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The Interaction of Light with Light

Intense bealns of laser light interact with crystals to yield nOl)el

optical effects. For exa,nple, when two beams meet zn a crystal
they can add or subtract to produce beams of two new wal)elengths

by 1. A. Gionlmaine

ne of the best-known character­ step at right angles to each other and velocity will be altered periodically by
istics of light is that the trans­ oscillate together. It is possible to alter the high-frequency changes in refrac­
mission, refraction and reflection the velocity of light in a transparent tive index produced by the first beam.
of a beam of light in a transparent ma­ material by applying an additional As a result of this interaction one light
terial are not affected by the intensity electric or magnetic field to the mate­ beam should be able to modulate
of the light or the presence of a second rial. As early as 1845 Michael F ara­ another, producing sum and difference
beam. According to James Clerk Max­ day, whose experiments touched almost frequencies.
well's theory of electromagnetism the every aspect of electricity and magnet­ In the language of the quantum theory
behavior of a light beam can be pre­ ism, discovered that a static magnetic of radiation, according to which light
dicted solely from the wavelength of field affects the way light travels propagates in discrete bundles called
the light and its velocity in the material. through glass. He showed that the plane photons, these processes represent in­
Now, however, that we have lasers to of polarization of a beam of light is ro­ teractions of photons. For example, two
generate intense beams of coherent tated as the light travels along the lines photons can be annihilated to produce
light-light whose waves are all in step of force in a magnetic field. Thirty years a new photon embodying the energy of
-many new and striking properties of later the Scottish physicist John Kerr pro­ the two that disappeared. Since the fre­
light can be demonstrated. duced double refraction of light in glass quency of a photon is proportional to its
It has recently been shown, for ex­ by applying a strong electric field. In energy, the new photon will exhibit the
ample, that in transparent materials an these two experiments the application sum frequency of the two annihilated
intense beam of light can generate har­ of either an intense magnetic field or an photons. Other interactions of light
monics, or overtones, of the original intense electric field slightly changes the beams can be regarded as the collision
light frequency. It has also been shown refractive index of the material, that is, and scattering of pairs of photons.
that in the presence of matter two light the ratio of the velocity of light in a Such "nonlinear" interactions have
beams can interact with each other. vacuum to the velocity of light in the not been observed in experiments with
There is good reason to expect small material. In the Faraday experiment a ordinary light sources because the elec­
but observable interactions of intense beam of plane-polarized light acts as if tric and magnetic fields associated with
light beams even in a vacuum. These, it were composed of two circularly po­ these sources are too small. The electric
however, have not yet been demon­ larized beams rotating in opposite direc­ field of sunlight at the surface of the
strated, and it is not likely that they are tions. The application of the magnetic earth has an amplitude of about 10 volts
within reach of existing lasers. field makes the index of refraction of per centimeter, enough to change the re­
One type of interaction of light with the glass for one of the beams different fractive index of glass in the Kerr effect
matter has been known since 1927, from that for the other. by only about one part in 10 15. The mag­
when it was discovered by the Indian The Faraday and Kerr effects, as well netic field of sunlight is about a thirtieth
physicist C. V. Raman. In the Raman as later experiments, suggest that by of a gauss, less than a tenth of the
effect a quantum of light gives up some virtue of its own electric and magnetic strength of the earth's magnetic field
of its energy to a molecule and reap­ field, light of sufficient intensity can and enough to change the refractive
pears as a scattered quantum with a change the refractive index of the me­ index of glass in the Faraday effect by
lower frequency. It has now been dis­ dium supporting it, affecting its own only one part in 10 1�. Although brighter
covered that the ordinarily weak Raman­ propagation and that of other light sources such as the carbon-arc lamp and
scattered light is strongly enhanced if it beams present. It is evident that al­ high-pressure discharge lamps have been
is coupled to an intense beam of laser terations in the refractive index, if available, their broad emission spectra,
light. produced, will have a periodicity, or like that of the sun, make the search
frequency, equal to the optical for nonlinear effects difficult. For the
heelectromagnetic wave that con­ frequency of the light beam that has
T stitutes light is made up of an elec­ created them. This implies that if a
effects to be readily observable a great
deal of energy must be concentrated in
tric component and a magnetic com­ second beam of light of a different fre­ a narrow band of wavelengths, the nar­
ponent; these components are locked in quency is simultaneously present, its rower the better. Without such m011-



ochromatic and coherent radiation there AMERICAN, June, 1961]. In the summer which lies in the ultraviolet region of
is no opportunity for the waves to inter­ of 1961 a search for nonlinear effects the spectrum, is exactly half the wave­
act with matter or with each other in was undertaken by Peter A. Franken, length and therefore twice the frequency
an orderly way. Allen E. Hill, C. W. Peters and Gabriel of the laser light [see illustrations on
Vleinreich of the University of Michi­ next page]. The possibility that the
'V ith the development of the laser in gan. They focused onto a quartz crystal emitted light might be some kind of
1960, physicists finally obtained a the beam of a ruby laser that emitted ultraviolet fluorescence induced by the
light source that seemed capable of a three-kilowatt pulse of red light at laser beam could be ruled out because
producing nonlinear optical effects. Its a wavelength of 6,943 angstrom units. its wavelength was precisely half the
output was concentrated in a narrow Of the light striking the crystal one laser wavelength and because it was
band of frequencies and its waves were part in 108 was converted to second­ emitted in as highly directional a beam
highly coherent [see "Optical Masers," harmonic light with a wavelength of as the incident laser beam.
by Arthur L. Schawlow; SCIENTIFIC 3,471.5 angstroms; this wavelength, Many related experiments and some

"SECOND HARMONIC" ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT is generated laser rod has reached a peak, laser action is intensified. Be­
when red light from a ruby laser passes through a crystal of potas· tween the rotating mirror and the triangular crystal of KDP
sium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP). The laser beam, which has a there is a diaphragm and red filter to exclude stray light. Inside
wavelength of 6,943 angstrom units, originates at the right off the the crystal about .1 per cent of the laser beam is converted
edge of the photograph. The blocklike assembly at the right houses to ultraviolet light of 3,471.5 angstroms, which is exactly half
a rotating partially reflecting mirror that is part of the laser mecha­ the wavelength of the incident light. The unconverted red light
nism. A fully reflecting mirror at the other end of the laser's opti· is removed by a deep blue filter mounted to the left of the crys­
cal path is fixed. Laser action does not oceur until the rotating tal. The second·harmonic ultraviolet light, here barely visible,
mirror and the fixed mirror are parallel. If this alignment is creates a bright flash when it strikes the fluorescent screen at far
postponed until the population of excited atoms in the ruby left. The experim�nt was photographed in the author's laboratory.







FIRST DEMONSTRATION that ultraviolet light could be gen· and Gabriel Weinreicb. The quartz crystal converted only a hun·
erated by the intense flash of a ruby laser was made with this ex· dred·millionth of the incident light to ultraviolet light. On be·
perimental arrangement in 1961 at the University of Micbigan. The ing passed through a prism the ultraviolet is bent more than the red
investigators were Peter A. Franken, Allen E. Hill, C. W. Peters laser light and the two can be photographed separately (see below).

3,471.5 6,943

FIRST PHOTOGRAPHS of second·harmonic ultraviolet light were ultraYiolet (small spots at 3,471.5 angstroms) is roughly propor·
made by Franken and his associates. In each case the amount of tional to the square of the amount of red light at 6,943 angstroms.

unexpected developments quickly fol­ selves in a variety of striking ways and of a positively charged nucleus sur­
lowed. Up to 20 per cent efficiency has represent a new branch of optics of con­ rounded by a cloud of one or more elec·
been obtained in converting laser light siderable technological promise. trons; when there are several electrons,
to harmonic frequencies. By means of To understand how harmonic light they form a series of discrete shells. The
nonlinear processes coherent light has was generated in the experiment of the electrons in the outermost shell are
been made available at hundreds of Franken group it is necessary to under­ loosely bound and are called valence
new wavelengths in the ultraviolet, visi­ stand how the electric field of the laser electrons. When one atom is close to
ble and infrared regions of the spectrum. light wave acted on electrons in the another, as it is in a crystal, the valence
The nonlinear optical effects show them- crystal of quartz. A free atom consists electrons are available to be shared by,



or transferred to, other atoms. The re­ strong as 10 million (lOT) volts per centi­ in polarizing the material than a field
sult of this process is to fill completely meter. Such strong fields are comparable in the "left" direction. Such a situation
the outer shells of adjacent atoms, to the cohesive local electric fields in can occur only in a crystal that has a
which are thereby bound together. the crystal, which are of the order of lOS "one-wayness" in its structure, or, to be
Some crystals, such as sodium chloride, to 1010 volts per centimeter. Conse­ more precise, one that has no center of
are termed ionic because electrons are quently when intense laser beams enter symmetry. Of the crystals found in na­
transferred from atoms that have one or a transparent crystal, they cause a mas­ ture only about 10 per cent fall in this
a few electrons in excess of a complete sive redistribution of the electrons and class, and they usually exhibit the phe­
shell to atoms whose outer shells lack the resulting polarization is no longer nomenon called piezoelectricity. When
electrons. Both the lenders and the bor­ proportional to the optical electric field. a piezoelectric crystal is subjected to
rowers of electrons are left with a net In fact, at optical fields of lOT volts per mechanical pressure, its asymmetry leads
electric charge, either positive or nega­ centimeter and higher many materials to unequal distortions in the distribu­
tive. These ions arrange themselves break down completely. tion of positive and negative charge and
regularly in a lattice in such a way that The simplified diagram at the bottom a voltage appears across the faces of the
oppositely charged ions are as close of this page illustrates the characteristic crystal.
together as possible. Other kinds of response when an intense optical electric The distorted polarization wave pro­
crystals, such as diamond, are called field travels through a nonlinear, or ionic, duced by an intense laser beam travels
covalent because the outermost elec­ material. It shows that an intense field at the same velocity as the light wave.
trons are shared among atoms to pro­ in the "right" direction is more effective It can be shown, moreover, that the dis-
vide each with a filled outer shell. In
both ionic and covalent crystals the
over-all crystal is electrically neutral.

�t us see what happens when visible

light waves pass through a trans­
parent crystal. One component of the
light wave is an alternating electric field.
The nuclei of atoms are too heavy to re­
spond to this rapidly alternating field,
and the inner electrons are too tightly
bound to the nuclei to respond signifi­
cantly. The weakly bound valence elec­
trons, however, redistribute themselves
in step with the field [see upper illustra ­ LINEAR POLARIZATION WAVE (color) is created when a light wave of moderate in­
tion on this page J. Their redistribution tensity passes through a transparent medium. The light wave carries an optical electric
field (black curve), which causes a symmetrical displacement of loosely bound electrons
involves a polarization, or a displacement
(black arrows). The displacement takes place in step with the optical electric field and
of negative charge, inside the crystal.
forms an optical polarization wave. The wave radiates a light wave of its own frequency.
This polarization induced by light is not
to be confused with the polarization that
can be induced in a light beam by the
use of a polarizing filter. The periodical­
ly changing polarization inside the crys­
tal corresponds to an oscillating motion
of the negative charge density and
therefore to a weak alternating current
at the light frequency.
As long as the optical electric field
is small compared with the cohesive elec­
tric fields within the crystal, the polar­
ization current faithfully follows the
electric field of the light wave [see upper
illustration on next page J. The crystal
now behaves like a highly directional
antenna, supporting a wave of current
that travels through the crystal precisely
in step with its parent light wave and
radiating primarily in the same direction.
The energy in the light wave is not sig­
nificantly changed; the only effect of the
polarization and subsequent reradiation
is to slow down the velocity of light in
NONLINEAR POLARIZATION WAVE (color) is created when light of sufficient in·
the medium. tensity passes through certain crystals with a "one·wayness" in their structure. Loosely
The situation is quite different for bound electrons are moved more easily to one side than to the other by the light's
intense light. The focused light from optical electric field (black curve). The result is a distorted polarization wave that gives
certain lasers has an electric field as rise to light containing a second harmonic, or overtone, of the fundamental wave frequency.



torted wave is the sum of three com­ slower than the 2f polarization wave M. Savage of the Scientific Labora­
ponents: a wave at the fundamental itself. It is evident that the light radiated tory of the Ford Motor Company and
frequency (f) of the light wave, a wave by the 2f polarization wave at any in­ by the author at the Bell Telephone
at the second-hm-monic frequency (2f) stant will be slightly out of step with Laboratories.
and a third component that corresponds the light it radiated a fraction of a sec­ Certain asymmetric crystals such as
to a "direct current," or steady, polariza­ ond earlier; the two radiated waves will calcite are doubly refracting because
tion [see illustration on opposite page]. begin to interfere destructively [see to p in them light can travel at two different
The second-harmonic polarization illustration on page 44]. The distance velocities, described as ordinary and ex­
wave travels in step with the fundamen­ required for the 2f polarization wave traordinary. These velocities actually
tal, or f, light wave and radiates light at and its radiated light to get completely vary with propagation direction and po­
frequency 2f in the same direction . In al­ out of phase is called the coherence larization as well as with wavelength.
most all materials, however, the velocity length; it is only about a thousandth of Ordinary and extraordinary velocities in
of 2f light is slower by a few per cent a centimeter. If the crystal thickness is potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP),
than the velocity of f light. This is an­ made equal to the coherence length, or a piezoelectric crystal commonly used
other way of saying that a material's any even multiple of it, the harmonic for harmonic generation, are illustrated
refractive index for high-frequency light radiation disappears completely. As a in the middle diagram on page 44. The
is usually greater than it is for light of result of the interference it is usually diagram shows that at an angle of 50
lower frequency. It is this variation in impossible to make use of crystals longer degrees to the optic axis of the crystal,
refractive index that creates a spectrum than about a thousandth of a centimeter ordinary fundamental light at 6,943 ang­
when white light is passed through a in generating harmonics. stroms travels at exactly the same ve­
prism. The variation in refractive index A number of techniques have been locity as extraordinary harmonic light at
with wavelength is called normal dis­ proposed to overcome this difficulty 3,47 1 .5 angstroms. When this direction
persion. in practical experiments. The one most is used for harmonic generation, the re­
The difference in velocity between commonly used exploits the double re­ tardation of the ultraviolet harmonic
fundamental (f) light and harmonic (2f) fraction exhibited by certain crystals. light due to dispersion is precisely com­
light means that the harmonic light ra­ The technique was developed independ­ pensated by the higher velocity of ex­
diated from the 2f polarization wave ently by Paul D. Maker, Robert W. traordinary light at the harmonic wave­
will travel at a velocity a few per cent Terhune, Martin Nisenoff and Carleton length.

-1' a


WHEN CRYSTAL RESPONSE IS LINEAR, the optical polariza. field (black). When values of the wave and field are plotted
tion wave (color) is directly proportional to the optical electric against each other, as shown at right, the result is a straight Jille.

l a




_1 electric field (black). When values of the wave and field are
polarization wave (color) is no longer proportional to the optical plotted against each other (right), the resulting curve is nonlinear.



This technique has made possible an
increase in coherence length from a
thousandth of a centimeter to more than
a centimeter and has led to a million­
fold increase in conversion efficiency. In
KDP a 20 per cent conversion efficiency
from red to ultraviolet has been ob­
served by Maker, Terhune and Savage
with a million-watt pulsed laser. Arthur
Ashkin, Gary D. Boyd and Joseph M.
Dziedzic of the Bell Laboratories, also
using KDP, have observed harmonics
from a continuously operating gas laser
at power levels as low as 50 millionths
of a watt.
A second method of avoiding the in­
terference problem has been developed �Q
by Robert C. Miller of the Bell Labora­ Zl­
tories and is applicable in ferroelectric 2�
crystals such as barium titanate. Ferro­ o<t
electric crystals can be obtained in the =:)0
form of a multilayered sandwich in
which the layers are regions, called do­
mains, that have different properties. In
barium titanate adjoining domains are
completely equivalent except that one is
inverted with respect to the other. The
phase of the harmonics generated in suc­
cessive domains is reversed, with the re­
sult that the interference effect is partial­
ly offset and harmonic generation greatly
enhanced. Franken, Hill and Peters have
observed similar enhancement with
stacked quartz plates that have axes FREQUENCY 2f
pointing in alternate directions.
Franken and his associates have also
detected the "direct current" polariza­
tion mentioned earlier as the third com­
ponent of the distorted polarization

wave that can be produced by intense
laser beams. The direct-current signal
wo:: r----------------------------------------------------------------
can be detected simply by connecting
plates to opposite surfaces of a piezo­ �� 1 -------

electric crystal that is transmitting the o FREQUENCY 0

light output from a laser. The direct­
current signal appears as a voltage pulse TIME ---7
proportional to the laser intensity. The
ANALYSIS OF NONLINEAR POLARIZATION WAVE (top) shows it to be the sum of
crystal action in this experiment is anal­
three components: a wave at the fundamental frequency (j) of the light wave that created
ogous to that of a vacuum-tube (or crys­ it, a wave at the second·harmonic frequency (2f) and a component that corresponds to a
tal) diode in rectifying, or "detecting," a steady polarization (bottom). The first and second of these components radiate their
radio signal. Detailed theories of all the own light waves at frequencies of / and 2/ respectively. In almost all materials the velocity
above processes, as well as others, have of 2/ light is a little slower than that of / light, with result shown at top of next page.
been presented by Nicolaas Bloem­
bergen, Peter S. Pershan, John A. Arm­
strong and J. Ducuing of Harvard sum and difference frequencies of the mercury-arc lamp. Its beats with the red
University and also by David A. Klein­ primary beams. This phenomenon has ruby laser (6,943 angstroms) occur in
man of the Bell Laboratories. been observed in independent experi­ the ultraviolet at 3,056 angsh'oms. If
Included in these new theories is an ments by Franken and his colleagues, by these wavelengths are expressed as fre­
analysis of the interaction that takes A. W. Smith and Norman Braslau of the quencies, it is apparent that the first
place when two light beams of different International Business Machines Re­ two add to produce the third.
frequencies are sent through a trans­ search Center, by Miller and Albert How this addition of frequencies
parent medium in different directions. Savage, as well as by the author. A comes about is illustrated at the top of
'When intense monochromatic beams are novel feature of the Smith-Braslau ex­ page 45. The diagram shows the super­
used, they "beat" together to produce periment is that one light source was the position of two light waves of different
new frequencies that correspond to the 5,461-angstrom green line of a standard frequencies and wavelengths. The super-



HARM()NC ULTRAVII)LE"f LI ,HT position produces a moire pattern in
which the crossover points identify re­
gions of maximum electric field strength.
The two sets of moire lines drawn
through these regions of maximum elec­
tric field identify the crests of two new
nonlinear polarization waves that propa­
gate through the medium. It can be seen
in the geometry of the moire pattern that
one of the new waves has a frequency
equal to the sum of the frequencies of
H ARMONIC POLARIZATION COHERENCE LENGTH the two primary waves. The other new
wave has a frequency equal to the differ­
DESTRUCTIVE WAVE INTERFERENCE occurs in a crystal because the polarization
ence in frequency between the primary
wave (black) normally travels a little faster than its harmonic radiation (color). The polari.
zation and its radiation get completely out of step in a distance called the coherence length.
The illustration also identifies a quan­
tity called the propagation vector and
designated K. The K vector of any wave
points in the direction of the wave mo­
tion and has a length proportional to
the reciprocal of the wavelength (that
DIRECTION OF is, 1 divided by the wavelength). Just
VEL,)ClTY (IF MATCHED as one of the new polarization waves
EX fRAORDINARY LIGHT VE LOCITIES has a frequency equal to the sum of
component frequencies, so too it has a
50 DEGREES K vector equal to the sum of compo­
nent K vectors. The other polarization
wave has a K vector equal to the differ­
ence between component K vectors.

n the quantum theory of radiation the

I frequency of a light wave is propor­
tional to the energy of a photon and the
propagation vector K is proportional to
its momentum. When two photons in­
VELOCITY OF teract, both energy and momentum must
ORDINARY LIGHT be conserved. In the case where two
beating waves interact to produce a
wave whose frequency is the sum of the
frequencies of the primary waves, the
conservation is straightforward: the sum­
frequency photon appears with the com­
bined energy and momentum of the two
primary photons that have been annihi­
INTERFERENCE CAN BE OVERCOME by generating harmonic light in a crystal that lated.
exhibits double refraction such as KDP. The black circle represents the velocity of ruby In the case where two beating waves
laser light of 6,943 augstroms polarized perpendicularly to the page. The colored oval interact to produce a wave whose fre­
represents the velocity of second·harmonic light of 3,471.5 angstroms polarized in the quency is the difference between the
plane of the page. At 50 degrees to the optic axis both wave;, travel at the same velocity. frequencies of the primary waves, energy
and momentum have to be conserved in
HARMONIC ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT a rather curious way. Let us say that
the two primary photons have frequen­
cies of fl and f2 and that the difference
photon has a frequency f3 equal to fl
minus f2' In the interaction of fl and f2
only the fl photon is annihilated. In its
place appear another f2 and an f3 pho­
ton. In being transformed into an f2
photon the fl photon gives up enough
energy to create an f3 photon. In other
words, it can be predicted that such an
interaction will yield as many new pho­
ELIMINATION OF WAVE INTERFERENCE is achieved by sending a ruby laser beam tons of f2 light as of fa light. Because a
into a crystal of KDP at 50 degrees to the optic axis. Now the harmonic polarization wave great deal of primary f2 light is needed
(black) and the harmonic ultraviolet light it radiates (color) stay in step indefinitely. to make the interaction take place, it



will be quite difficult to observe the
small amount of additional f2 light pro­
"" �
All the experiments described so far >- >-

make use of the asymmetric properties z
of piezoelectric crystals to produce non­ =:l
linear optical effects. It is appropriate & w
to ask if such effects can also be obtained � fE LL
with ordinary symmetrical crystals and
isotropic materials such as glass and
liquids. The answer is yes. As one might
expect, all materials become nonlinear
in the presence of sufficiently intense
fields, but the effects are much weaker
than those found in asymmetric mate­
Because symmetrical materials lack
an intrinsic one-wayness, the polariza­
tion wave produced by an intense light
beam is not skewed left or right as it is
in asymmetric materials. Instead the
electronic charges in the material are
displaced equally to the left and to the
right. The nonlinearity arises from the
fact that the displacement can no longer
follow in exact proportion as the elec­
tric field rises to peak intensity. When
this sort of distorted polarization wave
is analyzed into its components, it is
found to consist mainly of a pure wave
of the fundamental frequency and a
weak third-harmonic wave. The third
harmonic of ruby laser light (6,943
angstroms) occurs in the far ultraviolet
at 2,3 14 angstroms. It has been pro­
duced in calcite by Terhune of the
Ford Laboratory; the conversion effi­
ciency was three parts per million.
MOIRE PATTERNS are produced by the interaction of two light waves of different
n the intense electric fields of laser frequencies. Their frequencies and wavelengths are labeled 11 and 12 and .\1 and .\2 respec·
I light not only the transmission of light tively. Their propagation vectors designated Kl and K2 point in the direction of the wave
motion and have a length proportional to the reciprocal of the wavelength. The points
but also its reflection and refraction
where the wave fronts intersect identify regions of maximum electric field strength.
begin to depart from the classical rules
Moire lines drawn through these maxima identify the crests of two new nonlinear polariza­
tion waves that radiate light. One wave radiates light of frequency 1+, which is the sum
of optics. Bloembergen and Pet'shan have
shown that the laws of reflection and re­ of 11 and 12, The other wave radiates light of frequency 1_, which is the difference be­
fraction must be generalized to include tween 11 and 12, New K vectors, K+ and K_, are likewise produced by sum and difference.
harmonic generation at surfaces. Ducu­
ing and Bloembergen have observed

harmonic generation of light on reflec­
tion from piezoelectric crystals such as 0

tellurium that are opaque at both the <{f-

fundamental and second-harmonic fre­ a f-ii ( a

quencies. 0-1
At high intensities the absorption of CL

light also exhibits new features. In 1961
W. Kaiser and C, G. B. Garrett of the
Bell Telephone Laboratories showed
that intense laser light is absorbed in

transparent materials that normally ab­
sorb light only at twice the laser fre­
quency, In this process two photons are
absorbed simultaneously, leaving an
atom in the excited state that would be NONLINEAR POLARIZATION WAVE (color) can be created in liquids and symmetrical
produced by absorption of a single pho­ solids as well as in asymmetric crystals. Polarization wave is plotted against optical electric
ton of twice the frequency. (The process field (black) at right. Components of polarization wave appear at top of next page.



was predicted theoretically in 193 1 by
o Maria Goeppert Mayer, who last year
�� won a Nobel prize for her work on the
�N �-------4--------4--------4.-------4-------�r-------4-------�� structure of the atomic nucleus.) John
A. Howe and the author have found that
o many normally transparent materials be­
come opaque to intense laser light as a
result of nonlinear processes. Recent
work by John J. Hopfield, John M. Wor­
lock and Kwangjai Park of the Univer­
sity of California at Berkeley has shown
�O that the two-photon absorption process
W« can provide infOlmation about excited
ZN ' L--------\--------I--------\--------I-------�._------1L------� states in solids not obtainable from
«0:: , -
0« ordinary spectroscopy.
O neapplications
of the more interesting potential
of the laser is its use
FREQUENCY 1 as a source of "pump" light to generate
far-infrared radiation. The far-infrared
u region, which holds great interest for
00 spectroscopists, has been largely inacces­
0:::« sible for lack of tunable strong infrared
��������.-��.-�� sources. Proposals for using lasers to­
6::5 gether with nonlinear processes to
0:::0 FREQUENCY 31 remedy this shortcoming have been out­
I- lined by Robert H. Kingston of the
Lincoln Laboratory of the Massachu­
TIM E ------7 setts Institute of Technology, Norman
M. Kroll of the University of California
ANALYSIS OF DISTORTED WAVE (top) created by intense light in a symmetrical at San Diego and Bloembergen.
medium shows that it can be broken down into two components: a pure wave at the funda­ The principle they propose involves
mental frequency (f) and a low-amplitude wave at the third-harmonic frequency (3j).
the "parametric" process diagramed at
bottom left, which shows how a voltage
wave can be amplified in an apparatus
[J that contains condenser plates. If the

plates are pulled apart slightly at each
voltage peak against the electric forces
6 �_.�--------------------��--------------------�f_---- tending to pull them together and are
returned to their original position at the
times of zero voltage when the electric
forces are absent, the mechanical work
done goes into amplifying the voltage
wave. In a device that uses laser light for
TIME ---7)
pumping, some dielectric material would
be substituted for the condenser plates.
A periodic change in the dielectric con­
stant would serve the same function as
moving the plates.
Notice that if the plates are pulled
apart at frequency t, the voltage wave
being amplified has the subhalmonic
frequency f/2. More Significantly, it is
possible to pump at frequency f and
amplify any two lower frequencies it
and f2 whose sum is equal to f. Several
laboratories are now trying to develop
a pumping device that will produce use­
ful quantities of coherent infrared light
"PARAMETRIC" AMPLIFIER PRINCIPLE suggests a way in which visible laser light
at suitable pairs of infrared frequenCies
could be used to produce coherent infrared radiation. The diagram demonstrates the
principle with capacitor plates, which are mechanically pushed apart (black arrows) using a laser as a pump.
when an alternating voltage applied to the plates is at a peak. Such peaks coincide with A laser-driven process that is already
the maximum electric force (colored arrows) acting to pull the plates together. The being put to practical use in spectros­
plates are moved together when the voltage and electric force are zero. The motion of copy is stimulated Raman emission,
the capacitor plates at frequency f amplifies the electric signal at a frequency of half f. which was discovered two years ago by








1 + ++

o -




... ..---


RADIATION PROCESSES involve transitions between two excited reaction, or laser action, can occur. In Raman scattering a mole­
states of a molecnle or atom. In fluorescence a photon is spon· cule that is in a de·excited state absorbs a photon of arbitrary
taneously emitted with energy equivalent to that lost by the mole· energy and re·emits it after subtracting the energy needed for
cule. In stimulated emission a photon with exactly the excitation excitation. In stimulated Raman scattering the production of a
energy of the molecule stimulates it tl} emit another photon of scattered photon is stimulated by the presence of a photon of
like energy. In the presence of many excited molecules a chain exactly the same energy. Consequently a chain reaction can occur.



r�------LASER RESONATOR--------�\


",(D.".. . )



RAMAN LASER ACTION is an enhanced form of the effect first are rellected back and forth through nitrobenzene. After losing
observed in 1927 by the Indian physicist C. V. Raman. In this energy to nitrobenzene a portion of the beam emerges at 7,660
effect a photon of light is absorbed by a molecule and re-emitted at angstroms. Raman laser action was discovered in 1962 by Eric J.
a lower frequency. In the diagram laser photons of 6,943 angstroms Woodbury and Won K. Ng of the Hughes Aircraft Company.

7000 7200 7400


STIMULATED RAMAN SPECTRA are shown for three similar upper two molecules represents the synchronous vibration of the
molecules_ Each molecule tends to vibrate in only one or two of entire benzene ring. The vibration in the bottom spectrum is char­
its strongest modes. The many narrow, short lines are produced acteristic of the nitro (N02) group attached to the benzene ring.
by materials used for calibration_ The Raman emission of the The spectra were photographed by John A. Howe and the author.


1111111 1111 111 1I 1 I1 11 1 1 r 111 111111 1111 11111111.


OVER 100 COHERENT LIGHT SOURCES have now been pro­ lines identify wavelengths created by using pulses from ruby
duced by Raman laser action in various materials. The black lasers; the colored Jines are wavelengths available from neodym-



Eric J. Woodbury and Won K. Ng of laser light is converted into Raman light intense light beam a Raman-like process
the Hughes Aircraft Company. In the of lower frequency. With the Woodbury­ should also lead to the generation of
course of precise measurements of the Raman effect it is possible to photograph intense waves of high-frequency sound.
Lght emitted from a million-watt pulsed a Raman spectrum in a single burst of In this process the energy lost by a pho­
ruby laser it was observed that about 10 laser light lasting a ten-millionth of a ton of light should reappear as a quan­
per cent of the expected light at 6,943 second; by conventional techniques the tum of sound.
angstroms seemed to be missing. The exposure would require from a minute All the effects described so far in­
missing light was soon found to be to an hour. volve the interaction of light with light
emerging as a coherent beam at a new It has recently been discovered that in a material medium. It has been rec­
wavelength: 7,660 angstroms in the in­ when intense laser pulses are focused in ognized for some time, however, that in­
frared region [see top illustration on solids, liquids and high-pressure gases, teractions of intense light beams should
opposite page]. the stimulated Raman process can occur occur even in a vacuum. From the
The new emission occurs at a fre­ even without a resonator cavity. These viewpoint of quantum electrodynamics a
quency differing from the laser fre­ advances have been made by Terhune, vacuum is a polarizable medium with a
quency by 4 X 1013 cycles per second. Robert W. Minck and William G. Rado refractive index slightly different from
This difference was subsequently iden­ of the Ford Laboratory and by Gisela l. Gamma ray photons can interact in
tified as the frequency of a characteristic Eckhardt, David P. Bortfeld and Myel' a vacuum to create electron-positron
vibration of the nitrobenzene molecule Geller of Hughes Aircraft. Near the fo­ pairs, if the photons have sufficient en­
by Woodbury in collaboration with an­ cus, where the light intensity can ex­ ergy to make up the rest mass of the
other group at Hughes Aircraft (Gisela ceed one billion watts per square centi­ created particles (about a million elec­
M. Eckhardt, Robert W. Hellwarth, meter, the amplification of Raman light tron volts). Although optical photons,
Frederick J. McClung, Jr., Steven E . is as high as 1050 per centimeter, enough which have energies of only one to three
Schwarz and Daniel Weiner). Woodbury to amplify stray background light up to electron volts, lack the energy to pro­
had just happened to use a laser arrange­ the 100,000-watt level in one pass duce electron-positron pairs, two optical
ment that included a cell of nitroben­ through the focus. photons can interact to form what is
zene as an optical component. Although A new feature of the focused-light called a virtual pair. Such a pair can
Raman laser emission had been pre­ experiments is that the molecular vibra­ be observed only indirectly when they
dicted a few years earlier by Ali Javan, tions stimulated by the Raman effect annihilate to yield two new photons
now at the Massachusetts Institute of become so violent that the refractive with the same total energy as the
Technology, its discovery was a happy index of the material oscillates strongly original photons, which can go off in
accident. at the molecular-vibration frequency. directions different from either of the
In the Raman effect a photon of in­ Light passing through the fccus acquires colliding photons. This rather unlikely
cident light is absorbed by a molecule a modulation at this frequency. As a type of scattering occurs as if the re­
and re-emitted at a lower frequency. result the characteristic vibration fre­ fractive index of the vacuum under­
The energy removed from the light beam quency of the molecule is not simply went small changes in response to the
appears as mechanical energy of vi­ subtracted from the laser frequency but presence of intense electric and mag­
bration or rotation of the molecule. The is added to it as well. These shifted netic fields carried by light. Estimates
striking new feature of the Woodbury­ frequencies, called upper and lower side show, however, that this scattering
Raman effect is that if enough photons bands, are emitted in sharply defined would be impossibly difficult to observe
are emitted in the ordinary Raman effect directions detelmined by the conserva­ with existing lasers.
and if they are prevented from escaping tion of momentum condition described The nonlinear optical experiments
too quickly (by being reflected back and earlier. The large variety of substances that have been performed to date have
forth inside a resonator), they begin to showing the Raman effect provide suggested a variety of new optical tech­
stimulate further Raman emission [see hundreds of new coherent sources of niques that would be of use in spectros­
bottom diagram on page 4 7] . This stimu­ light from the ultraviolet through the copy. Beyond that, together with the
lation is similar to the process by which infrared [see bottom illustration on these laser they bring closer the time when
light is amplified in a laser, except that two pages]. the entire electromagnetic spectrum
prior excitation of the molecules is un­ Charles H. Townes and his associates will be manipulated with the precision
necessary. In the chain reaction that at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ and usefulness of modern electronic and
follows, a large fraction of the incident nology have predicted further that in an radio techniques.



1 I I nii I I I 1 I 1I 1 11 II 1 I I1

1 1 .000
1 2 .000

ium lasers. By interacting these sources in nonlinear crystals of the more than 5,000 light sources of distinctively different wavelengths.
KDP type one can obtain, by sum and difference combinations, Ultimately they should be useful iu spectroscopic investigations.



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