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Designing Hook Experiences

Name: Kaitlyn Orwell

Classroom: Skyriders

Lesson Overview: How do you anticipate the children will explore with the materials? What
do you think they will do? What COULD happen?

I think that the students will look around at the different trees and decide which ones are their

Lesson Plan Objectives: what do I INTEND for the children to explore?

I intend for the children to explore the trees along the bombeck playground.



● What are the CHILDREN doing? What is your explorable question? Ideally,
children should be able to loop back to this question in their exploration?

- What do we notice about the trees that we are looking at?

● What is the TEACHER doing? How are you asking children to engage with the
explorable question? Write 3 ways to ask: how; what; where)

HOW: How are we going to learn more about our environment and the trees?

WHAT: What are we going to do to learn more about the environment and trees?

WHERE: Where are we going to explore the trees?

● How are you DOCUMENTING? What tools are you using for documenting the

- I am going to take notes and record as the students are exploring the outdoor



● What is NEW about the experience? Is it the materials, the physical

space, or set-up of familiar materials? Physical Space
● Sketch it out–below sketch out what the experience will look like, highlighting the
new and the questions for each of the three experiences

EXPLORABLE QUESTION: What do we notice about nature and the trees around us? What did
we find?

Schemas anticipated: Transporting, Orientation Perspective, and Trajectory

Below: At least 3 ways to stage the environment to discover more. Include materials, location,
and questions for each.

1. Playground outside of 2. Trees and Leaves 3. Pointing the kids

Bombeck - We are - Do the trees that we towards different
going to explore the are looking at have kinds of trees and
trees leaves? Are the ones that are not the
- What can we look for branches dead or same as the other
on the trees that blooming? ones.
make them look - What do we notice
different from one about the trees? Are
another they the same or

1. What part of this lesson experience went well?

- I think that it was fun for the students to run around outside by the playground
and look at different trees. They all were trying to find the biggest and smallest
2. What part of this lesson experience surprised you?
- How interested the kids actually were in the trees.
3. If you could change anything, what would it be and why?
- Move it to a smaller area because we went to the playground and the kids were
just running off and looking at trees themselves, so I could not hear what every
kid had to say about the different trees that they were seeing.
4. Do you feel the children engaged with the experience as you expected?
- More than I thought - yes. I did not think that they would enjoy just looking at
the trees and making observations as much as they did. Originally we were
supposed to go on a walk, but due to complications we had to stay at the
Bombeck, so I assumed the children would not be as engaged, but they were.
5. Provide photos or documentation from your lesson implementation.

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