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Learning Competency (MELCS): Give technical and operational definition (EN10V-IIa-13.9)

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Identify technical and operational definition; and
b. Define words or terms using technical and operational definition.
A. Subject Matter: Technical and Operational Definition
B. Reference: English 10 ADM Module Quarter 4 Week 2
C. Materials: Laptop, TV, activity sheets
D. Sources: Department of Education Region IX - Zamboanga Peninsula, English 10
Quarter 4 – Module 2: Technical and Operational Definition

D. Integration: Social Science and Research

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
Good afternoon, class.
Good afternoon, Ma’am Jean.
Let’s begin our day with a prayer.
Let us put ourselves in the most holy presence of the
Lord. Dear God…

Before we proceed with our lesson for today, kindly

pick up the pieces of paper and arrange your chairs.

Now let us check today’s attendance. Say present if

you are here.

Splendid, everyone is present today, which means we

would have another wonderful time of learning to

I want everyone to be reminded with our classroom

rules before proceeding. Yes, Ma’am.

What are our classroom rules?

Excellent! I hope you would always be reminded by

these rules for us to create a harmonious and fun

Yes, Ma’am.

B. Presentation
Let’s have a quick game to begin our lesson for

All you must do is to identify and define the word

according to different pictures. This will be down by
group. Group 1 and 2 will answer picture number 1.
While group 3 and 5 will answer picture number 2.
Lastly, for group five I want you to write identify the
difference between the two.

The leader will task a member to write there answer

on the board. I will only give you 3 minutes to
Yes, Ma’am.
Am I understood?

Let’s begin. Read and understand.

Let’s first define the first picture where there are two
people singing. Group 1 kindly present your answer
and to be followed by group 2. Group 1
It describes someone who has done exceptionally
well or impressed others.

Group 2
It shows how the contestants did an exceptional

Good job, that is correct.

How about the other picture? Let’s have group 3, to

be followed by group 4. Group 3
The slay in that sentence means to kill in a violent

Group 4
It describes to killing someone or something
How about group5? What have you identified
between the two sentences?
The word slay has two meaning. The other meaning
involves with its intended meaning which is to kill
while the other one shows someone killed the
performance or in other words, excellently performed
Alright, great job for spotting the difference.

Now, based on this activity what do you will be the

topic that we are going to tackle about?

We are going to tackle about how to define words.

That’s right! To be more specific class we are going
to discuss about technical and operational definition.
Before we are going to proceed let’s first read the
objectives in today’s lesson.

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Identify technical and operational definition; and
b. Define words or terms using technical and
C. Comparison/Discussion: operational definition
Now, to further understand and relate our activity we
just had earlier to our topic, let’s first look at what a
definition is.

Everyone read.

A term definition is a word or expression that has a

precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a
Alright. science, art, profession, or subject.

Defining terms is one way of helping to resolve

problems of ambiguity and there are many types of

In this part of the module, you will be clarified on the

context on how technical and operational definitions
are defined and used.

Let’s get acquainted first what is technical definition.

From the word itself, technical what comes into your

Technical definition is a description of how

something was designed to work by its inventor, its
Exactly, or in other words, technical definition could engineers or its computer programmers.
be used in expanding the vocabulary since most of
these terms are explained in the exact manner.

Everyone read.
Based on the activity that you have defined earlier
which among them has a technical definition?

It would be the word 'slay' that means to kill violently

If so, how about other definition? because it precisely conveys the intended meaning
when we say 'slay.'

The other definition stands for a different meaning,

which could imply that a person excelled or did
exceptionally well. It is more of a slang usage.

Let’s try another example.

1. Interviewing
2. Statistics
3. Evidence

Who would like to try and define what is


Yes, Julia.

(Student raising her hand…)

Very good, or other words, interviewing is a Interviewing is structured verbal communication

conversational practice where knowledge is produced between an interviewer and interviewees to gather
through the interaction between an interviewer and information or insights on a topic through questions
interviewee. and responses.

Let’s try statistics.

Statistics is the study of collecting, analyzing,

Precisely. To put it in a simple way. interpreting, and presenting numerical data to
understand patterns, relationships, and trends within a
population or sample.
Lastly, let’s have evidence.
Statistics is the quantity that is computed from a
Excellent, or it could be evidence is an outward sign
of proofs to ascertain the truth of a matter.
Evidence is the data supporting claims.
Now, you mentioned earlier how the word 'slay' that
means to kill violently because it precisely conveys
the intended meaning when we say 'slay. Is a
technical definition While the other definition stands
for a different meaning, which could imply that a
person excelled or did exceptionally well? It is more
of a slang usage. What definition was used then?

Alright. What have you observed with the operational

definition? Operational definition.

Very good. This definition makes it operational by describing

how the term is used or manifested in real-world
situations, allowing for clear understanding and
measurement of its meaning within a specific

Everyone read.

An example of operational definition of the term

weight of an object, operationalized to a degree,
would be the following:

“Weight is the number that appears when that object

is placed on a weighing scale.”

Let’s have another example.

1. Items – number of people correctly solving a group

2. Public policy – new laws passed, institutional
reform, change in corporate practice,

Let’s try identifying why they are considered as

operational definition.

Let’s begin with ‘items’, what makes the definition


The term "items" is defined by counting the number

Alright, this definition makes it operational because it of people who solve a group performance-task
specifies a measurable outcome (the number of correctly. This definition is operational because it
correct solutions) for the concept of "items." gives a clear way to count how many people get it
How about public policy?

Precisely. This definition makes it operational

because it identifies tangible actions or changes that "Public policy" is shown by things like new laws,
signify the concept of "public policy." changes in institutions, or shifts in company
practices. This is operational because we can see and
measure these actions.
Now, let’s summarize it and go back with our
definition earlier.

Why is there a need to study the technical and

operational definition of words?

Alright, that is correct. Now, that we have learn the

difference between the two and observe how to make We learn technical and operational definition to know
one, we are now knowledgeable towards the usage of how that there are two types of way to right a
it. But did you know that our topic for topic has its definition.
connection with our previous lesson.

What was our previous lesson all about?

So, we have the technical terms of a research paper.

This 4th quarter, you’ll get to be introduced with the
different chapters and be able to know where each of
those technical terms belongs to. But for now, let’s We tackled about the technical terms of a research
focus on the word definition of terms. In our first paper.
chapter in our research paper which is the problem
and its introduction which is called our introduction,
you’ll get to encounter the definition of terms. You
are task to define the important terms mentioned in
your study. The purpose of this is to have your
readers to be able to understand what terms you are
focusing at and what are there to be remembered
especially with what your study revolves around.

Definition of terms is an alphabetical list of important

terms, acronyms, or jargons used in the research

Those highlighted words are key terms we should

remember. Let’s take a further look at jargons. Have
you encountered this word before?
Can any from the class help recall the meaning of

Correct! Just like the word lesson plan, it is a term Yes, Ma’am.
used only for teachers or in the field of education.
Therefore, once a person is not in the field of
education or a teacher it would be a term that is hard Jargons are specific words used by people in certain
to understand. group.

Can you try to give another one?

Good example. Miranda right is when a person is

under arrest police officer state the Miranda rights
informing their rights.
Miranda rights, Ma’am. It is a term that is commonly
Everyone kindly read. known in the field of law.

Let’s try this example and identify which term should

be included in the definition of terms. Jargons – are terminologies only understood by
people in a certain group.
Overcoming Isolation in Distancing Learning:
Building a Learning Community though Time and - They are difficult for others to understand.

Group 1 give one term.

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4 Isolation.

Group 5 Distancing Learning

Marvelous! Good job everyone. Learning Community

D. Generalization Time
To further understand and recap today’s lesson let’s
play another game. All you must do is, read the Space
sentences and categorize each according to the
correct types of definitions. If it is operational
definition, you must form a letter ‘O’ using your
hands. While if it is technical, you make a ‘T’ using
your hands.

Am I understood?

● Conflict happens in the family, among friends, in

the classroom, or around the corporate
conference table.

● An argumentative essay attempts to be highly

persuasive and logical.
● An automobile is a car or truck that gets you
around from place to place and carries cargo or O
passengers and makes it easier to live in the city or

● Computers are devices or machines used in O

performing, assessing, evaluation, and following
commands set by the users.

● A telephone is a device used to talk to people who
are far away.

● Twitter is a social media platform that limits
messages to 140 characters.

● Electric current refers to the force between two
infinite parallel conductors, separated by
a specified distance.

E. Application O

Each group will answer the three activities to be

written in a one whole sheet of paper. You will be
given 5 to 10 minutes to finish your task.

A. Directions: Give the technical and

operational definition of each word

B. Directions: In this part, your task is to come up

with operational definition for emotions, behaviors,
and states of being. For each of the following
statements, provide an operational definition for the
underlined words.

1. Sleep deprivation causes a person to become

more irritable.
2. College athletes are smart.
3. Kids who spend many hours playing violent video
games tend to be more aggressive.

C. Directions: This time, you will have to think of

five (3) simple items found at school and define each
using technical definition. An example is provided
for you.

Example: Blackboard in school is a large, dark

surface where teachers write with chalk to display
information during lessons.


Directions. Read the following questions carefully. Write only the letter of your answer on
the blank before the number.
______1. What type of definition given below shows specific meaning of a word or phrase used
in defining the terms of a process?
A. Operational Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Technical Definition D. Extended Definition
______2. The statement below is an example of ______________.
A. Operational Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Technical Definition D. Extended Definition
______3. Which of the following statements below is an example of operational definition?
A. Employee satisfaction is the number of days per month that the employee shows
up to work on time.
B. Research establishes facts and new findings through a systematic investigation.
C. Generalization is a general statement, law, principle or proportion.
D. Reference list, lists all the sources used in the research.
______4. What do you call this type of definition that pertains to the weight of an object?
A. Operational Definition C. Expanded Definition
B. Technical Definition D. Extended Definition
______5. Operational definition is the specific meaning of a word or phrase given to it by the
group of people who use the word in their specific _____________.
A. Context C. Concept
B. Progress D. Process
______6. Which of the following statements DOES NOT belong to the group of technical
A. A telephone is a device used to talk to people who are far away.
B. Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
C. Electric current refers to the force between two infinite parallel conductress,
separated by a specified distance.
D. Computers are devices or machines used in performing, assessing, evaluation, and
following commands set by the users.
______7. This term is a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is
peculiar to science, art, profession, or subject.
A. Method C. Term
B. Ways D. Definition
______8. Which of the following statements below categorizes operational definition?
A. Stress is a force that strains and deforms a body.
B. A paper micrometer is a small measuring instrument used to measure the
thickness of a piece of paper.
C. Mercury is a metal that is liquid at room temperature.
D. Rain is drops of water falling from a cloud in the sky.
______9. Which of the following statements below categorizes technical definition?
A. Fuel is a substance that is burnt to produce energy.
B. Organism is any object that grows and reproduces (has babies).
C. In driving, a stall Is an operating condition in which a sudden and unexpected loss
of power occurs.
D. A paper micrometer is a small measuring instrument used to measure the
thickness of piece of paper.
______10. Defining terms is one way of helping to resolve problems of _______.
A. Ambiguity C. Clarity
B. Difficulty D. Faculty

A. Directions: In this part, your task is to come up with operational definition for emotions, behaviors, and
states of being. For each of the following statements, provide an operational definition for the underlined
1. The experimenter wants to figure out how recreational drugs affect a person’s sense of
humor. Answer:
2. The teacher wants to find a way to help make Billy act more friendly toward the other
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________

3. A psychologist wants to know if his new form of psychotherapy will make people less
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
4. I have to find a way to study more efficiently.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
5. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness?
Answer: ______________________________________________________________________
6. Boys show more affection towards their father than towards their mother.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
7. Sleep deprivation causes a person to become more irritable.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
8. College athletes are smart.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
9. The school spirit is at an all-time low.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________
10. Kids who spend many hours playing violent video games tend to be more aggressive.
Answer: _____________________________________________________________________

B. Technical Definition
Directions: This time, you will have to think of five (5) simple everyday items and define each using technical
definition. An example is provided for you.

Example: Lipstick is a kind of cosmetic that enhances aesthetic beauty of women.


Prepared by:
Student Intern

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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