Ci Project Work Samples

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Interview with Social Worker

● What types of services do you provide?- school social worker- direct service to students with IEPs, (ASD, CI,
● Do students always come to you, or do you work with them in their regular education classrooms?- both-
pull out and push in
● What are ways you support families?- making sure the IEP is being enforced in the classroom, social emotional
needs, talk to families about concerns. Supposed to just work with students but is very involved. Parents who she
doesn’t have on caseload come ask questions about development/behavior. IEP process-make sure needs are
● What are families’ rights and responsibilities for their children with special needs?- right is to advocate for
their child, if they see they need something- parents need to speak up and make sure their child’s needs are being
addressed in the classroom and receive proper support. They need to be involved in the process. Be aware of laws
● Do you provide consultations to teachers who have students with special needs?- Yes- sit on SST and they
bring concerns and come together to come up with ideas
● What advice might you have for us as interns, teachers, or families about how to better work with this
student?- know what their IEP is, accommodations, they are still students-regardless of disability, still treat them
that way. Every day is a new day. Tomorrow should be a new day, things shouldn’t carry over. Sometimes students
don’t have control over feelings or actions. Being patient and giving a fresh start.
Significant motor delays- still needs
practice with scissors, holding pencil,
opening food packages, etc. From 3/18/2024

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