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‭Jay’s Career Coaching‬

‭ eeling stuck in your career with no growth or promotions? Working hard but not reaching top pay? Simple‬
‭targeted moves like creating a career plan with your manager, positioning yourself in high-demand areas, or‬
‭acing interviews in top companies can yield significant rewards. Jay has helped countless individuals like you‬
‭setup and execute strategies to accelerate their career growth.‬

‭Jay’s Coaching Philosophy‬

J‭ ay is an industry veteran with a Ph.D. in AI/ML, and 12+ years of experience in top tech companies including‬
‭Google (Google Research and Google DeepMind), Apple, and Amazon. During this time in the industry, Jay‬
‭climbed up the career ladder quickly from a junior engineer to a Director (9+ levels). Jay also secured offers‬
‭from other popular tech companies including Meta, Cruise, Microsoft, Netflix, Uber, Lyft, Stripe, and Airbnb,‬
‭and is very familiar with the interview process of these companies. Jay has successfully negotiated with tech‬
‭companies to increase his offer compensation by up to 50%. Jay’s career coaching goals are to help fellow‬
‭engineers learn from his lessons in industry and become successful in their pursuits whatever it may be!!‬

‭Jay’s Offerings‬
‭Jay provides career coaching in a wide set of areas. Some of these are‬
‭❖‬ ‭Future-proofing your career in the face of layoffs and economic uncertainties.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Career growth strategies for engineers from L3 (junior engineers) to L8 (Senior Principal), and for‬
‭program and product managers.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Career growth strategies for managers to move from line managers (M1) to directors managing 50+‬
‭reports, along with becoming empathetic champions of great culture and productivity.‬
‭❖‬ C ‭ areer switching for engineers, engineering managers and product managers to high demand areas‬
‭like AI/ML.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Successful negotiation tricks to get a 30%+ increase in your total compensation.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Interview preparation strategies and mock interviews for fresh graduates, seasoned engineers, and for‬
‭executive levels.‬
‭❖‬ ‭Resume and LinkedIn review with actionable feedback.‬

‭ ost of Jay’s clients are either folks with one-off questions in their career, (for eg. I have this issue and what is‬
‭the right way to navigate) or repeat clients who use multiple sessions to create and execute a plan for a specific‬
‭goal like growing to the staff level, moving to management, or securing job offers in top companies. If you‬
‭have a different set of needs, please contact Jay through Linkedin.‬

‭How does the coaching work?‬

‭ ach coaching session is for an hour through Google Meet. The pricing for each session is 100$. After the‬
‭session, Jay will provide a detailed summary of what we discussed, and actionable next steps for you.‬

I‭ f you are interested, please contact Jay for the PayPal ID for the initial payment. Once payment is made,‬
‭please share your questions and anything else useful with Jay. Jay will then set up the session for the‬
‭discussion. We know times can get hectic, and are typically flexible with requests to reschedule sessions. But‬
‭please let us know at least 24 hours in advance in case of any change in schedules. Let us know if you have‬
‭questions, and we wish you the best in your career!!‬

‭Contact me‬
‭Recent Coaching Reviews in LinkedIn‬

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