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1A.H (622-623 A.


Mosque of the Prophet

✓ After the Prophet’s arrival in Madina, many people invited him to stay at their place, but the
Prophet (pbuh) left this decision in the hands of his she camel. She camel stopped at an
empty piece of land which belonged to two orphans Sahl and Sohail. The Prophet (pbuh)
paid for the land and decided to build a Mosque there for Muslims to offer their prayers
without any fear of torture.
✓ The construction of the Mosque started in the month of Rabi ul Awwal and it was completed
in 8 months. While the Mosque was being built, the Prophet (pbuh)stayed in the house of
Abu Ayub Ansari
✓ Prophet (pbuh)along with all his companions participated in construction of the Mosque ✓
The Mosque was known as Masjid e Nabwi. It was not only a place of worship but also a
meeting place; military headquarter and place of learning for Muslims. About the Mosque the
Quran says,” there is a Mosque whose foundation was laid from first day of piety, in it are
men who love to be purified and Allah loves those who keep themselves pure” ✓ It had three
entrances. The walls of the mosque were of unbaked clay, the roof was of mud and palm leaves
and the pillars were of trunks of date palm. The Qibla of the Mosque was determined by the
Prophet (pbuh) in the direction of Masjid e Aqsa
✓ One room was made for the shelter less Muslims known as Suffah. This room served as a

center for learning. Few rooms were added for the Prophet (pbuh) and his families ✓ The
Mosque served as a headquarter of Muslim state where matters of the city were also

✓ In Madina after migration the number of Muslims increased, Muslims would call others to
join for prayers. However later a method of calling Muslims for prayer was needed.Prophet
(pbuh) asked for suggestions to call Muslims to prayers. Different methods were suggested
by companions.
✓ Some suggested Christians method of ringing bells and Jews method of blowing homs.
However they were not approved by the Prophet (pbuh)
✓ Abdullah bin Zaid came to the Prophet and told him that he had a dream in which a man
taught him the words of the Adhaan and advised him to call people to prayer with those
words. After hearing the words of Adhaan by Abdullah, Prophet asked him to teach the
words of Adhaan to Bilal.

✓ As soon as Bilal delivered the words of Adhaan, people of Madina came running to Masjid e
Nabwi. Later Umar Bin Al Khattab also shared his dream with the Prophet in which he was
also taught the same words of Adhaan
✓ Bilal became the first Muezzin of Islam

✓ One of the most important event of first year of Prophet’s arrival was the establishment of

brotherhood between Muhajareen n Ansars as well as between Aws and Khazraj ✓

Muhajareen were those who migrated from Makkah to Madina in the way of Allah leaving
their properties and some their families behind. They were from Quraish and fellow tribesmen.
They were poor and in severe need of assistance after migrating to Madina ✓ Ansars were the
locals of Madina who invited the Prophet (pbuh)to migrate to their city and readily accepted
✓ Brotherhood formed by the Prophet (pbuh) made both groups share their wealth and property
with their Muslim brethren forming an example for future Muslims. Prophet gathered Ansars
and Muhajareen five months after migration, in which 45 were from Muhajareen and 45 were
from Ansar
✓ This brotherhood was not created randomly, Prophet carefully best matches as brothers
considering their character and likeness in things. Musab bin Umayr was joined with Abu
Ayub Ansari; Salman Farsi was joined with Abu Dardaa. The hard working Muhajareen
never intended to be a burden on Ansar, for example in case of Abdur Rehman bin Auf
who was joined with Saad bin Rabi of Ansar. When Saad told Abur Rehman that he has
saved a lot of money for his Muslim brother, instead of taking money from Saad, Abdur
Rehman asked him to show the way to the market where they do trade.
✓ About Mawakat of Muhajareen and Ansaar , the Quran says,” those who believed and
adopted exile, and fought for faith with their property and their persons in the cause of
Allah as well as those who gave them (asylum) and aid, these are all friends and
protectors one of another”
✓ It was this brotherhood of Muhajareen and Ansar which helped the Prophet (pbuh) in fighting
against Quraish to defend Madina
Charter of Madina
✓ After establishing brotherhood, the Prophet (pbuh) focused on Jews and other non-muslim
tribes in Madina. At that time Madina was a city of different religions. Apart from the 12
tribes of Aws and Khazraj, there were 10 tribes of Jews which included Banu Quraiza,
Banu Nazir and Banu Qaniuqa
✓ Before the Prophet’s arrival in Madina, the people of Madina willingly nominated Abdullah
bin Ubay as their leader so that unity prevails in Madina. However the Prophet’s arrival

changed the entire situation and knowing of his honesty and truthfulness, the Madinities now
unanimously elected Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as their leader
✓ After establishing brotherhood, the Prophet realized that it was the need of the hour to
establish clauses on the social, political religious rights and responsibilities of the people
living in Madina
✓ Whereas the Arabs were all farmers, the Jews were the controllers of industry, business, and
commerce, in Arabia, particularly in gold smithing. Consequently, they had a high profile in
the economic life of Madina.
✓ As there had been fighting between the tribes, and there was also the chance that the Quraysh
would try to attack the Muslims in Madina, the Prophet (pbuh) tried to unite the residents of
Madina. He hoped to maintain friendly relations with them. One way to do this was to create
a treaty for the citizens of Madina, including non-Muslims, about their rights and
responsibilities as part of the community.
✓ The constitution had two parts; the first part governed the relations between the
believers, Migrants and Helpers and the rules and regulations, while the second part
included rights and responsibilities of Jews.
✓ The motive here was to establish peace and friendship in Madina. For this, a charter was
made for all Muslim and non-muslims tribes in Madina which also became the constitution.
This is known as the charter of Madina. The charter had 47 clauses for Muslims, Jews,
Christians and other tribes. It is believed that the charter was written in two stages, the first
stage was written before battle of Badr and new terms were added after Badr when Muslims
had established themselves as a nation
✓ It had the following terms

• All parties i.e Muslims, Jews Christians and other pagans would enjoy complete
religious freedom and tolerance
• All parties would enjoy equal civil rights and responsibilities and will be protected
against oppression. There would be no killing between the Muslims on behalf of non
muslims nor would any Muslim help non-muslim against his brother
• Madina would be declared as the city of peace by both parties

• The allies of both parties will also enjoy freedom of religion and security • In
case of any attack on Madina from any outsider on any tribe or group, all
inhabitants would unite and defend Madina
• The Quraish of Makkah were to be boycotted and no link with them either socially or
economically would be entertained
• Prophet (pbuh) would be the leader of Madina, deciding on all matters and his decision
will be final. All problems and disputes were to be solved by the Prophet Muhammad
✓ This charter was a remarkable achievement in history as it balanced all aspects of life in
Madina. Its main purpose was to maintain peace and mutual relations amongst all different
religions residing in Madina.

2 A.H (624A.D)
Fasting and Zakat
✓ Fasting became obligatory with the following verse, “O believers! Fasting has been
prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may guard
against sins”
✓ Zakat was also made obligatory in the same year with the following verse, “ and spend your
substance in the cause of Allah and let not your hands contribute towards your
destruction but do good, for Allah loves those who do good”
✓ During this time, many of Jewish scholars accepted Islam. This had started to annoy many
Jews along with the newly hypocrites

Change of Qibla
✓ Muslims used to pray with their heads faced towards Jerusalem ( Masjid e Aqsa) ✓ The
Prophet and Muslims were praying together, in the middle of prayers the command came from
Allath to change the Qibla from Masjid e Aqsa to Kaaba. The Prophet immediately turned in the
direction of Kaaba
✓ Now they were ordered to face Kabah at Makkah

✓ Allah says, “We see the turning of your face (for guidance) to the heavens, now shall We
turn you to a Qiblah that shall please you. Turn then your face in the direction of the
Sacred Mosque”
✓ The Mosque where the command came to change direction of Qibla is known as Majid e
Dhul Qiblatain(Mosque with the two Qiblahs). The Mosque still exists today in Madina. In
this Mosque both Qiblahs can still be seen today

Permission of Jihad
✓ The Muslims were given permission to fight against the enemies of Islam. The Quran says,
“to those against whom war is made, permission is given to fight because they are

✓ The Quraish were greatly displeased with the people of Madinah for giving shelter to the
Muslims. They asked the people of Yasrib to handover Prophet (pbuh) and his followers to
them which the people of Yasrib refused.
✓ The Quraish were also deeply threatened by the growing power of Muslims in Madina

✓ Muslim caravans were also looted intentionally by the Quraish in the outskirts of Madina and
also taking away their flocks. after which the Muslims began to raid and threaten the
caravans of Quraish to damage their economy. The Prophet allied the Bedouin tribes to not
give the Quraish any safe route
✓ The Quraish who were infuriated with the Muslims migrating to Madina, had now
confiscated all businesses and properties of Muslims in Makkah and even sold their fortunes
in open market. Abdullah Bin Ubay who had seen this all, reported to Muslims urging them
to fight. The Muslims however remained patient.
✓ Allah had already given the permission for jihad

✓ The Prophet wanted to teach the Quraish a lesson and decided to raid the caravan of Abu
Sufyan who was at that time coming back from Syria and was on his way to Makkah after a
very successful trade. The caravan was guarded by only 40 men and the merchandise was
loaded on 1000 camels worth thousands dinars.
✓ As the Quraish had confiscated the property of Muhajarin, it was only fair that the Muslims
should also confiscate their goods and divide the merchandise among themselves as war
✓ Muslims were 313 men with 2 horses , 70 camels and few armor.

✓ After getting to know the Prophet’s plan Abu Sufyan decided to change his route and sent a
message to Makkah by his messenger Damdam for an army to escort Abu Sufyan and his
caravan safely to Makkah. On this request Abu Jahl came out with1300 heavily armed men
✓ The news of the arrival of the army reached the Prophet and after a discussion with his

companions, he agreed to fight. The Ansars showed their true support to Muslims ✓
Meanwhile, Abu Sufyan reached the safe route; he sent word to Abu Jahl for the army to
return. However Abu Jahl insisted to fight and. Hence out of 1300, 300 men left and
remaining 1000 went on to Badr.
✓ Muslims arriving at Badr first got a huge benefit of capturing all water sources, and
destroyed all the water wells on the enemy’s side
✓ The ground on the Muslims side was sandy. The night before the battle, Allah sent rain as a
mercy to Muslims and to strengthen their hearts and to make the ground smooth and sand
✓ Prophet prayed spent the night praying to Allah for victory, and Allah revealed the verse,
“soon their multitude put to fight and they will show their backs.

✓ The next day before the battle started, army of Quraish started insulting Muslim warriors
whereas Muslims shouted Allah o Akbar! Battle of Badr took place on 17th Ramadan 2A.H

✓ Looking at the number and strength of the army Prophet prayed to Allah, “O Allah Quraish
are here in pride to fight and to deny Your Prophet. send the help you promised and
destroy the enemy”
✓ The Quraish threatened Muslims for a one on one combat. When three young Ansar stepped
forward, the Quraish shouted that they wanted the heads of their cousins. The Prophet then
sent Ali, Hamza and Ubaydah Bin Harith in which Hazrat Ali fought Waleed , Hazrat
Humza fought Utba and Abu Obaidah bin Harris fought Shaibah , all three non-muslims
were killed. Ubaydah was seriously injured, he was carried back by Ali and Hamza, he died a
few days later
✓ Battle started and Muslims fought with all their strength. Prophet commanded Muslims not to
attack directly. The Prophet prayed, “O Allah if this small band of men will perish then
there will be no one left to worship you”.
✓ Allah did a miracle of reducing both armies in the eyes of each other. This made the Muslims
confident and the Quraish over confident. Regarding this the Quran says, “ And remember
when you met He showed them to you as few in your eyes and He made you appear
hateful in their eyes”
✓ During the battle, Jibril asked the Prophet to pick a handful of dust and threw at the enemy’s
side which according to some traditions, struck in the eyes of the enemies. Regarding this
the Quran says; “ Remember when you asked for help from our Lord and He answered
by saying, I will assist you with a thousand angels ranks on ranks”
✓ Though less in number yet Muslims fought bravely. The signs of victory began to appear,
looking at the determination of Muslims, the Quraish started retreating. After being injured
by two young boys, Abu Jahl was beheaded by Abdullah Bin Masud and Bilal killed his
former master Umayyah bin Khalaf

✓ Muslims won the battle. 70 aristocratic Quraish were killed, 70 Quraish were taken as
✓ 14 Muslims were martyred

✓ The Holy Prophet (pbuh) asked for suggestions regarding the prisoners. Hazrat Umar
suggested of killing the prisoners. However the Prophet agreed to Hazrat Abu Bakr’s advice
which was that those prisoners who could pay for their freedom were freed, those who could
not pay but were literate they were to teach 14 Muslims children and who couldnot do either
were freed.
✓ Abu Lahab who had not participated in the battle. When he was informed about the
humiliating loss of Makkans at Badr, Abu Lahab got severe fever and after some days he
died of some disease.
✓ All important leaders of Makkah died at Badr, hence now the leadership of Makkah was
passed on to Abu Sufyan

✓ First battle Muslims fought in which they emerged victorious which gave them the
determination that they can fight an army thrice larger their number
✓ The faith of Muslims became stronger and they realized that Allah will assist them in all days
of testing.
✓ Financially, the Muslims were benefitted by spoils of war.

✓ The Bedouin tribes formed alliances and treaties with Muslims after the Muslims win at Badr

✓ The prisoners were very well treated by Muslims. This treatment helped to create a very
favorable impression of Islam and the Muslims. They prisoners were so impressed by the kind
treatment that many of them accepted Islam
✓ This win is also known as “ Day of Furqan” , the day in which between good and evil, good

Banu Qainuqa
✓ The Jewish tribe of Banu Qainuqa was the first one to break their treaty with the Muslims. ✓
A Muslim woman was disgraced in the shop belonged to tribe member of Banu Qainuqa, as a
result of which fighting took place in which one Jew and one Muslim were killed ✓ Qainuqa
instead of asking Prophet to arbitrate the matter took the situation in their own hands and
decided to take the Muslims on. The aid they were hoping for did not arrive and instead the
Prophet with his force blockaded their village which lasted for fifteen days. On request of
Abdullah Bin Ubayy (leader of hypocrites), Qainuqa surrendered unconditionally the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) lift the siege and Bnu Qainuqa were told to exile Madina, their properties to be
confiscated, they then settled at Syria

3 AH / 625 AD
✓ The defeat at Badr increased the hatred and enmity of the Quraish, now they wanted to
avenge the death of those who died at Badr i.e Abu Jahl and Utba etc.
✓ Islam was spreading in Madina and slowly Muslims were establishing as one of the most
powerful tribes in Arabia which posed a direct threat to the system of Makkah. After the win
at Badr, many tribes from Arabia came and allied with the Prophet
✓ Jewish tribe Banu Nazir leaders secretly went to Makkah to not only mourn those who died
at Badr but to instigate the Quraish to take revenge , Jewish poet Kaab bin Ashraf also went

to Makkah who wrote poems to instigate the Quraish to fight against Muslims,the Quraish
who were in sorrow now turned revengeful hence Abu Sufyan used all the money earned
from caravan in preparation for battle
✓ The planning and preparations for battle were in progress, but what further triggered the
anger of Quraish was the capture of one of their caravans worth 100,000 Dirhams on its way
to Syria by Zaid bin Harith

✓ Quraish were 3000 perfectly armed men, 200 horses, 3 thousand camels marched towards
Uhad. Quraish’s women also accompanied the army including Hind, daughter of Utba to
avenge the death of her father
✓ When the Holy Prophet got to know, the first question was whether to defend Madina from
within or out. After consultation it was decided to fight outside Madina, though the Prophet
was in favor to fight inside Madina
✓ Muslims were 1000 men , however at the nick of time Abdullah bin ubbay ( leader of
hypocrites ) withdrew 300 men on an excuse that their house are not safe and that the Prophet
did not take his advice on fighting inside Madina, now the remaining 700 marched towards
✓ The Prophet posted 50 archers led by Abdullah bin Zubair on Jabal e Rumat to guard any
attack from behind , they were explicitly told not to leave their posts under any
✓ The battle began, Muslims fought bravely, in individual contest Ali, Hamza, Talha, Zubair
killed men of Quraish. The Muslims with the display of great courage managed to march
towards the camps of Quraish.
✓ Quraish tried thrice to attack Muslims from behind but they were pushed back by the archers

✓ Many men of Quraish fell instantly and hence they started retreating

✓ Seeing the Quraish dispersing the battlefield and leaving spoils of war behind, the 50 archers
who did not want to miss the opportunity, came down to collect spoils of war by disobeying
the Prophet’s command, all archers came down except a few and so the pass which was now
unguarded was open for attack from behind
✓ Seeing this, Khalid bin Waleed attacked from behind and the Quraish who retreated,
returned to fight and Muslims were trapped in confusion. Many of the Muslim warriors who
had fought bravely initially, had now rushed for safety to the upper slopes of Uhud
✓ Women also took part in this battle, Muslim women, among them were Aisha and Umme
Salamah came to nurse the wound but the Quraish women came primarily for revenge,
Hinda (daughter of Utba) came to have her revenge from Hazrat Hamza, he was killed by
Wahashi who was an expert javelin thrower. Wahashi was hired by Hinda on a condition
that if he kills Hamza then she would set her free, she mutilated his body and chewed his
✓ The ten blessed companions guarded the Prophet, however the Prophet suffered severe
injuries, his tooth was broken, and his face was swollen. Talha tried to shield the Prophet
and was badly injured. The rings of the Prophet’s metal strap of the Prophet’s helmet struck

his cheek, Abu Ubaidah bin Jarrah tried to pull it out and broke his tooth while doing so.
While all this Saad Bin Abi Waqas tried to protect the Prophet with his archery. When the
Prophet was taken away from the battlefield, Ali brought water and Fatima tried to was the
wounds of the Prophet
✓ Meanwhile, in the battlefield Musab Bin Umayr was martyred. He resembled the Prophet in
appearance and so a rumor was spread that the Prophet as been killed which broke Muslims
strength to fight. The Quraish also stopped fighting and returned to their camps after
screaming of victory. They screamed that this was their revenge against Muslims for the win
at Badr
✓ On their way to Makkah, the Quraish also mutilated the bodies of the martyrs. The Muslims
buried the martyrs and returned to Madina
✓ Regarding this battle the Quran says, “when you suffered on the day the two armies met,
was with the leave of Allah in order that He might test the believers”
✓ The Prophet was carried to the highest hill by his companions, the Muslims who were
retreating from battlefield came back when they saw the Prophet
✓ The Makkans left Uhad but they were not far from Madina, so the Prophet feared that they
might attack Madina. The Prophet instructed those who fought at Uhad to get ready in case
enemy attacks. He stayed there for several days and after confirmation of enemy being away,
the Prophet and followers returned to Madina

✓ 70 Muslims martyred including Hazrat Hamza and Musab bin Umayr , many seriously
injured including Talha and Ali
✓ 30 non-Muslims killed
✓ Muslims were initially victorious but later due to their disobedience to Prophet (pbuh), the
victory turned into a moral defeat

Significance / Importance
✓ Psychologically, great moral lesson for Muslims, taught them not to disobey the Prophet. It
also taught them to be united and disciplined. In future they never disobeyed the Prophet
✓ For the first time hypocrites were revealed (Abdullah bin ubbay and his 300 men ) ✓ This
defeat also lowered the position of Muslims in Arabia. Many tribes broke their alliance with
the Muslims
✓ In this battle, Muslims threw their armors in despair since they believed in the rumor spread
by Quraish, which later taught them to confirm rumors and have a concrete evidence for it.
After this defeat Banu Nazir exiled from Madina

4 AH /626 A.D
Banu Nazir
✓ The Jews of Madina played an important role in the battle of Uhad. They were not only happy
at Muslims defeat at Uhad, they broke their treaty with Muslims. They also tried to kill the
Prophet when he visited their fortress by throwing a heavy stone on him. Allah revealed the
plan to Muhammad (pbuh) and he came back safely
✓ Prophet decided to deal with them. Banu Nazir shut themselves in fortresses. Just like
Qainuqa, Nazir also waited for their tribal alliances to aid them, but when no one came they
sued for peace and were allowed to leave with all their possessions and livestock. However
they did agree to leave their businesses and properties, weapon and armor to the Prophet
They settled at Khyber, where they kept plotting against the Muslims

Drinking prohibited
✓ In the same year, drinking, gambling were prohibited, the Quran says, “O you who believe!
Intoxicants and gambling, dedication to stones and divination by arrows are Satan’s
handiwork. Leave is aside in order that you may succeed”
5 AH / 627AD

✓ Jewish tribe Banu Nazir was outraged for being expelled from Madina in 4 AH so they
settled at Khyber whereas their leaders united with the Quraish and formed an alliance to
attack Muslims. The Bedouin tribes Banu Ghatafan , Bnau Asad, Banu Saleem who were
enemies to Muslims also allied with Quraish Hence this battle is also known as battle of
✓ The growing power and influence of Muslims also frightened the Quraish and they became
more conscious of the threat to Makkah trade by further spread of Islam
✓ They thought the Muslims would not be able to maintain their position over such a heavy

✓ Non-Muslims were 10,000 which included Jews, Quraish and other beduoin tribes like
Ghatafan, Saleem etc, the remaining Jewish tribe in Madina Banu Quraiza was threatened

not to assist Muslims in any case. They too decided to join Nazir. The allies forces thought
Muslims would not be able to survive such a large group. The Muslims force of 3000 though
now larger than the previous battles, still could not match the enemy numbers.
✓ Hearing about the latest developments of Quraish and Jews, Holy Prophet called upon his
companions to decide upon the best way the enemy could be met , Hazrat Salman Farsi, a
Persian companion, advised to dig a trench on the side that was uncovered as Madina was safe
from three sides, he said, “whenever we were surrounded and approached by horsemen,
we would build trenches around us to save ourselves from horsemen attack”
✓ Therefore a trench was dug by the companions of the Prophet who worked for 8 days and
night. Prophet also participated in digging the trench; it was broad and deep enough that no
man or horse could cross it. During this time, the Muslims faced a lot of shortage of food. In
order to overcome hunger, the Prophet and his followers tied stones to their stomach. Once
Jabir Bin Abdullah slaughtered a sheep and invited the Prophet. The Prophet invited all his
companions, everyone ate and that day Jabir did not go short of broth he prepared.
✓ The hypocrites didn’t help either on the excuse that their houses were unsafe and also tried
to deviate Muslims and inculcate fear in their hearts by saying that Muslims will not be able
to survive such a mighty attack. The hypocrites neither participated in digging of trench nor
taking part in the battle, regarding this the Quran says, “And a band of them ask leave of
the Prophet, saying truly our houses are exposed and unsafe, though they were not
exposed, they only intended to flee”
✓ When the allies arrived, they were completely surprised as they could not attack Madina
from any side. When they saw the trench, they exclaimed that it was cowardly way of
✓ For few days, the two armies on both sides of the ditch watched each other. Whenever they
tried to cross the trench, Muslims showered arrows and stones on them and pushed them
back. Muslims had to be on guard the entire time and could not assemble for prayers. The
enemies found one side of trench narrow and weak. Amr bin Abd Wud , Ikrama bin Abu
Jahl and his men decided to cross that side. Amr challenged the Muslims for one on one
combat. Ali was sent by the Prophet to tackle them. Amr was killed by Ali, the rest evacuated
and head back. After this Ali blocked that trench and guarded it for any further attack
✓ Meanwhile Banu Quraiza, the only Jewish tribe left in Madina broke their treaty with the
Muslims and planned to attack Muslims from behind. Moreover, the Prophet received news
that Quraiza had already sided with Nazir.The Prophet sent a small army near their forts to
watch their every move; the siege lasted for a month. The Prophet knew well how unsafe
Madina is from inside Quraiza supports the enemies on the other side. Nuaym bin Masud, a
leader who was respected by all tribes of Arabia recently accepted Islam secretly. After
lifting the siege at Quraiza, the Prophet asked him to plant the seed of hatred and suspicion
in Quraiza and Nazir in order to survive any possible attack from both ends. The plan
succeeded and Madina was safe from inside.
✓ Non-Muslims were encamped on the outskirts of Madina for days. They were not used to of
fighting long wars. Their plan was to defeat the Muslims and return in a day or two. However
this did not happen. They were facing shortage of food and water due to which many of their
horses and camels were dying every day.

✓ 27 days later, Allah sent a sandstorm which stricken the army by cold n terror, their tents
food supply ran off, fires were extinguished and the enemies were in fear and confusion. The
Quran mentions this in the following words …..”O you who believe! remember the grace
of Allah bestowed on you when they came down on you to defeat you , but We sent
against them a hurricane and forces that you saw not , but Allah sees clearly what you
do “ the next day the Quraish raised the siege and went back
✓ The leader of Makkah Abu Sufyan and his army left the battlefield in confusion and helpless

✓ It was a clear victory for Muslims who had defeated their enemy with such a strategy of
warfare which hasn’t been devised before
Significance / Importance
✓ The defeat at this battle broke the backbone of the enemy who had now no courage to stand
against Muslims
✓ Allah almighty enabled Muslims to stand triumphed (successful) against all odds , Muslims
were victorious despite being less in number in comparison to Quraish
✓ it encouraged the Muslims to strive harder for the cause of Islam

✓ the last tribe of Jews in Madina Banu Quraiza dispersed and finally now Madina was purely
a non-Jew, Muslim state
✓ By keeping the Quraish engaged for days, the Prophet was able to demoralize their strength as
he knew the Quraish had not come prepared for such a long battle

Banu Quraiza
✓ After the betrayal at trench, Allah ordered the Prophet to punish Banu Quraiza for helping the
enemies of Islam.
✓ He led siege to their fortresses which lasted for 25 days. During the siege, they were offered
to exile from Madina just like Qainuqa and Nazir. The jews of Quraiza rejected it and
demanded to make their ally Saad bin Muadh their judge. The Prophet agreed to it.
According to the Torah (Old Testament), Saad sentenced all Quraiza’s men to death and
their women and children to be sold as slaves and their properties be divided among

6 AH / 628 AD
✓ In the 6th year of Hijrat, the month of Shawwal, the Prophet had a dream in which he saw
himself with his head shaved entering the Kaaba with its key in his hand. Regarding this the
Quran says,” Allah surely fulfill the vision of His Messenger with truth. You shall enter
the Sacred Mosque if Allah pleases with security”
✓ Announcement was made by Prophet for everyone who wished to join him for performing
Umrah. The news of visiting Kabah raised excitement in Madina as the Muslims had not seen
the House of Allah for 6 years
✓ 1400 men women joined him dressed in Ihram left for Makkah with few swords only for
traveling. They also took around 70 camels to be sacrificed in the name of Allah after
performing the rituals of Umrah.
✓ When the Quraish got to know they tried to stop the Muslims. They sent an army led by
Khalid bin Walid and Ikrama
✓ As the Muslims had no intention to fight, the Prophet left the main route and the Muslims led
towards a less frequently visited place called Hudaibiya, a place 3 miles away from Makkah.
As the Prophet’s camel stopped there on its own, the Prophet took it as a sign from Allah,
hence the Muslims camped there
✓ Khalid after missing his chance to attack Muslims,went back to brief the leaders of Quraish

that the Muslims have no intention to fight but only want to enter Makkah to perform Umrah ✓
Two messengers were sent by Prophet to inform about their entering Makkah only for Umrah,
however both messengers did not return. Hazrat Uthman was then sent by the Prophet as he
would gain tribal protection from his people of Banu Umayyad. He was asked to perform
Umrah alone, he refused saying he would not do it without the permission of the Prophet
✓ Uthman was detained for a long time and suddenly a rumor was spread that all three
messengers sent by the Prophet had been killed
✓ Hearing this, the Prophet gathered all men under a tree called Rizwan and made a pledge to
sacrifice their life for the cause of Islam, this oath is known as Bait e Rizwan. Regarding this
oath the Quran says, “Allah’s pleasure was on believers when they swore to you under
the tree, He knew what was in their hearts and he sent down peace to them and
rewarded them with speedy victory”
✓ On hearing about the pledge ,the Quraish felt uneasiness and decided to send Sohail Ibn
Amr to negotiate with the Muslims
✓ After a long discussion and negotiations, the terms of the treaty were decided. From
Quraish’s side, the treaty was written by Sohail Bin Amr and from the Muslims side the
treaty was written by Hazrat Ali. This treaty is known as the Treaty of Hudaibiya
✓ Ali wrote on the document ‘Muhammad Allah’s Apostle’, to this Sohail said,’ do not write
Allah’s Apostle, for if Muhammad was an Apostle, we would not have fought you”.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) asked Hazrat Ali to rub it, but Ali refused by saying that he will
not do it. Then the Prophet (pbuh) rubbed it himself and then Ali wrote “In your name O
Allah” and “Muhammad-son of Abdullah”

1. Muslims would return to Madina that year
2. They will come to Makkah next year for Umrah , they will stay in Makkah for 3 days with
no armory
3. If a Muslim would go to Makkah , he would not be returned but if a Makkan will come to
Madina he will be returned unharmed
4. The Arab tribes would be free to join alliance with either party
5. There will be no fighting between Quraish and Muslims for 10 years

✓ Many companions including Hazrat Umar were unhappy with the terms as it were strictly in
favor of Quraish, yet the Prophet accepted the terms of treaty
✓ When the peace treaty was concluded, another incident happen. Abu Jandal, a newly convert
to Islam and Sohail’s son escaped from Makkah for being tortured by the Quraish. He came
to the Prophet (pbuh) to be freed. Sohail Bin Amr asked the Prophet (pbuh) to fulfill the
terms of treaty and return Abu Jandal to them. The Prophet asked Abu Jandal to be patient
as Allah will find a way for him
✓ Prophet asked his companions to offer their rituals of Umrah there, offer their sacrifise and
shave their heads
✓ When the companions (who were sad for not visiting Kaabah) showed reluctance, Prophet
followed his wife’s Umme Salamah’s advice to lead by example; he slaughtered an animal
and shaved his head. Seeing this , the Muslims also offered their sacrifices and shaved their
heads and returned to Madina
✓ When they were returning to Madina, Allah revealed the verse “Indeed We have granted
you a clear victory “

Significance / Importance
✓ Much awaited peace finally began, the Prophet availed this time in sending invitation to

Islam to neighboring emperors and kings due to which the number of Muslims increased ✓
The first term of treaty proves that after the defeat at trench Makkah had no strength to fight
Muslims and economically they were also declining
✓ This way many Makkans also got a chance to study the principles of Islam closely and
because of this many important men from Quraish e.g. Khalid bin Waleed and Amar bin
Aas accepted Islam because of this treaty by coming to Madina
✓ Madina became an equal power with Makkah in the eyes of the whole of Arabia
7 AH /629 AD
Letters to Kings and Emperors
✓ After the successful peace treaty between the Muslims and Quraish, the Prophet availed this

time in sending letters of invitation of Islam to neighboring countries and emperors ✓ Among
the emperors who were sent letters were , Heraclius he Byzantine emperor, Negus the king of
Abyssinia , the Persian emperor Khusrau, Muqawqis-the King of Egypt and countries like
Oman, Bahrain
✓ Heraclius-the Emperor of Egypt: the Holy Prophet (pbuh) sent a letter to the Roman
Emperor inviting him to Islam. Heraclus wanted to know more about the Prophet (pbuh) and
sent out his people to find out more. Abu Sufyan, who at that time was in Ghazzah on a
business trip, was brought to the court and asked questions about Hazrat Muhammad’ s
character and his family. Abu Sufyan answered that Muhammad (pbuh) was indeed truthful
and have never broke any promise. Hearing Abu sufyan’s reply, Heraclius was convinced
that Muhammad (pbuh) was indeed a Prophet but could not accept Islam under the influence
of his court. He however sent a very polite reply and aid him due respect
✓ Muqawqis-the King of Egypt: Muqawqis was a Christian. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
sent a letter of invitation of Islam to him, Muqawqis said that he knew about the coming of a
Prophet but according to his knowledge the Prophet would come from Syria. He did not
accept Islam. However, he was kind to the envoy, and sent gifts to the Prophet (pbuh), among
the gifts were two Christian ladies, one of them was Mariah who the Holy Prophet (pbuh)
married. Hazrat Mariah gave birth to Prophet’s third son Ibrahim
✓ Khusrau Pervez- the Emperor of Persia: Holy Prophet (pbuh) sent a letter of invitation to
Islam to the emperor of Persia. When Khusrau saw on top of the letter ‘Allah and His Prophet
Muhammad ‘, he tore the letter into pieces taking it as an insult that his name was not
mentioned on top. He even insulted the messenger. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) heard about
Khusrau’s reaction, he predicted that his empire will soon come to an end. Khusrau ordered the
governor of Yemen to arrest the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and bring him to his court. When his men
came to arrest the Prophet (pbuh), he told them that the king was killed by his son. They were
impressed by the prophecy of the Prophet (pbuh) and hence accepted Islam.
✓ Negus-emperor of Abyssinia: Negus, emperor of Abyssinia was a Christian. He had already
given shelter to Muslims when they migrated there to be saved from persecution by Quraish.
When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) sent a letter to the emperor, he accepted Islam and showed
great respect to the envoy. He also sent gifts to the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Negus died during
the lifetime of the Prophet. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) heard about his death, he offered
his funeral prayers
✓ Letters of invitation to Islam were also sent to king of Oman and the governor of Bahrain.
The king of Oman was given the letter by Amr bin Aas. After showing reluctance, the king
finally accepted Islam. The governor of Bahrain after accepting Islam was told by the
Prophet to give his people complete freedom to practice and preach Islam and as for Jews
they must be exempted from practicing Islam after agreeing to pay Jizya.

Khyber Expedition
✓ After the treaty and peaceful agreement from Quraish , the Prophet decided to deal with the
Jews as they were the mastermind behind the battle of Uhad and Trench
✓ When the Jews heard about treaty of Hudaibiya, they took it as weakness and decided to
attack Madina. Some of the Jewish leaders even convinced the Ghatfan tribes to join hands with
them. When the Prophet learned about this, he decided to teach the jews a lesson Events
✓ As all Jews were now settled at Khyber , hence the Prophet marched towards with 1600 men ,
hypocrites were not given permission to join Muslims as their intention for joining was only
for spoils of war
✓ The Jews who were almost 10,000 were confident of their victory. However the less army of
Muslims gave them an advantage of arriving at Khyber quickly and took the Jews by surprise
giving the Jews less time for plan of attack which left each jew family defending themselves
their way
✓ On Muslims arrival, the Jews shut themselves in their 7 well-guarded fortresses. The Muslims
laid siege which lasted for 20 days. The plan of siege gave Muslims the chance to conquer
each fort along with food and supplies for them
✓ Jews hurled stones and launched arrows at Muslims, Muslims attacked the first fort of Naim;
this was taken and the Muslims carried on and conquered other forts named As Saab, As
Zubair, Ubai until they reached the most powerful fort, An-Nizar and Qamus
✓ An Nizar was situated at a better position which made it safe and difficult to capture. The
Jews heavily threw stones and arrows from there. The Prophet ordered the Muslims to use
catapults to crack walls and weaken the fort. After breaking the fort the Muslims stormed
inside and captured the fort
✓ The Muslims tried to conquer Qamus, however the Jews made it difficult for them. That night
the Holy Prophet(pbuh) said, “ tomorrow I will give this flag to a man through whose
hands Allah will give us victory, he loves Allah and his Messenger (pbuh) and he is
loved by Allah and his Messenger (pbuh)”
✓ The next day the Holy Prophet (pbuh) handed the flag to Hazrat Ali to conquer Qamus. Ali

had a problem in his eye but Prophet (pbuh) cured it with his blessed saliva ✓ Ali lifted the
heavy gate of fort as a shield for Muslims. It was on this occasion, the Prophet gave Ali the title
of Asadullah –the Lion of God
✓ He conquered Qamus and killed the famous Jewish warrior Marhab by cutting him into two
halves with his sword ‘Zulfiqar’.
✓ As for the other forts, Al Watih and Al Sulalim, they surrendered peacefully ✓ After this,
some Jews requested the Prophet to let them continue cultivating their orchards and stay at
Khyber. They agreed to give one half of the produce to the Muslims to which the Prophet agreed

✓ Among the captives was Safiya bint Huyayy daughter of Banu Nazir tribe leader Huyayy bin
Akhtab. She was a widow. The companions advised that she being the daughter of the chief
should be married to the Prophet as to preserve her status. The Prophet agreed to their
opinion, invited her to Islam, freed her and took her as a wife after she accepted Islam.

✓ The Jews requested to let them stay in Khyber in return to paying half the produce of their
lands to Madina, which was accepted by Prophet. the Muslims captured a lot of spoils of war
to strengthen the Muslim army.

Significance / Importance
✓ Muslims had total control over Jewish governments and their territories ✓ The Quraish signed
a treaty of peace and Jews shunned from anymore plotting against Muslims. This enabled
Muslim to have power over major parts of Arabia
✓ This was the last encounter of Muslims with the Jews during the lifetime of Prophet ✓ The
battle strengthened the Muslims and the Prophet’s leadership as well as bringing economic

Reasons for the change in Prophet’s relations with the Jews

✓ All the three tribes of Jews broke the pledge in which they were required to act in accordance
to the terms of the agreement they had made with Prophet Muhammad
✓ With the passage of time, Prophet Muhammad realized that they did not respect his position

as a Prophet. they mocked at him , scorned him and felt no shame in disgracing him ✓ They
lost no time in conspiring with the Quraish against the Muslims which posed threat to the
survival and growth of Islam
Reasons for Jewish hostilities
✓ The Jews were indisputable rulers of Yasrib before the migration of the Prophet, however
after the arrival of the Prophet, they couldn’t maintain this position and their dream of ruling
Yasrib failed
✓ The Jews couldn’t digest the fact that a non-Jew Prophet was their leader who was asking to

believe in all the Prophets of Allah including Hazrat Isa who Jews crucified ✓ The Holy Quran
openly condemns all those barbarous social evil ways of earning wealth which the Jews
adopted , this intensified the feeling of hatred
✓ The hostility further increased when Qiblah was changed from Jerusalem to Makkah , Muslim
laws were and replaced by the laws of Torah

Performance of Umrah
✓ It was after the Khyber expedition, the Prophet along with his followers went to Makkah and
performed Umrah
✓ They stayed in Makkah for three days according to treaty of Hudaibiya, after which they
returned to Madina

8 AH / 630 AD
Battle of Mutah
✓ During the time when Prophet sent letters of invitation to Islam to neighboring territories, the
Prophet had sent Al-Harith bin ‘Umair al with a letter to the ruler of Basra; he was
intercepted and killed by the tribe of Mutah who were a claose ally to Heraclius- the Roman
✓ In response to this inhumane act, the Prophet sent an army of 3000 men near the scene of al
Harith’s murder. They were told to invited them to Islam first and if they accepted no battle
would be fought which would be seen as a message that Muslims are now a nation who could
not be dealt in such an insulting manner
✓ Prophet knew very well about the strength of Romans and their army. So he explained that
Zaid bin Harith was to lead the army, and if Zaid would be matryed then Ja’far bin Abi
Talib would replace him, and ‘Abdullah bin Rawaha would replace Ja’far if he fell. And if
Abdullah were also to meet his Lord, then the Muslims will decide who would lead them
✓ The Prophet instructed them to first call the people to Islam and if they do not accept Islam
then the only alternative will be to fight. The Prophet also instructed them not to harm or kill
women, children, old. He also strictly forbade stealing, cutting down trees or plundering
✓ Heraclius sent 100000 troops with another 100000 from tribes allied to the Byzantines;
Zaid led the battle until he was fatally stabbed; Ja’far succeeded him and lift the banner until
first his right hand was cut then his left hand was cut and then he was cut into two pieces by a
✓ Abdullah took the banner and he too was killed while reciting verses

✓ The fallen flag was now lifted by a Muslim who said that now Muslims needed to decide on a
leader. Khalid bin Walid was chosen as the next leader. He took the flag to take leadership
and showed his skills as a strategist. He assembled the left and right sides of Muslim army
and brought the rear division in front in order to show as if new forces have just joined in to
fight. While fighting Muslim army started retreating in an organized manner and went back
to Madina. The enemy thought they were entrapped and that is why they decided not to
pursue Muslims
✓ Khalid reported that the fighting was so intense, that he used nine swords, which broke in

the battle. For his bravery, Khalid got the title of Saifullah-Sword of Allah ✓ The Muslims
did not avenge al-Harith’s murder but they proved they were a force to be reckoned with.

✓ This was the fiercest battle during the Prophet’s lifetime and was the first battle between
Muslims and the Romans
✓ By fighting in this battle, Muslims gave a signal to other territories that Muslims should not
be underestimated
✓ It proved to Muslims that the size of the enemy does not matter when it comes to fighting for

Conquest of Makkah
✓ The treaty of Hudaibiya stated that any tribe could join Muslims or Quraish without being

harmed , hence Banu Bakr joined Quraish and Banu Khuza joined Muslims ✓ Banu Bakr
launched an attack on Banu Khuza in the middle of the night , in which , some members of
Quraish also participated in this heinous act
✓ Around 20 men of Banu Khuza were killed , the tribe members of Khuza later went to
Prophet to seek help and protection
✓ The Holy Prophet sent a letter to the Quraish presenting them 3 options

1. To pay the blood money to the families of the murdered of Banu Khuza (100 camels
each )
2. To break their alliance with Banu Bakr
3. To dissolve the Treaty of Hudaibiya

✓ The Quraish did not show any concern for the first two options, they did not reply which the
Muslims think that the Quraish have opted for the third option. The Quraish later realized
that they have done a major mistake by breaking their truce with Muslims which will result
eventually to conquest of Makkah. The Quraish sent Abu Sufyan to renegotiate with the

✓ Abu Sufyan came to Madina to renegotiate the terms of treaty, however it did not work and
he understood that the Prophet would attack soon. He not only requested Abu Bakr to
convince Prophet to renegotiate but he also went to his daughter Umme Habibah, wife of
the Prophet to convince her husband , they all refused to do anything to help
✓ Instructions were given by the Prophet to secretly prepare an army to march towards Makkah
so that the Quraish could not be given any time to form alliance with neighboring tribes

✓ The Prophet wanted to keep all this secret but Hatib bin Balta wrote a letter to inform the
Quraish. Allah informed the Prophet about this and Prophet sent Ali to retrieve the letter. Ali
found the lady who was carrying the letter, Hatib was forgiven
✓ On 10th Ramazan 8 AH, the Muslims set out to Makkah. Along the way the Bedouin allied
tribes also joined the Prophet. By the time the Muslims reached Makkah the strength of
Muslims reached 10000.
✓ The night before the conquest, the Muslims camped outside Makkah, the Quraish were
totally taken by surprise. The Prophet ordered his followers to lit torches outside their tents
so that the Makkans be aware of what was about to happened and to exaggerate the large
size of the large Muslim army
✓ As thousands of campfires were seen burning, news quickly got to Makkah that the Prophet’s
army was larger than they feared.
✓ After quick consultation Abu Sufyan and two of his companions decided to go and talk to
the Prophet
✓ They were met by Abbas who took them to the Prophet. After speaking to them the Prophet
asked them to bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah. The two companions accepted Islam. Abu Sufyan however only said that there is no
God but Allah and remained silent.
✓ After staying the night at Abbas’s tent, Abu Sufyan woke up at dawn after listening to the
call to prayer. When he saw the believers crowding around the Prophet, he then asked to be
taken to the Prophet where he accepted Islam
✓ The next day the Prophet divided the army into four major groups and gave instructions only
to defend if under attack. Each group was commanded by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
Abu ubaidah Bin Jarrah, Saad Bin Ubaidah, and Khalid bin Walid. Later Saad bin
Ubaidah was replaced by Zubair bin Awwam
✓ Khalid bin Waleed’s troops were attacked by Banu Bakr , hence in defence 12 non-Muslims
and 2 Muslims were martyred
✓ On entering Makkah an announcement was made

• Whosoever remains in their own house will be safe

• Whoever is in Kabah will be safe

• Anyone in the house of Abu Sufyan will be safe

• Anyone who lays down their swords will be safe

✓ Holy Prophet mounted on his she camel al Qaswa and rode to Kabah. He performed Tawaf
around the Kaaba. Then he entered the Kabah, went inside. He purified the Kabah by
breaking all 360 Idols with his staff. While doing so he recited the following verse “truth
has come and falsehood has banished, surely falsehood is bound to perish “.The keys to
the Kabah were given to ‘Uthman bin Talha. When he came out he prayed Muqaam e
Ibrahim. After this, all Makkah’s surrounded the Kabah. The Prophet (pbuh)asked Bilal to
give Adhaan
✓ The Prophet (pbuh) then delivered a sermon at Mount Safa. At the end of the sermon he
asked the Quraish, “O people of Quraish, what do you think I will do with you”. The
Quraish replied,” you are a noble brother and the son of a noble brother” hearing this
Prophet (pbuh) replied,” You rejected me as Prophet and turned me out of my house.

And when I took refuge in a far-off place, you rose to fight against me. However, in
spite of all these crimes of yours, I forgive all of you and make you free and declare that
you may go after the pursuits of your life, no blame on you today, go you are free”
✓ The Quraish on being forgiven by greatly impressed by merciful nature of Prophet. Almost

all Quraish accepted Islam including Hinda, Wahashi, Ikrama and Sohail bin Amr ✓ The
Holy Prophet (pbuh) stayed in Makkah for 19 days, during which he defined the boundaries of
Haram of Makkah by placing stones and also made arrangements for administration of
Makkah. He also taught the people about Islam and guided them to piety.

Significance / Importance:
✓ Enmity (hatred) of Quraish for Muslims finally ended and they became Muslim’s most
trusted n faithful allies
✓ Any history of the world has been able to present such a colossal example of mercy , as led
by Prophet (pbuh)Muhammad (S.A.W)
✓ Makkans , who were the biggest obstacle for the Prophet (pbuh)in preaching Islam were now
embracing Islam by will , after being influenced by its teachings
✓ The possession of Makkah enhanced the spiritual position of the Prophet which also
increased his political power

Battle of Hunain
✓ Banu Hawazin and Saqeef tribe (tribe of Taif ) opposed Islam esp. after conquering
Makkah. Hawazin were Quraish’s old enemies and knowing that now Islam has prevailed in
Makkah, it only meant danger to their Hawazin honor and prestige
✓ They were powerful tribes, hence due to their military expertise, thought that they will be
able to enjoy defeating Muslims. They gathered an army of 20,000 men under the leadership of
Malik bin Auf, they also brought their women and livestock with them to encourage their men
to fight courageously. And that no one would leave or retreat the battlefield ✓ They were the
enemies of Islam and Muslims

✓ Muslims were 12000 , out of which 10,000 were the Muslims who were with him at conquest
of Makkah, and 2000 were new converts from Quraish. Before leaving, the Prophet
appointed Muadh Bin Jabal to instruct the newly converts in matters of faith.
✓ Hawazin and Saqeef tribes had excellent archers. When Malik heard about the Muslim force,
he ordered his men to advance to the valley of Hunain through which he knew his enemy would
pass and posted archers on both sides of the narrow valley. As soon as the Muslims

entered the pass, they were attacked by the archers as a result of which, Muslims started
retreating in confusion.
✓ Holy Prophet (pbuh) who was left with only senior companions, who even after under attack
tried to shield the Prophet. He went on and on to make his mule steadfast while saying
loudly, “truly, I am the Messenger of God and the grandson of Abdul Mutalib”. He said
to Allah,” O Allah send down Your Help”
✓ He ordered his uncle Abbas to call all the Muslims to assemble back in discipline and to
attack. They assembled around the Prophet, fought bravely and soon emerged victorious. The
Prophet picked a handful of dust and threw at the enemy’s side and said, “may your faces be
shameful” the eyes of enemies were in dust and they started to retreat
✓ Regarding this battle the Quran says, “Indeed Allah helped you in all battles and on the
day of Hunain, behold! When your great number pleased you, but it did not avail you
at all, and the earth was confining for you with its vastness; then you turned back,
fleeing. Then Allah did pour His calm on his Messenger and on the believers and sent
down forces which you saw not”
✓ Malik fought back but finally retreated with his men behind the walls of Taif. However
majority of the Hawazin had lost their lives. The Muslims also lost many men at the start of
the battlebut brought the situation under control. The Hawazin women and children who had
been behind the lines were taken captives the spoils of war included camels, goats, sheep
and a large amount of silver
✓ Among the captives was Prophet’s foster sister Shayma, daughter of Halima Sadia. When the
Prophet recognized, he spread out his cloak for her and treated her with kindness. She
accepted Islam and returned to the desert with her tribe.
✓ With the battle of Hunain the supremacy of Islam and sovereignty of Madina was established
all over Arabia

Siege of Taif:
✓ After battle of Hunain , the Prophet (pbuh) led a siege on Taif. The people of Saqeef and
Hawazin had taken shelter in their fortresses; they had a good angle to attack Muslims with
arrows who were in the open.
✓ Whenever the Muslims tried to move near the city, the archers showered arrows and spears,
which forced the Muslims to move back. This exchange continued for a month until it was
clear that the people of Taif had enough provision to last them a year.
✓ The Muslims were nowhere near victory, Abu Bakr advised the Prophet to lift the siege.
Muslims requested the Prophet (pbuh) to ask Allah to punish them. The Prophet
(pbuh)prayed, “ O Allah, give guidance to Saqeef”
✓ The Prophet lifted the siege and came to Jirana where the captured goods had been kept. The
Prophet declared that he would release the share of Hawazin captives so that they could
return to their tribe.
✓ Malik and his tribe members were so impressed by this treatment to the defeated Hawazin
men that many accepted Islam.

✓ With the distribution of camels, the Prophet surprised all. He gave 100 camels to tribe of
Ghatafan and chiefs of Quraish.

Significance / Importance:
✓ Two major tribes were now shunned and peace was restored in Arabian peninsula

✓ The neighboring territories of Makkah were now an idol free states

✓ The Muslims received heavy spoils of war because the enemy brought all their belongings to
the battlefield

9AH /631AD
Tabuk Expedition
✓ Relations between Muslims and Christians were strained due to battle of Mutah , therefore

the romans decided to show their hostility to Islam and made preparations to attack Madina ✓
The strength of the Muslims (after conquering Makkah and Taif) and their dominance had
made the Romans jealous. Therefore they prepared a large army to attack Madina. ✓ When
the Prophet (pbuh) learned about it, he led to a call to the Mulims in Makkah and allied tribes to
gather in Madina in arms to counter the attack through an expedition to Syria.

✓ At that time Madina was under a severe heat wave and conditions of drought prevailed which
created problems, scarcity of water, famine etc. Moreover it was the season when dates ripe.
At the same time Muslims also faced financial crisis and sufficient armory was a major
✓ The Arabs were reluctant in fighting against Romans who they considered to be more
powerful than Muslims. Moreover, Abdullah Bin Ubay, leader of Hypocrites spread fear in
the hearts of many Muslims by making excuses about intense heat. About them the Quran
says,” they said; do not go in the heat. Say. The Fire of Hell is hotter, did they but
✓ The messengers of Prophet informed him that Heraclius forces of 40,000 has already reached
Al Balqa which made the Prophet realized the severity of the situation and that he had to
accelerate his plan or else Madina would be in danger
✓ Prophet immediately ordered his companions to prepare for war and to send message to all
tribes to join them

✓ Holy Prophet (pbuh) made an appeal for donations for preparation of expedition. Muslims
made great contribution. Hazrat Abu Bakr donated all of his wealth leaving himself only
Allah and His Messenger. Hazrat Umar donated half of his wealth; Hazrat Uthman donated
1000 dinars, 900 camels, and 100 horses.for Uthman the Prophet said, “from this day on
nothing will harm Uthman regardless of what he does” Muslim women also donated their
✓ Prophet (pbuh) gathered army of 30,000 men and marched towards Tabuk. They reached
Tabuk the border of the Byzantine empire after 7 days of journey. It was a long journey the
Muslims suffered a lot by eating wild plants and remaining thirsty for long time
✓ After reaching Tabuk the Prophet was contacted by Arab representatives who made treaties

with him. They will pay Jizya and in return Prophet granted them security and protection ✓
The Muslims discovered that the enemy had fled the battlefield when they heard about the
Muslims advance and huge force. The Prophet (pbuh) did not chase them as he found no
reason to attack them in their own land. He sent small expeditions. Many Christians entered
alliance with the Prophet (pbuh)according to which the Christians agreed to pay Jizyah and in
return the Prophet (pbuh) guaranteed them security of their territories
✓ The Prophet (pbuh) returned to Madina after staying in Tabuk for 20 days. On the way back
from Tabuk, the hypocrites tried to kill the Prophet (pbuh) while he was passing the mountain
road but he was saved by Hazrat Huzaifa, regarding this the Quran says, “ they swore by
Allah that they said nothing evil but they uttered blasphemy and they did so after
accepting Islam and they made a plot which they were unable to carry out”
✓ After reaching Madina, the Prophet boycotted hypocrites for the first time. There were three
sincere companions of Prophet who decided not to go to battle, spoke the truth; they were
Kaab bin Malik, Murarah bin ar Rabi and Hilal bin Umaiyah. The Prophet instructed his
companions not to talk to them. However after 50 days of repentance and revelation to
Prophet they were forgiven
✓ This battle is known as “ battle of straitness” because it was time of harvest , the sun was
scorchy and the heat was unbearable.

Significance / Importance:
✓ The final extinction of the hypocrites, they always plotted to crush Muslims and helped the
enemies in the battle. Their mosque near Quba named Masjid e Darar was demolished , after 2
months of expedition Abdullah bin ubbay died and hypocrites ceased to exist ✓ Muslims were
at truce from Romans and many non-Muslims accepted Islam

Hajj made compulsory

✓ By the end of 9th month of Islamic calendar, pilgrimage was made obligatory for Muslims in
the month of Zil Hajj with the following revelation, “ Pilgrimage is a duty men owe to
Allah for those who can afford the journey”

Delegation received by Prophet
✓ The return from Tabuk, a delegation from Taif who entered the fold of Islam. ✓ Many
other deputations were received by the Prophet, the pagan tribes accepted Islam. Treaties
were made them with special mention of their responsibilities
✓ Even after the command of Pilgrimage, the Prophet stayed in Madina for a year and
delegations still continued to come. One of these was the Christian state of Najran who did
not want to leave Christianity but were keen to make a treaty with the Prophet. he met them
in the Mosque and allowed them to retain their faith, offered them protection on
payment of Jizya tax

10A.H632 A.D
The Farewell Pilgrimage
✓ In 10th year of Hijrat, Prophet (pbuh) expressed his wish to perform Hajj. ✓ When this
news spread, the people knew that the Prophet (pbuh) was going for pilgrimage and so many
people came to join him on this journey. They numbered 30 000 in total ✓ The followers left

Madina on 25th Ziqad and reached Makkah on 4th Zilhajj ✓ He stayed the night at Dhul
Hulaifah. The next morning he put on Ihram, offered Qasr, made his intention of Hajj and
recited Talbiyah.
✓ He reached Makkah after 8 days.

✓ He had already explained all the rituals of Hajj to Muslims, how to do and what to avoid ✓
On entering the Sacred Mosque, he performed Tawaaf round the Kaaba, performed Sai
between Safa and Marwa. He did not take offhis Ihram as he was performing Hajj e Qiran ✓

On 8th Zil Hajj , he left for Mina, offered prayers and stayed the night there ✓ On morning of
9th Zilhajj , he reached the plain of Arafat, delivered a sermon while seated on his camel
✓ This sermon summarizes the purpose of existence of every Muslim. It is the ultimate charter
of human rights and his final message to Ummah
✓ “O People, hear me for I do not know after if I shall be with you again. Therefore listen

to what I am saying to you carefully and convey it to the ones who are absent” ✓ Your
blood your property and your honor are as sacred as this day, this month and this city
✓ The blood revenge of the days of ignorance are cancelled. The first claim of blood I
cancel is of Rabiah bin Harith whom Hudhail killed
✓ “Regard the life and property of every Muslim as trust. Return the goods to the rightful
✓ He instructed to obediently follow the five pillars of Islam by saying “Worship One Allah,
Remember you will indeed return to your Lord and He will reckon your deeds”

✓ “Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will be

able to lead you astray in big things so beware of following him in small things.” ✓
“Men, the unbelievers indulge in tampering with the calendar in order to make the
forbidden permissible and the permissible forbidden. With Allah the months are 12 in
number, 4 of them are Holy”
✓ “O people! You have rights on your wives and they have rights on you. Treat your
women with kindness for they are your partners. Fear Allah concerning women for
indeed you have taken them onto the security of Allah. It is not permissible for a
woman to give anything from the wealth of her husband to anyone but with his
✓ “And your slaves, see that you feed them well food and clothe them, and if they commit
a mistake which you do not forgive then sell them”
✓ “Beware! Neither the child is responsible for the crime committed by his father, nor the
father is responsible for the crime committed by his son, only the one committing the
crime is responsible”
✓ “Believe on all articles of faith, Angels, Prophets, Revealed Books, Day of Judgment”

✓ He stressed on the importance of equality and brotherhood by saying, “All mankind are
from Adam and Eve. An Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab.
✓ “Allah created you from one male and one female and made you tribes and nations so as
to know eachother. All believers are equal to one another. No believer has superiority
over other Muslims except by action and piety”
✓ “O people, worship Allah only, say your prayers five times a day, fast in the month of

Ramadan, give charity to the needy and perform Hajj if you can afford to” ✓ “O people!

No Prophet will come after me, and no new faith will be born” ✓ He instructed Muslims to
follow Quran and Sunnah for guidance and solution to daly life issues,“I’m leaving behind
two things , Quran and my Sunnah , whoever follows them will never go astray”
✓ “All those present here, shall convey this to the ones absent. And may the last ones
understand my words better than the ones present here”
✓ The Prophet then asked the people,” And if you were asked about me what would you
say?” The people replied, “We bear witness that you have conveyed the message,
discharged your ministry of Prophethood and looked to our welfare.”
✓ When sermon was over , Prophet (pbuh)offered Zuhr and Asr combined, Allah revealed the
last revelation on Muhammad by saying,” this day I have perfected your religion for you,
completed My favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion”
✓ The Prophet (pbuh) offered evening and night prayers at Muzdalifah and stayed the night
✓ On 10th Zil Hajj. He reached Mina where he threw pebbles at Jamarat ul Aqba, then
sacrificed animals
✓ The next day the Prophet (pbuh)visited Kabah for Tawaf e Ifadah

✓ On 11, 12,13 he stayed at Mina

✓ After performing Tawaf e Wida, he headed back to Madina

✓ Two months after his return to Madina,in 632 A.D, 11A.H the Prophet (pbuh) fell ill.In the
same year his third son Ibrahim died. The Prophet could see that death is approaching. That
year in Ramadan Prophet reviewed the Quran twice with Jibril
✓ On 29th Safar, Prophet had headache and his temperature rose high. He continued leading the
prayers though he was sick. During the last week, Prophet after seeking permission from all
his wives shifted in the room of Aisha
✓ Five days before his demise, he asked his wives to pour water of various wells on him. He
went to the Mosque and gave a small sermon in which he commanded people to be good to the
Ansar who had helped the Muhajareen, and forbade Muslims from worshipping his grave
✓ Four days before his death, as he came to Mosque to lead prayer, he fainted. Thereafter he
asked Abu Bakr to lead the prayer. A day before his demise he set his slaves free and gave
his weapons to Muslims as present
✓ On the last day of his life, he came to Masjid e Nabwi and prayed behind Abu Bakr. He later
called on his daughter Fatima and informed her that he would not recover from his illness
and that she shall be the first one to follow him after his death. He kissed Hasan and
Hussain. He called his wives and commanded them to worship Allah
✓ Aisha narrates that his last act was cleaning of his mouth with a brush of soft branch of a tree
✓ The Prophet’s last words were, O Allah with the superior communion” ✓ The Prophet
(pbuh) passed away in Aisha’s lap, in 632A.D 12t Rabi ul Awwal. He was buried in the same
place where he had passed away. The place of his burial was decided by his saying” Allah
does not cause a Prophet to die but in the place where he is to be buried”
✓ Ali washed his body and lowered him in his grave

Relation of Prophet (pbuh) with Quraish from 622 to 632 A.D:

✓ Battle of Badr

✓ Battle of Uhad

✓ Battle of Trench

✓ Treaty of Hudaibiya
✓ Conquest of Makkah

Relation of Prophet (pbuh) with the Jews from 622 to 632 A.D:
✓ Charter of Madina (treaty with the Jews)

✓ Expulsion of Banu Qainuqa

✓ Expulsion of Banu Nazir

✓ Battle of Trench

✓ Expulsion of Banu Quraiza

✓ Khyber expedition

Relation of Prophet (pbuh) with Hypocrites from 622 to 632 AD ✓

Abdullah bin Ubay was their leader. Before the Prophet’s migration to Yasrib, Abdullah was
supposed to be named the leader of Yasrib. However after Prophet’s migration, Aws and
Khazraj tribes named the Prophet (pbuh)as leader of Madina
✓ Change of Qibla

✓ Battle of Uhad

✓ Battle of Trench

✓ Treaty of Hudaibiya- they did not go to perform Umrah with the Prophet because they
thought the Quraish would fight and kill all Mulims
✓ Khyber expedition- they were not interested in fighting the enemy, they only wanted to go
for spoils of war. However Allah did not give them permission
✓ Tabuk expedition

✓ Masjid e Daraar – house of conspiracy which was commanded by Allah to be burnt ✓

They even tried to scandalize the Prophet’s wife Aisha of misconduct ✓ When Abdullah
bin Ubay died, Prophet (pbuh)led his funeral prayers after which Allah commanded
Prophet (pbuh)not to lead funeral prayers of hypocrites in future

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