The Blast of Light and Mercy and Four Types of Hedges

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Part One
A Blast of Light
Isaiah 37:7, "Behold, I will send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a
rumor, and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the
sword in his own land.”
My blast is my thoughts. When my blast is sent, it is a light of
yearning and it is a desire to believe and to hear. It is a mind that I
open to receive, and in my blast of yearning I can make a man believe
truth or rumor, and man will do as my blast of yearning desires. I do
not remove choice but a blast of light opens the mind of men to
believe that which I desire them to believe. My blast is my breath
that comes from my throne, so with my blast I give my thoughts unto
men. my blast sent is my breath of power which influences both
thought and conduct. the hedge of thorns and the blast of light It
does not remove free will but it does influence thought and behavior.
I desire you to enter into a time of fasting and prayer for our blast of
light and mercy to be sent, but it is much deeper and far more
powerful for Father desires you to seek our blast of light to come
upon your nation to turn hearts unto me and to also have power in
the days before you.”


Proverbs 21:6, "The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a vanity
tossed to and fro of them that seek death.”
Psalms 16:3, "But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the
excellent, in whom is all my delight.”
1 Peter 2:11, "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and
pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.”

To have us move when you seek a blast of light, you must be

righteous. All of your words must be pure and true. This is the first
step in being in right standing to request a blast of light from heaven,
your words must be pure and your motives must be pure. Secondly,
you must be a man whom we delight in. unto you we have already
given the power to bind in heaven that which you bind on
earth. Thirdly, you must be pure and you must only seek a change in
someone that is of the light and of our will. A blast will not be sent to
lead someone unto sin or evil. There is great power in prayers that
move us, and to send a blast of light and mercy you must be nigh and
you must have righteous desires. Father shall give you words to help
you to see.”
A Blast of My Will

the power of a blast from heaven is a great power, for a blast of

light and mercy is the very breath of heaven, and my wisdom is
within my breath so when I send a breath of light unto a man, it
does affect thought and behavior. The evil ones whisper unto you to
affect your thoughts, and they desire their words to lead you to
actions they desire, but whispered words are not as a blast from
heaven. Whispered words are as thought, but whispered words do
not affect behavior unless you choose to allow their words to lead you
unto evil. You have choice over all sin so a blast or a whispered word
does not make men to sin. You see in the story recorded that the King
of Assyria did not depart immediately but he did believe a rumor, and
once I destroyed his army, he left and he did die by the sword. The
power of my blast can result in immediate action, or it may take some
time, but never will it be a delayed time for the power of my blast is
great power. I give you verses of my desire.
Psalms 129:6-7, "Let them be as the grass upon the housetops, which
withers afore it grows up: (7) Wherewith the mower fills not his
hand; nor he that binds sheaves his bosom.”
My blast of light is my spirit; it is my thoughts and desires that
I place within a man or woman to move them. A blast dries up
the root of resolve and causes men to think the desires my blast gave
to them and my blast removes the root. The root may be a philosophy,
a set course, or literally in a location. A blast from heavenly light
and mercy can cause men to seek a new course and it can literally
cause them to move to a new place. My blast is sent to cause change
in thought and behavior. It is the blast of light and mercy but it is the
blast of my will for I only send a blast from heaven when what is
sought by my people is of our will and desire.”

A hedge of thorns prevents ;and a hedge of thorns works to lead a
lost one home. Let the power of these words help you to use the
power found in what is known as a hedge of thorns.”
"I (Hosae), welcome you and I am pleased that you have come to
receive words of me. In my life the Lord has used me to do his work
and he has taught me many lessons. What I share with you this day
is the power to hedge up the way and make a wall around
someone who leaves their chosen path. It is a hedge rooted in
love and it is the power to change hearts and change lives. I
used this power upon my wife and I have taught this lesson unto
others. There are laws of heavenly light that the eyes of flesh
most often do not see and the hedge of thorns is a power of
heaven. It is the power to bind and the power to loose so it is a
power available only unto those who walk the true paths of the Lord.
This is the first step my friends, you must be in right standing, and
you must walk the clear paths of the Lord to have power to bind upon
earth what you seek bound in heaven. You must be connected unto
the person you pray the hedge for. It will not work on strangers not
known of you. It must be rooted in love for the Lord will not use
the power of heaven to aid that which is rooted in greed or envy.
The power of the hedge of thorns is that the Lord God will
fence up the way of a man or a woman so that they will not find
the path of their desire and he shall turn their hearts unto the
path of his desire. This is another lesson my friends. You cannot
bind up that which is against the will of heaven, so you must seek the
Lord’s will. If one is upon the broken path, it may be the Lord’s will
for a season. The Lord God can hedge someone in by his power so
that he can shape their heart. The hedge of thorns must be
spoken in prayer and it must be a constant word. You pray and
pray and you cry out unto the Lord to place his hedge of thorns to
cause one to lose their way so that they will seek the new paths of the
Lord. The power to bind affects relationships for one hedged in by
the Lord shall lose the favor of those not walking in the desire of the
Lord. This is also a key of understanding. You cannot hedge in two
people or multiple people who walk in the light of the Lord. This
power is only unto those who have left the desire of the Lord to walk
a path of their own choosing. Pray before you seek the Lord God to
hedge the path of another, and if it be his will, you shall see hearts
turn unto the Lord.


The hedge is only for individuals whereas the blast of light can be
unto groups both small and great. The principles are similar but with
the hedge you must be connected to the person and with my blast of
light you do not have to be connected.

Hosea 2:6-7, "Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns,
and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths. (7) And she shall
follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall
seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and
return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.”
The hedge of thorns is a wall that prevents while the blast of light is
the power to change thoughts and behavior. The hedge will change
situations, and does change hearts, but the blast has more power for
when behavior is changed, there can be lasting change. Both are
rooted in love and mercy. The hedge is only for those not walking in
the light of my desire but the blast of light can be sent unto one of
the light who follows that which you know is not right. It must be
rooted in truth revealed and not in the opinions of man.
1. Points about "A Hedge of Thorns”
The hedge of thorns is based upon Hosea 2:6-7
Hosea 2:6-7, "Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns,
and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths. (7) And she shall
follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them; and she shall
seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and
return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now.”
· A hedge of thorns prevents and works to lead a lost one home.
· Is the power to hedge up the way and make a wall around someone
who leaves the path of the Lord.
· The hedge of thorns is rooted in love and it is the power to change
hearts and lives.
· The power of the hedge of thorns is power only available to
· There are five steps to seeking the power of the hedge of thorns. 1.
You must be in right standing and you must walk the clear paths of
the Lord, so only one walking in the light has the standing to pray
this prayer. 2. The person seeking the Lord to place a hedge of
thorns around someone must be connected unto one of the people
you pray the hedge for; this will not work on someone who is a
stranger. 3. Your request must be rooted in love. 4. The power of
the hedge of thorns is that it will change a person’s path and their
desires will be frustrated so that they will turn their heart back to
the Lord, so you can not bind that which is against the Lord’s will,
so you must seek the Lord’s will before seeking the hedge of
thorns. 5. The request must be spoken in prayer and must be
ongoing; this is not a single prayer but something that you
must pray through.
· With this prayer you are seeking God to cause the person to lose
their way, their direction so that they will seek God once more.
· Involves relationships, and the person or persons who are
influencing the person you are praying for will lose interest.
· The hedge of thorns will not be placed upon Christians who are
walking in the light of heaven. You cannot hedge in two people or
multiple people who walk in the light of the Lord. Is only unto
those who have left the desire of the Lord to walk a path of their
own choosing.
2. Points about A Blast of Light and Mercy
These are some of the key points from the messages, "Blast of Light,”
"Right Standing,” "A Blast of My Will,” and A Hedge and a Blast.”
The verse given for the blast of light is Isaiah 37:7, "Behold, I will
send a blast upon him, and he shall hear a rumor, and return to his
own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land.”
· A blast of light and mercy can only be sent by the Lord God or the
Lord Jesus. The blast is their thoughts that are placed within
someone and is sent as a light of yearning and it is a desire to
believe and to hear.
· God opens a person’s mind to believe that which God desires them
to believe. He opens their mind to receive, and in his blast of
yearning he can make men believe truth or rumor, and the person
will do as God’s blast of yearning desires.
· With his blast of light and mercy God does not remove free choice,
but a blast of light opens the mind of men to believe that which he
desires them to believe.
· The blast of light and mercy influences both thought and behavior
so it is a tool of very great power.
· As with the hedge of thorns, you must be in right standing, "To have
us move when you seek a blast of light, you must be righteous,” so
we must be people of truth and purity to use the great power of
the blast of light and mercy.
There are three steps or requirements for seeking a blast of light and
mercy from the Lord. 1. You must be in right standing to even
request a blast of light; your words must be pure and your motives
must be pure. 2. You must be a person that the Lord delights in, and
the Lord delights in the just and upright. 3. You must be pure, and
you must only seek a change in someone that is of the light, and your
request must be of the Lord’s will. This does not mean that the
person you want the blast · of light to be sent unto has to be of the
light, it means that the change you seek must be one of light and of
the will of the Lord. This is important, the person that you seek the
blast of light to come upon does not have to be a Christian, but the
change you seek must be of the light and of the will of the Lord.
· A blast of light will never be sent to lead someone upon a path of
evil or to sin.
· Our position in the light affects the power of our prayers, and for
the blast of light we must be nigh unto the Lord. "There is great
power in prayers that move us, and to send a blast of light and
mercy you must be nigh and you must have righteous desires.”
· The blast of light and mercy are to be requested in prayer.
· Whispered words are not the same as a blast of light; evil whispers
place thoughts within but do not affect conduct; all sin is a choice,
and a blast affects thought and conduct, and a blast of light never
leads to sin.
· A blast is sent by God and will be sent if he desires and will be sent
when he desires, but once sent a blast of light and mercy will
result in immediate action or action within a short period of time
for his blast is great power.
· The blast of light and mercy is of God’s breath and spirit, it is his
thoughts placed within men to move them. Job 4:9 "By the blast of
God they perish, and by the breath of his nostrils are they
consumed.” The word ‘perish’ in this verse means, ‘to wander
away, to lose oneself, to be undone.’ His blast influences thought
and behavior. The word ‘consumed’ means, ‘to bring to pass, to
end, complete, prepare, to accomplish. Therefore this verse can be
rendered in this way, "By the blast of God they lose themselves and
become undone, and by the breath of his nostrils are they
prepared, and his will is accomplished and brought to pass.”
· A blast dries up the root of resolve and causes men to think the
desires that the blast of the Lord gives unto them and his blast
removes the root. The Lord explained that the root may be a
philosophy, a set course, or location.
· A blast from heavenly light and mercy can cause men to seek a new
course and it can literally cause them to move to a new place.
· The purpose of the blast of light and mercy is to cause change in
thought and behavior, so this needs to be considered in our
· We must seek their will. "It is the blast of light and mercy, but it is
the blast of my will for I or my Son only send a blast from heaven
when what is sought by my people is of our will and desire.”
3. Differences/Similarities Between The Hedge of Thorns and the
Blast of Light and Mercy
· The hedge of thorns normally involves two people and is primarily
placed around one person, but others will lose interest, whereas
the blast of light can be unto groups large or small.
· You do not have to be connected to someone to seek a blast of light
and mercy but with the hedge of thorns you must be connected to
at least one person.
· The blast of light will never be sent to lead someone to sin, with the
hedge of thorns and blast of light your desire is to bring about
changes of light that are of the will of God.
· The hedge of thorns prevents and a hedge works to lead a lost one
home. The blast of light is the power to change thoughts and
· The hedge of thorns is not as powerful for the blast of light is the
power to change thoughts and behavior.
· Both must be rooted in love and mercy.
· Only Christians in right standing can pray for a hedge of thorns or a
blast of light and mercy.
· You can not pray a hedge of thorns around a Christian walking in
the light for the hedge only works on those who have left the
desire of the Lord to follow a path of their own choosing.
· The hedge is only for those not walking in the light of God’s desire,
but the blast of light can be sent unto those not of the light and
unto those of the light when that person follows that which you
know is not right. It must be rooted in truth revealed and not in the
opinions of man.


Part Two
Thus far we have examined the hedge of thorns and the blast of light
and mercy. In part two I will examine the hedge of protection and the
hedge of light, and in part three I will examine the hedge of
deliverance and how they all work together.
My Hedge

My blast of light and mercy is great power but my truth must be

accepted and obeyed.
Job 3:23, "Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom
God hath hedged in?”
I can hedge up a man but my hedge is not like Hosea’s hedge of
thorns, of this we shall teach you.”
A Hedge of Light
the blast of light and mercy. the power of our blast of light, you
must learn the hedge and blast of light can be joined.
Job 3:23, "Why is light given to a man whose way is hid, and
whom God hath hedged in?”
Lamentations 3:7, "He hath hedged me about, that I cannot
get out: he hath made my chain heavy.”
Job 1:10, "Have you not made a hedge about him, and about his
house, and about all that he hath on every side? You hast blessed the
work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.”
The words spoken by Job reveal a truth that Father desire you to
understand. To understand verse 23 of Job 3 you must read verses
Job 3:20-23, "Wherefore is light given to him that is in misery,
and life unto the bitter in soul; (21) Which long for death, but
it comes not; and dig for it more than for hid treasures; (22)
Which rejoice exceedingly, and are glad, when they can find
the grave? (23) Why is light given to a man whose way is hid,
and whom God hath hedged in?”
Job was despondent and full of sorrow. A hedge of protection was all
around him and he was beneath our shield, yet he became filled with
sorrow when the days of trouble came upon him. He sought death
and he spoke words that reflected his grief and sorrow and put forth
that it would have been better for him if he would not have been
born. His words are about light being given unto a man who is
surrounded by grief and sorrow, why does life continue when a man
seeks death, these were his thoughts and words. But there is a truth
in his words that reveals a third hedge. In Job 1:10 the words of
Satan are recorded and his words are accurate, for there was a
hedge of protection and blessing around Job and around his family
and around all that he had. We blessed his life and his family, and we
blessed all that his hand touched, and he was increased with goods
and our blessings upon him were great. He was shut in on every
side by our hedge of protection, love and blessings. Satan and
his evil ones could not penetrate the hedge of protection that was all
about Job and all that he possessed. Once the hedge of our protection
was removed, Job cursed the day he was born and desired death but
our hedge was about him. Words have been given about the hedge of
thorns prayed by our servant Hosea, and it is the second hedge.
The third hedge is what Job spoke of in Job 3:23. It is a hedge of light
where life is preserved even though trials are still present. It is a
hedge of restraint, a hedge to hold a man in the place of our choosing
so that he can be molded and shaped according to our will. This is
seen in understanding the verse given in Lamentations 3:7. This
verse means that he was hedged in by a wall all around him. The
hedge can be circumstances or trials that seem insurmountable. To
get out means to go forth so his plight was such that he felt trapped
in a pit of sorrow and a man captive on every side. The heavy chain
means a heavy burden that as a chain that is a heavy fetter. The third
type of hedge is a hedge that binds a man in the place of our
choosing where we will not allow him to be moved so that we can
shape and mold him to teach unto him lessons that he would learn no
other way. It is a hedge of light for light is given, and it is a hedge by
our will and by our hand.
The concept of the hedge of protection is one that we were made
aware of years ago and I will discuss it prior to discussing a third
hedge that was revealed in these messages. The hedge of protection
is found in Job 1:10, but we will also examine the previous verses.
Job 1:8-10, "And the Lord said unto Satan, Have you considered my
servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an
upright man, one that fears God, and eschews evil? (9) Then Satan
answered the Lord, and said, Does Job fear God for naught? (10)
Have not you made an hedge about him, and about his house, and
about all that he hath on every side? You have blessed the work of his
hands, and his substance is increased in the land.”
The hedge of protection is great power and is placed by prayer
and can be placed around yourself, your family and all that you
posses. It is a complete hedge that encircles you, your family
and your possessions. When in place it can not be penetrated
by Satan or his demons for we know that Satan could only touch
Job, his family and his possessions after the Lord removed his hedge
of protection and blessings.
1. Points about "A Hedge of Light
· A hedge of light is defined in the message as, "A hedge that binds a
man in the place of our choosing where we will not allow him to be
moved so that we can shape and mold him to teach unto him
lessons that he would learn no other way.”
· The hedge of light and the blast of light can be joined and more will
be given on this concept.
· The truth of the third type of hedge is revealed in Job 3: 23, "Why is
light given to a man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged
in?” The word ‘hedge’ means, "To entwine, to fence in, cover over,
protect, defend, to block or to overshadow.” The word ‘hid’ in this
verse means, "to hide by covering, conceal or to hide carefully.”
· Jesus explains that this hedge, "is a hedge of light where life is
preserved even though trials are still present. It is a hedge of
restraint, a hedge to hold a man in the place of our choosing so
that he can be molded and shaped according to our will.”
· More is given in Lamentations 3:7, "He hath hedged me about, that
I cannot get out: he hath made my chain heavy.” The hedge of light
keeps a man in the place of God’s choosing and can involve
circumstances or trials that seem insurmountable. The words ‘get
out’ in this verse mean "to go forth.”
· God can place trials and heavy burdens upon one that is held in the
place of his desire by his hedge of light. It is a hedge of light and is
placed by God’s will and God’s hand.
"I am the Lord God Almighty and I bless you this day with words of
power my words of truth shall take you deeper in your
understanding of our hedge of light. You see how it serves a different
purpose than the hedge of protection and blessings and the hedge of
thorns. The hedge of light can be a wall to keep a man or woman in
the place of our choosing, and there can be trials and sorrows all
around them but our hedge of light is not always associated with
trials or sorrow. Our hedge of light is not limited to men or women
who have lost their way for Job was a most righteous man, but we
placed our hedge of light around him to mold him and to reveal unto
him his weakness. Therefore, our hedge of light is for molding and
revealing. Job was a righteous man, but he was filled with pride so I
allowed trial and great sorrow to come upon him, but it was not the
loss of his family and possessions that changed him; those events
only prepared him for my hedge of light. In his sorrow and in his self-
pity I hedged him in and kept him in the place where he pondered life
and he pondered my ways. I kept him fenced in so that in the place of
my choosing I was able to mold him and give revelation and
understanding unto him. The hedge of light can be for a righteous
man who has left my ways, but it can also be unto a man or woman
who is walking in light but has a barrier that is preventing them from
my fullness.
Job 12:9-14, "Who knows not in all these that the hand of the
Lord has wrought this? (10) In whose hand is the soul of
every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. (11) Does
not the ear try words and the mouth taste his meat? (12)
With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days
understanding. (13) With him is wisdom and strength, he has
counsel and understanding. (14) Behold, he breaks down, and
it cannot be built again: he shuts up a man, and there can be
no opening.”
All life is of me and all life is held in my hand. Man is of my spirit,
my light, and my breath so all life is mine for I have absolute power
over all men and women, and I can hedge up and I can break down
that it not be built again and I can shut up a man and there will be no
opening without my will. It is a hedge of light with no opening that I
can place around one who I desire to mold and shape into that which
is of my desire. I give you another verse to give you more
Job 11:10, "If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then
who can hinder him?”
My hedge of light is the power to keep a man or woman in the place
of my desire so that I can mold them and shape them and give
revelation unto them. Wisdom is in me and there are times when I
must hedge in a man to show him my light and my power.
2. Points about "A Hedge to Bring Forth”
· The hedge of light can be a wall to keep a man or woman in the
place of the Lord’s choosing, and there can be trials and sorrows
all around them, but their hedge of light is not always associated
with trials or with sorrow.
· Is not only for those who have lost their way, is also unto the
· The hedge of light is for molding and revealing.
· Job’s trials did not change him, they prepared him for the hedge of
light, and it was within the hedge of light that changes occurred.
· The hedge of light keeps men in the place of God’s choosing and
there they ponder life and ponder the ways of God.
· The Lord keeps a person in the hedge of light until he decides to
release them.
· It can be sent unto a righteous man who has left the ways of the
Lord, but it can also be sent unto a man or woman who is walking
in the light but has a barrier that prevents them from the fullness
of the Lord.
· God is in charge of all men and holds all life in his hands.
· The hedge of light is a hedge with no opening and is used to shape
and mold, or to give wisdom and revelation.
· There are times when God will use his hedge of light to show
someone his light and his power.


the power of our hedge of light. It is a hedge to keep men in the
place of our choosing so that we can mold them and teach them so
that they will see and understand. It may be to reveal barriers which
prevent or to bring forth a lasting change deep within. The hedge of
light and the blast of light and mercy can be joined. The hedge of
light does not always bring trials and sorrow for all men learn from
us in different ways, but there are times when sorrow and despair
will prepare hearts more than prosperity and joy.
Job 19:6-8, "Know now that God has overthrown me, and has
compassed me with his net. (7) Behold, I cry out of wrong, but I am
not heard: I cry aloud, but there is no judgment. (8) He has fenced
up my way that I cannot pass, and he hath set darkness in my paths.”
Lamentations 3:5-7, "He has built against me, and compassed me
with gall and travail. (6) He has set me in dark places, as they that
be dead of old. (7) He has hedged me about, that I cannot get out: he
has made my chain heavy.”
Job 12:14, "Behold, he breaks down, and it cannot be built again: he
shuts up a man, and there can be no opening.”
Lamentations 3:53, "They have cut off my life in the dungeon, and
cast a stone upon me.”
My people, do not fear our hedge of light for it is the power to shape
and mold hearts, to reveal truth and barriers and to bring forth
lasting change so that a man can go forth with great power and light.
Job was blessed with more treasures from heaven after the hedge of
light was upon him than before his time of trial. Do not fear for it is
rare for a man to be tested as Job was tested. The hedge of light is a
hedge of love and mercy. There are times when we must make people
stay in the place of our desire so we fence up their way with a hedge
of light so that we can mold them and reveal unto them what we
desire them to see and understand. The hedge of light is not to
punish, it is to help men and women reach a place of brokenness.
Some will not be broken without great adversity, but the purpose of
our hedge of light is to lead men unto brokenness so that they will go
forth in newness.
The hedge of light binds a man or woman in the place of our
choosing, and we do not allow him to be moved so that we can break
him so that he can be molded and taught. In Job 19: 6-8 you see that
Job felt overthrown and that he was caught in a net. He was prepared
for brokenness, but his pride was a stubborn pride, and it took
anguish and sorrow to break him so that he could go forth in
awareness, understanding and wisdom. Lamentations 3: 5-7 reveals
great sorrow and the words of Jeremiah are words of great
lamenting. The plight of Jerusalem and Israel was a great sorrow
upon my people, but there are times when only sorrow will break the
pride of a stubborn heart. The dark places mentioned are due to
sadness not due to evil. Our hedge of light does not lead men unto
darkness, but it can bring travail and sadness unto them. When the
hedge of light is placed upon a man, he cannot get out, there is no
escape from our hedge of light until we open the way. This is seen in
Job 12:14 and Lamentations 3:53. The hedge of light is as a fence or
net, and it can be as a wall, or as a dungeon where a rock is placed
over the opening, and he that is captive cannot move the stone, and
there is no escape until we open the way.
My people see the power of our hedge of protection and of our
hedge of thorns, but our hedge of light is still not clear. Can the
hedge of light be requested in prayer to be sent unto another or even
unto yourself? If your request is granted, will there be death,
sickness or sorrow brought upon others? You have questions and
truth shall be made clear. There is great power in our hedge of light
and we do place them upon men. It is always by our hand and our
will, but you can seek our hedge of light.
3. Points about "A Hedge of Light”
The Lord revealed a truth found in Jeremiah 38:6, which helps to
understand the hedge of light. "Then took they Jeremiah, and cast
him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, that was in
the court of the prison: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in
the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the
mire.” The hedge of light is like being in a deep well with a rock over
the opening, and there is no escape until the Lord releases you. God
keeps you in the place of his choosing to shape · and mold you if his
hedge of light is around you.
· We are not to fear God’s hedge of light for it is a hedge of love and
· The hedge of light is not to punish, it is to help men and women
reach a place of brokenness.
· The hedge of light will never lead men to darkness, but it can bring
travail and sadness upon them.
· When in place, you can not get out until God opens the way.
Our hedge of light is great power for it hedges up a man so that he
cannot escape, and while in our hedge, he will be broken and truth
will be revealed, and he will go forth and shall be forever changed.
All will be made clear for the hedge of light is a tool of great power
but it is a not a tool that can be used foolishly, for the hedge of light
is only placed upon men by our will and by our hand. It is a tool of
great power,
Job 42:1-6, "Then Job answered the Lord, and said, (2) I know that
you can do everything, and that no thought can be withheld from
you. (3) Who is he that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore
have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me,
which I knew not. (4) Hear, I beseech you, and I will speak: I will
demand of you, and declare you unto me. (5) I have heard of you by
the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye sees you. (6) Wherefore I
abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”
Our hedge of protection shielded Job and his family, and Job was
righteous above all upon the earth, but I removed my hand so that he
would learn of me and also so that his life would be a testimony unto
others. Our hedge of protection never left Job for our hedge of light
protects from death but does allow trials and sorrow if needed. Our
hedge of light is not sent unto all men, but there are times when it is
needed to teach, and mold and to reveal so that lasting change can
occur. Let there be no confusion in your hearts or minds my people,
our hedge of light is not a sword to send upon your enemy, it is a
hedge of light and mercy that rescues and saves and makes perfect.
It is only sent upon men and women by our will and it is not always a
path of sorrow, but it will always bring forth lasting change.
Job 33:26-30, "He shall pray unto God, and he will be favorable unto
him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man
his righteousness. (27) He looks upon men, and if any say, I have
sinned, and perverted that which was right, and it profited me not;
(28) He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall
see the light. (29) Lo, all these things works God oftentimes with
man, (30) To bring back his soul from the pit, to be enlightened with
the light of the living.”
Read verses 14-30 to see the fullness of the words of Elihu. We work
in the lives of all men but some are destined for a purpose first
established, and I work with them to bring forth their soul from the
pit. The hedge of light is a hedge to enlighten and to bring forth
lasting change. I have given you words to reflect upon, but all we
have given is but a glimpse, but truth is revealed and more truth
shall be made clear unto you. Our hedge of light can be joined with
our blast of light and mercy and this is a tool of great power. Go
deeper, go deeper, for my mysteries wait and truth is held in store for
4. Points about "A Hedge to Enlighten and Change”
· The hedge of light hedges up a man so that he cannot escape, and
while in the hedge he will be broken, and truth will be revealed,
and he will go forth and shall be changed forever.
· God’s hedge of protection never left Job for his hedge of light
protects from death but does allow trials and sorrow if needed.
The hedge of light is not sent unto all men, but there are times
when it is needed to teach, and mold and to reveal so that lasting
change can occur.
· It is not a sword to send upon an enemy, it is a hedge of light and
mercy that rescues, and saves and makes perfect.
· The hedge of light is sent by the will of God and does not always
involve a path of sorrow, but the hedge of light will always bring
forth lasting change!
· Can be joined with the blast of light and mercy.


The final part of the truth being revealed unto us involves the fourth
type of hedge which is a Hedge of Deliverance. The final messages
given also help us to understand how the hedges and the blast of
light and mercy work together to form great power. The next two
messages, "Woe unto Thee” and "A Hedge of Deliverance” were both
discussed in a sermon I presented on October 27, 2012 and an audio
copy is available upon request, so I am not going to offer any further
comments on these two messages.
Woe unto Thee
Ezekiel 16:20-23, "Moreover you have taken your sons and your
daughters, whom you have born unto me, and these have you
sacrificed unto them to be devoured. Is this of your whoredoms a
small matter, (21) that you have slain my children, and delivered
them to cause them to pass through the fire for them? (22) And in
all your abominations and your whoredoms you have not remembered
the days of your youth, when you were naked and bare, and were
polluted in your blood. (23) And it came to pass after all your
wickedness, woe, woe unto thee! saith the Lord God.”
Psalms 69:6-9, "Let not them that wait on you, O Lord God of hosts,
be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek you be confounded
for my sake, O God of Israel. (7) Because for your sake I have borne
reproach; shame has covered my face. (8) I am become a stranger
unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children. (9) For
the zeal of your house has eaten me up; and the reproaches of them
that reproached you are fallen upon me.”
Acts 6:3-4,7, "Wherefore, brethren, look you out among you seven
men of honest report, full of the holy spirit and wisdom, whom we
may appoint over this business. (4) But we will give ourselves
continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. (7) And the
word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in
Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient
to the faith.”
The fourth hedge is a hedge that shall come by our hand and
by the works and prayers of my people. It is a hedge of
deliverance and it is a hedge that righteous men and women
must seek and my people must stand in the gap before me for
the land that I should have mercy and not destroy it. You must
make up the hedge, and you must stand in the gap,
Woe unto thee you people that walk in darkness, and woe unto my
people and my servants if you do not make up the hedge and
stand in the gap before me. Righteous men and women shall rise
up in all nations and our hedge of deliverance shall be upon
multitudes, but it is the righteous who seek our hedge of deliverance
and it is the righteous who stand in the gap. I speak unto you about
your nation for I know your heart and your heart mourns for the sins
and abominations of your people, and your heart yearns for our
mercy and salvation to fall like rain upon you. Your nation was
formed in truth and there were people who stood for light and truth
but your nation today does not remember your beginnings. your
heart is saddened by the sins and abominations of your people so you
must stand in the gap and you must make up the hedge of
deliverance for your nation. The hedge of deliverance must be
sought, but it is sought in prayer and built in love. You must
pray for mercy and deliverance for your land, but you must
also stand in the gap for all my little ones who come and you
must be a shepherd who is willing to lay down his life for my
Your nation has left my ways and they shall be broken without
remedy, but you must seek to save as many as you are able by making
up my hedge and standing in the gap. Evil presides over your nation
so you must cry aloud for mercy, and you must be an unwavering
shield and light of hope, love and mercy. Abomination and evil grows
in your nation and my wrath shall come upon your land. Your nation
has slain my children and has led the living unto the paths of evil.
Woe, woe unto thee all you workers of iniquity. Your nation shall be
broken without remedy, but in the days of our harvest of mercy many
shall be saved, but you must stand in the gap. Those who love the
darkness hate those who stand for light and truth, but the greatest
hatred is unto those who will not waver in their convictions rooted in
light and truth. Evil hates the light but it seeks to destroy light
that will not waver. Those who make up our hedge and stand in the
gap shall bear the hatred and reproach of those who walk in muted
light and in darkness. My hedge of deliverance is a hedge of light
that is of the spiritual realm and it is a hedge of protection but it can
also be as a hedge of light. I will place my hedge upon those who
shall be saved, but my people must stand as a hedge against
oppression, darkness and evil. You stand for light every time
you stand without wavering. Let your words and actions be of
the light and stand in the gap before me and lift up your nation
in prayer.
Those who make up my hedge and those who stand in the gap
shall be as strangers unto your friends and countrymen, and
you shall be shunned and hated by brothers and sisters, children
and parents. To stand you must place your trust and hope in me.
Our hedge of deliverance is not as the hedge of light, or of thorns, or
of protection for they are complete without opening. The hedge of
deliverance is as the sheepfold and it has a gap so that new sheep
can go in, but my servants must stand before me and pray for those
called and chosen and also pray for more to be rescued and saved.
Men filled with our spirit and wisdom were anointed to be a hedge
around my people so that my apostles could stand in the gap and go
forth unto the harvest, and my church grew. All must pray, and all
must make up the hedge, and all must shield and all must stand in
the gap, but my servants are the ones who must be the shepherds,
and you must be the voice that goes forth unto all the earth. Woe
unto thee my shepherds and my people if you do not seek to
save the lost, and woe unto those who work abominations in
my sight. Father shall now give you more to help you.”

There is great power in our blast of light and mercy and there is
great power in the four hedges revealed in our Word. Salvation is the
inheritance of our saints and this is the message that shall be
declared unto all the earth. My people must send forth the gospel of
salvation as seen in the spiritual inheritance of my Son and the
covenant blessings available unto all who believe in his name and
unto all who obey our word and our commands. You must make up
our hedge of deliverance and you must stand in the gap. The hedge of
protection, the hedge of thorns, the hedge of light, and the blast of
light and mercy are all tools to be used to make up our hedge of
deliverance, for deliverance is the purpose of all four hedges and of
the blast of light, deliverance and salvation is the harvest of mercy.
Ezekiel 13:3-5, "Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish
prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! (4) O
Israel, your prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. (5) You have
not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house
of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.”
You must stand in the gap and my people must make up the hedge for
your nation and for the nations of the earth.
Ezekiel 22:29-31, "The people of the land have used oppression, and
exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they
have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. (30) And I sought for a man
among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap
before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.
(31) Therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them; I have
consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I
recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord God.”
Your nation has oppressed the poor, and you have murdered the
innocent and have vexed the poor and needy, and I shall break your
nation without remedy, but I am the God of mercy and I desire my
people to make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me. My
ears are open unto my people and I shall hear your prayers of
mercy and your cries for deliverance. Be as Moses, and stand
before me in the gap for you are my anointed and the promise
of Jeremiah 33:3, is unto you and unto you have I given the
power to bind and loose, to curse and to bless. A hedge of
deliverance must be sought and you must stand fast in the


Matthew 12:29, "Or else how can one enter into a strong man's
house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man and
then he will spoil his house?”
Matthew 17:19-21, "Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and
said, why could not we cast him out? (20) And Jesus said unto them,
Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, if you have faith as
a grain of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove
hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be
impossible unto you. (21) Howbeit this kind goes not out but by
prayer and fasting.”
Psalms 67:6-7, "Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God,
even our own God, shall bless us. (7) God shall bless us; and all the
ends of the earth shall fear him.”
"I am the Lord Jesus, your Messiah and gentle shepherd. I bless you
this day with words held in store for you. To win victory in the lives of
those deeply rooted in darkness there are times when you must first
bind the strongman to spoil his house. Satan and his demons bind
many people unto chains of darkness and oppression and keep many
upon the path of sin, for the evil ones need the breath of men trapped
in muted light and darkness. Some demons are only cast out by the
power of my name when spoken by people deep in the light. The
reason that prayer and fasting are needed is due to your position in
the light. You cannot set others free if you yourself are still captive.
As I instructed you in the message given on digging a well, you must
at times bind the evil ones before you can win victory in the lives of
others. So many upon the earth are held captive, and there is power
in prayer and in our hedges of the spirit and in our blast of light and
mercy, but there are times when you must first bind the evil ones who
have hold over men. If men do not leave the path of evil it is hard to
bring them into the light of heaven. You must first bind the
strongman to be able to use the power of light. Once the strongman
is gone, your prayers, words, and actions will penetrate the darkness
that is within the hearts of many. All demons are warrior angels but
not all are the same in power. As with men, some are more powerful
than others. I gave you the verses on belief and on prayer and fasting
for binding an evil one who is strong requires the power of light.
Binding is not the same as casting out. Binding the evil ones is
similar to hedging up the path of a man. Some are not easily bound
so you need the power of our presence, and this grows in fasting and
prayer, and you need the power of belief and the power of my name.
Most demons are not cast forth from a distance and you must be
present so they can hear you speak my name, but you can bind some
evil ones through prayers of light without being in the presence of
the one you are seeking to rescue. You seek to remove the evil spirit
unto a new place and to bind them to prevent them from returning.
Binding only works when the evil ones are oppressing the ones you
seek to rescue. If a man or woman is possessed by a demon, or
demons, they must be cast forth by the power of my name and you
need to be nigh unto the one you seek to rescue. Spirits of oppression
are demons who enter in at times but do not remain, or they simply
stay nigh and whisper and discourage or lead unto evil. You can bind
them with prayer so that they will stay away from those who need to
be rescued, but as was given, some men return unto the pattern of
sin even when the evil ones are not nigh so you must hedge up their
way. I gave you the verses in Psalms 67 to show you the power of
blessings built upon praise. Verse 5 deals with praise, and you grow
stronger in praise but our blessings are given out of love and mercy.
Psalms 67:5, "Let the people praise you, O God; let all the people
praise you.” It is time to yield increase in the harvest of mercy so you
must go forth in light and use the tools given. If behavior seems to
not change in the lives of others you need to first bind the strongman
who guards their house. If the evil is within, then to bind you must
first cast them out. Believe and have faith and nothing shall be
impossible unto you.
1. Points about "To Bind the Strongman”
· The strongman refers to Satan or one of his evil demons. There are
times when we must bind the evil that holds someone captive in
order to set them free.
· Jesus refers to the message entitled, "To Dig a Well” and it is at the
end of the article and it also makes reference to the blast of light.
· Lasting change is much more difficult when the chains that bind
someone are still upon them so the strongman at times must be
bound or cast forth.
· Once the strongman is gone, our prayers, words, and actions will
penetrate the darkness that is within the hearts of many.
· Binding is not the same as casting out. Binding the evil ones is
similar to hedging up the path of a man. Some are not easily bound
so you need the power of the presence of God and Jesus and this
grows in fasting and prayer, and we need the power of belief and
the power of Jesus’s name.
· To cast out a demon normally requires you to be present with the
one being afflicted by the demon, but some demons can be bound
through prayers of light without being in the presence of the one
who needs to be rescued.
· Binding only works when the evil ones are oppressing the ones we
seek to rescue. If a man or woman is possessed by a demon, or
demons, they must be cast forth by the power of Jesus’ name and
we need to be nigh unto the one we seek to rescue.


"I am the Lord God Almighty and I bless you with heavenly words
held in store. You see how that you must at times bind the strongman
of the house, but if the strongman will not leave, then you must first
cast him out and then bind him to prevent his return. Even when the
strongman is bound, some men will stay upon the path of sin so you
must hedge up their way to help them to bring forth lasting change.
Spirits of oppression only come and stay nigh when a pattern of sin
exists so you must break the pattern to keep the evil ones from
returning. Sin opens the door and patterns of sin make the
hearts of men easy prey unto the evil ones. I give you verses to
guide you.
Romans 16:19-20, "For your obedience is come abroad unto all men.
I am glad therefore on your behalf: but yet I would have you wise
unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil. (20) And the
God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”
To help men find a path unto innocence you must be innocent of sin
and evil. Be wise in that which is good and be simple concerning evil.
Stay in light and walk in holiness for in our presence you shall bruise
Satan and his evil ones and you shall have power to cast out and to
bind. You must seek to be holy for it is holiness and light that
gives you the power to call on Jesus’s name, for it is by his name
that the strongman is either bound or cast forth. I shall give you more
so that you will be ready to bruise and bind the powers of evil.”
2. Points about "Power to Bruise and Bind”
· Even when the strongman is bound, some men will stay upon the
path of sin so we must hedge up their way to help them to bring
forth lasting change.
· Spirits of oppression only come and stay nigh when a pattern of sin
exists so we must break the pattern to keep the evil ones from
returning. Sin opens the door and patterns of sin make the hearts
of men easy prey unto the evil ones.
· We must stay in the light and walk in holiness for in God’s presence
we shall bruise Satan and his evil ones and we shall have power to
cast out and to bind.


Romans 16:20, "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your
feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.”
Malachi 4:2-3, "But unto you that fear my name shall the Son of
righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth,
and grow up as calves of the stall. (3) And you shall tread down the
wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day
that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.”
Psalms 49:14, "Like sheep they are laid in the grave; death shall
feed on them; and the upright shall have dominion over them in the
morning; and their beauty shall consume in the grave from their
"I am the Lord Jesus, I bless you once more with words from
heavenly light that have been held in store for you unto this day.
There is power in all obedience, and at times you must obey even
when you do not fully understand, but there is power in
understanding for to use your sword of light you must be a master of
the light. Mastery and power of the light gives you power and
dominion over all darkness. I am giving you the weapons of light that
shall bruise Satan and his workers of evil. The word bruise can mean
to shatter or to completely crush. It is your destiny to subdue all
darkness and to have dominion over the darkness. The word bruise
can also mean to subdue and to gain victory over, and you shall
subdue the evil and the evil ones shall be bruised and trampled under
your feet. Malachi 4 speaks of the Day of the Lord and of my kingdom
but it also applies unto the end time for the Day of the Lord shall
come, but before that great and terrible day there shall be a harvest
of mercy.
1. The wicked shall be brought low and the righteous shall inherit
the earth. Days of great power are upon you for I am the Son of
the Eternal Light, so I am the Son of Light and I am the power of
light, and my light shall shine down upon you, and you shall go
forth and you shall win victory over the darkness. The wicked
men and women of the earth shall be brought low and the evil
demons shall be bruised for the righteous shall have dominion
over all evil and all darkness. You see why truth is being
revealed now for the days of battle lie before you for the harvest
has come and unto the fields of harvest you must go and you go
with a sword in one hand and a sickle in the other. We give you
sickle and sword. The sword is to defeat the powers of darkness
of the spirit realm and the sickle is to cut the grain and harvest
the grain. My light gives you light and my name gives you power
over the darkness. I have won victory and when you given me
dominion over your life, you receive dominion over darkness.
The day has come and darkness must be subdued under your
3. Points about "The Upright Shall have Dominion”
· We have power by the name and shed blood of Jesus, and they are
equipping us with weapons for the battle, and the blast of light and
the hedges are weapons of great power.
· It is our destiny to subdue all darkness and to have dominion over
the darkness.
"I am the Lord God above all things and I bless you with words of
light that have been held in store for I know your end from the
beginning so I know the power of your day. I speak unto you from the
place of my most excellent glory and I give you words to take you
deeper into the light of understanding. To turn hearts in the days of
our harvest of mercy you must preach our word and you must declare
the truth of our spiritual inheritance and of our covenant blessings,
but you must also have dominion over all power of darkness for so
many men and women upon the earth are held captive. Some hearts
bend easily unto my will but some hearts are hard and do not easily
bend so to bend the unbendable heart you must use the power of our
hedges of light and the power of our blast of light. I give you verses
to guide you deeper.
Malachi 4:3, 5-6, "And you shall tread down the wicked; for they
shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do
this, saith the Lord of hosts. (5) Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
(6) And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the
heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth
with a curse.”
You shall turn hearts with our words of light and truth for we shall
open the ears of the deaf and the eyes of the blind. Some will receive
our word with joy, but some hearts do not bend without the
power of our hedges and our blast of light and mercy. We can
open minds and hearts, and this is done by our blast of light and
mercy for all who walk in light and truth were given our blast of light
and mercy to help them to see. For the unbendable heart you must
bind the strongman and you must hedge up their way with our hedge
of light. To bend the unbendable requires heavenly power for the
stubborn pride of some will not yield until they are broken before me.
The hedge of light keeps men in the place of our choosing, and then
the blast of light and mercy influences thought and behavior, and
when they go forth there is lasting change.”
4. Points about "To Bend the Unbendable”
· To effectively preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and the
spiritual inheritance and covenant blessings of the Lord, we must
have the power of dominion over all power of darkness.
· Some hearts bend easily unto God’s will but some hearts are hard
and do not easily bend so to bend the unbendable heart we must
use the power of the various hedges of light and the power of
God’s blast of light.
· All of us were sent a blast of light and mercy to help us see their
light and truth, "We can open minds and hearts, and this is done by
our blast of light and mercy for all who walk in light and truth
were given our blast of light and mercy to help them to see.”

"I am the Lord Jesus, I give unto you my words to guide my people in the
ways of light. We have given you so many words about the power of light and
how light shall always overcome the darkness. There are times when my
people doubt for light does not overcome darkness as quickly as you desire.
Do not be discouraged, and do not be deceived, for light is the power over all
darkness and light can overpower or light can wear down. At times heavenly
light will be sent as a blast of light and mercy which shall bring forth very
quick results but at times light is as water upon the rock and over time the
light will remove the darkness as water can cut through rock. Our power is
without measure and our power is within so you must believe and you must
not waver. This day I give unto you words about wavering for people all over
the earth who call on my name lack the staying power of light. Light shall not
be defeated, and heavenly light and the light of our glory shall someday fill
heaven and earth but you must be steadfast to be victorious. I have won
victory, but you must do battle against darkness and you must be steadfast in
the light to win your final victory and to receive all of your spiritual
inheritance and covenant blessings. There are great blessings each day unto
all the earth for our rain and light come upon the just and the unjust, but our
spiritual rain and our spiritual light are unto the righteous and unto those who
shall be saved. The harvest of mercy is before you and is upon you, so you
must go forth in light and you must walk in light and in purity and truth each

I am preparing hearts all over the earth, and the fruit has developed, and the
grain is full and the harvest of mercy has come. Light makes plants grow and
spiritual light from heaven makes the harvest of mercy to be ready. Do not be
discouraged when your friends and loved ones do not always respond to your
light as you desire. Your light can grow and be very strong, but in many
hearts darkness is deeply rooted and only light from our heavenly throne will
remove the darkness to allow light to fill. There are different levels of
darkness within most all people but light overcomes all that is of darkness. Be
a constant light unto all men and trust in the power of heavenly light to work
in the hearts and minds of people all over the earth. Why do you become
discouraged when light is rejected and scorned? There are laws of light and
the first law of light is that light shall always overcome darkness. Sin is
caused by the absence of light but evil is very deep in some so much light is
needed to penetrate the darkness of some souls within. If your light flickers
or wavers it loses power, and if light is removed, darkness can fill the void
quickly; this is why you must be a penetrating light that is constant. You do
not see light that is of the spirit just as you do not see the wind, but you see
the effects of wind and if you have eyes to see, you shall see the effects of
spiritual light upon all darkness.
A well is dug by removing a portion of the dirt and the process is repeated
until all dirt is removed, but at times wells must be shored up for at times the
walls will collapse. Some wells are easily dug and some require much labor
and material. I give you this analogy to teach you. Removing darkness from
some is like digging a well, you must remove darkness a little at a time until
all is gone. Light is as the shovel but light is also like unto the air. When dirt
is removed, light and air fill the hole that was before filled with dirt. Light
removes darkness and then light and air fill the hole and over time all
darkness is replaced by light and air. Men use equipment to dig wells in your
day but once they were dug by hand and to dig a well requires patience and
endurance. Your prayers, and your words and actions are as the shovel and
over time darkness can be removed, but you must understand that some men
go forth and fill the hole that you dug with more that is of the darkness. For
each word of light, for every prayer spoken, lasting change comes slowly for
your light is often quickly replaced by darkness. If you were digging a well
and another came and filled the hole with dirt as quickly as you dig then a
well shall never be dug. To remove darkness from hearts that seek darkness,
and from those that dwell in darkness, you must first bind the strongman of
the house and then you can penetrate the darkness and the well of light shall
be completed. You bind the evil that is influencing another, but most men and
women who walk in sin follow a pattern of sin so binding evil is not all that
you must do, you must also bind up, or hedge, the way of those who seek the
path of sin known unto them. This is the power of the hedge of light for the
hedge of light is a hedge of restraint, a hedge to hold a man in the place of our
choosing so that we can shape and mold his heart and prevent the path of sin
that has held him captive.

You must not waver in your light of truth and love but you must also use the
tools being given unto you. You can use the hedge of thorns or the hedge of
light to bind the way so that light can work in hearts that are in darkness.
There are also times when men or women are so deeply rooted in pride and in
their own will that a blast of light and mercy is needed to influence their
thoughts and behavior. Do not grow weary and do not give up. To rescue
the perishing often requires diligence and sacrifice but a lost soul rescued
and saved is of a very great price. In Matthew 17: 14-21 you read about my
disciples not having the power to cast out evil. Matthew 17:14-21, ‘And when
they were come to the multitude, there came to him a certain man, kneeling
down to him, and saying, (15) Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is lunatic,
and sore vexed: for oftentimes he falls into the fire, and often into the water.
(16) And I brought him to your disciples, and they could not cure him. (17)
Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long
shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him hither to me.
(18) And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child
was cured from that very hour. (19) Then came the disciples to Jesus apart,
and said, why could not we cast him out? (20) And Jesus said unto them,
Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain
of mustard seed, you shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder
place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. (21)
Howbeit this kind goes not out but by prayer and fasting.’
To remove the darkness from some requires much prayer, much fasting and
much light. Use the tools that you are being made more aware of for revealed
truth is upon you, and in the days of revealing much shall be given, but you
must use the tools and you must have faith and you must believe. Use the
power of light to defeat the darkness that holds so many captive and be
constant in your light and never give up for light shall overcome all

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