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The Science of Paediatrics: MRCPCH

Mastercourse 1st Edition Tom Lissauer

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The Science of
MRCPCH Mastercourse
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The Science of
MRCPCH Mastercourse
Tom Lissauer
Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Imperial College Healthcare Trust, London, UK

Deputy editor
Will Carroll
Consultant Paediatrician, University Hospital of the North Midlands, Stoke-on-Trent, UK

Associate editors
Robert Dinwiddie
Formerly Consultant Paediatrician, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK

Michael Hall
Consultant Paediatrician, Princess Anne Hospital, Southampton
Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Foreword by
Neena Modi
President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, UK;
Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK

© 2017, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

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Foreword, ix
Preface, xi
List of Contributors, xiii

1. The role of science and research in paediatrics, 1

Neena Modi, Anil Mehta
2. Epidemiology and public health, 9
Premila Webster, Sarah Rayfield
3. History and examination, 27
Will Carroll, Simon Li, Ian Petransky
4. Normal child development, 45
Nadya James
5. Developmental problems and the child with special needs, 61
Hayley Griffin, Katherine Martin, Nadya James
6. Paediatric emergencies and critical care, 79
Lynn Sinitsky, Michael Marsh, David Inwald
7. Accidents and poisoning, 101
Mark Anderson, Eleanor Dawson
8. Child protection, 119
Kerry Robinson, Alice J Armitage, Deborah Hodes
9. Genetics, 141
Richard H Scott, Shereen Tadros
10. Perinatal medicine, 157
Mithilesh Kumar Lal, Nazakat Merchant, Sunil K Sinha
With contributions by Helen Yates, Lawrence Miall, Steve Byrne
11. Neonatal medicine, 179
Mithilesh Kumar Lal, Nazakat Merchant, Sunil K Sinha
With contributions by Shalabh Garg
12. Growth and puberty, 217
John W Gregory v
13. Nutrition, 233
Mary Fewtrell
With contributions by Hannah Tobin
14. Gastroenterology, 253
Huw Jenkins, Lisa Whyte

With contributions by Toni Williams

15. Infection and immunity, 277

Christine E Jones, Manish Sadarangani, Graham Davies
With contributions by Mike Sharland, Omendra Narayan, Daniel Langer, Christian Harkensee,
Chris Barton, Kirsty Le Doare, Aubrey Cunnington

16. Allergy, 297

John O Warner, Paul J Turner

17. Respiratory medicine, 317

Will Carroll, Warren Lenney

18. Cardiology, 341

Robert M R Tulloh, Jessica Green

19. Nephrology, 365

Rajiv Sinha, Stephen D Marks
20. Genital disorders, 391
Daniel Carroll, Charlotte Slaney
With contributions by John Gregory
21. Hepatology, 403
Deirdre Kelly, Nicola Ruth
22. Oncology, 421
Daniel Morgenstern, Rachel Dommett
23. Haematology, 441
Irene A G Roberts, David O’Connor
24. Child and adolescent mental health, 463
Max Davie, Jacqui Stedmon
25. Dermatology, 479
Nicole Y Z Chiang, Timothy H Clayton
26. Diabetes and endocrinology, 499
John W Gregory
27. Musculoskeletal disorders, 521
Mary Brennan, Helen Foster, Flora McErlane, Rajib Lodh, Sharmila Jandial
28. Neurology, 543
Gary McCullagh, Dipak Ram, Nadya James
29. Metabolic medicine, 571
Elisabeth Jameson
30. Ophthalmology, 589
Louise Allen

31. Hearing and balance, 609

vi Kaukab Rajput, Maria Bitner-Glindzicz
32. Adolescent medicine, 627
Nwanneka N Sargant, Lee Hudson, Janet McDonagh
33. Global child health, 641
Dan Magnus, Anu Goenka, Bhanu Williams
34. Palliative medicine, 659
Richard D W Hain
With contributions by Megumi Baba, Joanne Griffiths, Susie Lapwood, YiFan Liang, Mike Miller
35. Ethics, 673
Joe Brierley
36. Pharmacology and therapeutics, 687
Elizabeth Starkey, Imti Choonara, Helen Sammons
37. Clinical research, 703
Simon Bomken, Josef Vormoor
38. Statistics, 723
Miriam Fine-Goulden, Victor Grech
39. Evidence-based paediatrics, 739
Bob Phillips, Peter Cartledge
40. Quality improvement and the clinician, 757
Peter I Lachman, Ellie Day, Lynette M Linkson, Jane Runnacles

Index, 771

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This book is a welcome addition to the publications that an intervention is effective and safe. Medicine as
from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child a science recognizes absolute proof, or truth, to be an
Health. It provides background material for trainees illusion and instead focuses attention on reducing
undertaking the ‘Theory and Science’ component of uncertainty. Hence the principle of the null hypothe-
the MRCPCH examinations. I hope that it will also be sis, and the objective to attempt to reject it that is the
widely read by paediatricians and other health profes- basis of scientific rigour. This book offers insight into
sionals involved in caring for children, as it provides the building blocks of scientific advancement, as well
a wealth of information on the scientific basis of clini- as the excitement.
cal paediatrics. I am very pleased to have been involved in the
Good medical practice that is effective and safe genesis of this book. It is innovative and original in
requires constant nourishment from a pipeline that assisting the reader to apply the principles of science
leads from discovery and evidence generation, through to paediatric practice, and in conveying the messages
implementation to evaluation. Each of these elements of science to our patients and their parents. It will
is important; discovery may be targeted (such as inter- inform and enlighten, and stimulate you to contribute
national collaboration to crack the human genome) to the advance of paediatrics.
or serendipitous (such as the discovery of penicillin),
but without successful implementation, discovery is Professor Neena Modi
barren, and without evaluation we cannot be certain President, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

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Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important
thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

This book, The Science of Paediatrics: MRCPCH Master- children. We are harming our own patients on a daily
course, is about the application of science to paediatric basis if we misinterpret results of investigations or do
clinical practice. It is not about the underlying basic not obtain the most appropriate therapy for them.
science, such as biochemistry and the structure and Paediatricians have often thought that scientific ques-
action of cells, which is covered in undergraduate tioning cannot be applied to children because trials or
medical school. Instead, it is about how we can suc- investigations are too difficult to perform involving
cessfully apply that science in everyday paediatric care. them. Fortunately, this is rapidly changing, and we
The book has been designed to cover the curriculum hope that this book will stimulate paediatricians to
of the MRCPCH Theory and Science examination. It question their clinical practice and seek to discover the
is the culmination of many requests to provide back- latest evidence to answer their questions.
ground preparation for the exam. Our aim is to fill the In this book there are chapters on the importance
gap between the basic science of undergraduate of applied science in paediatrics, epidemiology, clini-
medical school and its application to paediatrics. cal research, statistics, evidence-based medicine and
Some paediatricians have questioned us about the ethics, which are particularly informative as they
need for in-depth knowledge about science in clinical contain many examples of their application to paedi-
practice. Yet we believe that in order to achieve and atrics. There are also chapters covering all the systems,
maintain excellence it is essential to adopt a scientific with a particular emphasis on embryology as this
understanding of all that we do, whether it is interpret- explains the origin of many congenital abnormalities,
ing clinical signs or investigations, prescribing drugs a brief reminder about the relevant anatomy and phys-
or identifying the best management for our patients. iology as well as a particular focus on understanding
Indeed, separating science from clinical practice is arti- the application and interpretation of investigations
ficial and often unhelpful, and it is this division that and of the use and mechanism of action of therapies.
we struggled most with in the preparation of this Rather than providing didactic details of what clinical
book. practice should be followed, we have tried to provide
We all wish to provide the best possible care for our information about the reasons and evidence base for
patients. Yet paediatricians have been responsible for it, whether it be the assessment of bruises and frac-
advocating practices that have turned out to be tures in child protection, different feeding practices in
harmful, such as the recommendation that babies lie nutrition or the management of shock in intensive
prone when sleeping, which substantially increased care. There is also a chapter of quality improvement,
the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, or uncon- in view of its importance in providing high-quality
trolled oxygen therapy for preterm babies, causing care.
retinopathy of prematurity. These have resulted from Exam-style questions have been embedded in the
lack of scientific rigour when introducing new prac- chapters. Mostly, they come before the relevant section
tices. But it is not just the profession as a whole or in in the chapter, so that readers can check their know­
the past that has been responsible for causing harm to ledge and understanding before rather than after xi
reading about the topic. There are also many case We would like to thank all those who helped bring
histories and examples of recent advances in science this ambitious project to fruition. Finally, it is to our
that have been of benefit in the care of children. families we wish to extend a special thanks for putting
Further material to assist with exam preparation, up with us retreating to our computers at every spare
which complements this book, can be found in Clini- moment for the last couple of years.
cal Cases for MRCPCH Theory and Science (RCPCH). We Tom Lissauer

have assumed that readers will have read an under- Will Carroll
graduate textbook of paediatrics, and have tried to
avoid replicating their content.

List of Contributors

Louise Allen Chris Barton Mary Brennan

Consultant Paediatric Speciality Trainee in Paediatric Consultant Paediatric and
Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmology Oncology, Alder Hey Children’s Adolescent Rheumatologist, Royal
Department, Cambridge Hospital, UK; Hospital for Sick Children,
University NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Research Fellow, Institute Edinburgh, UK
Cambridge, UK; of Translational Research, 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
Associate Lecturer, University of University of Liverpool, UK
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 15. Infection and immunity Joe Brierley
30. Ophthalmology MBChB FRCPCH FFICM MA
Maria Bitner-Glindzicz Consultant Intensivist, Paediatric
Mark Anderson BSc MBBS MRCP PhD Intensive Care Unit, Great
BSc BMedSci BM BS MRCPCH Professor of Genetic and Genomic Ormond Street Hospital, London,
Consultant Paediatrician, Great Medicine, University College UK
North Children’s Hospital, London Institute of Child Health, 35. Ethics
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals London, UK
NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle 31. Hearing and balance Steve Byrne
upon Tyne, UK MbChB, MRCP, PhD
7. Accidents and poisoning Simon Bomken Consultant Neonatologist
BMedSci(Hons) (retired), The James Cook
Alice J Armitage MBBS(Hons) PhD University Hospital,
MBBS BSc Specialist Registrar, Department of Middlesbrough, UK
Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatric and Adolescent 10. Perinatal medicine
Paediatrics, University College Haematology and Oncology, Great
London, London, UK North Children’s Hospital, Daniel Carroll
8. Child protection Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; BM BCh BA MA DM MRCS
Honorary Clinical Lecturer, FRCS(Paed)
Megumi Baba Northern Institute of Cancer Senior Lecturer, Department of
MBBS MRCPCH PgDip Research, Newcastle University, Paediatric Surgery, James Cook
Palliative Medicine Newcastle upon Tyne, UK University, Townsville, QLD,
Specialty Registrar in Paediatric 37. Clinical research Australia
Palliative Medicine, Paediatric 20. Genital disorders
Palliative Care, The Noah’s Ark
Children’s Hospital for Wales,
Cardiff, UK
34. Palliative medicine xiii
Will Carroll Max Davie Mary Fewtrell
BA MA(Oxon) Consultant Community Professor of Paediatric Nutrition,
Consultant Paediatrician, Paediatrician, Evelina London Childhood Nutrition Research
University Hospital of the North Children’s Hospital, St Thomas’ Centre, UCL Institute of Child
Midlands, Stoke-on-Trent, UK Hospital, London, UK; Health, London, UK;

3. History and examination, 17. Convenor, Paediatric Mental Honorary Consultant

Respiratory medicine Health Association, London, UK Paediatrician, Great Ormond
24. Child and adolescent mental Street Hospital NHS Trust,
Peter Cartledge health London, UK
BSc MBChB MRCPCH 13. Nutrition
PCME MSc Graham Davies
Locum Consultant Paediatrician, MA FRCPCH Miriam Fine-Goulden
General Paediatrics, Leeds Consultant Paediatric MA MBBS MSc MRCPCH
Children’s Hospital, Leeds, UK Immunologist, Great Ormond ST8 Paediatric Intensive Care,
39. Evidence-based paediatrics Street Hospital, London, UK; Great Ormond Street Hospital for
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Institute Children, London, UK
Nicole Y Z Chiang of Child Health, University 38. Statistics
MBChB(Hons) MRCP(UK) College London, London, UK
Specialist Trainee in Dermatology, 15. Infection and immunity Helen Foster
Department of Dermatology, MD MBBS(Hons) FRCPCH FRCP
Salford Royal NHS Hospitals Eleanor Dawson DCH Cert Clin Ed
Trust, Manchester, UK MB ChB MRCPCH Professor Paediatric
25. Dermatology Specialty Trainee in Paediatrics, Rheumatology, Newcastle
Northern Deanery, Great North University;
Imti Choonara Children’s Hospital, Newcastle Honorary Consultant in Paediatric
MBChB MD FRCPCH upon Tyne, UK Rheumatology, Great North
Emeritus Professor, Academic Unit 7. Accidents and poisoning Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
of Child Health, The Medical Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
School, University of Nottingham, Ellie Day Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Nottingham, UK MA MBBS MRCPCH 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
36. Pharmacology and therapeutics Consultant Community
Paediatrician, Camden Shalabh Garg
Timothy H Clayton Community Child Health Team, MBBS MD FRCPCH
MB ChB MRCPCH FRCP(Edin) London, UK Consultant Neonatologist, The
Consultant Paediatric 40. Quality improvement and the James Cook University Hospital,
Dermatologist, Dermatology clinician Middlesbrough UK
Centre, Salford Royal NHS 11. Neonatal medicine
Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK; Rachel Dommett
Consultant Paediatric PhD BMBS BMedSci Anu Goenka
Dermatologist, Paediatric Consultant Paediatrician in BSc MBChB DFSRH DTM&H
Dermatology, Royal Manchester Haematology/Oncology, Bristol MRCGP MRCPCH
Children’s Hospital, Manchester, Royal Hospital for Children; MRC/ESPID Clinical Research
UK Honorary Lecturer, University of Training Fellow, Manchester
25. Dermatology Bristol, Department of Paediatric Collaborative Centre for
Haematology, Oncology and Bone Inflammation Research, University
Aubrey Cunnington Marrow Transplant, Bristol, UK of Manchester, Manchester, UK
BMBCh PhD DTM&H FRCPCH 22. Oncology 33. Global child health
Clinical Senior Lecturer, Section of
Paediatrics, Department of
Medicine, Imperial College
London, London, UK
15. Infection and immunity

Victor Grech Richard D W Hain Nadya James
FRCPCH MRCP(UK) DCH FRCPE DipPalMed PGCertEd Consultant in Community
Consultant Paediatrician FHEA Paediatrics, Nottingham University
(Cardiology) and Associate Consultant and Lead Clinician, Hospitals, Nottingham, UK
Professor of Paediatrics, University Child Health, Children’s Hospital, 4. Normal child development, 5.
of Malta; Heath Park, Wales, UK; Developmental problems and the
Editor-in-Chief, Images in Visiting Professor, University of child with special needs, 28.
Paediatric Cardiology; South Wales; Neurology
Editor, Malta Medical Journal, Honorary Senior Lecturer, Bangor
Malta University, Bangor, Wales Elisabeth Jameson
38. Statistics 34. Palliative medicine BSc(Hons) MBBCh(Hons) MSc
Jessica Green Christian Harkensee Consultant Paediatrician in
MRCPCH MD PhD MSc DLSHTM FRCPCH Inborn Errors of Metabolism,
Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics, Consultant Paediatric Infectious Willink Biochemical Genetics
Bristol Royal Hospital for Diseases, Immunology and Unit, St Mary’s Hospital,
Children, Bristol, UK Allergy, University Hospital of Manchester, UK
18. Cardiology North Tees, Stockton-on-Tees, UK 29. Metabolic medicine
15. Infection and immunity
John W Gregory Sharmila Jandial
FRCPCH MD BSc MB BS DRCOG FRCPCH Consultant Paediatric
Professor in Paediatric Consultant Paediatrician, Royal Rheumatologist, Great North
Endocrinology, School of Free London NHS Foundation Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
Medicine, Cardiff University, Trust and University College upon Tyne, UK
Cardiff, UK London Hospitals NHS 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
12. Growth and puberty, Foundation Trust, London, UK
20. Genital Disorders, 8. Child protection Huw Jenkins
26. Diabetes and endocrinology MA MB BChir MD FRCP
Lee Hudson FRCPCH
Hayley Griffin MBChB MRCPCH FRACP Consultant Paediatric
MB BS BSc MRCPCH PGDip Consultant Paediatrician, General Gastroenterologist, Child Health,
Specialty Registrar in Paediatric Paediatrics and Adolescent Children’s Hospital for Wales,
Neurodisability, Nottingham Medicine and Department of Cardiff, UK
Children’s Hospital, Nottingham, Child and Adolescent Mental 14. Gastroenterology
UK Health, Great Ormond Street
5. Developmental problems and the Hospital for Children; Christine E Jones
child with special needs Honorary Senior Lecturer, UCL BMedSci BMBS MRCPCH
Institute of Child Health, London, PGCertHBE FHEA PhD
Joanne Griffiths UK Clinical Lecturer, Paediatric
MBChB 32. Adolescent medicine Infectious Diseases Research
Consultant in Palliative Care and Group, Institute for Infection and
Community Paediatrics, David P Inwald Immunity, St George’s University
Department of Child Health, MB BChir FRCPCH PhD of London, London, UK
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Consultant in Paediatric Intensive 15. Infection and immunity
Board, Swansea, UK Care, Paediatric Intensive Care
34. Palliative medicine Unit, St Mary’s Hospital, London, Deirdre Kelly
6. Paediatric emergencies and critical Professor of Paediatric Hepatology,
care The Liver Unit, Birmingham
Children’s Hospital;
University of Birmingham,
Birmingham, UK
21. Hepatology xv
Peter I Lachman Warren Lenney Stephen D Marks
FRCP FCP(SA) FRCPI Professor of Respiratory Child Consultant Paediatric
Deputy Medical Director, Great Health, Keele University, Faculty Nephrologist, Department of
Ormond Street Hospital NHS of Health, Institute for Science Paediatric Nephrology, Great
Foundation Trust, London, UK and Technology in Medicine, Ormond Street Hospital for

40. Quality improvement and the Keele, UK; Children NHS Foundation Trust,
clinician Consultant Respiratory London, UK
Paediatrician, Royal Stoke 19. Nephrology
Mithilesh Kumar Lal University Hospital, Academic
MD MRCP FRCPCH Department of Child Health, Michael Marsh
Consultant, Department of Stoke-on-Trent, UK MBBS FRCP
Neonatal Medicine, The James 17. Respiratory medicine Medical Director, University
Cook University Hospital, Hospital Southampton and
Middlesbrough, UK Simon Li Consultant Paediatric Intensivist,
10. Perinatal medicine, 11. Neonatal MBChB BSc(Hons) MRCPCH University Hospital Southampton,
medicine Specialist Registrar in Paediatrics, Southampton, UK
Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK 6. Paediatric emergencies and critical
Daniel Langer 3. History and examination care
MBChB BSc(Hons)
PGDip(Paediatric YiFan Liang Katherine Martin
Infectious Diseases) BM BCh MA DCH FRCPCH MBChB BSc(Hons) MRCPCH
Consultant Paediatrician, Epsom Consultant in Paediatrics, South Consultant Paediatrician, Child
and St Helier Hospital, Epsom, Tees NHS Foundation Trust, Development Centre, Nottingham
UK Middlesbrough, UK Children’s Hospital, Nottingham
15. Infection and immunity 34. Palliative medicine University Hospitals NHS Trust,
Nottingham, UK
Susie Lapwood Lynette M Linkson 5. Developmental problems and the
MA(Cantab) BM BCh(Oxon) MB CHB MRCP child with special needs
MRCGP Darzi Fellow 2013–2014, Quality
Head of Research, Education and Safety and Transformation, Great Gary McCullagh
Professional Development and Ormond Street Hospital for MB BCH BAO MRCPCH
Senior Specialty Doctor, Helen Children NHS Foundation Trust, Consultant Paediatric Neurologist,
and Douglas House Hospices for London, UK Royal Manchester Children’s
Children and Young Adults, 40. Quality improvement and the Hospital, Manchester, UK
Oxford, UK; clinician 28. Neurology
Honorary Clinical Fellow, Oxford
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Rajib Lodh Janet McDonagh
34. Palliative medicine PGCertMedEd PGDipClinRes Senior Lecturer in Paediatric and
Consultant in Paediatric Adolescent Rheumatology, Centre
Kirsty Le Doare Neurorehabilitation, Leeds for Musculoskeletal Research,
BA(Hons) MBBS MRCPCH Children’s Hospital, Leeds University of Manchester,
PGCertHBE Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Manchester, UK
Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Leeds, UK 32. Adolescent medicine
Diseases, Department of 27. Musculoskeletal disorders
Paediatrics, Imperial College, Flora McErlane
London, London, UK Dan Magnus MBChB MRCPCH MSc
15. Infection and immunity BMedSci BMBS MRCPCH MSc Consultant Paediatric
Consultant Paediatric Emergency Rheumatologist, Paediatric
Medicine, Bristol Royal Hospital Rheumatology, Great North
for Children, Bristol, UK Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
33. Global child health upon Tyne, UK
27. Musculoskeletal disorders
Anil Mehta Omendra Narayan Irene A G Roberts
Hon Consultant/Reader, CVS Consultant in Paediatric Professor of Paediatric
Diabetes, University of Dundee, Respiratory Medicine, Royal Haematology, Oxford University
Dundee, UK Manchester Children’s Hospital, Department of Paediatrics,
1. The role of science and research in Manchester, UK Children’s Hospital and Molecular
paediatrics 15. Infection and immunity Haematology Unit, Weatherall
Institute of Molecular Medicine,
Nazakat Merchant David O’Connor John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford,
Consultant Neonatologist, West Locum Consultant in Paediatric 23. Haematology
Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Watford Haematology, Department of
Hospital, Watford, UK Haematology, Great Ormond Kerry Robinson
10. Perinatal medicine, Street Hospital, London, UK MA MRCPCH
11. Neonatal medicine 23. Haematology Consultant Paediatrician,
Whittington Health NHS Trust,
Lawrence Miall Ian Petransky London, UK
MB BS BSc MMedSc FRCPCH MBBS MRCPCH 8. Child protection
Consultant Neonatologist, Leeds Paediatric Registrar, Department of
Teaching Hospital, Leeds, UK; Paediatrics, Chesterfield Royal Jane Runnacles
Hon Senior Lecturer, University of Hospital, Chesterfield, UK MBBS BSc(Hons) MRCPCH MA
Leeds, Leeds, UK 3. History and examination Consultant Paediatrician, Royal
10. Perinatal medicine Free Hospital, London, UK
Bob Phillips 40. Quality improvement and the
Mike Miller BMBCh MA MMedSci PhD clinician
MRCPCH MRCP MB BS Dip NIHR Post-Doctoral Fellow and
Pall Med Honorary Consultant in Paediatric Nicola Ruth
Consultant, Martin House Oncology, Centre for Reviews and MBChB BSc(Hons) PGA(Med
Children’s Hospice, Wetherby, UK Dissemination, University of York, Education) MRCPCH
34. Palliative medicine York, UK Clinical Research Fellow in
39. Evidence-based paediatrics Paediatric Hepatology, The Liver
Neena Modi Unit, Birmingham Children’s
MB ChB MD FRCP FRCPCH Kaukab Rajput Hospital/University of
FRCPE FRCS FRCP MSc Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
President of the Royal College of Consultant Audiovestibular 21. Hepatology
Paediatrics and Child Health, Physician, Great Ormond Street
London, UK; Hospital for Sick Children NHS Manish Sadarangani
Professor of Neonatal Medicine, Foundation Trust, London, UK BM BCh MRCPCH DPhil
Imperial College London, London, 31. Hearing and balance Clinical Lecturer and Honorary
UK Consultant in Paediatric Infectious
1. The role of science and research in Dipak Ram Diseases & Immunology,
paediatrics MBBS MRCPCH University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Paediatric Neurology Specialist 15. Infection and immunity
Daniel Morgenstern Registrar, Royal Manchester
MB BChir PhD FRPCH Children’s Hospital, Manchester, UK Helen Sammons
Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, 28. Neurology MBChB MRCPCH DM
Great Ormond Street Hospital, Associate Professor of Child
London, UK; Sarah Rayfield Health at the University of
Honorary Senior Lecturer, UCL MB BS MSc MFPH Nottingham and Consultant
Institute of Child Health, London, Specialist Registrar Public Health, Paediatrician at the Derbyshire
UK Oxford Deanery, Oxford, UK Children’s Hospital, Derby, UK
22. Oncology 2. Epidemiology and public health 36. Pharmacology and therapeutics

Nwanneka N Sargant Lynn Sinitsky Robert M R Tulloh
Paediatric Specialty Registrar, Paediatric Registrar, London FRCP FRCPCH
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Deanery, London, UK Professor, Congenital Cardiology,
Trust, Bristol Royal Hospital for 6. Paediatric emergencies and critical University of Bristol, Bristol, UK;
Children, Bristol, UK care Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist,

32. Adolescent medicine Bristol Royal Hospital for

Charlotte Slaney Children, Bristol, UK
Richard H Scott BMBCH BA MA BMBCh 18. Cardiology
Consultant in Clinical Genetics, Staff Specialist in Radiology, Paul J Turner
Department of Clinical Genetics, Queensland X-Ray, Townsville, BM BCh FRACP PhD
North East Thames Regional Queensland, Australia MRC Clinician Scientist in
Genetics Service, Great Ormond 20. Genital disorders Paediatric Allergy & Immunology,
Street Hospital, London, UK; Imperial College London, London,
Honorary Senior Lecturer, Elizabeth Starkey UK;
Genetics and Genomic Medicine MRCPCH MBChB Hon Consultant in Paediatric
Unit, Institute of Child Health, Locum Consultant Paediatrician, Allergy & Immunology, Imperial
London, UK Royal Derby Hospital, Derby, UK College Healthcare NHS Trust,
9. Genetics 36. Pharmacology and therapeutics London, UK
16. Allergy
Mike Sharland Jacqui Stedmon
MD MRCP FRCPCH BSc PhD BPS DipClinPsy Josef Vormoor
Professor of Paediatric Infectious Associate Professor/Programme Dr med
Diseases, Paediatric Infectious Director, Doctorate Programme in Sir James Spence Professor of
Diseases Research Group, Institute Clinical Psychology, University of Child Health and Director of the
for Infection and Immunity, St Plymouth, Plymouth, UK Northern Institute for Cancer
George’s University of London, 24. Child and adolescent mental Research, Northern Institute for
London, UK health Cancer Research, Newcastle
15. Infection and immunity University, Newcastle upon Tyne,
Shereen Tadros UK;
Rajiv Sinha BMedSci BMBS MML MRCPCH Honorary Consultant Paediatric
MD FRCPCH(UK) CCT(UK) Specialist Trainee in Clinical Oncologist, Great North
Associate Professor, Paediatric Genetics, Department of Clinical Children’s Hospital, Newcastle
(Nephrology), Institute of Child Genetics, North East Thames upon Tyne Hospitals NHS
Health, Kolkata, India; Regional Genetics Service, Great Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon
Consultant Paediatric Ormond Street Hospital for Tyne, UK
Nephrologist, Fortis Hospital, Children, London, UK 37. Clinical research
Kolkata, India 9. Genetics
19. Nephrology John O Warner
Sunil K Sinha BA BM BCh MRCPCH FMedSci
MD PhD FRCP FRCPCH Trainee in General Paediatrics, Professor of Paediatrics, Imperial
Professor of Paediatrics and Barnet General Hospital, Royal College London, London, UK;
Neonatal Medicine, The James Free NHS Trust, London, UK Honorary Professor, Paediatrics
Cook University Hospital, 13. Nutrition and Child Health, University of
University of Durham, Cape Town, Cape Town, South
Middlesbrough, UK Africa
10. Perinatal medicine, 11. Neonatal 16. Allergy

Premila Webster Bhanu Williams Helen Yates
DLATHE DPhil DTMH BA MAcadMed Locum Consultant Neonatologist,
Director of Public Health Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Hull Royal Infirmary, Hull, UK
Education & Training, Nuffield Diseases, London North West 10. Perinatal medicine
Department of Population Health, Healthcare NHS Trust, Harrow,
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK UK
2. Epidemiology and public health 33. Global child health

Lisa Whyte Toni Williams

Consultant Paediatric Paediatric Registrar, University
Gastroenterologist Birmingham Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK
Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, 14. Gastroenterology
14. Gastroenterology

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Neena Modi, Anil Mehta


The role of science and 1

research in paediatrics

By the end of this chapter the reader should know:
• Why science and research are relevant to all paediatricians, not just scientists and
• Why children’s biomedical research is essential
• The relevance of synthesizing existing evidence and identifying gaps
• How children’s research has evolved
• Why contributing to research to reduce uncertainties in care is a clinical obligation
• How to acquire research skills
• How and why we should involve patients, parents and the public

knowledge incrementally through testing hypotheses.

Why science and research Science is perhaps best defined by the acceptance that
are relevant to all there are few absolute truths, only ever diminishing
uncertainty with each null hypothesis that is rejected
paediatricians following empirical testing. As we progress through
The practice of medicine is described as both ‘art and our careers, we have a responsibility not only to test
science’, a helpful phrase that emphasizes that the new therapies as they become available, but also to
care a doctor provides encompasses subjective help identify which treatments and clinical practices
(empathy, sensitivity, understanding, communica- in current use are harmful or useless, and progressively
tion) and objective (evidence, factual knowledge, reduce uncertainties in care. C H AP T E R O N E
competencies) elements working in harmony. We all Try and project yourself thirty years into the future;
need to practise the ‘art’ of medicine when we explain look back at what you are being taught now; much of
science and research concepts to patients. this will not have withstood the advance of knowledge
The very best paediatricians are also able to criti- and scientific scrutiny. If you think this is an exagger-
cally evaluate what they are taught, synthesize existing ated argument, consider two salutary lessons from the
evidence, challenge dogma, identify knowledge gaps history of paediatrics (Box 1.1). These examples illus-
and understand how medicine advances through trate two key points: that it is dangerous to assume
patient-centred research. We hope that this chapter that an untested practice is harmless and that getting
will enable you to appreciate why these are profes- evidence adopted into practice can be problematic. Try
sional obligations for paediatricians, and central, not and think of examples of treatments or practices that
peripheral, to clinical practice. We also hope that you are not evidence based but are widely used. Might
will find that applying scientific principles to diagnos- these practices be harmful? What studies could be
tic and therapeutic problems is fun and rewarding. done to resolve these uncertainties? Try also to think
The word science is derived from the Latin word for of examples where translation of evidence into health-
knowledge, ‘scientia’. Science is systematic; it builds care policy could be expedited through collaborative 1
Box 1.1 The danger of assuming untested Box 1.2 Danger of assuming adult medicines are
practice is harmless and delay in getting safe in children
evidence into practice
The introduction of sulphonamides
1 Thymic irradiation Sulphonamides were the first mass-produced
In the early part of the last century, the possibility antimicrobial medications. Prophylactic
that an enlarged thymus was implicated in sudden sulphonamide use in preterm babies began in
The role of science and research in paediatrics

infant death led to the practice of irradiation to Sweden in the 1940s and subsequently became
reduce thymic size. A quote from that time widely used therapeutically. When a new antibiotic,
illustrates that part of the argument in favour of oxytetracycline, was suggested as an alternative, a
irradiation was that even if not beneficial, it was randomized study was conducted which showed
certainly not harmful and that the procedure would increased mortality from kernicterus in
at the very least alleviate parental anxiety: ‘The sulphonamide-treated infants, which would have
obstetrician or pediatrician should accede to the gone unrecognized had the clinical trial not been
wishes of parents who want neonatal X-rays of done. The increase in kernicterus was due to
their children. It might even be wise to administer displacement of bilirubin from albumin binding
therapeutic dosage over the thymus; assurance sites by sulphonamide. Sulphonamides are
gained by this apparently harmless and perhaps generally safe in other age groups, but newborn
beneficial procedure will aid in alleviating an infants are vulnerable to bilirubin toxicity. This
anxiety which may become a thymus phobia’ illustrates the necessity of testing medications in
(Conti and Patton 1948). The substantially the specific population in which they will be used.
increased risk of cancer following thymic irradiation
was subsequently established. Thalidomide
The first placebo-controlled trial of any medication
Back to sleep prior to market launch involved thalidomide, which
From the 1940s until the 1980s childcare experts showed thalidomide to be ‘effective and safe as a
recommended the prone sleeping position for sedative and to alleviate morning sickness in
infants. This advice was indirectly supported by pregnancy’. By the mid-1950s, over a dozen
the decreased work of breathing in the prone pharmaceutical companies were marketing
position for neonates with respiratory distress. thalidomide around the world. It was not until the
However, prone sleeping had also been noted as a 1960s that thalidomide was acknowledged to
possible risk for sudden infant death syndrome cause phocomelia in infants exposed in utero, and
and by the 1970s there was reliable evidence from banned. This tragedy illustrates not only the
observational and epidemiological studies, necessity of testing medications in the specific
reinforced by the New Zealand Cot Death Study population in which they will be used, but also of
ending in 1990, that this should be avoided. selecting the right outcome measures, in this case
Systematic preventive efforts did not begin until not only the impact upon morning sickness in
the early 1990s, largely as a result of a campaign pregnant women, but also the impact upon the
led by a charity, the Foundation for the Study of fetus.
Infant Deaths, together with strong media interest,
which led to the Department of Health issuing a
policy statement followed by a national campaign,
‘Reduce the risk’. This illustrates the need for clear the actions of medicines may differ in the fetus, in
strategies to avoid delay in translating evidence
children, and in adults (see also Chapter 36, Pharma-
into practice.
cology and therapeutics). There are some important
examples of where this is clearly the case. Aspirin is
widely used for pain relief and to reduce fever in adults
advocacy by professional bodies, charities and other but is not recommended for use in children because
third sector organizations. of the risk of a serious condition, Reye’s syndrome,
which causes liver damage and encephalopathy. Young
people with cancer have significantly better survival
Why children’s research when treated with protocols developed for children
is essential compared with protocols used for adults. The use of
treatments designed for adults in children without
‘Children are not little adults.’
adequate testing is dangerous and new treatments are
Children’s research is necessary because the biology not necessarily better than old (Box 1.2). Understand-
of disease in children is not necessarily the same as ing the science of children’s disease can also help
2 in adults. Human physiology alters with age, so that develop adult treatments (Box 1.3).
Box 1.3 Understanding the science of children’s Research involving
disease may help develop treatment in adults
healthy children, and
The development of statins
Increased serum cholesterol and low-density
particularly vulnerable
lipoprotein (LDL cholesterol) accelerates children
atherosclerosis and promotes the risk of coronary
heart disease. Cholesterol is one of the end There are important reasons for involving healthy chil-
products of the mevalonate pathway, in which the dren in clinical research. These include observational
rate-limiting step is the conversion of HMG-CoA to cohorts where the aim is to study normal develop-
mevalonate mediated by HMG-CoA reductase. ment and case-control studies where a healthy child is
Statins are structural analogues of HMG-CoA, compared with a child with a particular disease or
developed to inhibit HMG-CoA reductase and condition. Regardless of the type of research, careful
hence biosynthesis of mevalonate and cholesterol. consideration is required of the risks and burdens of
The development of statins can be traced to participation, the necessity for the information sought
studies on research into children with familial and the rigour of the study design. The increasing
hypercholesterolaemia; when LDL cholesterol is
involvement of parents and children in recent years in
added to their fibroblasts, there is no reduction in
deciding what is acceptable in partnership with
endogenous cholesterol production rate, but it is
reduced 50-fold when added to the fibroblasts of researchers is a welcome development.
healthy humans. This suggested that an LDL Children receiving end-of-life care, looked-after
sensor pathway exists, an observation that led to children and other vulnerable groups also require
the discovery of the mutations in the LDL receptor their care to be assured by robust research evidence.
that stop signal transduction and cause diseases However, there has often been a reluctance to involve
of lipid homeostasis. This research led to the them in research because of a fear of intrusion. A
award of the Nobel Prize to Brown and Goldstein relatively recent development is the growing body of
and ultimately to the development of statins. evidence that indicates that research participation in
such circumstances is more likely to be beneficial
rather than harmful, providing an opportunity to
come to terms with illness and the prospect of death
and to find meaning and solace through involvement
Children’s medicines that will benefit others.

There have been international efforts to encourage the

pharmaceutical industry to improve the development Wider relevance of
of medicines for children. Currently, around half of
children’s medicines and approximately 90% of medi-
children’s research
cines for newborn babies are prescribed off-licence or Another area of children’s research which has been
off-label, having never been tested in these age groups. stimulated by epidemiological observations is the
This unsatisfactory situation was addressed in United relationship between indices of poor fetal growth and
States legislation followed by the European Union health in adult life. There has been an explosion
Regulation on Medicines for Paediatric Use, which over the last two decades in research that demonstrates C H AP T E R O N E
came into force in 2007. This requires pharmaceutical the effects of exposures during early development
companies to define and obtain approval for a Paedi- on adult well-being. There are strong indications
atric Investigation Plan with the European Medicines that obesity, cardiovascular disease and stroke, the
Agency at an early stage in the development of new major causes of death and poor health in adult
medicines. It sets out the studies to be undertaken and life, have determinants in early development. Substan-
marketing authorization is only granted if completed. tial research effort involving interventions in adult
Although there has been an increase in children’s life have failed to stem the increase in these lethal
medicine studies following the introduction of the non-communicable diseases. These observations
regulation, impact has been small and limitations of provide added justification for increased research
the legislation have been highlighted. It remains the in infancy and childhood. Rehabilitative therapies
case that only a minority of medicine trials in neonates that will gain increasing importance in ageing popula-
and children are industry sponsored. This emphasizes tions require better understanding of developmental
the importance of public and charitable sector support biology, neural plasticity, senescence and tissue regen-
if infants and children are to have access to evidence- eration, sciences that are centred upon infant and
based therapies. child research. 3
Synthesizing research Box 1.4 Need for cumulative meta-analysis

evidence and identifying Antenatal steroids

In 1972, Liggins (a scientist) and Howie (a clinician)
1 knowledge gaps reported the results of a randomized controlled
trial (RCT) that provided evidence of the efficacy of
How do we know what is known and not known?
antenatal corticosteroids for the prevention of
The role of science and research in paediatrics

How do we identify research that is needed? The

respiratory distress syndrome associated with
approach to identifying the most appropriate evidence preterm birth. By 1991, seven more trials had been
is described in Chapter 39, Evidence-based paediat- reported, following which a systematic review of
rics. The gold-standard tools for evidence synthesis are RCT was published showing that treatment
systematic review and meta-analysis. The purpose of a reduces the odds of babies born preterm dying
systematic review is to identify all available high- from the complications of immaturity by 30–50%.
quality primary research evidence and summarize the However, it was not until the publication of a
findings in order to address a clearly defined question. consensus statement by the US National Institutes
Meta-analysis is usually used to refer to statistical of Health in 1994 (22 years and 12 trials later),
methods of combining numeric evidence. These followed by guidance from the Royal College of
Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in 1996
approaches are not limited to medicine but are impor-
recommending the use of antenatal steroids, that
tant wherever there is a need to summarize research
this became a standard of care. The delay in
findings. The results of a systematic review and meta- recognizing the benefits resulted in tens of
analysis may be used to guide clinical practice or, if thousands of premature babies suffering and dying
they identify an important knowledge gap, provide unnecessarily. This illustrates the human cost of
justification to carry out a clinical research study to failure to perform systematic, up-to-date reviews
resolve the uncertainty. of RCT in healthcare, and the powerful impact of
The search for all available evidence must be ‘sys- evidence on patient care and outcomes. The
tematic’ in order to avoid potentially erroneous con- original forest plot of RCT of antenatal steroids is
clusions being drawn if the evidence considered is enshrined in the Cochrane Collaboration logo and
biased, for example if an author selects evidence to is described in Box 39.6.
emphasize a particular personal view, or includes only
publications that are easy to find. Bias can take many
other forms and will weaken the reliability of conclu-
An understanding of how to conduct a systematic
sions drawn from a systematic review and meta-
review and meta-analysis is an important and useful
analysis. Publication bias arises when only some and
skill for all paediatricians.
not all research results are published. For example,
journal editors may favour the publication of positive
over negative findings; particular concern arises from Evolution of attitudes to
the alleged failure of pharmaceutical companies to
report all research results. In an attempt to reduce this
clinical research
problem, clinical trials and other types of studies Attitudes to clinical research have evolved with time.
should be registered before commencement; increas- The Declaration of Helsinki, which sets out the ethical
ingly, this is a mandatory requirement. There are a principles that underpin research involving humans,
number of international registries (for example, Clini- has had two notes of clarification and seven amend-, European Union Clinical Trials Register ments, the most recent in 2013. The current version
and others listed in Chapter 37, Clinical research); makes no specific provision for children, confining
when conducting a literature review, it is useful to guidance to a stipulation that special consideration is
search these to try and identify research that is planned required for research involving vulnerable popula-
or in progress. This is also important to avoid conduct- tions. Acceptance that children need their care to be
ing research studies unnecessarily, and to liaise with assured by good research evidence has been a rela-
other investigators so that results can be pooled. tively recent phenomenon. In 1980 the British Paedi-
In order to incorporate new trial data, cumulative atric Association, the forerunner of the RCPCH,
meta-analysis is recommended (Box 1.4). This incre- published guidance in relation to research involving
mental evaluation of evidence helps identify stable children, stating clearly that ‘research involving chil-
conclusions earlier, which in turn should facilitate dren is important’ and ‘should be supported and
earlier uptake of effective interventions and expose encouraged’. It was also felt necessary to say that
fewer patients to ineffective treatments or unjustified ‘research which involves a child and is of no benefit
4 research. to that child (non-therapeutic research) is not
necessarily either unethical or illegal’. This was because, Box 1.5 Lessons from history
up to this time, little clinical research involved chil-
dren and the ethics of including children in research 1700s: Edward Jenner, a Scottish physician
working in London, inoculated James Phipps, the
was still a matter of controversy. Updated guidance
eight-year-old son of his gardener, with pus from
was issued by the RCPCH in 2014.
cowpox blisters on the hands of a milkmaid. Later,
The development of a framework for research ethics he deliberately injected Phipps with smallpox
and regulation has been informed by the history of material to show that he was protected, an action
clinical research. This includes examples of conduct that ultimately led to the global eradication of
that would be considered unacceptable today, that smallpox in 1979, but would not be considered
were found to be fraudulent, and where investigators ethical today.
were wrongly vilified (Box 1.5). These lessons from 1950s: In research conducted at the Willowbrook
history illustrate that all is not black and white, but State School and approved by the New York
that context is important and that society’s attitudes Department of Health, Krugman and colleagues
change with time. These issues are considered further administered immunoglobulin therapy to mentally-
in Chapter 35, Ethics. impaired children and then deliberately infected
The regulation of clinical research in the UK is them with hepatitis A to observe the natural
progression of the disease and the response to
described in Chapter 37. There have been significant
prophylaxis. These studies contributed to the
changes over the last decade. The ways in which society
recognition of hepatitis A and B and stimulated
views the impact and opportunities provided by sci- vaccine development, but have been widely
entific and technological advances, and wider under- criticized for exploiting a vulnerable patient group.
standing of research methods, will ensure that 1990s: Following the publication of the results of a
processes continue to evolve (Box 1.6). trial by Southall and colleagues of continuous
Not all research involves new or experimental treat- negative extrathoracic pressure in neonatal
ments. There are many examples of uncertainties in respiratory distress syndrome, a group of parents
treatments or practices that, despite inadequate evi- made a series of complaints against the investigators
dence, are in wide and accepted use; for example, to the General Medical Council. The trial was
whether or not a preterm baby receives fortification of examined seven times over 11 years until, in 2008, all
maternal milk, or the chemotherapy regimen received allegations against the investigators, including the
by a young adult with leukaemia. Here patients are charges that signatures on trial consent forms had
been forged, were found to be false, but the trial was
exposed to a lottery, where the treatment they receive
instrumental in leading to the introduction of the UK
depends upon the personal preference or bias of the
Research Governance Framework.
clinician. A strong case can be made that in these
2010: The Lancet retracted a discredited paper by
circumstances the patient is not only well served by
Wakefield and colleagues published in 1998,
receiving care delivered along a clearly designed, linking autism to the measles vaccine, a false claim
closely monitored pathway that constitutes a research that led to a decline in vaccination rates and
study, but also that randomization is the best means outbreaks of measles in England and Wales.
to ensure that every patient has a fair chance of receiv- 2013: The SUPPORT trial, approved by 23 US
ing the as yet unknown better option; however, this Institutional Review Boards, was designed to
view is not universally accepted. Current regulatory determine whether targeting lower or higher
frameworks make no distinction between randomiza- oxygen saturations within the accepted standard C H AP T E R O N E
tion to an experimental therapy and randomization to of care range for preterm babies reduced
a treatment already in wide use. We encourage you to retinopathy of prematurity. The trial showed that
join the debates discussing whether participation in babies at the higher end of the recommended
comparative effectiveness research should be the oxygen saturation range had a greater incidence of
retinopathy of prematurity, but, unexpectedly,
default recommendation of medical practitioners.
babies at the lower end, had a higher risk of death.
An accusation, initiated by a local newspaper but
taken up by the United States Office for Human
A clinical obligation to Research Protections against the investigators for
reduce uncertainties in care failing to fully inform parents of ‘the reasonably
foreseeable risks of blindness, neurological
Children and child health are under-represented in damage and death’, in other words for failing to
biomedical and health services research despite general foresee an unexpected trial finding and to suggest
acknowledgement that research involving children is that babies were at greater risk from randomization
necessary; for example, currently approximately 15% even though they continued to receive oxygen
of all registered clinical trials are aimed at children, within the accepted standard of care limits. This 5
met with a storm of protest from around the world.
Box 1.6 A recent change in research regulation Box 1.7 Examples of training resources
Formerly, before recruitment to a Clinical Trial of Canadian National Collaborating Centre for Public
an Investigational Medicinal Product, consent had Health: online training resources
1 to be given on behalf of a minor by a person with (
parental responsibility or an authorized legal Cochrane Library: how to prepare a Cochrane
representative even in an emergency situation. review and other resources
The role of science and research in paediatrics

From 2008 an amendment to the Medicines for (;

Human Use (Clinical Trials) and Blood Safety and
Quality Regulations permits minors to be entered Medical Research Council: resources for
into a trial before informed consent is obtained researchers (
provided that urgent action is essential, it is not
National Centre for Research Methods: online
practicable to obtain consent, and the intervention
training resources (
is approved by a Research Ethics Committee.
National Institute for Health Research: training in
core research activities such as Good Clinical
Practice (
and only about 5% of the UK annual public and chari- Standards for Research in Child Health (StaR): a
table biomedical research expenditure is directed at resource to improve children’s research design,
child health research. The reasons are complex and in conduct and reporting (
part reflect valid concerns such as the need to protect School of Public Health, University of Alabama:
children from the dangers of unethical research, instructional modules, each containing slide
experimental therapies and invasive investigative images and a video clip version of the
techniques. The constraints consequent upon these associated lecture (
concerns are increasingly being balanced by processes University of Reading: interactive resource for
and attitudes that acknowledge that children are able bioscience students
to benefit from research participation and have their (
healthcare assured by evidence obtained from rigor- Wellcome Trust: workshops, summer schools and
ous research. Clinical research is now governed by a advanced courses (
strict regulatory framework designed to protect the Education-resources/Courses-and-conferences/
well-being and rights of participants, and powerful Advanced-Courses-and-Scientific-Conferences/
new post-genomic technologies, in-vivo imaging and
non-invasive monitoring techniques provide increas-
ing opportunity to involve children without risk.
There is also a disparity between the evidence gaps disciplinary research group, attending research meet-
for children’s healthcare and current research effort. ings and encouraging colleagues to do likewise.
For diseases where at least 60% of the disease burden
is in children, only around 12% of clinical trials
involve them. This situation reflects in part the diffi- Acquiring research skills
culties in achieving a balance between research com- Research skills will stand you in good stead in wider
missioned to address knowledge gaps of importance ways. For example, establishing a diagnosis may be
to health, and a strategy that encourages scientists to viewed as a form of hypothesis testing. You take a
follow their own ideas. This tension is long-standing, history and examine the patient; you then make a
and is reflected in deliberations and reports spanning tentative diagnosis (formulate a hypothesis) and carry
a century. out a series of laboratory tests or other investigations
The reality is that because considerable medical (test the hypothesis). You will also find research skills
decision-making is based on insufficient evidence, useful when you evaluate the service you provide, for
health professionals sometimes harm patients instead example in relation to audit, quality improvement,
of helping them. It is therefore essential that paediatri- assessment of outcomes, questionnaire design, and
cians recognize their obligations to help reduce uncer- development of parent- or patient-reported experi-
tainties in care and base treatment decisions on ences and outcomes. There are a large number of
high-quality research. Paediatricians are close to chil- resources available to help one acquire these skills
dren and their families and are able to make impor- (Box 1.7). The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child
tant contributions at many points in the research Health has developed criteria for the assessment of
pipeline. This might take the form of explaining research experience and competencies that are expected
6 research, recruiting to studies, being part of a multi- of all paediatric trainees (Box 1.8) and provides an
Box 1.8 RCPCH e-portfolio research training Box 1.10 Resources to help explain research
assessment and involve parents, children and young people
Achieving Research Competencies in the INVOLVE (
Curriculum (Assessment Standard 25) Science Media Centre
Progress with examinations (e.g. MRCPCH, PhD, (
Research MD, Research MSc, as relevant) James Lind Library
Generic research skills (
Research methods Testing Treatments Interactive
Research Good Clinical Practice training (
Consenting participants for research studies NIHR Children Specialty
Critical appraisal of published research (
Research governance
Research funding applications
Undertaking research/research study progress
Presentations of research
Supervising research
Research publications
Parents, patients
Progress of personal research programme and the public
Public understanding of research is important for trust
in science; collaboration between investigators, parents
and patients will help define important research ques-
tions and resolve uncertainties to bring about improve-
Box 1.9 Example of e-portfolio research ments in care and outcomes more rapidly. Public
skills log pressure can help improve representation; for example,
• Approaching a potential participant for study public pressure contributed to improving the enrol-
consent ment of women into clinical trials and to the estab-
• Gaining study consent lishment by congressional mandate in the United
States of the Food and Drug Administration Office of
• Randomizing for study treatment
Women’s Health to advocate for their participation.
• Recording study data
Wider involvement of parents, the public and children
• Making a research database
and young people themselves will help increase
• Undertaking the analysis of study data
research aimed at benefiting the health of infants, chil-
• Designing and displaying data graphically dren and young people (Box 1.10).
• Designing a research poster INVOLVE is a national advisory group that supports
• Making a research presentation greater public involvement in the National Health
• Gaining a skill in a laboratory technique Service, public health and social care research in the
• Managing a research study UK. The INVOLVE website has useful information on
topics such as ‘how to write a plain English summary’. C H AP T E R O N E
Parents and young people with whom you discuss
science and research are unlikely to be specialists so
example of a research skills log (Box 1.9). Acquiring practice in explaining science and research concepts to
research skills is much more enjoyable when you have non-specialist audiences can help you to be an effec-
a real problem to solve. tive communicator and a better doctor. The Science
Percipient observations by clinicians have been at Media Centre provides fact sheets for non-specialist
the heart of many great advances, as have scientific audiences on areas of topical science interest, and
curiosity and serendipity. However, such insights offers training and advice on discussing science and
require other mechanisms to drive research endeav- research with the media. The James Lind Library was
our, and to ensure that new treatments and healthcare established to improve public and professional general
innovations are successfully developed and imple- knowledge about ‘fair tests of treatments’ in health-
mented. In the UK, the National Institute for Health care, and their history. The website is a growing reposi-
Research provides support across the entire clinical tory of other related resources, including interactive
research pipeline. Further details about research are quizzes, factsheets, videos and cartoons that help
described in Chapter 37, Clinical research. understand and explain clinical research. 7
Further reading Modi N, Clark H, Wolfe I, et al; for the writing group of the
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Commission
British Paediatric Association Working Party on Ethics of on Child Health Research. A healthy nation: strengthening
Research in Children. Guidelines to aid ethical committees child health research in the UK. Lancet 2013;381(9860):
1 considering research involving children. Arch Dis Child 73–87.
1980;55:75–7. Modi N, Vohra J, Preston J, et al; for a Working Party of the
Conti EA, Patton GD. Studies of the thymus in 7,400 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Guidance on
The role of science and research in paediatrics

consecutive newborn infants. Am J Obstet Gynecol clinical research involving infants, children and young
1948;56:884–92. people: an update for researchers and research ethics
Evans I, Thornton H, Chalmers I, Glasziou P. Testing committees. Arch Dis Child 2014;99:887–91.
treatments: better research for better healthcare. 2nd ed. Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Ethics Advisory
London: Pinter & Martin; 2011. Available free to download Committee. Guidelines for the ethical conduct of medical
from the ‘Testing Treatments Interactive’ website: research involving children. Arch Dis Child 2000;82:; [accessed 16.07.15]. 177–82.

Premila Webster, Sarah Rayfield


Epidemiology and 2
public health

By the end of this chapter the reader should:
• Understand how disease and health is measured in populations or groups and be able
to use measures of disease incidence and prevalence
• Understand and be able to use measures of effect (e.g. relative risk, absolute risk and
number needed to treat)
• Know the main indices of population child health and their significance
• Know the strengths and limitations of different epidemiological studies
• Be able to take into consideration bias, confounding and chance when interpreting
epidemiological data and understand the difference between statistical association
and causality
• Understand the concept of social determinants of health and wider determinants of
health and how it affects the health of children
• Understand what is meant by inequalities
• Understand the concepts, definitions, objectives and uses of public health surveillance
• Understand what a ‘health needs assessment’ is and why it is undertaken
• Understand the principles of screening

Measures of health and sleeping position, maternal smoking and lack of

breastfeeding. A prevention programme (‘Back to
disease and epidemiological Sleep’ campaign) was launched and resulted in a dra-
studies matic reduction in SIDS mortality. Australia and then
the United Kingdom followed suit and the number of
What is epidemiology? deaths in the UK fell from 1500 to 600 per year by the
mid-1990s. The ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign has been
The word epidemiology is derived from the Greek
implemented in many countries across the world with
‘epi’, ‘demos’ and ‘logos’ and literally translated means
similar results.
the study (logos) of what is among (epi) the people
(demos). It is the study of the occurrence and distribu- Measuring health and disease of
tion of health-related states/events in specified popu-
lations. Its uses are listed in Box 2.1.
populations or groups
The prevention of sudden infant death syndrome Certain terms are used when measuring health
(SIDS) is one of the major success stories in epidemi- and disease of groups or populations. It is usually
ology (see Box 1.1). Epidemiological studies, culmi- unhelpful to state numbers of events alone. In order
nating in the New Zealand Cot Death Study, a to interpret the number, they need to be related to
three-year case-control study (1987–1990), identified a denominator. For example stating 10 children
three modifiable risk factors for SIDS, namely prone were diagnosed with pertussis does not give as much 9
Box 2.1 Uses of epidemiology Box 2.2 Key facts about infant mortality in
England and Wales
Epidemiology can be used to:
• Describe the spectrum of disease • In 2011, there were 3077 infant deaths,
2 • Describe the natural history of disease compared with 7899 in 1980.
• Predict disease trends • The infant mortality rate per 1000 live births in
• Identify factors that increase or decrease the 2011 was 4.2, the lowest ever recorded,
Epidemiology and public health

risk of acquiring disease compared with 12 in 1980 and 130 in 1910.

• Elucidate mechanisms of disease transmission • The infant mortality rate was lowest among
• Test the efficacy of intervention strategies babies of mothers aged 30–34 years (3.8 deaths
• Evaluate intervention programmes per 1000 live births) and highest among babies
• Identify the health needs of a community of mothers aged ≥40 years (5.5 deaths per 1000
live births).
• Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births for low
birthweight babies (<2500 grams) was 37; for
very low birthweight babies (<1500 grams) it
information as the statement that 10 out of 20 chil- was 173.
dren who had not been immunized were affected or • The infant mortality rate:
that 10 children had pertussis out of a total population • was highest for babies with fathers employed
of 100,000 children. in semi-routine occupations (4.9 deaths per
1000 live births) and lowest for those
• The numerator is the number of people known to employed in managerial and professional
have a specific disease or problem. occupations (2.8 and 2.5 deaths per 1000
• The denominator is the total number of people at live births, respectively).
risk in the population. • was higher for babies of mothers born
If 100 children attended a Christmas party and 10 outside the UK (4.4 deaths per 1000 live
of them develop vomiting, the numerator is 10 and births) than those born inside the UK (4.1
the denominator is 100. deaths per 1000 live births).
Three terms are usually used to relate the number • was highest for babies of mothers born in
the Caribbean (9.6 deaths per 1000 live
of cases of a disease or outcome to the size of the births) and in Pakistan (7.6 deaths per 1000
source population in which they occurred: live births).
Ratio (Source: Office for National Statistics)

A ratio compares values. A ratio says how much of one

thing there is compared to another thing, for example
the number of stillbirths per thousand live births. Main indices of population
Proportion child health
Proportion is a type of ratio where those who are
included in the numerator must also be included in
Infant mortality rate
the denominator, for example the number of fetal Infant mortality rate is the number of children who
deaths out of the total number of births – here the die aged less than one year old per 1000 births. Some
numerator will be the number of fetal deaths and the key facts are shown in Box 2.2.
denominator the number of fetal deaths plus the live In 1911, 130 out of every 1000 children born in
births. England and Wales would die before their first birth-
day. The decrease in infant deaths between 1911 and
Rate 2010 is because of considerable improvements in
A rate is defined as a ratio in which there is a distinct healthcare, including the control of infectious diseases
relationship between the numerator and denominator and public health infrastructure over this time period.
and most importantly a measure of time is an intrinsic For the UK as a whole, infant mortality has been
part of the denominator. For example, the number of declining and is now only about a quarter of what it
colds per 1000 primary school children during a one- was in 1970.
month period. Infant mortality rate is linked to several factors
However, in medical literature the term ‘rate’ is including access to healthcare services for mothers and
used interchangeably to denote different demographic infants, socio-economic status of the child’s parents,
or epidemiological measures that could be true rates, the health of the mother, birth weight and the propor-
10 proportions or ratios. tion of infants born preterm.
Terms used in child mortality statistics are: previous children born (the mother’s parity), country
• Stillbirths and perinatal mortality rates – reported of birth of parents, place of birth and whether the
per 1000 total births (live and stillbirths) baby was a singleton or multiple birth. Linking the
• Early neonatal, neonatal, postneonatal and infant infant death record to the birth record improves
mortality rates – reported per 1000 live births understanding of the key characteristics of the baby’s
• Childhood (1–15 years) mortality rates – reported parents as further information is provided by the birth
per 100,000 population of the same age record. In 2010, 98% of infant deaths in England and
Wales were successfully linked to their corresponding
The precise definitions of these terms relating to
birth registration record. The potential use of such
newborn infants are included in Chapter 10, Perinatal
data is outlined in Box 2.3.
medicine. Analysis of the data around deaths identifies
that the majority of deaths in childhood occur before
one year of age; 70% of infant deaths in England and
Wales in 2011 were neonatal deaths – deaths at less than
Box 2.3 Why collect mortality and
28 days. The most common cause of death, in children
morbidity data?
as a whole group, is now related to perinatal problems
and congenital abnormalities. Childhood mortality rates are a way of evaluating
policies concerning the health and welfare of
Identification of cause of death children, as they give an indication of the quality of
support available for both children and families.
In England and Wales, stillbirths and neonatal deaths One example is a review which systematically
are registered using a special death certificate that examined mortality and morbidity in children and
enables reporting of relevant diseases or conditions in young people between 1 and 18 years of age in
both the infant and the mother. The Office for National the UK and linked death certificate data with
Statistics (ONS) has developed a hierarchical classifi- hospital admissions.
cation system (also referred to as the ONS cause It found there had been an overall reduction in
all causes of child mortality since 1980 in all age
groups), which allows the death to be assigned to a
groups. Injury was the most frequent cause of
specific category, based on the likely timing of the
childhood death (31–48% of deaths in children
damage leading to the death. This produces broad aged 1–18 years old). The highest rates of death
causation groups to enable direct comparison of neo- due to injury were found amongst boys aged
natal and postneonatal deaths. The following are 15–18 years of age. Mortality rates secondary to
mutually exclusive categories: injury were three times higher in boys compared to
girls. Two-thirds of injury mortality among 10–18
Before the onset of labour year olds was unintentional, with transport
• Congenital anomalies accidents accounting for 77% of this.
• Antepartum infections Higher mortality rates in both infancy and
• Immaturity-related conditions throughout childhood were seen in children whose
mothers were less than 20 years old. This
In or shortly after labour association persisted even after taking birth weight
into account. Young maternal age was an ongoing
• Asphyxia, anoxia or trauma
risk factor for child death throughout early
Postnatal childhood. C H AP T E R T W O
Approximately two-thirds of childhood deaths
• External conditions take place in hospital (of causes other than injury).
• Infections Two-thirds of children who died were identified as
• Other specific conditions having a chronic condition, with mental and
behavioural conditions being the most common.
Linkage of births and deaths From a public health perspective, the report
highlighted a number of groups in whom
The linkage of birth and infant death records has been
preventative policies could be targeted in order to
conducted since 1975 to obtain information on the
reduce childhood mortality rates, in particular
social and biological factors relating to the baby children born to young mothers, those at risk of
and parents; it is collected at birth registration. injuries or those with an underlying chronic
Death registration gives only a limited amount of condition. Policies designed to address these risk
information about the parents of the deceased infant; factors may result in lower childhood mortality.
for example, occupation of parent. However, a consid-
(Data from Child Health Reviews – UK, 2013. Clinical Outcome
erable amount of information is given at birth registra- Review Programme, commissioned by the Healthcare Quality
tion. This includes: age of each parent, number of Improvement Partnership.) 11
Low birth weight has arguably improved their well-being. For example,
all children in the UK are expected to be in compul-
Birth weight is an important indicator of overall health sory education until they are at least 16 years old; and
and is influenced by a number of factors including in England in some form of education or training until
2 smoking and drinking during pregnancy, low parental 18 years.
socio-economic status, education levels, low income Many measures of children’s well-being are used in
Epidemiology and public health

and inadequate living conditions. In the UK nearly 8% surveys. For effective policy making and evaluation, it
of births are preterm. would be preferable for a systematic and uniform way
In England and Wales, around 700,000 babies were of measuring children’s well-being to be used so that
born in 2013 of which approximately 50,000 were low there could be meaningful comparison both between
birth weight (<2.5 kg). Of all those babies who were sources and also over time.
born with a low weight, 62% were preterm. As part of the Measuring National Well-being pro-
gramme, the Office for National Statistics has worked
Under five year mortality with other government departments, academics and
This is collected internationally and allows compari- third sector organizations to examine measures of
son between countries. In the UK in 2013, the under- children’s well-being. The aim is to understand the
five mortality rate was 4.9 per 1000 live births, the data that already exist to measure children’s well-being
highest in western Europe; in Iceland it was 2.4, and evaluate its limitations. A framework has been
Sweden 2.7, Spain and Germany 3.6, France and Italy developed based on responses to the national debate,
3.7. It was worse in the UK than many eastern Euro- research findings and expert opinion. From this, the
pean countries, including Serbia, Estonia and Croatia. 10 domains proposed to measure national well-being
This means that 2000 more children die in the UK for the UK are ‘Individual well-being’, ‘Our relation-
each year than if they lived in Sweden. ships’, ‘Health’, ‘What we do’, ‘Where we live’, ‘Per-
sonal finance’, ‘Education and skills’, ‘The economy’,
Deaths in later childhood ‘Governance’ and ‘The natural environment’. For most
of these domains, some of the measures proposed for
Data show that more children die in adolescence than
adults are also appropriate for children, either as listed
in any period other than infancy. The World Health
above (for example the measures in ‘The economy’
Organization (WHO) classifies deaths into communic­
domain) or by analysis specifically for children (for
able and non-communicable disease (NCD). Deaths
example, individuals living in poverty in the ‘Personal
due to communicable disease are very low in the UK.
finance’ domain).
However, for NCD deaths, for almost all ages the UK
Some specific aspects of these domains for children
does worse than its comparators. Up to 74% of child-
aged 0 to 15 include circumstances in which they
hood deaths in the UK occur in children with
live, what they feel about their relationships, what
co-morbidities, i.e. a long-term condition, of which
they do and also decisions that adults make on their
the most common is a neurological or sensory
behalf. These domains (examples in Box 2.4) measure

Measures of health and Box 2.4 Some key points from

Measuring National Well-being – Children’s
well-being in children Well-being 2012
Well-being is increasingly the focus of policy making 1. 89% of children said that they were relatively
and evaluation. It is now largely accepted that what happy with their lives overall, 4% reported
children become in their adult life is largely a product being relatively unhappy.
of their experiences in the early stages of their lives. 2. A much higher percentage reported being
Particularly important are issues of health and safety, completely happy with their friends and family
material and emotional security, education and than with their school, their school work or,
socialization. particularly, their appearance.
3. Boys more often reported being happy with
According to the 2011 Census, there were just over
their life overall, their friends and their
10.5 million children aged 0 to 15 in England and
appearance than girls, while girls more often
Wales – about one in five of the population compared reported being happy with their school work.
with one in three in 1911. Whilst the proportion of
children in the population has declined, the propor- (Source: Measuring National Wellbeing – Children’s Wellbeing, 2013.
Office for National Statistics. Based on data from 2009–10
tion of the elderly has risen. Over the same period Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study
12 there has been a change in attitudes to children which (UKHLS).
what children think and feel about their lives. They
Answer 2.1
focus on:
• How many children there are in England and D. The incidence in the population multiplied by
the duration of the disease.
The prevalence and incidence are often
• Children’s health
confusing. How these two terms are related is
• Poverty and its relationship with parental described below.
economic activity
• Education and skills
• Children’s relationships and their well-being Children’s responses to each question are coded on
• Use of technology and social media a scale from zero (‘strongly disagree’) to four (‘strongly
• Where children live agree’), to create an overall scale.
Data on children’s subjective well-being was also
Data from children is collected through the Youth
gathered in the 2013 NatCen study; the relationship
Module of the UK Longitudinal Study, a self-completed
between well-being and emotional and behavioural
questionnaire answered by those aged 11 to 15. The
problems are considered in Chapter 24, Emotions and
questions, employing a seven-point scale, from com-
pletely happy to not at all happy, analyse measures of
health and well-being in children, including how they
feel about: Epidemiological studies
• Life as a whole Two key elements are measured in many epidemio-
• Schoolwork logical studies:
• Appearance
• Exposure: the risk factors that are being
• Family
investigated, that may or may not be the cause
• Friends
• Outcome: disease, event or health-related state of
• School
Another measure of health and well-being in chil-
dren in England is the Good Childhood Index pub- Measures of disease frequency
lished by The Children’s Society. It is also produced
using surveys. The main measure of overall subjective The measures of disease frequency used most often in
well-being consists of five statements to which chil- epidemiology are:
dren are asked to respond on a five-point scale from • Incidence: the number of new cases that occur
‘strongly disagree’ to ‘strongly agree’: during a specified period of time in a defined
• My life is going well population
• My life is just right • Prevalence: the proportion of the population at
• I wish I had a different kind of life risk that have the condition, where:
• I have a good life number of cases
• I have what I want in life Prevalence =
population at risk

• Population at risk: that part of the population

which is susceptible to a disease. C H AP T E R T W O
Question 2.1
For example, to calculate the prevalence of all child-
Disease prevalence hood cancers in the age group 0–4 years in the UK:
Which of the following BEST describes the • The numerator would be the number of children
prevalence of a disease? aged 0–4 years living in the UK at that time who
A. That part of the population that are at risk of were diagnosed with cancer
the disease • The denominator would be the number of children
B. The incidence in the population divided by the aged 0–4 years living in the UK at that time
time in years (population at risk). The mid-year population is
C. The incidence minus the mortality rate usually used.
D. The incidence in the population multiplied by Data on incidence and prevalence becomes more
the duration of the disease useful if converted into rates. The rates are usually
E. The number of new cases that occur during a expressed as per 1000, per 10,000, per 100,000, etc.
specified period of time in a population Example: As childhood cancers are rare (between
2008–2010 there was an average of 1603 new cases of 13
childhood cancer each year in the UK), 883 (55%) in if it lasts for a long time, e.g. the duration of
boys and 720 (45%) in girls, the rates are expressed chickenpox compared with type I (insulin
per million – the crude incidence rate shows that there dependent) diabetes.
2 are 160 new cancer cases for every million boys in the
UK, and 137 for every million girls. Risk
Interrelationship between incidence
Epidemiology and public health

There are three common indices of risk: absolute risk,

relative risk and attributable risk. The number needed
and prevalence (Fig. 2.1) to treat (NNT) is the inverse of attributable risk. The
Prevalence = incidence × duration terms are defined in Box 2.5 and an example is shown
in Question 2.2.
Several factors can influence prevalence:
• The number of new cases (incidence): if the number Box 2.5 Definition of indices of risk
of new cases per year is high (high incidence) this Absolute risk: Incidence of disease in any defined
will result in the prevalence being higher, e.g. up population. It is the number of events ÷ total
to 400 children are diagnosed with acute population at risk.
lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) every year Relative risk: Ratio of the incidence rate in the
compared to fewer than 15 children per year with exposed group to the incidence rate in the
chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML). non-exposed group. It is the risk in the exposed
• The severity of the illness: if many children who group ÷ risk in the unexposed group
develop the disease die, the prevalence rate is low, Attributable risk: Difference in the incidence rates
e.g. the survival rate for children with ALL is in the exposed and non-exposed group. It is
the risk in the exposed group minus risk in the
around 90% compared to 60% in children
non-exposed group
diagnosed with CML. Numbers needed to treat (NNT): Inverse of
• The duration of the illness: if a disease lasts for attributable risk.
a short time, its prevalence rate is lower than

Question 2.2

Prevalence ever diagnosed wheezy bronchitis, asthma or

A study on the prevalence of asthma in primary bronchitis in their child. If they answered ‘Yes’ to
school children was undertaken in two towns either wheezy bronchitis or asthma, they were
(A and B). In town A, a questionnaire was sent classified as having asthma. If they answered ‘Yes’
to all parents of children in primary schools. In only to bronchitis, they were classified as having
Town B, the same questionnaire was sent to a bronchitis.
random sample of parents of children in primary Based on the data in Table 2.1, which of the
schools. Parents were asked whether doctors had following statements are true (T) or false (F)?

Table 2.1 Prevalence data – asthma in primary school children in Towns A and B
Town A Town B
Total sample 1500 8000
Questionnaire returned 1125 (75%) 6960 (87%)
Prevalence 95% CI Prevalence 95% CI p-value
Asthma 7% 5%–9% 9% 8.5%–10% NS
Bronchitis 30% 26%–34% 15% 14%–17% <0.01

A. The prevalence of asthma and bronchitis is D. There is no significant difference in the

significantly higher in Town A. prevalence of bronchitis between Towns A
B. The prevalence of asthma and bronchitis is and B.
significantly higher in Town B. E. The prevalence of bronchitis in Town A is twice
C. There is no significant difference in the the prevalence in Town B.
prevalence of asthma between Towns A and B.
Incidence Epidemiological studies

Observational Experimental

Descriptive Analytical



Case-control Cohort


Fig. 2.1 Illustration of the relationship between incidence

and prevalence. Ecological Cross-sectional
controlled trials

Fig. 2.2 Types of epidemiological studies.

Answer 2.2
A. False; B. False; C. True; D. False; E. True.
Experimental studies (also called intervention
A. and B. It is tempting but incorrect to add studies) allocate an exposure of interest (e.g. a drug)
together the prevalences of asthma and
to a subgroup, before following them up and assessing
bronchitis here. We cannot make assumptions
about a composite end point. Therefore, A and
outcome. This is typified by randomized controlled
B are incorrect (false). trials.
C. This is correct and the information is given in
The type of study chosen depends on what
the table. (NS is ‘Not significant’). question(s) are being addressed, data already avail­
D and E. We do have the data that allows us to
able, practicality of design, ethics, and also cost. The
conclude that there is a significant difference in main types of study are discussed in more detail in
the prevalence of bronchitis. It is significantly Chapter 37, Clinical research.
higher in Town A. It is twice that in Town B.
Types of epidemiological epidemiological data
studies An association between an exposure or risk factor and
an outcome or disease does not imply that the former
Epidemiologists use the triad of ‘when, who and causes the latter (Box 2.6). Three possible factors are
where’ to study patterns of health and disease within important when considering whether a causal associ­
and between populations. Two main types of epi­ ation really exists:
demiological study are used – observational and ex- 1. Is this association due to a chance occurrence?
perimental (Fig. 2.2). 2. Is it due to a flaw in the methodology (bias)?
Observational studies are further subdivided into 3. Is it due to some other factor linked to both
‘descriptive’ and ‘analytical’, which can be retrospec- exposure and outcome (confounding)?
tive, use existing data, or prospective with ongoing
data collection.
Chance – is the association a
• A descriptive observational study is typified by
basic population data such as census results and
chance occurrence?
surveys, but can also include case reports and case Chance is mainly determined by sample size – the
series. They cannot be used to test any hypothesis, larger the sample, the smaller the risk that the finding
as there is no comparison between different is due to chance alone. This is usually expressed as a
groups. ‘p-value’, usually with ‘confidence intervals’. Strictly
• An analytical observational study attempts to speaking, the p-value is the likelihood of incorrectly
identify subpopulations that differ (for example, rejecting the null hypothesis. Confidence Intervals
presence or absence of a risk factor), and the (CIs) provide a range within which the true answer
presence or absence of disease. Examples include will lie at a population level (for more detail, see
cohort and case-control studies. Chapter 38, Statistics). 15
Box 2.6 Relationship between an association differences in the characteristics between those who
and causality, e.g. the association between are selected for a study and those who are not selected,
early antibiotic usage and asthma: chance, and where those characteristics are related to either the
2 causation, bias or confounding? exposure or outcome under investigation.
Example of selection bias: In Dr Andrew Wake-
Several observational studies have documented a
correlation between early antibiotic usage and field’s discredited paper on the MMR (measles,
Epidemiology and public health

childhood asthma. However, correlation does not mumps, rubella) vaccine, he took 12 children who
necessarily imply causality and so it is important to had behavioural disorders and attempted to link them
consider all possible explanations. to vaccines. There was no comparison group employed
Is it chance? The effect observed may simply be due
of children without behavioural disorders to see if
to random error. This can be a particular their exposure to the MMR vaccine was greater or less.
problem in observational studies.
Is it causation? One postulated mechanism is via Information bias
the hygiene hypothesis. Early use of
antibiotics alters the gut flora, thereby
Information bias results from systematic differences in
altering the immune response to known the way data on exposure or outcome are obtained
pathogens resulting in an increase in from the various study groups. Types of information
atopic disorders. bias include:
Is it bias? Most studies demonstrating a correlation Observer bias occurs when there are systematic dif-
between antibiotic usage and asthma ferences in the way information is collected for the
were retrospective in design, requiring groups being studied. Observer bias may occur as a
parents to remember what antibiotics
their children had been prescribed early in
result of the investigator’s prior knowledge of the
life. Recall bias is therefore likely – parents hypothesis under investigation or knowledge of an
of children with asthma are much more individual’s exposure or disease status. Such informa-
likely to remember these early events tion may result in differences in the way information
and prescriptions compared with parents is collected, measured or interpreted by the investiga-
of children who were not subsequently
diagnosed with asthma.
tor for each of the study groups.
Example of observer bias: In a trial of a new medi-
Is it One prospective study found that while
confounding? antibiotic use in the first nine months of
cation to treat hypertension, if the investigator is aware
life was associated with an increased which treatment arm participants are allocated to, this
prevalence of asthma by the age of five may influence their blood pressure measurements.
years, the increase in prevalence was also Observers may underestimate the blood pressure in
associated with an increased number
those who are being treated, and overestimate it in
of illness visits to the doctor regardless
of antibiotic use. In fact, when adjusted
those in the control group.
for the number of illness visits, the Recall bias occurs when a subject with the outcome
relationship between antibiotic usage and is more likely to remember the exposure or other events
diagnosis of asthma disappeared. This led than a subject without the outcome of interest.
the authors to conclude that the apparent
Example of recall bias: Data from a study in the
association between early antibiotics and
asthma was actually due to a confounding
1950s suggested that children who had been exposed
factor of illness visits. to X-rays in utero had a 90% increased risk of death
from leukaemia or other cancers. However, as expos­
(Based on Su J, Rothers J, Stern DA, Halonen M, Wright AL. ure status was determined by interviewing mothers of
Relationship of early antibiotic use to childhood asthma: children, it was possible that those whose children
confounding by indication? Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:1222–9.)
died of cancer may be more likely to remember being
X-rayed during pregnancy than mothers of healthy
Bias – is the association due to a children.
flaw in the methodology?
Bias is a systematic error in the methodology of the Confounding – is it due to some
study that affects the results. There are several types other factor linked to both
of bias, such as selection bias, etc., which affect epi­ exposure and outcome?
demiological studies:
A confounding factor is:
Selection bias • A risk factor for the study disease
Selection bias occurs when the two groups being • Associated with the exposure and independently
16 compared differ systematically. That is, there are associated with the outcome.
Example: If an association was observed between • Local structure, such as housing, neighbourhoods,
coffee drinking and cancer of the pancreas, it may be transportation, schools, access to health care, and
that coffee actually causes cancer of the pancreas or commercial influences
that the observed association of coffee drinking and • The national policy environment that includes
pancreatic cancer may be as a result of confounding policies on health and social programmes and
by cigarette smoking (i.e. the association between laws that protect the environment where children
coffee drinking and pancreatic cancer is observed live.
because cigarette smoking is a risk factor for pancreatic Some facts and figures relating to children and their
cancer and coffee drinking is associated with cigarette health are listed in Box 2.7.
Another example of the relationship between asso-
What causes inequalities?
ciation and causality is shown in Box 2.6.
Inequalities in health refer to the marked differences
in health outcomes within a given population. Health
Child health inequalities inequalities can be defined as differences in health
Determinants of health in children status or in the distribution of health determinants
between different population groups.
Children live in complex social environments. Figure Its causes are complex. Some differences are una-
2.3 illustrates influences that can impact children’s voidable, e.g. genetic make-up, and are considered
health. They are divided into: fixed. Others are not, e.g. undertaking freely chosen
• Prenatal care activities of high risk, such as certain sports. Most
• People whom children depend upon and interact people would not regard these as inequalities in
with such as caregivers, other adults, and peer health. The World Health Organization uses the terms
groups ‘equity’ and ‘inequity’ to refer to ‘differences in health

Community of Peer group# Neighbourhood‡ Access to health

adults# and
Reinforce positive Safety, violence, social services‡
Family, neighbours values, introduce play areas, etc.
(role models) harmful Medical care,
behaviours, etc. dental care,

Main care givers# Transport‡

Positive parenting Quality and safety
practices, stress, – seatbelts, car
employment, seats, etc.
nutrition, etc.

Child’s health C H AP T E R T W O
Prenatal Schools‡
Stress, fetal violence, quality
growth, nutrition, of education, etc.
substance abuse,

The child’s Environment§ Policy decisions§ Commercial‡

Clean air, water, Sure Start Product safety,
Genetics, age, pollution, etc. Healthy Child advertisements,
gender, etc. Programme films, internet,
Working Together social media, etc.
to Safeguard

Fig. 2.3 Determinants of health in children. *Prenatal; #People; ‡Local structure; §National structure. (Adapted from
Determinants of Health in Children and the Problem of Early Childhood Caries. Pediatr Dent 2003;25:328–33.) 17
Box 2.7 Some epidemiological facts and figures quantitative data, statistics and indicators. The UK
about children in the UK in 2010 government developed more comprehensive indices
that draw on a wide range of routinely collected local
• Boys born in 2010 can expect to live for 78
data. One such index, the Index of Multiple Depriva-
2 years and girls for 82 years. They can expect to
tion, combines a number of indicators, chosen to
spend about 80% of their lives in good health.
cover a range of economic, social and housing issues,
• About 27% of children live in households where
Epidemiology and public health

the income is less than 60% of median income, into a single deprivation score for each small area in
compared with 34% in 1998/99. England.
• About 16% of children live in households where
no adult is working.
• There was a strong association with children’s Question 2.3
reported feelings about their family, friends,
school, school work and appearance and their The epidemiology of obesity
overall feelings about their lives. An epidemiological study was set up to evaluate
• Around one in ten children report being bullied the impact of dietary energy intake on childhood
and this number is doubled in those with a obesity. Sixty obese children (BMI >25) were
chronic illness. identified along with 60 children of ideal weight
• Children aged 10–15 years who reported being (BMI 18.5–24.9). Each child was asked to complete
bullied the least were also happiest with their a diet chart for the previous week.
lives. Which of the following statements are true (T) or
• Boys aged 10–15 years were more likely than false (F)?
girls to spend over an hour on a school day
A. Physical exercise is a potential confounder in
using a games console. Girls were more likely
this study.
than boys to spend over an hour chatting on the
internet. B. This is an example of a cohort study.
• Children aged 10–15 years overestimated the C. Recall bias is unlikely to be an issue with this
risk of crime in their local area. design.
D. This is an interventional study.
E. This is a case-control study.

that are not only unnecessary and avoidable but, in

addition, are considered unfair and unjust’.
Answer 2.3
Measuring inequalities
A. True; B. False; C. False; D. False; E. True.
Measuring inequalities is important but contentious This is a case-control study, as cases of obese
and challenging, as there are issues regarding defini- children were identified initially and then compared
tion, technical details and data availability and the to controls. A cohort study would have identified
selection of appropriate measures. Yet the measuring the exposure initially and then followed up to see if
of inequalities is needed to aid policy development. the individuals developed the outcome of interest.
Measures of absolute and relative levels of poverty Physical exercise is a potential confounder
and social deprivation indices, such as the Townsend because it is associated both with the exposure
(diet) and outcome (obesity). Therefore, it would
Index (distinguishes between material and social dep-
need to be adjusted for in the analysis.
rivation) and the Jarman Index (local geographical
areas with high demand for primary care services),
have been around for several decades and are used and
often cited in studies that examine the correlation Tackling inequalities in health
between deprivation and mortality or morbidity.
Reviews reveal a ‘social gradient of health’ in which
in children
the lower a person’s socio-economic status, the worse Infant mortality is seen as a key measure among health
their health. For example, in England, those living outcomes and there is a long-established link between
in the most deprived areas will, on average, die social and health inequalities and infant mortality
seven years earlier than those living in the wealthiest (see Box 2.3).
areas. In addition, the difference in disability-free life Another example, to illustrate some key contribu-
expectancy is 17 years (Marmot Review 2010). Recently tors to health inequality, is childhood obesity (Box
there have been substantial attempts to specify, codify, 2.8). Data is derived from routine measurement of
18 and operationalize the concept of equality using height and weight at school of children in England
Table 2.2 Pattern of health inequalities in obesity
Box 2.8 Some reasons for inequalities
contributing to childhood obesity Overall Age 4–5 yrs: 23% of children are either
overweight or obese
Early-life factors Age 10–11 yrs: 34% of children are either
Children who were bottle-fed rather than breastfed overweight or obese
are at increased risk of obesity in childhood. Gender Both age groups demonstrate a higher
Breastfeeding at birth is related to age of prevalence of obesity in boys:
mother; 46% among teenage mothers but 78% for Age 4–5 years: 10% of boys and 9% of girls
mothers aged ≥30 years. Rates also related to age are obese
of leaving full-time education: 54% for mothers Age 10–11 years: 20% of boys and 17% of
educated to age 16 or below; 88% for those girls are obese
educated to ≥19 years. Ethnicity Higher prevalence if ‘Black or Black British’,
‘Asian or Asian British’, ‘any other ethnic
Physical activity group’ and ‘mixed’
Lifestyle characterized by lack of physical activity
Location Parts of south-east England have the lowest
and excessive inactivity (particularly television obesity prevalence, London the highest,
viewing). Greater social support from parents and with urban areas higher than rural areas
others correlates strongly with participation in
Socio-economic At 4–5yrs, obesity prevalence is 7% among
physical activity.
status the least deprived children, but rises to
Television advertising could adversely affect 12% amongst the most deprived
dietary patterns – lower socio-economic status is Overall obesity prevalence amongst the most
associated with higher levels of television viewing, deprived is twice that of the least deprived
and exposure to 30-second commercials increases Children receiving free school meals have
the likelihood that 3–5-year-olds later select an significantly higher rates of obesity
advertised food when presented with options.
(Data taken from National Child Measurement Programme: England,
Family factors 2011/12 school year. December 2012. The Health and Social Care
Information Centre.)
Parent–child interactions and the home
environment can affect behaviours related to risk
of obesity. Eating family dinner decreases The surveillance of health in
television viewing and improves diet quality (less
saturated and trans fat, less fried food, lower
the population and how
glycaemic load, more fibre, fewer soft drinks, and health needs are assessed
more fruit and vegetables).
‘Surveillance’ is defined as the ongoing collection,
monitoring and analysis of health-related data
required for planning, implementing, and evaluating
aged 4–5 yrs and 10–11 yrs (National Child Measure- public health practice. It aims to provide the right
ment Programme). This reveals that the prevalence of information at the right time and in the right place to
obesity varies widely according to gender, ethnic inform decision-making and action-taking.
group, geographic location and socio-economic status It encompasses the processes of data collection,
(Table 2.2). There is a complex interplay between all analysis, interpretation and dissemination that are
of these factors. Approximately 70% of the geographi- undertaken on an ongoing basis (i.e. there is a defined
cal variation in obesity can be explained by socio- but not time-limited cycle of processing) and provides CH A P TE R TW O
economic deprivation. In addition, deprived urban measures of population or group health status or
areas in England tend to have a higher proportion of determinants of health (hazards, exposures, behav-
individuals from non-White ethnic groups. The iours) against historical or geographical baselines/
Marmot review in 2010 described a ‘social gradient of comparators.
health’ in which the lower a person’s socio-economic
status, the worse their health. Recognizing the dispari- Health needs assessment (HNA)
ties between rates of obesity among different social
groups is fundamental to targeting high risk popula- This is a systematic method for reviewing the health
tions with effective interventions. issues facing a population, leading to agreed priorities
An aim of the UK Healthy Child Programme is not and resource allocation that will improve health and
only to provide medical care including immuniza- reduce inequalities.
tions and developmental checks but also to reduce There are three main approaches to health needs
health inequalities by identifying the most vulnerable assessment:
children and signposting them to additional assist- • Epidemiological needs assessment: what data do
ance available in the community (Box 2.9). we have? 19
Box 2.9 The Healthy Child Programme
The Healthy Child Programme is an early A core function of the Healthy Child Programme
intervention and prevention public health is the early recognition of disability and
2 programme. It is a universal programme offered to developmental delay in order to facilitate support
all families with a progressive range of services and referral to the appropriate services. Universal
available for those with different levels of need. health and development reviews provide an
Epidemiology and public health

Integrated services are provided by GPs, opportunity to assess the growth and development
midwives, community nurses, health visitors and of the child. They also give mothers and fathers
children’s centres. This includes the Sure Start the opportunity to discuss their concerns and
centres, which were set up in the most deprived aspirations. The programme aims to provide links
areas in order to offer more intensive holistic with effective interventions which are acceptable to
parenting education and support, from parents, thereby promoting engagement with
antenatal care to early childhood, incorporating services in a non-stigmatizing manner.
specific areas such as fathers’ support and ethnic Opportunities to provide
minority inclusion schemes. Through the services to children and
identification of factors influencing health and families Universal services offered
well-being and promoting a strong parent–child By the 12th week of pregnancy Screening tests
attachment, the programme aims to reduce health Neonatal examination Immunizations
inequalities by focusing on the most vulnerable New baby review (at approx. Developmental reviews
children and allocating resources where they are 14 days old) Information
most needed. Baby’s 6–8 week examination Guidance to support
Between 12–13 months old parenting and healthy
Generic indicators of
Between 2–2.5 years choices
children at risk of poorer
outcome Protective factors (Adapted from the Healthy Child Programme: pregnancy and the
first five years of life. Department of Health Publications, 2009.)
Social housing Authoritative parenting
Young mother or father combined with warmth
Mother’s main language not Parental involvement in learning
English Protective health behaviours,
Parents are not co-resident e.g. stopping smoking in
One or both parents grew up pregnancy
in care Breastfeeding
Psychological resources, e.g.
self esteem

• Comparative needs assessment: what do other It is often challenging to achieve these aims. Chal-
areas do? lenges include a lack of a shared language between
• Corporate needs assessment: what do sectors, difficulties in accessing relevant local data and
stakeholders think? even a difficulty in accessing the target population.
This is particularly pertinent to children, who often
Why undertake health needs lack a voice when decisions are made about their
assessment? healthcare.
An example of assessing specific health care needs
Health needs assessment is required to ensure an of children with diabetes in a specific area is shown in
established health service meets need and provides Box 2.10.
effective and efficient patient care that is cost-effective.
It can also inform local delivery plans, community
strategies and commissioning. Population screening
Benefits include improved patient care, strength-
ened community involvement in decision making,
improved public and patient participation and Screening is a process of identifying apparently healthy
improved team and partnership working often across people who may be at increased risk of a disease or
traditional boundaries (e.g. primary and secondary condition. They can then be offered information, further
care, health and social care). This, in turn, can lead to tests and appropriate treatment to reduce their risk
improved communication with other agencies and the and/or any complications arising from the disease or
20 public and a better use of resources. condition.
Box 2.10 Health needs assesment (HNA) for insulin pump therapy in children with diabetes
You are a regional specialist in paediatric diabetes. 5. Identifying the effectiveness and cost
You know there is a body of evidence (as per effectiveness of interventions and the
NICE guidelines) to support the use of continuous associated services.
insulin pumps in adolescents (age ≥12 years) with What evidence is there about effective ways of
either disabling hypoglycaemias or poor HbA1c managing children with diabetes (e.g. community-
control. You want to perform a health needs based versus hospital-based care)?
assessment to assess the cost implications of Identify numbers of hospital admissions for
implementing such a proposal. hypoglycaemia and diabetic ketoacidosis. Cost
Critical steps consist of: analysis of long-term poor diabetic control.

1. A clear statement of the population group 6. Setting out a model of care that apportions
whose needs are to be assessed. relative priorities.
Adolescents with diabetes and poor control/ The needs assessment might result in
hypoglycaemias, within each funding region. recommendations for change in service provision
to meet the needs of young people with diabetes
2. Identifying subcategories of this population better. It may introduce a staged implementation
with particular service needs. (e.g. first use pumps in adolescents with significant
Subgroups: hypoglycaemias). Cost analysis may reveal that the
• all children with type 1 diabetes region should go beyond NICE standards and
• disabling hypoglycaemia implement pump therapy for all adolescents with
• poor HbA1c control diabetes. The action taken as a result of needs
assessment can be very varied and is not limited
3. Setting out the prevalence and incidence of to changes in health service provision.
the subcategories. A wide range of stakeholders should be
How many children with type 1 diabetes live in the involved to get their perspectives on services and
area, what proportion are appropriate for pump needs. This must include children with diabetes
therapy, and what projections are there for the and parents. Other stakeholders could include
future? How many are there in each subcategory? support groups, policy-makers and teachers. This
Data will be available from a variety of sources is vital to enable services to be child-centred and
– this could include childhood diabetes registers, reflect the needs of children.
health visitors’ records, data collected routinely,
hospital admission data, ad hoc data collected for
research projects, etc.

4. Setting out the current services available

(the baseline).
What services are currently provided locally? This
should include all services whether in primary care,
secondary care, or in the community.


The WHO has described 10 criteria for population 7. Intervals for repeat screening should be
screening: determined.
8. There should be adequate health service
1. The condition screened for should be an
provision for the extra clinical workload
important health problem.
resulting from the screen.
2. The natural history should be well understood.
9. The risks, both physical and psychological,
3. There should be an early detectable stage
should be outweighed by the benefits.
(latent period).
10. The costs should be balanced against benefits.
4. Early treatment is more beneficial than at a late
5. There should be a suitable test for early stage
Screening terms
disease. A screening test does not diagnose a particular condi-
6. The test should be acceptable to the target tion, but merely sorts the population into test positive
population. and test negative groups. These are best described in 21
terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative A specificity of 90% means that for every 10 people
predictive values (see below and see Table 2.5). without disease:
• Nine will get a negative result
2 • One will be false positive and require further
Question 2.4 assessment before the possibility of disease can be
ruled out.
Epidemiology and public health

Specificity of a new screening test

Poor specificity means large number of false posi-
A new screening test which has been developed
for cystic fibrosis is compared to the existing gold tives, which could result in anxiety and unnecessary
standard to yield the results shown in Table 2.3. further investigations.
Table 2.3 Specificity of a new screening test for cystic
fibrosis Positive and negative predictive
Gold standard test
values (Box 2.11)
Positive Negative Total
New Test positive 80 22 102 The positive predictive value (PPV) of a test is the propor-
diagnostic Test negative 40 858 898 tion of those who test positive who actually have the
test Total 120 880 1000 disease. A PPV of 80% means that for every ten par-
ticipants with a positive test result:
What is the specificity of the new screening
test? Select ONE correct answer from the list of • Eight of them will have the disease
options: • The other two will be false negatives.
A. 67% Similar to a low specificity, a poor PPV means a
B. 78% large number of false positives, which could result in
C. 85% anxiety and unnecessary further investigations.
D. 96% The negative predictive value (NPV) is the proportion
of those who test negative who are truly disease free.
E. 98%
An NPV of 60% means that for every ten participants
with a negative test result:
• Six of them will NOT have the disease
Answer 2.4 • The other four will be false negatives.
E. 98%.
The specificity is the proportion without the
condition who test negative (see below):
• Number who tested negative with the new test
= 858 Box 2.11 Rules of thumb for positive predictive
• Total number who tested negative = 880 value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV)
As a practising paediatrician, few patients will
Specificity = 858 880 = 98%
arrive and say ‘I have a disease, please check if
your test is accurate (sensitivity)’. Rather, they
present with symptoms (or sometimes none at all
in the case of population screening) and we
Sensitivity and specificity perform a test to ‘confirm’ or ‘rule out’ our
Sensitivity is the proportion of all those with disease differential diagnosis. Therefore, in clinical practice,
who test positive (i.e. the ability of a screening test to PPV and NPV are usually more useful for
detect disease). counselling patients, but are not often presented in
A sensitivity of 70% means that for every ten par- scientific journals. Two good rules of thumb are
ticipants with the disease:
• SpPIn: If specificity is high and the test is
• Seven of them will test positive positive, it is likely to rule the disease in
• The other three will be false negatives. • SnNOut: if sensitivity is high and the test is
Poor sensitivity means a large number with the negative, it is likely to rule the disease out
condition will escape detection. They will be falsely However, this is only a general rule of thumb.
As the prevalence of a disease changes (i.e. in a
reassured, which could possibly delay diagnosis.
screening test) or the pre-test probability changes
Specificity is the proportion of all those who are
(i.e. in clinical medicine), then this rule of thumb
disease free who receive a negative test result (i.e. the can mislead (see Table 2.6).
22 ability of a screening test to rule out disease).
Similar to poor sensitivity, a poor NPV means a Why is this relationship important
large number with the condition will escape detection.
They will be falsely reassured, which could possibly
in population screening?
delay diagnosis. The higher the prevalence, the higher the predictive
value, so screening is more efficient if it is directed to
Accuracy a high risk population (i.e. the south Asian population
in the above example). Screening the general popula-
The accuracy of a test is a simplified statistic that com-
tion for a relatively infrequent disease can be very
bines both sensitivity (all true positives) and specifi-
wasteful of resources. However, if a high risk popula-
city (all true negatives) as a proportion of all tests
tion can be identified and targeted, the screening pro-
performed. It is a crude measure that is useful for
gramme (selective screening) is likely to be more
patients. However, a test can be very good at ruling out
efficient and cost effective.
a disease (i.e. high specificity) but very poor at ruling
An ideal screening test should have:
it in (i.e. high sensitivity) and this will not be reflected
in the ‘accuracy’ of the test. • A high sensitivity (to reduce the number of false
A hypothetical example of a new screening test for negatives)
disease X to be added to the blood spot assay to the • A high specificity (in order to reduce the number
neonatal biochemical screening (Guthrie) card is of false positives).
shown in Table 2.4. The way in which the sensitivity,
specificity and positive and negative predictive values
are calculated is shown in Table 2.5. Table 2.5 Calculation of sensitivity, specificity and
positive and negative predictive values and accuracy
for our new blood spot test
The relationship between Test for
sensitivity, specificity, predictive Term Definition Formula disease X

values and prevalence Sensitivity Proportion with a/(a + c) 99/(99 + 1)

condition who = 99%
There is a complex relationship between sensitivity, test positive
specificity and the positive and negative predictive Specificity Proportion d/(b + d) 9405/(9405 +
values that is directly influenced by the prevalence of without 495)
the disease. This is summarized in Table 2.6. condition who = 95%
This demonstrates that when a disease is more test negative

common (and the sensitivity and specificity remain Positive Proportion with a/(a + b) 99/(99 + 495)
the same), the positive predictive value increases. predictive positive test = 16%
value (PPV) who have the
Negative Proportion d/(c + d) 9405/(9405
predictive with negative + 1)
Table 2.4 A new screening test for disease X value (NPV) test who do = 100%
not have the
Present Absent Total
Accuracy Proportion of (a + d)/(a + = 9504/10,000
Screening Positive
99 (a)
1 (c)
495 (b)
9405 (d)
combination of b + c + d) = 95% CH A P TE R TW O
true positives
Totals 100 9900 10,000 and negatives

Table 2.6 The relationship between sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and prevalence for a new screening test
which has 99% sensitivity and 95% specificity in a population of white Caucasians and south Asians
Disease prevalence
(hypothetical data) Test results Disease present Disease absent Total
1% (in a population of Caucasians) Positive 99 495 594 PPV = 16%
(so 100 per 10,000 have the disease) Negative 1 9405 9406 NPV = 100%
Sensitivity Specificity
= 99% = 95%
5% (in a population of south Asians) Positive 495 475 970 PPV = 51%
(so 500 per 10,000 have the disease) Negative 5 9025 9030 NPV = 100%
Sensitivity Specificity
= 99% = 95%
Another random document with
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Heuchelijker dag heeft Amsteldam, en met het zelve reeds bijna geheel
Nederland nooit gezien, dan die van den 18 Januarij deezes Jaars,
(1795,) want op dien dag werd de hand geslagen aan de herstelling van
’s Lands Vrijheid:

Op dien dag sidderde gevloekte Dwinglandij,

En riep het beste Volk, triumph wij zijn weêr vrij!

Van tijd tot tijd hadden de Amstelaars, (om ons bij deezen alleen te
bepaalen,) hunne hoop op het eindelijke herstel der rechten van den
mensch en van den burger gevoed, [2]met den wonderbaaren voorspoed
der Fransche wapenen, welken zo zichtbaar door het Opperwezen
gezegend werden; die hoop werd brandender, toen men vernam, dat zij,
(Neêrlands Verlossers!) hunnen voet reeds op den bodem der republiek
gezet hadden; echter verflaauwde dezelve ook weder niet weinig door het
besef dat de dappere redders nog breede rivieren hadden overtetrekken,
aleer zij tot in ’t harte des lands konden doordringen, om door hunne
verschijning onze onderdrukkers den Vorstlijken Scepter uit de hand te
doen vallen; maar God betoonde allerzichtbaarst onze verlossing te
willen; Hij sprak, en zie daar de gezegde rivieren met zwaar ijs bevloerd;
dit zeker was niet alleen een werk van den Almagtigen, maar een bevel,
om doortedringen; ’t zelve geschiedde, en de Provincie Utrecht gaf zig
weldra aan de Franschen over.

Zo dra de tijding daarvan aan den Amstel gekomen was, zag men de
vreugde op het gelaat der Vrijheidszoonen dartelen; zij verzekerden zig
van hunne verlossing; doch begrepen tevens dat zij ook nu zelven de
handen aan ’t werk moesten slaan, te meer daar de Franschen zulks
reeds van hun gevorderd hadden.

Die verdienstelijke gezelschappen, welken in spijt van allen

dwingelandschen tegenstand, zig onderling hadden bezig gehouden, met
plannen tot eene revolutie te formeeren, of met de beste schikkingen bij
eene voorvallende revolutie te beraamen; deeze gezelschappen
oordeelden het nu tijd te zijn om het voorneemen ter uitvoer te brengen;
zij vergaderden in het logement het wapen van Embden, op den nieuwen
dijk, en zonden, van den geest des volks, over ’t algemeen overtuigd, van
daar (des middags ten 2 uuren,) eene Commissie aan den President-
Burgemeester Straalman, met verzoek van de weldenkende
Ingezetenen wapens te willen doen geeven, dat men anders voor de
geduchtste gevolgen niet konde instaan, want dat het volk over ’t
algemeen niet zoude wachten met de hun schandelijk ontroofde rechten
van mensch en burger krachtdaadig wederteëisschen; dat hij Straalman
verzekerd konde weezen, dat de revolutie op het uitbarsten stond; deeze
begeerde eerst zijne amtgenooten te spreeken, en beloofde derhalven
tegen 4 uuren rapport; maar ten half 5 uuren kwam reeds een Fransch
Officier in de [3]stad, met eene sommatie; des verzochten deeze de
commissie voornoemd, tegen half 9 uuren.——Intusschen was de
toegevloeide menigte volks naar ’t Wapen van Embden onbegrijpelijk
talrijk, en de vreugde die men er bedreef, met zingen, dansen, en
elkander geluk te wenschen met de vrijheid, onvoorbeeldig: terwijl dit
voorviel kwam de burger Krayenhoff als Adjudant van den Generaal
Daendels, in de stad, met eene Commissie aan Burgemeesteren en aan
den Commandant Golofkin, tevens tijding brengende van de hulp die de
burgerij van de Franschen stonden te genieten, zo zij zig zelven wilden
vrij maaken; zo dra dit bekend geworden was, weêrgalmde de lucht van
Vrijheid! Vrijheid! lang leeve de Franschen! lang leeve de Republiek! de
vergaderde menigte in het Wapen van Embden werd nu nog veel talrijker,
het gejuich veel luidruchtiger, en het dansen zo algemeen, dat geheel het
gebouw daverde: den gantschen nacht bragt men aldaar en elders, ja
zelfs op de straaten, met gejuich en vrolijkheid door; de ruiterij nam hun
patrouilles waar; doch, (dit was hun door den Commandant Golofkin
reeds bevolen,) deed niemand leed, en werd ook van niemand leed
gedaan; zelfs waren er verscheidene patrouilles die mede riepen: lang
leeve de Franschen! lang leeve de Republiek! en ook Vivat de Vrijheid!
het was of ’t nationaal lint over de stad regende, en ieder versierde er zig

Tegen 12 uure des avonds werd van de waag afgelezen dat Golofkin
den volgenden morgen van zijn amt ontzet was, en de burger
Krayenhoff hem alsdan daarin stond optevolgen.

Met de aankomst van den dag, verhief de algemeene vrolijkheid zig op

nieuw, en men zag voor het stadhuis weldra dien Vrijheidsboom planten,
van welken wij onze Landgenooten eene juiste afbeelding mededeelen,
en die ten eeuwigsten dage bij de Nederlanders eenige voorkeur zal
verdienen boven alle anderen (hoeveel prachtiger ook) die daarna gezet
zijn, of nog gezet mogen worden: onbegrijpelijk was de vreugde die bij en
na dit planten bedreeven werd; weldra was de boom in een gladde mast
veranderd; want ieder scheurde er een takjen af, (ja men klom ten dien
einde tot in den top toe,) [4]om er zig mede te vercieren, als met een
onwaardeerbaar teken van Vrijheid; het dansen rondsom den boom was
onophoudelijk, en met de streelendste blijken van égaliteit, alle deeze
vreugdebetooningen duurden bijna drie dagen lang, en werden door het
diepst van den nacht naauwlijks afgebroken.
Voords werd de oude regeering afgezet, en Volksrepresentanten
verkozen: de gevangene Heeren (wegens het bekende request tegen de
Inundatie) werden uit hunne gevangenis gehaald; vervolgends ook de
onderdrukte en gevangene burgers Verlem, Harger en anderen; allen
werden zij met koetsen naar ’t Stadhuis gereden, (na een tour rondsom
den Vrijheidsboom gedaan te hebben,) vergezeld van duizende juichende

Deeze regels, waarde Landgenooten! oordeelen wij u bij de

nevenstaande afbeelding te moeten aanbieden.

Dat in de tuin van Nederland,

nog lang die boomen groeijen,
Dan zal de zinkende Amstelstad
weêr als voorheenen bloejen,
Verlost van ’t schaadlijk ongediert,
dat leeft van ’t sap der bloemen;
Dan zal nog ’t laatste nageslacht
den moed der Franschen roemen.

’t dorp Ouderkerk aan den Amstel
’t Vermaaklyk OUDERKERK, in ’s Lands historieblaên,
Gedacht; werd wel als schoon geprezen;
Maar nu ’t den Pruis heeft wederstaan,
Zal de eernaam voortaan dapper weezen:
Werd eertyds van dit dorp gemeld,
Nu wordt er wonder van verteld.

Dit Dorp behoort in den breeden rang dier Nederlandsche dorpen van
welken men kan zeggen dat zij zeer aangenaam gelegen zijn:
Ouderkerk ligt in Amstelland, anderhalf uur van Amsteldam, ten oosten
van den breeden rivier de Amstel, welke de tuinen of erven der huizen
van achteren bespoelt: de environs van het dorp zijn zeer grasrijk en
vermaaklijk, met veelvuldige wateren doorsneden: die environs moeten
weleer echter nog veel aangenaamer geweest zijn, naamlijk
boschachtiger, want tusschen dit dorp en Abcoude, zijn meermaals,
eenige voeten onder den grond, veele boomen gevonden; men weet
hoe winden en vloeden het eertijds houtrijk Nederland van veele zijner
bosschen beroofd heeft—de grond is in geheel den omtrek van
Ouderkerk veenachtig en moerassig—te recht noemt de zoetvloejende
Willink hetzelve, ’t luchtig dorp

Daar de Amstelstroom, al even prat,

Gevoerd op een kristallen wagen,
Zo glorierijk door heenen snelt,
En doet de zilvren baartjens vloejen
Om met een zacht en deun geweld,
Zijn groene boorden te besproejen;
Zijn boorden door geen mensch gewraakt.…


Het geen wegens dit artijkel aangetekend wordt, is gelijk ten deezen
opzichte meermaals het geval is, met twijfelingen doorweeven: in
vroegere dagen droeg het den naam van Ouder-amstel, om dat het
onder Ouder-amstel behoort, men wil dat het den naam van Ouderkerk,
in de plaats van dien van Ouder-amstel zoude verkregen hebben, bij
gelegenheid van het stichten van een Nieuwer kerk in Amstelland, het
geen zekerlijk aanneemelijk is, schoon men verschille in de bepaaling
welke die Nieuwer kerk moge geweest zijn; sommigen houden er de
tegenwoordige Oude kerk te Amsteldam voor, om dat deeze weleer den
naam van de Kerk in Nieuweramstel, of Niër-Kerk gedragen heeft; ’t
geen anderen ongerijmd voorkomt, het voor aanneemelijker houdende
dat er de Kerk te Amstelveen door verstaan zoude kunnen worden, om
de benaaming van Nieuwer-amstel, welke dat ambacht draagt: weder
anderen meenen dat men voor die Nieuwe Kerk te houden hebben die
van Nieuwerkerk, sedert lang in de Haarlemmer-meir verdronken—hoe
het zij, uit het een en ander is de naamsoorsprong des dorps nagenoeg
te gissen; althans nagenoeg voor zo verre ons oogmerk gaat; dit alleen
moeten wij er nog bijvoegen, dat dit dorp gemeenlijk Ouderkerk aan den
Amstel genoemd wordt, ter onderscheidinge van een ander dorp
Ouderkerk, dat aan den Yssel ligt.

S T I C H T I N G en G R O O T T E .

Wegens de stichting van Ouderkerk kan niets gezegd worden, alzo het
waarschijnelijk, met veele andere Nederlandsche dorpen eenen
toevalligen oorsprong zal hebben, die meesttijds gezocht moet worden
in de ligging, welke aanleiding gegeven zal hebben dat sommige lieden
zig op zulk eenen grond met er woon hebben nedergezet.

Wat de grootte betreft; het ambacht van Ouderkerk, bestaat [3]in vijf
voornaame polders, zamen groot bijna 3505 morgen lands, waarvan
voor Ouderkerk met Waardhuizen, en Duivendrecht, van ouds niet
hooger zijn geteld, dan op 1542 morgen, 380 roeden; zijnde sedert 30
morgen en 400 roeden daaraf vergraaven voor de bedijking van de

In de oude lijst der verpondingen van 1632, stonden voor Ouderkerk,

162 huizen, en in die van 1732, reeds 249 huizen en 4 molens: men
rekent dat er onder Ouderkerk omtrent 750 ingezetenen zijn, zo
mannen, vrouwen als kinderen en dienstboden, zijnde in deeze telling
twee kinderen, onder de agt jaaren, voor één persoon gesteld.


Dit is even als dat van Amstelveen, met dit onderscheid dat voor
Ouderkerk op den ondersten balk twee kruisen staan, daar Amstelveen
op dien balk slechts één kruis heeft.


Weleer had dit dorp een ruime en luchtige Kerk, met een groot choor,
waarvan het dak verre boven dat der Kerk uitrees: de toren was
vierkant, en pronkte tot in den jaare 1674 met een hoogen spitsen kap,
die op den eersten Augustus van dat jaar, tot op het muurwerk des
gebouws nedergeslagen werd: de spits werd naderhand weder
opgebouwd, echter niet zo hoog, hoewel zij zig nog vrij verre vertoonde;
doch het gebouw geheel bouwvallig geworden zijnde, werd in den jaare
1774 afgebroken, en op dezelfde plaats eene geheel nieuwe en nette
Kerk gesticht: zijnde den eersten steen daarvan gelegd door den Heer
Balthazar Nolthenius, Zoon van den Heere Mr. Jeronimus
Nolthenius, toen Secretaris van Ouder-amstel: deeze Kerk heeft van
binnen niets bijzonders, hoewel zij van buiten eene zeer aangenaame
vertooning maakt. [4]

Ten tijde dat de Roomsche Godsdienst in deeze landen de heerschende

was, was de Kerk van dit plaatsjen toegewijd aan den Paus en
Martelaar Urbanus, wordende de Pastorij door de Hollandsche
Graaven begeven; het inkomen van den Priester bestond uit 39
rhijnlandsche guldens van zekere landvruchten, als mede uit de
voordbrengzelen van 6 morgen lands onder Abkoude, en evenveel
anderen onder het ambacht Ouderkerk.

Toen de Hervormde Godsdienst de heerschende was, werden de

Kerken van Amstelveen en Ouderkerk door een zelfden Predikant
bediend; doch omtrent den jaare 1595, viel desaangaande eenige
verandering voor, zodanig dat Ouderkerk zig in het kerklijke met Diemen
vereenigde, wordende deezen beide gemeenten bediend door den
Leeraar Lucas Ambrosius; naderhand Predikant te Amsteldam: toen
beide plaatsen in getal van inwooners merkelijk toegenomen waren,
ontving ieder eenen eigen Leeraar; gelijk ieder gemeente ook nog door
éénen Leeraar bediend wordt: beiden staan onder de Classis van

Een Weeshuis is op dit Dorp niet; de weezen en geallimenteerden

worden onder de ingezetenen besteed.

De Roomschen, die onder Ouderkerk zeer talrijk zijn, hebben er twee



Onder dit artijkel kan alleen het Rechthuis gebragt worden, zijnde voor
een dorp-gebouw, vrij ongemeen; vóòr hetzelve staat, 1656,
waarschijnlijk het jaar van deszelfs bouwing: in een der muuren zitten
drie kogels door de Pruissen daarin geschoten.


Deeze bestaat, wat het crimineele betreft, uit den Bailluw, en in het civile
uit Schout, zeven Schepenen en een Secretaris: vier Buurmeesters
hebben, met Schout en Schepenen, ’t bewind over de gemeene zaaken
van ’t ambacht.
De Ambachtsheer kan onder dit artijkel niet ongenoemd blijven, en des
kunnen wij ter deezer gelegenheid ook voegelijk aantekenen dat de stad
Amsteldam deeze Ambachtsheerlijkheid in [5]den jaare 1731 aangekocht
heeft voor eene somma van 25.100 guldens: de sterfheer is gemeenlijk
een der Burgemeesteren van Amsteldam, zijnde thans de Wel Ed.
Achtb. Heer Mr. Nicolaas Faas; de Ambachtsheer oefent echter het
gezach niet uit zig zelven, maar alle zaaken, raakende het ambacht,
worden hem aangediend, en door het collegie van Burgemeesteren
afgedaan, gelijk zulks ook omtrent alle andere heerlijkheden, de stad
toebehoorende, plaats heeft: weleer was de Bailluw zelf Ambachtsheer,
en de goedkeuring of afkeuring van een’ Predikant stond aan hem
alleen, zijnde dit amt tot den jaare 1715, door de oudste geslachten van
Holland bekleed.


Hier onder behooren de twee bruggen die op het dorp gevonden

worden; eene van dezelven ligt over den Amstel, naamlijk aan de
noordzijde bij het Rechthuis, en de andere over het water de Bullewijk
genaamd, aan de zuidoostlijke zijde van het dorp: aan beide die
bruggen moeten de doorvaarende schepen, en de daarovergaande
menschen, beesten en rijtuigen, tol betaalen, zijnde het zelve een
inkomen voor de stad als bezitster van de Ambachtsheerlijkheid: in den
jaare 1745, werd het bruggeld verpacht voor ƒ 3000 guldens;
Amsteldam is natuurlijker wijze ook verpligt daarvoor de beide bruggen
te onderhouden, niet alleen, maar ook de straat die aan derzelver
vleugels ligt.


De aangenaame ligging van dit dorp verschaft hetzelve veel

levendigheid, door de menigte wandelaars welken zig ter uitspanninge
derwaards begeeven, maar nog meer door de onnoemelijk veele
rijtuigen welken als onophoudelijk afgaan en aankomen: deeze
levendigheid wordt niet weinig bevorderd door de veele kostbaare en
aangenaame tuinen, welken langs den breeden Amstel gelegen zijn, en
meest toebehoren aan voornaame Amsteldamsche Kooplieden, welken
aldaar de handelzorgen vergeetende, de duffe comptoirlucht voor den
frisschen adem der [6]Natuur verwisselende, ook dikwijls Ouderkerk
gaan bezoeken; al ’t welk het dorp geen gering voordeel aanbrengt;
voeg hierbij het Portugeesche Jooden Kerkhof, ten oosten van de Kerk,
aan de Bullewijk gelegen, ter oorzaake dat op hetzelve menigvuldige
begraavingen geschieden: maar ook wordt Ouderkerk niet weinig
verlevendigd en bevoordeeld door de gestadig doorvaarende schuiten
van Amsteldam, naar Utrecht, den Haag, Delft, Rotterdam, Gouda, als
mede verder nabijgelegene plaatsjens en terug; als mede door de
turfschepen en ponten, die van alom de turf uit de veenen naar
Amsteldam en elders heenvoerende, veelal den Amstel afkomen; wij
zwijgen van eene menigte rijtuigen welken, om verder optetrekken, dit
dorp passeeren: de som bovengemeld, waarvoor de tol te Ouderkerk
verpacht wordt, bewijst genoeg dat het dorp op verre na niet onder de
stille dorpjens geteld moet worden.

Er worden voords die handwerken en neeringen uitgeoefend en gedaan,

welken voor het burgerlijke leven onontbeerelijk zijn; veelen
opgezetenen geneeren er zig ook met den veeteelt, en de turffabriek.


Hoe weinig betekenend dit dorpjen, met betrekking tot het Land in ’t
algemeen, of tot het nabij gelegen trotsch Amsteldam in ’t bijzonder,
schijne te zijn, wordt het echter in de Vaderlandsche Historie dikwijls
genoemd, en in het belangrijke fak, dat met onzen tijd begint, bekleedt
het voorzeker eene hoofdplaats.

Hoe geheel Amstelland om zeker bedrijf van Gysbrecht van Amstel,

door de Kennemers onder water gezet en verwoest werd, zullen wij
breedvoerig moeten verhandelen als wij over Amsteldam in het
bijzonder zullen spreeken, hier zij het derhalven genoeg aantetekenen
dat Ouderkerk in dien vreeslijken nood mede niet weinig heeft moeten
lijden, ’t geen ligtlijk te begrijpen is wanneer men nagaat dat alle de
landerijen van geheel Amstelland, in eene openbaare zee veranderd
werden: dit gebeurde [7]omtrent den jaare 1204: eene vergoeding voor
dien grouwzaamen nood was eene stille landlijke rust van ongeveer
anderhalf honderd jaaren, want eerst in den jaare 1567 verschijnt
Ouderkerk weder op het Nederlandsche Staatstooneel, naamlijk ten
tijde van Hendrik van Brederode, die door het aanbieden van het
bekende smeekschrift aan de Hertoginne van Parma, bij de
Spaanschen verdacht geworden, en reeds uit zijne Heerlijkheid Viaanen
verdreven zijnde, zig met eenige bende in of nabij dit dorp nedersloeg,
en zig aldaar bleef oponthouden, tot hij naar elders den wijk nam: zes
jaaren laater, wierpen de Spanjaarden eene schans op rondsom het
Kerkhof en de Kerk van Ouderkerk, ter gelegenheid van de belegering
van Haarlem: dit kleine dorpjen is verder (in 1577) het middel in de hand
der Algemeene Staaten geweest om Amsteldam, toen de eenigste stad
die nog Spaansch gezind was, aan de zijde van Oranje, of wel aan
hunne zijde te brengen; want zij lagen in het dorp veel krijgsvolk, ter
handhavinge van hunne bevelen om aldaar zwaare convoijen en
licenten te vorderen, van alle de goederen welken uit Amsteldam
gevoerd en derwaards gebragt werden; de stad reeds toen eenen
wakkeren handel drijvende, vond zig daardoor ook zodanig bezwaard,
dat zij, om zig van dit jok te ontheffen, besloot den Algemeenen Staaten
te vergenoegen, en de zijde der Spanjaarden te verlaaten.

Sedert dien tijd bleef dit dorp wederom in rust tot op den 30 Julij des
jaars 1650, toen het ten getuige verstrekte van eene daad die eenigen
gaarne uit ’s Lands geschiedenissen gewischt zagen; dezelve is echter
te dikwijls geboekt om ooit door de vergetenheid ingezwolgen te kunnen

Willem de Tweede, Prins van Oranje, zig door de regeering van

Amsteldam beledigd achtende, wegens den geweigerden toegang in
den vollen raad, zowel als wegens andere Vaderlandlieve gedraagingen
van dien kant, besloot de stad bij [8]verrassching te overrompelen,
welken gevaarlijke aanslag echter, door eene gunstige bestuuring van
de Voorzienigheid, verijdeld werd, door het verdwaalen des krijgsvolks,
wegens de donkerheid van den nacht, en eenen zwaaren stortregen:
Graave Willem van Nassau, Stadhouder van Friesland, was het
geheim bevel van deezen aanslag opgedraagen; gelijk deezen dan ook
met zijne bende te Ouderkerk zijn hoofdquartier verkoos; wordende ten
volgenden dage door eenig krijgsvolk, uit Nijmegen, Utrecht, Arnhem,
Zutphen, Zwol en Doesburg versterkt, doch het dorp geraakte dien
overlast weldra kwijt, doordien de Prins en de Regeering van
Amsteldam tot een minnelijk verdrag kwamen, waaraan de waare
Patriotsche Heeren Bicker echter de aanzienlijke waardigheden,
welken zij in de stad bekleedden opofferden.

Van dien tijd af vinden wij wegens de geschiedenis van Ouderkerk niets
bijzonders gemeld, tot op onzen tijd toe; maar nu heeft het zig eenen
eeuwigen naam verworven, door de manlijke verdediging der Patriotten
aldaar, tegen de als in de wapenrustinge geborene Pruissen, die op den
7 September des jaars 1787, „in ons land vielen, om der Prinsesse van
Oranje voldoening te bezorgen, wegens voorvallen”, kunnen wij met
zeker geacht schrijver onder onze tijdgenooten zeggen, „welke hier de
plaats niet is om dezelve te onderzoeken”; wij blijven, met hem, „alleen
staan bij de dapperheid der patriotten, die bij Ouderkerk zo duidelijk
gebleken is, dat wanneer alle de posten tegen de Pruissen op eene
zodanige wijze verdedigd waren geworden, de geëischte voldoening
van dat hof, waarlijk zo spoedig nog niet zoude gevolgd zijn.”

Ofschoon wij in onze beschrijving van Amstelveen reeds, dat dorp

betreffende, een genoegzaam breed verslag van deeze
allergewichtigste omstandigheid gegeven hebben, kunnen wij echter
niet nalaaten, bij deeze gelegenheid het volgende nog te voegen;
zamen kan het dienen om een recht duidelijk [9]denkbeeld van de
aangelegenheid ter dier plaatse en tijde te kunnen vormen.——Dus
vinden wij het bedoelde geboekt, „Na de Pruissische troupen dan op de
grenzen van Gelderland en Holland de steden Gorcum, Nieuwpoort,
Schoonhoven, en anderen, na weinig tegenstands, ingenomen hadden,
rukten zij verder na beneden, om alle de posten te overmeesteren, en
vervolgends Amsteldam, en andere steden, de zijde der Patriotten
toegedaan, te bedwingen: eenige posten werden gemaklijk, anderen
niet zonder groote moeite veroverd, en voor sommigen stieten de
Pruissen, meer dan ééns, door den moed der Vaderlandsche burgerij,
het hoofd; de Hertog ziende dat niet alles zo gemaklijk gaan zoude, en
ook door berichten vernomen hebbende, dat er zeer veele posten sterk
verdedigd zouden worden besloot tot eenen algemeenen aanval.”

„Bij het geven van het wachtwoord, op den 30 September, des

gemelden jaars, beval hij dat alle Generaals en Commandanten, des
avonds ten zes uuren zig bij hem zouden moeten vervoegen; dit
geschiedde, en zijne Hoogheid deelde alstoen aan zijne Officieren de
bevelen uit, op welke eene wijze de aanvallen den volgenden morgen,
den eersten October, ten 5 uure eenen aanvang zoude moeten

„Zodra de seinschoot,” waarvan wij onder Amstelveen gesproken

hebben „gegeven was, geraakte alles in werking; alomme werden de
patriotsche posten aangevallen, die gedeeltelijk genomen, en
gedeeltelijk met de grootste dapperheid verdedigd werden; kunnende
wij niet nalaaten hier nog bij te voegen, dat waar de verdedigers
moesten bukken, zulks meer toeteschrijven was aan bedekt verraad, of
onkunde hunner bevelhebberen, welken geen orde onder hun volk
hielden, dan aan het volk zelf; dat dit waarheid is blijkt onder anderen uit
den aanval op Ouderkerk.”

Om ons thans bij dit dorp afzonderlijk te bepaalen, zullen wij hier den
stand der Pruissischen troupen, bestemd om Ouderkerk te attaqueeren,
opgeeven. [10]

„De Ritmeester Van Kleist, stond met een detachement ligte infanterij
in de kleine Duivendrechtsche polder.”

„De Ritmeester Zuizow met zijne ligte infanterij, en de Capitein Tschok

met eene compagnie Grenadiers van het regiment van Budberg
stonden op den weg van Abcoude, naar Ouderkerk, bij zig hebbende
een stuk geschut van zes, één van drie pond, en een houwitzer,
benevens de lijfcompagnie curassiers tot hunne ondersteuning.”

„In de Ouderkerker polder moest de Major Ledebur met zijn compagnie

en twee stukken zesponders geposteerd staan, doch deezen kon op
den bepaalden tijd daar niet tegenwoordig zijn, doordien hij over
Mijdrecht en Baamburg had moeten marcheeren.”

„Aan den kant van den Uithoorn stonden 30 Jaagers en twee

Compagniën van Budberg, onder bevel van den Capitein Kokerits,
zonder grof geschut, benevens een esquadron paardenvolk van den
Major Kram.”

„Deeze troupen nu hadden bevel om Ouderkerk te overmeesteren welk

plaatsjen tot zijne verdediging vier onderscheidene batterijen had, die
aan het dorp lagen, en die het den Pruissen meer daar ééns te heet
maakten; men zag daar dat zij deinzen en vallen konden.”

Dat de Patriotten dapper geschoten hebben, hebben de Pruissen zelven

getuigd, daar zij zeiden: „De Patriotten vervolgden ons met hunne
kanonnen onophoudelijk te beschieten; na veele vergeefsche
onderneemingen, en na dat de hooibergen in brand gestoken waren,
werden onze Jaagers door het geschut en door de vijandlijke
scherpschutters, genoodzaakt zig te retireren.”

„De gemelde vier batterijen die zo wèl bestuurd werden, waren op

deeze wijze gelegen: eene lag er bij de hooge brug, bij de
droogmaakerij, welke brug afgebroken was, terwijl deeze batterij met
een twaalfponder en twee zesponders [11]verdedigd werd; recht tegen
over dezelve lag eene andere bij den zogenaamden krommen hoek,
gemonteerd met twee drieponders, een derde lag op den weg na den
Voetangel, op dezelve waren twee zesponders geplaatst; en op de
boerderij voor welke deeze batterij op den weg lag, had men achter het
huis voor het molenvliet eenen drieponder geplaatst: eene vierde batterij
was opgeworpen, op het zwarte weggetjen, en met twee stukken van
zes ponden bewapend.”

„Zo wel het dorp als deeze batterij waren bezet door Amsteldamsche
burgers, door eenigen uit de Geldersche brigade, door Friesche
Auxiliairen en Jaagers, door een gedeelte van het corps van den
beruchten Salm;” wiens gloriezon door een schandelijke en eeuwige
eclips niet verdonkerd, maar geheel onzichtbaar geworden is! „en
voords door eenige Kanonniers en Artileristen, uit Amsteldam en uit de
Auxiliairen: het bevel over deeze zo gewigtige voorpost van Amsteldam
was opgedraagen aan den Wel Ed. Manhaften Heer F. H. de Wilde,
toenmaals Capitein der Burgerij van Amsteldam, en de Vaderlandsche
bende aanvoerende, onder den tijtel van Lieutenant Colonel.”

„De natte en doorweekte grond van Ouderkerk, als ook de menigte

grachten en slooten, verhinderden dat men uit den Duivendrechtschen
polder iet van belang kon verrichten: de bruggen waren veelal
afgebroken, aan veele toegangen doorsnijdingen gemaakt, eenige
anderen waren met geschut bezet, zo dat de Pruissen alhier eene
hevige verdediging te gemoet zagen, en de uitslag deed zien dat zij hier
niet mis gerekend hadden, want deeze voorpost van Amsteldam werd
met veel dapperheid en beleid door de Patriotten verdedigd.”

„Met het seinschoot namen ook hier de onderscheidene aanvallen

eenen aanvang, en de bezettelingen die terstond toonden dat zij deeze
vijandlijkheden te gemoet zagen, gaven den Pruissen een zeer
gevoeligen morgengroet terug.” [12]

„De Colonel Kokeritz, kon van den kant van den Uithoorn niets
verrichten; waarom een Capitein, wiens naam niet gemeld wordt, uit
overdrevenen ijver, met eenige manschappen uit dit detachement
voordrukte om te recognosceeren, wordende hij door een
cardoezenkogel doodgeschoten.”

„In de Ouderkerker polder, alwaar de compagnie van den Capitein

Ledebur stond, en hoewel alleen geschikt tot eenen valschen aanval,
verdedigde deeze zig echter met zo veel manmoedigheid, uit het klein
geweer, dat deeze compagnie eenen wezenlijken lof verdiende.”

„Op den weg van Abcoude naar Ouderkerk, alwaar de Capitein

Tschock, de Ritmeester Zuizow, en de Luitenant der Artillerij Jacobi
met hunne onderhoorige Manschappen, en drie stukken geschut
stonden, werd van beiden de zijden een allerlevendigst en hevigst vuur
gegeven: aan de zijde der Pruissen werden alle houwitsers, granaten en
kogels gebruikt, zonder echter de bezetting veel nadeels toetebrengen,
en de vijand was genoodzaakt meerder ammunitie te doen aanvoeren,
hoewel hij door de smalte van den weg geene stukken geschut meer
konde plaatsen: na dat het gevecht eenen geruimen tijd geduurd had,
en bijna geheel op ’t laatst, rukte aan de zijde van den
Duivendrechtschen polder, op den weg naar de Bullewijk eenige
manschappen met een stuk geschut aan; deeze manschappen, waren
op bevel van den Capitein Tschock met schuiten overgevaaren, en
plaatsen hun stuk geschut recht tegen over eene batterij der bezetting,
om dezelve te dwingen; doch de verdedigers deeden eenen zo hevigen
uitval, dat de vijand terstond de vlugt nam, en het stuk geschut bijna in
handen van de bezettelingen gevallen was.”

„Gemelde Capitein rukte daarop onverschrokken naar de batterij, en bij

aldien de manschappen, die aan de overzijde van den Amstel post
hielden, hem behoorelijk hadden kunnen ondersteunen, ware het niet
onmogelijk geweest, denzelven te veroveren; [13]doch dit ondoenlijk
zijnde, en de Patriotten als leeuwen vechtende voor hunne zaak, was hij
genoodzaakt te wijken, met achterlaating van eenige dooden en
gekwetsten, de Major Diebits, hoewel meer geschikt tot een aanval
tegen Duivendrecht, dit ziende, deed alle mogelijke moeite om uit den
Ouderkerker polder, hem ter hulpe te komen, en vuurde met zo veele
hevigheid en onverschrokkenheid, als wilde hij eenen etna bestormen,
doch het mogt hem almede niet gelukken den moed der Vaderlanderen
te bedwingen, en de batterij inteneemen.”
„Ondertusschen duurden deeze gevechten wederzijds van des morgens
5 tot 8 uuren, waarna de Pruissische troupen genoodzaakt waren van
voor Ouderkerk de wijk te neemen, doch omtrent ten elf uuren, kwamen
de gevlugte manschappen van Amstelveen 1 te Ouderkerk aan, waarop
men,” (nog den moed niet verloren geevende, in tegendeel, met eene
waare krijgsmans beraadenheid,) „eene batterij tegen den weg, langs
welken zij gekomen waren, deed opwerpen; voords ging men met alle
magt de batterij versterken tegen eenen nieuwen aanval; welk werk tot
één uure op den middag werd voordgezet; doch toen kwam er bevel uit
Amsteldam dat het volk van Van Salm, naar de Kalfjeslaan moest
trekken, alwaar mede eene batterij was opgeworpen, zijnde toen de
wegen, welken van Amstelveen op den Amstel uitkwamen, bezet.”

„Daarna vertrok ook de Geldersche brigade, en toen ook moest de

Lieutenant Colonel De Wilde, hoewel de Pruissen geweeken waren
voor zijn beleid en het gedrag der Patriotten, tot zijn grievendst
leedwezen aan de Amsteldamsche burgers en de overige manschappen
bevel geeven om mede optebreeken; dit geschiedde, hoewel
onvergenoegd, echter met veel bedaardheid, zo dat alle de ammunitie
tot de minste kleinigheid toe, mede naar Amsteldam gevoerd werd,
waarmede zij omtrent ten vier uure in den middag, in de stad
aankwamen, gelijk ook alle de manschappen der andere ontruimde
voorposten, welken van het overgaan van Amstelveen, en het verlaaten
van Ouderkerk, in tijds bericht bekomen hadden;” zij weeken, [14]ja maar
zij weeken als helden, als Batavieren nog niet ontaart van den
voorvaderlijken moed: niet te onrecht zongen wij elders die helden dus

Ja gij zwichtet——met uw zwichten,

Zwichtte ook ’t magtig Amsteldam;
Amsteldam, waaruit u voorraad,
Voorraad en versterking kwam:

Ja gij zwichtet, niet uit lafheid!

Lafheid! des waart ge onbekwaam;

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