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/ MoDULE -5 Anusha Ff - ee safe BN f Asct Proper Tene Vaaying Fielole Jax welt ¢ rece Dept Eopratcone myceny Totreduction 4 a Time varying fieble | ayramte fields — produced due to _Tfme. Vorying corseste - 42m the Aynamte or ffme venying fells the electric © magnehic Fells ase Totesctep enclent-: +The time Neozing electric fetd can be produced by the tte vorine moenetio fietd’ Stenilarty the tine ere magnetic fold Can be produced by the time gs) clectete fetal. the equctions ducsibing wolationshp between fie voryin rat & magoelic field are mown au " Maxwellé 5 Rquolton |, ¥ Marewellé Sapuation sy Tate xa | fons L_» Differential form Faraday: Daur and Lenz'g Law + Accorclin f Farverchaus Experfenent q cstalte amare fe fed cannok odluce. cin current flow . Bab with & time eral Field gan ernf Fnduces which may deve @ current Pa closed path os Clrautt. rth emb pacecect fa a olopest path coed # profes ‘ fo the rate of chonee qo onehic fur encloses] Shee atoseol palh 2 when a Closed pet mover t a magoelte feld cursvert tg Bere rod ecl 2 fence emf. The game. obscrrealion mace with closed! kept finecl , andl mapoetic field bb Vasiecl .~the effect w called ‘ Electromoagnette Ineluction”. Ace ording to 7 = Low , t= -N-dé vols a) at A Nl eo iu dp = dd 3 @ dt dt The minus ign & ea 0) 20> indlicatee that the direction the inducacl emf & sich that -b Prd a cursert echich vail fprocluce. a magne ls cfeld which ral pore aigret Field. Anusha fc, Myce totement of henz's aur s ; The direction q troluced emp & such that We ebposez the cause paocluctog &. le. Changes % mavoelie fax ’ Congicler cx cloped path ooith “al tems —Lhon by Faraday Jaw the teduced emf ix gren by € = —N A Volb- dt r fob ee consider Faraday aus 4 the tncluced emp re a acalar apontity. meosuredt Po volte - ethus inclucect ep B Given by e geal —3G) © fhe magnetic {lux 4 fasstag thiouk a specified area ie qweo by b-§. BR cy Ustire GO 1 @ e= ~a (Pa > 6) At — e:§ Ee At Per Ba e a (88 — & d Stationary closed path fa a fee varying ry os feld staheally tducel ome T transfama eEme}. 1 ¢ Ce the condition % which closed fedh i a ‘ 5 Staliong 2 RP pte ho va yt g ea ’ : : e shine t shown % fi "F Z ¥ the cloaed ctreuth %, which eral’ us induced és slaloons| & the magnetic lor vo sinusoidally verging rth ten 4 dorm te wn es gba ie: {ee ’ aes nad vat she magnetic fur olenaity is the a qecenty varutag, woth — -leme. * Hence we Can wrtle ; § at -- § de 3 4 5 dt othe ero called Transfer me, emp. z Ling Shoko — -theoxeny > hire to ” surface toteoral. bear - beat Ge (92) > - | Bid foleoral con be conve sd TINUISNG 6 ELE py Serr both th: cleseal pth ve moved to gt Q Bet core theen . aelotive motion + Consider a charge ‘ dietd Bata veloaty ? OR = @VxX8 0) ¢ No koml emf ea deJined as the fesce [unit Noro, e Ss a) which & rvoved fa a magnetic. V> then the fosce- on ax charge > 5 tm 2 Pe VxB a he dod oof wy dea dd = dUeR ya me va EM frcluced shen @ cenclucter ic moved fh woi{ermM — condand- mragnette «fila ; Moving, clo peel p ath fhe “Tie Vorying @ fetal : Fhe trdluced c : a morro coged pah hh a time cen a cxprestel ol, mer 4 motionel em Problense GY) A conclectea tem Plates at aadiue gq adscm acospm . Anel faduced voltage. te racial fete! ‘i open by at B-05d, tala. = oa? se e=Vxe Ve Kineoy velatty 4 minute —¥ 1200 veve Cuhion 4 Bec > 1200 > Qo revolufion. 6O For 4 vevelution > distance deavelled in 2 mela ty 20 YN — PxXMY = Foy terns 2 Posh k, bee, Magcens We (aotts 5 ab ‘ r Aon oslo? ad: P= BbAle ay MIE ee Ke = Cardie ab) COS ay al a Aa @ = -15- 406 Ge ap 4Or © Or e-§ e-(-15 408 Ao @= -I5-#08- Zz @ = -1St.0¢ plone =o 2 « of OF! is tance 4 52. Given @ A cradar £ how ew > Bz 0-Qstn 0% ay ermine the cussent ah leep- The aerrent in the given by = frclucecl emf ty @) Pesiptance but Pncluced ems o e= dt —>@) alt Te n % “a = i o oan iota, .reodd a: om a hd = 0 & ainiort wp |. ). b = 6 ABS m7 ainio™ lL» ®@-e: =a (6.asaxie 3 ctrl) ay © + - 6 -a¢a xi Sxi03x costo e€ = -6.2as3 cost t - Vv CD => F = — 6.283 costort _—— T=-baseycosiot -A- Pasbleas Sy Consider a leofs a al HE Beosd, whl, e200 ng wHh constant velouky of tececl em), fr the roel, &=tocm and sed Sa om )sec. fino © Te cument i) The molfen. f esistance. aaa focluced moticnal em, ts geo by > (WxBpat- (° C8di xo. ba.) cay ay) A= 10x { =A (° aay -cly dy oem =H 8 | vcc e soy Anusha RB. ECE, Ml The current Abrough veristance. = Vindued sECES My ce zz se 2 O44 saomd - R 20 (iw the motional fore. om the bas f= BI. =e@5)C 2oxio ) (ext oD) Felxip? n ay Rwer Aisci patect . Pp -a7h = (20 x103) X2O.= Sxio3n. Dreplacement eusrent tensity 2 chisblacement ‘cusent . For etatic EM fietds, according, to ampere® etreuit das, vxr= 7 Taking, Divergence on bot sides wv CIXD soa. According to vector iclentity » “fiveygence of the cual xt ang vector fielcl te Kero’ . wi (axPR D> eT Fo & But caccoreting. fo exyn q continetley ie vere -2Sy —s@® Fom aya (8 He clear that o oohen 28¥ = © 4 then only eqn OD becomes true. eqn) £2) cue nok — competi ble. fe cfime yeoyng feel adel venknewT derm -fe eqn Ci) S = gx =T +N ihes - Talking divergence om bol “ - ev: TET Ga vCwxe a wip 2 - Oh ot vin = as But peng fo ges Cour o Sy = seplaing, Sv oy aoe vw = 2 (vy B)= 7: eo Comparing hoo. sicles q the eqp — a a= Be ot Ampere eeraettat Laur fn pert fom on vis Jot 2 —» © ae Jo > fonclutton Current tensity ond term fm eqnG) is veplaced ag clicplac ment tensity Op) oxPn he +p Lovey Arelectafe. meclitem »coackectio: ). Find is ~ diplecennent Problumn — Tn a grr curent Joe = 0:02 cin ist (Alen casrert cunsity y o = 10 s|en 2 &e for lossy iclectrit meciivm Pa — \ We oy wi Sb = wese = 101 (Es bo) X0:02 Anusha Ry c¢t stycem on to” Tp = lol x 6-5 X 8.854 xo X0-02. To = 5 palms he Gy a % pes , ic ave always oh ight aneles do cach wlBex 7 Foo L1st cosioht Ha [m. Maxwells & jeartion elector fictel BP can exist coifhout aymogneti + A state field WH. { fhe ffme. Yavicthle afietets ea Pr each other. Am clte coveotio > + But Tr Cate cannot extat ewtthout + dame cleck ear well fretpect electromarel ie wover . : & Pax toetle cqpeation aoe nothing fat @ «et q four expression Besvrved frm Gay Ampere cireee ur ® Fares fauc b elect m& fictol Q Gauci Tous ~{O¥ > Geuss Kaur loo mmagpeléé -ftctel Sammasy = Dit fereph! [point sImegra! «er mificon ce 7 R bale ~ BE AR Fea eucbereg! lary wxe = 8 ot i low 3, | ee s+ 8 2 ods Marpac Lows g. BaR- §) Sv-dv Cyeaeys Cant f ayeegne tn gp: & g.B =° Me ivalal NET SS fara dary Doug? [AJ Maswellt Fapscdfn clevivect fam Cd te tet ficlebs 2 ke ee: Pram the bevics 4 ele dwstatic fed , ie doped pecth a cout © Perera ae 4 erat =O — integral diaur Nery ctofe @ evr ery : = —> g Ee. cle « NN (9% E yds =0 =0 © (ds #0 | int fom q mowwotllp equation But ds canned (1) time van Concides fe a civcedt fo the raagncl to flaca (itel- clotec emf foclucecl ff of clecrease - foteel dn Bde lay wellé eqn fry ~ Fakegta! fever Biciogs stoke theorem . Q (ox®ydi = - > a) ee) = ee a On Anusha Ry ECE styeem BY Maxwells eqysattion dhesivedt = i, JP Sd -- . 9 PAC = —jop fet ds . © gPaeir[. Jue .de = j, 3 a ( jweP ek = Jord + ¢ Suet as (e+ jweyf, eds Goh BR = Gh Wd Ow ds @dF =o [ fro prin - ats Ie J pur Aougha-@,ece myc roblem * ; ; For the Faraclay cise generator shown , determine ofen ctrcutt voltage nthe ctratlor dice & ol wadiug “ol, ,voteter at Qa cenelont angular velod: 0 naol|sec In 9 spognaite diet of Bas wb] m> , Tho” buocheg are put, at the Que 2 aim of th alae =e open» cb veut voltage : ve —olp B ae | 2 Bat $f, Bde [ead -vapdrd ; 2 BOS de PR ob Ise dts Gog AP e Bort |~ vot ely 4. b= 6 (aA) (wt) 2-4 “ly Noe 4 Ls o% wot | V = -Wo' volls 2 Voi fore Plane Wavee the vwoves ase the 7 ot ; . on aouste to Suttontont toondeleg od) ca a the waver contiestiag. elechic 2 magnetic fielele> EM wave. y EM waree are said fo be tm eatslence % all the. four Maxwelle eqh are sabicfiedl at the source. Poink Jhere. they ave. generated of any foint- an the. mectium [4h rough which cthe travel |} and at the declination or leoot pointe (here they are wecefvecl ] + Besicall dhe waves radiakel fro “the ee ons | “pharcal coavefo ot . bur at farge datos. frm | P al ne ONES (te gpbesicsl coaver become frcheally pe Dowthe wave i & cfunc Heo QI time > “pee wooves 7 Tae booms Cxarple = Bacio wove le ir, elevevior Sispels . Figg Bo yo sm det tony med | @) Try aerume prefe _@ Thy tial Lok | @ytay, oaale | | Medio + (49 Pree Space. 4 perfect [lessolerr dielechic t (<) bess clectre [Po co eatch wx qu axlech TE RET OS @ perfec 2 3 antuclo [S2 &, E= Eos Me frke gXopneral wave Equation In resal the roave abe parce. & ffme Voosatiens q the fields accing marivelle equations gen by > 9xE = — HEP —s ) oxP 2s cP +e BF —3Q) ot ePso fe. VWs 0) v.-Pco ie. YESS Ys) ‘sR, Anusha 2. ece, Myce fe ff. elimtrate. FP Poor eqn) 9 Faking cust on BS g eqn x( xe) 7 gua gris y eo x2) 0 ov (ox®)=- 2 (oxi?) © Sb value eo VXI? from eqn C2) vx cure) = - hE (c8+ €2E)?@ Accorchny 4 vectr Bleottty. vxCoe) = ve C9-29- VE SS bub ve 20 ox COxXE)=- -_yte —2@ Sut @ h & -ve -# oF fle =” ve Jto- 2e fe = we = 4 2 Mae Kee hy Ze —> Ww Melty, beth icles by ~€' ov (€E@ = Ho 22+ fe DEE —pay at Be? VR? = po B+ fe oe " >a ot the eect on fs Bom unis mecliven. Govider fhe equesion @) > Pe) > 4 €0& = of 2E Ux A o ae “Taking cul A BS q ean 2 oe (9 Bois eae) cai @ ex (mK = TCPXED + € B(ex®D 03) but x= ~ pai OXE Re . Ux(oxit) =o ac ave C Kz) ox( ~ ‘ 2 on aS UK eo c - KOZ ce R= -Ho al pe 222) from the vector identity, vxlom)= 7-@-R)- 7H ls) bt ViPZO =) oxox evi op ov = ofie Nea — wa oP a apear, Ke ZF wi = aH ail ae feo Eel app both icles by i ant ie o g nie y= po 2 gt = f> Soaps Pe “at a Hence fo gence 2 v tore at B " @ rm ie Vector aut Ryoltg, +tReorern eee ahem Em waves 4 an energy ean be Lianiported! rat y) ~ dsansmitler lo vec etver « # Ihe enerQy stored %& an electric fi f energy flo hich can dransattled at certat fe help frye is be calculated wilh | Be BW ane basic fields e- fa Alo 2. 4 Product of a fietcle > gt vale yoodk |m [nik guanty- ic called pe denefty - ven a ‘Ihe power dently & fv f e ? johere Pp? porting vec | peer Statement she ee ~ net ower {lowing mle a a gen volume equal Be pe [ene note of clecreace the energy stored tlhe volernne cafmas the vhmic foot Ani Suppose > e- ex ax Rely dhen pe Py Ex an ity ay e Ay = AD ' alentder tht the elecee fed cpagales to a spre ie ifr by ) Be Ey cos on q,. re ¥4y the meclium y Ratio 4 magnitudes f Per Mord on fle tnfuinle Tnpedlence the re ppoce. 92) J rte = © 101h = i Pe Fn cos (wt po) of, vhs a (08 (1at-p2) és # hecording, ty ff. leis Rag! P are over entity f Ink gale p pecan tite. by . hace 7 Deseret ve J oO cash (wy a (at — Th 4 BY) ge & Riyt pag igre = 4°Sina (ip 2 lf oe p say J, avg eur = aaa Rhee + & S Se & 1 fovg: Em* Jausha Cte, MYCE > Em , ycee om ee sfol-8 BY) AW A But wt = of > Fovq> Em® v5 m7 [st a Cann ae ape) 4 sfo ss) = En Jr - sfne ii ase oa: gee +-sI0s BF | £ sina) Pavey = Emt } eco 9° 3 Hence ae fewer F Pew at Em Integral anch print feos of poy rtes, Consider gar vwells tien > xe = 88 = Net > & : at at > Syabe cE + OSE © ow = TTS ae . icles af re with & Dotiog both e (out 2 BE ITE. B)-@ Uetng vecker lent by B BiB. (78) ALE) _ Doping vecttr adentity oo a ae e >. coxe D7 oClExv = (c€ dt (‘ a ‘ i )- ¥ exw d= ets #(€%)P@ nai hus 5 putin voluce t vxe" 2 ® nee (REE) «HSE Is + Cnsfider Hol fh ae Novo coneicler. fos » <) > 2 OW api WR se. a Ont) = Qh 2H 5 ae v _ —- © 4 gto 4 rth 1 ey) = 2. - OD yg 20%) ge Sashtis OO ,o % @ “Hs 2 a cHty - v (exR)= wer & Zt 2 H+ EE ceNRD 2 re ty 2) ) Gy exh =F? (&) [urtteet] —> pains 2 at point town dnteg note per over oO vamos. 7 dv fo cetdy +2 f A [mrs ce Jdv: Di rereance terre. Fery 8 -§ P-% E Anthea 2, ECE 9 MIGCEN A 8 Problem + TH free epace = 150 ain (WE prax lm! Caleulate fhe -folal pevorr poxtog rou Safle wectanoulbor area y ahs som 2% 157 (al Assume Em = Z Ye > JQo0TN_ aoa , . BE =150 «fm (wot -pe)a' Vireo . Hen = Em No —2 Ho = 150 Rin Cwt- A] e pees E = 150 cos (wk-pe —vif) Ox = nN id a cos (wt—p2- n>) oY ee phasor fem : 2 = 150 elle pz-Th) ye = sso ed (-penth) oy Yo Com plon conjucte g r= 182 el B2 ih) ay Fang = 4 te LEXY] > 4 (ise) Ch.) el pews = ety |] pt 150>.C&, ) 1207r

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