ai ina a lie; an untrue story.
lopi humubumu.
Ku-KAE-PE-LE, s. Kukae and pele, sul- Ku-xa-H1, s. Name of a day of the
month or of the moon.
phur. Lir. The excrements of Pele, i. e.,
sulphur; brimstone ; also, matches. Ku-xa-nu-a, adj. Thick; fat; soft, as
Ku-kKaE-Po-po-Lo, s. Name of a person a fat animal.
whose father was a chief and his mother Ku-Ka-KAI-KA-HI, v. See KuKAIKAHI.
not. See Kuuu. Ku-Ka-Ka-Lal-o-a, s. Ku, like, and ka-
Ku-KaE-pu-E-0, s. Name ofa species of kalaioa, a rough prickly shrub. Wildness;
grass. rudeness ; resembling the kakalaioa.
2. A species of sea-weed. Ku-ka-Lal-o-a, adj. Wild; rough; rude;
Ku-xal, v. To cheat in various ways. untamed ; bristling up.
2. To go back at the beginning and say 2. The sensation on the application of
the same thing over again. cold water. See AALatoa.
3. To do the’same in reading ; ua kukai Ku-Ka-ku-ka, v. See Kuxka, to think.
i na hua. To think; to reflect.
4. To plant or set up wauki by the sea;
2. To hold a consultation. 1 Nal. 12:6.
e kukulu i ka wauki i ke kai.
To consult together how to manage a dif-
5. To replace ; to redeem. See Panag. ficult matter. Duk. 19:30.
Ku-xa1, s. The name of a rope fasten- 3. With naau or iho, to consult or think
ing together two fish nets. See Awa. within one’s self; to muse; to think. Luk.
Ku-Kal-o-LE-Lo, s. A thing put in the 3:15.
place of another; a substitute; particles or 4. To devise good or evil. Hzek. 11:2.
connecting words. See Kuxar above. Ku-xa-ku-kal, v. To go over and over
2. Words often repeated. See Karua. again. See KuKat.
Ku-xal-o-LE-Lo, v. To repeat over and Ku-xKa-La, v. Ku, to stand, and kala, to
over. callout. To proclaim publicly. Ezra. 8:21.
Kou-xa-1-nv, int. Ku, to set up, ka, the, To publish extensively; ina e kukalaia
and thu, nose. To turn up the nose; a keia kanawai ma kekahi kulanakauhale, a
phrase signifying contempt. ma kahi aina paha. o ka la i kukalaia’i, oia
ka la; to proclaim, as a public crier. 2|Ku-KE-LE, s. A trembling; a slipping;
Ohl. 20:3. a sliding of the feet in walking.
2. To cry or sell goods, as an auctioneer. |Ky-x1-a, v. Ku and kia, a pillar. To
Ku-xka-La, adj. Of or pertaining to a set up a pillar or post; to raise wp a mast.
public proclamation. 2. To be trusty ; to be confidential; to
2. Belonging to a crier or auctioneer. be attentive.
Ku-KA-Lu-n1, v. To rest after labor, toil 3. To be unable to sleep, as one in trouble
and care. After Kamehameha conquered or distressed in mind.
the Islands, he exclaimed, ua kukaluhi; so| Ku-x1-a, adj. Attentive; confidential;
a man weary with carrying a burden, when trustworthy.
freed from it, exclaims, kukaluhi. Note.— 2. Not able to sleep through trouble or
The ku is probably for kuu, to let down, anxiety of mind.
ka, article, and luhi, pain from fatigue. Ku-k1-HE-LEI, v. To stand with the legs
Ku-xa-moo, v. Kuka, to consult, and spread open or apart; to straddle open.
moo, lizard. To use enchantment. Oihk.| Ky-x1-n1, v. To run, as in a race; to
19:26. run swiftly. Jer. 12:5.
Ku-ka-na-Lo-a, adj. Some property or 2. To run round from place to place on
kind of banana; he mai kukanaloa. an express.
Ku-xa-no-no, v. See Kanono. To rise 3. To hasten; to hurry on; to go any-
up and spread, as a great smoke; to make where.
a great smoke. 4, To run on an errand for mischief.
Ku-xka-pa-KA-HI, v. Au, to stand, and 5. Hoo. To cause to run a race ; a ikeia
kapakahi, sideways. To stand bent over ; na mea mama, e hookukini ia laua.
to stand leaning sideways. Ku-xi-n1, s. A runner in a race; a post;
Ku-Ka-pa-LA-nI, s. The name of a fish, a messenger. 2 Oihl. 30:6. Syn. with elele,
to which a chief was likened. messenger. Sol. 13:17. He mea mama i ka
Ku-ka-Pu, adj. A person never sick in 2. A runner in a race; one who contends
youth, but taken sick when grown up. with another in a race course. 1 Kor. 9:24.
2. Applied to a young female obedient Nore.—The kukini was formerly an officer
and kind to her parents; he wahine kukapu. of government, whose duty it was to carry
Ku-Ka-wo-wo, v. See Kawowo. To pro- orders to different parts of the island, and
ceed with speed. such were held in estimation according to
2. To pray with great earnestness and their fleetness ; wae mai oia (0 Kameha-
strength. meha) i mau kukini nana, he chose some
3. To speak correctly and very earnestly. runners for himself.
Kvu-xa-wo-wo, s. Th e gurgling of water Ku-x1-n1, adv. In the manner of a race;
when poured into the bung hole of a cask; e holo kukini, to run, as in a race.
ke kani ana o ka wai iloko o ka pahuika| Ky-xo, v. To desire strongly; to lust
manawa e ukuhi ai. after; to set the mind and desire upon; to
Ku-xe, v. Au and ke, to drive off. To covet. Puk. 20:14. To expect; to cherish
drive or force away. evil in the heart; e lia, e manao ino ma-
2. To hunch or push 6ff, i. e., to give a loko; kuko noike kaua ame ka make 0
hint with the elbow to go. Kaahumanu, he greatly desired war and the
3. Hoo. To cast out; to expel; to drive death of Kaahumanu. uko in reference
away. Nah. 32:21. to idolatry, to go after; to yield to other
4. To be angry at. gods. Dunk. 8:27.
Ku-xe, s. A thin kind of adze, chisel, Ku-xo, s. Strong desire; lust. Puk.
shaped. 15:9. Kuko hewa, lust; kuko umi ole, un-
Ku-xe, s. Eng. A cook. restrained desire; incontinent. 2 Tim. 3:3.
Ku-ke-ku-Ke, v. The intensive of kuke.| Ku-xo, adj. Lusting; kanaka kuko.
To drive away; to expel with energy. Ku-xo-aE-a-HA-wal, s. ‘The full flowing
Ku-xe-xu, v. To bluster; to rage. of water in a water course with mud and
Ku-xe-xu, s. ‘The scattering of dust be- dirt; a pau ia, kulcoaeahawai ma ia la hoo-
fore the wind; the violent blustering of kahi no.
the waves of the sea. Ku-xo-g-az, s. Name of a heiau; hoo-
Ku-ke-Le, v. Ku and hele, to slip; to laleia ka laau o ka heiau hou, he kukoeae
slide. To slip easily; to glide about, as a ua heiau la.
boat in smooth water for pleasure. U-kKo-HA-NA, v. Ku and kohana, naked.
2. To tremble. To strip off one’s clothes; to be naked. Isa.
3. To be muddy; to be slippery, as a 32:11. To go about without clothing; e
bad road. 6 fi hele aole kapa e uhi ana ia ia iho.
Kou-xo-noo-nu1, s. Kuko and hoonui, to 2. A lamp. 1 Sam. 3:3. A candle; a
increase. The desire of hoarding up; cov- light or torch; a lighter. Kin. 1:15.
etousness ; ka uluku me ka hiaa; sleepless Ku-xu-1-4-H1, s. Lamps of fire. Dan.
with desire. 10:6.
Ku-xo-tu, s. The name of a day of the Ku-kvu-I-0-LE-Lo, s. A company of peo-
month. oll ple full of talk and noise at night when
Ku-ko-na, s. Sourness of disposition; they should be asleep; 0 ka poe o lakou
easily put out and made angry. arate’ | opohokano, he kukuiolelo wale no ia, aole
Ku-xo-na, adj. A ike aku la ia Hinai e ai ana.
ka malama e hele ana me ka maka kukona. Ku-ku-1-wa-na-ao, s. Name of the peo-
Laieik. 203. ple about the chief who talk and sing and
Ku-ko-nu-ko-nv, s. A great increase of tell stories all night; o ka poe noho me ke
alii ma ke kulcuiwanao, he poe lakou no
rain; being wet or soaked with rain; great makou.
Ku-xu, v. See Ku, tostrike; tohit. To Ku-ku-HE, v. To be dark colored; to be
black or blue. See AKkUHE.
strike ; to beat, as in pounding kapa; ua
kulcuia ke kua me ka pulu kapa i ka hale. Ku-xu-u1, v. See Uxunt. To pour water
2. See Ku, to stand. To be or to stand into a calabash or barrel; to fill with water.
perpendicularly, as a precipice; to stand Ku-ku-KAA-A-LaI-o-a, v. To bristle up;
before one; ua hele mai nei e kukui mua ou. to be wild; to act as an untamed apimal;
, 3. To rise up, as a thought in the mind ; as a wild boar.
nolaila, euseu mai Ja kahi manao iloko 0’u. Ku-xu-xu, s. The rising of anger.
4. To sweep ; to brush away, as dirt. 2. Whatever is full of holes, i. e., of little
5. To be high ; to excel; to be eminent. value.
6. Hoo. To be filled, as with food; to 3. Sickness ;weakness.
surfeit. Sol. 25:16. : 4, The disease called the piles.
Ku-xu, s. The operation of beating out 5. Strong steam.
Kapa, 6. A name given to the soap plant of the
2. A rising or standing up; nana aku la Hawaiian Islands.
oia i ke kuku o na opua, he saw the long Ku-xu-xu, v. A reduplication of ku, to
clouds standing erect. Laieik. 48. stand. To stand uprightly; to stand to-
3. The name of an unclean bird. Oihk. gether; to sit together ; to sleep together.
11:16. Eng. The cuckoo.
4. The thorn bush. Ku-xu-ku-ku, s. The name of a bird; a
5. A small pricker that fastens readily turtle. Jer. 8:7.
upon clothes. , Ku-xu-ta, v. From the English; kwla,
Ku-xu, adj. Standing thickly together, school. To have school, that is, to attend
as trees; laau kulcu,a thicket. 1 Sam. 13:6. school; to go through the exercises of
2. Having many sharp points; laaukuku, school; alaila, ku/cula iho la kakou i kaka-
thorns ; prickly bushes. Nah. 1:10. hiaka nui, then we attended school early in
3. Standing erect; rising up. the morning.
Ku-ku-a, s. A crab-fish. Ku-ku-Le, s. A beautiful blossom; the
beautiful opening of the petals of a flower;
Ku-xu-au, s. The name of a four-footed the opening of a flower.
animal in the sea. 2. A kind of disease; an indisposition to
Ku-ku-a-u1, adj. High, as a house. move ; applied to persons, to animals and
Ku-ku-£, s. A lame person; one de- to fowls.
formed or somewhat twisted. See Hapakur. Ku-xu-Le, v. To be dumpish; to be
Ku-ku-re, v. See Kuxe. ‘To contend loth to move, as in some kinds of disease.
with ; to oppose; to bicker; to quarrel, as Ku-ku-u, v. See Kuti, the knee. To
two persons. kneel ; to bow the knee. Kin. 41:43. To
Ku-xu-1, v. See Kut, to publish. To kneel in reverence. Jsa. 45:23. Kukuli
publish ; to spread, as a report; to make hoomaikai, to kneel in prayer; to worship.
famous. 2. To crouch; to lie down, as a beast.
2. See Pakur. To splice or piece out so Nah. 24:9.
as to lengthen, as a stick or rope. 3. Hoo. To cause to kneel down, as a
camel. Kin. 24:11. To stand on the knees.
Ku-kvu-1, s. The name of a tree and nut;
the nut was formerly used to burn for lights; Ku-xu-u1, s. The joint of the knee. See
the tree produces also the gum pilali; the KUL. '
body of the tree was sometimes made into 2. An unpleasant sensation of the stom-
canoes; the bark of the root was used in ach produced by food.
coloring canoes black. Ku-xu-Lu, ». To set up on-end; to
an ST Stee ene

erect, asatent. Puk.40:2. To make fast |Ku-La, s. The country in rear of the
in a perpendicular position. sea shore; the open country back from the
2. To set up, as the frame of a native sea. Lir. The name of the region of a
house. Puk. 26:30. To build, as a house. mountain near its base, next below the pa-
3. To stand up together, as a multitude. hee; it is a region where houses may be
Oihk. 9:5. To stand up for one, i. e., to built and people live. It extends to the
speak words in his favor. ob. 4:4. region called kahakai, or sea shore.
4. To set up, as anidol. 2 Oihl. 25:14. 2. Any open uncultivated land. Kin. 3:1.
5. To stick up, as a stake. 3. A field for cultivation. Nah. 16:14.
6. With hale, figuratively, to perpetuate 4. Uncultivated land in the neighborhood
a family. Kanl. 25:9. Kukulu 1 ka olelo, of a city, i.e., suburbs. Nah. 35:3, 4.
to reason. 5. A field ; a pasture.
7. See Kuru. To cause to flow, as water; 6. A place in a tree or trees where for
to scatter ; to be unstable. the sake of flowers, perhaps, birds assem-
8. Hoo. Fic. To be established in the ble and sit; he ula manu paha keia e wa-
christian faith. Kol. 2:7. laau nei.
Ku-xu-tu, s. The place where the sky 7. The name of the ancient god who
apparently meets the horizon; kukulu eha, could overleap fences and mountains, perch
the four cardinal points of the compass, on straws, converse with all the other gods,
i. e., everywhere ; na kukulu o ka honua, &e., &e.
the, points or ends of the earth. Isa. 45:22. 8. The name of a species of fish caught
The border or edge of a country ; ka pea in a basket ; hinai kula.
kapu o kukulu o Tahiti. Laieik. 167. Ku-ia, v. See above. To be in, or to
2. A pillar; a post. 2 Sam. 18:18. have perpetual solitude, as to live in un-
Ku-xu-.u-a-E-0, s. ‘The name of a bird |, cultivated and uninhabited places; e paa
with long legs. mai ka meha o ka la, e uhi mai ka malu.
2. A person walking on stilts. Ku-ta, s. Eng. A school; a place of
3. The name of the stilts; he ohe kahi instruction ; ua kukulu ia keia kula i wahi
laau hana ia i mea kulculuaeo. e imi ai i ka naauao.
Kv-xu-tu-a-kau, s. Kukulu, point, and 2. Kula is often written incorrectly for
akau, north. The north, that is, the north gula, gold.
point. Kanl. 2:3. Ku-ta, adj. Eng. for gula. Golden;
Ku-xu-Lu-He-ma, Ss. Kukulu, point, and made of gold.
hema, left; the south. Thesouth; the south Kv-tal, v. To push over from an up-
point. Jos. 13:4. right position.
Ku-xu-tu-pa-pa, v. Kukulu, to build, 2. To knock down; to overthrow.
and papa, a board. To erect a temporary 3. To move, as the tail of an animal.
shed or house. Tob. 40:17.
Ku-xu-ma, s. A whitish crab of the spe- 4, To dash in pieces; to kill. Jsa. 13:18.
cies paied. 5. Hoo. To thrust at. Nah. 35:20.
Ku-xu-na, s. The rays of the sun or 6. To cause to fall, i. e., to bring upon.
any luminous body. Tsa. 37:7.
2. The radii of a circle; the spokes of a Ku-nat, s. A knocking down of a per-
wheel. son with a view to kill him; a running
3. The end posts of a native house which over one; a thrusting at one to kill him.
verge towards the center. Ku-tar-a, s. A feast day; a day in com-
4. The side posts of a door, i.e., of an memoration of some event.
ancient Hawaiian house.
5. A gate post; eha kulcuna i kukuluia Ku-nar-na, v. See Kurat above. To
no ka pa; well posts; a elua kukuna i ku- overthrow; to cast down. 2 Kor. 4:9. To
kuluia no ka punawai. be overthrown ; to cast down, as a trans-
gressor in judgment. Jer. 6:15. To start
Ku-xu-ni, v. See Kuni, to kindle; to and spring from his hiding place, as a man
burn. To kindle, asa fire. Hal. 18:8. To when he is discovered. Hoo. To overthrow.
burn, as a sacrifice. 2 Oihl.13:11. To kin- Job. 18:7. To break down, asaforest. Zek.
dle a fire generally. 11:2.
Kou-xu-n1, adj. Burning; very hot; fe- Ku-LAI-NA-KA-WA.
verish; kukuni keia la, this day has a fever, Ku-.a-1-w1, s. Long residence in a place.
i.e.,it is very warm. See Kuni and WELA. See Kuapurwi.
Ku-xu-Ni, s. The prayer of a sorcerer ; Ku-ta-xu-La, s. Name of a play like
he pule anaana. nine-pins.
Ku-xu-nu, s. A door post; a side post Ku-.a-ku-Lal, v. To wrestle; to scuffle.
of a door; the end of ahouse. See Kuxuna. See Kunar.
2. The name of a game; kulakulai ma often synonymous with kulanaheenalu, as
ke kai. the terms were interchangeable.
Ku-.a-ku-Lal, s. A wrestling; a scuf-| Ku-La-wa-La-nA, v. Ku and lanalana.
fling ;a throwing another down. See Lana, to float. To be moved; to be
Ku-ia-ia, s. See Ku and Lata, branch. agitated with fear. Liv. To stand trem-
bling ; to be disturbed in mind.
A vine.
2. To act upon uncertainties; to be trou-
Ku-.a-La-ni, v. Ku, to stand, and la- bled. Hal. 15:5.
lani,arow. To be or to stand in a row; 3. To be removed from its place.
to be equal each to each; he kulalani wale 4. To stumble. Jsa. 63:13. To walk in
no ka onionio, the spots stand in straight a stumbling manner. Jsa. 59:10.
lines. 5. To reel, as one drunk.
Ku-ta-La-ni, adj. Standing in rows; Ku-ta-Na-La-NA, 5. A false step; a
standing for presentation. Mar. 2:26. stumbling. Hal. 121:3.
Ku-ta-na, s. Ku and dana, to float. A Ku-La-nI-HA-Kol, s. Ku, to stand, lani,
place where many things are collected to- high up, and hakoi, heavy. What is above
gether, as a village, a garden ; # meeting or on high; a supposed place in the heavens
or collection of persons; e hele ana oukou from which the waters of rain came; the
ihea? KE hele ana i o0.i ke kulana pule, windows of heaven. Jsa.24:18. Inai nui
i. e., to a meeting which is held only once ke ao eleele ma ua poipu la, ua manao ia
at a place or occasionally. aia maloko olaila 0 Kulanihakoi, nolaila
2. The sea in a calm immediately after mai ka hekili, ka uila, ka makani, ka ua,
a high wind, or the state of the sea when ka ino nui.
wind and current are opposite. See OLoku. Ku-La-pa, s. See Lapa, a ridge. A
Kulana nalu, a place in the sea where the stretching out; a rubbing against some-
surf rises high and thick, i. e., where the thing ; a rising or swelling up.
high surfs follow each other in quick suc- 2. A hill or small mound on which kalo
cession. is planted.
3. A market place. Ku-.e, v. To seize or take another’s;
4. Name of new food from foreign coun- to give one trouble in dispossessing another
tries ;he mea ai hou no na aina e mai. of his own. See KuLEKULE.
Ku-La-na, v. Au and lana, to float. To Ku-te, s. The name of a fish which
pitch backwards or sideways, as one sitting burrows in the sand ; he kule ka inoa o ka
in a chair and nodding. ia noho ma ke one.
2. To nod, as a person partially asleep ; Ku-.e-a, adj. Successful ; competent ;
to bend the neck in nodding. See Kaxrwt. able.
To reel,as a drunken man. See Nave and
Konov. Ku-.e-a-Nna, s. A part, portion or right
ina thing. Oihk. 7:33.
Ku-ra-na, s. A place ina hulili or fortifi- 2. A right of property which pertains to
cation where the men stand to throw their an individual.
spears. 3. A friend; a portion belonging to a
2. The sides of a house ; na kulana o ka friend.
hale. 4, One’s appropriate business ; hookahi
Ku-za-na, adj. Nodding ; bending the o kaua makamaka, o ka imi naauao, oia hoi
neck ; he poo kulana ka kela wabine. See ko kaua kculeana e noho ai ma keia kulana-
KUNEWA. kauhale. Nore.—In modern times, kuleana
Ku-La-Na-HA-LE, s. See KuLana, s., and often refers to a small land claim inside
Hats, house. A village. 1 Oihl.9:25. A another’s land, that is, a reserved right in
cluster of houses; a town; a city; ma ko favor of some claimant; the original term
kakou noho ana ma keia eulanahale, ma La- was synonymous with lihi, an attached piece
hainaluna nei, by our living at this village, of land which another was allowed to cul-
at Lahainaluna; more generally written tivate and had some claim to.
kulanakauhale. Ku-Le-a-na, v. To stir up; to excite,
Ku-LA-NA-HEE-NA-LU, Ss. Kulana and as the ripples or waves of water.
ZLaieik. 15.
heenalu, to swim on the surf-board. The Ku-LeEI-u-La, s. An expression of admi-
place or village where a good surf came in ration for one’s chief, as clothed with rain-
that the people might have the pleasure of bow-colored kapas; 0 ke kuleiula au o ke
riding on the surf. Norr.—aA good surf alii.
from the sea was considered an important Ku-Le-Hvu, v. See Putenv. To roast in
appendage to a village. the fire or hot ashes ; to roast partially.
Ku-LA-NA-KAU-HA-LE, Ss. See KuLana- Ku-Le-ku-LE, v. To ousted from
HALE. A large town, village or city; also, house to house, or from place to place.
ee ee KUL
22) Aa nn 312 iy SN ONNNErNT Nr
2. To trample often where one ought not, |Ku-Li-Ku-L1, v. See Kuz. To stun with
as ahorse; kulekule ko’u kapa ia lakou, my noise ; to be confused with noise so that
kapa is trampled on by them. one cannot think.
Ku-LE-ku-LE, adj. Unsettled; unfur- 2. Used imperatively, hush; be still; keep
nished ; lacking in conveniences ; the op- silence ; referring to what another says.
posite of kuonoono and koakoa ; noho wale Ku-ui-na, v. Kulz and ana, being deaf.
aku no lakou aole kulekule. To hear partially or indistinctly; less than
Ku-te-Le, v. Ku and lele, to fly. To lohe. Syn. with mahui.
drive or scatter away, as some light or small Ku-ur-na, s. See Kurina.
thing; to drive away, as a puff of wind; Ku-.-PpEE, v. Kulz, knee, and pee, to
kulele ka makani. run and hide. To be lame; to be fatigued;
Ku-te-Le-I-wi, adj. Making false steps; to be topsy-turvy ; to be confused; to be
stumbling, as an aged person ; hence, sick ; to be weak ; to be feeble.
2. To do awkwardly or badly. Ku-.i-Po-Li-Po, adj. Deep water, as in
Ku-LE-LE-u-LA, adj. Kulele and ula. pools on the mountains; dark, as deep
Bending ; arching, as the rainbow. water. ,See NIPONIPO.
Ku-te-rE, v. To hew out roughly, as Ku-to, v. ‘To continue doing a thing;
timber. to persevere ; to wait long.
2. To make a hole in the ground; kulepe Ku-to-a, v. Ku, to stand, and Joa, long.
ekuia a awaawaa. To wait some time; to wait till food is ripe;
3. To split open, as a fish. to procrastinate; e hooloihi ai i ka manawa
4. To blow, as the wind in the middle of e waiho ai; to continue doing a thing; ke
a channel; kulepe lele ka hauli. kula mau ana i ke ao ai ka po.
Ku-.e-re, s. The wind blowing in the Ku-to-a, v. For hokuloa. The morning
middle of a channel. star.
Ku-u1, v. To be stunned with noise ; to Ku-to-1-H1, v. Ku and loth2, long. To
be deafened ; not able to hear. protract the time; to be long about a thing.
2. Hoo. To turn a deaf ear; to refuse to
hear. Ku-tov, v. Ku and lou, to bend, as a
3. To be disobedient; to be stubborn in hook. To bow the head; to bend forward.
disobedience. 2. To stoop in order to look down.
4, To be silent. 3. To bow with respect to another.
4. To reverence ; to bow in worshiping.
Ku-u, v. To give or pay something as Puk. 12:27. Kulou lakou ilalo me ka hoo-
a reward for adultery or fornication. mana, they bent forward as in worship.
Ku-u1, s. A reward given to a female 5. To bow down with grief. See Louou.
for adultery or fornication. With maka, to be cast down ; to be disap-
Ku-u1, s. Deafness; inattention to duty. pointed. Neh. 6:16.
2. A deaf person. Puk. 4:11. One una- 6. Hoo. To lament; to grieve. Kan. 2:8.
ble from deafness to join in conversation. To subdue, as an enemy, i. e., to cause to
Ku-u1, adj. Deaf. Isa. 35:5. Ka pono submit. 2 Sam. 22:40.
kuli. Hal. 58:1. Ku-Lou-poo, v. Kulou and poo, the head.
Ku-u1, s. The knee. Isa. 35:3. See Ku- To dive into the water with the head down,
KULI. i. e., head foremost.
' 2. To turn, as a somerset.
Ku-ui-a, s. A young handsome person 3. To leap down a precipice.
desired and sought after ; a beauty.
Ku-ur-a, v. For kuia, 1 inserted. Used Ku-to-Ko, adj. Fighting, as one chief
imperatively, standup; be present; present against another in civil war; a mahope iho
yourself; kulia kou ikaika, let your strength o ko lakou kaua kuloko ana.
come out. Laieik. 104. Ku-to-Ku-Lo-ku, v. ‘To stand in pools
Ku-ri-a-na, s. The desire of a gift or or puddles of water. See HALOKOLOKO.
present to be made to one. Ku-Lo-La-Lo-LA, v. Ku and lola, para-
Ku-1i-u, s. A person quick to be very lyzed. To be stiffened ; to be paralyzed.
angry ; one quick and violent tempered; 2. To act as an idiot in drooling or slab-
one given to seek quick revenge. bering.
Ku-u1-H1-a-mor, v. Kuli and hiamee, to 3. To be weak or imbecile ; to be slow
sleep. To doze; not to hear through drow- and awkward. See KuLoMALOMA.
siness. Ku-1o-LA-Lo-LA, adj. Stiff, as the limbs;
Ku-ti-nt-ti-m1, v. Ku and lihilihi, side; not obeying the desire.
edge. See Lint. To be caught or hooked 2. To be feeble in body and mind. ;
on the side or slightly, as a fish; to seize Ku-to-u1, s. Name of a species of wauki
on some feeble part. on Hawaii at Palilua.
2. A person who has no wife nor children kahi inoa, he kukaepopolo kahi inoa; o ke
is called kuloli. ano o ia mau olelo, he alii akaka ole.
Ku-to-u1-a, v. AKulo and lia for ia. 'To Ku-tu-1, s. The name of a tree.
dash against ; to shake; to tremble. Ku-Lv-I-HI-A-Mo-E, v. Kulu, 7 inserted,.
Ku-to-ti-a, adj. Wandering; going and hiamoe, to sleep. To doze; to fall into
from place to place without object; lazy. sleep. See KuLUHIAMOE.
Ku-to-Lo, s. A pudding made of kalo Ku-tv-1-k1, v. Kulu, to sleep, and iki,.
and cocoanut, or of breadfruit and cocoa- little. To be partially asleep ; to doze.
nut; imi oia i kulolo, he mea ono loa ia ai. 2. To endure ; to persevere; to be con--
Ku-Lo-to-n1-L1, v. To be long in doing stant.
a thing ; to be very slow; to converse or 3. To enter in; to soak in, as water.
tell a story with many episodes and much 4. To eat daintily or sparingly.
unnecessary matter ; to lengthen out, as a Ku-Lu-HI-A-Mo-E, v. See Kutu and Hia-
story. MOE, to sleep. To sleep; to be in a trance;
Ku-Lo-mA-Lo-ma, v. Au and loma, slow; to dream. See KuLurmramMoe and Kuwourxt.
awkward. To do a thing very slowly and Ku-Lu-Ka-HI-0-HI-0, adj. Kulu and hio,
awkwardly ; to act as one partially para- to lean over. To be partially drunk; to
lyzed. reel to and fro.
Ku-to-ma-Lo-ma, s. Dullness; awkward- Ku-Lu-xu-Lu, v. See Kutu, to sleep.
ness ; stupidity ;inexpertness. To sleep; to dream ; to be in a trance.
Ku-Lo-no, adv. Ascending to a great 2. To be sociable and interesting in con-
height ; a e pii kulono i ke alo o ka lani. versation.
Ku-.o-no, s. Small holes in the bottom 3. Hoo. See Kuru, to drop. To distill;
of a calabash or other vessel where the to drop silently, as a mist from the clouds.
water may drop through. See Kunono. Ku-Lu-ma, v. To see often; to be well
acquainted with, as with a person often
Ku-tvu, v. To drop, as water; kulu ka seen ; to know well.
lani, the heavens dropped water, that is, it 2. To do frequently ; to know certainly
rained. Lunk. 5:4. To drop, as tears; na by frequent intelligence; aole paha kakou
waimaka o kela mea keia meae kulu i lalo; i kuluma ia ia, akahi no a ike, we are not
to distill from. Mel. Sol. 5:5. Hence, well acquainted with him, we have seen him
' 2. To leak, as the roof of a house. but once; aole kakou i kuluma i ka ike
3. To flow, as water. ana, we are not perfect in knowledge. Nore.
4. To fall down ; to tumble over. Kuluma is opposite to kulina, partially deaf.
5. To be asleep; to dream; to be in a
trance. Ku-ma, adj. Pitted; rough, as the skin
6. To be in a pleasant frame of mind. from scars of sores; set thick together;
7. To be near or quite midnight; uakulu dark colored, as clouds. See Kumakuma.
ka po; ua kulu ke aumoe. Ku-ma, s. Kuma is a word used for
8. To be near night ; kokoke po ka la. standing in company with. See Ku, to stand,
Ku-tu, s. A drop of water or other and Ma, implying some persons not men-
liquid. tioned. SeeMa. Hence, it implies an ad-
2. The dropping of water. dition to, an enlarging. It is found in the
3. The name of a disease. compounds of numerals above ten; thus,
4. The name of a tree. umi, ten; kuma, increased or standing with
5. The name of a day of the month; the kahi, one, that is eleven; the second ma
first night in which the moon is dark or may be used for euphony’s sake for me,
cannot be seen. with. Gram. § 115, 4.
Ku-tu-a, s, The name of a day of the Ku-ma-xa, v. Ku, to set, and maka, the
month or of the moon. eye. To know certainly; to apprehend
2. The union of two things; a pair of fully ;e ike maopopo, e ike lea. See Ku-
twins. LUMA.
Ku-tvu-a, v. To flow down; to run, as Ku-ma-xa, adj. Thoroughly understood;
water. See Kun. fully known.
2. To water, as land; to give drink, as Ku-ma-xa-1a, v. To betray; to ambus-
to an animal. cade.
3. To flow along, asin singing or reciting 2. To accuse an innocent person.
poetry. 3. To allure; to entice to sin; to offend
4. To sing, as a song. against one. Hal. 73:15.
5. The name of a person whose father is 4. To revile; to reproach.
a chief and his mother not; ina he alii ka Ku-ma-Ka-1A, s. A traitor; one who is
makuakane, a he alii ole ka makuahine, ua apparently friendly, but is in reality an
kapaia ka apa he kulua, a he waiki eneny.
Ku-MA-KA-LE-HU-A, v. Ku, to put, place, noho alii ana o na ’lii, ae mau ai hoi ke
ma, at, on, ka, article, the, and lehua, the kcumooalii, aole e pau i ka hokai ia.
lehua tree. To hang, asa bunch of bananas, Ku-mo-mo-LE, v. Ku and momole,smooth.
a hog, or a man (a transgressor) as sacri- See Motz. To be straight up and down,
fices upon the tree which was to be used in as a smooth pali; to be smooth and steep,
building a heiau, Norr.—Such tree was as a pali that cannot be climbed. '
generally a lehua; hence the term. Ku-mu, s. ‘The bottom or foundation of
Ku-MA-KA-LE-Hu-A, s. The action of put- a thing, as the bottom of a tree or plant,
ting or hanging bananas, or a hog, or a but not the roots; as, kumw laau, the bot-
man, as sacrifices upon the tree which was tom of a tree ; kumu maia, banana stumps
to be used in building a heiau. for planting; the stump of a tree; the stalk
Ku-ma-Ka-pa, v. To live in another or stem of plants; the but end of a log,
place. &c.; hence,
Ku-ma-KE-na, v. To mourn; to wail; 2. The beginning of a thing, as work or
to lament for the dead. 1 Tes. 4:13. To 3. The foundation, that is, the producing
grieve; to be in distress for the loss of a
relative or friend ; e uwe aloha me ke ka- 4. Anexample; apattern; acopy; kumu
nikau. Fie. er. 4:28. hoohalike, a pattern; a model. Puk. 25:9.
Ku-ma-kE-nA, s. Amourning; a lament- A socket. Puk. 26:19.
ation for the dead when great multitudes 5. A fountain of water.
raised their voices in lamentation. 6. The price of a thing, or the property
2. The general mourning that followed to be given for a valuable.
the death of the king or high chief, when 7. The property to be paid for hire.
the people wailed, knocked out their teeth, Nore.—Formerly all trade among Hawai-
lacerated their bodies, and at last fell into ians consisted of barter, and the price of a
universal prostitution ;nui na hewa o ka thing was not a cash price, but one article
wa kahiko, 0 ke kumakena kekahi, many became the kumu of another if it could be
were the vices of ancient times, kumakena exchanged for it.
was one. 8. A shoal of fish; a flock; a herd; kumu
3. A mourning or sorrow for the loss of puaa, a herd of swine ; kumu hipa, a flock
property, house, goods, &c., and the dis- of sheep.
tress that followed; no ka pilikiao ka noho 9. Civil power; legal authority. Norr.
ana. See Kanikavu. The word mana, out of its ancient and legit-
Ku-ma-kE-nA, adj. Mourning; hale ku- imate meaning, has lately been used for
makena, house of mourning. power or legal authority.
10. A teacher; an instructor from the
Ku-ma-xu-ma, adj. See Kuma, rough, highest to the lowest class, including the
as the surface of akoakoa or coral. Rough ministers of religion.
or pitted, as the skin of a person after hay- (11. Acough; ahard breathing; a pesti-
ing the small-pox. lence; he mai ahulau, he mai kumu, he
Ku-ma-no, v. To set in good order, as aheahe; this is a vicious pronunciation for
in laying stones. kunu. See Kunu.) Kumu ole, without cause.
Ku-ma-no, s. The head of a water course; Joan. 15:25, Kumu mua, elements of things.
a fountain ; a brook or stream of water; 2 Pet. 3:10.
he poowai, he pu, he manowai. 12. A species of fish of a red color, for-
bidden to women to eat by the ancient
Ku-meE-NE, adj. Dull; blunt. See Meng. kapus.
He keko ihu kumene, a monkey witha blunt Ku-mu, v. To begin or commence a
short nose. work ; to make an experiment.
Ku-me-Ba-La, s. Gr. A cymbal; a mu- 2. Hoo. To found; to lay a foundation.
sical instrument. 1 Kor. 13:1. Kumebala
walaau. Ku-mu-ao, s. Kumu and ao, to teach.
Ku-mi-m1, s. The small sprouts that An intensive and giving definitiveness to
kumu. <A teacher ; an instructor.
shoot from the root of the sugar-cane, after
the stalk is broken off. Ku-mu-a-La-Kal, 8. Kumu and alakat,
2. The name of a species of shell fish, to lead; to guide. A leading teacher; a
poisonous to eat; it resembles the papai ; school teacher directing to higher pursuits.
kumimi, he papai, he mea make ke ai, he Ku-mu-e-a, s. Kumu and ea, tortoise
awaawa. shell. The ea or tortoise shell on the han-
Ku-mi-no, s. Gr. Cumin, an herb. Isa. dle of a fly-brush.
28:25. Ku-mu-1-pu-ku-ku-I, s. Kumu and 2pu,
Ku-moo-a-Lu, s. A race or line of kings; cup, and kukui, torch. A candlestick; a
a dynasty ; o ke alii, nana no e mau ai ka lamp. Puk, 25:34.
Ku-mv-o-nal, s. See Kumu and Ona1, 5. The leaf or sprout that grows out of
a large flowering shrub or tree. The bush the root or stump.
or body of the ohai tree. Kwu-mu-LE-0-ME-LE, s. Kumu and leo,
Ku-mvu-o-ne, s. Name of a stone out of voice, and mele, a song. The rules of music.
which maika stones were made. Ku-mu-ma-o-mA-o, s. The name of an
Ku-muv, s. The name of a kind of fish. easterly wind at Oahu.
2. The name of a kind of stone from
Ku-mvu-na, s. The bottom of the intes- which maika stones were made.
tines ; the rectum.
Ku-mu-HE-LE, s. Something connected Ku-mu-mu, v. To be blunt; to be ob-
tuse. See KumukoUmu.
with the intestines. See NImtnrt. 2. To have the qualities of something
Ku-mu-Hi-pa, s. Kumu and hipa, sheep. broken or cut off.
A flock of sheep. Mik. 5:7. 3. To be dull, as a tool.
Kvu-Mv-Hoo-HA-LI-KE-1A, s. A pattern of Kv-mcu-mv, adj. Dull; blunt; obtuse;
athing. Heb. 8:5. dull, as an edged tool. See Mumu.
Ku-mv-Hoo-La, s. Kumu and hoola, to Ku-mvu-mu-mu, s. Cartilage; something
save from danger. A ransom; a price paid between bone and meat. See PULALI.
for deliverance from death. Mat. 20:28. Ku-mu-paa, v. Kumuand paa, fast. To
Ku-mu-Hoo-La-HA, s. Kumu and hoolaha, have a fast foundation. Hoo. To establish;
to spread abroad. Seed; applied to ani- to confirm. Hal. 99:4.
mals; means of propagation. Kin. 7:3. Ku-mu-paa, s. Kumu and paa, complete.
Ku-mvu-Hoo-LI-kE, s. A pattern; a copy. The sum in distinction from its parts; the
Kvu-mu-Hou, s. Kumu, teacher, and hou, principal in distinction from the interest.
new. Lir. A new teacher. An epithet of Kvu-mu-PaA-Ko-Ll, s. Kumu and pa-ko-li,
the Holy Spirit. Joan. 14:16, 17. three of the syllables used in solmization
Ku-mvu-ko-al, s. Kumu and kuai, to buy. in practicing vocal music. The staff or five
The thing paid for an article in barter. lines on which music is written. See Pa-
2. In modern times, the price of an arti- KOLI.
cle in cash or barter. Kanl. 33:19. See Ku-mu-PE-PEI-Ao, s. The name ofa pro-
Note under kumu, 7. cess just behind the ear.
Kv-mu-kul, s. A teacher of boxing; a| K U-Mu-PuU-AA, s. Kumu and puaa,a pig.
fencing master. Laieik. 44. A flock or herd of swine. Mat. 8:30.
Kvu-mvu-ku-mu, v. To be short, as the Ku-mu-wal, s. Kumu and wai, water.
remnant of what is cut off. A water spring; a fountain; the head of a
2. To be cut short or shaved close, leav- water course or stream.
ing the stumps or kumus, i. e., the roots or Ku-mu-wal-na, s. Kwnu and waina
stumps of hair or beard when shaved. (Eng.), wine. A grape vine. Joan. 15:1.
3. To make blunt, dull or short.
Ku-mou-sr-pP1, s. Kumu and bipi (Eng.),
Ku-mvu-ku-mvu, s. The stumps or roots beef; cattle. A herd of neat cattle. oel.
of what is cut off; the short hairs with the 1:18.
roots left after dressing a hog; the roots Ku-na, s. A dangerous sore; a species
or stumps of the beard after shaving ; the of itch difficult to cure.
short stumps left after breaking off weeds 2. A species of fish; something living in
instead of pulling them up. fresh water; he funa ka mea noho o ka
Ku-mu-tavu, s. Aumu and lau, a leaf. wai; he pubi no ka aina; a land eel.
That which propagates or brings forth often;
a producer; a breeder. Ku-nak, v. Ku and nae, to pant. To
1. A vegetable that produces much, as stand firmly against opposition, that is, to
the stump of a tree that throws out many stand and breathe, but to stand.
sprouts; so of other vegetables producing Ku-NAE-NAE, v. See Kunak. To stand
their own kind. alone ; to stand unmoved.
2. A female, man or beast that produces Ku-nai-na, v. To push over; to push
many offspring. Lir. The bringers forth, from an upright position; to overthrow.
as a hen that has hatched more that once, Hoo. To conquer; to overcome.
a sow that produces pigs often, &e. Kv-nar-na, adj. Pushed over; thrown
3. Fic. Applied to chiefs, because they down ; laid prostrate.
nourished or fed men.
4, Also, figuratively, a fruitful source of Ku-Na-HE-Lu, v. To be strong smelling;
evil or good, generally the former; ua lilo to have an unpleasant odor.
kekahi o ua mau hewa lai kumulau hoo- 2. To be mouldy; to smell of mould and
laha no ka hewa, some of those vices be- age. See PUNAHELU.
came the principal source of spreading evil. |Ku-NA-HI-HI, v. Ku, to stand, and Azhi,
thick together. To have the hair standing 2. A heavy weariness.
erect, as a wild man; to stand shivering 3. A staggering through weakness for
with the cold; to stand erect, as the hair ; want of food; e hoomanawanui i alo ai
to be rough, rnde or wild; to shudder ; to kaua i ka pololi ame ka hune, i ke anuanu
have the sensation of cold water applied. koekoe ame ke kunewanewa.
See OxaLa. Ku-n1, v. To kindle, as a fire. Ozhk.
Ku-na-uI-H1, s. Ferocity ; wildness in 10:6. To light, as a lamp.
appearance ; a standing up of the hair. 2. To blaze up and burn, as a fire; to
Ku-NA-HI-HI, adj. Shivering; ferocious; consume. Oihk. 1:9.
wild; fierce; bristling up; applied to 3. To burn, as a sacrifice. Othk. 4:19.
words, ka olelo ikaika ame ke kunahihi, 4, To burn, as a fever.
strong language with fierceness. 5. To touch off, as a cannon.
2. Growing; standing up; hence, mouldy. 6. To scorch or burn, as with a blaze of
Ku-na-nu-a, v. To bend forward in
walking, as a tall man. See Kananva. Ku-ni, s. A fever; the ague and fever.
2. The heat of the sun.
Ku-na-ku-na, s. Ku and za forana. A 3. The burning of lime; kunt hao, the
standing ; the things standing up, i. e., the branding of cattle.
side posts of a door; lapauila. 4, The name of a prayer connected with
Ku-na-ku-wa, s. Asore; a kind of itch; sorcery and with praying people to death.
a species of disease. 5. The practice of sorcery; the same as
Ku-na-na, v. Ku and nana for lana, to anaand.
float. To step awry; to stumble sideways; Ku-ni-a, v. To be disobedient ; not to
to stand tottering. See Kunana. To be yield to one’s wishes; to be close. See
moved; to be agitated ; to stumble. Komi.
Kvu-na-na, s. A garden; a place cleared Ku-ni-4-HI, v. Kuni, to kindle, and ahi,
away for building a house; a house lot; a fire. To touch fire to a gun or cannon.
cultivated plat of ground. See KuLana. Ku-ni-a-H1, adj. Firing; noise by firing
Ku-na-na, s. A goat. a gun; kani ka pu kuniahi, the cannon
Ku-NA-NA-HA-LE, s. See KuLANAHALE. sounded.
A number of houses near together. Ku-ni-u1, v. Ku, to stand, and xzhi, to
2. A place where a house may be built. turn edgeways. To turna thing edgeways;
3. A place where a house once stood. to set up on edge; to lay on one side; to
Ku-na-neE, s. A game played ona board stand up prominently, as a ridge of hair on
with black and white stones. the head left uncut.
2. The relationship of a brother to a sis- Ku-nI-HI-NI-HI, v. See Ku and Nat.
ter. generally with the prefix kai; as, kai- To stand up, as a pali that cannot be
kunane. the brother of a sister. climbed.
Ku-ne-x1, v. To be full; to overflow; Ku-nI-HI-nI-HI, s. A paliso smooth and
to be over and above; to be crowded thick steep as not to be climbed; a steep ridge.
together, as people. 2. A tuft of hair left on the head after
Ky-ne-k1, s. A crowd of people together; cutting.
3. The ridge of a war cap or helmet.
the condition, the inconvenience of a crowd;
@ fullness ;an overflowing. Ku-nr-ni-n1, v. Ku and ninihi or nihi.
To stand up edgeways. See Kunm. To
Ku-ne-wa, v. To be in a deep sleep; stand, as a ridge of hair on the head, or as
to sleep soundly. a military hat.
2. To close the eyes in sleep.
3. To be weary; to be fatigued. See Ku-nr-ni-n1, s. A tuft or ridge of hair
NEWA. left on the top of the head from the front
Ku-ne-wa, s. Sleep; heaviness for want backwards after cutting.
2. A military hat.
of sleep; fatigue. 3. A helmet. See KunrHrnint. :
Ku-NE-wa-NE-wa, v. See Kunewa and Ku-ni-po-n1-po, adj. Weak; languid,
Newa. To be sound asleep. &c. See KuLipo.iro.
2. To be weary; to be overcome with
sleep. Ku-no, v. Ku, to stand, and xo, affirm-
3. To fall asleep. ative particle. To stand firmly or securely.
4. To stagger like a drunken man; to Ku-nov, v. See Kutov. To make signs
reel. Hal. 10:27. Syn. with hikaka. for one to do a thing. Oth. 24:10.
5. To go or to wander out of the way 2. To bow gently or slightly with respect
through intoxication. Jsa. 28:7. Hence, to one.
6. To be drunk. 3. To recognize one as an acquaintance
Ku-NE-wa-NE-wa, s. Sound sleep. or friend by a bow or nodding of the head.
4. To nod or beckon with the head in| Ku-pa, s. One native-born in a place;
order to commiutnicate something secretly. a long resident or native of a place; he ka-
Laieik. 17. To hint to one by a motion of maaina kahiko; kupa ai au, a native-born
the head. who eats (enjoys) the land ; au, poetic for
5. E aea kahi ai me he manu kolea la e aina.
ae ana. 2. Name of a species of worm or cater-
Ku-nou-ku-nou, v. Freq. of kunou. To pillar. See
bow often; to nod the head in derision. 3. The name of a sea-shell: he leho.
Jer. 18:16. Hoo. To bow or wag the head 4. Eng. Hawaiian pronunciation for soup.
in scorn. Mar. 15:29. Ku-paa, v. Ku, to stand, and paa, fast.
Ku-nou-nou, s. The name of a species To stand fast or firmly, as a material object.
of fish. 2. To stand fast morally; to continue
Kvu-no-xu-no-ku, v. Tostand,as stand- constant, as a person intent upon his pur-
ing water in puddles. See KuLoKULOKu, pose; e hoomanawanui.
2. To stir up; to trouble, as water ; to 3. Fic. To confirm; to prove true, as a
make into waves. promise or covenant. Rom.9:1l. To con-
3. To be about to weep. firm, as an agreement. 2 Nal. 23:3. Hoo.
Ku-no-n1, v. To shake gently, as a To confirm ; to establish. 2 Oihl. 7:18.
gentle shake of the head. Ku-raa, adj. Unmovable ; constant, as
Ku-no-no, adj. Red; bright red, as a memorial pillar.
2. Unshaken in mind or purpose.
blood; like wluhiwa, dark red; purple.
3. Firm; strong, as an arm; fixed, as a
Kvu-no-no, adj. Full of small holes, as plan ; olelo kupaa, an ordinance; a cove-
a calabash that lets out the water. nant; a statute. Puk. 21:1.
2. Weak; feeble; without strength. Ku-pa, adv. Fully; thoroughly; firmly.
Ku-no-no, s. Small or fine holes in any Kan. 1:36.
container, as a calabash. Ku-par, v. To send away by water;
2. A small idea; a little thought; he imperatively, get away ; be off.
wahi kunono manao iki no nae. Ku-pai-a-Na-HA, adj. Wonderful; un-
Ku-no-no-pa, v. See Kunono, weak. accountable; strange, as a story or the re-
To be helpless, as a person with the palsy; lation of an event good or bad; it is used
to be weak. as an intensive. See KupanaHa.
2. To lean over, as a tall man. Kvu-pa-o-a, s. An odorous plant used to
Ku-nv, v. To blow gently or softly, as scent kapa.
the wind. 2. Fic. What gives character to the life;
2. To have a cough; to cough. o ke kupaoa ia e hoope ai i na uhane, that
3. To lay meat on the embers to roast; is the plant which gives scent to souls, i.e.,
hence, their peculiar character.
4. To roast meat on the coals. 3. Name of a species of porous stone.
Ku-nu, s. See Kumu. A soft gentle Ku-pau, s. A name of several of the
wind; a cough; a pestilence ;he mai ahu- days of the month.
lau. Ku-pav, adj. Going back; fearful ;
Ku-nu-ku-nu, v. To doa thing with an shrinking.
evil intent ; to cherish secret anger. Ku-pa-KA, v. To writhe; to twist; to
2. To groan; to complain, as an oppressed bend this way and that; to move one way
people. Job. 24:12. then another.
Ku-nv-ku-nu, s. Anger at the haku for 2. To be borne down or overwhelmed
his requiring too much labor; anger laid with sadness. Jsa. 21:3. :
up and cherished in the mind (“nursing 3. To be in great perplexity and sleep-
one’s wrath to keep it warm.” Burns.) less anxiety; to be fearful ; to shrink from
E noi aku ia ia me ka hoowahawaha ole doing a thing ; kupaka ae la aole e hiki.
ame ke kunulcunu ole; ua noho ia i keia 4. To throw the limbs about, as in great
wahi me ka hoomanawanui ame ke kunu- pain.
kunu ole. Ku-pa-Ka, s. A writhing; a bending
Ku-nu-Nna, adj. this way and that; a tearing; a treating
Ku-pa, v. To dig out; to dig a trench. with violence.
2. To clean off or dig out the inside of a Ku-pa-Ka-k1, adv. Awkwardly, as any-
canoe ; a kupa ia oloko o ka waa. thing done in a hurry or in consternation.
3. Eng. To act as a cooper. Ku-pa-xu-pa, v. See Kupa. To work
Ku-pa, v. To beat home; to enjoy one’s digging a trench.
place of residence ;ua kKupa lakou ma ko 2. To work hewing outa canoe; to work
lakou aina iho. off, as with an adze.
KUP eee

Ku-ra-La, s. The name of a vegetable, |Ku-pz, s. The name of a rim of a canoe

the root eaten in time of scarcity. before and behind.
2. The name of a species of long fish; he 2. A fetter. See Kuper.
kaku. Ku-rEE, v. To bind with fetters; to
Ku-pa-La-Ha, s. The name of a class of fasten with fetters.
Kamebameha’s heiaus. 2. To bind; to tie fast.
Ku-pa-Lu, v. To be little; to be dwarf- 3. To ornament the wrist or arm with
ish; to be diminutive. bracelets ; to put ornaments on the arm.
Ku-pa-Lu, s. The name of a plant. Ku-peE, s. An ornament, generally of
2. A small man or woman ; a dwarf. a string of shells (pupuhoaka.) Kin. 24:22.
Kupee gula.
Ku-pa-tn, adj. Small; dwarfish; di- 2. A bracelet. Puk. 35:22. Kupee lima.
minutive, as a dwarfish person. 3. A fetter. See Kurs. 2 Nal. 25:7. Ku-
Ku-pa-tu-al-au, s. A person who has pee keleawe, a fetter of brass. Lunk. 16:21.
lived many years, or to old age. Laau kupee, stocks. Jer. 20:2.
Ku-pa-to-Lo1, v. To drum with the fin- Ku-pe-u-Lu, s. An old broken worn out
gers on the drum or pahu at a hula or other canoe, without sail or other conveniences.
gathering ; kupaloloi ka leo o ka pahu e 2. A canoe with a large ihu; ina nui ka
kani i Mauoni. ihu, he kupeulu kahi inoa. :
Ku-pa-iv, v. To stuff with food; to give Ku-peE-u-Lu, adj. Old; worn out, as a
a.person or animal as much as he can eat. canoe; pehea ko oukou waa? he wahi waa
2. To fatten; to nourish; to feed highly. kupeulu no hoi, how is your canoe? it is
Dan. 1:5. Hence, even a canoe worn out.
3. To make a favorite of one. Ku-pe-HE, s. A going softly, as a per-
4. To pound and beat out, as kapa. son; a moving, as a weak person; hakupe,
Ku-pa-tu-14, s. A fatlmg; a well-fed he kupehe.
animal. Mat. 22:4. Ku-re-u1, v. See Pent. To throw at;
2. A taming, as of fish by feeding; ka to pelt; to cast stones at; e hoolei i ka
hoohauna ana i laka mai ka ia. pohaku.
Ku-pa-tu-1-a, adj. Fatted; well fed. Ku-pr-xi-A, s. The fear of evil.
Ku-pa-na-HA, v. To be wonderful. Hoo. Ku-peE-Le, v. To bruise, as fruit to soften
To exhibit some extraordinary trait of char- it; to soften; to pound up, as kalo.
acter. Hal. 31:21. 2. To feed full or till surfeited, as a parent
Ku-pa-na-HA, s. A wonder; a strange does achild or a pet dog; e kupele i ka ilio.
event. See KupalANaHA. Ku-PE-LE, v. To mix up or work over
Ku-pa-na-HA, adj. Wonderful; strange; poi the day after it is made. See Hoowatt.
illiberal ; close. Huli ka waha (ka waa) iluna, alaila kupele
Ku-pa-na-HA, adv. Wondrously; unac- maloko.
countably. Kanl. 28:55. 2. To dig out the inside of a canoe.
Ku-pa-pau, s. A dead body; a corpse; Ku-pe-Le, s. The name of a medicine
a deceased person; lawe aku la lakou i ke given to soften the pou two or three days
kupapau o Lono, the people carried away before the waiki or poepoe.
the dead body of Captain Cook; eia ke kau-
oha a ke kupapau ia’u, here is the last Ku-PE-LE-LEU, v. Ku and peleleu, a short
charge of the deceased to me. wide canoe. Tostand in a broad orspread-
Ku-pa-pau, adj. Of or belonging to a ing posture, as one who blocks up the door
or a narrow passage.
dead body ; hale kupapau, a tomb. 2. To be broad, as one with spreading or
Ku-pa-pau-La, v. To stand with the bulky baggage on his back; heaha kau e
side to the wind, as a house; to blow di- kupeleleu nei? what are you doing stand-
rectly on, as the wind; to have the wind in ing so big here?
front or ahead. Ku-rE-NE, v. To live steadily im one
Ku-pa-pa-ku, s. A place deep down in place, instead of roving about, visiting, &c.
the ground ; olalo 0 kupapaku. Hoo. The same.
Ku-pa-pa-La-ni, Ss. A chief. Fic. Lik- Ku-re-nu, v. To dip into coloring mat-
ened to a fish. ter. Kin. 37:31. To stain by immersion;
Ku-re, v. To manage or direct a canoe, to dip, as into blood or any liquid. Kanl.
as the man with the steering paddle; to 33:37. To plunge into a ditch. Job. 9:31.
direct the bow of a boat or canoe ; e hoo- 2. To smooth, as a ruffled kapa; to press
pololei ae i ka ihu. down. ;
2. To shovel dirt; to use a shovel or Ku-reE-nu-PE-nu, v. The frequentative
spade. See Kopxr. of the foregoing.
Ku-ri-xi-o, v. Ku and pikio, to stand 2. To have much property; to be fully
up, as water. See Pexi. To rage; to be furnished.
in commotion, as water agitated by the Ku-rou, v. To bend or bow forward, as
wind. in drowsing, or if one hits his foot and
2. To rage or be in commotion, as an stumbles forward; a kupow iho la kona poo
angry multitude. | ma ka wahao kaipu. JLaieik. 211.
3. To be troubled, as the mind. Job. Ku-po-u-L1, v. To be darkened ; to be
30:27. benumbed ; kupouli ka naaui ka onaika
Ku-pi-k1-Pi-kI-0, v. See the foregoing. baka, ;
To be in commotion generally. Ku-pou-pou, s. A species of fish; a long
2. To rage, as the sea when wind and fish.
current are opposite. Ku-po-nu, s. Au and pohu, calm. A
3. To be furious; to be agitated, as a
people in a popular tumult. Hal. 2:1. calm; the state of the sea when there is no
4. To be agitated, as the mind.
5. Hoo. To cause a storm; to make bois- Ku-po-La, v. See Kapora. To roll up,
terous; torage,astheelements. Jsa.51:15. as a bundle; to tie up together.
Ku-pi-ki-Pi-ki-o, s. ‘The agitation of 2. To wither and roll up, as the under or
dead leaves of bananas.
water when the surface is thrown out of its
level ; tle commotion of the waves of the Ku-po-Lo-Lu, s. The striking or stab-
sea in a storm. bing one with a pololu; he nui ka poe ao
2. The raging of a multitude. i ka lono maka ihe, me ke kupololu.
3. The agitation of the mind. Jak. 1:6. Ku-po-no, v. Ku and pono, right. To
Ku-pi-x1-P1-K1-0, adj. Troubled; raging, be or to act uprightly ; to be just; to be
as kai kupikipikio. Isa. 57:20. true. Hoo. To stand upright, i.e., to stand
Ku-pi-Li-ku, v. See Pina. To stand firmly ; to establish; to hold up; to be
just; to be upright.
close together so as to crowd.
Ku-pi-nal, v. Ku and pinai, thick to- Ku-po-no, adj. In geometry, upright ;
gether. To mourn; to wail; to make a perpendicular; kaha kupono, a perpendic-
great and confused noise, as of wailing. ular line. Anahon. 4.
2. To go from house to house or from 2. Morally upright. 2 Nal. 20:3. Hon-
place to place. est; conscientious. Oihk. 13:37.
3. To be thronged with the numbers of Ku-pu, v. To sprout; to spring up; to
people ; to stand thickly together, as peo- grow, as vegetation; to shoot out buds; to
ple in a crowd. open out, as leaves or blossoms.
4. To reverberate, as a sound; to echo 2. To grow large: to increase.
back a sound. , 3. Fie. To grow up or increase, as evil.
Ku-pi-nal, s. A great crying; a general Kanl. 29:17.
or universal lamentation where multitudes 4. Hoo. To pay, asa tax; to collect taxes;
are wailing together. hookaumahaia na makaainana e hookupu i
2. The echo of a mourning or lamenta- kela mea waiwai i keia mea waiwai, the
tion. common people were burdened by being
taxed on all sorts of property.
3. An echo; a reverberation of sound,
as from a pali. Ku-pu, s. A vegetable; a thing sprouted
4. A great and confused noise of people. up.
Ku-pi-nal, adj. Noisy ; confused with 2. A tax. Hoo. A tax; a tribute to a
ruler. zr. 6:8.
noise; aloha na hoa kupinai, wawa hane-
hane o ua hale nei (hale kula.) 3. One whose ancestors were born where
he himself was and vice versa.
Ku-pi-Na-PI-Nal, v. To come and stand 4. One who is mischievous or lawless.
thick together, as people day after day. Laieik. 104. He kupu oe, hookahi no mea
- Ku-pi-pi, v. Ku, to stand, and pipi, thick i kolohe i ka’u. See Ev.
together. To stand thick together, as a Ku-pu, adj. Thick, as paste.
multitude ; to be confused. 2. Hoo. Hookupy. hapaumi, a little tax.
Ku-ri-r1, s. Name of a species of fish. Kanl. 26:12.
Ku-pr-P1, adj. Close together; thick, as Ku-pu-a, s. A sorcerer. Isa. 8:19. A
people standing together. witch. Kanl.18:11. A wizard. Puk. 22:18.
2. A person of extraordinary powers of
Ku-po, s. Name of a species of fish net; body or mind; one able to do what others
he upena keupo. cannot; o Aiwohikupua keia, ke kupua
Ku-poE-por, v. Ku, to fit, and poepoe, kaulana a puni na moku. JLaieik. 100.
round. To be fitted round, i. e., well fur- Notre.—Sorcerers, wizards and witches are
nished, as one wearing much kapa. frequently spoken of in Hawaiian antiqui-
LA 320 LA
ties—in their kaaos and meles—as things Ku-PU-NA-WA-HI-NE, s. Kupunaand wa-
that existed and were fully believed in. hine, female. A grandmother, &c. See the
Ku-pu-a, adj. See Kuru above. ‘Thick, foregoing.
as paste. | Ku-pu-ni, v. Ku, to stand, and puni,
Ku-pu-E-u, s. A person who excels in around. To stand around; to surround,
doing good or in doing mischief; ma ke asanenemy. Jer. 1:17.
ahiahi o ua la hoouka kaua nei o na ku- Ku-wa, s. The name of a prayer made
pueu. Laieik. 109. when a person finished a new house by
Ku-pu-o-H1, v. Kupu, to shoot up, and trimming the grass from over the door;
ohi, bamboo. To grow up quickly, as a kuwa ka inoa oia pule; also a prayer when
vegetable of quick growth. a canoe was finished. :
2. To grow quickly, as a child that has Ku-wat, v. To rub in a circular man-
grown to maturity early. ner.
Ku-pu-o-H1, adj. Quick growing; early Ku-wa-La, v. See Kuara. To turn over,
mature, as men or plants. as a man or other substance.
Ku-puu, s. See Kuru and Arxuruv. 2. To add to a price agreed on, as for
Ku-pu-xu-pu, s. A vegetable; what delay in payment.
springs up from the ground. 3. To take something else in pay in lieu
2. A species of ground pine. if the thing agreed on is not sufficient; ku-
3. An odoriferous plant. wala i ka waiwai e,i ka puaa paha ke lawa
ole ka wahie.
Ku-pu-ku-pu-u-La, s. A plant used to Ku-wa-ua, s. A somerset; a turning
scarify the skin. over and over, from which is derived the
Kou-pu-tu, s. Kupu and liz, little. A word for interest. See Kuan.
small man, but not properly aa, a dwarf; Ku-wa-La, adj. Usurious; taking usury.
it applies to slowness of growth in men, Puk. 22:25. Syn. with uku hoopane.
animals and vegetables. Ku-wa-La-Poo, v. See Kutoupoo.
2. A monkey. :
Ku-pu-na, s. A grand parent, either Ku-wa-La-wa-La, v. To bend; to yield,
father or mother. as grass or any flexible thing to a flowing
stream of water, but which being elastic,
2. A father of two or more generations
back. bends back again, causing the motion called
3. A forefather or ancestor indefinitely. kuwalawala; kuwalawala ka hala ame ka
ohia ; kuwalawala ka pono.
4, A patriarch. Kin. 17:5. No na ku-
puna mua o ko Hawaii nei, concerning the Ku-zi-Ta, s. Eng. A cubit in measure;
first fathers (ancestors) of the Hawaiian eighteen inches. Kin. 6:15. Iwi kubita, he
race. iwi hailima e pili pu ana me ka ili kano,
Ku-pu-NA-KA-NE, S. Kupuna and kane, one of the bones of the forearm joined to
the wrist. Anat. 19.
male. Agrandfather. Kin.32:9. An an-
cestor of several generations back; o Ku- Ku-ri-na, s. Eng. Corn; corn meal.
kanaloa ke kupunakane o kekahi poe o Ha- Kris-tI-a-No, s. Gr. A christian; afol-
wali nei. lower of Jesus Christ. Qih. 11:26.

LA: name of the eighth letter of the that every syllable must end with a vowel
Hawaiian alphabet. It represents the sound. ;
sound of a liquid as in other languages; La, a particle following verbs, mostly in
hence it is easily assimilated to such of the some preterit tense, and generally con-
other liquids as are similarly pronounced, nected with either mai, aku, iho or ae.
viz.: n and the smooth American r in for- Gram. § 239 and 240. It is also used with
eign words. Thus, nanai for lanai; on the nouns and adverbs and seems to have a
contrary lanahu is used for nanahu, &e. L slight reference to place; similar, but not
is inserted sometimes, for the sake of eu- so marked or strong as the French la.
phony, between a verb and its passive ter-| La, s. Thesun; he meae malamalama
mination ia; as, kaulia for kauia; manao- ai i ke ao, ke alii o ka malamalama, that
lia for manaoia. The letter h is used in a which gives light to day, the king of light.
Similar manner. See H and Grammar § 48. 2. Day or light, in distinction from po,
The name of the letter Ja instead of el is darkness.
required by a law of the language, viz.: 3. A particular or appointed day; la ka-
lahala, day of atonement. Oihk. 23:27. A mostly of mixtures of leaves of trees, barks,
particular day of the month or year. roots, &c., and some were exceedingly nau-
4. The effects of the heat of the sun, i.e., seous, and others very acrid; but the phy-
a drought; ka la nui, a great drought; sicians depended more on their enchant-
heat; warmth. Stifling heat is ikiiki. ments, their invocations to the gods, the
La, s. The name of an ancient sail for sacrifices offered, or the prices paid, than
canoes; 0 ka pea o ko lakou waa i ka wa on the virtue of their medicines.
kahiko, he la ka inoa 0 ia pea. La-au-a, adj.. See Laa, devoted. De-
La, adj. Like the sun; sunny, that is, voted to destruction, as for having broken
warm; haalele o Poleahu i kona kapa han, kapu.
lalau like lakou i ke kapa la. Laieik. 113. La-au-a-La, s. Laau, wood, and ala,
Laa, v. To be holy; to be set apart for odoriferous. Sandal-wood, an odoriferous
holy purposes ; e hookaawale i na waiwai wood formerly in great abundance in the
mountainous regions.
ihoanoia. Puk. 30:29.
2. To be devoted to any person; to be La-au-a-NA, s. Laau, wood, and ana,
consecrated to a particular use or purpose, participial termination. Aruling; making
generally religious; to be under or bound a mark by a rule or piece of wood. Nors.
by an oath. Laieik.38. By a kiss. Laieik. This is a modern word.
126 La-av-1-K1-a1, s. Laau, wood, iki, little,
3. To be devoted to destruction or death. and ai, to eat. A general name for herbs.
fos. 6:17, A ike mai la na ilamukuo Liloa Rom. 14:2.
ua laa keia keiki no ka ae ana ma kahi La-av-0-o1, s. Laau, bush, and oioi,
kapu, and the sheriffs of Liloa saw that the
La-avu-o1-ol, sharp; full of sharp points.
child was devoted (had forfeited his life) on
A bramble bush. Isa. 34:13.
account of his climbing over a kapu place
(fence.) La-av-o-ui-va, s. Laau and oliva (Gr.),
4. To be defiled ; to become impure by olive. An olive tree. Kanl. 6:11.
mixing one plant with another of a differ- La-au-o-weE, v. To make a noise with
‘ent kind. Kanl. 22:9. the feet; to drum with the fingers; to make
5. Hoo. To sanctify; to be sanctified; to a shuffling noise. See Lavowax.
be devoted ; to be set apart as sacred, or La-au-Hoo-pil, s. Laau, medicine, and
for sacred purposes. Puk. 13:2. To make hoopii, to cause to ascend. An emetic.
sacred or holy ; to revere; to dedicate, as La-au-Kaa, s. Laau, tree, and kaz, pine.
a temple or image. Dan.3:2. To devote.
Oihl. 18:11. A fatree. Zek.11:2. An oak tree. Kin.
Laa, adj. Sacred; devoted, i. e., given
up or set apart to sacred purposes; hence,
La-au-KE-A, s. Laau and kea, a cross.
A cross of wood.
holy ;mea laa, a consecrated or holy one.
Puk. 16:23. He lahui kanaka laa, a con- La-av-x1, s. Laau, timber, and ki (Eng.),
secrated nation. Puk. 19:6. key. A bar for a gate.
2. Accursed; devoted to destruction. La-au-ki-a, s. Laau and kia, a sticky
Tos. 6:18. (See the verb in the same verse.) mixture. A mixture used as bird-lime in
Laa, adv. Also; together with others; catching birds; he laau a hoopili aiika
manu me he kepau la.
80; like pela; besides all this; oia mea a
pau e laa me keia, all that thing together La-au-ku, s. Laau and ku, to stand. A
with this; o ka launa nui aku i ka wahine side post of a door, from its erect position.
e, e laa me ka wahine i ke kane e. See 1 Nal. 6:31, A post of a house; an upright
AA. post. Ezek. 45:19.
Laa, s. Width; breadth. Syn. with La-AU-KU-KA-HI, )5, The names of par-
laula. La-aU-KU-LU-a, ticular days in the an-
La-au, s. A general name for what grew LA-AU-KU-PAU, cient month.
out of the ground; o na mea e ulu ana ma La-au-ku-PEE, s. Laau and kupee,a fet-
ka honua ua kapaia he laau. ter. Stocks, fetters, &c., for criminals; any
1. Wood; trees; timber; but not often instrument of confining a person.
fire-wood, which is wahie. La-au-La, s. A division of the year.
2. A forest ;\a thicket of trees; ka mea
ulu ma na kuahiwi. La-au-La-Lo, s. Laau and lalo, down.
3. Fig. Strength ; firmness ; hardness. The boom of a vessel, from its horizontal
4. Laaw palupalu, herbs ; tender vege- position, in distinction from kia or laauku.
tables. Mat. 13:32. La-au-La-pa-av, s. Laau, medicine, and
5. Medicine; that which is taken in case lapaau, to heal, cure, &c. Medicine, i. e.,
of sickness. Nore.—The ancient Hawaiian herbs, roots or other compounds for the re-
medicines wy oie and consisted lief of diseases. Jer. 46:11.
La-au-u1, s. The name of an ancient | a prominent forehead. 1 Sam. 17:49. A
god who made laws that were not to be brow of a hill; a cape or headland. In
broken ; ka inoa o ka mea nana i kau na geography, a cape or promontory.
kanawal paa, 0 Kanelaauli. 2. A calm; a calm place in the sea, as
La-a-u-Lvu, s. La, day, au, season, and under a bluff, cape or headland.
ulu, to grow. A time when vegetables Lak-HAo-KE-LA, S. Lae, forehead, hao,
spring or grow fast in distinction from laa- horn, and kela, projecting. Name given to
make. the unicorn ; the unicorn.
La-Au-Lu-al, s. Laau, medicine, and LAE-HAO-KE-LA, adj. Having one horn
luai, to vomit. An emetic. See Laaupu in the forehead ; he holoholona kiwi hoo-
and LAAUHOOPH. kahimakaihu. Liolaehaokela. Nah. 23:22.
La-au-ma-kal, s. Laau, wood, and ma- Laz-kol, s. Lae, forehead,
and koi, sharp;
kai, a constable. The signal or badge of projecting. Asharp or projecting forehead.
a constable under the first code of laws; it Lax-ko-Lo-a, s. A species of soft porous
was a square piece of wood five or six inches stone.
in length, each side an inch, one-third of LAE-LAE, v. See Laz, v. To enlighten,
the length was turned for a handle; this i.e., to make visibly clear or plain by means
the constable carried with him as a desig- of a light.
nation of his office. 2. To make clear or explicit by words,
La-au-mo-£E, s. Laau, medicine, and as a statement or assertion.
moe, to sleep. Medicine causing sleep; an 3. To be free to move; to be unfettered;
opiate. to be loose ; to be separate from another.
La-au-Nna-HA, Ss. Laau, medicine, and Lae-LaE, adj. Bright; bright shining,
naha, to operate, as a cathartic. A cathartic as the sun; e like me Ka la laelae i ke awa-
medicine. kea; pure; clear; serene, as a clear sky.
La-au-pa, s. Laau, medicine, and pa, Fic. Pure in sentiment. Hal. 19:8.
barren. An ancient drug given to produce 2. Clear ; unobscured to the sight.
abortion, or rather perhaps to prevent 3. Clear; distinct, as the meaning of a
fecundation ; nolaila, inu nui na wahine i word or speech.
ka laaupa i hapai ole lakou. He laau ha- Lar-Lak, s. See Laz. A light; a bright
nau keiki ole. light.
La-au-pau, s. Name of a day of the 2. Calm, pleasant weather.
month. See LAAuKupPav. La-E-LE, s. The name of kalo tops when
La-au-pa-Lau, s. The name of an in- partially dry or thrown by as refuse. See
strument of offense used in war, along club; Laato. The litter, as of kalo tops or old
ihe, pololu, laaupalau, &e. kalo leaves ; any litter or refuse material.
La-au-pu, s. Laau and pit, to ascend. 2. The name of the outside leaves of the
loulu, tobacco, &c.; the same as halii.
An emetic. See Laavunval.
La-a-H1-A, v. Laa and 2a, passive, h in- Las-tu-a, adj. Lae and lua, double.
serted. See Laa, adj., 2. To be involved Projecting ; sharp ; prominent, as a ridge.
in what others do, especially of evil. See Muxot.
2. To be reproached for others’ faults on Lar-ni-Ht, s. Name of a species of fish.
account of living or associating together; 2. A steep, perpendicular forehead.
inu rama oe, a laahia ma ka hewa makou i Lae-paa, s. Name of a servant marked
ka hohonu ia oe.
in the forehead. See LAEPUNT.
La-a-La-au, s. Anherb; a bush; herbs;
green things. Puk.3:2. That class of veg- Lar-pu-n1, s. Name of a servant marked
etables between trees and grass. in the forehead ; 0 ka poe kauwa i hoailo-
La-a-ms-KE, s. La, day, time, and make, naia ma ka lae, ua kapaia he kauwa laepunt.
dead. The time when vegetables generally Lat, s. Used for danz, the heavens, es-
die or dwindle or grow slowly, like autumn pecially when the sky is clear and the
in cooler climates ; opposite to laaulu. weather calm; e ke alii wahine o Ka lai.
La-a-na, adj. See Laa, devoted. De- Laieile. 154.
voted to destruction, as for having broken 2. A calm still place in the sea where
kapu; e hu laana. there is no ripple and the sea is like a look-
La-a-Lo, s. The name of kalo tops when ing-glass.
dry. 3. Any calm still place; e noho mai ai
ka lai o Lele.
La-z, v. To be light; to be clear, as 4. Still, as water; pohu, malie o ka lai.
day; to be shining. as a light. See Laman See MaLino. :
and kindred with dai. 5. Any still, silent place; he wahi meha-
La-£, s. Any projecting substance, as meha, hakanu.
La-t, s. The leaf of the ki plant. See 4. The booming or bass sound of a bell.
Lavi and Lavkxi. 5. The pain of the eye suffering from a
2. Name of a species of fish. mote. See Lao 3.
Lat, v. To be calm; to make no noise; 6. An uneasy state of the bowels tending
towards colic.
to be silent; ua lai loa ia po, it was very
still that night. La-o-wa, v. See Laoa above.
2. Hoo. To quiet; to appease, as a mob. Lav, v. To feel after a thing.
Oth. 19:35. 2. To spread out; to be broad, as a leaf.
3. To be quiet, as the elements. 3. To be numerous or many. See the
Lai, adj. Calm; still; quiet; shining, noun. Makeia kula panoa kanaka ole, law
as the surface of the sea in a calm. kanaka ai, in this dry uninhabited place
Lat-x1, v. To cram; to stuff; to throw there are now many people.
together confusedly ; to eat too much; to Lav, s. The number 400.
be full, as an over-loaded stomach. 2. The leaf of a tree or plant green or
Lat-x1, s. Fullness, as of the stomach dry. Qihke. 26:36. An herb; Jaw mulemule,
from over-eating ; ua laiki ka opu. bitter herbs.
3. The face of a person, like helehelena;
Lat-x1, adj. Full, as the stomach from lau kanaka, persons ; where persons live;
eating too.much. law kanaka ole, solitary. See LAvUKANAKA.
Lar-x1, s. Hawaiian orthography for Lau makani, a stray puff of wind.
raisi. Eng. Rice; a vegetable ; a species 4. The end of a pointed substance. Syn.
of grain. with elau or welau. Lay alelo, the tip of
Lat-xu, s. A calm, either with reference the tongue.
to the atmosphere, without wind. or to the Lav-a, pron. dual. They two. Gram. §
stillness of the ocean, without wave or rip- 1%. Ma laua o, prep., together with; along
ple; he pohu, he malie hinu no ka moana. with.
Lat-La, adv. Referring to time, then; Lau-aE, s. An aromatic herb.
at that time ; referring to place, there ; at Lav-au-a, s. A playing at games of
that place. It almost always takes one of chance ; gambling. See Pmiwarwat.
the simple prepositions, a, i, 0, no, ko, ka, 2. Name of the maneuvers in or during
ma or mai. See each of the compounds in a battle; also kaakaua.
their places ; also, Gram. § 68 and § 165,
2d class. Lav-a-va, s. The name of a wind at
Lar-ai, v. See Lai. To be very calm Lav-a-wa,§ awaawa.
Hana, Maui; makani lau-
and clear, as the sun ; i ka wa e lailai ana
ka la maluna o ka aina. Jaieik. 158. Lav-a-x1, s. A body of men working to-
gether at the same business.
Latina, s. A kind of eruption on the
body like shingles. Lav-a-La, s. Lau, leaf, and ala, stand-
ing up. The name given to kalo leaves be-
La-o, v. To spring up, as grass or weeds fore the kalo is pulled or gathered. Nore.
after a rain. After they are gathered for food they are
La-o, s. The leaf of the sugar-cane, es- called luau. See Luau.
pecially in its use as formerly in thatching Lau-a-Lo, s. The kalo leaf; the same
houses. The other names are lauo, lauko as laukalo.
and hako. Lau-a-wa, s. The leaf of the kalo when
2. The name of a species of fish.
3. A mote moving in the eye and causing it first shoots out after the buli is planted.
pain; he pula oni ana iloko o ka maka : : The first two leaves or shoots of the
La-o-a, v. To tie up the bones of a per- Lav-E-KA,
adj. Awkward; unskillful in
son in a bundle ; to bundle up.
2. To put a girdle around the body Lav-1, s. See Lav. The leaf of the ki
tightly. plant. See Lar and Lavkt.
3. To choke or strangle, as with a cord
around the neck ; also written laowa. See
Lav-1, adj. Of or belonging to the ki
LavLavu. plant; he pale /aui kou akua ke hiki i Kai-
lua, a ti fence is your god if you come to
La-o-La-o, s. A bundle of small sticks Kailua, i. e., a frail defense.
tied up for fuel.
2. Abundle of anything tied up for car-
Lav-14, s. Name of a species of fish.
rying. Lav-r-u, v. To be fickle; to be incon-
3. Little sticks put down to help sustain stant; to be changeable. The better or-
the kuauna or bank of a kalo patch; ka thography is laweili. See Wi.
laolao nahele kuakua loi. Lav-i-Pa-La, s. A species of fish,
Lavu-o, s. See Lav. The leaf of the of which are to infants as a mawai or ca-
sugar-cane. See Lao. thartic to carry off the meconium.
Lau-o-E, s. The sound of scratching, or Lau-xa-HI-u, s. Lau, ka, article, and
walking on anything making a rustling hiu, the tail of a fish. A long shark, or
noise. long-tailed shark (the tail leaf-shaped.)
2. The son of Kuhaimoana.
Lav-or, v. To ascend straightly up-
Lau-Ka-na, adj. Applied to one who
seldom prays in secret ; laukana kahi me-
Lau-o-Ha, s. Any vegetable that grows hameha.
large and thrifty.
Lau-KA-NaA-KA, 5. See Lau and Kanaxa,
Lav-o-Ha, s. The sail of a vessel above people. A place of people ; where people
the spanker. live; laukanaka ole, a solitary place.
Lav-o-nal, s. Name of a large bush Lav-KA-PA-LA-LA, S. The kalo leaf that
bearing beautiful flowers ; ka lau o luhea grows up from the midst of other kalo leaves
o ka ohai i mana. sustaining the life of the kalo; he mau
Lavu-o-HA-o-HA, s. See Lavona above. maka no Luaipo.
A thrifty growing vegetable. Lavu-Ka-Pa-Li-Lt, s. Lau and kapalili, to
Lav-o-HE, s. Some material used in tremble or vibrate quickly. The name of
polishing wooden calabashes. the kalo leaf that first grew on the Hawai-
Lav-o-Ho, s. Lau and oho, the hair of ian Islands.
the human head. The hair of the head. Lau-xeE-A, s. Name of a hard stone made
Nah. 6:5. Ka hulu o ke poo. Nore.—The into kois for its hardness.
hair of animals is hulu, and so is hair on Lav-x1, s. Lau and ki. See Ki. The
the other parts of the body. leaf of the ki plant.
Lav-o-nE, s. Any place where the soil 2. The name of a species of fish.
is light, mellow and without stones and Lav-xi-pa-La, s. ‘The name of a yellow
easy to cultivate. colored fish.
Lav-o-wae, v. To make a rustling noise 2. The leaf of the wiliwili tree.
with the feet or fingers. See LAavowE. Lav-xo, s. Lawand ko, sugar-cane. The
Lav-u-Ku-Ka-HI, s. Name of a day of leaf of the sugar-cane. See Lao.
the month, otherwise called Laau; a ma Lau-xo-a, s. Law and koa, name of a
ka la o Lauukukahi. tree. The leaf of the koa tree.
Lav-u-tu, s. Lau, leaf, and ulu, the 2. The name given to a table knife.
breadfruit tree. The leaf of the breadfruit Lavu-xo-a, v. To be hatched out, as the
tree. egos of any kind of fowls; pehea ka oukou
2. A word heard indistinctly, or an idea mau hua? Ua laukoa, e lele auanei.
80 obtained from a speaker as to give an Lav-ko-s-1-E, s. Law and koaie. a spe-
uncertain meaning. cies of timber. Literally, a koaie leaf.
Lau-nav, s. Name of a species of fish. 2. Figuratively, anything which is found
Lav-wa-La, s. Lau, leaf, and hala, the only in inland places.
pandanus. A pandanus leaf. Lav-ko-na, adj. Lauand koha. Fledged;
2. Applied to people as wanderers who feathered, as young birds; he lau laha ole.
come as strangers and stop in a place, and Lav-Ko-NA-Ko-NA, v. Lau and konakona,
after a time move again. See AIHUAWAA. to despise. See Kona. To despise; to con-
Lavu-HE-LE, s. Name of a vegetable, a temn ; to treat contemptuously.
small bush; also called*laulele. Lavu-ku-a, v. To gather together and
Lavu-Ho-E, v. To paddle together, as lay up the good and the bad, or to use
what is one’s own by right along with what
several persons paddling a canoe with great
strength and resolution ; i kahi a kakou e is another’s, as by theft or extortion; he
laukua wale no ko makou.
lauhoe aku nei.
Lav-nu-a, s. Name of a species of fish, Lau-xu-a, adj. Things put together
small, broad and yellow. irregularly or in confusion; applied also to
wordsin a speech; he olelo laudcua, he olelo
Lav-nu-xr, s. The god of those who hoohibia.
pounded or manufactured kapa; he akua Lau-ku-a, s. Things scraped or gath-
no ka poe kuku kapa.
2. The office of the person who moistened ered irregularly together: aia ke aloha 0
the kapa during the process of pounding it. ka laukcua e Jaukua wale ai; also, the name
of a fish-pond where are many sorts of fish.
Lau-nu-Lu, s. The banana leaf.
Lau-ku-a, s. Applied to a person whe
Lav-xar-a, s. ‘The name of a god. works industriously at many kinds of work
Lavu-xa-u1, s. Name of a plant, the seeds and prospers.
Lav-ta, v. To be broad; to be wide; cloth-leafed. An epithetof the mulberry;
to be extended. laau laulole, a mulberry tree.
Lav-ta, s. Extension; breadth; width, Lau-ma-E-wa, s. Law and maewa, to in-
&e. 1 Nal. 6:3. jure; to mock. He palala laumaewa kapu
Lav-1a, adj. Broad; wide; he keena no Lono.
laula, a wide room. Lav-ma-kE, s. Law and make, death. A
Lav-tau, s. A bundle; a bag, as of poisonous herb.
money. Ain. 42:35. 2. The barb of a spear ; the point of an
2. A wrapper of a bundle; that which instrument causing death.
surrounds anything. Kin. 42:35. 3. The abating or subsiding of water,
i. e., a drought.
3. A bundle, as of food done up the sec-
ond time. LAvu-MA-NA-MA-NA, s. Lau and mana-
4, A bundle of small wood, or fagots. mana, divided. Applied to that species of
5. The netting in which food is carried. potato whose leaves are slim and much di-
6. A container generally. vided. '
Lav-La-nA, v. Lau and laha, to spread Lavu-ma-ni-A, s. Lau and mania, smooth;
abroad. To be spread abroad, as a noise plane. A smooth thin leaf.
or report; to be heard extensively ; to 2. A straight, smooth even surface of a
learn something by report. , body.
Lav-La-HE-A, adj. Something said in- Lau-ma-nI-A, adj. Smooth, straight and
distinctly or without clearness; indistinctly even; applied to the surface of bodies,
heard ; he olelo laulahea. Isa. 40:4. Smooth or polished, as glass;
Lav-La-HA-0-LE, adj. See Lavitawa and ili lawmunia, a plane surface.
OLE, negative. Kept in; not reported; Lavu-ma-ni-A, v. To spread out smoothly
not spread abroad. and even; to smooth off what is rough.
Lav-La-ni-La-H1, adj. Lau and lahilahi, Hoo. To level down; to make smooth, as
thin. Lir. Thin leaf. Thin, as the leaves uneven ground. JTJsa. 45:2.
of ki leaf or banana. See Lavaunt. Lav-ma-n1-E, v. Another orthography,
Lav-ta-ma, s. The lamas or many but the same meaning as laumania.
torches at night. Lau-me-k!, v. To flow slowly, as a
Lav-La-wi-Ll, s. See Lauwitt. stream with very little water.
2. To move very slowly, as a very slow
Lav-.e-A, s. Lau and lea, pleasure; joy. trotting horse.
Peace; friendship ; satisfaction with a per-
ce or thing after having experienced dis- Lav-mi-Lo, v. To writhe; to squirm; to
ike. turn and twist awry. See Lauwi. Ua
laumiloia na uhane, ua make.
Lav-te-a, v. To be on terms of friend-
ship. See Launa, i. e., lau ana. Lav-mi-Lo, adj. Squirming; contorting;
2. Hoo. To satisfy, as one offended ; to mixing up. See Lauwiut. O ka lena o ka
reconcile; to become reconciled. Kin. puhi laumilo i ka pa.
32:20. Lau-na, v. For lau ana, probably a
3. To obtain favor with one; to make spreading. Tu associate with; to be on
reconciliation. friendly terms with one; to treat with kind-
4. To please ; to flatter; to seek favor. ness or attention.
Gal. 1:10. See Hoo.earra. 2. To receive in a friendly manner.
Lav-.z-a, adj. Peaceful; friendly; paci- 3. To be intimate with one; to have an
fied. agreement with.
Lavu-Le-Le, s. Lau and dele. The leaf 4. Hoo. To have fellowship with one.
of a species of turnip. Gal. 2:9.
2. Also the name of the plant. Lav-na, adj. Friendly; social; inti-
3. A species of sea-weed into which fish mate ; with ole, unlike; different from; ex-
get entangled. cellent, &c.; i ka banobano launa ole o ke
Lav-Le-Le, s. Name ofa plant self prop- alii kane. Laieik. 113.
agated, but eaten for food in time of sear- Lavu-NA-HE-LE, s. Lawand nahele,a thick
city ; he ilailau, he ananu, he pilapilau. growth of brush. The leaves or thick
Lav-u-ma, s. The name of a company growth of a forest; hence,
2. Herbs generally. Kin. 1:11. Zauna-
of men who worked together on each other’s
land, or at each other’s work. hele hou, tender herbs. anl. 32:2.
Lau-Lo-a, s. Law and loa. Lit. Long Lau-Pas-Pa-A-NI, s. A word used by
leaf. Name of a species of kalo. chiefs in flattering and caressing each other;
also a term of exciting pleasure; he laupaa-
Lav-Lo-Le, adj. Lau and lole, cloth; paani no me he wahi alii la.
Lau-pak, s. A single branch of a kalo the free eating (i. e., the report of it) did
top. not extend greatly on that day.
Lav-pal, s. The first two leaves of kalo 3. To be distributed far and wide.
4. To be circulated, as a proclamation.
or huli after planting. See Lavawa.
5. To increase; to spread out; to become
Lav-pau, s. A species of fish. numerous, as a people. Kin. 48:16.
Lavu-pa-La, s. A leaf fading and turn- 6. Hoo. To spread intelligence exten-
ing brown or red. sively.
2. A person failing in health and consid- 7. To promulgate, as a law or decree
ered not to live long. _ among the people. Luk. 2:1.
Lav-pa-Lal, adj. Shining; glittering; 8. To increase greatly; applied to beasts,
greasy ; hinuhinu, lile. birds, fish and men.
Lav-pa-pa, s. Law and papa, a board. La-na, s. Name of acalabash broad and
A broad smooth plane. flat, but not high; he ipn nou. See Nouv.
Lau-wa-H1, v. Lau and waht, to gather La-wa, adj. Broad; extended; spread
up leaves. To be greedy of gain; to out.
gather property avariciously. La-nal, v. To start up suddenly; to
2. To be eager after food. jump ; to fly.
3. To be active in indulging lust, as the 2. To hover over; to remain suspended
adulterer. in the air, as a bird. See LEaat.
Lau-wi, s. Name of a species of bird, La-wa-La-HA, v. The 13th conj. of laha.
small and yellow ; same as the alauwahio. To spread out much or often.
Lavu-wi-u1, v. Lau and wili, to turn; to 2. Hoo. The same ; also, to open, as the
twist, as leaves affected by the wind. To wings of a bird in order to fly.
whirl or whiffle about, as the wind. 3. To brood over or upon, as a bird upon
2. To be unstable, as a fickle-minded a nest.
person. ‘ La-HA-LA-HAI, v. See Lauat. The in-
3. To be double tongued; to be double tensive of lahai. To hover over; to fly;
minded ; to be changeable. to light upon, as from a flight. Hoo. To
4. To be fickle; to be inconstant; to flutter over her young, as an eagle. Kani.
change one’s opinions often. 32:11. See LauaHal.
5. To lay a wager when one has no prop- LA-Ha-LA-HA-wal, s. A broad puddle or
erty. pond of water.
6. To mix. as different ingredients. La-Ha-LA-wal, adv. Slippery; unpleas-
7. To be in great trouble or perplexity.
ant to travel; ua helehele lahalawaii ka ua.
8. Totalk or speak in a round about
manner, as one never coming to the point. La-Ha-na, s. La, day, and hana, to
Lav-wi-il, s. Fickleness in conduct. work. <A day’s work; the work of a day.
2. Carelessness in speaking or pronounc- La-HE-A, v. To be soft or rotten, as fruit
ing, with frequent repetitions. or flesh. Hoo. To smell strong or rancid.
3. The whiffling or sudden changes of La-u1, adj. Thin; flat; opposite to ma-
the wind. noanoa.
4, A whirlwind. 2. He mele lahi.
5. Fia. Affliction; trouble. See Kuawitt. La-u1, s. A species of white cane.
Ua like ka lauwili me ke kuawili. La-n1a, v. To be involved and unjustly
6. Hoo. Aole ka hoolauwili ma na mea condemned with the guilty.
Lau-wi-t1, adj. Changeable, like the La-ui-La-H1, adj. See Laut. Thin, as
paper; gauze like; thin, as beaten gold.
wind; turning this way and that, like
leaves in the wind ; hence, La-Ho, s. The testes of men or animals.
2. Fickle; inconstant. Kanl. 32:5. De- See Kowau and Hua.
ceitful. Hal. 78:57. La-Ho-00, adj. Laho and oo, ripe; ma-
Lav-wI-Li-14, v. Passive of lauwilt. To ture. Hard; stingy; close; applied to per-
be in, or suffering affliction. See Lauwittr7. sons.
Lav-wi-u1-14, s. Affliction; persecution; La-Hoo-Ka-Ha-KA-HA, 5. La, day, and
hookahakaha, display. A day of exhibi-
tion, of display, of fine appearance ; he la
Lav-wi-Li-wi-L1, v. Freq. of lawwili. To e hoike aii ka hanohano ; a public day.
change often; to be very fickle, é&ec. La-Ho-u-La, s. Laho and ula, red. A
La-na, v. To spread out; to extend term of reproach ; a railing.
laterally ; to make broad ; to enlarge. La-Ho-Li-o0, s. Laho and lio, horse. A
2. To extend; to spread abroad, as a re- name given by Hawaiians to gum elastic
port; aole hoi ilaha nui ka ai noa ia la, or India rubber.
La-Ho-ko-LeE, s. Laho and kole, raw. A La-ke-ke, s. The Hawaiian pronuncia-
blackguard word; an epithet of reproach. tion of the English jacket. A roundabout.
La-Ho-pa-ka, s. A reproachful epithet; LaA-KE-WE, See Laxer. Anything
a blackguard word signifying cracked tes- flexible ; easily bending.
ticles. 2. A person leaning or bending from
2. A stingy man. weakness or disease.
La-nu, adj. Forbidden; prohibited ; La-xo, v. ‘To possess what is necessary
usually applied to food; as, ka ai i lahuia, for any purpose; to be supplied with
the forbidden food ; in this, it is equivalent requisite means of doing a thing; to be
to kapu. ing supplied with; to have a sufficiency ; eia
La-uu-1, v. See Lanv. To prohibit; to na kanaka i lako i kela mau mea; to be
forbid ; to lay a kapu; to proclaim a law fitted out or furnished with what is requisite
or ordinance. for use or ornament,as the works of nature;
La-nu-1, s. La, day, and hui, to unite. ua lakoia ka honua nei i ka mauna, i ka
awaawa, i ka pohaku, &c.
A time of coming together; hence, an as-
2. Hoo. To provide a supply for the
semblage ; a company; a union of many. needy. ial. 146:9. To supply a compe-
See the|
followiag words and Lanu above.
tency for a living. 1 Tim. 5:8. Aole ke
La-nu-t-al-na, s. Lahui and aina, land. alii i ike i na mea i hoolakoia nei, the king
The nations of many lands; spoken of col- did not know what things were provided
lectively, the people of many countries. here.
La-nu-1-Kau-a, s. Lahui, assemblage, 3. To be endowed; to be furnished; to
and kaua, war. People assembled for war; be supplied. anil. 28:11.
warriors ; a company of soldiers. 4, To supply what is wanting.
La-nu-1-Ka-La, s. La, day, and huzkala, La-xo, s. A supply; a fullness; a suf-
to purify. A day for purification, in an- ficiency.
cient religious ceremonies. La-xo, adj. Rich; prosperous; com-
La-Hu-I-Ka-NA-KA, S. Lahui, collection, pletely furnished with every necessary con-
and kanaka, people. A body of people venience.
collectively. Oihic. 18:24. La-xo, s. For lauko. The leaf of the
2. The people under one chief or king in
distinction from those of another. Kin.
10:5. Collective bodies united in one peo- La-xou, pers. pron. The third person
ple; a union of men, but under different plural of the personal pronouns. They;
chiefs ; i mea e pono ai no na lahuikanaka used mostly of persons. Gram. § 122 and
o ko kakou pae aina; hence, §*139, 3.
3. As in modern times, a nation ; a peo- La-ko-La-Ko, v. See Laxo. To enrich,
ple. 1 Nal. 18:10. &c. Hoo. To furnish; to provide for, as
4. A people without a king ; any multi- for family use, or for any occasion. Mat.
tude ; he poe, he pae, he puu. 12:54.
La-xa, v. To tame, as a wild animal; La-ku-a, v. See Lauxva. To put to-
to feed to the full. Hoo. To bring under, gether words incongruously; to talk fool-
as a ferocious beast; to render docile and ishly and wisely, properly and improperly
obedient; to tame; to domesticate. Jak. at once; ua lauwili, wa hoi hope, ua lakua,
3:7. ua hopu hewa.
en adj. Well fed; tame; domesti- La-ta, v. To begin a piece of work or
cated; familiar; gentle; not ferocious; the a job.
opposite of hihiu. 2. To draw the outline of a piece of land
La-xa, s. Domesticated or tamed ani- desired ; to mark out the plan or lines of
mals. what is to be done.
2. The name of a species of bird, per- 3. To set a copy for writing, as a teacher.
haps ; kani ka laka. 4. To make straight; to straighten, as a
La-Ka-KA-NE, Ss. The name of a god; stick of timber that is sprung.
the god of dances; he akua no ka poe hula.
5. See La,sun. To bask in the sunshine.
6. To be hot, as the sun.
La-Ka-LA-KA, v. See Laxa. Hoo. To
tame ; to domesticate ; e hoopau i ka noho
La-ta, s. The limb or branch of a tree;
hihiu ana. lala laau, branches of trees.
2. A limb of the human or animal frame.
La-xe-E, v. To coil up, as a snake or 3. The shining or glazing of varnish on
centipede; to double over; to bend, asa leather.
flexible substance. 4. The four corners of a house.
La-ke-E, adj. Bent; crooked; doubled 5. A species of potato bearing its fruit
Over. on the leaves. See Anana.
La-La, adj. For laa, | inserted. See 2. To feel about the sides of a thatched
Laa. Consecrated; set apart for a partic- house, or under the edges of a mat to find
ular purpose; kala dala, money given for some little thing to steal; to pilfer some
pious uses; aole oia i hookoe i kekahi mea article of small value.
me ka lala ole, he did not keep back from La-ta-ma, s. A looking here and there
consecration. for something ; a pilfering ; a taking se-
La-ta-au, s. A grove of bushes. See cretly.
LAALAAU. La-La-ma, adj. Meddlesome ; looking
jua-La-au, adj. Bad; spoiled; rotten ; into other people’s business.
applied to eggs. La-ta-na, v. To warm, as by a fire.
LA-LAU, v. To extend out, as the hand; Mar. 14:54.
to lay one’s hand on a thing; e lalau wale La-La-na, s. Name of some small ani-
iho no. mal or insect, perhaps a species of spider.
2. To seize; to catch hold of. Puk. 4:4. La-na-nr, v. To lead or go along in In- ~
To take out of or from. Oihk. 5:12. dian file ; to be put in rows; to stand in
3. To undertake on one’s own account. rows or ranks.
4. To wander ; to err; to go out of the La-La-ni, s. A row, as of trees; a rank,
right way ; hele hewa.
5. Toerr. Nah. 15:22. Syn. with hana as of soldiers ; a line or column of words;
hewa naaupo. To mistake; to make a arow of corn. Oihk. 24:6.
blunder. Mat. 22:29. To act carelessly; La-La-n1, adv. In rows; by columns;
to be inattentive. in ranks.
6. To wander about as a gossip. 1 Tim. La-La-ni-puu, s. Name of hillocks or
5:13. small hills when they stand in a row; also
7. To take without liberty; e lalau wale. called paepuu.
8. To turn aside from right. LiNGl99.') 1; A-LA-PA, v. To blaze, as a fire. Hoo.
To err in heart. Heb. 3:10. Lalau no na To burn, as fire in a blaze. See LAPALAPA.
lima i ka hewa me ka makau ole, the hands
indeed seized upon wickedness without fear.
La-La-wa-ul, adj. Dark colored; black;
the deepest, most intense blackness; pouli.
La-Lav, s. A mistake; anerror; a blun- |],A-LA-WE, v. See Lawes, to take. To
der. Job. 19:4. Hoo. A leading astray; a take something from another; to take out of.
causing to err (morally.) Isa. 3:12. 2. To pinch; to get hold of to remove.
La-tav, adj. Seizing; catching up 3. To scrateh where it itches; to feel the
things, as a child; mischievous; wicked ; sensation of itching.
violating good morals ; dispersed ; soat- La-tr, v. To urge on; to hurry; to
tered. stir up; to constrain one to do a thing
La-Lau-HE-wa, s. Lalau and hewa, quickly.
wrong. The practice or indulgence in sin 2. Hoo. To hasten another forward ; to
generally. hasten to meet one; to hurry; hoolale mai
La-Lau-wa-LeE, s. Lalaw and wale, only. la ka poalima hai manao ia’u. Fie. E hoo-
The doing that which is contrary to reason lale ana i na waimaka o kela mea keia mea.
or has no reason ; foolishness. La-te, s. Name of a species of bird.
La-La-HAl, v. See Lanar and Lanara- La-tE-a, s. A buoy; a floating guide
HAI. To hover over, &c. to one entering a harbor; a beacon to steer
(iA-LA-HA-LA-HA, v. ‘T'o rise and swell by. See Movo.
and move along, as the surf before it breaks, La-ueE1, s. A bunch or cluster of things,
See HooKAHELa. as grapes. See KAULALEI.
La-La-HE-LA, s. Idleness; living long LaA-LE-LA-LE, v. See Late. To hasten.
in the practice of vice. Job. 31:5. To hurry ; to be quick in doing
La-La-H1, v. To be thin, &c. See Laut. a thing. 1 Sam. 25:18. Hoo. To hasten
La-La-uu, adj. Lala and hu, to rise up. another. Kin. 19:15. To be forward; to
Conwex; swelling out, as a bone set crook- hasten to meet one; to hurry. set. 3:15.
edly. La-LE-La-LE, s. Haste; hurry in doing
La-La-kE-a, s. A species of fish; a kind a thing. Kanl. 16:3.
of shark. La-u1, adj. Greasy, as the face or hands
La-La-La-au, s. Lala, branch, limb, and in eating pork ; fat; shining with grease.
laau, tree. A branch or limb of a tree. La-tu, v. To prepare; to make ready.
2. Herbs; herbage; green bushes, &c. La-tu, adj. A word distinguishing sev-
Isa. 42:15. See LAanaav. eral kinds of the opule, a species of fish;
La-La-ma, v. To meddle with one’s as, opule lalii, opule makole, opule lauli,
work, or business, or tools. opule eleele, &c.
La-u-La-Li, adj. Wet; moist with kou uhane i ke ao, to cause your soul fo-
water ; wet and cold; koekoe. Jloat into the skies.
La-to, adv. Down; downwards ; usu- 4, Fic. With manao, to have hope; to be
confident ;with manao dropped, e hoolana
ally with the prefixes i, 0, no, ko, ma and oukou, be cheerful; be of good courage.
mai. Gram. § 165, 2d class. Lalo is also Mat. 14:27.
found among the compound prepositions.
See Grammar § 161. As an adverb, mai La-na, s. The carriage or bearing of a
lalo mai, out from under. 2 Nal. 13:5. person; the countenance. Jsa.2:11. Hence
La-to, adj. That which is down; low; lanahaakei. See Haasker
base ; very low in character ; ka poe lalo La-na, adj. Buoyant; floating; mama..
loa. 1 Kor. 4:9. Na kanaka lalo loa, the La-na-au, v. Lana, to float, and aw,
basest of men. Dan. 4:17. See Luna, adv. current. To float carelessly in the current..
La-to-a, adj. Lengthy. See Lotoa. He See NANAAU. 4
laloa no kamalii. La-nar, s. A bower; a shed; a piazza;
La-to-La-Lo, adj. See Lato, adj. Low aporch. Ezek. 40:7. A booth. Jona 4:5.
down ; short; very low. 2. Name of one of the Hawaiian Islands
La-Lo-La-Lo, adj. Epithet of a rich in- west of Maui.
3. A pain or swelling on the back; a
fluential person, but not a chief; 0 ke ka- humpbacked person. See Nanart. Nore.—
naka waiwai a ai aina paha, he alii Jalolalo
The hump gives name to the island.
ia; a chief by influence and character, but
not by birth; aole loaa na ’lii Jalolalo. La-nal-A, v. See Nana, tosee. Tosee;
to behold; to look.
La-Lo-wal-a, s. Ancient history in dis- 2. To walk in a wriggling manner with
tinction from modern; an account of events self approbation.
in very ancient times, before Umi. La-nal-E-A, s. The appearance of a per-
La-ma, s. ‘The name of a species of son when dying, sight gone, chin fallen,
forest tree of very hard wood, used in build- &c.; pinanai, pinanaiea. ‘
ing houses for the gods.
2. A torch; a light by night made of any
La-nav, v. To be bitter against; to rail
materials, but mostly from the nuts of the at; to have no friendship for; to act the
kukui tree; a light. Lunk. 7:20. A lamp. misanthrope. See NAnav.
2 Oihl. 4:20. Connected with ipu kukui. A La-NA-HAA-KEI, s. Lana, the bearing of
torch. Lunk.15:5. He pulama, he aulama, a person, and haakei, pride. Pride; haught-
he kalikukui i aulamaia. iness in conduct and treatment of others.
La-ma-xu, s. Lamaand ku,tostand. A Isa. 3:16. Lrr. Proud bearing.
large torch for giving light in darkness; a La-na-Hu, s. A coal; charcoal. Ozhk.
torch of kukui nuts; alamp. unk. 7:16. 16:12. Collectively, coals of fire ;lanahu
Sparks of fire. Jsa. 50:11. A fire-brand; ahi. 2 Sam.14:7. Figuratively for the rem-
momoku ahi. Nore.—The lamakus were nant of life. The word is more properly
made by stringing the meats of roasted written nanahu.
kukui nuts on a wiry stalk of grass and La-na-Hu-a, s. Some part of a heiau.
putting six, eight or ten of these strings to- La-na-Hu-A, adj. Bent in; crooked;
gether parallel, and binding the whole to- pressed down.
gether with dry banana leaves, the whole La-Na-KE-A, s. A general weakness of
forming a cylinder from three to six inches
in diameter and from two to four feet in the system ; sick; hence,
length, and on lighting one end, it produced 2. Paleness ; whiteness from long sick-
a large and brilliant light, and also much ness; also written nanakea.
smoke. La-Na-kI-LA, v. Lana and kila, strong;
La-ma-La-ma, s. Many lights; much able. To be too strong for another party.
light. See Lama. He lamalama ke kino o 2. To come off victorious in a contest;
ka mea ai uala. to conquer. Puk. 15:21. To prevail over
La-mu-mMaA-o-ma-o, s. A word used in the an opposing party. 1 Nal. 16:22.
ancient prayers praying that a heiau might 3. To hold dominion over.
be built and sacrifices offered; koia ka ohia 4. Hoo. Fie. To be victorious, &e. Hat.
i kai i laau no ka lamumaomao ai laau kii 98:1. Nore.—This word applies only to
kekahi. war and not to single combat.
La-na, v. To float; to swim on the sur- La-Na-kI-La, s. Lana and Kila, a very
face of water. 2 Nal. 6:6. strongman. One who is powerful in phys-
2. Hoo. To cause to swim; to bear up, ~~ strength ;a conqueror; a brave sol-
as water does a vessel, that is, to cause to ier.
float. Kin. 7:17. La-na-kI-La, adj. Conquering; prevail-
3. To float or swim in the air; e hoolana ing ; overcoming.
La-Nna-La-NnA, Ss. See Lana. A rope with |La-ni-pi-1, s. Lanz, sky, and pili, to
which the ama and the iako of a canoe are adhere to. The place where the sky ap-
tied ; ka luikia i ka iako, ame ka lanalana pears to touch the earth. Lit. The touch-
i ka ama; also the name of the string with ing of sky and earth.
which the ancient kois were tied on to the 2. The clouds as they appear to touch
handles. the horizon. ‘
2. The name of a large brown spider La-ni-P1-L1, adj. Touching the heavens;
which stands high on its legs. Jsa. 59:5. he ua lanipili, ashower reaching to heaven,
3. An image; an idol. , i. e., a very heavy shower.
La-na-La-nA, v. See Lana. To make La-ni-po, s. An expression of admira-
light ; the opposite of heavy; e hoomama; tion at a garden or field where vegetables
to cause to float; to be buoyant. are thrifty and produce a shade over the
La-na-na, v. To strain, as a liquid. ground; o kahihi la lanipo o Waiku ka
La-na-nuv, s. Lana and nuu, a step; pawa.
arise. A high stage in the frame where La-nuv, s. See Lananuv. Name of one
the idols of the heiau stood. of the gods outside of the heiau; o ka haku-
2. One of the gods out of the heiau. maka 0 ka lanwu.
LaA-NA-NUU-MA-MAO, 5. See Lananuu 2. La-pa, s. A ridge between two depres-
Name of one of the gods which stood out- sions; a ridge of land between two ravines.
side of the heiau; ma ka hikina ka lana- See OLapa.
nuumamnao. 2. The steep side of a ravine.
La-ni, s. The upper air; the sky. Kin. 3. A swelling. Syn. with pehu.
1:15. The visible heavens ; kahi i kau nei 4, The name of some parts of the organs
na hoku; na ao o ka lani, the clouds of of generation in females.
heaven; na manu o ka lani, the fowls of 5. The name of an instrument made of
heaven ; equivalent to na manu 0 ka lewa. bamboo used in infanticide, before or at
2. Heaven; a holy place. Kamnl. 26:15. the birth of a child; he mea hou; a pierc-
Anything high up literally or by dignity of ing thing ; he ohe hapaii ke keiki.
character ; haui ka lani, ke alii kiekie. 6. A species of red potato.
3. The title of a high chief when ad- 7. The bamboo on which were cut vari-
dressed by a subject; equivalent to your ous figures, used by women in printing
highness ; also when spoken of by a sub- kapa.
ject; as, e ka lani, ke hai aku nei au ia oe 8. Ardens femina coitus. See the verb.
ina mea a kou makuakane, your highness, La-pa, adj. Having a flat or square side;
I declare to you the decisions of your father. e kalai a lapa, hew one side.
See also meles and e ka lani o na lani, ke 2. Squared, as a hewed stick of timber;
ae aku nei wau ma kau noi e kuu lani. kalai alapalapa, hew all sides flat or square.
Laieik. 197. This is like Chinese adulation. Norr.—Hewing three or four sides of a
La-ni, adj. Heavenly; pertaining to stick of timber brings out the ridges or cor-
the sky. ners.
2. Heavenly ; ano lani, having a heay- 3. Troublesome, as a child in the way;
enly or holy character ; 0 ka imi anei ia i uneasy; disobedient ;mischievous.
ka pono ano lani? is that seeking righte- La-pa, v. To desire sexual intercourse
ousness of a heavenly character ? (applied to the female) ; ia ia e lapa kane
La-ni-a, v. ‘To warm, as a person warms ai. Jer, 2:24.
himself by a fire. 2. To jump and spring about as a wild
La-nI-HI-NI-HI, adj. See Nintand Nint- colt or a calf that is tied.
Nii. Narrow in opposition to broad; nar- La-pa-avu, v. To administer medicine.
row, as a wheel ; thin. 2. To heal; to cure. Hzek. 34:4. Syn.
La-n1-KaE, s. Name of the people who with hooikaika i ka nawaliwali.
ate with the chief at sundown; ma ka na- La-pa-av, s. That which is used in
poo ana 0 ka la, o ka poe i komo maie ai curing diseases, medicine.
ana me ke alii. ua kapaia he lanikae. La-pav-E-a, s. The state or condition
La-nI-KAE, Ss. The name of the kalai- of old age; the trembling or feebleness of
moku when there is only one chief. old age.
La-ni-ku-a-kaa, 5. The highest heaven; La-pav-I-La, s. The side posts of a door
nothing beyond. Laieik. 194. frame. Jsa. 57:8. He mau kunakuna o ka
La-ni-La-ni, v. See Lant. To be high- puka hale. Lir. The spread of a door
minded ; to act chiefishly. frame. Puilc. 12:17. ‘
2. To be proud ; to show haughtiness. La-Pa-La-PA, v. See Lapa. To rise or
3. Hoo. To exercise authority. Mark stand up, as water bubbles up in boiling;
10:42. Same as hooalii and hookiekie. to protrude upwards; hence,
2. To boil in water ; to seethe. 3. To hump up; to swell out like a hump-
3. To blaze, as a fire in materials highly backed person. See Hooxoxo, also Puv.
combustible, i. e., to project or protrude |La-puu, adj. Bunched or swelled out;
upwards, as a flame; hence, to blaze up, o ke aalele lapuu.
as a fire. La-pu-La-Pv, v. To collect together in
4. Hoo. To boil; to cook by boiling.
little heaps; to pick up, as small sticks for
La-pa-La-pA, s. A ridge of earth; a fuel. Oih. 28:3. To bind or tie up small
sharp ridge between two valleys. Hal. substances into bundles or fagots for fuel.
65:10. Generally written olapalapa. See Laoao.
2. The blaze of a fire; the flame. Puk. 2. To feel of; to handle over; to tie up.
3:2. The straight blaze of fire from an La-pu-wa-Le, v. Lapu, ghost, and wale,
altar. Dunk. 13:20.
only. To be only a ghost; to be not real;
3. The flashing of a flame of fire.
to be something not according to appear-
4, The boiling or bubbling of a liquid in ance ; hence,
a vessel.
2. To be disappointed; kii aku o Maewa
5. A square yard for cattle.
i ka wai, aole i loaa, hoi mai, a olelo iho
6. Timber hewed square or triangular.
7. A square glass bottle.
la, ka! lapuwale i ka wai ole.
3. Hoo. To disappoint, as one’s expecta-
8. Several hillocks or mounds near each
tions. Hal. 17:13. To stultify one’s wis-
dom. JIJsa. 44:25. Hence,
9. The name of a large elegant tree with
_ 4. To act foolishly ; e hana ma ka mea
wide spreading branches; peculiar serrate ino.
leaves and light glossy green; found on
the sides of Waialeale on Kauai. La-pu-wa-.e, $. Lit. A ghost of a thing;
La-pa-La-PA, adj. Flat or square, i. e., nothing substantial.
where the corners are prominent, either
2. Vanity. Kekah. 1:1. That which in
appearance or imagination is something,
square or triangular.
but in reality is nothing; mea lapuwale,
La-pa-wal, s. Lapa and wai, water. folly ;foolishness ;wickedness. Jos. 7:15.
The surf or rolling up of water where a La-pu-wa-LE, adj. Foolish; worthless;
cascade pours down.
2. The agitation where two forces of contemptible. Job. 13:4. Void of truth and
water meet; the meeting of the sea with reality in action ;he mea oiaio ole ma ka
the waters of a river.
La-wa, v. To work out even to the edge
La-PEE, v. ‘To bend over; to double up; or boundary of a land, i. e., to leave none
to crook. See Laker and Lapouv. uncultivated.
La-pr-ka, s. A Hawaiian but vicious 2. To fill a container up to the brim;
orthography for rabita. Eng. A rabbit. hence,
3. To suffice ; to be enough. Puk. 36:7.
La-pu, v. To appear, as a ghost or To satisfy.
spirit, especially at night. Hoo. To cause 4. Passively, to be satisfied; to have
a spirit to appear to one. enough. Joh. 6:7.
La-pu, s. An apparition; a ghost; the 5. Hoo. To supply what is wanting. 1
appearance of the supposed spirit of a de- Tes. 3:10.
ceased person. Hal. 88:10. Na mea lapu, 6. To fulfill, as a task; to complete, as a
the ghosts; the dead. Jsa.34:14. Ao kou job. Puke. 5:13.
inoa, he Lapu, a o kau mea e ai ai, o na La-wa, s. The full finishing of a work.
pulelehua, thy name shall be Ghost (Lapu), 2. The filling up of a vessel or container
thy food the butterflies (the judgment to the brim.
against Kaonohiokala for his crimes.) 3. An enough ; a sufficiency ; a supply.
2. A night monster. 4. The name of a disease concerning
La-pu, adj. Spectral; ghostly; akua which it is said, paapu ka opui naiwiaoao.
lapu, a specter ; an apparition of a god. 5. A white fowl; he moa keokeo: such
as was offered in sacrifice. Laieik. 49.
La-rv-ta, v. The passive of lapu. To 6. Name of a hook for catching sharks;
be visited bya ghost; to have seen
a ghost. he lawa ka makau mano.
2. To search for something in the mud 7. The name of an office in the king’s
or in places of filth. train.
3. To be possessed of a spirit. La-wa, adj. Sufficient; enough.
La-ruv, v. See Puv, a heap. To coil 2. Full to the brim.
up in a circle. 3. White; shining; he moa lawa, a white
2. To bend or double over; to crook; fowl. Laieile. 14.
nanaia iho la, ua lapuu ka welau o ke alelo |LA-wA-ak-Ak, s. Name of a white fowl,
iloko. especially a cock; ka lawaaeae ka nono paa,
La-wa-ta, v. Lawa for lawe, to take, 2. To transfer from one place to another.
and id, fish. To catch fish, i.e., to exercise 3. To take away from, or out of.
the calling of a fisherman, by understand- 4. To carry in any way.
ing the places and times of the appearance 5. To take, as a wife, 1. e., to marry; e
of different kinds of fish and the art of tak- laweika wahine. Nah. 12:1.
ing them; in more modern time the word 6. Hoo. To take out of, a smaller num-
was applied also to the taking of birds. ber from a larger, as in subtraction. Syn.
See LAWAIAMANU. with unuhi.
La-wa-1a, s. A fisherman; one skilled La-we-a, v. To do well; to do cor-
in catching fish, and whose occupation it rectly ; to be upright in dealing; e hana
is. Mat. 4:18. maikai, e hana pono.
2. A fishing; the business of taking fish. La-weEa, v. Passive of dawe for daweia.
Jer.16:16. Nors.—The art of catching fish See Law.
was anciently cultivated among Hawaiians La-wE-o-La, v. Lawe and ola, living.
to a great extent, and those who followed To take alive ; to carry alive.
it as a business became very expert; but La-wE-0-LE-Lo, s. A tale bearer; re-
the introduction of cattle, goats, &c., has
porting stories to the injury of others.
rendered fishing less necessary at present.
3. The cormorant, a bird that feeds on La-wE-HA-LA, v. Lawe and hala, an of-
fish ; an unclean bird. Oihk. 11:17. fense. To carry or bear guilt, i.e., to com-
mit an offense.
La-wa-la-ma-Nu, s. See Lawat,, v., and 2. Tosin; tosin against one. Puk. 20:17.
Manu, a bird. A hunter and catcher of To transgress, by taking a forbidden object.
birds; afowler. Hal.124:7. Nore.—Catch- fos. 7:11. To trespass.
ing birds was formerly practiced to a great 3. Hoo. To find occasion against one.
extent on the mountainous parts of the isl- Kin. 43:18. To cause one to appear guilty.
ands. 4, To be overtaken in a fault; e loohia
La-wa-kE-a, s. A white cock. See La- ma na mea ino.
WAAEAE. La-wE-Ha-LA, s. One bearing sin; an
2. People who dress in large white flow- open transgressor of the law.
ing kapas; me I ka uwe hoouwe a ka lawa- 2. The indulgence of sin; the practice of
kea. evil.
La-wa-ku-A, v. Lawa and kua, back. 3. One that breaks an obligation or coy-
To bind or tie fast on the back; to bind enant; one overtaken in the commission
tightly ; to make fast; e lawalawa, e hoa of evil.
paa loa. See Lawatawa below. 4, Abstractly, sin; evil; a sinner; an ad-
La-wa-ku-a-1A, v. Passive of lawakua. versary; an enemy.
See LawaLawa 3. 5. The person against whom one has
La-wa-La-wa, v. See Lawa, to hold
fast ; to bind tightly. To bind, as a grass La-WE-HA-LA, adj. Sin-carrying; sin-
house or anything in danger of floating or ful; doing that which is forbidden.
being blown away by the wind; e lawa- La-wE-HA-NA, v. Laweand hana, work.
lawa i ka hale a paa. To engage in business; to commence and
2. To stretch cords from one place to an- carry on work; to be ready for any busi-
other to fasten something. ness; to be industriously engaged.
3. To bind round and make fast; e lawa- La-wE-HA-NA, Ss. One that engages in
lawa ika ukana maka waa. Norre.—The work; a workman; alaborer; one engaged
force of this word and lawakua consists in in any set of duties. 1 Oihl. 25:1. Hoa lawe-
the completeness with which the fastening hana, a helper in any business.
is done, as we say, do it up all snug. La-WE-KA-HI-LI, s. Lawe and kahili, the
La-wa-tv, v. ‘To cook meat on the coals great brush. The badge of royalty.
inclosed in ki leaves; e koala, e hoomoa 2. The person who attended the high
me ka laui. chief, carried the kahili, and executed his
La-wa-Lu, s. Meat roasted on the coals orders. See ILamuxku, Iwrkvamoo and Por-
bound up in ki leaves, LAMUKU.
La-wa-.v, adj. Cooked, as meat or fish. La-wE-KE-0, a The song of a
See above. Hoomanao ae la lakou i na LA-WE-LA-WE-KE-0, § species of bird found
wahine a lakou,i na ialawalu, i ka poi, &e., on Molokai; kani mai la ua manu la, penei:
they remembered their wives, their cooked kioea, kioea, lawekeo, lawelaweleo.
fish, their poi, &c. La-weE-LA-weE, v. Freq. of dawe. To take
La-we, v. The passive is often written or carry frequently. :
lawea instead of laweia. To take; partic- 2. To wait upon at table, as a servant in
ularly, to take and carry in the hand. attendance.
3. To serve; to perform the duties of a|Le-a, adv. Pleasantly ; agreeably.
station. Puk. 28:1. 2. Lea is used as an intensive; thus,
4. To minister to one; to serve. Puk. perfectly ;clearly ;thoroughly; very; as,
28:3. To be busy; to employ one’s self. maa lea, much accustomed ; moa lea, thor-
Ezek. 27:16. oughly cooked ; ike lew, well known.
5. To handle; to feel of. DLvuk. 24:39. To LeE-A-LE-A, Vv. The intensive of lea. To
handle, as in turning the leaves of a book;
to handle, as in using musical instruments. delight in; to be pleased with. set. 2:4.
Fic. To play, as in a game of boxing.
La-weE-La-WE, adj. Pertaining to work, Laieik. 46.
service or office; ka poe lawelawe, servants, 2. To be merry; to be exhilarated;
waiters, &c. spoken of the heart. unk. 16:25.
LA-wE-LA-wE-I-wi, adj. Lawelawe and 3. To be satisfied; to be contented. 2
iwi, a bone. Skillful in putting things in Nal. 5:22.
order ; skillful or apt at different kinds of 4. Hoo. To praise; to rejoice; to sympa-
work ; /awelaweiwi o kana hana ana. thize with; to comfort; to make friends
La-we-Lu-a, v. Lawe and dua, double. with one.
To bind or tie up the second time; hence, 5. To negotiate terms of peace. Jos.
to bind tightly ; e hawelelua a paa.
2. To act in reference to both sides of 6. To flatter ; to please. Epes. 6:6.
the question ; to act impartially. Le-a-LE-a, s. Gladness ; pleasure; joy.
La-weE-Pi-0, v. Lawe and pio, prisoner. See Lea.
To take captive by a conqueror; to carry Le-a-LE-a, adj. Pleasing; agreeable,
off,as a prisoner. Jer.29:14. To carry into &c. See LEa.
captivity. LeE-nI-HI, s. A species of fish, reddish
La-weE-Pi-o-14, s. Part. pass. of Zawepio. and striped.
The state of being a prisoner; captivity. Lei, v. To put around the neck, as a
Ter. 29:14. wreath; to tie on, as one’s beads. See the
La-wE-wa-LE, v. Lawe and wale, with- substantive. To put on an ensign or badge,
out reason. To take without leave or right; as an Officer in battle; ma ka la kaua, lei
to extort property from one. no ke alii i ka niho palava.
La-weE-wa-L£, s. The taking the prop- 2. To rise up, as a cloud; to lift up.
erty of another, as a chief or head man in Pass. To be lifted or raised up, as a cloud.
former times; not strictly aihue, as the Nah. 10:11.
taking might be with the knowledge of the 3. Hoo. To cast out; to cast off; to fling
owner; a distraining of property; extor- away from; to reject as useless; to throw
tion. or cast down upon the ground. Puk. 4:3.
La-we-weE, v. The 9th conj. of lawe. 4, To put on one, as a crown; to crown.
Pass. To wear, as a crown.
To carry frequently. Gram. § 209.
5. To put onshore, as freight from a ship;
La-rvu, s. The cuckoo, mentioned in aole lakou i Aoolei muaika lakou ukana,
Kanl. 14:15; an unclean bird. they did not at first put their goods on
La-ti-xe, s. Nets; lattice work. 1 Nal. shore.
(rive 6. To cast out, as out of the mouth; to
2. A chapiter in architecture perhaps. belch, i. e., to talk profanely. Hal. 59:7.
2 Oihl. 4:12. 7. To defile ; to profane.
Le-a, v. To be pleased; to feel com- 8. To lie down; to fall at full length;
fortable. to stretch out; to cast down.
2. To delight in; to be pleased with; to Lei, s. Any ornamental dress for the
take pleasure in a thing; to enjoy; e lea head or neck.
auanei au i ka hiamoe, I shall soon enjoy 1. A string of beads; a necklace; a
sleep. wreath of green leaves or flowers.
3. Hoo. To praise, especially in song and 2. A crown for the head. See Lerann.
with musical instruments. 1 Qihl. 23:5. Lei bipi, the bow of an ox yoke; the gar-
4. To make music; to praise; to rejoice in. land for crowning a god.
5. Impersonal, i lea ia oe, if you please; 3. Any external ornamental work. Puk.
if it pleases you. 25:11. Notr.—The leis of Hawaiians were
Le-a, s. Joy; gladness; pleasure; mer- made of a great many materials, but the
riment ; satisfaction. lauhala nut was the most valued on ae-
count of its odoriferous qualities. See Ler
Le’a, s. Pronounced with a break. HALA.
Name of sexual gratification. Let-a-1, s. Lez and a-i, the neck. A
Le-a, adj. Pleasing; delightful; agree- wreath for the neck.
able. Let-a-Lu, s. Lez and alii, a chief. A
crown, i.e.aking’s lei. Fie. Pilip.4:1. A|LE-o-u-wo, s. Leo, sound, and uwo, to
diadem. Isa. 62:3. See PAPALEALI. bellow. The lowest notes in music; the
LEI-A-PI-KI, s. Lei with the qualify- name of the base notes.
LEI-a-LI-MA, > ing words. Differentsorts |LE-o-Ha, s. The voice or speech of a
LEI-PA-PA-HI, of leis, or leis made from| person intoxicated. ;
different materials. Le-o-La-ni, adj. High; lofty; tall, asa
Lezt-o, v. To open the eyes with wild-} man; high, as the mast of a ship; he kia
ness. leolani, he kuahiwi leolani, he laau leolani.
Leto, s. The opening of the mouth to| LE-o-LE-0, v. To wail, as for the dead.
speak. See Leo. See Uwe. ; y 1
Let-o-a, v. The passive of eto for leioia. |LE-o-LE-0, adj. Tall; high ; shooting
To be opened, as the eyes with wildness. upwards, as a tree; as a mountain ; he ka-
Let-o-na-no, s. Leio for leo, and hano, naka leoleo, he laau leoleo, he hale leoleo.
hoarse. A voice, as one hoarse or having es Lrouani. f ,
a cold. E-O-LE-O-A, v. To wish evil; to
Let-o-Le, s. Name of a kind of soft stone. |LE-0-LE-o-wa, curse; to wish one dead;
Let-o-wi, s. A kind of disease in the| 1% make a great noise ;to bawl in a vocif-
chest erous manner. } W; hi :

Ler-Ha-La, s. Lei,. wreath, and hala, the; Lz-o-LE-o-wa,

adj. Wishing evil; curs-
pandanus. A lei made of the hala fruit =a ; he olelo leoleowa, an expression con-
E is odoriferous ; he leihala
: oe ma ka | leoleowa
S8iing one
ia i to
oteence 2ahe ot athe heeereadh LEo-ME-LE, s. Leo and mele, a song.
Ler-nu-a, s. A plant; the globe ama- Musical sounds ;music generally.
ranth ; so named from the flowers, which L&-0-PAA, 5. Leo and paa, tight ; fast.
are made into wreaths for the head. One whose voice is stopped with a cold.
Lernu-tvu, s. A lei or wreath for the 2. A mute; a deaf person. Isa. 35:6.
neck made of the feathers of the bird mamo; Lr-o-pa-pi, s. Eng. A leopard. Jer. 5:6.
ka lei mamo no Laa. LeE-0-waE-Na, Ss. Leo and waena, mid-
2. Children beloved of their parents. dle. The middle voice in music; a second
Let-Hvu-Lu-ma-nv, s. A wreath of bird’s|_ treble.
feathers tied to the necks of the gods. LE-0-wa-HI-NE, s. Leo and wahine, a
Ler-tel, v. Freq. of lei. Hoo. Toscatter;| Woman. In music, the highest voice; the
F ‘ ir of a tune.
to disperse frequently, as dirt. Isa. 57:20.| ~ “1 ° :
To disperse, as a people. Oihk. 26:30. To Lz-v-w1, s. A word of canoe makers;
seatter; to throw away. Mat. 12:30. Op-| the fore point of a canoe where the ends of
posite to hooiliili. the two boards come together; ina i pala-
LeI-LE-Ho, s. Lei and leho, a shell. A halaha maluna o ka manuihu, he leuawi ia
string of the leholeho. Yl a .
Levu-ma, s. A species of lei; he lei- Le-wa, v. To turn the eyes different
apiki. See Lerarima ways without turning the head.
. 2. To turn the eyes upward or askance.
Ler-na, 2 For ler ana. Hoo. A throw- 3. To turn or lift up the eyes. Kanl. 4:19.
ing or casting BAM
away. 4. To direct the eyes toward any object;
pe Pa which is thrown or cast away.| to turn the eyes to look; hence, to look
an. 3:29. : s with expectation. 2 Sam. 22:42. To lift
Let-pa-pa-HI, s. A kind of lei. See Let- up the eyes, as in prayer. John 17:1. To
APIKI. h lift up the eyes in admiration. Dan. 4:34.
Le-o, s. A voice; a sound, mostly of aj Le-Ha1, v. To jump; to leap; to jump
person or an animated being; hookahi over a thing, asa wall. 2 Sam. 22:30. To
pane ana a ka waha, he leo ia. start up suddenly, as a bird. :
2. In grammar, a syllable. Le-na-LE-HAl, v. See Lexar. To jump
3. In music, a tone. , on both feet ; to jump often ; e lelele.
4. Fig. The good or bad influence of} T.5-yp s. Name of a shell fish
conduct; o ka leo o kapono ka’ue malama ts fs .
nei; o ka leo o ka hewa ka'u e kipaku nei, |LE-HEI, v. See Lenar. To jump from
5. The meaning or intention of an act.| un elevation, as a dog or goat from a wall.
Puke. 4:18, 2. To start up suddenly.
Le-o-uv, s. Leo and uu, to eroan; to Lz-HE-LE-HE, adj. Fat; plump; in good
stammer. An impediment in speech; a flesh. See NELUNELU.
stammering, LE-HE-LE-HE, s. The root lehe not found.
The lips. Kanl. 23:24. I. e., synonymous which has a good spring of water and a
with waha; put for the organs of speech fine cavern.
generally. 2. The name of a species of ohia, other-
2. The lip, i. e., language; manner of wise called the ohia hamau; metrosideros.
speaking. Kin. 11:1. Syn. with olelo. 3. The blossom of the ohia and the lehua
3. Hoo. Puukilea i ka hoolehelehe. See and the abihi.
KILRA. 4, Flowers done up in bundles, as among
Le-HE-LE-HEI, v. Freq. of lehei. To hop foreign families; he pua lei mai kahiki mai.
or jump from twig to twig, as a little bird; 5. Name of a species of kalo; also called
to take short but frequent flights. lehuakuikawao.
Le-Ho, s. Name of a species of shell 6. The name of the first man slain in sac-
rifice on a particular occasion.
fish. 7. Lehua is used often figuratively for a
2. The shell itself. person highly esteemed ; as, kuu lehua ala
3. A bunch or knotty swelling on the o Koolau, my sweet-scented lehua (very
shoulder or back of a person like the leho dear friend) of Koolau.
(the shell of the fish /eho), cansed by long
carrying heavy burdens; oia ke alii hila- Lr-Hu-A-A-PA-NE, S. A species of the
hila no ka leho no kona kokua i ke amo ohia ai.
ana, he was the chief who was ashamed of Le-nu-a-HA-MAU, s. A species of the
the bunch (on his shoulder) from carrying ohia ha, on the blossoms of which the birds
burdens. Nore.—This leho was frequently feed.
seen on the shoulders of laboring men as Le-Hu-a-uHI, s. Lehu and ahi, fire. The
late as 1840. remnants of fire; ashes. Job. 2:8.
Le-Ho, v. To have knots or bunches on | [, E-HU-A-KU-I-KA-wao, s. A species of
one’s shoulders from carrying heavy bur- kalo.
dens ; a eho kana hokua i ke amo i ka wai Le-Hu-u-LA, s. Dust and dirt when car-
ame kela mea keia mea. ried by the wind and appears reddish.
Lez-Ho, adj. Swollen hard, as a small Lr-HU-LE-HU, v. See Lenu. To grow
callous place on the skin; he kua leho, he exceedingly numerous; to become multi-
a-i eho. tudinous. Hoo. To increase greatly in num-
_ Le-no-o-ma-o, s. Leho and omao, green. ber and also in size ; to magnify, as a con-
A species of leho of a green color. vex glass; he aniani hoolehulehu maka ame
Ler-Ho-u-La, s. Leho and ula, red. A na kino, a glass magnifying the face and
ape of leho of a red color; a red shell the body.
sh. LeE-HU-LE-HU, s. A multitude; an in-
Le-Ho-v-LA, adj. See the above. Beau- definitely large number. Kin. 30:30. With
tiful ;precious ; beautiful red ; very pre- the article ka, the multitude; the many.
cious, as the red-shelled leho. Mat. 24:12. A host; a great number; Iehova
Le-Ho-Le1, s. A small white shell of the o nalehulehu, Jehovah of hosts. 1 Sam. 1:3.
leho species, used for beads. LeE-HU-LE-HU, adj. Many; numerous;
Le-Ho-LE-Ho, s. See Lemteno. A small ma kona mau ipuka lehulehu i komo aku ai
ka hewa, through its many doors does evil
delicate shell fish of the leho kind, whitish, enter in.
mixed with yellow and gray, used for leis
for the wrist or neck; a string of small Le-nu-u1-u, adj. Lehu and liu, raging ;
lehos. ; : wild. Hot, as stones in an oven heated to
Le-Ho-LE-HO, v. To string lehos for leis. a white heat; lehuliu kaimu. See AnuLIv.
Ler-Ho-LE-Ho, adj. Knotted; swelled Le-xa, s. Eng. A leek, an herb. Nak.
from carrying burdens. See Leno 3. 1:5
Le-Ho-paa, s. A species of leho. See Le-Lz, v. To fly; to jump; to leap; to
fly, as a bird; a ike aku la au i Ka /ele ana
LEHO. ; o ka manu.
Le-Ho-po-v-LI, s. A variety of the leho. 2. To burst forth, as fire in a conflagra-
Le-nu, s. Ashes. Puk. 9:8. Ka lepo o tion.
ke ahi; ke oka keokeo o ka lanahu. 3. To move, as a meteor through the air.
2. The number 400,000, the highest in 4. To depart from one, as the spirit of a
the Hawaiian series of numbers. dying person; lele ke aho.
Le-nvu, v. To be or become ashes; e 5. To come upon, as an officer upon a
criminal; to fly or rush upon one, as an
puhi aku a lehu, to bmrn to ashes, i. e., to enemy. Lunk. 20:37.
burn up. 2 Pet. 2:6.
6. To land or go ashore from a canoe or
Le-nu-a, s. The name of a large rock ship; a lele iuka lakou e makaikai, they
or small island on the north-east of Niihau, came ashore to look about.
7. To brandish, as a sword. Le-LE-nv, v. To see with difficulty; to
8. Haa. for hoo. To leave; to forsake; be partially blind.
to leave one place of residence or business 2. To be almost dead; to be weak; to
for another. be faint.
9. To reject as not fit for use ; lele liilii, 3. To be sleepy or drowsy. See Hoorn-
to scatter ; to disperse; to scatter entirely. LEHU.
LE-LE, 5S. "An altar for sacrifice;
; he Le-LE-nu-A, adj. Skillful; able to apply
wahi e kau aii ka mohai kunii ke kuahu. the mental powers. See MIKOLELEHUA.
Le-Le-a, s. The kapu which the priest Le-Le-Hu-nA, v. Leleand huna,asmall .
imposed upon awa while the chief was particle. To fly into small pieces; to scat-
drinking it. ter, as fine particles ; to become fine, as
Le-LE-a-a-Ka, v. To hang; to suspend; dust or fine rain; mukiki ka ia lele a ka
to carry on the back as one carries a child manu. :
or a load. LE-LE-HU-NA, S. Small, fine rain; he
LeE-LE-A-I-0-I-0, s. Name of the god who kilihuna ; small particles of food.
inflicted bodily pain, such as nukee, oopa, LE-LE-KA-HA-U- -Ll, s. Lele and hauli,a
e. black spot. Surprise; admiration ; fear;
Le-Le-a-o-a, s. The act of sailing rap- a trembling through fear.
idly away in a canoe or ship to another Le-Le-ka-wa, v. Lele and kawa, a prec-
ipice. To jump or leap down a precipice
Le-Le-a-Ka, s. The name of the white (a method of committing suicide.)
belt of stars in the heavens; the milky 2. To jump into the sea from an eleva-
way; he ala waiu. See LELEIONA. tion, a pastime among Hawaiians; e lehai-
Le-.e-I0, v. Lele and io, really. To die kawa,e hana lealea me ka lele ana mai ka
quickly ; to die suddenly. pali mai ilalo o ka wai.
Le-Lz-1-0-mo, v. Lele and tomo, to plump Le-Le-xa-wa, s. The act of jumping
into the water from a height. E poni,e from a precipice on purpose to destroy
omoki. life, or of jumping a precipice into the sea
Le-Ler-o-nA, Ss. A fish; a shark. as a pastime.
2. The milky way. See LELEAKA. 2. The place or precipice where such
Le-LE-I-No, v. Lele and ino, bad. To be jumping takes place; hele aku la lakou a
in an unquiet state, as the stomach from hiki ma kahakai, he wahi lelekawa ia.
eating some kinds of food; e leleino auanei Le-LE-ko-a-ti, s. The name of a play.
ka ai ma ka opu o ke kanaka. LE-LE-KO-KE; ad). Lele and koke, quick.
Le-.E-o1, v. To be quick and ready to Flying quickly in a passion; quick angry;
speak of one’s faults ; to say more than is excitable.
true about one, especially of evil. Le-Le-Ko-Lv, s. In music, a skip of a
L&-LE-0-PE-A-PE-A, S. Lele and opeapea, third ; a third.
a bat. To flutter, as birds in a fright. LE-LE-Ko- LU-HA-PA, 8. In music, a minor
Le-Le-v, s. Name of a fruit tree; also, third.
name of the fruit. LE-LE-LE, v. Freq. of dele. To leap; to
2. Name of the bird which eats the leleu; jump; to fly frequently. Jsa. 35:6. See
o ka manu ai leleu. LELE.
L£-LE-U-LI, v. Tocleanse; to purify. 2. To light on something above.
LE-LE-U-U-LI, 2. To pardon; a nana 3. Hoo. To cause to skip or jump. Hal.
no e leleuli lelewai mai i ko kakou hewa, 9:6
tis his to wash away our sins. 4. To be agitated, as the mind with joy
Le-te-Ha, v. To be sleepy; to be drowsy; or fear. Isa. 60:5.
to be lazy; to be stupid. Hoo. The same. LE-LE-LE-LE, v. See LELE, root doubled.
See LELEHU. To run off; to run off in haste ; to run off
LeE-LE-HA-pa-HA, adj. Lele, to skip over, frequently or for a tr ifling offense, as a ser-
and hapaha, by fours. Counting by fours; vant.
skipping four in counting ; in music, leap- 2. To forsake frequently, as a man his
ing over four places; leaping to the minor wife, or a wife her husband; lelelele maua
fourth. i ke kula 0 Pele, we two hastened away to
L&E-LE-Hoo-HAA-HAA, Ss. The female god- the plain of Pele.
dess of Leleaioio. See above. LE-LE-LE-LE-KO-KE, @. See LEE and
LE-LE-Hoo- “LA-HA-LA-HA, S, To flyo Koke, quick. To forsake quickly for a tri-
fling offense. See LELEKOKE.
float over one’s head, as a large bird wa
out-spread wings; e leleika imo oka lani. LeE-LE-LE-Po-nI, s. Lele and poni, cold ;
_LEL 337 LEN
shivering with cold. Asudden dying; one |Le-te-wal, v. To purge; tocleanse; to:
struck suddenly dead. purify.
2. Anything done suddenly; no time LeE-LE-wa-Le, v. Lele and wale, without
lost ;no postponement. cause. To be or be done spontaneously;
Le-te-ui-ma-Ha-ra, s. Lele and lima, to move of one’s own accord.
five, and hapa, part. In music, a minor fifth. Le-Le-wa-LzE, s. A falling; a breaking
Le-tE-Lu-a, s. Lele and lua, two. In off; a yielding. ¥
music, a second, 2. A term formerly used to express a
Le-te-mA-LAl-o-A, v. Lele and malaioa, good omen; hush; silence, &c.
small; fine. To scatter or blow away, as LE-LE-WA-L0, v. Lele and wwalo,.
small fragments of things ; to dust. LE-LE-WA-WA-LO, § or walo, to call. To
Le-Le-Lu-rz, v. Lele and lupe, a kite. call; to call aloud; to call after.
To fly the kite. LeE-LE-wE-Lu-weE-Lvu, v. Lele and welu,
Le-Le-mu, s. Weight; heaviness; a to rend. To tear in pieces; to rend.
burden carried on the hips. Le-Lo, s. See AteLo and Exexo. The
Le-e-mv, v. Tobe slow; to be sluggish tongue ; ka hoeuli o ka olelo ma ka waha,
in movement; to be slow in obeying a the rudder of speech in the mouth.
command. 2. Persons speaking different languages.
Le-LE-PAI-LA-NI, v. Lele and pai, to 3. The name of a fish.
touch, and lani, heaven. To praise; to Le-to, adj. Hung up in the smoke;
bless ; to extol. smoked red.
Le-te-pau, v. To trust in; to trust to Le-to-LE-L0, adj. See Leto. Reddish;
something. Jal. 4:5. To lean upon. reddened.
2. To apply the mind; to give heed; to Le-mu, v. To be slow; to lag behind ;
attend to. Heb. 2:1. Lelepau i ka manao. to walk as one weak.
3. To think much of another; e manao
nui ia hai. Le-mu, s. The under part of the thigh;
Lr-LE-pa-Li, v. Lele and palt, a preci- the buttock.
2. The bottom part of a thing; kahi ma-
pice. To leap down a precipice, a common lalo o na mea a pau; e eu ka lemu, stir
way formerly (not entirely forsaken yet) of your stumps; get up from sitting.
committing suicide ; pehea la ka uhane o
ka poe lelepali ? how is it with the souls of Le-mu-xu, v. To break off short; to cut
those who leap the precipice? See Lete- short. See Mukv.
KAWA. Le-mu-LE-mu, v. Togo hesitatingly; to
Le-LE-PI-NAvU, s. The name of a game. walk slowly ; to step like an aged person.
Le-Le-Pi-0, v. Lele and pio, an arch. Hoo. To be slow; to be slow to come when
To fly, as a meteor through the sky; to called.
move along, as a comet showing its tail; Le-mu-LE-mu, s. Walking slowly and
to appear, as a supernatural sign in the with care and hesitancy. See HoLopurct.
heavens. Le-na, v. Tobend; tostrain, as a bow;
Le-Le-ro, s. A small flying-fish. to make ready to shoot, as with a bow.
Le-LE-po-ni, v. ‘To be struck suddenly Nal. 22:34, 8.
dead; to die suddenly; to die without 2. To take sight or aim, as in shooting
warning. See LELELEPONI. with a bow ; he poe lena i na kakaka.
Le-LE-po-No, v. Lele and pono, right. 3. To bend or use the tongue for false-
To live prosperously; to be blessed in one’s hood. Jer. 9:3.
business ; to transact business rightly; to 4. To pull out straight and iron, as!
die happily. clothes; e hoomohala a e hoopalahalaha
Le-te-Pu-ni, s. A kind of play with ae; to stretch out, as cloth or Kapa to dry.
5. To squint; to strain the eyes.
black and white stones on a board; in
music, the octave. . Le-na, s. The name of a plant, the root
Le-Lte-wa, s. See Lewa, pendulous. of which is used in coloring yellow.
The private parts; applied to men; the 2. A yellow coloring matter from the
stem of a vessel; a company following a lena.
chief. 3. Lena is also used as an ingredient in
Le-tE-wa, v. See Lewa, to swing. To curry.
4, The name of a sickness; a complaint
float in the air or on water; ke lelewa nei
ka moku. of the bowels while the skin becomes yel-
2. To follow one about, as a company of low.
persons ; to follow after; to hang on, as Le-na, adj. Yellow; yellowish.
those who To he a chief. LE-NA-LE-NA, 2. Lazy; doing nothing.
Le-na-ti-La, s. Eng. Lentiles, a kind foo. To dirty; to defile; to pollute; to
of food. Hzele. 4:9. make turbid, as water. Ezek. 32:2.
Le-pa, v. To roll up the eyes. Le-po, adj. Dirty; unclean; earthy;
2. To stand up, as the comb of a cock. made of earth; he ipu lepo, an earthern
3. To cut a piece of cloth obliquely; e cup; he wai lepo, dirty water; he kapa lepo,
oki kapakahi. a soled garment.
Le-pa, s. A border, hem or fringe of a Le-po-Ha-nal, s. Lepo and hanai, to feed.
garment. Puk. 28:33. A skirt or flowing Dirt or rubbish which is carried to fill a pit
of a garment; he kihi o ke kapa, he mea e or hole; aole paa ka lepo, he lepohanai
lewalewa ana malalo. 1 Sam. 24:5. wale no.
2. An ensign; a flag used ina war canoe; Le-po-xi-a-Ha, s. Clay prepared for pot-
the flag used at the door of a sacred house. tery. Isa. 45:9.
3. Anything standing up edgeways and Le-po-Le-ro, adj. Intensive of Jepo.
making a show, as the comb of a cock. Very dirty ; turbid, as water. Sol. 25:26.
NotE.—The lepa was a piece of kapa tied
at the end of a stick as a sign or flag and Le-ru, s. Hed. A hare, an unclean ani-
used for various purposes; i ke kukulu mal mentioned in Kanl. 14:7.
ana a ua poe kahuna la i ko lakou lepa, on Le-wa, v. ‘To swing; to float in the air,
the putting up of those priests their flag ; as clouds; to hang in a swinging manner ;-
a hahaiia ka lepa a ua poe kahuna la, the to float in mid heaven; e lewa wale ana no
jiag of the priests was torn away. (ka honua) i ka Jani, (the earth) was float-
Le-pa-LE-pa, s. A torn rag or kapa, ing freely in mid heaven.
viz.: as an ensign fluttering in the wind 2. To move back and forth like a hinge;
becomes torn; the torn end or border of a e ami.
piece of cloth or kapa. 3. To float on the water.
4. To put a thing up in an unsafe place
Le-re, s. The comb of a cock; he ki- or in a tottering position where it may
paku o ka moa kane. easily fall.
Le-pe, adj. Diagonally; from corner to 5. Hoo. To carry on the surface, as to
corner ; e opiopi lepe, fold from corner to float on water ; e hoolewa me ka wai.
corner. 6. To be carried, as a coffin at a funeral,
Le-ree, s. A gash in the flesh; an open on the shoulders of men; 1 ka hoolewa ana
wound. i ke kupapau.
LE&E-PE-LE-PE-o-HI-NA, s. A red animal Le-wa, s. ‘The upper regions of the air;
of the sea, with a shell on one side; he mea the region of the clouds ; na ao o ka lewa,
ano ia maloko o ke kai. the clouds of the air.
2. A species of miller or butterfly hatched 2. Whatever is suspended or movable.
from a worm; he wahi mea lele ma ka 3. The space where anything may be sus-
lewa, he peelua i hoomaluleia. pended.
Le-pe-Lu-a, adj. Cute; skillful; eun- 4. The air; the atmosphere ; the visible
ning ; maalea. heavens ; kahi o ke ea, ka lani; a partic-
ular place in the air or atmosphere; ma
Le-rE-rA, adj. Gr. Leprous; belonging keia lewa o ka Jani, in this part of the heay-
to leprosy ; mailepera. Oihk. 13:2. ens.
Le-pe-ra, v. Gr. To be or become lep- 5. Persons without home or local attach-
rous; ua lepera. Nah. 12:10. ment. 1 Pet. 2:11. Auhea oukou e na ka-
Le-pe-ro, s. Gr. A person diseased malii o ka lewa mai, ame na kanaka makua
with the leprosy ;aleper. OQihk. 14:2. o ka lewa mai no hoi.
6. A foreign country ; mai ka lea mai,
Le-pe-Ta, s. Gr. A mite; a very small mai ke kua mai o ka moku; o ke ano 0 ia
piece of money. Luk. 21:2. mau olelo, ua hele mai lakou mai ka aina
Le-ro, s. The general name for dirt, e mai, he lewa ia; a ma ke alo o keia aina,
dust or defilement of any kind. he kua o ka moku ia. D. Malo 3:22.
1. The dirt; ground; dust; earth; ka 7. Name of that part of the ocean where
honua malalo o na wawae. it is deep. Syn. with moana.
2. Dung; excrements. Puk. 29:14. Le-wa, adj. Swinging; pendulous;
3. Clay; lepo manoanoa. 1 Nal. 7:46.
4. Dust; anything pulverized to dust. floating ;unstable ; homeless.
.ae 23:6. Lepo poho, mud; mire. ob. Le-wa-La-nI, s. Lewa and lani, heaven.
al El An indefinite space in the air; a part of the
5. Name of that part of the ocean where sky ; a place belonging to anything above
it is deep. Syn. with moana. He moana or in the heavens ; the opposite or in some
kahi inoa, he lepo kahi inoa. way connected with lewanwu.
Lz-po, v. To be dirty; to be defiled. |Lz-wa-te-wa, v. See Lewa. To float
to dangle; to swing frequently ;to move} Lu, s. The primary form for ali. A
or go often from place to place ; hence, to chief; a king; a ruler. See Aru. Nore.—
be deceitful. The a is often dropped and an apostrophe
Le-wa-Le-wa, adj. See Lewa. Swing- substituted; as, ke Vii, na Vii. Gram. § 47.
ing ; unstable; floating. Lu, v. Haa. To spread out; to spread
Le-wa-nuv, s. Lewa and nuu, a high down, as a mat or kapa; to open and spread
even place. Some indefinite place on earth, out, as a letter. Isa. 37:14.
generally connected with or opposed to} Lu, s. The falling off or turning of the
lewalani. hair white in children; he lauoho keokeo i
LeE-wa-wa-Lo, v. Lewa and ualo, or ka manawa kamailii.
~ uwalo, to cry out. To call; to call out; to| Lu, adj. Aguish; sick of a fever and
run calling after another. ague. See Lt.
Lx-GE-0-NA, rf Gr. A legion, 10,000; 2. Little; small, &c.; generally doubled,
LeE-Gl-0-NA, an indefinitely large num- liilii, but found single in compounds; as,
ber. Hal. 91:7. kamalii, makalii, moilii, &e.
Le-sE-mA, s. Heb. A ligure,a precious Lu-u1, s. Name of the place where the
stone. Puk. 36:12. sacrifices were laid before the altar; a ma
ke alo iho o ka lele ka Jiili, malaila e hoo-
Le-ta, s. Eng. A letter; an epistle. abu ai ka mohai.
Haw. He palapala.
Lu-tu, s. See Lu, adj., 2. Small; lit-
Le-vi-a-Ta-Na, s. Heb. A leviathan, a tle ;diminutive ; young.
poetical name of a sea animal; the whale
perhaps; the crocodile perhaps. Hal. 74:14.
Lu-tu, adv. Slightly; in a small man-
ner; piecemeal ; little by little. 2 Oihl.
Li, v. To hang by the neck. Eset. 2:23. 21:15. E hana liilii, to work by little and
To strangle by hanging ; to hang ; to furl, little ; e hele litlii, kau Hilii; e oki liilii, to
as a sail; eia ko kakou pea e li. cut up finely, &e.
2. To see; to observe. Hal. 48:5. Li-o, s. A name given to foreign ani-
3. To fear; to be afraid; to shrink back mals generally when first introduced into
with dread. the islands. See the verb. The word is
Li, s. The chill or shake of an ague fit; now mostly applied to the horse; the horse.
the ague. Kanl. 28:22. Any sickness con- 2. A species of bird.
nected with the chills; /i nui, inflammation. 3. The collar or tie beam of a house or
Kanl. 28:22. In music, the third note of other building; ka welau o ka lohio kalio.
the seale ; pa, ko, li.
Li-o, v. See Lrio. To open the eyes
Li, adj. Trembling, as from cold; shak- wide, as a wild affrighted animal.
ing, as with an ague fit. 2. To act wildly or ferociously, as an un-
Li-a, v. To ponder; to think; to con- tamed animal; to bristle up, as a wild hog.
template. See KUKAKALAIOA.
2. To fear; to be afraid; to start sud- 3. To have great affection for; e paea-
denly, as a dog in catching a fly. uma ka manawa.
3. To desire greedily ; to lust after; to 4. To utter a sound as the bird ao screams
ponder or run, as the mind on something as it flies.
foolish. Li-o, adj. Tight; strained, as a rope.
4. To be cold; to shiver with fear or Li-o-a, adj. See Lio above. Wild; un-
cold ; to have the sensation of cold.
tamable ; he ano laka ole.
Lr-a, s. A shaking or trembling through | [, 1-0-L1-0, v. To draw tight, as a rope,
fear. but not extremely tight; to bind or tie on,
. 2. Fear or dread, as when one supposes as a rope or malo.
he sees a spirit. 2. To make tight; to make hard; to make
3. A strong desire; a desire to obtain or solid.
possess something, like kuko and iini; rest- Li-o-L1-0, s.. The sound or scream which
lessness from something on the mind.
4. Thinking intensely upon some subject; the bird ao makes when disturbed, when
the application of the mind upon some- she bristles like a hen with chickens.
thing ; ke kau nui o ka manao ma Ka mea Li-o-LI-0, s. ‘The name of a-small bird.
é noonoo ana. . Li-o-u1-0, adj. Bright; shining; daz-
5. Cogitations; serious thoughts; a vis- zling.
ion. Dan. 2:28 and 4:5. 2. Strained tight, as a rope.
Li-a, adj. Fearful; affrighted. Li-o-na, s. Eng. A lion. Kin, 49:9.
Li-e, s. A goddess of the mountain Li-v, v. To leak, as a canoe in the
whose business it was to braid leis; ke ano water ; to fill with water, as a ship.
o (Lia) Lei wabine. 2. To season, as with salt; to render pal-

atable, as food; to restore food that has|Lr-4a, adj. Sick; nauseous; loathing
been corrupted. food.
3. To get ready to do a thing; to be a) T,y-ya-t1-wa, v. To be sickish, i.e., sick
long time doing a piece of work. at the stomach. See Lisa and Linma.
4. To draw out or protract the sound in 2. To be fat; to be greasy; to be slip-
blowing a conch shell. pery with grease.
Liv, s. Saltness; the savory taste of L I-HA-LI-HA, s. See Lina. Sickness at
food. the stomach.
2. The peculiar property of a thing or 2. Sorrow; sighing; mourning, as for
that quality by which it is known. the dead.
3. The water in the bottom of a canoe or
ship; bilge water; aole i pau ka liu i ke Li-Ha-ui-Ha, adj. Fatty; greasy; slip-
ka ia, the bilge water is not all dipped out. pery with grease.
Lr-v, adj. Insipid ; not seasoned; taste- 2. Sick at the stomach; loathing food.
See Linina. '
less, as unripe fruit or unsalted meat.
Li-v, adv. Slowly; tardily. Li-HE, s. See Lina 2. A nit; the egg
Ala liu ka la o Waianae
of a louse.
Wehe ke kaiulu i ke oho o ka niu Li-n1, v. To arrive at; to approach to.
Komo okoa iloko o ka hale. 2. To come together; to be united, as
Li-v-a, v. ‘To see indistinctly; to know two pieces of cloth in a garment.
uncertainly ; to be in doubt. 3. To be united in close friendship, as
2. To be transformed; to be different two friends.
from what was supposed after being seen Li-n1, s. A border or edge of a thing
clearly. See Niva. where it unites or is near to another when
Li-u-a, s. A vertigo; a turning of the in contact, as edges of bones. Anat. 6. A
eyes so as not to see things distinctly. border, edge or boundary of a land; the
Li-v-a, adj. Dizzy; indistinctness in seam or place of uniting in a garment.
vision. See Niva. Jiua na maka i na wa- 2. A lot or portion of land marked off.
hine moekolohe. Isa. 57:6. Lihi wai, a border or edge of
Li-u-ua, s. See Uta. Dark; twilight, water. Jos.3:8. A part or portion. Syn.
i. e., time of indistinct vision. See Liva.
with kuleana. Hoik. 22:19. He liht mai-
kai ka liki o ka hana, a good fitting is the
Li-v-11-u, v. To get ready for doing a tightness of the work.
thing. See Liv 3. To prepare, as for a 3. The union or nearness of relationship,
journey ; liuliu iho la na kanaka o Oahu e i. e., the friendship of relationship; he mea
holo i ke kaua i Kauai, the people of Oahu e maopopo ai ke ano hoahanan ana.
made ready to go to the war on Kauai; to 4, The bending of an arch upward, as a
get ready, i. e., to prepare materials for a rainbow.
a building. : 5. The rainbow itself.
2. To be awake; to watch for something; 6. With iki, a very small portion of a
to wait long for an event, but be ready or thing ; lihi iki, a very small piece. Syn.
prepared for it; a.mio, a liuliu ei ola ho- with huna, a small fragment. Mat. 5:18,
nua. also Oih. 8:21. Aole ona wahi lihi ike iki
3. To procrastinate; to be for a long i ka ka Haku olelo, he has no knowledge
time future. 2 Sam.7:19. To stay a long at all of the Lord’s word.
time in a place; to delay areturn; to tarry Li-u1, adv. By the edge; by the end;
long; liuliw iki, soon after.
4. To continue long, as a particular sea- kau lihi, laid with the edge or end only
son or time; he liuliu no na la e pa mai ai, resting on, i. e., slightly resting on; he
rhany are the days (the wind) blows. wahi helehelena wale no kana ike lihi ana,
he partly saw the outlines of her counte-
Lr-v-ui-u, s. A living oy stayinga long nance. Laieik. 33.
time at another place. Li-n1-Lau-Na, v. Lihtand launa, friendly.
Li-u-ti-u, adj. Prepared; ready. To go to; to reach or arrive at, .
2. Saltish ; brackish, as water; unfit to 2. To be frequently at, as at a place near;
drink; insipid; tasteless, &c. See Liv, adj. aole ia i lihilauna aku ilaila.
Li-u-i-u, adv. For a long time; dur- Li-n1-L1, v. See Punt. To think of an
ing along time. Nah.9:19. Hoo. Oth. 18:2. object, then to desire it strongly, then to
make vigorous efforts for it, then to give it
Lina, v. To be sick at the stomach; up and fail; in a race, to run well with a
to nauseate. See LinaLina and Lina. prospect of success, and then turn aside
Li-na, s. Nausea; sickness at the stom- and lose the race. j
ach. Li-n1-Li-a1, s. The eyelids; the eye-
2, A nit; the egg of a head louse. Jashes. Job. 16:16.
s y
2. The eyebrows; he lauoho ma ke kue-| L1-Ko-L1-Ko, v. See Lixo. To swell; to
kue maka. grow, &e.
Lr-ni-wat, s. Lihi and wai, water. The 2. To shine, as the white point in one’s
border or edge of a stream of water, See eye.
Lint, s., above. Li-ta, adj. Blasted, thin or shriveled
Lr-Ho-L1-Ho, adj. Very hot. up, as a banana; he maia lila, aohe io; he
Li-xe, v. To be like; to resemble as lila wale no mai ka eka luna a hikiika
one thing resembles another; to be similar pola.
or to have many qualities in éommon with Li-ta-Li-La, adj. Shrunk up; turned
something else. white or gray ; blasted, as fruit.
2. Hoo. To make one thing, in qualities Li-te, v. To be thin; to be weak; to
or appearance, resemble another. Ia is be flexible; to be thin and long, as the
often inserted for the sake of euphony. lines of words across the page of a book,
Gram. § 211, 2d. or as a long stave of music.
3. To do the same with; to make a thing Lite, adj. Hoo. Weak; thin.
according to instructions ; with me follow-
ing, to do as some one else does, i. e., to Li-Le-L1-LE, v. To shine very brightly,
resemble in conduct; to imitate. asalamp. Job. 29:3. To be dazzling, as
4. To vanish. the rays of the sun. Hoik. 1:16.
Li-KE-LI-kE, v. The intensive of dike; Li-Le-LI-LE, adj. Bright; shining; kahi
also with hoo. lilelile, a bright spot. Oihk. 13:2. Smooth
Lr-ke-Li-KE, adj. Alike; resembling. and shining, as the skin of a bald or shaved
Hi00. Same. He olelo hoolikelikeia, a par-
able. Li-u1, v. To be jealous; to be jealous
Li-x1, v. To gird; to tie up tightly; to of a husband or wife. Nah. 5:14.
2. To hate; to abhor; to be indignant
bind about, as a loose garment. Oih. 12:8. at where jealousy is the cause.
2. To throng; to be troubled to move
3. Fie. To be jealous for the honor of
along on account of amultitude. Mar. 5:31. God. Nah. 25:13.
3. To be stiff, as a limb with a spasmodic 4. To dare; to be bold; to magnify one’s
affection. self; e aa, e koa, e hoaano.
4, Hoo. To gird on, as a loose garment. 5. To be stiff, as limbs with lameness;
Lr-x1, s. A boast, or boasting; kanaka ikaika liki o ka wawae,e oopa,e maloeloe.
liki, a braggart. 6. To join together, as letters to make
-Lrxt-ni-x1, v. Intensive of liki. To tie words ; same as hookui.
up or tie on tightly. See ALIKILIKI, 7. Hoo. To make jealous or to provoke
Li-xi-pa-nu, s. Leki and pahu, barrel. to jealousy. Kanl. 32:16. Syn. with hoo-
A tight hoop for a barrel ; an iron hoop. naukiuki. Jili ae la ino moa, a haka mai
na moa ma ka lani.
Li-xo, v. To swell out round; to be Li-u1, s. Jealousy; wrath; displeasure r
plump ; to be full.
2. To be fat, as a fleshy person.
at one.
2. Fia. Zeal for the honor of God. Nah.
3. To swell; to enlarge, as the growing 25:11.
bud of a vegetable before the leaves spread
3. Pride; haughtiness; a disregard of
open, or as the bud of a flower before the other’s rights; ka manao ole i ko hai pono. |
petals open. 4, Pain; distress ; internal anguish,
4. To expand, as an opening flower. 5. Weight ; heaviness; that which is not _ 6
Hal. 129:6. able to be lifted up.

5. To shine ; to glisten like drops of oil

poured on to water. Li-u1, adj. Jealous, as husband and
Li-xo, s. The swelling, budding, pro- wife of each other; jealous of the honor a

and esteem of another.

truding, &c., of a growing plant.
2. The swollen bud just before leaves or
2. Spoken of Jehovah in*his foclies to-
wards other gods. Puk. 20:5 and 1 aly
flowers appear. 3. Proud; haughty ; overbearing.
3. The top or growing end of a plant. 4, Heavy ; not easily lifted.
Fic. A young child, especially of a chief.
4. The appearance of drops of oil on Lr-u-a, s, Gr, and Eng. A lily. Mel.
water. Sol. 2:1.
5. The light or shining points in a per- 2. Carved work in Solomon’s temple in ~
son’s eye; ka liko, oia ka muo, Ka ao, ka imitation of lilies. 1 Nal. 7:22.
omaka, ka mea e ulu ai ma ka maka, L1-L1-0, v. See Lio and Liotio. To draw
Li-ko, adj. Swelling; growing; open- tight, as a rope; to stretch so as to make
ing, as a bud of a tree or a flower; thrifty, straight ; e malo, e moe pololei.
as a growing plant, 2. To be tight, as the skin of a glutton’s
stomach after he has eaten; to be drawn 5. To bring under one’s dominion or
tightly or tensely, as the skin of the face; authority.
lilio ika pauma ana; to be drawn tightly 6. To change from one thing to another.
by stretching. 7. To change from one form or appear-
3. To be filled, as a glutton with food. ance to another, or from one qualityto that
4. To have the pain or sensation of eat- of another. Nore.—When lilo is followed
ing too much; e maona pono ole, e hoku- by an article before the substantive follow-
hoku. ing, it means to become another’s; as, ua
5. To go forward quickly without look- lilo ia ke alii, he has become the chief’s, i. e.,
ing to the right or left. from being in other circumstances before,
Li-tro, s. A drawing or turning of the he, she, it or the property has now become
eyes so as not to see clearly. the person or property of the chief, or is
2. A dragging; a lancinating pain. transferred to him. But when the article
Li-u1-0, adj. ‘Tightly drawn, as a rope; is dropped from before the noun following
lilo, it means to become another character
full; plump, as one full fed.
or thing ; as, ua lilo ia i alii, he has become
Lr--LI-HA, v. See Lina. To be satisfied, a chief, i. e., from being a common man, he
as the appetite with food or drink; to be is transferred to the honors and office of a
stuffed full. chief. When no noun follows lilo, it means
2. To be supplied with a sufficiency of a the subject or thing spoken of is lost or
thing. Jsa. 1:11. gone absolutely or indefinitely.
3. To be sick at the stomach ; to nause- Li-to, adv. Out of sight; a great ways
ate, as after eating much rich food; to off;“Tost +7 gone; distant; iuka lilo, far in-
land; kai lilo, out of sight at sea; hala
4. Fic. To be disgusted at immoral con- iluna lilo, gone very high up.
duct; liliha no hoi ke noonoo i ka ino oko
lakou noho ana, it is sickening to think of Li-Lo-a, v. To lie idly and lazily in the
the evil of their living ; to feel disgust at house; e lolo a maiele.
any disgusting object. Lr-to-£, v. To sit reclining on one’s
Li-ti-na, s. The fat of hogs. back and his feet raised, as one lounging
2:Anything causing sickness at the stom- and idle; e pio na wawae,e lele pio,e kio-
ach. lani.
3. The feeling of nausea at the stomach. Li-Lo-LI-Lo, v. See Lito. To be loos-
4, Anything offensive to good morals. ened; to be liberated; to spread out freely;
to expand; from a bud to become a full
Li-u1-Hu-a, v. To go prepared; to be opened blossom; to be liberal and free in -
furnished for the purpose: to be supplied giving. See MoHALAHALA.
with what is necessary ; lilihua na kanaka
i ka hele, aole kanaka aa ole. Li-to-11-L0, adj. Loosened; unbound;
broken loose, as a fish once caught by a
Lr-u1-L1, v. See Lu. To be small; to be hook; open-handed; liberal, as one in giv-
little ;applied to fruit, withered ; stinted. ing to others.
Lr-t-na, s. Eng. Linen cloth, i.e.,fine Li-ma, s» The arm; the hand. Fie.
- white cloth. Fie. O Kahele oe, e ka lilina ‘Power; a stay; a support. 1 Nal. 10:19.
ume naau. Lima nui, the thumb. Puk. 29:20. Lima
Li-Li-No-E, adj. Lilt (see Lu) and zxoe, iki, the little finger. 1 Nal. 12:10. Norr.—
fine rain. Sprinkling; fine, as rain; he ua The Hawaiians make no distinction between
lilinoe, a fine rain; a mist. armand -hand, lima applies to or includes
both ; so wawae is both leg and foot. See
Li-.1-P1, adj. See Livi. Running to an WAWAE.
edge or point; pointed; sharp; tapering
like the edge of an axe; ua koe lilipi akahi Li-ma, adj. With the article, an ordi-
puu. nal; the fifth. Gram. § 110 and § 115, 4th.
I ka lima o ka makahiki. Oihjc. 19:25. See
Li-Lo,.v. ‘Toetransfer or be transferred AuimMA and ELIMa.
in various ways.
1. To become another’s; to pass into the
Li-ma-a-Kau, s. Lima, hand, and akau,
possession of another; lilo mai, to obtain; right. The right arm or hand.
to possess ; lilo aku, to be lost ; to perish. Li-Ma-I-KAI-KA, s. Lima and tkaika,
zy. ‘To turn: to change: to be lost; to be strong. A strong hand or arm. Figura-
gone indefinitely. tively, force; power ; strength. Hzer. 4:23.
3. Hoo. To cause a transfer or change in
different ways; to raise one to office; to Li-ma-1-kal-ka, v. To handle roughly;
place one over ‘others as an officer. to assault; to throw one down; to force
4. To give a thing in trust to another; one against his will.
to give absolutely ; to consecrate ; to ded- Li-MA-I-k1, v. ‘To assassinate; to kill in
icate ; to devote. Ean. 20:5. a secret place ; to fall upon, as a robber,
Li-ma-HE-mA, s. Lima and hema, left.| Li-na, s. Anything soft and yielding to
The left hand. the touch; papalina, the cheek.
Li-ma-ku-n1, s. Lima and kuhi, to point 2. Hoo. Anything soft, tenacious or
out. In reading books, the index; the form tough.
of a hand 4. Li-na, adj. Tightly drawn, as a rope.
Li-ma-Lav, v. To carry on the hips. See Liorto.
Li-ma-Li-ma, v. See Lima, hand. To Li-na-ui-na, s. See Lina. Tough food, *
handle; to employ the hands. Hoo. To i. e., kalo.
hire ; to bargain for work to be done; to 2. Wet, clayey land. z :
agree with one concerning wages. 3. Any soft adhesive substance. .
Li-ma-ti-ma, adj. Appellation of a 4. A drawing together of the skin of a #
wound; a scar.
prayer when the priest made many gestures
with his hands; the ceremony was called Li-na-Li-nA, v. To stick to; to adhere »
hoopii na aha limalima. to, like pilali or shoemaker’s wax; to be .
Lr-ma-ti-ma, adj. See Lima. Full of tough and adhesive, like water-soaked veg- “
etables. m.
hands; one hired to work. Hoo. That
which is bargained for or hired. oan. Li-na-Li-NA, adj. Soft; mucous ; adhe-
10:12. sive; tough; tightly drawn,as a rupe. See
Li-ma-ui-ma, 8. Hoo. A hired person. Lixa. Tough or elastic, as India rubber. .
Joan. 10:13. Li-ne-xa, s. Gr. The lynx,
a four-footed
LiI-MA-LI-MA-PI-LAU, s. See LIMALIMA, v., animal. .
and Pinav, dirty. Dirty hands. Li-no, v. To twist, as a string or rope; .
Li-ma-nu-, s. Lima and nut, great. ‘The to wear; e lili eha aoao. x
thumb. Li-no, s. A rope. |
Li-m1, v. To be entangled or be in dif- Li-no-wav, v. To be proud or haughty.
ficulty in the surf; to be upset in the surf Li-no-t1-No, s. Brightness ; splendor;
and turned over and over. See Lumata. so bright as to dazzle the sight and make
Lr-mi-ui-m1, v. Freq. of limi. To be one blind.
turned over and over in the surf; e limili- Li-no-1i-No, adj. Calm; unruffled, as
miia e ka nalu. the sea where there is no wind; hence, re-
Li-mu, s. Sea-moss or sea-gtass; a gen- flecting the light of the sun. See Mauro.
eral name of every kind of eatable herb Li-nu, adj. Close; hard; ungenerous.
that grows in the sea; the Hawaiians also
class the Jimu among fish; the varieties are Li-pa-HA, Ss. He wahi limu. See Linu,
limuaalaula, limuekaha, limuiliohaa, limu- sea-gTass.
-opai, limunlaula, limuhinaula, limuhulu- Li-p1, s. An axe for cutting wood, from
lio, limuhuna, limukahakala, limukala, li- its tapering down to an edge.
mukele, limukiki. limukoko, limulipaha- 2. Gluttony ; he ai nui ana i ka ai, he
pala, limulipalao, limulipalawai, limulipoa, pakela ai.
limulipupu, limulipuula, limulipuupuy, li- Lr-r1, adj. Sharp; tapering down like|
muloloa, limunanue, limupaakaiea, limu- the edge of an axe. “4
palahalaha, limupalawai, limupipilani. LI-PI-0-MA, s. The names of sev-
Li-mu, v. To turn; to change; to have Li-PI-HO-E-HO-E, eral species of cutting
various appearances. Syn. with ouli. HE Re heh alee 5 instruments introduced
Li-mu-a, s. A long or constant rain; a » | among Hawaiians in
constancy of water or wet weather; a con- LiI-PI-KU-KE, modern times.
stant flowing of water. Li-ri-ti-P1, s. See Lirt. Anything thin
Li-mu-a, adj. The quality or action of and standing up edgeways, like a sharp
wet weather, of a long rain. ridge of land. '
Li-mu-Ka-KA-NA-KA, 8. Limu and kaka- Li-pr-1-P1, adj. ‘Thin; sharp; tapering;
naka, a species of grass. A smooth or slip- axe shaped. See Limirt.
pery kind of grass. Li-ro, s. A deep shady forest.
Li-mu-ui-mu, adj. Twisting; turning; 2. Deep water in the sea; moana lipo
dissembling ; trifling ; trickish; the oppo- loa; hence 2
site of honest and open in conduct. Li-ro, adj. Blue, black or dark from t
Li-mvu-ti-mu, s. A twirling; a curling; depth of a cavern, or from the depth of the
the whiffling of the wind; the curling of a sea; deep; bottomless, as the ocean.
negro’s hair; instability of conduct. Li-po-ti-ro, s. See Livro. Great depth
Li-mu-.i-pu-pu, s. A species of limu; of the ocean so as to appear blue or black;
he pipilani. See Linu above. ka hohonu, ka moana.
‘ae 344 ae
Li-po-L1-ro, adj. Deep blue or black. se as a coral rock or a rough slab of
2. Deep down; ocean like; deep ; bot- ava.
tomless. 2. Applied figuratively to hard, severe,
L1-Po0-LO-LO-HU-A-ME-A, s. The appear- cruel kapus ; e ku i ka loaa i ke kapu.
ance on looking into very deep water or a Lo-a-a, s. A receiving; an obtaining ;
deep pit where no bottom is visible; black; a getting ; a possessing.
dark. 2. Luck; fortune; success or otherwise;
Li-P0-WAO-NA-HE-LE, s. Lipo and wao- e hoao aku hoii Kan loaa. Laieile. 64.
nahele, thick forest. The darkness and Lo-a-La, v. In poetry, to praise; to ex-
; gloom of a thick forest. tol; to bless as the people spoke of a
Li-ru-pu, s. A species of the limu. See chief.
LIMULIPUPU. Lo-z, s. The end of a fish-hook oppo-
Li-wa-u1, adj. Soft; thin; worked up site the point.
like thin poi. Lo-z-a, s. Skill; ingenuity in doing a
Li-Ba-no, s. Gr. Lit. Lebanon. OzAl. thing ; cleverness in planning and execut-
~ 9:29. I. e., frankincense, a gum from Leb- ing a project. See Hamza.
anon. HHoik. 18:13. Lo-r-a, adj. Skillful; cunning; ingeni-
Li-cu-ra, s. Gr. A ligure, a precious ous at any business. See Lora.
stone. Puk. 28:29. Lo-E-Lo-E, adj. Flexible; feeble. See
Li-ra, s. Gr. A lyre, a musical instru- Loge and MALogtor.
ment; aharp. Kin. 4:21. Lo-1, s. A water kalo patch; an artifi-
Lo, s. The fore part of the head. cial pond where kalo is cultivated.
* 2. A species of bug, long and with sharp Lo-1, v. To sneer at or ridicule another’s
claws. opinion.
3. The name of some chiefs who lived on Lo-1, s. Disapprobation or contempt
the mountain Helemano and ate men; he shown for another’s opinion ; he hoowaha-
mau alii ai kanaka no uka o Helemano. waha iko hai manao. See Lomor. Loi is
Lo. A syllable prefixed to many words, used as a word of contempt, similar to pu-
the precise definition of which does not ap- puka.
pear, as lokahi, lomilo, lokea, &c. Lo-1a, s. See Loza. An ingenious skill-
Lio-a, v. To extend; to be long; to be ful person ; one who is handy and expert
indefinitely long as to time, measure or dis- at any business; applied only to women as
tance. maiau is to men. See Marav.
2. Skill; ingenuity; experience in busi-
Lo-a, s. Length. 1 Nal. 6:2. The whole ness.
of any district of land; long space from
one place to another ; a length of time.
Lo-1a, adj. Skillful; ingenious; dex-
2. A bank; a raised place; he ahua a. trous; applied only to women. See Nowau
3. A receptacle of filth; he nenelu ino- and MikoLoLonua.
ino. Lo-1-E, s. See Lomva. A rule of con-
4, An officer who has universal charge duct; a command ; a way of doing things.
of the taxes. Lo-1-E-LE, v. To be slow in doinga
5. The name of the general tax itself. thing; to linger; Joiele kana hana; heaha
Lio-a, adj. Long; spoken of time, of keia hana au e loiele nei? what are you
space or measure. doing that you should be so slow?
Lo-a, adv. An intensive word of gen- Lo-1-E-LE, s. Slowness in doing a thing;
eral application; much; very; exceed- ka! manomano ka loiele ia oe, astonishing
ingly ; it is connected with nouns, adjec- the slowness of you.
tives and verbs.
Lo-1-E-LE, adj. Sluggish; dull; slow;
Lo-a-a, v. Anomalous. Gram. § 232.
To obtain; to find; to receive; to have,
i. @., to have obtained ; to meet with; to
Lo-1-o, adj. Thin; poor; reduced in
happen; to befall; to be overtaken; to be flesh ; spare.
caught; to be seized; to be possessed of. Lo-1-o, s. Straightness ; a substance, as
Nore.—Loaa is mostly confined in its mean- a stick without crook.
te ing to a passive or neuter sense; makau 2. A person reduced in size; thin in flesh.
wau i ke kapaia mai he holoholona i ka 3. Eng. A lawyer.
loaa ole e kahi manao, I was afraid of being Lo-to-10, s. The prancing of an un-
called a beast for not being seized (possessed tamed horse on attempting to ride him;
of) by a thought; that is, for not having a
thought. loioio expresses his wild appearance.
Lo-a-a, s. The name of a rough scragey 2. The appearance of a person half
Lo-1-u1, v. To be long ; to be lengthened |Lo-v-a, adv. Quickly; no delay, as the
out, as space or time ; to live Jong. lapse of time, as quick work, &c.; loua ole
2. To be far off ; to be ata great distance. aku nei; ua /owa ole aku ka hana.
_ 8. Hoo. To make long; to lengthen out, |Lou-Hao, s. Low and hao, iron. Aniron
as time; to procrastinate; to put far off. hook. See Lov above.
Amos 6:3. To add to the length of time Lo-v-nu, v. To leap off; to fly away; e
or distance. 2 Nal. 20:6.
Jehai aku.
Lo-1-m1, s. Length; distance; length of Lov-1a, adj. Fast; firm, as a nail that
takes firm hold of the wood.
Lo-1-m1, adj. Long; applied to time or Lou-tovu, v. See Lov. To bend over;
distance; also, the measure of anything, as
to bend down.
timber, cloth, &e.; kahi loihi, a great dis-
2. To hold fast, as with a hook; to hook
tance off. Norr.—This word is sometimes
round the fingers and pull, a trial of
vulgarly pronounced as if written lokihi.
strength. See LovLouLmta.
Lo-1-Lo-1, v. See Lor. To ridicule; to 2. Hua. To be bowed or bent over with
contemn or sheer at one’s thought or opin- grief; to be deeply affected. 2 Sam. 13:33.
ion. 3. To weep on account of deep repent-
Lo-1-na, s. A statute; an ordinance; a ance.
rule; a command; an act: a device, &e. Lov-tou, adj. Bending over or around.
2. The meaning of a word or thing. 2. Bent with pain or grief.
3. A pithy or wise saying. 3. Hooked or held fast.
4. A sign of some coming event. Lov-tov, s. The name of an exercise or
Lo-1-na, adj. Rulable; according to play ; eia kekahi lealea, o ka loulou, here ¢
order after established custom. is one exercise. the lowlou.
Loo, v. To overtake; to come upon, as Lov-Lovu-Li-ma, v. See Loutov, v., and
a disease; to come upon, as evil or a judg- Lima, the hand. To hook in one’s fingers
ment; found only in the passive loohia. with the fingers of another person and pull.
Loo-n1-a, v. For looia, passive of loo. Lo-u-Lu, s. A tree with wide leaves;
To be overtaken by anything, as a disease.
the fan-leafed palm tree.
1 Sam. 5:12. By suffering or misfortune.
2. The fruit of the loulu.
Kin. 44:29. By sadness or grief. Puk.
15:14. To come upon,as oppression. Jamk. 3. An umbrella, especially a Chinese
6:13. To fall upon one, as fear. Luk. 8:37.
To befall one. set. 4:7. See Loura. 4, A screen from the sun or rain, as the
leaf was used for a covering.
Loo-Ka-HI, v. Looand kahi, one. Tobe 5. The name of a species of fish.
of one mind or accord ; to agree together; Lo-u-tv, adj. Lala lowu, the palm
to think alike. See Loxaat. branching tree. 2 Oihl. 3:5.
Loo-xa-ut, adj. Same; similar; mu- 2. Pointed; sharp, like the points at the
tual; alike. ends of palm leaves.
Loo-Ka-H1, adv. With one accord; with Lo’u-pa-Li, s. A kind of residence for
unanimity. Oth. 4:24. people, like puha.
Lov, v. ‘l'o bend, as a hook; to bend Lo-wa, s. Love; affection, &c.; the
around (hence kulou, to stand bent, i. e., root of the word aloha.
bowing down.) ‘2. A plant or branch of a tree growing
2. To hook; to pull with a hook; to thriftily.
come up with a hook, as a fish. 3. The trimming to the corners and ridge
3. To insert; to fit on, as a ring on the of a thatched house.
finger. Hin. 24:47. 4, The art of thatching well.
4, Hoo. To hook; to pull with a hook. 5. An under head man.
2 Oihl. 33:11. I hoolouia i ka makau ke- 6. A kind of sport of former times, the
kahi poe i holo ilalo, some who had sunk same as kilu; e haele kakou i ka hale loha
down were hooked up with fish-hooks. oO Mea.
Lov, s. A hook. Isa. 37:29. Lou io, a | Lo-Ha, v. To fade; to wilt; to wither,
flesh hook. Puk. 27:3. ou hao, an iron as vegetables ; e mae.
hook; a joining. 1 QOihl. 22:3. Lo-wa, adj. Sullen; dumpish; indis-.
2. A pain in the side; a stitch. posed to speak or act.
3. A perpendicular descent. Lo-Ha-Lo-HA, adj. Speechless through
Lo-u-a, v. For louta. To crook, as a fear; unable to utter on account of fear or
hook; to be crooked. astonishment. See the above.
2. To pull off with a stick or hook, as|Lo-Ha-1, s. A lever for raising heavy
oranges or other fruit from a tree. articles.
LOK 346a a LOK
2. The name of a disease ; a swelling of in opinion; to be of one mind; to be in
the face, breast, ec. union or unison. 2 Oihl. 5:13. Hoo. To
3. The lameness of the legs from walking. cause a union; to make a united effort of
Lo-H4-1, adj. Belonging to a lever for the moral powers. Hal. 86:11.
prying up heavy masses; he laau lohai Lo-xa-n1, s. See Looxaui. Agreement
moku e upe ana i na malua nui. in mind; unanimity of sentiment; union of
Lo-ue, v. To hear, as the ear a voice feeling ; oneness ; similarity.
or sound. Lo-xa-n1, adj. See Looxant. Of the
2. To obey; to follow instructions ; to same mind; agreed; of the same opinion.
regard. 1 Sam. 11:7.
3. Hoo. To give such attention as to un- Lo-xa-u1, adv. Similar; with one ac-
derstand and practice or obey. unk. 2:2. cord; with unanimity of sentiment. Jos.
Lo-HE-a, v. Passive of lohe for loheia. 9:2.
To be heard, &e. Lo-ke, s. A vicious orthography for
Lo-He-Lav, s. ‘The plate of a house rose. Hng. A rose.
frame on which the rafters are fastened; Lo-xE-a, s. A long pointed knife with |
kauia ka lohelau ma ka waha o ka pou. a white handle; pahi loihi, kumu keokeo.
Lo-HE-Lav, adj. Old; worn out; rotten, Lo-xE-a, adj. White. See Keaand Keo.
as timber, houses, &c. Lo-xo, s. The inner part; that which
2. Exhausted ; spent, as a man by fast- is within ; applied to persons or things.
ing or hunger or fatigue. 1. To persons, the internal organs.
Lo-HE-LAv, adj. Excellent; good ; fit- 2. The moral state or disposition of a
@ ting. person, either good or bad, according to its
-Lo-neE-to-nE, v. To hear indistinctly or compounds ; as, loko maikai, loko ino, &e.
incorrectly ; scarcely to hear. 3. Applied to things, the within ; the in-
Lo-u1, v. To linger; to be tardy ; a loki terior ; that which belongs within ; the in-
aku la maua mahope me ka hele malie, we wards; ia po no. ai no i ka loko o ka ilio
two lingered behind by walking slowly. noa, on that night indeed, they ate the in-
2. To wait; to stay; to be slack to doa wards of a dog not forbidden; he mau mea
thing. Kanl. 7:10. e pili ana maloko o ka naau; ia loko, the
3. Hoo. To be slow; to be dilatory ; to within. Mat. 23:26. Nore—The Hawai-
be cautious. Jak. 1:19. ians believed that the moral powers or dis-
positions had their seat in the small intes-
Lo-u1, s. The name of the sexual organ tines. See Naav.
of a horse; also, the sexual organ of men.
See Ute. Ka welau o ka lohi o ka lio. Lo-xo, adj. Inner; what is within; pa-
hale loko, the inner court. 1 Nal. 6:36.
Lo-n1, adj. Tardy; lingering; slow;
feeble. Lo-xo, prep. In; within; inner, &c.;
Lo-n1, adv. Tardily; slowly. compounded with the simple prepositions
0, ko, no, 74, ma and mai. Gram. § 161.
Lo-ni-a, v. See Loonta. To happen to See each in its place. Ja loko is used in
one ; to fall upon; to befall, as a calamity Mat. 23:26.
or disease. Mat. 4:24. Lo-xo, s. A pond; a lake; a small col-
2. To unite; to come together, as two
things. lection of water ; he wai lana malie i puni
3. To overtake. i ka aina.
Lo-u1-a, adj. Overtaken; seized ; pos- Lo-xo-1-No, v. Loko, disposition, and
sessed of, as by a spirit ;overcome, as by ino, bad. To act vilely; to deal maleyo-
sleep ; overtaken by a fault. lently ; to exhibit a bad disposition.
Lo-n1-au, v. To be slow in doing a Lo-xo-1-no, s. An evil disposition; des-
thing; to make blunders; lohiaw Puna i ke titute of kindness.
akua wahine. Lo-Ko-1-No, adj. Careless ; slothful ;un-
Lo-nt-Lo-H1, v. See Loni. To be very merciful ; unkind; ungenerous.
slow, &c. Hoo. To be tardy; to delay Lo-xo-1-No-14, s. Cruelty; malevolence.
doing a thing ; to bear long with one’s of- Tnnk. 9:24.
fenses; to be slow in executing justice; to Lo-Ko-1a-I-K1, adj. Loko and hatki, close.
procrastinate. Standing thick together; little space be-
Lo-ka, s. A state of mind full of doubt tween.
about any fact or information ; anbelief ; 2. Parsimonious ; close-fisted ; hard.
disbelief, especially of religious truth. Lo-xo-Lo-Ko, v. See Loxo, pond. To
Lo-xa-n1, v. To be alike; to be agreed; stand in puddles or pools of water; e ha-
i lokahi ka ike, a i kuikahi ka manao, that lokoloko. ees,
they may know the same thing, and agree Lo-xo-.i-v, v. Loko and liu, insipid. To
be insipid ; to be without strength; to be garments for particular work. Puk. 39:1.
bitter. Lole lauoho, sack cloth. Hoik. 6:12.
Lo-xo-Li-v, adj. Cross; angry; indif- 3. Straight smooth hair, like the Chinese.
ferent. Lo-te-a, adj. Found in the phrase lo-
Lo-xo-11-nu, adj. Loko and linu, close. lea keia kala, bad money perhaps; perhaps
Parsimonious. See LOKOHMAIKI. it is for loleia, to be changed.
Lo-ko-mal-Kal, v. Loko, disposition, and Lo-te-Hav, v. To limp; to be weary
maikai, good. To feel and act benevo- from walking; to be lame.
lently; to be kindly disposed towards one; Lo-LE-HA-NA, S. Lole and hana, work.
to be favorable to one. A working garment. See Lous, s.
Lo-Ko-MaI-KAl, s. Grace; favor; spe- Lo-te-tav, s. Lole and lau, leaf. The
Lo-Ko-MAI-KAT-IA, cial favor: good will. art of thatching and trimming off a house.
Kin, 39:4. See Loxe 6.
Lo-xo-mai-Kal, adj. Merciful. Puk. 34:6. Lo-1e-Lo, v. To jump; to skip. Jer.
Disposed to do good; generous; obliging; 48:27. Ua lolelo no oe i ka olioli.
kind. Lo-Le-Lu-A, v. Lole and lua, twice. To
Lo-xo-wal, s. Loko and wai, water. A be changeable; to be unstable; to be
fountain. Sol. 5:16. double minded; lolelua ka naau. Jak. 1:8.
Lo-xu, v. To prostitute for pay on a See Naavutua. To act with indecision; to
change; to pervert; to cause a change.
large scale. Kekah. 7:7.
Lo-xu, s. A sort of pain, ache, distress. 2. To be in doubt; to hesitate; to turn
Lo-xu, adj. Distressing ; painful; fear- back.
ful; ka leo o ka ua loko me ka hekili, the Lo-.z-Lv-a, s. Doubt; hesitancy; a
sound of the severe rain with the thun- changing often of one’s opinions or plans;
der. e hana paha, aole paha, aole anei ia he lole-
Lo-xu-Lo-ku, v. To suffer pain; e loku- lua? to work perhaps, not perhaps, is not
loku nei iloko o ka hanaia, to suffer pain in that indecision ?
what was done. Lo-.E-Lu-a, adj. Changeable; fickle ;
Lo-ku-Lo-ku, s. See Loxv. Pain; dis- double minded. Sol. 24:21.
tress ;numbness of limbs. Lo-LtE-na, v. Lole and ana, i. e., lole
Lo-xvu-Lo-ku, v. See Loxotoxo. ana. To be limber; to be flexible, as cloth.
Lo-1a, adj. Paralyzed; stiff; lame. 2. To be inefficient ;to be impotent; to
be incapacitated.
2. Idle; neglected; barren, as a fruit
tree ;emasculated. 3. To have lost one’s beauty and energy
of person.
Lo-xa, s. A palsied person; one help- 4. To produce no fruit, as a vegetable.
less. Lo-LE-NA, s. A person, animal or vege-
Lo-LA-Lo-LA, v. See Lona. Ua lolalola table slighted for want of beauty and other
lolohili. desirable qualifications ; he maia aao; he
Lo-LA-Mo-E-HA-LAU, v. Lola and moe, to maia kukanaloa, he mea ku wale iho no;
lie down, and halau, along house. To be he lolena, no ka mea aohe ona kulia; a per-
idle; to be useless, as a person. See Lo.o- son despised or not desired by women.
MOEHALAU. Lo-LE-na, adj. Weak; faded; withered,
Lo-te, v. To turn inside out; e huli- as a plant or fruit or a person.
huli; to unfold to view. Lo-ut, v. The definitions of this word
2. To change one’s mind. Hal. 15:14. run into those of lole. To turn over; to
To rectify ; to arrange; to alter from one change ; to alter.
thing to another. set. 9:1. 2. Hoo. The same. To turn into. Weh.
3. To beat down one’s price. 13:2. Also, to change one thing, purpose
4. To flay; to skin, as an animal. Oihk. or plan for another. in. 50:2. To alter
4:6. Lole i ka ili. one’s design; e hoololii ka manao. 2 Sam.
~ §. To work with one’s own hands. 24:16.
6. To thatch a house smoothly. 3. To make a spot with coloring matter;
7. To be weary, as with traveling; to be to daub; to color; e kikohu, e onionio; to
lame. color in spots, as was often done with kapa.
8. To be weak in the knees. Hoo. To Lo-u1, s. ‘The biche de mer, the name of
flay ; to take off the skin. Mik. 3:3. a species of fish; he ia maka ole; a fish
Lo-tz, s. Cloth, particularly foreign without eyes; a soft limpsy fish without
cloth ; he aa haole. bones. Anat. 1.
2. A garment. unk. 8:25. Lole komo, Lo-ti-a, v. See Lotma. To turn on one
@ garment; wearing apparel; lole hana, side, then on the other, as a sleepy person.
348 LOL
2. Applied to a new canoe when drawn a tree; connected with kiekie. Isa. 2:13.
from the mountains, it turns on one side Afar off.
then the other when drawing; lolia ke akua| Lo-to-a, adv. Afar off; a long time;
i kaula. uhai loloa, following a long distance.
Lo-tu, v. To make ready ; to prepare Lo-to-av, s. A species of fish. ~*
before hand; to prepare for an event; no- Lo-Lo-HE, v. See Louse. The intensive
laila, e lolii e oukou iho, therefore prepare
conj. of lohe, to hear. To hear quickly; to
yourselves before hand. listen attentively, &c.; but the same word
Lo-tu, s. What is thought of before also signifies nearly the opposite ; as,
hand; that which is prepared previous to 2. Not to hear quickly; to make excuses;
use, e to procrastinate obedience; to be sluggish
Lo-tu, adj. Prepared; ready; furnished. in obeying one’s orders ; to be heavy; to
2. Having very many sides, as a stick of be dull; to be inattentive. Hoo. The same.
house timber; where there are less sides Norr.—The second definitions are proba-
it is opaka. bly from lohi, to be slow.
Lo-ui-1a, v. To be turned or changed. Lo-to-HE, adj. The same in the adjec-
Lo-i-Lo-1, v. See Lou. To be water tive asin the verb. See above. Hearing
soaked or tough, as kalo sometimes is; to quickly ; giving ready attention; yielding
be damaged or changed, as food; to be quick obedience. &c.
unsound. See OLOLILOLI. 2. Slow in hearing; dull; disobedient.
Hoo. The same.
Lo-ti-Lo-t1, adj. A term applied to
water-soaked vegetables, especially to kalo; Lo-to-u1, v. The intensive of lohi. To
tough; changed for the worse; applied be very tardy or slow; to be very linger-
also to vegetable food. ing; to lag far behind.
Lo-ti-Lu-a, adj. See Lotetva. Change- Lo-Lo-u1, s. One slow from disease, as
able ; fickle ; given to change. the palsy or other disease. .
Lo-to-u1, adj. Very slow; tardy; lin-
Lo-to, v. To punish; to fine for delin- gering behind; dilatory.
2. To ordain ; to appoint. Lo-Lo-H1-L1, v. See Lotoa and H111, to
wander. To be far off; to be at a great
Lo-to; s. The brain of a person or ani- distance ; to stretch out a long way; ua
mal; lolo poo. Anat. 49. lolalola lolohili.
2. The marrow of the bones ; lolo iwi. Lo-to-x1, adj. See Lotont. Slow; lin-
3. The seat of thought; ke kumu o ka gering ; weak in walking.
manao ma ke poo. Notre.—This is a mod-
ern idea: the ancient Hawaiians supposed
Lo-to-x1-a, s. The stem of a cocoanut
the seat of thought to be in the naau. fruit; the branch that connects the fruit
4. The palsy; feebleness or disuse of with the tree.
one’s limbs. Mat. 4:24. Lo-Lo-Hu-A, s. One skilled in the use of
5. A person afflicted with the palsy. language, especially the ancient language;
6. A person very awkward at doing any- 0 ka lolohua alii o Kama i ka moku.
thing as though he had not the use of his Lo-to-nu-a, adj. Indulging or cherish-
limbs. ing an evil disposition.
7. The sheath that surrounds a young Lo-Lo-Hu-a-ME-A, s. The appearance of
cocoanut. the verge of the ocean to one in a canoe on
Lo-to, s. The name of the hog sacri- the ocean, as it appears green or dark col-
ficed on the finishing of a canoe; alaila, ored.
lolo ka waa, hoomana hou no i ke akua; e Lo-to-nu-a-mE-A, s. The epithet of a
hoolohe mai oe i ka maikai o ka lolo ana o child who speaks correctly and uses lan-
ka waa. ; guage with propriety.
Lo-xo, adj. Palsied; lying helpless. Lo-to-xaa, s. Lolo, brain, and kaa, to
2. Indolent; lazy. turn. A disease of the head; dizziness af-
3. Crazy ; insane. fecting the eyes ; a dropsy in the head.
4. Tall ; slender, as a man.
Lo-to-ku, adv. Spatteringly, as a heavy
Lo-Lo, éntesj7. An expression of triumph rain; as rain drops falling into water, caus-
over the ills of another; same as akola. ing a sound and a bubbling up; ue, ue lo-
See OLoxo. loku mai ana,
Lo-to-a, v. See Loa. To be long; to Lo-Lo-xu-11, adj. Sick and deaf, that is,
grow or to become long. Dan. 4:33. To deaf from disease; want of hearing; ko
go afar off; to be at a great distance. makou pepeiao i mau aa lolokuli.
Lo-Lo-a, s. Length. Lo-to-Lo, v. To think; to reflect; to
Lo-to-a, adj. See Loa. Long; tall, as reason ; to turn over in one’s mind,
| LOM 349 LON
Lo-to-L0-a, s. Lolo, palsy, and doa, very. Lo-m1, v. To rub; to press; to squeeze
The feeling of an arm or leg when the blood with the hand any one that is in pain or
ceases to circulate. fatigued; to shampoo; hence,
Lo-to-10-a, adj. Intensive of loa. Very 2. Kia. To comfort; to quiet; elomi ana
long, as to time or measure; na lima lolo- au i ka eha o ko’u naau, | am comforting
loa, very long arms. myself for my bad feelings.
Lo-.o-Lo-nE, adj. See Lotoxuri. Deaf; 3. To czush; to mash fine; e hoowali; e
unable to hear from disease or ofher ways;
i loheia e na aa lololohe; aka, inai lilo ke Lo-mi, s. A rubbing, pressing or squeez-
aa lololohe i ko makou pepeiao i mau aa ing of one in pain or sick.
lolokuli. Lo-mi-a, v. For lomiia. To feel of ; to
Lo-Lo-Lo-Hu-A, adv. See Lotonvuaabove. pinch ; to squeeze; to press.
To pronounce clearly, distinctly and cor- Lo-m1-Lo, v. See Mito, Omino and Hiro.
recily ; ke pane lololohua mai nei ia. To spin with the fingers; to twist, as thread;
Lo-Lo-t0-Lo-Hu-a, adj. Thinking; wise; to make ropes, cords, &c.
skillful ; reflecting. Lo-m1-Lo-m1, v. See Lomi. To rub; to
Lo-Lo-mo-b-HA-LAU, adj. See LoLamoE- squeeze and chafe the limbs of one who is
HALAU. Idle; useless, &c. weary or in pain; to shampoo except the
Lo-Lo-Mo-E-HA-LAU, s. A man, woman bathing.
2. To mitigate or ease pain by so doing.
or child who is lazy, indisposed to work;
3. To mend letters in writing, that is, to
o ke kane palaualelo, molowa, hana ole,
draw: the pen two or three times over the
oia hoi ka lolomoehalau.
same line to improve its appearance.
Lo-to-ni-u, s. Lolo and niu, cocoanut. 4, To feel of a thing to ascertain its qual-
A canoe made of a cocoanut tree ; he waa ities; Jomilomi iho la kuu lima i ua pohaku
loloniu. la, he paakikila! my hand felt of that stone,
Lo-to-pat-o, v. To be tall and slim, as it was hard. ;
aman; ua lolopaio i ka la. 5. To act upon, as the Spirit of God acts
Lo-no-pai-o-Ea, s. A tall slim person upon the heart; i na manawa a pau loa
with a thin hatchet face. kona (ko ke Akua) lomilomi ana mai ia’u,
Lo-to-pat-o-EA, v. To walk unsteadily, at all times has he (God) acted upon me.
as a thin person. Lo-mi-Lo-m1, s. A rubbing, pressing, &c.
Lo-to-ri-0, v. Lolo for dele, and pio, an See Lot.
arch. ‘To fly in a curved line; to fly as a 2. The servant whose business it was to
meteor ; e lele me he akua lele la; me ka take care of the spittle and excrements of
welowelo, as a comet; to bend up the legs, the chief.
as one jumping into the water. Lo-na, s. The blocks of wood on which
Lo-to-roo, s. Lolo, palsy, and poo, head. double canoes rest when out of water.
The marrow of the head; the brain. 2. The name of the wood out of which
2. A disorder of the head. such blocks were made.
3. The seat of thoughtin men. See Loxo. Lo-na, adj. Useless; in vain ;without
Lo-to-pu-a, s. The zenith; the point advantage ; awkward.
directly over head; eia la i kalolopua o ka 2. Straight; direct.
lani. Lo-no, v. To hear, as a sound; to hear,
Lo-ma, v. To be lazy; to be slow; to as the voice of one calling.
be awkward ; to be indolent. 2. To regard, as a command; to keep;
Lo-ma, s. Slowness; want of skill; to observe ; to obey.
3. To hear a report. Dan. 11:44.
4. Hoo. To cause to hear, &c.; to listen;
Lo-ma, adj. Lazy; awkward; unskillful. to regard. Dan. 9:10.
Lo-ma-to-ma, v. The intensive of loma Lo-no, s. A report; news; a hearing of
in all its definitions.
something new ; fame.
Lo-ma-to-ma, s. Idleness ; indolence ; 2. Areport of what one has heard another
awkwardness. say. in. 37:2. News; nui ka maua ka-
Lo-MA-LO-MA-AI-HA-LA-LE, adj. Loma, mailio ana ia po na na Jono ame na hanai
lazy, and aihalale, to live on others. Lazy hanaia, we two had much conversation that
and eating the food of others through idle- night respecting the news and what had
ness: aole e loaa keia mea, o ka naauao, i been done.
ka mea manaka, aole hoi i ka mea kaialile 3. A rumor; a report. 2 Nal. 19:7.
lomalomaaihalale, this thing, knowledge, 4. Fame. 1 Oihl. 14:17.
cannot be obtained by the easily discour- 5. Tidings. Ezek. 21:7.
aged nor by the indolently awkward. 6. A remembrance. Sanl. 32:26.
LU 300 LUA
7. The name of a day of the month; o 2. That which is shot froma gun; hence,
kakahiaka ae, 0 Lono ia la. gun shot. from their scattering.
Lo-no, s. He nui ka poe ao i ka lono 3. The small seeds of the puakala.
maka ihe. 4, A kind of medicine; the same as keua-
Lo-no, s. Name of one of the four great kala; small seeds beaten wp and mixed
with some liquid for a purgative; the real
gods of the Hawaiian Islands; the four name of the plant is naule.
were Lono, Ku, Kane and Kanaloa.
Lo-no-a-k1-H1, s. Name of the eel god. Lu-a, v. To kill by breaking the bones.
Nort.—The lua was much practiced in an-
Lo-no-uu, s. Lono and hii, to tend a cient times and is understood now by some
child. A child that is much tended and old people.
dandled. 2. To dig a pit; to make a deep hole in
Lo-no-to-no-a, s. A hearsay; a gossip; the ground.
tattling; a story without foundation; lono- Lu-a, s. The art of breaking the bones
lonoa i ka hiki o ka aina. of a person.
Lo-nu, v. To swell; to be large. 2. The art of noosing men in order to
2. To be in pain; to groan with pain. murder them, as was practiced on Kauai.
3. To cheat in play; to be trickish. 3. The place where the art of the /wa was
Lo-nu, s. A swell; a cheat; a liar; a taught.
rogue. 4. A pit. Puk. 21:33. A hole; a grave;
Lo-pa, s. A man who cultivates land aden. unk. 6:2.
under a common farmer, but owns no lands Lu-a, s. See Lua, adj. A second; an
himself; a tenant; he mahi kihapai malalo equal; an assistant; a copy of a writing.
aku o ka hoa aina. Kanl. 17:18.
Lo-pA-Hoo-PI-LI-wa-LE, s. A low grade 2. Likeness in quality; aole lua e like
me ia, there is no second like it, i. e., there
of farmers who obtained their living by ad- is nothing like it. See Luaonr.
hering to the lopas or under farmers. 3. Lua expresses admiration and applies
Lo-pa-Ku-A-KE-A, Ss. Lopa and kuakea. to what is good; lua poli, the endeared
A man who cultivates a garden under a bosom of a warm-hearted friend. Nore.—
lopa; a farmer of a lower grade than even Lua was the watch-word given by Hoapili
alopa. Laieik. 21. previous to the last battle on Kauai.
Lo-pa-LAu-E-KA, s. Lopa and daueka, Lu-a, adj. The number two. See ALua
awkward. A man slovenly, awkward and and ELua. Two; double; hence,
unskillful in his work. 2. Deceitful; naau dua, a deceitful heart;
Lo-ps, iF Eng. from the Eng. rope, double minded. Hal. 12:2.
Lo-Pt, but used by Hawaiians for thread, 3. Weak; flexible ; feeble ;-nawaliwali,
sewing thread; it should be written rope palupalu. ;
or ropi. Lunk. 16:12. He mea e humu- Lu-a, adv.. Secondly; a second time.
humu aii ka lole. See Ropr. Jah. 1:9. ;
Lo-rt-o, v. See Pio. To bend over, as Lu-a-a-H1, s. Lua, pit, and ahi, fire.
in nodding or going to sleep. Literally, the volcano of Kilauea on Hawaii.
Lo-ru, s. The name of the koi (hatchet) 2. Figuratively, the place of punishment
offered in sacrifice. hereafter ; hell; o ka hewa ka waa pae i
Lo-wal-a, s. See Lawata. A fisherman. ka luaahi, sin is the canoe that lands in
hell; 0 ka luaahi ke awa o ka make mau
Lo-walr-A, v. See Lawata. To catch loa, hell is the harbor of eternal death.
fish. Lu-a-a-pa-NA, v. To live idly or in
Lo-ca, s. Heb. A Hebrew liquid meas- pleasure ; to live wantonly ; e noho lealea
ure; alog. Oihk. 14:10. me ka akaaka ame ke kamailio lapuwale.
Lo-cou, s. Gr. The name of the second Heaha ka oukou e hana nei? Aole, e lua-
person in the Trinity; an appellation of apana wale ana no makou. See Luana.
Jesus Christ. John 1:1. Lu-a1, v. To vomit; to cast out of the
Lu, v. Toscatter; to throw away small stomach; to cast forth from the mouth.
things, as ashes or sand. Puk. 9:8. To Hoik. 12:15. O ka mea i luaiia, aole ia e
drip, as water. Laieik. 80. ai hou iho, that which has been vomited up
2. To sow, as grain is not to be eaten again. Fie. Applied to
3. To shake; to kick or remove dust from a country, to cast out as a country casts
one’s feet. out its peoplefor their crimes. Oihk. 18:25.
4. To dive or plunge in the water. 2} Lu-a1, s. Sickness of the stomach.
Nal. 5:14. To dive, as in taking a squid. 2. A discharge from the stomach.
Lu, s. That which is thrown away or 3. The matter or that which is vomited
scattered. up. 2 Pet, 2:22.
Lu-ai-a-Ko-ko, s. Luat and koko, blood. |Lu-a-n1-NE, s. Luaand wahine, woman.
A vomiting of blood. A contraction of lwwahine. An old woman.
Lu-al-E-LE, v. To go about from house Lu-a-Ho-HO-NU, s. Lua, pit, and hohonu,
to house or from place to place without deep. A deep pit or ditch; the bottomless
apparent object; to live without purpose. pit, hell. Hoik. 9:1.
Hoo. To live by deceit. Lu-a-nu-na, s. Lua and huna, to hide.
Lv-al-E-LE-1A, s. Laziness; indolence; A cave or pit in which property was con-
bad habits; destitution; minamina ino cealed, as in time of war; a concealed or
ko’u manao i ka luaiele i keia la, 0 luaie- hidden pit.
leia e kanaka. Lu-a-Ho-A-NA, S. The halo or rainbow
Lu-ai-xu, s. A word made use of by appearance around the sun or moon.
Kamehameha I. to express his contempt of Lu-a-ka-Ha, v. To have dwelt long in
cowards, meaning Kamehameha will vomit. a place; to have become an inhabitant; to
Lu-al-PE-LE, s. Luatand Pele, the god- be at home; to be familiar with a location;
dess of volcanoes. Brimstone; sulphur. heaha ka oukou e noho ai maanei? Ans.
Kanl. 29:22. Ka inoa he luakaha ko makou noho ana.
Lu-ai-po, s. ‘The name of an ancient Lvu-a-Ka-LAl, s. See Luanoana. A halo
progenitor, before Wakea ; his cotempora- around the sun or moon in cloudy or hazy
ries were called he poe ike ole, he poe na- weather.
aupo. Lvu-A-KA-LAI-LA-NI,_ Ss. See LUAHOANA
Lu-a-o-HA-NE, s. Lua, pit, and ohane and Luaxanar. <A halo, &e.
for whane,soul. The inner canthus or angle Lu-a-kE-LE, s. A sepulchre; a place for
of the eye ; the lachrymal duct perhaps. depositing the dead.
Lu-s-o-LE, s. Lua, second, and ole, no; Lu-a-ki-n1, s. Lua, pit, and kini, mul-
none. A darling; a nonesuch; an only titude. A heiau of the largest class; 0 ka
and dear one. Hal. 35:17. luakini, oia ka heiau a ke alii nui e noiaku
2. Used in a bad sense, luaole 0 ka waha- ai ina ’kua ona.
hee, no other such liar; luaole o ka ike 2. The highest species of house in a heiau
maka ole, none his like in blindness or want where human sacrifices were offered.
of observation. 3. The worshipers in a temple. Jer. 7:4.
Lu-a-o-n1, s. The name of the second Note.—Since the introduction of the chris-
man that fell in battle; o ka lua o ke ka- tian religion, the name luakini has been
naka i make mua mai, he /waoni ia. given to places of worship dedicated to
Lvu-avu, s. The petal of a plant; the leaf Jehovah; e hai i ka olelo a ke Akua iloko
of the kalo ; boiled herbs. i. e., the young 0 ka luakini o Iehova.
kalo leaves gathered and cooked for food. Lu-a-Ku-PA-PAU, Ss. Luaand kupapau,a
2. Fia. A parent; one to whom a child corpse. A grave; a receptacle of dead
can resort for food; probably so called be- bodies; a tomb; asepulchre. 1 Nal. 13:30.
cause a parent is one to whom a child can Lu-a-to-a, s. A species of fish-hook.
resort for bis food; o kona luau (ka makua) Lu-a-Lu-a, v. To be flexible; to be pli-
no ia. able; to be soft; hence,
3. The name of a species of soft porous 2. To be old, as garments; to be much
stone. worn or used. Heb. 1:11.
Lv-av, adj. Full; stuffed; crammed ; Lu-a-Lu-a, s. A second-hand garment;
filled full. soft; pliable; flimsy cloth.
Lu-avu-1, s. A parent; those whom chil- 2. A rough road; many small ravines
dren call parents or makuas; he makua, crossing it.
he mau makua. Note.—Luaui united with 3. Rough uneven land.
makua, means the natural parent as distinct 4. A round net for taking fish; he upena
from an adopted parent or uncle or aunt. poepoe.
Lv-a-U-HA-NE, s. See Luaonane above. Lu-a-Lu-a, adj. Limber; flexible; flimsy.
The inner corner of the eye. Anat. 11. Lu-a-Lu-al, v. Lua, twice, and Zuai, to
Lu-A-HE-LE, v. Lua, pit, and hele, to go. raise from the stomach. To raise the food
To lead astray from the path of virtue; to again from the stomach to the mouth, as
seduce. ruminating animals.
Lvu-a-HE-LE, s. A leading astray; a de- 2. To chew the cud. Kanl. 14:6. Hoo.
ceiving ; a speaking evil against a person. The same; to raise and chew the cud.
Lv-a-u1, s. Name of a person or per- Lu-a-LU-Al,_ 5. Hoo. The cud; that
sons captured in battle; name of one which is raised from the stomach of an an-
whipped in a single fight; i upu aku ai imal to be chewed over again; he mea hoo-
oukou o ka oukou luahi ka ike. lualuaiia. Oihk. 11:3.
Lu-a-Lu-A-NA, v. The intensive of Juana. | Lu-E-au, adj. Soft; yielding, &c.
To be satisfied; to live comfortably ; to Lu-E-Lu-E, v. Freq. of due. To loosen;
seek pleasure ; to be merry. to destroy ; to break up, &e.
Lu-a-ME-KI, s. Lua and meki, so deep Lu-E-Lu-£, adj. Loose; flowing; long,
as not to see the bottom. A very deep pit; as a large loose kapa; lole hooluelue, along
a concealed hole in the ground. Zek.9:11. loose robe. set. 8:15. He lole e uhi ana
Lu-a-na, v. To live in idleness or pleas- mai luna a hala loa ilalo.
ure; to be satisfied with one’s self. Hoo. Lu-s-tu-£, s. A long flexible fish net;
The same. Heaha ka oukou e hana nei? he upena luelue.
Aole, e Juana wale ana no makou. Lv-1,
Lu-a-na, adj. Satisfied; easy; living Lv-1-LU-1, v. See Konvinvt.
in pleasure or idleness. See LuaLuana.
Lu-a-nuv, v. To be dressed out with a
Lu-1-xr-a, s. A tying or binding up the
outrigger of a canoe with taste and firm-
large kuina of kapa, as the gods were on ness; ka poe iaoia i ka hoonanawa, ame
important occasions. ka holo moana, ame ka luikia 1 ka iako.
2. To stand around, as the gods around
the temple.
Lu-1-na, s. A resident in a ship; a
sailor. Hfoik. 18:17. Ka poe kanaka hoo-
Lu-a-Nuv, s. The name of two gods in ikaika no ka moku.
the house of Lono.
Lu-a-pas-na-0, s. Lua, pit, and paahao,
Lu-o-n1, s. The person or chief who de-
livers one condemned to death and in con-
iron fast. A dungeon.” Jer. 37:16. A place finement.
of the lowest prisons. Puke. 12:29. 2. The work of salvation as effected by
Lv-a-paa-Ha-0, adj. Appertaining to the Jesus Christ; this personage was called by
lowest prisons or dungeons; hale luapaa- Hawaiians Haku malama.
hao. See reference above. Luv, v. See Lu. To dive; to plunge
Lu-a-pau, s. The bottomless pit in the into the water out of sight.
luakini; hence synonymous with luakini. 2. To spill out; to flow rapidly; to rush,
2. A yawning or devouring pit. as water confined in narrow places.
3. Fic. That which causes ruin or de- 3. To sow, as seed; to scatter; hence,
struction; o ka mai pala, oia ka luapaw o to overturn; to overthrow. See Lu.
keia pae aina. 4, Hoo. To dip into coloring matter ; to
Lu-a-PE-LE, s. Lua, a pit, and Pele, the dye. Puk. 25:5. To dye, as a garment in
goddess of volcanoes. Hence, aliquid. Hoil. 19:13.
1. A volcano itself. 5. To plunge headlong down into the
2. A volcano either now in action or ex- deep. .
tinct. Luv, s. That which may be thrown or
3. A puu or hillock on the top of a moun- scattered, i. e., shot ; Jw manu, duck shot.
tain, especially if it have a cavity on the See Lv.
top. Luv-1-u1, s. Luwand iz, skin. A tanner
Lu-a-po, s. Lua and po, night. The of skins or hides. Oih. 9:43. Nore.—This
grave. Hal. 88:3. word in the reference has been changed to
Lu-a-wal, s. Lua and wai, water. A hanaili.
well of water. Kin. 21:19. Luv-r-na, s. See Luina. A diving;
2. A cistern; a pit for water. Isa. 36:16. from this, perhaps, common poor foreigners
He punawai hohonu. were called luina.
Lu-a-WE-HE-0-LE, s. Lua and weheole, Luv-Ha-Lo, v. Luu and halo, to spread
unopened. The unopened or bottomless out the hands to swim. To make with the
pit. See Luapav. hands the motions of swimming.
Lv-z, v. To loosen that which has been
fast ;hence, Luv-x1-a, s. Also written Zukia. Heaha
2. To break up, as any structure. waa, he hoana e paa ai ka waa, e lukia
3. Hoo. To overthrow, asasystem, Oth. (luukia) i ka ama me ka iako.
5:39. To destroy, as a house or city. Luvu-ki-mo, v. To dive; to dive head-
4. To scatter here and there. foremost for some purpose; lwukimo-iho la
5. To bury up; to overwhelm. ia me ka manao e alualu akui ua hee la.
Lu-r-a, s. See Potvea. Sleepy; fa- Luu-tuv, v. To be in a tremor from
tigued; the unpleasant sensations on board hard exercise or from fear.
a ship; luea i ka ua. 2. To shake, as a tree to get the fruit.
Lu-n-nu, s. Name of a species of soft 3. To droop; to be oppressed with sor-
or porous stones; there are many varieties; row. Mat. 26:37. To be sad; to be de-
the term is opposed to paa or pohaku pada. jected; to be troubledin mind. Joan. 13:21.
. LUH 353 LUL
4. Hoo. To be sorrowful; to be cast| cause one to be oppressed; to vex. Oihk.
down. 19:33. Tobe ill treated; to maltreat. Hal.
Luv-tuv, s. Grief; trouble. Job. 6:2.|_ 9:9.
Depressing fear; pau ka pali, hala ka lwu- Lu-1-Lv-u1, v. Freq. of luht. To trouble
luu kaumaha, past the pali, past the heavy} or burden one often. Hoo. To weary one
fear. with importunity ; to weary one with bad
Luv-tut, ad). Toilsome ; painful. lob.| conduct. Isa. 43:24. To burden with ex-
7:3. Heavy ; sorrowful. penses or taxes. Isa. 43:23.
Luv-v-La, v. Luwand ula, red. Tocolor| Lu-Ka, 8. An assembly of women for
red. Hoo. To dye red. Isa. 68:1. Lees he aha pule na ka wahine.
Lu-ne, adj. Proud; exhibiting Lu-ka-tu-ka, s. The appearance of
haughtiness ; making a show; fat; Rd TOWING: flourishing, thrifty vegetables ;
the chief; lula, luhe, i ke kaha o Kauna-| 4/80 applied to animals; as, puaa /ukaluka.
lewa See NUKANUKA.
Lu-ne, v. To fade; to wither; to hang Lu-ka-ma-E-A, 5.. A prayer used by fe-
down, ‘as a withering plant
s Ae Fal .s .
a from the time of Papa; ma ia ao ana

Lu-ne-a, s. Name ofa species of plant; », lukeamaea, 0 olekukahi ia la.

ka lau 0 luhea o ka ohai o mana. Lv--KI-a, v. See Luvxta.
Lu-He-a-nA, v. To feel comfortable, as Lu-Ko, adj.
a hungry person after eating ; e luheana e Lu-xu, v. To make a slaughter, i. e., is
ka malie. kill a multitude, as in a severe battle;
Lu-HEE, v. To pull up and down the overthrow ; to destroy; to slay, as in ne
line, as in catching the squid. Oihk. 26:17.
2. Fia. To smite; to destroy, as with a
ree carer’: of a species of fish pestilence. Nah. 14:12. To root out or
; utterly lay waste a people. Nore.—Luku
_2. Name of a quality of stone or rock;} anplies mostly to the destruction of a great
eia na pohaku luhee, he mau ano e P loa ko at once; to make havoc; to root out.
lakou, here are the luhee rocks unlike all The adic aia mostly Catinail to the eerk
others. conjugation ; it is applied also to an ex-2
Lu-HE-LE-LEI, v. Lv forluw,and helelet,| tensive cutting up and destroying of vines
to scatter.
U To
. be scattered about here and and fig trees. Hos. 2:14.
there, in this place and that, as books,| Ly-xu, s. Slaughter; a destruction of
papers or small furniture.
: people on a large scale. Isa. 34:6. The
Lu-HE-LU-HE, adj. See Lune. Fat; full; rooting out or utter destruction of a people.
plump ; momona, kaha.
Lvu-u1, v. To be faticued with labor; to Lu-xv, adj. Mea luku, a destroyer.
labor severely so cas to be=) oppressed. Puk, 12:23.
v. Passive for Zukuia. To be

labor or suffer with grief; to be Lu-xu-a,
2. To down with grief slaughtered ; to be scattered ; e hoopauia.
> ) .

3. Hoo. To oppress ;to be hard on one;| Lu-Ku-na, s. Laku, slaughter, and ana.
to urge one to labor equal to,ormorethan}| <A slaughtering ; a destruction of persons;
his physical powers can bear; to weary} a papauku wale ka lueuna.
one with intercession. Luk. 18:5. Lvu-La, v. To be calm, as when Be is
Lu-HI, Ss. Weariness ; fatigue. Fic. A ng;atari to be smooth, as the sea
cause of anxiety ; one especially beloved; . To be lazy; to be indolent.
i aku la, e kuu luhi, eia ke kane, my dear Liv-ae s. A calm state of the atmos-
one, here is ahusband. Laieilc. 197. phere when there is no wind.
2. A heavy,burden; ka meae hooluhi ai. 2, A diminishing or calming of a stérm.
3. Oppression ; hard labor. Jsa. 56:11. Lv-La, adj. Smooth, as the surface of
Lu-u1, adj. ‘Tiresome; causing weari-} ~ 4,6 soa unrufiled by the wind.
ness; requiringa long time to finigh. Nore. 2. Lazy; careless; indolent; hanging
Luhi is mostly occasioned by carrying a; ike a flag without wind ; la, ‘luhe, i ke
burden. Hoo. Causing hard service or! aha o Kaunalewa
bondage ; luna hooluhi, an officer who has Lu-La-na, v. To be calm, as people that
power to oppress. : have been w ailing for a deceased person,
Lv-nia, s. A species of large fish of they cease wailing and are still; Juana aku
the shark kind. — i ka ae wai lin la.
Lvu-ut-E-Hu, adj. Soft; cooked soft;} Ly--LE, v. To shake, as the flesh of a
pala, moa. 4 fat person.
Lu-n1-HE-wa, v. Luht and hewa, wrong; 2. To be fat; to have soft flesh. See
wicked. To a wrongfully. Hoo. To! OLULELULE.
3. Hoo. To make one fat or fleshy, i. e., 9. To be calm, as the sea. See No. 5
to have one’s flesh shake and roll with fat- above. Hence,
ness. Nore.—In some cases Jule and its 10. To flap or flutter, as a sail turned
compounds have definitions like Juli, they into the wind; lulu ka pea.
are kindred to each other. Lu-tu, s. A calm spot at the leeward of
Lu-LE-Lu-Le, v. See Lute. To be very an island or precipice.
fat, as a person ; to have the flesh soft and 2. A level spot of ground, as the kahua
rolling. of a house.
Lu-Le-Lu-LE, adj. Fat; rolling; shaky, 3. The play of dice used in backgammon.
as the flesh of a fat person. 4, Haa. A trembling.
Lvu-u1, v. To vibrate; to shake; to shake, Lu-tu, adj. Sowing; hua lulu, seed for
as a bush in the wind. Mat. 11:7. sowing. Oithk. 11:37.
2. To vary from one position ; to rock; 2. Calm; wahi lulu, a place where the
to roll, as a ship with the wind astern ; to wind does not reach.
overturn ; to lay down sideways. Lu-Lu-al-E-LE, v. To be inconstant; to
3. To be moved from place to place. go here and there ; to change one’s place ;
4, To be unsteady. e kealia. See Luare.e.
5. Hoo. To change, as a law. Dan. 6:8 Lu-LU-Al-NA-0-LE, s. A young person
and 12. To shake, as the head in defiance. that has been well cared for from a child
2 Nal. 19:21. To shake together. and has grown up handsome and agreea-
6. To wave as a wave-offering. Othk. ble.
7:30. Lu-tu-a-tu, s. Lulu, a shaking or flut-
Lu-u1, adj. Unsteady; changeable ; tering, as a loose garment, and alii, chief;
shaking ; moving to and fro. royal. A garment of bird’s feathers; a
Lu-L1-Lu-u1, v. See Luu. To shake robe of royalty.
often ; to vibrate ; to shake, as in shaking Lu-.uv, adj. Heavy with grief; sleepy;
hands. bowed down, as the head. See Luvuxuv.
2. To overturn; to overthrow, as the Lvu-tu-H1, v. See Lunt. To be very
shaking of an earthquake. much fatigued and heavy with sleep. Mat.
3. To shake,together; to shake down, as 25:5.
corn in a barrel. 2. To be sleepy; to be in a deep sleep ;
4. To shake, as the head in scorn. Isa.
to sleep soundly. See Lunont.
37:22. 3. To hang black and heavy, as clouds.
5. Hoo. Torock,as in a cradle; to shake 4. Hoo. To be harshly treated; to be
the head in mockery. Job. 16:4. frequently fatigued with hard labor; to
6. Tostir up,i.e., to awaken out of sleep. labor as a servant constantly. Oth. 7:6.
Lu-i-Lu-1, adj. Tottering; standing Lu-Lu-Hu-a, s. Lulu and hua, seed. A
unsteadily ; easily shaken; rocking; not sower of seed. Mat. 13:3. Zulu anoano,
firm. a sower of seed. Luk. 12:24.
Lv-to, s. Thick leaves of a tree wreathed Lvu-tu-Lu, v. See Lutv. To flap, as a
or twisted into an ornament for the neck; sail when the wind is irregular or but lit-
a wreath for the neck. tle ; to be calm, or a want of steady wind;
Lu-Lo, s. A vicious orthography for lululu ka pea.
rula, a rule. Lu-tu-m1, v. See Lum. To gather into
Lu-to-n1, v. To be in a deep sleep; to small compass; to come together, as a rush
sleep soundly. See Luunt. of people; to press upon one, as in a crowd;
to come together in multitudes. Luk. 20:33.
Lu-tu, v. To shake, as the dust from To rush along irregularly; e uhauha ma ke
anything; to shake, as the dust from one’s alanui; to fold up; to préss hard, as dirt
feet. Mat. 10:14. To fan; to winnow. around kalo; hukiike kalo nui, lulumi i
2. To shake, asa cloth. Neh. 5:13. To ka lepo, a popoi i ka mauu.
shake, as the fists in defiance. Laieik. 46. 2. To hide ; to conceal.
3. To sow or scatter, as grain. Kin. 26:12. Lulumi malua i ke alo o ka umuloa,
4. To scatter ; to disperse, as a people. Kuikui hilo i ke kai a halehua
Ezek. 30:26. Toshake; to overthrow. Puk. I na ’ku no la i Peekoa.
14:27. Lu-tu-mi, s. A thick crowd of people ;
5. To lie quietly or still, as a ship in a
harbor. a great multitude, particularly if they have
come together without order.
6. Haa. for hoo. To tremble: to shake
through fear. Kanl. 2:25. Lu-ma, v. To kill one by putting his
7. To be awe struck ; to be afraid. head under water.
8. To be borne down; to be pressed} Lu-mai, v. See Lu. To put to death by
down, as with a weight. See Luuv. putting the head under water.
Lu-mai-a, v. To be entangled or turned a publican. Luk. 7:34. A master of the
over and over by the surf; e lauwiliia, e tribute. 1 Nal. 12:18.
limilimi e ka nalu. Lvu-NA-A-HA-AI-NA, S. Luna and ahaaina,
Lu-mar-a, s. The being overwhelmed, a feast. The master or director of a feast.
as in a heavy storm, rain pouring down all | Loan. 2:8.
over one; ua kilu wale i ka /umaia e kana. Lu-na-o-HA-NA, S. Lunaand hana, work.
Lu-maA-Na-wa-Hu-a, s. An internal pain;! An overseer or officer of work. 1 Oihl. 9:34.
a pain of the bowels. _Lu-na-o-LE-Lo, s. Luna and olelo, speech.
2. Internal pain for the loss of one’s An officer of communication; one sent to
property, like minamina. make proclamation; an apostle. Oih. 1:2.
‘ Lu-m1, v. See Lutums. To come to-! Lu-NA-HA-LE-KI-AI, s. Luna and hale,
gether; to come together, as a rush of peo-| house, and kiai, to watch. The governor
ple; to rush along, &c. See Luiumr for! ofa fortress. Isa. 33:18.
the various meanings. Lu-NA-HA-NE-RI, S. Luna and haneri
Lu-mi-a, s. A species of sorcery; he! (E£ng.),
a bundred. An officer over
a hun-

pule anaana. | dred soldiers; a centurion. Luk. 7:2, 3.

Lu-mi-tu-m1, v. Intensive of dumz. See Lu-na-Hoo-Lu-n1, s. Luna and hooluhi,
the definitions of lulumi. | tovex; to burden. Atask master. Puk.5:6.
2. To practice sorcery; to repeat the Lu-NA-KAU-A, S. Luna and kaua, war.
pule anaana. A captain in war. Lunk. 11:6.
Lu-mi-Lu-mi1, v. ‘To act foolishly; to act |Lu-NA-KA-HI-Ko, s. Lunaand kahiko, old.
wickedly ; to do slovenly ; e hana ino, Ka- An elderly man of influence from age, dig-
pulu, opiopi inoino; to be in a state of nity of character, knowledge, &c. Puk.
drunkenness and debauchery ; ua lwmilu- 3:16.
miia laua e ka onaa ka awa. Laieik. 203. Lu-NA-KA-NA-LI-MA, s. Luna and kana-
Lumilumi a ka poli o aaialoha
A hai e ka lua i honopn. lima, fifty. A leader of fifty men. 2 Nal.
Lu-na, s. The upper side of anything. oe:
2. The upper ; the above. | Lu-Na-KA-NA-Wal, Ss. Luna and kanawai,
3. A high place or seat ; kahi kiekie. law. <A judge; a magistrate; one who ap-
4. A person who is over others in office plies the law to delinquents or transgress-
or command; hence, an overseer; an of- ors.
ficer; a director. 2. Name of a book of the Old Testament,
5. A head man of a land who gives or- Judges.
ders. Lu-na-ki-A, Ss. Luna, over, above, and
6. A herald; a messenger; one sent on kia, a pillar or post. That which is above
business by a chief; an ambassador. or over the kia or pillar; a chapiter; the
7. An executive officer of any kind, qual- | upper part of a column. 1 Nal. 7:16.
ified by the added word. See the examples |Lu-na-kI-aAl, s. Luna and kiai, to watch.
below. | A person who oversees or watches over
8. The chief piece in the game konane; others ; a bishop; an overseer. Pilip. 1:1.
paa mua ia’u na luna o ka papa konane a |
mana. Laieik. 115. |‘LU-NA-KI-E-KI-E, S. Tuna and kiekie,
Lu-na, adj. Upper; higher; above;| inhigh. A dignified person; a person high
responsible office ; dignity. Juda 8.
keena luna, an upper room. Norr.—Luna
as opposed to lalo, down, takes its base at Lu-na-ko-a, s. Luna and koa, soldier. A
the height of a man’s head; all above the military officer; a captain; a sergeant, &c.
height of a man’s head is said to be luna, Lu-na-La-we, s. Lunaand lawe, to take;
above, upward, high, according to the thing to carry. An upper servant.
spoken of; and all below the height of a} Lu-Na-La-we-Ha-Nna, s. Lunaand lawe,
man’s head is said to be lalo, down, below, to take, and hana, work. A minister; a
under. See D. Malo 6:1. Hence the terms chief servant. ol, 1:23.
in ascending are, oluna ae, oluna aku, oluna Lu-NA-MA-NAO, 5S. [Tuna and manao,
loa aku, oluna lila aku, oluna lilo loa, oluna
oke ao, above the clouds; still higher, ke thought. The director of one’s thoughts;
aouli, ka laniuli, ka lanipaa. the internal monitor, i. e., conscience ; the
sense which feels in view of right and
Lu-Nna, comp. prep. On; above; higher; wrong ; pioloke ka noonoo ana a ka luna-
over, &c.; found only in the compounds a, manao, the thinking of the conscience was
i, o, ko, no, ma and mai. See each in its troublesome. Notr.—This is a late coined
place, also Grammar § 161. word introduced into the work on Moral.
Lu-na-au-HAv, s. Luna, officer, and au- Philosophy and used to some extent in
hau, a tax. One who collects taxes and other late books; used with hoopuiwa. See
has charge of tax money ; a tax-gatherer; Laieik. 79.
MA 396 MAA
Lu-Nna-TAU-SsA-NI, S. Luna and tausanz| Lu-pE, s. A kite.
(Eng.), a thousand. The captain or officer 2. The end of the outrigger of a canoe.
over a thousand men. Mar. 6:21. See Kanaka.
Lu-nu, v. ‘To covet, as the property of 3. A species of fish.
others. 4, A large creature of the sea. See Hm-
2. To extort; to have that feeling that MANU.
would extort from others. See ALunu and Lu-PE-A-KE-KE, Ss. ‘The name of a bird;
also (incorrectly pronounced) Nunv. the sea eagle.
3. To swathe; tofold or bind up; to roll Lu-wa-HI-nE, v. ‘To be an ‘ad woman.
up, asa bundle of kapa or cloth; to bind
Rut. 1:12. See Luanne.
up, as an article in kapa,
Lu-nu, adj. Covetous ; stingy; parsi- Lu-wa-HI-NE, s. An old woman.
monious; exercising a kind of violence; 2. A particular class of men under Ka-
oppressive; lawless. See ALUNU. mehameha I.: some were chiefs, some were
2. Swollen; puffed up. common people.
Lu-pa-Lu-pa, s. The name of a prayer Lu-wa-ui-NE, adj. Of or pertaining to
at a luakini; a pule no ke kahuna, he lupa- an old woman; wa luwahine, time of being
lupa ka inoa o ia pule. an old woman.

M is the ninth letter of the Hawaiian cardinal and ordinal above umi or ten,
alphabet. It is a liquid, and yet it is should be referred to this particle.
interchangeable with k,a mute; as, makia, Ma, v. To fade, as a leaf or flower; to
kakia, &e. wilt.
Ma. The syllable ma is used for several 2. To blush, as one ashamed.
purposes. 3. To wear out, as a person engaged in
1. Ma is formative of many nouns, in too much business. Puk. 18:18.
which case it seems to imply fullness, solid- 4. Hoo. To fail; to perish, as a person
ity, addition, &c., to the original word. or thing.
2. It often carries the idea of accompany- Maa, v. To accustom; to be accus-
ing, together, &c. See MALANA, MAMAMAKE, tomed to do a thing, as awork; to be easy
to die together, &c. in one’s manners; to be polite; to be
3. Ma is used in swearing or taking an friendly; e walea, e launa; to be used; to
oath (1 Sam. 17:48, 55), and signifies by. be accustomed; to have practice. Jer. 2:24.
See the preposition ma. 2. To accustom one’s self ; applied to the
4. Ma is also used sometimes like the knowledge of a road often traveled.
emphatic o in such phrases as this: ma kela 3. To gain knowledge by practice.
mau mea elua, ua loaa paka no i na kana- 4. To sling, as a stone; to cast a stone
wai. from a sling. Lunk. 20:16. To throw or
Ma, prep. At; by; in; through; unto; cast away, as a sling does a stone. Jer,
by means of; according to, &c. Gram.§ 10:18.
67 and § 68,1. Ma laua o, together with; 5. To be small or little, as a substance.
haalele oia i ka aina o Wailuku ma laua o Maa, s. Asling. 2 Ozhl. 26:14. An of-
Waihee, he forsook the region of Wailuku fensive weapon of war formerly in use
together with that of Waihee ; in this case it among the Hawaiians. 1°Sam. 17:40. He
is synonymous with lawa me and a me. kaula hoolele i ka pohaku.
Ma, adj. or a particle, which mostly fol- 2. A string of a musical instrument; he
lows proper names of persons, and signifies kaula hookani.
an attendant upon, or persons belonging to, 3. Ease of manners; politeness gained
or accompanying ; as, ke alii ma, the chief by practice. «
and his train; an officer and his posse; the 4, Experience ; long use; frequent trial.
master of a family with his children and 5. A going about here and ther e; ka hele
domestics ; Hoapili ma, Hoapili and those wale io ia nei.
known to be about him. It includes persons 6. The name of a sea breeze at Lahaina;
in all capacities from an equal with the the same as aa. ;
one named to all connected with him, even Maa, adj. Accustomed to do a thing.
to his servants. Nah. 16:8. Norr.—It is Jer. 31:18. Practiced in any business;
possible that the double ma or mama which used to.
enters most of the numeral adjectives both 2. Offensive in smell ; stinking.
Ma-a-a, s. Name of a sea breeze at La- adv., very. Cunning; craft; subtlety, such
haina. See Maa 6 above. Makani man. as is obtained by practice ; skill in doing
Maa-e-LE-LE, v. To be cold; to shiver; a thing. especially mischief, such as getting
to shake with the cold; e anuanu, e hau- the advantage of another. Luk. 20:23.
keke. Ma-a-Le-A, adj. Prudent; having fore-
Ma-a-o, s. The name of a fish. thought ; wise.
2. Cunning; crafty. Job. 15:5.
Ma-av, v. To entangle; to get one into! yy, -A-LE-A,
\ - s

v. To be wise; to be artful;
difficulty ; to make a law or lay a kapu in
order to entrap people, as in former times;
to be cunning ; to use policy.
mostly used with 2. Hoo. To act wisely; to act skillfully,
2. Hoo. To give one trouble; to afflict &e
without cause ; to persecute. Kanl. 30:7. ‘Ma-a-te-a, adv. Deceitfully. Puk.
3. To avenge or to take vengeance. Oihk. 21:14. Cunningly
; craftily. Jos. 9:4.
19:18. Syn. with hoomauhala. | Ma-a-1l, 8. Some small slender sub-
Ma-au, s. Hoo. Indifference F neglect | stance ; a piece broken off. See Moant.
of that which is good. Ta-a-t1, adj. Small; thin; he maawe.
2. Persecution ; tribulation; affliction. Maa-u-u1, v. To abate heat in any hot
3. Willful or needless opposition to one; substance. Anat. 43.
a going about from house to house, being 2. To cool or appease, as anger. Eset. 2:1.
forward, impertinent, troublesome. 3. Hoo. To cool; to reduce the temper-
Ma-av, s. The name of a weed. ature ; to appease the anger of any one.
Ma-au-a, v. Hoo. To increase; to come Sol. 16:14.
upon, as fear: to be afraid. Maa-ur-t1, adj. Cooled; spoken of what
Ma-au-a, s. Anything old or ancient; has been hot; lukewarm.
what is of long standing ; epithet of a per- 2. Blasted; stunted; spoken of fruit.
son who has lived long ; old age. Amos 4:9.
2. A garden; a patch of ground. Ma-a-Lo, v. Ma and alo, to pass from
Ma-av-a, adj. Old; ancient; old, as a one place to another. To pass along by a
person ; long ago, as an event. place or thing. Kamnl. 2:8.
Ma-avu-au, s. A poi calabash. 2. To pass by one. Job. 9:11.
3. To pass through, as a land; to make
Ma-au-au-a, v. To have articles for way through a crowd.
Ma-au-au-wa, sale ; to sell goods; to 4. To pass away, as one’s glory or prop-
peddle ; to trade; to make market. Norn. erty. Dan. 4:31.
This word was formerly confined to the 5. To pass by, as a shadow. Job. 4:15.
Island of Oahu; at the other islands it was
piele and kalepa. Maa-to-a, s. The name of a bush or
small tree, from the bark of which kapa
Ma-avu-avu-a, tt A market man; a was made.
Ma-au-Au-wa, peddler; one who trades Ma-a-to-a-Lo, v. See Maatoabove. To
and gets money without work. go frequently or quickly from place to
Ma-au-au-a, adj. See Maava. Old; place.
applied to men; a very indefinite term. Ma-a-Lo-a-Lo, s. The act of reading by
Ma-avu-r-a, adj. Lazy; manifesting a hitching along without being able to read
lazy disposition. fluently.
Ma-a-u-La-u-La, s. Maa and ula, red. Maa-Lo-E-Lo-£, v. See Matoreror. To
A kind of red earth used in coloring, ob- be weary ; to be tired; to be heavy with
tained in some deep ravines. sleep.
Ma-avu-po-po, adj. Thick. Maa-maa-Le-a, adj. The intensive of
maalea. Very cunning; very crafty; more
Ma-a-neE, v. See Aung, a light breeze. than ordinarily politic.
To make small; to diminish ; to reduce to
less size. Ma-a-MA-A-MA, v. For malamalama, the
Ma-a-La-n1, v. To escape from any evil 1 dropped as in the Marquesan dialect.
real or imaginary. Light ; the opposite of darkness; ka pau
2. To be possessed of privileges, as an ana o ka manawa po. Laieik. 26.
intelligent person over an ignorant one; Ma-a-ma-a-mA, adj. Light as opposed
nolaila, maalahi wale ka poe i imi aku ia to dark. See MaLamManama.
oe (ka naauao), aohe nui Ka hana. Ma-a-NEI,
) gdp, Ma, preposition, and
Ma-a-ta-n1, s. Nobleness ; exultation; Ma-5-NEI, ¢ anei or enei or nei. here. Here;
ka hanohano. Ma-neI, _ ) at this place, in distinction from
Ma-a-te-a, s. Maa, accustomed, and Zea, some other place. Lrr. At here. See Net.
Ma-a-we, v. To go along a narrow a strong child; maeaea i ka holo, swift to
‘road: to wind along, as in a crooked path. run ; maeaea i ka hana, strong for work.
2. To be small; to be thin; to be poor | AE-E-LE, v. Mae and ede, an intensive.
in flesh ; hence, To be void of proper feeling, as a leg or an
3. To be weak or sickly. See Awe, the arm from the want of proper circulation of
strings or tails of a squid. blood. Anat.49. Ua maeele kona puuwai
Ma-a-we, s. Ma and awe. See Awe- i ke aloha.
AWE, to be small. A small indefinite part 2. To be benumbed; to be insensible to
of something ; a small substance ; a bit of the touch ; maeele oia no kona kaikuahine
a string or small piece of a rope; a shoe opiopio. Laieik. 176.
string, &c. Kin. 14:23. 3. Hoo. To be touched with sympathy;
2. A print of a footstep; a track; the to have feeling for one. Laieik. 74.
wake of a ship; he aweawe, me he holo Mas-s-LeE, s. Numbness of any part
ana na ka moku. when the circulation of blood is retarded ;
Ma-a-we, adj. Small; narrow; thin. ka pilikia loa o na aalolo no ka noho mau
2. Moving in a narrow path ; applied to ana ma ka aoao hookahi. Norm.—Hawai-
aroad or path; hele aku la oia i ke ala ians express a strong internal glow of love
maawe iki a ke aloha, he has gone in the for a person by the term maee/e, equivalent
path little traveled by the loved ones. to the external feeling of a limb when the
Ma-a-wE-A-WE, S. Spots; variegated flow of blood has for a time been stopped
or retarded and the limb, in common lan-
colors on a thing ; marks making different guage, is said to be asleep; he mea e ka
shades of colors. See Maawe and Awe.
maeele o ke alii wahine i ke aloha. Laieik.
Ma-A-wE-A-wE, adj. Spotted; marked; 205.
variegated with small changes of color or 2. Hardness and numbness of any part.
form. 3. The sensation of a female during the
Ma-a-we-u-La, s. Maawe and ula, red; time of gestation.
brown. A path or road so much trodden Maez-s-LE, adj. Benumbed; he maeele
as to cause the red or brown earth to ap- no ka lima; void of feeling, as a leg or an
pear. arm which has its circulation stopped.
Ma-a-weE-1Lo-Lo-a, s. Maawe and loloa, 2. Filthy ; polluted. See PakE.e.
long. The warp of cloth. Oihk. 13:48. Ma-E-HA-E-HA, s. Ma and ehaeha, pain.
Ma-a-weE-po-ko-po-Ko, s. Maawe and Twilight ; dusk of the evening when it is
pokopoko, short. The filling or woof of painful for the eyes to see.
cloth. Oihk. 13:48. Maer-maz, v. To be pure; to be clean;
Mags, v. To blast; to wither; to fade. to be without defilement physically or mor-
1. To wither, as the petals of flowers or ally ; to be free from any wrong done to
leaves of vegetables ; e loha ka lau o ka another. Oth. 20:26.
laau, e maloo. 2. Hoo. To cleanse ; to make clean; to
2. To roll up, as the leaves of vegetables purify naturally, morally or ceremonially;
in drought (kindred with mai, sick.) See e hoopau i ka pelapela. Oihk. 8:15.
Ma. 3. To sanctify; to cleanse what has been
3. To pine away, as persons with disease, impure. “Jos. 7:13.
i. e., to perish. Hal. 18:45. 4. To dry ; to put up to dry.
4. To pass away, as a people; to disap- Maer-mak, s. Cleanness; purity, either
pear, as a judgment from heaven. Oihk.
physical or moral; a separation from what
is wrong ; a separating between good and
Mag, s. See Mar. A species of sick- evil.
ness; a pain in the bowels. Maer-mak, adj. Clean; pure; free from
Maes, adj. Blasted, as fruit; withered, defilement morally. Oihk. 11:44.
as a flower or a leaf. 2. Glorious ; good.
2. Faded, as a color. 3. Dried ; put in a situation to dry.
3. Sad; sober, as a person disappointed
in his expectations. Ma-e-nEI, adv. See Maaner. Ma and
Ma-sE-a, adj. Ma and ea, strong smell- enei or nei. See Net. Here; in this place.
Nal. 22:7. Here, i. e., in this life, in dis-
ing. Bad smelling; strong; unpleasant to
tinction from another. Heb. 7:8. Mao ka
_ the smell ; hauna.
puka, a maenei o ka puka, that side of the
Ma-s-a-E-A, adj. Ma and eaea, strong door, and this side of the door.
smelling. See Ea. Turbulent; refractory.
2. Strong in disobedience, as a child that Ma-e-No-E-No, v. Ma and eno, to be
refuses obedience to his parents and runs wild. To be jealous; to entertain jealous
away; not under restraint. thoughts.
3. Strong physically ; he keiki maeaea, Ma-e-wa, v. Ma and ewa, to bend out
of shape. To be tremulous; to be unsta-| Mar-ao, s. A toe or finger nail; the
ble, as any substance unfixed. hoof of a beast; the claws of a bird or an-
. 2. To he led crookedly ; e kaiewa. imal. See Matvv.
3. To be blown here and there, as the Mar-av, s. Natural skill; ingenuity;
spray of the surf by the wind; e hoopu- wisdom. Job. 11:6. Syn. with noiau.
ehuia e ka wai. 2. The itch; same as kalkio; more cor-
4. To mock; to revile; to treat with rectly written meau.
scorn; to make ashamed ; to reproach one
with some base act of which he is not guilty.
|Mat-av, adj. Neat; cleanly.
2. Industrious ; constantly employed.
Hoo. The same.
3. Skillful ; ingenious ; expert at doing
Ma-r-wa-E-wa, v. Intensive of maewa. various kinds of business.
To abuse; to mock, &c. Hoo. To trouble; 4. Ready and correct in speaking ; 0 ka
to vex; to ridicule. 1 Nal. 18:27. To hana maiau, he hipapalale ole, he noiau,
abuse ; to treat vilely or contemptuously. he papalale ole. Nore.—This epithet ap-
1 Sam. 31:4. Tosuffer affliction. Jal. 5:10. plies to mer chiefly ; the same quality ap-
Ma-E-wa-e-wa, s. A reproach; a scorn- plied to women is loia.
ing. See Marwa. Mat-a-Ku-KA-NA-Lo-A, $. Maia and ku-
2. The cutting of the hair irregularly on kanaloa, a species of banana. A thin, shriv-
account of the death of a chief or relative. eled or blasted banana. Fic. Any fruit
Ma-r-wa-E-wA, adj. Reproaching. Sol. blasted or shriveled up.
17:5. Scerning. Mat-a-Hu-Lau, s. Mai, sickness, and
Mat, v. See Marz, to fade, &c. To be ahulau, pestilence. A general sickness
or to fall sick. 2 Sam. 12:15. To be dis- among the people; a pestilence. Ezek.
eased; to be unwell. Joan. 11:1, 3. 12:16. See AHULAU.
Mar, # Oia kekahi mea e hooheehee |Mat-a-ri-Lo, s. The name of a shrub or
ai ka ai, alaila mai iho la. Anat. 52. tree.
Mat, s. Sickness generally; illness ; Mar-e-Le, s. A knowledge of the use of
disease ; mai ahulaun, mai luku, a pesti- words in a language.
lence; mai eha nui, a painful disease; mui 2. Skill in using words. See Nor.
pehu, the dropsy. 3. Asking questions with skill, so as to
2. The private parts of men or women ; puzzle one.
o ka malo, oia ka wawae e paa ai ka mai; Mat-e-u1, s. The name of thick brush
mai wili, the venereal disease or gonorrhea. growing on the tops of the mountains. See
Mat, adj. Sick; diseased ; weak. PUPUKEAWE.
Mat, prep. From, as from a person, Mart, v. Tosprout or grow, asa plant;
place or thing spoken of. to open or spread out; to unfold, as a
2. Towards a person, place or thing flower.
speaking, and repeated after the noun when Mar-11, s. Maz, sickness, and 22, heavy.
the motion is towards the person speaking; A pain in the back.
otherwise aku or ae is used; as, mai Kanai 2. Fatigue from lying long on one side.
mai, from Kauai (here) this way; mai 3. The name of a species of fish; same
Honolulu aku ai Kailua, from Honolulu as the maiko.
onward to Kailua. Gram. § 75. Mar-o, s. A sickness reducing the pa-
Mai, adv. An adverb of prohibition; tient’s flesh, like consumption ; consump-
before a verb it is used imperatively for tion; the phthisic; he mai e wiwi ai ke
prohibiting; mai hele oe, don’t you go; mai kino a olala.
hana hou aku, do it not again. It is often Mat-o, s. A toe or finger nail, &c. See
used with noho a in a prohibitory sense;
Marao above.
as, mai noho oukou a hana kolohe, do not
do mischief. See Nouno. Matr-o, v. To scratch or mark with the
Mar, adv. Almost; nearly; near to; nail or pointed instrument.
exposed to; about to be; mai ike ole oe Mar-o-14, v. To scratch or mark with
ia’u, you were near never seeing me; mai a knife or one’s nail.
make au, I was almost dead; mostly used Ma-io-10, adj. Uneven; some short
in the beginning of a sentence. some long, as hair cut unevenly.
Mar-a, s. The plantain, the banana and Mar-uv, s. See Matao. A nail of a fin-
its different varieties; a fruit kapu for ger or toe; a hoof of a beast. Isa. 5:28.
women to eat in ancient times. Maiuu mahele, a cloven foot. Kanl. 14:6.
Mar-a, v. To chew in the mouth; to E oki i ka maiuu, to pare the nails. Kan.
masticate; to soften for swallowing. 21:12.
Mar-a, adj. Chewed ; ground up in the Mar-ua, v. Ma and zha, to be intent
‘mouth ; masticated ; hoowaliia. upon. To be energetic; to be intent on
doing a thing; to act perseveringly in a Mar-xat, v. To be handsome; to be ex-
cause ; to fix the mind upon. ternally good; to be pleasing to the sight.
Ma-1-nE, v. Ma and the, to peel off. To 2. To be of use; to be useful; to benefit;
strip off,as the bark from a tree; to scrape to be good.
off. See Marat. 3. Hoo. To make good; to repair what
Mat-HE, s. Mai, sickness, and has been wasted, lost or destroyed. 2 Oihl.
24:4. To supply a deficiency; to set things
Mal-HE-HE, hee, to run or flow. A in order; to regulate.
Mal-HEE-HEE, boil; a running sore; a 4, To treat kindly ; to speak favorably
blisters ture. 9:9. of.. Kin. W215;
Ma-r-u1, v. Ma and zhi, to peel. To 5. To bless; to praise, as in worship.
strip off; to peel, as the outside of fruit; . 6. Passively, to cause to be blessed ; to
to skin, as an animal; to strip off, as the pronounce @ blessing upon.
bark of a tree. 7. To konor; to reverence, as a worthy
Ma-t-H1, adj. Stripped; pegled ; every- character. Puk. 20:12.
thing outside taken off. 8. To exalt; to extol; to glorify.
Ma-r-ut-1-t1, v. Mazhi and zi, the skin. Mar-xal-Ka, v. Hoo. The imtensive of
Lrr. To strip off the skin. maika. To play hard and long at the game
2. To strip one of property; to leave one of maika.
destitute. 2. To be wearied ; to be fatigued.
3. To lay a tax so as to take all the peo- Mar-xar-Ka, adj. Tired; wearied, as a
ple have except their persons. person from labor or exercise.
Ma-1-H1-1-L1, s. One who strips another Mat-Ka-Hu-LI-pu, s. One of the names
of all he has; a skinflint. of the god who assisted in restoring and
Mar-ur-to, s. Maz, sickness, and hilo, a righting canoes when upset in the ocean.
running sore. The venereal disease; the See KAMAIKAHULIPU.
gonorrhea. See MAtwiLt. Mat-KA-KAl, ad).
Mat-Ho-Le, s. Name ofa species of fish. Mat-xe-1-x1, .s. Mai, sickness, and kezkz,
Mar-nu-u, s. Presents made at the birth child. Pregnancy; the sickness of preg-
of a child. See Panana. nancy.
Marka, v. To play at the game called Ma-1-KE-1-KE, v. Maand tketke, to know
maika; it consisted in rolling a round clearly. To declare; to set forth. Hoo.
smooth stone called ulu or olohu; it was The same.
connected with betting.
2. Hoo. To exercise at maika ; ehoomau ae s. A species of fish.
3. To exercise violently, as at maika. Mat-Ko-ta, adj. Worthless; trifling;
4. To be fatigued with hard exercise. used in provoking or irritating language.
See NarkoLa, AKoLA and AIKOLA.
Mar-xa, s. The name of an ancient play.
2. The name of the stone used in the Ma-r-Le, s. Name of a vine with green
game of maika. odoriferous leaves, of which wreaths are
3. Fatigue, pain or weariness from play- made; alyxia oliveformis.
ing maika. 2. The name of a certain chief woman
4, Fatigue, lameness, &c., from any cause. who lived in former times.
Mata, adj. Weary; fatigued; lame. 3. The name of the rod used in playing
at puhenehene and other games. Laieik.
Mat-Kal, adj. Externally good; hand- 114. See MarePpunENEHENE.
some; beautiful; he wahine maka maiiai,
a handsome woman. Ma-I-LE-KA-KA-HI-kI, s. A shrub whose
2. Morally good; upright; correct; ex- branches and leaves are odoriferous ; he
cellent. laalaau liilii hohono.
3. The sum of external excellence in con- Ma-I-LE-PU-HE-NE-HE-NE, Ss. The rod
duct. used in playing at the puhenehene which
Mar-xal, s. Beauty ;external excellence was struck on a bunch of kapa.
of persons or things. Ma-1-11, s. Name of a soft porous stone.
2. Beauty of personal appearance; hele- Mar-to, v. Probably contraction of maz
helena maikai. set. 1:11. loa. To be thin or spare, as one wasted
3. Goodness; that which is excellent in away with long sickness; ua hele kona mai
moral conduct ; uprightness. a mailo.
4. The sum of various external excellen- Matr-to, adj. Thin; spare; wasted away;
cies ; ua like ka maikai me ka nani, ame
applied to sick persons ; mailo ke kanaka.
ka hemolele, ame ka mimo, ame ka pono,
ame ka panakai ole, ame ka auliiholo manu. Matr-to-1-H1, s. Maz, sickness, and lozhz,
atacand IR MAI 361 MAO
long. He nonopapa, he piliaiku, he mai) Ma-o, v. Tocarry; to bear off; to carry
_ papaakai. away.
AI-LU-NA, comp. prep. and adv. Mai, 2. To separate; to take to another place;
from, and luna, above. From above. Isa. to pass off or away, as a cloud or fog.
_ 32:15. The auihele of luna. Gram. § 161. Laieik. 90.
Mar-mai, v. Intensive of mai, sick. To 3. To hush up; to quiet; to make an end.
be sick; to be weak; to be feeble. 4, To fade, as a decaying plant.
2. Hoo. To feign sickness; to pretend to 5. To corrupt, as a dead body.
be sick. 2 Sam. 13:5, 6. Ma-o, s. A kind of shrub used in dye-
Mar-mat, s. Languor; feebleness ;some- ing kapa.
what sick ; unwell. 2. A blossom of that shrub.
3. The name of a species of fish.
Mar-mat, adj. Feeble; languid; weak. 4. The name of a great heiau.
Mat-mat, v. Formed from maz express- 5. A moving along; a change of posi--
ing motion towards one. See Mat, prep. tion, as a body of persons. Laieik. 49.
To call one to come; to invite towards one; Ma-o, adj. Separated; quiet, as in a
to call, as in calling chickens; e hea, e ko- retreat from danger; kuu po mao ole ma-
lokolo aku i ka moa; to call fowls. See kole ka la.
KoLoKoLo. 2. Meek; mild; gentle; applied to per-
Mat-mu-u, comp. prep. Mai, from, and sons.
muli, after. From after, i. e., from follow- 3. Applied to colors, green; greenish;
ing after one; maimuli ona aku. Nah. also blue. See Maomao.
32:15. See Grammar § 161. Ma-o, comp. prep. Ma, preposition, and
Ma-1-no, v. Ma and ino, to hurt; to in- o, there. Liv. At there. Yonder; there;
jure. To be the cause of evil or injury to some place not far off ; mao aku, beyond;
one. mao mai, from over there this way. Gram.
2. Hoo. To hurt; to afflict; to make mis- § 161.
erable by evil treatment. Ma-o-a, v. ‘To be dry; to be hard; to
Ma-1-Nno-1-No, v. The intensive of maino. be cracked, as the skin.
To afflict ;to abuse ; to bring evil upon. 2. To be painful, as a sore made by fric-
2. Hoo. To suffer from perverse treat- tion of the skin. See Maouwa.
ment. Ma-o-a, s. A sore caused by the fric-
3. To torment ; to afflict ;to trouble; to tion of the malo between the legs during a
curse; to be under a curse. (Gal. 1:8. long journey; he mai ma kapakapa, he eha
4. To strip one of property; to make one ika manawae hele loihi ai; asore, also, on
ashamed. the legs or feet; maloeloe na wawae, maoa
5. To betray ; to deceive ; to persecute. na wha mamae.
Ma-1-no-I-No, s. A defacing or marring Ma-o-E-a, adj. Tired; weary; lazy.
the beauty of a thing, as the countenance. Ma-o1, v. Ma and oi, to exceed. To be
Isa. 52:14. bold; to be forward with strangers.
2. Hoo. Affliction ; persecution. 2. To assert one’s rights with confidence.
Ma-t-No-1-No, adj. Reproachful; mock- 2 Kor. 11:21. To act the soldier.
ing; causing shame. Hoo. Despiteful; 3. To be intrusive ; to be inquisitive re-
sneering ; contemptuous. specting forbidden things. Kol. 2:18.
Ma-t-No-1-No,- adv. Miserably; with Ma-o1, s. Boldness; arrdgance ; for-
much suffering. Jer.16:4. Hoo. With great wardness.
suffering ;with severity ;severely painful. Ma-o1, adj. Bold; forward; fearless ;
2 Pet. 2:6. shameless.
Mat-no-no, adv. prohib. See Mat, for- Ma-o1-o1, v. See Ma and Otol, project-
bidding. Do not (followed by a before a ing. To be rough; to be uneven; to be
verb); mainoho a hana pela, do not so. irregular.
Mainoho is sometimes printed in one word, Ma-ot-o1, adj. Uneven; notched ; pro-
sometimes in two. Neh. 8:10, 11. jecting, as a rough board or one that is
Mar-pu-na, s. Mai, disease, and puha, split crookedly ; zigzag, as a line; aliali,
to burst or break, as a boil. An ulcer; a nihomole.
running sore. Ma-o-Ha, v. To rub; to chafe, as the
Mat-waE-Na, comp. prep. From out of; skin; to make a sore.
from the midst of. Gram. § 161. Ma-o-Ha, adv. Appearing gray or whit--
Mar-wr-u1, s. Mai, sickness, and wil, ish, as tops of mountains at a distance;
to writhe in pain. An incessant pain or kupu maoha ke kilakila o na kuabiwi; ap-
sore; a sore constantly running. See Mar- plied also to a person when he begins to.
HILO. grow gray.
Ma-o-Ha, adj. Grayish, as the whitish 2. To be clear and explicit to the under-
feathers of a black bird ; ka iwa, he manu standing ; to be not doubtful.
nu ia, he eleele kona hulu, he maoha kahi 3. Hoo. To understand clearly ; to com-
ulu. prehend the meaning of a word or expres-
2. An affectionate salutation between sion; to have a clear understanding of a
persons for some time absent. thing.
Ma-o-x1, s. Ma and oki, to cut. Any- 4. To credit; to trust.
5. To appoint, as an evil, i.e., to bring
thing cut up in pieces ; pieces cut short.
evil or a curse upon one. Othk. 26:16.
2. A vulgar and incorrect pronunciation
6. To appoint or set, as a time; to ap-
for the word maoli. point a concerted signal. unk. 20:38.
Ma-o-x1-0-K1, adj. Spotted ; variegated; 7. To set apart; to designate, as a place
having different colors. for doing a thing.
Ma-o-u1, s. A species of banana; the Ma-o-po-po, s. Clearness; that which
long dark colored plantain ; he maia ele- is explicit, as a natural or moral truth; not
ele loloa. liable to mistake.
Ma-o-11, adj. Indigenous in distinction 2. Hoo. A clearing up of what is doubt-
from foreign; native; real in distinction ful.
from fictitious ; true; genuine. 3. An interpretation or an explanation
Ma-o-u1, adv. Really; truly; without of a foreign language.
doubt. Ma-o-po-po, adj. Plain; clear to the
2. An intensive added to other epithets senses or to the understanding; not doubt-
to strengthen them; he lio kolohe hana ino ful; ready; in a state of preparedness to
maoli. act.
Ma-o-1-a, adj. Drawn out and dimin- 2. Generous: friendly; obliging ;maha-
ished, as an elastic substance, a rope or maha, launa.
other thing.
Ma-o-po-po, adv. Clearly; evidently;
Ma-o-to-Ha, s. The ancient name of plainly.
the strings or net for a calabash, equiva-
lent to the modern word koko; ua kapaia au, v. To repeat often or frequently,
0 koko a maoloha ia koko. See Koko. as in counting ; to do over and over the
same thing ; va mau ka ua o Hilo.
Ma-o-tu, adj. Muddy; sinking down, 2. To continue; to endure; to persevere;
as in a quagmire; pohopoho, moolu, noolu, e hiki ia oe ka mau ana (a gerundive form),
nenelu. you will arrive at endurance, i. e., you will
Ma-o-ma-o, adj. See Mao. Green, as be able to continue.
vegetation ;dark blue. See OmMAomao. 3. To continue; to remain perpetually;
to be evermore. Oihk. 13:28. To have con-
Ma-o-ma-o, s. Green verdure; thick tinually. Joan. 12:8. KE mau i ka hele, to
grass and bushes ; a forest. be constantly going.
2. A species of fish living near banks 4, To persevere; to preserve constancy;
and shallow places. to flow on ever, as a living stream of water;
3. Applied to clouds, bluish green ; he e kahe mau, e pio ole ka wai.
ao Maomao. 5. Hoo. To persevere; to continue in the
Ma-o-m4-0-Po-Ho-LE, s. The name of a same state in which one is; ke hoomau nei
species of fish, See above. no ia mau mea pono ole, they still continue
Ma-o-na, v. Maand ona, drunk. To be to practice those evil things.
stuffed, as in eating ; to be filled, as with 6. To continne in the same place or same
food. Kanl. 31:20. To eat to satiety ; to business. Oih. 1:14.
be satisfied with food. 7. To remain in force, as a law or statute,
2. To have one’s desire upon an enemy. Mav, v. (A word of this orthography
Puk. 15:9. is used in several senses, some of which
3. Hoo. To fill with food; to satisfy one’s are nearly opposite, but the pronunciation
self by eating. Hal. 103:5. is slightly changed.) See Mauuv.
Ma-o-na, s. Fullness; satiety. 1. To be dry; to stop flowing, as a liquid.
Ma-o-na, adj. Filled; satisfied; dis- 2 Nal. 4:6.
tended, as the stomach with food. 2. To terminate. as the catamenial period.
3. Hoo. To fit or tie on, as sandals or
Ma-o-pa-o-pa, adj. Ma and opaopa. See shoes. See HAWELE.
Opa, lame. Weary from walking; lame; 4. To fill with water; to wet; to soak
fatigued. up, as a sponge.
Ma-o-po-po, v. Maand opo, clear; plain; 5. To water; to irrigate land. Isa. 27:3.
even. To be plain; to be clear to the sight 6. To stock or plant ground with ver-
or senses. dure.
7. Mau for mauu. To moisten; to be a crack; a cleft; perhaps a wrong orthog-
moistened or wet; to soak. raphy for mauae.
Ma-v, s. Dampness; moisture ; cool- Mav-a-ka-La, v. To laugh. Hoo. To
ness, as the air around a shady moist place. laugh with scorn or contempt; to deride;
Hal. 32:4.. See Mauu. Also written ma/’u. to insult.
2. The name of the region on the sides 2. E hoomabuakala. e hoopohala.
of mountains next below the waoakua ; Mav-e-te, v. To be lazy; to be idle.
also called waokanaka, i. e., where men 2. To waste or spend time in doing noth-
may live. ing.
3. A species of small bulrush growing 5. To be indifferent as to future good or
in damp places; green grass. See Mauu. evil. See MAUWELE.
4. Dryness, from No. 1 of the preceding Mav-£-Le, adj. Lazy; indolent; going
word; the period in each month of the about doing nothing; acting the vagabond.
sickness of females, especially the termina-
tion of that period; ke hiki i ko lakou wa Mav-1, s. Name of one of the Hawai-
e mau ai. ian Islands.
Mau, adj. Statedly occurring; con- Mav-1, s. Pain from a broken or frac-
stant; continuous; evermore ; never ceas- tured limb; ka eha, ka haki.
ing. Mav-1, adj. Broken; fractured ; pain-
2. From mauu. Moist; wet; cool. ful, as a broken limb.
3. Obscured by the sun, as the stars in Mav-1, v. See Mauv. To moisten; to
the morning. make wet.
4. Ceasing to flow, as the catamenia. 2. To wring the stem of a bunch of ba-
Laieik. 173. nanas to cause it to ripen. Hoo. E hoopa-
Mau, adv. Frequently; continually; lapalani, e hoomakaukanea.
perpetually. Ma-uu, v. See Mav. To moisten; to
Ma’v, s. Name of a plant on the moun- wet. Sol. 30:16.
tains, eaten for food in time of scarcity. 2. To make a noise in swallowing water.
Mav. A sign of the dual or plural num- 3. To work up the saliva of the mouth
ber. See Mat, v. into froth.
4. Hoo. To make wet; to moisten.
1. Two or a couple for the dual.
2. Some, several, a number, as a sign of Ma-uv, s. ‘The noise made by swallow-
the plural. Nore— Maw did not formerly ing a liquid.
apply to a great number; in modern times 2. A general name for green herbs, grass,
the application extends to a larger num- seeds, rushes, shrubbery, straw, &c. Kin.
ber. Gram. § 85, 86, 90. 1:11,12. Mauu uliuli, green herbs. Hoik.
8:7. Mauu maloo, hay. Kin. 24:25. Grass;
Mav-a, pers. pron. dual. We two, viz.: straw, &c. Nore.—Connected with mauu
those who are speaking, but not including is the idea of moisture, greenness and cool-
any who are addressed. ness.
Mav-a, adj. Large; many. 3. Coolness as connected with green ver-
2. Close; stingy; illiberal; obstinate. dure.
See Makona. He kanaka maua. Ma-uv, adj. Green; moist ; refreshing,
3. Lame; sore ; stiff, as with walking. as a cool breeze ; cool.
Mav-a, s. The name of a tree, timber Mav-vv-tu-Ltu, s. Earth that is little
good for boards. wet ; vegetation that partially grows and
Mav-a, adv. See Mav. Often or con- covers the ground.
stantly repeated; loaa mau mai, mau maua, Mav-uu-.i-po, s. Mauu and lipo, dark.
hiki pinepine mai. Dark green verdure, as in a dark forest.
Mav-aa-ui-na, v. To be heavy or hard | Mau-v-.a-r-u, s. A poisonous plant
upon, as two men contending ; to seize; used to burn and scarify the skin.
to force one to do a thing; to use force! Mau-na, adj. Weary; fatigued; slow;
upon. lazy ; indolent.
Mav-aa-ti-na, adj. Powerful; conquer- Mav-AA-LE-LE, s. The shadow of death;
ing; overcoming ; strong. death shade. See MALUKoI.
Mav-az, v. To exchange a thing dif- Mav-HAA-LE-LE-A, 5S. Epithet of the
ferently from what was first agreed upon. man sacrificed on cutting down the ohia
2. To vary in statement; to say and un- tree to make a god; the man thus sacri-
say. ficed was a kKanaka muhaalelea.
Mau-aer, s. A crack or cleft in a rock. Mav-waa-Li-na, v. To bore or pierce a
Puk. 33:22. hole in a hard rock.
Mav-al, s. A space between two boards; 2. To carry a heavy burden on the back
until fatigued; expressions
for hard slavish |Ma-u-LE-U-LE, v. Intensive of maule.
work; ke mauhaalina ae la mauka o Make- To be faint for want of food. Mar. 8:3.
ahi. Mav-te-Ho, v. Mau and leho, a bunch
Mau-na-La, v. Mau, to continue, and on the shoulder from carrying burdens. To
hala, offense. To keep up a grudge against make or continue a‘hard bunch on the
one; to remember his offense. Hoo. Tobe body from hard labor.
offended with one; to have a supposed 2. Hoo. To cause one to work hard and
cause of enmity ; to lay up or remember continuously.
the offense of one. 2 Sam. 19:19. To bear 3. To oppress with hard labor unrequited.
a grudge. Oihk. 19:18. To reserve anger. Ma-v-u1, s. The name of the first day
ASO. Soe of the new moon.
Mau-na-ta, s. Hoo. Envy; revenge ; 2. An obscure cloud seen at a distance;
malice. 1 Kor. 5:8. Ka manao ino; a bad he mauli ua paha.
feeling towards one. 3. A shoot, as from the root of a tree or
Mav-xa, s. The name of a play; aoi vegetable, as from kalo or banana; poet-
ka hana ana i ka mauka; e kalaii ka po- ically, from persons, as chiefs; mauli au
haku pono i ka mauka. honua, a descendant (of chiefs) from an-
Ma-u-xa, adv. Ma, preposition,
and wka, cient times.
inland. Inland, in a direction opposite to Ma-v-ti-a-wa, v. Ma and wiz, to gurgle,
the sea; opposite to makai, towards. the and awa, bitter. To hiccough; to gasp for
sea. breath ; to be faint; to be dizzy.
Mav-xot, s. Mau and kot, perhaps for Ma-v-i1-4-wa, s. The hiccough; a gasp-
koe, an angle worm. An angling rod. ing for breath ; a hard breathing.
Mav-xo-u1, v. Mau and koli, to trim or Mav-ti-HI-LI-H1, v. Mau and lhi, edge.
pare off. To divide out food sparingly To hang by the edge, i. e., to be fastened
each day for one’s self or family in a time slightly ; to adhere, but without tenacity;
of famine; also, to divide out water in time e pili iki.
of drought. Mav-t-nI-1i-H1, adj. Slightly fastened;
2. To make an offering stingily or on a not strongly put together.
small scale to the gods.
3. To live along from day to day when Ma-v-ui-na, s. Ma and wlina, tough.
one is expected to die. Hard laborious work without pay.
4. To be constant; to be persevering; 2. Disappointment in not obtaining what
ke maukoli nei i ka hana, i ka hele, aohe one expects.
molowa. Mav-to-E-Lo-E, adj. Tired; fatigued.
5. To make or to be small or little; to See MALOELOE.
draw out into fineness. Mav-tv-a, adj. Hard; difficult; paa-
‘Mav-xo-u1, s. ‘The worship or sacrifice kiki.
rendered to the gods. Ma-u-Lu-u-Lu, adj. Lame from travel-
2. One who worships or sacrifices to the ing. See MALorLor. Stiff and swelled, as
gods. the feet and ankles from traveling. See
3. Any small diminutive thing; he ma- POANAANA.
awe. Mau-maz, s. The name of a heiau.
Ma-vu-xu-ku, s. Mau, grass, and kuku, Mav-mau, v. See Mav, to be constant.
to stand erect. A species of low grass To be firm; to be fixed; to be constant;
growing on the sand in certain places. to be enduring ; e maumau ole, to be in-
Ma-v-tz, v. Ma and ule, to swing. To constant; ua maumau ka hana, the work
be weak or faint through great fear or suf- endures ; ua maumau ka ai, aole he hehee,
fering. the food is hard, not flowing.
2. With naau, to faint from hearing Mavu-mav-a, v. To obtain often without
strange or exciting news. Kin. 45:26. reward and without labor, as the chiefs
3. To be dispirited; to lose courage. formerly obtained their property.
4. To be dizzy or weak through dizziness.
5. To be faint through fasting. Mat. Mav-mav-a, s. The obtaining of prop-
15:32. erty without work ; ka loaa 0 ka waiwai a
6. Hoo. To consume; to cause to fail. na ’lii.
Isa. 64:7, Mav-mav-a, adj. Got or obtained often;
Ma-u-uz, s. A dispirited state of mind; arrived at; come to; he elemakule loa, ua
weakness ; faintness. Oihk. 26:36. Dizzi- maumaud.
ness. Mav-mau-ak, adj. See Mavaz. Differ-
Ma-u-te, adj. Faint; weak; fearful; ent from what was expected; doubtful;
fainthearted ; dizzy ; poniuniu. uncertain.
Mav-ma-na-wa, s. The heart-burn (per- 2. To enjoy ease and quietafter pain; to
haps.) ; be better ; to begin to recover from sick-
Mav-na, s. A mountain; the inland 3. To be assuaged; to be softened down,
regions of an island. Nore.—On all the as anger. Luni. 8:3.
islands with which Hawaiians were ac- 4. To rest, as a land, i. e., to cease from
quainted, the land rises on all sides from being the theater of evil. Oihk. 26:34.
the sea to the central parts of the island ; 5. Hoo. To give or take rest from labor
this is called the mauna. A high hill, as or fatigue.
Maunaloa, Maunakea: names of the two 6. To relieve from suffering; to comfort;
highest mountains on Hawaii. to be satisfied.
2. Amountainous region. Mauna is the 7. To ease one’s self; to attend to a call
opposite of awawa. Ios. 9:1. of nature. Kamnl. 23:14.
Mav-na, s. The name of a species of Wana, y, To exercise affection towards
hard stone out of which kois or adzes of the one; to acknowledge or treat one as a
ancients were made. friend; to be complaisant towards one; to
Mav-na, adj. Large; swelling; exten- love ; to cherish.
sive; nui, mahuahua; prominent for ex- 2. To make a rent or hole in, as in a
cellence ;mauna ili ke keiki, he punahele kapa; to tear in two.
ia; mauna kaili i ka wauwauia; scratched; 3. To hide a thing away ; to steal.
marked. Ma-na, s. Rest; repose; respite or re-
Ma-v-na, v. To waste; to dispose of lief from pain or sickness ; convalescence ;
uselessly; i mauna aku ai i ka pono kahiko. relief from any calamity. Puk. 8:11. Rest;
See MAunauna. peace.
Mav-navu-na, v. To spend property; to 2. The wing of an army; the fore fins of
waste ; to live without regard to expense. a fish.
Hoo. To waste property; to spend use- 3. The side of the head; the temple.
lessly; mai hiamoe i ke ao, oia ke hoomau- Lunk. 4:21. See Manamana.
nauna ina la ame na hora i loaa mai i ke Ma-na, adj. Easy; quiet; resting, as
Akua. from labor; free from pain; ceasing from
Mau-nau-na, s. A wasting. Hoo. No anger.
ka hoomaunauna i ka waiwai, on account Ma-na, adv. Hoo. Silently; quietly; at
of wasting property. rest. Isa. 62:1.
Mav-nau-na, adj. Wasteful. Ma-nak, s. Name of a species of fish.
Ma-vu-nu, s. A species of crab used for Ma-na-o, s. The pith of a tree or veg-
bait in catching fish. etable; a soft or decayed place in the cen-
2. Any bait for taking fish. ter or body of a tree; a hole in a tree.
3. The writhing motions of a fish worm See Puno and Puna.
on a hook. Ma-na-o, adj. Defective in the center,
4. Anything belonging to a person, as as a tree; soft; rotten; hollow; bent in
his kapa, hair, spittle, &c., which another or down, as a decayed grass house.
could get, and by means of it, could pray Ma-na-or£, adj. Not ashamed.
him to death. See mele na Niau.
5. The shedding of bird’s feathers ; ka Ma-na-o1, v. See Maot, the ha dropped.
manawa maunu, the time birds shed their Maoi is probably the original form of the
feathers. word. To be bold; to be impertinent.
Ma-v-nv, v. Hoo. To moult or shed, as 2. To treat a superior as an equal or
with great familiarity.
the feathers of birds.
2. To cast off, as some reptiles do the 3. To be forward in asking questions; to
be asking or begging of a chief frequently.
3. To change from the chrysalis state to Ma-na-o1, s. Forwardness; immodesty
that of a new animal; e hoomaheleia ke in asking favors ;impertinence in address-
kino mamua, a lilo ia i kino hou. ing a superior ; boldness in address ; nani
ka nui o kuu hilahila, a he mea e hoi ka
Mav-nu-nu, s. The name of a sea breeze mahaoi loa o kekahi poe .o kakou. Ua Ka-
at Puuloa on Oahu. paia aku ia o Maoi, no ka mahaoi o ka olelo
Mavu-wa-te, adj. Constant; never end- ana.
ing ; kuu pilikia mauwale ana a kun haku. Ma-Ha-o1, adj. Always asking favors
Laieik. 165. (of chiefs), thus: na’u kela lole; na’u kela
Mav-we-teE, adj. Lazy; idle, &c. See palaoa, &c.; and so of all which one de-
MAUELE. sires.
Ma-na, v. To rest; to rest, as from Ma-na-Ha, v. See Hana. To be soft;
labor or toil; to give or cause to rest. to be tender; to be weak, as a person.
2. To be tender or flexible, as a vegeta- 2. To warm, as one person in contact
ble. with another. 1 Nal. 1:1, 2.
3. To be soft and tough, as water-soaked 3. Hoo. To warm, i.e., to make warm by
vegetables. the fire or by exercise. See Mrnana.
Ma-ua-na, s. The name of a species of Ma-na-na, s. A small degree of heat;
fish, the kala. warmth. e
2. A species of kalo. Ma-na-na, adj. Warm, as by the influ-
Ma-na-Ha, adj. Soft and tough. ence of the sun. Neh.7:3. Warm; not yet
2. Tender, as a weak person. cooled, as newly baked bread. 1 Sam. 21:6.
3. Soft and mealy, as a baked potato. Ma-na-na, s. For mana, a branching
Ma-ya-ke-a, s. An uncultivated piece out, ha inserted. Any substance branch
of land overgrown with weeds and grass ; ing out; anything double; having two
a jungle; a wild place. branches ; hence,
Ma-na-ke-a, adj. Wild; overgrown 2. A pair of twins; mau mahoe; two
with weeds, grass and bushes; nahelehele, things connected ; na mea elua, a pair of
weuweu. things.
Ma-na-a, v. Ma and halo, to look
Ma-na-nA, adj. Double; mates; branch-
ing out.
Ma-HA-Lo, out; to turn the eyes upon.
To admire ; to wonder at; to magnify the Ma-na-NA-HA-NA, v. See Manana. To
goodness or virtues of a person or thing. warm very much or frequently. Zoo. To
2. To be glorious; magnificent to behold. warm one’s self by a fire. Jsa. 44:15.
3. To approve; to praise ; to honor; to Ma-na-ni, v. Ma and hant, to pass si-
glorify. lently. To pass easily and silently; to be
Ma-na-to, s. Wonder; surprise; admi- evanescent ; to disappear; to vanish, as a
ration. thought; ua mahani ka manao.
2. Approbation; blessing ; honor given 2. To heal up; to granulate, as a wound
to one. so as to disappear.
3. The act of blessing or praising God ; 3. To vanish, as an ulcer when it heals;
ua like ka mahalo me ka hoonani. mahani keia wahi, a e poha hou ma kahi e.
Ma-na-Lo, adj. Beautiful; glorious ; Ma-na-we-La, s. A blue kind of fish.
admirable. Ma-ne-a, int. adv. Ma and hea, where.
Ma-Ha-ma-HA, v. To glow, as with Where? at what place? Gram. 165, 2.
friendly feelings towards one; to expect a Ma-uE-A-LA-NI, Ss. The name of the six-
meeting with a friend. JLaieik.58. To be teenth day of the month; the day when the
glad to see an old friend or relative. full moon began to lose itsroundness. See
Ma-na-ma-Ha, s. See Mana. A fond- also MALANT.
ling; the exercise of affection, friendship Ma-neE-u, v. See Mrenev.
or hospitality. Ma-ne-u, s. Name of a porous kind of
2. The temples of the head; the sides of stone.
a substance.
3. The gills or fins of a fish. Kanl. 14:9. Ma-ne-Ha, adv. Ma and heha, slow.
Also the fore fins of a fish. Slowly; lazily. Hoo. Working slowly and
4. The wings (eheu) of the malolo or fly- lazily but perseveringly ; aka, hana hoo-
ing-fish. maheha ana ame kohu molowa, hoomau no
5. The things or appendages which be- nae i ka hana.
long to the wings; na mea maha, na mea Ma-HE-LE, v. Ma and hele, to go; to
eheu. move. To divide; to cut in pieces ; to di-
6. The preputium (paha.) vide a portion to one, as land.
Ma-nA-MA-HA-00, s. A piece cut or 2. To divide or separate from one an-
broken off; he apahu, he pauku. other, as people. Kin. 10:32. To divide
Ma-na-me-A, s. A species of fish. into two parts, as an army. 1 Nal 16:21.
3. To divide, as streams of water; as the
Ma-na-mo-k, s. Maha and moe, to rest sea. Puk. 14:21.
quietly. To appear fat, oily or shining. 4. Hoo. To cause a division; to separate
2. To be plump or round, as a fruit; to one thing from another.
be fat, as an animal. See KonrKoriko.
Ma-Ha-mo-k, s. A species of fish. Ma-HE-LE-HE-LE, v. Freq. of mahele.
To divide into small pieces ; to divide fre-
Ma-na-mo-E, adj. Clear; plain; blue or quently. Kin. 49:7. Hoo. Same.
Ma-na-na, v. Ma and hana, work ; ex- Ma-neE-LE-LU-A, v. Mahele and lua, two.
ercise. To be or become warm, as the To divide into two parts.
rising sun. Puk. 16:21. Ma-ne-Lu, v. Ma and helu, to scratch
the earth. To spread dust over as an arti- Ma-ut-x1, s. Thick, tall grass ina damp
ficial soil. place ; thick, low shrubs or underbrush.
2. To spread loose soft dirt over a kalo 2. The place where tall grass or thick
patch after the bottom has been pounded bushes grow.
hard. See Pa.uxu. 3. A prop on which a lever rests in pry-
Ma-n1, v. ‘To dig the ground for the ing up a weight.
purpose of planting food; to cultivate land 4, A calabash for water.
by digging; to dress land; to till,as a field Ma-unt-k1-H1-k1, v. Freq. of mahiki. To
or garden; e mahi aku i ke kihapai o ka jump or fly frequently.
aina. Nore.—Clearing off the weeds, grass, 2. To vibrate rapidly, as the tongue; e
&e., is waele. kapalili.
Ma-n, s. Cultivation; planting, &c. 1 3. To shake, as in an earthquake; to
Sam. 8:12. move frequently.
Ma-u1, adj. Strong; energetic, as a 4. To overturn ; to upset.
laboring man; as a fighting-cock; moa 5. To spatter; to flap; to spatter, as ink
mahi, a fighting-cock. in writing.
Ma-ui-at, v. Mahiand ai, food. Tocul-| Ma-uI-ki-HI-KI, s. A sort of thick high
tivate land; to produce food from the grass; the place where such grass grows.
ground ; to till the ground. Ma-nt-Lo-a, adj. Distant; afar off.
Ma-ni-a1, s. A cultivator of the soil; a Ma-ni-mA-wI, s. A species of fish; the
tiller of the ground ; a husbandman. dolphin.
2. Culture; tillage of the ground. Ma-ui-na, s. Mahi and ana, participial
Ma-nt-a1, adj. Of or belonging to till- termination, a cultivating. A cultivated
age; kanaka mahiai, a farmer. patch ; a garden.
Ma-ui-s, v. Ma and hie, shameful. To 2. The moon; ka mea e malamalama ai
be proud ; to be lofty; to act without re- i ka po; hence,
spect to good manners or morals. 3. A lunar month; mahina o hoku, the
2. Hoo. To break over every rule of de- name of the day of the full moon.
cency ; to act shamefully ;he mea maikai 4. The eye of a snail in the end of his
no nae ka naauao, hoomahie ole. horn ; he maka pupu.
Ma-ni-na-al, s. Mahina and ai, food, as
Ma-nt-n-n1-E, v. To dye fast colors; to if a contraction of mahi ana i ka ai. A
color kapas with clear distinct spots or field, either in a state of cultivation or pre-
colors; hence, pared for it. Nah. 24:6.
2. To dress finely; to be clothed in hon- 2. A field, generally of larger size than
orable robes. kihapai where food is raised. Oihk. 23:22.
Ma-nr-r-u1, v. Mahi and ii, the skin. 3. A cultivated patch ; hence,
To take or seize property for the king. 4. Husbandry itself.
Norre.—This was often done by the unscru- Ma-ui-nu, v. Ma and hinu, to anoint.
pulous officers, who left nothing to the peo- To rub over ; to anoint.
ple but their skin.
Ma-ni-wai-na, s. Mahi and waina, a
Ma-nt-o-Le, s. A war cap; a helmet; grape vine. A vine dresser; a cultivator
an officer’s cap. 1 Sam. 17:5. | of grapes. Joan. 15:1.
Ma-nr-n1, v. See Int. To peel off bark -Ma-no-z, s. Two of men or animals
from a tree. . born at the same time of one makua; twins,
Ma-nt-Ka-ka, v. Ma and hikaka, to stag- Mel. Sol. 7:3; Kin. 25:24. See Manana 2.
ger. To crook; to bend; to put out of a |Ma-Ho-E-Ho-E, adj. Straight and free
straight line.
from branches, as a tree; pololei, lala
Ma-nt-u1-k1, v. To spatter; to flap in ole.
the water, as a duck ai play. Ma-no-E-Ho-PE, s. The name of a Ha-
Ma-ui-x1, v. To vibrate ; to play up and | waiian month.
down, as the beam of a scale; hence, Ma-Ho-r-mu-a, s. Name of a Hawaiian
2. To weigh, as in scales. }__month.
3. To play up and down, as a lever upon
its prop in the center; to pry, as with a
|Ma-no-La, v. Ma and hola, to spread
lever. Anat. 3. over. To spread out; to open wide, asa
4. To cast out, as an evil spirit; to ex- flower in full bloom.
orcise. 2. To spread out; to unfold. as a kapa
5. To hop; to jump; to leap. to dry. See Unonia, Honoia and Karena.
6. To scatter; to blow away, as witha |Ma-no-1a, s. The spreading out and
puff of wind. exté&hsion of the stomach ; me ka mahana,
7. To lift up; to carry in the arms. ame ka mahola anao ka opu. Anat. 52.
Ma-no-ta, adj. Spread open; spread |Ma-nu-z, v. To be numerous; to go or
out; extended. move in crowds.
Ma-no-1a, adj. In the ancient practice |Ma-nu-1, v. Ma and hui, to join; to
of the kahunas: hee mahola, ahi mahola; unite. To follow the example of one; to
o ka hee mahola oia no ka mea e heehee ai imitate him.
ka mai. 2. To imitate, i.e., to be led to do as an-
Ma-no-La-Ho-LA, v. Intensive of mahola. other does. Gal. 2:13. To pattern after.
To spread out extensively. 3 IJoan.11. To be an example for another.
E Pet. 3:5.
Ma-no-te, v. Ma and hole, to peel off; 3. To adhere firmly, as to a purpose or
to skin. To bruise, as the flesh; to hurt; habit ; e mahui i ka hana ino; e hoomahui
to break up. i ka hana ino, to determine on doing eyil.
Uli aa’i na moku, mahole eha ka nahele. 4. To hear a little, as when one hears
Ma-no-LE-Ho-LE, v. Intensive of mahole, only partially, or in parts; similar to ku-
to bruise. To break up; to break or crush lina.
into pieces; e inikiniki, e waluwalu. 5. To go about here and there, as an in-
Ma-Ho-LE-Ho-LE, s. A bruise; a hurt; sane person; to act foolishly and without
an injury ; aole maholehole o ke kino a’ui good sense. Nore.—The following exam-
ike ai. ples will illustrate definitions 1 and 2: Ma
ka like kakou e hoomahui ai, let us follow
Ma-Ho-Le-Ho-LE, adj. See Mano te. by doing likewise; he pono no ia kakou
Bruised and broken to pieces; crushed to- ke hoomahui ma ia hana, it is proper for us
gether. to imitate that transaction ; hoomahui na
Ma-no-PE, adv. and comp. prep. Ma and makaainana ma o Kekuokalani la, the com-
hope, the end. Behind; after; afterward. mon people followed the ewample of Kekuo-
It expresses future time in respect of the kalani; o ko lakou pono, oia ka kakou e
time in which an action was performed, hoomahui ai, their good deeds that is what
though past in respect of the person speak- we should imitate.
ing. Gram. § 161. Ma-Hv-1, s. A kind of sly conduct in a
Ma-nu, v. To blow out steam or smoke; female by which she means to express to
to smoke, as a smothered fire; to throw out one of the other sex her desire.
hot vapor, as from a volcano. Ma-nu-1-Hu-1, v. To learn or understand
Ma-nu, s. Steam; hot vapor; smoke. obscurely ; to strike upon the ear indis-
Ma-nu, s. A man who assimilates his tinctly, as a sound at a distance.
manners and dresses his person like a Ma-nu-Ka, v. To flee away; to escape
woman. from. 1 Sam. 22:7. To flee away secretly.
2. A hermaphrodite ; a eunuch. Kin. 16:6. To run away, asa servant from
Ma-nu, adj. Silent; indisposed to con- his master. 1 Sam. 25:10. To flee from
versation ; silent, as a deserted place. fear of punishment. 2 Sam. 13:34.
Ma-nu-a, v. Ma and hua, envy ; jeal- Ma-nu-xa, s. A runaway; one who has
ousy. To be envious. Hoo. To mock; to escaped.
deride; to have in derision. Hal. 2:4. Ma-nu-ka, adj. Escaping; running
Ma-Hv-a, v. Ma and hua, to grow away secretly ; he luina mahuka, a run-
Ma-nu-a-Hu-A, § orincrease. To increase away sailor.
in size or numbers ; to grow large. Ma-nu-Lu, s. The name common to
2. To boast; to brag; to glory over. three gods in the house of Lono.
3. To grow strong, as a ruler over a peo- Ma-uvu-ma-Hu, v. To be silent,as.a weak
ple: (Ord. VES.
4. To increase, as money. Kanl. 8:13. dying man.
5. Hoo. To increase in number, as ani- Ma-nu-ma-Hu, adj. See Mant, silent.
mals, vegetables or men. Desolate ; without inhabitant; silent, as a -
6. To increase; to make more of. Ezek. place deserted.
36:29. 2. Brittle; not stringy, as kapa that falls
7. To set or employ, as a spy; to act the easily to pieces.
part of a spy ; e hoomakakiu. 3. Brittle ;not sticky ; applied to poi.
Ma-nu-a, bs Increase ; growth; Ma-nu-na, s. Ma and huna, a particle;
Ma-HU-A-HU-A, a growing. Puk. 1:12. small; fine. The scaly appearance of the
skin after drinking awa; the chapping,
Ma-nv-a, arg Increasing; large cracking or breaking up of the skin; i kona
Ma-Hu-a-HU-A, in quantity. wa iinu ai i ke awa, maikai ka ili, a ma-
Ma-nu-a-Ka-La, adj. Contemptuous of hope, mahuna ka ili, nakaka, puehuehu,
good things; disobedient to the gods; inoino loa kona kino.
wicked. 2. A species of kapa like the paipaikukut.
Ma-nu-neE, adj. Ma and hune, poor; people in distinction from chiefs ;o na ‘lil
destitute. Poor; stripped of property; be- ame na makaainana, the chiefs and the-
reft of comforts. common people.
Ma-nu-ne-Hu-nE, adj. Ma and hune. Ma-xaa-o-a, s. A species of fish.
See above. Poor; with nothing but one’s Ma-xa-a-wA, Ss. A swinging bed; a cot;:
person. he wahi moe lole lewa.
Ma-nu-neE-Hu-nzE, adv. Scarcely; noth- 2. The outlet of a fish-pond into the sea.
ing left; with difficulty ; ola mahunehune Ma-xa-a-HA, s. Small pimples; sores;:
ae la o Aikake (Isaac Davis) mai ko lakou the itch ; kakani, meeau.
lima ae, scarcely did Isaac Davis escape Ma-xa-a-HA, adj. Covered with sores ;.
their hands; i. e., he escaped with nothing full of pimples, as with the itch ; leprous ;.
but his person. hookuku, hana, hoao.
Ma-xa, s. The eye; the organ of sight; |M A-KA-A-KAU, S. Maka, eye, and akau,.
aole e ike ka maka i kona pula iho, the eye right. The right eye.
does not see its own mote. Proverb. The Ma-Ka-a-Kau, adj. Open; clear.
face; the countenance; he maka no he
maka, face to face. Hzek. 20:35. Ma-xa-a-ki-u, v, Maka and kiu, a spy.
2. The point or edge of an instrument, To spy out secretly; to observe, as a spy.
as a knife or sword; maka o ka pabi kaua; Hoo. To lie in wait for one to kill bim.
the blade of a knife or sword in distinction Ma-xa-a-ki-u, adj. Spying secretly ;
from the handle. unk. 3:22. watching for evil; lurking after something;
3. The bud of a plant. going secretly. Hal. 10:38. See Makakiv.
4, The teat or nipple of a female. Ma-xa-a-La, v. Maka, eye, and ala,
5. The presence of one, i. e., his favor or awake. To wake; to be awake, i. e., to be
blessing. Puk. 33:14, 15. Manaoika maka, watchful; to be aware or on the guard; to
to regard a person. Kanl. 10:17. look out; to take heed; beware. Kanl.
6. Fie. A guide; a director. Nah. 10:31. 24:8.
7. Hoo. A destruction; a slaughter. 1 2. To look at but not to see by reasun of
Sam. 5:9. blindness.
8. The budding or first shooting of a Ma-ka-a-La, s. Watchfulness; a being
plant ; hence,
on guard.
9. The beginning or commencement of a 2. A small faint track made by a person
work or an action. See Hoomaka. going once; a path scarcely visible; he
10. Name of a very hard stone, out of
which maika stones were made. maawe alanui; a faint path.
Ma-ka-a-La, adj. Awake; watchful;
Ma-ka, v. Hoo. See above, 8 and 9. vigilant.
To begin; to commence, as a work or job; Ma-xa-a-tu-a, s. Maka and lua, a hole;
to commence doing a thing; komo wau i
ke kula i hoomakaia’i ka naauao, I entered
apit. A hole (lua) to plant or set a tree in.
the school that knowledge might be com- Ma-xa-E, v. Maka, eye, and e, against.
menced. Note.—Hoomaka is used as op- To set against; to be opposed to. Nah. 3:5.
posed to hooki. 2. Hoo. To turn away from. 1 Pet. 3:12.
Ma-xa, adj. Raw in opposition to To slight; to turn off; to treat contemptu-
cooked, as raw, uncooked flesh.
ously. Habale. 3:8.
2. Fresh, as fresh provisions in distinc- Ma-xal, t Maka, eye, and 2, in-
tion from salted. Ma-kal-KAl, tensive, real; particularly.
3. White, as a potato well cooked and To look at closely ; to inspect; to search
dry ; moa a maka. out. Puk. 39:43.
Ma-xa, adv. See Maxa, edge of an in- 2. To SPY or look out; to act the part
ofaspy. Jos. 6:22.
strument. By the edge; with the edge;
alaila, ooki maka koi hookahi iho ana, then
3. To look at from motives of curiosity;
he cut with the edge of the adze (koi) one to take a view of a place; to examine.
stroke (one bringing down.) Syn. with kiu. Jos. 2:1.
4. To look on as a spectator. Puk. 3:4.
Ma-xaa, s. A species of fish. 5. To examine secretly for evil purposes;
Ma-xKa-ar-na, s. Ma,at, on, ka, the, and hookalakupua.
aina, land. A resident; one belonging to 6. To follow; to entrap one; e ukali, e-
the land and was transferred with it, as in hakilo.
ancient times. Ma-kal, s. A guard; a constable; an:
Ma-xka-al-na-NA, s. See Maxaatna and officer always found in the king’s train; a
Ana, being of the land. The laboring class name given to policemen from the nature-
of people in distinction from chiefs; a coun- of their office. See the verb.
tryman; a aa collectively, the common 2, Any instrument with a sharp edge; a,
hatchet ;a koi; a needle or an instrument |Ma-xau, s. Fear; dread of evil. Oihk.
used as a needle in stringing flowers for 26:16. Makau nui, terror; dread ; disqui-
wreaths ; manai. etude of mind.
3. Sourness of mind; stinginess ; he pi, Ma-xav, adj. Fearful; afraid; causing
he aua. fear or dread.
4. Ka hoomakai kohi ole a ka ua.
Ma-xat, adj. Guarding; going or act- Ma-xav, v. To be ready; to be pre-
pared for an event. Hoo. To make ready;
ing as a guard; huakai masai, a train or to prepare. 2 Nal. §:21. See Hoomaxav-
people accompanying as a guard. See KAU.
Laieik. 190. ‘
Ma-xat, adv. Ma, at, and kai, sea. At Ma-xau, adj. Ready; in a state of
preparation ; prepared; furnished.
or towards the sea, in opposition to mauka,
inland. The full form is makahakai, at the Ma-xav-a, v. To increase; to grow
sea beach. large.
Ma-xa’t, s. A person that owns no land; 2. Hoo. To vex; to harass; to trouble.
3. To make afraid. See Makau, hoo.
o ka mea aina ole he maka’i ka inoa.
Ma-xa-1a, s. Name of a person puna- Ma-xavu-au-a, adj. Hung up to dry.
hele of a chief, but turned off and become Ma-xau-1a, s. Perf. part. of makau.
a punahele of another chief; the two go to Fear; respect. Pus. 20:17.
war and through the efforts of the makaia Ma-xkau-HA-no-nA, Ss. The hook that be-
the second chief conquers the first ; ia ma- longs to the hanona or long fishing line.
nawa e ku ai ka makaia o Laieikawai. Ma-Ka-v-H1, adj. Maka, eye, and uhz,
Laieile. 150. to shade; to cover. Hidden or covered,
Ma-xat-o, v. To be frightened and run as the eyes.
off, as a wild animal. Ma-xau-xau, v. Intensive of makau, to
Ma-xa-1-Hu, s. The sharp point at the be ready. Seeabove. To be ready. Hoo.
bow of a canoe; e kapiliia na makaihu. To be put in readiness; to make ready; to
be prepared for any event.
Ma-xar-Kal, v. See Maxat, v., above.
To look; to examine, &c.
Ma-xKau-kau, s. Readiness; preparation.
Ma-xar-kal, s. Trouble; grief; evil Ma-xav-kau, adj. Ready; prepared for
treatment or treachery from a supposed an event.
friend. Ma-kau-xul, adj. Makau, fear, and kiz,
Ma-xa-1-no, v. JMaka, eye, and ino, bad. idol. Great fear; dread of the gods.
To have an evil eye towards one; to lose Ma-xKav-ta, s. Ma and kaula, a prophet.
one’s affection for a child or person. Kanl. A foreteller of future events; a star-gazer;
28:54. a person supposed to be possessed of some
Ma-xa-I-wa, s. The name of Lono’s supernatural gifts. Zaieik. 13. Nore.—
gods. Kaulas and makaulas were connected gen-
erally with high chiefs, forming a part of
Ma-xa-I-wi, s. The twinkling of the their council. See their office, Mooolelo
eye, i.e., suddenness; suddenly, as we say, flawaii, chap. 31.
in the twinkling of an eye.
Ma-xa-u-uI, adj. Maka, eye, and uli,
Ma-xa-o-Ka-0, s. Ma and kaokao, hard- dark green. Dark, black or blue-eyed.
ness. Hardness; obduracy.
2. A hard substance. Ma-xav-.i-a, s. For makauia, l inserted.
3. That which is much broken up; na- See Makau, fear. Fear; qualities inducing
kakaka. fear. Job. 25:2.
Ma-ka-o-LeE, s. Maka, eye, and ole, the Ma-xavu-Lu, v. Makau, fear, and ‘lz, a
eye teeth; the edge of the eye teeth. Epi- chief. Hoo. To take special care of the
thet of the 00; an oo. property of a chief; to be careful that no
little thing be lost.
Ma-xau, s. A fish-hook; also a shark 2. To fear, i. e., to serve a chief in order
hook. Syn. with kiholo. to obtain favors from him; to follow; to
Ma-xau, v. To fear; to be afraid; to adhere to from motives of advantage; i
dread ; to fear in time of danger. Puk. lako o ua kanaka la, o kana hoomakaulii
14:31. ana, that man’s obedience to the chief is from
2. To have in reverence, as one feared the favors (lako) he expects; ua hooma-
and greatly respected. kaulii anei kakou e malama ia ai? have we
d 3. To tremble; to be agitated through been obedient in order to be taken care of?
ear. ia ka manao iloko o ua kanaka la, o kana
4. Hoo. To cause to fear; to put one in hoomakauwlii ana, o ka loaa mai ka aina.
fear. Neh. 6:4. He kanaka huhu wale, he poe hoomakaulit
5. To drive or fray away. Kanl. 28:26. aina.
~ Ma-xav-un, s. A very careful person; |Ma-xa-u1, s. Name of a species of fish.
one saving the property of a chief. Hoo.|Ma-xa-H1, adj. Contraction for maka
The same. and akahi, one. One-eyed; having one
2. An accuser; a defamer ; a slanderer. eye.
Ma-xav-iu, adj. Very careful; saving. Ma-Ka-HI-A-MoE, v. Maka, eye, and hia-
Ma-xav-ui-mo, adj. Makau, fear, and moe, to sleep. To fall asleep; to allow
limo for limu, sea grass. Ea makaulimo, one’s self to doze. oo. To give one’s self
the sea turtle fearing the sea grass. Norre.— to sleep.
The turtle is said to be afraid of the sea| Ma-KA-HI-A-MOE, ad). Sleepy ; dull;
grass, as his flippers are easily entangled etupid.
in it. | Ma-xa-ut-a-po, s. Maka and hiapo, the
Ma-xa-u-pe-na, s. The midriff; that first born. The first born child. See Hrapo.
which covers the bowels. Anat. 51. Ka We asian: adj. Maka and hio, to lean.
makaupena e uhi anaikanaau. See Ni«r- A leaning this way and that; a motion to
NIKI. Oihk. 3:3. and fro.
Ma-xa-Ha, s. Maka, eye, and ha, water |Ma-xa-HI-k1, s. The name of the first
sluice. An outlet or inlet of a pond where | day of the year.
the sea flows in and out. 2. The commencement of the year.
2. Aninflamed, swelled and running eye; | 3. The space of a year; a year; ka puni
he maka pebnu. o na malama he umikumamalua, a finish-
3. The sickness of hogs. ing of the twelve-month.
4, He humu, he paehumu. Ma-ka-ni-Nu, s. The unpleasant feel-
Ma-xa-Ha, v. Ma and kaha, to extort | ings of a chief when a person goes to him
property. To seize what is another’s; to frequently for favors: the natives describe
rob; to plunder; to extort property. See such a person as greasing his forehead with
Hookana. oil; e hamohamo i kona lae me ka aila
Ma-xa-na, s. A robbing; a seizing what | kukui; he alamakahinu i ke alii.
is another’s ; robbery ; extortion. | Ma-xa-xu, s. Maka and kit, an image.
Ma-xa-wA, adj. Robbing; plundering; A mask.
seizing the property of another. 2. A lustful eye ; a proud look; gener-
Ma-KA-HA-HI, v. To be filled with won- ally connected with moekolohe.
Ma-kA-HE-HI, der and delight; to ad- Ma-xa-xi-v, v. Maka and kiu, to spy.
mire; to be astonished and yet pleased; To spy; to spy out, as an enemy. Hoo.
makahahi aku la na kanaka i keia mea nui To act the part of a spy on an enemy.
kupanaha, the people were seized with won- 2. To spy out,as a country. 1 Oihl.19:3.
der at this huge strange thing ; ike lakou 3. To lie in wait to kill. See Makaakiv.
ua nui ka hao, makahahi iho la, they saw Ma-ka-xo-a, adj.. Maka and koa, a sol-
there was much iron, they were astonished. dier. Lir. A soldier’s face. Fierce in coun-
2. To go triumphing or rejoicing. | tenance. AKanl. 28:50.
Ma-xa-Ha-nt, s. Wonder; amazement; | Ma-xa-xo-Lz, s. Maka and kole, raw;
astonishment. Hal. 22:17. sore. Inflammation of the eyes; sore eyes.
Ma-xa-na-xal, adv. Ma, at, kaha and | See MAKOLE.
kai, sea beach. At the sea side; on the |Ma-KA-KO-LE, ad). Sore or watery-eyed.
sea shore. | Ma-Ka-Ko-ko-E, adj. Maka and kokoe, to
Ma-ka-HA-KA-HA, S. The ceasing of rain; | strike at the eyes. Angry; evil eyed; de-
the slow dropping of rain. | signing to hurt.
Ma-xa-Ha-KA-HA-KA, S. Maka and haka- Ma-Ka-Ku-I-Ku-I, v. Maka and kui, to
hala, full of holes; open. <A deep pit or strike ; to buffet. To stir up anger in an-
hole ; ka poopoo. other ; to provoke.
Ma-xka-Ha-La, v. See Maxana. To take 2. To grin at; to scowl at one.
another’s property unjustly. Ma-xka-La, v. Ma and kala, to loosen.
A-KA-HA-NI, v. See Hani, to step To open what is closed; to separate alittle.
lightly. To go lightly or softly ; to touch 2. To draw out; to extract.
lightly ; just to graze. 3. To open a little, as a door; to open,
Ma-xa-HE-HI, v. See Maxanani above. as a book that has clasps on it.
4. To untie; to loosen; to set at liberty.
Ma-KA-HE-KI-LI, s. Maka, eye, and he- 5. To remit, as a debt; to forgive, as an
kili, thunder. Lrr. The eye of the thunder. offense ; e makala mai i kuu hala, forgive
A hailstone. See Huavekiit. my offense. See Kana.
Ma-ka-HE-MA, S. Maka, eye, and hema,| Ma-xa-xa, s. A loosening ;an opening;
left. The left eye. @ separating.
Ma-xa-La, v. A contraction for maka- 2 Sam. 12:30. Precious, as a beloved child be awake. To watch; to take heed; or servant. Isa. 43:4. Na mea makamae,
to beware ; to be vigilant. precious things. Ezek. 22:25.
Ma-Ka-LA-KA-LA, v. Intensive of the Ma-xa-maz, s. Maka and mae for mae-
foregoing. Tohold or keep the eyes open; mae, pure. <A darling ; a precious one; a
to be sleepless; makili, makalakala i ka beloved one. Hal. 22:20.
hiamoe. Ma-xa-ma-ka, s. A friend; a beloved
Ma-xa-Lau-na, s. Maka, face, and launa, one ; an intimate; one on terms of receiy-
an intimate? An intimate acquaintance; ing and giving freely. Job. 2:11. A rela-
one on terms of friendship ; ka mea i maa tive. Fic. Anything to which one is greatly
e mamua. attached ; hookahi hoi o kaua makamaka,
o ka imi naauao, oia hoi ko kaua kuleana i
Ma-ka-LE-HA, v. Maka, eye, and leha, noho ai ma keia kula nui, we two have
to lift up the eyes. To wonder after; to only one friend, that is knowledge seeking,
admire. Hoik. 13:5. that is the right (reason) of our living at
Ma-xa-te-Ha, s. A lofty, mischievous this high school.
eye. Ma-xa-ma-Ka, adj. Good; beautiful ;
Ma-xa-LE-Ho, s. Maka, eye, and leho, splendid ; fresh; new.
the shell of a fish. Haughtiness; lascivious- Ma-xa-mo-m1, s. Maka and momi, the
ness. 1 Pet. 4:3. Proud behavior. pearl in the oyster shell. A white speck in
Ma-xa-u1, v. To bait a hook; to angle the eye by disease.
for fish ; e makali e loaa iki. Ma-xa-mu-a, s. Maka and mua, the
Ma-xa-uu, s. The celestial sign Castor first; the beginning. The beginning ; the
and Pollux. first of things, as of a period of time. Jer.
2. The seven stars. 26:1.
3. The name of a month. 2. The first or oldest of a family of chil-
4, The name of the six summer months dren. Syn. with mua. Ka makamua o na
collectively. la, the beginning of days, i. e., the Son of
Ma-xa-tu, s. Maka and lii, small; lit- God. Dan. 7:9.
tle. Smallness ; littleness ; inferiority. Ma-xa-mu-a, adj. First. Kin. 4:20.
Ma-xa-uu, adj. Very small; diminutive; Primary ; beginning; the first of a series,
very fine. like mua. Puk. 12:2. Ua maopopo i ka
Ma-Ka-Lil-o-Hu-a, s. A species of very poe i komo (i ke kula) i ka la makamua o
small fish found in shoals near the shore; Julai, it was understood by those who en-
also called ohua. tered (the school) on the first day of July.
2. A multitude of diminutive creatures Ma-xa-na, v. To give freely or gratu-
of any kind. itously ; to make a present to one.
Ma-xa-ui-o, adj. Drawn or strained Ma-Ka-na, s. A gift; that which is
tightly, as a rope. freely bestowed upon one by another; a
Ma-xa-Lo-a, s. Maka, green, fresh, and present; that which is received gratuit-
loa, a long time. A kind of rush of which ously. *
mats are made. Ma-xa-na, adj. Freely given or re-
Ma-Ka-Lo-a, adj. Always green; always ceived, as a present.
fresh. Ma-Ka-NA-A-LO-HA, S. Makana and aloha,
Ma-xa-tu-a, s. Maka, eye, and dua, pit. love. A free-will or willing offering. Puk.
A hole dug for planting upland kalo in; 30:29.
also a hole for planting vines. Isa. 5:2. Ma-KA-NA-HE-LE, S. See the foregoing.
2. The socket for the eye-ball. Anat. 6. A free offering ; ka haawi wale ana.
3. The name of a certain fish. Ma-KaA-NA-HE-LE, adj. Ma, at, ka, the,
Ma-Ka-tu-a, adj. Maka and lua, double. and nahele, wild land. Wild; untamed;
Two-faced ; two-eyed; epithet of a two- dwelling in the wilderness.
edged sword. Hoik. 1:16. See Omva. Ma-xa-nau, s. The name of a heiau.
Ma-ka-Lu-1, v. See Maxatuut. To labor Ma-xa-n1, s. Wind; a breeze; air in
long and perseveringly, then to make a motion.
feast. That feast is called an ahaaina ma- 2. The weather; the general state of the
kalui. atmosphere.
Ma-xka-Lu-xu, v. Makaand luku, slaugh- 3. The news; the report of some recent
ter. To turn against one for harm; to be event; the gossip of a neighborhood.
bent on slaughter, Ma-ka-pa, v. To be shy; to run away,
A-KA-MAE, adj. Precious; valuable ; as an untamed animal; e hoeno mau ia, he
much desired; costly; precious, as a stone. meo,
if MAK 373 MAK
Ma-xa-pa, s. One who goes about from scratch. To scratch like a cat; to rub; to
house to house or goes here and there ; he scrape.
holoholo kanhale. 2. To go in large companies; to travel
by caravans; hele okai.
Ma-xa-paa, s. Maka and paa, fast. One
with closed eyes; a blind person. Oithk. Ma-xa-wa-Lu, s. A large company; a
22:22. See Makapo. large army ; aole e pono ke kaua uuku ke
hana i makawalu ame ke kahului, it is not
Ma-xa-paa, adj. Closed eyes; without proper for a small army to engage a large
sight; blind. Joan. 5:3. army in a smooth place.
Ma-xa-paa, adv. Blindly; without see- Ma-ka-we-La, s. Epithet of a servant
ing. marked in the forehead; ina i hoailonaia
Ma-xa-pal, adj. Sore, as the eyes; thus, ke kauwa ma ka lae, ua kapaia he kauwa
it applies where one eye has been sore and makawela.
the disease has gone to the other, and both 2. Name of a species of soft porous stone.
eyes are sore. Ma-ka-we-LE, s. The name of a valley
Ma-xa-pa-La, adj. Maka and pala, soft. on Kanai which opens into the Waimea
Secreting healthy pus, as a sore; e holoi valley.
a makapala. Ma-kE, v. To die; to perish; to be
2. Ripe or ready to break, as the head killed ; to suffer, as a calamity.
of a boil. 2. Hoo. To put to death; to deaden; to
Ma-xa-pe-nu, s. Maka, eye, and pehu, cause to die; to be slain. Hzek. 11:6. To
swollen. Swelled or inflamed eyes; ola mortify ; to kill. Oihk. 20:4.
iho la ko’u makapehu ia ole. Ma-xe, v. ‘To desire; to wish for; to
Ma-Ka-pe-La, s. Maka and pela, foul. wish ; e manao nui, to think much upon;
Offensively smelling eyes. to desire often; to love.
Ma-xa-po, v. Maka and po, night. To Ma-xeE, v. Used impersonally. To need;
be blind naturally ; unable to see; to be to have necessity ; it is necessary ; gener-
blind morally. Puk. 23:8. ally a negative ; aole make kukui, there is
2. Hoo. To blind; to make one blind; no need of a lamp.
to smite with blindness. Kin. 19:11. See 2. To be proper ; to be fit; to be right;
Makapaa and Moowint. aole make hookuke ia Kalaiwahi, it is not
Ma-xa-po, s. Blindness. Kani. 28:28. proper to banish Kalaiwahi.
A blind person. Puk. 4:11. 3. To be; to exist; to be present; aole
Ma-xa-po, adj. Blind; without the make hau maluna iho ou, let there be no dew
sense of sight ;moowini. upon thee. .
4. To permit; to allow; aole make au e
Ma-xa-po, adv. Blindly; in a state of haule i ka lima o kanaka, Jet me not fall
blindness. into the handsof men. 1] Oihl. 21:13. Aole
Ma-xa-po-u-11, v. Makaand pouli, dark- make hakaka kaua kekahi i kekahi, let us
ness. To faint; to fail for want of strength; two not contend, one with the other. Nore.
to be dizzy ; e poniuniu. In all the examples the meaning of make
Ma-xa-po-u-L1, s. The darkness that seems to be, to wish or will, and it may be
precedes fainting. the obsolete root of makemake.
Ma-xka-Po-NI-U-NI-U, v. Maka and poniu, Ma-ke is also used impersonally in the
to be dizzy. To faint; to be dizzy or faint sense, it is agreed, it is a bargain, &c.; ehia
for want of food. Lunk.8:4. To be dizzy; huamoa make ka hapawalu? how many
hence, to faint. hen’s eggs will buy (will pay for, will be
Ma-xKa-po-NI-U-NI-U, s. Obscure vision; equal to) arial? Hookahi puu wahie make
applied to the eyes, blindness. See Poiwa.
ka pahu aila, one pile of wood paid fora
Applied to the heart, want of courage.
cask of oil. Make hewa, a bad bargain;
no profit; in vain, &e.
Ma-ka-pu-n1, s. Name of a species of Ma-xg, s. Death; the dissolution of soul
and body; the state of being dead; as an
Ma-ka-pu-La, adj. Maka and pula, a agent it triumphs over the bodies of men.
mote in the eye. Sore-eyed; blind with Rom. 6:9. Na make wahahee. Jer. 2:14.
one eye; having matter in the corner of
the eye. Ma-xe, adj. Dead; hurt; injured;
Ma-xa-wal, adj. Maka and wai, water. wounded.
Watery-eyed ; near sighted. Hin. 29:17. Ma-xKE, adv. E hina make, to fall dead;
2. Corrupt; running, as a sore. i hina make ai, he fell down dead.
3. Large at one end and small at the 2. Even; nor; besides; neither.
other. Ma-xe-E, v. Make and e, before. To be
Ma-xa-wa-Lu, v. Maka and walu, to jealous.
2. Make, to desire. See verb, Note and mourning or wailing. Kanl. 26:14. See
E intensive. To desire, as property. KUMAKENA.
3. To be greedy after a thing generally; 2. Sorrow or suffering from habits of in-
used in reference to hoarding property; ua toxication; pau ka makena ana o ka poe
nui na mea i makee i kela mea i keia mea, ona rama, the sorrows of those drinking
i ka waiwai, i ka hanohano, a ia mea aku rum were ended.
ia mea aku. Ma Hawaii nei, 0 ka aina ke- 3. Sorrow; disappointment. Laieik. 66.
kahi mea a lakou i makee ai. Ma-ke-na, adj. Mourning; lamenting
4, To withhold from others property that the death of a friend; wawa makena, a
isdue. EHzek.18:16. Makee is synonymous noise of lamentation for the dead; kapa
with puniwaiwai, but is stronger. See makena, mourning garments. Kin. 38:14.
ALUNU. Ma-ke-nA-wal, s. Make and na, plural
5. To gather or scrape together things of article, and wai, waters. A place where a
value and of little value to keep them; e brook loses itself in the ground.
Ma-KE-wal, v. Make, to desire, and waz,
Ma-ke-g, s. Joined with waiwaz, covet- water. To be thirsty ; to thirst; to desire
ousness. Jer. 22:17. Greediness of gain. to drink. Lunk. 4:19.
Hal. 10:3.
2. Without waiwai, a covetous person. Ma-xe-wal, s. A desire to drink; thirst.
3. A robber. Job. 5:5. Ma-xE-wal, adj. Thirsty; desiring to
Ma-xer-waa, v. Manao ae la lakou, drink.
makeewaa ana e make ai o Kamaiole. Ma-kE-wa-LE, adj. Make, death, and
Ma-xkeE-E-wal-wal, s. See above in ma- wale, without cause. That which has died
kee, s. of itself. Oihk. 22:8.
Ma-ke-HE-wa, v. Make and hewa, wrong. Ma-xr-a, v. See Kaxia. To fasten, as
To be or to do to no purpose; to do in vain with nails, spikes or pins; to nail; to bolt;
or to no profit. Jer. 2:30. to drive a nail. Dunk. 4:21.
2. To tighten or make fast what other-
Ma-keE-HE-wa, adv. In vain; to no profit; wise would be loose.
not answering the purpose. Hal. 89:47. 3. Fic. To bind; to make fast, as by a
Vainly, as labor without reward. Jsa. 49:4. covenant or treaty.
Ma-KE-kav, adj. Angry; irascible ; 4. To be at peace with one; to be ina
quick in a passion; unfriendly; makekau oe, state of peace or quietness; ua makia ka
aole ike i kou hoahanau, aole hookipa, ea. aina.
Ma-xe-ke, s. Eng. Mustard. Mat. 5. To lay or mark out the ground for a
13:31. Hua makeke, mustard seed. heiau; makia huli ka moku, to turn as the
earth, though fast.
Ma-xe-LE, s. A deep place of earth and |
water; deep mud, but partially hardened Ma-xi-a, s. A pin; a bolt; a nail; a
or covered with grass so as to be shaky; wedge; anything used to keep a substance
unstable land. See Naka. in its place.
2. Fia. The state of being settled with-
Ma-KE-MA-KE, v. See Make, to desire. out disturbance ; the state of being under
To desire much; to wish for; to love. treaty.
2. To rejoice, i.e., to obtain one’s desire; 3. The measure used in laying out the
to be glad; e hoihoi. e olioli; ua like ka ground for a heiau.
makemake me ka hauoli ame ka olioli. Ma-x1-au, s. A nail of the finger or toe.
Notr.— Makemake is often used by foreign-
See Marao. ;
ers where other words such as ake, manao,
anoi, &c., would apply better. Ma-xi-Kka, s. Eng. The Hawaiian pro-
nunciation for musquito or musketo. A
Ma-ke-ma-KE, s. A desire; a wish; a stinging fly ;mai noho hoi a aki wale aku
want; a thinking much of. e like me na makika nahu kolohe. Norr.—
2. A rejoicing ; gladness. Musketoes were first brought to the islands
Ma-xeE-Nna, v. Make and ana, a dying. in 1823. A ship lying in the roads at La-
To mourn, that is, to make the sound of haina, on being cleared of verniin by smoke,
mourning ; to mourn; to wail, as for the a light breeze brought some musketoes
dead ; to mourn, as at the death of a rela- ashore. They are now numerous and trou-
tive or friend ; to mourn in any manner. blesome on the leeward sides of all the
2. To float in the air, as the sound of islands.
mourning. Nore.—Mourning among Ha- Ma-xi-x1, s. Name of a kind of soft
Waiians was expressed by audible lugubri- porous stone; maika stones were some-
ous tones of the voice. times made of them.
Ma-kn-na, s. A wailing; a mourning Ma-x1-Ko-E, adj. Extended ; long; flat.
or lamentation for the dead ; the sound of See KIoEOE.
sri ON 375 ee
Ma-xt-u1, v. See Mixiwi. To open, as; Ma-xo-xo, s. A species of large fish of
the mind; to be conscious of some internal the squid kind, of a reddish color; it is
feeling or desire. eaten by whales ; makoko, he wahi ia nui
2. Hoo. To open the mind to receive as ano hee, ulaula, he ai na ke kohola.
well as understand important truths; e Ma-ko-LE, s. Contraction of maka, eye,
hoomakili ae kakou i ka maka o ko kakou and kole, raw; inflamed. Inflamed eyes;
naau. the ophthalmia. Makole is mostly brought
Ma-x1-Lo, v. Ma and kilo, a star-gazer. on by swimming long in salt water. See
To look wishfully after a thing. MAKOE.
2. To beg. Hal. 37:25. Pololi loa oia, a 2. The time when the sun is high or
hele oia ma kauhale e makilo aii ai nana fiercely hot; i. e., from eight o’clock to
me ka hilahila ole. two or three in the afternoon.
3. To go about begging food. Ma-ko-LE-Ko-LE, s. See the foregoing.
Ma-xi-Lo, s. A beggar. Sore, running eyes; red with soreness ; he
Ma-xr-ma-x1, s. Name of a fish; a dol- maka helohelo; ohelo eyed, i. e., red like
phin. an ohelo.
Ma-xr-n1, v. To be uneven, as land, Ma-ko-u1, adj. Little of any work done;
some places high, some low; makini kona a little way that any one travels in a day;
aoao. mohai, loaa iki mai.
Ma-xi-n1, s. Name of a species of fish. Ma-xko-Lo, v. Ma and kolo, to crawl; to
creep. To crawl, as a four-footed animal.
Ma-xi-n1, adj. Name of a certain kind 2. To run along; to creep, as a vine.
of fish net; ka upena makini a ka poe kii 3. To approach on hands and knees, as
ai ia ke ahi a ka po. the people in former times approached a
Ma-xo, adj. Angry; provoked at others chief to ask a favor ; hence,
so as to quarrel and fight. 4. To ask a favor; to ask a question.
Ma-xo-a, s. Ma and koa, a koa tree. A Ma-xo-to-a, s. Name of some vegeta-
tract of land midway between the shore ble out of which mats were made, a kind
and interior where koa trees grow. of small rush; o ka makoloa kekahi hanaia
Ma-xo-a, v. Ma and koa, a soldier. To i moena.
go forward fearlessly; to do courageously. Ma-xo-tu, s. Name of a certain kind
2. To be hard with people; to be close; of fish.
to be stingy; to be unkind. Ma-xo-tv, adj. Wide; thick; deep; be-
Ma-ko-£, v. Contraction of maka, eye, smeared thickly with dust. Syw. with ma-
and kole, raw. To have sore or inflamed noanoa.
eyes. Ma-ko-Lu-ko-Lv, adj. Intensive of the
Ma-ko-E-a, adj. Hard; difficult; paa- foregoing. Thick; deep; thick, as a plank.
kiki, makona. Ma-ko-ma-ko, v. To enlarge; to in-
Ma-ko-1, adj. See the foregoing. Hard; crease ; to be great. See MAKUMAKU.
severe ; uncourteous ; hostile. Ma-ko-ma-ko, s. Greatness; great size;
Ma-xko-1-E-LE, v. ‘To teeter; to balance, largeness.
as two children in play; to swing, as a Ma-ko-na, s. An unpeaceful disposi-
single one on a rope. tion ; fretfulness.
Ma-xo-1-o-LE, v. To restrain breathing; Ma-xo-na, adj. Implacable; unappeas-
to hold in the breath. able ; aloha ole.
Ma-xou, pers. pron., first person plural. Ma-xu, v. To run and hide; to flee.
We; our company, excluding the persons
addressed. Gram. § 117:4 and § 129. O Ma-xu, v. To be full grown; to be full
ka ea noii ka makou ku kahakai. sized.
2. To be fixed ; to be firm; to be hard.
Ma-xovu, v. To be red; to be inflamed; 3. To be large or numerous.
to have red or inflamed eyes. See MAKOLE. 4. Hoo. To dress up in a quantity of
2. To be red like the flame of a lamp kapa with pomp; to make a great show.
which has burnt all night.
Ma-kvu, adj. Full grown; firm; hard.
Ma-xou, s. Name of a lamp with a red 2. Stiff or thick, as oil by long standing;
flame, or a flame that has burnt all night ; maku ka aila. See Maxva below.
he poe lakou no makou, no ka mea 0 ma-
kou ka inoa oia kukui. Ma-xu, s. Dregs of a liquid; lees; set-
2. Name of the kalaimoku where the tlings. Jsa.50:17. The mother of vinegar;
chiefs are concerned ; such a person was the lees of wine.
esteemed highly. Ma-xu-a, s. See Maku, full grown. A
Ma-ko-n1, s. A species of red kalo. parent; a begetter, either a father or
mother, i.e.,a mature person; applied also Ma-xuu, s. A crease around the end of
to an uncle or aunt. a canoe to hold a rope for dragging it;
2. Fic. A benefactor ; a provider; 0 ko alaila hoopualiia ke kauwahi mahope o ka
kakou makua ma keia wahi. o ka naauao kapaia kela wahi he makuu.
no ia. Aloha ka naauao, ka malua hoi o Ma-xuv, adj. Ma and kuu, to let go.
kahi makua ole.
Discharging stools involuntarily; lepo ma-
Ma-ku-a, adj. Full grown; of full age; kuu, involuntary alvine discharges.
mature; kanaka makua, a full grown man.
Ma-ku-ko-aE, s. The state of one just
Ma-xu-a, v. See Maku above, to be dying, formerly worshiped as a god.
large. To enlarge; to grow. Hoo. To in- Ma-ku-Lz, s. A company of traveling
crease ; to be full; to be thick set.
2. To strengthen; to sustain. Hal. 18:35. persons ; he huakai; a company of horses
and riders, &e.
3. To call one father or master; to honor.
Mat. 23:9. Ma-xv-tv, v. Ma and kulu, a
Ma-KU-A-HI-NE, s. Makua, parent, MaA-KU-LU-KU-LU, drop of liquid. To
drop, as water or a liquid ; to shed drops;
Ma-KU-WA-HI-NE, and wahine, female. to drop down, as water from a leaky roof;
Ma-ku-s-wa-HI-NE, ) A mother, &c., sub- to drop, as water from the clouds.
ject to all the figurative ideas of makua, s. Ma-ku-wa-HI-NE-Ko-LE-A, S. Makua and
Ma-kU-A-HO-NO-Al, s. Makua and ho- wahine and kolea, to make a friend. A step-
Ma-ku-A-HO-NO-WAI, § noai, to bind to- mother.
gether. A parent-in-law, either father or Ma-ta, v. To swell; to swell up; to
mother as it is followed by kane or wahine. grow large; to puff up, as a swelling.
See next words. Ma-a, s. A swelling or puffing up, as
Ma-ku-A-HO-NO-AI-KA-NE, S. Makua and of the chest ; an enlargement; a growing.
honoai (see above), and kane, male. A 2. The name of a disease.
father-in-law. unk. 1:16. 3. A small patch of ground ; a garden;
Ma-ku-A-HO-NO-AI-WA-HI-NE, S. Makua a small plat of ground for cultivation or
and honoai and wahine, female. A mother- under cultivation; a field. Neh. 5:11. See
in-law. MALAWAINA.
Ma-xku-a-Ka-NE, S. Makua and kane, 4. A gentle breeze; the east wind; ma-
male. The male parent; a father; the hus- kani hikina, he aeloa.
band of one’s mother. Ma-ta, adj. Swelling; puffed up; en-
Ma-ku-a-Ka-NE-KO-LE-A, s. Makua and larging ; growing.
kane, male, and kolea, to make a friend. A 2. Exhausted ; spent.
step-father. Ma-.ak, s. Maandlae,acalm. Acalm;
Ma-xku-a-KE-A-HU, adj. The spirit going a calmness; a pleasant appearance. See
here and there even to where the clouds and HooMALAE.
sea meet; 0 waiho oe auanei a hala loa kou Ma-Laz-LaE, adj. Clear; serene, as the
uhane makuakeahu. sky ; pleasant, as the weather.
Ma-xu-a-Ko-Le-a, s. Makua and kolea. 2. Clear; smooth, as a plain; without
A parent-in-law, either father or mother. obstructions.
Ma-ku-a-ku-a, s. A species of grass Ma-tat-o-a, adj. Broken fine; scattered,
growing in bunches ; a bunch of grass. as small particles of a substance.
Ma-xu-a-Lu, s. Makua and liz, chief. A Ma-tat-La, adv. Ma and Jaila, there.
progenitor; a patriarch. Jos. 13:21. There; at theside of; atthat place. Gram.
2. A head of atribe; a chief. Kin. 36:15. § 165, 2: Auialo.
Ma-ku-E, s. A pale brown or chestnut, S. Bitterness; ill tasted;
color; purple; blue; any dark color. what is unpalatable.
Ma-uat-LE-Nna, adj. Bitter, acrid or sour;
Ma-xu-£, adj. Dark; brown; blue; unpalatable.
green, according to the substance; lole
malkue, purple cloth. 2 Oihl. 2:7. Ma-tatr-Lu-a, s. A goat without horns,
derived from the name of a particular goat
Ma-xu-E, v. Maand kue, to oppose. To formerly found at Kona, Hawaii.
punch, hunch or elbow one; to provoke
one to anger; to draw down the eyebrows Ma-ta-o-a, adj. Sad; sorrowful, as one
as if sullen or angry. sitting and thinking of many sources of
A-KU-E, S. Opposition; anger; strife. grief and imaginary evils as they flit be-
fore the mind as real ones; he weli malaoa
Ma-ku-E-xku-z, s. A kind of grass; the aku no ka lue la.
grass with which good adobies are made. Ma-ao-1ao, s. Twilight; light between
Ma-ku-o, adj. Brown. day and night.
Ma-tav, s. A place in the sea where Perhaps ; it may be, &c.; malama e kupu:
the water is still and quiet; a calm place auanei ka hua i luluia, perhaps hereafter
in the sea. the seed sown may spring up; malamao
2. A place where the bait for the aku or huli mai, perhaps he will turn. Malama is
bonita is found. . often connected with paha, which only
3. An impious wicked person. strengthens the possibility; as, malama
Ma-tav, v. See No. 3 above. Hoo. To paha e make ia, perhaps he will die; the
same as malia or malia paha, perhaps.
reject good advice or good principles ; to
treat with contempt one’s principles or doc- Ma-.a-ma-La, v. See Mata, to swell.
trines. To swell; to rise up round and full; to be
Ma-tav-Ee-a, v. To hawk about and large.
sell ; to peddle, Ma-ta-ma-La, s. See Mata. Something
Ma-tav-g-a, s. An indolent person, in- swollen; enlarged by swelling; swollen
with pride or haughtiness; he poe makau
disposed to work ; malauea o ka pililua o
lawaia o ke aukaka. kakou i ka malamala.
Ma-tav-Lav, s. See Marav. A prepara- Ma-ta-mA-La-mA, v. See Ma and Lama,
tion. a torch; also Matama. To shine; to give
light, as the sun or a luminous body.
Ma-tau-Lav-a, v. To trade; to make 2. Hoo. To enlighten; to cause light.
market; to peddle. See Manavra. See Kin. 1:14, 15.
also Masvava, the / dropped. Ma-ta-ma-La-ma, S. Light; the light of
Ma-ta-n1, v. To be relieved from pun- the sun or of the heavenly bodies; the light
ishment; to be joyful, as one who has been of a lamp or of a fire.
condemned, but the accuser is reconciled 2. Fie. Supernatural light: light of the
or no longer angry. mind; knowledge; knowledge of salva-
2. To be joyful, as one who seeks fora tion; opposite to pouli o ka naan.
thing and quickly finds it. Ma-La-mMa-La-Ma, adj. (Shining, as a
Ma-ta-u1-a, adj. For malaia. See Mata light.
2. Bitter; disagreeable to the taste. See Ma-ta-na, v. See Manana. Ma and
lana, to float. To float together, as a body
Ma-ta-tai-o-a, s. Name of an office in of canoes; to move together, as a drove of
the king’s train. cattle or a multitude of men; ke malana
Ma-ta-tu-a, v. To swell, as anything mai lanakanaka. Malana hiki ae i Ka ili
blistered ; as fruit exposed to the hot sun; kai.
ua malalua i ka la o Kawaihoa, Kawaihoa Ma-ta-na, s. A moving together, as
is blistered in the sun. many single things.
Ma-La-Lo, comp. prep. Ma and lalo, 2. The name of a fine rain from the north-
down. Downward; under; below; beneath. east at Waimea as it moves along before
Gram. § 161. the trade wind.
Ma-ta-ma, v. Ma and lama, light. To Ma-ta-na, adj. Tottering; weak; fee-
keep; to preserve; to watch over. See ble. See Lana.
Kat. 2. Loose; pulling up easily, as weeds
2. To serve as a servant; to take care of, from soft ground.
as one who cares for another. Kin. 47:13. Ma-ta-nal, s. The gentle blowing of
3. To reverence; to obey, asa command. the north-east wind.
Kanl. 5:9. 2. One of the names of the trade wind.
4. To observe, as a festival; to attend See Moar and AELOA.
to, as a duty. Ma-ta-n1, s. The name of the sixteenth
5. To be awake to danger.
6. To put and keep things in order. day of the month. See MaHEALANT.
7. To swell; to be enlarged, as the belly. Ma-ta-wat-Nna, s. Jala, a garden, and
See Mana. waina, grapes. A patch for grapes; a vine-
Ma-ta-ma, s. Light, as of the sun, moon yard. in. 9:20.
or stars. See ManaMALAMA. Ma-te, v. To hawk and spit; to raise
2. A solar month in distinction from ma- phlegm ; e palahehe ; to expectorate.
hina, a moon or lunar month. Ma-te, s. Phlegm; mucous raised from.
3. A looking-glass ; he aniani nana. the lungs or throat; he huka paa.
4. One who observes the heavenly bodies; Ma-te, s. A species of fish; the young:
a prophet ; a star-gazer ; an astrologer.
of the uhn. See OMALEMALE.
Ma-ta-ma, adj. Taking care; giving Ma-.e, s. An incorrect orthography for-
heed ; watching over. ‘ mare. See MARE.
Ma-ta-ma, adv. A conditional term. Ma-.e-a-LE-a, v. See Maatea. To be-
cunning; to be crafty; to have a fore- 5. To be gracious to one; to turn to-
thought for one’s advantage. wards one; to have respect to. Kin. 4:4.
2. To assuage, as one’s anger; to pacify. 6. Hoo. To be entreated for a person or
Ma-Le-Ha-LE-HA, s. ‘The appearance of thing. 2 Sam. 21:14.
the sky at evening. Ma-u-u, s. A chief deified and become
2. The time of evening. Isa. 5:11. an aumakua.
Ma-LE-HU-LE-HU, s. The appearance of 2. A deep sound, as of an ancient deep-
the sky at dawn of day. toned instrument (shell), like the bellowing
Ma-te-1a, adj. Idle; lazy; indolent. of a bull.
Ma-teE-LE, v. To distribute or give out Ma-ti-u-1a, adj. Acceptable; favorable.
to others, as food. Hoo. To parcel out; to
Hal. 69:13.
give to one and to another, as food; pau Ma-ti-H1-n1, v. To be or to live as a
no ka ai, aole ma/ele aku ia mea. E hoo- stranger. Puk. 2:29.
malele aku i ka ai ia hai, ame ka palapala. Ma-.r-H1-nI, s. A stranger; a non-resi-
Ma-tE-LeE, v. To call to one for help; dent; a transient person; a person from
malele kuala. another place. Oihk. 20:2. Fire. One that
Ma-te-na, s. A burning or preparing has not been seén for some time.
medicine ; he papaa laau lapaau. Ma-u-n1-nI, adj. As a stranger; stran-
Ma-te-no, s. A rough sea. ger like; new faced ; maka hou.
Ma-u1, v. To tie on; to fasten, as a Ma-u-u, v. Ma and lilt for li, small.
fish-hook on to a string ; to tie the end of To be or become small, as something that
a rope to keep it from unraveling; to tie is too great.
2. To calm down, as a storm or one in
up, as a broken limb.
2. To beseech; to beg in a soothing fierce anger.
manner. 3. To be consoled, as one indulging in
immoderate grief.
Ma-ut, s. See the verb above. A string 4. Hoo. To wither ; to droop; to lessen
used in tying the bait on a fish-hook, or for down ; to make less.
tying the end of a rope to prevent it from 5. To be bereaved of children, as parents,
unraveling. or of parents, as children.
Ma-ur-a, adv. See Matama, adv. Per- Ma-ti-tt, s. A blast, as upon fruits; a
haps; but; then; if then; lest; often fol- blasting. 1 Nal. 8:7.
lowed by paha or o or both; malia paha i Ma-ti-t1, adj. Lessened ; stinted; de-
hehuia makou i poe nana e kuhikuhi i ka
iwi; malia o, lest. Kanl. 24:15. Malia
generated ; withered; applied to fruits.
ISG. jo0 cake
paha o, lest perhaps. Nah. 22:6.
2. Applied to a wind; huaai malih, a
Ma-ur-e, v. To be calm; to be quiet; wind injuring vegetables. Kanl. 28:22.
to be still as to noise; to cease an agita- Ma-ti-ma-Lr, v. See Maui, to beseech.
tion ; to be calm, as the sea after a storm.
To dissemble through flattery.
Hoo. To make quiet; to still; to hush up.
2. To flatter for the sake of some adyan-
Ma-ti-£, adj. Quiet; calm; still; gentle. | tage.
Ma-t-g, adv. Quietly ; calmly ; gently. 3. To speak pleasantly in order to make
Ma-ti-£-L1-E, v. Intensive of malie. To one forget former injuries.
hush up a perturbation of any kind. Hoo. 4. To make a defense before an assembly.
To soothe one’s anger; to entreat quiet- 5. To talk soothingly ; to make friends
ness; to persuade one to be still. Nah. 13:3. with those whom we have offended.
Ma-uu, v. A contraction for malili. See 6. To persuade. 1 Nal. 22:20.
7. Hoo. To flatter. Hal. 78:36.
Ma-ui-o, s. The opening of the morn- Ma-u-ma-u1, s. Flattery; dissimula-
ing ; the first rays of light; malio pawa o tion; pleasant speech for gain or advan-
ke kakahiaka. See Pawa. tage; he poe akamai i ka malimali, a com-
Ma-ur-u, v. Ma and liu, preservative. pany skilled in flattery,
To attend to one; to regard or listen to Ma-i-ma-11, adj. Soothing in language;
one’s request. flattering ; dissembling.
2. To turn a compassionate eye upon Ma-ui-wa, s. A calm smooth place in
one; to be favorably disposed towards one;
to look upon one with kindness when need-
the sea; 0 ka malina a Moi kekahi kahuna
ing compassion. Puk. 32:12. nul o ia manawa.
3. To hearken to advice; to turn from a Ma-u-no, adj. Maand lino. See Lino-
purpose. Kanl. 21:18. Lino. Calm; quiet. as one whose spirits
: . To be accepted as an offering. Oihk. have been ruffled; calm, as the surface of
water without wind; quiet; gentle. See
Mauiz. Reflecting light, as calm water. Ma-to-ko, comp. prep. Ma and loko,
See Oxino. within. In; within; inside of; internally.
Ma-ti-no-11-No, adj. See Maino above. Gram. § 161.
Ma-to, s. A strip of kapa or cloth girded Ma-to-Lo, v. To break off work at the
about the loins of men; in former times the arrival of a la kapu; to rest. Hoo. To
malo was the only dress worn by men when rest ; to be still; to desist from work or
at work; a covering for the nakedness of labor on account of kapu.
men ; ka wawae e paa’i ka mai. 2. To ebb and flow. as the ocean, much
2. Fie. Ua loheia mamua ka olelo a ke- more than usual; o Nana no ka malama e
kahi alii, e kaohi a e moku ka ka malo. malolo ai ka moana.
Ma-to, adj. See Matoo. Ma-to-Lo, s. A day of preparation be-
Ma-to-E-Lo-E, v. See Loetog, feeble. fore ala kapu. Hoo. Causing a malolo or
To be faint ; to be weary; to relax, as the resting day. Nore.—At the present time
joints of animals. Anat. 1. it is equivalent to Saturday; ka la Hooma-
2. To breathe hard; to puff from hard lolo, the day before the Sabbath.
exercise, as traveling, or by hard labor. Ma-to-to, s. The flying-fish that swims
3. Hvo. To weary one’s self in doing near or on the surface of the sea; ma ka
evil. Jer. 9:5. ili kai e holo ai ka malolo.
Ma-to-E-Lo-E, adj. Weary; stiffened Ma-to-Lo, adj. Ebbing much further
with labor or traveling. Syy. with oopa. than usual, as the sea, and when this oceurs,
See MAALoELor. it is followed by avery high tide called ke
2. Firm ; substantial. kaimalolo.
Ma-to-1, v. To start in the eyes, as tears Ma-to-Lo-u1, adj. Ma and lohi or lolohi,
for love or affection. slow. Sluggish; numb; torpid.
Ma-too, v. To dry up, as water. Ma-to-Lo-Lu-a, adj. Malolo and lua,
2. To wither, as a tree. second. The reflux of a very low ebb tide
3. To become dry, as ariver. Jos. 3:16. of the sea; o ke kai malololua kona.
4. Hoo. To cause to dry up, as the sea. Ma-to-wal, s. Malo and wai, wet; water.
Tos. 2:10. To dry or season in the sun. A wet malo; inai komo ke kanaka ma ko
Ma-too, adj. Dry; dry, as land, in op- ke alii hale me ka pale ole i kona malowai
position to water; dry in opposition to e make no.
moist or wet. Ma-tu, v. To shade; to overshadow;
2. Dead, as a vegetable dried up. to cast a shade; malu ka la, the sun is
Ma-too-w4-Ha, v. To be dry; to be shaded. Laieik. 163.
without moisture. 2. To be comfortable, as ina shade when
2. To yield no fruit, as dry ground. all is heat around; to be inastate of quiet-
~ Ma-too-wa-Ha, adj. Dry; barren; un- ness and peace with others.
fruitful, as ground. 3. To be favored ; to have many enjoy-
Ma-to-n1, v. Ma and lohi, slow. To be ments and privileges.
4. To be fruitful ; to be blessed.
slow ; to be lazy; a maluhi, malohi, ma-
loeloe. 5. Hoo. To bless; to comfort; to make
Ma-to-n1-Lo-H1, v. See Ma and Loui, 6. To rule over; to govern, as a chief;
slow. To be weary; to be fatigued. See to keep in order the affairs of state. 1 Nal.
Ma-to-HI-Lo-H1, adj. See Marvunitvni. 7. To make peace, i.e.,a treaty of peace
Weary from traveling. See MALoELor. with olelo kuikahi. Dunk. 3:19.
Ma-to-xa, v. Ma and loka, not found. 8. To protect; to govern; to put under
To be sluggish in mind; to be slow in giv- a kapu; hoomalu iho la o Kamehameha,
ing one’s attention to a subject. nana wale no e kuaii Ka wahie ala, Kame-
2. Hoo. To be unbelieving ; to be diso- hameba prohibited the sandal-wood; he
only would sell it.
3. To treat sacred things with contempt. Ma-tu, s. A shade; the shadow of a
Ma-to-xa, s. A disregard to the com- tree or anything that keeps off the sun.
mands of achief. Hoo. Unbelief ina chief’s 2. Peace ; quietness; protection.
word or promise; disobedience in practice; 3. Watchfulness ; care.
under the christian system, an unbeliever; Ma-tu, adj. Overshadowed; protected;
a scoffer. governed.
Ma-to-xa, adj. Disobedient; unbeliev- 2. Quiet; without care or anxiety.
ing in the word of a chief. Hoo. Unbeliey- 3. Wet; cold; damp ; soaked in water;
ing ; discrediting the christian system. 1 i waiho ia maloko o ka wai.
Kor. 7:12. 4, Shivering with wet and cold.
openly ; con- To be weary, i. e., to be inclined to sleep.
Ma-tuv, adj. Secret; not Hal. 121:3. Hoo. To weary; to fatigue.
trary to order; without liberty; unlawful; Kekah. 10:15. ‘
olelo malu, secret conversation. Lunk. 3:19. pain
Ma-Lvu-nI-LU-HI, s. Weariness;
Ma-tu, adv. Secretly; unlawfully. from exertion ; fatigue from labor.
Ma-tu-a, v. Ma and lua, a pit or hole. Ma-tv-HI-Lu-HI, adj. Fatiguing; pain-
To dig or prepare holes or hills for ful; weary ; lazy; indolent.
ing ;to plant, as corn or potatoes. Ma-tu-xo-1, s. Malu, shade, and kor,
Ma-tu-a, s. Hills dug up or places root not found. The shadow of death;
made for planting potatoe s. death’s shade. See MALUMAKE.
2. A little spot dug up and prepared for 2. The act of going and cutting ohia trees
planting. for a heiau; ka maluohia, ka waokele, no
3. Laziness; indifference about work; mauhaalele.
he maluwa. Ma-tu-ie, v. Ma and lle, to shake. To
Ma-tu-a-ne-te, s. Name of a wind on be weak ; to be yielding ; to be flexible.
Kauai from the north-west. 2. To be soft, as poi.
Ma-tu-a-Ke-LE, s. Name of a wind 3. To change; to vary one’s form.
plowing mostly on Kauai; hohola ka ma- 4. Hoo. To be changed; to pass to an-
luakele. other form. 1 Kor. 15:52.
Ma-tu-a-tu-a, v. To be rough and un- Ma-tu-te, s. Weakness; flexibility; a
even; to be up and down, as hilly land ; changing from one form to another.
as an uneven road. Ma-tu-tE, adj. Limber; weak; flexi-
Ma-tv-a-tu-a, adj. Rough; uneven ; ble; changeable.
hilly, as land. Ma-u-Le-Lu-Le, adj. Intensive of ma-
Ma-tu-a-Lu-a, s. Name of the north- lule. Weak; flexible; changing ; limber.
west wind at Lahaina. Ma-tv-tu, s. Ma and lulu, a calm spot
2, Name of a wind at Kauai. of water. A place where water stands not
3, Name of a north wind at Oahu. dried up by the sun nor by drought ; he
Ma-tv-o-n1-a, s. The sacrifice of a per- wahi wai, aole kaee i kala ame ke koeleele.
son at the cutting of the tree for a god. Ma-tu-ma-KE, s. Malu, shade, and
2. The name of the kapu setting apart make, death. The shade or shadow of
that tree. death. Job. 24:17. See MALUKOI.
Ma-tu-na, s. Hebd. A mallows bush. Ma-tu-ma-tu, adj. See Maru. Shady;
Tob. 30:4. Purslain perhaps. cool; comfortable ; peaceful; hale malu-
Ma-tu-u1, adj. Ma and luhi, weary. malu, a shed; a portico.
Tired; slow; weary; lazy; dull; drowsy. Ma-tu-ma-Lu, s. See Matu. A shade,
Ma-tu-nt-a, v. Passive of malu for ma- &e. Fra. Protection; safety. Kin. 9:6.
luia, h inserted. To be at rest; to enjoy Ma-tu-ma-Ltu, v. See Marv. To be
peace, &e.; aole i maluhia ka aina no ke shady, &c. Hoo. To shade; to overshadow.
kava pinepine, the land did not enjoy rest
Heb. 9:5.
on account of frequent wars. See Mauna.
Ma-tu-ma-Lu-nt-a, s.
2. To be under a kapu; to be under the Puk. 18:23.
injunction of a solemn stillness or silence, Peace ; quietness ; rest.
as at some parts of the ancient worship. Ma-tu-na, comp. prep. Ma and luna,
3. To be under the fear or dread of the above. Upward; upon; over, either as to
punishment of broken kapus. place or office ; oia no maluna o ka poe
Ma-tu-ni-a, s. Peace; quietness; safety. kaua. Gram. § 161.
9. A sense of the presence and power of Ma-tu-wa, adj. Lazy; indifferent about
the gods. work; idle. See MoLowa.
3. Fear; dread of the gods in ancient
Ma-ma, v. To be light, in opposition to
heavy; to be unoppressed with a burden ;
4, The solemn awe and stillness that of a burden, of care or of
to be relieved
reigned during some of the ancient kapus. labor ; to be light, i. e., quick in making a
_5. The sacredness and solemnity of reli- journey.
gious rites.
2. To be active; to be nimble; to beaf-
Ma-tv-n1-a, adj. Peaceful; quiet, &c. fected with wine. Eset. 1:10. To revive
2. Fearful; troubled with fear during from a fainting fit. Zaieilc. 165. A mama
the ancient worship. ae la ke alii.
nea | adv. Quietly; silently. Jos. 3. Hoo. To lighten what is heavy, 140.,
21. to mitigate an affection. 1 Sam. 6:5.
Ma-tv-n1-Lu-u1, v. Maand luhi, weary. 4. To lighten or diminish, as a task or
To be weary from traveling. 2 Sam. 16:14. hard labor. 1 Nal. 12:4.
5. To finish; to have done with a thing;| Ma-ma-xa, v. To travel in company;
to set it afloat. to go in bands; e hele huakai.
Ma-ma, v. To chew with a view to spit Ma-ma-ka, s. Name of the stick on
out of the mouth; to chew or work over in which Hawaiians carry burdens across the
the mouth; hoomakankau iho la iae mama shoulders. See also Avamo and AUMAKA.
i ke kukui; to chew or grind in the mouth, Ma-ma-ka-Kau-A, 8. Mamaka and kaua,
as the Hawaiian doctors do some of their war. A principal man in battle, such as
medicines. Nore.—When the substance bears the brunt of a fight.
chewed is to be swallowed, the action of
chewing is ndu. Hoolale koke ae la ke Ma-ma-Kau-a-LU, adv. Horizontally;
kuhina e mamaika awa. Laieik. 34. _ flying off horizontally like a bird; lele ma-
makaualu auhono i ke kai.
Ma-ma, s. Lightness; swiftness in
movement. 2 Sam. 1:23. _ Ma-Ma-KE, v. Freq. of make, to die.
Ma-ma, adj. Light; active; nimble. Ma-Ma-MA-KE, To die or perish together
or in companies.
Ma-ma, adj. Chewed; masticated; kona
mau mama awa, persons whose business it
Ma-ma-x1, s. The bush or plant from
was to chew awa to make intoxicating the bark of which the mamaki kapas are
drink. Laieik. 88. made.
2. The name of the kapa or cloth thus
Ma-mag, s. Ma and mae, pain. A kind
of pain or uneasy feeling, as of the flesh in | Ma-ma
cupping ; similar to mae. -LA, Ss. Ma and mala, a small
2. A slight involuntary contraction of piece of ground. A small piece of any
the muscles when hurt or threatened to be substance broken off from a larger; a frag-
hurt. ment. uk. 9:17. He hakina.
Ma-ma-o, adv. Ma and mao (see O), Ma-ma-La-Ho-E, s. Mamala, piece, and
compound preposition. Lir. At there,i.e., hoe, paddle. Name of one of Kamehameha’s
at a distance, but not far off; out of hear- criminal laws, a law of the most stringent
ing. Puk. 18:24. class ; the violation of all such laws was,
indeed, punishable with death. The name
Ma-ma-o, adj. Further; distant; far was derived from the fact that he came
off; palena mamao loa, the utmost bounds. near losing his life by a paddle being split
Vah. 22:35. E ku mamao aku, keep at a over his head. O Kamehameha ka mea
distance. Tit. 3:9. nana i kau mamalahoe kanawai.
Ma-ma-o, s. A distance of time or space; -Ma-ma-tv, s. Ma and malu, shade. A
a long distance; afar off. Mat. 8:30. shade ; a screen from the sun.
space between one place and another; 2. In modern times, an umbrella. See
something existing or done at a great dis- Lovutv. A defense from a storm. Jsa. 32:2.
tance off, or a long time ago. A covering ; a protection.
2. A sticky substance, as tar, pitch, pi-
Jali, &c.
|Ma-ma-tu, v. Ma and malu, to protect.
3. Name of a species of fish. To defend one from evil; to parry off; to
hinder one from doing a thing.
Ma-ma-o, v. To remove to a distance; _Ma-ma-tu, adj. Covered; shaded; pro-
to go afar off; to be far from locally and tected.
2. To make clear, explicit or plain.
Ma-ma-mo, s. Name of a species of fish.
3. Hoo. To remain at a distance; to sep- | Ma-ma-na-La, adj. Small; little, as lit-
arate widely from a person or place. Ezek. tle or light work; little, as the voice; he
1t:15: noho wale iho no na ‘lii, he oluolu, he ma-
Ma-mav, v. Ma and mau, to continue. manala, aole hana nui.
To be rough, as a road; to make rough or Ta-ma-NE, s. Name of a species of tree,
uneven. wood hard, used for the boards of holuas
2. To be hard or heavy upon; to over- and for oos.
power, as something opposed. Ma-mi-na, v. Ma and mina, grief. To
3. To be heavy: to press down. regret the loss of anything ; to hold on to
Ma-mav, adj. Rough; difficult; un- it; to withhold its loss. See Mrvamma.
even; narrow, as a path; hard to unloose; ‘Ma-mo, s. A descendant; posterity be-
rough in treatment, as in contention. low the third generation. Kin. 26:24. Chil-
Ma-mav-a, v. Ma and maua, often; re- dren; descendants generally. HKanl. 32:52.
peated. To obtain often ; to obtain gratu-
2. A species ot bird with yellow feathers,
and much valued for its feathers.
itously. See Maumava.
3. A yellow war cloak covered with the
Ma-mav-s-a, s. Wild kalo growing in yellow feathers of the mamo.
uncultivated places. See AwEowEo. 4, The name of a species of fish.
5. The name of a tree with beautiful) Ma-na-o, v. J/a and nao, root not found.
blossoms; he pua nani, he Jaau. To think ; to think of; to call to mind; to
Ma-mo, adj. Yellow, from the yellow meditate; manao io, manao oiaio, to believe
bird called mamo; aahu mamo, a yellow as true ; to credit; to have full confidence
garment; ua aahuia i ka lole ula ame ka in; to wish; to will. Rom. 9:18.
aahu mamo, he was clothed in a red coat 2. Hoo. To remember ; to consider ; to
and a yellow robe. ae to mind ; to please to do a thing; to
Ma-mo-na, s. Chald., mamon; Kng., will.
mammon. Riches. Mat. 6:24. Ma-na-o, s. A thought; an idea; a plan;
Ma-mua, comp. prep. Ma and mua, first. a device ; a purpose; a counsel; a strat-
Before; first in time or place; formerly; agem; manao kiekie, a high thought; pride;
previously ; in front of. Gram. § 161. manao io, faith; belief; confidence ; ma-
Ma-mu-11, comp. prep. Ma and mult, nao oiaio, the same; manao kuko, lust;
manao lana, hope; expectation; manao
after. Behind; afterwards; hereafter; soon; akamai, spirit of wisdom. Puk. 28:3.
by and by; after; according to; after the
example of. Gram. § 161. Ma-nao-1A, s. or part. pass. What is be-
Ma-na, s. Supernatural power, such as lieved, thought or supposed.
was supposed and believed to be an at- Ma-nao-1-0, v. Manao and io, real; sub-
tribute of the gods; power; strength; stantial. To believe: to credit what one
might. See Oihk. 26:19. Applied under says. fin. 15:6. To have confidence in.
the christian system to divine power. Lunk. Puk. 14:31. The same as manao oiaio, to
6:14. think to be truth or true.
2. Spirit; energy of character. 2 Nal. Ma-nao-1-o, s. Faith; verity; full con-
2:9. Official power or authority ; o kona fidence.
mau kaikuahine ka mana kiai. Laieik. 101. Ma-nao-ku-paa, s. Manao and ku, to
3. Glory; majesty ; intelligence; ka ibi- stand, and paa, fast. A decree; a fixed
ihi, ka nani, ka ike. plan; a purpose.
4, A branch or limb of a tree; the cross Ma-nao-La-nA, v. Manao and lana, to
piece of a cross; a limb of the human body. float. To be buoyed up, as the mind ; not
5. A line projecting from another line.
to sink, in opposition to manao poho, to
Puk. 37:19. See MANAMANA. sink ; to despond ; hence,
6. Food while being chewed in the
ie To hope; to trust in; to expect. Hal.
mouth, children were fed by taking the
food from the mother’s mouth and putting
it into the child’s; a mouthful of food. Ma-nao-La-Na, Ss. Hope; expectation ;
7. The name of the place of worship in a buoyancy of mind.
a heiau ; a house in the luakini; hence, Ma-nao-ti-a, s. See Manaora,Z inserted.
8. The name of a particular class of What is thought of, or destined, or pur-
heiaus. posed. Gram. § 48.
9. The name of a species of kalo. Ma-nao-nao, v. Freq. of manao, to
10. Name of a species of fish-hook. think. To think over; to turn over and
Ma-na, adj. Powerful; strong. 1 Sam. over in one’s mind; to meditate. Hal. 63:6.
2:4 2. To lament; to grieve; to pity one;
Ma-na, v. To branch out; to be di- to mourn for one ; kumakena.
vided ; to be many. Ma-nao-nao, s. A meditating; a turn-
2. To chew food for infants; emana aku ing over in the mind; grief; sadness on
i ka ai na ke keiki. parting with friends. Laieik.194. Mourn-
3. Hoo. To reverence or worship, as a ing ; sadness for the death of one.
superior being, i.e., of superhuman power; Ma-nao-pad, s. Manao and paa, fast.
a hoomana aku lai ua alii la e like me ka A plan; a resolution; a design. Laieik. 25.
hoomana akua, they worshiped that chief as Ma-nao-paa, adj. Just; inflexible; not
if they worshiped a god.
4. To worship; to render homage to.
turned aside by selfish motives ; he kaika-
mahine manaopaa no, aole e hoopilimeaai.
Puk. 20:5. Laieik. 194.
Ma-na, s. Hoo. Worship; reverence;
adoration. Ma-Na-HA-LO, s. Mana and halo. See
Ma-nar, s. An instrument used an- Ma-NnaA-HO-LO, Hao, s. The motion of
the arms and legs in swimming.
ciently as a needle in stringing flowers for
wreaths ; e ake no lakou e hookuikui i ka Ma-na-KA, v. To be discouraged ; to be
manai, a uo ike kaula i lawa; a sharp in- disheartened in doing a thing.
strument to make leis with. 2. To become indifferent as to the result;
Ma-nar-E-a, s. A species of sea moss. to be lazy; to work slackly and carelessly.
See Manavuna. Ma-na-ka, s. Discouragement; faint-
_heartedness; indifference in one’s business; with ; hoopili aku, a manana koke iho la
laziness. Hoo. Hoomanaka is opposed to no. Manana ke kanaka i ka wahine, i ke
hooikaika. E hana no me ka hooikaika, keiki, ame na mea e ae.
aole me ka hoomanaka. Ma-na-neE, s. A kind of tree.
Ma-na-ka, adj. Faint-hearted; lazy; Ma-na-wa, s. Feelings; affections ;
aole e loaa keia mea, 0 ka naauao,i ka mea sympathy. Kin. 43:30.
manaka, this thing, learning, will not be 2. A spirit; an apparition. |
obtained by the lazy. 3. The anterior and posterior fontanel in
Ma-na-to, adj. Sweet, as fresh water, the heads of young children; the soft place
in distinction from brackish or salt water; in the heads of infants. Anat. 9.
slightly brackish ; insipid. 4. A time; a season; a space between
2. Sweet, that is, free from taint; insipid; two events ; a space of place between two
free from taste. material objects, between two localities,
3. Firm; hard, as good kalo, in distinc- &c.; he manawa ole, instantly; immedi-
tion from loliloli. ately. Laieik. 102. See Wa.
Ma-na-Lo, s. Sweetness; destitute of Ma-na-wa-e-A, 5S. Childhood before the
bad taste. open place in the head is grown up.
Ma-na-to-na-Lo, v. To be unseasoned, 2. Hard breathing; an impediment in
as food; to be insipid to the taste; to be breathing. ;
without taste, as pure water. See Mana- Ma-na-was, adj. Bentin; crooked; de-
NALO. fective internally.
Ma-na-ma-nA, v. See Mana, a branch. Ma-na-wal-nvu-1-Kal-o0, s. Name of a
To branch out; to grow into branches; to fabled whirlpool.
form several divisions; to part asunder, as Ma-na-wa-t-No, adj. See Manawa and
several things from each other. Ino, bad. Evil minded; having a bad dis-
Ma-na-ma-na, s. A branch; a limb of position ; unlovely ; unfriendly.
a tree or of a person. Ma-Nna-wa-Nnu-l, v. Manawa, time, and
Ma-na-ma-na, adj. Branching; project- nui, much. To be along time. Hoo. To
ing in parallel or radiated lines; divided ; be patient; to be long-suffering ; to con-
split, as limbs of trees, twigs of branches, &e. tinue steadfast; to bear up against difficul-
Ma-na-mA-na-Li-ma, s. I. e., the branch- ties ; to be persevering ; to be awake and
ing of the arm; the finger. Puk. 29:12. active; to be ready.
Ma-Nna-MA-NA-Nu-I, s. The thumb or Ma-na-wa-nv-l, s. Steadfast in difficul-
the great toe as it is connected with the ties; patience; watching. Hoo. The re-
lima or the wawae. sistance of evil appetites or passions; tem-
Ma-Na-MA-NA-wa-wak, s. The toes. perance.
Ma-na-na, s. Name of a kind of potato. Ma-na-wa-Hu-A, adj. Manawa, dispo-
sition, and hua, jealous. Bad dispositioned;
2. That which is tottering, weak or fee- unlovely ; evil minded.
ble. See Marana.
3. That which is buoyed up ; hikike, ha- Ma-na-wa-u-a, s. Loss of appetite.
pai. 2. An unpleasant state of the bowels;
Ma-na-nal, s. See Matanar. A gentle the disease called hailepo.
3. An evacuation of the bowels. See also
breeze ; a pleasant wind to sail with and Kara.
no motion of the canoe or vessel.
Ma-na-nao, s. See Manao. Thought; Ma-na-wa-Hu-A, s. Manawa and hua,
envy. Irascibility; anger; evil minded-
opinion ; view of a matter; eia ka mana- ness.
nao 0 ka poe pono ia lakou. Ina hoii ole
ka pepa, heaha ka pono e loaa mai no ka Ma-Na-wa-Hu-a-Kal-koo, s. Manawa,
noonoo ana i manandao ? time, hua, to swell. and kaikoo,a high surf.
Ma-na-na-Lo, v. To be pure; to be sim- A great perturbation of the sea, wind and
current contrary.
ple, as a liquid; without mixture of ingre-
dients. Hoik. 14:10.
2. A great perturbation of the mind,
thoughts distracted. See HakvKar.
Ma-na-na-Lo, adj. See Manato. In- Ma-na-wa-Le-a, s. Alms; that which is
sipid; tasteless, as pure cool water; slightly
brackish ; hence. given to the poor; a gift; a present; help
2. Sweet, as water. Sol. 9:17. Okakai, in time of need; a present made to assuage
koekoe. one’s anger. 1 Sam. 25:27.
Ma-na-na-Lo, s. Name of the planet Ma-na-wa-LE-a, v. Manawa and lea, to
please. To send or give relief in distress;
2. Name of a species of fish. to give alms; to give willingly, cheerfully
and liberally; to bestow something upor
Ma-na-na, v. ‘To be angry or displeased another with affection.
Ma-Na-wa-LE-A, adj. Bestowing freely Ma-nzE-NnE, v. To tremble for, as for one
to the needy; generous; liberal; bestow- in danger; manene aku i ka mea aneane
ing upon the undeserving; gracious. Puk. haule ;manene i ka mea e pepehi ia ana;
34:6. Mea naau manawalea, a person of a manene i ka mea kokoke make.
willing heart, i. e., willing to give. Puk 2. To be dizzy or like one intoxicated.
30:0. | See Manta and Ona.
Ma-ne, s. Hed. Manna, the food of the\ 3. To slip, as a man’s foot or fingers in
Israelites in the wilderness of Arabia. Puk. climbing a pali or precipice.
16:31. Ma-ne-wa, s. A vegetable; a species of
Ma-ne-a, s. The hoof of a beast, as ox grass near the sea beach.
or horse. Dunk. 5:22. The nail of a per- 2. The breathing of a fish; the muscular
son’s finger or toe; the claws of a beast or motion of such breathing.
fowl; the ball of a man’s foot. See Marao Ma-ni, s. Hed. A Hebrew weight for
and Matuv. money; apound. Neh. 7:71.
2. Manea o ka moku, the toes, i. e., the Ma-ni, v. To diminish, as heat; to fly
divisions of the island. off, as heat; to cool; e waiho ana ka mo-
Ma-neEI, comp. prep. Ma and nez, here. moku pie mani ai ka umu.
This; here; in this place. Gram. § 161. Ma-n1, adj. Dull; heavy; smooth. See
See Maaner and MENEI. MANIA.
Ma-ne-o, v. To itch; to feel the sensa- Ma-ni-a, v. To be dull; to be blunt, as
tion of itching. a dull instrument; to be heavy; to be
2. To be bitter or pungent to the taste, smooth.
as after eating raw kalo or red pepper. 2. To be sharp; to be smooth cutting;
3. To be sharp and pricking. to smooth down what is rough.
Ma-ne-o, s. An itching pain; the sensa- 3. Hoo. To set on edge, as the teeth by
tion after eating red peppers or raw kalo. eating acids, or by any tingling noise, as
Ma-neE-o, adj. Itching; pepeiao maneo, the filing of a saw.
itching ears, i. e., desirous of hearing new 4. To be affected, as the nerves at any
or strange things. 2 Tim. 4:3. sudden or unpleasant noise.
Ma-NneE-o-NE-o, s. A species of sea-grass. 5. To smooth down a rough road. wk.
Ma-neE-LE, s. A sedan chair; a species Ma-ni-a, s. Dizziness ; drowsiness; in-
of palanquin; a bier. 2 Sam. 3:31.
2. The name of the pole with which two clination to sleep.
2. The sensation felt when one files a saw.
men carried a corpse; he laau amo kupa-
3. A broad smooth place, as a reef un-
covered with water.
3. Name of a tree found on the moun-
tains. Ma-ni-a, adj. See Laupapa. Smooth ;
Ma-ne-.e, v. To carry on the shoulders | dull, as the blunt smooth edge of a knife.
2. Sleepy; inactive ; lazy; weary.
of four men, as a palangnin or a sedan
chair. Nore—This mode of conveyance is 3. Straight ;even; smooth, as a surface.
See LauMAnia.
said to have been, formerly, very common
among the chiefs; but a certain chief of
4. Hoo. Set on edge, as the teeth by eat-
ing an acid.
Kauai, very corpulent and very crabbed to
his people, used to make them carry him
5. Having the sensation occasioned by a
grating noise, as the filing of a saw, &e.
up and down the palis, until weary with
his petulancy, they allowed him to fall, or Ma-nt-a-nI-a, v. Intensive of mania in
threw him down a deep pali or precipice ; all its senses.
since which time it has not been so fashion- Ma-ni-a-ni-a, adj. Even; smooth. Had.
able for chiefs to ride in them. 26:12.
Ma-ne-to, s. The name of certain large 2. Dull; sleepy; lazy, &c. See Manta.
fissures or caves in the bottom of the ocean. Ma-ni-a-ni-a, s. Name of a species of
Ma-ne-Lo, adj. Free, as land from grass, soft and smooth. See MANIENIE.
stones, lava or gravel. Ma-ni-a-NI-A-U-LA, 5S. Maniania, grass,
Ma-ne-na, s. Name of a medicinal herb. and ula, red. <A species of low grass with
Ma-ne-ne, adj. Soft and tender footed; is bearded seeds; it is found on Lanai, and
smooth footed. the same as pilipiliula on Hawaii.
2. Affected in walking, as with dizziness. Ma-ni-E, adj. Clear; smooth; plain.
3. Fearful ; trembling with fear. See Manta, Laumanta and LAuMANIE.
Ma-neE-nE, s. The nervous sensation of Ma-nI-E-nI-E, s. See Maniania. Name
one whenin a dangerous situation his hands of a species of grass, soft and smooth; it is
or feet slip. very tenacious of life.
Ma-nr-wa, adj. Wild; rude; rough;/Ma-no-a, s. Thickness ; depth.
harsh. See atti and KAMANTHA. Ma-no-a-No-A, v. See Manoa. To be
Ma-nr-ueE-v, v. ‘l’o bruise, as flesh; to thick ; to be impenetrable. Fic. Applied
injure the surface of a thing. to the mind, to be careless; to be dull of
2. To break: to break off or break in two. apprehension ; to be inattentive; to be in-
Ma-nr-La, s. The name given to Manila different. Oth. 28:27.
hats from the city Manila. Ma-no-a-No-a, Ss. Thickness. 1 Wal.
Ma-ni-nE, adj. Scratching with the fin- 12:10. Aia no a like pu ka manoanoa alii
ger where one itches. o na kupuna.
Ma-ni-n1, v. Ma and nini, to spill over. Ma-no-A-No-A, adj. Thick, as a board..
To spill or spatter out, as water in carrying. Ma-no-1, s. Cocoanut oil scented.
2. To overflow ; to run over, as water. 2. Perfume. Isa. 57:9. Oil. Isa. 61:3..
3. LToo. To pour out water by little and A Tahitian word perhaps.
little. Ma-no-HE-v, v. To bite with the teeth
4. To be dashed, as water against the and peel off, as the bark of a tree ; hence,
sides of a container by carrying it unstead- to deface ; to make a mark in.
ily. Ma-no-ma-No, v. See Mano. To be
Ma-nr-n1, s. Name of a species of fish multitudinous ; to be or become many.
caught by diving down after it. Ma-No-MA-No, adj. Manifold ; many.
2. Name of a species of kalo.
Hal. 86:5. Great in number; excessive;
Ma-nri-n1, adj. Spilling; overflowing, magnificent ; powerful ; numerous.
as water. Ma-No-MA-No, $s. Greatness; might. Isa.
Ma-ni-ni-n1, v. Freq. of manini. To 63:1.
overflow ; to spill over; to run over, as Ma-no-no, s. Name of a tree, timber
water; aleale ka wai, maninini mawaho. used for some parts of canoes.
Hoo. The same as hoomanini.
Ma-no-no, s. The sea as the surf dashes
Ma-nt-ni-ni, adj. Overflowing, &c. See against the rocks; 0 kekaikuihala kui ma-
MANINI. nono.
Ma-nr-nr-nt, s. The name of a species Ma-no-wal, s. A channel of a brook or
of fish. river. Isa. 8:7.
Ma-ni-no, s. See Maino, change of | 2. The material heart; that place whence
for n. A calm or quiet after a storm; the the blood comes together, as in a fountain,
abating or luliing of strong winds. and flows out again. See Kumano and Pu-
Ma-ni-no-n1-no, s. Intensive of manino WAI.
above. A calm; a lull of strong wind. Ma-nu, s. The general name for fowls
2. Asmall quiet place sheltered from the or the feathered tribe. Ain. 1:20. All
wind. winged feathered animals ;na mea eheu e
Ma-no, s. ‘The number 4,000; hookahi lele ana.
2. The name of two gods at the gate of
lau ai, hookahi mano ia, one 400 bunches Lono’s yard.
of food, one 4.000 of fish. Gram. § 116:5.
He umi lau ua like ia me ka mano, 4,000. Ma-nu, adj. Salted; applied to meat
and fish.
Ma-no, ls. A shark; he inoa no ka ia 2. Humming; lightly rumbling; making
Ma-noo, ai kanaka. Nore.—There are an indistinct noise.
many species of shark, besides some other 3. Full of holes, like some worthless
kinds of fish which Hawaiians call by the thing.
general name of mano, as the niuhi and the
ahi; they were all kapu to women to eat Ma-nu-a, Qs. The Hawaiian pronun-
under penalty of death. Ma-nu-wa, § ciation for the English phrase
2. The fountain head of a stream of water. man-of-war, i. e., ship-of-war.
See Poowat. Ma-nu-al-Hu-E, s. Manu, bird, and ai-
3. A channel of a brook or stream. See hue, to steal. The thievish partridge. Jer.
MANowWATI. 17:11.
Ma-no, v. To throw; to cast, as a) Ma-nu-r-a, v. See Hanamanvea. To:
stone; to throw at a thing; e pehi; to pelt. make a blunder; to act carelessly; to be:
Ma-no, adj. Thick; multitudinous ; dilatory in movement.
many; numerous. See Manomano and Ma-nv-E-a, adj. Blundering ; careless;-
Manuv. indifferent in action.
Ma-no-a, adj. Thick, as a board or Ma-nu-to-10, s. Manu, bird, and Zozo, to:
plank ; thick; deep, as a substance having peep. Name of a small bird; a swallow
breadth and depth that is thickness. perhaps. Jer. 8:7.
Ma-nv-i-nu, s. The name of the beak, Ma-pu-ma-pu, s. A rising upward; a
i. e., the end of the bow and stern of a moving off; 0 ka mapumapu aloha o Wai-
canoe; ina i palakalaha maluna o ka ma- aloha e.
nuihu. Ma-pu-na, v. Mapuand ana. See Marv.
Ma-nu-u, s. Name of a bird ; perhaps To boil up, as water in the sea near the
acrane. Jer. 8:7. shore or in other places.
Ma-nuu, adj. Great; immeasura- 2. To excite or stir up the mind.
Ma-nvuvu-Nuv, ble; vast; multitudinous; 3. To turn the affections upon a beloved
manifold. 4. To love ardently.
Ma-nuv, adj. Sick; painful; weak. Ma-pu-na, adj. Boiling up and flowing
Ma-nu-HE-v, s. Manu and heu, wing. off, as water in a spring; wal mapuna,
A breaking up; a flying away; a setting spring water. Fie. Oili mai la ka make-
at variance, as a people; civil commotion make i ka naauao o ka poe naauao me he
or contention. wai mapuna la e kahe mai ana.
Ma-nu-nu-nu, s. Manuand huhu,angry. Ma-wag, s. A cleft; an open place or
A wild ravenous bird. /sa.18:6 and 46:11. opening among rocks; a secret or hiding
Ma-nu-xa, v. To mistake; to blunder; place ; a pit.
to be slow; to be careless ; to lag behind. Ma-wae, adj. Hidden; secreted; stolen.
Ma-nv-xo-ra-Ka, s. Manu and koraka, Ma-wag, v. See the substantive. Hoo.
Gr. Araven. 1 Nal. 17:4. To crack ; to break; to cleave asunder.
Ma-nu-ku, adj. A dove, so called from Ma-waeE-Hu-Na, s. In the phrase mawae
its noise. Hal. 55:6. huna aina, literally, breaking the land in
Ma-nu-ma-nu, adj. Rough ; irregular, small pieces. All practices of the people,
like the surface of a board unplaned. such as gambling, betting, racing, &c., that
2. Defective; full of cracks or holes; not induce laziness and its vices.
solid. Ma-waeE-na, comp. prep. Maand waena,
3. Rough; unpolished ; want of beauty. between. Between; among; in the midst
Ma-nu-ma-nu, s. Civil commotion; a of; in the middle ; a mawaena iho, in the
breaking up; a crash in civil affairs; a set- interior; in the space between; between
ting against each other. two points. Joan. 4:31.
Ma-nu-nvu, v. To crack or creak against |Ma-war-na-ko-nu, adv. Mawaena and
each other, as broken bones. See HaLokE konu, center. In the center; in the mid-
and UuIna. dle. Isa. 24:13.
Ma-nu-nu, adv. In pieces; finely, as if| Ma-wax-wag, s. The fish prepared or
broken fine; haki manunu ka iwio ka moku. food first given to a new born infant; he
Ma-nu-nu-nv, s. A rumbling; a rustling hanau wale iho na wahine ilihunei ka lakou
indistinct noise ; a slight tremor. mau keiki me ka mawaewae ole.
Ma-nu-nu-nu, adj. Rumbling; rust- Ma-wai, s. Any cathartic medicine
ling ; tremulous, as an indistinct sound. given to children to carry off the meconium.
A-NU-NU-NU, v. To creak; to grate or Ma-wa-Ho, comp. prep. Ma and waho,
crepitate, as the finger joints when pulled, outside. What is outward; outside; oppo-
or the back when lomied, or as broken site to maloko.
bones when they come in contact. Ma-wa-Le, v. Ma, to wilt, and wale,
Ma-pr-tz, s. Name of a tree used in only. To fade quickly or easily ; to pass
building a heiau in the worship of Lono;
away, as the beauty of a thing; to come to
an end, as earthly glery. Hoo. To be de-
alaila, he mapele ka heiau e kukulu ai; he
heiau pili ka mapele i ka hoouluulu ai. stroyed or perish soon. Nore.—The word
in its origin has reference to the fading of
Ma-pu, v. To rise up, as incense; to a flower or the colors of a kapa; indeed it
rise up and float off. is applied to everything subject to decay;
2. To spatter, as when rowing a canoe. hence, to perish quickly.
3. Hoo. To set off together, as two per- Ma-we-ueE, v. Ma and wehe, to loosen.
sons riding in on the surf on a bet. To loosen; to separate; to be loosened; to
Ma-pu, adj. Moving, as a gentle wind; be separated.
floating, as odoriferous matter in the breeze; Ma-co-1, s. Gr. A magician; a prac-
spattering, as water from a paddle. ticer of magic arts. Puk. 7:11.
Ma-pv, s. The name of a wind. 2. A wise man: a philosopher. Mat. 2:1.
2. A ring-tailed monkey. Ma-ra-x1, s. Eng. The name of the
Ma-pu-ma-pu, v. See Marv. To fly up- third month of the year, March.
wards ; to float off in the air. Ma-rez, s. Marriage. Isa. 62:5.
Ma-re, v. Eng. To marry; to take a} A guard; a proteciion ; a preserver; epi-
wife or a husband; to wed. Puk. 21:3. thet of Jehovah. Lob. 7:20. it
Ma-re, adj. Married or to be married; Me-a-me-a, adj. Yellowish ; whitish;
as, kane mare, a bridegroom. Mat. 25:1.|_ ke poae ula, ke koae nui hulu meamea.
Wabine mare, a bride. Me-r, v. Contraction of meae. See
Ma-re-ka, s. Eng. Name ofthe planet |_ Mean. To wonder at; to be astonished.
Mars. See the first Hawaiian Alemanaka |Me-g, s. A thing greatly desired ;some-
for 1835. The Hawaiian name of the planet| thing much wished for; he mea i make-
Mars is Holoholopinaau. make nui ia.
Ma-re-te, s. Eng. Mustard; a plant;} Me-s, adj. Singular; strange; unheard
hua matete, mustard seed. See MAkeke. of.
Me, simp. prep. With; accompanying; |Me-g-au, s. ‘The itch. See Meav above.
as; like; like as; besides; so. Gram. § 2. Name ofa class of insects on trees.
68 and 72. Me-ev, v. ‘To jump; to run; to fly; to
Me, conj. With or without other words; | .run away.
with ; in company ; a me, and. It is often MEE-MEE, Ss. Strong desire F the object
followed by pela, corresponding with it;] of desire; the thing desired ; 0 ka meemee
as, me 1a i hana’i, pela oe e hana ai. Itis| yi nuio Hanalei.
frequently connected with like; as, e like] Mpp-mer adj Desirous for; longing
me oe, like you; it then merely strengthens
» 1 | > Aya 0 5
after ;sweet
to° one’s thoughts.
like; me nei, like this. M N f : f fish
Ree a cpntraction of mea, a thing. |aeee ee
Saeithae! Pile 17-14. Mz-o, v. To shoot or sprout out, as a
Me-a, s. A thing; an external object ;|.,“°setable: to grow, as a plant.
a visible or invisible substance. Me-o, s. The voice of crying, as of a
2. A circumstance or condition. child. ; .
3. A person; a thing in its most exten- 2. A sickly erying child. _ 4
sive application, including persons; ame 3. One who is often calling to obtain
kolaila poe mea a pau, and all the things favors. }
belonging to them. Kin. 2:1. Mz-o, adj. Sickly ;weak; crying, as a
4. Having the quality of obtaining or] child; meddlesome; taking hold of every-
possessing something ; as, he wahine mea|_ thing in one’s way.
kane, a woman having a husband. Kin.| Mx-o-me-o, adj. Reddish, as the bud of
20:3. a plant; as a feverish swelling on one’s
Me-a, v. To do; to say; to act. finger ; ulanla, omeomeo.
2. To have to do; tomeddle with. Kanl.|Mx-v, v. To meet; to bring two things
22:26. ur together ; to stitch together; to meet to-
3. To touch ; to injure; to meddle with.| gether, as two persons in kissing.
Kin. 22:12. é
4. To trouble with unprofitable business; Me-v-a, v. To strike each other, as two
to hinder. Sol. 14:10. persons qnarreling ; peua, meu.
5. To cause to come to. Jer. 18:2. ; Me-u-xe-v, s., The knuckles of the fist
6. To speak ; to utter; to ask questions. when the hand is doubled up.
7. Hoo. To hinder; to stand in the way; M Bug. A mules hea
mai hoomea hoi oukow i ke pai; aka,e hoo- | ME-U-LA, Ss. Lng. A mule; the olispring
iaio aku hoi i hiki wawe mai hoi na wahi] of a horse and anass; vulgarly pronounced
palapala a kakou. piua. See Miura.
Me-a-e, s. Mea ande, another. Another |Me-u-ms-v, v. To be blunt; to be round
in addition ; another besides. on the edge; to be dull, as a cutting in-
2. A stranger; one unknown; a new| _ Strument. :
thing ; a wonder; a prodigy. Me-v-ME-U, ad). Very blunt or dull, as
ME-a-E, adj. Wonderful ; strange ; un- an instrument whose edge or end is beat off
accountable ; something new. till quite round.
Me-ag, v. Formeaae. See Mea 6. To Me-na, v. To be solitary; to dwell
speak to one; to address one; to ask alone; to be desolate. Hoo. To dwell
pee ; : ? “! alone without society; to sit solitarily in a
Me-av, s. The itch. See Mamv and vue or at home,as in keeping the ancient
MEEAU. a ba . : :
Me-na, s. Loneliness; the state of bein
Me-a-wa-LE, s. Mea and hale, house. solitary. i 8
The owner ofahouse; a chief. Me-na, adj. Solitary; desolate; dwell-
Me-a-xi-al, s. Mea and kiat, to guard.| ing alone.
Me-al, s. Some hair or kapa or other 15:1. To sing with joy; to sing and dance.
article carried to the sorcerer by which he See Huna. i
(sorcerer) might procure the death of the Me-tz, s. Asinging; a subject of song.
one desired; 0 ke ola lau mehai, o mehai 2. A song; the words of asong. Kan.
kolo. 31:19. A chorus; a song of praise. Puk.
Me-na-mgE-HA, v. See Mena. To be 15:2. In modern’ times, a hymn; a rejoic-
waste or desolate, as a country. Jer. 46:19. ing expressive of oladness. Norr.— Mele
Me-nHa-mE-HA, adj. See Mena. Lonely; sometimes takes ke instead of ka for its
alone; without society; desolate. al. article. Bi
25:16. Alone by one’s self; retired; secret; Me-te, adj. Of or pertaining to song or
forsaken. rejoicing. Puk. 32:18. Walaau
mele, hilar-
Me-Ha-meE-HA, adv. Solitarily; without ity.
company. 2 Sam. 13:20. Mer-te, adj. Yellow; generally written
Me-na-na, v. See Manana. To be or melemele.
become warm. Kekah. 4:11. Me-te, s. For meli. Honey. See Mzut.
Me-na-na, s. See Manana. Heat; Isa. 7 15.
warmth. Isa. 18:4. Me-LE-ku-La, s. Eng. for marigula.
Me-ne, adv. Me, conjunction, as, and Marigold, a yellow flower.
he, indefinite article. Like a; as a, &c. ME-LE-ME-LE, adj. See Metz, adj. Yel-
Notre.—This is generally written in sepa- low. Oih.13:30. Oho melemele, yellow hair.
rate words as me he. 2. Beautiful ; handsome; pretty.
Me-ne-v, s. A track of the foot; an im- Me-u, s. Lat., mel. Honey. Ken. 43:11.
pression of a foot on the sand or dirt; a Me-to-mME-Lo, adj. Applied to a piece
scratch on paper; a track of a horse. See of wood smoothed and oiled over and let
KAPval. down into the water to attract fish ; it was
2. The effects or results of some action called laau melomelo; me ka laau melomelo
or something done. a kahekahe paha.
Me-ne-v, v. To make tracks. 2. Lazy; unemployed ; lying in the
2. To walk over ground; aole loaimeheu house ; not working.
aku na wahi a makoni hana pu ai me na Me-tu, v. To pull out the beard.
haku, the places are no longer trodden by 2. To swell; to be soft.
us where we worked with our masters. Me-tvu, s. The act of pulling out the
3. To walk over a particular spot fre- beard as Hawaiians did formerly.
quently so as to make a path. See Maa. 2. Softness ; a swelling.
Me-ne-v, adj. Trodden, as a path Me-v, adj. Soft, as fish long
through high grass. Nore.—lIf it becomes ME-ME-LU, caught.
much trodden or a large path it is maa.
2. Bad smelling, as spoiled fish; swell-
Mer-HE-v-HE-v, v. Freq. of meheu. To ing up.
make tracks frequently, &e. MeE-tu-mE-Lu, adj. See Mztv. Very
Me-ne-u-He-v, s. Many or frequent soft ; swelling up large.
tracks. Mr-Me-x1, s. “Anger.
2. Custom ; what is often done. Mr-me-x1, adj. Angry.
ME-kI, s. The ancient name for iron; Me-me-LE, v. See Mere. To sing ; to
the modern term is hao.
sing often, or to sing many together.
2. A nail; an iron spike, used for fasten-
ing or pinning. Me-me-LE, s. A singer; poe memele,
3. A secret pit or pitfall in the moun- concert singers. 1 Oihl. 15:27.
tains into which, if one fell, he never came ME-NA, S. Hebd. Manna. See Mane.
Me-ng, adj. Dull; blunt, as the rounded
Me-x1, adj. Used with dua, pit, as an edge of a knife or axe.
intensive. Hence, lua meki, an unseen (se- Me-neg, v. To shrink or settle down;
cret) bottomless pit : he lua meki ia aina
to pucker up; to contract; aole e mene ke
meki, full of deep pits is that land of pits.
Hal. 88:12. Nore.—Hawaiians couple the poo o ke kohe.
idea of lua meki with that of lua ahi as they Me-ng, s. Art. ke. Any dull utensil, as
read lua ahi in the Bible. an oo or axe or koi; o kou no ke mene.
Me-xv, v. To reply in scolding terms; Me-ne1, adv. Me, as, like, and 72, this.
to talk back offensively. Lrr. Like this. Thus; so; as follows. See
Mz-te, v. To chant; to cantillate; to PENEI.
Sing singly. Me-ne-o, v. See Maneo. To itch; to
2. To sing in chorus or concert, Puk. tingle ; to stagger ; to reel as drunk.
Me-ne-o, s. An itching; a reeling; a 7. To be prepared or ready for any event.
staggering. See Lou. E lolii e oukou ia oukou iho a
Me-ne-v, v. ‘To double up, as the arms mio. *
at the elbows, as the legs at the knees, &c.; Mr-o, s. A place where a stream of
ua pelupeluia, ua meneuw wale. : water is confined within very narrow
Mz-ne-meE-nE, v. ‘To have compassion bounds, and hence runs very swiftly, like
water in a millrace.
upon ; to pity. Rom. 9:15. 2. The flowing or running of water in
2. To regard with kindness one who is the above condition.
in a suffering condition. Lunk. 10:16. 3. The moving of the arm in water, as in
3. To curl up ; to contract, as a wound. swimming.
See MENg, v.
4. To fear; to shrink with fear; to be Mi-o, adj. Ready; prepared ; prosper-
afraid ; to be sad from fear. ous ; doing well.
Me-ne-mE-NE. s. Fear for one lest evil M I-0, adj. Confined in a narrow
should befall him; no ka menemene 0 make Mi-o-mt-0, § space; pinched up, as the
i ka ai noa, for fear lest he should die by toes in a tight shoe.
eating contrary to kapu. M1-o-1, adj. Bold; forward. See Maot.
Me-NeE-ME-NE, adj. Fearful for one; sad | Mr-or-o1, v. To stick; to adhere; to
onaccount of his hazardous situation or his meet together; to almost close up the eyes;
suffering condition. to wrinkle up.
Me-nv-1, adj. Contracted ; shortened ; Mr-o-mi-0, v. See Mio. To dive in the
curled in; blunted off. water; to swim; to move the hands in
Mez-re-ku-ri-a, s. Eng. Name of the swimming ; to puff; to breathe hard, as in
planet Mercury ; Hawaiian name, Ukali. swimming.
Me-sa, s. Lat., missa; Fr.,messe. The M1-o-m1-0, adj. Sloping ; tapering to a
mass, i. e., the consecration and oblation
2. Beautiful, like a nicely shaped canoe.
of the host; a service in the Roman Catholic
churches. Mi-v, v. To admire the appearance of
Me-si-a, s. Hed., anointed; in Gy~., a chief, the fine dress of one, or anything
remarkable about one.
Christos, the same. The anointed or con-
secrated one, to be a Savior of men, Jesus Mr-v-ta, s. Eng. A mule; the offspring
Christ ;ka mea nana e lawe aku i ka hala of an ass and a mare. Kin. 36:24. See
o ke ao nei. MEULA.
Me-to-pi-0, s. Name of a spice, galba- Mr-na, v. To flow along, as a wave; to
num. Puk. 30:34. pass, as a slight breeze over still water,
Mi, v. To void urine. See Mm and stirring up ripples.
2. To wave along, as a succession of
waves; to flow or pass along, as a current.
Mi-a, v. To make water; to void urine. 3. To float off in the air, as miasma.
See M1, Mu and Mint. 4. To look dark, as water rippled beside
Mr-a-na, )5, Mi and ana. The place calm glassy water. See Aummia.
Mn, for voiding urine. Miha lana au i kuakahiki ka newa’na.
2. The member by which it is voided. Mi-Ha-La-NA-Au, v. Miha and lana, to
Mi-a-ta, v. To be bold; to be imperti- float, and au, current. E aio, e holo,e ale.
nent; to exhibit familiarity; to be forward Mi-u1, v. To be sad in countenance;
in asking favors. See Koana. to express the feeling of sadness or griefin
Mn, s. See Mrana above. the countenance.
Mu, adj. Good; precious; desirable; 2. To feel or have regret for past con-
ano e.
3. To repent of a past act or acts.
Mr-o, v. To be pinched up; to be con- 4. To change or break off from a sinful
fined on all sides. course of life.
2. To wallow; to roll; to tumble about Mr-nt, s. Repentance ; sorrow or sad-
in the water; to sink out of sight.
3. To leer; to lay back the ears, as a ness of countenance ; a breaking off from
an evil course of life.
horse or mule when about to kick.
4. To move easily ; to move softly; to M1-u1-mi-H1, v. See Mi. To be sour
make no noise. or cross to one; to look upon one with dis-
5. E kio, e mohai ke ananio, e hai ke favor ; to be inimical to; to be bitter to-
anau. wards.
6. To flow strongly and swiftly, aswater Mr-xo, v. To place one thing on top of
confined in a narrow channel. another.
Mr-x1, v. To eat poi or other food by daintily ; to eat fastidiously ; to eat tem-
putting the fingers into it. Mar.,14:20. perately.
2. To pinch; to snatch; to eat ina hurry. 2. To eat in an awkward manner, like an
3. To urge on; to act promptly and ener- aged person who had lost his teeth.
getically; to be ‘quick iin doing a thing; to 3. To suck the fingers, as in eating the
hasten on a work to completion. inamona.
4, To lick; to sup up. 1 Nal. 18:38. 4. To desire strongly ; to wish for very
much; to look for something a person
M1-x1, adj. Energetic; active; ready to wants.
act 5 wee Sol. 22:29. M1-Ko-LE-LE-HU-A, adj. Thoughtful;
Mv-x1, Readiness; promptness in skillful; having the power of reflecting per-
doing ashine taining or applying to the subject on hand;
2. One ready to ask for anything he sees. ua bali au, ua noke au, ua noil au i manao
Mi-x1-a-La, v. Miki and ala, to rise up. milcolelehua no’ "IL, is
To arise quickly or early in the morning ; M1-ko-Lo-Lo-Hu-a, adj. See the above.
to be prompt in getting up ; hence, Thinking ; reflecting ; skillful, wise and in-
2. To be in season; to be promptly on telligent in affairs of difficulty. See AULI-
the ground and ready prepared; e miiala KOLOMANU.
mai i kakahiaka nui, be here bright and M1-xo-m1-xo, v. See Miko. To be taste-
early. ful, as well seasoned food ; to relish well,
Mr-x1-a-La, adj. Early on hand; ready as food.
for business. 2. To be pungent or bitter to the taste ;
Mr-x1-o1, s. Miki and 02, to excel. Neat- e mulemule.
ness; excellency in work; no ka mikioi 0 3. To be pleasant; to be instructive; to
ka oukou hana. be entertaining in conversation.
Mr-xi1-o1, adj. Neat; nice; neat, as 4, To be pleased or satisfied with the ar-
rangement of an affair. Laieik. 40.
work done in a workmanlike manner ; pa-
lawaiki, aulil. Mi-xo-m1-Ko, adj. Relishable, as food;
Mi-xr-u1, v. See Maxrri. To perceive seasoned.
internally ; to perceive, as the mind; i ka Mi-ta, s. Eng. In arithmetic, a mill,
lua o ko’u noonoo ana, mikili iki mai la ka the tenth part of a cent.
maka o ka manao maloko o ko’u naan, on Mr-tz, s. Eng. In measure, a mile;
my second thought, the eye of my mind eight furlongs.
within me perceived. | Mi-te-ni-o, s. Lat. Mille and annus, a
2. To have a Jittle light; to shine, as year. A space of time of a thousand years’
light through small holes: to be feebly duration about to come, when Jesus’‘Christ
lighted. will reign over the kingdoms and nations
Mi-x1-mt-x1, v. See Mix. ‘To be quick; of the world. Hoik. 20:2, 4,6. The mil-
to be brisk and dextrous in doing a thing. lennium.
2. To pinch or seize hold of readily, as Mr-te-ra, s. Eng. Millet, a species of
in eating with the fingers. grain. Hzek. 4:9.
3. To scoop up and eat fish gravy with
the fingers. Mi-u1, v. To feel of; to handle.
4. To nibble, as a fish at a hook. 2. To take up and carry; to bear in one’s
Mr-xt-mi-x1, adj. See Mixt, adj. Ener- 3. To look at; to examine; to look at
getic ; ready to act; prompt; neat; dili- carefully or critically.
Mr-ut1, s. A handling; a carrying; a
Mr-xo, v. ‘To be salted; to be seasoned, taking up; examining.
as food. Mi-u1, adj. Sullen; sluggish.
2. To be entangled; to be mixed up
with something else; to tie up into a knot. Mr-tt-o-na, s. Eng. In arithmetic, a
3. Fic. To be tasteful; to be edifying million; ten hundred thousand ; the num-
and profitable, as instructive conversation. ber 1,000,000.
Kol. 4:6. To be advantaged by another; | Mi-r1-Ka-na, s. The name of the paw-
to be benefited. Hzera 4:14. M1-11-KA-NI, paw tree; also the name
4. Hoo. To season ; to salt. Oihk. 2:13. of the fruit; he papaia, he hei.
Mr-xo, adj. Seasoned with salt; savory; Mi-xi-La-nt, v. Mili and lani, heaven,
saltish. Pulc. 29:2. Na mea miso, spicery an intensive. Lir. To lift up; to raise up
used in embalming. 2 Oihl. 16:14. to heaven.
2. Entangled; tied up in a knot. See 2. To praise; to celebrate the exploits
Napuv. of one; to exalt. Puke. 15:2. See Hu-
Mi-xo-Le, v. Miko and ole, nen To eat LANI.
3. To thank; to praise. 1 Oihl. 16:7, 8. 5. To retire; to recede, as a wave from
To give thanks. Hal. 79:13. the shore; mimiki aku ka nalu.
Mi-1-La-n1, s. Thanksgiving; rejoicing; Mi-mr-x1, s. A meeting of a returning
praise. Sal. 100:4. wave with another.
Mi-u-mi-u1, v. See Miri. To view; to 2. The same as mimilo below.
handle; to look at, as a curiosity ; to ex- Mi-mi-Lo, v. See Mixo, to spin. To
amine; a e milimili nei me he keiki aloha la. twist; to spin round; to go round and
Mr-u-mi-u1, s. A thing to be looked at round, as water in a whirlpool.
as curious ; a Curiosity ; nana iho la maua Mi-mi-Lo, s. See Mito. A whirlpool; a
me ka milimili, we two looked at as a curi- great pit in the sea where the water makes
osity. a great noise, flowing round and round and
2. Alord; achief; afoster-child. Laieik. destroys everything in its reach.
20. He haku, he alii, he hanai. 2. The turning of the hair on the top or
Mr-ui-mi-t1, adj. Desirable to look at; crown of the head.
worthy of examination ; na mea milimili, Mi-mi-Lo, adj. Rolling up like a dried
curious things. Jsa. 2:16. Ipu milimili. leaf; twisted; the hair of a negro,
Mi-to, v. To twist, as a string, thread described as follows: he kanaka eleele,
or cord on the thighs; to spin, as a thread: lauoho pokopoko mimilo.
to twist into a rope; to twist with the fin- Mi-m1-m1-0, v. To dive down; to plunge
gers. Puk. 35:25. deep in water ; e lululuu.
Mr-to, s. The name of a shrub or tree; Mi-mi-m1-H1, v. See Mint, to be sad. To
laau milo. Laieile. 40. grieve ; to be sad; to repent sorely, &c.
2. A species of tree; the fruit contains Nani wale lakou e mimimihi nei,
seeds which are used as cathartics. Ua mihi aku, ua mihi mai,
Ua haakulou wale ka noho ana,
Mr-to-mi-Lo, v. See Mito, to twist. To Ua kalele na lima i ka auwae.
roll in the fingers or hand, as a pill to make
it round. Mr-mi-no, v. See Mino. To wrinkle; to
curl up ; to ruffle, as paper or cloth, in op-
Mri-Lo-ro-re, s. Milo and rope, thread. position to smooth.
Mea milorope, a distaff. Sol. 31:19.
2. To languish ; to be weak; to be fee-
Mr-tu, s. The name of an ancient chief ble; to be infirm. Jsa. 24:4.
noted for his wickedness while on earth; 3. To wither ; to dry up, as grass. Isa.
he is now, according to Hawaiian mythol- 40:7.
ogy, lord of the lower regions, to whose Mi-mi-no, adj. Wrinkled; faded; with-
dominions departed spirits go. He is the ered ; immature. as fruit untimely fallen
Pluto of Hawaiians. He alii no lalo o ka or plucked. Jsa. 34:4. Or as fruit prema-
po, ka haku o ka pouli. turely fallen before fully grown. Kin.
Mr-tvu, adj. Soft, as a rotten spot in a 41:23.
melon. Mi-mo, v. To be right morally; to be
2. Beautiful ; grand; splendid; nani. good.
Mr-tu-mi-Lu, adj. See Mizu. Grand; _ 2. To be gentle ; to be soft; to be easy
solemn; shaded. in one’s manners.
Mi-m1, v. See Mi. To void or pass 3. To be without noise or confusion.
urine, as man or beast. 4. To move off unperceived; to step
2. To play tricks upon one; to vex; to silently aside; ke ike nei au ua mimo, ua
make one cry ; to be mischievous. panakai ole.
Mi-mo, s. Straightness; uprightness;
Mi-m1, s. Urine; water from the blad- what is morally good; gentleness; aole ma
_ der, Isa. 36:12. Opu mimi, the bladder. ke ino, ma ke kekee; ma ka mimo wale no.
Mi-m1, adj. Hoo. Extinguished; put Mt-mo, adj. Upright; straight; gentle;
out, as fire ; not burning. good ; without noise.
Mi-mi-u1, v. Intensive of mzhi. To re- Mi-mo-xa, s. Name of a tree, a species
pent; to change one’s course ; to cease to of the locust.
do wrong; e hoopau i ka hewa. Mi-mo-mi-mo, adj. See Mimo. Good;
Mi-mi-xt, v. Freq. of miki. To cut or gentle ; soft.
roll up, as a dried leaf. Mi-na, s. Grief for the loss of a thing;
2. To spring together, as a steel trap; to mostly found in the compounds mamina
pinch up tightly. and minamina.
3. To be industrious; to be constantly Mi-na-mi-na, v. See Mina. To grieve
at work; e hele mau ma ka hana. for the loss of a thing ; to be sorry for the
4, To be quick or spry, as men at work; sufferings of any one, 1. e., to have sympa-
mimilci mai kanaka. thy with. Kanl. 32:36.
2. To be sorry on account of the conse-| M1-nu-TE, s. Eng. A minute, the six-
quences of an event; to pity so as to save tieth part of an hour.
from punishment. Aanl. 19:13. To spare Mi-cs-so, adj. Heb. Papale migebo,
from persecution. Oth. 20:29. goodly bonnets. Puk. 30:28.
3. To be sorry at sad intelligence; to be
sad ; to be cast down, as the countenance. Mi-si-o-na-r1, s. Eng., Lat. One sent
1 Sam. 1:18. To be weighed down with for any business.
Sorrow. 2. In religion, the same as the Greek,
4. To grudge what is due to another. Apostle; one sent to publish the Gospel
Kanl. 15:10. and teach men the religion of the Bible; a
5. To be stingy; to be covetous; to keep missionary ; Maraki 31, 1820, hiki mai na
closely all one has. misionari i holo mua mai.
6. To be greedy of property; to be in- Mo, v. To break or to be broken, as a
tent on accumulating one’s personal con- rope; ua mo ke kaula; the same as moku.
veniences regardless of others. 2. Fia. To break or open, as light in the
Mi-na-mr-NA, s. Regret for the loss of a dawn of the morning ; ua mo ka pawa.
thing. 3. Hoo. To strike against; to dash. See
2. Sorrow; sadness; regret for an error. Hoomr, Hoopak and Hoomo.
3. Sorrow for others’ misdoings. Tos, Mo is a prefix to many words, but the
ES. meaning is not very apparent.
4, Covetousness; a strong desire for Mo-a, v. To dry; to roast; 1 mai la
property; hard, unjust treatment of others kela, aole i moa ka baka, that person said,
in order to get it; ka makee, ka alunu, ka the tobacco leaf is not dry; to bake. Oihk.
puniwaiwai. 6:17. To be cooked in an oven or pan.
Mi-na-mi-na, adj. Much desired; pre- Oihk. 7:9. Hoo. To be thoroughly cooked
cious ; considered valuable ; scarce; sorry or baked. Oihk. 23:17. To cook food gen-
to lose; ka! he mea minamina ka waa. erally, vegetable or animal.
Mi-ne-tTa, s. Eng. Name of an herb, Mo-a, s. A fowl of the hen species ;
mint. Mat. 23:23. moa kane, a cock ; moa wahine, a hen.
Mi-no, v. To be loose, i. e., weak; to 2. The name of a stick used in play.
be unstrung, as a feeble person. 3. Name of a plant, the leaves of which
2. Hoo. To be sad; to be sorrowful, as made into a tea are cathartic.
one desponding. See Omino. Nore.—Mino 4. Name of a piece of wood made to slide
and mimino is an expression made use of to down hill on; so called perhaps from its
children, as much as to say, “cover up shape; the practice of using it was attended
your nakedness.” with gambling ; ka hooholo moa, he mea
Mi-no, s. The turning or curling up, as pili waiwai ia.
5. Name of a moss-like plant growing in
a dried leaf or wrinkled paper; the curl of
the forests.
the hair, i.e., the crown on top of the head;
6. A kind of banana or plantain.
he mimilo maluna o ke poo. See Mimo and
MrMILo. Mo-a, adj. Done, that is, cooked thor-
M1-no, adj. Deep down, as a deep pit. oughly in any way ; ai moa, cooked vege-
table food; ia moa, cooked flesh. &c.; moa
Mr-no-1, v. Mino and 2. See Mino, s. lea, fully cooked ; berena moa ole, dough.
To contract towards a center, as the lips of
a child in sucking. Mo-arE, s. Name of the regular trade
2. To suck, as a child; to suck the fin- winds; he kaomi; no ka mea, he makani
gers, as in eating gravy with the fingers ikaika ka moae.
where the lips contract around the fingers Mo-az, v. Tobe cracked; tobe broken; .
to secure the gravy. to be split; to be full of cracks.
Mi-no-1-no-1, v. See Minor above. To Mo-aE, adj. Cracked; split; bent;
suck, as a child, &e. crooked.
2. To fold and tie up in a narrow com- Mo-a-g-ku, s. Moae and ku or eku, to
pass ; to collect a great many things in a resist. A foreign wind, or a wind froma
narrow space. foreign country; he makani no Kahiki mai.
3. To come together in one place in great
numbers, as flies. Mo-a-E-LE-HU-A, Ss. Moae and lehua.
Mi-no-mi-No, v. See Mino, s. To con- The name of a wind that shakes the lehua
trees; mai hookoke na maka a ka moaelehua,
tract ; to wrinkle up; to curl together ; to
be wrinkled, as cloth or the skin of an aged Mo-ar-PE-HU, S. Moae and pehu, swollen.
person ; minomino na lima, eleele ka lehe- The name of a wind.
lehe. See Omrno. Mo-a1, v. To relish food; moaz kou puu
Mi-no-mi-no, s. A wrinkle in folding a i ka ai a mea, your stomach relishes the
cloth. Hpes. 5:27. See Mrmrno. food of Mr.
Mo-at, adj. Long; bending; arching among fowls. Hoo. To go in company
over. with, as a cock goes with hens to give warn-
ing in case of danger: to be intimate with;.
Mo-a-ou-a, s. Moa and oua, unspurred, e hoopunahele.
as acock. A young cock before his spurs
are grown. See Ouwa. Mo-a-mo-a, s. The sharp point at the
Mo-au, adj. Long; stretching out. stern of a canoe; kahie oioi ana mahope
o ka waa.
Mo-a-u-ta, s. Name of a heiau for of- Mo-a-mo-a-wAA, s. The paper nautilus..
fering human sacrifices in time of war.
Mo-a-na, v. Moe and ana, a lying down..
Mo-a-Ha, s. The name of some white To spread out or down, as a mat.
substance connected with a fish line in 2. To spread out, i. e., to camp down, as
taking fish; ka moaha ka lau o maewa. a people or an army; to stop at a resting
Mo-a-HI-LE-LE, s. See MooanILeLe. place, as travelers ; e hoomaha, e oioi.
Mo-a-no-a-no, adj. Afar off; at a great 3. Hoo. Toencamp; to make an encamp-
distance. ment; to lodge in a place, as an army or a
Mo-a-Ka-Ka, v. Mo and akaka, to be great number of travelers. Puk. 13:20.
clear or plain. To make clear; to render 4. To bow down; to prostrate one’s self,
explicit, as anything not easily understood. i. e., to worship. Puk. 34:8.
2. To make things clear or distinct, as 5. Torise high; to spread over the shore,
colors. Kin. 30:37. To be plain; to be as the tide ; ua moana mai ke kai.
clear ; tou be explicit; to explain or inter- Mo-a-na, Ss. Moe and ana, a lying down.
pret, asadream. Dan. 2:9. The ocean; thesea generally; particularly,
3. Hoo. To expound a writing. Neh. 8:8. 2. The deep places of the sea; na wabi
See Hoakaka. hohonu maloko o ke kai.
Mo-a-Ka-Ka, adj. Clear; plain; intelli- 3. A place of rest or a resting place for
gible, as the expression of a thought or an a company of travelers. ‘i
idea; transparent, as glass. ‘See MOLAELAE 4, A place of meeting for consultation
and Kona. : among the chiefs ;he wahi ahaolelo.
Mo-a-Ka-Ka, s. Hoo. A reasoning ; an 5. Name of a species of red fish.
explaining. Job. 32:11. 6. Hoo. Ka poe hoomoana, the people
encamped. Neh. 2:17.
Mo-a-Ka-Ka-La, Ss. Moa and
kakala, Mo-a-na, adj. Broad; wide ; extended.
points; spurs. A cock with sharp spurs;
he moa kane, ua wini kakala. Mo-a-na-a-NA, v. See Moana. To be
Mo-a-xi-na-wa, s. Moa and kinana, a broad; to be extended.
2. To be opened widely.
hen. A hen that has laid eggs ;,he moa
3. To leave a thing to its own care or
wahine i hanau i na hua.
Mo-a-ta, s. Name of a species of fish; O-A-NA-A-NA, adj. Widely extended ;
he papai.
opened widely.
O-A-LA-A-LA, adj. Mo and ala, to rise Mo-a-nA-kal, Ss. Moana and kai, salt.
up. Going from house to house; going
The salt sea; literally, a salt ocean; epithet
here and there; forward; without back-
of the Dead Sea. Nah. 34:3. Applied in
wardness or modesty in seeking or asking geography to salt lakes; lilo iho la ia wahi
for favors.
imoanakai make, that place became a dead
Mo-a-te-a, adj. Moa and lea, very. sed.
Thoroughly cooked, as food. Mo-a-Na-PAA-KAI, S. Moana and paakai,
Mo-a-u1, v. To be fine; to be small, as salt. The salt ocean or the salt sea. Nah.
a thread ; to be small, as a very litile bit 34:12. The same as moanakai.
ofa thing. See Maart. Mo-a-na-wal, s. Moana and waz, fresh
2. E helei,e makoe, e pokole. See Moo-
water. A lake; a lake of fresh water.
ALI. Syn. with loko. Mat. 8:26, 27.
Mo-a-u1, s. The thread or strand of a Mo-a-n1, v. To emit an odor; to send
rope; a fraction or small piece of a thing.
forth a perfume or fragrance. Mel. Sol. 1:12..
See Maan. A slight track where a person
has only once gone. See MakaAara. Mo-a-nt, s. Mo and ani, a breeze. A
Mo-a-u1, adj. Small; short; fine; fine breeze ; the name of a wind.
marked. Mo-a-ni-a-NI, adj. Mo and ani and ani-.
Mo-a-ma-HA, adj. Moa and maha, to ani. Blowing along as the moani; he ua
rest; to cease. Imperfectly or half cooked. moaniani lehua no Puna.
0-A-MA-HI, s. A cock that conquers. Mo-a-nI-LE-Hu-A, Ss. Moani and lehua, a:
2. A conqueror of any kind. tree. The name of a wind; the lehua.
Mo-a-mo-a, v. To be or to act the cock breeze.
Mo-a-no, s. The name of a species of ,Mo-s-1-po, s. Moe and ipo, a lover in a
fish ; a dark or reddish color. low sense. A fornicator; an adulterer ;
Mo-a-PA-LA-HU, s. Moa, a fowl, one who indulges with another, as a kept
Mo-a-PE-LA-PE-LA-HU, and palahu, swol- mistress ; a mistress.
M len. Soft and red; 2. Fornication ; adultery.
ee epithet of a cock Mo-s-o-nE, s. Moe and one, sand. The
Mo-A-PE-LE-PE-LE-HU, J turkey from its name of a worm that lives in the dirt; a
comb and gobble; a turkey, especially a peelua.
cock turkey; he manu lepe ulaula e hoole- Mo-k-u-HA-NE, s. Moe, to sleep, and
walewa ana. uhane, soul; spirit. A dream. Kin. 20:3.
Mo-a-wi, s. Moa, fowl, and w2, poor in A dreamer. Jer. 27:9. A vision; a trance;
flesh. A poor fowl. he akaku; eia keia mea nui, he moeuhane
Mo-g, v. To lie down; to fall prostrate, na ka wahine o Liliha, here is a thing of
as in ancient worship. Joan. 11:32. importance, a dream by a woman of Litiha.
2. To lean forward on the hands and Mo-r-Ha-Lau, v. Moe and halau, to
knees, as the people in coming into the stretch out. To stretch one’s self out at
presence of a chief. full length ; to lie at full length.
3. To lie down, as in sleep. 1 Sam. 26:7. Mo-s-HE-wa, v. Moe and hewa, wrong.
To lie down for the purpose of taking sleep; To be disturbed in one’s sleep ; to talk in
e moe no kaua, a momoe iho la; hence, sleep ; to get up and do things in sleep.
4, To sleep ; to take rest in sleep. Mo-r-HE-wa, s. Talk in sleep; restless
5. To dream ; to dream a dream ; e moe
ka thane ; e moe i ka moe. and disturbed sleep ; somniloquism.
6. To stretch one’s self on a bed; e moe Mo-s-KA-HA-uU-LA, 5. Moe and kahaula.
- hoolei. Amos 6:4. A lascivious dream; a dream of sexual in-
7. Hoo. To lay one’s self down to sleep; tercourse ; ka moekolohe ana ma ka moe-
to cause to sleep. uhane. See ATKAHAULA.
8. To sit upon, as eggs to hatch. Isa. Mo-r-xa-Hu-a, s. See Morwaa and
59:5. MoEINO.
9. To bow down in humble solemn adora- Mo-E-Ko-Lo-HE, v. Moe, to sleep, and
tion. Nors.—Hoomoe signifies the observ- kolohe, mischief. To have unlawful inter-
ance of that silence, awe and respectful be- course between the sexes.
havior proper for the highest degree of 2. To commit adultery or fornication.
adoration. 3. Tosleep at an improper place or time
10. E hoomoe kolohe, to go a whoring 4. Hoo. To cause to commit lewdness.
after one. Puk. 34:16. 2 Oihl. 21:11.
Mo-z, s. A bed; a sleeping place; moe 5. Fie. To practice idolatry, as Jehovah
hilinai, a couch. <j claimed to be the husband and protector of
2. Adream. Dan. 2:3, 4. Ma ka moe,in his people as well as their Maker and God,
adream. Mat. 1:20. Hoakaka no hoi ke the worship of all other gods was consid-
alii i ka moe ia ia, the king explained the ered as adultery, i.e.,a breach of covenant
dream to him; ua moe ia maka moe, he lay with him. Hzek. 16:8, 15. :
on a bed. 6. To defile; to pollute.
Mo-z, s. The name of one of the six Mo-r-xKo-Lo-HE, s. The unlawful inter-
houses of a Hawaiian establishment; eono course of the sexes, adultery, fornication,
hale o na kanaka, he bale moe kekahi. See &e.; generally connected with many other
HALE. vices. Rom. 1:29.
Mo-r-ar-Ka-NE, v. Moe and aikane, sod- Mo-&-Ko-Lo-HE, adj. Adulterous; lust-
omy. To commit sodomy. ful; morally impure. Nah. 15:39.
Mo-s-al-Ka-NE, s. Moe and aikane, sod- Mo-r-Ku-Hu-A, adj. Sore eyed, so that
omy. Carnal abuse, male with male. 1 on waking the eyes cannot be opened, being
Kor. 6:9. olued together.
Mo-s-1-Ka-HaAl, s. A phrase rather than Mo-g-to-a, v. To sleep a long time; to
a word. Moe, to sleep, 7, with, and ka hai, sleep till late in the morning; aole Wakea
another’s (wife or husband.) Adultery i ala mai, ua moeloa.
with another’s wife or husband. 1 Kor. 6:9. Mo-r-tu, v. To commit adultery ; no
Mo-s-1-no, s. Sleeping uncomfortably ko Wakea makemake no e moelu laua me
for want of room, being crowded; he ka-
Hoohokukalani—maloko o ia mau po i
hua, he moewaa. moelu ai o Wakea.
2. An unpleasant dream; a dream of an Mo-r-Lu-a, s. A red kapa, eithera malo
unpleasant nature, or as we say, a bad or pa-u. See Penauka. He kapa, he pa-u,
dream. he moelua.
Mo-r-mo-z, v. See Mor. To lie down 8. A history. See MoooLeLto. A con-
to sleep ; to dream. nected story.
2. To lurk; to lie in ambush; to lie con- 9. A bed in a garden; a division made
cealed for some evil purpose. J/al. 10:9. for irrigation. See the compounds.
Mo-s-mo-r, s. Anambush. 2 O7Al. 13:13. Moo, v. To dry; to become dry. See
Mo-r-mo-g-a, v. See Moremoe above. To Maxoo. E kuku ma ke kua me ka ie a pa-
lahalaha, a kaulai a moo a lilo i kapa.
devise evil against another.
2. To dream an evil dream. Moo-a, s. A narrow or faint path; slight
3. To tell an evil dream. traces of a path where only a few foot-steps
Mo-kr-na, s. Contraction of moe and ana, are seen.
a lying down. See Moana. A mat; a mat- Moo-az, s. Name of the north wind at
tress; a couch; a pillow; the common ap- Honolulu.
plication is to mats of different kinds as Moo-a-HI-LE-LE, s. Moo and ahi, fire,
Hawaiians use them in their houses. and lele, to fly. A fiery flying serpent. Isa.
Mo-&-na-a-Hv-Ao, s. A mat braided from 14:29. Norse.—In the last edition of the
very fine strands of the lauhala leaf. Bible the ahi is left out; the word there is
Mo-E-NA-PA-WE-HE, s. A species of fine moolele.
mat, colored, checkered, and mostly made Moo-a-Ku-a, s. Moo, a story, and akua,
on the Island of Niihau. agod. A legend; a story concerning the
Mo-r-waa, s. He moe ino, he moeka- gods.
hua. Moo-a-t1, adj. Moo and ali, a scar.
Mo-1, s. A sovereign; one in whom is Small; thin; little. See Moat.
supreme authority. Tito 3:1. Moo-a-tu, s. Moo, a line, and alii, chief.
2. Sovereignty; majesty; supremacy; it The names of a line of chiefs; a genealogy;
is applied to men and to gods, as haku, a history of one’s ancestors.
alii and akua. In the Old Testament it is Moo-o0-LE-Lo, s. Moo and olelo, discourse.
applied to Jehovah. Heb.8:1. Inthe New A continuous or connected narrative of
Testament it is applied to Jesus Christ. events; a history. Jwk. 1:1. <A tradition.
Heb. 1:3. Hoailona moi, a badge of su- Mat. 15:2. In modern times, the minutes
preme authority ; applied to the Son of of a deliberative body ; a taxation list.
God. Heb. 1:8. Moo-o-mo-LE, adj. Moo and omole, round
3. The name of one of the gods in the and smooth. Anything having the quali-
luakini. ties of round and smooth.
Mo-1, adj. Supreme; royal; lordly; Moo-o-mo-LE, s. A long, smooth, round
pertaining to the gods; haku, alii. akua. bottle, like some oil bottles; a smooth,
Mo-1, s. Name of a species of fish of a long calabash.
white color. Moo-nu-E-Lo-A-wa, $s. Joo and huelo,
2. White specks on a dark skin. tail, and awa, bitter; stinging. A scorpion.
Mo-1-v, adj. Moand tu or tutu, afar Kan. 8:15. A poisonous serpent. Hoik. 9:3,
Mo-1-u-1-u, , off. Afar off; at a great dis- Moo-xa-a-La, s. Name of the species of
tance; out of sight; hence, more or less lizard found on dry lands running about
venerated. See Poruru. on the rocks.
Mo-1-tu, s. A small white fish found at Moo-xa-ao, s. A historical legend; a
Kohala; ka huaili hua moilii o Kohala. tale of ancient times. D. Malo1:& —
Moo, s. A general name for all kinds of Moo-xa-u-La, s. A species of black liz-
lizards. Oihi. 11:30. Hence, a serpent; ard found about houses.
a snake; the lizard god of Paliuli, whose
name was Kihanuilulumoku, ka moo nui. Moo-xka-uI-ko, s. Moo and kahiko, old.
Laieik. 104. The old serpent; a being spoken of in
2. A narrow strip of land; a division of Hoik. 12:9. Satan; Diabolo; Deragona.
land next less than an ili. Moo-ka-Hu-NnA, s. A genealogy of the
3. A planted patch of food, provided it ancient priests, kept by the priests them-
be much longer than it is wide. selves.
4. Two or three rows of bananas or other
food planted between two water courses.
Moo-ka-Na-KA, S. Moo and kanaka. A
5. A path. See Kuamoo. A line of di- genealogy or a list of the people for the
rection. purpose of taxation.
6. Ka mea nana moo, an observer of Moo-xu, s. The name of the worship of
times by watching serpents. Kanl. 18:10. the god Ku, one of the great gods. See
7. Name of some long sticks that run MooLono.
length ways of a canoe; penei, e kalai ia Moo-xu-au-HAv, s. Moo and kuauhau,a
na moo a pau i ka umeumeia. tax. A story or history or genealogy of
the ancestors. Nors.—The mookuauhau Moo-waa, s. Name of some long sticks
has several sources; some believed Kumu- pelonetne to a canoe reaching fore and
lipo to stand at the head ; others, Paliku ; aft.
others, Ololo; others, Puanue; others, Ka- Moo-wi-n1, v. To be misty; to be dim
pohihi. D. Malo 1:8 and 10. A line of de- visioned ; to see indistinctly ; to be blind.
scent for the people, but in connection with Moo-w1-n1, s. Moo and winz, fine pointed.
taxes. Dimness in vision ; misty in seeing.
Moo-xu-pu-NA, s. Moo and kupuna, 2. Blindness, natural or moral. Oihk.
grandfather. A list or line of the stock or 13:11; Rom. 11:25.
tribe of one’s family or ancestors. 3. Ablind person; nana mai no na maka,
Moo-tz-LE, s. Moo and lele, to fly. The aole nae he ike.
name of a reptile mentioned in Kin. 49:17, Moo-wi-n1, adj. Very small, like the
Kanl. 32:33 and Isa. 34:15; a dragon; a filaments of a spider’s web ; very fine.
flying serpent. s. See Movo below. Eia ka hoo-
Moo-t1-0, v. ‘To be small or narrow, as lana ame ka mou poho ole.
a path.
2. To be small, as a patch weeded by Mo-u-o, s.
A buoy; a float to show
many men. something below the water, as an anchor.
3. To breeze on one side. See Koorto. Fic. O oe no ka movo nui nana i hoolana
i ko’u uhane i ke ao. A piece of wood,
Moo-to-no, s. Name of the worship board or other substance to float on; 0 ka
rendered to Lono, one of the four principal mouo e ou ai ka naau, a buoy for the heart
gods; ua kapaia ma ka moolono, no ka mea to escape on; a place where anything may
o Lono ke akua nui o ia aoao. See Mooxu. float securely, like the poe heenalu when
Mo-o-Lu, adj. Olu, noolu, mo and olu. they come in through the surf and float at
Free; unrestrained: quiet. ease.
_ 2, Sinking, as in the mire; loose; yield- Mo-vo-vo, s. A float or buoy for a fish
ing. net; he lowaia mououo. See Povovo.
Moo-ma-KE, s. Moo and make, death. Mo-v-x1, bag Mo and uki, dirty.
Name of a deadly reptile in Jsa. 11:8; asp; Mo-vu-kI-U-KI, § Dirty; bad smelling; cor-
viper. Job. 20:16. rupt.
Moo-moo, s. Kapa of second or third Mo-v-x1-u-x1, adj. Wann, as the efflu-
rate; kapa that is not considered valuable. via from a corrupting body ; bad scented,
Moo-na-HE-sA, s. A boa constrictor. as the air from a tight room. See Ikmkt.
Moo-ni-Ho-a-wa, s. Mooand niho, tooth, Mo-wa, adj. Bright; clear; shining;
and awa, poison; bitter. Lrr. A lizard glistering.
with a poison tooth. A serpent; a viper; to
a poisonous reptile. Kanl. 32:33. See Moo- Mo-nai,
v. To break, as a stick;
break in two; to break off.
LELE. a sac-
Moo-nvu-1, s. Moo and nui, great. Lit. 2. To sacrifice to the gods; to offer
rifice ;to present a gift at the altar.
A great lizard. A being several times men-
tioned in the Scriptures and translated Mo-nat, adj. Broken; fractured; broken
dragon. Hal. 91:13; Isa. 51:9. in two. .
Moo-PE-PE-I-A0-HA-0, Ss. Moo and pepe- Mo-nat,
s. An expiatory sacrifice; a
sacrifice generally ;a general name of an
iao, ear, and hao, iron or horn. Name of
offering to the gods, of various kinds and
an animal mentioned in Jsa. 11:8; trans- for various purposes. Nore—The most of
lated in English cockatrice. the following kinds of sacrifices are com-
Moo-rsE-TE-NA, S. Joo and pethen (Heb.), mon to the Levitical and to the ancient
adder. An adder. Hal. 58:4. Hawaiian priesthood.
Moo-pu-na, s. Joo, succession, and Mo-nar-al, s. A meat offering. Puk.
puna, springing up, as water. A grand- 40:29.
child. Kin. 29:5. Posterity generally; moo- Mo-nat-a-u1, s. An offering made by fire.
puna kuakahi, that is of the third genera- Puk. 29:25.
tion: makua first, keiki second, keiki a ke Mo-nat-a-LA-o-Nno, s. A sweet-smelling
keiki third, i. e., moopuna, grandchild; moo- offering. Othk. 3:5.
puna kualua, a grandchild of the fourth Mo-nat-a-Lo-HA, s. A free-will offering.
generation, i.e.,agreat grandchild. Nore. Kanl. 12:6.
Descendants were counted down as follows:
Ist, makua, parent; 2d, keiki, child; 3d. Mo-war-Ha-LA, s. A sin offering. Nah.
15:25, 27. i
moopuna kuakahi, grandchild ; 4th, moo-
puna kualua, great grandchild ; 5th, moo- Mo-HAI-Ho-A-LI, S$. A wave offering.
puna kuakolu, great, great grandchild, &c. Puk. 29:24.
Mo-natl-Hoo-ma-Lu, s. A peace offering. Mo-na-tvu, v. To be comfortable; to be
Puk. 29:28. unrestrained ; to be at full liberty.
Mo-nat-Hoo-Lu-1, s. A wave offering. Mo-na-tvu, adj. At ease; quiet; at lib-
Oihk. 7:30. See MowatHoatt. erty ; unrestrained. See Ponatu.
Mo-wat-Hoo-ko, s. A sacrifice on per- Mo-nA-LuU-HA-LU, v. See Monatv. To
forming a vow. Nah. 15:3. be easy ; to be quiet; to be at liberty.
Mo-nAl-Hoo-MA-NA, S. Mo-ut-0-LU-0-PE-0-PE, adj. Disobedient;
Mo-nar-Kal-Kal, s. A heave offering. unyielding ; stubborn, as a child.
Puk. 29:27. Mo-ut-u1, s. Mo and hihi,a vine. Name
Mo-nar-Kal-KEA, s. An offering made by of a strong vine used for strings.
fire of the fat. Oihk. 10:15. Mo-nti-H1-0, s. Name of a plant.
Mo-HAI-KA-LA-HE-WA, S. Mo-no, s. Name of a species of bird;
Mo-nat-Ku-n1, s. A burnt sacrifice; a he moho ka mea kani iloko 0 ka weuweu,
burnt offering. Kin. 22:7. the moho is a bird that crows in the grass;
Mo-nar-La-weE-HA-LA, s. A sin offering. it seldom flies, but walks about.
Oihk, 4:3. Mo-no, v. To evolve or show the upper
Mo-nat-ma-xa-NA, Ss. A free-will offer- or top leaf of a plant of sugar-cane, kalo,
&c.: to bud out; to break or unfold,as the
ing. Puk. 25:2. bud into leaves.
Mo-nar-mi-Li-La-n1, s. A sacrifice of Mo-Ho-La, v. See Monara. To evolve;
thanksgiving. al. 116:17.
to unfold, as the leaves of a growing plant;
Mo-HAI-Mo-LI-A-0-LA, S. to bloom out, as a flower; to blossom. Kin.
Mo-nar-pa-nal, s. An offering of a hog 40:10. See Unona.
to a god by a mother on weaning an in- Mo-Ho-LE, v. To bruise ; to break up ;
fant; he mohaipanai keia na ka makua, i to crush; to rub off the skin. See Panos,
mea e oluolu mai ai ke akua i ke keiki. PoHOoLe and MAHOoLeE.
Mo-nar-po-n1, s. An offering of conse- Mo-Ho-LE, adj. Rubbed off; bruised ;
cration. Oihk. 7:37. crushed. Fic. Sad; sorrowful; dejected.
Mo-nai-pu-u1, s. An offering by fire. Mo-Ho-LE-Ho-LE, v. ‘l'o skin off; to rub
Oihk. 2:3. off; to polish.
Mo-na-HA-La, v. See Manoxanota and 2. To act lazily ; to be dejected or cast
ALALALA. down.
Mo-na-ta, v. To open; to expand, asa Mo-xa, v. See Oxo. To tear in small
flower ; to blossom. See Monona. pieces; to break up fine; to reduce to dust;
2. To be erect; to stand straight; to rise to blow away and scatter, as dust.
up. Mo-xa, s. Anything torn or broken up
. To be loosened or set free; applied to
small; small fragments of anything; he
that which has been bound, coiled or drawn
up tight.
2. Refuse matter ; that which is thrown
4. Hoo. To spread out or smooth, as a away.
kapa or cloth that has been ruffled.
3. Something connected with the hole of
5. To disperse or drive away, as fear. the squid.
6. Applied to the mind, to calm; to soothe
where the mind has been disturbed. Mo-xa, adj. Broken fine, as small dust,
7. To open or enlighten the mind. See chaff, &e. Dan. 3:29.
Mono. Mo-xaE, s. A species of grass or shrub
Mo-wa-ta, adj. Raised up, as something something like the ahuawa.
that had been depressed. Mo-xai-Kal, adj. New; sweet; insipid,
2. Opened, as the petals of a flower that as poi just made and not become sour;
has been pressed ; open, as a flower; pua mokaikai ka ai.
mohaia. 1 Nal. 6:18. Mo-xa-pa-wa, s. Mo, to break, ka, arti-
3. Devoid of fear, as one in danger. cle, pawa, morning dawn. Also, ua moku
Mo-na-La-Ha-LA, v. See Monara. To ka pawa o ke ao. Lrir. The dawn is break-
break loose ; to set free, as something that ing. The opening dawn; daybreak.
had been bound or restrained. : Mo-xt, s. A pipe lighter; he mokz baka;
Mo-wa-La-HA-LA, adj. Loose; unbound; a term of reproach; said to bea late coined
set free; lilolilo wale. word.
Mo-na-tu, s. Clearness; fullness, as Mo-xr-o, v. To steal.
the full moon. 2. To pucker up or contract the lips for
2. Name of a day of the month when the whistling.
moon begins to be round. 3. To whistle audibly.
4, To take the pipe-stem into the mouth 2. A district ;a division of an island, as
to smoke. Kona on Hawaii, and Hana on Maui.
Mo-xi-Ha-Na, s. A species of strong 3. An island, i. e., land separated from
scented wood. other land by water. Mokw or mokupuni
2. A species of mushroom. is synonymous with aina. D. Malo 7:1.
3. An odor; a fragrance. 4, A ship; so called from the supposition
Mo-xr-mo-k1, v. To drink water, as a when first seen that they were islands.
fowl; to suck, as a child; to breathe water,
5. A dividing line; a boundary between
as a fish. See Muxr and MukIkt. the different divisions of an island. See
Mo-xo, v. To fight; to pound with the 6. A part or piece of anything broken
fist ;to box; mako, melu, pauhu. off.
Mo-xo-1, s. Something about the bait in Mo-xu, adj. Greatly increased ;swollen,
fishing; eia ka mea lealea, o ka mokoi akua. as water; running; flowing; breaking down
2. The art of deceiving fish and capturing barriers, as water.
them. é Mo-xu-ar-na, Ss. Moku, broken off, and
Mo-xo-1, v. To be hard; to be stingy; aina, land. An island; a land separated
to be cruel. from another land. Laieik.110. Syn. with
2. To provoke ; to make angry. moku.
3. To tempt; to deceive fish; hence, to Mo-xu-a-HA-NA, v. To be divided, as a
catch fish.
4. To be hollow; to be without internal kingdom, a city or a family into two or
more contending parties ; to be split, asa
substance ; ke ohe, oia ka laau ponapona,
o kona kino he mokoi aku, the bamboo is community into factions. Hoo. To cause
a jointed vegetable, hollow inside. divisions. Hal. 55:9. To set one against
another, as parties.
Mo-xo-1-Ko-1, v. See Moxor. To take Mo-xu-a-HA-NA, adj. Split into parties
fish, &c.
or factions, as a people; divided; un-
Mo-xko-LeE, s. See Maxore. Inflamed friendly ; opposed.
eyes; sore eyed. Mo-xu-a-u1, s. Moku, a part, and ahi,
Mo-xo-Le, adj. Inflamed, as the eyes; fire. A fire brand. See Momoxuant.
swelled out; ‘not able to see distinctly. 2. Moku, ship, and ahi. fire. Liv. A fire
Mo-xo-to-a, s. The name of a species ship. A name given by some to a steam
of grass. vessel, but improperly, as a steam vessel is
Mo-ko-mo-ko, v. To box; to fence; to moku mahu, which see.
fight ; to hold boxing matches as pastimes Mo-xu-a-nu-a, adj. Evil minded; evilly
or as games; i ka makahiki, e mokomoko disposed ; injurious ; sad at the evil of an-
no na kanaka ame na ’lii ame ka wahine other.
ame kamalii, on the first day of the year Mo-xvu-a-wal, v. To be many; to be
the people, the chiefs, women and children, multitudinous.
held boxing matches, i.e., attended on them. 2. To travel in large companies; mokua-
Mo-xo-mo-xo, s. A boxer; a man skilled wai na kanaka.
in fighting ; a puka mai la kolaila moko- 3. To flow along, as a stream with rains.
moko. 4. To run; to rush, as a multitude. 2
Mo-xu, v. To divide in two; to cut, as Oihl. 23:12.
with a sword; hahau mai la i ka pahi, a Mo-xv-uI-a, adj. For mokuia, passive of
moku kekahi alii, he struck with a sword moku. Broken; divided. See Moxutta.
and cut a certain chief; to cut off, as a Mo-xu-ut-a, v. To drown; to extin-
member of the body. guish, as by water. Mel. Sol. 8:7.
2. To break asunder, as a cord, rope or Mo-xvu-HI-Ku-HI, adj. Mo and kuhikuhi,
chain. Oihk. 26:13.
3. To break, as the neck; a moku ko sweet. Sweet; sweet. as sugar.
Kiwalao a-i a make no ia, he broke Kiwa- Mo-xu-kau-a, s. Moku, ship, and kaua,
Jao’s neck and he died. war. <A war ship; a man-of-war.
4. To cut off, as with a sword at a single Mo-ku-KE-LE, s. The name of the ac-
blow. tion of sailing from island to island in a
5. To rend or tear in pieces, as a furious canoe in ancient times. D. Malo 7:1.
beast. Mat. 7:6.
6. To crack; to burst open with a noise.
Mo-kU-KE-LE-KA-HI-KI, s. A canoe sail-
7. To hold fast, as an anchor holds a ship. ing to a foreign country. Laieik. 175.
8. To cast or throw into the sea; mokuia Mo-xku-xkI-a-Lu-a, s. Moku and kia, mast,
ike kai, aole e make. and lua, two. A vessel with two masts; a
Mo-xv, s. A part of a country divided schooner; a brig.
off from another part. Mo-xu-kI-a-Ko-Lu, s. Moku, ship, kia,


mast, and kolu, three. A vessel with three 4, One belonging to a family. Oihk.
masts ; a ship. 25:47
Mo-xv-1z-1-a, s. Name of a species of 5. A cause; a means. 1 Tim. 6:10. A
fish of the kahala kind; kahala mokuleia. root; a foundation; aole i loaa ia’u ka
Mo-kv-1-a, adj. Passive of moku, Z in- mole o ka naauao, I have not obtained the
rinciples of knowledge.
serted. Divided; brokenup. See Moxv-
HIA. o-LE, v. To linger; to lag behind; to
Mo-ku-mo-xvu, v. See Moxv. To tear be slow.
up; to rend; to break in pieces; to pluck, Mo-tz-a, adj. Drawn tightly; strained,
as the feathers of a bird. as arope; hard; severe; tight.
Mo-xu-mo-xu, s. See Moxomoxo. A Mo-te-a, s. A person so angry that his
striker: a boxer; a fighter. Tit. 1:7. countenance is distorted.
Mo-ku-mo-ku, adj. Broken or cut to Mo-.e-Hu-LE-HU, s. The shade of the
pieces, as a rope. morning or evening; twilight. Jer. 6:4.
0-KU-MO-KU-A-HU-A, v. See Moxva- Ka malamalama iki e nalowale ai ka ili
kanaka. ,
HuA. To yearn; to be moved with affec-
tion towards one; to yearn with pity for Mo-.e-nvu-LE-HU, adj. Shady, in time
one. Kin. 43:30. Ua mokumokuahua ka of twilight. ob. 3:9.
manawa o ke alii i ke aloha, the spirit of Mo-.E-mo-LE, adj. See Moteand Omote.
a chief yearned with affection. Laieik. Round and smooth; cylindrical ; smooth,
as the skin of a bald head; hence,
Mo-ku-na, s. Moku and ana, a break- 2. Baldheaded.
ing; a dividing. A dividing line between 3. Sleek and smooth with fatness.
two lands. Mo-u, s. A sharp instrument to print
2. A boundary line of a land; a district; with on the skin; hahau iho la ka moli,
acountry. Sol. 15:25. pahuhu ae la ke koko, the moli is struck
3. Apart or piece cut off from something on, the blood flows out.
larger. 2. The name of a large bird.
4. A division of a country; a coast or Mo-ti-a, v. This word, like the Latin
region. sacro, signifies to devote, te give up or give
5. A chapter or division of a book. over to a good or bad end, that is, to bless
Mo-ku-pu-ni1, s. Moku, an island, and or to curse according to the character of
puni,tosurround. The full form for island; the thing devoted and the purpose to which
i. e., island surrounded (by water.) Syn. it is devoted.
with aina. O ka mokupuni oia ka mea nui 1. To bless or to curse, according to the
e like me Hawaii, Maui, ame na moku e ae. prayer of the priest.
Mo-xu-wa-H1, v. Moku and wahi, to 2. To bless; to pray for the safety of one.
3. To be sanctified, i. e., set apart or de-
break. To be at enmity or variance, as
two men. See MokvuaHANa. voted to the service of the gods; e molia
ka aii ke akua.
Mo-ta, v. To turn; to be unstable; to 4. To worship; to sacrifice ; to offer to
spin round; e milo. the gods; to save alive; e hoomana, e kau-
Mo-ta, adj. Turning; twisting; unsta- maha, e amaama, e hoola.
ble ; paa ole i ka milo ana. 5. To curse; to give over or devote to
Mo-taz-Lar, adj. Mo and laelae, clear. destruction ; to be sacrificed.
Clear; explicit; easily understood; unob- 6. To anathematize. Isa. 34:2. To de-
secure in vision. stroy ; e hoomake.
Mo-ta-tz, s. Clearness; brightness. 7. In the use of the word, molia is to bless
E ka mo/a/e ilio ilio lau lani. or fo curse according to some following
word or phrase. Nore.—Some of the forms
Mo-ta-tE-La-LE, adj. Clear; bright; are as follows: molia mai e ola, bless him,
plain. let him live ; molia mai e make, eurse him,
Mo-1a-mo-xa, adj. See Mota. Spinning let him die; molia ka poe kipi, curse the
or twisting round; not fixed. ; rebels ; molia i ke alii e make, curse the
Mo-te, s. The principal root of a tree chief, let him perish; molia i ke kukui e
that runs straight downwards; also the pio, curse the lamp, let it go out; moliai
large roots of a tree generally. (Thesmall ka ua e oki, curse the rain, let it stop; mo-
ae that branch out from them are called lia i ka hekili aole e hekili hou mai, eurse
aa. the thunder, let it thunder no more.
2. The bottom of a pit; the bottom of Mo-ti-a-o-La, s. An ancient form of
the sea. Habak. 3:13. worship when the priest offered a sacrifice
3. Fie. A root, i. e., offspring ;descend- and prayed for the life or safety of the peo-
ants from a root. Rom. 15:12. ple.
2. Applied in modern times,to the Jew- 2. A bloated dead body which floats
ish passover when a lamb was sacrificed for ashore from the sea; he mea pae wale ma
each household, and the angel of death kahakai.
passed over leaving the children of Israel 3. A person wrecked and cast ashore.
unhurt. Puk. 12:11. Mo-tu-L0, adj. Fat; plump; bloated ;
3. In the New Testament it is figuratively large, so that the fat shakes on one’s bones;
applied to the death of Christ as the sacri- applied to men.
fice for the sins of men. 1 Kor. 5:7. O-LU-LO-LU-LO, adj. Fat; plump, &c.
Mo-t1-a-o-La, adj. Of or belonging to See the foregoing.
the Jewish passover ; mohai moliaola, aha-
aina moliaola.
Mo-tu-Lo-Le-a, s. The voice or wail of
a ghost.
Mo-te-xr-a-HA, $. Mole and kiaha, cup. 2. The wail of one shipwrecked and cast
The bottom of a cup or mug. ashore.
Mo-ti-0, s. See Mouia. To offer to the Mo-tv-to-Le-a, adj. Wailing, crying,
gods ; to lay upon the altar, as a sacrifice ; &c., of a ghost; of one cast ashore from a
o ke akua i ka molio o ke ahiahi. wreck.
Mo-ii-u1, adj. Mo and Zi2, small. Lit- Ia uina ai lele hauli e ka manawa,
tle ; small; stinted. Lele-pioe loko i ko aloha—
Aloha mai nei, hele a hiikua,
Mo-u1-mo-t1, v. See Mort. To use the Hoi lanaau ka maha i hana ke-ua,
moli in puncturing the skin in making let- I ka uaua o ka pihe molulolea.
ters or figures. Mo-tu-na, v. To take by force; to rob;
Mo-to, v. To untwist; to unbraid, asa to plunder. See Mo.uto.
rope or string. Novre.—This word is found Mo-tu-na, s. A thief; one who robs
in many compounds, especially proper
names, as Molokai, Molokini, &c., also in
molokamaaha. See below. Mo-mt, s. A pearl. Mat. 13:46. The
pearl of the oyster ; the hard center of the
Mo-Lo-a, v. ‘This word is written by eye; the hard face of a watch; the eye of
Mo-Lo-wa, Hawaiians in both forms. a fish; maka ia.
As it is evidently a compound word, the Mo-m1, v. See Mont. To swallow, as
second form is preferable. Molo and wa,
food; to put in the mouth and swallow.
time ; space. To be indisposed to work;
to spend time listlessly ; to be lazy; to be Mo-mi-0, adj. Mo and mio, confined;
idle; to be indifferent whether a thing is close. Tapering; cramped.
done or not; molowa iho la ua alii la ia Mo-mi-xu, v. Momi, to swallow, and ku,
Hawaii, that chief was indifferent respect- standing. Toswallow standing up; a word
ing Hawaii; i aku la, ua molowa au i ka made use of by Kamehameha to express
aina, he said, | am indifferent about the contempt of his enemies, meaning, he would
lands. Hoo. The same. swallow them up.
Mo-to-Ka-ma-a-HA, s. Molokama is the Mo-mi-mo-m1, v. See Momt. Hoo. To
name ofa land on Kauai; in singing meles cause to swallow; to receive into the mouth
the aha protracted would be added. and swallow. See Mont.
Uina ka wai 0 na molokamaaha. Mo-mo, s. See Moomoo. Kapa of an in-
Mo-to-xu, adv. On the back; at the ferior quality; he moomoo, he palaholo,
back (of a person) ; on the backside. kiwaawaa.
Mo-to-wa, s. Slackness; indifference; Mo-mo-a, v. To give liberally; to take
carelessness; laziness. Jos. 18:3. care of a poor person ; to act the friend of
Mo-to-wa, adj. Indisposed to make an one; to be continually giving to others;
to take eare of, as a guardian takes care of
effort; inactive; lazy; unwilling to do;
the property of his ward. See Manama.
tiresome to one’s patience. Hoo. Slothful.
Sol. 12:24. See MAanaka. Mo-mo-z, v. See Mor. To sleep; to
Mo-to-wa, adv. Lazily; deceitfully. dream ; to sleep together, as two persons.
Ler, 48:10. Mo-mo-xa, s. See Momoxu. The rush-
Mo-to-nal, s. Laziness; heaviness of ing and running together of people, as in
head and eyes; drowsiness ; i keia manao a popular outbreak.
e hunai ka’u ano,i aku au me ka make, Mo-mo-xu, v. See Moxv. To break; to
molohai. Nort.—This word is used by the break up; to separate.
proud or foolish for molowa.
Mo-mo-xu, adj. Broken; separated;
Mo-tu-ni, adj. Mo and luhi, tired. broken up; greatly increased, as water
Weary ; fatigued. See Lunt. running in a freshet, breaking or rushing
Mo-tv-1o, v. To steal; to take another’s. forth.
Mo-tu-Lo, s. A thief; one who steals. Mo-mo-xv, s. What is broken or torn
off or snatched out; momoku ahi, a fire| Mo-ni-mo-n1, s. A fast eater; one who
brand ; e waiho ana ka momoku pi e mani swallows quickly.
aikaumu. See Momoxvant. 2. Metaphorically, one who receives in-
Mo-mo-xv-a-n1, s. Momoku and ahi, fire. struction greedily.
The remnants of fire; charcoal; wood Mo-pu-a, adj. Fine; melodious, as a
charred ; a fire brand. Sol. 26:18. voice.
Mo-mo-.z, v. See More and Kumomote. Mo-pu-na, s. See Mooruna. A descend-
To be round and smooth; to be smooth and ant of the third generation, including the
plumb up and down, as a smooth perpen- first, as makua, keiki, mopuna; a grand-
dicular pali. child.
Mo-mo-LE, adj. Round and smooth. Mo-wa, adj. See Moa, cooked. Done,
Mo-mo-ti-o, adj. Narrow ; contracted, as food.
as a place, or as space. Mo-wae, s. Mo and wae, toseparate. A
Mo-mo-m1, v. See Mom. To swallow rent; a broken place; a furrow; a cleft;
greedily. an opening among rocks. See Mawae.
Mo-mo-m1, s. Name of a kind of fish; Mo-wag, s. See Moar. The name of a
he paopao, he nukumonui. wind ; the regular trade wind.
Mo-mo-mo-£, v. See Mor and Momor. Mo-wa-mo-wa, v. Tocarry or send food
To sleep; to sleep often or soundly; to be to others gratuitously.
very sleepy. Mo-ra-k1, s. Eng. A mortgage; a deed
Mo-mo-na, v. See Mona. To be fat; of conveyance on condition.
to be round ; to be plump. Mu, v. To shut the lips and hold the
2. To be swelled out full; to be smooth, mouth full of water. See Mumv.
as the skin of a fat person or animal. 2. To be silent; not to answer. See Mv-
3. To become fat, that is, independent. MULE.
Kanl. 32:15. Hoo. To make one fat. 1 Mu, s. Alittle black bug that eats most
Sam. 2:29. kinds of wood; it also eats through and
Mo-mo-na, s. The fat, i. e., the fat part through all kinds of clothing; he mea e
of an animal. Oihk.6:12. The fat of land, popopo ai ka lole; a destroyer of many
i. e., fertility. Nah. 13:20. Fat, as a per- kinds of property. Mat. 6:19. The mu bores
son or community, i. e., rich; wealthy. a hole about as large as a gimlet ; a moth.
Kanl. 32:15. Isa. 51:8.
Mo-mo-na, adj. See Mona. Large; fat; 2. The name of a man who lived in the
fleshy; generally applied to persons or ani- country above Lauhaele and ate bananas.
mals. 3. Name of a small bird with yellow
2. Fig. Applied to the ground, rich; feathers; he mu kekahi manu, he lena kona
fertile, &c. Kin. 41:34. Nore.—Momona hulu.
when applied to food or drink, refers to 4, A person employed to procure human
whatever is good or pleasant to the taste, victims when a heiau was to be dedicated
as rich, sweet, fat, &c. or a new house built.
Mvu-a, v. To mumble food, as for a
Mo-na, adj. See Momona. Fat; rich; child ; to eat with the lips.
good, as a good soil; ua hookupu maikai | Mu-a, adv. and comp. prep. Of place, be-
oia (0 Hawaii), he mona ka lepo.
fore; in front of; of time, first; previous
Mo-na, v. To be fat; to be round and to; before; usually prefixed with some of
plump with fatness. the simple prepositions. Gram. § 161.
2. To be rich or fertile, as land. Mu-a, s. The name of a house for men
Mo-ne-a, v. For moniia, to be swal- only in ancient times; the house was kapu
lowed. To be stuffed; to be filled full with to women.
food ; to be glutted. 2. The distinguishing name of one of the
Mo-ne-HA, s. A long distance. six houses constituting a family arrange-
ment. See Hate. Eono haleona kanaka—
Mo-nr, v. See Mom. To swallow; to he mua, oia kekahi, men had six houses—
consume. Puk. 7:12. To swallow, i. e., to a& mua was one; the mua was the eating
drink wp, as the earth drinks up water ; 0 house for the hasband; ai no ke kane ma
ka honua, ua moni i ka wai, the earth, it ka mua, the husband ate in the mua. See
drinks up the water; to suck up, as a Mooolelo Hawaii 59. Holo kiki aku la o.
sponge ; e omo; e moni i ka ai, to swallow Papaakomo i mua e paio me Wakea, Papa
food. ran hastily and entered the eating house or -
Mo-ni, s. Eng. Money; the price of a husband’s house to quarrel with Wakea.
thing sold. Kin. 44:12. Syw. with talena. 2. The front part of a house or room. 1
Mat. 25:18. Nal. 6:20.
3. A poor looking calabash. Muv-tu-uu, s. Name of a south wind
4, A person with pouting or large lips. at Honolulu.
5. The first born of a family. Muv-muu, v. See Muv. To cut short;
6. The first; the beginning; the com-
to cut off; to shorten.
mencement. Mar. 1:1.
Mu-a-Kau, adj. First ripe, as fruits; Muv-muv, s. A shift or under garment
first born ; fish first caught.
worn by females.
2. A lame person; primarily, one who
Mv-a-xu-a, adj. Unfriendly; unsocial ; creeps, halts or limps; one who has lost or
niggardly. never enjoyed the use of his limbs.
Mu-a-mu-a, adj. Drinking water out of | U-HEE, Ss. Mu and hee, to slip. A fish
a calabash and then spitting it out; oumua- that moves two ways like the crab.
mua, omuemue. Mu-HeE, adj. Fickle; changeable; un-
U-E, }adj. Bitter ; bad tasted ; steady minded.
Mv-e-mv-E, offensive to the palate. Mu-neez, v. To make an indistinct
2. Cold; chilly ; shaking ; trembling. sound; tohum. See Mumvunv.
Mv-t-e-ke, v. Toshrink; to start from Mu-xa, adj. ‘Tasteless; insipid; ono
fear or pain. See HEkr. ole.
Mv-1, v. To collect ; to assemble. Mu-ka, s. A seizing ; a swallowing up;
Mvu-t-a, v. Passive of muz for mzzza. a devouring. Laieik. 105.
To be collected together. Mu-kagE, s. Anything jutting or hang-
Mu-1-x1-x1, v. Muz and kiki, very. ‘To ing over, as the brow of a precipice. See
press close together; to draw in; to cut UMALUv.
short. 2. The brim of a basin ortub. 2 Othl. 4:2.
Mv-i-mu-1, v. To collect together; to 3. The circumference of anything; he
assemble in one place; to be thick together; poai, he anapuni.
to assemble to see something; muimui aku 4, The edge of a pit.
la na kanaka ame na wahine e makaikai, Mu-x1, v. To apply the lips or mouth
men and women assembled together to ex- to; to kiss; e muki baka, to kiss or suck
amine. the tobacco pipe; to take a whiff of tobacco
Mv-i-mu-1-a, v. Passive of mutmut. 'To smoke; e muki i ka wai, to squirt water
be collected together; to be in a compact through the teeth.
mass. 2. To peep; to speak indistinctly, as an
Mv-o, v. To bud; to open, asa bud into enchanter. Jsa. 8:19. Syn. with namu.
a leaf; to put out a leaf. Hoo. To cause 3. To play on the hokiokio or pipe, a
to bud; to put forth or enlarge, as buds wind instrument.
before the leaves appear. Mov-xu, s. A pipe lighter; one who
Mv-o, s. A bud. Jsa.61:11. A branch. waits upon a chief with the pipe. See
Isa.27:10. Anew or fresh leaf. Luk. 21:50. Moki. Norr.—The office of the pipe lighter
was to attend the person of the chief with
Mv-ov-ou, v. Mu and ouou, short; thick a pipe always lighted ; in order to keep it
set. To be short; to be low; to be liitie; always lighted, the pipe lighter must him-
to be blunt. ‘ self, very frequently, give a little suck or
Mu-ov-ou, adj. Short; little ;blunt. puff or kiss, which was called muki.
Mu-o-1o-o-Lo, adj. See Oto and Oto- Mv-xi-x1, v. See Muxu. To suck into
oLo. Flexible; swinging; hanging down. the mouth, as in smoking.
See PUALUALU. 2. To suck in or drink, as water; to
Mu-o-mu-o, v. See Muo. Toswell out; swallow up.
to appear, as the bud of a flower. 3. To drink or sip water, as a bird drinks
2. To cover over as the calyx covers the from a flower.
incipient flower. See OmuAMUAPUA. 4. To squirt water through the teeth.
Mu-o-mu-o, s. ‘The flower covered by 5. To make mouths at one.
the calyx; the place below the muo or bud. Mukiki ka ia lelehuna a ka manu,
Ka awa ililena i ka uka o Kaliu,
Mu-o-Ko-Le, v. To cut off the Ka manu a haihai kanu awa—e—
Aia ka laau ka awa o Puna,
Mu-o0-MU-0-KO-LE, branches of trees or Mapuna wale mai ana no kona aloha la.
the tops of kalo.
Muu, v. To collect; to lay up, &c. Mu-x1-x1, s. A mouth made at oneasa
Syn. with mui, puu, ahu and waiho. To matter of reproach; hoomaka ko oukou
heap together; to fill up; to set thick to- mukiki i mea henehene, ai mea akaaka.
gether. See Muumuu. Mv-xi-mvu-x1, v. To tie; to bind fast.
Mov, adj. Collected ; laid up in store. |Mu-xo-1, adj. Sharp and projecting; ap-
plied to the forehead. See Larxor. Mukoi I keia mau la muli iho nei, in these last
pue kaua. days. Heb.1:1. He kaikaina, he pekii.
Mv-ko-Le, adj. Mu and keole, Mov-u1, adv. A mili aku, afterwards;
Mu-Ko-LE-Ko-LE, § raw; red. Red; in- after awhile; ka meae muli mai, that which
flamed, as the eyes ; mukolelcole na maka. shall be hereafter.
Mv-xu, v. ‘To wrangle; to blackguard; Mv-ti-Ho-pe, s. Muli, last, and hope,
to quarrel. See Nuku. end. The last; the youngest born; o ke
2. To cut short; to shorten; to cut off, keiki hiapo, he mua ia; o ke keiki muli-
&c.; the same as moku. hope, oia ka hope loa; also, keiki muli tho,
3. To cease ; to diminish, as a sickness ; youngest child. Kin. 9:34. He panina.
ua muku ka hi. Mv-ti-wal, s. Muli, the remains, and
Mu-xv, s. A measure of length used wai, water. The opening of a stream into
by Hawaiians ; the length from the fingers the sea.
of one hand to the elbow of the opposite 2. A frith; a bay at the mouth of ariver;
arm when extended; i. e., the cutting off hence,
at the elbow; o ka puaa nui, he anana 3. In geography,a river. Jos.1:4. Norte.
paha, he muku paha, a i ka iwilei paha. The derivation of the word refers to the
2. A piece cut off; that which is cut off; fact that at the mouths of most of the
anything cut short. streams on the islands there is a bar; at
3. The outside of a canoe. low tides there is some water standing
4, The name of the night when the moon which has not run out; these remains of
entirely disappears ; i ka po i nalowale ai water are called a muliwai.
ka mahina, 0 Muku ia: alaila, pau ka ma- Mv-tvu-wal, s. An awkward or affected
lama, on the night in which the moon en- pronunciation of muliwai. See the above.
tirely disappears, that is Muku, then the Mv-mvu, v. See Mu. To hum; to make
month ends. an indistinct sound.
5. The short end of the iako or cross 2. To be silent; to sit mum.
stick of a canoe; hawele koke aku la iai 3. To hold water in one’s mouth.
kana aho i ka muku o ka iako mua o kona 4, To be smooth or round ; to be blunt.
waa. 5. To cry out indistinctly.
6. Ashort garment, asif the bottom were 6. To take food into one’s mouth and
cut off. See Mumuxv. afterward take it and convey it to the mouth
Mu-xu-mu-ku, v. Tocut up into pieces; of another.
to cut off frequently. See Kumuxumu, the Mu-mu, adj. Indistinct; blunt; dull;
letters transposed. round ; smooth.
Mu-ku-mu-ku-wa-HA-NU-I, s. The name Mvu-mu, s. An indistinct sound; some
of a red fish. noise, not known what; the confused noise
Mvu-ta, s. See Mura. of a multitude at a distance ; opiopio ku
Mv-te, oe Bitter, as water; ka laula o ka mumu.
Mv-LE-MU-LE, bitter,as an herb. Puk. Mo-mv-1a, v. Passive of muz for muzia.
12:8. E paipaii ka laau mulemule a pau. To be collected together; to come together
in crowds; to be thick together in one
Mv-te-a, adj. Bitter; sharp ; place.
- Mu-LeE-MU-LE-A, bitter,as herbs; biting; Mu-mu-nu, s. A whispering; a mutter-
caustic. ing ; a voice in a low tone.
Mv-tze-a, v. To be bitter, as water of Mu-mu-uxu, v. To be large; to be plump;
Mulea. Puk. 15:23. to be numerous; to sound, as many voices;
Mou-te-Le-nu, v. Mu and lelehu, weak. to hum an indistinct sound.
To be slightly intoxicated. Mu-mu-uu, s. An indistinct sound, as
Mu-.e-mvu-Le, v. See Mute. To be bit- of many together ; hence, a crowd of peo-
ter; to taste bitter. ple in one place.
Mv-.1, comp. prep. After; according to; Mu-mu-xa, adj. See Puruxa. Bad;
behind; afterwards; it relates either to worthless ;unworthy of notice.
time or place; mostly preceded by 0, no, Mvu-mvu-xu, s. See Muxv. The name of
i, ma or mai. Gram. § 161. several things cut off, or cut short; a canoe
Mv-u1, s. The remains; the last of a cut in two in the middle; a garment cut
thing. short or the sleeves cut off; a wind blow-
2. A successor; muli mai, a brother or ing over land between two mountains as if
a sister next younger than one. cut off from the main wind; a maimed per-
3. The last; the hindmost; the youngest son having lost a hand, arm or foot. Mat.
of several children. 15:30. The name of a lady’s under gar-
4, The last one of a series. Mar. 12:21. ment is mumuku.
NA 404 NAA
Mu-mu-xu, adj. Cut off; separated, as kapu; the assembling of a company to-
a member of the body, i. e., the body when gether.
the limb is separated is mumuku; cut Mu-mu-Le, adj. Silent; quiet; refusing
short; too short for a designed purpose. to speak; taciturn; displeased; sullen;
Mu-mu-te, v. See Mumu. Tobe dumb; out of one’s mind; demented ; pupule.
to be speechless. Mu-mu-tu, v. To come together in a
2. To be silent; to hold one’s peace cluster or crowd; to be thick together ; to
through grief or affliction. Hal. 39:2. No- be numerous; to sit conversing together
laila, noho mumule mai la oia ia mau la, in a cluster; heaha ka lakou e mumulu la?
therefore he lived in atacitwrn manner dur- Aole, he pupule wale no.
ing those days.
3. To be silent, as one confuted; not Mu-na, adj. Slow of speech; not quick
having anything to say. Neh. 5:8. or ready ; maloeloe ka waha.
4, To be out of one’s right mind. Mu-ra, s. Gr. Myrrh. Mel. Sol. 4:14.
5. Hoo. To keep silence. Oth. 18:9. Mu-tu-E-La, s. Heb. A weasel, an ani-
Mu-mvu-tz, s. The gathering around a mal. Oihk. 11:29.

the tenth letter of the Hawaiian |Na-av, s. The small intestines of men
N 9 alphabet. It represents the same liquid or animals, which the Hawaiians suppose
in Hawaiian as in most European languages. to be the seat of thought, of intellect and
It is often commuted for/ (see the letter the affections.
L); as, nana, lanai; nanahu, lanahu, &C. 2. The internal parts, i.e., the inwards of
Na, simp. prep. Of; for; belonging to. animals. Oihk. 1:13. The bowels. 2 OiAl.
Placed before nouns or pronouns, it con- 21:15. Alua ano o na naau, o ka mea nui
veys the idea of possession, property or ame ka mea liilii, the intestines are of two
duty. It has the relation to no that @ has kinds, the large and the small. Anat. 51.
to o, or kato ko. Gram. § 69, 1, 2, 3. Hence,
3. The affections; the mind; the moral
Na, art., standing before nouns, repre- nature ; the heart; the seat of the moral
sents the plural number; as, ke alii, the powers. Mat. 22:37. Synonymous in many
chief; na alii, chiefs or the chiefs. Na often cases with uhane. the soul. Note.—The
answers the double purpose of a plural naaw of animals were formerly used by
article (that is, a plural for all the other Hawaiians as strings for various purposes;
articles which are singular), and the sign ka naau i mea aha moa, the intestines for
of the plural number of the noun. As an strings to tie fowls. See the compounds of
article, it is both definite and indefinite. naau below. y
Gram. § 67; also, § 83, 86 and 87.
Na-avu-ao, s. Naau, the mind, and ao,
Na. A particle somewhat frequent, add- instructed. An enlightened mind.
ing strength to an expression either pos- 2. Instruction; knowledge; learning;
itive or negative ; aole na he wahine e, o wisdom. Kanl. 4:6. He ike, he noonoo, he
ka moopuna na a Waka, she is not certainly noiau.
any other woman, she is certainly the grand-
child of Waka. Laieik. 128. Na-au-ao, adj. Naau and ao, to teach.
Wise; knowing; learned; enlightened; hav-
Na, v. To be quiet; to be pacified, as ing the skill or art of thinking and plan-
a child ; ua na ke keiki, the child is quiet ; ning well.
to be comforted, as one in affliction. Jer.
31:15. Na-au-ao, v. See the noun. To be
2. To enjoy respite from pain; a pau learned; to be wise; to be intelligent, &c.
kana heluhelu ana, noho iho la ia e na aku Hoo. To enlighten, as the mind; to in-
i ka mea manao ole. struct; to be instructed.
3. To gasp or half breathe, as a dying 2. To instruct, i. e., to convince; to be
person. advised; to be warned. Hal. 2:10.
4, Hoo. The same; also, in a legal sense, 3. To attend to that which is right; to
to settle difficulties; to decide between dif- give heed to truth and duty.
ferent claimants; as, e hoona kumu kule- Na-av-au, s. A remission of the strict-
ana aina, to settle land claims, ness of a kapu; used in the phrase kau na-
Na, adj. Quiet; pacified, as an ag- auau; the suspension of a kapu so far that
grieved child ; calmed; quieted, as one’s the people might eat certain kinds of food,
passions. thatch houses, d&c.
Na-au-au-a, )v. Naau and aua, self- strong opposition like the English but.
Na-av-au-wa, § ish desire. To kill one’s Aohe alii au, he kanaka nae, I am not a
chief, but I am a man.
self; to commit suicide on account of the
death of a friend, or from the feeling that Nag, v. To breathe hard; to pant, as
nothing remained worth living for. one laboring or exercising severely.
2. To mourn for the loss of a friend ; to 2. To pant for breath, as one with the
grieve. phthisic.
3. To be weak; to be bent over, as one 3. To give liberally; to distribute; to
in sadness. be liberal, as alandlord to his people. See
Nar below.
Na-au-au-a, )s, The desire to com- Nag, s. A sickness which occasions
Na-avu-au-wa, mit suicide on account hard breathing.
of the death of a friend; self murder through 2. The blowing of one’s breath when fa-
grief or disappointment; nui na hewa o ka tigued on stopping to rest. Fie. Applied
wa kahiko, 0 ka naauaua, many were the to the strong affections of the heart. Laieik.
sins of ancient times, suicide.
2. Anguish; sympathy with one; sorrow 3. The phthisic. See NAENAgE.
for the loss of one dear. 4. The upper regions of the air in dis-
3. Strong desire for the good of one.
tinction from the lower; ua lohe o ukaa me
4. Depression of spirits; grief. kai, a me nae a me lalo.
5. Real sorrow of heart. 5. The place whence the wind comes; a
Na-au-Ka-kKE, s. A sausage. iheao mea? Aia ma nae.
Na-au-KEE-Mo-a, s. Naau and kee, 6. The name of a species of fish net with
crooked, and moa, cooked, i. e., hardened small meshes.
in any shape. An evil disposition ; per- Naet-1-x1, adj. Nae and tki, little. Breath-
verseness ; a general disposition to wick- ing a little, i. e., almost exhausted ; near
edness. See OPUKEEMOA. dead.
Na-AU-KO-PE-Ko-PE, Ss. NNaau and kope- 2. Nearly out of patience or courage.
kope, morose. Perverseness; a bad dispo- NaE-E-LE, adj. Open; loose; full of
Sition ; surliness. See NAAUKEEMOA. holes, as open sleazy cloth; perhaps better
Na-au-ku-HI-LI, s. Naauw and kuhilz, spelled naele, the same as the following.
blundering. Carelessness; indifference; a Na-E-LE, adj. Full of holes, cracks
disposition to carelessness; inattention. Na-E-LE-LE, $ or chinks.
Na-av-po, s. Naawand po, night. lgno- 2. Rotten, as timber.
rance; darkness of mind ; without intelli- 3. Moist; damp; applied to that kind of
gence or instruction; a cloudy mind; awk- soil which retains moisture and is always
wardness. rich and good.
Na-av-po, adj. Dark-hearted; ignorant; Na-E-LE, s. Mire; deep mud. See Na-
unenlightened ; dark-minded. KELE, boggy, and Naka.
Na-au-po, v. To be dark-hearted; to be| N A-E-LE, v. To scatter, as men who do
ignorant; to be awkward; to be brutish. not abide by their work; to be distributed
Hoo. To be willingly ignorant; to remain by littles ; to be dissipated or scattered.
ignorant while possessing the means of 2. To get into a slough or into the mud;
knowledge. to sink down.
Na-av-po-no, v. Naau and pono, right. 3. Fie. To get into difficulty; aia ka ka-
To be upright; to be just. Hoo. To be kou e malama ai, o naele auanei kakou, it
staid in mind; to be fixed; to be sober. is for us to take heed, lest we get into the
Tit. 2:6. : ay mud, i. e., into difficulty; 0 naele auanei
Naa-naa, s. A sour disposition; unso- kakou, a pahemo, a haule ilalo.
ciability ; ignorance. Nak-0-A-I-KU, s. Nae, hard breathing,
Naa-naa, adj. Unsocial; crabbed; sour; NAE-0-WAI-KU, a-i, the neck, and ku, to
unlovely in temper and life. stand. A disease where hard breathing
2. Round and hard, as pills, or as goat’s causes one to stretch out the neck; a dis-
dung; poepoe me he lepo kao la. ease of the throat; the croup. Norse.—The
Naa-na-au, s. The stomach; the small first orthography is the correct one.
intestines; the receptacle of food after it is Nakg-NAE, v. See Nate. To breathe like
eaten ;Kabhi e waiho ai ka ai maloko o ke one out of breath by hard exercise; to be
kino. out of breath; to pant for breath; to sigh,
Nar, adv. An elegant expletive, but Hal. 38:10.
difficult to define. Truly; indeed; but; Nag-nak, S. Difficult breathing; the
however, &c. A mild but is perhaps the phthisic ; the asthma.
best definition, though it does not express 2. An offering made to the gods to ap-
pease their anger; a sacrifice. See Ka- 3. The grain or fibres of wood. Anat. 2.
NAENAE. 4. The mucous from the nose; he pala-
3. The name of a species of fish ; he ma- hehe, he pilau, he hehe.
_hamea. 5. He waiulaula, he waiahulu.
NaE-NAE, adj. Sweet-scented, as some Na-o-a, adj. Not relishing food, as one
herbs; he aku pua naenae o Waialoha. sick ; naoa oloko, aole ono i ka ai; filled ;
Nae-nakE, s. The name of a shrub bear- crammed with food; disgusted or sick at
ing sweet flowers. the sight of food from one’s own surfeit.
Naer-mal, s. Hard breathing; wheezing Na-o-a, s. A thick ripple on water;
mixed with cough. writing so thick together that the paper ap-
Nat, v. Tostrive hard to excel another; pears black; a covering with what is black.
to urge on; to go ahead. NaAo-MA-KA-LU-A, Ss. Some instrument
2. To finish ; to make an end. or method of taking fish; he hinai, he koi
3. To give or parcel out alike; na ia ke- kekahi, o ka luina kekahi e naomakalua.
iki e nai na mokue pau ai. Laieil. 10. Na-o-na-o, s. A species of ant; the
Na-1a, s. A species of black fish; the winged or flying ant; he mau mea eheu lii-
porpoise. Nore—The naia was forbidden lii loa e lele ana.
to women to eat, under the kapu system, Na-o-na-o, s. Phlegm; spittle; mucous
under pain of death. from the nose.
2. A kind of sandal-wood. See Nato. Na-o-na-o, adj. Deep down, asa cavern
Na-1-o, s. A species of sandal-wood; or pit; deep, as a hole in the earth.
the bastard sandal-wood. 2. Slightly lighted ; light of twilight.
2. The name of the worm often found in Na-o-na-o, v. See Nao. To thrust in
horse dung and in that of other animals; the hand; to take hold of; to seize; to
the pin worm. steal.
3. Small white specks in the feces. 2. To look earnestly at; to contemplate.
Nat-o-al-KAE, s. The name of a famine See Manao.
in former times. See KaroLeKaa. Nav, pers. pron. An oblique case (the
2. (Naio, pin worm, ai, to eat, and kae, auipaewa) of the personal pronoun, second
the anus. Lir. That which causes itching person singular of oe. For thee; to thine;
in the anus.) <A slanderer; a backbiter; thine; belonging to thee, &. Gram. § 132.
a detractor.
Nar-u, s. Name of a kind of bush or Na’v, pers. pron. An oblique case (auz-
small tree somewhat odoriferous. paewa) of au, first person singular of the
pronouns. For me; belonging to me; mine.
Nar-i-KE, v. To be angry; to take in Gram. § 124.
dudgeon ; to set off in anger to take re- Nav, v. To chew; to chank; to gnash
venge. See Hoomaav.
with the teeth. Mar. 9:18. To gnash with
Na-1-KE, s. Anger; a repelling from the eye-teeth or tusks ; naw hou i ka ai, to
one ; aole ike hou aku. chew the cud. Oihk. 11:3.
Nat-Ko-La, v. To boast or glory over 2. To measure time by the slow respira-
one. Hoo. The same. See AKoLA, AIKOLA tion of the breath.
and Hoarkona. 3. To hold in the breath; to restrain
Nat-nal, v. See Nat. To exercise or one’s self from breathing.
cherish bad feelings; to be sour or crabbed Nav, s. The name of a bush or tree af-
towards others; to be evilly disposed; to fording coloring matter in the fruit.
struggle against opposition ; to hop. 2. Dye or coloring matter of the nau.
Nat-nal, adj. Sour; crabbed, as one’s 3. The holding in or restraining the
disposition ; contentious ; envious. breath ; ka hoopaa ana i ka hanu i ka ma-
2. Short ; low; pokole, haahaa. nawa e napoo ai ka la.
Nat-nal-NA-mi-m1, s. Living in a state 4. Pain; distress, but of a less degree
than hui.
of dissatisfaction; a persevering in and
He nau ja kamalii
_ cherishing of bad feelings. Ke kohi Ja i ke kukuna o ka la,
Nat-nat-Na-mi-m1, adj. Unfriendly; un- Pumehana wale ia aina,
social; displeased with everybody and Aloha wale ke kini 0 Hoolulu—e.
everything ; changeable. Nav, adj. Chewed over; ground fine,
Na-o, v. To thrust in, as the fingers as food thoroughly masticated.
into an opening ; e lalau i ka lima iloko 0}Nav-a, adj. Cold; distant; unaccom-
kahi poopoo. See Nanao. modating ; unyielding ; angry; aloha ole,
Na-o, s. A slight ripple on the water. konia aole hoolohe mai, aole ou kanaka
2. The ridges of twilled cloth; lole nao; naua like.
the streaks on kapa. Au-A, 5. Noon.
Nav-a, adj. Celebrating the birth or 2. To move, as the mouth in the act of
residence of a chief; alaila, kukuluia i hale eating.
noua no ke alii; nawai oe e mea naua? 3. To move, as the lips in talking se-
owai kou makua nawa ? cretly to one’s self. Sol. 16:30.
Nav-E, )», (The first orthography is Nav pana La. A phrase expressing the
Na-we, preferable.) To shake; to return of a salutation ; thine perhaps.
Navu-we, move to and fro. Nav-pa-Ka, s. Nau, to chew, and paka
2. To tremble; to vibrate, as the earth (Eng.), tobacco. The name of a plant.
in an earthquake. 1 Sam. 14:15. Synony- Nav-we, v. See Nave. All these
mous with haalulu. Nav-wev, forms are found with the
3. To move away a little; to withdraw Nigiwerwe reduplications according
_ from others to a private place; nave aku AES eee to the writer’s fancy; but
la ka makaula ma kahi kaawale, a pule NAvU-WEU-WE, } the simple original form
aku la. Pass. To be moved. Hoo. To is naue, naueue. To shake; to vibrate;
trouble one when quiet. 1 Sam. 28:15. To to tremble. Hal. 18:7. To be moved or
change one’s mind. 2 Tes. 2:2. shaken, as nations. Hal.46:6. To be shaken
Na-vE-vE, v. See Nave. To vibrate; often. 2 Sam.22:8. Synonymous with haa-
lulu. Hoo. To cause to shake or tremble.
Na-WE-WE, to shake often or violently; Nauwe Kalalau, poniu ka lawakua.
to shake, as an earthquake. Mat. 27:51.
Na-vE-UE, s. A moving; a vibration; Nau-we, s. See other forms above. A
Na-wE-WE, § a trembling, as of the earth; trembling ; a shaking ; a vibrating.
o ka nawewe o ka honua, an earthquake. Na-na, v. To split, crack or open, as
Na-v-x1, v. See Uxt. To fret; to com- the ground. Nah. 16:31.
plain. Hal. 37:8. Hoo. To stir up or ex- 2. To break up or break open, as a house.
cite anger; to cherish ill-will or malevo- 3. To be split, cracked or broken, as a
lent feelings. dish or any kind of crockery, glass, boards,
Na-v-xi-u-x1, v. See Nauki, Uxr and slates, &c. Puk. 32:19.
4. To crack or break, as mason work. 1
Uxiuxi. To be vexed; to be out of tem- Nal. 13:3.
per. Hoo. To provoke. Kanl. 31:29. To
5. To break or burst open.
vex; to displease; to make one angry.
Nah. 14:11. 6. To operate, as an emetic or cathartic.
7. To break in pieces.
Na-v-x1-u-x1, s. Hoo. A provocation; a Nonoi ae la ka lani iluna,
source or cause of anger. 2 Nal. 23:26. Naha mai la Kulanihakoi,
Na-u-xe, s. Name of a medicinal plant Kulukulu ka ua
Kapakapa e Kane,
which forms the medicine called kuakala. Akahi akua i nana—
Nav-ui-a, s. The growling action of a Ke baupu wale nei ka Jani
dog while devouring his food; naulia aoka- Kau o Hiiaka,
Wahi ka lani, uli ka Jani eleele,
aoka pupuhi ka iwi. Ka lau ka hoalii,
Na-vu-Lu, v. See Utu and Utuutv. To Ka pohaku koii ka hooilo,
Naha mai Kalanihakoi,
vex; to provoke. Joo. To provoke; to Ke haaloloku nei ka ua,
displease; to make one angry. Kanl. 9:22. Ke neingi ke olai.
Na-u-tu, s. Heavy mists; a shower of Na-na, adj. Bent; broken; separated;
fine rain apparently without clouds, or a scattered.
single cloud; he ua kuhao; he ua naulu, 2. Pierced; opened.
he ua uuku ia, he ikaika nae.
2. Name of the sea breeze at Waimea, Na-HaE, v. See Haz, to tear in pieces.
Kauai. To rend; to tear; to burst.
3. A thick dense cloud. 2. To break, as the heart with sadness.
Na-u-tu, adj. Dark; thick, as a cloud. Ter. 23:9.
Tob. 22:14. 3. To rend,as a garment. 1 Sam. 15:27.
Na-v-Lu-u-Lv, v. Intensive of the above. 4. To tear away; to separate, as a peo-
ple. 2 Nal. 17:21.
To vex, &c. Hoo. To repeat provocations; 5. Fracta pudenda sicut virginis coitio
to persevere in making one angry, like hoo- prima.
naukiuki. See also Hoovuvutu.
Na-nak, s. A rent; a torn place; mea
Nav-nav, s. See Nav, to bite. The nahaeia, that which is torn. Oihk. 22:8. A
name of several acrid plants, as wild horse- piece broken off.
radish, cresses, pepper-grass, &c. Na-HAkE, adj. Rent; torn; broken off.
2. Ka papala ke lele mai.
Na-HAE-HAE, adj. Torn in pieces, as a
Nav-nau, v. See Nav, to chew. To wel. or rag; broken, as the heart. Jsa.
chew ; to mince in the mouth. vilt.
Na-Ha-HA, v. Frequentative of naha.| Na-ni. See Nave and Lani.
To break, as a hammer breaks a rock. Jer. Na-HI-LI, v. See Hitt. To act awk-
23:29. To be dashed or broken in pieces. wardly ; to blunder in doing a thing; to
Kanl. 9:17. be slow; to lag behind; e lalau, e ma-
2. To divide up ; to separate in pieces. nuka.
Na-Ha-HA, adj. Broken; cracked; broken Na-ni-L1, s. A mistake; a blunder the
in pieces ; separated. effect of carelessness; slowness; want of
Nahaha i ke ania e ka makani he puulena, energy ; ka lalau, ke kiipua, ka hanama-
He makani kahiko ia no Puna, nuia.
No Puna ka hala me ka lehua,
Ke kui ana e ke ani lJehua, Na-Hr-u1, adj. Slow; lagging behind;
Ke kaoo la ia ka moani. awkward; blundering.
Na-HA-Na-HA, v. Frequentative of xaha. O nahili ka pololoa ia manu,
O kapu kau kama ia kea a Kiha.
To break up ; to break fine.
Na-HA-NA-wa-LE, s. The name of a Na-HI-NA-HI, adj. See Nane and Laut-
small fish. LAHI, soft; thin. Very small or fine; kapa
Na-HA-wE-LE, s. The muscle shell-fish; nahinahi or lahilahi, thin cloth; applied to
he wahi ano pioeoe.
words or manner of speaking, soft; mild;
gentle; soothing; he olelo akahai. Norn.
Na-HE, adj. Soft; slow; gentle, The orthography of nahinahi and nahenahe
Na-HE-NA-HE, as the voice of music. is used; the meaning is the same, and the
See Unaure. He leo nahe, a melodious pronunciation but slightly varied.
voice; he makani nahenahe, a gentle wind; Na-Ho, v. To overflow; to be deep, as
thin; soft, as fine kapa or soft cloth.
Na-HE, v. To blow softly, as a Na-nHo, s. Depth; an overflowing with
NaA-HE-NA-HE, gentle breeze ; stronger water ; he manini ku, he manini kai.
than aheahe, which is stronger than aniani. Na-no-a, v. To be bold; to dare.
See KononaHe.
2. To be soft, as the voice.
2. To be strong; to feel one’s self to be
3. To be thin and soft, as fine cloth or
3. Hoo. To provoke ; to be impudent to
one. See NEHOA, hoo.
Na-HE-LE, s. ‘hat which grows; the Na-Ho-a-Ho-a, v. To strike one on the
verdure of bushes or trees; the leaves of
head ; to break one’s head.
bushes or thick trees; nahele ooi, thorns;
brambles. 2 Sam. 23:6.
2. To strike the head, as the rays of the
Na-HE-LE, adj. Pertaining to a thicket 3. To give pain; to wound the feelings.
or grove; lau nahele, green leaves; herbs.
Na-HE-LE-HE-LE, S. The grass, trees, Na-Ho-a-Ho-a, s. A wound on the head
and the pain connected with it.
shrubs, &c., of a wilderness ; a wilderness.
2. The effect of a sun-stroke on the head.
Na-HE-LE-HE-LE, adj. Wild; unculti- 3. Applied to the heart when the mind
vated, as land. is in great distress. Syn. with walania and
WNa-HE-LE-HE-LE, v. To become wild, as ehaeha.
land that has once been tilled; to be over- Na-Ho-to, v. Na and holo, to run. To
grown with vegetation. Puk. 23:29. Hoo. run along on the ground. Puk. 9:23.
To allow or cause land to be overgrown. 2. To run at random, here and there; to
E kokomo aku ai maua run away from, through fear. Luk. 8:34.
I ka pea i Kahiki, 3. To be absent; to be gone away. 2
I ka ukauka laau nahele waokanaka,
He nahelehele okoa hoi ke kanaka, Sam. 23:9.
Ulu nahele ka oa nahele hiki ke koa, 4, To flee away from, as from an enemy
Ulu wehiwehi i ka niu poi ke kou, in battle. 2 Sam. 23:11.
Oia uka nahele loloa, a ka puni—e— 5. To run along together, as a company
O kou puni iho la ia, ua hala kamalii,
Kau ka naha ia. of people desirous of doing something;
naholo mai la lakou ma keia kapa, they
Na-HE-LE-MA-NE-0, S. INahele, a plant, ran along on this side (of the stream.)
and maneo, stinging. A nettle. Isa. 34:13. Naholo i ka laula o Puna,
Na-HE-Na-HE, adj. See Naue. Thin; Ka luhi a ke kalukalu,
soft ; fine. Ku moena a ipo,
Moku mahole i ka hoa mauu.
2. Empty, as the bowels from fasting or
sickness. Na-Ho-Lo, s. A running; a fleeing; a
Na-ne-sa, s. Heb. Aserpent. Kin. 3:1. retreat ; a flight.
Syn. with moolele. Kin. 49:17. Hoowale- |NA-Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo, v. See Nanoto. To
wale ina nahesa, a snake charmer. Kani. run along: to move rapidly; to pass along
18:11. See MooomoLe and MooxkautKo. by something else.
Na-Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo, s. The Hawaiian name of cracks; split open, as parched grain.
of the planet Saturn. Ter. 14:4. Cracked and scaling off, as the.
Na-Ho-nA-Ho, adj. See Nano, Deep or skin of one after drinking awa; inu i ke
awa; mahope, mahuna ka ili, nakaka pu--
fistulous, as a sore; deep, as a pit; far ehuebu, inoino loa.
down in the earth.
Na-nu, v. To bite; to gripe with the Na-KA-Ka-KA, v. Frequentative and in-
tensive of naka. To be trembling; to be-
teeth ;e hoopohole i ka ili me ka niho, to
tear up the skin with the teeth.
shaking: to be full of broken places or
cracks ; to be unsound.
1. To bite, as a dog; to snatch at; to
seize. Na-kE-kE, v. To move back and forth;
2. To bite; tognaw. Mik.3:5. To gnash to make. an indistinct sound.
the teeth, as in pain; e nahwi ke elelo, to 2. To rattle; to rustle, as paper in the
gnaw the tongue. JZoik. 16:10. wind, or as new kapa.
3. To bite, as a serpent. Nah. 21:6. 3. To shake to and fro. Job. 39:23.
4. To bear the short sharp internal pains Na-KE-kE, adj. Humming; rustling;
of colic or of child-birth. moving.
5. To bite off, as a shark; nahu mai la Na-ke-LE, v. See Kexe. To be slip-.
ka mano i kona waa a mumuku o hope, a pery; to be soft; to sink in, as one in a
shark bit his canoe short off behind. soft boggy place.
6. To file; to rasp; e apuapu. Na-KE-LE, s. A soft boggy place, where
Na-nu, s. The pain of biting; the colic; the earth is not solid or hard.
sudden internal pains. Na-KE-LE, adj. Soft; slippery,as ground
Na-nu, adj. Biting; writhing in pain. where one would be apt to slide.
Na-nu-a, s. The name of a wind which Na-kI, v. To tie; to tie up; to fasten,
often blows at Kaanapali.
Na-xu, as ahorse. 2 Nal. 7:10.
2. The fine rain with the north-east trade 2. To bind fast ; to tie round.
winds on the northern part of Maui.
3. To tie a knot; to bind, as a criminal.
Na-nu-ku-a-Ko-ko, adj. Nahu, pain, kua, 4. To confine one, as if bound.
back, and koko, blood. Suffering pain, as
a travailing woman. Mik. 4:9. See Kua- Na-kI-KI, he See Naxi. To bind; to
KOKO. Na-ku-k1, tie up; to gird; to tie on.
Na-nu-NA-Hu, v. See Nauv. To bite Puk. 29:9. To bind, as the hands. 2 Sam.
2. To suffer frequent pains; to writhe in Na-ki-na-KI, v. See Naxi. To bind
pain ; to feel the first pains of child-birth; often ; to bind fast. Hal. ae
ia ia nei e nahunahw ana hele aku la. 2. To swell out; tomakeYarge; to swell,
Laieik. 11. as the belly.
3. To bite, as a serpent or centipede. Na-xi-Na-kI, s. A person sick in the
4. To be in, or to suffer the pains of child- chest and feels as though he was bound;
birth. 1 Sam. 4:19. one filled to surfeiting with food.
Na-nu-na-nu, s. The birth pains of fe- Na-x1-t1, v. To open a little ; to let in
males. Job. 29:3. a little light, as into the eyes, or to open
Na-Hu-NA-HU-I-HU, v. To quarrel, as two the eyes a little.
brothers ; to fight or dispute, as an older 2. To see a little.
with a younger brother. Na-ko-Lo, v. See Koro. To run; to
Na-xa, v. To tremble; to shake; to be flow, as a liquid; to spread out, as ink
loose. upon unsized paper.
2. To be fearful ; to be afraid ; to trem- 2. To make a noise in falling, as rain
ble, as the joints with fear. Dan. 5:6. upon dry leaves.
3. To tremble, as ground not solid. Jer. 3. To move: to make a rustling sound.
4:24. To shake, as a quagmire. 4. To make the noise of many feet run-
4. To crack; to split; to break open, as ning.
the ground sometimes in a drought. 5. To squeak like the soles of new shoes.
Na-xa, adj. Trembling; shaking; un- Na-xo-Lo, adv. In a running, rushing
manner; ua nei nalcolo i ke aloha, my heart
steady ; shaky, as a quagmire, in distinc-
tion from solid ground; full of cracks; not
is moved deeply with love. Laieile. 142.
solid. Na-Ko-Lo-Ko-Lo, v. See Naxoto and
Na-xa, s. Name of a species of fish. Koto. To run, as many running together;
to move along, as in a rush.
Na-xa-ka, v. See Naxa. To break; to 2. To creak, as the sound of friction.
shatter ; to shake ; to be full of cracks. Na-xu, v. To root, as a hog; to throw.
Na-ka-KA, adj. Split; shattered; full up ground in heaps or ridges.
2. To tread upon; to trample down; to |Na-Li-na-L1, v. See Nau. To bite often;
destroy. to seize upon.
3. To seek; to hunt after; to search for; 2. Hoo. To be orto act the chief; to en-
to look or inquire for; oi imi, oi naku, oi joy the privileges and honors of a chief.
noke, oi huli wale a! aole he loaa. See AIALI.
4. To follow; to pursue; e naku aku ia Na-ti-nA-l, adj. Bright; shining; royal,
ia a loaa. as a chief.
5. To shake; to be in a tremor, as one
dying ; naku iho la a make. Na-to, v. To be lost; to vanish. Luk.
Na-xu, s. Takes both ka and ke for arti- 24:31. To be concealed from one; aka,
aole ia i nalo ia Papa, but he was not con-
cles. Arush. Jsa.9:13. The rush of which cealed from Papa.
mats are made, akaakai. 2. To recede; to pass away; nalo e, to
2. A rooting; a throwing up dirt in be missing. 2 Sam. 2:30. To disappear;
ridges or hills. to vanish in a distance; a nalo aku la ke
3. A destroying ; an overturning. kia o kona moku, o ka nalo pu ana aku no
4, A pursuit after a thing; aia noi kau ia, and when the mast of his ship disap-
naku ia ia a loaa; no ka imi, ame ka naku, peared, he (Liholiho) vanished together
ame ka huli, ame ka noii ana; a search; a with it.
pursuit after. 2. To lie hidden; to lie concealed; to
Ami Nuuanu i ka wa waahila, hide; to evade; to elude the sight of; e
Lea ole no ia Lalanihuli,
Huli ka makani, hiki no ia Iehova ke ike, aole no e nalo
Naku i ke oho o ke kawelu. kona mau maka; to be done in secret.
Na-ku-E, adj. Diligent in business; ac- Mat. 6:4.
4, To pass away; to leave, as a disease;
tive ; not slothful or lazy. aole i nalo keia mai ia ia a hiki akui ka
Na-xu-1, adj. Joyful; cheerful; full of make, this sickness did not leave him until
hope ; diligent; active; mama ka manao. he died.
See NAKUE. 5. Hoo. To hide one’s self. oan. 12:36.
Na-ku-Ltu, v. See Kutv, to drop, as To cause to disappear.
water. To drop as water drops, that is, to Na-to, s. ‘The common house fly.
make the noise of falling drops of water. 2. Any insect with wings; he mau mea
2. To make a rattling noise ; to crackle, ehen e lele ana.
as the sharp sound of thunder; heaha keia Na-to, adj. Lost; obliterated; hidden;
e nakulu nei? forgotten ; vanished 5 passed away.
3. To shake; to run along, as a sound;
to run, as a ort or story of a scandal. Na-to-Ho-PE-E-HA, S. INalo, fly, hope,
Laieik. 199. “Yo be in a tremor; used ad- tail, sting, eha, to hurt. Epithet of a hornet.
verbially, e nei nakulu ana ia nei. Puk. 23:28.
Na-ku-tvu-al, adj. Perfect; good; up- Na-to-meE-.t, s. Nado, fly, and melz (Gr.),
right ; praiseworthy. honey. The honey bee. anl. 1:44.
Na-ku-Lu-ku-Lu, v. See Naxuiu and Na-to-na-Hu, s. alo, fly, and nahu, to
Ktunvu. Toshake; to make a rustling noise. bite or sting. <A stinging fly. Puk. 8:17.
2. To move along; to make an indistinct Na-Lo-NA-Lo, v. Frequentative of malo.
sound. To hide; to conceal. Hoo. To disguise or
3. To patter, as drops of rain; to drop, conceal one’s real person. 1 Nal. 20:38.
as rain; to rain fast. Lwnie. 5:4. Na-to-pa-Ka, Ss. INalo, fly, and paka, the
4, Hoo. To cause to drop down,as rain; sharp thorn in the tail of the fish kala. The
to pour down. Isa. 45:8. sting of a fly, i. e., the wasp.
Na-Kv-Lu-ku-Lv, adj. Trembling; mov-| N A-LO-wa-LE, v. JNalo, to vanish, and
ing ; emitting a sound; pattering, as fall- wale, entirely. To be lost sight of; to be
ing drops of rain. forgotten. Kanl. 4:8.
Na-teE, adj. Movable; unbound; not 2. To forget; to hide ; to secrete.
fast. 3. Hoo. To put one’s self out of sight;
Na-LE-Na-LE, adj. See Naz. Free to to conceal one’s self.
move ; unbound ; separate from. Na-Lo-wa-Le, adj. Lost; out of sight;
Na-LE-NA-LE, s. A separation from some- out of memory. 1 Sam. 9:20. Concealed.
Notr.—Nalowale has been supposed to be
thing else; not sustained by anything else; one of the highest of a series of numbers ;
without obstruction. as, kauna, kanaha, lau, mano, kini, lehu,
Na-u1, v. To bite; to nibble; to chank; nalowale; but nalowale only signifies that
to seize suddenly. the person can go no further—that his mind
Na-1, adj. Nibbling; biting; biting off fails to comprehend any higher or further
piecemeal. combination of numbers, and by nalowale
the person means, it is lost, vanished, he Sam. 1:12. To examine carefully; e nana
knows no more. hoi! look! see! behold! Enanaika maka,
Na-tvu, v. To be in doubt or suspense; to respect personsin judgment. Kanl. 1:17.
to suspend one’s judgment. He mea nanaia mai, a gazing-stock. Heb.
2. To wonder at; not to comprehend 10:33. Hoo. To cause one to look.
speech or language. Na-na, v. See Na. To quiet; to con-
3. To speak secretly, or to speak to one’s sole; to be quieted or consoled, as a child.
self; to think within one’s self. Zset. 6:6. 2. Hoo. To comfort or sympathize with
4. To talk or confer together concerning one. Kin. 37:35.
a thing. 3. To comfort, as a mourner.
‘ PsTo think; to search after any truth or 4. To bark; to growl; to snarl.
act. 5. Nana, erroneously for Jana, to float.
Na-tv, s. The surf as it rolls in upon See Lana.
the beach ; a sea; a wave; a billow. Na-na, s. A snarling, growling dispo-
2. The slimy liquid on the face of a new sition ; a finding fault with one.
born infant; o ka wai ma ka maka o ke Na-na, s. Name of a Hawaiian month
keiki i hanauia ana. answering to the month of March.
Na-tu, adj. Roaring; surging; rolling Na-na, particle. Erroneously written
in, as the surf of the sea. for nane; as, i nane, let me see it.
Na-tvu-u1, v. See Luu. To shake; to Na-na-ao, v. Nana, to look, and ao,
move ; to vibrate. clonds. To look atthe clouds and observe
Na-tv-ul, adj. Shaking ;unsteady ; not times, &e. Oihk. 19:26.
easily accomplished. Na-na-au, v. Nana for lana, and au,
Na-LU-LI-LU-LI, v. See Luzi. To shake current. See Lanaav. To roll away; to
often. Hoo. To cause a shaking; to move flow over; to miss the way ; to go irregu-
violently back and forth. larly ;to swim in the current.
Na-Lu-tu, s. A severe sharp pain in the Na-na-au, adj. Nana for lana, and au,
head ; the headache ; he poohuai. current. Rolling; floating, asin a current;
Na-u-1v, adj. Painful; sad; heavy floating irregularly, as on the surface of an
hearted. overflowing stream.
Na-Lu-Na-Lv, adj. See Natu, surf. Na-nakE, s. A person whose breast is
Roaring, as a high surf; appearing rough, greatly swelled out and stomach equally
as a high surf or high sea. depressed.
Na-mav-s-HI, adj. Few. Na-nal, v. To go lightly; to go care-
fully; to sail lightly andgtarefully.
Na-mu, + To speak rapidly; 2. To love greatly; to love exceedingly;
Na-MU-NA-MU, § to speak unintelligibly; aole okana mai ka nui o ke aloha.
2. To speak a foreign language imper- Na-nal, s. A disease in the back like
fectly. the hanunu; a stooping ; a bending.
3. To speak a foreign language in the 2. The person having such a disease.
presence of one who does not understand it. See mele a Niauliu.
4. To mock one by imitating his manner Aloha hoi kau ka nanai,
Aloha wale kua uhane kinowailaa,
of speaking; to speak in the manner of an- E ka maua e nonoho nei,
other. Aole au i ike oia kekahi,
5. To nibble, as a fish at the bait. Ua ka ilaila e kokohe ai.

Na-mv, s. A person of a foreign or dif- Na-nal, adj. Empty; void; stripped,as

ferent language; a foreigner. a kalo patch when all the food is taken
2. Unintelligible talk, or unmeaning talk; away: he loi nanai,a kalo patch all pulled.
he namu ka olelo, the speech was unintelli- Na-nao, v. See Nao. To thrust the
gible. hand or fingers into some unknown recep-
3. A rapid motion of the jaws. tacle.
Na-mu, adj. Unmeaning, as 2. To think deeply ; to penetrate, as the
Na-MU-NA-MU, language; unintelligible mind.
from the ignorance of the hearer, or awk- 3. To seize hold of, as the mind.
wardness of the speaker; me na lehelehe 4. To be slippery ; to be led astray; to
namu e olelo ai, to speak with stammering turn aside.
lips; i na mea namunamu, ame na mea Na-nao, adj. Deep; capacious; deep
ninau kupapau, ame na kupua. Isa. 19:3. down ; poopoo.
A charmer. Na-nav, v. To be bitter; to be sour;
Na-na, v. To look at an object when it to be ecrabbed.
is in sight; to see; to view attentively. 1 2. To scratch like a cat; to be wild.
Na-nav, adj. Unfriendly; unsocial ; re- |Na-na-mu, v. See Namu. To reproach
fusing admittance to one to the house. with vile terms; to speak against one, find-
Na-nau-Ha, v. To force; to compel ing fault with him.
with strength ; to belch or throw up from 2. To cast one off as worthless; to treat
the throat or stomach. See KaKauHA. with contempt.
Na-nav-k1, v. See Navxiand Uxr. To Na-na-na, s. See Lanarana. The long
provoke ; to insult. legged spider; he olelo no ke akamai o ka
Na-na-u-L1, s. Nana, to look, and wiz, nanana i ka hana upena ana, a description
of the skill of the spider in making her web.
the blue sky. One who predicted the
weather by looking at the sky. Laieik. 36. ‘| Na-na-na, v. To swell up, as the ab-
domen ; to grow large, as in the dropsy or
Na-na-Ha, v. See Nana. Tostrain; to other diseases.
crack ; to break.
Na-NA-HE, adj. Empty, as the bowels Na-na-na-1a, v. To lie asa sick person
turning on his bed.
from fasting or sickness. See NAHENAHE. 2. To walk proudly ; to strut.
Na-na-Ho, adj. Deep; deep down. See Na-NA-NA-KE-A, adj. See Nanakea and
Navonano and Nauo. LanakEA. Weakly; pale; thin in flesh.
Na-na-nu, v. See Nauv. To bite, asa Na-NA-NA-NA, v. See LANALANA,to float.
dog; to tear; to seize ; to grasp tightly. To walk about; to exercise by walking.
Na-na-Hu, s. See Naunu, a biting; a Na-na-na-NA, 5. See Lanatana. A spe-
burning. Hence, cies of spider. See PUNANANA.
1. A coal, especially nanahu ahi, a live 2. The rope that fastens the ama and the
coal; charcoal. Sol. 6:28. Sometimes writ- ako of a canoe together. See LANALANA.
ten lanahu, as 1 and v are often interchange- 3. A spider’s web.
able. 4, A picture; an image.
2. The colic; any sudden sharp internal
pain. Na-NA-NA-NA-I-EA, v. To have a film
(spider’s web) over the eyes; to see very
Na-nA-Hu-kI, v. To compel; to urge; indistinctly.
to drive; to go crookedly ; to move here
and there as without object. Na-na-Na-PA, S. See Napa. To crook;
to bend; to warp, as timber; to writhe; to
Na-na-ka, v. See Naka. To be dry; get out of shape.
to be parched, as land.
2. To be cracked; to be full of chinks;
Na-na-pau, s. A tree; he kou, he laau.
to be cracked, as the walls of an adobie Na-na-wa, v. See Nanav. To not know
house; ke nanaka nei ka hale, mamuli one formerly an acquaintance ; to be es-
paha hina, the house is now cracked, soon tranged from a friend.
perhaps it will fall. Na-ne, v. To speak in parables; to
3. To separate. as the parts of a mate- allegorize.
rial substance. 2. To give out or put forth a riddle.
Na-na-KA, s. A crack; a crevice; a de- Lunk. 14:13.
fect. 3. To lay stones squarely and smoothly;
Na-na-KA, adj. Cracked ; split; rent. to lay stones, as in a pavement.
Na-na-kE-A, v. To be weak in body; Na-ne, s. A riddle; a parable; an alle-
to be pale ; to be thin, as a sickly person ; gory; a dark speech; a comparison; a
to be feeble in appearance. See LANAKEA. similitude. Mar. 4:3. See NANEHAT.
Na-nE, adv. An adverbial expression
Na-na-KE-A, adj. Thin in flesh; weak; equivalent to let us see; show i to us; i
pale, as a sickly person. nane, 1 nane hoi, let us see it.
Na-na-ku, s. Name of a species of rush. Na-nE-A, v. To be of good cheer; to be
Na-na-k1, v. Totie; tobind. See Nax1 pleasant; to be easy minded.
and NaKII. 2. To be easy; to be regardless of the
Na-na-Li, v. See Narr. To make a future; to be indifferent as to good or evil.
strong muscular effort, as in pulling up a 3. To live indolently ; to loiter about;
bush, climbing a steep hill, or rowing hard to take things easy; to allow of no care or
against the wind. anxiety.
2. To eat or chew something hard. 4, To live satisfied with one’s self.
3. To seize upon with vigor. See Nati 5. Hoo. To pretend; to make pretenses
NALI. with a view to deceive.
Na-na-ul, s. A seizing; a making an Na-neE-a, s. Joy; comfort; quietness;
effort or struggle to accomplish something carelessness.
difficult, as rowing against the wind, climb- Na-ne-a, adj. Easy; quiet; comforta-
ing a precipice, Xe. ble; thoughtless ; indifferent.
Na-neE-A, adv. Easily; quietly in one’s ber partly hewed or made straight; to
manner of living ; e noho nanea, to live at crook ; to be crooked.
ease. ob. 12:5. 2. To shake; to be tremulous, as the air
Na-ne-Hal, s. NNane, riddle, and haz, to or atmosphere under a hot sun over a
smooth surface.
declare. A problem in mathematics; a
question to be solved; he ninau, he pono Na-pa, adj. Crooked; bent; not straight;
ke wehewehe ia. uneven, as a surface.
Na-nE-NA-NE, v. See Nane. To put Na-pal, v. To be bent in; to be de-
forth riddles or enigmas for others to search pressed ; to be internally defective.
out. Na-pat, adj. Warped, as a board in the
Na-ni, s. Glory. Puk. 16:10. A high sun ; napai i ka hapaiia e ke ae.
degree of external beauty ; splendor ; ex- Na-pa-na, s. The joints of one’s limbs,
ternal excellence; i mea nani, a i mea mai- as wrists, elbows, knees, &c.
kai, for glory and for beauty. Puk. 28:2. Na-pa-NA-PA, v. See Napa. To bend;
Hoo. Glory. Hal. 96:8. to spring; to be elastic.
Na-ni, v. To be glorious. Hoo. To ex- _ 2. To bend over, as an arch; to be arch-
tol; to praise; to glorify; to be manifested ing.
or known as glorious. Puk. 14:4. See 3. To be bright; to be shining; to be
LANI. lucid.
Na-ni, adj. Beautiful; glorious; excel- Na-pe, v. To bend, as a flexible stick;
lent ; numerous; pleasant. to yield.
Na-nt. (An intensive particle, intensify- Na-PE-LE, v. To wound; to
ing in a high degree the idea of the words Na-PE-LE-PE-LE, make sore; to hurt;
with which it is connected.) Nani ka mai- to cause a swelling; to soften; to cause
kai! O how beautiful! nant ka unku! O softness in any substance.
how little! &c. Nani is also used with ino,
another intensive. SeeIno. Nani ino kuu NA-PE-LE, adj. Hurt; wounded;
makemake! O how much I desire! or how NA-PE-LE-PE-LE, bruised; swelled; na-
very great is my desire! 2 Sam. 23:15. pelepele kalalau owili i ka makani.
How much! how great! hownoble! Joan. Na-PE-NA-PE, v. See Naps, to bend.
11:36. Nani is used impersonally ; it is To be shaken; to be agitated, as by the
extraordinary ; itis wonderful ; it is unac- wind ; to vibrate rapidly.
countable. JLaieik. 71. Na-PE-NA-PE, adj. Soft; flexible; bend-
Na-ni-na-n1, v. To bite; to catch hold ing ; yielding.
of with the teeth ; to chank. Na-po, adj. Mashed soft; made fine;
2. Hoo. To be ennobled; to be dignified, finely pounded, as poi.
as a chief; to enjoy the honors and privi-
leges of a chief or one highly honored. Na-Po, v. To set; to go down, as the
Na-no, v. To snore. See None and Na-Poo, sun appears to; to grow dark;
Nonoo. napoo kala. Kin. 15:12.
2. To sink down; to sink, as in water.
Na-no, v. For nalo. See Nato, to be
lost ; to be forgotten. Na-poo, s. The going down or setting
Na-nu, s. See Natu. The surf of the of the sun.
sea; pehea ka nanu (nalu)? ke wewe o 2. The place where the sun goes down.
wahulu mai. Kanl. 11:30.
3. The rays of the sun reflected by the
Na-nvu-., s. A species of sea-weed; also water.
a species of fish. Na-poo-poo, v. See Naroo. To plunge
2. A swelling ; a protuberance.
3. A shaking; a trembling; a tremor. down; to enter out of sight, as in the
Na-nu-E, v. See Natu and E, greatly.
To swell up ; to rise up, as the surf.
Na-po-Lo, v. To straighten. Hoo. To
2. To tremble; to shake; to vibrate. make straight.
Hoo. The same. Na-po-na-po, adj. See Napo, mashed
Na-nuv-mAo-mao, s. Name of a place soft. Made soft; made fine; wali, aeae.
or places in a heiau; ma ke alo aku o ka Na-puv, v. To be tied up ina knot; to
laua nanuwumaomao, ma kahie pili koke aku tie up, as a bundle. See Hirvv.
ana i ka Lele.
Na-puu, s. A knot made by tying, as in
Na-nu-wa, adj. Hard; stingy; close ; tying two ends with a string; a bundle tied
oolea. See Nua and KanuHANunHa. up. See Hircv.
Na-pa, s. A delay; a postponement. Na-puv-puv, v. To tie up in bundles;
Na-pa, v. To writhe; to spring, as tim- to tie up ; to make fast for carrying.
Na-puu-puu, s. A bundle tied up for| Nez, v. To tease; to fret; to make one
carrying. i cry; to ask for food, as a child,i. e., to ery
Na-puu-Puv, adj. Bundled up; tied up for it.
in bundles; fastened by tying. 2. To be sour; to be sad; to be peevish,
Na-wa, s. See Wa, private talk, and as when one is crossed in his plans.
3. To droop ; to be sickly; to wither.
Wawa, babbling. Indistinct or confused 4. To murmur; to talk low; to whisper,
talk; conversation of double or doubtful as the gods or ghosts do; to make low
meaning. sounds, as the ripples of the sea where there
Na-wat, interrog. pron. An oblique case is little surf.
of wai, who? For whom? by whom? See 5. To gnash or grind the teeth.
Grammar § 158. Ne, v. Used for nee. See NEE.
Na-wao, s. Name of a species of small Ne, adj. Crying; fretting; sickly, as a
fish found in fresh water streams; kiahi- child.
2. A large red kind of kalo unfit for eat- Ne-a, v. To sweep off everything, as
ing. property from a place; to destroy all; to
3. Fic. Used for that which is bad,in the make a place desolate. See Neo and Nxo-
proverbial phrase ke hui nei kalo i ka na- NEO. Hoo. The same.
wao, the good is joined with the evil; an- Ne-a-NE-A, s. Waste land; destitute of
other form is, ua hui aku a ua hui mai kalo food; everything swept off.
i ka nawao. Ne-a-NE-A, adj. Lonely; desolate ;
Na-wa-ui, v. Na and wali, fine; soft. waste.
To be weakly ; to be sickly ; to be feeble; Neg, v. To move along horizontally;
to be flexible; to be yielding. Hoo. The to move off; to hitch along.
same. 2. To move, as a large body; to move
Na-wa-ut, adj. Sickly ; weak; feeble. from one place to another. 2 Sam. 7:10.
Na-wa-Li-wa-Li, v. See Nawatt, v. To 3. To pass along by for inspection, as
pine away with sickness; tobe weak. Hoo. soldiers. Jos. 7:14.
To be weak; to faint; to relapse; to yield. 4, To move, as a mass of people; to re-
Kanl. 20:3. To weaken; to make weak; move. 1 Qihl. 17:9.
connected with naau, to discourage. Jos. 5. Hoo. To remove; to push out of place;
14:8. With ikaika, to cause one’s strength to change the place of athing. Kanl. 19:14.
to fail. Hal. 102:23. To remove a landmark. Hos. 5:10.
6. To change, as the mind or opinion.
Na-wa-Li-wa-Ll, s. Weakness; want of Kol. 1:23.
muscular or mental strength. 1 Sam. 30:10. NeEE-HEE, v. See Nee and Her. Hoo.
Infirmity. Luk. 5:15.
To hitch along; to move slowly; to ap-
Na-wa-Li-wa-Li, adj. Weak; want of proach by degrees.
strength ; feeble; sick. NEE-NEE, v. See NEE, to move in vari-
Na-wa-wa, v. Toshake to and fro. See ous ways and in different directions. To
NaweEwE and NaveEvue. draw near or approach, as a marching
Na-we, v. See Nave. To shake; tobe army. 2 Sam. 10:13.
agitated. 2. To journey on towards any place.
2. To pant for breath, as one dying. Kin. 12:9.
3. To lie a long time near the pains of 3. To draw near; to approach one to ask
death, just breathing. a question. in. 18:23.
Na-weE-LE, adj. Fine; small, like a 4, To approach one to show respect and
thread of a spider’s web; ka nawele o kahi reverence. Kin. 33:7.
ike, small of vision ; seeing but little. 5. To gonear to one to kill him. 2 Sam.
Na-we-Le, v. Hoo. To be fine; to be 6. To crawl on the hands and knees.
small; thin, as a thread. See PUNAWELE- Norge.—This was the ancient manner in
WELE. which the common people approached the
Na-we-we, v. See Nawe and Nave. chiefs.
To rock; to shake; to tremble; to vibrate. 7. To go beyond ; to separate one’s self
Na-we-we, s. A shaking; a rocking; from others.
8. To go afar off. Y
an earthquake. See NavEuE.
Na-rE-po, s. Eng. Nard; spikenard. Ne, v. Similar to nee, but with more
energy. To move along with noise or tu-
Na-ra-pa, s. Heb. Stacte. Gr. A spice. mult; to rush; a nei aku la i na kumu 0
Puk. 30:34. ka lani, and he moved the foundations of
Na-za-r1-TE, s. Heb. A Nazarite; a per- heaven; e nei nakulu ana ia nei, to move
son separated and under a vow. Nah. 6:2. upon in a rush.
2. Hoo. To move, as in a tumult; to shuffling the feet or drumming with the
shove or urge along. fingers ; to rumble slightly ; to scratch on
3. To move; to be forced, as the trees something capable of making a noise. See
by the wind. NENEHE, NENEKE and Kamumv.
4. To make a confused noise, as a multi- Ne-wE, s. A rustling sound, as in walk-
tude moving together. ' ing; a rumor of a thing done. See Neng.
Nei, s. This place, or time; perhaps it Ne-HE, s. A plant having flowers re-
should be classed with adverbs, but it has sembling May-weed.
the attendants of a substantive; aohe akua NE-HE-NE-HE, adj. Rustling; scram-
0 nei, there is no god of here, i. e., of this bling, as many; starting, as a single per-
place; ia nei, here abouts, at this place; son.
81 nei, just now, time past. See Grammar
161. Ne-u!, adv. Yesterday; inahea kou
Net, adj. pron. For nea or keia, this. puka ana maila? I nehi aku la, or i nehi.
Nore.—Nehi is generally followed by nei,
No ka la auhau a ke alii nona nei noho ana and is mostly added to it; as, i nehinei, this
ma Hawaii huipuia nei, for the tax day of past day, i. e., yesterday. See Nextnet.
the chief who sits now (as king) over these
united Hawaiian (Islands.) E like me nei Ne-u1, adj. Rotten; ruined; spoiled;
hana a ke kula nui, like this exercise of the applied to food.
high school. Ne-H1-NEI, adv. See Newt. Yesterday;
Net, adv. When following verbs, mez the day before the present day ; nawali-
marxs the present time ; following nouns, wali au mai nehinei mai no, I have been
it relates to the present place ; as, ke hele unwell since yesterday. It is generally pre-
nei au. I am going; ma Honolulu nei, at fixed by i and written as one word, thus,
Honolulu here. inehinei ; it is also sometimes spelled inei-
Nei-a, adj. pron. This. Synonymous hinei. See INEHINEL.
with keia. 1 Oihl. 17:16. Ne-ui-wa, s. From wahine transposed.
Name of a lascivious talk; eia ka olelo
Nernei, v. See Ner. To draw up; to hewa hou, o ke kake, 0 ka nehiwa, o ka
shrink ; to contract. okoleke.
2. To be too short or too small, as clothes.
3. To slip up; to slipaway. See ELEHETI. Ne-Ho-a, adj. Hard; strong; bold;
Ner-nEI, adv. Too short; too low; not Nes-no-a, v. To be strong; to be able;
fitting, as a garment; moving off; kikene- to be bold; to be hard. Hoo. The same.
nei See Nawoa. Also, to be impudent to others.
NE-o, v. To be silent; to be still Ne-nu, s. The name of a species of fish.
NE-0-NE-0, where had been life and ac- NE-HU-NE-HU, s. See LenuLenv. A
tivity. multitude ; the mass of people.
2. Hoo. To make silent ; to cause to be
still, as an assembly ; to cause one to say Ne-xe, v. To scratch; to make the
nothing. Oih. 21:40. noise of scratching, as marking on a board,
3. Used imperatively, hush; silence ; no writing on a slate or rough paper.
noise. Ne-xe, s. See Naxexe. An indistinct
4. To cause silence by desolation. Mat. rustling sound, as scratching on a rough
24:15. Hence, to make desolate, as a house, board ; an echo among the hills. See Ne-
city or country by destroying the people. NEKE and KawEweE.
Oihk. 26:31. Oia ka mea e neoneo ai ka Ne-k, s. A rush growing beside the
aina i kanaka ole, that is what renders a water ; a bulrush; he akaakai.
land desolate without people. Ne-x1, adj. Full, as a room with peo-
5. To cause to be empty or desolate. ple; full, as a container; running over;
Isa. 24:1. packed in; crowded one against another.
NeE-o, badj. Desolate ; empty, as 2. Awkward; unskillfal; ignorant.
N E-0O-NE-O, a house or city without in- Ne-xo, v. To have an offensive smell;
habitants ; sojitary, as a path through a to be foul; to be filthy ; to emit a stench.
wilderness. anl. 32:10.
NE-ko, s. An offensive smell; a
E-0, ie Hoo. Desolation ; ruin. NE-KO-NE-KO, stench ; an ill savor.
NE-0-NE-0, Ter. 25:18. An empty space.
Tob. 26:7. NE-Ko, adj. Filthy; bad smell-
NE-KO-NE-KO, ing ; pilau, ihuneko.
NeE-v, adj. Fat; fleshy; plump;
NE-U-NE-U, fair; spoken in reference
Ne-tz, v. To lack; to be without; to
to animals; fat, as beef. be destitute of.
2. To be in want; to be poor. Kani. 8:9.
Ne-xeE, v. To make a rustling noise, as To be deprived of; to need or wanta thing.
3. To be bereaved; to be deprived of. 2. Steep,asahill; he alanuinenei ohope.
Kin. 43:14. See also NEINEI.
4. Hoo. To separate or deprive one of Ne-nE-HU, adj. See Nenu. Bending
his privileges or enjoyments; to suffer loss. out, as a board; warped.
5. To be without, i.e., to be destitute of. Ne-nE-KE, s. See Nexe. Any low con-
Oihk. 2:13. Notr.—Nele has this peculiar- fused monotonous noise made by the mov-
ity : it is followed by the name of the thing ing of the feet, drumming with the fingers
wanted, and this name is again followed or scratching on a board.
by ole, no, not; as, nele na kanaka o Hono-
lulu i ke kumu ole, the people of Honolulu
NeE-NE-KE, v. See Nexe. To rustle; to
are without a teacher. The ole in our idiom move; to make a noise.
would be superfluous, but the Hawaiian Ne-NE-LE-A, 5s. Nene and lea, joy. Joy;
requires it. gladness. See LEALHA.
NeE-LE, s. Want; destitution; bereave- Ne-neE-Lu, s. A receptacle of filth; a
ment; need. 1 Joan. 3:17; Kanl. 15:8. See ditch ; a miry place. Job. 30:19.
HEMAHEMA. 2. Mire; mud. 2 Sam. 22:43. Aole ne-
Ne-Le, adj. Destitute; deprived of; nelu o ka lepo, a he lepo paakiki.
empty. Kanl. 32:28. Ne-ne-Lu, adj. Thick, as a board.
NeE-tE, adv. Destitutely ;being without. 2. Shumpy; miry, as a wet. soft place.
Ne-NE-NE, v. See Nene. To be on the
NE-Lu, eee Fat; fleshy; full point of doing a thing; to act as a bird
NE-LU-NE-LU, fed; plump. about to fly. Hoo. No ka mea, he hoone-
Ne-ma, v. To rail upon one; to nene nei lakou e lele iho.
NE-MA-NE-MA, speak evil of; to re- NeE-NE-NE-PU, adj. See Nepu and Ne-
proach; to treat with contempt one’s views puNEpU. Full in flesh ; round ; full.
or opinions. See Lomo. Ne-ne-pu, adj. Fat; fullin flesh; plump.
Ne-mo, v. To smooth over; to polish; Ne-NE-wa, v. See Newa. To be dizzy;
to resemble the smooth skin of a bald head; to stagger ; to reel.
to be shiningly smooth; e hamo. Ne-nE-wa, s. Dizziness of the head ;
Ne-mo, s. The full protuberant belly of vertigo.
a child.
NeE-mo-nNE-mo, adj. Smooth ; smoothly NeE-Pu,
adj. Round, full and
plump, as a fat animal;
polished ; full; large.
NE-PU-NE-PU, full in flesh ; fat.
NE-Mu, adj. Plump; large; NE-PU-NE-PU-LI-KE, adj. The same ro-
NE-MU-NE-MU, nice; applied to men,
aren or children, to animals or vegeta- tund size throughout.
es. Ne-wa, v. To reel; to stagger, as one
Ne-na, s. Takes the article ke. A spe- drunk: to walk as one who has been drink-
cies of small plant. ing hola.
2. To be dizzy, as one under the influ-
Ne-nE, s. A goose, a species of which ence of vertigo. See NENEWA.
is found on the high lands of Hawaii. Ne-wa, s. A staff; a cane; a cudgel;
2. A visible appearance; a sign of some-
thing about to take place. a war stick; laau kaua.
ae A report; a rumor; a gossip. Mar. Ne-wa-neE-wa, s. A vertigo; a dizziness
in the head; ka newanewa ma ka pouli i
4, A species of thick grass ; mauu, weu- ka ua.
weu. Ne-wa-NE-wa, adj. Reeling ; stagger-
O ka mauu nene aala i ke kula o Kanehou ing; intoxicated ; having a vertigo.
Ua like paha—ao i like.
Ne-wE, v. To suffer; to be in pain
Ne-neE, v. To be on the point of break- from fullness of the stomach.
ing out, as a war. 2. To be large, round and full, as a
2. To be excited; to be moved, as a com- child’s abdomen.
pany of persons at unexpected news. 3. To be full, as one who»has eaten too
Laieik, 116. much.
Ne-neE-a, v. See Nea. To sit together 4. To be fickle-minded.
and talk, without care or anxiety or thought NE-wE-NE-wE, v. See Newe. To be
for the future; e like me ka ai a laua i swelled unnaturally, as the belly of a child
poho ai, ao ka meainenea palaka ka haupu. from over eating ; newenewe ka hua; to be
Ne-nEE, v. See Net. To draw to; to round, smooth and plump; to look sad; to
move along. Isa. 5:19. feel sad.
Ne-ne1, adj. Turning the face down- Ne-wE-NE-wE, adj. Plump; full, as an
wards and the back upwards. ear of corn in the husk, or as a round, full
grown fruit; plump; full, as a pregnant one’s course in moving; holo, e hooniau,.
female; aohe newenewe o ka hua, he malili, hele hoonianiau lau konale waho.
the fruit is not full grown, it is stinted ; ne- Ni-a-nr-au, adj. Straight; pololei.
wenewe ka opu.
Ni-a-NI-A-PE, adj. See Niare. Bend--
NE-wWE-NE-wE, adj. Plump; round; ing ; arching; stretching out long.
thick, as a cloud in the horizon; he ao ne- N I-A-NI-E-LE, v. See Niece. To ask
wenewe, a thick cloud near the sea.
with surprise; to seek for information by
E-WE-NE-WE-WE, s. The exclamations asking to ascertain the facts of a case.
of people when they play at maika, while
Ni-a-PE, adj. Long.
the stone is rolling and they cheer it on.
Ng-cE-ro, s. Eng. A negro; a black N1-E-LE, v. To ask; to inquire; to put
man; often written nika, but vulgarly. questions to another; to ask questions gen-
erally. Wa
Ni-a, adj. Bald; baldheaded; round
and smooth, as a bald head.
NI-E-LE, s. A question; a proposition;
a problem to be solved.
Ni-ao, s. The sharp edge or corner of a 2. A questioner ; an inquirer.
board, or the middle of a cocoanut leaf.
2. An edge; a groove; a projection.
NI-E-NI-E-LE, v. See NievE and Nianr-
3. A standing with the head and ears ELE. To ask questions repeatedly; to ask
erect. about this and that; a nieniele mai la na
4. The middle fibre of a cocoanut leaf. kanaka i ke ano o ia mea, the people asked
5. The brim of a container, as a box, frequently the meaning of this thing (an
barrel, tub, &c. eclipse.)
6. Any substance with prominent cor- Nir-nav, s. Name of one of the Hawai-
ners. ian Islands, south-west of Kanai.
Ni-au, s. See Niao. The stem of a Nti-o, v. To sit in the door way in an
cocoanut leaf. open door.
2. The whale-bone or wood of an um- 2. To lean over and sleep; e hiamoe, e
brella; he iwi ha. lopio, e kawaikamama.
3. He aki niau. Ni-o, s. A kind of handsome kapa or
Ni-au, v. To sail easily; to sail gen- cloth.
teelly. Nr-o1, s. The name of a bush or tree.
Ni-au, adj. Easy sailing. 2. Red pepper, a species with small round
Ni-au-Ka-ni, s. JNiau, cocoanut leaf ods.
stem, and kani, to sound. A kind of rude r 3. The name of a poison tree which is
jewsharp made of the stem of a cocoanut said to have grown on Lanai and Molokai
leaf; he ukeke. and whose touch was fatal; it was fabled
to have been entered by the god Kalaipai-
Nr-au-Pi-o, s. Niaw and pio, a chief hoa o Kahuilaokalani, and thence became
of the highest grade. A superior or high- a poison tree and was worshiped as a god.
est chief; a kapu chief; he alii kapu, he See the kaao.
alii moi. Literally, it applies to the child
of two high chiefs, i. e., father and mother Nr-o-LE, v. To eat slowly and lazily;
both high chiefs. See Kupa ar au, a child to eat without a desire to eat; to act as in
who enjoys, eats the land; au, region. great weakness.
Ni-a-nr-a, v. To accuse falsely; to ac- Nr-o-te, adj. Eating slowly; eating
cuse by trapping. Luk. 11:54. To accuse with weakness ; ai malie, hopilole, nawa-
and bring no evidence. Luk, 23:14. liwali.
2. To seek occasion against one; to con- Nt-o-Lo, s. Sleep; drowsiness; one fast
demn one unheard. asleep.
Nr-a-ni-a, s. See Nia. A smooth sur- Ni-o-Lo-pu-a, s. Sleep; drowsiness;
face ; a calm and smooth sea. lying asleep; he hiamoe kapu.
2. A baldheaded person. Ni-o-n1-0, adj. Hoo. Folded; plaited;.
3. Reproach; blasphemy; a false accu- braided, as hair. 1 Tim. 2:9.
4. He poe niania wale, false accusers. 2 N1-o-n1-0, v. Hoo, Toembroider. Puk..
Tim. 3:3. 28:39. See OnIONTIO.
Ni-a-n1-A, adj. Calm ; quiet ;smooth, Ni-o-nI-0-Lo, s. Hoo. Straightness; eor--
as the unruffled sea; hence, rectness ; that which is correct, upright;
2. Shining; reflecting light. me ka hoonioniolo o ka manao kekahi, some -
3. Smooth; shorn close, as the head. with correctness of opinion.
See ManrAnIA. N1-o-nI-o-Lo, v. To make correct one’s:
Nr-a-ni-av, adv. Hoo. Straightly, as opinions ; to correct one’s language.
Ni-u, s. Name of the cocoanut tree and Ni-Ho, v. ‘To bite with the teeth; to in-
fruit. Nore.—Under the kapu system, it dent; to set in like teeth; to lay a stone
was forbidden to females to eat cocoanuts; wall in a bank of earth.
the punishment was death. Ni-uo, s. A tooth. Puk. 21:27. The
Ni-v, v. To whirl about in any way; to tooth of an animal, especially a whale’s
whirl, as a top. tooth; e malama i ka niho palaoa, take
Nr-u-a, v. See Liva. To be intent upon, care of the niho palaoa (an ornament made
as the eyes fixed on one object. 2 Pet. 2:14. of a whale’s tooth.) See Panaoa. WNiho
2. To turn the eyes so as not to see dis- elepane, elephant’s tooth, i. e., ivory. 2
tinetly. Oihl. 9:17. O ka niho mano ko Hawaii nei
Ni-u-a, s. Indistinctness of vision; ver- mea e ako ai i ka lauoho, a shark’s tooth
tigo; a distortion of the eyes. was the Hawaiian instrument for cutting
the hair.
Ni-u-H1, s. A species of fish. Norz.— Nt-Hoa, s. See NirHoa one of the islands.
It was prohibited to women under the kapu
system, to eat of the niuht under pain of Ni-Ho-a-wa, adj. Neho, tooth, and awa,
death. poisonous. Poison toothed, as some ani-
2. A shark of the large kind; mano nunui. mals inclined to bite; poisonous; corroding.
Ni-u-ni-wa, s. A species of banana. See Nr-Ho-Hut, s. Neho and hut, pain. The
also Popova. toothache ; a pain in a tooth.
N1-v-LE-Lo, s. A species of niu or cocoa- Ni-Ho-xal, s. A painful affection of a
nut; hookapu ae la ka puaa, ame ka niu- tooth ; the toothache. See Niouvt.
lelo, pork and niulelo were strictly forbidden Ni-Ho-KA-HI, s. Lit. One tooth. One
(to women.) tooth remaining, a term for old age; he
Ni-v-ni-u, v. To turn; to twist; to haumakaiole, he palalauhala.
whirl about any way. N1-Ho-mAvu-o-LeE, s. Name of an office
2. To be sad; to be sorrowful; to be in the king’s train.
faint; to languish. Jer. 31:25. N1-Ho-mo-LE, s. Niko and mole, smooth.
Ni-u-ni-u, adj. Sad; sorrowful; desti- A gap in a row or series; a broken place;
tute. places open here and there.
Ni-u-ni-u, s. The skull; the head. See Ni-Ho-Mo-LE, adj. Not regular; open;
Niv. Poha ka niuniu, nakaka ka pali. toothless.
Ni-Ha, adj. Rude; rough; harsh; Ni-Ho-n1-Ho, adj. Set with teeth, as a
NI-HA-NI-HA, unsocial ; wild, &ec.; tight . saw; projecting; stretching out; rough;
in a bargain. See the compound Kama- full of protuberances.
NIWA, Ni-Ho-PA-LA-o-a, S. See Nino and Pa-
Ni-nEv, s. A person whose hair as in LAOA, an ivory ornament. An ornament
ancient times was fancifully fixed; he ka- worn pendulous from the neck, made from
naka maoli no, o ka lauoho nae o Niheu. the ivory of the walrus or sea elephant;
originally it was an ornament worn only by
Nr-u1, v. To walk very softly and care- high chiefs.
fully, as on tip-toe; to creep quietly and Nixa, adj. Black; deep blue; dark
softly. Laieik. 96.
2. To turn sideways onentering a house.
3. To abstain from doing certain things Ni-xa, s. The vulgar orthography for
through feay of offending the gods. negero, as nigger is in English for negro; a
4. To do a thing quietly, silently or se- black man.
sretly, i. e., unseen by others. Nr-x1, v. To tie a knot.
E hoopono ka hele i ka uka o Puna, N1-kI-o-NA-A-KA, 5. One who makes fun;
E nihi ka hele, mai hoolawehala,
Mai noho a akoi ka pua o hewa,
a jester.
O inaina ke akua, paa ke alanui, Ni-xu, v. To tie, as a rope; to fasten;
Aole ou ala e hiki aku ai. to tie tightly. See Naki.
Nr-nt, adv. Carefully; quietly; o ka Ni-xu-xu, v. To tie in knots; to fasten
hana palanehe ole, o ka lawe nihi. See by tying; to bind; to tie fast with ropes
KUNTH. or strings. 2 Sam. 3:34. See Hig.
Nr-ni-ni-u1, s. Anything standing on N1-KI-NI-KI, v. Frequentative of zk.
the edge ; the sharp ridge of a mountain; To tie frequently or tightly; alaila, nisi-
the corner of a square piece of timber; niki tho la ia i ka uha puaai ke aho, then
the corner of a table, &c. he tied the hams of the hog with a cord.
N1I-HI-NI-H1, adj. Standing up on edge; Alaila, nikiniki iho la ia i ka makaui ka
narrow ridged, as a mountain sharp at the maunu, then he tied the bait on to the hook.
top; dificult; strait; narrow edged. Ni-x1-n1-x1, s. The sheath or that which
covers and holds fast the bowels; kumuj Nr-ni-v, v. See Niv. To turn,asa top;
hele. to wheel about, as a platoon of soldiers; to
2. The fat with the inwards. Oihk. 3:3. whirl about in any direction.
NI-xu, ts A bad or offensive Ni-nr-Ha, v. See Nina. To be tight in
NI-KU-NI-KU, smell; a stench. See Nr- a bargain; to be close; to be hard; to get
KONEKO. the better of one in a business transaction.
Ni-xu-ni-ku, adj. Filthy; smelling of- Ni-ni-Ha, adj. Hard ; severe in business
fensively. See NEko. with others ; tight in a bargain.
Ni-te-cau, s. The name of an animal Ni-ni-H1, v. See Niu. To walk on the
found in Africa; the nilgau, an animal of edge of a precipice; to set up on edge; to
the ox kind. stand up edgeways, as any thin object and
Ni-tv, s. See Ninitv. Something ad- sharp at the top.
mired, wondered at, desired. Ni-ni-H1, s. A circle.
Ni-na, adj. See Lina. Soft to the touch; Ni-ni-Hu-A, v. To play truant, asa child;
slippery ; adhesive, like poi. aole laka mai i ka makua. Hoo. To run
Ni-nav, v. To ask a question for in- away from home or from one’s parents.
formation ; to inquire concerning a thing ; Nr-ni-ka, s. A bush which spreads out
to interrogate. See Nee. Ezek. 20:3. with branches like the maile.
Ni-Navu-U-HA-NE, adj. Ninau and uhane, Ni-nr-Lu, adj. Soft; mellow.
ghost. Having familiar spirits; talking Ni-ni-n1, v. See Nini. ‘To pour out, as
with or getting information from ghosts. a liquid; to pour out upon; to give; to
Oihk. 19:31. imbue; to suffuse.
Ni-navu-ku-pa-Pau, s. Ninau and kupa- 2. To pour out grain, as from a bag.
pau, a corpse. One who consults the dead Kin. 42:35.
or the spirits of the dead. Isa. 8:19. ‘ To pour out, as from a bottle. Puk.
NI-NAU-HO-I-KE, s. INinau and hoike, to 29:7.
exhibit. A learning by question and an- 4. Fic. To pour out, as the desires of the
swer. heart. 1 Sam.1:15. To pour out, as a com-
2. The name of a historical catechism plaint, sorrow, weeping. Job. 3:24.
formerly in use among the natives. 5. In a religious sense,to pour out, as the
Ni-wa-ni-na, adj. See Nina and Lina- Holy Spirit. Oth. 2:17.
6. To exhibit anger, i. e., to pour out
Lina. Very wet; damp; sticky; unctuous; fury. 2 Oihl. 34:21.
soft; slimy. 7. To throw away ; to squander; e hoo-
Ni-na-ni-nau, v. See Ninav. To ask lei, e hoopau.
questions repeatedly ; to question ; to in- 8. To count out, as money. 2 Nal. 22:9.
quire earnestly. Joan.16:19. To converse Ni-ni-ni, s. A casting; a solid from a
by questioning back and forth. liquid. 1 Nal. 7:37.
Ni-n1, s. That which tends to heal a Ni-ni-n1-a, v. See Nini. The passive of
wound, balm, ointment, oil, &c. Jer. 46:11. Ninini. To cast away; to throw out; to
A medicine for external wounds. pour out; to throw away.
Ni-n1, v. To soothe a pain; to heal a NI-ni-NI-NI, v. The reduplication of
wound; to apply nini or medicine to a nini. To run off, as a liquid; to move off
wound. slily ; to go off secretly ; to hide.
2. To spill; to spill over; to pour out a} N I-NI-PoO, v. See Niro. To be weak; to
liquid. be bent over, as one scarce able to walk.
3. To find fault in a bargain; to com-
plain. Ni-nr-po-Lo, v. See Niroto. To drum
4. To cheat; to ask more fora thing than with the fingers and sing.
it is worth. Ni-po, adj. Sleepy; fatigued; languid.
5. To be hard in a bargain. Ni-po-a, s. Dullness or numbness of the
6. To lay stones well in a wall; if the body ; a dizziness; a headache, mostly in
stones lie smoothly and tight, the stones the region of the temples.
are said to nini.
Ni-ni-au, s. The motion of turning. Ni-po-Lo, adj. Striking the drum and
singing at the same time; 0 nawenawe ni-
Ni-ni-au, v. To stretch out; to pull; to polo lea ka leo.
overflow ; to go wrong. 2. Sick and faint. as one dying.
Nr-ni-o, v. See Nio, to color. To spot; N1-po-n1-Po, adj. See Niro. Sick; weak;
to print, as Kapa. See Panrnio. languid; feeble.
Ni-ni-o-LE, s. Name of a species of fish; Ni-po-wa, s. See Nrpoa. Dullness; diz-
he wahi mea ola ano like me ke kualakai. ziness ;numbness ; weakness of body.
Ni-su, s. Heb. The name of an unclean No-., v. To sprinkle a little, as
bird. Kanl. 14:15. Ahawk perhaps. Oihk. No-E-No-E, fine rain; to be damp in the
11:16. air, as a fog; to rain, yet scarcely discern-
No, s. A hole in the ground which ible to the eye.
draws off water from kalo patches. 2. To blow fresh; applied to the wind
No, v. To leak, as water under ground noe. See the noun, 2. Ke noenoe mai la
from a kalo patch ; e u aku, to ooze out. ka makani.
No, adv. Anaffirmative particle; truly; O-E, s. A mist; a spray; small
indeed ; even so. No-E-No-E, fine rain; afog. See Awa
2. An intensive, strengthening the idea, and AWAHIA.
connected both with verbs and nouns. 2. The name of a wind at Lahaina from
No, prep. Of; for; belonging to; con- over the land; the north-east trade wind.
cerning ; similar in meaning to o and ko, No-z-avu, adj. See Notav. Wise; pru-
but used in a different part of the sentence. dent. Sol. 12:23. Skillful; dextrous. Syn.
Gram. § 69, 3. with maiau. O ka poe akamai i ka olelo
No-a, v. To be released from the re- ame ka hana maoli, he noeau ia.
strictions of a kapu; to take off the kapu No-k-u-LA, adj. Red eyed; sore eyed
or prohibition ; ko lakou makemake, i noa from going in the rain or sea; ka maka
loa na lealea, ame na hana uhauha, their noeula pua i ke kai.
wish was that pleasure and licentiousness No-E-Ko-Lo, s. The small, fine rain of
should have no restraint. the mountains mixed with the thicker of
2. To be released from restraint; to be the forest; 0 ka noekolo aualii kapu o Kama.
out from under restraint or law; noa ho- No-s-to, v. To ask for; to beg; the
nua, nod loa, all kapus taken off. same as 701.
3. Hoo. To release one from kapu; he 2. To be bold; to be impertinent; to be
wahine mare, he wahine kapu ia; he wa- mischievous.
hine noa, he wahine kapu ole ia, i. e., a 3. To collect together what is tangible;
common woman. e ake no lakou e naauao pu, a e noii pu, a
4, To cause to become a prostitute, as a e nowelo (noelo) pu.
man prostitutes his wife or daughter ; to 4, To seek the ground of some accusa-
be common. Oihk. 19:29. tion; e imi i ke kumu e hewa ai; to search
No-a, s. The lower or degraded class out the merits of a question; to prepare
of people; a lower servant; a backwoods- before hand.
man; he kuaaina. No-g-no-E, s. See Nog, mist. A fog; a
2. The name of a play. fine mist; a rain.
3. The name of the stone used in the 2. A gray head; a gray headed person.
game of puhenehene. See Kav. No-E-No-E, v. See Nok 2. To blow, as
4, A fire constantly burning like a vol- the wind ; ke noenoe mai la ka makani.
cano ; ke ahi aa mau, ke ahiaihonua. 2. To sprinkle; to wet, as a fog or a
No-a, adj. Intermission or cessation mist; to bedew.
from kapu; applied to anything that has 3. To be intoxicated.
been under kapu and the kapu taken off; No-1, v. To beg; to beseech; to ask for
the removing of the kapu constitutes it noa. a thing ; to ask earnestly ; to entreat; to
Sabbath day is a la kapu, but Monday is a ask, as in prayer; noi ikaika lakou, i pu,
la noa. He makuahine noa wale no kon, ai pauda, they begged strongly, give us
ma Hamakua, your mother was a mere guns, give us powder.
common woman at Hamakua. No-1-au, s. See Nozau. Wisdom. Job.
2. Constantly burning, as a fire; un- 12:2. Knowledge. Sol.1:2. Skill in lan-
quenchable, as a volcano ; ahiaihonua. guage ; he akamai i ka olelo.
No-a-au-Lo-a, s. Noa, free from kapu, No-1-au, v. To be wise; to be skilled
au, time, and loa, long. Applied to Kaui- in a thing; e noiau ma na mea o kauhane,
keaouli because he reigned over the people to be skilled in matters of the soul.
without kapus; o ke alii malama makaai- No-u, v. To glean; to collect together
nana, he alli ia noaawoa. little things.
No-a-no-a, s. See Noa. One opposite 2. To collect one’s thoughts; to reflect;
to a chief by birth; a common man; a to search after a thought or an idea; ua
countryman; a laborer; one whose ances- noiti au i manao mikolelehua no’u, I gath-
tors were laboring people. ered up some wise thoughts for myself.
No-a-pa-HEz, s. See Noa and Panes, No-, s. A collecting ; a gathering up;
to slip. The name of a game absorbing a seeking; me ka huli ana ame ka noii ana.
one’s attention. No-11, adv. In a small way ; little by
little ; aole oia i auhau noii a pau ka moa, No’v, pers. pron., first person. Oblique
koloa, &c., he did not tax all little things, case of au or wau, 1. My; mine; for me.
as hens, ducks, &e. Gram.§ 124.
No-1-0, s. Name of a small black bird No’v, v. To eat to the full; to glut with
that lives on fish. food ; to gormandize: to eat very often.
No-1-u1, s. Knowledge; skill; skill in} N o-u-u, v. To be wet with rain; to be
the use of language. See Noravu and Mar- suffused with water.
ELE. 2. To smell the sweet scent of flowers;
No-1-no-1, adj. Small, as a dwarf. nouu aala ka uha i ka pua.
Noo, v. To seek; to search after; to No-v-tu, s. The fan-leafed palm tree.
reflect; to turn over and over in one’s See Lou.
mind; to exercise the thinking powers. 2. A covering; a screen from the sun.
No-o-a, v. For noota, passive of noo. 3. An umbrella, especially a Chinese
To be sought after; to be looked for; to wnbrella.
be obtained by searching. 4, A thick shade tree.
No-o-tu, adj. See Orv. Easy; com- 5. A long heian.
fortable ; cool; pleasant. See Mootv. Nou-nou, v. See Nov, v. To throw
stones back and forth, as two persons at
Noo-noo, v. See Noo. To think; to re- each other.
flect; to consider in order to give an opin- 2. To appear or show itself red ; e puka
ion. mai ka ula.
2. To meditate ; to think of the past; to 3. E pokoke ka ai.
think with approbation. Nov-nov, s. A species of calabash.
3. Hoo. To cause to think; to think and
act the man; to act wisely ; e hookanaka. Novu-nou-nEA, v. To rub with the hand
or paint one’s cheeks to give them beauty;
Noo-noo, s. A thought; a device; a sub- e pakuikui i ka limukala iloko o ke kaima
ject of meditation ; in the plural, thoughts; ka papalina.
opinions ; ua hoopuka ia mai na noonoo, Nov-Nov-NEa, adj. Reddened, as one’s
the thoughts (opinions) were openly ex-
pressed ; an invention; seeking something face with some substance to give beauty; i
new. nounounea me Hikua.
Noo-noo, adj. Thinking; reflecting; No-wa, v. See Nana. To break; to
skillful ; planning ; thoughtful. split; to crack; to sever.
No-HAE, v. See Nawaz. To be tom;
Nov, v. To blow hard, as a gale of to be rent; to burst.
wind ; now mai ka makani. No-HE-a, adv. No and hea. An oblique
2. To puff; to fill with wind. See Haa-
NOU. case of hea, where. Whence? from what
3. To send out or abroad, as thunder.
place? Gram. § 165.
Tob. 37:3. Ka pio o ke ki kamalena o ke kaunoa
Nohea ika la kapu o ke aalii ?
4, To throw or cast a stone ; now aku la Ka onohi uli o ka moo o Kaiona
i ka pohaku, a pa i ka auwae, he threw a O naha ka manu—o—Hili—a.
stone and it struck the chin; to throw No-HE-o, s. Some mischievous conduct;
stones. 2 Sam.16:6. Pohaku nouia, astone
i ka uu pekupeku a ka noheo.
thrown. Nah. 35:17.
5. To strike, as the rays of the sun; to No-u1, v. To be of a reddish color.
be very hot, as the rays of the sun; e wela See Onont, Kryont and Kuonout.
nui mai ka la, e ko nui mai; now iho ka la No-nu-a-Lo, s. The name of a person
o keia aina o Lahaina, the sun of this land who was born with a chief and ever con-
of Lahaina strikes down. tinues to live with him; o ke kanaka i ha-
6. Haa. To be puffed up; to be self-im- nau ma ke alo alii. he kanaka nohiialo ia.
portant. 1 Kor. 4:18. No-nu-ku-a, s. Name of the people who
7. To boast. Ezek. 35:13. are born and live on the back part of the
Nou, s. A puff or blast of wind. island ; o ke kanaka i hanau ma ke kua-
Nov, pers. pron., second person. An aina, ua kapaia he nohiikua.
oblique case of oe, thou. Thy; thine; of No-HI-LI, ad). See Hu. Tedious; slow;
thee ; for thee, &e. Gram. § 182. Nou ka of a long time.
nou, or nau, yours is the fault; none to No-no, s. A seat; a bench; a stool; a
blame but yourself. chair ; a place of staying or living.
Nov, adj. Epithet of a servant born of 2. Noho lio, a saddle ; noho kapakahi, a
a common person and a kauwa aumakua ; side-saddle.
a hanau mai ke keiki, he now ka inoa o ia No-o, v. To sit; to dwell; to tarry in
keiki. a place.
2. To be in a certain condition or to ex- 3. To explain things misunderstood.
hibit a certain character ; e noho malie, to 4. To lay together, as stones in a build-
live quietly, or to hold one’s peace; e noho ing. 1 Pet. 2:5.
pio, to be in bondage; e noho like, to be 5. To lay or place together for the pur-
at peace, as between two people. unk. pose of comparing.
4:17. I. e., to have equal privileges. Noho No-Ho-paa, v. INoho and paa, firm;
in some positions seems almost to carry the tight. To confirm; to establish.
idea of existence; ua noho oluolu oia, he 2. Hoo. To build firmly ; to lay firmly
lived comfortably. the foundation, as of a building. Hzera 6:3.
3. Hoo. To cause one to sit, i.e., to dwell, No-Ho-pi0, v. Noho and pio, a prisoner.
or live or stay at any place. To dwell in captivity ; to live a prisoner.
4. To establish or appoint any one in a
place or in any business. Kin. 47:6. No-Hu, s. Name of a species of
5. To appoint any one to a particular No-HU-No-HU, § fish; the toad fish species.
office. Puk. 7:1. 2. A plant with sharp thorns or burs; a
6. To bring one forth, i. e., to produce small thorny vine.
one before a court for trial. 3. Name of aspecies of soft porous stone.
7. To set forth a declaration of some No-xE, v. To seek after; to pursue with
facts in history. Oth. 1:1. success ; to search after till found.
8. E hoonoho kepau, to set types; i ke ai 2. To be energetic; to be persevering;
hoonohoia e ka unu loa. ua huli au, ua noke au, ua noli au i manao
9. To lay a foundation, as of a building. mikolelehua no’u.
Nore.—Noho is often used merely to 3. To be filled with anger; to fret; to
strengthen or intensify the idea; often with scold; to exhibit a low kind of anger.
a or e imperative; e noho ekemu ole, keep No-kE, adj. Energetic; persevering ;
silence, i. e., be silent, where it gives force searching ; seeking.
to ekemu. 2. Fretful; cross; stubborn.
No-no is used for various purposes; as, No-xg, s. An expression of a mean kind
mai noho a, a forbidding negative, do not ; of anger by fretfulness or peevishness.
e noho nei, here, now, referring to time
present or to present place. No-KE-No-KE, v. To mumble in speak-
No-Ho, s. Hoo. A builder; an architect. ing ; to stammer unintelligibly.
2. To make a confused unmeaning noise.
No-no-a-Lu, s. INoho, a seat, and alzz, No-KE-No-KE, s. A murmur; a confused
chief. A throne. Pus. 11:5. A king’s seat. noise; a tremor; a rustling; the grinding
No-no-a-Lu, v. To be or to continue to of a hard substance in the teeth.
act asaking. 2 Sam.5:4. To reign asa No-xkeE-a, v. To raise or fill up, as one
king. 2 Sam. 8:15. Nohoalit iho la o Ka- eating much; to stuff one’s self with food;
mehameha maluna o keia pae aina, Kame- hence, to swell up, as the stomach; to fill
hameha reigned over these islands. full, as a cup ; to eat greedily.
No-Ho-A-Lo-HA, s. JVoho and aloha, com- No-xe-a, s. The name of a fresh water
passion. A mercy seat. Puk. 25:17. fish ; the oopu.
No-Ho-a-Lo-HA, adj. Friendly; at peace; No-xE-a, adj. White ; spotted, as the
on friendly terms ; dwelling in unity. fish nokea; he io nokea popoolimu.
No-no-a-nA, S. Noho and ana, a parti- No-kE-A-A-HU-LI-U, s. The white that
cipial termination. A sitting; a dwelling; appears on stones after they have been
a living. heated very hot.
2. Moral character; pehea kona noho- No-ke-tTu-rA, s. Heb. Name of an un-
ana? Lit. How is his sitting? i. e., how is clean bird; a swan perhaps. Oihk. 11:18.
his living? how does he live? what is his
character? Me na nohoana me na kaliu. No-x1, adj. See Noxe, adj. Used
No-H0-H00-KO-LO-Ko-LO, s. Noho and hoo- No-kI-No-KI, } as an intensive; real; sub-
stantial ; maoli.
kolokolo, to call to account. A judgment
seat; a place for trial. No-x1. A word often thrown in in poetry
2. The assembled people at a court of without any particular meaning.
justice ; he anaina hookolokolo. No-ku, v. To stir up; to trou-
No-Ho-KEE, v. To rise up against one No-ku-NO-KU, ble, as water.
without provocation. 2. To give pain; to make one uneasy.
No-Ho-no-Ho, v. See Nouo. To sit to- No-al-La, adv. No and daila, there. An
gether. oblique case of laila. Gram. § 165, 2d
2. Hoo. To put together in order; to class. Therefore ; wherefore; literally, for
arrange, as the words or circumstances of there ; having reference to something pre-
a history. ceding.
No-.a-Lo, comp. prep. Oblique case of No-NE-No-NE-A, s. Anger; wrath; dis-
lalo. Gram. § 161. Of or for that which satisfaction ; discontent.
is down or below; from below; belonging No-n1, s. A shrub; the bark, and es-
to that which is below. Joan. 8:23. The pecially the root, is used in coloring ; the
opposite of noluna. fruit is large and heavy; he kana hua noni
No-Lze, v. To be surly; to chide; to kekahi, some fought with noni fruit (for
grumble secretly. Hoo. The same. weapons) ; the root colors red.
No-Lu, v. To deceive; to cheat; No-ni-no-nI, adj. ‘Turning the eyes up,
No-Lu-No-Lv, to outwit, with puni. Ios. down or sideways in attempting to recol-
9:22. To be disappointed in losing a bet; lect some fact, or in being perplexed, as
o kekahi poe, nolunolu na hai ke eo. the mind with something not clear.
2. To seduce; to bribe; to give prop- 2. Attempting to take food when one is
erty secretly on a wager; to lead astray. too weak or not inclined.
3. To be soft; to be pliable; to be elas- 3. Confused, as the mind; doubtful;
tic ; to be soft like a pillow; to bruise; to anxious.
make soft by bruising. No-ni-Nu-1, s. Name of a species of soft
4. Hoo. To be soft; to be fat, as a fleshy porous stone.
person. No-no, v. To snore. See None and
5. To be easily fatigued. Nownoo.
No-xu, s. A bruise; a hurt. 2. To gurgle; to make the noise of drink-
No-tu, adj. Soft; tender; elastic ; ing water out of a calabash; to blow up
bruised soft; nolu ka ihu o Hopoe i ka ma- water, as a hog with its snout under water.
kani. No-no, v. To be fresh or red in the
No-tu-a-kau-a, s. Name of a person No-Nno-Nno, face from exercise; to be sun-
born under one chief, but fights for another burnt or red from the heat of the sun; e
chief; o ke kanakainoho me ke aliie, a ula na papalina i ka wela o ka la.
kaua mai, he kanaka ia noluakaua. No-no, s. A dark red or purple color;
No-Lu-NA, comp. prep. Oblique case of redness.
luna, above. Gram. § 161. Of or from No-no-a, adj. Indistinct; not correctly
above; respecting that which is above; heard or understood ; not clearly spoken.
the opposite of nolalo. Ioan. 8:23. See Nonononoa.
No-tu-no-Lu, adj. See Notu, adj. Fat, No-no-E-No-E, s. See Nor. The north-
as an animal; henee, soft; elastic. east trade winds.
No-me, v. See Nav. Tochew; to grind No-no-1, v. See Nor. To beg; to ask;
with the teeth. to borrow. Puk. 22:14.
No-mME-No-ME, v. See Nome and Nav- 2. To make a request; to exhort; to
nav. To chew; to soften in the mouth; e urge ; to beseech ; aole nae ma ka iii loa,
hoowali. anonoi no hoi; aia he uuku nui ae. Nonoi
No-na, pers. pron. No and na. An ob- uwao, to make intercession. Jer. 27:18.
lique case of ia. His; hers; its; for him; No-no-1, adj. Both forms are used.
for her; for it. Gram. § 139. No-no-t, See also Nom and Nornor
No-na-no-na, s. A smal] winged insect; Small ; little ; stinted in growth.
a gnat, a species of ant. No-Nno-I-Ka-wal, v. To bend over, as a
2. Name of a Hawaiian periodical for- house or some object leaning.
'merly printed at Honolulu. See ANnona- No-noo, v. To snore. See Nons and
NONA. Nono.
No-ne, v. Tosnore insleep. See Nono No-no-HE, adj. Beautiful; graceful;
and Nonoo. splendid.
No-ng, s. Laziness; indolence; awk- No-no-HE, adj. Applied to a young
wardness in doing a thing. woman, beautiful; virtuous; modest; a
Ka none no na ai namunamu, high state of female excellency ; so of an
Ka huhu paokee laau,
Ka koi wili kekee olelo manawa. animal.
No-ne-a, s. The feeling one has after No-Nno-HI-u-LI, s. See the above. Excel-
eating much fat meat, pork perhaps; a full- lency in one’s person or character. or both.
ness; distaste for food, &e. No-no-H1-na, s. Name of the white
No-neE-nE-A, v. See Nang. To sit idly; blossom of the tree pua.
to have no employment, nor desire any. No-no-Hu-a, adj. Jealous; evil minded;
No-NE-No-NE-A, v. See None, s. To disposed to evil conduct.
spend time uselessly; to be lazy; to be in- 2. Flowing from the bowels; 0 ka wai
dolent. nonohua alii o Kalanuiewakumoku.
No-no-Hu-a, v. To be evilly minded ; 3. Burnt by the sun, as the feet when
to indulge a bad disposition ; to be quick walking on hot earth or stones.
tempered. No-pu-E, adj. Plump; round, as a well
2. Fia. To have the disease called hai- fed, fat hog.
lepo, i. e., to evacuate the bowels. No-we-Lo, v. See Noexo. To scrape
No-no-Lau, s. Name of the bitter cala- together.
bash used in medicine. See OopoHvr. No-te-ma, s. Heb. Juniper roots. Job.
No-no-to, v. See Nono and Nonono. 30:4.
To breathe hard; to snore; e nonolo mai Nu, v. To groan; to shake; to sound;
ana—a. SeeNunutv. O ke kapu ia e no- to roar, as the wind; ke nu nei ka makani
nolo i ka lani, it is kapu (forbidden) to ina kahawai—makani ala ouaouae nu ana
snore in the presence of a chief. ma na keena nui; to make a long indistinct
2. To leak fast. as a cask. sound.
3. To be routed in war. 2. To groan; to sound like distant thun-
No-no-10, s. The sound of singing birds. der.
See Nunutu. 3. To grunt as a hog; to coo like a dove.
£ nunulu mai ana—a— 4, Fic. To be agitated, as the mind with
E nonolo mai ana—a. unutterable feelings, fears or desires; penei
No-no-Lu, adj. Soft; shaky, as ground ka nu ana maio keia wahi manao iloko 0’u:
dry on top but muddy below. See MAotu. ina paha be nu hekili, ina la paha ua loheia
kona haalulu; aka, o ka nu iloko o ka naau,
No-no-n1, adj. See Noni. Burnt red; aole e loheia kona haalulu, here is the sound
colored red ; wela nononi ka io i ke ahi. of the thoughts within me: if it were the
No-no-no, adj. Full of holes; not voice of thunder, the sound, without doubt,
strong ; pukapuka.
would be heard; but the voice within the
soul is not heard.
No-no-No-Ho, v. See Nouo. To appoint; 5. To think; to reflect upon; to ruminate.
to fix in a place; to sit firmly; to sit up- Norr.—The idea of expressing the deep,
right. intense feelings of the soul by that of sound
No-no-no-no-a, v. See Nonoa. To speak or a voice is common among the Asiatics.
indistinctly ; to be heard indistinctly; to Ke uwe (nu) nei no hoi kakou iloko o ka-
be almost inaudible, as the voice of one kou iho. Rom. 8:23.
speaking. E nu, e nei, e haalulu iluna o Waialoha :
No-no-pa-Pa, s. See Matnorni. Heaha nei makani o Kapona ?
He lanikua ia no Kalalau—e—
No-nv, adj. Deceitful, as language; not I Kalalau i Puna nakalau aku,
to be trusted. See Nouv. Nalowale ka leo 0 ke kai o Hoohila.
No-pa, }adj. Lazy; slow; blun- Nu, s. The roar or sound of strong wind.
No-PA-NO-PA, dering ;mopish. 2. An indistinct murmur or groaning
2. Crooked; very crooked and weak. sound.
3. The grunting of swine ; the cooing of
No-pa-No-PA, Ss. Slowness; laziness; doves, &c.
lolo ke kanaka nui, 0 ka nopanopa ka hewa. Nv, adj. Sounding ; groaning ; roaring.
No-pa, v. To be crooked; to be Nvu-a, v. To tread up, as dirt in a path
No-Pa-No-PA, perverse. from much travel; nua ke ala a hele ku
2. To be lazy ; to be blundering; to be ke ea.
slow. 2. To come together in great numbers as
No-po-Ho-KA-No, s. Oponoxano. Name people assemble.
of the kalaimoku under two chiefs. 3. To sit down to rest, as a traveling
No-po-Lo. See Nrroto and Ninrroto. company.
No-pu, v. To spring or swell up 4, To go constantly in the same place.
5. To turn up dirt, as a hog; to root.
No-Pu-No-PU, in the mind, as a thought,
6. To be accustomed or practiced in any
with a desire to express it; nolaila, nopu business.
mai la iloko o’u ka manao e hoakaka wale Nv-a, adj. Trodden up, as a road fre-
aku, therefore the thought swelled up quently or much trodden.
(sprung up) within me to explain.
2. To swell; to be large round; to be Nv-a-o, s. See Nara. The name of a
full; e puipui, e momona. species of fish forbidden to women to eat,
3. To spring up, asaseed planted. Syvy. under the kapu system, on pain of death.
with kupu. Nu-a-nu-a, adj. Thick, as a board ; fat
No-pu, adj. Thoroughly cooked; and soft, as an animal; full; large, as a
No-Pu-No-PU, soft; spongy. good looking person. Norr.—Hawaiians
2. Large; plump; fat; swelled out. connected the idea of beauty in persons
’ with their size, fullness of flesh, &c. See| Nu-m1, v. To take; to take from; to-
ANUANUA, rainbow. draw out. See UNvnat.
Nu-a-nu-a, v. See Nua. To tread up| Nu-nou, s. Eng. Nu for new or news,
dirt ;nuanua ke ala a ku mai ke ea. and hou, new; recent. A word coined a
2. Hoo. To act proudly; to boast; to few years ago and applied as the name of
dress up one’s self in gorgeous apparel ; e a weekly periodical, and may be translated
aahu nui i na kapa. Recent News. He nuhow iaika mea waa,
Nu-a-wa, s. A planting; the act of cov- it was a new thought to the owner of the:
ering seed in the dirt; ka manu ahai ka canoe. Laieik. 20.
NUAWE e. u-Hou, v. To appear, as a new thing ;:
Nu-1, v. To be great; to increase in| to spring up in the mind, as a new thought
size; to swell; to be more; to enlarge ; | or desire.
to raise,as the voice; heaha kou mea e nui Nvu-xa, adj. Large; full grown ; plump..
nei kou leo? Laieik. 22. Nu-Ka-Nu-KA, v. To be fat; to be full;
2. Hoo. To add to; to increase ; to mul- to be plump ; to be round and smooth, as
tiply. Isa. 59:12. a young animal or a young person; to be
3. To magnify ; to extol, as one’s kind- fleshy.
ness. Kin. 19:19.
4, Haa. To speak proudly; to vaunt;, Nu-ka-nu-ka, adj. See Nuxa. Fat ;.
to brag. plump; in good liking, as a young person.
Nov-1, s. Size; increase; multitude; |Nu-kE, adj. For nuku ee. Twisted one
magnitude ; greatness; fullness. Nore.— side ; awry ; one-sided, as the mouth; he
Nui often takes ke for its article instead of| waha nuke. See NvKEE.
ka; aole paha o ke nui o na kino wale no. | Nv-xe-a, adj. White, as the white billed
Nv-1-nu-1, v. See Nur. To be large; to| alae. Nore.—The alae is of two varieties,
be very great; to increase. Hoo. To in-| the white bill and the red bill. Muku, keo-
crease greatly; to raise high, as the voice; | keo, alae nukea.
e hoonuinui aku paha i ka leo maluna. Nu-KEE, s. NNuku, mouth, bill, and
Nou-1-nu-1, s. Hoo. An increase; a rais-|NU-KU-KEE, kee, crooked. A crooked
ing up. snout; a crooked mouth; mai mai o mea
Nouv, v. To rise or swell up; to be full ia’u.
or high. Nov-xo-x1, adj. Short; low; small.
2. Hoo. To eat much; to have a swelled Nv-xu, v. To chide; to complain; to
stomach; to devour food eagerly. See | provoke ; to quarrel. Puke. 17:2.
ANUU. Nu-ku, s. The bill of a bird; the snout
Nuvu, s. See Nuvu, v. A raised place in of an animal.
the heiau where the god dwelt and where 2. A tunnel; the nose of a pitcher; the
the offerings were placed. See Kapaav. nose of a person. Ezek. 39:11. The mouth.
2. Evenness ; an evenly raised surface. Hal. 108:42.
Nuv-a-nu, s. The name of a game at 3. The mouth of ariver. Jos. 15 th
cards; e pepa nuuanu kakou. : hi Strife ;scolding ; contention. l Tim.
2. Name of a valley near Honolulu.
5. Name of a kind of fish-hook.
Nuv-xo-Le, s. Name of a fresh water
fish of the oopu kind. See KraniManv. |Nu-ku-a-u-La, s. The frame of a fish
Nov-na, v. To be silent; to be taciturn; | Nu-ku-Mo-NE-u, s. The name of a fish.
to be displeased. | See Momomi.
2. To be or to act as an aged person, |
deaf, silent, &c. Nu-ku-nu-ku, v. See Nuxv. To find
3. To be rough; to be uncivil; to be fault with one secretly; to complain of one
hard or heavy upon one. behind his back. Hoo. The same.
Nvu-Ha-nu-Ha, v. See Nuna. To be dis- Nu-xu-Nu-ku, adv. See Noxu, s. By
obedient; not to give heed to any one; to the mouth, that is, by the end; endways;
render one’s self disagreeable; to be hard; kau nulcunulcu, to place endways, asa stick
to answer a question captiously. on the shoulder.
Nvu-eE, adj. See Nuna. Sullen; silent; Nv-xu-wal, s. Nuku, mouth, and wai,,
mixed with anger. water. The mouth of a stream of water...
Nu-neE, s. A species of worm; 0 Kaelo, See Nukv.
oia ka malama e hanau ai na nuke. See Nv-tu, v. To rise up, as smoke or steam;-
ENUHE. to float off in the air, as smoke.
Nov-neE!, adj. Crooked billed; crooked Nv-Lu-nu-tu, adj. Rising up; floating-
mouthed. 5A ; off, as smoke or steam.
PA 426 PA
Nou-nu, v. See Lunu,z forZ. To covet, be many; to be numerous; to increase;_
as the property of another, and to use some to grow up, as a child.
means of obtaining it. See also ALUNU. Nu-nu-Ha, adj. See Nuna. Taciturn;
Nu-nu, v. To provoke. still; unsocial; displeased; quiet; applied
2. To swell up ; to swell up in places. to persons. See Nunu, ad)., 2.
3. To roll up, as paper; e owili, e wihi. Nu-nu-HE, adj. See Nunez. Sullen;
Nu-nu, s. See Nv. A moaning; a groan- taciturn ; silent: angry.
ing; a grunting, as of hogs; a cooing of Nu-nvu-x1, adj. Rising and falling irreg-
doves ; hence, ularly, as the sea sometimes.
2. A dove; a pigeon from the noise they Nu-nu-tu, v. ‘To sound, as the singing
mt Me nunu opiopio, a young pigeon. Oih. of birds; to chirp ; to sing, as a bird; to
3. An endearing epithet like my dear 2. To grunt; to growl. See mele below.
chicken. Mel. Sol. 2:14. I ka leo o ka manu—a—
$ a The name of a species of fish; the pipe B nunulu mai ana—a—
sh. E nonolo mai ana—a.
Nu-nv, adj. Groaning, as of persons in Nu-pa, v. To enlarge; to swell; to be
pain; grunting like hogs; cooing like doves. full, as one having over eaten.
2. Taciturn; unsocial; sullen; displeased; Nu-pa, s. A deep pit; a deep, dark pit;
applied only to persons. See Nununa. a softening, as of the ground by rain; i ka
Nu-nu-a, adj. See the above Nunv. nupa ae lepo a ka ka ua.
Nu-nu-1, adj. See Nui. Very large; Nu-pa-nu-pa, v. To be of a deep green
kanaka nunui, a giant. Kin. 6:4. He poe like thrifty growing vegetables.
nunui, men of large stature. Kani. 2:10, 11. Nu-pa-nu-pa, adj. Thriftily growing ;
Nv-nv-1, v. See Nui. To be large; to full; round; plump. See NUKANUKA.

Pp the eleventh letter of the Hawaiian 2. The extremity ; the furthest point of
9 alphabet. It represents. as in English, a thing. Mar. 13:27.
a labial sound. Hawaiians are apt to use 3. A remnant or piece; the same as
it for b in words derived from English, as apana. Nore.—This meaning also takes
pipi for bipi, or as it should be written, bif,, ke for its article.
neat cattle, from the word beef. It is often 4, The wall of a city; an inclosure, in-
used also for f in the word piku for fikcu, a cluding the fence and the space inclosed;
fig. &c. pa pohaku, a stone wall; pa laau, a stick
Pa. A distributive particle prefixed to fence; pa hipa, a sheep fold.
5. A hall; an open court.
other words, as nouns, adjectives and verbs; 6. A pair; as, pa bipi, a pair or yoke of
mostly however to numeral adjectives; as, oxen; pa kamaa, a pair of shoes, &c. See
pakahi, one by one, each one; palua or also Paa.
papaiua, two by two, two-fold, double ; 7. A kind of fish-hook for taking the aku
pakolu, each of the three, three-fold ; pa- or bonito.
hiku, by sevens, seven-fold, &c., and so on 8. A species of yam.
to any number. These words are some- 9. A kind of shell-fish somewhat large,
times constructed in the sentence as verbs, of the clam or muscle kind.
and thus become verbs; as, ua pahiku mai 10. A brazen grate; he pa keleawe, ma-
la oia i ka ia ia makou, he divided to us the namana, pukapuka. ‘
fish by sevens ; e paumi aku ia lakou, give
them fen each. —, Pa, adj. Barren, as a female; applied
2. As a particle, pa, like ka, ma, na, &e., to men or animals. 1 Sam. 2:5.
is prefixed to a great many words, but the 2. Dry; parched; cracked, as land;
definite meaning of such particles has not broken.
yet been ascertained. Pa, v. To divide out to individuals, as
Pa, s. The name of any material hay- several things t6 two or more; e pa lima
ing a flat surface, as a board (see Papa), a ae oe ia lakou, divide out five apiece to them.
plate, a server, a pan; pa wili ai, a poi See Pa, particle. }
board; pa holoi, a basin to wash in; pa Pa, v. See Pa, a fence. To hedge in
hao, an iron pan. Notre.—With this mean- witha fence; to inclose; e pa laau, to make
ing, pa takes ke for its article. a stick fence.
Pa, v. See Pa, adj. To be barren or movable ; finished; kahi paa, a place of
childless; applied to females of animals or security, inward. Nah. 15:34.
men. ~2. Burnt; scorched ; charred.
Pa, v. To touch; to tap lightly; to Paa, adv. Steadfastly; perseveringly.
strike gently. Puk. 19:12. Pa-aa, s. The rind of the banana; the
2. To beat; to strike heavily ; to strike skin or outside covering of a cluster of
suddenly, as a gust of wind. Job.1:19. Ke bananas ; the fibre of a banana stalk; he
pa mai nei ka makani, the wind strikes us. ili mawaho 0 ka pumaia. See Aa.
3. To strike, i. e., to bite, as a serpent. Pa-aa, adj. See Aa. Stony, as land;
4. To strike, i. e., to hit, as a stone thrown. full of stones.
1 Sam. 17:49. A pa iho la o Kiwalao i ka 2. Burnt; scorched.
pohaku, Kiwalao was hit by a stone. Pa-aa-La-HA, s. A memento; a keep-
5. To shoot or throw, as an arrow of
sugar-cane (a pastime for boys.)
6. To be given up, as property taken in Paa-r-u1, s. Paa,a solid, and zi, side;
war; nonoi aku la ke kahuna, i aku la,i surface. A solid with sides according to
pa ka aina ia kaua, the priest asked a favor, the number specified. See below.
and said, let the land (conquered) be given Paa-I-Li-o-No, s. See Paa and Int and
to us two. Ono, six. A solid having six sides. Ana
7. Hoo. Causative of most of the forego- Hon. 26.
ing definitions. To lay hold of; to cause PAA-I-LI-0-No-LI-KE, s. A solid with six
one thing to approach or touch another. equal sides ; a cube. J
8. To touch, i.e., to injure or hurt. Zek. Paa-t-Li-HA, s. Paaili and ha, four. A
9. To sound; to ring, as metal struck; solid inclosed by four triangular sides.
to strike upon the ear, as music; to break; Paa-I-LI-HA-LI-KE, s. A solid inclosed by
to crack. four equal and similar triangular sides.
Ana Hon. 30.
Paa, v. To blow, as the wind. See Pa
above. PAA-I-LI-U-MI-KU-MA-MA-LU-A, s. Paaili
and umikumamalua, twelve. A _ twelve-
Paa, v. To be tight; to be fast; to sided solid, the sides being equal,i.e., five-
make tight; hence, to finish a work. Kin. sided polygons.
2:1. Ua paa ka waha, the mouth is shut; Paa-I-LI-I-WA-KA-LU-A, 8. Paaili and iwa-
he is silenced. Mat. 22:34. kalua, twenty. A twenty-sided solid, the
2. To confirm; to establish; to continue sides being triangles, equal and similar.
permanently the same.
3. To lay hold of; to retain ; to secure. Paa-I-LI-kU-Po-No, s. A cube or rectan-
4. To retain in the memory; to keep a gular parallelopiped. Ana Hon. 26.
secret. Paa-I-LI-KAU-LI-KE-HI-0, s. An oblique
5. To affirm; to assert perseveringly; to parallelopiped. Ana Hon. 27.
affirm positively. Pa-ao-ao, s. A sickness; a weakness,
6. To be habituated ; to be inclined ; to mostly of children; want of strength; mai
be held under the influence of a person or paaoao, hemo ke kino e.
habit. Pa-ao-ao, adj. Pa and aoao, side. Lir.
7. Hoo. To finish; to decree; to deter- By sides; sideways; on one side; one-sided.
8. Toestablish or confirm, as a covenant. Paa-oa-oa, s. By transposition of let-
Kin. 21:27. ters, the same as paaoao, sickness.
9. To hold fast ; to adhere to. as a cus- Pa-au, s. See Paaa. The skin of a ba-
tom ; to affirm strongly. Oih. 12:15. nana stalk.
10. To fix; to hold fast; e hoopaa i ka Pa-au-a, s. A laborer; a workman; a
waha, to muzzle the mouth. Kanl. 25:4. hired man. Jsa. 19:10.
1l. To hold back; to be detained from Pa-av-a, adj. Hired; working asa hired
doing a thing; aole i hiki, ua hoopaa ia ia man.
Kamehameha, he could not (return), he was
detained by Kamehameha. See also Kin. Paa-u-ma, adj. Paa and uma, to push
20:6. or draw. Fast to the breast, or pulled to-
wards the breast; pahi paauma, a drawing
Paa, s. Apair. See Pa. A pair; asuit, knife ; a shave.
as of shoes, socks or other clothes. Zunk. |Paa-Hao,
v. Paa and hao, iron. To be
14:12. See also pa lole komo, a suit of iron bound ; te be a prisoner. Jer. 32:2.
clothes. Dunk. 17:10.
2. In geometry, a solid. See Paar and Paa-HAo, s. Paa and hao, iron. One
PAAILILIKE. bound ; a prisoner. Epes. 4:1.
2. One bound to work; a servant; one
Paa, adj. ‘Tight; fast; secured; im- who obeys another,
3. The system of work under the Hawai- mania, smooth. A regular or smooth, i.e.,
ian Governmentin which the common peo- a plane solid figure. Ana Hon. 26.
ple worked out their taxes; he koele, he Paa-La-Lo, v. To serve asa favorite or
hana aupuni. in any manner in the presence of the chief ;
Paa-Hao, adj. Made fast; iron bound; paalalo malalo ae o ke alii. Paalalo ma-
bolted. See Harepaanao. Wahi paahao, lalo ae o ke Akua, or paalalo i ke Akua.
a prison. Jer. 37:15. Lua padhao, a dun- Paa-tu, s. The name of a medicine.
geon. Paa-to-Ha, s. Paa and loha, love. A
Paa-Ha-Nna, v. Paa and hana, to work. keepsake ; a memento.
To be busy ; to work constantly. Paa-tu-H1, v. Paa and luhi, fatigue. To
Paa-Ha-na, Ss. One busily engaged; a work hard; tc be overcome with constant
workman. 2 Oihl. 34:10. A mechanic; an hard work.
artificer. Kin. 4:22. A tradesman. Paa-mu-a, s. A movement of wind in
Paa-Ha-na, adj. Instruments, fixtures, the bowels; a rushing; an opposition to
or what belongs or accompanies other some movement. as
things. Nah. 7:1. 2. One who continues daily in prayer.
Paa-HE-o, s. See Hatepaanao. A place Pa-a-n1, v. To play; to sport. Puk.
of confinement like a prison, dungeon, &c., 32:8. To have the enjoyment and pastime
for criminals; a lele aku kou uhane ma ka of children; to wrestle; to box; to run
paaheo, ma kahi make mau loa. races, &c. }
Pa-a-n1, s. Pa, pan, and ahi, fire. A fire Pa-a-ni, s. A play; a sport; a playing,
pan. Jer. 52:19. as among children enjoying a pastime; a
Paa-H-H1, v. Paa and hihi, to spread general name for play, sport, exercise; the
out. To work here and there; to extend enjoyment of a pastime; he paani pono
one’s operations. kekahi, he paani pono ole kekahi. Notr.—
Paa-Ho-no, v. Paa and hono, to stitch. The Hawaiians anciently spent much of
To make fast by tying with a string; to their time in paani or games or lealea (sens-
splice ; to sew together. ual gratifications.)
Paa-kal, s. Paa and kai, sea water. Pa-a-ni, adj. Belonging to play or
Salt ; that which gives sea water its taste ; amusement; trifling; hale paani, a theater.
ke kumu 0 ke kai. Oithk. 2:13. Oih. 19:29.
2. A species of kalo. Paa-paa, v. See Paa, burnt. To burn;
‘Paa-Ka-HI-Ll, s. Paa and kahili, a fly- to scorch; to be consumed by fire; e aiia
‘brush. An officer of a high chief who took e ke ahi.
care of the kahilis; ma kahi e noho ai na 2. To suffer thirst ;to be thirsty.
lii e noho pu no ka paakahili. 3. To contend in words; to contradict;
‘Paa-Ke-a, s. Name of a stone out of to dispute contentiously.
4. Hoo. To contendin dispute; to chide.
which maika stones were made. Lunk. 8:1. To be at strife. 2 Sam. 19:9.
“Paa-kI-k1, v. Paa, solid, and kiki, in- Paa-paa, s. A dryness; a thirst; a
tensive, very, exceeding, &c. To be very parching or cracking, as the earth in the
hard, as a stone or any solid substance. sun.
2. Fig. Applied to the will, to be obsti- 2. A disputing ; a reasoning. Job. 13:6.
,nate; to be self-willed; to be disobedient; 3. Hoo. Disputation ; altercation; strife.
-o-be unyielding to the will of another. Kanl. 1:12.
3. Applied to the heart, to be hard-
kearted; to be unbelieving through per- Paa-paa, s. Name of a species of fish.
verseness of disposition; to turn away from Paa-paa, adj. Burned; baked hard;
the influence of truth. parched ; thirsty.
4. Hoo. To harden; applied to substances 2. Bound tightly ;made fast. See Paa.
or to moral qualities. Paa-Paa-I-NA, v. See Paina, toeat. To
Paa-kiskt, s. Hardness ; compactness ; eat; to take food.
applied to the heart, stubbornness ; per- 2. See Paapaa, to burn. To crackle, as
verseness. Kanl. 9:27. small, light fuel in burning. Kelcah. 7:6.
Paa-ki-k1, adj. Hard; compact; diffi- 3. To make any indistinct noise like
cracking, parching, &c.
cult to do; perverse ; disobedient ; unbe-
lieving. 1 Sam. 20:30. Paa-paa--Na, s. The crackling of brush
wood or small sticks in burning.
Paa-Ku-Ku, adj. Paaand kuku, to stand. 2. The squeaking of shoes; the breaking,
Firmly: fixed ; immovable ; constant. snapping, &c., of cords or strings. _
2. Applied to persons, parsimonious ; 3. A separating of one thing from an-
avaricious. other ; lohe aku la aui ka paapaaina ana
Paa-Lau-MA-NEA, §. Paa, solid, and dau- mai o kapuai mahope o maua ma ka lihi o
ke kai; alaila, i aku la no hoi an ia ia nei, he mea hana ia ka loi ma na pae e pai mua
heaha la hoi neia mea e paapaaina mai nei? ai—pakui i ka pohaku ma ua mau pae la—
Paa-pA-ni, v. Paa and pani, to shut. a paa na pae eha.
To stop up ; to shut, as a door or a gate; Par. A sign of the plural number; as,
to shut close. keia pae aina or keia pae moku, these isl-
2. To stop one in his speech: to make ands. Gram. 86 and 92.
one shut up and be silent. See APAAPANI. Pa-z-a, adj. Flinty; hard, as a rock.
Paa-po-E-Po-E, s. Paa, solid, and poepoe, Isa.50:7. Pohaku paea,acarbuncle. Puk.
round. A circular solid; a globe. Ana 28:17. Nore.—This word is modern; prob-
Hon. 26. ably itis the Hawaiian pronunciation for
Paa-pu, v. To crowd; to throng; to be the word fire in connection with flint.
thick together, as a company of persons. Pa-r-a, s. A flint; a fire stone; he po-
2. To be hurried or bustling with busi- haku ahi. See the adjective.
ness. Pa-z-a-E-A, s. See Para. Hardness;
3. To be thick ; to cover over a surface. severity ; cruelty.
Oihk. 13:12. To be full of a thing. 2 Nal. 2. Conduct contrary to uprightness ;ka
6:17. hana ku like ole me ka pono.
4. Hoo. To fill,as with confusion. Ezek. 3. The act of catching fish ; a iho aku la
28:16. ika paeaea aweoweo. Laieilc. 206.
Paa-pu, adj. Filled; impervious; solid; 4. The name of a species of fish.
not hollow ; dark: crowded all together; 5. Striking for or beckoning to one.
closely joined-; covered up; bound; tied; Pa-E-a-E-A, v. To strike fire, as with
pouli paapu, thick darkness. Kaml. 15:19. steel and flint. Zaieik. 54.
Paa-pu, adv. Entirely; wholly; thickly; Pa-E-a-E-A, adj. Hard; severe; unjust,
all together; in great quantities. Pulc. 8:2. as a man with his neighbors.
Paa-pu-HE-A, s. Paapu and hea, indis- 2. Smooth ; unruffled, as a smooth sea.
tinctness. A mist; fine rain; a fine cloud See Karparaka,
like fog. Pa-z-E, v. To peep; to make an unin-
Paa-wa-na, s. Paa, tight, and waha, telligible sound ; to gabble; to speak in-
mouth. A bridle. Hal. 39:1. See Kavuna- distinctly ; to hear indistinctly ;to misun-
WAHA. derstand. Hoo. To speak so as to conceal
Paa-weE-La, s. Paa, burnt, and wea, the meaning ; e hoonalonalo.
heat. A burning; a scar from burning. Pa-E-E, s. A bunch of olona; a branch
Isa. 3:24. of the olona tree ; he apana olona.
Paa-weE-La, adj. Burnt; scorched, as Par-cE, s. See Par. A lying down
ane skin by the fire ; paawela kona ilii ke upon, as one lies down on his surf-board to
ahi swim; to lay one’s head down on a pillow;
Pas, v. To flap or shake, as a sail; to he paepae ee, he haiai ulu.
turn one side or be loose, as a tooth;
v. To thatch; to cover a
adjective, he niho pae, a loose tooth. building by thatching ; ke kueneia nei a
2. To be carried along by the surf to- ke paehia nei.
wards the shore; to play on the surf-board; Par-HU-MU, adj. Confining ; restrain-
to come to a land, as a boat or canoe; to ing ;€ hoopaaia iloko o ka hale paehumu,
go ashore from a vessel; to cross ariver to that he should be confined in a prison house.
the opposite shore. Jos. 4:18. To float Laieik. 163.
ashore from the sea: no na laau hao i pae Pax-xu, s. Low clouds; clouds lying
mua mai, for the timber with iron that had on the horizon.
previously floated ashore. Pa-E-LE, v. Pa and ele, black. 'To be
3. To lift up; to raise a little. covered with dirt; to besmear; to blacken,
4. To strip the bark from a tree; to peel as with charcoal ; to color the skin black;
off, as the skin of a banana or of a kalo. ua paeleia ka hapalua hookahio ke kanaka
5. To strike upon the ear, as a distant a eleele loa; to paint black ; e paele i ka
sound ; to sound, as from a distance. waa.
6. To be published extensively.
7. Hoo. To land; to putashore, as a per- Pa-g-LE, s. A black skin; blackness; a
son or goods from a vessel. 1 Nal. 5:9. dark color.
Par, s. A cluster; a few; a small com- Pa-E-LE, adj. Dirty; besmeared with
pany; he pae hao wale, robbers. Syn. dirt; black ; blackened.
with poe and puu. Par-pak, v. To hold or bear up; to sup-
2. A voice ; a sound. port; to sustain. Puk. 17:12.
3. A bank of a kalo patch; those parts 2. To sound; to proclaim; to publish
that are beaten to make them water tight ; abroad, as a report.
3. To make a great and confused noise ; angry with the people, then they struck
to converse in a loud manner ; to gabble; (taxed) the land.
to talk confusedly. 6. To be bound with one in affection.
4. To spread; to float off, as a sound. 7. To appear ; to rise up, as out of the
5. To run along the eround. water ; ike iki lakou ia ia e pai wale mai
PaE-PAE, 5. Any. substance upon which ana no iluna o ka ilikai, he just saw him
another lies to keep it from the ground; a rising above the surface of the sea.
stool ; a threshold; a supporter; a prop. 8. To pry up or block up one side of a
1 Sam. 5:4. The plate of a house on which thing when it is pried up.
the rafters rest ;a pavement of stones. 9. To stamp; to print; to impress a
Par-PAE-Ko-Mo, S. The axle or axle-tree 10. To drive or urge one away; e pai
of a wheel; paepaelcomo iina pokakaa. 1 wale, to exercise in vain; to gain nothing
Nal. 7:32, 33. for what one does; ai hopu pui ka pahu,
Par-paE-pu-KA, Ss. Paepae and puka, a aole no eo (na kukini), pai wale.
door-way. A threshold. Jsa.6:4. A sup- 11. To stir up sedition; to raise a perse-
port or a supporter. 2 Oihl. 3:7. cution; pai mai la lakou ma ka olelo kana,
Par-PaE-waE-wak, S. A footstool. Jak. they excited the people through words of
2:3. war.
Par-pu, s. Pae, to strike, as a sound, 12. To stir up or excite one’s desires;
and pu, together. The deafening roar of pai aku la ia i ka makemake nui i na kii.
the surf. 13. To influence one to evil.
2. The setting or placing of things to- 14. To mix together two ingredients, as
gether. wine with water. Jsa. 1:22.
15. To plaster a house; to spread mor-
Pasr-puu, s. The name of several small tar ; e pai hale.
hills or hillocks standing in a row. See 16. Hoo. To strike back; to resist; to
LALANIPUU. revenge; to avenge. Nah. 31:2
Pa-E-wa, adj. Pa and ewa, to crook. 17. To punish for some offense: e hoopai
Bent ; twisted ; too short; out of shape. aku, no ke kaua wale ana o Kahekili ia ia,
Pa-r-wa, s. Name of one of the cases to punish him for Kahekili’s making war
in Hawaiian grammar. See Gram. 9 99 and upon him without cause.
100. No and na are its signs. 18. To recompense either good or evil;
thus, hoopai pono, or hoopai hewa.
Pa-E-wa-E-wa, adj. Uneven; irregular; 19. To visit or come to one for evil or
crooked. for good.
Pa-E-wa-E-wa, Ss. The fantastic and 1r- 20. To administer justice; to requite.
regular cutting of the hair formerly prac- Kanl. 32:6. To require ; to recompense.
ticed on the death of a friend. 21. To end or finish a prayer in the prep-
Pa-E-wa-E-wa, v. To be erroneous or aration for war.
partial in judging or in dealing. Jak. 2:4. Pat, s. A row; a line.
To be erroneous, unmethodical or one-sided 2. A quantity of food done up in a glob-
in telling a story or making a report: ma ular form in ki leaves; he pai ai; a ball;
ka paewaewa 0 ka kealiioleloana. Laieik. a round loaf of bread; he pat palaoa;
51. cakes, &c. Nah. 6:15.
Pat, v. Tostrike or smite with the palm 3. A cluster or bunch; as, he pai maia,
of the hand. a bunch of bananas; he pai huawaina, a
2. EH pai ka lima, to strike hands, i. e., to bunch of grapes.
take or confirm an agreement. Puk. 6:8. 4. A striking; astamping; an impressing,
E pai na lima, a ae na waha, lilo; hence, i. €., a printing, as kapa is printed, or as
to make a bargain. Sol. 11:15. paper is printed in a press.
3. To strike the hands together expressive 5. Hoo. Hoopai, a punishment; a judg-
of much feeling ; a pai pu na lima ona, he ment. Puk. 7:4.
smote his hands one against another. 6. A kind of snail shell-fish, said to be
4. To treat a person harshly or severely; pe to the touch.
pau ae la lakou i ke paiia me ka hewa ole, . A blight; a fading and dying of the
they were all hardly treated without any leave of vegetables ; the act of decay in
fault; malama oia i na ’lii, aole pai uku i vegetables.
ko lakou aina, he took care of the chiefs, 8. A shell or cup for scooping up the
he did not taw heavily the land. oopu; he pai oopu.
5. To strike, i. e., to tax the people or Pat, s. A tie or equality of numbers;
punish them; to lay a tax upon the people
a drawn game.
for some real or imaginary offense ; i ka
wai huhu ai na ’liii kanaka, o ke pae ae Par, adj. Tied up; bound together;
la no ia i ka aina, when the chiefs were connected with; mingled with.
Pat-sa, v. To wall round; to inclose with new waoke, which formed a mixture
with a wall, as the body of a house or fort. of white and red; kahiko aku la oia i kona
2. To be guarded ; to be taken care of ; mau hookele i na kihei paiula. Laieik. 12.
to be protected. Par-u-mA-u-ma, v. Pai, to strike, and
Par-a, s. The sides of a house ; the sur- umauma, the breast. A play which con-
roundings, i. e., the walls of a house. 1 sisted in striking on the breast; he hula
Sam. 18:11. pai ma ka umauma.
Pat-a, adj. Deaf; unable to hear. Pat-wA-LE, v. To thatch houses.
Par-aa, s. Paiand aa,small roots. The Pa-1-H1, s. The tree ohiaha; the bark
appearance of something not fully devel- of the tree used in coloring kapa black;
oped; paiaa koko, the incipient arteries or the tree is used for building houses and for
veins of an embryo branching out from the fuel.
heart. i 2. A plant sometimes used for food. See
2. The small branches of a tree. HI.
3. The branches of the main root of a Pa-t-u1, adj. Pa and thi, bark or out-
tree; e oki i ka mole ame ka paiaa. side of a vegetable. Clear; unclouded, as
Pat-al, s. Pai, a bundle, and ai, food. the atmosphere.
A bundle of pounded kalo done up in ki Pa-1-n1-1-n1, adj. Neat; tidy.
leaves into a round bundle. 2. Large ; extended; full.
Pat-a-u-ma, v. To love strongly; to re- Par-Ho, v. To project out beyond, as a
member with deep and affectionate regret, broken bone through the flesh.
as one dead; to mourn for; to love and 2. To be crooked outside and not inside.
long after the welfare of a friend or a be- 3. To roll up, as a scroll; to tie up, as a
loved child; to express love strongly, as a bundle.
wife for a husband ; paiawma wale aku no Pat-Ho, adj. Girded, as with a malo;
i ke aloha i na kane, (the wives of the men tied up, asa bundle; girded, as one dressed.
who went with Boki) expressed unfeigned
love for their husbands. Pat-Hu-a, s. Paz, bundle, and hua, fruit.
A bundle of fruit.
Pat-a-u-ma, s. Strong affection; en-
Pal-Hu-a-FI-KU, s. Pathua and jiku, figs.
dearing attachment to one dead or long
absent ; a sorrowing or lamenting the ab- A bunch of figs. 1 Sam. 25:18.
sence of a loved one; a longing after the Pat-Hu-A-wal-NA, s. Pai and huawaina,
welfare of one. grapes. A bunch of grapes: paihuawaina
Par-a-u-mA, adv. Affectionately; pite- maloo, a bunch of raisins. 1 Sam. 28:18.
ously. JLaieik. 140. Pai-Kau, v. To exercise with fire-arms.
Par-E-a, s. A species of crab with a soft Par-xau, s. The act of exercising with
shell ; kuapa, the hard shell. fire-arms; ao mai la o Vanekouva i ko Ka-
Par-1A, adj. Pai and za, passive. Bound mehameha poe kanaka i ka paikau, Van-
up in or mixed together. Ain. 44:30. couver taught Kamehameha’s men the man
ual exercise.
2. Pai, to impress, and ia, passive. Im-
pressed ; stamped ; printed. Pal-KaU-HA-LE, s. A poor man going
Pat-o, v. ‘To speak back and forth like from house to house to beg; one wander-
ing from place to place.
persons in a dialogue. See Kiker.
2. To scold back and forth, as two per- Pal-KAu-HA-LE, adj. Wandering about,
sons. as a vagabond; having no home.
3. To strive together; to contend; to dis- Pat-Kau-LeI-a, s. Paikauw and lei, a
agree in opinion. Ain. 45:24. wreath, and a for ia, passive, wreathed. A
4. To quarrel ; to fight with. woman that puts on a /ei so as to signify
5. To turn topsy-turvy ; to toss up and that she is for sale; an abandoned woman
down like the sea current. going from place to place; a tattler.
6. To bend round like a fish-hook.
7. To throw stones back and forth.
Pa-1-K1, v. To be cramped; to be con-
fined; to be held close.
Par-o, s. A striving; a quarrel; a strife. Pa-1-k1, s. The hollow of the hand; ka
2 Sam. 22:14. A combat; a controversy. poholima.
Ter. 25:31.
Par-ki-n1, adj. Bound up; girded;
Pat-o, adj. Contentious; disputatious; dressed in tight fitting clothes; nani na
quarreling. haumana me na wawae paikini, fine look-
Pat-u-La, s. Art. ke. A kind of plat- ing are the scholars with pants tight fitting.
form used for spreading out paus. Pat-Ko-Le, adj. See Poxote. Short; cut
Pat-u-ta, s. Name of a kind of kapa off; low.
made by beating up the welus of red kapa Pai-ku-mu, v. To ask one to go with
him to a chief, the one asked to go being |Pat-ni-x1, v. Pai and nzki, to tie a knot.
familiar with the chief. To dress one up with close fitting garments;
Par-La, s. Eng. A pile; a heap; he to go buttoned up tightly, as a dandy.
paila wahie. Notr.—<A pile of wood in Pai-pal, v. See Pat, to strike. To rouse;
market was formerly a fathom square every to excite ; to put in mind, as one careless
way, i. e., a solid fathom ; it is now about or indifferent.
three-quarters of a cord. 2. To strike with the palm of the hand.
Par-La-n1, v. ‘To praise; to extol; to re- 3. To prune; to lop off limbs; to pluck
joice in; e hoonani. leaves. Oihk. 25:3.
Par-LE, s. The uncomfortable feeling 4. To chastise; to correct; tosmite. Jsa.
produced by tattooing the face. 53:4,
Pa-t-L1, v. To touch the skin; to slap 5. To bolster up, as a sick man. 1 Nal.
on the skin with the hand. 6. To clap the hands as a sign of rejoic-
2. To stick to the skin, as some animals ing; a paipai lakouina lima. 2 Nal. 11:12.
in the sea when bathing; he aloha ka ia 7. To peel off, as the bark of a tree or
paili kanaka o Kawainui. the skin of an animal; to peel off; to sep-
Par-Lo-Lo, s. The name of the channel arate the flesh from the bones.
between Maui and Molokai. 8. To act against another thing, as the
Par-to-ta, s. Eng. Art. ke. A pilot; under jaw against the upper in eating or
one who directs vessels into ports and out speaking ; to strike against so as to make
of them. a noise.
Pat-Ltu-a, v. To feel sickness at the 9. Hoo. To swell out as if stuffed with
stomach. food; to strut with sufficiency; to be bold;
2. To be disgusted at a thing. to dare.
3. Hoo. To loathe; to abhor. Puk. 7:18. Pat-pal, s. A correction; a chastisement.
To be greatly displeased with; to be an Kanl. 11:2.
abomination or loathing. Oihk. 11:23. 2. Paipat manao, a remembrancer; a
4. To vomit; to retch with nausea. memorial. Puk. 30:16.
Par-Lu-a, s. Sickness; sea-sickness; 3. The act of pounding kapa as done by
nausea. Hoo. Sickness of the stomach. women.
Fic. That which causes disagreeable sensa- 4, Name of a medicine made of the leaves
tions ; that which is disagreeable to one; of the ipuawaawa, a kind of gourd; the
an abomination. Puk. 8:22. waliki diluted with water.
2. The name of a wind from Kamiloloa. 5. A threshold of a door. Junk. 19:27.
Pat-ma, s. To be sea-sick. 6. The name of a kind of hula; he pai-
pai kekahi bula.
Par-ma-Lav, s. A living creature having Pat-pal, adj. He pahi patpai,a pruning
a sting in its tail, and floating on the ocean knife ; mea paipai waina, any article used
like the auwaalalua; he wahi mea huelo in dressing grape vines. See Jsa. 61:5.
awa e lana ana ma ka moana me he auwaa-
lalua la. Pai-pal-Ku-kul, s. The name of a spe-
2. A place in the ocean where the water cies of kapa made on Molokai; its color
is calm and clear, sought by those who are was pale yellow; he kapa ano like me ka
fishing for the aku. paipaikulkui.
Pa-r-na, v. To eat; to dine. Kin. 27:4. Pat-pal-Li-ma, v. Paipai and lima, hand.
To eat; to feed upon. Sol. 15:14. To clap the hands as a sign of joy. Isa.
2. To ring; to squeak; to sound, as in 55:12.
tearing or breaking a thing. Par-pa-I-NA, v. See Paina. To eat; to
Pat-na, s. A land; an island. take food.
2. A part separated or broken off. Par-pal-NA-HA, Ss. A cloak; a garment;
3. A meal; an eating. a kapa.
4, The Cape gooseberry.
5. The sound made in tearing a piece of Pal-PA-LA-PA-LA, S. Pat, to print, and
cloth or in breaking a cord. palapala, printed or written paper. A
6. The sound of a flea hopping on a piece printing press.
of paper. Pa-i-pu, s. A set of empty calabashes.
7. Hing. A pine or fir tree. 2 Oihl. 2:8. 2. A calabash for packing kapas or
Laau paina. 2 Oihl. 3:5. clothes to keep them dry on a canoe.
8. Fine white cloth ; he lole keokeo ma- 3. Basins used as containers. 1 Nal. 7:40.
kalii; also, broad cloth; paa paina, a suit 4. A bowl for containing food. Ler. 52:18
of broad cloth. Olepe waha patpu Kohala na ka ino,
Pa-t-na, adj. Rotten, as cloth; brittle; Me he wahine hili haehae la ka makani,
Aole ui hele wale o Kohala,
easily torn or broken. See PoHAgHAE. Ipu hahao ka ipu haa na ka makani.
Pa-1-pu, s. Name of a hula or dance. Pa-o-KEE, adj. Slanderous; railing ;:°
Pal-PU-NA-HE-LE, s. Name of a dance. perverse.
Pat-wa-Le, s. A drawn game, or battle 'A-0-KO-KE, S. The breaking off of one’s:
when neither party conquers; ina like pu friendship through fear of rivalship in the
ka ikaika 0 na moa, he paiwale. estimation of a chief; ka paokoke i na io o
Pa-o, v. Pa, to strike, and 9, point. To
peck with the bill, as a bird; pao iho la ka Pa-o-La, s. Pa and ola, recovery from.
manu, he elepaio i ka huewai o ke kanaka sickness. The opposite of pamake; he ola
a puka. wale no ka mai, aole pamake iki o na ka-
2. To dig out with a chisel; to dig, as in naka.
arock. Isa. 22:16. Pa-o-Li-vE, s. Pa, fence, and olive
3. To dig down in the ground; to dig (£ng.), olive. An olive yard. 1 Sam. 8:14.
deeply, as in digging a deep pit. Pa-o-Lo, s. See Puoto. A bundle; some-
Pa-o, s. Anarch of a bridge; the bridge thing folded and carried under the arm or
itself; a prop; art. ke. in the hand; i loaa kahi wahi ma ko kakou
2. An oven or shallow pit; a place dug poholima, a he wahi paolo paha.
out. Pa-o-mo-nI, v. To contend, as two par-
3. An artificial cavern. ties for victory.
4. A concealed or hidden pit, or a pit to| PpA-O-NA, S. Eng. A pound in money;
hide things in; he lua huna; a gutter or twenty shillings.
drain, as that of a cellar stoned in and 2. A pound in weight. Oihk. 19:35.
buried under ground. 3. An instrument to weigh with; a bal-
5. A species of sweet potato.
ance; scales, &c. This is sometimes written
6. A species of small and singular look- pauna.
ing fish.
Pa-o-a, v. See Pa and Oa, destitute.
Pa-o-na, v. To weigh; to use the in-
struments of weighing. Oihk. 19:36.
To be empty; to be destitute ; to return
without obtaining the object sought; to re- Pa-o-n1, v. Pa and oni, to move. To
turn destitute, as one who catches nothing envy ; to be moved by envy.
at fishing ; ua paoa ka makou huakai, our Pa-o-ni-0-nI, v. Lir. To move; to strug-
company did not obtain what they went for, gle, as an infant either before or after it is
Paoa wale hoi au—e— born ; hence,
Aole moewaa 0 ka po—e. 2. To struggle against a person, or against
Pa-o-a, s. Destitution; having obtained adverse circumstances.
nothing after making an effort. 3. To withstand; to contend, as two par-
2. Name of a small kind of fish. ties for supremacy.
4. To resist one’s influence ; to envy.
Pa-o-a, adj. Destitute from not having Pa-o-nI-o-n1, s. Envy. Ozh. 13:45. The
obtained, not from having lost; ua hoikaika, act of envying. 1 Kor. 3:3. The expres-
ua imi, a paoa no. sion of envy by defaming the envied per
Pa-o-a, s. An unpleasant odor; a bad son.
smell. Pa-o-n1-0-NI, adv. Struggling for su-
Pa-o-a, adj. Unpleasant to the smell; premacy; ke haele nei no o manao ole me
bad smelling. manao, aole i oi aku, aole i emi mai, noho
Pa-or-o1, adj. Pa and oto2, exceeding. paonioni no laua a hiki mai i keia la.
Out of the common order or practice ; un- Pa-o-no, adv. See Pa, distributive par-
grammatical ; incorrect in speaking. ticle. Pa and ono, six. By sixes; six-fold;
Pa-oo, s. A species of potato. See Pao 5. six times; six at once. Jsa. 6:2.
Pa-oo, adj. Of or belonging to the ama, Pao-pao, v. See Pao, to peck; to strike
a species of sweet potato; ikaika i ka ama at. To beat or bruise the head.
paoo. 2. To beat or bruise generally. Isa. 53:5.
Pa-oo0, To smite. Pule. 3:20.
Pa-00-PU-HI, > |s. The names
; of sev- Pao-pao, s. A strife; a beating. Puwk.
eral species of fish.
oe: Paopaoia, beaten; bruised. Oihk.
Pa-ou-ou, 2:24.
Pas-o-KAU-I-LA, 2. The name of a species of fish.
Pa-o-KEE, v. To treat one’s friend badly; Pao-pao, adj. Bound, as a prisoner;
to condemn one’s companion; to deal one in bondage. See Pio.
crookedly or perversely with one’s friend. Pao-Pao-No-HO-NI-A, S. Envy; jealousy;
Pa-o-KEE, s. A slanderer; a detractor; ill-will ; living with or indulging in bad
a perverse person. feelings towards others.
PAU 434 PAU —

Pa-o-pa, s. Eng. Gun-powder. See also 3. Hoo. To deride; to reproach one for
Pavupa. laboring to no purpose or without reward;
Pau, v. To all; to be all; to be entire e puali, e pauakaaka, e puakaaka.
or complete to whatever it refers. Pau-a-ka, adj. Crooked; deceitful or
2. To be spent; to be finished or com- unjust; lying or deceiving, as giving away
pleted. what belongs to another.
3. To consume; to pass away. Pass. Pavu-a-Ka-A-KA, v. See Pavaka above.
Pauia or pauhia. To laugh at or ridicule one for laboring
4. Hoo. To destroy; to consume; to put without wages.
anend to. Nah. 14:35. Pav-a-l, v. To be crooked, per-
5. To make an end of; to finish, as an PAv-A-LI-A-LI, verse or wicked; applied
appointed work. Jos. 5:8. to chiefs and people.
6. To end; to terminate; to make up; 2. E puali me he poo maia la, e pauaa-
to fill up, as time ; to fulfill, as a specified lina me he podkaeo la.
time. Kin. 29:27.
Pav, s. A kind of poor kapa, not white Pau-a-NEI-NEI, v. See Pau and NEIneEI,
to shrink up. To shrink; to be too little ;
nor black, nor any definite color. It takes to be small.
ke for its article.
2. Ink for writing. Pav-a-ni-HI, s. Young kalo; the tops
3. The black smut of a lampwick; he of kalo. See OnINtHI.
wahi eleele no ke kukui. Pav-o-ut-a-Ka, s. Name of a vine like
4, A vault; a stone house ; lua pau. the koali, used as a cathartic medicine.
Pau, adj. All; a pau loa, all; every 2. Name of a species of bird.
one; everything. Pavu-o-no, v. Pau and ono, sweet. To
Pau, adv. Entirely; wholly; completely. be finished or gone; done complete; ap-
Norr.—Use has rendered the meaning of plied to food fully cooked; pauono kahi
this word like the French tout, as in tout le puaa a kakou, aole malena, our piece of
mond, all the world, everybody, when only pork is finely cooked, it is not burnt.
a small part is intended. Pau-u, s. The young of the ulua, a spe-
Pa-u, s. The principal garment of a cies of fish.
Hawaiian female in former times, consist- Pav-Ha-ka-kI, adj. Full; well fed;
ing of a number of kapas, generally five, plump ; me kona kino ikaika, puipui pau-
wound around the waist and reaching to hakaki no hoi.
the knee more or less. Pa-u-Ha-Nna, adj. Constantly at work;
Pa-u, v. To put or bind on a pa-u. e hana mau.
Pau-a, s. Name of a species of oyster; Pavu-HE-0-HE-0, v. To be small, as a
a species of fish ;he wahi ano pipi kai; he small place between two larger; applied
wahi ia, he papaua. to many things.
Pav-a-a-Li-na, v. To be heavy to carry; 2. A person returning from fishing with-
to be hard to bear, as a burden; e pauaa- out any is pauheoheo.
lina me he pookaeo la. Pau-ui-a, v. Passive of pau. To be
Pau-a-Hi, s. Pau and ahi, fire. Destruc- alike ; to be all in the same condition ; to
tion of anything by fire; generally applied be all together. Nore.—tThe signification
to a house, viz.: a house burning. is varied by the words following; as, ua
2. Soot from a fire or lamp. pauhia lakou i ka hiamoe, they were all
asleep. 1 Sam. 26:12. Ua pauhia mai au
Pau-a-Ho, v. Pau and aho, breath. To e ka makemake nui, I was overwhelmed with
be out of breath. a strong desire. Laieik. 144.
2. To be discouraged: to give up the 2. To be overtaken by evil; to suffer loss
pursuit of a thing ; to forsake it. or damage; to be overtaken by any calam-
3. To be faint-hearted ; to be discour- ity so that there is a general suffering.
aged. 1 Oihl. 22:13. To be weary on ac- 3. To sleep soundly; to dream; to have
count of trouble. Kin. 27:46. a vision.
4. Hoo. To labor in vain. Kin. 19:11.
To despair of success. Kekah. 2:20. Pav-nu, s. Name of a shell-fish, a spe-
cies of the leho.
Pav-a-no, adj. Breathless. Fic. Faint-
hearted; giving up; yielding; wanting Pav-Hu, adj. Small; feeble about the
perseverance. chest and shoulders ; panuu, pohuku.
Pav-a-xa, v. To be weary; to be fa- Pa-u-Hu-u-Hu, s. The name of a fish.
uaued with carrying a burden or with hard See Pavuy, s.
work. Pav-kE, v. Paw and ke, to press against.
2. To work without reward ; e hana me To slander; to belie; to tell lies about one
ka uku ole. in order to bring him into fault.
Pau-x1-k1, v. To be excited; to make a Pa ke kau malie Kona ua Jai lua,
Haki kau hola kahelaka nalu o Kapaelauhala,
great noise. Hoaiai ke kaiko o Maliu—e—
2. To slip up ; to fall. Ko maliu ole i ka uolo—e.
3. To all cry out. Pav-Li-Na-Li-nA, v. To gird up tightly;
Pav-xi-Lo, v. To knowasa kilo is sup- to tie fast.
posed to do. Pau-ma, s. Eng. A pump; he omowai,
Pav-xi-Nno, adj. Destroyed, as the body he omoliu.
of a person by a shark or by fire. Nore.— Pau-ma, v. To draw; to move along;
Paulcino is not often used, but is sometimes to push.
used for paumako.
2. To turn, as a person turns a canoe to
Pau-ku, v. To curve, as the curve of a the wind to empty it of water.
canoe. Pau-maa-LE-a, adj. Pauw and maalea,
2. To be divided into bits or small parts. skill; cunning. Given to thought; accus-
Mel. Sol. 1:11. .
tomed to reflection; giving to devising and
3. To cut up into short pieces. planning.
Pau-xu, s. A bit of a thing; a piece cut Pau-mA-E-LE, v. Paw and maele, dirty.
off; a fraction; a portion.
To defile ; to pollute ; to be all over pol-
2. Specifically, a verse or stanza of a luted. Jsa.59:3. Hoo. To defile; to make
hymn; a verse or small portion of Scrip- dirty. Mel. Sol. 5:3. To be soft; to be
ture; a section of a book. Laieik. 111. moist ; to be unctuous.
3. A small lot of land next less in size
than a moo. Pau-ma-E-LE, adj. Dirty; defiled; ob-
4, An age; a period of time. scured by something black.
5. The length from the ends of the fin- 2. All over defiled ; very filthy.
gers of one hand to the elbow of the oppo- 3. Fic. Sunk in sin or moral defilement;
site arm when both are extended. heart unrenewed.
6. In geometry, a cylinder. Ana Hon. 29. Pau-mau-Noo-nNoo, s. A keep-sake; a
Pav-La, 4 Eng. Gun-powder. See memento.
Pav-pa, Paopa. Pavu-ma-Ko, v. Pau and mako. To cry
2. Sand, i. e., one a, burning sand: so for grief; to be sad for the loss of a friend;
gun-powder was called at first by Hawai- to writhe in mental agony; to exhibit deep
jans. grief; to be cast down; to be down-hearted;
Pav-ua, s. A full grown tree when the to be disquieted. Hal. 42:5, 11.
timber becomes red ; he laau 00 a ula. Pau-ma-xo, s. Deep grief; a mourning
Pav-La-Li-Lu, s. The watch-word given for the loss of a friend; heaviness of the
by Kalanimoku before the battle of Kua- eyes with sorrow ; the being overwhelmed
moo. with sorrow. Hal. 61:2.
Pau-LE-Le, v. To trust in; to lean or Pav-MA-Ko-ko, s. Great sorrow; the
eyes heavy with sorrow.
rely upon; to believe or credit what one
has said; to put confidence in; to desire Pa-u-ME-u-ME, s. The name of a game.-
with the whole heart ; to believe fully. Pa-u-m1, dis. part. Ten apiece; ten each;
Pau-LE-LE, s. Confidence; faith. Luk. paumi ka apa o kahi, some had ten pieces
TD. of cloth each.
Pa-u-u1, adj. Pa and wii, blue. Dark PAav-NA-KAU-LI-KE, s. Scales, as from
colored ; blue, as the sea ; pauli ke kai. the flesh ; baldness. Isa. 40:12.
Pa-v-Li-u-L1, adj. Dark blue, as the sky Pavu-NEI-NEI, v. ‘To be all moved or ex-
in the evening near the horizon—one of the cited ;to make a great noise; to slip up;
to fall; to cry out.
signs of a kaikoo or high surf.
Pa-v-Li-HI-a, adj. Accustomed; skillful Pau-ni-NI-u, v. Pau and niniu. See
on account of being accustomed. Nio, to whirl. To turn about, as a top;
pauniniu ka lemu o ka laan.
Pav-ti-HI-va, s. A great thickness of| p AU-PAU, v. See Pav, to cease. To
dark, heavy, shining clouds.
make an end of; to break off. Hoo. To
He paudihiua na ka ua haoa,
He loko papohaku na ke kioao, cease doing a thing; e hoopaupau i kela
Na kuu anae no Lele aanae— kamailio keia kamailio e lealea ai, cease all
Aia la iluna o Waipuhia conversation that leads to licentiousness.
Me au aholehole i Lanihuli.
Pavu-pau, s. Hoo. A breaking off from
Pav-ui-H1-ua, adj. Dark; black with any practice ; a putting an end to it.
thick darkness.
Kuu pae opua i Awalau, Pav-pau, adj. Bad; evil; dirty; old or
Kualau ka ua koko, worn out, as mats or kapas ;paupau kahi
Paulehiawa (paulihiua) pa ka hoolua, Kapa; filthy; dirty; anclean.
Pau-pau-a-Ho, v. Paupau and aho, ance; transfigured; having another ex-
breath. To be out of breath; to pant for ternal form.
breath. 2. That which cannot be laid hold of;
2. To be faint-hearted ; to give over an not material ;not substantial, as a ghost;
undertaking without sufficient effort. Hoitk. he mea pahaohao, a bodiless thing.
2:3. 3. Wavering; fickle; unsteady, as in
: 3. To be discouraged through fear. Jer. feeling or conduct; in doubt or suspense ;
31. undecided. ;
4. To be faint through great exertion. Pa-Hav, v. To embezzle in a second-
2 Sam. 21:15. hand way; applied to property which is to
5. Hoo. To weary ; to trouble; to pro- be distributed, as fish, kapa, &c., among
voke. Isa. 7:13. the people of a chief.
Pau-pav-a-Ho, adj. Breathless; panting Pa-Hau-na, s. The name of a heiau
for breath, as a dying person. near Lamalolpa in Hamakua, Hawaii; he
2. Giving up a pursuit; discouraged; heiau kahiko kela mai ka po mai, a hikii
faint-hearted. keia manawa. Laieik. 27.
Pau-Pa-E-LE, adj. Paw and paele, de-. Pa-Ha-HA, s. Name of a species of fish.
filed. See Pauma- Pa-Ha-HA, v. Paand haha, to strut. To
Filthy; defiled; dirty.
ELE. strut; to walk about proudly; to play the
Pav-pv, adv. Pau and pu, together. cock-turkey.
All together; allin one condition; together Pa-na-HA, Ss. A large broad swelling of
in the same circumstances; paupu kakou the neck.
malalo o ka make, we are all alike under Pa-Ha-HA, adj. Broad, full and plump,
sentence of death. as the neck when one has the mumps.
Pav-wa, s. Name of a species of fish. 2. Proud; high-minded ; disdainful.
See Papava. Pa-Ha-LE, s. Pa and hale, house. An
Pau-pa, s. Eng. Gun-powder; vari- inclosure in front of a house; a court yard;
ously written paola, paula and paoda. the space around the house inclosed by a
Pa-wa, s. Pride; haughtiness of bear- fence. tiled
ing. See Pawana. Pa-Ha-NE-RI, distrib. adv. Pa, distrib-
Pa-wa, s. ‘The name of a plant, the leaf utive particle. and haneri (Hng.), a hun-
of which is used for food during a scarcity; dred. By the hundred; a hundred fold; a
in some places it is called kapala. hundred times.
2. A surf board; he papa heenalu. Pa-Ha-pa-HA, s. See Panana, adj. Af-
Pa-Ha, v. To be proud; to boast; to fected stiffness in the gait and address of a
be lofty in one’s bearing. See Panapana. person ; strutting ; me ka pahapaha i hele
mai ai.
Pa-nA, adv. Perhaps; it may be so, &c.; 2. A kind of sea-weed; he lipaha, he
expressive of doubt. Nore.—It is often limu.
used when there is very little or no doubt;
a frequent expletive; ae paha, yes perhaps, Pa-HA-PA-HA, v. See Pana and Panana,
a polite way of assenting to one’s opinion adj. To gird one’s self up; to vaunt in
while the speaker withholds full belief, or fine clothes ; to be proud ; to boast; paha-
even holds to an opposite opinion. paha iho la kekahi poe me ka noonoo ole i
ka mea e oluolu ai.
Pa-Haa, a
Pa and haa, low.
Pa-HAa-HAA, § Very short; low; humble. Pa-HE, adj. Soft; easy; flexible.
Pa-HE-A-HE-A, s. Pa and hea, to call.
Pa-HAA-HAA, s. Shortness; bluntness; The voice of whispering like a ghost; a
rotundity. small, thin voice just audible. ;
Pa-Hao, s. Pa, pan, and hao, iron. An Pa-HEE, v. Paand hee, toslip. Toslip;
iron pan or plate. to slide, as the feet. Hal. 17:5. Hoo. To
Pa-Hao, v. Ina game, to lay down your cause to slide; hence, to fall. Kanl. 32:35.
own with another’s, and take up at random To let or cause to flow, as blood; mai hoo-
in order to get a better. pahee koko. ?
2. To play at the game called pahee; ua
Pa-wao-HaAo, v. Pa and haohao, to won- pono ka pahee, no ka mea me ka ikaika nui
der at. To have another form; to be trans- e pahee ai, a ua pono no ke kino ma ia
figured. Luk. 9:29. paani. ‘
2. To change one’s appearance exter- Pa-neEE, s. Smooth cloth; silk.
nally ; to be changeable.
3. To change one’s character. 2. The name of a game which consists in
4. Hoo. To transform. Rom. 12:2. sliding a stick either on grass or gravel.
See the verb.
‘Pa-Hao-Hao, adj. Changed in appear- 3. Slipperiness; smoothness. Hal. 55:21.
4. A smooth place. over ; to bend over in walking ; té move,
5. Name of a region on the side of the as a weak person.
mountains next below the ilima. Pa-nt-o, adj. Tall and slender, as a
Pa-neE, adj. Smoothed; polished; slip-
man; leaning over, as a house ; stooping,
pery; shining, as a polished surface; as a person.
smooth, as a person without hair. Kin. Pa-ut-o1, s. Pahiandoz, sharp. A sharp
27:11. knife. Jos. 5:3.
Pa-HEE-HEE, adj. Slippery; liable to Pa-ui-ol-Lu-a, s. Paki and oilua, two
fall. Hal. 73:18. Muddy, as a road. edges. A two-edged knife or sword.
Pa-HE-LE, v. To take ina snare; to in- Pa-u1-0-Lo, s. Pahi and olo, to vibrate.
snare. Kekah. 9:12. Hoo. To be caught A saw, so called from its motion in using.
in a snare. Jsa. 28:13. To be insnared. 2 Sam. 12:13.
Tsa. 42:22. . Pa-ni-u-n1-u, s. Art. ke. The name of
Pa-neE-LE, s. A noose for-catching ani- a game like the konane.
mals; asnare. Isa. 8:14. Pa-HI-U-HI-U, v. To move by jumping,
2. Deceit; treachery; e malama ia oe as one does in playing konane. See Ko-
iho i na pahele o ko Hawaii nei. NANE.
3. Applied to the deceit of an enemy.
Tos. 23:13. Pa-nI-v-mi-u-m1, s. Pahi and umiumi,
beard. A beard knife, i.e.,arazor. See
Pa-HE-LE, adj. Kahi puka pahele ma PAHIKAHI.
kahi ana i makemake ai e hei.
Pa-nE-Lo, v. To slip; to slide; to slip Pa-HI-HA-HAU, S. Pahi and hahau, to
strike. A knife to strike with, i.e.,asword.
and fall. Pa-ni-Kau-a, Ss. Pahiand kaua, war. A
2. To throw a spear.
Pa-nE-Lo, s. A slipping; a sliding. sword; awar knife. Fia. Power; oppress-
ive power. Kin. 27:40.
Pa-HE-MA-HE-MA, adj. Pa and hema- Pa-HI-KA-HI, s. Pahi and kahi, to cut.
hema, awkward. Ignorant; awkward in Ayrazor. Jsa. 7:20. See Panromicmi.
the use of language ; ungrammatical.
Pa-HI-KA-KI-Wl, S. Pahi and kakiwi,
Pa-HE-mo, v. Pa and hemo, to loosen. bent. A crooked knife; a cutlass; a sickle,
* To loosen ; to set or let loose. &e. Kanl. 23:26.
2. To slip, as one walking; o naele aua- Pa-u-ku, dist. adv. Pa and hiku, seven.
nei kakou a pahemo auanei a haule ilalo. Seven-fold; seven times; by sevens. Hin.
3. To slip off, as an axe from the helve. 7:2. He uku pahiku, seven-fold punish-
Hoo. The same. ment.
Pa-HE-PA-HE, adj. Soft; flexible; rotten; Pa-ni-Lav, s. A falsehood; an untruth;
lazy. See Pa and Hepa, lazy. o ka like ole o ka olelo me ka oiaio.
Pa-n, s. A knife; any cutting instru- Pa-ni-LI, v. Pa and ili, to turn; to
ment of the knife kind; pahi kaua, a sword; twist. To blow on different sides, as a
pahi pelu, a jack-knife, &c. See the com- flickering wind; pahili ka pea i ka makani.
pounds. Ke pahili mai nei ka makani.
Pa-u1, s. In Tahitian, a canoe or ship; Pa-HI-LO-KE-A, Ss. Pahi and lokea, white.
no ka mea, aia malaila (ma Tahiti) ka waa A long knife with a white handle. See
nui, he pahi kainoa. JD. Malo 3:20. LoKEA.
Pa-n1, v. Lit. To knife, i. e., to cut a Pa-HI-Lo-Lo, s. False; untrue; deceit-
piece of meat thin as a knife; e oki labi- ful ; aole ka he pahilolo.
lahi i ka io. Pa-nt-Lo-Lo, adj. Tall; strutting 3 proud
2. To stand up on edge. in one’s movements.
3. E kulepelepe, e hoolepe. Pa-HI-MA-KA-LU-A, 8. Pahi and maka,
Pa-ni-a, int. adv. Pa and hia, how edge, and lua, two. A double-edged sword
many? How many fold? how many to or knife.
each? Pa-Hi-pa, s. Pa, yard, and hipa (Eng.),
Pa-nt-a, v. To jump in an oblique man- sheep. A yard for sheep; a sheep fold. 2
ner from a perpendicular height into the Sam. 7:8.
water, so that in rising to the surface, the
Pa-HI-Pal-Pal, s. Paht and paipai, to
feet come up first.
prune. A pruning knife. Isa, 2:4.
Pa-nt-a, s. A mistake; a slipping; a Pa-HI-PA-HI-LI-MA, Ss. Name of an an-
cient play or pastime.
Pa-Ht-A-HI-a, v. See Panta. To slip; Pa-HI-PE-LU, s. Pahi and pelu, to double
to slide ; to fall down.
he A jack-knife; a pen-knife; any shut
Pa-Hi-o, v. Paand hio, to lean. ‘To lean snife.
Pa-HI-Poo-mu-ku, s. A knife like a razor; sew up, as a rent; to join two pieces of
a butcher’s knife. kapa or cloth by sewing; to stitch together.
Pa-HI-wa-KAa-Wa-KA, S. Pahi and waka- Pa-Ho-no-14, adj. See Hono. Sewed;
waka, shining. A polished blade, as a saw, mended, as old garments. Jos. 9:4.
a sword; a flaming sword. Kin. 3:24. Pa-nu, s. A barrel, cask, box, chest, &c.
Pa-Ho, v. See Pono. To sink; to sink NorE.—A pahu was originally a hollow
down, as in water or mud; to be out of cocoanut or other tree with a shark skin
sight under water ; e nalo iloko o ka wai; drawn over one end and used for a drum:
to settle down in a miry place; e napoo i hence anything hollow and giving a sound
kahi nenelu. when struck is a pahu.
2. To swim. Isa. 25:11. Mea paho, a 2. A coffin. Kin. 50:26.
swimmer. 3. A hole dug as a landmark. See the
3. To slip off; to slide away, &e. See compounds.
PAHOLO. 4. The name of aspecies of fish forbidden
Pa-Ho, adj. Sinking; settling down ; to women to eat under the kapu system.
pohi, emi, piho. Pa-nu, v. ‘To push or shove on end.
Pa-Ho-a, s. A sharp stone; a broken 2. To push over; to push down. Fig.
piece of a stone with a sharp edge.
To overthrow, as an enemy. 2 Oihl. 18:10.
To overpower ; to tread down, as opposi-
2. A short wooden dagger; oo iho la tion. Hal. 44:5.
laua ia ia i ka pahoa, they two pierced him
with a pahoa (short wooden sword.) Hoo- 3. To burst forth; to run out, as a liquid;
to gush or flow out.
koke ia Lono me ka pahoa, he drew near
to Captain Cook with a pahoa.
4. To burst forth with a noise; to break
suddenly ; to burst, as a boil.
Pa-Ho-E, s. A fleet of canoes fishing for 5. To dig holes for planting.
the malolo, flying-fish. 6. To fall down.
Pa-Ho-E-Ho-E, s. Smooth shining lava; 7. To strike or pound. See Paopao.
flat unbroken lava; he pahoehoe a Pele. 8. To cut, as in bleeding.
Pa-HO-E-Ho-E-PE-LE, s. Name of the 9. To blunt; to cut off the end of a thing;
hooks used in catching the sea-turtle. to cut into.
Pa-Ho-o-La, s. Pa and hoola, a single 10. To throw. as a spear.
11. To stuff food into a person’s mouth.
kapa. A remnant; a piece; a worthless
piece. See Panos. Syn. with pawelu. Pa-nu, s. Small kalo stinted with weeds.
Pa-HOO-LA-PA-LA-PA, Ss. Pa, pan, and 2. The name of a fish.
3. The name of a species of fish net; he
hoolapalapa, to boil or fry. A frying-pan. upena pahu.
Pa-Ho-La, v. Paand hola, to poison fish. Pa-Hu, adj. Round and smooth, as a
To render useless; to be inactive; to be bald head ; applied to a hula, hula pahu.
without effect.
Pa-no-La, s. That which is made use- Pa-uu-a, v. To dance; to go through
the evolutions of dancing.
less, ineffectual or of no account; ua hoo-
2. To beat against the wind, as a ship.
lilo ika Olelo a ke Akua i pahola, ai pa-
welu, a i mea ole, i mea lapuwale. 3. To fall off, as a ship sailing against
the wind.
Pa-Ho-LA-Ho-LA, v. Pa and holahola. 4. To refuse to go or to do a thing; to
To poison fish with the auhuhu. be stubborn ; to be angry.
Pa-Ho-LE, v. To peel off, as the skin. Pa-HU-I-Hu-I, v. See Hiv and Hivuiv.
2. To rub ; to polish. To play at.a game; to play for pleasure; e
Pa-HO-LE-HO-LE, s. Pa and holehole, to hoopiopio, e hoomake i kekahi pohaku me
rub off the skin. <A rubbing of the skin; ka hele ana, e kaina.
a breaking of the skin; 0 ka paholehole o Pa-uu-1-Hu-1, s. The name of a game
ka ili; hilahila ino ka poe hana pela. or pastime.
Pa-Ho-Lo, v. See Pano. To sink in the Pa-nu-u-mE, s. Pahu and ume, to draw
water or mud. out. A bureau; a chest of drawers; a
2. To plunge down out of sight; to drawer from a larger chest or box.
drown; to be overwhelmed. 1 Tim. 6:9. Pa-HU-HO-I-KE, s. Pahu and hoike, to
3. To fall down.
4. To slip off the handle, as an axe, or show. The ark of the testimony, so trans-
off from the finger, as a ring or thimble. lated from Puk. 26:33 and other places.
5. Hoo. To throw into the sea. Pa-nu-Ho-Pu, s. The name of a goal
Pa-HO-L0-HO-Lo, v. See Panoto. To where the race-course stopped, opposite to
slip off; to let loose; to be separated from. the pahulkcu, where the race commenced; a
kukuluia ka laau me ka lepa ma ka pohu-
Ps-Ho-no, v. Pa and hono, to stitch. To hopu.
Pa-Hu-Hu, v. See Panu, v. To gush Ana. A thrusting; a striking, as with a
out, as blood from a wound; hahau iho la weapon.
ka moli, pahuhu ae la ke koko, the instru- Pa-Hu-pal, s. A drum for beating at a
ment strikes, the blood flows out. See hula; o ka ili mano, he mea ia e hana iai
Mout. pahupai.
Pa-Hu-Hu, s. A species of fish; the Pa-Hu-PA-HU, S$. Stinted kalo growing
young of the huhu. among weeds.
Pa-nu-Hvu-La, s. A kind of drum used 2. The name of a game played on a rect-
at hulas in former times; it was covered angular table, billiards.
with shark skin. Pa-nu-PA-HU, adj. Blunt; obtuse; dull;
Pa-nu-xa-La, s. "Name of one of the omuku.
mock-fights formerly practiced in keeping Pa-Hu-pa-HU, v. See Pant, to strike.
up the war spirit; he kaua pahukala kahi To strike or pound; to bruise. See Pao-
inoa o keia kaua. PAO.
Pa-nu-ka-NA-wal, s. Pahu and kana- Pa-Hu-Pa-LA-PA-LA, 8. Pahu and pala-
wai, law. The ark of the testimony. Puk. pala, writing. Originally, a container for
_ 30:6. See PaHvHoIKE above. the liquor in printing kapas.
Pa-nu-xa-n1, s. Pahu and kani,to sound. 2. A writing desk.
A drum; a bass viol; a music box. in. Pa-Hu-wal, s. A cistern; a container of
31:27. Any musical instrument of the puls- water. Jer. 2:13.
atile kind. Pa-Hu-BE-RI-TA, S. Pahu and berita
Pa-nu-Ka-pu, s. Pahu and kapu, pro- (Heb.), a covenant. The ark of the coy-
hibited. Liv. Asacred box. A sanctuary; enant among the Hebrews. Jos. 3:3.
a place consecrated to a particular use. Pa-xa, v. To make war; to fight; to
Puk. 15:17. A place where it was kapu strike, as large drops of rain upon dry
or forbidden to go or to pass. Laieiie. 101. leaves, making a noise.
Some sign or signal was generally put up. 2. To cut; to pare; to peel off.
Pa-nu-xu, v. To turn back an enemy 3. To fend off or turn aside, as the stern
and make the pursuers retreat. does a canoe to avoid a wave which threat-
2. To be cut off short; to be round. ens to fill it.
Pa-Hu-xu, s. The reserve of an army; 4. To shoot or slide a canoe or surf-board
on a wave.
a reinforcement that supports the vanguard 5. To prepare before hand for any busi-
party and repels the enemy. ness or any event.
2. A soft yielding mass; a round mass.
3. A stick or goal erected at the begin- Pa-ka, s. Any small round substance,
ning of a race; hele aku la uamau kanaka as the head of a pin; a knot at the end of
elua a biki i ka pahuleu. a rope.
Pa-nu-ku, adj. Short; round. See Po- 2. The sharp projections on the sides of
the tail of certain fish, as the kala, the pa-
HUKO. lani and the manini.
Pa-nu-La, v. Pa and hula, to dance. 3. A flat calabash, so called because large
To dance; to hula, i. e., to sing and dance. and flat.
Pa-nu-La, s. A dance. See Huta. 4. A stone used by fishermen.
Pa-Hu-Lu, s. Potatoes of the second 5. Paka is sometimes written for baka,
growth. tobacco.
2. A papu part of the sea which is much Pa-xa, adj. Lean,
as flesh; destitute of
used ; he kai kapu, i hoonuaia. fat.
Pa-Hu-Lu, s. Name of an ancient god 2. Ready; prepared ; furnished.
3. Old: aged.
who lived in the hole of a certain rock on
Kauai; he was killed by Kaululaau, a chief Pa-xa, adv. Clearly; plainly; intelli-
from Maui. gibly; evidently. Syn. with lea, pono and
2. Name of the goddess who conceived maopopo. Ua oki paka, haalele ina mea
and brought forth Lanai; he akua hapai ino a pau.
no Lanai. Pa-xaa, v. To peel off; to skin; to strip
Pa-Hu-Lu-LU, adj. Somewhat rainy; a off the skin from a vegetable.
little cloudy and rainy or dripping; not Pa-xaa, s. Lean flesh.
entirely clear. Pa-KAA-WI-LI, v. Pa and kaawili, to
Pa-Hu-MA-NA-MA-NA, Ss. A market; a writhe. To encircle; to twine around, as
a vine.
market place ; haule i ka pahu i ka pahu-
MANAMANA. 2. To turn this way and that.
3. To turn round; to roll in upon itself
Pa-nu-na, s. See Panu, to push, and like a curling flame. Ezek. 1:4.

Pa-xal, s. Art. ke. An eatable vegeta-| Pa-Ka-Ka, adj. Narrow; thin, as the
‘ble; he mea ulu, he mea ai; a kind of herb back door of a house; sie e komo oe ma
used for food in time of scarcity. ka puka pakaka.
Pa-xal-E-LE-Lu, s. Name of a wind; a| Pa-xa-Ka, adj. Swelled; big, as one’s
strong wind off Waianae. person.
Pa-xal-E-a, s. A species of sea-weed. Pa-xa-Ka-HI, v. Paka, to drop, as rain,
Pa-Kal-E-LE, s. Name of a species of and kahi, one. To drop scatteringly a lit-
fish ;he pakaualoa. tle rain.
Pa-Karxal, v. To pound, as with a Pa-xa-KE, v. See Hoopaxaxe. To talk
pestle. indistinctly, as a Hawaiian trying to speak
English ; to use the kale language.
Pa-kai-Kal, s. The name of a vegeta-
ble. See Pakal. Pa-KA-KE-U, v. To have the last word
in scolding; to chide; to scold often; to
Pa-xao, v. To go about lazily; to live act as a scolding woman; to exhibit an
without object; to live solitarily; e hakao, evil disposition.
e helewale.
Pa-xa-x1, v. To talk irrationally ; to
Pa-xavu-a, s. Pa, fence, and kaua, war. actas inarevel; to contend, asa drunkard.
A fort; a place of refuge; a stronghold.
1 Oihl. 11:5. A garrison. 2 Sam. 8:14. A
Pa-KA-LA- “KA-LA, s. A species of fish;
palace; the residence of a king. Neh. 1:1. the little kala; he kala liilii.
PA-KAU-A-KEE, S. Pa-KA-NA-0-NO, dist. adj. Pa and kana-
ono, sixty. Sixty-fold. Mat. 13:8.
Pa-Kau-a-Lo-a, s. The name of a fish.
Pa-Ka-na-Lo-a, s. Name of a species of
fish. See OLALI, same species.
Pa-kau-Ka-mA, S. Pa, yard, and kau-
kama (Eng.). cucumber. A garden of
Pa-KA-NU, 5S. Pa, yard, and kanu, to
cucumbers. See Kaukama. Isa. 8:1. plant. A garden; a place where things are
planted. set. 7:7.
Pa-kau-LA, s. Pa, pair, and kawla, rope. Pa-Ka-Pa-KA, v. See Paxa. To drop, as
A set of ropes for the rigging of a vessel.
large rain drops; to make the noise that
Pa-KAU-LEI, 0. To be continually chang- such drops make on dry substances; to
ing one’s residence ; mai noho a pakaulei. patter.
2. To move along step by step; to go by Pa-xa-Pa-Ka, s. A heavy shower of rain.
little and little. 2. The wrinkled skin of the eye.
3. To sit upright. 3. An aged person, from his wrinkles.
Pa-Kavu-LEI, adj. Unsteady; going from 4, Weakness ; feebleness, as of an aged
house to house. person.
2. Destitute of house and utensils. See Pa-Ka-PA-KA, adj. Coarse or large, as
KUONOONOOLE. the lauhala leaves with which a mat is
3. Living in a loose way or without braided ; he moena pakapaka.
method, as one who leaves his wife to fol- 2. Numerous, as men.
low one, then another. 3. Large and many, as fish, &c., in one’s
Pa-xa-HA, v. Paand kaha. Tobe greedy possession;pakapaka kanaka o mea ; pa-
of property ; hence, to oppress ; to cheat; kapaka ka ia ia mea ma.
to be dishonest In any way Pa-xe, v. Paand ke, to resist. To push
Pa-xa-HA, s. A kind of aap fish of the away ; to defend off; to resist.
sea, rough outside. 2. To ring; to sound ; to sing.
2. Greediness after another’s property ; Pa-kE, s. Softness ; weakness.
a seizing what is another’s. 2. The name of white kapa.
Pa-Ka-HI, dist. adv. Pa and kahi, one. 3. The appellation given to a Chinaman.
One to ‘eagh. Jos. 4:5. One in a place; Pa-KE, adj. Soft; weak; flexible.
one by one ; pakahi i ka makahiki, once a Pa-KE-a, s. A species of white stone.
year. Oihke. 16:34.
Pa-Ka-HI, v. To distribute to each one.
los. 4:2. To take turns; to do one at a
Pa-xE-0, adj. Fled; escaped; broken
time; to be numbered one by one. 1 Oihil. away ; agitated.
23:3. Pa-KE-0-KE-0, Ss. The people that eat
Pa-xa-ka, v. To glide with a canoe on with the chief, as the qaialo, in distinction
the surf; to ride on the surf. from the makaainana.
2. To flow off; to turn off, as a canoe is Pa-KE-v, v. Paand keu, to remain over
turned to avoid a sea; to shoot or slide, as and above. To excel; to be more than
a surf-board on a wave; e pakaka i ‘ka was expected; to be over and above; to
waa, to steer the canoe. See Paka. leave a remainder.
Pa-KE-KE, 5. See Baxexe, Eng. A} Pa-xu, v. To mash, as one treading on
bucket, &c. an egg.
Pa-kE-LA, v. Pa and kela, to shoot out. 2. To lie with the face down, the belly
To exceed; to go beyond; to go before. unsupported, in order to enlarge the ab-
2 Kor. 11:23. domen. See Papio. E moe papio, e huli
2. To exceed another in wickedness. 1 ilalo ke alo, i nui ka opu.
Nal. 14:9. Pa-xu, s. A species of fish.
3. To be over and above. 1 Oihl. 29:3. Pa-xn, adj. Broad; spread out; fallen
4. Hoo. To prefer; to esteem more. flat down; edging along, as one moving on
5. To excel; to do better than another. his belly.
Rom. 12:10. Pa-xu-ku, adj. See Paxn. Broad; ex--
6. To abound in wickedness. 1 Nal. tensively spread out; fallen down flatly.
Pa-KE-LA, s. Excess; what is over and
Pa-xu-xil, adj. Applied to a fish net, a
small net; i ka upena pakiikii.
above; asuperfluity. See the compounds.
*A no ka pakela loa ike akamai i ka hoo- Pa-xi-o, v. To fall continually, as fall-
-puka anaina olelo pahee, on account of ing rain; to rain continually; to drop con-
the very great skill in uttering smooth stantly ; e haule mau, e ua mau, e kulu
words. mau.
out ; Pa-xi-o0-k1-0, v. Pa and kiokio. See Kio.
Pa-xE-La, adj. High; stretching
excelling. To break wind often; to void excrements.
Pa-KE-LA-Al, v. Pakela, and ai, food. Pa-x1-HI, v. Pa and kihi, border; edge.
To be a glutton; to be greedy in eating. To go lightly; to passsoftly; to just touch
Kanl. 21:20. in passing.
Ke pakihi la i ke kai o Huia,
Pa-KE-LA-Al, s. A glutton; gluttony; O ka hui maka wale no ka makonu,
the practice of eating to excess. O ka honihoni ana i ke uiuiwi.
2. In natural history, the name of an ani- Pa-xi-Ka, v. To slip; to slide in walk-
mal, the glutton. ing, as one walking on a slippery place.
Pa-KE-LA-Al, adj. Gluttonous; eating to Pa-xi-ka, s. Name of an insect that
excess. Mat.11:19. Pakela inu waina, a eats potato leaves and destroys them.
drunkard. 1 Pet.4:3. Pakela nani, excess 2. A bad pronunciation for makika, a
of glory. 2 Kor. 3:10. musquito ; he eleao, he ilo, he mea e make
Pa-KE-LE, v. Pa and kele, to slip. To ai ka ulu o ka ai.
escape from some evil; to escape punish- Pa-x1-KA, adj. Smooth; polished ; slip-
ment. Heb. 2:3. To be free from. Hoo. pery; smoothed, as a thing polished; e kalai
To deliver; to cause to escape. Puk. 6:6. a maikai, anai a pakika; alaila, hoomaka
Pa-kE-Lo, v. See Paxete. To slip out ke kau.
of the grasp of a person or thing, as a fish Pa-kI-KE, v. Paand kike, to speak back
from the hands. and forth. To make a pert saucy reply to
2. To set free ; to loosen ; to escape. something said ; to answer back. Tit. 2:9.
3. To administer an injection. 2. To rail; to cavil; to talk impudently.
Pa-kE-Lo, s. An injection; an enema. 3. Toanswer roughly. 1 Sam.20:10. To
Pa-xeE-Lo, adj. Slippery; sliding; slip- be provoking in a controversy.
ping up; slipping off. Pa-k1-KE, s. A caviling. Rom.10:21. A
Pa-KE-PA-KE, adj. See Paxe. Soft; lim- reviling ; he lokoino.
ber ; weak ; flexible. Pa-KI-KE-KI-KE, v. See Paxixe. To an-
Pa-x1, v. To smite with the palm of the swer back and forth frequently.
2. To be rough; to be uncivil towards
hand ; to spatter, as water.
one in conversation.
2. To dash in pieces, as one would break
a melon by throwing it on the ground. Pa-ki-k1, v. See Paaxixi. Pa for paa,
3. To ooze through, as water; to leak, solid, and kiki, intensive. To be very hard;
as a barrel, or as a kalo patch. to be solid; applied to substances.
4. To move along; to slip or slide; e 2. Applied to the mind, to be obdurate ;
hoonee, e hookele. to be inflexible. Hoo. To harden, as the
Pa-xi, s. The dividing of the water by heart. Puk. 4:21.
a ship under sail; plowing the main. 3. E papaiawa, e hoomana i ke akua.
Pa-x1-al, s. Epithet of a barren woman; Pa-xi-ko, v. Pa and kiko,a little dot or
he wahine pa. mark. To eat but little; to be temperate;
to be abstemious in diet. 1 Kor 9:25,
Pa-x1-Al, v. To forsake wife or Notre.—Pakiko is the opposite of pakela,
Pa-kI-A-KI-Al, husband and live in adul- spoken in reference to taking (kiko ana)
tery. here a little and there a little.
2. To eat quietly or cautiously; to think 6. A uniting or joining or sewing of two
before hand and not follow the appetite. pieces of kapa.
Pa-xi-Ko, s. Temperance; regular habits 7. A uniting of two pieces of wauke by
of life. Oth. 24:25; 2 Pet. 1:6. beating to make one kapa.
2. The name of an instrument anciently Pa-xu-a, v. To do over and over again
used in war. continually ; to go to the same place; to
Pa-KI-Ko-E-LE, v. See Korteete. To travel the same road day after day; e hele
make a rough sound ; to rumble slightly; mau i kela laikeia la ma kahii hele mau ia. *
e kamumu. Pa-xu-a, adj. Accustomed ; so accus-
Pa-xi-pa-kI, v. See Paxt, to slip; to tomed as to become second nature; he
slide. To sail along; to divide the water, mea pakua wale, a thing become common.
as the keel of a ship; to move sideways; Pa-xu-EI, v. To be present before the
to spatter the water in rowing a canoe. time ; to commence a job before the time.
Pa-xi-pa-kI-ka, adj. See Paxixa. Slip- Pa-ku-1, v. Pa and kuz, to join one
pery ; muddy; liable to fall in walking. thing to another. To splice, as timber og
Pa-Ko-LE, adj. Short. See Poxo.e. a rope.
Pa-K0-LE-Ko-LE, adj. Short. See PoKoLe 2. To engraft, as one tree upon another.
Rom. 11:17.
and PAKOLE. 3. To add one evil deed to another. 1
Pa-Ko-LE-Ko-LE, s. A species of fish Sam. 12:19.
large and greenish. 4. To unite, i. e., to add one story of a
Pa-xo-u1, s. Names of the first three building to another; to heap one thing on.
notes in the Hawaiian scale of vocal music; the top of another; e hou i kekahi mea ma-
he kumu leo himeni; the whole seven luna iho o kekahi mea.
sounds are represented by the syllables 5. To beat against, as an opposing wind.
pa, ko, li, ha, no, la, mi. Mar. 6:48.
Pa-xo-11, adj. Singing by notes; he Pa-ku-1, v. To be unpleasant to the
kumu pakoli, rudiments of vocal music. taste; to be sickishly sweet; to send forth
an odor; to be odoriferous; e ala, e pakui,
‘a aan adj. Short. See Poxote. e kuhinia.
Pa-xo-Lvu, v. Pa and kolu, three. Three;
Pa-xu-1, adj. Added on; joined; hale
pakui, a house joined to a house above,
three-fold ; three by three; to do three that is, a tower. Kin. 11:4. Engrafted;
times. Nah. 22:28. united. Jak. 1:21.
Pa-xo-n1, s. Pa and koni, to beat, as the Pa-ku-I-ku-1, v. See Paxut. To splice
pulse. An ache, as the toothache; a pain; or join together timbers that are not long
a strong pain. enough for the purpose designed; to fasten
Pa-xu, v. Pa,a wall, and ku, to stand. together ; e hookuikui, e panainai.
To partition off; to guard; to defend ; to Pa-ku-1-ku-1, v. To beat against; to be
shield one from harm: manao iho la aue contrary to, as a contrary wind ; pakuikut
haliu ae iko kakou Haku me kai aku, e mai ka makani. Oth. 27:4.
paku mai oe ia’u; to parry off; to defend 2. To beat; to pound fine; to bruise. 2
by some means; a paku aku la na kanaka Sam. 22:43.
i ka moena no ka pu, and the people put 3. To mix up, as sweet food.
up their mats as a defense against the guns.
2. To cast away; to drive off; to tread Pa-xu-1-ku-1, s. Name of a species of
or trample down; e hahi, e hehi, e peku. yellow fish.
Pa-xu, v. See Panu. To burst out, as Pa-xu-I-Ku-1, adj. Contradictory; op-
posing; as, makani pakuikui, an. opposing
grain from a bag, or as matter from a boil. wind, or a head wind; he olelo pakuikwi,
Nors.—This is perhaps a mistake for pahu, a contradicting speech.
but the manuscript was very plain.
Pa-xu-I-Pal, adj. Some quality of a fish
Pa-xu, s. A partition, as of a house. net; he upena pakuipai.
2. The wall of a small inclosure. Pa-xu-pa-Ku, adj. Round; low; short.
3. A defense ; a place of security. Hal.
89:18. Pa-ua, adj. Mellow; soft; ripe, as fruit;
4, Ashield; a veil concealing something. rotten ; cooked soft.
Puk. 26:31. A hanging division; a curtain. Pa-ua, s. Name of the foreign common
Puk. 27:15. Note.—tThe partitions or pa- disease, the syphilis.
kus in the houses of former times, where 2. The name of a vegetable eaten in time
the people had any at all, were nothing of famine.
more than kapas or mats hung up. 3. A hahai mai na kanaka e hele ana me
5. A division; that which makes a place ke akua i ka pala a haawe—hai mai ka pala
to be separated from another place. mai uka—kii hou ka pala ma ia po iho.
Pa-ta, v. To cook soft; to ripen and orthography and pronunciation for the
be soft, as a banana or other fruit. English word flour ; hence,
2. Hoo. To anoint; to daub; to besmear. 1. Bread ; flour, &c.
3. To erase ; to blot out. 2. The grain of which flouris made. See
Pa-zaa, s. Almost any dark color, such Huapausosa. Palaoa hulubulu, barley; pa-
laoa eleele, rye; palaoa hu ole, unleavened
as brown, purple, &c.; lole palaa. bread. Puk. 9:31, 32. Palaoa wali, fine
-Pa-La-at, adj. Pala andai. Fat, asani- flour. Oihk. 7:12. Palaoa kawili, dough.
mals; palaai ka holoholona, palaai ka ia, Neh. 15:20. Nore.—The word should be
palaawi ka manu. written falaoa or felaoa.
Pa-La-au, s. Pa, fence, and laau, tim- Pa-Lao-Lao, s. Paandlaolao. A bundle
ber. A stick fence; a wooden fence; he done up short; a bundle of fagots.
palaau ka pa kahiko ; palaaw oioi, a thorn 2. The name of a species of fish.
hedge. Mik. 7:4, Pa-LA-0-Nu-1, adj. Broad, as the eye.
Pa-zal, v. For the English fry. To cook Pa-Lau, v. To lie; to misrepresent ; to
or fry ina pan. Nore.—lIt should be writ- deceive ; e wahahee, e hoopunipuni.
ten parai or rather ferai. Oihk. 7:12.
Pa-tav, v. Hoo. 'To betroth. Puk.21:9.
Pa-tal, v. To be ashamed and turn the To betroth; to give in marriage; to en-
face away, as one who is conscious of guilt; gage to marry.
or conscious of the presence of superiority
‘or dignity, as a poor man when he goes Pa-Lav, s. A lie; a falsehood.
into the house of the rich. Hoo. To cause 2. An instrument for cutting kalo tops;
a blush ; to feel disconcerted at the pres- laau palau, me ka laau palau, o Kapahieli-
ence of superiors; to confuse one; to make honua. JLaieik. 167. .
ashamed. Jer. 7:19. 3. A species of yam; the same as the whi.
Pa-Lal, s. A blush; shamefacedness; 4. Eng. A plow.
5. A species of fish, purple, striped.
he palai ka maka, the face blushes.
2. Name of a species of fern: he mea ulu, Pa-LAU-A-LE-LOo, s. Idleness; indolence;
pepe nnelst: he ieieame ka palai. Laieik. want of disposition to work. 1 Tim. 5:13.
Pa-LAv-a-LE-Lo, adj. Indolent; unoccu-
Pa-tal, adj. Adulterous; defaced. pied ; lazy; idle; neglecting to cultivate
Pa-a-1-E, adj. Pala, soft, and ze, flex- land ; low; ill-bred.
ible. Inconstant; not firm; easily tempted Pa-Lau-E-KA, v. To be obscured, as the
to turn from the right; o na kanaka a pau sun.
loa ma ka honua nei, he palaie no ia na , 2. To work briskly; to finish a job speed-
Tehova. ily.
Pa-La-I-E, s. Art. ke. A species of play Pa-Lav-E-KA, adj. Obscure; dim; not
formerly among the people; ua hana na white.
kanaka i ke palaie i mea lealea. 2. Expeditious; finishing a work quickly.
Pa-La-i-k1, s. Pala, soft, and 22, little. Pa-Lavu-Lav, s. A species of red fish.
The sound of a stone thrown high and fall- Pa-LAu-wi-Ll, adj. Pa and lauwili, to
ing into the water perpendicularly. See change. Changing often; whiffling about,
Patammmo. Huna palaiki ke akamai. as the wind ; palauwili ka makani.
Pa-Lal-MA-KA, v. Palat and maka, face. Pa-La-HA, v. Pa and laha, to spread out.
To put to confusion; to be cast down in
countenance; to be confounded. Jsa. 41:11.
To slip; to slide. Sol. 3:23. To stumble
Syn. with hilahila. To be turned back. and fall down by hitting the foot against
an object.
Isa. 42:17.
2. To fall flat down, as a house or tent.
Pa-tat-ma-Ka, s. Hoo. A blushing; a Lunk. 7:13.
shame; a sign of shame. 3. Hoo. To fall prostrate in adoration.
Pa-ta-o, s. Name of a species of fish. 4. To stretch out upon ; to lie flat upon.
Pa-La-o-a, s. A species of large fish; a 1 Nal. 17:21.
whale. 5. To be spread or wafted off, as a shower
2. An ornament made of a whale’s tooth over land; palaha aku ka ua ma ka aina.
worn pendulous from the neck; e malama 6. To conceive, as a female ; to become
i ka niho palaoa, take care of the ornament large.
(we have no name for itin English); hence, Pa-La-HA, adj. Smooth and flat, as the
3. Ivory. back of the shell-fish called leho ; akahinoa
4, The sea-elephant. loa ka olu, palaha, pauhu, maka ino.
Pa-ta-o-a, adj. Of or belonging to ivory. Pa-LA-HA-LA-HA, v. See Parana and
1 Nal. 10:18. Lana, to extend. To spread out; to extend
Pa-ta-o-a, s. The Hawaiian common generally.
2. To spread abroad, as a report. Oih. a dead body. See PataKkanuxr. A lilo ae
4:17. To extend far and wide. la kona kino i mea palahuki, and his body
3. To spread or extend, as a sore or dis- became putrid.
ease. Othk. 13:22. Pa-ta-Ka, v. Pa and laka,to tame. To
4. Hoo. To extend abroad ; to increase, be inactive; to be inattentive; to be indif-
asa people. Kin. 41:52. ferent to what interests others; to be inefii-
5. To spread out, as the wings of an cient.
army. Lunk. 20:37. 2. To live without thought or care.
Pa-LA-HA-LA-HA, Ss. Breadth; extent, as 3. To be dull or stupid; to be slow of
of a country. Isa. 8:8. apprehension; applied to the moral powers.
2. A species of the limu. See Liwv. Mat. 13:15.
Pa-LA-HA-LA-HA-LAU, adj. Having leaves 4, Hoo. To cause one’s self to be indif-
only, as a tree ; he palahalahalau wale no, ferent; to harden one’s heart; to be unbe-
aohe hua, making a show of leaves only, lieving in great and solemn truths. Isa.
but no fruit. 6:10.
Pa-LA-HE, adj. Soft; tender; so Pa-ta-Ka, s. A disposition of heart op-
posed to religious truth; hard-heartedness;
Pa-LA-HE-HE, soft as to flow; flowing, stupidity; moral insensibility; indifference.
soft and slimy, as the mucous from the nose. 2. The name applied to a short shirt; he
Pa-La-HE-A, S. Pala, soft, and hea, to wahi palule pokole. :
be dirty. Dirty food. Pa-La-Ka, adj. Inactive; stupid; care-
2. A spot; a stain. 2 Pet. 2:13. less ; inefficient ;indifferent.
Pa-LA-HE-A, adj. Dirty; filthy; defiled; Pa-La-Ka-A0, adj. Pala, ripe, soft, and
palahea ko ¢akou naau i ke koko o hai; kaao, the fruit of the hala tree. Hence,
unclean; besmeared, as a child’s hands and soft; ripe; having undergone some process
face when eating greasy food ; blotted, as of decay ; palakahuki, palahu.
paper which has ink spilled on it.
Pa-La-KAl, v. To wither; to droop, as
Pa-La-HE-A, v. To daub; to besmear; a vegetable; to produce no fruit; to be
to anoint. stinted in growth; to fade, as a flower ; to
2. Hoo. To stain; to color, as with blood. fail.
Isa. 63:3.
Pa-LA-HE-A-HE-A, v. Intensive of pala- Pa-La-Kal, adj. Barren; unfruitful ;
sickly; withered, as a plant; stinted in
hea. To be unsound ; to be weak; to be growing, as a child.
frail, as a person; to be unsound; to be
wanting in strength. PasLa-Ka-HE-LA, adj. Pala and kahela,
Pa-La-HEE, v. Pala and hee, slippery. bent. Crooked; curved; having crooked
legs or neck.
See PaLaveE above. To shrink away, asa
Palakahela ka a-i o Makaukiu,
coward from duty or danger. He kiu ka makani, he alele hooholo na Kokoolau,
Pa-La-HEE, adj. Dead ripe; rotten. Ke kuehu mai Ja iuka o Pehu,
Ike ke kanaka kahea uolo makani.
Pa-La-H1, v. Pala and hi, to flow away.
To flow from the bowels; to discharge liquid Pa-LA-KA-HU-KI, v. Pala and kahukt, to
matter from the bowels. decay; tocorrupt. To corrupt; to putrefy,
Pa-La-n1, s. The liquid discharge from as a dead body; to be soft; to rot. See
the bowels in a bowel complaint. PaLauu and Kanuxr. Sol. 10:7.
Pa-La-Ho, s. Corruption. Job. 17:14. Pa-La-ka-HU-KI, adj. Soft; decayed, as
Putridity ; the action of decaying matter. animal bodies; putrid. '
Pa-La-Ho, adj. Rotten; decayed; sub- Pa-La-KE, adj. Mixed up of water and
-Pa-La-HU, § ject to decay ;corruptible. other things; heavy; water-soaked, as kalo
or potatoes. ‘
Pa-La-Ho-Lo, s. Pala and holo for hee,
to flow. Paste made from the fern called Pa-La-KE-A, s. A variety of kalo.
amaumau ; the paste was used in pasting 2. A kind of vegetable eaten in time of
kapas. scarcity.
2. The name of a plant. Pa-La-KE-A, adj. Pala and kea, white.
Pa-La-Hu, s. The sickness of fowls. Anything soft and white; white; clear;
2. The name of a large fish; the opelu.
unclouded ; unshaded with any color.
3. The epithet of a cock-turkey from the Pa-ta-k1, v. To brush; to polish, as
soft elastic red substance on and about his a shoe; to wash; to cleanse.
head. 2. To smear over; to whitewash a wall.
4. A turkey generally. See PELenu. Pa-ta-k1, s. Eng. A brush generally.
Pa-La-Hu-k1, v. Pala and huki, to be- Pa-La-kr-0, s. Pala and kio, excrement
come soft. To become soft and putrid, as from asore. The name of a disease con-
nected with lasciviousness ; he mai pala, Pa-La-LEI, s. The spreading of one’s
he mai haole. kapa over the head of a chief on entering
Pa-ta-xi-ko, v. To steal, especially to a house ; ka palalei o kou kapa.
steal little things; to pilfer; to take little Pa-La-LE-HA, v. Pala and leha, to lift
by little. Nore—This appears to be a theeyes. To raise slowly the eyes; hence,
modern coined word; its derivation is not to be lazy ; to be faint-hearted ; to be in-
apparent, except that kiko signifies to pick dolent. Hoo. To be slothful ; to be idle;
up as a fowl eats food. to be careless. See Hoomotowa. Hoopa-
Pa-ta-x1-Ko, s. Theft; a stealing of laleha iho la kakou i ka hana maikai.
small articles ; pilfering. Pa-La-LE-HA, adj. Hoo. Slothful; idle.
Pa-ta-xu, v. Pala and ku, to stand. Sol. 10:4.
To be soft ; to be rotten, especially rotten Pa-ta-u1, v. Pa and Lali, soft. To sound
internally. softly, as a flute or pipe; e kani me he pu
Pa-xa-La, v. To tax the people for kapa, hihio la.
poi, &c., on the birth of a young chief. Pa-ua-Lo-t1, adj. Pala and loli, to
2. E haki lala ka nalu, e kahi aoao. change. Changed from its original state ;
Pa-xa-La, s. A tax paid on the birth of soft; decayed; corrupted; rotten. See
2. A gift; a present on the birth of a Pa-a-Lu, v. Pala, soft, and lu, to scat-
child. ter. To burst out suddenly ; to snort like
3. A wedding feast. Kin. 29:22. Also a horse.
connected with ahaaina. Luk. 14:10. 2. E puhuluhulu, e palali.
4, A feast made by a chief for any pur- 3. Hoo. To imitate the palalu or voice of
pose. Laieik. 88. the moho, &c., as men do.
5. A tax paid to the chiefs for any pur- Pa-ta-Lv, s. The noise of the dove as
pose ; he mea palala ia ka hulumanu o na made in the throat; also the voice of the
Vii. moho; applied also to other noises.
Pa-La-Lav-HA-LA, v. Pada, softness, and Pa-La-Lu-E-HU, adj. Pala and luehu,
lauhala,a tree. To be weak; to be feeble; soft. Soft; yielding; flexible; soft, as a
to be infirm. ripe boil; rotten; corrupt, as decaying
2. To walk, to see or to move with fee- animal or vegetable matter. See PaLaKa-
bleness. HUKL.
a To be old; to be in the last stages of Pa-LA-LU-HI-E-HU, adj. Decayed; cor-
ife. rupted; soft. See PALaLo.t.
4. To swoon; to lie like one dead.
Pa-LA-LAU-HA-LA, S. Weakness; infirm- Pa-ta-mA, s. Eng. A palm, name of a
ity ;the feeble state and infirmities of old tree; the leaf of the tree. Hoik. 7:9. See
age; the last stage of life of an old person. PaMA.
Pa-za-La-HA, v. Pa and daha, to spread Pa-ta-ma, v. Paandlama,atorch. To
out. Tobe broad; to be widely extended. watch over; to guard; to keep guard, as
See PALAHALAHA. soldiers ; to be guarded or watched over;
e malamaia me na koa e kiaiia.
Pa-LA-LA-HA-LAU, adj. See PaLaHALa- Pa-La-ma, s. A watching; a guarding.
HALAU. Having leaves only, and no fruit;
making a show of leaves, as a tree,
2. A watch ; a guard.
Pa-La-La-Kal-Mo-ku, s. A broad plain ; Pa-LA-MAI-KI, v. To gather up into a
bunch, as a handkerchief.
land spread out.
2. An extended land; a country; figura- Pa-LA-ME-A, s. Plumpness; fatness, as
tively, a kingdom. of an‘animal.
Pa-1a-La-L0, adj. Pala, soft, and lalo, 2. A pure, clear atmosphere.
below. Soft; rotten, as kalo or bananas; 3. The splendid appearance of the heay-
applied to persons, sick; soft; diseased enly bodies with the beautiful blue of the
with the pala; applied to a kingdom, with- sky ; he aaka na mea ma ka lani, a uliuli
maikai mai ka lani.
out strength.
Pa-La-LE, v. To branch out; to project Pa-La-mi-mo, v. Pala and mimo, to move
softly. To move off silently; to step aside
out. without noise; to go or to move softly; to
2. To put together confusedly.
3. To speak indistinctly ; to make blun- move gently ; to be small; to enter, asa
house, witbout noise; e uuku, e komo pono.
ders in speaking ; to vociferate.
4. To work in a slovenly manner. Pa-La-mi-mo, adj. Quickly and easily
Pa-La-LE, adj. Scattered; spread out; done ; moving easily without noise.
lying confusedly so as to answer no pur- Pa-La-mo-A, s. A bluish cloud; seen in
pose, as the wheels of a watch when apart. ‘the east in the morning it was considered
a sign of rain; he papalaoa, he palamoa spot. To stamp with marks, as in painting
he mau ouli wa ia. or printing kapa. Nore.—tThe figures, like
Pa-La-nal, adj. Flat; not deep, as a calico printing, were cut on pieces of wood
or bamboo, dipped in the liquid coloring
flat dish; flat, as a vessel or ship which is matter and then impressed with the hand
not deep. on the kapa.
Pa-La-Nna-I-KI, v. Palana and tki, little. 2. In modern times, to write; to mark;
To be small; to be confined to a small to draw ; to paint. See Kaxav.
space ; to be shrunk or curled up ; to fit a Pa-La-Pa-LA, s. Characters made by im-
place designed. pressing marks on kapa or paper like print-
Pa-La-NE-HE, v. Pala and nehe, to rus- ing or by writing with a pen; hence,
tle. To be gentle; to be soft and careful 2. A writing ; a book either written or
in doing a thing ;to move softly, without printed ; a manuscript.
noise. 3. An incription upon coins; the hand-
Pa-La-NE-HE, Ss. Gentleness; upright- writing of any one; palapala hemolele, the
ness ; quietness and gentleness in doing a Holy Scriptures. Note.—The whole sys-
thing ; silence and softness. tem of instruction as first commenced at
Pa-La-NE-HE, adj. Gentle; good; with- these Islands was summarily called by the
out noise; without confusion; o ka hana Hawaiians the palapala.
palanehe ole, o ka lawe nihi. Pa-La-Pa-LA, Ss. The name of a fish
PA-LA-NE-HE-0-LE, v. See PaLANEHE found near banks and shallow places.
ane OLE, not. To depart secretly; to van- 2. The dead dry lauhala leaves ; he lau-
ish. hala maloo wale.
Pa-LA-NE-HE-0-LE, adv. Silently; qui- Pa-ua-Pa-LAl, S. The name of a species
etly ; unperceived. Nore.—It is difficult of fern. See Paual.
to see how palanehe and palaneheole should Pa-LA-PA-LA-KE-A, adj. Palapala and
convey the same idea of a still, quiet move- kea, white. Clear; bright; white; shining.
ment; the ole cannot have its usual mean- See PALAKEA. f
ing of a negative. Pa-LA-PA-LA-NI, v. See PALAni,to paint;
Palaneheole ia i nalo to soften. To paint or print kapa and put
O lohilohi ku, 0 ka lohi lani—e. out to dry.
Pa-La-n1, v. To skim; to dip lightly, Pa-ta-po, adj. See Patano. Rotten;
as an oar; applied to rowing feebly; aole decayed; bad smelling.
komo ka hoe, dip not deeply the paddle. Pa-LA-Po-HA-KU, adj. Small; feebly run-
2. To dig slightly, not deeply. ning, as a small stream of water; he wahi
Pa-ta-n1, adv. Lightly; feebly; kioe wai palapohaku. ,
palani, skim a little. Pa-ta-pu, v. To make a bruise or
Pa-La-NI, adj. Sour, asa melon or other wound.
fruit partly eaten, the remainder left and it 2. To be soft to the touch; to be soft, as
becomes sour. a boil ripe for lancing.
Pa-ta-ni, v. To stink; a word of con- Pa-La-Pu, s. Anything so soft as to run,
tempt, applied to dirty, filthy persons, from as matter from a boil.
the fact that the fish palani stinks abomin- 2. Softness, as meat or flesh bruised to a
ably. Palani was formerly applied to ser- jelly.
vants in distinction from chiefs; ua kapaia 3. A wound or bruise. Puk. 21:25. A
ka poe kauwa he palani, he hohono ke ano. stripe; the wound of a whip or scourge.
Pa-ta-ni, s. ‘The name of a fish emit- Isa, 53:5. P r
ting a very bad odor. Pa-ta-wal, s. A species of limu or sea-
Pa-ta-ni, s. Eng. The Hawaiian or- 2. He wahi wai e palapohaku.
thography for barani, that is, brandy; it Pa-La-wat-k1, adj. Nice; neatly done;
should always be written and printed ba-
rani. polite; done with taste.
Pa-ta-n1, s. Eng. France, French or Pa-LA-wE-Ka, Ss. Vain work; much
a Frenchman; this word should always be labor and no fruit; applied to fishing all
written and printed Furant or Ferani,
night and catching nothing; oka hana pua
France; he kanaka Furani, a Frenchman. he ahe o ua kula wela nei, hoi palaweka
ole oukou o Kahi bulilau.
Pa-ta-ni, s. A species of sugar-cane.
Pa-te, s. A sheath; an outer garment;
Pa-ta-ni, v. To soften. Hoo. To paint; an apron; a veil; acurtain. Pule. 26:2.
to daub. 2. Anything that defends or wards off;
Pa-LA-NI-OA, 5. a partition; the bones are a defense to the
Pa-La-PA-LA, v. See Pata, to paint; to brain, the ribs to the vitals, &c. Anat. 1.
3. A division; a dividing line; a bound- Pa-Le-Ka-NA, v. To rest; to feel secure
ary line. Puk. 8:19. from danger; to breathe freely, i.e., to feel
4, An interval of time. secure or safe; to be safe, i. e., to have
5. Fie. A convalescent person, i. e., one made an escape. Hal. 119:117.
whose sickness is warded off. Pa-tE-Ka-Na, s. One who has escaped
6. The upper rim sewed to a canoe. from danger or secure from it.
Pa-tz, v. To refuse; to stand in the Pa-LE-Ka-NA, adj. Safe; in a state of
way ; to hinder. safety from danger; escaped from danger;
2. To defend off; to parry, as in the palekana, pau ka makau, pau ka luhi, pau
sword exercise ; to ward off. Nah. 25:8. ka hele ana i ka hana.
3. To strike against; to be opposite to;
to oppose; to resist. 2 Oihl. 29:11. To Pa-te-keE-I-kI1, v. Pale and kezki, child.
fend off a blow, as in boxing. Laieik. 41. To deliver a child; to act the midwife.
4. To make void, as a law; to turn into Pa-LE-KE-I-KI, s. One who acts as a
another meaning from the one designed; midwife ; a midwife. Kin. 38:28.
to misinterpret. Pa-te-La, v. Pale and la, day. To be
5. To render useless ; to fall upon one; idle; to be lazy ; to refuse to work. Puk.
pale ka pono, aohe pono i koe, it is useless, 5:17.
we need not try again. Laieik. 67. Pa-te-La, s. Laziness; indolence.
6. To deliver, as a midwife.
7. Hoo. To resist; to reject; to strive Pa-te-La, adj. Lazy; going about idly;
against. sauntering here and there ; contemptuous.
8. To cover up; to overlay. 1 Oihl. 29:4. Pa-Le-Le, v. Paand lele, separated. To
Pate KA pono. An adverbial phrase. put in another place, as when there is no
Laieik. 140. To refuse obedience to a re- place vacant; e hele a palele wale aku, go
quest; to listen to no advice; to pay ne and put it somewhere else; the same as e
attention to what is right. waiho aku ma kahi e.
Pa-te, adj. Hindering; separating; op- 2. To stammer, as when one tries to
speak and cannot get the word out.
posing. ,
Pa-te-o, v. Pa and leo, voice. To con- Pa-LE-LE, adj. Stammering; he leo pa-
lele; applied also to dropping water.
verse together; to converse together, as
several persons; to utter or express some- Pa-LE-Lu-a, s. The second veil or par-
thing with the voice. tition in the temple of Solomon. Heb. 9:5.
Pa-LE-0-LE-0-A, v. Paand leoleoa, to Pa-te-ma-l, s. Pale and mai. An under-
Pa-LE-0-LE-0-WA, J wish evil. To listen shirt ;lolewawae palemai, drawers.
to vile language; to speak reproachfully Pa-Le-ma-KA, Ss. Pale and maka, face.
of another; to curse another by wishing A veil; a covering for the face. Kin. 38:14.
him dead ; to blackguard. Pa-te-mo, v. To sink down, as into
Pa-LE-o-pu-a, v. To pardon one’s of- water; to. be lost, i. e., to be sunk in the
fenses, as the priest in former times by of- sea or mud. Hal. 69:2. To plunge out of
fering a sacrifice ; e kala, e wailua, e pale- sight.
opud. 2. To move the head up and down, as
Pa-te-v-u1, s. Pale and whi, to cover fighting cocks before they spring at each
up.’ Acovering; aveil; an article of con-
3. Hoo. To cast down; to hurl; to throw.
cealment. Nah. 4:5.
Pa-Le-u-mau-ma, s. Pale and umauma, Pa-te-mo, s. The name of a fish.
the breast. A breast plate; an armor of Pa-Le-naA, s. Pale and ana, a dividing
defense. Isa. 59:17. off. A border or boundary. Ain. 49:13.
Pa-LE-U-MAU-MA-U-NaA-HI, S$. Pale, umau- A dividing line between two parts or
ma and unahi, the scale of a fish. A brig- places.
2. Name of people formerly in Kohala,
andine; an armor of defense; a coat of
a particular class of men under Kameha-
mail. Jer. 51:3. meha, some chiefs, some common people.
Pa-tE-HE, v. To be slack; to be loose;
to hang loosely; to shake; to vibrate; e Pa-LE-NA-Al-NA, 8. Palena and aina,
palehe, e alualu, e oloolo, e haaluea, e po- land. The boundary ofa land. Nah. 33:37.
hemo. See PoLEHELEHE. Pa-LE-PA-LE, s. See Pate 6. The upper
Pa-te-kal, s. Pale and kai, the sea. The rim sewed to a canoe; the lower or first
railing or bulwark of a vessel; a ku iho la one is moe. See PALiPatt.
ma ka palekai, when he stood upon the bul- Pa-LE-PaA-LE, v. See Pate. To defend
wark. off; to separate.
Pa-te-xau-a, $. Pale and kaua, war. Pa-Le-po, s. Pa, fence, and depo, earth.
A shield; defensive armor. 1 Sam. 17:41. An earth fence, i. e., an adobie wall.
Pa-LE-wa-wak, s. Pale and wawae, leg.| Pa-Lo-to, adj. Skilled in language or
Greaves; defensive armor for the legs. in speaking ; fluent; branching ont.
Isa. 9:4. Pa-1o-Lo-Lo, adj. Solid or hard, as the
Pa-u1, s. A precipice; the side of a dirt; he lepo palololo.
steep ravine; a steep hill. Puk. 14:22.) P A-LU, v. To lick; to lap; to lap water
Whatever stands up like a precipice. with the tongue, as a dog. Lunk.7:5. Fie.
Pa-tt, adj. Full of deep ravines or pre- To lick the dust, that is, to be greatly de-
cipitate hills; he aina pali. graded. Isa. 49:23. To destroy, as an en-
Pa-.i-Ka-u-Lu, v. To fall, as heavy rain emy. Nah. 22:4.
and wind down a precipice; to shower Pa-tu, s. The entrails of fish used in
down, as rain and wind; palikaulu ole ka taming fish. ‘
lani. Laieik. 175. 2. The action of an ox’s tongue in eating
Pa-LI-KA-U-LU-0-LE-KA-LA-NI. A phrase grass.
rather than a word, meaning a clear serene 3. An eating up; a devouring. Nah.
sky ; no clouds; all mild above. 22:4.
Pa-ti-ku, s. The name of an ancient 4, Name of a species of fish.
order of priests on Hawaii, who are said to Pa-tu, adj. Soft; gentle; kind; flexi-
have come originally from Paliku, a for- ble. See PaLupa.v.
eign country; another order was called Pa-tu-a, adj. Pa, distributive particle,
Ka Nalu. and lua, two. Double; two-fold; two by
Pa-ti-u1, v. To fear; to be in a tremor. two.
2. To throw up, as on a fence; to throw Pa-tu-a, v. To double; to give two
ashore, as from a boat or canoe. shares ; to dispose of two by two.
Pa-ui-L1, s. Kalo floating up on the Pa-Lu-HEE, v. Palu and hee, to flow.
sides of the patch; the refuse kalo after To soften; to cook so as to be soft; to flow.
the good is taken. Pa-tu-H1, v. Pa and luhi, heavy; fa-
Pa-ui-Lo-a, s. A kind of cloud that lies tigued. To oppress; to tyrannize over.
low near the shore; the same as kakai. Pa-Lu-HI, adj. Oppressed; weary from
Pa-u1-ma, adj. Hana hou i hale palema. labor or exertions.
Pa-.i-Pa-LI1, adj. Steep down hill, or up Pa-Lu-Ka-Lu-Ka, Ss. The name of a fish.
and down; ama kahi palipali i holo kiki See PavHuUHU.
ai ka waa. 2. The slimy matter of stools.
Pa-.i-PA-LI, s. The upper board on the Ps-Lu-xu, v. Pa and luku, to destroy.
side of a canoe to keep the water out. See To strike, as a hammer on an anvil.
PALEPALE. 2. To pound solid, as the bottom of a
Pa-to, v. To live idly; e noho wale; kalo patch with stones.
loea hana ole ka manawa. 3. Fic. To knock down; to overthrow;
2. To act the hypocrite; to be hypocrit- aloha oe, e ka naauao, ka mea nana e pa-
ical. Hoo. The same. luku i na kii.
‘Pa-to-a, s. A kind of fish net; called 4. To beat; to break in pieces, as stones
in the road.
also the upena pakuipai. 5. To beat another.
Pa-too, adv. Thunder without rain; Pa-tu-xu, adv. Heavily; severely, as
thundering only; i kui paloo ka hekili. in striking heavy blows.
Laieik. 178.
Pa-Lu-kKu-LU-kU, v. See Patuxu. To
Pa-Lo-KE, ~ Me Eng. The Hawai- bruise the head ; the same as paopao; to
PA-LO-KE-LO-KE, ian pronunciation of strike; to hit.
the word broke. To break; more gener- Pa-tu-La, s. Art. ke. The leaf of the
ally written poloke and polokeloke. These sweet potato.
words correspond to the Hawaiian words 2. A dish of food made by roasting sweet
naha and hai. See PoLoxe. potato leaves with hot stones.
Pa-Lo-La-Lo-LA, adj. See Lota and Lo- Pa-tu-La, adj. Still; calm; quiet, as
LALOLA. Palsied; helpless; stiff; awkward; in the lull of the wind.
Pa-to-Lo, v. To deceive; to lie; waha- Pa-tu-Le, s. Name of the loose under
garment for men; a shirt; palule onionio.
hee, alapahi; to circumvent.
Puk. 28:4. Abroidered coat; he lole komo
Pa-.o-Lo, s. See the verb. A lie; a de- kane.
ceiving ; false information. 2. Soft cotton or woolen cloth.
Pa-to-Lo, s. Sticky mud; adhesive dirt; Pa-Lu-Lv, v. To resist; to stand against;
hard mud; a whitish clay of the Islands; to oppose. See Koxunv. To refrain from
clay mortar. Puk. 1:14. weeping when one is much affected ; a pa-
Sy ane ia aie eerie ecremecemaneaen ae a leBe eHo9:7 a a ne ee

lulu ae la i kona mau maka imua o ke ana-| Pa-na-pu-A, Ss. Pana and pua, arrow.
ina. Laieik. 194. A shooter of arrows; anarcher. Job. 16:13..
2. To tremble; to shake; to move; to) Py-nar, v. To put one thing in the
cause atremor. _ place of another, i. e., to compensate for
Pa-tu-nu, s. Name of a creeping plant something lost.
like the koali. 2. To giveasubstitute; toredeem. Puk.
Pa-Lu-Ps-Lv, v. See Patv. To be ten- 13:13.
der; to be soft; to be weak; to be flexible. 3. To buy one’s liberty; to pay a re-
2. To be tender either physically or mor- deeming price; to exchange prisoners. Isa.
ally; to be enfeebled, asthe body. 2 Sam. 43:4.
4:1. Ua palupalu ke keiki, the child is fee- 4. To fit one thing to another, as one
ble; ua palupalu kona naau, he is tender piece of cloth to another; to cover up a
hearted. defect, as with a patch.
3. Hoo. To soften; to fatten; to make 5. To stitch together; to splice on.
weak. 6. To graft; e panai aku; the same as
Pa-tu-pa-Lu, s. Tenderness; softness; palcui. ‘
flexibility ;weakness; want of strength. Pa-nal, s. A thing substituted for an-
2. The name of a pa-u colored yellow. other ; a substitute. Nah. 3:41.
Pa-tu-Pa-Lu, adj. Weak; feeble; soft. 2. A ransom; a price paid for redeem-
Kin. 33:13. Pliable; limber; tender. Kani. ing. Jsa. 43:3. Syn. with uku panai.
28:54. Large, fatand weak. See PoLupowv. 3. A surety for one. Kin. 43:9. He poe
panai, hostages. 2 Oihl. 25:24.
Pa-ma, adj. Eng. See Patama. Of or Pa-nal, adj. Closing up an entrance;
belonging to the palm tree. Kanl. 34:3.
Laau pama. See also Puk. 15:27. filling a place wanting; entering the place
of another ; substituted ;redeemed. Nah.
Pa-ma-KE, s. Pa and make, death. 3:49.
Deaths often repeated, as one dies after an- Pa-na-I-0-LE, s. Lit. A shooting of
other as in a time of general sickness ; he mice; an ancient pastime among Hawai-
ola wale no ka mai, aole pamake iki na ians.
kanaka. See PAoa.
Pa-na-I-K1, adv. Diagonally; from cor-
Pa-ma-Loo, adv. See Patoo. Thunder- ner to corner; e opiopi panaiki, the same
ing without rain, especially if the weather as opiopi lepe, to fold up catacornered.
is good; aia a lohe aku kakou i ka hekili Pa-nal-NAl, v. See Pana. ‘To lengthen
kui pamaloo. Laieik. 181. anything out when not long enough; to
Pa-na, v. To shoot out; to shoot, as an piece a thing, as kapa when not broad
arrow. Hal.11:2. The whole form is pana enough; to splice; to lengthen out by
pua. Nah. 21:30. To shoot at; i ole e splicing. See Paxkvrkvt.
aihueia (na iwi) a hanaia i mea pana iole, Pa-navu, v. To be restless; to be un-
that (the bones) might not be stolen and easy ; to act the gad-a-bout; to go about
made into instruments for shooting mice. from house to house or from place to place;
Nore.—Among Hawaiians formerly, the to act; to exert one’s self. Anat. 27.
greatest contempt a person could show of Pa -NAu-A, adj. Weak; frail; applied to
his enemy was, to procure some of his
bones after he was dead, and make them persons or things; nearly synonymous with
maimai; he auwaa panaua la.
into fish-hooks for taking fish or arrow heads
for shooting mice. Pa-nau-E-a, v. To be poor or thin in
2. To snap, as a person snaps with his flesh ; to be very lean.
finger on any substance. 2. To be feeble in walking about.
3. To spread out; to open. 3. To go slowly or carefully.
4. To excite; to raise up; to cast; to Pa-nav-E-A, adj. Thin; poor in flesh;
throw. weak.
5. To give a name or appellation. 2. Slow; tardy; dilatory.
Pa-na, s. The act of shooting an arrow. Pa-Na-KAl, adj. Leaning; crooked;
2. The act of the arrow in flying from the
rough in motion; ke ike nei au ua mimo,
bow to the object. ua panakai ole.
3. A bow to shoot with; a cross bow;}
kanaka pana pua, an archer. 1 Sam. 31:3. Pa-na-LA-au, Ss. A possession of land
He mau mea pana, hunting instruments. out of one’s own place of residence ; holo
Kin. 27:3. o Kamehameha e nana i kona aupuni, ae
4. A portion of land less than an aina. aii kona panalaau, Kamehameha sailed to
See APANA, a piece. look at his kingdom and to eat (enjoy) his
5. The pulse; nawaliwali ka pana, the Seas i. e., receive the fruits or taxes of
pulse is feeble. them.
PAN 45 0 PAN

2. A province; a dependency. Ezer. money gained by putting off payment. Isa.

4:15. 56:11. Waiwai panee. See UkuHOOPANEE.
3. A land gained by conquest; he aina Pa-NE-E-HA, v. Tohaulalong; to drag;
i lilo ma ke kaua. to move slowly.
Pa-na-Le-A, adj. Pleasantly; with pleas- Pa-NEE-NEE, v. To move little by lit-
ure, as in dancing, in practicing the hula; tle; to go ahead; to excel.
me he hula panalea la i haa mai la. Pana- Pa-neE-poo, s. Pane and poo, head. The
lea ka uai kai o Hilo. occiput or hinder part of the head. See
Pa-na-na, v. To row a canoe irregu- PANE.
larly ;to sail crookedly ; to go here and Pa-NE-PA-NE, v. See Pane. To answer
there; to go beyond the place intended; back ; to quarrel; to scold; to be angry;
to exhibit great awkwardness in steering to express anger in words.
a canoe or vessel. Pa-ni, v. See Panat, to put something
Pa-na-Na, s. Pa and nana, to look. A in a vacancy or in the place of something
compass, especially a mariner’s compass. removed. Toclose up an opening; to shut,
2. A pilot; one who directs the sailing as a window; to shut, as the door of a
of a vessel ; he mea kuhikuhi holomoku. house ; as the gate of a city. os. 2:5, 7.
Pa-na-nal, v. To touch or strike softly. To shut off, as the light of the sun; ka
Pa-na-pa-NA, v. See Pana. To snap manu nana e pani kala. Laieik. 175.
with the thumb and finger. 2. To supply a deficiency; to supply a
2. To shoot, as a marble; lealea kamalii vacancy; e panii ka hakahaka, to fill the
i ka panapana hua. breach ; to put one thing in the place of
Pa-NA-PA-NA-NI-AU, S. The name of a another; a paniia iho la ka hilahila ame ka
play or pastime anciently in practice. makau ma ka hakahaka o ka huhu, shame
and fear took the place of anger. Laieik.
Pa-nA-PA-NA-PuU-HI, s. Name of a shell- 203.
fish. 3. Hoo. To close up; to fasten; to muz-
Pa-na-poo, v. Pana, to strike, and poo, zle the mouth. 1 Tim. 5:18.
head. To strike or scratch one’s head. to Pa-ni, s. Art. ke. Something filling a
cause himself to remember something for-
gotten; oia iho la no ka ko’u wahi a pana- vacancy; that which fills or takes the place
poo i noonoo iho ai.
of another person or thing. Nah. 32:14.
2. That which closes an entrance, as the
Pa-neE, v. To open, as the mouth pre- door of a house, the shutter of a window,
paratory to speak. Job. 3:1. To utter; to the gate of a city, the stopper of a bottle,
speak. ° &e. Hal. 24:7. Nui ka poe i make i ke
2. To speak in reply. Puk. 19:19. To pan.
answer; to answer a question. Hin. 44:16. Pa-ni, s. Eng. A pan.
To answer toacall. Job. 5:1.
3. To speak first; to reply back and forth, Pa-ni-a, v. See Pant. Pania is for pa-
as in conversation. niia, to be shut up. Me he mea la i pania
4. To strike upon the ear, as a voice; mai ka waimaka. Laieik. 142.
pane ole, dumb ; silent. Pa-n1-0, v. To spot; to paint i spots;
Pa-ne, s. The joining of the head with to variegate, as colors; to write.
the bones of the neck; he hookuina o ka Pa-ni-o-n1-0, v. See Onto. To print a
iwi poo me ka iwi a-i. See PANEPoo.
kapa in gaudy colors; to variegate in
Pa-NEE, v. Pa and nee, to move along. colors: to dye with different colors, but
To move along; to drive back; to push more or less gaudy.
out; to shove along, as a canoe on the Pa-ni-Ha-Ka, v. Pani and haka, a space.
sand; panee aku la i ka waa i kai, they
To fill a place or vacancy.
pushed off the canoe into the sea; to move
slowly, as in ascending a hill or pali; pa- Pa-ni-Ha-KA, s. A supply of a deficiency;
nee i ka pali. that which supplies something wanting;
2. To wait a little; to delay. more often doubled, thus,
3. To pass away; to be transient; to be Pa-nt-na-KA-HA-KA, v. To filla vacancy;
vanishing. 1 Joan. 2:17. to supply or fill a deficiency ; adverbially,
4, Hoo. To drive back; to thrust at; to in the place of; to supply a deficiency.
push a thing out of its place.
5. To delay; to procrastinate. Kin. 34:19. Kin, 4:25.
To put off the time ; to procrastinate ; hai Pa-ni-Ha-Ka-HA-KA, S. One acting in the
mai oia (o Liholibo) i kona manao e hoo- place of another. Ain. 30:2.
panee aku i ka mihi. Pa-ni-u1, v. Pa and nihi, to turn side-
Pa-NEE, adj. By interest; what is ways. To wound slightly ; to ruff up the
gained for the use of money as interest; skin; to rub over; e mahinu.
AEE Se ee
| EESTI sh echAa eee tite TS eas a
Pa-ni-Ho-Lo-a, s. The name of a kind| Pa-no-pau, s. See Pano. Black streaks
of fish. in the grains of wood.
Pa-ni-k1, s. Coloring matter; a dye for| Pa-no-pa-No, adj. Intensive of pano.
coloring kapas ; wai hoohinuhinu. Thick ; dense, as a cloud; black; glossy
Pa-ni-na, s. The youngest born; the black. Puk.19:9. See Papano. Dark blue;
youngest of a family of children; the young- hence, beautiful; grand; splendidly at-
est child as hiapo is the oldest; ka pokii. tired ; excellent.
2. A breaking off or cutting short. Pa-no-pa-No, Ss. Blackness; a deep blue
3. The pani ana; the shutting up, i. e., color; shining jet blackness.
the pau ana of the hanau ana. Pa-nov, adj. Growing thriftily,as young
Pa-ni-na, adj. Having great cheeks, as plants, while yet young ; pauhu, pohuku.
a man. Pa-nu-Hu-Nu-Hu, s. Name of a species
Pa-nt-ni-0, v. To color or dye with gay of fish. ; pn
colors; to paint or print as the kilohana Pa-pa. A reduplication of the distrib-
was formerly printed. See PANronto. utive particle pa. SeePa. It is often used
Pa-ni-pa-nI, v. See Pant. To strike; as a verb; as, e papa lua, to make two-
to strike back, as an echo; to echo. See fold, to put two together; e papa kolu, e
PINAL papa ha, &e. See Pawva, PaKouu, &e.
2. (A lascivious word.) To prostitute; Pa-pa, s. See Pa, s. Applied to many
to commit adultery for pay ; said to be of substances having a flat, smooth surface, as
Chinese origin by Chamisso. a flat, smooth stone, a board, a plank, a
Pa-ni-pu, s. Pani and pu, a gun. The table, a flat wooden dish, a plate. Puk.
wad of a gun. 39:30. Papa pohaku, a slate ; papa kana-
Pa-ni-pu-KA, s. Pant and puka, an en- wai, tables of the law. Puk. 25:16. Papa
trance. That which closes an entrance; a ai, papa aina, an eating table; papa wili
door of a house; the gate of a city or a ai, a poi board; papa manamana pukapuka,
yard. Neh. 1:3. a grate of net work. Puk. 38:4. A wafer;
a flat cake. Puk. 29:2. Papa konane, a
Pa-ni-pu-KA, s. A beggar, because beg- board for the game of konane. Laieik. 115.
gars often took a seat in the door.
Pa-ni-Pu-Pu, s. Pani and pupu, a bunch. Pa-pa, s. A row; a rank; a company
standing or setting in a row; hence, a mil-
An eye-stone.
itary band; a division of people; a sect;
Pa-no, adj. Black; deep blue; deep an order; papa inoa, a catalogue of names;
dark colored, as heavy clouds; dark, as a particular office, secular or ecclesiastical;
the appearance of a fathomless abyss. a native bornin a place; astory ina build-
Pa-no-a, v. To make dry; to make sol- ing; papa lalo, papa waena, papa luna,
aay asa dry, barren, desolate place. Zep. lower, middle and upper stories of a build-
13 ing. Kin. 6:16.
Pa-no-a, s. A wild desert place; a dry Pa-pa, s. An ancestor some generations
desert. back; a race; a family.
2. A deep place; acavern. See Pano. Pa-pa, s. The wife of Akea or Wakea,
3. A name applied to a woman who can- the fabled mother of the Islands and of
not obtain a husband; or having a hus- men on them. See Oprapa. Na Papa ka
band, is barren and has no children. haku akea o Lono.
Pa-no-a, adj. Dry; applied to a place Pa-pa, s. A species of fish; a small
parched with drought, without water, where crab, a species of the paiea.
no vegetable grows, where no seed will 2. A term used in relation to a fish net.
vegetate. 3. A scab; a shell; a slice or piece;
Pa-no-a-No-u, v. To be wet in spots, papa kalo, a piece of kalo; papa ipu, a
i. e., damp, as earth, and dry in spots; e piece of melon.
huli mau ia, e loli ia, e ku e kuu. 4. Name of a species of soft stone.
Pa-no-E-A, adj. Dilatory; slow. Pa-pa, s. Name of a certain class of
Pa-noo-noo, v. To be without fish, as Kamehameha’s laws.
the sea beach; panoonooia kahakai e ka Pa-pa, v. To prohibit; to forbid. Nore,
lawaia moku ke alii. The language or the words of the prohibi-
Pa-no-no-no, s. That which is full of tion generally follow. To rebuke; to re-
holes or cracks. prove. Kin. 37:10. To adjure; to request
Pa-no-No-Nno, adj. Full of holes; full of in strong terms. Nah. 11:28.
2. To erect a shade or screen to prevent
eracks. See Hanonono and HANONANONA.
the light or heat of the sun. See Papat, s.
Pa-no-pav, adj. See Pana. Black; so 3. To shine, as the sun, i. e., to create
black as to have a gloss; glistening black. light and heat.
Pa-pa, adj. Perhaps old; ancient; 121. A screen; a roof on all sides; a
former times. slight slender house or shed.
Pa-paa, v. Pa and paa, tight. To hold 2. A species of crab-fish.
3. He kikalapai, he pananai, he papa.
tight; to refuse to give up.
2. Used for paapaa, to be dry; to be Pa-pal, v. Pa and pai, to strike. To
parched, as the tongue with thirst. Isa. smite with the open hand ; to strike.
41:17. 2. Tostrike gently; to touch. Kin. 32:25.
3. To burn;. to burn freely; to be burnt 3. To thatch a house or building with
up; to be consumed ; e welawela. grass. Nore.—In the act of thatching,
Pa-paa, adj. Tight; secure, as an in- Hawaiians in drawing the string tightly
around a handful of grass give it a blow
closure of any kind. with the leftehand.
2. Storing; securing; kulanakauhale pa- 4. To drive off or expel a tenant from
pad, a store city. 2 Oihl. 8:6. his house and land; to drive off; to ban-
3. Strong; fenced, as acity. Puk. 1:11. ish; a common punishment in former times
Hale papaa, a store-house. for real or imaginary offenses.
Pa-paa, s. Anything hard or compact; 5. To make a solemn promise; to take
as. papaa lepo, a clod. Job. 7:5. an oath; e hoohiki ma ka ae ana; e pai na
Pa-pa-al-NA, S. Papa, table, and aina, lima, ae na waha, the hands strike, the
eating. A table. Puk. 25:23. An eating mouths ‘assent.
table. Pa-par-a, s. A foreign word. The cus-
Pa-pa-a-KAl, v. To wither, as a vegeta- tard apple; the pawpaw; the carica papaya;
ble; to bear no fruit; to dry up; to be ka milikani, ka hei.
killed by insects. Pa-pat-a-a-wa, s. A form of worshiping
2. To be white on the surface like a salt the gods. See PAKIKI.
pond; to become white, as salt granulating. Pa-pat-a-wa, v. To clap the hands while
Pa-PA-A-KA-HI, S. Papa and akahi, one; singing and praising the gods; i kela wa,
first. The first border or rank. papaiawa ae la o Aiwohikupua me kona
Pa-pa-A-KE-A, S. The name of the soft mau kaukaualii. Laieik. 109.
white stone above Lahainaluna. PA-PAI-E-U.
Pa-pa-a-LA, S. The hot season; a time Pa-pai-o, v. To set up the akua maka-
of drought; a time of famine; a time of no hiki (the year god) and carry him off; pa-
rain when all is parched with the sun; ka paio ia ke akua a hele aku.
wa ua ame ka papaala. Pa-pal-Ho, v. To set up above; to fix
Pa-pa-a-Lu-a, adv. Doubly; two to- up on high; e kau iho maluna iho.
gether; two by two. Kin. 7:15. See Pa- Pa-pal-La-Nal, Ss. ‘The name of a species
LUA. of small crab.
Pa-pa-a-NA, v. To be quick, as in gain- Pa-pa-I-nNA, v. Pa and paina, to eat.
ing strength after sickness ;papaana oe i To eat; to eat upon a table.
ka nui, you have grown fleshy quickly; to 2. To break, as glass or crockery; to be
hasten. Hal. 22:19. brittle.
2. To be at ease; to rest; to breathe 3. To crack, as the joints of the fingers.
freely. 4. To squeak, as new shoes. See UINA.
3. To escape from danger.
4, To overcome; to conquer. Pa-pa-1-na, s. The sound of small mate-
5. Tolayakapu; to prohibit. See Papa. rials in breaking or cracking.
6. To govern; to establish laws. 2. The noise made in eating.
Pa-pa-a-na, adj. Resting; confiding; 3. The sound of the feet in walking.
4. The ticking of a watch.
comfortable ; satisfied; overcoming diffi-
culties. Pa-pa-I-na, adj. That which may easily
Pa-pa-a-Poo, s. The name of the com- be broken; brittle.
pany of men sent out first from an army to Pa-par-pa, adj. Pressed full.
plunder, to commit murder, steal men, &c.; Pa-pa-I-Pu, adj. See Papaiev. Barren;
understood as a commencement of hostili- nothing in the calabash, especiall
no fish.
ties and a declaration of war. Pa-pal-wa-LE, s. Papai, to strike, and
Pa-paa-pu, v. To wound; to hurt; to wale. A striking ; a smiting ; a method of
make a sore. killing in former times. :
Pa-PAA-BE-RE-NA, S. Papaa and berena Pa-pa-o, v. Pa and pao, to dig. To
(Eng.), bread. A wafer. Othk. 8:26. break in; to thrust in; to lay together.
2. To fill up; to cram wood into an oven.
Pa-pal, s. See Papa, shade. A tempo-
rary partition of a house; a house or room Pa-pa-o-HE, s. A fish, a species of akule.
for playing a game; papai kilu. Laieik. Pa-PA-0-KO-LE, Ss. See PAPAKOLE.
Pa-pa-o-No, adj. Papa and ono, six. Four by four; four times; by fours. See
See Paono. By sixes; six by six; six-fold. Pana. Ezek. 1:6.
Hoik. 4:8. Pa-PA-HE-HI, Ss. Papa, board, and hehi,
Pa-pau, v. Pa and pau, to be all; to be to tread upon. The floor of a house; the
entire. To be deeply engaged in thought; boards to be trod on.
1 Nal. 6:15.
to engage with all the powers of the mind Pa-pa-H1, adj. Of or belonging toa kind
in some research ; to have full confidence of lei; as, lei papahi.
in. Pa-PA-Ho-I-KE, s. Papa and hoike, to
2. Hoo. To be fully engaged; to be all show. <A table of witness or testimony to
in earnest ; to give the whole attention of an agreement.
heart and mind. 1 Oihl. 22:19. Pa-pa-Ho-La, $s. Papa and hola, spread
3. To be entire; to be alton or out. The front of a heiau, in other cases
chiefly engaged in some pursuit; e hoopa- called a kahua, i. e., mostly an artificial
pau hoi ma kahanamaikai. Hoopapau iho level place on which the heiau was built,
la ke alii ma ka aie, the king’s great busi- but containing a greater surface than the
ness was to get into debt. Hoopapau loa building ; hence, a court; a yard in front
oia ika inu i ka rama, he drank rum with ofatemple. 2 Nal. 1:2.
all his might.
4. To fill up; toraise up a heap; to suck Pa-PA-HO0O-LE-wa-LE-wa, Ss. Name of a
in and fill up the mouth with water like a species of fish net.
fish. Pa-pa-Hu-Lu-1, s, Name of a species of
5. To be shallow, as water; to flow off, fish net; he papahului, oia no ka upena o
as the sea at low tide, leaving the water on na ia ku.
the rocks shallow; to be at low tide; e kai Pa-pa-Kal, s. A narrow escape of a
make; a papau ae la ka Pele ma Oahu, canoe landing in the surf.
alaila lele oia i Maui; a papaw hou iho la Pa-pa-Kau-A, Ss. Name of a division of
ma Haleakala, lele hou oia i Kilauea, when an army on going into battle.
Pele’s dominions became shallow on Oahu
(i. e., when burnt down near to the level Pa-Pa-KAU-KAU, S. An eating table.
of the sea), then she leaped over to Maui; Pa-PA-KA-NA-LI-MA, adv. By fifties; fifty
and when she became shallow again at Hale- inacompany. 1 Nal. 18:4.
akala, she again jumped over to Kilauea. Pa-pa-KE-A, S. Papa and kea, white.
Pa-pau, s. Shallowness; littleness ; no That part of the sea beach washed by the
depth, as water. high tide and not by the low, i. e., if the
2. A ford of a river. Kin. 32:22. Few- sand be white.
ness. Mat. 13:15. 2. The action of the ocean current against
3. With make, a graveyard. See Papav- the wind, when the waves stand up; he
MAKE. kupikipikio.
Pa-pau, adj. Shallow, as water; not Pa-PA-KEE-HA-NA, S. A floor. 1 Nai.
deep ; kahi papau, a fording place. 6:30.
Pa-pau-a, v. Tocompel persons to hard Pa-PA-KE-LE-A-WE, S. Papaand keleawe,
bondage ; to weary them day by day with copper. Copper plates used in sheathing
severe labor; to make hard-working slaves ships.
of people. Pa-pa-Ko-a, S. Boards made from the
Pa-pau-a, s. Name ofa species of shell- koa tree.
fish ; ano o ka pipi noloko o ke kai. 2. Papa, row, and koa, soldier. A rank
or company of an army. Oih. 10:1.
Pa-pa-U-KI-U-k1, s. The name of a very
fierce strong wind; makani ikaika pukiki. Pa-pa-Ko-LE, Ss. The hip bone; the hip;
the joining of the hip bone with the socket
Pa-pa-v-kt-u-k1, v. To blow fiercely, as bone; ka hookuina o ka iwi uha me ka iwi
a strong wind; ua papaulciulci ka makani. ka; the os innominatum.
Pa-pau-ku, v. See Papapauru. To be Pa-pa-Ko-LE-A, v. To rise; to stand up,
all; to be entire; to be entirely in the cir- as water in a current of the sea; e kupiki-
cumstances mentioned; a papaukceu wale ka pikio. See Papakea.
lukuna, the slaughter was thorough and en- Pa-pa-Ko-LI, s. See Papaxorte. The
tire. hip; the loins. Dan. 5:6.
Pa-pavu-Ma-KE, s. A graveyard; a bury- Pa-pa-ku, s. A disease attended with
ing ground; ke ku la na kii eluai ka pa-
paumake. See Kupapau, entire costiveness and always fatal.
Pa-pa-u-nu, v. To fill up; to cram Pa-Pa-ku-KI-a, 8. Papa, ku and kia, a
down ; to push in. mast. The mast of a ship.
2. That which strengthens a mast. Isa.
Pa-pa-HA, adj. Papa and ha, four. 33:23,
Pa-pa-ku-ku-1, s. A species of fish. Pa-pa-Li-NA, S. Papa and lina, soft.
Pa-pa-La, v. Not to be able to sound; The side of the face; the cheek. Kanl.
to emit sound with difficulty ;to make a 18:3. He wahi palahalaha malalo o ka
hoarse sound ; to be hoarse. maka ma na aoao o ka ihu.
Pa-pa-La, adv. Hoarsely; like a hoarse Pa-pa-LI-NA-NU-I, adj. Large, fleshy and
person ; kani papala mai la hoi, ua uweka weak.
nei. Pa-pPa-Lo-LE, adj. Slovenly done.
Pa-pa-La, s. The name of a tree. Pa-pa-Lu, v. To bind up; to dress, as
2. Bird lime, a sticky material by which a wound.
birds are canght; he kepau kapili manu. 2. To hide; to put out of sight; to cover
Pa-pa-La, adj. Heavy, as a back-load. u
2. O ka lahui a ka ipo ahi papala. Py To go off and hide one’s self.
Pa-pa-La-Au, Ss. Papa, flat, and laau, 4. To be soft; to be defective; to be
rotten ; popopo.
timber. A board; a plank; o ka papalaau
ka mea kui poi. Pa-pa-Lu, s. An oceasional dress when
Pa-pa-La-o-a, s. A smooth kind of cloud employed in dirty work that would injure
a common dress.
indicating rain or wind, from its resembling 2. A dress different from the pa-u.
the fish palaoa. 3. An apron. Kin. 3:7.
Pa-Pa-LA-LE, v. To do awkwardly or 4, The principal covering garment, or
unskillfully; to have things all out of place. covering of a person.
Pa-PA-LA-LE, adj. Awkward; unskill- Pa-pa-Lu-a, v. Papa and lua, two. To
ful; unthinking ; unreflecting ; inexpert. double ; to put two things together of the
Pa-pa-La-Lo, $s. Papa, board, and lalo, same kind.
below. The lower story of a house. Kin. 2. To be double. Hal. 68:17. To be two-
6:16. fold. Kin. 41:32. See Parva.
2. The floor of a house. Nah. 5:17. Pa-pa-Lu-a, s. Papa, story of a house,
Pa-pa-LE, v. Paand pale, to defend off. and lua, two. The second story or floor of
To be out of place; to put together unskill- a building. Kin. 6:16.
fully. See PAPALALE. Pa-pa-Lu-s, dist. adv. See Patua. Two
2. To have or to put on a hat or bonnet. by two; two-fold; two at a time; doubly;
Ezek. 44:16. in pairs, &c. Kin. 6:20.
3. Metaphorically, to cover up ; to hide; Pa-pa-mAv, adj. Creaking; grating, as
ua ulu kou nani a papale maluna o kou the friction of one thing against another.
kaikuaana. Laieik. 196. See Erma.
Pa-pa-LE, s. Pa and pale,a defense. A Pa-Pa-MA-NA-MA-NA, S. Papa and mana-
hat; a cap; a bonnet; any covering for mana, branching. A grate; a grating.
the head. Puk. 27:4.
2. A chapiter for the top of a pillar. 2
Oihl. 3:15. Pa-pa-mu, s. The name of the board on
3. Ashovel. Puk. 27:3. Papale hainika, which the game konane is played.
amitre. Puk. 28:4. Papale kahuna, a mitre. Pa-pa-na, v. Papa and ana. To be
Oihk. 8:9. Papale laa, a holy crown. Puk. quick ; to be smart; to do things readily.
39:30. 2. To be boasting ; to be proud of one’s
Pa-pa-LE-A-LiI, s. Papale, hat, and alii, own doings.
chief. A crown; a distinguishing head Pa-pa-na, s. Haste; quickness in ac-
dress of a king. Hoik. 6:2. Same as lei- complishing an object.
Pa-Pa-LE-Ka-PU, S. A cap. Pa-pa-NE, v. Pa and pane, toreply. To
scold; to chide; to be angry; to answer
Pa-pa-LE-LAA, Ss. Papale and laa, conse- back provokingly. |.
‘crated. A holy or consecrated crown. Puk.
39:30. Pa-pa-NI, v. See Pant, to stop up. To
Pa-Pa-LE-NA, v. Papale and ana. 'To shut, as an opening ; to close; to shut up.
put out of order: to displace; to doa thing
Isa. 66:9.
2. To shut, as a door or other shutter.
awkwardly. See Papate, v.
Kin. 7:6.
Pa-pa-ti-ma, adv. See Pata. By 3. To hide; to conceal; to veil; to put
fives ; five by five ; five in company. out of sight.
Pa-pa-Li-ma, v. Papa, to strike, and 4. To close or stop, as the ears. Oth.
lima, hand. To touch or join hands, as in 0:57.
confirming a bargain, or as the sign of an 5. To hide; to close the eyes. Puk. 3:6.
agreement; as in English, to shake hands 6. To shut up one, as if sick or infected.
upon it. Oihk. 13:4.
7. To hold fast; to bind; to hinder one tween. The middle story of a building of
from doing a thing. three stories. Kin. 6:16.
8. To turn on the hinges, as a door. Pa-Pa-wa-HA-Nu-l, s. Taking fish with
Pa-Pa-nI, adj. Shutting out; parting a long net; o ka upena ka mea hana i pa-
off, as a partition: closing up. pawahanui.
Pa-pa-no, adj. See Pano and Pano- Pa-PA-WI-LI, s. Papa, board, wili,
PANO. Thick; black; glossy bhack. Pa-PA-WI-LI-Al, } to mix, and ai, food. A
Pa-PA-No-a-Nno-a, s. Any substance full board for mixing food; a poi board; a
of holes or cracked; he hanonanona, he very flat tray on which poi is pounded; a
panonono. kneading trough. Puk. 12:34.
Pa-pa-noo, adj. See Pano and Parano. Pa-Pa-BE-RE-NA, S. Papa and berena
Dark colored ; black. as a black cloud. (Eng.), bread. Flat cakes. Kin. 18:6.
Pa-pa-No-NA-No-NA, adj. Thick together; Pa-pa-Gu-La, 8. Papa and gula (Eng.),
collected ; laid up in store; rising up; gold. A plate of gold. Puk. 28:36.
standing together. Pa-pa-ral, 8. Pa, pan, and paraz (Eng.)
Pa-pa-pa, s. A kind of food; beans, for farai, to fry. A frying-pan. Oihk. 2:7.
from the flat pods; also applied to purslain. Pa-pi-o, adv. Pa and pio, an arch.
Pa-pa-pa, adj. Low; broken down; Lying face downward with nothing for the
flat and smooth, as the smooth surface of belly to rest on,*for the purpose of enlarg-
lava. ing the belly; e moe papio, e huli ilalo ke
Pa-pa-Pa-I-na, s. Papa and paina, to alo i nui ka opu.
eat. An eating table; a table. 1 Kor. Pa-pi-o-pI-0, s. Name of a fish like the
10:21. ; ulua; perhaps the young of the ulua.
Pa-pa-pav, v. Papa, a double redupli- Pa-pi-p1, s. The prickly pear.
cation of pau, all. To put all together in Pa-po-HA-ku, s. Pa, fence, and pohaku,
one ; to sum up together. stone. Stones laid into a wall; a stone
2. To consider all alike or all as in one wall. Nah. 35:4.
condition; mai papapaw na kanaka i ka 2. Name of a kind of soft stone.
make, nearly all the people died, i.e., they
were nearly alled by death. Pa-pu, s. A plain; a level piece of
3. To be all together in one place; mai ground of considerable extent. Nah. 36:13.
papapau iho kakou ia nei, let us not all stay 2. Pa, wall, and pu, gun. A gun fence,
in this place. i. e., a fort; he pa kaua.
4. To bring to an end, as the end of life; Pa-pu, v. To explain; to make clear;
the same as e pau ke aho, or e mamake, to to converse freely.
cause to die or perish together. Pa-pu, adv. Fully; wholly covered;
Pa-pa-pau, adj. All together; con- established ; plainly; clearly.
sumed; finished ; entirely at an end; all Pa-pu-a, v. Pa, to throw (see Pa 5),
dead. and pua, an arrow. To cast or throw an
Pa-pa-Pa-La-0-A, s. Papa and palaoa for arrow, a pastime or exercise for men,
falaoa (Eng.), flour. A cake; a wafer; a women and children; name of a game
flat loaf of bread. Jer. 7:18. played in former times.
Pa-pa-PA-LA-Pa-LA, s. Papa and pala- Pa-pu-HE-a, s. A mist; fine rain; a fog.
pala, a writing. A writing table. Luk. 2. A gray head; a gray headed person.
1:63. A writing desk. ‘
Pa-pa-Po-HA-KU, s. Papa and pohaku, Pa-pu-HE-NE, s. A row of men ina cer-
stone. A board on which food or poi is tain game. See PUHENEHENE. O na hewa
pounded ; the pestle is made of stone ; he kahiko, o ka hula, o ka pili, 0 ka papuhene
pohaku kui ai; the board or thick plank is kekahi; he lealea ino o ka papuhene i
ka po.
slightly hollowed out like a very flat tray.
See Kurar and Papawi.ial. Pa-pu-ro, s. The Egyptian papyrus.
2. A row or tier of stones. Ezer. 6:4. Job. 8:11.
3. A slate ; a stone for writing on. Pa-wa, s. A garden; a cultivated patch
4, A table of stone. Kanl. 5:19. of ground.
Pa-pa-pu, v. Papa and pu, together. 2. The sky; the blue expanse of the
See Papapav. To do all together; to do
all alike ; a lele mai kekahi poe o kakou, 3. The breaking of the dawn; ka wahi
& papapu mai mamuli o ke kumu. awa 0 ke alaula; the period early in the
morning ; Kani ana ka bele i ka wanaao, i
Pa-pa-pu, s. Papa and pu, a gun. A ka wehe ana 0 ka pawa o ke ao. A ike ke
row or tier of guns. kahuna, ua moku Ka pawa o ke ao.
Pa-pa-waE-NA, Ss. Papa and waena, be- 4. A watch; a period of time ; a partic-
PAT, 456 PEA |
ular time of the twenty-four hours. 1 Sam.
(Eng.), thousand. By thousands; a thou-
ube sand fold. Kanl. 1:11.
5. Some early part of the morning dawn.| Pe, adv. Thus; so; as; in this way;
Pa-waa, s. Wildness ; fearfulness, like it is often prefixed to la, nei and ia; as,
that of an untamed animal; rudeness; in- pela, thus, so; penei or peneia, like this,
civility of uncultivated persons. 4 thus ;peia, this way, like it, &. It also
Pa-waa, adj. Wild; rude; rough in stands by itself, especially in asking ques-
habits and manners; untamed, as an ani- tions, as, pe keia? Liho la an, pe keia? I
mal. said, how is this? Pekeia are sometimes
Pa-wal, s. Pa and wai, water. Lit. A written together, signifying as this, thus,
after this manner, &c.
water plate. A watering trough for cattle.
Kin. 30:38. Pz, v. To anoint; to apply odoriferous
Pa-wal-I-Nu, s. Pawai as above, and ointment.
2. Hoo. To anoint; to pour on odorifer-
inu, to drink. A drinking trough for cat- ous ointment.
tle. Kin. 30:41. ‘3. Fie. To scent, i. e., to give tone and
Pa-war-na, s. Pa, fence, and waina, character to one’s life; applied also to the
grapes. A vineyard. soul; o ke kupaoa ia e hoope ai na uhane.
Pa-wao, v. To see with indistinctness; See Kupaoa.
to be uncertain ; to be it doubt. Pe, v. To humble; to crush; to pound
Pa-wa-L1, adj. See Puaut. Crooked; fine. See PEPE.
deceitful ; unjust ; perverse.
Pe, adj. Broken or flatted down; de
Pa-wa-pa-wa, adj. Fat; plump; mus- pressed; crushed. /
cular ; with shaking or rolling muscle.
Pa-wa-pa-wa, s. Fatness; muscular Ps-a, v. To make a cross; to set up
fleshed; roundness; i ka pawapawa haahaa timbers in the form of a cross; to make
onikiniki. four arms or four prominent points; to be
opposed to.
Pa-we-o, v. See Pawaa. To be wild; 2. Hoo. To accuse through envy. Mat.
to be untamed; to express rudeness; to be 27:18. To punish for little or no crime;
uncivilized ; to make blunders in every- ame ka hoopea wale o ka poe koikoii ka
thing attempted; to turn askance, as the poe liilii, and the great accused (punished)
eyes; to turn away the eyes. Lateik. 71. the small.
To be displeased with; a ike mai la o Poki 3. To be in bonds; to suffer, as a pris-
ia ia, paweo ae la kona maka ia ia. oner. ol. 4:3. To bind one’s hands be-
Pa-we-HE, adj. A kind of spotted mat hind his back or to a post; ua peaia kona
made on Niihau ; moena pawehe. mau lima i kona kua, no ka aihue.
Pa-we-Lv, s. Pa and welu,arag. Any 4. To be bound or restrained from pro-
worthless thing, as opala, pahola and pa- ducing an effect. 2 Tim. 2:9. Hou aku la
welu; anything useless, valueless or of no ika huluika inika, kakau iho la, pea ae
account; ua hoolilo i ka olelo a ke Akua i la no, o kohu hele.
pahola, a i pawelu, i mea ole, i mea lapu- Ps-a, s. The extremity of a village or
wale. settlement; mai kela pea a i keia pea, from
Pa-wi-w1, v. Pa, fence, and wiwi, slim. one end of the settlement to the other end.
To make a very tall, high fence so as to be 2. The name of one of the six houses of
weak. the ancient Hawaiians; he hale pea, oia
Pa-wi-w1, s. A tall, slim, weak fence. kekahi hale. See Hate. E panii ka puka
Pa-ral, v. Eng. To fry. Othk. 7:12. o ka pea kapu, to shut the door of the pea
The word should be written with f instead kapu, sacred house. JLdieik. 167.
of p, thus: farai or ferai. 3. The sail of a canoe or ship.
4. The extreme end of a leaf of a tree.
Pa-ra-Bo-LE, s. Eng. from Gr. A par- 5. A flying kite ; he lupe hoolele.
able; an enigmatical discourse; he olelo 6. The ground of offense; an entangle-
nane. ment in law; a difficulty.
Pa-RA-DAT-S0, ) 5, Gr, Paradise; ahappy 7. The name of a many-pronged fish in
Pa-RE-DAI-So, garden; a happy place. the ocean ; he mea ola manamana maloko
Pa-RA-DI-so, Luk, 23:43. o ka moana.
8. He hale koko. See HALEPEA.
Pa-so-a, s. Hng. The passover; the 9. The excrements of men; the place
name of a feast of the Jews in commemora- where they are thrown.
tion of the passing of the Angel of Death 10. A cross or timbers put cross-wise
over them when he slew all the first born thus , formerly placed before the heiaus
of the Egyptians. Puk. 12. as a sign of kapu (taboo); e kau pea, to
Pa-Tau-sa-NnI, adv. Pa and tausani place in the form of a cross. See Kea.
Pe-a, adj. Filthy; unclean; kapa pea. the same as the amuhe or enuhe. 2 Oihl.-
Isa. 64:6. Welu pea, a menstruous cloth. 6:28. A caterpillar perhaps.
Isa.30:22. Defiled; haumia; belonging to PeE-PEE, Ss. A kind of sea moss.
menstruation. See Haterea and KapaPEa. Prx-PEE-a-KU-a, Ss. The play of hide
Ps-ao, v. To roll up, as a piece of and seek.
paper. PEE-PEE-KU-E, adj. See Peexve. Thick,
Pe-a-u1, s. The bones of the hand dis- &c. See Manoa.
tinct from the arm; e malama i kona mau Pee-po-ul, v. Pee and poli, bosom. To
iwi ame na peahi lima. be or to lie in the bosom, as a child.
2. The open hand; an open hand as a PEE-PEE-PU-E-0.
symbol of power. Hal. 44:3. Pet, adv. ‘Thus; so; as follows, &c. ;:
- 3. Afan. Mat. 3:12. The sign or pic-
ture of a fan marked on anything ; he pe- alaila, manao iho la au pei, then I thought
ahi ko kona poe kanaka, oia 0 lakou hoai- thus ; kauoha ia pei ia kakou i nalaSabati
lona; ua kakauia ma ko lakou papalina. a pau, he charged us thus on every Sabbath
4. A gentle fanning breeze; a soft wind, day.
as though made with a fan; he koaniani. Pe-1, v. To lift up; to raise up; e ha-
Pe-a-H1, v. To fan; to sweep; to brush; pai, e kaikai.
to make wind with a fan. Pe-1-a, adv. Pe and ia, it. Thus; like
2. To motion or beckon to one with the it; after this manner. Syn. with penei,
hand or otherwise. peneia, menei, keia, meia, &c. E like me
3. To make signs with the hand. See ka moa e hoouluulu ana i kana mau keiki
Kunov. malalo o kona mau eheu, peia no hoi keia
Pr-a-HI-LI-mA, s. The palm of the hand. kula nui.
See Peanut. A hand’s breadth. Ezek. 40:5. Per-rPEI, v. See Pet. To rouse up; to
Pr-a-PE-A, v. See Pea, v. To get into stir up one to duty; to excite to action; to
a difficulty; to quarrel; to be opposed to ; cast off sluggishness.
to be entangled. PEI-PEI, adj. Exciting; stirring up;
2. To be crossed together; to be braided
or woven, as mats. —
PE-PEI, rousing to action. See the verb.
He manao peipei no keia ia kakou.
Pr-a-PE-a, adj. Difficult; perplexed ;
entangled; twisted ;braided or woven to- Pr-o, s. A house with a rounding roof.
gether. Pe-o, adj. Round; rounding; globular,
Ps-a-pe-A, s. Water made dirty by Pr-o-PE-0, adj. Round; roundish; with-
washing fish or other things. out angles or corners.
2. The crossing of slats, as in verandas, PrE-v, v. To throw up; to turn up,
at an oblique angle.
Kohola i ka peapea,
PE-PE-U, } as a hog turns or throws up
Koele iho lena kahakai—e— his nose in rooting; hence, applied to any-
Lena kohola i ka peapea ike, thing of that motion.
Holo ia ole ia ka heka, 2. To hunch or touch for the purpose of
Kaheka Hilo ma ka ua, attracting attention.
He makaha ua i ka lani.
Ps-A-PE-A-A-HI, v. See Pant. Tosweep; | PE-v, tf Words often used in las-
to brush a floor, asin former times, by strik-
PE-PE-U, civious meles.
ing a kapa down upon it. Pr-u-PE-u, v. To make frequent and
2. To fan; to cool; to cause a wind. many tracks. See MEHEU.
3. To flap the wings, as a bird in flying. Pr-u-rE-U, adj. Tracked or trodden, as
Pe-g, v. To hide away from some per- through the grass.
son; to run and hide; to conceal one’s
self. Kin.3:8. To flee away. Pu, 21:13. Ps-va, v. To meet together; to unite;
Ke hoolohe nei ua kanaka la e pee ana i ka to kiss. See Meva and Mev.
olelo. See Havreerer. Kakali na kanaka| Pe-va, adj. Uniting; joining; adher-
i kahi a lakou i pee ai, the people staid in ing.
the place where they hid. Pe-u-Ta, s. Eng. Pewter; tin. Nah.
PrE-o-nE, S. Pee, to hide, and one, sand. 31:22. See Piura and Pricna.
A species of crab that burrows in the sand. | Pr-ne, adv. See Pe, as, in this manner,
Per-xu-£, adj. Thick, as a plank or and Hk, indefinite article. AS &; 80 as;
board; manoanoa, makolukolu; no ka piha like as. See MEHE.
o kona poo ina kahiko peekue o kamanao. |Ps-neE, s. A snare; a kind of trap for
Pee-tu-a, s. Pee and Zwa, hole. A spe- catching owls. See Peneapruzo. Pehe ma
cies of worm destructive to vegetation; ke kino.
PE-HE-A, adv. inter. Pe, as, and hea, 2. To calumniate another for self ad-
how? In what manner? how? why? what? vancement ; to detract; to find fault with
PE-HE-A, v. See the adverb above. ‘Io one.
3. To be hard in dealing with one.
ask how or in what manner a thing was
done ; to inquire how a person is; alaila, PE-KA-PE-KA, Ss. Slander; detraction;
pehea iho la kela? pane mai la ia, pehea saying hard things of one. '
hoi, then that person asked how itt was Ps-Ka-PE-KA, adj. Slanderous; reviling;
done? he answered, how indeed. calumnious; stingy; close; parsimonious.
PE-HE-A-PU-E-0, s. See PEHE, snare, A, Pe-KE, adj. Short. See Poxo. Low;
of, for,and Puro,owl. A snare or trap for not tall; poupou.
catching owls. PE-KE-KEU, s. The wing of a fowl. See
Pr-HE-u, adj. Pe and heu, soft; flexi- EKEKEvU and EHEv.
ble. Soft and flabby, as flesh; soft and 2. The fin of a fish. Oihk. 11:9.
tough ; vibrating to and fro. PE-KE-PE-KE, adj. See Pexe. Short;
2. Webbed, as the foot of a duck or goose; low.
he peheu ke kapuai 0 ke koloa ame ka nene. Pe-x1, v. To send one off in haste on
PE-HE-v, s. The wing of a bird. See an errand ; to send away. «
Euevu. The fin of a shark; a flipper of a Ps-xu, v. To kick with the foot. See
turtle; the brim of a hat. See PELELEv.
Kereu!. Elua peku ana me ka wawae, he
Pr-HE-U-HE-U, adj. Soft; spongy; flex- kicked him twice with his foot; to kick, or
ible, as the muscle of the calf of the leg or to act as one about to kick; he keehi uuku
of the thigh. me he mea hoowahawaha la; applied to a
2. Plump or swollen, as the neck -in horse or a man.
mumps; a-i peheuheu. PE-KU-A.
3. Whiskered ; having large whiskers.
Ps-n1, v. To pelt with stones; to throw Pr-ku-PE-kU, v. Frequentative. To kick
stones at. Puke. 21:18. To shoot, as an
arrow. Hal. 18:14. Syn. with pana. To Pe-ta, v. To tie up a bundle for a pil-
throw any missile at one; to threaten to low of pulu. See PELAMOE.
stone, as a criminal. 1 Sam. 30:6. See 2. To be unclean; to be filthy; to emit
Nov, Krerar and Pana. E pehi i ka ulu, to stench. See PELAPELA.
throw the maika stone. 3. To be thus, that is, after the manner
PeE-Hu, v. To swell, as any part of the specified; to be done as before mentioned.
See the adverb.
body from injury or disease. Kanl. 8:4.
Hoo. To cause a swelling. Nah. 5:2. Pe-.a, adv. See Pe, thus, so, and La,
2. To swell, i. e., to inerease in size gen- particle of place. Thus; in that manner.
erally ; to enlarge. See Upesu and UPE- It always refers to a past transaction or
HUPEHU. something absent as penei does to some-
Pe-uu, s. A swelling; a blain; a boil. thing present. Pelaiono, adverbial phrase,
so be it; amen.
Oihk. 13:2. Pehu nui, a great swelling.
2. The name of a game; 0 ka pehu ma Pe-ta, s. Bones burnt for manure to
ka hale. enrich the ground; he a ahi i kipuluia, he
Pe-nv, adj. Swollen; enlarged; mai hoomomona i ka lepo.
2. The putrid flesh and bowels of the
pehu, the dropsy. See UPEHUPEHU.
dead body of a chief after the bones were
Pr-nu-a. See PExua. separated ; the mass was thrown into the
PrE-Hu-a-KoA, S. The name of a kind of sea.
kapa, colored with the bark of the koa tree. Pe-La-mo-E, Ss. Pela,a pillow, and moe,
Pr-nu-pa-LA, s. Pehu, swollen, and pala, to lie down. A pillow for the comfort of
soft. Ascab; the name ofa disease. Han. sleeping. See PELA, v.
Pe-La-NE, adj. Heb. Of or belonging to
Pr-HU-PE-HU, adj. See PEnu. Swollen; chestnut; na laau pelane, chestnut rods.
enlarged. See UPEHUPERU. Kin. 30:37.
Pr-xa, adj. A false interpretation in PE-LA-PE-LA, v. See Peta 2. To be de-
trading ; favoring one’s self. filed; to be unclean; to stink; to emit a
Pr-xa, v. See Paka. To teach one spe- bad smell. See Eka, Havexa, Karka and
cifically something to say or do. PAUPAU.
Pe-xaa, s. Name of a fruit like a bean; Pr-LA-PE-LA, Ss. Uncleanness; filth; re-
he pipa. fuse dirty matter. Isa. 4:4; 1 Kor. 4:13.
Pr-KA-PE-KA, v. To advise one to do Pe-La-PE-LA, adj. Filthy; stinking;
wrong. dirty ;mean.
Pe-ta-Ta-no, s. Heb. Name of a tree knife ;to double or fold over, as a cloth.
mentioned in Ezek. 31:8; chestnut perhaps. Puk. 26:9. To bend or curve up.
See PELANE. Pe-tu, adj. Doubled; folded over; shut
Ps-Le, s. The name of the fabled god- up, as a knife; pahi pelu,a shut knife of
dess of volcanoes. any kind; crooked; bent; pani pelu,a fold-
2. A volcano; he ahi ai honua; a fire ing door.
consuming the earth; i neia wa, ua pio ka Pe-tu-a, s. Name of a greenish kind of
nui o na pele; ika wa kahiko, he pele no worm which eats and injures vegetables.
ma Maui, at the present time the greater See Peivge and Kakata.
number of volcanoes is extinct; in ancient Pe-tu-z, s. See Petva above. A worm
times there was a volcano also on Maui. that eats potatoes and other vegetables,
3. Sulphur proceeding from a volcano. between a black and green color.
4. A stone from a volcano used in the Pr-tu-re, v. To project; to send out.
play called puhenehene. See Noa.
Ps-LE, v. To swell out; to be large; to Pe-Lu-PE-LU,
over and over.
v. See Petu. To double
be fleshy; to be fat; to have a large belly.
2. Fic. To talk here and there; to re-
Pr-Le, adj. Swelled out; enlarged; capitulate.
fleshy. 3. Hoo. Hoopelupelu iho la i kana olelo,
Pe-LE-v, v. To break a kapu; to vio- he doubled and twisted his speech, i. e., he
late some article of the chiefs that was was very repetitious.
kapu or sacred ; ua pelewia ke kapa o ke Pr-Lu-PE-LU, s. A binding; a doubling;
alii, the dress of the chief has been defiled. a folding over. Puk. 28:32.
2. To hide one’s sins or offenses from a Pr-Lu-PE-LU, adj. Doubled over. Fic.
chief. Made hard or unfeeling, as the heart.
3. To hide the sins of another. 2. Doubled over, i. e., shortened ; thick,
Pe-LE-v, adj. Hiding or concealing the &c. See Petetev. Holo a hiki i ka waa
sins of one; he kanaka pelew oia. pelupelu o lakou, they ran till they arrived
Ps-Le-Hv, s. Name ofa species of kapa at their short canoe, 1. e., their boat.
made on Kauai. Pe-na, v. Eng. To paint; to apply
2. Epithet of a turkey, from pele, to swell, coloring matter to anything. Nore—The
and hu, to swell or puff out. See Pananv. Hawaiian word is hooluu.
Pr-LE-Ku-Nv, adj. Having a rank smell ; Pe-na, s. Eng. Paint; any substance
strong-scented ;sour; musty; pelekunu ka mixed with oil or water to give another
ia. color; pena ulaula, vermilion. Ezek. 23:14.
The Hawaiian term is wai hooluu.
PE-LE-LE-U, s. A fishing canoe of the
largest size, made shorter in proportion Pr-ne1, adv. See Per, thus, and Ne,
than ordinary. here; this. Like this; after this manner ;
2. Name of a large double-canoe used in thus. See Pera, Peta and PENEras.
war. Pr-NE-TE-Ko-TA, s. Gr. The fiftieth;
3. The brim ofa hat. See PrnEv. Pentecost, i. e., with la, the fiftieth day after
the Israelites came out of Egypt, or the
PE-LE-LE-u, v. To bear away small fiftieth day after the Passover, one of the
quantities of a thing; to carry away fre- three great annual feasts of the Jews. 1
quently ; to carry a little at a time. Kor. 16:8.
2. To make many separations or divis-
ions of a thing ; e hoohikihiki. PeE-NE-TE-Ko-TA, adj. The fiftieth; la
penetekota, the fiftieth day. Oth. 2:1.
Pg-LE-LE-v, adj. Note.—Peleleu is
used asa noun. Seeabove. But it is also Pr-ni, s. Eng. A pen for writing. 3
frequently used as an adjective with waa, Joan.13. The Hawaiian word is hulu, quill.
canoe; as, waa peleleu, a short canoe; ka- Pr-ni-Ka-La, s. Eng. A lead pencil.
lai iho la ia ame na ’lii i na waa peleleu he Ana Hon. 4. See PENIPOHAKU.
nui loa, he and the chiefs hewed outa great Pr-ni-po-HA-KU, S$. Peni (Eng.),a pen,
many large war canoes.
2. As an adjective, short and thick. and pohaku, stone. A slate pencil.
Pe-te-Ta, s. Hed. A species of vegeta- Pe-no, v. To wet; to moisten; to be
ble used for food ; fitches perhaps. Ezek. mouldy through moisture; hence, to be
strong smelling.
Pe-ii-Ka-NA, Ss. Eng. A pelican,an un- Ps-no-PE-No, adj. Wet andstrong smell-
ing, as mats with urine; he hohono.
clean bird. - Kanl. 14:17.
2. Wet and dirty, as a neglected child;
Pe-tvu, v. To double over; to bend or he maka penopeno, a pipes |face; penopeno
flex, as a joint; to open and shut, as a pen- oe i ka ua, you are wet with rain.
Pe-nu, v. To wipe one’s eyes with a cate article of food; it has also become an
kapa or handkerchief. article of commerce.
2. To dip one’s piece of fish that he is PE-PEI-A0-HA-0, s. Pepeiao, ear, and hao,
eating into the gravy, toabsorb as muchas horn. Any hard projection; pepeiaohao,
it can; e miki, e penu kai. Olelo ia, he ono the horn of an animal.
ka malolo, a penu no iai ke kai. Penu no 2. Pepeiaohao o ke kuahu, horn of the
ia i ke kai me ka opukao. See OpuxKao. altar. Oihk. 4:7.
Pe-pa, s. Eng. Paper, especially writing 3. Fia. Power; strength. Hal. 89:17.
paper. The Hawaiian word is kalana or 4, A horn, i. e., the name of a wind in-
kanana. strument of music. Hal.98:6. Pepeiaohao
2. The common name for gambling cards; kao, a goat’s horn or a goat’s ear.
e paani pepa, to play at cards. PE-PEI-AO-LA-AU, S. See PEPEIAOAKUA
Pe-PeE, v. To throw down; to throw above. ;
down flat; to spread out. Pe-pEI-EE, s. Name of a breadfruit ripe
2. To flatten or spread out after falling. and baked; ame ka pepeiee ua ai nui ia
3. To crush. Oihk. 22:24. To bruise. keia.
4. To make small by compression. Ps-pE-v, v. See Pev. To raise up the
5. Hoo. To scatter abroad, as things nose, as a hog in rooting; to make that
crushed fine. 2 Sam. 22:43. motion.
Pe-pE, s. Any substance crushed fine 2. To swell ; to rise up.
or flattened down; that which is spread out 3. To pout; to project the lips or mouth.
by pressure. 4. To project or send out.
Ps-rE, adj. Broken or flattened down; Pe-re-va, v. To be hard; to be thick;
broken fine ; bruised ; ground fine. to be disobedient.
2. Bent; soft; pliable; rotten. PE-PE-HI, v. See Pent, to pelt. To beat
3. Morally, soft; kind; gentle ; applied severely ; to strike ; to smite.
to the voice of a friend; ka olelo a na ka- 2. To pound a thing until it is soft;
naka maikai; he waliwali ka olelo, he pepe. hence,
See UpePE and PEPEPE. 3. To kill; to commit murder. Puk.
Ps-PEE, v. To be broken but not sepa- 20:13.
rated, as the parts of a broken limb; to ad- 4, Toslaughter,as an animal. Oth. 8:15.
here, though broken; te be bent or doubled PE-PE-HI-KA-NA-KA, S. Pepeht and ka-
over. naka, man. Killing; murder; manslaugh-
Ps-pPEE, s. Pepee baka, a plug of to- ter, &c. Note.—Pepehi kanaka is now used
bacco. in /aw for murder in any degree; formerly
PE-PEI-ao, v. Pepe and ao, a fresh bud it was used, as the words imply, for all
just unfolding leaves ; pe-pe-i-ao, to flatten kinds of striking and beating as well as
down that which might grow more protu- killing ; it was used as synonymous with
berant ; hence the name of the ear,of man hooeha and kuikui. Nui na hewa kahiko—
or beast. o ka pepehi kanaka, many were the ancient
1. To shoot or put forth a bud or young sins—striking men; this, of course, included
twig ; to sprout or grow, as a vegetable. murder.
2. To ear out, as corn; to send forth a Pe-Pe-HU, v. See Penu. To swell; to
shoot. grow large; to become fleshy. See UPsz-
Pe-PEI-Ao, s. Any protuberance not very
Pees jd: Thick: vole
1. The external ear of man or beast;
2. The hearing or audience. Puk. 24:7.
Pe-pe-LA, v. Pe and pela, so; thus. To
3. The projections inside of a canoe to ask is it so? is it in this manner? It ap-
which the iako is fastened. plies to a scholar asking his teacher.
4, The first shoots or swelling buds of a Pe-pe-LA, v. See Peta and PELAPELA.
vegetable. To be strong smelling or offensive; to emit
5. Protuberances of the material heart offensive effluvia.
in men or animals. Anat. 44, 45. PE-PE-LE, s. A species of kapa made
Pr-per-Ao, adv. By the ear; with the on Kauai.
earip haliu pepeiao, listen attentively. Tob. Pr-PE-LU, v. See Petv. To bend or
double over; to measure round; to double
PE-PEI-AO-A-KU-A, s. A species of fun- up, as the knee,
PE-PEI-AO-LA-AU, gus or touch-wood Ps-pe-Lu, adj. Doubled over; bent;
that grows from some of the forest trees on arched.
Hawaii, and used by the Chinese as a deli- PE-PE-MA-KA-wa-LU, s. Pepe and maka,
PIA 461 Pil eeeV——_—

face, and walu, to scratch. A kind of spi-| Pi-a-Lv, v. ‘To be heavy, as the eyes;
der. to be almost blind, as an aged person, or an
Pz-rE-NA, v. See Pena (Eng.), to paint. aged person with weak eyes; ua pialu na
To paint; to lay on colors; to make differ- maka.
ent colors; to apply colors to any object; Pi-a-pa, s. The name of the first little
to daub ; to smear ; e hamo, e paele. primer or spelling book printed in the Ha-
Ps-re-No, adj. See Peno and PeEno- waiian language, January 7, 1822. The
PENO. Dirty; strong smelling; filthy. first sheet is said to have been pulled by
Pe-pe-rpeE, v. See Pere. To flatten Liholiho himself to his great satisfaction.
down; to fall flat; to depress; to humble; Ianuari 7, 1822, ua paiia ka palapala Pi-
to make low. a-pa Hawaii, on the 7th of January, 1822,
was printed the Hawaiian Spelling Book.
Pr-re-PE, adj. Low; flat; applied toa Nore.—The word is formed like the English
house ; depressed. word alphabet from the names of the two
Pe-wa, s. The tail of a fish. first letters of the Greek alphabet; or more
2. The dawn of day. See Pawa. like our word A B C, meaning the first
Pr-wa-pPe-wa, Ss. The side fins and tail rudiments of letters. The missionary said
oe fish ;the spreading out of the tail of a to his pupil, b, a—ba; the Hawaiian would
sh. repeat, p, a—pa; hence the word and the
Ps-ri-0, adj. A foreign word, origin not name of the book.
known. Counterfeit,as money; uncurrent. Pi-a-pi-a, s. The thick white liquid
Fic. He dala perio maolino makou iwaena matter from sore eyes.
o na dala maikai, we are really uncurrent 2. Sore eyes generally.
money among good money. He perio io Pr-a-P1-A, adj. Disordered, as the eye;
no makou, he mea lawe ole ia ma na wahi changed from its natural appearance by
kuai, we are real bad money, we are not disease or anger; e wiki iho oe, o hoi e
taken in market places. mai kahi maka piapia huhn mai.
PE-SA-LA-TE-RI-A, s. A psaltery, a mu- 2. Dirty ; watery, as the eyes.
PE-SA-LE-TE-RI-A, § sicalinstrument amon g Pr-r, adj. Slimy. See Pierre.
the Jews in ancient times. 2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Pi-z-te, v. To trade; to traffic. Kin.
Nal. 10:12. 31:21. Hele ia i Honuaula i ka piele ia, he
Pi, v. To sprinkle, as water. Ozhk. 6:27. went to Honuaula to peddle fish. See Pu-
2. To throw water with the hand. See ELE.
Piet, Kari and Kapri. Pi-5-LE, s. A disease consisting of lit-
3. To cause water to flow drop by drop; tle bunches on the head; he mai puupuu
to flow in very small quantities. ma ke poo.
4. Hoo. To be stingy; to be close; to be 2. A kind of food made by grating kalo
hard upon the poor. very finely and then cooking it.
Pi, adj. Green; soggy; incombustible; | PI-E-LE-E-LE, adj. Cleaned and hung up
smoking, as green wood; e maniaikaumu; to dry ; clean; pure ; makau ana.
e waiho ana aku ka momoki pi e. Pi-g-na, adj. Wild; untamed; angry;
2. Parsimonious; stingy; close; hard; disagreeable.
unkind; ungenerous. See Uanoa. 2. Rough; rude in speaking ; uncivil.
Pr, s. Closeness; stinginess; parsi- PI-E-NA-E-NA, adj. Pi and enaena, raging
mony, &c. heat. Very offensive to the smell; stink-
2. Eng. Peas; lentiles. 2 Sam. 17:28. ing beyond endurance.
Pr-a, s. Any white substance, as flour Pi-E-P1-E, v. To be slippery, as a thing
or arrowroot, eaten by Hawaiians only in besmeared with slime. ‘
time of scarcity. See Haupt.
2. The flour or starch of the arrowroot; Pu, v. To ascend; to go up in various
the plant tacca pinnatifida. ways.
3. The name of a bird in Jer. 8:7; Lat. 2. To ascend, asa mountain or hill. Mat.
pius ; the stork. 5:1.
4, A kind of stone hammer. 3. To go up, as from a low place toa
Pi-at, s. The fruit of the kukui tree; a higher. Jos. 4:16, 17.
kukui nut; i uka lai ka hua piai la. 4. To mount, as into a vehicle, carriage,
cart, &e.
Pi-ao, v. To curl up, as a leaf in the 5. Metaphorically, to come from darkness
sun or as paper; pido la’i,a leaf folded up to light.
for a cup. 6. To go up, i. e., to strike upon, as the
Pi-ao, s. The hot reflection of the sun shadow of asubstance upon something else;
on a smooth surface or dry land; in the ina e pii ke aka o ke kanaka maluna o ke
abstract, heat. Isa, 25:5. alii, make ke Kanaka, if the shadow of a
common man should fall upon a chief, the 6: ie To be put out, as fire or a lamp. Jer.
man must die. 4;
7. To throw up from the mouth; to vomit. 3. To be vanquished or overcome, as an
8. Hoo. To accuse; to charge one with enemy. foo. To vanquish; to conquer;
a misdemeanor or crime; to give informa- to reduce to servitude. Kin. 34:29.
tion against one; hoopit kekahi i ke kumu 4, To administer food or medicine to a
no na haumana. person far gone in a disease. See Proo.
9. To have a lawsuit; e hoopii i ke kana- 5. To alight for want of wind, as a kite;
wai. pio ka lupe no ka makani ole; to cease
10. To appeal from the decision of one spinning, as a top; ua pio ka hu.
court to auother. 6. To cohabit, as a brother with a sister.
Pu, s. A small substance on the side of Pi-o, s. A prisoner; a captive. Nah.
a thing ; he wahi apana iki ma ka aoao. 14:3. Pio ana, bondage; captivity. Kanl.
2. Any medicine acting as an emetic; he 30:3. Astate of captivity. Jer. 26:6. One
laau pii. Bim enslaved; anything taken by force, as a
Pu, adj. Accusing ; complaining. prisoner ; a prey.
2. Causing to vomit; laau pii, medicine 2. That which may be quenched or put
causing to vomit. out.
Pu-E-LE, v. To sell; to peddle. See 3. An are of a circle. Ana Hon. 23.
4, In the marrying or cohabitation of two
PIELE. ‘high chiefs related to each other, as brother
Pu-E-LE, s. A trafficker, including the and sister or father and daughter, the off-
idea of a peddler; a market man; a mer- spring, if any, was called he alii pio;
chant, &c. Nore—This word is said to hence,
have been used mostly on Maui, maauauwa 5. The highest grade of chiefs. See N1-
on Oahu, and kalepa on Hawaii for the idea AUPIO.
of traffic. 6. The measure of a fathom and a half,
Pu-xo-1, v. To go after, as the desire i. e., three yards.
after this and that. Pi-o, adj. Extimguished; put out;
2. To practice onanism. quenched, as fire or a lamp.
Pu-xKo-I-Ko-1, v. See Puxoi, also Haa- 2. Bent; crooked; curved ; arched.
KOI and PIKOIKOI. 3. Superior ; highest ; chief.
Pu-xu, s. A drink made from the leaves, Pi-o, adv. Relating to captivity; cap-
branches and fruit of the kukui tree and tively. Epes. 4:8.
used as a medicine. Pi-0-E-0-E, s. Name of a species of mus-
Pu-Laz, adj. Vain; haughty. cle or small shell-fish. See NanaweLe.
Pu-na, s. Piiand ana, going up. Name Pr-o-o, v. To disrelish food, as a sick
of a path ascending ahill. Lir. The going person.
up (a hill.) See also Hoopira. 2. To apply, i.e.,to force into the mouth
Pu-pu, v. See Pu, to go up. To as- of a sick person a medicine made of pota-
cend ; to leap up. toes and other things with something fra-
2. To flow upwards, as water in a spring. grant, to be applied when nearly dead ; e
Kanl. 8:7. To vomit. hanai i ka mai me ka hiki pono ole o ka ai
3. To rise up, as waves ina storm. Hal. ana.
107:25. 3. To pour water, as into a calabash ; e
4, To turn or bend up, as the runner of pioo i ka wai.
a sleigh. 4. To cast the eyes about, as in confu-
5. Hoo. To turn this way and that; to sion.
beat, as a vessel against the wind ; hoholo 5. To be in trouble; to be perplexed; i
makou me ka hoopiipii mau ana ame ka kuu wai ku ai iluna, pioo kuu manaoio
hakalia. aioikeia hana a oukou.
6. To seek for some ground of anger; e 6. To be out of one’s senses, though able
imi i kumu e huhu ai. to look about; to be wandering, as the
Pu-pn, s. Curls of hair. mind; e alaalawa na maka a pono ole ka
Pu-pn, adj. Curling, as the hair of a Pi-o-0, s. A wandering state of mind;
negro. a state of doubt, anxiety and perplexity;
2. Furious; rushing together, as an angry a slight derangement.
mob; rushing, as a strong wind.
Pi-o, v. To bend; to bend around, as Pi-0-Lo, v. See Oxo, to make a motion
back and forth, or up and down, as a saw.
the arch of a rainbow; to curve, as an arch;
to bend, as an elastic substance. Hoo. The
To rub; to polish; to strike the hand back
same. and forth, as in playing a jewsharp.
2. To be extinguished; to go out. Oihk. Pi-0-LE-Po, v. Pio, bending, and lepo,
dirt. To fly crookedly, as dirt in the wind; Pi-v-La, s. Eng. Pewter; tin, &c.;
me he anuenue la, hele a pio ka lepo. See Pi-u-Ta, any metal the color of pewter.
Nah. 31:22. Nore.—Piula is an erroneous
Pt-0-Lo-0-L0, v. See Pioo 2. To feed orthography for piuta.
the fruit of the noni to a sick person. See Pr-ua, v. To be full, as a vessel or con-
tainer. Fic. To be full of anger. set.
Pi-o-Lo-KE, v. To gabble; to make a 3:5.
great noise hy confused talking. 2. To have conceived, as a female; to be
2. To be teased or harassed by unneces- pregnant; ua piha anei kela bipi wahine?
sary talk. > ae, ua piha, is that cow with calf? she is.
3. To be in confusion or trouble of mind, 3. Hoo. To fill; to cause to be full, as
as aweak person. Hal. 6:3. with water or other things.
4. To be ashamed, as a person confused 4, To overflow its banks, as a river.
in mind. 5. Fia. To fill, as the heart with joy or
5. To make a mistake; to commit a blun- sorrow.
der in confusion. 6. To be moved or energized by the Holy
6. Hoo. To vex; to disturb. Ezek. 32:9. Spirit. Oth. 2:4.
Pi-0-Lo-KE, s. Art. ke. A talk; a con- 7. To fill to overflowing.
fused sound of voices; a gabble; a nui loa Pi-na, s. Fullness; strength, as a high
ae ke pioloke ana; an inquiry about some- tide. Puk. 14:27.
thing. 2. Fullness of angry feelings.
2. A great excitement among people Pi-na, adj. Full, as a container of any
through fear or any cause. kind.
3. Haste without thought or carefulness. Pi-na, s. Name of a species of small
Pi-0-Lo-KE, adj. Confusedly ; without fish.
order; e hee pioloke, to flee in disorder. Pi-uaa, s. Drift-wood. Hal. 102:3.
Lunk. 20:41. That which floats swiftly by; he wahie na
Pr-o-r1-0, v. To make a noise, as any ka waikahe.
young feeble animal; e kani me he mea Pi-Ha-uti-ma, s. Piha andlima,hand. A
liilii la. See Toro. handful. Hzek. 13:19.
2. To peep, as a chicken. Pi-HA-no, adj. Sitting still in time of a
3. To pray, as with the pule anaana. kapu with no noise; still, as an assembly
4. Hoo. To use curious arts; to practice for worship under the kapu system; na
jugglery. Oth. 19:19. To practice witch- wahine i ke anaina pihano kanu awa.
craft. Gal. 5:20. See the substantive. Pi-Ha-pI-HA, v. See Pina. To swell out;
P1-o-pi-o0, s. Hoo. A practicer of sorcery to be full; to swell, as a bud before it
or witchcraft. Hoik. 22:15. I make no i opens. See PoLaro.a.
ka hoopiopio, he died indeed by sorcery. Pr-Ha-pi-Ha, s. See Pina. ‘The lungs or
2. A whoremonger. Heb. 13:4. lights of a fish.
3. A reveling. 1 Pet.4:3. Wild immod- 2. A ruffle; a fringe of a garment. Nah.
est behavior; he hiu. Nors.—Hoopiopio 15:38. <A ruffle, as of a shirt.
is often used for hooipoipo in a lascivious Pi-Ha-pi-HA, adj. Full; large; flowing,
sense. In 1 Pet. 4:3, some editions of the as agarment. See PoLapona.
Testament have hooipoipo and others hoo- Pi-HA-wEu-weuw, s. The name of a flat
4, He hale pio.
5. An old form of prayer; he pule ana- Pi-ne, s. The sound or voice of wail-
ana. ing ; he pike keia e olo nei. See Jer. 7:27.
Generally used with olo. See Ono. A
Pi-o-P1-0, adv. Hoo. Examining care- lamentation; a confused noise; also with
fully, asa prisoner; eninau hoopiopio. Oih. wwe; apau kalakou pihe uwe. Laieik. 142.
Pi-nE, adj. Lamenting; mouming;
Pi-u, s. The distance or length of three wailing with a voice of sorrow. Jer. 3:15.
yards, i.e., the length of the arms extended Syn. with uwe.
called anana, and then the length from the Pi-ue, adv. Na wahine olo pihe ana, the
end of the longest finger to the middle of
the chest; generally written pio. See Pro,s. mourning women.
Pi-u-La, s. A vicious orthography and Pi-HE, s. Takes the article ke. A but-
pronunciation for miula (Hng.), a mule, a ton ; a fastening for a garment.
mongrel breed of the horse and the ass. Pr-nE-a, s. Flood-wood, such as floats
See Mruna. down the swollen streams in storms of rain;
2. The name of a game at cards. piea na kahawai, ku ka pihea i kai.
Pr-ue-a, v. To float down a swollen to a canoe which is heavily loaded; piho-
stream, as flood-wood ; pihea na kahawai. piho ka waa.
Pi-ne-KA, adj. Inflamed, as the eyes. Pi-xa, s. Half of a thing. Note.—This
word is probably of foreign origin, from
PI-HE-LE-HE-LE, adj. Pi and helehele, to picul. As two piculs of sandal-wood were
divide into small parts. Ground to pow- usually weighed @t once, a pika (picul)
der ; grated off, as a potato, that the sick was of course half; hence the word as now
may swallow it. used means half.
Pi-u1, s. See Pine above. A button. Pi-xa-Le, adj. Little; a small quantity;
Norr.—It is written both ways. a little at a time; pikale ka ai i ke keiki
Pi-u1, s. A species of the venereal dis- uuku, little the food for a little child.
ease ; a foreign disease. Pi-Ka-KA, 1s, Eng. A peacock, a for-
Pr-u1, adj. Blunt; dull. PI-Ko-KA, eign bird having a long tail.
Pi-n1-pP1-H1, v. To be blunt or dull; to 2 Oihl. 9:21. A peacock. 1 Nal. 10:22.
have a round or blunt edge; to be without Pi-xa-ka, adj. Smooth; smoothly pol-
edge, as a cutting instrument. ished ;nemonemo.
Pi-Ho, v. To be almost filled with water Pi-xa-xa, s. The entrance of a chief’s
and swamped, as a canoe; aole make, piho house ; he puka hale alii.
wale no. Hoo. To plunge under a sea, or Pi-KA-NE-LE, adj. Probably from pii-7-
a sea to go over a vessel or boat.
ka-nele, to go up into nothing. Small;
Pi-uo, adj. Sinking or being sunk; diminutive; makaliiloa. Nore.—The word
moku piho, a sinking vessel. pickaniny of very common use among for-
Pi-no-a, s. Dizziness of the head affect- eigners, and said to be a Chinese word, is
ing the eyes. from the West Indies, and is in common
Pi-uo1, v. To be surprised at; to be use among the slaves, meaning an infant,
startled at suddenly seeing a stranger ; to a little child.
be agitated. Pi-xa-wal, s. Pika (Eng.), a pitcher,
-Pi-no1-Ho1, v. To admire; to wonder; and wai, water. The name given by Ha-
to be surprised at; to be astonished. waiians to a water pitcher.
2. To tremble with fear; to be afraid. PI-KE-LE, s. A pitcher.
Kanl. 20:3. Pr-x1, v. To cut short; to shorten; to
3. To be troubled. 2 Sam.4:1. To speak cut off.
or act as in great perturbation of mind. Pr-x1-P1-K1, v. See Prxi. To shorten a
Job. 21:5. To be troubled in one’s spirit
transaction or an act; to do instantly.
or mind. Dan. 2:3. 2. To milk, as the sudden squeezing of
4, To rejoice; to express gladness; e
i teat forces out the milk, which is quickly
5. To be excited; to get up an excite- one.
ment; to talk confusedly; e pioloke. at. P-x1-P1-K1, adj. Rough, like a chopped
21:10. sea.
Pi-Ho1-Ho1, s. Astonishment, wonder and P1-x1-PI-k1-0, v. To stand up in heaps,
fear; a mixed emotion of pleasure and as water in a current of the sea, especially
fear, like that occasioned by the presence when the wind and current are contrary.
of a superior. 2. Hoo. To cause the sea to roll or be
2. Joy; rejoicing; excitement of a pleas- rough; to be tempestuous. See KupImKiPr-
urable kind. KIO.
3. Fear; a trembling. Jer. 30:5. A state Pi-xo, s. The end; the extremity of a
of great anxiety on account of some evil thing in cases as follows: piko 0 ke kua-
expected. anl. 28:28. hiwi, the top or summit of a mountain. Isa.
Pi-no0-Lo, v. To plunge into the water; 30:17. Piko o ka pepeiao, the tip of the
to be overwhelmed with water; to sink ear. Puke. 29:20. Piko o ke poo, the crown
down. of the head. aml. 28:35. The navel; the
end of a rope; the extreme corner or
Pi-no-L0-Ho-Lo, s. A thin kind of poi boundary of a land; e wehe hoi i ka piko
made of kalo or potatoes for the sick. la e ka hoahanau. Lawe ae la ke kahuna
Pi-Ho-PI-Ho, v. See Pino. To pitch fre- i ka piko o kana hanai a lei iho lama kona
quently in the sea, as a canoe that takes in a-i. Laieik. 137. .
water. Pi-Ko-I, Js, The core of the breadfruit.
2. To sink in the ocean and go out of PI-Ko-NI, 2. Any substance that will
cause a fish net to float; small buoys; floats.
Pi-Ho-ri-Ho, adj. Heavy and sinking in See PrKonI.
the water instead of floating well; applied 3. A club or a long kind of ball fastened
_ to a rope, and used for robbing and, plun- Laut. Broad; wide; extended; flat, as a
dering. broad, flat surface.
P1-xo-1, v. To be proud or high-minded; | Pi-La-u1, s. The gum of the kukui tree.
hookano ; he kanaka pikoi, a proud man. 2. The gum or sticky substance of any
2. To follow one’s inclination; to go tree; pilali palolo, slime; wax. Hal. 68:2.
after one’s desire. See Prot. 3. Cartilage; kumumumu.
3. To crave or covet what is another’s, Pi-LA-LI-0-HE, adj. Leaning, as the roof
as food or kapa. of a house.
4. To call as to birds by way of entice- 2. Flat, as a surface.
ment; also pikoikoi. 3. Thin; spare.
Pi-Kol-Ko1, v. See Pixorabove. To call Pi-LA-LI-LA-Li, adj. See Pivaui. Having
or entice birds so as to catch them. water gathered on the outside, as fish or
2. To collect together ; to assemble, as meat that has been dried; it is applied also
persons for pleasure or business. to poi which has water floating on the top;
3. To suck ; to stick together, as by at- slimy; juicy, as any substance that absorbs
traction ; applied to the organs of speech ; water on the surface. ;
hence, PI-La-LI-LA-LI, s. See Pina. The viscid
4. To speak inarticulately; to stammer;
€ omoomo, e eueu. watery fluid that collects on the outside of
5. To work and effect but little; to make substances, absorbed from a damp atmos-
a great effort and bring little to pass. phere or from internal moisture; e kowali
6. To practice onanism. a pau ka pilalilali, work up (the poi) till
the outside moisture is gone.
Pi-Kor-Kol, s. Hard labor with little pro-
duce. Pr-La-Pi-Lau, s. A turnip. See LAvLeLe
2. The practice of onanism ; self abuse. and ANANU.
Pi-xo-Ka, s. See Prkaxa. PI-LE-KA-LE-KA, Ss. Moisture or water
Pi-ko-n1, s. The cords connected with gathered on dry fish or dry meat, &c., on
the buoys and sinkers of a fish net; a float being exposed to moisture; also on poi
connected with a net; a buoy. See Prxot. when water settles on top; e kowali a pau
Pi-Ko-p1-Ko, v. See Pixo. To be spotted; ka pilekaleka. See PULALILALI.
to be variegated with different colors: PI-LE-KA-LE-KA, adj. Moist outside, as
mostly applied to the smooth unruffled fish, meat, &c., which has been dried but
spots on the surface of the ocean ina calm. exposed to moisture; it also applies to poi
See MAOKIOKI. when water settles on the surface. See
Pi-Ko-pi-Ko, s. The juice of the squid PILALILALI, ad).
under the tails. Norr.—The liquor of the Pi-11, v. To coincide; to agree with, as
squid when emitted in the water in different boards jointed.
degrees causes the water to assume differ- 2. To cleave or adhere to, as persons
ent colors. He waiu no ka hee malalo o good or bad as friends; to lay a wager; to
Ke aweawe. bet; a pili nui mai i ko lakou waiwai a
Pi-xu, s. Eng. A fig; also written jiku. pan ; pii kekahi wahine i kona kino iho, a
Pi-La, s. Eng. The Hawaiian pronun- lilo i ka pu.
ciation of the word fiddle. A fiddle; a 3. To become one’s to account for or to
violin. take care of.
2. Any musical instrument. 4. To agree together, as witnesses.
Pi-tau, v. To emit a loathsome smell; 5. To belong to ; to accompany; to fol-
to emit stench, as a dead body or putrid low.
matter. Joan. 11:39. Morally as Kin. 34:30. 6. Hoo. To join company with; to ad-
To stink. Puk. 7:21. here to one; applied to persons.
2. To be hateful to one; to be disliked. 7. To seal up,asadocument. Dan. 12:4,
2 Sam. 10:6. To fill the air with putrid ex- 8. To approach to one of the opposite
halations; e ino ke ea. sex for defilement.
9. To be united to; to adhere to each
Pi-tau, s. A stench; a stink; an un- other, as husband and wife.
savory smell. 10. To add something else to a thing.
2. Fie. Evil influence ; vileness; ua ku Kani. 4:2.
ko’u pilau mai Hawaii a Kauai, my vileness 11. To treat badly; to reproach; to cast
extends from Hawaii to Kauai. up to one.
Pi-tav, adj. Dirty; filthy; especially, of Pi-11, s. The name of the long coarse
a bad smell.
grass used in thatching houses; so called
Pi-La-HI-LA, adj. Broad; wide, asa flat from the easy manner in which the seeds
surface. are detached from the stalk and adhere to
Pi-La-LA-HI, adj. Pt and lalahi. See a person’s clothes.
2. The adhering or uniting of one thing |Pi-1-Hu-k1, v. ‘To clash; to have sep-
with another. arate interests ; to separate.
3. The name of shingles from their taking Pi-11-Ka-NA, v. To be related to one; to
the place of the grass pili in covering have an interest in one.
4, The name given to nine o’clock in the Pi-ti-KA-NA, Ss. An interest in one; a
evening, from the game puhenehene; ka relation to one; a friend; a motive; heaha
pilio ka po. See Prurrvka. kou kuleana e wena aku ai ia ia? he hoa-
5. The name of what belongs to one, as hanau.
his property, children or friends; kona mea Pr-ti-xal, s. A kind of medicine con-
pili, what belongs to one. Fic. Ka pili sisting of some kind of seeds, one handful.
ame ka mauu, all that belongs to one. beaten up and sifted and taken asa purga-
6. Ka pili o ke ao ae, nearness; united tive.
with ; in the morning. Mar. 1:35. 2. The name of a shrub. the seeds of
Pi-u1, adj. Of or belonging to a person which are used for medicinal purposes,
or thing; ka pili ana o ke ahiahi, first of especially to children as a cathartic.
evening ; after dark. 3. A kind of berry growing near the sea
2. United ; joining. shore.
3. Things adhering or coming in contact Pr-ui-ki-a, v. Pili and kia, a mast or
that ought not; hence, post. To be crowded; to be in want of
4, Topsy-turvy ; helter-skelter ; huikau. room. 2 Nal. 6:1.
5. Poor; destitute. 2. To be in straits; to be in difficulty;
PI-LI-A-A-I-KU, i Pili and a-i, neck, to be entangled in any way. Puk. 14:3.
3. To be cramped for want of means or
PI-LI-A-I-KU, and ku, to stand. Lar. instruments for doing a thing.
That which belongs to a stiff neck. Numb-
4. To be stinted in a provision for one’s
ness; stiffness of joints with a lack of
warmth. See Oprii and Matiort. living.
5. Hoo. To bring or cause one to be in
Pr-11-a-Lo, s. Péli, to adhere, and alo, difficulty. Kin. 34:30. To trouble. Puk.
the front. One’s bosom friend ; one’s be- 14:24.
loved wife. Pr-ui-ki-a, s. A difficulty; a hindrance;
Pr-u1-a-No, s. Pili and ano, meaning. A a perilous situation; extreme danger, as
modern form, used in grammar for adjec- in distress.
tive or participle. Pr-t1-K1-a, adj. Crowded close together;
Pi-L1-H1-H1-a, v. In gambling, the fre- strait ; narrow ; difficult.
quent transfer of property from one to an- Pi-ti-xu-a, v. Paz and kua, back. To
other ; alaila, pili nui lakou, pilihihia, pili
run upon another’s back, as when many
kaakua. flee together ; to cleave to the back.
Pi-ti-Hu-a, v. Pali and hua, word; pain. Pr-11-Ku-a, s. A land or country exist-
To be sad ; to be distressed in mind. ing only in the imaginations of men; he
2. To be sorrowful; to be cast down; to aina e manao wale ia e na kanaka.
be dismayed. Hzek. 3:9. Pi-u1-Lo-Ko, v. Pali and loko, internal.
3. To be amazed ; to be astonished; to
wonder greatly. Oth. 2:7. To belong to that which is internal ; to go
4. To be in despair; to be utterly cast close to. / - ;
down. 2 Kor. 4:8. Pr-.1-Lo-Ko, s. A friend; a relation; one
5. To stick fast, as words in a person’s interested in; one who sympathizes with
mouth when afraid or astonished ; to be another. See PIIkANa.
unable to speak through fear. Pi-Li-mE-A-al, v. Pali and mea, purpose,
6. Hoo. To trouble; to vex with sor- thing, and ai, food, living. To live with or
ceries. Oih. 8:9, 11. follow one for the sake of food or a living,
Pi-ti-Hu-A, s. Sadness; sorrow; dejec- as the chiefs in former times had many fol-
tion of heart. Kanl. 28:65. lowers because they fed them, Hoo. To
live in idleness, pretending to belong to a
2. Astonishment connected with fear and
chief merely to get a living, while indiffer-
3. Perplexity ; difficulty ;want of some- ent as to his honor or authority or interests.
thing essential. Pr-u1-mE-a-Al, s. One who followed a
4, An inability to speak or utter any- chief or other person for the sake of food
thing through fear or astonishment. or a living. Nore—Such persons were
Pi-Li-Hu-a, adj. Speechless; perplexed; always spoken of with contempt.
sorrowful; astonished. Jer. 14:9. Pi-t1-mo-E, s. Name of one of the five
Pr-ti-nu-a, adv. Sadly; silently from puu kapus in playing at the game of noa.
sorrow. Kzera 9:3. Pi-ur-mu-a, s. Pili and mua, before. In

grammar, an article from its position with |Pr-L1-wa-Le, adj. Silenced; awed; un-
the noun; a late coined word. able to answer.
Pi-u1-pa, s. Pili and pa, fence. A hedge. Pi-to, v. To be corrupt; to be impure;
‘Ink. 14:23. A hedge fence. aebe much injured ; ohikihiki i ka niho a
2. A joining together: adhering closely. pilo.
Pr-ui-paa, v. Pili and paa, fast; tight. Pi-Lo-u-ku, s. Piloanduku, pay. Aohe
To live together in close union or in con- pilouku, nothing wrong in the pay, any re-
stant friendship; to be seldom separate ward is acceptable ; 1 will take anything
from each other. for pay which you will give.
Pr-t1-paa, s. Constant friendship ; liv- Pi-Lo-u1, v. See Loxt. To make small;
ing together in great harmony with unity to weaken ; to make diminutive.
of sentiment; ka pilipaa o ka houpo, the Pi-Lo-ri-Lo, adj. Corrupt; impure; ap-
cementing of affection. plied to impure water. Sol. 25:26. Fouled;
Pr-ti-r1-L1, adj. See Pini. Adhering; dirty, as water.
sticking to; connected with. Hoo. Con- Pi-Lo-pi-Lo, s. An offensive smell from
stantly adhering; never failing; i ka pono any cause. See Pmav.
pau ole,i ka pono hoopilipili, he pono mau
loa keia.
Pi-tu, v. To shake ; to vibrate.
Pi-.1-pr-Li-u-LA, s. Pilipili (see Pi,) Pi-Lu-pi-Lu, adj. Rich, as a woman
and ula, red. A species of small, low richly dressed, with her rich turban, or a
bearded grass, the beards of which adhere child adorned with rich presents.
tightly to the dress of one walking through 2. Rich; used in ridicule by the poor;
it. See ManrANIAULA. also in ridicule of the poor on account of
their poverty.
Pr-ui-pu, v. Pili and pu, together. To
unite; to join and adhere together; to come Pi-Lu-pPi-Lu, v. See Piru. To shake; to
in near contact, as the skin and bone ina vibrate strongly.
poor animal. Hal. 102:5. Pi-na, s. A pin or instrument for fasten-
2. To come together, as the lips, i. e., to ing up the hair on the sides of the head;
shut the mouth ; to be silent; to cease an- he mea mahamaha lauoho. Norre.—This
swering. might seem to be from the English pin, but
3. To put to silence either by argument it is a genuine Hawaiian word.
or authority. Mar. 3:4. 2. The dragon-fly. See Prxav.
4, To be confounded; to know not what 3. A pin. Ana Hon. 2.
to say through astonishment ; to cease re- Pi-na1, v. To patch a garment; to
plying; to be satisfied with one’s answer. mend ; to fill up a vacancy.
Py-ri-pu-Ka, s. Pili and puka, a door or 2. To work constantly ; e hana mau.
gate-way. The name given to the hour or 3. To adhere to a chief or rich person for
time of three o’clock in the morning; aia i the sake of food or a support.
ka pili o ke kakahiaka, i ka pilipuka. See 4. To stand thick together; to crowd
Kav, s. each other.
2. Name of one of the puu kapus in play- Pi-nav, s. The dragon-fly. See Pina
ing the game of noa. above. Kaula pinau, the string that holds
Pi-ui-wat-wal, s. The general name of a dragon-fly.
betting and gambling and obtaining prop- Pi-nau-E-A, s. Aspecies of kapa; a pa-u.
erty without work and with more or less Pi-na-NA, v. Pi for pit, and nana, to
deceit. Nore.—The ancient forms of pili- look. To climb up, as a cat climbs up the
waiwait were almost innumerable; cards side of a house.
called by Hawaiians pepa have taken the 2. To be mischievous, as a child that
place of many of them, but many still re- climbs where he ought not; to climb up
main. See PEpA. mischievously.
Pi-ui-wa-Le, v. P2li and wale, gratuit- 3. To crook; to bend; to bend over; to
ously. To join one’s company or party for bend out of shape. /
the sake of a living. 4. To be higher, as one part of an object
2. To live carelessly regardless of the than another.
future ; to live idly. 5. Hoo. To roll away ; to flow fast, as a
3. To be exposed to the weather; to die current; to miss the way; to go crookedly.
See Hoonanaav. 4
with hunger.
Pi-.1-wa-LE, s. Poorness or thinness in
Pr-na-NA, adj. Mischievous; acting mis-
chievously ; going here and there.
flesh ; wiwi o ke kino.
2. Scarcity of food; suffering on account Pi-Na-Na-E-A, v. To have the eyes be-
of famine. dimmed, as with cobwebs; e punawelewele
3. An adhering to, or living on another. na maka.
Pi-na-NAl, v. To rise up, as the bow of 3. Thick together ; ku pipi; set thickly
a ship or canoe in passing over a swell; together, as kalo in rows.
lanaiea; pinanai e ke kaikaina e ka ua. 4. Thick together without order; huikau.
PI-NA-NAI-E-A, v. See Pinanai and La- 5. Multitudinous; crowded many to-
NAIEA. To turn aside, as the bow of a ship |
when struck by a strong sea or wave. Pi-p1. Note.—With this orthography
2. To turn one’s head aside to look. may be found some words which should
Pr-ne, s. A falsehood; a falsifier; he have been written piipii. See Pren, adj.
kanaka wahahee. | Pi-pn, v. See Pueu. To spring up or
PI-NE-PI-NE, v. To do frequently; to do flow upwards, as water in a spring or foun-
often ; to repeat.
2. To overflow; to effervesce, as in open-
Pi-NE-PI-NE, adv. Often; frequently. ing a bottle of beer; e piha me he bia la.
Pi-ni, s. Eng. A pin. Pi-pi-0, v. See Pio. To bend over, asa
Pi-no-ri-no, adj. See Piuorino. Bad tall, stoop-shouldered man ; to bend, as in
smelling ; corrupt. bowing ; to bend forward.
Pi-pa, v. To turn sideways; to edge up 2. To bend, as the rainbow.
to a thing ; to dodge; to parry off. Pi-p1-0, s. A tall, stoop-shouldered man.
Pi-pa, s. A pali or precipice. 2. An arch; a bending line.
2. The fruit of the kae, a fruit like a bean. | 3. The name of a species of fish.
See Kak. Pi-p1-o, adj. Crooked; bending; arched.
3. The name of a medicine given to mad- Pi-pI-0-LE-po, v. See Protepo. To fly,
men. See Kipa. as dirt or opala in the wind, i. e., crook-
Pi-pa-Pi-Pa, v. See Piva. To sit strad- edly, in whirls, or any way except in
dle of a fence; e nihi ma ka pa; to dodge straight lines; me he anuenue la, hele a pio
this way and that. ka lepo.
Pi-pz, s. Eng. A pipe; a large cask; Pr-pi-xa, v. ‘To flow over; to overflow,
he pahu nui. as a stream over a bank; e hu ma kapa.
Pi-pe-wa, s. See Pewa. The tail of a 2. To turn aside from the natural course.
3. To rush against the sides of any con-
fining object.
Pi-r1, v. See Pi, to throw water. To 4. To thrust or push against, as a wall.
sprinkle. Oihk.1:5. To wet by sprinkling Nah. 22:25.
water or blood. Fie. For purifying. Isa. 5. Hoo. To wander; to go here and there,
52:15. as without object; to fetch up against
2. Hoo. To smoulder; to continue to something.
burn without a flame, as the wick of a lamp. Pi-pi-Ka, adj. Turning aside; moving
Isa. 42:3. To burn, as green or wet wood. out of the direct line.
3. To talk back; to reply in offensive
terms to something said; to chide; to quar- Pi-pi-L1, v. See Pru. To stick fast to,
rel; as with pitch; to cleave to. Kanl. 13:18.
4, To be multitudinous or many; to 2. To adhere to one, as a friend; to
stand thickly together; to be a multitude. fasten ; to adhere to, as the tongue to the
See KupIirt. roof of the mouth, i. e., to be speechless.
Hal. 137:5.
Pr-p1, s. An oyster; he ano paiea, he 3. To be joined or united with; to be-
ano ia; a kind of fish. long to.
2. The center of a sea-shell, that is, the
place where the meat adheres to the shel]; Pi-pI-LI-L1, s. A begging repeatedly; if
hence, one obtains to go again, like a fly when
3. The center of the eye; the sight. brushed away it returns again; ike nei poe
4, The hen or female of the bird oo. kanaka i ka pipilili o nei kanaka i ko lakou
5. O kahi malalo e polipoli ana, he pipi nei kumu.
ka inoa o ia wahi. Pi-p1-Lo, adj. See Pio. Bad smelling;
Pi-p1, s. Eng. More properly written disgusting to the smell. See Pmopmo.
bifi. A foreign animal, first introduced by PI-PI-NA, s. A foreign word applied to
Captain Vancouver in 1793 or 1794 from PI-PI-NE, girls desired by foreigners; a
Mexico ; neat cattle generally. See Birt. common girl; ina paha ii mai kekahi, o
Pi-p1, adj. Incombustible; smouldering, hele e ke kama e upaa me ka pipine, i aku
as fire under green wood. ke kama he kapipine i huiia me ke kamaioa.
2. Almost extinguished; not burning PI-PI-No-kE, v. See Piri and Noxe, to
easily. Hoo. Smoking, like something that fret. To scold; to quarrel with one; to
will not blaze. Mat. 12:20. dispute ; to contradict; to go on scolding,
as one party when the other party stops. make one a eunuch; i poaia, castrated.
See OLEOLE. Oihk. 22:44. Ehoopauike ano kane. 2
Pi-ri-rP1, v. See Pier. To be thick to- Oihl. 18:8.
gether ; to stand thickly together, as peo- 2. To throw water over one’s self; to
ple or things; to crowd one against an- dive, paddle or play in the water.
other ; kupinai. 3. To cast up or spatter water.
Piri s. A species of shell. See Pir1, 4, To wallow and roll in the water like
a hog.
eee adj. Thickly; near together; Po-a, s. One castrated ; a eunuch.
crowded. Po-a, adj. Castrated ; despoiled of viril-
Pi-pi-pu, v. See Pu. To spring or rise| ity ; he oeMena
i 2 Nal. 8:6.
up continually, as water in a spring or Po-A-A-HA, The bark of the cloht
fountain. mulberry.
2. To ascend a hill together, as a com- Po-a-a-La, v. ‘To thrum with the fin-
pany of people; to go up. gers on a drum head; kilipoipoi e, e poa-
PI-PI-wAl, 5. Pipi and wai, water. A ala la. See Kitarorot.
place where water springs up or oozes out Po-aE, s. A company; a vegetable; he
of the ground or rocks. poe, he mea ulu.
4, The oozing or dropping of water. Po-aE-aE, 8. The hollow place under
Pi-wat, s. A distinctive name of a spe- the arm; the armpit. See Porr.
cies of wild duck ; manu koloa piwai. Po-aE-aE, adv. Obscurely; indistinctly
2. The name of a species of hard rock seen; darkly. 1 Kor. 13:12. Ike poaeae,
out of which kois were made. to have indistinct ideas of a thing. See
PI-wE-KA-WE-KaA, adj. P%, stingy, and PowEHIWEHI.
weka, hard. Close; stingy; hard in a bar- Po-a-1a. Particle passive of poa. One
gain. castrated ; aeunuch. Dan. 1:3.
Pi-sE-Ta-ki-a, s. Eng. The nut of the}pO-Al, v. To encircle ; to go round; to
pistacia, the kernel eatable. Ain. 43:11. Re as a city besieged. Jos. 6:3.
Po, s. Night; the time after the going 2. To go round an object in order to see
down of the sun; the time of the twenty- it on all sides; e makaikai.
four hours opposite to ao, day. 3. To pass or sail round an island, asa
2. Darkness; the time when the sun gives ship.
no light. 4. To surround for evil; poaiia oia a
3. Chaos; the time before there was puni, e make ai oia, he was surrounded en-
light; mai ka po mai, from chaos (dark- tirely that he might be killed.
ness) hitherto, that is, from the beginning, Po-ar, s. A circle real or imaginary; a
from eternity. hoop; a girdle. In geography, poai waena,
4. The place of departed spirits; the place the equinoctial line; poai anu akau, the
of torment. Nore.—Hawaiians reckon time arctic circle, &e.
by nights rather than by days; as, Po Po-a1, adv. A poat, round about; ku
akahi, first night, i. e., Monday; Po alua,
second night, Tuesday. Po was counted poai, to stand around.
as a god among the poe akuanoho. Po-ar-al, v. See Popoat and Poat. To
Po, v. To be dark ; to darken; to be- go round and round; to surround.
come night; to be out of sight; to vanish; Po-AI-HA-PA-LU-A, s. Poat and hapalua,
hence, to be slain; to be lost; e po i ke half. A semicircle. Ana Hon. 23.
kaua, to be lost in war. Po-al-HEE, v. To flee, as a party in bat-
2. Fie. To be ignorant; to be wild; to tle.
be rude ; to be uncultivated. Po-al-HE-LE, v. Poat and hele, to go.
3. To overshadow, as the foliage of trees.
4, To assemble thickly together, as peo- To travel about from place to place. Mat.
ple ; to come together in multitudes. 23:15. To encompass: to go round, as an
5. To emit an odoriferous smell. See island.
Pura. Po-al-Lo-I-H1, s. Poat and doiht, long.
Po, adj. Dark; dark colored; obscure. An oval figure ; an elipse. Ana Hon. 24.
2. Fie. Ignorant ; rude ; wild.s savage. Po-al-pu-NI, v. Poai and puni, around.
3. Unsocial: sour; unfriendly; crabbed. See PoarHELE. To travel round here and
Po is prefixed to a good many words, there; to go round a country for any pur-
and seems to denote an intensive, thus: pose ; to circumambulate.
maikai, pomaikai; ino. poino; eleele, po- Po-a-o-no, s. Po, night, and aono, six.
eleele ; pilikia, popilikia, &c.
Lit. The sixth night, i. e., Saturday. See
Po-a, v. Tocastrate; to emasculate; to next word.
Po-a-Ha, s. Poand aha, four. The fourth |Po-a-tu-a, s. Po and alua, two; the
day (night. See Po, note), i. e., Thursday. second. The second day (see Po, note) of
Po-a-Ha, v. ‘To encircle; to go round ; the week, Tuesday.
to go about here and there. Po-a-na, s. The name of the sea out-
Po-a-HA, s. A circle. side of where the surf breaks; also pueone.
2. A ball wound with a hollow on one Po-a-NA-A-NA, adj. Weary; lame; sore,
side as something to set a calabash in. as with walking or lying in one position ;
3. A smaller ball of the same kind to fatigued, as with carrying a burden.
apply to any swelling. Po-s-po-A-al, s. Name of a small coil-
4. The name of a tree. ing shell-fish, a species of the pupu.
Po-a-HA-Nu-1, s. The name given by} PpO-A-PO-A-AI, v. See Poat. To coil ina
Hawaiians to the hollyhock. circular form, as in winding a ball; to wind
Po-a-u1-a-H1, adj. Dim; obscure. round and round; e owiliwili; to surround.
Po-a-xa, s. A circular paper; he pala- Po-a-Po-a-LA, v. See Poata. To wind
pala poepoe. frequently ; to wind round and round.
Po-a-Ka-HI, s. Po and kahi, one; first. 2. To go round: to surround; to travel
The name of the first day (night. See Po, s.) round a city or country.
of the week, Monday. Po-a-po-A-po-LA, v. To go about from
Po-a-Ko-Lu, s. Po and kolu, three. Lir. house to house.
The third night, i. e., Wednesday. 2. To eat greedily; to swallow down food
Po-a-La, v. To roll up, as a ball; to rapidly.
wind up string into a ball; e owili i ke Po-E£, s. A company; a number of per-
kaula, e hana popo. sons or animals, from three to any indefi-
2. E kanii ka puu i ka ono ana i kekahi nitely large number. It is not so often ap-
mea, e uinaka puu. plied to things as to persons and animals;
Po-a-La, s. Thename of a tree; he puu but the idea is that of a certain company
or assemblage as distinct from some others.
poala i ka moni e. A cluster; abunch. Itis often synonymous
Po-a-La-A-LA, adj. Rolling; tumbling with pae and puu.
over and over. 2. The name of a vegetable resembling
Po-a-La-A-LA, adv. Going towards land the akulikuli or purslain; a water or sea
and out to sea again, as in sailing along a plant.
coast inacanoe; mai holo poalaala ka waa Po-z. A sign of the plural number of
i uka i kai. nouns; synonymous with pae and puu, but
Po-a-LE, v. Po and ale, to swallow, as much more frequently used. When applied
a wave. To be open; to be absorbent; to as a sign of the plural, it still retains the
drink in; e hamama, e aleale. idea of a separate class. Gram. § 85, 86,
Po-a-LE-A-LE, adj. Open; absorbent; 9land 92. Norr.—Poe is sometimes used
where na would be proper.
lying useless.
Po-E, v. To break up; to mash; to
Po-a-11, adj. Po and alt,ascar. Dark: pound, as in pounding poi.
confused ; obscure. Po-E, adj. Round; circular. See Por-
Po-a-Li-ma, s. Po and lima, five; the POE and Poat.
fifth. The name of the fifth day (night) of Po-z-E, s. Thearmpit. Jer. 38:12. See
the week, Friday. Hawaiians counted by POABAE.
nights rather than by days. See Po. Ika Po-r-xo, adj. Skillful; clever; intelli-
21 o Augate oia ka Poalima, the 21st of gent; able to think.
August, that was Mriday.
2. The name of a religious meeting on Po-E-La-mu-ku, s. An officer who at-
Friday of each week. formerly very gener- tended the person of a chief and executed
ally attended by the people throughout the his orders. See IL.AmuKu and LAWEKAHILI.
Islands. Po-E-LE, v. Po, night, and ele, black.
Po-a-Lo, v. To pluck or dig out the To be very dark, as a dark night; to be
eyes. Mat. 5:29. Ua poaloia kona mau black colored.
maka, a make no ia ma kahiki, his eyes 2. Fic. To be sinking in death; to expe-
were dug out, and he died in a foreign coun- rience the darkness that often precedes
try. death.
2. To twist round and draw out, as a 3. To feel the pangs of death.
tooth. Po-s-LE, adj. Dark blue; black as night;
3. To take or force out, as beans from a
dark colored.
pod; to shell out beans.
4, To surround ; to circumambulate. Po-E-LE-E-LE, v. See Pore. To be or
Pol 471 PO]
become dark, as night; to become black. |Po-1-A-wa-a-wa, adj. Sour, as poi.
Hoo. To cause darkness. Puk. 10:21. Po-I-A-WA-HI-A, See Porawa.
Po-£-LE-E-LE, adj. Black; dark asnight; 2. Sour in disposition; taciturn; refusing
benighted. to answer when spoken to. See Porpupvv.
2. Applied to the mind, ignorant; bewil- Po-iu, v. Po, intensive, and iu, sacred;
dered. consecrated. To be under the protection
3. Round; smooth; polished; pokaka, or care of some one having power to pro-
nemonemo. tect.
Po-z-po-z, v. To be short; to be low, 2. To be prohibited or forbidden ; to be
in opposition to tall, high. under a kapu.
ae Toround; tomakeround. Qihk. 4 3. To be consecrated; to be holy. See
3. To throw away from one, as a child Po-1v, adj. Afar off; at a great distance.
is thrown away from the arms. 2. Grand; solemn, as a sacred place;
Po-g-po-£, adj. Round; round and glorious.
smooth; globular; circular; he mea poe- 3. Precious; desirable.
poe ka honua, the earth is a round thing. Po-1u-1u, v. See Poiu above. To be very
Po-E-Po-E-HA-WAE, S. A flattened sphere. far off or high up; 0 ka hoai poiuiu o ka
Ana Hon. 29. ike nei, the friend who is afar off beyond
Po-E-po-E-PI-Kol, s. A lengthened sphere. the sight.
Ana Hon. 29. 2. To be very kapu or sacred. See Iviu
and Korviv.
Po-1, v. To make clear or explicit. Po-1-Ka-Lo, v. To cover up kalo (up-
2. To excite; to stir up; to hurry. land), i. e., to spread over the hills dried
3. To cover; to shut, as a door or book; grass, banana leaves or anything to serve
to cover over; to protect. as manure and shade the roots.
4. To cover, as a pot or calabash.
5. To curve and break over at the top, Po-1-na, v. ‘To forget ; to be forgotten.
as a high surf. See Popor. To cover or Kin. 41:30. Nore.—In this form, it is used
overwhelm, as the sea. Hal. 78:53. Poi only in a neuter or passive sense.
mai ka nalu; poi mai ka ale. 2. Hoo. To cause to forget; to pass from
6. To catch flies with the hand; to catch the mind or memory. _
as an owl does mice or small birds; e poi 3. To forget a person or an event. Kin.
no laua (ka pueo ame ke kaio) i ka iole. 40:23. To forget God. unk. 3:7.
7. Hoo. To examine by torture or by Po-1-No, v. Po, intensive, and ino, bad;
threatening. evil. To be in distress; to be in misera-
ble circumstances.
Pot, s. ‘The paste or pudding which was 2. To suffer from some cause; to suffer
formerly the chief food of Hawaiians, and an injury ; to be injured.
is so to a great extent yet. It is made of 3. To be ill-fated or destined to suffer.
kalo, sweet potatoes or breadfruit, but
mostly of kalo, by baking the above arti- Po-i-no, s. Hard fatigue; suffering; af-
cles in ovens under ground, and afterwards fliction ; harm ; injury; whatever is unfor-
peeling and pounding them with more or tunate.
less water (but not much); it is then left Po-1-No, adj. Unlucky; unfortunate ;
in a mass to ferment; after fermentation, ill-fated.
it is again worked over with more water Po-1-pa-LAu, s. A kind of food; a mix-
until it has the consistency of thick paste. ture of potatoes and cocoanut.
It is eaten cold with the fingers. Po-1-po, v. To ambuscade; to set an
Po-1, s. A cover of any vessel or con- ambuscade for an army.
tainer; especially, the cover or upper gourd 2. To fall upon, as an enemy in the night;
of a calabash ; hence, to surprise ; mai potpoia lakou ilaila, they
2. Perhaps the name of the food kept were near being surprised there.
under or protected by it. 3. To overcome; toconquer. Kin. 14:15.
3. The cover of a pot or other vessel. Po-1-po, s. An ambuscade; that part of
Puke. 25:29. an army which is set for an ambuscade.
4, The top of a curling surf where it Po-1-po-1, v. See Por 3. To cover over
breaks ; he wahi e haki iho ai ka nalu. with weeds or grass.
a A head of cabbage, a foreign vegeta- 2. To quench fire by pouring on water.
ble. 3. To interrupt a discourse when one is
Po-1-a-wa, s. Poi and awa, sour; bitter. speaking.
Sour poi, or poi too much fermented. 4. To hush or quiet, as a child.
2. Fig. A person of a sour or crabbed 5. Hoo. To examine one, as by torture.
disposition. See Pot, hoo., and also Popot.
Po-i-ru, v. To cover over; to bury with The head of a discourse ; the text of a ser-
aflood. Puk. 15:5. mon ; aia kana pooolelo ma ka Oihana.
2. To shade deeply; to shade from the Po--0U, s. A species of fish of a reddish
light of the sun so as to be almost dark, as color, similar in character to the huli, aawa
a glen thick with trees. and ea.
3. To cover over the heavens with thick Poo-HE-PA-LI, s. One who has the best
dark clouds. of a bargain.
Po-1-pu, s. The state of being covered Poo-H1-Na, v. Poo and hina, to fall off,
up, overwhelmed or darkened by a thick as the hair. To be gray headed; to be old.
covering, as with clouds, water, thick Isa. 46:4.
shade, &e. : Poo-u1-na, s. The gray hairs of an aged
Po-1-Pv, adj. Covered or buried up, as person. Othk. 19:32.
one overwhelmed with waves or the surf. 2. A gray haired person. 1 Nal. 2:6.
Laieik. 133. Tloko o ka halehale poipu o Poo-ui-na, adj. Gray haired or gray
ka nalu. headed ; gray with age. Kaml. 32:25.
Po-1-pu-Puu, v. To be full of hard Jumps, Poo-Hi-wi, s. Poo, top, and hiwz, to di-
like poi not well pounded or made from minish ; a diminishing point.
bad kalo. 1. The sharp top of anything.
2. To be unsocial; to be sour; to be un- 2. Applied to the shoulder. Kin. 9:23.
The shoulder ; hooleii ke kapa ulaula ma
Po-1-pu-puu, s. Food full of lumps. kona poohiwi, they cast the red (royal)
2. Fie. A sour, morose person. kapa upon his shoulders.
Po-1-Pu-PUU, adj. Hard; lumpy, as bad 3. The point of union of the upper arm
oi. bone with the shoulder blade; he hookuina
: 2. Sour; unsocial, as a person. lewa o ka iwi uluna me ka iwi hoehoe ma ~
Poo, v. To scoop up, as water; to dip kela aoao ma keia aoao.
down into the water; to stir up or trouble Poo-H1-wi, adj. Of or pertaining to the
water, as in bathing, or as a hog in rooting shoulder. Puk. 28:7.
under water. Poo-Hoo-LE-wa, S. Poo and hoolewa, to
2. To make a noise by putting the fingers bear or carry. Epithet of a very high chief
in the mouth and snapping the lips. who was always carried by the people.
3. Hoo. To add; to join on; e hookui. Poo-Hou, s. Poo, head, and hou, new.
4, To do with the head, i. e., as we say
Name of the character § used in writing or
in English, to do head-work ; e hanaia ka printing to designate a new subject or par-
mea axamai e na mea poo noonoo. agraph.
5. To dig; to dig deep down; e hoopoo-
poo; to make a deep hole in the ground; Poo-Hu, v. To sing; to sound, as a bell
e kohi, e eli. or other sounding matter.
6. To cause to be light; to swim; to 2. To crack; to squeak, as shoes.
press upon the ama of a canoe; e komi ma Poo-nu, s. A wound, particularly if
ke ama. swollen ; a bruise.
Poo, s. Takes the article ke. The head; Poo-HU-Al, s. A pain; a disease; the
the summit, &c.; ke poo o ka mauna, the headache.
top of the mountain. Poo-nu-xu, s. The top point of a hil-
2. The head of a person; the seat of lock, ridge or mound.
thought; the seat of the intellectual powers; 2. The sharp tops of the ridges of a file
he wahi e noho ai ka noonoo, ka noho ana or rasp.
o ka uhane. Poo-Hu-na, adj. Appellation of one of
3. The head or chief point of a discourse;
the lying gods; he wahahee maoli kekahi
the text of a sermon; ke kumu olelo e hai akua, ua kapaia he poohuna i ke aouli, he
aku. See Pooo.e.o.
wahahee ke ano oia inoa.
4, The name of a place under the sand;
pehea kau puaa? eia i ka poo. Poo-xa-Eo. E pauaalina me he pookaeo
5. A kind of sea-shell. See Poopataoa. la.
6. A chief of a number of people; ahead, Poo-KE-0-KE-0, adj. Poo and keo, white.
guide or leader. Kanl. 1:15. Opposed to
huelo, a lower class. Kanl. 28:13. The White headed; bald headed; epithet of an
head of a people either in civil or military aged person.
matters ; often synonymous with luna; o 2. Wry or crooked necked.
ke alii, nana no e haipule na heiau, poo ka- 3. Prosperous ; successful.
naka, oia hoi na luakini. Poo-KE-0-KE-0, s. Prosperity ; success.
Poo-E-E, s. See Poo above, No. 4. Hal. 73:3.
Po0-0-LE-LO, s. Poo and olelo, speech. Poo-kE-0-KE-0, v. To be prosperous in
business; to be successful in an enterprise. 2. A child born out of wedlock; a bas-
Hal. 37:7. To make a good bargain. tard. Kaml. 23:3.
Poo-kgE-La, v. Poo and kela, to excel.| Poo-Lu-a, adj. Of a double meaning or
To excel ; to be or act as chief; to be put sense.
foremost. 2. Double headed; sinful; adulterous.
Poo-kE-La, s. A chief; a prince or chief Mar. 8:38.
among men. Nah. 16:2. Poo-.u-Lu-H1, adj. Poo and luhi, fatigu-
2. Asuperior either by birth or by great ing labor. Cloudy; dark.
exploits; the greatest, chief, highest among 2. Depressed with labor or sorrow.
a number of persons. ol. 1:18. Poo-mau-nu, s. Poo and maunu, bait of
3. Official dignity or insignia. Jer. 13:18. ahook. The bait of a fisherman’s hook;
Poo-KE-La, adj. More excellent; exceed- he maunu lawaia.
ing ; better; a lilo ai kakou i pookela ma- 2. The end; the remainder.
luna o na holoholona, that we may become Poo-mvu-ku, v. Poo and muku, cut off;
more excellent than (above) the brutes. the head cut off. To cut off; to sever, as
Poo-KE-pa, s. Poo and kepa, sideways; with a knife or sword.
edgeways. The hair cutso as to be made to Poo-N1-U-NI-U, s. Dizziness of the head;
stand differently from what it naturally Poo-NU-NU, the vertigo.
2. A part of the hair cut and a part left Poo-noo, v. Poo and noonoo, to think.
standing. To think; to reflect; to turn over and over
3. A one-sided head. Nots.—tIt was cus- in the mind.
tomary among Hawaiians in mourning for Poo-noo-noo, s. Thought; reflection;
the loss of friends, to cut the hair in very the act of reflecting.
fantastical shapes as a sign of sorrow. 2. A person skilled in thinking; one
Poo-kE-Pa-LI, s. Probably poo, head, and taught to think; he poonoeau.
o ke pali, of the precipice. The man who Poo-noo-noo, adj. ‘Thinking; reflect-
makes the best bargain in trade, i. e., he ing ; using the mental powers.
caps the pali. Poo-pa-La-oa, s. Name of a sea shell.
Poo-ko-1, s. Poo, head, and koi, sharp See Poo.
as an axe. A person having a sharp or Poo-Poo, tf A ball of an oval shape.
projecting forehead. Norge.—Such were
supposed to have something supernatural
Po-po, Note.—The orthography of
popo is the more correct. See Popo.
about them and had the power of using the
pule anaana, that is, of praying people to Poo-roo, v. To be deep; to be lower
death. down; to be sunkin. Oihk. 24:37.
2. A person lacking good sense; he mea 2. To be deep down, asa pit dug deeply.
i manaoia he lapuwale. Hal. 7:15. EK hoea aku ai i ka lua nui,i
Poo-xo-11, v. To be envied on account poopoo nahonaho.
of one’s riches. Poo-poo, adj. Deep, asa hole dug deep
Poo-xo-11, s. One who is envied on ac- in the ground; a deep pit: poopoo hoi na
count of his riches. maka iloko lilo, their eyes were set deep
Poo-ku-a-KE-A, adj. Poo, head, kua, within; sunken, as the eyes of a person
from disease.
back, and kea, white. White or bald headed.
See PooKEOKEO. Poo-Po-No-po-No, v. Poo and pone, to
Po-o-La, s. Name of a species of fish. put in order. To seat persons in regular
2. The name of a tree. order; to arrange sitting places for a great
Poo-La-PA-La-PA, Ss. Poo and lapalapa, number; to set up near to each other.
cornered. A square head; a head with Poo-pu-aa, s. One of the wooden gods
many angular points. in a heiau whose head resembled a hog’s;
Poo-LE-Lo, s. Poo and olelo, the chief alike me ke poopuaa ke kii, ua kapaia kela
kii he puaa kukui Ka inoa.
speech. The man who makes the best bar-
gain in trading. See PooKEPALI Poo-pu-a-LI, s. Poo, head, and puali,
Po-o-Lo-pu, s. See Ootaru and Ootoprv. binding. The depression or slight hollow
A blister; a rising of the skin. on the crown of the head. See Popvaut.
2. The swelling up of cloth when thrown |Poo-puu, s. Poo and puu, a rise of
into the water. ground; a hillock. The top of a hillock or
Poo-Lu-a, s. Poo, head, and lua, two.| mound; the top ofaridge. See Poonvxu,
A child who has two fathers; he keiki na Poo-wal, s. Poo and waz, water. A toun-
na makuakane elua ; a nominal and a real tain head of water; o ke kahiko poowai o
one. Kuaikua.
Pou, s. The name of the side posts of 2. To darken ; to blind morally. Rom.
a Hawaiian house. 1:21. E hoopoeleele mai i ka naau.
2. A post or pillar of a building. Puk. Po-v-11, s. Darkness; want of light;
27:10. E hanaia i paa a kukulu ia ka pow night; moral darkness; ignorance; gener-
ma ka waa akau; e hanaia ka pou i ke ally expressed by the word naaupo.
kaula mai luna a lalo. Po-v-u1, adj. Dark; obscure.
3. A disease said to be a hard, long sub- Po-u-11-u-11, adj. The intensive of po-
stance lying perpendicularly above the
uli. Wery dark.
Po-vo-vo, s. The substance that fisher- Po-v-1-u-LI-u, v. See Liv and Livuiv,
men use to bear up their nets, light buoys, a long time; a great distance off. A great
floaters, lighters, &c. See Movo and Mo- ways off; a far distance ; o ka lanipaa oia
vou. no kahi e pouliuliu ana ke nana aku.
2. The name of the net thus prepared; Po-u-tu, s. Name of a shrub or small
upena pououod. tree from the bark of which a species of
Pov-o-ma-Nu, s. Pow, post, 0, of, and kapa was made. i
manu, anancientgod. The post of a chief's Po-u-na, s. Eng. A pound in weight.
house, into the hole of which a man was Kanl. 25:13.
first put as a sacrifice, and then the post set 2. A pound in money ; twenty shillings.
in. (This was a work of former times.) Luk. 19:13.
Pov-Ha-na, s. See Pov. The long end Povu-NA-KAU, s. Pouna, see above,
post of a house to which the ridge pole is Povu-NA-KAU-LI-KE, J and kau, to put upon
fastened. or place. <A balance for weighing; scales.
Pou-na-nuu, adj. Pou and hanuu, short Isa. 40:12. See KauPaona. }
protuberances. Short; round; broken in Pou-na-Na-Hu-a, s. Name of a certain
short pieces. post in a heiau near the door.
Pou-ut-a, adj. See Pavuta. Overcome Pou-rov, adj. Short of stature ; low;
with sleep; drowsy; dreaming; ina trance. short generally; pokopoko; ua like ka pou-
Pov-ui-o, s. Pow and hio, slanting. The pow me ka haahaa. Nore—tThis word
corner post of a house. should not be confounded with poopoo,
Po-v-uvu, adj. Po, head, and uhu, groan- which means deep down.
ing. Homely; ugly looking; bad looking, Pov-pou-a-NA, s. Name of a prayer at
as the countenance; ano inoino ma ka he- the luakini; o Poupouana ka inoa oia aha.
lehelena. Pou-pou-No-HO-NI-0, s. Falsehood; evil
Po-u-Hu, s. Aspecies of fish; the shell- reports to the injury of one.
fish leho perhaps. ‘

Povu-x1-HI, s. Pow and kihi, corner. The Povu-pa, s. Eng. Powder; gun-powder.
The Hawaiian name for powder is one a,
corner post of a Hawaiian house. See Pov-
HIO. :
burning sand. See Warpanu. The word
is also written pauda, and awkwardly paula.
Po-u-kI-u-KI, v. Po, intensive, and uki-
uki, wet; mouldy. To be wet; to be damp Po-Ha, v. To burst; to burst forth, as
and cold; to be mildewed; hence, to smell a sound; to thunder; poha ka nanu (nalu),
musty ; to be bad smelling. ke wewe o wahulu mai. See WEWE.
Po-u-Le, s. Po and ule, penis. The ule 2. To rush upon; to make an irruption,
asanenemy. 1 Qihl. 14:11.
or stamen of the male flower of the bread- 3. To come upon suddenly, as in anger;
fruit; poule ulu; he ule no kaulu i ka hoo- to punish. Puk. 19:22.
maka ana e hua mai.
4, To burst or break forth, as a boil or
Po-v-Le-u-Lu, s. Poule, see above, and sore. Puk. 9:9.
ulu, breadfruit. The stamen of a bread- 5. To unstop, as the ear of a deaf person.
fruit flower. 6. To burst forth suddenly, as light in a
2. Something that grows on the extreme dark place.
branches of the ulu or breadfruit tree; it is 7. To appear: to come in sight, as the
used for making kapa. moon; to appear; to flow out, as the men-
Po-v-11, v. Po, night, and wii, black; strual flux; ua poha ua wahine la.
dark. To be or become dark, as night. 8. To appear in sight, as the leprosy
Puke. 10:22. To be affected with silence or under the skin. 2 Qihl. 26:19.
sadness; spoken of the effects of love; 9. To burst forth ; to overflow, as tears.
aole loaa ia ia ka ono o ka ai, no ka mea, Ler. 9:18.
ua pouli i ke aloha, she perceived no sweet- 10. Hoo. To burst suddenly, as the sound
ness in food, because she was in a dark of thunder. 2 Sam. 22:14. p
state through love. Laieik. 205. Hoo. To 11. To burst or break through opposi-
cause darkness; to be darkened. tion, as a torrent. ob. 28:10.
Po-na, s. The crack of a whip. least of all hard substances was called one,
2. The noise of thunder; the noise of any sand.
explosive substance. Po-na-ku, adj. Of the nature or quality
3. The bursting or breaking of a boil. of stone, hard.
4. The bursting or flashing of light. Po-HA-KU-HE-LE, S. Pohaku and hele, to:
5. The name of the Cape gooseberry; go. Lir. A walking stone. A species of
article se. crab which has a shell like a stone.
Po-na, adj. Bursting; cracking; spark- Po-wa-ku-KAA, S. Pohaku and kaa, to:
ling. turn. A millstone. Kanl. 24:6. Pohaku-
Po-warE, v. Po and hae, to tear. To be kaa palaoa. Lunk. 9:53.
torn, as a hole in a bundle. Po-Ha-ku-LE-Po, s. Pohaku and lepo,
2. Hoo. To tear, as a hole in a package dirt. A brick made of dirt or soil mixed
or bundle ; to tear a hole in the thatching with grass or straw, and dried in the sun.
of a house; mai hoopohae oe i ka hale e See ADOBIE.
nana. Po-wa-ku-PAA, 8. Pohaku and paa, firm ;:
3. To make the sound of tearing cloth or solid. Arock. Job. 28:9. Note.— Pohaku
kapa. paa is the general name of hard or solid
Po-HAE-HAE, adj. Po and hae, torn. stones out of which kois were made, and
Rotten ; brittle, &c., as cloth easily torn. pohaku paa stands in opposition to pohalcu
See PAkeEPAKE and HarHar. luehee, soft or porous stones.
Po-Hal, v. To be surrounded and gath- Po-HA-KuU-PA-E-A, 8. Pohaku and paea,
ered into an inclosure. the Hawaiian pronunciation for the English
2. To be gathered together in a circular word fire. A fire stone; a flint stone. Ezek.
form, as fish inclosed in a net; ua pohai ka 3:9. A flint.
ia ; ua pohai na waa; ua pohai na kanaka. Po-HA-KU-wWaAl-kI, Ss. Pohaku and waz,
Po-Ha-HA, adj. Round; circular, as a water, and ki, to shoot, as a gun. A name
sore, as a pit, &c.; round, as the crater of given to a ball or bullet formed anciently
a volcano; deep down, asa pit. See Po- from a stone and adapted to a squirt-gun.
NAHA. See WarkI.
Po-wa-ka, s. A printed or painted kapa. Po-wa-La, v. To be healed; to recover
2. A cincture ; a girdle; a belt. from sickness. Jak. 5:16,
Po-wa-KAA, s. The name of a god sup- 2. To recover from a swoon or fainting;
posed to live in ravines or precipitous alaila, pohala ae la kona manao. Kin. 45:27.
places where stones were often rolled down. Used also with naau.
Po-wa-kau, s. An anchor by which a 3. To breathe freely and easily after
ship is fastened by means of the cable ; he being relieved from severe pain.
heleuma, he mea e paa ai ka moku i ka 4, To befreed from constraint; to break
hekau. loose from confinement.
5. To unfold; to burst forth, as the petals
Po-HA-KAU-LEI, v. To draw in; to con- of a flower.
tract. 6. Hoo. To question in a captious man-
2. To raise or lift up; to raise to a higher ner; to speak against a person or a meas-
place. ure.
Po-HA-kiI-kul, v. To place and to carry 7. To object to; to interfere ; to reply
a child on the back part of the neck (not to; to find fault with. JZuk. 14:6. To for-
on the shoulder.) bid.
2. To carry anything on the back part of 8. To use influence with one to prevent
the neck, like a kihei. a thing; mai hoole, a hoopohala, a hana
Po-Ha-kI-o-Lo-a, s. A stone used by hewa.
fishermen, probably as anchor to the canoe. Po-Ha-La, s. Rest; ease after pain or
suffering ; relief from constraint.
Po-HA-Kol, v. Po, intensive, and hakoi. 2. Hoo. A pretense; a specious course
To be very heavy; to bear down. See Kor of conduct.
and Koko. Po-Ha-La, adj. Quiet; breathing freely;
Po-Ha-ku, s. The general name of opening, as a flower; relieved from con-
stones, rocks, pebbles, &c.; pohaku ula, a finement.
brick; a tile. Hzek. 4:1. Pohaku lepo, an Po-Ha-LE, v. See Poane, A inserted.
adobie ; a sun-dried brick. Puk. 1:14. O To be very full of waves; to be open on
na mea paa he pohaku ia. Large stones top, as a rough sea.
were called pali pohaku; lesser ones po-
haku uwuku; melted stones or lava was Po-wa-LE, adj. Absorbent ; swallowing
called aa; small stones rubbed or worn up.
mat in the water were called iiili; the Po-HA-LE-HA-LE, @dj.. See Poate and
; POH 476 POH
PoaLHALE. Open; unprotected; lying use- Po-ni-uH1, v. Po, intensive, and Azhi, to
less. be thick and tangled,as vines. To be very
Po-na-tu, v. Po, intensive, and halu, to much tangled, as a thick growth of vines.
sink in or to sink down. To sink down, as 2. To be shady, as with thick leaves and
something weak or overcome. branches of trees.
2. To lie or be folded up. Po-n1-H1, adj. Dark; obscure; intricate.
3. To restsecurely or quietlyin a place. Sol. 1:6. Confused, as long tangled hair.
Po-Ha-tv, adj. Broken; wounded; coiled Po-n1-u1-v, adj. Po and hihi and hiu,
up; lying quietly. wild. Entangled ; puzzling; not plain.
and hano, Po-n1-n1-H1, adj. See Pontniv. Obscure,
Po-HA-no, adj. Po, intensive,
hoarse. Hoarse; unnatural, as the voice as language ; puzzling, as a question; not
from a cold or other cause; hard breath- plain; entangled; mea pohihihi,a mystery;
ing, as one with the phthisic. a dark saying; hard questions. 1 Nal. 10:1.
Po-Ha-po-Ha, v. See Pona. To burst Forgotten ; not known.
forth suddenly, as any sound; to parch, as Po-u1-H1-H1, s. A mist; an obscurity of
corn; to crack, as a whip; to squeak, as vision ; anything dark or entangled ; that
shoes. which is obscure or mysterious; a mystery.
2. To burst or break forth, as a boil. Z LeSe2nts
3. Hoo. To cause to bubble, as water in 2. Forgetfulness ; ignorance; awkward-
boiling ; to break up with a nvise, as the ness.
surface of water. Po-n1-na, s. See Pontand Ana. A mist
4, To trouble the water, as the fiukes of or fine rain; a fog; a thin cloud.
a whale or other fish. ob. 41:31. 2. A person with gray hairs; one having
Po-ne, v. To cut short; to round off, white hairs. See PoourNa.
as the corners; to cut into short pieces. 3. Any white substance, as pia, flour, &c.
Po-ueE, s. The marshmallows. Po-nt-na, adj. White; whitish; hav-
2. A small plant like low mallows, the ing a white appearance.
bark of which is used like olona or hemp. Pohina luna i ke ao makani kaluu,
Po-ne, adj. Cut short, as a rope witha Naue ka lehua ka pua o ka laau,
Hakawai ka ohua 0 Okuauli,
knife or with the teeth; cut smoothly off Uli ke ai na hua e ke akua.
instead of being broken. Lam. Haw. 10:4. Po-u1-NaA-HI-NA, Ss. A breaking down, as
He weluwelu ka ka ia, he pohe keia. a tree or shrub; he wahia na laau.
2. Round; smoothed by cutting off the 2. The name of a plant of a silvery gray
corners. color ; he hinahina.
3. Cut into short pieces. Po-n1-we-HI-we, adj. By change of let-
Po-nEE-va, v. See Ponerraui. To slip ters for powehiwehi. Dark; obscure; hay-
or fall down a steep precipice on account ing but little light ; seeing faintly.
of a great rain. Po-n1-wi, s. The shoulder, &c. See
Po-HEE-Pa-LI, v. To die mysteriously, PoouHIwI.
no one knowing the cause; e make me ka
poino, aole maopopo ka mai ame ka popi- Po-no, v. To sink, as in water. Puk.
15:4. To plunge in the water out of sight.
2. To fall down a slippery pali when 2. To sink, i. e., to lose money or prop-
alone and be killed. erty in business.
3. To get the advantage of one. 3. Poho ka manao, to sink, as the mind;
to despond ; to despair.
Po-uE-o0, s. A stone; some hard thing; 4. To blow gently, as the wind; to fill
he mea paakiki. the sails.
Po-HE-o-HE-0, s. Any small, round, hard 5. To clasp hands, as men two and two
substance. in carrying a canoe.
2. Specifically, the head of a nail or pin; 6. Hoo. To go beyond in a bargain; to
the head at the top of a rafter. overreach. 1 Tes. 4:6.
Po-HE-0-HE-0, adj. Round; smooth; Po-no, s. A slight hollow or cavity;
hard. See Pons. poho lima, the hollow of the hand. Oihk.
Po-HE-HE-o, v. To swell up round and 14:15. Poho wawae, the hollow of the foot.
smooth; to be round and piump, as a See Pout. 2 Nal. 19:24. Opposite to piko
woman with many folds of pa-u on. o ke poo, top of the head. Isa. 1:6.
2. The name of a chalky white earth;
Po-nE-mo, v. ‘To slip out of the hand, hence, chalk as imported; he hauone, he
as one carries a bundle and it falls; e pu- ano keokeo me he puna la.
hemo, e alualu, e oloolo, e haaluea. 3. A deep place; a deep pit.
Po-n1, v. Tosink down; to settle away; 4. A deep basket or container made of
to grow less. See Pano, to go out of sight. the ie to put fish in when caught. .
5. Loss; damage by loss. set. 7:4. Po-nu, s. A calm after a storm. Hal.
6. A goal or base; any such place marked 107:29.
in a game; ke poho o ka moku. 2. A calm still place in the sea; aia ke-
Po-no, adj. Lost; dead; sunken. Sol. kahi wahi pohu ma Lanai, ua kapaia o Ka-
21:16. holo mahope o ka hanee ana o ka pali;
Po-Ho-La, v. To open; to spread out, calm still water out of the wind; makemake
as the petals of a flower when blossoming; nui ko Hilo poe alii ia Kona, no ka pohu,
to open; to expand; to grow larger. the Hilo chiefs greatly desired Kona for
the calm water (of the sea.)
Po-Ho-La-Lo, v. Poho and lalo, down-
ward. To give or furnish a thing to be
Po-nu, adj. Calm; still; quiet, as the
trampled upon; e haawi mai malalo o na wind or sea after a storm.
wawae. Po-nu-g, s. A broken piece of calabash.
Po-no-La-Lo, s. Mischief done by dis- 2. A water calabash.
turbing one when sitting down; na hana 3. A piece of the bitter calabash; a pot-
kolohe malalo o ka okole. sherd. Sol. 26:33. Hookomo i ka apana
pohue maloko o ka malo; unuhi ae la ia i
Po-no-La-wa, v. To be water-soaked, ke pohue mai kona aoao ae: 1 ae la.
as kalo; to be worm-eaten, as potatoes; to Po-nu-E, adj. Of or pertaining to a
be internally defective, as vegetables.
gourd or calabash; elua ipu, he ipu laau,
Po-Ho-La-wa, adj. Partially rotten or he ipu pohue. Hana hou no i hale pohue.
decayed, as vegetables. Po-Hu-E-HU-E, s. The name of a run-
Po-Ho-Lz, v. To break forth; to open, ning plant like the koali.
as a flower. 2. The name of the root of a species of
2. To wound; to bruise; e hai kona lima, the convolvulus growing on sand banks,
ame ka ihu, pohole kona umauma. and used with the koali as a cathartic.
3. To peel off, as the skin. Hzek. 29:18. 3. The name of a species of stone used in
Po-no-Le, s. A wound; a bruise; an polishing canoes.
opening or breaking of the skin; a mark Po-nu-nu. See Hoouwant.
made on the skin by a blow. Po-nu-ku, adj. Round and smooth, 1. e.,
Po-no-ti-ma, s. Poho and lima, hand. without prominent corners; smooth, as the
The hollow of the hand. Puk. 9:8. The shell of the paubhu ; smooth and round, as
palm of the hand. Isa. 49:16. Kahi pala- a baldhead.
halaha o ka lima. Po-nu-ku-Hu-ku, s. Any white globular
Po-no-Lo, v. Toslip, sink or glide down substance, as a white baldhead.
into the water, as a piece of lead or other _2, Anything growing or increasing in
heavy substance. size.
2. To slip off, as an axe from its helve. 3. One having the head larger at the top
2 Nal. 6:5. than at the bottom.
3. To cast, as a female her young; to 4. The rising up of a large white sub-
miscarry by premature birth. stance, as a white cloud, a pillar of smoke.
Po-Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo, v. See Ponoto. Toad- See Ponvuv.
here only slightly, as a work of many Po-Hu-Ku-Hu-ku, adj. Much in quan-
pieces ; to be brittle; to be easily broken tity ;copious; overflowing, as phlegm in
or separated. a severe cold when working off; pohulcu-
Po-Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo, adj. Slightly adhering; huku ka male, i ka nui loa.
easily separating : sinking. Po-Hu-Ku-Hu-ku, v. To get the advan-
Po-Ho-tu-a, v. To set the sails of a ves- tage in a bargain. See PooHEPALI.
sel to the wind so as neither to go forward Po-Hu-ku-Hu-ku, adv. Unitedly; acting
or backward ; to lie to. together.
Po-no-Lu-a, s. Poho and lua, pit. The Po-Hu-L1, v. To plant that which has
deep cavity of the anus. been dug up for transplanting, as a tree,
Po-no-n1, s. A sinking in or sinking banana, &c.
down, as with pain; a contraction of the 2. To transplant. See Hutt, to set, asa
muscles in disease; a sinking of the lips slip in the ground. Isa. 17:10.
and cheeks from the loss of teeth. Po-uvu-t1, s. The sucker, branch of
Po-Ho-po-Ho, adj. See Pono. Sinking; sprout of any vegetable to be transplanted
marshy; miry. Ezek. 47:11. for producing its kind.
2. Anything which is transplanted, as a
Po-nu, v. See Kuronv. Tobe calm; to banana or other vegetable.
lull, as the wind; pohw loa ka makani, the
wind lulled greatly ; to be or become calm Po-Hu-Lu-u1, v. Pohu and luhi, fatigue.
after a storm atsea. Mar. 4:39. To be heavy from fatigue; to be weighed
down, as by sleep ; to be very sleepy; to younger brother or sister. A real dear lit-
be overcome by fatigue. tle brother or sister.
Po-xa, s. A small globular substance; Po-xi-Na-Hu-A, Ss. Name of an aha or
a ball; a bullet. assembly for honoring the chief.
Po-xa, adj. Round; rolling; rolling Po-KI-NI-KI-NI, s. A word used in prayer
round. by the priests.
Po-xaa, v. Poand kaa, to roll. To turn; 2. It is also called pomanomano, a place
to go round; to surround; to turn, i. e., to where the wicked forever dwell. See Po-
make go round, as a rope or band round a LIOIA.
wheel. Po-x1-po-k1, s. A species of the oniscus,
Po-xaa, s. That which is wound up; an animal which lives in the mouth of the
a ball, as of rope or twine. flying-fish, or attaches itself to the side of
Po-xa-o, v. To be poor; to be naked; the fish; he wahi ano ia ma ka moana, a
ma ka ae kai, a ma ka aina.
to be destitute of the comforts of life.
Po-xa-o, adj. Very poor, as one desti- Po-kt-po-KI, v. See Pox. To stand
thickly together, as people in a crowd; to
tute of decent clothing ; naked.
sit close together ; to be multitudinons.
Po-xkao-KAo, adj. Poor, as land; un- Po-ko, s. See Poxo, short. The epithet
yielding, as dry barren soil; destitute of often applied to the smaller division of a
district of country ; as, Koolau loa, long
Po-Ka-KA, s. A wheel, as of a pulley; Koolau ; Koolau poko, short Koolau; Ha-
QPO-KA-KAA, the wheel of a cart or car- makua loa. long Hamakua; Hamakua poko,
riage. Lunk. 5:28. short or small Hamakua, &e.
Po-xa-Kaa, adj. Turning; rolling; turn- 2. The name of a species of worm, the
ing over and over. same perhaps as the peelua and anuhe; a
Po-ka-KAo, adj. See Poxaoxao. Dry caterpillar. Hal. 78:46.
and barren, as land ; producing nothing. Po-xo, adj. Short; not long; hence,
Po-xa-na, adj. Pokaand ana. The qual- incompetent ; insufficient.
ity of being round; rounded; liable to Po-xo, adv. Shortly; briefly ;summa-
roll; relling easily. rily. Rom. 13:9.
2. Rolling in upon; coming to one gra- Po-xo-a, adj. See Paxo’u and Paxotu.
tuitously or without care; e loaa wale mai Short; poko ; the opposite of long.
a nui. Po-ko-Hu-Ko-HU, s. Po, intensive, and
Po-xg, s. A piece; a part; a portion; kohu. A red dye made of the noni.
~ he pauku, he apahu, he apana. Po-Ko-LE, adj. See Poxo, short.
Po-xe-o, s. The time or period of child- Po-ko-Po-ko, Short in comparison with
hood; the time when one is little. something long ; not long ; hana pokole, a
Po-KE-1-NA, s. Poke and ina, sea egg. short work.
A calabash of ina, a species of the sea egg; 2. Insufficient for a purpose; incompe-
he ia poepoe kalakala. tent for a place; low; humble; not tall.
Po-KEo-KEo, s. The name of property See PaxoLe and Poupovu. Ua like ka po-
given gratuitously ; a present. kole me ka pako’u.
2. Roundness ; plumpness; smoothness. Po-xo-LeE, v. To be short. Hoo. To
See PookEoKEO. make short. Fie. To be unable to do a
Po-x1, s. The name of a worm which thing. Nah. 11:23.
destroys vegetables. Po-Ko-kE, v. See Koxoxe, to be soon.
2. A standing or setting close together, To be near at hand, as time or place; e
as a crowd of people. pokoke ka ai.
Po-x1, v. Tostand or sit thick together, Po-xo-kE, s. Name of a disease; a chill;
as people crowded. he kulu.
2. To be united so as not to be sepa- Po-xo-po-ko, adj. Short. See Poxote
rated. above.
Po-xi-a, s. Po and kia, a post. A post Po-xu, v. ‘To cry out, as one of the
set up for birds to light on when they are terms of a public ecrier; to cry out in the
caught; he kia manu, he laau lawaia manu. night, as a person making mischief.
Po-xu, s. The youngest member of a Po-ua, s. The edge or end of a kapa, as
family ;ka hanau muli-loa; the youngest a pa-u for instance which is tucked in from
born of several children. 1 Sam. 16:11. above, and hangs down after being tucked
The younger of two children of the same in.
sex; an endearing appellation. 2. An end of a kapa which hangs over
Po-x-Kai-wa, s. A double epithet fora the back.
3. The hanging down of the blossom of| Po-Le-NA, s. Sails drawn tightly ; all
the maia or banana. the sails of a vessel made fast, tight and
4, The lower end of a bunch of bananas; secure ; hao na pea a pau.
o na eka malalo. Hao na polena o Haupu,
5. The high seat between the canoes of Na heke luna o ke olewa.
a double-canoe. Laieik. 112. Po-LE-Po-LE, v. See Pote. To ward off;
6. The Hawaiian pronunciation of the to defend ; to separate.
English word bowl; a cup. See Bora. Polepole i na libilihi o ka ohai,
Po-La-LA-wa-HI, s. The name given to Onoonou kela i ke knia o Makahuna,
a certain great darkness over the Islands Ahi lapalapa kela i ke pili o Piihonua.
in ancient times. Po-Le-po-Le, s. A kind of child’s play
Po-1a-Le, adj. Clear; bright; splendid. which consisted in putting up one hand
See MoLaLe and MoLaLeLaLe. above another and saying as follows:
Po-ta-po-LA, v. To sprout; to shoot Polepole ka mamalihini, kaa mai, kaa mai
I kou, i kou kauhale, kauhale ouou,
out; to grow, as a bud or leaf. Ke akia nei kuu piko e kaulelev la e ko lae.
2. To put on or clothe one in large flow-
ing garments ; e aahu polapola, e poaka. Po-te-wa, v. To sway to and fro; to
3. To recover; to get well from sickness. flow ; to run, as a liquid; to be unstead-
Po-a-po-La, s. A sense of fullness in fast.
the stomach ; pihapiha. Po-Lte-wa, s. Anything swinging or
Po-ta-po-La, adj. Well; healthy; pola- loose ; that which is not tight.
pola na maka; bright, as the face of one Po-Le-wa, adj. Loose; swinging ; not
recovered from sickness ; full; flowing, as fast.
a garment. Po-u1, s. The lower part of the belly;
Po-te, v. To defend off; to separate; the lap when one is sitting; the bosom.
to divide between. Rut. 4:16. Wahine o kou poli. Kanl. 13:7.
Po-te-a, v. To be smooth; to be with- 2. A slight concavity. as the hollow of
out edge or points; to be smooth, as the the foot ;poli wawae ; the space between
gums without teeth; to sink in, as cheeks the breasts of females. Mel. Sol. 1:13.
3. Fic. Friendly presence; love. See
without teeth.
Po-tz-a, adj. Without projections; with- Po-1, adj. Having a slight hollow or
out sharp edge or border; sunken in, as
the face of one without teeth. cavity, as the bosom or lap; ilio moe poli,
puaa moe poli, a dog or pig often carried
Po-LE-HE-LE-HE, adj. Not bound tightly, in the bosom, i.e., greatly beloved; petted.
as a bundle; paa ole. See ULEHELEHE.
Po-u1-a1, v. To send or call for an ab-
Po-LE-HU-LE-HU, v. To be between dark- sent person on business or conversation;
ness and light; to be in a state of twilight; to give in charge to one.
to be a little dark. See MoLEHULEHU.
Po-t1-a-Hu, s. A soft touch; a gentle
Po-LE-HU-LE-HU, s. Sunsetting; twilight adherance of one thing to another.
of morning or evening ; partial light. Po-u1-E, s. A shining substance; a
Po-tz-KE, v. To be unfortunate; to be bright gleam or flash of light.
stripped of one’s property ; to lose one’s Po-L1-E-LE, adj. Deep blue; black;
property by authority of a chief.
shining black ; panopano.
Po-tE-ko, v. To be easy and fluent in Po-t1-0, adj. Dark, as a place of mis-
conversation ; e akamai i ke kamailio.
Po-.E-mo, v. To sink down in the water; Po-.1-0, s. A place of torment for wicked
to plunge. See PaLemo. men; a place dark and far off from good
Po-tE-nA, v. To be mixed, as dirt or men. See PoMANOMANO.
coloring matter with water; to be discol- Po-1i-o-14, s. A distant place of suffer-
ored, as water; ina e hookomoia ka lepo ing; a place of torment for the wicked; ka
iloko o ka wai, alaila, ua polena ka wai. po make mau loa, ka liloika make. See
Aole lua o ke ki Jena i ka ua, POKINIKINI.
Lena makalena ka maka o Ka lehua,
Lena, polena a ki lena
Po-1i-u-Ku-4, s. An imaginary place
I ka hoowiwo e ka makani, away in the back part of the heavens, where
Laaua wiwo ka pua, ka pua makahala, the stars are fixed ; it is supposed to bea
Hala aku no oe, owau aku no. very dark place; ma kahi o na hokui kau
Po-te-na, s. A species of the bird oo, ai ma ka paia kua o ka lani, ma Kahi po-
yellow feathers made into the aahw alii, 2. Thick or gross darkness.
royal robe.
O ka polena hulu manu hulu la. Po-i-u-LI-u, s. Whatever is at a great
distance of time or place ; something very Po-Lo-Le1, v. To be straight; to be cor-
far off; that which is widely separated from rect, naturally or morally.
something else. 2. To make straight ; to direct.
Po-u1-u-L1-u, adj. Far off; widely sepa- 3. Hoo. To become straight; to make that
rated; at a great distance. straight which has become crooked natu-
Po-ui-uI-u-A, s. Resplendency; some rally or morally.
shining, glittering substance; a flash of 4. To direct; to put in order.
lightning. Po-to-LEI, s. Uprightness; rectitude of
2. Shining black ; a deep blue. conduct; he pololet kona aoao.
Po-u-HI-wa, s. A bright shining cloud. 2. A name given to new fresh food (poi.)
See PoLoKE.
Po-ui-1-wa, adj. Bright; shining; ap- Po-Lo-LEI, adj. Straight; correct; accu-
plied to clouds.
rate, in opposition to crooked, irregular or
Po-ui-KI-a, s. Whatever is tied tightly perverse.
or bound fast; severe suffering ; olioli no Po-Lo-LE1, adv. Straightly ; uprightly;
hoi lakou i ka hiki ana mai o ka polikia
maluna o lakou. See PILIKIA. certainly.
Po-ur-u-ma, s. Polé and lima, hand. Po-Lo-LEI-KA-NI-KU-A-MAU-NA, S$. A spe-
cies of locust. See POLOKANIKUAMAUNA.
The hollow of the hand.
Po-ti-NA-HE, v. To blow softly, as a Po-to-u1, v. To sink down with weak-
light breeze. ness.
2. To exhibit the qualities of softness, 2. To be attenuated or thin fer want of
food ; hence,
fineness, thinness, &c.
: . To be hungry in opposition to being
Po-1-Na-HE, adj. Soft and gentle, as ull.
the voice of affection; soft, as the sound of 4, Hoo. To cause to be hungry; to fast
low music; gentle, as a zephyr. for any purpose. Neh. 1:4.
Po-11-po-11, s. Name of a species of soft Po-to-11, s. That which sinks down in
porous stone. opposition to that which swells up; op-
Po-u1-po-x1, v. To soften, as a stone in posed to maona, filled with eating ; hence,
the art of making stone adzes ; 0 kahi ma- _ 2. Hunger; want of food. Puk. 16:8.
lalo e polipoli ana, he pipi ka inoa. Po-to-11, adj. Having lately eaten noth-
Po-Li-wa-waE, s. Poli and wawae, foot. ing; hungry ; maona ole.
The hollow of the foot. Po-to-Lo-a, v. To blunder; to act awk-
Po-to-al, v. To send orders for one to wardly ; to miss the mark ; to go astray.
come. Po-Lo-Lo-HU-A-ME-A, adj. Green and far
Po-to-v-n1-wa, adj. Dark brown; deep off, as the sea at a great distance; ke kai
blue; makue. poiolohuamea a Kane.
Po-Lo-HA-NA-0-LE, Ss. Epithet of a woman Po-to-Lu, s. A spear. Lunk. 5:8, A
who will not work but lives upon her hus- long spear; he laau kaua, he ihe loihi.
band’s earnings. Hina iho la ia no ka hihia i ka pololu, he
Po-to-ui-wa, adj. Dark; black, as a fell, being entangled by the long spear.
black cloud; shining black. Pule. 19:16. Po-Lo-Na, s. Sickness at the stomach;
Po-to-n1-wa, s. A shining black cloud. nausea ; vomiting.
Po-Lo-nu-a, s. The fruit of the popolo 2. Sense of fatigue; heaviness; sluggish-
which was eaten in time of scarcity. ness.
Po-Lo-Hu-ku. See Pononuku. Po-Lo-PE-A, s. The stem of a bunch of
hala fruit.
Po-to-xa, s. A bunch of the hala fruit, Po-Lo-po-Lo-u-a, s. A bunch of hala
especially the lower end of the bunch. fruit still unripe but growing ; he polopea
Ka pololu poloka oiki halale,
Na hue maka moku kapa e ka ua, no Haalelea.
Na hakakae nawali i ka ua e he. Po-Lo-po-Lo-NA, s. See Potona. ‘The
Po-Lo-KA-NI-KU-A-MAU-NA, Ss. A species offensive smell of acrowded, confined room;
of locust. See POLOLEIKANIKUAMAUNA. the vitiated air of a confined room; a house
uninhabited ; punahelu.
Po-Lo-Ka-wAk, s. A long sickness. Po-to-po-Lo-na, adj. Mouldy; rancid ;
2. A long spear. worm-eaten ; hauna.
Po-to-KE, s. New fresh food, as poi just Po-tv, s. Thick woolen cloth; lion skin.
pounded up from kalo. See also POLOLEI, Po-tu-a, s. Po, head, and lua, two.
another name. See AIAKAKAI. Dizziness ; sickness.
Po-to-kE, v. To be fresh, as new pounded 2. A wind blowing from two directions.
poi; ua poloke i ke kai ole ka loaa. See PoLogua.
3. Elua ai e oa lilo paha. separation; eternal night. See PoxintKii.
Po-tu-E-a, s. The sickness felt after 2. A place where pointed clouds arise
intoxication ; loss of appetite, &c. out of the ocean. See Popuaku.
2. Fullness after eating ; a pau iho la Po-ME-GE-RA-NE, s. Eng. A pomegran-
kakou i ka luai no ka nui loa o ka polvea, Po-ME-RAI-TE, ate. Kunl. 8:3; Mel.
a poniuniu mai la na maka. Sol. 4:3.
Po-tu-E-a, v. To be heavy; to be dull Po-na, s. The joints, as of the spine
and stupid, as one coming out of a debauch. and the fingers; the spaces between the
Po-tu-Ku, v. Po and luku, to slay in bulbs or joints of bones.
great numbers. To slay and destroy in 2. That part of a stalk of sugar cane
great numbers, as in a battle; to make a which is between the joints.
slaughter of men or animals. 3. The joints themselves of sugar-cane
2. To turn over and over; to turn up- or bambov.
side down. Po-na, v. To divide off into joints or
Po-Lu-xu, s. A slaughter; a destruction pieces.
of many persons, as in battle. 2. To cut into parts; e pauku aku.
2. He paia. 3. To show spots differently variegated,
Po-Lu-Ku-Lu-ku, v. To pound fine; to as places in the sea in a calm.
bruise small; to mash down flat. Po-wa, adj. Cut up in pieces; variegated
Po-tu-Lu-H1, adj. Po and luluhi, black with spots ; spotted.
and heavy, as clouds. Thick and heavy, Po-na-HA, v. To be in a circular form,
as watery clouds hanging in the atmos- as an are of a circle, or the arm bent a
phere; covering over; shady; foggy; dark; kimbo; as the legs when the knees are sep-
misty ; po okoa Hilo e polwluhi i ka ua. arated and the feet together; e 0,e poepoe
2. Dull; stupid ; inactive. kanoa, e kae kanoa.
Po-Lu-mi-Lu-m1, s. Po and lumi, to Po-wa-HA, adj. Round; circular, as a
gather together. A cloth or handkerchief sore, a pit or a volcano.
gathered up in the hands. 2. Deep, as a pit. See Onana and Po-
Po-Lu-mu, s. A vine. HAHA.
Po-Lu-nv, adj. Short; round; globular. Po-na-Hal-au-A, s. The half of a circle;
2. Mahumabu, polunulunu. asemicircle; ponahaiaua ke kihio ka moku.
Po-Lu-nu-LU-nu, adj. See Potunv above. Po-na-HA-NA-HA, adj. Round; circular,
Po-Lu-po-Lu, adj. See Poiv. Thick; as the full moon. See Ponana above.
fat; gross; heavy, as a very fleshy person; Po-NA-HA-NA-HA, v. ‘T'o surround; to be
large, fat and weak, as a man; feeble, as surrounded by somethIng else; ponahanaha
one who has been sea-sick. See PaLupav. ka moku me ka aina. See ONAHANAHA.
Po-ma, s. Lat. An apple. Po-na-Lo, s. The dying or drying up of
potato tops, kalo, &c.; he hoopulu e make
Po-mal-Kal, v. Po, intensive, and maz- ai ka ai.
kai, handsome; good. To be fortunate; Po-NA-Lo-NA-LO, v. ‘To be dim, as the
to be lucky. eye.
2. To be successful in a pursuit.
3. To be happy; to be blessed ; to en- Po-na-na, s. Dry land.
joy peace ; to be highly favored. Po-na-nA, adj. Lame; sore from tray-
4. Hoo. To bless; to make prosperous ; eling ; applied only to the calf of the leg.
to be prospered. Kin. 39:2. To cause to Po-NA-NO-NA-NO, adj. Obscure; not
prosper. plainly seen: blurred; blotted out. See
Po-mat-Kal, s. Good fortune; peace ; PONALONALO.
quietness; enjoying what one desires; Po-na-po-Na, adj. See Pona. Having
comfort ; a blessing. many joints; divided up in small parts;
Po-mat-Kal, adj. Fortunate; successful ; variegated with spots.
prosperous ; happy; blessed; ka laka, ke Po-ni, v. To besmear; to daub over.
kuonoono. 2. To anoint. Joan. 12:3. To consecrate
by anointing, as a priest. Puk. 23:41. To
Po-ma-no, s. Po and mano, thick ;many. anoint, as a king. Lunk. 9:8. Mea poni,
A stone wall; that which is set or laid in an anointed one.
good order, as stones in a wall. See Kvu- 3. To rub over some odoriferous matter;
MANO. to canse a pleasant odor.
Po-ma-No-maA-No, s. Po, night or inten- 4. To be cold, as in bathing early in the
sive, and manomano, multitudinous ; eter- morning when the water is cold (and the
nal. Excessive darkness; the name of the skin turns purple.)
place where . wicked dwell forever in Po-ni, s. A variety of the kalo with
purple stalks. Nore.—In using, the out- but somewhat blended colors of changeable
side of the stem is stripped off, squeezed in silk.
water, and then lemon juice and poi are 2. Kapa painted with different colors.
added for stiffening, which makes a beauti- 3. The early dawn of the morning from
ful red. the mixed colors; hence, purple.
2. Color; coloring matter. Jer. 10:9. Po-n1-po-n1, adj. Mixing; mingling, as
3. A mixture of colors; purple. Puke.
25:4. The light indistinct shades of colors of different colors ; mixing of different in-
in cloth. gredients to make an odoriferous perfume;
4, The early dawn of the morning. sweet smelling, as a perfume.
5. The anointing of a chief or god; ka Po-no, v. To be good; to be right; to
hamo ana i ka mea ala i alii, iakua; oint- be just; to be morally upright.
ment. Joan. 12:3. 2. To do good; to bless; to be for the
Po-ni, adj. Of or pertaining to color, comfort or convenience of one.
as colored cloth or garments; aahu poni 3. To be well, i. e., in bodily health.
uliuli. Hset.8:15. Having the changeable 4. Hoo. To justify one suspected of
colors of silk; hence, lole poni, purple. Oth. wrong; to clear or acquit, as an accused
16:14. Lole pont mahana, the warm, sweet- person. See APono.
scented (variegated) garments. Luni. 8:26. 5. To avenge an injured person.
2. Sweet smelling; agreeable; odorifer- 6. To ordain ; to appoint.
ous. as perfumed colored kapa ; mea poni, 7. To use, as money; to trade. Nore.—
ointment. Pono is frequently used impersonally and
3. Skillful at diving so as not to spatter also as a helping verb before an infinitive,
water ; poni ia wahi kanaka. and signifies, it is right; it is proper; it
Po-n1, adv. Suddenly; in an instant; ought; it may; it is worthy, &c. The form
without waiting ; kaili pont ka make o ka € pono ai or i pono ai is used very fre-
puhi baka; kaili poni ka hanu. quently ; the word expressing the thing
Po-ni-u, v. Po and niu, cocoanut, out causing the favor or good or benefit, going
of which Hawaiians formerly made tops for before. O ka naauao ka mea e pono ai ke
playthings ; hence, aupuni, knowledge is a thing to bless a
1. To spin round like a top.
2. To have a vertigo or dizziness. Po-no, s. Goodness; uprightness; moral
Po-ni-u, s. Dizziness of the head; ver- good ; rectitude of conduct.
tigo. 2. That which is right or excellent; ab-
2. Name of a low creeping plant like the stract, righteousness ; excellency.
koali; he mea ulu kolo ma ke ano koali. 3. Duty; obligation ; authority. Mark
Po-nI-u-NI-u, v. See Poniv. ‘lo turn 11:28, 29, 33. Norse.—The Hawaiians now
like a top; to be dizzy; to be sick from speak of the pono kahiko and the pono hou
hunger or weakness. by way of comparison and also of contrast.
Po-ni-u-ni-u, s. A vertigo; a dizziness; Po-no, adj. Good; right; lawful; ac-
a sickness. ceptable ; beautiful ; nani.
2. Particularly, the sickness that follows 2. Possible; able; proper; fit; wa pono,
intoxication or a debauch. a proper time.
3. Forgetfulness of events recently passed Po-no, adv. Is used in various senses.
throngh some disease of the brain. 1. As qualifying verbs, and signifies,
4, The anguish of trouble and disap- well; rightly; truly ; properly, &c.
pointment. 2 Sam. 1:9.
2. It is used as an intensive of the pre-
Po-ni-Ho, v. Po and niho, a tooth. To ceding verb; as, haka pono, to look at
turn up; to turn off, i. e., to uncover; to earnestly ; kw pono, to stand opposite to.
lay open what has been covered up; to Po-no-1, adj. That which belongs pecu-
skin or separate the lips from the teeth.
liarly to one’s self, either of persons or
Poniho ino ka lae o Pipa,
Ahu wale ka ina uli ka ina eleele, things, and may be rendered by the terms,
Ka wana ku ka wana uhalula, oun, self, only, &c. Nau ponoi, for yourself
Ka hakakae akau kihi malama exclusively; kau keiki ponoi, thine own
O na kakaka i hauli poia e ke kai. child, in distinction from an adopted one;
Po-nI-NI-U, v. See Ponti. ‘To turn round o ka makuakane ame kana keiki ponoi, the
frequently ; to walk by turning round. father and his own child; he poe kanaka
ponot nona, a company of people for him-
Po-ni-ni-v, s. A turning; a circular mo- self, i. e., at his disposal. Kanl. 7:6. No
tion, as of a wheel. wai ia hale? no’u ponoi no, for whom is
2. That which causes dizziness or a ver- that house? it is for myself, i. e., it is for
tigo. my particular use, or it is my own in dis-
Po-ni-Po-nt, s. See Poni, The different tinction from the claim of any one else.
Po-no-1, adv. Exactly so; truly; exclu- one; to oppress; to bear hard upon one;,
sively. to cause one to work like a slave. Hoo.
To vex: to harass. Nah. 33:55.
Po-no-nu-ku, adj. Polohuku, pokeokeo.
Po-pi-Li-K1-a, adj. Distressing; afflict--
- Po-no-x1, s. A piece of ki root cut off, ive; difficult.
in distributing it out. Po-po, s. A mass of matter of a round
Po-no-po-no, v. See Pono, v. and s. or oval shape; he mea poepoe me he poka
Hoo. To put in order; to make right; to la; popo berena, a loaf of bread. Puk. 29:2.
prepare ; to reform, as a wicked person; 2. The rotin timber or vegetables; worm
to amend; to correct, as something erro- dust; the rust of metals. Jak. 5:3. See
neous. Popopo.
2. To judge; to settle a controversy. 3. A ball for playing ball or for cricket.
Kin. 49:16. See Kintpopo. :
Po-no-po-no, s. Hoo. Judgment; a dec- Po-po, v. To rot; to be without strength,.
laration of what is right. as worm-eaten timber; to be rotten, as
2. The practice of what is right. ropes or cords. Lune. 15:14.
8. That which is right in itself. Jer, 22:3. 2. Hoo. To make a thing round; to turn
Po-no-Po-no, adj. Just; upright; cor- to roundness, as in a lathe.
rect. Po-ro, adj. See Pororo. Rotten; de-
Po-nu-Hu, v. See Punonv. To rise up cayed; what is eaten by the mu.
like a pillar or column of smoke; to have Po-ro, adv. For apopo, to-morrow. Popo
the appearance of aship when her sails are hoao. Laieik. 128.
suddenly set; to ascend, as a mass of
smoke from the bottom of the volcano.
Po-po-al, s. See Poatat. A bunch or
bundle of pounded kalo.
Po-nu-Hu, s. See Punonv. The rising
up of a pillar of smoke; the appearance of
Po-po-al, v. To surround; to make a
a ship near by with all her sails set; the circle.
rising up of smoke, as from a pit of fire. Po-po-E, v. To blossom, i. e., to swell
Kin. 19:28. and shoot out, as a blossom; as plants.
Po-nu-nu, adj. Grand; wide spreading, Po-po-1, v. See Por, v. To cover; to
as a ship under sail, or a column of smoke cover up, as a vessel or container; to stop,
ascending. as with a bung.
Po-nu-Lv, v. Poand nulu. To rise and 2. To overwhelm, as water. Puk. 14:28.
float off, as smoke; to send out or cause To come upon suddenly, as a cold breeze;
smoke or steam. ia manawa, popoit mai la ke anuika aha
lealea. JLaieik. 121.
Po-nu-tv-Lu, adj. Thick and short, as 3. Torise up against, as a robber against
a bundle. a traveler. Jtan/. 19:11. To fall upon, as
Po-nu-LU-NU-LU, adj. Large and loosely banditti. Job. 1:16.
done up, as a bundle of materials more 4, Hoo. To cover up; to overwhelm, as
than the wrapper will contain ;mahu, pa- the sea or as the surf. Kanl. 11:4. To
hupahu. break, as the surf over the reef. See Por-
Po-nu-nu-nu, v. Tobe shortand thick; POI.
to be clumsy; e mahumahu, e poupou, e Po-po-1, s. A bung; a stopper for any
polohuku. orifice.
Po-nu-nu-nu, s. A large bunch or bun- 2. The place where the surf, on approach-
dle of anything, as poi loosely bound up; ing the shore, rises high and breaks with
he mahumahu. roaring noise ; the combing of the surf.
Popot haki kauhola,
Po-pa-H1, s. A small man or woman. Kahela ka malu o ka pae Jauhala.
Po-re, s. Lat. papa. The Father or Po-po-1-w1, s. A corner of a wall; a
highest priest of the Romish Church; ke turning place. 2 Qihl. 26:9. Ka hookuina
Kahuna nui o ka Ekalesia Roma. o na aoao; the corner of a room or of a
Po-pE-LA, adj. Eng. Of or belonging kalo patch.
to poplar. vin. 30:37. Po-po-o-Li-mu, s. The moss that grows
Po-ri-Li-KI-A, s. Po, intensive, and pili- on stones, especially on the mountains
where there is much rain; he io no ke po.
kia, thick together. Want of room.
2. The want of something necessary for Po-po-u-Lu, s. The plantain bearing the
a particular pursuit. short round fruit. See PopoHe and Niv-
3. Difficulty; distress; tribulation. Kanl. HIWA.
4:30. Po-pou-No-Ho-NI-A, v. To cut frequently.
4. Oppression ; designed vexation.
2. To backbite. See Naroaigag, to slan-
Po-pi-ui-x1-4, v. ‘To cause distress to der.
POP 484 PU
3. To eat the refuse of focd. the crown of the head; a depression from
Po-po-HE, adj. See Poue. Cut short tight binding.
and smooth, as a rope cut with a knife. Po-wa, v. To rob; to kill; to kill and
Po-po-x1, s. A species of crab fish. rob.
2. A small animal; perhaps a crab found 2. To castrate ; to separate the testicles
on the sea beach. of a male.
3. A cat. Nore.—Popoki applies to that Po-wa, s. A robber; a highwayman; a
which is short and thick; and a cat is so murderer.
called from its plump, short, thick head. Po-we-HI, v. Po and wehi, darkly. 'To
Po-po-x1, adj. Short and thick in oppo- see indistinctly. Fie. To have a feeble or
sition to long and slender. indistinct knowledge of a thing.
Po-po-11, adj. See Pout. Arched or curv- Po-wE-HI-WE-HI, v. Intensive of powehi.
ing over, as a leaning precipice, or one that To grow dim; applied to the eyes. Kin.
curves over beyond a perpendicular; po- 27:1. To be weak sighted.
poli mai ka pali; it applies also to a board 2. Applied to the mind, to have obscure
warped inward; ka aoao popoli o ka papa. and indistinct ideas of a thing. 2 Pet. 1:9.
Po-po-Lo, s. The name of a plant some- 3. To be obscure; to be uncertain; o ka
times eaten in times of scarcity ; it is also mooolelo kahiko loa, ua powehiwehi ia.
used as a medicine; eia kona laau, o ka Po-wE-HI-WE-HI, s. Obscure vision; twi-
popolo a ke kowaha, kapiliia iho la maluna light. Ezek. 12:6.
o kona poo. 2. Fie. Indistinct ideas of a truth or fact.
Po-po-Lo-Hu-a, adj. Blue, as the sky Po-weE-HI-wE-HI, adj. Dark; obscure to
above in a clear day; puka mai kona he- the sight; seeing indistinctly; knowing but
molele mai loko mai 0 na ao popolohua. little ; not distinctly manifest ; he powehi-
Po-po-Lo-na, adj. Mouldy; worm-eaten; wehi ko ke kanaka aloha.
rancid. See PoLOPoLona. Po-we-xo, v. To be skillful or eloquent
Po-po-Ltu, s. See Poroutu. Name of a in conversation ; e poweko, e akamai i ke
species of banana; eia na maia a Papa e ai kamailio. See PoLEKO.
ai, 0 ka popolu, o ka iholena ame ka niu- Po-TE-RA, 8s. Eng. A potter. Mat. 27:7.
hiwa, these are the bananas of which Papa He mea hana ipulepo.
may eat, the popolu, &e. Po-t1-Ko, s, Eng. A portico; a short
Po-po-ni, adj. Full of fear or dread; veranda.
weak with fear; hooweliweli ae oia no ka
maule poponi. See Poni 4. Pu, v. To come forth from; to come
Po-ro-n1, v. See Pont 4. To be cold and out of,as words out of the mouth; to draw
shivering, the hair erect, &c., through fear. out or move off, as a canoe from the place
where it was dug out; alaila hele mai-ke
Po-po-pa-La-o-A, s. Popo, ball, and pa- kahuna e pu ia ka waa.
laoa (Hnq.), flour. A cake or loaf of bread. 2. To hold water in the mouth and try to
Oihk. 7:12. See PoPpoBERENA. talk; to mumble; to suck wind into the
Po-po-po, s. See Poro. The rot in tim- mouth.
ber and vegetables. 3. To call; to call out; to proclaim; to
2. Corruption; decay. Oihk. 22:25. call upon inanimate matter, as to call upon
3. The offal of worms. the mountains.
Po-po-po, adj. Rotten; decayed. 4, To cast lots; to choose by lot. See
Po-po-Po-No, v. See Pono, the first syl- Puv. This was done usually by doubling
the hand and one telling whether anything
lable twice reduplicated.. To put right;
to correct; to justify. was in it or not.
5. Hoo. To sit with the knees bent up
Po-po-po-no, adj. Very good; very right; and the hands over them; to sit idly; to
well done; blessed ; profited. do nothing.
Po-po-BE-RE-NA, s. Popo and berena Pu, s. A shell; a horn; a trumpet;
(Eng.), bread. A loaf of bread. 1 Oihl.
16:3. See PopoPaLaoa. anything that would make a loud noise by
blowing into it; na pu kiwi hipa ehiku,
Po-pu-a-xu, s. The place where pointed seven trumpets of rams’ horns. Jos. 6:4.
clusters of clouds arise out of the ocean; 2. Anything that would make an explo-
kahi e puka mai ai na ao opua mai ka mo- Sive noise; a gun, pistol or firelock; na
ana. kanaka ame na pu kau poohiwi he nui loa,
Po-pu-A-1I, v. See Pua. To girdle people and guns carried on the shoulders,
Poo-Pu-A-L1, round ; to tie up tightly; a great many.
to reduce to small dimensions. 3. A musical instrument made by twist-
ing a leaf: pu lai. Laieik. 78.
Po-pu-a-Li, s. See Puats. A hollow on 4, A lot as in casting lots.
5. Name of the olona string used in play- 11. A kind of deity supposed to reside
ing at the game called pukaula; he wahi in some person who was called Kahupua
kaula olona i bili oioi, a he anana paha ka and who had power to send Pua to do in-
loa. jury to others. He akuapua was applied
6. A gourd; a pumpkin; a squash; pu to some kinds of sickness inducing delirium,
lima, the hand doubled up. See the verb, 4. a sickness supposed to be sent by some in-
Pu, adv. With; together with; along dividual in anger.
12. The name of a goddess, the sister of
with; incompany; ku pu, to stand together; Kalaipahoa. She came with him and Kapo
like pu, just alike. from a foreign country, and they entered
Pu-a, v. To blossom, asa plant; to put certain trees.
forth blossoms or flowers. Jsa. 35:1. To 13. The name of the kind of hook used
bud, as fruit or flowers. Mel. Sol. 6:11. in taking turtles or the ea.
2. To appear at a distance; to rise up, Pu-a, s. A pae pumaia hiki laua (mau
as columns of smoke in small quantities. mea heenalu) mauka, e lana ana kekahi
3. To raise in the throat in order to feed mouo, ua kapaia kela mea he pua.
out of the mouth, as pigeons feed their Pu-aa, v. To flee, as a child from its
young; o ka puaa hoi, ua pua io ka ai mai parent to avoid punishment; hoopuni-
ka waha aku o ke kanaka nona ka puaa, e puni—holo, puaa.
like me ka hanai anai ka ilio. Nore.—Iin 2. As if puaia. To be gathered into a
this way Hawaiians fed their pets or favo- bundle, as sticks for kindling a fire. See
rite animals. Pua 5.
4. To put food into another’s mouth from 3. To gird tightly, as in tying up the
one’s own, as into a child’s; to spit or spew bones of a deceased person for preserva-
food into a child’s mouth. tion.
5. To tie up in bundles; to bind in bun- 4. To be girded tightly around the throat;
dles, as sheaves of grain. Kin. 37:7. To e pilikia ma ka puu. See Puapuaa.
tie in bundles, as the bones of the dead; a 5. To tie up tightly so as to make the
paa kona mau iwi i ka puaia, when his substance small; hence,
bones were tied up. 6. To be small, thin or fine, as a spider’s
6. To lay siege to; to besiege, as a city. web; me kahi malo. ua puaa hilo. See
2 Sam. 11:1. PUAHILO. :
7. To bear ; to carry.
8. Hoo. To make fast; to confine; to Pu-aa, s. A hog; a swine; the flesh
establish. of ahog. Oihk.11:7. Nore—The hog was
9. To cut or hew off obliquely, as in found indigenous, when the Islands were
hewing off the sharp ends of acanoe; penei visited by Captain Cook.
e kalai ai, e pua ia 0 mua o ka waa ame 2. A bundle of small wood for fuel; a
hope i uuku ai ka ihu. fagot. See Pua.
10. To bunch, as cards when there is a 3. The name of an unclean bird, puaa
mistake made in dealing them out; e pua ilioi, rendered in English bittern. Zep. 2:14.
i ka pepa, no ka mea wa hewa ka haawi ana. 4, Anything very small and easily blown
away. See PUEPUEHU.
Pu-a, s. A blossom; a flower; a carv- Pu-aa, adj. Small; fine; thin; easily
ing in imitation of a flower. Puk. 25:31. dispersed.
2. The upper part of the sugar-cane when
it blossoms. as pua ico, and which was used Pu-aa-o-H1, s. Name of children whose
for arrows, and in modern times by chil- father had gambled them away. See Kv-
dren in play, as hoolei pua; hence, AKI.
3. The name of a play or game. Pu-aa-HA-HA, v. To call out; to call to
4, An arrow for shooting in connection some one; to make a vociferous noise.
with the kakaka or bow. Pu-aa-HE-A, s. See Hea, s. Name of
5. A bundle of sticks ; a sheaf of grain the last or second hog sacrificed on a cer-
or grass. Kin. 37:7. tain occasion; kalua kekahi puaa, he puaa-
6. Posterity ;descendants. Laieik. 181. hea ka inoa.
Children ; a household. Puk. 19:3. Pu-a-A-HO-LE-Ho-LE, s. Name of a small
7. A flock; a herd, as of cattle or goats; fish.
he pua kao; he pua hipa; he pua bipi; a
school of fish ; he pua anae. Pu-aa-Ku-Mu-Lav, s. Name of a woman
8. A species of small fish; he pua ama- whose husband had gambled her away with
ama. all his property.
9. The name of a tree found at Kapua on Pu-a-a-NAE, s. Name of a species of
Hawaii and other islands; the woodis very fish.
10. The name applied to a deranged per- Pu-aa-Pi-Pi, s. A name applied to the
son. first cattle brought to the Islands by Cap-
tain Vancouver; ua mahaloia kela poe pipi 2. To exhibit a fine slender appearance,
e ko Hawaii, a ua kapaia aku ka inoa he as the new moon.
puaapipi, those cattle were admired by the Pu-a-HI-Lo, s. A fine slender appear-
Hawaiians and they called them cattle-hog. ance; no ka puahilo ana o ka mahina. on
Pu-a-a-wa, s. Name of a species of fish. account of the slender appearance of the
Pu-a1, v. To flow, as blood from a vein; (new) moon.
as water from a fountain. Pu-A-HI-LO-HI-Lo, v. See Puanino. To
2. To proceed from one; to fall from one, break up fine; to crack; to chap or break,
as an expression, an idea, or as something as the human skin.
said. Mar. 7:15. To flow from the mouth, Pu-a-HI-Lo-HI-Lo, s. The scaly appear-
as the words of an orator; a puai mai la ance of the scarf-skin; the breaking or
ka leo ku e. cracking of the skin from some disease;
3. To gag; to heave; to throw up from the cuticle which peels off from the skin of
the stomach; to vomit. new born children.
4. To blow water out of the mouth. Pu-a-Hu-xu, s. A word used in black-
5. To cast up; to boil up, as water from guard language ; ke pii la oe i puahulcu,
aspring. Jer. 6:7. Fic. To throw out, as
sin from the heart. Pu-a-Hu-Lu, v. To hasten; to get ready
quickly ; to prepare suddenly ; to be ina
Pu-at, s. The gullet. fluster.
2. A vomiting; a spitting; a heaving
from sickness of the stomach. Pu-a-Hu-Lu, s. A sudden start; an af-
Pu-ar-a, v. To blow gently, as wind; fright; the doing a thing quickly and with-
out much thought or reflection.
used at Hawaii the same as onini at Maui;
ua puaia a puaia kae ka pona waa, a ma- Pu-a-KA-a-KA, v. To tie up small; to
hope pa mai ka makani as it increases in tie up inasmall compass. See PAUAKAAKA.
strength. x 2. To compel one to work hard or with-
Pu-ai-ui-ma, s. Name of a Hawaiian out reward.
cathartic medicine. Pu-a-kal, s. A journey; a going in
Pu-al-Na-wE-LE, adj. Very small; very company. See HuaKkat.
2. A dye for coloring red; he wai hoo-
fine ; thin like spider’s webs. luu ulaula.
Pu-al-NA-wE-LE, v. To reduce to fine- 3. Hair of the head that has been colored
ness; to make small or fine. white ; he lauoho i hookeokeo ia.
Pu-ao, s. The dashing of two or more Pu-a-Kal-o£, s. Pua and kazoe, a plant.
waves that meet together; the place where A blossom of the kaioe.
a retreating wave meets one coming in in Pu-A-KAlI-A-U-LU, s. The name of a wind;
shallow water; also called koaka. a light gentle breeze; a dying breeze of
2. The os tincae or orifice of the womb. the trade wind.
Pu-a-uv, v. To practice onanism on Pu-a-Ka-La, s. Pua and kala, rough.
one’s self. See HAskol. Name of a shrub of the thorn kind, Argemo-
Pu-a-uv, s. The name of the same kind ne aoe ; he laauoioi; athistle. Ain.
of wickedness. 3:18.
Pu-a-Hav, s. Pua, blossom, and haz, Pu-a-KE-a, v. To spread out, as the sails
name of a tree. A hau blossom; the blos- of a vessel; to enlarge.
som of the hau tree. Pu-a-kE-A, adj. Pale; wanting color.
Pu-a-Ha-nu-1, s. The name of a tree; HHoik. 6:8.
also called akiahala. Pu-a-x1, v. To be stingy; to be close;
Pu-a-n1, v. To do quickly; to be spry. to treat without compassion.
See Hoopuaul. 2. E hiaa, e puka, e hone, i puaki hiaka
Pu-a-n1-a-H1, s. The name of a foreign niho.
flower, four-o’clock: i kuu ike ana i ka 3. To sit quietly without speaking ; to
puahiahi mohala mai la. shut the mouth; e panii ka waha.
Pu-a-ut-0, v. To come and go suddenly; Pu-a-x1, adj. Light; swift in running;
to arrive, as a person, and start off again
2. Thin; spare; famished ; poor in flesh,
as a person; he kanaka wiwi.
Pu-a-u1-o-H1-0, s. A whirlwind. 2 Nal. Pu-a-xu, s. An image for idol worship.
2:1. He mau makani ku elua e ume ana i
ka opala iluna. 2. He opuakii, he ao opuakiikii.
Pu-a-nt-Lo, v. ‘To be small; to be fine; Pu-a-xu, v. To take without right; to
go wrong ; to do wrong.
to be slender, as a thread of spider’s web;
e nawali e like me he punawelewele la. Pu-a-xo, s. The top and blossom part,
including the leaves of sugar-cane; oia no 2. Anarmy; ahost. Lwunk. 7:1.
ka malama e owili ai ka puako. 3. A company prepared for war and
Pu-a-ko-Lu, s. Name of a common tree. pursuing. Puk. 14:4.
4, Fic. A great number; a host; ‘as, pu-
Pu-a-ta, v. To collect together in a ali o ka lani, the host of heaven, that is, the
heap. stars.
2. To be not sufficiently cooked, as food;
to be badly cooked. '
Pu-a-Li-a-LI, v. See Puaut. To be of
irregular size, large and small.
Pu-a-Lav, v. To carry on the hips sup- Pu-a-Lu, s. Name of a person who lived
ported by the arms.
2. E limalau, e puualu, e paapnu. idly with the chief; ua kapgia ka inoa o
na kanaka noho wahi alii he pualii, he aialo
Pu-a-La-wa-HI, v. To divide into parts kahiinoa. See AraALo. *
or spaces. Pu-a-Lo-a-Lo, s. The name of a tree.
Pu-a-te, s. A ravine on the side of a
Pu-a-Lu, v. Pu, together, and alu, to
combine. To work together; to combine
Pu-a-Le1, s. The top leaf or branch of in aid of one or of each other; to act in
the tree when the lower ones are cut off. concert; to work like a multitude at one
Pu-a-LE-nA, v. To wander; to go about kind of business.
here and there; to be idle; to do nothing
because no chief commands to work; to be
Pu-a-Lu, s. Acting in concert, as
lazy. See Puana. Pu-A-LU-A-LU, a great number of peo-
2. To be muddy, as water; to want clear- ple working together; a combination in
ness; pualena ka moana, the ocean is dirty. favor or against.
Laieik. 163. 2. The name of a species of fish.
3. A cord for binding.
Pu-a-Le-nA, s. The glimmering or first Pu-a-Lv, adv. Unitedly in action; unan-
dawn of light in the morning. Puk, 14:27.
A wehe ke alaula, a pualena, a ao loa. imously in opinion ; no ka hiki ole pahai
Pu-a-Le-nA, adj. Idle; loitering about na kanaka a pau ke malama pualu aku i
ke aupuni.
without any fixed purpose, without busi-
Pu-a-ma-nA, s. A caret ( A) or sign of
2. Obscure, as water when one cannot omission in writing.
see the bottom. Pu-a-na, v. To crowd together in great
Pu-a-Le-wa, v. To be unfixed; to be numbers; to rush together, as soldiers in
unsettled, as an unsteady person; to go pursuit of one. 2 Oihl. 18:31.
from place to place; to be unfurnished 2. To surround, as an enemy; to encom-
with comforts. pass.
3. To try; to begin the recitation of a
Pu-a-Le-wa, adj. Unsettled; unfur- mele; to act the part of a precentor or
nished ; not established ; often changing leader in singing; to commence a tune that
one’s residence or employment. Hele a others may follow.
pualewa applies to travelers who find no 4. To cry out or proclaim in behalf of
place to lodge, no food, nothing comforta- others.
ble. 5. To pronounce distinctly, as in utter-
Pu-a-u1, v. Pu and ali, a scar; a con- ing a word or sentence very plainly.
traction of the skin. To gird round tightly; 6. Hoo. The same.
to draw in by binding tightly. Pu-a-na, v. To be idle; to be lazy; to
2. To be large and small in places, as a go from place to place without object.
rope of uneven size; e pawali, e puaniki,
e kualiali. Pu-a-na, adj. Idle; lounging; unsteady;
Pu-a-u1, s. A place compressed, that is, small; insignificant.
a small or diminished place between two Pu-a-na, s. The signal or first words
larger ones. in beginning to recite or cantillate a mele.
2. An inclosing about: hence, a neck of Nore.—The Hawaiians in chanting their
land almost surrounded by water; in geog- meles or songs in ancient times, had some
raphy, an isthmus. one as leader or chorister who commenced
3. The small part of a wasp. the recitation in so clear and distinct a
4, Fig. A woman, from her being girded manner, that, after the enunciation of two
with a pa-u (much more with corsets.) or three words, the whole company were
5. Anything girded tight and made small. able to join in chorus.
6. A malo from its use. 2. That which makes the pronunciation
Pu-a-u1, s. Alife guard. Laieik. 42. A plain. Nore.—According to the foregoing
company of soldiers; koi mai la na puali ia note, the puana must consist in a distinct
Kiwalao, the soldiers pressed upon Kiwa- enunciation, so that others may at once
lao. recognize the subject; hence,
3. The pronunciation of a word; pehea Pu-a-pu-al, s. The ebullition of water;
ka puana ? how is the pronunciation? | a spring or fountain of water,
Pu-a-na-a-NA, v. To swell and dimin- Pu-a-Pu-a-LA, v. See Puata. To collect
ish frequently, as poorly made ropes; 0 together in small heaps.
pauakaaka, e paulinalina. Pu-a-pu-a-Mo-A, s. See Pupumoa, i. e.,
Pu-a-NAE-NAE, Ss. The name of a flower puapua and moa, a fowl. A long skirted
growing on Kauai; he ako puanaenae no coat. See Puapua, v., 3.
Waialoha. See NaENAE. Pu-a-pu-a-wa, s. Name ofa long, thin
Pu-a-NE-A-NE, Ss. A stage of extreme ~ ghell out of which they used to drink awa.
old age, When universal decay is coming Pu-a-wa, s. The root of theawa
on, and yet the person is free from pain or
suffering. See also KoLopurpu. Pu-a-wa-a-wWA, § plant; a small awa plant;
2. A world of light and life; he ao ma- he wahi puaa, he moa lawa, me ka puawa.
lama, he wahi e ola mau loa. Laieik. 49.
3. Eternity.
_2. Abstract, bitterness; a bitter medi-
Pu-a-NE-A-NE, v. To live forever; to 3. The hala, the leaves of which were
live to eternity ;e ola mau loa a hikii ka made into mats; so called when the leaves
puaneane. are young and most fit for mats.
Pu-a-ni-HI1, s. See Pavanim1. Young Pu-a-wa, s. The Hawaiian pronuncia-
kalo tops; the young of kalo. See ONr- tion of guava, which see.
NIHI. Pu-a-wal, s. The slaver or spittle of one
Pu-a-ni-x1, v. Pua, to bind, and xzkz, with a sore mouth, as if salivated; the epi-
tight. To bind up in a small space; to thet of a slavering, dirty mouthed child.
bind tightly.
Pu-a-ni-u, s. Kapa colored with the niu Pu-a-wal, Ve Name of a hill near
or cocoanut. Pu-a-wal-NA, } Honolulu.
Pu-a-nu-a-Nu, v. See Anu, cold. Tobe Pu-a-we, adj. Thin; soft; fine, like the
cold; to be damp and shivering; to be threads of a spider’s web.
chilly. Pu-a-weE-a-wE, s. Thinness; fineness;
Po-a-nu-a-nv, adj. Cold; chilly, as in smallness.
foggy or damp weather. Pu-e, v. To thrust, as with a spear; to
Pu-a-pPoo, s. Pua, blossom, and poo, the make an attack, as in battle; to make an
head. A head blossom, i. e., the comb of onset.
a cock or other bird; a tuft of feathers on 2. To crowd on; to gain what is another’s;
the head of a bird; i ka puapoo o kamanu to force; to compel; a lohe na kanaka, ua
puukoa. make kekahi alii, pue lakou e kaua, when
Pu-a-Pu. the people heard that one of their chiefs
Pu-a-pu-a, v. To force; to urge on; to was dead, they were urgent to fight; to
urge; e pue ana lakou ia Kamehameha,
compel. See Purruz. To overwhelm; to they were urging Kamehameha.
overcome. 3. To solicit strongly.
g To hang down like the tail of an ani- 4. To manage so as to make it necessary
mal. for one to do a thing; a pue iho la o Poki
3. To project like the tail feathers of a ia Kaahumanu e kaua, Poki urged Kaahu-
cock. manu to war, i.e., he planned to make a
4. To be glorious ; to be beautiful.
war unavoidable.
Pu-a-pu-a, s. See Pua, bundle. A bun- 5. To force; to compel, i. e., to commit
ule of brush-wood, sticks or grass. (ith. lewdness. set. 7:8.
8:3. 6. To solicit to lewdness ; to seduce, as
2. The name of a fly that bites. a virgin; to commit a rape. Puk. 22:16.
Pu-a-pu-a, adj. Unpalatable; disagree- E hoala i ka mea e moekolohe ai. See Pur-
able ; vicious. WALE. E pue i ka wahine, to ravish; to
Pu-a-pu-aa, v. See Puaa. To be gath- commit a rape.
ered up into a bundle, as fagots or sticks 7. To make a round elevated hill, as in
for kindling a fire. weeding out and hilling up potatoes.
Pu-a-pu-aa, adj. Collected; gathered 8. To attack or besiege a city. Jer. 32:2.
together ;me he ao puapuaa la ke aloha e Pu-z, s. A round heap of dirt or mud
kau nei, as a thick cloud love settles upon for planting kalo or potatoes; a potato hill.
me. Laieik. 205. 2. A raised surf of fresh water; he nalu
Pu-a-pu-al, v. See Puat. To bubble or o ka wai.
3. The name of a bush or tree.
spring up, as water from a spring or foun-
tain. Jak. 3:11. See Huanvat. Pu-E-a, v. Passive of pue for pueia. To
be forced, compelled or urged to do a 2. To make up into hills, as potatoes or
thing. kalo.
Pu-z-a, s. The name of a god worshiped |Pu-z-pu-z, s. A round bunch; a hill of
in the night; he akua kii Puea; ma ia po potatoes or kalo.
ana iho, hoaia ke ahi o Puea; maikai ka 2. The name of a duck from its plump-
po o Puea. ness. See PUEKOLEA.
Pu-r-E-xe, v. See Erxe. To shorten; |Pu-r-pu-g-nu, v. See Puenv. Toscatter
to cut off or cut short; to wrinkle up; to greatly ; to disperse frequently. Hoo. To
contract. cause a great or thorough dispersion.
Pu-z-o, s. Anowl. Jsa.34:11. He manu) Pu-r-pu-e-Lu, adj. Hard; tough; ap-
lele hihiu. Nore.—The pueo was formerly | plied to potatoes that are paakiki, and per-
worshiped as a god: one of the poe akua haps to other food.
mana. |
Pu-E-wa, v. To float about; to be car-
2. A shroud of a ship. vied hither and thither by the wind or cur-
3. The strings used to tie around the rent and scattered; e laweia ilokoo ka wai
posts of a house in building. me ka puehu.
Pu-s-o-nE, s. Name of the place in the Pu-e-wal, s. Pue and wai, water. The
sea outside of where the surf breaks ; also waves at the mouth of a stream as the
called poana kai. stream rushes into the sea.
Pu-z-Hv, v. To blow away; to scatter; Pu-E-wa-Le, v. Pue and wale, without
to disperse. Pass. To be scattered, as dust cause. To ravish; to force, as a female.
or light substances by the wind. Hal. 1:4. Zek. 14:2. To commit lewdness. 2 Sam.
2. To be routed and scattered, as an 13:12. To commit a rape.
army. Oihk. 26:36. Pu-E-wa-LeE, s. A rape; ravishment;
3. To be scattered or separated from each forcible lewdness.
other, as a fleet of canoes in a storm.
4, Hoo. To scatter or drive out, as a peo- Pu-1, adj. Large; swelled out, as a fat
ple. Nah. 33:5. person. See Purrul.
5. To remain; to be over and above. Pu-1-a, v. To spread; to diffuse abroad,
Puk. 26:12. as an odor; to fill with odor or perfume;
Pu-e-nu, s. A dispersion; a scattering ; e ala,e kuhinia.
a flurry of wind when it strikes suddenly Pu-t-a, adj. Beautiful; grand; full of
anything and puts in motion whatever can- sweet-scented flowers adding to the beauty.
not resist it, as small dust or bits of paper Pu-1-Ho, v. To start suddenly; to be
before the shake of a fan. frightened. See Purwa.
2. The remainder; the remnant of a 2. To cry out suddenly ; to shout.
thing; what isoverandabove. Puk. 26:12. 3. To hum; to make a humming noise;
Pu-E-HU-E-HU, adj. See Puruv. Scat- e hoomumu iho. See Puvono.
tered ; dispersed. Pu-i-Kal-kA, v. To be close or crooked
2. Rough; ragged, as the skin after in dealing ; to be unyielding to another’s
drinking awa; mahuna ka ili, nakaka pue- judgment or opinion; mai noho oe a pui-
huehu inoino loa ke nana aku. kaika mai ia’u, don’t be hard upon me.
3. Small; fine, as dust. Pu-1-Kal-KA, adj. Close or crooked in
4. Raw; uncooked; as, ai puehuehu, kalo dealing; unyielding to the wish or opinion
but partially cooked, so that in pounding of another.
it, its parts are easily separated or scat-
tered. Pu-1-L1, v. To gird round; to embrace;
Pu-n-Ko-Le-a, adj. Round and plump, to clasp; e puili a paa. See Punk. E
asa duck. See MANUKOLEA. puili me ka lima, to hold fast with the hand.
Pu-E-LE-Hv, v. Pue, to force, and lehu, Pu-1-L1, s. One bent on a thing, as
ashes. To push into the embers. pleasure ; one seeking satisfaction in any
Pu-E-LE-wa, v. Pue and lewa, swing- way.
ing. To be wandering about; to be un- 2. That which gives temporary delight
fixed ; not settled. or pleasure; he puili pau wale no ia no ka
poe hana lealea.
Pu-5-LE-wa, adj. Going here and there; 3. A kind of play or game with sugar-
unsteady ; unsettled. : cane flowers.
Pu-r-pu-£, adj. Large; thick; plump; 4, Name of a smallish kind of rope.
ua loihi kona kino a ua puepue.
2. Rotten, as timber ; worm-eaten ; full Pu-1-11, adj. Seizing; holding fast with
of holes. See Purput. the hand.
Puili ka ohelo ai a ka manu,
Pu-r-pu-k, v. Tobe large; to be plump; A ka hala i wiliia e ka makani,
to be full, as a fat animal. See Purrut. A ka lehua nee i ka papa.
Pu-1-u1-paa, adj. Taking strong hold; |Pu-o-xo, v. To rage; to be hot.
holding tightly. Pu-o-Ko-o-ko, s. See Pu and Oxooxo,a
Pu-1-ru-1, v. ‘lo be fat; to be full; to red heat. A great hot fire; i ka onohi pono
be large; to be corpulent; to be thick set, o ka la, i ka puokooko hoi o ka wela loa.
as the body of a person. See PUEPUE. | Laieik. 176.
Pu-1-pu-1, s. A fat plump person or ani- Pu-o-La-n1, v. To lay upon a conse-
mal. Jsa. 10:16. Plumpness; fullness of crated place, as an altar; to lay by as
person ; likii kona mau puipui iho. | sacred ; to bind or tie up, as a sacrifice.
Pu-1-pu-1, adj. Fat; plump; flourish- Pu-o-La-NI, adj. Set up on high; raised
ing; stout. Lunk. 3:29. Aole i pau ke up; set apart.
kino puipui o ke akamai ia’u i olahonua ; Pu-o-Lo, v. To tie up, as a bundle tied
large ; corpulent. on top; to bundle up; alaila, puolo ae la
2. Bitter; pungent to the taste; sour; a paa, awe mai la, ghen he tied up a bundle
awaawa. tightly and brought it.
3. Hard; severe; oolea. Pu-o-to, s. A bundle of kapa folded and
Pu-t-wa, v. To be taken by surprise; bound up so as to appear round like a
to start suddenly, as a horse when fright- pai-ai.
ened; to be affrighted, as from sleep; to 2. A bundle tied at the top for carrying
meet with sudden surprise from any cause. on a stick.
2. To jump or start suddenly. 3. A scrip; a bag; a container. Jos. 9:4.
3. Hoo. To ery out or sound an alarm. Pu-0-L0-0-Lo-HEE, s. A species of grass
2 Oihl. 13:12. See Puono and Puro. having a furzed top.
Pu-1-wa, s. Amazement; a surprise; a Pu-o-NE, adj. See Puvone.
stupefaction on account of wonder; a start-
ing from fright; sudden excitement. Pu-o-n1, v. To lay up for a long life or
Pu-o, v. ‘To mix up; to put in confu- for a future age; e kau i ka puaneane ola;
sion ; huikau. to lay up the means of living forever.
2. To strike or clasp the hands together; Pu-o-rE-Lu, s. A bunch of stones lying
e pai na lima. naturally or brought together where tray-
3. To lash, as the sea does the shore; elers or persons heavily loaded stopped to
puo ae la ke kaii ke one. rest ; 0 hoi o’u hoapili i ka la o puopelu.
4. To bend, as a cocoanut leaf in the See Oona.
wind; to yield to the wind, as the spread
sails of a ship.
Pu-o-pu-o, v. To clap together the hol-
I puo lani i ke kai o Peapea a ka manu, low hands with a sound. See Hoopvuoruo
O kaioe 0 Maui ka hookalakua,
He kupua ka lani no ka moku—e.
Puv, v. To collect together; to lay by,
Pu-o-a, s. See Puvoa. A house built particularly in heaps.
2. To boll; to form a round seed, as
with the poles uniting at the top in the
shape of a pyramid; hence, flax; to swell and break, as a boil. Hoik.
2. In geometry,a pyramid. Ana Hon. 29.
3. A temporary residence; asmall house 3. To cast or draw lots (a Hawaiian cus-
hastily put up; ua nui na puoa ke nana tom formerly in practice) by using a
knotted string.
aku. there were many temporary residences 4. To gather or dip up water in the
to appearance.
4, A small inclosure of poles.
5. A plant choked with weeds.
5. E puu paha auanei ka lae i kauao ka
6. A house for depositing a corpse; he
6. Hoo. To heap or pile up, as stones.
7. He uloa. 7. To cast lots; to divide a country by
lot. os. 7:26.
Pu-o-Ho, v. See Purwa. To start and
cry out; to start in a fright; to jump sud- Pou, s. Any round protuberance belong-
denly, as from a sleep. Laieik. 26. To cry ing to a larger substance.
out or sound together. 2. A small round hill; a peak; a pim-
Pu-o-Ho, s. A sudden start; a fright, ple; awart; the knuckles; the ankle joints;
the Adam’s apple of the throat; hence, the
i. e., € oho pu.
throat ; a knop ; an ornament of a candle-
Pu-o-al, s. The root and body of the stick. Puk. 25:3.
ohai shrub ; kumuohai. 3. The material heart. 2 Sam. 18:14.
2. A bunch of the ohai flowers; opuohai. 4, A heap; he puu opala, a heap of rub-
He kumuohai, he opuohai, bish ; na puw huapalaoa, shocks of grain.
Akua pee puohai o ke kaha, Lunk. 15:5.
I walea wale la ikea
I ka ulu kanu a Kahai, 5. A tower; a citadel; a substance; a
Haina oe e ka 00 ¢ ka manu o Kanehili. portion; a lot in casting lots. Nah. 34:18.
PUU 491 PUU 0

6. A quantity; part; property; destiny; below the abdomen, or the lower part of
appointment; fortune. Rut. 2:5. the abdomen; ke aaki la i ka puuhole.
7. Habit; custom; .eia ko kakou wahi Pouv-Ho-nu-a, s. Puu and honua, flat
puu iki, o ka hoobaunaele i ka manawa land. A place of refuge for one pursued.
kula. Nah. 35:6. A place of safety in time of
8. Any act or thing causing ridicule, war; arefuge. Isa. 25:4.
contempt, or perhaps anger, as an offense Povu-xau-a, s. Puu and kaua, war. A>
against good manners or morals; he ino, fortification; a hold. 1 Sam. 22:45. A
be mea e loiloi ai, a e hoowahawaha ai stronghold; a fort. Junk. 6:2. He mau
paha; he kina, no ka hilahila kona holo puu e kaua ai e like me Kauiki.
ana (0 Poki), no ka mea, aole he puw nui 2. The commander-in-chief; he alii ia ia
ma ka puka o kona hale, out of shame, he ka omaka kaua.
(Poki) sailed away. because there was no
—— at the door of his house.
Puv-xau-xa, v. In gambling, to stake,
9. A hand,i.e., the cards held at a game. as a man his wife, or a wife her husband.
to be won or lost; e puukcaula mai oe ia
Puv, adj. Dying with one for attach- lakou, e Iehova.
ment’s sake ; as when a chief dies some of
his people, for love’s sake, wish to die also;
Puv-xa-ni, adj. Pleasant; sweet, as the
ke olelo aku nei au ia oukou, o ka moe puu sound of a pleasant voice in singing.
oia nei; ai moe ka moe puv ilaila; a hiki 2. Sweet, as the tones of a flute or other
ae ilaila ka moe puu. instrument.
3. Fie. A handsome person.
Puv. A sign of the plural number.
Gram. § 86 and 92. It mostly has refer- Puv-xa-ni-Lu-a, adj. Drawn straight
ence to a collection. Synonymous in some and tight, as a repe. ,
cases with poe or pae. He puu puaa; he 2. Obstinate, as one who contradicts.
puu kanaka; this last form is not often Puvu-Ka-PE-LE, s. The name of a tree
found. on Kauai, the kauwila.
Pu-u-a, v. See Pouwa. To be full; to Puv-xa-pv, s. Kukuluia na puukapu
be choked or suffocated, as in swallowing elima mawaena o na pae kanaka elua.
food; to stick in the throat; to strangle; 2. A hand of cards dealt out and left un-
e keu i ka puu. touched until the other hands are all played
2. To be in difficult labor, as in child- out.
birth. Kin. 35:16. Mai puhi malu, 0 puua Puv-k1-E, v. To insnare; to entrap; to
a loaa. get one into difficulty. Hoo. The same.
Pu-v-a, s. Hardness, as in food; diffi- Pu-v-ki-u-kI, s. The name of the spots
culty in swallowing ; he wai ka mea e inu of water dammed by the uki; he wai no
aii ka paina ana no ka puua ame ka wela ke uki na ka mahu i hookiokio i ka lau o
o ka ai. ka uki, he opu uki.
Puv-a-Lu, v. Tocarry on the hips. See Puv-xo-a, adj. Small; diminutive, as
PUALAU. fine grass; i ka puapoo 0 kamauu puukoa.
Puv-o-a, s. A small inclosure of sticks Puv-xo-a, s. Name of a species of grass.
or poles leaning together at the top in the Puv-xo-ko, s. Puu and koko, blood. The
form of a pyramid. See Puoa. heart of an animal which by its muscular
Puv-o!-01, ae Puu, heap, and ozoi action throws the blood through the sys-
Puv-ol-o1-NA, or oioina, a resting place tem.
for travelers. An elevated spot by the road- Puv-xo-LE, s. The mons veneris. See
side; a heap of stones; a shady tree, or HENA.
possibly, a pool of water, used as a resting Puu-xu, s. One entrusted with the care
place. of goods. Kin. 15:20. A steward. 1 Nal.
Puv-o-ne, s. Pusu and one, sand. A 16:9. The office of a steward; a provider;
mound of sand ; a heap of earth. stewardship.
2. The name of a heiau; o ka mea kuhi- Puv-ku-xu-1, s. A kind of kapa made
kuhi heiau, he kuhikuhi puwone ia. of wauke and pouleulu.
Puv-o-pa-La, s. Puu, heap, and opdla, Pu-u-xu-u-ku, v. To be many; to be
dirt; dust. Dust, litter, dirt. &c., piled up numerous; to be multitudinous. See Puu-
into a heap. LUULU.
Puv-nav, s. A hard lump growing on |Pu-u-La-u-LA, s. Puw and wlaula, red.
the flesh, particularly on the joints. See A bank or mass of red earth; redness; the
OHAKULAI. color of red earth.
Puv-Hoo-ma-Ha, s. Puu and hoomaha >| Puv-LE-LE, s. Puu,a swelling, and ele,
to rest. See Pcuoror above. to fly. A rupture; a hernia; so called be-
Puv-no-1z, s. ‘The slight protuberance cause it disappears suddenly.
Puv-te-na, adj. Name of a cold wind 4. A bunch; a handful; a knop of 4
on the mountains or at the volcano; ka ahe lamp or candlestick. Puk. 25:31.
puulena o ka lua. Laieik. 34. 5. A scurvy or.scabby person. Oihk.
Puv-Le-po, s. A mound of earth; earth 21:20.
used in coloring.
6. Poi not well pounded ; puwpuu kaua,
2. A place designated in the game of
a warlike defense on a wall. Jsa. 54:12.
papua. Puupuu koko, emerods. 1 Sam. 5:9. Ka
puupuu a kona maka, the eye-ball (per-
Pu-v-u1-u-L1, adj. Dark; black; dark haps); ua hele ka puwpuu a kona maka,
colored. See PouLrunt. aole ona eu ae.
Pov-ui-ma, s. Puwand lima, hand. The Puv-puv, adj. Full of blotches or pim-
wrist joints: the knuckles and wrist bones; ples; rough with uneven places.
the palm of the hand ; ka peahi lima. Pou-puv, adv. Roughly; unevenly; holo
Pu-vu-tu, s. A great number of men or puupuu, to run over rough places.
things ; a multitude ; an army of soldiers. Puv-puv-o-nE, adj. Fortune telling; liv-
Pu-v-Lu-u-Lu, v. To be thick together; ing in a strange house called hale puuone ;
to be multitudinous; to be numerous or kukulu oia i hale puupuuone.
many. Pov-Ppuu-wa-wakE, s. Puuw and wawae,
Pu-u-tu-Kau-A, s. Name of a division feet. The ankle bones. Oth. 3:7. The
of an army prepared for battle. ankles. SLzek. 47:3.
Pou-Na-vE, v. To divide into par- Pu-u-wa, v. To have something in the
Pouvu-NAU-WE, cels or parts; to divide; throat; to be choked; to have difficulty in
to give out; to separate. in. 10:5. To swallowing. See Puua.
divide, as spoil. Pul. 15:9. E puunauwe Pouv-wal, s. Puw and wai, liquid. The
ma ka hailona, to divide (the land) by lot. material heart; the active muscle which
Jos. 13:6. To divide, as property. Jos. receives and distributes the blood through
22:8. the animal system; the heart. 2 Nal. 9:24.
Puv-no-Hu, s. The foot of a cloud hang- Norz.—The ancient Hawaiians supposed
ing on a mountain ; a thick cloud. that there was nothing but water in the
2. The motion of waves succeeding each muscle called the heart, hence the name
other. See PuNnouu. puuwar.
Puvu-pa, v. To receive freely or gratu- 2. Food of different kinds of vegetables
itously ; to give freely or gratuitously; tied up in bunches and put into the oven;
puupa hiolo wale no ia leo. he luau i hana laulau ia a hookomoia i ka
Povu-pa, s. Name of a stone from which pohaku. See Luau.
maika stones were made. Pou-wat-u, s. Puwand waiu, milk. Epi-
Puu-paa, s. Puw and paa, fast. The thet of the female breast; a milk breast or
breast of milk. Ezek. 16:7.
reins; the kidneys. Anat. 53.; Hal. 7:9.
Fic. The affections ; the principles of ac-
Pu-wa, v. See Poua. To burst or break
tion. open, as a sore or boil; to pass through or
2. An epithet of female purity ; virgin- out; to burst forth.
ity; avirgin. Kanl. 22:14. Puupaa ana, 2. To hawk as a means of raising phlegm
the state of virginity. unk. 11:38. from the lungs.
Puv-paa, adv. In a virgin state; free- 3. To be loathsome, as a running sore.
Lob. 7:5.
dom from impurity. Laieik. 115.
4. To breathe like a sea-turtle; e hanu
Pov-pau, s. Puu, throat, and pau, to me he honu la.
destroy. The name of a corroding or eat- Pu-Ha, s. Rottenness inside of timber;
ing disease in the throat; when the disease
is seated in the mouth it has another name. wood internally defective; the disease
gonorrhea. See Puntkaokao. Puha laau,
Puv-po-o-La, v. See Arrooua. To eat in a hollow tree. Laieik. 77.
a hurry so as to choke; to strangle. Pu-na, adj. Broken or burst open, as a
Puv-puv, v. To break out into boils and sore or boil; mai puha, an issue; a run-
blisters. See Puv. ning sore. 2 Sam. 3:29.
2. Hoo. To heap up; to pile up in heaps.
3. To be or become lumpy; not smoothly Pu-Ha-a-A, v. To be clear; to be light
soft as good poi. colored ; to be white; to appear distinct,
Pov-puv, s. A protuberance; a swell- as a thing by itself.
ing; ajoint. Anat. 18. See Puv, s. Pu-Ha-a-A, adj. Having large light spots;
2. The pimples of the itch; the knuckles; applied to kalo or potatoes when partially
the ankle bones. Lieik. 45, 47. roasted, i. e., the uncooked part having a
3. A knot of a tree; a hillock; a fist white appearance distinct from the cooked.
doubled up for fighting. Laieik. 47. 2. Applied to the light spots of the leho.
3. White, as the uncommon whiteness of 2. Swelling ; strutting, as a dandy.
the eye of men or women; he maka puhaaa Ka puheeuanuu o Kahai
Na ke kamakama luahaku,
kona; he leho puhaaa, aole e aina ka hee. Ina i o ka poni alii.
Aole leho, he puhaaa wale no. Pu-nEE-M1-x1, v. A present made to one
Pu-HAA-KA-Kal, s. A species of bird of two persons, when the one having not
Pu-HAA-KA-KAI-E-A, like the noio; a received anything seizes the other’s and
small black bird. See Noro. deprives him of it.
Pou-Har-na-nA, v. ‘To look only instead Pu-ne-mo, v. ‘To be slack; to be re-
of answering a request. miss; to fall behind. Hoo. The same.
Pu-navu-Hav, adj. Loose ; not bound Pu-HE-NE, v. To use lascivious words
tightly. and actions slily; to tempt to different
2. Large; fat, as men; puhauhau o mea. kinds of wickedness, especially to adul-
Pu-na-na, v. To wish evil to one; to tery ; e loku, e loha.
speak to one; to speak loudly. See Leo- 2. To tie or bundle up food (pai-ai) in
LEOA and LEOLEOWA. the shape of a nest.
Pu-na-Ha-Lu, adj. Tough; applied to Pu-HeE-NE, s. Lascivious gestures and
kalo; kalo puhahalu. words slily used to excite to adultery; he
loku, he loha, he hana, he alea.
Pu-Ha-Ka, v. Pu and haka, a 2. A bundle made in the form of a nest,
PU-HA-KA-HA-KA, space between two for food ; a nest-like bundle of food.
things. To be vacant, as a space between Pu-HE-NE-HE-NE, S. The name of a play
two things.
performed by hiding a stone called noa
2. To be destitute ; to be wanting ; ap-
(see Noa) under a kapa; and the game
plied variously ; he lohe ma Kuapehu nei,
ama Kailua, a puhaka mai o a 0 Mawaena, consists in guessing where to find it. See
Kat, s., 6.
we hear (preaching) here at Kuapehu and
at Kailua, but all between is destitute. Pu-ne-nu, s. A breath; a breathing.
Peet, s. The body of the hala tree. See Punanu and Hanv.
Pu-Ha-La-au, s. A hollow tree. See Pu-n1, v. ‘To blow or puff wind; to
breathe hard.
Puna. Laieik. 129. 2. To blow, as to blow the fire; e puhii
Pu-HA-La-ua, s. A covetous person. ke ahi; to burn in the fire ; to set on fire;
Pu-Ha-LA-Uo, adj. Stingy; parsimo- to burn up.
Pu-HA-LA-Wo, nious ; he awa, he pi. 3. E puhi ike kukui, to blow oué the lamp.
Pu-Ha-La-Lu, v. To burst or break forth 4. To blow the (conch) shell or trumpet.
Nah. 10:34.
suddenly, as the voice. See Pauatu. To
imitate the voice of a bird. 5. To blow, as the wind; as a strong
wind. Kekah. 1:6. To blow up.
Pu-Ha-La-Lu, adj. Large; plump; fat 6. To putf tobacco smoke.
and weak, as men or beasts. 7. To puff at one in a way of contempt;
Pu-Ha-Li, s. Stinginess; covetousness. to treat insolently.
See Puwa.avo. 8. To distill rum or any liquor; e puhi
2. Name of a small delicate sea-shell. rama; to burn incense; e puhi i ka mea
Pu-HA-LU-HA-LU, adj. Gazing; staring ala. Puk. 30:1. E puhi ka awa mai ka
at. See UHALUHALU. awa a hikii ke koa.
Pu-HA-NI-HA-NI-HA, v. To rue what one Pu-ui, s. A puffing; a blowing; puhi
has done in a bargain; to regret an agree- balea, tobacco smoking.
ment; to pay an obligation w ith reluctance; 2. An eel; he ia loihi, mau maka kala-
eaua. See PUNraNtia. ‘
Pu-Ha-nu, v. To breathe easier; to rest 3. Name of a place in the sea where the
water is black from depth or from deep
a little. See Hanv. holes in the rocks.
Pu-nee, v. To disperse; to scatter. See Pu-n1, adj. He mai pulou, he puhi.
Pu-u-a-HI, s. A man who tends the
Pu-HEE, s. For poohee. The head of the fires of a steam-engine, &c.
hee or squid. Pu-ut-o-1-Lo, s. Puhi, eel, and oitlo, a
Pu-HE-0-HE-o, s. A sport of children small fish. A small white eel.
like jumping the rope. See Konrousxo. Pu-ut-o-HI-0, v. To break wind; to dis-
Notse.—lf grown people attended the play charge wind audibly ; e hookani okole,e
it was called kilu. pumakani, e pubiu.
Pu-HEE-UA-NUU, adj. Pu for puu, and Pu-nt-o-mo-LE, s. A belching up of
hee, squid. Lit. The large bunch on the wind.
head of the squid. 2. A white eel; he puhi keokeo.
Pu-nt-o-n1-0, v. To paint or color ina e pono ai, ao ka laau naha kekahi. Anat.
spotted manner; to stamp with different
colors, as kapa in former times. Pu-Ho-tv, v. To cook fish with hot
Pu-ut-o-Pu-LE, s. A small spotted eel. stones in a Calabash.
Pu-ni-u, v. Contraction for puhi hihiu. Pu-Hu-E-HU-E, s. A species of the con-
To go wrong; to get out of the right path; volvulus.
to go far off. Pu-Hu-La-LU, adj. Fat and weak, as a
2. To break wind. man.

Pu-nt-v-n1-u, s. See Puntonto. He pu-| Pu-nu-11, v. To be full grown, as food

makani, e hookani i ka okole. or vegetables ; to be ripe; hookahe mau
Pu-ni-H1-0, v. To sound, as a pipe or no ka wai, a laupai a puhuli.
wind instrument. Pu-nu-Lu-Hu-Lu, adj. Full grown; full
Pu-ni-kao-kao, v. To burst open or sized, as an animal; as fruit.
break the skin, as the kaokao or some kinds u-kA, v. To enter or pass through a
of the venereal disease. hole, crevice, a gate or door-way.
Pu-ni-Ka-pa, s. See Kapa, an eel. An 2. To enter in or to pass out, according
epithet of Kamehameha. as it is followed by mai or aku. With akeu
it signifies to go out; to go from one place
Pu-ui-Ko-LE, v. To act the spendthrift; to another ; to go forth. 1 Nah. 19:11.
to lounge about idly; to waste one’s prop- 3. To rise, as a subject, to obtain the
erty ; to become poor. government; to usurp the authority of a
Pu-ni-xu, s. A species of small flying- ruler.
fish, called kaawilipuhikii; they swim on 4. To cheat; to defraud one of what is
the surface of the sea. due.
Pu-ni-u1, s. A scar on the face; a scar 5. Hoo. To appear in sight when at a
by burning. distance, as the sun rising or aship appear-
2. A running vegetable; green things; ing at a distance.
herbs. 6. To bring along, as the wind brings
Pu-nt-pau, v. To be bearer of an accu- clouds.
sation against one’s self. 7. To utter; to publish; to proclaim a
2. To revile; to reproach. thing. Kelcah. 5:2.
8. To pass from one state or condition
Pu-ni-pa-Ka, s. A species of eel. to that of another, as from ignorance to
2. The Hawaiian orthography for puhi- knowledge; 0 kakou hoi ka poe i hoopu-
baka, tobacco smoking. kaia noloko mai o ka pouli.
Pu-n1-pa-KA, v. For puhibaka. To smoke 9. To end; to finish ; e hoopau aku.
tobacco. ; 10. To separate from; to go away; e hoo-
Pu-HI-PA-LA-Ho-A-NA, Ss. A species of kaawale aku.
fish of the eel kind. - Pu-ka, s. A door-way; a gate-way; an
Pu-HI-PA-LA-LU, v. To flatter and amuse entrance ; a hole; puka o ke kui, puka o
one that has property in order to obtain; ke kuikele. the eye of a needle; puka lou,
e puhipalalu ia kekahi poe waiwai. a loop hole. Puk. 25:5. Any place of en-
Po-nt-pa-yi-LA, s. A tall, slim man with trance or egress ;puka pepeiao, the ear;
little flesh ; he like me he kolu la ka lina- i hoakakaia’ku ma ka puka o ko oukou
lina. re kti mau pepeiao. Nore.—Puka as a noun
takes various forms, as puka, aipuka, ipuka,
Pu-ui-pu-u1, v. To anoint over with upuka and kanipuka, all which see.
anything medicinal. 2. The art of making spears, ropes, &c.,
2. To blow any substance which has been that appear well but really are good for
chewed in the mouth into the sea in order nothing and vice versa.
to decoy or intoxicate fish. 3. A curious art; a trick; the practice
3. To bind up tightly. of legerdemain ; hoopiopio.
Pu-ni-pu-uI-A-HI, s. A cross, overbear- Pu-xa-a-k1, s. A pile of fish to be di-
ing person. vided out.
Pu-uo, v. To be broken out in ulcers, Pu-xa-a-xk1, v. To divide out fish ac-
as scrofulous legs; he mai puho. See Puna. cording to the shares of several; to share
Pu-Hoo-Ks-NI, s. Name of a shell-fish. according to a rule agreed on.
Pu-no-Lo, v. To roast blood; puholo Pu-xa1, v. To paint or color the hair
koko. See Haxut. with lime or whitewash, a practice of former
Pu-Ho-Lo-Ho-Lo, s. A perspiration pro- times.
duced by the steam of leaves covering over Pu-xat, s. The name of the wash used
a fire and the patient sits covered with a in painting the hair.
kapa over it; aoka puholoholo kekahi mea 2. Name of a species of fish.
Pu-xal, adj. Stained or colored with 2. To be hard; to be severe in exactions.
the pukai; a ike oia i ka wahine pukai 3. To be large; to be plump; to be full
maikai, when he saw a woman beautifully fed. Note.—These two last ideas were
painted. often united in the same person, especially
Pu-xa-1-Hu, s. Puka and thu, the nose. in the second, third and fourth grade of
The nostril. Puk. 15:8. Ka puka o ka ihu, 4, To oppose, as the authority of a chief
he mau puka hanu. or head man.
Pu-xal-Kal-KA, v. ‘To rise up, as smoke; 5. To contend, as from anger.
to swell; to raise up on high. See KarKat. Pu-ka-ni-Lu-a, s. The contention of two
Pu-Kau-a, s. An officer in an army; a parties for the prevalence of their respect-
general; he luna kaua; a champion of a ive opinions.
company. Laieik. 45. Pu-ka-Nu-1, adj. Applied to a basket
Pu-xav-ta, s. A playing of cards; gam- used in catching fish ; hinai pukanui.
bling ; the name of a game. Pu-xa-pa, s. The gate of a yard; the
2. A bag or bundle tied up for carrying. gate ofa city. Jer. 17:24.
Pu-Kavu-po-HI-wi, s. Pu, gun, kau, to Pu-xa-paa, s. Puka and paa, fast; con-
place, and pohiwi, shoulder. A gun car- cealed. The ossa vagina; he ulapaa, he
ried on the shoulder ; a firelock. puupaa.
Pu-Ka-HA-LE, s. Puka and hale, house. Po-Ka-PpA-HA-LE, s. The gate of a city
A window ofa house. Isa. 60:8. or village. Hal. 9:14.
2. A gate or door-way of a house; a
place for going out and coming in to a Pu-KA-pa-KA-HA, s. A window barred
house. with sticks.
Pu-xa-ka, v. To ascend in a zigzag Pu-Ka-pa-k1, v. Puka and paki, to drop,
direction. as tears. To shed tears; to drop, as water
2. To cluck, as a hen; to cackle in sym- from holes ; aole e pukapaki mai ko lakou
pathy, as a cock with a hen when she has waimaka.
laid. See Puxoxo. E koko (pukaka) e like Pu-xa-pu-Ka, v. Frequentative of puka.
me ka moa kane i ka manawa e hoohemo To get through frequently.
ai ka moa wahine i ka hua. 2. Fic. To seek to obtain the ascendency;
Pu-xa-Ka, v. To go here and there; to to get the advantage of.
go about without object. 3. To speculate in trading; to get the
Pukaka na lehua o Mana, best bargain.
Auwana wale iho nou i ka auwai, 4. Hoo. Ika hoopukapuka dala ame na
He ole ka launa me Makalii, mea kupono.
Ike i na muliwai holo a ka ia
E holo ana ka oopuy, he ia iki—e. Pu-Kxa-pu-Ka, s. A window having sticks
Pu-Ka-Ka-LA, v. Pu and kala, rough. across for a defense.
To be rough; to be jagged; to have sharp 2. Whatever is full of holes, not joined
points. well together.
Pu-xa-xu, v. To go out of a straight Pu-xa-pu-KA, adj. Full of holes, chinks,
line ; to Tun here and there. cracks, &c.; net-work. Puk. 27:4. Mea
2. To overflow, as water over a bank. ulana pukapula, net-work. Jer.52:22. Eke
3. To lean over out of a perpendicular pukapuka, a bag tull of holes. Hag. 1:6.
line; to wander out of the way. Pu-xa-wa, s. A door or window pro-
4. Hoo. To be smart; to act independ- jecting outward; he puka e oili loa iwaho.
ently of others; to separate one’s self from Pu-ke, v. Pu and ke, to force. To hit;
others in work. to strike, as one calabash against another;
5. To injure one; to make an example of. to strike together, as the knees of one in
Pu-Ka-MA-KA-NI, Ss. Puka and makani, trepidation. Dan. 5:6
wind. A window; a place for ventilation. Pu-ke-a-weE, s. A kind of tree.
1 Sam. 19:12. Pu-x1, v. ‘To run suddenly; to dash off,
Pu-Ka-NAE-NAE, s. Name of an open as a horse in a race; e holo, e kai ka holo
spot near the summit of Mauna Waialeale me he lio la.
on Kauai. Pu-xn, s. Name of a species of fish.
Pu-xa-n1, s. Pu and kani, to sound. A
sounding instrument; a trumpét. 1 Qihi. Po-x1-k1, v. To blow strongly or furi-
13:8. ously, as the wind; to be stormy or very
rough, as the weather.
Pu-xa-ni, adj. Stingy; hard; severe ; | Pu-xi-K1, s. A strong boisterous wind;
unfeeling for others.
a heavy storm.
Pu-Ka-NI-LU-A, v. Pukani and lua for 2. A name given to tight waisted dresses
loa; very. To be strong ; to be energetic. for females,
Pu-x1-u1, adj. Strong; furious; stormy, removes light things; makani pukukalina
as the wind. o Mahikihiki.
2. Sewed tightly; akamai i ka humu- Pu-ku-ni-a-HI, s. Pu, kuni and ahi, fire.
humu papale pua, me ka papale pukiki. A cannon from the manner of firing.
Pu-xo, v. To be rough like the sea. Pu-xu-pu-ku, v. To wrinkle the fore-
2. To be separated ; to be scattered ; to head; to draw down the eyebrows; to
be driven away. frown, asin anger; e hoomainoino i ka lae.
3. To be daring, able to conquer; puko Pu-xu-pu-xu, s. A crimping; a folding
momona. Laieik. 41. in fine plaits ; a wrinkling.
Pu-xo-a, v.- To ascend; to rise up, as Pu-xu-pu-Ku, adj. Wrinkled, as the skin
smoke. Hal. 18:8. Pukoa ae la ka uahi o by age or otherwise.
ka luapele. Pu-ku-PU-KU-kKU-E-MA-KA, $S. The wrin-
2. To mix and mingle, as smoke; to col- kles on the forehead between the eyebrows.
lect together.
Pu-xa, s. A small particle of anything,
Pu-xo-a, s. Rocks hidden or sunken as dust; a mote in the eye; aole e ike ka
under water, but such as ships may strike maka i kona pula iho; the mucus in the
upon. corner of the eye.
2. The coral rocks of the ocean; ka pu- 2. The leaves of the hala tree when used
koa nui e nee ae nei—e! Oh, the great with a net in catching fish.
rocks of the reef all coming this way! 3. The name of the stick used in driving
3. Smoke united in a column and ascend- fish into a net; laau ululu.
ing, as from a volcano.
4, The name of a hog with long tushes; Pu-La-LE, v. To hurry; to hasten; to
ina loloa na niho o ka puaa, he pukoa ia excite to do a thing quickly. See HoonaLe.
puaa. Pu-La-LE, s. Quickness; dispatch; hurry
Pu-Ko-A-wA-wa-HI-waa, s. The name in doing a thing.
of a tree like vegetable coral growing in 2. An instrument used to scare fish into
the sea, to the great annoyance of fisher- a net.
men with their nets and canoes. Pu-La-ma, s. Pu and lama, a torch. A
Pu-xo-Hu-Ko-Hv, adj. A red malo or light, generally made from kukui nuts; a
other kapa; e hawele ana me kona aahu flambeau. See LAMAKu.
pukohukohu. Laieilk. 40. Pu-La-pu-La, s. A devotee; one who
Pu-xo-Hu-xo-Hu, s. The name of a malo follows another about.
colored with the noni or red; a thick red 2. Anger; revenge; opposition.
malo. _ 3. The tops of sugar-cane cut for plant-
Pu-xo-xo, v. To cackle like a cock; ka
uwe ana a ka moa kane me ka pukoko. Pu-La-wa, v. To surround, as with a
cloud or fog; to be foggy; to cover the
Pu-ko-Lu, s. The name of a triple canoe, heavens with thick fog or clouds; to ren-
i. e., three canoes rigged up abreast ; ma- der the land and mountains invisible.
luna laua o na pukolu. Laietk. 100. Ua
hanaia o Kaenakane i ekolu waa, ua kapaia
Pu-La-wa-La-wa, adj. See Lagva. Fur-
he pukolu. nished ; having a supply of wlfat is neces-
sary ; prepared ; ready for an emergency.
Pu-xu, v. To finish; to end; to put 2. Bound tightly or firmly, as a thatched
out, as fire ; e hoopulu abi. house with cords from post to post; braced
Pu-xu, s. Property given by a chief in firmly, as a building.
charge of his servants. 3. Strong and active for work, as aman;
Pu-ku-a-wa, v. To be troubled in mind pulawalawa ka hale; pulawalawa ke ka-
through fear of the gods; he hooahi no na naka.
akua. Pu-Le, v. To pray; to supplicate; to
Pu-xu-a-wa, s. The fear of the anger worship; to call, with adoration, upon
of the gods. some invisible being ; e kahea aku, me ka
Pu-xu-1, v. To sit doubled up; to be mahalo aku i ka mea ike maka ole ia.
bent up ; to fold together, as the arms. Pu-tz, s. The act of worshiping some
Pu-xu-1, s. An assembly or collection god; conversation with an invisible being;
of the gods at the luakini; 0 Waka, o ka religious service; begging some favor from
wahine i ka pukui. heaven.
Pu-xu-1-xu-1, v. To gather thickly to- Pu-.EI-pu-Lu, v. To have an offensive
gether; to assemble ; to become a multi- smell; to emit a disagreeable effluvia ; to
tude. stink.
Pu-ku-Ka-ti-na, adj. Wild; whirling; Pu-Le-HE, v. ‘To be loose, as a bundle
Sweeping, as a small whirling wind that loosely bound; to hang loosely; to vibrate.
Pu-te HE, adj. Loose; not fast; not Pu-ti-v-Li-u, s. A small gourd in which
bound tightly ; vibrating. the laau waiiki (a medicine) was made.
Pu-te-u1, v. To be accustomed to do Pu-ui-n1, s. A whirlwind.
anything; to knuw how to do a thing, as a Pu-i-HI-Li-HI, s. ‘The name of an herb.
mechanic by practice. Po-ui-k1, v. Pu and liki, to bind up.
Py-LE-Ho, s. See Leno. A small shell- To gird up tightly ; to wrap around, as a
fish : the shell is used for beads. vest or armor. pes. 6:14.
Pu-LE-Ho-LE-Ho, s. See Leno. A
string 2. To embrace or fold in one’s arms, as
of lehos or shells for beads. an infant. 2 Nal. 4:16.
2. A knot or callous place on the sboul- 3. To gird or tie round. 1 Sam. 22:18.
der from carrying burdens. 4. To embrace with affection. Kin. 48:12.
Pu-.e-nv, v. ‘lo roast on coals or em- 5. To hold fast; to make tight.
bers ; to bake on the fire; to roast in the Pu-u-k1, s. A vest; any garment girded
blaze and smoke ; hence, around the body.
2. To burn; to consume by fire.Pu-LI-KI-KAU-A, s, A habergeon; a war
Pu-Le-Hu, s. A roasting on coals or Pu-LI-KI-Ko-A, dress. 2 (ihl. 26:14.
embers; cooking food in a hurry by wrap- Pu-.i-ma, s. Pu for puu, and lima, hand.
ping it in leaves and laying it on the fire, The wrist bones; the wrist; pulima palule,
whether it be coals, hot ashes, flame or
wristbands of a shirt.
2. The name of a fire kindled for the ben-
2. A waterspout.
efit of a sick person in the practice of the
Pu-LE-Hv-LE-HU, v. To bring together ancient physicians; a ma ke ao anao ua
several different things to one place. po la, alaila hoaia ke ahi, he pulima ka
Pu-e-Le, s. Some disease or complaint inoa oia ahi. >
about the neck. Pu-ui-ma, adj. Pertaining to the wrist;
Pu-Le-Le-Hu-s, v. To be scattered, as iwi pulima, the wrist bones. Anat. 19.
water into spray by falling from a great Pu-to, v. To pass by; to pass on; to
height, or from being blown by the wind. go about.
Pu-Le-LE-Hv-4, s. A butterfly; he pee- Pu-to-a, s. A species of fish; he hee;
lua i hoomaluleia a lilo i kino lele me he a squid.
manu la. Pu-Lo-v, v. To cover the head; to veil
Pu-Le-Lo, v. ‘To float in the air, as a the eyes.
flag ;to wave to and fro in the wind; to 2. To hide or @onceal from view ; pulou
hang loosely ; i kapa i pulelo mai ka lua. iho laiaike kapa. Laieik. 174.
2. To change, as one’s opinion; e ake e 3. Hoo. To blindfold; to veil; to cover
pulelo iki ae na manao o kakou. with a veil. 2 Sam. 19:4.
Pu-LE-Lo, adj. Floating ; changeable ; Pu-to-u, s. A veil; a covering for the
unstable. head. Eset. 5:12.
Po-te-na, s. Name of the south-east 2. A black kapa; a kapa of any dark
wind at Hilo, Waimea, &e. color.
Pu-te-nA, adj. Softly blowing, as a gen- 3. The act of puttinga black kapa over
tle wind. See PuvuLena. one for the purpose of concealment.
Pu-tE-rE, v. To rain heavily. See 4. Name of a disease ; mai pulou.
Kawa. Pu-to-u, adj. Bound up; covered out
2. To perspire freely and copiously. of sight; he mai pulou.
Pu-Le-pu-LE, adj. Spotted; speckled; Pu-Lou-Lou, s. Bunches or bundles of
of different colors. black kapa. Laieik. 112.
Pu-Le-wa, v. See Lewa, swinging. To Pu-Lov-Lou, s. See Putou, a veil. A
be changeable; to turn this way and that; veil ; a covering. as of a canoe; me Ka pu-
to float here and there, as one of unstable lowlou alii iluna o na waa.
opinion; to be varying ; to be tremulous, 2. A kapa ona stick (called pahu) erected
as a quagmire; he pulewa ka aina, he naka as a sign of kapu.
Hawaii. Pu-Lo-HI-wa, s. Shining black kapa.
Pu-LE-wa-LE-wa, v. To be open; to be Pu-Lo-ni-wa, adj. Exceedingly black ;
porous; to be full of holes. See PuLEWA shining black.
and Lrewa.
2. To be empty ; to be hungry; e han- Pu-to-xu, adj. Tender; soft; delicate;
polewalewa. fine looking, as a woman; comely. Isa.
Pu-Le-wa-Le-wa, adj. Weak; feeble ; 47:1; Ter. 6:2.
inconstant; pulewalewa wale no ka noho Pu-to-ui-a, v. Passive of pulo. To be
ana, aole ae unstable ; going here and there.
Pu-tu, v. ‘To be wet; to bathe; to wash. a fire. Joan. 18:18. To heat a thing in a
Lob. 24:8. small degree.
2. To be soft as that which is soaked in Pu-ma-Ha-na, s. Warmth physically.
water. 2. Warmth of feeling, of love or attach-
3. Hoo. To wet; to moisten ; to soften. ment. 1 Pet. 4:8.
4. To water, as a plant. Jsa. 16:9. Pu-ma-Ha-NA, adj. Warm; lukewarm.
5. To make soft the material for kapa,
that is, wauke. mamaki, &c., by soaking it Pu-ma-Ka-nI, v. Pu and makani, wind.
in water until it becomes wali, paste-like. To blow or rage, as a whirlwind; e puhio-
hio, e puhiu.
Pu-uu, s. Any substance partially liquid
and soft. Pu-na, v. Hoo. Tocollect or unite with
2. That which is soft, as cotton. one’s self, as two or more wives, friends,
3. The soft matter of which kapa is made; favorites, &c. Haa. or hoo. O kakou no ka
so called when made soft by soaking ; me lakou poe i haapuna aii ka la o ka maka-
he pulu kapa i ka hale. lii, ame ka ua o ka hooilo.
4. Specifically, name of the material that Pu-na, s. The stone coral; lime un-
grows on and is collected froma species of burnt; mortar. Othk. 14:42. He pohaku
large fern ; it has lately become an article keokeo no ka moana.
of export. 2. Name of a district on Hawaii.
Pu-xu, adj. Wet, as clothes. 3. A well; a spring; a cavern; a pit;
2. Soft; cooked to softness. punawai, a spring.
3. Hoo. Deceitful; he kiu hoopulu, a 4. A joint of sugar-cane or bamboo; also
treacherous spy. written pona.
5. Eng. A spoon.
Pu-tu-a, s. Pu and lua, two. A couple .6. The name of a foreign surf-board ; he
of men in a canoe; he pulua na kanaka ma kioe kahiki.
ka waa. 5
2. Two men mutual assistants to each Pu-na, adj. Of or belonging toa spring.
other ; he mau kokoolua elua. See Warpuna and Mapuna.
Pu-Lu-Lv, adj. Fat, plump and weak, Pu-NA-HE-LE, v. 'l'o be or become an in-
as @ man. timate friend of one. Hoo. To make one
an intimate, a friend or a favorite ; to be-
Pu-Lu-Lu-H1, adj. Hazy; foggy; cloudy; come one’s friend; to honor one with pres-
dull, as the weather. ents and dignity ; e hoohanohano, e hoo-
2. Dull, as a person just waking from waiwai.
Pu-tu-na, s. The relationship that ex- Pu-NA-HE-LE, s. A friend; a favorite; a
beloved one. 2 Nal. 25:19. He mea i hoo-
ists between the parents of a man and the waiwaiia e ke alii, he mea i hoohanohanoia
parents of his wife; or the relation of the me ka manao nui ia ia. .
parents of married parties to each other.
Pu-NA-HE-LE, adj. Beloved, as a child;
Pu-Lu-na-Lu-na, s. Clothes thrown care- honored, as a favorite ; he hoalauna puna-
lessly together. hele.
Pu-Lu-pu-Lv, v. To warm; to cherish; Pu-na-HE-LU, v. To have a strong and
to brood over, @ a hen her chickens; e somewhat rancid smell like that of a vari-
hoopunana me he makuahine moa la i kana ety of articles in a tight, damp room.
mau keiki. 2. To be obscure; to be intricate.
Pu-Lu-pu-tvu, s. Cotton; he mala pulu- 3. To be mouldy and full of cobwebs, as
pul, a cotton field. See Hutvunuxu. a closed, empty room.
2. Tinder. Isa. 43:17. Pu-na-HE-LU, s. Mould; mildew. Kanl.
3. Fine linen. 2 Oihl. 2:14. 28:22.
Pu-Lu-pu-tu, adj. Wet, &c. See Putu, Pu-NA-HE-LU, adj. Mouldy. ve
ad). Pu-na-KE-A, Ss. The white sand that a
Pu-mat-a, s. A bunch of bananas. See high surf throws up on the beach; ku ka
Opuu and Opuu Mata under opuu. punakea iuka. Laieik. 167.
Pu-MA-HA-NA, v. Pu and mahana or Pu-na-Lu-a, s. The several husbands of
PU-ME-HA-NA, mehana, warm. The first one wife, or the several wives of one hus-
orthography is the most correct. To be band ; he mau kane na ka wahine, he mau
warmed, as with clothing. Job. 31:20. To wahine na ke kane hookahi; one of two
be warm in friendship; to have fellow feel- wives, or favorites of same chiefs. Laieik.
ing with a person; aole e pumahana ke 118.
aloha i waena o ke kane ame ka wahbine: 2. A friend on equal terms with one.
to be warm, as in contact with another. Rut. 1:15. ;
Kekah. 4:11. Hoo. To warm one’s self by Pu-na-Lu-4, v. To make an equal of
one; to come on terms of reciprocity with Pu-ni, v. To surround as water does an
one; ua punalua ole ka pono na ka hewa. island.
2. To have in common several wives or 2. To inclose ; to be hemmed in, as one-
husbands. person by multitudes.
3. To be or to have one for illicit pur- 3. To surround, i.e., to get round one by
poses ; o ke kii i ka hai wahine, ua kapaia | deceit ; to prevail over; to get the better
i keia manawa he moekolohe; aka,i ka wa )
kahiko 0 ka punalua. 4. To be surrounded; to be deceived; to
Pu-na-na, v. Tosit onanest, asa bird; be insnared; to be taken.
to hatch eggs. 5. To go around; to encircle; hence,
2. Hoo. To brood over; to cherish. Isa. 6. To finish ; to complete ; to terminate-
34:15. 7. To close. as an appointed: period of
3. To nestle; to cherish one’s self ina time; as the end of the year. 1 Nal. 20:22.
comfortable place; ke hoi nei makou e To finish the period of gestation. 1 Sam.
hoopunana i ka poli o ko makou mau ma- 4:19.
kua. 8. To gain possession of ; hee o Kalani-
4, To live; to dwell; applied to birds. kupule ia Kamehameha, a puni Oahu a me
Pu-na-nA, s. A nest; a bird’s nest; pu- Molokai, a me Lanai a me Maui a me Ka-
nanamanu. Kanl. 22:6. hoolawe, Kalanikupule fled before Kame-
2. Fie. The enjoyment of comforts. Job. hameha., and he came in possession of Oahu
29:18. A place of residence. Hab. 2:9. and Molokai and Lanai and Maui and Ka-
3. A kind of white kapa. hoolawe.
Pu-na-NaA-NA, Ss. A species of spider. 9. To covet; to desire greatly. See Note
See Nanana. below.
10. To be addicted to; to be influenced
2. A spider’s web.
by, as pleasure or gain; ua puni na ‘lil
Pou-na-pu-na, v. To scatter; to blow ame na kanaka i na hana ino loa, the chiefs
away, as small particles of some substance. and people were addicted to very evil prac-
2. To make fine or small as dust. tices.
3. To sit on eggs; to brood, as a hen. 11. Hoo. To give false testimony; to de-
Pu-na-pu-na, adj. Made fine; scattered ; ceive.
blown away. 12. Tosurround for protection. Job. 1:10.
2. Hard, as food ; tough to eat. Nore.—Puni is connected with many other
3. Dry and mealy or hard. as a potato words and signifies, influenced, led by, or’
that is cooked. addicted to, as well as deceived; puni lea-
4, Weary, lame or sore, as with walking lea, addicted to pleasure; puni waiwai,.
or lying. greedy of property ; puni hula, given to the
Pu-na-wal, s. Puna and wai, water. A practice of the hula, &c.
spring of water; a well; a fountain. in. Po-ni, s. Name of fish nets with small
rif meshes.
Pu-na-we, v. To divide. See PuunaweE. 2. The termination of a fixed period, as
Pu-na-wE-Le, v. Pu and nawele, to be the end of the year; ka puni o ka maka--
fine or small. To be small in size; to be hiki; the termination of the period of ges-
fine as threads of spider’s webs. tation, &e.
3. A desire; a strong inclination for the-
Pu-NA-WE-LE-WE-LE, s. A species of spi- possession of a thing, or a particular course
der. of conduct; he kii ka puni o ua wahine la,
2. A spider's web. Jsa.59:5. The web an image was the great desire of that woman.
of the species of spider called lanalana.
Pu-nez, v. Pu and nee, to move along. Pu-ni, adv. Around;
a puni, around about.
on every. side ;.
To come to one; to approach one for the 2. An intensive. Greatly; exceedingly;
purpose of asking a favor. Norre.—This hotly, as in anger; mai ulu puni mai kou
was done in ancient times, in the case of a huhu, be not exceedingly angry. Puk.
common person approaching a chief, on the 32:22. See ULv.
hands and knees, in a slow, hitching man-
ner. Pu-ni-a, s. A pain in the head above
Pu-neg, s, A drawing towards one; a the eye.
riding; a moving; he hukihee, he holo-| Pu-ni-u, s. Pu and niu, a cocoanut.
papa; atable. Mar. 7:4. The shell of a cocoanut; ka iwi o ka niu:
Pu-NEE-NEE, v. To move along, as a hence, a small calabash for food ;wehe ae
shower of rain. lai ua puniu la.
Puneenee ka ua o Hilo,
2. The skull of man from some resem-
E nee mai ana i ka hapapa, blance to a cocoanut. 2 Nal. 9:35. -
E kui mai ana i ka lehua—e. 3. A knave; a cheat; one who refuses
to give up what he has lost in a game; a engaged in, and Leanma, pleasure. The
dishonest gambler. practice of pleasure: being given or de-
Pu-ni-u, v. To spin round; to turn, as voted to sensual gratifications.
a top; to be dizzy ; to have a vertigo. Pu-n1-ni, v. ‘To go here and there out
2. To be hot; to have a fever. See Po- of a straight course ; to tack, as a ship; to
NIU. sail crookedly ; to float here and there.
Pu-ni-u-nv-1, s. Puniu, the skull bone, Hoo. Ke hoopunini nei no ke alii i ka mo-
and hui, to unite. The place on the top of ana maluna o ka waapa, the king floats here
the head where the bones unite. and there over the ocean on a boat.
Pu-ni-ual, adj. Punt and haz, to run. Pu-ni-Pe-k1, s. Name of a game like
Addicted to running; cowardly; full of “fox and geese ;”’ the fox they called Bo-
nepate—Punipeki; a 0 ka punipeki, ua ko-
koke like me ka hana ana o ke pahiuhiu.
Pu-ni-Ha-ni-HA, v. To refuse; to be
stingy; to be close and little in a bargain;
Pu-ni-pu-nI, v. See Punt. To deceive;
to be hard to trade with. See Punanina- to tell a lie; to speak falsely.
NIHA. 2. To act treacherously in any way so as
to deceive one.
Pu-ni-Ha-NI-HA, s. Stinginess; close- 3. Hoo. To cause one to be deceived.
ness in a bargain. Oihk. 6:2. Connected in the next verse
Pu-ni-HA-NI-HA, adj. Stingy; close; dif- with hoohiki wahahee. To act deceitfully;
ficult to trade with. : to deceive one; e punihei aku ai ma ka
Pu-nI-HEI, v. Puni and he?, to insnare. aoa0 ino.
To surround with a net; to insnare; to en- Pu-ni-pu-n1, s. A falsehood; a lie; a
trap. deceit; he wahahee. .
2. To lay a plot for one. 1 Sam. 28:9. Pu-ni-pu-nI, adj. False; deceitful; hyp-
To deceive; to act treacherously ; to be ocritical ; vain.
deceived ; punihei aku la ka poe i koho i
ka ino, they ave insnared who choose evil.
Pu-nr-wal-wal, v. Puni and waiwazt,
property. To desire the acquisition of
Pu-nI-HE-LE, adj. Puni and hele, to go. property ; hence, to be covetous; to give
Fond of traveling ; given to going about. one’s self to accumulate. Nore—Puni-
Pu-ni-n1, adj. Lofty; majestic. waiwai was anciently what punikala is now.
Pu-ni-Ho, v. To force away; to pluck Pu-ni-wal-wal, s. Covetousness; the
up by the roots; to dislodge a disease. strong desire of wealth ; he manao nui ma
Puniho ino ka lae o ka pipa, ka waiwai; he hoolilo i ka waiwai i akua
Oohu wale ka ina uli, ka ina eleele.
Pu-ni-Ka-La, v. Puni and kala (ng. Pu-ni-wal-wal, adj. Covetous; greedy
dala),money. To have a strong desire for
after property.
money; to have a covetons disposition.
Nore.—This is a modern word come into Pu-ni-wa-Le, v. Puni and wale, easily.
use with civilization. To be overtaken by treachery; to be the
Pu-ni-Ka-La, s. One greedy for money; subject of deceit; to be insnared by any-
thing ; e lilo i ka punihei.
astrong desire for property; covetousness.
Heb. 13:5. Pu-ni-wa-LE, adj. Deceived; insnared.
Pu-ni-k1-H1, s. Name of a game; he 2. Boisterous with anger ; overawed.
hiu, he pahiuhiu,he amo paha, a he Jalani, Pu-no-nu, v. To arise or ascend, as
ahe punikihi paha, aia noi ko laua mau smoke. Jsa.9:17. To arise, as a high flame
lunamanao. or column of smoke. Junk. 20:40. See
Pu-ni-Ko-ko, s. Punt and koko, blood. Puvunonu and PoNvunU.
2. To make a white appearance, as the
A blood-thirsty person; one reckless of sails of a ship quickly set; me he moku la
murder. Sol. 29:16. i pau na pea i ka huki iluna.
Pu-ni-Ko-ko, adj. Greedy for blood; Pu-no-nu, s. The volumes or curls of
reckless of murder. ascending smoke ; he hina me he uahi la
Pu-ni-Kuu-a-LA, v. Puni and kuala. See no ka lua o Pele; the gray-like smoke
Kvuata. To long for the time set for pay- (steam) of the volcano; smoke arising from
ment (of money or a debt) to come; to ex- a fire. Kin. 19:28. Punohw uwahi. Mel.
pect gain for som®thing lent or given; he Sol. 3:6. See Ponunu.
manawa i oleloia e kuuala ai ka mea i ole- Pu-no-n1, s. Name of a dye, probabl
loia. of the noni, for coloring kapas. ;
Pu-ni-kuu-a-La, adj. Longing for the 2. The kapa so colored.
payment of a debt; expecting gain for Pu-no-no, v. See Nono. To be dressed
something lent or given. gorgeously. oo. To be red, as kapa.
PU-NI-LE-A-LE-A, s. See Punt, given to, Pu-no-No-u-La, v. To be spotted, as the
skin in some diseases; to be colored white |Pu-pu-a-Hu-Lv, v. ‘Tobe ina fluster; to
and red. be in a flutter or bustle, as those going but
Pu-no-no-Hv, v. To swell out; to be < ready for want of preparation; e pihoi-
large like the sails of a ship. See Punonu oi.
and Hoopunouunouv. Pu-pu-a-Hu-LU, adj. Bustling;,in a
Pu-Nno-No-Hu-u-La, adj. Blowing the hurry ; not prepared for a duty.
dust; raising the dust, as a strong wind; Pu-pu-a-mo-a, s. Pupu and moa, a fowl.
ka wilikoi ula punonohuula i ka lani. A long skirted coat; so called from its re-
Pu-no-nv, adj. Spoiled; rotten; addled, semblance to the tail of a fowl.
as eggs; he kewakewai. Pu-pu-a-wa, s. Name of a species of
Pu-no-nu-no-nu, v. To be spoiled; to shell-fish.
be unfit for use; to be addled, as eggs. Pu-pu-z, v. To lie in wait; to watch
See Kewar. Ua punonunonu, ua kewake- for one to injure or murder him; to be
wai. ‘ ready for any sudden attack upon one; o
Pu-nv-a, v. To be without hair or feath- pupue i ka hao e alii la. Hoo. To seize
ers, as some young birds. upon suddenly.
Pu-nu-nu, s. A cloud apparently stand- Pu-pu-E, s. The action of a cat in pre-
ing erect having some of the colors of the paring to seize a mouse; a lying in wait
rainbow. for one.
Pu-nu-ku, s. A halter; a noose passed Pu-pu-1, adj. Swelled; enlarged; pupuz
over the nose of a beast. ka maka, a swelled or enlarged eye. See
Po-paa-Kal, v. To eat when there is Pur and Purrct.
only vegetable food ; a pupaakai au. Pu-puv, v. To crouch; to curl up; to
Pu-pa-Na-PA-NA, S. Pu, gun, and pana, be doubled up, as the fingers.
to discharge. A pistol ; he pu liilii. Pu-puv-a-nu, v. Puu, pimple, and anu,
Pu-pu, v. To be rough; to be uneven, cold. To come out in cold pimples; to try
as a road. to get warm in vain.
2. To be heavy, as a thing drawn or car- 2. To be dizzy and feeling cold.
ried. 3. To persevere in doing a thing; hoa
3. To walk as one carrying a heavy bur- inea, makaponiuniu pupuvanu hoomanawa-
den; heaha ka oukou mea kaumaha i pupu nui.
ai oukou makai la? Pu-pu-n1, v. Pu and puhi, to blow. To
4. To drag a log or canoe through brush blow violently, as a strong wind. Puk.
and among rocks, &c. 15:10. Ua pupuhi wale ia na waa i holo
5. To be slow; to lag behind. ma ka moana; to blow, as wind from the
6. To gather and bind up into a bundle; mouth.
€ pupu a paa. 2. To spout water, as a whale.
7. Hoo. The same. 3. To burn with fire, as incense. 2 QOiAl.
8. To sit still in one place; to sit still, 16:14. To consume in the fire. Jos. 7:25.
not to go. Pupuhi aku la lakou i kona io i ke ahi,
Pu-pu, s. An old man or woman who they burnt (consumed) his flesh in the fire.
walks feebly and carefully for want of 4. To blow, as a trumpet. Ezek. 7:14.
strength. Pu-pu-n1, s. A blowing; persons who
2. A species of snail, the meat of which blow, i. e., the trumpeters ; na pupuhi. 2
is eaten by Hawaiians. Hal.58:8. Norr.— Nal, 11:14.
Pupu is the general name for shells, both Pu-pu-Ho-a-KA, s. Pupu, shell, and ho-
sea and land, though not often applied to aka,a crescent. An ornament for the wrist
large ones. made of small shells.
3. A bunch, as of grass, leaves or flow- Pu-pu-nu, adj. Large; plump; round;
ers: pupu husopa, a bunch of hyssop. Puk.
12:22. See Puv.
4. A bundle or something bound up, as Pu-pu-xa, s. An epithet of reproach,
of grass. signifying good for nothing.
5. A glass bead. Pu-pu-KA, adj. See Puxa and Pouxa-
Pu-pu, adv. Roughly; heavily; disa- puKA, full of holes. Lrr. Vain; without
greeably. Puk. 14:25. Hele pupu, hele substance. Mat. 5:22. Anything full of
mamau, hele luuluu. holes; hence, worthless; having an un-
Pu-pu-a, s. The rump or tail feathers sightly appearance: of no value.
of a fowl. Pu-pu-Ka-Hu-LI, s. Name of a class of
Pu-pu-a, v. See Pua, a blossom. To small shells. See Pupu.
open; to unfold, as a blossom; to spread Pu-pu-Ka-NI-o£, s. Name of a class of
out; ua pupua, mohola wale i ke awakea. mountain snails having shells, the achati-
W 502 WA
nella. The Hawaiians declare that the ani- 3. A heap of refuse, worthless kapa.
mal sings. See Pupu. Pu-pu-pu, adj. Temporary; frail
Pu-pu-Ke-a-we, s. The name of a small pupupu. Isa. 1:8.
plant found on the tops of the mountains; Pu-pu-wa, v. See Pupua and Pua, a
o na nahelehele maluna o na kuahiwi, ua blossom. To. unfold; to open, as a blos-
kapaia’ku ia he pupukeawe. It is also som.
called maieli. Pu-wa, v. See Pus. To ascend and re-
Pu-pu-xu, v. To curl, as the hair; to yee suspended, as smoke oracloud. Puk.
shrink ; to start from fear; to shrink from 24:16, ‘
pain, as a muscle: to contract. 2. To shine ; to glitter, as the surface of
Pu-pu-xu, adj. Wrinkled; shortened; a thing. Puk. 34:30.
contracted; curled, as hair. See Pukupvxu. 3. To reflect brightness, as a red gar-
Pu-pu-Le, v. To be mad; to be crazy; ment, as clouds, or as a bright fire by night.
to act insanely; to be infatuated. Jer. Pu-wa, s. A shining appearance; re-
50:38. To make one mad. Kekah. 7:7. flected brightness. Puk. 34:29.
Pu-pu-Le, s. Insanity; madness; infat- 2. A small bush: a flower. See Pua.
uated conduct. 2 Pet. 2:16. 3. Little fish ; he puea ia, he liilii.
Pu-pu-LE, adj. Crazy; insane; bereft of Pu-wal, s. See Puuwai, the heart. An
reason. alarm; a sound of an alarm. Joel. 2:1.
Pu-pu-Lo-Lo-a, s. Name of a species of 2. The fountain head of a stream of
water; hence.
3. The material heart; the fountain of
Pu-pu-Lu, v. To be many; to be multi- blood; he mea e hoi ka haalulu o kona
tudinous, as a people; to congregate in puwai, strange was the beating of his heart.
masses; to be full; to be crowded, as a Laieik. 165.
place with people. Pu-wat-Kau-a, s. Puwai, alarm, and
2. To sit conversing together in a clus-
kaua, war. An alarm of war. Joel. 2:1.
ter. See Mumutv.
Po-pu-Lu, s. A great company; a mul- Pu-wa-tvu, v. See Puatu, to act in con-
titude, as of flies on spoiled meat; a great cert. To work together, as in lifting; to
make a united effort.
collection of individual things.
2. To cry out all together.
Pu-pu-tu, adj. Assembled; thick to- 3. To rehearse or speak or recite in con-
gether. cert, as a class inschool. NotTe.—This was
2. Adhesive ; soft. the general practice in the first schools of
Pu-pu-ni, adj. See Punt. Greedy; de- the Islands, and helped much to keep up
sirous of something and laboring to obtain the enthusiasm of the thing.
it, as property, pleasure, grandeur, power, Pu-wa-tvu, s. The ancient flag of the
&e.; ka aki lauoho pupuni waiwai.
Hawaiians placed on the triangular sails
Pu-pu-pu, v. To extend; to project; to of canoes.
be prominent.
Pu-pu-pvu, s. A small out-house; a shel- Pu-wa-.u, s. Name of a body of men
who worked together; a gang; a company
ter from the sun. See Kamaua. A small
of fellow-workmen. See LavuLma.
house such as is used for beating kapa; a
temporary shed. Pu-ra, s. Heb. or Chal. A lot in cast-
2. A kind of white kapa used for pa-us. ing lots. set, 3:7.

Ww the twelfth letter of the Hawaiian the orthography of the language were fully
9 alphabet. The real sound represented settled, its use would serve to make a dis-
by it is one between the English w and v. tinction in the meaning of words, as kaua,
In Tahitian the v sound is most universal ; war, and kauwwa, a servant, &e.
in Hawaiian the w sound predominates. In Wa, s. A space between two objects,
many cases the letter w is superfluous, the as between two rafters or two posts of a
vowel u before a, e, i, 0, producing the same house; hence,
sound as is made by the use of w; as, wwala, 2. A space between two points of time.
uala ;UwA0, UAO; Uwa, Ua; Uwe,Ue ; Wweke, 3. A definite period of time, as the life-
uéke; uwi, ui; uwila, uila; wwo, ud; ka- time of a person; i ka wa i hiki mai ai o
wowo, kauouo, &e. In other places the w Vanekouva, at the time Vancouver arrived;
is an important letter, and sometimes, if wa kamalii, time of childhood; ka wa ana
WAA : 503 WAE
ao (see Wanaao), the early dawn of the without forethought, as if a person, with-
morning. Nore.—The Hawaiian year was out thought, should in a freak of generos-
formerly divided into two was. Elua no ity, give away all his property, and after-
wa o ka makahiki hookahi, o ke kau a 0 wards should remember his own act when
ka hooilo, there are two was (periods) in it was too late.
one year, the kaw (summer) and the hooilo Waa-waa, s. The upper end of a lob-
(winter.) ster’s leg; also the front side of a lobster’s
4, In grammar, a tense. head.
5. A situation without friends or con- 2. The upper part of the thorax; the
nexions, as in the phrase ku i ka wa, inde- lower part of the throat.
pendent. He alii e noho wale ana i kawa, 3. Mischief from ignorance, from bad-
a chief without subjects. ness generally; applied to all classes of
Wa, s. Private talk or gossip concern- persons ; ku i ka waawaa o ke kapnu la.
ing the characters of others. Waa-waa, adj. Plump, as the shoul-
Wa, v. To reflect; to think; to rea- ders of a young man; hard; full.
son. Mat. 16:7, 8. 2. Dark-hearted ; ignorant; unskillful;
2. To seek to know; to wish. Pass. To awkward; naaupo. (Seetheverb.) Waa-
be the subject of conversation. Laieilc. 87. waa iki naauao kahi keiki; waawaa iki
3. To say to one’s self; to ponder; to naaupo kahi keiki.
revolve in one’s mind ; to consider. 3. Full of hillocks or knolls; he waawaa
4. To hit as a stone hits a mark; to com- ka lae, an expression of blackguardism.
pass, as a man his designs. Wag, v. To select; to pick out; to
5. Hoo. To sicken; to make sick; to cause choose. Puk. 12:21.
to vomit. 2. To sort out the good from the bad; to
Waa, v. For waha, a ditch. Hoo. To| separate ; to set aside; to draw out some
dig a ditch or pit; to make a furrow. from among others ; wae ae la ke kuhina i
Waa, s. A canoe; a small boat; waa na waa kupono ke holo. Laieik. 100.
kome. Puk. 2:3. Nore.—The ancient ca- 3. To break and separate, as the parts
noes of the Hawaiians were dug out of of a thing.
single logs or trees, generally of the koa; 4. To dwell upon, as the mind in think-
many were large. The specific names were ing of an event.
kaukahi, a single canoe; kaulua, a double 5. To think; to reflect; to consider a
canoe ; peleleu, a short blunt canoe, &e. case. See Wa.
Waa-xau-a, s. A division of an army Was, s. A choice; a thing that suits
as about to enter into battle; a mahope one’s desires; something according io one’s
mai o lakou (huna paa) na waakaua. wish.
2. The knee; the side timbers in a boat
W aa-Kau-KA-HI, s. Waa and kaukahi,| or ship: he wae waa, he wae moku.
one place. A single canoe, or a canoe 3. Name of a species of Kalo.
moved with one paddle; he waa hoe hoo-
Wa-s-LE, v. To clear away weeds,
grass, bushes, &c., preparatory to planting.
Waa-kau-Lu-a, s. Waa and kaulua, 2. To clear away grass, weeds, &c., pre-
two-fold. Two canoes united; a double paratory to building a house.
canoe; more generally written simply au- 3. To weed; to hoe; to cultivate food.
lua; he mau waa elua i hoapipiia. Ter. 4:3.
Waa-xi-0-Lo-a, s. A very small hand-
some canoe.
Wae-na, s. The middle; the central
point of a substance or of a period of time;
Waa-ko-I-H1, s. A waterspout; a great i ka waena o ka po, midnight. 1 Nal. 3:20.
rush of water from above; he wai nui i iho With the article, ka waena, the middle. 1
mai, mai luna mai. Nal. 6:6.
Wa-a-na-ao, s. Wa, time, a of, a, arti- 2. A space inclosed by bounding lines.
cle, and ao, light. Liv. The time of the Ana Hon. 10.
lights, i. e., the first rays of the sun; early 3. A field; a farm; a garden; a culti-
morning; theearly dawn. Nore.—In com- vated spot. Kin. 3:18.
mon use, the word is contracted into wa- 4, A dead body. Syw. with kupapau.
nado. See WANAAO. WaeE-Na, comp. prep. Between; in the
Waa-pa, s. Waa,canoe,and pa, a board. middle ; in the midst; prefixed by i, ma.
A canoe made.of boards; a skiff; a boat. mai,no. Gram. § 161.
2 Sam. 19:18. A waapa is shorter and W AE-NA-KO-LU, ef Waena and konu,
wider than a canoe. He waa pelupelu. A |WaAE-NA-KO-NU, center. Lrr. The mid-
ship boat; he keiki na ka moku, a child of dle center. The central point; the very
the ship. or real center. Puk. 14:29. The center of
Waa-waa, v. To act ignorantly or a circle. Ana Hon. 20. The midst, as of
ERNE GN 2 ee
anassembly of people. Laieik.120. Nore. wane apple. The juice or cider from the
The first orthography is seldom used. ohia.
W ae-nA-Ko-Nu, adv. Through the midst; Wat-o-xi-La, s. Name of a place in
in the middle ; in the center. Kahukuloa full of precipices and ravines ;
Wai, s. A general name for what is hence the verb in the meles.
liquid; fresh water in distinction from kai, Wat-o-ki-La, v. See Kotoav. To go up
salt water; wai maka, tears; wai. kahe, and down, as going across palis.
running water; wai u, milk; wat eleele, ink; W al-o-HU-HU-KI-NI, s. Name of a class
wai hooluu, dye; wat puna, spring water, of Kamehameha’s laws.
&c. See the compounds. Wat-o-pu-a, s. Name of an internal
Wat, znter. pron. Who? It refers only disease among Hawaiians.
to persons or to the names of persons or Watr-u, s. Wai and wu, the breast. Lit.
things. See the forms in the paradigm, Breast water. The breast of females. Mel.
Gram. § 156-158. Sol. 4:5.
Waa, adj. Strong and bad smelling ; 2. Milk; the ooze of the breast.
stinking ; foul; filthy ; polluted. 3. Fic. Blessings; favors. Nah. 14:8.
War-au, s. Wat and au, current. A War-u-a, s. Waz and ua, rain. Rain
place where water runs continually; water water; water from the clouds; also wat
where one can always bathe. maoli in distinction from well or spring
Wat-avu-au, s. Waztand auau, to bathe. water, which is wai kai.
A pool; a bathing place. Joan. 5:2. | War-vu-raa, s. Waiw and paa, hard.
Watr-a-Hu-Lv, s. Wai and ahulu, red- Hard milk; cheese. 1 Sam. 17:18.
dish; dirty. Water of a muddy color; War-na, v. To desire or request of the
dirtyish red water. gods, as in prayer; pela ka’u waiha aku
Wat-A-LE-A-LE, s. Wai, water, and ale- ame ka’u waipa aku ia oe e ke akua.
ale (see ALE), to ripple; to disturb, as the War-nau, s. A round heap; a bundle
surface of water. The name of a spring or done up in small compass; a bundle done
fountain on or near the top of the highest up again smaller than before.
mountain on Kauai. War-Havu, v. To do over again; to tie
2. The name of the mountain above men- up anew, as a bundle; 10 compress into
tioned. See the mele. smaller compass.
Aloha Waialeale
Ke kuahiwi a Kauai. War-Hau-na, s. Wait and hauna, bad
Wat-a-u, s. The place assigned to the smelling. Water that has been used for
Wal-E-LI, king when he speaks on pub- different purposes, as washing fish and
lic affairs. , other matter offensive to the smell.
War-a-ti-a-Li-a, s. Waz and alialia, a Warn, s. Wat and hi, to flow down.
hard, smooth surface. Water reflecting A cataract; a cascade; a waterfall. See
light. WAILELE.
Wat-a-Nuu-Ko-LE, s. Name of a species War-Ho, v. To lay or set downa thing;
of soft porous stone. to lay on, as one in striking. Laieik. 44, 45.
2. To place or set aside ; to let remain.
War-a-po, s. Water of a dirty reddish 3. To leave off doing a thing ; to quit;
color; he waiapo, he wainao, he wai me he to stop; to let alone; to leave unhurt.
kukae hao la; water of the color of iron 4. To set aside or lay up for future use5
rust. e waiho wale, to set aside as void or use-
War-e-a, s. Name of aclass of heiaus. less. ,
War-e-nu, s. A file or rough stone; 5, To give up or offer up, as one’s life;
any substance that will grind or polish to trust or commit to another.
ron. 6. To carry away to a certain place.
Wat-e-u1, s. See WarALt. 7. To leave; to pass by. Puk, 12:13.
8. To give, afford or suggest an idea or
War-e-Le, v. To poison or intoxicate expression to another ; to put a word into
fish ;to catch fish by making them numb. another’s mouth. Nah. 23:5. Ewaihoimua,
Wat-E-LE, s. Wat andele, dark colored. to set before one. Kanl. 11:26.
A dye for cloth or kapa.
Watr-Ho-a, v. See Watno. To lay down;
Watl-E-LE-E-LE, s. Wai and eleele, black. to put down a thing: to give up.
Lrr. Black water, i. e., ink. See InrKa.
Wart-x1, s. A medicine used in the Wat-Hoo-tuv, s. Wai and hooluu, to
sickness called haikala. dye. Water for coloring; a dye.
_ 2. A medicine made of ipu awaawa for W
al-Ho-Lo-mo-ku, s. Waiand holomoku,
injections. See WaIkI. ship swimming. A great or deep flood so
War-o-H1-a, s. Wai and ohia, the Ha- that a vessel might swim. Hal. 124:5,
Wat-Ho-na, s. Waiho and ana, parti- wad or ball of the gun. No ka puka o ka
cipial termination, a laying together. A waiki a kakou i lohe ai, he mea kani, the
place for laying up things for safe keeping; whizzing of the ball was heard. Ua lohe
the things are designated by the qualifying mua ia he mea kani ka waiki, we had heard
before that the waiki (ball of the gun) made
a noise. Nore.—Hawaiians supposed at
War-Ho-na-1-pu, s. Waihona and ipu, first that the sound of a gun (kani pu) had
‘ cup. A base ofa pillar. 1 Nal. 7:35. some effect in the execution.
Watr-Ho-na-KA-LA, Ss. Waihonaand kala, Wat-kt, s. The epithet of a person whose
money; silver. A treasury; a place where father was a chief and his mother not. See
money is laid up. Luke 21:1. See Watno- KUL.
NADALA. War-tav, s. A bundle of food (poi)
War-no-na-ku-ku-l, s. Wathona and ku- done up for carrying ; a pai-al.
kui, light. A candlestick; a lamp stand. War-La-na, v. Wai and lana, to float.
1 Oihl. 28:15.
To cast out, as an evil person from society;
Wal-Ho-Na-ME-A-LAA, 8. Waithona and to banish; to reject as unworthy of confi-
mea laa, consecrated things. A place for dence.
sacred things; a treasury of things conse- War-La-na, s. Wait and lana, to float.
crated to sacred purposes. Neh. 7:70, 71.
So also in the ancient temples of Hawaii. Still, calm water; a quiet place in the ocean.
2. A state of banishment from society.
Watl-Ho-NA-ME-LI, s. Waihona and melt 3. One cast out for bad conduct.
(Lat. mel), honey. A honey-comb; a de- War-te-Le, s. Wai and dele, to jump;
pository of honey. 1 Sam. 14:27. —
to fly. A cataract; a waterfall. See Want.
Wat-Ho-na-Mo-nl, s. Waihona and mont W al-LE-NA-LE-NA, s. Wai, water, and
(Eng.),money. A place for keeping money;
a treasury. See WAIHONADALA. lenalena, yellow—yellow water. Name of
a small valley near the top of Mount Wai-
Wal-Ho-nA-wal-wal, s. Waihona and aleale on Kauai remarkable for the plant
waiwai, property. A treasury or deposit- apeape found there.
ory of goods or property. 2 Oihl. 5:1. War-tu-Lu, s. Thick striped kapa; the
2. The treasurer, the person who over-
sees the property of a nation or commu- stripes are yellow.
2. Deceitful language ; puzzling expres-
sions leading to error.
War-Ho-na-pA-LA, Ss. Waihona and dala War-tu-a, s. A ghost or spirit of one
(Eng.), coin, dollars, &c. A treasury; a
depository of money. See WaIlHONAKALA. seen before or after death, separate from
the body. See Kryvowamua and Kivoaka-
Warkal, s. Waz and kai, sea. Brack- LAU.
ish water; any saltish fluid. Wat-ti-u-La, s. For waziliula, red sur-
Warkxavu-a, adj. Epithet of a robe used face water. Lir. Water with a red surface.
in war; no ke alii ai moku ia aahu ula, oia The water in a salt-pond; water with the
no kona kapa waikaua; also of a heiau; oxyd of iron on the surface.
he heiau waikaua ia na ke alii nui. 2. The reflection of light to the eyes from
Warxka-HeE, s. Wai and kahe, to flow. dny body which causes them to close, or
Running water; astream. Hal. 124:4. A wink, or turn away.
flood. Jsa. 59:19. 3. A flash of light; the hot penetrating
Warxa-HE, v. To flow; to overflow rays of the sun.
with water; waikahe ka aina. Laieik. 163. 4, The evening twilight; a mixture of
War-ka-kaa, s. Name of a waterfall on light and darkness.
Kauai one hundred and fifty feet in height. Wat-ma-ka, s. Wai and maka, eyes.
Warxe-a, s. Eight fresh kukui nuts Water flowing from the eyes; tears. Kelah.
burned in water.
4:1. E hookahe ina waimaka, to shed tears;
e haule ka waimaka, to drop tears.
Watr-Keo-keEo, s. Wat and keokeo, white.
@ The fluor albus, a disease of females. W Al-MA-KA-LE-Hu-A, Ss. Watmaka and
lehua, the lehua tree. Water drops from
War-k1, s. Wai, water, and 2, to shoot, the lehua trees; 0 ka waimakalehua nonohi
asagun. A medicine made of ipu awaawa e uli.
for injections.
2. The gonorrhea. See ULEHILO., Warma-no, s. Name of a soft porous
3. The sharp end or point of a thing; ap- stone.
plied to the welau wle. Warme-a, s. A species of tree; the
4, The ball anciently made of stone and same as olomed.
projected from a squirt-gun ; hai mai, ua
make o Kapupuu i ka waiki, he said that Warmi-m1, s. Wai and mimi, urine.
Kapupuu was a by the waiki, i. e., the Urine. 2 Nal. 18:27.
War-na, s. Eng. A grape vine; grapes; Wao, adj. High; long; a high shady
hence, place unfrequented ; thick with vines.
2. Wine; drunkenness. Kin. 9:24. W ao-a-ku-A, s. Wao, place, and akua,
War-nao, s. Watand nao, dirty. Dirty god. A region on the side of a mountain
water; water with filthy ingredients. See below the waomaukele; it has but a small
WaAIAPO. growth of trees; or perhaps wa, space, 0,
War-ni-Ha, s. Name of a stream near of, and akua, god, that is, a region of the
the top of Waialeale on Kauai. gods; a desert; a desolate place, generally
back from the sea and uninhabited; a place
Watr-no-n1-a, s. A state of safety. where gods, ghosts and hobgoblins are
Watr-nut, s. An injection. supposed to reside. See AUAKUA.
Watpa, v. See Warna. To desire; to Wao-e-I-wa, s. Name of a region on
request from the gods in prayer; pela ka’u the sides of mountains covered with vege-
waiha aku ame ka’u waipa aku ia oe e ke tation and small forest trees. Syn. with
akna. wao and waonahele.
War-paa, s. Wat and paa, fast; hard. Wao-Ka-na-KA, Ss. A region on the side
Name of ice; hard water. ob. 6:16. of a mountain next below the waoakua ; it
Wat-pau, s» The land breeze at Wai- is a region where people may live and
mea, Kauai. where vegetables may be cultivated; ma’u
War-pa-nu, s. Wai and pahu, to burst. is another name.
Gun-powder. Lrr. Dust for shooting. See Wao-ke, s. The name of a shrub or
ONEA. bush from the bark of which kapa is made;
War-pr-Ha, s. A state of safety. See a species of mulberry; also written wauke
WAINOHIA. and kawauke.
War-pu, s. Wai and pit, to ascend. A W ao-kE-LE, s. The shadow of death;
flood ; an overflowing of water. Ter. 46:7. death’s shade. See Matuxor and Mauwaa-
Wai-ru, s. Gun-powder; one-a. 2. A long tall ohia tree.
al-pu-1-La-nI, s. Wat and puz, forcing, W ao-ta-au, s. An upland and unculti-
and lani, heaven. A waterspout; water vated region, where tall trees grow and
drawn up into the clouds or poured down thick shades are found.
from the clouds. Hal. 42:7. W ao-Mau-kKE-LE, s. Name of a region
War-pu-ni-a, s. Wai and puhiza, blown on the sides of mountains next below the
by the wind. The spray of water blown waoeiwa and above the waoakua ; the trees
by the winds when rushing down a pali; are larger than in the waoeiwa.
water falling in very small drops. Wao-n4-HE-LE, S. Wao and nahele, cov-
War-pu-na, s. Wat and puna, a spring. ered with vegetation. A place on the sides
A deep spring of water; a place where the of mountains overgrown with grass, weeds,
water boils up. Kanl. 8:7. bushes, &c.; a wilderness; a waoalkua, but
Warwal, s. Goods; property; that with vegetation.
which is possessed or owned ; property in Wau, pers. pron., first person. I. Gram.
distinction from money or cash; waiwai § 122, 124. Nore—The w in this word
auhau, tax; tribute. seems unnecessary : it is formed by the coa-
Watr-wal, adj. Costly; rich; dear; val- lescence of the emphatic o and au, the
uable. pronoun proper ; thus the simple form au,
Wari-wal, v. To enrich; to give one emphatic o au. pronounced quickly be-
property. Hoo. To make rich; to supply comes wau. The several forms are au, 0 au,
one’s desires. wau and owau.
Watr-war-Pio, s. Waiwat and pio, cap- Wau, v. To say I; to answer I to a
tured. Property taken in war or in rob- question ;waw aku la no hoi au, owau, I
bery ; plunder; spoil. Jos. 11:14. answered to him, I.
Wa-o, v. See Wav. To scratch; to Wa-u, v. See Wao. To scrape; to®
scrape ; to grate; wao aku la ke kahuna i scratch ; to rub; to polish.
ka ipu awa, a me ke kukui, a me ka uala,
2. To clean out, as the inside of a cala-
bash which would require scraping. See
a me ke ko, a me ka wai maoli.
Wauwau. ;
Wa-o, s. Aspace on the sides of moun- Wav-au, v. To go out of the path in
tains next below the kuahea; it is also traveling; to travel crookedly where there
called waonahele and waceiwa; a place of is no road.
spirits ;the dwelling place of the gods; a
wild place as appears from the compounds. Wau-au,
adv. Crookedly ; perversely;
Nors.— Wao and wau are similar in some unfeelingly.
of their meanings. Wav-a-Ha, adj. In prayer; entire de-
liverance, freedom from, &c.; pali wauaha To lie; to speak falsely; to deceive in
kua makani holo uka. speaking.
Wav-a-ku-a, s. See Waoakva. Wa-HA-HEE, s. A lie; a false speech;.
Wav-ke, s. See Waoxe. The kapa a deceit in speaking.
shrub. Wa-nA-HEE, adj. Lying; deceitful; de--
WaAv-KE-LE-NU-I-Al-Ku, s. The name of ceiving.
the chief who killed the fabled bird halwlu. Wa-HA-HEE, adv. Falsely; not truly.
2. The young of the bird that waited on Kamil. 5:17.
Kiwaa; he keiki na ka manu i lawe na Wa-HA-HE-wa, Ss. Waha, mouth, and.
Kiwaa. See the mele. hewa, wrong; wicked. The wickedness of
Wav-wau, v. See Wao. To scratch as the mouth; any false conversation. Ina
a cat; to scratch when one itches; to rub; prayer to the gods for the sick, e kala mai
to polish; to scrape. Job. 2:8. i kona hewa, a me kona aiku, a me kona
Wa-na, s. A mouth; an opening gen- aia, a me kona wahahewa, foul mouth.
erally. Wa-nHa-ko-ko, v. Waha and koko, blood..
2. The mouth of a person; e olelo he To contend ; to quarrel.
waha no he waha, to speak moulh to mouth. Wa-na-ko-ko, adj. ‘Tale bearing; slan-.
3. The mouth of a cave or pit; ka waha dering.
okeana. Jos. 10:18. Wa-HA-Ko-LE, s. Waha and kole, red..
4, The throating in the lower end of a
rafter. A long protuberant mouth ; waha nuku.
5. The mouth of a bag. See AcwaHa, a 2. A mouth that belches out filthy mat-
furrow. ter ; a boisterous, raving person.
6. A bundle to be carried on the back. Wa-HA-KO-LE, adj. Clamorous; noisy;
See WaHA, v. obstreperous; contradicting. Synonymous
Wa-una, v. To carry on the back, as a with wahapaa.
child, or a person, or a bundle. Wa-Ha-Le, s. The same tree as the
2. To dig a furrow or a ditch, especially loulu or palm tree.
along one. See Wana, s. WA-HA-LE-HE, Ss. Waha and lehe, lips.
Wa-na-a, v. To talk or speak with the The outside of a hole or orifice.
mouth ; to mumble; to dispute. Wa-HA-LE-HE, adj. Wide or broad, as
Wa-nHa-a-ma, v. Waha and ama, tat- a hole in a board; open wide, as the mouth
tling. To tell tales; to reveal secrets. of a hole.
Wa-Ha-o-HE, v. To talk scandal; to W a-HA-MA-NA, S. Waha and mana, di-
scandalize. See Wanaout. vided. A screen; a shutter.
Wa-HA-0-HE, s. A great tattler; a scan- 2. A digression in one’s speech ; a turn-
dalizer. ing off the subject in conversation.
Wa-Ha-o-H1, v. To talk like a crazy Wa-HaA-paa, Ss. Wahaand paa, hard. A
person ; to talk confusedly about this and person full of noise in his talk; a raving
that ;to utter many words without mean- person; a scold; one who talks angrily
ing. and furiously ; he wahapaa ia; mai hele
3. To scold; to tattle. oe i ka wahapaa; o ka wahapaa, oia ka
Wa-Ha-o-H1, s. Foolish; crazy; loud
Wa-Ha-paa, adj. Noisy; clamorous ;
2. The person so talking ; applied to fe- raving.
males. Wa-na-Pi0, v. Waha and pio, a prisoner.
3. A scold; aslanderer; a tale bearer, To speak as one that is under constraint
Wa-na-u-HAv-HA, s. Waha and uhauha, and knows not what to say; e like me ka
dirty. <A long or hoggish mouth. pio.
2. A gormandizer; one who eats as long Wa-na-puv, s. Wahaand puu, swelled.
as he can. A person who speaks unintelligibly in
Wa-Ha-u-Hav-HA, adj. Hoggish in one’s conversation ; a boisterous person; a loud
manners; filthy; cramming one’s self with talker.
Wa-Ha-v-KAkE, s. A filthy mouth. See Wa-Ha-puv, adj. Rude; obstreperous
in conversation ; unintelligible.
Wa-nHa-HAv-mi-a, s. Wahaand haumia, Wa-Ha-wa-Ha, v. See Wana, mouth.
dirty; foul. A foul mouth; a blackguard. To make mouths at; to open the mouth at
by way of contempt.
Wa-neg, s. A contraction of wahahee, 2. To be dishonored: to live unhonored.
which see. 3. To hate: to dislike; to be ashamed of.
Wa-Ha-HEE, v. Waha and hee, slippery. 4. Hoo. To mock; to scorn; to rail at;
to despise. Nah. 14:31. To treat contempt- 6. To break; to cleave; to break, as &
uously ; to deride. rock. Hal. 105:41. See Wawani.
5. To abominate. Oihk. 19:7. To hate. W a-ui, v. To cover over; to bind up,
1 Nal. 22:8. asa wound. Jer. 30:26.
6. To be unbelieving; to be disobedient; 2. To wrap up, as a body for burial; to
ua like ka hoowahawaha me ka hoomaloha. tie up in a wrapper, as a bundle.
W a-Ha-wa-na, Ss. Dislike; hatred; con- 3. To roll or fold up in kapa or cloth;
tempt. Job. 31:34. to swathe ; to wrap up.
W a-Ha-wa-Ha, adj. Disliked; displeased 4, To surround, as a wrapper ; to over-
with ; objected to; ahu iho ka pua waha- lay; to cover up. Puk., 36:34.
waha i Wailua. 5. To cover, as the body of a person with
clothing. Syn. withuhi. O ka lolekamea
Wa-HeE-A-wa, s. The giving up of a e wahi aii ke kino.
plan, device, or intention, as a desire to go
to a chief, but on thinking, gives it up; ka Wa-ui-A, v. See Waut, to break. Wahia
waheawa o ke alaula. is for wahiia, to be broken.
Wa-u, art. Gram. § 63. Some; some Wa-nt-e, s. Wood for burning; fuel.
little; afew. Itunites or takes with it the Oihk. 1:7. Wahie is used for fuel in dis-
indefinite article he; as, he wahi wai, some tinction from laau, timber.
water. It also takes kau before it, and Wa-ui-E-a-La, s. Wahie and ala, odor-
both the definite article ke; as, lawe ae la iferous. An epithet of sandal-wood ; san-
ia i ke kaw wahi \eho no ka honua, in which dal-wood. Its appropriate name is @diahi.
case it means, some; some little ;some in- Wa-ni-NE, s. A female in distinction
definite quantity. It has no corresponding from kane, male.
word in English ; as, owau nei o ko oukou 2. A woman; a wife. The term is ap-
wahi kaikaina uuku hope loa. plied to men and animals, and when ap-
Wa-u1, s. A place; a space; a situa- plied to animals it merely marks the femi-
tion; wahi kaawale, a vacant place; syn- nine gender. In grammar, ano wahine,
onymous with kahi, but used differently in feminine gender. Wahine, he mea iae nani
asentence. See Kaur. Wahi hilahila, pri- ai ke kane, he lei alii maikai no ke kane,
vate parts. Kanl. 25:11. Na wahi a pau woman, she gives honor to the man, she is
loa, all places. Jos. 1:3. Na wahi paa, a crown of beauty for the husband.
strong holds or places. 1 Sam. 23:14. It W A-HI-NE-HE-LI-A-KA-EA, S. The names
is used with ka tor kau: a ka wahi (kau of two goddesses.
se e noho ai, the dwelling place. Hal. W A-HI-NE-KA-NE-MA-KE, S. Wahine and
6:8. kane and make, dead. A woman whose
W a-u1, s. Accent on the last syllable. husband is dead; a widow. Kan. 16:11.
That which surrounds or envelopes any- Ws-HI-NE-MA-NU-A-HI, S. Wahine and
thing ; a covering; a sheath; a wrapper, manuahi. A kept mistress.
as kapa, paper, ki leaf, cloth, &c.; wahi
pahi kaua,a sword scabbard. 1 Sam. 17:51.
W A-HI-NE-PUU-PAA, S. Wahine and puu-
pad, epithet of virginity. A virgin; virgo
Wa-u1, s. A word; asaying; a remark. intacta. Puk.22:17. Hence, purity; a state
Norre.—This word is somewhat anomalous: of undefilement.
it has no article and has some of the prop-
erties of a verb; as, wahia wai? word of
Wa-Ho, comp. prep. Out; out of; out-
whom? whose word? whose saying. or who side; outward ; prefixed by 0, no, ko, 3, ia
said it? Ans. Wahi a ke alii, the king and ma. Gram.§ 161. a waho, the out-
said so. side. Mat. 23:25. Opposed to ia loko.
Ink. 11:40.
W a-ut, s. One that is above law, or is
so much a favorite, or is so holy that the
Wa-no, adv. Outwardly. Esek. 44:1,
law cannot affect him. Wa-nHo-Ka-Hu-a, s. Waho, outside, and
2. A favorite or high servant of the king; kahua, foundation of a house. What is out-
pepehiia o Kainapau wahi alii e Kainapau side of a house.
kuaaina, Kainapau the king’s favorite was Wa-unu, v. To take by force. Hoo. ‘To
slain by Kainapau the backwoodsman. rob ; to take by force.
Wa-u, v. To break by casting out of Wa-nu-a, v. To set a snare or trap.
one’s hand. Puk. 34:1. Syn. with naha. Hoo. To insnare ; to entrap.
2. To break through, as an army; to Wa-nu-a, s. A snare; a trap for catch-
break or rush through, as through a troop. ing small animals. ,
Hal. 18:29.
3. To break, as one’s head. Lunk. 9:53. Wa-uu-tv, v. To bake food in the oven
4. To separate; to open; to rend; to for a long time till it is burnt or turned
break through. Isa. 64:1. yellow or black; poha ka nanu (nalu) ke
5. To open; to cause to flow. Jsa. 41:18. wewe, 0 wahulu mai ka piko.
Wa-Hu-wa-Hu, v. ‘To lean upon a per- 2. To fall, as a man from a high place,
son with the arms across the shoulders. turning over and over.
3. To refuse; to deny; no’u no ka hewa,
See Wau. aole au e walawala ae; ae aku no.
Wa-xa, s. Appearance; the personal W aA-LA-wa-La-au, v. See Waraav. To
appearance of one.
make a noise so as to disturb one’s hear-
Wa-kar-xar, v. To examine; to look ing; to make a great noise in talking; e
at: to look round. See MAKAIKAI. paepae, e lohelohe.
Wa-xa-wa-Ka, adj. See Waka. Shin- Walawalaau i ka pali o Kolokini,
ing; glistening; flaming. Kin. 3:24. Wa- Me he hanehane la ka leo i Waialoha.
kawaka 0 Mano e moku ai ka hako. Waz-te, adv. A state of being or exist-
W a-KE-wa-kE, s. See Wexawexka. The ing without qualification ;used mostly in
black liquid of the squid. an adverbial sense; only; alone; gratuit-
ous, &e.; as, e noho wale, to sit only, 1. e.,
Wa-x1, s. Eng. See Wart. to sit idly; e hana wale, to work only. i. e.,
Wa-ta, v. See Hoara. To excite; to to work without reward, gratuitously; e
stir up; to throw stones; to pelt; to be or olelo wale, to speak without effect; e hele
feel hurt. wale, to go as one is, i. e., to go naked. As
Wa-taa, v. For walaia. To be thrown; wale has no corresponding term in English,
to be thrown, as a stone; to be pelted; it is difficult to define, the idea must be
walakike ka ihe, walaa ka pohaku, the gained by the connection.
spears were hurled back and forth, the W a-1ez, s. The phlegm ormatter coughed
stones were thrown. ; up from the lungs.
Wa-ta-av, v. ‘To speak ina boisterous 2. Saliva like that running from the
manner, as a crazy person. mouth of an infant; kahe ka wale, to drool;
2. To cry out, as in fear; to shout, as in ka wale o kona waha, spittle; saliva.
battle. Wa-te-a, v. To indulge in ease; to
3. To make a noise of lamentation for a please one’s self; to dwell in quiet free
deceased person. from care.
4, Hoo. To cause or make a noise. Isa. 2. To be satisfied with one’s circum-
42:2. To make a confused unmeaning noise. stances. Puk, 2:21.
Waz-ta-au, s. A noise; a confused noise 3. To be accustomed or habituated to a
as of a riotous multitude. Puk.32:17. See thing ; to do often.
Uwatwa. Wa-te-a, adj. Accustomed; frequently
2. A noise, as a wailing for the dead. doing ; constant.
3. Any loud boisterous talk or noise with Wa-te-a, s. Name of a fish.
more or less indistinctness or want of mean-
Wa-.e-Hau, s. The name of a medi-
Wa-ta-au, adj. Noisy; obstreperous ; cine.
2. The mucous from the nose.
confused ; disorderly. Wa-te-kE-A, s. Wale, slime, and kea,
Wa-.La-HEE, s. Name of a shrub, the white. A disease of the eye; aliquid from
leaves used in coloring black. a sore eye ; white mucous.
W a-La-KI-KE, v. See WaLaa above. To Wa-.e-ni-A, adj. Hard; painful; severe.
toss or throw back and forth, as spears in See WALANIA.
battle; walakike ka ihe, walaa ka pohaku.
Wa-LE-wal-Ka-Po, s. Wale, spittle, and
Wa-La-NI-A, v. For walaia, n inserted, wai. i. e., the water is spittle. Used in a
W a-LE-NI-A, to be hurt. To smart, as prayer; walewaikapo; the saliva of the
a wound; to feel pained from an external mouth ; a prayer for a blessing.
hurt. Wa-.LE-wa-LE, v. See Wate. To be
2. To feel pain mentally; to feel the pain deceived ; to be led astray by one. Isa.
of dislike or of hatred by another. 36:14. To deceive; to entrap ; to get the
3. To feel revengeful ; to feel cut to the advantage.
heart by something said. Oth, 2:37. 2. Hoo. To tempt; to entice; to insnare;
4. Hoo. To cause pain to another by to deceive by flatteries; hoowalewale nui
one’s words; to use sharp words. 2 Kor. mai na haole ia ia (ia Liholibo) i ka inu
13:10. rama, the foreigners greatly enticed him
Wa-ta-ni-a, s. A stinging pain, as a (Liholiho) to drink rum.
burn. 3. To suborn; to influence to wrong.
2. Deep anguish of heart at something Oih. 6:11.
said. Wa-LE-wa-LE, s. A temptation to evil.
Wa-.a-wa-ta, v. See Watra. To be ex- 2. A tempter to evil.
cited; to make a great noise; to shout; to 3. Forgetfulness of a thing.
cry out. 4, Indifference ; slowness ; destitution.
Wa-LE-wa-Le, s. One set apart as de- scratch, as a person with his fingers.
filed, as a woman having given birth toa 2. To rub: to rasp; to polish; to pinch.
child; in her condition she was called wa- Wa-Lv, adj. num. Eight; ka walu, the
lewale. A hala na la ehiku, a ma ka wae eighth. Oihk.9:1. As a cardinal it is gen-
pau ai ka walewale, alaila hoi mai ma ka erally prefixed by a or e; as, awalu, ewalu,
hale o kana kane iho; a ma ka la awalu, eight. Gram. § 115:4.
hoi mai kana kane, noho pu, no ka mea ua Wa-tvu, s. Name of a fish having very
pau ka walewale keiki. gh hard scales.
W a-Le-wa-Le, adj. Insnaring; enticing Wa-tu-a, s. The middle; the interior.
to evil; tempting. Mel. Sol. 3:10.
2. Stringy; slimy, as the secretion of the Wa-tu-na, s. A prophecy.
nose; as matter coughed up from the lungs.
3. Slimy, as certain states of the feces ; Wa-Lu-wa-.u, v. See Watv. To scratch
nearly synonymous with aweawe; walewale much or frequently ; to pinch up with all
ka lepo. the fingers. See UMikr.
Wa-LE-wa-LE, adv. At a venture. 1 Wa-na, v. To come; to approach; to
Nal. 22:34. Without object; hele walewale appear, as the early dawn. See WANAAO.
lakou a lilo loa i ka hewa. Wa-na, s. A species of the sea-egg of
W a-LE-wa-Le-Na, v. To pinch; to gnash the size and shape of a turnip ; he ia poe-
expressive of great anger. : poe me he ina la, he oioi mawaho.
W A-LE-WA-LE-NA-HE-SA, v. Walewale Wa-na, adj. Pronged; sharp pointed;
and nahesa (Heb.), serpent. To act the externally jagged.
part of a sorcerer ; to enchant. Wa-na-ao, v. Wana, to appear, and
a-te-ru-sa, 5. The walrus. ao, light. To dawn, as the first light in the
morning; to appear, as the dawn. See
Wa-u1, v. To grind to powder; to mince W AANAAO.
fine; tomix. Puk. 30:36.
2. To grind. Fie. To oppress; to over-
Wa-na-ao, s. The near approach of
bear, as a chief his people. Jsa. 3:15. morning. Hin. 19:15. P
3. Hoo. To make soft or pliable ; to re- 2. The early dawn of the morning; the
duce to powder. Puk. 32:20. first light of day. Jos.6:15. Twilight; mo-
4. To break up ground finely. lehulehu.
Wa-ut, adj. Fine; soft; minced finely; Wa-na-oa, v. To project; to extend
fine, like soft paste; fine, as flour. in. any way beyond the body of a thing.
18:6. Wa-na-oa, s. A projection or an exten-
Wa-ui-na, adv. Used in answer to a sion, as the fingers of the sea-egg.
salutation; as, walina wale laua. See WrE- Wa-Na-HI-NA, adj. Becoming gray, as
LINA. | a person; gray headed.
Wa-ti-wa-Ll, adj. See Watt. Fine; Wa-na-na, v. To prophecy; to foretell
soft ;paste like. future events; to preach; to declare the
2. Weak; limber; weak from sickness. will of the gods. Nah. 11:25.
See NawALIwaLl. Wa-na-na, s. A prophecy; the decla-
3. Soft; gentle; kind, as language; ka ration of the kilo or of the kaula; a decla-
olelo ana kanaka maikai, he waliwali ka ration made before hand of what is to be,
olelo, he pepe. which was known by its fulfillment.
W a-Li-wa-Li, v. See Watt. To soften, Wa-na-wa-na, v. See Wana and Wa-
as stone or wood to make it work easily; NAoA. To extend; to stretch out; to pro-
alaila, hahao (i ka pobaku) maloko o kahi ject.
wai i mea e waliwali ai. W A-NA-WaA-NA, adj. Having sharp
Wa-to, v. See Uato, to cry out; to points ; thorny.
Wa-wa, v. Toshout ina noisy tumult-
Wa-to-1-na, v. To call to a chief with uous way; to bawl in a vociferous con-
a voice of praise and admiration ; waloina fused manner.
aku ke alii o Kaakahi.
Wa-wa, s. A tumult, as the action of
W a-to-wa-to, v. To strike, as a sound a tumultuous assembly.
upon the ear; to hear a sound; to hear in- 2. Babbling. vain, foolish talking. 1 Tim.
distinctly; to strike back, as an echo. See 6:20.
WALAWALAAU. 3. A confused noise, as of a battle ata
Walowalo e hea ka leo o Kalakua, distance. 2 Sam. 18:29. The confused
Walawalaau i ka pali o Kolokini,
Me he hanehane la ka leo i Waialoha, noise of a multitude.
Me I ka uwe hoouwe a ka lawakea. Wa-wa, adj. Noisy on account of great
Wa-tv, v. To scratch, as a cat; to multitudes; tumultuous. Isa. 22:2.
WE 511 WEH
Wa-waeg, s. The leg of a person or ani-| We-a, v. To question for the purpose
mal; the foot. Nore.—Hawaiians have no of eliciting some secret, as theft, or to try
separate words for leg and foot, wawae in- to buy stolen articles; to act skillfully in
cludes both; so lima includes both hand questioning one so that he shall not sus-
and arm. See Lima. pect the design of the questioner.
2. A pair of pantaloons; so called from 2. To print or color red.
the legs; breeches. Puk. 28:42. We-a, s. A red dye; red coloring mat-
3. A post of duty belonging to gods and ter; he koho ulaula.
priests. We-a-we-a, s. A procurer; a pimp;
Wa-wal, s. Wa, space, and waz, water. one who acts or bargains for another in
A land of water; a well watered land ; he licentious matters.
auwai, he pipiwai, he uwahiwaie kulu ana, We-a-wE-A, adj. Red; reddish; spotted
he kowakowau.
with red.
Wa-wau, v. See Wav and Wavuwav. We-o, s. See Wea. Redness; fresh-
To scratch; to pinch with the fingers; hence,
to be quarrelsome; to be unfriendly ; wa-
ness; a red color; ua like ka ulaulame ka
wau i ka ili o ke kane ame ka wahine.
weo; he weo ke kanaka, he pano ke alii.
Wa-wau, adj. Scratching; pinching; We-o-weE-o, adj. See Weo. Fresh; red,
cross; unfriendly. like fresh meat just killed.
Wa-wa-Ha, v. Lit. To mouth. See We-v, v. To be covered with beard or
down, as a young unshaven boy.
Wana. To rail; to storm at one; to curse
with a loud obstreperous voice. We-v-we-v, s. A general name for herb-
Wa-wa-n1, v. See Wau, to break. To age; grass; green grass. Kanl. 11:15.
break to pieces; to break down; to demol-
2. Name of a fish to be caught only in
the night ; hence,
ish, as a house or building. 2 Nal. 21:3.
3. Fic. Snecess in night iniquity.
2. To break, as bread; to break open,
as a box or chest. We-ue, v. To open, as a door; to open,
3. To split; to break up, as rocks. 1 as the dawn or advance of light in the
Nal. 19:11. morning ; a wehe ae la ke alaula o ke ao,
4, To break up,as a boat; wawahiia hoi pau ka pouli.
ka waapa i kui houhon, the boat also was 2. To uncover what is covered up; to
broken up for the nails to make awls. uncover, as the head. Oihk. 10:6. To un-
5. To break down, as idols. Puk. 23:24. cover for illicit purposes. Oihk. 18:6, 7.
6. To break up, i. e., to take down, as a 3. To strip off the clothes from one.
tent. Nah. 10:17. . 4. To open, as the eyes. Fic. To open,
7. Tobreak down. asatower. Dunk. 8:9. as the heart.
Wa-wa-n-1A, s. Participle passive. A 5. To open, asa well or cave. Jos. 10:22.
breaking up; a destruction, as of a city. 6. To open, as a book; to unfold, as a
Ter. 19:8, 11. scroll. Neh. 8:5.
7. To loosen; to untie, as a string or
Wa-wa-u, v. See Watrand Watrwat. rope.
To soften; to make fine; to reduce to pulp. 8. To disregard or disbelieve one’s word.
Wa-wa-ti, adj. See Watt. Soft; fine; 9. To rejectafavur. Nore.—The passive
flexible ; good humored. is sometimes written wehea instead of we-
Wa-wa-Lo, v. See Uato, Wato and heia.
Uwato. To cry out; to call; to make a We-neE, s. An opening; an untying; a
noise of calling. solving, as a problem; an explanation of a
Ua lai hea wawalo i ka ohu no na mauna, difficulty.
Uina ka wai o na molokamaaha. We-ueE, adj. Opened ; separated; loos-
Wa-wa-Lu, v. See Watv. To scratch, ened.
as a cat or a person; to pinch; to quarrel, WE-HE-A, U. Passive of wehe. See
as a man and his wife. WEHE, note.
Wa-wa-na, adj. Rough; thorny, as a WeE-HE-WE-HE, v. See WeHE. To open
road ; difficult of traveling. See Wana, frequently ; to open, i. e., to expound, as
ad). language ; to explain what is mysterious;
Wa-we, adv. Quickly; suddenly; hast- to explain, as a writing or a passage in a
ily ; soon; hiki wawe, quickly done. book. Luk. 24:27.
Wa-tr, s. Eng. A watch; a clock; a WeE-HE-WE-HE, s. An explanation of
period of time. Puk. 14:24. anything obscure or intricate; a solving
We, v. See UE and Uwe. To weep; of a problem; explaining the intricacies of
to cry ; to salute. language.
2. To move anything forward or side- WE-HE-WE-HE, adj. Loosening; ex-
ways. See Uk, to hitch along. plaining ; unfolding.
We-u1, s. Blackness; a black spot; a| We-za, adj. Warm; hot; burnt; cooked;
deep dark color. burnt very much.
2. A wreath for the neck. WE-LAU,

s. The end or extremity


We-ui-wa, s. The name of a species of WE-LAU-LAU, ? ofa thing; the top, as of

kalo. . WE-LE-LAU, a tree; na welau o na laau.
We-HI-weE-HI, v. To be deep blue; to be Oihl. 14:15. The tip end; the ridge; the
black ; to have black stripes. end of a finger; the ridge or summit of a
2. To be thick, as leaves; to be deep precipice; the extreme boundary of a coun-
shaded. try. Jos. 15:4. Fic. Welau o ka make,
3. Hoo. To braid; to twist, as a wreath point of death; welau akau, the north pole;
for the neck; he launahele i hoowehiwehiia, welau hema, south pole.
e kaei ana ma ka ai. WeE-.La-weE-La, adj. See Weta. Hot;
We-ui-we-ui, adj. Thick together, as very hot; kuu hoa hoi o ka la welawela o
the leaves of a shady tree. ke kula o Auwaiowao ; i ka la welawela o
2. Splendid; beautiful of face ; i ka we- ke awakea.
hiwehi, i ka onaona. 2. Parched ; dried up; scorched.
We-xa, s. The meconium in children; WeE-LA-wE-La, s. A burning; a scorch-
kukae weka; any slimy, mucous substance; ing; a heating.
the matter in the cyst of the squid. WE-LA-WE-LA, v. See Weta. Hoo. To
We-KA-wE-KA, v. See Wexka. To have heat intensely ;to be very warm; to dry
a foul stomach. up.
2. To fail in the fulfillment of a bargain. We-.La-we-ta, v. To give a thing and
3. To be hard; to be stingy; to be close;
to be slippery. afterwards to take it back; to regret hay-
ing given ; e ana.
We-ka-wE-ka, s. Foulness of the stom- We-teE, v. See Waette. To clear off
ach; the black substance or liquid in the
land ; to cultivate the ground; to pulver-
cyst of the squid.
2. Fat unctuous matter. ize the earth ; e mahi, e waele, e wele aku
ika weuweu o kona aina.
WE-KA-WE-KA, adj. Stingy; close; hard; Wele iluna ka mala lani a ka ua
refusing to fulfill a contract. Ke pulu ino ka hio a ka makani,
Ka mahakea ulu lanio pua ke ao
We-xe, v. See Wene. To crack or I paia a kiwaawaa a ulu pehu ke kino,
open, as the joints of a floor; to separate, Uiu kupu hakakai a malama.
as two things united; to open, as a door. We-te-a,s. The name of a species of
See Uwexke. Hoo. To cause to be opened. fish which burrows in the sand. See Ka-
We-xe, s. A crack; an opening. WELEA and HALALoa.
2. Name of a species of fish. We-te-HU, s. A species of fish.
We-ke-a, s. The topmost part of a tree. 2. Name of one of the Hawaiian months.
3. Name of one of the days of the month.
We-kE-wE-kE, v. Hoo. To cause to
blaze up, as a fire; to kindle a flame; to
WeE-LE-LAvU, s. See Wetav. The end
mount upwards, as a pointed flame. or extremity of a thing; the most distant
part of a country. Jer. 50:12.
We-xi-u, s. The small branches of a
tree that hang down from larger ones; ka
WE-LE-WE-LE, v. To refuse to fulfill an
Jala liilii ma ka lewa o ka laau; the union agreement.
of the small branches with the larger ones. WE-LE-WE-LE-I-wl, s. The extreme end
2. The top of a tree, house, mountain or of a thing ; the point furtherest off; wele-
other object. weleiwi ka hana a Iehova.
We-ta, v. Toburn. Kanl. 4:11. Tobe We-u1, v. To branch out, as the roots
on fire. of a tree; to take root, as a tree; to have
2. To burn or rage,asanger. Puk. 4:14. many roots.
To be hot in mind; mai wela ko oukou We-u, s. A form of salutation. See
manao i keia olelo, be not excited at the
speech. Wetina and WALINA.
3. To be warm. Fic. To be warm, as 2. The phosphorescent light in the sea;
the heart with affection for one. the light of sparks of fire.
4. Hoo. To cause to burn; to set on fire; 3. A long black worm found in the sea;
to scorch. Hoik. 16:8. he mea ola maloko o ke kai ma Ewa, me
he puhi la ke ano.
We-ta, s. The heat of fire or of the 4. A cion or shoot from the roots of a
sun. Fie. The heat of anger. A burning, dead plant or tree ; the spreading roots of
as ofa sore. Othk.13:25. Warmth. Fic. a tree.
Strong feelings, 5. A fear; a trembling. See WELIWELI.
Kau mai ka weli, fear felluponhim. Laieik. name of a kind of kapa made of pieces of
red kapa beaten up with waoke; more gen-
We-uina, s. See Went. A reply to a erally called paiula. ‘
salutation, as aloha or anoai; it applies to WE-LU-wE-Lu, v. See Wetv. To tear;
the person of the house when addressed by to rend in pieces, as kapa or cloth.
a stranger. 2. To kill a person, as a mob would.
We-u-we-Li, v. See Wet, s., 5. To 3. To be torn in pieces, as a person by
tremble with fear ; to fear; to dread. a wild beast. Kin. 44:28. |
2. To be astonished; to be amazed. Puk. 4. To be torn or broken to pieces, as
15:15. vegetation or trees by a whirlwind. Puk.
3. To fear; to reverence as a child should 9:25. h
a parent. Oihk. 19:3. 5. To become ragged, as a garment.
4, To fear and obey, asGod. Oihk. 25:17. Kani. 8:4.
5. To be in anguish through fear. Kanl., adj. Torn; broken up;
2:25. ragged. Jos. 9:13.
6. To be afraid of anenemy. Kani. 20:3. We-na, v. To cleave to; to adhere to,
7. Hoo. To cause one to tremble; to put “as one to another; the same as pili; heaha
one in fear. kou kuleana e wena aku ai ia ia? He hoa-
8. To give one a charge; to threaten hanau keena loa ae nui wend. ws
severely in case of disobedience. See OLELO We-nA-wE-NA,@@dj. Red; of a reddish
HoowE.iwet.t, to threaten. Qih. 4:17, 21.
color. ;
We-LI-WeE-Ll, s. Fear; dread; a trem- We-pa, s. Eng. A wafer; it should be
bling ; a tremor through fear; a cause of
fear. Laieik. 101. written wefa.
We-.i-we-Li, adj. Fearful; causing We-weE, v. Secundines feminarum par-
fear; dreadful; terrible. Dan.7:7. Oiano turientium ; the after-birth ;poha ka nanu
hoi ka pahu kapu weliweli loa. Laieik. 101. ke wewe 0 wahulu mai.
We-.i-we-i, adv. Hoo. Fearfully; trem- We-we-o, v. See Weo. To be red; to
blingly. be fresh.
We-to, v. See Kowetoand Koeto. To We-we-ta, v. See Weza. To burn; to
float or stream in the wind, as an ensign, be hot, as a feverish sore. Oihk. 13:24.
colors or flag; to flutter or shake in the We-we-La, s. A burning or feverish
wind. boil or sore. Oihk. 13:25.
Kowelowelo kihei a welo ka ua—e.—Mele. 2. A very great heat of anger. Jer. 2:6.
3. A burning zeal, i. e., a horror; great
We-to, s. Name of one of the months fear. Ps. 119:53.
of the year corresponding to April; hiki 4. Great excitement of mind ; walania.
ia Welo hoi koi ia nei keiki papa. We-we-to, v. To stream out, as the
2. The setting of the sun (in the ocean);
the appearance of the sun floating upon the streamer of a ship; to draw out; to be
ocean. loose ; e wewelo ana ka naau o ke kanaka,
3. The females of men or animals which We-we-na, v. To be ofa reddish color;
bring forth young of a large size. See Ku- ahiahia ; some faded or indistinct color.
MULAU. A good breeder on account of the We-ra, s. Eng. See Werpa. A wafer;
number and size of the offspring.
4. A breed; a cast or kind, as of hogs, a seal. Puk. 16:31. Wepa palaoa, thin
dogs, &c.; he welo puaa, he welo maikai. cakes. Nah. 6:15.
5. Name of a native medicine; the same W1, v. To be impoverished, as a coun-
as waiki or the ipu awahia or pipa. try; to be suffering a grievous famine.
WE-Lo-wE-Lo, v. See WELo, v. To float Rut.1:1. Hoo. To reduce one’s flesh; to
or flap in the wind; to float, as the tail of make one poor in flesh; e hoopau i ka mo-
a kite ; to float, as colors or an ensign. mona. ;
WeE-to-we-to, s. Colors or cloth stream- Wi, s. A famine; a destitution of food.
ing in the wind. Kanl. 8:9. A time of famine.
2. A tail, as of a kite. 2. A name given by Hawaiians to the
3. Light streaming from a brand of fire tamarind tree and its fruit.
thrown into the air in the dark. Jsa. 7:4.
We-Lo-weE-Lo, adj. Floating; stream- W1, adj. Poor in flesh; lean; famish-
ing ; poor; barren, as land. Nah. 13:20.
ing. &c.; hoku welowelo, a blazing star; a
meteor ; a comet from its tail. Wr-u, v. To be dirty, as one engaged
We-tv, s. A rag; a piece of torn kapa in filthy work ; to be unclean; to be dirty
all over.
or cloth.
2. To be or become entangled, as a kite;
WE-LU-U-LA, 5. =ti and ula, red, The ua wiu ka lupe.
Wr-u, adj. Dirty all over; filthy; un- 2. To manufacture sugar in general.
clean. I-LI-Ko-1, s. The substances that are
Wr-u-1a, adj. Grand; solemn. taken up in the center of a whirlwind; me
Wi-n1, v. To turn one’s eyes askance; he kanaka la no ka wilikoi.
to wink ; to express some idea by a wink, Wr-ti-pu-aa, s. A cork-screw.
ogle or oblique look. Wi-ui-wi-L1, v. To stir round; to mix,
2. To roll up, as a bundle. as different ingredients by stirring.
W1-xa-ni, adj. Close ;hardy; compact; 2. To shake, asa flexible rod. Isa. 10:15.
robust. 3. To rub the hands hard, as in washing
Wi-x1, v. To hasten; to be quick in the hands when very dirty.
4, Hoo. To be writhing in pain, espe-
doing a thing. 1 Sam. 20:38. cially the pains of child-birth ; hoowitliwili
Wr-xi, adj. Quick. hookokohi e hanau, e hanau mai ana oia
W-ki-wi-k1, v. See Wixr. ‘To hasten; nei i na keiki.
to hurry; to do quickly. Jos. 4:10. Hoo. 5. To be uneasy, as in constant pain;
To stir one up to speed. hoowiliwili ae oia no ka maule poponi.
Wi-xI-wi-K1, adj. Quick; expeditious; 6. To loosen ; to separate, as in parturi-
not slow. tion.
Wi-x1-wi-k1, adv. Quickly; very quick; 7. To brandish,as a sword. Ezek. 32:10.
in haste. ¢
Wr-ti-wi-u1, s. Name of a tree, the tim-
ber of which is, for its buoyancy, made into
Wi-ta, s. Lightning. See Uira. outriggers for canoes; erythrina corallo-
2. Aribbon. See Witt. dendron. *
Wr-u, v. To twist; to wind; to turn, Wi-tou, s. Eng. The name of a for-
as a crank; to grind at a hand-mill. Lunk. eign tree; a willow. Isa. 44:4. NorE.—
16:21. To bore, as with an auger or gim- One species of the willow has lately been
let. 2 Nal. 12:10. introduced into the Islands.
2. To writhe in pain.
3. To mix, as liquids of different quali- Wi-tu, s. A disagreeable smell; a
ties, i. e., to stir them round and round. stench.
4. Hoo. To torture; to give pain; to Wr-tu, adj. Disagreeable of smell; of-
tear ; to be in anguish. fensive ; smelling badly.
Wi-u, s. A ribbon. See Wina. Wr-n1, v. To a sharp point;
2. A roll; a twist. See Ownm1. Wili to be sharp pointed. Hoo. To point; to
lauoho, a lock of hair ; 0 na wilt o ke poo. make sharp.
Mel. Sol. 5:2. WLI, : Sharpness, the result
3. Sadness; a writhing in pain. WI1-NI-WI-NI, of grinding to a point.
4, The sickness of hogs; a cough; a 2. The sharp point of any sharp instru-
strangling. ment, as the point of a needle, pin, nail,
5. The name of a fish. pen, &c.
Wr-u, adj. Winding; tortuous; ala
wili, a winding path; na mea wili, mills for
I-NI, adj. Pointed; sharp; re-
grinding. Nah. 11:8. Mai wili, the vene- WL-NI-WI-NI, duced to a point, as a nee-
real disease or gonorrhea. dle, pin, or any sharp instrument; e kalai
a winiwini.
Wr-ui-a, v. For wiliia, passive of wilt. Wi-w1,
To be twisted; to be contorted by the
v. See W1. To be poor; to be
wind; ka hala i wilia e ka makani. shriveled up.
2. Hoo. To lessen; to diminish; a i ke
Wret-av, s. Wili, to twist, and au, to kalai ana, e hoonui ae o mua, a e hoowiwt
swim. The circular motion of an eddy in ae o hope, e kalai a maikai.
a river or in the ocean. 3. To grow poor in flesh, as a person or
2. The circular motion of the hand in animal. Zek. 14:12.
mixing poi. Wi-wi, s. Leanness of flesh. od. 16:8.
Wr-u-1A, adj. Passive of wilz. Anything 2. The name of a beer made from sugar-
made by braiding or twisting; he hanai cane.
wiliia, wreathen work. Nah. 8:4. | 3. A small kind of fish.
Wi-ti-0-Kal, v. To go or move in great W1-w1, adj. Poor in flesh; slender; fee-
numbers, as a huakaihele; as a small army ble. Kin. 41:6. Opposite to ohaha.
or the retainers of a high chief.
Wr-u-Ka-HEI, s. Wali and kahei, to tie Wi-w1, adj. Full; plenty; no want; ap-
is always
round. A bit for boring rocks; a bit of plied to a chief’s plate where there
any kind for boring. plenty; as, pa wiwi, a full plate; a sufli-
ciency of food.
Wr-ti-Ko, v. Wilt and ko, sugar-cane.
To grind sugar-cane, Wi-wi-x1, v. To shine, as a faint light
sc BAT 515 i BERee
through a small aperture into a dark room; |W1-wo-o-Lz, s. Wiwoand ole, not. Bold-
to glimmer faintly. ness ; fearlessness. ih. 4:13.
Wi-wo, v. To fear; to dread. Wo-u1, s. One who accompanied, i. e.,
2. To be ashamed; to blush. Hzer. 9:6.) went before or followed after the king, to
3. Hoo. To become fearful; to be hum-| ¢onyey and execute his orders; in his per-
ble. Isa. 5:15. . son and office he added to the king’s dig-
Wi-wo, s. Fear; shame; disgrace;| nity. He was generally some relation of’
dread. the king.
Wi-wo, adj. Afraid; bashful; modest;|Wo-tu, s. Name of a species of fish,
astonished. sometimes a fathom in length.

Note.—The following words have been introduced from foreign languages.
Owing to the peculiar structure of the Hawaiian (every syllable ending in a
vowel sound), the forms of these words are somewhat modified, by dropping a
letter or syllable of the original, but more frequently perhaps by inserting or
adding a vowel in order to Hawaiianize them. A sufficiency of foreign letters
is retained to show their derivation and distinguish them from native words by
their orthography.

AI-BA-LA, S. Eng. Bible; the united Be-a, s. Eng. A bear,

a wild ferocious
inspired books of the Old and New Test- animal. 2 Nal. 2:24; Lam. Haw. 18:1 and
aments. 19:1.
Bar-La, v. Eng. To boil; to seethe. Br-a-va, s. Eng. Abeaver,an aquatic
Nore.—The corresponding Hawaiian word Be-A-Wa, animal.
is hoolapalapa. 2 Oihl. 35:13; Ezek. 24:5. Be-xa, s. Heb. A half shekel, a meas-
Bar-ta, adj. Boiled; seethed. Ezek. ure of weight. Puk. 38:26.
24:6. Be-ta-k1, s. Puka kona kaula ma ka
Ba-xa, s. Eng. Tobacco; e puhi daka, belaki ma ka ono o ka maha. Anat. 28.
to smoke tobacco. Be-te, s. Eng. Abell; dele gula. Puk.
Ba-KE-KE, s. Eng. A bucket; a pail; 28:33.
Ba-KE-TE, a small cask. Be-tv, adj. Eng. Blue; the color blue.
Ba-te, s. Eng. Barley, a species of izek. 23:6.
grain. Oihk. 27:16. ‘ Be-re-na, s. Eng. Bread; food gener-
Ba-LE-sa-MA, Ss. Eng. Balsam,
a medi- ally. Mat. 4:4. Berena maka, dough.
cinal vegetable. Hzek. 27:17. BE-RE-NA-HO-I-KE, s. Eng. with hotke.
Ba-ma, s. Balm, an odoriferous plant. Show bread. Puk. 25:30.
Kin. 43:11. BrE-RE-NA-HU, S. Eng. with hu. Leav-
Ba-PE-TI-s0, & Gr. 'To baptize; toad- ened bread. Puk. 23:18.
Ba-PE-TI-zo, minister the ordinance of BE-RE-NA-HU-0-LE, Ss. Eng. with huole.
baptism. Joan. 1:25. Unleavened bread. Puk. 23:15.
Ba-PE-TI-s0, s. Gr. Baptism; the rite Br-RE-NA-KU-LA-LA-NI,_ Ss. Eng. with ku
Ba-PE-TI-zo, § of baptism. Mat. 20:22. lalani. The twelve loaves of bread set by
Ba-ra-ni, s. Eng. Brandy, an intoxi- the Jewish priest every Sabbath on the
golden altar. Oihk. 24:5, 6.
cating drink distilled from wine.
Be-ri-La, s. Gr. A beryl, name of a
Ba-re-ka, s. Heb. A carbuncle, a pre- precious stone. Hoik. 21:20.
cious stone. Be-ri-La, adj. Of orlikeaberyl. Ezek.
Ba-ra, s. Eng. Butter. Kin. 18:8; 0:9
Ba-TE-RA, Hal. 55:21. Be-ri-ta, s. Heb. A covenant; the cov-
Ba-to, s. Heb. A bath,a Hebrew meas- enant between God and man. Kin. 9:9.
ure. 1 Nal. 7:26. Be-nr1-tTa, v. Heb. Tocovenant; toagree
F 516 FAL
to do something. Hal. 65:1. To enter into |Bi-p1-Ka-NE, s. See Birt.
covenant. Hal. 50:5. Br-pi-Ku-a-puu, s. Eng. Bipi with kua-
Be-rvu-Lo, s. Gr. A beryl. See Brriza. puu, humpback. The bison (in the United
Puk. 28:20. States of America, the buffalo.) Lam. Haw.
Be-rvu-mi, v. Eng. To broom; to sweep 8:1.
withabroom. Nors.—The Hawaiian equiv- Br-tu-mME-NnA, s. Eng. Bitumen,
a min-
alent is kahili. eral slime. Ain. 11:3.
Be-ru-mi, s. Lng. A broom, an instru- Bo-ta, s. Eng. A bowl; a dish. Lunk.
ment for sweeping. 6:38. The Hawaiian word is ipu.
Bi-r1, s. Eng. The Hawaiian pronun- Bu-so, s. Hed. A species of owl. Kanl.
ciation for beef, and should properly be 14:16.
written bifi. An ox or cow; the general Bu-ke, s. Eng. A book; a volume.
name for neat cattle ; bipi kane, an ox or Puk. 24:7.
bull; bipi wahine, a cow; bipi kaulua, a Bu-Fa-Lo, s. Eng. A buffalo,a species
yoke of oxen; bipi kauo, a draft ox ; bipi of ox. Lam. Haw. 9:1. See Biprvuapwu.
wahine hou, a heifer. Nah. 19:2. Bu-ni-BE-T1, s. The name of a game.
Bi-p1-Kau-o, s. See Burt. Bu-se-La, s. Lng. A bushel, a dry
Bi-pi-Kau-Lu-a, s. See Birt. measure of thirty-two quarts. Ana Hon. 60.

Al-A-KO-NA, ie Gr. One who serves; De-ro-ra, s. Heb. Name of alittle bird;
DAI-A-KO-NO, a deacon; a deaconess. aswallow. Hal. 84:3.
Rom. 16:1. Dr-a, s. Eng. A deer; astag. See Dea.
Dar-ma-Na, s. Eng. A diamond, a pre- Di-a-Ko-NA, ) 5, Gr. See Daraxona. A
Dat-Mo-Na, cious stone. Puk. 28:13. D1-A-Ko-NI-0, deacon, an officer in a
Dat-mo-n1-0, s. Gr. A demon; an evil DI-A-ko-No, church. Nore.—The or-
spirit. Othk. 17:7. thography of this word is not settled: all
2. A person possessed or ruled by an the five forms are used by different trans-
evil spirit. Mat. 8:31. lators of the Bible.
Da-ta, s. Eng. A dollar in money. Di-a-Bo-Lo, s. Gr. The devil; the
2. Silver generally; the Hawaiian or- tempter. Mat. 4:1, 3, 5.
thography is kala. Di-a-wa-HI-NE, s. Eng. with wahine. A
Da-ma, s. Lat. A species of deer; the female deer; a hind. Kin. 49:21.
fallow deer; the pygarg. Kanl. 14:5. Di-pE-rA-ma, s. Gr. Tribute; tribute
Dr-a, s. Eng. A deer; a stag. Kanl. money. Mat. 17:24. Nore.—The word ha-
12:15. See Dia. paha is used in the late editions of the New
DE-LE-U-MA, s. Gr. Bdellium; the Testament.
De-LI-u-MA, name stands in connection Di-ta, s. Eng. A small Hebrew meas-
with metals in Kin. 2:12. In modern times ure; adeal. Othk. 23:13 and 24:5.
bdellium is a gum. Du-xi-ma, s. Chald. A dulcimer, an an-
De-ma, s. Lat. See Dama above. cient instrument of music. Dan. 3:5.
De-na-ri, s. Lat. 'The name of a small Du-pai-mA, te Heb. Hua dudima, a
Roman coin; a penny. Joan. 6:7. Dvu-pi-ma, mandrake. Kin. 30:14.
De-ra-co-na, s. Gr. A dragon. Hotk. Du-re, s. Eng. In law, custom; toll
12:3, He is called a serpent and satan in paid for the privilege of receiving foreign
verse 9. merchandise. Rom. 13:10. Nots.— Wai-
De-ra-ma, s. Gr. A drachm, a small wai auhau is used for dute in the last edi-
weight. Neh. 7:71. tions of the New Testament.

Though Hawaiians easily and nat-| F'a-na-o-a, s. Eng. Flour; ground grain.
F. urally run the sound of the letter f into 2. Bread; baked flour; hua falaoa, wheat;
that of p, yet it is not difficult for them to grain generally. Itis often written palaoa.
pronounce f. It has been introduced only Fa-Le-xo-na, s. Eng. The name of an
in a few cases, especially in commencing
words. unclean bird; a falcon. Oink. 11:14.
S 517 Ss
Fa-ral, v. Eng. To fry; to cook in tree. Mat. 21:19. Manawa jiku. a time of
figs. Mar. 11:13.
FeE-RAl, fat. It has been written parai,
but the f should be used instead of p. Fiera, s. Eng. A fir tree. Mel. Sol. 1:17.
Fi-xu, s. Eng. A fig; laau fiku, a fig

G is used in Hawaiian only or mostly of money, or the one-twentieth of a shekel.
in its hard sound; the word gini, gin, is Puk. 3:13. A Jewish coin.
perhaps the only exception; it is easily Gi-n1, s. Eng. Gin, a distilled intoxi-
run into the /& sound. cating liquor.
Ga-La-ni, s. Eng. A gallon,a measure Gi-ra, s. Heb. A Hebrew coin. See
of four quarts; mostly used as a liquid GeRA above. Nah. 18:16.
measure ; a firkin. Joan. 2:6.
Ga-ur-Ka, s. Eng. A garlic, a plant.
Go-ta, )s, Eng. Gold. Adj. Golden;
Gov-La, guia paa, beaten gold. Puk.
Nah. 11:5. Gu-LA, 25:36.
Ga-ze-La, s. Eng. The gazelle, the Gu-La-a-l, s. Eng. Gula and a-i, neck.
name of an animal. Hani. 12:15. A golden ornament for the neck. Puk.
Ge-ne-na, s. Heb. The name of the 30:22.
valley south of Jerusalem; also called the Gu-a-PAA, Ss. Beaten gold. See Gora
valley of the Son of Hinnom ; it was used above.
as a place of punishment for criminals. Gu-LA-PE-PEI-Ao, s. Gula (Eng.), and
Mat. 5:22. pepeiao, ear. Gold for the ear, i.e.,an ear-
Ge-ra, s. Heb. A gerah, a small piece ring. Puk. 35:22.

ote: s. Eng. In law, a jury; the popular element in a court of justice.

The letter 7 as a rolling liquid is} Ra-na, s. Lat. A frog. Puk.7:27; Hal.
R. easily assimilated with the letter 1; 78:45. Hawaiian, moolele.
hence the meaning of many foreign words Rer-na-pi-a, s. Eng. A reindeer. Lam.
is mistaken by the orthography. Haw. 17:1.
Rats, s. Eng. Rice, a plant lately in- Ri-si-na, s. Lng. A ribbon. See Li-
troduced ; is now planted and growing at BINA.
the Islands; Hawaiian pronunciation Ri-pi-na, adj. Kaula ridina uliuli, a
ae s. Rice, &c. string of blue ribbon. Nah. 15:38.
AI-KI, Ro-PE, 5, Eng. rope. ‘Thread; sew-
Ra-ko-o-na, s. Eng. A raccoon, an an- Ro-p1, ing thread. Puk.26:36. A
imal of the cat genus. 1 Nal. 7:15. See also Lopt.
Ra-s1, s. Syr. A master; Hawaiian, Ro-sE, s. Eng., Gr. A rose. Mel. Sol.
kumu. Mat. 23:7. ah.
Ra-sr-ta, s. Eng. A rabbit; the namg Ro-tE-ma, adj. Heb. A Hebrew word
of a small animal, a cony. Sol. 30:26. translated juniper. Hal. 120:4.
Ra-ma, s. Eng. Rum; intoxicating Ru-z, s. Eng. Rue, the name of a bit-
liquor. ter herb. Luk. 11:42.

S Hawaiians have no sibilants in their sound signified by s into that of k, as ka-
* language; hence they naturally run the baki or kapaki for sabati.
Sa-Ba-T1, Ss. Heb. The Sabbath; a rest- Seraphim, the highest order among the an-
ing day; the name of the seventh day of gelic hosts. Isa. 6:2. 6.
the week among the Jews. Kin. 2:2; Puk. SE-Ru-TI-0, s. The name of an unclean
20:10. By the Christian Church it is termed bird; a night hawk. Kamnl. 14:15.
the Lord’s day. Hoik.1:10. Laoka Haku. SE-TA-DI-A, Ss. Gr. A furlong, name of
SA-PEI-RO, |5 @y, The name of a pre- along measure. Joan. 6:19.
SA-PI-RA, t cious stone; asapphire. Job. SE-TO-RE-KA, s. Eng. A stork, a large
SA-PI-RE, 28:6; Puk. 24:10; Mel. Sol. bird similar to the heron. Zek. 5:9.
SA-PE-RA, J 5:14, Srir-Ka, s. Eng. Silk; Hawaiian pro-
SA-RE-DI-0, s. Gr. A sardius,
the name nunciation, kilika. See Kika.
of a precious stone. Hoik. 21:20. Sr-tr-Ka, adj. Silken; made of silk;
SA-RE-DO-NU-Ko, s. Gr. A sardonyx, laau silika, mulberry trees. 2 Sam. 5:23.
the name of a precious stone. Hoik. 21:20. Sr-Lto, s. Heb. Shiloh, a_prophetical
Sa-Ta-NA; S. Gr. from Hed. An adver- name of the Messiah. Hin. 49:10.
sary; the prince or leader of the fallen Sr-Lo, s. Heb. A word translated quail,
angels; Satan. Job. 1:6, 7, 8. the name of a bird. Hal. 105:40. In Puk.
Sa-Ta-NA, v. To act the part of an ad- 16:13 it is written selu.
versary or enemy. al. 109:4. Si-na-PI, s. Gr. Mustard, stalk and
Sa-To, s. Gr. A dry measure among plant. Luk. 13:19. Hua sinapi, mustard
the Jews. Mat. 13:33. seed.
SA-TU-DE, s. Lng. Saturday, the name Si-ti-ma, s. Heb. Shittim wood,
a kind
of the last day of the week; called more of furniture wood. Puk. 25:10; Kanl. 10:3.
frequently by Hawaiians Poaono, the sixth
night, or la hoomalolo, the day before a So-pa, s. Hng. Soap. Ier. 2:22. See
kapu day. Kopa, the Hawaiian pronunciation.
SA-TU-RE-NA, S. Hng., Lat. Saturn, the SU-KA-MI-NO, ie Gr. These are dif-
name of one of the planets. See Almanac SSU-KA-MO-RE-A, } ferent orthographies for
for 1835. The Hawaiian name is Naholo- the same thing. Sycamore, the name of a
holo. tree and fruit. See Robinson’s Lexicon,
SE-KE-LA, ls, Heb. A shekel, the name art., SukoMorEA. As an adjective, of or be-
longing to a sycamore tree.
SE-KE-LI, of a small Hebrew coin.
2. Name ofa weight. Hin. 23:16. SU-NE-DE, s. Eng. Sunday; originally
SE-Ko-NA, Ss. Eng. A second of time; applied among the Saxons as a day for
an instant; a moment. 1 Kor. 15:52. worshiping the sun; the Christians in the
dark ages applied it to the Lord’s day or
SE-LU, s. Heb. A quail, a bird. Puk. Christian Sabbath. With Hawaiians the
16:13. Another orthography is silo. See po ehiku is the la hoomaha or resting day.
Sino. Norr.—Hawaiians do not often use this
Se-ME-NA, 5S. Hed. Name of a tree, some word, they prefer the word Sabati or la
species of pine. pule. See Sapartt.
Se-mE-NA, adj. Of or belonging to a Su-pa, s. Eng. Soup; gravy, &c.; the
pine tree. Neh. 8:15.
Hawaiian term is kai. Isa. 65:4. Broth
Se-rA-PI-MA, 5. Heb. Plural of seraph. or some liquid offering.

T This letter was introduced in order Ta-Ha-sa, )s, Name of an animal in
* to distinguish words which were intro- Ta-HE-sA, Scripture called a badger.
duced from other languages containing it. TE-HA-SA, Puk. 25:5. Tt is mostly used
It is distinguished from k by being pro-
nounced from the end of the tongue; but with wt as an adjective; as, ili tehasa, a
the ears of Hawaiians do not readily per- badger’s skin. zeke. 16:10.
ceive the difference. Ta-Le-na, s. Eng. from Gr. A talent,
Tav-sa-nt, s. Eng. A thousand; the a measure of weight, equal to about fifty-
number ten hundred. in. 20:16. seven pounds. Puk. 25:39.
Tau-sa-ni, num. adj. Gram.§ 115, 4th; 2. A denomination of money, about fif-
Puk. 18:21. Kanaka understood. teen hundred dollars.
Ta-RE-DE, s. Eng. Thursday; origin- mentioned by Jsa. 41:19 and translated
ally Thor’s day, i.e., a day set apart for pine. See also Isa. 60:13.
the worship of Thor, the god of thunder; Ti-ca, s..Hng. A tiger, an animal of
among Hawaiians, the fourth day of the the cat kind. Lam. Haw. 15:1.
week, poaha. Nore.—In English reckon- Tr-re-sa, 8. Heb. A cypress tree. Isa,
ing it is the fifth day of the week. 44:14,
TE-a-SO-RA, Be Heb. The name of a
TE-A-sU-RA, § tree in Isa. 41:19 translated To-Pa-z, s. Eng. from Gr. A topaz,
the bow tree; also in Isa. 60:13. To-PA-zo, the name of a precious stone.
Ti-Lta, s. Eng. Steel. See Kiza. Mel. Sol. 5:14; Hoik. 21:20.
TiI-ME-BE-RA-LA, s. Eng. A timbrel, a Tu-mi-m1, s. Heb. The thummim, some-
thing worn on the breast-plate of the Jew-
TI-ME-RA-LA, small drum, a very an-
cient musical instrument, similar to the
ish high-priest. Puk. 28:30. See Urma.
kuolokani of Hawaiians. Hal. 68:25. For|'Tu-sE-pE, s. Eng. Tuesday, name of
various other instruments, see 2 Sam. 6:5. the third day of the week; with Hawaiians
Ti-pa-ra, s. Heb. The name of a tree the second day, Poalua.

The sound of the letter v is as sel-| Vi-o-La, s. Eng. A viol, a musical in-
We dom distinctly heard in Hawaiian as it strument. IJsa. 38:20.
is in the Tahitian dialect. The real sound |V1-0-La-u-m1, s. Viola and umi, ten. A
represented by w from a Hawaiian’s mouth musical instrument of ten strings. Hal.
is between that of v andw; but the double- 33:2; Hal. 144:9.
you sound predominates ; the letter v is Vi-nE-Ga, s. Eng. Vinegar. Mat. 27:34.
therefore used only in words derived from
He waiawaawa. Hawaiian pronunciation,
foreign languages. pineka.
Ve-nu-sa, s. Lat. The name of the V
planet Venus. See Alemanaka for 1835.
U-LE-TU-RA, s. Eng. The vulture, the
The Hawaiian name is Hookelewaa. name of an unclean bird. Kani. 14:13.

7, There are but few words commenc-| ZE-LU, s. The name of an animal.
* ing with this letter, and those mostly |7).o.n a, s. Heb. The name of a hillin
from the Greek. Jerusalem, Zion. Fic. The whole city and
Zx-po-rA, s. Heb. The name of asmall to the Christian Church. Hal. 137:1.
bird ;a sparrow perhaps. Sol. 26:2. |
Zi-zA-NI-A, Ss. Gr. Tares; cockles;
Ze-Be-RA, Ss. Eng. A Zebra, a species plants injurious to the growth of grain.
of the horse. Lam. Haw. 13:1. Mat. 13:25, 26, 30.
Ze-su, s. Eng. An animal of the ox
kind; azebu. Lam. Haw. 10:1.
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Nortr.—It was not the design of the Author of the foregoing Dictionary to
add anything like an English-Hawaiian part, inasmuch as, in his opinion, such
a work must be so concise as to be of little avail to Hawaiians or others who
might wish to use it in studying English. But on account of the strongly ex-
pressed opinions of some whose judgment he respected—that such an addition
would be valued—he waived his own opinion and wrote out the following
The English words are taken from “a Samoan Dictionary, English and
Samoan,” by Rev. George Pratt, and printed at Samoa, 1862. The Hawaiian
definitions are the Translator’s, except as the “ Hoakaka olelo no na Huaolelo
Beritania” printed at Lahainaluna, 1845, was open before him, and to which he
had recourse when the proper definition did not readily occur. It is hoped that
those who may use this Vocabulary will know how to account for it if they fail
in finding the words they need. L. A.

A, art. he, kahi, kekahi. Ac-cu-rate, e oiaio. e pololei.
A-ban-don, e haalele loa. Ac-curse, e hooino.
A-bash, e hoopalaimaka, Ac-cus-tom, e maa, e hana pinepine.
Ab-do-men, ka opu. Ache, he hui, eha.
Ab-hor, e hoowahawaha. A-cid, awaawa e like me vinega.
A-ble, he mea hiki. Ac-qui-esce, e ae aku.
Ab-or-tion, o ka hemo e ana o ke keiki. Ac-quire, e loaa.
A-bove, iluna, maluna. Ac-rid, wewelaikawahakehoao. [aoaoae.
A-bound, e nui ae, e lako. A-cross, e kau kea, mai kekahi aoao ai kekahi
A-bout, a puni; aneane. Act, he mea i hanaia.
A-bridge, e hoopokole. A-dapt, e hoopili aku.
Ab-scess, he mai palahee. Add, e hui, e hoopili hou.
Ab-scond, e mahuka. Ad-here, e pipili, e launa.
Ab-sent, nalowale. Ad-journ, e hoopanee a i Ka la hou.
A-bun-dance, he lako, he nui wale. Ad-mi-ra-ble, e mahaloia, nani.
A-buse, e hana ino aku. Ad-mon-ish, e ao aku.
Ac-cept, e lawe i ka mea i haawiia. A-dopt, e hookama,
Ac-cess, ke ala e hiki ai, kahi e hiki ai. A-dorn, e hoonani, e kahiko.
Ac-ci-dent, kahi poino hiki wale mai. Ad-ver-si-ty, he pilikia, ka poino.
Ac-com-pa-ny, e hele pu, e ukali. A-dult, ka mea i hele i ka nui, he oo.
Ac-com-plish, e hooko i-ka hana. A-dul-te-ry, he moekolohe.
Ac-cord-ing, e like me, ka like ana. Ad-yo-cate, he mea uwao, he loio.
Ac-count, he mooolelo, he mooaie. A-far, e loihi aku, he mamao.
Ac-cu-mu-late, or ae, e mahuahua. Af-fa-ble, e kamailio oluolu ana.
Af-fect-a-tion. he hoike wale ano ole. Ap-plaud, e mahalo.
Af-fec-tion, aloha, makemake. Ap-point, e hoonoho, e wae aku.
Af-firm, e hoooia, e hoopaa. Ap-proach, e hookokoke.
Af-flict, e hana ino, e hoopilikia. Ar-gue, e wehewehe i ka manao.
Af-fright, e hooweliweli. A-rise, e ku iluna, e ala mai.
Af-front, e hoonauki. Arm, lima.
A-fraid, makau. Arms, he mau mea kaua.
Af-ter, mahope, mamuli. Ar-my, he poe kaua, he puali.
Af-ter-birth, ka iewe. A-round, a puni, a poai.
Af-ter-noon, mahope o ke awakea. Ar-rive, e hiki aku i kau wahi.
A-gain, ka wa hou. Ar-ro-gance, he kaena, he hookiekie.
A-gainst, e ku e aku. Ar-row, he pua pana.
Age, ka loihi o kahi manawa. Ar-row-root, he pia.
A-ged, men, elemakule ; women, luwahine. Ar-te-ry, he aalele.
Ag-gres-sor, ka mea hoouka ia hai. Ar-ti-fice, he hana hoopunipuni, maalea,.
Ag-i-tate, e lulu, e luliluli. As, me, pe, penei.
A-go, wa i hala, mamua aku nei. As-cend, e pii iluna, ae.
Ag-o-ny, ka eha nui. As-cent, he piina.
_ A-gree, e manao like, e launa. A-sham-ed, i hilahilaia.
A-ground, ili ka moku, ma ka honua. Ash-es, he lehu, lehu ahi.
A-ha! uwe! aikola! Ask, e ninau, e noi.
Aid, e kokua. A-slant, he hio. ;
Aim, he makemake, ka mea i imi ia. As-sem-ble, e hoouluulu, e halawai.
Air, ke ea, ka makani. As-sist, e kokua.
A-las! auwe! aloha ino! poino! Asth-ma, he nae, he hokii.
A-like, like, e like me. As-ton-ish, e puiwa, e ano e ka manao.
A-live, make ole, e ola ana. A-stray, he auwana, hele hewa.
All. pau loa, aohe mea koe. A-sun-der, kaawale.
Al-le-vi-ate, e hoomama i ke kaumaha. A-sy-lum, he wahi e malumalu ai.
Al-low, e ae aku. At, i, ma.
Al-lure, e hoowalewale. A-tone, e kala i ka hala.
Al-most, aneane, kokoke pau loa. A-tone-ment, ka uku no ka hewa.
A-lone, oja hookahi. At-tain, e loaa, e hiki aku.
Al-so, hoi, oia hoi, kekahi. At-tempt, e hoao, e hooikaika aku.
Al-ter-nate, e hana pakahi na mea elua. At-tend, e hele pu, e hoolohe.
Al-though, ina, ina paha, aka. A-vail, e lilo i mea e pono ai.
Al-ways, oia mau, he mea mau. A-va-rice, he puni kala, puni waiwai.
A-mass, e ohi a nui, hoouluulu. A-void, e alo ae, e launa ole.
A-ma-zed, pihoihoi, eehia. Aus-tere, he pi, paakiki.
Am-bas-sa-dor, he luna, he elele. A-wait, e kali, e noho hoomanawanui.
Am-big-u-ous, he ano elua, akaka ole. A-wake, makaala, pau ka hiamoe.
Am-bi-tion, ikaika ka manao e loaa. A-way, ma kahi e, kahi kaawale.
A-mends, he mea e pani ai ka hewa. Axe, he koi, he koi lipi.
A-midst, iwaena, iwaena konu.
A-mongst, iwaena pu.
Am-ple, he lawa, he nui.
An, he, kahi. B.
An-chor, ka heleuma.
And, a, a me, hoi. Babe, he keiki unku, he kama.
An-ger, huhu, inaina. Back, kua, mahope ae.
An-i-mal, ka mea e ola ana. Back-bite, e aki.
An-kle, pnupuu wawae. Back-bone, ka iwi kuamoo.
An-noy, e hoouluhua, e hoonauki. Back-side, ma ke kua, muli.
A-noint, e hamo, e poni. Back-wards, emi hope, mahope.
An-oth-er, e, he mea e, okoa. Bad, ino, he hewa, kolohe.
An-swer, e pane aku, e hai aku. Bag, he eke, he hipuu.
Ant, he nonanona. Bait, he maunu.
Anx-ious, he makau o hiki mai ka ino. Bake. e hooimu, e hoomoai ka imu.
A-ny, kekahi o na mea he nui. Bald, ohule.
A-part, kaawale. Bale, he opeope nui he waiwai oloko.
A-part-ment, he keena okoa. Bale, e ka, e kai ka liu.
A-pol-o-gize, e olelo hooakaka. Bam-boo, he ohe.
Ap-par-el, he lole komo, aahu. Band, he kaei, he apo.
Ap-pa-ri-tion, he lapu, kinowailua. Ban-ish, e kipaku i ka aina e.
Ap-pear, e ikeia, e puka mai. Ban-ner, ka hae koa.
Barb, kahi e paa ai ma ka makau. Blad-der, opu mimi.
Bark, ka ili o ka laau. Blas-pheme, e hailiili i ke Akua, e hooino.
Bark, (me he ilio la) e aoaoa. Bleed, e hookahe koko.
Bar-ren, pa, hua ole. Bless, e hoomaikai.
Bar-ter, e hoololi waiwai no Kekahi waiwai. Blind, makapo, ike ole.
Bask-et, hinai. Blink, e nana powehiwehi, e amo ka maka.
Bat, he opeapea. Blis- ter, he pehu ili he wai oloko.
Bathe, e auau i ka wai. Blood, he koko, he wai ula.
Bat-tle, e kaua, he hoouka kaua. Blood--y; hapalaia me ke koko.
Beach, kahakai, ke one ma kahakai. Blos-som, he pua o ka laau.
Bead, he pupu no ka lei. Blotch, e hapala i kahi luu.
Beak, ka nuku manu, nuku moku. Blow, he hahan ana.
Bear, e lawe, e amo; e hanau. Blow, e pa ka makani.
Bear, he bea. Blue, uli, uliuli.
Beard, ka umiumi. Blun-der, he kuhihewa. he lalau.
Beast, ka holoholona. Blun-der-buss, he pu kau poohiwi pokole.
Beat, e paopao, e pepehi. Blunt, he oi ole, meumeu.
Beau-ti-ful, maikai, nani. Boar, he puaa kane.
Be-calm-ed, e ku malie ana i ka pohu. Board, he papa, he laaui olo lahilahi ia.
Be-cause, no, no ka mea. Beast, e liki, e kaena, e haaheo.
Beck-on, e peahi. Boat, he waapa.
Be-come, e lilo. Bod-y, kino.
Be-com-ing, kupono, e lilo ana. Boil, me he wai la e hoolapalapa.
Bed, he moe, wahi e hiamoe ai. Boil, mai pehu. a hehe paha.
Bed-rid-den, i moe mau ma ka moe. Bold, he koa, makau ole.
Be-fore, mamua ae, ma ke alo. Bone, iwi.
Beg, e noi, e makilo. Bon-net, he papale wahine.
Be-get, e ko (mehe kane la.) Bo-ny, paa i na iwi.
Be-gin, e hoomaka. Book, he palapala i paiia, he buke.
Be-hav-ior, ke ano o ka noho ana. Bor-der, he palena, mokuna.
Be-hind, ma ke kuna, mahope iho. Bore, e hou i ka wili.
Be-hold! aia hoi! aia la! e nana! Bor-row, e noi aole nae lilo loa.
Belch, e luai. Bo-som, ka umauma.
Be-lieve, e paulele, e manaoio. Both, o laua a elua.
Bel-ly, ka opu. Bot-tle, he omole wai, he hue wai.
Be-lov-ed, i alohaia. Bot-tom, kumu, mole, aoao lalo.
Be-low, malalo, malalo iho. Bough, he lala laau.
Belt, he kaei. Boun-da-ry, mokuna, palena.
Bench, noho loloa, he noho papa. Bow, e kulou ke poo.
Bend, e hoopio, e hookeekee. Bow, he kakaka.
Be-neath, malalo ae. [maikai ai. Bow-els, he naau.
Be-ne-fi-cial, he mea e pono ai, he mea e po- Bowl, he apu, he bola.
Be-ney-o-lence, lokomaikai, hoomanawalea. Bow-string, he kaula kakaka.
Be-night, he hiki e mai ka po. Box, he pahu.
Be-seech, e noi, e pule aku. Box, e mokomoko, e kui me ka lima.
Be-side, he mea a keu, he mea e ae hoi. Boy, he keiki kane.
Be-siege, e hoopuni i ke kulanakauhale i ka Boy-ish, he ano kamalii.
puali. Brack-ish, mananalo, he wai Kai iki.
Best, he oi ma ka maikai. Brag, e akena, e kaena.
Be-stow, e haawi wale aku. Brain, ka lolo poo.
Be-tray, e kumakaia. Branch, he lala, he manamana laau.
Be-troth, e hoopalau. Bran-dish, e oniu aku me ka hooweliweli,
Be-tween, iwaena. Brave, makau ole, he koa.
Be-wail, e kanikau, e uwe aku. Bread-fruit, ka hua ulu.
Be-wil-der, e ike ole i kahie hele ai, e hoopo- Breadth, he akea, he laula.
uli, ike powehiwehi. Break, as a law, hai; as glass, &., naha; as
Be-yond, mao aku. a rope, moku, &c.
Big, nui. [hine. Break-er, he kai koo.
Big-a-my, 0 ka mare hookahi kane elua wa- Breast, umauma.
Bil-low, he nalu nui o ke kai. Breathe, e hanu.
Bind, e hoopaai ke kaula, e nakii. Breech-es, he wawae komo, he wawae muku.
Bird, he manu. Breed, e hanau, e loaa ke keiki.
Bite, e nahu, e aki. Breeze, he makani oluolu.
Bit-ter, he awaawa, he awahia. Bridge, he holopapa, he wapo.
Black, eleele. Bright, huali, aiai.
Brim-ful, piha, piha a hu. Care, ka manao nui e kaumaha ai.
Bring, e ho mai, e lawe mai. Car-pen-ter, he kamena, he kapili hale.
Brink, he kae, he kapa o ka muliwai. Car-ry, e lawe, e halihali, e amo.
Brit-tle, mea naha wale, hai wale. Carve, e kalai, e mahele pono i ka ia,
Broad, akea, laula. Case, he pale, he wahi.
Broil, e koala, e pulehu i ke ahi. Cast, e hoolei, e hooheeheei ke kepau.
Broil, e hakaka ana, e ohumu. Cas-tle, he hale papu, he pa ikaika.
Brood, he ohana, he ohua manu. Cat, he popoki, he owau.
Brood, e hoopunana me he moa la. Cat-a-ract, he wailele.
Broth-er, he hoahanau kane. Catch, e hopu.
Brown, he ano ulaula ahiahia. Cat-e-chise, e ao aku ma ka niele.
Bruise, e hoeha, e palapu. Cave, he ana, he lua.
Brush, e kahili, e kabi. Cay-il, e hoohalahala, e hoopohala.
Brush, he hulu puaa i hana kahili ia. Cause, he kumu, kumu hookolokolo.
Bud, e opuu, e opuupuu mai. Caus-tic, he aai ana me he mai aai la.
Buf-fet, e kui, e kui aku. Cau-tion, he makaala, he kuoo.
Build, e kapili, e kukulu. Cease, e oki, e hoopau.
Build-er, he kanaka kukulu bale. Cel-e-brate, e hoonani.
Bul-let, he poka pu. Cen-sure, e ahewa, e hoohewa.
Bunch, he huhui, he ahui, he puu. Cen-ti-pede, he mea kolo niho awa, kanapi.
Bun-dle, he ope, he puolo. Cen-ter, waenakonu, mawaenakonu.
Bur-den, he ukana kaumaha. Chain, he kaulahao.
Burn, e aa; e wela. Chair, he noho.
Bur-nish, e anai, e hoohuali. Chal-lenge, e aa aku.
Burst, e poha, e hoonaha. Cham-ber, he keena maluna.
Bu-ry, e kanu iho, e uhi i ka lepo. Chance, he mea hiki wale mai.
Bush-y, paapu i na laau liilii. Change, e ano hou ae, e hoololi.
But, aka. Chant, e mele heluhelu.
But, he pahu nui. Chap, he nakaka ka ili, he ili naha.
But-ter-fly, he pulelehua. Chap, he kanaka opiopio.
But-tock, he kikala. Char-ac-ter, ke ano o ke kanaka.
But-ton, he pihi. Char-coal, he nanahu.
Buy, e kuai lilo mai. Charge, he kauoha, he mea e malamaia.
By, €, ma. ©
Char-i-ty, he manawalea, he aloha.
By, kokoke, ma . } Charm, e hoolealea.
By-and-by, mamiuli. . Chase, e hahai.
By-word, he inoa i kapaia’i kekahi no ka ino. Chasm, he awawa hohonu.
Chas-tise, e hahau, e haua.
Cheap, he kumukuai uuku, makepono.

C. Cheat, e epa, e hoopunipuni.

Cheek, ka papalina.
Cheer-ful, oluolu ka mariao, hoihoi.
Ca-BLk, be kaula nui e paa ai ka moku. Cher-ish, e malama maikai.
Cack-le, e alala me he moa la, e pukoko. Chest, he pahu papa.
Ca-da-ver-ous, me he kupapau la ke nana aku. Chew, e nau, e mama.
Cage, he hale manu, he hale holoholona hihiu. Chick-en, he ohana moa, moa opiopio.
Cake, he popo berena uwuku, he berena liilii. Chide, e ao, e hoopaapaa.
Ca-lam-i-ty, he poino, he pilikia nui. Chief, he alii, he kiaaina.
Cal-cu-late, e imi ma ka noonoo. Child, he keiki, he kama.
Cal-dron, he ipu hao nui. Child-ish, ma ke ano kamalii.
Calk, e hoopaa hamama ma ka moku. Chill, he anu, he haukeke, he li.
Call, e hea aku. e kahea. Chin, auwae.
Calm, he pohu, he malie, makani ole. Chip, he apana okiia.
Calm, e pohu, e malu. Chirp, e nunulu, e ioio me he manu la.
Ca-lum-ni-ate, e hoino ia hai, e niania aku. Chis-el, he kila.
Camp, he wahi e hoomoana ai na koa. Choice, ka. mea i koho ia, ke koho ana.
Can, e hiki, e ikaika. Choke, e puua, e umi.
Can, he ipu tini no ka mea wai. Choose,,e koho, e wae ae.
Cane, ko, ka ohe, he laau kookoo. Chop, e oki, e kua aku.
Can-non, he pu nui kuniahi. Clam-my, he pulupulu a he pili ana.
Can-not, he hiki ole. Clam-or, he walaau, he uwauwa.
Ca-noe, he waa. Clang, he leo o ke kaua, he leo kani nui.
Cap, he uhi no ke poo, he papalekapu. Clap, of the hands, e pai ka lima; of thunder,
Cape, he lae, he aahu no ka poohiwi. he kui hekili.
Cap¢tive, he pio, ka mea i lawe pio ia. Clasp, e apo, e puliki.
Class, he papa, he poe. Com-pose, e hoooluolu, e kakau manao; to
Clat-ter, e koele, e kamailio lapuwale. compose e mele, e haku.
Claw, of a bird, he maiunu. Com-pre-hend, e ike maopopo.
Clay, he palolo, he lepo pipili. Com-pute, e helu, e loaa ma ka helu.
Clean, maemae. Com-rade, he hoa, hoa hele, hoa hana.
Cleanse, e huikala, e hoomaemae. Con-ceal, e huna, e uhi.
Clear, aiai. Con-ceit-ed, he manao nuiiaiaiho. [opu.
Cleave, e pili aku; cleave asunder, e mahele. Con-ceive, e loaa ma ka noonoo, e ko ma ka
Cley-er, akamai, oluolu. Conch, he pu nui no ka moana mai.
Climb, e pii iluna. Con-cil-i-ate, e hoolaulea, e hoooluolu.
Cling, e puili, e pili aku. Con-cise, pokole ma ka olelo ana.
Close, e pi, e paakiki. Con-course, he aha kanaka nui.
Cloth, lole, kapa. Con-demn., e hoahewa aku.
Clothe, e aahu, e komo i ka lole. Con-de-scend. e hoohaahaa, e ae aku.
Cloud, he ao, he oho paapu. Con-duct, ka ano o ka noho ana o kekahi.
Cloud-y, paapu i na ao. Con-fer, e kuka pu, e Jaawi ia hai.
Clo-ven, i maheleia. Con-fess, e hai aku i kahi hana malu.
Club, he newa, he laau e pepehi ai. Con-firm, e hoopaa, e hooia.
Cluck, e koukou aku. Con-flict, he ku e, he kaua.
Clum-sy, he hawawa, he mama ole i ka hana. Con-found-ed, he pili paa, he hoopohihbiia.
Clus-ter, he ahui, he huihui. Con-gre-gate, e hui, e hele nui mai me kanaka.
Clutch, e hopu a paa. Con-jec-ture, e koho, e manao wale.
Cob-web, he punawelewele. Con-nect, e hui pu, e hoobui.
Cock, he moa kane. Con-quer, e lanakila, e hoopio.
Cock-crow-ing, ka wa o ka poi kani ai ka moa. Con-science, ka manao oloko e hoomaopopo
Cock-le, he mea ulu, he zizania. ana i ka hewa, ka lunaikehala.
Co-coa, ka laau niu. Con-sent, ka ae, ka ae ana.
Co-e-qual, he like ke ano me kahi mea e ae. Con-sid-er, e noonoo, e poonoo.
Cof-fin, he pahu kupapau. Con-sign, e haawi ia hai e malama ia.
Cog-i-tate, e noonoo. Con-sole, e hoooluolu, e hoona.
Coil, e poai, e wili poai me he kaula la. Con-spic-u-ous, i ikeia, i maopopo.
Cold, he anu, he haukeke, he hui. Con-spire, e noonoo ku e, e ohumu aku.
Col-ic, he nahu, he eha o ka naau. Con-stant, mau, paa, kuihe ole.
Col-lar-bone, ka iwi 0 ka a-i. Con-stant-ly, e mau ana, e paa mau ana.
Col-lect, e hui pu, e obi. Con-ster-na-tion, he weliweli, he wiwo.
Col-lec-tion, he mau mea i huiia. Con-sti-pa-tion, he paa.
Col-lis-ion, he ku, he pili, he anai. Con-struct, e kapili.
Col-or, ke ano owaho, he eleele paha, he ula- Con-sult, e niele aku ia hal.
ula, he melemele paha, he mea hooluu. Con-sume, e pau i ka ai ia, pau i ke ahi.
Comb, he kahi no ka lauoho. Con-sump-tion, he ano mai.
Com-bat, he kaua, he hoouka. Con-ta gious, he mai i hoolahaia ma ka pili.
Com-bine, e alu, e hui pu. Con-tam-i-nate, e hoohaumia.
Com-bus-ti-ble, he hiki ke hoaaia. Con-temn, e hooino.
Come, e hele mai. Con-tem-plate, e poonoo.
Com-et, he hoku welowelo. Con-tend, e ku e, e hakaka.
Com-fort, he oluolu, he maha. Con-tent, walea, oluolu.
Com-mand, e kauoha, e olelo paa aku. Con-ten-tion, haunaele, hakaka.
Com-mand-ment, he kanawai, he kauoha. Con-tig-u-ous, e pili ana.
Com-mem-o-rate, e hana ma na mea e hooma- Con-tin-u-al, e mau ana, oki ole.
nao ai. Con-tin-ue, e hoomau, e oia mau.
Com-mence, e hoomaka. Con-tract, e hooemi iho.
Com-mend, e hoapono. {naau. Con-tri-vance, he mea i loaa i ka noonoo.
Com-mit, e haawi aku ia hai, e hoopaa maka Con-tro-ver-sy, he hoopaapaa.
Com-mon, he meailoaa pinepine, he kaulana. Con-tu-ma-cy, he hoolohe ole.
Com-mo-tion, he haunaele, he pioloke. Con-vene, e hoohalawai.
Com-pan-ion, he hoa, he mea launa. Con-ver-sa-tion, he kamailio.
Com-pa-ny, he poe, he mau kanaka hui. Con-vert, e hoohuli, e hoololi i ka manao.
Com-pare, e hoohalike. Con-vey, e lawe aku, e hali.
Com-pas-sion, aloha. Coo, e uwe me he-manu nunu la.
Com-pel, e koi aku, e hooikaika. Cook, e kahumu i ka ai, he kuke.
Com-pen-sate, e pani aku no ka mea i lilo. Cool, oluolu, wela ole.
Com-plain, e ohumu, e hai i Ka pilikia. Co-pi-ous, nui wale.
Com-plete, e hoopau, e hoopaa i Kahi hana. Cop-per, he keleawe melemele.
Com-plex, he mea ano nui, hihia. Cop-u-la-tion, he hui e ai pu ana.
Com-ply, e ae aku me ka hana a malama. Cor-al, he akoakoa, he puna.

Cord, he kaula liilii. Cu-bit, he ana ma ka loa 18 iniha.
Cord-age, na kaula moku. Cum-ber, e hookaumaha.
Core, he kaku, pikoi. Cun-ning, akamai, noiau, maalea.
Cor-ner, he kihi, huina. Cup, he ipu, he apu.
Cor-ner-stone, he pohaku kihi. Cure, e hoola i ka mai.
Corpse, he kupapau. Cur-ly, mimilo, piipii. i
Corps, he poe koa. Cur-rent, he au, ke kahe wai ana.
Cor-pu-lent, he kino puipui, momona. Curse, e hooino, e kuamuamu.
Cor-rect, he pololei, he oiaio. Curve, e hookekee, e pelu.
Cor-rode, e ai me he popo la. Cus-tom, he maa, he hana mau.
Cor-rupt, e hoohaumia, e hauna. Cut, e oki, e kalai.
Cos-tive, he paa ka lepo. Cut-lass, be pahi kaua.
Cot-ton, he pulupulu.
Cov-e-nant, e ae like ana, he kuikahi.
Cov-er, he ihi, he poi.
Cov-et, e kuko, e iini. ,. BD.
Cough, e kunu. '
Coun-cil, he poe e kukakuka pu ana. Dat-iy, kela la keia la.
Count, e helu. Dal-li-ance, he hoopanee, he alohaloha.
Coun-te-nance, he helehelena, maka. Dam-age, he poino, he kina.
Coun-ter-act, e hana ma ka mea e ku e ai. Damp, | mau. koekoe.
Coun-ter-feit, e hoohalike kolohe. Dance, e haa, e hula.
Count-less, e hiki ole ke helu ia. Dare, e aa aku.
Coun-try, he aina, he aupuni. Dark, poeleele, ke ano 0 ka po.
Coup-le, elua, papalua. Dar-ling, he hiwahiwa, mea i aloha nui.
Cour-age, he makau ole. Dart, he ihi, he pua no ke kakaka.
Cour-te-ous, lokomaikai. Dash, he kahamaha.
Cour-te-san, he wahine moekolohe. Daugh-ter, kaikamahine.
Cous-in. he hoahanau. Daunt, e boomakau.
Cow-ard, he kanaka hee wale. Dawn, he wanaao.
Cow-er, e kulou iho, e ae wale aku. Day, he ao, pau ka pouli.
Coy, maka hilahila. Daz-zle, e olinolino.
Crab, he papai. Dead, make, pau ke ea.
Crack, he nakaka, naka. Deaf, kuli, aa.
Crack-le, e paapaaina. Deal, e mahele aku.
Craft, he maalea, ka oibana. Dear, he nui ke kumu kuai, he aloha nui ia.
Cramp, maele. Dearth, he wa wi.
Crave, e noi me ka ikaika. Death, he make, he kaili ke aho.
Craw-fish, he papai, he wahi ula. De-bate, e kukakuka, e paio. _[lohe me ia.
Crawl, e kolo, e hele me he ilo la. De-bauch, e hoowalewale ia hai e hoomoeko-
Creak, e uwi, e nakeke. De-bil-i-tate, e hoonawaliwali.
Cre-ate, e hana, e hoololi hou. De-cap-i-tate, e hoooki i ke poo.
Creep, e kolo me he keiki la. De-cay, e pala, e maloo,; e popopo.
Crey-ice, he naha, nakaka. De-cease, e make.
Crew, ka poe luina, ka poe hoholo moku. De-ceit, e hoopunipuni.
Crick-et, he mea ano ubini. De-cent, kohu pono.
Crime, he hewa e pili ana ke kanawai. De-cide, e hoomaopopo, e paa ka manao.
Crim-son, he ulaula loa. Deck, e hoonani.
Crip-ple, he mea oopa. Deck, ka inoa o ka papa maluna o ka moku.
Crisp, e wela a paapaa. De-clare, e hai aku.
Crock-e-ry, he mau ipu naha. Dec-o-rate, e hoonani, e kahiko.
Crook, e hookekee, e pio. De-coy, e hoowalewale.
Crook-back, he kuapuu. De-crease, e emi iho, e hooliilii.
Cross-way, he ala liilii moe kea. Ded-i-cate, e hoolaa, e hoolilo ia hai,
Crouch, e kulou, e moe iho. Deep, hohonu, poopoo.
Crow, he manu eleele. De-fame, e hoino, e hoowahawaha.
Crow, e hookani ka leo me he moa kane la. De-feat, e lanakila, e hooauhee.
Crowd, he poe nui a paapu. De-fend, e hoomalu, e pale aku.
Crown, he papale alii, ka piko o ke poo. De-fer, e hoopanee. .
Cru-el, he oolea, he paakiki. Def-er-ence, he ae aku, he hoolohe.
Crumb, he huna liilii, he huna ai. De-fi-ance, he aa aku.
Crum-ble, e helelei liilii. De-fi-cient, emi iho, he nele.
Crum-ple, e hoomimino. De-file, e hoohaumia.
Crush, e hoopepe. De-fine, e hoakaka, e hoike i ke ano.
Cry, e ue, e uwe. De-form, e hoomumukuia.
De-form-ed, he hookinaia, he mumuku. Dip, e kupenu, e hookomo i ka wai.
_ De-fraud, e hoopunipuni ia hai. Dire, he ino nui, he weliweli.
De-fy, e aa aku. Di-rect, e kuhikuhi aku, e hoopololei.
De-grade, e hoohaahaa. Dirt, he lepo, he paumaele.
De-lay, he hoopanee. Dis-a-gree, e like ole, e ku e aku.
De-lib-er-ate, e kuka, e noonoo. Dis-ap-pear, e hoonalowale.
De-li-cious, ono i ka ai, miko. Dis-as-ter, he poino, he lilo, he pilikia.
De-light, he olioli, he manao lealea, Dis-cern, e hoomaopopo, e ike.
De-liv-er, e hoopakele. Dis-charge, e hookuu aku, e hana a paa.
Del-uge, he wai kahe nui, kaiakahinalii. Dis-ci-ple, haumana.
De-lu-sion, he manao kubihewa. Dis-close, e wehe, e hoohu ae.
De-mol-ish, e wawahi, e hoohiolo. Dis-com-pose, e hoopohihi, e hoohuhu.
De-mon, he daimonio, he uhane ino. Dis-cord, kohu like ole, Jauna ole.
De-ni-al, he hoole, ae ole. Dis-coy-er, e loaa ma ka imi ana.
De-part, e hele aku. Dis-course, he wahi olelo, he haiao.
De-pend, e kau aku, e pili ana ia hai. Dis-cour-te-ous, he oluolu ole.
De-pop-u-late, e hooemi iho na kanaka. Dis-crim-in-ate, e ike maopopo lea.
De-pose, e hemo i kekahi i kana oihana. Dis-dain, e hoowahawaha.
De-prave, e hoolilo aku i hewa. Dis-ease, he mai.
Depth, he hohonu, he poopoo. Dis-fig-ure, e hooano e i ka helehelena.
Dep-u-ty, he hope, he pani haka, Dis-grace, e hoohaahaa iho. -
De-ride, e hoowahawaha, e dkaaka. Dis-gust, he hoopailna, ono ole.
De-scend, e iho, e hele ilalo. Dish, he ipu, he kiaha,
De-scend-ant, he mamo. Dis-heart-en, e manaka, poho anao ka manao.
Des-e-crate, e hooino i ka mea i hoolaaia. Dis-hey-el-ed, lauoho i kahi ole ia.
Des-ert, he wao, he wahi kanaka ole. Dis-in-ter, e huai i ke kupapanu.
De-sert, e hele aku, e haalele. Dis-join, e hemo ae, e hookaawale aku.
De-sign, e manao e mamua. Dis-like, e makemake ole, e launa ole.
De-sire, he makemake, he ake. Dis-lo-cate, e hemo i ka ami o ka iwi.
De-sist, e hooki, e hoopau i ka hana. Dis-miss, e hookuu aku.
Des-o-late, he mehameha, kanaka ole. Dis-mount, e lele ilalo o ka lio.
Des-pair, he manao poho, lana ole. Dis-o-be-di-ent. hoolohe ole, malama ole.
Des-patch, he hana i paa wawe ia. Dis-own, e hoole, olelo kekahi aole nona.
Des-pi-ca-ble, he mea manao ole ia. Dis-perse, e hooauhee, e hele liilii.
Des-pise, e hoowahawaha, e hooino. Dis-pir-it, he pau ka manao ikaika.
Des-pond, e poho ana i ka manao. Dis-play, he hoike hanohano.
Des-ti-tute, nele, ilihune. Dis-please, e pono ole ka manao.
De-stroy, e hoopau aku. Dis-pos-sess, e hemo wale, e hao.
De-tach, e hemo aku, e hookaawale. Dis-pute, e hoopaapaa.
De-tail, e hai nui a loihi aku. Dis-re-gard, e hoolohe ole, malama ole.
De-tain, e kaobi, e hoololohi ia hai. [i hewa. Dis-res-pect, e malama ole.
De-tect, e loaa ka mea i nalo, e hopuika mea Dis-sem-ble, e hookamani.
De-ter-mine, e hooholo ka manao. Dis-sev-er, e hooki, e hookaawale.
De-test, e hoowahawaha, e inaina aku. Dis-sim-i-lar, he like ole.
De-vi-ate, e hele hewa, e huli ae. Dis-si-pate, e hoohelelei.
De-vice, he manao hana maalea. Dis-solve, e hoohee.
De-void, he ole, he neoneo. Dis-so-lute, hoomaunauna,
De-vote, e hoolaa, e hookapu. Dis-tant, mao loa, iu.
De-vour, e pau i ka ai ia, e ai wikiwiki. Dis-tem-per, he mai lele.
Dew, he hau, he hau o ke kakahiaka. Dis-tend, e pehu ae a nui.
Di-a-dem, he hoailona alii. Dis-tin-guish, e noonoo i ka like ole,
Di-a-lect, ka olelo i hoohuli iki a kekahi poe. Dis-tress, he eha, he pilikia.
Di-a-logue, he olelo kike a na mea elua. Dis-trib-ute, e haawi aku.
Di-a-pbragm, ka pale mawaena o ka opu. Dis-trict, he apana moku.
Di-ar-rhe-a, ka hi. Dis-turb, e mea aku, e haunaele.
Dib-ble, he wahi oo. Ditch, he auwai i eliia.
Die, e make, e kaili ke aho. Dive, e luu iho i ka wai.
Dif-fer, e like ole. e hookoa. Di-verse, he like ole me ka mea e ae.
Dif-fi-cult, he oolea, he paakiki. Di-vide, e mahele, e puunawe.
Dif-fi-dent, maka hilahila. Di-vorce, e oki i ka mea i mare ia.
Dif-fuse, mahuahua, hoonui. Di-vulge, e hoopuka i ka mea i hunaia,
Dig, e eli, e kohi i ka lepo. Diz-zy, he poniuniu.
Dil-a-to-ry, lolohi, hoomolowa. [ia. Do, e hana.
Dim, powehiwehi, maopopo ole ka mea i imi Do-cile, he hikiwawe i ke aoia.
Di-min-ish, e hele liilii, e hooemi iho. Doc-tor, he kahuna lapaau.
Dog, ilio. Eat-a-ble, he mea hiki ke ai ia.
Dol-phin, he ia. Eaves, na umalu o ka hale.
Dolt, he mea lolohi i ke ao ana. Ebb, e emi ke kai, emi iho.
Do-min-ion, ka hoalii ana. E-bul-li-tion, e hoolapalapa me he wai la.
Doom, he hoopai pono ana, E-cho, he kupinai.
Door, ipuka, he pani puka. E-clipse, ka pouli ana o ka la, mahina paha.
Do-tage, he ano elemakule. Edge, he kae, he palena.
Doub-le, palua, papalua. Ed-i-ble, he mea hiki ke ai ia.
Doub-le-mind-ed, he manao paa ole. Ed-u-cate, e malama a hoonaauao aku.
Doubt, he kanalua. Eel, he ia, he puhi.
Dove, he manu nunu. Ef-fem-i-nate, e hoopalupalu me he wahine la.
Down, lalo, ilalo. Ef-ful-gent, he alohilohi, he nani.
Down-ward, e iho, e imi ilalo. Egg, he hua; hen’s egg, hua moa.
Drag, e kauo. Hight, awalu.
Drake, he manu koloa kane. Kight-een, umikumamawalu.
Draught, ka mea i kauo ia. Hight-y, kanawalu.
Dread, makau, ka eehia. Hi-ther, kekahi o na mea elua.
Dream, he moe uhane. E-late, e hookiekie, e lana.
Dregs, he oka, na mea haule ilalo. El-bow, ke kuekue lima.
Dress, he kapa komo. El-ders, he poe kahiko, mau luna ekalesia.
Drill, he mea e hana ai ka puka. Eld-est, ka mua loa, maka hiapo.
Drink, e inu, e moni iho. E-lect, ka mea i kohoia, i waeia.
Drip, e kulu uuku. El-e-gy, he kanikau.
Drive, e hoeueu, e kipaku aku. El-e-phan-ti-a-sis, he mai pehu nui.
Driv-el, e kahe ka wale. El-e-vate, e hapai iluna.
Dry-dock, he aki hoolana. E-lev-en, he umikumamakahi.
Droll-e-ry, he mea hoomake akaaka. H-lude, e oni ae, e pakele.
Droop, mae iho. E-ma-ciate, e hoowiwi i ke kino.
Drop, e haule iho. E-mas-cu-late, e hoopau i ke ano kane, e poa.
Drop, he kulu wai. Em-balm, e ialoa. |
Drop-sy, he mai pehu o Ka opu. Em-bas-sy, ka poe i hoounaia i ka aina e.
Drown, e make iloko o ka wai. Em-bel-lish, e hoonani, he mea maikai owaho.
Drow-sy, he ano hiamoe. Em-bers, he nanahu ahi ane pio.
Drum, he pahu, he pahu Kani. Em-brace, e apo aku ia hai a e honi paha.
Drunk, ona. E-merge, e puka mai.
Dry, maloo. Em-i-nence, he wahi kiekie.
Duck, he manu koloa. Em-is-sa-ry, ka mea i hoounaia, he kiu.
Dull, oi ole, manoanoa. Em-met, he naonao, he mea kolo.
Dumb, he aa, he leo ole. Emp-ty, kaawale iloko, he nele.
Dung, he lepo kipulu. Em-u-late, e hooikaika e like me ka meae ae.
Dung-y, me he lepo la, En-camp, e hoomoana.
Du-ra-ble, e mau ana, pau ole. En-close, e kaapuni, e hookomo iloko.
Du-ring, oiai. En-com-pass, e€ poai ae.
Dusk, he malamalama uuku, molehulehu. En-coun-ter, e hoouka, e kaua aku.
Dust, he lepo makalii. En-cour-age-ment, e hooikaika, e paipai i ka.
Dwell, e noho. manao.
Dys-en-ter-y, he hi koko. En-croach, e komo iloko o ko hai wahi.
Dys-pep-si-a, he wahi mai ma ka opu. En-cum-ber, e hookaumaha, e hoopilikia.
End, he hope, he pau ana.
En-deay-or, e hoao aku.
End-less, pau ole, e mau ana.
KE. En-dure, e hoomanawanui.
En-e-my, he mea manao ino mai, he ku e.
Eacn, kela mea keia mea. En-fee-ble, e hooemi i ka ikaika, e hoopalu-
Ka-ger, ikaika ka manao. palu.
Ear, pepeiao. En-force, e hooko, e hoopaa aku.
Kar-ly, wawe, e hiki mamua. En-gage, e olelo ae like e hana,
Har-nest, he manao ikaika, papau o ka manao. En-grave, e kaha keleawe a mea e ae.
Harth, ka honua nei, he lepo. En-join, e kauoha aku.
Karth-quake, olai, haalulu honna,. En-joy, e pomaikai i kekahi mea.
Karth-worm, he ilo lepo, anuhe. En-kin-dle, e hoaa, e kuni i ke ahi.
Ease, maha, oluolu. En-large, e hoonui, e hoomahuahua.
East, hikina. En-light-en, e hoonaauao, e hoomalamalama.
Ka-sy, maha, noho oluolu. K-nough, ua lawa, ua nui,
Hat, e ai. En-rage, e wela ka huhu.
EXP | 529 FEA
En-sign, he hae, he kanaka lawe hae. Ex-pel, e hookuke, e kipaku.
En-slave, e hookauwa, e hoohana uku ole. Ex-pert, akamai, hikiwawe.
En-tan-gle, e hoohihia. Ex-pi-ate, e uku aku no ka hewa.
En-ter, e komo iloko. Ex-pire, e make aku, e kaili ke aho.
En-tice, e hoowalewale, e kai i ka hewa. Ex-plain, e hooakaka, hoomaopopo.
En-tire, okoa, pau, aohe mea koe. Ex-plode, e naha aku me he pu la.
En-trails, he naau. Ex-pose, e hoike aku.
En-trance, kahi e komo ai. Ex-pound, e hoakaka i ke ano.
En-trap, e upiki, e hopu. Ex-tend, e kikoo, e hooloihi aku.
En-treat, e noi ikaika. Ex-ten-u-ate, e hoemi i ka hewa.
En-vel-op, he wahi, he pale. Ex-te-ri-or, 0 waho, ko waho.
E-nu-mer-ate, e helu. Ex-ter-min-ate, e hoopau.
En-voy, he elele, he luna. Ex-tinct, e hoopio ia me he ahi la.
En-vy, ¢ buahua, e lili wale. Ex-tir-pate, e uhuki i na aa a pau loa.
Ep-i-dem-ic, he mai i hoolaha nui ia. Ex-tol, e hoonani, e hoolea.
Ep-i-lep-sy, he mai i kau koke mai. Ex-tort, ma ka hooweliweli e loaa ai.
B-qual, e like, e hoohalikeia. Ex-treme, kahi e oi loa ai, ka welau.
E-quiv-a-lent, he mea waiwai like, Ex-trem-i-ty, ka hope, ka welau.
Ere-long, mahope aole nae Loihi. Ex-tri-cate, e hoopakele, e hoohemo aku.
E-rect, ku pololei iluna. Ex-u-be-rant, e ulu nui ana, hoohu ana.
Err, e hele hewa, e lalau. ; Ex-ult, e olioli, e hoaikola.
Er-rand, e hele imi i kahi mea a hoi mai. Eye, maka.
E-rup-tion, e poha ana, he puupuu ma ka ili. |Eye-ball, onohi o ka maka.
Es-cape, he pakele. ERye-brow, ke kuemaka.
Es-cort, he poe koa e hele pu ana me ke alii. |Eye-lid, kuapoi o ka maka.
Es-say, e hoao. Eye-sore, ka mea e eha ai ke nana aku.
Hs-tab-lish, e hoopaa.
E-ter-nal, oia mau, aohe mua aohe hope.
E-vade, e pale aku, e alo ae.
H-va-sive, ma ke ano pale ae. K .
E-ven, laumania, e moe like ana,
Kve-ning, ahiahi. Facer, ka maka, ka papalina.
Ever, i ka manawa a pau. Fade, e mae.
Hy-e-ry, kela a me keia. Faint, e maule, he nawaliwali.
Ey-i-dent, maopopo, akaka. Fair, maikai, laelae.
E-vil, ino, hewa. Faith, manao io, manaolana.
E-vil-speak-ing, he ahiahi ia hai. Faith-ful, hoolohe ana, ku pono.
Eu-lo-gy, he olelo mahalo. Fall, e haule, e bina.
Ex-act, ku pono, pololei loa. Fal-low, mahakea.
Ex-alt, e hookiekie ae. False, oiaio ole, hoopunipuni.
Ex-am-ine, e milimili, e huli. False-hood, he wahahee, oiaio ole.
Ex-am-ple, he kumu hoohalike. Fal-ter, e hooemi iho, e nawaliwali.
Ex-as-pe-rate, e hoonaukiuki, Famed, e kaulanaia.
Ex-ceed, e oi aku, e kela aku. Fam-i-ly, ka ohua, ka ohana.
Ex-cel, e oi aku, e maikai ae. [heluna. |Fam-ine, he wi, he nele i ka ai ole.
Ex-cept, he mea kaawale aole e komo i ka} Fam-ish, e hoowiwi, e make i ka wi.
Ex-change, e hoololi, e haawi i kekahi mea no | Fan, he peahi.
kekahi mea e ae. Fan, e peahi aku.
Ex-cite, e hooala mai, e hooeueu. Far, mamao aku, loihi aku.
Ex-claim, e hooho, e kahea nui. Fare-well, he uwe aloha.
Ex-cre-ment, he kiona, he kukae. Far-thest, loihi loa aku.
Ex-cuse, e ae aku, e Kala aku. Fash-ion, ke ano e hoomahuiia.
Ex-e-crate, e hoowahawaha, e hoino. Fast, e hooke ai, e hoopololi. |
Ex-e-cute, e hooko. Fast, he mama, he kiki.
Ex-em-pli-fy, e hoike maopopo. Fas-ten, e hoopaa, e hana a paa.
Ex-empt, kaawale, pakele. Fast-ness, he kauwahi e pilikia ai.
Ex-ert, e hooikaika. Fat, momona, puipui.
Ex-hib-it, e hoike aku. Fa-ther, makuakane.
Ex-hort, e paipai. Fath-om, he anana.
Ex-ile, e kipaku aku i ka aina e. Fa-tigue, he luhi, he maloeloe.
Ex-pand, e mohola, e wehe ae. Fault, he hala, he hewa.
Ex-pect, e kakali. Fa-vor, he lokomaikai, he aloha.
Ex-pec-to-rate, e kuha. Fa-vor-ite, he makamaka, hoa aloha.
Ex-pe-di-ent, e pono ke hana ia. Fear, makau, hopohopo.
Ex-pe-dite, e hana koke, e hoohikiwawe. Feast, ahaaina.
FLA 530 | FOS
Feath-er, he hulu o ka manu. Flea, he ukulele.
Fee-ble, nawaliwali. Flee, e holo aku, e mahuka.
Feed, e hanai. Fleet, he ulu moku.
Feel, e haha aku. Fleet, mama.
Feign, e hoopunipuni. Flesh, he io.
Fe-li-ci--ty, he oluolu no ka pomaikai. Flex-i-ble, e hiki ke peluia.
Fell, ua hina, ua haule. Flinch, e hoohalahala, e hooemi iho.
Fel-low, he hoa. Fling, e nou aku.
Fe-male, wahine. Flint, he pohaku paakiki.
Fence, he pa, pa pohaku, pa laau. Flirt, e hoomahie.
Fer-ment, ka hu ana, ka pii ana. Float, e lana aku.
Fern, he mea ulu ano amaumau. Flock, he auna manu, he poe.
Fe-ro-cious, hihiu, hihiu hae. Flog, e hahau, e haua.
Fer-tile, momona me he lepo la. Flood, he waikahe nui, kaiakahinalii.
Fer- vent, e wela, mahana nui. Floun-der, e kupaka.
Fes-ter, e akoakoa ka wai maloko o ka eha- Flour-ish, e wlu nui.
Fetch, e kii aku, e lawe mai. Flow, e kahe me he wai la.
Fet-id, pilau, hauna. Flower, he pua mohola.
Feud, he ku e, he hakaka. Flu- ent, makaukau i ka olelo.
Fe-ver, he wela, he kuni. Flu-id, hehee, kahe me he wai la.
Few, kakaikahi, he uuku. Flute, ‘he ohi kani mele.
Fi-bre, he olona, he kaula liilii. Fly, he nalo.
Fick-le, he manao lolelua, paa ole. Fly. e lele me he manu la._
Fierce, he hae me he ilio la. Foam, he huwahuwa.
Fif-teen, he umikumamalima. Foe, he mea ku e, he enemi.
Fifth, ka lima. Fog, ohu.
Fif-tieth, ke kanalima. Fold, e opiopi, e opi me he haps la.
Fif-ty, kanalima. Fold, he pa hipa.
Fig, he fiku, he hua ai. Fol-low, ee ukali, hahai.
Fight, e hakaka, e paio. Fol-low-er, he mea hahai ana, haumana.
Fig-ure, he hoailona helu, he helehelena. Fol-ly, he lapuwale.
File, he apuapu. Fond, e launa ana, e aloba ana.
Fill, e hoopiha. Food, he ai, he mea e ai ai.
Filth, he opala pilau, he lepo ino. Fool, he mea naaupo, he aia.
Fi-nal, ka hope loa, ka pau ana. Foot, he wawae, he kapuai.
Find, e loaa ma ka imi. Foot-path, ke ala e hele wawae ai.
Fine, he makalii, uuku. For, i, no, na.
Fin-ger, manamana lima. For. age, he ai no na holoholona.
Fin-ish, e hoopau. For-bear, e oki ae i kahi hana, e alia.
Fire, he ahi. For-bid, e papa aku, e hoole.
Fire (a gun), e ki pu. Force, he ikaika.
Fire-shoy-el, he kope ahi. Ford, he wai papau.
Fire-wood, wahie. Fore-fin-ger, ka manamana lima mua.
Firm, paa, naue ole. Fore-go, e waiho wale, e haalele.
First, ka mua. Fore-head, ka lae.
First-born, ka hanau mua, he makahiapo. For-eign, he mea kahiki mai.
Fish, he ia. Fore-land, he aina e oi ana i ke kai.
Fish (to), e hopui ka ia, e kalawaia. Fore-most, ka mea e oi e mamua.
Fish-hook, makau. Fore-noon, mamua ae 0 ke awakea.
Fish-er-man, he kalawaia. For-est, he ulu laau.
Fis-sure, he wahi naha, he maawe. Fore-tell, e hai e mamua, e wanana.
Fit, he mai e popilikia ai ke kino. For-get, e hoopoina.
Five, elima. For-give, e kala i ka hewa.
Fix, e hoopaa, e paa mau. Fork, he 0 manamana.
Flab-by, alualu, palupalu. Fork-ed, he mahele manamana ia.
Flag, he hae, he hoailona o ke aupuni. For-lorn, he poino, he nele.
Flame, he lapalapa ahi. Form, ano owaho, he ano kino.
Flank, ka aoao. For-mer-ly, mamua, i ka wa mahope.
Flan-nel, he lole hulu hipa. For-ni-ca-tion, he moekolohe.
Flap, e kapalili, e kilepalepa. For-sake, e haalele.
Flat, lahilahi, honua, iliwai. Fort, he papu.
Flat-ter, e hoomalimali. For-ti-tude, he manao ku paa, makau ole.
Fla-vor, ke ano o ka honi o ka ai paha. For-tu-nate, pomaikai.
Flaw, he naha, he kina, For-ty, kanaha.
‘Flay, e lole i Ka ili, Fos-ter, e malama, e hanai.
Foul, eka, paumaele. Gar-ment, he lole no ke kino.
Foun-da-tion, ke kumu, ka mole. Gar-nish, e hoomaikai, e hoonani.
- Found-er, ka mea e hookumu aku. Gar-ru-lous, he kamailio pau ole, alapi.
Foun-tain, he punawai, kahie piipii ai ka wai. Gash, he oki ma ke kino.
Four, aha, kauna. Gasp, he mauliawa, he hanu paa.
Four-fold, paha. Gate-way, he ala mawaena o ka puka.
Four-foot-ed, wawae eha. Gate, he pani puka no ka pa.
Four-teen, he umikumamaha. Gath-er, e ohi, e hui pu.
Fowl, he moa. he mea lele. Gaze, e haka pono.
Fowl-ing-piece, he pu ki manu. Geld, e poa aku.
Fra-gile, hikiwawe ke hoonaha ia. Gen-er-al, he alihi kaua.
Fra-grant, he mea ala maikai ke honi. Gen-er-al, pili ina mea a pau.
Frail, he palupalu, ikaika ole. Gen-e-ra-tion, he hanauna.
Frame, e kapili laau. Gen-tle, laka, oluolu.
Fran-tic, he hubu loa, piha i ka huhu. Gen-tle-man, he kanaka noho a hana pono.
Fraud, he hoopunipuni, he hana epa. Gen-u-ine, maoli, kaawale i ka mea e.
Free, he kaawale, kuikawa, he ku okoa. Ger-min-ate, e ulu, e hookupu.
Freight, ka ukana o ka moku. Get, e loaa.
Fre-quent, pinepine, he mea mau. Ghost, he lapu, he uhane.
Fresh, maka, mea hou. Gid-dy, poniuniu, lanalana.
Fret-ful, he walea ole, he uwe wale. Gift, he makana.
Friend, he makamaka, he hoa launa. Gill, ka mahamaha o ka ia.
Fright-en, e hoomakau, hooweliweli. Gim-let, he wili uuku.
Fright, he hikilele, he weliweli. Gin-ger, he awapuhi.
Fringe, ka aoao kapa i weluwelu ia. Gird, e kaei, e nakiikii a paa.
Frisk, e lele me he ilio la. Girl, he kaikamahine.
Friy-o-lous, he ano paani lapuwale. Give, e haawi aku.
From, mai, aku. Glad, olioli.
Front, alo, ma ke alo, ka aoao mua. Glare, e olinolino.
Fron-tier, ka aoao o ke aupuni. Glass, he aniani.
Froth, he huwa. Glis-ten, e alohilohi mai.
Frown, he hookuekue o ka maka. Glob-u-lar, he ano poepoe.
Fru-gal, e malama waiwai ana. Gloom, he poeleele, he naau kaumaha.
Fruit, hua, he mea ulu i mea ai. Glo-ri-fy, e hoonani.
Fruit-less-ly, he hana inea, hua ole. Glow, e ula mai me he ahi la.
Frus-trate, e hoolilo i mea ole, e keakea, Glut-ton, he pakela ai.
Fry, e hoomoa ma ke pa hao, e parai. Gnash, e uwii na niho i ka huhu nui.
Fu-el, he wahie. Gnaw, e nau.
Fugh! ka! kahoho! Go, e hele, e nee.
Ful-fill, e hooko, e hoopaa i ka olelo. God, ke Akua, Iehova.
Ful-gent, he alohilohi. God-li-ness, he manao i ke Akua, e haipule.
Full, piha, maona. Gog-gles, he aniani uhi maka.
Fum-ble, e haha. e hana hawawa. Good, pono, maikai, oiaio, hemolele.
Fun, he paani lealea. Gore, he koko kahe.
Fur-bish, e hoohuali. Gore, e o aku i ka pepeiao hao.
Fu-ri-ous, ukiuki, wela ka huhu. Gorge, e ai nui, e moni okoa.
Fur-ni-ture, he lako no ka hale. Gos-sip, he holoholo olelo.
Fur-ther, mamao aku, loihi aku. Gov-ern, e hoomalu, e hooponopono.
Fu-tile, makehewa, lapuwale. Gov-ern-ment, ka hoomalu ana i ke aupuni.
Fu-ture, ka wa mahope. Grace, he lokomaikai wale, he aloha wale.
Fu-tu-ri-ty, ka manawa mahope aku. Gran-u-late, e oneone.
Grap-ple, e puliki, e apo ikaika.
Grasp, e apo, e hopu.
G. Grass, he manu, he weuweu.
Grate, e anai aku, e olo.
Grave, he lua kupapau. [pau..
Gap, e hele io ia nei. Grave-stone, he pohaku i Kauiai ka lua kupa-
Gain, ka mea oi ma ka loaa. Gray-el, Ka iliili.
Gal-ax-y, ka leleiona, keala waiuo na hoku. Gra-vy, ke kai no ka io moa.
Gall, he mea awaawa iloko o ka opu. Greas-y, paumaele i ka aila.
Gall, e hooeha, e anai i Ka ili. Great, nui, nunui.
Gam-bol, e paani lealea. Greed-y, pakela ai.
Gaol, jail, he hale paahao. Green, omaomao. maka.
Gape, e hoohamama i ka waha. Greet, e uwe aku, e aloha aku.
Gar-gle, he wai laau e holoi aii ka waha. Grey-hair, lauoho ahina.
Grieve, e uwe, e kaumaha ka naau. Hard-ly, he aneane hiki ole.
Grind, e anai, e wili. Hark, e lohe, e huli ka pepeiao.
Grind-stone, he hoana, hoana kaa. Har-lot, he wahine hookamakama.
Gripe, e lalau a puliki ikaika. Harm, he poino, he hewa.
Gris-tle, he kumumu. Har-poon, he o ka mea e hou ai ka ia.
Grist-ly, he ano kumumu. Harsh, he lokoino, he kalakala.
Groan, e kaniuhu, e uwe eha. Haste, he hiki wawe, he wikiwiki.
Grope, e hele haha me he makapo la. Has-ty, mama, wikiwiki.
Ground, he lepo, honua. Hat, papale.
Ground-less, kumu ole. Hatch, e kiko ka hua.
Grow, e ulu, e mahuahua. Hatch-et, he koilipi uuku.
Growl, e hookeke, e ohumu. Hate, e inaina aku.
Grub, he enuhe a me na mea like. Have, ua loaa.
Grudge, e aua, e lili. Haugh-ty, he kiekie ka manao.
Gruff, leo haahaa. Haul, e kauo, e huki.
Grum-ble, e ohumu, pono ole ka manao. Haunch, he apana o ka io.
Grunt, e uhu me he puaa la. Havy-oc, ka luku ana.
Guard, e kiai. Haze, he omalumalu.
Guess, e koho. He, oia (pili i ke kane.)
Guest, ka mea i hookipaia. Head, ke poo, ka luna o ke kanaka.
Guide, e alakai. Head-land, he lae.
Guil-ty, hewa io. Head-long, e haule ana ilalo ke poo.
Gull, e hoopunipuni. Head-strong, uhu, hookuli.
Gul-let, ka puu, kahi e moni ai. Heal, e lapaau, e hoola.
Gulp, e ai wikiwiki a moni okoa. Heap, he puu, he abu.
Gun, he pilali. Hear, e lohe, e haliu ka pepeiao.
Gun, he pukuniahi. Heart, ka puuwai, ke kumu o ke aloha.
Gun-pow-der, he one-a, he pouda. Hearth, he kapuahi.
Gut, naan liilii. Heat, wela, wewela.
Hea-then, he naaupo, he ike ole ia Iehova.
Heave, e naenae, e pani.
Heay-en, lani, ouli.
H. Heay-y, kaumaha.
Heel, ke kuekue wawae.
Has-1T, he mea mau ma ka hana. Height, he kiekie.
Hab-it-a-tion, kahi e noho ai. Helm, hoeuli o ka moku.
Ha-bit-u-al, he maa ka hana. Help, he kokua.
Ha-bit-u-ate, e hana a maa. Helve, he au o ke koilipi.
Hack, e oki hawawa me ka lipi. Hem, ka pelu ma ka aoao o ka lole.
Haft, ke au, ke kumu o ka pahi. Fen, he moa wahine.
Hair, ka lauoho. Her, ia, oia (pili i ka wahine.)
Hale, ikaika, puipui. Herd, he ohana bipi, puaa, hipa.
Half, he hapalua. Here, maanei, ia nei.
Half-full, he bapalua ka piha ana. Tiere-af-ter, ma keia hope aku.
Half-way, like alike ke ala. He-ro, he kanaka koa loa.
Hall, he keena halawai. Her-ring, he ia.
Hal-low, e hoolaa aku. [ana i ka la. Hew, e kalai.
Ha-lo, ka ulaula powehiwehi e poai kaawale Hic-cough, he mauliawa.
Halt, e ku ka hele ana. Hide, e pee, e huna.
Halve, e mahele hapalua. Hide, he ili bipi.
Ham-per, e hoopilikia. High, kiekie.
Hand, lima. . High-mind-ed, he naau kiekie, hookano.
Hand-ful, piha ka poho lima. High-wa-ter, he kai nui, kaikoo.
Hand-ker-chief, he hainika. High-way, alanui.
Han-dle, e lawelawe. Hill, he puu, he mauna uuku.
Han-dle, he au. Hil-lock, he puu uuku.
Hand-saw, he pahiolo. Hilt, ke au, ka mea e paa ai.
Hand-some, maikai, nani ke nana aku. Him, ia ia (pili i ke kane.)
Hang, e kau iluna, e li. Hin-der-most, ka mea hope loa.
Hank, e owili ropi. Hinge, he ami.
Hank-er, e makemake nui. Hint, e kuhikuhi maopopo ole.
Hap-py, pomaikai, oluolu ka manao. Hit, e ku, e pili aku.
Har-angue, e hai aku i ka manao. Hith-er and thith-er, i o ia nei.
Har-bor, he awa, kahi e luuluu ai ka moku. Hoard, e hoahu.
Hard, paakiki, oolea. Hoarse, leo ha, hanapilo.
Hob-ble, e hele oopa, e hele puupuu. Ill, mai, nawaliwali.
Hog, he puaa. Im-age, he kii, he aka.
Hoist, e hapai iluna. Im-ag-ine, e noonoo.
Hold, e hoopaa, e malama. Im-bol-den, e koa, e makau ole.
Hold! ua oki! hamau! Im-i-tate, e hana like, e heohalike.
Hole, puka, he lua. ~ Im-ma-ture, pala ole, oo ole. .
Hol-low, kaawale oloko, hakahaka, ‘| Im-me-di-ate-ly, ano, hoopanee ole.
Home, kahi e noho ai kekahi. Im-merse, e kupenu, e hookomo i ka wai.
Hon-or, ka manao nui no ka maikai. Im-mor-tal, make ole.
Hoof, he maiuu, ka wawae o ka holoholona. Im-moy-a-ble, nauwe ole, paa loa.
Hook, he makau. Im-mu-ni-ty, he noa ke kapu.
Hook-ed, ka mea i peluia me he makau la. Im-mu-ta-ble, hiki ole ke hoololiia. —_[elua.
Hoop, he apo, me he apo pahu la. | Im-par-tial, e hana like i na mea o na aoao
Hope, manao lana. Im-pa-tient, paupanaho, pauaho.
Hor-i-zon, ka huina aouli. Im-pede, e hoohibia, e keakea.
Horn, he pepeiao hao. Im-pel, e hoonee aku.
Hor-ri-ble, he mea eehia, weliweli. Im-per-fect, paa ole, hemolele ole.
Hor-ri-fied, he mea i hoomakauia. Im-pe-ri-ous, e hookiekie ana.
Horse, he lio. Im-per-ti-nent, maoi, mahaoi. ‘
Hos-pi-ta-ble, he hookipa malihini. Im-pet-u-ous, e holo ikaika ana.
Hot, wela. In-plant, e kanu, e hookomo.
Hot-head-ed, ikaika ma kona manao iho. Im-plore, e pule, e noi aku.
Hoy-er, e lele nui mai na manu maluna o kau- Im-por-tune, e noi ikaika aku.
wahi. Im-pose, e kau maluna o kekahi mea.
House, he hale. Im-po-si-tion, e kau ana maluna o ka meae,
House-hold, ka poe ohua no ka hale. e hoopunipuni.
House-hold-er, ka mea nona ka hale. Im-pos-si-ble, he hiki ole ke hanaia.
How? pehea? ma ke ano hea? Im-po-tent, he hiki ole, nawaliwali.
How-ey-er, aole manao i ke ano. Im-pre-cate, e hoohiki paa.
Howl, aoaoa, e uwe me he ilio la. Im-prop-er, pono ole, pololei ole.
Hug, e puliki i na lima, e apo. Im-prove, e hoomaikai ae.
Huge, nui, nunui. Im-pru-dent, malama ole, waiho wale.
Hum, e hamumu. Im-pu-dent, maka hilahila ole.
Hu-mane, lokomaikai, oluolu. Im-pu-ni-ty, he hana hewa me ka hoopai ole.
Hum-ble, haahaa. Im-pure, paumaele, aole i holoi ia.
Hu-mid, pulu uuku, mau. In, i, iloko, maloko.
Hu-mor-ous, pili i ka lealea. In-a-bil-i-ty, he ikaika ole.
Hump-back, he kuapuu. In-ac-ces-si-ble, hiki ole ke hookokoke aku.
Hun-dred, he haneri. In-ac-tive, hana ole, molowa.
Hun-ger, he pololi. In-ar-tic-u-late, he hai leo maopopo ole.
Hunt, e imi i ka mea i huna ia, e hahai. In-ca-pa-ble, hiki ole.
Hurl, e nou, e hoolei aku. In-car-nate, maloko o ke kino,
Hur-ri-cane, he makani ikaika. In-ces-sant, mau, maha ole. [ke mare.
Hur-ry, e hana wikiwiki. In-cest, moekolohe o na hoahanau pono ole
Hut, e hooeha. In-cis-ion, he kaha iloko.
Hurt, he eha, he kina. In-ci-sor. ka niho i puka mua mai.
Hus-band, he kane mea wahine. In-cite, e hoala, e hoeueu.
Hush! e kuli! e malie! In-clin-ed, e hio ana, aole ku pololei.
Hush-up, e hoomalie, e kulikuli. In-clude, e hookomo pu.
Husk, e hemo i ka aa o ke kurina. In-com-par-a-ble, aohe mea like.
Hut, he hale uuku, hale ino, he kamala. In-com-pat-i-ble, ku like ole, launa ole.
Huz-za, ka leo olioli, he aikola. In-com-pe-tent, hiki ole, makaukau ole.
Hymn, he himene, he mele i ke Akua. In-com-plete, paa ole, aole hemolele.
Hy-poc-ri-sy, ka hookamani. In-com-pre-hen-si-ble, hiki ole ke ike lea ia.
In-con-gru-ous, e kohu ole ana.
In-con-sid-er-a-ble, aole nui loa.
I. In-con-sist-ent, kohu ole..
In-con-sol-a-ble, aole e hoooluoluia.
In-con-stant, lauwili, paa ole.
I, au, wau, owau. In-cor-rect, hewa, pololei ole.
I-di-ot, he hupo, he lola. In-cor-ri-gi-ble, hiki ole ke hoopololei iho.
I-dle, noho wale, aole hana. In-crease, e mahuahua.
Tf, i. ina. In-cum-ber, e hookaumaha.
Ig-nite, e hooa, e kuni ahi. In-de-cent, maemae ole, pono ole.
Ig-no-rant, naaupo, ike ole. In-deed, no, oia, hoi.
In-de-fat-i-ga-ble, hana mau, luhi ole. In-sta-bil-i-ty, he paa ole o ka manao.
In-def-i-nite, maopopo ole. In-stant-ly, hiki wawe, emo ole, ano no.
In-del-i-ble, hiki ole ke holoiia. In-stead, kahi o ka mea e ae.
In-del-i-cate, kohu ole me ka maemae. In-sti-gate, e paipai, e hoala i ka manao.
In-dem-ni-fy, e pani i ka mea i lilo. In-sti-tute, e hoomaka.
In-de-ter-min-ed, he mea i kanaluaia. In-struct, e ao aku.
In-di-cate, e kuhikuhi, e hoike. [elua. In-stru-ment, he mea e hana ai.
In-dif-fer-ent, he lewa mawaena o na aoao In-suf-fer-a-ble, hiki ole ke hoomanawanui.
In-di-gent, ilihune. In-suf-fi-cient, lako ole, aole lawa.
In-dig-nant, huhu. In-sult, e hoonaukiuki, e hooino aku.
In-dig-ni-ty, he pakike, hoowahawaha. In-sup-port-a-ble, hiki ole ke hoomanawanui.
In-di-rect, kapakahi, pololei ole. In-sur-rec-tion, he kipi ku e i ke aupuni.
In-dis-creet, aole hana me ke akamai. In-ten-tion, he manao e hookoia.
In-dis-crim-in-ate, he hiki ole ke manao ma- In-ter, e kanu me he kupapau la.
waena o ka pono a me ka hewa. In-ter-cede, e uwao ae.
In-dis-pos-ed, he manao ku e. In-ter-cept, e hopu.
In-dis-tinct, maopopo ole, pohibihi. In-ter-change, e lilo aku lilo mai.
In-do-lent, molowa. In-ter-dict, e papa, e hookapu.
Jn-dus-tri-ous, hana mau. In-te-ri-or, iloko, maloko.
In-e-bri-ate, ona, he ona pinepine. In-ter-me-di-ate, he wahi mawaena.
In-ef-fi-ca-cious, he mea hiki ole ke hooko. In-ter-min-a-ble, hope ole, pau ole.
In-el-o-quent, he hiki ole ke hai pololei. In-ter-nal, ko loko.
In-ey-it-a-ble, ka hooko ka mea e pono ai. In-ter-pose, e komo mawaena, e uwao.
In-ex-haust-i-ble, hiki ole ke hoopau ia. In-ter-pret, e mahele olelo.
In-ex-pe-di-ent, aole pono ke hanaia. In-ter-ro-gate, e ui aku, e ninau.
In-ex-pe-ri-enced, he maa ole, mea hou. In-ter-rupt, e hoopilikia.
In-ex-pert, maa ole, naaupo. In-ter-val, he wa mawaena.
In-fal-li-ble, kuhihewa ole ana. In-ter-view, he kamailio.
In-fa-mous, he mea hoowahawahaia. In-tes-tine, ko loko.
In-fant, he keiki, he keiki uuku. In-thrall, e hoopilikia.
In-fect, e hoolaha i ka mai lele. In-ti-mate, he hoa aloha.
In-fe-ri-or, malalo iho. In-ti-mate, e kuhi aku akaka ole nae.
In-fi-nite, he hope ole, palena ole. In-tim-i-date, e hoomakan.
In-firm, ikaika ole, nawaliwali. In-to, iloko.
In-form, e hoonaauao aku, e hoike. In-tol-er-a-ble, hiki ole ke hoomanawanul.
In-fringe, e haalele i ka ae like. In-tox-i-ca-tion, ka ona ana.
In-grat-i-tude, he aloha ole no ka lokomaikai. In-tract-a-ble, hiki ole ke aoia.
In-hab-it, e noho ma kauwahi. [e hanu. In-trep-id, he ano koa, wiwo ole.
In-hale, e hookomo i ke eai ke ake mama, In-tri-cate, i hoohihiaia.
In-her-it-ance, he looilina. In-trude, e hele ma kahi i noi ole ia.
In-hu-man, he ku e i ka ke kanaka hana. In-trust, e waiho aku me kekahi.
In-i-qui-ty, he hana kekee, he pono ole. In-un-da-tion, ka halana ana o ka wai.
In-junc-tion, he papa ana, he olelo ao. In-vade, e komo ano Kaua i ke aupuni e.
In-jure, e hana ino aku. In-va-lid, he oopa, he nawaliwali.
In-jus-tice, he paewaewa, he pololei ole. In-vert, hoololi, e huli ka mua i hope.
Ink, wai eleele, he inika. In-ves-ti-gate, e huli a ike lea.
In-land, mauka, iuka. In-vid-i-ous, he manao lili iki aku.
In-land-er, he kuaaina. In-vig-o-rate, e ikaika ae ana.
In-most, maloko Joa. In-vin-ci-ble, hiki ole ke hoopioia.
In-nu-mer-a-ble, hiki ole ke helu ia. In-vis-i-ble, i nana ole ia.
In-quire, e ninau, e emi aku. In-vite, e kono aku.
In-sane, he pupule. In-voke, e noi aku me he pule la.
In-sa-ti-a-ble, aole maona, walea ole. In-ward, ko loko.
In-se-cure, paa ole, hiki ke ohemo ai. Ire, he huhu, he inaina.
In-sep-a-ra-ble, aole e kaawale, e pili pu. Irk, e luhi.
In-side, maloko loa. Iron, he hao.
In-sig-nif-i-cant, ano ole, he manao ole ia. I-ron-ic-al, he ano lua.
In-sin-cere, aole oiaio, hookamani. [hai. Ir-re-cov-er-a-ble, biki ole ke loaa hou.
In-sin-u-ate, e hookomo maaleg i ka manao ia Ir-ref-u-ta-ble, hiki ole ke hooleia.
In-sip-id, mananalo, ono ole. Ir-re-me-di-a-ble, hiki ole ke lapaania.
In-sist, e koi aku, e kupaa ka manao. Ir-rep-re-hen-si-ble, hiki ole ke hoohewa aku.
In-snare, e hoopuni, e hoopahele. Ir-re-proach-a-ble, he hoowahawaha ole.
In-so-lent, he pakike. Ir-res-o-lute, kanalua, paa ole ka manao.
In-spect, e nana, e huli i ike. Ir-rey-er-ent, manao ole i ke Akua.
In-spire, e hanu i ka makani. Ir-ri-tate, e hoonaukiuki aku.
Isl-and, he mokupuni, he aina puni i ke kai. La-bor, he hana.
Is-sue, he keiki, ka hope. . Lan-guish, e nawaliwali iho.
Itch, ka meau, puupuu, kakio. {aku. Lan-guor, he nawaliwali.
I-tin-er-ant, ka mea hele ia wahi aku ia wahi Lap, ka uha.
Lap, e palu, e palu aku.
J. Lar-board, ka aoao hema o ka moku.
Lard, he aila puaa.
Large, nui, momona, nunui.
Jaca, he puu, kauwahi oi. Lar-ynx, kahi o ka a-i.
Jan-gle, e hakaka, e ku e. Las-civ-i-ous, he kuko ana.
Jar-gon, he olelo pohihi, he namunamu. Lash, he ili i hiliia i mea hahau.
Jaw, he iwi a. Lass, he kaikamahine.
Jeal-ous, lili. Last, ka hope loa.
Jeer, e hoino, e nuku. Last, e hoomau a loihi loa.
Jest, he olelo ano lua. Last-ing, e mau ana.
Jin-gle, e kani. Laud, e hooapono, e hoonani.
Jo-cose, he olelo e akaaka ai. Laugh, e akaaka.
Jog, e hele malie, e pahu aku. Law, he kanawai.
Join, e hookui, e pakui. Law-less, e malama ole i ke kanawai.g
Joint, he hai, he ami. Lay, e waiho aku, e hanau hua me he moa la.
Joke, he olelo e lealea ai. La-zy, molowa, palaualelo, hana ole.
Jos-tle, e hoohaalulu. Lead, he kepau kaumaha loa.
Jour-ney, he hele me he poe huakaihele. Lead, e kai aku, e alakai.
Joy, he olioli. Leaf, he lau.
Judge, lunakanawai. League, e hana kuikahi.
Jug, he ipu lepo, he omole apu lepo. Leak, e kulu, e komo ka liu.
Juice, ka wai mai ka mea ulu mai. Lean, kaha ole, momona ole.
Jum-ble, e huikau. Lean, e hio.
Jump, e lele ma na wawae. Leap, e lele, e lelele me he lio lae lele i ka pa.
Just, kupono, pololei. Learn, e ao, e hoonaauao iho.
Jus-tice, ka pololei iwaena o kanaka. Least, ka mea uuku iho.
Jus-ti-fy, e apono, e hoapono. Leath-er, ka ili holoholona i hooluuia.
Jus-tle, e luliluli iki. Leave, e haalele aku.
Leave, he ae aku.
Leave-off, e oki! e hoopau!
K. Leay-en, he hu.
Leay-ings, na koena, na mea i haaleleia.
KEEL, ke kikala 0 ka moku, ka iwi kaele. Lech-er-ous, kuko ana.
Keen, he maka oi loa o ka mea oki. Leer, e hoomoe i ka pepeiao me he lio la.
Keep, e malama, e kaohi. Lees, na oka o ka waina a me na mea like.
Keep-er, ka mea malama. Left, hema; left hand, lima hema.
Ker-nel, ka hua o ke kurina a he mea
e paha. Leg, he wawae.
Kick, e keehi, e peku. Le-gis-la-tor, he mea hana kanawai.
Kid, he keiki kao. Leis-ure, he kaawale, pilikia ole i ka hana,
Kid-ney, he puupaa. Leis-ure-ly, me he hana wikiwiki ole la.
Kill, e pepehi a make. Lend, e haawi ia haia mahope hoihoi hou mai.
Kin, he hoahanau. Length, loa, ka loloa.
Kind, lokomaikai. Length-en, e hoololoa, e hooloibi aku.
Kin-dle, e hoaa, e kuni. Len-i-ty, he lokomaikai.
King, he alii moi. Less, he unku iho.
Kins-man, he hoahanau. Les-sen, e hooliilii iho.
Kiss, e honi. Lest, 0, ina i ole,
Kit-ten, he popoki opio. Let, e ae aku.
Knee, ke kuli. Let-ter, he palapala hoouna.
Kneel, e kukuli iho. Lev-el, he iliwai.
Knife, he pahi. Ley-i-ty, ke ano akaaka lapuwale.
Knock, e kikeke. Lewd, e lilo ana i ke kuko.
Knot, he lala, he pona. Li-ar, he mea wahahee.
Know, e ike, e hoomaopopo. Lib-er-al, lokomaikai.
Knuckle, ka pnupuu lima. Lib-er-ty, he ku ole ke kKanawai i kau wale ia.
Li-bid-in-ous, he manao nui i ke kuko.
Li-cense, e ae aku i kekahi hana.
L. Lick, e palu iho me ke alelo.
Lid, he poi no ka ipu.
La-Bor, e hana aku. Lie, he wahahee.
Lie, e moe ilalo. Lull, e malie ka makani, e hoohiamoe.
Life, ke ola ana. — Lu-na-tic, pupule.
Lift, e hapai iluna. Lungs, kahi e hanu ai, he akimama.
Light, malamalama, he ao. Lure, e hoowalewale ia hai.
Light, mama, kaumaha ole. Lurk, e hoomakaakiu.
Light-en, e hoomama iho. Lux-wri-ant, ulu nui ana.
Light-head-ed, e pooniuniu.
Light-ning, uila, ka uwila. AY|
Like, like, e like me, pe, peia. iVie
Like, e mahalo, e manao nui aku. Map, hehena, pupule.
Like-ness, ma ke ano, he like ana. Mag-ni-fy, e hoonui, e hoomahuabua.
Lim-bo, he pilikia nui. Mag-ni-tude, ka nui.
Lime, he puna, he hua awahia. Maid, he wahine puupaa.
Lime-tree, he laau lemi. Maid-sery-ant, kauwa wahine.
Lim-it, mokuna, ka aoao owaho. Maim-ed. ua oopa, ua mumuku.
Limp, he hele me he oopa la. Main, nui, oi ana.
Limp-id, he aiai, he lepo ole me he wai la. | Main, ka ikaika; ka moana.
Line, he kaula, (fishing) he aho lawaia. Main-tain, e malama, e hookipa.
Lin-e-qge, he ano mamo, he ohana. Ma-jor-i-ty, ka nui, ka nui ma ka heluna.
Lin-ger, e lolohi, e lohi, e emi ihope. Maize, he kurina.
Lin-i-ment, he laau mea hamo. Make, e hana.
Lip, he lehelehe. Mal-a-dy, he mai.
Li-que-fy, e hoohee. Male, he kane.
Li-quid, he wai, e hee me he wai la. Mal-e-dic-tion, ka hoino.
Lisp, e hai pahemahema i ka olelo. Mal-e-fac-tor, he mea hana ku e i ke kanawai.
Lis-ten, e hoolohe. Mal-ice, he lokoino ka manao.
Lit-tle, uuku, lii, liilii. Man, he kanaka, ka mea uhane.
Live, e ola, e noho. Man-age, e hooponopono.
Liy-er, ke akepaa. Man-gle, e oki weluwelu.
Liz-ard. he moo. Man-i-fest, e hoike aku.
Lo! eia hoi! e nana! Man-i-fest. maopopo lea.
Load, he ukana, he haawe. Man-i-fold, manomano, nui wale.
Loaf, he popo berena. Man-kind, na kanaka.
Loathe, e hoopailua. Man-ner, ka aoao, ke ano.
Lock, kahi lauoho o ke poo; he laka. Man-sion, he hale e noho ai.
Lodge, he hale noho paa ole. Man-u-fac-ture, e hana akamai me na lima.
Lof-ty, kiekie. Man-u-mis-sion, e hookuu ana i ke kauwa i
Log, he kino laau nui. hooluhiia.
Loins, puhaka. Ma-ny, nui loa. nui wale.
Loi-ter, e lolohi, e emi ihope. Mar, e hooino i ko waho.
Lone-ly, meha, mehameha. Mare, he lio wahine.
Long, loa, loloa, loihi. Mar-gin, kaha, palena, aoao o ka lua wai.
Look, e nana. Mark, he kaha, e hoailona aku.
Look-ing-glass, he aniani nana. Mar-riage, ka mare ana, ka hoao ana.
Loose, e kala, e wehe, e hemo. Marsh, he aina wail, aina pulu ii ka wai.
Loos-en, e kala aku. Mar- vel, e kahaha.
Loose-ness, he paa ole, he hii. Mash, e ‘hoopepe iho.
Lop, e oki me ka pokole ae. Mas-sa cre, e luku, e hailuku.
Lo-qua-cious, he kamailio nui ana. Mast, he kia moku.
Lord, haku, alii. Mas-ter, he luna, he kumu ao.
Lose, e nele me ka lilo aku. Mas-ti-cate, e nau, e ai a moni iho.
Loud, he leo nui ana, he ikaika ma ka leo. | Mat, he moena.
Love, e aloha aku. Match, he like, he hui like ana.
Love, he aloha. Match-less, he lua ole, aohe mea like.
Lounge, e noho wale. Mate, he hoa, ka lua o na ’lii moku.
Louse, (head) uku poo, (kapa) uku kapa. Ma-te-ri-als, se kumu o na mea hana.
Low, haahaa, malalo iho. Mat-ri-mo-ny, ka mare ana.
Low-er, haahaa iho. Mat-ron, ie makuahine.
Low-er, e hookuu iho. Mat-ter, he mea kino, he male.
Low-ly, haahaa. . Ma-ture, he oo, he pala, he makua.
Lu-cid, aiai, akaka. May-be, ae paha, e hiki paha.
Luck-y, pomaikai. Mea-gre, uuku, he wiwi.
Luff, e huli i ka moku i ka makani. Mea-ly, he okaoka liilii loa me he falaoa la.
Lug, e halihali i ka mea kaumaha. Mean, he ano ino, he lapuwale.
Luke-warm, he mahana, aole wela. Meas-ure, he ana e ana ai.
Meas-ure, e ana aku. Mis-guide, e alakai hewa.
Me-di-ate, e uwao aku, e komo iwaena. Mis-hap, he wahi poino i Liki mai.
Me-di-a-tor, he mea uwao. Mis-in-form, e hai hewa aku.
Med-i-cine, he laau lapaau. Mis-in-ter-pret, e mahele hewa i ka olelo.
Med-i-tate, e noonoo, e halalo iho. Mis-lead, e alakai hewa.
Meek, akahai, he naau nohomalie. Mis-pend, e uhauha waiwai.
Meet, e halawai pu. Mis-rep-re-sent, e olelo hewa aku.
Meet-ing, e halawai ana. Miss, e hala, ku ole ka pua ke pana ia.
Me-li-o-rate, e hooluolu, e hoomama iho. Mis-sion-a-ry, he misionari, he elele.
Mel-low, pala, palupalu. Mist, he ohu, ua makalii.
Melt, e hoohehee. Mis-take, he kuhihewa, he lalau.
Mem-o-ry, ka manao hoopaa i ka mea i ikeia. Mis-trust, he paulele ole.
Men-ace, he hooweliweli. Mis-un-der-stand-ing, he kuhihewa.
Mend, e kapili hou i ka mea i haiia. Mis-use, e hana ino aku.
Men-tion, ka hai ana, ka olelo ana. Mit-i-gate, e hooemi iho.
Mer-ce-na-ry, he mea i hoolimalima ia. Mix, e kaawili, e hui pu.
Mer-chant, he mea kalepa waiwai. Moan, e uhuuhu, e uwe aku.
Mer-ci-ful, lokomaikai. Mock, e hoomaewaewa.
Mer-ci-less, aloha ole, paakiki. Mod-er-ate, e hoomalie, e hoomalili., ,
Mere-ly, maoli, wale no. Mod-est. akahai, haahaa.
Me-ri-di-an, awakea. Moist, mau, pulu iki.
Mer-ry, olioli, lealea. Mo-lest, e mea aku, e hoopilikia.
Mesh, ka maka o ka upena. Mol-li-fy, e hoopalupalu.
Mess. he huina 0 na mea ono e€ ai ai. Mon-ey, he mea dala, he hoailona waiwai.
Mes-sage, he olelo, he manao i hoounaia. Month, malama, he mahina.
Met-al, he mea no ka honua mai hiki ke hoo- Mon-u-ment, he kia pohaku.
heheeia e like me hao. Mood-y, he ano kaumaha ka manao.
Met-a-phor, he olelo nane. Moon, mabina.
Me-thought, manao iho la au. Moor, ka aina paapu i pohopoho.
Me-trop-o-lis, he kulanakauhale nui. Mor-al, pono, pololei ma ka noho ana.
Mid-day, he awakea. More, nui ae, mahuahua ae.
Mid-way, mawaena, like a like iwaena. Morn-ing, kakahiaka.
Mid-dle, mawaenakonu. Morn-ing-star, ka hokuloa, hokuao.
Mid-dle-a-ged, aole opio aole elemakule. Mor-row, apopo, ka la hou.
Mid-dling, aole oi aku aole emi iho. Mor-sel, wahi mea iki, he huna ai.
Mid-night, aumoe, like a like ka po. Moss, he limu.
Midst, kahi mawaena. Most, he nui loa ke helu ia.
Mid-wife, he pale keiki. Moth, he mu.
* Might, ikaika, mana. Moth-er, makuahine.
Mild, akahai, oluolu, malie. Moth-er-ly, ma ke ano makuahine.
Mil-dew, he ponalo. Mo-tion, he nee, he hele, he kapalili.
Milk, he waiu. Mould, he punahelu.
Milk-y-way, ka leIeiona, he ala keokeo ma ka Mould-er, e popo aku.
Mim-ic, e hana like, e hoohalike. Moult, ka haule ana o na hulu o na manu.
Mince, e oki liilii. Mount, he puu, he wahi kiekie.
Mind, e malama, e hoolohe. Mount-ain, he mauna, he kuahiwi.
Mine, ko’u, ka’u. Mourn, e kaniuhu, e ue.
Min-gle, e hui, e hui pu. Mouth, he waha, he nuku.
Min-is-ter, he kahunapule, he elele. Mouth-ful, ka piha o ka waha, ka oolopu.
Mi-nor-i-ty, ka poe uuku o na poe ku e elua. Much, nui loa, nui wale.
Mint, he wahi mea ulu, kahi hana dala. Mu-cous, he walewale, he hupe.
Min-ute, he hapa kanaono o ka hora. Mud, he lepo kaawili me ka wai.
Mi-nute, he uuku loa. Mud-dy, mea lepo, he ino.
Mire, he lepo poho, lepo kelekele. Mul-ber-ry, he laau kilika.
Mir-ror, he aniani nana, he kilo. Mul-ti-ply, e hoonui, e hoomahuahua.
Mirth, he akaaka, he lealea. Mul-ti-tude, na mea nui wale.
Mis-be-come, ka hana kupono ole. Mum-ble, e uu, maopopo ole ka olelo.
Mis-be-have, e kolohe, e hawawa. Mu-nif-i-cent, manawalea, lokomaikai.
Mis-car-ry, e owili wale. Mur-der, he pepehi kanaka, Ka lawe ola.
Mis-chiev-ous, kolohe, apiki. Mur-der-ous, ma ke ano pepehi kanaka.
Mis-count, e helu hewa. Mur-mur, e ohumu, e hoohalahala.
Mis-de-mean-or, e hana hewa aku ia hai: Mus-cle, he io, he io huki.
Mis-er-a-ble, he pilikia no ka hewa. Mus-cle, he wahi ia.
Mis-for-tune, he poino, pilikia. Muse, ke akua no ka mele ma Helene,
Mis-give, he iar he poho kahi manao. Muse, e noonoo nui me ka leo ole.
Musk-et, he wahi pu kau pohiwi. Nip, e umiki.
Must-y, punahelu. . Nip-ple, he maka waiu.
Mu-ta-ble, lauwili, lolelua. No, aole, aohe.
Mute, paa, leo ole, kuli, aa. No-ble, manao kiekie, ano hanohano.
Mu-ti-late, e oki aku, e hoomumuku. No-bod-y, he mea ole, he kanaka lapuwale.
Mu-ti-ny, he hana ano kipi. Nod, e kimo i ke poo, e kunou.
Mut-ter, e namu liilii. [o na mea elua. Noise, he leo, he haalulu.
Mu-tu-al, hana mai hana aku, hana like iwaena Noi-some, he ino, he mea e poino ai.
Muz-zle, e hoopaa i ka nuku. Nom-in-ate, e hoike i ka inoa.
My, ko’u, ka’u. None, aole, aole kekahi.
Myr-i-ad, lehulehu loa, manomano. Non-plus, he hiki ole, pobihihi.
My-self, au iho, wau iho no. Noon, awakea.
Noose, he pahele.
Nor, aole hoi.
North, he kukulu akau, he akau.
N. Nose, ka ihu.
Nos-tril, ka puka ihu.
Nam, maiuu, maiao, he kui hao. Not, ole, aole, aohe.
Na-ked, olohelohe, kapa ole. Notch, nihomole.
Name, inoa, he ano kaulana. Note, he hoailona, he palapala pokole.
Nape, ka ami 0 ka a-i. No-ted, kaulana.
Nar-rate, e hai aku, e olelo aku. [olelo. Noth-ing, he ole, he mea ole.
Nar-ra-tive, ka olelo e hai ana i kekahi moo- No-tice, e hooakaka, e hoike aku.
Nar-row, haiki, ololi. No+ti-fy, e hoike aku.
Nas-ty, haumia, lepo. No-tion, he manao, he mea i noonooia.
Na-tion, lahui kanaka, he aupuni, No-to-ri-ous, kaulana, he ike lea ia.
Na-vel, ka piko o ka opu. Not-with-stand-ing, aka hoi, aole nae.
Naugh-ty, kolohe, ino, hewa. Nov-el, he mea hou, mea ano e.
Nau-se-ate, e liliha, e hoopailua. Nought, he ole, he mea ole.
Nau-ti-lus, he auwaalalua. Novy-ice, he mea, he kanaka hawawa.
Na-vy, he ulumoku. Nour-ish, e hanai, e kokua.
Nay, aole, aohe. Nour-ish-ment, he ai e ikaika ai ke kino.
Neap-tide, kai make, kai mau. Now, ano, i keia manawa
Near, koke, kokoke. Now-a-days, i keia mau la.
Near-ly, kokoke, aneane. Nox-ious, he mea e ino ai, he ino.
Neat, maemae, mikioe. Nu-di-ty, he olohelohe, he hune.
Ne-ces-sa-ry, he ano nui ke loaa. Nui-sance, he mea e haumia ai, he pilau.
Neck, ka a-i. Nul-li-fy, e hoolilo i mea ole.
Neck-cloth, he lole no ka a-i. Numb, maele, lolo.
Nec-ker-chief, he lole no ka a-i, hainaka. Num-ber, he helu, he heluna.
Neck-lace, he lei no ka a-i. Num-ber, e helu ; akahi, alua, akolu, aha.
Need, he nele, he pilikia no ka ole. Num-ber-less, hiki ole ke heluia.
Nee-dle, he kuikele, ke kuhikuhio ke panana. Nu-mer-ous, he manomand, he nui wale.
Nee-dle-work, he mea i hanaia i ke kuikele. Nurse, e hanai, e malama i ka mai.
Neg-lect, e waiho wale, e malama ole. Nut, he hua paa iloko o ka iwi.
_ Neigh-bor, he hoanoho. Nut-meg, he hua ala, he hua laau.
Neigh-bor-ly, he launa ana. Nut-shell, ka iwi o ka hua.
Nest, he punana. Nu-tri-ment, he ai, he mea e ikaika ai ke kino.
Net, he upena, he koko. “
Neth-er, malalo.
Net-tle, he mea ulu oioi ka heu.
Net-tle, e hoohuhu, e 0 aku.
Ney-er-the-less, aka hoi.
Neu-ter, aole ia aole kela. Oar, he hoe waapa.
New, hou, kahiko ole. ~ Oath, he hoohiki ma ke Akua.
Next, kokoke loa mai. Ob-du-rate, paakiki loa.
Nig-gard, he kanaka aua a pi. O-bey, e hoolohe, e malama.
Nigh, kokoke, aneane. Ob-ject, e hoole, e hoohalahala, e ku e.
Night, po, wa poeleele. Ob-lig-ing, lokomaikai.
Night-ly, kela po keia po. Ob-scene, hilahila ke nana, aku.
Nim-ble, mama. Ob-scure, powehiwehi, pohihi.
Nine, aiwa, eiwa. Ob-serve, e nana, e makaikai.
Nine-fold, paiwa. Ob-sta-cle, he mea e hihia ai, he alalai.
Nine-teen, umikumamaiwa Ob-sti-nate, paakiki, lohe ole.
Nine-ty, kanaiwa. Ob-strep-er-ous, he walaau wale.
Ob-struct, e keakea, e alalai. O-ver-come, e lanakila maluna.
Ob-tain, e loaa mai. Q-ver-flow, e kahe ae, e halana ae.
Ob-tru-sive, kipa pono ole. O-ver-hang, e lewalewa ae maluna.
Ob-vi-ous, akaka, maopopo. O-ver-head, maluna ae o ke poo.
Oc-ca-sion, he kumu, he mea e pono ai. Q-ver-look, e makaikai, e waiho wale.
Oc-cult, ike ole, buna ia. O-ver-much, nui loa, nui a keu aku.
Oc-cu-pa-tion, ka oihana a ke kanaka. QO-ver-plus, ke koena, ka mea keu.
Oc-cu-py, e lawe hana, e noho hale. O-ver-pow-er, e lanakila maluna,
O-cean, moana. O-ver-run, e lanakila, e hoopio.
Odd, aohe mea like, Iua ole. O-ver-set, e hookahuli ae.
O-di-ous, hoowahawaha ia. pono ole, O-ver-shade, e hoomalu iho.
O-dor, he ala oluolu, he mea pilau hoi. Q-ver-sleep, e hiamoe loa.
Of, 0, a. O-ver-spread, e hohola maluna ae.
Off, aku, mamao, hele pela. O-ver-take, e hele mahope a loaa no,
Of-fend, e hana ino aku, e hoohihia. O-ver-throw, e hoohioko.
Of-fense, he hala, he hewa ku e i kekahi. O-ver-turn, e hookabuli.
Of-fer, e haawi. Ought, e pono no.
Of-fer-ing, he haawina, be mohai. Our, (dual) ko maua, ka maua; ko kaua, ka
Off-spring, he ohana keiki, he hua, kaua; (plural) ko makou, ka makou; ko
Of-ten, pinepine. kakou, ka kakou. ,
O-gle, e awihi ke poo, e nana makaleha. Our-selves, ko maua iho, &¢., e nana iluna.
Oh! auwe! Oust, e hemo, e kipaku.
Oil, aila, momona. Out, mawaho ae, iwaho.
Old, kahiko, elemakule. Out-of, mawaho aku.
O-men, he ouli, he haina. Out-cast, he mea kipakuia i ka aina e.
On, iluna, maluna. Out-cry, he wawa, he walaau.
Once, akahi, hookahi. Out-do, e hana a pakela ae.
One, akahi. Out-er, mawaho loa.
O-ne-rous, kaumaha. Out-let, he puka e hoopuka aku ai.
On-ly, hookahi wale no. Out-rage, he hana kolohe loa.
On-ward, mamua ae, imua ka hele. Out-right, hikiwawe.
Ooze, e kulu, e kahe malie. Out-root, e uhuki ae.
O-paque, moakaka ole, he paa. Out-run,
e ol aku ma ka holo ana.
O-pen, e wehe, e hoohamama. Out-sail,
O-pen-hand-ed, lima hoomanawalea. Out-side, mawaho ae, kahi mawaho.
O-pen-ing, he puka hamama. Out-ward, ma ka aoao mawahe.
O-pen-ly, ma ke akea. Owe, e aie, e noho aie ana.
Oph-thal-my, he maka mai, eee: Owl, pueo.
O-pin-ion, manao. Own, e lilo loa kekahi mea na kekahi.
Op-po-nent, he kanaka ku e mai. Own-er, ka mea nona kekahi waiwai.
Op--por-tune, kupono i ka manawa.
Op-pose, e ku e aku, e keakea.
Op-po-site, ka mea ku pono aku.
Op-press, e hookaumaha. P.
Op-tion, he koho ana.
Op-u-lence, he noho waiwai nui ana. Pa-cr-Fy, e hoona, e hoolaulea.
Or, he mea, a i ole ia. Pad-dle, e hoe waa.
Or-ange, he alani, he hua kahiki. Pad-dle, he hoe no ka waa.
O-ra-tion, he olelo i haiia imua o kanaka. Pa-gan, he mea hoomana kii.
Or-a-tor, he kanaka hai pono i ka olelo. Page, he aoao o ka buke, keiki lawelawe.
Or-dain, e hoopaa i ka manao,e hoolilo no Pain, he eha, he hui.
kekahi oihana. Paint, e hapala, e hooluu.
Or-der, he hoonoho pololei ana, e kauoba. Pair, na mea elua i kaulikeia.
Or-der, kauoha aku. Pale, he mae ka hooluu ana, ke keokeo o ka
Or-dure, he pilau no ka lepo. mea mai, nanakea.
Or-i-fice, he puka liilii, he waha. Pal-li-ate, e hooemi i ka hewa a uuku.
Or-i-gin, makamua, kumu. Palm, he loulu.
Or-na-ment. he mea e nani ai, e kahiko ai. Palm, (of the hand) poho lima.
Or-phan, he keiki makua ole, he huahaule. Pal-pa-ble, hiki no ke haha ia.
Os-ten-ta-tious, he ano hoohanohano wale. Pal-pi-tate, e kapalili, e pana.
Oth-er, he mea e ae, kekabi mea e. Pal-sy, he lolo, he mai lolo.
O-ven, he imu, he umu. Pal-try, inoino, pupuka.
O-ver, maluna. Pan-der, he weawea, he kanaka ino.
O-ver-aw-ed, i hoomakauia, ua hooweliweliia. Pang, he hui, he eha nui.
O-ver-cast, e uhi paapu ke ao. Pant, e naenae.
Pap, ka u o ka wahine, ka ai palupalu. Pent-house, he hale hoopaa.
Pa-paw, he hei, he laau milikana. Peo-ple, na kanaka, he poe kanaka.
Par-a-ble, he nane, he olelo nane. Peo-pled, he aina kanaka, paapu i kanaka.
Par-ade, e paikau me he poe koa la. Per-ad-ven-ture, ina paha.
Par-a-lyt-ic, he loohia e ka lolo. Per-ceive, e ike, e hoomaopopo.
Par-a-mount, he oioi ae, he pookela. Perch, e kau ma ka lala laau me he manu la.
Par-cel, he puolo uuku. Per-chance, paha, ina paha.
Parch, e papaa ke wela ma ke ahi. Per-di-tion, kahi e poino man ana.
Par-don, e kala ana i ka hala. Per-fect, paa, hemolele, aohe mea koe.
Pare, e kolikoli, e oki a hemo i ka ili. Per-fid-i-ous, malama ole i kana olelo iho.
Pa-rent, makua ponoi. Per-fo-rate, e hou i wabi puks me ka wili.
Par-ley, he olelo kike. } Per-force, e koi aku.
Par-ox-ysm, ka hoi hou mai ana o ka mai. Per-form, e hana i kekahi mea.
Par-o-quet, he manu omaomao. Per-fume, he mea ala. ;
Par-si-mo-ni-ous, he pi, aua. Per-haps, paha, ina paha.
Part, hapa, he apana. Per-ish, e make, e lilo i mea ole.
Par-take, e lawe pu e like me ka mea e ae. Per-ju-ry, he hoohiki wahahee.
Par-tial, lawe kapakahi, he paewaewa. Per-ma-nent, he mea mau, aole pau koke.
Par-tial-ly, he hapa wale no. Per-mit, e ae aku i hanaia.
Par-ti-ci-pate, e lawe like me kekahi poe. Per-pet-u-al, he oia mau, pau ole.
Par-ti-tion, he paku e kaawale ai. : Per-plex, e huikau, e hoohihia.
Part-ner, he hoa hana. Per-plex-ed-ness, he hoopilikia ana ka manao.
Par-ty, kekahi aoao o na kanaka, poe okoa. Per-se-cute, e hoomaau, e hoohihia wale.
Pass, e hele ae, e maalo ae. Per-se-vere, e hoomanawanuli.
Pas-sage, he wahi ala hele. Per-sist, e hookupaa i ka manao. [paha.
Pas-sen-ger, he mea hele, he ohua. Per-son, ke kino o ke kanaka, wahine, keiki
Pas-sing, he hele ae ana. Per-spic-u-ous, akaka, pohihihi ole.
Pas-sion, ka eha o ka manao ao ke kino paha. Per-spire, e kahe ka hou.
Past, ua hala, ua pau. Per-suade, e hoohuli ma ke ao aku.
Pas-time. he paani, he hana lealea. Per-tur-ba-tion, ka aleale ana o ka moana.
Pat, ku, makaukau. Per-verse, paakiki hewa, kekee.
Pat, he pai malie me ka lima. Pe-ruse, e heluhelu.
Patch, he apana; he mala aina. Pest, he mea kolohe, he mea ino.
Pate, ke poo. Pest-i-lence, he mai lele, he ahulau.
Path, he alanui,he wahi e hele ai, he kuamoo. Pet, he mea hiwahiwa, he punahele loa.
Pa-tience, he ahonui, he hoomanawanui. Pe-ti-tion, he noi, he pule.
Pat-ri-ot-ism, ka imi ana i ka pono o ke au- Pet-ty, uuku, lili.
puni. Phan-iom, he mea manao wale ia, he lapu.
Pat-tern, he kumu e hana like ai. Phy-si-cian, he kahuna lapaau.
Pau-ci-ty, uuku, he kakaikahi. Phys-ic, he laau lapaau.
Pave, e kipaepae pohaku. Pick, e wae, e ohi.
Paunch, ka opu a me na mea oloko. Piece, he apana, he hakina.
Paw, e helu me ka wawae. Pierce, e o aku, e hou.
Paw, ka wawae mua o kekahi holoholona. Pig, he puaa keiki.
Pay, e hookaa i ka aie. Pi-geon, he manu nunu.
Peace, he wa kaua ole, he kuikahi. Pile. he puu i hoopuuia.
Peak, kahi oi o ka puu, he wekiu. Piles, he mai.
Peal, he haalulu nui. Pil-fer, e aihue i na mea uuku.
Pearl, he momi. Pill, he huaale.
Peck, e kiko me he manu la. Pill (see peel.)
Pe-cul-iar, e pili ana ia ia wale no. Pil-lage, e hao, e lawe wale.
Ped-i-gree, he kuauhau. Pil-low, he uluna.
Pim-ple, he puupun ma ka ili.
Peel, e hooihi i ka ili me he maia la. Pinch, e iniki, e umiki.
Peep, e nana malu. Pine, he laau kaa.
Peep, ka leo o ke keiki moa. Pine, e hokii, e iini nui.
Peer-less, lua ole, pakela oi. Pine-ap-ple, he hala ai.
Peey-ish, huhu wale, na ole. Pipe, he ohe, he ipu baka.
Pelt, e pehi, e nou aku i na mea liilii. Pique, he hoohuakeeo.
Pen-al-ty, ka uku hoopai. Pish! kahaha! he leo hoowahawaha.
Pen-dant, e lewalewa ana. Pis-mire, he nonanona.
Pend-ing, e lewa ana. Pit, he lua.
Pen-e-trate, e komo iloko lilo, e hou. Pitch, he kepau, heta (tar.)
Pen-i-tence, he manao mihi: Pith, he iho.
Pen-sive, he noonoo ana, lealea ole. Pit-i-ful, aloha, menemene.
Pit-saw, he pahi ololua. Pos-ter-i-ty, na hanauna mahope, na mamo.
Pit-y, he aloha menemene. Post-pone, e waiho aku, e hoopanee.
Pla-ca-ble, hiki ke hoolauleaia. Po-tent, he ikaika nui, he mea mana.
Place, wahi, kahi. Pov-er-ty, he ilihune, he noho waiwai ole.
Place, e kau aku, e waiho, e hoonoho. Pound, e paopao, e kuikui iho.
Pla-cid, oluolu, akahai, malie. Pour, e ninini.
Plague, he mai ahulau. Pow-der, he one-a, he okacka, he panda.
Plague, e hana ino aku, e hoonauki. Pow-er, mana, ka pono no ka hana i kekahi
Plain, maniania, maopopo. mea.
Plaint, he leo u, he kanikau. Pow-er-ful, he ano mana, he ikaika nui.
Plait, e opeope pono, e ulana. Prac-tice, he hana mau.
Plan, e manao hoopono i kekahi hana. Praise, e hoomaikai, e hoolanilani.
Plane, he koikahi. Prate, e olelo wale, e olelo ano ole.
Plane, e kabe me ke koikahi. Pray, e pule, e noi aku.
Plank, he papa laau manoanoa. Pray-er, he pule, he noi.
Plant, he mea kanu. Preach, e hai aku i ka olelo maikai.
Plan- tain, he maia popolu. Pre-ca-ri-ous, akaka ole ke ko ana.
Plan-ta- tion, he aina nuii mahiia, he kihapai. Pre-cede, he hele ana mamua.
Plas-ter, he puna i pai pu ia me ke one. Pre-cept, he kanawai i kakania.
Plas-ter, e hamo i ka puna. Pre-cious, nui ka waiwai, makamae.
Plat, he wahi papu iki. Prec-i-pice, he pali ku pololei iluna.
Plaud-it, he hoomaikai ana, he hoolea. Pre-cip-it-ate, e hoolei ilaloi ka pali.
Play, e paani, e hana lealea. Pre-dict, e hai e mamua, e wanana aku.
Plead, e nonoi, e koi akn. Pre-em-i-nent, kiekie maluna.
Pleas-ant, oluolu. Pre-fer, e koho e mamua 0 na mea é ae.
Please, e hoooluolu, e hoofaulea. Preg-nant, ko i ke keiki, piha i ka hua, hapai.
Ple-be-ian, he kanaka makaainana. Pre-pare, e hoomakaukau.
Plen-ty, he walea, he mahuahua, he nui. Pre-pos-ter-ous, lapuwale.
Pli-ant, e ae koke aku, e wili ka manao. Pre-sage, e hoike mamua, wanana.
Plot, he manao e hoopuni, he ohumu. Pre-scribe, e kuhikuhi.
Pluck, e unuhi, e ubuki. Pres-ence, ma ke alo pono.
Plug, he umoki, he pani no ka pahu. Pres-ent, e noho nei, e ku nei.
Plu-mage, na hulu o ka manu. Pres-ent, he haawina, he makana.
Plump, nemonemo, piba, momona, puipui. Pres-ent-ly, kokoke, aole liuliu aku.
Plun-der, he waiwai i hao wale ia. Pre-serve, e malama, e malama o make.
Plunge, e luu i ka wai. Pre-side, e noho maluna.
Plunge, e hou iho. Press, e kaomi iho, e hookeke.
Ply, e kulou iho i ka hana ikaika. Pre-sume, e manao, e kuhi. [hookamani.
Pod, ka aa e wahi ana mawaho o na anoano. Pre-tend, e hooike wahahee me he oiaio la, e
Po-et, he haku mele. Pret-ty, maikai ma ka helehelena,
Point, kahi oi, he welau, he kiko. Pre-vail, e lanakila, e laha a kiekie maluna.
Point, e kuhikuhi. {akuahanai. Pre-var-i-cate, e hauhili i ka olelo, e lauwili
Poi-son, he mea make ke ai ia a inu paha, i ka olelo.
Pol-ish, e anai, e hoomaniania. Pre-vent, e hookee, e keakea.
Po-lite, he ano pili ana i ka hooluolu. Pre-vi-ous, mamua ae.
Pol-lute, e hoopelapela, e hoohaumia, Price, ke kumukuai.
Po-lyg-a-my, ka mare lehulehu ana, Prick, e o aku, e hou.
Pomp, he hanohano. Prick-ly, ooi, kuku.
Pond, he loko, he kiowai. Pride, haaheo, he manao kiekie.
Pon-der, e noonoo, e hoomanao. Priest, he kahunapule.
Pon-der-ous, he kaumaha, koikoi. Prime, he mua, he oi.
Poor, he ilihune, wiwi. Prince, he alii opio.
Pop, e poha aku. Prin-ci-pal, he mea pookela, he mua.
Pop-u-lace, na kanaka, ka lehulehu. Print, e pai, e pai palapala, e pai kapa.
Pop-u-lar, ku like me ka manao o kanaka. Pri-or, mamua, hele mua ana.
Pop-u-lous, paapu i kanaka. Pris-on, halepaahao.
Pork, ka io puaa. Pri-vate, ka noho ana o ke kanaka oia iho
Por-poise, ka naia. wale no, ka waiwai ponoi o ke kanaka.
Port, he awa ku moku. Priy-i-lege, he mea i ae ia, he oihana.
Por-tent, hoailona o ka poino e hiki maiana. Priv-y, malie, e ike malu ana.
Por-tion, he puu waiwai, he puu okoa, Prob-a-ble, oiaio paha.
Pos-sess, e paa lima ana, e lilo ponoi. Pro-ba-tion, he hoao ana i ka oiaio.
Pos-si-ble, hiki no. Prob-i-ty, he pololei, he oiaio.
Post, he pou hale, he laau ku, he elele., Pro-ceed, e hele aku.
Pos-te-ri-ors, kahi hope o Kkanaka, kikala. Pro-claim, e hai aku, e kukala aku.
Pro-cras-ti-nate, e hoopanee. Pu-er-ile, ma ke ano kamalii.
Pro-cure, e loaa. Puff, he puhi ana.
Prod-i-gal, hoomaunauna, hooleilei wale. Puff, e hoomaikai wale, e haanou.
Pro-di-gious, nui loa, kupanaha. Pug-na-cious, makemake e hakaka.
Pro-duce, e hoohua, e loaa ma ka hana. Puke, e luai, e hoowa.
Pro-duc-tive, e pono ke hoohua. Pull, e huki, e kauo.
Pro-fane, e hoolilo i ka mea laa i mea laa ole, Pulp, ka io o ka hua.
e hoohaumia. Pul-pit, he awai kahi e hai aii ka olelo.
Pro-fane, e hoohiki ino. Pulse, ka pana.
Prof-fer, e haawi aku. Pul-ver-ize, e hoowali a okaoka liilii.
Pro-fi-cient, he makaukau i kahi hana. Pun-gent, oi, awahia.
Prof-it, ka waiwai i loaa. Pun-ish, e hoopai.
Pro-found, hohonu, naauao loa. Pun-ish-ment, ka hoopai ana.
Pro-ge-ny, he poe mamo, he poe hanau hope. Pu-ny, liilii, nawaliwali.
Prog-nos-ti-cate, e hoike e mamua i ka meae Pup, he keiki ilio.
hiki mai ana. Pu-pil, he haumana.
Pro-hib-it, e hookapu, e papa. Pup-py, he keiki ilio.
Pro-ject, he manao ma ke kumu 0 ka hana. Pur-chase, e kuai lilo’ mai.
Pro-ject, e hooi aku iwaho. Pure, maemae.
Pro-lif-ic, e hua nui ana. Purge, e holoi, e hoomaemae.
Pro-lix, loloa, hooluhi no ka loloa ana. Pur-loin, e lawelawe, e aibue. [kue poni.
Pro-long, e hooloihi ae. Pur-ple, he ulaula i paipuia me ka eleele, ma-
Prom-i-nent, maopopo, oi. Pur-port, ke ano.
Pro-mis-cu-ous, huikau, huiia. Pur-pose, ka manao e hana.
Prom-ise, he olelo ae hooko. [he lae. Pur-sue, e hahai mahope.
Prom-on-to-ry, be aina pali e oi ana i ke kai, Pur-u-lent, e pala hehee ana.
Pro-mote, e kokua mamuli o kekahi hana. Push, e pahu aku, e koo aku.
Prompt, makaukau. Push-ing, e pahu ana, e hooneenee ana.
Pro-mul-gate, e hoolaha, e hoike akea, Pu-sil-lan-i-mous, he makau wale.
Prone, kulou ana imua. Pus-tule, he puupuu ma ka ili.
Pro-nounce, e puana, e hai akaka aku. Pus-tu-lous, ma ke ano puupuu ili.
Proof, he hooiaio ana, he mea e maopopo ai. Put, e kau, e waiho.
Prop, he kia, he koo, he paepae. Pu-tre-fy, e palaho, e popo.
Prop-a-gate, e hoolaha aku. Puz-zle, he pilikia i ka manao.
Pro-pel, e pahu aku, e hooholo imua.
Prop-er, kupono, ku like, ponoi.
Prop-er-ty, waiwai ponoi, ano ponoi.
Proph-e-cy, he wanana, he hai e mamua. Q.
Pro-pin-qui-ty, he kokoke ana.
Pro-pi-tiate, e hoolaulea, e hookalahala. QUAD-RU-PED, he holoholona wawae eha.
Pro-pi-tious, lokomaikai, laulea. Quake, e haalulu, e nawe.
Pro-por-tion, he like ana, he kuleana like. Qual-i-fy, e hoomakaukau. [e ae.
Pro-pri-e-tor, ka mea nona kekahi mea. Qual-i-ty, kekahi ano, he like ole me ka mea
Pros-e-cute, e hahai aku i mea e loaa ai. Quan-ti-ty, ka nui, ke kaumaha.
Pros-per-ous, e noho pomaikai ana. Quar-rel, he ku e, he hakaka, he paio.
Pros-ti-tute, e hoohuli hewa, e hoohaumia. Quar-ter, he hapaha o kekahi mea.
Pros-trate, e moe ana ilalo. Quar-ter, e mahele i eha hapa like.
Pro-tect, e malama, e hoomalu. Quash, e hoopau.
.Pro-test, e hoohiki ku e, e hoole aku. Queen, he alii wahine.
Pro-tract, e hoopanee i ka manawa. Quell, e hoopau, e hooluolu.
Pro-trude, e hooi aku, e hoopuka aku. Quench, e kinai, e hoopio (i ke ahi.)
Pro-tu-ber-ance, he puu, he mea oi. (Juer-u-lous, he ohumu mau ana.
Proud, he manao kiekie ana. Que-ry, he ninau.
Prove, e hoao a ike, e hoomaopopo. (Quest, ka imi ana, ka huli ana.
Proy-erb, he olelo pokopoko a nuinae ke ano. Ques-tion, he ninau, he niele.
Pro-vide, e hana a makaukau e. Quick, e wiki, e hikiwawe.
Pro-vis-ion, he ai i hoahuia. Quick-lime, he puna moa i hoohu ole ia.
Pro-voke, e hoonankiuki, e hoala huhu. Qui-et, maha, malie, na.
Prox-im-i-ty, he kokoke ana. Qui-et, e hoona, e hoomalie.
Prox-y, he pani no ka mea nalowale. Quill, he hulu.
Pru-dent, hoopono, he noonoo. Quit, e hooki, e haalele, uoki.
Pshaw! he olelo hoowahawaha, ka! Quite, loa, paa.
Pub-lic, i mua o na kanaka a pau. Quit-tance, e haalele ana, e hooki ana.
Pub-lish, e hoike ma ke akea. Quiv-er, he aa no na pua, he eke pua.
Puck-er, he pukapuka, he alu. Quiv-er, he haalulu, he eebia.
Quo-ta-tion, ka olelo a hai i lawe pono ia. Reck-on, ¢ hoouluulu ma na hua helu.
Re-cline, ¢ hilinai, e moe iki.
Rec-og-nize, e ike me ka poina ole.
R. Rec-ol-lect, e hoomanao, e hoala manao.
Rec-om-mend, e hoike aku he maikai.
Rec-om-pense, he uku.
Ras-Bi, he kumuao Indaio. Rec-on-cile, e hoolaulea.
Rab-id, huhu, haehae, hehena. Re-coy-er, e loaa hou i kekahi mea i lilo.
Race, he hahai ana. he holokiki ana. Re-count, e hoike liilii a pau. [mua.
Ra-di-ant, he hoopuka malamalama, olinolino. Re-cre-ate, e hana hou i ka mea i hanaia ma-
Raft, he huina papa e lana ana i ka wai. Re-crim-in-ate, e hoohewa aku i ka meai hoo-
Raf-ter, he oa hale. hewa mai.
Rag, he welu kapa, welu lole. Rec-ti-fy, e hooponopono.
Rage, e enaena, e wela ka huhu. Red, he ulaula.
Rag-ged, he weluwelu ke kapa. Re-deem, e uku hoola, e hoopanai.
Rail, he laau kaola o ka pa laan. Re-dress, e hoopuka i ka pilikia.
Rail, e kuamuamu aku ia hai. Re-duce, e hooemi iho, e mahele i uuku iho.
Rail-le-ry, he olelo henehene. Re-dund-ant, he keu wale ana.
Rain, he ua. Reed, he ohe.
Rain-bow, he anuenue. Reek, e punohu i ka mahu.
Raise, e hapai iluna, e hoala ae. Reel, he hikaka.
Ral-ly, e hoouluuluina koai puehuike kaua. Re-fer, e kuhikuhi aku. [me he aniani la.
Ram-ble, e hele i o ia nei. Re-flect, e noonoo, e hoihoi hou mai i ke aka
Ran-cor, he inaina, he manao hoino. Re-flux, ka mimiki ana aku o ke kai hohonu.
Ran-dom, he hana wale, he hana kumu ole. Re-form, e hana hou a pono,
Range, he wahi i hoopuniia. Re-frac-to-ry, ku e, hele kekee, hookuli.
Rank, he ku papa ana, he hanohano alii. Re-frain, e hookaawale, e pakiko.
Ran-kle, he palahehee me he mai la. Ref-uge, he puuhonua, he wahi e pakele ai.
Ran-sack, e huli ikaika ma kauwahi. Ref-use, he opala, he koena opala.
Ran-som, he uku hoola i na pio. Re-fuse, e hoole, e ae ole.
Rap, e kikeke, e pai. Re-gard, he malama ana, he makemake,
Rap-id, holokiki, kahe ikaika. Re-gion, he moku aina.
Rare, kakaikahi loa, moa hapa. Re-gret, e minamina, e mihi.
Ras-cal, he kanaka hana hoopunipuni. Reg-u-lar, ku i ka pololei.
Rase, e hokai. Reg-u-late, e hooponopono, e hoopololei.
Rash, he hana wikiwiki me ka noonoo ole. Re-hearse, e hai pakahi i ka meai paanaan ia,
Rasp, he apuapu kalakala. Re-ject, e hookuke, e haalele.
Rat, he iole nui. Reign, e noho alii, e nobo aupuni.
Ra-tan, he ohe mea kookoo. Rein, he kaulawaha, he kaula paa lima o ke
Rath-er, e aho. kaulawaha. ~
Rat-i-fy, e hooko i ke kuikahi. Re-joice, e hauoli, e olioli.
Rat-tle, he mea kanikani. Re-join-der, he pane hou ana,
Ray-age, e hao wale, e lawe waiwai pio. Re-late, e hai aku.
Rave, e walaau ae me ka huhu. Rel-a-tive, he pili ana, he hoahanau.
Ravy-el, e wehewehe i ka mea i ulanaia. Re-lax. e hooluolu, e hooalualu. ,
Rav-ish, e moekolohe me ka limaikaika, Re-lease, e hookuu akuy e wehbe ae.
Raw, maka, moa ole. Re-lent, e hooluolu i ka paakiki.
Raze, e hoohiolo, e wawahi. Re-li-ance, e pili i kekahi mea.
Ra-zor, he pahi umiumi. Re-lieve, e hookuu, e hoomaha.
Reach, e kiko aku, e 0 aku, e lalau. Re-lieved, ua maha. [hoomana.
Read, e heluhelu. Re-li-gion, he manao i ke Akua, be oihana
Read-y, makaukau. Re-lin-quish, e hookuu, e haalele.
Real, maoli, he oiaio. Rel-ish, e ono, e honi ala.
Rear, ka hope. [la. Re-ly, e hilinai, e paulele.
Rear, e ku iluna ma na wawae hope me he lio |Re-main, e koe, e noho hele pu ole.
Rea-son, he kumu o ka manao. Re-main-der, he koena.
Re-as-sem-ble, e akoakoa hou. Rem-e-dy, he laau lapaan.
Reb-el, he kanaka kipi i ke aupuni. Re-mem-ber, e hoomanao, e paa ma ka manao.
Re-buke, e ao ikaika ana. Re-mind, e paipai manao.
Re-cant, e mibi a e hoopau i ka manao. Re-miss, kapulu, nawaliwali. o
Re-ceive, e lawe i ka mea i haawiia. Re-mis-sion, he kala ana.
Re-cent, he mea hou. Rem-nant, he apana koe. [iho.
Re-cip-ro-cal, kekahi i kekahi. Re-morse, ka ehaeha o ka naau no kona hewa
Re-cite, e hai waha i ka mea i paanaau ia. Re-mote, mamao, loihi aku.
Reck-less, noonoo ole, manao ole. Re-mu-ner-ate, e uku i ka mea poho,
Ren-coun-ter, he hakaka. Retch, e hoolualuai.
Rend, e hoonahae, e hooweluwelu. Re.-tire, e hele i kahi e.
Ren-dez-vous, he wahi e akoakoa ai na koa. Retreat, e hookaawale i kahi e.
Re-nounce, e hoole loa, e haalele loa. Re-treat, he waht mehameha e noho ai.
Re-nowned, kaulana no ka maikai. Re.trieve, e loaa hou.
Re-pair, e hana hou a maikai. Re.tro-grade. hoi hope ana.
Re-past, he ai ana. Re.turn, e hoi hou.
Re-peal, e hoopau i kekahi kanawai. Re-turn, e hoihoi hou aku.
Re-peat-ed-ly, pinepine. Re-veal, e hoike i na mea i ike ole ia.
Re-pel, e pale aku, e kipaku. Re-yvenge, e hoopai ino i ka hana ino mai.
Re-pent, e mihi me ka haalele i ka hewa. Re-vere, e hoomaikai weliweli ana.
Re-pine, e minamina hooino. Re-verse, e hoololi.
Re-plete, piha, paapu. Re-view, e nana hou. e huli e ike.
Re-ply, e pane hou aku, e kike. Re-vile, e hoomaino, e nuku, e hooino.
Re-port, e olelo hoikeike. Re-vive, e hoi hou i ke ola.
Re-pose, e moe malie, e hiamoe. Re-volt, e kipi, e malama ole i ke alii.
Re-pose, he hoomaha ana, he hiamoe. Re-volve, e huli me he kaa la, e noonoo.
Rep-re-hend, e ao me ka hoohewa. Re-ward, e uku aku.
Rep-re-sent, e hai hoike. Rheu-ma-tism, ka eha o ka ami iwi.
Re-press, e kinai, e hoopio. Rheu-mat-ic, mai eha o ka ami.
Rep-ri-mand, e ao ikaika aku no ka hewa. Rib, ka iwi aoao.
Re-proach, e olelo hoohewa aku. Rich, he waiwai nui.
Re-proof, he hoohewa ana. Rid, e kaawale ae.
Rep-tile, he mea kolo me he enuhe la. Ride, e holo ma ka lio, ma ke kaa, a meae ae.
Re-pu-di-ate, e hoole aku, e hoohemo. Rid-i-cule, e hoowahawaha, e akaaka.
Re-pug-nance, he manao ku e, ae ole. Ri-fle, e lawe pio i kekahi waiwai.
Re-pulse, e kipaku aku e hoi. Right, e hoopololei i ka mea kekee.
Re-pu-ta-ble, manao maikai ia. Rig-id, ikaika, paa, naue ole.
Re-pu-ted, he olelo wale ia no kekahi. Rig-or, he ikaika, paa.
Re-quest, he noi, he hoike makemake. Rim, ka lihilihi o kekahi ipu.
Re-quire, e noi no ka hemahema. Rind, ka ili mawaho.
Re-quis-ite, ka mea e pono aino ka hemahema. Ring, e hookani, e o me he bele la.
Re-quite, e hoihoi i ka mea like. Ring, he apo poepoe.
Res-cue, e hoopakele i ka pilikia. Ring-worm, he haukeuke, he kane.
Re-search, he imi ikaika ana. [lena. Rinse, e hou iloko o ka wai.
Re-sem-ble, e hoohalike, e ku like ka helehe- Rip, e haehae, e nahae.
Re-sent, e huhu, e ukiuki. Ripe, ua 00, pono ke aiia.
Re sent-ment, he manao huhu. Ri-pen, e oo, e hoopala.
Re-serve, e aua, e hoomaka mae. Rise, e ala ae, e eueu, e pili.
Re-side, e noho paa ma kekahi wahi. Ri-val, he hoa kue mai me he mau punalua la,
Res-i-dence, kahi e noho ai. Rive, e hoonaha, e mahele i ka laau.
Res-i-due, ke koena, ka mea i koe. Riv-er, he muliwai, he kahawai nui lana malie.
Re-sign, e waiho i ka oihana o kekahi. Road, he alanui, he ala akea.
Re-sig-na-tion, ka hookuu ana i kahi oihana. Roam, e kaahele wale, e hele i o ia nei.
Res-in, fie kepau ta. Roar, he haalulu nui, e uwo.
Re-sist, e ku e, e pale aku. Roast, e koala i ke ahi.
Re-solve, e paa ka manao, e hookaawale liilii. Rob, e hao, e kaili wale.
Re-sort, he aha kanaka, he wahi e akoakoa/ai. Ro-bust, ikaika, puipui.
Re-sound, e kani hou mai, e kupinai. Rock, he pohaku nui.
Re-source, he kumu e loaa mai ai. Rock, e hooluliluli.
Res pect, e manao pono aku, e mahalo aku. Roe, he dia wahine.
Res-pire, e ha, e hanu. Roll, e kaa, e olokaa.
Res-pite, ka hoopanee i ka hoopai. Roll, he owili pepa, lole, &c.
Re-splend-ent, nani loa, hinuhinu. Roof, ka uhi maluna o ka hale.
Res-pond, e pane mai, e olelo kike mai. Room, he keena, he wahi akea.
Rest, he maha, he hiamoe. Roost, he wahi e kau ai na manu.
Rest, ke koena. Root, ka mole, ke aa o ka laau.
Re-store, e hoihoi i kahi mua, e hoola. Root, e eku me he puaa la,
Re-strain, e kaohi, e keakea, e hoopaa. Rope, he kaula nui.
Re-sult, ka hua i loaa. Rose, he pua laau, he rose.
Res-ur-rec-tion, ke ala hou ana. Rot, e pala, e palaho, e hoi hou i ka lepo.
Re-tain, e kaohi, e hoopaa me ka malama. Rove, e aea, e kuewa wale.
Re-tal-irate, e hoopai aku e like me ka hana Rough, e kalakala, apuupuu.
ia mai. Round, poepoe.
Re-tard, e hoohakalia, e hoolohi. Round, a puni.
Rouse, e hoala, e hooeueu. Sar-casm, he olelo hoohilahila.
Rout-ed, i hooheeia me he poe koa la. Satch-el, he eKe lawe buke a na haumana.
Row, e ku lalani, he ku papa ana. © Sa-tiate, e maona, e hoopiha a maona.
Row, e haunaele. ee Sat-is-fy, e hooluolu i ka manao.
Row, e hooholo ma na hoe. Sat-ur-day, ka la hoomalolo.
Rub, e anai. Sav-age, hupo, lokoino.
Rub-bish, he opala. Sauce, he inai ai, he olelo pakike.
Rud-der, ka hoeuli. Save, e hoola, e hoopakele. [pakele.
Rude, hawawa, naaupo. Sav-ior, he mea hoola, o Kristo, ka mea hoo-
Rue, he laau kanu awaawa. Saun-ter, e aea wale, e hele a hana ole.
Ruf-fian, he powa, he pepehi kanaka. Sa-vor, he hoalaala ana, he ala oluolu.
Ruf-fle, e hooaleale i ka ili o ka wai. Saw, he pahi olo, he pahi ololua.
Ruf-fle, he pihapiha lole. Saw-dust, he okaoka o ka laau i oloia.
Rug-ged, kalakala, apuupuu. Say, e olelo, e hai, ei.
Ru-in, he hookahuli ana, he hoohiolo ana. Scab, he papaa maluna o ka eha.
Rule, e hoomalu aupuni, e hoopololei. Scaf-fold, he papa kiekie kahi e kn aina paa-
Rule, he laau mea hoopololei kaha. hana hale.
Rum-ble, he kumumu, haalulu. Scald, e hoowela i ka wai wela.
Ru-mor, he lohe wale. he lono. Scale, he mea kaupouna.
Rump, ke kikala, ka hope. Scale, e piii ka pa nui me he papu la.
Rum-ple, e hoominomino. Scale, he unahi ia,
Run, e holo, e kukini. Scalp, ka ili ma ka piko o ke poo.
Runt, ka mea liilii o ka ohana puaa. Scam-per, e holo ikaika.
Rush, e holokiki aku. Scan-dal, he olelo hoohihia, he aki.
Rush, he kaluha, he mea wlu. Scant, hapa, lawa ole.
Rust, he popo, he kukae hao. Scar, he linalina o ka ili i moku i ka pahi.
Rus-tle, e kawewe, e nakeke. Scarce, kakaikahi, hapa.
Ruth-less, aloha ole, menemene ole. Searce-ly, aneane hiki ole.
Scar-ci-ty, he manawa wi, ai ole.
Scare, e hoomakau, e hoopuiwa.
S. Scar-let, ulaula.
Scat-ter, e hoohelelei, e lu aku.
Sa-B1#, eleele, uli. Scent, he hohono, he mea honi.
Sa-bre, he pahi kaua loloa. Scent, e honi, e hooala.
Sack, he eke nui. [enemi. Scheme, he manao kumu hana.
Sack, e hao wale i ke kulanakauhale o ka Schol-ar, he haumana ao palapala.
eae sakarema, oihana hoailona eka- School, he kula ao palapala.
esia. School-mas-ter, he kumu kula Kane.
Sa-cred, laa, kapu, hoano, Scis-sors, he upa oki unku.
Sad, kaumaha ma ka naau. Scoff, e olelo hoowahawaha aku.
Sad-dle, he noho lio. Scold, e nuku, e olelo huhu.
Safe, palekana, maluhia. ’ Scope, he kaawale, he akea.
Sage, he naauao, he noonog pono. Scorch, e papaa ka ili ma ka wela..
Sage, he laau kanu. Scorn, e hoowahawaha loa.
Sail, he pea o ka moku. Scour, e anaanai, e holoi ikaika.
Sail, e holo ae me he moku la. Scourge, e hahau i ke kua a eha boa.
Sake, he mea e pono ai. [keia wa. Scout, he mea hele a hoomakaakiu i ka enemi.
Sal-a-ry, he kumu e hoouku like i kela wa i Scowl, e hoomakainoino.
Sale, ka lilo ana i ke kuaiia. Scram-ble, e hopuhopu wikiwiki.
Sa-line, mikomiko me he paakai la. Scrap, he apana liilii, he hakina.
Sal-i-va, he kuha, he wale o ka waha. Scrape, e koekoe, e wau.
Sal-i-va-ted, hookaheia ka wale o ka waha. Scratch, e wauwau, e kaha ma ka. ili.
Sal-low, maimai, lenalena ma ka maka. Scream, e hooho me ka leo uwa.
ae he hoopuka nui ana mai kekahi wahi Screen, e pale, e hoomalu.
aku. Screen, he paku, he pale.
Salt, he paakai. Screw, he mea nao wili.
Salt, e kopi i ka paakai a miko. Scrib-ble, e kakau wikiwiki me ka lalau.
Sal-va-tion, he hoola ana mai ka make ae. Scrip-tures, ka palapala hemolele ake Akua., .
Sa-lute, e uwe aloha aku, e honi aloha. Scrof-u-la, he mai alaala ma ka.a-i.
Same, oia hookahi no. Serub, e holoi ikaika.
Sanc-ti-fy, e hoano, e hoolaa. Seru-ple, he kuihe, he haohao.
Sand, he one. Seru-ti-nize, e emi ikaika i ke ano.
Sand-stone, he pohaku oneone, he papaakea. Scuf-fle, he aumeume ikaika.
Sap, he wai iloko o ka mea ulu. Seulk, e huna ia ia iho. [mahope...
Sa-pi-ent, naauao. akamai. Scull, e uneune, e koo i ka waa me ka hoez
Sculp-ture, ka oihana kalai kil. Sev-er-al. he mau mea, mahuahua.
Sea, ke kai, he moana, he ale nui. Se-vere. oolea, kaumaha, ikaika loa.
Sea-coast, kahakai. Sew, e humuhumu me ke kui a me ka ropi.
Sea-sick, ka liliha ma ka holo moku ana. Shade, he malumalu, he aka.
Sea-side, kahakai. Shade, e hoomalu, e uhi ka malumalu.
Sea-wa-ter, kai, wai kai. Shad-ow, he aka, he hoailona.
Seal, he ilio o ke kai. Shag-gy, paapu i ka huluhulu.
Seal, e hoopaa i ka wefa. Shake, e lulu, e haalulu.
Seam, ke kuina o ka lole humuhumu. Shake, he lulu ana, he haukeke ana.
Search, e imi, e huli. Shal-low, papau, ahua.
Sea-son, he wa pono, he manawa okoa. Sham, he hana hoopunipuni, he oiaio ole.
Sea-son, e hana a mikomiko. Shame, he hilahila. .
Sea-son-ing, he mea inai, he hoomikomiko. Shame-ful, ku i ka hilahila.
Seat, noho, he punee. Shape, e hana aku i ke ano.
Seat, e noho iho, e hoonoho. Shape, ka helehelena o ke kino.
Sea-ward, makai. Share, he hapa o ka mea okoa.
Se-cede, e hookaokoa aku. Share, e puunawe i na apana.
Sec-ond, he mea kokua, he sekona. Shar-er, ka mea lawe i kekahi hapa.
Sec-ond, e kokua mahope. Shark, he mano, he ia nui, he kanaka epa.
Se-cret, huna ia, pohihihi, he hai ole ia. Sharp, 0i, ooi.
Sect, he poe e kuikahi ana ka manao. Sharp-en, e hana a oi.
Sec-u-lar, ma ko ke ao nei aole ma ka lani. Shat-ter, e wawahi liilii.
Se-cure, maluhia, paa. . Shave, e kahi ae.
Se-cure, e hoopaa, e hoomalu. She, ia (pili i ka mea wahine.)
Se-date, nohomalie. oluolu, kuoo. Sheath, he wahi no ka pahi a me na mea oi.
Sed-i-ment, he oka, he maku. Shed, he hale malumalu maluna a hamama
Se-duce,e alakai iloko 0 ka hewa. malalo.
Sed-u-lous, kaamau ikaika ana, hoomau ana. Sheep, he hipa.
See, e nana maka, e hoomaopopo. Sheet, he kihei moe.
See! e nana! aia hoi! Shelf, he papa e kauia’i na mea maluna.
Seed, he hua mea kanu, he anoano. Shell, he iwi mawaho o ka io.
Seek, e emi, e huli iho. Shell-fish. he ia mea iwi mawaho.
Seem, e akaka ma ka manao. Shel-ter, he mea hoomalu, he mea uhi maluna.
Seem-ly, ku i ka pono. Shel-ter, e hoomalu, e pale aku i ka ino.
Seine, he upena nui. Shely-ing, e moe kapakahi ana, e moe hio.
Seize, e hopu, e lalau koke aku. Sherd, hakina ipu.
Sel-dom, hiki kakaikahi. ‘ Shield, he paku e pale ai i ke kaua.
Se-lect, e koho, e wae. . Shield, e paku pale aku, e pale ae.
Self, iho, ponoi. Shift, e hoololi, e hoolilo.
Sell, e kuai hoolilo aku. Shift, ka hoololi ana; ka palule wahine.
Sem-blance, ka like ana, ke ano like. Shin, ka lapa wawae.
Sen-ate, he aha kau kanawai. Shine, e hoomalamalama.
Sen-a-tor, kekahi o ka poe kau kanawai. Ship, he moku kiakolu.
Send, e hoouna, e hoolele. Ship-wreck, he ili ana o ka moku a nahaha.
Sen-ior, hanau mua, he hanau mua. Shirt, palule no ke kane.
Sen-si-tive, hiki wawe ka manao. Shiv-er, e haalulu, e nahaha liilii.
Sen-su-al, ma ko ke kino. Shoal, he ia paapu ; he wai papau.
Sen-ti-ment, he manao, he olelo pili. Shoe, he kamaa.
Sen-ti-nel, he koa e ku kiai ana. Shoot, e ki i ka pu, e pana i ka pua.
Sep-a-rate, kaawale, kuokoa, Shore, he kahakai.
Sep-ul-chre, he hale kupapau. Short, pokole, poko.
Se-quel, e pili ana mahope, ka hope. Short-ly, kokoke, emo ole.
Se-rene, aiai, malie, oluolu. Short-wind-ed, naenae.
Ser-mon, he olelo no ka ke Akua. Shot, he Iu, he poka pu liilii.
Ser-pent, he mooomole, he nahesa. Shove, e pahu aku, e koo mahope.
Ser-vant, he kauwa lawelawe. Shov-el, he oo palahalaha mea kiola lepo.
Ser-vice-a-ble, ku i ka pono, e pomaikai ai. Shov-el, e kope a e hoolei aku.
Set, e kau, e hoonoho iho, e napoo iho. Shoul-der, ka poohiwi.
Set, he mau mea e ku like ana. Shoul-der-blade, ka iwi o ka uha mua.
Set-tle, e noho iho ma ka aina hou. Shout, he hooho olioli.
Set-tle. e emi iho malalo. Show, e hoike imua o na maka.
Sev-en, ahiku, ehiku. Show-er, he ua naulu.
Sev-en-teen, umikumamahiku. [hiku. Shred, he apana liilii.
Sey-en-ty, kanaha me kanakolu keu, kana- Shriek, e hooho me ka leo uwo.
Sev-er, e hookaawale i ka mea e kui ana. Shrill, oi loa, kani loa.
Shrink, e emi iho a uuku. Slan-der, e aki wahahee.
Shriv-el, e emi iho a mimino. Slant, e hio,.e moe kapakahi,
Shud-der, e haalulu, e haukeke. Slap, e pai ma ka poho lima.
Shuf-fle, e hoololi wale. e lauwili. Slate, he papa pobaku, he papa kahakaha.
Shun, e maalo ma kekahi aoao. Slave, he kanaka noho kauwa kuapaa.
Shut, e pani a paa. Slaugh-ter, he luku, he pepehi nui wale.
Shut-ter, he pani mawaho. Slay, e pepehi a make.
Sick, mai, maimai. Sleep, hiamoe.
Side, aoao. Slen-der, lahilahi loa.
Siege, he hoopuni ana me na koa kaua. Slide, e pahee, e pakika.
Sigh, he hanu loloa, e whu iho. Slight, ololi. wiwi.
Sight, ka ike maka ana. Slight, e haalele, e hoowahawaha.
Sight-ly, maikai i ka nana ia. Slim, ololi, loloa.
Sign, he hoailona, he ouli. Slime, he wale, he mea palupalu pipili.
Sig-nal, he hoailona hoike, kupanaha. Sling, he maa nou pohaku.
Sig-ni-fy, e hoike i ke ano. Sling, e maa aku, e nou pohaku i ka ka maa.
Si-lence, he nohomalie, walaau ole. Slink, e pee aku me ka hilahila,
Si-lence! e hoopaa i ka waha, e hoomalie. Slip, e pahee, e pakika, e hina.
Sil-ly, lapuwale, ano ole. Slip-per-y, paheehee.
Sim-i-lar, like, he likepu.
Slit, he nahae.
Sim-i-le, he hoolike ana, he nane.
Slob-ber, e kahe ka wale.
Sim-ple, akamai ole, makaukau ole.
Sin, he hewa, he ku ei ke kanawai, he lawe- Slope, e waiho hio ana.
hala ana i ka ke Akua. Slope, he wahi pii iki.
Sin, e hana i ka mea ku ei ka ke Akua. Slop- py, kelekele, pohopoho.
Since, mahope mai. Sloth, he lohi, he molowa, he ano hiamoe.
Sin-cere, oiaio, hookamani ole. Slov-en, he kanaka lole pelapela, a weluwelu.
Sin-ew, ke olona ma ke kino. Slough, he wahi poho, he nenelu.
Sing, e mele, e hoolea me ka leo mele. Slow, lohi, hakalia.
Singe, e kuni a wela na hulu ma ke ahi. Slow-ness, he lolohi, he akahele loa,
Sing-er, he mea akamai i ka leo mele. Slug-gard, he kanaka hiamoe wale.
Sin-gle, hookahi, pakahi. Slum-ber, e hiamoe, e hiamoe iki.
Sing-ly, ma ke ano pakahi ana. Slut, he wahine hoopeiapela.
Sin-gu-lar, akahi ana, kakaikahi. Small, vuku, palanaiki.
Sink, e poho, e poholo, e emi iho. Smart, wikiwiki, hana koke,
Sin-ner. he mea lawehala, he kanaka hewa. Smear, e hapala i ka lepo.
Sip, e hoao i ka mea inu, e inu liilii. [paha. Smell, e honi; he ala.
Sir, he olelo pili i ke kane i ka mea nuia like Smile, e aka iki.
Sis-ter, he hoahanau wahine a na makua hoo- Smite, e hahau, e papai, e kui,
kahi.. Smit-ten, hahauia, papaiia.
Sit, e noho iho. Smoke, he uahi.
Site, he kahua, he wahi pono ke noho. Smoke, e puhi i ka uahi.
Six, eono. Smooth, pahee, laumania,
Six-teen, umikumamaono. Smooth, e hana a pahee.
Sixth, ke ono. Smoth-er, e hoopaa i ka hanu.
Six-ty, kanaono. Smut-ty, paumaele, paeleia.
Size, ka nui ana o kekahi mea. SnaiJ, he pupu o ka honua.
Skate, he hele pahee. Snake, he mooomole, he nahega.
Skill-ful, akamai, makaukau,. Snap, e pana, e haki me ke kani.
Skin, he ili, he alualu. Snare, he pahele e hoohei manu.
Skin, e lole, e hemo i Ka ili. Snarl, e nana huhu me he ilio la.
Skin-flint, he kanaka alunu paakiki. Snatch, e hopu, e kaili aku.
Skin-ny, alualu, wiwi. ili wale no. Sneer, e aka henehene.
Skip, e hele me ka lelele, e lele iki ana. Sneeze, e kihe iho.
Skip-per. ke kahu o ka mokzu liilii. Snore, e nono, e hoho,
Skir-mish, he aumeume ana, he kaua iki. Snot, he upe, he hupe
Skirt, ka lihi o kekahi mea. Snout, he nuku.
Skit-tish, puiwa wale, makau wale.
Snuff, he baka honihoni. -
Skulk, e holo malie, e pee.
Snuff, e honihoni a komo j ka jhu.
Skull, he puniu, iwi poo,
So, pe, pela, peia.
Sky, ka lani, ke aouli, ka lewa. Soak, e hoomau i ka wai,
Sky-col-or, he uliuli e like me ke aouli. Soap, he kopa.
Slab-ber, e hooluolu ai i ka mea inu.
| Soar, e lele maluna.
Slack, alualu, nawaliwali, kapulu.
Sob, e hauhau, e nae, e uwe.
Slack en, e hoalualu, e hoolohi.
So-ber, manao pono, aole ona. Splash, e nou aku i ka wai.
So-ci-a-ble, launa, kamailio, oluolu. Splen-did, nani, hanohano.
Soft, palupalu, pepe, akahai. Splin-ter, he hakina laau liilii.
Soil, he lepo maikai. Split, e mahele ma ka loa, e wahi.
So-journ, e noho malihini. Spoil, e hao wale, e hoonele i ka waiwai.
So-lace, he mea hooluolu. Spoil, he waiwai i lawe wale ia, a i hao ia.
Sole, akahi, oia hookahi. Sponge, he huahuakai.
So-li-cit, e noi, e koi aku. Spon-ta-ne-ous, ka makemake iho.
So-li-ci-tude, he manao nui ana. Sport, e paani, e lealea.
Sol-i-ta-ry, mehameha, noho hookahi. Spot, he wahi kina, he paumaele.
Solve, e hoakaka, e wehewehe. Sprain, he okupe, he hai.
Some, he mau mea, kekahi hapa. Spray, he ehu wai, he ehu kai,
Some-bod-y, kekahi kanaka. Spread, e hohola ae, e hoopalahalaha aku..
Some-thing, kekahi mea, he wahi mea. Spring, e lele, e lele iluna.
Some-times, kekahi manawa. Spring, he wai mapuna.
Son, he keikikane. Spring-tide, kai nui, kai piha,
Son-in-law, hunonakane. Sprin-kle, e kapipi, e kopi.
Song, he mele. Sprout, e kupu.
So-no-rous, kani moakaka ana. Spurn, e kipaku me ka inaina.
Soon, wawe, koke, kokoke ka wa. Spy, he kiu, he makai.
Sooth, e hoona, e hoolaulea. Spy-glass, he ohe nana.
Sooth-say, e hoopiopio, e hai wanana. Squab-ble, he aumeume, he hakaka,
Soot-y, pili ka lepo uahi. Squal-id, he pelapela, weluwelu ke kapa.
Sore, he eha ma ka io. Squall, e uwe aku me ka leo nui.
Sor-row, he eha ma ka naau, kaumaha. Squeak, he leo e like me ka iole.
Soy-er-eign, he moi, he kiekie loa. Squeeze, e kaomi iho, e uwi iho.
‘Soul, he uhane o ke kanaka, he ea. Squint, e nana kapakahi ka maka.
‘Sound, he haalulu, he kani, he leo. Squirt, e kiki aku mai ka ohe ae.
‘Sound, e kani, e kui ae, e poha. Stab, e hou aku, e 00 aku.
Sour, awahia, awaawa. Sta-ble, paa, naue ole,
Source, ke kumu, he punawai. Sta-ble, he hale no na holoholona.
‘South, he kukulu hema. Staff, he kookoo, he mea kokua.
‘Sow, he puaa wahine. Stag-ger, e hikaka, e hele hikaka.
Sow, e lulu hua. Stag-nant, lana malie, e kahe ole.
‘Spa-cious, akea, laula. Stain, e kohu lepo, e hoohaumia.
‘Spade, he oo palahalaha. Stair, he alapii anuu.
Span, he ana o ka lima, he kiko. Stale, mananalo, liliha.
‘Spare, wiwi, lahilahi. Stal-lion, he lio kane hoolaha.
‘Spare,.e waiho, e hookuu. Stam-mer, e olelo me ka namu, e nu.
Spark, he huna ahi. Stanch, e panii ke koko kahe.
Spat-ter, e kopipi i ka wai. Stanch-ed, he koko i paniia ke kahe ana.
Spawn, na hua o ka ia. Stan-chion, kekahi ano koo e paa ai.
Speak, e hai, e i, e olelo, e ekemu. Stand, e ku, e ku malie.
Spear, he ihe, he pololu. Stand-ard, he hae, he kanawai hoopono.
Spe-ci-fy, e hocike i kekahi mea pakahi. Star, hoku.
Speck-le, e kikiko. Star-board, ka aoao akau o ka moku.
Spec-ta-cle, he mea e makaikaiia ana. Stare, e haka pono ka maka.
Spec-ta-tor, he mea e makaikai ana. Start, e hikilele, e puiwa.
Spec-tre, he uhane lapu. Starve, e make i ka pololi.
Speech, he olelo i oleloia. Stave, he laau no ka pahu.
Speed, he holo hiki wawe. Stay, e noho, e kali ma kahi wahi.
Spell, e hookuikui i na hua. Stay, he kali ana, he alia ana.
Spend, e hookaa aku i ka waiwai. Stead-fast, hoomau, paa mau.
Spew, e luai aku. Stead-y, paa, luli ole.
Spi-der, he lanalana. Steal, e aihue, e lawe wale.
Spill, e hanini iwaho, Steam, he mahu.
Spine, ka iwi kuamoo, Steep, palipali, nihinihi.
Spi-nous, ma ke ano iwi kuamoo. Steep, e hoomau i ka wai.
Spir-it, ka uhane, ka hanu, ke ea. Steer, e hookele, e hoeuli.
Spir-it-u-al, ko ka uhane. Steers-man, ke kanaka ma ka hoeuli.
Spit, e kuha. Stench, he pilau.
Spite, e huhu, e huhu koke ana. Step, he meheu, he kapuai, he hele kuku.
Spit-tle, he wale o ka waha, he kuha. Ster-ile, pa, aole hua mai.
Stern, ka hope o ka moku. Stut-ter, e uu, e uuu.
Stern, he huhu ma na maka. Sub-due, e hoopio, e hoolaka,
Stick, he pauku laau. Sub ject, e hoolilo malalo iho,
Stick, e pipili, e hou. Sub-merge, e hoopoho iloko o ka wai.
Stick-le, e hoopaapaa, e paio. Snb-mis-sion, he ae ana i ka na luna.
Stick-y, pipili, linalina. Sub-se-quent, e pili ana mshope.
Stiff, oolea, maloeloe. Sub-serve, e kokua mai ana mahope.
Sti-fle, e puua, e uumii ka hanu. Sub-side, e hooemi iho, e mimiki aku.
Still, malie, e kemu ole, nawe ole. Sub-sti-tute, he pani no ka hakahaka,
Still, e hoomalielie, e hoona. Sub-ter-fuge, he mea hoopuka kapakahi.,
Stili-born, make i ka wa hanau. Sub-tle, maalea, lahilahi.
Stim-u-late, e hooeueu i ka ikaika. Sub-tract, e unuhi ae, e lawe i kekahi.
Sting, e 0, e pahu i ka mea Oi. Sub-vert, e hookahuli, e hooauhee.
Sting, he mea ooi mahope o kekahi nalo. Suc-ceed, e ku, e Kali, e hahai.
Stin-gy, he pi, he aua. Suc-cess, he ko ana, he pomaikai. [kahi.
Stink, e pilau, e hohono. Suc-ces-sive, e hahai ana kekahi mamulio ke-
Stip-u-la-tion, he olelo ae like. Suc-cor, e kokua i ka pilikia.
Stir, e oni, e neenee, e naue. Suc-cumb, e ae aku, e hina malalo iho.
Stom-ach, ka opu naau. Such, e like ana, like me.
Stone, he pohaku. Suck, e omo ma ka waha,
Stone, e pehii ka pohaku. Suck-er, he oha, he ia.
Sto-ny, paaa, paapu i ka pohaku, Suck-le, e hanaii ka waiu.
Stool, he noho kua ole. Sud-den, koke, emoole, hikiwawe.
Stoop, e kulou, e hele pupu. Sue, e hoopii i ke kanawai.
Stop, e hooki, e okii ka hele, e ku malie. Su-et, ke konahua.
Stop, ke ku ana, he kiko hooimaha. Suf-fer, e hoomanawanui i ka eha.
Storm, he ino, he makani ikaika, Suf-fice, e hooluolu, e hana a nui.
Sto-ry, he kaao, he mooolelo., Suf-fo-ca-ted, ua hoopaaia ka hanu.
Stout, nui, ikaika, paa, Su-gar-cane, he ko.
Strad-dle, e kihelei ae. Sug-gest, e hai iki i wahi manao.
Straight, pololei, pono. Su-i-cide, he pepehi make anaiaiaiho. .
Strait, ololi, pilikia. Suit, he mau mea ku like.
Strand, he kahakai. Suit, e ku like.
Strand, e pae wale iuka a kau i ke one, Sul-ky, mumule, huhu maloko,
Strange, kupaianaha, kamahao, Sul-try, wela, mehana.
Stran-ger, he malihini. Sum-mit, kahi oi o ke kuahiwi.
Stran-gle, e paa ka hanu, e umii ka hanu. Sum-mon, e kii aku ma ka lunakanawai.
Strat-a-gem, he hana maalea e hoopuni ai. Sun, la.
Stray, e auwana, e aea, Sun, e kaulai i ka la.
Streak, he kaha onionio. Sun-day, ka la o ka Haku, he Sabati.
Stream, he waikahe. Sun-der, e hookaawale ae, e hookaokoa.
Strength, he ikaika. Sun-dries, he wahi mau mea i huiia. >
Stretch, e hooloihi aku ma ka huki ana, Sun-ny, alo ana i ka la.
Strew, e haalii, e hoolelei. Su-per-a-bound, e nui loa ana, e lawa a keu.
Strife, he hakaka, he aumeume, Su-per-flu-i-ty, he mea e oi ana i ka mea e
Strike, e hahau, e papai. pono ai.
String, he kaula Jiilii. Su-pe-ri-or, kiekie ae, maluna.
Strip, he mea weluwelu loloa. Su-pine, palaleha, molowa.
Strip-ling, he kamalii aneane makua. Sup-per, he aina ahiahi.
Strive, e aumeume, e hooikaika nui. Sup-ple, ae wale ana mamuli o kekahi.
Stroke, he hahau ana, he kaha. Sup-pli-cate, e noi haahaa.
Strong, ikaika. Sup-ply, e hoolako, e kii i na mea e pono ai.
Strug-gle, e oni ae, e aumeume. Sup-port, he paepae; he kokua ana.
Strum-pet, he wahine hookamakama. Sup-pose, e manao, e kuhi wale.
Strut, e hele hoohanohano, e haaheo. Sup-press, e kinai, e hoopau.
Stub-born, he oolea, he paakiki ka naau. Sup-pu-rate, e kahe ka palahehe.
Stub-by, poupou a puipui. Su-preme, kiekie loa maluna.
Stud-y, he ao ana i na mea e naauao ai. Sure, oiaio, luliluli ole, paa.
Stum-ble, e okupe, e ku a hina. Sur-mise, he manao hewa ia hai.
Stump, ke kumu o ka laau i okiia, Sur-pass, e hele n ao aku, e hooi aku,
Stunt-ed, he mea uuku ke kino. Sur- plus, ke keu ana, ka mea e oj ana.
Stu-pid, hawawa, manao ole. Sur-prise, he kahaha i loaa koke.
Stur-dy, ikaika nui. Sur-prise, e kau koke aku, e hoohikilele.
Sur-ren-der, e hoolilo malalo, e lilo i pio. Ten-der, palupalu, ehaeha. “
Sur-round, e hoopuni. Ten-don, he olona ma ka lala.
Sus- pect, e manao hewa ia hai. Tenth, ka umi.
Sus-pense, he manao kanalua, he kuihe. Ter-min-a-tion, he oki ana, he paa ana.
Swal-low, e moni iho, e ale iho. Ter-ri-ble, he eehia, he hooweliweli.
Swamp, he aina lepo nenelu. [e kukai. Ter-ri-fy, e hooweliweli, e hoomakau.
Swap, hoololi i kahi waiwai no kekahi waiwai, Ter-ror, he weliweli, he makau nui.
Sway, e hoalii, e hoomalu aupuni. Tes-ti-fy, e hai aku i ka mea i ikeia,
Swear, e hoohiki imua o ke Akua.
Text, he kumuolelo, he pooolelo. [mai.
Thanks, he aloha aku i ka lokomaikai wale
Sweat, he hou, he kahe ana ka hou.
Sweep, e kabili lepo ana, e hoe loloa.
That, kela, ua mea la.
Thatch, e ako hale i ka pili.
Sweet, ono, olvolu.
The, ka, ke. [laua.
Swell, e pehu ae. Their, ko lakou, ka lakou; (dual) ka laua, ko
Swerve, e lalau, e kapae ae.
Them, lakou; (dual) laua.
Swift, hikiwawe, holo mama.
Then, alaila.
Swim, e au iloko o ka wai. There, malaila, ilaila.
Swine, he puaa. | There-fore, no ka mea, no ia mea.
Swing, e lewa ae io ia nei, e lele kowali. These, o lakou nei, o keia mau mea.
Swing, he lele kowali. They, o lakou, o laua.
Swoon, e maule, he maule ana. Thick, manoanoa, paapu.
Swop (e nana swap.) Thief, he aihue.
Sword, he pahi kaua, he pahi hahau. Thigh, he uha.
Symp-tom, he hoailona hoike i ke ano o ka mai. Thim-ble, he komo lima humubumu.
Thin, lahilahi, wiwi.
Thing, mea.
na T. Think, e noonoo, e manao ae.
Thirst, e make wai.
Ta-BLE, he papa, papapaina, &c. Thir-teen, he umikumamakolu.
Ta-ci-tur-ni-ty, he manao ekemu ole. Thir-ty, he kanakolu.
Tack, he kui hao uuku. This, keia, eia.
Tail, ka hiu, ka huelo, ka hope. Thorn, he laau ooi.
Take, e lawe, e lalau lima. Thor-ough, paa pono, pololei.
Tale, he kaao. Those, kela mau mea.
Talk, he kamailio, he olelo kike. Thou, 0 oe.
Talk-a-tive, lilo i ke kamailio ana. Though, ina, ina paha.
Tall, kiekie ma ke kino. Thought, he manao, he kuhi ana.
Tame, laka, makau ole i ke kanaka. Thou-sand, he tausani.
Tan-gle, e kahihi, e hoohihia pu. Thral-dom, e noho hooluhi ana.
Tap, e paipai iki me ka lima. Thrash, e hahau iho me ka ikaika.
Tar-dy, lohi, puka mai mahope. Thread, he kaula makalii, he ropi.
Ta-ro, kalo. Threat, he olelo hooweliweli.
. Tar-ry, e kali, e noho liuliu iki. Three, akolu, ekolu,
Tart, awahia, oi, ehaeha. Three-fold, pakolu.
Taste, e hoao ma ka waha. Thres-hold, ka paepae puka.
Taunt. e olelo ino, e nuku. Thrive, e noho me ka pomaikai.
Teach, e ao aku, e kuhikuhi. Throat, ke kani a-i, ka puu a-i.
Tear, he waimaka. Throb, e panapana, e pana.
Tear, e nahae, e haehae. Throng, he lehulehu o kanaka.
Tease, e hoonaukiuki. Throt-tle, e lalau a paa ma ka a-i.
Teat, he u, ka maka o ka u. Through-out, mawaena a pau.
Te-di-ous, hoolohi a luhi. Throw, e kiola, e hoolei.
Teem, e hoohua a nui. Thrush, ka ea, ka eaea.
Tel-es-cope, he ohe nana. Thrust, e kipaku ikaika.
Tell, e hai aku, e olelo hoike. Thumb, ka lima nui.
Te-mer-i-ty, he aa ana, he wiwo ole. Thump, e kui aku.
Tem-per-ance, ka pakiko ana i ka mea ai a Thun-der, ka hekili.
me na mea inu. Thun-der-strike. ka poha ana o ka hekili.
Tem-pest, he makani ikaika, he ino. Thus, pe, penei.
Tem-ple, he heiau, he luakini. Thwart, e keakea, e ku e.
Tem-po-ral, pili ana i ko keia ao. Tick-le, e iniiniki, e opaopa.
Tempt, e hoao, e hoowalewale. Ti-dings, he mea hou, he olelo hoike.
* Ten, he umi; ten days, he anahulu. Ti-dy, maemae me ka maikai.
Te-na-cious, paa i kahi manao, paakiki. Tie, e nakii a paa.
Tend, e malama, e lawelawe. Tight, paa, oolea.
Till, until, a hiki i ka manawa. Tray-el-er, he mea hele i na aina e aku.
Tim-id, makau wale, palaimaka. Treach-er-ous, hoopunipuni, wahahee.
Tin, he kepau keokeo, he tini. Tread, e hehi maluna iho.
Tin-gle, e kani hookulikuli. Trea-son, he kipi i ke alii.
Tin-kle, e kani ooi me he bele uuku la. Treas-ure, he waiwai i ahuia.
Ti-ny, makalii, palanaiki. Treat-y, he olelo kuikahi.
Tip, welau, kahi oi. Tree, he laau.
Tip-sy, ona i ka inu i mea ona. Trem-ble, e haalulu, e haukeke.
Tire, e hooluhi, e hoomaloeloe. Tre-men-dous, weliweli, kupanaha.
Tire-some, kaumaha, hoolubi ana. Trem-u-lous, haalulu ana.
Ti-tle, he inoa luna, inoa buke, Trench, he auwaha.
Tit-ter, e aka henehene. Trep-i-da-tion, he haalulu ana.
To, i, ia, io; before the infinitive e. Tres-pass, e komo wale i ko hai wahi.
Toe, manamana wawae. Tri-al, he hoao ana, he hookolokolo ana.
To-geth-er, pu; sit together, noho pu. Trib-u-la-tion, he popilikia nui.
Toil, e hana ikaika, e kamau hana. Trick, he hana apiki, he hoopunipuni.
To-ken, he hoailona. Trick-le, e kahe uuku iho, e kulu.
Tol-er-ate, e ae e hanaia. Tri-fle, he mea liilii, waiwai uuku.
Tongs, he upa ahi. Trig-ger, ke ki e pana ai ka pu.
Tongue. ka elelo, alelo. Trim, e paipai, e hooponopono.
Tools, he mau mea paahana. Trip, e hele mama, e okupe.
Tooth. niho. Trip-le, pakolu.
Top, ka welau, kahi kiekie. Tri-umph, e lanakila.
Torch, he lama, he lamaku. Troop, he poe koa.
Tor-ment, e hooeha loa, e hoowalania. Troub-le, he pilikia.
Tor-rent, he waikahe ikaika. Troub-le-some, hoopilikia ana.
Tor-rid, wela loa, maloo i ka wela. Trough, he papa auwai loloa.
Tor-toise, he honu, he ea. Trow-sers, he lolewawae no na kane.
Tor-ture, e hooeha, e hoowalania. True, oiaio, pololei.
Toss, e hoolei lima iluna. Trum-pet, he pu kani memele.
To-tal, okoa, pau loa. Trun-dle, e kaa maluna o na huila,
Tot-ter, e haalulu. Trust, e hilinai aku, e paulele.
Touch, e hoopa, e pa aku. Try, e hoao.
Touch-y, huhu wawe. Tuft, he eka lanoho.
Tough, uaua, paakiki. Tug, e huki ikaika, e kauo.
Tow, e kano maloko o ka wai. Tum-ble, e kaa ilalo, e hookaa ilalo.
To-ward, ma, i. Tu-mid, pehu.
Town, he kauhale kinikini. Tu-mult, he haunaele.
Toy, he mea ep no na kamalii. Tune, he leo mele.
Toy, e hoolealea#*wale. Tur-bid, paapu i ka lepo.
Trace, e kahakaha aku, e hahai me ka imi. Tur-key, he manu palahu. 5
Tract-a-ble, hiki ke hooponopono koke ia. Tur-mer-ic, he olena.
Trade, ka oihana paahana. Tur-moil, he wawa, he pioloke.
Trade-wind, ka makani mau. Turn, e huli ae, e haliu, e wili.
Tra-di-tion, he mooolelo no na kupuna mai. Tur-tle, he honu, he ea.
Trail, e kauo mahope iho. Tush! ka! kahaha!
Train, e ao i ka paikan, e alakai. Tusk, he niho loloa.
Trait-or, he kanaka kipi, he kumakaia. Twelve, he umikumamalua.
Tram-ple, e hehi ilalo. Twen-ty, he iwakalua.
Tran-quil, malie, maluhia. Twice, papalua.
Trans-act, e hana. Twig, he lala uuku o ka laau.
Trans-cend, e pii iluna, e hoohala aku. Twi-light, he wanaao, he wanapoo.
Trans-fer, e hoolilo aku, e lawe mai kahi wahi Twins, he mahoe.
ai kahi wahi e ae. Twine, he kaula ropi.
Trans-fix, e hou iho a puka. [hou. Twin-kle, e imoimo me he hoku la.
Trans-form, e hoomalule, e hoololi i ke ano |Twirl, e kaa, e wili.
Trans-gress, e lawehala, e hele mao aku. Twist, e hilo, e wili.
Tran-sient, hele ana, aohe noho loa. Twitch, e kaili.
Trans-late, e unuhi i ka olelo e. Two, alua, elua.
Trans-mit, e lawe aku ma kahi e. Two-fold, palua, papalua.
Trans-pa-rent, moakaka lea. Tyr-an-ny, he hana hookaumaha.
Trans-plant, e kanu ma kahi e.
Trap, he mea upiki e paa ai na mea hihiu. U
Trash, he opala, he mea waiwai ole. °
Trav-el, he hele ana, he holo ana. Uc-.y, ino, kekee.
Ul-cer, he mai puha. Un-loose, e wehewehe.
Um- prel- la, he mamalu, he loulu. Un-luck-y, poino.
Un-a-ble. he hiki ole. Jn-man-ner-ed, ku ole i ka naauao.
Un-at-tend-ed, aohe mea hele pu. n-mar-ri-ed, aoleimareia.
Un-a-wares, me ka ike ole. n-meas-ured, aole i anaia.
Un-be-com-ing, ku ole i ka pono. n-mer-ci-ful, aloha ole, menemene ole.
Un-bend, e hoalualu. n-mov-a-ble, paa loa, aole e hiki ke nee.
Un-bind, e wehe i ka mea i nakinakiia. n-neigh-bor-ly, launa ole.
Un-bound-ed, aole i puniia. Jn-ob-sery-ed, aole i ike ia.
Un-cer-tain, maopopo ole, akaka ole. n-paid, uku ole ia.
Un-civ-il, launa ole, lokoino. Jn-par-don-ed, aole i kala ia.
Un-cle, he hoahanau kane o ka makua ponoi. n-prof-it-a-ble, e waiwai ole ana.
Un-clean, maemae ole, pelapela. Jn-rav-el, e wehewehe i ka mea hihia.
Un-clothe, e wehe ae i ke kapa. n-ripe, 00 ole, opiopio.
Un-com-mon, kakaikahi, aole pinepine. Re
Jn-roll, e wehe i ka owili.
Un-con-stant, aole paa man, he ano luli. Un-ru-ly, kolohe, hookuli.
Un-cov-er, e wehe i ka uhi. Un-sat-is-fied, aole i oluolu, walea ole.
Un-cour-te-ous, aole oluolu ka hana. Un-sight-ly, he ino ke nana aku.
Unc-tion, he poni ana i ka aila. Un-skill-ful, akamai ole.
Une-tu-ous, momona, piha i ka aila. Un-suc-cess-ful, aole pomaikai.
Un-cul-pa-ble, he hana me ka hewa ole. Un-suit-a-ble, ku ole, pili ole.
Un-cum-ber-ed, aole i hookaumahaia. Un-thank-ful, aloha ole i ka lokomaikaiia.
Un-curse, e hoino ole aku. Un-tie, e wehe i ka nakinaki o ke kaula.
Un-dam-aged, hana ino ole ia. Un-til, a, a hiki i ka manawa.
Un-de-ci-ded, kanalua, paa ole ka manao. Un-true, he oiaio ole.
Un-der, malalo, ilalo. Un-u-su-al, maa ole, walea ole.
Un-der-go, e hoomanawanui i ka eha. Un-whole-some, pono ole no ke ola.
Un-der-most, malalo loa. Un-wil-ling, makemake ole.
Un-der-stand, e ike maopopo. Un-wont-ed, laka ole, hihiu.
Un-der-take, e lawehana. Up! e ala ae! iluna.
Un-do, e wawahi iho i ka mea i hanaia. Up-braid, e nuku, e ao ikaika.
Un-dress, e wehe i na kapa aahu. Up-hold, e kokua.
Un--em-ploy--ed, aohe hana e hana ai. Up-on, maluna iho.
Un-e-ven, like ole, apuupuu. Up-per-most, maluna loa aku.
Un--ex-pect--ed, hiki mai me ka ike e ole ia. Up-right, kupono, pololei.
Un-ex-pert, hawawa, hemahema. Up-roar, he haunaele, he walaau.
Un-fas-ten, e kala, e hemo. Up-root, e uhuki ae, pau pu me ke aa.
Un-fath-om-ed, he hohonu ana ole ia. Up-side-down, ilalo ka aoao luna.
Un-fledg-ed, he manu puka ole ia ka hulu. Up-ward, ma kahi maluna Gy
Un-fold, e yehewehe ii ka opiopi. Urge, e koi ikaika.
Un-for-tu-nate, poino, popilikia. U-rine, he mimi.
Un-fre-quent, aole hiki pinepine. Us, ia makou, ia kakou, ia maua, ia kaua.
Un-fre-quent-ed, kipa kakaikahiia, mehameha. Use, he hana, he oihana.
Un-goy-ern-ed, hoomaluhia ole ia. Use, e hoolilo i kahi mea i mea hana.
Un- hand--some, maikai ole ka helehelena. Use-ful, pono ke hanaia.
Un-han-dy, bhawawa ka hana ana. U-su-al, e mau ana, e pinepine ana.
n-hap-py, kaumaha ka naau. U-surp, e lalau wale i ko hai wahi.
Jn-hon-or-ed, aole ihoomaikaiia. U-te-rus, ka opu.
n-hos-pi--ta-ble, lokomaikai ole ina malihini.
n-hurt, he eha ‘ole ia.
-ni-form, e ano hookahi ana.
/n-in-jur-ed, aole i hana ino ia. Vv.
Un-in-ten-tion-al, me ka manao ole.
Un-in-ter-rupt-ed, aole i alalaiia. Va-cant, hakahaka, aole i nohoia.
Un-ion, he hookui ana, e kuikahi ana. Vag-a-bond, he mea aea, he kuewa wale.
U-nite, e hui pu, e hookui. Vain, makehewa, lapuwale.
U-ni-ver-sal, a pau loa, ma na wahi a pau. Vain-glo--ri-ous, haanou, kaena.
Un-just, ku ole ma ka pono. Vale, he aina mawaena 0 ha mauna, he awawa.
Un-kind, lokomaikai ole. Val-e-dic-tion, he aloha o ka mea hele.
Un-known, i ike ole ia. Val-iant, makau ole, koa. [mauna.
Un-law-ful, ku ole ike kanawai. Val-ley, he awawa, he wa mawaena o na
Un-less, ina ole, ke ole. Val-u-a-ble, pono e waiwai ai.
Un- like, like ole, ku like ole. Van, he poe kaua hele mua.
Un-like--ly, aole paha olaio. Van-ish, e nalowale iho.
Un-lock, e wehe me ke ki. Van-quish, e lanakila maluna.
Va-por, he mahu. Wag, e neenee me ka luliluli ae.
Va-ri-a-ble, lauwili, huli i o ia nei. Wa-ges, he uku no kekahi hana.
Va-ri-ance, he ku e ana. Wail, e uwe kanikau, e kumakena.
Va-ri-e-ty, nui ke ano o kela mea keia mea. Waist, ka puhaka.
Vast, nui, nunui. Waist-coat, he puliki.
Vaunt, e kaena wale, e haanou. Wait, e kali, e ukali.
Veer, e haliu ae. Wake, ala, e ala mai ka hiamoe ae.
Veg-et-a-ble, he mea kanu, mea kupu. Wake, ka maawekai mahope o ka moku.
Veil, e uhi. Walk, e hele wawae.
Vein, he aa koko. Walk-ing-staff, he kookoo.
Ve lo-ci-ty, ka mama ana o ka hele. Wall, he pa pohaku, he paia hale. [paka.
Vend, e kuai aku, e kalepa. Wal-low, e kaa i ka lepo me he puaa la, e ku-
Ven-e-rate, e mahalo nui, e hoomaikal. Wan-der, e aea, e kuewa wale.
Ve-ne-sec-tion, e hookahe i ke koko. Wane, e emi iho.
Ven-geance, he hoopai huhu ana. Want, he nele, he ilihune ana.
Ven-om, he mea awaawa make. Wan-ton, uhauha, makaleho.
Ven-om-ous, he ano o ka mea e make ai. War, he kaua.
Verb-al, ma ka waha, hai waba ia. War, e kaua aku.
Ver-i-fy, e hooiaio. Warm, mahana, pumahana.
Verse, he pauku olelo. Warm, e hoomahana.
Vers-ed, he makaukau, he akamai. Warn, e ao aku i makaala ai.
Ver-tex, kabhi i oi maluna. Warp, he ropi e moe ana ma ka loao ka lole.
Ver-ti-go, he poniuniu. War-ri-or, he koa kaua.
Ver-y, io, oiaio, maoli. Wart, he ilikona.
Ves-i-cate, e hoopohapoha i ka ili. Wash, e holoi, e hoomaemae i ka wai.
Ves-i-cle, he wahi puu ma ka ili. Wasp, he nalo hope eha.
Ves-sel, he ipu, he pahu. he waa, he moku. Waste, e hoomaunauna waiwai.
Vest-ige, he kapuai, he kaha. Watch, e kiai, e makaala.
Vex, e hoonaukiuki, e hoopilikia. Watch, he wati; he poe kiai.
Vex-a-tious, e hoonaukiuki ana. Wa-ter, wai, kai. 't Library
Vi-al, he omole aniani uuku. Wa-ter-fall, he wailele. MOE LADrary
Vi-brate, e lewa i o ia nei. Wa-ter-y, pulu ma-u.
Vice, he kina, he hewa. Wat-tle, he lala laau wuku.
Vic-tor, he koa lanakila. Wave, he ale o ke kai.
Vic-to-ry, he lanakila ana. Wave, e luli, e kai o ia nei.
Vict-uals, he mea ai na kanaka. Wax, he kepau ta, he mea pipili.
Vie, e hoolike, e hana like. Way, ke ala, alanui, ka aoao hana.
View, he ike maka, e makaikai ana. Way-lay, e hoohalua.
Vig-i-lant, makaala. We, kakou, makou, kaua, maua.
Vig-or-ous, ikaika. Weak, nawaliwali, palupalu.
Vile, ino, kolohe, haukae. Weal, he pomaikai ana.
Vil-i-fy, e olelo ino, e aki. Wealth, he waiwai.
Vil-lage, he kauhale. Wean, e ukuhi i ka waiu.
Vin-di-cate, e kokua ae, hoopuka ae. Weap-on, he mea kaua. he mea pale i ka enemi.
Vin-dic-tive, manao hoopai wale. Wear, e aahu lole, e hoopau liilii.
Vi-o-late, e uhai, e wawahi, e limaikaika. Wea-ry, lubi, pauaho.
Vi-o-lent, ikaika, huhu. Weave, e ulana.
Vi-per, he mooomole, he mea niho awa. Web, ka mea i ulanaia, he punawelewele.
Vir-gin. he wahine puupaa. Wed, e mare, e lawe i wabine. i kane paha.
Vis-it, e hele e ike. Wed-nes-day, wenede, ka poakolu.
Vix-en, he wahine nuku wale. Wee, uuku, lahilabi.
Vo-ca-tion, he oihana. Weed, he mea ulu wale.
Voice, he leo. Weed, e waele i ka nabelehele.
Void, hakahaka, nele. [honua. Weep, e uwe me ka waimaka.
Vol-ca-no, he pele, luapele, he ahi iloko o ka Weigh, e kaupouna.
Vol-ume, he owili palapala, he buke. Weight-y, he kaumaha, koikoi.
Vol-un-ta-ry, no ka makemake iho. Wel-come, e bookipa me ke aloh&
Vom-it, e luai aku. Well, he luawai, he punawai hohonu.
Vo-ra-cious, ai nui loa, aihamu. Well, pono, mai ole.
Voy-age, he holo ana ma ka moana. Well-nigh, kokoke, aneane.
Well-spring, he puna, he waipuna.

Ww. Wel-ter, e kaa maloko o ke koko.

Wen, he puu maloko o ka io.
.| Wench, he kaikamahine, wahine mare ole ia.
WADE, e auhele. West, komohana.
Wet. koekoe, pulu i ka wai. Wood, laau, he wahie, he ululaau.
Whale, he kohola. Woof, na kaula i ulanaia.
What? heaha? Wool, he hulu hipa.
Whee-dle, e hoopunipuni. Word, he huaolelo.
Whelp, he keiki ilio. Work, hana, he oihana.
When? (with the past) inahea? (future) ahea? Work, he mea i hanaia.
Whence? nohea mai? ihea mai? World, ke ao nei, kela ao.
Where? aihea? mahea? aila mahea? World-ly, lilo i na lealea o ke ao nei.
Where-fore? no keaha la? Worm, enuhe, he mea liilii e kolo ana.
Whet, e hookala i oi. Worm-eat-en, aiia i ka mu.
Wheth-er, ina paha. Worse, he oi i ka hewa.
Whet-stone, he pohaku hoana. Wor-ship, e hoomana.
Which? he mea hea? Worst, hewa loa, ino loa.
While, Worth, ke kumu kuai, ka pono.
oiai, ia manawa, ma ia manawa. Wound, e hooeha.
Whip, e haua, e hahau a eha. Wran-gle, e hakaka, e hoopaapaa.
Whirl, e wili ikaika. Wrap, e wahi ae, e opeope.
Whirl-pool, he mimilo,he wili iloko o ke kai. Wrap-per, he wahi no kekahi mea.
Whirl-wind, he puahiohio. Wrath, huhu, inaina.
Whisk-er, he umiumi loloa ma ka papalina. Wreath, he lei i ulanaia.
Whis-per, e hawanawana. Wreck-ed, nahahaia me he moku la.
Whis-tle, e hookio, e pio. Wrest. e huki ikaika, e kaili hewa.
White, keokeo, kea.
White-wash, he mea hamo keokeo. Wres-tle, e hakoko.
Whith-er? ihea? i kahi hea? Wretch, he kanaka inoino loa.
Who? wai? owai? Wretch-ed, ehaeha loa, popilikia.
Whole, okoa. Wring, e uwi, e wili ikaika.
Whoop, he hooho kaua, he hooho. Wrin-kle, he minomino.
Whore, he wahine hookamakama. Wrist, ka pulima.
Why? no keaha la? i mea aha? Write, e kakaulima.
Wick, he uwiki 0 ke kukui. Writhe, e wili, e oni ae.
Wick-ed, aia, hewa, lawehala. Wrong, kekee, pono ole, he hewa.
Wide, akea, laula, palahalaha. Wrong, e hana hewa.
Wid-ow, wahine kane make. Wrong-ing, e hana ino ana i kekahi mea.
Wife, he wahine mea kane. Wry, i wiliia, kapakahiia.
Wild, hihiu, laka ole.
Wild-ness, he hihiu.
Wile, apiki, hana maalea.
Will, he palapala kauoha i ka waiwai. Yam, whi.
Wil-ling, e ae ana, oluolu. Yawn, e hamama.
Win, e loaa, e ko. Ye, oukou, olua.
Wind, he makani. Year, he makahiki.
Wind, e wili. Year-ly, ma ka makahiki.
Wind-bound, paa i ka makani. Yearn, e iini, e makemake nui.
Win-dow, he puka makani. Yell, he hooho me ka leo nui.
Wing, eheu, pekekeu. Yel-low, melemele, he lenalena.
Wink, e imo, e imoimo. Yes, e, ae, oia.
Wipe, e holoi me ke kawele. Yes-ter-day, inehinei.
Wise, naauao, akamai, ike. Yet, aka, i keia manawa.
Wish, manao. Yield, e hoohua ; e kuu ae.
With, i, ma, me. Yon-der, mao, mamao.
With-draw, e hoi iwaho. You, singular, oe: dual, olua; plural. oukou.
With-er, e mae a make. Young, opio, opiopio. [oukou.
With-hold, e aua, e huna. Your, singular, xou; dual, ko olua; plural, ko
With-in, maloko, iloko. Youth, he wa keiki, ka wa kamalii.
With-out, mawaho, iwaho.
With-out, ke ole, me ole.
With-stand, e ku e, e hooke, e papa.
Wit-ness, e hoike. Lie
Wo, woe, auwe! poino! e poino ana.
Wo-man, he wahine makua. ZeAL-ous, piha i ka manao ikaika.
Womb, ka puao. Zeph-yr, he makani nawaliwali.
Won-der, e mahalo, e kahaha ka manao,. Zig-zag, he kekee i o ia nei.
Won-der-ful, kupaianaha. Zink, he kepau keokeo.
Wont, maa, walea. Zone, he kaei o ka honua.




Tue following Chronological Table is a translation of a Table compiled by

the Rev. A. Forbes, of Molokai, and was designed for a Hawaiian Almanac for
the present year, 1865. The Compiler says: “This Table has been made up
from the Hawaiian History (Mooolelo Hawaii) and some fifty or more articles
added. It is not, however, supposed that all deficiencies are supplied, but only
some of the defects of previous tables. ‘There will be facts and dates to be
added hereafter.”
The first Chronological Table of notable events at these Islands was published
in the Hawaiian Almanac for 1835, before the Hawaiian History was written.
To that Table additions have been made from time to time, until the present.
L. A.

1716. Keaulumoku was born at Naohaku in opuu, was on Maui fighting against
- Kohala. Kahekili.
1752. Kalaniopuu King of Western Hawaii. |1779. January 17, Capt. Cook anchored in the
1769. Transit of Venus, observed by Cook Bay of Kealakeakua, Hawaii.
and Green. 1779. February 14, Capt. Cook was slain at
1774. Keaulumoku was living with Kahahana, Kaawaloa, Hawaii.
King of Oahu. 1782. April, Kalaniopuu died, leaving his
1775. Kaahumanu became the wife of Kame- Kingdom (Western Hawaii) to Ki-
hameha I. walao, who was his own son.
1776 to 1778. Kahekili, King of Maui, was at |1782. July, the battle named Mokuahae, i.e.,
war with Kalaniopuu, King of Ha- the fight of Kamehameha with Kiwa-
wail. lao and his party at Keomo, Hawaiis.
1778. January 18, Capt. Cook first anchored Kamehameha triumphed, Kiwalao.
at Waimea, Kauai, having first seen was slain, and Keoua became King:
Oahu. of Kau and Puna.
1778. November, Capt. Cook touched at East |1782. Keawemauhili reigns as King at Hilo,.
Maui. Hawaii.
1778. Kamehameha, a soldier under Kalani-! 1782. Keaulumoku composed the mele Haui’

ka Lani, or a Prophecy of the over-| 1798. The work of digging out a fleet of canoes
throw of Hawaii by Kamehameha. was commenced; the canoes were of
1782. Kamehameha reigns King over Kona, the class called Peleleu.
; Kohala and Hamakua. |1801. The fleet of canoes called Peleleu ar-
1782. December, Kanekoa was slain in battle rived at Kawaihae.
by Keoua. 1802. The Peleleu arrived at Lahaina.
1783. March, at Lanpahoehoe mua, Kameha- |1802. Kameeiamoku dies at Lahaina.
meha fought with Keawemauhili and | 1803. The Peleleu arrived at Oahu.
Keoua, Kings of Kau and Hilo. 1804. The great pestilence called ahulau okuu.
1784, They fought at Hapuu. 1804. Keeaumoku dies.
1784. Keaulumoku the Poet died, aged 68 | 1808. Ualakaa?
years. 1809. Kanihonui was slain for making an at-
1785. At Laupahoehoe alua, Kamehameha tempt on Kaahumanu.
fought with Keawemauhili and Ke-| 1810. Kamehameha and Kaumualii, King of
oua, Kings of Kau and Hilo. Kauai, meet, and Kaumualii gives
1786. The ship Zo anchored. Kauai to Kamehameha. Hence all
1787. August, Kaiana sailed to a Foreign the Islands of Hawaii became one
Country (China.) Kingdom under Kamehameha I.
1790. The battle called Kapantwai was fought | 18122. Kamehameha returned to Hawaii. That
between Kamehameha and Kalani- voyage was called Niaukani.
kupule at Wailuku, Maui. 2. The stone wall of Kiholo was built.
. First American ship (Hleanor, Captain . March, Kauikeaouli (Kamehameha IT.)
Metcalf) visited the Islands. was born.
. Keawemauhili was slain in battle by |1815 - Nahienaena (the Princess) was born.
Keoua. 1816 . Some Russian ships arrive.
. Kamehameha lives at Kaunakahakai, 1816 . The building of the Fort at Honolulu
Molokai. commenced by Kalanimoku.
. Keoua was taken prisoner by Kameha-| 18177. The Fort at Honolulu finished.
meha at Koapapaa, Hamakua, Ha-| 1819 . May 8, Kamehameha I. died.
waii, and Kamehameha thus became 9. May, Liholiho (Kamehameha IT.) reigns
sole King of the whole Island. King.
. John Young and Isaac Davis became : October, Liholiho breaks kapu on the
attached to Kamehameha. night of Kukahi.
. Kaeo, King of Kauai. and Kahekili, . Kapu broken on Oahu in November.
King of Mani, met Kamehameha at 20. January, a battle on account of break-
Kohala, Hawaii; the battle was ing kapu at Kuamoo on Hawaii.
called Kepuwahaulaula. . Mar ch 30. first Missionaries arrived at
. Kahekili, King of Maui, died. Kailua.
. In this year the battle of Nuuanu was 20. April 18, Micsiosunics first arrive at
fought, in which Kalanikupule, son } Honolulu.
of Kahekili, King of Maui and Oahn, . duly, Messrs. Whitney and Ruggles
was slain; and thus Maui, Molokai, sailed for Kanai.
Lanai and Oahu fell into the hands 1820. December, Liholiho sails for Maui.
of Kamehameha, 1820. First whaler (Mary, Capt. Allen) enters
1792. Keoua was slain at Kawaihae. Honolulu harbor.
1792. March 3, Capt. Vancouver first visited 1821. February 4, Liholiho sails for Oahu.
the Islands, and left cattle, sheep, &c ‘Nagai: July 22, Liholiho arrives at Kanai.
1792. The Deedaius, store ship, visits Waimea, | 1821. First house of Christian worship built
Oahu ; a Massacre. in Honolulu.
1793. Kamehameha attempted a voyage to 1822. January 7, Printing first commenced at
Kauai, but could not succeed, the the Islands. It is said that King Li-
wind being against him. That voyage holiho was allowed to pull the first
was called Jeiewaho. sheet.
1793. March 12, Vancouver anchored at La- 3. January, Kaahumanu returned from
haina. Hawaii.
1794. December, first discovery of Honolulu . April 4, Mr. Ellis arrived from Tahiti.
harbor. Entered by Jackall and . April 27, the second company of Mis-
Prince Leboo, American. sionaries arrived.
1795. January 12, last visit of Vancouver. 23. September 16, Keopuolani died.
1795. Deedalus visits Niihau. Massacre. Jan- 23. November 27, Liholiho, his Queen and
uary 1, Murder of Captains. attendants ‘sailed for England, leav-
1797. Liholiho (Kamehameha If.) was born. ing the Kingdom in the care of Kaa-
Leos. Namakeha dies at Hilo, in the battle of humanu.
Kaipalaoa. 1824. May 26, Kaumualii, King of Kauai, died.
. July 8, Kamamalu, wife of Liholiho, 1832. June 5, Kaahumanu died.
died in London. 1832. June, Kinau was appointed ae
. July 13, Liholiho died in London. (Kuhina Nui.)
24. August, Humehume (George Tamoree) 1832. September, Kaomi begins to es A dis-
raised a Rebellion on Kauai. turbance.
. August 18, Kiaimakani was slain in 1832. Messrs. Alexander, Whitney and Tinker
battle. sail to examine the Marquesas Isl-
. August, Kapiolani descended into the ands as a field for Missions.
Voleano of Kilauea. . The Fort at Lahaina was finished.
. May 4, Boki and his companions return . The Oahu Charity School was com-
from England with the Remains of menced.
the King and Queen in the English 3. Kuakini returns to Hawaii and Kinau
frigate Blonde. dwells in the Fort as Governess.
. February, the ship London was wrecked . March, Kamehameha III. assumes the
on Lanai. reins of Government, and Kinau be-
. February 26, the crew of the war brig comes His Minister (Kuhina Nui.)
Dolphin created a great disturbance . May 1, the sixth company of Mission-
in Honolulu,—attacked and broke aries arrive.
into the house of Kalanimoku. . Jwy 2, Messrs. Alexander, Armstrong
. August, Kaahumanu made her first cir- and Parker sail for the Marquesas
cuit of Oahu. Islands.
. September 27, the first Meeting House . The Bethel Church built at Honolulu.
at Kailua was dedicated. ~ 3. Kaomi died.
. Kahalaia died. . February 9, Kamehameha IV. (Alex-
. February 8. Kalanimoku died. ander Liholiho) was born.
27. October 23, Capt. Clark fired into the . Kamanele died.
Village of Lahaina. . Keola died.
7. October, Kinau and Kekuanaoa were . February 14, first Newspaper printed
married. at the Hawaiian Islands, called the
28. March 30, the third company of Mis- Lama Hawaii, at Lahainaluna.
sionaries arrived. . The Newspaper Aumu Hawaii com-
. The stone Meeting House at Wainee, menced at Honolulu.
Lahaina, commenced. . Leleiohoku and Nahienaena were mar-
. Kaahumanu took the bones of the Chiefs ried.
from the “House of Keawe” and . June 6, the seventh company of Mis-
deposited them at Kaawaloa. sionaries arrived.
. duly3. first Meeting House at Hono- . First Hawaiian Almanac printed.
Tulu dedicated. ). January 2, the Queen Dowager Emma
29. Namahana ios was born.
29. December 2 , Boki and his company 3. The Female Seminary at Wailuku, Maui,
sailed aw ay from the Islands and commenced.
were lost. . The first Weekly Newspaper in English
. Piia died. commenced.
. Kaahumanu and her train made the cir- 3. The High School of Mr. Lyman com-
cuit of Maui and Hawaii. menced at Hilo.
. March, Kaahumanu, the second time, 1836. December, Nahienaena died.
made the circuit of Oahu. 1837. February 4, Kamehameha III. and Ka-
. December 11, His Majesty Kamehameha lama were married.
V. was born. 1837. April 9, the eighth company of Mission-
. June 7, the fourth copes y of Mission- aries arrived.
aries arrived. 1837. Aikanaka died.
. September, mean made the cir- 1837. The flag was burnt at Kalamakini.
cuit of Oahu for the third time. 1837. The business of laying out public
. September, the High School at Lahai- streets in Honolulu was commenced. *
naluna was commenced. 7. November 7, remarkable rise and over-
. The erection of the Fort at Lahaina flow of tide throughout the Islands.
commenced. . August, the Chiefs commence the study
. December 29, Naihe died. of Political Economy with Mr. Rich-
2. The second visit of Kaahumanu to Maui ards.
and Hawaii. . November 1, Victoria Kamamalu was
2. May 17, the fifth company of Mission- born.
aries arrived. . Great attention to religion among the
2. March, the stone Meeting House at Wai- | people.
nee, Lahaina, dedicated. . April 4, Kinau died.

1839. April 5, Kekauluohi became Premier 1845. Kekauluohi died.

(Kuhina Nui.) 1845. First export of Coffee—248 pounds.
1839. May 10, the printing of the First Edi- 1845. John Young (Keoni Ana) is appointed
tion of the Hawaiian Bible finished. Premier (Kuhina Nui.)
1839. July 9, the French man-of-war ’ Arte- 1846. February 11, Commissioners appointed
mise (Capt. Laplace) arrived. to settle land claims.
1839. Kaikioewa died. 1846. March 20, Mr. Whitney died at Lahai-
1840. The School for the Young Chiefs com- naluna.
menced at Honolulu—Mr. and Mrs. 1846. November, G. L. Kapeau returned to
Cooke Teachers. Hawaii as Governor.
1840. January, Hoapili, Governor of Maui, 1847. November, Mr. Richards died.
died. 1848. Leleiohoku (William Pitt) died.
1840. The stone Meeting House at Kawaiahao, 1848. Mose Kaikoewa died.
Honolulu, commenced. 1848. Kaiminaauao died.
1840. August 3, Mr. Bingham and Family re- 1848. The twelfth company of Missionaries
turned to the United States. arrived.
1840. October 8, Kamehameha III. gives the 1848. The Measles (mai puupuu ula) pre-
first written Constitution to the peo- vailed, and very fatal.
ple of the Hawaiian Islands. 1849. The Fort seized at Honolulu by Ad-
1840. October 20, Kamanawa and others were miral Tromelin of the French Navy.
publicly executed for crime. 1849: Beef first exported from the Islands—
1840. September, the United States Exploring 158 barrels.
Expedition arrived. 1851. The Hawaiian Missionary Society was
1841. May, Kapiolani died. formed.
1841. May 21, the ninth company of Mission- 1851. June, the Court House at Honolulu
aries arrived. built.
1841. The School for Missionaries’ Children 1851. First Whale Oil and Bone transhipped.
at Punahou (now Oahu College) 1852. April 2, Kaliokalani died.
commenced. 1852. First export of Fungus.
1842. January, Hoapili Wahine (Kalakaua) 1852. The Small-Pox (mai puupuu liilii) swept
died. over the Islands.
1842. July 8, Haalilio sailed as Commissioner 1854. The Fort at Lahaina demolished by
to the Courts of France, England and order of Government.
the United States. 1854. December 15, Kamehameha ITI. (Kaui-
1842. July 21, the Meeting House at Kawai- keaouli) died, and Kamehameha LY.
ahao finished. became King.
1842. September 21, the tenth company of 1855. Paki died.
Missionaries arrived. 1855. Mr. Hitchcock, of Molokai, died.
1843. The United States consent to the Inde- 1855. Flour exported—463 barrels.
pendence of the Hawaiian Islands. 1856. June 2, Kamehameha IV. was united
1843. February 25, Lord George Paulet seized in marriage with Emma Rooke.
the Hawaiian Islands and raised the 1856. J. Aikake was married to Ruta Keeli-
English Flag. kolani.
1843. July 31, the sovereignty of the Islands 1857. The Fort at Honolulu was demolished
was restored by Admiral Thomas of by order of Government.
the English Navy. 1857. Konia (Widow of Paki) died.
1843. September, Bartimeus Puaaiki died. 1857. John Young (Keoni Ana) the Premier
1844. The Government of Belgium consents died.
to the Independence of the Hawai- 1857. Victoria Kamamalu appointed Kuhina.
ian Islands. 1857. William L. Lee, Chief Justice of the
1844, November 28, the Governments of Eng- Supreme Court, died.
land and France recognize the Inde- 1857. Mr. Armstrong sailed for the United
pendence of the Hawaiian Islands. States.
1844. July 15, the eleventh company of Mis- 1857. Governor Adams (Kuakini) died.
sionaries arrived. 1857. David Malo died.
1844. Silk exported from the Islands—197 1858. May 20, the Prince or Hawau (Haku
pounds. o Hawaii) was born.
1844. Haalilio died on his return voyage to 1859. An eruption of the Volcano on Hawaii,
the Islands. as before in 1840, 1852, 1855.
1845. April 2, Representatives first chosen 1859. April 26, Jonas Piikoi died.
from the common people under the 1859. July, the Civil Code first published.
Constitution of October, 1840. 1859. September, Gas-light (ea aa) first intro-
1845. Mr. Richards, the Interpreter ef Haali- duced into Honolulu.
lio, returned with his Remains. 1860. Feb., Custom House built at Lahaina.
1860. March, New Custom House built at meha IV. died, and Prince Lot took
Honolulu. the Throne as Kamehameha VY.
1860. May 27, J. W. E. Maikai died. 1864. May 5, Convention of Delegates was
1860. Queen’s Hospital built; so named from called by the King.
Queen Emma. 1864. June 13, Members of the Convention
1860. The steamer Kilauea arrived at Hono- chosen by the people.
lulu. 1864. July 7, Convention assembled.
1860. Prince Lot (Kamehameha V.) sailed for 1864, August 13, the Constitution given by
California. Kamehameha III. abrogated by His
1860. September 23, Dr. Armstrong, Minister Majesty and the Convention dis-
of Public Instruction, died. missed.
1860. October, G. L. Kapeau, Governor of 1864. August 20, the King gives a New Con-
Hawaii, died. stitution.
1860. December, B. Namakeha died. 1864. September 29, Representatives for a
1862. The Prince or Hawai died. Legislature chosen under the New
1862. October 11, Reformed Catholic Mission- Constitution.
aries arrived. 1864 Oct. 15, the new Legislature assembled.
1862. July 18, the building of the Seminary 1864 L. Haalelea died.
at Lahainaluna burnt. 1864 October, Act passed the Legislature
1862. New building erected. authorizing the erection of two Dis-
1863, November 30, His Majesty Kameha- tilleries in Honolulu.
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