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Topic 3: Workplace Good Housekeeping Planning a good housekeeping program:

- 5S is a tool that represents the basic principles of

Signs of poor housekeeping: housekeeping and workplace organization. It is more
- cluttered and poorly arranged areas than cleaning and painting. It is a disciplined approach
- untidy or dangerous storage of materials to keep the workplace efficient and effective.
- presence of items no longer needed or in excess - 5S practice is a technique used to establish and
- dusty, dirty floors and work surfaces maintain safe and quality environment in an
- tools and equipment left in work areas organization.
- no waste bins & containers -5S stands for five Japanese words
- Presence of spills and leaks
5S of good housekeeping:
Accident from poor housekeeping:
- being hit by falling objects
- tripping over lose objects on floors, stairs, and
- sleeping on greasy, wet or dirty surfaces
- striking against projecting, poorly stacked items or
misplaced material
- cutting, puncturing, or tearing the skin of hands or
other parts of the body and projecting nails, wire or
steel strapping
- electrocution from exposed live wires SEIRI (SORT/ELIMINATE)
- fires resulting from improper storage - is an action to identify and eliminate all unnecessary
- health problems items from the workplace
- decide what you need
Injuries from slips, trips, and falls: - all tools, gauges, and materials are classified for
proper storage.
- strains and sprains - remove unnecessary clutter
- torn ligaments - remove items which are broken, unusable, only
- broken bones occasionally used
- back or spine injury
- is an action to put all essential materials in a
What is good housekeeping? systematic order.
- housekeeping is not just keeping your workplace clean - a place for everything and everything in its place.
and safe but also an effective workplace organization. - organize layout of tools and equipment: Designated
- housekeeping lessons accidents and related injuries Locations, Use tapes and labels, Ensure everything is
and illnesses. available as it is needed and at the “point of use”

Benefits of good housekeeping: Workplace Checkpoints:

- eliminates accident and fire hazards -Positions of aisles and storage places clearly marked?
- maintains safe and healthy work conditions - tools classified and stored by frequency of use?
- saves time, money, materials, space and effort - pallets stacked correctly?
- improves productivity and quality of work - safety equipment easily accessible?
- boosts morale - floors in good condition?
- reflect a well-run organization

OSHS: RULE 1060.01 - ITEM 4

Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times
- cleanliness of building, yards, machines and
- regular waste disposal and orderly processes,
operations, storage and filing of materials
- is an action to clean and/or polish the workplace to - is a condition where all members practice the above
attain a dirt or dust-free state. 4S spontaneously and willingly as a way of life
- also inspecting for defects

Technique for SEISO:

-divide areas into zones
- define responsibilities for cleaning
- tools and equipment must be owned by an individual
- focus on removing the need to clean
Prevent slips
- clean up spills
- repair leaky pipes
- pick up objects
- sweet up debris
- wear slip-resistant shoes

Prevent Trips
- clean up straps & bands
- put away electrical cords and air hoses
- don't stock items in walkways
- keep drawers closed
- put away tools

Unobstructed exits and fire equipment

- keep evacuation routes clear
- don't block emergency exits
- make sure fire extinguishers are accessible

- is a condition where high standard of housekeeping is
- generate a maintenance system for the first 3S
- develop procedure, schedules and practices
- continue to assess the use and disposal of items
- regularly audit using checklist and measures of
- real challenge is to keep it clean
- organize 5S inter- department competition
- periodically award groups and individuals
Preparation: - organize study tours to other companies
- understanding 5S concepts and benefits - organize 5S inter - company competition
- visit the company with successful 5S program
- management commitment to 5S implementation Good housekeeping habits:
- organize 5S working group - make time for housekeeping
- identification and training of 5S facilitators - evaluate your workspace
- remove hazards before starting work
Official announcement: - turn equipment off after using it
- CEO officially announces implementation of 5S - clean up as you go
program - never ignore a safety hazard
- CEO explains the objectives of 5S to all colleagues
- publicize 5S organizational chart and layout Daily housekeeping checklist:
- work out various promotional tools - floors
- aisles
- workstation
- equipment
- storage
- waste disposal

Key points to remember:

- Good housekeeping helps prevent workplace fires and
- keeping the workplace neat, clean, and safe, is
everyone's responsibility
- other to housekeeping hazards
- eliminate or report hazards you identify anywhere in
the facility
Management's role
- providing adequate equipment
- including housekeeping in the planning of all
- including maintenance of good housekeeping as part
of individual's job responsibility
- providing clean up schedule and personnel
- maintaining executive supervisory and interest

Supervisor's role
- maintaining constant check on housekeeping
- seeing that employee maintain good housekeeping
- having unusual situations corrected or cleaned up
- planning for orderliness and all operations
- issuing definite instructions to employee
- insisting on clean up after every job

Worker's role
- follow housekeeping procedure
- maintain an orderly workplace
- report to supervisors any unsafe condition

- establish 5S evaluation and incentive plan
- conduct 5S evaluation and inspection regularly

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