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Definition of Drama
1. Drama is a mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance.
2. It is one of the literary genres, which is an imitation of some action.
3. Drama is also a type of a play written for theater, television, radio, and film.
4. In simple words, a drama is a composition in verse or prose presenting a story in
pantomime or dialogue. It contains conflict of characters, particularly the ones who
perform in front of audience on the stage.

The person who writes drama for stage is known as a “dramatist” or


There are many theories as to the origins of drama/theatre. That drama evolved
from rituals of ancient man is the most widely accepted. These rituals contained
dramatic elements: a. music, b. dance, c. masks, costumes, performance/audience
division, e. specific performance area.

Kinds of rituals:
INITIATION - to teach tribe's customs to young boys and girls reaching manhood
and womanhood. Eg. Dipo puberty rites by the Krobos.
WAR - to kindle bravery in warriors.
STORY - to imitate events of hunt or battle and to preserve history.
RELIGIOUS - to appease numerous unseen spirits primitive man felt
controlled his world.

Function of Drama
Drama is one of the best literary forms through which dramatists can directly speak
to their audience, and they can receive instant feedback of audiences. A few
dramatists use their characters as a vehicle to convey their thoughts and values,
feelings, personalities, backgrounds, and change in feelings.
Importance of Drama
1. It is instrumental in expressing the need for social change
2. It helps in communicating a universal theme
3. It enables the development of imitation and imagination skills

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