Xander The One Who Is Being Bullied by The Group of Friends He Is Also The One Who Attempted

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Xander The one who is being bullied by the group of friends He is also the one who attempted
suicide because of what he usually experiences in school.
Drex- The leader of the bullies. He pushed the boy against the locker door and ended beating
him up. He is also the reason why the boy attempted suicide because of his actions.

Luis and Leo, friends of the leader of the bully They were helping the leader beat the boy up.
They were also the ones who often laughed at the boy every time something happened to him.

SETTING: The school: This is where the bullies usually make fun of the boy.
Home: This is where the boy lives and also the place he attempted suicide.

Xander was a typical student. It is the first day of school. While entering the classroom, he
tripped over the door. Because of what had happened to him, he observed Drex and two of his
friends, Luis and Leo, laughing. They were known for being a bully at the school that Xander

RISING ACTION: Not until Drex pushed his head into the locker and knocked it against Xander's
head. In an act of revenge, Xander pushed Drex against a wall. The actions of Xander angered
Drex and his friends. Drex began to feel faint as they began to kick and push him around on the

CLIMAX: Because of what happened to him at school, Xander experienced depression. All he did
was defend himself. When Xander arrived home, his friend knocked on the door, but Xander
was unwilling to speak in conversation. He wrote a final goodbye letter for his family and
friends. Because he can no longer bear the pain, Xander thought about suicide.

FALLING ACTION: When Xander's parents saw the letter, they gave him a tight hug while crying
their eyes out.. They advised him that Xander can be honest with his parents about why he
attempted suicide. He knelt on the ground and sobbed uncontrollably with his parents by his

After what had happened that night, they went outside to get some fresh air. As soon as
possible, Luis and Leo went to xander to apologize to him for everything they had done. They
hugged each other while looking at the sky.

Conflict: Xander didn't have the courage to stand up to the bullies. He was too scared to tell
anyone for fear of what would happen. All he did was cover up what happened at school from
his friends and families. It led to Xander's attempt at suicide. As a result, it was a case of
character versus self. Xander tried to commit suicide after his bravery was overcome by fear.

Theme: The main idea of the story is that bullying can lead to suicide. Xander felt completely
helpless in the face of his situation. All he can think of is how ending his life would allow him to
live peacefully, but the answer is that it wouldn't. The narrative serves to highlight how crucial
bullying prevention is. Bullying may be the cause of mental health issues, such as depression,
anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.

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