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Challenges Faced by Students Wearing Eyeglasses and Coping Strategies

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in a new era of

challenges for students, teachers, and educational institutions worldwide.
From transitioning to online learning to dealing with increased stress and
anxiety, the educational landscape has undergone significant changes. In
the context of these changes, it is important to consider the challenges faced
by students with specific needs, such as those wearing eyeglasses, and
explore effective coping strategies that can support their academic success
and overall well-being.

Challenges Faced by Students Wearing Eyeglasses

The challenges faced by students wearing eyeglasses have implications

for their academic performance and overall educational experience. Baloran
(2020) highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students'
knowledge, attitudes, anxiety, and coping strategies. While the study does
not specifically focus on students wearing eyeglasses, it sheds light on the
broader challenges faced by students during this period of uncertainty and
change. The findings from Baloran's study reveal the need for a deeper
understanding of the specific challenges encountered by students with
visual impairments or corrective eyewear in the context of remote learning.

In a similar vein, the study by Chandra (2020) explores the perception of

academic stress and emotional intelligence coping strategies among college
students during the pandemic. While not explicitly addressing students
wearing eyeglasses, Chandra's findings underscore the prevalence of
academic stress among students and the importance of effective coping
mechanisms. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding the unique
stressors and coping strategies experienced by students with visual
impairments, particularly those reliant on eyeglasses for their daily
activities. Coping Strategies of Students Wearing Eyeglasses
Understanding the coping strategies employed by students wearing
eyeglasses is essential for developing targeted interventions and support

In the study by Kee (2021), the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on

graduate students' emotional and psychological experiences is examined.
Although not specific to students wearing eyeglasses, Kee's research
emphasizes the importance of addressing the emotional and psychological
well-being of students facing adversity. By drawing parallels between the
experiences of graduate students and those of students wearing eyeglasses,
it becomes evident that both groups may benefit from similar coping
strategies to navigate the challenges of remote learning and academic stress.

Furthermore, the study by McGee et al. (2019) delves into the stress and
strain experienced by Black doctoral students in engineering and computing
fields. While the focus is on a different demographic, the findings shed light
on the additional burdens and challenges faced by students belonging to
minority groups. This is particularly relevant in the context of students
wearing eyeglasses, as they may encounter unique obstacles and require
tailored coping strategies to overcome the intersectionality of academic
stress and visual impairment. Knowledge Gaps and Future Research
Directions Despite the wealth of research on the psychological and
emotional experiences of students during the pandemic, there is a notable
dearth of literature specifically addressing the challenges and coping
strategies of students wearing eyeglasses. Future research should aim to fill
this gap by conducting in-depth investigations into the unique obstacles
faced by these students in the context of remote learning and academic
stress. Moreover, there is a need for longitudinal studies that track the
academic performance and well-being of students wearing eyeglasses over
an extended period. By examining the long-term effects of the pandemic on
this demographic, researchers can gain valuable insights into the evolving
challenges and coping mechanisms employed by these students. In
conclusion, the challenges faced by students wearing eyeglasses in the wake
of the COVID-19 pandemic are multifaceted and necessitate tailored support
strategies. By addressing the knowledge gaps and advocating for future
research in this area, educators and policymakers can better understand
the needs of these students and implement effective interventions to
promote their academic success and holistic well-being. References: 1.
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in Engineering and Computing. <i>Teachers College Record: The Voice of
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