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Data Observability & discovery platform—

Amit Singh Rathore · Follow
Published in Geek Culture
3 min read · Aug 16, 2022

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Managing Data about data

Data discovery is a crucial first step of the data consumption workflow. Data
discovery answers different aspects of data like what is the source, where it is
stored, what is the meaning of this data, how recent/relevant this data is, how
this data is used by others, and how this data came into its current form
(lineage), etc. So, Data Discovery becomes an essential part of a data platform.

Based on the tools selection for four major capabilities like search(solr),
attribute lookup (databases), entity relation(graph databases), and regular
refresh of metadata (schedulers/queues) multiple companies have built their
own versions of metadata platforms. Few of the major ones are Amundsen,
DataHub, Atlas, Metacat, Databook, and Marquez. Each product has its own way
and specification of collecting metadata. Some support a certain number of
sources while some have very limited integration.

In general, the catalog/metadata segment of the data platform has the following

1. Non-standardized metadata collection

2. Incompatibility of data catalogs (the need to recollect data)

3. Limited, not truly company-wide end-to-end data lineage

4. Absent or insufficient data quality and observability

5. Undiscoverable ML assets

An open standard for collecting metadata could become a sound solution to the
lack of efficient discovery and observability and a solid foundation for the next-
gen data platform.

Open Data Discovery Specification (ODD Spec) is an attempt at creating an

open-source, industry-wide metadata standard that would enable engineers to
collect and export metadata from cloud-native applications, infrastructures, and
other data sources.

OpenMetadata is touted as Open Standard for Metadata. A single place to
discover, collaborate and get your data right.

OpenMetadata has its own specification, which can be found here. Each schema
definition is mapped to the data/asset entity type.

Five major Pillars

OpenMetadata takes a JSON-schema first approach to metadata. Metadata
schemas define core abstractions and vocabulary for metadata with schemas for
Types, Entities, and Relationships between entities. This is the foundation of the
Open Metadata Standard.

SAML Protected Metadata APIs — for producing and consuming metadata built
on schemas for User Interfaces and Integration of tools, systems, and services.

Metadata store — Organization of entity and relationship graph that connects

data assets, user, and tool-generated metadata.

Ingestion framework — a pluggable framework for integrating tools and

ingesting metadata to the metadata store. Ingestion framework already supports
50+ well know data warehouses — Google BigQuery, Snowflake, Amazon
Redshift, Apache Druid, and Apache Hive, and databases — MySQL, Postgres,
Oracle, and MSSQL. It also has connectors for Airbyte, Airflow & DBT.

OpenMetadata User Interface — Easy to use User interface for users to discover,
and collaborate on all data.

OpenMetadata components
Server — UI & API
Elastic search— Search & Analytics engine

MySQL — Storage layer for Entity, their attributes & Relationships

Ingestion — Airflow

OpenMetadata features
Support for personas using RBAC

Support for Keyword & Advance Search

Support for Table, column & pipeline Lineage

Proving usage metadata

Support for entities like Topic, dashboards, Pipelines

Support for custom Labels for asset importance

Support for Glossary — universal language to define, standardize, and

contextualize data assets

Activity Feeds — shows all change events linked to assets in a single view

Task workflow for raising Request objects for data owners for any changes

Quality, Profiler, and metrics — quality tests supported by Great Expectation,

DBT, or other data quality tools

Metadata versioning

Happy cataloging!!!!

Data Data Engineering Open Source Metadata


Written by Amit Singh Rathore

3K Followers · Writer for Geek Culture

Staff Data Engineer @ Visa — Writes about Cloud | Big Data | ML

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