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Clasuses subject and

consists of a
sentence. It
A Clause Is a combination of words that makes upa and d er

predicate. It can also be said that a clause should have a subject

Types of Clauses

can be
classified into
clause behaves in a sentence, they
They are
a subject
of words with
or independent Clause -Amain clause is a aroup
sense. That is why
caned it is
Vero. it Is one that can stand alone and makes complete
independent clause.
2.5ubordinate Clause or Dependent Clause- A subordinate clause is a group or WOr d
or a relative pronoun.
Consists of a subject, a verb and a subordinating conjunction
complete meaning wnen
main clauses, subordinate clauses cannot stand alone or convey

taken separately from the sentence it is a part of.

Examples of Independent Clauses

I know how to drive a car, but I enjoy riding bikes.

-Today is Wednesday.

-I was not keeping wel,so I took a day off work.

-When I met you, I did not think we would get this close.
It was my sister's birthday yesterday; however, she did not want to celebrate.

Examples of Dependent Clauses

- After we reached home, we watched a movie.

- Everybody knows the boy who won the Best Outgoing Student Award.

My mom asked me to call her as soon as I boarded the bus.

- While we were waiting at the bus stop, we saw a monkey snatching a snack from a little

- Though Malcom did not find the movie interesting, he stayed until the end of the movie.


A simple sentence is a short sentence consisting of a subject and a predicate. In other

words, it can be said that a simple sentence is one main clause. It can also be a combination
of a phrase and a clause.
maín clause. It
shona r3E
that has more than one
K a
A Compound
sentence is a conjurctKri
a coordinating
and they can be cormbined using
Jeast two main clauses
conjunctive adverb
clause. The two
main clause and a subordinate
should have a
complex sentence conjunc tion.
or a correlative
be combined using a subordinating conjunction

Combine the Sentences to Form Comnplex

You speak up. Nobody is going to know.

Unless you speak up, nobody is going to know.

w a s not happy. I went to the reception for the sake

of my friend.
sake of my friend.
Though I was not happy, I went to the reception for the

- Opening the door, he asked my permission to come in

to in.
opened the door, he asked for my permission
As he

Reported speech
indirect speech is the form of speech used to convey what was said by
Reported speech or

Someone at some point of time.

Rules to be Followed When Using Reported Speech:

is used to tell what someone said and does not use the exact words of the
reported speech

-need not use any quotation marks as you are not using the exact words of the speaker.

Use following formula to construct a sentence in reported speech.

Subject said that (report whatever the speaker said)

the lead role in the skit."
-Sherly said, "My daughter is playing
that her daughter was playing the lead role in the skit.
Sherly said
asked her husband
"Will you be home soon?" She
She asked her husband if he would be home soon.

Rohith said, "My sister is moving to Los Angeles.

Rohith said that his sister was
moving to los angeles

Active and passive voice

ne active voice, in a sentence, denotes that the noun or pronoun that acts as th
he sentence is the doer of the action. In
other words, the subject performs the actiO O
acts upon the verb.

he passive voice, on the other hand, represents that the subject is one acted upon Dy tne
action or verb in the sentence. It can also be said that the passive voice indicates that the

subject in the sentence is no

longer active but passive.

We are going to watch a movie tonight (active voice)

A movie is going to be watched by us tonight.(Passive voice)
-Twinkle likes adventure stories.(active voice)
Adventure stories are liked by Twinkle. (Passive voice)

Shubhi had packed the bags.(active voice)

The bags had been packed by Shubhi(Passive voice)

Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences

-dol get/ the/ forests/ from/ what/ we/ products/?.

- the/ on/ forests/ the/ industry/ oil/ depends

-campaigned/ birds/ he/ caged/ free/ to

-pay/the/had to/poor farmers/high taxes/very
-to/ her/ first/ Sudha/ stand/ hard/ class/ is/ studying/ in

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