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Quality Education Zone 1


Writing task Two (Recent questions)

1. Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in protection of the environment, while others thinks that the
main benefit is in the worldwide business. Discuss both views & include your own opinion.
2. Humans tend to copy one another, especially in fashion, choice of clothes and consumer goods. Do you agree or disagree?
Provide your view and examples from your own experience.
3. Some people think that secondary school children should study international news while other thinks that it is waste of valuable
school time. Discuss both views & give your own opinion and support it with examples
4. In some countries teenagers are allowed to work part time jobs. Some people say it is a good thing but other disagrees. Discuss
both views & give your own opinion and support it with example.
5. Some people think that robots are very important nowadays, but others are worried about the trend of robotisation .Discuss both
views & give your own opinion.
6. Many students prefer to take pert-time rather than full-time courses. What are the advantages & disadvantages of this method
for students?
7. Some people think that travel helps gaining knowledge, but other think that T.V and internet play an important role in gaining
knowledge. Discuss both views & give your own opinion.
8. Some people prefer to be in same kind of job their entire life, but other like to change their jobs frequently. Discuss both views
& give your own opinion.
9. Do advantages of having your own car outweigh the environmental issues caused by pollution? Discuss & include your own
10. The popularity of mobile phones among young people is growing rapidly. Is it a good or bad development? Give your own
opinion & relevant examples from experience.
11. Space tourism will it bring positive or negative effects on the world’s development? Give your own opinion. Use examples
based on your experience.
12. Doctors say that many people have health problems due to lack of physical activity. What is your opinion on this issue? What
might be the reasons for this? What are the ways to improve the situation?
13. Many people believe that that woman should be given an equal role to man in the military forces or police others however,
claim that such occupations are not suitable for woman. Discuss both views & give your own opinion.
14. Some people say that artists should be financially supported by the governments of their countries. However others believe
that there are other choices that can be made. Do you agree or disagree?
15. Some people believe that theoretical subjects should not be taught in universities because most students prefer to study
practical subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
16. Competition versus cooperation and group work for students. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages? Discuss &
include your own opinion.
17. Some say that international news should be taught as a subject in secondary school, other say that it is a waste of valuable
time. Discuss both view and give your opinion.
18. In many countries young people don’t choose the teaching profession. What do you think is the reason? What could be done to
attract more students?
19. Governments these days encourage the use of consumer products. Some people say that it is good for the economy, while
others clime it is bad for the society as a whole
20. Are some countries today young people are less respectful & polite to others? What could be the reasons behind such
behavior? What can be done?
21. Tourism brings benefits to a country but it also may have harmful effects. How can a country ensure that tourism benefits it’s
22. Some parents & teachers believe that children’s behavior should be strictly controlled, while others think that children should
be allowed to grow up in their own way. Describe both views & give your own opinion.
23. Some people think that woman should take part in the military or the police force, but other oppose to this idea. Discuss both
views, give your own opinion & examples.
24. Most of the big cities are overpopulated. Why do people still move to big cities? Give your opinion & examples.
25. Some people say that cooking food at home is a waste of time. They claim that good restaurants are better and can make
modern living easier and stressless. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Quality Education Zone 2

26. Education of young people is a highly prioritized in many countries. However educating adults who cannot write or read is
even more important and government should spend more money on this. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own
27. In many countries schools are open before and after normal hours so children of working parents can stay longer at school. Do
you think there are more advantages or disadvantages to this approach?
28. Countries should provide enough food for their own people and therefore lessen exportation of food abroad. Discuss both
views and express your own opinion.
29. Animals are used by humans for profit in many ways. However, same people don’t agree with this use of animals. Discuss
both views and express your own opinion.
30. Children are learning things by watching TV and movies. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? Give
reasons and examples.
31. In some countries boarding school are getting more popular. Is it a positive or negative development? What are the reasons
behind it?
32. Some say that children should spend more time working on school projects from an early age, others believe that young
children should spend more time playing and have less stress at school. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Use
examples from your experience.
33. Saving money is a good habit for an individual after retirement. Do you agree or disagree?
34. Some people say that school studies are not useful and most important things are learning outside the school. Do you agree or
disagree? Give opinion and examples.
35. These day more emphasis is being placed on university education. Vocational training is not encouraged and thus there are
few qualified tradespeople. To which extent do you agree or disagree?
36. Some people say that it is not good for children to grow up in the city and that the countryside is more suitable for them. Do
you agree or disagree? Support your view with relevant examples.
37. In the past people believed that human race was steadily making progress in all areas of life, nowadays there is less certainty
that it is so. In what areas do you think the most important progress has been made so far? In what areas more needs to be done?
38. Many people choose to copy celebrities seen on TV and in magazines. Explain why it is happening is it a positive or negative
development? Give your own opinion.
39. Some people think that technological progress has affected their lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the
40. Children today are not as fit and healthy as in the past. Discuss the causes for this situation with relevant examples and give
your opinion on possible solutions.
41. Sport today is turning into a business, with many companies involved and even growing prize money for the sportsman. Do
you think it’s a positive or negative development?
42. Nowadays it is very popular to be technology (internet) literate. Some people say that these skills will replace the use of books
as main source of information and entertainment. Do you agree or disagree?
43. These days many countries are facing different problems, so it is better that each country concentrates on solving its own
problems, instead of cooperating with other countries. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
44. Some people believe that study is important to success, other say there is no relation between study & success. Discuss both
views. Give your own opinion based on your experience.
45. Older people think the world was a better place when they were young. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion.
46. Some parents feel that students should focus on all subjects equally. Other believes that students should concentrate more on
the subjects they are interested in. Do you agree or disagree?
47. Some people think that young learners should not have school subjects such as sport or physical exercises, & that these
subjects should be replaced. What is your opinion? Add any relevant information & give examples from your own experience.
48. Many universities & collages these days offer distance learning programs instead of face-to-face courses. Do you think the
advantages of this new approach out weight the disadvantage?
49. Subjects at school are selected by authorities such as the central government (not by the teacher). Some say that these subjects
should be chosen by teachers. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons & examples.
50. Nowadays, people use computers or telephones to communicate & don’t write letters any more. Some thinks that letter writing
skills would disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important is this skill to you?
51. Many people think that international travel will decrease in the future. Do you think this will be a positive or negative
Quality Education Zone 3

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