Advocacy Statement

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Advocacy Statement

English Language Learners: Professional Development

SInce its inception, America has invited immigrants to come into the nation and join its

work force and culture. Immigration has helped shape America through many changes in its

history, and is currently seeing an influx of immigrants to fill knowledge-based and service

industry positions (Bolter, 2022). Prior to the 1960s, there was very little remediation offered to

EL students (Colorincolorado). Students instead were expected to “Sink or Swim”

(Colorincolorado). In the years since, schools have since improved to increase the ways in

which EL students get help in order to succeed in the classroom. This is a continuous learning

process and needs to continue to be studied.

As of 2015, there were approximately 4.8 million ELL students in the United States, with

that number likely having increased since then ( In an inclusive classroom, teachers

must find a way to include and help students that are English learners. Much of this ability

comes from experience, but we also need to include methods and plans that can help teachers

create this inclusive environment via professional development.

A literacy specialist will take on this role. Teachers will need support in order to best

accommodate their ELL students. Literacy specialists are versed in a variety of methods that

can help ELL students. One method where they can help is by including families and helping

with outreach, which can be an oft overlooked aspect of creating an inclusive environment

(Breiseth, 2015). Cultural considerations should also be included in the discussions (Fenner,

2017), and the literacy specialist can assist with this as well.

Educators frequently go into education in order to help students. ELL students are beset

with an immediate disadvantage in all aspects of school. However, with proper training and the

implementation of programs to help the overall school, ELL students can be set up for success

in all future endeavors.


Bolter, Jessica. (2022, January 6). Immigration has been a defining, often contentious, element

throughout U.S. history. Migration Policy Institute.



Breiseth, Linda, Robertson, Kristina, & Lafond, Susan. (2015). Connecting with ELL families:

strategies for success. Colorin Colorado.

A chronology of federal law and policy impacting language minority students. (n.d.). Colorin



English Language Learners. (n.d.). American Youth Policy Forum.

Fenner, D. S., Snyder, S., & Breiseth, L. (2017). Unlocking English learners’ potential: Strategies

for making content accessible. Corwin, a SAGE Company.

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