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Fibonacci Sequence
and the
Golden Ratio

• Fibonacci Sequence
• The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden
Pisano Bigollo
Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, well
known for his nickname
“Fibonacci” was an Italian Fibonacci Sequence
mathematician of the middle
ages. He discovered a
special case of sequence which Is an ordered list of numbers, called
he called “Fibonacci Sequence”. terms that may have repeated
values. The arrangement of these
terms is set by a definite rule.

Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three

a. 1, 10, 100, 1000,...

b. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20,...
Binet’s Formula
Binet’s Formula is used to
solve for the large and
unknown Fibonacci term

The Fibonacci and the

Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio is a special number which is approximately equal
to 1.618034…, it is represented by the symbol “phi” or ɸ. Two
quantities a and b are in a golden ratio if and only if
a + b = 1.618 or a = 1.618
a b

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