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Planning Form

Name of Activity
Patterning with counting bears
Originating Idea
Students will copy, extend and create their own patterns using the counting bears
Curriculum Area
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Mathematics- 38 patterns
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies
Materials- Counting bears
Appropriate Age group: Preschool age
Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
Today we are going to make patterns with our counting bears, who remembers what a
pattern looks like, (makes different examples) does it look like this? No, how about this one?
Is this what a pattern looks like? How about we try and make our own patterns and see
what patterns we can come up with.
Middle of Activity
Early: Student manipulates and lines up with bears in no certain order.
Middle: Student copies or extends the pattern that the teacher has made
Later: Student creates their own simple pattern, and the teacher will scaffold by
encouraging them to make their own complex pattern.
End of Activity
Students will be able to share the patterns they made with their classmates and teachers.
Follow-up Ideas
● Sorting 3D shapes
● Graphing counting bears

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