Unit 1 Lesson 2 Delightful Drama Reading

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Delightful Drama

Lead In

1. Who are chasing the boy and

the girl? What do they look like?

2. Why do you think these people

catch the boy and the girl?
Please make a prediction.
Read and learn.
Scene 1: Pirates' Cove

On the beach, a brother and sister, Tom and Maggie, are looking for mussels.
Their mother is hard-working, but very poor, and they have to come to the
beach to look for food. They are searching for mussels when Maggie sees
something in the sand. She picks up a gold ring with a big, red stone. It looks
very expensive. Next to the ring are large footprints in the sand.

Q:• Why do Maggie and Tom look for food?

Read and learn.
Scene 2: Pirates' Cove
TOM: Look, Maggie. Footprints! Should we follow them?

MAGGIE: I don't know, Tom. Mom says there are sometimes pirates on this beach.
TOM: Really? This is exciting. Come on! It's an adventure!


TOM: The footprints go into that cave. Let’s go in.

MAGGIE: I never go into caves. They’re dangerous. Pirates often hide in caves.

Q:• How does Maggie feel about entering the cave?

• What's Tom's idea?
Read and learn.
TOM: Well, I’m going in. Are you coming?

MAGGIE: No, I’m not. I’m staying here.

TOM: Oh, come on! Don’t be scared! You’re always scared.

MAGGIE: [MUTTING, BUT FOLLOWING TOM] I'm not scared. I'm sensible. Pirates are
usually dangerous.

TOM: [WHISPERING] Shh! I can hear voices.


MAGGIE: [QUIETLY] Tom! Come back! [LOUDER] Tom! Tom?

Q:Why does Tom want to go into the cave?

Read and learn.
TOM: Maggie! Shh! Stop shouting. Come with me.


TOM: There are pirates in there. I want to hear what they are saying.


BLACKBEARD: A big ship is on its way to the island. It’s full of gold and silver from Spain. I
want to steal it! We’ll all be rich!


PIRATE: But how can we steal it? Soldiers watch the port all the time.

Q:What do the pirates want to do?

Read and learn.
BLACKBEARD: There’s a lighthouse on this beach. The light shows the ships where to sail.
We can put out the light and put our light over here, near the big rocks.

PIRATE: The big rocks are dangerous. The ship will sink!

BLACKBEARD: Exactly! And when it’s sinking, we can steal all the gold and silver!


TOM: [WHISPERING] Did you hear that?

MAGGIE: We have to tell the lighthouse keeper!

Q:What is the pirates' plan for stealing the gold and silver?
Read and learn.
PIRATE: Listen! I can hear someone whispering.
BLACKBEARD: Someone is hiding behind that rock!
MAGGIE: Come on, Tom! Run!
BLACKBEARD: Catch them! Don’t let them escape!

Q:Was it a good idea to go into the cave?

Look and answer.

1. Who are chasing the boy and

the girl? What do they look like?

2. Why do you think these people

catch the boy and the girl? Please
make a prediction.
Look and answer.
1. Who are chasing the boy and the girl?
What do they look like?
They are pirates. They wear hats and one of
them has black beard.

2. Why do you think these people catch the

boy and the girl? Please make a prediction.
Because the pirates wanted to steal the gold
and silver and Tom and Maggie heard the
pirates' plan.
Read and complete.

found footprints in the sand. Tom decided to follow them

Tom and Maggie (1) _______

into a (2) _______. Maggie thought it was (3) _______, but she went with him. Inside

the cave, there(4) _______ pirates. They were talking and laughing. The children hid

(5) _______ they could listen. Blackbeard, the pirate captain, wanted to steal (6)

_______ and silver from a ship. The children decided to tell the (7) _______ keeper.

The pirates heard them whispering and tried to (8) _______ them. The children had to

(9) _______.
Read and complete.

found footprints in the sand. Tom decided to follow them

Tom and Maggie (1) _______

into a (2) _______. Maggie thought it was (3) dangerous
________, but she went with him. Inside

the cave, there(4) _______

were pirates. They were talking and laughing. The children hid

(5) _______
so they could listen. Blackbeard, the pirate captain, wanted to steal (6)

gold and silver from a ship. The children decided to tell the (7) lighthouse
_______ ________ keeper.

catch them. The children had to

The pirates heard them whispering and tried to (8) _______

(9) _______.

Pirates' Cove
A review of (1) _________________________

This is (2) ___________ .

The story is set (3) ___________________. The main characters are

called (4) ________________. The story starts when (5) ___________.

I thought this story was (6) ___________________.

Rating: I give this story stars.

Free talk.
1. Who are the people in the
picture? Are they good or bad?
2. What do they usually do?
3. Why do you think they usually
do that?
4. If they don't steal things, what
can they do for life?

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