Essential Microbiology For Dentistry 5Th Edition Edition Lakshman Samaranayake Full Chapter

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Essential Microbiology for Dentistry 5th

Edition Edition Lakshman

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Essential Microbiology for Dentistry
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Microbiology for
Fifth Edition

Lakshman Samaranayake
Vice-Dean, College of Dental Medicine, University of Sharjah, UAE
Professor Emeritus & Immediate-Past Dean of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Honorary Professor & Immediate-Past Head, School of Dentistry, University of Queensland,
King James IV Professor, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK (2013)

Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia St Louis Sydney 2018

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Fifth edition 2018

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Preface vii 20. Chlamydiae, rickettsiae and mycoplasmas 171
Online Study for Students viii 21. Viruses of relevance to dentistry 175
1. Why study microbiology? 1 22. Fungi of relevance to dentistry 187

Part 1: General microbiology Part 4: Infections of relevance to dentistry

2. Bacterial structure and taxonomy 7 23. Infections of the respiratory tract 195
3. Bacterial physiology and genetics 17 24. Infections of the cardiovascular system 205
4. Viruses and prions 29 25. Infections of the central nervous and
5. Pathogenesis of microbial disease 39 locomotor systems 213
6. Diagnostic microbiology and laboratory 26. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract 219
methods 51 27. Infections of the genitourinary tract 227
7. Antimicrobial chemotherapy 69 28. Skin and wound infections 235
29. Viral hepatitis 241
30. Human immunodeficiency virus infection,
Part 2: Basic immunology AIDS and infections in compromised patients 251
(contributed by Drs Liwei Lu, Brian M Jones and
Professor Glen C Ulett)
Part 5: Oral microbiology
8. The immune system and the oral cavity 83
(contributed by Professor Glen C Ulett) 31. Oral microbiome and the oral ecosystem 265
32. Microbiology of dental caries 283
9. The immune response 101 33. Microbiology of periodontal disease 291
10. Immunity and infection 111 34. Dentoalveolar and endodontic infections 303
35. Oral mucosal and salivary gland infections 315
Part 3: Microbes of relevance to dentistry
11. Streptococci, staphylococci and enterococci 123 Part 6: Cross infection and control
12. Lactobacilli, corynebacteria and (co-edited by Dr Caroline Pankhurst)
propionibacteria 131
13. Actinomycetes, clostridia and Bacillus species 135 36. Principles of infection control 331
14. Neisseriaceae, Veillonella, parvobacteria and 37. Infection control procedures in dentistry:
Capnocytophaga 141 personal protection, sharps injuries protocol
15. Enterobacteria 147 and immunization 337
16. Vibrios, campylobacters and Wolinella 153 38. Infection control procedures in dentistry:
17. Bacteroides, Tannerella, Porphyromonas sterilization, disinfection and antisepsis 347
and Prevotella 157 Answers to review questions 363
18. Fusobacteria, Leptotrichia and spirochaetes 161 Glossary of terms and abbreviations 369
19. Mycobacteria and legionellae 167 Index381
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Welcome to the fifth edition of Essential Microbiology for Dentistry! Of course, a tome of this nature cannot be produced without
It is now 22 years since the first edition of this tome was the help of many friends and colleagues. The legacy authors
published in 1996, and since then, the science of microbi- of the Immunology Section (Part 2) were Dr Brian Jones and
omics and infectious diseases has advanced in leaps and Professor Liwei Lu, from the University of Hong Kong, while
bounds. The two major reasons for these transformational Professor Glen C Ulett of Griffith University, Australia expanded
changes have been the exploding new technology that and embellished these chapters as well as other sections of the
delivers novel tools for the identification and reclassification tome. To them, my extreme gratitude.
of organisms, and the emergence of new organisms, espe- Once again, I am indebted to the following colleagues
cially the viruses that change the landscape of dental and worldwide, who graciously permitted the reproduction of their
medical practice. For instance, next generation sequencing work: Professor H Jenkinson, University of Bristol, UK (Fig.
(NGS) technology has revolutionized the field of microbial 3.9); Dr Bernard Low, Malaysia (Fig. 5.1); Professor Willie van
taxonomy and identification of, in particular, the uncultiva- Heerden, University of Pretoria, South Africa (Figs 18.4 and
ble organisms, leading to a radical rethink on the quantity 19.1); Dr Maribasappa Karched of Kuwait University (Fig. 31.2);
and quality of the flora that inhabit our body, including Dr Leanor Haley, CDC, Atlanta, USA (Fig. 22.5); Dr Annette
the oral cavity. In this, the fifth edition of this book, I have Motte, Free University of Berlin, Germany (Fig. 31.8); and
attempted to incorporate the new data as much as possible Professor Saso Ivanowski, Griffith University, Australia (Fig.
while maintaining its popular concise, yet comprehensive 33.8). Figures 38.1 and 38.5 are reproduced from UK Health
outlook. Technical Memorandum No. 01-05, 2009, with permission from
The fact that you are now reading the fifth edition of the Crown Copyright.
book is testimony to its popularity, with more than 40,000 As always, the publishing team at Elsevier led by Martin
copies sold in all five continents; Chinese, Polish and Korean Mellor, Alison Taylor and Helen Leng has pushed me to beat
translations as well as Middle East Editions (Al-Farabi Version) the deadlines despite my myriad duties. Their professionalism
of the book are now in print, although the e-print of the book and patience has my admiration and gratitude. Last but not
appears to be outstripping the hard copy sales. For this, I am least, Hemamali, Dilani and Asanka have lost some quality
deeply grateful to the microbiology teachers in dental schools/ family time due to this tome, and I am eternally grateful to
colleges, as well as the undergraduates and the postgraduates them for their tolerance and understanding.
who are avid fans worldwide. Above all, YOU, the reader, are my most important friend
In compiling this completely revised fifth edition, I have and critic! The many features of this edition are due to your
retained the popular features of the last few editions. One feedback over two decades, and I truly hope that the current
major feature of this edition is an expanded section on infection edition is the finest product thus far. Nevertheless, no book
control (Part 6), which I co-edited with Dr Caroline Pankhurst, is perfect—so please keep on sending your comments, either
of University of London, UK. Other novel additional features good or bad, to me at
are sections on NGS technology; the oral microbiome and the
microbiota; endodontic infections; implant-related infections; Lakshman Samaranayake
plaque biofilms and the systemic disease axis and the current Hong Kong
guidelines on antimicrobial prophylaxis. August 2017
Online Study for Students
The latest edition of Essential Microbiology for Dentistry comes Designed to perfectly complement the fifth edition of Essential
with over 300 online MCQs that aim to reinforce the student’s Microbiology for Dentistry, readers are encouraged to work
knowledge as well as provide exam practice for both under- through each module at their own pace to achieve an overall
graduate training and the post-graduate exams set by the UK percentage score at the end of each exercise. This way, they
Royal Colleges and other similar international bodies. can see their grades at a glance across the range of topics to
Reflecting and mirroring the structure of the main textbook, show instantly their areas of strength and those that require
each online learning module presents a mini-series of multiple a revision. When ready, readers can reset the program and
choice questions covering a range of topics which vary from repeat the process with the aim of resitting each module to
microbial structure and taxonomy, to physiology and genet- raise their overall score.
ics. Different classes of microbes are sequentially explored as Prepared by Professor Lakshman Samaranayake, the ques-
well as the host immune response, and the role of effective tions are designed to provide revision and exam practice in
chemotherapy. Downstream modules related to the importance a relaxed, non-pressurised environment with the overall aim
of systemic disease, principles of infection control and infection of improving real exam grades.
control procedures finally complete the picture. The number To access this helpful online self-assessment tool, please log
of questions in each module serve to reflect the importance of in at
the topic to dentistry, either in terms of common, and direct,
relevance or by the potential seriousness of its impact on any
individual patient.
Why study microbiology?

Microbiology (Greek: mīkros small; bios life), so called because the clinical environment, not only to implement infection control
it primarily deals with organisms too small for the naked eye measures but also to advise the dental team (dental surgery
to see, encompasses the study of organisms that cause disease, assistants, dental hygienists and other ancillary personnel) and
the host response to infection and ways in which such infection to allay patients’ unfounded fears. For all these and many
may be prevented. For our purposes the subject can be broadly other reasons, which the student will discover in the text, the
classified into general, medical and oral microbiology. discipline of microbiology is intimately woven into the fabric
Dental students need both a basic understanding of general of dentistry and composes a crucial component of the dental
and medical microbiology, and a detailed knowledge of clinical curriculum.
oral microbiology in order to diagnose oral microbial infections, It should also be realized that new microbial diseases emerge
which are intimately related to the overall treatment plan for incessantly (due to reasons given in the following section), and
their patients. Moreover, the two major oral disorders—caries the book you are now reading is a primer for understanding
and periodontal disease—that the dental practitioner is fre- and managing such future scenarios, especially in the context
quently called upon to treat are due to changes in the oral of infection control.
bacterial ecosystem and the constituent oral microbiome, and a
grasp of these disease processes is essential for their appropriate
management. A note on emerging and
The impact of these infections on the health and welfare of
the community is simply astonishing. For instance, caries has re-emerging infections
gained the dubious distinction of being the most prevalent
Infectious agents have been adversaries of humans for mil-
disease, affecting almost half (44%) of the world population
lennia. Diseases such as plague have wiped out civilizations
in 2010. It has also been estimated, for instance, that caries
in ancient times, while humans in turn have won the battle
and periodontal disease are the most costly diseases that the
against microbes in more recent times (e.g., eradication of
majority of the population has to contend with during their
smallpox). Such new diseases are given the terms emerging
lifetime, and the number of working hours lost due to these
infections or re-emerging infections (Fig. 1.1), and they are
infections and the related cost of dental treatment worldwide
broadly categorized as:
amount to billions of dollars per annum (e.g., more than 81
■ new infections: caused by agents such as new influenza
billion dollars in the USA in 2006). This is not surprising as
it is generally accepted that periodontal disease is the most virus strains emerging periodically to cause epidemics,
common affliction of humankind. and the mosquito-borne Zika virus infection.
The advent of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ■ ‘old’ infections: known disease entities where the

infection in the early 1980s and the subsequent concerns on cross aetiological agents have been recently identified through
infection via contaminated blood and instruments have resulted advances in technology (e.g., Helicobacter pylori causing
in an increased regimentation of infection control practices in gastric ulcer disease).
dentistry. Furthermore, many patients are acutely concerned ■ re-emergent infections: diseases that have returned

about possible infection transmission in clinical settings because with a vengeance due to genetic and structural
of the intense, and sometimes unwarranted, publicity given transformations and attendant increased virulence of the
to these matters by the media. The dental practitioner should organism (e.g., drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis
therefore be conversant with all aspects of infection control in with its ‘new bag of tricks’).
2  1 Why study microbiology?

Vancomycin-resistant Cryptosporidiosis Multidrug-resistant SARS

S.aureus tuberculosis E. coli


Human vCJD
monkeypox Hepatitis C influenza
E. coli O157:H7 Lyme disease
Typhoid fever
West Nile virus
Whitewater Anthrax
Arroyo virus Vancomycin-
bioterrorism resistant S.aureus
Rift Valley Nipah virus
Lassa fever HIV
pulmonary syndrome

monkeypox Hendra virus

Drug-resistant malaria

Enterovirus 71
Ebola haemorrhagic fever

Yellow fever Cholera Marburg

haemorrhagic fever

Fig. 1.1 Global prevalence of some emerging and re-emerging diseases. E. coli, Escherichia coli; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; SARS, severe acute respiratory
syndrome; S. aureus, Staphylococcus aureus; vCJD, variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.

The reasons for their emergence are manifold and include: to the laboratory for identification of the offending agent, the
■ societal events: economic impoverishment (especially in clinical microbiologist utilizes many methods and techniques,
the developing world), war and civil conflicts, as well as as well as a fair amount of thought and contemplation, to
mass population migration. identify the pathogen/s lurking in the clinical sample. In many
■ health care: new medical devices, organ/tissue situations the pathogen may be dead, in which case other,
transplantation, immunosuppression, antibiotic abuse indirect clues via molecular techniques need to be pursued to
and contaminated blood and blood products. incriminate the suspect pathogen. Once an offending pathogen
■ human behaviour: increasing number of sexual partners,
is identified, antimicrobial chemotherapy is the mainstay of
treatment; a description of chemotherapeutic agents and how
injectable drug abuse.
■ environmental changes: deforestation, drought, floods
they are chosen in the laboratory is given in Chapter 7.
The host responds to infection by mounting an immune
and global warming.
response. A highly abbreviated account of basic immunology is
■ microbial adaptation: emergence of new species from
given in Part 2; supplemental reading is essential to augment this
the wild (e.g., HIV), changes in virulence and toxin material, and the reader is referred to the lists of recommended
production and development of drug resistance. texts for this purpose. Immunological nomenclature is complex
and often difficult: a glossary of terms and abbreviations is
therefore provided as an appendix.
About this book Although there are thousands of offending pathogens,
only some are of direct relevance to dental practice and to
This text is divided into six parts in order to highlight the the comprehension of the mechanisms of disease; these are
different features of microbiology related to dentistry, but it described in Part 3. Arguably this section may appear to be
should be noted that such division is artificial and is merely the most daunting part of the book because of the complex
an attempt to simplify the learning process. nomenclature of microbes; hence only the salient bacterial
The first few chapters in Part 1 essentially describe general genera—some of which are more closely related to dental
microbiological features of bacteria and viruses and how they practice (e.g., streptococci) than others (e.g., legionellae)—are
cause human infections (i.e., pathogenesis). Diagnostic micro- outlined. Similarly, the chapters on viruses and fungi are
biology, by which clinical microbiologists ascertain the nature relatively brief, with thumbnail sketches of only the most
of agents causing various infections, is described in Chapter 6. relevant organisms.
The laboratory aspect of this fascinating subject is analogous to The major infections of each organ system are discussed
the work of a crime detection bureau! When a specimen (e.g., in Part 4, with emphasis on those that are most relevant to
pus, urine) from a patient with an infectious disease is sent dentistry. The student is strongly advised to cross-refer to
About this book 3

organisms and their characteristics (described in Part 3) when preceding narrative, should help the reader to assess knowledge
studying this section, as the microbial attributes and the diseases assimilation in key areas.
they cause form a single continuum. Finally, in most chapters the text is arranged under the fol-
Part 5 specifically outlines the microbial interactions in the lowing important features of microbiology, which the student
craniofacial region, in both health and disease. This section must understand in order to deal with infectious diseases:
should be particularly useful for the later years of the dental
curriculum, to reinforce the studies in conservative dentistry,
■ Epidemiology: spread, distribution and prevalence of
periodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery and oral medicine. infection in the community.
Last but not least, the subject of cross infection and its
■ Pathogenesis: the means by which microbes cause
control in dentistry is encapsulated in Part 6. It provides a disease in humans, an understanding of which is
comprehensive summary of the routine infection control critical for the successful diagnosis and management of
regimens that must be implemented in every dental practice. infections.
The relevance of this information in routine clinical practice ■ Diagnosis: detection of an infection; this depends on the
cannot be overemphasized, and a thorough understanding of collection of the correct specimen in the most appropriate
this material should pay rich dividends in years to come. manner, and subsequent interpretation of the laboratory
As the student will discover, the comprehensive nature of results.
this text has made almost all the materials significant. Thus the ■ Treatment: antibacterial, antifungal or antiviral therapy
reader will be intellectually challenged to learn a new concept combined with supportive therapy leads to resolution of
or terminology in almost every sentence or phrase. In addition, most infections.
an attempt has been made to summarize the information as key ■ Prevention (prophylaxis): immunization is the most
facts, to serve as an aide-mémoire, at the end of each chapter. It useful mode of preventing diseases such as tetanus and
is important, however, that the subject matter is augmented hepatitis B; however, increasing public awareness of
with additional reading, and it is to this end that the list of diseases and their modes of spread significantly helps to
recommended texts is given. The self-assessment quiz at the curb the spread of infections in the community (e.g., HIV
end of each chapter, which may not cover all aspects of the infection).

Further reading Brooks, J. F., Carroll, K. C., Butel, J. S., et al. (Eds.), (2013). The science
of microbiology (Chapter 1). In Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg’s Medical
microbiology (26th ed., pp. 1–8). New York: McGraw Hill. e-Book.
Beikler, T., & Flemming, T. F. (2011). Oral biofilm-associated diseases:
trends and implications for quality of life, systemic health and Morse, S. S. (1995). Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases.
expenditures. Periodontology 2000, 55, 87–103. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 1, 7–15.
Bonita, R., Beaglehole, R., & Kjellström, T. (2006). Communicable
diseases: epidemiology surveillance and response (Chapter 7). In
Basic epidemiology (2nd ed., pp. 117–132). Geneva: World Health
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PA R T 1
General microbiology

The aim of this section is to present (1) the structural features ■ Bacterial structure and taxonomy
of microbes and how they cause disease, and (2) a perspective ■ Bacterial physiology and genetics
of diagnostic laboratory methods to explain the relationship ■ Viruses and prions
between the scientific basis of microbiology and its practical ■ Pathogenesis of microbial disease
application in patient care. Finally, a comprehensive overview ■ Diagnostic microbiology and laboratory methods
of antimicrobial chemotherapy in dentistry is provided, which ■ Antimicrobial chemotherapy
should be supplemented with additional reading due to its
critical relevance to dental care.
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part 1 • General microbiology

Bacterial structure and taxonomy

Classification of all living beings including microbes has been Archaea and Bacteria) and eukaryotes (Greek karyon: nucleus).
attempted by many over centuries (Table 2.1). Traditionally, Fungi, protozoa and humans, for instance, are eukaryotic,
though they were all classified into two kingdoms, plants and whereas bacteria are prokaryotic. In prokaryotes, the bacte-
animals, the classification was arbitrary and based on mor- rial genome, or chromosome, is a single, circular molecule of
phological and growth characteristics. With the development double-stranded DNA, lacking a nuclear membrane (smaller,
of novel techniques, the latter classification was expanded to single or multiple circular DNA molecules called plasmids may
include five kingdoms: monera, protista, plantae, fungi and also be present in bacteria), whereas the eukaryotic cell has
animalia. However, the current understanding based on their a true nucleus with multiple chromosomes surrounded by a
genetic relatedness is that all forms of life fall into three domains: nuclear membrane.
Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya. The main differences among Bacteria comprise the vast majority of human pathogens,
Archaea, Bacteria and Eucarya are listed in Table 2.2. Note whereas archaea appear rarely to cause human disease and
that taken together, Archaea and Bacteria are also known as live in extreme environments (e.g., high temperature or salt
prokaryotes (see later text). concentrations). Archaea received little attention traditionally
Viruses are not included in this classification as they are as they cannot be easily cultured in the laboratory. Interestingly,
unique, acellular, metabolically inert organisms and therefore recent studies using novel techniques such as pyrosequenc-
replicate only within living cells. Other differences between ing have uncovered their presence in the oral cavity. Some
viruses and cellular organisms include: studies have even shown that certain species of archaea are
■ Structure. Cells possess a nucleus or, in the case of more frequently found in subgingival plaque in periodontal
bacteria, a nucleoid with DNA. This is surrounded by the disease.
cytoplasm where energy is generated and proteins are
synthesized. In viruses, the inner core of genetic material
is either DNA or RNA, but they have no cytoplasm and
hence depend on the host for their energy and proteins
(i.e., they are metabolically inert).
Shape and size
■ Reproduction. Bacteria reproduce by binary fission (a
The shape of a bacterium is determined by its rigid cell
parent cell divides into two similar cells), but viruses wall. Bacteria are classified by shape into three basic groups
disassemble, produce copies of their nucleic acid and (Fig. 2.1):
proteins, and then reassemble to produce another 1. cocci (spherical)
generation of viruses. As viruses are metabolically inert,
2. bacilli (rod shaped)
they must replicate within host cells. Bacteria, however, can
replicate extracellularly (except rickettsiae and chlamydiae, 3. spirochaetes (helical).
which are bacteria that also require living cells for growth). Some bacteria with variable shapes, appearing as both coccal
and bacillary forms, are called pleomorphic (pleo: many; morphic:
shaped) in appearance.
Eukaryotes and prokaryotes The size of bacteria ranges from about 0.2 to 5 µm. The
smallest bacteria approximate the size of the largest viruses
As mentioned earlier, another modification of classifying (poxviruses), whereas the longest bacilli attain the same length
cellular organisms is to divide them into prokaryotes (i.e., as some yeasts and human red blood cells (7 µm).
8 part 1 2 Bacterial structure and taxonomy

Table 2.1 Differential characteristics of major groups of organisms

Bacteria Mycoplasmas Rickettsiae Chlamydiae Virusesa Fungi
Visible with light microscope + + + + − +
Capable of free growth + + − − − +
Both DNA and RNA present + + + + − +
Muramic acid in cell wall + + + + − +
Rigid cell wall + − + Variable − +
Susceptible to penicillin Variable − − − − −
Susceptible to tetracycline Variable + + + − −
Reproduce essentially by binary fission + + + + − −
Prions (agents responsible for Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease) are not included as their status is unclear.

Table 2.2 Major differences among the three domains of life

Bacteria Archaea Eucarya
Organization of the genetic material and replication
DNA free in the cytoplasm DNA free in the cytoplasm DNA is contained with a membrane-bound
nucleus. A nucleolus is also present
Only one chromosome Only one chromosome More than one chromosome. Two copies
of each chromosome may be present
DNA associated with histone-like proteins DNA associated with histone-like proteins DNA complexed with histone proteins
May contain extrachromosomal elements Plasmids may be found Plasmids only found in yeast
called plasmids
Introns not found in mRNA Introns not found in most genes Introns found in all genes
Cell division by binary fission: asexual Reproduce asexually and spores are not Cells divide by mitosis
replication only found
Transfer of genetic information occurs Processes similar to bacterial conjugation Exchange of genetic information occurs
by conjugation, transduction and enable exchange of genetic material during sexual reproduction. Meiosis
transformation (see Chapter 3) leads to the production of haploid cells
(gametes), which can fuse
Cellular organization
Cytoplasmic membrane contains hopanoids Membranes contain isoprenes Cytoplasmic membrane contains sterols
Lipopolysaccharides and teichoic acids found No lipopolysaccharides or teichoic acids
Energy metabolism associated with the Mitochondria present in most cases
cytoplasmic membrane
Photosynthesis associated with membrane Chloroplasts present in algal and plant cells
systems and vesicles in cytoplasm Internal membranes, endoplasmic reticulum
and Golgi apparatus present associated
with protein synthesis and targeting
Membrane vesicles such as lysosomes and
peroxisomes present
Cytoskeleton of microtubules present
Flagella consist of one protein, flagellin Contains flagella that derive energy from Flagella have a complex structure with 9 + 2
proton pumps microtubular arrangement
Ribosomes: 70S Ribosomes behave more like eucarya Ribosomes: 80S (mitochondrial and
when exposed to inhibitors chloroplast ribosomes are 70S)
Peptidoglycan cell walls Cell walls lack peptidoglycan Polysaccharide cell walls, where present, are
generally either cellulose or chitin
Morphology 9

Ribosomes Cytoplasmic
Capsule membrane

B E H Nucleoid

I Cell wall Flagella

Fig. 2.2 A bacterial cell.

Fig. 2.1 Common bacterial forms. (A) Coccus; (B) capsulated diplococci;
(C, D) cocci in chains (e.g., streptococcus) and clusters (e.g., staphylococcus);
(E) bacillus; (F, G) capsulated and flagellated bacillus (e.g., Escherichia coli);
(H) curved bacilli (e.g., Vibrio spp.); (I) spore-bearing bacilli (e.g., Clostridium
tetani); (J) spirochaete.

Bacteria, whichever shape they may be, arrange themselves
(usually according to the plane of successive cell division)
as pairs (diplococci), chains (streptococci), grape-like clusters
(staphylococci) or as angled pairs or palisades (corynebacteria).

Gram-staining characteristics
In clinical microbiology, bacteria can be classified into two
major subgroups according to the staining characteristics of
their cell walls. The stain used, called the Gram stain (first
developed by a Danish physician, Christian Gram), divides
the bacteria into Gram-positive (purple) and Gram-negative
(pink) groups. The Gram-staining property of bacteria is useful
Fig. 2.3 Photomicrograph of a bacterium showing peritrichous flagella. Note the
both for their identification and in the therapy of bacterial relative length of the flagella compared with the size of the organism.
infections because, in general, Gram-positive bacteria are more
susceptible to penicillins than Gram-negative bacteria.
Fimbriae and pili
Structure Fimbriae and pili are fine, hair-like filaments, shorter than
The structure of a typical bacterium is shown in Fig. 2.2. Bacteria flagella, that extend from the cell surface. Pili, found mainly
have a rigid cell wall protecting a fluid protoplast comprising on Gram-negative organisms, are composed of subunits of a
a cytoplasmic membrane and a variety of other components protein, pilin, and mediate the adhesion of bacteria to receptors
(described later). on the human cell surface, a necessary first step in the initiation
of infection. A specialized type of pilus, the sex pilus, forms the
Structures external to the cell wall attachment between the male (donor) and the female (recipient)
bacteria during conjugation, when genes are transferred from
Flagella one bacterium to another.
Flagella are whip-like filaments that act as propellers and guide
the bacteria towards nutritional and other sources (Fig. 2.3). The Glycocalyx (slime layer)
filaments are composed of many subunits of a single protein, The glycocalyx is a polysaccharide coating that covers the outer
flagellin. Flagella may be located at one end (monotrichous, surfaces of many bacteria and allows the bacteria to adhere
a single flagellum; lophotrichous, many flagella) or all over firmly to various structures, for example, oral mucosa, teeth,
the outer surface (peritrichous). Many bacilli (rods) have heart valves and catheters, and contribute to the formation
flagella, but most cocci do not and are therefore non-motile. of biofilms. This is especially true in the case of Streptococcus
Spirochaetes move by using a flagellum-like structure called mutans, a major cariogenic organism, which has the ability to
the axial filament, which wraps around the cell to produce produce vast quantities of extracellular polysaccharide in the
an undulating motion. presence of dietary sugars such as sucrose.
10 part 1 2 Bacterial structure and taxonomy

An amorphous, gelatinous layer (usually more substantial than
the glycocalyx) surrounds the entire bacterium; it is composed
of polysaccharide, and sometimes protein (e.g., anthrax bacillus).
The sugar components of the polysaccharide vary in different
bacterial species and frequently determine the serological
type within a species (e.g., 84 different serological types of
Streptococcus pneumoniae can be distinguished by the antigenic
differences of the sugars in the polysaccharide capsule). The
capsule is important because:
■ it mediates the adhesion of bacteria to human tissues or

prosthesis such as dentures or implants, a prerequisite for

colonization and infection.
■ it hinders or inhibits phagocytosis; hence the presence of

a capsule correlates with virulence.

■ it helps in laboratory identification of organisms (in the

presence of antiserum against the capsular polysaccharide

the capsule will swell greatly, a phenomenon called the
quellung reaction).
■ its polysaccharides are used as antigens in certain

vaccines because they elicit protective antibodies (e.g.,

polysaccharide vaccine of S. pneumoniae).
Peptide chain glucosamine

Cell wall
The cell wall confers rigidity upon the bacterial cell. It is a Pentapeptide N-acetyl
multilayered structure outside the cytoplasmic membrane. bridge muramic acid
It is porous and permeable to substances of low molecular
weight. Fig. 2.4 Chemical structure of cross-linking peptidoglycan component of cell
The inner layer of the cell wall is made of peptidoglycan wall, common to both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. (After Sharon,
and is covered by an outer membrane that varies in thickness N. (1969). The bacterial cell wall. Scientific American, 220, 92.)
and chemical composition, depending upon the Gram-staining
property of the bacteria (Fig. 2.4). The term ‘peptidoglycan’ is
derived from the peptides and the sugars (glycan) that make
up the molecule. (Synonyms for peptidoglycan are murein
■ The cell walls of some bacteria (e.g., Mycobacterium
and mucopeptide.) tuberculosis) contain lipids called mycolic acids, which
The cell walls of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria cannot be Gram stained, and hence are called acid-fast
have important structural and chemical differences (Fig. 2.5): organisms (i.e., they resist decolourization with acid
alcohol after being stained with carbolfuchsin).
■ The peptidoglycan layer is common to both

Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria but is much

Bacteria with defective cell walls
thicker in the Gram-positive bacteria.
■ By contrast, the Gram-negative organisms
Some bacteria can survive with defective cell walls. These
have a complex outer membrane composed of include mycoplasmas, L-forms, spheroplasts and protoplasts.
lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lipoprotein and phospholipid. Mycoplasmas do not possess a cell wall and do not need
These form porins, through which hydrophilic molecules hypertonic media for their survival. They occur in nature and
are transported in and out of the organism. The O may cause human disease (e.g., pneumonia).
antigen of the LPS and the lipid A component are also L-forms are usually produced in the laboratory and may
embedded in the outer membrane. Lying between the totally or partially lack cell walls. They may be produced in
outer membrane and the cytoplasmic membrane of patients treated with penicillin and, like mycoplasmas, can
Gram-negative bacteria is the periplasmic space. It is in replicate on ordinary media.
this space that some bacterial species produce enzymes Both spheroplasts (derived from Gram-negative bacteria)
that destroy drugs such as penicillins (e.g., β-lactamases). and protoplasts (derived from Gram-positive bacteria) lack cell
■ The LPS of Gram-negative bacteria, which is extremely
walls, cannot replicate on laboratory media and are unstable
and osmotically fragile. They require hypertonic conditions
toxic, has been called the endotoxin. (Hence, by
for maintenance and are produced in the laboratory by the
definition, endotoxins cannot be produced by
action of enzymes or antibiotics.
Gram-positive bacteria as they do not have LPS in their
cell walls.) LPS is bound to the cell surface and is only
released when it is lysed. It is responsible for many of
Cytoplasmic membrane
the features of disease, such as fever and shock (see The cytoplasmic membrane lies just inside the peptidoglycan
Chapter 5). layer of the cell wall and is a ‘unit membrane’ composed of a
Morphology 11



Outer membrane
Periplasmic space


Gram-positive Gram-negative

Fig. 2.5 Structural features of Gram-positive and Gram-negative cell walls.

phospholipid bilayer similar in appearance to that of eukary- composition. They are organized in units of 70S, compared
otic cells. However, eukaryotic membranes contain sterols, with eukaryotic ribosomes of 80S. These differences are the
whereas prokaryotes generally do not (the only exception basis of the selective action of some antibiotics that inhibit
being mycoplasmas). The membrane has the following major bacterial, but not human, protein β-synthesis.
■ active transport and selective diffusion of molecules and
Cytoplasmic inclusions
solutes in and out of the cell The cytoplasm contains different types of inclusions, which
■ electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, in serve as sources of stored energy; examples include polymet-
aerobic species aphosphate, polysaccharide and β-hydroxybutyrate.
■ synthesis of cell wall precursors

■ secretion of enzymes and toxins Bacterial spores

■ supporting the receptors and other proteins of the
Spores are formed in response to adverse conditions by the
chemotactic and sensory transduction systems. medically important bacteria that belong to the genus Bacillus
(which includes the agent of anthrax) and the genus Clostridium
Mesosome (which includes the agents of tetanus and botulism). These
This is a convoluted invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane bacteria sporulate (form spores) when nutrients, such as
that functions as the origin of the transverse septum that divides sources of carbon and nitrogen, are scarce (Fig. 2.6). The spore
the cell in half during cell division. It is also the binding site develops at the expense of the vegetative cell and contains
of the DNA that will become the genetic material of each bacterial DNA, a small amount of cytoplasm, cell membrane,
daughter cell. peptidoglycan, very little water and, most importantly, a thick,
keratin-like coat. This coat, which contains a high concentra-
Cytoplasm tion of calcium dipicolinate, is remarkably resistant to heat,
dehydration, radiation and chemicals. Once formed, the spore
The cytoplasm comprises an inner, nucleoid region (composed is metabolically inert and can remain dormant for many years.
of DNA), which is surrounded by an amorphous matrix Spores are called either terminal or subterminal, depending
that contains ribosomes, nutrient granules, metabolites and on their position in relation to the cell wall of the bacillus from
various ions. which they developed.
When appropriate conditions supervene (i.e., water, nutri-
Nuclear material or nucleoid
ents), there is enzymatic degradation of the coat, and the spore
Bacterial DNA comprises a single, supercoiled, circular chromo- transforms itself into a metabolizing, reproducing bacterial cell
some that contains about 2 000 genes, approximately 1 mm once again (Fig. 2.6).
long in the unfolded state. (It is analogous to a single, haploid
chromosome.) During cell division, it undergoes semiconserva-
tive replication bidirectionally from a fixed point. Clinical significance of bacterial spores
The clinical importance of spores lies in their extraordinary
Ribosomes resistance to heat and chemicals. Hence they can survive in
Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis. Bacterial ribosomes a dormant state for many years in adverse habitats such as
differ from those of eukaryotic cells in both size and chemical soil, and cause infections once they are implanted into an
12 part 1 2 Bacterial structure and taxonomy

unsuspecting host through, say a penetrative injury. Trauma

from road traffic accidents and even an innocuous garden fork Taxonomy
injury may lead to such infections when sporulation ensues
with exotoxin production (e.g., tetanus caused by Clostridium The systematic classification and categorization of organisms
tetani; Chapter 13). into ordered groups are called taxonomy. A working knowledge
The extraordinary ability of bacterial spores to withstand of taxonomy is useful for diagnostic microbiology and for
high temperatures is also exploited for evaluating the steriliza- studies in epidemiology and pathogenicity.
tion efficacy of autoclaves. In this case, the spores of Bacillus As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, organisms
stearothermophilus and related species are used as ‘biological encountered in medical microbiology fall into the domains
monitors’ to check the efficacy of the autoclaving process of Bacteria, Archaea and Eucarya. Although this system of
(Chapter 38). classification is based on the evolutionary relatedness or the
genetic homogeneity of the species represented in each domain,
a more pragmatic means of classification is employed in the
clinical microbiology laboratory. Such bacterial classification
is somewhat artificial in that they are categorized according to
Cell wall phenotypic (as opposed to genotypic) features, which facilitate
Plasma membrane their laboratory identification. These comprise:
■ morphology (cocci, bacilli, spirochaetes)
■ staining properties (Gram-positive, Gram-negative)

■ cultural requirements (aerobic, facultative anaerobic,

Favourable Adverse anaerobic)
conditions conditions ■ biochemical reactions (saccharolytic and asaccharolytic,

according to sugar fermentation reactions)

F Free ■ antigenic structure (serotypes).
endospore B
Most of the medically and dentally important bacteria are
DNA classified according to their morphology, Gram-staining charac-
teristics and atmospheric requirements. A simple classification
of medically important bacteria is given in Figs 2.7 and 2.8.

C Genotypic taxonomy
Keratin coat In contrast to the classical phenotypic classification methods
of spore Peptidoglycan outlined earlier, genotypic classification and speciation of
organisms are becoming increasingly important and useful.
Genotypic taxonomy exploits the genetic characteristics, which
are more stable than the sometimes transient phenotypic features
D of organisms. These methods essentially evaluate the degree
Fig. 2.6 The cycle of sporulation. (A) Vegetative cell; (B) ingrowth of cytoplasmic
of DNA homology of organisms in order to speciate them, for
membrane; (C) developing forespore; (D) forespore completely cut off from the cell example, by assessing molecular guanine and cytosine (GC)
cytoplasm; (E) development of cortex and keratin spore coat; (F) liberation of spore content, ribotyping, random amplification of polymorphic
and conversion to vegetative state under favourable conditions. DNA (RAPD) analysis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis

(Clusters) Staphylococcus S. aureus

Aerobes S. epidermidis
(Chains/pairs) Streptococcus S. pneumoniae, S. pyogenes
Cocci Viridans group

Anaerobes (Chains/clusters) Peptostreptococcus P. anaerobius

(Sporing) Bacillus B. anthracis

(Non-sporing) Corynebacterium C. diphtheriae
Lactobacillus L. acidophilus
Bacilli Nocardia N. asteroides

(Sporing) Clostridium C. tetani

Anaerobes C. welchii (perfringens)
(Non-sporing) Propionibacterium P. acnes
Actinomyces A. israelii

Fig. 2.7 A simple classification of Gram-positive bacteria.

Taxonomy 13

Aerobes Neisseria N. meningitidis

Cocci N. gonorrhoeae
Anaerobes Veillonella V. parvula

Aerobes Pseudomonas P. aeruginosa

a. Parvobacteria e.g. Haemophilus H. influenzae

Brucella B. abortus
Bordetella B. pertussis
Pasteurella, Yersinia P. multocida, Y. pestis

b. Enterobacteria e.g. Escherichia E. coli

Klebsiella K. aerogenes
Aerobes or Proteus P. mirabilis
Bacilli facultative Serratia S. marcescens
anaerobes Salmonella S. typhi
Shigella S. sonnei

c. Vibrios e.g. Vibrio V. cholerae

Campylobacter C. jejuni

d. Legionella e.g. Legionella L. pneumophila

Anaerobes Bacteroides B. fragilis

Porphyromonas P. gingivalis
Prevotella P. intermedia

Aerobes Leptospira L. icterohaemorrhagiae

Anaerobes Treponema T. pallidum
T. denticola

Fig. 2.8 A simple classification of Gram-negative bacteria.

(PFGE). Novel bacterial typing methods based on the nucleotide Table 2.3 Hierarchical ranks in classification of organisms (e.g.,
sequences of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes have become a Lactobacillus acidophilus)a
robust way of assessing bacterial identity. Further details of
these methods are given in Chapter 3. Taxonomic rank Example
Additionally, recent research indicates that endogenous bacte- Domain Bacteria
rial habitats in humans, including the oral cavity, harbour a flora
that cannot be cultured using routine laboratory techniques. Kingdom Bacteria
These so-called unculturable species comprise both bacteria Phylum Firmicutes
and archaea, mentioned earlier, and can only be detected by
Class Bacilli
molecular techniques or metagenomics (e.g., by direct amplifica-
tion of 16S RNA). The role of these totally new phylotypes of Order Lactobacillales
bacteria in either disease or health awaits clarification. Family Lactobacillaceae
Both the culturable and unculturable organisms (i.e., the
total microbial community) including biomolecules within a Genus Lactobacillus
defined habitat, such as the human body is given the term ‘core Species Lactobacillus acidophilus
microbiome’. The total collection of resident microbes within a
Note: This is the basic classification although more modern and detailed
the core microbiome is termed the microbiota. The analysis of classifications are also available with further subcategorization of the taxonomic
this microbiome has been greatly facilitated by novel techniques ranks.
such as pyrosequencing (a method of DNA sequencing) and
next-generation sequencing (NGS). The data from such studies
have revealed that the oral cavity in health may contain more
than 1 000 different phylotypes (Fig. 2.9; also see Chapter 31)! of the last two ranks, that is, a combination of the generic
name followed by the species name, for example, Streptococcus
salivarius similar to Homo sapiens, note that the species name
How do organisms get their names? does not begin with a capital letter). The name is usually written
Organisms are named according to a hierarchical system, begin- in italics with the generic name abbreviated (e.g., S. salivarius).
ning with the taxonomic rank domain, followed by kingdom, When bacterial names are used adjectivally or collectively, the
phylum, class, order, family, genus and species (Table 2.3). names are not italicized and do not begin with a capital letter
The scientific name of an organism is classically a binomial (e.g., staphylococcal enzymes, lactobacilli).
14 part 1 2 Bacterial structure and taxonomy

Oral Human microbiome sample
Major ecological
areas within the
microbiome Extract DNA
Which organisms are What are the functions of
present? the community?

Amplify 16s RNA gene

Sequence total DNA
by PCR and sequence

Bin similar
sequences OTJ2
into OTUs

NCBI Compare sequences BLAST
Compare OTUs to Compare sequences to
databases RDP reference genomes to databases
Silva img/hmp
img/hmp m


Identify OTUs in sample and Phylogenetic view of Identify microbial sequences, Identify genes, pathways
relative frequencies community composition variants and polymorphisms and relative frequencies
in sample in sample

Fig. 2.9 A schematic overview of the uses of bioinformatics for functional metagenome analysis. Microbial community contains numerous bacterial and other
species. Once the total DNA has been extracted, the composition of the community is determined by amplifying and sequencing 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene. Highly
similar sequences are then grouped as operational taxonomic units (OTUs), which are then recognized by comparisons with databases of already recognized organisms.
OTUs are then analyzed to determine the biomolecular and metabolic functions of the community. (Adapted with permission from Elsevier from Morgan, X.C., Segata N.,
Huttenhower C. (2013). Biodiversity and functional genomics in the human microbiome. Trends in Genetics, 29(1), 51–58.)

Key facts

Note: clinically relevant facts and practice points are italicized; • Structures external to the cell wall of bacteria are flagella
key words are in bold. (whip-like filaments), fimbriae or pili (fine, short, hair-like
• The word ‘microorganism’ (microbe) is used to describe an filaments), glycocalyx (slime layer) and capsule.
organism that cannot be seen without the use of a microscope. • Flagella are used for movement, the fimbriae and pili for
• The main groups of microbes are algae, protozoa, fungi, adhesion and the glycocalyx for adhesion, protection and
bacteria and viruses, with progressively decreasing size. biofilm formation.
• All living cells are either prokaryotic (Archaea and Bacteria) • Cell wall peptidoglycan is common to both Gram-positive
or eukaryotic. and Gram-negative bacteria but thicker in the former; it gives
• Prokaryotes such as bacteria are simple cells with no internal rigidity and shape to the organism.
membranes or organelles. • Peptidoglycan comprises long chains of N-acetylmuramic
• Eukaryotes have a nucleus, organelles such as acid and N-acetylglucosamine cross-linked by peptide side
mitochondria and complex internal membranes (e.g., fungi, chains and cross-bridges.
human cells). • Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are integral components of the
• Bacteria are divided into two major classes according to outer membranes of Gram-negative (but not Gram-positive)
staining characteristics: Gram-positive (purple) and Gram- bacteria; LPS is the endotoxin and therefore Gram-positive
negative (pink). bacteria cannot produce endotoxin.
Taxonomy 15

• Cell walls of some bacteria such as the mycobacteria contain reactions, cultural requirements, biochemical reactions,
lipids (mycolic acids) that are resistant to Gram staining; antigenic structure and DNA composition.
these bacteria are called acid-fast organisms. • The total microbial community including biomolecules within
• Bacterial cytoplasm contains chromosomal nuclear a defined habitat, such as the human body, is called the core
material: nucleoid, ribosomes, inclusions/storage granules. microbiome.
• Spore formation or sporulation is a response to adverse • The total collection of resident microbes within the core
conditions in Bacillus spp. and Clostridium spp. microbiome is termed the microbiota.
• Taxonomy (systematic classification of organisms into
groups) can be performed according to morphology, staining

Review questions (answers on p. 363)

Please indicate which answers are true, and which are false. C. cytoplasmic inclusions
2.1 Prokaryotes are different from eukaryotes in that D. spores
prokaryotes: E. nucleoid
A. have ribosomes F. fimbriae
B. possess Golgi apparatus G. flagella
C. have their genetic material organized in the cytoplasm 1. associated with oxidative phosphorylation
D. reproduce by binary fission only 2. mediates cell motility
E. do not have introns in their mRNA 3. a source of stored energy
2.2 Bacterial capsule: 4. protein synthesis
A. mediates adhesion to surfaces 5. enables survival under harsh environmental
B. hinders the action of phagocytes conditions
C. helps in identification 6. mediates host attachment
D. is antigenic 7. enables selective transfer of molecule in and out of the
E. in all species is made up of polysaccharides cell
2.3 From the following list of bacterial structural 8. resembles a single chromosome
components (A–G) match the best fit/association to the
descriptors (1–8) given below:
A. cytoplasmic membrane
B. ribosomes

Further reading Parahitiyawa, N., Scully, C., Leung, W., et al. (2010). Exploring the oral
bacterial flora: current status and future directions. Oral Diseases,
16, 136–145.
Dewhirst, F. E., Chen, T., Izard, I., et al. (2010). The human oral
microbiome. Journal of Bacteriology, 192, 5002–5017. Wade, W. G. (2004). Non-culturable bacteria in complex commensal
populations. Advances in Applied Microbiology, 54, 93–106.
Human Microbiome Project Consortium. (2012). Structure, function and
diversity of the healthy human microbiome. Nature, 486, 2017–2214.
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part 1 • General microbiology

Bacterial physiology and genetics

■ Amino acids are crucial for growth of some bacteria.

Bacterial physiology ■ Vitamins, purines and pyrimidines in trace amounts are
needed for growth.
Bacteria, like all living organisms, require nutrients for metabolic Reproduction
purposes and for cell division, and grow best in an environment Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, in
that satisfies these requirements. Chemically, bacteria are made up which a parent cell divides to form a progeny of two cells.
of polysaccharide, protein, lipid, nucleic acid and peptidoglycan, This results in a logarithmic growth rate: one bacterium will
all of which must be manufactured for successful growth. produce 16 bacteria after four generations. The doubling
or mean generation time of bacteria may vary (e.g., 20 min
Nutritional requirements for Escherichia coli, 24 h for Mycobacterium tuberculosis);
the shorter the doubling time, the faster the multiplication
Oxygen and hydrogen rate. Other factors that affect the doubling time include the
Both oxygen and hydrogen are obtained from water; hence amount of nutrients, the temperature and the pH of the
water is essential for bacterial growth. In addition, the correct environment.
oxygen tension is necessary for balanced growth. While the
growth of aerobic bacteria is limited by availability of oxygen, Bacterial growth cycle
anaerobic bacteria may be inhibited by low oxygen tension.
The growth cycle of a bacterium has four main phases (Fig. 3.1):
Carbon 1. Lag phase: may last for a few minutes or for many
Carbon is obtained by bacteria in two main ways: hours as bacteria do not divide immediately but
1. Autotrophs, which are free-living, non-parasitic bacteria, undergo a period of adaptation with vigorous metabolic
use carbon dioxide as the carbon source. activity.
2. Heterotrophs, which are parasitic bacteria, utilize 2. Log (logarithmic, exponential) phase: rapid cell division
complex organic substances such as sugars as their source occurs, determined by the environmental conditions.
of carbon dioxide and energy. 3. Stationary phase: this is reached when nutrient depletion
or toxic products cause growth to slow until the number
Inorganic ions of new cells produced balances the number of cells that
die. The bacteria have now achieved their maximal cell
Nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, magnesium, potassium and a density or yield.
number of trace elements are required for bacterial growth.
4. Decline or death phase: this is marked by a decline in
Organic nutrients the number of live bacteria.
Organic nutrients are essential in different amounts, depending
on the bacterial species: Growth regulation
■ Carbohydrates are used as an energy source and as an Bacterial growth is essentially regulated by the nutritional
initial substrate for biosynthesis of many substances. environment. However, both intracellular and extracellular
18 part 1 3 Bacterial physiology and genetics

Total CO2
Log count


1 2 3 4 5
Lag Fig. 3.2 Atmospheric requirements of bacteria, as demonstrated in agar shake
cultures. (1) Obligate aerobe; (2) obligate anaerobe; (3) facultative anaerobe; (4)
microaerophile; (5) capnophilic organism (growing in carbon dioxide-enriched
Time atmosphere). See also Table 3.1.
Fig. 3.1 Bacterial growth curve. Lag, lag phase of growth; Log, logarithmic phase
of growth.
Table 3.1 Effect of oxygen on the growth of bacteria

regulatory events can modify the growth rate. Intracellular Degree of oxygenation Term Example
factors include: Oxygen essential Obligate aerobe Pseudomonas
■ end product inhibition: the first enzyme in a metabolic for growth aeruginosa
pathway is inhibited by the end product of that pathway Grows well under Microaerophile Campylobacter
■ catabolite repression: enzyme synthesis is inhibited by
low oxygen fetus
catabolites. concentration (5%)
Extracellular factors that modify bacterial growth are: Grows in the presence or Facultative Streptococcus
■ temperature: the optimum is required for efficient absence of oxygen anaerobea milleri
activity of many bacterial enzymes, although bacteria
Only grows in the Obligate anaerobe Porphyromonas
can grow in a wide range of temperatures. Accordingly,
absence of oxygen gingivalis
bacteria can be classified as: a
Facultative anaerobes may be subgrouped as capnophiles or capnophilic
• mesophiles, which grow well between 25° and 40°C, organisms if they grow well in the presence of 8%–10% carbon dioxide (e.g.,
comprising most medically important bacteria (that Legionella pneumophila).
grow best at body temperature)
• thermophiles, which grow between 55° and 80°C
(Thermus aquaticus, for instance, grows in hot springs
Bacteria can therefore be classified according to their ability to
and its enzymes such as Taq polymerase are therefore
live in an oxygen-replete or an oxygen-free environment (Fig.
heat resistant, a fact exploited by molecular biologists
3.2, Table 3.1). This has important practical implications, as
in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (see later text))
clinical specimens must be incubated in the laboratory under
• psychrophiles, which grow at temperatures below appropriate gaseous conditions for the pathogenic bacteria to
20°C. grow. Thus bacteria can be classified as follows:
■ pH: the hydrogen ion concentration of the environment
■ obligate (strict) aerobes, which require oxygen to grow
should be around pH 7.2–7.4 (i.e., physiological pH) for
because their adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-generating
optimal bacterial growth. However, some bacteria (e.g.,
system is dependent on oxygen as the hydrogen acceptor
lactobacilli) have evolved to exploit ecological niches, such
(e.g., M. tuberculosis)
as carious cavities where the pH may be as low as 5.0.
■ facultative anaerobes, which use oxygen to generate

energy by respiration if it is present, but can use the

Aerobic and anaerobic growth fermentation pathway to synthesize ATP in the absence
A good supply of oxygen enhances the metabolism and growth of sufficient oxygen (e.g., oral bacteria such as mutans
of most bacteria. The oxygen acts as the hydrogen acceptor in the streptococci, E. coli)
■ obligate (strict) anaerobes, which cannot grow in the
final steps of energy production and generates two molecules:
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the free radical superoxide (O2). presence of oxygen because they lack either superoxide
Both of these are toxic and need to be destroyed. Two enzymes dismutase or catalase, or both (e.g., Porphyromonas
are used by bacteria to dispose of them: the first is superoxide gingivalis)
dismutase, which catalyses the reaction: ■ microaerophiles, that grow best at a low oxygen

concentration (e.g., Campylobacter fetus).

2O2 + 2H+ → H2O2 + O2

and the second is catalase, which converts hydrogen peroxide Bacterial genetics
to water and oxygen:
Genetics is the study of inheritance and variation. All inherited
2H2O2 → 2H2O + O2 characteristics are encoded in DNA, except in RNA viruses.
Bacterial genetics 19

5’ 3’ 5’ Cytosine Guanine 3’

Deoxyribose-phosphate CH3 O H N N
backbone C
Thymine Adenine

3’ Deoxyribose-phosphate backbone

5’ 3’ G, C, T, A = Bases = Hydrogen bonds

Fig. 3.3 The structure of DNA.

The bacterial chromosome oriC (origin of replication)

Replication forks
The bacterial chromosome contains the genetic information (sites of DNA
that defines all the characteristics of the organism. It is a single, Replication
continuous strand of DNA (Fig. 3.3) with a closed, circular bubble
structure attached to the cell membrane of the organism.
The ‘average’ bacterial chromosome has a molecular weight
of 2 × 109.

Chromosome replication is an accurate process that ensures oriC
that the progeny cells receive identical copies from the mother
cell. The replication process is initiated at a specific site on
the chromosome (oriC site) where the two DNA strands are
locally denatured. A complex of proteins binds to this site,
opens up the helix and initiates replication. Each strand then Terminus for
serves as a template for a complete round of DNA synthesis,
which occurs in both directions (bidirectional) and on both Fig. 3.4 Bidirectional replication of a circular bacterial chromosome.
strands, creating a replication bubble (Fig. 3.4). The two sites
at which the replication occurs are called the replication forks.
As replication proceeds, the replication forks move around the The main enzyme that mediates DNA replication is DNA-
molecule in opposite directions opening up the DNA strands, dependent DNA polymerase, although a number of others take
synthesizing two new complementary strands until the two part in this process. When errors occur during DNA replication,
replication forks meet at a termination site. Of the four DNA repair mechanisms excise incorrect nucleotide sequences with
strands now available, each daughter cell receives a parental nucleases, replace them with the correct nucleotides and religate
strand and a newly synthesized strand. This process is called the sequence.
semiconservative replication. Such chromosomal replication Bacteria have evolved mechanisms to delete foreign nucleo-
is synchronous with cell division, so that each cell receives a tides from their genomes. Restriction enzymes are mainly used
full complement of DNA from the mother cell. for this purpose, and they cleave double-stranded DNA at specific
20 part 1 3 Bacterial physiology and genetics

sequences. The DNA fragments produced by restriction enzymes ■ transformation

vary in their molecular weight and can be demonstrated in the ■ transposition.
laboratory by gel electrophoresis. Hence these restriction enzymes Clinically, the most important consequence of DNA transfer is
are used in many clinical analytical techniques to cleave DNA that antibiotic-resistant genes are spread from one bacterium
and to characterize both bacteria and viruses (see later text). to another.

Genes Conjugation
The genetic code of bacteria is contained in a series of units This is the mating of two bacteria, during which DNA is
called genes. As the normal bacterial chromosome has only transferred from the donor to the recipient cell (Fig. 3.6A). The
one copy of each gene, bacteria are called haploid organisms mating process is controlled by an F (fertility) plasmid, which
(as opposed to higher organisms, which contain two copies carries the genes for the proteins required for mating, includ-
of the gene and hence are diploid). ing the protein pilin, which forms the sex pilus (conjugation
A gene is a chain of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. tube). During mating, the pilus of the donor (male) bacterium
The genetic information is coded in triple nucleotide groups carrying the F factor (F+) attaches to a receptor on the surface
or codons. Each codon or triplet nucleotide codes for a specific of the recipient (female) bacterium. The latter is devoid of an
amino acid or a regulatory sequence, for example, start and stop F plasmid (F−). The cells are then brought into direct contact
codons. In this way, the structural genes determine the sequence with each other by ‘reeling in’ of the sex pilus. Then the F factor
of amino acids that form the protein, which is the gene product. DNA is cleaved enzymatically, and one strand is transferred
The genetic material of a typical bacterium (e.g., E. coli) across the bridge into the female cell. The process is completed
comprises a single circular DNA with a molecular weight of by synthesis of the complementary strand to form a double-
about 2 × 109 and composed of approximately 5 × 106 base stranded F plasmid in both the donor and recipient cells. The
pairs, which in turn can code for about 2000 proteins. recipient now becomes an F+ male cell that has the ability
to transmit the plasmid further. The new DNA can integrate
Genetic variation in bacteria into the recipient’s DNA and become a stable component of
its genetic material. Complete transfer of the bacterial DNA
Genetic variation can occur as a result of mutation or gene takes about 100 min.
Mutation Transduction is a process of DNA transfer by means of a bacterial
A mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA, as a virus: a bacteriophage (phage). During the replication of the
consequence of which different amino acids are incorporated phage, a piece of bacterial DNA is incorporated, accidentally,
into a protein, resulting in an altered phenotype. Mutations into the phage particle and is carried into the recipient cell
result from three types of molecular change, as follows. at the time of infection (Fig. 3.6B). There are two types of
Base substitution 1. Generalized transduction occurs when the phage carries
This occurs during DNA replication when one base is inserted a segment from any part of the bacterial chromosome.
in place of another. When the base substitution results in a This may occur when the bacterial DNA is fragmented
codon that instructs a different amino acid to be inserted, the after phage infection, and pieces of bacterial DNA the
mutation is called a missense mutation; when the base substitu- same size as the phage DNA are incorporated into the
tion generates a termination codon that stops protein synthesis latter.
prematurely, the mutation is called a nonsense mutation. The 2. Specialized transduction occurs when the phage DNA
latter always destroys protein function. that has been already integrated into the bacterial DNA
is excised and carries with it an adjacent part of the
Frame shift mutation bacterial DNA. Phage genes can cause changes in the
A frame shift mutation occurs when one or more base pairs phenotype of the host bacterium; for example, toxin
are added or deleted, which shifts the reading frame on the production in Corynebacterium diphtheriae is controlled by
ribosome and results in the incorporation of the wrong amino a phage gene. This property is lost as soon as the phage
acids ‘downstream’ from the mutation and in the production DNA is lost in succeeding reproductive cycles.
of an inactive protein. Plasmid DNA can also be transferred to another bacterium
by transduction. However, the donated plasmid can function
Insertion independently without recombining with bacterial DNA.
The insertion of additional pieces of DNA (e.g., transposons) or The ability to produce an enzyme that destroys penicillin
an additional base can cause profound changes in the reading (β-lactamase) is mediated by plasmids that are transferred
frames of the DNA and in adjacent genes (Fig. 3.5). between staphylococci by transduction.
Mutations can be induced by chemicals, radiation or viruses.
Gene transfer This is the transfer of exogenous bacterial DNA from one cell
to another. It occurs in nature when dying bacteria release their
The transfer of genetic information can occur by: DNA, which is then taken up by recipient cells and recombined
■ conjugation with the recipient cell DNA. This process appears to play an
■ transduction insignificant role in disease (Fig. 3.6C).
Bacterial genetics 21

DNA base sequence CAT ACT GAG GTT AGT



Amino acid sequence his thr glu Val

of the protein

C deleted

Deletion mutation CAT A T GAG GTT AGT

New base sequence CAT ATG AGG TTA

New amino acid his met arg leu


Insertion mutation New insert G


Fig. 3.5 Events that entail mutation: the effect of New base sequence CAG TAC TGA GGT TAG
the deletion and insertion of a single base on the
amino acid sequence (and the quality of the protein New amino acid glu tyr cys gly
thus produced) is shown. sequence

Transposition Plasmids
This occurs when transposable elements (transposons; see
Plasmids are extrachromosomal, double-stranded circular DNA
below) move from one DNA site to another within the genome
molecules within the size range 1–200 MDa. They are capable
of the same organism (e.g., E. coli). The simplest transposable
of replicating independently of the bacterial chromosome (i.e.,
elements, called ‘insertion sequences’, are less than 2 kilobases in
they are replicons). Plasmids occur in both Gram-positive and
length and encode enzymes (transposase) required for ‘jumping’
Gram-negative bacteria, and several different plasmids can
from one site to another (Fig. 3.6D).
often coexist in one cell.
Transmissible plasmids can be transferred from cell to cell
Recombination by conjugation. They contain about 10–12 genes responsible
When the DNA is transferred from the donor to the recipient for synthesis of the sex pilus and for the enzymes required for
cell by one of the aforementioned mechanisms, it is integrated transfer; because of their large size, they are usually present
into the host genome by a process called recombination. There in a few (one to three) copies per cell.
are two types of recombination: Non-transmissible plasmids are small and do not contain the
1. Homologous recombination, in which two pieces of transfer genes. However, they can be mobilized by co-resident
DNA that have extensive homologous regions pair up plasmids that do contain the transfer gene. Many copies (up
and exchange pieces by the processes of breakage and to 60 per cell) of these small plasmids may be present.
2. Non-homologous recombination, in which little
Clinical relevance of plasmids
homology is necessary for recombination to occur. A A number of medically important functions of bacteria are
number of different enzymes (e.g., endonucleases, ligases) attributable to plasmids (i.e., are plasmid coded). The plasmid-
are involved in the recombination process. coded bacterial attributes include:
22 part 1 3 Bacterial physiology and genetics

Chromosome Pilus

F+ F- F+ F- F+ (x2)

Empty phage fragments
Phage DNA

Phage Daughter
Cell lysis New



Natural New
cell lysis bacterium

Insertion sequences with
inverted repeats

Fig. 3.6 Gene transfer. (A) Conjugation: transfer of a plasmid

[e.g., gene(s) for antibiotic gene by conjugation (see text); (B) transduction: phage-mediated
resistance] gene transfer from one bacterium to another; (C) transformation: gene
transfer by uptake of exogenous bacterial DNA by another bacterium
Gene A Gene B Gene B Gene C in the vicinity (not mediated by plasmid or phage); (D) transposition:
transposons (jumping genes) can move from one DNA site to another,
thereby inactivating the recipient gene and conferring new traits such
Transposon as drug resistance.

■ antibiotic resistance (carried by R plasmids) to a new site, it is usually a copy of the transposon that moves,
■ the production of colicins (toxins that are produced by while the original remains in situ (like photocopying). For
many species of enterobacteria and are lethal for other their insertion, transposons do not require extensive homol-
bacteria) ogy between the terminal repeat sequences of the transposon
■ resistance to heavy metals such as mercury (the active (which mediate integration) and the site of insertion in the
component of some antiseptics) and silver, mediated by a recipient DNA.
reductase enzyme Transposons can code for metabolic or drug-resistance
■ pili (fimbriae), which mediate the adherence of bacteria to enzymes and toxins. They may also cause mutations in the
epithelial cells gene into which they insert, or alter the expression of nearby
■ exotoxins, including several enterotoxins. genes.
In contrast to plasmids or bacterial viruses, transposons
cannot replicate independently of the recipient DNA. More
Transposons than one transposon can be located in the DNA; for example,
a plasmid can contain several transposons carrying drug-
Transposons, also called jumping genes, are pieces of DNA that
resistance genes. Thus transposons can jump from:
move readily from one site to another, either within or between
■ the host genomic DNA to a plasmid
the DNAs of bacteria, plasmids and bacteriophages. In this
manner, plasmid genes can become part of the chromosomal ■ one plasmid to another

complement of genes. Interestingly, when transposons transfer ■ a plasmid to genomic DNA.

Recombinant DNA technology in microbiology 23

well characterized. Owing to their relatively large size,

Recombinant DNA technology non-specific reactions are common and the method is not
very reliable.
in microbiology ■ Cloned DNA probes are similar but are smaller, and the
By definition, every classified species must have somewhere reaction is more specific. These are generally targeted at
on its genome a unique DNA or RNA sequence that distin- genes unique to the organism sought.
guishes it from another species. In diagnostic microbiology, this
attribute is used to identify microbes where the DNA sequence Oligonucleotide probes
of the offending pathogen can be identified by means of a
Oligonucleotide probes are based on the variable region of the
number of clever techniques, using clinical samples from the
16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. The nucleotide sequences
of the latter gene of a number of microbes have been well
characterized, and are known to be well preserved across
Gene cloning species, except for several small variable regions. This property
Gene cloning is the artificial incorporation of one or more is helpful in the construction of specific oligonucleotide probes
genes into the genome of a new host cell by various genetic of about 18–30 bases, which are much more specific than the
recombination techniques. aforementioned DNA probes.
The candidate DNA is first extracted from the source, purified
and cut or cleaved into small fragments by restriction enzymes, RNA probes
leaving ‘sticky ends’. These are then inserted into a vector DNA, Cellular protein synthesis is dependent on rRNA, and any
first by cutting the vector DNA with the same enzyme so as mutation of the rRNA leads to cell death. Further, rRNA is
to produce complementary sticky ends. The sticky ends of the highly species specific, and this property is exploited to produce
vector and the candidate DNA are then tied or ligated together RNA probes that are useful for both diagnostic microbiology
using enzymes called ‘DNA ligases’ to produce a recombinant and taxonomic studies. The most commonly used are the 5S,
DNA molecule. This process can also be used for cloning RNA, 16S and 23S probes.
when complementary copies of DNA are produced by reverse
transcription using reverse transcriptase enzymes. The vector
used for gene transfer is usually a plasmid or a virus.
DNA/RNA probes and oral microbiology
The vector with the integrated DNA has to be inserted into Cultivation of the complex mixture of bacteria residing in the
a cell in order to obtain multiple copies of the organism that oral cavity is fraught with problems, and it is now recognized
express the selected gene. This can be done by: that a number of bacterial genera are difficult or almost impos-
■ transformation (see above): very popular owing to its sible to culture. The introduction of DNA and RNA probes
simplicity, but competent cells need to be found has helped us to obtain a more complete picture of the oral
■ electroporation: here an electric current induces pores on flora. For example, commercially available probes can now be
the cell membrane for vector entry used in diagnostic laboratories not only to identify but also to
■ gene gun: tungsten or gold particles are coated with the
quantify periodontopathic flora in subgingival plaque samples
obtained from a periodontal pocket (Fig. 3.7). Further, the
vector and propelled into cells by a helium burst
■ microinjection: direct manual injection of the vector into
samples, say in paper points, could be simply sent by post
to distant laboratories for identification without the fear of
a cell by a glass micropipette.
death of organisms and the associated cumbersome culture
The insertion of the vector containing the recombinant DNA procedures.
does not necessarily mean that all the progeny bacteria will
contain the inserted element, because the vector integration
process is somewhat random. In order to select the clone of
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
bacteria that expresses the recombinant gene, other devious Gene-cloning techniques revolutionized the molecular biological
manoeuvres have to be adopted. For instance, one can choose a advances in the 1970s. The analogous event that took place
plasmid vector that carries resistance to antibiotics A and B. If in the late 1980s was the invention of the PCR. It is a simple
the foreign DNA is inserted in the middle of gene A that confers technique in which a short region of a DNA molecule, a single
resistance to antibiotic A, then this gene will be inactivated as gene, for instance, is copied repetitiously by a DNA polymerase
a consequence. In this manner, bacteria with the cloned foreign enzyme (Fig. 3.8). This technique, in combination with a number
DNA can be selected and are called the gene library. of others described in the following section, is used to identify
unculturable bacteria from the oral cavity and other body sites
Gene probes (Fig. 3.9).

DNA probes Materials

Used extensively in diagnostic microbiology, gene probes The following materials are required:
are pieces of DNA that are labelled radioactively or with a ■ the region of the DNA molecule to be amplified

chemiluminescent marker. The probes carry a single strand of ■ Taq polymerase (a heat-stable enzyme from T. aquaticus

DNA analogous to the pathogen that is sought in the clinical (hence Taq), a bacterium that lives in hot springs)
sample. There are different types of DNA probe: ■ deoxyribonucleoside 5′-triphosphate (dNTP): adenine,

■ Whole DNA probes are derived from chromosomal DNA guanine, cytosine and thymine
and are used to seek organisms where the genome is not ■ primers (with a known DNA sequence).
24 part 1 3 Bacterial physiology and genetics

specimen Paper point

DNA extracted and cut

to give fragments

Direction of
Fragments separated into
bands by electrophoresis

Smaller mobile fragments

migrate towards Radioactively labelled
positive electrode DNA prepared
DNA probe binds specific DNA
sequences on the membrane

DNA bands in gel

transferred to nylon

Bound probe visualized

on X-ray film DNA fingerprint

Fig. 3.7 Construction of a DNA fingerprint of microbes from clinical specimens.

Method visualize the product, which manifests as a discrete

band after staining with ethidium bromide (Fig. 3.8).
1. Choose a region of the DNA molecule where the 10. The latter step is obviated in newer variations of
nucleotide sequences of the borders are known. (The PCR such as real-time PCR where the amplicon
border sequence must be known because two short can be identified using labelled probes and labelled
oligonucleotides must hybridize, one to each strand of fluorophores (see the following section).
the double helix of the DNA molecule, for the PCR to
2. The double strand of the DNA molecule is first split into PCR and its variations
single strands by heating at 94°C (denaturation step). The basic PCR methodology is now modified to provide sophis-
3. The oligonucleotides now act as primers for the DNA ticated analytical tools. The main features of three commonly
synthesis and stick (or hybridize) to the region adjacent used variations of PCR, namely, nested, multiplex and real-time
to the target DNA sequence, thus delimiting the region PCR, are as follows.
that is copied and amplified (hybridization step; around
55°C). Nested PCR
4. The DNA polymerase enzyme (Taq polymerase) and the
nucleotides are added to the primed template DNA and Here, two sets of primers are used: the first set is used for the
incubated at 72°C for synthesis of new complementary primary amplification round. The second primer set, specifically
strands or amplicons (synthesis step). chosen to anneal with an internal sequence of the amplicon,
5. The mixture is again heated to 94°C to detach the newly re-amplifies the latter ‘specific’ sequence; nested PCR has
synthesized strands (amplicons) from the template. increased sensitivity than the conventional PCR.
6. The solution is cooled, enabling more primers to
hybridize at their respective positions, including Multiplex PCR
positions on the newly synthesized strands.
In this method, more than one locus of the nucleotide is simul-
7. A second round of DNA synthesis occurs (this time on taneously amplified using multiple sets of primers, thus saving
four strands) with the help of the Taq polymerase. time and resources; multiplex PCR has increased specificity
8. This three-step PCR cycle of and can identify organisms more accurately.
denaturation–hybridization–synthesis can be repeated,
usually 25–30 times (in a thermocycler), resulting in
exponential accumulation of several million copies of Real-time PCR
the amplified fragment (amplicons). Conventional PCR requires gel electrophoresis for analysis of the
9. Finally, a sample of the reaction mixture is run through amplicons. In real-time PCR, this step is automatically performed
an agarose gel electrophoresis system in order to in real time, and the target sequence is identified within a
Recombinant DNA technology in microbiology 25

3’ 5’

5’ 3’
3’ 5’

5’ 3’

A Add Taq polymerase + dNTPs

New strand synthesis

B Denature

C Second cycle of synthesis

First cycle Original

products templates

D Further cycles E Visualization of the product

Exponential accumulation PCR product

of amplified fragments
After 30 cycles:
228 = 268 435 456 fragments

Fig. 3.8 The polymerase chain reaction (PCR). dNTP, Size Agarose
deoxyribonucleoside 5′-triphosphate. markers gel

closed system, using either labelled fluorophores or other similar diagnosis of viral, bacterial and fungal and other
labelled probes. Further advantages are the versatility of the diseases. For instance, amplification of viral DNA in
system, enabling (1) analysis of multiple amplicons at specific a patient sample could be made within hours, and
time sequences during a reaction period, (2) semiquantitative sometimes even before the onset of symptoms.
estimation of the yield and (3) multiplex evaluation of the ■ Amplification of RNA. Here, the RNA molecule has to
products (see previous text). The disadvantage is the relatively be first converted to single-strand complementary DNA
expensive technology. (cDNA) with an enzyme called reverse transcriptase (as it
transcribes the RNA code into DNA in a reverse manner).
Why is PCR so widely used? Once this initial step is carried out, the PCR primers and
Taq polymerase are added; afterwards, the experimental
Some reasons why the use of PCR is so widespread: procedure is identical to the standard technique.
■ To study minuscule quantities of DNA, as a single ■ Comparison of different genomes. Random
DNA molecule is adequate for an amplification reaction amplification with short lengths of primers can be used
(hence its use in forensic studies, archaeology and in phylogenetics, the study of evolutionary history and
palaeontology). lines of descent of species or groups of organisms. This
■ Use in rapid clinical diagnostic procedures. The technique is called random amplification of polymorphic
sensitivity of the PCR has resulted in its use in rapid DNA (RAPD).
26 part 1 3 Bacterial physiology and genetics

plaque sample

Extract DNA directly from sample
and PCR amplify 16S rRNA gene
from all bacteria in the plaque

Separate amplified 16S rRNA

genes by cloning into E. coli
Extract DNA from isolates and
amplify 16S rRNA gene by PCR

DNA cut with restriction enzyme Cloned DNA cut with restriction
and fragments separated by gel enzyme and fragments separated by
electrophoresis to obtain fingerprint gel electrophoresis to obtain fingerprints


Profile 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 1 6 2
Cloned DNA from 16S rRNA genes
which do not match fingerprints from
isolated bacteria (light blue and dark grey profiles).
Compare with 24 000 rRNA gene sequences
in databases to obtain 'identity' of uncultured bacterium


(e.g., 5 or 6 ) ::::::::::::::::::::::
Specific oligonucleotide for either 5 or 6 GTCAGTTGAGTCTACGTGGTTT
Fig. 3.9 Use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology to identify unculturable bacteria obtained from a subgingival plaque sample. E. coli, Escherichia coli;
rRNA, ribosomal RNA. (Modified from Jenkinson, H., & Dymock, D. (1999). The microbiology of periodontal disease. Dental Update 26, 191–197, by permission of George
Warman Publications (UK) Ltd.)

Other techniques for genetic typing Restriction fragment length polymorphism

of microorganisms In restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), the DNA
is first cleaved using restriction endonucleases and separated
Restriction enzyme analysis on the agarose gel. Afterwards, the separated fragments
are transferred by blotting on to a nitrocellulose or nylon
A genetic ‘fingerprint’ of the organism is obtained by extracting
membrane by a method called Southern blotting, and DNA
its DNA and cutting or cleaving the DNA at specific points by
probes constructed from genes of known organisms (species
restriction endonucleases. The DNA fragments so generated
or strains) are then hybridized to the membrane; these will
are run on an agarose electrophoresis gel and viewed under
bind to complementary sequences in the DNA fragments on
ultraviolet illumination after staining with ethidium bromide.
the membrane, revealing the species or strain identity.
The profiles of the bands produced on the gel (the ‘fingerprints’)
can be compared or contrasted with those from other strains.
This was the original molecular method used for genotyping
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
organisms, but has been supplanted by newer methods that Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is similar to RFLP. Here,
are more discriminatory. the chromosomal DNA of an organism is cut into relatively large
The era of ‘-omics’ 27

pieces by restriction enzymes and the resultant fragments are ‘global’ perspective of how an organism responds to a specific
separated in an agarose gel with the help of a pulsed electric stress, drug or toxin.
field, in which the polarity is regularly reversed. Large pieces
of chromosomes usually do not separate in conventional
agarose gels, hence the necessity of the pulsed/reversed electric
field. This is defined as the study of the myriad of proteins expressed
by the genome of either an organism, cell or tissue type. Pro-
Pyrosequencing teomics builds on and complements the knowledge gained
from genomics by revealing the levels, activities, regulation
Pyrosequencing is one of the most novel and reliable tech- and interactions of every protein in an organism or a cell. Study
niques of DNA sequencing. It is based on the ‘sequencing of the proteome is more complex than that of the genome
by synthesis’ principle. So called as it relies on the detection as the number of proteins in an organism/cell is considered
of pyrophosphate release on nucleotide incorporation, rather many orders of magnitude greater than that of the number
than chain termination with dideoxynucleotides used in PCR of genes.
techniques. It uses chemiluminescence enzyme reactions and Such complexity is further confounded by the dynamic
photodetection techniques that are highly automated, rapid changes in the proteome in response to the environment and
and sensitive. also the multiple possible interactive combinations among
proteins. Protein chips that can simultaneously identify
Next-generation sequencing large numbers of proteins are helpful in unravelling such
Next-generation sequencing (NGS), also known as high-
throughput sequencing, is the catch-all term used to describe
a number of different modern sequencing technologies (e.g., Transcriptomics
Illumina, Ion Torrent). NGS permits sequencing DNA and
This is a related branch of molecular biology that deals with the
RNA much more quickly and cheaply than other previously
study of messenger RNA molecules produced in an individual
developed technologies and has revolutionized microbiology.
or population of a particular cell type.
NGS techniques are now widely used in the analysis of the
oral microbiome.
The era of ‘-omics’ This is defined as the scientific study of chemical processes
involving metabolites of a cell or an organism. While pro-
With the advent of the new millennium, there has been an teomic analyses do not tell the whole story of what might
explosion of digital and computer technology, the use of which be happening in a cell, metabolic profiling can give an
has led to a parallel advancement of the knowledge of our instantaneous snapshot of the physiology of that organ-
biosphere. This in turn has led to focal developments of sub- ism. This has led to the development of a further domain
disciplines such as genomics, proteomics and metabolomics: known as interactomics. The latter is defined as a discipline
the so-called -omics era. These new technologies have had a involving the intersection of bioinformatics and biology that
significant impact on the identification of microbes, particularly deals with studying both the interactions and the conse-
those that could not be cultured in the laboratory (unculturable quences of those interactions between and among proteins,
bacteria), and on the elucidation of their pathogenic mechanisms and other molecules within an organism. The network of
such as resistance to antibiotics. A brief introduction to the all such interactions is called the interactome. In essence,
various -omics domains are as follows. interactomics aims to compare networks of interactions (i.e.,
interactomes) between and within species in order to elu-
cidate how the traits of such networks are either preserved
Genomics or varied.
This refers to the study of the identity of all genes within One of the current challenges of science is to integrate
the chromosome of a cell. The human animal and micro- proteomic, transcriptomic, metabolic and interactomic data
bial genome sequencing projects have thus far provided a to provide a more complete picture of living organisms.
rich genetic resource to better understand human diseases
including oral diseases. As mentioned in Chapter 2, the
development of technologies such as microarray analysis has
helped microbiologists to explore patterns of gene expres- Bioinformatics is an essential component of the -omics era. The
sion in various infectious diseases, and their pathogenic avalanche of information spewed out, for instance, by NGS and
mechanisms, for example, in periodontal disease. The sub- similar techniques cannot be sorted using traditional methods.
category of functional genomics deals with the organization Hence new computational methods and their application to
of the genes and their expression patterns under defined the solution of biological problems, often via the mining of
conditions. information databases, have been developed over the last decade
The development of computer models for high throughput or so. This rapidly developing field is called bioinformatics,
analyses of genomic data has simplified the exploration of and forms a crucial pivotal point for the -omics technology. As
gene expression profiles in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes. bioinformatics occupies a central role in a broad spectrum of
Furthermore, DNA microarray technologies help investigators biological research, its analytical toolkits are equally diverse
evaluate gene expression on a genome-wide basis, providing a and complex.
28 part 1 3 Bacterial physiology and genetics

Key facts

• Bacteria, like all living organisms, require oxygen, hydrogen, • Gene transfer in bacteria may occur by conjugation,
carbon, inorganic ions and organic nutrients for survival. transduction, transformation or transposition.
• Other factors that modify growth are end product inhibition • Plasmids are extrachromosomal, double-stranded circular
and catabolite repression, and the temperature and pH of the DNA molecules capable of independent replication within the
medium. bacterial host.
• Bacteria reproduce by binary fission, leading to logarithmic • The clinical relevance of plasmids lies in the fact that they
growth of cell numbers; the doubling or mean generation time code for antibiotic resistance, resistance to heavy metals,
of bacteria can vary from minutes to hours or days. exotoxin production and pili formation.
• Bacterial growth in laboratory media can be divided into a lag • Transposons are ‘jumping genes’ that move from one site to
phase, log phase, stationary phase and decline phase. another either within or between the DNA molecules.
• Depending on their oxygen requirements, bacteria can be • Gene cloning is the introduction of foreign DNA into another
divided into obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, obligate cell where it can replicate and express itself.
anaerobes and microaerophiles. • Gene probes used in diagnostic microbiology are labelled
• Bacterial chromosomes comprise a single, continuous strand (with chemicals or radioactively) pieces of DNA that can be
of DNA with a closed, circular structure attached to the cell used to detect specific sequences of DNA of the pathogen (in
membrane. the clinical sample) by pairing with the complementary bases.
• DNA replication is the synthesis of new strands of DNA using • The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a widely used
the original DNA strands as templates. technique that enables multiple copies of a DNA molecule to
• DNA replicates by a process called semiconservative be generated by enzymatic amplification of the target DNA
replication; DNA-dependent DNA polymerase is the main sequence.
enzyme that mediates DNA replication. • Pyrosequencing is a rapid, reliable sequencing method
• Restriction enzymes of bacteria delete foreign nucleotides of relatively short DNA templates based on real-time
from their genomes. These enzymes are therefore extremely (quantitative) pyrophosphate release and is a valuable tool for
useful in molecular biological techniques. identification of bacteria (particularly unculturable).
• Genetic variations in bacteria can occur by either mutation or • Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a general term
gene transfer. used to describe a number of different modern sequencing
• Mutation, a change in the base sequence of the DNA, can technologies.
be due to either base substitution frame shifts or insertion of
additional pieces of DNA.

Review questions (answers on p. 363)

Please indicate which answers are true, and which are false. 3.2 Plasmid-coded bacterial attributes include:
3.1 With regard to bacterial growth, which of the following A. antibiotic resistance
statements are true? B. production of exotoxins
A. autotrophic bacteria can use carbon dioxide as the sole C. resistance to disinfectants
source of carbon D. transfer of genetic material
B. the growth of facultative anaerobes is arrested in the E. production of endotoxins
presence of oxygen 3.3 With regard to transposons, which of the following are
C. a new progeny of cells are formed as a result of true?
sporulation A. they are also called jumping genes
D. the logarithmic growth phase of bacteria precedes the B. they can replicate independently of the chromosome
lag phase or the plasmid
E. some bacteria can grow at 80°C C. they can cause mutations
D. they mediate antimicrobial resistance
E. a bacterial chromosome can have only one transposon

Further reading Moat, A. G., Foster, J. W., & Spector, M. P. (2002). Microbial physiology.
New York: Wiley-Liss.
Alberts, B., Johnson, A., Lewis, J., et al. (2007). The molecular biology of Mukherjee, S. (2016). The gene: An intimate history. New York: Scribner.
the cell (5th ed.). New York: Garland.
Beebee, T., & Burke, J. (1992). Gene structure and transcription (2nd ed.).
Oxford: IRL Press/Oxford University Press.
part 1 • General microbiology

Viruses and prions

Viruses are one of the smallest forms of microorganism and are visualized electron microscopically, are called peplomers
infect most other forms of life: animals, plants and bacteria. (loosely referred to as ‘spikes’).
They can also cause severe acute oral and orofacial disease,
produce oral signs of systemic infection and be transmitted to Viral nucleic acid
patients and dental staff. The main features that characterize
viruses are: Viral nucleic acid may be either DNA or RNA. The RNA, in turn,
may be ss or ds, and the genome may consist of one or several
■ small size (10–100 nm), averaging about one-tenth the
molecules of nucleic acid. If the genome consists of a single
size of a bacterium molecule, this may be linear or have a circular configuration. The
■ genome consisting of either DNA or RNA but never both;
DNA viruses all have genomes composed of a single molecule
single- (ss) or double-stranded (ds); linear or circular (the of nucleic acid, whereas the genomes of many RNA viruses
encoding of the whole of the genetic information as RNA consist of several different molecules or segments, which are
in RNA viruses is a situation unique in biology) probably loosely linked together in the virion.
■ metabolic inactivity outside the cells of susceptible

hosts; viruses lack ribosomes, the protein-synthesizing Viral protein

apparatus (the corollary of this is that viruses can
only multiply inside living cells, i.e., they are obligate In terms of volume, the major bulk of the virion is protein,
intracellular parasites). which offers a protective sheath for the nucleic acid. The viral
protein is made up of two or three different polypeptide chains,
although in some only one kind of polypeptide chain may be
Structure present. Virion surface proteins may have a special affinity
for receptors on the surface of susceptible cells and may bear
Viruses consist of a nucleic acid core containing the viral genome, antigenic determinants.
surrounded by a protein shell called a capsid (Figs 4.1 and 4.2). Although most viral proteins have a structural function,
The entire structure is referred to as the nucleocapsid. This some have enzymatic activity. For instance, many viruses such
may be ‘naked’, or it may be ‘enveloped’ within a lipoprotein as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) contain a reverse
sheath derived from the host cell membrane. In many viruses transcriptase, whereas several enzymes (e.g., neuraminidase,
(e.g., orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses), the ensheathment lysozyme) are found in larger, more complex viruses.
begins by a budding process at the plasma membrane of the
host cell, whereas others, such as herpesviruses, ensheath at Viral lipid and carbohydrate
the membrane of the nucleus or endoplasmic reticulum. In general, lipids and carbohydrates of viruses are only found
The protein shell or capsid consists of repeating units of one in their envelopes and are mostly derived from the host cells.
or more protein molecules; these protein units may go on to form About 50%–60% of the lipids are phospholipids; most of the
structural units, which may be visualized by electron microscopy remainder is cholesterol.
as morphological units called capsomeres (Fig. 4.1). Genetic
economy dictates that the variety of viral proteins be kept to a
minimum as viral genomes lack sufficient genetic information
Virus symmetry
to code for a large array of different proteins. In enveloped The nucleocapsids of viruses are arranged in a highly sym-
viruses, the protein units, which comprise the envelopes and metrical fashion (symmetry refers to the way in which the
30 part 1 4 Viruses and prions

Table 4.1 Classification of some of the viruses causing

Capsomere human disease
Nucleic acid Nucleocapsid Morphology Virus
Enveloped, double-stranded Herpesviruses
Spike or peplomer nucleic acid Herpes simplex virus
Varicella-zoster virus
Epstein–Barr virus
Fig. 4.1 Viral structure (schematic).
Human herpesvirus 6
Enveloped, single-stranded Parvoviruses
Non-enveloped, double-stranded Adenoviruses
Hepatitis B virus
Enveloped, single-stranded Orthomyxoviruses
Influenza virus
Respiratory syncytial
Fig. 4.2 Scanning electron micrograph of a herpesvirus. Note the extensive
outer lipid envelope and the icosahedral nucleocapsid. Retroviruses
Human immunodeficiency
viruses HTLV-I, -III
protein units are arranged). Three kinds of symmetry are Rhabdoviruses
recognized (Fig. 4.3): Rabies
■ Icosahedral symmetry. The protein molecules are Non-enveloped, double-stranded Reoviruses
symmetrically arranged in the shape of an icosahedron Rotavirus
(i.e., a 20-sided solid, each face being an equilateral Non-enveloped, single-stranded Picornaviruses
triangle). Herpesviruses are an example (Figs 4.1 and 4.2). Rhinovirus
■ Helical symmetry. The capsomeres surround the viral Enterovirus
nucleic acid in the form of a helix or spiral to form a   Coxsackievirus
tubular nucleocapsid. Most mammalian RNA viruses   Echovirus
have this symmetry, where the nucleocapsid is arranged   Poliovirus
in the form of a coil and enclosed within a lipoprotein HTLV-I, Human T cell leukaemia virus type I.
■ Complex symmetry. This is exhibited by a few families

of viruses, notably the retroviruses and poxviruses. papova and pox, H for herpes and AD for adenoviruses. Most
of the remainder are RNA viruses, including the self-evident
Taxonomy The following is a concise description of the families of
mammalian viruses.
Vertebrate viruses are classified into families, genera and species.
The attributes used in classification are their symmetry, the
presence or absence of an envelope, nucleic acid composition
DNA viruses
(DNA or RNA), the number of nucleic acid strands and their
polarity. Classification of some of the recognized families of RNA
and DNA viruses is given in Table 4.1. (Note: to memorize which Papovaviruses are small, icosahedral DNA viruses with a
viruses contain DNA, remember the acronym ‘PHAD’: P is for capacity to produce tumours in vivo and to transform cultured
Taxonomy 31

Nucleocapsid Nucleocapsid


A Naked icosahedral

B Naked helical C Enveloped icosahedral


Nucleic acid


Envelope (protein + lipid)

D Enveloped helical

Fig. 4.3 Structural components and symmetry of different viruses. (A) Naked icosahedral; (B) naked helical; (C) enveloped icosahedral; (D) enveloped helical.

cell lines. The name ‘papova’ is an acronym derived from the cultured adenoid tissue eliciting cytopathic effects. Syndromes
papillomavirus, polyomavirus and vacuolating agent simian associated with adenoviruses include:
virus 40 (SV40), which make up this family. ■ acute febrile pharyngitis (primarily in infants and

children), often indistinguishable from pharyngitis due to

Papillomavirus β-haemolytic streptococci
This genus contains human serotypes that cause benign skin ■ acute adult respiratory disease, ranging from pharyngitis
tumours or warts and both oral and skin papillomas (e.g., to pneumonia
hand and plantar warts). Although they were regarded as ■ ocular infections.
a cosmetic nuisance rather than a specific disease, it is now
known that the papillomaviruses may be involved in genital and
oral cancers. Herpesviruses
Herpesviruses are the predominant viral cause of oral infections
in humans; often the infections are recurrent, and latent.
This genus contains the polyomavirus of mice and SV40 of
monkeys, which are used in experimental carcinogenesis in Structure
these animals.
These enveloped, icosahedral viruses are 180–200 nm in diam-
eter and contain a linear dsDNA molecule. The Herpesviridae
Adenoviruses family has over 100 members spread widely among vertebrates
Adenoviruses are icosahedral DNA viruses, commonly associ- and invertebrates, and new species are continuously being
ated with respiratory and eye infections in humans. These added. Herpesviruses are unstable at room temperature and
viruses were so named because they were first isolated from are rapidly inactivated by lipid solvents such as alcohol and
32 part 1 4 Viruses and prions

other common disinfectants owing to the disruption of the a poxvirus, as is smallpox, which is now a disease of only
outer lipid envelope. historical interest. Humans occasionally acquire infection by
During reproduction, maturation of the progeny begins in animal poxviruses, for example, cowpox.
the nucleus of the host cell, which buds through the nuclear
membrane and acquires the viral envelope. Typical and highly Parvoviruses
pathognomonic intranuclear inclusions are therefore found
in cells that have undergone active virus replication. As many Parvoviruses are icosahedral viruses with ssDNA. Three
herpesviruses can fuse with the cells they infect, polykaryocytes serologically distinct types of autonomous parvoviruses are
or giant cells readily appear in tissue lesions. Such cells, for recognized in human disease. The first group is found in stool
example, Tzanck cells or nuclear inclusions (Lipschutz bodies), specimens, the second (the B19 virus) in the serum of asymp-
are hallmarks of herpetic infections. tomatic blood donors, whereas the third has been recovered
Different herpesviruses cause a variety of infectious diseases, from synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis patients. The B19
some localized and some generalized, often with a vesicular virus is responsible for a febrile illness, particularly in children,
rash. Herpesviruses establish latent infection, which can be manifesting as a maculopapular rash.
readily reactivated by immunosuppression (Table 4.2). The exanthem is characterized by a fiery-red rash on the
The nomenclature of herpesviruses is contentious; there is cheeks: the ‘slapped-cheek’ syndrome (also termed fifth disease).
thus a historical or a traditional (trivial) nomenclature and an
official name for each virus (Table 4.3). The herpesviruses that Hepadnaviruses
commonly infect humans can be distinguished by their antigenic Hepadnaviruses are small, spherical DNA viruses causing
and genomic profiles, although they cannot be differentiated hepatitis, chronic liver infections and possibly liver cancer.
by electron microscopy owing to identical capsid morphology. They are of particular interest in dentistry because of their
They also have a universal ability to establish latent infection mode of transmission via blood and saliva (see Chapter 29).
in the host in which they reside, and manifest a number of
common epidemiological features. Herpes simplex virus, herpes RNA viruses
zoster virus, Epstein–Barr virus, human cytomegalovirus and
herpesviruses 6 and 8 can all cause infections in oral and perioral
tissues (Fig. 4.4); see Chapter 35 for details.
Picornaviruses are the smallest family of RNA viruses but
Poxviruses incorporate a very large group of viruses, including the genus
The poxviruses are the largest viruses to infect humans or
animals. Molluscum contagiosum in humans is caused by

Table 4.2 Latent viruses relevant to dentistry

Virus Site of latency
Herpes simplex virus Trigeminal ganglion
Varicella-zoster virus Sensory ganglia
Epstein–Barr virus Epithelial cells
B lymphocytes
Cytomegalovirus Salivary gland cells
Papillomaviruses Epithelial cells
Human immunodeficiency viruses Lymphocytes and other
CD4+ cells (see Chapter 30)
Fig. 4.4 Primary herpes simplex infection of the oral mucosa.

Table 4.3 Official and trivial nomenclature of human herpesviruses (family Herpesviridae)
Subfamily species Official name Trivial name Acronym
Alphaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 1 Herpes simplex virus 1 HSV-1
Human herpesvirus 2 Herpes simplex virus 2 HSV-2
Human herpesvirus 3 Varicella-zoster virus VZV
Betaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 5 Cytomegalovirus HCMV
Human herpesvirus 6 Roseola virus, Herpes lymphotropic virus HHV-6
Gammaherpesvirinae Human herpesvirus 4 Epstein–Barr virus EBV
Human herpesvirus 7 – HHV-7
Human herpesvirus 8 Kaposi’s sarcoma associated herpesvirus HHV-8/KSHV
HCMV, Human cytomegalovirus.
Viral replication 33

Enterovirus. Human enteroviruses have been further subdivided Retroviruses

into three major subgroups:
■ polioviruses
Retroviruses are large, spherical enveloped RNA tumour viruses
characterized by a unique genome, a unique enzyme and a
■ echoviruses (acronym: enteric cytopathogenic, human,
unique mode of replication. The viral genome RNA is first
orphan) transcribed into DNA by a virus-specific enzyme, reverse tran-
■ coxsackieviruses (Coxsackie, a town in the USA) types A
scriptase. This DNA can then serve as a template for messenger
and B. RNA (mRNA) synthesis. The RNA viruses infecting humans
The enteroviruses reside and multiply asymptomatically in the comprise a single taxonomic group with three subfamilies:
gut but may cause a spectrum of disease ranging from mild ■ lentiviruses cause slowly progressive disease and include
undifferentiated rashes, respiratory infections and pharyngitis HIV types 1 and 2 (see Chapter 30)
(coxsackie A) to more serious diseases, including carditis (cox- ■ oncoviruses include those that cause tumours: human
sackie B), which may be lethal in the newborn (see Chapters T cell leukaemia virus type I (HTLV-I), the agent of
21 and 35). adult T cell leukaemia–lymphoma (ATLL), and HTLV-II,
associated with hairy cell leukaemia
Orthomyxoviruses ■ spumaviruses are not recognized human pathogens.

Orthomyxoviruses are RNA viruses with a tubular nucle-

ocapsid and a lipoprotein envelope. Influenza A viruses of Other RNA viruses
birds, mammals and humans are in this category. Some of
these viruses, for example, Asian influenza viruses, may cause Other RNA viruses that are important but are not known to
severe and often fatal generalized infections. The nomenclature cause oral disease or directly relevant to dentistry include
of these viruses is based on the first letter H and N of the spike togaviruses, arenaviruses, rhabdoviruses and filoviruses.
glycoproteins haemagglutinin and neuraminidase, respectively.
Thus the earliest recognized virus was termed H1N1, followed Viroids
by H2N2 and so on. The current bird-flu virus that causes As a result of advances in molecular biology, two new classes
sporadic human infections in Asia is termed H5N1. As the latter of infectious agents, prions and viroids, have been discovered.
outbreaks indicate that H5N1 virus has crossed the species These are the smallest known agents of disease. Viroids cause
barrier from birds to humans, there is great concern that human- diseases in plants and comprise naked, covalently linked, closed
to-human transmission of this rather virulent virus may create a circles of ssRNA, less than 300–400 nucleotides in length. Despite
worldwide pandemic of avian flu. At the time of writing, there their minute size, they replicate using host cell enzymes. Viroids
have been more than 100 human fatalities associated with avian are not associated with human disease, thus far. Prions are
flu transmitted directly from avian sources to humans, but no discussed at the end of this chapter.
confirmed cases of human-to-human transmission (Chapter 21).

Paramyxoviruses Viral replication

Paramyxoviruses are large, pleomorphic enveloped RNA Viral replication (Fig. 4.5) is a highly complex process and
viruses. The family contains four common and important human only a brief summary is given here. There are a number of
pathogens: measles, mumps, parainfluenza and respiratory general steps in the replication cycle of all viruses: adsorption,
syncytial viruses. Paramyxoviruses are a common cause of penetration, uncoating and eclipse, transcription, synthesis
croup (laryngotracheobronchitis), while respiratory syncytial of viral components, assembly and release of virions. In
viruses cause regular winter epidemics of bronchiolitis/ some viruses, however, these steps may not be clearly defined
pneumonitis in infants. and may overlap, for example, penetration and uncoating.
It is noteworthy that in some families (e.g., Herpesviridae)
Coronaviruses many of the critical events occur in the cell nucleus, whereas
These are enveloped RNA viruses with a helical nucleocapsid. others (e.g., Picornaviridae) multiply exclusively within the
They resemble orthomyxoviruses but have petal-shaped surface cytoplasm. The period between infection and the production
projections like a solar corona, hence the name. They infect of the new virion (eclipse or latent period) could be as short
both animals and humans. Most human infections lead to as 3 h (e.g., Orthomyxoviridae) or as long as several months
mild upper respiratory tract infections including the ‘common or years (e.g., HIV).
cold syndrome’. Human coronaviruses infect the respiratory Fig. 4.5 depicts the steps in the replication of a DNA virus.
tract by the airborne route, that is, by inhalation or aerosols However, this picture has to be somewhat modified when RNA
by coughs and sneezes of infected individuals. Additionally, viruses are considered, as the basic unit of information is now
inanimate reservoirs (i.e., fomites) are a secondary factor in RNA instead of DNA. The strategies of viral replication become
transmission. Rhinoviruses together with coronaviruses are the more complex when ds rather than ss viruses, and those with
major agents of the common cold. A coronavirus that crossed RNA of positive polarity and negative polarity are considered.
the ‘species barrier’ from civet cats in China to humans is the The basic steps in replication are:
agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The latter 1. Adsorption or attachment of the virus particle to the
infection—considered the first emerging infection of the new specific receptors of the host cell plasma membrane. Firm
millennium—spread worldwide in 2003 causing many deaths attachment requires the presence of receptors for the
particularly among health care workers (Chapter 23). Human virus on the plasma membrane (e.g., orthomyxoviruses
coronaviruses are also implicated in gastroenteritis in infants. and paramyxoviruses bind via an envelope protein,
34 part 1 4 Viruses and prions

7. Release

6. Assembly

DNA Late proteins
Host cell

1. Adsorption
2. Penetration 3. Uncoating Early proteins
(mainly enzymes)

4. Transcription

mRNA 5. Translation

Fig. 4.5 Steps in the replication of a DNA virus. mRNA, Messenger RNA.

known as haemagglutinin, to certain glycoproteins or and host ribosomes are free to receive viral mRNA and
glycolipids on the host cell). provide a focus for transcription and synthesis of viral
2. Penetration or uptake. The process by which the virus or proteins.
its genome enters the host cell cytoplasm. Penetration can 5. Synthesis of viral components. Viral proteins are of two
be achieved by three separate mechanisms: types:
• endocytosis: most of the virions taken up by • structural (the proteins that make up the virus
endocytosis appear to be degraded by lysosomal particle)
enzymes and therefore fail to initiate infection, but this • non-structural (enzymes required for virus genome
is the normal route to successful infection by many replication).
viruses Structural viral proteins are synthesized on cellular polyri-
• fusion: direct fusion of the viral envelope with the bosomes. There is a simultaneous synthesis of progeny viral
plasma membrane of cells allows the nucleocapsid of nucleic acid, using newly synthesized nucleic acid polymerases.
some viruses to be released directly into the cytoplasm 6. Assembly. Viral assembly is accomplished by
without an intervening phagocytic process incorporation of viral nucleic acid into putative
• translocation: some non-enveloped viruses have capsomeres: procapsids. Assembly may occur in the cell
the capacity to pass directly through the plasma nucleus, cytoplasm or (with enveloped viruses) at the
membrane. plasma membrane.
3. Uncoating and eclipse. After penetration, there is a 7. Release may occur either through gradual budding, in
period during which no intact infectious virus can be the case of enveloped viruses, or by sudden rupture.
detected. This ‘eclipse phase’ begins with uncoating of
The foregoing is a brief, composite picture of processes involved
the lipid membrane and protein capsid surrounding the
in viral multiplication. It should be noted that the replication
nucleic acid viral core. As uncoating proceeds, the viral
cycle of each family of viruses has unique characteristics that
nucleic acid becomes free to act as a template for the
differ from other viruses.
synthesis of virus mRNA.
4. Transcription. The virus mRNA codes for the synthesis of
enzymes necessary to complete the process of uncoating
itself and also to initiate early steps in viral replication. Pathogenesis of viral infections
When the virus initiates the reproductive cycle within
the host cell, the synthesis of host cell RNA is halted, See Chapter 5.
Prions and prion diseases 35

to late life (40–60 years); the clinical course lasts for about
Cellular antiviral response 7–18 months.

The antiviral response is mostly mediated immunologically Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease

and is described in Part 2. A variant form (vCJD) is localized to Europe, especially the UK;
it almost always affects teenagers or young adults. The disease
Prions and prion diseases is spread by consumption of prion-infected animal tissues.

Prions (proteinaceous infectious particles) are unique ele- Pathogenesis

ments in nature, and they are the agents of a group of chronic Prions appear to replicate incessantly, first in lymphoid tissue,
diseases called prion diseases or transmissible spongiform and then in brain cells where they produce intracellular vacuoles
encephalopathies. They infect essentially the nerve tissues of and deposition of altered host prion protein (PrPSc). These
animals and humans, and manifest with long incubation periods vacuoles give rise to the sponge-like appearance of the brain
lasting up to decades. The relevance of this chronic disease on microscopic examination. The disease is uniformly fatal.
to dentistry relates to the realization (1) that the infectious
agent is extremely difficult to destroy and (2) of the probability Transmission
of infection transmission (variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
[vCJD]) in clinical settings. Kuru is transmitted in infected human brain by cannibalism.
The major features of prions are given below: Other modes of CJD transmission are mostly unknown. There
■ They are neither viruses nor viroids.
are a few reports of iatrogenic transmission by medical and
■ Prions do not have either DNA or RNA.
surgical procedures; hereditary acquisition occurs in familial
cases; contaminated food (beef from cattle with ‘mad cow’
■ The native form of the prion protein, a normal
disease or bovine spongiform encephalopathy) is thought to
constituent of healthy neural tissues, is designated PrPc, cause acquired disease.
whereas the disease-related isoform derived from the
latter is designated PrPSc.
■ The abnormal form, PrPSc, is derived from the native
Prevention and dental implications
precursor by a post-translational process leading to a ■ There is no treatment for or vaccine against
conformational change from an α-helical structure to an prion-induced disease.
insoluble β-sheet structure. ■ Hence the only preventive measure is not consuming
■ The abnormal (PrPSc) form resists destruction and
suspect food (especially those containing neural tissues).
accumulates in the neural tissues, causing vacuolation of ■ The level of infectivity in oral and dental tissues is
cells, leading to a sponge-like appearance (hence the term uncertain, although in one in vitro study of the dental pulp
‘spongiform’). of eight patients, no prion particles could be detected.
■ They have the ability to self-replicate but with a very ■ A few retrospective studies indicate no evidence of dental
long incubation period (up to 20 years in humans). procedures increasing transmission risk, and published
■ The prototype prion agent caused scrapie, a central
iatrogenic transmission studies show no evidence of
nervous system disease in sheep. associated dental procedures.
■ As the organism is highly resistant to heat, chemical ■ Due to the inconclusive data on transmission risks, there
agents and irradiation, either special autoclaving is a transatlantic divide between the infection control
procedures are required to sterilize contaminated practices in dentistry appertaining to prion disease risk.
instruments or disposable instruments/materials have to The American guidelines are rather more rigorous than
be used for surgical procedures on infected patients. the British ones. In USA the Centers for Disease Control
■ The prion agent can be transmitted to cows, mink, cats and Prevention (CDC) has stated that potential infectivity
and mice, for instance, when fed with infected material. of oral tissues in CJD or vCJD patients is an unresolved
■ Iatrogenic transmission of prion disease by neurosurgical issue. CDC states that special precautions in addition to
instruments has been reported. standard ones might be indicated when treating known
CJD or vCJD patients (see also Part 6).
Major prion-induced diseases or transmissible
spongiform encephalopathies North American guidelines
For CJD and vCJD patients use disposable material

as much as possible, or all instruments used in dental

Kuru is the fatal neurological disease first described in societies procedures must be incinerated after use.
in Papua New Guinea who consumed human brain. It is no ■ For patients at risk (recipients of dura mater grafts,
longer prevalent owing to the cessation of this practice. pituitary hormone injections before the mid-1980s, those
with close family members with a history of CJD):
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease • Either use disposable instruments or clean instruments
CJD is a globally prevalent, rare, chronic encephalopathy; 10% thoroughly and sterilize for 18 min at 134°C in a
of cases are familial and carry the mutated prion gene; the vacuum autoclave (i.e., repeat the standard cycle six
remainder are either acquired or sporadic. Onset is in middle times).
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
rack and umbrella-stand combined, as red as rhubarb, and as acrid
in suggestion to one’s feelings; more oilcloth in the parlour; more
mahogany, also, with a pert disposition in its doors and drawers to
resent being shut up; glass bead mats and charity bazaar
photograph frames on the whatnots, all so clean and pungent with
sharp furniture stain that the rudder—Gardener by name—felt, as
usual, the necessity of a humble apology for bringing his five feet
four of shabbiness into the midst of so much splendour and
Mr. Plumley rumbled condescendingly in reply—
“You’d get used to it, Robert, you’d get used to it, if you’d lived
familiar with it all your life, as I have.”
“Ah!” said Gardener, “but I wasn’t born like you, sir, to shine.”
If he meant that the other was a light in his way—a little tallowy,
perhaps—his own dry, hungry cheeks certainly justified him in the
self-depreciation. They justified him, moreover—or he fancied they
did, which was all the same as to the moral—in continuing to act
jackal to this social lion, who had once been his employer in the
cheap furniture-removal line. He lived—hung, it would seem more
apposite to say—on his traditions of the great man’s business
capacities, capacities whose fruits were here to witness, for evidence
of the competence upon which his principal had retired. He got, in
fact, little else than his traditions out of his former master at this date;
yet it was strange how they served to delude him into a belief in his
continued profit at the hands of the old patronage. The moral benefit
he acquired from stealing into the local chapel to hear Mr. Plumley
take a Sunday-school class, was at least worth as much to him as
the occasional pipe of tobacco, or glass of whisky and water, which
his idol vouchsafed him. For Mr. Gardener, as a true ‘poor relation’ of
the gods, was humbly thankful for their cheapest condescensions.
“You stuck to your principles, sir,” he said, standing on one leg and
the toe of the other, in humble deprecation of his right to any but the
smallest possible allowance of oilcloth. Perhaps he would have
brought his foot down, even he, could he have guessed the true
significance of his own remark.
“I did, Robert,” said Mr. Plumley, placidly sleeking his hair. “I
always do. Have a pipe, Robert?”
“Thank you kindly, sir,” said the man. “That was a mistake you
made, sir.”
“Mistakes,” said Mr. Plumley, “will occur. Have some whisky,
“You’re very good, sir.”
“You don’t like it too strong, I think, Robert? And how’s the world
treating you, my friend?”
“Much as usual, sir. From hand to mouth’s my motto.”
“Sad, sad to be sure. They’ll distrain upon me, I suppose.”
“I’m afraid so, sir.”
“The inhumanity of the world, Robert! You do pretty reg’lar porter’s
work for Bull and Hacker, the auctioneers, don’t you, Robert?”
“That’s so, Mr. Plumley,” said the man, wondering. “But the work’s
heavier than the wages.”
“They’ll be commissioned to seize the necessary goods. I wish
you’d manage to give ’em a hint, Robert—over the left, you know,
without any reference to me—that there’s a picture I prize (and that
I’ve reason to believe a dealer is after), what would more than pay
the two pun odd of the distraint if put up first. O’ course, I can’t
appear to favour the matter myself, being a con——”
“Passive resister, sir.”
“Thank you, Robert; being the one most concerned in disputin’ the
justice of the law. But a hint from you might settle the question at
once. We aren’t very good friends, Bull and me; and, if he thought I
prized the article, he’d be moral sure to seize it, slap away, to spite
“The picter?”
“The picture, Robert. There it is.”
It hung in an obscure corner, a dingy enough article, in an old
damaged frame.
“It don’t look the price,” said Gardener doubtfully.
“It cost me more in a bad debt,” said the ex-remover, busying
himself with the whisky in his heavy, observant way.
“Very like, sir,” answered the other, and coughed behind his hand.
“I know what you mean,” said his patron; “that I was took in. Well,
I’ve reason to think not, my man. I’ve reason to think that picture’s
worth a deal—say, fifty pun. Anyhow, I mean to try.”
“A dealer’s after it, you say?”
“Yes, I do say.”
“Then why—with deference, sir—don’t you sell direct to him?”
“Why don’t I? Am I a man of business, Robert? Look about you.
Have I learned, do you think, to take a hexpert’s word as to the
precise vally of a article that I see his heye’s on, or to argy by
induction that a good private offer means a better public one? When
it comes to overreaching—hem!—a connoyser’s a man like myself;
so we’ll just, by your leave, put the picture up to auction.”
He carried the decanter back to its place in one of the shiny
“Besides, my friend,” said he, talking over his shoulder, “don’t you
see as how my conscience demands this seizure?”
“Not quite, sir, with humility, if so be as——”
“You’re dense, Robert. Look here, I’m a conscientious resister,
ain’t I? Law ain’t necessarily equity because the devil and Mr.
Chamberlain frames it. There’s some lawgivers that are Vicars of
Jehovah, and some of——but perhaps you’ve never heard of
“Haven’t I?” said Mr. Gardener ruefully. “I was near run in once for
tendering one as had been passed on me.”
“He was king of the bottomless pit,” said Mr. Plumley patiently. “He
framed this here law what’s made a passive objector of me. Well, if,
in resigning myself to his unjust processes, I force the picture-
dealer’s hand, thereby making a profit elsewise denied me, don’t you
see how I round on the law—triumph over it—kill two birds with one
stone, as it might be?”
“Yes, sir; I see that,” said Mr. Gardener, though still doubtfully.
“You do, do you?” responded the other. “Well, then, the only thing
is to make the law pay as heavy as possible by getting the picture
run up to the dealer’s figure.”
“But the law wouldn’t go for more’n its two pun odd,” protested the
“O, you fool!” snarled the lion. “It’s the moral profit’s the game,
don’t you see? I gain by the very hact what starts of itself to ruin me.
It’s as plain as two pins.”
Mr. Gardener scratched his head, and broke into a short laugh.
“Bless you sir,” said he, “it’s clear enough; if on’y you’ll tell me who
in all this here place is a-going to run up the dealer, since you can’t
Mr. Plumley, bending at the cupboard, did not answer for a
moment. When at last he did, rising and facing round, there was a
curious pallor on his lips, and he had to clear his throat before he
could articulate—
“You, Robert.”
“Me, sir! You’re joking.”
“Never less so, Robert.”
“I ain’t worth a sixpence in the world, sir.”
The ex-remover walked shakily across, and put a flabby,
insinuative hand on the other’s shoulder.
“I think I may say I’ve been a good friend to you, Robert?”
Gardener muttered an uneasy affirmative.
“To justify a great principle, Robert? It’s a mere matter of form; it's
——humph! A moment, if you please. Think of it while I’m gone.”
A rap at the front door had obtruded itself. Mr. Plumley tiptoed
elephantinely out, was heard murmuring a few minutes in the hall,
and returned shortly in a state of suavely perspiring mystery.
“It’s the dealer himself, Robert,” he whispered, his little eyes
twinkling. “He’s come to make another attempt. I’ll humour him—
humour him, never fear. Now, you must be quick. Will you do this
little thing to oblige me?”
“Supposing I were let in, sir?”
Mr. Plumley coughed.
“I guarantee you, of course. It’s just a confidence between us. Go
to fifty pound—not a penny less nor more—and let him take it at any
figure he likes, beyond. He won’t fail you. You’ll do it, Robert?”
“I don’t favour the job, sir.”
“But you’ll do it?”
“Well, yes, then.”
Mr. Plumley showed him out, returned to the parlour, finished his
whisky and water, and called in the dealer from some hidden corner
of the hall where he had lain concealed. He had braced his nerves in
the interval. His attitude all at once was scowling and truculent—
meet for the reception of the shabby loafer who now presented
“What are you grinning at, sir?” he roared. “This ain’t the face to
bring to business.”
“O! isn’t it?” said the man. “Then I’ll change it——” which he did,
so suddenly and terrifically that the other cowered. The stranger
snorted, and relaxed.
“What now, minion?” said he.
“Bah!” snarled Mr. Plumley: “it comes easy to a barnstormer.”
“Roscius, ye fat old Philistine,” cried the actor, striking his breast
with a ragged-gloved hand: “Roscius, thou ‘villainous, obscene,
greasy tallow-ketch!’ ”
“Well,” said Mr. Plumley, wiping his brow, “I meant no offence,
anyhow. Have a drink?”
The stranger breathed heavily, and assumed a Napoleonic pose.
“I will have a drink,” he said; and, in fact, before he would
condescend to utter another word, he had two.
“Ha!” he said then, ejaculating a little spirituous cloud, and his
lean, pantomimic face was all at once benign. “Richard’s himself
again, and eager for the fray! To the charge, my passive resister, my
heavy lead! Ye need Theophilus Bolton! Ye must pay!”
“As to that there,” began Mr. Plumley, stuttering and glowering; but
the other took him up coolly——
“As to that, dear boy, there’s no question. You’ve withheld me from
a profitable engagement——”
“O, blow profitable!” interposed Mr. Plumley. “And you didn’t jump
at the chanst neither!”
“To play a part for you,” went on the actor unruffled “Well, am I to
be Agnew, or Christie, or Sotheby, or who? My commission’s five per
“Well, I don’t object to that,” said Plumley, relieved. “On the vally of
the picture to Gardener, that’s to say. Call it done, and call yourself
what you like.”
“One man in his time plays many parts,” murmured Mr. Bolton.
“Put it on paper, dear boy. I have a weakness for testaments.”
Mr. Plumley protested; the actor whistled. In the end, the latter
pocketed a document to the effect that Joshua Plumley agreed to
pay Theophilus Bolton a sum to be calculated at the rate of five per
cent on the ultimate selling price at auction (on a date hereafter to be
filled in) of a picture known as the “The Wood Shop.”
“You’ll be close?” said Mr. Plumley uneasily. “It might—it might
injure me, you know, if it got about. Short o’ fifty pound’s the figger—
you understand? Let Gardener secure it at that. I’ve my reasons.
You come to me quick and quiet after the sale, and you shall have
your two pound ten on the nail, and slip off with it as private as you
Now, what was Plumley’s little game? And wasn’t he anyhow a
good man of business?

He was at least such a sure student of human nature as to have

made no miscalculation in the matter of Bull and Hacker’s
predilections. They seized, on the strength of Mr. Gardener’s artful
insinuations, the very picture on which the defaulter was supposed to
set a value, and put it up to sale one afternoon on the tail of a
general auction. Mr. Gardener bid for it (the practice was common
enough amongst the firm’s employés, acting for private clients, and
Bull rather admired the man’s astuteness in having suggested a
seizure so prospectively profitable to himself), and a strange dealer
opposed him. They ran one another up merrily, and the room gaped
and sniggered and whispered. It was an afternoon of surprises.
“Forty-six,” cried the auctioneer—“any advance on forty-six?”
A local lawyer, Bittern by name, was observed pushing his way
through the crowd.
“Good Lord!” he was muttering; “is the man daft!”
“Forty-seven,” said the dealer.
“Forty-eight,” bawled Gardener.
“Forty-nine,” said the dealer monotonously.
“Fifty!” cried Gardener stoutly; and hung on the bid which was to
quit and relieve him.
It did not come.
The auctioneer raised his stereotyped wail: It was giving the lot
away; a chance like that might never occur again; let him say fifty-
one. “Come, gentlemen! Shall I say fifty-one? No?” He would sell at
fifty, then—sell this unique work at the low figure of fifty pounds. “Any
advance on fifty pounds?” He raised his hammer.
“Not for me,” said the dealer, turning away. “Let him have it.”
Down came the hammer. “Gardener: fifty pounds,” murmured Mr.
Bull, with a very satisfied face. The purchaser stood stupefied.
Two flurried gentlemen at this moment entered the room. They
seemed more rivals than friends, and each shouldered the other
rather rudely.
“Too late, by gosh!” growled one.
“Not a bit,” said the second, pushing past. “We’ll get the vendee to
put it up again. I dare say he’ll do it.”
“Here!” cried the first, grasping at the other’s receding figure.
Jibbing together, they made their way towards Gardener, who was
standing in rueful and dumbfounded altercation with the lawyer. A
brief but very earnest discussion took place among the four. At the
end, the rostrum was invoked, the picture was replaced on the table,
the two new-comers took up position. Gardener, mute and dazed, fell
back, in custody of the lawyer, who stood with a hard, shrewd glitter
in his eyes, and the auctioneer, blandly elated, raised his voice,
justifying his own judgment.
The picture, he said—as he had already informed the company, in
fact—was a desirable one, a rare example of that peerless master
Adrian Ostade; and the recent purchaser—whose property it was
now become—had been persuaded generously to put it up to
auction again on his own account, in answer to the representations
of certain would-be bidders, whom an unforeseen delay on the
railway had prevented from attending earlier.
“We will start at fifty pounds, gentlemen, if you please,” said he.
Mr. Bolton, in the background, pulled his hat over his eyes, and
settled himself to listen.

That great financial strategist, Mr. Plumley, sat drinking whisky and
water by lamplight. His pipe lay at his side. He had tried to smoke it;
but tobacco flurried him.
“It should be about settled by now,” he muttered. “Where’s that
“Rap!” came the answer, upon such an acute nervous centre, that
he started as if he had been stung.
He rose, made an effort to compose himself, and went to the door.
A spare tall figure detached itself from the dark, and entered.
“What the devil’s been keeping you?” growled the ex-remover.
“Ah! you’re short-sighted, my friend,” said Mr. Bittern, and walked
coolly into the parlour.
Mr. Plumley stared, felt suddenly wet, shook himself, and followed.
When it came to creeping flesh, he felt the full aggravation of his
size. The slow march of apprehensions, taking time from a sluggish
but persistent brain, seemed minutes encompassing him.
“So,” said the lawyer, dry and wintry, the moment he was in, “you
coveted your neighbour's one ewe lamb?”
Mr. Plumley took up his pipe, blew through it, put it down again,
and said nothing.
“You’d heard of Gardener’s aunt’s little bequest to him of fifty
pounds, duty free, eh?” asked the lawyer.
“No,” said Mr. Plumley.
“O!” said the lawyer. “He bid fifty pounds for that picture of yours
this afternoon, and got it. On whose instructions?”
“Ask him, sir. He acts for many.”
“It wasn’t on yours, then?”
“Is that reasonable, Mr. Bittern, when to my knowledge the man
wasn’t worth a brass farden?”
“What do you say about holding him to his bargain?”
“I say, if he’s bought the picture, he must pay for it.”
“And who bid against him? You don’t know that either, I suppose?”
“Nat’rally. Was I there?”
“Well, I’ve settled for him with Bull and Hacker, and brought you
their cheque, less commission and distraint. Give me a receipt for it.”
The great creature, elated with his own strategy as he was, could
hardly draw it out, his hands shook so. But he managed the business
somehow. The lawyer examined the paper, and buttoning it into his
pocket, took up his hat.
“O, by the way!” he said, as if on an afterthought, “I was forgetting
to mention that Gardener, after securing the picture, put it up to
auction again, at the particular request of some late arrivals, and was
bid a thousand pounds for it. It turned out to be a very good work.”
Mr. Plumley took up his pipe again quite softly, looked at it a
moment, and suddenly dashed it to smithereens on the floor.
“It was a plant!” he cried in a fat, hoarse scream. “I’ll be even with
him—I’ll have the money—the picture was mine—I’ll—by God, I say,
it was a conspiracy!”
The lawyer at the door lashed round on him like whipcord.
“And that’s what I think,” he shouted. “The meanest, dirtiest trick
that was ever played by a canting scoundrel on a poor brother. But I
may get to the bottom of it yet, from the opening scheme to enlist
Gardener’s sympathies for a poor martyr to conscience, to the last
wicked design upon him in the saleroom. I may get to the bottom of
it, cunning as it was planned; and, when I do, let some look out!”
As he flung away, he let in a new-comer, Mr. Bolton, by the
opened door. Mr. Plumley, choking in the backwater of his own fury,
had sunk into a chair, gasping betwixt bitterness and panic. He could
not, for the moment, remember how far he had committed himself.
He looked up to meet the insolent, ironic smile of his confederate.
“Come along, dear boy,” said Mr. Bolton. “Curtain’s down. Cash up!”
He presented a claim for fifty pounds, and stood, his hat cocked
on his head, picking his teeth.
“What’s this curst gammon?” sneered Mr. Plumley, rousing
“Commission,” said the actor airily. “Five per cent. on the ultimate
selling price of a picture.”
“It went at fifty.”
“Pardon me, sir. Ultimate—ultimate, see agreement” (he smacked
his chest). “One thou’ was the figure, and dirt cheap. Fine example.
I’ll trouble you for a cheque.”
“Two pound ten. I’ll give it you in cash.”
Mr. Bolton whistled a stave, and turned round, his hands deep in
his breeches’ pockets.
“I can sell to the other party. Good day to you, and look out.”

[The End]
Minor spelling inconsistencies (e.g. cash-box/cash box,
frockcoat/frock-coat, etc.) have been preserved.
Alterations to the text:
[A gallows-bird]
Change “convolutions of war, the merry, the dance-maccabre” to
[Our lady of refuge]
“fort of San Fernando. and the cursed French garrison,” change
period to comma.
[The five insides]
(“ ‘Eh, says the old man, ’usky-like, and starting) add right single
quotation mark after Eh.
“a bit forward—‘No, no, no no, no, no, no—’ ” add comma after
third no.
[The jade button]
“The property was recovered—but for the heir…” add period to

[End of text]

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