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Year 7 – Networks: from semaphores to the Internet Learner activity sheet

Lesson 2 – Networking hardware

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What am I?
Below you will find four common pieces of hardware used in computer networks. Can you match the names with the images? Drag the text boxes containing
the names beneath the matching images.

Network cable




Page 1 Last updated: 24-10-19

Year 7 – Networks: from semaphores to the Internet Learner activity sheet
Lesson 2 – Networking hardware
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Fill in the blanks

Review the sentences below and fill in the blanks using the list of words provided.

To connect together different devices, you need cables. The cables carry the messages sent between machines communicating with one another. The most
common type are called ‘Ethernet cables’. The cable is made up of a number of copper wires and has the ability to send data in _both_ directions.

A __hub__ connects a number of computers together within the same room or building. This means that each computer does not need to have its own
dedicated connection to every other computer in a network, which reduces the number of __cables__ needed.

A _server___ is often described as a powerful computer that provides services. One example of a service that it can provide is shared access to __files__ such
as text, images, sound, or __video__.

List of words: cables, server, files, video, hub, both

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