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Gunsmoke 1958 TV Series Big Little

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rize�st>d on the Television Seri

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Out of the Past

He looked more like a scarecrow than a

man as he staggered down the dusty middle
of Front Street. Even the old timers of Dodge
City, men who boasted that they had seen
everything in their time, stopped to stare at
the gaunt man in his rough.torn bandages.
They hurriedly made way for him to pass.
He stumbled toward old Juniper Billy, the
sweeper at the local hotel, to ask the way to
the MarshaPs office. Old Billy only pointed
and then stood shaking his head in pity as
the stranger reeled across the street and
[ 71
started up the steps into Marshal Dillon,s
The door was wide open, but the wounded
man collapsed before he could cross the door­
It was Matt,s arms that caught him as he
started to fall to the Boor.
Matt Dillon and his deputy, Chester
Proudfoot, carried the half-conscious man
into one of the cells and lowered him onto
the cot.
"Jayhawkers," he whispered, "shot us up.
Stole our freight-took the whole ship­
ment ! "
"Where?"Marshal Dillon asked. "When?"
[ 81
"Tomahawk Creek-late last night," the
wounded freighter gasped.
"You mean you came ten miles on foot,
all shot up this way?" Chester asked, in
The driver nodded slowly and looked past
Chester to the tall, quiet Marshal, who was
buckling on his gun belt. "Warn't any law
closer'n here. Figgered it was Matt Dillon I
had to get to. You're him, I reckon?"
"Right, mister I" Matt Dillon never wasted
"The dirty killers caught us just as we
came through the ford. Didn't even give us
a fair chance to bring our wagons on solid
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ground. They killed the lead mules on the
front wagon, so as to block the road. Then
they closed in on us, half a dozen or more of
'em on each side. They came a-blazin' out of
the dark. I got hit three times, an' I reckoned
it was time to play dead!" He paused to
gather his strength, and then added grimly,
"The other two drivers didn't have to make
believe like me. They was dead, for sure I"
Matt hated to keep the badly wounded
man talking, but he needed some sort of
information, or he would have no chance of
tracking the killers. "Did you get a good
look at any of the ambushers?"
The mule skinner groaned and shook his
[ 12 ]
head. But as Dillon looked disappointed and
started to turn away, the wounded man said
feebly, "Wait-1 remember-there was a big,
red-whiskered cuss on a paint horse. He was
givin' orders, an' one of the others called him
'Shelly'-at least it sounded like that-"
"Was it Shelby?" Matt asked quickly.
"Could have been," came the faint reply.
Matt Dillon's stern face grew grimmer. He
and Chester exchanged quick looks.
Chester shook his head, frowning. "If he
heard right, Mr. Dillon, I'd say the Ragsdale
gang is back in business again ! ''
Marshal Matt Dillon was a brave man with
a tough job on his hands.
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Dodge City was no sleepy village. It was
the end of the railroad, the terminus of the
cattle trail from Texas, and the center of
the buffalo trade. The roughest, wildest men
in all the West came through there.
Some stayed just long enough to stir up
trouble, and then moved on at the Marshal's
stern orders. But others remained forever in
the little cemetery that was called Boot Hill.
Most of the men who were buried there had
died with their boots on, usually in a cloud
of gunsmoke.
But the cowboys, the buffalo hunters, and
the railroad hands were honest, hard­
working, hard-playing citizens, for all their
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roughness. It was the gun slingers who
preyed on them that gave the Marshal
Gangs of "jayhawkers, 11 as they were
called, swept suddenly out of nowhere to rob
and kill. Then as swiftly as they had
appeared, they rode off again to vanish into
the vast stretches of unmapped and Indian­
infested country.
It was a gang of that sort which big Sam
Shelby had led two years ago. In the two or
three months that his outfit had operated
around Dodge City, they had run up a score
of a dozen holdups and raids in which several
men were shot down in cold blood.
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Dillon had tried in vain to track them
down. Then he had set a trap. A whisper had
been spread that a certain stage would be
leaving town with a secret bank shipment
of gold.
The whisper had reached the outlaw. He
and two of his men had attacked the coach
but were met by blazing gunfire from Matt
and his deputy, who were concealed in the
body of the coach.
At the first sign of trouble, Shelby had
wheeled his horse and fled, but the other two,
both mortally wounded, had been captured.
It was the dying confession of one of them
that had revealed that Brad Ragsdale was the
[ 20]
real head of Shelby's gang. Until then, Dodge
had known him as a respectable trader who
had dealings that often took him away from
town and his comfortable home.
Exposed, Ragsdale had tried to escape, but
Matt Dillon had tracked him down and
brought him back to be tried and sent to
State Prison for a ten-year term.
Shelby had not been heard of again, until
The Marshal checked the bullets in his six­
shooter before he settled it in his holster.
He must find and bring in Sam Shelby
before another reign of outlaw terror could
start in Dodge City.
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There were a dozen men and almost as

many boys in the crowd that clustered around
the MarshaPs doorway to get a look at the
wounded mule skinner.
The word spread quickly, "The Ragsdale
gang's showed up again!" There were some
worried looks among the men, remembering.
Few of them took a second look at the
small boy in the clean but ragged overalls
who stood a little apart froin the others as
they pushed and jostled to see what was going
on inside the office.
[ 24]
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Johnny Ragsdale looked to be about nine,

but he was all of eleven, and most of the time
he felt a great deal older. His thin small face
seemed pinched and drawn, and his skinny
little body seemed to be all bones.
But there was a gleam in his dark eyes
and a scornful expression on his face as he
heard one of the men say, "Matt'll put that
outfit out o' business fast!"
"Huh!" Johnny sneered to the Jonas boy
whose father ran the general store, "that's
what he thinks! Sam Shelby's too smart for
a hick lawman! My pa taught him plenty!"
"Oh, yeah?" The Jonas boy was a few
inches taller, and a year wiser. "Marshal Dil­
e 261
lon caught your pa easy enough I He wasn't
so bright!''
Before the Jonas.boy could put up his fists,
a small bundle of fury had hit him, and he
was flat on his back in the dirt, yelling for
help and trying to ward off a pair of bony
little fists that were pounding at him.
Marshal Matt came striding out with
Chester close at his heels, and plucked the
smaller boy off his victim with one strong
hand, holding him dangling in the air by his
overall suspenders. "Whoa, there, sonny!"
he said, grinning. "Whatever he said, it can't
be worth all that struggling ! "
Johnny squirmed and kicked at his big
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captor, and when Matt Dillon set him on his

feet, he backed off, glaring up at the tall
"Don't you call me 'sonny,' yuh tin star!"
he yelled, doubling his fists and rushing at
the Marshal.
But someone stuck out a booted foot. Johnny
sprawled headlong before he could reach
his enemy.
There were loud guffaws from the men
and excited snickers from the boys, but they
kept back as Johnny picked himself up, his
clean overalls mud-streaked and his face
smeared with dirt.
"That'll do, folks. Break it up!" the Mar­
[ 30]
shal wa�ed them away. "Let the boy alone."
He had recognized Johnny now.
Johnny glared at him. "I can take care of
myself, mister. Just keep away from mel"
Then he turned and pushed his way blindly
through the crowd and disappeared around
the corner into the alley.
"The spunky li'l rascal!" Chester grinned.
"Good thing he ain't big enough to tote a
six-gun! He'd have us lawmen pushin' up
daisies over at Boot Hill, sure enough! "
A little later, as Marshal Dillon and his
deputy rode out toward Tomahawk Creek,
they were no longer smiling. Chester led a
pack horse loaded with supplies, with a pick
[ 32]
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and shovel on top of the pack. There were
sad duties to perform at the ford, and then
there would be long hours ahead of them
clearing away the wrecked wagons so that
others might use the vitally necessary cross­
ing on the road from the south.
Matt had left the mule skinner in Dr.
Adams' hands with a good chance to get
well. His testimony could send Shelby to
prison for a long term-once Matt Dillon
had tracked down the murderer and brought
him in.
As they came to the ford, a small trail herd
from the Texas plains was waiting to cross
the creek. They were the spearhead of a big
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combined herd coming along a day or two
behind them.
The trail boss was eager to get past the
creek with his herd. He set his riders to work
helping Matt Dillon and his deputy clear
away the wrecked wagons.
It was almost dark by the time the way
was clear for the cattle to cross.
Matt and Chester had kept a keen eye
about, all day, half expecting Sam Shelby
and his men to appear suddenly. But there
had been no sign of them.
"If you don't mind a bit of advice," Matt
Dillon told the trail boss, "you'd be safer
camping here till daylight. There's a narrow
[ 36 ]
. canyon ahead that's been used for an ambush
several times. Shelby may be waiting there."
But the trail boss laughed at the suggestion.
"I've heard about these jayhawkers," he said,
"but I've got a crew on this drive that's
tougher'n anything Kansas can put out !
Don't fret about us, Marshal. We'll do all
right ! "
So they went on, guns ready, eyes keen for
trouble. And Matt Dillon and Chester,
preparing camp for the night, watched them
go and wished them good luck.

I 38 J

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Trail of Terror

There was no warning of danger. One

moment the small camp close beside the trail
near the ford lay bathed in peaceful moon­
light, the dying embers of its little fire Baring
up now and then to reveal the two blanketed
forms that rested beside it.
Then, suddenly, there was a sound like
thunder-the bawling of calves, the bellow­
ing of steers-and out of the darkness of the
narrow canyon, a mass of death and destruc­
tion hurled itself with a terrible pounding of
hoofs across the camp.
[ '40 l
In little more than a minute it had passed,
and when the dust cloud had cleared there
was no trace left of the little campfire. And
the two blanketed forms had been trampled
into unrecognizable shreds.
On the rimrock high above the narrow
trail, a huge, broad-shouldered man sat his
pinto horse and looked down at the place
where the stampeding cattle had passed. He
looked-and laughed. Laughed ringingly, so
that the sound filled the canyon. It was as if
some ancient warrior uttered his pagan cry
of triumph.
He was a magnificent figure, silhouetted
high above the scene of destruction. But,
[ 42 ]
even as he drew his gun and shot into the
air, jerking his horse to its hind legs in a
mocking salute to his victims below, there
was a flash of fire from the floor of the trail,
and the loud bark of a six-shooter.
The big man's gun flew suddenly out of
his hand. A second shot fanned his left car.
But before a third could really hit its mark,
he had pulled his horse down, wheeled, and
ridden back out of range.
Down below, in the shelter of a clump of
boulders, Marshal Matt Dillon held his gun
ready for another shot as he stared grimly up
at the rimrock.
"That was Sam Shelby, right enough,"
[ 44 ]
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Thunder in the valley. 11 reels. © 1Jul47; L1815. Twentieth
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The Cape of Good Hope. 1 reel. © 4Apr47; M2338. Twentieth
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Zululand. 1 reel. © 6Jun47; M2392. Twentieth Century-Fox Film
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Harvest of the sea. 1 reel. © 4Jul47; M2623. Twentieth Century-
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Wings of the wind. 1 reel. © 18Jul47; M2624. Twentieth Century-
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Romance of the fjords. 1 reel. © 27Jun47; M2629. Twentieth
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News hounds. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
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Paramount news, number 101. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel.
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Add. ti.: Vanished traces. © 8Dec46; L720. Edward Finney
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Stern von Rio. By Tobis Klangfilm. © 8Dec46; L722. Edward
Finney (PWH); 19Aug74; R584010.
Weisse Traume. By Wien-Film. Add. ti.: The White dream. ©
22Dec46; L725. Edward Finney (PWH); 19Aug74; R584011.

Wir machen Musik. By Terra-Filmkunst. Add. ti.: We are making
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Night club boom. (The March of Time) © 22Mar46; MP25402.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 14Mar74; R584088.

Wanted—more homes. (The March of Time) © 19Apr46;
MP25403. Time, Inc. (PWH); 14Mar74; R584089.

Tomorrow’s Mexico. (The March of Time) © 17May46; MP25404.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 14Mar74; R584090.

Problem drinkers. (The March of Time) © 14Jun46; MP25405.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 14Mar74; R584091.

The New France. (The March of Time) © 12Jul46; MP25406.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 14Mar74; R584092.

Atomic power. (The March of Time) © 9Aug46; MP25407. Time,
Inc. (PWH); 14Mar74; R584093.

Is everybody happy? (The March of Time) © 7Sep46; MP25408.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584094.

World food problem. (The March of Time) © 4Oct46; MP25409.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584095.

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1Nov46; MP25410. Time, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584096.

The American cop. (The March of Time) © 29Nov46; MP25411.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584097.

Nobody’s children. (The March of Time) © 27Dec46; MP25412.
Time, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584098.

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5Jun47; L1144. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584159.

The Woman on the beach. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 8 reels. ©
3Jun47; L1073. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584160.
Thunder Mountain. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 6 reels. ©
21May47; L1072. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584161.

Honeymoon. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 8 reels. © 10May47;
L1071. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584162.

Desperate. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 8 reels. © 31May47;
L1O69. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 23Aug74; R584163.

Holiday in South Africa. 1 reel. © 22Aug47; M2633. Twentieth
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Mother wore tights. 13 reels. © 20Aug47; L1263. Twentieth
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Paramount news, number 102. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel.
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Paramount news, number 103. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. ©
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Munchhausen. By UFA Filmkunst. © 5Dec46; L696. Edward
Finney (PWH); 19Aug74; R584559.

Chip an’ Dale. By Walt Disney Productions. 1 reel. © 7Aug47;
L1377. Walt Disney Productions (PWH); 30Aug74; R584625.

Pluto’s purchase. By Walt Disney Productions. 1 reel. © 7Aug47;
L1718. Walt Disney Productions (PWH); 30Aug74; R584626.

Riding the California trail. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6
reels. Based upon the character created by O. Henry, pseud. ©
27Jan47; L813. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 30Aug74; R584640.

Raiders of the South. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6 reels.
© 18Jan47; L826. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly
known as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 30Aug74;

Vacation days. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
25Jan47; L839. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 30Aug74; R584642.

Slap happy lion. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 28Aug47; L1233. Metro-
Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 3Sep74; R584732.
Glimpses of new Scotland. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 28Aug47;
M2370. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 3Sep74; R584733.

Football thrills. No. 10. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 28Aug47; M2371.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 3Sep74; R584734.

Something in the wind. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 10
reels. © 12Aug47; L1162. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74;

The Vigilantes return. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 8 reels.
© 12Aug47; L1169. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep47; R584815.

Singapore. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 9 reels. ©
12Aug47; L1170. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584816.

Slave girl. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 9 reels. ©
12Aug47; L1341. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584817.

Here’s your answer. By Universal International Pictures, Inc. 1
reel. © 25Jun47; M2180. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74;

Well oiled. By Walter Lantz Productions & Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 19Jun47; M2217. Universal Pictures (PWH);
3Sep74; R584819.

Play and plenty. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. ©
31Jul47; M2224. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584820.

Tropical harmony. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. ©
31Jul47; M2225. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584821.

Brooklyn, U.S.A. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. ©
31Jul47; M2231. Universal Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584822.

Universal newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 51. By Universal Pictures
Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 1Jul47; M2232. Universal Pictures (PWH);
3Sep74; R584823.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 52. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. © 3Jul47; M2233. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584824.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 53. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. © 8Jul47; M2234. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584825.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 54. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 10Jul47; M2235. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584826.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 55. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. © 15Jul47; M2236. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584827.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 56. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 17Jul47; M2265. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584828.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 57. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. © 22Jul47; M2266. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584829.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 58. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 24Jul47; M2267. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584830.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 59. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 29Jul47; M2268. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584831.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 60. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 31Jul47; M2269. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584832.
Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 61. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. © 5Aug47; M2326. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584833.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 62. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 7Aug47; M2327. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584834.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 63. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 12Aug47; M2328. Universal
Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584835.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 64. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 14Aug47; M2329. Universal
Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584836.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 65. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 19Aug47; M2330. Universal
Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584837.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 66. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 21Aug47; M2331. Universal
Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584838.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 67. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. 1 reel. © 26Aug47; M2332. Universal
Pictures (PWH); 3Sep74; R584839.

Universal international newsreel. Vol. 20, no. 68. By Universal
Pictures Company, Inc. © 28Aug47; M2333. Universal Pictures
(PWH); 3Sep74; R584840.

Lured. By Oakmont Pictures, Inc. 103 min. © 5Sep47; L1292. Film
Archives Company (PWH); 6Sep74; R584879.

Paramount news, no. 104. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
27Aug47; M2324. Major News Library (PWH); 6Sep74; R584880.

Paramount news, no. 1. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
30Aug47; M2345. Major News Library (PWH); 6Sep74; R584881.

Paramount news, no. 2. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
3Sep47; M2346. Major News Library (PWH); 6Sep74; R584882.

The Amazing Mister Nordill. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 2Sep47;
L1212. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 6Sep74; R584968.

What d’ya know? By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. (What’s your I.Q.?, no. 14)
© 3Sep47; L1231. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 6Sep74;

Tennis in rhythm. By Loew’s, Inc. 1 reel. © 28Aug47; M2372.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (PWH); 6Sep74; R584970.

Cry wolf. By Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. 10 reels. © 16Aug47;
L1161. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585005.

Deep valley. By Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc. 12 reels. ©
29Aug47; L1181. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74;

Hollywood wonderland. By Vitaphone Corporation. 2 reels. ©
8Aug47; M2253. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74;

Glamour town, By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 8Aug47;
M2254. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585008.
A Pest in the house. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 8Aug47;
M2255. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585009.

Branding irons. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 7Aug47;
M2282. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585010.
Carnival of sports. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 7Aug47;
M2283, United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585011.

The Foxy duckling. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 7Aug47;
M2284. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585012.

Land of romance. By Vitaphone Corporation. 1 reel. © 31Aug47;
M2347. United Artists Television, Inc. (PWH); 5Sep74; R585013.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 294. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 1Aug47; M2315. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585027.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 295. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 6Aug47; M2316. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585028.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 296. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 8Aug47; M2317. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585029.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 297. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 13Aug47; M2318. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585030.
News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 298. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 14Aug47; M2319. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585031.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 299. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 20Aug47; M2365. Hearst Metrotone News, a division
of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585032.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 300. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 22Aug47; M2366. Hearst Metrotone News, a division
of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585033.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 301. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 27Aug47; M2367. Hearst Metrotone News, a division of
the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585034.

News of the day, vol. 18, issue no. 302. By Hearst Metrotone News,
Inc. 1 reel. © 29Aug47; M2368. Hearst Metrotone News, a division
of the Hearst Corporation (PWH); 9Sep74; R585035.

Paramount news, number 4. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
10Sep47; M2353. Major News Library (PWH); 12Sep74; R585382.

Paramount news, no. 3. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
6Sep47; M2352. Major News Library (PWH); 12Sep74; R585383.
I walk alone. By Hal Wallis Productions, Inc. 10 reels. © 29Jul47;
L1116. Paramount Pictures Corporation (PWH); 12Sep74; R585723.

Paramount news. No. 5. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
13Sep47; M2359. Major News Library (PWH); 19Sep74; R585724.

Paramount news. No. 6. By Paramount Pictures, Inc. 1 reel. ©
17Sep47; M2360. Major News Library (PWH); 19Sep74; R585725.

Riders of the Lone Star, By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 6 reels.
© 17Jul47; L1O87. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
13Sep74; R585727.

Keeper of the bees. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
10Jul47; L1088. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 13Sep74;

Down to earth. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 12 reels. ©
17Jul47; L1089. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 13Sep74;

Pacific adventure. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 10 reels. ©
12Jul47; L1090. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 13Sep74;
The Son of Rusty. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels. ©
7Aug47; L1197. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH); 13Sep74;

The Last of the Redmen. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 8
reels. © 15Aug47; L1198. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
13Sep74; R585732.

Smoky River serenade. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 7 reels.
© 21Aug47; L1200. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. (PWH);
13Sep74; R585733.

Double peril. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (The
Vigilante, chap. no. 3) © 5Jun47; L1268. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 20Sep74; R585734.

Desperate flight. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels. (The
Vigilante, chap. no. 4) © 12Jun47; L1280. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 20Sep74; R585735.

In the gorilla’s cage. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(The Vigilante, chap. no. 5) © 19Jun47; L1286. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 20Sep74; R585736.

Battling the unknown. By Columbia Pictures Corporation. 2 reels.
(The Vigilante, chap. no. 6) © 26Jun47; L1297. Columbia Pictures
Industries, Inc. (PWH); 20Sep74; R585737.

Brute force. By Universal Pictures Company, Inc. 10 reels. From a
story by Robert Patterson. © 25Jun47; L1086. Bank of America
National Trust and Savings Association, Martin Gang & Gladys Glad
Hellinger Gottlieb, Trustees of Trust under Will of Mark J. Hellinger,
& Gladys Glad Hellinger (PWH); 20Sep74; R585843.

Six-gun serenade. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
24Feb47; L895. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 20Sep74; R585844.

Valley of fear. By Monogram Pictures Corporation. 6 reels. ©
15Feb47; L909. Allied Artists Pictures Corporation, formerly known
as Monogram Pictures Corporation (PWH); 20Sep74; R585845.

Under the Tonto Rim. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 6 reels. ©
26Jun47; L1145. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 3Sep74; R586033.

Riffraff. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 8 reels. © 28Jun47; L1148.
RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 3Sep74; R586034.

Seven keys to baldpate. By RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. 7 reels. ©
16Jul47; L1175. RKO General, Inc. (PWH); 3Sep74; R586035.

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