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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1 21 600 5 B3 for 168


M2 for 2042 – 1802 or


or M1 for […]2 + 1802 =

2042 oe
A1 for 96 dep on M2
and M1 for

If zero scored, then SC1
for 72 × 180 alone
or as part of total area

2 5300 1

3 A correct triangle drawn 2 B1 for 18 [cm2] soi

4 460 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5 8 cm by 3 cm rectangle drawn 2 B1 for rectangle with

perimeter 22
or for rectangle with area
If no rectangle drawn,
SC1 for showing
calculations that go
together and satisfy either
area = 24 or perimeter =

6 560 1

7 86 2 M1 for correct method to

find the perimeter
e.g. (8 + 3) × 2 × 5 – 3 ×
If 0 scored, SC1 for
answer 98

8 3
M2 for oe

or M1 for oe

If 0 scored, SC1 for final

answer kx 2

9(a) Parallelogram 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

9(b) 29 1

9(c) 60 2 B1 for each

Angles [on a straight] line [add up
to] 180

9(d) 6 1

9(e) 2
M1 for or better

A1 for 5.629 ...

9(f) 45.[0] or 45.03 to 45.04 2 M1 for 5.63 × 8 or

5.629…. × 8 oe

10 45 2
M1 for oe

11(a) 28 1

11(b) 192 2
M1 for
or B1 for 16 and 12 or 4
tiles = 1 m2 soi

12(a) Two correct lines drawn 2 B1 for one correct, no

extras or two correct and
one extra
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

12(b) 2.16 2 M1 for 1.2 × 1.8

13 14.7 2 M1 for

14(a) 530 4 B3 for [DE] = 130 m and

[DC] = 80 m
or B2 for [DE] = 130 m
or [DC] = 80 m
or M1 for 502 + 1202
or 1702 – 1502

14(b) 52.9 or 52.89… 4 M2 for

or M1 for

A1 for 0.603 or 0.6033…


14(c)(i) 28.1 or 28.07… 2

M1 for oe
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

14(c)(ii) 331.9 or 331.9… 2 FT 360 – their (c)(i)

M1 for
360 – their (c)(i) oe

14(d) 1.5[0] or 1.498… nfww 4 M1 for

M1 for

M1 for

If 0 scored, SC1 for

dividing their area by
10 000

15(a) kite 1

15(b) B2 for 24 3 B1 for any relevant

correct area calculated
or M1 for a fully correct
B1 for cm2
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

16 11 3 M2 for
or better

or M1 for

17 9656 cao 3 M2 for 6 × 1.609344 ×

M1 for 6 × 1.609344
B1 for final answer figs
9654 to 9660
If 0 scored, SC1 for their
decimal answer correctly
rounded to nearest

18 3500 2 B1 for each

14 000

19 280 2 M1 for
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

20 12 150 2 M1 for


21 736 3 M2 for
40 × 24 −
(24 − 10) × (40 − 2 × 12)
or M1 for one of these
two areas
or B1 for one of 14 or 16
M2 for
2 × (24 × 12)
+ 10 × (40 − 2 × 12)
or M1 for one of these
three areas
or B1 for one of 14 or 16
M2 for
40 × 10
+ 2 × (24 – 10) × 12
or M1 for one of these
three areas
or B1 for one of 14 or 16
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

22(a) B2 for 30.6 3 or M1 for

B1 for cm2

22(b) 27.1 or 27.08 … 3

M2 for

or M1 for or
or B1 for 6.8 + 9 + k,
where 9 < k < 15.8

23(a) 9.75 or 9.746 to 9.747 3

M2 for soi
or M1 for

23(b) 33.5 or 33.49 or 33.492 to 33.494 1 B1 FT their

(b)(i) × 2 + 14

24(a) M1 for 3


B1 for or
correct expansion of
A1 for completion to
with no errors or
omissions seen
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

24(b) M2 for 3 Allow M2 for e.g.

then and

M1 for

where ab = – 20 or

[a, b integers]

B1 for 2.5 and –4 cao

24(c) 11.7 or 11.66 … or 11.67 3 M2dep for

or M1dep for


B1 for

and M1dep for

substituting x = their 2.5
at any stage
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

25(a) 29.4 2 M1 for 8.4 × 3.5

25(b) 168 2 M1 for

12 × (10 +18) ÷ 2 oe

26(a) M1 for oe 3

B1 for or

A1 for Dep on M1B1 with no

errors or omissions
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

26(b) B2 for 4 B1 for

or better or for oe or

or oe or

oe or

B2 for –1.42, 3.82 final answers B1 for each

If B0, SC1 for answers
–1.4 or –1.415… to
–1.415 and 3.8 or 3.815
to 3.815…
or answers –1.41 and
or –1.42 and 3.82 seen in
or for –3.82 and 1.42 as
final ans

26(c) 14.4 or 14.5 or 14.44 to 14.46 2 2FT for 3 × their positive

root + 3 evaluated to 3sf
or better
M1 for 3 × their positive
root + 3 oe
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

26(d) 39.5 or 39.46 to 39.54… 2 M1 for trig statement

seen to find either angle
oe or


27 2.24 2 M1 for 0.5 × 1.6 × 2.8

28 14 nfww 3 M2 for (0.8 × 6 + 2.2 ×

0.8) oe ÷ 0.5 oe
or M1 for 0.8 × 6 + 2.2 ×
0.8 oe
If zero scored,
SC1 for their attempt at
area ÷ 5
SC1 for any non-integer
answer for their value ÷
0.5 rounded up

29 24 2 M1 for 36 × 4 oe
or B1 for 6 seen

30 436 500 1

31 36.7[0] 1
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

32 64.5 1

[Total: 116]

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