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Curepe Better Living Tabernacle S.D.A

Youth Week of Prayer Program

Facing Illness in Our City

6:30 Prayer – By Song Service Team

6:32- Song Service (Choruses & Hymns) (Pick up Offering)

6:42 AY AIM, MOTTO, Pledge - Everyone

6:47 Co-ordinator’s Opening Remark – Safiya Coker

6:52 Scripture Reading (3 John 1-2)– Adele Toney

6:54 Health Nugget/Did You Know / Activity - Lenora Boyce-Crooks

7:00 Devotional - My Poor Riches – Joseph Elie

7:10 Introduction of Special Music and Presenter – Safiya Coker

7:15 Special Music - Glendine George

7:18 Sermon - Facing Illness in Your City- Marc-Andrew Elie

7:45 Special Prayer Based on Sermon & Closing Prayer in one – Bro. Glenford Joseph (SEA

7:47 Announcements (introduce next topic etc) – Coordinator

7:49 ENDS

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