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There are many environmental problems today, for instance, global warming, climate change and

pollution. The temperature of the Earth has increased and this has caused climate changes. Because

of global warming, the icecap at the North Pole and the glaciers are melting and the sea-level is


Global warming is caused by an increase in the greenhouse effect. Many greenhouse gases come

from things we do every day. Whenever we use an electric appliance, e.g. watch TV or dry our hair,

whenever we go by car or use public transport, we are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere

and pollute our environment.

We can reduce pollution if we use less energy and water: we switch off lights, our computer or TV

when we don’t use them; we use low-energy bulls; we turn off the tap while brushing our teeth. It is

also good idea to walk orr ide a bike instead of taking the bus or driving our car. We can use

alternative energy sources, such as solar energy to heat our houses or to make electricity. To reduce

greenhouse gases we can plant trees, which produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

The three Rs are very important – reuse: keep using the same things as many times as you can,

reduce the amount of things you buy, recycle: make new things from the things we have already

used. For example, we can recycle newspapers, milk cartons, bottles, cans and plastic bags. Another

thing we can do is to buy products that contain recycled materials.

It is also important to keep our surroundings clean. We musn’t drop litter in the streets. We have to

pick up litter we might have dropped.

Environmental organization as birdlife international, greenpeace, inforce, etc.

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