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Hydrology Assignement #1 WSEE



Surface and Subsurface Hydrology

Hydrology ASSIGNMEN #2

Prepared By Getye Fekadu

ID :GSR /9365/13

Summited to : Dr. Agizew Nigusse

Mar 28, 2021
Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Hydrology Assignement #2 WSEE

1. The annual rainfall series for two stations are given below. Do the following hydrological tests
on the data: (a) outlier test using log-Pearson type III (b) independence test using W-W
method (c) homogeneityof the two stations data using M-W method.

Year 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

BahirDar 1467.8 1545.2 1297.3 1310 1118.2 1396.9 894.6 1257.3 1216.7 1494.6 1214.3 1191.7 1314.2 1596.1 1417.9 1452.3

Maksegnit 1074.2 871.2 852.6 1095.4 1446.7 1271.6 879.2 1133.9 845.6 871.6 1071.4 750.2 1019.9 764.4 692.3 844.3

Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

BahirDar 1413.7 1564.2 1076.5 1186.4 1380 1207.5 1421.2 1474.4 1569.8 1543.1 1495.5 1645.4 1332.3 1209.6 1314.8

Maksegnit 628.3 724.6 649.5 663.2 1493.4 1502 1360.7 1611.8 1332.1 1686.9 777.4 922 952.3 922 1089.1

(a) outlier test using log-Pearson type III



• YL is the log of high or low outlier limit,
• YM is the mean of the log of the sample flows,
• SY is the standard deviation of the logs of the sample flows, and
• KN is the critical deviate from table value


SY= = 0.05813152

YL = YM + KNSY= 3.1284+2.577*0.05813152= 3.2787

AntilogYL = 1899.85

YL = YM - KNSY = 3.1284-2.577*0.05813152= 2.9782

AntilogYL = 950.96

There for outlier value from Bahirdar sample data 894.6 lower than given data.

SY= = 0.123201029

Hydrology Assignement #3 WSEE

YL = YM + KNSY= 2.99838+2.577*0.123201029= 3.3105

AntilogYL =2043.87

YL = YM - KNSY = 2.99838-2.577*0.123201029= 2.6772

Antilog(YL) =475.52
• Therefore is no outlier data from Maksegnite sample data.

(b) Independence test using W-W méthodes

For a data set X1, X2,......XN the statistic R is calculated from Excel files

= ∗ +1+ 1

RBahirdar =57139442.86

RMeksegint =33953744.63

General formula of Moment , Mk= 1



M1= 1 1 31 = 42019.5/31= 1355.47

=1 31 =1

M2= 1 =1 M2=1 =1( )^2= 57851047.6/31= 1866162.825

M3= 1 =1 M3=1 =1( )^3= 80766980528/31= 2605386469 M4=

=1 M4=1 =1( )^4= 1.14183E+14/31= 3.68333E+12


Sk= NMk'

S1 =m1*N= 1355.47∗ 31 = 42019.5

S2 =m2*N= 1866162.825∗ 31 = 57851047.6
S3 =m4*N= 2605386469∗ 31 = 80766980528
S4 =m4*N= 3.68333E+12∗ 31 = 1.14183E + 14
= 12 − 2 = 42019.52−57851047 .6 = 1707787333 56926244.42 =
−1 31−1 30

Hydrology Assignement #4 WSEE

= 12 − 2 − 2 + ( 14−4 12+4 1 3+ 22 −2 4) =24025010306

−1 −1 ( −2)

= − = 57139442 .86−56926244.42 1.38 =

^0.5 24025010306

u 0.025 = 1.96 > 1.38

• Therefore The Series is independent and stationary.

= ∗ + 1 + 1 =1

RMeksegint =33953744.63

M1=1 =1 1 31 = 31799.8/31= 1025.8

31 =1

M2=1 =1 M2=1 =1( )^2= 35345198/31= 1140167.68

M3=1 =1 M3=1 =1( )^3= 42393329867/31= 1367526770

M4=1 =1 M4=1 =1( )^4= 5.43354E+13/31= 1.75275E+12

12 − 2
12 − 2 ( 14 − 4 12 + 4 1 3 + 22 − 2 4)
= − −2 +
−1 − 1 ( − 2)

Where Sk= NMk' and Mk' is the kth moment of sample about the origin.

S1 =m1*N= 1025.8∗ 31 = 31799.8

S2 =m2*N= 1140167.68∗ 31 = 35345198
S3 =m4*N= 1367526770∗ 31 = 42393329867
S4 =m4*N= 1.75275E+12∗ 31 = 5.43354E + 13

= 12 − 2 − 2 ( 14−4 12+4 1 3+ 22 −2 4)
−1 −1 ( −2)

R = = 12 − 2 31799.82−35345198 = 32529402.73

Hydrology Assignement #5 WSEE

mean =
−1 30

= 12 − 2 − −2 +( 14−4 12+4 1 3+ 22 −2 4) = 2.27602E+11

−1 −1 ( −2)
= − = 33953744 .63−32529402.73 2.985564126 =
^0.5 2.27602E+11

u 0.025 = 1.96 < 2.985564126

• Therefore The Series is not independent and stationary.

(c) homogeneity of the two stations data using M-W method.

R was calculated the sum of Bahir dar sample with in ascending order of both data

R = 1276
P = 31
q = 31
V = R-(P*(P+1))/2 = 780 W =
(p*q)-V = 961-780 = 181 Ū
= pq/2 = 480.5
N = q+q= 31+31 = 62

(p*q/N( N-1))*(N^3-N/12-T)

T=(J^3J)/12= 0.5

μ = (U-Ū)/(var(U)^(1/2) = -4.2167
│μ│ = 4.2167
μ0.025 = 1.96

Since lμl = 4.2167 is less than μ0.025 = 1.96, the null hypothesis that the two data sets (Bahir
Dar and Maksegnit) are not homogeneous. The two data sets are concluded to come from
different distribution.

2. Given flood data in a river as shown in the table below

a. Determine the data set for both annual maximum series and annual exceedance series
b. The magnitude of a 50-year flood

Hydrology Assignement #6 WSEE

Date Peak discharge, m3/s

1/6/1983 95
3/8/1983 300
7/6/1984 60
2/8/1985 80
28/5/1986 100
18/8/1986 90
11/7/1987 800
28/8/1987 700
4/8/1987 90

Date Discharge(m3/s) AMS AES
1/6/1983 95 800 300 800
3/8/1983 300 700 60 700
7/6/1984 60 300 80 300
2/8/1985 80 100 100 100
28/5/1986 100 95 800 95
18/8/1986 90 90
11/7/1987 800 90
28/8/1987 700 80
4/8/1987 90 60
N 9

Hydrology Assignement #7 WSEE

b. The magnitude of a 50-year flood

Y-Y (Y-Y )^2

Date Peak Discharge(m3/s) Y=logX mean mean
1/6/1983 95 1.977724 -0.22147 0.04904978
3/8/1983 300 2.477121 0.277926 0.07724275
7/6/1984 60 1.778151 -0.42104 0.17727823
2/8/1985 80 1.90309 -0.29611 0.08767845
28/5/1986 100 2 -0.1992 0.03967883
18/8/1986 90 1.954243 -0.24495 0.06000195
11/7/1987 800 2.90309 0.703895 0.4954675
28/8/1987 700 2.845098 0.645903 0.41719014
4/8/1987 90 1.954243 -0.24495 0.06000195
Sum 19.79276 1.46358958
Average 2.199195 0.1829487

Using lognormal distribution

= = = 19.792/9 = 2.199 =1

1 1.4635
2 = ( − )2 = = 0.1829487
−1 8
é ( )= 2 = 0.1829487 =0..4277

= 1 = 50 , = 1/ = 1/50 = 0.02 2

= 1 = 7.824 =2.797

= 2.797−2.515517+0.802853(2.797)+0.010328(2.797 )2 = 2.054007568
1+1.432788(2.797)+0.189269(2.797) 2+0.001308(2.797)3

KTr= z = 2.054007568

Q50 = AvagQ+KTr*SY= 2.199+2.054*0.4277= 3.07775

Q= antilog(Q50)= 1196.05 M3/SEC

3. The following table contains annual maximum flow data for 1957-1963

Year 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963

Flow, (100 m3/s) 90 116 142 99 63 128 126

Hydrology Assignement #8 WSEE
Determine the 200-year flow by the frequency factor method assuming that the flows follow
(a) lognormal distribution and
(b) log-Pearson type III distribution
(a) lognormal distribution
Flow, mean)2 mean)3
Year m3/s=X 2
Y=logX Y Y3 Y-Ymean (Y-Y (Y-Y

1957 9000
3.954243 15.63603 61.82867 -0.07055 0.0049773 -0.000351
1958 11600 4.064458 16.51982 67.14411 0.039666 0.0015734 6.241E-05
1959 14200 4.152288 17.2415 71.59167 0.127496 0.0162553 0.0020725
1960 9900 3.995635 15.9651 63.79072 -0.02916 0.0008501 -2.48E-05
1961 6300 3.799341 14.43499 54.84344 -0.22545 0.0508284 -0.011459
1962 12800 4.10721 16.86917 69.28524 0.082418 0.0067927 0.0005598
1963 12600 4.100371 16.81304 68.93969 0.075578 0.0057121 0.0004317
Sum 76400 28.17355 113.4797 457.4235 0.0869893 -0.008709

Average 10914.29 4.024792 0.0145

Y = log10
(a) lognormal distribution

= = = 28.17/7 = 4.025 =1

1 0.087
2 = ( − )2 = = 0.0145
−1 6
é ( )= 2 = 0.0145 =0.12041
= 1 = 3.255247
10.6 =

3.255247−2.515517+0.802853(3.255247)+0.010328(3.255247 )2 =2.576229211
QT = + kTr , Q200 = + 200= 4.025 + kT(0.0.12041)
kTr = z
w − 2.515517 + 0.802853w + 0.010328w2
1 + 1.432788w + 0.189269w2 + 0.001308w3
= 1 = 200 , = 1/ = 1/200 = 0.005

Hydrology Assignement #9 WSEE
1+1.432788(3.255247)+0.189269(3.255247) 2+0.001308(3.255247)3

KTr= z =2.576

Q200 = + 200 = 4.025 + kT(0.0.12041) = 4.025 + 2.5762229211(0.0.12041)=4.335

Q= Antilog Q200 = 21627.19M3/sec

(b) log-Pearson type III distribution

2( 3) −3 ( )( 2) + 2( )3
. =
−1 −2 3

− 3

. = = =1 −1 −2 3 = (-0.09*7)/(6*5*0.12041^3)= -1.203
= = -1.203 = -0.2005

6 6

KTr = + 2 −1 +1 3 −6 2 − 2 −1 3 + 4 +1 5 = 1.5174706
3 3

logQ T =Y + k T Y = 4.025 + 1.5174706 ∗ . = .

Q = antilog(4.047) = 11,143 M3/s

4. The annual maximum series of flood magnitude in a river has a lognormal distribution with
a mean of 8000 m3/s and a standard deviation of 3000 m3/s

a. What is the probability in each year that a flood magnitude would exceed 12000 m3/s?
b. Determine the flood magnitude for return period of 25 and 100 years.

a. Given
lognormal distribution
(ц ) = 8000
(ᵟ ) = 300

Hydrology Assignement #10 WSEE

≥ , ≥ 12000
Relation ship

≤ = = ……….1
= ≤ =1− ( ≥ )

= 1 − ( ≥ )…………2
ᵟ −

 But, ц =1 1+цῼ2x , ῼx = cv = цᵟx = 3000 = 0.375

2 2 8000

ц =1 8000 2 ,=8.9 3

2 1+0.3752

〖ᵟlnx〗^2=ln(1+ ῼx^2)=ln(1+〖0.375〗^2)=0.13

12000 − 8.9
= = 1.37 0.36

= 1.37 , = 0.9147

=1− = , = 12000 = 1 − = 1 − 0.9147 = 0.08

b. Given
i. T=25yr
ii. T=100yr


i. = 1 = 1 = 0.04, =1− = = 1 − 0.04 = 0.96 25

= 0.96, = 1.79

− 8.9

Hydrology Assignement #11 WSEE

1.79 =
= 9.5444
= 9.544 = 13966.26 5
ii. = 1 = 1 = 0.01, = 1 − 0.01 = 0.99

= 0.99, = 2.39


− 8.9
2.39 =
= 9.76
= 9..76 = 17326.6
5. A river flow by a village situated in low-lying area has 5 years of discharge measurements. The
peak discharges in the river exceeding 100 m3/s over the period of record are shown in
the table below. Due to frequent flooding of the village, a dike system is to be constructed by
the local government for protecting the village. From the view point of safety performance of
the system, the local government requires that the failure probability of the dike system over an
expected service period of 50 years is 0.30 or less.

a. What return period should the dike system designed for?

b. Based on the annual maximum floods, determine the magnitude of design discharge
corresponding the return period obtained in (a)
c. Repeat (b) using the annual excedance series of floods applying the frequency factor
method with a log-Pearson type III distribution

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

105 111
Discharge, 130 101 107 104 124
m3/s 341 110 240 105

a. Given
= 0.3
= 50
= 100

Hydrology Assignement #12 WSEE

0.3 = 1 − (1 − )50
1 − = 0.750
1 − = 0.70.02
1 − = 0.99
= 0.01
2 1
= = = 100
b. =?, = 100

≥ = =1−

=1- ≥
=1− = , = 100 = = 1 − 0.01 = 0.99

= 2.39

= − , = = 1578
= 143.45
11 11

= ( − )2

= 58722.73 = 76.63 10

− 143.45
2.39 =
100 = 327.3
Y- (Y- (Y -Y )^3
Year Q(m3/s)(X) Y Y Y )^2 mean Y2 Y3 (X-XM) (X-XM)2
mean mean
105 2.02 -0.10 0.01 -0.0009 4.09 8.26 -38.45 1478.75
2000 130 2.11 0.00 0.00 0.0000 4.47 9.45 -13.45 181.02
341 2.53 0.41 0.17 0.0712 6.41 16.25 197.55 39024.21

Hydrology Assignement #13 WSEE

2001 101 2.00 -0.11 0.01 -0.0015 4.02 8.05 -42.45 1802.39
2002 107 2.03 -0.09 0.01 -0.0007 4.12 8.36 -36.45 1328.93
110 2.04 -0.08 0.01 -0.0005 4.17 8.51 -33.45 1119.21
2003 104 2.02 -0.10 0.01 -0.0010 4.07 8.21 -39.45 1556.66
240 2.38 0.26 0.07 0.0180 5.67 13.48 96.55 9321.02
111 2.05 -0.07 0.01 -0.0004 4.18 8.56 -32.45 1053.3
2004 124 2.09 -0.02 0.00 0.0000 4.38 9.17 -19.45 378.48
105 2.02 -0.10 0.01 -0.0009 4.09 8.26 -38.45 1478.75
SUM 1578 23.30 0.30 0.08 49.66 106.55 58722.73
Ymean 2.118197 0.030226

c. Répeat ‘b’ Assume log Person type III

= = 23.3 = 2.12

2 = 1 ( − )2 = 0.3 = 0.03
−1 10
é ( )= 2 = 0.03 =0.173

. = = − 3 = (0.08*11)/(10*9*0.173^3)= 1.888 =1
−1 −2 3

= = -1.888 = 0.315
6 6

KTr = + 2 −1 +3 3 −6 2 − 2 −1 3 + 4 +1 5 = 1.5174706
3 3

= 1 = 100 , = 1/ = 1/100 = 0.01


= 1 = 9.21 =3.035
logQ T =Y + k T Y = 2.12 + 3.559 ∗ . = .
Q = antilog(4.047) = 544 M3/s

The annual maximum stream flow data for a 15-min duration is given as follows

Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Flow, m3/s 26 85 109 75 118 22 169 36 131 98 86


Hydrology Assignement #14 WSEE

d. Check whether there are outliers using the log-Pearson Type III method.
e. Assuming that Extreme Value Type I distribution (EVI) describes the data,
determine the design flow for a highway culvert that has a design life of 15 years
with 10% hydrologic risk.
a. Outlier Test

Year Q(m3/s)(X) Y=logx - ( −) − ( −)

1990 26 1.410 0.451 0.2033 -60.8182 3698.8512
1991 85 1.930 0.069 0.0048 -1.8182 3.3058
1992 109 2.040 0.179 0.0321 195.8182 38344.7603
1993 75 1.880 0.019 0.0004 -11.8182 139.6694
1994 118 2.070 0.209 0.0437 31.1818 972.3058
1995 22 1.310 0.551 0.3035 -64.8182 4201.3967
1996 169 2.230 0.369 0.1362 82.1818 6753.8512
1997 36 1.560 0.301 0.0905 -50.8182 2582.4876
1998 131 2.120 0.259 0.0671 44.1818 1952.0331
1999 98 1.990 0.129 0.0167 11.1818 125.0331
2000 86 1.930 0.069 0.0048 -0.8182 0.6694
sum 955 20.470 0.9031 58774.36

= = = 20.5/11 = 1.86 =1

1 1.5
2 = ( − )2 = = 0.15
−1 10
é ( )= 2 = 0.15 =0.39
Kn ; for 11 number of data , kn = 2.088(table)
i. Checking for high outliers
Yh= +knS
=1.86+ (2.088*0.39)=2.67
Qh=102.67 =467.74
All the values of the data are lower than Qh. There fore no High Outlier.
ii. Checking lower outlier

Yl= –knS
Ql=101.05 =11.22

Hydrology Assignement #15 WSEE

All the value of the data are higher than Ql. There fore no High Outlier.
b. XT= = +
For extreme value distribution
KT=−( 6)(0.5772+ln(ln( )))
Risk=R=1 − (1 − )
N=15yr, R=10%=0.1
0.1=1 − (1 − )15,
1− 15 = 0.9 1-
p=0.91/15, p= 0.01
1 1
= = = 100
For T=100, kT≈ 2
Or from table
No. Of intervalles N=11
There fore N=11,KT=2.088≈ 2

= = = = 86.8 11
1 58774.36
2 = ( − )2 = = 5877.436
−1 10
é ( )= 2 = 5877.436 =76.66
There fore
100 =240012 3 /

6. The annual maximum stream flow data for a 15-min duration is given as follows
Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Flow, m3/s 26 85 109 75 118 22 169 36 131 98 86
a. Check whether there are outliers using the log-Pearson Type III method.
b. Assuming that Extreme Value Type I distribution (EVI) describes the data,
determine the design flow for a highway culvert that has a design life of 15 years
with 10% hydrologic risk.
c. Outlier Test

Year Q(m3/s)(X) Y=logx - ( −) − ( −)

1990 26 1.410 -0.451 0.2033 -60.8182 3698.8512

Hydrology Assignement #16 WSEE

1991 85 1.930 0.069 0.0048 -1.8182 3.3058

1992 109 2.040 0.179 0.0321 -195.8182 38344.7603
1993 75 1.880 0.019 0.0004 -11.8182 139.6694
1994 118 2.070 0.209 0.0437 31.1818 972.3058
1995 22 1.310 -0.551 0.3035 -64.8182 4201.3967
1996 169 2.230 0.369 0.1362 82.1818 6753.8512
1997 36 1.560 -0.301 0.0905 -50.8182 2582.4876
1998 131 2.120 0.259 0.0671 44.1818 1952.0331
1999 98 1.990 0.129 0.0167 11.1818 125.0331
2000 86 1.930 0.069 0.0048 -0.8182 0.6694
Sum 955 20.470 0.9031 58774.36

= = = 20.5/11 = 1.86 =1

1 0.9031
2 = ( − )2 = = 0.0903
−1 10
é ( )= 2 = 0.0903 =0.3005
Kn ; for 11 number of data , kn = 2.088(table)
iii. Checking for High outliers
YL= +KnSY =1.86+ (2.088*0.3005)=2.4874
Qh=102.4874 =307.185
• All the values of the data are lower than Qh. Therefore no High Outlier.
iv. Checking lower outlier

YL= –KnSy
Ql=101.2326 =17.0844
• All the value of the data are higher than Ql. There fore
d. XT= = +
For extrême value distribution
KTr=−( 6)(0.5772+ln(ln( )))
Risk=R=1 − (1 − )
N=15yr, R=10%=0.1
0.1=1 − (1 − )15,
1 − 15 = 0.9

1-p=0.91/15, p= 0.007
1 1

Hydrology Assignement #17 WSEE

= = =

For Tr=143,

KTr≈ .

= = = = 86.8 11
1 58774.36
2 = ( − )2 = = 5877.436
−1 10
é ( )= 2 = 5877.436 =76.66
There fore
X143 =49684.5 /
7. Analysis of observed hydrological data of four gauged catchments gave the mean annual and 100-
year flows indicated in Table 2.
Table 2 Mean annual and 100-year flows
Catchment-1 Catchment-2 Catchment-3 Catchment-4
4.6 6.9 8.6 11
100-year flow, m3/s 20 29 36 48

The following regression equation could also be developed to estimate the mean annual runoff.

= 0.18 1.05 0.07

Where Q = mean annual runoff in m3/s; A= catchment area in km2 and P = mean annual rainfall in
Determine the 100-year return period flow from a similar ungauged catchment that has 40 km 5 area and
mean annual rainfall of 1100 mm using the index flood method.
4.2 + 4.3
= = 4.25

= 4.25
= 4.25 ∗ 14.1362
Hydrology Assignement #18 WSEE


= 40 2
= 1100 = 1.110−3
= 0.18 1.05 0.07

= 0.18(401.05)(1100)0.07
= 14.1362 3 /

(2) (3) (4)

(1)Qm Q100 Q100/Qm (3) In Ascending Order
4.6 20 4.3 4.200
6.9 29 4.2 4.200
8.6 36 4.2 4.300
11 48 4.4 4.400

= 60 3/


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