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Name: _________________________________________________ Score: _____________

Course: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________

1. Knowledge:
 Understand and define the fundamental states of matter (solid, liquid, gas).
 Describe the properties and characteristics of each state of matter.
 Explain the concept of density and how it is calculated.
 Differentiate between physical and chemical properties of matter.
2. Comprehension:
 Interpret data related to the properties of matter, such as density measurements.
 Summarize the differences between physical and chemical changes in matter.
 Explain how changes in temperature and pressure affect the behavior of matter.
3. Application:
 Apply knowledge of the properties of matter to identify and classify substances.
 Use density calculations to solve real-world problems involving materials.
 Predict the behavior of matter in various situations, such as changes of state.

Please answer the following questions.

All examples given should be provided with an image or picture.

1. What are the three primary states of matter? Discuss and give examples of plasma, bose
einstein condensate and fermionic condensate.
2. How do the particles in a solid differ from those in a gas?
3. Define density and explain how it is calculated.
4. Why does a solid have a definite shape?
5. Give an example of a substance that changes its state from solid to liquid when heated.
6. What is the difference between mass and weight?
7. How does the density of water compare to the density of ice?
8. Explain why gases have no definite shape or volume.
9. What is solubility, and how is it measured?
10. Name a common substance that has low solubility in water.
11. What is the difference between a physical and a chemical property of matter?
12. Provide an example of a chemical change in everyday life.
13. How does the pH scale measure the acidity or alkalinity of a substance?
14. Why is reactivity an important chemical property to consider?
15. Can you give an example of a highly reactive element?
16. What is meant by the term "combustibility"?
17. Why is the study of combustibility important in fire safety?
18. Explain the concept of a physical change with an example.
19. Provide a real-life example of a chemical reaction.
20. How can you determine if a substance is acidic or alkaline using litmus paper?
21. What is the conservation of mass, and how does it relate to chemical reactions?
22. Describe the difference between a heterogeneous and a homogeneous mixture.

Name: _________________________________________________ Score: _____________

Course: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________
23. Why is the behavior of matter different at the nanoscale?
24. How does temperature affect the kinetic energy of particles in matter?
25. What role does intermolecular force play in the properties of matter?
26. Explain the concept of thermal conductivity with an example.
27. How does electrical conductivity vary among different types of matter?
28. What is the difference between a conductor and an insulator?
29. How does matter interact with electromagnetic radiation, such as light?
30. What are some potential applications of superconductors in technology?

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