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8/2/2019 Mktg Plann Final Page

I. Introduction and General Description of the Business

The company was basically formed to obtain one specific goal that is to
reduce ravages and generate dynamic and functional goods/products by means
of these waste materials. In other words recycling, that is where we got our
companys name, Recycle Bin Company The name was given by the great
grandmother of Keesha Fernandez Pia (Chairman/President of Recycle Bin),
Maria Leonora Theresa Alonzo Y Realonda (founder of the company). The lady

was a pure blooded Espanola. A few years after she establishes Recycle Bin, she
had a stroke and died at the age of 63, her spouse continued her legacy from
generation to generation. Few years back, it never really got the chance to boom
in the market, so Keesha Pia rummaged around for investors who can help
expand and develop their family business. Now, Recycle Bin has five owners,
named Arve Salada (Vice President for Internal and External Operations), Ian
Bornes (OIC for Financial Department), Janine Alambatang (OIC for Marketing

Department), and lastly Marianne Brilliantes (OIC for Production Department).

Recycle Bin is currently diversifying their product and taking every chances and
risk to be successful in their industry.


We aim to raise the awareness of the recycling benefits for both

the environment and the challenges our environment is facing together
with the value added to the industries products through using the recycled


It is our goal to make recycling so convenient and easy that

nothing with recycling value gets thrown into the landfill.

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II. Marketing Objectives

1. Growth in company revenues and earnings. Such as, 15 percent

growth in revenues and earnings within the next 12 months.


2. To lower cost in respect to competitor pricing to attract a new class

of buyers and to introduce a new product line to appeal to a
broader demographic. (Sales & Marketing)

3. Reduce the number and frequency of customer returns and

complaints and improve response time of client inquiries.

(Customer Service)

III. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
y Recycle Bin products are y Recycle Bin products that are
unique and attractive. made out from used denim jeans
y Made from relatively good are not waterproof.
quality pre-loved denims. y The smell of the recycled raw
y Less cost of production materials is to be considered.
y Affordable

Opportunities Threats
y The Recycle Bin products can be y The customer wouldnt buy our
used in different occasions products because the image of our
y The manufacturer produces the products are of being recycled.
pre-loved denims in good quality. y Designs may not be able to appeal
y If the consumers will like our bags, to the market overtime.
Recycle Bin will continue to y Competitors may launch a similar
operate in the coming years. product and sell it on a lower
y Raw materials are not always
Fig 1.1 Swot Analysis Tabular Form

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Minimize Weaknesses:

- Provide scents to eliminate the smell of the recycled raw materials.

Eliminate Threats:

- Will launch new designs every month.

- To set standard of the recycled product that would result to attract


IV: State of the Market

A. Target Market

The target market of The Recycle Bin Company are people from Cagayan
de Oro City who are willing to buy recycled things.

The geographical location of the market will be initially be Cagayan de Oro

City which have over 553,966 people including living mainly in an urban setting.

The demographic of the market is approximately 70% female and 30%

male, primarily between the ages of 10 and 60, (teenagers, studying age, young
adults, employees and aged people and has an income of over Php 80,000 -
100,000 per year.)

The psychographic qualities of the market are middle or upper class

citizens who hold quality in higher esteem than price and anchored in popular
culture, inclined for differentiation and sophistication, very open minded and
quick maturation with our products. Their lifestyle is most of them are dependent
on parents, highly influenced by peer groups or other people, active in life, give
importance in school, work, social life and especially environment.

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B. Market Potential

Market Share

The Recycle Bin


Etniko Filipino


Fig 1.2 show the market shares

Total Demand & Supple 50,000

Southphils. 22500

Ethniko 17500 40000

G AP (Market Potential) 10000

C. Market Area

Our market area is within the premises of Cagayan de Oro City

specifically, in the Divisoria area. (See Appendices for the map location)

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V: Marketing Strategy

A. Product Strategy

 Description of the product

Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5
Size 3

Color 3

Durability 3

Shape 3

Design/ Style 3
*Note: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest

 Comparison of the product


Competitors Size Color Durability Shape Design/

South Phils Handicrafts 3 3 3 3 3

Etniko Filipino 3 3 3 3 3

Note: 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest

 Product line

Recycle Bin has designed a product line that will create

positive impression in the market today. That our product line are
made out from recycled materials such as used denim jeans and
tarpaulins. These materials are converted into coin purse, bags,
wallet and any possible product to make. This plays a positive role
in our environment for it contributes to the minimization of
garbage/ wastes and promoting the use of recycled products. As
the designs are unique and eye-catching to draw the curiosity of
the use of recycled products. The unique product qualities include
our focus on both environmental conservation and maximizing the
use of recycled products.

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 Positioning

The product of Recycle Bin will be positioned as product that is

environment friendly. This method of positioning would involve to
promote recycling materials and to use the recycled materials as

 Packaging

Our Logo:

Our logo is originated from the symbol of 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).
Our explanation is that we should embrace recycling in our environment
as well as our environment will also benefit from it.

Recycle Bin products are sold in recycled packaging (made out from
used tarpaulins) in order to reflect the companys ethical stance on
reducing garbage or wastes.

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B. Place/Distribution Strategy

Our store is located at the center of Cagayan de Oro City, the Divisoria for
the direct selling of our products. Since our store is located at the center of the
City the transportation and distributions of our products by land will be easily

contractible in any place of the City.

The Recycle Bin is to be distributed through these channels: online and
direct selling.

Online Selling

Customers can order online through our Facebook fan page and
Tumblr account. They can choose from the featured products and they
can place their orders via E-mail. For orders in the vicinity of the city
(Cagayan de Oro), we deliver for free. For orders outside the citys
premises, shipping fee will be charged to the customer to be paid through
our bank account.

Direct Selling

Customers can visit our store located at Divisoria at the same we

sell it directly through to our friends, family and relatives.

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Customer Service

y The company sees a direct link between customer satisfaction and

customer loyalty.

y The company believes that employee satisfaction leads to customer


y Employee are trained to connect with customer and focus on  customer

intimacy 

o Greet customer with a smile

o Enthusiastically welcome customer into the store.

o Establish eye contact

o Try to remember customers name and orders if they are

frequent customer.

C. Promotional Strategy

Personal Selling
Our Products will be display at our outlet at Divisoria. That
costumer would be enticed to visit our outlet. At the same time, Recycle
Bin employees will have a chance of sales talk personal communication
among the customers. Sales message is customized to meet the needs

of the customer and to respond directly to customer questions and


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Non Personal Selling

The promotional outputs will convey the clear message that Recycled
Jeans and Tarpaulins can be made out of bags, wallets and coin purse for
people who simply enjoy the fashion.

Sales Promotion

The devices used in sales promotion include coupons, samples of product

and displays.

**Example Coupon

Public Relations

The established sites are made for the public. It is an online publication
and information that recycled jeans and tarpaulins can be made out of bags,
wallets and coin purse for the people who simply enjoy the use of recycled

OUTPUT Examples
Internet Promotional Website:
Facebook fan page:


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Product Placement
The Recycle Bin is a recycling company who converts recycled materials
into a new form of product. To its tagline of The Recycle Bin: Were Natures

The exposure to environmental conferences/seminars and news to make
the general public aware about the recycled jeans and tarpaulins that can be
made out of wallets, bags and coin purse. Then tarpaulins can be made out as a
packaging for our finished product.

Guerilla Marketing

Month Activities Objectives Budget In-Charge

June 17 Product To introduce Php200 Janine

Launching the product to Alambatang
the target

Online Store To promote Php10 Marianne

launching the product to Brillantes

Aug 17 Promotion of
To reintroduce Php50 Ian Bornes
New Inventory the products
of the Products

Oct 17 Launching of To attract new Php200 Arve Salada

New Designs customers


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Dec 17 Inventory Sale To reduce Php20 Keesha Pia

inventory to
To feel the
spirit of

Jan 18 Direct Selling To continue Ian Bornes

the selling


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D. Pricing Strategy

**Pricing schedule for the bags

Direct Materials Unit Cost
Thread P 20.00
Buttons 8.00
Zipper 15.00
Designs 20.00

Total Cost P 63.00

Indirect Materials
Scissors P 30.00
Marker 5.00
Ruler 12.00
Needle(s) 15.00

Total Cost P 62.00

Total Cost of materials P 125.00


Sewer P 50.00

Total labor cost P 50.00

Electricity P 20.00
Total overhead cost P 20.00

Total production cost per unit P 195.00

Mark up profit margin 23%

Actual Price P 240.00


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***Pricing schedule for the coin purse

Direct materials
Threads P 3.00
Buttons 2.00
Zipper 8.00
Total direct materials cost P 13.00

Total materials cost

Sewer P 10.00
Total labor cost P 10.00

Electricity P 5.00
Total overhead cost P 5.00

Total production cost per unit P 28.00

Mark up profit margin 25%

Actual Price P 35.00

VI: Post-purchase Services

To have post purchase services, The Recycle Bin will have promos,
discounts, or if possible buy two bags take one coin purse for free.


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VII: Sales Forecast

Table I. Sales Forecast of bags

April 2012 May 2012 June 2012

Units finished 80 90 100
Percentage of 80% 90% 93%
units sold
Units sold 64 81 93
Price P 240 P 240 P 240
Sales P 15,360.00 P19,440.00 P22,320.00

Table II: Sales forecast of coin purse

April 2012 May 2012 June 2012

Units Finished 100 150 200
Percentage of 80% 90% 93%
units sold
Units Sold 80 135 186
Price P 35 P 35 P 35
Sales P 2,800.00 P4,725.00 P6,510.00

VIII: Marketing Budget

First Month Second Month Third Month Total

Fliers P 100 P 70 P 50 P 220
Posters 200 150 125 475
Online 200 200 200 600
Development 1500 1500 1500 4500

Total P 2000 P 1920 P 1875 P 5795


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IX: Social and Environmental Responsibility

In most of the world, we do one of two things with our ordinary garbage:
burn it or bury it. Neither one is good for us or for the environment. Burning
garbage in incinerators releases dangerous gases and dust which contribute to
global warming and pollute lakes, forests, oceans and cities half a world away
from where they originated. There are wide ranges of materials out there that
cannot be used anymore and instead left us with the burn-or-bury option As a
result; alternatives to the burn-or-bury option are increasingly attractive. And as
a concerned citizen, we came up to promote recycling used materials and
convert them into a whole new recycled product as well. These products are
from used jeans and tarpaulins which are converted into bags, wallets and coin
purses with designs. The Recycle Bin Company addresses the following solutions:

y We shall design, produce and sell products that reduce the impact of
garbage issues on our environment.

y We shall only purchase and use materials and products which will help
reduce the impact of garbage issues on environment.

y We shall disclose information related to recycling programs and recycled


y We shall voluntarily cooperate with customers to recycle or otherwise

appropriately dispose of our products.


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X: Action Plan

A. Gantt Chart

Three Months projection (June to August 2012)

June July August
Gathering of Raw
Recycled Materials
(used denim jeans and

Product Launching

Opening Online Store

Launching of new

Manufacturing of the


Direct Marketing


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 Curriculum Vitae

 Sample Survey Form

 Survey Results
 Internet Site Screen Shots
 Tagline
 Map Location
 Poster


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Your Contact Information

Name: Janine Kaye M. Alambatang
Address: Flores Subd., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
Telephone: (088)0813-2933
Cell Phone: 09168268712/ 09154601993
Email: kaj9_115@yahoo.com

Personal Information
Date of Birth: January 15, 1993
Place of Birth: Malaybalay City, Bukidnon
Citizenship: Filipino
Status: Single
Gender: Female

Education: (Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and

Elementary School: Bukidnon State University (2000-2006)
High School: Bukidnon National High School (2006-2010)
College School: Xavier UniversityAteneo de Cagayan (2010-2014)


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Your Contact Information

Name: Arve C. Salada
Address: Purok
1, Cagayan de Oro City
Telephone: N/A
Cell Phone: +639263660926
Email: acs_89@yahoo.com

Personal Information
Date of Birth: December 17, 1993
Place of Birth: Northern Mindanao Regional Hospital, CDO
Citizenship: Filipino
Status: Single
Gender: Female

Education: (Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and

Elementary School: Corpus Christi School (2000-2006)
High School: Capitol University (2006-2010)
College School: Xavier University  Ateneo de Cagayan (2010-2014)


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Your Contact Information

Name: Keesha F. Pia
Address: 10-20 Nazareth Subd., Cagayan De Oro City
Telephone: N/A
Cell Phone: 09177140401
Email: keexa.pia_06@yahoo.com

Personal Information
Date of Birth: October 1, 1992
Place of Birth: Zamboanga City
Citizenship: Spanish
Status: Single
Gender: Female

Education (Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and

Elementary School: St. Joseph School (1999-2005)
High School: Western Mindanao State Unversity (2005-2009)
College School: Xaver University  Ateneo de Cagayan (2010-2014)


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Your Contact Information

Name: Ian B. Bornes
Address: Macanhan, Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City
Telephone: N/A
Cell Phone: 09058988973
Email: bornz_ian@yahoo.com

Personal Information
Date of Birth: August 17, 1993
Place of Birth: Agusan del Sur
Citizenship: Filipino
Status: Single
Gender: Male

Education (Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and

Elementary School: Anislagan Elementary School (2000-2006)
High School: Anislagan National High School (2006-2010)
College School: Xavier University  Ateneo deCagayan (2010-2014)


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Your Contact Information

Name: Marianne Rhoie Escalante Brillantes
Address: Ilaya St., Zone 9 Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City
Telephone: (088) 8551899
Cell Phone: 09167891234/09434472254
Email: maiah_2006@yahoo.com

Personal Information
Date of Birth: December 28, 1993
Place of Birth: Madonna and Child Hospital
Citizenship: Filipino
Status: Single
Gender: Female

Education (Include dates, majors, and details of degrees, training and

Elementary School: East City Central School (2000-2006)
High School: Capitol University Basic Education Department (2006-2010)
College School: Xavier University


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Sample survey questionnaire

We are students from Xavier University and we are conducting a

questionnaire to find out about recycling in our homes as part of our
work on the Marketing plan. If you could take a few minutes to complete the
questionnaire we would be very grateful. Thank youfor your time.

Name: (Optional) _______________________

Age: ____ Sex: Male Female
Occupation: Student

1. Do you currently reuse and/or recycle any of the following things? (Answer
yes, no, or I do not use that)

___ Useless Jeans

___ Tarpaulin

2. When you grow out of clothes do you:

___Throw them out and buy something new
___ Pass them on to a sibling of friend
___ Donate them to a charity

3. What things prevent you from recycling more with the services that exist
___ Not enough time
___ Not enough space to store 2 weeks worth of black box recycling
___ Too complicated
___ Not enough information
___ Not sure when to put the box or bin out
___Lack of interest in recycling
___ Other (free form answer)_____________
4. Your perception is that, in terms of conserving the environment recycling

is(Please encircle you answer)

a. extremely important
b. somewhat important
c. a waste of time

5. You feel like there are things that you want to recycle but arent sure how.
(Please encircle your answer.)

a. strongly agree
b. agree
c. neutral
d. disagree
e. strongly disagree


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6. Which do you prefer of this two used/ useless things to be recycle? (Please
put a ( ) check mark of your answer)

7. Are you willing to buy or use recycled products?

__Yes __ No

8. Are you in favor of used Jeans converted into bags, wallet or coin purse with

9. Are you in favor of used Tarpaulin converted into a wallet or coin purse with
__ Yes __ No

10. Is there anything that you feel needs to be improved upon to aid the way we

11. To what extent do you think this is a good or bad idea? Do you
think it is ? (Please check your answer)
__ A very good idea
__ A fairly good idea
__ Indifferent
__ A fairly bad idea
__ A very bad
__ Dont know


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Survey Results:

 Survey results shows that, mostly of them preferably reuse/recycle used

denim jeans rather than tarpaulin.
 Things that prevent them from recycling materials is that there is not
enough time for such an activity.
 Survey results shows that mostly their perception of recycling is extremely
important in conserving our environment.
 They strongly agree with the fact that they have things needed to be
recycled but arent sure how it will be done.
 Survey results shows that they are willing to buy recycled products.
 They are in favor of converting used denim jeans and tarpaulins into
functional products such as wallets, coin purse, and bags.
 They said that is it a fairly good idea of recycling the used denim jeans and
tarpaulins and converting it to coin purse, wallets and bags.


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Facebook Fan Page

Tumblr Page



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Map Location


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