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I ii a own space programme and

country with its
P #t?
(lie third highest number of science graduates Delhi

of any nation, holy cows roam at will through
the streets and government officials consult G*MG£
astrologers on the timing of state occasions. v T/'C
Fast-spreading cities accommodate modern »c '«>*.
business towers and glittering hotels close to
the corrugated-iron and tarpaulin hovels of the
poor. A landscape whose productivity has been
revolutionized by miracle strains of wheat and V
rice still shelters naked tribal peoples living a RANNOFKUTCH a\*
stone-age existence of hunting and gathering.
India is a land of paradoxes and the starkest
contrasts, a country that lives in several
centuries at once. Karma da
In the decades since 1947 when it gained PENINSULA
independence from the British, India has

developed strong basic industries and become TaP

very largely self-sufficient in manufactured
goods. A prosperous upper-middle class is
spending its new wealth on luxurious housing
and lavish entertaining, televisions and videos.
At the same time, India has made great strides
in relieving the appalling condition of the poor;
life expectancy has risen by more than 20 years
since Independence. It has embraced whole- DECrA
heartedly the challenge of free government, *f>lA T
and today India is the largest democratic £4(j
country in the world.
But for all its progress, India is still rooted in
an ancient tradition which circumscribes lives
and stabilizes society. The caste system is an Krishna
inextricable part of the Hindu religion to which
82 per cent of the people adhere. In village
India, caste still determines occupation, and

everywhere even among sophisticated city-
dwellers —
marriage partners are chosen from
within the closed circle. Hundreds of thou-
sands make a pilgrimage each year to the
beautiful old city of Varanasi and plunge into
the sacred River Ganges to purify their souls.
This book sets India's bizarre and perplex-
ing ways in the context of an ancient civiliza-
tion. An expert team of photographers and
writers illuminates age-old mysteries and new
developments. Through their insights, you will
come to feel at home in one of the most magical
lands on earth. AMINDM

r II
.ANDS > '
( , I A' /

% 1

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Cover photograph by Henry Wilson, London

ISBN 7054 0854 X


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By the Editors of Time-Life Books



\ ( Mil li s I I KM I IHK VRYOl II \K\l\i. TIME-LIFE BOOKS CONSULTANTS: Dr. George Morrison
VOYAG1 HROl l (.11 I III l \!\ I KM Carstairs, formerl) Professor of Psychiatry at
Eurof '
rillian Moore
MYS1 RIES( I )l l III I NKNOWN Dim i"i I ..I Sk) in-
Edinburgh University, is the author of The Twice-
I I mi I ll I llisli >\<\ oi WORLD
I ill
Assistant Dt Mai 5 Staplea Born, a psychological study of Indian villagers.
FITNESS ill \l Ml S M I Kl I ION \ anessa Ki ami 1
Ian Jack is a journalist who has covered India for
hi in IK i\li
\i i ( OOKING 1 ditoi I Ise ( .1 .n The Sunday Times since 1976. Dr. H. A. Kanitkar is
I Mil KM \\IH\(, ( ( IMP1 l IKs a lecturer in the extra-mural department of
l III ENCHANT! DWORl D LIBRARY OF NATIONS London University's School of Oriental and
/ ditoi Elli 11 ( . ill. .id African Studies. Sin- specializes in Hinduism and
IK )\ll REPAIR AND IMPRO\ Ml A I I Hindu societies.
Ed 1.1I St. ill |., India

( l

( rillian Moon Contributors: The chapter texts were written by:

I'l \\l l l \K l II
Siisu Dawson
n h< 1
Sarah Hobson, Trevor Fishlock, Sumi Krishna,
I'l ( IP] ESOl l HI w II. I) Designer Mar) Staples Alan Lothian and Gillian Tindall.
l III I I'K ol IK, I II l Si/// Editor fane I lawkei
l III si VI \Kl RS Pietun Department Christine Hinze, l'<-m;\ roul Cover: Wicker lanterns hanging on tall bamboo
WORLD WAR II Editorial Assistant. Moll) Oates poles glow beside the River Ganges at Varanasi.
I III G( '( MX ( >( >k The lamps have been lit for an autumn festival
I.DI 10RI \l. PRODI CTION known as Akash Deep, when the spirits of the
I III I l\ii I II I I \( Y( LOPA] 1)1 \
ion Issistants Nikki Allen, Maureen ki-IK
i H (, \KDI NING dead are said to make an annual visit to earth:
Editorial Department, rheresajohn, Debra Lellioti
I III (.Kl \l CITIES the lights help them find their way back to their

Valuable help «as given in the pre| tion "I this heavenly abode.
["HE WORLD'S W 111) I'l \( l S volume b) Deepak Puri New Delhi).
ll I Pages 1 and 2: India's national emblem, shown
IMI I I on page 1. is a rendering of a sculpture erected
GR] \l VGESOF MAN by the Emperor Ashoka in the third century B.C.
i ii i SCI] \( i i ihk \k, The emblem shows three lions mounted on an
LIFENAI URE LIBRARY abacus decorated with a bull, a wheel and a
galloping horse. Below it appear the words "truth
I7TMT1 alone triumphs". The wheel from Ashoka's
mo column appears again on India's flag, which is
shown on page 2. With many spokes linking its
centre with its circumference, the wheel
symbolizes unity in diversity.

Front and back endpapers: A topographic map

showing the main rivers, plains, mountain ranges
and other natural features of India appears on
the front endpaper. The back endpaper shows the
country's states and territories, as well as the
major towns. Two areas outside the jurisdiction
of India are marked as "disputed territory" on
the back endpaper. Pakistan controls the disputed
area to the north-west of the state ofjammu and
Kashmir, China that to the cast of the state;
India, however, claims both /ones

© 1986 Time-Life Books B.V. All rights reserved.

Fourth European English language printing 1990.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or This volume is one in a scries of books describing
b\ am electronic or mechanical means, including countries of the world — their natural resources, peoples,
information storage and retrieval devices or systems, histories, economies and governments.
without prior written permission from the publisher,
except that brief passages may be quoted for review.

ISBN 7054 0854 X

TIME-LIFE is a trademark of Time Warner Inc. U.S.A. XIIIIIX


Complexities of a Teeming Land


A Sanctified
2 Social Order
54 Picture Essay: Pilgrims in the City of Salvation


3 Centuries of Foreign Rule


4 Confident Steps of a New Nation

104 Picture Essay: Daily Life of a Calcutta Clerk


5 Hardships of Rural Living

126 Picture Essay: Pastoral Pace of a Village in Rajasthan


6 Cities of Hope and Struggle

156 Acknowledgements
156 Picture Credits
157 Bibliography
158 Index
culpted into the hillsides of the Tumkur district in the south-western state of Karnataka, steeply hanked rice terraces catch and hold every drop oi rain.
Sown over a quarter of India's cultivated land, rice is the nation's principal crop. Only China's harvest is larger.
il\ planning clinic in a West Beng< doctor describes the workings of an intra-uterine de\ i( < to .1 young mother. Dining the 1970s,



XI 5
India's population of over 750
million is growing at a rate of
more than one million a month.
Already, one sixth of all people
alive today are Indians. Only the

Births Deaths


Chinese are more numerous, and 2 30 30

the Indians are almost certain to
overtake the Chinese by the
middle of the next century if they
continue to increase at anything
like their current rate. •
The cause of the population
surge is a sharply declining death
rate, which has not yet been
?aralleled by a fall in births,
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
ublic health measures, such as
inoculation against smallpox and wmmmm
the provision of clean drinking o
water, have raised life expectancy 6
from 32 in the 1940s to 55 in the
1980s. Meanwhile, the average -o 4
Indian couple has four or five
children, and only a minority use '
1 2
contraception. In the countryside,
where even little children help in
the fields, large families are still
considered desirable. POPULATION GROWTH

government birth-control campaigns concentrated heavily on sterilization, but now the emphasis has shifted towards IUDs, condoms and oral pills.
The Indian film industry is the world's
largest, employing about two million
people in the production of more than
700 features a year. Every week, some
70 million Indians queue to see the
latest releases. Until recently, the film
industry was highly profitable, and
provided an important source of
revenue for the state governments,
which levy an average tax of 60 per
cent on box-office sales. In the early
1980s, however, television and videos
began to make serious inroads into the
profits of the film industry.
Despite the industry's size, the EV, CORPORA
number of stars is small. Most films
draw on a handful of popular actors,
who often work on 20 productions at
once. Their scripts are virtually
indistinguishable variations on the
boy-meets-girl theme, punctuated with
song and dance routines. There is also
a tradition of social documentary,
which until recently had minority
appeal; however, in the 1980s, films
with such themes as the role of women
and political corruption have been
box-office successes.

From hand-painted hoardings atop a cinema in Bangalore, Indian film stars gaze down at their public. The billboards advertise a film in the local tongue of

Kannada, one of several southern languages in which films are made in Madras studios. Bombay, the Hollywood of India,
makes movies mainly in Hindi.




India's architectural inspiration goddesses, plants and mythical beasts.

achieved its fullest expression in In every town and village are found
sacred buildings. The landscape of the the shrines of all the religions
subcontinent is punctuated with practised there. In addition, India
temples built by Hindus, Buddhists boasts some spectacular temple
and Jains, adherents of the country's complexes, miniature cities in
three great indigenous faiths. themselves, which grew up over many
Spanning 20 centuries, the places of lifetimes. A number of these
worship take numerous forms, but one collections of marvellous buildings
constant feature is a riot of ornament, were erected by the Jains, who make up
especially on the buildings' exteriors. only 0.5 per cent of India's population,
Columns appear in every conceivable but, because they believe that temple
shape, from spiral to 16-sided, and all construction helps procure salvation,
available surfaces are encrusted with have contributed disproportionately to
abstract motifs, or carvings of gods and the country's architectural heritage.

n -,

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The spires of Shatrunjaya, a Jain temple-city of 863 shrines, reach towards the heavens in the mountains of Gujarat. The majority of the buildings

date from the 17th century, but some earlier structures remain. Shatrunjaya is one of the most important places of pilgrimage for ains.

India can steal the traveller's heart and the bazaars, elephants moving gently
brand his soul like no other country. through lush forests. Running through
For centuries its landscape, its sounds nearly all the images are the potent
and smells, its people have stimulated —
symbols of sun and water unyielding
the imagination of Westerners, causing heat, great rivers —
the sources of life
them often to marvel and sometimes to throughout the world, but nowhere
despair. "So far as I am able to judge," more obviously so than in India.
wrote Mark Twain, "nothing has been India has experienced hundreds of
left undone, either by man or nature, to years of foreign invasion and influence,
make India the most extraordinary yet it still somehow manages to absorb
country that the sun visits on his round. and change everything the world cares
Nothing seems to have been forgotten, to fling at it, remaining at root un-
nothing overlooked." touched. India, in a word, is different,
Twain, the American writer and which is why the rest of the world
traveller,went to India in 1 896. Hisjob chooses to see it as mysterious.
was to describe it. He nearly threw Though it is modernizing rapidly,
away his pen in defeat. "Always," he India stillmoves according to ancient
wrote, "when you think you have come cultural rhythms and hallowed social
to the end of her tremendous speciali- practices. The seventh largest country
ties and have finished hanging tags in the world, with a population of well
upon her as . the Land of the Plague,
. . over 700 million, it has an economy
the Land of Famine, the Land of Giant among the world's top 15; yet 70 per
Illusions, the Land of Stupendous cent of its people live off the land as
Mountains and so forth, another their ancestors did and struggle to
speciality crops up and another tag is subsist. It has millions who enjoy edu-
required." It was best, he decided, to cational standards approaching those
throw away the labels and call it simply of the West, while more than 60 per
the Land of Wonders. cent of the population cannot read. It
Those wonders have been described has research foundations both for space
by writers ever since the Greeks, the vehicles and for bullock carts. Its
first ambassadors of Western civiliza- young executives and civil servants
tion, reached the country in the third have marriages arranged for them by
century B.C. The travellers have left us their parents, who
believe that the
with India as a series of isolated scenes, institution has far too important a role
all true but only fractions of a greater in cementing society to be undermined
truth: the Taj Mahal at midnight and by such uncertainties as youthful love.
poverty at noon, the dust of the listless The stabilizing power of tradition is
plains, the colour and clamour of evident everywhere in India, a country

A farmer encourages his bullocks as

they manoeuvre a cartload of wheat
chaff in a tall cane basket along a
narrow track in a village in Rajasthan.
Tractors are slowly Decoming more
common in the Indian countryside, but
bullock carts are still in daily use.

which rejects almost nothing ofits heri- Moghuls. In the mid-18th century, the the republic has precedence over any
tage Its his tor) begins as fa back as
i British became effective rulers of Ben- other as far as the state is concerned.
2 100 B.( !., when great urban civiliza-
«i gal, and steadily expanded their sphere In India, there are more than 75 mil-
tion sprang up in the s alley of the of influence. By the mid-19th century lion Muslims — ironically, about as
Indus the river which inns through they were masters of all India. They many as there are in Pakistan. The next
present-day Pakistan bul gave India its governed until the subcontinent was largest minority are the Christians,
name. Indus Valley culture flourished given its independence in 1947. Prov- with 18 million adherents. substan- A
for a thousand years until the invasions inces to the north-west and north-east tialChristian community has thrived
dl Aryan peoples from Central Asia. then seceded on religious grounds, and in south-western India since the first
These nomadic pastoralists broughl took their freedom as Islamic Pakistan; century A.D.; many of the Christians
their own gods and social customs to a further secession in 1971 translated elsewhere on the subcontinent descend
India but, as they settled across the East Pakistan into Bangladesh. from the mixed marriages contracted
land, the) absorbed many of the tra- The territorial bulk of the subcon- between Hindu women and British
ditions and religions beliefs of the tinent retained the title of India. It men in the 18th and 19th centuries.

indigenous peoples including thoseof chose a democratic form of government There are 14 million Sikhs whose re-
the Indus Valley civilization. and today is the largest democracy in ligion, launched in the 15th century, is
One outcome of this blending of the world. It became a republic, but re- a refinement of polytheistic Hinduism
cultures was the immensely complex mained within the Commonwealth. somewhat influenced by the mono-
Hindu religion, with its hundreds of India is still strewn with reminders theism of Islam. Originally their creed
gods and its doctrine of the transmigra- of this long and complicated history. was pacifist, but at the end of the 18th
tion of souls from one earthly existence Its most famous monument, the Taj century they became militant in re-
to another. The fusion of cultures also Mahal at Agra, was built by a 17th- sponse to Muslim persecution. Proud
gave system which to
rise to the caste century Muslim emperor as a memor- of their martial tradition, the Sikhs in
this day structures Hindu society, as- ial to his dead wife. In the main city of time of need have proved reckless war-
signing each individual to a closed the small territory ofGoa, a Portuguese riors. In modern times, the Sikhs have
group with its own obligations and colony until 1961, there stands a statue flourished as go-getting businessmen,
taboos. India has thousands ofdifferent to a local overlord of old, bearing farmers, doctors, engineers and taxi
castes. The members of each one order the Portuguese inscription: "D.M.C. drivers. Relations between Sikhs and
their lives so as to minimize contact Dias— a great man, recognized by Hindus have often been close, and
with outsiders, believing that they will his homeland". In Calcutta's Great mixed marriages are frequent.
be polluted by the food, water or touch Eastern Hotel, much frequented in the Buddhism has five million followers
of those lower down in the hierarchy. past by the author Rudyard Kipling, a in India, where it originated in the
After the Aryan influx, other waves window in the lobby bears to this day sixth century B.C. Like Hinduism, it

of invaders periodically encroached on the gilt-lettered inscription: "By ap- teaches that souls progress from one
India from the north. Most notable pointment to H.M. the King Emperor earthly vehicle to another, but it rejects
among them were the Moghuls, adher- and H.M. the Queen Empress". Other the Hindu division of society into
ents to the Islamic faith, who created ex-colonies would have done away with castes. There are also 3.5 millionjains,
an Indian empire that lasted from the their imperial relics, but such gestures members of a sect which originated in
1 6th to the 1 9th century. Then came an are alien to India. the same period as Buddhism and re-
epoch of European dominance. The Another testimony to Indians' capa- sembles it in many ways. Neither faith
Portuguese reached Indian shores in city to absorb, rather than dismantle, is posits a creator or first cause for the
the 15th century, the Dutch in the 16th the huge variety of religions practised universe; both teach reverence for all
century and the French in the 17th on the subcontinent. Hinduism easily no matter how lowly. The
living things,
century — but it was the British, who predominates, claiming 82 per cent of Jains number among them the most
first arrived as traders in 1608, who the population, but the Indian Consti- ascetic holy men and some of the
succeeded to the Indian empire of the tution makes it clear that no religion in wealthiest businessmen to be found on

Early morning light on the gilded walls

of the Golden Temple at Amrit.sar is
reflected in the sacred pool. The
temple, the Sikhs' holiest shrine, is in
the north-western state of Punjab — the
religion's heartland, where 80 per cent
of India's Sikhs live.

the entire subcontinent today. There a sophisticated civilization, few Tanis, from a mountain valley near
are aboul liio.oou Parsis, followers of tribals have intermarried with other India's north-eastern border, cultivate
Zoroaster, whose religion moved east- Indians and some of them have held rice and other crops on irrigated ter-
wards from lVisi.i after its foundation fast to the customs that distinguish races and produce extremely high
in the fifth century B.C. There are a few them from their neighbours. yields despite never having come to
hundred Jews, mostly in the big eities The Ghenchus are an example of a terms with the plough. They maintain
.ind the south-west. tribe that has maintained an almost contact with a spirit world through sha-
An important minority of India's st one-age existence. These people, who mans, marry most strictly within their
population follow none of these re- inhabit the mountains on either side of own group, and speak a tongue totally
ligions. India's tribal peoples, many of the Krishna river in south India, are different from Assamese, the language
them descendants of the subcontinent's forest nomads who, until a generation of nearby Hindus.
aboriginal populations, have their own ago, subsisted by gathering fruits and Languages are another commodity
religions, and most of them are ani- nuts and hunting game with a bow and that India has in profusion. The most
mists, who venerate the mysterious arrow. Today, most of the 18,000 obvious reason for the babel is the sheer
forcesembodied in wood or water or Chenchus have abandoned this tra- size of the country. But limited hor-
animal life. There are more than 400 ditional lifestyle, but a minority have izons have also been a crucial factor.
Scheduled Tribes — so called because persisted in it. They still wear the The huge majority of Indians have
their names are listed in the Consti- scantiest dress, alternate their dwelling always been peasants subsisting offthe
tution,which specifies that they must places between a bamboo hut and an soil; communications were almost non-
be protected from social injustice and overhanging rock, and offer the first existent until the last century, except
all forms of exploitation. The members fruits of the season to a god they call along major rivers, and hardly anyone
of these tribes number altogether some Garelamaisama, the deity of the forest travelled more than a week's walk from
50 million. They are widely distributed and chase. They have, however, en- his village. Even today, although India
throughout the subcontinent. In the tered the cash economy: they sell honey contains some vast cities including four
past most of them lived in forests, and forest products with pharmaceuti- with more than four million inhabi-
where they were relatively isolated cal uses to a co-operative in a nearby tants, three quarters of the population
from the outside world. But as India's town, and buy grain with the proceeds. live in the countryside. The small vil-
population expanded and the forests Some tribal groups long ago pro- lage where a few hundred people dwell
shrank, many of the tribal peoples gressed from hunting and gathering to is much more typical of this subcon-

came into regular contact with Hindu slash-and-burn cultivation, and others tinent than the metropolis. In India's
villagers. Despite growing proximity to are settled agriculturists. The Apa thousands of virtually self-contained

The predominant racial type in India is

Caucasian but some minorities,
especially in the Himalayas, have
Mongoloid features. This sample of
regional portraits includes, from left to
right: a woman from Poona, near the
west coast, draped in the sari worn
throughout India; a young man from
Kashmir, with the blue eyes often seen
in this northern state; a girl from the
east coast, her plaits looped up in a
style favoured for children; a man
from Rajasthan, whose bright turban is
characteristic of that state; and a
Mongoloid woman from the Ladakh
region, near the Tibetan border.


communities, speech acquired local cause it is the native language of Hin- varies slightly from one village to the
idiosyncrasies which it has never lost. dus living in part of northern India. next, and all that can be confidently as-
At the broadest level of categoriza- Southerners, in particular, who speak serted is that there are several hundred
tion, the Indiangovernmentrecognizes Tamil or one of the related languages, different mother tongues in India,
15 major languages, each at least as dif- have fiercely resented what they see as many mutually incomprehensible.
ferent from the next as English, French a northern imposition. The language
and German. One of them is Sanskrit, question has caused periodic agitation Independent India was founded as a
the classical language of India, spoken in provincial centres. federal union, with a central all-Indian
widely by the Aryans until the 10th English, despite its associations with government and Parliament in the
century but nowreserved for religious former imperialism, survives as the capital at Delhi, and regional govern-
and scholarly uses. Sanskrit and the main language of government because ments and assemblies in each of
languages of Europe share the same it is the one tongue that every educated 1 7 provincial states. Many of the state
ancient roots. Eleven of the major Indian knows. When politicians debate boundaries were inherited from the
languages spoken today in India orig- in the national Parliament, they do time of British rule and had been de-
inated from Sanskrit; one, Urdu, is a so in English. When the Communist termined by historical accident rather
fusion of a Sanskrit-derived language Party of India holds national confer- than cultural logic. Since thedeparture
with Persian. The remaining four ences and inveighs against imperialism of the British, boundaries have several
major tongues, Tamil being the oldest, past and present, it does so in the times been redrawn to take account of
belong to the Dravidian language fam- speech that British viceroys used. cultural affiliations and above all to
ily,which may be indigenous to India. The 1 5 major tongues are merely the meet demands for linguistic unity. To-
To compound communication prob- beginning of the country's linguistic day there are 23 semi-autonomous
lems, most of the 5 languages are writ-
1 labyrinth. There are 97 recognizably states and, in addition, a clutch of small
ten in distinctly different scripts. different forms of Hindi alone, and a territories administered by the union
When India promulgated its Consti- similar number of variations on the government in Delhi. The union terri-
tutionin 1950, Hindi —
oneofthederiv- other languages. Scholars argue end- tories include Goa and Pondicherry
atives of Sanskrit —
was decreed to be lessly over whether this or that speech former colonies of Portugal and France
the nation's official language. It has re- pattern should be regarded as a minor respectively which remained separate
mained so e\ er since, and India's own language or simply as a dialect within a from the new India for some years after
name for itself, Bharat, is a Hindi word. major language. There is rarely any —
Independence and Delhi itself.
The decision in favour of Hindi held doubt over the idiosyncratic tongues of Each of the states and territories has
considerable political difficulties, be- the tribal peoples. Otherwise, speech a character very much of its own. From


The Aryan tongues of northern India

are very different from the Dravidian
languages of the south. This map
JAMMU shows the principal language of each
AND KASHMI state. Hindi is the native speech of

more than a quarter of the population,
and understood by half.

PUNJAB imperial glory and directed them to

national ends: the viceroy's palace
iARYANA houses the Indian President.
A Delhi GALAND To the north-west of Delhi lies one of
the subcontinent's most vital areas but
PRADESH one where the complex heritage from
RAJASTHAN the past has not been absorbed as
peaceably as in Delhi. Punjab
originally a larger area than the present
state— literally means "land of the five

MADHYA PRADESH always been abundantly

rivers". It has
GUJARAT kj watered by Himalayan torrents, and
nowadays irrigation via borewells and
canals makes it an extremely fertile
farmland. Dramatic improvements in
agricultural productivity have brought
considerable wealth to the region dur-
• ing the last two decades.

Punjabi Kannada
Historically, Punjab had a partic-
ANDHRA ularly rich variety of racial, religious
PRADESH Hindi Telegu

and linguistic characteristics; as a re-

* Gujarati sult, the western partition line between
GOA India and Pakistan was drawn in 1947
| Kashmiri Tamil straight down the middle of the prov-
ince. The part allotted to Pakistan
: Oriya contained a majority of Muslims; the
population of the eastern halfwas fairly
NADU Marathi evenly divided between Hindus and
Sikhs. But many people found them-
\ I Bengali selves on the wrong side of the linguis-
tic and religious border, and for a few
=j Assamese OTHER
weeks in 1947 there was a holocaust of
communal violence as each community
one to the next, the landscape can land, the Ganges. In this city is pre- fought its way to relative safety.
change from arid savannah to tropical served a vast sweep of India's history. For the next half-dozen years, the
rainforest, from featureless plains to From the 12th century onwards, suc- Indian Punjab shared a provincial
soaring mountains. The people, their cessive Hindu and Muslim dynasties —
capital the old British hill station of
history and their traditions varyjust as focused their empires on this spot, and —
Simla with the neighbouring moun-
dramatically. Consequently, between monuments from the past abound in tain state of Himachal Pradesh (whose
the Himalayas and Cape Comorin, it is the suburbs and in Old Delhi. Adjacent name means literally "the state of
virtually impossible to generalize. New Delhi is the seat of government to- snow"). In 1953 Himachal Pradesh
Practically every rule of Indian life day. The grandiose government build- was allowed to have Simla all to itself,
trails at least one glaring exception. ings raised by the British were finished while Punjab acquired a brand-new
India's capital, Delhi, lies in the
north of the country in the vast, sun-
in 1931 —
just 16 years before they
relinquished their rule. Independent
capital city, Chandigarh, designed for
the purpose by the Swiss architect Le
baked plain of the greatest river in the India took over these testimonies to Corbusier. Even before the capital was


completed, the Sikhs had begun to

press for separate administrative ar-
rangements. So in 1966 the Indian
Punjab was partitioned: the majority of
Hindus were contained in the new state
of Haryana and the Sikhs remained
under the old territorial title.
But the division was not a clean one:
the capital, Chandigarh, was shared by
Haryana and truncated Punjab, which
contained a bare majority of Sikhs.
Some Sikhs had long dreamed of an
independent nation of their own, which
would be called Khalistan. By the
1980s, the agitation for independence
reached violent levels. Tragically, the
unrest led in 1 984 to the storming of the
Golden Temple at Amritsar by the In-
dian Army, with many deaths on both
sides. In retribution, Sikhs assassin-
ated the Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira
Gandhi, in November of that year.
Immediately north of Punjab and
Himachal Pradesh is the state of
Jammu and Kashmir, composed of the
plains ofJammu in the south-west and
the Himalayan peaks and high villages
of Kashmir. Like Punjab, Jammu and
Kashmir has suffered on account of its
religious differences. Before Indepen-
dence, it was part of the one third of
India which was not controlled directly
by the British: it was one of the fore-
most of the 562 princely states whose
rulers, provided they fell in with British
policy, continued to reign in the splen-
dour they had enjoyed for centuries and
even to raise their own armies.
Jammu and Kashmir became a
matter of dispute between India and
Pakistan the moment Independence
was declared, because of an historical
accident. While 80 per cent of the
state's population in 1947 was Muslim,
the ruler — Maharajah Hari Singh
was Hindu, as were most of the people
A trio of porters haul a barrel of
kerosene up a road in the hill town of
Simla, formerly the summer capital of
India. Founded by the British in the
early 19th century as a summer refuge
from the heat of the plains, Simla is
now a popular holiday resort for many
middle-class Indians.

In the region of Ladakh, on the eastern edge of Jammu and Kashmir, a white-walled Buddhist monastery dominates a village that cascades down the

slopes of a barren landscape. This area, an extension of the 5,000 metre-high Tibetan plateau, is cut off from rain by the Himalayas to the south.

— 2



inhabiting iln- Jammu part of Ins summer inhouseboats on Dal Lake, in One of the most popular of India's
realm. Undei the Independence ar- iln centre of the vale, retreating to dry regional theatrical traditions is the
rangements, the rulers of princely land when winter causes the lake to gaudy and vigorous dance-drama
states had the right choose whether
i<> freeze over. On the high eastern side of known as kathakali. It developed its

to throw in their lot with India or with the state, near the border with Tibet, present form in the 1 6th and 1 7th
centuries in the south-western state
Pakistan. [ari Singh was siill agoniz-
I lies the region of Ladakh. Physically
of Kerala. Drawing inspiration from
ing over which course to lake when a and ethnically, Ladakh resembles the
the heroic myths and legends of
|).ui\ of Pa than tribal warriors from land across the frontier, and it is one of
Hindu religious writings, kathakali
Pakistan invaded the state. The Maha- the few remaining refuges of unsullied performances are filled with gods,
rajah, in panic, invited the Indians
«i Tibetan Buddhism. demons, warriors, sages, villains and
to help him. The two countries then The great mountain bastion which high-born ladies. To learn the
engaged in a brisk war on Kashmiri divides India from Central Asia stands classical dance steps of kathakali and
territory before the United Nations as a backgroup to the states and union its repertoire of highly stylized

stepped in and drew a cease-fire line territories that project awkwardly to gestures, boys between the ages of 1
down the middle of the old state. The the north-east, all but cut off from the and 20 train for six years at one of
several schools. Performances, which
area to the south and east was to be rest of India by the intervening shapes
last through the night, are held all
occupied by India, that to the north of Nepal and Bangladesh. Here, just
over Kerala in temple courtyards,
and west by Pakistan. The cease-fire seven million people are spread be-
public spaces and private clubs.
line lias remained an international tween seven different administrative
boundary ever since. In 1949, the Ma- areas. The reason for the proliferation
harajah abdicated his by then titular of units is that they contain the biggest
position in favour of his son. concentration of tribespeople in the
Jawaharlal Nehru, independent In- country; the boundaries closely follow
dia's first Prime Minister, accepted in and linguistic transitions.
principle in 1948 that there should be a These seven states and union terri-
referendum on sovereignty among the tories, together with Assam — a state
Kashmiris; but he and his successors with its own substantial tribal sector
failed to test public opinion in this way, are sometimes referred to as the North-
and the dispute has still not been re- East Frontier. The land consists largely
solved. Occasionally the region's Mus- of thickly forested hills, high enough
lims have shown signs of unrest, even to attract tremendous rainfall in the
though they and the Hindu Kashmiris monsoon The zone around the
generally dwell amiably side by side. village of Cherrapunji, in Meghalaya,
For Nehru and other Indian idealists, is one of the wettest spots on earth,

Jammu and Kashmir always had a with an average annual rainfall of ,082

more than strategic and territorial sig- centimetres, compared with 61 centi-
nificance. Being a state where Muslims metres in London and 106 in New York.
are in the majority, it stands as an affir- In June alone, at Cherrapunji, 250
mation of the avowedly secular nature centimetres of rain fall.
of the Indian Constitution. Besides sheltering the little-known
The state is mostly an area of stu- tribals, those north-eastern rainforests
pendous mountain scenery. Sheltered are also the home of a rich variety of
among the Himalayas is the beautiful wildlife, including the extremely rare
vale of Kashmir, its luscious fruit- one-horned Indian rhinoceros. There
growing slopes set off by the jagged is virtually no industry, apart from the

peaks behind. Many people spend the production of oil and tea in Assam. Tea

Before going on stage, a young kathakali
actor has his face painted green, the
colour that denotes the heroes of the
drama. His jaw is framed by white
cheek-plates of paste and paper.

The hero of a kathakali play, in full-

skirted costume and tall crown, mimes
his role to the accompaniment of a
drummer. Twenty-four positions of the
hands, combined in various ways, give
performers a vocabulary of over 600
words; eye movements emphasize the
message conveyed by gesture.

At the Kerala State Academy of Arts,

students hold the splayed stance
typical of kathakali dance, their weight
resting on the outside of their arched
feet. The teacher corrects their pose
from his chair.

Rose-coloured sandstone buildings
occupied by traders line a street in
Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan. The city's

1 18th-century founder, Maharajah Jai

Singh, laid out its broad avenues on a
rectangular grid. found growing wild in Assam in world. Jobs have not kept pace with Singh (lion) in their family titles.
1820, long aftei ii was cultivated in the city's swelling population. Urban In parts of Rajasthan, the camel is
China, but the Indian tea industry did dilapidation and high unemployment still the most common form of trans-
not <;et going until sonic seeds from have made for a radical population: port outside the towns. The traveller
Nepal were planted at Darjeeling, in West Bengal is one of the two states in crossing the sandy wilderness in a haze
West Bengal, in 1841. Over a century India that regularly elect aCommunist of dust kicked up by his beast en-
later, Assam grows 60 per cent of In- majority to their state legislature. counters a series of ancient fortresses
dia's total crop, distinctively strong-
.i Like the north-east, West Bengal rising dramatically from the desert
flavoured leaf that gives body to most ol experiences plentiful rainfall and is floor. W r
ithin their impregnable walls
the blends that Westerners drink. consequently a very green part of the are the lavish palaces of the Rajput
West Bengal is one of the smaller country. But the great bulk of north princes who ruled the area —
stales in the Indian union but it has one India is extremely arid. Bihar, the state like Jammu and Kashmir, was semi-
ol the two greatest population den- adjacent to West Bengal, is a parched autonomous before Independence.
sities, due to its economic history and plain which bakes almost white in the Most of the former rulers still live in
geographical position. The first part of great summer heat. With the exception their strongholds and on feast days all
India to come under British rule, Ben- of a mining and manufacturing belt the panoply of old reappears. Retainers
gal was in the 18th century the source which continues from West Bengal, mounted on camels and elephants ca-
of 60 per cent ofall British imports from this is a miserable tract of country parisoned in vivid colours make pro-
India, from silk to saltpetre. The Brit- where peasants till the earth with cession from the palace round the local
ish developed a colony on the River primitive instruments for a subsistence town to the sound of trumpets, drums
Hooghly into the great port of Cal- livelihood. Bihar is in some ways the and pipes. The most dramatic of the
cutta, which became India's capital most backward state, still largely run Rajasthani fortifications is the town of
and remained so until 1912. In 1820, on feudal lines by substantial land- Jaisalmer, remote in the western des-
coal was discovered in Bengal. Soon owners, in spite of India's democracy. ert, completely encircled by battle-
pit-shaft winding gear was poking in- Next to Bihar is the huge state ments. The most beautiful palace is the
congruously out of the jungle, and jute of Uttar Pradesh, a Hindi-speaking —
one of Udaipur now an hotel which —
mills, powered by the plentiful fuel, heartland in the plain of the Ganges. gleams with white marble and rises
were multiplying. Calcutta and the Thanks to the river, which is holy to from the middle of a lake.
other towns of the area had been trans- Hindus, Uttar Pradesh contains many Between Rajasthan and the Arabian
formed into thriving, machine-driven places of pilgrimage, chief among Sea lies the state of Gujarat, part of
workshops of the East, attracting mi- which is the city of Varanasi. But Uttar which before Independence consisted
grants from all over northern India. Pradesh, like Bihar, is a poor state. of numerous tiny princedoms, some of
The population swelled still further One third of its farmland is irrigated them no larger than a village and its
after 1947, when the state was par- with borewells or by the waters of the surrounding fields. Much cotton is
titioned and the eastern half became mighty River Ganges; the rest depends grown in the state and the biggest city
East Pakistan. At that time, and again on unpredictable rains. is the considerable textile centre of
in 1971 when East Pakistan became The most arid of all states is Rajast- Ahmadabad. Gujarat is a centre of the
Bangladesh, bloody civil war broke out han, much of which consists of the Jain religion, and Jains have strongly
within borders. On both occasions,
its great Thar desert which extends west- influenced the regional cuisine, which
vast numbers of refugees made for Cal- wards beyond the Indian border, into isentirely vegetarian and uncommonly
cutta; many of them have stayed in the the province of Sind in Pakistan. sweet. Gujarat is the only part of India
city or its hinterland. Rajasthan is also one of India's most where the Asiatic lion is still found, a
With a population of well over nine colourful states. It is the traditional few score having survived in the Gir
million, Calcutta is easily the biggest home of a great warrior people called Forest near the state's southern tip.
metropolis in the Commonwealth, and the Rajputs, high-caste Hindus who, While most of Gujarat consists of
one of the most congested cities in the like the Sikhs, invariably use the name featureless plain, the southern part of

Madhya Pradesh, on the same latitude, in friezes that aie still so sharply thousands of devout pilgrims who line
rises to the Deccan plateau, the high defined that they appear to have been the route. Lord Jagganath rides on a
land that occupies the centre of India's cut within the past five years instead of huge chariot with 1 6 wheels, each more
pendant shape. On this stony, infertile a millennium ago. than two metres in diameter. In times
tract of country dotted with scrub, the While Khajuraho's temples today past, it was not uncommon for the most
sun sheds a blinding light. May tem- are the preserve of tourists, the state ardent pilgrims to fling themselves
peratures of 45°C and above are com- of Orissa, east of Madhya Pradesh, under these wheels in a fit of religious
mon. Madhya Pradesh is another mounts each year one of the most vital ecstasy. The English word juggernaut,
heartland of Hindi speech and the site and compelling of all Hindu cele- which is used to describe any gigantic,
of one of the most celebrated of all brations. In the seaside town of Puri, unstoppable contraption, is derived
Hindu temple complexes. Outside the the image of Lordjagganath, an incar- from the god's name.
village ofKhajuraho, in the north of the nation of the Hindu god Vishnu, is Orissa is mostly a poor state with
state, cluster 20 magnificent temples to transported down to the beach from its primitive agricultural methods, but it
Hindu deities, all built between 950 usual home in a temple, and returned a does enjoy the benison of a long coast-
and 050 A.D. They are lavishly decor-
1 few days later. The journey commem- line on the Bay of Bengal, and conse-
ated with sculptures depicting court orates an event in Hindu mythology quently an abundance offish. Most of
life, heavenly beings and erotic scenes, and it is made to the acclaim of tens of its plains and hills are clothed in forest,


The 8,586 metre peak of
Kangchenjunga, straddling the
Sikkim-Nepal border, rises
majestically behind a herdsman's hut
in the Himalayan foothills. The
geological forces that built the
Himalayas continue to thrust them
ever higher, but erosion cancels out
the annual five centimetres of growth.

which shelters many tribal groups. have been undertaken in the past few
Over on the other side of the subcon- decades are beginning the process of
tinent, the state of Maharashtra is one converting the arid Deccan to fertility.
of the most prosperous areas of India
today, especially blessed with the Of all the cultural differences in India,
wealth that flows and out of its capi-
in none is more striking than that between
tal, Bombay. Endowed with a superb northerners and southerners. The tran-
natural harbour, Bombay is a flourish- sition from one zone to the other is not
ing centre for industry of almost every sudden, but the Deccan creates a
kind. This, unquestionably, is India's natural division; Andhra Pradesh is
boom city, both in size and in the scale generally southern in character, as are
of its housing and transport problems. the other three states near the tip of
Bombay, like Calcutta, attracts a the subcontinent. Language, as usual,
great variety of people from all over defines the difference most clearly:
India, but outside its capital, Maha- southerners speak one of the Dravidian
rashtra is culturally a fairly homo- languages, which are utterly unlike the
geneousstate. Itwasdefinedin 1960on northern Aryan tongues. In general,
the basis of the most common local southerners are darker-skinned than
language, Marathi, spoken by the war- people in the north of India. One
like Maratha people who plagued theory is that the Dravidian peoples of
Moghul and British imperialists alike the south may be descended from in-
until well into the 19th century. The habitants of the Indus Valley, who
western part of the state is a narrow were driven south by the Aryan in-
coastal strip separated from the Dec- vasion or by some natural catastrophe.
can plateau by a range of mountains At any rate, the southerners proved
known as the Western Ghats. They rise resistant to the incursions of Islam, and
1,500 metres above sea level and form the Moghul Empire only briefly ex-
an impressive natural barrier because tended into their heartland. The south-
of their steep seaward slopes. erners claim, in consequence, that
Until 1947, much of the Deccan fell theirs is a purer form of Hinduism than
into the largest of all the princely states, that of the northerners. Certainly the
Hyderabad. Hyderabad was peculiar southerners' adherence to the dietary
in that its ruler, the Nizam, was a Mus- rules of the religion is much more strin-
lim, whereas the vast majority of his gent. It is the belief of Hindus that

subjects were Hindu just the opposite every living creature has a soul which is
of the situation in Jammu and Kash- no less precious than that of a human
mir. While the last of the Nizams was being. Vegetarianism follows logically
reputed to be the richest man in the from such thinking; but in northern
world, his state was one of the most India vegetarianism is more often the
poverty-stricken in all India. Today, exception than the rule, while in the
the Marathi-speaking part of his realm south vegetarianism is widespread.
has been incorporated into Maharash- The southerners' choice of staple
tra, the larger, Telegu-speakingfraction food also differs from the north In-
into Andhra Pradesh. This state re- dians'. While wheat and other cereals
mains relatively undeveloped today, such as sorghum and millet are much
though many irrigation schemes which eaten in the north, rice is the basis of

an) meal in the south, and the rice tableaux of Disneyland. Much of the system does not look as if it were about
|).uld\ isone of the most consistent fea- southern landscape, in contrast to to collapse after too much hard labour
tures of the landscape in the southern- the bleached browns and yellows of the on behalf of too many passengers.
most si. itcs, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Ganges plain, is lush green dappled Karnataka, the third southern state,
Men's dress is another distinguish- with little reservoirs of water. These contains one of India's most dynamic
ing feature. Women wear the sari all artificial ponds, which are dug by the cities and another that seems almost
over India, but for their menfolk, there villagers, are known all over India as untouched by time. Bangalore is a
is no universal traditional garb. ( )rtho- tanks: the word originated in the bustling centre of high-technology in-
do\ lindu men in northernand central
1 Gujarati and Marathi languages but dustry, includingaircraft manufacture;
I ndia generally wear the dhoti, a sort of the British adopted it and spread it Mysore, formerly the capital of a
white skirt so amply cut that it is cus- throughout the subcontinent. princely state, has one of the most opu-
tomary to tuck several folds between Tamil Nadu, the state below Andhra lent palaces in the country, which is
the legs to avoid tripping over them. In Pradesh, typifies the south both in cul- every Sunday evening with
still fairy-lit

the south men wear the much briefer ture and appearance. Its capital, thousands of lamps, as it was in the
lungi, a rectangle of cloth wrapped Madras, is India's fourth largest city days when the maharajah's word was
round the body and folded over at the but, with less than half the population law. Mysore's speciality is incense
waist. The lungi is usually brightly of Bombay and Calcutta, it has so far manufacture. All over the city there are
coloured, often chequered or flowered. escaped the worst of the problems suf- workshops where slivers of bamboo are
Colour is a feature of southern scen- fered by those two metropolises. It is coated with perfumed powder, and the
ery. On the temples, the figures sculpted not nearly as congested as its rivals, nor air is fragrant with the aromas of san-
round the external walls are painted is there so much apparent poverty. Its dalwood, jasmine and rose. Karnataka
delicately in pastel shades. The effect is streets are much wider than is usual in provides the bulk of the world's supply
sometimes as excessive as the fantastic urban India, and its public transport of sandalwood, and in Mysore there
are many craftsmen who carve the
scented wood into ornamental boxes or
statues of deities.
Kerala, the long strip of country bor-
dering the Arabian Sea to the south
of Karnataka, has long been famous for
an equally exotic set of products:
spices. This was the Malabar coast,
which attracted first the Portuguese
and later the British to buy the pepper,
cloves and ginger which made their
monotonous winter diet palatable. It is
a palmy land riddled with lush back-
waters and rice paddies, where out-of-
town transport much more often means
a diesel-engined ferryboat than a bus.
Today, Kerala has one considerable in-
dustrial base at Cochin, where there is
a modern seaport and a shipbuilding
yard. Otherwise its economy is still
based largely on spices, along with fish,
rice and coconuts. Many of Kerala's
young men have taken to working for a
Two workmen paint traffic markings
on the Raj path, the principal avenue of Accompanied by a woman spectator, a
India's capital, New Delhi. Passing the cricketer rests before taking nis turn to
red sandstone Government Secretariat, bat. The carefully tended pitch belongs
the thoroughfare leads to the domed to the exclusive Calcutta Cricket
residence of the Indian President an— —
Club the oldest cricket club outside
edifice completed in 1929 to the United Kingdom, founded by the
accommodate the British viceroy. British in 1792.

few years in the oil-rich Gulf States: state has the highest literacy rate in power in the state for much of the inter-
their remittances home buy motor- India — nearly 70 per cent, compared vening period. The radicalism of the
bikes, cars and gaudy bungalows. with 36 per cent in India as a whole. people seems to stem more from their
Socially, Kerala is an oddity in One explanation is that the Maharajah political awareness, through reading
several ways. It houses an even greater of Travancore, who ruled much of what books and newspapers, than from des-
than average mixture of religions, in- isnow Kerala until Independence, was peration, for there is less extreme want
cluding a Christian community as old an enlightened man who encouraged here than in many parts of India. Ker-
as any in Europe, comprising 18 per the dissemination of learning among ala is the most crowded state in India
cent of the state's population. The Hin- his people. Another is that the Chris- with 654 people packed into each
dus of Kerala — the majority in the tian community has always shown a square kilometre, compared with 221
state— adhere to a rigorous version of strong interest in education, and the in India as a whole. Yet enough food is
the code that keeps different castes Hindus were obliged to share their produced for everyone, thanks to the
apart. One rule, only recently aban- commitment in order not to be out- state's abundant and reliable rainfall.
doned, stated that a low-caste person stripped economically and politically.
may not come within 96 paces of Kerala's other claim to fame is that it With a large portion of India's popu-
someone from the topmost castes. produced the world's first democrat- lation dependent on the land, rainfall
Surprisingly, given the hierarchic ically elected Communist government, crucially affects lives. The monsoon,
nature of Hindu society in Kerala, the in 1957. Communists have been in the seasonally varying wind of south


Groups of turbaned men camp with

their camels at the annual fair near the
village of Pushkar in Rajasthan. Held

1 during a full moon in October or early

November, the fair draws thousands of
villagers from the surrounding region
for a week of livestock dealing
° and
... «...
religious festivities.

\si.i. Iii ings the rain I )a< h \ ear, mil- when the monsoon season has finished
lions wail .mil watch, anxious and in the 1 est ol [ndia. It is this additional
hopeful, .is ilif iiuiiisoi hi (losses the bounty ol rain that keeps the south
land. I li<\ follow radio and newspapei especially Kerala —
so lush and green.
reports us progress with intense
ol in- he transformation of India's rivers

terest. It is .hi age-old anxiety. from one season to the next is phenom-
Most p.ii is ol ndia ai e Messed w
I ith enal. Bs the end ofMay a week or two,

Only line spell ol i .tin l\ . .11 id the before the rainy season begins, the
e.iiK part of the year is dry throughout Ganges has sunk so low in its passage
the subcontinent. Januai \ is ndia's I across Uttar Pradesh and Bihar that it
(oolest month, \\ ith tempei atures be- is scarcely (lowing at all; at Kanpur,

low (
I in Delhi, and ice forming on
> : near the centre of I ttar Pradesh, it is
Kashmir's Dal Lake. Bin the tempera- quite easy for people to wade from bank
ture rises sharply in March and April, to bank. Within a week of the monsoon
and by M.i\ frequently exceeds rO°Cin starting, the sluggish stream has be-
the plain of the Ganges. The people come a raging torrent a kilometre wide,
ache for the rains. a\\(\ getting wider by the day. For a

Then .it last, with great thunder- short spell after the rains finish for the
storms, the monsoon breaks and year, the Ganges rolls majestically
drenched farmers laugh with pleasure. swollen across northern India. Then
The rain-bearing wind comes from the gradually, imperceptibly, the river's
south-west and reaches southern India level lowers day by day until, nine
at the end of May. Gradually, over the months later, it is restored to lull vigour
next few weeks, the wind makes its by the next monsoon.
way up the subcontinent: Kashmir's Wherever the monsoon fails, crops
first visitation by the monsoon does not die for lack of water and whole popu-
happen until July. In a normal year, lations are threatened. In 1943, a fam-
every part of the country should look ine in Bengal killed at least 1 .5 million,
forward to three months of this rain. and perhaps twice that number. Ad-
which falls torrentially for a few hours, mittedly, the 1943 famine was one of
then stops while everything steams like the last real catastrophes and India is
a laundry in the sun, before the rain now moving towards rudimentary ef-
continues where it left off. But in some ficiency in storing supplies. But hard-
years the monsoon expires before rain ship and worse are never out of sight;
reaches the north-west in any quantity, when the monsoon appears on schedule
with disastrous consequences for the the spectre of famine disappears tem-
local farmers. Sometimes, the Thar porarily, but there is usually disaster
desert remains rainless all year. for some people which sweep
in floods
Scarcely ever does the monsoon fail whole villages away, drowning humans
to irrigate a tract of the country to the and animals by the hundreds.
south and east of a line extending from To most outsiders, the precarious-
Goa (below Bombay) to Patna (in Bi- ness of life in India epitomized by the

har) More often than not, the extreme

. poverty to be seen in its cities. In Cal-
south is visited by further rains, borne cutta and Bombay especially, but to a
by a north-east monsoon, between the lesser degree in every Indian commun-
months of October and December. ity of size, the beggar is a customary


sil^lll upon he si eels. \V< )lll('ll rush Up
I I sending remittances back to their wives deems it come to terms with
a virtue to
to strangers and almosl ilmisi their and families in the home village each one's no matter how lowly.
sleeping babies into their ai ms as they month by postal order. Resentments do sometimes flare up
.isk foi money; children ambush their In this country where poverty is in awful bouts of communal violence.
< i.irry with upheld palms and piteous-
SO evident and widespread, fantastic However, considering all the tinder for
K tearful cries of "No mamma, no wealth is enjoyed by a small elite. The conflict, India is more notable for its
papa". Some beggars are dreadfully riches of the rajahs and maharajahs tolerance than its rifts. Much of the
mutilated, lending weight to suspicions were diminished after Independence, time the rich co-exist peacefully with
that evil men sometimes deliberately when they surrendered their local sov- the poor, Muslims with Hindus, north-
cripple infants and thereafter live off ereignties and hoards of wealth in ex- erners withsoutherners, imperial relics
the income these poor creatures earn change for privy purses which were with national institutions. India even
l>\ engaging the compassion of passers- paid annually by the government. The achieves the feat of abiding in several
by. Generally speaking, however, the purses were abolished in 1970, together centuries at once. The acceptance of
typical Indian beggar is simply under- w ith the titles. But many of the former different stages of civilization is an old
nourished, ill chid, without possessions princes are still figures of considerable tradition: tribal peoples have long lived
or domicile. He is likely to live with his property: they were never obliged to peaceably next to Hindu villagers,
family on the pavement or on waste surrender their palaces and still main- and India's foreign rulers made few
ground, cooking his meagre supplies pf tain luxurious abodes and family heir- attempts to stamp out native customs.
food on an open fire. looms in an extravagant style which Today, the contrast between ancient
Those lucky enough to have found a only a handful of monarchs in Europe and modern lifestyles is even more
job in a city seem scarcely better off. know today. India's top industrialists acute. India, long an industrial nation,
Millions live in the kind of pestilential live in an equally sumptuous manner. is becoming a force to be reckoned with

tenements that the Western world be- Such contrasts are deeply disturbing in computer and space research: it has
gan to abandon half-way through the to the sensibilities of Westerners. Some designed and launched its own satel-
19th century. Overcrowding is acute; wonder why it is that Communism has lites for remote sensing and mass com-
an entire family will deem itself lucky to gained no more than a small foothold in munication. In the very cities where
have a single room to itself. Indian political life. The answer lies beggars work the streets like figures
Yet for all its difficulties, city life is partly in a strong social fabric, bound from a painting by Brueghel, there
often preferable to life in the country- by tradition. India is still a profoundly flourishes a highly advanced tech-
side, where the vagaries of the weather religious country and the Hindu faith nology to rival anything in the West.
are compounded by an acute shortage
of land. India was a crowded country at
Independence; since then, thanks to a
high birth rate and decreasing mor-
tality, the population has more than
doubled. The majority of people living
in the countryside are now without
enough land to subsist and, in a village
which is overpopulated, there may be
literally no paid work for a landless
family. During the past few decades,
there has been a growing movement of
peasants to the cities from the country-
side that fails to sustain them. Some-
times men come to the cities on their
own and work there for years at a time,

Three young men scour an elephant

with coconut husks in a roadside
stream in Kerala. Intelligent and
hugely powerful work animals, much
used for logging operations in south
India, elephants expect a refreshing
daily bath as a reward tor their labours.

During a monsoon shower in Kerala,
villagers are ferried across one of the
aim-fringed backwaters that wind
Eehind the coastal town of Quilon.
More than 1,700 kilometres of inland
waterways constitute the state's main
arteries of communication.

Meanwhile, the old ways continue.

Anyone who visits Bombay and
takes a boat trip to Elephanta Island
experiences a perfect example of In-
dia's astonishing time spectrum. The
launches depart not far from an im-
posing arch, the Gateway of India,
built by the British to commemorate
the landing there of King George V in
1911. The tourist launch crosses the
great harbour, full of merchant ship-
ping from all over the globe, to the
island named by the Portuguese after a
great stone elephant which they found
when they arrived in the 16th century.
The beast was carved in the eighth
century. During the same period, a
series of vast caves dedicated to the
Shiva and his consort were hewn from
the living rock of the island and intri-
cately sculpted inside. In one of these
shrines stands a chest-high stone
carving representing the conjunction of
male and female organs. Theyoni-linga
is the symbol of Hinduism's most force-

ful urge to multiply and regenerate. For

12 centuries, Hindu women hoping for
children, especially boys, have gone
out to Elephanta to pray at the yoni-
linga. It still happens every day.
Those making for the holy island
nowadays will notice other strange
shapes standing below a hillside across
a short stretch of sparkling water.
These large, silver domes, gleaming in
the sunlight, contain India's first nu-
clear reactor. Atomic energy and the
still-potent shrine of Lord Shiva and his
lady are separated by only a short
stretch of Bombay's harbour.
Few other places on earth can pro-
duce such a bizarre juxtaposition.
India isthe land where anything is
possible, where fantasies are almost a
matter of course, where all the flavours
are very strong.

An actor wears the costume of
Ravana, villain of the Sanskrit epic
the Ramayana. The poem tells of
the heroic battle of King Rama an —
incarnation of the god Vishnu —
to free
his abducted wife Sita from Ravana. It
is enacted each autumn all over north
India to commemorate Rama's birth.

No visitor to India can fail to perceive now as a woman, for gods possess
that he has come to a deeply religious aspects of both genders.
society. Within an hour of his arrival, During their first two millennia in
he is bound to catch sight of someone India, the Aryans memorized a verbal
whose forehead has been smeared with form of sacred literature known as the
white ash or with coloured powder. Vedas, a word whose singular means
Most likely there will be two or three "knowledge". The oldest of these holy
horizontal lines across the brow, or works is the Rig Veda —"the Veda of
some vertical marks starting where the praise" — a collection of 1017 hymns
nose ends and the forehead begins. The addressed to the various gods of the
horizontal lines signify that the wearer Aryans. Most of these hymns were
is a devotee of the god Shiva; the verti- composed before 100 B.C.
cal marks indicate that here is a dis- A rich literature developed in sub-
ciple of the diety Vishnu. The visitor sequent centuries, until about 500 A. D.
has encountered his first ardent Hindu, After the Rig Veda came the Brah-
and for the rest of his time on the sub- manas, which codified the rituals and
continent, such people will vividly prayers of the Brahmins — the priests of
colour his impressions of India. In a the Aryans. The Brahmanas were fol-
country where all religions are prac- lowed by the Upanishads, which are
tised assiduously, there is no doubt that discourses between teachers and
Hinduism is far and away the domi- pupils, not unlike the discourses of
nant creed, and its pnilosophies touch ancient Greek philosophy. Then came
every corner of daily life. the Puranas, which are essentially the
It is one of the oldest of the world's history of the Aryan race and its re-
great religions; only Judaism has a lationship with the gods.
claim to greater antiquity. The origins The two most famous Puranic epics
of Hinduism are believed to lie in the are the Ramayana and the Mahabhar-
arrival of the Aryans on the subcontin- ata, both mythologizing events that
ent in approximately 1500 B.C. The took place between 1000 and 700 B.C.
Aryans, who came from Central Asia, While the Ramayana simply recounts a
brought their own gods with them, and sequence of heroic adventures —
as they settled across the plains and for- of them with moral undertones —
ests ofnorthern India, they assimilated Mahabharata interweaves ideas about
into their religion the deities of the cosmology, statecraft, philosophy and
land's indigenous peoples. The result is the science of war into its stories of the
a vast pantheon, most of whose mem- deeds of gods and men. 1 1 is reckoned to
bers can appear in many guises. The be the longest poem in any language.
same god can appear now as a man, By far the best-known section of the

Outside a temple in Tamil Nadu, a
priest honours a cow and her calf with

2 garlands and offerings of flowers and

saffron. Although some cows are kept
by temples, most of the sacred animals
wander the streets, dependent on the
faithful for fodder.

(•pit imiu is the sequence of 18 chapters figures of Parvati and Uma, the strong direct many of their prayers to another
entitled Bhagavad Gita, "the song of Durga, or the vengeful Kali, perhaps god who engages their affections. A
the Lord", in which the god Krishna the most frightening being in the divine lot of women are ardent devotees of
expounds on such subjects as duty, scheme of things. She is usually repre- Krishna, a handsome and romantic in-
asceticism and devotion. The (iita is sented as a black figure, with a necklace carnation of the god Vishnu.
partly memorized by many Hindus, of skulls, one of her multiple hands The everyday pattern of worship is
who recite portions of the verses at holding a bloody knife, another grasp- frequently varied by Hindu festivals.
prayer each day. If the Hindu religion ing a freshly severed head. In autumn, the five-day celebration
has an equivalent of( Christianity's New The Western mind is easily bewil- known as Diwali is chiefly dedicated to
Testament, it is this. dered by Hinduism's habit of invoking the goddess Lakshmi, giver of wealth.
An Aryan might be startled by some Shiva, and many of its other deities, Merchants are particularly zealous in
changes thai have taken place in his re- under different names, sometimes be- keeping Diwali, which marks the be-
ligion since Vedic times. He would find cause of different regional titles, some- ginning of the Hindu financial year. In
that many of the gods he worshipped times following reincarnations. There spring, in northern India, there is tre-
most faithfully have been forgotten by are scores of permutations of the main mendous jollification to symbolize the
modern Hindus; some have been con- gods alone, to which must be added an downfall of the evil demoness Holika.
siderably demoted, others surprisingly infinite number ofgodlings which often This festival, called Holi, extends over
elevated. Indra, the great war god of have local appeal. several days, starting one evening with
the Aryans, has become a mere rain Despite this plethora of divinities, bonfires and continuing through the
god, and Varuna, once ruler of heaven the philosophy of Hinduism is funda- next day when young people fling
and earth and the oceans, is now little mentally monotheistic, a fact which brightly coloured powders and water
worshipped. Today, Hinduism's vast Westerners often find hard to grasp. All over each other —
and anyone else who
complexity of gods is dominated by Hindu gods are aspects of the supreme happens to come along. Holi is an oc-
a divine triumvirate consisting of deity Brahman —not to be confused casion to let off steam: it licenses ser-
Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu; in Vedic with the creator Brahma —who is the vants to insult their masters for a day,
times these were all minor figures. ultimate principle existing in all things. and wives their husbands.
Of these three deities, Brahma is in a Brahman's infinity, Hindus maintain, In Bengal, each October sees the
sense the foremost, being the creator of cannot be comprehended by humans, celebration of Durga Puja, when lavish
the world. Yet he occupies a strangely so they have created myriad manage- and lovingly created images of the god-
remote position in the Hindu pan- able forms of the deity to worship. dess are set up in every village and
theon, where the tendency is to person- Every large village boasts several town. Prayers are said before these
alize deities as much as possible. In the temples, dedicated to different gods, images for a week, while everyone en-
whole of India, only one important but many Hindus feel no compulsion to joys the fun of the fair. Then, on the last
temple —at Pushkar in Rajasthan is — visit them regularly. Most people wor- day, the elaborate representations of
dedicated to Brahma. Vishnu is the ship at home, in a corner of the house Durga, made of vividly painted papier-
ruler of the world and stands straight- furnished with a poster of a deity, or a mache and clay, are carried to the near-
forwardly for the preservation of life. brass or sandalwood image. They will est river, to float away out of sight and
Shiva is a god of paradoxes, represent- remember to address an occasional eventually to sink.
ing in one deity both destruction and prayer to the major figures in the pan- Everybody takes part in such festi-
reproduction, man and woman, wild theon, but on the whole they will re- vals; for the more devout, a natural step
hunter and sage teacher of arts and serve their devotions for one particular to take at some stage in life is a pil-
sciences. As a male, he can be a terrible god, not necessarily an important one, grimage to a holy shrine. One of the
and frightening presence, or he can be to whom they will pray every day. The most important temples is in Madurai,
an admirable prince among gods. main family deity is inherited patrilin- in the centre of Tamil Nadu, where, ac-
In his female aspect, Shiva comes early; in addition, some members of a cording to Hindu mythology, Shiva
in several guises: the mild, maternal family, particularly the women, may married an incarnation of Parvati. The

temple is flanked by four enormous An attendant stands beside a tub of Ganges. Many pilgrims are very old;
towers, each one carved with thou- water in which dozens of globules of they come in the hope that they will die
sands of gaily coloured mythological clarified butter are floating. Because before they turn for home. Hindus fer-
figures. The temple's outer walls en- the cow is sacred to Hindus, its prod- vently believe that to pass away in
close a total area of six hectares, and ucts have a sacramental quality. Pil- Varanasi, to be cremated there and to
much of it is roofed. Entering it is like grims buy the tiny pats of butter to flick have one's ashes cast upon the holy
stepping into a small walled city. at a huge statue of Kali in pious enthu- River Ganges, is the most tremendous
On any day of any week, it is esti- siasm. At little alcoves along the many blessing one can attain. According to
mated that up to 10,000 pilgrims make corridors in the temple, various gods Hindu theology, the soul inhabits not
their way to the temple. Immediately and goddesses wear garlands of mari- just one but a series of physical forms
after the entrances, they encounter golds and other blooms which have during its passage through the cosmos,
small bazaars selling incense, flowers, been strung together; and near each al- until it reaches its final goal of libera-
idols and other religious bric-a-brac. cove is a steel safe with a slit in the top tion from the endless cycle of birth,
Two elephants flank a corridor, their to admit the donation of rupees. death and rebirth. But by dying in Var-
hides decorated with coloured chalk. The greatest destination of all pil- anasi, which is a bridge between this
At the dozens of shrines inside, Hindus grimages in India is the city of Varan- world and the next, a man can cleanse
busy themselves with their devotions. asi —
also known as Benares — on the himself of all his immoral actions, thus


obtaining release foi his soul from the bowing to the restrictions which are
pei petual cycle and bin den ol life. imposed by one's caste and sex.
Even those who nevei make the pil- Although the Hindu religion pro-
image to Vai anasi an alien their
•i i vides a rationale for the caste system,
Mini's future l>\ theii deeds and mis- pragmatic considerations no doubt
deeds. A good life m.i\ be rewarded In brought it into existence in the first
ielm th .is a Brahmin, a bad life l>\ place. Aprecursor of the caste system
reappearance in the lowest orders of seems to in the Indus Val-
have existed
human society, or e\ en as a quadruped, ley civilization more than 3000 years
.ireptile or an insect. ( lonsequentl) a . ago: workers in different trades dwelt in
person's position in life is seen as re-
.i different sections of a city, and elabor-
flection of previous acts in an earlier ate facilities for washing and bathing
existence. Destitution and high pos- discovered by archaeologists suggest
ition alike have been earned. that the citizens may have shared
The Hindu doctrine of the trans- modern-day Hindus' fervour for ritual
migration of souls provides a powerful cleanliness. But caste in something like
rationale for India's unique social s\ s- itsmodern form first appeared in the
tem —
the division of the population Aryan society that superseded that of
into a hierarchy of castes. In this life, the Indus Valley. By keeping different
one cannot escape from the caste one sections of the population apart, the
was born into, but Hindus see no injus- embryonic caste system promoted the
tice in such a fate —
it is the outcome of peaceful coexistence of the Aryan Shiva lifts his consort Sati from her pyre.
the way one has lived one's past life. invaders and the indigenous people.
Women occupy a lowly position in Caste has survived to the present day
Indian society: traditionally mere sub- partly because it enables a huge and Images of Hinduism's millions of
missive adjuncts to their husbands, heterogeneous population to live in
gods and goddesses are ubiquitous.
Elaborate murals adorn temples,
they generally lead a restricted and moderately peaceful proximitv.
simple chalk drawings brighten
laborious life. But once again, religion The Yedic literature of the Aryans paving stones. The pictures are more
can justify their status. Birth into the divided the population into four broad than mere aids to the human
so-called inferior sex is no more a mat- categories —
vamas and a fifth classifi- imagination in its acts of devotion:
ter of chance than birth into one of the cation for those who did not belong to if an immortal's image is executed in
lower castes —
it is the legacy of mis- the other four. The upper categories accordance with the canons of divine
deeds in a previous existence. were composed of the pale-skinned beauty, the god himself is held
Religion and the rigid social order Aryans themselves, the lower ones the to inhabit it.

are interwoven with the Hindu concept older inhabitants of India, who had The iconography of Hindu art was
of virtue. A good life — one that will darker complexions. Today, the colour established some 2,000 years ago.
lead to a good rebirth —
is a question of spectrum still has social implications. The features of the various gods are
very similar: both sexes have large
performing the duties allotted to one's Westerners often equate the vamas
eyes, full lips and luxuriant hair.
station, and deferring to people of with castes— India's closed societies Often, only clothing or weaponry
higher station. Hindus are just as sus- which marry only among themselves distinguishes a certain divinity.
ceptible as other people to charitable and which avoid contact with other Gods are sometimes shown with

impulses they give generously to beg- castes. But in fact the vamas are only multiple appendages to emphasize
gars, for example —
but their religion is broad groupings, within each of which superhuman attributes. Shiva, who
not connected with a universal code of there are many castes. both creates and destroys, is one of
ethics or a commitment towards social The four vamas still determine the the deities sometimes portrayed with
reform. Its imperatives are, rather, basic structure of Hindu society. In several arms to denote power.
Brahma, the creator, occasionalK
wears four heads, allowing him to
gaze lustfully at his bride N.uasu ati
from dill' i enl angles.


The elephant-headed Ganesh, god of luck and success, sits with Krishna, god of love. The monkey god Hanuman protects wrestlers.

The warrior goddess Durga, fierce guardian against the threat of evil, kills a demon. Snakes and skulls garland Kali, goddess of death.

descending order of merit, and in ac- climax of the ceremony, the child is in- where three quarters of the population
cordance with their original occupa- vested with a sacred thread which is live, everyone's caste is known. Even in
tions, they are the Brahmins (priests Strung over his left shoulder and under the city, where anonymity is possible,
.mil men <>l learning), the Kshatriyas his right arm, and which he must wear social life revolves round the extended
( ulersandwarriors),theVaishyas(the
i for the rest of his life. Once a boy has family, and to renounce one's caste
merchants and landholders) and the undergone this initiation — which may would mean losing one's connections.
Shudras (servants and artisan work- be compared to the confirmation of a Caste boundaries are defined mainly
force). Girls as well as boys inherit Christian child, or the bar mitzvah of a by type of work, by location, and by
their father's varna. —
young Jew he is known, in Hindu ter- language. Thus a potter will belong to a
Beneath the four varnas, there has minology, as one of the "twice-born". different castefrom a stonemason in
always existed a substantia] segment of In the 20th century, the old occu- the same and a Rajasthani
Indian society approximately 15 per pations related to the four varnas are blacksmith to a different caste from
cent — known since ancient times as often irrelevant. What has remained a blacksmith in Tamil Nadu. Caste
niravasita, meaning "excluded". These static, however, is the position of the applies equally to men and women:
are the Untouchables, the greatwhom —
Brahmins some 6 per cent of India's the blacksmith's daughter, like her
20th-century spiritual leader, Mahat- Hindu population— as exclusive prac- brothers, inherits her father's caste.
ma Gandhi, tried to dignify by giving titioners of the priestly function. Many Besides language, location and occu-
them the name of Harijans, "children of them nowadays do not exercise it. pation, so many additional factors can
of god", and whom
the Indian gov- But they alone may conduct rituals, subdivide a group of people into differ-
ernment refers to as the "Scheduled wherever these are required; only they ent castes, that the question Western-
Castes". The Constitution of India, may have charge of Hindu temples, ers are wont to ask —
How many castes
with its intensely democratic ideals, ordering all ceremonies and receiving are there in India? —
is quite imposs-

does not recognize the caste system allsubscriptions. It is not necessary for ible to answer. No realistic attempt
and specifically forbids discrimination them to be well educated, even in a re- could be made to count them all.
against Untouchables. But beliefs and ligious sense, to assume the duties In a single community, however, it
customs developed over thousands of and privileges of a Hindu priest. It is is possible to enumerate the castes
years have proved extremely resistant sufficient that they have been born represented. Some Indian villages are
to official decree. Brahmin, men who can automatically populated exclusively by a single caste,
important fact of life for any on a different plane from everyone
exist but a much more common pattern is for
faithful Hindu has been that only if else if they so choose. a village of a few thousand people to
he belongs to one of the first three have representatives of two or three
varnas —
excluding the Shudras— is he The Brahmins, the other three varnas dozen castes. Between them, they can
in theory entitled to hear, learn or re- and the Untouchables represent only perform all the tasks regularly done in
cite the Vedas. Since these are still re- the first stage of demarcation in an the village, making it an interdepen-
garded as the source of all revelation for enormously complex society. The com- dent and autonomous community. Ser-
Hindus, the exclusion effectively cuts partments which really matter in daily vice relationships between families of
off the Shudras (and also, of course, the life in India are the castes —
which different castes are handed down from
Untouchables) from the mainstream of developed some time after the Vedic one generation to the next. Some castes
religious activity. period. Each of the four varnas contains may be represented in the village by
Only if a Hindu boy is born Brah- many hundreds or thousands of castes, only one or two families. Since mar-
min, Kshatriya or Vaishya will he be and there is a hierarchy of castes even riage is virtually always within the
allowed to take part in the initiation among the Untouchables. caste, youngpeople from thesecastes at
ceremony that will introduce him fully One can rarely be sure of a person's least are obliged to seek marriage part-
to religious life. Brahmin priests per- caste from his appearance, though skin ners from other villages.
form the ritual over the boy between colour and details of dress and com- Even today, the majority of ndians,

the ages of eight and 12 years.At the portment provide clues. In the villages as a matter of course, take up the work

that their caste has allotted them.
Often they have no choice: it would be
most unusual for a villager to dream of
trespassing on the traditional occu-
pation of another caste in his commun-
ity.However, education and modern
technology have created opportunities
which never existed before for breaking
out of caste roles. The multiplicity of
new trades and skills for which there
isno time-hallowed caste are often
open to all enterprising Indians. For
instance, in practically every village
these days, the traveller will find some-
one skilled in ad hoc repairs to motor
cycles and trucks, and the self-styled
motor mechanic may come from any
caste. Factories in towns and cities also
bring together workmen and women
from a mixture of castes.
But even if factory workers from dif-
ferent castes mingle and get to know
each other, the intimacy very rarely ex-
tends to marriage. Young people are
expected to accept an arranged mar-
riage with someone from their own
caste, even in Indian cities. Only the
rich can afford to ignore these con-
straints. Among the educated, there is
much discussion over the question of
loosening the shackles of caste and
marrying for love. But even among
such people, bold words are more com-
mon than actions. A surprising pro-
portion of apparently thoroughly West-
ernized Indians fall back into their
inherited caste positions when it comes
to the question of marriage.
Newspaper advertisements are often
the means by which city-dwellers find
a suitable spouse for their children.
Occasionally, advertisers will note that
"caste is no bar" but much more often
they will specify, in addition to such
qualities as youth, domesticity and am-
bition, the caste and the skin colour of

At the confluence of the Ganges and

Yamuna rivers in Allahabad, disciples
man aloft during the
bear a holy
Kumbha-mela, a ritual bathing festival
held every three years along one of
India's sacred rivers. Every twelfth
year,when the stars are in a rare
conjunction, millions attend.

the potential bride or groom. The caste. They may indeed form more members collectively fail to adhere to
phrases "very fair" and "wheaten com- an one additional caste. A peculiarity
ill caste rituals. A caste determined to rise
plexion" OCCUi again and again for — of India is that, although caste has no socially may give itself a new name,
no parents want theii child's mate to pari in the dogma of any religion but take on a new trade or impose on itself
look low -caste.
In villages, breaking the mould is
Hinduism, the concept has to differing
extents pervaded other religions, as

stricter rules of behaviour possibly all
three. Thus the Telis, traditionally a
stillvirtually unheard of. If a couple converts from Hinduism retained their caste of oil-pressers in northern India,
took the extraordinary step ofmarrying social traditions. Anthropologists de- have boosted themselves in the past few
outside their caste, they would almost tect caste distinctions of a sort among generations by becoming small grocers
certainly leavehome. However, even in Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Jains. and petty tradesmen. In a Rajasthani
a new environment, it would be dilli- In any community, there is a strict village, the members of the Shudra
cult forthem to corneal what they had hierarchy of castes known to everyone. caste of Yadows — —
stonemasons have
done, and their children would have no Yet this hierarchy is not fixed for all steadily risen over the past five gener-
obvious way of fitting into society. time. Over the years, certain social ations by subtly altering their attire
If the village contains people whose groups can esteem of
rise or fall in the and daily habits to set themselves apart
religion is other than Hinduism for — others and consequently in their re- from other humble castes.

example, Muslims the Hindus would lationships with other groups. A caste, When there is movement, it is always
think of them as belonging to a separate or a section of a caste, may sink if its the movement of an entire caste. For

Mass-produced illustrations from the
lives ofKrishna and Shiva paper a
Hindu domestic shrine. In ceremonies
held three times a day, the householder
rings the brass bell on the table,
summoning Krishna to enter his flute-
playing image.

the individual, there can be no move- caste. One practical result of this in-
ment from one caste to another by mar- junction is that many Brahmins have
riage or any other means —
only the become cooks, since anyone can accept
ostracism that will follow if he defies food which they have prepared. Food
any of the caste conventions and makes fried in clarified butter presents less of a
himself outcaste, cutting himself off problem than boiled food, because the
from Hinduism altogether. sacramental produce of the cow puri-
fies what would otherwise have been
At bottom, the conventions of caste de- unacceptable: a Brahmin can therefore
pend on what is considered to be pure, eat fried sweets bought from a pro-
and what impure. That is the social fessional confectioner belonging to a
base of the Hindu religion. It touches somewhat lower caste.
lifeat every turn. It is the perpetual Direct physical contact with a per-
preoccupation of every one of Hin- son is also polluting. Westerners must
duism's believers. It provides the logic learn not to extend their hands auto-
behind the separation of one caste from matically when being introduced to
another, so that contact is minimized to Indians. Politeness may compel the
the absolute essential. Indian to shake the proffered hand but
To the Western mind, the intricate he will then be saddled with the obli-
rules governing purity and pollution gation of taking a ritual bath. In the
can seem bizarre and frequently con- south of India, the concept of pollution
tradictory. Inconsistencies are inevi- by bodily contact in the past extended
table in a vast society that has evolved to pollution by proximity, and the mere
over a long timespan, but the system sight of an Untouchable would have
does have its own logic. High castes are been sufficient to pollute a high-caste
seen as intrinsically pure, though they Hindu. But in cities, it is impossible to
are capable of temporary defilement. avoid such contact. Most Hindu city-
The lower castes are indelibly stained, dwellers have reconciled themselves to
no matter what they do. Yet even they the necessity of jostling against all
can be defiled still further, so every- kinds of people of unknown caste as
body, except the very lowest orders of they struggle for a place in the bus or
society, takes at least some precautions the cinema. They lead a double life, fol-
against pollution. lowing the rules of purity and pollution
Pollution can be cancelled out, but in the home, but ignoring them at work
only by laborious rites. Usually the and in the street.
procedure involves bathing, perhaps correctly. Their overwhelmingly pow- Impure people do not constitute the
fasting, and the uttering of prayers. If a erful sanction is the threat to exclude only source of defilement. Some foods
man is not sure what ritual is appro- him from the community. are polluting in themselves. Foremost
priate for a rare occurrence —
say, adul- Food and drink may transmit pol- among them, because of the cow's
tery with a woman of lower caste he — lution from one person to another and sacredness, is beef. Some Untouchable
will call in a Brahmin to supervise and necessitate a cleansing ritual. Fire, castes do partake of it, but the very idea
instruct him. Occasionally, a Hindu however, is a purifying agent, so a high- of consuming beef would horrify most
may perform some impure act and try caste person may buy raw food from an Hindus. Other foods are out of bounds
to get away with it. If that happens, Untouchable, provided the food is to be only to high castes or to castes in cer-
other members of his caste will inter- cooked. What he must ensure is that tain parts of the country. Thus many
vene to insist that he purges himself the cook is of his own caste or a higher Hindus in the north will quite happily

At the Minakshi Temple in Madurai,

Tamil Nadu, a painted beast surveys
lofty gateways whose carvings portray
the Hindu pantheon. The 17th-century
shrine's complex of halls and courts
reflects its early role as meeting-place,
theatre and school, as well as temple.

c.ii mutton .Hid chicken, while in the devotion that it has become a notable one that can only be done by Untouch-
south linn co-religionists will insist on inconvenience in urban India. Droves ables due to the fact that the drum skins
.1 vegetarian diet. Influenced many nl ows can sometimes be seen wander-
< are made of cowhide. The name of the
centuries .u;<> l>\ Buddhist doctrines ing straight down the middle of main caste long ago entered the English
condemning alcohol, most high castes toads in the big cities, compelling language as "pariah".
never touch wine or spirits. motorists to take urgent evasive action. The great excluded mass of Un-
,\ en il the foods consumed are pure,
I Shopkeepers —whose premises, more touchables is as riddled with caste as

the very acl of eating is considered by often than not, open straight on to the the four varnas of Hindu society. There
Hindus to be defiling. So are urination, street without benefit of glass win- can be several castes of Harijans in the
defecation, menstruation and sexual —
dows are accustomed to cows brows- same district, and they will maintain
intercourse, and contact with birth and ing through their goods with impunity. similar rules of conduct for the avoid-
death. Each caste lias its own variation The poor vendor dares do no more than ance of defilement among themselves
on the rituals that must be performed in wave his arms at the beast in the hope as those that exist in the upper echelons
order to cancel out the effects of these of driving it off. If he took more vigor- of Hinduism. In Uttar Pradesh, the
agents of impurity. ous action and some officious Brahmin —
Dhobis the laundrymen who handle
Death brings with it the most tor- spotted him, he might well have more dirty linen— are regarded as untouch-
tuous purification rituals, for until a trouble on his hands than the nuisance able by the Untouchable caste of Dom,
body is cremated the soul is trapped provided by the cow. who are basket-weavers but in addition
within it; the earthbound, restless soul It has been a sacred beast since perform the defiling task of cremating
is a source of great spiritual danger to Vedic times, probably because herds of dead bodies. The sweepers, because
the living. Because of their exposure to cattle represented the most precious they have to clear dirt and refuse from
the peril, the close relatives of a dead wealth of the Aryan nomad tribes. At the streets, probably come lowest of all
Brahmin are impure for 10 days after one time they certainly sacrificed cattle in most Hindus' scheme of things. As a
the death, Kshatriyas 12, Vaishyas 15, to the gods and ate the meat, but later, democratic gesture, Mahatma Gandhi
Shudras 30. During those periods, the piety led them to deny themselves this repeatedly performed the task of a
relations are treated by all others as pleasure. The chief Hindu sins are the sweeper. (He himselfwas from a grocer
though they were untouchable. No one murder of a Brahmin and equally — caste in the Vaishya varna.) Such was
else to whom Hindu caste matters will disreputable —
the killing of a cow. the force of his personality that huge
have anything to do with them. Thus it Indeed, veneration for the cow is a —
crowds followed him but they would
is normally only the immediate family more constant feature of Indian life not go so far as to touch him. The
who attends the funeral ceremonies than respect for the Brahmin. Hindu religion is an extremely fastidi-
and the cremation of the body accord- Yet the moment the cow dies, it is ous social order.
ing to Hindu rites. It is true that huge transformed from a creature whose life In accordance with its rules, Un-
numbers of people attended the ob- is extraordinarily precious into some- touchables have traditionally been
sequies of Mahatma Gandhi, of India's thing which is deeply disgusting. In segregated in dwellings situated some
firstPrime Ministerjawaharlal Nehru, Indian society, it is the Untouchables distance away from those of other
and Nehru's daughter Indira Gandhi: who perform all the most degrading members of the village. In most parts of
the tremendous crowds were a measure tasks — those which inevitably involve the country, they have not been al-
of the great distance India has travelled pollution — and among the most char- lowed to use the same wells as others,
from the deepest orthodoxies of Hin- acteristic occupations of Untouchables and they have been forbidden access to
duism. But these were special cases, are the disposal of dead cattle, the tan- most Hindu places of worship.
and death retains its taboo. ning of their skins, and any work that Even today, with the law on their
The orthodox attitude towards the involves contact with cowhide. The side, the Scheduled Castes in practice
cow best exemplifies the Hindu res- Pariyar caste in Tamil Nadu, for ex- are denied equal status with other Hin-
ponse to the uncleanliness of death. In ample, furnishes the drummers for the dus. A survey of 1 55 villages through-
, 1

life, the cow is regarded with such state's many village bands. The job is out India in the late 1970s (bund that in


54 per cent of the villages, Untouch- the conversions have been to Bud-
ables were not permitted to use the dhism. In Bihar, large numbers of
public well. In 71 per cent of the vil- THE FUTURE IN THE Untouchables have become Muslims.
lages, they were refused entry to pub- PALM OF A HAND Though it seems so alien to Western-
lic temples. In over 40 per cent of ers reared on ideas of equality, India's
the villages, Untouchables were turned caste system has solid inherent virtues.
away from local cafes and barbershops. It provides every individual, no matter
Very few cases have been brought how humble, with a social framework
under the Untouchability (Offences) which will order his life, and also gives
Act: few of those have been decided in him a guild which will look after his
favour of the Untouchables. interests. Yet it has also made Un-
Nowadays, the Scheduled Castes touchables the outcastes that they still
have in theory been granted many remain. At worst, they suffer actual
special privileges. They are entitled to physical violence at the hands of their
free schooling, while other castes gen- compatriots, at best the psychological
erally have to pay a nominal sum for violence of ostracism. Many people,
their children's lessons. Untouchables both within and outside India, consider
are also assigned quite a large number the position of the Scheduled Castes a
of reserved places in universities and violation of human dignity.
colleges, reserved positions in the civil
service and seats in Parliament. Often, Life has generally been difficult for Hin-
Untouchable families cannot take ad- du women, too. There are passages
vantage of this positive discrimination. from the Vedas which grant women an
Free schooling, for example, means honourable place alongside men, and,
that decent clothes must be found for a in the Vedic age, women were allowed
child and that he can no longer help in to become priests. Subsequently, how-
the fields. But a fraction of the Un- ever, their roles became much more
touchable population has benefitted Practitioners of the predictive arts circumscribed. Like the Shudras and
from these measures and prospered enjoy a wide clientele among Untouchables, they were cut off from
thereby angering other Hindus. Indians, who regularly have their the mainstream of religious activity by
The Harijan who offends other Hin- stars, their palms, even their being denied access to the Vedic hymns
dus is likely to be severely treated, shadows read and interpreted.
Most national events take place on
and myths. The Laws of Manu the —
notwithstanding the fact that the laws canon law of Hinduism, compiled in
astrologically auspicious days, and
of the land are on his side. In the the second or third century A.D.—
individuals arrange journeys and
1980s, high-caste would-be university enjoin a woman to worship her hus-
business deals according to
students have frequently rioted in pro- horoscopes. For the mass market,
band as a god, no matter how basely he
test against reserved places for Un- almanacs are produced with daily behaves. "If a wife obeys her husband,
touchables. Beatings and worse, often schedules ofpropitious times, down she will, for that reason alone, be ex-
provoked byjealousy of a Harijan's up- to the second, for every activity alted in heaven." With the sanction of
ward mobility, are common. A result of from eating meat and taking Hindu tradition, females at all levels of
this mistreatment is that many millions medicine to riding an elephant and society have for centuries been treated
of Harijans have converted to other committing theft. as secondary to the male in all respects.
faiths in the decades since Indepen- India's most numerous fortune- Discrimination begins at birth. In
dence, hopingthereby toencounter less tellers are the palmists, whom primitive rural areas, cases are still re-
discrimination. In the states of Maha-
many consider more reliable than
ported from time to time of girl-babies
astrologers. While the birth time
rashtra and Madhya Pradesh, most of being allowed to die by poor families,
vital for an accurate horoscope
can be mistaken, an expert like the
travelling palmist above can read
the lines of the hand like a book.

Seated before a black iron box which
holds the sacred fire, the young bride
and groom receive a blessing from
their priest. A video camera records
the ceremony, bringing a
contemporary note to the flower-
bedecked wedding bower.



An arranged marriage linking rich represents an aspect of marital

Bombay families displays on a lavish success, such as children. Sprinkling
scale the elements essential to all holy water, the priest seals the
Hindu weddings. The families match and a festive dinner follows.
gather on a day chosen by an Hindu families are bound by
astrologer. Traditionally dressed tradition to provide elaborate
the groom in a turban, the bride in a weddings, a custom that can lead

pink or red sari the couple proceed to crippling debt. Today, some
through a lengthy ceremony, finally charitable temples offer mass
taking seven steps before a fire weddings, supplying everything
symbolic of fidelity. Each step from the astrologer to the feast.

Swathed in a costly sari of embroidered

pink silk, the demure bride sits with
folded hands that her female relatives
have decorated with elaborate designs
in henna. The dye will last for weeks,
betokening her new status as a wife.


who would have kept them alive had «oi pse. Her acceptance of this fate was to Western eyes. She will be virtually
the) been l><>\s. One reason why sons seen as the greatest offering oftrue love. confined to the house and the family
.11 c more valued is simply that they are The British thought it a barbarity, as plot, never escaping her husband's
stronger, capable oi nunc heavy work did a great manyIndians. It was vir- parents, his brothers and their wives
in the fields. Anothei isthat, according tual!} stamped out in the 19th century, people who until her marriage were
toHindu rite, it is the oldest son who though isolated incidents have been strangers to her. She must learn to sub-
must light the funeral py re for his dead known to take place since. In August mit to two sources of control in all
fathei . If a m. in has no sons, anothei 1980, in a Raj asthani village, a 16-year- things: her husband and her in-laws. If
lie. u relation may perform the old girl named Om Kanwar, dressed in she wants to go to the doctor or to see
dut\ . I)iil lo have no man at all to pel -
the clothes she had lately worn on her her own mother, she will have to seek
form the office would be deeply humili- wedding day, burned to death at her permission, which may well be refused.
ating. Last but not least, daughters are husband's cremation, while a large She rarely even has a say in how many
more of a problem because they will crowd stood and watched. The place children she will bear.
needadowry when they marry. has been a regional shrine ever since. The young woman does achieve a
Like caste, dowries are forbidden in The bride-burning of recent years form of authority in her own right when
law —
by the Dowry Prohibition Act of has nothing to do with love, misguided she becomes a mother, but even then
1961 —
but flourish all the same in or otherwise. It follows from greed, and she will not find life easy if her mother-
India. Some parents can cripple them- from the convention that the bride in-law is still alive. Respect for her hus-
selves financially by providingdowries, takes up residence in the home of her band's family forbids her to fondle her
while others grow rich on the pickings in-laws after the marriage ceremony. If own children in the presence of the
(bat come their way by getting their the in-laws are of a mind to attempt fur- older generation, yet if her mother-in-
sons married. The size of the dowry ther extortions after the dowry has been law chooses to make much of her child,
depends on the education and j ob of the paid, the pressure of their demands she must not protest. Nowadays, a
son. A workman may be offered no falls mainly on the bride herself, not on well-educated young woman may find
more than a bicycle or a motor scooter, her parents. Some young women have she can dominate a mother-in-law who
while an office bov can expect to attract been driven to suicide as a result. had less schooling, but mostdaughters-
the equivalent of £1,000 to £2,000. A Others have obviously been murdered in-law are still expected to act submis-
young man in the professions, particu- by their in-laws when the pressure has sively. Not surprisingly, the tensions
larly if European or
he has been to a failed to produce more cash. between mothers- and daughters-in-law
North American university, can com- In either case, the bride has had are a staple theme of Indian films.
mand sums in the region of £30,000 or what has officially been described as an For all the difficulties encountered
more. Usually the dowry is paid and accident in the kitchen, where cooking by a young wife, they are slight when
everyone lives happily ever after, more is generally done on paraffin stoves. compared with the lot of a widow. The
or less. Sometimes, however, the bride- She has burned to death. In Delhi, abolition of sati did not end widows'
groom's family regards the dowry as more than 500 young women died in tribulations, for Hindu tradition for-
nothing more than a down payment this fashion in 1981 alone. The general bids the remarriage of widows or even
and tries to extract further sums later public was alerted to the dowry deaths of girls who had been betrothed in
on. Occasionally this begins an appall- by the investigations of local news- infancy. In practice, only high castes
ingsequence of events which in the past papers. Enquiries the following year enforce the ban — one of the commonest
few years has become a small epidemic, brought to light the case of the Delhi ploys of a caste trying to improve its
with historical echoes of sati. businessman who had been widowed status is to deny widows the right of re-
Sati, which literally means "true three times since 1975. Each of his marriage. The widow continues to live
wife", was common in India until the wives died from burns in the kitchen. with her dead husband's family and is
middle of the 19th century. If a Hindu Such inhumanity is relatively rare. treated by them with scant concern.
man died, his widow was sometimes But even if her new family is welcom- Although so many Hindu practices
burned alive at the cremation of his ing, a bride's lot often looks unenviable seem to the disadvantage of women, it

is women who uphold the customs and
caste rules most rigorously. Hindu
women also observe their religious ob-
ligations much more faithfully than
men. The vast majority of Indian
women accept the workings of society
and it with equanimity, or
their role in
at the very least, with resignation.
A fast-growing minority of educated
women in the cities, however, is ques-
tioning the traditional rules and striv-
ing to change them. Feminism in its
modern guise arrived in India from the
West in the early 1970s. But it was
hardly a new idea there: many of the
principles behind it had fuelled social
reform movements in the 19th century
and the nationalist movement of the
20th century; and a most unlikely as-
sortment of people, both British and
Indian, had devoted themselves to the
uplift ofIndian womanhood. They in-
clude Indian atheists and Christian
missionaries, British governors general
and Mahatma Gandhi.
Their efforts enjoyed a limited suc-
cess. Calcutta University, for example,
allowed female students to sit for their
degrees in 1877 —
in England, the uni-
versities of Oxford and Cambridge be-
gan to admit women around the same
time —
and by the 1920s, words such
as "emancipation" had become an
accepted part of political rhetoric.
Women themselves became activists in
the Independence movement. In Ben-
gal, some even became terrorists.
Following Independence, Indian
governments translated the rhetoric
into legislation which consolidated the
previous rudimentary laws, passed by
the British, forbidding the practice of
satiand permitting widows to remarry.
In theory, women drew level with men
in terms of position and opportunities
in virtually every sphere of Indian life.

As the mother and a Priest look on, a

father confers spiritual adulthood on
his son by slipping over his shoulder
a sacred thread, three cotton strands
woven by a virgin girl. Celebrated with
fruit and flower offerings to the gods,
the ceremony is a prerequisite for both
scriptural study and marriage.



At dawn in Rajasthan, an Untouchable

woman sets about sweeping the

street a menial task relegated to those
born outside the four caste groupings.
Manu, an ancient Hindu lawgiver,
wrote of the outcastes, "Their wealth
shall be dogs and donkeys, their dress
the garments of the dead."

The Factories Act of 1948 encouraged take accountof health, hunger and gen-
the provision of nurseries; the Hindu eral poverty. Men, as well as women,
Succession Act of 1956 secured the are suppressed and starved in India,
right of women to inherit property; and we have to acknowledge the cir-
abortion was legalized in 1971. cumstances which force a man to allow
Such legislation, unfortunately, did his daughter to die rather than his son.
not translate automatically into social Sexual politics of the New York or Lon-
change. "The new feminist movement don kind are a luxury here."
was born with the realization that none Yet Butalia is the first to admit that
of these laws was actually working," the successes of the movement she
says Urvashi Butalia, the co-founder helped initiate have so far been largely
of India's first feminist publishing confined to middle-class urban women.
house. Among other things, she points Many professions of high visibility
to the fact that 46 per cent of Indian for example, journalism and advertis-
men can read and write, whereas only ing— have been invaded by women
25 per cent of women in India are simi- over the past 10 years. The popular
larly literate. cinema has also started to feature
Butalia is a single woman in her mid- women as intelligent and thoughtful,
thirties, who grew up in Delhi in a lib- father than mere objects of desire.
eral middle-class household where "Definitely, I think that at least some
caste has been forgotten; her mother is Indian women now lead more indepen-
a college lecturer of the Kshatriya dent lives," says Butalia. "They have
varna, her father a journalist of mixed more interesting jobs and they may
Sikh and Hindu descent. Like so many even have a marginally more equal re-
of her co-activists, she first became in- lationship with their husbands. Some
volved with the movement during a men have been known to cook and look
series of demonstrations against dowry after the children occasionally."
deaths in 1978. A feminist magazine, But she suspects that these achieve-
Manushi, began publication the follow- ments have stopped at the boundary
ing year. Today, there are hundreds of with the countryside. "India is a very
women'sgroupsspread throughout In- complex country and it's dangerous to
dia. "At first we picked on the issues generalize, but can say from my own

that seemed the easiest to focus public contact with poor village women that
attention on," says Butalia. She lists very little has altered for them. They
such topics as dowry deaths and "eve- understand what we're talking about,
teasing" (a quaint Indian phrase for but persuading them to see the possi-
molestation). But very soon it became bility of change is immensely difficult.
obvious to her that feminism in India Our work is only just beginning."
would also have to take account of Although there is so much still to do,
much more basic issues; the fact, for ex- she takes heart from the fact that three
ample, that poor Indian women often of the most important deities in the
have to do the hardest work in the home Hindu pantheon are women: Kali for
and yet have the least to eat. power, Lakshmi for prosperity, Saras-
She stresses the qualitative differ- wati for learning. "I think you could
ence between the feminist movements say we can hark back to something
in India and in the West. "We have to which is pretty potent."

* ^H m
Photographs by J. Henebry

To I linduSj the ancient city ofVaranasi — known in the Moghul and

British eras as Benares — is the holiest place in the world. This, they
believe, is god Shiva picked as his earthly
the spot that the great
home alter his marriage to the lovely goddess Parvati. The city lies
on the bank of the Ganges, a river which, according to Hindu myth,
once flowed through the spheres of heaven.
oi centuries, Varanasi has drawn pilgrims from all over India. In

the past, they came on foot; today, many travel by train or bus but
some still walk, for those who joyfully endure the rigours along the
route can be sure that all the immoral acts they have committed in
this life will be wiped out. Besides millions of ordinary householders
making a once-in-a-lifetime journey, Varanasi attracts ascetics
and holy men who have renounced all worldly ties and wait only
for their release from human bondage. If they die in Varanasi, their
souls go straight to heaven, escaping the persistent cycle of death
and rebirth that is the lot of other mortals. But Varanasi confers
this benefit even on those who have not lived as holy men: many
come to the city at the eleventh hour to await death and liberation.
The Ganges is the destination for both the living and the dead in
Varanasi. Along the five-kilometre sweep of the city's waterfront,
pilgrims congregate at the foot of flights of stone steps, known as
ghats,which lead down to the river. There, while washermen flog
garments clean, children splash about, astrologers read horoscopes
and zealots perform improbable contortions, the pilgrims immerse
themselves to wash away their misdeeds. The deceased are cremated
near the bank of the Ganges, then their ashes are scattered on its
waters, whence their souls will enter the realm of bliss.

A jumble of temples encrusts

Varanasi's steep riverfront. Most of
them are dedicated to Shiva, the lord
who both destroys and creates, and the
city's streets are lined with shrines to
the god — stone shafts, known as lineas,
representing a phallus.


A young man, his high caste signified

by the sacred thread he wears over his
left shoulder, stands meditating in the
Ganges. Hindus murmur holy words
or phrases repeatedly to induce a state
of trance, ana thereby reach a higher
spiritual plane.

At the foot of one of the ghats, a woman
launches an offering of flowers into
the Ganges. Hindus worship the river
as a goddess— the liquid essence of
Shiva's divine energy.

While priests perform rituals for a fee from beneath improvised umbrellas, pilgrims pray and wash in the Ganges. The women immerse themselves

fully dressed and then change their wet garments for dry saris when they emerge

Framed by the portico of his lodging,
an elderly man studies the scriptures.
The horizontal white lines on his brow
mark him as a disciple of Shiva.

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On the balcony of a religious retreat, a

worshipper greets the dawn with
outstretched arms. The sun is
honoured in Varanasi as the giver of

Camped beneath a gaily painted water
tower, a pair of wandering holy
men prepare for the day. While one
stripes his forehead with the vertical
lines that signify devotion to the god
Vishnu, his companion prays with the
aid of a rosary.

A family of pilgrims presents gifts of

flowers, leaves, rice and sweetmeats to
Shitala, the goddess of smallpox, in her
temple overlooking the Ganges. With
outstretched hand, the priest sitting
among them issues instructions for the
conduct of the ritual.

A shaven man, wearing a seamless
white garment in accordance with
custom, flings a taper of burning straw
on to his father's funeral pyre. All who
can afford it are consumed with
sandalwood, whose perfumed smoke
disguises the stench of burning flesh.

At one of Varanasi's two cremation

grounds, attendants prod fires with
long poles as flames consume the
bodies of the deceased. In most Indian
towns, the dead, deemed unclean, are
burned outside the city. But in
Varanasi death is auspicious, and the
cremation sites are in the centre.

In a wall painting from a Buddhist
cave temple at Ajanta in Maharashtra, a
rajah, flanked by his son, discusses a
Sroposal of marriage with his beautiful
aughter. The mural dates from the

golden age of Indian art the fifth
century A.D., when the Gupta Empire
was at its height.


At first sight, the Indian subcontinent merchants and farmers, prefiguring the
isimpressively protected from the out- later caste structure of Hinduism, just
side world. To the south there is the as the religious statuary unearthed
ocean; and the formidable northern from its ruins foreshadows the gods
barrier of the Himalayas is flanked to and goddesses of the Hindu pantheon.
the west by deserts and to the east by Most of our knowledge of the Indus
near-impassable rainforest. Even so, civilization, however, is based merely
few nations have enjoyed less seclusion on educated guesswork: the unique
than India, and a long succession of script used by its people has never been
foreign overlords has contributed enor- deciphered, and there are no other
mously to its complex evolution. records. Around 1500 B.C., after a con-
India's earliest civilization, though, tinuous existence of a thousand years,
was wholly indigenous. Appropriately, it vanished from the face of the earth.

its birthplace was the valley of the There are signs that for a century or
mighty river Indus, which later gave two before its end, the Indus civiliza-
its name both to India itself and to tion was in decline. Archaeologists
the subcontinent's dominant religion. have noted that the streets no longer
Around 4,500 years ago, cities began to followed a careful grid pattern, drain-
rise among the scattered agricultural age disappeared, houses diminished in
settlements that had existed from time size and pottery deteriorated in qual-
immemorial on the Indus plain. Dom- ity. But its sudden extinction was
inated by the two major centres of Har- brought about by outside forces. In the
appa, south-west of modern Lahore in middle of the second millennium B.C.,
present-day Pakistan, and Mohenjo- India was overwhelmed by the first of
Daro, to the north of modern Hydera- its many invaders: the Aryans.
bad, an organized society eventually The Aryans came from the grass-
extended its control to an area of well lands of Central Asia, probably around
over a million square kilometres. Its the Caspian Sea, and there they lived a
cities, solidly built of stone, were ar- nomadic life based on cattle-rearing.
ranged in a grid pattern of streets Their sudden, dramatic expansion
around a high citadel and a granary. still unexplained, but probably pro-

They were equipped with a drainage —

voked by a population explosion was
system far in advance of anything India one of the great movements of world
was modern times.
to see until history. One group swept into Europe;
From a second fell upon the civilizations of
the partitioned layouts of the
cities, archaeologists conjecture that

Mesopotamia "their onslaught was
the Indus Valley civilization may have like a hurricane: a people who had
been a stratified society of priests, never known a city", a contemporary


Mcsopotamian i hronicler wrote. And thinking and philosophical concepts. one of them accompanied Alexander
.1 third wa\ «•
des< ended into ndia. I Almost from the beginning of Indian on his return march.
The del. uls oi the Ai \ an conquest of history, theguru —
the teacher, usually Indian chronicles, however, make
India are forevei apart from
lost to us; poor, often wandering and invariably no reference to Alexander's brief ap-
the fragmentary evidence of archae- engrossed in the great concepts of eter- pearance. But Alexander may have
ology . the Ai \ .ins' great epic poems are nity— has been a figure ofdeep respect. served as an instructive example to
virtually the sole source for the histoi \ Secondly, the Brahmin domination of one important Indian: Chandragupta
of the next millennium. These works orthodox religion gave an incentive to Maurya who, in the years following the
among diem the Ramayana and
the the lower castes to seek assurance of Greek withdrawal in 325 B.C., estab-
Mahabharata are also the world's their own worth elsewhere. The two lished an empire which ran from the
most remarkable example of an oral factors combined in the sixth century mountainous north-west to the Bay of
tradition, for they were not committed B.C. to produce India's second great Bengal in the east. Chandragupta and
to writing until around 400 B.C. or religion: Buddhism, founded in north- his successors built a highly organized
even later. Their verses present a pic- ern India by Siddhartha Gautama, the state whose influence eventually ex-
ture of internecine struggles and con- Buddha or "awakened one". tended as far south as Mysore.
quest, chivalry and guile. Although the Essentially, Buddhism offered its ad- The great Mauryan Empire, centred
narrative takes mythological form, and herents a path to enlightenment that on Patna beside the Ganges, reached its
gods participate in the action alongside was open to all, regardless of caste: its peak under the extraordinary Emperor
mortals, scholars have deduced the appeal was immediate. The religion's Ashoka, around 250 B.C. Ashoka, the
broad outlines of early Indian history success proved most enduring outside grandson of Chandragupta, was per-
by reading between the lines. its Indian homeland; it transformed haps the most idealistic of all India's
As Aryan rule spread over northern Tibet, China and Japan, and some rulers. Early in his career, he had
India and as far south as the Deccan consider it India's greatest contribu- snuffed out the independence of the last
the vast plateau ofcentral India there — tion to civilization. In its birthplace, surviving Bengali kingdom of Kalinga
emerged a patchwork of small king- however, it was always the religion with the usual slaughter; but far from
doms, sharing a common culture but of a minority. glorying in his conquest he was stricken
much given to warring among them- Without any written records India's by remorse. He adopted Buddhism and
selves. The great epics exalted combat, early history remains shadowy, but in promulgated laws based on the sanctity
but they also exalted the priesthood. 326 B.C., Alexander the Great of Ma- of life, which were carved in rock and
Brahmins, or priests, were subordinate cedon mounted an expedition to the on stone columns throughout his em-
to warriors in Aryan society, but the subcontinent and drew aside some of pire. One of them — the lion-column
people's anxiety to placate the gods in the veils. Numerous memoir-writers in of Sarnath — became the emblem of the
the correct manner elevated the Brah- Alexander's army gave Westerners a Republic of India more than 2,000
mins to an immensely influential pos- kind of photo-flash picture of Indian years later. But Ashoka's empire and
ition. As time passed and the Aryan society in the fourth century B.C. They his laws alike did not long survive his
conquerors swallowed up more and described warring kings, in shifting ar- death in 232 B.C.; within a few genera-
more of the subcontinent's indigenous rangements of tribute and alliance, tions his very name was forgotten, and
cultures, their gods and their world- who fought with vast armies that in- his inscriptions were not deciphered
views, the religion of the Aryan people cluded terrifying armoured elephants; until 1837. Waves of foreign invaders
evolved, by accretion, into the enor- strange social customs, such as sati — once more beset northern India.
mous complexity of Hinduism and the the burning of a widow alive upon her After the Maurya, no rulers of India
caste system. By around 200 A.D., the husband's funeral pyre; and the Hindu were to control so much of the subcon-
whole edifice was in place. gurus, whom they dubbed gymnoso- tinent for more than two millennia
The lofty status accorded to Brah- phists, which literally means "naked to come; apart from their brief taste of
mins had two interesting effects. First, philosophers". The gurus made a deep Mauryan authority, the Deccan and
it attached a high value to religious impression on the Greeks, and at least the south would go their own way.

There, myriad kingdoms would rise, touchy pride. With the Rajputs keep-
endure a few hundred years and de- ing the gate, India was relatively safe
cline, while grander dramas were being from further invasions from the west.
played out in the north. The next wave of Muslim conquer-
Almost 600 years after the end of the ors, though, came from the north in the
Mauryan Empire, another great dyn- early 1 1th century. To begin with, the
asty established itself in northern object was plunder, not rule: the vor-
India. Founded in the fourth century acious Sultan of Ghazni in Afghanistan
A.D., the empire of the Gupta line of saw no reason why he and his warriors
kings embraced the whole breadth of should not relieve the infidel Hindus of
the subcontinent, from the Punjab to their wealth, and raided southwards as
Bengal. Although the Gupta Empire far as the coastal city of Somnath. For
never reached as far south as in the 30 years, the Sultan's bloodthirsty ex-
days of Ashoka, it made up for its more cursions were almost an annual event;
modest dimensions by presiding over a the inability of ponderous, elephant-
great flowering of Indian culture. Art, equipped Hindu armies to come to
philosophy and science — particularly
mathematics, where Indian scholars
grips with the speedy northern horse-
men did not bode well.
had hit upon the crucial concept of Nevertheless, raiding was one thing
zero — all reached new heights. But the and conquest another. Not until the
Gupta Empire lasted little more than late 12th century, while Hindu energies
200 years. In the fifth century, India were thoroughly committed to internal
fell to barbarian hordes from Central quarrels, did the Afghans attempt any
Asia and entered a period as turbulent serious invasions, under Muhammad
as contemporary Europe's Dark Ages. new religion made converts not only by Ghuri. At first they were repulsed by
In the early seventh century, the the convincing arguments of fire and fragile Rajput coalitions, but when
adventurer-emperor Harshavardhana sword but also by its powerful appeal to Muhammad Ghuri returned in 1192,
reunified most of the old Gupta terri- low-caste and outcaste Hindus. Rajput unity had dissolved, and he was
tory, but his achievement did not out- Nevertheless, Islamic power was for able to crush his opponents in pitched
live him. In any case, a new world force the time restricted to the Indus Valley. battle. The result was the so-called
was about to make its presence felt. Thevarious Hindustates, though with- Delhi Sultanate, which ruled over
This time, it came not from Central out the might to throw the invaders northern India until the 16th century.
Asia but from the Middle East, and it back, were strong enough to maintain The Sultanate spent the most part of
was to change India permanently. their frontiers, thanks in large part to its first 200 years expanding until its
the Rajput warriors who gave their rule, for the first time since the long-
The Prophet Muhammad died in 632; name to modern-day Rajasthan. forgotten Emperor Ashoka, extended
and at once the Prophet's new religion The Rajputs were not so much a race far to the south. But it proved almost
of Islam burst from its dusty Arabian as a network of more-or-less related impossible to administer so vast a
birthplace like an expanding torrent. It warlike clans ruled by a kind of military domain from Delhi, and an attempt in
swept westwards around the Mediter- aristocracy. Almost certainly descen- the 14th century to solve the problem
ranean, southwards into Africa and dants of barbarian invaders, they had by moving the capital southwards, to
east through Persia into Central Asia been adroitly assimilated into the caste Devagiri in the Deccan, only succeeded
and what is now Afghanistan. In 712, system at a high level, and provided In- in making the northern provinces as
the Arab faithful conquered the west- dia with a defensive belt of vigorously unmanageable as the southern ones
ern Indian province of Sind, where independent border-lords, known both had been. By the 1350s, the whole im-
Islam soon established deep roots: the for their chivalry and their dangerously perial colossus was beginning to come

A fifth-century Buddha sculpted in

sandstone sits in cross-legged
meditation, his head framed by an
ornate halo. The figures at the foot of
the pedestal represent the adoring
disciples who made up the audience
for his first sermon.



Under the Moghul emperors, the
art of miniature painting on the
subcontinent reached extraordinary
heights of beauty and refinement.
The style fused the indigenous
genius for vivid colour with
Persian technical virtuosity and
delight in decoration.
The flowering of Moghul art
began in the mid- 16th century
under Akbar, an enthusiastic and
discriminating patron. Employing
Persian immigrants to supervise
Indian artists in his court atelier, he
commissioned illustrations from
Persian stories and Hindu epics.
Akbar'ssuccessors demanded a new
subject range from painters
chiefly portraits and palace
scenes. The emperors collected
European paintings and prints, and
Moghul art came to incorporate
Western elements such as
perspective and chiaroscuro.
Like their masters, the emperors'
Hindu vassals installed artists at
their courts. Paintings executed for
the Rajput princes of Rajasthan and
the Himalayan foothills were
strongly influenced by the imperial
style. But while Moghul art
deteriorated in the 18th century,
the time of the emperors' decline,
the Rajput school produced lively
works for another hundred vears.

In a flower-bordered miniature (far

left),the Moghul emperor Shah Jahan
rides through a mountainous stretch of his
realm. Courtiers escort him, and his son
ridesbehind. In 1610, when thisworkwas
first completed by the court artist
Manohar,theemperor depicted was Shah
Jahan's father, Jahangir. After Shah
changed the face to portray the new ruler.
The painting on the left was executed in
the 18th century at one of the Rajput
courts in the Himalayan foothills. In it,
Rajah Raj Singh of Chamba and his
favourite concubine smoke hookahs, which
are held by two of their four attendants.


A19th-century English print of the Taj

Mahal captures the monument's

3 graceful symmetry. The marble Taj

was built at Agra by the Moghul
emperor Shah Jahan between 1632 and
1653 as a mausoleum for his favourite
wife, Mumtaz-i-Mahal.

apai i .ii n 398 it receh ed •

the seams. I I by the 1 520s they controlled Goa and a Emperor's extreme youth. (The young
death Mow
from an invasion In ami I i lew other enclaves. Akbar personally decapitated the cap-
Line, the greal onqueroi ol (< antral While the Portuguese were consoli- tured enemy leader.) When he came of
Am. i .iiiki Line's visil was brief but
I dating their grip upon the spice trade, age, he ruled his empire with a vigorous
n shattered India's central authority, great events were happening in the combination of wisdom and ruthless-
leaving the Punjab a waste and the north. Babur, Muslim King of Kabul ness. He was wise in his policy of recon-
Delhi Sultanate clinging to a small area in Afghanistan and —
soheclaimed — ciling his Muslim and Hindu subjects,
around its pillaged capital, direct descendant of Tamerlane, had admitting the latter into his increas-
The Sultanate, in time, recovered lor years been trying to reclaim his ingly well-organized administration
some of its earlier power but it never ancestral dominions in Central Asia. and abolishing discriminatory tax-
again approached all-India dominion. But the tough nomads proved to be too ation. Indeed, to cement the bonds of
Its rule, how
had lasting effects. It
e\ er, difficult to subdue, and Babur decided loyalty he cheerfully married a whole
brought about deep intermingling of
a to try his luck instead in northern succession of Hindu princesses.
Muslim and Hindu peoples and ideas, India. Alter two exploratory raids, he His ruthlessness was reserved for his
mostly as a result of the policy of re- launched his invasion late in 1525. enemies, real or potential. Thus more
ligions tolerance that circumstances It was a stupendous venture. Babur than one possible pretender was the
usually forced upon it. It also brought had only 9,000 men, whom he himself victim of a precautionary murder. And
about the use of Persian as the official admitted to be "in great tremor and in 1568 he destroyed the last indepen-
language in place of the ancient Sans- alarm" against the immensity of India. dence of the Rajputs at the bloody siege
krit. Now that the language of power But Babur was an inspired leader and, ofChitor, capital of their leading clans.
was foreign to native ears, the eclipse of besides, his tiny army was lavishly When the arch-Moghul died in 1 605,
Sanskrit led to the gradual elevation in equipped with artillery which he had he passed on a glittering inheritance.
status of many of India's hitherto- acquired through his contacts with the Thanks to his marriage policy, his son
overshadowed regional tongues. Ottoman Turks. His enemies knew Jahangir was half-Indian; henceforth
By the early 16th century, the Sul- nothing of the new weaponry. In a day- the Moghuls were no longer an alien
tanate's power was largely a memory long battle in 1526, he routed the vast power. And although none of Akbar's
and I ndia was once more a collection of but ill-coordinated hordes of Ibrahim, successors was his equal, the foun-
suspicious and quarrelsome states. last of the Delhi sultans. dations he had laid ensured the Em-
The stage was set for the arrival of yet The following year, despite another pire's steady expansion —for a time.
another outside invader. This time, bad attack of nerves on the part of his By the middle of the 17th century,
though, there was to be not one new own troops, Babur's brilliant general- things had begun to go wrong. Under
conquering force, but two. One was ship routed an even larger host put to- the Emperor Aurangzeb, Muslim fa-
to descend through the well-trodden gether by the Rajputs. Somewhat to his naticism began to replace political wis-
passes from Afghanistan; the other own surprise, he found himself master dom. One result was rebellion and civil
would come from half a world away. of northern India and the founder of war, mainly with the Maratha people
the Moghul Empire. of the western seaboard. Religious
The Europeans were first to arrive on Babur's son and successor Homayun persecution also helped forge the Sikhs,
the scene. A Portuguese expedition had none of his father's qualities, and originally a reformist Hindu sect, into
reached India in 1498, trailblazing a by the time he died he retained only a the beginnings of a warlike community.
sea-route eastwards which would give precarious toehold on India. However, Aurangzeb won the wars he had pro-
Portugal access to the lucrative trade in Homayun's son Akbar was Babur re- voked, but at a terrible cost. Soon after
exotic oriental goods, especially spices. incarnated. To begin with, he was his death, the Empire began to disinte-
The Portuguese were not interested in lucky. Only 1 3 on his accession, he was grate at the centre into faction-fighting
empire-building: they saw no profit in served loyally by a guardian-regent and palace coups. Meanwhile its dis-
it. Nevertheless, to protect their trade who won for him his first critical battle tant provinces lapsed into indepen-
they needed to have secure bases, and against a usurper tempted by the dence, declared or otherwise. By the

1750s, nothing had yet evolved in India further east. By the early 1 7th century, 1674, establishing a trading post at
that was strong enough to replace the the two rising European nations were Pondicherry, and at first it seemed that
Moghuls. It was a vacuum that proved becoming more than a match for Portu- there was trade enough for everyone.
fatal to Indian independence. gal,which suffered defeats at sea and By the 1 740s, though, Anglo-French
In the south, the Portuguese had not was lucky to hang on to Goa. rivalry had intensified. Moreover, the
long enjoyed their trading monopoly. The Dutch very quickly succeeded in Moghul Empire was dying on its feet,
In 1600, Queen Elizabeth I of England dominating Java and its seas. Rather and the increasing independence of its
granted a charter to the merchant- than waste their capital in a risky effort former subject princes gave both the
adventurers of the East India Com- to oust their rivals, the directors of the English and the French great scope for
pany; two years later the Dutch created English company decided to concen- diplomatic manoeuvring at the ex-
their own company. The object of each trateon trade with India itself. By 1647 pense of the other. When war broke out
was not so much India as the spice they had established 23 trading posts, between them in Europe in 1 744, it was
islands of Java and the Moluccas, but most of them on the coast and many of inevitable that they would try to elim-
both sought and obtained bases on the them in the far south, where the writ of inate each other from India.
Indian coast, as trading posts and way the Moghul Empire did not run. The The war between the British and the
stations for more lucrative ventures French joined them on the scene in French in India lasted in effect for

A painting from a Portuguese book of
1646 shows the first English trading

3 Post in India under attack by

ortuguese rivals. Established in 1612
on a spur of land adjoining the port of
Sural, the trading settlement saw many
such skirmishes before the British
ousted other Europeans from India.

almosi miears and ended in complete


Victor) foldie British. The rewards

were fai greatei thaneithei part) had
imagined when the fighting started.
Idi during the Anglo-French wai the
Moghul Empire at last collapsed. An
Afghan army descended on Delhi in
1 7. )7 and devastated it. The Marathas,

who were hoping tO take the Moghul

throne foi themselves, met the Afghans
in pitched battle in 761; but it was the

Marathas w ho were annihilated. Then,

homesick and satisfied with the loot
the) hadalread) gathered, the Afghans
tinned round and went back to their
hills. India was open for the taking: and
the- British were there to take it.

In 1 757, the greatest commander of

the British forces, a 32-year-old one-
time clerk named Robert Clive, won
the battle of Plassey, 200 kilometres
north of Calcutta. This victory allowed
him to install the ruler of his choice in
the vast province of Bengal. Bengal was
the first of many new dominions to
come directly or indirectly under the
control of the East India Company,
much to the dismay of its directors in
London. They were interested in trade,
not empire, and the exploits of young
military adventurers such as Clive
were costing a fortune. Besides, tales
abounded of outrageous maladminis-
tration, by which Company servants
were enriching themselves in an ex-
travagant manner. The whole business
was giving both the Company and Bri-
tain itself a bad name.
The Company sent out a new gover-
nor for Bengal, Warren Hastings, with
instructions to end abuses, and for the
first time the British Government took
a hand, passing an act of Parliament
designed to control the Company's
activities. There was to be no more
empire-building: "The dominion of all

India," declared Hastings, promoted
by Parliament in 1774 to the new dig-
nity of Governor General of Bengal, "is
what I never wish to see." Yet an im-
perial edifice began to emerge. In 1784
the British Parliament passed its sec-
ond act relating to India. This one
imposed a Board of Control, consisting
of six government ministers, over the
directors of the East India Company.
The Company still ran its territories
and its business in India, but the Board
of Control had the power of veto on any
matter that touched politics.
Conscious of the inherent weakness
of their minute numbers, India's new
ruling elite were at first reluctant to im-
pose much in the way of change upon
their subjects. By the 1820s, though,
progressive opinion in Britain stressed
the nation's responsibility for its sub-
ject peoples. Reforms were instituted.
Widow-burning was abolished in 1829,
thanks largely to the campaigns of Ram
Mohan Roy, the brilliant Hindu re-
former later known as the "father of
modern India". In the 1830s, the Gov-
ernor General stamped out the horri-
fying practice of thuggee —
the ritual
murder of travellers by gangs devoted
to the bloodthirsty goddess Kali.
An 1833 act ended the East India
Company's trading function, although
the British Government was anxious to
keep its imperial responsibilities at
arm's length, and the Company stayed
in existence as a ruling agency. Persian,
the legal language of the Moghuls, was
replaced by English, and under the
guidance of the future English his-
torian Thomas Macaulay, an English-
based education system was created,
although only a very small minority
benefitted from it.
Meanwhile, annexations continued.
In the 1840s Sind was absorbed, and



00-1500 B.C. Harappa Mohenjo- among them theCholas, the Pandyas, the
Daro .mil othei i il ies floui ish in tin ( In i as. the ( 'ha luky. is and the Pa I lavas.
Indus Valley \» sophisticated aa
contemporaneous urban developments 712 Muslim in< ursions into India begin
in Mesopotamia and Egy \>i they .
with tin- 1 onquesl ol Sind, in the north-
produce masterly sculptures in bronze west, by Ai abs.
ml stone.
997—1027 Afghan raiders repeatedly
attai k noi thern India.

1206 1 In Afghan Qutb-ud-din becomes

(he Insi Sultan ol Delhi, following
ionquesl <>l die Gangetic plain. The
Delhi Sultanate will dominate most ol
north India lor 200 \ eai S.

1398 Moghuls from ( lentral Asia, led by

Timui (Tamerlane), mount a
de\ astating raid on Delhi.
1556— 1605 The third Moghul emperor,
c.1490 Guru Nanak founds the Sikh Akbar (above), extends his territory as far
religion in order to reconcile Hinduism as the Arabian Sea and the Bay of
with Islam. Bengal. He creates a centralized
administration manned by both
1498 The Portuguese navigator Yasco imported Muslims and native Hindus.
daGama rea< Ins southern India. With Akbar's enlightened religious tolerance
the capture ofGoa in 1510, the fosters a new golden age of Indian culture,
Portuguese open a century-long this time influenced by Persian motifs.
monopoly of European trade with India.
1600 Elizabeth I of England grants a
1526 The Moghul king Babur, a charter to the East India Company,
Muslim, defeats the Sultan of Delhi and which proceeds to establish trading posts
establishes Moghul rule in the north in Surat (1612), Madras (1640), Bombay
of India. (1668) and Calcutta (1690).

c.1500 B.C. Light-skinned Aryan 1632-1653 Shahjahan, the fifth

invaders from around the Caspian Sea Moghul emperor, builds the Taj
begin to settle in northern India. Mahal in memory of his dead wife.
dominating the earlier, dark-skinned
inhabitants. 1674 The French establish a trading post
at Pondicherry, south of Madras.
c. 1500- 1200 B.C. The Vedas, the oldest
scriptures of Hinduism, are composed. 1680 Shivaji Bhonsle, a Hindu warrior-
hero, dies after a lifetime of warfare with
c.563 B.C. Siddhartha Gautama, the the Moghuls. The Maratha kingdom
Buddha, is horn in north-east India. which he has founded in the west of India
will soon become a dominant power.
326 B.C. Alexander the Great of
Maeedon mounts a campaign in India. 1707 Aurangzeb, sixth and last of the
great Moghul emperors, dies. Though he
324—185 B.C. The Mauryan emperors has extended his boundaries, his Muslim
rule northern and central India. The zealotry has divided and fatally
greatest Mauryan, Ashoka, brings a weakened his empire.
unity to India never again equalled
until the British Raj. His edicts are 1751 Robert Clive, a young British clerk-
inscrihed on pillars topped with animal turned-soldier, leads 210 men to
carvings (right) which are erected victory over a French force at Ai cot
throughout his domain. The battle chokes French political
ambitions in India.
320-499 A.D. Most of northern India
isunited under the Gupta dynasty. It is 1756 The Nawab of Bengal, a ruler only
a golden age of literature, art and theoretically in thrall to the- Moghul
science: the Hindu temple emerges as emperors, attacks and occupies ( lalcutta.
India's classic architectural form and
the decimal system is devised. 1757 Clive retakes ( lalcutta and defeats

the Nawab ai Battle oi Plassey, giving

500—1300 A number of rival powers the British effective control ol Bihai
control southern and central India. ( )r issa and Bengal.

independence as a dominion within the
British Commonwealth. Jawaharlal
Nehru is the first Prime Minister.
Pakistan becomes a separate Muslim
state.Over seven million Muslims flee
to Pakistan, a similar number of
Hindus go the other way. Hundreds of
thousands are massacred in communal

1948 Gandhi is assassinated in Delhi

by a Hindu extremist.

1950 India becomes a federal republic.

1954 Nehru defines India's foreign

policy as non-alignment with the
superpowers and peaceful coexistence
1758 The Maratha kingdom reaches its 1914 Gujarati-born Mohandas Gandhi with its neighbours.
greatest extent. returns to India after living for 21 years
in South Africa. 1966 Indira Gandhi, Nehru's daughter,
1761 The Afghan leader Ahmad Shah becomes Prime Minister.
Abdali defeats the Marathas at Panipat, 1919 After political disturbances, British
ending Maratha ambitions for control of troops fire into a large crowd of unarmed 1971 A war between Pakistan and India
north India and creating a power Indians in Amritsar, killing nearly 400. over the latter's support for autonomists
vacuum into which the British will step. in Pakistan's eastern province ends in
1920 Gandhi becomes head of Congress Indian victory. East Pakistan becomes
1774 Warren Hastings becomes first and launches a campaign for social and independent Bangladesh.
Governor General of Bengal, and lays the political equality, using the weapon of
foundations of British civil passive non-cooperation.
1935 The Government of India Act
1813—1818 The East India Company grants the Franchise to one sixth of the
Maratha territory
acquires control of the population and makes the provinces
and acknowledged as suzerain in
is autonomous from central government.
Rajasthan (above), thus becoming
undisputed master of India. 1942 During World War II, asjapanese
forcessweep through Burma and
1818-1849 With the annexation of threaten India, Gandhi and the
Assam, Sind, Kashmir and Punjab, the Congress party launch an anti-British y

East India Company brings all India "Quit India" movement.

directly or indirectly under its control.
1947 After negotiating with Gandhi and
1853 The railway opens in India,
first other Indian leaders. Viceroy Louis
to speed cotton to Bombay for shipping Mountbatten (below) grants India its
to the mills in England.

1857 The Indian Mutiny begins among 1

native soldiers, and spreads to others
disaffected with British rule. It is crushed
after 14 months of bitter fighting.

1858 The government of India is

transferred from the East India
Company to the British Crown.
1877 Queen Victoria is proclaimed i
Empress of India.

1885 The Indian National Congress 1975—1977 After economic strains and
holds its inaugural meeting. Mrs. Gandhi
political tensions,
suspends democracy for 19 months.
1912 India's capital is moved from
Calcutta to New Delhi. 1984 After repressing Sikh terrorism in
Punjab, Indira Gandhi is assassinated
1913 The Bengali poet Rabindranath by Sikh members of her bodyguard. She
Tagore becomes the first non-white to is succeeded as Prime Minister by her
win a Nobel Prize. son Rajiv (above).


two wars ended Sikh independence.

But Britain's conquest of India was
haphazard. Large numbers of India's
many hereditary rulers put up no resis-
tance to the foreigners. Those posing
no threat were left on their thrones, and
ran their internal affairs unimpeded.
Many of these rajahs and maha-
rajahs had no objection to the imperial
presence in India; indeed, even the
parts of India directly under British
rule seemed remarkably docile. The
British began to feel they could do
no wrong. The acquiescence of the
Indians was taken for granted, and
used to legitimize British rule: after all,
was not the army that enforced it over-
whelmingly Indian itself?
The British were shortly to receive a
shock. Earlier in the century, a far-
sighted Governor General had warned
that the Indian-manned army was
"a delicate and dangerous machine,
which a little mismanagement may
easily turn against us". In 1857, the
prediction came true. For some time,
discontent, inspired by the relentless
annexations and the tradition-breaking
reforms, had festered in the army's
ranks. Then rumours began to spread
that new cartridges issued to the troops
were greased with a mixture of cow and
pig fat. Since it was army practice to
open the cartridges by biting off a twist
of paper at one end, both Hindus and
Muslims were threatened with pol-
lution. The offence to religious feeling
was the necessary spark. Throughout
northern India, army units mutinied,
killed their British officers —
and often
their families too — and raised the flag
European and Asian influences merge in a flowering tree on an 18th-century chintz. of revolt. It was exactly 100 years since
Plassey, thoughtful Indians observed.
Patterned cotton fabric called West. The Indian designs offered in
British rule had lasted long enough.
"chintz" —
plural of the Hindi chint
meaning "spotted cloth" was —
the early days were unpopular with
Europeans. To improve sales, The British calledit the Indian Mu-

among the most sensational imports importers sent the Indian chintz- tiny; later the Indians were to name it
from India into Europe during the printers sample patterns which were
late 1 7th century. It was especially more to French, Dutch or English
valued for its durable colours, for taste. The Indians' unique
Indian dyeing techniques were far interpretation of them appeared
more advanced than those of the wondrously exotic to Europeans.


the Great War of Independence. The military reorganization, expressly de- but prohibited by the religion of high-
British description is nearer the truth, signed to keep the proportion of Euro- caste Hindus, since it took them out-
for the greater part of India remained pean troops at a safely high level. The side the sacred circle of Hinduism
loyal. The rebellion was largely con- Mutiny also marked the end of what and exposed them to all manner of
fined to the Ganges plain between Cal- might be termed the adventurers' pollution. Inevitably, the Service re-
cutta and Delhi; troops in the south and empire, with its swashbuckling oppor- mained overwhelmingly British.
west continued to serve the British. De- tunism, and its replacement by the The ICS, aloof and patrician, served
cisively, the recently conquered Sikhs Victorian Empire, an altogether more in many ways as a model for the rest
were quiet. Among the staunchest sup- straitlaced creation. For in 1858, the of the small British community. The
porters of the British were the native old East India Company was abol- events of 1857, and the mutual fears
princes who had been left in nominal ished, and the British government as- and mistrust they inspired, had made
control of large parts of the country. sumed formal responsibility for the the gap wider between the conquerors
But the uprising was not quite the subcontinent. The Governor General and the conquered. The opening of the
simple affair of mutinous soldiery that found himself elevated to the exalted Suez Canal in 1869, cutting the travel
the British wanted to believe. In Delhi, post of Viceroy. The pattern of admin- time between India and Britain to one
which quickly fell to the rebels, the last istration that was to shape India until month, segregated the races even fur-
descendant of the Moghul dynasty —
Independence and in some ways long ther. Now that regular home leave had
one Bahadur Shah, then aged 82 was — afterwards — was now established. become a practical possibility, British
proclaimed emperor, and for a time it The key institution was the Indian womenfolk came out in far greater
seemed that he might exercise a real Civil Service, an elite body of a mere numbers than before and the British
national appeal. 1,000 highly trained officers, upon became a self-contained community.
The issue was not, however, decided whom awesome powers were bestowed: British rule brought India many of
by appeals and minds, but by
to hearts itwas by no means unusual for a fairly the fruits of 19th-century progress.
bayonets. Most of the fighting was junior ICS man to be responsible for a Irrigation schemes brought vast areas
done by soldiers who were in situ at the province of a million or so people. of land under cultivation and the 1 860s
time of the uprising, including large Entry to the august Service was saw a great spate of railway building.
contingents of loyal Indian troops. Not by competitive examination, and, in The railways were a mixed blessing to
until a late stage did reinforcements theory at least, was open to Indians. Indians, however, for the government
from England arrive in any numbers. But enrolment involved making a trip guaranteed shareholders in Britain a
A four-month siege broke the rebels' to Britain, which was not only costly return— usually 5 per cent —whether
hold on Delhi. Meanwhile, the British
overwhelmed Cawnpore, also a rebel
stronghold. In November 1857, Luck-
now, another great centre of revolt,
fell to British forces. By January 1859,
the last of the rebel armies had been
hunted down. Everywhere, the British
exacted bloody retribution for the mas-
sacres which had begun the uprising.
The rebellion was the great water-
shed in the history of British India.
Afterwards, there was never any doubt
that British rule was ultimately based
not on moral superiority but on armed
force, ruthlessly wielded. The Mutiny's
most immediate consequence was a

A life-size wooden tiger, the toy of the

18th-century Indian despot Tipu
Sultan, devours a fallen European to
the accompaniment of mechanical
growls and screams. Tipu ruled the
southern state of Mysore and engaged
in numerous wars against the British.
oi mil the i .hIw ,i\ s made .1 profit. Sim <•
great and lowly had to put up with
profits w ci 1 1 are, the I ndian govern- the constant presence of a viceroy -
ment had to meel its obligations to appointed British Resident at their
shareholders with revenues From the courts. The penalty for any anti-British
population al large. The unfairness <>l conspiracy was instant removal, by
ilns .11 angement led to the In si e< on-
1 force if necessary and the grosser forms

iimii .11 guments foi self-i tile. ol misgovernment were also punished
As the British saw it, the greatest by deposition.
benefit they were bringing to India was Within these limits, though, India's
peace Freed from the plagues ol ban- princely si. ties were left much to their
dit i\ and civil war, India was develop- own devices. Many of them pursued
ing .K ate ex< ceded ill Asia <>nl\ l>\
.1 1 admirably progressive policies. My-
Japan. Calcutta, the Raj's capital, was sore. I01 instance, eventually developed
the home of Asia's first European-style its (iw n democratic institutions, as well
middle class, and Bombay was not fai as a modern education system and the
behind. lie rising middle (lass pro-
I Inst hydro-electric power plant to be
vided not only traders and profession- built in India. Other rulers devoted
als but also industrialists. Great new themselves less to public progress than
textile industries wen- made possible private vices, or distinguished them-
by the arrival of rail transport, and selves by extravagantly free-spending
made profitable l>\ India's entry, as tours of Europe and America, delight-
part of the British Empire, into the ing Western newspaper readers at the
world economy Though the jute mills . expense oft heir impoverished subjects.
ofBengal w ere initiated and controlled British officialdom had always
by Europeans, Bombay's cotton in- shown a great deal of outward respect
dustry was financed, owned and man- for traditional India and its ruling
aged almost entirely by Indians. Later, class. As the 19th century advanced,
in the early 20th century steel followed . and reforms appointed
a series ofgentle
the same pattern as cotton. a lew Indians to the machinery of gov-
ernment, it was to aristocratic Indians
The British legal and administrative of the old order that the British turned.
network did not cover all India. One How ev er. the future of India did not lie
third ofits territory remained under the with the people whom the British had
control of those Indian princes v\ ho had effectively supplanted, but with the
remained loyal during the Mutiny. new, Western-educated classes that
Their reward was hereditary autonomy British rule had created.
that endured as long as the British Raj. The
British w ere remarkably slow to
There were over 500 such stales in realize that their own policies had
India, ranging in size from the nearly brought into being the very forces that
200.000 square kilometres of Hydera- would, in time, bring an end to the Raj.
bad, under its fabulously rich Nizam, So. when in 1885 the Indian National
to impoverished little city states barely Congress was founded (largely by the
a morning's walk across. Their inde- efforts of a group of retired British
pendence was limited, of course: there ICS officers), the Government of India
was no doubt who was paramount on welcomed it cautiously as a forum
the subcontinent, and maharajahs both that might promote better relations

An oil painting depicts red-coated

British forces engaging with native
mutineers from the Indian Army
outside Lucknow in March 1858. The
rebels had taken the city in June the
previous year, just after the start of the
Indian Mutiny.

between governors and governed. Con- ol Congressmen) meant Hindu rule.
Matters came to a head in 1905 when
gress initial, modest aims were to
represent the interests of Western- the Viceroy, Lord Curzon, effected the
educated Indians and to put the case partition ofthe vast, populous province
foi more Indian involvement in gov- of Bengal, splicing the Hindu west from
ci nment decisions. Hut it grew
into the the Muslim east. For Curzon, it may
engine of a powerful nationalist move- have been simply a question of admin-
ment, which eventually became a post- it looked very
istrative efficiency, but
Independence governing party. much of divide and rule.
like a policy
Although barel) per cent of the
I Hindu extremists saw the plan as a The nationalist leader Mahatma
population could read and write in threat to "Mother India" and un- Gandhi poses for the press in August
1934, at the start of one of many fasts
English, the Western-educated minor- leashed a campaign of demonstrations he undertook to apply moral pressure
ity was a very active one. Before long, that was soon transformed by British on the British or his countrymen. He
( longi ess pressure had secured a series repression into one of riots, bombings wears a homespun dhoti, the peasant
garment which he adopted in 1921 as a
of political reforms. The first, in 1892, and assassinations. It was the worst symbol of pride in his own culture.
was an Indian Councils Act which outbreak of violence since the Mutiny
allowed a form of election to various 50 years before, and it greatly alarmed
legislative councils whose membership Indian Muslims. In 1906 they formed
had hitherto been nominated by the the All-India Muslim League, the first
viceroy. The Councils Act was followed sign that the road to independence
in 1909 by the so-called Morley-Minto might also be the road to separation.
Reforms, which permitted ameasureof The turmoil of 1905 was soon con-
local self-government. The British may tained, and in the years before the First
have hoped that such steps would World War, India seemed peaceful
appease the increasingly nationalistic enough. Although the first few steps to-
middle-class community; predictably, wards self-rule had been taken, the
however, the Reforms merely increased road to independence still had no end
Indian expectations. in sight.As if to prove it, the British
In the early 20th century, the nation- moved their capital from Calcutta to
alistmovement became seriously com- New Delhi, which they had lavishly
plicated by religious issues. Congress constructed in high imperial style be-
was still open to all Indians; but India's side the old Moghul city.
Muslim community had been much The war changed everything. India
slower than the Hindu majority to remained safely loyal and 600,000 In-
develop the outward-looking middle dians fought for Britain overseas. But
class from which Congress members afterwards, at the peace conference,
were recruited. As a result, Congress Indians paid careful attention to high-
was disproportionately Hindu in com- sounding rhetoric about national rights
position. The imbalance became im- to self-determination. India's wartime
portant around the turn of the century, services were rewarded by the British
with the appearance of an extremist with a major reform permitting directly
wing that was not only violently elected provincial legislatures. As in
nationalist but also violently Hindu. 1909, the gesture was not enough to
Muslims became deeply suspicious satisfy the nationalists.
that swaraj ("home rule", thenew In 1919, there was widespread riot-
slogan of an increasing number ing in Punjab; British troops sent to

quell the worst outbreak, in the city of praise of the British Viceroy of India. self to less obviously anti-British activi-
Amritsar, killed almost 400 unarmed Gandhi returned to India after the ties: campaign against the low status
people in a few minutes' firing in the outbreak of the war, and by 1918 he of Hindu Untouchables —
his lifelong
public garden known as Jallianwalla was the leading personality in the Con- passion —
and a great effort at rural re-
Bagh. For years to come, the incident gress movement. His legal skills en- generation based on simple handcrafts.
made an emotive rallying cry for In- abled him to talk to the British in their Gandhi's next civil disobedience
dian nationalists. One of them, a young own terms; the simplicity of his life and campaign was in 1930. It took the form
man called Jawaharlal Nehru, later his saintly eccentricity, both in the tra- of a 390-kilometre trek to the coast to
wrote that it revealed "how brutal and dition of India's gurus, appealed enor- gather a handful of sea salt, in defiance
immoral imperialism was". mously to the masses. It was fortunate of a government monopoly of the com-
The deed also shocked British liberal for everyone that his teachings were modity. After flouting the law himself,
opinion: following an inquiry, the Brit- always avowedly non-violent. Gandhi urged Indians everywhere to
ish commander at Amritsar, General Even so, thousands died in each of help themselves to natural salt. The
Dyer, was dismissed. But the British the three great campaigns he launched aim of the judicious law-breaking was
reaction to the slaughter at Amritsar between the end of World War I and to compel the British into a mass-arrest
came too late to still Indian outrage. Independence. The first, from 1920 to policy that would first embarrass and
Nationalism was no longer confined to 1922, attempted to include the Muslim then paralyse the Delhi Government.
a tiny, educated minority: it had be- community in what was threatening to It was highly effective. The outcome
come a mass movement. And it had become a largely Hindu movement. was a series of talks that led to the 1935
acquired an extraordinary leader. Curiously, the issue that was chosen to Government of India Act, which cre-
bring the two communities together ated a federal constitution with full
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later came from Turkey where, in the after- provincial autonomy, and a complex
known universally as the Mahatma, math of the war, the Allies were threat- system of British-Indian power sharing
"Great Soul", was born in 1869 to a ening to eliminate the Sultan. As the at the centre. The Act, though, was less
high-caste Gujarati family. From the embodiment of the ancient Islamic a negotiated deal than a unilateral Bri-
beginning he was a man of two worlds, Caliphate, he was a figure of great tish concession; it left Congress unsatis-
the old and the new. His background spiritual importance to Muslims. Thus fied, deeply suspicious and only just
was intensely traditional, but he defied the 1920 campaign combined swaraj willing to participate in the elections
orthodoxy by crossing the ocean to that followed in 1936 and 1937.
study law in London. In 1893, he trav- showed how effective his techniques of Congress, in fact, had come to think
elled to South Africa to undertake some civil disobedience could be in making of itself not as an independence move-
legal work. A week after his arrival, he India ungovernable. ment but as a government-in-waiting,
was evicted from a first-class railway Nevertheless, it misfired badly. In whose only problem was the obdurate
carriage, because of his colour, by a the end, the Caliphate was abolished refusal of the British to pack up and
white ticket inspector. Radicalized by not by the Allies but by the Turks go. As a result, it made the fateful mis-
this experience, Gandhi spent the next themselves, as a symbol of reactionary take of underestimating the forces of
21 years in South Africa, skilfully op- tyranny. And far from promoting Muslim separatism.
posing laws that discriminated against intercommunal harmony, the campaign The Muslims too had found a leader:
Indians. He developed a strategy of only roused religious passions to an ex- Muhammad Ali Jinnah, like Gandhi a
non-violent civil disobedience: the tent that led to serious inter-communal Bombay lawyer by profession. Jinnah
movement called satyagraha, which violence. Gandhi himself was horrified had resolved to transform the chronic
literally means "insistence on truth". by the bloodshed and called off the pro- Muslim fear of Hindu domination into
His campaigns greatly embarrassed test,which was easier said than done. a well-organized campaign for a separ-
the South African Government and The British jailed him in 1922 on a ate Muslim state —
Pakistan after the—
attracted a good deal of world atten- charge of sedition, releasing him two inevitable end of British rule. His pros-
tion— including, ironically, the fulsome years later. For a time, he devoted him- pects of success looked slender, since

In September 1947, six weeks after the
British departure from India, a train

3 packed with refugees leaves Delhi

bound for the new Muslim state of
Pakistan. Over seven million Muslims
fled to Pakistan after Partition; 40
million remained in India.

the idea appalled the British. The Con- the campaign, imprisoning not only Viceroy was able to form, for a time, a
gress |).n l\ refused to take il seriously. him but the entire Congress leadership joint Congress-League "government",
Indeed, it might nevci have come to and many thousands of the rank and it was less a working coalition than a

|).iss had the steady devolution ofBrit- file. Hundreds died in theensuing riots, platform for irreconcilable differences.
ish powei continued as most panics but "Quit India" was a failure. The Far worse, the tensions between leaders
foresaw. In September 1939, however, British did not go, and until 1945 most were paralleled on the streets of Indian
w .11 broke out in Europe. of Congress languished impotently in cities by the most murderous outbreaks
At once, the Viceroy declared war on jail while the Muslim League grew from of inter-communal violence so far. The
Germany on India's behalf. Outraged strength to uncompromising strength. killing gradually spread from the cities
.ilthe lack of consultation, the Con- Non-political India got on with the to the countryside. By the end of 1946,
gress politicians who had formed prov- war. Without conscription, the Indian —
law and order for long the proudest
incial ministries alter 1937 resigned en Army grew 14-fold to more than two boast of the British Raj —
were disap-
mawc. Jinnah, who was overjoyed, million men — by now largely under pearing fast, and the whole subcontin-
declared "a day of deliverance and Indian officers —and fought in most ent was perilously close to anarchy.
thanksgiving", and used the consti- theatres. After the initial British de- True to his principles of non-violence,
tutional vacuum to push forward the feats in Asia, a largely Indian force Gandhi toured affected areas at great
claims of Muslim separatism. stopped the Japanese offensive in the personal risk, and used his immense
In 1942, after Japan's entry into the jungles of Assam. Indian and British authority to calm demented mobs.
war had brought India directly into troops side by side recaptured Burma. In February 1947, the British Gov-
the front line, the British offered India Meanwhile, Subhash Chandra Bose, ernment, hoping that a definite dead-
the prospect of post-war federal self- a leading Indian politician and Presi- line would pressurize the rival leaders
government, and declared that pro- dent of Congress from 1 938 to 1 939, be- into agreement, declared June 1948 as
vinces might, if they chose, contract out came the focus of Indian opposition to their departure date. To implement
of the federation —
a concession to the Britain. Escaping house arrest in 1941, their decision, they sent out a new
Muslim League which Congress found he travelled to Germany to a warm wel- Viceroy — Lord Louis Mountbatten, not
intolerable. Besides, the war situation come by Hitler. He broadcast from only a successful wartime commander
was critical: as Gandhi put it, what use there to his countrymen, urging them but a member of the British royal fam-
was "a post-dated cheque on a crashing to revolt against the British. Later on, ily. At his own request, Mountbatten
bank"? And even did not lose
if Britain he formed the 60,000-strong Indian was given full plenipotentiary powers,
the war, there was always the chance National Army from troops captured and almost at once he proceeded to use
that she could be induced to concede all by thejapanese. Thisjapanese-backed them. Partition, he recognized, was
Congress' demands. Congress rejected force was really a propaganda weapon: now inevitable. By May 1947, with no
the offer, and with it the last chance of in combat with the regular Indian other end in sight to the bloodshed,
Hindu-Muslim reconciliation. Army it simply melted away. But it was even Congress agreed. In June 1947,
The rejection was backed up by a warning to the British that they could Mountbatten went further. The British
Gandhi's last campaign. Its slogan was no longer count on the reliability of the would leave, he announced, not in 948 1

"Quit India!" and it was, in his words, armed men who upheld their rule. but in six weeks' time. Any longer, he
"open rebellion". As for the Japanese, But, by 1945, there was no question reasoned, would only give extremists
then massing on India's frontier, the of British rule continuing —the princi- more time to organize.
Mahatma was sanguine. "The pres- ple of independence had been conceded Mountbatten may well have been
ence of the British in India is an invita- in 1942 and there was no going back. right.But the immediate result was
tion to Japan to invade India," he The problem was not whether to grant that the last days of the British Raj
declared in his own newspaper. "Their independence, but how. were a frenzied scramble, in which
withdrawal removes the bait." For the gap between the Muslim and boundaries were determined and the
Gandhi's theory was never put to the Hindu communities had become an assets of the old Government of India,
test. The British reacted vigorously to unbridgeable chasm. Although the from its army to its gold reserves, were

hurriedly divided between two new and French journalist in 1946: "When the action" which brought Hyderabad into
sadly antagonistic nations. British go, there will be no more com- the Indian fold.
In the Punjab and in Bengal, where munal trouble in India." In Delhi itself, in the months after
Hindu and Muslim populations were Unfortunately, there was a great Independence, a new wave of com-
hopelessly intermingled across the new deal of trouble still to come. The Indian munal violence threatened to destroy
frontiers, the refugee problem was im- princes had been warned that, with the the city: only the desperate efforts of
mense. By the million, Muslims and end of British rule, they would have to Gandhi, now in his 78th year, brought
Hindus uprooted themselves and fled accede to either India or Pakistan; the situation under control. He under-
in terror fromeach other. Many did not most had done so. However, the Nizam took a fast, which he refused to break
escape. The death toll was variously of Hyderabad and the Maharajah of until the leaders of the city's rival com-
estimated between 200,000 and two Kashmir, rulers of the two largest munities had agreed to work together
million: the very vagueness of the fig- princely states, were reluctant to sur- for peace. It was the last, and one of the
ures itself gives a chilling picture of the render their independence. A Pakistani greatest of the services the Mahatma
greatconvulsions that marked the birth invasion of Kashmir led to the Maha- performed for the ideals to which he
of India and Pakistan. rajah's belated accession to India, the had devoted his life. In January 1948,
Amid scenes of tempestuous joy, the arrival of Indian troops and the first enraged by Gandhi's attempts to de-
formal handover took place in Delhi on Indo-Pakistan war — a major cause of fend Delhi's beleaguered Muslims, a
August 15, 1947. ThedepartingBritish the intense rivalry that would attend Hindu fanatic emptied a revolver into
exchanged effusive compliments with future relations between the two states. his frail old body. All over the subcon-
the incoming Indian provisional gov- In the finest traditions of the British tinent, Indians mourned the beloved
ernment, led by Nehru, who had told a Raj, Nehru organized a rapid "police leader who had taken them to freedom.

He comes from his fields on the baking with its tangled politics and numerous
northern plain, hitching up his dhoti as languages, its paradoxes and sheer
he trudges the dusty road. He emerges scale, an Indian election is one of the
from the scented, green and lush plan- wonders of the world. Many newly
tations of the south. He walks from the independent countries proclaim an al-
paddy fields and the forests and the legiance to the democratic ideal, but
ocean coasts. He draws his warm cloak fail to sustain it. In India, even if bat-
around him as he marches down the tered and imperfect, the ideal endures.
mountain passes of the Himalayas. He On August 14, 1947, a short while
squeezes into an overloaded bus or before the midnight hour of India's
clambers on to a bullock cart. He be- Independence, Jawaharlal Nehru, one
comes the third passenger on a bicycle. of modern India's master builders and
From field and factory, humble hut its first Prime Minister, voiced his emo-

and grand bungalow, he is on his way tions and touched those of his country-
to vote at one of the 450,000 polling men with an historic promise.
stations across the land. With his wife, He spoke in Delhi, the capital city
his sons, his daughters, he is taking part built on an ancient crossroads of the
in an election in the largest of the demo- northern plains. "Long years ago," he
cracies. He is not only a participant in a said, "we made a tryst with destiny,
great drama and spectacle: he is also and now the time comes when we shall
part of a national reaffirmation of faith redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full
in a compelling hope and dream. measure, but very substantially. At
Indians take their politics seriously. the stroke of the midnight hour, while
Elections last several weeks and cam- the world sleeps, India will awake to
paigning is vigorous. Most politicians life and freedom ... A moment comes,

get close to the people in a gruelling which comes but rarely in history,
round of rallies and whistle-stop meet- when we step out from the old to the
ings. They make speeches under shady new, when an age ends, and when the
stadium or park, listen to
trees, or in a soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds
head for the next
local grievances, then utterance. . YVehavetobuildthenoble

place —
where their advance men have mansion of free India where all her
drummed up a crowd. More than 380 children may dwell."
million people are eligible to vote. Bal- Nehru knew as he spoke that the
lot papers are prepared in 1 5 languages road ahead would be hard. His country
and, for those unable to read, each was vast and poor, economically stag-
party has an easily recognized symbol. nant, vulnerable to drought and fam-

HHHHnHHI Considering the complexities, rival-

ries and diversity of Indian society,
ine, riven by communal tensions. Most
of the land was still run on feudal lines.

An Indian Railways inspector is

trundled past the Taj Mahal to check
for faulty track in the world's fifth
largest rail network. Some inspectors'
carts are petrol driven but many rely
on human muscle: the men push the
vehicle up inclines, then jump on and
ride with it on the downhill stretches.

Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and
his daughter Indira Gandhi confer

4 during a meeting of the Congress party

in 1962. After his death, Mrs. Gandhi
compared their styles: "My father was
a statesman, I
My father
am a political woman.
was a saint. I am not."

economic and social prob-

Political, house, the Lok Sabha, has seats of a coalition. Congress also dominates
lems were immense. The British had Westminster green, as in the House of many of the state Parliaments. Its pre-
ruled India largely to suit their own ( lommons in London. The seats of the eminence derives partly from its long
economic interests. Native industries upper house, the Rajya Sabha, are as history and its role in securing indepen-
had been developed only patchily and red as those in the House of Lords. dence, partly from the strong organ-
factories were mostly devoted to cotton On January 26, 1950, India changed ization it has built up in every state,
and jute processing. Though two thirds its stat us from a dominion in the British and partly from its succession of charis-
of the population worked on the land, Commonwealth to a fully fledged re- matic leaders —
Nehru the visionary
India did not produce enough food to public, though still a Commonwealth nation builder, his daughter Indira
Iced itself. Not much had been done for member. The 950 Constitution is still
1 Gandhi and grandson Rajiv Gandhi.
the education and health of the people. in force. It made India a union ofstates
The majority of children did not attend with a strong federal centre to prevent India was fortunate to have Nehru as
school and only about 15 per cent of the fragmentation. Each state has an elec- leader during its first years of indepen-
population could read or write. There ted legislature headed by a chief minis- dence. He had his dream, and the gift
was a high incidence ol diseases such as ter. The central Parliament in Delhi of being able to communicate it. As he
smallpox, malaria and cholera. has a directly elected lower house, and explained: "It is not enough for us
On the positive side, though, India an upper house mostly elected by the merely to produce the material goods of
had tremendous reserves of raw mater- state legislatures. the world. We do want high standards
ials and plentiful human resources. It The states and central government of living, but not at the cost of man's
inherited a useful railway network, a divide up legislation. States enact their creative spirit, his creative energy."
well-run legal system and a disciplined own laws on education, public health A natural institution builder, Nehru
and competent body of civil servants and local taxes, while the centre deals loved Parliament. He took it seriously,
imbued with ideals of public service. with defence and foreign policy. In a nurtured it and made it a part of In-
Apart from a great famine in Bengal in number of other areas, such as econ- dia's decision-making machinery. An
1 943, the country had not been ravaged omic and social planning and trade enthusiastic debater, he set an example
during World War II. union law, the centre and the states as a parliamentarian.
But perhaps the most important her- share power, but the centre generally Nehru was born in 1889, the son of
itage from the British was ideas of has the last word. Motilal Nehru, a wealthy and brilliant
equality, individual liberty and demo- India has a large number of political lawyer. Jawaharlal was educated in the
cracy. It is true that, as colonial rulers, parties. Coalescing around a leader manner of a young English gentleman,
the British did not put these ideas with a strong personality, they come at Harrow, one of Britain's leading pri-
into practice in India. But inevitably, into being at a bewildering pace, and vate schools, and then at Cambridge
Indian intellectuals were exposed to splinter apart equally rapidly. Many of University. Although he emerged with
them. Through all the years of the the parties in both the central and the a distinctly Western outlook and taste,
Independence struggle, Gandhi and state Parliaments have a regional basis; his experiences did not erode his strong
other leaders had argued against clear- they may represent language groups or Indian core, nor pride in his country.
ing the decks by violent revolution and alliances of certain castes. He was of the highest caste grouping,
proposed instead a policy based on All of India's parties are small and a Brahmin. Quite apart from that, he
selflessness and co-operative progress. puny in comparison with the dominant was a natural aristocrat. He followed
At Independence, they embraced de- political machine, the Congress party, no religion and professed a dislike for
mocracy as a way of managing India's which before 1947 was the focus of the the title of Pandit —
a Hindu honorific
heterogeneous society and strengthen- Independence movement. The party meaning "learned one" which the —
ing the ideal of national unity. The has held on to power in the centre for all people bestowed on him. Intellectually
British parliamentary system was ad- but three of the post-Independence gifted and energetic, his charm and
mired, and eventually imitated. In the years; to make any headway against it, eloquence captivated people, from the
Indian Parliament today the lower its smaller opponents must unite in highest to the humblest. By the time
independence was granted, he was a omic development was to be planned reliance a national cause. In 1951, the
seasoned politician, having been the and co-ordinated from the centre so firstof a series of five-year plans was
Mahatma's right-hand man and four that all would benefit. But he was anti- launched. Nehru was to preside over
times President of Congress. authoritarian and had rejected Marx- three of them. The outcome was a mix-
The new India that Nehru led called ism after having seen it in action in the ture of success and disappointment,
itself a democratic socialist secular re- Soviet Union. He had also rejected with some conspicuous failures.
public. As it turned out, the Congress Gandhi's concept of a non-industrial Under the first five-year plan, India
party was too broad a church to adopt society rooted in rural democracies, be- took steps towards freeing itself from
an unqualified socialist policy. Even in cause he thought this would do nothing the burden of having to import food. Ir-
the 1950s, its most left-wing period, it to raise people from their poverty. rigation systems and fertilizer plants
included a strong conservative ele- Nehru believed in a strong public were started. Some of Nehru's temples
ment. Nehru himself was a Fabian, an sector, with state-owned steel, power, of industry came into being. Three
intellectual democratic socialist, with manufacturing, mining and transport large steel plants were built and power
his beliefs rooted in the fashionable occupying the commanding heights of schemes were put into motion. Nehru
ideas of the 1920s and 1930s. In his sort the economy. He envisaged mighty was like a master of ceremonies, trav-
of socialism, capital was to be con- industrial plants as the temples of mod- elling the country to open dams and
trolled in the national interest. Econ- ern India. He made economic self- factories. Optimism was in the air and


Indians .1 Strong sense of moving become high targets. Nehru's commit- granted by European and American
forward. The annual growth rate aver- ment was total but his ideas were too establishments, but the best scholar-
aged more than per cent between the
I general and he did not pay enough at- ship in India is very good indeed. The
start oi the 1950s and 1964. tention to making things work. country has produced five Nobel prize-
The emphasis was on the public sec- His insistence on a large public winners since Independence.
toi Inn parts <>l the private sector also
, sector sowed many seeds of trouble. Under Nehru, primary education
did well, notabl) the businesses of the There were compelling arguments for was made compulsory; but it has al-
Tata and Birla families. TheTatashad strong state involvement in industry in ways been easy to evade the legal re-
started out in the 19th century in cotton its early days: the state could ensure quirement and, today, nearly one fifth
and silk, the Birlas in the early years of that the basic infrastructure was laid in of primary-age children do not go to
(his century in cotton and jute. By place, whereas a private free-for-all school. Some of those who do attend
1ndependence, both families were run- might have provided consumer goods may find themselves in a brick-built
ning huge conglomerates with a vast for the rich while leaving damaging schoolhouse, but often they learn their
range of interests, which expanded still gaps in the basic industries. But in- lessons under a thatched awning, or
further in the decades that followed. efficiency and corruption spread. In simply sitting under a shady tree.
The second plan emphasized heavy India, it is not considered shameful for The battle against disease has been
industry and the third promoted agri- a man to use his position to help rela- waged effectively. Inoculation reduced
culture. Neither was matched by re- tives and other members of his caste by such scourges as cholera and elimin-
ality; the targets of the third plan in finding them jobs. Inevitably, state in- ated smallpox altogether, though tu-
particular had to be sharply trimmed. dustries, sheltered from competitive berculosis, leprosy and dysentery are
The disarray was so bad that the fourth pressures, took on more staff than they still serious problems. Spraying land
plan, due to start in 1966, was post- needed, as did the government depart- with DDT all but conquered malaria
poned. Between 1964 and 1971, the ments set up to direct the economy. by the 1970s, but the disease began to
annual growth rate was down to an Bribery circumvented delays caused by return in the 1980s.
average of 3 per cent. excessive bureaucracy. The pay of gov- Disease control and public health
A major problem was the lack of ernment clerks was — and remains improvements contributed to a steady
capital.The government had to tax very low, so temptation was great. The increase in the population. Even in
and borrow to raise the money for in- shortcomings of the nationalized in- 1947 India was a populous country,
vestment. But although tax rates were dustries resulted in a continuing drain with land at a premium. In the 1950s,
high, tax revenues were limited be- on resources. The country's scarce population growth was not considered
cause most Indians were poor and capital was squandered, and the poten- a serious problem; the priority was seen
could save little, if anything. tial growth rate not achieved. as growing crops more efficiently to
The weather also had a good deal to Nehru set out not just to produce feed everyone. After the 1961 census
do with the poor results. In the early wealth, but also to improve education had revealed the pace of growth, birth-
postwar decades, before extensive irri- and health and to make the country a control clinics were set up across India.
gation systems had been completed, more equal society. His successes in They made some inroads into popula-
India was far more dependent on the education were mixed, being most im- tion growth but progress was slow.
annual rains than it is today. During pressive at the highest level: he estab- Many rural people did not want to
the period of the first five-year plan lished many universities and technical limit their families, and those who did
there were three good harvests, but colleges. By
the 1980s, 8 per cent of often had difficulties with sophisticated
poor monsoons, leading to regional Indians in their early twenties were en- contraceptive techniques, or found
famine and rationing, blighted both the rolled in higher education and India their side effects unacceptable.
second and third plans. With hindsight boasted the third largest number of Nehru worked to erode traditions
it can be seen that, even granted more science graduates of any country. Ad- which offended his liberal and egali-
capital and better weather, the plans mittedly, degrees in many Indian uni- tarian ideas. In particular, he battled
were too ambitious. High hopes had versities are not equivalent to those through Parliament two controversial

India's medley of political parties measures which improved the position
rely as much on election symbols as of women in a society where they were
on candidates or programmes to subordinate. These gave women equal
establish their identities among
property rights with men and the right
illiterate voters. The symbol alone
to maintenance after divorce. The
appears next to the candidate's
vigour with which they were opposed
name on ballot papers and, before a
poll, campaigners popularize their
showed the strength of traditions.
emblems with handbills and posters. Nehru's greatest passion was foreign
The Chief Election Commissioner policy. He was the architect of India's
invites the parties to choose neutral foreign relations and invariably had his
symbols: some emblems, however, own way in the Cabinet. He once said:
carry potent messages. Before 1969, "Prime Ministership is not my profes-
the symbol of the Congress party sion and I would have resigned but for

was a pair of bullocks India's most one thing, and that is my interest in the
highly prized farm animals. That foreign affairs portfolio." He believed
year, Congress split in two and the
India should have a full role in the
splinter parties fought bitterly over
world and was determined to establish
the emotive bullocks. The case went
its independence. Thus he was a foun-
to the Supreme Court, which ruled
that neither group could claim the der in the 1950s of the non-aligned
symbol. Congress' current motif, a movement, along with President Tito
hand, is reminiscentof the billboards of Yugoslavia and President Nasser of
of palmists; many probably indentify Egypt. He said he hated big power poli-
it subliminally with good luck. tics and was convinced that India
should remain independent of the two
adversaries in the Cold War.
A citizen of Kerala (above) sits beneath a He saw non-alignment as the build-
hammer, sickle and star symbol ing of a third force for peace, the
emblazoned on a teashop wall. It
represents the Communist Party of adoption of Gandhian ideas in foreign
India (Marxist), the larger of the policy. But Americans, he seemed
nation's twoCommunist parties. The to cultivate amore agreeable relation-
badges of some of the main national
parties appear below. ship with the Soviet Union than he did
with the United States. The Americans
were irritated by the preachy and mor-
alizing criticisms of their actions which
India was in the habit of making, and
suspicious of the socialist economic
programmes. They also noted Nehru's
instant condemnation of the British
and French attack on Suez in 1956, and
Congress (I) Communist Party Communist Party his reluctance to criticize the Russian
of India (CPI) of India (Marxist) (CPM) invasion of Hungary the same year.
The United States provided much
aid to India in the form of food, and
funded loans through the World Bank.
But at a time when the U.S. was not
keen to provide India with industrial

Janata Party Bharatiya Lok Dal

Janata Party(BJP)

A giant crane heaves a girder into the air while labourers on the river bank carry baskets of crushed stone for concrete to complete a bridge spanning the


Ganges at Patna. The 5.5 kilometre construction — Indian in design and manufacture— is Asia's longest river bridge; the first two lanes were opened in 1 982.

kimu how India lui urd to the So\ nl
. Kashmir meet. Subsequently the dis- Chin and left unresolved the question

>n. which built

I 1 1 1< steelworks and
.1 agreement spread, with China contest- of frontier demarcation in the north-
othci large projei ts in the 1960s. The ing the border in the mountainous east. In humiliated India, there were
Russians also sold India arms and aii- north-east of India. The quarrel was recriminations and evidence of in-
1raft, rinse c( onomic links with the kept from the Indian people for three competence among the generals. The
S.S R. increased the resentment and
l years, so that its disclosure came as a war was Nehru's greatest foreign policy
suspicion the U S, felt towards India, shock. The dispute boiled in 1962 and failureand he never recovered from it.
colouring the relationship between the war broke out. Chinese troops poured Meanwhile, the third five-year plan
world's two largest democracies. over India's North-East Frontier and was not being fulfilled. The war with
Hut this friction was relatively minor Indian forces fared badly in the diffi- China diverted resources and for two
compared to the calamitous crisis that cult conditions. They were not properly consecutive years there were bad har-
hnalU exploded with China, India's equipped for the task: basic necessities vests. Industrial growth had slowed
larger and more populous neighbour to such as boots and blankets were in and planners became acutely aware
the north and east. In the late 1950s, short supply. Nehru asked for, and re- that the rapid increase in population
India and China quarrelled over their ceived, defence equipment from both was eroding what gain remained.
vague and disputed common border the Americans and the Soviets. Nehru died in Delhi on May 27,
in the remote, 37, 500-squarc-kilometre The Chinese eventually withdrew. 1964, aged 74. He had been Prime
Aksai Chin plateau, where China and They got what they wanted in Aksai Minister for 17 years without a break.

He had seen to it that the democratic Henry Kissinger wrote years later: of the Congress party, which became
idea was well planted and nourished. "She has few peers in the cold-blooded an impotent minority. She won a re-
He had created wealth in India, though calculation of the elements of power." sounding victory in the 1971 general
not enough. His efforts to distribute the Indira Gandhi, born at the Nehru election. India acclaimed Nehru's
wealth more fairly, in accordance with family home in Allahabad on Novem- daughter. She made herself popular,
his socialist principles, had met little ber 19, 1917, was Nehru's only child. travelling extensively, being seen con-
success —
partly because few other poli-
ticians shared his idealism. Despite
Politics and the Independence struggle
filled her young life. She burned a
stantly in the villages. In the days be-
fore television had any significance, she
his disappointments, his achievements beloved doll because it was British- knew the importance of her physical
were remarkable and many of them made and stopped wearing Western presence. Whenever a flood or other
were indelible. The country mourned a clothes. During much of her childhood, disaster struck, she appeared on the
giant. Close to the banks of the Jumna her parents and her grandfather were scene to comfort and calm the sur-
river in Delhi, his body was placed languishing in jail for the cause. vivors. But she had a genuine interest
upon a pyre and his grandson, Sanjay Indira grew up an insecure and shy in the village people who worked the
Gandhi, applied the flame. girl and her education, in India, Swit- land and who made up the bulk of
zerland and Britain, was spasmodic India's population. She noted with
The succession was smooth. The Con- and unsatisfactory. In London she was pride that people called her "Mother".
gress party remained in power and Lai courted by Feroze Gandhi, a charming Her popularity reached a peak in her
Bahadur Shastri, a diminutive man and handsome journalist, and they election year of 1 97 1 through her hand-
with a flair for conciliation in the Gand- married after their return to India in ling of the war of independence in
hian tradition, became Prime Minister. 1942. It was a mixed marriage, she a which the Bengalis of East Pakistan
The central event of his premiership Hindu, he a Parsi, and there was public broke away and established Bangla-
was a war with Pakistan over the dis- criticism of it. Nehru disapproved, desh. The inevitability of the split be-
puted Kashmir border, which raged in too. In a society of arranged marriages tween Pakistan's east and west wings
Kashmir and Punjab in August and such a love-match was unusual. It was had been built in at Partition. The two
September of 1965. Each nation took early evidence of Indira's independent- parts were separated by distance,
land from the other but at the end of mindedness. She gained one of the language and culture. All they had in
September, when a U.N. cease-fire was magic surnames of India (although common was Islam. But this cement
agreed on, the strategic victory was Feroze was no relation of the Mahat- was not strong enough to bind them.
India's. Shastri's firmness made him a ma), and had two sons, Rajiv and San- An autonomy movement grew in the
national hero, but he died in January jay. Feroze died in 1960. east and in March 1971 the Pakistan
1 966 at the end of the peace conference. Meanwhile, in the 1950s, Indira had government and armed forces stamped
The Shastri period was but a short become an apprentice to power. Her on it with great brutality. There was a
gap between the long reigns of Nehru long- widowed father asked her to be his wave of killing. About nine million
and his daughter, Indira Gandhi. Mrs. hostess and she travelled widely with people, an eighth of East Pakistan's
Gandhi had been Information Minister him, attended talks with national and population, fled to India. Somehow In-
in the Shastri government and now world leaders, and had a unique oppor- dia coped with the burden of feeding
emerged to contend for the leadership. tunity to watch and learn the business and sheltering them. For months, Mrs.
Congress party bosses, known as the of government and politics. She be- Gandhi resisted internal pressure to in-
Syndicate, chose her because she was came Congress President in 1959. tervene militarily, although India suc-
the consensus candidate. In private Thus she was no novice when she coured Bengali insurgents, the Mukti
they disparaged her as "the dumb took power. And she was a wily poli- Bahini, fighting inside East Pakistan.
doll", believing she would be easy to tical infighter. She outmanoeuvred her As tension rose, Mrs. Gandhi insisted
bend to their wishes. She soon showed opponents in Congress, undermined that Pakistani forces leave the east. At
that under her mild exterior lay a the pompous Syndicate and obliged her last the dam broke and in December
shrewd mind and a ruthless will. As supporters to break away from the rest 1971 Pakistan and India were at war.

Traders perched in kerbside

cubbyholes outside the Calcutta Stock
Exchange gather details of transactions
to relay to office-bound brokers
by telephone. The population of
shareholders in India is growing fast: it
trebled in the first half of the 1980s.

The fighting lasted 12 (lays. The months. During the war, India re- grain, and by the mid-1980s it was ac-
well-prepared and masterfully man- ceived Soviet support. The U.S. had tually exporting a small quantity of
aged Indian forces overran East Pakis- backed Pakistan, hoping to save it from wheat. With adequate buffer stocks,
tan, taking Dhaka, the capital, and disintegration. With the war over, In- the country can now face drought years
making prisoners "I 93,000 men of the dia and Mrs. Gandhi had gained in without resorting to the wheat imports
Pakistan army. Early in 1972, the new stature, U.S. policy in the area had col- necessary in earlier decades.
stale ol Bangladesh was horn out ofthe lapsed, the Russians were friendly and Mrs. Gandhi's achievements with
blood) struggle. Its 80 million people the Ghinese noncommittal. Bangla- the rest of the Indian economy were
were soon to endure tumult, coups and desh joined the Commonwealth and mixed. Unlike her father, she was not
assassinations as its leaders fought out Pakistan, piqued, withdrew. committed to socialism, though she
their bitter power struggles against a Mrs. Gandhi's period of power saw a spoke of India as a socialist country.
background of poverty, natural disas- great internal triumph as significant in She approved in principle ofentrepren-
ters and runaway population growth. its way as her success on the battle- eurship, but remained suspicious ofthe
The early democratic ideal was soon to field — a sharp increase in wheat and businessmen who supported her, and
be submerged under the rule of sol- rice production. This Green Revol- for long did little to free the economy
diers. But in the heady early months of ution of the late 1960s came about from government red tape. Quotas
1972 there was euphoria. through the use of new high-yielding limited production, any new venture
For Mrs. Gandhi, the episode was a wheat and rice strains, through in- required a licence. Bribery and fixing
vindication her earlier restraint and
ol creased use of fertilizer and better ir- for permits were embedded in the way
subsequent confident action. Thanks to rigation. Initially the improvements oflife.Industries in trouble were bailed
India's successful move, thegreat rival, were seen almost exclusively in the out regardless of their potential.
Pakistan, was broken, split into two. wheat-growing Punjab, but gradually The state-owned concerns, making
But India made no territorial claims they spread to other states. By the everything from bread to shoes and
and withdrew its troops after three early 1970s, India was self-sufficient in ships, continued to do badly. State in-


Since 1950, India has been a federal
republic with a democratically
elected government and elected
assemblies for its 23 states. National
legislation passes through two
Houses of Parliament: the Rajya
Sabha, elected by the state
assemblies, and the Lok Sabha,
elected by direct, universal suffrage.
The Lok Sabha alone drafts all
finance bills.
Executive power, though vested
constitutionally in the President, is
in fact held by the Prime Minister,
who is traditionally the leader ofthe
majority party in the Lok Sabha. The
Prime Minister chooses a Council of
Ministers from the ranks of
Parliament. He is also responsible
for advising the President on the
choice of state governors.


— —

On —
Republic Day January 26th
troops parade down Rajpath, the broad
avenue leading from the Presidential
residence to the All-India War
Memorial in New Delhi. Each year,
celebrations throughout the country
commemorate the day in 1950 when
India adopted its Constitution.

dustries made up three quarters of

India's industrial assets, yet by 1980
they were providing only one third of
industrial output. Their poor perfor-
mance jeopardized other concerns.
The state-owned power company, for
example, failed to keep up with India's
rapidly growing need for electricity. To
this day, most towns and cities lack
power for several hours a day. Many
firms bribe officials in thepower com-
pany to provide uninterrupted supply.
However, Indians are natural busi-
nessmen and the bureaucracy could
not altogether smother their commer-
cial instincts. Under Mrs. Gandhi, tiny
businesses — shops, stalls and repair

works multiplied and flourished. The
larger, more traditional industries
textiles, jute and tea — continued to
make a substantial contribution. The
construction industry prospered with
the rapid growth of the cities. Large
quantities of oil— though not large en-
ough to meet the country's require-

ments were extracted in Assam and
off the shores of Gujarat. Chemical and
engineering plants grew.
Mrs. Gandhi, like her father, was
committed to industrial and technical
self-sufficiency. Protectionism shel-
tered native industries, and contrib-
uted greatly to such Indian success
stories as the growth of the Tata and
Birla empires. A majority share of com-
panies operating in India had to be
Indian owned— a regulation that in
1978 led the giant computer company
IBM to pull out of India. Coca-Cola
left India in 1977 rather than give in to
government demands that it reveal its
secret formula to indigenous soft drinks
manufacturers; Indians took to drink-
ing locally brewed "Thums-Up" and
"Campa Cola". In 1974, India deton-
ated an atomic bomb; it initiated a

space programme in 1962, and it were strong enough to withstand the sulting difficulties in communication
l.iutM lied its in si
satellite in 197. > rough roads and encounters with bul- held back many enterprises.
Self-sufficiency was a valuable goal lock (arts. Also, their engines were In the early 1970s, long-running
in India's earl) years. Withoul pmtec- simple — to the point that throughout economic problems were exacerbated
tionism the COtton industry, for ex- India, villagers and townsmenalike be- by bad monsoons and the high cost of
ample, would have been wiped OUt. But came expert at improvising repairs. sheltering the Bangladesh refugees. To
the lack of outside competition lulled The disadvantages were that the cars darken India's sky further, there came
India's monopolies into lazy habits, were in short supply, very expensive the oil crisis of 1973, set off by the cartel
.ind deprived consumers of choice. and fuel greedy. Moreover, they were of oil-exporting countries increasing
Both the good and the bad sides of made from the original dies for well prices fourfold. With the population in-
self-sufficiency are illustrated by the over 20 years. As the dies grew progres- creasing by 12 million a year, India
motor industry. For a generation, the sively less exact, important parts such seemed like a man trying to swim wear-
car most readily available in India was as doors no longer fitted properly. ing a lead belt. The stagnating econ-
a locally made version of the 1954 Brit- The goal of self-sufficiency saddled omy contributed to a political crisis.
ish Morris Oxford. Indians derived other industries with outdated tech- Mrs. Gandhi had campaigned in the
self-esteem from their ability to pro- nology. India's telephone system, for 1971 election under the slogan "Abo-
duce their own vehicles. The cars were example, used equipment which had lish Poverty", but she had raised ex-
suitable for local conditions, as they been designed in the 1940s and the re- pectations without having the ability to


In an electronics factory in New Delhi,
a woman inspects the circuit board of a
small computer. Although India's
computer manufacturers still rely on
foreign suppliers for high-technology
microchips, the nation's programme
designers export software to the West.

satisfy them. The press grew more criti- formal office. It did not matter. He was
cal of her ruleand so, naturally, did her his mother's only trusted confidant,
political opponents, particularly Mor- and acted as her manager and fixer.
arji Desai and Jayaprakash Narayan, Ruthless and manipulative, he des-
both elderly and austere men of the pised routine politics and politicians.
Gandhian school. Mrs. Gandhi felt in- His speeches had populist appeal. To
creasingly threatened by the protest many who watched his astonishing
movement, covering the political spec- rise, he seemed to pose a greater threat
trum, which coalesced under Narayan. to India than the emergency itself.
In 1975, the public mood grew angry Sanjay had no political ideology. He
and brittle. Events came to a head in was committed instead to modernizing
June with a court ruling in Allahabad, India in a rush, and supporters hailed
home of the Nehrus. The high court him as "India's man of tomorrow", the
there annulled Mrs. Gandhi's election man who would get things done. He
to Parliament, ruling her guilty of mal- urged people to plant trees, to clear the
practice in the 1971 campaign: she had slums, to end the tradition of brides
used government staff to help in the bringing a dowry to their new hus-
election. Theoppositiondemanded her bands. And he waded enthusiastically
resignation and called for a national into a new campaign to reduce the po-
civil disobedience campaign for June vation of democracy, public order and pulation by sterilization. Previously,
29. Supported by heryoungerson, San- security. They felt that liberty had men had been encouraged to volunteer
jay, she resolved to fight. On the night been abused in the years before the for a vasectomy by the promise of a gift
ofJune 25 she struck, ordering her op- emergency. They were in the mood for such as a transistor radio. Now there
ponents and critics to be imprisoned or self-chastisement, and were pleased was a determined sterilization drive,
placed under house arrest and, the next with the smack of firm government. and its harshness spread terror. In cer-
day, declaring a state of emergency. Civil servants seemed to have been per- tain instances, vasectomies were car-
Even the Cabinet did not know what suaded to work harder. The end of agi- ried out forcibly. There are no reliable
had happened. The emergency, sus- tation in factories helped businessmen. estimates of the number of forced va-
pending basic rights and freedoms, was A crack-down on black marketeers, sectomies, but stories of ill-treatment
validated by Parliament, where the hoarders and smugglers was widely and coercion spread rapidly across
Congress party had a two-thirds major- applauded. As luck and the monsoon northern India, causing fear and re-
ity. Mrs. Gandhi began to rule by de- would have it, there were two good sentment. Men fled at the sound of a
cree. The swiftness and completeness harvests. Food prices stabilized. India Jeep, for Jeeps are official vehicles.
of the coup were stunning. appeared to be on a more even keel. Sanjay's slum clearance campaign was
But there was a darker side to all also badly handled. Bulldozers roared
Mrs. Gandhi felt she was the only one this. People were detained without into the old quarter of Delhi without
equipped to deal with India's crisis and trial. The police, tough and frequently any consideration for residents.
she acted ruthlessly on this conviction. brutal, were more high-handed than Mrs. Gandhi's new regime was
The disturbances before the emergency ever. Many people felt that they were much West, and many
criticized in the
were not so serious as to jeopardize being spied on and were afraid to speak Indians felt humiliated. They had been
India's long-term stability. But they freely. The press was muzzled. Strikes intensely proud that their nation, un-
could have led to her overthrow, and were banned. And, meanwhile, grow- like the rival Pakistan, was a demo-
this she was not prepared to tolerate. ing ever more arrogant, was Sanjay cracy. Now they had lost face. But Mrs.
Many Indians welcomed the emer- Gandhi and his circle of activists. Gandhi had no wish to rule as a per-
gency. They accepted Mrs. Gandhi's Sanjay was leader of the Congress manent dictator. In March 1977, after
story that it was necessary for the sal- youth wing, but otherwise he had no 19 months of the emergency, she called

Technicians at the Thumba Launching

Station in Kerala manoeuvre a rocket
into take-off position for an
exploratory night into the upper
atmosphere. Started in 1962, India's
space programme is now the largest in
the developing world.

in the mineral-rich state of Bihar, the
chimneys of the vast Tata Iron and

4 Steel Works spew out smoke as the

morning shift arrives. India's first
large-scale steel plant opened in 1907;
today there are six, of which this is the
only one in the private sector.

,i general election in the belief thai she and into the position Sanjay had occu- sponsible for this development for, in
would win. Sin- was wrong. Indians pied. Until then, Rajiv had been a pilot order to de-stabilize the Akali Dal, it
were angr) about the sterilization and with Indian Airlines and had shown no had pushed into prominence a Sikh re-
slum clearance, the jailings and censor- interest in politics. But he recognized ligious extremist named Jarnail Singh
ship. They found her arrogant and his mother's need for him now. Inse- Bhindranwale. As his popularity grew,
threw her out ofoffice. A groupofoppo- cure despite her popularity, she had to- his followers began to kill Hindus. Ter-
sition parties known as the Janata co- tal trust oidy in her close family. rorism provoked repression. Bhindran-
alition was swept power. The new
to Determined to brook no opposition, wale fled to the sanctuary of the Sikhs'
Prime Minister was Morarji Desai, Mrs. Gandhi habitually kept able men holiest place, the magnificent Golden
Mi s. Gandhi's old rival, who had been at a distance in her governments. Her Temple in Amritsar. By 1984, he had
detained throughout the emergency. cabinets were notoriously weak. She overtaken the moderate Akali leaders
The amazing defeat of Mrs. Gandhi, gave sycophants jobs in the party as the voice of Sikh protest. Demand
and the euphoria which surrounded the machine. She did her utmost to make grew for a semi-autonomous or totally
return of democracy, temporarily dis- Congress her own instrument, under- separate Sikh state. Terrorism and re-
guised thejanata's bankruptcy of wor- mining the party that was the essence pression escalated.
kable policies. The coalition parties of India's political vitality. She also re- Had Mrs. Gandhi acceded earlier to
had no common position apart from sented opposition parties controlling some of the Akali Dai's demands, a
their dislike of Mrs. Gandhi, and no any of the state assemblies. She wanted crisismight have been avoided. But she
tradition of working together. Soon, no regional bosses to challenge her, and had cut herself off from good advice
irreconcilable differences between the managed to install puppet leaders in and she misjudged her response to the
various groups began to show. While many regional centres. admittedly fearsome Punjab troubles.
the Janata squandered its chances of During the early 1980s, at a time Her usual technique of waiting, hoping
making its government a turning-point when she was riding high at home and that the troublemakers would tire, now
in the Indian story, Mrs. Gandhi assi- consolidating her international image proved ineffective. The presence of
duously rebuilt her support. Inthegen- with foreign tours and her leadership of stronglyarmed Sikh extremists in the
eral election of 1980, 33 months after the non-aligned movement, she found Golden Temple became an affront.
losing power, she and Congress took herself in serious trouble with the Sikhs Mrs. Gandhi could not afford to show
power again. "India is Indira, Indira is of Punjab. Sikhs were only just in the weakness in the face of this challenge to
India", went the election slogan. It was majority in that state. The dominant her authority. Though she knew the
a remarkable comeback. group of Sikhs, the Jats, had its own grave dangers in showing force, she
But triumph was soon soured by per- political party —the Akali Dal —but it sent the army, in June 1984, to crush
sonal tragedy. In June 1980, Sanjay rarely won power Punjab because
in the extremists in the Golden Temple. It
Gandhi was killed, aged 33, while at- the non-Jat Sikhs, like the state's Hin- was a bloody episode, and a turning-
tempting an aerobatic stunt not far dus, tended to vote for Congress. In point in India's history. The troops
from his home in Delhi. India was 1982, the Akali Dal launched a series of used tanks and mortars, so strong was
never to discover how he would have anti-Congress demonstrations in Am- the resistance.The fanatical Bhindran-
used his position had he entrenched ritsar. Among the specific demands wale was among the hundreds killed in
himself even closer to the centre of was that Chandigarh, the capital city bitter fighting. The assault on the
power. Many were relieved. He had that Punjab shared with the state of temple caused a roar of outrage. Even
cast an ominous shadow. His young Haryana, become exclusively the capi- moderate Sikhs, who detested the ter-
and ambitious followers were devast- tal of Punjab —
but what the Akali Dal rorists,were furious and hurt. The Sikh
ated. Without him they were nothing. leaders really wanted was some form of people were badly bruised and Punjab
Rajiv Gandhi lit the pyre of his permanent hegemony in Punjab. lay sullen under martial law.
younger brother. Inevitably, in the Meanwhile, Sikh fundamentalism Among the extremists, men vowed
weeks and months that followed, Rajiv was growing. Ironically enough, Mrs. revenge. They would not rest until Mrs.
moved closer to his stunned mother Gandhi's Congress party was partly re- Gandhi paid with her life for the assault

on their holiest place, the core of their progress. Yet it plainly required out- was a Nehru, yet he was not stained by
religion and identity. On October 3 1 of standing strength to lead such a huge a career in politics, not connected with
that year, Mrs.Gandhi was gunned and complex country. She had a re- the emergency. He was unencumbered
down by her Sikh bodyguard as she markable relationship with the people, by He was
political debts or ideology.
walked from her home to her office in and this was the core of her consider- fresh, decent and sincere. He had made
Delhi. Her murder provoked a terrible able popularity and long reign. Inside plain his distaste for the dirtier side of
bout of vengeful rioting as Hindus India and out of it, she was the best- politics, the manoeuvring and back-
burnt Sikh homes and shops and killed known Indian. She embodied the idea stabbing and corruption. At 40, he was
more than 1,000 Sikhs. The turmoil of of an India united and was a strong- young and modern-minded, a man who
Punjab and the wounds of the Sikhs willed figure on the world stage. had grown up in independent India.
were to become part of the inheritance After Sanjay's death, Mrs. Gandhi
of Mrs. Gandhi's son. Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in as Prime clearly intended Rajiv to be her succes-
Mrs. Gandhi was 66 when she died. Minister a few hours after his mother's sor. As his mother's lieutenant during
Her place in history remains a matter death. In the general election at the end the last four years of her life, he learnt
of controversy She is blamed for weak-
. of 1984, he and the Congress party at first hand how politics work. Indians
ening Congress, for suspending demo- achieved a massive win, larger than his accepted her choice partly because
cracy for nearly two years, for allowing mother or grandfather had ever ob- there was no alternative —
the opposi-
corruption to thrive, for slow economic tained. He was uniquely placed. He tion parties were still tainted by the

Janata fiasco and largely because he felt,was the one person who could women were still not using any form of
was the repository of all their hopes. bring about the changes and improve- contraception at all.
When the third generation of Nehi us ments they so earnestly desired; who Nehru's picture of India as an indus-
look power, commentators began to could (lose the gap between Nehru's trial giant,though disappointed in his
speak of India's unofficial royal family; dreams and modern reality. own lifetime, was beginning to come
some thought they detected a conspir- When Rajiv Gandhi became leader, true towards the end of Mrs. Gandhi's
acy to undermine democracy. Bui the two of the people still lived below
fifths period of power. During her last years,
ireationofa ruling dynasty was the re- (he official poverty line and the benefits the government loosened some of its
sult ofa succession of accidents which of the Green Revolution had not yet controls over industry. Seeking to open
nobody could have engineered. IfNeh- reached everyone. Rapid population India at last to foreign collaboration, it
iu's charisma had been weaker, if his grow h was a major obstacle to improv-
l eased the self-reliance rules that kept
daughter had handled the Bangladesh ing the lot of the poor: at Independence imports out, and went into partnership
war less adroitly, if the Janata Party the population was 350 million, while with a Japanese company to make
had not bungled their opportunity or if , Rajiv Gandhi's India had more than small cars. It began to take a tougher
Rajiv had been .tinted by the emer-
I 730 million. Because of Sanjay's mis- line over the nationalization of sick in-
gency, India's quasi-monarchy might deeds during the state of emergency, dustries.The private sector grew and
well have disintegrated. However, the birth control remained an extremely the public sector dwindled.
nature of Indian politics certainly delicate issue and male sterilization The industrial growth rate duly in-
helped Rajiv. Such a vast, disparate had become a taboo subject in politics. creased to more than 5 per cent in the
country needs a symbolic totem at its By the 1980s, increasing numbers of early 1980s. Earlier predictions that
head; most politicians, having only a women were accepting sterilization the Indian economy was doomed to
regional constituency, could offer him after they had borne two or three sons, stick for ever at a"Hindu growth rate"
no serious competition. Here, Indians but more than two thirds of Indian had proved too gloomy. Most of the ex-
pansion was in consumer goods. In
1982, Indian production of bicycles
was more than three times the 1965
level; production of motor cycles was
10 times the 1965 level. But bolder
steps to free the economy were overdue.
Nehru's image of a free and just
society had been damaged in his
daughter's time. Democracy had sur-
vived but corruption, long established
in commerce and the bureaucracy, had
spread into politics. The black econ-
omy of undeclared dealings had grown
enormously, and great sums of black
money were paid by businessmen and
corporations into the political parties,
especially Congress. In some parts of
the country, the police were part of the
system of bribery and oppression.
In the latter years of Mrs. Gandhi's
leadership, when censorship had been
lifted, a new kind ofcritical and investi-
gative journalism had grown rapidly.
In the Punjab factory of Mahajan's,
manufacturer of sports equipment,
workers stitch up the leather hides of
cricket balls. Such small-scale private
industries, a growing sector of the
Indian economy, account for nearly
half the nation's industrial production.

Through newspapers and the newly
launched news magazines such as India
Today and Sunday, people learnt for the
firsttime just how widespread were
corruption and police brutality.
Television, too, was helping to raise
public awareness. Limited parts of the
country had received broadcasts since
the 1960s, but in 1984 scores of new
transmitters brought 70 per cent of the
country within range of broadcasts.
Most television sets were in the cities
but the government began to provide
subsidized community sets in thecoun-
tryside. Through Indian-made com-
edies and soap operas, villagers could
scrutinize the lifestyles of the more for-
tunate, and for the first time they could
see the demeanour of their politicians.
Rajiv Gandhi, the new broom, made
a determined effort from the first to im-
prove public life. He replaced the most
notoriously corrupt politicians with
new faces. He aimed to sustain the
economic growth of his mother's last
years by freeing the economy from
more of its shackles and by cutting in-
come tax and the role of government in
industry. He encouraged the private
sector and sought the computers and
computer expertise that would mod-
ernize industry. He did little, however,
which would directly benefit the poor,
believing that the wealth created by
economic growth would eventually
trickle down to every level of society.
Technologically minded, like his
grandfather Nehru, he began to revive
the dream that India could become a
leader among the world's industrial na-
tions. This time the country was more
experienced, more realistic, its expec-
tations lower. It was exciting to feel
that there was positive change. But,
like their young leader, Indians knew
that the task ahead was formidable.

In Ahmadabad, a major textile centre

in the state of Gujarat, a woman pulls a
length of freshly dyed fabric from a
bamboo drying rack. Cotton
manufacture has long been India's
largest industry; today, India ranks
second in the world in the production
of cotton cloth.

Photographs by Pablo lUniholomew

Fifty-four-year-old Sukumar Chowdhary, a graduate in commerce,

works as head clerk in the Department of the City Architect of Cal-
cutta Corporation. Like millions of other middle-class Indians, he
leads a frugal hut fairly secure existence in which Western ways and
traditional habits are inextricably mingled.
He lives with his wife, two grown-up sons, his aged mother
and a maidservant in a brick house which his father built in an out-
lying suburb of Calcutta. With five rooms, the home is far more
spacious than the accommodation that families who live closer to the
centre are obliged to accept. Sukumar's salary of£ 120 a month before
tax suffices to support his family and pay the servant, but leaves little
spare. Politically minded like many of his class in Calcutta, Sukumar
devotes his spare time to trade union activities and to the Socialist
Unity Centre of India, a Marxist-Leninist party to which he has
belonged for 20 years. His daily routine unfailingly includes a dis-
cussion with his sons of issues raised by the morning newspaper.

In his office in central Calcutta,

Sukumar studies a document at a desk
piled with building applications. He
works six —
days a week officially from
10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., although an
inefficient public transport system
often delays his arrival until 1 1 a.m.

I t


Sukumar and his wife Bidyut pose with

their sons, 22-year-old Subir and
21 -year-old Sudip (wearing glasses).
Both young men have high educational
goals: the elder is working for a civil
engineering diploma, the younger for a
degree in commerce. They will not
marry until they have secure jobs.

Observed from the wall by Karl Marx,
Sudip and Subir dismantle the
mosquito nets strung up for the night
in their bedroom. When the sons
marry, they will probably remain at
home; this bedroom will become the
matrimonial quarters for one of them.

Bidyut stirs her husband's supper,

crouching in traditional manner before
a floor-level coal burner in the spartan
kitchen. The family's mainly
vegetarian diet is supplemented witn
fish. Cooking and household chores
take up much of Bidyut's day; she does
not often go out.

Watched by the servant, the
Chowdharys eat their Sunday breakfast
of lightly spiced potato curry with roti,
a soft bread. They sit at table in
Western fashion instead of on the floor
but, following Hindu custom, they eat
with the right hand. The left is used for
ablutions and deemed unclean.

The Chowdharys' servant washes the

floor of the bathing-cum-lavatory area.
The handpump beside her draws water
from a bore well unconnected to
Calcutta's mains system; the
whitewashed pipe nearby was installed
to carry water to the second storey, but
no longer works.

On a regular shopping trip to the market before work, Sukumar buys betel leaves to make a chewy digestive called pan.

A cycle-rickshaw, hired for a rupee or
two, brines Sukumar and Subir home
from market with bags of provisions.
Perishable foods must be bought each
morning, for the family does not own a
refrigerator — and even if it did,
Calcutta's almost daily power cuts
would reduce the appliance's worth.

Dressed for work in a dhoti and loose

shirt,Sukumar awaits the departure of
a suburban bus from its terminus.
Later, he will change on to a crowded
city bus which deposits him near his
office. The whole journey takes
roughly an hour.

In the arid north-western state of
Rajasthan, women on their way to fetch
water from a well huddle together to
protect themselves from wind-borne
sand. Suffocating dust storms are a
frequent bane in the parched months of
April and May which precede
the monsoon rains.

As the first rays of sun stretch along the store and the primary school stand at male and female, are taking care of the
fields of millet and rice to light up the the edge of the village. sheep; older girls are helping their
village of Hosahalli in Karnataka, the Paths radiating out from the village mothers weed the fields of millet; older
people of each household are already reach the secondary school, the distant boys are helping their fathers apply fer-
moving about. While women are pre- pool for washing clothes, and the farm- tilizer. The male head of each house-
paring breakfast, sweeping the house ing plots that resemble a patchwork hold supervises activities; the female
and washing pots, some of the men are quilt. Along the main track that leads head of the household organizes the
walking back from the fields where they to the neighbouring village and the food supplies, and gives out the right
stayed up all night to guard against small town beyond, a small group of amounts to whichever of her daughters
wild pigs ruining the crops. The place people are making their way to the or daughters-in-law she has appointed
is alive with noise, as people call loudly market, to buy goods or to sell their to cook lunch that day. Those too old
to each other, children cry, dogs bark; —
produce a handful of chillies, some for heavy work in the fields are doing
the clank of the blacksmith at work green tomatoes, a basket of mangoes. A light jobs around the house, such as
counterpoints the steady thud of a bullock cart belonging to one of the shelling pulses or cleaning grit from
dozen axes chopping logs for firewood. wealthier farmers is loaded with mel- rice. Only the children of those families
Through the open eaves, smoke drifts ons bound for Mysore, 70 kilometres where extra labour is not needed can be
upwards from the cooking stoves. For away. The poorest women of the village spared for school.
breakfast, the poorest make do with a carry head-loads of kindling to sell to The demands of daily survival are so
flatround of unleavened millet bread; households in town: they have already heavy, and the social constraints of
those who can afford it also have coffee walked 10 kilometres to the forest and caste and class so strong, that most
and coconut chutney. back to chop and gather the wood. households have little time or incli-
The houses more than 1,000
of the The morning sun grows stronger, nation to mix with others. They fear
villagers are made
of roughly hewn burning the backs of those who work in gossip, a powerful disruptive force in
stone and mud. Those of the higher the fields, drying the soil, and ripening village life; they know how easily ten-

castes have tiled roofsand cemented the crops. It is towards the end of the sions can explode, with disputes over
floors. Some even have stone pillars —
monsoon season a busy time of year, boundaries, grazing, and water. Suspi-
surrounding a sunken area beneath the for though the first rains were late, they cion of other villagers and of outsiders
open sky, where people wash. On the came in sufficient abundance for the heightens the insecurity that comes
edge of the village, the mud houses of villagers to be hopeful of a reasonable from living very close to the margin.
the Harijans are thatched with dried harvest of rice. Those households that Hosahalli is one of India's half a mil-
grass. Their interiors are dark and have small plots of land are striving to lion villages, which between them hold
small. Their owners have little or no grow enough food to last them for most 500 million people —
three quarters of
land, and hire themselves out for a very of the coming year. The richer house- India's population. All of them depend
small daily wage to those landowners holds with plenty of land are intent on chiefly on agriculture, or in some cases
who need extra help in the fields. Each growing sufficient toenable them tosell fishing; none has a municipal adminis-
section of the village has its own well; in a large surplus for cash: they are the tration. Otherwise, there are no gener-
the centre stand the temple and the ones who can afford to hire labourers alities that can be applied to everyone
banyan tree under which the village from the lower castes. of India's villages. The fabric of rural
elders have their meetings. Two small All the work is done by hand. Every- India is like a tapestry woven with
shops sell basic supplies, such as sugar, one has a role dictated by age, caste, skeins of half a million shades of colour,
salt and tobacco. A co-operative seed- and gender. The youngest children, every village subtly distinguished from

On a tea plantation in Assam, workers
employed by a large company move

5 through the bushes plucking shoots to

carry back in their baskets. India is the
world's largest tea producer, and
Assam grows more than half the crop.

its neighbour, and almost totally unlike traders, pilgrims or workers. Many about 40 government employees are as-
those that are sel in •• different climate peasants from Tamil Nadu migrate signed. These include a dozen or more
and environment in another part of the more than 2,000 kilometres to work in village-level workers, the last links in a
subcontinent. In the Himalayas, the Delhi as domestic servants for a season chain carrying government develop-
morning mist swiils around the two- or a few years. —
ment programmes everything from
storeyed stone houses iliat cling to the Modernization has touched most vil- health and education to animal hus-
mountainside; in the Raj as than desert, lages, but the pace of change varies bandry —
to the villages.
a mirage makes mud walls and flat sharply. Increasingly, villagers in the In theory, the block officials intro-
roofs tremble in the heat; in Madhya hinterland of a town are being drawn duce changes in consultation with the
Pradesh, rainwater runs off thatched into the catchment area. Some sell elected village assemblies called pan-
huls that hide in the forest; in western vegetables and firewood, some labour chayats. These bodies, descendants of
Tamil Nadu, avenues of tea bushes on building sites or roads. The more traditional councils of elders which
sweep down from modern bungalows prosperous villagers go to town to buy governed village affairs, were brought
on the slopes of the Nilgiri hills. food such as spices or rice, and con- into being after Independence to infuse
No single or multiple image can ex- sumer goods such as paraffin oil, plas- democracy into local decision-making.
press the range of experience of village tic buckets and aluminium cooking Few panchayats correspond to the demo-
life. In a remote forest tract, a few pots. Yet the urban impact on a vil- cratic theory. Most are dominated by
hundred tribals may have formed a lage —even one in the shadow of a the rich landowners, and in some states
small hamlet in a clearing and live —
town is minimal if there is no road elections have not been held for years.
mainly off what the forest provides. Yet link or connecting bus route. Undermined as they so often are, the
on a busy trunk road in the northern Modernization means hardship for panchayats rarely co-operate effectively
plains, a village may grow to 10,000 some. Throughout India, artisans are with the village-level government offi-
people. Some villages form a single losing out in the competition with cials. However, the government side of
entity, with the majority of the popula- cheap manufactured goods. Weavers the village development programmes is
tion belonging to one religion or one cannot compete with man-made fibres firmly established, even if remote vil-
caste. But most are made up of many and glamorous prints. Paper-makers, lages may see very little of the officials.
different religious and caste groups cloth-printers, potters, wood-carvers, One of the best indicators of the pro-
which, although inevitably affected by basket-weavers and rope-makers are grammes' success is the progressive de-
the others, keep themselves separate. all losing their livelihood. While some cline in infant mortality over the last 30
Although city-dwellers, whether In- may depend on an uncertain export years. There is only one rural health
dian or Western, often imagine Indian market to the West, many become des- centre for every 120 villages, but im-
rural life to be frozen in time, the vil- titute and migrate to the cities in search munization against common childhood
lages are not cut off from changes that of work. Those who are lucky find low- diseases is gathering pace: the aim is
occur elsewhere, and never have been. paid unskilled labour, the men perhaps complete coverage by the 1990s. In the
Since British times and even before, vil- as rickshaw-pullers, the women as con- early 1980s, hundreds of thousands of
lages have been influenced by orders struction workers. Having once been villages gained uncontaminated drink-
emanating from a distant administra- skilled creators, they find their new ing water for the first time when they
tive centre: the arrival of a road or a way of life particularly hard. were provided with deep, covered bore-
new rate of land tax may have drastic Many villagers, however, have en- wells fitted with handpumps; now-
effects on a community. Neighbour- joyed an improvement in the quality of adays fewer than 10 per cent of India's
ing villages are bound together in life, for they have been affected by villages are reckoned to have an unsafe
many different —
ways through trade, a range of government programmes water supply.
through marriage, through shared ser- which have reached the rural areas di- Except in the most remote and inac-
vices such as schools. Some villagers, at rectly. The entire Indian countryside is cessible areas, every village has a pri-
least, have always travelled away from divided into "development blocks" of mary school. Five times the number of
their immediate vicinity, whether as up to a hundred villages each, to which secondary schools that existed 20 years

ago have now been opened. Twenty large teak wheels, which are ideal for crop in most parts of India), maize,
years ago, 10 per cent of villages had crossing uneven land, are being re- sorghum, and millet are sown in May
electricity; now it reaches 60 per cent, placed by small wheels with rubber or June, in anticipation of the monsoon
bringing with it the possibility of pneumatic tyres, which are more effi- rains, and harvested in August. Wheat
mechanized agriculture, even if only cient on a smooth road. Farmers still (the second major food crop), barley
the richer households can afford the make furrows with the traditional and chickpeas are sown in October or
new power source. In three decades, plough pulled by two oxen, but the November and harvested in April. The
India has established a firm structure wooden ploughshare has been replaced short fallow season, September to early
for improvement. The problem now is by one of iron. Young rural men are be- November, is increasingly being used
not so much to provide more facilities ginning to wear trousers instead of the for growing pulses.
as to make them more efficient, and to traditional dhoti or lungi, and village Traditional methods of crop pro-
reach a wider range of people, particu- schoolgirls nearly everywhere are now duction are effective in their own way.
larly the poor. wearing machine-made skirts. They have evolved over hundreds of
Evenin the areas where there seems Nonetheless, village life all over years, with each generation passing on
to be least change, the elements that India remains, as ever, attuned to the its wisdom to the next. On small plots,
make up the picture are gradually al- rhythm of the seasons, particularly the every centimetre of land is cultivated in
tering. Bullock carts still ply the roads onset of the rains. India has two main rotation. Nothing produced is wasted:
but, as the road surfaces improve, the growing seasons. Rice (the main food the pods of pulses are fed to animals,


A row container! await their owners'


turn to draw water at a covered,

haiidpumped borewell in a Rajasthan
village. Most new borewells are fitted
with robust steel pumps, whose design
was deliberately left unpatented to
encourage the widest possible
manufacture and use.

?fet ^i.~>t-' i.

At an old-fashioned open well, a

Rajasthani woman fills her water can
from a bucket which she has hauled up
from the well on a rope. Government
workers are supposed to treat open
wells with chlorine, which kills most
pathogens, but in many places
treatment is haphazard.
Raised from a stone-lined waterway by
a pair of bullocks harnessed to a yoke, a
bucket spills its contents down a chute
and into the irrigation channels
serving the fields of a village in the
southern state of Tamil Nadu.


For the majority of India's rural and even the water in which rice has food. It's she who takes us in when
population, water for irrigation and been washed is given to the oxen to pro- we're dead. If we don't work the land,
essential domestic use is a daily vide a little nutrition. how will we get food?
problem. Rivers meet some of the But traditional agriculture has its "We worship the land. It's our life.
villagers' needs, but during the dry
drawbacks, among them the drudgery It'sbeautiful.It'salways beautiful. But
season many streams dwindle to
it entails. The burden is particularly the most beautiful is when it's green,
nothing. Fortunately, in most parts
heavy for women, who have the treble when the crops are large and fruitful.
of the country the water table lies
close beneath the surface, and can be
workload imposed by the fields, the When we cut the crops we feel empty.
tapped by digging or boring a well. home, and the bearing and rearing of But then we know we'll be starting
Traditional open wells are children. They use their bodies with to plant again, controlling the land,
breeding grounds for germs, but skill,yet the toll shows in frequent ill- making it bear fruit. And then we feel
modern, machine-drilled borewells ness and early death. happy. We feel satisfied in working the
are completely enclosed and the risk In the village of Palahalli in Karna- land wherewe grow our life."
of contamination is much reduced. taka, the women of one extended family Bhadre Gowda and his five brothers
Under a government scheme to work an 18-hour day, which begins at are among the fortunate minority in
bring clean water to every village,
four in the morning with millet grind- India's countryside that owns enough
hundreds of thousands of such wells
have been sunk since the 1970s.
ing — two women to a stone for more land to meet its needs for food. Their
than two hours. After breakfast, the father did not have any brothers, with
dung must be cleared and carried to the whom he would have been obliged to
fields from the section of the house share his patrimony; he inherited six
where the working cattle rest at night, hectares, a large amount of land for a
safe from the possibility of theft. Then village farmer. Through clever timing
there is water to fetch and firewood to and influence in a government office,
chop, the children to dress, and always the brothers bought other plots at a low
a pile of clothes to wash and mend, not price and practically doubled their
to mention the toil in the fields, even holding. They are now among the big-
for those who are pregnant —
weeding, clearing stones, harvesting,
gest landowners in their village, but
their future is far from assured. Jeal-
gathering fodder and fuel. After a long ousies between the brothers threaten to
day's work, there is still the rice to divide them. They went heavily into
husk, the children to wash, and the debt to make the purchases and to
supper to cook and serve, before the develop their holdings: a spell of bad
women manage to catch a few hours' luck in the shape of illness or poor har-
sleep, interrupted by children who cry vests could cost them the relative pros-
or want the breast. perity they have gained.
Less than 10 per cent of the rural
The women's husbands and brothers, population are in Bhadre Gowda's pos-
besides having a lighter workload, can owning enough land to be self-
console themselves as they labour with Another 25 per cent
sufficient in food.
the reflection that the land is theirs. own such small plots that they must
Pride of possession colours their atti- supplement their produce by working
tude towards the soil. "We have great for others. Forty per cent of the farming
and trust for Mother Earth,"
affection families are tenants —
many of whom,
says Bhadre Gowda, one of the men again, work too little land for their re-
of the extended family. "When we're quirements. The remaining 25 per cent
alive, it's she who gives us rice, gives us of the rural population neither own nor

it-iii land; they eke out .1 miserable exis- government bought out the zamindars comes more valuable and the small
tence l>\ woi king loi others. and intended their lands to be redistri- farmers grow more vulnerable. The
This very uneven distribution ofland buted to the small peasants. But be- landless labourers are even more help-
is what had been envisaged for
not cause of loopholes in the legislation and less. When the reforms were proposed,
India at the time of Independence. difficulties in enforcing it, much
of the it was felt unnecessary to provide them

Sweeping land reforms were proposed newly available land went instead to with land; their needs were to be met
in the late 19 tOs and early 1950s, to those who already had plenty. Thus a through various special schemes for
abolish the landed aristocrats or zemin- new rural elite of owner-cultivators creating employment. However, these
dars, man) <>l whom were absentee with substantial landholdings was schemes never materialized.
landlords. The land reforms were also created. They were an improvement on For the vast majority of the rural
intended to force the redistribution of the past only in that they were more population who neither own nor rent
land b\ imposing limits on the amount committed to using the land efficiently enough land to keep them, life is a
of land that could be held by culti- than the absentee landlords had been. constant struggle, anxiety ever present.
vators, and to ensure security of tenure The small peasants failed to get hold Will there be enough paid work, not
and reasonable rents lot tenants. of much land, and tenants were never just to live but to repay the interest on
The only part of the programme to given the protection that had been pro- debts? Will wages keep up with in-
be fully implemented was the abolition posed against eviction or extortionate flation? Will the landlord demand back
in the earl) 1950s of the traditional rents. Each year, as the population his land? Their prayers to God are
landed aristocracy and its rights. The grows and industry expands, land be- filled with requests for help, since


Two nurses hand out medicine from

their mobile dispensary run by a
charity in Vellore, Tamil Nadu. The
charity regularly visits the villages
within 15 kilometres of the medical
centre, and trains one volunteer from
each village in midwifery.

deprivation is a fact of daily life. Some

become so desperate that they take on
work under terms that reduce them for
a time to the condition of bonded
labourers, without the right to leave
their employment. Although this form
of exploitation has been illegal since
1976, it is estimated that in Andhra
Pradesh alone there are over 300,000
bonded labourers out of a population of
53 million. The majority are Harijans
and tribal people. Many are women.
Brick kilns, stone quarries and con-
struction sites habitually use bonded
labour. They often send round their
agents in August or September, just be-
fore the main crops are harvested, fend themselves effectively, that have In the 1960s and 1970s, a marked rise
when many people in the countryside suffered the most. One of the many hor- in output was achieved by increasing
are hungry. Those who succumb, or are rifying incidents that resulted, took yields, and became part of the success
signed up by their families, find them- place in Tamil Nadu in the 1960s. story which is known as the Green
selves working 12 to 14 hours a day. Farmworkers, seeking higher wages, Revolution. Grain production trebled
seven days a week, at the most gruel- fought with the landowners and killed between the early 1950s and the mid-
ling tasks such as carrying loads of one of them. In retaliation, 300 land- 1980s. India is now the fourth largest
bricks or breaking stones. The accom- owners, armed with guns, marched on food producer in the world.
modation provided for them is filthy, the workers' village and attacked the The starting points for the Green
with no sanitation or running water. At men. Then they locked 44 villagers Revolution were new dwarf wheats
the brickworks, the labourers often mostly women and children — in a hut, from Mexico and rice strains bred in
have to sleep near the blazing hot kilns doused the building with kerosene and South-East Asia. Recognizing the po-
even at summer's stifling peak. They set fire to it. Every one of the victims tential of these high-yielding varieties.
have no medical facilities or assistance was burned to ashes. Indian agricultural scientists intro-
with child care. The wages they are duced useful characteristics from them
promised are far from generous. Fre- While landowners over India have
all into Indian strains. The new Indian
quently the promises are not honoured been consolidating their advantages, grains, with short stems and briefer
and their only compensation is two those in certain parts of the country growing seasons, yielded two or three
meagre meals a day. They have no re- have been using their land in new ways times as much as the traditional crops.
dress, and if they borrow money from to create an unprecedented boom in the Progressive farmers quickly adopted
their employers they are forced to stay country's agricultural production. The the new technology. By the early 1980s,
on and work for nothing, or to get their boom was masterminded by the gov- some 80 per cent of the wheat sown and
children to work as well. ernment, which was all too aware that more than 50 per cent of the rice sown
In the last three decades, the pres- Indian agriculture had been stagnating were of the high-yielding sort.
sures bearing down on the landless throughout the early 20th century, The new strains were used for more
have increasingly brought them to pro- until the end of colonial rule. Part of than one third of India's arable land,
test against the landowners, sometimes the strategy of the newly independent and required sophisticated techniques.
violently. The landowners have re- nation was to grow more food. In the Farmyard manure and compost were
sponded with more violence, and it is 1950s, output was increased mainly by replaced by chemical fertilizers. By
the poorer communities, unable to de- expanding the area under cultivation. the 1980s, India was consuming more

While women labourers bring supplies

of stone rubble, men wearing rags or
slippers to protect their feet from the
hot tar construct a rural road.
Government-funded road-building
schemes improve communications and
create work for the rural unemployed.


Skirting • battered bui •> the i<>wn <>l

|.ii|)ui . two country women head for the

i ki i in tell their produce: one bears
cauliflower!, the other marigoldi lor
religious offering!. Being Hindus, Ihey
« mil obliged to reil themselves in
public, but country habits lead them to
shroud their Fat ei among itrangen.

fact that part of this area receives so

much rain that irrigation is unneces-
sary. Generally, the impediment to
progress is that land-holdings are very
small, and the cash input required to
transform traditional cultivation prac-
tices is too great for the farmers to risk.
In the areas blessed with under-
ground water, the government pro-
vided easy credit for drilling borewells
(or tubewells, as they are known in
India) so that individual farmers could
get their own water supply. At the
height of the Green Revolution, 20,000
new private tubewells were being sunk
each year in Punjab alone. By the
mid-1980s, Punjab had 600,000 tube-
wells, accounting for roughly half the
irrigation in the state. In most of the
wells, the water is pumped up by elec-
tricity; some use diesel engines.
Underground water might appear to
farmers from dependence on mon-
than six million tonnes of nitrogen, water, which is tapped by boring deep soon But in fact they still need the
phosphate and potassium-based ferti- wells, is as important. rain, because about 40 per cent of
lizers each year, and had developed a Abundant underground water is to India's electricity comes from hydro-
huge fertilizer manufacturing industry, be found in Punjab, Haryana, western electric power. If water in the hydro-
which supplied three quarters of the de- Uttar Pradesh and parts of Tamil electric dams is low, there is a shortage
mand. Pesticides also came into favour, Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. This key of electricity to power the well pumps.
and by the 1980s they were protecting factor, together with fertile soil, led the The need for electricity for irrigation is
roughly half of the total area sown. government to concen trate its develop- at a peak during the hot months of
Mechanized farming became common. ment programmes on these states so as April, May and June, when it is also
From a small beginning in the 1960s, to achieve the fastest possible returns. most in demand in the cities for re-
the Indian tractor industry had increased The wheat-growing Punjab, Haryana frigeration and air conditioning. The
production to 110,000 tractors each and western Uttar Pradesh responded inevitable rationing means that many
year by the mid-1980s. most dramatically, but the rice pro- farmers get electricity for their tube-
The high-yielding varieties are no- gramme, which focused on the south- wells only at night, when they cannot
toriously thirsty plants, and the key ern states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra see to irrigate. The water from the
input in the Green Revolution was irri- Pradesh, was more problematical tubewells is led into the fields through
gation. Between the 1950s and 1980s, partly becauserice requires more water small channels; the farmers have to
the irrigation potential increased al- than wheat, and partly because the new watch them closely and dam them with
most threefold to more than 63 million rice strains are prone to disease. The mud to prevent overwatering. But in
hectares. Early efforts concentrated on rice-growing poverty belt of eastern the dark the channels overflowand the
storing river water in reservoirs and Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, West precious water is wasted.
carrying it through the countryside in Bengal and Assam has been untouched Despite these difficulties, farmers
canals. But these days, underground by the Green Revolution, despite the who adopted the new technology have

Onions, potatoes and other winter
vegetables are offered in profusion at
the weekly market held in a village
near Patna in Bihar. Most families
f;row staple grains and pulses; at the
ocal market, they supplement their
needs and sell any surplus produce.

prospered. Newly built houses sprout-

ing television antennae have appeared
all over Punjab and Haryana. Many
Indians, however, find that they are
worse offas a result of the changes. The
subsistencefarmers and sharecroppers,
who were too poor to penetrate the
commercial economy, have sold out to
larger landowners. Tenants have been
evicted by landlords anxious to work
more land and increase their profit.
Many landless men have been forced to
seek work in the cities or the Middle
East, leaving their wives at home to
hold the family together. Others have
become agricultural labourers.
Even with mechanization, they find
work because the high-yielding var-
ieties require much attention and care.
Indeed, the need for manual labour on
the new varieties is such that in the
sowing and harvesting seasons, thou-
sands of migrant workers travel to Pun-
jab from Orissa —
about as far away as
Moscow is from London.
In addition to such highly visible ef-
fects on rural populations, the Green
Revolution has also subtly altered the
role of women in farming families. The
new technology was transferred by
male specialists to gatherings of village
men; the women did not participate.
Custom prevented them from sitting in
the village meeting place with out-
siders; in any case their busy daily
routine left them no time to do so. Illi-
teracy prevented them from reading
the pamphlets that were distributed,
and they lacked the freedom to travel to
demonstration centres. In the past, de-
cisions about which crops to plant,
where and when to plant them, were
taken by joint family councils in which
the women had some say. The women
still sow, weed, harvest, thresh and

winnow, but as farming has become

more specialized the) nolongei partici- continued their education through to
pate in the 1 1 ucial decisions. middle and secondary school. Some
The social changes engendered by farmers have indulged in home im-
the( rreen Revolution, whether for bet- —
provements extending their houses,
in in worse, havenol come overnight. replacing a semi-permanent dwelling
Tradition is powerful lone in a com-
.1 of mud with a more permanent brick
munity as old as an Indian village, and structure, or sinking private borewells
new practices are onl) gradually inte- for the convenience of the women.
grated with time-hallowed customs. However, few novelties have ap-
Akbarpur-Barota, a village in the state peared inside the houses, apart from
(itHaryana with nearly 15, ()()() inhabi- one or two gadgets such as electric fans
tants, was introduced to the Green and kettles. The rich farmers spend
Revolution in the 1960s. lake most of more on hired labour than before, so as
the surrounding communities, it is an to spare their women the work in the
intricate mixture of old and new. fields. Otherwise, they have invested
n lu- past, the farmers of Akbarpur-
1 ( their wealth in projects for the fu-
Barota grew subsistence crops ofsugar- ture— such as buying improved farm
cane, wheat, chickpeas, maize. Ever machinery and sending a son to col-
since the installation of electricity lege. The education fees are not very
transformed agriculture in the mid- expensive, but the cost of maintaining a
1960s, they have grown the new wheat son away from home puts a severe
varieties almost exclusively. They sell strain on the resources of most families.
most of the crops and buy pulses and Thanks to education and the new
sugar in the market. technology, status is more and more
These days, or diesel-
electrified determined by income rather than by
opcrated pump sets are scattered all caste. Most of the village is accounted
over their lands. Tractors have re- for by five castes; some other castes,
placed bullocks for ploughing. Bullock such as the barbers and potters, are
carts have given way to trucks, bi- represented by a few families. There
cycles, and tractors with trailers. But a are also some tribal nomadic graziers
number of agricultural operations are and a very few Muslims. The different
stilldone by hand. Straw and green castes live in separate sections of the
fodder are cut mainly on machines village, but everyone moves freely from
operated by hand. Some villagers still one section to another.
thresh their crops in the age-old way by The Brahmins, who are traditionally
hitting them against a stone. The only the highest caste group, are among the
household activity in which labour has poorest in the village, for their plots of
largely been replaced by machines is land are too small to allow them to ben-
grinding: three of the villagers own efit much from the Green Revolution.
grinding machines and hire them out to Religious observance is not as strong as
their neighbours. it once was, so the Brahmins' fees for

Most people in the village eat a good conducting rituals are dropping. In the
deal more than before. Moreover, the past, the Brahmins had a virtual mono-
free primary school is well attended, poly on literacy, and, for a considera-
unlike those in poorer communities. tion, would read and write documents
Many of the village boys and girls have for other villagers. Now that literacy is

On the flat expanse of the Ganges

plain, a drying crop of chilli peppers
carpets the ground beneath an Indian
fig tree with brilliant red. The
Portuguese brought chillies from their
native South America to India in the
16th century; they have since become
integral to tne cuisine of most regions.

more widespread, this source ofincome
is <li \ ing n|).

The tribal graziers, though right out-

side the traditional caste system, pos-
sess u<'.ii^ —a material resource whit li

the Brahmins, l<>i example, lack. But

recently, as more I.iikI has come under
the plough, the tribals have had trouble
finding grazing grounds. Though bet-
ter off than the Brahmins, they arc not
as fortunate as farmers who grow crops.
The one third ofthe villagers who are
landless have more opportunities to
make a living than in the past. Some
commute 10 kilometres by train each
da\ to jobs in Delhi. Some run shops
which cater to several villages in tin-
area. The village weaver is no longer in
business but the potter and blacksmith
survive. The arrival of tractors, trucks
and motor cycles has led to a keen de-
mand for motor mechanics. One or two
families are destitute; they survive on
the bounty of other villagers.

On balance, Akbarpur-Barota has

benefitted from the thrust of modern-
ization, but many rural communities
are beleaguered. India's burgeoning
cities need food for their millions and
land to build on; the mushrooming fac-
tories that process raw materials con-
sume crops and wood; strip mining has
destroyed large tracts of terrain. Thus
the rural population is having to subsist
on a smaller proportion of the land
while its own population grows.
One consequence of the inexorable
pressure on finite resources is over-
cultivation. Fallow periods are being
reduced and soil is losing its fertility. As
the good land is all accounted for, vil-
lagers cultivate the marginal land and
steep hill slopes; erosion often results.
Pastures, too, are being degraded. In
the desert sands of Rajasthan, nomads

In the dawn mist, a Karnataka villager

washes the grime of the previous day's
toil off his bullock. Much prized by the
minority who can afford them,
bullocks provide power for ploughing
and rural transport, and dung which
serves as fertilizer and fuel.

herd their cattle and camels over long have practised slash-and-burn cultiva- grain that the land could theoretically
distances in an ever more desperate tion centuries. They cut down
for yield, whereas many advanced coun-
quest for a few blades of grass. In 1951, mountain forests to expose irregular triesproduce about 30 per cent of the
only 30 per cent of the arid countryside patches of land. In contrast to modern theoretical maximum. Wheatis India's
bore crops. Nowadays, thanks to irriga- logging practice, they leave tree stumps biggest success story, but even India's
tion, more than 60 per cent is cultivated and roots untouched, so that the vege- wheat yields are low by world stan-
at one time, at the cost of grazing lands tation regenerates quickly. The slashed dards, thanks to uneven technological
and long fallows. vegetation is burned, adding mineral progress and incomplete land reform.
One of the most dangerous conse- nutrients to the soil. A mixture of crops By the year 2000, 70 million hec-
quences of the pressure of land is the is often sown, and each harvested in tares— roughly half the country's total
rapid disappearance of the forests. turn as it matures. In the past, nomadic arable land — be
will irrigated.That
Trees started to vanish at an alarming tribals moved from plot to plot so that stillleaves millions of farmers who will
rate early this century, with the need the poor mountain soil had time to re- continue to depend on rain from the
for logs to make railway sleepers and to coup. Thecycles used to take 30 to 40 skies. Acknowledging this fact, India is
build ships. This deforestation con- years. But now, as urban and industrial shifting its agricultural strategy, from

tinued after Independence as farmers pressures have restricted the extent of the earlier focus on selected areas and
extended their plots and industry's forest that the tribals can range over, miracle crops to an attempt to help the
need for timber increased. Between the the rotations are down to five years in individual subsistence farmer in culti-
early 1950s and the early 1970s, India many places. In such circumstances, vating a rain-fed field. Current re-
lost 3.4 million hectares of forest. To- slash-and-burn agriculture can ser- search is bent on developing drought-
day, the forest cover is reckoned to be iously degrade the land. In most states, resistant crops to help farmers who lack
about 10 per cent: as recently as the except Arunachal Pradesh where the any form of irrigation.
1970s it was 20 per cent. population is very low, shifting cul- Small farmers must also be encour-
As trees become scarce, the villagers' tivation has now been banned. aged to grow food that will give them a
search for firewood becomes a major The challenge facing India is to sound diet. The farmers' traditional
chore. Moreover, without tree cover make the land more productive so as to mix of crops, which included several
precious topsoil is eroded, especially on ease the pressure on resources. There is grains and pulses, provided a good bal-
steep slopes. Erosion caused by com- much scope for improvement. Scien- ance. Nowadays, wheat sown as a cash
mercial logging on the lower slopes of tists have calculated that India pro- crop is replacing pulses and coarse
the Himalayas has led to flash floods duces only about 10 per cent of the grains such as millet; the income the
and the silting of rivers. One of the
worst such disasters was the Alaknan-
da flood in Uttar Pradesh, which took
place during the 1970 monsoon. The
river rose 60 metres within two hours,
carrying away entire Himalayan vil-
lages, cattle, roads, bridges and bus-
loads of people. The silt deposits were
so enormous that the irrigation system
of western Uttar Pradesh was drasti-
cally affected, and crop production fell
by a third that year.
As pressures on the forests mount,
traditional, ecologically sensible pat-
terns of land use are lost. Many of the
tribal peoples of north-eastern India

On the forest-clad slopes of the

Western Ghats, a thatched dwelling
stands near fields cleared for planting.
These hilly ranges in the south of India
yield tropical crops such as coffee,
cardamom and pepper.

"••*. -*

On the ocean shore in Kerala, a line of

village fishermen prepare to haul in
their net, which is guided by a single
man out in the chest-deep water.
India's 5,600 kilometres of seaboard
yield plentiful fish and shellfish,
which provide a valuable element in
the diet of coast-dwellers.


wheat provides is often spent on clothes but also timber for farm implements,
and other consumer goods, rather than leaf humus for fertilizer, certain seeds
on nutritious food. Government subsi- for oil and herbs for medicine. Affores-
dies for growing other crops would pro- tation programmes which surround a
vide the incentive for farmers to switch village with only one type of tree, such
back to mixed farming. as pine or eucalyptus, may adversely
Virtually all rural people will benefit affect the villagers who are supposed to
from a wise policy for forest conserva- benefit from them.
tion. Some of them have already taken All too frequently, well-intentioned
matters into their own hands. In 1974, schemes founder because they treat dif-
Himalayan villagers from the Alaknan- ferent aspects of village life in isolation.
da Valley organized themselves to pro- In Mewat, a relatively underdeveloped
test non-violently against commercial pocket of the prosperous state of Hary-
logging which, by causing erosion and ana, Muslim village girls do not attend
flooding, was jeopardizing the very the village school although primary
existence of their villages and fields. education is free. Their absence is only
Their strategy was simple: they threat- partly due to traditional culture, which
ened to hug the trees and not to detach attaches little importance to female
themselves until the loggers left. The education. It is also because, in this
threat was rarely, if at all, carried semi-arid area, the girls have to forage
out, but their campaign, known as the for greenery to feed the cattle. The best
Chipko movement {chipko means "to time of the day for gathering fodder is
hug"), attracted worldwide publicity the morning, which happens to be
and inspired a government review of when school meets. Green fodder and
India's forest policy. In the area where female literacy, apparently unrelated
the movement originated, the villagers aspects of life, are intimately connected
have undertaken extensive afforesta- in the Mewat villages.
tion programmes on their own land and National programmes tend to set
common village tracts. The villagers' general priorities for development, but
policy is: "If you cut one oak tree, plant India's 500,000 villages cannot and
at least three others." will not all change at the same time and

The pressure on resources could be in the same way. India is too vast and
substantially eased by the rehabilita- diverse for that. The effectiveness of
tion oflndia's wastelands. Eroded land some grass-roots organizations such as
. no longer suitable for crops may sustain Chipko does not mean that they have
trees, and some planting programmes the key to the solution on a national
are under way. Some of the land will scale. Outsiders tend either to roman-
sustain crops if rainwater is stored and ticize the villagers' role in effecting
5. its release controlled, so that it does not change, or to ignore the villagers' point
scour the land of nutrients. of view altogether. The villagers need
Any programme for improving the help from the outside world in the
land must take into account the full ga- shape of effective technology, adequate
mut of villagers' activities, and the way funds, good administration and ample
in which different aspects of their lives information. But if the resources are to
R-- *
-• v are interwoven. A natural mixed forest, be well used, the villagers themselves
for example, provides not just firewood must set the priorities.

Photograph* by Pablo liartlwlomew

Like country-dwellers all over India, the 4,000 villagers of Har-

mara on the semi-arid Rajasthan steppe live by the daily rhythms of
held work and household labour. Families ofsome 50 different castes
tend their animals and till their fields, mostly scattered plots total-
ling about two hectares. Married sons build their houses next to their
pa rents' homes, creating extended families towork each holding. The
riches tfarmersease their workloadswith machinery and the hireofthe
landless poor —
usually at wages well below the legal minimum.
A lit tie wealthier than the average Indian village, Harmara boasts

many of the trappings of modernity a dispensary, police station,
primary school, post office and even a telephone exchange to service
the handful of families with telephones. Yet sheer survival is still the

villagers daily preoccupation. At the end of the tiring day, the men
meet in the streets or courtyards to share a hookah and play cards; the
women gather and chat among themselves.

Assistants to a village grain merchant

weigh a sack of newly harvested wheat,
Harmara's principal crop. The
merchant, who is also a moneylender,
will deduct any outstanding loans from
his payment to the farmer.


Early in the morning in Harmara's
shop-lined main square, a villager
walks his bicycle across one of the
narrow ditches that carries run-off
water from the local wells. The power
lines overhead bring electricity to the
community for about eight hours a day.


V '
Bullocks feed in a family's enclosed
hay yard, while some calves and a
water buffalo wait their turn in an
outer pen partly fenced with thorn
bushes. Many farmers in Harmara still
use animal power for ploughing,
threshing, and drawing water.

\\ .11 Ins the vi\ Id turbani distinctive

to K.i|, \ illage men « ollet empty


milk < inn the government dairy

.ins 1 1

• it operative's trucK. On its daily tour

(<• lid h milk lor treatment at the

1 < dairy, tin- trurk may also pick

up a payload of passengers.

Men and women feed wheat into a

threshing machine on land owned by
one of Harmara's more prosperous
farmers. The wheat harvest is in April,
just before the monsoon. When the
rains come, the fields will be replanted
with maize, millet, peanuts and gram.

r\r -.*

In one of the village primary school's
three classrooms, pupils study beneath
a wall slogan reminding them that
"Today's children will be tomorrow's
citizens". About half Harmara's
children attend school; the rest cannot
be spared from chores.

On the outskirts of the village, a
woman unfurls a freshly washed sari in
the breeze; the sun's searing heat will
dry the cloth in minutes. The sari is
only worn by certain castes in
Rajasthan; this woman, like many in
Harmara, wears an ankle-length skirt
and a long shawl draped over the head.

From a dough of wheat flour and milk,
a woman shapes roti — small rounds of
unleavened bread which are a staple of
the north Indian diet. Her wrists are
heavy with bracelets, the most valuable
of which will be passed down through
her family from mother to daughter.

Before a wedding in their house, three
sisters paint a design of latticework
and flowers around their door. The
favourite marriage season falls after
the monsoon, between September and
November. In that period, as many as a
dozen couples might wed in Harmara
on one astrologically propitious day.

While early-morning traffic rumbles
past,some of Calcutta's hundreds of
thousands of pavement-dwellers lie
asleep on blankets and burlap. Most are
migrants from surrounding villages
who have come to Calcutta in search of
work, and cannot find even basic
accommodation in the crowded city.

The traffic in an Indian city gives the constructed in the 19th and 20th cen-
impression of a time-warp. Persons in turies, crisscross the major cities —
flowing, traditional garb mingle with the area bounded by such thorough-
men in well-cut business suits and fares is usually a network of streets
pretty college girls in jeans, their hair complete in itself, where the lanes lead
loose. Half-naked men wheel barrows mainly into other lanes. A road in such
loaded with grain bags, or ice wrapped a district is not a way to somewhere: it
in sacking, or bedsteads. Carts drawn is simply the space between one row of

by buffaloes rumble slowly through the houses and the next, one cluster of ba-
streets; the drivers twist the animals' zaar booths and the next.
tails to make them go faster, but the Originally, the road might have been
buffaloes ignore this indignity and dotted with coconut palms and strips
move at their own pace. Dilapidated of small-scale cultivation; today, it is
victorias pulled by thin horses weave paved, and is shared chaotically and
their way between modern cars, buses equally by motor vehicles, handcarts,
and incessantly hooting taxis. Cows bicycles, pedestrians and wandering
seem to be everywhere, wandering at livestock, but its character remains
will along the alleys and thoroughfares. that of a local open space. Little wonder
Bicycles, usually with more than one that people from small Indian towns
person aboard, add to the confusion; and villages, who continually arrive in
richer men pop about on scooters, their the larger cities in search of work, at-
wives perilously balanced side-saddle tempt to use the city pavements as
on the back. Old-fashioned lorries, places to live. From their point of view,
brightly painted with peacocks and the streets are simply obvious sites on
flowers and often with the unnecessary which to set up camp.
exhortation "Horn please!" on the Their presence makes for some strik-
rear, take their place too. Tothe Wes- ing contrasts. Advertising hoardings
tern visitor, the effect is one of chaos, and the posters plastered on walls re-
and the chances of moving in any direc- flect the wealth and sophistication to be
tion without calamity seem negligible. found at the higher levels of Indian
Contributing to the disorder is a dif- society. They carry messages about
ference of views as to the purpose of a cars and biscuits and films. They en-
street. In cities that are the product of a treat the citizens to limit their families
Western consciousness, thoroughfares to "two or three" and piously urge
generally lead somewhere. But this people: "Make a friend of your income
concept of roads as arteries is at odds tax inspector —trust and confide in
with the traditional Indian view of a him." But sheltering beneath the legs
city's function. A few wide arteries, of the hoardings is likely to be a little

Three dhoti-clad men perform yoga
exercises on Calcutta's maidan — the

6 city's largest park. Behind them looms

the Victoria Memorial, built between
1906 and 1921 to house mementoes of
British India.

colony squatters, living ilicir mar-

<>l The ground floors of the tall bazaar much less frenetic place. The Maha-
gin, ilexistence in lints tooled with houses are subdivided to provide a rajah still grand, mock-
lives in his
w hatevei scraps come to hand. number of traders with booths which Moghul, 20th-century palace (part of
Staking their (laim to a meagre often serve as workshops and family which is now an hotel) and interests
stretch of open space, the squatters homes as well. Some traders operate himself in public affairs. A fort begun in
contribute to the mind-boggling over- from mere alcoves which are set into the 14th century dominates the town
crowding of India's cities. London has buildings a little above ground level. from a cliff-top location; in its shade lie
4,000 people square kilometre
to the They sit cross-legged, surrounded by the flat-topped blue houses of a sub-
.iihI New York 10,000 —
but Calcutta their wares. Freestanding stalls fill stantialBrahmin colony. Jodhpur is a
counts more than 38,000 and Bombay a much of the area between the houses, highly traditional city, and one whole
Staggering 44,000. Though more acute offering coconuts, shoeshines, glasses colony of Brahmins here devote them-
today than ever before, crowding has of cold water or typing services. selves entirely to the casting of horo-
always been a feature of Indian cities, scopes. The city is also celebrated as a
at least in the north and centre. Many The newcomer to India is most struck centre for Indian music. Certain castes
of these cities were once walled for de- by such indigenous features of Indian make their living from performing: the
fence. Houses were built several storeys cities as themilling street life and the gentle and plangent sounds of sitars
high, huddled close together within the ubiquitous bazaars. Yet the influence come from many lanes as you walk past
protectiveconfines. Often thewallsstill of the West is profound. All the old them. Motor vehicles are rare in the
stand and it is only recently that habi- cities have been affected by Western centre of town: camel carts and bicycles
tations have spread beyond the old city culture, and some have been trans- occupy the streets.
limits. In the south, however, such formed. The British-founded cities, ex- Yet Jodhpur is no backwater or care-
cities as Mysore and Trivandrum were cept New Delhi, assumed an Indian fully preserved museum. Its popula-
built without walls and have a more character almost from their inception, tion of more than 400,000 has spread
spacious aspect. Many of their ornate, but their architecture is a powerful re- far beyond the old city walls; it is a rail-
red-tiled dwellings aresingle-storeyed. minder of their European origins. head and a service centre for a wide
Whatever their layout, Indian cities An example of the 20th-century area, and has an atmosphere of quiet
have always been humming centres of transformation of an historic Indian prosperity. It has very little significant
commerce. Vendors of goods and ser- city is Bangalore in Karnataka. It was industry, but outside the walls lie an
vices are everywhere and trading is founded in the early 16th century by a important university, an air-force base,
active. With storage space in the home petty chieftain named Kempe Gowda, and a government-sponsored organiza-
at a premium, and refrigerators all too and has in the last two decades ac- tion which is investigating solar and
liable to be inactivated by power cuts, quired much in common with any wind power and the agricultural possi-
most families ordinarily buy perishable booming city elsewhere in the world. It bilities of the desert.
foods fresh for each meal. They bargain is rightly described in the tourist bro- In Madras, Bombay and Calcutta,
for each item as a matter of course, but chures as the "city of gardens", one of the three great cities that were semi-
courteously, without becoming heated. the loveliest of which was laid out by an autonomous seats of government under
In the heart of a venerable city such 18th-century ruler. But it is also today British rule, Western influences are
as Old Delhi, one bazaar begins almost the city of India's aeronautics and elec- much more intricately woven into the
where the previous one ends. Each has tronics industries. It is one of the fabric. The three cities were estab-
its speciality — paper, silver,
household goods. The spice bazaars are
plastic world's 10 fastest-growing cities and
has now reached fifth place in India be-
lished in the late 1 7th century as defen-
sible colonial trading posts —
the most colourful, with their glowing hind Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi and by the Portuguese, Calcutta and Ma-
mounds of turmeric, saffron and chil- Madras. High-rise blocks are pushing dras by the British. A generation or two
lies. The fruit bazaars offer seasonal up between its spacious bungalows. later, each consisted of a fort or strong-
produce in profusion: piles of mangoes The beautiful old provincial centre hold surrounded by an area cleared as a
appear in May, oranges in the winter. ofjodhpur, in the Rajasthan desert, is a field of fire. Today, this zone has

become the town maidan, or open green mously in size and importance. Today, at the same period — low-rise dwellings
space —an invaluable asset that eases engineering and vehicle plants are mul- arranged in graceful squares and cres-
the oppression of overcrowding. tiplying to supplement Madras' tra- cents. The paper fac-
city's brick-built
Madras, conveniently situated for ditional industry, weaving. Slums have and jute warehouses might have
ships that had made the long voyage appeared too, but they are not India's been imported wholesale from one of
east round the southern tip of Africa, worst: in general, southern Indians are Britain's northern industrial cities in
grew large before the other two. By the more fastidious in their social habits its 19th-century zenith. Until 1912,
late 18th century, the city had already than northerners, and manage to im- Calcutta was the imperial capital,
achieved much of the extent and shape pose some order on the most wretched though its location on the oozing black
it retains today. The central layout is a accommodation. Much of Madras re- mud of the Hooghly delta was widely
classic gridiron pattern like that of a tains an attractive, old-fashioned air; held to be unsuitable for a market
New World city, with the spaciousness its tree-lined residentialstreets, though town, let alone a world capital. Mark
typical of southern India. In the 19th scruffy,have hardly changed. Twain, there on a lecture tour in the
century, lacking the raw materials to Calcutta's heyday was in the 18th 1 890s, said that the climate was enough

become a major manufacturing centre, and 19th centuries, when the Far East to turn a brass doorknob mushy.
it stagnated economically, while Cal- was opened up. Its residential districts Calcutta entered a long decline when
cutta and Bombay both grew enor- resemble the parts of London designed the Suez Canal was opened in 1869,

A prostitute tries to attract custom
from the doorway of a brothel in

6 1 1
Bombay's red-light district. Some
20,000 prostitutes serve the hundreds
of thousands of men who have
migrated there alone, leaving wives
and children in their home villages.
i i
.Hid the us found itself no longer on ing; though nowadays, polluted and

the main trade routes.

Today, it has be- t . tourist-conscious, it is less pleasant
come a synonym foi urban squalor and
decay, lis stucco (own houses are in
1 1 than many of theself-contained provin-
cial cities which resembles.

such appalling disrepair that a number When people speak of Delhi today,
of them collapse in every cyclone and they usually have in mind New Delhi, a
monsoon downpour. Labour disputes 20th-century creation, built alongside
are rife in its factories. Power cuts area 1 the old city but separately. There had
daily occurrence, the traffic is a night- been a modest European presence in
marc, and the misery of the destitute is Delhi during the 19th century, but
visibleon every street.
Yei Calcutta also has a well-earned
reputation as India's most intellectu-
ally liveh city.Since the 19th century,
Western ideas have fused with indigen- MW9 > A I '
1 when the British eventually planned
New Delhi, they saw it as a public rela-
tions exercise. Because Delhi had long
been a Moghul capital and centre of in-
digenous power, it was felt fitting that
ous culture in a uniquely fruitful way. the new imperial capital should be
Calcutta University is the largest in the established there. By the same token,
world. Publishing houses based in Cal- when the British left in1947, it was
cutta outnumber those in all the rest of deemed essential that the new all-
India, and the city generates more than reclamation. Yet the city has con- Indian government should move into
700 literary magazines. Literary circles tinued to prosper and has long spread their buildings.
and amateurdramaticgroups abound, beyond the island to the mainland. The great public buildings and of-
and though Calcutta's film industry is Today, Bombay housesanenormous ficial residences were designed by the
small, some of its output —
the most film industry, manufactures everything British architect Sir Edwin Lutyens in
notable being that of director Satyajit from bicycles to pharmaceuticals, and an entirely Western style more reminis-

Ray is of world renown. serves as India's finance centre. Super- cent of Washington D.C. than of any-
Bombay was founded on the other ficially, Bombay is the most Wester- where else. New Delhi is conceived in
side of the subcontinent on a cluster of nized city on the subcontinent. British a spread-out, garden-suburb idiom
seven islands, but subsequent land rec- visitors at once feel at home with its which presents problems in the arid
lamation turned them into one. It red double-decker buses and its large months of the hot season: a great deal of
came into its own as a port and manu- Victorian buildings. American visitors, money has to be spent on watering and
facturing centre with the coming of sighting its newer, high-rise buildings tending the expanses of public parks to
steamships in the 1830s, followed by from the ocean, might almost believe keep them in existence. But the neo-
the opening of the Suez Canal a genera- that they are approaching New York or classical buildings look very fine on a
tion later; its rise mirrored Calcutta's San Francisco. sparkling winter morning as the mist is
decline. As its stature increased, its Delhi, the city that did succeed Cal- lifting, and in the side roads splendid
spokesmen began suggesting loudly cutta as capital, is the only major bungalows occupy secluded gardens.
that it was surely Bombay's glorious centre in India where Western and New Delhi is overwhelmingly a city
destiny to house the imperial establish- Eastern elements have failed to merge. for the wealthy and Westernized. Its
ment. In the 1870s and 1880s, a grand Old Delhi, the northern side of town, is society is composed largely of am-
chain of Saracenic-Gothic buildings centuries old. The massive Red Fort, bitious politicians and civil servants.
were constructed with that intention built by the Moghul emperor Shah Ja- The bazaars are missing, and the poor
alongBombay's maidans, facing the Ar- han in the 7th century, dominates the
1 do not mingle with the rich as they do
abian Sea. But Bombay never became skyline, and the main street is the silver in other Indian towns.
the capital, and the pinnacled edifices bazaar. Old Delhi is typical of historic Right from their inception, the im-
have lost their sea frontage to land Indian cities in its colourful overcrowd- perial cities of Bombay, Calcutta and


A car pushes its way through a crush of

cyclists, rickshaws and laden barrows
in a street in Old Delhi. Here, as in
every Indian city, traffic regulations
are blithely ignored: vehicles speed
through red fights, overtake on the
wrong side and constantly switch lanes
to avoid ambling cows.

Madras offered countless niches for

Indians of every class. Most of the Brit-
ish people who lived there were admin-
istrators or businessmen. Except for the
substantial army of British soldiers
and their families, working-class Brit-
ish people did not come to India. Thus,
in creating their great trading metrop-
olises, the British created opportunities
for Indian artisans and entrepreneurs
as much as for themselves. Indian tal-
ent and enterprise flooded into the big
cities in the 19th century; Indians built
many of the houses, the bazaars, the
workshops, the mosques and the water
tanks. The flood has never abated. By
1981, Bombay was reckoned to have
eight million people, Calcutta nine,
and Madras four, but these can only be
very rough estimates when the total is
mounting by hundreds daily.

People flock to the big cities because

they offer so many opportunities
opportunities for work, for advance-
ment, for life itself. Many come because
they can look forward to little or noth-
ing in their villages of origin, whereas
the city, however intimidating, how-
ever chaotic, squalid and overcrowded,
does present innumerable possibilities
for keeping body and soul together,
perhaps even for making good.
Overcrowding, indeed, is a sign of
the cities' vitality. A similar phenom-
enon occurred in the major British,
German and American cities during
the industrial revolution in the 19th
century. What Westerners are seeing in
Calcutta and Bombay is their own
past — capital
enterprise in the raw.
from the rich speculator cramming
high-rise blocks on to land previously
occupied by bungalows and trees, to
the ex-villager who has set up a tea or
cigarette stall or shoe-mending pitch

Blue and white houses cluster round
the base of a rocky eminence which

6 dominates Jodhpur, once the capital of

a princely state in the Rajasthan desert.
Blue houses belong to Brahmins; the
custom of one caste distinguishing its
homes by colour is unique to Jodhpur.

mi metre of pavement in one of the

.1 commodate everybody — though it can jobs in the hospital and in nearby flats.
1 1 oven low (led places in the world.
ins i comfortably take three adults sitting But when they are at home they are
( lertainly, theslumsoi thegreal Indian underneath it to enjoy a glass of tea on a constantly busy, like respectable
lines provide living conditions as wet or too-hot day. The extended fam- Indian wives in any situation, washing
squalid and minimal as anywhere else ily has colonized a long strip of adja- their clothes or their children or the
on earth. But thc\ have rightly been cent pavement, hanging spare clothes dishes, with water fetched every morn-
< .died "slums ofhope". on the hospital railings, and rigging up ing at dawn in great brass jars from a
Moreover, il is important to dis- cloth awnings under which they have local standpipe. In the early morning,
criminate between degrees of poverty. parked their sleeping cots. and again when darkness falls, they
Some slums look like agglomerations of One member, the grandfather, has cook meals of rice and carefully spiced
blackened chicken coops, perched il- an ironing business, and each day he vegetables on a tiny spirit stove, which
legally on any vacant scrap ofland, by can be seen plying an old-fashioned the family all gather round, and eat
dangerous railway lines or, most often, charcoal-heated steam iron at a rickety from one dish. The children are ad-
l>\ the waters of some stinking creek, ironing board: the washermen from a equately dressed and do not beg; the
which is made far worse by becoming nearby hotel contract work out to him, eldest boy is even known to sit reading.
the sole water supply and sewer for a which, if the guests only knew it, would The small ones are firmly admonished
couple of thousand extra people. But account for the fact that garments are to go and answer calls of nature farther
others have been on their sites for many sometimes returned with new stains down the street, in the gutter by an un-
years and, over the course of time, have which they did not have when sent. tenanted bit of pavement: the bigger
acquired a degree of legality, tiled One of his sons has a profitable soft- ones and the adults, following Hindu
roofs, an intricate social organization drinks which the young man
stall, for custom, steal out on to the nearby
including shops and workshops, and buys ice twice daily from the wander- maidan under cover of dark.
finally municipal services in the form ing ice-seller, and another son is a With virtually no material needs
of standpipes, latrines and sometimes newspaper vendor who has his pitch other than food and clothing, the fam-
even street lamps. Life in such a place, farther up the street. ily keeps itself through its various small
though short on comfort and space by The three women of the tree house enterprises. Many pavement-dwellers
the standards of much of the rest of the come and go, and have casual cleaning in similar circumstances even manage
world, is not too bad in social terms, to save enough money to keep an eld-
and a good deal better than starvation erly parent in the home village.
in a distant village. Such people are the elite of street-
Likewise, the people who live on the dwellers. The Muslim families who
streets within the very shadow of grand camp 200 metres from the tree house,
hotels and banks are not always in and earn their living as cobblers and
utterly desperate straits or destitute. vendors, are dirtier and poorer. In
There is, for instance, a family who live this they are not atypical of their co-
in and around a tree on a pleasant religionists. Muslims are found at all
street near Bombay Hospital. Their levels of Indian society, but since In-
routine of life is well established and dependence, when many middle-class
unchanging, except that the children Muslims emigrated to Pakistan, those

grow the baby hung in a cloth sling of their faith who remained behind
from one of the big banyan tree's have made up a disproportionate frac-
branches becomes a plump toddler, to tion of India's destitute.
be replaced by a new occupant in the The luckier ones on the street near
sling. The tree, large, old and semi- Bombay Hospital sell flowers which —
hollow, hung with little sacred icons they have fetched at dawn from a large
and garlands, is not big enough to ac- market in uptown Bombay —
to the

Muslim women take a stroll on a winter

afternoon in Srinagar, capital of
Kashmir. The tall houses that line the
street are built of stone bonded with

timber a technique typical of the
Himalayan region.

worshippers at a nearby mosque. They back entrance to the great mainline on the pavements of India's big cities,
sit all day by their baskets of petals, station— Victoria Terminus —
are not either on cots or simply on pieces of
threading and plaiting: here, a refresh- clean, or well organized. They keep cloth, do not do it from necessity.
ing, delicate aura of scent and moisture goats on the rubbish piles and both Youngish men predominate, and many-
cuts across the Indian street smells of children and adults beg as a matter of are dressed in clothes that are clearly
dust, petrol fumes, burning charcoal, course. They are probably the main not beggar's rags. These street people
spices and a persistent trace of urine. customers for the illicit liquor which is have homes to go to and relatives who
The Muslim flower-sellers do a thriving brewed nightly in a nearby derelict cook and wash for them. But in most
trade: even very poor people will British graveyard. Religious orthodoxy cases, these homes would be the one-
spend money for a perishable flower- constrains more respectable Indians room tenements where over 70 per cent
garland to wear in their hair, just as from touching alcohol, but the poor of Calcutta's and Bombay's citizens
they will be precise about what they drink whenever and whatever they can. live, often shared with a tribe of rela-
want the pan-seller to put into their The beggars need the liquor, for they tions. Small wonder that, except dur-
individually concocted masticatory lie on the bare pavement where the ing the monsoon, the younger and freer
of leaf-wrapped betel nut and lime. enormous Bombay bats rule the night. members of the family prefer the space
The people living still farther up the While such wretches have no choice and airiness of the night-time street.
street, where respectability degener- but to sleep on the street, many of the At any hour of the day, there are
ates into the rubbish dumps by the thousands who bed down every night vastly more people on the streets,



Snake charmers, sword-swallowei s, nn reasingly difficult. Many have

jugg (and puppeteei s ai
l< i
moved to distant cities and rarely
e\ a \d.i\ sights on the streets of i ei in n to the region of their roots.
I mil. in (dressed as
ities Men Even in the (ities, the performers
monkeys scamper into shops, stiuggle to survive. In several
acrobats leap through blazing hoops, metropolises, any street act that can
Sim \ tellers recount ancient epics. be seen as begging is illegal, and the
The pei formers belong to many artists must he always on the move
i astes .ill ol them low in the to evade the police. Many have no
hiei .1! chy ; ea< l> i aste has its own home, hut live on the pavement or in
speciality which is handed dow n tents in the slums that fringe the
from generation generation. to cities. One such slum on the edge of
The ancestoi s of the streel Delhi has become a colony of 3,000
\ iii uosos were rural people, performers of every description.
itinerants who wandered from one Acknowledging their joint problems
village to another, performing and and aspirations, they have
passing on new s. Bui weakening surmounted (aste differences and
traditions in the countryside, and banded together as the Co-operative
competition in some villages from of Forgotten and Neglected Artists.
communal television sets, have made Officially recognized, they put on
the lives of such entertainers shows without police harassment.

An ecstatic young performer on the

tambourine combines forces with a A snake-charmer, carrying his cobra in
string playerand a drummer to divert an open basket, roams a Calcutta
passers-by on a Delhi street. The market in search of a suitable spot to
musicians are members of a co- entertain the crowds. In the wild,
operative of folk artists based at cobras are extremely venomous, but
Shadipur, a slum in west Delhi. snake-charmers usually render them
harmless by removing the fangs.

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mostly men, jusl walking or standing goers. Teenagers queue to see a
will three metres by three metres; its door
about, than strictly speaking need to be month, even if the
film several times a may open straight on to an alleyway, a
there. In respectable households thai programme has not changed. Married high landing or gallery, but the basic
.11 c noiwealthy, il is the custom for the couples often follow suit, in search of a form is the same. Nearly always it has
male members of the family to absent little respite from family attentions and an adjoining open-air, semi-covered
themselves for most oft lie day, whether pressures. The one-room flat that is balcony or veranda, where the cooking
at work or not, in order to get out of home for so many may be in a high, gal- is done, and in the better-equipped

each other's u.n and give the women- leried bazaar block in the centre of blocks there may also be an individual
folk some privacy in which to wash and town, in a two-storey building erected shower, perhaps even a toilet. A
beautify themselves. The sight of men near factory gates in the late 19th cen- to such a comparatively comfortable
on the street, clad in loin cloths or old tury, in a modern cement block on the home is revealing. Here live people
shorts, giving themselves an energetic road to the airport, in a delapidated who are worlds away from the street-
shower with water from a standpipe, is old villa that has been divided and dwellers: shop-owners, skilled work-
a common one; women, if they have a subdivided, or in rows of one-storey men, drivers, government employees,
home or shelter, prefer towash indoors. dwellings provided by the government journalists, teachers, even doctors. The
The cinema offers another welcome and known as "hutments". men emerge each morning with shirts
escape from cramped quarters, and The accommodation may be rela- freshly ironed, the children go to school
Indian city-dwellers are avid movie- tively spacious, or a cavern, a mere in tidy white uniforms, the women of

Caught by the flood waters of the

Ganges during the monsoon, citizens
of Varanasi wade about their business
with resigned composure. The annual Low stone-walled huts roofed with
inundation forces many shops to shut, lengths of tarpaulin serve as homes for
and sends thousands of the city's thousands in a Delhi slum. Most such
pavement-dwellers back to their communities are devoid of clean water,
villages of origin to help in the fields. electricity or sewage facilities.


the household wear bright saris and maybe a few books and ornaments would of course obtain prettier and
jewellery on high days and holidays. Kashmiri boxes brought back from a more spacious accommodation for far
Yet these people are keeping up stan- weddingjourney to the north, a minia- less money in a small town or village.
dards in quarters so confined as to ap- ture Taj Mahal from a trip to Agra. But how would they live there, or hope
pal their equivalents in Europe and Quite likely, too, there will be some to educate their children for better
North America. Crammed into the one souvenirs from England, Canadaor the things? They are glad to accept such
proper room will be several couches or Arabian Gulf, testament to an enter- exiguous, and expensive, accommoda-
divans on which the entire family must prising relative who has gone to seek tion in one of the great cities for the
somehow arrange themselves at night his fortune in some far-flung place same reason that the poorest people ac-
(at least during the monsoon season), a and has perhaps stayed there, coming —
cept far less because there are mul-
display of decorated cushions, and a back occasionally to dazzle the family tiplejob opportunities and hope for the
cupboard bursting with clothes and with tales of foreign money or welfare future in the cities.
staple foods and obsessively kept benefits, or to comfort them in their Such is the demand for living space
locked. There will almost certainly be a stay-at-home role with stories about in the cities that a newcomer has vir-
refrigerator and a fan. cold, lonelinessand racial prejudice. tually no immediate hope of finding a
Nearly always there will be a glass- —
These middle-class families for so room of his own. Tenancies are handed
fronted cabinet with the best teacups they would unhesitatingly style them- on within a family and never come on
arranged on top and, along the shelves, selves— living as many as 1 to a room, the open market. The situation causes

immense difficulties for the enterpris- will permit engaged couples to make
ing young man, probably a graduate, decorous excursions to the cinema to-
who has achieved some sought-after gether. Shyly getting acquainted with
white-collar job in the city, but has no each other before their arranged mar-
relatives there with whom he can live. riage takes place, they hold hands in
He may have to keep up appearances the air-conditioned darkness.
while camping on the streets, or bed- The parents of such couples exude a
ding down in his place of work or in the pleased air of cosmopolitanism, and
room of a friend. send their children to English-medium
City life at this middle level can be a schools. They reject what they consider
more complex battle than at the levels "old-fashioned prejudices". They al-
of frank poverty. The washerman, the low their daughters to play tennis in
fruit-seller, the rickshaw boy, the rag- white shorts, for example, exposing an
picker may live from hand to mouth, area of flesh that traditional families
labouring long hours for a few rupees a would consider unseemly. The father
day, but they have no appearances to relishes his glass of whisky, ignoring
maintain: they do not need to impress religious prohibitions. The mother
anyone, not even prospective wives. plays bridge in the club where the Bri-
When such men marry, they pick a girl tish used to congregate. Some members
of their own kind, often very young, ac- of this stratum of urban Indians have
customed to hard work, who will never even taken the bold step of rejecting the
have encountered privacy in her life, joint family in favour of the nuclear one
and who will settle down uncomplain- as far as domicile goes. Yet underneath
ingly in whatever slum can be found. they tend to be family-orientated, life
A clerk, however, courting a girl revolving round matrimonial ties and
from a family of moderate means, has a business deals (often intermingled),
real problem. He wants her, and the with hugely extravagant weddings as
dowry her father can provide. His own the linchpins of the social round.
family approve. Time is passing; he There is also real wealth in the
wants children and the status of matri- Indian cities, especially in Bombay,
mony. But there may be absolutely no- which has for several decades been the
where within his means that he can most financially buoyant, in Calcutta
take his bride but the one-room family too in spite of its problems, in Delhi of
home, already the domicile of seven or course,and increasingly in Madras,
eight people. For a week or two after Bangalore and other growing centres.
the wedding the whole clan will tact- The number of well-to-do professional
fully take themselves off to the court- and business people has risen steeply
yard or up on to the fiat roof for the since the late 1970s. The magazines
i&fc night. But they cannot be expected to they read, such as India Today and Sun-
do this for ever, and when another child day, are filled with glossy advertise-
arrives the one room will be no bigger. ments for saris, suits, air conditioners
Young couples at this level of society and hotels. Some of the new wealth has
have probably never been alone to- trickled down the social scale but dif-
gether before their wedding night. But ferentials remain enormous in India.
at a slightly higher social level, families In Bombay, the newly rich tend to
which consider themselves "modern" live in high-rise apartment blocks of

On a Calcutta street, residents from a

nearby block of flats rinse themselves
in water welling up from a broken pipe
through a cracked paving stone.
Beyond, others gather round a
handpump. Most tenements lack
running water, and many occupants
resort to washing outside.


On the grassed rooftop of a 19-storey

block of flats in Bombay's exclusive

6 Malabar Hill district, three residents

enjoy tea and sweetmeats brought by a
servant. Their view encompasses the
Arabian Sea and the modern tower
blocks of central Bombay.

Manhattan-style glamour. In Calcutta to video with unbridled enthusiasm. by the sheer size of the largest cities and
and Delhi, the) are more likely to be WCddings are the ultimate family oc- the old-style, labour-intensive way in
found in man) -roomed bungalows with casion and, notwithstanding legisla- which most businesses and factories are
.1 tribe ol servants who have their ac- tion which places an upper limit on run. Industry, still very often located
commodation al the back, surrounded wedding expenditure, rich families will Victorian-fashion in the centres, re-
l>\ lawns on which sprinklers play. spend a fortune receiving hundreds of sults in a good deal of heavy commer-
Some of the bungalows, inherited from guests in the grandest possible style. cial traffic through crowded streets.
British days, lie ver) close to city The cities' innumerable offices, large
(cntres. Hut spacious accommodation Not enough of their wealth reaches the and small, generate a twice-daily tide
in prime locations is becoming increas- Large In-
coffers of the municipalities. of commuters from distant residential
ing!) rare and most of the bungalow dian financed jointly by the state
cities, suburbs. The packed buses, trams and
developments builtafter Independence governments and their own property commuter trains of India's largest
are located seven or eight kilometres taxes, are chronically short of money. citiesare one of the sights of the world:
from city centres. Central government sometimes bails people literally hang on to the outside
These flat-roofed residences are them out in a crisis, and the World while the vehicles move at speed. Not
built in ,i variety of imported styles Bank, recognizing Calcutta's uniquely infrequently, individuals fall, particu-
elaborate iron grillwork features on acute problems, has in recent years larly from the open doors of moving
some, Arabian domes and arches on made massive loans to the city. How- trains, and lose arms, legs or life itself
others. Marble is used in abundance. ever, efficient use of the resources is beneath the wheels.
The houses are usually serviced by a hampered by infighting among politi- Each city tries to deal with its long-
small bazaar where the servants buy cians and by widespread corruption. running traffic crisis in its own way.
food and take the laundry to be washed. Of the many pressing problems the Bombay has banned games of cricket,
To an outsider who wanders into an af- municipal governments face, the most still common in the middle of central

fluent colony, the servants are far more acute are the unsnarling of transport, road junctions a few years back, and
visible than their masters. The owners the provision of clean drinking water has excluded the unstable and undisci-
of the houses all have cars, and are only and the disposal of sewage. plined motor-cycle rickshaws from the
seen on the streets when they take their The teeming and diverse life on the centre. They still circulate, however, in
early morning walk with the dog. streets is the root cause of the transport Bombay's endless uptown suburbs. No
Fear of crime is prevalent: most fam- chaos. But the problem is exacerbated solution has yet been found to the
ilies station a servant permanently be-
side the high gate that leads into their
property, and groups of families club
together to pay a night watchman, who
patrols the area tapping the ground
with a stave to frighten burglars away.
In more traditional circles, however,
the rich in India have not gone in for
luxury homes. The older wealthy fam-
ilies tend to disguise their prosperity,
living in quite shabby blocks in city
centres. Many of them invest their for-
tunes in land orjewellery and have sur-
prisingly modest lifestyles. If they do
spend freely, it is on family pleasures:
they eat extremely well, they entertain
lavishly in hotels and they have taken

A Sikh boy battles against electronic

aliens in a Calcutta amusement arcade.
Although he wears a Western jacket,
his hair, following Sikh custom,
remains uncut, bound into a topknot
and covered with a turban.


flooding each monsoon season in the technical hitches delayed the opening more chaotic as a result of road works
low-lying central part of the city until 1984. In June of that year, just to dig the tunnel.
the area reclaimed from a salt-marsh. when part of the track was ready for a In the short term, there is little hope
The roads become unusable by petrol trial run, monsoon rain flooded the sys- of solving the traffic crisis of India's
engines, and for a few weeks horse- tem and damaged coaches and cables. cities, but there are signs that, follow-
drawn traffic comes into its own again. By October, repairs were complete and ing the pattern of the West with a time
Calcutta, unlike other cities, has the entrances had been built up above lag, industry will gradually retreat
kept its old trams, which run down the ground level to prevent a recurrence from the choked hearts of Calcutta and
centre of the road and block other traf- of the inundation. Trains now run Bombay todevelopments on the peri-
fic. To ease the horrendous congestion smoothly on four kilometres of the sys- phery of the cities, and indeed to other
in the city, Calcutta has organized itself tem; officials promise that the entire centres such as Bangalore. The disper-
into building an underground railway 16-kilometre line will be completed by sion of industry will ease the pressure
line— —
the first in south Asia although theendofthe 1980s, butCalcuttansare on the most beleaguered places.
the marshy ground on which the city is sceptical. Meanwhile, the estimated The provision of clean water and
built is far from ideal for such a ven- cost of the enterprise has escalated sewage disposal has been a perpetual
ture. The foundation stone was laid in more than five times and, ironically, saga in India's major cities. There was
1972 but a series of financial crises and the surface traffic has become even a brief and happy period in the late

in the historic city of Jaipur, a
pavement photographer — one of

6 India's millions of small-scale street

traders— waits, perched in the shade of
his umbrella, for customers. An
associate develops the portraits on the
spot to provide instant souvenirs.

I'lih century when Calcutta was the sucked dry at certain times of day, the ligious antagonisms, exacerbated by
imperial capital and Bombay was iis perfect conditions are created for a flow inter-caste disputes and anti-British
rival; the municipal services of both of sewage into the water supply. feeling. Calcutta saw even worse vio-
were being laid down, new water reser- Citizens made ill by inadequate pub- lence in 1946 and 1947, which lasted
voirs were constructed, and for a few lic health standards will, with luck, find months, on and off, and left thousands
\eais both eities were statistically themselves in the care of one of the dead: once again, religion was the
healthier, with a lower death rate from cities' many free hospitals, subsidized spark which lit up other resentments.
cholera than London. But in the 20th dispensaries and other charities to care Since Independence, particularly in
century, to drink unboiled or unfiltered for the sick and destitute. To Western- the 1960s and 1970s when Calcutta
water in a number of Indian cities is to ers, the best-known charitable insti- seemed to be on the point of social col-
do SO at ones peril; and while the mass tution in India is the refuge for the lapse, a repetition of these scenes has
of the working people do, consequently dying in Calcutta, founded by the Al- been ominously predicted. And yet,
many of them die before their time. banian nun, MotherTeresa. But India against all expectations, Calcutta ap-
Cholera is endemic in Calcutta and has a long tradition of charitable provi- pears to be managing marginally better
probably in Bombay also, though the sion of its own; orphanages, shelters these days. It was prosperous Bombay,
issue is officially evaded: locals prefer and food hand-out depots are numer- in the early 1 980s, that was the scene of
just to talk about "gastro-intestinal ous. The big public hospitals of the a prolonged and sometimes violent
infections". Even if not actual cholera, great cities may appear disorganized strike in the textile mills in the heart of
such infections— which include a range and only indifferently clean by Western the city, and then of ugly riots in the
of virulent dysenteries, both bacterial standards, but some of the medicine suburbs between Muslims and Hindus.
and amoebic — are particularly lethal practised in them is as good as any- But much of the time, despite the
to the young, who have not yet had a where in the world. The All-India frustrations and injustices, peace is
chance to develop any immunity. It is a Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi, maintained. The willingness of many of
common sight in Indian cities to see for example, has a well-earned reputa- the city's dwellers to perform services
nicely brought up children trooping off tion for sophisticated heart surgery. for relatively small sums of money has
to school each with his or her own ther- much to do with this harmony, for it
mos of carefully boiled water. Even when the infrastructure func-
is makes for a great deal of mutual ben-
Calcutta's sewage problem is more tioning reasonably well, existence in efit. Even families in quite modest cir-

obvious than Bombay's because less Indian cities demands a complex social cumstances will employ a servant to
has been spent on Calcutta during its organization and much forbearance clean and wash, which means that they
century of gradual decline: very many from everybody. Life at very high popu- themselves are relieved of such trouble-
Calcutta-dwellers have no access to lation densities, with people of so many —
some chores and are thereby freed to
proper lavatories. Bombay, however, different communities and economic go and stand in queues for sugar, kero-
has a concealed problem which may be levels crammed cheek byjowl, is poten- sene or railway berths —
while count-
just as bad: because Bombay is on an tially explosive. Notsurprisingly, when less widows and teenage boys who
island linked to the mainland only by the unspoken social contract breaks would otherwise be destitute find
narrow causeways in the north, the down in Indian cities it does so com- minimal employment.
water and sewage pipes all have to pletely, with murderous riots between The best example of mutual co-
come by the same route, usually in the one community and another. operation in a cheap-labour economy is
same trenches. Both sets of pipes are Religious differences or economic probably the Bombay dabbawallahs, the
old and leaky; in addition, shanty-town rivalries often lie behind the outbursts men who collect and distribute the
dwellers illicitly puncture the water of mob violence, but a large contribu- lunch boxes. Their official title is the
pipes in order to tap off supplies for ting factor is the strain and precarious- Union of Tiffin Box Suppliers, and they
themselves. Given that the demand for ness inherent in the lives of so many number thousands, such is the demand
water in any case outstrips the supply, Indian citizens. There were terrible among Bombay husbands for lunch
and that many water mains are literally Calcutta in 1926 caused by re-
riots in by their own wives,
freshly cooked

who indulge their individual tastes. house to pick up the meal and take it by denote railway stations, office build-
The traffic in Bombay is so slow that foot, bicycle or handcart to the nearest ings and transfer points. It is the
commuters must leave home before 7 railway station. When the lunches ar- Union's boast that no lunch box has
o'clock. If the wives were to have the rive at the commercial centre of Bom- ever been known to go astray.
lunches prepared in time for their hus- bay, the dabbawallahs transport them to The tiffin box business represents
bands to carry them to work, they the maidan, sort the boxes out between one of the best sides of Indian life. In-
would be obliged to start before dawn. themselves, and then take them to the ventive, painstaking and efficient, the
Thanks to the dabbawallahs, the women offices where the husbands are await- dabbawallahsexemplify the I ndian capa-
can settle down to the task once they ing this delivery of home-cooking. The city to make something of the smallest
have seen their husbands off. They pre- lunches are tepid by now, but that is the opportunity, to rise above any short-
pare three or four different dishes —
say way Indian food is often eaten. comings in their education or circum-
rice, spiced fresh vegetables, chickpeas Most of the dabbawallahsare illiterate: stances. To anyone trying to read into

and curds and enclose each one in a the boxes bear not names but strange India's future, stories such as theirs
separate compartment of an alumin- hieroglyphs. The circles, dots, slashes offer theassurance that, whatever is in
ium lunch box. In the middle of the and swastikas, elements in the code store for them, Indians will survive,
morning, a dabbawallah arrives at the long ago devised by the dabbawallahs, adapt and flourish.

1 —

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PICTURE CREDITS London. 76: Mohenjo-Daro Dancing Girl from

National Museum, New Delhi, India, photo Clive
Friend, Cobham, Surrey, England; Photo by
l In honk was i'i< pared l>\ Vi< ki Robinion
unit \ foi ilus Credit* from left lii right are separated by semicolons, from top to
Clive Friend, Cobham, Surrey, England; Akbar,
l"i then help with thii volume iln editon also wish to bottom by dashes.
ili. ink ili. following [yoti Basu, Chiel Minister, West Emperor of Hindustan from the Department of
Bengal, hull. Miki Brown, London; the Chowdhary i Cover: Henry Wilson, London. Oriental Antiquities, courtesy ofthe Trustees of
t. ninls C inwealth Institute Library,
Calcutta; Front endpaper; Map by Roger Stewart, London. the British Museum, London. 77: Courtesy of
London; Una DaCunha, Bombay; Jane Curry, London; Back endpaper: Digitized image by Ralph Scott/ Victoria and Albert Museum, London, photo
Government ol India fouris) Office, London; Helen Chapman Bounford, London. Michael Holford, Loughton, Essex, England
< 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. Inn \li S K Kli.isn.i\ is. Inili.m
BBC Hulton Picture Library, London; Delhi
Engineering Export Promotion Council, London (iron;<
I, 2: ©Flag Research Center, Winchester, Photos Black Star/Colorific!, London. 78:
Mm London Geoffre) Moorhouse, North Yorkshire;
Massachusetts, U.S.A. 6, 7: Victor Lamont from Courtesy of Victoria and Albert Museum
Robin Olson, London; Camelia Punjabi. Taj Hotels,
India; A .mil BunJtei Ko\. Rajasthan, India; James .1
Camerapix Hutchison Library, London. 8, 9: (museum no. IS39 1950), London. 79: Courtesy
Shepherd, London; Social Work and Research Centre, Raghubir Singh from The John Hillelson Agency, of Victoria and Albert Museum (museum
rilonia, Rajasthan, India; Deborah Thompson, London; London. 9: Digitized image by Ralph Scott/ no. IS2542), London. 80, 81: Courtesy oflst The
\li I < > 1 >.t i
. London; [acquey Visick, London; Western Chapman Bounford, London. 10, 11: David Queen's Dragoon Guards, Carver Barracks,
hull. i luil ( Muli. Hiimli.iN . India Beatty, Bath, England. 12, 13: Henry Wilson Saffron Walden, Essex, England. 82—85:
from Robert Harding Picture Library, London. Associated Press Ltd., London. 86: Steve
14, 15: Pablo Bartholomew, Bombay. 17: Henry McCurry, New York. 89: Nehru Memorial
Wilson from Robert Harding Picture Library, Museum, New Delhi. 91: David Beatty, Bath,
London. 18: J. Henebry, Wilmette. Illinois, England; Artwork by Chapman Bounford,
U.S.A.; Mike McQueen from The Image Bank, London. 92, 93: Cary Sawhney, Brookman's
London. 19: Terry Madison from The Image Park, Hertfordshire, England. 94: Michael
Bank, London(l); Sybil Sassoon from Robert Freeman, London. 96: Digitized image by Ralph
Harding Picture Library, London(2). 20: Scott/Chapman Bounford, London. 97: Pablo
Digitized image by Ralph Scott/Chapman Bartholomew, Bombay. 98, 99: Raghubir Singh
Bounford, London. 21: Raghubir Singh from The from The John Hillelson Agency, London. 101:
John Hillelson Agency, London. 22, 23: George Penny Tweedie from Daily Telegraph Colour
Shelley. New York. 24, 25: Michael Freeman, Library, London. 102: Dilip Mehta from
Colorific!, London. 103: Adam Woolfitt from
London. 27: Tim Beddow from Daily Telegraph
Colour Library, London. 28, 29: Lyle Lawson, Susan Griggs Agency, London. 104—109: Pablo
Virginia Water, Surrey, England. 30: Dilip Bartholomew, Bombay. 110: Steve McCurry,
Mehta from Contact Press Images/Colorific!, New York. 1 13: Raghu Rai from The John
Hillelson Agency, London. 114: Steve McCurry,
London. 31: Christopher Cormack from Woodfin
Camp, Inc., Washington D.C. 32, 33: Jana New York - Pablo Batholomew, Bombay; Sybil
Sassoon from Robert Harding Picture Library,
Koldrt, Zurich. 34, 35: Michael Freeman,
London. 36, 37: Henry Wilson from Robert London. 116:Jana Koldrt, Zurich. 117: Ann and
Harding Picture Library, London. 39: Raghubir Bury Peerless, Birchington-on-Sea, Kent,
England. 118: Michael Freeman, London. 119—
Singh from The John Hillelson Agency, London.
40: Henry Wilson from Robert Harding Picture 121: Raghubir Singh from Thejohn Hillelson

Library, London. 41: Pierre Toutain, Paris. 43: Agency, London. 122: Michael Freeman,
London. 123: Raghubir Singh from Thejohn
Baldev/SYGMA from The John Hillelson
Hillelson Agency, London, 124, 125, Sybil
Agency, London. 44: Raghubir Singh from The
Sassoon from Robert Harding Picture Library,
John Hillelson Agency, London. 45: Jana Koldrt,
London. 126—137: Pablo Bartholomew,
Zurich. 47: David Beatty, Bath, England. 48, 49:
Pablo Bartholomew, Bombay. 51: Raghubir Bombay. 138—141: George Shelley, New York.
Singh from The John Hillelson Agency, London. 142: Homer Sykes from Impact Photos, London.
143: Raghubir Singh from Thejohn Hillelson
52, 53: Henry W ilson from Robert Harding

Picture Agency, London. 144: Michael Freeman,

Picture Library, London. 54— 65: J. Henebry,
Wilmette, Illinois, U.S.A. 66, 67: Clive Friend, London. 145: Tom Owen Edmunds, London.
146, 147: Raghubir Singh from Thejohn
Cobham, Surrey, England. 69: Courtesy of
Hillelson Agency, London. 148: Steve McCurry,
Sarnath Museum, Uttar Pradesh, India, photo
Clive Friend, Cobham, Surrey, England. 70: Shah
New York. 149: Pierre Toutain, Paris. 150-152:
Christopher Cormack from Impact Photos,
Jakan and one of his sons riding in escort by Manohar,
Museum, London. 153: Pablo Batholomew, Bombay. 155:
1615, courtesy of Victoria and Albert
London, photo Michael Holford, Loughton, Michael Freeman, London.
Essex. England. 71: A Prince and his favourite,
miniature in the style of Pahari, School of
Chambra, 18th century, courtesy of Musee
Guimet, Paris, photo Michael Holford,
Loughton, Essex, England. 73: Photo Eileen
Tweedy, London. 74, 75: First English Trading
Post, Suratte from Livro do Estado da India Oriental,
1646, f. 181 — 182, courtesy of The British Library,

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INDIA ol. I in 143; red-light district of, 142; riots in Delhi (New and Old), 20, 142, 143; All-India
1980s) sewage problemsin, 153-154;
154; Institute of Medical Sciences, 154; bazaars,
in ii,di<\ ir ir i to iUustraliont ot dlu\ttated text. tenements in, 145; traffic problems in, 152- 140; Co-operative of Forgotten and Neglected
153 155 the wealthy in, 151-152,752 Artists, 146; government buildings, 20, 30; after
Bose, Subhash ( lhandra, HI Independence, 85; the Rajpath, 30, 97; the Red
\l.<l.,h Mini. 1. 1 Shah, 77 Brahma, 58,40 Fort, 142; slums in. 148
Mini tion legalization ol i3 Brahman l
deity 1 .
58 Delhi Sultanate, 69, 72
Afghan invasions, 69 ' - l
Hi ahmanas, 57 Desai, Morarji, 99, 100
\ \,i
i .1 Mahal I .i| Hi.ilimins.42, 45, 46,68, 120, 122, 140 Dhoti, wearing of the, 30
Agri< nl i in I-
cotton produi tion, 7 7. 80, 98, 103; Hi k k works, 1 1 Disease, control of, 88, 90, 1 12
(l.i 1 1 \ co operatives, 130; rici | luction I
British rule. 16; administrative and legal network Diwali (Hindu festival), 38
18, industry ,24, 26, 112; traditional
10; t( .i HO; annexations by, 75, 77, 78; early
of, 7'). Dowries: dowry deaths, 50; provision of, 50
methodsof, 111,113 115 117 122 123, 125; reforms during, 75, 79-80; end of (1947), 84- Dravidian languages, 19, 20, 29
useoi bullocks in, 15, 13, 120, 122, 129; wheal 1
85; and Gandhi's civil disobedience Durga (deity), 38, 41
production, 117. 118, 120, 123, 125, 126, 130. campaigns, 83, 84; and growth of Indian Durga Puja (Hindu festival), 38
Set also < rreen Revolution nationalism, 80, 82 83; during World War II, Dutch traders, 16, 73
Ahmadabad (Gujarat cotton produi tion in, 103 I,
84. See also Anglo-French war; East India Dyer, General Reginald Edward, 83
Aj.uii.i (Maharashtra), Buddhist cave temple in, Company; Indian Mutiny
56 Buddha, 68; fifth-century sculpture of, 69
Ak.ili Dal (politic al party I, 100 Buddhism, 16, 68; Buddhist cave temple, 66; East India Company, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79
Akbai Moghul emperoi 71, 72, 76
i ;. Buddhist monasteries, 22-23, 24 Education, 75, 88,90, 112-113, 120, 133; and the
Akbarpur-Barota (Haryana), 120, 122 Hullocksand bullock-carts, 15, 113, 120, 122, 129 Untouchables, 47
Alaknanda Valley (Uttar Pradesh), 123, 125 Bungalows, 152 Electoral system, 87
Alexandei the ( Ireat, 68 Butalia, Urvashi, 53 Electricity industrv and supplies, 97, 109, 1 13,
All-India 84 Muslim I.< :ague, 82, 118, 120,727
Amritsar Punjab): Golden Temple at, 16; 1919
Elephants, 34, 35, 39, 68
riot in, 82-83; storming of the Golden Temple Calcutta, 26, 140, 141-142; beggars in, 32, 34; Elizabeth I, Queen, 73, 76
(1984), 21, 100-101 under British rule, 80; daily life of clerk in, 104- English language, use of, 19
Andhra Pradesh, 29; agricultural development 109; Cricket Club of, 30; Great Eastern Hotel.
programmes in, 118 16: maidan (park) in, 141; pavement-dwellers in,
Anglo-French war, 73-7 \ 138; population of, 140, 143; riots in, 154; Farming, see Agriculture

Animism, 18 sewage problems in, 53- 54; Stock Exchange, 1 1 Feminist movement, 51, 53
Apa Tanis (tribe), 18 95; tenements in, 145, 151; underground Festivals, Hindu, 27, 38, 43
Arcot, battle of (1751), 76 railway, 153; Victoria Memorial, 140; the Film industry, 10-11, 53, 142; and depiction of
Aryans: invasion and rule by, 16. 40, 67—68; wealthy in, 151, 152 women, 53
language of, 19, 20: Yedic literature, 37, 40 Caliphate. Islamic, see Turkey, Sultan of Fishing, 27, 30, 124
Ashoka (Maury m\ emperor), 68, 76 Car industry, 98 Food: dietary rules, 29—30; and pollution, 45
Assam, 24, 118; tea plantations in, 26, 112 Caste system. 16, 40, 42-47, 120 Forests, disappearance of, 123, 125
Assamese (language), \8, 20 Chandigarh (Punjab), 20-21, 100 Fortune-tellers, 47
Aurangzeb (Moghul emperor), 72 Chenchus (tribe), 18 French traders, 16, 73
Cherrapunji (Meghalaya), 24 Funerals, 46, 50, 64, 68
B Chilli peppers, production of, 120
Babur, King of Kabul, 72 China, disputes with. 94
Bangalore (Karnataka), 30, 140; cinema in, 10-11 Chintz exports. 17th-century, 78 Gama, Vasco da, 76
Bangladesh, establishment of, 16, 26, 95-96 Chipko movement, 125 Gandhi, Feroze, 95
Bazaars, 140 Cholera, 88, 90. 154 Gandhi, Mrs. Indira, 88; assassination of, 21, 101;
Beggars, 32, 34, 145 Chowdhary, Sukumar (and family), 104-109 childhood of, 95; comes to power, 95;
Benares, see V aranasi Christian community. 16 commitment to industrial self-sufficiency, 97-
Bengal, West, 26, 1 18; under British rule, 74-75; Clive, Robert, 74, 76 98; declares state of emergency (1975), 99;
celebration of Durga Puja in, 38; famine in Coca-Cola company, 97 defeated (1977), 100; economic achievements
(1943), 32 Cochin (Kerala), 30 of, 96, 97; and establishment of Bangladesh.

Bengali, 20 Communism, 26, 3 1 , 34, 91 95-96; regains power (1980), 100; and Sikh
Bhindranwale, Jarnail Singh, 100 Congress party, see Indian National Congress nationalists, 100-101
Bhonsle, Shivaji, 76 Cotton production, 77, 80, 93, 103 Gandhi, Mahatma (Mohandas Karamchand), 82;
Bihar, 26, 18; Tata Iron and Steel Works in, 100;
1 Cows, sacred, 38, 45, 46 civil disobedience campaigns of, 82, 83, 84, 88;
the Untouchables in, 47. See also Patna Curzon, Lord George Nathaniel, 82 democratic gestures by, 46; fast in post-
Birla family, 90, 97 Independence Delhi by, 85; funeral of, 46;
Birth control programme, 8-9, 99, 100, 102 D murder of, 85; and the 'Quit India' campaign,
Birth rate, 9 Dabbawallahs, 154-155 84; and the Untouchables, 12, 83
Bombay, 29, 80, 140, 142; beggars in, 32, 34, 145; Dal Lake (Vale of Kashmir), 24, 29, 32 Gandhi, Rajiv, 77, 88, 95, 100; as Prime Minister,
dabbawallahs in, 154-155; Elephanta Island, 35; Death rate. 9 1(11 102,103
film industry in, 11; Malabar Hill district, 152; Deccan Plateau, 29 Gandhi, Sanjay, 95, 99, LOO
M uslim flower-sellers in, 144-145; population Deities, Hindu, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45, 53, 67 Ganesh (deity), 41


Ganges, River, 26, 32, 39, 54, 56-57, 58-59; Patna Jaipur (Rajasthan), 26; pavement photographer Moghul Empire, 16, 29, 72-73, 74; and art. 71
Bridge, 92-93 in, 154 Mohenjo-Daro, see Indus Valley culture
Gautama, Siddhartha, 68 Jaisalmer (Rajasthan), 26 Monsoon, 24, 31-32, 90, 153
Ghats, 54, 57 Jammu and Kashmir, 21, 24; Ladakh region, 18, Morley-Minto Reforms, 82
Ghazni, Sultan of, 69 22-23, 24 Mountbatten, Lord Louis, 77, 84
Ghuri, Muhammad, 69 Janata coalition, 100, 102 Mukti Bahini, 95
Goa, 16, 19 Jats, the, 100 Muslims, 69; campaign for separate state by, 83-
GovernmentofIndiaAct(1935),77,83 Jewish population, 18 84; and formation of the All-India Muslim
Gowda, Bhadre, 15 1 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 83-84 League, 82; and Gandhi's campaign (1920-
Gowda, Kempe, 140 Jodhpur (Rajasthan), 140, 144 22), 83; number of followers, 16, 84; refugees.
Green Revolution, the, 96, 102, 117-118. 119- Pakistan
84, 85. See also
120 K Mysore (Karnataka), 30, 80, 140
Gujarat, 26 Kali (deity), 39, 41, 53, 75
Gujarati, 20 Kannada (language), 10-11,20 N
Gupta Empire, 66, 69 Kanwar, Om, 50 Nanak, Guru, 76
Gurus, 68 Karnataka, 30; Tumkur district of, 6-7 Narayan, Jayaprakash, 99
Kashmir, Maharajah of, 85. See also Jammu and Nehru, Jawaharlal, 83, 88; death of, 94; education
H Kashmir and upbringing of, 88; and five-year plans, 89-
Hanuman (deity), 41 Kashmiri, 20 90, 94; and foreign policy, 91, 94; ideals and
Harappa, Indus Valley culture
see Kathakali (dance-drama), 24, 25 principles of, 89, 95, 102; and improvements in
Harijans, Untouchables, the
see Kerala, 30-3 34; fishermen in,
, 124; Hindus in, education and health, 90; leads Indian
Harmara (Rajasthan), 126-137 31; inland waterways in, 35; kathakali in, 24, 25; government, 85, 87, 88. 89; and referendum on
Harshavardhana, Emperor, 69 Thumba Launching Station in, 99 Kashmiri sovereignty, 24; and women's rights,
Haryana, 21; agricultural development Khajuraho temples (Madhya Pradesh), 27 90-91
programmes in, 1 18; Mewat villages in, 125 Kipling, Rudyard, 16 Nehru, Motilal, 88
Hastings, Warren, 74-75 Kissinger, Henry: quoted, 95 Newspapers, 102-103
Himachal Pradesh, 20; Simla as capital of, 20, 21 Krishna (deity), 38, 41, 45 North-East Frontier, 24
Himalayas, the, 24, 29 Kshatriyas, 42, 46
Hindi, 19, 20 Kumbha-mela (festival), 43 o
Hinduism: and caste system, 3 1 , 40, 44, 45, 67, Orissa, 27, 118
68;.deities of, 37, 38, 40, 41, 45, 53, 67; dietary Oriya (language), 20
rules of, 29, 45, 46; doctrines of, 39, 40, 51; Ladakh region (Jammu and Kashmir), 18, 22-23,
festivals of, 27, 38, 43; and meditation, 56; 24
number of followers of, 16;rules on purity and Lakshmi (deity), 38, 53 Pakistan: dispute with India over Jammu and
pollution, 45, 46; temples and caves associated Land reforms (1940s-1950s), 116 Kashmir, 2 1 24, 85, 95; Muslim population of,

with, 12, 27, 35, 38-39, 40, 45, 54, 62, 64; Languages, 10-11, 18-19, 20, 29, 72, 75 1947 partition of, 20, 26, 83-84. 84. 85;
16, 84;
treatment of women in, 40, 47, 50-51, 118; Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, 20 and war with India (1971). 95-96. See also
varnas in, 40, 42; wedding ceremonies, 48-49. Lok Sabha, the, 88, 96 Bangladesh
See also Varanasi Lungi, wearing of the, 30 Panchayats, 1 12
Holi (Hindu festival), 38 Lutyens, Sir Edwin, 142 Panipat, battle of (1761), 77
Homayun (Moghul emperor), 72 Pariyar caste, 46
Hosahalli (Karnataka), 1 1 M Parliament, Indian, 88, %
Hospitals, 154 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 75 Parsis, 18
Housing, city. 140, 145, 148, 149, 151 Madhya Pradesh, 27, 12; the Untouchables
1 in, Parvati (deity), 38
Hutments, 148 47 Patna (Bihar), local market near, 119
Hyderabad, 29; Nizam of, 29, 85 Madras (Tamil Nadu), 30, 140, 141; film industry Pavement-dwellers, 138. 144. 145
population of, 143
in, //; Plassey, battle of (1757), 74, 76
Madurai (Tamil Nadu), Minakshi Temple, 45 Political parties, 88, 91
Incense manufacture, 30 Mahabharata (Puranic epic), 37-38, 68 Pollution, rules on, 45—46
Indian Army, 84 Mahajan factory (Punjab), 102 Pondicherrv. 19, 73
Indian Civil Service (ICS), 79, 80 Maharashtra, 29; the Untouchables in, 47 Population growth, 9, J4. 102
Indian Councils Act (1892), 82 Maidans, 141, 142 Portuguese traders, 16, 72, 73, 74
Indian Mutinv (Great War of Independence), Malaria, control of, 90 Punjab, 20; agricultural development
78-79,80 Malayalam (language), 20 programmes in. 1 18; Mahajan's factory in, 102;
Indian National Congress, 80, 82, 83, 88, 89, 95 Manohar (Moghul artist), 71 1947 partition of. JO: 1966 partition of. 21;
Indus Valley culture, 16, 29, 40, 67, 76 Manu, Laws of, 47, 53 Simla as capital of, 20
Irrigation, 90, 115, 118, 123 Maratha kingdom, 72, 74, 76, 77 Punjabi, 20
Marathi (language), 20, 29 Purana epics, 37-38
J Maurya, Chandragupta, 68 Puri (Orissa), Lord Jagganath festival in. 27
Jahan, Shah, 71, 72, 142 Mauryan Empire, 68
Jahangir (Moghul emperor), 72 Medical services, 117, 154
Jains, 16; cuisine of the, 26; temple-cities Meditation, 56 'Quit India' campaign, 84
of the, 12-13 Minakshi temple (Madurai), 45 Qutb-ud-din. Sultan, 76

R Soviet iiKin. support from, 94, 96
I defilement, 45, 46-47; conversion to Buddhism
Railways 79 80,57 Calcutta underground, 153 Space programme, 97-98, 99 and Muslim faiths, 47; and education, 47;
Rajasthan 26 110; des< rts; 12, 122 123; dress,
I Srinagar (Kashmir), 144 employment of, 46, 53, 111, 117; Gandhi
18 Harmara 126 W7;Jaipur, 26, 154; Slates and territories, Indian, 19-20 campaigns for, 42, 83
Jaisalmei 26 Pushkar annual fair, 32 Steel industry, 80, 89, 94, 100 Upanishads, 37
Rajputs 26 69 a hool <>l art, 71 Siicct-performers, 146 Urdu (language), 19
Rajya Sabha the, 88, % Sural, 74 U.S.S.R., see Soviet Union
Ramayana ( Purani* epi( I, 36, 37, •>» Uttar Pradesh, 26; agricultural development
K.u Satyajit, I
12 programmes in, 1 18; Alaknanda Valley, 123,
Rein* ai nal ion, belie! in, 39, 40 Tagore, Rabindranath, 77 125
Religion, Animism; Buddhism; Christian
see Taj Mahal, 16,72,57
community; Hinduism; Jains; Jewish Tamerlane, 72, 76 V
population; Muslims, Parsis; Sikhs Tamil (language), 19,20 Vaishyas, 42, 46
Rice produi tion, 6-7, 18, 30 Tamil Nadu, 30; agricultural development Varanasi: during the monsoon, 148; pilgrimages
Rig Veda, the, 37 programmes in, 18; Madurai temple, 38-39;
1 to, 39-40, 54-65

Roads: building schemes, 117; city, 139 Nilgiri hills, 1 paddies in, 30
12; rice Varnas, 40, 42
Roii (unleavened bread), 135 Tanks, 30 Vedic literature, 37, 40
Ko\ Ram Mohan, 75
, Tata family, 90, 97; and Iron and Steel Works, Vegetarianism, 29
100 Vellore (Tamil Nadu), mobile dispensary in, 777
Tea production, 24, 26, 112 Victoria, Queen, 77
Sandalwood industry, 30 Telegu (language), 20, 29 Village life, Indian, 111-137
Sanskrit, 19,72 Telephone system, 98 Vishnu (deity), 27, 36, 38, 62
Saraswati (deity), 53 Television, 103
Sari, wearing of the, 30, 134 Telis (caste), 44 w
Sati, 50, 68 Temples and caves: Buddhist, 66; Hindu, 12, 27, Water supplies, 90, 107, 1 12, 114, 115, 1 18, 153-
Satyagraha movement, 83 35, 38-39, 40, 45, 54, 62, 64; Jain, 12-13 154
Schools, Education
see Teresa, Mother, 154 Wedding ceremonies, 48, 49, 137
Shastri, Lai Bahadur, 95 Thuggee, 75 Western Ghats, the, 29, 123
Shatrunjaya (Gujarat), Jain temple-city in, 12-13 Thumba Launching Station (Kerala), 99 Wheat production, 117, 118, 120, 123, 125, 126,
Shitala (deity), 62 Timur, see Tamerlane 130
Shiva (deity), 35, 38, 40, 45, 54, 57, 61 Tipu Sultan, 79 Wildlife, 24, 26
Shudras, 42, 46 152-153
Traffic problems, city, Women, position of, 40, 47, 50-51, 53, 91,115,
Sikhs: doctrine, 16; dress, 152; founding of Travancore, Maharajah of, 31 118
religion, 72, 76; and the Golden Temple at Tribes, Scheduled, 18 World War I, 82
Amritsar, 16, 100; and nationalist militancy, Trivandrum (Kerala), 140 World War II, 84
16,21, 100-101; number of followers, 16; and Turkey, Sultan of, 83
partition of Punjab, 20, 21; political party, 100 Twain, Mark: quoted, 15, 141
Simla (Himachal Pradesh), 20, 21 Yadows (caste), 44
Singh, Maharajah Hari, 21, 24 u Yoni-linga, 35
Singh, Maharajah Jai, 26 Uma (deity), 38
Singh, Rajah Raj, 71 United States of America, 94, 96; support from,
Slums, city, 143-144,749 91 Zamindars, 1 16
Snake-charmers, 146 Untouchables, the (Harijans), 42; as source of Zoroaster, 18

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Milan, Italy.
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~ •Srinai'ar
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